Natalie Benhayon: Ancient Wisdom through a 24-year old Woman

Katinka de Lannoy
Katinka de Lannoy

I first met Natalie Benhayon in 2009 where she was presenting at a Retreat of Universal Medicine in Vietnam. I remember being amazed and inspired by the purity, power and wisdom with which she was presenting. At the time Natalie was only 19 years old.

Through the years I have seen Natalie develop into the woman she is today: modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred. With natural leadership qualities she continues to inspire women of all ages around the globe. Not by presenting through acquired knowledge but by presenting from her heart and from her livingness.

As a mature woman of forty-three, academically trained and with a level of wisdom myself, I have no trouble accepting that a woman nearly 20 years younger than me actually has access to a deeper level of wisdom than I have at this time. Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.

Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them. In a world where kids are pressured into being a certain way through education, cultural ideals and religion, it is essential that they are inspired to connect to the wisdom of their inner hearts.

Natalie Benhayon
Natalie Benhayon

So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials? How well is humanity doing relying on the so called intelligence of the mind? As a mother I am inspired by children every day, reminding me what life really is about: joy, playfulness, simplicity and love.

So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?

Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?

Natalie Benhayon inspires us all to be all that we are and is humbled to be inspired herself by every living creature she encounters.

Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.

By Katinka de Lannoy, The Netherlands

841 thoughts on “Natalie Benhayon: Ancient Wisdom through a 24-year old Woman

  1. Children have this most amazing access to wisdom and if we just let them be they can express pearls of wisdom. Wisdom does not come with age it comes through a connection to the multidimensional universe that we all have access to. This is clearly seen in Natalie Benhayon or any of the Benhayon family.

    1. Natalie Benhayon clearly has wisdom from beyond, ‘Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.’

  2. Knowing Natalie Benhayon is such an utter blessing – I couldn’t imagine the world without her. Simply knowing that she is in the world makes me smile inside.

  3. “because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” I love what you have shared here about the foundation Natalie lives which allows her to access all she does in terms of wisdom and support for others, it’s another level of inspiration and purpose to deepen my own self-love, honouring and self-care, thank you, Katinka.

  4. We are fools when we categorise people and then decide whether we can or cannot learn from and be inspired by them. In fact when we do this we miss out on the abundance of heavenly offerings in every day.

  5. It can be a point of identification with age that we know more, and therefore command a false authority which is not truly honouring of our equality.

  6. It is interesting how we can block out a reflection by creating conditions according to various factors that are purely relevant on this plane of life, like age, gender, accreditation etc. and that pretty much tells how we are stubbornly protecting the way we have accepted it is, never mind it being utterly loveless and false.

  7. Thank you Katinka, how important is it to have a role model like Natalie who actually lives what she shares and thus her words are felt as a lived wisdom and this sets what she shares apart from other presenters.

    1. That makes all the difference, Natalie lives what she shares, ‘her words are felt as a lived wisdom and this sets what she shares apart from other presenters.’

    1. Absolutely, wisdom is ageless, ‘Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?’

  8. Natalie definitely presents to people to not be apologetic for who they are, it is inspiring to see another woman who is not bothered by the demands of society.

  9. “I am inspired by children every day, reminding me what life really is about: joy, playfulness, simplicity and love.” We have so much to learn from children.

    1. ‘Joy, playfullness, simplicity and love’ are all qualities that are pretty scarce amongst adults, which quite frankly is a crying shame when they are available to us all. I would also suggest that each one supports the others to flourish.

  10. Natalie is truly an extraordinary young lady. I have just watched her present today at the Women In Livingness “Empowerment to Power” workshop and I was so deeply touched by her humility equality, sass and cheekiness – she is a very funny lady, and what she has to share with humanity is profound.

  11. I was listening to someone explain to me how their company was going to bring further automation to an industry.
    So I asked them what are we going to do with all the people that will lose their jobs from this further automation? And basically people don’t matter but money and profit/greed does, as far as I could tell.
    If this is intelligence to only think of profit and money, then I hate the intelligence of our minds, because it shows me it is all about taking what you can get over what is best for humanity as a whole. Seriously what is going to happen to all these people that are put out of work? What will happen to their families and their communities? What are we doing to ourselves all in the name of money?

  12. To shut ourselves off because of age exposes the arrogance held within. We can learn so much about ourselves and others if we are open to that which stands before us regardless of age.

  13. ‘Natalie Benhayon inspires us all to be all that we are and is humbled to be inspired herself by every living creature she encounters.’ Natalie is an amazing woman whose love for people holds them in the divinity they are. That she is inspired by all she meets inspires me to see the beauty in everyone, including myself.

    1. I agree and her sister Simone Benhayon is pretty cool too! 💫 In fact they are both deeply beautiful in every way possible, very amazing women who I and many others are blessed to know and have our life.

  14. ‘Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.’ We are all equal and it is very liberating to live from the wisdom we all hold inside and Nataiie inspires us all to not hold back and express it all.

  15. I have in my life time met many presenters, presenting on all topics of life and work, but they do not live what they present at all- it is all knowledge based.
    Natalie Benhayon like her father Serge Benhayon express and present from their heart and from their livingness, this has a totally different quality that can be felt and understood as it resonates within our bodies. It can also be practically applied if one chooses or not.

  16. The expression ‘out of the mouths of babes’ comes to me here, simply because very young children sometimes say the most extraordinarily wise things. We should never judge another for being less wise, simply because they are young, and Natalie Benhayon is no exception. A young woman who lives and expresses Ancient Wisdom in her every word and move. She is an inspirational role model for any man, woman or child, whatever their age.

  17. Natalie presents from the Ageless Wisdom like many before her have done in the past. She shows us every time that she does not own this wisdom but instead that it is from an inner connection and is equally available for us all.

    1. Natalie Benhayon is the most gloriously gorgeous portal for the Ageless Wisdom. And like every person that has ever been a portal for the Ageless Wisdom Natalie knows that a portal is what she is and never does she attempt to own what she shares. What she is particularly brilliant at is sharing the steps that she has taken to become a portal and the steps that she continues to take to refine her portal.

  18. Natalie Benhayon lives that what we will all live in the future which is possible when you surrender yourself to the love we are from, with our Soul.

  19. Natalie is a truly amazing person and she constantly inspires me. She is supporting so many people and is involved with various projects including the organisation she founded Esoteric Women’s Health, yet she lives deeply connected to her essence as a woman and honours who she is and her wellbeing first, and does this all not for money or recognition but in love and service to humanity. She is a beacon of light and her reflection is a source of strength for me to continue my own return back to living from the power (my soul) within myself.

    1. Natalie is a flashing beacon of light that brings back the light in many dark corners of our existence where for too long we have let the darkness wield its force.

  20. Natalie Benhayon always takes the time to explain what she is presenting in a way that is accessible, that can be readily understood, and is so very inspiring. And I often observe people nod their heads in agreement with what she says, not because what she says is clever but because they can feel deep in their bones what she is saying is also the truth that they feel. It is beautiful to see this happen.

    1. I agree Shami, Natalie has an ability to share the Ageless Wisdom in a way that is super practical and applicable to everyday life.

      1. Which is crucial because I remember attending a yoga weekend where they shared various rituals and sequences that they advised us to do daily but they were so complicated and time consuming that I simply gave up before even trying. The things that Natalie suggests are all things that can be incorporated easily and effortlessly into our everyday lives, that’s the beauty of them, as well as the power that they have to transform our lives.

  21. Beautiful Katinka. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.”
    For why would we protect and fight against our inevitable return back to Soul.

  22. Well said Katinka, we should never judge a person by their age as wisdom is not age specific – you just have to listen to the insight and observations of a child to realise how true this is.

  23. Love it the wisdom of the inner heart our essences the glory and love that can be felt when we are connected to that essence as a normal part of our natural Livingness that is simply available for everyone equally.

  24. Wisdom is not owned; it is accessed and this can be done regardless of age but entirely dependant on our connection with our Soul.

  25. ‘I am inspired by children every day, reminding me what life really is about: joy, playfulness, simplicity and love.’ And this is what Natalie Benhayon is presenting us with everyday because of her choice to connect to love consistently, and then wisdom and true leadership is shared with all.

  26. “the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” now that is a beautiful summation of the inspiration that so many feel from Natalie. Yet in that what she offers us all is the fact that we are equal and the same as her, we can choose a glorious life if we want.

  27. If we were to observe young children and if they are still in the connection to themselves they can astound us with the maturity of what they just know. I met a lovely child recently and I loved sharing part of my day with her and her parents. I guess she was 8 years old and the pearls of wisdom that just dropped from this little girl was amazing, she had such an openness, maturity, and wit. So often we as adults squash this natural ability that children have and we are the poorer for it.

  28. I am forever appreciative for the inspiring role models such as Natalie Benhayon who are living their innate loving qualities with such consistency and absoluteness.

  29. Natalie Benhayon is a perfect example of the fact that true leadership is not labelled by gender or age, it is a quality that is lived and then shared.

  30. Leadership is a quality that comes from within, from seeing a need and a call and responding to it. Inspiring leaders have a natural ability to encourage all others to be leaders as well, to take responsibility for their behaviour, actions and work. Natalie models that leadership style and it truly inspires.

  31. Natalie Benhayon is living testimony to the fact that wisdom comes from the heart and true movement in consistently living in alignment with the Universal cycles – no amount of learnt knowledge can bring this depth of wisdom. Now in my late 60’s Natalie Benhayon continues to inspire me with her innate qualities and reflecting the truth of being a woman for women worldwide to appreciate themselves and live from delicateness and true power..
    “So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?”

  32. Many women can dismiss what Natalie Benhayon presents because she is younger than them. We have a world where it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate based on age, gender, race etc… which is only harmful to us.

  33. There are many great and inspiring people who have been written in to the annals of history as having inspired a generation, these are people who, at the brink of global change, seem to be there to lead the way. Natalie Benhayon is one of those people, but, she is also much more than that, because Natalie is inspiring more than a generation, she is changing how life will be for many if not hundreds and thousands of families for all of time to come. She is the wave of change.

    1. Shami you made such an important point about Natalie, that she is “inspiring more than a generation”, usually role models inspire a specific age group, but Natalie inspires people of all ages including children, teens, adults, elders, and both genders.

  34. What you are sharing really shows our true potential. Natalie was presenting at the age of nineteen even though for many other young adults this is still a time to be irresponsible, ‘enjoy life’ which often means party hard, and don’t take care of yourself! Yet Natalie is offering us a different reflection of how we can live and contribute to the world at a young age.

  35. Wisdom does not come from age or experience but connection and living in connection to the source of all wisdom: love.

  36. Natalie Benhayon a confident young woman who exudes joy, and absolute love, always inspiring us to live the truth, an amazing woman who shows a depth of wisdom far beyond her years.

  37. We are learning what wisdom is truly. We have been used to use the word wisdom when knowlegde was used and we have limited the word wisdom to an age, which could not be further away from the truth. We are capable to access the wisdom of heaven, no matter age or any other appearance. We come from Soul, and our Soul is accessible 24/7 , there is no doubt about that. So what we can say is that yes our wisdom comes from our willingness to connect to deep within us, where our Soul-fullness is.

  38. Remembering some of the comments my own children made – and now my grandchildren – anyone of any age can speak truth and wisdom.

  39. So many beautiful questions – “Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us? ” So true Katinka.

  40. When I’m with Natalie or any of the Benhayons, I get to feel how much I have let myself go and accepted less than who I truly am. How withdrawn from life I have been, and how I was content to sleep walk through this life. They have been a huge wake up call for me and thousands of other people who have witnessed what it is to live a full and joyful life and have been inspired to have a go themselves. I am on my path to re build what I know to be true in my heart and the truth brings a solidness I will not be moved from. From this solidness I know I am exactly the same as the Benhayons, however I made different choices way back when not to live it. Which is why it is taking some time to reconnect to the same universal mind that they, by the very way they live are in the flow of?

  41. We have so much we could learn from our younger generations. Our little children can and do say the wisest things we can be so easily dismissed because we ‘think’ they cannot possibly be old enough to know what they are saying. But oh, how wrong we can be. Natalie Benhayon is one of the wisest young women I have ever met.

    1. Yes, often children are not constrained by should do’s and must do’s and they simply say things as they are. Nowadays, it seems that this behaviour is related more often than not to an intellectual disability than someone who is an innate connection with truth and speaking up. Perhaps we should pay more attention to what comes out of the mouths of babes.

  42. I agree that we should drop being age-ist. Amazing wisdom can come through anyone at any age – Natalie Benhayon is a great example of that, she’s young but every word she says is gold, and the wisdom with which she lives is transforming the lives of women all over the world. It would be crazy to discount something so amazing because of age.

  43. Natalie has inspired women from all ages, from as young as 4 to as old as 100 maybe. Children and elderly see in Natalie the gorgeousness a woman can be just by simply being herself. She’s an inspiration and a true role model.

  44. The wisdom is in that – caring for, loving and honouring ourselves consistently. A few years have passed since this blog was written but because of Natalie’s consistency and refusal to get comfortable or rest on her laurels she continues to present deeper and more expansive levels of wisdom. She is a great inspiration indeed.

  45. Living in connection to the wisdom of our Soul is not age or gender specific, nor does it require an academic qualification. We all have equal access to multidimensional intelligence when we live in connection to our Soul, through which the vibration of love is reflected. It is always an inspiration to feel this lived quality through any body be it a child, teenager, adult or elder as there is always much for us to learn and share together.

  46. Speaking with Natalie is like being in the presence of an ancient sage who offers wisdom which rings true deep in the heart. But she is also super sassy and real and relatable like the girl next door. Her sexiness is coupled with her sacredness which she honours totally. She holds herself in this as an example for all of us as to how we can be and live. She is a true role model and an inspiration.

  47. “So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials?” – Great question, and also does having educational credentials guarantee that what someone is presenting or teaching is actually of true value and worth or applicable to life…?

    1. I agree Fiona – a great question Katinka poses. Knowledge comes through education – of any sort – but wisdom can come through at any age. I know which Id prefer – wisdom.

    1. Love and wisdom have been constants since the beginning of time and shall remain constants until the end of time. That is if time were real but it’s not. Peel back the illusion of time and it helps to reveal love and wisdom in all their glory.

  48. Natalie Benhayon is a true model for men and women equally, she is dedicated to truth and has such a depth of wisdom and universal knowledge that is far beyond her years, what a blessing to know this amazing woman.

  49. I know women of many ages from girls to more mature women who are inspired by Natalie Benhayon. Over the 6 or 7 years I have known her, her level of wisdom and understanding has only ever deepened. She is certainly one of the most inspiring women I have known and because of Natalie I am more inspired to live the woman that I am.

  50. I totally agree with the message being presented in this blog, and I have many coworkers that are almost half my age that I have held as equals and learned many incredible things about life, my work, how to evolve relationships in a positive way, etc. because I was willing to not judge them based on their age, even in a work environment that rewards people and values seniority. We need to focus more on the quality of what a person is bringing to their work more so than the mere years they have been there, which could have been spent in a way that is disharmonious and without that same quality of connection, openness, and learning.

  51. “Could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?” – Definitely. I am making wiser choices now compared to when I was younger, but that is not because I am older, but it is more to do with my reconnection to my Soul, my essence, God, and my renewed commitment to myself and to life. We could just be getting older and older but could be further ingrained in our patterns and identifications, and/or more given up and withdrawn from life. Going around in cycles is designed to assist us in our evolution, but there is a will to be exercised that defines where we would allocate ourselves in the whole scheme of things.

  52. Natalie Benhayon is a woman who is willing to live outside of the box of what a woman is supposed to be, how she is supposed to look, what she is supposed to achieve. Natalie is who she is, and who she is is glorious and fun and sweet and super super wise. She shows all women that we can be ourselves and still be in the world, and that in fact it is far more fulfilling to bring ourselves to the world as this enriches all aspects of life.

  53. We miss out big time when we see someone younger than ourselves as having less wisdom or can’t learn anything new from. It’s also limiting when we just look at this life and discount reincarnation. I mean how often do you hear people say ‘he’s an old soul’ or ‘she’s been here before’. If we drop the age and education beliefs, we open ourselves up to wisdom everywhere.

  54. Katinka your words are a call to respect and equality, to honour what’s inside of us all no matter age or other outer defining characteristics.

  55. Natalie goes from clarity to clarity. I am forever inspired by her, the way she is and the way she naturally inspires people to get on with things in their lives.

  56. From the presentations that I have attended by Natalie Benhayon, it is clear to see that the way that she lives is absolutely dedicated to the truth, and the fact that she then has the warmth and love for people so much that she is willing to stand up on a stage and to share this with hundreds of people, is testimony to the power of truth itself and what it can bring to all our lives if we were to also choose to live its ways. With truth here being the Universal Truth and not any other meaning of that word.

  57. Natalie is ageless and shows us all no matter who we are, what age we are we can live the love that we know we are in full. The way Natalie keeps everything very simple, practical and relatable is a telling sign how it comes from the way she lives and not from her head. Her love and support is enormous and I am very grateful to know her.

  58. Natalie Benhayon is such a completely totally head over heals Gorgeous women in so very many ways, who deeply cares about all women including our younger generations in that they should have the space and freedom to truly celebrate and express all that they are in every moment. Very inspiring. And yes age does not define our wisdom as old ill beliefs may have us believe. Children can be incredibly wise and are equal to adults.

  59. Its true, age or any demographic cannot define the true intelligence and wisdom of any human being. What makes me feel good most, is being touched by someone genuinely expressing their love, and out of all the people I have experienced this week this has been a 6 year old girl. Her actions were so very tangibly felt, it left me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside my body. This is inspiring and naturally makes you seek again for the same. To me it’s an intelligence I will to seek.

  60. Just as I am inspired by Natalie Benhayon in living her truth and wisdom, I look at your photograph here Katinka and I am inspired by the light and joy coming through your eyes and face.

  61. I wonder if perhaps, regardless of their age, it is always easier or simpler to accept the wisdom of another person when we have learnt to accept this in ourselves too.

  62. It is true we do judge people by their academic qualifications, their age, their gender – the list is endless with this one. I also have been inspired by Natalie Benhayon, and at first, I would think it would be great if my daughters could find the level of confidence and self-assuredness she has. But Natalie does not hold any age group as more or less than another and has inspired men and women from all different age groups.

  63. Even though I know Natalie is in her late 20’s, I find it difficult to put an age to her. Natalie has a timeless quality. No wonder she has friends of all ages.

  64. Natalie is the perfect example of someone who is ‘wise beyond her years’. Wisdom is not determined by age at all. It’s wonderful watching Natalie present and see how much her presentations have deepened over time, not because she is more practice but because of deepening of the way she lives everyday.

  65. ‘Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?’ I love this. We can never write anyone off, ever. We all have this choice to connect to the wisdom and beauty within at any moment.

  66. “We could say age has nothing to do with wisdom” I would definitely agree if we are willing to honour ourselves and live in a way that connects us to our wisdom we can do this at any age as Natalie Benhayon has shown, her wisdom and maturity is far more than her years.You can also see this in children, they understand the world spherically, and when we truly listen to them they can come out with very profound and amazing wisdom which is very simple and easy to understand.

  67. If our beauty and wisdom is within all of us, it makes sense to develop and build that connection to ourselves where it can be lived consistently.

  68. Today I changed my screen saver on my laptop to a photo of Natalie Benhayon. The look in her eyes says it all and more – sass, playfulness, power, spunk, woman, grace…it only takes me to see her for me to be reminded that I too am it all. She’s an inspiration to live and walk that.

    1. Yes, she’s a total inspiration to walk all of that without hesitation. So claimed and awesome!

  69. I love what you’re sharing here Elizabeth, that age, 20+years from either end of the spectrum matters not, Natalie’s wisdom is universal and so is sought by all ages.

  70. A beautiful reminder Katinka of how wisdom is not and should not be defined by age. How often have we heard children say things that seems far beyond their years, but that makes complete sense? But how often have we dismissed it as not being possible to make sense from one so young? Perhaps it is time we took more notice of our younger generations, as in truth they are generally far less tainted with ‘life’ and are more in tune with what they feel than we are as we get older.

  71. Joy has no age. Love is joy, and so, love is not limited to any one thing or anyone. Hence time or age has nothing to do with the amount wisdom someone can let through. We can see that through our kids. We are wise by birth.

  72. In the past I really held back in conversations around people who had university degrees, I thought what do I have to bring to them. This view has changed a lot by meeting Natalie Benhayon… seeing that it’s not what we intellectually know but by how we live, move, go about our day, interact with people, love etc. that is true wisdom.

  73. Beautifully shared truth the agelessness of true wisdom. Wisdom resides within us all from the day we are born, accessible through our connection to our Soul, as such at any age wisdom can be shared between us, as our Soul reflects the wisdom of the ages, both past and future. When we accept this fact we then will be open to learn from each other regardless of our physical age and be inspired to deepen our connection to who we are, so we live all that we are. I agree with every word shared here about Natalie Benhayon as even though this was written 5 years ago it all still holds very true today.

  74. It is important to call the phenomenon where we assume to be wiser because of our age and hence hold those younger as less and unknowing as a form of utter supremacy.

  75. When you talk with Natalie, you can’t help but feel met and be-held on every level, a holding of you in absolute equalness with her – In conversation with Natalie, you can’t help but feel and become aware of more of the potential you have.

  76. “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them” she sure does, I am always blown away by the love that Natalie offers us all, she is super, super sexy and classy, a women who knows beyond doubt who she is.

  77. It makes a huge sense when we will be dropping the many ideals and beliefs we have put around wisdom and age. To let go of them, and actual connect to our wisdom inside and feel what we instantly know, this infant will be ageless and hence, there is no age bounded to wisdom.

  78. When we allow ourselves to be inspired by the beauty and wisdom of all, we open ourselves up to growing and evolution. When we choose not to see and receive what is on offer, we cap ourselves in the narrowness of our minds and the livingness of our self in our own little world.

  79. A beautiful call Katinka, to be inspired by the beauty of all, no matter who they are or what their background ‘academic’ or otherwise … there is an innate wisdom in all of us ready to be lived if we allow it.

    1. Absolutely Monica – when this truth is embraced there can no longer be comparison or jealousy among us, only inspiration to be more of who we are, together.

    2. We can choose to blind ourselves to the reflection of another by seeking things to tone down their brightness. But in truth, we still receive their reflection – we may as well take it!

  80. There is no doubt Katinka that what you share is the truth. Wisdom comes in all ages Natalie being the living truth of this.

  81. Natalie has equally been an inspiration for many youth including myself. She holds herself in such a way that she never belittles or thinks of herself in a negative way and this alone is deeply inspiring

  82. Beautifully said Katinka. It was just last night that I was having dinner with friends and their 6 year old daughter who was wise beyond her years. She was incredible to observe, the way she moved the way she considered what was needed to set the table for dinner, the responsible way in which she hung her clothes to dry after having been for a swim. The way she asked questions to learn more about something and then offer her own opinion on the matter. It was a amazing, and she was only 6. So yes, let’s not assume those younger than us can’t teach us anything, because if we let them, they can easily blow us away with their own wisdom.

  83. There is nothing so inspiring as people living the wisdom of the inner heart, I will trade that any day for all the knowledge, status and power that is on offer.

    1. Ditto Jenny, it has taken me a long time to realise that the magnitude of what we can reflect from our connection and how we live, is what we are all looking for and when it comes along, we most definitely take notice.

  84. Natalie Benhayon is living proof that we are all far older than our current life portrays us to be. Wisdom is not gained through years on the planet, in fact many let go of their innate wisdom and sell out to their mind as they grow into adulthood. If we seek true wisdom we will find it in the most unlikely of places.

  85. Natalie Benhayon reflects to us all what it means to live true to ourselves as she is the walking, talking embodiment of this. That is why it is so easy to be inspired by her to live our own truth.

  86. Natalie shows that there is a quality that is orthogonal (i.e. unrelated to) other qualities like mental intelligence, capability in the world etc and that this quality then has a profound influence on how we live.

  87. Katinka I can only but concur in what you share about Natalie. When I first saw Natalie a few years ago I could not see past the wisdom she possessed, her beauty, her womanliness and the many other qualities she presented with. Over time whilst I observed her, her womanliness was an inspiration and slowly through her reflection I started to discover the womanliness I had hidden/shyed away from and her wisdom is unreal for a woman of her age and I know I possess the same – its just hidden at the moment but I can confess over space, it will shine through.

  88. What is absolutely amazing with Natalie Benhayon is that she is deeply wise and doesn’t hold this back and shares this with so much love. Natalie supports you to see and feel the all and invites to claim this with out doubt or hesitation. I always walk away knowing and feeling a deeper part of me.

  89. Let’s not judge ourselves or anyone for any reason as there is never a reason to judge. Appreciation is another matter and YES Natalie absolutely inspires and rocks!

    1. Or if we do, find out why we feel the need to judge when being aware of and responding to what others are doing is a more harmonious approach.

      1. ha ha good point – yes there must be a reason to judge if we judge and great to become aware of what is triggering it.

  90. ” So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom? ” This will be for ever true, wisdom comes from within and age has no bearing.

  91. Indeed Katinka, we tend to base the value of someones qualities and maturity on their age and education and in that completely forget that every child already comes into this world with a wealth of knowing, lived experience and a wisdom that is beyond what we can comprehend with our minds. Just outdoing someone’s value to humanity because of age, is us missing out on the opportunity to start to change this world into a better place, a place where we can prosper and evolve to the beings we naturally are and where everybody is of equal value.

    1. Wisdom is ageless and is not reserved for the elderly, or of godly images of those with grey white beards! I have heard children come out with the most profound of statements. Natalie continues to this day be the utmost of inspiration to me, her beauty, wisdom and natural way of being shows me a way I can tap into mine.

  92. “Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?” A resounding yes. Natalie Benhayon is an inspiration to equally connect to the wisdom of the Universe that is constantly passing through us.

    1. Beautifully said Mary. The wisdom of the Universe is so huge it is unfathomable – you can see it in Natalie’s eyes and connect to how we too have that constantly passing through us.

  93. It can be exposing for us regardless of any age. My kids who are aged 7, 9 and 11 pull me from time to time as I do with them and it is uncomfortable just like being pulled up by a grown up but I know I cannot hide from them, they can feel so I allow myself to be as transparent as possible even if I find it a little uncomfortable to acknowledge it and express what I feel is to be expressed.

  94. It’s so true Katinka that beauty and wisdom is inside each one of us, no matter the age, gender, lifestyle, etc, so let’s stay open to everyone.

  95. Natalie and her deep wisdom challenges any belief or idea that we, or society, may hold about age bringing wisdom. It clearly does not; “the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself” clearly is far more potent than any university course or academic graduation.

  96. I can’t imagine my life without Natalie Benhayon she brings so much and is super inspiring. Just by the simplicity thing the wisdom Natalie shares is very powerful and she knows how to make it fun.

  97. The wisdom of our inner hearts is ageless and never truly limited by what is imposed upon us by ideals and beliefs from the world. You only have to see Natalie Benhayon and you know she lives in the wisdom from her inner heart and there is nothing and no one who can stop her to be the inspiration for many, young and old.

    1. That is true Annelies, no one and nothing can stop Natalie Benhayon to be the inspiration for many, but actually we all are one and the same and in that perspective unstoppable too.

  98. We so limit ourselves by only looking to certain people for wisdom when God brings divinity through anyone choosing to be love in any given moment. Maybe I haven’t liked to acknowledge this because I’ve wanted to think that I am on a journey of getting better with each step towards my goal meaning I now own and rest on my laurels if I want to – rather than being responsible for every moment knowing what I choose next isn’t guaranteed by the previous moment and I actually have to choose to be loving constantly if I want to feel this connection constantly.

  99. Natalie Benhayon is a great representation of the living wisdom from your heart. Through this inspiration we have a way of living that frees us from the age old behaviours that are not working and are the cause of our ills we are living in today in our society. The young if encouraged and embraced to be who they naturally are will be our true leaders of tomorrow. We should accept this to truly support our future.

  100. Natalie Benhayon’s eyes say it all and her presence speaks volumes. When you feel this you know that age is irrelevant.

  101. Age is not a pre-requisite for wisdom. Wisdom is when we live what we know to be true, and in that inspire others to do likewise!

  102. This is so spot on, Natalie Benhayon delivers time and time again nuggets of gold that leave you pondering for quite some time afterwards because the depth of what she is sharing is full of so much wisdom it can take a little while to let it integrate into your awareness.

    1. It’s true Natalie delivers time and time again… and each time there is an extra depth that is offered time and time again. It’s stunningly beautiful to observe the changes and deeply inspiring too, as she shows us how we can also develop and deepen the wisdom within ourselves.

  103. Hear Hear! So well said. Age means absolutely nothing. If we look around us, we have adults in positions of power causing more trouble than ever as they behave in the most immature of ways. Wisdom is not gained by number of years alive.

  104. If you didn’t already know, meeting Natalie totally puts it in your face, that intelligence has nothing to do with with education, age nothing to do with wisdom or grace. Natalie is dynamite – in the cheekiest, friendliest way, she’ll blow you away with making life simple, understandable and real. She’s one of the greatest teachers the world has seen and I am grateful for what she shares with us all. She makes me remember to look beyond just what we see – everyone you meet is a master capable of delivering great gifts to you. Natalie you are great!

  105. Natalie Benhayon definitely shows us that wisdom has nothing to do with age and that in itself is huge and groundbreaking for us all. She does not define herself by the world but lives by her inner truth.

  106. I agree Katinka, everyone holds wisdom and no matter what age, gender, ethnicity, education, etc, our potential to learn from one another is limitless. That is part of the beauty of equality.

  107. It’s been my experience too – Natalie Benhayon is living proof the wisdom of the ages can come through us at any age. Super-inspiring she is, and leading the way for women and men all.

  108. ‘So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?’ Yes absolutely Katinka, I am constantly amazed and welcoming of the wisdom I receive from those younger than me, especially my young daughter who delivers many pearls of wisdom often.

  109. I love this! We do all have something to share and putting age in the way is stopping us from really seeing the beauty that children can share or the wisdom that can come from an elder person. Nobody is less or more and that is a way of living I love to come back to as a society.

  110. What a perfect work to describe the judgement of someone related to their age – petty. It reduces the potential for wisdom and support enormously. Not very intelligent at all!

  111. Although Natalie is now in her late 20s, she has proven that age is not relevant when it comes to wisdom and the ability to inspire others. Although I have seen changes over the years in her, the essential qualities have been there all along. Her dedication to people, unwillingness to compromise herself, her practical approach to researching how to live with sacredness, as a true woman from her own body have not changed. This shows me that we do not grow as time moves forward but simply become more of what we already are if we give those qualities the space to come out.

  112. At the moment we have an uneven distribution of respect and authority in society, where it seems that people under the age of around 25/30 or over the age of 65 are seen to be ‘less intelligent’ or of ‘less value’ to the community. What we are missing out from is enormous. By nature of being different ages, genders, nationalities and people, EVERYONE has something incredible to reflect, and ‘wisdom’ is not a word for education level or work experience but presenting our unique connection to life and way we live, which is something everyone has in overabundance.

  113. Yes, it has been my experience also that wisdom does not come with age, but rather a connectedness to oneself and the world. Knowing there is more to life than just our physical presence allows us to broaden our awareness, which then gives us access to more wisdom.

  114. Years ago Natalie was presenting on the stage and what really struck me was how she knows herself better than anyone else I know, and I thought to myself this is what I want for my own daughters to experience too. These days I know there is absolutely no reason why I can’t know myself to that degree also, no matter what my age, and I can claim that knowing for myself.

  115. There is this image that wisdom is something we eventually get as we age. We all know by our own experience that this is not necessarily true though. The truth is that wisdom coming from a body that has lived it does not have any age requirement. The only important thing is how much that wisdom enlightens the world. In the case of Natalie Benhayon, what she brings forth is always a gem.

  116. Natalie Benhayon offers a very tangible and relatable reflection of the love, power and sacredness that is accessible to us all, through being guided by our connection to our essence within, our inner-wisdom. A natural way of being that truly defines who we all are, where true wisdom can be lived and shared at any age, as such we can live who we are without question.

  117. Natalie Benhayon demonstrates such inordinate wisdom that is ageless and genderless, whilst showing what it means to express fully as a woman in all her beauty and power. She shows us all what living to our full potential actually means.

  118. The multidimensional living wisdom of the body is so much greater that the one-dimensional intelligence of the mind. So the only ‘qualification’ we need is a body (on this plane of life anyway!) therefore age is irrelevant.

  119. Not only is knowing Natalie an education in the agelessness of true wisdom, it’s also an awesome lesson in the true nature of power. She is not dominant, aggressive, assertive, pushy or provocative. She just emanates a deep knowing – a solidness in who she is, why she’s here and the divinity she has to bring. From here all the playful, cheeky, sweetness that she is, just naturally is. She doesn’t have to try – just live. Thank you Katinka for celebrating Natalie and her inspiring way to be in life.

  120. I have known Natalie Benhayon for about 8 years now and I like you am older in birth years than her but am continuously inspired by what she brings, presents, the way and wisdom she lives and her true and deep love for humanity. With Natalie you can not not be inspired by her she holds everyone as her equal and always holds space for you to be more and who you truly are.

    1. So true Vicky, I too am older and yet she inspires me to be more of me – to step back into a wisdom I had long walked away from. Natalie Benhayon also opened my eyes to the wisdom that comes through the honesty of children and to see how much I had shut myself off from their support. She has been a foundational life teacher for me.

  121. You break the code of age here that we so strongly believe in that wisdom comes with age. It is simply not true and we would be wise to be open to the inner wisdom that lives within us all.

    1. Yes, well said Esther – we are all born beautiful and wise we only relinquish our connection to this as we grow up in a world that, at this point, does not confirm or live in connection to this divine inner-quality.

  122. And so it is very clear that we all have a choice in how we are with ourselves…”Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” When we say no to abuse self inflicted or other, then we can hold ourselves in love. This is true empowerment, equality and living as a woman in full.

  123. It is deeply inspiring to let go of all the pictures of what wisdom looks like and how we can get to that place. None of those things matter. The only thing that matters is how consistent we are with the love we have for ourselves and whether that deepens. When we choose love, everything else is being taken care of.

  124. Katinka, I too “have no trouble accepting that a woman nearly 20 years younger than me actually has access to a deeper level of wisdom than I have at this time”, she is an amazing inspiration and a role model..

  125. Age is not a licence for wisdom – it is life choices made from the purity of ones heart, connected to their soul that determines ones wisdom or more specifically ones expression of the wisdom that lies within us all. We can be wise at any age should we choose this and choose to express it!

  126. What a fantastic point, I am also inspired by my children on a daily basis, which proves that age and experience have little to do with wisdom. I often see peoples faces and judgments when I share how old Natalie is but when you meet her it is undoubtably clear that she is ageless, she is sass, fun, strength and power all wrapped into one inspiring package.

  127. What is age? We count the number as we go around the sun and many resist and fight the fact that the number keeps increasing. And by fighting and resisting, could we also be fighting and resisting what is being offered during this orbit?

  128. Every time I am with Natalie Benhayon I am deeply deeply inspired and I feel the pull to connect deeper within myself. Seeing her ooze out with such a powerful, knowing and grace and the way she moves is without question, the proof is in the pudding so they say. The Sacredness that emanates from her reminds me that I too have this same quality within, the question is how often am I choosing to connect with it and live this in every moment like Natalie is?

  129. When a person speaks it can be felt whether what they share comes from a living truth within their body – this is something I am learning. Everything about Natalie Benhayon, her movements, presentations, responses come from a deeply lived wisdom. Natalie is ageless and blows apart the many false ideals and belief we hold around getting older and what these years eventually offer. Natalie is bringing it all right now and reflecting to others that they too can make this choice.

  130. Anyone who has been blessed to meet Natalie Benhayon knows the truth of what is shared here.

  131. ‘Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.’ Totally undoubtedly. My appreciation for knowing Natalie Benhayon grows every time I see her. She gives people total inspiration for them to give themselves permission to be themselves! Her way of just saying no way to what’s not true or loving is so complete and easy I learn how easy it is to say no to any pressures to be otherwise – from a duty, or ideal, or belief to have to act or behave a certain way that isn’t actually true but maybe considered proper by society.

  132. Natalie Benhayon never hides from the grace and beauty she offers the world. She is equally herself with her family and friends, as with a room full of people at a presentation. She holds back naught in her way of being herself, and as such is a role model for all of us.

    1. Absolutely she does not hide her grace and beauty and shares it with everyone, it is amazing to see how completely open and inspirational she is in how she lives her life.

  133. Natalie Benhayon is very inspiring. She emanates a warmth and love that is very holding and supportive of others. She holds herself with a great level of self respect and as a woman it is very inspiring to see this in another.

  134. ‘Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself’ In this Natalie Benhayon is a great role model and shows us the power that is innate in us all and how easily it is expressed when we allow that consistency in our own lives and we open to our connection with Universality.

  135. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity.” – great call Katinka – age is certainly no barrier nor given to wisdom and neither is our gender, ethnicity nor educational background.

  136. I have met many truly wise young people over the past few years and this reflects to me the fact that wisdom is innate in us all. Where this is understood and nurtured we get young women like Natalie Benhayon in our world – and this is a wonderful thing.

  137. Natalie Benhayon is living proof that a person’s age does not count when it comes to how wise they are. Natalie is 26 and has a connection to the Ageless Wisdom that very few people I know of any age have. She shows us that if we deeply reconnect with ourselves, regardless of our education level, then at any age, we are able to access the universal knowledge that is available.

  138. Natalie Benhayon is an extraordinary young woman who both men and women can relate too very well. This is because she walks the talk. She does not pander to people because she knows that does not support them so instead she holds them in equalness and this makes her a true leader.

  139. Natalie just gets brighter and brighter. Over the years I have watched this young wise lady absolutely flourish, she is a living example of true love lived.

  140. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” This is beautiful Katinka, we still have this concept that young people do not have the lived experience of life, so can’t know as much as the older generation, but what we don’t realise is they carry a natural wisdom that is way beyond their age. Natalie Benhayon is one such woman she has an amazing understanding of life and she has enriched many peoples lives including mine.

  141. Natalie is an elder of the community, yet young in age. Just goes to show that wisdom comes with connection, not necessarily age.

    1. So true Michael, Natalie is one of our highly respected and dearly loved elders in our community that many including myself seek counsel with.

  142. You never know what you will learn when you are open to the wisdom of the people around you and don’t close yourself off to that potential.

  143. Yes well said Katinka. Wisdom is the missing link in our education systems. We believe we are all beholden to learned knowledge but this ignores the fact that we are born with innate wisdom. Bring the two together and then we have true education.

  144. Katinka, I agree with what you have written here, ‘Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to being inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.’ Working with children I see their wisdom and all that they have to offer, I also see how often they are not listened to and that there is an idea that as adults we are the intelligent ones because we have been through schooling and maybe university. From my experience, this can actually make us disconnect from our true wisdom and it is children that often hold their natural wisdom and are the ones who are being true to themselves. The education system and work seems to bring in a seriousness as we get older and life stops being about playfulness, joy and love as it was when many of us were young.

  145. You completely forget Natalie’s age when she is presenting. She has an ageless quality and a wisdom that stops you in your tracks. As a woman she shares from her own experience, which she has trued and tested to the max. I love her dedication to continually exploring everything about being a woman. This is not done for her but because of her deep love of people. We need guiding lights like Natalie to remind us of our true way.

  146. “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.” This is absolutely true and being 40 years older than her does not in anyway lesson this.

  147. I love this appreciation of Natalie Benhayon ❤️ with regards to these questions ‘So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?’ and ‘Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?’ It is a definite Yes and Yes ✨ Wisdom and true beauty is in all no matter what age.

  148. So true Jane, Natalie is all about being what she has talked and living it as a Livingness, which we all can see so this is a true inspiration.

  149. Beautifully said Katinka. Judgments make connection impossible. When we choose to see who we truly are we are able to see who others truly are too.

  150. When you come face to face with a person who is who they are, and who offers that all others can be that, it matters not his or her age, you just know this is someone who you want to know.

  151. Contrary to what our current mind-set allows us to believe, wisdom cannot be accrued through a mere addition of the years one has lived, such maths simply makes us ‘old’ but not wise. True wisdom is being able to live the depth of our love so that it reignites in all others, if they so choose, the same truth we all hold deep within. This can take place at any age and indeed it is no accident that we are often blown away by the wisdom inherent in a small child that has not yet learnt how to withhold such love.

  152. Natalie is showing us the way, that we can all live the beauty that we all know so well, but chose to hide as people react to this. It is our responsibility to take this to heart and develop ourselves to live more and more of the love that we are.

  153. Very well said Katinka, Natalie is a very inspiring women to know. And see the beauty and strength that is there to be lived.

  154. Being open to what others can offer us no matter what their age, background etc is actually not something we’re encouraged to do growing up. And that’s obvious in our attitudes towards those younger than us or seemingly less educated. So many hidden gems out there, but with an open heart, we would stumble across them daily.

  155. Natalie Benhayon is herself a remarkable young woman, she has a wisdom that has a depth I have never known or seen in anyone so young before. Natalie inspires many women and men both younger and older to be their natural selves, because the more connected we are with ourselves the greater wisdom we have access to.

  156. Wisdom is ageless – that is very humbling for the one who seeks identification and recognition through knowledge, so-called life experience and or credentials of any sorts.

  157. Wisdom that is born from the deep connection within is ageless. Natalie Benhayon’s loving dedication to honouring the truth within is deeply inspiring. It is for the all.

  158. A gorgeous testimony to Natalie Benhayon. I whole heartedly agree with what you have expressed about Natalie here, especially that she presents from her heart and livingness. She is an absolutely gorgeous and incredible young woman who continually inspires many to be all that they truly are, with no holding back and no apologising and I love your deep appreciation for her. Also, I just want to say how beautifull it is that there is so much love and appreciation for a younger woman and not an ounce of jealousy .. pretty cool and a beautifull reflection for all other women to deeply appreciate another without this. Also, I so agree that wisdom has absolutely nothing to do with age.

  159. I am continually blown away by Natalie Benhayon in the way she is with every person but ultimately the way she is with herself. She has a quality that is so tangible which oozes out you; can’t deny it when you are around her. I have been fortunate enough to have some private one to one sessions with her, each time the wisdom that she offers is beyond incredible and is exactly what I need to hear at that time. I love having Natalie in my life and the constant reminder that there is a deeper connection available to live with in all that we do.

  160. Very beautifully expressed Katinka. I can say that I used to judge others based on age before I met the Benhayon family. Natalie blew my understanding of wisdom out of the water the first time I met her. Now I know that a newborn has more wisdom to share than many seasoned academics.

  161. Witnessing the powerful inspiration offered by Natalie Benhayon and other members of her family over time, irrespective of age, is a powerful confirmation that age means nothing. It is the way we choose to live and the responsibility with which we choose to express that makes a world of difference.

  162. We can often judge people on their age yet we don’t take into account their other lives lived, I have met some very wise little children and their wisdom did not just come from the few years lived in this life. When we take into consideration other lives lived we start to see and feel the bigger picture.

  163. The wisdom you write of Katinka is living within each of us and so the question you raise – ‘Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us? The answer is; ‘Yes’ but is it something we all choose to live and share? The answer is; ‘No’. Natalie Benhayon has made her choice and the reflection she bring is amazing, this proves age is no barrier. The time has come to introduce a diet of ‘Love’ into each of our lives, the results are already available. The energetic responsibility and energetic integrity we choose to live now is up to each one of us.

  164. Natalie Benhayon has been my greatest role model. I have known her since she was a teenager, I am a 58 year old woman and she is now 26 years. Her age does not come into the equation, it is her wisdom, her extraordinary loving nature, her sexiness, her humour, her dedication to humanity and her joy in all she does that I am continually inspired by. I love her deeply.

  165. The Wisdom of the Ages is ageless and thus able to be lived by any person that devotes themselves to living this from the inside out. Natalie Benhayon is a true role model, for women, men, children and people from all walks of life and backgrounds, for never does she seek to own the wisdom that she lives and breathes.

  166. “So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?”
    Wow Katinka if this notion of wisdom being connected with age was to be deconstructed, its huge to ponder how mightily this would shake societies foundations from the fundamentals of parenting to the structure of all education systems

  167. Well said Katinka – True wisdom certainly is not defined by age, gender, nationality, amount of qualifications or IQ it is available to us all equally should we connect with it from our inner-most.

  168. If we judge the value of a person by their age or credentials, we shut out the immense potential we have to learn from what they have to share. We also reinforce the shutting down and undervaluing of our young people that is so common in society. We have so much to learn from each other. Boxing or stereotyping people completely limits this potential.

  169. Wisdom to me is seen in the way someone is living – not just what they say. I can talk and use wise words which let our minds fly – but as long I do not live it,it is an empty shell – made to burst one day. But lived love and wisdom has a foundation that is full of substance. Here we can build upon and not be afraid to fall. Natalie Benhayon lives what she is talking about – and she talks wisdom, Love and Grace.
    I agree – very inspiring.

  170. One of the many things I love about Natalie is the way she gets beside other women and supports them to shine. She never goes into comparison or cuts them down- she supports women to see their beauty and know their value and backs them when they step into this. It is amazing inspiration to see how we can be with each other in this way and not go into jealousy or comparison.

  171. I completely agree with what you’ve shared Katinka – Natalie Benhayon is an incredible woman, role model and bombshell, and I’ve always looked up to her as someone who puts any ‘expectations’, ideals or beliefs, media misinterpretations or perceptions of what it is to be a woman to total shame, because there’s honestly nothing about how she lives that is less than amazing to meet any of these things.

  172. In my life I have experienced children expressing incredible wisdom and astute observations about life. I have also witnessed people in their elder years acting in unwise, harmful and very immature ways. Wisdom is definitely not something that is tied to age, yet it is available to all of us all of the time.

  173. This blog is an expression of true wisdom. How wise it is to live in a way that honours the fact that everything comes through us and not from us. When we do this we know that we cannot put anyone on a pedestal and we cannot condemn or judge.

  174. Natalie Benhayon is a very beautiful and true example of a woman who deeply honours and loves herself, she is deeply inspiring for both men and women and the wisdom she brings is super powerful and very supportive for all.

  175. Capping and boxing another simply by their age and the looks is more or less guaranteed to shut them down and stop them offering the world any more of the wisdom it so sorely needs. Natalie’s way of living is super inspiring not just because of her level of wisdom but equally because of how she dedicates her whole life to serving Humanity by sharing with us all a living example of true and undeniable love.

  176. It’s amazing how we want to employ any mode of measure and criteria in trying to discredit or at least reduce another’s grandness, and age is definitely one of the prominent one alongside gender. Natalie Benhayon is just incredibly and absolutely awesome in debasing that from all angles.

  177. ‘inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them’ – this statement says it all for me – because this is something I noticed very early on with Natalie and what got my attention very quickly is that she does not apologise for being herself, and why should she, and why should any of us.

  178. A brilliant article that invites us to relinquish any discrimination or judgment we might have about age and acquired intelligence. Thank you. I feel more and more the limits of the mind and the unfathomable wisdom of the heart.

  179. Natalie Benhayon is super solid, super sexy, super playful, super sassy, super wise and super committed to people (and many other things). And she is those things because they are naturally her and she chooses to live in a way that allows who she is, to come out, and does not spend time on who she is not. She is very inspiring.

  180. Natalie Benhayon is without a doubt an inspiration to many of all ages. I have been and continue to be greatly inspired by Natalie in many ways to explore, nurture, express and live the power of who I am, to re-claim my sacredness as a woman and walk with confidence knowing the wisdom of love is forever within us all. This is a great example of the wisdom we all have access to and can be inspired to live through another, regardless of the physical age of the person standing in from of us. When I see Natalie I do not see a 24 year old, but rather an equal that has chosen to live in honor of and in connection to the wisdom of love that we all hold within, and to feel the possibility of living with such a deep connection to Soul is simply awe-inspiring.

  181. Natalie Benhayon is indeed an incredible role model for girls and women of all ages. So true what you have written here about why Natalie is so inspiring “because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” This is a reflection of how to live and relate to ourselves that women really need. I know for myself Natalie consistently teaches me by how she lives – to self love, hold myself as precious, and express the sacred and truly amazing woman I am in full.

  182. I would add Natalie Benhayon’s wisdom and presence is evidence not only of a deep and conscious connection to herself, but of lifetimes lived in the same way. It’s important to develop ourselves each life as much as possible so we can come back as super-solid and ready to serve as possible, minimising the potential for years wasted not knowing what to do!

  183. So true Katinka – age (as in old age) is not a guarantee of wisdom, and youth is not a sign of innocence as much much wisdom comes from the mouths of the young. In the end we are all equal but how we choose to live and how we choose to express is what builds by virtue the quality of wisdom released, no matter the age.

  184. So true Katinka – I’m always and forever reminded by the children when I was teaching how they naturally have this knowing of what is right and wrong, or maybe I should say what is true and not true. The education system would benefit so much if we let our children be a bit more and let them share the wisdom they already carry within themselves.

  185. What I love about Natalie’s approach to life is that she is super down to earth yet never backs down from seeing or considering there is something more at play. This allows her to always act on ‘what is next’ to deliver and support many people.

  186. I whole heartedly agree Katinka, wisdom is ageless, the depth of understanding and awareness that I have observed in my three children is humbling indeed.

  187. Natalie Benhayon rocks! She is living proof that there is much more to us than just our human life. She reflects to me the fact that, through our choices of how we choose to live, we can have access to a wisdom that is far grander than ourselves whatever our age. I can feel her steadiness and commitment to humanity that assures me that I too can choose to see beyond the surface of everyday life to a deeper observation.

  188. One of the many things I love about Natalie is how she can make a massive topic or subject into something very simple, straight forward and practical and with a huge amount of ease.

  189. ‘So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials?’ This is an awesome question, and if I was to answer it I would say I have learnt the things I value the most from people like Natalie Benhayon – people who I have no idea whether or not they have credentials, but who are committed to living life in a certain quality that is deeply inspiring, people that remain untouched by everything going on around them and always present the possibility that we are so much more than we see. When it comes to true, deep and lasting inspiration it’s not the credentials that count, but the quality of life someone is living.

  190. Pretty amazing that Natalie was presenting at the age of 19 – and probably for a while before then also. I have known her for a number of years and she certainly is a bright spark amongst the crowd. I can’t say I haven’t been confused at times to have someone 10 years younger than me be so unbelievably steady and aware of life. It’s uncommon to experience this from another, particularly someone younger. But she’s amazing and extremely inspiring in a way that never ever feels as though what she has in unachievable.

  191. I remember when I first saw Natalie Benhayon and the thoughts that I had were not pleasant. I came with a lot of ideals and beliefs around age. But once they began to crack and I began to see Natalie for the amazing woman she is, I have never looked back. It makes me cringe to think what I used to think about her and I am hugely thankful she is in my life and that she is walking what she does on this Earth.

  192. Well said Katinka. Through the teachings of Universal Medicine I have come to realise that everyone, equally on this planet, holds an innate wisdom that is endless and universal. Natalie Benhayon is the epitome of a woman who expresses her fullness, sexiness and sassiness without holding back, and every move she makes comes from her soul, her essence, that is what makes her so appealing and I’d want to sit for hours listening intently to her every word and watching her every gesture, which feels divine. And what is even more amazing, is that we all have this quality within us too, but we just love to play games and delay our evolution through making choices to deny our power, keep ourselves small and play dumb. Natalie doesn’t play dumb, keep herself small or deny her power, so why not embrace her as an inspiration of what a true son of God looks like and make the choice to come out of the shadows and step into the light!

  193. A beautiful testimonial of Natalie Katinka. “she is today: modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred. With natural leadership qualities she continues to inspire women of all ages around the globe”. I so agree.

  194. The intelligence of the heart knows no age. I love what you have written Katinka . . . “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.”

  195. This is beautifully said Katinka and I think an important thing to raise – do we dismiss people because of their age, educational background etc and not appreciate the wisdom they may actually be sharing with us – a wisdom that comes from a lived connection rather than just a recall of knowledge.

  196. A great question you raise here Katinka… “So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials?” and I would have to conclude, at the age of 52, a resounding NO! Of course we can superficially say that we learn from all sorts of people about various aspects of life, but I feel the real root of your question is whether the deeper learning that supports us in life comes from those who have been highly educated, as is the basis of our current education system. So much to say on this topic but in effect, the only learning that has truly benefitted me in my life, and that includes in my line of work, has come from a number of people, Natalie Benhayon included, who had absolutely no credentials.

  197. What I know to be true is that in the presence of Natalie Benhayon I connect deeply to myself and am able to read exactly what is going on around me. Her presence is very inspiring for me to be in my power and not hold back. I can’t say that for many people – and her age is irrelevant as she brings to us exactly what is needed for people to evolve.

  198. Katinka, I am constantly blown away by Natalie Benhayon. She is one of the most incredible women with her absolute steadiness and total commitment to love and support thousands of people that she treats or comes into contact with. Her counsel and wisdom surpasses all ages and society benefits immensely through her will and choices in her dedication to life.

  199. Age has nothing to do with the amount of wisdom we offer. I’m very much looking forward to Natalie being in the UK again this month and sharing in her absolute pearls of wisdom.

  200. Thank you Katinka and I agree physical age has only a small part to play in wisdom after all you know that saying, “He/she are beyond their years”, “He/she has been here before” etc. We allude to the fact that it’s not just this life, we reincarnate again and again. While this may not be a popular subject it makes complete and perfect sense to how life is. So when you look at a 19 year old and you are in your 40’s it’s simple to dismiss them based on just years, but what if like you they have simply just reincarnated and so then that 19 years is just for this life. What about the ‘gifted children’ how do they know what they know? Just gifted?, lucky? or genetics? I don’t think so, our lives clearly reflect a past visit or many and yet we stand here and say no. This comes back to Natalie Benhayon and at 19 she was living ‘wisdom beyond her years’ or was she? Or was it she was ‘living wisdom from her years’ I agree Katinka we are blessed to have Natalie like we do, she is turning the ‘woman’ inside out.

  201. The truth is so easily read as is presented in this blog. There is a reality and truth that Natalie Benhayon brings to who ever gives her the time to truly listen. Natalie shares so much truth that is reality in her wisdom! Reality is not a truth unless it comes with true wisdom!

  202. “Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” It is this consistency that gives power to our foundation of love, Natalie is a true reflection of the all, we all can be.

  203. How well is humanity doing relying on the so-called intelligence of the mind? It’s clear we are not doing so great. Despite the amazing advances in medicine, we are still unable to keep up with and get on top of the illnesses that we have endemic in society. Yet the type of intelligence that Natalie shares comes from living in connection to a deep knowing and wisdom within herself, one that is evidenced in the grace and vitality of her movement. This is a form of intelligence that knows only harmony, and from this true health is enjoyed.

  204. Letting go of the idea we can only learn from certain people with acquired knowledge is hugely limiting as we can indeed learn from everyone. Life experience and wisdom beyond years is something we can learn so much from if we are but open to it.

  205. I will put my name to this one… “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity.” good call.

  206. What a game it is Katinka to segregate people and put them in boxes. When we do this we board ourselves off from the Love that’s there in each of us. Knowing the truth of reincarnation tears up the age rule book and lets you be open to seeing and receiving the ageless wisdom that we all can present. Natalie is consistently there for the team, any day with her cheeky and no-nonsense way. Just seeing a photo of her and that glint in her eye, connects me back to truth, like looking at a beautiful sky.

  207. ‘So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?’ Absolutely. From what I have experienced and learnt, is that all the wisdom actually comes from the body and the more we listen to and honour the body the more connected we are to everything. Natalie’s ability to ‘read’ (observe) life is not a super power, it is a fact of life that we all have access too, it’s just that the majority of humanity does not value or nurture the body in a way that allows such wisdom to be known.

  208. Powerful blog Katinka we definitely belong to a wisdom that is beyond age – and kids are a great reflection of that. It is the allowance of integrity, space, truth and wisdom that makes us grow in power. Age does not hold.

  209. I used to be one who would shy away from expressing my wisdom especially around any institutionalized trained person. I would assume that they would know more than me. Natalie has shown that our wisdom comes from our livingness and the steps we make each day with ourselves and knowing this either supports everyone or not, that really count.

  210. We definitely can say age has nothing to do with wisdom Katinka! I was in Vietnam too, in awe of the settlement in Natalie’s body whilst presenting to so many people

  211. I love the way you present Natalie Benhayon in your blog Katinka, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    She is indeed glorious and divine, a woman who deeply inspires and a woman with infinite wisdom.

  212. Katinka,
    Natalie Benhayon is also a huge inspiration in my life. Just recently whilst in her space I felt a warmth radiate from her body. Just this experience has humbled me to know that I too have the same warmth within, just yet though, I have not integrated the fullness of living my warmth, and feeling it in Natalie, I now want to live it.

  213. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” I very much agree with this. We are souls and when we connect with our soul/essence there is infinite wisdom as is so clearly demonstrated by Natalie Benhayon.

  214. Natalie certainly blows away many of our concepts around age, being both a cool (and hot), playful young woman and a wise elder whose counsel hundreds if not thousands seek.

  215. Having learnt so much from the Benhayon children who are all in their early 20’s, it has supported me to realise that wisdom is not only lived by years, it is also how you live that brings forth the wisdom. The Benhayon’s have an incredible commitment to responsibility and living from the inner-wisdom of their hearts, which brings forth the wisdom.

  216. Natalie, and many other young students of Universal Medicine I have met, prove to me time and again that age has no domain over wisdom. Equally, we are never too old to learn and grow.

  217. Katinka you write that Natalie inspires people ‘…to never apologise for what they know is true for them.’ I feel this is an invaluable point, and agree Natalie is particularly adept at inspiring us in this way – she certainly has done me. But it is the actual knowing of what’s true for me that I want to draw attention to; how absoluteness and a complete absence of self-doubt is that which can hold us rock steady no matter what comes at us. I have found it requires a strong foundation of self-knowledge, of being able to feel what is true for me at any given time and not waver from that point. This is not about being dogmatic or forceful, just solid, calm and open.

  218. Once you ‘know’ someone for some time, it can be easy to take them for granted. They are just ‘there’ in your life, like a rock they are solid. If you needed, you know you could go to them anytime with anything and they would support you to the hilt. Is it any wonder that we have the world that we currently do, when we let such magnificence slip under the radar, and become ‘part of the furniture’ of life? I’ve only had a few brief conversation with her but I deeply appreciate what Natalie Benhayon brings to my life: the inspiration to be honest, practical, cheeky and open with everybody I meet. And this is just the beginning from observing her learn and grow in her life. I wonder what we all bring to others lives this way, that we just let pass as our normal day? We are here as you show Katinka to celebrate who we are, not what we know.

  219. I love what you are bringing with this article Katinka. Natalie reflects and personifies the ageless wisdom that lives within us always and which is accessible always when we allow this to be so.

  220. I have known Natalie for many years now and have watched her become more and more wise every year, and yet she is still very young, and in today’s conceptions wise would not be a word to describe such a young woman. Yet she is the support to many younger and older than her, who trust her wealth of lived experience that has not related to the years of her life but the days she has lived who she really is and all the wisdom that comes from there.

  221. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” This is beautiful age does not matter, wisdom is with in us all, old or young. When you are open you connect to all wisdom.

  222. “So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?” Wise words from someone 20 years younger than I am. The Ageless Wisdom is accessible to us all and the way we choose to live is the key to our awareness as so clearly shown by Natalie Benhayon.

  223. Katinka, I could not agree more – Natalie does set the standard for us as women, she holds an ever deepening respect and adoration of and for herself, and this is here for us all to be inspired by. Her wisdom defies her age and shows that we do not have to be governed by the number of years we have lived, but that our wisdom is in all of us simply waiting to be let out in full.

  224. Whilst in may be true that someone who is older has had more life experiences than someone who is younger this does not equate to more wisdom. Wisdom is not about having more knowledge, but about developing our capacity to be love and allowing this love in and being this way with all people to the best of our ability. Meeting Natalie Benhayon highlights this beautifully with an openness and exquisite nature and her level of understanding of people is quite profound.

  225. There is more to be learnt from the fullness of a heart, than there is to be learnt from a very full mind. We have ‘intelligence’ around the wrong way.

  226. A gorgeous testimony Katinka. Wisdom is ageless and that is why great truths are found in the Ageless Wisdom, on tap from the deep well within us all.

  227. Truly innately profound.. Like we don’t hear that often – and so we must observe and collect what Natalie Benhayon is showing us, in order to actually wake up and become aware of something deeply amazing within us as woman and man, that she herself is living.. So absolutely well said.. She has access to a level of wisdom that is almost nowhere shared in the world – and so, we must see, learn and observe very closely how we all can return back to this knowingness again.

  228. What you have written here Katinka is such a beautiful true testimony to a gorgeous, wise and divine woman.
    Natalie Benhayon is an inspirational reflection for women of all ages and backgrounds.

  229. It is so deeply embedded in our society that older, more educated people are wiser than others. Natalie Benhayon and indeed her whole family show us how this is just a total fallacy and indeed there is such wisdom to be felt and seen in our children and our youth every day but we do not truly appreciate this.

  230. There is no doubt that great wisdom can be lived and expressed at any age and Natalie is a perfect example of that, reminding us all of this fact and inspiring us to embrace and live what we are all equally capable of.

  231. Well said Katinka, wisdom is not related to age or credentials. What Natalie Benhayon has blown me away with is how steady she is, how comfortable she is in her own skin, how she inspires me to be comfortable in my own skin. In fact it is more than being ok, she encourages me to enjoy being myself and then to encourage others by reflection just as she does with us.

  232. We lose out completely when we associate increasing wisdom with increasing age. Natalie Benhayon is living proof of this and the choices she makes in her life are inspiring. However we can make these choices too -as Natalie shares she is not special, she just makes truly self loving choices in how she is living and is super committed to the her daily living rhythms.

  233. Natalie Benhayon is an amazing role model for so many women and men. She shows us in a very simple and practical way the way she does things and the difference it makes. She i not any more gifted than anyone of us but she is dedicated in full to bringing love to humanity 1st and foremost.

  234. Such an important point you make here Katinka, which says that wisdom does not necessarily have to go hand in hand with age. In fact we know that many wise words often come from the mouths of babes – in other words many children say wise things. So it is important not to discount what is said by anyone, and certainly not because of their age or experience (or apparent lack of experience – in this life at least).

  235. Natalie Benhayon has access to the wisdom we all have ‘because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.’

    I know Natalie Benhayon and can vouch for the mind blowing levels of wisdom that comes through her. I could stop and say she is such a super inspiration but what does she inspire in me? If I were to stop, and really accept that no-one is different to her in being able to access to this same wisdom because it is there for us all, then I would have to look at my choices that keep me barred from this wisdom and ask myself am I prepared to honour myself to the degree that is being asked to be privy to this wisdom? Or do I prefer self-abuse, self-denial because I do not want the awareness of responsibility this wisdom brings? Do I prefer to say Natalie Benhayon is inspiring but for another day? Or can I say I so appreciate the love she brings humanity in everything she does that actually it’s time for me to bring it too and actually be inspired by her?

  236. ‘In a world where kids are pressured into being a certain way through education, cultural ideals and religion, it is essential that they are inspired to connect to the wisdom of their inner hearts.’ I couldn’t agree more. Everyday I see children and young people asked to forego their inner knowing and concede to the knowledge around them that is a tiny slice of what there is to understand. It is no wonder children become despondent and check out. If we continue like this rates of dementia will rise and begin at ever younger ages. Age then will obviously be no prerequisite to wisdom!

  237. I have found what Natalie presents to be quite challenging as it shows a way of living that is so contra to what I have lived for so many years, yet not only does it make sense, it is self-evident and absolutely supported by how she lives, how she speaks and how she moves, and with a little honesty we can see just how we have known all along that how we are living is reckless and destructive, not just in ourselves, but in so many others. And so consequently we have a society that is stressed, exhausted, worn out and struggling.. Natalie is living proof that there is another way.

  238. In fact, it’s not just Natalie. I now have many people in my life of all ages, all of whom are equally able to bring gigantic wisdom and huge inspiration. We have all been around for thousands and thousands of years, so to quibble over a twenty year gap in this lifetime, is super foolish. Just recently, I have connected with a 15 year old young man – he has the wisdom of Yoda.

  239. A fool is anyone who allows ‘age’ to hinder in any way whatsoever the blessings that Natalie Benhayon can bring to our lives. I’m 45 years old and listen with every bit as much attention to this amazing woman as I would anyone. In fact, way, way, way more so – but that’s because of other reasons – namely that she is a legend – and has nothing whatsoever to do with her age.

  240. To pin someone down based on their age, education or gender is bullying.
    Nothing short of discrimination.
    In the long run it isn’t the person who is delivering the jewels who is set back, as they already know.
    It is the person who will now no longer hear that voice.

  241. Credentials next to your name mean nothing in heaven, they are only for this world. So it is actually crazy to hold an arrogance about us that says we know more than another simply by the credentials we possess, especially is the other is expressing a deeper level of wisdom than we may have access to. It is the livingness of wisdom and love that truly matters and this is what lives on throughout all lives if it is consistently honoured and lived

  242. ‘Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.’. This I also know to be true. There is nothing but inspiration felt when you’ve connected with Natalie because she really does present what is possible for everyone in a way that never suggests she is special.

  243. Katinka I totally agree. What’s amazing about Natalie, is that rarely do I find myself even considering the fact that she is younger than me. She’s ageless in how and what she presents. There is no ‘better than’ in the way she is with people, she simply, as you put it, presents a reflection for all of us, that we all have access to knowing, we just have to connect.

  244. Credentials have never guaranteed wisdom – True wisdom confirms itself by its own quality, and this Natalie lives and reflects to all.

  245. Natalie is an amazing inspiration to all, both men and women. I have been inspired by her strength, power, loveliness, delicateness, and love for humanity over and over again. Each time being able to appreciate her and what she is offering us all more deeply, and in turn I have seen all these qualities in me and am appreciating myself more deeply. This is so very healing on so many levels.

  246. Katinka beautifully said, age has no boundaries or limits when it comes to presenting truth. The look in a baby’s, eyes says it all. Natalie is a living, breathing, walking example of the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and is, and has been, an inspiration for many people.

  247. Love it Katinka, and I also love how you said this in your blog: “So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials?”…this is so true, our current world is set up so that we only really give credit to those with a degree or paper on the wall, but in the meantime and to our detriment, we don’t listen to the wisdom that comes from those who have not put a degree on their wall! As you have said, wisdom comes from the mouth of babes too….children are some of our greatest teachers, and so too are many others around us regardless of age, credentials or position in life. Natalie Benhayon is a wonderful example of the potential that lies within us all waiting to be unleashed. It is time we ‘accredited’ ourselves and began to appreciate the wisdom that lies within and allowed that to unfold and hence lived it with the authority that we absolutely can.

  248. The “consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself…” is beautiful to observe, to feel and to recognise that these qualities are universal in every person. Inspiration is natural when one sees these qualities of Natalie in action.

  249. Natalie Benhayon truly lives and reflects the fact that age is no barrier to wisdom!

  250. Natalie Benhayon, young in body ageless in wisdom. Natalie shows that no matter what our age is we can and do make a difference when we live all of the love we are without holding back. She is and has been an incredible role model for so many people.

  251. This is a great appreciation and confirmation of a truly amazing woman that is Natalie Benhayon. We need to have more appreciation and humbleness as adults to those younger than us as it allows the wisdom in the younger person to be confirmed and flourish further. Imagine a world like this would be so much more loving and true for all

  252. Wisdom has nothing to do with age but can be felt in the commitment and consistency with which someone lives what is true to them and reflects that to everyone else. Natalie Benhayon is a shining example of this and is continually expanding and sharing that with everyone in a totally selfless way. I find this totally inspiring and also that with all of this comes a lightness and inclusiveness that leaves no-one behind.

  253. This is a great confirmation that our wisdom is nothing to do with our education or profession, but deeply honouring ourselves and our connection to knowing ourselves from the inside out, rather than relying on the world outside of us. Natalie Benhayon definitely shows us how much more we are all capable of, and all we have to do is consistently live who we truly are.

  254. Loving reading this blog again Katinka. I recently attended the Lennox Head Retreat at which Natalie Benhayon presented to us every morning. Natalie is reflecting to us what normal really is – she is gracefully powerful, loving, funny, honest, deeply caring of all humanity, dedicated, sweet and inspirational – I am appreciative of every opportunity I get to hear her present on life.

    1. Thank you shellyjones44, I love what you share here about Natalie’s exquisiteness and like you I appreciate having the opportunity to see this beautiful woman present.

  255. Having had many jobs and met loads of people, traveled around the world and meet many people from all walks of life I can honestly say no women have inspired me as much as Natalie her family and Sara Williams. These ladies emit class, truth, wisdom and sacredness unlike I have ever seen before, and with every move they are reminding us that we also come from that quality of love.

    1. Hear hear samanthaengland. Natalie Benhayon and Sara Williams are true role models for us all and I am fortunate to also have numerous other exquisite, beautiful, loving, wise women as yourself to reflect back to me that I am all of that myself.

  256. Natalie is a young women who epitomises living wisdom and knowledge. She is forever growing in her own expression of what she knows and feels. This reflection shows me that we are all being asked to dedicate our lives to locating that same wisdom in ourselves. This way of living has nothing to do with academic knowledge and intelligence and everything to do with love. This love is for self and humanity. So thank you Katinka for your blog highlighting what a great role model we have in our lives, if we choose to accept what we are being shown.

  257. Perfect opportunity to reconnect to this article again, it mirrors my experience of Natalie 100%… Wisdom, power, grace, stunning in all senses of the word.

  258. That depth of wisdom has no end, the more it is connected to the more that is available to be received and once received it cannot but be shared.

  259. I agree with you Katinka, Natalie Benhayon is a wonderful example of wisdom having little to do with age. Having listened to her speak recently I am further blown away by the ever deepening of that wisdom which she shares so freely and generously, knowing that when you know something it cannot be held back or kept just for you, it must be shared. She is super inspiring.

    1. Yes Jeanette, I love observing the ever deepening wisdom in Natalie, myself and others too. Natalie continues to be an inspiring role model and I am allowing myself a deeper appreciating of the wisdom she shares and the reflection she offers.

  260. It’s true children and young people are often a reservoir of a huge amount of wisdom. My grandchildren constantly inspire me with their observations and comments about life.

  261. Katinka, you have put this beautifully – ‘Natalie Benhayon inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what is true’. And, yes Katinka, wisdom has nothing to do with the age of a person, but it has much to do with his or her connection to the soul.

  262. The way you describe Natalie’s relationship with herself is super inspiring Katinka. It reminds me that I can choose this way and this wisdom. We can be powerful and inspiring not because we are ‘better’ than anyone but because we honour and care for ourselves.

    1. So true Leonne and may I add appreciating and accepting myself as an important too. I find it much easier to express my truth and wisdom since I started accepting and appreciating myself for who I truly am.

  263. Katinka, you are most definitely resonating with your own reflection of the awesomness that you see and feel in Natalie. The questions you ask throughout this simple yet profound blog are so powerful and pertinent. ln particular your closing statement. l would love to see this in every school and on every noticeboard.

  264. To me it was new to make a connection between wisdom and the way in which we consistently honor ourselves and care for ourselves. What I learned at school is that wisdom has something to do with age. Well, it comes back to the same question: Are we willing to see that life is about responsibility or do we want to play dependent on outer circumstances?

  265. This ancient wisdom is something that doesn’t belong to one person or group of people. It is there and accessible for everyone. No one is excluded from its light. Natalie Benhayon is brilliant at holding this light as is her family, but this is because they all work very diligently at it, not because they were born different or with special gifts. This work ethic is part of what makes Natalie such a guiding light, for which I personally am very grateful.

    1. Well said Shami, this ancient wisdom is available to us all equally not just a chosen few. Natalie and the Benhayon family chose to live in a way where they can access this wisdom, we all have the power to chose this as well and live in a way that supports our bodies to express in this way. Many have begun this journey and have felt the joy of being in true service and committing to this way of life.

  266. Natalie is a deeply inspiring young woman, holding within herself, the wisdom of Elder energy, in everything she does, she brings a presence of the power of sacredness within our femaleness.

  267. Absolutely Brendan and she is one woman who is to be celebrated for all that she lives and offers.

  268. An ancient wisdom is within all of us – it is our livingness (how we life) that allows us either to expand and come out or hide and stay locked away. This is our choice. Therefore Natalie Benhayon shows the way of how we can life in absolute honoring of our wisdom and deeply confirm everything we know. As you can see in the picture above where wisdom is shown and rock solid.

  269. Natalie Benhayon has inspired me to connect with the deeply beautiful, sacred woman I have always been but didn’t know it. The number attached to the number of years she has been Natalie Benhayon blow any ideals or beliefs about greater age equalling greater wisdom. Sadly many people do believe this lie and it is to their detriment that they do. Judging another by any standard – whether age, sex, education……etc. is not only dishonouring of that person, but to ourselves and the rest of humanity too.

    1. Judging anyone by any standard is harming beyond measure and yet we see it all around us. I realise that it all starts accepting our role as game changers. All that is needed is the reflection of another way to be with ourselves and others.

  270. Wisdom is not always what someone says or does, but can equally be felt in their presence. In this case, before Natalie Benhayon even opens her mouth there is a depth of sacredness that can be felt, and a knowing of the quality that is held within. It is this quality that allows the depth of wisdom to be expressed, no matter what the subject or audience.

  271. Great message, Katinka, to lose the judgment on people around us based on a set of well-entrenched ideals and beliefs that would have wisdom only spouting from the silver-haired or from the academically qualified. When we appreciate and accept that everyone has wisdom to bring when it comes from lived experience, then our conversations, deliberations and considerations will be all the richer, deeper and wider for it.

  272. I agree Katinka – age has nothing to do with wisdom and Natalie Benhayon is very obvious proof of this fact. We all need role models and Natalie is indeed a powerful role model to many people – men and women – around the world simply through showing us all that it is possible to live and walk our talk in a grace and harmonious flow with the order of the Universe.

  273. It makes so much sense that way you describe it Katinka, how wisdom can come through anyone and we need not put blinkers on. Age and qualifications I would say are the two greatest screening criteria and Natalie Benhayon is a stand out example of how great wisdom can be lived and expressed, while breaking these norms.

  274. So beautifully expressed Katinka, Natalie is a woman of deep wisdom, sharing what it means to be a true woman in her power and femaleness, showing what it means for us to be sexy and sacred as women.

  275. I love the question you pose here Katinka ‘So can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials?’. For me this is a resounding no. True intelligence to me is a wisdom and that can only be learned through an open heart that values every detail and experience of our own everyday lives and brings clarity, purpose and understanding to how and why we live our everyday.

  276. Natalie Benhayon is living proof that there is a wisdom, an integrity and a love that can be not only lived everyday and shared with everyone equally but also inspires us with the awareness that we all can live in that same way in our own everyday lives.

  277. Natalie Benhayon is amazing in a very real and relatable way. She is not exalted to an untouchable status. She does not use power to intimidate or subdue others, especially not other women. Natalie brings her strength to her relationships and her presentations because what she brings is equally in everyone else too, and she knows it. This is perhaps why we love her so much, because she has helped us to learn to love ourselves.

    1. I have never ever met another woman who supports women to grow and expand like Natalie does. She supports women to step into celebrating, loving, appreciating and expressing themselves and fully celebrates them when they do this.

  278. Wisdom is often confused with accumulated knowledge but we do not have to have knowledge to share wisdom. In fact knowledge often stifles wisdom as instead of allowing information to come from our inner heart we automatically source the information from our minds -knowledge regurgitated. Natalie Benhayon speaks always from her inner heart and the connection with others is one of equality and love.

    1. True Anne – wisdom knows no age – whereas intellectual knowledge is quickly associated with age. Natalie Benhayon is an amazing example of a woman who truly knows wisdom through and through. And each time I talk to her she supports me to understand myself and humanity on a deeper level. There is no degree for that – but there is pure ancient wisdom.

    2. What you share is absolutely true Anne, our knowledge and intelligence is not always true wisdom.

    3. Wisdom is not something we accumulate but something we allow. It lives in us and can be accessed at any given moment and at any given age. I love how wisdom can be brought through with only a few words or ‘just’ through our living stillness.

      1. ‘Wisdom is not something we accumulate but something we allow’ and this sentence is a shining example of what happens when we allow wisdom to be expressed through our bodies. Stunning Katinka.

  279. I remember sitting in a lecture and thinking to myself wow I really don’t understand what is being relayed here. I wasn’t the only one, as I looked around there were many faces with puzzled looks on their faces. Hearing Natalie Benhayon speak, people are on the edges of their seats wanting more, age and knowledge have nothing to do with it, connecting to yourself and people has everything to do with it.

    1. So true Jaime! I remember having the same experience in lectures and thinking it was me that had the problem. Realising the importance of connection in anyone that is teaching – on any subject – is revolutionary. How much would our world change if we had this solid connection in every teacher in school and lecturer in university? One by one this can happen, and it needs to, as our educational institutions currently are not supporting students as they could be. I love hearing Natalie present, and am constantly amazed and inspired at the wisdom there is to share.

      1. I agree Amelia. I had a child say to me the other day that school just didn’t make sense to them. They felt that the knowledge they were learning was irrelevant. They were asking for much more than a surface level of intelligence. The child wanted to talk about life and what was really happening in the world but no education was meeting them in this.

      2. So true Amelia and Jaime, I even used to find myself dropping off to sleep with some lecturers. No chance of dropping of to sleep when Natalie Benhayon presents, nor is there any desire to, she has you sitting up in your seat, focused and connecting deeply to what she shares, always. Such wisdom cannot be ‘snoozed’ at.

    2. I agree Jaime, when this woman speaks you sit up and listen because she talks about things in such a real way and she talks about all the stuff that we all know and feel but never really talk about, she is super inspiring.

    3. Well said Jaime, thats such a funny image because of how much truth there is in it. l know that stunned silence you talk of when Natalie takes to the stage and not just when she speaks. When she moves and reads, what a wise old powerhouse. Natalie is an incredible role model for young people of today. For all humanity actually.

  280. The more I allow myself to be open, the more I am amazed by the wisdom that surrounds me and is constantly there to support me – and all of us. Only through being open can we receive the reflections that are there for us to learn from in any given moment. Natalie Benhayon is one such reflection, and certainly does break the stereotype of where wisdom ‘should’ be coming from. There is certainly no end to the depth of her wisdom, as she is here to reflect is the same in all of us.

  281. Thank you Katinka, I really loved your blog and so true how inspiring and amazing a role model Natalie is to all of us. She shows to us the power in consistency. “Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.”

  282. I can relate to so much of what you shared. I am a 41 year old woman and met Natalie Benhayon about 6 years ago. I equally was blown away by this young women who had such confidence, poise, inner wisdom, stillness within, amazingly funny and undramatic. She began to reflect to me just how it was to be a women, sacred in essence, self nurturing, understanding about the importance of self care and periods. Before then they were something I just had to endure as a women. But I now see them as something incredibly precious as a women and amazing window into how i am choosing to live. She is truly inspiring!!

    1. Truly inspiring she is raegankcairney and it what is so amazing in that to me is as for some years ago I had the belief that I could only learn form people equal or of older age than myself. Natalie has revealed this false belief in me and now I realise that being able to inspire someone has nothing to do with age but rather with our connection with the truth that resides in all of us equally. And what I have learned from this is that Natalie comes from this truth and because she comes from there there she is appealing to that same essence that I carry in me, a deep inner knowing that I have lost connection with but by her way of being am inspired to rekindle that fire and to live more and more to this inner source of inspiration.

      1. Beautifully said Nico: “I realise that being able to inspire someone has nothing to do with age but rather with our connection with the truth that resides in all of us equally.”

  283. This is so true Katinka, wisdom certainly doesn’t have anything to do with age. Part of me has always been a bit hurt of pride or something when Natalie Benhayon and her siblings have so much wisdom and they are only half my age. I do realise this is down to the soulful way they live from the heart and can be done by anyone living that level of commitment to life and people. It really confirms for me that reincarnation is fact when I see Natalie speak or present because you can just feel that what is before you is far more infinite than the amount of years she has walked on this planet in this life time.

    1. That is indeed what we can feel, that the wisdom presented by Natalie and her siblings is not from the experiences of this life but comes from a complete different place and carries the authority from the Ageless Wisdom as it is from there. When we can live with this authority, the authority from our connection with the one unified truth, the old paradigm that you are more wise because of your age has to be unveiled of not being true and that true wisdom is independent of age but depends on your ability to connect to this Ageless Wisdom instead.

    2. I recognise what you share here kevmchardy, I have felt a bit ashamed when observing Natalie and her siblings in the past. It is only showing me that I know what they live and choose, I can also live and choose. If I do, the same level of wisdom and love awaits me.

  284. Natalie Benhayon has been bringing unfathomable wisdom to us from such a young age. She shows the power of our choices, in this life and previous, that allows us to connect easily and deeply to this form of intelligence and wisdom. It goes to further show how institution based education is not the be-all and end all for supporting young people to ‘get somewhere’ in life. If a person is truly met and allowed to live the qualities they truly are, then naturally they will blossom and look what can result! Natalie Benhayon is a shining example of this, and continues to wow us with what is indeed possible.

  285. I am inspired by Natalie Benhayon’s steadiness and commitment, “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.” When I observe her I can feel and see this shine out. She shines with no apology for shining, and why not, this is the way it can be for all of us. We trick ourselves that if we hide our light life will be easier, but when you watch the joy and power expressed in those that are reclaiming the light you can feel the truth.

  286. “Could we say that anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us?”, absolutely we are all from the same one source if we choose to connect to this source no matter what age, we can reflect the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us. Natalie Benhayon in her grace and beauty connects to this wisdom and reflects it to all of us.. She is one amazing beautiful, loving reflection to us all.

  287. Natalie Benhayon, like all of the family, are one of those amazing people that it is rare to meet – genuine and loving in every gesture, funny and practically sparkling with beauty and humour – she graces my life by reminding me that I am also capable of being that, her equal, if only I care to look.

  288. Natalie is a great inspiration for us to choose to live from our inner love, dedicating her life to truth, love and humanity as do all the Benhayon family that I have had the privilege to meet. From that connection they have comes the wisdom, available to all of us if we choice to live a true life.

  289. Wisdom comes not with ages, but with living quality that is lived by every person. This is what I got from this absolute open blog. Knowing myself and the connection I have with God and so wisdom, I am able to say the same Katinka. Although I have some absolute deep wisdom myself, I am not afraid to say that Natalie Benhayon has a connection to a deeper wisdom than I have at this moment. I actually am not scared to say this, I actually deeply appreciate myself and Natalie, as we both are able to express our living wisdom, and there is always space for more. At the same time I can feel the absolute equalness with Natalie, even though she might have more wisdom able to share, I am very inspired to increase mine! Thank you Katinka, your honest sharing makes me come back to how easy and normal it is to be so open and honest about such things!

    1. Well said Danna and Katinka – wisdom is not necessarily age related and Natalie Benhayon is testament to this fact! Natalie carries a maturity and understanding that is rare to come across in most young women her age. It is certainly inspirational and very uplifting and empowering for all women to realise what is indeed possible, and this is why Natalie’s reflection to all women is so important: it says ‘this is possible no matter what your age or life experiences’. And once you meet Natalie and feel her warmth, her understanding, her holding of herself and others, who would not want to develop the same for themselves?

      1. Beautiful question Henrietta Chang, it is up to us to ask ourselves these quiestions. The other question that rise from there is.. How can we develop that love for ourselves? I know a very beneficial website with many more articles and tips, trics and tools about how to make choices that are holding and understanding of yourself and others at the same time.The website is called:, I have to share that what really helped me to build more love within myself in my life is : by Esoteric Healing.

      2. Great point Danna – as once we have realised that we can make a change, then it is time to look at how to go about it. There are so many things on offer these days and much of it offers very little long lasting support as it does not ask us to step up to make a true change in our life. The Unimed Living site that you have shared is an excellent start, one that offers very simple practical changes that we can implement in our lives and most importantly it offers us an understanding of what is going on for us all. Very precious to have this in our world today especially amongst the plethora of information out there that is not that supportive to true change.

    2. Your words touched me Danna, I feel the humbleness in you and the great joy in knowing that what you bring is Divine, powerful and full of love and grace. Yet you also know that there is so much more where that’s coming from, bring it on :-)!

  290. Thank you Katinka, as I am discovering more and more there is much illusion in humanity that one is greater than another. This is simply not true as we are all equal in the grandness that we can embody. Our choices impact this embodiment, therefore there can be greater choices, but not greater people, in essence.

    1. So very true Amelia – the choices we make are super important in bringing more of ourselves into expression or for learning what it may be that is holding us back. No perfection, just the possibility to learn to be more loving in every moment.

    2. Beautifully said Amelia and it’s inspiring to observe those who have been prepared to make those greater choices.

    3. That is very true Amelia, there is much illusion in humanity about one person being greater than another. How much of our essence, our divinity, our grandness we choose to live and embody is up to us. I have met many human being who ‘act’ grander than others but who have not embodied their essence of love and wisdom at all, while other in the world eyes insignificant human beings know and live the love and wisdom they are from on a daily basis.

    4. Very true Amelia, there can be greater choices but there are no greater people. If we understand this we can feel more at ease and simply focus on making more loving choices for ourselves and for the whole.

  291. Having recently spoken to Natalie I am reminded of the beautiful simplicity with which she is able to express such a depth of wisdom, understanding and awareness. This always holds you as an equal to her and what is shared; saying – all that I am, you are too. Thank you Natalie.

    1. Beautifully said Michael this is how I feel when I am with Natalie. The depth of wisdom she carries is immense, she is an open book of wisdom and love that she shares with us all equally.

  292. When you consider the fact of reincarnation, and that our lives today are the sum of our many choices lived in this way, it makes no sense to judge other people in any way. Natalie Benhayon is a beautiful example that true wisdom does not lie in a relentless study of books, or in a PHD but of living life playfully with a knowing that you already hold everything you need to know.

    1. Spot on Joseph – wisdom and knowledge and two vastly different things. One can have great knowledge but virtually no wisdom and vice versa. Natalie Benhayon does not carry a pHD nor have university degrees, yet her understanding of life and human nature surpasses any need for such degrees and her connection with people is instant, immediate and deeply inspiring – far more useful in our current world than a pocket full of degrees – not to say degrees are not important, but in the case of understanding human nature and the human condition it is living life and connecting with people that matters most.

  293. “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.” It is so easy to love Natalie she is a total inspiration to the world. I am often blown away by her presentations, they are so simple yet so profound.

  294. Beautifully said Katinka. Natalie is such a role model for all. My daughter and I often chat about Natalie being an inspiration for each of us. She is 16 and I am 42. Age has nothing to do with it.

  295. An important blog for counterbalancing the prevailing view in modern-day society where we believe value and authority equate to academic qualification and knowledge and where wisdom is age-and wrinkle-related rather than from a true knowing backed up by consistency of lived experience. Natalie Benhayon has blown out of the water any notion I ever had that the greater the age, the greater the wisdom. As you say, ‘anything and anyone can reflect to us the wisdom and beauty we all have inside of us’, but only when it is presented in and from a truth that’s lived, consistently, with integrity and responsibility. Natalie has this in spades and it is the quality of this reflection that inspires others.

  296. Natalie Benhayon is a beautiful and powerful woman who deeply inspires and supports women worldwide to connect to their sacredness and preciousness. Natalie Benhayon truly lives everything she presents, she is absolute in everyway everyday – she is the real deal!

  297. Natalie Benhayon is an extraordinary example of what living from truth represents. I would call her ageless, as however many years she has lived this life, her wisdom and natural flare to inspire men and women of all ages is clearly something that she was born to do. There is no hesitation or preparation in what Natalie presents, it is pure ageless wisdom delivered in a no-nonsense, practical and easy to incorporate into your daily life way. A world presenter? Yes she is.

    1. I can fully agree with you Jo, Natalie Benhayon can be considered as a world presenter. Everything that she presents is for the benefit of us all, to learn and to grow from no matter where we are in our evolution back to soul.

  298. A beautiful testimonial Katinka, and so well described. In Natalie, we see the full power of the intelligence of the heart, that certainly is streets ahead of solely relying on the intelligence of the mind.

  299. Natalie Benhayon is one of my dearest and absolutely treasured friends. Her wit, style, grace, support, steadiness, spunk, willingness to never hold back who she is to make others feel comfortable, sense of humor, vivaciousness, understanding, patience, work ethic, life ethic and care for herself and others are truly remarkable to observe. She is an absolute inspiration. Her Support and guidance has also been instrumental in the unfolding and gorgeous quality of my relationship with my wife.

    She is the walking proof that wisdom does not ever come from how long you have been round or how much knowledge you have – but that it comes from the quality of life and love you have for yourself and others.

    She is truly a world changer.

    Thanks Natalie for your commitment to all of us.

  300. Thank you Katinka for exposing how we can sometimes get influenced by the age of a person, and have a belief that older is wiser when in fact children naturally have much wisdom and we as adults can learn so much from them. It really is not about age rather about how much someone has chosen to evolve.

    1. Well said Samantha – when we really look at age in relation to wisdom the years of this life pale into insignificance when we look at the bigger picture of all of our lives lived.

  301. I love the fact that Natalie Benhayon shows us by example that we don’t need to make excuses for who we are and that if someone doesn’t like what we bring then it’s up to that person to accept or not.

  302. There are so any ideals and beliefs around wisdom- how it is defined and who has it. I have been brought up in an era and it also came through my parents, where intellectuals such as doctors, lawyers and professional people were revered for their “wisdom”. In addition older people were considered wise and certainly not someone from the younger generation.
    Natalie Benhayon lives a depth of wisdom which is amazing but she does not hold that for herself. What she is reflecting to us is something that we can live as well if we choose to do so. I feel that wisdom comes from living in the fullness of all that we can be and Natalie is showing us the way in the choices that she is making. Thank you, Katinka – this is a beautiful and inspirational sharing.

  303. When I went to university when I was 18, I was shocked at the way the lecturers lived. Many partied with the 18 year olds and had a string of broken relationships. I was very judgemental and found it difficult to reconcile the fact that there were no role models to be found in this intellectual wasteland.
    I have no problem in accepting a young woman like Natalie Benhayon as a role model. I know this has nothing to do with age or intellectual prowess and far more to do with knowing her essence and living the fullness of herself. It would have been so lovely to know someone like her when I was young, but that is past. It is so wonderful to know her now.

  304. The intellect of the mind seems so limiting after feeling the expansiveness of someone expressing from their heart and living way. Natalie Benhayon is indeed living a life of love and honouring each step she takes, this is obvious by the way she speaks and holds an audience whilst presenting. Age has no barriers yet the idea of age can hold us back, Natalie is busting out of these ideas and proving that wisdom obtained through living it.

    1. I agree Rachael, the intellect of the mind does seem so limiting when we can feel the expansiveness of someone expressing from their heart and the truth that they live. I now know that wisdom certainly does lie within us all, but we access this innate wisdom by how we live our lives. The choices one can make to be a clear vessel for truth are profoundly available for all to see when in the presence of Natalie Benhayon.

  305. I agree Johanne, prior to Natalie’s presentations I would not have linked sacredness with sexiness, in fact the two seemed at extremes. Natalie has helped me understand, and experience the deeply sacred true sexiness along with the beauty, power and tenderness that live inside us all as women. It is up to us to nurture, cherish and honour these qualities so we can experience what it is to be a true woman from the inside out knowing just how amazing the love and light is we bring. Natalie Benhayon is a shining example for all of us.

  306. There is so much women can learn about sacredness, presence, self love, self regard and self-nurturing from Natalie Benhayon. Restoring these qualities is, for women, reclaiming back what power in presence a woman brings. She is inspiration.

  307. I love Natalie! Lets face it many many people do and that is because she is wonderful! She is universal, gorgeous, tender and extremely wise, she is saying to us “hay you are glorious too, come meet me” and with that we feel inspired to claim more of the women we are. It is indeed a rarity to have someone so wise. I feel extremely blessed to have Natalie in my life.

    1. I agree samanthaengland – Natalie Benhayon has a way of saying ‘if I can do it anyone can’! When standing in the presence of this woman she makes wisdom, sexiness and grace totally accessible and in no way exclusive. She knows it is equal within all of us as she can feel the depth of her own sacredness first.

  308. “Natalie Benhayon……has access to a deeper level of wisdom than I have at this time. Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” This consistency comes from a deep dedication, a commitment that is lived through her choices. An awesome role model.

    1. Yes elainearthey when I think of all the so called ‘role models’ we have out there I shudder at the fact they are influencing our young (and old) it seems to me many of the people we look to in the media world are very empty and lost with a big bravado hiding there hurts, with Natalie Benhayon what you see is what you get – and what you get is always truly beautiful.

  309. Absolutely Katinka, I have been continually blown away by Natalie Benhayon, by her wisdom, love and self honouring, how she holds herself and others. She continues to inspire and I look forward to seeing her present whenever it is possible.

  310. I loved reading your testimonial for Natalie Benhayon Katinka – Natalie lives in honour of her sacredness everyday and is a constant inspiration to me – age is certainly no pre-requisite for honouring the Divine within.

    1. ‘Living in honour of my Sacredness and Divinity’, now that’s a way, ‘The Way’, to start my day today and every day. I just love living and sharing that with you Shelly, and with every other woman.

  311. Natalie Benhayon is a very inspirational woman, which brings a wisdom that is not connected to age. But the way of living we also can choose.

  312. Well said Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is an inspiration to us all to reconnect to the Ancient Wisdom that we all know in our body. Age is no barrier to wisdom whether old or young. The pursuit of knowledge, intelligence and education can cloud our understanding that comes from living with the truth of all we feel.

  313. ‘Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.’ Thank you Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is an incredible example of that, super inspirational, completely her own woman and available for all.

  314. In all the times I have heard Natalie present or have spoken to her there has been no question of the quality of the wisdom she so readily shares for all. In being open to this it is so apparent that the truth is already known in me as that which I hear (feel) resonates deeply. I am always left inspired and in appreciation for the love and sharing from Natalie.

    1. I agree Michael, some people can touch us deeply just by being themselves, this is Natalie all over, she simply is Love and without imposing she allows us to feel that love which is also the love in us too – the magic and science of inspiration and reflection = truly divine!

  315. I agree Katinka, Natalie is such a great role model, how to live in love, joy, harmony and integrity. She is very inspiring.

  316. It is a loss to us all if we decide that the only people who hold any merit are those who have studied or hold degrees in such and such a field. We lose the evolution that comes from true innovation, from not being attached to the weight of knowledge that has been accumulated, and the application of true lived wisdom. This is so clearly demonstrated in Natalie Benhayon, one of the most innovative and wise women I have ever come across.

  317. Beautifully said Katinka, I’m absolutely with you. In comparison and competition the world can very quickly and easily become a lonely and cold place to inhabit, stripping away those judgements what remains is the truth that we are all equal and can share in the wisdom we each have within ourselves.

  318. Beautiful blog, I can read it over and over again – I can feel that power and wisdom is not in age , but in how close to truth you are living in life. It is how much you allow yourself to be you in every way, so that all the wisdom inside you can come out, so is Natalie an great example of this for me and many other women !

    1. “How close to truth we are living in life” is definitely what brings us power and wisdom. This should be something we teach our children as what the world is reflecting to them is nothing like that, it is all very superficial, focussing on the outside, on appearance and knowledge, instead of focussing on the depth and wealth of wisdom and love we all carry within.

  319. There is an assumption we live by that says that those older than us and more educated can be trusted or have the answers to our questions. What you are presenting Katinka is a ‘truth’ that we can all reflect on. Wisdom has nothing to do with age or educated intelligence, if anything these two things can block what it is that we know to be true. Natalie Benhayon is evidence that our wisdom and guidance through life is within us all and something we can tap into anytime. It is time to let go of old beliefs and to re-connect to the wisdom that exists within us all and not be swallowed up by assumptions and judgements.

    1. Agreed. We only have to really listen to our children to realise that that assumption is incorrect. The wisdom that comes out of my young children is beautiful.

  320. Katinka, what you present is the fact that so much of intelligence and wisdom in our society which is often seen to be limited to a University or college degree or diploma or knowledge in a particular area, can actually be our limiting factor if we do not also consider the intelligence and wisdom that naturally lies deep within each and every one of us. In other words, there are 2 kinds of wisdom and intelligence – the one we learn from the outside and the one we are born with on the inside. The outer carries little ‘body’ without the inside one. As seen with Natalie Benhayon, she is walking and talking evidence of the fact that one as young as her has access to the wisdom of the ages. This she openly shares by reminding us all that it comes to us when we live in a way that cares for the body is all the big and little ways, when we live in a way that respects and cherishes our body and being and when we live in a way that respects and cherishes all those around us too. This is so simple and certainly accessible to us all, it is just a question of putting it all into practice so that we can access our own wisdom that is sitting there waiting to be tapped into. This can then be brought to the outer wisdom and intelligence and give it true meaning and purpose. What a world it would be if we all used the two!

    1. You describe this so beautifully Henrietta and yes what a world it would be if we all used the two, let our inner and innate wisdom to advance the temporal intelligence. We will need to break through some very strong consciousnesses but it definitely can be done and it will change the way we perceive and understand ourselves, life, the whole.

  321. Natalie reminds me that there is something so much greater to life, there is a quality she lives with that is very deep and this in itself has taught me so much. She has shown me what it means to be a woman and I only need to think of her to be reminded of this quality in myself.

    1. I agree – that there is more to life is what I feel whenever I meet her – that I can hold a higher level of love for myself in all that I do, and that I can live this with everyone as she does.

  322. This shows me how we have created a set of criteria for how someone should be; they are older therefore they should be wise; they are in an academic role therefore they should be smart; they are sensitive therefore they are emotional etc. I absolutely love how Universal Medicine has presented to me this isn’t necessarily true, and through it, I have met people such as Natalie Benhayon who break all the moulds and can be so wise, so open, so loving and have absolutely no judgement or emotion. That is true evolution.

  323. This is amazing. What is very beautiful about this writting is that it crosses out the ideal that we need to be an age to have amounts of wisdom. Second I love the point that Katinka made that she is inspired by a woman that is 20 years younger. Thirdly I appreciate what she brought up here too : that a woman of 20 years can have access to a deeper level of wisdom. It brings up the fact that indeed wisdom does not come with age, but actually from an allowance and so is our livingness, choices are key here. Thank you Katinka, great revelation.

    1. Somehow when I read your comment Danna I feel a grace and humbleness in me for the wisdom you, me and so many others are allowing in their everyday lives. It is so very beautiful and joyful to share.

  324. Yes, Katinka thanks for sharing the celebration of the fact that wisdom comes at any age. Natalie Benhayon is a leading example of the fact that the Ancient Wisdom can be lived in our modern times. She is inspiring men and woman of all ages with her absolute dedications to living the truth the Ancient Wisdom provides us all.

    1. Yes Suzanne, celebrating the wisdom in ourselves and others is a very beautiful and supporting thing to do. We have no idea to what levels of wisdom we can come when we truly start celebrating the depth of who we are.

  325. Wisdom is certainly not dependent on age. Out of the mouths of very young children often come the most profound and simple truths. Wisdom comes with connection, truthfulness and understanding – and you don’t need to practise at these either, kids sure don’t.
    Natalie Benhayon has a huge love for people, always walks her talk and is one of the most dedicated people I know – no wonder she’s full of wisdom.

    1. Well said Helen – “wisdom comes with connection, truthfulness and understanding”. And I have often been astounded at what some children have had to say.

  326. The beauty Natalie Benhayon brings is timeless and without age. She helps me understand why it is called ‘the ageless wisdom’. Truth doesn’t fade and equally so theres no age you need to be to honour and access it all. She is a constant inspiration, showing me, that real grace and joy comes from living truthfully. Thank you Katinka for celebrating this too.

    1. ‘real grace and joy comes form living truthfully’, that is beautiful Joseph. I am allowing myself more each day to live this way, truthfully, dedicated to myself and others from a deepening sense of belonging to something so great and magical as my Father’s Kingdom.

    2. Beautifully said Joseph, Natalie Benhayon does show that real grace and joy come from living truthfully, and she is a constant inspiration to anyone who has put themselves in the fortunate position of an audience with her.

  327. Thank you Katinka, it has to be said, age has nothing to do with wisdom. The wisdom that pours out on tap, of not only Natalie Benhayon but also Simone, Michael and Curtis Benhayon never fails to astound me. This level of wisdom is there for us all if we choose to make the same dedicated loving choices.

    1. For a very long time I did not believe that this level of wisdom was available to me as well. I thought that Natalie and her family were special and needed to be adored as such. However, I have been discovering lately that with care and dedication, just as you said, for how I live is actually bringing out a wisdom that has always been there. Thank you kevmchardy for a great comment.

    2. So very well said kevmchardy. There was a time when I thought that Natalie Benhayon and all the members of her family were ‘special’ because of the endless wisdom that as you say pours out of them all. But even though as Katinka says, “Natalie Benhayon inspires us all to be all that we are and is humbled to be inspired herself by every living creature she encounters”, we can choose to be all that we are and in doing so, inspire others to do the same.

    3. What blows me away kevmchardy, is that Natalie Benhayon (indeed the whole Benhayon family)can bring us to the realisation of this wisdom just by gently reflecting back to us our own expression.

      1. Yes, this is super powerful Catherine. There has been no telling us or dragging us, just a beautiful reflection.

    4. Fantastic point kevmchardy – “this level of wisdom is there for us all”! This is what is so inspiring about Natalie Benhayon and her family, along with many others who are now making this choice to live their lives based on making loving choices…. It’s inspiring because there is never an exclusiveness with true wisdom and a true quality of living because this naturally lives within us all, and it is simply up to us to choose to connect to this, and this is exactly the choice that Natalie and many others now reflect.

    5. I know exactly what you mean Kevin, this level of wisdom is rare, unfortunately the media glorifies role models who often inspire humanity down the wrong track. What we have here with the Benhayon’s is a family that walks their talk and never dims their light. This family needs to be studied and watched closely as they have shown us time and time again a beautiful, loving way of living that actually truly works.

  328. hear hear – relating to people primarily according to factors like age, race, gender, education level is simply about certainty and control… a way of understanding the world through beliefs and ideals about how people ‘should’ be. There is no greater certainty however than coming from our inner-heart for it contains a steadiness and truth that has nothing to do with those other factors for it is ageless and all-knowing. Sure – we all have different things to offer that we have learnt along the way in our lives, however the wisdom , grace, truth and love from our inner-heart was with us the day we are born, and remains whole for our entire lives.. Natalie Benhayon is a stunning example of a person who has chosen to go for their heart – and live it in full – not letting herself be defined by flimsy notions of how we should and shouldn’t be.

    1. Well said Sarah – it is about a level of control isn’t it. If we think that you have to be a YY – a certain way (age, education level, race etc…) to be able to achieve XX (certain status, knowledge, wisdom) then it absolutely says that if you dont have YY then you cant do XX. What a load of codswallop! And I believed that for so long because I did not study at University and did not really like school, I believed for so long that I was not smart enough and gave my power away to those that had. That is so so so not true, all of us have experience and wisdom to share at any age and as Natalie shows us so stunningly, if we choose to honour and live from our bodies and our inner-heart, there is incredible wisdom to be shared with all.

    2. Natalie Benhayon is a stunning example of living from her heart and the wisdom, grace, truth and love that she lives is simple extraordinary. Every cell of her body is honouring this impulse and one thing that blows me away every time I see Natalie is her deep connection to her Woman-ness. Her openness and willingness to share what is possible is deeply felt and it is never from a place of arrogance, just simple to support us all to be who we naturally are.

    3. Well said Sarah, I am still unravelling the ‘should and shouldn’t be’s’ I have take on from the outside and I still love observing Natalie who is so powerful in her choice to be who she is, all the way.

  329. I agree with you all, wisdom has nothing to do with age and Natalie is a living example for that, especially her consistency to live love, joy, harmony is very admiring.

  330. Wisdom speaks through those who are ready to see it and walk open hearted and with wide eyes through life. It has nothing to to with age or academic education – it has to do with our own awareness and development. Actually it is utter arrogance to presume that wisdom can only inhabit adults from a certain age. I am in the forties too and greatful that a young women like Natalie is such a role model.

  331. Henry Thoreau was quoted as saying that he “wished he was as wise as the day he was born.” Wisdom has less to do with age as it has to do with connection, and there are few greater living examples of this than Natalie Benhayon.

  332. It is an indictment of the education system, that we have fostered a way of thinking that equates the number of degrees to wisdom. There is such a vast difference between the two and Natalie has the latter in spades, which is what we crave and benefit from more than degrees.

  333. Katinka this tribute to Natalie Benhayon is full of appreciation. You describe Natalie as the woman she is today: modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred. These are all very true, but for me this last word has special relevance.
    Natalie has a strong connection to god and thus a connection to herself and all others. This is unshakable because it held as sacred.
    Being a woman is sacred and Natalie embodies this fully, that is impossible to miss.
    Natalie knows the importance of ritual and has written the most divine ceremonies I have ever heard. These are sacred.
    I attended a Universal Medicine course of Sacred Esoteric Healing. Is this Sacred I pondered? Yes it is absolutely unmistakably gloriously sacred I had never felt a room full of people in such stillness. Natalie carries this quality of stillness in all that she does. Life is sacred; lets not waste a second.

  334. Well said Katinka, I have been in close contact with Natalie since 2010, I have come to understand that if she is 24 and holding so much wisdom, purity and love, I , as a almost 22 year old, must be no different. This crunched my ideal about that age comes with wisdom. It has shaken things up for me. The wisdom I feel inside of me does not depend on age, but the choices I have made, and the wisdom I allow in my body that I life. This to me is real power, like Katinka has shared with us, Natalie Benhayon is inspiring everyone to stand in their own power and claim their light. This is absolutely the case with me. Earth shocking, but I am not my age, I am a living wonder, with incredible wisdom! This has nothing to do with my age, this is just a side factor.

    1. Danna, you are a great example of a young woman who is finding her way back to who she truly is and who is committed to herself and others equally. To me you are just as inspiring as Natalie Benhayon and I love how you show us by living example that wisdom is what we allow and that it comes from our livingness only.

  335. It was great to read this blog Katinka, and appreciate this remarkable woman.
    I have never had a problem accepting the wisdom that Natalie speaks even though she is half my age. Her wisdom is ageless; such is the clarity in her voice.
    There is no doubt whatsoever that Natalie’s wisdom comes from living and observing life, and people, and dedication to humanity.
    Natalie has presented how she lives with love in a practical tangible everyday way that is inspiring and easy to emulate.
    Natalie Benhayon has been an unshakable rock in my life, and I have built my own foundations inspired by her.

  336. Its been a while since you wrote this beautiful testimony Katinka. In that time Natalie has grown even more wise and at ease in herself. I thought it was not possible.In this she seems to ask us all – If there is always more to explore, are you too deepening your relationship with you?

  337. Wisdom speaks through anyone willing to listen to their heart and let their guard down. It is an absolutely joy to hear and bear witness to the extraordinary work Natalie Benhayon delivers particularly for Women’s Health … Natalie is an inspiration for us all!

  338. ‘Never apologize for what know is true’ what a simple way to present ourselves to the world. Natalie Benhayon is Amazing now… and she is just getting started.

  339. I’m a 42 year old woman and I see age as no barrier especially when it comes to Natalie Benhayon. The wisdom this young woman brings to a group is amazing. She presents in a fun loving simple way. Anyone who is living a truthful, honest and simple life who looks amazing and has more energy than the energizer bunny is worth getting to know.

  340. Katinka, that’s a great point about wisdom, and Natalie’s young age, and also that your children are an inspiration too – this says to me that wisdom is most definitely not something that is learned or is gained at a mature age but something that’s there all along.

  341. Absolutely Katinka, there is no question after meeting Natalie Benhayon that youth and wisdom are not exclusive to one another. It reminds me the amount of wisdom that can come from children, and yet they haven’t lived decades of life to ‘gain it’. There is one thing I have learnt from Natalie, in her wisdom – that wisdom is inherent within each of us equally, we just choose how much we will allow access to it.

    1. Yes Jenny and that is the wisdom Natalie inspires us with is her sharing that we all hold that great wisdom equally.

  342. Natalie Benhayon is super amazing and such a joy to be around. The responsibility she holds daily to all is quite incredible. She is a true inspiration for her generation.

  343. I have always been inspired by Natalie Benhayon right from the first time that she presented in Vietnam several years ago and from the many conversations we have shared – and as a 60 something and steeped in beliefs about ‘elders and betters’ and full of prejudices I can assure anyone who cares to listen that I know, absolutely and with complete conviction, that age is no barrier to wisdom. Natalie is a very special person and I completely agree about her consistency and way of living. Thank you Katinka.

  344. I love the way that Natalie Benhayon holds you as equal to her amazingness. She doesn’t hold back and expresses all that is needed with a joy that fills the room and more.

  345. “So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?”Absolutely! The authority with which Natalie, her sister Simone and brothers Michael and Curtis share the truth of the way they live is awe inspiring, and the fact is that we all have that wisdom within us too – to what degree we connect to it, and live it, is up to us.

  346. You make a great point Katinka, for we absolutely deny ourselves the enormity of what someone can offer should we assume that only those of a certain age could possess such wisdom. Natalie Benhayon is a beautiful example of such depth through knowing and honouring herself and life through her livingness and thus inspiring us all to awaken to our own.

    1. Thank you Katinka and Samantha for sharing that there is no age that defines wisdom – Equally in men and women. But let’s just say wisdom defines age! In the knowingness but also the physical benefits when one begins to live from their stillness- their essence. The result is age defying, and a level of revitalisation that is seen in the students of the livingness. Who knew wisdom could look so sexy?! In the end – we are age-less in our knowingness…sacred, and returning to our original ways.

      1. “who knew that wisdom could look so sexy?” I love it Arianne, we as students of the Livingness are proof that sacredness and wisdom indeed are deeply beautiful and sexy!

  347. Wisdom is not a product of age but rather of the way we live, and there is no greater example I know of that fact that Natalie Benhayon. I have received counselling sessions from her for some years now, and she is nothing short of inspirational in the way she has assisted me to look at my approach to life.

    1. I agree Adam, wisdom comes from our livingness and the sacredness that Natalie Benhayon connects to and allows herself to live from, always in service, is what gives her access to true wisdom.

  348. Very wise Katinka I love what you share about Natalie Benhayon and about true wisdom and I agree that an age or an education has not really an effect of truth. It is really sad that we are trapped in this believes because they not let us feel what is really going on. So thank you for sharing your wisdom with us to let us remember that there is more than what we learn outside of us.

    1. I am allowing myself to feel how much wisdom we all carry with us. We may deny it or may not accept it, but it’s just there for us to allow and connect to.

  349. This is a great blog Katinka and the absolute truth. Natalie Benhayon is everything and more than you say. An inspiration for us all, who are learning about the Ancient Wisdom
    (or should I say remembering it) for we have been here on this planet many times . Her presentations are always so thought provoking and inspiring we can all learn so much each time we hear her speak.

  350. I attended the Woman in Livingness workshop in Melbourne in Feb 2015, where Natalie Benhayon presented. It was absolutely fantastic! – life changing, inspiring and empowering as a woman. She epitomises true beauty, sacredness, sexiness and deep inner wisdom, and lets not forget playfulness as a woman.
    Age definitely had nothing to do with the quality she brings.

  351. I love the idea of being inspired by the wisdom and beauty of us all. Natalie is certainly inspiring. I love the wisdom and playfulness that she brings. I feel that she brings out the lightness in all of us.

  352. We all have the most ancient of wisdom that we are able to connect into and live from, but choose to get caught up in the emotions and dramas of life. It is a fine art to live and embodying the wisdom that is possible and Natalie is a leading lady when it comes to showing how to truly live and love with this level of deep wisdom.

  353. A beautiful example that age is not everything, and doesn’t define a persons wisdom or ability to inspire. All the Benhayon children, though young, all carry amazing power, wisdom and many seek their counsel. To me, when I am told to respect my elders, I think of people like them, wise beyond the passing of years, due to the way in which they live who they are every single day.

  354. I have observed and been privileged to witness Natalie Benhayon at many conferences, presentations, workshops, social events and worked in teams involving or lead by her love the last 5 or so years. Her dedication, care, commitment, willingness to give her all in everything that she does (even if that is just saying hello) are all incredibly wonderful to be around and receive. Whether she is onstage presenting, or in conversation at an event, working on a project – the consistency in which she holds her depth, wisdom, grace and natural way of being is wonderful to be around and I have witnessed so many others – like myself – of all ages be completely inspired by her way of life, and she shares her wisdom openly and freely in letting everyone know that they are just like her.

    She walks her talk like none I have ever met and the depth of wisdom she shares with so many is priceless and golden. She is a true inspiration to me.

  355. Natalie Benhayon is changing the paradigm for women – What I have discovered about myself at 42 is astounding! after doing what feels like a lifetime of learning about myself I am Uncovering patterns that have held me back for what feels like many lifetimes. I am becoming aware of the absurdity of how apologetically I live (not sure what I am apologizing for ? ) and how I much more i have to offer the world. All this has been inspired by Natalie who is unapologetic about her glory and makes it look like a lot of fun!

  356. So many twenty-somethings are lumped in the one Gen Y category, described as being lazy, self-indulgent and clueless about life. Natalie is the right age for this description, but there is nothing self-indulgent or lazy about her. Perhaps we need to be more open and allowing of all people no matter what their age is and see who they really are, with no preconceived perceptions.

    1. Yes Suzanne, Natalie’s example has opened me up to look for and see the wisdom offered by many people of many varied ages, most definitely not limited to those who have reached mature years. I now look for a quality of living in the person I seek counsel from, not the number of years they have lived.

  357. Absolutely agree Katinka. Wisdom is ageless. I have experienced Natalie’s presentations and have witnessed how deeply connected she is to herself, her inner heart. She presents with the wisdom and knowing that we are all of the same essence and reflects this truth in equality with grace. Yes very inspiring indeed. And to being open to that fact that a 24 year old is deeply connected to her inner heart and chooses to live soulfully with immense integrity for me is simply inspiring.

  358. Natalie Benhayon rocks!
    The power and wisdom this young lady brings is phenomenal, the playfulness the sassiness with which she expresses, reawakens every womanly cell in my body.

  359. Age certainly has nothing to do with wisdom, I agree the wisdom that pours out of Natalie is astounding and also her younger brothers Curtis and Michael all more than twenty years my junior but still everything they have to say comes with a wisdom that I have rarely seen.

    1. I agree kevmchardy, Michael and Curtis Benhayon reflect a deep wisdom and connection to all of us too, their age is irrelevant, their wisdom, love and care are gold to this world.

  360. Great rereading your sharing here Katinka. What struck me clearly is that Natalie absolutely knows her sacredness and lives that. The simplicity of what we all know if and when we stop to feel our expansive grandness, means to not live like this is a choice to make ourselves less – whether we are 24, 44 or 84, as you say, it is nothing to do with age. A great reminder and opportunity to connect with the truth Katinka, thank you.

    1. Yes Natalie Benhayon knows her Sacredness and lives that; this is truly inspiring because I of know my Sacredness too and I can allow myself to honour and live it more every day.

  361. The wisdom that Natalie Benhayon lives and shares is enormous, and as she says herself, it is there for everyone to access as we live with love, dedication, commitment and the knowing that we are all equal in divine wisdom. We have it within us, we are all the one – at any age. I am totally inspired by the gorgeous love, and huge warmth and power that Natalie embodies and shares with us all. What an amazing role model we have!

  362. Natalie IS super inspiring, and I too have always known that our children are born into this world already with a fullness and a wisdom that is there for us to connect with. Apparently as a child I questioned my parents why some adults would speak ‘baby talk’ with me, and, now, as a parent I attempt to see the greatness in my children rather than see them or treat them as less than.

  363. ”Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.”
    I am 100% behind this Katinka. I am not shocked that a pure & wise woman (with so many qualities) like Natalie Benhayon, is just 24 years old. To me ages says nothing. I know people from the inner-wisdom they carry. So is Natalie a true example of true effort , commitment and dedication into being herself and knowing and expressing her inner-wisdom. Natalie is amazing, strong and powerfull, with a huge amount of love in her body. Sexy as.

  364. Hear hear Katinka, well said. Wisdom has nothing what so ever to do with age, to think it so is truly missing it.

  365. A beautiful blog Katinka, yes let’s all of us be inspired by true wisdom, whether it comes through a child or someone older than us. Natalie Benhayon certainly shows us all what we too are capable of when we unwaveringly love ourselves deeply.

  366. I am SO ready to loose the petty judgement of looks, credentials and comparison and allow myself to be inspired too by each person I meet. What an awesome way to live life.

  367. I agree Katinka, we can learn so much from Children and their loving, playful attitude towards life.

  368. Natalie Benhayon is a gorgeous, sexy and sassy woman and inspires men and women of all ages. Wisdom definitely is not about age, Natalie is a testament to this.

  369. She is indeed…”modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred”. And what I love about her is that she lives that in full and inspires so many of us to re-connect to the fact that we are also that, that she shares her wisdom with us all and her daily commitment to living in a way that supports her to shine that as well. And that is why she shines.

    1. Yes Sarahflenley she shines and it blows me away that she is only 24! How she is, what she does, how she lives, the immensity of what she brings to all the projects she has created for women, health and wellbeing! So so inspiring !

  370. Wisdom has neither age nor colour, it just is. Natalie Benhayon is the reflection of the life we can all live if we choose to.

  371. Natalie Benhayon is living proof that wisdom has no age. What she shares with all young and old is the immense love that she is, and this can be clearly felt and seen by all those who are open to such beauty.

    1. Wisdom itself is quite rare. Knowledge is very common. Natalie Benhayon shows that wisdom can exist in a young woman, as unlikely as this sounds.

  372. I too recently attended a retreat where Natalie Benhayon presented. What is so inspiring to see is that she lives or has lived everything she presents, unlike learnt knowledge which is accessed via the brain/mind. She also radiates deep inner beauty, wisdom, stillness, sexiness, and playfulness as a woman. She is an amazing role model for woman.

  373. I so agree Katinka. I recently attended a retreat where Natalie Benhayon presented, with amazing wisdom, great understanding of people and life, in her trademark cheeky way. She is living proof that age has nothing to do with the wisdom we are able to bring. I love how you used this blog to show, as Natalie does, that we all equally have this wisdom inside.

    1. This is indeed a testament to the truth we all hold but are just needing to live in order to be able to express with no doubts or interference. Natalie Benhayon is an amazing role model for the younger generations and she highlights greatly that age does not determine our wisdom.

  374. When I first met Natalie Benhayon I couldn’t stop looking at her. It was at the same Retreat in 2009 in Vietnam that you mention in your blog. Now I know that the beauty I see in Natalie is also within me and every other person equally.

    1. This is the case for me too Natalie. There is something about Natalie Benhayon that makes you want to look. Her beauty radiates from the inside, and everything she does, says and presents just oozes beauty and love.

  375. Absolutely true Katinka, age has nothing to do with wisdom. I have been witness to this on many occasions where Natalie Benhayon has been presenting. There is a deep connection and presence she holds with herself and it simply flows out. I have also felt the wisdom of a child who speaks from their natural inner connection. We all have wisdom inside of us that we can access when we are in connection with our inner essence.

  376. I attended the Australian retreat this year and Natalie’s presentations were so inspired, practical and funny….age has nothing to do with wisdom.

    1. Yes Joel, Natalie completely blows out of the water any notion that age and wisdom go together. As a 50 year old, I take my inspiration and direction from this amazing woman who is exactly half my age…

      1. And those eyes. I mean c’mon – is the universe not in those eyes or what?!?!!?

    2. Yes true Joel, Natalie Benhayon is very inspirational in the truest sense of the word.

  377. We know how to use age, experience and knowledge to categorise people – but here is an example of a young woman with astounding amounts of wisdom. She is true to herself, true to others and presents to us what we also have the ability to know.
    It changes the conventional perceptions of academics – because what Natalie delivers is a lived wisdom.

    1. Well expressed hvmorden! Natalie Benhayon delivers a beautiful lived wisdom, and what is inspiring about this is that she offers us all the opportunity to live this same wisdom, simply by being true to herself and reflecting to us that we can do/be this also.

      1. I’ve been learning to understand the responsibility of reflection. How others are always watching and observing, and being a reflection to them no matter what is an amazing opportunity. Natalie Benhayon walks and talks this, and is as such a constant reflection for everyone.

      2. Natalie has reflected that being true to yourself is the key to great wisdom, power, grace, sacredness and so much more. I have always admired her for being her own woman but I have for a long time not allowed myself to deeply feel that she is no different to me or any other woman. Thank you Natalie for being such a consistent reflection of a choice I am now ready to make myself, I will be my own woman and express in every possible way the divinity that resides inside of me.

  378. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” Thank you for writing this Katinka; essential ‘rules’ of how we can live, love and learn with everyone.

  379. Ageless Wisdom is without boundaries of age, gender or race.

  380. Exactly Katinka, Natalie has a deep wisdom and powerful love for humanity that is fully inspiring and uplifting for all that are blessed to meet her.

  381. Natalie Benhayon is all that has been said, and so full of love. That someone of her age can be so wise is unusual in today’s society but is there for all who choose to live the love that they are. Thank you Katinka for a lovely blog and thank you Natalie for being the inspiration you are.

  382. My three year old daughter and I have the exact same role model in life, and that is Natalie Benhayon. She is sexy, sassy, loving, natural and vivacious and FULL of wisdom. She is a modern day female philosopher and priestess rolled into one.

    I unashamedly look at Natalie’s photo for inspiration on a regular basis, her reflection and what she represents is powerful and for women equally the world over.

  383. Natalie Benhayon is most definitely a living inspiration “because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself” I am reminded of this every time I see her photo on the front cover of the Women in Livingness Magazine that sits in my house, dentist surgery etc. And thank you Katinka for reminding me of what life is really about, I can sometimes get a bit too serious and lose my connection to ‘joy, playfulness, simplicity and love’ beautiful blog. Thank you.

  384. Fabulous blog Katinka. When I see and feel Natalie, and hear her present – the wisdom and confidence that oozes out of her is so palpable – I do not even think of her age. Every word she speaks is a blessing, and the way that she holds herself is an inspiration to us all.

  385. Natalie Benhayon is certainly proof of the fact that there is no correlation at all between wisdom and age, as on the larger scale there is no correlation between tradition and truth.

  386. When you meet Natalie Benhayon you quickly become aware that you are not in the presence of a ’20 something’ but a woman who carries the wisdom accumulated through lifetimes of dedication to serving mankind, and in particular women. She has such a wonderful way of sharing what you need to hear in such a practical way. She can do this because whatever she talks about she knows inside out, from her body. She ‘leaves no stone unturned’ in her relationship with herself – healing anything that gets in the way of the depths of the magnificence within her, so she can then inspire and remind us how we can do this too.

  387. Hello Katinka and what a quote to end this short, sharp and powerful blog, “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” I think this is simply one of the most breath taking quotes I have come across and imagine if this was something we all did. I agree wholeheartedly, from seeing the wisdom of Natalie Benhayon to that of my own children. We have much to learn from each other no matter what age or how you look, and if we shut down to part of that then we are less. I love what you have gifted us with here Katinka and that quote will stay with me, thank you.

  388. Natalie is simply my most inspiring role model as a woman. This has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with choices. Natalie inspires me by living her Amazingness in full (which grows day by day). She reminds me that this is quality is innate in us all- and it is only limited by our choices to not live who we truly are.

  389. Great blog Katinka, my experience of Natalie Benhayon has been the same – super wise, caring, steady and loving. She is super inspirational to all women.

  390. Beautiful to re-read this post Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is a huge inspiration and reminder that true wisdom, beauty and power has nothing to do with age. It is all about us living from our inner most sacredness consistently as Natalie does. This is what she inspires amazingly in another — that to live with this level of dedication is very very possible if we choose to do so.

  391. Thank you Katinka, it just goes to show that the ancient wisdom is ageless and equally accessible to all should we chose to connect with our inner essence and bring this quality into our everyday lives. Natalie is a radiant example of this and she inspires me to connect more deeply with myself and with the world around me every time I am in her presence.

  392. Natalie Benhayon is certainly an amazing inspiration, awesome speaker, presenter, and is absolutely confident.
    It is inspiring to see her dedication towards the connection to herself that allows her to be all that she is without holding back.
    It’s an amazing reflection for us all to see that we are no different.
    Thank you for your great blog Katinka.

  393. ‘Natalie Benhayon inspires us all to be all that we are and is humbled to be inspired herself by every living creature she encounters’.
    Natalie Benhayon is a great inspiration of truth, wisdom and love.

  394. Natalie Benhayon has made choices in her life which allows such amazing wisdom to be imparted. We all hold this wisdom and what is so truly amazing and inspirational about Natalie is how she dedicates her life to sharing with others, how to live a life to have a body which can feel and express this wisdom. Adopting these suggestions she presents has changed my life forever. Thank you for this blog and the opportunity to share my appreciation of this incredible woman.

  395. Natalie Benhayon carries, lives and embodies a wisdom well beyond her years. But do years really matter where we are going? She is a living inspiration to all who know her, steadfast in the consistency as you so beautifully put it, Katinka “with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.” She is presenting us with another way of being in this world, a deep and profound way of being with ourselves and others that is sorely lacking in today’s societies at large.

  396. Thanks for writing a blog on what many of us who have met Natalie Benhayon, have felt. Your words “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them” are so true. Natalie completely embodies this and she is a true inspiration.

  397. What a wonderful testimony – not only to Natalie but also to the truth of living in a deeply honouring and very claimed way. She is an inspiration to me.

  398. To be able to live unapologetically without justification and inspire all around her to do the same, I am listening and watching and open to learning. The consistency with which Natalie Benhayon lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself, is like nothing else I have ever seen – truly inspiring.

  399. Katinka, this is just lovely. Natalie really is something, and as you say the wisdom she has is through the consistency, honour and care with which she holds herself, and how she’s always willing to go deeper, to learn and to be inspired. In that she’s inspirational to us all.

  400. So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?

    Natalie Benhayon is a great example Katinka of how clearly this is the case. ‘Wise old owl’ is such an ingrained stereotype, implying the norm is to become wiser as we age, or that wisdom is the domain of those older than us, which while possible, seems so often in reality to be the opposite. For example, from the mouths of babes come insights and awareness that very often surpass the majority of adults. Hence ‘my children’ are treated as equals, and the wisdom and awareness that they are able to share is inspiring, humbling and awesome, if we have the openness to see what they are actually communicating. Just check out a childs picture drawn from what they feel, the symbols they use to show how things feel, the colours – its wisdom in stereo, in a language most of us have closed off from the depth of.

    Wisdom is like a surround sound awareness most of us left behind in childhood. Similarly, it was a revelation for me when I held my first newborn son (and I’m sure others will relate) that he felt so deeply wise and aware. So age starts to become meaningless as to what extent we remain living the wisdom we are from. Our wisdom seems all too often to decrease as the imposed requirement to accumulate knowledge takes over. Natalie Benhayon is an exception, and at 24 years, (and even when she was younger than this) held a depth of wisdom that is rare and an absolute treasure and blessing to encounter, AND so inspirationally, Natalie is ever deepening this warm lived wisdom, not abandoning it in favour of the narrower heady knowledge as we are so squeezed to do. We often use the words knowledge and wisdom interchangeably, yet they hold such vastly different ways of being, one from the narrowness of head and mind, and the other from the whole body, heart and soul. Love what you’re opening up here Katinka – something we seem to have topsy turvy.

  401. Katinka, this is beautiful what you share. Natalie is an enormous inspiration to everyone and those who may judge her because of her age, which would only be through their own jealousy, miss out on being inspired by an ageless wisdom that she selflessly shares with all.

  402. When we are older we may have the experience of having lived life but often the younger, less experienced can be more open and willing to trying something different, having no previous experiences to pre-conceive the present experience. Of course the experience of our elders should be valued but the openness without previous colouring could allow for that ‘maybe that isn’t the way to live?’ question. If were are open to letting go of being right in the way we have made life and attaching to what we have done in and through our experiences. Even though I am the same age as Natalie every time I speak or have spoken to her there is is clarity that breaks that stubborn and very old feeling of ‘this is the way my life has been thus is the only way to be’. She brings a lightness to everyone she meets in the best ‘This is normal’ way, and if it rocks a few stubborn mindsets that doesn’t rock her from being who she truly is.

  403. Love what you share Katinka about Natalie, she is truly a huge inspiration for everyone, man and woman at any age. The wisdom that comes true her is undeniable. I can also feel how this true wisdom comes through you when reading this blog. And it feels as such an enrichment to open up to people young and old and be inspired by them everyday.

  404. ‘Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.’ – beautifully said Katinka.

  405. Beautiful Katinka, wisdom lies inside everybody and true equality means to support everybody to always connect to the wisdom inside. We are born with all the wisdom and then we start a process of unlearning, so how twisted is it to believe that wisdom only comes with age!

  406. I can testify to what you have said in all you have written. And indeed ‘Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them. In a world where kids are pressured into being a certain way through education, cultural ideals and religion, it is essential that they are inspired to connect to the wisdom of their inner hearts.’ What an awesome role model to have. I have learned so much from Natalie in what she says and from what I observe and continue to do so. She is a very inspiring woman.

  407. Absolutely Katinka…wisdom is within us all & age, profession, degrees has nothing to do with it. I too am always inspired by children whom I often find so much more honest and innocent and open to love all people and life. There is so much to learn from each other…Natalie Benhayon is one of many people that inspire me.

  408. I agree Katinka, age has nothing to do with wisdom. I have been equally blown away by comments made by a young child of nursery age, a teenager at high school, a woman in her elder years, and Natalie Benhayon. All these people come from different walks of life and have lived different experiences, yet they all shared a wisdom beyond their years.

  409. I read this again and yes children are so wise when they share with their innocence. We should be inspired by this and Natalie Benhayon is a proof of what happens when we stick to this truth and wisdom.

  410. So true Katinka – Age, education or professional background cannot define or be a measure of true intelligence, wisdom and worldliness. The beauty and power that Natalie Benhayon reflects and the all-encompassing intelligence and wisdom she embodies is not bound by any of society’s ideas or constructs of such. What Natalie embodies, lives and reflects are qualities this world desperately needs and qualities we in fact each posses inside equally so. We only need be committed as she is to doing the work needed to unfold from within the same beauty, intelligence and wisdom.

    1. So true Rob, what Natalie embodies and lives is so needed in the world today. It is up to us to live from our grandness too as consistently as Natalie does, so we can inspire and reflect to others another deeply loving way of being.

  411. There is definitely a lot of beauty and wisdom in all. I have a lot of friends that are younger then me, though their ages don’t come in to account when I am talking with them. They seem like their ages are eternal because they don’t cap themselves by how old they are. Which I’m glad they don’t- I would miss out on so much if we all played the ‘I know more then you, I’m older’ game.

  412. At 62, I am about 3 times Natalie’s age and I can echo your beautiful words Katinka.
    I have had the privilege of observing Natalie (over a period of nearly 13 years now) develop steadily and surely into the amazing woman she is today. I can say without a doubt that she is one of the wisest young women I know and I deeply value her wonderful wisdom and understanding and the playfulness that comes with it. She is deeply beautiful and I am constantly inspired by her. Thanks for writing this blog.

  413. You have beautifully expressed here Katinka thank you. What a great inspiration Natalie Benhayon is to me too. This blog makes me deeply appreciate knowing her.

  414. Awesome Katinka. I was reflecting on this the other day at the Universal Medicine Vietnam Retreat and how we are taught from very young that we don’t have wisdom as children – because we don’t have ‘all the knowledge’. This is actually quite harmful for children as it teaches them to dismiss themselves which is a free path to low self esteem and constantly searching outside for validation. Affirming children’s wisdom – which can be seen so clearly and beautifully simply by looking in their eyes is so valuable.

    1. Amelia, I feel the hurt in your comment how as children we were not held in who we are, but taken as little ones who don’t know anything. With the choice to buy into this reflection of our parents and the world we started to give up on our own truth that we are all knowing. If children are raised in this wisdom that they are all knowing, they are supported to build trust and consistency with their own truth and with themselves.

  415. Katinka, what a great call, to meet each person without judgment, or expectation and to know that wisdom can come from anywhere, and in the most surprising packages, it’s what makes life and people such a joy.

  416. Such lightness in your writing Katinka – I love what you have said and I too agree that though Natalie is half my age, I love what she shares and treasure each encounter with her. She is here to remind us of all that we also hold within – and are working on letting out, just as she has done.

  417. Age definitely does not correlate with ones age, like the saying goes “from the mouths of babes”. I have noticed people are more likely to accept wisdom from babies and children than they are from younger teens or adults. It is as if something else comes into play when referring to these age groups, it is almost a defensiveness that thinks we should know more or better than someone younger than us, it can even be quite competitive. I feel this probably stems from a lack of self appreciation, if we first do not appreciate oneself it is impossible to appreciate others.

  418. Thank you Katinka. Natalie certainly is a very inspiring role model for all women, ‘Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.’ We all have the same potential.

  419. This blog is beautifully written Katinka and is a wonderful testimony to Natalie, who indeed is such a powerful and inspirational role model for us all.
    I love what you have written here, thank you;
    “Through the years I have seen Natalie develop into the woman she is today: modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred. With natural leadership qualities she continues to inspire women of all ages around the globe. Not by presenting through acquired knowledge but by presenting from her heart and from her livingness”

  420. I met a woman today – a woman I might have, a couple of years ago, dismissed before she even said ‘hello’. Instead I listened to her and we discussed her life – what I discovered in that conversation was amazing. She has had a wonderful life and a full career and is a woman with much to offer the world. As we parted and moved on to other conversations at the function we were attending I thought to myself how much I had been missing out on previously by judging people before I communicated with them….and how much of me they had also been missing out on. Being with Natalie no one ever misses out and that is a true inspiration for us all to connect with others consistently, no matter what.

    1. I love what you share her Deborah, every person we meet has true beauty in them, it is great to come back to this humble way of being and living, open to everything and everyone to inspire us every moment of our day.

    2. Its a great point Deborah…we do miss out on so much when we judge and its so magical when we stay open to connect. Everyone has something to offer and reflect to us that enriches our life.

    3. I completely relate Deborah I have held myself in such arrogance that meant I have missed out on so many people, its all a game of protection where no one wins, we all miss out! Like you share, no one misses out with Natalie and we are invited to be equal and unprotected – what a gift.

    4. So true Deborah, no one ever does miss out with Natalie nor with Serge or any of the Universal Medicine practitioners. I have loved re-connecting to the equality that exists within us all and the openness in which we can meet people. I have been so so so quick to judge and cut down (still present some days) and through having my socks blown off by a 22 year old woman (the age of Natalie when I met her), that has blown that idea that wisdom and age go hand in hand OUT OF THE WATER! And for that, I am truly grateful. It is super cool to be as open as I can be to the wisdom that can come from anyone of any age, of any ethnicity and of any profession/education (or lack of ) back ground. I mean – hey – if I chose not to listen to Serge because his qualifications were that of a tennis coach I would have missed out on changing my life around for the complete better!

  421. Absolutely beautiful article Katinka, thank you. I have the deepest love and respect for Natalie who at 24 lives a wisdom and truth that is deeply inspiring. In being her self and living the love that she is, we as women of all ages get to feel and know this wisdom and love, or the potential of this wisdom and love, within ourselves. How truly awesome is that!

  422. Natalie is truly inspiring. It is so lovely to be inspired by someone simply being true to themselves and presenting what they are actually living. Thank you Natalie.

  423. Great post, Katinka. Really wonderful how you highlight Natalie as a role model for looking beyond someones age and academic status to be a genuine inspiration to all through consistently connecting with and living from the wisdom we all have within us.

  424. Katinka, I like how you used the word soulful to describe Natalie. She is incredible to say the least. I also love what you presented about how age doesn’t matter when it comes to wisdom…everyone could learn something from observing children that is for sure.

  425. There are so many beliefs that keep us from being open and learn from one another. I agree with you Katinka, why should another have a specific gender, academic degree or age to share wisdom. All we have to do is feel, open our hearts and observe Natalie to learn what for example true sexiness is and how life can be lived in a joyful way and at the same time getting so much done. We all have our strengths and can be inspired by those of another. Natalie is a living example for everybody who is willing to see and learn.

  426. Yes the mind and intelligence is such a weapon we use to get recognition or power over another. Yet wisdom does neither of these. It just delivers us with a package we can take away and grow from.

  427. So well expressed Katinka! I agree, Natalie Benhayon breaks all the conventions of wisdom having to come from an academic career or acquired knowledge accumulated with proceeding age. She brings truth back to humanity and shows us how we can all make the choices to connect back with our innate wisdom.

  428. Absolutely agree with everything you say here Katinka. Natalie’s does have a deep sense of connection and wisdom. I feel like true wisdom comes from living the depth and connection of the inner heart. Natalie is a awesome woman who yes at 24 is showing the world how age has nothing to do with wisdom. It is all about the choices one makes and how connected they choose to be to their inner heart. Thanks for your sharing.

  429. Well said Katinka. I am in my sixties and Natalie Benhayon is an amazing role model for me. I am learning from the consistency with which she conducts her life. Wisdom has little to do with age – children astound me with the pearls they so easily and matter-of factly present. There is a depth to the young if we but listen and allow their expression.

  430. Yes Katinka. True Wisdom is Ageless. It has no age requirement, nor limit.
    The Ageless Wisdom is available for us all – and Natalie Benhayon most certainly lives it, in full, and shares her deep love without condition or reserve. She is a remarkably inspiring woman – and I trust she will be at every age.

  431. ‘In a world where kids are pressured into being a certain way through education, cultural ideals and religion, it is essential that they are inspired to connect to the wisdom of their inner hearts.’ I completely agree Katinka and Natalie Benhayon is a beautiful reflection of living a steady, dedicated and loving life for all.

  432. Consistency in caring, loving, honouring and joyously living for ourselves is so very rare. Natalie is the epitome of a role model that every woman can relate to and learn from, regardless of her age.

  433. Wisdom and intelligence are so often confused as you point out Katinka. Somehow intelligence makes us appear to be better or worse than another or something we try to attain to give us some form of security or it is something to give up on because you don’t meet the standards. Wisdom however is something we all innately have within us, no matter how good or bad your grades are/were in school, no matter what profession or qualification you have and it comes from all ages. It is the great leveller, the thing we all have equally so. If we are led to believe that intelligence is the same thing, then we are missing out on so, so much … No one is stupid!

  434. So true Katinka.. I went actively searching around the world for the wise ones.. I checked out Universities, Monasteries, Indian spiritual communities, healers, ‘yogis’, and such like, but I could tell they were all limited or something didn’t quite feel right. (The Dalai Lama was pretty cool though!) Many were nonsensical or just downright scary. Natalie Benhayon’s wisdom is not knowledge per se, but rather an awareness and understanding of people and the difficulties they go through. Natalie Benhayon has an amazing ability to see to the heart of things and help others to get there too – so that they can find their own way forward with greater clarity, sometimes like a fog has shifted and voila! … there is the bigger picture and how it all fits.

  435. Wow hear hear Katinka “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” I am with you every step of the way!

  436. Thank you Katinka, such lovely clarity in your writing. Yes Natalie inspires me too, she is an incredible role model. So rare it is to meet a young woman so firmly in her power.

  437. The gorgeousness of a testimonial to Natalie Benhayon- a true inspiration on all levels- her consistency and solidness in herself is so inspiring to develop that also for ourselves.

  438. So true! It constantly amazes me the wisdom Natalie shares – so simply and without fuss, but with 100% power and authority in the most loving way. She is certainly a role model for everyone, and young people especially to not be afraid to share what they know.

  439. Thank you Katinka for your blog and I couldn’t agree more. My husband and I have watched Natalie grow up into the wise woman she is today and now not only is she a role model for us but for my two daughters also.

  440. Natalie is proof positive that wisdom is not based on years, but on a connection to a innermost wisdom.

  441. The feeling I have when reading your blog is not only one of admiration and appreciation of Natalie Benhayon, as I share your experience of her, but also of a great openness in yourself to receiving the blessings in everybody and the beauty of that.

  442. Beautifully expressed Katinka. There is no age and gender that will qualify you to be ‘intelligent’. We all have truth and wisdom within us and it only requires us to connect to it and let it out.

  443. I am forever inspired by the wisdom, beauty and truth of Natalie Benhayon she is a true role model for us all.

  444. Thank you Katinka. Most of us have had conditioning, that education is the most important thing to who you are. I’ve felt how I’ve used this belief to hold back who I am because I was never very good at academics. It’s an old belief that I feel still plays out in me. When I feel my essence and truth of who I am I know my wisdom is far more valuable.

  445. This is so on the money Katinka – I absolutely agree with every word. When I first heard about Natalie from people who had sought out her services as a practitioner I had a hard time believing that a woman more than 10 years younger than me could offer me any insight into life I didn’t already have. Oh how arrogant and wrong I was! When I finally experienced a session with Natalie myself I was blown away by her insight, her ability to read me, her care and professionalism and the overall way she carried herself. Natalie truly is the real deal.

  446. Thankyou Katinka for your blog, wisdom is not an age or credential , it is a lived way of being that allows us to express from our body a wisdom that is innately there in all of us to tap into.

  447. Natalie Benhayon is ageless! What I have been very inspired to feel is how Natalie can voice what we all know deep inside, our preciousness as women. Seeing how she lives with no comparison to other women is a blessing. Her heart is open to all as equals. Her beauty radiates from the inside out. She shows us that we can all be this.

  448. “In a world where kids are pressured into being a certain way through education, cultural ideals and religion, it is essential that they are inspired to connect to the wisdom of their inner hearts.” In a world that keeps asking us to be anything other than who we are Natalie is unapologetically herself, it is refreshing and inspiring and she makes me feel like I can live from this place in myself as well, by walking her talk.

    There is an awareness on one level that we know that wisdom is not related to age. That’s why we have phrases such as “out of the mouths of babes” have been sustained for 1000’s of years. Most people will relate to moments where a young child drops a comment that stops the room. Is it not possible that If we were brought up in an environment that fosters and develops this part of ourselves that speaks freely and from truth and if we lived in a family that respects us as who we truly are then we may stay connected to this wisdom?

  449. The consistency of her livingness truly inspires always… age is something I don’t even think about anymore if I connect to that. Age can be so abstract when it comes to how we feel inside and the agelessness of our soul.
    Thanks Katinka!

  450. Great blog Katinka, wisdom is definitely not defined by age, culture or education. It can be found in anyone who chooses to live in full their power, grace, integrity and love. Natalie’s reflection is a constant reminder for us all to express our true self and live in our livingness. She is inspiring to all.

  451. Natalie Benhayon walks her talk – her love for Humanity is deeper than the ocean and her wisdom is ageless. Natalie is a mirror to us all of our endless beauty, grace and power when we live the Love we are.

  452. So true… age does not need to matter when it comes to wisdom. It’s amazing how much wisdom Natalie Benhayon holds at such a young age, she is always inspiring me, I am quite young now too and knowing that I have that wisdom available to me too, is very awesome.

  453. Definitely let’s drop the judgment based on age and background. Just this morning I was at a presentation by Natalie Benhayon and Miranda Benhayon on women’s health and wellbeing. It was awesome from the first moment to the last. Hey I’m 60, biologist, medical researcher, and I have learned a lot about life and love and relationships. But what those two inspiring younger women (who have not been to university) shared this morning ‘rocked my socks off’ and gave me insights and tools for day to day life that I had not seen or heard before. I drove home feeling a lightness and presence in my body that I’ve never felt before. Such power in awareness, truth and love!

  454. Wow Katinka your blog is fantastic. I love what you bring up here: “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” I am inspired by Natalie as well and I have to say it is absolutely freeing and joyful to meet people not by their age. That opened up my heart and mind again. Let us all break up with this old age-opinion so that we can learn from our youth what we have forgotten.

    1. Well said Ester, I totally agree with all that you say here. Freeing and joyful indeed to meet people not by their age, education or background. That opened up my heart too. Natalie is a constant source of inspiration to me. A true role model and boy, can she dance! Beautiful blog Katinka, great to read this. Thank you.

  455. I totally agree Katinka with all you have said, and am also continually inspired by Natalie, her steadiness, her joy and commitment to humanity. And how she relates to anyone of any age or background. I’ve always felt totally supported and held with love about anything I have seen or spoken to Natalie for in a session. I also receive wisdom and knowing from my two sons everyday, (like when they ask me why I’m overeating or not waking up early like usual) and don’t shrug it off because they are so much younger… like anyone of any age, they see, feel, know and hold the same wisdom as anyone older than them.
    “So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?” – A big Yes from me!

    1. Yes Aimee wisdom comes from us at any age – it is whether we choose to listen.

  456. Well said Katinka, it is time we let go of the idea that age and education are what matters and start to see, acknowledge and appreciate the ageless wisdom in those who serve as a living example and great inspiration, such as Natalie Benhayon, a true role model for all

  457. Katinka I completely agree with you.I have never met a woman like Natalie Benhayon before. Yet each and every one of us has the potential to be just as extraordinary. Natalie has said many times, as has Serge Benhayon that it all comes down to the way that we live. I am beginning to feel this in my own life. That our rhythm, loving choices, and the energetic quality that we do things in guarantees that we will then receive impulses from our Soul.The Benhayon family are all fuelled by the Divine, that fuel is available for all of us. Live a certain way and it’s guaranteed just as it’s guaranteed not to be fueled by The Divine if we live in a disconnected way that lacks self love. And there we arrive back to the fact as Serge Benhayon teaches that we are constantly choosing which energetic source to connect to. Natalie is who she is by making choices, as are we all.

  458. Natalie is indeed an inspiration to women of all ages and all walks of life through the way she connects and relates to us all. She presents what she lives ie. she walks her talk…talks her walk without any telling or preaching. As a mature women myself, I am inspired by her grace, beauty and wisdom as the now 25 year old beautiful women she is.

  459. When I first started listening via audio to Natalie speak, I didn’t know who she was and figured she was a women in her 50s. When at some point in the talks she mentioned her age, I had to go back and make sure I heard right! Yes, Natalie continues to inspire me more and more and has completely blown my past ‘ageist’ ideas away.

  460. I met Natalie when she was around 15 years old. It’s been beautiful to watch her grow from a moody or stroppy teenager, into the loving and empowered women she is today. It feels important to note, accept and celebrate that like anyone, Natalie has put in the work, ongoing, and so to celebrate the way she does!

  461. Thank you Katinka for expressing your appreciation for Natalie Benhayon as being a role model for both women and men. It is great to feel that it is not about her educational credentials or age but, that it is about the way she dedicates her life to truth and how she is expressing this in full in all that she brings to the world.

  462. Natalie is a remarkable young woman who teaches the wisdom of the heart. I met her for the first time last weekend and have been inspired to take my self-care and self-love to another level. Thank-you Katinka for sharing your experience.

  463. So very true. How easy it has been to be caught up in the mindset that wisdom is gained with age. Natalie Benhayon blows all that out of the water.

  464. What you write is so true. Wisdom can come from anyone at any age when that person is truly connected. I know I have looked into the eyes of a baby and felt their wisdom which was well beyond their years, as I have looked into the eyes of old person and felt their wisdom. I have equally looked into the eyes of Natalie Benhayon and felt her wisdom. What I have realised is that it is the connection that the person holds is what gives them access to the eternal wisdom is accessible to us all – and as I learn more and more hold that for myself, then I too have access to that wisdom.

  465. I agree totally with you Katinka, Natalie Benhayon is truly inspiring her love for humanity, the joy and wisdom she shares with all those that she encounters is beautiful and has nothing to do with age.

  466. “…because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself…” this stands out for me as a true inspiration of the possibilities for my own life to be lived in this way – that consistently living in the appreciation of all that I am allows endless possibilities for being all that I need to be.

  467. Beautiful writing Katinka and so true. Natalie is an inspiration and also the living evidence of how upside down our world order is and that most of what we get taught is simply not true.

  468. Thank you Katinka. Natalie is a very worthy recipient of the admiration, Love and respect that she receives from all of the Student Body and the wider community. Such wisdom and poise from one so young in years is nothing short of amazing. I am always inspired when she presents no matter what the subject and leave feeling supported and encouraged to continue growing in my life through the Ancient Wisdom and her Wisdom.

  469. I have been inspired by Natalie Benhayon many times and have watched her develop into a true role model we can all be inspired by, age has nothing to do with it being responsible for all you do – now that’s another story.

  470. Beautiful Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is the epitome of wisdom having nothing to do with age, and everything to do with connection to self. Blessed we are to have her in our midst to inspire us to re-connect to and honour ourselves.

  471. I have known Natalie since she was 15. in the time since, it has been amazing to observe her blossoming into the wise and beautiful, steady and completely loving woman she is today. Natalie truly listens when she is with you, she has an understanding about life and people well beyond her age and she is also wickedly funny. She delights me and she inspires me.

  472. I feel like I am getting wiser as I get older, but this is not because I am getting more knowledgable. It is what I let go of, the more present I become, and a greater connection with the stillness within, that allows this to be.

    1. So do I Harry! I am always inspired by her and she always seems to have more to share. Not boasting about it, but offering it freely for all.

  473. Beautiful sharing Katinka- you hit the nail on the head with the words you used to describe Natalie . . . ‘ purity, power and wisdom’ and ‘modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred. With natural leadership’
    And the gorgeous part is she inspires all to be in their power while holding all as equals.
    Yes, we are all teachers and if we choose to ignore the fact that deep wisdom is there in those who are younger in age also, we are actually retarding our own evolution through this ignorance. I am hugely inspired, like you , by Natalie and also the many children that I am around each day. Everyone has the GOLD!

  474. I could not agree more Katinka.
    I have been privileged enough to know Natalie for about 8 years and have been totally inspired by her commitment to the way she lives, everything she does and everyone she meets.
    Her smile illuminates a whole stadium and her presence holds us in a warm, loving embrace.
    Natalie is a living example that beauty, grace and wisdom can be expressed by all, regardless of gender, age or education.

  475. I first Met Natalie when she was about 15 or 16 and she was only just beginning to get involved with Universal Medicine and the Way of The Livingness. At this time she seemed like your every day Teenager, but she had a look in her eye’s that could melt you, or make you quiver for an unknown (or unaware reason). A lot has changed since Natalie was 15, and I’ve seen her do the work and make the daily commitments necessary to make it happen, to become the powerful and strong woman we all see today – this is the evidence I have on the inside that I can do the same.

  476. Natalie’s age has never stopped me from being inspired by what she has to share. I also love how kids who are very young seem so much wiser than their years. If we judge them, or expect them to only be a certain way because of their age, we are the ones who miss out on so much of what they can offer.

  477. Age certainly has nothing to do with wisdom; if it did, what then about the way more and more people are ageing, existing in a stupor rather than truly living to their last breath.

  478. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.” A beautiful message Katinka, and much needed in a world that places a great deal of importance on the intellect rather than on true inner wisdom.

  479. I couldn’t agree more Katinka, wisdom does not come with age, there has been many time I have been blown away by the wisdom of a child.

    With regards to Natalie, yes she is one of the most incredible and inspiring women I have met, and continues to inspire me every day, not to compare myself to her or want to be her, but she inspires me to connect to myself and know I can live my self in the same deep, committed, honouring relationship with self and all of humanity.

  480. How wonderful it will be when this is the standard set across the globe for the younger generation. Instead of celebrities obsessed with self glorification it will be Men and Women living from love and with love for all humanity.

  481. Natalie Benhayon is incredibly real about women’s health. The way that she lives is totally inspiring – no matter what her age is. As a woman and a women’s health worker I continue to learn more and more from Natalie about just being myself, letting go of ideas we have about ourselves as women and what we must do. Her wisdom is sensible.. It just makes sense. It has changed the way I live and work and feel enormously.

    1. I love what you say here Kate, Natalie is so real about women’s health, it is allowing me to understand more of myself as a women and of us all as women and inspires me to study women’s health from a much deeper place.

  482. I agree Katinka – thanks for putting into words what has inspired you about Natalie Benhayon. I have also noticed and am touched by Natalie’s ability to role model and inspire living unapologetically what one holds as true for them – to me this is saying there is even space to get it wrong.

  483. Katinka thank you. I too have been in awe of Natalie Benhayon and seen her blossom into the incredibly amazing woman she is today at the tender age of 24. She is living proof that we do not necessarily need degrees or special training to have a depth of knowledge and wisdom that will see us through any difficulty in life, that it’s really about the way we live and the daily choices we make. She just has to walk past you and you get a whole lesson on what life is truly about!

  484. I love what is presented here Katinka age does not govern the depth of wisdom we offer others.

  485. Natalie Benhayon is one of those people that once you meet her you could never forget her. It would be almost impossible not to love and treasure her deeply.

    She is beautiful, wise, funny, sexy, super loving, generous, gorgeous and holds herself with such tenderness and sacredness that it inspires all who meet her, regardless of their age. She is a true role model for all women.

  486. Absolutely beautiful Katinka and very true. We so often dismiss a person, what they say, what they bring because of their age or because of another label we put on them. When you meet Natalie Benhayon you get blown away by the immense wisdom that she holds — and it is an inspiration for every man, woman and child to remember that the wisdom and truth they have within them is not measured or tainted by their age — it is timeless, always there simply waiting for us to nurture ourselves in a loving and caring way so that this wisdom starts to come out.

  487. Absolutely Katinka – exceedingly well said. Natalie Benhayon is an amazing woman, every time she presents I am left with something tangible and real, that offers a deeper understanding of myself, of others, and how I may live this. And that is due to her sharing from all that she lives in full – no more and no less. No ‘invention’, no charade, just pure 100% truth that she can so readily share, because she lives it to the bone.
    To not see the depth of inspiration in Natalie purely due to her age, is to remain stubbornly arrogant, denying oneself of the beauty, simplicity and profoundness, that is openly there for all who are willing to hear.

    1. Such a blog full of truth Katinka. I can so much relate to your sharing , Victoria as the presence of Natalie always reconnects me with the profound wisdom I carry within me. And this 100% love which she is living she is sharing with everybody. As love is not about being nice, but being true she is a true inspiration to look closely what kind of love I choose, the comfortable love or the true love.

      1. I love the delineation Kerstin, between ‘comfortable’ and ‘true’ love. I would go as far to say as the ‘comfortable’ – or comfort-seeking – kind of love isn’t actually true love, that it’s not love at all…
        We’ve been sold such a lie that so many forms of love are ‘it’, but are they? I know for myself that my eyes are always opening to more of the truth of love – a greatness that holds all as completely equal.
        In Natalie Benhayon, I see someone who lives this greatness of real love, and an expression of this that can be so beautiful and varied – from unwavering firmness in the case of dealing with that which is most definitely not love, to the most tender smile or gesture. She is certainly an amazing role model for the ‘real deal’ of love, being true to all that she knows love to be, and being able to live this through a completely dedicated way of living that allows her to express it so consistently.

  488. Dear Katinka, Great blog. I like the point you made ” Not because she is more special than any other woman I know, but because of the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself.’ This is a key factor how this can be achieved. Great questions you posed too. Thank you Katinka.

  489. Natalie Benhayon is very inspiring and a true role model. There is never any critique, only appreciation and support to bring out and forward whats true.

  490. Hello Katinka, I have learnt many things from children, they have astounding wisdom as they make incredible observations about life, and have the purity to deliver their truth unedited and often with great humour. The truth of a child is like no other!

  491. To me Natalie Benhayon is absolutely unique. I have never met anyone with so much wisdom, beauty and grace in one person, her inner beauty shines out for everyone to see. Her understanding of what it means to be a woman has inspired countless people including myself and she is living proof that you can remain exactly who you are and embrace being a woman without becoming hard and driven.

  492. Thanks Katinka, Natalie is equally inspirational to women and men. The way she moves, the widsom she brings to any moment is something to be appreciated.

  493. Natalie to me has become the quintessential role model, for a society that has lost its way. The inner wisdom that pervades her presence is so obvious there for all to see and for us to connect to and be inspired by. Being a male some 40 years older, I find Natalie an inspiration, that inspires my femaleness so it can be a reflection of my own true inner beauty.
    Thank you and I agree Katinka that Natalie has developed into a modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred woman. In the 10 years I have known Natalie as a Universal Medicine Student, she has blossomed into the radiant beauty she is today. My hat is off to you, Natalie!

  494. Natalie is indeed a very wise and inspirational young woman who is also very playful and open by nature. When I first met Natalie she was a young teenager going through a rebellious phase, to watch her grown and blossom into a person who at half my age I turn to for support and words of wisdom has been a joy to observe. Not one to be shy with her love or speaking the truth Natalie is a formidable woman.

  495. Natalie has inspired me ever since I first met her, when she was a young girl, and to watch the powerhouse that is Miss Natalie Benhayon as she makes her way in the world is spectacular, to be a part of the revolution that is bringing true love, wisdom and lasting change is essential for our hurting world.

  496. Natalie has a quality of presence and love that is truly gracious, innocent and powerful. Katinka, you write this post with true intelligence, asking what is true wisdom and how it is so much more than the intelligence that makes so many feel dumb, or disempowered to express their point of view. So much can be expressed from the heart that the head cannot access in daily life. I am still learning this and every time Natalie speaks, or even moves with total presence in her body, it is a reminder.

  497. I sometimes hear discussion about so called ‘powerful’ women in the world but the context is usually around financial or political matters. Natalie Benhayon totally breaks that stereotype and demonstrates to us all that this type of power is superficial. Connecting to, accepting, appreciating and living your inner wisdom and beauty is my definition of ‘powerful’ and I look at Natalie as a role model personifying all this and more.

    1. Yes Helen, I agree, Natalie totally breaks the stereotypes of what a ‘powerful’ women is. With her grace, playfulness, wisdom and sacredness she is an amazing role model.

  498. Thank you Katinka for this blog, the beauty and wisdom Natalie continually presents inspires all to be in their truth and power and to honour the innate wisdom we all have within.

  499. You are totally right in what you wrote Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is a living proof that wisdom do not comes with age, it comes from the inner heart. It is also a living proof of how beautiful we are when we live from it.

  500. In a million years it never occurred to me I would meet a woman like Natalie Benhayon. Apart from being a gorgeous young woman, she is dedicated to her work, successful in many ways, part of a truly loving family, and a role model for women all over the world. What I love most about Natalie though is the grace, humbleness and kindness with which she walks through life. She is an everyday woman in her 20’s, yet she is a powerful woman personified, she is a true role model for all women regardless of their age, and she is immensely funny. Natalie Benhayon is the type of friend I have always dreamt of, but thought such beauty, respect and love only appeared in movies and magazines. Thank you Natalie for making love real.

  501. Katinka I love what you have shared about being willing to accept the wisdom in another despite age, qualifications and even lived experiences. I am a mother of 7, in my fifties with 3 academic qualifications who sees Natalie Benhayon as a practitioner and presenter regularly. I found what I have learned from her has been nothing short of life-changing as she is ageless!

  502. I’m right there with you Katinka. Natalie is ageless and an absolute wonder of inspiration. I have never felt the slightest bit intimidated by her age because she is always beside you. She blows the concept of age mattering right out the window!

  503. I completely agree with what you say Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is indeed an awesome role model, a very generous person and a divinely wise woman. Nothing has been given to Natalie on a platter and what she lives is available to all of us and that is part of what Natalie reflects in her very down to earth and yet other worldly manner. I have seen Natalie grow and develop over the last ten years into the amazing woman she is now through her total love of humanity, unwavering integrity and dedicated service… oh yes and did I forget to also mention her hot dance moves and playfulness?

    1. Yes Nicola, I saw Natalie last year at the Women in Livingness workshop and she does radiate wisdom and love. I love her playfulness and how she dances!

    2. When I first met Natalie 10 years ago she was 15 and very smart and quite aware and more self-sufficient than other 15 year olds but little pointed to the massive expansion in ability and energy that has happened since. It is very heartening to see what is possible for a person to do in just 10 years and it is far more than I considered possible.

  504. So beautifully expressed Katinka…Natalie is indeed a true role model and inspiration for us all – ‘the consistency with which she lovingly holds herself, honours herself and cares for herself’ is reflected for all to see and feel, and to remind us we can also be this way if we so choose.

  505. Yes and Yes Katinka.
    Why compare with someone who is more confident on who they are and sharing that love and wisdom with the world.
    Its ridiculous how competition and jealously come out and show their ugly faces, when sometimes the jealously could be attacking the very person who is reflecting how outstanding, wise and amazing you are.

    And Natalie is indeed an example of a person who reflects how we can live to our full potential. 🙂

  506. Absolutely Katinka, age has nothing to do with wisdom!
    “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.”

    1. I agree Samantha, Natalie Benhayon is incredibly inspiring. The love that she presents with and holds me in when I see her for a session or even simply a chat is beyond words. She is fully there for me, with no agenda apart from helping inspire me to be more love with myself. One of the lovely things I find about having a session with Natalie is that she manages to get me to answer my questions instead of imposing the way forward or solutions to fix whatever I may be going through onto me. By doing this I then get a deeper understanding of why the question has arisen in the first place and so can take responsibilty for my part in it and not see it as a chore or thing to fix, rather something to learn from.

  507. Beautifully expressed with much simplicity and clarity. I totally agree with you, Katinka. Neither age or education can define a wisdom that only come from a way of living that deeply honours our divine essence. Natalie constantly inspires me to connect again and again to the stillness and sacredness of the woman I am and I deeply appreciate and honour her reflection.

  508. I feel the loving consistency of Natalie always when I am in contact with her and this supports and inspires me a lot.

  509. Beautiful how you have expressed this Ryan. Natalie’s consistency and deep soul-full wisdom and sacredness is not from this World and I am blessed to know her and witness the power and grace in everything she does.

  510. I grew up in the generation where it was all about “getting a good education.” (Katinka, you are 20 years older than Natalie and I am 40 years older!) A good education was how we would “make something of ourselves.” In an evolutionary way, I can see where my generation and the ones before me were dependent on an education to make a better life but the tide has turned and the way forward is no longer through the standard classroom education. What we need to be educated about now is how to tap into our own innate essence, wisdom and beauty and Natalie is an outstanding example of what this looks like.

  511. Natalie Benhayon is an endless inspiration to me and like you share, I have no problem with what age the package comes in, I can understand people could take umbrage with someone so young on paper but when you meet her and are with her when she is sharing it completely disappears as you are faced with a level of lived love that is ageless.

  512. Natalie has shown me that wisdom is not a privilege that comes with age or wisdom, but rather is a quality of livingness that is born within us all. It is simply a matter of connecting to it. She is an inspiration to men and women alike, and having heard here speak in public since she was 19 year old, it has never occurred me to question what she had to share based on her age, such was her natural authority

  513. A beautiful, honest article. I too have realised that wisdom does not have anything to do with age but how much we honour and nurture ourselves and the fact that we all have this wisdom inside. Natalie Benhayon has definitely been an inspiration here, claiming her wisdom, power and authority for us all to be inspired by. Thank you.

  514. Very well said Katinka I couldn’t agree with you more. I am almost twice Natalie’s age but have no problem whatsoever listening and applying the wisdom she has to offer.

  515. Beautifully said Katinka about Natalie Benhayon, she is a very inspiring woman for everyone in this world, I also love the way she presents and the way she talks, with so much wisdom, consistancy and above all humbleness.

  516. Hi Katinka, I completely agree. Sometimes my children pass on to me the most profound and simple truths through their words or sometimes just by their way of dealing with a situation. I am constantly learning from them, as they are from me. We support each other through the choices we make each day.
    Isn’t this what Natalie Benhayon is giving us as a gift? A reflection of loving choices?

  517. So well shared Katinka, Natalie is an extraordinary woman that is not holding back in any way shape or form… Natalie is incredible, inspiring and I have always felt the deep level of Love and Respect from her. The Wisdom that Natalie shares is extremely special and something that I have started to believe I have within myself too, just like everyone. Its a connection to God which is every where if we are open to seeing and feeling him.

    1. I love what you say Natalie, Natalie Benhayon carries her great Wisdom from her connection with God. We can all allow to feel him in us and through that feel ourselves and the other way around. Allowing Him gives me the deepest joy I could possibly feel and I feel humbled feeling the equalness of His presence with me always.

  518. People comment by saying a person has wisdom beyond their years. Granted, age and experience does give you a certain level of wisdom, but there are people in their twilight years that I know who are stubbornly choosing to stay ignorant of some very obvious facts. Natalie, Simone, Curtis and Michael – all Benhayons are astounding people who do not hold back the wisdom they first live in order to share with others. There are also some other very young folk taking part in the Way of the Livingness who also express from a deep knowing of wisdom. There are also people in the seventh decade of life who are blossoming in their living of love. It is inspiring to see all of this because it proves that wisdom has nothing to do with age and everything to do with love.

  519. Thank you Katinka for sharing your wisdom with us. I am 15 years old and I know that by having the inspiration of Natalie Benhayon in my life it has allowed me to become a beautiful and confident young woman. However most of all Natalie has shown me the power and beauty that comes from simply being my self.

  520. I have known Natalie for years now and each time I meet her she is even more remarkable than the last. Her absolute stillness, even having danced on stage for an hour, is something I have never ever felt before. She is incredible and I feel very privileged to have her in my life.

  521. “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.”
    Beautifully said Katinka. I have been, and continue to be, greatly inspired by Natalie Benhayon. A true role model for women and for us all.

  522. I totally agree Katinka ‘So could we say that age has nothing to do with wisdom?’ Absolutely, my four year old grandson knocks me off my feet with his wisdom. Some people choose to hold onto that wisdom as they grow and not play the game of distracting themselves with the things life offers. Natalie Benhayon made that choice and brings us true wisdom.

    1. Judy, absolutely age has nothing to do with wisdom, my niece also comes out with some great stuff too. Natalie Benyhayon definetly brings some amazing wisdom through she is a beautiful inspiration.

  523. So beautifully said Katinka, Natalie is an inspiration. At such a young age to be a whole and awe inspiring woman. It certainly is true that wisdom can come with age but it clearly is already there in the young so what happens and how do we lose it in the interceding years? Is it possible we choose to close that wisdom down as we grow into young adults because the world doesn’t in general want to see it? Natalie Benhayon did not close down the wisdom she had as a child and grew into a deeply loving woman who shares all of this with the world.

  524. Nathalie Benhayon is an inspirational person, a role model for all people. She has so much wisdom for a young lady 24 years of age. When she speaks she can hold peoples attention, with her words of encouragement on life, and how we can change for the betterment of mankind.

  525. Katinka you present here an opportunity to really go deeper with our relationship with ourselves and others which is super important if we are to make any further true change in this world. The world can only change as far as we allow.

  526. When I meet Nathalie Benhayon, it is an ageless woman I have in front of me. The depth of her wisdom and her love for humanity are immense. I also love her honesty, simplicity and her playfulness. She is a true role model for all women.

    1. Beautifully said Maryline, Natalie is truly ageless and a superb role model. She is the very person you would want your sons and daughters to meet, to see that we can live life to the full without an ounce of self harm and tons of self respect. Natalie’s wisdom and love have supported so many women to re-claim their self respect and cherish themselves, she is a true inspiration.

  527. Having recently met Natalie Benhayon again and this woman really is something. Her presence had a quality to it that I cannot describe in words other than say it was very strong and steady with a deep deep stillness. I felt myself sink into my own body and walk away feeling super steady. It was subtle but days later, I feel stronger from inside.
    I just re-read this amazing blog Katinka and what you say at the end is so true – ‘Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity’. We short change ourself when we put all those things in front of someone and judge them first. If we stayed open imagine what we could really know and learn from others. Possible? I reckon it is very possible as it makes simple sense.

  528. Great point here, about what is real wisdom? We tend to assume it is associated with intellectual knowledge or perhaps lived years on earth but I feel it has much more to do with how in touch someone is with their heart-felt intelligence. The heart is very wise and Natalie Benhayon is a woman very much in touch with her heart and not afraid to express from there, also. If we all used our hearts instead of our minds to ‘think’, the world would look remarkably different.

  529. Katinka its a strong reminder of how easily we get caught up it qualifications over wisdom. Natalie Benhayon is a true shining example of someone who is making a real difference in the world. Her wisdom and integrity is well beyond not only her age but any age.

  530. Absolutely Ryan. Ageless she is. Once this depth of love and wisdom is connected to its like the worldly constraints of age and time disappear.

  531. I love the message of this blog. I have often felt the constraints of an educational system that defines children by age and knowledge acquired rather than innate and lived wisdom. Natalie is a shining example of someone who has been able to nurture that wisdom through dedication to herself and through the love she has for all. She totally inspires me and not only that, her strength in tender gentleness coupled with her cheeky humour and ability to hold others in love and truth simply lights me up and allows me to feel those qualities in myself. I feel so blessed to know her.

  532. Natalie Benyahon has played a great part in my life, she has been an inspiration full of wisdom. She has supported me through some difficult times over the last few years. I have regular sessions with Natalie which I love, what I have learnt about myself and women’s health is amazing.

  533. Natalie exudes a natural simplicity, an inner serenity and love for all.
    This alongside her spontaneity and humour (especially at presentations) makes her my all round role model.

  534. Everything you have written about Natalie Benhayon is so true Katinka, Natalie has a quality and presence and wisdom and a way of being that surpasses age. It may sound odd but I know when Natalie is about because I can feel my body changing, there will be a part of me that I can feel is being asked to be more, it asks me to recognise the woman in me – the gentleness and the tenderness. Natalie is a constant inspiration to us all.

  535. I was enjoying listening to the song “The Woman and I am” on You tube and re-reading the online magazine – ‘Women in Livingness’ today….. I am constantly inspired by Natalie Benhayon and her true support for women’s health and the consistent role model she is. Well worth having a look at.

    1. I agree Stephanie, all the amazing roles Natalie plays are founded in a deep dedication to supporting others, men and women, to connect to themselves, and one of the ways she so amazingly does this is by reflection – the most powerful tool of all.

    2. I agree Stephanie, Natalie Benhayon is showing humanity that all women are amazing and sacred. The way she consistantly lives feels completely liberating to me.

  536. I love your blog Katinka. It’s so true. If I ever judge another for not being able to offer me a reflection of wisdom I am shutting off from the fact that we are all wise and equally so.

    I too am totally inspired by Natalie Benhayon especially her presentations and -as you put it, ‘to never apologise for what they know is true for them.’

  537. An inspiring blog Katinka, confirmed by all the comments, of a very inspiring, beautiful and consistent role model, Natalie Benhayon. Having heard Natalie in her first audio presentations some years ago and to see her live and audio presentations now – bring it on Natalie, you are amazing and even being in my 60’s, there is so much I learn and enjoy with your wisdom and expression.

  538. Hi Katinka, Thank you for writing about Natalie Benhayon, I remember when I first heard her laugh on an audio presentation and when I remember it is always makes me laugh to myself too. She is a great role model for me, even though I am older than her, she has shown me what it is to be more womanly, what true sexiness is, and what real confidence is. She is an amazing inspiration and in meeting her, attending presentations and sessions with her, I have started to become more womanly and confident in myself, and to allow myself to feel sexy and powerful. There is no jealousy, as she has no arrogance. There is no comparison as she just inspires. She is the first person to really make me consider what it would be like to actually really cherish and adore myself, not for anyones else, just for me – which has started a very precious journey.

    1. Hi Laura, I have so enjoyed reading the many replies to Katinka’s original blog – and along with the depth of love and inspiration that we feel when with Natalie, I had to smile within on reading your words “make me consider what it would be like to actually really cherish and adore myself” – thank you for your expression.

  539. Katinka I so agree. I am amazed that when I am open and srop thinking I know it all, I am amazed by the interactions and conversations that I have with people. Whether that be strangers or casual acquaintances it’s like we know each other already and the wisdom they share I find absolutely astonishing. The openness that Natalie Benhayon lives with and shares with all of us inspires me to open up.

  540. I am a 43 year old man. My daughter is a 6 year old girl. We are both constantly and consistently inspired by Natalie Benhayon and both love her as a sister, mother, friend…I don’t know…none of those words are right!!….we just love her, irrespective of our or her ages. Simple.

    1. Yes you just can’t stop feeling Love, when you’re around Natalie. I feel I trust her so deeply to not judge and I always feel very understood in Natalie’s presence.

  541. What and amazing testament of what Natalie has shown us all by her commitment to being all she is. Reminding us all of who we truly are ourselves.

  542. A beautiful true article on Natalie who ‘ inspires us all to be all that we are ‘. Thank you Katinka and Natalie.

  543. So well said Katinka, Natalie Benhayon in all the time I’ve known her presents herself with an absolute love and consistency with all, and there’s such a feeling of equality in how everyone is met by her. I walk away from any meeting feeling inspired. And I love your ending Katinka, wisdom is indeed found in many and age or background or ethnicity or any other label are no bar – we know and feel it when we hear it, we just need to drop any blinkered ideas about where it should come from.

    1. I agree entirely Monica, and I love how you say ‘I walk away from any meeting feeling inspired’, I do as well. With the love and support Natalie Benhayon has offered to me I have been inspired to make some truly life changing choices.

    2. I agree Monica, Natalie Benhayon meets everyone with the same quality and equality. If we are presented with something that can help or inspire us, what does it matter how old someone is or where they come from.

  544. So beautifully expressed Ryan, Natalie Benhayon has grown in to a truly beautiful and wise woman, and regardless of her age, one who offers wise counsel and compassion; built upon the deeply loving way she cares for and appreciates herself everyday. A true role model for us all.

  545. I totally endorse all of the above, Natalie Benhayon is a shining example of how we all can be.

  546. “Can we only learn from people with an extended list of educational credentials? How well is humanity doing relying on the so called intelligence of the mind?” Natalie Benhayon is a shining example of how to live with innate wisdom, with true intelligence that comes from the body and not the mind.

  547. Beautifully and simple expressed, Katinka. I totally agree that Natalie inspires women as I am the witness to many that have been inspired by her. However, it is not just women that are inspired by her but also men. She inspires by living example that: age is not the determiner of wisdom; the reflection of treating everyone equally and as an equal; through her reflection of expressing her truth and the true glorious delicate nature of women it inspires me, and other men, to not only honour women for who they truly are and not as sexual objects but also for us to connect to the true nature of men of tenderness and to express from that tenderness.

  548. I feel I would like to add a few words – however, I feel the depth of love and honouring of the one we know as Natalie Benhayon that has been expressed by the previous 80 or so comments says it all – what else can I say that is as honest, refreshing, and pertinent as all the previous expressions. The Love, Light and playfullness that I have come to value in Natalie is an awesome evolutionary process, since I first met this amazing young woman in about 2001. She reminds me that all that Love and Wisdom is within each one of us, if only we would but ‘be’ so that we may also reflect that – not being dependent on whether we are 84 or 24 or anything in between.

    1. I agree Roberta, it has been amazing to read all the comments and feel the love for this amazing women who is a friend to so many people. For me Natalie presents a “light at the end of the tunnel” in regards to the pressures of school and life, when it comes to dating and being a women. Because Natalie embodies true grace, beauty and playfulness, but also a deep honour of her body as a women, and the knowing she is no less with out a man. For me every time I see her I am reminded of what true, non-photoshoped beauty is, and what, for me, being a true women means, and that I am equally amazing.

      1. Beautifully said Rebecca. I can truly appreciate what you mean by Natalie being “the light at the end of the tunnel”. In a world where self abuse, bullying and substance abuse in its many forms is on the increase within our societies, Natalie offers us all the way to truly address these insidious behaviours. She gracefully encourages us to claim and connect to our own wisdom and self respect and the result of which is the ability to reject anything that does not equal those qualities. How fantastic for you to have such a graceful, wise and fun role model in your life to keep reminding you that you are just as amazing and worth cherishing every moment of the day. What a tremendous gift she is to us all.

      2. I love what you say here Rebecca, about Natalie being a ‘light at the end of the tunnel’

  549. I agree Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is a true inspiration for all women. I remember speaking with her several years ago in relation to an issue with my son. The wisdom Natalie presents is an inspiration and available to us all as we further deepen the loving choices in our daily lives. Thank you Natalie for sharing all you are.

    1. ..and Natalie includes in this sharing some of the challenges which she faces. For me this openness brings such a practicality to the possibilities of approaching life differently, through self love and nurturing.

  550. There has been such a strong belief system in our culture especially in the UK that says “children should be seen and not heard” it is changing slowly but it is so damning of any child not to be heard for they have a natural and honest way of expressing from their essence. Natalie Benhayon has wisdom beyond her years and she has claimed it so beautifully that it shines like a beacon for us all to share and I for one have been inspired by her wisdom…. a wisdom that is truly ageless.

    1. Well said Alison, the Truth and strength Natalie presents with is ageless and truly inspiring regardless of her age but also because of it, as she is showing us that no matter how old we are, or who we are, we all have something important to say and bring to humanity.

    2. This is beautiful Alison, it is so true that the idea that “children should be seen and not heard”, is damaging for children because, ‘they have a natural and honest way of expressing from their essence’, children can be a true inspiration for the rest of society if we allow them to express naturally and let go of the belief that adults know more than children.

    3. I agree with every word you say Alison and thank you Katinka for expressing an appreciation for the wisdom of Natalie Benhayon. I share in everything you say.

    4. Absolutely Alison a Wisdom that is truly Ageless. Natalie Benhayon shows without a shadow of a doubt that if we connect to our Soul we are all wise no matter what age. Extremely Inspiring.

  551. You captures it so beautifully Katinka: “Natalie Benhayon undoubtedly inspires every man and woman she meets to be in their power, to express from their hearts and to never apologise for what they know is true for them.” She is a true inspiration by simply the way she chooses to live, which is completely honouring and caring of herself and allows great wisdom, then she brings her fullness to everything she does with enormous commitment and dedication to people, and she is playful with all of that. It is a joy being in Natalie’s presences. A true role model for all people of all ages.

    1. Beautifully said Golnaz. Natalie is a true inspiration and role model for all ages. Wisdom is something we already have within, it is how we choose to be with ourselves that allows this wisdom to be connected to and expressed and Natalie is a living example of just that.

      1. I agree Nicole with your words “how we choose to be with ourselves that allows this wisdom to be connected to and expressed” is a key for myself and Natalie has again shared her loving wisdom with me in regards to the importance of expression even when it could be a known that the loving expression expressed may not be recognized, accepted, or reciprocated. It simply is just that – a loving expression. I am truly inspired by Natalie.

  552. Thank you so much for capturing the essence of Natalie Benhayon in this blog Katinka. I have been inspired to connect to the wisdom of my inner-heart and love to hear her present Truth without apology but always with a sense of fun and playfulness. Her commitment to humanity and her consistency in the way she chooses to live are a beacon for all whatever their ages.

  553. Thank you Katinka for this blog, it says it all, what you say about Natalie Benhayon, Love your expression and how it is not about age. Let us be inspired by the beauty and wisdom, love that!

  554. Great article about such a beautiful inspiring young woman. Her wisdom never fails to astound me. Gorgeous photo of you also Katinka!

  555. I also whole heartedly agree with all you have said about Natalie Benhayon, and also about the irrelevance of age. Increasingly I find age to be a total irrelevance in relating to people and that those that I am truly connecting with are both a lot younger than me, and a lot older, and that there is an agelessness in our connection and interactions.

  556. Thank you Katinka. I’m just re-reading this article. There IS so much we can learn when we put down our guard and we’re open to people – letting go of the barriers of their sex, age, race, how they look, class, religion, etc and just meeting them as another person. This really transforms relationships. This is what Universal Medicine and Natalie Benhayon have been presenting through presentations, teachings and just by the way that they are. They have treated me in this way and because of that I am now feeling able to interact with others more openly.

    1. Well said Shevon, Natalie Benhayon and Universal Medicine are truly inspiring and it’s a real testament to see the amazing openness everyone who’s been truly inspired by her, now reflects and lives. Especially how none of the normal barriers of life (class, religion, sex, race, age etc..) get in the way of the willingness to meet the other person.

  557. Thank you Katinka for presenting Natalie so beautifully for us all to claim and write about. Natalie Benhayon’s absolute amazingness, inspiration, dedication and joy for all women and men to feel and all the truth she is showing the world, and she is just starting out! Her connection to God and love for us all, the wisdom is there with so much fun. She brings a warming smile through my whole body while writing this.

  558. Amazing blog Katinka, thank you, I completely agree with you. Natalie Benhayon has truly been and continues to be a deep inspiration to me and is an inspiration for all.

  559. I am so pleased that you wrote this testimonial Katinka, and there will be many more to come in the future, as Natalie Benhayon smashes so many of society’s moulds and is a constant reminder for women (and men) across the globe of what it is to be in absolute love and devotion to self, humanity and God.

  560. Awesome Katinka. Yes I have met Natalie Benhayon many times and Natalie’s presence always leave me feeling safe, that everything is OK, that I am OK and then I feel my natural light-hearted Love again. Natalie is younger than me but to be honest I never think of her age, as her wisdom speaks first.

    1. Absolutely right Shevon. Natalie Benhayon has such presence that age doesn’t even come into it.

  561. It makes sense when you see that women don’t differ in age and experience necessarily, but that the level of responsibility one takes for looking after themselves matters equally. That’s an ideal and belief gone out the window for us all (if that’s the choice I guess)! As to me, true wisdom is about living love to not face the consequences of things like illness and disease, bad relationships and depression. It’s a blessing to all generations to have a young kid or young woman or man live truly committed to themselves for all to be inspired by. We ought to support each other as one. I love this blog, it’s very freeing.

  562. Thank you, Katinka, for so beautifully expressing appreciation for Natalie Benhayon and all that she has done for so many, and for de-bunking the myths society holds about age, intelligence and education.

  563. So true Katinka – Natalie Benhayon not only shines with health and vitality, she is a deeply wise and inspiring lady and one who lives her life in absolute Love. When you meet her, age differences melt away and it’s simply a joy to engage with her. Her dedication to her work is a true inspiration and her love for humanity unquestionable, as she dedicates herself to women’s health and enabling women to re-gain our truly nurturing and loving expression again.

  564. Well shared Katinka, I completely agree with you, Natalie Benhayon is one amazing and inspiring women, with so much wisdom and love to share. She sure is a true role model for women. She has completely inspired me and touched my heart.

  565. That’s beautiful Katinka De Lannoy. I have also been deeply inspired by Natalie Benhayon and feel that what you have written is very true, there is an idea that we can only learn from people who have been educated, are older etc… because they have more knowledge, whereas my experience similar to you is that I’m very inspired by my 3 year old son who has had no education, but who is himself – joyful, playful, says what he is feeling and is tender and loving.

  566. Natalie Benhayon is a powerhouse – of love, truth and wisdom. She is an inspiration to us all, and her true capabilities show us there are no boundaries to our potential, no one need ever be capped because of their age, sex, race, etc. We are all equal and all amazing. Thanks Katinka for highlighting this point.

  567. Katinka, this is a great article. I have always felt and said the age is just a number… Natalie Benhayon as you say is an awesome example of this… the wisdom that she holds and shares is life times of knowing. Not just 26 yrs worth.

  568. Katinka, I too first met Natalie Benhayon when she was presenting and was inspired by her inner confidence (that came without a drop of arrogance), her clarity and wisdom. Every single word of what she said on that day made absolute and perfect sense to me. It was a beautiful moment hearing such wisdom from such a young women. A true inspiration.

  569. Awesome blog Katinka. I totally agree with you, and that also applies to her sister Simone Benhayon and her brothers Curtis Benhayon and Michael Benhayon. Thank you.

  570. I could not agree more – perfectly put – thank you for writing this.

  571. Katinka, what a great blog. I loved reading it as I too have been deeply inspired by the wisdom and humbleness Natalie Benhayon lives in.

  572. Your blog captures the truth about the judgement and prejudice of ageism. Wisdom is wisdom. It’s whether we choose to hear it or not.

      1. Well said Katinka and Cathy! Natalie Benhayon has been and is, a true inspiration, she lives everything she presents and shares with us all. I have never felt any judgement from Natalie, rather a loving steadfastness that is always there no matter what, with tons of Joy thrown in as well!!

  573. I love this gorgeous reminder of the power we all behold, and the grace we can admire and respond to from Natalie Benhayon. Well said Katinka, thanks.

  574. Very well said Katinka, it’s crazy to judge someone on their age, credentials or ethnicity. Natalie is an awesome inspiration to me too.

  575. Thank you Katinka – you have captured and expressed this Beautifully. It is such an honour to know Natalie and all she is bringing to so many women around the world as well as being part of and witnessing us all growing into the beautiful, tender and powerful women we are too because of this reflection.

  576. This is so true – anyone who attends a session or presentation by Natalie Benhayon will see and feel how she absolutely breaks down the ideal and concept that people need certain ‘qualifications’, ‘credentials’ and ‘experience’ to be able to offer guidance or insight to others. Natalie is truly inspiring and needs no ‘qualifications’, rehearsing or otherwise to offer amazing support to people of all ages and backgrounds.

  577. Thank you Katinka for this amazing blog.

    Natalie Benhayon really is a wise old soul for sure. The absolute real deal who is not afraid to speak her Truth. She has been and continues to inspire me and many others who I have introduced to her including my husband. We are both in our 50’s and realise that age really has nothing to do with truth and wisdom.

  578. Amazing Katinka – Natalie is an absolute inspiration for me as a young woman and agree that wisdom should most certainly not be defined by age!

    1. Susie you are another true example of a young beautiful lady who is expressing her wise wisdom. I watched as you presented to around 200 people back in June, it was totally inspirational! How you live and honour yourself as a woman is a blessing to see.

    2. Natalie Benhayon has been an absolute inspiration to us as a family, and I have watched my two daughters light up and be inspired by Natalie over the many years that they have known her. By providing that inspiration, she has given them a living example of the fact that age cannot define them, but that it is their connection to themselves, the way they live and what they choose to express, that the world will come to know their power as well.

      1. I definitely recognise the power of this – both of your beautiful daughters are in-turn an incredible inspiration to all other girls and women.

    3. Susie, so true, as an elder person we have made more experiences in this life, but wisdom is ageless.

    4. Yes, I agree Susie and you are a great example yourself! Having been inspired by Natalie Benhayon, you are now a living inspiration to us.
      This shows the ripple effect it has when one woman steps into her power, no matter what age and connects to her true wisdom – we all benefit from it. Realizing this we can drop all our comparison and jealousy as it just does not make sense anymore.

  579. Thank you Katinka for those words of wisdom for that they are. I too particularly love the ending: “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person.”

  580. I love your blog, Katinka. As I know Natalie Benhayon myself I only can agree what you have expressed. Natalie is so inspiring in living consistently the glorious and amazing woman she is, joyful and playful and you can see in every cell of her body that she is enjoying life to the fullest without never giving her power away to outside attractions.

  581. Great points re the age thing Katinka. The same applies to Curtis Benhayon, Natalie’s younger brother who I have been receiving sessions from since he was a teenager. I am a 57 year old business woman who has employed consultants from the big 4 accounting firms paying some over $300 an hour and what they have imparted is nothing compared to the wisdom of Natalie and Curtis. It completely blows the age thing away.

    The other point it that both Natalie and Curtis are not only amazingly wise and inspiring but also thoroughly generous, gorgeous, cool and fun people to be around!

    1. I totally agree Nicola. I am 64 and receive amazing wisdom from both Curtis and Natalie. All the Benhayon family are totally amazing in their own unique way.

  582. Thanks Katinka for sharing this. We all know how beautifully wise children can be in their innocent clarity when they say things and I just love that. This for me portrays how true wisdom lies within and it gives us such a clear reflection about the topic of reincarnation being not something to believe in or not but to simply enjoy and embrace… Natalie is just one, yet so powerful, proof that true knowledge and wisdom lives within us and all it takes is to accept that and let it be expressed. In that and many other regards Natalie Benhayon is for me such a beautiful inspiration of how life can be lived. Thanks both to you Katinka for sharing this and to Natalie for being who you are with no reservation.

  583. I loved reading your blog Katinka and I whole heartedly agree with every word! Not only is she modern, soulful, inspiring, steady, sexy and sacred, but she is also very funny! She exudes joy, playfulness and fun. Natalie, you are a true inspiration and a joy to know and also you are a great role model for women and men to simply be themselves!

  584. Thanks Katinka for blowing a few concepts out of the water that have not brought anything to humanity at all, such as seniority, level of education and the number of letters behind your name. I take my hat off to Natalie Benhayon and find her a true and amazing inspiration and role model, and I am another 20 years older than you!

  585. Absolutely with you in every word Katinka.

    Natalie Benhayon is a true and deep inspiration, and dropping our ‘petty judgements’ based on age (& more) is something for which a large-scale overhaul is well overdue in our society.

  586. So simply shared Katinka – I never really knew what a role model meant… since being around Natalie Benhayon, I am constantly inspired and reminded how beautiful we are when we can simply be our joy-full selves without the need to separate or compare because of age, education or gender. As you say “Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of us all…”

  587. Hi Katinka – your written words of Truth in relation to Natalie Benhayon echo my feelings absolutely – quite a while ago I struggled with my own spiritual pride, or rather letting go of that struggle, and accepted that the wisdom of that then ‘teen-lady’ was not in competition to my then almost septegenarian years but instead was emanating the deep true love and wisdom that is potentially available to each of us. I love the way you expressed your feelings.

  588. Wow Katinka. You have said exactly how I feel about Natalie Benhayon and her wisdom. At the same time you expose the underlying lie we have in our society, about where we think wisdom comes from. Natalie has shown me that no amount of university degrees or acquirement of knowledge can match the natural depth of wisdom within our own beings, if we but choose to develop this within our own selves.

  589. Katinka – this is such a beautiful reminder to take out into the world – thank you for sharing.

  590. Thank you Katinka for deeply appreciating the power, wisdom and grace of Natalie Benhayon and for exposing the fact that we can find this in any of us regardless of education, age, gender etc.

  591. Well said Katinka! I whole heartedly agree with every word you have written. I meet Natalie Benhayon when she was 13 or 14 and also have witnessed her developing into the beautiful, powerful, sexy, wise woman she is today. And have over the years been constantly inspired by her dedication and commitment to herself and humanity at large. She is a beacon of light showing us all, by her own living example and through her presentations, the way to our own Inner Wisdom and Beauty.

    I am a 58 year old woman who would never hesitate to ask this 24 year for advice or confirmation about something I have felt when I feel this is needed.

    I particularly loved your closing lines – “Let us lose the pettiness of judging any person we meet by their age, educational/professional background or ethnicity. Let us be open to be inspired by the Beauty and Wisdom of All.”

    1. I too, loved the closing lines, true intelligence can be expressed at any age no one is ‘better’ or ‘wiser’ than another, but there are clearer levels of expression from those like Natalie Benhayon.

    2. Very well expressed Katinka, thank you. And Kathleen I love your sentence that captures it so beautifully for me: Natalie Benhayon “is a beacon of light showing us all, by her own living example and through her presentations, the way to our own Inner Wisdom and Beauty.”

    3. Thank you Kathleen, very well expressed. Natalie Benhayon is most definitely a beacon of light, showing women and men that there is another way. For me, being a teenager, I have been blessed to meet Natalie Benhayon and be shown that the pressure I feel in school is not “it”, that there is another way to be that honours myself.

  592. It certainly is amazing to be inspired by a young woman living her true wisdom and beauty – and lovingly sharing this with all she comes in contact with. Ageless Wisdom embodied – and always simply and profoundly expressed for us to reflect that we too can have that connection by the choices we make and how we live our lives.

    Beautifully written Katinka, thank you.

  593. Katinka, this is beautiful and so honouring of the truth that is Natalie and what she has inspired in and shared with us all; this will be one of many testimonials to be recorded in history about this amazing woman. Natalie Benhayon is pioneering many things in life, and this we should all study very closely to bring us to a greater and truer intelligence.

  594. Beautifully described Katinka. Natalie Benhayon is an absolute inspiration and reflection for any woman and any one. Thank you for your expression here.

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