There is Another Way To Be

by CB, Belgium

How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are, who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them? How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you you are that love too? 

Wow, wouldn’t that be special? But not very realistic you say? That’s just not the way people are?

But it is: I have those people in my life now and know many that are learning to be that way once again as I am myself. Through being a student of  Universal Medicine and therefore a student of myself and life, I have found that there is another way to be, both for myself as with others.

We all are all that innately but through our experiences and hurts we have left our true selves. But we do not have to stay that way, we have a choice. A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric.

161 thoughts on “There is Another Way To Be

  1. The Ageless Wisdom presented through Universal Medicine offers a true way to be.

  2. Couldn’t agree with you more, to simply let you be you. Not pleasing, performing, restricted, moulding, false, trying, for personal gains and the list could go on. Just to simply be you, and see you for who you truly are. Yes, that is what Universal Medicine offers and more, if you so wish.

  3. Such a simple and beautiful way to describe what esoteric is about. I’m blessed today by having these kind of relationships in which I’m met for who I am, no matter what. This feels to me very supportive and very confirming about the way the whole of Humanity one day will be.

  4. … and what if that ‘another way to be’ is indeed the way we always were and actually are? It is no wonder that once we experience it, we really feel at home.

  5. I often feel that those closest to us can be the hardest for us to truly accept and appreciate for who they truly are. As I feel we can often get caught up in the everyday dilemmas of their and our own hurts and expectations that we place on one another. Having said that “There is always another way” one that I am daily exploring in my life. Responding without reaction to all I meet along my way.

  6. This is the beauty of knowing your essence and meeting others in theirs, and the beauty of a community (such as the Universal Medicine student body) dedicated to learning this and offering it to everyone they meet. Because we largely as a global community don’t live our essence, our relationships can actually be arrangements, with expectations, unwritten rules, conditions, needs, and seeking others to fill the emptiness of not living connected to our own loving essence. Once we begin living from our essence it’s like having to reverse out of the falsities, seeing and nominating the impositions we both hold others in and allow onto ourselves, so we can instead then be the love we naturally are – exactly as you describe in your first paragraph.

  7. What a wonderful explanation of the Esoteric – the who we are below all the what we do, what we look like, what clubs, groups and events we join. In our inner-most there is no opportunity to judge because there is an understanding of our equal-ness.

  8. When we live from our hurts and let them define us we will always struggle and be on the back foot.

  9. We often speak of an “utopian” world where everything is love and harmony, and we think that it’s impossible to achieve. Yet, both love and harmony are in our inner hearts – in the core centres of our being. That is where we come from and that is where we so want to return to – Universal Medicine has been showing its possible for over 19 years now.

  10. There is a way to be in life that is very lovely and joy full. Not without tension or at times stress and that attraction to be an individual but those need not dominate to the point of deterioration of our health. Thank God for Serge Benhayon living this way and many more inspired others.

  11. I know that one, to be around someone that just lets you be who you are is actually quite rare because we all carry some form of expectation of how the world around us should look like.

  12. It’s really great to know people who don’t push me to be anything but me, but yes the greatest thing is to be myself the first one who treats me in that way.

  13. It is starting to become clear to me that the esoteric heart is only just the beginning, and that there is in fact much much more to discover, learn about and live.

  14. Life offers us constantly occasions where we are asked to change, to be and act differently based on someone else’s assessment of what and who we are not (and need to be). Yet, for some, life has offered the rare privilege of being met by someone who sees you first for what and who you are and holds you in that, independently of how you hold yourself. Since what and who you are is independent of what you portrait to be, what you do with your self-portrait is up to you and irrelevant since you will be yourself anyway.

  15. As I read this I contemplated- how often do we give ourselves the grace and just allow ourselves to be without any judgement or condemnation. When we do this with ourselves we are then also able to offer this to others.

  16. Thank you CB, you have summed up so succinctly what it is to offer others true love and the joy of receiving this from others, and also returning to love to live this for ourselves. There can be no true greater reason to celebrate.

  17. Thank you CB for your sharing, when we let go of expectations, pictures, and live in the fullness of who we are there are no boundaries to what is possible.

  18. When I read the first paragraph, I get a sense of how we have been so deeply conditioned to live in a constrained world, not knowing the grandness of who we truly are, that it feels as though we actually need someone to need something from us, expect us to be a certain way, want us to do something for them to feel like there’s a purpose/structure in life, that we are actually very scared of being totally free.

  19. It is deeply healing to be met for who we are, all that we are in essence, and in experiencing this with Serge Benhayon, I have been inspired to explore all that I innately am and here to live. A deep sense of trust is restored when we meet another for who they are in essence, as we begin to break down the walls of protection we have erected from our hurts of not being loved for you we are, by ourselves and by others.

  20. Thank you CB, I appreciated these words about how people can inspire us, someone “who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them?” That small sentence encompasses so much about what is unsupportive and unhealthy in relationships, the needs, expectations and arrangements, and how imposing these things are. Love in it’s true form is something that transforms relationships because there is no need or picture, there is space to be all that you are and exactly where you are at with no expectations, and love meets you in the truth you are. I have experienced this continually from Serge Benhayon, and it’s amazing.

    1. It is amazing to experience this Melinda, ‘Love in it’s true form is something that transforms relationships because there is no need or picture, there is space to be all that you are and exactly where you are at with no expectations’.

  21. Having such a person in your life is life changing. And a huge blessing to know that I too can and am learning to once again hold others equally in love without conditions.

  22. The joy of being met for who we are and not what we do is a joy to behold and appreciate and meet others in.

  23. The joy of being met for who we are and not what we do is a joy to behold and appreciate and met others in.

  24. It’s interesting to witness that once you open yourself up to the possibility that you don’t have to ‘try’ so hard and that you might just already be enough, you start to attract the kind of support that will help you turn that possibility into a reality as they remind and confirm you that you are enough, and that they don’t want or need anymore from you than what you have to offer.

  25. Our patterns are habits that haunt and tease us until we realise there is another way to be, simply ourselves.

  26. Allowing someone the space in which to make their own changes, in their own time, is a great gift we can offer ourselves and others. It’s not about being the silent observer – there are times where what we observe needs to be expressed, for another to hear it, but the way we do this, and the space we offer with it, matters.

    1. That feeling of space inside is absolutely precious… what we can feel, the wisdom that is available, and what is there to share with the world is absolute gold.

  27. It is incredibly supportive and inspirational to have people in my life that do not judge me but accept me for the beautiful woman that I am and to build upon the markers in my body to remind me what that feels like. It exposes those moments when I have felt judged by another and instead of observing I allowed the thoughts to affect me because I went into comparison with an expectation instead of holding the love I am. To know what it feels like to not be judged and claim it within my body inspires me to look at my relationship with judgement and how it plays out in my life.

  28. That is what I feel as well – it’s all there within us awaiting for us to return to it.

  29. I struggled through many years of this life, with its many ups and downs, but all the while having a sense that there was “another way to be”, another way to live this life that I was finding so hard to live. It was not until I found Universal Medicine that I discovered that the life I had suspected was possible actually was; that was the moment I felt as if I had returned home to me.

  30. That person was Serge Benhayon for me in this life. Showing me what love is, that I am that same love and that even though I have defence mechanisms and behaviors he never saw them as me – in this way I started to feel that I was indeed something else, not the mechanisms and behaviors I had identified with – but this loving beingness I got inspired to re-connect to by seeing Serge Benhayon and the family living. It was by their simple movements: how they did the washing, how they folded up the towels to how they would eat and prepare the food etc. Equally to how they would speak in such gentle matter to people with so much respect, in how they would approach people making no difference between family members or people on the street. I have observed them closely and got inspired by their movements – how steady they were within themselves; which was palpable to how they would treat themselves, talked about themselves and how they would have these full days but never forgot themselves in it! Profound.
    A beautiful experience to see how love is being lived and being so close a testimony was the moment my light switched on, or actually I chose to switch it back on; with a little help… A very true supportive help – reflection, my experience with this family.

    1. It’s an amazing experience Danna, thank your for sharing. It shows that living love is not a lofty concept but able to be lived across all areas of life, including in the most practical and mundane activities, and equally with all. Very inspiring. The very nature of reflection is also so non-imposing as it allows us to decide what we wish to do with what’s being reflected.

  31. It is an amazing feeling to have the type of people in one’s life as you have described. It has been 10 years for me now that I have had those type of people in my life and I may still be a student but I am becoming one myself filled with love and light for all.

  32. To me, this blog is describing our relationship with God – He who does not judge and constantly holds us for the purity and divinity we are and never less than that.

  33. So true, being surrounded by people who are living from who they truly are is awesome to be around. When things are upsetting, hurtful, this offers us a reflection of the next thing that needs to be healed instead of holding them to ransom for years or centuries – love it and truly freeing.

  34. Are we talking about a simple true connection, one that starts with how we are with ourselves, knowing that for every point after that that true connection then walks out everywhere. What better way to live than to live whatever you see is needed first. No talking required as all is communicated before your mouth moves. It may seem idealistic to some and then to others it’s an actuality, it’s the truth. Neither are right or wrong as everything is our choice on how we see things. For me, true connection with how I am feeling at every point is a growth and expansion that walks me differently to the world in every moment, the appreciation of this “growth and expansion” gives me a platform to step to the next part. When I write this, it makes life and what I do so so simple, truly connect and appreciate what you feel from there and repeat.

  35. The esoteric brings an odd combination to life: it brings spaciousness for the other to simply be while it invites you to be more… you. Not a bad offer.

  36. Such is the nature of true love with all it’s beautiful upholding qualities, emanating from our inner heart which is held by every human being whether they have connected it or not.

  37. What a great question to ask….

    “How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours?”

    This sentence and article have reminded me of the kind of person I am naturally but sometimes lose through my own hurts. I have the inspiration and experience of a team of people that live in a way that always loves me, always pulls me up but never puts me down or writes me off. As you have felt, this is inspirational and it cannot be owned, it’s for everyone equally and it is possible.

  38. What you have shared highlights the sad fact that we have accepted the way we currently exist as a humanity as ‘normal. Yet in-truth we crave for much more because we are so much more, deserve to live so much more and can live the more we are as it has never left actually us. It is only us that chooses to live less than who we are rather than in connection to our essence within.

  39. Serge Benhayon offers us a reflection of the all encompassing love that is God’s love; an absolute love that knows and loves us all equally for the love that we are.

    1. Beautiful Mary, it’s a love that sees us in truth, and never wavers, no matter how far we live away from our true loving nature.

  40. CB, to met in such a way can indeed be life-changing, awakening the inner spark within that may have long lain dormant. What you speak of here is no ‘fanciful’ or ‘fluffy’ thing, but the true, all-encompassing nature of love, that sees you for the all that you are – from the innate exquisiteness of your essence and your true power, to the complications and ‘imperfections’ that may well be lived to this day.
    When all of this is so held, we can be deeply inspired… to let go of that which isn’t true and step into our true light. For it is this that can then so re-inspire another, and nothing less.
    Thank-you for sharing so openly here.

  41. CB thank you for sharing and for me to find my true self again was also very healing. It is really that simple, what made it complicated is the comfort which I chose instead of being responsible for every choice I have made and will make.

    1. I agree Ester – the world is dense with comfort and offers us every alternative that is completely opposite to the love and wisdom our Soul is offering. That’s where complication arises because we have dampened the ability to feel the truth of life and have settled for everything that is not.

  42. Through my choice to be a Student of The Way of The Livingness, I too have felt met, loved and accepted for who I am. Through my commitment to the Way, I have been learning to meet myself with the same love and acceptance I have been met with by Serge Benhayon and now others also committed to the Way. Cutting myself some slack in other words!

  43. It has been the most healing thing to receive to be met for who I truly am. To be honoured for how deeply sensitive and tender I am as a man, and be accepted for what I know and feel.

    1. I find relationships so good at reflecting the honesty of our pictures back to us. We may think we don’t have expectations of another but the other person might have a different perspective to share. If we can stop ourselves reacting to that feedback, we have an opportunity to see where a pattern of behaviour that is imposing for another might have become normal and therefore unrecognised by us.

  44. I have made the “choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost.”, and that is the most beautiful and amazing choice I have ever made, and keep on making every single day. This is nothing more delicious than being and living that loveliness.

  45. “How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are, who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them? How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you you are that love too? ” I would love this – Serge Benhayon meets me in this way all the time no mater how I am, be it in an email or person. Now it;s time for me to do this for myself.

  46. To know in each and every moment we have a choice to align to love or not. Holding another in love and without any judgment on their behaviour or choices allows them the space to feel inspired to feel the gentle pull back to being love.

  47. It is what we all crave for, and know that it is deep within. It is most beautiful to be treated the way you describe, and discover this person within me, letting it be seen to the best of my ability.

  48. The most loving thing we can do for another is to hold them in unconditional love, no judgement, no expectations just allowing them space for them to evolve.

  49. Dear CB,
    Your writting is very simple and very profound. There really is the reality of being met in and with this love, nothing has ever felt like it in my life before, yet now it has been felt, the marker left is so strong that I can feel I am being pulled towards this way of being in my life more and more every day.

  50. It is very true that “through our experiences and hurts we have left our true selves. But we do not have to stay that way, we have a choice. A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost.” This is what is so profound about Serge Benhayon’s teachings, and that these are not just words but that it can actually be lived.

  51. All the choices made from all of our yesterday’s accumulate so today we are the living the result of those choices. Our tomorrow is the result of the choices we make today so if you want to change your tomorrow, change the trajectory of the present moment.

  52. Buried beneath the rubble of false ideals, images and beliefs of how we should and shouldn’t be, lies an angel that knows they are always and forever a Son of God, no matter what may move in to mask it.

    1. Well said – underneath the rubble, we know who we are, what we are made of and where we are from. In fact we may find that such a challenge to live in this life that we are prepared to work extra hard to create that rubble to delay having to step up and simply live who we are…

  53. A beautiful and simple proclamation of the love we are but often refuse to be. We are love but it is always our choice whether we choose to express this or not. Unfortunately not expressing it has become ‘the norm’, although there is nothing normal about not living who we truly are. That is to say, we have made the abnormal normal and have thus blinded ourselves to the truth we each hold deep within. However, the tide is turning and more and more of us are re-awakening to this other (true) way to be.

  54. When you have been met by someone who needs nothing from you, it can be unsettling at first, because it is so unusual in today’s world. But when you realise that with this lack of need, you are being deeply met, honoured and understood you get to feel that you are worth something more than any activity or doing and really that you don’t need to prove anything to anyone ever.

  55. Your opening paragraph CB offers great insight into how we can all be with each other. And for me, it begins with applying it to my own relationship with myself.

  56. When people try to change others often they dig their heels in and defend their stance and they feel like they are being judged. When we love people and have no need or expectation for them to be any way they then often feel the love and they start to express more of themselves and the love that they have.

  57. It is truly gorgeous to have been shown and to have experienced the beauty of people not living in reaction to their hurts but who instead connect to the innate loveliness within and then treat people in accordance to that…. For this reason, the students of Universal Medicine are undeniably an absolute blessing and an inspiration to know.

  58. I love this blog for its simplicity and the fact it exposes many ways in which we can treat, or in truth abuse ourselves. In the first few lines it has brought many realisations to me about how I have been choosing to live recently.

  59. Thank you CB, in reading this first line, “How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are” I realised just how much pressure I put on myself – and that person is me – my whole body let go of the hardness I was carrying to attempt to not feel the sadness underneath. Now thats cool, all I feel is how lovely I am and to take care of me.

  60. Upon meeting someone who leaves you be and has no judgment it allows you to be so much more of who you truly are.

  61. Beautifully said CB, becoming a student of the ‘Way of the Livingness’ has been an amazing journey of making choices that are more loving and true.

    1. It is really simply about making more loving choices, from here the grandness of the universe can be lived and understood – so really the question is, why do we complicate life so much when everything we could ever possibly want and live is made by making very simple loving choices each day?

  62. ‘Through being a student of Universal Medicine and therefore a student of myself and life, I have found that there is another way to be, both for myself as with others.’ A simple way, with the ingredients of love, joy, stillness, harmony and truth; very delicious! Thank you CB

  63. Beautiful in the simplicity. Love. As a student of Universal Medicine I once again feel the constant and ever deepening love in my inner-most and feel who I truly am.

  64. That is always beautiful to reminded of, it is so simple, we can all relearn to live that what we truly are.

  65. Wisely and beautifully spoken, CB. These are the reasons why I get up in the morning, why the depression could heal, why I could finally find a true relationship with my Mum and Dad and why I could find healthy relationships. I am grateful that my path crossed Universal Medicine.

  66. It is possible and a truly beautiful way to be and be held in by others, there is so much more to live than we are living today. Its a continuous development.

  67. Thank you CB for sharing this simple yet powerfull reminder –
    ‘ A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric.’

  68. “How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are, who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them? How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you you are that love too? ” I first met that person by amazing grace in Serge Benhayon. Who, like you’ve just done Gyl, represented the fact that we have the opportunity to be this for ourselves each and every moment of each and every day and in doing so naturally be this for others. And as you say Joshua, through appreciation relationships deepen blossom and evolve.

  69. Your blog has brought a pause, an appreciation moment, because we often don’t take the time when we do in fact have those beautiful connections to truly appreciate them in full. As I am learning, appreciation is one very important key to deepening and evolving further in any relationship even with self.

  70. “How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are, who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them? How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you you are that love too? ” Thank you CB, this is a relationship I can have with myself everyday.

  71. There is another way to be and that is to live by the impulse of the soul to the best of our ability

  72. Love the simplicity and beauty of what is presented in this blog CB, the choice is ours to choose a loving way of life.

  73. Thank you CB , the truth is very simple and all we need to do is once again choose that loving way.

  74. The more I connect to myself and appreciate who I am the less hard and judgemental I become. This then reflects out to all my relationships with people, I am becoming more understanding and less judgemental, and as a result more loving. Thank you CB. For your awesome blog.

  75. Your questions are wonderful, I felt a deep confirmation of a natural ‘knowing’ that is available to all of us through a connection with our ‘innermost’ I particularly appreciated what you write of the esoteric “A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric.” There isn’t anything mysterious, exclusive or complex about this connection, it only requires an openness to learn about ourselves and life.

  76. I love your questions CB and I feel to all apply them to myself first. Can I be that person for myself? Can I love myself unconditionally as we say? If I can do that for myself, I am sure I can allow others to be that for me too.

  77. I have found that many people in the Universal Medicine community do indeed reflect to me the love that we all are in our innermost, and ask nothing from me and I feel their complete acceptance of me as I am. This is a wonderful precious feeling and a huge support. The issues for me lie with accepting myself for the beauty that I have felt myself to be, and yet often do not chose; the inspiration of those around me who shine the way forth with love and share honestly of their own experience are essential to my own evolution.

  78. What a difference it makes to know that we are all equally awesome beings in our own right. For a long time I would put people up on a pedestal believing that they were so much more than me. Through attending Universal Medicine workshops and listening to Serge Benhayon’s presentations I have now come to understand that I too am all that I am witnessing around me. This is huge and a great inspiration for me to choose a life committed to ‘the Livingness’.

  79. Simple and stunning… capturing beautifully our natural way of being when we choose to live and express the love we are.

  80. So simple yet so profound, and it always comes back to me choosing to connect to that stillness and loveliness within myself at all times. Thank you.

    1. I agree Francisco when I read the opening part of the blog it made me feel this is the loving relationship I can have with myself.

  81. And that righg there is a description of the kind of people I want in my life! Through attending Serge Benhayon’s presentations I’ve met many people that are this way and live this way and are such dear friends to me.

  82. Very beautiful, I too am learning to return to the living in true love and truth everyday. I am continuously inspired by people who are living this way, through these amazing blogs like yours CB and friends I have met from Universal Medicine. The love and connect I feel is incredible, from meeting new friends at Universal Medicine events with such ease and instant connection. I have also learnt from that to stay open, and connect to everyone the same way, at work, going out or travelling. How I am feeling within reflects my quality of interaction with everyone I meet. The more I connect with myself and who I am, the more I am able to connect with people.

  83. “How would it be if you met someone who simply lets you be who you are, who does not need anything from you, does not want you to change, does not push you into something or expects you to be a certain way or do something for them? How would it be to be truly met for the amazing beautiful person that you are? Who does not judge the choices that you have made and does not identify you with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you are that love too? ” My whole body melted when reading this – which only confirms how awesome this feels – to be met with love. It also shows me the protection and with that a hardness in my body I can carry at times – to brace myself against the imposition, the pushing I can often feel from other people. And also highlights the fact this is what I put onto others when I want , need or put expectations on them to be another way. other than simply being themselves. Can you imagine the amount of love, joy, freedom and simplicity we would all live in, if we just allowed each other to be our true self.

  84. Simply beautiful words here that behold with such grace: “A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric”.

  85. I’m in! I love your description of another way of being and while once in my life I would have thought it crazy to suggest, it is amazing what is possible in a community of people who have simply given it a go and connected within themselves to a place of love. Why would you then need to impose on another, or withdraw from another, when what you see is equally as loving in them? This is amazingly powerful as well, because of the situation the world is in, and how much it stands out, simply making a choice to live from ones innermost.

  86. Thank you CB for that reminder once again that it comes down to CHOICE. This is one of the first things I learned when I came across the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. You really do have a choice in every moment and I realised that my excuses were nonsense as at the time, I did have a choice.
    Choice I feel has something to do with Responsibility. My understanding is that whatever choices I make, I am responsible for and this means I am held accountable. There is no one or no thing out there I can blame for what goes on in my life.
    It truly is an incredible way to live and my body no longer holds tension as my choices are to the best of my ability loving

  87. So awesome and simple – thank you for sharing so beautifully how there is another way to be.

  88. Yes, there is another way to live …. ‘A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric.’ You said it CB. It’s the only way to be, it’s the truth of who we are, anything else is a lie.

  89. “There is a another way to be” A true way to be. Reading your blog, I could feel the freeing that living the way is. A life with no judgement, just allowing, and accepting is for all.

  90. Your last line – ‘that is the esoteric’ was super powerful. I too have found there is a different way, and boy is it amazing to be met by someone who knows there is a different way also.

  91. We were all like that once and that remains within us forever more, the expression outwardly takes practice but that does not change the fact of the source being there at all times. Thank you CB.

  92. Deep down, we all know there is another way, but sometimes we just need that nudge to get the ball rolling in the right direction. It is the best journey one can ever make and a return to who we most naturally are.

  93. What an amazing way to be. My experience of being with people like this through Universal Medicine has been life changing. I will never forget my first Universal Medicine event where I stood speechless for awhile as I felt the love and joy in the room. The tears welled up as I felt the hurt of how I had been living and what I had been accepting as OK. Most importantly, over the last 4 years, I’ve become more and more this way with myself – letting go of the expectations that drove me, feeling myself for the beautiful woman I am, checking in with myself throughout the day and being gentle with myself.

  94. Thanks CB, the way you are choosing to live is showing others it is possible too, without perfection, just a loving way of being that you are with yourself and therefore all others as well.

  95. The title says it all: ‘There is another way to be’ , in this world, and once you discover this new way, there is no other way to be….it’s life changing.

  96. Beautiful CB, if I had known this pearl of a blog to be here all this time, I would have been reading it everyday! So gorgeous. Just like the loveliness inside, it is always there but we sometimes forget and think we do not know it even though it is there always.

  97. So so beautiful described. There is indeed another way, or actually, there’s only one True way and that is the way that grows us as beings rather than functional do-ers. This way as you so beautifully describe CB is a way worth living. It is a way where I’ve truly connect to me, to the beautiful, tender, caring, delicate, cheeky, joyful, Divine men I am. I’ve tried to find it everywhere. Where now I’ve found is that close… It’s inside. Where else could it be… If it would be the same for every being on this planet, is has to be inside of all that beings. And yes, it is…

  98. CB this is the most amazing description of what it means to live esoterically. Thankyou for sharing it with such simplicity and grace.

  99. It feels so lovely when we realise that the love that we have spent aeons searching for is there within. No complicated rituals just a simple matter of connecting to the stillness and listening to our body’s wisdom.

  100. There absolutely is another way to live. It is not a magic pill, or repeating affirmations but as you say re-connecting to the esoteric that naturally lies within all. It is through choice, committment, support, Love, relationships and honesty. All of this I have remembered and learnt from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and continue to learn, understand, heal and change.

    1. I can very much relate to that pernillahorne, meeting such persons at my first Universal Medicine course has helped me to trust in others again and from there learn to trust myself and start my journey back to me.

  101. ‘A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost. That is the esoteric.’ The Truth we all know once we choose to connect to our innermost.

    1. Thank you CB and Annelies, reconnecting to our esoteric feels so true and natural for us to return to. Thank also to Serge Benhayon for the non-imposing inspiration of love.

  102. ‘A choice to return to the loveliness we are and always have been within, in our innermost.’ So beautifully expressed CB and a choice we can all make.

  103. For me, meeting Serge Benhayon and his family helped me to trust again. Trusting that there is a true way of being with each other- no expectations, investments, accepting….this experience helps me to change my own old patterns, which are not as loving as the ones mentioned above, because out of the amazing experience, being and learning with, and from them, there is no other possible way for me anymore.

  104. Thank you CB – you are not alone. It is truly lovely to be met as you describe; for who you are and not the things you have done or the hurts you carry. We all come from love, it is a continuing unfolding for me as I re-establish my connection to that love.

  105. I feel like your questions clearly show not just the beauty of what you rightly (and eloquently) describe, but also your deep wisdom and stillness.

  106. This other way to be feels natural and joyful and to know that we are innately love makes it simple. We all can make the choice to live this love and the most beautiful thing is, we will!

  107. Yes there is another way and you have described it beautifully. Thanks for your blog CB

  108. That packed a punch – a very gentle and loving punch! It exposes for me how often I do not meet others in this way. I have expectations, I judge because of the past….and it hurts because I know how it feels to be met in the way you have described. Serge Benhayon, Natalie Benhayon and the Benhayon family meet everyone in this way. To be met in this way allows me to feel who I truly am. Your blog has exposed how we can hold people back, and hold back evolution, by simply not allowing people to be who they are.

  109. It is a beautiful feeling to be met in this way, with no judgement, with love for who you simply are. And in experiencing being met this way I have am offered the gift of feeling my love, my essence and through this I can feel the responsibility that I have to meet others in the same way. Thank you CB for inviting me to appreciate how it all (my return to love) began for me.

  110. How beautiful to be accepted for just being who you are and to be inspired to accept others for just being who they are. Pure love.

  111. Being a student of myself and life, great line. That is where it is all about. If I can be me with myself more and more, I can be me everywhere, because I am with myself all the time. If others let me be me, without judgment, then we can grow together more being ourselves. How lovely.

  112. When I read the first paragraph I realised that the way we grow up we very rarely have people in our lives who simply let us be ourselves, who do not need anything from us, who do not want us to change, who do not push us into something or expects us to be a certain way, who does not judge the choices that we have made and does not identify yourself with your defence mechanisms and behaviours? Someone who simply loves you and shows you you are that love too?

  113. Thanks CB. It’s inspiring to read what’s possible (as a way to live) – no matter how impossible it seems (based on how many people in the world live that way).

  114. Reading your blog is a lovely supportive way to start my day. Thank you CB for this beautiful sharing.

  115. When reading the first paragraph it does begin to have almost science fiction tone – can’t be possible, but then, reading the rest and knowing the rest in my own heart feels so amazing…

    1. When I was reading the first paragraph, it reminded me of when I was madly in love at the beginning of my relationship. It is a description of this someone who truly loves me without any attachments or expectations. Previously, I thought that this kind of love applies to only my family and close friends. But now, I also experience love from people I meet at Universal Medicine and that true love is accessible and is constant. It is a choice to live it and share it everyday with everyone to enrich life with love. Your blog is an awesome reminder that true love is our very natural way of being.

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