No ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ – Just The Simplicity of Choice

by Simon Bradley, UK

Four years ago I met and worked with one of Serge Benhayon’s students. I was having problems with my knee which resulted in my visiting my osteopath every week. Whatever treatment I received, the result was the same – a day or so of relief and then back to square one. My colleague offered to treat me on a number of occasions, and eventually my pain and misery overcame my cynicism sufficiently to give it a try.

It was a revelation. I didn’t, and don’t, believe in mumbo jumbo and magic. But something happened which was profound – a long term, apparently chronic injury, was resolved using a couple of stones and half an hour’s relaxation and breathing technique.

It’s nonsense, of course. So much so that I took three days unpaid leave (I work as a contractor, so all leave is unpaid) and went on an introductory course so that I could try to understand what happened and, perhaps, learn to do the same.

I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.

What I learned has had a profound effect on my life, for the better. I haven’t put it all into action yet, but I’m getting there. I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it. I am calmer, more at peace, happier and healthier. I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.

Like other correspondents, I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting. This has been my choice – nobody else’s – and correcting those areas, or not, is my choice as well. Some things I will live with because I’m not yet ready to take that next step. Others I am in the process of correcting, and it’s a cathartic process.

Whether I end up choosing to become more involved with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine or not is still undecided. But wherever my choices take me, the experience and understanding that I have been shown are something I treasure.

Thank you for that.

369 thoughts on “No ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ – Just The Simplicity of Choice

  1. No smoke, no mirrors, no fanfare or attempts to make what is presented flashy and attractive. If anything it’s the most unattractive thing I’ve ever experienced. This work isn’t designed to hook you in, but like a warm fire on a cold night it is certainly inviting without investment if you stay close or not.

  2. I love the simplicity of this blog. It is up to each and every one of us to decide for ourselves, no smoke and mirrors, no contracts, you either want to engage or you don’t. What I suspect is so confronting is the fact that our choices can harm or heal us, the body decides which it is to be – our body – nobody else’s. We have made decisions about our body all our lives and here, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings, we are reminded of this simple fact.

  3. Yes correct, there is no ‘mumbo jumbo, smoke or mirrors’, even hot coals to walk on either.

    There is only the truth, it’s what you do with it, is the question. Do you react or respond? Do you accept your part, or do you make it about others and blame them? Much to ponder on…

    1. At the end of the day the choice is yours, ‘ Some things I will live with because I’m not yet ready to take that next step.’

  4. The simplicity of what the esoteric shares is amazing and holds no one to be other than themselves so their Livingness is what is a way that works for them.

    1. The Livingness is simple, and it is everyone’s choice whether to live it or not, ‘ I am calmer, more at peace, happier and healthier. I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.’

  5. “Some things I will live with because I’m not yet ready to take that next step” – I find this so healthy. We often want to rush into what we perceive as ‘good’ or even ‘ideal’, and being a student of the esoteric is no exception, as this way of trying to be where we are not, is how we get conditioned to strive for in the current education system and the life that follows, and that really puts us out of touch with what is in our inner-most.

  6. Many people have looked at their life and found it wanting, and many people have attended the presentations of Serge Benhayon and found them to be supportive in making those changes that we may have wanted to make, but never had the courage to actually go there. A bit like a New Year’s resolution, the idea seems great at the time but life gets in the way and we never stick with our best intentions to make a change. I have found the support I needed to make changes in Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and his family. As you correctly say, some things I live with because I’m not ready to take that next step, I go at my pace and make my choices. What I am beginning to understand is that I live with myself 24/7/365 and so my relationship with myself is everything first, and the miracle is that from this deepening self relationship all my relationships deepen naturally, I don’t have to do a thing. It all seems to flow just from me being more loving with myself. Imagine if we all lived this way, surely it would make a difference within our society?

  7. I totally agree with you Simon that there is no commitment to anyone except myself, life is all about the choices we make that there is no right or wrong just an opportunity to learn. My whole life has changed since meeting Serge Benhayon no more depression or mental illness for me

  8. One of the many beautiful aspects of The Way of The Livingness is that it offers us the opportunity to explore the truth of who we are and our purpose of being here, all of which is our own personal journey guided by our relationship with truth from within us. This is what makes it so empowering as we are led only by our connection to love, the love from within us.

    1. Yes, I love that too, it is a very personal relationship that deepens in every moment. There is no need to go to all the courses but I love it when the opportunity arises because the opportunity to feel my next step is then for me to test and embody at my own pace.

  9. Being a student of the Way of the Livingness is such a beautiful process of unfolding, peeling away the layers to reveal something else that needs addressing, each time going deeper and feeling more content with who you are. I couldn’t go back to not living this way now, life would feel so flat and soul-less without looking at the layers of protection we hide ourselves behind.

  10. After having made my way through the myriad of new age modalities that were on offer, and which in the end brought no change to the way I was living, arriving at my first Serge Benhayon workshop I did not know what to expect. But, in hindsight I am glad I had no expectations for there was nothing to cloud the incredible wisdom that was presented me over those two days. You mightn’t always agree with what he is saying, but there is no judgement and no expectations; “There is no smoke. There are no mirrors”, simply the presentation of the truth as lived by this very humble and wise man.

  11. Being open and willing to explore without bias opens us to discoveries we may never have encountered otherwise. What a wise choice in this example and the healing it offered.

  12. Simon what a breath of fresh air to have someone write of their experience in such a way and there are thousands of people who’s lives have been touched by Universal Medicine and the healing on offer. I feel that if we could marry Universal Medicine with conventional medicine then we would really see a difference to the way we approach our health issues and one day in the future this will happen.

  13. The humbleness is felt in your words, thank you for sharing your experience so openly for us all to read.

  14. To have a long term chronic injury resolved is evidence to me that the treatment you experienced is worth studying formally, as chronic pain and chronic injury is debilitating to those who suffer them.

    1. Yes and we have to ask ourselves what kind of intelligence does not want to look at how such things can happen. Perhaps the attachment to thinking we know better is what is making us so sick.

  15. I agree Bryony, for in the hustle and bustle of modern day life in many ways we have disconnected from the responsibility that all that plays out in our life comes from the simple lifestyle choices we make every day.

  16. There is certainly no smoke and mirrors around Serge Benhayon or the rest of the Benhayon family. What you get is absolute truth and love and if you want to accept that and take it further it’s up to you.

  17. Life can be a gentle unfolding, never in a hurry to be there but fully present where-ever we are. Full commitment to self allows veils of illusion to part and our level of awareness deepens.

  18. I like the the simplicity of this blog and wisdom gained. To become aware of how the quality of our energy impacts every other human being is profound: all our movements are either a choice to align to truth or not, no middle ground.

  19. Everything in our life begins with a choice. The understanding of this fact, brings us back to the responsibility we hold with every movement we do.

  20. ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself.’ – the simplicity of what Universal Medicine offers and invites everyone to do if he likes to do so. That´s the esoteric, the connection and commitment to one´s essential being.

  21. Even meeting Serge Benhayon and getting his reflection once is a treasure for all upcoming lifetimes. Where do you get a reflection ever like that ?!

  22. Simon thank you for sharing your experience with Universal medicine. I love your honesty and simplicity. And I agree it is important to only change things in life when they are ready to change otherwise I dismiss myself.

    1. If you are coming from your head instead your body´s impulses, you will never experience the true magic that occurs when you say YES to yourself and express that in full. Coming from the mind seeks to better life, but not truly let go of the individuality and control that we identify ourselves with.

  23. The area where we are not yet willing to go and change is respected, but more so it is best to be honest about it and not pretend. It leaves us with more openness to eventually deal with it later, which is much more supportive of our health whenever we choose to be ready to deal with it.

  24. When we stop and examine how we lived our lives prior to Universal Medicine can we reallly say we felt fulfilled, loving and open? I know I can’t. My life has changed in so many ways, through me making more self loving choices and searching within rather than constantly looking outside myself for answers. Always our choice.

  25. What is so beautiful is that we are left to feel by this blog how open love is and that it has no bounds.. It is not related to just a person, but it is a connection made. It is an forever train of love that we have, when we choose to step in and surrender to it’s move.

  26. Awesome sharing Simon – the simplicity of what is available to us and the only choice that really matter in life which is the choice of the quality of energy.

  27. If the ‘non-sense’ truly helps us, it is time to consider that perhaps it’s not so much nonsense after all and to ponder that perhaps there is a deeper understanding at stake that has to be appreciated and valued.

  28. There is no smoke or mirrors with any of what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present. And why would there be? The teachings imparted are based purely on the utter truths of life. There is simply nothing to hide. And this is what makes it so profound.

  29. ‘No ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ – Just The Simplicity of Choice’ I just love this title and the truth of it. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are transparent and open in what they bring and the quality we can choose to live at any time, it is as simple as this.

  30. After attending one of these courses by Universal Medicine, there if definitely no doubt that ‘healing’ and ‘medicine’ do not just apply to our physical body but to our entire being. When we see healing and medicine only associated with the physical body and not so much with our being we are left short of the truth and the underlying conditions remain undealt with.

  31. Really our science knows so very little as yet, and I don’t expect that as human beings with the limitations of the human body, we can ever be truly aware of everything about and beyond the physical world. It’s good to be open to “magic” and allow the wonder and awe of life, a life that does not fit the box the mind wants to stuff it into.

  32. There is definitely no ‘smoke o mirrors’ with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Everything is open to be seen – transparent – and everything makes sense, if not common sense, and practical.

    1. Absolutely that is why all the lies made up by the media — are simply a fog on the oh so clear sky.

  33. “I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it.” It’s so simple isn’t it. Everything we do, say and think has an effect on everyone else which brings to the fore the responsibility we have to pay attention to the quality of our everyday expression.

  34. ‘ Like other correspondents, I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting ”
    This is a huge learning , to know one can examine their life and come to an understanding as to why their life truly is not as great as they thought or assumed. To be able to recognises areas that need changing or support is a huge learning.

  35. Bringing awareness to the quality of our choices and how they impact our body and our lives, is what allows us to discern and understand the quality of energy we are aligning to. It is only ever us that chooses what we are aligning to, through which every move thereafter is result of this quality. As such in every moment we are offered the opportunity to be moved by the vibration of love, of our Soul, our true way of being.

  36. The only true choice we have in life is the source of energy that determines our subsequent choices, for we are either in relationship with that which is from truth and therefore, healing for all or that which is not true and always in need to fill the void within.

  37. Very cool. As well as no smoke or mirrors with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon there are also no secrets or anything mystic. Everything is transparent and all is given, nothing is held back and none of what is shared can be ‘owned’ by anyone. This is the true beauty of the Ageless Wisdom and what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine hold, present and teach. And as you say it is up to each and every person to choose what they do with what they have been given.

  38. It’s very powerful when someone shares the absolute truth of their experience, we learn so much from each other, and our honesty and transparency invites a trust that is very healing to experience. This is what’s missing in the media today, news agencies are not just corporations, they are human beings playing a power game with others based on profit before people. This blog is a powerful example of how we can support one another when honesty and truth is our basis for expression.

  39. It’s so true Simon, we completely underestimate the effect of how our own and others words and actions have on each other, and how they can either build and nourish each other or destroy and devastate each other.

    1. Suse, even our lack of words can harm or heal, holding back our love and truth is very harmful, and offering people our wordless love and the space that offers is sometimes needed too.

  40. Love your blog Simon, everything we do not only affects us, but everyone else too, like the ripples in a pond, the more loving we are with ourselves and others the more positive and joyful life becomes.

  41. This is so honest Simon. And with Universal Medicine that is exactly what you have said, there is never any pressure or imposition, we are here to freely choose. For myself, though I find the pressure comes from myself which is self-directed. In fact, when I simply live my life honoring myself, my body would tell me what is supportive and what is not. And knowing that Universal Medicine is always there to support whenever I require, I am unlearning many ideals of feeling guilty or not doing the same or as much as other students, because the truth is Love only loves, there is never any judgement, and this is exactly the main lesson for me in meeting Universal Medicine — the perpetual holding of myself in trust and to take the responsibilities of my choices.

  42. I love how you express here. No nonsense very clear and very real. It would be lovely to hear more from you.

  43. I too know that when you attend a presentation or workshop with Serge Benhayon “There is no smoke. There are no mirrors” there is simply truth being presented. And it is up to us as to whether we accept this truth, or not; it is our choice and ours alone. It is that simple.

  44. Thank you Simon for sharing your experience, realising we have choice is a step in understanding how we can change our lives by accepting that the life we have is a result of past choices “I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting. This has been my choice – nobody else’s – and correcting those areas, or not, is my choice as well.” The type of life we want to lives is within our own hands and inner hearts.

  45. We think we know the answers even when life is not working for us. Amazing to allow greater openness to life than we previously thought was possible.

  46. I agree that the difference in how my body has responded to Universal Medicine modalities made me realise that there is so much more to healing than learning techniques.

    1. Agreed also Sandra – through the healing modalities of Universal Medicine I have come to feel and realise that there are far greater depths than our physicality to be aware of, that make up who we are, such as our Soul.

      1. Thanks Carola for bringing in the essential dimension for our soul. Without our connection to our soul we really are living through the paces of life and subject to whatever else is out there that can sense there’s gaps to fill. The Healing Modalities support us to choose to close the gaps and re-connect to our essence and our soul.

  47. No smoke and mirrors in your words either Simon. Thank you for sharing your experience here.

    1. Someone who needs and loves the smoke and mirrors would never stick with the teachings of Universal Medicine. It just does not pander to this need, as there are simple truths of life presented with transparency and connection and asks you to take responsibility. Why ever need any smoke and mirrors?

  48. It is empowering to know that we have choices in life and we can break through limiting patterns by taking responsibility and living in a way that is true in our bodies and not succumb to the self-abuse we put ourselves when we meet life from our minds.

  49. The beauty of Universal Medicine is that it simply presents the Ageless Wisdom – what we do with it is simply and solely up to us.

  50. That is beautiful and I like to add that Universal Medicine brings the broken pieces together, or at least for me. Understanding more of what I was seeking in my life, yet something I had now found within myself. Which is a hugely stark opposite difference – as I was always looking outside of me. And hence, I am not just starting to feel, see and realize beyond where my mind was able to take me, as I now have re-connected to my Soul. I just gave myself the key to my purpose in life – to life from Soul, instead of something else that is living in the devastation of the lack of it. Universal Medicine always – simply – presents, nothing less, nothing more.

  51. The beauty of this blog is the undeniable honesty that was shared by your body and your commitment to choose to explore that sharing and to see what you could learn from it’s wisdom. Very awesome thank you.

  52. The honesty of your blog is just so profound, it’s so clear, so simple, and just amazing to read.

  53. Simon, thank you for sharing your experience of Esoteric healing and attending a course held by Serge Benhayon, my experience is also that these healing modalities really do work, unlike many other workshops and modalities that I have attended/tried prior to coming across the work of Serge Benhayon, the great thing is that the esoteric healing modalities are simple, profound and life changing and very definitly not mambo jumbo.

  54. It is amazing how much you have been inspired by a single session and course. Knowing we have a choice and not one as in eating pure or white chocolate but a choice in how we are with ourselves in our life that will on its turn change how we feel in life and how life is feeling to us. Pretty cool.

  55. What I loved what you have shared ‘examining my life and finding areas of it wanting. This is had been my choice – nobody’s else’s and correcting those areas or not, is my choice as well’.
    And that is so truth, it is a matter of your choice and no one else’s.

  56. The choice to be open to a different way of living, a way that has an inner connection at its core, is up to each person, and a very personal choice.

  57. I love the phrase ‘examining life’ – to me, it gives us the permission to be true scientists. We are in fact scientists of life, of our bodies and of the universe. We can feel everything that is happening and yet to happen and the more we have a relationship with life on the level of ‘examining’ and observing, the more is revealed to us.

    1. Yep, also if we take on the scientist hat we can learn a lot more about ourselves, rather than putting on the judge’s wig.

  58. The esoteric might sound like new age, but it is in fact age old and very practical. It opens up the world to more than just what we see.

  59. Thank you Simon, your sharing is a beautiful reminder of the power of the Esoteric Modalities and how the quality of our choices are truly key in supporting us and offering healing.

  60. We think we have true choice in society today, but the reality is,that any choice we are given is laced with undue influence and persuasion. Not so with Universal Medicine – every step you take is your step. No one else will take it for you, so that you come to know that you are the master of your own choices.

  61. The fact that a session of an esoteric modality can take care of something seemingly untreatable that threatens to become chronic is beyond comprehension, only shows that in the realm that is beyond our comprehension is where there are the answers we need.

  62. The joy of having expectations exposed as being a lie with regard to Universal Medicine presentations and modalities. It takes humility to let go of these ideals and beliefs and really feel the truth.
    “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors”.

  63. A refreshingly innocent look at things, at life and why things are like they are. It is amazing what we are offered by what are simply healing techniques that don’t need you to come back unless you choose. In the past for me I have had treatment and support that has required me to return to it ongoing in order to have relief or to experience some type of break from pain and illness. Universal Medicine have given us all another choice to see and from what this article is saying if you want to truly heal something then this is the place to go.

    1. We have such a drive and push with us that at times it seems the focus is always to get back to what we were doing prior. It’s like we see it as failing if a change needs to be made because of an illness, injury or disease. What if the very way we were doing things lead us to the point we now find ourselves in? If we arrive at a point in life and something has gone ‘wrong’ then open our view to what was occurring before, things don’t just shockingly arrive on our doorstep, we actively play a role in how and when they arrive. It’s not that we should do the opposite either but more keep feeling the many layers of why and how things have materialised as they have. Universal Medicine brings in a part of treatment and healing that is seriously lacking at this point in time, the energetics of why things are the way they are. We can have treatment to get back to how things were or we can take the time to heal and learn how every step was made to end up where we were and from there make the next step truly.

      1. The more or the continual choice to bury our head with an answer will keep us in the same pattern of behaviour. We will think there is a new choice in front of us because of how it physically looks but it will end up tasting the same. Remember the relationship you ended only to have a new partner and see the same problems? Our choices follow us around, have you heard the saying “history repeating”? When we live in a certain way it allows us to see the world and are choices a certain way, remember when people used to believe the world was flat? There is something huge being reflected to us from the way things are going and there are people who are working with this reflection to bring a true change and there are those who are walking past the reflection only to walk around the corner and see the same thing in a different place. I know where my next step will be.

  64. ” I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it. ” Becoming aware that we do indeed have a choice is the first step in being able to change our lives, this is what Universal Medicine offers us, no fixing no solutions, but our own power of choice.

  65. Hi Simon, I loved your straight forwardness. In fact from my experience the Universal Medicine presentations I have attended tend to clear the smoke and fog I am at times in and furthermore polishes the mirrors of life so I can get a better reflection of myself and the consequences of my choices.

  66. I appreciate the matter of fact style of your contribution and its simplicity – there are areas in life that need changing and only we know what they are. Universal Medicine offers presentations and never solutions, without pretence, coercion, smoke or mirrors. Everyone is left free to embrace or leave it, accordingly; no questions asked.

  67. Speaking of smokes screens, I was definitely the one using a smoke screen when I first came across the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day as a way to attempt to fill up the empty space I felt inside, I was always trying to quit but never succeeding. because it hurt too much to stop I was also a heavy drinker and recreational drug user (what ever recreational means, I think its just something we say to make taking drugs sound better!) Shortly after meeting Serge Benhayon and attending some presentations and healing sessions I quit all my vices effortlessly, seriously without even trying, to some it might sound too easy, like there has to be a catch but there is not, it was that simple. That is what is so baffling about Universal Medicine – it offers everything with no imposition – it is unlike any other health organization I have heard of and I speak from experience when I say being a student of this work changed my whole life’s trajectory.  

  68. It’s great to continually take stock and see what is ‘wanting’ in our lives. As we go ‘correcting those areas’ the change is felt not only by ourselves but ripples out to so many more, more than we will probably ever know.

  69. Gosh – that’s pretty extraordinary Simon. A real paradigm shift in your approach to why and how. Very cool indeed.

  70. Simon the honesty with which this is written is exquisite. Its incredible how much we can be given if we are open and ready and how much we are prepared to see for ourselves. This was evident in your sharing.

  71. Thank you Simon for what you have shared here is profound and conveys a great message for us all, of the power of choice we all hold. Being open to exploring the possibilities that there is more to life than meets the eye, allows us the opportunity to deepen our relationship with ourselves and the responsibility we hold, all of which are choices which we are constantly making that inevitably shape the lives we live and the world we live in.

  72. Hi Simon, very real and honest. Definitely no smoke and mirrors in your response and not in the treatment or presentation either.

  73. Examining, observing – being a student of life is a joy. Everyone is a teacher, but no one is above another. It is an amazing journey that restores power back to us.

  74. Universal Medicine presents that we all have a choice – we can choose love, or not.

  75. When it comes to the inner-heart there are no smoke and mirrors, there is just love and truth.

  76. In my personal experience of many years of exploring alternative therapies, there was plenty of ‘smoke and mirrors’ along the way. Not so, when attending presentations by a very humble man, Serge Benhayon, with no investment in anyone ‘getting anything’. No doubt in my mind that Serge is the real deal and presents with an absoluteness that turned my world upside down and inside out, as my limiting beliefs and ideals were exposed and began to be deconstructed.
    “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors”.

  77. It is a profound choice to make a commitment to oneself and to no one else. This is an amazing place to start and to be, it is what inspires me to keep living and expanding every day.

  78. ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.’ Where so much criticism (admittedly from a relatively small bunch of people) has been levelled at Serge Benhayon and those going to presentations by Universal Medicine as to them becoming followers and brainwashed, this is a simple example of how changes happen when we commit to ourselves and nothing else is needed, nor asked of us.

  79. Your outlook on life is so refreshing, so many of us take stuff on face value instead of being open and inquisitive and having the humbleness to experiment with life and discover what really is true… you never know where it may lead.

  80. Committing to looking at our behaviours, why we do what we do or how we are feeling is a very full way to live and develops a deep relationship with oneself.

  81. Thank you Simon for sharing your freedom and right to choose for yourself and which and what changes you are ready to make in your way of living having attended presentations by Universal Medicine.

  82. We are indeed the sum of our choices and there is no doubt choices in life are always ours; always! Thank you Simon for this simple, wise and oh so powerful lesson.

  83. Like you Simon I too ‘can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it’ and from this I cannot but feel how important it is for us all to be both humble and respectful in all that we do, say and feel.

  84. I love how you claim it as your own choice and embrace that in full. Serge Benhayon has not imposed this on you to do it and nor has anyone else. The choice has been made by you and this is the key to love and evolution. We cannot expect someone else to make these choices for us. We have to take responsibility and claim them ourselves.

  85. For me it is also so simple as you have shared in your honest blog Simon – what is healing is truth and in that there is no place for any smoke and mirrors.

  86. Wow a beautiful sharing and a true example of the modalities as taught by Serge Benhayon and the powerful impact they can have.

  87. One of the things I love most about the Universal Medicine modalities is that there is no holding back, in that Serge does not go ‘I will only give people so much’ or keep things to himself so things remain a mystery or it will leave people coming back for more .. which are sales tactics many people use. No. None of that. Serge Benhayon tells it like it is and holds back nothing including healing techniques that when carried out to the best of our intention are pretty amazing, accurate, true to energy and work in line with the truth of the body. Yes I can definitely say whenever I have completed a course with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I always come away as you did … wiser and humbler.

  88. What an honest and open sharing Simon! The choice to take responsibility is really related to open up our hearts and be more in connection – and this I can feel in your writing.

  89. Love that you’ve shared this ‘straight up’ Simon Bradley. I can well appreciate the scepticism and concern that there would be ‘smoke and mirrors’ in receiving treatment from an accredited practitioner of Universal Medicine Therapies, as I can appreciate this in regards to attending a course. There is so much out there that is indeed full of ‘smoke and mirrors’ – I’ve attended, witnessed and been very aware of my own far share of it.
    The thing for me was, when I came to first see Serge Benhayon for a session in Sacred Esoteric Healing some 16 years ago, there was none of what had over the years made me highly discerning of any practitioners I may see – no arrogance, no ‘I know and you don’t (and you need me in order to know…)’, no rah-rah or things that left me uncomfortable in the slightest.
    The meeting with him and the session itself was a profound experience, and yet it all felt so very familiar – something I already knew within. What has transpired ever since that day in my relationship with Serge Benhayon and his work has been nothing but confirmation of that – and the greatest opportunity indeed to go deeper in my lived understanding of just what true healing is, what it means to be a practitioner, and so very much more…

  90. There are definitely no smoke and mirrors, no artifice or pretence, just simply people living in a way that sets an extraordinary example for all of our society, and along the way offering amazing healing modalities that help everyone come out of the pits that so many have seemingly dug for themselves.

  91. Beautiful Simon. Truth presents us smack in the face and yet we make it prove itself. We’ve all gone mad!

  92. Beautifully simple Simon. Let’s look to our choices, and let’s do whatever we can to increase our awareness so that our choices are more informed.

  93. Awesome Simon. We always do have a choice and funny enough if we are aware of something that is not right then we are well equipped to deal with it, it’s our choice.

  94. Great blog Simon, I love your approach, allowing yourself to discern what you have felt and seen. Universal Medicine is always open to anyone who wishes to attend and there is never any pressure or attachments for people to return or not to any of the presentations. It is always up to us to make the choice. I am one of many students who loves attending Universal Medicine courses and presentations whenever possible because for me, I feel so, so supported, deeply inspired and deeply healing every time. I come away with a sense of purpose, joy and love.

  95. Thank you Simon, “I have made no commitment to anyone except myself.” and this is probably the hardest commitment to make, but absolutely worth it.

  96. That is pretty cool Simon, I cannot imagine being told what I have to do, I think it would just add to all the other impositions and I would dig my heels in. Taking time to bring honesty to some of the choices I make and knowing that they are equally my own consequences has made me much more humble and less quick to blame others for where I find, found or might find myself in life. I am not perfect – never will be, because there is always so much to learn from what life and people present and how I respond, but I can be open to listening, hearing and feeling.

  97. Simon this has been my experience of Universal Medicine too – it’s offered me a very real, practical, tangible change in my life, and from that given me a base upon which to make my own commitment to myself and how I choose my life to be. Ultimately the courses have empowered me to take charge of my own life, take responsibility for my health and know that I am the only person who is responsible for the quality of my life.

  98. I love your blog Simon, l’ve read it several times now… it’s very real and honest and echoes my own experience and that of many others l’ve spoken with over the years. What you get with Serge Benhayon is the real deal that is for sure, and even one session is enough (when you’re open) to change the trajectory of your life. THAT is a miracle in my book.

  99. Thank you Simon, indeed discerning what is of truth is one of our most valuable assets and the simplicity and healing that you have experience with the Esoteric modalities is an undeniable truth of the integrity, love and purpose of where they come from.

    1. Hear hear Francisco, beautifully expressed. This is why I keep returning to the Esoteric modalities because I have experienced exactly what you have shared. Absolute love, integrity, truth and purpose is always present and felt at Universal Medicine.

  100. To be honest and accept ourselves as to where we are at is incredibly supportive and healing for our well-being but at the same time to appreciate what we have been given and are honest enough to say we are not ready to go there is equally quite something. Thank you Simon for sharing.

  101. That’s the thing about Serge Benhayon and his business Universal Medicine, very practical and down to earth presentations that encompass all facets of life…..and from my experience after trying everything else under the sun, what Universal Medicine offers does work, time and time again. I’ve been following Serge’s work now and receiving the Universal Medicine therapies since 2012 and have experienced so many positive changes on every level, including a 90% reduction in pain associated with my chronic health condition Fibromyalgia. I keep coming back because I’ve finally found something that’s true and because it is true, it works.

  102. Simon that’s a great sharing for all those who may feel hesitation in exploring a little deeper what Serge Benhayon offers. It’s well worth a look, and you never know, you may even enjoy yourself.

  103. Thank you Simon for sharing so honestly, as you say it is all up to you to make the choices when and how you feel to.

  104. ‘No ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ – Just The Simplicity of Choice’. Thank you Simon for a very true and perfect description of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presentations and workshops, no need for smoke or mirrors when you live truth and love consistently everyday.

  105. Yes Simon… “There is no smoke. There are no mirrors”. Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the modalities presented and taught are the real deal. Complete and utter game changers.

  106. This is a clear testimonial to the simple fact that to be involved in Universal Medicine or not is a personal choice, with no pressure or influence being exerted by anyone.

  107. I know that there are many who have attended a workshop/event presented by Serge Benhayon and have “left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man” – or woman. When I left my first ever workshop I had no idea who I was anymore as the way I had been living, in separation to myself, was exposed as a total illusion. It took a while to let go of this illusion and all the parts of my life that weren’t actually me, but to slowly get to know the true me, to know that I always have a choice in every moment, has been the most wonderful experience of this life, one I wouldn’t have missed for anything.

  108. We are so used to being told what we should do, and when someone tells us that it is our choice, it kinds of throws us as to what to do. What Universal Medicine presents is all about us returning to who we truly are and that can only happen by us exercising our own will to choose. It cannot be dictated. So simple and very profound.

  109. Profound, and yet I have heard reports of the same ‘miracles” time and time again to the point where I am now in danger of writing off these amazing transformations as being normal.

    1. Good point Adam, I just heard of another report like this from someone wth a fractured back and an astounding turn around after 5-6 sessions, where the CT scan came back normal.

  110. ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.’ This is often exactly what is missing, our commitment to ourselves. We tend to put the emphasis of our lives on everything and everybody else and leaves ourselves wanting. Just this simple act of attending to ourselves can start to turn our lives around.

  111. The power of esoteric healing is undeniable. It reveals the power we have in our choices and the depth of choice we do have.

  112. Absolutely true Simon, there is nothing ‘smoke & mirrors’ about what is presented and taught through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Having been around them for some 15 years now, and attended many workshops and presentations, every single one has offered me the opportunity to delve deeper in understanding my own life and choices, and I am left to make different choices if and when I choose. This process has been nothing short of profoundly life changing, not just for me, but for everyone around me as well.

  113. It is the simplicity of choice that allows us to cut through the illusion that otherwise binds us. This choice is simply whether we choose to express the love we inherently are, or not. No one can make this choice on our behalf, as you have so wisely stated Simon. Either we choose to see things as they truly are or we choose to see things as we wish them to be. The latter is where the illusion lies and where the real smoke and mirrors are to be found. Coming out from this dark cloud that we haven’t even realised we are under, is indeed a revelatory experience for as soon as truth is revealed, so too is all that is not.

  114. There is a lot of ‘smoke and mirrors’ about – but the connection with ourselves and our true beingness within is very real and has transformed the lives of many, mine included.

  115. Awesome Simon, I love that you have taken the time to share what you have discovered, to me this shows the appreciation and grandness of what that is, which was revelatory.

  116. What a profound difference to your life. This simply cannot be ignored, for the difference to your life is simply happening because you are choosing differently. This is what is profound, that one weekend can engender such committed change.

  117. Thank you Simon, I love your down to earth expression and the fact you are open to healing. When I have Esoteric healing sessions I always leave the room more aware and with more understanding of what it is that I am doing that is creating the disharmony. This is the most empowering form of healing as it allows me to make the changes necessary in my life and not to be reliant on practitioners.

  118. There is no doubting the power of an esoteric healing session and it definitely has nothing to do with smoke and mirrors and more with connection and coming back to the true depth of ones self that can be only found within.

  119. “What I learned has had a profound effect on my life, for the better. I haven’t put it all into action yet, but I’m getting there. I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it. I am calmer, more at peace, happier and healthier. I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.” Me too Simon – I can totally relate to your words as you have described me to a ‘T’.

  120. Simon, this is really lovely. It is so true that the choice to live more love in our lives is totally up to us. Bringing truth into our lives is huge and bringing truth to healing is a blessing.

  121. The process of accepting where we are at because of our choices is always the same. There are elements of blaming, denial, defense and ignorance, once those hardened stances fall away from the body that can no longer support such we can open up to asking the questions of ‘what if?’ And ‘I wonder why?’ The body is our source of truth-full answers as I have and continue to learn. Anything we need to know about our choices is found in our bodies. The process is actually very simple so then why are some choices perceived as being more guarded than others? Unless it’s the same choice over and over again with a different mask. So then do we fall for the mask or look at whats underneath? Thank you Simon.

  122. I feel that is the most powerful part of healing is to understand that from our choices we create everything… and we are the only ones who can be honest and look at if the choices we have made are loving or not.

  123. SImon a very honest simple sharing of a profound healing and change in your life and its understanding. The appreciation of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is deeply felt. The choice and knowing of absolute love stays with us always and is know when we meet it.

  124. ‘I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.’ There is only you and your choices and me with my choices and every day is a day to learn to evolve or to resist, it is all our choice. And I appreciate it so much that since I have met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I know I have a choice always.

  125. Simon love your blog…..definitely no smoke and no mirrors……just absolute truth delivered with love, and complete freedom to embrace it, or not.

  126. Thank you Simon I love your honesty. And you are correct it is up to us to make the choices that are presented at these courses as nobody else can make them for us. And we have to be ready to make them or they are not a true choice. Well said it is but the Simplicity of Choice.

  127. ‘I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less skeptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors’…. It sure is lovely when we are humbled by the simple truth.

  128. When we examine our life with honesty ‘and find areas of it wanting’ we have an opportunity to change those areas but the choice is always ours on whether we actually do or not.

  129. ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself.’ this is where we all need to start, so often we change things or do things for other people, forgetting about ourselves, and in that process we become exhausted. Commitment to self first is the key to building a solid, strong and steady body. Then we can bring that to everyone and everything else.

  130. ‘I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man.’ this is one very humbling and beautiful sentence to read.

  131. Thats an awesome little account of events, I love your no nonsense style of writing, it is very settling to listen to, it’s honest and real and makes me feel super at home, thanks for taking the time to gift this little golden nugget of an article.

  132. “…I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors…” Its amazing what we find when we leave no stone un-turned. Thanks Simon for a true and honest account.

  133. Being open to questioning life from the perspective of knowing that I have a full say in the matter has changed my life beyond words over the last couple of years. What I enjoyed about coming back to this blog was that theres a knowing and a sense of accepting that this way of life is empowering but never easy or constantly smooth sailing – it’s a process and one that has us look at the ugly, bad and eventually the so-called good in our lives and question them as are they true or not true? and that’s totally OK. And that there are times where we have to live with the things we don’t want to give up until we choose to feel them for what they are and again, no judgement or criticism. We progress via our choices to progress in life or not and this factor is life changing in itself.

  134. “There is no smoke. There are no mirrors” nor any hocus-pocus. There is simply the choice to be open to deeply connect and listen to the inner-heart and not be ruled by the head. “This has been my choice – nobody else’s”. Thank-you Simon for this testament to Universal Medicine.

  135. I really appreciate what you have presented here Simon; your honesty, ability to discern and make decisions for yourself is very refreshing.

  136. This is such a stunning testimony to the power of esoteric healing and the wisdom imparted through Universal Medicine. I too find it deeply humbling and have enormous appreciation of what has been offered and am in awe of how peoples’ lives have been transformed just through choosing to live it.

  137. Thank you Simon, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog again. Serge Benhayon does have that effect on people, it is such common sense what he offers, even though it also feels groundbreaking, that one can’t help but feel forever changed. The beautiful thing is the change is a deeper surrender to our own self, and the truth presented is something we confirm within for ourselves.

  138. Indeed there are no smoke and mirrors but what there is is an opportunity to truly heal.

  139. We can get so caught up in complication in our heads trying to work things out, when in truth, everything, and I mean absolutely everything, even what may seem to some the grandest woe – is in actual fact a very simple choice to be made – yes or no – love or not love.

  140. This blog is incredible – simple truth. “I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.” this is the power of what Serge Benhayon lives and presents – and the true and deeply profound effect it has on many people by presenting, reflecting and confirming what we have known all along – love.

  141. At times i am still blown away by the simplicity of how we can live – it simply comes down to honouring what we feel, not thinking about it, debating it, weighing up, thinking it’s what we ‘should’ do – just simply asking the question ‘what do I feel’ – and honouring it – simple. And life unfolds, as do we, from there. It’s also deeply empowering.

  142. Thank you Simon for writing this, very straight, honest, real and to the point – and yes everything is our choice indeed. This is and always has been revelatory for me.

  143. “I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it.” This seemingly simple statement highlights the depth of the understanding required of the responsibility we have for the way we are with each other and our way of being in every moment.

  144. I love that you could feel something different in your session that led you to discover the power of our choices in each moment. This line is a simple and beautiful reminder of this ‘I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it.’

  145. The only way to feel anything and everything is to make our own choices and feel for ourselves the truth in any situation. That is allowing our own loving responsibility to play a part in life.

  146. Thank you for your sharing. It is through our own experience that we can make choices what feels right fir us or not. Keeping an open mind and trusting will support the process. It really is about taking responsibility for our choices and living a way that supports us. It really is that simple.

  147. “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.” Simple. Serge Benhayon presents – it is then up to us as individuals whether we choose to feel what he says is truth. No coercion – our choice. For myself, discovering Universal Medicine has been life-changing.

  148. A great testimony to the fact that Universal Medicine has something to offer all, but never imposes it nor demands anything from anyone. Free to come and go as you please. But also a testimony to the fact that there’s always something deeply profound and life-changing to take away with you – if you so choose.

    1. Yes, I agree Cathy. I have never come across any company or set-up who have an absolute respect for all others’ choice to choose. It’s quite incredible. Until Universal Medicine my awareness of the choices in my life was very, very narrow minded and limited. Now I understand I always have a choice to be all that I am whereas previously that was something I choose to be blind to. Profound indeed.

  149. Thank you, Simon, for trusting yourself and letting yourself out of the way to discover Universal Medicine.

  150. Universal Medicine, which is presented by Serge Benhayon is the missing link in the chain to get back to true health. Used in conjunction with conventional medicine we have a way to stem the rapidly increasing heath crisis in the world. No one else has the answers.

  151. Simon, I loved reading your experience of meeting Serge Benhayon and attending a presentation. It’s quite refreshing how there is no smoke, mirrors or anything other than what is ordinary but hugely profound and wise. There is no need for anything more, or less. So refreshing when much of life is dressed up to be more than what it really is – it’s like we know when the all isn’t being presented, so to try and distract from that people work hard to disguise the fact.

  152. Thank you Simon for sharing so honestly and simply your experience, and the realisation the every thing you say and do has an effect on others and the power that you have in choice.

  153. Thank you for sharing Simon, it is natural to be sceptical and healthy to not just take on board anything and everything, after all there is so much out there these days which say one thing and deliver another – energetically speaking you get more than you bargained for. That said, it has been my experience what Serge Benhayon delivers is pure truth and after nine years I still haven’t found anything to fault him on and I have had proof after proof that the Esoteric Healing works.

  154. I really love what you have shared here Simon. It is understandable that we feel skeptical when we hear about any kind of treatment or modality for the first time, the fact is we live in a world full of corruption and many people (especially practitioners) are lost , trying to find their way, blindly trying to assist others, despairing when they feel they do not actually have any answers.

    Add to this the fact that most of us have shut down our ability to feel and we have a perfect storm and a set up that makes it very difficult for people to find their way to true healing. Your gorgeous blog shows that despite all this we can still connect to the truth and this is simply amazing. Thank you.

  155. “I can see the effect of my words and actions on others” In this clarity Simon it’s like life becomes a mirror so we can see the smoke we’ve let get in the way.

  156. Love is a choice. We either choose it or we don’t. It doesn’t get more simple than that!

    1. Beautiful Liane. “Love is a choice. We either choose it or we don’t. It doesn’t get more simple that that!” Having once being met with the love that is shared through Universal Medicine we all have the opportunity to feel the power of love and it is for us to choose it, or not.

  157. Love it Simon – miracles often come in a package we least expect. There is no smoke except for the illusion we allow to cloud our eyes, and the mirror is there to reflect what we think it is we see. The truth lies behind and beneath both of these. The ‘trick’ is in knowing where to look or at least knowing the nature of what you are looking at. By making simple and loving choices we allow ourselves to see behind these veils that have come to shroud The All that is there. It is not rocket science, it is simple everyday magic, the stuff that we are made of.

  158. A simple and honest sharing Simon and pretty magical and as you say the choice from here on in is yours.

  159. Well said Simon. After a course or an event with Universal Medicine you are left truly free to discern what your next step will be. The awareness you share here, that we are responsible for where we come to be in life, in every sense, is a big step towards a truthful and healthy life.

  160. I love the emphasis on choice in your writing Simon. I was also at my first workshop with Serge Benahyon to confirm what I had come to know so far and absolutely everything I heard and felt made sense. The great thing, as you point out, is there is absolutely no expectation of what you should do next – it is all down to our own choices.

  161. Serge Benhayon presents simple practical self-care principles that truly work – absolutely no smoke and mirrors needed when truth and love is lived and shared by this extraordinary man.

  162. Tried and true, hokus pokus does stand out a mile Simon, and that there is none of with Universal Medicine, thank you for your sharing.

  163. Pretty simple really … there is always a choice. Meeting Serge Benhayon was the first time I ever felt free to live with my choices and understand them and myself more deeply without one iota of imposition … Not one bit. Now that is extraordinary!

  164. Thanks for your very grounded and honest sharing of your experience with Universal Medicine Simon.

    1. Yes I really appreciated that too. I was quite taken with this writing of Simon’s and how he shared that it is really simple – there is no smoke, no mirrors, no fancy rah-rah – just choices and with no judgement you live with them until you choose differently (or not).

  165. “It was a revelation. I didn’t, and don’t, believe in mumbo jumbo and magic. But something happened which was profound – a long term, apparently chronic injury, was resolved….” Simon this is beautiful, and a deep conformation of the fact that amazing things can happen if we are open and ready to let go. The Esoteric modality, the love and dedication of your treating colleague and your true willingness to heal combined to make this ‘revelation’ possible. The more we heal ourselves the more we are able to assist others to do the same.

  166. How perfect Simon, you have felt and heard what is available with Universal Medicine and through your choices, you will go create a deeper connection with yourself, or not. All the students, myself included, go through this very same thing, funny thing is, years later I am still going through the same thing, still making choices to connect more deeply with myself, or not.

  167. Whether you have continued with Universal Medicine presentations or not Simon, what you have shared here and already understood and learned from your experience of it will no doubt stand you in good stead for whatever you go on to do. I enjoyed your story.

  168. “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.” Thankyou for sharing your experience Simon. When I first came to a Universal Medicine event I felt the acceptance of me for just being me. Any changes I have made have come from me making simple choices on an on-going basis – and wow how my life has changed!

  169. Thank you for sharing your experience with Universal Medicine Simon. When I found Universal Medicine I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I had found what I had been searching for and I was welcomed with open arms and open hearts, and I felt a love, acceptance and support that I had not ever felt elsewhere. My life has changed immensely since that day and will continue to change as long as I choose to accept myself for where I am at and be love.

  170. A very honest sharing Simon. I love the fact that Serge Benhayon presents his lived wisdom and then it is up to us to make the choice to make changes to our lives – there is always a choice and never a demand or a have to; being left alone to make a choice, or not, but always knowing that there is so much unconditional support waiting if you need it, gives the student the freedom to explore the presented possibilities in their own time.

  171. Thank you for this honest sharing, and it shows clearly that all Universal Medicine does is presenting a way of life. Without asking anything from you just inspiring us to have a more honest look at what life really is about.

  172. Simon the honest and true simplicity is in your choice to change your life for the better and that’s a very magical choice to make with no smoke and mirrors of course.

  173. It is always about choice, a simple choice we need to make. This is what Universal Medicine presents making simple choices and being responsible for the choices we make, not get caught up in blaming others when things don’t work. Understand we make choices and sometimes those choices are not supportive so another choice needs to be made which Is supportive, life is full of choices. When we start connecting to our feelings in our body, our choices become more clear. There is nothing complicated to learn, just keeping it simple and making loving choices.

  174. A very honest approach Simon. And you even lucked out at the end by finding ‘no smoke and mirrors’, a bonus.

    This a very valid point as so many us go into new situation being cautious as it could be something potentially damaging. But what if it is something really beneficial what do we do?

    Do we leave it?
    or be open and discerning that it could possible be different?

    All I know is that I have hugely benefited from having an open heart which is the point I’m trying to convey.

  175. I have come across my fair share of ‘mumbo jumbo’ in the past and just came away more confused than when I arrived, but quite the opposite happens when you attend a Universal Medicine presentation, things become clearer. Thank you Simon for a straight talking blog.

  176. It’s a matter of choice; sometimes a little inspiration in the form of building an awareness is all it takes to make a whole series of better choices. Great blog.

  177. I like that Simon- ‘ I don’t believe in mumbo jumbo’. We can’t deny truth and how it feels, even if something’s labeled it as mumbo jumbo.

  178. Simon, thank you, there is so much humbleness and straight forward realness in your words, which is beautifully and most succinctly said in this one paragraph that I particularly enjoyed: ‘I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.’

  179. Every contact with Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine has been life changing and truly healing for me. I love how you write honestly here, the great thing with this organisation is there is never any push or coersion, just love.

    1. Yes katechorley, my experience is also that with Universal Medicine there are no push or sales marketing, just the truth presented for all to see. It is beautiful to feel the openness and sharing through this

  180. Simon I can appreciate your willingness to be open to consider there may something worth investigating with the teachings of Universal Medicine. I have found that they have profoundly changed my life for which I am forever grateful.

  181. You make a vital point, Simon – that we’re the ones in charge of any changes we make. We can choose to explore our options, go into delay or even go too fast in pursuit of getting somewhere- it’s all a learning. No pressure. Just personal choice, based on what feels true for us.

  182. I agree Simon. Once you cause and effect you can make changes that work and that last.

  183. Thank you for your beautiful and powerful sharing Simon, I can feel that whatever you have chosen the experience of connecting back to you has been a profound one. That’s what I love about Universal Medicine – they present great truths, it is then up to us to choose what is right for us- simple.

  184. It is so profound as you say Simon Bradley, what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present and represent and there is no smoke and there are no mirrors, it is as it is.

  185. It’s funny that I only ever remember being asked to commit to something else besides myself to make life better or do it for that person because you have to etc.. Serge Benhayon asks nothing but only presents if you commit to yourself the world is your oyster

  186. It was lovely to read this very practical and straight forward experience of Universal Medicine. It is all left up to us, what we decide to change in our lives and the things we are not ready to change. From your experience, it does not matter if you ever attend another course or not. It is having your own understanding and awareness that will be all that matters in the end, not how many courses you attend.

  187. Awesome blog Simon, it confirms that healing modalities offered by Universal Medicine does work. I have not experienced any ailments myself but my life has improved drastically through learning the teachings offered by Universal Medicine. I feel so much support, love, vitality and good health there is no way I will look back.

  188. I love the honesty of your blog Simon. It is a simple choice everyone makes. Universal Medicine is the inspiration to gain a different view on the world and question the status quo of what we think is normal. It asks us to consider that there might be a different approach to life.

  189. Thanks for your blog Simon. There’s definitely no smoke and mirrors, just the claiming of ones truth and living it each and every day.

    1. Thats right, great comment. I may not be living it every day at this point but I am working towards it. I know and feel the immense benefits when I do choose to live my truth each day. Very powerful and amazing.

  190. Initially I began attending Universal Medicine workshops with loads of suspicion but overtime I have found that invariably I came away with so much more understanding of myself and the world. I no longer have my doubts and I know that as time goes by I am building a stronger and stronger foundation of self love and the ripple effects of this are truly remarkable.

    1. I too felt the same. But now I have no doubt that I am on my path to truth and love and building up the consistency.

  191. Thank you for you simple and honest blog Simon. You say it how it is. It is each moment we are given a choice , an opportunity to be more loving in all we do and all that we are. If we keep it as simple as that and not beat ourselves up when we slip, we are sure to continue moving forward, building more capacity to feel our immense well of endless love within ourselves. Step by gentle step. Pause, feel, choose!

    1. Thanks for the reminder Irena, about the opportunity that is in each choice we make and when we slip a bit, to be really gentle and loving with ourselves. beautiful

  192. I love what you have shared so simply Simon, you are so right, no smoke and mirrors, just a willingness ignited in many to make more loving choices for themselves.

  193. Dear Simon really cool blog totally free written from the heart 🙂 yes it’s always our own choice 🙂 with love Nadine

  194. I loved reading this article Simon – and it is as simple as that, finding we have a choice – take it or leave it, but something else that I have found along the way, is that we also have the choice to either listen to the head or to feel it in the heart – yet again, another choice.

  195. I love your openness in expressing how you feel, Simon. There is no pretence – just the plain and simple truth of your experience, and as others have commented the respect that you have for Universal Medicine.

  196. I love the way you have expressed and captured your experience perfectly… whether you choose to commit to yourself, take the next step in healing or whether you walk away… it is all up to you. It is the beauty and absolute respect of Universal Medicine that offers you the understanding and then allows you to decide what you feel to do with it.

  197. Your sharing here is beautiful Simon. There definitely is no smoke and mirrors with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and your account here clearly proves that.

  198. Thank you Simon for your honesty and for sharing your truth in your own words. It just shows that we all have the choice to make loving and supportive changes in our lives and that it can make a beautiful difference to life.

  199. Thank you Simon for sharing this simply powerful blog , your knowing of the truth and your honesty that it is your choice to make is profound.

  200. Simon, this is a very real depiction of what Universal Medicine represents. Thank you.

    1. I agree Kate, it is absolutely a very real depiction of what Universal Medicine represents. Thank you Simon for your honest sharing which demonstrates the power of what true choice really means.

  201. It feels that what you have been shown is a deeper stronger connection to yourself and your body, and this is truly worth having.
    Its amazing that although you felt your cynicism you also felt something bigger and stronger than that, which was not Universal Medicine as such, but the grandness and amazingness of you, and who you truly are.

  202. Thank you for the honest sharing Simon. There is definitely no smoke and mirrors as you say and just plain and simple loving care given to all equally.

  203. Simon, great little blog that show the simplicity in Universal Medicine. Small changes make for great change. How every change is made because WE chose too, not for someone else. How much is discovered if we allow ourselves to feel the first impulse of truth in what’s offered.

  204. Awesome Simon, I love how you bring it back to the simplicity of choices, and observation, testing everything for oneself. And with that commitment to oneself, not only do you benefit, but so does everyone around you.

  205. Simon, your approach to this new awareness you have been offered is walked in such a self-honouring way! Definately something I can learn from, as someone who has tried to beat herself and her life into a ‘more acceptable’ shape! Thanks for sharing!

  206. I love hearing a former sceptic’s experience with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, because I was one of those also! Unlike a lot of other modalities I have tried where I remained more sceptical for a longer period, I got over it quite quickly when I started attending Uni Med presentations simply because as you say Simon, there are no smoke and mirrors. It’s upfront, in your face, in a gentle but firm and loving way. You’re presented with the possibility that if we took responsibility for our lives, and truly looked after our bodies, that life could be different; lighter, more fun, more loving and simpler…drama free.

  207. It is as simple as that – it all comes down to choices. Until I started courses with Universal Medicine I was blind to the choices I was making and just went along with everyone else, without questioning anything.
    My thinking then was, if I don’t have cancer or a life threatening illness then I was doing ok, but in reality I was suffering in many other ways. I know for sure my quality of life has improved and continues to improve depending on my daily choices.

    1. Julie, i feel this too, where in the choices i was making i couldn’t see how they were affecting my life. Now through Universal Medicine i am seeing with a lot more clarity how my choices affect myself and others around me and in fact the whole

  208. Thank you Simon, I too have seen and felt the power of esoteric healing and what this modality can do to support humanity. Like you I am in the constant process of letting go of the things that get in the way, so to speak in my daily life. One thing that is for sure is that if I had not brought myself to where I too met Serge Benhayon I know for sure that I would have been much heavier and way less healthy than I am now, actually I feel more me than I have in years.

    1. Leigh, I too feel a totally, totally transformed way of living. Living in the livingness to me means living in truth, letting go of ideals and beliefs and celebrating me in every moment

  209. Like you Simon I too have found that meeting Serge Benhayon ‘has had a profound effect on my life’. Each time I attend an event, course or Retreat hosted by Universal Medicine I come away with more understanding and acceptance of life. Life has become truly amazing and at the same time clearer and simpler. There is nothing complicated to learn, just to live a life that is integrated and honouring of myself and others.

    1. I like you last line Susan, there is nothing complicated to learn, just to live a life that is integrated and honoring of myself and others. So true and simple.

  210. ‘Just the simplicity of choice’. This sums up so perfectly what Universal Medicine is about, that there is always a choice, a choice to make, and that it is our responsibility and only ours, to make that choice. Thank you Simon.

  211. Great blog Simon – very simple, upfront and to the point, and I can feel how you are just telling it like it is without any need to make it look or sound a certain way, to impress or convince anyone. Your honesty about where you are at and how you see things is refreshing. Love it.

  212. Thank you Simon for writing such an honest account of your experience of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I find that as long as I stay open there is so much wisdom we can connect to on Universal Medicine courses that can of course be life changing when we chose to live them and incorporate them into our lives. The other thing I love about your sharing is the absolute freedom you have been left with to choose how involved you want to be with Universal Medicine or not.

  213. Simon, I very relate to your article. A friend of mine introduced me to Universal Medicine. Seeing the immense change he has made inspired me to join a workshop. Immediately my healing process started in a strong way and my body cleared the crap I had forced it to deal with during the last years.

  214. Thank you Simon for an honesty that is clear as to what Universal medicine presents, there is nothing that is hidden because all is given and doesn’t hide away from the fact that it is all there for everyone to have at any time. In a world that repeatedly hides the truth to have truth presented without an agenda can be confronting – albeit because we have been conditioned to being on guard and having been lied to for so long. And like you say it all boils down to choices, we all know what living in smoke and mirrors has resulted in, learning to live in clarity takes time but as I am finding the more it is chosen the more it is worth choosing again and again.

  215. I so enjoyed reading your blog Simon, thank you for sharing your experiences.
    What you presented conveyed so much wisdom and insight.

  216. Simon, this is a beautiful blog. That is exactly how I felt in the beginning – it doesn’t make much sense but it works and it worked differently and better than anything I knew before.

  217. I whole heartedly agree Simon – No smoke and No mirrors – what you get with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is the real deal.

    1. Thank you Simon, Lee and Serge Benhayon. To me the mirror is continually reflecting my daily choices. The smoke is the smoke screen of illusion that was lifted when I understood the truth as presented by Serge Benhayon!!

  218. Thank you for your blog of appreciation and honesty. There are many people who choose not to do the Esoteric work and/or are undecided, It’s important for those people to at least get to feel what Universal Medicine is really about. It has allowed you to feel and to make amazing changes in your life and it is definitely not a cult.

  219. I love the power of this article in showing that the ways and teachings of Universal Medicine are all about the relationship we build with ourselves and taking care of ourself.

    1. I agree Daniella. Simon from the outset felt the essence of the Esoteric Teachings about self responsibility and reconnecting back to ourselves.

  220. Thank you Simon for sharing the truth of who you are and not ‘needing’ to be any more than that. You have shown a very valuable way of being that only accepts truth when it is felt in your body first before taking anything on at ‘face value’.

  221. I love your honesty and openness Simon. One of the many amazing things about Universal Medicine is that we are never pressured to do anything, you can come and go as you please and that your journey is based on what you choose in life. We are never judged on how far we are willing to uncover or develop. We are never judged on our past or present choices, there is just a sense of allowing and understanding that is so heart warming and supportive. So, I am learning to therefore not to judge myself or others. Like you said there is no smoke or mirrors with Universal Medicine, there is the whole truth. With truth there is, love, harmony, stillness and joy. How far we are willing to embrace all of this is entirely up to us.

  222. Simon I appreciate your openness and honesty. It is certainly about our choices in my experience. The most wonderful thing about the presentations by Universal Medicine is that I learn how life works from a greater perspective and understand myself far more deeply.

  223. Simon, I enjoy how you have shared with such openness and humility, on how a sore knee led to you, examining areas of your life that were calling for your attention. This shows the importance of listening to what our body is sharing with us.

  224. This is a great article Simon, very humble, simple and honest. After many years of ‘smoke and mirrors’ on my search for something more and not understanding why the people holding the courses and workshops I was attending looked unwell and didn’t seem to have any true answers and didn’t seem very loving, it has been wonderful to attend Universal Medicine courses and meet people who look amazing, are loving and don’t use lots of props, it is all beautifully simple and makes sense.

  225. Thank you Simon, great blog it is amazing when we realise how much power our daily choices have and how much they effect us and all those around us. Thank you for sharing.

  226. Thank you Simon. What you say is true in my experience….no smoke or mirrors. Very ordinary, simple, non-imposing and deeply healing. It comes down to our simple everyday choices without judgement and criticism.

  227. Simon thank you for all you have shared. It simply supports we have a choice around what each of takes from Universal Medicine’s presentations.

  228. For a man to stop due to pain, receive healing and then to go one step further and found out how to bring more healing into his life is a story that should be told far and wide.

  229. True there is no smoke or mirrors, but your humbleness is true and inspiring.

  230. I love “I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting”. Thank you Simon for writing this so honestly.

  231. This is beautiful Simon- to take the time to honour and appreciate your initial experiences of Universal Medicine . This is deeply felt.

  232. Beautifully said Simon. Serge Benhayon presents the truth and nothing but the truth and we are free to choose to live the truth – or not.

  233. I enjoyed coming back to this blog again. After attending presentations by Serge Benhayon I have reawakened to so much. As you mention Simon “What I learned has had a profound effect on my life, for the better”. Beautiful.

  234. Thank you Simon, I enjoyed reading your experience. Even though your mind didn’t understand what happened the body got the communication loud and clear.

  235. I agree Simon, Universal Medicine has no smoke and mirrors just a reflection of absolute truth with absolute integrity.

  236. Thank you for honestly sharing your experience Simon. I agree, there is no smoke and mirrors as far as Serge Benhayon is concerned, he is the real deal and cares for all equally. The only mirror is the one that he holds up for ourselves to look into. He reflects back to us something that we already feel inside, but can’t quite put our finger on. So well done for taking the first steps in discovering the potential of your true self.

  237. Thank you Simon for your honest reflection. I am feeling a huge swell of appreciation for your clear and honest blog. Being open, free from judgement and taking an opportunity to be self loving, brings changes we might only have hoped for in the past. The experience of ‘connection to you’ will never be forgotten and will be forever anchored in your body now. It will now provide you with a true foundation going forward.

  238. This is quite gorgeous to read, how one man’s introduction to Serge Benhayon and his work went beyond all expectations. What Universal Medicine presents is very practical and always relates to everyday life, yet somehow the modalities can produce quite miraculous results, as with your knee Simon. You have summed up very well the simplicity of Serge’s work; it is all about us and what we choose to do with it.

  239. Thank you Simon, you share in a beautiful way how you have had the amazing experience of reconnecting to your body.

  240. Thank you Simon, for your honest sharing. For the truth to be recognised and lived to make one’s life about love, it only takes one to make that commitment, nothing else, as we all share that true truth within us equally. No need to follow anybody or join anything.

  241. Thank you Simon for sharing and being honest. I have found that once truth is presented it is hard to turn away and do nothing. What I like about Serge Benhayon, the Practitioners and Universal Medicine is there is never ever anyone imposing and telling you what to do. You are left to be and you either make the choice to leave it or take it. I have chosen to take it and commit to life. As a result I have become more loving, understanding, calmer and less reactive towards others.

  242. Thank you Simon for sharing your experience with us. I have found that when the heart begins to open it is difficult to close it again.

  243. Definitely there is no smoke. Yet, Universal Medicine I do feel it offers you the possibility to look again to you in a mirror and feel that there is much more than you had acknowledged so far.

  244. wow you have so perfectly captured the extraordinarily ordinary miracle of what Serge Benhayon has shared with us and so many are now living.

  245. Wunderbarer Simon I was touched what you wrote about your experience with the healing treatment you got from your colleague. And I agree that there is no smoke and no mirrors at all – I never found a tiny bit of it!!!! Dear readers let’s experience our own experiences, that is always the best thing to do.

  246. My experience of Universal Medicine has been the same as your Simon – there is no smoke and no mirrors. There is just simply a presentation about a way to living that works.

  247. Hi Simon, I love your humbleness and deep felt appreciation of what has been revealed to you.

  248. Thank you Simon, your article shows clearly the benefit of taking responsibility for the way we choose to live our daily medicine.

  249. Thank you for your gorgeous blog. I love what you have shared through your experience, how there is no denying when something feels true. It is deeply profound. And truth is a quality that I want to have a deeper relationship with. For me it is a developing journey. However I am loving what has evolved to date from my choice to be more loving and honest with myself and others. And being more aware of what does not feel true and loving in my life allows me to make choices that do truly support who I really am and how I truly want to live. Simon, your words have been inspiring to read.

    1. I can relate to your point about the honesty and personal development very well. It is an unfolding way to myself and I enjoy it more and more, to become more of me every day – it is just the beginning.

  250. Wow Simon, how completely amazing about pain and your willingness to be open. Yes agree with your words, for in-truth and with regards Truth….”There is no smoke. There are no mirrors”.

  251. When a constant pain in our body causes us to STOP! in our tracks – it is annoying and painful but yet our amazing body constantly shows us the way we have been living. Thank you for sharing Simon, it served as a gentle reminder for me to appreciate my amazing body.

    1. Yes me too, I really felt the love, humbleness, appreciation and decency in this blog. whether or not he stays in contact with the presentations doesn’t matter, the healing is already well on its way

  252. Yes, Simon that makes sense. How could something like putting your hands on somebody (with or without stones) work? Once you get to understand how it works you can go deeper and deeper and it unfolds more and more and it makes more and more sense. Very beautiful.

  253. You blog made me realise that Universal Medicine presents us with an amazing gift – the gift of knowing we always, in every moment, have a choice. The choice to honour ourselves or not, the choice to love ourselves or not, the choice to express the truth or not, the choice to eat something that supports stillness and harmony or something that does not…the list is endless.

  254. Beautiful. Simply and clearly expressed, I could feel the humbleness in your words and what you have felt for you. It is true with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine this is one place there is absolutely no smoke and mirrors “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.” Just a deeper understanding and awareness and knowing that our choices are up to us, and we can make some very self loving choices for ourselves. I feel so much more connected to me and my body, my relationships are really good and I feel healthier, clearer and stronger in my body.

  255. This has also been my experience with Universal Medicine. It has always been my choice to make any changes within my life. There never ever been any pressure or expectation placed upon me.

  256. “and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it” – this is a power-full reminder for me to trust that it is my choices that align the outcomes of any event in my life. It’s as though we constantly have T-junctions that offer endless possibilities of the paths to travel that all ultimately lead us back to who we truly are – it is simply a matter of how many deviations we choose along the way.

  257. I appreciate the simplicity and honesty in your sharing. A lived experience is what it is even without a rational explanation.

  258. I just loved reading this and can absolutely relate to all you share Simon. The line below is gold!

    “I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting. This has been my choice – nobody else’s – and correcting those areas, or not, is my choice as well.”

    A great reminder for me that the way I live is entirely my choice. Thank you.

  259. Simon, With sparing simplicity you describe how effective (magic) the act of taking responsibility can be in healing our pains. It is so simple and common sense!

    I too have learned from Universal Medicine, that it is about a simple hands on commitment to myself and to do what it takes to get present in my body and feel. This has resolved SO much pain and unrest in my body and my life; I continue on this path as it is so well worth it for me!

    I am learning to live in a way that supports me to be me, so pain doesn’t need to show up to remind me I’m off track as often. It makes sense.

  260. ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.’ Yes, Simon no marketing activity, adding name and e-mail addresses to a list to be notified of future events, no financial incentive for introducing a friend, no monetary commitment to extended membership deals.

    Just knowing that there is a choice to make a commitment to myself…now that is a real deal with a life time guarantee.

  261. Thank you Simon for your honest words. You have started a journey of self responsibility and that journey will take you as far as you want to go. I look forward to seeing you on the road.

  262. I also felt this Jinya. I knew for sure that their was another way to live and searched for years until is felt the truth in my body. The truth that serge Benhayon presents. Presenting the choice that life is about love and our purpose is to simply return to this love that is equally in all of us. The choice is ours. Beautiful.

  263. When I first came across Serge Benhayon, it was much the same for me. It was a life changing time because I knew for sure that there was a another way to live. I felt the truth. Life didn’t have to be humdrum and mundane. It could be joyful. The daily work that I put into the love that I live feeds the foundations that keeps growing and strengthening. But as you say, it’s all about choice and there is no judgement from Serge Benhayon whatever choice is made.

  264. Absolutely beautiful to read. It gave me goose bumps. That is the profound impact of hearing the truth as presented by Universal Medicine. It is not anything you have to sign up to or become a member of, but once you have heard the truth delivered from a livingness you are able to ask yourself questions you may never have asked before.

    1. “It gave me goose bumps.” Me too Jenny. In particular the paragraph – “I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.”

  265. Hi Simon, I can relate to your blog as I had a similar experience on the first Esoteric Healing course level 1, where my back had hurt for 6 months and I was off work and by the end of the weekend my back felt great. Two days later I had an appointment with a consultant who could not believe how easy it was for me to bend and perform his exercises.

  266. I loved reading this blog Simon, it so simply and so honestly explains the profound change you felt, and explains so clearly what so many others experiences too at Universal Medicine courses.

  267. Thank you Simon. It’s so great to hear of someone going at their own pace and allowing things to unfold without expectations yet accepting of the cathartic process and willing to go there.

  268. I enjoyed reading this matter of fact blog, it is very simply and honestly written. I particularly liked reading of the effects our words have on others, such a simple practical change we can make for the better if we so wish.

  269. “I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man.”
    I relate to this quote. I was healing for me to just feel less ‘sceptical’ and realise a sensation that I wasn’t familiar with in my life. Of feeling trust in another. A development and it will continue to unfold. Thank you.

  270. I love the direct simplicity of what you write. The title says it all – but I do like the line, ‘I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it.’ I pay attention to this in my daily life.

    I recently cut out a lot of judgment in how I interacted with another and was amazed at how they became so much more caring of themselves. It was both beautiful to not feel judgmental and to really appreciate them; but also to see how the other person was free from my criticism to then feel they were worth caring for more deeply.

  271. Simon, I can relate to your first doubts about “whats the catch” but it was the smoke that cleared and opened my eyes and the mirror was the reflation of the choices I had made. I have started my journey forward with new choices and have never looked back.

  272. Simon, having been to events which were staged managed, and having smoke from the burning coals we were encouraged to walk across, the pure simplicity of what the Universal Medicine team presents is profound and life changing

  273. Thank you Simon for this great blog. You presented exactly how Universal Medicine teachings are unimposing and it is up to each one of us to make choices in our lives. From my experience, like you mentioned, I treasure the awareness I have now. And thank you for your honesty in saying ‘Some things I will live with because I’m not yet ready to take that next step. Others I am in the process of correcting, and it’s a cathartic process.’

  274. I love the claimed self-acceptance and honesty of your choices expressed in this blog. Choosing to commit to ourselves is life-changing and I as I am discovering the more I commit the deeper and grander these changes are in more ways then I could ever have expected.

  275. Thank you Simon for sharing your experience so honestly. You have chosen to make changes in your life as you are ready to and I love how you have summed it up by saying: ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.’

    1. Too true Kevin and that is the point. That reconnection to the magic inside us is available to all of us and it is just up to us and our commitment as to how much we engage with that.

  276. I really enjoyed reading your article Simon, refreshingly honest. That it is you making changes through your own choices and not by anything imposed on you. And it is your choice with your next step. Thank you.

  277. So honest, and so true. There is nothing to be hidden with Universal Medicine and it is all our own choice. Yet what you have felt for yourself already has had a profound impact on you and therefore everyone else around you. Beautiful.

  278. Thank you SImon Bradley for saying it as it is and doing what you feel to be true.
    Like you I too was a sceptic but that changed when I chose to commit to what I feel is a true way of living. It’s taken me 8 years and some slow steps but I know this makes sense. I Love when you say ‘I have made no commitment to anyone except myself.’
    That is deeply empowering and I love the way you write.

  279. Yes, it is all about each one of us making choices for ourselves and not because anyone, especially because Serge said so. Maybe it is why the esoteric work is so powerful, it is each one of us claiming back the fact that we do have choices and that we are then responsible for them.

  280. As I read your article Simon, I felt how you are making your choices for YOU, and how profoundly loving that is. I realised how much many of us, including myself, go about our day to day lives making choices in every moment that are about accommodating others more so than about what we really need and want for ourselves. I felt the deep sadness of that, but the simplicity and honesty in your article was so refreshing. All I need to do is be honest and loving about my next choice, and the choice after that and so on… Thank you.

  281. Thank you Simon – the way you write mirrors the way I have found Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon to be – simple, no nonsense (or smoke!) and with absolutely no imposition. Beautifully expressed and shared – thank you.

  282. I love how you explain and claim, that some things you are not ready to change; this is the only way this ‘stuff’ works, by doing it in our own time, no-one else’s! Perfectly said.

  283. It is and was truly amazing how much effort I put into looking for the ‘smoke and mirrors’ only to find it was me either not wanting to take responsibility for my choices or not wanting to trust I could make the choice… chicken little syndrome! Thanks for outing this…

  284. I like the simplicity and the way you hold your own truth, that is where you are with you, and that you take responsibility because it all comes back to our own choice. Inspiring for the world!

  285. Wow Simon, I Love how you have shared your experience, it feels so genuine, I can feel the truth of your words, thank you.

  286. What is really evident for me from your post is the freedom of choice you have claimed in your life and that freedom includes whether or not you will continue engaging with UM. Thank you Simon for truly conveying the ease and simplicity of making your own choice about what is happening in your life. I can really feel a lightheartedness in your self acceptance – no-one is pressurising you to do or be something you are not. Wonderfully inspiring.

    1. I agree Rowena, there is a simplicity within the freedom to choose, which Simon has claimed leaving me feeling the true lack of any outside imposition. Gorgeous.

  287. I love the simplicity and honesty of your article Simon and what you are presenting here for us all – the importance of discerning for ourselves and not blindly following anyone or anything, willingness to be open to learning more about ourselves and others and the commitment to follow this through….in every moment we have a choice.

  288. For a writer – you write beautifully ;). For a reader – I was in JOY reading it, so thank you Simon.

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