Wisdom that Cannot be Owned

by Simon Voysey, Australia

In my studies with Universal Medicine, I have heard many times that the information presented there comes from a wisdom that cannot be owned by anyone, is ageless, and arises at times when humanity is in great need. Furthermore, it is equally applicable and useful to all.

Taking this as a truth to explore has allowed me to share this wisdom in practical ways with many people with whom I have never before felt the need to discuss Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon or any Esoteric concept, phrase or terminology. The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.

Examples of this ‘sharing’:

~ With my yoga, fitness and remedial therapy clients, with whom I now enjoy being, looking into their eyes, seeing and feeling their joys and sorrows and how that touches me. I have noticed how this also touches them, and how much honesty has come into our relationship. I have come to recognise this connection and honesty as the greatest form of self-healing and wellness, beyond any philosophy, training or healing technique.

~ With my school students, some of whom see me as who I am, not as ‘a teacher’ and have allowed me the precious experience of seeing who they truly are. There is no more nourishing and inspiring learning environment than when this mutual respect occurs.

~ With members of my family, from whom I had been estranged in the past, in particular my older brother who decided to try one of my exercise classes and without any discussion of the philosophy behind the practices, is stating he is beginning to ‘get it’. He is appreciating the importance of allowing himself to ‘just be’ with his body and explore movement from that connection.

~ With my wife, who was my partner for eleven years before we decided to marry, four years after commencing studying with Universal Medicine. Before this I never understood commitment, to myself or another, as simply a commitment to love. I never understood love, even though I preached it as a yoga teacher. I now look at my wife and simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned. How truly awesome! Plus, this is beginning to occur with more and more people, sometimes even strangers!

~ With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained. I am honouring the choice to be ‘me’ in more moments. Sometimes this is difficult, because I feel how much so many people are choosing to not be themselves. However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.

218 thoughts on “Wisdom that Cannot be Owned

  1. The magic of feeling the boundless love that is in and through your body as it flows through you to be felt by others.

  2. Lovely to read this again, some blogs are so timeless to me, they speak of something universal like our inner wisdom, our love, and just being ourselves together. “Before this I never understood commitment, to myself or another, as simply a commitment to love.” What a great line and doesn’t it highlight how we can be committed to work, partners, family, etc, but it can be in the ‘doing’ of things and without the ‘being’ of the love we are. A great line for me to read today.

  3. Reading this today what I felt was how when you are able to be yourself then nothing else is needed, especially not from others, so you can enjoy them as they are and not impose with expectations etc. it’s truly a beautiful responsibility to ourselves and others to be the love we are. “I now look at my wife and simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned.” The word ‘emanating’ highlights that love is not a give or take exchange, it’s just there within us emanating or not.

  4. I loved reading this, we cannot own things, we are born with a knowing that we have everything. When I think of a baby, it knows everything and it can feel everything around it. When they grow up, it’s a different story.

    I appreciate this statement, ‘remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of’. If we lived with this more in our awareness, I wonder how life will be like for many of us.

  5. What I can feel from this is how truth nourishes and enriches everyone equally. We may respond to that differently, but it is given equally, and it’s about us not standing in its way.

  6. We limit ourselves when we think that what we say and do has no effect on another person. We are not taught any more that we live in a sea of energy and we receive energy all the time as it passes through us. So as someone said many years ago, if you pee in the sea of energy everyone gets affected. And so we could say, by the way we are currently living we have been more than just peeing in our sea of energy.

    1. We are energetic beings surrounded by energy, ‘we live in a sea of energy and we receive energy all the time as it passes through us.’

  7. The best way to share the truth of the Ageless Wisdom is not through words but through our movements. Words do not inspire. Movement does. Words only confirm.

  8. So many words are used like a throw-away line in a play and thus leaves every word open to a misinterpretation, and to share Two simple examples; Love and The Esoteric, have both had the goal-post moved so we do not get to feel the true energy of either. Love being a deep Still-Ness, Joy-Full-Ness, Harmonious-Ness, Absolute-Truth-Full-Ness and a Deep Humble-Appreciative-Ness of the Light we bring. Esoteric, Inner-Most, Essence and Soul, all one and the same.

  9. We are never really only sharing ourselves with a small group or one person in any given moment. Everything Serge presents is there energetically for every person on the planet to feel and Simon presenting to his students is no different when he is connected to his soul. It comes back to what Serge has presented many times, we either heal or we harm.

  10. The grace of absolute honesty is a wonderful quality to continually deepen in our relationships with ourselves, others and the world around us.

    1. Absolute honesty with ourselves first and foremost is a great starting platform to then share with the world.

  11. Practical everyday wisdom is what I see when I read your article Simon. What you have shared shows us simply that The Ageless Wisdom is just that and that we can live it in any moment – simply so.

  12. I really enjoy reading this because it’s about people, it’s about reconnecting to something we all innately know and sharing that with everyone we meet. It’s what makes life rich and brings alive relationships, with ourselves and with others. Living the soul in life is truly grand.

  13. It’s so true, the love, wisdom, harmony, truth, and joy are all universally understood, these are our innate qualities even if we have lost touch with them. Coming back to them is like living from a language you already know, and when you speak it, even in a movement or gesture, everyone knows what’s being communicated. The esoteric way of life is innate within all of us.

  14. This is beautiful Simon and so needed. Where I work I get reminded often how important it is to just be yourself and how many people appreciate this as well. Otherwise it’s so easy to just live life and be swept in the doing and all the practicalities that comes with life. But I feel we deep within feel there is another purpose as well to be lived and that is where the ancient wisdom comes in, that is living within all of us waiting to be acknowledged and then lived.

  15. Thanks Simon, reading your blog opens my heart a bit more. Living with that level of openness and intimacy that you share, makes me realise how easy and available it really is in my life too. Living the love that we are it’s a choice that simply changes everything…

  16. A beautiful sharing – because Wisdom can not be owned and this is not needed — it is endless and so warmly held by everyone, just connect and you feel the drops of heaven’s wisdom coming through you.. They are instantly with us — God, and all loving masters around. Saying that if we can not see them, it doesn’t mean that they are not there.

  17. Start living YOU is like a re- birth. From of my experience it feels like that, as you start to be truly “there”, present and self-determined. I have never felt more free in my life, thanks to the reflections and teachings that has been on offer for the past 10 years.

  18. Simon l loved reading your blog, ‘With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.’ When we feel the love in ourselves we can only reflect what we feel.

  19. The answers to all our woes are right there, in the connection with people, and we all love that, when we get seen, met and get to know that there is a reality and truth to life that can be restored if we make that the focus. It’s not about selling things or buying things or making life just work. It’s about living life together as a one family. Hard to make true you might say but that is nevertheless what we have to one day realise. Maybe that is why we are faced with people migrating so much these days (my take on the reasons on a philosophical level) for various reasons. For us to learn how to live in brotherhood and not go insular as some parts and provinces in some countries have wanted.

    1. Before you say YES to another, you have to say YES to yourself. Otherwise it stays an ideal and picture of living together and will bring up, as a result, a lot of issues and complications. How much you truly connect with another is determined on how much you want to be seen and how much you allow yourself to be felt and connected. When this occurs, life in a community is super easy and a lot of fun!

  20. It is beautiful when people just ‘get it’ without words but by simple observation. It is a great confirmation that you are living something of a true quality that inspires another to make choices themselves. There’s such freedom in that. I can feel the pain and angst I used to experience when I needed recognition and own the knowledge and the ‘teachership’ as in ‘I taught/trained them’ or be proud of how well they were doing ‘because of what I did’.

    1. It feels very freeing not to need recognition or approval, just innately knowing we are magnificent being who we truly are.

  21. Within a world of given-upness, it is so important to keep steady and be true with yourself and so you can be with others. The more we learn and know ourselves and what we find true within our hearts, the more we will express by our choice — the more we inspire others to no longer give up their truth but equally stand tall in that — their true expression of who they are, knowing themselves again too! This is worth waking up for. It is for we breath with and in the union that we are — GOD’s Love.

  22. It is beautiful to be able to share truths with others because we are living a certain way and not have to tell anyone what to do.

    1. Just moving, without even saying a word, does communicate everything. It is great to get confirmations, that people make changes, even though, you never shared by words or teachings that you are living. But in fact, we should all know this inside out, without any proof. We all make a difference, by just moving and expressing in that way. No matter if it is registered humanly or not. Energetically it is always registered.

      1. We all know this very well, deep inside. But have reduced ourselves to a place where we need to see it to believe it. That is the beauty of the ageless wisdom, it teaches that we need not convince any other with words, but to simply live our truth and let the way we conduct ourselves speak louder than a megaphone.

  23. When we feel the presence of ourselves in all that we do it is the greatest gift we can allow both ourselves and the world around us.

    1. I love what you share here Suse, when ‘we feel the presence of ourselves in all that we do it is the greatest gift’ we can bring to another.

  24. Awesome Simon – life can indeed seem overwhelming many times but when we make the decision that we want to get things straight, truly straight, we can then lead the way for so many others that might be caught up in the mess in this world.

  25. What you bring to our awareness is the level of conscious presence of who we are. And that even we belong to this wisdom – we are not the owners. Let us express from this simple truth and arise. To this wisdom that innately is in us.

  26. A wisdom that cannot be owned is a great threat to the intellect that has made itself the seat of human intelligence by way of its refusal to be a part of the something far greater that it belongs to.

  27. Thank you Simon, being ourselves in our day to day is the only way to talk what we walk. It is unimposing. I have experienced that with Universal Medicine more than any other organisation. Serge Benhayon clearly lives in a way that shares a level of lived love that means we are all held equally and inspired to do the same.

  28. Sharing of the ageless wisdom comes far more from the way we live than in anything we can say.

  29. I love what you have shared here Simon and the examples of who you lovingly shared your wisdom with – it is so true the wisdom belongs to everyone.

  30. I always used to feel that wisdom cannot be owned by one as it belongs to all, but all around me I could see people claiming it for themselves. To be presented the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon has confirmed what I had felt; wisdom is not mine to own. In fact, we all have connection to this wisdom, it is always available and waiting to be lived once again.

  31. It’s so true, that there is no need to discuss organisations,use certain language or name drop to express our truth. In a nutshell, it is not our truth if we feel the need to justify our ‘beliefs’. When we are connected to who we are with no need for anything in return, we magically and effortlessly emanate that knowing out to everyone. Who chooses to align and realise they too can choose to just be themselves, is up to the individual.

  32. What is really lovely for me is to read this article which is authored by someone I don’t know but to see how they are living in the world somewhere. It’s refreshing to read this and know that somewhere there is someone willing to live like this which obviously is touching many many others. I love knowing this is feels like we can trust that there are people out there who have our backs in this way. What the world would be if this was the practice from us all, maybe if people like this keep going this one day will be the norm.

  33. When we truly live something and it works for us it is quite natural to share it with other. And already by the fact that we are living it we inherently reflect it to others.

  34. We are so much accustomed to look positively to the owning of knowledge since it helps us to deal with the feeling of anxiousness of life. Wisdom belongs to a movement that is not an answer to an emotion but a walk towards the future. It belongs to all equally.

  35. ” With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained. I am honouring the choice to be ‘me’ in more moments. ” I too love this line, even though it is all about me, it is in the being me, that brings the offering to all others.

  36. “With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained. ”

    This is so well put, the way I used to live was all about what I could get out of life, what it would give to me. Now I am always looking at what I have to offer and in what quality I am offering it.

  37. Gorgeous sharing Simon. I also have discovered that there is a depth of wisdom within me, and us all, that is waiting to be explored and lived throughout our lives. Developing a loving relationship with my body has allowed me to connect to and honor the love, the tenderness, the truth of who I am in essence. As such my life has transformed bringing the richness of a wisdom that represents us all, to all that I do and live and the relationships I share, as best I can. I now understand that when we are truly being ourselves, we are guided by our wisdom within and can express through our lives the truth in honor of who we all are. This then allows an openness to learn, grown, confirm each other and evolve together, for in-truth this wisdom is one we all deeply know and long to live again.

  38. “I have come to recognise this connection and honesty as the greatest form of self-healing and wellness, beyond any philosophy, training or healing technique.” – yes, I experience the same, for myself, with my family and friends, clients and strangers just the same. In being met everyone can feel being seen and cherished for who they are in their essence beyond the hurts, issues, struggles and other things we have taken on. Being seen and confirmed in who we are is pure healing.

  39. “simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned. How truly awesome!” The Divine wisdom of feeling and sharing the love that is naturally within us all.

  40. These words jumped out at me today: “With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.” What a beautifully refreshing outlook on life, not one that is lived by many, but one that if lived by all would change the world as we know it. This wisdom is definitely coming with me as I step out into my day.

    1. It’s such a different way to be in the world, when we are in the fullness of being connected to ourselves it’s about what we can bring and offer, instead of the neediness that can come with living in the emptiness of being disconnected to ourselves, and the idea of then filling ourselves from the outside world by needing or trying to get or expect something.

      1. Looking back I can see that the emptiness I felt was often all-consuming to the point of barely noticing what was being offered to me in many wonderful ways. I was simply driven to fill that emptiness with almost anything and as quickly as possible. The reality was that everything was a temporary fix, like food, and it wasn’t long before that painful, hollow feeling was crying out to be filled again. And so the cycle kept on repeating until the day I realised the emptiness was actually telling me something was missing in my life – and that was my connection to me.

  41. Lovely blog and I agree there is nothing more yummy than having that true connection to ourselves which allows us to truly connect to others – for how can you connect to anyone else if you are not there in the first place.

  42. Indeed true wisdom is universal and so is equally applicable and supportive of all, taking everyone and everything into consideration. It is there for us in times of great need as well as all the moments in between, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, for every moment counts.

  43. Not to share means for me to hold back – thank you Simon that you did not hold back and share your experience with the Ageless Wisdom – I found this very inspiring.

  44. When we honour our commitment to ourselves and being in the world we begin to see the world with whole new eyes and the world just expands before us.

  45. It is interesting that we have this idea that knowledge can be owned and that we can have the rights to it etc. However, wisdom is something that is lived- a truth that all can connect to and have equal access too if they choose.

  46. Thank you Simon for not holding back your amazing experience with living more loving and openly. This sentence got me most: “With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.” Imagine if more people would live like this – I am sure that would be very inspirational!

  47. “I now look at my wife and simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned.” Its beautiful when we can let go of any need for love to be returned and simply be love unconditionally. Not saying I live this consistently yet however with role models like Serge Benhayon and his family, the inspiration is always there.

  48. “However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of.” It’s one of the most beautiful things to feel another being all they are in their own unique expression. It inspires another to be the same. Bullying and supremacy squashes this innate beauty and usually happens from when we are young.

  49. This Ageless Wisdom has always been there and will always be there in every moment. When we are in dire times the teachings will be more important than ever to bring us back to a life we know is true. Right now this is much needed when separation seems to be rife everywhere you look. Even though this might be the case there’s also more opportunities than ever to connect with people you haven’t met before and with people that come from another part of the world. The question what do we do with it? Embrace the offering or do we bury ourselves deeper in comfort?

  50. Part of the problem with how we view intelligence is that we like to own it. If you sit back, and really ponder. however, you realise that there is no such thing as original thought. Even if you look at the world of art in detail, there is rarely if ever a form of expression that has not been expressed before. So you think to carve timber as a form of expression, then you look across the world to another culture, and they are doing exactly the same thing. Sure, the detail may change, but not the impress, or founding thought. We are in many ways more connected than we like to think.
    When Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile, it was not long before many others were doing it, not because they were physically evolving, but because when we think something, or ground it in physicality, it does it in a way that does so for more than just ourselves, and in a way that makes it accessible for all to do so. It matters not the quality of that thought or action. It works both ways. And so, what we think, and what we ground has a much greater effect than we like to admit. This then brings in the concept of what true responsibility is all about – in the sense that we need to consider that our thoughts and actions – whether “good” or “bad” affect the entire world. As they say, a butterfly flaps its wings, and an earthquake erupts on the other side of the world. Or, to put it another way – 6 degrees of separation is all that keeps us apart.

  51. Reading your blog today Simon I am inspired by your commitment to yourself, to another, to love and to the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom. Being open to the ageless wisdom and teachings is a gift to be cherished.

  52. It amazes me how many of us are continually trying to be someone else and in the process dis-connecting from the wisdom that we innately have within us. I was one to do so I know exhausting and very complicated it is trying to be who we are not, whereas owning and being who we are in full is effortless, and much more enjoyable, naturally so.

  53. I love the title Simon ‘Wisdom that cannot be owned’. If there is one person that does this incredibly well it is Serge Benhayon; he constantly pours forth amazing wisdom and truth for everyone equally. It is so powerful when we claim and live this wisdom as it is has a beautiful flow on effect to everyone around us to be inspired by.

  54. This is lovely Simon, you show how when wisdom is lived it communicates, I love this line. “I am honouring the choice to be ‘me’ in more moments.” Moment to moment we have a choice.

  55. Wisdom cannot be owned, though it can flow through us when we allow ourselves to connect to all that we naturally are and let that express. It is not determined by age or accumulated knowledge either, perhaps that is while it is referred to as The Ageless Wisdom.

  56. Reading this made me see how much we want to own … countries, land, properties, nature, people etc.. In truth we don’t own anything. Wisdom, love and truth can only be connected to and lived.

  57. How beautiful it is that the Ageless Wisdom is there for all of us to access equally. How powerful it is to connect to this wisdom and then be able to inspire others through living this beautiful wisdom.

  58. Your beautiful words have melted my heart this morning Simon! There is so much wisdom just in this line “I have come to recognise this connection and honesty as the greatest form of self-healing and wellness…” I have found this too, sweep away all knowledge, beliefs ideals, rules and just be myself with people, it’s so very healing. When the self I bring to others is loved, adored and cherished by myself then my connection is a true loving gift to others.

  59. I have listened to the teachings of so called new age presenters, sat and watched so called contemporary role models, be they politicians, sports stars of celebrities that have wooed the rest of the world by way of their words and achievments, but never have I met a man or woman for that matter who lives, moves and breathes literally what they present, who makes such sense of the world, and whose philosophies can be so easily replicated by another and thus tried and proven by the way another lives. There is no such thing as “the one”, or “the chosen one.”

  60. “~ With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.” A true gift to have, to understand and live accordingly that we are needed, that every one brings something to the world that completes the whole.

  61. The Ageless Wisdom that is presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is as you say so wisely “Wisdom that cannot be owned”, in fact how can any wisdom be owned, as wisdom is not for one, but for all. When I feel into what wisdom is I get a sense of my whole body knowing, with every particle knowing the truth that is being presented, and as my particles belong to the Universe then it follows that they are a part of everyone else as well, so come complete with all the wisdom that is available to us all.

  62. Stripping away the layers we have built around us means we feel life more in the raw, so to speak. We allow our hidden feelings to emerge and acknowledge them and simply let them go so we are always coming to life anew. We build self responsibility and commitment to life which are becoming rarer generally in society although sometimes I am pleasantly surprised by young people today and the care they take packing groceries for example, and in how willing they are to share their stories.

  63. So true Elizabeth, when we choose love as our way of life, wisdom just flows through us directly from the Universe and God. Wisdom is always presented to serve humanity to evolve.

  64. Wisdom is for everyone, hence why it cannot be owned, whereas intelligence is the opposite, it is very much for self-gain and recognition. Choosing to be ourselves is one of the greatest gifts of life, as it inspires others to choose this too, allowing true connection to take place.

  65. This is a beautiful blog Simon, it really is the greatest tragedy in our world that we are not taught and nurtured from babies to just be ourselves. Held tenderly and gently encouraged to feel the difference between when we are being ourselves, and when we are not. Such a simple and much needed way that needs to be lived and shared as you do, everyday.

  66. Majority of society live the opposite to this ‘feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained’ in that they live all for self gain. Even people’s efforts to help another or do a good job are hidden with traces of need for recognition and self gain and we are no longer seeing this game to the point that everyone misses out on what is truly available. Thank you Serge Behayon for reminding us what is truly available.

  67. Simon, I hope you’ll keep writing because this is beautiful to read. I loved your words about how when we let others see and know who we are (not the roles) and they also share who they are, that this is a “mutual respect”. How beautiful and simple, yet we’ve made the world so much about what we do and achievements that this form of mutual respect is now a rare experience.

  68. There is so much richness to be learned from understanding the ageless wisdom, as you have so beautifully illustrated and shared, that the possibilities are endless, the personal transformations are significant, all because you chose to be open and understand that “wisdom that cannot be owned by anyone”.

  69. It would not be true wisdom if it was not for everyone. It cannot be owned as it is who we are in essence . . . wise beyond our imaginings . . . we only need to get over ourselves and out of our own way.

  70. The ageless wisdom that cannot be owned, so very true. When I first experienced what Universal Medicine offered, it was simply hearing and feeling wisdom that immediately I knew. It didn’t feel like it was new information, it was felt within me as a part of me, not something that was foreign in any way. Not something that I needed to own, but something that came though me, when it was needed, for either myself or others in any given moment, that is true wisdom.

  71. Preaching and speaking about the word love does not mean you live and emanate its quality.

  72. These words really touched me, speaking to me so clearly: “a wisdom that cannot be owned by anyone, is ageless, and arises at times when humanity is in great need.” It was especially the last words “when humanity is in great need” that spoke the loudest, for as I see it, this is truly the time that the Ageless Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is needed more that even before, as the world is in disarray and humanity is calling out for answers; well this ancient wisdom certainly does have those in abundance.

  73. Thankyou Simon for all you have shared here. I have also felt the emanation of love coming out of my body for others around me, including people I have just met. For all the words I have read or heard about love and my own longing for it, it wasn’t until I found Universal Medicine that I felt love like this and understood it to be who I am. It’s pretty amazing!

  74. How gorgeous to come to a place in life where your outlook in life becomes about what can be offered rather than gained. If everyone walked through life with this attitude the world would be a vastly different place.

  75. This is something that has been a stand out for me also Simon, especially this year, “Before this I never understood commitment, to myself or another, as simply a commitment to love.” When we hold ourselves in and with love only then can we truly hold another in the same way.

  76. When I first attended Universal Medicine presentations I went home and regurgitated much of what I had learnt and listened to, as knowledge, instead of living it and coming from there. This of course is the opposite of the true power, understanding and love that is the Ageless Wisdom. Now, I don’t need to say a thing about any Ageless Wisdom or Universal Medicine teachings, and the people I meet can feel that there is something with how I live that feels very natural to them also.

  77. Trying to recite what Universal Medicine presents as one would from school word for word from experience I have found often doesn’t work, that repetition holds little weight or relevance for the other person. But building on it from my own lived experiences with what has been presented brings a greater richness to it that shares ‘If I can build on this, so can you’ without attachment. I loved the last line Simon ‘This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.’ and this has also been my experience of Universal Medicine – nothing is ever pushed onto a person, they are simply given the space to expand on what has been presented or not without pressure or expectation to do so.

  78. ‘remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. ‘ So often we can feel imposed upon by others, how awesome it is when someone can be totally themselves, with all the love in the world, but not try and have us change in any way shape or form and yet being with them is to feel where change is needed because it shows us where more love could be.

  79. It is a great gift to know that the knowledge we have is not ours, and trough living this we can share our love with everyone.

  80. There is a joy in knowing that the ageless wisdom is there for all and that never is anyone excluded from being able to access this source except by their own choice.

  81. Being open to the ageless wisdom and all it offers is a beautiful way to live and invites others to be inspired and supported by your lived ways.

  82. Reading your blog Simon I allow myself to feel the love expressed through your writing and feel how much we, when we open ourselves, love people. And the truth is and you have said it like this; ‘This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.’

  83. ‘All those strangers’; as I have listened to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom with Universal Medicine I find that no one is a stranger and that if I choose to be just who I am then I can feel the oneness with everyone I meet – no one is a stranger any more.

  84. The wisdom of love from the heart is not owned by anyone including Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon. We all know it and can access it anytime by developing a relationship with our souls by how we live every day.

  85. How much wisdom there is in a child! They are so connected to their bodies and so immediate with their expression. I imagine those children as leaders in our Universities and our professors as the students, re-learning to connect to wisdom.

  86. What I love about your sharing is that without the presentations of the ageless wisdom you could have continued to be blind to life. To make it about existing but not the joy and love you now share.

  87. I love what you share here Simon, so many gems to reflect upon in this blog, this is one of them – ‘ With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.’ – beautifully said, when we make life about true service we make it less about self gain.

  88. You’re right Simon The Ageless Wisdom can’t be owned by anyone, but is accessible to everyone.

  89. “However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.” This is true Simon – when we feel that another is being true to themselves we also become inspired to be that ourselves.

  90. Thank you Simon the connections you describe with others are tangible and very inspiring.

  91. Simon – I really appreciate the subtleties you have observed here – they are so simple but they are very powerful in their support for people to just be themselves. Being ourselves and living from our body is the starting point for any ageless wisdom to be known and truly lived.

  92. Simon from re-reading your words I can feel the deeper connections that you are making with participants in your classes and with your students. Living with the inspiration from the Ageless Wisdom does connect us to ourselves as you described “just being me”, and allows us to be more of who we are, and then more connected to each other. It feels like there are no walls between you and others – beautiful!

  93. Thank you for sharing your beautiful examples of how living the Ageless Wisdom has inspired others and how ‘remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.’ It is so lovely to feel how it lives within you in the tender way you have expressed and shared this.

  94. A great reminder Simon that true wisdom and philosophy is first and foremost shared by our way of living and not by a mere knowing or even understudying from the head. What we live is what we emanate and what we emanate is an invitation to all around us to join. Knowing this how much sense does it make to live a life of presence, connection and love. maybe this is the true meaning of ‘be the change you want to see in the world”

  95. It is both remarkable and beautiful how natural it is to share the love that one connects with through the Ageless Wisdom. As you say, Simon, it simply emanates out from us, bringing a completely different quality to all our relationships, one that is noticed by all, even if they have not the words to express it.

  96. Dear Simon
    Your blog is absolute lovely to read and I love how You share You and Your Livingness with us with no need of being backed up with Unimed or anything because You are just living it and that’s enough. Thank You for sharing this with us 🙂
    With love Nadine

  97. Thank you Simon, its amazing what chosing to live the love we are brings to not only our lives to but to that of those around us.

  98. This wisdom cannot be owned but WE can be owned by a consciousness that will not let us see the exquisite beauty that resides within.

  99. “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.” I love this line Simon and for me it conveys the absolute truth in the way that the Ageless Wisdom ‘works’. It is not only for the special few, the ‘chosen ones’, it is there in equal measure for all, it always has been and it always will be and needs only our choice to connect to it and live it once more to be ‘revealed’. Once this choice is made, as you have so beautifully described, our daily life is imbued with a quality of absolute tenderness and Divine grace and from this space, all can be ‘known’. It takes awhile for the amnesia to wear off, but this is merely the fog incurred from having lived a way of life that goes against our natural way – being love; no holding back, no apologies, no excuses, just a complete willingness and surrender to be all that we are, in all that we do. No movement made is insignificant and in truth, it is a way of moving that is very, very simple. The difficulty is merely the letting go of the ‘program’ we have allowed to run us for so long. The degree to which we do this is always our choice and therefore it is our responsibility as to what degree we can access this wisdom or not.

  100. Simon this is a testament to ‘just being’ from our livingness, with everyone we meet and everywhere we walk, everyone has the opportunity to feel this ‘gift’ as Wisdom is not owned and Love emanates freely.

  101. “However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.” Very well said Simon. I am getting to feel and practice this more and more myself. By being true to myself and what I feel and staying with that, I offer a reflection to others of how they can be true to themselves too. This is indeed a great gift for others and for yourself too.

  102. There is something very beautiful about knowing of a wisdom that has always been that belongs to everyone equally, which can be lived, very simply by anyone through our self-loving choices. All beautifully shown in you blog Simon.

  103. There is nothing in any aspect of the Ageless Wisdom that is about knowing it from ones mind, it is our living way that offers access to it or not and this is one of the most beautiful aspects of it that truly makes it Universal and holding of All.

    1. This is so true Joshua. The thirst for ‘knowing’ without living first what there is ‘to know’ is what propels us on a futile quest outward for the answers that lie within. Ironically it is simply a case of getting a-head of ourselves and leaving our bodies and thus the wisdom contained therein, ‘behind’. But even this is part of the spell we are under because our bodies belong to the Universe and are forever responding to its call to deepen and expand (evolve) within it, and so in this way, it is actually our heralded intellect that holds us back via the force of resistance it employs to offset this very natural pull. The mind seeks to know what the body has already been designed to live. And so it is only when our mind can move in harmony with its vehicle, our body, that such wisdom is revealed through our Living Way. Universal living at it finest!

      1. Well said Liane. The thirst for ‘knowing’ is futile as we in fact already do know, we just have to be deeply honest and truth-full.

      2. Your words Liane that “our bodies belong to the Universe and are forever responding to its call to deepen and expand (evolve) within it,” beautifully elucidates how the body has an intelligence greater than our intellect. When we stop overriding the body with our mind and treat it with love and respect, the Ancient Wisdom is accessible and practical, our lives have purpose and love as their foundations.

      3. I love what you have written here Liane – And so it is only when our mind can move in harmony with its vehicle, our body, that such wisdom is revealed through our Living Way. Universal living at it finest! It makes total sense that is the only way it could be.

      4. Thank you Joshua and Liane, we have been deeply fooled that ‘success in the mind’ is what we need to be identified and owned by, and to ‘achieve’ in life! We have been deeply fooled when distractions and stimulations (for the mind), that are everywhere in life today are the norm, however are there to completely disconnect us. We have been deeply fooled that we can put such a value on mental intelligence (and leave our bodies behind), when the intelligence of ourselves, our bodies and the Universe is lost. ~ The emancipation of ‘True Wisdom’. “It is our living way that offers access to it or not” (Joshua) – We are turning the world on its ‘head’! I have also tried to ‘own’ knowledge! But it is so separate, cold and individual compared to the ALL that we can live by, for and with.

  104. Simon I loved the many ways you are now more you in the world it is deeply inspiring. It reminded me of the fact that I too now enjoy connecting more with people in very simple and everyday ways. I have learnt how simply being present with another, being in the moment and connecting to what they have to say is such a gift to us both, I can be myself and at the same time allow them the space to be and express who they are. It is so simple but is so deeply loving to be with people in this way.

  105. The simplicity and ordinariness of living what Universal Medicine presents, no words necessary to explain anything just a way of living to be felt and seen and be inspired by if someone chooses to do so.

  106. The sentence that struck me is: “I now look at my wife and simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned.” This is so beautiful, and even though we might assume that this is the most normal thing to love your wife, when looking at the standards of the world and what is normal in our society, this is exceptional and rather extraordinary.

  107. This blog Simon is a beautiful reflection for anyone that reads it. I feel the love trough reading the words you have written being you. A true gift indeed.

  108. Absolutely. The more you are simply you, the more we all get to feel that, and the opportunity that you then present us with, to be ourselves, becomes instantly available.

  109. ~” With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained” – thank you for these words of wisdom Simon, and for sharing your blog, it is a gift I will cherish.

  110. “I now look at my wife and simply feel love emanating out of me, without any trying or need for it to be returned”. As you say, ‘How truly awesome is that ?’ True love is when do not require something external to feel love or be loved rather we are the love and it emanates.

  111. Thank you again Simon – really worth another read. For me it is the intangibility of the sense of being connected to a greater wisdom that we find within. Once we have connected we recognise this feeling as something that is true – and it just makes such sense – why wouldn’t we connect to this feeling of wonderment and joy. It’s part of who we are – in fact it is who we are and we share this with all others.

  112. The very last sentence hit a chord with me, when you wrote about staying true to yourself when others are not being their true self. Thank you for the reminder Simon.

  113. The commitment and emanating love you describe is just as gorgeous to read as it would be divine to feel… free of any imposition to return it, offering only the blessing to bathe in it.

  114. Beautiful Simon and I love the last line that being your self is a gift to anyone and you ask nothing in return because there is no need to.
    ‘This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.’

  115. This is a great blog Simon, thank you. This is lovely and is something that I have been feeling recently too, ‘With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained’, this feels like a much more true and enjoyable way to live, rather than always trying to please me, and just make sure me and my immediate family and friends are ok. It feels lovely to care about all of humanity.

  116. What a gem of a blog Simon, thank you for expressing all the ways you share this love and ancient wisdom. “I feel how much so many people are choosing to not be themselves. However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.”

  117. I have also heard this being said “In my studies with Universal Medicine, I have heard many times that the information presented there comes from a wisdom that cannot be owned by anyone.” It is equally available too all, I am now beginning to appreciate how it is more accessible to me the more I honour and connect with my own truth. I had no idea that caring for my body and honouring my natural rhythm would mean that I am more connected to an “ageless wisdom”, however it is happening and I feel so much more supported and aware of what is occurring within me and around me in life. And through this way of living, a ‘livingness’ I share with people I meet, I feel the divine within them and learn from them equally.

  118. It is also my experience that true wisdom is something we can live and express but never own.

  119. The more love you emanate the more people will be drawn to you, to share what you are offering. It’s beautiful to read how this is developing and opening up before your eyes Simon.

  120. Indeed Simon, it is us just being ourselves and living from our inner heart that is the healing. We do not need to do or say anything, as the connection can be there from the first moment. This is beautiful what you have shared about how the Ageless Wisdom is for you in your everyday life.

  121. The quality of how I speak, how I love and how I choose and what I choose in life is highly impacting by the knowing that “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.” Nothing else as offered so much understanding about life, learning to open up to this connection and not attempt to do it mentally but through feeling as been deeply supportive.

  122. I felt to come back and re-read your blog today and again to appreciate the depth and beauty that you are sharing. I love the following words ‘remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened’ – it feels ever more important to remain true to ourselves in a world that feels more and more imposing and at the same time is calling out to hear the truth.

  123. Thank you Simon I love the way you honour the wisdom that has been offered for us all to heal. It is truly amazing when we realised how blessed we are in every moment that we allow ourselves to feel the greatness and grandness of the Universe and all that it offers.

  124. “I never understood commitment, to myself or another, as simply a commitment to love.” I did not have this understanding either. This is a beautiful sharing. Thank you Simon.

    1. To approach love in this way certainly removes the expectations and demands that we place on one another, which must surly help love to flourish.

  125. Sometimes I read blogs and want to pick out a sentence or two that I especially resonate with. I couldn’t do that with this blog as I felt such a strong resonance with all of it.
    Beautiful Simon.

  126. Undeniable Simon, by remaining true to what we feel from our inner-most and then live from that expression, we by ‘reflection’ offer a choice or a ‘possibility’ there is another way to be.

  127. Thank you Simon, an inspiring read, that shares the importance of just being me, from a place that has no ownership of what I present to another, just an equal love for all, as presented by Serge Benhayon.

  128. “beginning to occur with more and more people, sometimes even strangers!” – I experience this increasingly too, Simon. Those scary ‘strangers’ who once upon a time (before Universal Medicine) I found it difficult and stressful to talk to!

    1. Yes Dianne I know that one, keeping myself from all those strangers that may not be open to me while all along I was the one closing off and being guarded just in case I wasn’t received with open arms. Really interesting to be able to see the games we play.

  129. Every time I read your article I feel moved by the level of honouring. Honouring of the Ageless Wisdom and how equally loving, applicable and useful it is to everyone. Honouring of yourself by beautifully acknowledging many areas of your life where you have opened your heart and touched others by who you are. Honouring others, by the way you have written about them, which is a testament of how you relate to people in life. Honouring of us the readers, by so tenderly and delicately expressing what you have learned. Thank you.

    1. I agree Golnaz that this is such a gem of an article and I too am deeply moved and inspired by the level of honouring shared. Reading it I feel I have reached a deeper level of stillness in my body and steadiness to go out into my day and reflect this to everyone I come into contact with.

  130. This is a very touching article Simon and it is easy to feel that you are an inspiration to those you come into contact with. When we connect back to the Ageless Wisdom, which in effect is back to ourselves the power we hold is enormous. But it is not a power that we hold over another, it is a power that brings us together simply through people being drawn to us, like moths to a light.

  131. I love the way you express your experience of the Ageless Wisdom, and that it has brought to you an amazing equality of all, and you are able to be you and give this reflection to whoever meets you.

  132. “I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.” Thats such a great reminder of the responsibility we have in life and the beauty of giving while being truly ourselves.

  133. I love what you have shared here there are so many different perspectives and gems that come out of Universal Medicine and it always feels like it it been delivered directly to the individual such is it universality – equally available for all.

  134. Thank you for sharing the practical application of what is presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – it is most illuminating and makes the teachings very ‘real’. “There is no more nourishing and inspiring learning environment than when this mutual respect occurs”. This is one of the outstanding qualities that occurs at Universal Medicine presentations and therefore enables us all emulate, as you do.

  135. Touching post Simon, and especially loved your words here, “I have come to recognise this connection and honesty as the greatest form of self-healing and wellness…”. Yes connection is everything. Without it we have nothing. We remain without base or spine of structure. Connection is our wisdom that is lived unable to be owned by anything that is not the universal love we are from.

  136. Simon, it is lovely to read how you choose to share your love and wisdom with others around you and giving them the opportunity to connect to this within themselves. Thank you!

  137. As I read your blog, it felt like as your commitment to love deepens, so to has your work, allowing a space for those drawn to your classes to also experience this. There is a quality in your presence that is felt in your words. Lovely.

  138. Great to read your article Simon. I very much can relate to what you said how you have a deeper connection with people and look them in the eyes. I for many years have shut down with not looking people in the eyes and not allowing them in either.

  139. Thank you Simon for reminding us that the change in quality we experience thanks to giving what Universal Medicine presents a proper go does not need any special language to be expressed, just an open heart.

  140. Not owned but lived, wonderful wisdom to share. “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.” Lovely to read of the changes that have occurred since you have connected more with yourself. The potential is awesome because of the ability to choose…Thank you.

  141. Simon this is a gorgeous blog. I could feel the depth of your truth and wisdom through your words. And I love how you have said – ‘I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained.’ This is a great point of reflection, one that can allow us to bring all the love that is needed in every moment. The love and wisdom you have offered me to feel is beautiful. Thank you for sharing you.

  142. I really love this part of this article “I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained. I am honouring the choice to be ‘me’ in more moments. Sometimes this is difficult, because I feel how much so many people are choosing to not be themselves.” I totally relate to this, it’s only recently I’ve been honest about how much not being myself actually effects others, and that choosing to not really be the full me, and instead hide, is actually selfish. I feel this is about recognising that life is not just about me and what I want, but it’s about everyone and feeling what is needed for everyone. So sometimes letting people see the full me is uncomfortable, but it’s actually what is needed, for everyone.

  143. Wow Simon your article has stopped me in my tracks – so considered and holding are the words you use – the deep connection you have nurtured in yourself now at play with the world is amazing to feel and appreciate.

  144. I love this Simon. The true power of us living us and that fact that the ancient wisdom is in fact accessible to all equally so. It is within us all and by living this we allow others to feel and access it themselves without the need to ‘say words’.

  145. Thank-you for such a personal sharing Simon, about your knowing that the Ageless Wisdom is one and the same with the wisdom inherently within us all.
    How beautiful to allow the space to pause and reflect, and acknowledge the moments of knowing and wisdom within – from the beauty of the true power of real love that can hold another in love even when it may not be returned, to the quality of connection with others being what any interaction (whether it be in a ‘teacher-student’ relationship, or whatever) is actually all about.
    That you feel the connectedness of all beings so sensitively, is what truly shines out here for me from this blog. Truly beautiful, and most definitely speaking of the wisdom of the Ages, that all can feel if we but give ourselves the chance to open our hearts.

  146. Simon your examples are truly beautiful and testament to the loved lived in areas of your life, both personally and professionally. Inspiring, they show the power of love and its ability to touch the lives of others.

  147. This is beautiful Simon, thankyou. ” With my outlook on life I am feeling ‘me’ in life and what can be offered rather than what can be gained. I am honouring the choice to be ‘me’ in more moments. Sometimes this is difficult, because I feel how much so many people are choosing to not be themselves. However, remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of.”

  148. Gorgeous sharing Simon I have just re-read your blog again and I love how you have brought your wisdom into all areas of your life and the changes this has brought to you and your relationship with everyone you meet. Truly inspiring.

  149. Beautiful sharing Simon about the wisdom that lives inside us. Its so true and we just have to get out of the way and it is all there. “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.”

  150. Thank you Simon for your expression, I feel the tenderness in your words. Yes, wisdom is something we allow, not something we can own. This is a big revelation in a world where knowledge is power but not in a serving way.

  151. Beautiful blog Simon. I love your examples of ‘sharing’ your wisdom. Its inspiring to hear that your relationships have changed as you have allowed yourself to explore the Ageless Wisdom that lives within you. Your last example sums it up, just being ourselves gives others the choice to be themselves. That is a great gift.

  152. I love what you have written “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.” and later “remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.”
    This shows the responsibility we can joyfully embrace, the more each of us opens up to the wisdom within us and lives it, the greater inspiration we will be for one another.

  153. When I think of listing the ways my life has changed since I first came across Universal Medicine it’s almost impossible to know where to start, but definitely every area of my life has been touched, including like you: work – I now work, the way I work, my relationships with EVERYONE, my outlook on life, my commitment to life, the way I see myself, the way I conduct myself, and so so much more. It’s absolutely incredible the effect Universal Medicine has had.

  154. The essence of the wisdom really is to let it be. I appreciate how you deliver your article in the simplicity that allows the wisdom you express to just be, very lovely.

  155. Simon, thank you for sharing this wisdom in practical ways in your blog. I love how you say ‘ the truth is , it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it’ ‘ it is equally applicable and useful to all ‘ a choice I and everyone can make.

    1. Ruth well put these are real and practical example of living from wisdom that is inside rather than following rules. So much simpler and natural.

  156. Thank you Simon, I love reading the list of examples of sharing and this part really stands out..”..remaining true to myself presents a choice to them that on some level they are aware of. This is a gift that needs not be acknowledged or opened.” An amazing present to present at this time of year, especially. Beautiful.

  157. Inspiring Simon to hear how you are supporting, inspiring and healing so many people in your life just by honouring that choice to be yourself in every moment. ‘A gift that need not be opened or acknowledged’ – wow, imagine if we all gave this gift to each other for Christmas!

  158. Thank you Simon for writing about the practable ways you personally share the wisdom, that cannot be owned by anyone, yet is equally available to us all if we allow it to be so.

  159. “Seeing and feeling their joys and sorrow”. It is great to read of your appreciation of other people Simon. Our lives are truly so much richer when we make what we do about people and appreciating them fully wherever and however they are.

  160. “honouring the choice to be ‘me’”, such a beautiful phrase – thankyou Simon. I love the openness you share here. As you say the Ageless Wisdom is not owned by anyone, yet it is available for us all when we connect to who we truly are. “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it” – Yes, so true, it is all a matter of choice.

  161. The Ageless Wisdom “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it.” Thank you for sharing your experience of rediscovering the choice we all have available. It is a ‘feeling’ this evolution comes from the inside once the choice is made. It is beautiful.

    1. I agree Samantha, and love the quote: “The truth is, it lives within me, to the extent that I choose and allow it”,well said Simon, it is a beautiful sharing of how Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have inspired you.

  162. Simon this is so beautiful. I feel deeply touched with each one of your examples. They are each a great confirmation of Ageless Wisdom: true wisdom that is equally applicable and useful to all, and also a great confirmation of the love and commitment within you: choosing to live this wisdom and to honour yourself as well as everyone you meet.

  163. Thank you Simon for sharing this deep blog, and I really can feel your gentle and tender expression through the way you write.
    I love the bit where you say that the wisdom lives within you to the extent to which you choose and allow it.
    I so agree with this and Yes, we do not own it.
    My understanding is to Live this wisdom and share it.

  164. HI Simon, thank you for sharing this beautiful expression. I love the way you express

    “have allowed me the precious experience of seeing who they truly are. There is no more nourishing and inspiring learning environment than when this mutual respect occurs”

    what an amazing insight this is, something all schools, education, and indeed life could be based on. I loved feeling for myself the potential of nourishment and inspiration in the way you have expressed it in your piece.

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