A Call to all Journalists

by Anna Karam, Goonellabah, Australia

I write this in response to the recent media coverage focused on Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine through both the print and television media. This comes as a question – or series of – to those involved in the creation of these stories, and furthermore to all those involved in the media industry.

Why is it that our journalists today are not dedicated to looking at the real issues? Why are so many of the articles and segments we read and see based on sensationalised dramas, hearsay or gossip? We only need to look at the situation of the paparazzi to see how terribly ill the media industry has become. 

I realise that there is a pressure to write the most interesting article, to sell the most papers or to receive the highest ratings, and drama certainly has proven itself a bestseller, but at what cost to those whom these mistruths are written about? Have you not considered the possibility that what we do to one, we do to all, and in line with this, is it not too much to ask that we bring integrity and respect to the table in all we do!

Moving on from this, it seems to me that we are missing the bigger picture, and certainly only a small minority are writing about it!  As a journalist or reporter you are in a position that holds great influence. Whether it is a local paper, or the national or international news, your words are seen and felt by all, so why not start looking at the bigger picture? Why not start asking the questions that humanity continues to keep in the background? Questions such as:

  • Why illness and disease is escalating out of control around us, whilst all forms of medicine struggle to keep up?
  • Why infertility affects one in six couples in Australia alone?
  • Why breast cancer is on the increase in every country around the globe, with the UK estimating 226,870 NEW cases in 2012!
  • Why obesity is now a global epidemic and people are out of control with their eating habits?
  • Why the global economy is in devastation with government leaders desperately trying to cover it up or fix it, and no one addressing the underlying cause of why this is happening?
  • Why is the consumption of alcohol so widely accepted around the globe when science has proven it a poison to the human body and worse when our bodies actually tell us this each time we partake in a so called ‘big night’ aka the day after?
  • Why are there still such extremes between wealth and poverty throughout the world regardless of all the effort that has been put into global charities and assistance?
  • Why are there silent wars occurring between nations, within nations, between neighbours, within families and even within ourselves?

And to get even more personal…

  • Why stimulants such as caffeine and sugar have become a global addiction with many of us unable to get through our working days without our daily cup of coffee or hit of chocolate?
  • Why many rely on alcohol or drugs to deliver a good time, or to escape their emotional pains and issues?
  • Why so many of us still choose to smoke cigarettes when we are all well aware of the devastating effects they have on our bodies?
  •  And why, when we can all feel on some level that the way we are living cannot be all that there is to this life, do we continue to defend it, and then attack those who offer something different? Is it possible that we are not in fact the intelligent race of beings we suppose ourselves to be?

Everybody seems to be skirting around the edges of these topics, Universal Medicine however does not. It is asking these questions, raising awareness, supporting individuals to be more real, more honest and more deeply loving and truth-full in life, starting with self, but in consideration of all humanity, and not just one or a group of us. If you enter into the recently created blog sites connected with Universal Medicine, you will get a taste of this. Real people, sharing their stories and feelings openly and honestly; now this is inspiring writing. Imagine these stories in your local or national papers, something real and tangible that people can connect with.

It is worth mentioning here that if we start to truly look at and be honest about how we are living as a race of beings – from the decline in global health, economics and lifestyle to our individual experience of life and what our bodies are showing us through illness and disease (from cancer and heart disease to the smallest of niggling aches and pains), one cannot deny the fact that there is a great need for change. The statistics are our living science – a science that we can no longer choose to ignore. 

Universal Medicine presents this science; it doesn’t hide behind or push aside the reality of what is truly going on. It is an expression that was founded in the service of and for all humanity, and it has come at a time when the world is in great need of some true truth and love. Why has nobody grabbed on to this for a story – Is the welfare of humanity not at our highest consideration? Surely this is something to be considered newsworthy!

So I say to the media community – rather than write about a few people’s negative opinions and accusations regarding Universal Medicine (or anyone or thing for that matter), why not explore the philosophies presented here for yourselves? Seek out the real truths and present this in your papers, for it is you – the media – that has the authority and the means to reach the great many, a great many that are in need of your truth-full expression.

81 thoughts on “A Call to all Journalists

  1. Thanks Anna, and adding to what you have shared in a climate where the media seems to be running the show from so many angles it takes a lot of us to stand up and ask for the lies to stop as the Truth is in plain sight and needs to be shared.

  2. Yes, it is in our hands, if we demand sensationalism and lies that is what we get: if we don’t buy this type of media, then the industry would cease to exist as it is.

  3. Yes, it is in our hands, if we demand sensationalism and lies that is what we get: if we don’t buy this type of media, then the industry would cease to exist as it is.

  4. I agree with you Anna why do we defend our way of life when we know it is rotten to the core?
    It shows me that we are not at all intelligent because if we were we wouldn’t be in the mess we are currently in. We are raping the planet of its resources because we are greedy beyond words. How much worse does our collective living have to get before we are brought to our knees through our arrogance and pride.

  5. It seems to be that the point journalism is at nowadays, is the same point humanity is at too. One is the reflection of the other. The greater the lies, the more evident is the false woven world we live in. How far are we going to allow this to go?

    1. I feel people are starting to say ‘no’ to the lies and the corruption, people are starting to wake up and say no more lies.

  6. Imagine what the world would be like if journalists were truly investigative? What would happen if we truly wanted to understand what is going on, questioned things and wanted to get to the bottom of the state of the world. We definitely would not be where we are at.

    1. Thank You Viktoria, as it has become so obvious now because what is being shared by the media and also politically, because the lies needs to be examined so the Truth can be expressed and maybe we need a global commission of True Justice!

  7. When you look at it it seems a bit odd that we get served sensationalistic stories but not what is actually going on in society. And could it be that the sensationalistic stories are actually there to obscure what is actually going on in society? I think they are. And the journalists are the puppets that allow themselves to be puppets because they want to be seen and recognised. A shame really. I hope some journalists pull themselves up from this swamp and start to deliver what they are actually there to deliver and if they read their journalist code of ethics this is what they actually signed up to do. So time to get to work!

  8. Journalists play an important role in the definition of social problems and they have a social responsibility in what they choose to report on. They bring some problems into the open, yet, they also make sure to not bring other ones. And there are big ones that they have shown no interest in whatsoever. The problem is, since they do not bring the big ones to the fore, there cannot be pieces of news related to them, which could allow us to truly appreciate who are doing what for the sake of all, and who is not.

  9. You are absolutely right, there is no skirting around anywhere when it comes to Universal Medicine.They talk about all the questions you have highlighted here and more, and they do this not to be the best or to ‘look good’, but because they genuinely care. Really each and everyone of us should be asking these questions, and the reason it is continually getting worse in the world is because … we haven’t truly stopped to ask these questions. So thank absolute goodness that Universal Medicine has. And shame on those so called journalists who have defamed, vilified and well, basically lied to make themselves look good.

  10. It doesn’t make sense – I’m sure no one goes into their journalism career thinking they want to be contributing to all the corruption in world, yet the media is one of the most influentially corrupt platforms in the world and how many journalists are actually writing the truth ?

    1. Very true – most career choices are about personal preference or just money or career opportunities, and not about the opportunity to really serve and bring everything we’ve got to the world.

  11. I would like to say that the media is to blame for all the rubbish that we are getting fed, but if we don’t read it, if we asked for something else, like truth, they would have no option but to supply that instead. Yes, the media has the power to influence people, but I have a feeling that we are actually more powerful.

  12. Unfortunately it has become very much a case of supply and demand, society are demanding to be entertained by the drama and journalists are supplying it, the only way it will change is if the demand is no longer there and society start questioning and seeking the truth, then journalism will have to revert back to publishing the truth.

  13. The media merely reflects what society is asking for. Many people blame the media for what they are printing yet it is the masses who support it…in fact demand it!

  14. I love how you are giving the power back to the journalists rather than playing their own game of pointing fingers and creating further drama. You’re seeing them for who they truly are, people, like you and me, decent people how have simply been misguided, or rather chosen a path of glamour and destruction as opposed to truth. We all have so much to offer and feel, we don’t actually need the crazy to feel something, we just need to allow ourselves the space.

  15. Journalists have this enormous capacity to influence public opinion. How do they use it? Do they use it to enlighten the people and help them to be more aware and understanding of the world we live in? Or do they use it essentially to advance their own career? If the latter is the chosen one, there will be crucial questions not being asked, there will be crucial topics not to be brought up and to be covered in a particular way that do not challenge the status quo. They have a choice and they do choose. It is up to us to say yes or no to what they have chosen.

  16. There are so many great points in this blog given to the media including a great opportunity for them to seek out the facts about of what is truly going on a worldwide scale. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the media took the time to report on these facts and also took the time to have an in depth look at what Universal Medicine is truly offering to humanity, instead of listening only to a few people and their disgruntled accusations. “if you enter into the recently created blog sites connected with Universal Medicine, you will get a taste of this. Real people, sharing their stories and feelings openly and honestly; now this is inspiring writing.” Hear hear Anna, they are indeed and they are based on fact not fiction.

    1. There are many subjects that could be presented in the media, which are based on truth, and need bringing to people’s awareness.

  17. I agree Anna, all the blog sites connected with Universal Medicine are indeed incredibly inspiring to say the least and would make in my opinion something worth reading. The blogs are written about real people and their life’s experiences… surely we would want to hear about that if we truly cared?

  18. The loss of truth and integrity seem to be collateral damage in the war for tabloid and media ratings in story telling over reporting.

  19. The media are an extremely powerful source for sharing information and truth and over the years have and will continue to expose many many lies that needed to be corrected but when their power is tainted, misused or even abused it can be both devastating and destructive in its ripple effect.

  20. Kapow Anna Karam. We deserve a media of integrity and responsibility. A media that holds the welfare of humanity as its highest concern. Evidenced in the publications you refer to, is anything but this…
    There IS a truth to be told and it’s being told – regardless of what those seeking the sensationalist sell at the expense of truth choose to print.
    And in this, every one of our voices matter – for is it not through our own long-held apathy that the state of things has come to the point it has today? We must call for another way, and live the integrity that exposes those so sorely lacking it.

    1. Yes Victoria, it is up to us to live and so reflect a way of living based on truth, love and integrity, we cannot demand something that we are not embodying.

  21. Impressive writing Anna. Captivating truth, a real story where we get to feel you as well, a sense of something more that is tangible for all and simple to understand. You are writer, and also need to be interviewed and investigated. You are our future. I agree with you too – the quality of writing on these blogs about everything and anything cover what the world is looking for. More from you and more from The Livingness.

  22. I wonder if this article has made it to any journos? I can’t begin to imagine the difference it would make to the quality of our media.

  23. Thank you Anne for a great list of questions, if true journalism could present to the world the inspiring stories that I read each day instead of the lies and sensationalism that is presented daily in the media, so many lives would be inspired to change.

  24. Writers such as yourself Anna are beginning a new wave of journalism that reports with truth, integrity and a true way forward for us all.

  25. I imagine no journalist sets out at the start to collude with the corruption and deceit going on in the world. But somewhere along the line sell out to the immense pressure to always perform and keep an audience captive. In someways they are prisoners of what we, the whole of humanity, are asking for.

  26. It is so true, we really have the potential to go where others aren’t. Universal Medicine asks the tough questions, tough only because they ask us to bring responsibility to our choices.

  27. That’s awesome Anna. How cool would it be if your article was in the paper to give all the consumers a moment to reflect on what it is we all contribute to daily, by the simple purchase of said papers.
    It would be enormous if the quality of the writing or stories in the media considered what you’re saying. They fear not making money with feel good stories…or truthful stories, but boy are they wrong!

  28. I do not read or listen to the news anymore because I feel I do not get any useful information from it. It is all about making money not informing the public as to what is going on.
    If we continue to gobble up all the junk that is being produced nothing will change. We blindly accept everything that we hear, that is giving your power away. We can tell when some stories are false but we read them anyways.
    We have this potentially amazing information system available to us now, but we need to use it wisely. It is being shaped by the people that use it, so using it responsibly is critical.

  29. ‘for it is you – the media – that has the authority and the means to reach the great many, a great many that are in need of your truth-full expression.’ Great blog Anna, this sentence really highlights what the media holds in their hands, a great tool that could be hugely beneficial to humanity if used in truth and a loving way. Sadly, they are not using it to express truth but the opposite to truth, especially accusations regarding Universal Medicine.

  30. It is incredible to see the way media is constructed. Using untruths to answer the questions that no one in truth is asking. Media indeed has a great responsibility to Ask the questions that are truly going on in humanity. Taking an open look at the topics that are raised by Universal Medicine will bring a deep healing to all –they are the questions we are all desperately waiting for to be asked.

  31. Truly great questions that sadly expose the state of our planet… questions that unasked sadly expose the state of much of our media.

  32. “Seek out the real truths and present this in your papers, for it is you – the media – that has the authority and the means to reach the great many, a great many that are in need of your truth-full expression.” This is true Anna – the media has at its’ fingertips (literally) the ability and responsibility to change the course of the way humanity is heading if it would but act with integrity and opt to print and convey the truth in any and every situation.

  33. Thank you Anna – this is a powerful piece to read and asks many important questions. This line really stood out for me ‘Universal Medicine presents this science; it doesn’t hide behind or push aside the reality of what is truly going on.’ – Very true and so far the media have missed the opportunity to share this truth with humanity.

    1. I totally agree Gregbarnes888, the quality and truth in this blog I feel the media is hugely lacking.

  34. “Universal Medicine presents this science; it doesn’t hide behind or push aside the reality of what is truly going on. It is an expression that was founded in the service of and for all humanity, and it has come at a time when the world is in great need of some true truth and love. Why has nobody grabbed on to this for a story – Is the welfare of humanity not at our highest consideration?” I so agree Anna. There are so many stories that could be published about Universal Medicine and the student body – how illnesses have been transformed and individuals better able to serve their communities. I read daily about the devastating increase in illness and disease – yet very little attention is yet being given in the media to real prevention and how life-style choices can make a huge difference to well-being.

  35. Totally agree there is much to be done in the media. The media is a essential service for our society.

    Lets see a media which services society in its full capacity.

  36. A brilliant piece of writing Anna Karam that’s certainly newsworthy and is of the calibre we need to see in our general press. The questions you raise are spot on and are one’s that we do need to keep in the forefront of our minds as we go through our day to day lives.

  37. This is a powerful letter Anna. It allows me to feel how each and every one of us are responsible for the state the world is in today. How much of the devastation you outlined so beautifully is a side affect of the same ‘drama’ we use to distract ourselves from what is going on. This mess is a vicious cycle that Universal Medicine presents real and practical answers to.

  38. I love these questions Anna, and the depth to which they question.
    It occurs to me that most journalists are part of the world and are just as caught up in the way the world is as everyone else. While most of us are happy to numb ourselves with entertainment and constant movement, action and noise with movies, television and song lyrics becoming more violent, action packed and frantic the louder they need to be to help ignore our dear inner voice and our hurts, journalism is going to reflect this. This is in no way a defence of the disgraceful way some journalists lie to sensationalise a story but if we look at how society is, with so many living an emotional and dramatic life, it is no surprise that this is reflected in the media.
    As we change and ask ourselves these questions, we will become the media we want to see. It’s time for all of us to step up.

  39. Well said Anna, your call to Journalists is what is needed in a world where sensationalism is littering the media and truth and presenting a balanced story is being totally dismissed.

    1. Thank you Anna and Anna, I agree, maybe the media of the next generation is going to be these type of blogs that bring a focus back to truth, integrity and responsibility!

    2. Maybe someone who has integrity, truth and love as their foundation for life could start a newspaper, magazine, that reports what the truth actually is. Are we ready for that level of integrity as a race of human beings?

  40. Great questions you raise here, Anna.
    “Why is it that our journalists today are not dedicated to looking at the real issues?”
    Everywhere in our world there is corruption, it is all about money and not really about people first. So one of the questions that needs to be asked is also: why do we all want to stay in our comfort and accept a lesser way of living and being than the one that is available for us all?
    Journalists contribute a great deal to corruption by not having (enough) integrity.

  41. Journalists have an enormous amount of influence and it would be in everybodys best interest if they reported truthfully on the real ills in society instead of fabricating lies about Uni Med.

  42. OH
    Thanks Anna for presenting such a straight forward series of points and questions. While reading your blog what came to mind was the fact that travel and beauty journalists/editors etc try out products, trips/tours etc and then write about them in the newspaper. They don’t take the word of someone else. So why didn’t media staff come and find out for themselves what Universal Medicine is about (speak with students, attend presentations, workshops etc) before going to press with a series of allegations founded on the hearsay of a disgruntled few?

  43. I look forward to the day that journalists choose to honour and be responsible with the influence they possess over the perspective of the masses that look to them for truth, understanding and thus guidance.

  44. Thank you Anna. The questions you raise are super important and unfortunately some sections of the media have not yet caught up to what the community need maybe, instead preferring to fill there own pockets by way of gossip, innuendo, rumour and to be frank, lies. It’s no wonder that the media landscape is changing.

  45. Great questions – I agree it’s time we all start being honest about the way we are living and what’s really gong on – including the media.

  46. Thank you Anna, your call to journalists is as relevant now as when you wrote it 2 and a half years ago.

  47. Anna great points you have raised. The agenda of the media is not on the path for truth and humanity.

  48. Anna this is an absolutely awesome testimonial. I loved the topics you raised and how you stated ‘Everybody seems to be skirting around the edges of these topics, Universal Medicine however does not. It is asking these questions, raising awareness, supporting individuals to be more real, more honest and more deeply loving and truth-full in life, starting with self, but in consideration of all humanity, and not just one or a group of us’. Your call to journalists to step up and start sharing the truth is exactly what humanity needs to hear. Not flimsy waste of ink truths about what the latest starlet or sportsman is doing, who they are seeing, marrying, fighting or separating from, but truths that matter. Publish truths that expose the fact that many people of today are struggling with what they are feeling, how they are living their everyday life and what they can actually do about it to change. Publish truths that support and encourage humanity in that change. Truths that support us as a humanity to be more real and responsible about the trajectory of where we are presently going as a whole if we don’t change and start to become more responsible for how we are living our each and every day.

    1. Well said – I’ve always loved how Universal Medicine goes straight for the heart of the matter instead of skirting around all the issues and topics in the way most of the world does. And I agree: truths need to be published that will actually make a difference.

  49. Great call Anna!! Why is it that our journalists today are not dedicated to looking at the real issues? Could it be that accepting even to pose either of the questions you posed they have to admit for themselves the possibility that there is something wrong in the way we are all living? Could it be that pointing somewhere else is the best way to avoid going there? If so, could it be that journalists by and large are not really serving the public?

  50. Well said Anna! Great questions to ask. One question I am sitting with is why do we need the drama?
    Even though I know the teachings of universal medicine and do practise these in my life I still sometimes get taken out by drama, there’s an attraction in it, entertaining in some way. Yet it so disgusting really when I think of the separation and disconnection it causes between people. These issues I want to start focussing on, on an even smaller level and thats me in my life making sure I don’t give my energy to drama and anything along those lines.

  51. A great question to ask journalists…”Whether it is a local paper, or the national or international news, your words are seen and felt by all, so why not start looking at the bigger picture?” Does the public get what they ask for? Do we want sensationalism and gossip or do we want journalists to write articles that confront the status quo that we live in…so that we have the opportunity to gain insight into what happening on this planet? What a fantastic question to ask of all us, “why not start looking at the bigger picture?”

  52. Thank you Anna. A great blog and very timely and true. I have often wanted to jump up and shout out loud STOP! What are we doing to each other and the World in general? Why are we so self absorbed as opposed to self nurturing? Don’t we want to live a life of joy, Love and Harmony,if not why not? Don’t we want to hear positive and Joyous stories to encourage us to see life is (can be ) wonderful!

  53. Awesome letter Anna and one that asks a lot of pertinent questions to, not only journalists, but to humanity as a whole. It is very arrogant of the press to just report on what they think the public want to hear instead of the amazing story of Universal Medicine and how it has helped so many people to live a life of improved health and wellbeing, vitality and a responsibility to themselves and others.

  54. You’ve provided articles for all the major newspapers in the points you’ve made. These would make really interesting reading and be much more supportive than the lives of reality TV stars, latest soap drama or the many fabricated stories – as you pointed out. If you open up the paper/screen to real stories it would give us all a lot to consider.

  55. Excellent post here Anna Karam and I would say this is not just a call to journalists but to everyone as you say “one cannot deny the fact that there is a great need for change”
    The topics you mention need to be front news headlines day in and day out so everyone gets to read and feel what is actually going on in our world and start asking questions as you are presenting here. Universal Medicine is the first organisation I have come across that does not skirt around the edges about these major global issues but discusses them full on and this is why they are making a huge difference.
    This blog site and others associated with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are now presenting to the world another way that is possible to live by making choices that do not harm self and others.
    Any journalist would find real truth, real anecdotal evidence that is worldwide and above all consistent. There are hundreds of true stories ready to be shared.

  56. I have re-visited this article Anna and you have made some great points that really need to be front page news asking the questions you list above. Another great example is:
    “The statistics are our living science – a science that we can no longer choose to ignore.”
    What a great front page headline, we as a race becoming more ill and yet we still choose to ignore what is before our eyes. Yes journalists really need to ask these questions in support of humanity and its welfare.

  57. Anna, loved your lists of what the media use to compete with each other to top themselves in the sensational sweepstakes daily. Don’t they just remind you of the small, unhappy child stamping their feet and shouting, “Look at Me!”? In 2013, there were 7.125 billion people on our big, blue marble… and 2.3 billion were on the world wide web.

  58. Anna, Can we send this letter to all people in media?!

    If “our” media put the big questions out in front for all to see it would have to help us begin to deal with our issues. As Beverly says, it is high time for a new kind of media to address the plagues in humanity that you mentioned here.

    Perhaps it is the media’s responsibility to ask the human questions…”What is going on here?” and to inspire us by bringing out different, more positive, examples for all to benefit not to just tell us ‘anything’ that will sell as a distraction from all that.

  59. Great call for journalists to seek out the real truth Anna. For if they don’t, in time, the truth will find them. Because of their position and their ability to influence so many so quickly they owe it to the general public, the readers of their articles, to report nothing but the truth and just how it is rather than how they would like it to be.

    1. “For if they don’t, in time, the truth will find them”…. This really exposes the fact that lies and sensationalism may seemingly dominate for short periods but will never stand the test of truth and will always eventually be exposed for the falsity they are. This also exposes the level of responsibility we all have to uphold truth, which it seems to a large extent the media is currently lacking.

  60. I love your “Call to all journalists”, it would be great to see these issues addressed in the media. These things really matter to a vast majority of people and definitely require investigation and truthful publication. It would be so refreshing to read something true and meaningful rather than lies and hearsay. I have very often heard people comment on how they read the papers and say ” well all that’s going on but it doesn’t affect my life!!!” It would be fantastic to have honest articles about things that really are affecting all of our lives. Lets see if a new way of journalism is ready to be birthed.

  61. This is a beautiful invitation for the media ‘to seek out the real truths and use their authority and means to reach the people who are in need of your truth-full expression.’

    They sure have quite a few leads to follow now.

  62. Thanks Anna, a great marker of where we are at as race, and you clearly have presented the responsibility we all have to express the truth. Thank you, Rob Skinner.

  63. Amazing that the questions that are so needed are never asked. Thank you Anna for laying this down as a foundation for others to start the questioning and perhaps consider that there exists a truth yet unknown by the many.

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