Esoteric Healing: Coming back to Me

by Jean Grima, Children’s Day Care worker, 43, Sydney, Australia 

When I was a little girl my joy and happiness were immense; as a child I felt a lot. I always felt different to people around me, I was always curious and felt things deeply. Sometimes I felt more of what was going on around me in life than what others seemed to be showing they were seeing and feeling, which confirmed my feeling of being different. People fascinated me, and at this young age I was able to see truth and what wasn’t truth really easily, but as I got older, because I felt stupid and jealous of others’ academic abilities, my true core feelings got clouded with a feeling of failure and lack of self worth.

I put people on pedestals and looked up to what they did; friends, relatives, relationships, parents, priests, neighbours and everyone, really. I soon found alcohol, smoking, and sex at 16 years old. I remember the initial pull of using these things to cope with life.

On the outside I seemed carefree and as though I had it all worked out. People would make comments to me such as “you always land on your feet”, but inside I was crying very loudly, if not screaming with pain. My head was full of thoughts and at times my thoughts scared me. I felt controlled by my thoughts and had no understanding of how to deal with these feelings: I felt this was me and that there was nothing I could do to lighten this feeling. I found reality hard and complicated, I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more.

At this point I was just rolling with the highs and lows because I was constantly and conveniently covering the pain with the vices I was using such as drinking, smoking and mucking around with boys.

Three years ago I chose to have some healing sessions with a friend of mine who had begun to study Esoteric Healing with Universal Medicine. I couldn’t pronounce, let alone spell ‘esoteric’. I trusted her and I felt comfortable; from there I met other esoteric practitioners and other people attending workshops and presentations over the years. I now know and understand ‘esoteric’ to simply mean ‘inner-most’.

Life on a day-to-day basis was becoming less difficult and there was more clarity of thought. Previously in the mornings, for as long as I can remember, when I woke up my thoughts would flood my head and depress me; these thoughts would continue throughout the day and intensified during my monthly period. I now breathe gently from the tip of my nose and follow my breath up into my head and bring myself back to me rather than letting myself get lost in my thoughts like I used to. This has helped me enormously over time.

There was a lot of ‘yuk’ that I would feel which were things coming up for me to look at and at times this still happens, but my fear and anxiety about life began to subside. I started to simply love myself and began to be open to adoring the woman I am… I was learning how to be gentle with myself. This is the most empowering feeling in the whole world – the peace and stillness from the Gentle Breath Meditation is amazing to experience.

What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.

So today I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.

My family are also benefitting from my life choices as day by day they are now getting to feel more of me around the house rather than more of the moods I used to be in. 

My love and thanks goes to the people I have met along this journey, with all their unpressured, tender love that each of us deserve to experience.

Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful. This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it. Those that love me dearly and have known me a long time, including my Dad, see the positive changes in me and often comment on how well I am doing.

424 thoughts on “Esoteric Healing: Coming back to Me

  1. Beautiful to read of the changes in your life since having Universal Medicine and its’ modalities enter your life, ‘ I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.’

  2. The Gentle Breath Meditation and breathing our own breath brings us back to our inner-most self.

  3. It’s common for people to notice the positive changes when others begin living the Esoteric way of life, and receive support from the Universal Medicine therapies and presentations to heal what gets in the way of that. This is something I can relate to also “to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more.” It’s like a chain of everyone doing this and an unwritten contract to do the same so no one feels disturbed – strange that shining by being the amazing people we are is so unsettling for others, it says a lot about the reduced way of being so many have said yes to (and pressure others to live in the same reduced way).

  4. This is an amazing journey of re-turn. There is nothing to achieve and nowhere to go. Everything is here already.

  5. A before and after… it is well worth acknowledging the steps we have made, how we have changed our lives and where we come from. For that is the only honest marker of how we are, are we feeling more joy as the days roll on, or less. If less, then we have an opportunity to make a change and turn that around. If more, then walk in the strength of that, appreciate it and let it grow.

    1. We can always make changes, making new choices is a great place to start, ‘it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices’.

  6. Jean, thanks for writing your account of your life thus far, as I feel it is one that we can all relate to.
    I have found the presentations of Serge Benhayon and the practitioners of Universal Medicine so supportive, as like you, I am on my journey of self discovery putting aside the complications, emotional dramas, and allowing myself to feel the love that we all hold inside and giving myself permission to express it.

  7. ‘I was learning how to be gentle with myself. This is the most empowering feeling in the whole world – the peace and stillness from the Gentle Breath Meditation is amazing to experience.’ That’s beautiful Jane. Never before Universal Medicine we were told about that being gentle would be related with power and strenght, but that’s true. By making this choice we learn to honour our body and the amazing beings we really are.

  8. Very cool to read how esoteric healing has helped you to make more supportive choices to heal and let go of a lot of stuff that was previously in the way of you feeling and living you, in full – and that it’s not about someone else ‘healing you’ – but them offering the space for you to feel whatever is going on for you, and in that, choose to let it go.

  9. The great thing about esoteric healing is that it shows us who we are – that we are grander and more love than I thought was possible, and the key is that we experience this in our body instead of accepting what we are being told.

    1. I agree Christoph. Love is not a lofty ideal we strive towards, it is an inner emanation that we allow to express out once we have reconnected to it.

  10. The joy and love we had as children never actually leaves us and we can connect to it any time we want.

  11. A great reminder of how when we take responsibility for our choices and begin to understand how those choices affect not only us but everyone else too, we start to make changes and through those choices our life changes tremendously.

  12. A beautiful sharing Jean, in coming to understand that it is the choices that we make that will change our lives, and bring healing “the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful. This is a healthy place to be;”

  13. The Esoteric Healing Modalities brought through by Universal Medicine are such a blessing to humanity. Thousands of people (including me) have been able to clear and let go of so much that has been held onto in the body that is not true to us and in doing so then can start to be and live all we truly are in a very clear, grounded, steady and stable way. Great to hear how so much has changed for you and am sure this just keeps unfolding ✨

  14. I like how honest you have been here about your thoughts and how they made you feel and how, with the simple Gentle Breath Meditation as taught by Universal Medicine, you are becoming the master of your own thoughts as they begin to come from a body that now has in it and understands love.

  15. The more gentle we become the easier it is to self love and when we self love we more easily feel the love that we are and begin to live love – be love. There is so much healing on offer in and during this process and a growing awareness that allows us to continually evolve.

  16. Our past feels so foreign when we come back to ourself . . almost like another life.

  17. Apart from my body recovering from obesity, I too have experienced many changes in my life the main one being less stress. I still feel tension and am currently eating a lot more than I need but there is greater awareness and a level of stillness and steadiness I had not experienced before. I love the Universal Medicine healing modalities and am enjoying doing practice hours with a view towards being able to offer healing services in my local community.

  18. Being different is always subject to judgment and questioning. It is by and large seen as a problem that stands in the way to being integrated and socially successful.

  19. Like the sun that rises above the morning mist, so too does the warmth of our inner most illuminate the fog in which we have dwelt, revealing the simplicity of a Soul-full way to be, over and above the chaos and complexity we have previously lived under.

  20. Jean i love the way you say that the soul is healthy – it is indeed the most healthy way to live and to lead life. Without the connection to soul i lived life (symbolically) in a darkened room of existence with little light. The presence of light, soul, helps us to see what’s there.

  21. “This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it” – so simple. Esoteric Healing does work.

  22. I can feel your vitality through this piece and the embracing of who you know you are. It is hard to consider the years in between where we go on this jaunt to try to find who we are, ensuring we are liked and perhaps loved by everyone on the way only to find that no amount of liking and pleasing feels good in the body or the mind. Walking away from the emotional tornado has been but one of the greatest gifts the Gentle Breath Meditation has offered me.

  23. Sacred esoteric healing is truly inspiring, helping us to reconnect with our inner-spark and bring it back out into our daily way of living, as you share it’s not about being healed by another but inspired.

  24. “My family are also benefitting from my life choices as day by day they are now getting to feel more of me around the house rather than more of the moods I used to be in.” The beautiful thing about esoteric healing is that is doesn’t just benefit us as individuals but the ripple effects go out to family and friends and to people we meet every day at work and out in the world.

    1. That is always beautiful to feel and see, ‘the ripple effects go out to family and friends and to people we meet every day at work and out in the world.’

  25. Beautiful Jean, I love to hear of other’s stories of their connection back to their true selves, we then get to feel the powerful ripple effect our choice has on others around us as well.

  26. Remembering that we are the only one that can make different choices and heal our hurts, is an empowering and honouring experience. It removes blame or being a victim because our wellbeing is cradled solely in our own hands… we are not alone though. We are continually supported by God’s love to reconnect and live from there.

    1. We are the only one that can AND we can – the latter is vastly empowering and shows us how much is possible for us.

    2. It does remove blame, and being a victim, and is very empowering knowing we can heal ourselves by making different choices, and with support along the way.

  27. One of the biggest confirmations I have had in regards to me making changes to my way of living since starting Esoteric modalities, has been the response from my family and friends. I have inspired, challenged and lead the way for many of them to make changes in the way they live. This has confirmed and inspired me to keep moving in this way with how I live.

  28. Thank you Jean, your story reflects many people’s return to their true selves with the support of Universal Medicine and their therapies. Your words about the disturbing quality of your thoughts is something I, and I’m sure many people, can relate to. The simplicity of using the gentle breath technique from the Gentle Breath Meditation to let go of these thoughts is a great tip, thank you.

  29. The power is in the yes of saying yes to all of you – in your power and uniqueness, to claim it and bring that out in full. That is what our world needs. Every single body – every single day.

  30. I completely agree, that it is absolutely empowering to feel our connection to our essence, to our Soul, to who we are, as we then are able to live guided by the love and the truth that we are born to live. Being open to healing that which keeps us hindered from living our truth is liberating and inspiring, as we come to realise that being who we innately are is everything.

  31. One of the most empowering yet at times challenging things about what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon present is that we are not our thoughts or emotions. We are just channels. Hence no matter what we do or choose to be in life it does not change who you are inside.

  32. What is interesting is how many people I have spoken to felt they were different and how often we have the same feeling of being different and really in many ways are the same – one reason for the feeling of difference is that we are all hiding and protecting who we truly are. If we came out of hiding we would find we are not so different after all.

  33. It’s amazing how simple and beautiful the adventure of life is when we bring it back to ourselves, life is so rich when we begin exploring who we are, it’s like the whole world becomes our playground.

  34. Esoteric healing has greatly supported me to let go and discard all that I have taken on that was not loving. I always leave the sessions feeling much lighter than when I went in, as a new understanding has been discovered which supports me to see the bigger picture to enable me to re-imprint with a different choice.

    1. It’s crazy that we don’t realise how much baggage we’re carrying until we start to discard it – once we start to discard it we start to feel how light and how amazing we actually are intended to be.

  35. Our inner-most is a deeply rich unseen world yet we walk with it every single moment of our lives. That said it is our choice whether we tune into this and receive all its guidance and wisdom and access to universal intelligence, or we tune into another station and be at the mercy of whatever is playing.

  36. It’s amazing how the way we move changes how we think. The mind isn’t the one with the power/control over the body, it’s the other way around.

  37. When we realise we can heal ourselves it is incredibly empowering and allows us to see that we are the result of our own choices.

    1. Beautifully said Fiona – being open and honest about how we are living allows us to heal who we are not, freeing us to live more of the power of who we are in essence.

  38. The Esoteric healing sessions I have found an amazing support to expose my hurts and heal them. Sometimes that can be challenging, but support is always there when we have the willingness to go there and face ourselves and our past choices – all those choices that were not loving.

    1. I totally agree. When we nominate issues that we want to let go of and resolve that have festered for what feels like eons, it can feel uncomfortable as they are so familiar but the process leaves you feeling so much lighter it is ultimately worth it.

  39. ‘I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out’. This fitting in with others and playing small is really damaging to our bodies that are glorious and super sensitive vehicles of expression, so to hold and shut down our amazingness affects every area of our life negatively because we are not living true to our essence.

  40. ‘Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful’. This is a good place to be in because the question comes up; what is healthy. For me, living in a way that is true to myself is true health, because life becomes simple as we no longer need the drama or distractions that make life a struggle and complicated. As we let go of the unnecessary baggage, life begins to flow and all we need comes to us – now that is a different way to be in this world.

  41. The power of simply coming back to yourself, your breath, your body cannot be measured. Its deliciously simple and when we are back… that natural quality that lives inside us all is just waiting to come out. Everyone wins!

  42. Amazing to see how there is available in society the alcohol, drugs and sex for anyone who is struggling to cope with life, and yet despite all of this the core person inside, the essential essence of we all are never gets damaged and is always there to return to.

  43. One of the things I love most about the Esoteric modalities is that it places the responsibility back in your hands, it’s not someone else’s job to fix everything for you – you have a part to play too. It’s a brilliant way to live life, knowing that you have the potential to change everything around yourself.

  44. I did not realise how absolutely gorgeous and beautiful it can feel to ‘be’, (you know, deeply feel and be in the moment totally connected to your body), until I started to live the work of Universal Medicine

  45. I am starting to be aware of this more and more that as a society just how much we do not honour what we feel is true for us and instead look on the outside to be validated in some way. It is great to hear you are returning back to you.

  46. It is through appreciation that we can dispel the poison of comparison, where we make ourselves better or worse than another in the ignorance of the true power within ourselves.

  47. This really stood out for me ‘I soon found alcohol, smoking, and sex at 16 years old. I remember the initial pull of using these things to cope with life.’ In that if we do not connect with ourselves and build a loving relationship with our body, how we feel, what our values are in life, what we like, what we don’t like then it leaves room for something far less loving to come in. And from experience and observation what I know is many many many people do not have this or do not care or are numb to life. This was once me but since I have built the foundation and relationship with myself, similar to you, so much has changed and continues to do so. So we then have a responsibility to those that do not yet have this foundation.

  48. It is quite incredible the number of people who on the surface appear ‘to have it all worked out’ yet internally they are in complete turmoil and pain, I was certainly one. Esoteric Healing and that is associated with The Way of The Livingness without a doubt offers a way to change all that to bring about harmony with the inner and the outer so there is no difference.

  49. To me this alone highlights the importance of truly meeting someone and giving them space to express ‘On the outside I seemed carefree and as though I had it all worked out. People would make comments to me such as “you always land on your feet”, but inside I was crying very loudly, if not screaming with pain.’ With mental ill health on the increase and people seeming okay on the outside but this not being the case it feels more important than ever before.

  50. I feel like this too, “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” because I now know the strength and power of our souls are equal and at one.

    1. Yes I completely agree and it has been through the loving support of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine, the Esoteric Practitioners and my own healing journey that I have come to know this.

  51. ‘It is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices’ is such a powerful statement Jean. How many people blame others for not fixing them or solving their problems when they themselves are accountable for the choices they have made. Its only when we take responsibility does true healing occur. It’s really amazing to read about your childhood and how you transformed to who you truely are compared to the suit your wore which didn’t belong to you on the first place.

  52. Taking a moment to consider our choices and ask ourselves is there more to learn and understand about life and how I live it allows us to appreciate every movement as one of growth and that no matter what we can continue to uncover more love, truth and understanding of who we are and how we in turn live life everyday. Our bodies are wise and when we take the opportunity to listen and learn from what is shared it’s amazing to see the transformation of who we truly are unfold.

  53. One of the greatest joys in life, which this piece so readily displays, is to watch another person return to the truth of who they are.

  54. I love the absence of judgement in your writing, and I love how you describe the wonder of returning to how wonderful you are, the way you describe life is like it is an amazing adventure – which is exactly what it is.

  55. We constrict ourselves so as to fit in the box all others seem to have equally squeezed themselves into. The problem here being, that when no one is wanting to stand out from the crowd, there is no one left standing outside the box to point out the absurdity of the situation we have all got ourselves into.

  56. The beautiful offerings via Universal Medicine have inspired so many people to make positive and lasting changes, and I’m one of them. The observations of those who know you are powerful testimonials as to their efficacy, as is your own.

  57. Awesome to read of your experiences of healing, and how empowering it has been – knowing that no one can actually ‘heal’ another – that it’s about self-responsibility and putting the work in one’s self, and using the tools only to support and help us to get there. It’s always our choice as to whether we want to heal our issues, and if so, how quickly.

  58. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing. Esoteric healing modalities are so empowering. Instead of sitting back and hoping someone else will fix you, you realise that you are the one that does the healing, which is very empowering

  59. This puts a completely different look at life. Everything is so geared to you achieving something to be worth something or to be something and yet here we have a modality or a way of being that is simply allowing or supporting you to be more of what you already are. No place to go or nothing you can do can scratch the surface of who you already truly are naturally and we only need support ourselves to allow it out. It’s a different look at life that actually works and what’s more it supports more then you and touches everything and everyone around you, reminding them of this equal feeling. We already are everything and it’s now for us to return to.

  60. “I was constantly and conveniently covering the pain with the vices I was using”, you describe here a phenomena we have become so used to that it has become part of life, we distract ourselves to not having to feel where we are really at. And to stop this cycle requires a willingness to change and courage to look at our own hurts and heal them so we can meet the world with more clarity instead of contributing to the pain there is.

  61. This line is a stand-out: “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” This is what keeps us so steady and connected to ourselves, building a connection with our heart, soul, body means that we are stronger in ourselves and we are not so thrown around by life.

  62. Re-connecting to our heart and our bodies is where we find our clarity and it is from there we feel just as joyful, curious and playful about the world around us as we did when we were children and that is indeed a gift for us all.

  63. I loved the phrase of that healing is a choice. Where we can be open to receive support with our healing, but never can anyone heal us. This takes the whole illusion away that people heal you or you can heal someone. This is simply putting the power outside of you – which can not actually be done , as the power is only inside you.

  64. It is amazing that something as simple as the Gentle Breath Meditation has had such a positive impact on so many people’s lives – I know for me I was introduced to the Meditation through a practitioner and it was so powerful that I knew I wanted to know meet Serge Benhayon and attend Universal Medicine presentations because of the difference I felt in my body after about 10 minutes.

  65. Having an Esoteric Healing is an opportunity to stop, connect and choose to surrender to the wisdom of our bodies and their willingness to reconnect to the harmony within. I also love how each practitioner is there to support your body to be exactly how it is to be naturally and that is very lovely to feel and it all comes back to our choice to surrender to a rhythm that was their the day we were born. Truly amazing.

  66. The beautiful thing about Sacred Esoteric Healing Sessions is that it is not a quick fix or a relief but is a totally empowering experience as we are not healed by another but it is through our willingness to take responsibility and align to that which is of truth within ourselves that whatever is not it is quickly dispelled from the beingness of who we are.

  67. I still feel that intense curiosity and love of life to this day – I know when I’m me because it’s there in every particle, and equally I know when I have lost it and got a bit down trodden by other things piling in on top and trying to dampen that innate joi de vivre.

  68. No going back! Why would you, when everything you’ve ever wanted but weren’t actually sure what that looked like, is now something you live everyday. It’s pretty cool realising that we have everything we need right inside us, and that no amount of material possessions or fitting in with others will ever satiate our desire to simply be ok with ourselves.

  69. When we withdraw from the love that we are, that we knew and expressed so completely as a child, we create a seeming chasm within us through which we invite in a whole host of thoughts and ensuing behaviours that are not true to our inner-most self. This is how we become shaped to be who we are not and find ourselves entertaining thoughts and behaving in ways we know does not make sense. Making the choice to close this ‘gap’ is the first step on our journey home back to the love, joy and divinity we all innately are – a step we will all at some stage take on our return to Soul. The question is simply – when?

  70. “This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before.” Your so right Jean and this is true health, wealth, wellbeing and love as you have described – “the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” and so much more.

  71. Thank you Jean for sharing your journey of returning to find a beautiful and loving woman deep inside by connecting to your inner heart through the gentle Breath Meditation.

  72. What stands out about what you are sharing is that you are taking responsibility for your life and your choices now. You are healing yourself and Universal Medicine is facilitating and supporting this.

  73. I agree – Esoteric Healing is about re-learning to take responsibility for the choices we have made and will be making. It is undoing of all that is not of truth as we are already, innately that. How amazing is that it can start with simply choosing to be gentle in how we move.

  74. You are amazing, what you are reminding us of here is how much we feel as children, we feel it all and actually, we still feel it all! We simply learn some effective numbing techniques that mask or deny what we feel.

  75. Universal Medicine presents many modalities including Esoteric Healing to support us to connect within. Esoteric Healing heals in a way that offers an opportunity for us to get to the energetic root that created the ailment or condition in the first place so what I would call a true healing can occur in the body. For this reason Universal Medicine and Esoteric Healing in my opinion stand alone in what is offered in the world of complementary medicine today.

  76. This is awesome Jena, there is not a better gift than to connect to the strength of our heart and soul for this is our natural right to enjoy moment to moment, Thank you!

  77. Healthy, yes, that place of ease and acceptance is a very healthy place to be. I haven’t fully appreciated how much my life has changed and how much I now enjoy my life.

  78. How can a joyful and deeply wise child go to feeling stupid or anything less than divine? By a society that doesn’t confirm children in who they are and makes life about tasks, functionality and doing things well instead. Of course, we need to do things, tasks and day-to-day living, but this can be done in the confirmation that we are wise all-knowing beings and not less than any other.

    1. Well said Rachel – there are clearly 2 ways to approach and do…and doing without being just feeds this lack of self-worth that plagues so many young people today.

  79. Esoteric healing has definitely helped me in reconnecting me with my body, and through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have started to be able to allow my body to take the lead, as it knows exactly what it needs in order to support itself, I just need to remain connected enough to know what that is, and build a consistency in my connection.

  80. “So today I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.” Jean, you are a wonderful person and this blog is so humble for someone so magnificent as you are. I really appreciate the simplicity you present here within your life’s journey.

  81. When I first had an esoteric healing session I felt an ease and settlement that I had never felt before. It was like I had been asleep for most of my life and was now waking up.

  82. Understanding that our thoughts are not ours but are given to us depending on the source of energy we choose to align to, allows us to feel a new level of responsibility of the types of thoughts we entertain at any given time and the reflection we receive at any given moment.

  83. The power of the Gentle Breath Meditation® lies in the fact that it connects you to that stillness that is already there in your body. It is removing all that what this stillness tries to cover like the dismissive thoughts, the self abusive behaviours, the lack of self-worth and so on and with that we can feel our essence in its full power, as powerful it is.

  84. The Esoteric Healing Modalities allow us to truly let go of behaviours and lifelong held patterns which then gives us the space to move more freely, allowing us to be more ourselves. They truly heal.

  85. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the Esoteric practitioners there to support me…” Yes, it is always our own choice whether to accept the healing on offer – or not – to go deeper to find the true essence of ourselves rather than the (often warped) version we have come to accept in our lives, which isn’t the truth.

  86. Esoteric Healing allows us to become more aware so we no longer identify with the emotions and behaviours as being who we are but instead know ourselves for the truth of love that lives equally within us all.

  87. There is no escaping the fact that our relationship with life and with others starts with ourselves. The choice to be more loving with myself has been a turning point without doubt, one that brings responsibility but also empowerment. I no longer feel I am a victim of life but that through the power to choose, I can return to myself, the gentleness within and the love that is innate in me.

  88. The Gentle Breath Meditation is a fantastic tool to bring us back to ourselves, to bring us back to the simplicity of our breath and our connection to our body. And in the complicated and fast-paced world that we live in today, that is definitely a blessing.

  89. The holding of ourselves no matter what our choices have been is the most amazing love to give to ourselves. No matter what, this love will stand by us, we just have to let us have it.

  90. The moment I began esoteric healing through the courses of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and with several esoteric practitioners, was the moment I began to walk the return path to my Soul. Six or more years on, I can feel how much more soulful my life is and I can feel my purpose and my responsibility of offering others a reflection of another way to live and relate to others.

  91. Jean thank you for your beautiful sharing. It’s gorgeous to come back and feel more ourselves and to build the trust and confidence to be that in the world – it’s so worth it for us and all as everyone gets to see and feel who we are and I find others around me then feel free to be more of who they are.

  92. What a new lease on life not being owned by those flooding thoughts that drag you down every single day. I’ve definitely experienced that before, and it can certainly be debilitating. Another wonderful example of a supportive choice being made.

  93. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.”
    We cannot repeat this enough to ourselves but it is a step by step choice by choice process for all to take in life. With the Esoteric practitioners we have an immense and incredible support network.
    Ultimately, it is what I do with my next moment that counts.

  94. To come to a place where I know without an ounce of doubt that; “it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices”, has been life-changing to say the least. And to have the unwavering support of Serge Benhayon and the esoteric practitioners during this time of great self change, as I slowly begin to understand who I am and what my place is in the world, has been nothing less than amazing.

  95. Exquisite Jean. So lovely to read that you began to be more open to adoring the woman you are. Very few women approach themselves in this way. There is nothing wrong with us at all. We may make some not so great choices, but even with that it is still not who we are. We are so much more than we could ever think we are and letting go of what gets in the way of us connecting to this is key. That’s the beauty of Sacred Esoteric Healing and to people like yourself that are making different and more loving choices.

  96. “I found reality hard and complicated, I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more.”

    This a global phenomena. It is what so many of us are doing and its pretty crazy because we are all doing it. It has taken one individual, Serge Benhayon, to stop doing it, and show us another way of being that is inspiring all of us to be our natural self.

  97. Esoteric healing is such a powerful modality as it connects you back to the greater truth inside you and by doing this allows you to let go of what you may be taking on that doesn’t fit with this.

  98. It is incredible how many people have those thoughts in the morning about the day that already make them not want to start the day. Why don’t we more question these thoughts instead of seeing them as the way life is?

  99. Esoteric Healing is at the root of all physical healing, we cannot heal the physical without addressing the energetic aspect, it is this aspect that has its ripple effect on and beyond that single body.

  100. A great and telling point is made when the author rights about how her family develops and benefits from her having sessions… The ripple effect as we know, can be enormous.

  101. Our journey in life is about the choices we make. To have made choices that bring us back to ourselves, that allow us to feel our inner steadiness and confidence are very honoring choices to make. The fact that we believe that we don’t deserve to be honored is the very first choice we have to rechoose. And rechoose we can in any moment, it is in this amazing truth that we can again walk the journey we are here to walk.

  102. ‘Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful’ When we stop taking things personally and build a relationship of love and appreciation for ourselves we create more space in our lives and can find more joy in the every day. Esoteric Healing sessions are very supportive in this regard as they allow us to drop whatever is getting in the way of doing this for ourselves.

  103. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the Esoteric Practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.” This is the biggest truth; we are responsible for our own healing through our own choices, this is what supported me in changing my life and healing my body. No one outside of you can heal you, it is all within us. Practitioner’s are there to support to help us reawaken what we already know and discard what does not belong.

  104. ‘I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more’. This feels so common because don’t we all want to ‘fit in’, be accepted and be seen. And so we play small and hide our true and glorious nature just so we don’t stand out, and we don’t make others feel uncomfortable…. and in this we truly hurt ourselves and our bodies.

  105. Thank you Jean, like yourself I have found the right kind of support through the Esoteric practitioners, and in working with them I am empowered to understand that it’s my own choices that truly heal my life. Some of the things I appreciate about the Esoteric practitioners is how non imposing they are, and how inspiring they are from the way they live. They have a way of holding the client in love that is in itself powerfully healing.

  106. ‘This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it.’ This is a very true way to use the word ‘health’. It means more than just eating well and exercising, health is also having a relationship with our Soul and the truth of who we are.

  107. Thank you Jean for sharing your experience of returning back to you to find the love that you are. So many of us have walked the path of return coming from many varied ways of past living to find within, a love we have searched for all our lives, thanks to the truth that Universal Medicine presents, one that we have embraced.

  108. You share a story with many who have chosen to walk the esoteric path, a path that leads us back to our inner most. A place we had forgotten resides within.

  109. This is a lovely testimonial Jean. To go from feeling stressed and anxious about life, dealing with mood swings and unease in your body to being steady and loving with yourself is really incredible. I’m not surprised your Dad comments on how well you are.

  110. Bringing complication into our lives is a sure way to keep us disconnected from the amazing person we actually are, and in truth always have been. Esoteric healing offers the support to not only to allow us to release the complication that we have lived in, which in some cases has flowed on into our bodies in the form of illness and disease, but to begin to bring simplicity back into the way we live which naturally then flows on into the quality of our health and well-being

  111. Mental energy seems to assuage us at every turn yet we can choose not to engage in the distraction that this causes. Doing the Gentle Breath Meditation is an easy way to have the mind come under our mastery so that we can come back to the stillness that lies underneath all our busyness and busy chatter and align to thoughts that don’t disturb but support us to live our lives in the love of which you speak.

  112. Living in connection to our soul allows us to break through the illusions in life we have made our reality, this is a real blessing to know we are making our way back to the love that we are.

  113. Knowing who you are so strongly that what other people say and think about you doesn’t matter is an amazing way to live. I certainly haven’t perfected it, but from my experience so far I can whole-heartedly agree with you that it’s worth working on, and the effects on your health are endless.

  114. Its interesting how the truth of us is always just there, as you describe the joy you had as a child and when you let go of the layers over the top of that, that joy was there again waiting for you to reconnect to it.

  115. From beginning to end of your blog is like looking at night and day so huge is the contrast. You are another living miracle courtesy of Universal Medicine being put into action by your dedication to yourself.

  116. Thank you Jean for sharing the amazing changes that have come into your life from Serge Benhayon’s presentations and the healing modalities, and from your choice to open up to the love that you are deep within and make it your reality.

  117. My life was very much coming from a place where ‘inside I was crying’ and the outer exterior was showing the exact opposite. I grew up with a deep sadness around my father dying next to me when I was 9. It was not until I found the presentations by Serge Benhayon that the truth about how to heal this type of emotional drama unfolded. Years later I am still weeding out the last gremlins from what was a dramatic childhood.

  118. I can never have too many reminders about the importance of the Gentle Breath Meditation. This is another one that allows me to feel the ease and flow with which I can live in when I allow my breath to be the support and guide. Also, with being with my breath I am far less likely to absorb or be caught up in other peoples’ stuff and even my own. The breath feels like a neutraliser and something that marks a start or new beginning that says ‘there is always another choice to make’.

  119. This is a beautiful testament to the power of you Jean. Once you were able to come back to the precious person you are. So often we are fooled into thinking that what we can achieve at school is related to our worth, also because school takes up so much time, if there is no one there reminding us that we are so much more than what we learn, it is easy to see how this could happen. How wonderful to be back to you again and so good for all of us.

    1. I visited my sons High school recently and it gave me an insight into how it feels being at school, what comes at them and how it can feel like school is everything. It felt intense, like its own little world. If we know ourselves and live from that connection, then much of the beliefs and ideals around education can be read and seen for what they are.

  120. “My love and thanks goes to the people I have met along this journey, with all their unpressured, tender love that each of us deserve to experience.” It is true the Esoteric community that has chosen Universal Medicine as its teaching body are genuinely open, friendly and loving. Placing these values at the core of any study and living them all over the world is how we can all make a difference.

  121. I too have benefited from the teachings of Universal Medicine, but most of all, those who spend time with me also benefit. I hold an amazing grace of understanding and stillness, our world needs this energy now more than ever, and if I had not chosen to be a student of Universal Medicine, I may never have allowed myself to connect to my stillness, nor would others have been able to experience it in knowing me. We are all world changers when we accept our true beauty, and live from this.

  122. Beautiful to read Jean. I used to think that I felt more than others as a child but the truth is we all feel everything all of the time, it’s just how we respond to it or ignore it that differs. Often it’s not until we listen to someone else share about what they have picked up on that we then realise how much we also feel in life and situations. Something that jumped out at me was how we feel judgement from others very easily and many of us cringe or make ourselves small because of it…. But most of the time it is the persons judgement of themselves that is directed. It really takes out the sting of making it personal.

  123. I love that Esoteric Healing (as presented by Universal Medicine) is about supporting a return to who we are already in our essence, in truth, rather than a push or drive to attain something or be something that we aren’t.

  124. “Those that love me dearly and have known me a long time, including my Dad, see the positive changes in me and often comment on how well I am doing.” Beautiful to read about your transformation Jean. So many of us can testify to similar experiences. Esoteric Healing is amazing and gets to the root cause of a problem or hurt – not just papering over the cracks for it to re-emerge later, as I have experienced with some spiritual modalities…..

  125. It makes total sense to me that everything that happens to me is my own doing. When there is joy in my life I have created it and when there is anxiousness I have created that too. Esoteric Healing has supported me enormously to see and acknowledge those thoughts I have allowed in that are not who I am. Taking responsibility for my wellbeing and my life is the only way no matter what presents itself.

  126. Thank you Jean, what a gorgeous confirmation of coming back to you, meeting, seeing and valuing the amazing woman you are. I particularly love this section “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful. This is a healthy place to be”; it certainly is and something I hope we can pass on to young people so they come to understand that the anxiety of “people pleasing” is not normal.

  127. Jean, this is such a powerful testimonial for the joy of coming to oneself and how the tools of esoteric healing and the gentle breath are a wonderful support to allowing this to unfold in it’s own pace and time. Your statement ‘I started to simply love myself and began to be open to adoring the woman I am’ is hugely powerful to read and feel – thank you for sharing it and your story.

  128. This is a gorgeous testimonial for what Esoteric Healing can offer us. It doesn’t fix us or cure us but simply allows us a moment to come back to ourselves, to know that this is all we need and all the outside roles, goals and achievements are not our source of true contentment and vitality. That we already have within us. Thank you Jean.

  129. The feeling of coming back to yourself is what I love about Esoteric Healing. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. We miss our selves, our connection to the All, so much when we look outside of our self to fit in with everyone else .

  130. Jean this is a a story I can well relate to as I am sure can so many others.The strive to do well and compete with others we learn early and may well be pre- disposed to when we are born. These feelings however may not reside in our core as you suggest and we have been given free will so we can choose what kind of energy enters our body. The Gentle Breath is a great way to reclaim the tenderness and strength that is innately ours but often hidden under layers of outside influences. With the help of Esoteric Healing Practitioners we can address issues that not only relate to this life but also those that have been carried through from other lives also and could be hindering our evolution.

  131. How many people are there in the world where on the outside everything seems ‘fine’ but inside they are as you and I both were, crying and in my case sad and miserable. This exposes how currently within society how superficial we have been if we feel we are not allowed to express how we truly feeling in fear that we will not be accepted or supported. Pretending gets us nowhere, honesty and the willingness to truly heal gets us everywhere. The courses, presentations and workshops held by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have helped and supported me to no end in clearing from my body all that is not me and returning to the love I always knew lay innately within,

  132. I loved reading of your transformation, taken in gentle steps over time and building a solid foundation to support yourself. The Gentle Breath Meditation and the esoteric modalities are marvelous and have supported me in the same way Jean. I wouldn’t swap the way I am now either, for anything, ever.

  133. To move from a life of fear and anxiety to one where you simply love and adore yourself is a phenomenal transformation. The gentle breath meditation has been a stepping stone for many to take them out of seeming darkness into a life that they now live and breathe in full.

  134. Thank you for sharing Jean. I can relate to so much of what you’ve shared. I tried many modalities in order to help understand myself better and to find true healing without success until I stumbled across an esoteric practitioner in a local clinic. From that day to this my life has done a complete turnaround and I never thought that I would ever be able to feel comfortable just being me which I am now and that is deepening each day.

  135. It is indeed a wonderful process to come back to ourselves, this process involves letting go of all that we have taken on that is not love….. It is not always easy as we have to walk back and clear/heal our old choices but I have found this journey totally rewarding and totally worth it for how light and spacious I am feeling in my body today.

  136. It’s amazing how we can begin to turn our lives around by just making a few simple choices. Just by deciding to look after our bodies and curb habits that we know in truth are not good for us and allow this to inform our way, listening to our body and not our head that wants to control things so and keep us from communing with the loveliness and joy that is inside and that allows us to live this joy on the outside too.

  137. ‘ I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more’. This was my old pattern too, I chose to hide myself, playing small thinking if no-one saw me I would not get hurt, but the opposite was true, as I felt hurt after hurt…. In the past 5 years since attending courses by Serge and Universal Medicine, I have cleared and healed so much, thus my life has changed so much…. there is so much for me to appreciate in all the steps and new choices I have made in how different I feel today.

  138. Giving up the purity I had as child, I remember very well. Purity certainly wasn’t fashionable and so I fashioned myself to fit into what I thought the world wanted. Giving myself away was a choice I made, and so equally, I have needed to make the choice to come back to me. Serge Benhayon and the esoteric modalities have been the ultimate inspiration and unwavering support for this.

  139. The esoteric healing sessions made a huge impact on my life too Jean. I thought all the experiences, hurts and dramas added up to the person I was. I thought all the thoughts were mine and I carried all this with me, unable to connect to my innermost because of all this baggage and noise. The healings seemed to bring me back to myself, simply and quietly, as if there was not the great distance between the person I was and the person carrying all that stuff. It felt light and amazing – This was before I heard anyone speak or read any books. Now I know when there are thoughts that come to try to disrupt me, know I know how to dismiss them and how to change my thoughts to positive ones. Now I know that I can breathe my own breath and not breathe in the drama of the situation. I also know how poisonous competition and comparison are. Understanding these things from within my body have improved my life beyond anything I could have imagined.

  140. There’s something super wholesome about this blog, you took charge of your life and made it about love and those changes profoundly affected everyone around you – I’m inspired 🙂

  141. These last five years I have made profound changes to my life, entrenched patterns of disregard, self abuse and lack self worth have made their way out of my body. The Esoteric Modalities have been fundamental in orchestrating these huge healings.

  142. So many of us as children felt the truth but found ‘coping’ mechanisms to shut down our awareness of what we felt in order to fit in with the adults who had already successfully numbed themselves to the awareness of what they felt. Universal Medicine offers us all a way to reconnect to our awareness of the truth of all that we felt as children and to dance and play with our refound love of who we truly are.

  143. Jean your words stood out for me today ‘What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.’ So often we want someone else to do it for us or sort out our problems, yet when we take responsibility, we give ourselves a true opportunity to make more loving, and healing choices for ourselves.

  144. Thank you Jean for sharing your experience of healing, through taking responsibility for your choices with healing sessions and the gentle breath meditation, which is so simple but powerful in connecting us back to our true self.

  145. What happens to us that we lose the joy we had as a child and cannot express nor feel that equally as an adult? There is something about adult life that we have learnt to accept as normal, but which in fact is anything but.

    1. I am with you Julie, Esoteric Healing is a huge support and helps me not only to come back to myself, but as a measure of how far I let myself be taken out, and most importantly – why and how I allowed that to happen…. and therein the awareness and freedom not to choose that same path.

  146. Esoteric healing can bring a great change when we choose to commit to the healing it presents, I know it is a beautiful modality that supports us in healing that what we have taken on over a long period of time.

    1. Yes Benkt, it proves that we can truly heal – that certain emotions can be released so that they no long have a hold over us, because we have allowed the space for greater observation and understanding. Sacred Esoteric Healing supports us to hold the space for us to see and understand and in that the reaction dissolves and we can get to the bottom of what we think is what has hurt us, to find that it may not be that at all, only what we have done to ourselves.

  147. I love the way you express Jean – you say it like it is without hesitation and it is very disarming and beautiful. I can relate to the way you describe your family’s responses to your transformation back to yourself, it is an absolute gift to be able to appreciate ourselves and others for who we truly are.

  148. Jean there is no doubting the benefits of Universal Medicine healing modalities and presentations and thank you for sharing your story as it’s much appreciated.

  149. “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful. This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it.” I feel the same Jean and I have the utmost appreciation for Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the student body and myself for making the choice to reconnect with me.

  150. “these thoughts would continue throughout the day and intensified during my monthly period”. I now understand through the presentations of Universal Medicine that this monthly cycle is there to offer us an opportunity of reflecting on how we have been living in the previous month and to prompt us to heal by choosing a different way.

  151. ‘This is the most empowering feeling in the whole world – the peace and stillness from the Gentle Breath Meditation is amazing to experience.’ I agree and it gives us the opportunity of a beautiful stop, to reconnect back to ourselves.

  152. Thank you Jean, what a beautiful reminder that when we make loving choices how this supports not only you but everyone around you as well.

  153. We are born amazing, we start to doubt our amazingness because everyone else isn’t a amazing, we start to believe that we are not amazing. We are not amazing we pass over.

    This is the current trend of most people’s lives in the world to date (put in very simple terms)

    However this isn’t the actual case and through simple choices we can choose to go against the trend and inspire all those around us to choose a different way also. However it all starts within and all starts with ‘us’.

  154. Beautiful to read Jean. It’s great to appreciate that first self-loving step to actually go and have an esoteric healing and then we are more aware of how our choices determine and mold our life. I’m so grateful I found Universal Medicine too.

  155. Being responsible for healing ourselves, what a wonderful opportunity to live a life of our own choosing.
    I really do enjoy coming back to your blog Jean as it is such a lovely inspirational reminder of self responsibility, care and love.

  156. It is very inspiring to read Jean, how you have turned your life around by taking responsibility of your choices. I can relate to a lot of things you are sharing. In the past my life was just one emotional roller coaster – every day highs and lows and overall I felt terrible. Like you I’m so grateful, that I found universal medicine (UM). UM and all the various practitioners have helped me to understand myself better. I’m now starting to love myself, which is a beautiful journey back to my inner most – love.

  157. “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful” I can remember being so worried about what people thought of me, I wasted so much time and energy in my head thinking about how I was seen. Still today thoughts creep in like that but hardly any more compared to how it was. Thanks to Universal Medicine I reconnected to me and with in that I trust and honour what it is to be me- which in fact really awesome.

  158. Gorgeous Jean, this is absolutely right, the effect Universal Medicine therapies ; one of them Esoteric Healing, is very deeply supportive to heal old pains and behaviors in your life, by choice, and so once you are open to love and let go of everything that made you suppress that love – the more place for our Soul to enter, and so it makes sense that your thoughts Jean has decreased and your life has become more light and easy… or even better you found out how amazing woman you are! I mean this coming from a woman herself – is the most beautiful thing – not only by words but when truly lived. This is true sexiness.

  159. “Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices”
    I loved reading about your transformation and in particular the responsibility and self-loving choices you made to turn your life around. What a wonderful, divine gift for you and the people around you.

  160. Isn’t it the most amazing gift that once we allow self-loving choices into our lives not only does this benefit ourselves but to all of those we meet or live with also, now that’s a ripple effect I love to swim with.

  161. Thank you Jean, my family have benefited too from my change in life choices, I no longer hold resentment, judgment or blame towards them. For many years growing up I held them to ransom for the fact my life was not how I wanted it to be. This has completely turned around now as I feel very blessed and appreciative of the lovely people they truly are.

  162. How amazing to see what Esoteric Healing has brought to you in your life. I can equally say that Esoteric Healing is now part of my everyday and I have grown to the woman I am because of this healing modality. I have found what true love is and who I am. I have found my truth and love, simply by having experienced sessions with Esoteric Healing ; Esoteric Connective Tissue and Esoteric Chakra Puncture. Incredible what these healing modalities have offered me ; as I have changed my life for the good, making loving choices that made me feel the beautiful precious woman I am and I how I need to treat myself with respect, love and integrity – just like everybody else! True in so many ways. Thank you Universal Medicine, I will continue my way and set this Esoteric Healing forth.

  163. This shows clearly that all is already there in us as a little child. There is only a choice we make when we get older that it is ‘easier’ to not feel the truth, but instead choose to go numb it. I feel that getting back to our love and truth is the greatest thing we can choose, as it is bringing us to our core way of being.

    1. Agreed Benkt. The more that I am realising that I don’t need to chase anything because the true wealth, health and wisdom is right inside of me, the more I am finding it easier to discover a much simpler and beautiful way of living.

  164. Esoteric healing is amazing in the sense that rather than addressing an issue or making ourselves the issue it starts off from the point of you are already amazing, you are not the ways in which you have lived to fit in and there is nothing wrong with the you that you are in essence and at your core. Once we get that reflection as apposed to the reflection of ‘your wrong/your different/you have to also play small’ etc we have the chance to drop all those habits and be who we are.

  165. Your blog highlights the fact that we do all know what is going on, what is Truth and what is not Truth. And what’s more, we know it as clear as day. It is just the ‘muck’ of the emotions and expectations we take on that cloud the picture and make this absolute knowing a questionable reality.

  166. ‘it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices,’ I have always known this to be true and have sought many ways to support me in this, often giving my power away in the process. Until I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I did not have a practical understanding of energy and how it works. I was not truly connected to myself like I know I can be now so I could not really be wholly responsible. And I certainly feel that this responsibility is something that grows in relation to our awareness and alignment.

  167. Esoteric Healing, like you Jean, has supported me to change my life and the biggest change came about because I finally knew that it was time to take responsibility for my decisions, especially regarding how I treated my body. No longer could I expect someone else to fix me if I wasn’t prepared to take the first step on my healing journey, but once I did I knew that my Esoteric Healing practitioner would be there offering me the most incredible loving support.

  168. I can really relate to what you have said here Jean. When I was young I could read energy easily and was quite outspoken about it at times, which often shocked and disturbed others. So I learned that to fit in I had to ignore that part of me and play the game of doing and saying the same sorts of things as everyone else. It didn’t really work because others remained fairly cautious around me because I could still be quite blunt at times in what I said when I did speak out. Also, I was always walking the tightrope of wanting to be accepted by others but still having flashes of awareness that brought up frustration and anger because others were choosing to override the truth of what was happening. It is taking time to unravel the complexity I have created but with each step I definitely feel the load lightening and a sense of being more of me.

  169. This is a lovely inspiring sharing Jean, it is amazing how hard we are on ourselves in life.
    To read your story and see how you have learnt to self nurture through the inspiration of Esoteric Healing and Universal Medicine and the Gentle Breath Meditation is wonderful!.

  170. I too have found through the Esoteric modalities a way to connect more deeply to myself, particularly through the Gentle Breath Meditation, which I use whenever I feel to reconnect back to myself, it only takes about five minutes and the results are incredible. I am able to reconnect with my body, and allow my heart to take the lead.

  171. What I found is unique in the work of Universal Medicine and its modalities is that it works from the place that you talk about as you were as a child, Jean which means we are never going to anything but simply returning to everything we already are. Choosing to look at our lives and choices means we can strip away all that we become to bury or deny what we are constantly feeling. All other modalities I tried previously I took on that I was broken and had to work at fixing myself – what a trick when all I am is already there!

  172. Knowing as humans that we are all deeply sensitive beings, as I read your blog Jean with what you share about how you felt as you grew up, it makes me realise that everyone must feel this way in their own way. Therefore it is actually just the flavour of how we interpret and express our hurts in our behaviours, and that is actually different and thus makes us look different.

  173. “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” Beautifully expressed. As we build a greater connection to ourselves and the Divine this can’t help but happen. The Gentle Breath Meditation is an amazing gift in this regard, it really is a bridge to the soul

    1. Yes Elaine, our heart and soul is so powerful that everything that we have lived that is not heartful or soulful actually stands out after re-connecting to ourselves again. This is what Esoteric Healing has offered me, and I continue to be deeply inspired to heal even more.

  174. This is a beautiful blog thank you Jean. ‘This is a healthy place to be;’ I very much agree and I feel deeply blessed to have all the healing modalities and tools that Universal Medicine brings in my life.

  175. This is gorgeous Jean..”This is a healthy place to be; I know this because of the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it. Those that love me dearly and have known me a long time, including my Dad, see the positive changes in me and often comment on how well I am doing.” You blog seems so simple yet it resonates something deeply profound. How you found you again and how much you appreciate that and those who assisted you. There is also a sense that this is just the beginning of your true unfolding into your magnificence!

  176. Thank you Jean for sharing the loving changes you have made in your life with the support of Universal Medicine. I enjoy reading how people’s lives have changed since meeting Serge Benhayon and experiencing the power of true healing.

  177. ‘What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me,’
    So true Jean, it is our own choices and commitment that complete the healing.

  178. So relate to all you have shared here Jean. In taking the opportunity of support and true care that is offered by Esoteric practitioners of Universal Medicine, was for me the start of the most extraordinary turning point in my life, whereby it went from one of constant underlying sadness at the core of my existence, to one where I am now in a loving committed relationship with me. No longer existing, more a life of truly living.

  179. The Gentle breath meditation is a wonderful modality to reconnect back to yourself. The feeling of tenderness, stillness and strength that is naturally within us, brings us back to our centre and gives us the ability to take this with us through out our day.

  180. “I started to simply love myself and began to be open to adoring the woman I am… I was learning how to be gentle with myself.” Just gorgeous Jean, thank you for this beautiful sharing on how you are re-claiming yourself, very powerful.

  181. I loved reading this Jean. I get the sense that you saw ‘intelligence’ as a barrier between you and others in the past, that you mistakenly believed that you were less or knew less when in fact you have known it all – all along. It feels that you now appreciate your own innate and wondrous intelligence along with the gorgeousness of the woman you are. I can see this has been a powerful healing that has inspired many (including me). Thank you.

  182. Esoteric healing is so powerful and yet totally non-imposing. It returns us to who we truly are and from there it is our choices that continue the healing.

  183. ‘…it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me’. This to me is one of the defining elements of what makes esoteric modalities so successful – and different from all other modalities I’ve ever come across. With esoteric healing, practitioners are not ‘healers’. We do the healing ourselves . That’s powerful because it puts us back into the driving seat of our issues. We are offered self-responsibility, choice, no need for perfection, bucket loads of reflection and – most refreshingly – no judgement. Once all this lands, we get to appreciate the degree to which we have been living irresponsibly and from there it becomes all about our choices in each and every moment – what choices we’re making for ourselves in the way we live our lives.

  184. Thank you Jean I could relate to the drive to fit in and the chameleon like way I had built for myself to not stand out and how even though it looked on the outside that I had it sorted inside I was falling apart. With the support if esoteric healing sessions and the Gentle Breath meditation I am coming back to myself and trusting my inner knowing again which never left me I just chose multiple behaviours to avoid feeling it.

  185. “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” Thank you, I can feel the power in you and it inspires me to go deeper with this work myself.

    1. When we stop giving our power away, then we come back to our true strength. That is so inspiring. Our true strength comes from within, we can’t find our strength in the outer world.

      1. This is so true ” Our true strength comes from within, we can’t find our strength in the outer world.” I have found myself on the learning curve of giving my power away again recently. I could feel the prickly sensation in my left kidney and then the next day both kidneys then the fuzziness in the ankles the day after. My body kept giving me messages and although I clocked them I did not honour myself enough to truly clear what I had taken on. I am doing that now but why not earlier? And why take it on in the first place? I guess an arrogance that I could override the deeper truth and just keep meeting the deadlines that I saw coming from the outside world but were really self imposed because of the way I was interpreting them.

  186. I enjoyed reading this Jean, over the last nine years of attending Universal Medicine courses I have come across many people from all walks of life, who like you have benefitted deeply from having Esoteric Healing and continue to do so, many years later.

  187. Having study many different therapies from kinesiology to reiki to sports massage I can honestly say nothing compares to the amazing Esoteric Modalities they are direct from Heaven, no wonder we are seeing so many miracles and I have absolutely no doubt there will be many more to come.

    1. ‘What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me,’
      So true Jean, it is our own choices and commitment that complete the healing.

    2. Very true Samantha – the esoteric modalities come really from heaven. They are so divine. The more I become tender, the more I can appreciate the modalities.

  188. Hi Jean, a powerful experience with the Gentle Breath Meditation and with the Esoteric Healing Modalities; that’s awesome! Thank you for sharing how you re-connected to your inner knowing of truth and with that with yourself.

  189. Quite simple, Esoteric means inner most and Serge Benhayon is giving us the guidence and tools to return. Thanks for sharing Jean.

  190. Thank you Jean, this is another powerful testimony to the healing that is on offer through the esoteric modalities if we are willing to commit to coming back to ourselves. . . to the love that we are – brought back to love with love. Simply beautiful.

    1. I agree kathleenbaldwin simply beautiful. The moment that I tried my first Esoteric Healing session it was the most loving, powerful, profound yet very grounding session I had ever had. The Sacred Esoteric modalities are beyond words and I have had them on a regular basis which have supported me to go much deeper than I ever thought was possible and all the while letting go of some full on buried issues that I had no idea existed. All with the most tender Love that we are. Truly and Simply Beautiful.

      1. I agree Natalie there is nothing quite like the dose of love one receives in Universal Medicine healing modalities as they undo the ‘what is not you’ and leave you with who you truly are. They truly do bring us back to love and then it is up to us whether or not we then go out and live that love.

  191. This has been an amazing journey for me as well Jean. To finally reconnect back to my true self and be able to express joyfulness, playfullness, Love and Truth like I did as a little girl feels like coming back to a place that I knew well and feels natural to be.

    1. Well said annebroadbent58. The divine connection that we all had as children to our innate truth and wisdom always remains within and can be accessed whenever we so choose regardless of our age.

  192. I love how esoteric healing comes from a place of us already being whole and complete in our essence and so the healing is in fact a discarding of all that we have chosen to take on that is not in line with this, as opposed to needing to become something or gain something that we don’t already have. Thank you for sharing your beautiful return to you Jean.

    1. I love your words Fiona, it says it in a nutshell; esoteric healing supports us to return to who we are, always there within, discarding what we have taken on, that’s not us.

    2. Yes Fiona – well said, we are all complete in our essence. We just have to heal what we are not, what we have allowed into our body. That is such a big difference to all the other therapies.

  193. Jean you could have written my story from growing up. When I look back now I see how much truth I always new, and how I had no one around me to confirm and support me to hold this. There is deep appreciation for all people who know support and confirm all that I have always been.

  194. Thank you Jean. As I read your blog I felt such tenderness and sweetness emanating from your words. I felt to start making deep nurturing a part of my every day.

    1. Beautiful, Leonne, and I felt to focus on my breath a bit more again. We really can inspire each other to keep coming back to more of ourselves and to deepen our inner connection.

  195. Jean thank you for your sharing, the Gentle Breath Meditation has definitely been a great support to me bringing me back, when I have drifted away from myself. Along with the presentations of Universal Medicine, and the dedicated practitioners too. We are all undoing many of our own choices, to come to a truer way of living.

  196. Thank you Jean for sharing your appreciation of Universal Medicine and the Gentle Breath Meditation presented by Serge Benhayon. I too well remember that feeling of being the odd one out when I was a child and this was the start of my putting up barriers of self-protection. Esoteric Healing sessions and joining in courses and workshops with Universal Medicine has supported me in letting go of the protection and finding the love within me that is equally in everyone else. I no longer feel alone.

  197. It is so beautiful to allow self loving choices into our lives not only does this bring about big changes for ourselves but also the effects can be so amazing for those around us. A beautiful gift. An awesome sharing of your journey Jean thank you.

  198. It’s pretty wonderful, how a little support can go a long way. The thing is, it’s there for everybody all the time. It’s just a matter of choosing it, and then before we know it, we’re on our way to a better relationship with ourselves, which has an awesome knock on effect to all those around us.

  199. Awesome sharing Jean and one I feel that many of us can relate too. The introduction of the Gentle Breath Meditation has been a life saver especially, when I’ve allowed outside pressure to get the better of me. (through my own choices) Once we loose the thread of that childhood innocence and sensitivity by building our walls of protection the speed in which it gathers momentum through the ensuing years is unbelievable. But thank Heaven for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon we now know that we have a choice and a very big say in how and what we can do for ourselves in our chosen living ways and the amazing support is there for all of us too.

    1. I agree Marion. The Gentle Breath Meditation is a great way to return to those innate qualities we felt as children and that are purely divine. Growing up we succumb to the pressures of life and became something we are not but thanks to Universal medicine we are now able to choose to return back to these divine qualities that being Love, Truth, Harmony, Stillness and Joy.

  200. I too remember a deep knowing sensitivity as a child but as I grew found a life that was unsupportive of this expression. So I toughened up on the outside and learned to dismiss my feelings any way I could. This was deeply dismissing of me so, on the inside, I began to feel there was something wrong with me, like you Jean, I felt different and separate. Thanks to the loving guidance of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I’m on the way back to the knowing girl I once was and so much more. Thank you for this blog Jane, and thank you UniMed.

  201. There are no words for how it feels to take responsibility for our lives and connect deeply to who we truly are. What you share Jean describes how many of us feel since choosing to live with more care and integrity. For me this is a big thanks to a Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  202. As I read this blog, it made me consider how many of us probably feel different from others (which I can totally relate to!) – different in the sense of feeling what’s going on but observing ourselves and others behave contrary to this… Or to put more simply, we feel that things are just not right, and yet we keep doing whatever we are doing regardless. So is it in fact worth considering that in truth, none of us are different in this sense, but simply that some choose to be more aware of this? Does this in fact lead us to consider more deeply that our awareness of what or how we act on, or respond, to what we are feeling all the time – is one of the keys to then being able to take responsibility for our choices and being more of who we really are.

    1. Yes Angela, committing to listening to the subtle awarenesses that our bodies communicate is definitely a key to making the changes we really do want to make. Taking a step back to fully appreciate my body and the love it wants to be held in and cared for is helping me to listen to honor the awarenesses I am feeling.

      1. Beautiful Leigh! ‘ fully appreciate my body and the love it wants to be held in and cared for is helping me to listen to honor the awarenesses I am feeling.’

    2. As I come back to my sensitivity (or more to the point start to honour that it is there rather than ignoring it) Often there is a pull, an old pattern to try and shut it down for the sake of not rocking others out of their own train of ignorance. But the more I honour my feelings the more I can see that this is not the way to go. As a kid it was all I had reflected back to me as a way of dealing with life, as an adult I have the experience of what that ignorance brings. But now with the support of Universal Medicine those feelings are strengthened, not squashed and if it rocks a boat or two (including my own) that doesn’t matter because in the end ignoring what is felt only harms us more.

    3. Great points Angela. We can all feel the difference in our bodies, what does and doesn’t feel right, we are all made the same, the only difference is we are all at different levels of responsibility.

  203. Jemma, the way you described your little girl coming into adulthood could have been my story; and I am sure many others. I made a choice to suppress my sensitivity because I was always teased, belittled and unseen for who I truly was by my older siblings. I look back over my life now in my mid thirties and see that nearly every choice I made was from that place. Esoteric Healing, and all the Universal Medicine therapies, have given me the gift of coming home, finally after all these years. To re-learn how to nurture and honour my innate sensitivity; to let people in again. Now I am learning to be that unpressured, tender love for others, too.

  204. Jean what a wonderful sharing of your journey back to you, and so much of what you shared I too experienced in my life: the putting of people on pedestals was a big one for me too, so I spent most of my life not feeling good enough. Through the presentations of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine, the amazing and dedicated practitioners – and of course the Gentle Breath Meditation – I am slowly unraveling my life as it was, and have grown from someone who just managed to survive, to someone who is now learning to enjoy life to the fullest. Yes there are challenges along the way but I now have the tools to approach them in a very different way and as a result the outcome is very different as well.

  205. Beautiful sharing…”So today I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.” This is also true for me. On some days more so than others, in appreciation of me at all times, where possible.

    And…”My family are also benefitting from my life choices as day by day they are now getting to feel more of me around the house rather than more of the moods I used to be in”. This has been the blessing for my family also”.

    And…”My love and thanks goes to the people I have met along this journey, with all their unpressured, tender love that each of us deserve to experience.” Yes, so true.
    Thank you.

  206. This is something to deeply appreciate, what a change “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.” This developed ‘strength’ is something has an impact on all areas of life, I know it has also for me. I would not wish to be another way now, it is so freeing to live my life with less need or worry for other peoples approval and acknowledgment.

    1. Me too Samantha – I was identified with the victim role a long time in my life and I’m so grateful, that this time is over. Now I know, self-responsibility is the key to a healthy and joyful life.

  207. A lovely blog Jean, and a confirmation of the power of the gentle breath meditation, and the healing one can gain through taking responsibility for their choices and truly appreciating themselves.

  208. One of the really powerful things about Esoteric healing, in all it’s different forms and modalities, is the fact that the practitioners are there to facilitate the healing which we as clients bring to ourselves. There can be a lot of resistance to the love and stillness that a practitioner holds the client in, but once the client lets go, they feel they can trust at such a deep level that it affords them the opportunity to connect to who they truly are, and in doing so, they have a better perspective of discerning what is not really them. By letting go of what is not who we are, we create the space in our lives to accept our truth and essence. By choosing to live this essence everyday, life as a whole becomes a healing session and we unfold into the depth of its love.

  209. I can very much relate to what you are sharing here Jean, giving a different picture to every one to see than we feel inside. I have found that when we start to express more in honesty how we are doing and what is going on in our lives the problems that we face are not so big of a problem anymore and we most importantly see that we are not alone in this world with what we are feeling and observing. I feel it is one of our biggest detriments that we keep so many parts of our lives hidden and feel we can’t communicate with others about it. We are all not so very different from each other and by only wanting people to see certain parts of us we hold each other at ransom and keep each other from growing out of habits and patterns that do not do us any good.

  210. Jean, I love your sharing, how you feel the difference between before and now, and how you wouldn’t swap it for the world. That says it all, and best of all it’s accessible to any of us, and it’s through the power of our choices that we change. And we can change no matter how stuck we’ve been – I love the serendipity of life how we find true support when we are ready and most of all I love when we actively choose for ourselves to make those loving choices.

  211. Very simply said, Esoteric Healing and other esoteric modalities, like Chakra Puncture – helped me to stay focused on the things which matter in a time where I had to go through difficult periods in my life. They helped me to feel myself deeply, so I could trust my decisions.

  212. The esoteric modalities are like a love that fills your whole body and your body just says yes to this- its like this is what I have been waiting for my whole life. When I have a session I am always reminded of the tenderness and care that I love to be treated with.

  213. The simplicity and power of the gentle breath mediation is undeniable when a mind full of relentless thoughts can be quelled almost immediately with a few breaths. With so many people lost in their head it is a shame they don’t know how simple it is to come back to their bodies and begin to feel through the stillness how gorgeous they really are.

  214. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.”- what is reassuring to know also is that the “yuk” that comes up in our body to feel is not us. Once felt and nominated it goes away. The esoteric healing sessions are an opportunity to stop and feel the truth of our choices and how we have been living, with ideals and beliefs exposed that no longer serve. Clarity and understanding then occurs and finally acceptance. We then have a choice to live a more loving, nurturing and harmonious way.

  215. I loved reading your blog, I could relate to everything you shared. I too from very young tried to fit in and allowed comparison and putting others on pedestals get in the way. I always looked like I was in control, but inside I was all a mess. My head was always full of things, many how to fix or do the next thing. This was very exhausting as I was always on the go. Once I came across Universal Medicine, through a friend who was offering Esoteric Healing, things started to change. For the first time, I started to take care of myself. As I started to practice and understand the importance of my gentle breath, I started to feel the change in my body. My head was no longer controlling me. I can now feel my body, without my head taking control. Thanks to the Gentle Breath Meditation, which has showed me how to come out of my head and connect to my body.

  216. There is so much power in your story, the true power of Esoteric Healing lies in the freedom that we once again gain, to take healing choices. So Esoteric Healing for me lays the pathway for the healing. The actual healing comes through my choices, if I choose so.

  217. I could so relate to your childhood and the little girl you were Jean. And then that confused adult using drugs, sex and alcohol to cope and fit in. To come to truly knowing myself and loving myself for the gorgeous woman I am is an absolute miracle. The gentle breath meditation to support me to surrender to my innate stillness is paramount in my life. Surrendering to my stillness arrests the mind chatter and distracting thoughts and I am simply able to connect deeply to feeling and knowing who I truly am. Thank you Jean.

  218. I love the way you describe ‘…coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along’ Jean. It’s true that Esoteric Healing is nothing new, but very familiar, as we unfold all that we are in this world.

  219. Thank you Jean for sharing your deepening awareness of the separation from self and then the re-connection after complications and confusion. It is so simple really. Choosing to connect to the breath and to hold that connection supports all that you are and all that you do.

  220. I love the title Jean – I’ve found the way Esoteric Healing, and all the esoteric modalities that are presented by Universal Medicine, support us to reconnect back to our divine inner-essence, to be deeply supportive and unique in this quality. So many modalities and techniques encourage us to look outside of ourself in one way or another, negating the clarity and wisdom we all hold within.

  221. Esoteric healing is awesome, and is gateway to feeling more of who we truly are. That’s pretty cool.

  222. Thank you Jean a lovely sharing with us all and one I feel that so many of us can relate too. When you expressed ‘my true core feelings got clouded’ how many of us as children (and still do as adults) allowed our lights to be dulled by withdrawing from what we felt to be our true path in life (and expressing it) so as not to shine too brightly and bring attention to ourselves. The introduction of the Gentle Breath Meditation has certainly helped me to still my busy head and connect to the gentleness within – an amazing gift and free for all to experience.

  223. It’s inspiring how you have made positive changes in your life Jean, and sounds like you are returning to the feeling person you were as child. Esoteric healing has certainly supported me to make huge positive changes in my life too.

  224. It’s sad many of us at an early age end up choosing to disconnect ourselves from the joy we are so clearly born with, and start living as we grow up developing and horning our skills in various forms to disguise the deep hurt we are feeling within, and I was very proficient at that. I have tried various modalities and teachings, but for me Esoteric healing modalities are the ones that I felt have supported me to make real changes to be my true self and experience life from that place.

  225. When feeling the ‘yuk’, it is so simple to choose a few moments of the gentle breath meditation and let go of the stress, overwhelm and thoughts. At the tip of my nose is the end of my woes.

  226. Reading your blog Jean made me appreciate where I am today and the state I was in before I had my first Esoteric Healing session. I too was familiar with the anxiety, fear, self-doubt, lack of true confidence and many more issues and behaviours that I had taken on and accumulated over the years. The quality of relationship I have with myself now is deep and meaningful – I knock myself out with my gorgeousness, and how I live is honouring and loving. Esoteric healing has been an integral support in reconnecting back to me.

    1. I too Marcia, appreciate myself for where I am now because of the choices I have made in life, true choices I could make because of the support I received from the Esoteric Healing sessions I have received.

  227. Jean I came across your blog once again and what strikes me this time is the amount of suffering and difficulty we can create for ourselves when we lose connection to who we truly are. The choice to fit in and stop expressing our truth is so deeply damaging, not only to ourselves but to all others equally so.

  228. Esoteric Healing is great at supporting us to let go of everything that gets in the way of us being our true selves, playful, joyful and full of our innate wisdom.

  229. Jean, I too have found that Sacred Esoteric Healing was an invaluable modality in helping to bring me back home to me, and was a huge support when I was dealing with my anxiety.

  230. I wouldn’t give it a change either! Life today’s much more rich by being me without the draining emotion rollercoaster or the dependency on stimulation.

  231. A great confirmation of the support that Universal Medicine and the gentle breath meditation provide for us to connect back to our essence of love. “This is a healthy place to be; I know this because the difference I now feel to how I felt before – I wouldn’t swap it”. Me neither, Gina.

  232. On re-reading this blog Jean I connected to my experience of using the Gentle Breath Meditation – this simple technique has changed my life and supported me to re-connect to my inner most and then make decisions from this space.

  233. I agree Thomas, it is so liberating to not be worried about what others think, as the focus becomes how we feel, and how lovingly we connect to our soul and care for our bodies. And others do notice the changes in your well-being, as they have for you Jean.

  234. Thank you Jean, your description of the Gentle Breath Meditation and the simplicity and power of this technique, was awesome. It was a joy to feel the transformations and harmony you have brought into your life through simply connecting to the amazing woman you are. It feels such a freedom when we are not consumed by how others might think of us.

  235. Jean, your story resonates with me in many ways. I really noticed your words ‘I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’ so that I didn’t stand out. Doing this made people feel comfortable around me so I felt like I was finally fitting in more.’. This has been a long standing pattern for me and it has taken me some time to notice the many ways in which this is happening. I am grateful for the understandings I now have through attending Universal Medicine presentations and via sessions with practitioners – all of which supports me to treat myself with increasing gentleness and appreciation.

  236. Thanks Jean, I like how you shared the correlation of the Gentle breath meditation also consciously being aware your breathing and how it has helped with connecting back to your true self and ridding the mind of negative thoughts and chatter.

  237. Thank you so much for sharing Jean, it’s amazing to hear how you have gone from feeling overwhelmed by life to being able to just be yourself through the choices you are making and with the support of some esoteric practitioners.

  238. Being lead by ones mind can be a pain and more often than not make situations more complicated or messy than they need to be. What Esoteric Healing has allowed me is a moment to recognise how being governed by my body plays out – that by focusing on how I feel in certain situations there is a way to avoid situations that may be unwanted or negative. Eating certain foods is a classic one but also emotions such as feeling shaky after getting into a heated argument, which is very rare these days compared to a few years ago. These are just small examples of how, when allowed the space to come down below my eyebrows I get a chance to see the so much more that is happening within and around me.

  239. I really appreciate how the gentle breathe meditation has supported my life. It has allowed me to practice gaining a space between what I observe and how I choose to be. It is deeply supportive because it does not just occur when I sit or lie down, I practice it throughout my day.

  240. The mood swings that people encounter on a daily bases is extreme and seems to be intensifying, the Gentle Breath Meditation for me has been a key tool in curving those excesses thoughts, cuts through all the thoughts that aren’t even you.

    1. What you say here is key Jamie “…the Gentle Breath Meditation for me has been a key tool in curving those excess thoughts, cuts through all the thoughts that aren’t even you”.
      Before Universal Medicine, Esoteric Healing and the Gentle Breath Meditation I would be consumed by my thoughts and identify with what they were saying – particularly the not so nice ones. I am now aware that any thought that is not love and of the essence of who I am is not true. This in itself has freed me to be me!

  241. I can feel your tender love through your words as you express the joy of your return to you – so beautiful Jean. It is so true, what you have shared, that our amazingness is, and has always been there waiting for us to connect to, celebrate and live. I have also experienced how powerful the Gentle Breath Meditation is as it allows us to connect to our stillness, to where our love, our true essence dwells.

  242. This is beautiful Jean, I have heard and witnessed many stories of people who have changed their life around with the support and healing offered through Universal Medicine and the Ageless Wisdom, but they never bore me as they are all in true miracles and as you say, not only did your life change, but the ripple effect is huge! Thank you for making those choices and in changing yourself, changing the world.

  243. Thanks for sharing how your thoughts ‘flooded your head every morning’ when you woke up. This is something I know happens to me a lot so it was great to read about it so I can adress it. I find that when I take my time in getting up and be very gentle I don’t seem to have those thoughts and I seem to be able to easily sink into my body and breathe deeply. This is a great start to the day. I also notice that when I’m like this I don’t want to check my phone straight away as I can use that as a big distraction for waking up properly.

    1. Beautiful harryjwhite. When our minds are full and distracted with the thoughts that flood our head there is no space for the expression of the wisdom, truth and the love that we naturally hold within our hearts and bodies. With this awareness you cannot but question the concept and value of actually aiming to be mind-full.

  244. I can so relate to the ‘being small’ so people feel comfortable around you Jean. Thank you for sharing what you have.

  245. Hi Jean, I love this blog. I can so relate to making myself “small and normal” so I would fit in. Through the presentations of Universal Medicine and the esoteric healing modalities I am re-learning that a true normal is being full and glorious.

    1. Yes Bianca, I am learning to understand just how much effort there is in staying small and in hiding, when our innate true self is just made to shine naturally.

  246. When our heart is not with our thoughts it can be quite devastating but the moment we connect we are offered a choice to get out of complication, confusion and doubt and we start to feel who we truly are. As you describe in your blog this is such a beautiful journey.

  247. If only we knew that the little girl or boy that feels everything and feels that they don’t fit in, is actually different (and that’s a good thing!). They are not different in their essence but in that they haven’t sold out, given up or dulled themselves down to fit in with everyone else. Fortunately for us Esoteric Healing can support us to clear those things from our body which keep us down and dull, allowing us to move and live in a way that is free from those imprints.

  248. Awesome sharing Jean, knowing you I can feel that lightness in your expression which is a joy to see. It really is coming back to who we really are inside, letting go of the ‘what is not you’ and accepting and embracing that glory that lays within. Beautiful.

  249. Awesome Jean! Building or rather, re-building the strength of our own knowing is such a blessing. It’s so lovely being confirmed, that actually, way back when we were little, we did know what was going on, and we can still know what’s going on if we choose to stay with ourselves.

  250. Thank you for sharing Jean. I found the gentle breathe meditation very centering and it was the start of cutting through my anxiety.

    1. I can relate to this Jean and Concetta, the Gentle Breath meditation for me was the start of a huge life changing new way of life that no longer is governed by my thoughts, anxiety, self loathing and debilitation. What a simple and yet super powerful tool this is.

    2. Like yourself Concetta and Jean, I found the gentle breathe meditation the vital tool in bringing me back to me, in my body and connected to my inner heart. This then allowed me to feel what was really me and what was not.

  251. I loved reading this Jean as it was very real and down to earth. I am sure many will relate to what you have written, as I have. Especially the part about putting people on a pedestal – I used to put too much value in what others had to say than my own feelings and thoughts. This is changing and I still listen to what others have to say but I am not so quick to disregard how I feel about something for another’s opinion. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I agree Julie. What I noticed with what Jean writes is that when you know what to do, it is so simple.

  252. This is such a fantastically real blog, and what a blessing to read. How often do we either put on a smiley face to cover the inner distress, or alternately live on the treadmill knowing this is not what life was meant to be. Esoteric healing and way of life offers us a bridge back to the inner joy you describe as a child. Priceless.

  253. I like this point that you have made Jean – “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices…”. When I first started having esoteric sessions I knew something felt different to anything I’d tried before. There was a solidness to it and something so deeply restful. But the thing that struck me the most was how clearly I could see how the choices I was making in my day to day life were actually contributing to the ‘issues’ I believed myself to have. Bit, by bit, with the support of the esoteric practitioners, I made changes to how I did things, changes to my day – I took responsibility. It’s an ongoing process and one I am so glad to be doing!

  254. It is too precious to read your lines, Jean. It reminds me that it still is a constant act of free will to focus love and be my own amazingness. And there are days when I feel amazing, that I let go and lean back – and that way of “relaxing” and being at ease is nothing but making no choices. And then I find myself a while after that doing things that do not feel good. And I sense: “opps: I’m out”. Taking a gentle breath helps me too to get back, but still it leaves something in my body that doesn’t feel good.

  255. “So today I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.” I can relate to this so well, Jean. Until recently I have lived my life trying to ‘be something’, to live up to expectations of what a man should be rather than accepting the beauty I am in myself.

  256. I enjoyed reading your blog again Jean. The gentle breath meditation is an amazing tool in reconnecting us back to Who we truly are.

  257. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.” Taking responsibility for our own healing and making healthier choices is so powerful. Thankyou for sharing Jean.

  258. I loved reading your blog Jean, thank you for sharing your story of evolving and coming back to the glorious divine person you are.
    The techniques and healing modalities are indeed a wonderful support for us as forever students

  259. This is a lovely sharing and a great testament of the power of esoteric healing as it allows us to heal ourselves by taking full responsibility of our own choices and also by the support, love and integrity of the practitioner which allows us to surrender and let go of whatever has been holding us back in expressing the love that we are.

  260. I can relate to what you are so beautifully expressing here Jean Grima: “when I woke up my thoughts would flood my head and depress me”.
    I can recall that this was my usual pattern too, awakening with thoughts that put me down and continued to keep me in a depressed and given up state of being. I would find that I was giving up on life and finding a way to cope with it all, continuously looking for new ways to keep my undealt issues that wanted to surface, under the water. But now, after receiving many Esoteric Healing sessions which have helped me to work on my undealt issues, I understand and know that this way of living was not me. I know that the true me is free of these thoughts, that I enjoy life and that I am fully committed to making life about love and commitment to myself, the people I live with and the society I live in.

  261. Jean thank you for writing your blog and telling us how you have made the changes in your life. I have always had a mind filled with chatter and the gentle breath meditation has helped me to re-connect to me and to know what I truly feel like. The chatter is not who I am and I do not have to listen to it! I can feel me inside.

  262. I love your sharing! In particular how you let your thoughts run your life and then made the choice to claim back being in charge and were able to bring a different focus to your thoughts. How very liberating!

  263. To know how to still the mind from racy or destructive thoughts, and to be able to create harmony in the body with the gentle breath meditation and the healing modalities of Universal Medicine has changed my life too Jean. It feels empowering to know we are in charge, that we are not victims of life.

  264. All my life I have kept myself small so as not to be seen and also to make others feel comfortable and to ‘fit in’ . And the trick was that this was some form of protection; if you stay small, people can’t hurt you. Having let that go, I now bring so much more of me.

  265. It’s very inspiring to be reminded of our innocence and connection as children. I remember also being different and in my teens working hard to be normal and accepted. Coming back to who we are is incredible, if not sometimes painful for what we left behind. I loved also how you mentioned the unpressurised, tender love you have received amongst the esoteric community. This is my experience also, and very treasured.

  266. Thank you Jean for sharing your simply inspirational story , to unfold back to your true self and allow your light to shine is for everyone .

  267. It was great to read your article this morning Jean, particularly this paragraph. – “Previously in the mornings, for as long as I can remember, when I woke up my thoughts would flood my head and depress me; these thoughts would continue throughout the day and intensified during my monthly period. I now breathe gently from the tip of my nose and follow my breath up into my head and bring myself back to me rather than letting myself get lost in my thoughts like I used to.” – The thoughts were taking over and I was reminded to breathe gently and come back to me, thank you.

  268. This is beautiful Jean, thank you. The power of gentle breath meditation is, indeed, profound and life changing, yet so simple to do!

  269. Dear Jean, thank you for this blog, I can relate to it so much. I remember the days not so long ago, where on the outside everything would look okay, but inside I was a mess and and so unhappy, and dealt with this in self destructive ways – this would erupt at times where i would loose it as I couldn’t bear to feel or think this way anymore. I always knew inside there was more to life, there had to be more and another way to live. Since listening to audio presentations, attending Universal Medicine events and doing the gentle breath meditation, I no longer live this way, that’s not to say stuff doesn’t come up, and I dot have little blips, but I know and am learning how to deal with it, trust myself and know it is not me.I am now living a life where I feel love for myself and other people, feel so much joy, I am content and more steady than I ever have been. And to top if off, these feeling I had and knew inside my body, that there much be more, this couldn’t be it – were right all along.

  270. I can feel the power and strength in your writing Jean, thank you for sharing! and yes the esoteric teachings are so simple and yet so profound when we choose to embrace them and take responsibility of how we choose to live our lives.

  271. Well said Donna, ” Thanking God for the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, showing us that the light is already there right inside of ourselves and it is up to us, to let it shine”. This is the great truth we all have within us, and we need to let this light out for others to feel and be inspired.

  272. I also feel the grace of Esoteric Healing sessions they allow and support you to feel yourself again and reconnect to the beauty inside that is always there.

  273. Awesome Jean that you are now able to truly honour the amazing woman that you are. Thanking God for the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, showing us that the light is already there right inside of ourselves and it is up to us, to let it shine.

  274. Jean I love how you have shared that it is our choice to heal through our every day choices. That’s a super powerful message for me today, thank-you.

  275. Thank you for your sharing, for me it was the same; on the outside it looked as if I was at ease and had it all worked out but on the inside my thoughts would nearly drive me crazy and controlled the way I lived my life. The Gentle Breath Meditation was the first and only meditation where, when using this technique, I could feel myself and how I could stay with myself. The feeling of having a choice to go with my unsupportive thoughts or to observe them and instead feel my breath and my whole body, has had and still has an amazing effect and empowered me to start living who I am on the inside.

  276. Thank you for sharing your story Jean. The power of esoteric healing in connecting us to our true self is amazing.

  277. Hi Jean, It was a joy to read your blog and to feel how far you’ve come back to yourself. What you’ve expressed really confirms the fact that it’s never been about bettering ourselves but simply letting go of what is not us and healing our hurts by making self loving choices to once again feel the divinity we truly are and always have been.

  278. Jean that is so spot on to my experience I could have written it myself. Thanks for sharing, it flooded me with the appreciation I have for Universal Medicine.

  279. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog Jean. I too am very grateful for the support of the Esoteric Healing Modalities.

  280. I totally relate to the racy mind – being controlled by thoughts that I now know and deeply feel, are not mine to begin with.

    Universal Medicine presents on the possibility that the thoughts we have are the result of an energetic ‘package’ we receive ahead of the thought taking place. I have become very much aware of how this actually feels in my body when this package of energy does not have the same qualities of the stillness and love that I know to be who I am – then I am able to discern them as being a distraction doing its best to take me away from being the stillness, love and glory I am.

  281. Jean, thank you for your awesome sharing. Being controlled by thoughts is very exhausting and tiring. It is a blessing also for me to know Universal Medicine and to know how to bring the (c) racy mind to a stop, to feel again my body and as a consequence get more still.

  282. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices”. I find that statement to be absolutely true and if we kept it that simple, I can’t see how anyone could really argue this point.

  283. Love your blog Jean. I can relate to a lot of what you’ve shared and it is very beautiful to read about your journey and discovery. Thank you.

  284. Jean the esoteric healing sessions combined with your loving choices have delivered you back to you and back to the world. I am sensing more and more that things are really not what they seem. The world is full of people who are not truly being themselves and because they are not truly being themselves then what they are doing creates a life that is not actually what it appears to be. And as crazy as that sounds people have to pretty much stay constantly committed to not being them in order to maintain the illusion. Gradually more and more of us are beginning to wake up to the truth and we then in turn we remind others of who they are and gradually the veil is lifted.

  285. Your blog is so powerfully felt Jean. I could very much relate to you as a child in feeling different as you felt so much and the confusion that accompanied this. I remember feeling this very strongly and how isolating it felt.This has stayed with me my whole life. My learning has been to accept my differences but also to know that behind our differences we are inextricably connected and linked to each other through the equalness of soul.

  286. This is remarkable and so touching to hear about the profound changes you have made Jean, just by connecting back to your own truth, the love within you. Beautiful.

  287. I can relate to being tricked by our minds, it has so much impact if we let ourselves be guided my our misleading thoughts. To say no to those thoughts, literally often helps me to make them stop.
    And the non imposing ways of the practitioners in the sessions is a blessing because it helps us connect to our bodies and our innate innocence and joy.

  288. Thank you for sharing your story Jean. I’m sure this story is common for many people including myself. It is such a powerful realisation that we are actually not our thoughts, and that our thoughts do not have to determine how we feel.

  289. Jean, this is such an important reminder ” I felt controlled by my thoughts and had no understanding of how to deal with these feelings: I felt this was me and that there was nothing I could do to lighten this feeling.” I too used to identify with what was going on in the mind, thinking that was me. It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon, I understood how immensely we can be tricked by our own minds.

    1. Yes, I agree Eva. this is such an important reminder. As I used to be believe my thoughts were me, I was in constant conflict with myself as I attempted to control my thoughts but it was always a loosing battle. A consequence was that I felt dis-empowered. It was not until I met Serge Benhayon did I learn to truly be the observer of my thoughts and to start to be able to choose my thoughts rather than a recipient of them.

  290. It is impossible to kill the love and joy that you naturally are. How great that it was there always waiting for you to stop burying the real you and numbing yourself against the pain of doing so. How great that Universal Medicine and Esoteric Healing has helped find a way back to your real loving and joyful self.

  291. Jean what an amazing post. And I can relate well to the academic achievements relating to self-worth is spot on and how that (lack of) drives us in the opposite direction away from natural feeling and love, towards seeking approval in its place – as a substitute for love. Your words here…. “the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful. This is a healthy place to be” describe truth’s complete majesty.

  292. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing. ” This is awesome Jean, I too have found the esoteric modalities a tremendous support to me as I re imprint old choices and start the journey back to truth.

  293. Hello Jean thank you for your wonderful blog – it reminds me of my way to Serge Benhayon it started with a healing session from a friend and this session was so mind blowing that I wanted to learn this technic at once. And I have to admit that I never thought that this would come out by just learning a new technic – now my whole life is changed, my health is increased, I have more power than before, more understanding and love for me and others increased but the best is I found my way back to me – not in perfection of course but of the best of my ability.

  294. Jean reading your article it was like I was reading my own story. I too felt soo much as a young child and through that I always felt different to everyone else and I simply got scared and fearful of that. So I basically shut myself away from people for a very long time. I had friends but I guess I was distant too, if I look back now, I used this as my coping tool because I didn’t want to feel. I am truly thankful for discovering Universal Medicine as it has allowed me to re-discover me again. Yes I do slip up at times but that’s cool, always learning. Thank you.

  295. I also have a Ph.D. in flying under the radar, making me invisible and small with outbursts of standing out. In my case I cannot say that it was about (mainly) making others comfortable, it was more about me living in a little box and feeling that for me it was it. It was more like a defensive, protected approach to life.
    The esoteric work brought me back to me and allowed me to start feeling again and through it I have started to re-discovered me and the world. I would not swap either.

    1. Beautifully expressed Eduardo.My Ph.D, too, was one of protection. Taking down the shields has been painful but re-discovering the beautiful, tender man they were hiding has been so worthwhile.

    2. Until recently I too was living in a box. The decision to connect more with people and attend meetings of Universal Medicine has made me realised the smallness of my life that is now expanding. It is as if I have an extra pair of lungs to breathe life through and unfold like a butterfly.

    3. Wow thank you emfeldman for being so honest and sharing that a Ph.D. is not the solution for you and that instead it was a box you can hide. It is important that people with a Ph.D. are so honest like you because then this old believe (I am someone because I have studied) will be no believe anymore.

  296. Deeply powerful Jean, thank-you. Clearly, from the child you were, you absolutely knew the ‘esoteric’ (inner-most), as we all do… What joy to read of your return to this, and the steadiness and wonder of who you are, and the allowing of all that been accumulated to just let go.
    An amazing testament to Esoteric Healing, the power of true love, and the fact that it all resides within us to reconnect to, if we but give it a chance.

  297. The fact that you have taken charge and see that you’re responsible for your own healing is very powerful. The way in which Esoteric Healing brings us to accept a gentleness and eventually a harmony within ourselves is such a blessing.

  298. Thanks Jean for sharing how powerful the esoteric modalities are and the level of integrity and love held by esoteric practitioners. I know that these modalities and practitioners have supported me immensely and continue to do so. Thank goodness for Universal Medicine in offering true support for all those who are open to re-connecting to their inner-most..

  299. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us Jean it is very inspiring to hear how you changed your life around. I especially love this “Today, what people think and judge doesn’t matter to me as it did before: the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful.”

  300. Even though this blog was written 21 months ago, it outlines a process of reconnecting with ones self that is timeless and simple and available to anyone, anywhere. It also shared with me how we all doubt ourselves and feel so much and are so sensitive, yet get caught up in comparing ourselves with others, such with exam results and qualifications as Jean writes. When the comparison lives inside me, I am dying and I have felt this emptiness, that others apparently (outwardly) seem to thrive on, so it then turns into incredible self doubt and loathing. It seems as if things are ‘set up’ to be this way and keep us from experiencing the deep love and tenderness we are and can share with each other. However, in understanding this, it opened up the choice to simply and easy return to myself and feel, the love never left me, I chose to leave it. This was the turning point for me.

  301. It’s amazing that we have a choice of how we can breathe and choose to take on stuff from the world or not .The gentle breathe meditation is a powerful tool I have also found to come back to myself with .

  302. Great sharing Jean, I relate so much to what you bring here, how much I felt as a child and how much I tried to fit in and be seen as ‘normal’ and of course then I resented me and the others – I’m unpicking this more and more and can feel how much has changed and is continuing to change through connecting to and knowing more of the joy that is me. And it’s available to us all any time.

  303. Thank you for sharing the changes you have allowed and chosen in your life. Coming from someone who was ‘crying so loudly if not screaming in pain’ on the inside to being able to claim ‘the strength in my heart and soul is so powerful’ is amazing and very inspiring. The consistent practise of the Gentle Breath Meditation alongside Esoteric Healing sessions and your willingness to take responsibility for your own healing through your own choices – a match made in Heaven.

  304. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.” – I love that too about Sacred Esoteric Healing; it’s super empowering.

  305. It is wonderful to read of how the changes you have made have impacted on your family as well. It must be a great feeling to be more open with your family and less moody, such a positive benefit of the changes you made to your lifestyle.

  306. Jean it is just lovely to read how your life has changed. Great that you mention the Gentle Breath Meditation, for me, this is indeed the finest tool ever, super simple too!

  307. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.” I agree with you Jean – after many years of going to different healers to address my issues I now have the support of esoteric practitioners and am looking inside of me rather than searching outside for answers. Now I am truly healing issues, rather than burying them deeper in my body, only for them to re-emerge at a later date.

  308. As many people have commented having a goal of “fitting in and being popular” was also strong in what I choose for most of my life. At the time it was also all I knew yet on the inside it left me “screaming”. Without the support of and the inspiration from Esoteric Healing to make more loving choices I would certainly still be in the same place. It’s great to read your words and appreciate this.

  309. Great article Jean, thankyou. “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me”. I so echo this, stopping the blame and accepting the choices I have made – and continue to make. Returning from the chameleon I had become to the true me feels amazing.

  310. Jean, what you shared about how you became small to fit in after feeling so much when you were younger really helped me have a greater understanding of just how I had done the same thing while in high school and especially college. The interesting thing is that when I had finally attained that goal of “fitting in and being popular” in college, I had sacrificed so much of my true self, as I used drugs, alcohol, and a genuine chameleon personality that changed to suit the person I was with so they would like me. So in reality, I was waaaaay further away from the real me and self-confidence that I have gained through Esoteric Healing, and the Gentle Breath meditation has been a key tool I used to feel more of me when I’m in my head about things. Thank you Jean, for claiming you and being able to share that with the world.

  311. Reading this again I feel that fog of complication, confusion and doubt lifting as I come to the end of the blog where there is clarity, spaciousness and a true appreciation for yourself. “The strength in my heart and soul is so powerful” Beautiful. Thank you.

  312. Jean such a beautiful sharing, I can completely relate to what you have shared. I too when I was young could connect to truth and clarity. I guess that’s why I enjoyed my own company as I never wanted to get caught up in other peoples stuff. I could feel energy when I was young and could feel when people where jealous of me or truly liked my company. I could sense danger or tension when walking down the street or around people. My friends would say I was wired, but I knew I was not and I had a strong connection to God.

    1. It is very refreshing reading and writing about our own relationships with ourselves and with God. I enjoy letting myself feel the enormity of what this article is expressing and I feel I have so much to express about this too.

  313. I can relate to so much of what you have written Jean, ‘I wanted to fit in so much, and so to fit in I chose to make myself ‘small and normal’, I did this too for many years, but having been inspired by Universal Medicine courses and practitioners now choose to live in a much more true and loving way.

  314. Hi Jean, what stood out for me when I read your blog was the paragraph where you say “So today I continue along my journey of love and joy, coming back to the wonderful person I am and have been all along, but simply didn’t recognise due to the complication, confusion, and doubt that I used to live in.” I can really relate to this. Thank you.

  315. Such a clear and straightforward blog Jean thank you. I bless the day I was introduced to Esoteric Healing. It is such a powerful tool helping us and others to return the amazing beings that we are.

    1. Hi Maryline, I agree, the Esoteric Healing from Universal Medicine has proved an amazing tool supporting me to re-connect to my inner-most.

  316. I can relate so much Jean to how you compared yourself to others, feeling inadequate, lack of self-worth and in response comprised yourself to fit in. The paradox and inner-conflict of being accepted but at the same time it not feeling right and not knowing what else to do was so painful and confusing. It is with such gratitude to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine Practitioners I thank them for all their guidance, love and support that has enabled me to make the loving changes I have made in my life.

  317. That is such a clear way of expressing what happens with most of us, Jean, when you say “they are now getting to feel more of me around the house rather than more of the moods I used to be in,” We know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of a mood, we know it is the mood we are experiencing not the true person. It is more difficult for us to recognise and clear ourselves of our own moods. But with the help of Esoteric Healing we have an opportunity to heal ourselves through feeling, being honest, understanding and love, and so to live more of ourselves, not just the many moods.

  318. It is a great point that you make about how the Esoteric Healing modalities support us, but never Fix us. I know that I can certainly never go for an Esoteric Healing session for relief but what I am offered is so much more than relief, it is an opportunity to come back to myself. There is a huge amount of love, no judgement and the changes to my life, which are very similar to yours have all come from my choices, which is very empowering.

  319. Reading this again there is much I relate to in my own way – starting with the inner turmoil I lived with. Whilst I coped with different vices the outcome were the same. Reflecting on what life would be like without the inspiration of Universal Medicine, and it would not be pretty at all. An amazing gift of being shown the way back to me.

  320. I can relate very much with your journey of healing from the constant mental discourse to the inner stillness and how the Gentle Breath Meditation is such a powerful tool to support and bring about this change. I love how you express the changes in you affects and benefits others, ” they are now getting to feel more of me around the house rather than more of the moods I used to be in.”

    1. I’ve noticed that as well Jonathan. With the Gentle Breath Meditation it’s not only myself who benefits but those around me as well, be it at work or at home.

  321. It is great to be able to recall with such clarity how the world felt to you in those early years before it started to impose its ways onto you. Your blog helped me to recall and to feel this experience in myself. Before I discovered Sacred Esoteric Healing, my awareness was so dulled that in reality I had no awareness of where I was at, how unwell I was, or how little love there was in my life. Sacred Esoteric Healing allowed me to start to heal myself and as I did so my awareness started to expand and the awesome thing is that it just keeps expanding and expanding.

  322. Hi Jean, a lovely and simple to understand blog I could feel how gentle you are coming through the article. Thank you.

  323. Great blog, thank you Jean. The gentle meditation has been amazing for me too. The expansion and stillness and feeling in the body is very beautiful and very real.

  324. Beautiful to read and so lovely to hear how well you are doing. Esoteric Healing has been for me the only true modality that has helped me to return to who I am as well, and it just keeps unfolding, expanding and deepening it’s gorgeous.

  325. Thank you Jean, for sharing openly your experience growing up and the turnaround once Esoteric Healing came into your life, and so true for many. How amazing that Universal Medicine supports the opportunity to reconnect to and make sense of everything that was felt as a child. Beautiful!

  326. Beautiful blog Jean, what an amazing turn around! We are a reflection of our own choices so no surprise you have your friends and family commenting how different you are now. The joy you live in is one that I feel too, accepting our divine beauty within as normal.

  327. Awesome blog Jean, a great example of the Esoteric letting you be you and making choices in your own time that truly support you.

  328. Jean, thank you for this beautiful blog, I love where you wrote, “I started to simply love myself and began to be open to adoring the woman I am,” this is very inspiring. Thanks also for the reminder about how powerful the gentle breath is.

  329. Thank you Jean, reading this reminds me of when I first met Serge Benhayon in a healing room – I had no idea what to expect but meeting him I knew instantly something was very different and I was deeply met for me. Something I’d not felt before in my life.

  330. Thank you Jean, my journey was similar. I also was introduced by a friend who is a beautiful Esoteric Practitioner and I am so grateful to her for sticking by and not giving up on me, but allowing me to find my inner most.

  331. Wow Jean! I can really feel you hearing and heeding the call to be you, step by step unfurling the your truth and beauty – how warm and joy-full that feels, how your family can feel that. We return hand in hand back to where we came from. Beautiful blog!

  332. Such a sweet and straight forward blog….one that anyone from any religion, culture or socio-economic background can relate to. Thanks for your expression Jean.

  333. Hi Jean, this is a great example of what esoteric healing is all about…using the support offered to take responsibility and make the choices to come back to yourself – “the wonderful person that you have been all along”…and the joy you remember feeling as a child.

  334. Beautiful Jean, the esoteric supports us to transform from a caged in bird to a free flying butterfly. It is amazing to get to know how amazing we are and how we have been all along but just have not been able to see it through all the fog and mental mumbo-jumbo.

  335. Wow Jean — what an awesome article — this sums up Esoteric Healing so well: “What I have found great about Esoteric Healing sessions is that it is my responsibility to heal myself through my own choices, with the esoteric practitioners there to support me, which is a blessing.”.

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