
by Joseph Barker, 35, Graphic Designer, Melbourne

I enjoy simplicity.

When I read something put simply, it is incredibly powerful. When I see a drawing that is simple, it touches me inside. It has a sense of strength. It is clear, direct and easy to understand. So why is it I have let my life get so complicated at times?

I have been working on my CV recently. It’s tempting to say so much – to lie or reinvent. It feels like this is because of fear, a fear of being rejected. To say ‘here I am’ in clear daylight seems risky. What if I am not ‘enough’?

I’ve realised when I am vulnerable and keep things simple, I feel like a true man: it’s not toughness or a roughness, but a simple strength of expression, a sense of being me.

When we speak simply there is no room to hide and that’s what I admire. When someone accepts a marriage proposal and simply says “yes”, that’s the most touching moment. If they said “well potentially, according to the time of day and how I feel in the morning and if subsection c of paragraph b of the marriage arrangement is met”, it would not be the same.

When I talk with other people I notice things get very complicated. It’s like I am scared to say “no”, so instead it becomes “well maybe another day if its possible, not that I don’t want to, you understand”. This is a game of politeness I play to keep things comfortable and safe. It’s a way to hide from other people’s anger and from feeling that I’m alone. But does this game actually stop me feeling pain? In my experience it does not. In fact, it causes all the strife. It stops me connecting to other people and gets in the way of life.

Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?

What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?

You can write a million books and speak a thousand words, but I have found a simple sentence can contain much more wisdom.

I feel life is simple. I’ve always known this in my heart, but it was not until I heard a presentation by Serge Benhayon in 2010 that I claimed this to be true. Through his simple presentations I’ve learnt that when I let my body speak, life gets simpler again. Just like a child when you ask them if they want to go to the pool. They don’t say ‘”let me get back to you, I may have time but you see I have a meeting in the sand pit planned and my schedule is fairly packed”. They just say yes or no. So it is with me. My body says no to alcohol. It says yes to being warm. It says yes to sharing how I feel and no to holding it inside.

Simplicity is a great indicator for me. It’s not a kind of perfection or an austerity, but a natural way to be I am learning to embrace. Complexity is always there waiting to come back in. But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along.

When I come to write how I feel about life, it really is simple. All the stories fade away. It all comes back to love and honesty – and being me today.

Simple eh?

405 thoughts on “Simplicity

  1. “This is a game of politeness I play to keep things comfortable and safe.” Great line, it highlights how we can be invested in certain outcomes instead of being true to ourselves and to how we feel, and not controlling what comes next in relationships. I’ve recently been looking at how my focus is on how I want the outside world / people to be with me, as opposed to simply being me and focusing on staying connected to myself.

  2. There is a tendency at times of sharing, more because if I just say nothing and stay present, this may feel uncomfortable for all that may be exposed by just observing. Also there is a belief that saying the right words makes you more worthy and important. It’s like to just be is not good enough….this is a lie, as we are and have always been powerful beings with a great clarity to feel and discern what feels right and what doesn’t. Deep down inside there’s no doubt about that.

  3. It’s hilarious to read how we tend to justify what we feel inside is simple and clear. This exposes a lot about our need to be polite and not feel the tension that may arise in others when we are true. Love this sharing, there’s a lot here to ponder on. Thank you Joseph

  4. “But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along.” So simple and the absolute truth.

  5. I love your description of simplicity – unapologetic and transparent, and I am feeling how spacious I would feel if that was how I communicated with myself to begin with – no justification, no blah-blah-blah, just get on with life.

  6. I always enjoy this blog, simplicity is so common sense, when applied life just works. All the complication adds unnecessary layers to life, things to sort out, agonise over, regret. A great reminder shared here to listen to how we honestly feel in our body, and express in way a that honours ourselves… and ultimately others too.

  7. Simplicity takes away all the contriving that gets us into one-up-man-ship, so we are blessed as the simplistic approach is part of life that is laying a foundation that gives us the space to re-connect to our essences.

  8. In a simple life there are no complex situations, there are no confusions and misunderstandings – what is more intelligent than that?

    1. We champion the mind as being intelligent yet so often it introduces complication to a simple situation.

      1. Good point, and then it comes up with a solution for the complication that it created itself – oh how intelligent we are!

  9. There is so much that can be communicated with just a look, let alone a few words or a sentence.

  10. “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?” A great question Joseph. Observing how i – and others – can use a stream of words – often in justification or defense – when a simple answer is all that is required.

    1. So true Sue, as part of our simplicity, may I add that we can bring a deep-humble-appreciative-ness as a responsibility to live that from our essences, and also our essence always keeps things simple.

  11. I think we often over complicate things and it is really refreshing to simplify our lives, and the way we live. I love clear simple things because it allows me to simply be, when we complicate things they get confusing and I go straight into our head.

  12. There is something unequivocal in the simplicity of a ‘yes’ response. I pondered about writing a CV and simply presenting ourselves. Simplicity removes the veils and smoke screens we would like to present and leaves us naked for all to see. There is a beauty and vulnerability in that.

  13. “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability?” I suspect you are right here. We avoid making decisions just in case we are wrong, yet we are far more likely to make a mistake if we procrastinate because we will forever wonder ‘what if’.

    1. ‘What if’ and ‘delay’ can cause frustration for others – and things can get very complicated. If a decision is made everyone can work with that. Simple!

      1. I so agree! Interestingly I am realising how rare it is for people to want to take the lead and make a decision for fear of coming across as imposing or bullish, but not making a decision is just as imposing!

  14. There is no denying we live in a complicated world, so by keeping the way we live our every day as simple as we can the easier it will be.

  15. I love this simplicity, Joseph, I used to criticize myself that I didn’t know enough to express properly, but actually, I know now how lots can be conveyed very succinctly in a few words.

  16. I too now love simplicity Joseph, but most of my life I have played the politeness game, when asked my opinion I would talked in a round about way which only complicated things, by trying to avoid offending or causing a reaction, it was such hard work, and so dishonest, now days I simply can answer a yes or no, and I am aware when the urge to explain more, to justify myself tries to comes in.

  17. I love Joseph how your post on simplicity is so real and relatable; the simple yes or no keeps things clean and clear; what great inspiration this is in how to live our every day.

  18. “It all comes back to love and honesty – and being me today.” how simple is that, when we learn to be truly honest and loving, life simply is being lived.

  19. ‘But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along.’ That’s what I experience too Joseph and while reading your blog I could feel how much games I have played to avoid the simplicity (and the Joy) like anxiousness, politeness, giving my power away to others and all this was and is a killer for simplicity

  20. Very revealing as to our orientation – that small organ up in the head, or the whole of the rest of the body and all the information it is pouring out.

  21. I enjoy simplicity too so it’s interesting to observe how often I choose complication.

  22. When writing as with most other things in-life it can become convoluted, which is a distraction from that child-like-ness that is being shared and thus we can therefore look towards an old adage like KISS Keep It Simple Student! So we deepen our awareness of that connection to our essence or child-like-ness and thus feel our-self being connected first before we move and express Konnection Is So Simple.

  23. The more honest we become the simpler our communication gets and the easier life flows, although not necessarily in the direction we would like. When we keep it simple there is more space for things to unfold and come to completion.

  24. To bring the simple we also bring reality, I agree with that. But sometimes we shun reality because it reveals the play we all part-take in. Life in many ways is a stage where we all play our part even though we can feel it is not it. So when someone speaks the truth we get a bit squirmy because we get exposed living this manufactured reality we then call life. Let’s be inspired by those that hold on to their truth and may we overcome our unwillingness to not be exposed, because the truth is much more enjoyable and full of beauty.

    1. Well said, we squirm because we know we are not living the truth of what we could live yet know that if we saw the truth we would have to do something about it… and there is the rub.

  25. Yes this is very simple indeed. I wonder how much complexity we create to push away the simple truth, we know so well and have felt deeply at times. How much effort do we put in to achieve that? And how much does this shows us what power that resides in us to actually stand and live by our truth!

  26. Simplicity is a quality I enjoy also Joseph. It is amazing how we can distract ourselves with all sorts of complexities believing it may be more somehow.

  27. ‘..when I let my body speak, life gets simpler again.’ I know my body is speaking to me and when I am willing to be honest and listen to what it is saying to me life does get more simple but when I close my ears and first want to do ‘my own thing’ whatever that is, life gets me and it start to be more and more complicated.

  28. Simplicity is the movement of transparency; it is a pattern of movement of someone who is willing to be honest about life and who understands that the only way forward is to deeply honor us in our beauty.

  29. I have deliberately been complicating the things I say so that the potential power and richness of what I can say in a few words is lost. There is an authority and strength and it is actually our responsibility to keep life simple and let out the power of our expression.

  30. I can so relate to going into complication when talking to people. I would be checking up on whether they are understanding me, agreeing with me etc. and it is like as if I need to say more to justify my case, and in that I can feel I am diluting what could potentially be so powerful.

  31. Reading this blog you can’t help but feel the beauty of simplicity, a simple yes or no, or someone saying exactly the right words and you’ve really put into perspective for me the relationship between simplicity and trying, or effort. Life is simple when we’re not trying to be anything else, it gets complicated when we try and be more than we are, or less than we are rather than simply saying this is me – take it or leave it.

  32. A delight to read and “as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along” says it all.

  33. This is delightful and I love the examples of how a child would express in a complicated way – it just doesn’t make sense, so why do we complicate our lives so much. Simplicity is definitely the way.

  34. What a delightful blog Joseph. I loved reading the part about children, and its so true, they do respond with a simple yes or no, and not, let me get back to you, or let me first check my agenda….etc. Life is simpler when we express from our bodies rather than our heads – where all the stories come from!

  35. Thank you Joseph, simply beautiful, there is so much ease and clarity in simplicity when our body speaks. When our mind gets in the way, complication sets in bringing with it dramas, frustrations and tensions.

  36. It is very freeing to feel we are enough and don’t have to please people because we need to be recognised and liked. It can have a strong hold though and it needs practice and deep love for ourselves to stay true to ourselves.

    1. Very true, Lieke, that the desire for recognition and to be liked is very strong pull to compromise oneself, however with self-love and practice it is quite amazing how the need for external recognition diminishes.

  37. I love this Joseph, simple and sweet. I love simplicity it’s so absolute, it can draw so much to the surface to feel or it can offer a surrender that we know so well.

  38. This is a great point to explore in life – how simply do we answer questions, I can totally relate to giving a more complicated answer because I don’t want to create an uncomfortable situation by just saying no. But how much more powerful, and how much stronger do we feel when we simply express the truth.

  39. This is very beautiful Joseph as you speak of a how a loving relationship with our body is what guides us best to live in connection to a quality that represents our true strength and our true way of being. And when we live our truth, we live the simplicity of who we are, which is magnificent in nature and real in every way.

  40. Simplicity lets you see the humanity in all people because it takes away the cloud of chaos that can disrupt our view of each other. When you simply see another, you see a person, flawed and learning just like yourself. So simplicity and humbleness are the greatest of friends.

  41. ” It feels like this is because of fear, a fear of being rejected. To say ‘here I am’ in clear daylight seems risky. What if I am not ‘enough’? ” But its a trap , see, we can never be enough for another person, if what they want, is for us to fulfill their needs. For if one tries to fulfill another’s needs, that only creates more the feeling of emptiness in the other and so more need is built up and therefore more to fulfill for the other person. The truth will always be, ” we are all enough “, but unless we live that enough-ness, we will never prove that truth to ourselves and therefore we will fall into neediness.

  42. When I am living with simplicity everything flows, life is easy and I can feel the subtle flow of the universe. When I bring in complication emotions can set in, things take longer and I can feel a drop in energy in my body. For me it is really about appreciating the simplicity when I allow it to be a part of my life, because I absolutely love simplicity. Yet there are moments when I bring in complication to simply avoid what is next in taking a greater responsibility in the world.

  43. A great reminder to bring simplicity to whatever is in front of us, and let the clarity unfold from there.

  44. It takes a while to unravel the complexities we create in life – the drama, the emotional entanglements, the complications, the anything-but-straightforwardness – and at first simple can equate to ‘boring’… or so we think. Like you Joseph I am loving the simplicity with which I now live and don’t miss the drama and complication one iota. It takes a while to get there, with more simplicity to come, but boy, is it worth it!

  45. ” Simple eh? ” Yes this is true, but its only simple when one knows there is only one truth and lives this one truth. This then becomes a simple way of living.

  46. What if life is inherently simple and complication is just us as individuals trying to add our own bit to it?

  47. When we connect to our simplicity we can feel we are one and the same – we only use complexity to cover over the simplicity… but nevertheless the simplicity remains. Hence, we are here on earth now to return to the simplicity we know and detach from all the ill complexity previous sought and chosen.

  48. Complexities leads to overwhelm and we don’t hear our body’s.
    Simplicity leads to flow, stillness and a body that knows exactly what is needed.

  49. When we feel our body – we actually know what goes on in our body.. This can be a simple signal of going to go to the toilet on the moment your body needs the support of you choosing to go there and pee. Or the way we move and talk with another; are we justifying ourselves? Are we stuck in looking at the past? And how are we moving? (Slow, hard, quick or present and attentive) great signals and point for us to look at.

  50. Simplicity is the talk of the soul where complexity is the talk of the way ward spirit in it’s attempt to keep one away from the simple truths of who we are.

  51. I am someone who loves simplicity, yet I have created much complication in my life at times to take me away from this connection and the joy experienced when I live this.

  52. It’s interesting how when things are explained in pictures rather than words that they can be so much simpler to understand. How to directions for assembling goods for example are now clearly displayed in simple diagrams which means that there does not have to be lots of translations of lengthy descriptions.

  53. I found that going for truth works for me. That truth tends to be but isn’t always simple. Overall my life becomes much simpler the more truthful it becomes but I am not sure going the other way exclusively is equally powerful, though it definitely works much of the time.

  54. Awesome Joseph very cool, I can relate to making things more complicated and often I can hear myself listing excuses and putting of telling someone in truth it is a straight out no out of politeness. The thing is politeness never heals – being simple does.

  55. The wisdom of the body will never be complex to understand. It just knows and the choice we have is to listen or ignore the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ it is presenting us although sometimes many layers of complication will make it hard to feel the offer it is always there the moment we come back to simplicity.

  56. Life is simple when we claim all that we are without holding back or feeling the need to justify being so glorious.

    1. Yes, life then becomes very simple and any complexity is handled much more easily.

  57. I love how you give an example of children and the way they communicate which is often very simple with just yes and no answers, leaving out excuses and justifications or compromise but straight forward and clear.

  58. I like that Joseph – simplicity can just be acknowledging your body – saying Yes to what you feel and know to be true in alignment to your body.

  59. “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?” This line stands out for me today, I have a situation where i avoid speaking up, I go into complication in my head thinking I need the so called right words to say, when I could simply connect to and feel what my body is feeling and then speak. I may not get it right at first but at least it is a first step in simply expressing me and what I feel.

  60. Complication is a comfort, for in its web we spin to attempt to numb us from what we are feeling. Complication is a mess that we mistake for a “protection”, the complication essentially is a buffer from what we perceive is coming at us from the world.
    In truth, simplicity is the language of the soul and complication is born from the spirit who desperately wants to ensure it’s survival.

  61. Complexity is the cloud we hide behind to not show the world the simple truth of who we are.

  62. Saying yes or no is a simple and direct way of standing by ourselves and there is only this moment. Standing by ourselves this moment we move onto the next moment and we can choose again if it’s yes or no, but the directness and the certainty again, is a standing by ourselves. Our choices may or may not be wise in every moment, but it is allowing ourselves to stand by ourselves and feeling the consequences of our choices that we deepen what is love with ourselves. That is a process of returning and deepening what is truth.

  63. “When I am vulnerable and keep things simple, I feel like a true man: it’s not toughness or a roughness, but a simple strength of expression, a sense of being me” – this is very beautiful. This willingness to be seen for being who we truly are is almost heroic in the world that is constantly pummeling us to go against it. A true man, indeed.

  64. A quite moment after waking up. Me, my body, my hands, my breath. Simplicity at its best. Surrendering to it. Feeling its unparalleled beauty and truth. Enjoying every second of it.

  65. Loved your blog Joseph, simplicity simply leaves us no place to hide, it brings us responsibility an opportunity to express truth and say what we truly feel.

  66. To me, complexity is like being stuck in a heavy fog and not knowing which way to turn next to get out of it. I too am appreciating the joy of simplicity deepening in my life as the complexity is let go of.
    “Complexity is always there waiting to come back in. But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along”.

  67. Endearingly simple Joseph – love this…
    Could it actually BE so simple – that to remain in connection with ourselves – to the Joy of the Divine – that we embrace simplicity in our life, and bring our full awareness and dedication to dealing with any iota of complexity that would have us live less than the magnificence that we truly are? Hmmm, I say it’s so, and you’ve nailed it.
    Great blog, thank-you.

  68. How beautifully the body expresses in a clear and simple way to let us know what is working for it and what is not. The key is listening to it and acting upon it.
    “My body says no to alcohol. It says yes to being warm. It says yes to sharing how I feel and no to holding it inside”

  69. I love reading this blog Joseph. What a gem this is – you express the truth of simplicity that can be clearly felt within my body.
    “Through his (Serge Benhayon) simple presentations I’ve learnt that when I let my body speak, life gets simpler again. Just like a child when you ask them if they want to go to the pool”.

  70. So simple the playfulness and joy tingle within me – an invitation to simply say yes to! Thanks Joseph this is the absolute simplicity that my body is asking for today as my mind has been doing cart-wheels to keep out the lightness that is naturally present.

  71. I find that the more I build a foundation of true love and acceptance of myself then the need for recognition drops away and that no longer becomes such a driving force, and instead being true to who I am in my essence takes priority.

  72. So simple and so beautiful Joseph. You have me remembering how simple things felt when I was a child. I didn’t obsess over what I said or did. I just felt what was true for me and did it. I let things get complicated because I stepped away from my own knowing but the more I return to it the simpler life gets.

  73. Life is full of details that need attending too but Serge Benhayon has shown me how bringing true simplicity to life brings us back to being aware of the energy we are choosing first and foremost and how when I make that my priority then all the other aspects become more simple to deal with too.

  74. Brilliant to read this today as I can see how I have allowed something to get complicated which was/is very simple. When confronted with several options sometimes I can get confused as to what might be the best and then procrastinate. Thinking about it only takes me further away from the truth that I know but am not allowing.

  75. I love the point you make about kids- that they live in the simplicity of life and respond in the moment- before they take on the conditioned ways of society. It is very beautiful and real a child’s expression and gosh I appreciate their honesty- much we can learn from the simplicity that children live.

  76. I love simplicity too Joseph. When we deal in complexity, nobody wins in truth. We feel the complexity, the hiding away, the fog that it brings and we all know that it could all be so much more simple. And your line, ‘You can write a million books and speak a thousand words, but I have found a simple sentence can contain much more wisdom’ – proves the point you are yourself making…pure wisdom.

  77. This is one of my favourite blogs to come back to. Simplicity is the most awesome foundation, it allows space for who I truly am and how I feel to be expressed.

  78. In truth, embracing complexity regarding human beings will never lead us forward. Anything and everything that really helps us has simplicity in its make up. We need to register it in our body, and not in our mind.

  79. It is interesting how we may think simplicity is ‘not enough’ or not associate it with not much happening. It is quite the opposite; simplicity can be a gateway into spaciousness and everything that is held within it.

  80. The moment things start to be complex I know I am in my head and most of the times lost in the demands of the world around me. I notice when my thoughts are in line with what I am doing life is very simple and a joy to be in. I am embracing that this is natural and easy and how immense complex I, we have made our time on not feel who we truly are.

  81. Very timely read for me. I have been working on a project at work to bring more simplicity in the way things are being done, and I was feeling as though I was having to make a detour into complexity in order to arrive at a perceived goal, and I have been having such intense pain in my shoulders and upper arms – no wonder. And I agree with you, Joseph, child-like honesty is a great ally on our way back into simplicity.

  82. When we make life complex and complicated there is no space to feel the magnificence that is within us. Crowding our space in the body and in life robs us of our natural connection to stillness and all we can access through simplicity.

  83. I like your question Joseph, if life is simple we can then feel clearly what is next and move with it. “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?”

  84. ah a breath of fresh air! Yes simplicity is gold “What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?” Keep it simple and your body will know how to respond to whatever challenges are presented.

  85. Beautifully said Joseph and very true, I spent many years complicating my life so I could avoid feeling anything, learning to live with simplicity have been a game changer for me and allowed me the space to be ‘me’ and enjoy connecting with others around me.

  86. It amazing how our complicating life is a way of not feeling the simplicity that is naturally there, and the ease of which we can connect and respond to life and the beauty that surrounds us.

    1. That is a good point you are making Fumiyo, we bring in complexity to fight, avoid and delay, when we say YES to life and commit in full it becomes very simple and things tend to fall into place.

  87. Simplicity allows for more space to feel the grace, beauty and wisdom of the Universe that we are all connected to. With a head full of issues and complexities, it’s hard to feel this vastness and know that there is more to being human than just being human.

    1. To allow simplicity brings the space to feel all that is there to feel, which brings a great understanding of our purpose here on earth and where we truly come from.

  88. ‘You can write a million books and speak a thousand words, but I have found a simple sentence can contain much more wisdom.’ Beautiful simple sentences in your blog Joseph where your wisdom is coming out to bless us all!

  89. Loved your blog Joseph it is timely for me to read as I am coming to the point of speaking up, simply how I am feeling. I have been caught back in being nice, the not wanting to offend, I can feel how this brings tension, anxiety and complication into my life, when all I need to do is speak the truth of how I feel, simple.

  90. Gorgeous blog Joseph. When things are communicated simply the message is powerful and direct. Simplicity can communicate great wisdom. Some things are so simple people find them difficult to understand because they have become accustomed to complex ‘solutions’. When Serge Benhayon first presented that the way out of my dilemmas was to “be love” I was not able to understand it. Now I better understand the power of these two words.

    1. Yes we can sometimes dismiss simplicity because we have made friends with complexity and all the complication that comes with it. What next if there is actually no issues in ones life? A trick of the mind to keep us from feeling that love and the fact that everything is with us and can be connected to very simply.

  91. I have over the past few years discovered that wherever there is simplicity there is truth, and with this there is a freedom to feel the quality of love that is present through this simplicity. As the truth is absolute and there is no need for excuses or niceties, and as such allows us to explore, express and magnify the richness of who we are, the light of our Soul, through our bodies, our connections and all our relationships in the lives we live.

  92. Simple yes! I find when I make things complicated I am avoiding what I am either meant to do next or resisting something bigger that is there for me to look at or start. We can create what ever we please… we can create simplicity or we can create the opposite. Responsibility for me is simplicity, and simplicity is responsibility. Those feelings that come to me straight away and are very clear when I ask a question of myself or a situation, keep life simple… it’s whether I start to complicate it by doubting or judging it.

  93. Yes very simple.. Too simple? No.
    Well well said: Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?
    Spot on, scared of simplicity of all the responsibility and accountability that comes from connection to our simplicity again.. But a great choice to do. As it frees our Way.

  94. Yep, simple hey – a beautiful sharing – you can feel the joy in this, of when life is lived simply.

  95. I love simplicity as well, Joseph -there is so much truth in simplicity but it can be challenging for many of us as we justify our truth. There is no justification in simplicity.

  96. Simplicity for me today is saying less is more. I have managed to accumulate more things in my home and I am feeling to simplify this by another de-cluttering session. Also order is so supportive and when things get into disarray it can affect the way we feel. Having not been well recently I have let a lot of things go but they are piling up asking for my attention and I cannot ignore this. Time to call in the troops, so to speak, and ask for some support in this process.

  97. Ah I love simplicity, and I love the example you gave about asking a child if they want to go to the pool…. that is so true!! Imagine if simplicity was brought politics and world issues? There wouldn’t be the drama and complexities and time wasting that there often can be with the big and little issues.

  98. A beautiful reminder of how natural and joyful simplicity is and how unnatural and stressful complications are.

  99. I feel sometimes we can reduce simplicity to being a short and sweet answer. But the actual essence of simplicity is full understanding of a subject to then be equally transferred and applied in life. The reason why life is simple is because life is structured in this way.

  100. I love how when we bring everything back to basics, to simplicity everything makes sense. Yet we so often try to find complication in life, so we can somehow figure it out and then get recognition for achieving it. Even though we created the complication in the 1st place. It is like simplicity is a fast track elevator to heaven whereas complication is a meandering muddy mountain road, going around and around – looking good but not really going anywhere!

  101. I love your blog Joseph, I will be reading it again and again. I can feel the delicateness, the tenderness, honesty and truth in your every word, taking me on a journey of simplicity. It is simply exquisite to read and deeply, deeply inspiring. As I was reading I was nodding as I was recognising how I have accepted to complicated things in life, when it is really all about simplicity. Simplicity is certainly is our natural way.

  102. Thank you Joseph. Your words remind me that simplicity is our natural way. This is absolutely key because we often choose to be fooled into believing that because life is complicated we have to be too. When we keep things simple we don’t get swept up into the complication around us but rather, we get the opportunity to observe what is going on around us and discern what is true.

  103. I love this Joseph, life is really simple if we feel what is true and then say yes or no to it, rather than the endless justifications and stories. All we need to do is say yes to evolution and no to everything that’s not – and there is never a need to justify that decision.

  104. I enjoy simplicity also Joseph and I love Leonardo Di Vinci’s saying;
    “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”. We can observe the ultimate simplicity in nature and the Ultimate sophistication. How very inspiring.

  105. My head often starts aching, and my pulse gets racy if I go into complication, I can feel fog and fuze coming over me. I do not have clarity. Complication does not serve us, simplicity honours a natural flow that is there in life and it is there for us all to feel. Observe life, the natural world and we will know that simplicity and order are universal laws.

  106. Great point “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality?, complication brings distraction ,simplicity is transparent, all is there to be seen and felt, no hiding…

  107. When I make things complicated I can feel the control I am wanting to bring to a situation.

  108. I really enjoyed reading this Joseph, and laughed at the how ridiculously complicated we make things to avoid the simplicity that is there. The examples of the simplicity in our lives when we were children are always great reminders of how naturally simple life is. Great to be reminded that complication is always waiting at the door to come in. Therefore we have a choice to make: simplicity or complication.

  109. Thank you Joseph I loved you being you with your sense of humour in your writing. I love the direct yes or no so simple and clean, I was forever going around and around in my expression not wanting to upset anyone, and giving my power away. Simplicity now is clearly beautiful.

  110. This is great Joseph, life is simple when we are connected to who we truly are and the more consistent we are in living this way the more joyous life becomes as there is such a simple flow to it.

    1. Life is simple, we can try can dress it up as something else, but when we live from our hearts, life is simple and beautiful. I Love that I relate to this and live this more in my every day.

  111. Oh wait, I am actually in the sandpit and all I have to do is play and say yes or no to what comes next. It is that simple. Thanks so much for the reminder today Joseph.

  112. I chuckled when I read “I have a meeting in the sand pit planned”. The sand pit – what a great place to find simplicity; no have to’s, no deadlines (unless Mum has called you for dinner) and no rules. We have known this simplicity since young, but year by year, we align to a complicated world, and all the beautiful simplicity is replace with rules, dogma and the resulting angst. Give me sand pit simplicity any day!

  113. “What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?” A great question Joseph. Simplifying things is a choice. Remembering this today – and every day will support my tendency to complicate……

  114. Thank you for this reminder of the power of simplicity. I can feel the truth of it, indeed I know the truth of it and today I shall do my best to say no to the complexity that inevitably tries to get in. Considering that I have allowed complexity time and time again, the energy of it, the past habit, the momentum, may still be in my body so I just need to stay aware of my propensity to choose that instead of simplicity which is the more natural and more joyful choice.

  115. I love simplicity but I sometimes find that I get too easily caught up in complications. Simplicity is about me feeling me -something I am always striving for.

  116. The trick of complexity is that it makes you feel like you achieve something spectacular if you are able to muddle your way through it, but as you said, the true power and joy lies in living and embracing simplicity. Complexity just distracts you from this truth.

  117. I enjoy simplicity too Joseph and it does feel very much like our natural way of being. It does always bring things back to the essence of what is truly needed in any moment, cutting through any distractions or unnecessary complications.

  118. How beautiful is the expression of a child. They say yes or no, no complication. I’m really inspired by this reminder. I can get so tangled up in being polite or nice, that the simplicity of a yes/no answer can feel as if it will hurt another, but in reality, being all woolly and unclear about it ends up with both being hurt by a lack of truth in the communication. The directness of a child doesn’t hurt – it is just accepted as how they feel and then move on.

  119. My life just became simpler today Joseph, through returning to your blog. Life is as simple as the choices we make and being honest from the heart keeps it simple – Thank you for the reminder 🙂

  120. Love the pure wisdom of what you share Joseph, that life need not be complicated, simply it’s a choice to connect to the simplicity of life and live this in full. The more we make life simple the more life flows.

  121. One of my favourites blogs, so I’ve come by to read again today. Listening to my body has made life much more simple for me. I can see that when I override how I truly feel complication and struggle sets in. Simplicity supports life to feel spacious, which means space for the joy and love I am to be felt and expressed – as opposed to the drain and misery that complication brings as it clutters up my life.

  122. Simplicity has become a quality that I am appreciating more and more. Noticing more too, how complexity still tries to sneak in. The more simple life becomes the more complexity is exposed and it is easier to see it and say “No thanks”.

  123. Simply gorgeous, Joseph. I, too, have noticed that complexity is always waiting to intrude and to complicate things but when we keep things simple there is clarity and understanding.

  124. “What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?” Complication is a great way to distract us from the responsibility we carry for the choices we make. I have often wondered ‘how powerful are our choices?’ and ‘what is the ripple affects of each choice? how far do these ripples travel? physically ripples on the water appear to cease after a while, but everything is energy and energy is never static, so what if those choices never stop but take on a different way of moving? So then what if the very first choice to separate from who we truly are never stops, only changes it’s movements until it is healed and removed at the very base? We have this reality in life whereby our unloving choices can reduce and lessen their hold by how we choose to move in life, it’s a melting process. This has certainly been my reality but what if that incremental development was an illusion? Because in every moment we have space to make choices, so then if we are choosing to incrementally be love, is that not complicating life? Asking my body it just wants to open it’s heart and be, that’s a pretty simple choice.

  125. I can so relate to your example of writing a CV. Sometimes think we have to manufacture something instead of simply presenting what is. And when we manage to get a job with an ‘impressive’ CV and an interview, that’s what we will have to live up to – the fake version. We are just setting ourselves up for even more hard work.

  126. Simply Beautiful Joseph – this raises the opportunity to ponder ‘what is it about that, we choose complication over simplicity?’ I will leave this to another day, keeping it simple is what I will bring to my day today – Thank you Joseph.

  127. I love your opening line Joseph ‘I enjoy simplicity’ – and this is my experience as well. Having spent most of my life in drama and complications choosing simplicity has been a beautiful shift in my life and has allowed me the space to deepen the relationship with others and myself.

  128. “What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?” A simple statement but when we stop and really feel what this means it is actually quite profound. Over the years of attending Universal Medicine courses I have noticed how great my day is based on the choices I make. What can at the time seem like a simple choice can end up making the day more complicated. So bringing a deeper awareness to the choices I make at every moment can make a big difference to how my day flows.

  129. Simplicity is in the nature of us all, it is that what brings us back to who we are, as there is no maybe or eventually in simplicity, it is yes or no as you say, simplicity is absolute.

  130. For me Joseph, I feel the more I allow myself to just be me and feel how “enough” that is, the more I am able to love and express simply. It’s when I start heaping expectations on myself or buy into beliefs that I need to be more or that there is something wrong with me that things start to get complicated. Ditto for when I am in emotion – complication city!

  131. This is a really beautiful expression of the truth of simplicity. We do indeed cause more strife by not expressing simply how we feel, by being polite and delaying what is there to be said. Simplicity allows us to move from moment to moment in completion.

  132. This is lovely to read Joseph. I cherish simplicity as a way of being too but sometimes feel it’s not enough and your writing here has confirmed for me that indeed it is

  133. Simplicity is where its at Joseph for sure. When we add more than a simple straightforward answer, as we often do, it clouds the issue. Your words ring true ” When I come to write how I feel about Life it really is simple. It all comes back to Love and honesty and being me today” Thank you.

  134. I love this blog, and completely agree that the best things in life come in simple packages. This is also one of the reasons why Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon’s presentations make such sense to me, because there is such simplicity in all the truth that he delivers. We are so good at making the simple beauty of life into a big complicated mess, but what do we achieve in doing that? A headache, that’s what!

  135. I have really enjoyed re-reading your blog Joseph. It is such a gorgeous and great reminder of the values – the joy, the power etc you named it – that simplicity offers. It also made me more aware to feel with more responsibility into what is behind those moments when I do not allow simplicity in my life. Thank you

  136. Yes simple Joseph and totally makes sense. I really enjoyed reading your blog and found it very valuable – thank you.

  137. It feels like there’s much less room for emotion when I keep life simple and that always seems more spacious – when the simplicity is gone the stress comes in and i’m out of rhythm.

  138. Joseph, there is great power in your expression of simplicity. l can feel how easy and flowing it is through this blog. l am just embarking on my deeper understanding of simplicity, so l thank you for sharing this blog. One thing l find is how easy it is for complications to flood in and take over otherwise simple situations and how convoluted things can get. Simplicity brings us back to the bare basic and clear facts of a situation. Where sanity can be restored.

  139. Living a simple life allows the space and rhythm for more joy to be … It may look boring on the outside looking in but on the inside my heart sings!

  140. Joseph a powerful blog, I find complication keeps me going around the same thing in circles, yet not actually getting anywhere. What I like about simplicity is how clean cut that can be without getting caught up in the what is not.

  141. Thank you Joseph, I really relate to the beating around the bush with the game of politeness, it makes everything complex, when a simple yes or no is often all that is required. We I can speak this way in simplicity, I can feel the power and truthfulness expressed in a very clear manner.

  142. Timely re-read Joseph. I have thought I needed to justify why I answered yes or no in the past as though I have no right to say no, or yes. I agree it complicates the issue and after all it is my decision that needs to be respected, as I need to respect another’s also. Simplicity and honesty definitely is the best policy. Thank you Joseph.

  143. It’s interesting to ponder on Joseph. The health care system I work in is very complicated, difficult to understand the working of and a struggle, even for those of us that have been around it for a while. Every now and then something is super simple and very easy to co-ordinate. I sing for joy when this happens because it can be simple. Hmmm I wonder if we are bringing the complexity and complication rather than the system??

    1. Well said Jennifer. How often do we add layer upon layer as people want to justify thier views or positions or whatever. Simplicity gets lost in this picture but it’s oh so welcome when it does re-appear. It’s a brilliant reminder for us all to consider where we like to live our lives on the simplicity/complexity continuum.

  144. Beautifully shared Joseph. Complexity is always waiting for an opening to enter all that we do to confuse and entangle us in the complexity of it. Just like a shadow it stands over the effortlessness and clarity of true simplicity. Making simplicity foundational to all that we do and all that we express allows our lives to be far easier and definitely more enjoyable.

  145. This is an amazing reminder of how most of us choose to make lives by the use of eloquence in our words which can actually be used to cover up the responsibility of simply presenting the truth.

  146. Thank you for such a beautiful and simple sharing Joseph. In the past I used to create all sorts of complication in my life that really just kept me in this pattern of drama and distraction. Now I am enjoying making choices that make my life more simple and harmonious – and the feeling of joy and power that this brings to not only me but everyone around me as well.

  147. The humour in this blog is delightful. It is interesting how we are confronted by simplicity and can feel how it takes courage at times to make the simple choice or go about a whole series of choices, like a project, the simple way. This is the kind of blog that will keep unfolding for days as choices are presented and to be open to what is simple – this is interesting as ‘what I want’ or ‘what I need’ can taint the true way and simple way.

  148. Beautiful Joseph. There is a natural flow that comes with simplicity. I am discovering more and more that when I am simply in connection with my essence, and I trust and honor this, I feel and appreciate a natural synchronicity with all.

  149. Simplicity right now for me means shedding the many layers of complications that I unnecessarily add to any thought that pops up. I have been thinking of inviting my friends all together so they can meet each other. I have various groups of friends with different interests so the idea of mixing them up is exciting. But the mind wonders if it is wise, will they get along, what if it is too complicated finding a common time, how much preparation will that involve,….. My heart says go ahead, bring your friends into your home, ask them to bring a plate, enjoy their company. Why the worry, the complications, the barriers, the excuses? All I need to do is to invite my friends and have a warm and welcoming home to come to and the rest will take care of itself. Thank you Joseph, it is that simple.

  150. Isn’t it interesting how culturally the word ‘simplicity’ has developed an element of austerity to its meaning, followed closely by a sense of over-engineered precision, to mean manufactured simpleness, not the natural absoluteness of simplicity. Anodyne, dull and boring? Simplicity is anything but. It’s freeing, provides space, clarity and harmony. And it has a quality of truth at its core that needs no fripperies to make it more. Because it is everything it is and needs to be already.

  151. Joseph, this is awesome. I adore how you explain your point by asking a young child if they want to do something – that just brought it all home to me. Making it complicated for me is often a question of not wishing to be rejected, not offend, to be polite. To speak how it is – truthful and simple – is key and actually, people are far less offended in the end. Really terrific thank you; I have gained awesome insight and support with my own expression.

    1. Yes ginadunlop, it is an awesome blog isnt it.
      I just had grandchildren stay. If I asked them whether they would like to do something, always what came back was a simple yes or no. So clear and easy to accept. If there was any complication it was me making it and I got to see the ridiculousness of that. So timely to read this blog as further support to keeping it simple and honest.

  152. I love the simplicity of what’s been shared in this blog and the clarity of the body when I say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to things or situations in life, as it just is. “My body says no to alcohol. It says yes to being warm. It says yes to sharing how I feel and no to holding it inside.” Simple!

  153. Simplicity makes everything easy to understand and accessible by all, thats pretty much how our inner heart works. Excellent topic to write about Joseph.

  154. This is a great blog (simple enough comment 😉 )

    Jokes aside I completely get what you are saying. I find my life is so much more fullfilling and fun when I’m not complicating life events.

    Within us all there is a truth radar which can be a tool to make life extremely simple, all we need to do is let go of any attachments or investments that may allow us to discount our in built truth radars.

  155. I used to feel that simplicity was the way I did things in the outer world, cooking, cleaning, decluttering the house so everything was simple. After reading this I can feel that there is a deeper simplicity to connect to inside myself, it’s a way of living that comes from inside me. It’s a way of living from me that feels true.

    1. I really value having read your comment Melinda and yes I have the same feeling that there is a deeper level of simplicity for me (and actually all of us) to allow into my life, and that as this simplicity comes,it will unfold from living with a deeper connection/trust with my inner presence and the feelings in my body. How gorgeous….

  156. There seems to be an enormous strength in simplicity. When I become complicated and dont simply say easily what I mean, in comes nervousness, anxiousness, worry etc and I fritter away all of my precious energy. Saying something simply from all of me feels like it’s very strong and the moment is complete.

  157. Complexity weaves a web of entanglements aimed to hide and trap the truth. Simplicity is so honest you cannot hide the truth and this indeed makes you both responsible and accountable for all your choices and how they have accumulated to create your life. Yes Joseph, it is that simple. Great blog.

  158. “Just like a child when you ask them if they want to go to the pool. They don’t say ‘”let me get back to you, I may have time but you see I have a meeting in the sand pit planned and my schedule is fairly packed”. They just say yes or no”
    It is that simple, no complications, no maize, such wisdom in simplicity.

  159. Thank you for this message today Joseph. I have a meeting soon which I can see from the agenda does not promise to be easy going. Keeping the focus on simplicity I am sure will support what needs to unfold and also allow for clearer communication.

  160. So true Joseph. When we keep things simple there is less room for misunderstanding. In simplicity there is truth. This is the simple truth that I am learning through Universal Medicine.

  161. Returning to the simplicity of life is a truly loving way of being, with ourselves and everybody else.

  162. Joesph, beautifully simply expressed. I have definitely got caught up in the stories and dramas of life which exhausted me and complicated things. Once I am connected to my stillness and love that is there for everyone, life flows with simplicity.

  163. Thank you Joseph I love your analogy of the CV and how it is much better to not embellish etc for fear of rejection. When I keep my communication clear and simple it is so much more effective but as you say complexity is always lurking in the background waiting to come in, and if I allow it through fear of rejection or whatever, misunderstandings are much more likely. Very pertinent for me as I have just received an email from a family member expressing hurt at the insensitive way I communicated something. Learning to keep things simple and being accountable for my actions is a work in progress for me but definitely the way to go.

  164. Put simply, its all about love. There is not one drop of complication or complexity in the inner heart. If we live love, all is clear and simple.

  165. Simplicity equals surrender. Simplicity means not having a big reaction or an argument. Simplicity allows for love to be there.

    There is an art to making the most seeming complicated situations or experiences in life simple.

  166. Me too Joseph, I love simplicity more and more. I enjoyed reading your entire blog, but one sentence stood out for me “But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along.”
    Thanks for your blog – what a joy to read.

  167. As Universal Medicine has presented our choices are such a powerful tool.I have learnt to say yes to honouring my feelings and yes to allowing myself to feel who I am as I naturally , simply am and no to playing games, roles and pretending to be someone/thing I am not. This has changed my entire life and no doubt others lives too. All from the simplicity of choice. Thank you Joseph for the reminder that life can and is very simple when we choose.

    1. Wow Felix, although such a “simple” fact, what a truly groundbreaking way of living. I never realised how many complications in my life there are but also how this is clearly having an affect on my energy levels and the sleep needed. What a different way to be if we all lived in a simple undemanding way

    2. What you have shared here Felix is absolute gold. It is true. When anything is simplified it does not consume much energy. This is an extremely beneficial side effect in the present day fast past world we live in, a world that literally drains us with its complication. Beautifully said.

    3. I smiled reading your comment Felix, it is so true! Simplicity has such a gorgeous refreshing and rejuvenating quality, it actually feels like an energy building within me.

  168. In the simplicity there is an absoluteness, a powerful delivery of wisdom packaged with no more or less than what needs to be heard or felt. It can stop you in your tracks or expand your awareness and ignite your being… and yet we tend to intentionally hide from it and create complications as if unprepared to accept the blessing that is being offered by choosing this way. The body as you said is a great reminder to come back to and embrace the beauty and strength that simplicity holds.

  169. Beautiful. Our body is simple and if we ask it questions like “do you want to drink alcohol? ” it would say no. And yes to being warm. Our body knows the truth of everything

  170. “But as I simplify my way, I find more joy comes along.” I know this to be true so thank you for the reminder and supporting me to keep things simple today.

  171. Complication brings uncertainty and doubt. Simplicity makes things clear. Simple.

    1. Well said Deidre. Complication is really not our natural way at all. Nature shows us this everyday but are we listening? Not yet..

  172. Love the simplicity Joseph, and this is a timely reminder. I too can complicate issues as a form of protection – much less now than before I was introduced to Universal Medicine. I’ve found that if I avoid saying that simple yes or no directly then the waters are muddied, people get hurt and I have a big mess to clean up. Confidence to speak the simple truth is key.

  173. This is so gorgeous Joseph- so simple!
    We make things so complicated. Let children be our teachers as they know simplicity and it comes form their soul.

  174. Mm yes, simple Joseph. I can relate to the feeling raw when keeping things simple… ‘To say ‘here I am’ in clear daylight seems risky. What if I am not ‘enough’?’ Captured well. But you’ve also captured well how awesome it is to keep it simple.

    1. It can be exposing when we take away the things we are used to hiding behind. But in doing so, we realise we are enough – more than enough and in fact amazing.

      1. Gees Nikki, yea so true! its like when we get over that little hurdle we realise how awesome we are and that we are more then enough just by ourselves!

  175. I agree Joseph, keeping it ‘simple’ is the way. There was a time I noticed that many people have the inclination to ‘justify’ what has been said. After the ‘Yes’ or the ‘No’, they go on the say why they have said yes or no. It can be so simple if we but choose, and having responded from what is truly felt within there is no need to say any more. Thank you for sharing your growing awareness. You are amazing – never hide that behind heaps of words, just let other have all of you.

  176. Joseph, I really enjoyed re-reading this blog as I am finding the more I accept the truth of me, and begin to live that more and more each day life is becoming simple. Everything that appeared so complex before seems to come back to the same basic choices, of either choosing to live our truth or choosing to live hiding our light and living from our hurts. I feel it is this simplicity that I am now bringing to my life, to live more in each moment and to choose to make more self-loving choices, that has brought me to a place where I am responsible for me. We all choose the life we live, it is up to each of us to decide if it will be one that reflects the truth of who we are or if it will be a life of complexity simply because we choose not to live our truth.

  177. I (We) create so much complication, in being nice, pleasing and not being upfront about what we feel with others. Many times I over think things and situations or meetings with others, in my head before they have even happened, rather than staying present with my body and what I’m doing, trusting that I will respond with what’s needed in the moment.

  178. I too have always felt and known life to be simple and it wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon that he confirmed it within me. Simplicity can be challenging but I now keep reminding myself ‘To keep things simple’, or I ask myself, ‘Am I complicating things?’.

  179. Yes I would say I have been, and still am scared of simplicity eg. I have always had a belief that to speak, I had to sound intellectual and come out with fancy words to look good and to fit in so therefore I would say very little. I am coming to realize as I build on the connection with myself, that to speak with minimal and simple language is enough. and in doing so, I am not hiding from the sweet and childlike innocence that I know I am.

  180. I love this, keeping things simple doesn’t in anyway way mean life is less rich, in my experience life becomes more rich, more spacious, more enjoyable.

    1. Very true Laura, with simplicity there is space and that space allows for a magic and a richness that has trouble getting into if the space is filled up with clutter and complexity.

  181. This is very inspiring. I love simplicity. Complexity makes my life serious and a hard work – which I could feel was coming to get me. So glad I found your article this morning. Thank you, Joseph.

  182. Awesome, love it and your little story about the child and the sand pit, haha, so great and shows how ridiculous it is that we always justify instead of speaking with clarity and simplicity.

  183. Keeping my reply simple- I want and am going to allow more simplicity in my life. This is a game changer for me, Joseph. Thank you.

  184. The way you live and write about simplicity is very inspiring, thank you. Simplicity and living simply are such a gift, and they make life – simple.

  185. I savoured the simplicity of what you were sharing Joseph, a touching reminder of how truly simple we are and life is if we allow.

  186. I love the way you have expressed Joseph in a lovely simple clear way. What I find is if I am present with myself in everything I do my day remains simple and flows beautifully then complication doesn’t get a look in. And as you said Joseph children keep it so simple as they are not tangled up in trying to keep others happy or have a fear of reaction. They speak honestly from their connection with themselves.

  187. Completely love this post Joseph, and your words here made me pause: “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality? Not to mention, responsibility and accountability? Is there something we are hiding from?” , this is true because when there is complexity there are so many stories and excuses we come up with – to avoid being real and seeing truth. Simplicity is the highlighter, complexity the eraser of Truth.

  188. So well put Joseph. Politeness is just one of the many unnecessary, intricate contraptions we use when unable to reach within ourselves and be truth. I’m learning to let go of the the need to placate people. Why would a simple no be offensive to anyone?

  189. Joseph, I love the way you express simplicity in life, and refer to how we were as a child.
    Yes, I agree as adults we seem to over complicate life by not communicating truth from our body, instead be governed by our ideals and beliefs, politeness, niceness, sympathy.

  190. I love it! Simple is the way. Complication only arises when I don’t express myself fully in each moment – leaving something for me to have to ‘deal with’ later (unnecessarily).

  191. This is the first time I have ever snorted out loud reading a blog on here – that line – They don’t say ‘”let me get back to you, I may have time but you see I have a meeting in the sand pit planned and my schedule is fairly packed”…is pure GOLD. Thank you. The whole blog is pure GOLD. It reminded me of when I was learning to speak French, and the line in the students manual we were practising was an invitation to a party, and someone asked if Thomas wanted to come to the party, and the answer was ‘Non’. That’s it. And I smiled when I read it because the English/Australian/Polite version would have been – oh no thank you, I won’t be able to make it because XYZ blah blah blah and I loved the Frenchness of just No! Simple is the way to go – for sure!

  192. I am just going to keep this comment simple by saying this blog is amazing! 🙂

  193. Thank you for your awesome blog Joseph. I’ve found that he simplest of tasks can become quite complicated if I’m not with myself. The same two tasks or jobs can feel poles apart, either seemingly effortless or a real struggle.

  194. What a beautiful joy I feel in your blog Joseph, and how simple you make things. This is the first time I’ve read this, and it’s true that children do behave as you describe, I had forgotten. I have been very scared of saying no and offending people in the past, but I am now able to say no categorically and quite firmly now, if I feel to, with the conviction of, ‘I don’t do that any more. Sometimes I have added the word ‘sorry’, but I’m working on not saying that, because I’m not sorry, I’m very pleased to have made some different choices.

  195. Great point you make here Joseph – “are we scared of simplicity because it brings reality?” I can definitely relate to making things complicated and getting caught in the detail – instead of stopping and seeing the big picture or how things really are. It is something that I need to keep working on but is well worth the effort.

  196. Simplicity is truth. No discussion or explanation is needed anymore as very few words will be able to express a truth that can be felt to the depth of our bones.

  197. I love the way you debase the attraction for complexity in life Joseph, and presented the power there is in simplicity – also the transparency and honesty that is allowed with that choice. Reading this article is like a breath of fresh air.

  198. Dear Joseph, You write with a deep understanding of living life simply and I love how you refer to how a child would respond to a question, with the simplicity of a yes or a no. We as adults do tend to complicate things and this is something that I am beginning to become so much more aware of. What I notice is that when I allow myself to be content with my body my response to life is simple, and direct, yet tender and honouring. If I have allowed myself to go into my head then things really do get complicated and difficult and I react with hardness and suspicion and protection. Having this understanding and knowing how it feels in my body, means each day is a new day to remember the simplicity of living life with my whole body and not just from my head.

  199. Thanks Joseph, your blog is like a soothing balm, so clear and…well simple. When I stay connected to my body things feel lovely and simple, but when my mind butts in I can go off in a hundred different directions. Universal Medicine has helped me return to this simplicity within myself, and as a way of life I can absolutely recommend it!

  200. Great blog Joseph. I agree, for me complexity is in my mind and when I am lost in there everything seem overwhelming and reality is skewed for me to feel like I am not coping.
    Like you say Joseph, simplicity is waiting for us in our body, if we just allow it to do the talking for us. I am learning this valuable key to a simple life.

  201. There is such an amazing power in just simply saying what is there to be said. Simplicity is very powerful.

  202. Joseph as a fellow lover of simplicity I wholeheartedly agree. I find by keeping it simple everything flows and life takes on an ease that is truly supportive. Thank you for sharing this with us all.

  203. I love how you say that children simply go for a yes or no and do not give long and complicated answers. Something to remind me when I let things get complicated.

  204. My middle name is “Simple” as I tell everyone. This is because I love anything simple and my head hurts with anything complicated.
    I spent my life trying hard to complicate things and it never felt easy. Today I live simple and I keep every area of my life super simple. I am known for my simplicity and have no hesitation in communicating with anyone and saying if I feel something is complicated.
    If things get even a bit complicated now, I feel a tightness in my chest and it’s like the flow has changed. I know that simple living has brought me more ease and clarity in my life.

  205. Simplicity or Complexity? It is a no-brainer really, yet not commonly lived.
    The funny thing is that no matter how complex you make life, simplicity is everywhere you look. In someone’s smile, in a sunset or sunrise, the breeze blowing in a tree, it’s in joyful laughter, the innocent play of children, the order and organisation of things, a meal prepared simply and just what you need at that time.

  206. This is refreshingly simple Joseph. But also revealing in the fact that we add the complication to avoid the feeling!

  207. ‘Just like a child when you ask them if they want to go to the pool. They don’t say ‘”let me get back to you, I may have time but you see I have a meeting in the sand pit planned and my schedule is fairly packed”.’ I love this example Joseph, it makes it so obvious how we have made life the opposite of what naturally is. What can I say more I love simplicity and my body feels the space if I allow living in simplicity.

  208. Simplicity is a way of living with truth and no embellishments! Why do we feel we need to live with so much complexity in all that we do and say, when, as your blog shows us, the less complicated we are the more true and loving we are. Young children are a great example of this, they are not tainted by embellishments of stories and doing things, instead, they shine with the beauty of truth and simplicity of all they do and say. Adults have a lot to learn from them!

  209. Like you Joseph I am finding that the more that I appreciate the value of simplicity in my life the more I love life. Simplicity is gold and offers me a way of living that allows me time to do all that I need to do each day – and as I write this I will begin to build this into my life more consistently.

  210. Complexity exists to mask the simple truth that we are love but are not living it.

    1. I agree Liane, it is the simplest way not to take responsibility that we are not living the love that we are, so we play the game of making life complex as it gives us an excuse and keeps us in the struggle that life is hard when it is totally the opposite, as when we choose to reconnect to ourselves and live from that place, there is a magical simplicity and flow to everything, just like being a child again. It’s beautiful.

  211. Exquisitely and simply expressed Joseph. A YES to love is a NO to the everything else that will worm its way in if we dither in the convolutions of ‘politeness’.

    1. I second that Liane. Yes to Love and Truth and No to the ‘convolutions of politeness’

  212. Life is indeed simple, as shown by a young child. We are the ones, for various reasons turn it into a truly complicated experience. The more I become aware of the complications I have created the more I can return to the simplicity that I belong to and came from. Thank Joseph for writing this blog.

  213. It seems black and white to me now like theres only one of two answers to weather our lives are simple or not. But like many who I see in daily life today it never seemed so simple until I came across Universal Medicne and Serge Benhayon who has shared with many how this is truly possible

  214. Simplicity is our natural state. Complexity is a choice made often so that the true nature of oneself cannot be felt. Their is no hiding in simplicity but complexity gives you plenty to get lost in.

    1. I love this Joseph, you have encapsulated a gem about life as a whole so simply! I love the analogy of the child being asked to play in the pool — I’m adopting this from now on. Ahhh, the letting go and joy that we feel when we keep it simple.

  215. “Is it possible we are scared of simplicity because it brings reality?” I really like this question and line – it has made me stop and ponder – “Are we scared of Simplicity?”. My feeling and answer is yes – why? If life was truly simply, with no complications at all, then would we all get to feel the reality of the grandness and amazingness we are from?

  216. Also what I feel with simplicity is that there is not a lot of need for words. In the sense of, we can convey everything to needs to be shared in very few words, with clarity.

    1. Great point Gylrae. I’m finding more and more that those silences in conversation that I used to fill with waffle, say far more than words, and are beautiful spaces.

      1. absolutely Catherine – there is so much expressed in the so called “silences”, so much opportunity for healing to be allowed, and so much beauty to connect to. Wow – I cherish those silences…

    2. I agree gylrae – I find when I am speaking truth, it is simple, straight forward, no frills. If I get nervous about what I am saying, I’ll start adding a lot of unnecessary words and the truth gets a bit lost in it.

  217. Dear Joseph, all I can say is I love simplicity, this is a great confirmation and reminder when I read your blog. Everything can be simple, when it is there is so much joy, as in confirmation in my body as to how life is, and can be. Life is not meant to be complicated, when it is, to me, it feels heavy, and difficult, as does my body, there is no flow or ease.

  218. I love simplicity too – not that it has been my modus operandi for much of my life, but through the teachings of Serge Benhayon I have discovered I have a natural affinity with simplicity and its expression. Joseph I love how you remind us of how children see life – simply – no forward planning or excuses, they are just clear on what’s next, and don’t waste words. Your blog simply highlights how complicated we can make life, but it is our choice.

  219. Joseph all I can say is that I echo the comments before mine, Thank you.

  220. Whenever something in my life feels complicated I know that something is not right. It then is about looking with absolute honesty at what I am up to and why. This may seem odd at times or even very confronting, but once I started to truly accept the fact that everything that happens in my life is a reflection for me to learn from, I realised how simple life in fact is – simple and beautiful.

  221. In light of the topic of this blog I am going to keep my answer simple. Love it Joseph!

  222. This is a beautiful blog from a beautiful man. I am totally with you on this one Joseph, simplicity is the key to a more joyful way of being.

  223. When things start to get complicated it is always a good indicator that we have stepped away from what is true and real. Life is simple, it’s up to us to allow that or not.

  224. Simplicity is an awesome thing and thank you for the great reminder of the power and truth of simplicity. When things start to get complicated we need to stop and bring it back, something I find helpful is to bring it back to the breath and the gentle breath meditation as taught by Serge Benhayon , if only for a few minutes usually brings me back out of my head and back to the truth and simplicity of my body.

  225. “You can write a million books and speak a thousand words, but I have found a simple sentence can contain much more wisdom.” Me too, Joseph. I have often been accused of being ‘too direct’ for just saying yes or no.

    Your opening paragraph, describing simplicity, felt like a cool hand on an overheated forehead.

    When you described complexity, it felt like the overheated forehead.

    I love the cool hand and would also love a cool forehead!

  226. Simple and delightful, thank you for sharing you Joseph. Truly waking up to the fact that ‘our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?’ can be big to swallow at first, bottom line though is that it is that simple. When our choices are for love then it becomes simpler and simpler to choose.

  227. Life really can be as simple as you say, Joseph. One of the greatest re-discoveries that I have had recently has been that the easiest way to stop feeling down or get myself out of a bad mood or even just a bit out of sorts it to just make things really simple. Just by paying attention to my hands as I make food, or feeling my feet as I walk down the street and I’m back!

  228. Simple.. True.. And opening a gate my brain doesn’t like. Because it set’s it off from “work”. Being busy is what it knows – and complexity is a marvelous partner to be busy. My heart stands aside me sometimes looking at me making my choices ordered from the brain. I watch that scene from time to time and the only key then is understanding and…: getting back to simplicity. Thank you for that beautiful reminder, Joseph!

  229. I love what you share Joseph about how children decide and share, I was thinking about this the other day when I was pondering ( or really thinking too much about a simple decision to be made). What came to me was the reflection of how a child shares when asked a question such as do you want a drink – it is a simple yes or no – there is no debate, or well I might do this or that, or what about if this happens etc. It is very simple and very clear.

  230. “It is clear, direct and easy to understand” this makes my whole body melt and agree – I love simplicity. Simplicity is one of the greatest keys to life. There is no if’s or but’s life is and can be very very simple, it is all down to the choices we make. When the head comes in and starts to debate, you know you’ve stepped away from that instant, innate simplicity in your body – that just is.

  231. I love this word “Simplicity” … I may not quite be a master of it yet, but I absolutely know simplicity equals joy.

  232. Reading this blog in honour of simplicity, has confirmed how much I love simplicity too. Imagine how life would be if we all downed tools on making things complex. Simplicity feels like space and ease in my body – and a feeling that all is as it can naturally be.

  233. Joseph I love this! Simplicity for me is an awesome way to live, express and love. Thank you.

  234. Thanks for the beautiful reminder Joseph. Like you I enjoy simplicity and use it as a marker for how I am expressing myself, If its simple, then I am expressing myself clearly, If it is complex, then Im a mile away from truth.

  235. Beautiful Joseph, your article gives me permission to keep things simple, when I do this life feels true, if i get into complication, be it the way I’m talking or the way I’m working then this stops any flow and ease and there is a trying.

  236. You make my day Joseph; you not only make my day, but you bring a huge smile to my face. I love simplicity, it is the natural flow of life.

  237. Thank you Joseph I love the simplicity of your blog! It highlights what we have walked away from for, as you say fear of rejection and being alone, but the truth is that’s just illusion, we are all still one, so let’s bring simplicity back, it’s such a natural and loving way to be.

  238. I love the way in which you’ve expressed here Joseph as it is so true we can easily complicate life. The truth does bring simplicity as there is nowhere to hide, as you say children don’t complicate things they just say it as it is. The more we simplify life, bringing it back to our daily/moment to moment choices, it feels we open the door to living with far greater joy and living our true selves. That just makes so much sense to me. It is that simple!

  239. That’s gorgeous, I love the ” there’s no hiding in simplicity” you talk about, as I recognise that in my life the clearer I say/do/organise any part of it, all of it becomes easier to be part of.

  240. Thank you Joseph for this simple yet profound reminder. There is always a beautiful and natural flow with simplicity, whenever we are connected to our essence.

  241. Oh, I love your blog, it made me laugh so much!. The examples you give or complicated answers are hilarious, the one of the marriage proposal and the child wanting to go to the pool. Great to see the way we are sometimes, when we complicate things, and to laugh about it. Simple is so much more fun!

  242. Realising when things are getting complicated and choosing simplicity feels great. I am starting to feel that it is far more simpler and easier to be me, than a version of me. Love the simplicity Joseph.

  243. ‘It all comes back to love and honesty – and being me today’ Simple and true, Joseph! Thank you for coming back to simplicity.

  244. Joseph, you have bought out the qualities of simplicity with wisdom and Grace.

  245. There is so much gold here I could write 20 comments … but that doesn’t sound simple – could it be that this is a clever way of holding back what I feel?

    I especially love the way you expose how complication gets in the way of true connection Joseph. I can feel you are absolutely right and it inspires me to be a lot clearer when expressing how I feel to others. I am understanding that simplicity doesn’t necessarily mean using three words or even one. Simplicity for me is simply expressing truth whatever that may be. So very beautiful. Thank you for sharing here.

    1. Lovely Leonie, I feel you really hit the nail on the head when you say simply expressing truth is simplicity. Powerful and true.

    2. When we do express our truth it is simple and clear. The justification, the not wanting to tread on anyones toes, the fear of getting it wrong… is all complication. For me it seems the complication has built it’s way into many actions and behaviours and when I look at that I realise they’re not me. The me is very simple.

      1. Great point Nikki – I am learning that the truth is actually very different to the facts too. Many times I have felt that if I just relay the straight facts it is ‘the truth’ but I have come to see this is not the case. There is a much deeper truth beneath everything and that truth is my love for people. This means that everything I express can only be true if it is expressed with love.

  246. “I have been working on my CV recently. It’s tempting to say so much – to lie or reinvent. It feels like this is because of fear, a fear of being rejected. To say ‘here I am’ in clear daylight seems risky. What if I am not ‘enough’?” Joseph, this is so true.

  247. So simple Josehp. Your blog gave me a taste of how I could make my life simple or complex. It also allowed me to feel how good simple is.

  248. Makes simple sense to me. I too am learning to reacquaint myself with the simplicity of my body. No matter what I may do, think or say if it is not loving my body doesn’t want it, if there is no warm feeling in my body then there is no love in the body. Thank you Joseph for the reminder that life is best lived simply.

  249. Love this Joseph. There are many points you make that ring true – simplicity is no doubt how we started out and now is something to work back to. It’s so true that we can so easily make things complicated, when in fact the simple truth would keep it exactly that, simple.

  250. Simplicity is the marker, that brought me to Universal Medicine. I was lost in different alternate therapies, some of them even falsely claiming to be simple, but they never felt simple in my body. When I attended the first Universal Medicine workshops (Livingness 1 & 2) I felt the simplicity in my body. And it felt true – finally home.

  251. What a playful and deeply inspiring blog at the same time.
    I can so well relate to this fear of simply saying “no” – and creating a complication on the highest level instead.
    What I have come to realize more and more is that the “no” would be honest, responsible and simple, whereas the “maybe and so on” is a lie, manipulating and totally dishonest, creating mistrust and complications instead of connection. The fear of rejection makes me create what I am afraid of. How big absurd is that!

  252. A wonderful blog Joseph. Simplicity in all areas of our lives is the key and it allows things to flow much smoother.

  253. What your great and simple blog made me realise was that putting together a CV is generally made from a feeling of self-worth and a desire to be seen as enough by others. We want others to confirm what we ourselves deny for ourselves. Ouch!

  254. Beautifully simple blog about simplicity thanks Joseph. What occurs to me is just how clarity and simplicity go together. And when we keep things simple we get a lot of clarity on what feels true or not in any situation. We get a clear feeling on what to do or say next. Complexity muddies the waters and then we cannot see clearly what we feel is the truth and then its smaller siblings indecision, procrastination and false politeness shortly follow behind.

    1. There is a freedom that comes with clarity and simplicity – a freedom to be you. Complexity clogs things up and muddies that waters like you say Andrew.

  255. A simple way to approach life Joseph. I had always admired people who could string long sentences together as I was never capable of doing that as I would say what I felt in a few words. Yet I found many of these people brought complication into situations when a simple answer would have sufficed.

  256. I simply love this blog – it is exactly as you describe in your opening paragraph: touching, incredibly powerful, clear, direct and easy to understand. I would also add that it made me smile, felt harmonious and was very enjoyable.

    1. What a gorgeous way to put it, Nicola. I absolutely agree with you, Joseph’s blog is touching, incredible powerful, clear, direct, easy to understand, makes me smile too, feels harmonious and is very enjoyable. I would add: free of hiding and full of responsibilty.

      1. I smiled at ‘subsection c of paragraph b’. I stopped hedging my bets when I realised I was half promising to do things just to fill time. Now its a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Yes if I can – and want to. no if not. As Joseph said – simple!.

  257. Wow, I love this article Joseph, this makes complete sense to me. When I work in a simple way and I’m just being myself without trying to prove anything or big myself up, I feel great, I feel well and vital and everything seems to flow, whereas when I go into complication, if I’m trying hard at something, thinking I’m not good enough and putting in extra effort then this feels hard and does not flow, I love simplicity!

  258. I love simplicity too! I just have to remember to choose it. I can get caught up with the sophistication as Jonathan above mentions. That usually happens when I go into my head and then complication is not far away. I am discovering how important it is to stay connected to my body. It knows when its bed time, when its time to eat and how much to eat, when to listen and when to speak up.

  259. There is a lot to say about living a life that is simple. That would just do what man kind has always done, make the simple complex, analyze it to death, dissect to see if there is an easier way to make 1+1=2…when all that is needed, is to feel what is required, simple.

  260. Isn’t it incredible that the phrase ” lack of sophistication ” is disparaging and a bit of a put-down. In certain areas ‘simplicity’ is deemed suspect as in ‘over simplifying’ something. The implication being that one has not thought things through enough!
    On closer inspection we find that a sophist, (one who practices sophistication) uses
    clever but false arguments. In other words, ‘cleverness’ takes priority over veracity!
    So the much trumpeted word, ‘sophistication’ is little more than a smokescreen of lies and is a device used by the mind to keep the body ‘in its place’!
    In reality, the body knows best and gives us the ‘simple’ answer every time.
    It’s ‘simply’ for us to recognise the mind’s deception.

  261. ‘when I let my body speak, life gets simpler again’ this is so true, whenever I have to make a decision about what to do, my mind can go round and round in circles and nothing gets done, whereas if I tune into my body, the answer is there, and I just get on with what I need to do. Hooray for simplicity!

  262. A great article Joseph. So simple. When I look at how complicated I make “things” it feels like a breath of fresh air to be simple.

  263. Love your sandpit example and also reminded of how I can avoid saying yes or no because of my preconceived ideas about how it might affect the other person, or what their response might be that would in turn affect me…how complicated is that! Thank you Joseph this blog is simply beautiful.

  264. Your article is a wonderful reminder, yet again, Joseph, of how much complexity I get into. It seems to me that it is the complexity that makes me vulnerable, as when I get complex then things get complicated and then I am in tension and not in my own presence much of the time, and so lose confidence. Whereas, if I keep things simple I can feel my own beautiful fragility, and allow myself to be present with what I am doing in a gentle way that honours and respects that fragility.

  265. Thank you, Joseph. I love the line – “My body says no to alcohol. It says yes to being warm. It says yes to sharing how I feel and no to holding it inside” – as it feels like a homecoming to a simpler way of being that I know inside.

  266. Thank you for this Joseph. My dreams were very complex last night, a reminder to keep things simple in my day to not let the complexity continue into my sleep.

  267. Keeping things simple allows me to feel the swirl and flow of life. Thank you Joseph for sharing your realisations

  268. Yes, Joseph, very simple! It seems that simplicity in our culture is something to be denigrated, and becomes labelled as “unintelligent” or stupid. Yet simplicity allows us to express our true innate intelligence, not the intelligence of learned knowledge, and as you say, brings joy.

  269. Joseph, this is absolutely true ! Complexity gets us nowhere – to me it feels like hitting a brick wall. On the other hand simplicity in the way we talk, write, live our lives flows as we go about our daily tasks. Living with simplicity makes more space for Love.

  270. Joseph, many thanks for this absolutely brilliant observation! It seems like we prefer the fog of obfuscation to the bright daylight of clarity. Perhaps it’s because we can hide in the fog. In the daylight, there’s nowhere to hide. Simplicity is black and white, Day and Night. As you say, when you connect to your body, all becomes simple. It must be the mind that wallows in complexity, perhaps because that’s what it’s good at. The body seems far better at truth and simplicity. It is for us to choose which of these two influences seems more suitable to the situation which presents itself.

  271. Thanks for this blog Joseph and I agree, simplicity is the key. I work very hard at making my life simple and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It does bring responsibility and accountability and also I find it helps me to resolve any issues that arise with much more clarity and less panic.

    1. Yes Tim I agree with you as your wife, that we both work hard and put effort, focus and attention into making our home life super simple. It is a constant reviewing and refining and we are no way perfect but that Simple Life works. We have gone from a triple garage to no garage so that in itself has freed us. In some ways we live with a yes and no way of living now – like this article says it is how children respond. Thank you Joseph for a top blog – truly profound.

  272. A great article that you Joseph, I love the feeling of simplicity in it! So true that we complicate things when a simple answer is what is really needed and would save so much wasted time and energy being “nice”.

  273. Yes I find it’s so much less effort to be simple, and hence with simplicity comes vitality.

    1. So true Brendan. I can exhaust myself with trying so hard to please or impress or not offend. Simplicity is like the open door when we are trapped in complexity, it gives us space to breathe. I love what you have written, Joseph – simple and powerful.

  274. A real gem of an article, wow how simplicity can change our lives dramatically. Yes, in my experience when a situation or circumstance becomes complicated it creates all sorts of secondary problems which never would have occurred if I had just kept things simple. So stick with simplicity I say, and life will be, well, simple!

  275. Great blog, thank you Joseph. I can relate to feeling complexity ready and waiting to come back too! But, as I live more from my innate simplicity my life becomes more joyful and it is easier to see through complexity.

  276. I love this blog, written with such simplicity and humour. What it highlights for me is the fact, that how simple or complex our life is, is all governed by our choices.

  277. I loved this blog Joseph, very easy and simple to read. Also a reminder that children have that directness and say yes or no, without all the waffle, politeness and excuses. Well worth practising.

  278. I loved re-reading your blog again Joseph. So simply said: I will remember your blog every time I have to use more words to explain things, a reminder that complication is quacking in. Simply simple!

  279. A simply brilliant blog. We can all tell when someone is going into a complicated story to avoid saying ‘no’ to an invitation or a request, so why do we think others can’t see through it when we do it in the illusion that we are being polite?!

  280. Thank you Joseph. Your words ring like a clear bell, a wonderful call to simply be me.

  281. This is great, thank you Joseph. I have found that complication creates confusion, so its a work in progress for me to keep things really simple and say how I feel, simply of course and without the long explanations that could appear!

  282. This blog made me smile especially the lines like this one: ‘When I talk with other people I notice things get very complicated. It’s like I am scared to say “no”, so instead it becomes “well maybe another day if its possible, not that I don’t want to, you understand”.’ The actual ridiculousness of not saying just yes or no, because if I am honest I always know which of the two (yes or no) it is! Thank you for writing this Joseph. It made it even more clear for me that it is ok to just say no (or yes).

    1. You picked out the exact same part that I did Lieke – Joseph has exposed the ridiculousness of saying something like “well maybe another day if its possible, not that I don’t want to, you understand” instead of “no”, but even though it is laughable when written like that it is something that I and probably many others have actually said before!

      1. Yes absolutely Jessica, I have done that and still do that at times… but this is a lovely reminder to keep things simple and thus real.

  283. I have found the simplicity of what you say in ‘You can write a million books and speak a thousand words, but I have found a simple sentence can contain much more wisdom’. So true we can get caught up in saying way too much and start to create a complication.

    Saying what you feel with truth and honesty in a few words is very powerful. Love your blog and the analogy with a child, they just speak as they feel, not trying to make things ‘easy’, if they don’t like something they just say so without trying to cover it in niceties.

  284. Beautiful Joseph. This is so refreshing, like a cool breeze in a stuffy room – your simplicity clears the mind. I love your sentence ‘What if our life is simply a result of the choices that we make?’ How powerful a question is that, and one we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis.

  285. How gorgeous are your words;

    “I’ve realised when I am vulnerable and keep things simple, I feel like a true man: it’s not toughness or a roughness, but a simple strength of expression, a sense of being me”

    So so so gorgeous, Thank you for your beauty and strength Joseph.

  286. As I start to read more and become open to being educated about my body and its needs, I am definitely finding that as long as I don’t allow my brain to take control and I keep all areas of my life – both personal and business – simple, then I’m able to maintain that centred feeling of self. Thanks for your insight, it always helps to read how others approach and look at life.

  287. This is beautiful, just like you Joseph! Thank you for the inspiration and reminder that it all comes back to love and honesty.

  288. Thank you Joseph, I enjoyed your post – written so simply and your reminders for living and expressing with simplicity are powerful and appreciated!

  289. This is beautiful Joseph – I love the meeting in the sandpit analogy 🙂 . So funny and so true. When we express with honesty from our hearts it is always simple.

    1. The sandpit exchange was priceless! I can just imagine children talking like that and sounding precocious!

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