Weight Loss

Anonymous,  NSW, Australia

Since regularly attending Universal Medicine events my body has gone through the following changes:

My weight has gone from 91.5kg to 69.5kg, or from a BMI of 27 to 21. The first 10kg through dieting (I was in a hurry and decided off my own bat to do something), the next 12kg happened by themselves.

I drank almost daily until five years ago and have never had any alcohol since. The interesting thing is that I don’t miss alcohol at all.

I drank my last decaf coffee two years ago because drinking a cup was like being kicked and I was unpleasantly racy for two hours afterwards. I love the taste of coffee but even decaf (let alone caffeinated) coffee is no fun.

The upside is that I have no problem working eight hours a day, six days a week, sometimes longer, and I don’t fade at all after lunch and am only pleasantly tired in the evening.

My blood pressure has gone from 125 to 109 and sometimes as low as 98, which is pretty good for a male aged 53. I had elevated cholesterol 10 years ago and my cholesterol is now deep in the healthy zone.

I regularly took multi vitamin pills in the past but gradually reduced it to one a week, one a fortnight, one a month and now no pills at all. When I took a vitamin pill during a very stressful time two years ago my urine turned a very bright orange which in the past only happened when I took too many vitamin pills, so I didn’t take any more.

290 thoughts on “Weight Loss

  1. It’s amazing the fastness in which our body regenerates and recovers its natural shape and balance, when we remove what intoxicates it and lovingly treat it. This is simply common sense and something very available to everyone, that creates a healthy foundation in our life.

  2. In a world where lifestyle choices are pushing up rates of illness and disease, and where it’s proven that diets don’t work (in fact the majority of people put on more weight than before they started the diet) then this example is absolute gold. It shows the rock solid outcomes from the presentations offered by Universal Medicine for those who commit to loving themselves and their body – and it’s pretty simple compared to what’s on offer out there like complicated diets based on willpower, or rah-rah motivation.

  3. I have to admit since attending Universal Medicine workshops and without exercising, my weight had dropped off on its own accord. I used to be a gym junkie and following a stop moment, I couldn’t exercise anymore.

    My body is constantly changing, Now my body has gone the other way and I have gained more weight. For me it is learning to love my body no matter what is going on for it and still be able to look in the mirror.

    A message came through my awareness the other day, ‘love me not my body’. Which for me, has a double meaning. It doesn’t mean I ignore the body, (I used to constantly shaped it), so I could love me more and be loved. When I can love myself no matter what shape it is.
    The other meaning is for a previous partner who used to remind me that I was gaining weight, and I would work harder to shape it. For that person, it is to love ME and not my body, (no matter what shape it is going through).

  4. I met someone many years ago who said to me that drinking coffee for her was like taking drug because it made her go crazy. And I thought she was crazy for saying that. I also met quite a few people who say coffee helps them to keep going therefore it is good for them. Different opinions, but one thing for certain is that it does something to our body and changes our way of being.

  5. When we make life about self-love the things we have tried to achieve previously, like weight loss, may just come naturally. That’s how it happened for me after attending Universal Medicine workshops, I was previously locked into a mentality of watching what I ate, exercising to reduce the possibility of gaining weight (especially if I overate). It was a constant surveillance of diet and weight, and a focus on a certain body image. That all fell away when I became more in tune with my body and honouring of how I felt, I lost weight and dropped two dress sizes but it actually didn’t mean what it used to, I didn’t need the weight loss or a certain body image anymore because my purpose for myself was simply to be self loving.

  6. For me the Sacred Healing modalities have been absolutely GOLD in removing unwanted and unloving energies from my body. No trying, no pushing. The healing enabled me to let go of many things I and my body had taken on to the point that I stopped drinking alcohol without even realising!!!! Something I never thought would ever of happened in my life, especially in being labelled at one point of my life as an alcoholic. That along with many other things. The result is my body feels so much lighter, clearer and stronger. I have a deeper relationship with myself and others, more vitality and joy and this continues to unfold … there is no peak, just a forever deepening which is pretty amazing, and I am only at the tip of the iceberg. We seriously have so much to learn and put into place for our whole well-being when it comes to energy and the choices that we make and where our choices come from.

  7. Weight loss without trying is something that happened to me too. After being overweight for a few years and failing to lose weight with diets, it just fell away when I stopped eating gluten. I stopped because I could no longer deny that it did not agree with me. More fell away when I naturally stopped eating dairy, it just disappeared from my diet without any conscious decision. This was surprising in both cases as I had grown up eating both. It was a good lesson to me to not assume that foods are okay and to keep refining what I eat based on what my body needs.

  8. When we live honoring the truth of our bodies and what it is always communicating to us we are guided to live in a way that supports us to live with vitality, maximising our day by living the true potential of who we are and our true body shape is then generally naturally a reflection of this.

    1. Carola, your comments ring truth, ‘honouring our body… we are guided to live in a way that supports us to live’. Such pearls of wisdom.

  9. These are just the minor changes that happen as we let go of the abusive energy we have allowed in the body fore aeons. For the energetic disorders in our body are far deeper and far more painful than any physical symptom can manifest.

  10. Like you anonymous I lost weight when I stopped drinking alcohol. But I realised that it was not just the sugar hit from the alcohol I wanted but also the associated impairment of my faculties meant I let other things in that if I was sober I would not have – such as pigging out on food or having a drink instead of going for a walk. There are many other examples I could give too….

  11. Universal Medicine never tells us to change our life. Only what is presented makes so much sense and leaves the space open for us to experiment with changing our lives and coming to the answers and results ourselves.

    1. Yep agreed, and it is said from people who truly walk their talk, just in observation alone I am inspired.

  12. When we give ourselves space to feel how our body reacts or responds to certain foods, activities, drinks etc. without being attached to the outcome it’s easy to make decisions that honour our body more.

    1. Yes Aimee – understanding the power of honesty and how it creates space for us to bring greater love into our lives is life changing and empowering.

  13. Making a choice to give up something that is addictive and harming to our bodies such as coffee, alcohol and sugar for that matter, is a step on the ladder of evolution. Plus our bodies will love us for it.

  14. Anonymous what you have shared showed it very clear how powerful we can be if we choose to take more care for and have more respect for our bodies.

  15. A testament to The Way of The Livingness. Simple. Not a big deal – its normal.! HOWEVER, how many can permanently give up alcohol, coffee etc? All that is out there and it does not work. Universal Medicine has the answers.

  16. When we practice being present and observing life more and create space of us making choices, we naturally expand.. The whole trying disappears. Simply by listening to who we are and what we feel.

  17. When the body is treated with respect and love, it responds. Weight changes can happen, clearer skin can happen, vitality can return. All of these changes are rooted in the honouring of the body, what we eat, how we move, and how we see ourselves. Universal Medicine has been central in supporting me to understand this.

    1. I agree Heather as all too often we come from a lack and want to fix something instead of from a foundation of love and respect and of course self-care.

      1. Treating the body with love, respect and honouring is fundamental in building a strong foundation of love and care for our bodies.

  18. Being more body aware has certainly supported my weight, I was bloated and exhausted, becoming more interested and aware of self care has deeply changed how my body feels and looks.

    1. What I found also was that once I stopped digesting things that were harming to my body it was easier to see what didn’t belong because my body wasn’t weighed down by the ailments I had just taken as normal for so long.

      1. True, I am noticing this also in how I eat, so important to really feel how food feels in the body and from there it is more simple to let go of what does not support us.

  19. When we understand the body from an energetic point, it becomes much easier to give up alcohol, coffee and foods that cause us to bloat and become lethargic. It is not that we don’t see the symptoms, it is just that we don’t put it all together in a way that makes sense. Once we start to listen to the body, alcohol no longer has the appeal it once had and as you say Anon, you can feel the raciness in the body for several hours after a cup of coffee and there comes a time when you can feel it is no longer worth it.

  20. I few women and I were talking about dieting today and how most the time it follows with a yo-yoing from losing weight to putting it back on… but that is because it isn’t based on a lifestyle change that is permanent, it is usually based on wanting to fix something and look good and coming from pictures, instead of making a change from the whole body. As you found Anonymous, once you feel something is not right in your body, it’s super simple.. you don’t have it again. No trying, no pushing required.

  21. This is a great reminder that when I deal with the underlying energetic cause (as Universal Medicine presents) and address my feelings, those activities, behaviours and foods/drinks that don’t agree with me become unpalatable, they simply drop away without effort.

  22. It is quite simple really and all of what happens in the blog can come through living an increased awareness.

  23. One really significant change that happened in my life when meeting Universal Medicine and attending the Sacred Esoteric Healing courses, was that I dropped alcohol really quickly and without even noticing. This was actually really HUGE for someone that was brought up with alcohol being a part of their life and it got so bad that someone who I considered to be a serious alcoholic said they were worried about how much I was drinking!!!! Yet there have been so many positive and truly beautiful changes happening in my life because of knowing Universal Medicine and starting to live the way of the livingness (how we live matters knowing that every choice we make has an impact on our life and those around us) that this quite huge and significant change went under the radar of truly registering that it happened .. it was that quick and natural. I find this both amazing and incredible. Definitely one to appreciate.

  24. People that work in the health profession may be wondering how you achieved all those changes to your body and lifestyle, as weight and alcohol consumption, etc, are areas that have a huge impact on health and wellbeing. And, the difference for students of Universal Medicine is that changes to lifestyle and health are not based on willpower or struggle, such as it usually is with weight loss diets for example, but achieved through simple body awareness, self care, and self love.

  25. Inspired and supported by the presentations of Universal Medicine I too have lost a lot of weight but to me that wasn’t the end goal but a wonderful bonus. The reason I began to change the way I lived, including what I ate, was that my body had been suffering needlessly as a result of the inconsiderate way I had treated it for such a long time. These days, from choosing to take deep care of myself my quality of life is now amazing and at 68 my long suffering body is feeling more vital and alive than it has ever done.

  26. The best kind of weight loss is done without any effort at all. This is how it happened for me too once I stopped eating gluten. True choices that come from your body will naturally restore health and vitality.

    1. Yes, eating well and not needing the protection (or the feeling of protection) that extra weight gives and the weight can just go.

  27. These are amazing changes, complete opposite to what seems to be happening to many people all over the world. And if these are the result of the choices being made as inspired by Universal Medicine, it seems like a good idea to at least have a listen to what they have to say and give it a go.

  28. I drank almost daily before Universal Medicine, in fact I’m not even certain if there were any days that I would go without a drink and yet now I would never even consider having a glass of wine because I know how it would leave me feeling.

  29. It is amazing to experience the positive changes that naturally occur to our body when we begin to live in honor of and guided by what our body tells us. The more we live in connection to what is true, the more our body is restored to reflect its true and natural vitality.

  30. Choosing to no longer consume substances that are not conducive for our body is the greatest way to support our body. To identify those things that are not conducive is by trial and error and trying for oneself what works for others. I did this and my health and wellbeing is completely different to what it was before.

    1. Yes jstewart51, when we tune in and listen to our body it isn’t hard to feel what works for it and what doesn’t. It just requires a bit of honesty and a few home truths!

  31. When we turn our attention inwardly instead of outwardly and with that become to honour that what lives within, our bodies will naturally respond and become very communicative in what it likes or not.

  32. When our movements reflect the essence of who we are, our bodies go through a metamorphosis that reflects our natural body shape; we realize then that there is no longer an attachment to look a specific way as there is a deeper level of self- acceptance as instruments of God’s work.

  33. Weight like water seems to adjust to it natural level when we don’t obstruct our body with food and drinks.
    I know this from my own experience.

  34. This is so wonderful and so clear as to the power we have in our own hands if we make the choice, thank you for sharing.

  35. Living from how we feel and being honest and open to what is being shared with us constantly allows us to live from our bodies and not against them. it is in this union of connection we find true vitality, love and support and life becomes more about feeling and not finding the next quick fix.

  36. Developing our relationship with self allows us to be honest about the consequences of what we ingest through all our senses, for in truth when we live from our essence there is no need of stimulation or dulling as we understand that life evolves around the awareness within.

  37. A beautiful change to the way you live, for myself I have found choosing not to drink alcohol or coffee a great choice, because both of them used to stop me from being able to truly connect with myself, now through more self loving choices I am able to look after myself much more lovingly.

  38. I find that the more I love myself and care for myself, the less I feel the need for foods or drinks that offer reward, comfort or stimulation. As a result my body has settled into a more natural weight, BMI, and I sleep better having more energy as a consequence.

  39. Why do we feel we need to hide when we have so many amazing miracles of true change happening in our lives. It is an indictment on society that when someone has returned to living more true and joyful they feel they need to hide it away because not many are truly open, embracing and accepting of their reflection. I love the reminder that there is no perfectionism in true responsibility.

  40. Sounds pretty good to me! You’ve clearly been inspired to take responsibility for your health.

  41. Lifestyle choices have a big impact on well… our lifestyles! Going on a diet may achieve something but what you have described is a whole new way of living and it seems the proof is in the pudding.

  42. What you have shared here Anonymous is that you can indeed bring vitality and wellbeing from how you live, the supplements can support, but it is very much how you move and live that makes all the difference.

  43. Sounds like your new way of being is truly supporting your vitality too. It is also interesting to note that there is a lot more to consider than dieting to return to our natural weight and true well ‘being’.

  44. Well anonymous, your blog says it all. If we take true loving care of ourselves miracles happen.

  45. I get the feeling all these changes happened not by you tackling them head on, as in you didn’t go out of your way to reduce your cholesterol or try hard to die up alcohol. It seems they were all by-products of the way you chose to live. Which if we flip the coin and look at our health and wellbeing in relation to the way we live – perhaps it’s not about addressing the problems and symptoms but about how we are living.

    1. I couldn’t agree more Nikki, I found that when I focused on dieting the whole process was a huge struggle, but when I let that go and then concentrated on how my body felt when I let things go (emotionally and food wise) the weight came off on its own accord. It was not instant but because I was feeling healthier in myself I did not have the push to shift the weight, but felt confident that it would go in its own time.

    2. Nikki, your point addresses exactly why diets don’t work, if we want lasting change we need to address the underlying causes, which I feel are what anonymous is sharing. And it seems that in this case addressing the root of the issue allowed the weight to virtually just fall off as new behaviours were formed.

  46. It is such a joy to read again and again that the truth I have found for myself about food choices is actually not a truth of my own because as so many come to the same truth of what our food choices can do to the body and our overall wellbeing, you can say it is a universal truth many and I have connected to.

  47. I know my health and definitely improved since attending Universal Medicine .. it is a shame I didn’t have a record of before and after statistics as you did to see exactly what has changed and by how much.

  48. What a living miracle you are, this is a great example of how loving choices bring true healing to the body – well done for your commitment to yourself.

  49. Thank you Anno, and defenitely the benefits are endless when we say no to that which is not from truth and therefore harmful to our bodies and yes to more of the love that we are.

  50. Shame this one is anonymous because of the significant changes that have occurred. I was never a big fan of diets or health programs. I did eat my version of healthy but it was very inconsistent and had a lot of moving pieces. A few years ago now I was over the taste and the feeling alcohol gave me and so I stopped and with that decision I lost some weight by default. Around the same time dairy milk was making me feel very unwell and the smell almost made me throw up and so I stopped drinking or eating dairy. This was easy because of how the smell was for me and by default I lost some more weight. There are other points as well but in the past 7 years I’ve dropped about 27 kgs and now my weight has been very consistently the same for about 2 years. I didn’t diet or changed anything deliberately to achieve a goal. I just stopped doing things that I no longer liked or felt good to me and by default other things changed.

  51. If I was a medical practitioner of any sort, in fact anybody at all, after reading this my first question would have to be – how did you do this? You have turned so many body ‘negatives’ around and have replaced them with a very impressive list of healthy statistics; a great example of the fact that we do not always have to live with ill health, it is possible to change our health and in turn our lives, just as you have. In my experience, and I can see in yours also, it comes from making more loving choices as to how we care for our body.

  52. This is a great testimony to the choices your have made having been inspired to tuned into and reconnect your body. Thank you for sharing.

  53. Thank you Anon for sharing the changes that have happened in your body through making self-loving choices to not put into your body substances that you know will cause harm to it, and your body is responding to your choices with more vitality and weight loss.

  54. There’s nothing wrong with taking vitamins if needed, but if we do it out of trying to fix ourselves, or not take responsibility for our health then they will be no better than a plaster on a gaping wound.

  55. With blogs like this, surely people have to recognize that there is more to health than what is currently offered, the reason Unimed presentations have such a profound effect on people is because the people that are presenting – such as Serge – are actually living what they are presenting on, therefore our cells respond accordingly, it’s quite an amazing science really. What a transformation, my only gripe is that as it’s anonymous, there are no before and after photos, I really love looking at them!

  56. Responsibility in action. The way we live – cause – is reflected in the wellbeing, or otherwise, of our physical body – effect.

  57. Brilliant blog Anonymous. The changes you’ve made are incredible. Many people say they want to truly change their lives but few ever really do. The stories of people like you need to be shared because they are not the norm.

  58. ‘The interesting thing is that I don’t miss alcohol at all.’ When we acknowledge the way something makes our body feel, we realise we don’t miss it when we let it go, nor did we ever really like it to begin with.

  59. Amazing- very inspiring to read not just about the weight loss but how you were able to let go of whatever led you to conditions of ill health. Often we can know what is needed but because we haven’t dealt with the underlying issues it is difficult to continually make the choice to let go of these.

  60. With the love and care you have invested in yourself paying off I am pretty sure that all your friends, family and work colleagues would have been observing your transformation in the full appreciation that if you can do it, so can they.

  61. Dear Anonymous. I have healed my beginning asthma through stopping eating gluten and dairy so that my pulmonologist was astonished and asked me what I had done because he never had seen this before. I am wondering why no journalist is interested in writing about all the mind-blowing health changes many of the people joining Universal Medicine have gone through . . .

  62. Since regularly attending Universal Medicine events my body and health have had positive changes as well, while this has been down to the choices I have made it has also greatly been supported and held in Sacred Esoteric Healing Courses and sessions supporting me to feel who I truly am and let go of all that I am not, which is still, and I guess, will always be work in progress. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine bring the greater understanding, truth and awareness of energy to humanity and the rest is up to us. We really do hold our health within our hands.

  63. It’s fascinating isn’t it… Here is Universal Medicine. an organisation founded by Serge Benhayon. that tells no-one what to do, and yet so very many people are inspired to embark upon changes and choices in their lives that are addressing long-term disregard for our well-being and so much more…
    Clearly, the choices come from ourselves (referring here to those who are students of Universal Medicine), but what has gone on that this be so?
    Could it be, that in being inspired to reconnect to the essence of who we are, and forging a relationship with our essential nature, that the changes we make come from within? From a well of inspiration that awaits when we reconnect to the love of the soul, and say an unreserved ‘Yes’ to this love in our daily lives? From my own experience, this is exactly how it’s been and how it continues to be.

    1. Thanks for explaining it so well Victoria. Building deep care of yourself and all the changes associated with that is the most simple and natural thing when you return to the awareness, appreciation and honouring the love that we inherently are and which is our true expression.

    2. Thanks for explaining it so well Victoria. Building deep care of yourself and all the changes associated with that is the most simple and natural thing when you return to the awareness, appreciation and honouring the love that we inherently are and which is our true expression.

  64. A to the point blog about what happens when we start to listen to our bodies inspired by Universal Medicine and make the necessary changes in the way we live and how we are with food is a reflection of how we choose to be with ourselves either dulling what we feel or being aware of what we feel.

  65. I had battled with my weight for all of my life and no matter what diet I tried- it wouldn’t shift. When I heard Serge Benhayon share that people can carry excess weight as a form of protection – it finally made sense. Through my interactions and experiences with him I met someone I could deeply trust and this was the start of my weight falling off (40kgs).

  66. I love this Anonymous – the body speaking loud and clear. No gimmicks, fads or whizz-bangery, just the body, paired with a common sense mind.

  67. My understanding is that when your urine shows a bright colour after taking many multi-vitamin pills this is an indication you are not absorbing the multi-vitamins. I found that the best thing to do initially was to eliminate foods that were causing me ill-health just by eating them e.g. gluten, dairy, carbohydrates, sugar and caffeine. Consuming these foods attracts toxins in your cells so you are more likely to absorb toxins than good minerals and vitamins etc. -this is a valuable piece of information I learnt through Universal Medicine. You are what you eat.

  68. Weight loss is one side effect that comes with a healthy life-style and looking after your body, as is promoted by Universal Medicine. With the support of Universal Medicine I can today work 10-12 hours a day, whilst I had difficulties doing a normal 8hrs job when I was in my twenties, constantly needing stimulation of some sort.

  69. This shows the simplicity of changing our lifestyle and our health, amazing things happen when we cut out habits which do not support us to feel energised and ready for each day.

  70. No fuss no bother just facts that show that simple changes to your life can make a huge difference to your health and how your body is feeling,

  71. This blog is a superb example of the power of making simple loving choices that can lead to extraordinary changes to our bodies and to our lives.

  72. Thank you Anonymous for sharing the loving changes you have made to your health and weight by choosing to feel how your body is when drinking alcohol and coffee, and making the self loving choice to stop these habits.

  73. The reason urine turns either very bright orange or yellow after taking a vitamin tablet it because of the high levels vitamin B2. I used to take vitamin tablets and then stopped but have now started again after doing some work with an Esoteric Naturopath, for me this feels supportive. Its great to hear the changes that have naturally happened with your body without trying it just goes to show how we live is the key to true health. Also it just goes to show how when we start taking more notice and are willing to feel truly what certain food and drinks does to our body even though we have been having them for years the effects are then shown to us. ‘I drank my last decaf coffee two years ago because drinking a cup was like being kicked and I was unpleasantly racy for two hours afterwards. I love the taste of coffee but even decaf (let alone caffeinated) coffee is no fun.’

  74. It’s great to have such clear, factual accounts of health improvements as a result of living life in more self-loving and caring ways.

  75. I have found that as I have dealt with the real issues and hurts I had been carrying in my body, the desire to eat foods or drink things which numb or stimulate me has reduced and therefore I don’t choose to have them anymore. It has been a very natural process and the physical changes that accompany these choices feel totally natural. Life without alcohol, caffeine, and sugar feels very honouring too and self-loving.

  76. The bodies ability to heal and return to health never ceases to amaze me. Our bodies want to heal and live in vitality, we just have to support them so they can.

  77. Our body’s well-being is clearly our responsibility. No one can save us from ourselves. This is testimony to the fact that it is about our choices

  78. It is amazing what the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom, as delivered and lived by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, reflect to us. I appreciate you recounting your story, your experiences and your wisdom Anonymous, thank you.

  79. Simple numbers. Lost 22kg weight. Drank 7 days/week now 0. Blood pressure has gone down to under 100. What does that mean to a person? And what does it mean to us all?
    I can imagine how much impact these changes have on your life – or more probable: how much you must have changed your life so that your body-changes did arise.
    I have lost around 40kg since I am with Universal Medicine, I have healed from my asthma and diverse other body-sufferings. Again – numbers and words. But what that mean to me is, a lighter life. A body that is more able to let divinity come through and so, serve humanity. My life makes sense now.

  80. The Teachings of Universal Medicine offer us an opportunity to develop a relationship with our bodies and food according to our own evolution so it is not a set way of living or eating but a constant refinement of what our bodies truly need at any time in order to serve and offer a reflection of truth.

  81. Its interesting to read that you go completely against the trend of what is ‘normal’ in our nowadays societies Anonymous. Normally people gain more weight when the become older, they need more supplements and medication and suffer several medial ailments, like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. This should be studied that by simply making loving choices for oneself in changing your lifestyle has such a huge effect on our vitality and physical well being.

  82. A lovely testimony of daily choices you have made anonymous to be more loving with yourself and you’ve had some great physical affects as a result of those. But you have also shared that the transformation is not just physical, but far more profound than that.

  83. I am realising more and more every day that it is actually the simple changes in our day to day life that often have the most profound effect on our lives and the lives of those around us.

  84. There is so much out in the world about weight loss, how to do it, what to eat, when to eat, it is overwhelming what is on offer as advice. But what you have shared here is super simple and very loving, to eat to what our bodies are telling us. This is a great marker for us all to adhere to.

  85. In a world that demands proof, there is plenty of proof that listening and living from the body and making healthy choices is here. All we need to do is re-connect to what is true and the body responds. Thanks Anonymous

  86. It is amazing the way our bodies respond when we connect and honour ourselves, we no longer just eat for the pleasure of it and indulge in every way possible but we eat to keep our bodies aligned to what is divine and the changes are amazing.

  87. The evidence of the life we are living is clearly shown in the body and it’s level of vitality. The changes you have made Anon, are clearly incredibly loving of yourself and the outcome now, is loving you back. You are an inspiration.

  88. The physical changes that people experience after making more loving choices in their day is quite remarkable…. I have found that when you treat it with true care, the body reverts back to state of good health to reflect that.

  89. Many of the problems you described are a fairly common place and it seems that society is accepting of them. But the truth of the matter is that the body is not well when over weight, with high blood pressure and cholesterol and regularly having to deal with alcohol and coffee. It is not out of anyone’s scope to make changes that can bring them back to a more vital life.

  90. I have likewise found simple changes in diet and lifestyle have made a dramatic effect on my vitality and sense of well-being

  91. I know the weight loss is the headline figure, but the bits I enjoyed the most are the changes you have made to your lifestyle. This corresponds in such a healthy way to the fact that 18/20 top medicinal drugs are there to treat lifestyle related illnesses. So it make sense to take a good hard look at it and change it for ourselves ahead of time!

  92. What I love about this blog is there is no frills, no sell and very basic common sense presented or one might think. It begs the question why the worlds greatest minds are not simply recommending this as a way to live? The amount of people who’s health has improved as a result of attending Universal Medicine presentations is remarkable and yet no real accolades have been appointed to this amazing health organisation?
    With the current pressure on the health care system, I personally think it should be a legal requirement to begin to take some basic care of ourselves, it is selfish when you think about it if we do not begin to make an effort to turn the tides on the current heath epidemic.

  93. Your blog reads like a list of miracles! The way you have managed to turn your health around is amazing and this goes against the trends shown in worldwide statistics that show ever rising levels of ‘lifestyle related’ illness and disease.

  94. Yes this is a much gentler more loving approach to lasting change. No more quick fixes and fads which can be so disregarding to the body’s innate, natural rhythms.

  95. lt sounds like you have finally found a way to love and nurture yourself more deeply now and have taken responsibility to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle so that the changes are now a lasting new marker for your life. That is awesome. Well done and all the best with the next loving choice, moment to moment, buliding a new momentum of deeper self love. lt is worth it.

  96. It’s lovely that when we allow the body to settle into its own rhythm it becomes much more harmonious, adjusting itself to the weight it should be and the rate of metabolism it should be. Our bodies are the marker of truth and when we listen we are so much more healthy.

    1. Yes Amanda, beautifully said. We can work with our bodies – as you say allowing “the body to settle into its own rhythm” or we can work against our bodies. The choice is ours and the effects are certainly evident.

      1. I agree Hannah the evidence is obvious if we choose to work with or against our body we will feel the effects in our body, sometimes immediately and sometimes it takes a lot longer, but eventually we will feel either the positive or negative effects depending on the choices we have made, whether to nurture and care for our body, or whether to treat it with disregard.

      2. Exactly deidremedbury, it is an inescapable fact that we will feel the effects of how we choose to work with our bodies – it is not a matter of if, but a matter of when.

  97. It would appear that Universal Medicine inspires people to make better choices that affect their lives in very positive ways. This has been my experience and blog after blog, this had been the experience of others too.

  98. What I love about this story is that it is one of hundreds of stories from students who have experienced amazing changes in their lives since their association with Universal Medicine – true love brings about true change.

  99. Universal Medicine shows us there is another way to live – if we choose. And you chose Anonymous. Without any need to try if we stay true to who we are, changes happen almost miraculously. Good for you….

  100. You detail really significant changes here. Not just weight loss, but also what has contributed to it – your attendance at Universal Medicine events and no longer drinking alcohol and coffee are just three examples. You now work longer hours, don’t have those ups and downs in energy levels and your BMI has reduced. Oh and to add you now have reduced cholesterol! Thank you so much for sharing this on-line for people to read. The health problems that you have turned around, many people suffer with and at best are only able to manage it with medication. Here you are sharing that through Universal Medicine, there is another way. Thank you.

  101. People go for years trying to get the results you have achieved here, without much success or if there is any ‘success’ it is only on the surface as it has not healed the true issue. Your experience demonstrates the power of actually healing and dealing with our hurts

  102. I love the simple and practical approach you took to eliminating known poisons from your life, just by listening to your body. The lower numbers speak for themselves that your body was able to heal and let go of so much more from the changes you made.

  103. Universal Medicine has inspired me to step off the mundane merry-go-round of existing to living life to the full with true purpose. 10 years on and I am so much healthier, vital, enjoy wonderful relationships with family and an ever growing number of friends and playing my part to bring harmony to the world.

  104. I’ve also experienced amazing and long-lasting changes since attending Universal Medicine, weight loss being just one of these, but also including not being as anxious, racy, stressed, resentful, judgemental etc. And unlike my past experiences, the changes have all come about naturally as a result of taking responsibility for my choices and introducing and then building on, self-care and not from any specific intent to lose weight, have more harmonious relationship etc. The more I work on deepening this loving relationship with myself, the more I feel younger, healthier, more beautiful, joyful etc., and the more my relationships with others (whether at home, at work or with friends) is equally blossoming.

  105. These are incredible results from a small set of decisions you made in committing to your health and wellbeing. Just goes to show what can be achieved when we decide to take true responsibility for what we’re putting in our bodies.

  106. This is a brilliant turnaround and one that many people are looking for. Another example of how Universal Medicine supports people to transform their lives, naturally.

  107. Anonymous it is great how you have stated the facts and allowed the reader to ponder the the dramatic positive effects you have experienced for themselves. I have seen many people change astonishingly after attending Universal Medicine events myself. In my experience it is no quick or short term cure, it is empowerment to change ones whole life and it is awesome how the body reflects those changes.

  108. Thank you for sharing your story anonymous. On rereading your story I am again inspired by your commitment and honouring of yourself; also by the fact that you have maintained a solid consistence to your self care, quality of life and well being.

  109. What you have shared Anonymous is really quite wonderful. This is what so many people in our society today is striving for, to loose weight and have more energy, no medication. So what you have so simply illustrated is that it can be done, with responsibility and commitment to ourselves. Really amazing, well done.

  110. Lovely to read of your transformation with the loving changes you have made in your life anonymous. I feel privileged to have seen this beautiful transformation happening in so many people, including myself, simply because of the inspiring example of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It can’t be denied that we are onto something here.

  111. What a transformation, thank you anonymous, what you have shared is very inspiring.
    I love the way in which you took responsibility for the choices and changes you made.

  112. It seems that when we give up detrimental foods or behaviours we gain much in vitality and joy of living. In a way we declutter our life to make room for loving choices. Thanks Anonymous.

  113. Amazing how your body has changed once you started to make loving choices. Our body is such a great teacher, it can tell us all the time what is good for us and what not. It would be a big mistake not to listen to our body. Your development is very inspiring.

  114. It is a common phenomenon with students of Universal Medicine that major changes like this happen in our lives without us even trying simply because of our embrace of a more loving way of being. Literally things just fall away as they are no longer held in the body with so much love.

    1. Very true Joshua, “Literally things just fall away as they are no longer held in the body with so much love.” I am the same weight and pretty well the same blood pressure and size as before Universal Medicine but the major changes can’t be measured numerically but my body can sure attest to it. I’ve gone from living with anxiety everyday, drama filled everything and used bulimia for years, to now loving the body I’m in and occasionally having moments of anxiety.

  115. It is amazing what you’ve shared here. These changes in your health and body is astounding. Very inspiring and confirms what you are doing and choosing is hugely contributing to your improvement in health, vitality and your ability to work with more energy. Universal Medicine have inspired so many people worldwide, naturally inspiring them to make more loving choices to support, to care and to honour their body, and to live in harmony with themselves and with others.

  116. Thanks Anon, I love the matter of fact way you share the dramatic changes to your weight and your overall health – and the absence of addictions which are normal for so much of the world. I’m sure the steadiness you now enjoy in your work life is also mirrored in all aspects of your life. Attending Universal Medicine events has also inspired me to make so many simple changes over the years that I now enjoy that same steadiness in my life also.

    1. Yes I agree Hannah, so lovely to read about someone’s transformation, very factual, but very claimed, there are so many people around the world who also have made similar changes after attending Universal Medicine events and practitioners, myself included.

    2. And this steadiness is really something to be appreciated, especially in light of the ever-increasing levels of stress and overwhelm that have become the norm of day to day living.

  117. Awesome sharing Anonymous of the changes you have made to your health and well-being since attending Universal Medicine presentations – the love and true care offered to us at these events supports us to make more loving choices in our lives.

  118. I agree with you Anon.The benefits of eating and living according to what my body needs to be vital, fit and strong is incredible. I am amazed time and again how fit and balanced I still feel after a long day at work being on my feet.

    1. What we are reading here is a revolutionary new way to approach weight loss for humanity. This is incorporating love and the body. Both work hand in hand and there need not be the stress and anxiety that usually goes with it during weight loss regimes.

  119. It is obvious Universal Medicine has supported you to make some amazing lifestyle changes Anonymous. I love your matter of fact style and the proof is in the pudding (or absence of it!).

  120. Inspiring to read the changes you have made and these are just some of the changes that happen in our lives as we choose to self care and self love as presented by Universal Medicine. Changes that could benefit the health of whole world.

    1. I agree jsnelgrove36, imagine the whole world embracing the teachings of Universal Medicine, what would it look like? Our health and life will be dramatically improved, no war or conflict would exist, no separation between people, the list goes on. Ultimately we will all be able to live in harmony and love.

  121. Cool Anonymous, this shows us the power of love (choice to connect with yourself) and how the teachings & modalities by Universal Medicine do support people all over the world to connect with themselves and to live a life that is based on true health and wellbeing. Making sure every person is being looked after.. as in deep concern of how humanity is doing, but also showing everyone that we have our own responsibility.

    1. So beautifully said Danna. lt comes down to us and the level of responsibility we choose in each moment.

  122. This is indeed god news Anonymous and by all accounts, only the beginning. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been the catalyst sparking miraculous change for so many of us. This was written in 2012, I can’t help but ponder on what other amazing changes may have taken place for you since then.

  123. Brilliant Anon to read of the physical changes to your body as a result of being inspired by the presentations of Universal Medicine.

  124. Great to read yet another story of self love, breaking through barriers, and stepping out of the norm. Universal Medicine is a medicine for all, all aliments mental or physical.

  125. Well done for the changes you have made in your life. Isn’t it amazing how once we are dedicated and responsible for the change that some things just fall away, like in your instance alcohol. With these things no longer in your life it allows your body to start expressing the real you and doesn’t it feel amazing.

  126. It just goes to show from this blog that a few simple changes to the way we live can make such a huge difference to our health and well-being.

  127. These changes are huge. In a a world that is tending to trend the other way in the quality of our health and well being, hearing true changes in the quality of how we live is miraculous

  128. Thank you anonymous, great to read the ‘up side’ of simple lifestyle choices and how dramatic they were in changing your health status. There is no downside to this, unlike diets and other strategies that do not honour our own wisdom and deeply caring natures.

  129. It is amazing that once we start on the path to choosing a more natural, healthy way of eating that nourishes our bodies and not feeding our needs – our bodies let go of what is no longer required. Amazing – and no diet programme in sight!

  130. Such a profound lived experience of the measurable differences in basic health markers that are available to us when we simply stop, listen and respond to what our bodies are telling us.

  131. Thank you for your simple to the point blog, what changes we can make with simply choosing what is true for us.

  132. This is significant weight loss and speaks for itself. It’s incredible what the combination of a few, but very true, self loving choices can make. It’s the consistency of choosing them that makes all the long term difference in my experience, regardless of whether it’s weight loss or something else.

  133. This blog and the comments just goes to show that the way we are living may not necessarily be the be all, end all, or only way of living in order to achieve a state of health that we would in truth want. The fact that we have all the tools already within us for such vitality is amazing and all we have to do is be willing to take notice of the signs our bodies are showing us. I never would of believed that cutting out sugar to almost nothing would actually give me more energy and yet this is what I have found, without sugar my energy levels are far more stable and less erratic than the up/down roller coaster of extreme ends of blood sugar levels I used to live on.

  134. Short and super sweet – a great blog. I relate to the coffee feeling, Yes it tasted great but that feeling of being kicked I recall only too well. The changes that come with eating and drinking in accordance with how our body feels make us aware of just how very sensitive we all are, each and every one of us.

  135. Thank you for sharing your experience. I too have lost a lot of weight after embracing the teachings of Universal Medicine without trying.
    I feel like I have let go of a lot of emotional baggage that naturally saw my body change shape.

  136. I struggled to lose weight, going through diet after diet, pushing myself with strenuous exercise etc and then getting downhearted when nothing really happened. But I have found with myself that what really worked and has been sustained over time, was when I started to attend Universal Medicine and started to accept myself and began to show myself true self care and nurturing. It’s not just the weight loss, but all of my health that has benefited.

  137. Another amazing testimony to the power of living a life that honours you. Super powerful!

  138. When people ask what kind of medicine you took to reduce all the ills you just summed up you can say: ‘Universal Medicine’!

  139. I have friends who are always battling with try to loose weight. There seems to be an ideal size that most people strive for but is that really them? There are so many diets and programs out there claiming to be the magic one for loosing weight. But what I have learnt is that when we first connect to loving ourselves, this leads to us making heathy, loving choices. This allows us to let go of external expectations of how we should look or act. It allows us to accept our body regardless of size and to be who we truly are.

  140. Thank you for sharing the truly remarkable changes you have experience since attending Universal Medicine. It is a testament to the commitment you made to yourself when your body reflects such improvements in your health.

  141. You have done an amazing job of re-turning back to health and vitality,
    another amazing story for someone attending Universal medicine events.

  142. This is a great testament to the effectiveness of simple lifestyle choices that truly honour what benefits the body, and discarding that which harms it. The benefits go way beyond weight loss to a total shift in the vitality and wellness of the body, and our ability to live our days more fully.

  143. Such amazing changes happen when we start to take responsibility and actually listen to what our bodies want!

    Thank you for sharing another miracle

  144. Anonymous, this alone is huge ‘I drank almost daily until five years ago and have never had any alcohol since. The interesting thing is that I don’t miss alcohol at all.’

    1. Same for me fionacochran01, several years ago I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee too and I do not miss it either. I almost cannot understand anymore why I was drinking it at all because in truth I don’t need this substances in my body as it alters its state.

      1. Yes, I agree nvanhaastrecht when I was drinking alcohol almost daily I would struggle to go just one night without a glass of wine yet since the introduction of Universal Medicine it took one session for me to stop drinking, not entirely as I did wobble on a couple of occasions but essentially the pattern had gone and now I could not even imagine having a drink to change the way I am feeling.

  145. I loved reading about all your changes, it’s incredible the shift that can happen.

  146. Hi Anon your story is one of thousands of people world wide that lives have been transformed by Universal Medicine…so so inspirational.

  147. I figured if the smell of something, referring to coffee, made me feel as if I was about to pass out from the room spinning or the light headedness, something’s up with it… Or should I say flat out.

  148. ‘I drank my last decaf coffee two years ago because drinking a cup was like being kicked and I was unpleasantly racy for two hours afterwards.’ At one time I was completely reliant on different caffeinated drinks and could happily drink them throughout the day at work and I became immune to the effect. Now, like you, I find decaff coffee makes me racy for a good few hours and if I drank a caffeinated drink, no matter what time it was I would have trouble sleeping that evening.

  149. Thanks for your blog. It’s amazing the changes that can occur in the body when we choose to listen, and truly honour what it is telling us.

  150. It’s amazing the results that come with ease in regards to body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, not to mention the amazing way we feel when we start to live naturally with our inner heart and selves. Feeling out what foods work i.e. create harmony, and what foods create havoc in our bodies.

  151. This blog just goes to show how simple it is to give up the substances like alcohol and coffee we rely on to get us through the day and then to have the added bonus of improved blood pressure, cholesterol and weight loss.
    I have also seen an improvement in all of these health issues and am feeling the benefit of making those changes and the best part is it can be gradual and at your own pace and the changes start to happen without the need for will power or counting points or calories.
    Universal Medicine has shown me that life does not have to be a struggle and this I am truly thankful for.

  152. All of this through the simplicity of listening to the body. It is so crazy that we are not taught the importance of doing this from a child. I am grateful that I now can, and do, listen to my body. What a gift to humanity is the work that Universal Medicine presents.

    1. A gift indeed – listening to the body is incredibly simple, yet incredibly powerful.

  153. For me its great to read the simplicity in which things naturally happened as you took care of yourself, honoured and expressed what you felt. Whilst your blog talks mainly about dieting I am also finding this is the case for other areas of life. As others have shared the “by product” results from loving choices are quite incredible.

  154. It sounds that the weight loss was a kind of “by product”. The loving choices you made for yourself resulted in showing that love outwards.

  155. Wow, the power of simple, self loving choices. This is not rocket science, just a simple common sense approach as you have taken.

  156. It’s something that I often hear: Honour your feelings, honour your body. Sometimes as a non-native speaker it is difficult to grasp what that actually means. Since “honour” in the German language was very much bastardised by the Nazis. Reading your blog, I understand from your lived experience what it means to honour your body. Thank you.

  157. This story shows was a great dietician our body is, we just have to listen to the small print. The food we put in our mouth has an affect on the body in a similar way of any medicine that we take.

  158. You are a walking miracle. A poster man for possible answers to the world’s massive health crisis. You are healthier in your mid fifties than you were at forty. Now this is a case study well worth medicine’s attention. Wow.

    1. Yes, you are a walking miracle.

      Are you being studied? Seriously, with records like this I’m sure your doctor (and the whole medical world) would like to know what you have been doing to turnaround issues that are an epic problem for people everywhere.
      It would be great to publish documentation like this in health journals also.

      1. Yes if this form of weight loss were studied it would revolutionise the dieting world, which at the moment does not sustainably work for most of it’s clients.

  159. I loved the simplicity of this blog that reminds us that our bodies hold all the answers.

  160. Our bodies are amazing and I have spent most of my life taking my body for granted. Only now do I consider my body and how I am feeling in what I do and eat. It’s interesting how when we no longer eat or drink certain foods how great it is that we feel, even though it may not be in line with “what we should eat guidelines”. Our bodies are much smarter than any guideline and will always give us the honest answer to what should I put into my body. Pure on the spot science.

  161. What a great response to bright orange wee! Just listen to your body and stop.
    I can relate to every single thing you gave up. Coffee, as much as i loved the taste, was torture for my heart. Even decaf, home made sent my heart into crazy irregular beats. Chocolate started to do the same. No amount of mouth deliciousness made up for the physical effects.
    Today I am still refining and refining what I eat, willingly (and sometimes very unwillingly :)) letting go of foods that start to disagree.
    Coconut oil gave my an intense attack of asthma. Like your orange wee, that was all the sign I needed to say enough.
    How magic are these bodies of ours? How worth listening to and beautifully they respond when we do.

    1. That’s hilarious, I have neon yellow pee from my methyl guard Vitamin B pills, but I never considered to stop taking them, as they are really supportive, but I will re-consider it!!!
      My body is sending constantly messages regarding the food I eat and is now claiming to eat only to nourish me and reacts tremendously to overeating. Its so amazing to live by our body and not off our body and the vitality we can live in with this.

    2. I agree Rachel. What I find astonishing is how many layers there are of us doing things that are not good for our body and once we drop a number of them how our body changes and then other things stand out and how very long this cycle continues.

      Mind you, the benefits of this process are extraordinary. These days it is working 70+ hours and having great fun or working 70+ hours and having a few hours that are less great fun. I would not have considered it possible as the only people working such long hours I knew were either very driven or quite exhausted.

      1. I can relate to what you’ve share about the many layers our body reveals for us to work on. These layers for me are related to food, the hurts I may hold in my body, my relationship with myself and with people. Once I started choosing to work on the first layer my body gave me time to adjust and then it gives me messages to work on the next layer, so on and so on. How fast or slow this process takes entirely depends on how much I am willing to listen to my body. This relationship with my body continuously deepens as I make more and more loving choices to support me to discharge each layer as it reveals itself.

    3. I totally agree Rachel Mascord, our body is definitely worth listening to, it gives us these signs for a very important and particular reason. Everything we choose to eat can either harm or heal our body. By honouring the natural intelligence of our body, it would be very loving and supportive to listen to it to experience optimum health and vitality, and this assists us to truly connect to who we are with clarity and purpose. Our body is absolutely amazing and totally divine.

    4. They are magic indeed Rachel. I got to a stage where having chocolate felt like I had taken a serious drug as I felt so racy and there was nothing I could do until I came down off the artificially stimulated high. I remember crying one time because it felt so awful and I felt desperate to reconnect to myself.

  162. It is incredible to read about the changes you have gone through by choosing to change what you were doing. You have made it sound so easy, effortless and natural. Very inspiring for people who have difficulty with alcohol and other addictions. By making loving choices and staying committed anything is possible.

  163. This is an extraordinary shift in weight, and what is incredible about this is that the latter weight came off without any conscious effort to diet at all. Amazing!

  164. Sounds like you have ‘literally’, cleaned up your act and dropped off everything that you no longer needed in your life. The impact of our unhealthy choices can be clearly seen and felt once changes have been made and life becomes a joy. Now that there is less of you the world will get more of ‘YOU’ and that is a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing

  165. This blog clearly illustrates that when you start take responsibility and care of your own body and wellbeing, your whole life can transform and make your every day far more enjoyable and productive.

  166. I too can relate to the change in body and weight as I got real with the use of food and drink to medicate my issues and to numb out.

  167. This blog isn’t just about weight loss. You can absolutely feel how much of an impact attending these courses have had on every part of you – your physicality is reflecting that. Awesome!

  168. I used to be a big coffee drinker but one day I noticed how acidic my body felt afterwards and that it made me very thirsty. I tried drinking water with my coffee then, but it only marginally improved the experience and finally I just gave up drinking coffee – no side effects, no headaches, that chapter was just finished.

  169. A very practical and no nonsense way to live – feel how things really affect the body, make the necessary changes, reap the benefits; ultra simple, no willpower needed, just a good dose of common sense.

  170. An amazing example of what is possible when we treat our body with love and care it deserves. Thank you for sharing.

  171. Awesome transformation, wow. Like you point out, food impacts not only weight, but energy, just as much. A true inspiration: “The upside is that I have no problem working eight hours a day, six days a week, sometimes longer, and I don’t fade at all after lunch and am only pleasantly tired in the evening.”

  172. These are amazing changes anonymous, these changes and experiences are unheard of in society, someone truly becoming well as they age – very beautiful and worth sharing.

  173. Wow! But at the same time, so easy, isnt’ it? When you honour your body, it responds in kind ways.
    Funny, the orange urine. I had it too in the period in my life when I had these kind of pills to support my unloving life while studying for my ph.d. It was a matter of waking up, absolutely destroyed physically but getting to the kitchen, grabbing one pill and water and two minutes later feeling like a machine, very clear in my mind. Although, my first urine was orange, the whole thing was my previous understanding of a miracle….

  174. I can feel you and your joy of living as you express the changes you have chosen to make in your life. It’s great the facts laid out in conjunction with the sense of well-being you now feel. You are a true living testimony. I too have been inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to choose to live a more loving way for myself. And I love how you say here – ‘am only pleasantly tired in the evening.’ This is a gorgeous expression. Thank you.

  175. Wow, quite a big change. Can definitely relate with the decaf coffee thing- I would get racy, seems though my heart would do something funny and my breathing went weird.

  176. Lovely to feel how by making these supportive and nurturing choices that your health and well-being has naturally improved, further confirmation of the power of self-love.

  177. I clearly recall at age 4 or 5 the repulsive smell of coffee brewing. I could not drink it at all until my late twenties when I tried it first mixed with whisky. Seemingly introducing it in this way meant that I took a liking to it and slowly began drinking coffee. By my mid thirties I was drinking black coffee, no need for milk or sugar – amazing.

    Not surprising that at that time in my life, I was living with so much stress and anxiety that the raciness introduced by caffeine was not even registered. Having been shown by Universal Medicine that there is a stillness in the body that once lived in accordance to, highlights the over-stimulation of the body by the smallest amount of caffeine or any other stimulant for that matter.

  178. Great!!! Changing the way you live your life has maintained the weight loss, as well as improving your health dramatically. How cool is that!

  179. Thanks for sharing this – its always amazing how everything shifts for us when we make truly loving choices about our health and wellbeing. Your story is a great example of this, and is also a testament to the true support you’ve experienced from Universal Medicine.

  180. Great to hear all the changes you’ve chosen and made and how you can feel the positive affects – it just shows how much power we all truly have.

  181. One of many stories simply stating the truth about how universal medicine supported you to change. Thank you.

  182. What comes to me when reading this blog is how Universal Medicine events affect ones body. Most other workshops are very “Ra-ra” selling something to you even if it’s a new way of looking at things, however changes from these types of workshops aren’t sustainable because the excitement generated by them wanes after they’re finished. They’re usually more about the presenter too, and what they need from their success. Universal Medicine presentations succeed because they put us back into the drivers seat of our own lives with the body as a really wise navigator. Serge Benhayon is not selling anything and is living from what he presents to a level of love and self care we cannot yet reach, but feel completely inspired by and reassured by him of this possibility for ourselves and for all. Your blog is another of the many inspiring stories confirming it is equally available to all and miraculous in results. Thank you.

  183. Thank you for sharing how by listening and honouring your body this brought great health benefits to you.

  184. I can really relate to your article as I too lost the weight I had been trying to lose for years.

  185. Thank you for your frank and simple testimony concerning the increasing vitally and health you find in life. I too have enjoyed a similar journey, it has never felt like denial or suffering to let things go out of my diet. It has felt supportive and joyful to come back to living a life with more ‘life’ in it! Thank you for the inspiration Universals Medicine.

  186. Thanks for sharing your story Anonymous. My story is very similar to yours since I started to attend the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. The presentations have inspired me to look deeply at what I choose to put into my body and this allows me to work the hours that I do and not be drained or get exhausted.

  187. Though I have to say I find both vitamins and minerals can be very supportive to my body at times, especially when I carefully select what I feel my body needs.

  188. Simple and concise expression of how making choices that support your body can change how it functions dramatically. It was interesting to hear about how your body reacted to the vitamin pill. It was something to consider when looking at how we get how nutrition in our diet.

  189. I also experienced all the benefits in my body with different choices. It is impressive how it changes quickly when we stop abusing it. Great story.

  190. I would imagine that fact that you don’t fade at work makes you quite pleasant company to be around as what you describe seems to be a consistency that you are bringing to what you do. These really are fabulous changes that you seem to have instigated through your own personal choice, this seems like the perfect way to care for ourselves.

  191. Thank you mr Anonymous for sharing this short, simple and deeply profound true story of the huge changes in your life. It really is very inspiring to read and feel.
    When I used to drink coffee, I would get a instant sharp cutting pain in my head but the smell with the added sugar and cream which felt so comforting meant I put up with the headaches. De-caff was ok but then it would be with full soya milk and my stomach just could not take it. Soya milk had the same affect on me inside as dairy milk.
    I love when you say that you have no problem working six days a week and feel ‘pleasantly tired in the evening’ – gosh how many people could say that.
    Well done you really are a living science that should be studied as your story is amazing.

  192. It is interesting Anonymous and it has been my experience also that when I began to listen to my body, I naturally felt to stop eating certain foods, which was no effort and neither are they missed.

  193. Thank you for sharing how you learned to listen to your body and make positive changes that have had a dramatic impact on your health. I have had a similar experience of giving things up and not missing them at all because I no longer needed these stimulants to keep me going.

  194. That’s very cool to see how much you chose to change and the effects of these changes in your life.

  195. I love this: “The upside is that I have no problem working eight hours a day, six days a week, sometimes longer, and I don’t fade at all after lunch and am only pleasantly tired in the evening.”

  196. Thanks for your documentation of your health parameters… it ceases to blow me away, how profound dietary and lifestyle alterations are… ESPECIALLY when founded on self care/ self love! We can certainly dish up to society… another way (alongside medicine) to deal with our mass epidemics of ill health!

  197. It is amazing how our body can change to reflect the different choices we make, we really do have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing through the way we choose to live, you have definitely shown in this article exactly how we live is our best form of medicine, thank you.

  198. This is awesome. Health and wellbeing not just improving but being maintained over a long period of time. Universal Medicine is truly an amazing educator in relation to societies health issues. It works for so many people therefore lots of people are interested in what it has to say.

  199. Thank you Anonymous. My experience has been similar. I have lost weight without trying (my attempts to loose weight in the past were always fraught with challenges, and were often only temporary, resulting in weight that yo-yo’d over many years), I have given up alcohol easily, and yes – I too, gave up the coffee (that I regularly needed to provide me with the ‘upper’ to work and stave off the feeling of tiredness and exhuastion that I used to feel). The beautiful thing is that I don’t miss any of these things, they weren’t hard to give up, and I have more energy and feel and look better at 46 than I ever have!

  200. I had the same experience as you with coffees. Caffeinated coffee used to make me so racy that I would be running around like a headless chicken and it would get my heart beat out of control. Initially decaffeinated coffee had less of an (obvious) impact, but the more I allowed to feel the clearer it became that it had the same, just slightly toned down physical effects. And on the psychological side – I was still looking for the same fix – needing a push and a lift when tired! When I became completely ready to look at why I truly needed coffee, (why was I so tired), coffee (decaf or not) went off my menu.

    Most people I have spoken to (which there are many) and who still drink coffee are prepared to honestly share that it is only when they give up coffee for a period of time, even for a few days let alone a week, two or three, and then go back to it, the initial coffee would kick the nervous system and send them into frenzy like state and the heart beat goes up as if they had just completed a marathon! After that initial coffee we get used to those feelings, but just because they are not as profound and evident as the reaction after the first cup it does not mean that the body is not subject to the same ‘out of control’ experience after each subsequent coffee. What is different thought is that we do not allow ourselves to feel that.

    1. So true Dragana, I played the caffeinated / decaf game for a while – coffee didn’t, so decaf then, but as you astutely point out, if we’re using it for the same purpose it still affects us. For me I still wanted to drive through, so yes it affected me too, less yes, but over time I had to get honest and see that de-caf didn’t work for me either. The truth was neither worked as I was using them both for the same reason to avoid addressing the true root cause of why I needed them. Once I started to look at that, all coffee fell away, no struggle, and I’ve not touched it since. It just goes to show that there’s many things we use as a stop-gap, a way to avoid looking at deeper problems. So now reading this article and comment today, I left to consider what other stop-gaps or crutches am I still using as a way to push through?

      1. I agree Monica – after a while the small even stops being nice and I now associate the smell of coffee with headaches.

  201. It’s quite wonderful to read how your last lot of weight loss came from taking better care of yourself and not by dieting. The flow on effects with your blood pressure and cholesterol are great, but best of all is reading how your energy lasts you through the day. Sure shows the choices you have made since attending Universal Medicine events are great for you and your body. Bet your friends and family love seeing these changes in your health and vitality levels too.

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