A Great Philosophy for Humanity

By Val Hogarth, Melbourne, Australia

I am 83 years old and live in Melbourne. I had been on the ‘spiritual path’ for many years searching for the part that, for me, was missing from the religions and the new-age books. Faith had eluded me all my life. As much as I searched and sometimes thought I may have found it, it all dissolved again through lack of clarity.

The questions always remained. Why is the world in such a mess? Why do we crazy humans behave the way we do? Why are so many people getting sick? Or why are we killing each other? Why do I feel that there has to be an answer?

A friend sent me one of Serge Benhayon’s books and a couple of his CDs for my 81st birthday in January 2010. The book was not an easy read and I found it very challenging. However, the information he was presenting for my consideration got my full attention! Wow! Who is this guy?

Feeling very cautious, I decided I had to go to Byron Bay to check him out; so I phoned my friend, booked flights and went up to attend one of his lectures.

Here was a pleasant young man, fortyish, (remember I’m an old lady) dressed in non- descript pants and shirt, standing on the stage in a school hall packed with people. He spoke for one and a half hours without notes and without an ‘um’ or an ‘ahh’. No ego-filled guru this one. What he was saying, with clear diction and gentle humour, rang all my bells. Here, at last, was what I’d been searching for… the part that had always been missing for myself! Clarity.

I came home with more of his informative books and soon registered as a student, travelling up many times to do workshops and lectures. ‘The School of the Livingness’ which he presents is a philosophy that makes pure common sense to me. It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult.

I would love to be able to take the courses on Universal Medicine to become a practitioner, but I’m too long in the tooth for that. Next time around would be good. Perhaps, by then, the medical profession will have taken an open-minded look at what Serge Benhayon is presenting. A merge of the two would be a great thing for humanity.

192 thoughts on “A Great Philosophy for Humanity

  1. “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing.” Absolutely Val, I agree. And this loving responsibility is all encompassing, it begins with self but it also includes others, nature, and the universe. The universality, love, and harmony of the soul is beautiful to experience.

  2. Many people become caught in gossip because something affected them, truth came banging at their door. So what happens to people? Gossip becomes distorted, people become uncomfortable for having to face their irresponsibilities and the blame game takes over. And to add to this, let’s invite journalists to add more fuel to the gossip. They certainly know how to scare monger people sucked into the vortex of gossip.

  3. Val such admiration for continuing to search for the thing ‘missing from the religion and new-age books’. And age wasn’t a factor that stopped you from finding it either. What was presented resonated for you and that something inside of you went, yes, this is it. So, agree what is cult in all of this? Did you then start to convert others or did you let people be?
    And maybe one day the medical profession will research Universal Medicine and will realise that there is more to living life and the body being fixed by drugs and surgery.

  4. Working on the grounds that next time around is a great attitude Val, that will hold many students in good stead, as this is surely a part of the true purpose that we can all live with. Once we understand how we are responsible for every life and how we live now, has a great effect on our next life.

  5. I agree 100% that what Serge Benhayon presents is a great philosophy for humanity, bringing clarity and much needed healing. “A way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing” – how can anyone attack this? But some do, and they are needing to lie, or believe the lies.

  6. No matter the lies that may be sent into circulation, there is no match for truth that is lived. Thank you Val for such a gorgeous and simple reflection of this.

  7. Often what we search hardest for is the very thing we avoid most – the truth of who we are and what exactly we are here to do. All this is found deep within our innermost self and never can it be found elsewhere. Hence the futile nature of ‘the search’ is revealed by this factor alone.

    1. Absolutely Liane, the word search in itself is a give away as we all have what is needed within, and this has always been a part of the Ageless Wisdom teaching.

  8. Absolutely Val, a merge of the Esoteric and western medical practice would be a good thing – and a vital and crucial direction to take.

  9. There is perhaps, a waywardness expressed through the searching for answers from outside sources, a waywardness that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine gently corrects by introducing energetic responsibility, thus ending the indulgent search and bringing a person back in to view of their own power and the potential for true brotherhood that this holds.

  10. Hi Val, these are the questions that I am sure most of us have asked though are not realising or willing to know that it is we that have the answers. This is the responsibility the Ageless Wisdom offers that it is from within us and the quality of our living way that the outer will come to reflect the same.Thank you.

  11. ‘It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult.’ No that is tru but we live in a world that wants to sustain itself in how it is otherwise we would encourage every person to live in the responsible way you have described, a simple way of living. All we need to do is to let go of the complexity of creation.

    1. True Annelies, our creation is complex and so there is a lot to unpick, the complexity is why life doesn’t make sense, nor the searching bring answers. The Ageless Wisdom is the only thing that has simplified my way in life and brought about my own responsibility for every aspect of life.

  12. I love the clarity and simplicity of your writing, Val.
    What a blessing for us all to have role models like yourself to show the world it’s never too late to find the truth and become even more loving and understanding.

  13. Dearest Val – yes, and to repeat one of your questions earlier “Why do I feel there has to be an answer?” – why had we felt often a sense of deep knowing that ‘there has to be something else!’ – indeed how can we have dulled our senses to such an extreme that we had swept under the carpet all that we knowingly hold as ageless wisdom deep within each one of us. What incongruent energy or part of us makes this choice one could ask. I thank God also that we used our natural born nouse and to follow the promptings of the inner heart, made a connection once again with our Soul, met the show-er of the ‘Way It Is’ Serge Benhayon at the Universal Medicine presentations and made the choice to re-connect with Truth once again. Until we meet again. With Love.

  14. ‘It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing.No way could you label that a cult’ No way at all. This should be the very foundation of humanity, it is something natural and simple common sense.

    1. Being responsible for how we live, and what we bring to the world is a great step needed by all of us.

  15. Clarity is something we all need to feel and appreciate far more as it deepens our understanding of the simplicity, honesty and transparency that is so missing from the hustle and bustle and rush of today’s world.

  16. Only our experiences can teach us the true lessons of life, people can present and talk to us, but unless we have experienced something in our own bodies, we have not learned it.

  17. Thanks Val, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog again and can very much relate to the search for truth but not finding anything that truly made sense until meeting Serge Benhayon. This is also a great line about the way of the livingness and the esoteric way of life: “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing.” And the Universal Medicine Therapies have also been what’s supported me finally to heal after trying many different complementary and alternative therapies beforehand but not getting any long lasting results. Serge is most definitely the real deal.

  18. So agree ‘no ego- filled guru this one’ in stark contrast to the many spiritual leaders of courses I have attended. So open, transparent, understanding and full of love for all equally – Serge Benhayon is an extraordinary yet ordinary man

    1. I have to admit Sue I have met some huge egos in both men and women “leaders” in the spiritual New Age and some that were quite frankly downright manipulative and abusive. Without judging those people for why they were like that it was still an incredibly uncomfortable experience. The love, truth, integrity and humility that Serge lives and shares with all consistently is very refreshing and has set the standards for the world, not just for leaders but for all human beings.

      1. Absolutely, what Serge shares sets standards for all of us, ‘The love, truth, integrity and humility that Serge lives and shares with all consistently is very refreshing’.

  19. So agree ‘no ego- filled guru this one’ in stark contrast to the many spiritual leaders of courses I have attended. So open, transparent, understanding and full of love for all equally – Serge Benhayon is an extraordinary yet ordinary man.

  20. It feels like The School of the Livingness has been given to us (humanity) at this time, because we are waking up from our long sleeps and we are asking those much needed questions. The more we ask, the more we are given.

    1. Well said Eduardo, I found for myself after decades of exploring spirituality that not only was I no better off, in some ways I was worse off and certainly my bank account had suffered also. Getting nowhere was very costly. Soulful living on the other hand is amazing and my life has changed substantially. For me in the clarity of hindsight I can say that spirituality was simply more emptiness with ‘spiritual’ energies coming in like bliss to make the emptiness feel better temporarily, and soulfulness is the fullness of love, joy and truth and can be very practically applied to and lived in every part of life. There is certainly a huge difference between living from spirit or soul.

    2. Or rather it is a journey to everywhere other than the place where our true self (our Soul) resides.

  21. I so love how you talk about your ‘next time around’ with such glee and joy, and just like you would say ‘it has been raining so the ground is wet’. And like you said, this is just another example of philosophy that makes pure common sense.

  22. The Way of The Livingness and all that this way of living offers has transformed my life and continues to do so. In saying ‘yes’ to taking full responsibility for how I live, I say ‘yes’ to being honest with myself as such to living with greater love in all aspects of my life. The philosophy Serge Benhayon presents makes common sense to me also, and I now understand and experience that it is by virtue of the fact that truth is the commonality that unifies us all, and is what guides us to know and live our true potential.

  23. Serge is definitely without a shadow of doubt a true philosopher for humanity, the wisdom that he so lovingly passes on to us has the ability to change our lives, and at the same time he sees himself as a humble servant to mankind. Just watching how he moves makes you realise how at one he is with himself and all that is around him.

    1. I agree with your words Sally, Serge is truly an amazing servant of truth and love.

  24. True philosophy helps us understand from every angle what is at play and what is going on within ourselves and the world around us – we all need to be far more philosophical and honest about where our world has got to and what we together can do to correct it.

  25. I have never come across anyone or anything that has truly supported me to take responsibility in all areas of my life as Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has and I would be lying to say that it has been and is easy. To take responsibility for my well-being and everything that happens to me means there is no-one or any situation to blame! It means through every choice I make, I create whether that is aligned with God or in self-creation I am responsible for the life I choose to live.

  26. Hi Val It is so great that despite being in your 80’s you never too old to be acquainted to the teaching of the Ageless Wisdom that Serge Benhayon so humbly presents. I agree with you, there are no ‘um’s’ or ‘ahh’s’ – just straight forward presentation without a single power point – now that’s a true presentation.

  27. Yes Val, the combination of Western Medicine and the Esoteric Modalities work beautifully together allowing the body to truly heal. One day the medical profession will acknowledge Serge Benhayon for his amazing contribution about true health and well- being and his deep understanding of the body.

    1. Yes, a merging of Western Medicine with Esoteric Medicine as taught by Serge Benhayon, is the way forth in true healing.

  28. This blog goes to show that there is always an opportunity to find Truth no matter what age we are. All that is required is an openness and a willingness and Truth will present itself.

  29. Thank you, Val, for a great sharing. ‘The School of the Livingness’ which Serge Benhayon presents is a philosophy that makes pure common sense to me. It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional well-being.” This is it in a nutshell; so beautiful to have found this truth in your latter years, a great preparation for your next life.

  30. This is one of the most heartfelt articles I have read and it is a great representation of the fact that it is never too late to change.

  31. When I came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I had begun to slip into accepting that the turmoil, the abuse, the struggle and dissatisfaction in life and amongst us was normal, and that this was ‘life’ we just have to get through it as best we can. I had anguished for many years over how we treat ourselves and each other but never could see the way out of the vicious cycles and momentums we as a humanity were caught in. I knew that that answer was love, I could feel this deep within and that love could conquer all, but how we could come to live this was not clear to me. Discovering the love within in me, who I already am, when lived in full has a great effect on the world, has brought a greater understanding of what true responsibility is and a clarity of how this can be lived every day, through the loving choices we make in our everyday lives. We are the leaders of change through the consistency of love we live everyday.

    1. Yes, when we look out it can feel overwhelming as there is so much in turmoil in our world, and yet when we each do our part as in living with love and consistency with ourselves and each other it has an impact.

  32. Conventional medicine together with Universal Medicine and Esoteric Medicine is a true marriage made in Heaven. Vitality and wellbeing do not come in a prescription bottle or packet of pills but in the choices we make in the way we live.

  33. Hello Val, I just love your expression or the how you ventured into Universal Medicine. How apt what you have written, “Feeling very cautious, I decided I had to go to Byron Bay to check him out; so I phoned my friend, booked flights and went up to attend one of his lectures”.
    I have to admit I did exactly the same after being burnt by many new age techniques, so I also went with OK, I will check him out as I have nothing to loose and see for myself what others were saying about Serge.
    What a refreshing realization I had to finally find someone who walks his talk, and that is exactly what I discovered in Serge Benhayon.

  34. How lovely to read of your experiences, insights and wisdom, thank you Val. Like yourself, I heard word of mouth about Serge Benhayon and flew interstate to hear him speak. From the first moment of hearing him live I felt the truth he spoke and have now attended many presentations and my life has changed considerably for the better. Serge is an amazing man and the world leader in self care.

  35. Nice and simple and straightly delivered. The joy that it is when the older generation speak about things like this. Perhaps we should all listen to them more and take care of them and what they are saying. If you have spent that much time doing anyone thing I would consider you more then an expert in your field. You can’t pay for lived experience and here it is for everyone to see, it’s your choice to listen.

  36. Awesome Val and I totally agree, Serge Benhayon’s presentations are completely suitable for anyone regardless of your age as the love, simplicity and clarity that he brings to all topics even the ones that can be very heady and heavy never ceases to amaze me.

  37. Absolutely Val, the medical system, as we as human beings, would be far better of if we indegested the truth but more important the true living way that Serge Benhayon lives and so presents about.. As without our inner-knowing and responsibility that we carry for that – medicine is missing a link that we will need to truly heal. SO I agree, I hope that by time we , society, humanity, the medical system and researchers will see and acknowledge that the missing link is right in front of our eyes: Universal Medicine, a living way of truth. Thank you..

  38. Val you wrote: “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult.” That is so true and I only can recommend that if someone is interested in what Serge is presenting – the best way is to have your own experience instead of trusting what the media is publishing.

  39. What I have heard Serge Benhayon present over and over again is not a manifesto full of do’s and don’ts, rules and dogma but simple common sense that includes “gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional well-being.” Yes it is that simple to make huge changes in our lives but somehow most of us have made living this life so complicated that common sense seems to have taken a back seat.

    1. What Serge Benhayon presents is common sense, why is it we as human beings need to be reminded of this ‘common sense’?

  40. Love that you’ve shared this Val. Before coming to the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I’d also been on quite a search… exploring various religions, meditation, new age philosophies… and nothing ever held the whole and complete truth for me. I used to grasp at the glimmers, the embers of what resembled truth and treasure them in a way…
    And then, enter Serge Benhayon. Here was the whole package and a man who walked his talk, living and breathing everything he taught and shared in a way that I had never seen any other do. In hindsight, it was a coming home to reignite my connection with the Esoteric Work and the Ageless Wisdom through this man’s life work – and recognise, as he constantly states, that this wisdom and universal truth for all humanity, belongs to no ‘one’, but to us all.

  41. Universal Medicine and how it captures philosophy is just beautiful to feel and reinvigorates you to renew your relationship with life – “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing.”

  42. Val you are a practitioner this time around too! As we all our in our chosen areas of life if we have committed to ever-deepening our relationship with ourselves.

  43. When I began attending workshops and courses I found myself saying, in response to what Serge Benhayon was presenting…”yes of course that makes sense”. It was like there was nothing new in what he was saying. There were definitely things that were presented that I did not like, but I could see that it was for me to then look at that in my own life, rather than reacting. I agree Val, whats presented is a wonderful philosophy to live by.

  44. You will be a great practitioner for sure Val – and from the way you feel through your writing I would say that you are already a practitioner in whatever you go about during your day.

  45. There is so much in the world that promises or claims to know the answers to the ills of the world. Yet we still have the ills. What Serge Benhayon presents is that we all have the answer to the ills of the world but we need to work on the ills within us that keep us from working together. Simple stuff but challenging as you mention Val as it asks us to look at life in a way we haven’t for a long time and continue to avoid. At the same time he’s a living example of the joy that comes from committing to life.

  46. I can’t help but read this blog with a smile on my face Val. I love the way you are preparing for your next life and shining the way with your dedication to truth and responsibility.

  47. Well said and very true Val, what Serge Benhayon presents makes complete sense to me as well, the philosophy Serge presents is a beautiful gift to humanity that presents a way of living that brings true healing to the body and a deep love that humanity is craving to connect to.

  48. Yes indeed it would. A combined approach. You mention here the constant searching, how that dissipates when you understand the energy behind behaviour. It is the only thing that has come close to bringing understanding for me.

  49. A combination of Universal Medicine and conventional medicine would be AMAZING for humanity. Then we’d have the science, plus the deeper understanding, plus the self responsibility to change things around forever.

  50. “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult” – beautifully, simply stated truth, and I agree wholeheartedly.

  51. Val I love how you write, with a joy and humor that is so very refreshing. I too thought Wow, when I read my first ever Serge Benhayon book. Here was a man saying what I thought we all knew, but weren’t game to stand against the tide and offer as the way it is. Little did I know then the beauty, grace and love that I know to be me was ignited by the honesty and grace with which Serge wrote.

  52. I love and totally agree with what you have said here about Serge Benhayon, Val : “No ego-filled guru this one”. From the moment I met Serge and began to hear what he had to say, I did not get one single feeling that I was sitting before a guru, in fact he felt like just an ordinary guy, a guy who I felt I had always known and who just happened to be presenting “a great philosophy for humanity”, and still continues to do so today.

  53. Beautiful Val, that you found Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and have a great grasp on the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom . . . . most timely for now you will be in good stead for your next life.

  54. You share so well, what Serge Benhayon presents, true Ageless Wisdom, how to care for ourselves and to be responsible for all of our choices, in doing so making loving choices all the time.

  55. Common Sense and Responsibility come hand in hand. Thus how can responsibility be something that is greater than or too much for us to handle or something that has an endless amount of excuses as to why we are not responsible in our lives when it is actually just the application of common sense? That which feels true to us, our bodies and every one else? I’ve never really seen these two together in such a way before but it makes complete sense, if I feel tired, common sense would say sleep and this is responsibility. It’s so simple. Thank you Val.

  56. Taking care and taking responsibility for ourselves, our own health and wellbeing while considering all others equally is a logical and essential ingredient to a healthy society. It makes total sense to me.

  57. I absolutely agree Val that a union of Western Medicine and what Serge Benhayon presents, Esoteric Medicine, “would be a great thing for humanity”: in fact it would be the best ever thing to happen. Western Medicine is amazing but it is obvious that they haven’t got all the answers, but sadly in many cases the medical personnel are shut down from looking at what else is being offered, in this case a way of living that has each person taking responsibility for their lives and their bodies, and from this responsibility there is huge potential for great change and great healing.

  58. A simple and beautifully honest sharing of your experience of Universal Medicine. How gorgeous that you have finally after years of searching found what you have been missing and have embraced it like you have. The common sense presented is hard to ignore when it offers such clarity in a world full of questions.

  59. Such a beautiful and simple sharing Val that you are never too young or old to hear the truth – the ageless wisdom is powerful and a great gift to humanity.

  60. What a gift for your 81st birthday Val. Your friend was spot on and great choice for you to decide to explore what Serge Benhayon is about further. Definitely worth it The way that you describe Serge’s presence when he is presenting is spot on. I love his gentle humour. I find that it delivers whatever he’s presenting to sink in even more.

  61. Serge Benhayon is indeed ‘no ego-filled guru’ but instead presents oodles of clarity. That clarity can be hard for some people to take as it reflects back to us where exactly we’ve been choosing to live irresponsibly. Knowing that merely gives us further choices, on a daily basis, about how we’ll choose to live our lives. At the end of the day it’s all about free will, ours to do with as we please.

  62. Beautifully said Val. I too knew I had found what I didn’t even realise I had been looking for when I first listened to Serge Benhayon. I became a student of Universal Medicine and a student of myself as I opened the pages of my own book of life and found a very dull and predictable narrative and decided to change the style of writing and living. The best choice I ever made, and continue to make.

  63. Agree Val, the value of a presentation can sometimes be dictated by the audience receiving. When the value of the presentation is actually quite different to what it has been reinterpreted to be.

  64. I so agree with your summary of Serge Benhayon Val. “He spoke for one and a half hours without notes and without an ‘um’ or an ‘ahh’. No ego-filled guru this one. What he was saying, with clear diction and gentle humour, rang all my bells. Here, at last, was what I’d been searching for… the part that had always been missing for myself! Clarity.” I would add love, energetic integrity, humour, playfulness, wisdom and many more adjectives to my list. Deep appreciation to Serge Benhayon for showing us that there is another way to live – that benefits all.

  65. Serge Benhayon has shared with so many the answers to the questions Val shares in the 2nd paragraph of this blog. It really turns the world upside down and shows that what we view as normal and the way of life that we have accepted, is in effect what is creating the mess and the illnesses. I know for sure that my life is richer because of what Serge has shared and the way I have chosen to live my life; as a result and this has a beneficial impact on EVERYONE, that I come into contact with.

  66. Straight-talking Val and right from your own experience. Nothing beats someone writing from what they have seen, felt, heard and experienced because in that you are getting the real deal and not a watered down version.

  67. I very much agree, listening to Serge Benhayon brings absolute clarity, to the world and to life as such starts to make sense.

  68. Val I agree, that what Serge Benhayon presents ring many bells of truth within me too. I also, as you did have many questions about life, the Soul, true love and humanity but could never find the complete answers. But as I began to hear what was being presented by Serge all my questions were answered by the truth I felt and knew within – without me physically asking the question. I was inspired to discover more about this feeling within and am still inspired to discover more of who we truly are and the wisdom we all hold within and the way that we can live this.

  69. Val, thank you so much for this beautiful sharing, how wonderful that all your searching finally paid off. “No ego-filled guru this one. What he was saying, with clear diction and gentle humour, rang all my bells. Here, at last, was what I’d been searching for…” Its not only your bells that are ringing Val, with so many now pealing, weather they tinkle, jingle or chime their call cannot be ignored as they ring in unison and herald the resounding truth.

  70. Val you are a beautiful example of how we can rediscover the Ageless Wisdom at any age and it can have a profound impact on the way we choose to live. What Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon present does bring clarity, it is then up to us how we choose to incorporate these teachings into our own lives. Thank you for sharing your story, it was such a delight to read.

  71. What a great straight forward blog Val, and I agree a merge of the medical world and what Serge Benhayon is presenting would indeed be a great thing for humanity.

  72. Val I find it incredible that you were so open to still questioning how humanity is living at your age. It is incredibly inspiring to me to read how you have embraced the simple common sense truths presented by Universal Medicine.

  73. This is such a refreshing blog Val and I can feel it is written straight from the heart. After 80 plus years on the planet (this time around) you are definitely an expert when it comes to humanity and your words are pure wisdom.

  74. Val, I would like to point out that you are an esoteric practitioner – maybe not in the traditional sense of having done courses and be seeing clients – but certainly in the extremely valuable way of walking the talk as a committed esoteric student where you live. Everywhere you go many people would be feeling lighter in themselves because they have received a blessing just with your presence.

  75. I love what you have presented here, Val. What Serge Benhayon presents is universal. For the young, the elderly, the ones in between, men, women and children. EVERYONE!

  76. I have wondered all the same questions for most of my (shorter) life Val and have also sought the answers in many places. I too have found that most of the philosophies out there seem to make things more complicated and convoluted not simple. The simplicity and honesty that Serge Benhayon presents also resonates strongly with me and just makes so much common sense. It is like I already know everything he is presenting and he is just reminding me of it.

  77. Yes clarity is what Serge Benhayon presents along with simplicity and common sense. With the teachings he has brought forth I have re-learned to see life with clarity and simplicity, and not get so caught up anymore in complications a problems. Thank you for sharing Val, your wisdom as an elder woman is deeply felt.

  78. Val this is a beautiful and refreshing read. You have presented so simply what it is people the world over find when they come to Universal Medicine. There is no flashi-ness, grand designs to woo people in or even advertising. There is simply the presentation of the what is – what is true, and this travels by word of mouth with each person left for themselves to discern if it is to their liking or not. Like you, what Serge presented has always just made sense to me. There are things I have had more trouble grasping or understanding but in time (and space) they all fall into place in making perfect sense. It is truly beautiful the way I am able to live now, by virtue of Serge’s presentations and not holding back his known truth, so I could reconnect to mine equally so.

  79. You go girl, it’s fantastic that you enjoyed traveling to the Universal Medicine events. You’re never too long in the tooth to become a practitioner and what a blessing for you to come to Universal Medicine this life time.

  80. I love that no matter how long our search may have been the moment clarity is felt it dissolves our unanswered questions in an instant. Perhaps Val, you will be just the doctor to marry the medicines for us next time around.

  81. Val this is awesome and yes I agree by merging Serge Benhayon’s lived teachings and the medical professions skills the world would be truly vital place. I feel we are on our way.

  82. I agree Val, what Serge Benhayon presents makes perfect sense, there’s no ‘guru trip’, or quest for enlightenment. The livingness that he teaches is simple, practical and about taking responsibility in all areas of our lives.

    1. Exactly Val & Thomas, with Serge Benhayon there is no intention to manipulate, just a simple presentation of what is lived. But this simplicity and lived knowledge for me has been so much more convincing and graspable than anything that I have ever met before.

  83. Thank you Val for expressing something that I too have felt. “Clarity” is what Serge Benhayon presents. The missing key to understanding life, and the tools to live life truly. I am still working my way through all the mess I myself have created, in my attempt to be loved, liked and fulfilled by the outer world, losing touch of the inner beauty and ME, which is what I have so dearly missed being in connection with. I am so thankful to be a part of it all.

    1. The messes we have created are lived out in the world. Clearing them up is for me like de-constructing a complicated recipe, only to find that I didn’t need half the ingredients, and it all tastes so much better, and is better for my body, than all those unnecessary additives. And then comes the bonus, other people are better for it too.

  84. Val, I too have much more clarity in my life thanks to Serge Benhayon. His philosophy of life is all I will ever need. It is now up to me to deepen my connection to myself and the world around me.

  85. Beautiful sharing Val, love the simplicity and the common sense you apply to be a practitioner next time around.

  86. Val, you are awesome. You are never too old to find the answers you are looking for and to follow the path presented to us by this “pleasant young man”! What Serge Benhayon says makes so much sense in this very muddled up world and gives us a way forward.

  87. Dear Valerie, I found this to be totally awesome to come across your blog from back in 2012, expressing the new found joy of living in this time frame of an octogenarian, so inspirational to those who perhaps would be seeing this time as a pre-cursor to checking out due to old ideals and beliefs. Wow! Is it possible that it feels like it may be propitious to share the next sequel of your awesome inspirational experiences and awarenessess as a student of the Ageless Wisdom since September 2012. I sensed your expression to be ageless and I really enjoyed reading and feeling your words. Thank you.

  88. I just found this blog by accident (though probably not really), it is great. Thank you Val, your insightful comments are true of Serge Benhayon and what he presents, so much common sense and clarity. This is what I love about what he shares with us also.

  89. I love what you’ve presented here Val. You’ve done it with such grace… I always forget how awesome and different it is that Serge Benhayon doesn’t use palm cards or use um or ahh when talking. When ever someone points it out I remember it’s not the norm.

  90. Val, I have been by your blog before and felt to stop in again. It is so wonderful to know that no matter how long we search if the truth is out there we will find it or it finds us. Having been introduced to Universal Medicine and the Way of The Livingness about 8 years ago by a very wise friend, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t feel grateful for the blessing of meeting Serge Benhayon and his wonderful family and Practitioners.

    1. Indeed! An enormous amount of wisdom has been shared here. Thank you, Val.

  91. I appreciate this message from you Val, about your experience of searching most of your life I gather and finding someone and a wisdom that made common sense and that put all the pieces of the puzzle together to make a clear picture of what is going on the world. You write with a humility and joy that makes me feel you have found it!

  92. Val I love your down to earth approach about Serge Benhayon, it is lovely to hear your first hand experience of him…he rang all my bells too when I first heard him talk, something deeply resonated within me that I had not heard from anyone else before or since.

    1. I remember coming out of my first presentation with Serge Benhayon thinking ‘that man is speaking my language’. I had waited a long time to find someone who just made sense!

  93. This is a great account of how simple yet so profound these simple truths can bring a sense of understanding in, of and to life. What Serge presents is like many ‘light bulb’ moments of ”Oh yeah, I’ve felt/experienced that, that makes sense!” There’s nothing wobbly or new agey or fluffy when it comes to what is presented, just a lot of common sensical, tangible topics that are not so common in todays presentations or commonplace in peoples lives.

    1. I love the light bulb moments! For me, these moments are when the lights go on with something I already know but had disconnected from.

  94. This is awesome Val and just shows that we are never to old to find ourselves – right here where we had left them when we went out in search for them! The ridiculousness of the spiritual path exposed. The way of the Soul is so simple and true. Thankyou.

  95. What a gorgeous blog! It really is as simple as you have presented Val. Hearing about living in a way that is gentle, loving and responsible, we instantly know this is it, what we have known is missing all our lives. Perhaps it was so simple that even when it is right under our noses we can’t see it! I also hope that medicine will start to work with the Esoteric. It is the perfect union for our health and wellbeing

  96. Val I can relate to what you said. What Serge Benhayon brings holds so much clarity. Everything makes sense. A joy for me also to have found this. Thank you for sharing

  97. Dear Val, you are so inspiring, to be open at 81, still looking for truth, and being open to recognise it when you hear and feel and see it. I’m learning new things at the moment and have sometimes thought I’m too old. But there is no truth to this; we learn all our lives, so we may as well enjoy it.

      1. Too true robynjones11…. Truth is ageless and will always stand the test of time, no matter what may come up in its path to distract or deter it.

  98. There is great simplicity and clarity in which you write and share your story Val, thank you. I also love the clarity in which Serge presents – it gives you no-where to run if that makes sense. He presents in such a way that is so clear that you can then go on your own journey with the information – deciding right/wrong/somewhere in between/works for me/no it doesn’t – but that it is your journey. The information provided is super clear – that is his part.

    1. I so agree sarahflenley. Whatever we choose to do with what is presented and / or reflection is our choice, however there is absolutely no question that the clarity, truth and love in which Serge Benhayon presents is 100% clear and simple!

  99. Written from such wisdom and simplicity Val, thank you. When you hear Serge Benhayon speak, the world goes silent. His presence here is changing everything, you’re in good hands when it’s your turn to come round again;)

    1. I totally agree Suzanne, well said. His presence here has certainly changed everything for me and many I know. Life is making a lot of sense now, thanks to Serge Benhayon.

    2. Such an exquisite comment, Suzanne:
      ‘When you hear Serge Benhayon speak, the world goes silent. His presence here is changing everything, you’re in good hands when it’s your turn to come round again.’
      It made me stop to feel every cel in my body agrees with you.
      When you hear Serge Benhayon speak and you allow yourself to feel his words there is just recognizing what he presents it is, makes sense and it true.

    3. ‘ When you hear Serge Benhayon speak, the world goes silent.’ Gosh that’s a beautiful description Suzanne.

  100. Val, I really enjoyed your story. For me when someone in their senior years speaks I listen, because there is a wealth of experience from a lifetime of observation. Your observations about Serge Benhayon were a delight to read. Like yourself I had a long search to find the truth – to find that missing bit. Serge has truly delivered above and beyond and it’s great to realise that drive to find what was missing is well and truly gone now.

  101. I enjoyed reading your blog Val – I don’t believe your too long in the tooth….. your wisdom and humour is ageless!

  102. What an inspiration you are Val – thank you for your lovely blog. As you say Serge is ‘No ego-filled guru this one’ – you get what you see and know when you meet him. When we are presented with someone who is so open and accessible to the world it is like a breath of fresh air and an inspiration that we can all live life with this simplicity.

  103. It is a great pleasure to read the inspiration you bring as an 83 year old student deeply appreciating what Universal Medicine has brought to their life and can offer anyone who chooses to be inspired.

  104. Lovely light touch with this blog, Val, enjoyed what you presented. There is something very valuable for humanity, being shared by Universal Medicine, and yes I am sure in time this will be appreciated. Thank you for sharing.

  105. Val, you are amazing. Holding on to an inner knowing that the truth was out there – you were right, and you found it. No doubt you will be a practitioner next time round – because you will never lose the connection that you have now re-discovered within yourself. A gorgeous read, thank you.

  106. Great blog Val!

    What Serge Benhayon is presenting does just make simple sense! And it’s great how simple, practical and real your story is – How can you label Universal Medicine a cult after hearing this from you.
    I would also love to practise the esoteric modalities too because I also feel like what is offered is exquisite and the world deserves to have it.

  107. What a blessing that Serge Benhayon came on your path Val Hogarth. You show me that it is never to late to find and re-connect to, the truth we innately are all part of and how this re-connection with the truth also has rejoined you with the natural vitality that life deserves to be lived in, irrespective of your age.

  108. I love the fact that the teachings of universal medicine relate to everyone equally, no matter your age, your generation, your profession or socioeconomic status. Anyone can sit in a room with up to 309 people and you still feel like Serge is talking directly to you. It’s just a choice to be willing to see the truth of how we have been living and that there is in fact another way. A way that involves energetic responsibility, integrity and love and a commitment to truth and expression – and a whole lot of joy and celebration!

  109. Having had the privilege to find out about Universal Medicine in my 30s already, reading your article makes me feel very humble and appreciative for all the years in joy and love that may come. It also makes me aware of the responsibility to live, share and expand what I find within me.

  110. Wow Val I just LOVE your post, with such humbleness and humour your consider so much and so deeply about life, I felt such joy in your meeting with Serge Benhayon. And your words ringing the ultimate bell of truth in regards The Way of The Livingness, “It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult”. Too right Val. Awesome expression.

  111. Thank you Val, it was beautiful to read your article. How awesome that your age did not stop you from being open and re-finding the truth. Very inspiring 🙂

  112. Hi Val, it’s absolutely amazing you have bucked the trend that as you get older your life decreases in quality – you must be such a huge inspiration to you generation – it definitely inspires me.

  113. Thank you for sharing this Val. I too had that feeling of ‘Why has it taken me so long to find all that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents?’ And ‘Am I to old for this?’ The answer is definitely ‘no’, as I feel younger than when I attended my first presentation in 2006 and now enjoy life to the full, instead of enduring it. As I understand what ‘life’ is all about, and the part I have to play.

  114. Val, your blog has brought such joy, I can’t stop smiling. Thank you so much for sharing your search, and how deep down we know without doubt, when the truth of who we are, and what life is about connects with us. It is a beautiful thing.

  115. Dear Val, so beautiful to read and a validation that the truth and love is without boundary of age or distance. On a soul level the voice of reason is recognized and understood instantly. Thanks to Serge Benhayon for bridging the gap for many of us.

  116. Indeed, “a merge of the two would be a great thing for humanity”. Hear, hear! Thank you Val for writing this.

  117. Val what an inspiration your are for me . . . you break all my beliefs that there is a point in life where we are too old. Thank you so much for your open hearted sharing and being such an exquisite role model for me.

  118. I love your lightness Val! Your friend gave you a great gift. It must be a great one! Next time around you know where to go. In the meantime, enjoy!!

  119. I love what you have written and shared with us here Val. I too after my first course with Serge knew in my heart that what he was presenting was what I had been looking for all my lives. That our love resides within, that there, we are it all. And that we only have to connect to this to be who we truly are. I also whole-heartedly agree with you that a merge of Esoteric medicine and modern medicine would be a marvelous thing for humanity.

  120. thanks Val. Yes, I agree. Serge’s words inspire, whether you are 18 or 81. And as you said, whilst there is a cutting edge to what he presents, he has never as long as I have known him imposed himself upon anyone.

  121. Thank you Val for taking the time to share your insightful blog with us. It is amazing to me still after many years just how Serge Benhayon can present so much without a hitch and I feel so in tune with everything presented, this is Truth.

  122. Val, from the wonderful clarity of a long life lived and committed to truth, you identified that the world’s a mess and is not providing answers to its dilemmas. Then in Serge Benhayon you met a clarity that matched your own (even if you didn’t know you had it) and hey presto – bells ring! You are right – that merging modern medicine with the esoteric teachings would be a good way forwards for humanity.

  123. What a super top blog Val from an elder talking so honestly about your own experience.
    I totally agree that what Serge Benhayon presents is pure common sense.
    I spent my life searching for answers to questions like you had – why is illness and disease getting worse and why is the world in such a mess.
    I moved away from religion having tried so many and then went full on into my spiritual gurus and workshops around the world. Nothing changed and I was left feeling more and more empty and disillusioned and in major debt.
    When I met Serge Benhayon for the first time in 2005 as a friend recommended him, I did not want to admit or accept that what he was saying had an ounce of Truth. Why? because it would mean how I was living was not Truth. I was not prepared to give up my comfortable (really uncomfortable) life. He just made sense and I told him in 2006 when I made the choice to commit to what I know is Truth.
    My life today is amazing to say the least and I wake up every single day feeling content for no reason at all. I got my daily life and its challenges but nothing rocks me and if it does, I have the tools to get back to solid steadiness – thanks to the teachings of Universal Medicine.

  124. Awesome stuff Val. You are one inspiring woman. You have shown that it is never too late to start making different choices. I am with you 100% when you say the philosophy of The School of the Livingness ‘makes pure common sense’.

  125. Val, you’ve really hit the nail on the head! I’m so inspired by the older generation of students….I mean the openess to taking responsibility for the choices you made in your life against all the stuff that you would have faced which would have made choices much harder while you were growing up is amazing!

  126. Val this is indeed a gorgeous read, the harmonious flow of your expression is such a joy you share here, thank you

  127. “Clarity’ as you say, distinct, and it resonates in the way that Serge Benhayon speaks and delivers the Esoteric Healing courses. I have found ‘clarity’ in my life and I feel so much more consistent in myself because I have taken responsibility for myself and for what comes into my life.

  128. I, too, had been on a spiritual search and had given up looking. I attended my first Universal Medicine presentation to gain more therapy skills and instead I found that what Serge Benhayon presented was/is “a philosophy that makes pure common sense to me. It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking total responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional wellbeing. No way could you label that a cult.” Since that first meeting 7 years ago all aspects of my life, including my health, have radically improved. Thank you Serge.

  129. Thank you Val. I love the light-heartedness in your expression and also your understanding of the School of the Livingness: ” It is a way of living by gently and lovingly taking full responsibility for yourself, your own health and your own emotional well-being.”

  130. A beautiful account of how you came to know Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I love your gentle humour, and the way you described Serge had me smiling. I am so glad you found the clarity you where searching for, thank you for sharing.

  131. Val, I love your sense of humour in this plus also your reference to the next time! I would like to see you this time round! Your descriptions made me smile – thank you

  132. Hi Val my heart always sings when I hear someone that has waited all their lives to find what they know to be true. You are right there is a clarity, and that clarity allows us to be.

    1. Hi alisonmoir, yes it is good to know eventually Val got reflected back what she knew deep within to be true but for me I would have loved to have heard how she got this as a child and then blossomed with it in her life. Why has it taken us so long? Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are the real deal and I feel really blessed to know them, because if I didn’t I would still be going round the same circles I was in my life getting nowhere. They are a true beacon of light for the world.

  133. Hi Val, I find your age inspiring because I know quite a few people in this bracket (my parents generation) who are so closed down to anything new, that they wouldn’t be open enough to even investigate anything outside of what they have already ascertained to be worthwhile or relevant based on what they decided many years ago. Good on ya! It reassures me that I too can stay open minded and can continue to explore and grow in the next 25 years. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  134. Val, what a great description of Serge Benhayon, both physical and energetic 🙂 I remember how in the beginning of attending Serge’s presentations I could not understand that there were no notes and no ‘um-s or ahh-s’ as you say. Over the years and through my own unfoldment I understood why this was – when we speak from our heart, from the knowing and the truth that is deep within us (that is in every single one of us!) no effort is required, words just come easy… no different to washing our hair, walking along the street or watching butterflies and bees…
    Thank you for this beautiful expression which you shared – your deep warmth for humanity is sure felt.

    1. Dragana you have such a great way with words. Makes me feel the depth of your heart. Anita.

    2. This is so true and is my experience also Dragana. Love shapes the words we speak without the need of the mind getting in the way. It is so effortless once the choice has been made, for it is our simple truth.

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