To Expose or Incite – That is the Question

by Rowena Stewart, England

The recent events in Australia at the Lennox Head Community Hall on Friday evening, 12th October 2012, have prompted me to investigate further the philosophy of one David Millikan, a Reverend of the Uniting Church in Australia. On this night, David Millikan turned up (unannounced) at a public lecture given by Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine. The event is held on a monthly basis and is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Attendees from across Australia were present; people from all walks of life from dentists, doctors, nurses and lawyers to teachers, hairdressers, students, families and single parents. These people had gathered together that night to listen to a lecture on health, wellbeing and how to live more harmoniously whilst keeping up with the demands of life in modern society.

This event is also recorded and broadcast to a wide audience across the world; it is listened to by people interested in what Serge Benhayon has to say and who find these lectures supportive and informative.

It seems that the philosophy of Universal Medicine, one that encourages the individual to freely choose for themselves a healthy way of life, is attracting the attention of a man who spends his time investigating cults. In an interview with an Australian based news program called 60 Minutes on 21 March 2004, David Millikan responded to questions about investigating cults. He stated that he “would put three tests [to the group]. One, does the group allow internal criticism and discussion? Two, does it have a hostile relationship with the world outside and, three, has it sought to isolate its members? If those things are in place I think it’s beginning to move in extreme directions.”

It seems that his tactics for putting these tests into practice are quite extreme too, using deception, aggression and sensationalism in order to manipulate the group in question into demonstrating the behaviour that will then support his theories. To this end, David Millikan tricked his way onto the stage at Lennox Head, organised for an undercover film crew to infiltrate the audience, and then proceeded to instigate a hostile attack on the general public who were gathered to listen to Serge Benhayon speak, and accusing Universal Medicine of being a cult. As Serge Benhayon and the audience begin to respond to this attack by asking him and the camera team to stop what they are doing, i.e filming without prior consent and causing a disturbance, the cameras roll and David has captured all the material he needs to prove point number 1 and point number 2. He is now convinced that Universal Medicine does not allow internal criticism and discussion, and that it has a hostile relationship with the outside world. How wrong he is.

In 30 years exploring the field of alternative medicine and spiritual practices, I have never come across such a transparent and open organisation as Universal Medicine. When I first met Serge Benhayon I was very questioning of many of the things he presented. These questions were all welcomed, received with grace and responded to in a truthful manner, even if that truth challenged me further. There was no trying to be nice, no convincing, just a constantly patient presentation of the possibility of a truth; one which, if I really didn’t agree, I could simply walk away from… no strings attached and no pressure to convince me to agree.

In the 6 years or so of freely choosing to attend regular workshops, emailing and talking to Serge Benhayon, I have personally experienced and witnessed his continual willingness to be cross-examined and challenged by people who come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions, from working class to upper class. Serge Benhayon responds to all with the same clarity, patience and respect and never condescends to treat anyone differently as a consequence of their upbringing or status. This utmost respect is demonstrated by the fact that Serge consistently encourages the audience to discern and discover what is true for them – never does he claim to ‘bring the truth to us’– this is supported by the fact that at times some of the greatest revelations come from the attendees themselves.

David Millikan has tested out point 1 and 2 in a manner solely intended to discredit this incredible openness consistently practiced by not only Serge Benhayon, but the entire Universal Medicine team and many of the everyday people who attend UniMed events.

If UniMed (Universal Medicine) is not open to criticism and discussion, David Millikan would not have attained the permission he needed to stand on stage and engage the audience.

If UniMed is hostile to the outside world, David would not have gained access to the lecture in the first place, especially when Serge Benhayon is fully aware that David Millikan has UniMed under his ‘microscope’.

All of this brings me to wonder how David will test out his third point? How will he manipulate events so as to demonstrate that Universal Medicine “has sought to isolate its members”?

This is the one very point on which David will have to be extremely cunning. UniMed has never sought to be exclusive and isolate attendees from the outside world, in fact, quite the opposite. UniMed actively and constantly encourages attendees to participate in society. It actively encourages people to take responsibility for and work at creating honest, loving relationships; firstly with self and then with partners, children, family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, and everyone we meet on a daily basis.

Personally, this has resulted in my being able to contribute to my family that hitherto I wanted to have nothing to do with; build a close, honest and loving relationship with my husband and his daughter, and generally engage with friends and strangers in a way I have not previously been able to do. I have experienced a genuine shift in my willingness and ability to be with people, and all because I have made choices based on what feels absolutely correct for me.

I know that I am not alone in experiencing such incredible shifts, and I state unequivocally that it has come about directly from my involvement with Universal Medicine. I have never been asked to make extraordinary personal sacrifices, give money, or been told how much to dedicate myself to this organisation. I have never felt robbed of my capacity to decide for myself what is best for me, in fact that is the key message that Serge keeps on expounding – discern for oneself, and do not take what he or anyone else says for gospel, or for granted. And lastly I have never, ever experienced Serge Benhayon or anyone connected with Universal Medicine causing harm or mischief to others: unlike David Millikan, who on the 12th of October 2012 at a peaceful, law-abiding event deliberately caused mischief to others in order to gratify his own ends.

123 thoughts on “To Expose or Incite – That is the Question

  1. I Rik Conners make this point with the integrity of my lived way with all others, an integrity that many of us have not experienced or witnessed with numerous situations in our Law systems: I 100% agree and this is not read lightly – “And lastly I have never, ever experienced Serge Benhayon or anyone connected with Universal Medicine causing harm or mischief to others: unlike David Millikan, who on the 12th of October 2012 at a peaceful, law-abiding event deliberately caused mischief to others in order to gratify his own ends.”

  2. “David Millikan, who on the 12th of October 2012 at a peaceful, law-abiding event deliberately caused mischief to others in order to gratify his own ends.” I would go further than this and say David Millikan and the media team with him deliberately contributed to the abuse of human beings and their basic rights.

  3. With the open door way of presenting with an open microphone, how could one be more transparent and the recordings are sent world wide to anyone who chooses, so no cult-ure of a hidden-agenda.

  4. When something feels loving, when we feel at ease during an event or an occurrence we naturally want to return to it. When somebody meets you with the respect and care that Serge Benhayon meets everybody, people naturally want to return to these events and discover further for themselves and their family how to best go about it. How to live that in their lives because we all naturally want to feel love within our own bodies.

  5. Universal Medicine is such an antithesis of what a cult is that it obviously draws the attention from people like David Millikan. Probably because he might feel a bit uncomfortable with the position he holds and that he might be the one that could be worth investigating, just saying…

  6. Reverend in Spanish translates for reverendo. Reverendo, is also a quality which is associated to the worst possible quality. The funny thing is the structure of the sentence being constructed “like the reverendo” and in ‘you sing like the reverendo’. Worst is not possible. Interesting uh?

  7. Thank you for this clear exposure Rowena. In this world we have made it so normal to twist and bend things to our liking. The teachings of Universal Medicine are very simple and do not bear an ounce of exclusiveness nor inclusiveness, everybody is welcomed and everybody can leave or stay to their own choosing.

  8. It is easy to twist and distort the words and truths of a situation for our own needs, but these are nothing more than lies. Lies offer no true benefit for anyone. Listen and truly live the teachings of Universal Medicine and I can assure you that these lies are easily exposed.

  9. Yes, what Universal Medicine presents are some tools that support connection with ourselves, with others, and more commitment to life. Simple, lived and everyday wisdom.

    1. Yes, beautifully said Bryony, “Simple, lived and everyday wisdom.” Accessible for everyone.

  10. You’ve nailed it Rowena. I too have re-developed a way of being that actually involves being in the world and not running from it. It’s laughable what Universal Medicine is accused of really.

  11. It can be very exposing that what we accuse another of doing we are actually doing ourselves. In our reaction to others and situations in life it becomes clear and obvious that there is healing to be done otherwise we simply would not react and behave in an unloving and disrespectful way.

  12. Like you, in all the years that I have been attending presentations by Serge Benhayon “I have never felt robbed of my capacity to decide for myself what is best for me”. The fact that Serge encourages us to be incredibly discerning with what we are presented with, including by him, simply demonstrates the integrity of this wonderful man who has been the inspiration that has supported so many people to make so many amazing changes in their lives.

  13. Serge Benhayon has always been a straight talker, he doesn’t dress things up in order to get people on sides, he encourages open discussion and we are left to discern for ourselves, there is no hidden agenda with Serge, everything is totally transparent.

  14. No true cult would ever allow much less encourage you to discern what is true and what is not including all that is presented in the organisation itself.

  15. Brilliant Rowena. If the truth be known, David Millikan disproved his first two criteria just by being freely allowed to attend, then go on stage and address the gathered public. However, his job was to expose cults and he had a full camera crew and television station with him and he was going to do just that – even if it seemed he had to create the evidence itself. It seems that ‘Universal Medicine is not a cult’ would not have met the outcome that he was required to meet on this evening. ‘Uniting Church Minister sells out to the allures of fame and fortune’ wouldn’t make a bad story though.

  16. Leaving aside the fact that Universal Medicine is not a cult and therefore does not have either of the characteristics contained in the Millikan-devised cult test, it is not without irony that those who accuse others of abusing people try to prove their point by launching a full-blown dishonest abuse.

  17. Universal Medicine is a unique model and when you explain it to people, at first they might not understand it because it does not fit into a box. This alone does not make it a cult, as stated in this blog. It is open to the public and participants are free to come and go as they please, there is no pressure or obligation to attend any event. This particular Friday night talk was 5 dollars or free and extremely informative, had David actually sat and listened. Universal Medicine is pioneering in its field as a College and Charity, a health and wellbeing business, Universal Medicine as a Philosophy and a Religion like no other: “The Way of The Livingness”. Where is the harm in people being so inspired by the talks they are attending that they begin to live in a much healthy and more conscious way that has been shown to support their already demanding modern lives.

  18. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present a way to live that respects the right of all to choose and to have an awareness of the energy in which every action and move is made. The teachings are presented with love and equalness to and for all. The underhand and aggressive tactics employed by David Millikan had no respect for any of those present at the gathering.

  19. “I have experienced a genuine shift in my willingness and ability to be with people, and all because I have made choices based on what feels absolutely correct for me.”
    This is the very same for myself. Never before in my life have I genuinely wanted to be with others, but now today it is my everyday reality. There is little to no anxiety in being amongst people now, where once the anxiety levels were so high, even though I wanted to be with others, at the same time I was terrified to do so.

  20. I think it comes down to intent. Clearly David Millikan had an agenda that night and his intent was to create a story that fitted into his already written manuscript. Therefore it was not an open dialogue. He then is the one to stand up and say ‘they don’t allow for an open dialogue’ yet the energy of attack was there and felt- which is pure abuse and when someone comes from that place it doesn’t allow for an open dialogue- it is purely bullying. He did not come open or was not upfront with his agenda (as evidenced in many other cases where he has carried out the same conduct) yet then has the audacity to say Universal Medicine does not allow an open dialogue. Quite hilarious really- and yet often a pattern of abusive behaviour- trying to point the finger of blame at someone for a behaviour that they are actually carrying out.

  21. That is the difference between an agenda for self and an intention for all. Intention for all is our amicable truth. So, is Serge being exposed when he knows and thus has tested the truth by living it himself in his body first OR is David Millikan being exposed for his own self-driven ways?

  22. Well-said Rowena and you beautifully debase all the lies surrounding these false statements by David Millikan. Point 3 particularly stood out for me today, the fact is since I have been attending Universal Medicine presentations and workshops my relationships have deepened and become more loving and true – absolutely no ‘isolation’ going on in any way, shape or form with any of the students of Universal Medicine.

  23. Rowena, what I have found amazing, from my experience of being a part of the Universal Medicine student body, is that no matter who or what attacks Serge Benhayon, he continues to live and present with the same honesty and integrity. This alone, with out the unwavering love he has for all of humanity continually impulses me to choose the very same way of living for myself. Albeit a choice to progress towards the same honesty, integrity and loving devotion I now know it is possible to live as a human being.

  24. Almost four years on from this most distasteful display of disregard for those who were attending an event to improve the quality of their lives, what you have written about that night is still pertinent today. Behaviour like this is still totally unacceptable when its sole purpose is to discredit anyone, in this case, Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and its students, through inciting fear that this is a cult. And one of the most amazing outcomes is, that since that night more and more are choosing to study with Universal Medicine, and more and more students are choosing to be active in the community, volunteering their services in many ways. I feel that David Milikan may be losing any chance to prove point 3 – there is definitely no isolation of anyone connected with Universal Medicine, and that I know from my own lived experience.

  25. Yes, mischief is a great word to use there. My sense is that when we are asked to take responsibility for our behaviour and our choices we spew, we cannot cope with the depth of the responsibility. Yet every one of us has a choice in every moment, and what is important is that every one of us will then accept the consequences of those choices. I chose to be responsible for what I was putting out into the world by looking after myself and ensuring that it was not laced with resentment, frustration, anger and choose to love, to care and to engage in areas of my life where I had withdrawn. No one forced me, not one even cajoled me, I was simply offered the awareness that there was another way.

  26. It is mischievous to try to create sensation and drama where there is none. David Millikan has been dishonest in his approach and everything from there has a foundation of dishonesty. Not a great place to launch any kind of truth.

  27. ‘To expose or incite’, the heading of your blog says it all Rowena and the clarity of your words to follow have been beautifully written. I particularly liked the way you exposed how David Millikan’s antics ‘captured all the material he needs to prove point number 1 and point number 2’ of his theory regarding cults leaving him only number 3 to cover. But as you say Rowena he will have to be very cunning on how to do this considering Universal Medicine actively encourages community engagement and a sense of responsibility to society and humanity as a whole.

  28. Thank you Rowena for your accurate sharing. I wasn’t there on that night but many explained just what unfolded in such a shocking way! Universal Medicine is so far away from the David Millikan cult guide you shared with us! Universal Medicine and its founder Serge Benhayon are the most transparent organisation I have come across and helped me to gain a sense of self Love, and a love for humanity, knowing we are all equal brothers here to evolve back to where we came from.

  29. Amina I can only agree with your words on Serge Benhayon. He is an exceptional human being who shares with us all the wisdom and knowledge that we all have inside us, but have forgotten. To feel such trust in one person is rare but there is a feeling of having always known this wisdom and this man.

  30. Interesting points about a cult here: “One, does the group allow internal criticism and discussion? Two, does it have a hostile relationship with the world outside and, three, has it sought to isolate its members? – as someone who has been and is an active supporter of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I can say that in my experience, over the years I have certainly learned (1) an openness and a welcoming of discussion and constrictive criticism. I specify constructive criticism because I have also learned to say no and lay a boundary with abusive criticism, which I used to accept and take on board and then wonder why I felt useless and worthless afterwards. (2) I have also (thanks to Serge and Universal Medicine) developed far more deeply my relationship with the outside world. I used to be one who wanted to escape and live out in the bush away from it all, hiding and hence not working. However, today I am in the midst of it all work wise and work 2 full time jobs and love the connection with all people. (3) I feel that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have helped me come back to be a part of the world and actually be an active and supportive part of it too!
    So when you look at these points and explore them as such, it is beautiful to see the outcome – a balanced and committed person who thrives in the community and is an active member of the community and an inspiration to many who are struggling. Makes you wonder who is the cult here? This thriving and open and committed person, or the person who is desperate to box people into that category?

  31. Rowena I too have gradually made huge changes in my life that mean I am far more engaged with my family, people in general and my work as a result of what I have heard at Universal Medicine events and courses and then applied to my life. And when I say huge changes, some things may seem very similar – where I live and work etc, but my health, weight, sleep and attitude to myself and others has transformed.

  32. It is that easy to accuse Universal Medicine to be a cult and through false allegations and manipulation gain so called evidence on that, like what was seen by David Millikan’s behaviour on that particular presentation evening. But there are wo things, and that is manipulated evidence that tries to portray Universal Medicine is a cult, or the lived evidence of the people who’s life, health and wellbeing that have been improved because of attending these presentations and courses, not being imposed upon, but all experienced from free choice to consider that what is being presented to make part of their life. It is clear that what I would choose of the above as the lived experience that comes with the livingness of the Ageless Wisdom, something we know from the heart and is honouring to our being.

  33. I too have experienced extraordinary shifts in my life from attending Universal Medicine presentations but I have sacrificed nothing to do so, yet gained more than I could have every imagined.
    Some people may be ignorantly blinded by lies they are spoon fed and fall for David Millikan’s tactics to condemn Universal Medicine through his manipulations, but those who have attended and chosen to transform their lives, will continue to know and live the truth regardless of the false accusations.

  34. David Millikan arrived unexpectedly and asked Serge Benhayon if he could ask us the audience a few questions to help him with the book he supposedly was writing. It makes no sense if there was any truth in what David Millikan was out to prove, which was that Universal Medicine sought to isolate its members, that Serge Benhayon would have even let him on stage. The fact was David Millikan came under the guise of asking a few questions, but his true intent was to disrupt and cause reactive behaviour to his ridiculous accusations, which actually had no foundation whatsoever, for the sake of getting a sensationalised, fabricated story to put on a well known TV show. This way of reporting has got me wondering how much truth then is there really in any of these supposedly informative current affair TV shows.

  35. You share some really great points Rowena in this powerful piece. To label Universal Medicine a ‘cult’ without any true evidence of this is just proof that David Millikan has no intention to present a story based on truth, he is more interested in boosting his ratings with sensationalist stories.

  36. “In 30 years exploring the field of alternative medicine and spiritual practices, I have never come across such a transparent and open organisation as Universal Medicine. When I first met Serge Benhayon I was very questioning of many of the things he presented. These questions were all welcomed, received with grace and responded to in a truthful manner, even if that truth challenged me further. There was no trying to be nice, no convincing, just a constantly patient presentation of the possibility of a truth; one which, if I really didn’t agree, I could simply walk away from… no strings attached and no pressure to convince me to agree.” I echo your views too Rowena, as I have explored many spiritual and healing modalities for over 35 years and have never come across such an organisation as Universal Medicine that is so open and non-judgmental. Transparency and integrity are its hallmarks – together with love and truth. Millikan deeply abused the trust that was placed in him to ask questions of the audience and caused great upset to men, women and also children who attended that evening to hear Serge Benhayon speak. Freedom of speech doesn’t entitle a man to cause harm. No wonder so many distrust the media.

  37. The points you make Rowena, make so much sense. What keeps resonating with me is the fact that: Universal Medicine opened their doors to David Millikan and his crew in the first place. This clearly demonstrates what an open organisation Universal Medicine is. This doesn’t however mean that they should be abused as a result.

  38. This clearly shows how when we are not willing to report on everything how the public don’t get the full picture. David Millikan and his team, filmed what they wanted, following their provocation. They didn’t show the general public how they acted beforehand as to why participants reacted as they did. That is unfair reporting. Thank God we have sites like this with people willing to write the Truth so that this wrong can be rebalanced.

  39. Thank you for this awesome blog Rowena, the actions of David Millikan were deplorable on the night in question. Serge Benhayon presents an open forum, complete with microphones for anyone to ask questions at any time – Serge Benhayon is completely welcoming of all discussions stemming from his presentations or from anything else for that matter.

  40. There is a deep beauty in connecting to what you feel to be true in your innermost. This is what Universal Medicine stands for and what it supports people to do. I’d say if there was a cure to a cult – this is it!

  41. I have heard it said that what you project onto others is a reflection of how you are with yourself. And how you are with yourself is how you are with others. It feels like David Millikan’s stance is heavily invested in self protection and judgement of that outside of him and this is being reflected in his stance on organisations such as Universal Medicine which it is clear to anyone who is genuinely open to seeing it is one of the most loving and all encompassing organisations in the world today.

  42. I have never met a presenter in any field who is as open to question and even criticism from an audience as Serge Benhayon. He actively encourages his audience to question and to determine for themselves what they feel is true.

  43. This blog is very well put together. I wish that anyone wanting to brandish the word cult around in respect to Universal Medicine could read this first. There’s probably only a small handful of people who do, but this blog that’s clear and straight forward expels the very notion with ease.

  44. When I read the 3 criteria posed by David Millikan as to what defines a ‘cult’ I wondered how things would look if the that same 3 criteria were applied to his and the media’s behaviour regarding how they have handled their ‘investigation’ into Universal Medicine.

  45. ” These people had gathered together that night to listen to a lecture on health, wellbeing and how to live more harmoniously whilst keeping up with the demands of life in modern society.” and how needed is that!? with so many pressures in modern life it should be extremely normal to be attending these courses. I don’t agree with what David Millikan went about. His approach would set anyone up to ‘fail’ in his eyes.

  46. Serge Benhayon is indeed a remarkable man and a remarkable presenter. He always encourages comments and questions from his audiences and is open to being challenged respectfully. You always feel you are in a conversation with him and others or just in a large group discussion when attending his workshops or courses. This is in contrast to many other presenters I have heard who basically talk at their audiences, do not accept any challenges to their opinion and certainly don’t always encourage questions.

    1. Great description Andrew, my experience is very similar. Serge Benhayon is an amazing presenter and I’ve certainly listened to a few in the pursuit of truth in this world.

    2. Andrew, this is so true. Serge Benhayon is all this and more. His ability to present and share in a way that is accessible to all is amazing. He presents with such honesty as he has, and is living what and how we live – there is no preaching or demands made and he is open to all challenges presented to him. Is this cult- I don’t think so!!

    3. The sheer fact that the bulk of all presentations and courses are littered with roaming microphones, goes to demonstrate that there’s nothing for Serge Benhayon to hide and everything for all to see or say at any time.

    4. I totally agree – it’s very unusual for a presenter to invite questions and challenges, to me this demonstrates the openness and unshakeable solidity Serge Benhayon lives with.

  47. Thank you for explaining so clearly, it is just as you say David Millikan is cunning and manipulative and it seems just after a ‘story’. To film people without consent is just not on; he also frightened and upset members of the public (including children) that came to listen to a presentation by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It seems to me Millikan has no morals at all. And yes Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are transparent in all they do, do have morals, integrity and do take others into consideration in all that they do.

    1. I agree with you, Vicky. Millikan has no morals to get the outcome he wants and Serge and Universal Medicine are all about integrity and respect.

    2. I agree Vicky, this kind of behaviour feels very wrong to me, intimidating members of the public and especially children is completely out of line, and I find it amazing that you can get away with this kind of behaviour without any form of retribution.

    3. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine go above and beyond the transparency and integrity of any other individual or business I have ever known or been associated with, and represent a true role model for us all – individually and collectively, – and to suggest or incite otherwise, such as the tactics of David Millikan and the media did during this incident, is an absolute disgrace.

  48. Ok – so point 2 on David Milikan’s list of being classified as being in a cult is being hostile and aggressive towards the outside world and people – Mmm undoubtedly that was me and 90% of people I knew prior to attending Universal Medicine and there was no way I could see things differently. I just thought that was how you had to be to get by. From what I have witnessed and felt since being involved with Universal Medicine is completely the opposite. Point 2 does exist because we have accepted it to be the norm. Perhaps we need to have a real look at what is going on around the world.

  49. With even the slightest of investigation it is clear that Universal Medicine is nothing like a cult – it certainly makes you question what Millikan’s true agenda in manipulatively attempting to make us look like one on camera was.

  50. Well said Rowena, I was at the event when David Millikan and his film crew aggressively ambushed a public gathering with children and family’s present.
    I was disturbed and shocked by the way they conducted themselves.

  51. The absolute manipulation and control of the media to put forth a certain viewpoint means that they can falsify any situation, and display it in whatever way they want. David Millikan comes with an agenda, and initially sees nothing that can prove his agenda, so he has to cause an aggressive attack and ambush to video a response to prove that Universal Medicine is a “cult”. Yet it is all wrong. It just shows that there was nothing that could be questioned, so he had to take it to extremes. Interestingly though, is the fact that the response from Universal Medicine “asking him and the camera team to stop what they are doing, i.e filming without prior consent and causing a disturbance”…is a normal response from anyone, event, live presentation, security or stage. This type of behaviour is not socially accepted and is seen as a possible threat, so it will always be dealt with accordingly.
    Yet he has manipulated this normal response to try to prove his false agenda.

  52. Rowena I too can confirm everything you have shared about Universal Medicine. Not tricks or cult, just a group of people who are willing to be honest that the way we are living was not working and with the support of Universal Medicine we are finding a way that does because it’s based on love.

  53. ”tricked his way onto the stage at Lennox Head, organised for an undercover film crew to infiltrate the audience, and then proceeded to instigate a hostile attack on the general public who were gathered to listen to Serge Benhayon speak, and accusing Universal Medicine of being a cult.” Seriously, what group would accept this kind of behaviour ? It’s just weird to think that people think it’s acceptable.. Asking questions to the crowed would be different, but this isn’t the approach taken by David Millikan.

  54. Well said Rowena, I absolutely agree with every word written. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are living breathing proof of integrity, responsibility, truth, harmony and love for all of humanity. I am a strong person, not one to be fooled by a cult, and Universal Medicine is definitely not one of these.

  55. What you share here Jane is so mirrored by myself and many others with whom I know. Serge Benhayon is a man of deep integrity, who holds the capacity to be more patient, loving and responsible than anyone I know. He is truly inspirational in how he lives, the consistency that is there and shared with all, holding all equally, never anyone less.
    I too feel more empowered and loving towards myself and others I know, as a result of what I have learnt from the ageless wisdom and teachings of Universal Medicine.

  56. When the reality of situations is openly and honestly shared and discussed it brings a lot of common sense to matters – or highlights the lack of common sense. The way David Millikan went about obtaining his proof was to create the issue he wanted to expose, doesn’t make sense – how can people be deemed as successful in the world based on their ability to create a problem then point out the problem? – then seemingly fix the problem when they themselves caused the problem in the first place. The phrase ‘Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken” comes to mind, and yet it happens all the time in life. Why is it so seemingly ‘easy’ to blame another for something, or our job, family, partners, situation, bank balance etc for a problem, and why can’t we just look at something in whole without picking it apart and just enjoying what we have in the whole as it is?

  57. A great and well considered blog Rowena. The behaviour of David Millikan and his crew is very disturbing. The fact that they think they have the right to impose on a group (any group for that matter) in this way, to get a story and to get further recognition for themselves is despicable in the least. Makes me wonder how he gets his information on so called cults and how he has become a so called expert. His methods are not in anyone’s interest other than his own.

    1. Thank you Rowena and Jennifer, I agree, David Millikan as a representative of the media, along with other journalist, seem only to have self interest in delivering headline seeking, sensationalised journalism, they never look for the truth!

  58. Thank you Rowena Stewart for writing this open and honest article. We have to continue to call out what is not true, otherwise we agree to have these false and manipulative ways of life continuing to exist.

  59. Rowena it feels very much with people like David Millikan that their wheels are already in motion before anything actually happens. A bit like the ugly sisters in Cinderella who had decided before trying on the slipper that it was going to fit and so forced their feet as best as they could into a slipper that was clearly the wrong size !

  60. To attend a gathering like the Universal Medicine Event, fosters openness and willingness. The environment is very loving and enables people to feel more at ease. It feels very abusive and intimidating for a person to make the choice David Milikan did on that night. A powerful example of the choice to harm, calculated, manipulating and abusive of the rights of people to share in the choices they themselves have the right to make. David Millikan lives off the tainted and poisonous energy of needing to have power over others and to bully his way through life. This night presented an opportunity for us all to see ‘harm’ in action and to know that clearly. What it has done is strengthen the awareness of the power of connecting to ourselves and to live the love we are within. It confirmed the truth of what we know and feel in our bodies everyday. The fact that we are taking responsibility for the way we live and choose to allow others to make their own choices.- something David Millikan denied everyone present on that evening

    1. Very true ch1956 and all this from a man who claims to be a minister in a church.

  61. Thank you Rowena for sharing clearly the happenings of that night. You have exposed the behind the scenes games and motives of some people.David Millikan has been disrespectful and agitating and then built a story around the drama. He festers fear and controversy that people pay to read about in the paper. It also places a stigma that hinders people to view Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine with clarity. Some people in this world are here to help, others to hinder.

  62. Very well said Rowena…super clear! I have to say that since my involvement with Universal Medicine I have come out of hiding. Having been one to isolate myself from the world in my many varied and sneaky ways, I have come to be very open, willing and wanting to engage with the world and with people. This sure does NOT fit with David’s point number 3. Universal Medicine doesn’t come close to fitting any of his ‘cult requirements’ And so true Adam, interestingly David would actually find himself guilty of his own 3 test rule!!

  63. Thank you Rowena, I would say I agree with you 100%. You have done a great service by your investigation into whether Universal Medicine is a cult or not and the result had to be NOT ! Having been involved with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for about 8 years now I can honestly say I have never felt any pressure to be, do or say anything other than what is true for me and only ever felt inspired and supported to be all of me.

  64. I was there on that night, and it was clear that David Millikan was there to impose his own biased agenda upon the crowd, a preconceived agenda that was exposed by ten news camera crew that tried to bust down the door when he got on stage. He was openly offered the stage by Serge Benhayon in order to facilitate a true discussion on whether Universal Medicine fits the definition of a cult. Instead, he took over, was not open to any questions from the audience, and proceeded to tell us how our lives were – without having ever met any of us. How can you determine if an organisation is a cult without even researching its members? If David Millikan applied his three test rule to himself, he would actually find that he was guilty on all 3 counts. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    1. It seems obvious that this was a whole set up from the start Adam, the decisions and plans were made well before the event on what the approach would be, what results they were looking for and what they will film. Meticulous planning with a determined response and no interest whatsoever in learning and understanding about the way a group of people choose to live their lives. I call this evil..

  65. Hi Rowena,
    very precise and clear blog! It is so easy to manipulate facts in a way that discredits a human being or an organisation that bring truth to humanity. And the media in general tricks their way into many excitement driven situations, like all the so called reality shows. It mostly all is set up before, and manipulated so the viewers get what they want: a distraction from their suffering and thinking their life is maybe not so bad after all.

  66. Thank you Rowena, for this clear presentation of what Universal Medicine is really like.
    Like for you and many others attending the workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon has brought incredible shifts to my life. They enabled me to really look at myself and take the responsibility for what I do and I realized that it is me – and only me – who truly has an influence of how my life feels to be for me.
    I left the role of “being the shy victim” behind and started to relate with people again, which has brought amazing changes to me, my outlook on life, my family as a whole and even my working place.

  67. Thank you Rowena for such a clear message I can agree with what you have said in my own life . Universal Medicine is so much not a cult , that lies and manipulation had to be resorted to, to try and so call prove that it was.

  68. Very well expressed Rowena. I completely endorse what you say and, as your loving husband, know how much we have both experienced “such incredible shifts… directly from my involvement with Universal Medicine.”

  69. Rowena you are certainly not alone in “experiencing such incredible shifts… directly from my involvement with Universal Medicine.” I’ve also benefitted in becoming much more able to ‘take myself out to the world’ and be open and loving with people in general in a way that I could not do before Universal Medicine, and also much more patient and understanding when evil is being expressed through people. I was also there on that October night when David Millikan cunningly inflitrated and set up the media attack of the audience listening to the presentation on wellbeing. I was there with my mum, who was at the time ill with cancer and had come from interstate to visit me. Seeing how children, teenagers and innocent audience members were being assaulted and made very uncomfortable by the invasive, aggressive techniques of the reporters, I was concerned for my fragile mum. Serge popped by too, and they greeted like old friends though they have not met before. He apologized to her for having to see the attack going on, but she replied that it’s great to directly witness the evil way in which the media works, and she was grateful for the opportunity. We had many discussions about these events after that. Although she was a Christian fundamentalist until the day she passed over, she could feel the love and integrity in the whole Universal Medicine crew and was glad that I had found them. She embraced and enjoyed some of our simple methods for relaxing, becoming gentle and increasing our awareness, which helped her during her illness and preparation for dying. She even brought some of her new way of being to her church. So much for an ‘isolating, hostile, closed cult’!

    1. How amazing that your Mum saw this for the opportunity it was and saw the truth of how sections of our media operate. A lasting impression in many ways.

  70. Very well spoken Rowena. Serge Benhayon was a gentleman and invited David Millikan to share the stage, David Millikan and his assistants with movie cameras acted like thugs and disrupted the evening for all.

  71. Thank you Rowena Stewart for this in-depth post and you are most definitely not alone in saying that you have experienced such incredible shifts in your life as a direct result of your involvement in Universal Medicine.
    I have not only turned my life around but now am in the position where I help many people who have given up on life.
    Whilst I have no direct experience of what it is like to be in a cult, I do have a strong and steady mind which knows without any doubt Universal Medicine is NOT a cult. I am living proof as are the hundreds and hundreds of others who have come to Universal Medicine from their own choice.

  72. “If UniMed (Universal Medicine) is not open to criticism and discussion, David Millikan would not have attained the permission he needed to stand on stage and engage the audience.

    If UniMed is hostile to the outside world, David would not have gained access to the lecture in the first place, especially when Serge Benhayon is fully aware that David Millikan has UniMed under his ‘microscope’.”

    To read these points alone shows anybody the truth of what goes on “behind the doors” (of which, for the record, there are none) of Universal Medicine. What is said or written afterwards clearly is not truth because it never started with the truth in the first place. Without the WHOLE truth, there is no truth.

  73. This is a great piece of writing Rowena and a sad reflection of society that it buys a newspaper when there is some sort of so called scandal story in it(true or otherwise), what does that say about us the reader?

    1. Great question Judy. I know for myself I’ve got drawn in by scandalous stories in the past but as I’ve seen more and more how corrupt the media industry is,it’s made me really stop and consider what it is that we buy into when we don’t discern what is being said or written and how we as the reader hold a lot of power in shaping how the press operate.

  74. Well researched, Rowena. You clearly expose the falseness of David Milkman’s research, how he does not keep to his own criteria, his abusive approach and the completely inaccurate presentation of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  75. Thank you Amina, it is so simple really, the outcome for the majority has been a return to true health and well being. How anyone can misconstrue this into a dangerous or harmful activity is quite baffling.

  76. A beautiful piece of writing Rowena. For what sounds like a harsh and cruel situation you have written it from immense Love and Compassion. Thank you.

  77. Thank you Rowena for so clearly demonstrating that Universal Medicine cannot possibly be described as a cult by using David Millikan’s own criteria – presumably why he had to use such extreme tactics to try and incite a response that would be worth filming. By doing this he completely missed the real story of how so many people have turned their lives around and I for one am so much more open with everyone I meet and feel that I am a much more valuable member of society because of it.

    1. Thank you Helen and yes, what a lost opportunity to see the real and amazing life stories we, the student body have to share in showing the world there is another way to live and engage with one another, a way that comes from opening our hearts and expressing truth and compassion. The whole episode simply exposed just how self centred we can become on getting our own scoop and recognition and completely sacrificing the Truth on the way.

  78. I have known you for 5 years now Rowena, and you have changed beyond describable! Not just in a physical sense (though your and Jonathan’s picture story on these blogs says it all!) but also how much more womanly you are as a reflection of how you have changed your relationship with self. It has been wonderful to observe these changes.

  79. Absolutely brilliant Rowena! By his own definition, David Millikan has defined that Universal Medicine is NOT a cult. This display of unprofessional and unethical behaviour by David Millikan and his film crew on 12th October 2012, and the lack of integrity and regard for basic human rights, is abhorrent and totally unacceptable. Thank you again Rowena for expressing the truth with such absoluteness!

  80. That’s right Rowena,
    If David Millikan was vaguely interested in the truth he would stop and listen and see that Serge and his team patiently welcome questions, considers deeply his reply, encourages group work, and each person coming to their own truth. I have never met anybody who has that much integrity, and is so consistent with it.

  81. “Hear, hear” Rowena. Powerfully said. I can also state unequivocally, that I attribute enormous changes in the quality of my life – on every level – to my involvement with Universal Medicine, and, that in no way does this organisation ‘fit’ any description of a cult, whether by David Millikan, or any other I have researched.

    It is utterly ridiculous, and anyone – media or other, who continues to brandish about such a word which can damage the reputations of deeply sincere and good people, rightly deserves to be called to account. I truly appreciate the power of your words here Rowena – absolute truth, thank you.

    1. I second the ‘hear hear’ I can also state that my life has changed incredibly due to my involvement with Universal Medicine and having had support from practitioners over the years. For someone to say otherwise, or diminish that, say it is a cult, really is just so ludicrous.

  82. Awesome Rowena. Clear, precise, honest and to the point. The honesty of the presentations by Universal Medicine hold a certain quality that seems to evade David Millikan. He may call himself an “expert on cults” but he has openly proved that he has no understanding of respect for others.

  83. Rowena, this is a brilliant, clearly seen view on what happened that Friday night.
    I really enjoyed it for its stating of the truth, its detachment and its love. Thank you!

  84. Great point Rowena, how will David Millikan prove his 3rd point? He has failed on the first 2 and if anyone has been trying to isolate UM it has been David Millikan himself. For me it was the other way around, before Universal Medicine I was slowly isolating myself from society, making a comfortable life for myself, interacting less with life. It is only through Universal Medicine I can see what I was slowly doing. Now I am gradually un-isolating myself and getting back into society, this time knowing that I am choosing it… Thank you Universal Medicine.

    1. Thanks for your comment Alison, I very much agree with your point. I did isolate myself a lot in the past and my ability to connect and be more open to others has improved enormously since I am involved with Universal Medicine. Serge Benhayon is such an inspiration in this regard, his openness to people is incredible.

    2. That is true for me too, Alison. My involvement with Universal Medicine has resulted in me actually choosing to work in a very people orientated job, which in the past I would not have chosen to engage with. I am much the better person for it and I love my work and take pleasure in meeting and engaging with customers very openly. Much has changed since attending the Universal Medicine workshops that I am truly appreciative of.

  85. Thank you so much Rowena! Very well said. And yes, since I am a part of Universal Medicine (I do workshops etc. since 6 years now) I did have the same experience with being more open to my family and friends, and equally to strangers, and the relationship with my partner became deeper and more loving. My life is simple now and full of joy and love. I don’t need any outside sensations …. I am the sensation now and being myself with others is a sensation. Mr Millikan can point the finger on himself and ask himself which background brought him to be behave in the way he did. It seems more to me like he is caught in a cult of media.

    1. Absolutely agree Sandra, the media and David Millikan can do well to look at their abuses of control, power, telling mistruths to deceive, and feeding blatant propaganda in an attempt to sway perception of the masses, and isolate, damage and destroy those who may have a different view – something suspiciously akin to their own proclaimed ‘cult’ behaviour.

  86. Great article Rowena. I appreciate that you took the time to investigate the philosofy of David Millakan to show what he, probably, is doing. Very interesting!

  87. Well said Rowena – none of his so called three point test associates that Universal Medicine is a cult.

  88. Awesomely expressed Rowena, l’ve been around UM a long time too and have heard many people question aspects of what’s being presented, always to be met with the same respect, honesty and openness you describe. On the contrary to that which is implied in labelling UM a cult, l’ve never seen people being so universally accepted for wherever they’re at and whatever their choices.

    1. Exactly and it’s very inspiring. I have never felt any judgement from Serge Benhayon or any Universal Medicine practitioner in response to any question presented. People are openly encouraged to hold their own opinions and to adhere to what feels correct for them, even if those opinions are not the same. These events have never been about shutting people down and making them all think the same thing. Open debate is fundamental to all Universal Medicine events, as it enables true evolution and I for one would not attend if that were not a core principle of engagement.

  89. This is a great analysis of David Millikan’s intentions, however he is the biggest loser because he was handed a gold plated opportunity to discover the truth when Serge Benhayon gave him the stage at the UniMed health talk to have an open discussion with those present.

  90. Well done on this bit of research Rowena. Universal Medicine does not fit with the three points you have mentioned at all. From a discussion that I had with a friend of mine who is a freelance writer and has been involved with media and PR for the last 19 years she mentioned that media is really struggling at the moment and that if the word ‘cult’ is used at all it always pulls ratings. She also made the comment that there has not been a good ‘cult’ story for a long time and hence maybe one of the reasons that Universal Medicine is getting so much negative attention. So as we are all very aware of nothing about truth and wanting to know that Universal Medicine has an amazing track record for educating people about life and well being. Its all about ratings and a sensational angle on the story.

    1. Sally it’s really interesting that your friend has said the media is really struggling so to go to tried and tested means of pulling in audiences like using the word cult to create sensationalised stories makes sense.

      I wonder though if readerships have had enough of this sort of journalism. In the same way as in (UK) politics people have become apathetic to being spun half truths (aka lies), so too have people lost their appetite for one sided angles or even blatant lies. I would say people would welcome journalism which respected its reader’s integrity.

      1. Yes Karin what if people were ready for the truth and the media were just lagging behind. Maybe they need to reconsider what it is to report and the responsibility they have shirked in the game of chasing stories when the true stories are staring them in the face.

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