Living a Harmonious Life in our Eighties

My husband and I have found that to live a truly harmonious way of life in our eighties requires us to be responsible for the quality of lives we lead.

We met Serge Benhayon and his family thirteen years ago, as well as many other people who have become our very good friends. Over these thirteen years we have learned many life skills which have helped us change our conceptions about life and about the choices we make. It is interesting to have these new concepts come into one’s life as one grows older: so many of our friends who have remained in Sydney are finding their lives are contracting, their friends are dying and they only have their families. We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.

As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before. This I attribute to the many life lessons that Serge Benhayon has shown us. We have found that by listening to our own body rhythms and going to bed early we can live more productive and balanced lives.

By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.

We no longer feel the need for any stimulants, either coffee or alcohol, which both play such a large part in our society at present. Both are very harmful for our bodies and should not be considered “harmless”. We feel that alcohol related violence is a present source of much suffering and alcohol should be seen to be the scourge that it actually is.

Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives. How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you, and it is not something you can wriggle out of either, although many spend a lot of energy trying to do so!

We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us. It is all a matter of being with ourselves 100% all the time – this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile.

I feel, in all honesty, that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be. I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else, and not because I have to be a certain way or not.

I am simply me and it is wonderful.

By Rowena Parkes

626 thoughts on “Living a Harmonious Life in our Eighties

  1. Actually what we try to avoid most is the thing that will help us to feel so much better in life. It is taking responsibility for how we are, for when we are reacting to look at why, to feel when we were telling a lie even when we thought it was the truth and unpack this for ourselves. This sets us free from the constant avalanche of reactions on reactions, on reactions…

  2. I agree this is wonderfull to in your ninth decade be truly feeling this ‘We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.’

  3. It can be difficult to live in harmony in your eighties if you’ve had a momentum of a life lived in contraction, life lived in disconnection from your heart. Often I hear about stories from elderly and others speaking of people in the late years of their lives who would always be regretful of the life they have lived – if they weren’t honest, if they did people harm, if they didn’t treat their children well & so on. Nobody ever regrets being poor, or not having a nice car in their last hours on this planet. We often connect to our deepest sorrow & acknowledge that. So why live a life in denial of what may be bothering you every single day? Why live a life in a lie? We can be honest and change our lives at any single moment throughout.

  4. Oh wow… Life does not have to shrink and contract as we get old, but still keeps expanding.

  5. We are many that are showing the world there is another way to live in harmony with ourselves when most are closing up shop and just waiting for the bus to collect them for the final journey.

  6. How lovely to say how haromious you are living in your eighties. Appreciating ever aspect of your life and celebrating it all in full reflection for all to see. Good on you Rowena.

  7. Appreciating that we are so much more than a physical body opens us to know the love of God that is within and all around us.

    1. I agree absolutely. To appreciate that we are much more than a physical body while taking care of the physical body ✨

  8. I’ve also developed many loving relationships since working with Universal Medicine, and feel so empowered in my own self care, which my doctor fully supports and sees the benefits of. “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” What a great line, it encompasses the responsibility we each have to be aware of ourselves, and what may impact our rhythm and hence our health and wellbeing.

  9. Well this is not something you read everyday……I would love to see this making front page news around the world…ELDERS FEELING MORE ALIVE THAN EVER….because it comes without any hook, drug, new fitness/eating craze….it comes from good old fashioned responsibility.

    1. Yes, agreed, why is this not headline news? We are so used to writing off our elderly years as biding time till we die that we don’t consider the potential to learn new things or live a life of growth to the end of life.

  10. I love that in your 90s you are still accepting and initiating new challenges in your life. In my experience peoples zest for life and their love of being challenged and learning seems to tail off towards the end of their life – but I don’t see why this needs to be the case.

  11. Observing our rhythm and connection to our bodies so that we can feel what disturbs that, and refine our choices accordingly.. this is a super loving and joyful work in progress that benefits everyone; because when we’re more with ourselves, we’re better able to be there for ourselves, and others. When we live in the fog of distractions or thoughts, it’s like we’re a bystander of life, standing on the sidelines and not fully committing or participating – and there is zero joy in that.

  12. I enjoyed reading your blog Rowena and can really appreciate you sharing how you are still learning life skills well into you 70’s and 80’s for this only further enhances your commitment to life until your last breath. In this day and age the world is getting so intense that all too often too many of us are just trying to survive each day. Then as people age I am wondering amongst the exhaustion of this intensity they kind of give up which does not support their passing over to be as dignified or as loving as it could be.

  13. What a great reflection you two are and that until we take responsibility for our foot prints and movements will we me feel harmony in our every day.

  14. Many people regret that they have wasted so many years before coming to a deeper understanding of themselves, the course of their lives, the reasons for their issues etc to be then able to bring the change they would like to have done already earlier, but really there is no age too late or too early or whatever ideas we may have, there is only the time when we get to the point of realization and liberation, deepening our connection with the innermost self and bringing to life the truth and love we all actually seek and know to be true. The moment we do life becomes what it needs to be on our cycle of lives and lives and lives beyond the limitations of just one lifespan.

  15. “…I take full responsibility…and feel more alive and more joyful” – who can actually say that, who does experience it like that when responsibility usually is considered to be a burden or serious matter.

  16. So many people of this age give up and are not joyful – so it is a blessing to read your commitment to life and how you know you have so much more to offer.

  17. How many people of your age can say ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful.’ You are a true rolemodel for ageing with love, openess for learning and grace. It is the way in which I would like to be in my eighties if I would get to this age.

  18. An awesome testimony that shows what is possible at any age of our lives. It does take practice to learn to be with ourselves 100% of the time but I agree that it is incredibly worthwhile- when we’re with ourselves we have the tools to deal with what is in front of us, but when we leave ourselves by shutting ourselves off to what we can feel, seemingly to protect ourselves, we also shut ourselves off from our innate knowing of how to deal with situations.

  19. So many people completely give up on themselves long before they even reach their 80s – it seems such a waste of potential – amazing that you are showing what is possible if you don’t give up and keep exploring life and all its opportunities until your very last breath.

  20. Rowena you are inspiring beyond words, what you have reflected to us is that it is never too late to make changes to your life and most of all how even at eighty you can have a fulfilling life filled with love, and that age is not a hindrance, it is merely a number and it is all about how much love we live.

  21. Gorgeous to re-read Rowena. “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else, and not because I have to be a certain way or not..” I love this – were it to be true for many elders many would have a very different time in their older years……

  22. “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility” – this is huge. So many of us spend life times trying to skive off from responsibility and measure ‘happiness’ by how much and how often we succeed in that.

  23. Rowena what you share is deeply inspiring and very supportive for anyone approaching their later years and what is possible when we live a loving and joyful life.

  24. Love, our essence, our connection to our soul are all ageless and we can connect at any age we choose to, we are never to old to make different choices and change our lives.

  25. Thank you, Rowena and your husband for showing people of any age that life does not have to be dreary and lack purpose as we age. As a society, we have only negative images of what the elderly are like, and this is doing them an injustice and shortchanging them. Along with setting up the generations to come – never lightly, people dread getting old.

  26. I hear many people say they want to live a harmonious life but I realise this doesn’t just happen, it requires us to take responsibility for life and for all our choices. How we live can contribute to harmony or disharmony, and this level of responsibility is not widely known or lived by humanity. The idea of living in harmony sounds great, but how prepared are we to actually live it as a race collectively?

  27. I am recognising how many conditions I put on life. It is important to discern as we go but if we let our thinking take centre stage we lose the connection to our inner heart and relationships become arrangements and we miss each other and ourselves.

  28. Wow Rowena, not many people feel the way you do in their twenties and thirties. What you have here is very rare and very especial. It is something many people look for but may not be able to find it by looking high and low in all things around them. How you are feeling and living is an inspiration for us all. Amazing Rowena!

  29. Rowena your an amazing inspiration not only to those approaching their 80’s but also society as a whole, the children, and the 30 somethings who get to look at growing older not in fear but in appreciation of different stages and cycles of life.

  30. “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else, and not because I have to be a certain way or not.” – This is a really powerful statement Rowena, and I can see how many times as people get older they tend to perhaps not want to look at how all their choices throughout their life got them to the physical, mental, and emotional condition they find themselves in if it is indeed a more challenging one. Also, we need to take care of our elders and honour what they are offering us with all their lived wisdom, instead of practically ignoring them because they remind us of our own inevitable death.

  31. ‘We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.’ This feels so loving and harmonious; the beauty of being in rhythm is such a contrast to the energies that can disturb.

  32. ‘As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before.’ This is so inspiring to read Rowena! As you share many, if not most, in their eighties find their lives are contracting. To live so authentically, with such richness and purpose into your nineties is truly groundbreaking.

  33. This is a very inspiring testimony of how enriching our lives can be and continue to unfold through our willingness to be open to exploring deepening our relationship with our Soul, and all that is on offer through this connection. At every point of our lives that is available for us to live and share, to our very last breath.

  34. “My well-being is totally up to me” This is absolutely true, taking responsibility like this allows us the possibility of a harmonious life. We may need to work at it but as you show here in your blog it is worth every moment.

  35. Rowena, what powerful and inspiring role models you and your husband are for a way of living that is harmonious and possible for all.

  36. I completely agree with you Rowena. My life and relationship is getting more and more gorgeous and harmonious as I age and harmony does not mean quiet or boring as it is extremely Joy-full, full and productive – just more and more free of any conflict or emotions. I am only in my early 60s but if I continue this way can’t imagine how much even awesomer (so great needs a new word) I will be in my 80s and 90s!

  37. “How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you, and it is not something you can wriggle out of either, although many spend a lot of energy trying to do so!”

    From someone who has tried to wriggle their way out of a few things, I can completely concur that it does not work. It may ‘buy you some time’ but really that is just delay, and makes you more tired. Taking responsibility is the best energy boost you can ever take.

  38. Thank you Rowena for a beautiful sharing, showing to us that a harmonious joyful married life is possible even up into old age, it is all about taking responsibility for our part and living our life in the fullness of who we truly are.

    1. Beautifully expressed Jill, and I agree living a life embracing responsibility leads us very naturally to harmony and there is no need to search for it or preach to the world, but by the quality of the way we live, we can either restore harmony or add to the disharmony.

  39. ” By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful. ”
    This is so wonderful Rowena it gives one true hope for the future, I am a few decades away from 90 as yet.

  40. Wow Rowena what you’ve shared is that it’s never too late to say yes to living life from a harmonious place – irrespective of age.

  41. “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives.” To me, you hit the nail on its head Rowena, that people do not want to understand as it will take them out of the “comfortable’ lives they have chosen to live in the ignorance of the importance of living a life of expansion.

    1. This is pretty exposing and to understand where humanity is at. It also shows us that we have actively been resisting living in harmony because we have for eons chosen to live in ‘comfort’. Great reminder to ask myself, I am currently living in comfort or in harmony?

      1. Yes for sure I have been living in comfort, the comfort that is at the root of all the mismatches in services to people and the atrocities that take place on a daily basis. That is something I have to deal with in my return to soul, the soul that is naturally harmonious and will allow not even the slightest disharmony to exist.

  42. This is incredibly inspiring. Many assume that it’s too late to change and live in an authentic and loving way even when aged in their 20s and 30s. You show that there’s always an opportunity to live a truly meaningful and rich life.

  43. It can be very interesting what life can throw at us to try and disturb our connection to ourselves but holding steady and seeing it for what it is I am learning to understand and deal with the forces that are at play. Seeing life as energy being played out and making that priority is helping me to make light of situations so that I am able to observe and not absorb.

  44. Being ourselves is what we have always wanted to be, the most simple and natural way with ourselves – free. Free from what? From the pictures and ideals of this world and back in connection with ourselves.

    1. So true Adele. As children we often have an opportunity to simply be but before long we receive the message that we are not enough and then we spend our lives settling for poor substitutes for the joy of simply being ourselves. Even one day spent living the true you is a remarkable and wonderful thing that leaves a marker to come back to forever.

    2. Very true Adele, and it is very easy to be ourselves because we have access to who we are instantly. It is only complicated when we choose to run with the expectation, pictures and ideals that takes us further away form connecting to our essence. It is crazy why we would choose to disconnect from who we are when life can be so much richer, simpler and joyful when we choose to live from our essence.

  45. “our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.” I agree, since we have become students of The Way of The Livingness our true purpose and joy of living continues to expand.

  46. How you write about your life is so normal, yet totally extraordinary, even the title “living a harmonious life in our eighties” if we were to take a world survey of all people in their 80s, many people would be in a nursing home or have dementia or are seriously ill. Your story is inspirational proof that the way we choose to live and care for ourselves and others counts and that it is possible to live a full and committed life right until the end.

    1. This is true Meg – the statistics on people with dementia are reflecting a massive increase in people with the disease long before their 80’s. Rowena is living proof that it can be another way.

      1. Absolutely – and the statistics are rising – there needs to be more studies on people like Rowena who are healthy and vital and enjoy a brilliant quality of life in their 80s and what and how they do things differently.

  47. I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of blogs written by people who have been inspired to do so by Universal Medicine and in those in which health and wellbeing is discussed, pretty much all of them talk about SLEEP. Getting this part of our lives right is 100% critical if we’re at all interested in true vitality and living in a self-honouring way.

    1. Hear, hear Victoria. Rowena and her husband are hugely inspiring. They are reversing the trend of ageing and they make this period of life look and sound amazing. When we look at what is going on in our society for people their age, it doesn’t look inspiring at all because so many elderly people are suffering from multiple symptoms, illness and disease. We often hear how awful life is when we get older but I love what Rowena shares here because it shows us that life can in fact get even more amazing as we age if we commit to deeply loving and caring for our body, and for how we live and the choices we make.

  48. To me too it is important to live a productive and loving life, no matter my age. To me that is the purpose of living life, especially when you consider that all of our life is one, it makes absolutely no sense to stop this dedication to it at any moment in time and with that choose to withdraw from life instead.

  49. Life should always have been and be about purpose to love. Being it in the age of 24years or 89years.. And that love here is not meant as all the concepts and ideals about love, but – purity that love is in how you are with yourself and so with others. The true intent. The connection to the all, meaning the essence of beingness that’s inside us – love. Seeing everyone for this, even if they don’t like it, love does not judge neither compromise. So all that love is – love is felt, love is true and an absolute knowing within everyone (even if you think you don’t know it or made to believe that you don’t know it, you still know it).

  50. Thank you Rowena this is the way of the future as we are all living longer and this being the case who in truth wants their lives being miserable, feeling old and unwell. So the way you are living is a winner for all.

  51. Totally awesome to feel in this blog how lack of responsibility is what exhausts us and ages us beyond our years.

  52. That is truly wonderful Rowena spoken with such authority. What a incredible marker you have reached. A story worth reading and one I would not put down. Words lived are words of wisdom providing a healing of true change and inspiration to others. It’s one of the greatest feelings to be inspired and creates a marker for myself. Wonder-full indeed.

  53. Thank you Rowena. You and your husband are true role models for ageing gracefully in the sense that you are able to approach the close of your life, not as a close at all but as an ever deepening opening into the all that is there to be felt, embraced and lived. Very inspiring.

  54. Thank you Rowena, indeed when we choose to live life with a foundation of love and purpose we understand that there is not a stop moment as evolution is always asking us to express until our last breath for the good of all.

  55. I am only a youngster at 60, but I completely agree with your last two paras and the rest.

  56. Rowena your sharing has reflected the many opportunities we can chose to live everyday whilst living our lives. The depth and richness of who we truly can continue to expand and show itself to others as we age if we allow it to, although sadly this is not always the case. Thank you for sharing your ‘ageless’ wisdom.

  57. A true elder sharing her deep wisdom and joy about ageing – thank you Rowena it is clear you have let go of so many beliefs and ideals around ageing with this very inspiring article.

  58. Knowing both you and your husband I can attest to the fact that this recipe is working. Instead of giving in and giving up, you stay engaged and focussed and last but not least, you take responsibility for yourselves and your life. A far cry from descending into an endless litany of moans and groans and making your life a misery.

  59. This is a powerful revelation of the fact that ideals and beliefs confine us to live in a way that is less that who we really are and what our true potential is. As you have so greatly shared – ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’ When we embrace responsibility, we embrace true power and when we are free from ideals and beliefs, we then are truly free to be ourselves.

  60. I was speaking with a dear friend this morning whose birthday is today. We are both 55 and we talked about how much more we feel life has to offer and how much fun there is to be had in this life. Blogs like yours Rowena are inspiring, especially the tips on how you are living more harmoniously. Life certainly doesn’t stop just because the body gets older.

  61. A beautiful sharing Rowena of living a life to the full no matter what the age, ‘How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility.’ and this responsibility allows for more loving, honest and harmonious relationships

    1. So well said Rachael – we all have so much more the gain when our elders live with presence and share their lived wisdom with the world.

  62. What a joy it is to read this – of how you can live a full and loving life no matter the life stage. Of how you can take responsibility, be present and take care of yourself. Wow this is a game changer for older people.

  63. Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives – but this feels true. It feels like there’s this overall reluctance about embracing the whole truth and we in stead keep one eye shut while we keep telling ourselves that we are individuals and we only have to care about our own lot, and not the whole lot.

  64. I might add that you also look amazing Rowena! What an inspirational woman you are, I hope to be as enthusiastic and passionate at your age. You can feel that you are not winding down, you are continuing to grow and love more and more each day.

  65. Rowena, this is so inspiring to read and should be shared with many. So often I hear one’s excuse for not making change be, they are to old to do anything about it now. This life, and the many to come, are all but one life that continues on. If we chose to live this truth, we would know that age is irrelevant and that change is a choice that can happen at any age.

  66. You are an inspiration Rowena. I love what you share about how for many this can be a time where life diminishes yet what you share shows how every day regardless of our age we can grow, deepen, learn and embrace life in full.

  67. ‘It is all a matter of being with ourselves 100% all the time – this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile.’ This is heart warming to read. I used to never want to be in my own company – and then was so insecure in others’ that I was caught oscillating between being alone and in company and uncomfortable in both and at ease in neither. So I’m practising being with myself whether I’m by myself or with people. And it is taking practice but it is very worth it!

  68. So refreshing to read Rowena! I am inspired by your joyous life and the wisdom that you live by. The example you set we could all do to emulate. Thank you.

  69. ‘How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility.’ More importantly it lays the foundations of what our tomorrow will be for us all.

  70. Beautiful what you share here Rowena “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” When we create that rhythm that flows and is loving and supportive, it is very easy to recognise when something does not feel right and so we can deal with it instantly.

  71. I feel like I have been hugged, supported, guided and truly loved by the absolute purpose and commitment to life that’s expressed here by Rowena. Her and her husband are the elders that I wish to be as I age, the elders that are needed to arise our world from the disregard that many see as their right.

  72. A great example that giving up and giving in doesn’t work and that it is possible to truly lead one’s life (rather than being led) if we choose to take responsibility and be transparent and accountable.

  73. Rowena, the joy you express by simply being you is almost unknown for people of your age. What an amazing inspiration and role model you are by living a harmonious life choosing to be responsible for who you are and what you put out there. And I can absolutely relate to feeling more alive and vital since starting to take responsibility for all my actions and reactions.

  74. “so many of our friends who have remained in Sydney are finding their lives are contracting, their friends are dying and they only have their families. We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.” I have a feeling I have highlighted this sentence before. If so, so be it – it is worthy of remark as it is offering us all a new way to live and be in our elder years. It’s so joyful to feel how life can expand instead of the supposed ‘norm’ of contracting as Rowena observes. I look forward to my elder years with the inspiration and foundations laid by those who walk before.

  75. Gorgeous Rowena and proof that we are not here to wither away towards some finite point but rather to continually expand back towards our true way to be – the endless love that we are.

  76. Rowena you are such an inspiration… for the way you have expressed about life shows how ageless we actually are. The body may be ‘old’ in years and weathering but the wisdom, engagement and vitality can still be in abundance. Thanks for sharing, it is so important to have role models like you to show us how it can be.

  77. Thank you Rowena, this is a loving and healing reflection and makes practical how we can choose love as the way in our lives and the outcome this brings. I love your honesty about it taking practice. This has been very supportive.

  78. What a great approach to life – this is our life – it is completely and totally up to us how we choose to live everyday and how much importance we place on the quality of our day, our work, our sleep and our well-being.

    1. I agree it is a beautiful approach to life – “this is our life”, we have complete control of how we choose to live everyday, every moment, how much importance we place on the quality of our day, work, sleep and well-being, as well as what we eat or drink.

  79. I loved reading this Rowena and also loved listening to you talk about how you live, the changes you have made and the relationship you and your husband have on a webcast once. The wisdom and responsibility you carry and live is very inspiring for all those that see you.

  80. Wow this is inspiring to read and what a testament to your choices you are Rowena. 80 years of age and with the vitality, clarity and self-love that is beyond many 60 year olds. Learning to understand that it does come down to our responsibility of our choices and that this is the outcome to we will live with in our bodies is something that we should be taught at schools so we have a life full of richness and welling being.

  81. Recently I have become more aware of the importance of having a rhythm in my day. It is this rhythm that supports me and forms a foundation for my everyday living, a rhythm that I am building and developing and when it does get disturbed it is important to recognise it and be honest; like I found out recently when we had some new lights fitted in our kitchen. I got irritable as I placed more importance on what was being done than the love for myself.

  82. Choosing to be responsible for you life entirely as you enter into your 9th decade Rowena is pretty amazing. You’ve lived several decades not choosing this so to be open to completely changing your belief systems is really quite outstanding. What an inspiration to the many of us that haven’t lived the years you have. Just goes to show, it’s never too late and a leopard sure as hell can change it’s spots.

  83. The power responsibility holds is only a choice away, making it a simple change in our movements towards a yes or a no to love.

  84. I find this a real joy to read, it reminds me to keep things simple and to appreciate how much taking full responsibility for ourselves and our choices is daily medicine.

  85. I love reading this blog Rowena, your reflection offers others a different way to be as you age, so many slow down and lose purpose as they grow old but you inspire us with your loving choice to remain committed to life and be productive and continue to expand and grow.

  86. So inspiring to read Rowena. Our lives are continually expanding and as we age it does not mean that life need reduce in any way, as you are testament too. Your love and vibrancy is felt.

  87. “We have found that by listening to our own body rhythms and going to bed early we can live more productive and balanced lives.” I absolutely agree, a deep daily care for who we are leads to productive, full, joyful and successful life.

  88. Thank you Rowena for highlighting a way of living that honors the responsibility we all hold as beings here on earth together, so we can live as we are harmoniously intended. It is very inspiring to feel how the joyfulness of life is naturally present when we willingly choose to be aware of and honest about how we are living through the choices we are making on a day to day basis, for ourselves first and with all others, and as such let go of what does not feel true. By embracing the responsibility we all have of the choices we make, and choosing to truly honor and respect ourselves, we are naturally then able to honor and respect others which allows us to live in a more harmonious way with all.

  89. ‘We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us’. Yes, absolutley Rowena, this is gold and is also how I live my life which has become super simple and is The Way of The Livingness, presented by Serge Benhayon.

  90. And I would like to add that it is extremely rare to hear a person in their eighties say “I am simply me and it is wonderful”. Love it Rowena!

  91. It is so refreshing and inspiring to read a blog so full of sparkle and commitment to life in your age bracket Rowena. You are a very beautiful role model of how to be a true elder.

  92. Dramas, intrigues, difficulties and struggles are like a rollercoaster ride at a fairground – they might appeal and stimulate but ultimately they just leave us feeling ill. Your words Rowena are a beautiful reminder that simplicity, evenness and harmony are our birth right and natural state, at any age.

    1. We all seek reprieve from the chaos of life as it is currently being lived. But there can be no harmony without responsibility. Responsibility is the breath of wind beneath the sails of a smooth sailing boat. Take this away and you will need to hold tight.

  93. “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.”
    This sentence represents a life lesson that should be nurtured, explored and supported our whole lives. In my experience, living with this level of responsibility allows for clear understanding and a sense of solidness and trust in self that supports truth and integrity. This can only support others in our lives.

  94. What I feel most when I read your words Rowena, is that life has no end, that there is no beginning nor an end and that every moment lived asks for the same responsibility no matter what age we are.

  95. ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful.’ This blog is refreshingly wonderful, it’s so rare to read from someone in their eighties how much the love their life and how much they still embrace everything that is on offer. Did I say rare? Actually I think you are the first person I’ve ever come across – amazing.

    1. Same applies to me but I am only 60. Give me another 20 years Meg and I will still be saying and living it but by then I am sure you will have heard it from many more 😉

      1. It’s truly inspiring to hear that, the older I get the more I feel age doesn’t need to define your life, yes things change as we move forward but what defines our lives is our approach and our embracing of it and our day-to-day choices. What I’m saying is “wonderful” is a choice and it’s not at all related to our age.

  96. I simply love the responsibility and grace that this sentence holds.
    ” How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you, and it is not something you can wriggle out of either, although many spend a lot of energy trying to do so!”

  97. A bit of humour here – I thought the title was living a harmonious life in the 1980’s… and I was thinking that must have been so hard! Anyway…. lovely to read this Rowena, and be inspired that our journey is relevant throughout our lives, and the expansion continues right up to the day we passover.

  98. “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me”.

    When people talk about the word responsibility, you can almost feel the sigh and the weight of the world on their shoulders. We can often feel burdened by responsibility.

    But what you are sharing here is completely different. You are feeling more joyful and alive because of taking full responsibility. An important different perspective that the world needs to hear. Responsibility is the new black.

    And I love that you know that your well-being is totally up to you. A beaut reminder because it is also totally up to me (my well-being that is :-).

  99. Thank you for sharing how you live, you are beautiful Rowena. To know that we are still able to enjoy life by sharing our wisdom with others and generally being in the livingness of this wisdom!

  100. “….. feel, in all honesty, that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be. I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me” Such a beautiful and inspiring blog Rowena. Thankyou for sharing.

  101. Hello Rowena and it’s refreshing to see life being lived in this quality at this time in your life. It’s not that I want to live forever but as you are leading, if you are here then the quality you hold here is important no matter where in the age bracket you are. The what we can do always changes but the quality of what we do can keep expanding. It is important also to keep the quality going until there is an end and not end things early.

  102. “I feel, in all honesty, that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be.” What a stunning statement to be able to make.

  103. Such an inspiring read, thank you Rowena. ‘I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else, and not because I have to be a certain way or not’ This feels like true freedom.

  104. Back for another read Rowena and still just as inspired by what you’ve shared. Having known you and Tony for many years, you have always been the most standout marker for how ‘getting older’ can be done. There has always been same strength of purpose, contribution and sense of giving back from you both… free from the constraints of parenting, meeting mortgages and such temporal responsibilities. Just beautiful… thank you.

  105. Thank you Rowena for an inspiring account of what life can be like if we take responsibility for our actions. It is inspiring to read of people living life to the fullest right up until the end, and this totally goes against the current trend of what old age looks like at the moment.

  106. Thank you Rowena for sharing the true joy of ageing in your eighties, inspiring to read and accessible to all the elderly if they start to choose self responsibility and self love into their lives. Just to live from who we truly are is wonderful.

  107. What a delight and an inspiration Rowena, thank you so much for sharing yourselves and your lives in this way. It just shows there is no bowing out from life necessary, you are just as engaged, active and alive as anyone half your age… which breaks all the current trends towards dementia and ill health.

  108. Rowena what a great reflection you are to the world. I work with older people every day and the most common thing I hear is that “old age is no fun”. This is definitely not your story and it is great that you are re-imprinitng how aging can truly be.

  109. Rowena, you are a living testament to what it means to age gracefully. Ageing gracefully is not about avoiding illness and disease but rather about remaining committed to life to the very end, remaining present, and yet in that deeply surrendering yourself to the fact that the moment of passing over could happen anytime. As such, “old age” is a time for reflection, for pondering, and most importantly for sharing the wisdom of a life lived so that others may learn coming through.

  110. It feels like taking responsibility is this way is in the truest sense of ‘growing up’ I know many adults (myself included) that are irresponsible on some levels but to be responsible for our every move takes it to another level. And it just goes to show that being in an adult body doesn’t necessarily instantly grant you responsibility, that comes from us choosing to be responsible and as you mentioned Rowena, no amount of energy expended to try and avoid and wriggle out of being responsible will work! There comes a time for all of us when we have to grow up and that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s at 16/18/20 etc.

  111. It is never too late to embrace life imagine the possibilities if we all grew up with parents and grandparent living taking full responsibility for our lives in a way you are reflecting to humanity not to mention the pressure it would take of the age care and health systems .

  112. It is never too late to return to truth in our life. Every day every moment we get a new chance to see that the world is not responsible for our state, but it is us as you beautifully say Rowena, who have complete power over how we will be. Amidst the greatest chaos, disorder and madness, we can all be, lovingly, it is just a choice to enjoy the beauty in us constantly, and appreciate God.

  113. “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” This makes such sense and shows so clearly the responsibility that we can embrace to allow our lives to flow more smoothly.

  114. “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives.” Thank you Rowena for inspiring us all to be responsible for how we live regardless of the number of years we live.

  115. I agree Rowena – stimulants are very harmful to the body and much more than we realise. They create a fake energy in the body and have us using energy we don’t actually have, in reality depleting us further while giving us the illusion that we have plenty to burn. And alcohol is a toxin in the body which the body actually tells us it doesn’t want and yet we instead allow the mind to override these strong messages to the detriment of our heath and well-being.

  116. What a beautiful and inspiring blog. How you now choose to live a loving and productive life as your well being is a choice of your full responsibility.

  117. Rowena its so inspiring to read your blog, I was always afraid of getting older and dying, the nursing homes, the dementia the steep decline in life’s purpose, yet you show me and the world the opposite is true. It is a real shining example that the quality of our elder years are down to the choices and commitment we take with the care for ourselves, simple as that.

  118. Thank you Rowena, it is inspiring to read your experience of someone in their eighties living such productive, and fully loving life, this certainly is not the norm in the society of the elderly, We know by Serge’s teaching and our own livingness, we can live life in full up until we leave this life.

  119. I love the unwavering commitment you have to responsibility and living according to that principle in all that you do. So many tend to give up towards the end of their life resigning to being victims of their circumstances, but to read of a couple such as yourselves with the awareness and dedication you have, is deeply inspirational for people of all ages.

  120. This is a beautiful example of when we take responsibility for our livingness no matter what age we are to develop a solid foundation of love in our bodies it is possible to establish a rhythm in our cycles that supports a purposeful life right up until we pass over taking this steady foundation with us into our next life.

  121. “so many of our friends who have remained in Sydney are finding their lives are contracting, their friends are dying and they only have their families. We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.” How amazing and inspiring for us, no matter what age, to feel what is possible in our 80’s and beyond. No longer the feeling of sitting in the waiting room of death – just a matter of how long we have to wait, but instead living each day to the full – embracing life and new experiences until our last breath in this body. What an awesome way to prepare for our next life.

  122. Rowena you wrote: “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives.” Thank you so much for bringing this up as it is that comfort we choose to life in what made us so stiff and disharmonious.

  123. Rowena to read your awesome blog made it very easy for me to loose my ideals and believes around getting older. That is a real gift for me!

  124. ‘As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before.’ How inspirational is this to feel? Life is forever expanding when we choose.

  125. This is inspiring because you show that no matter what age we reach we are always responsible for our own choices and building our rhythms and cycles are very supportive to our everyday well-being.

  126. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’ So inspiring to read how you have expanded your lives at a time when so many have given up and often at a much younger age. In embracing your purpose in life and living in harmony with each other you are showing the true way of living as an elder in the community and reflecting that we have so much to offer at whatever stage of life we are.

  127. Taking full responsibility for our wellbeing and our health is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. In fact it is the greatest gift we can give to humanity.

  128. Rowena it is beautiful read how life keeps expanding well into our eighties when we take responsibility for our choices. You are an inspiration.

  129. Rowena this is such a great testimony of how we can truly grow old in responsibility. You are a role model in a world that is full of elderly people who have given up, waiting to die meanwhile fighting to stay in an existence that has little joy to offer.

  130. Thank you, Rowena. It truly is amazing to read someone in their eighties claiming “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life” – it is such an inspiration as we see so many choosing to exist in given-up-ness already from a much earlier age, and basically killing time until they eventually pass over.

  131. Gorgeous, Rowena. I find it quite challenging at times to look closely and honestly at what disturbs the rhythms in my relationship but reading this has inspired me to feel me and to go there more deeply.

  132. It can be hard to be open and flexible in this world where the vast majority are closed and are defending and protecting themselves, rather than embracing the possibilities of life. Thanks Rowena for a lovely example of how we can always shine brightly if we make the choice to do so.

  133. Thank you Rowena for a great blog, we are so blessed, that in our senior years we have come to know the truth as presented by Serge, so that, instead of winding down or giving up as so many do in their elder years, we are finding a joy and vibrancy in our daily living , that was never felt before.

  134. Re-reading this beautifully simple blog I felt how supportive and inspiring this blog would be for people who are in their senior years, how great if this could be published in medical journals or mainstream magazines.

  135. Most would consider that entering their ninth decade would be an excuse for winding down and withdrawing from society but what you’re showing clearly here Rowena is that life can be fulfilling and joyful regardless of age if we choose to be open and see all of humanity as our extended family and start to shed the belief that family is only blood or that we can’t open ourselves up to new friendships.

  136. “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.”. I love the simplicity of this Rowena and the stronger the foundation of our rhythm the more easily it is to recognise when there is a disturbance and where it’s coming from.

  137. Rowena, you give add lovely meaning to the term ‘elder wisdom’. The way you are living now is a solid reflection that we, regardless of age, are always the ones who hold the responsibility and accountability for how we are living our lives. The fact that you and your husband are willing to still be open to refining your lives as needs be is a hearty reminder that we are never at a standstill; there is always more opportunities for growth every day of our lives.

  138. Amazing Rowena, this is un-heard of for people in their 80’s, you are living better than most people my age I know.

  139. Good on you Rowena for your zest for life, its an awesome example your setting for other seniors

  140. Thank you Rowena for a truly beautiful blog, I am in my seventies heading towards my eighties and am feeling now, I have a life to live, getting older but feeling younger.

  141. An inspiring read, confirming that it truly is never too late to make changes in life that enhance our wellbeing and quality of experience.

  142. This is beautiful Rowena, it is so amazing to read how you are living in your eighties a more vibrant life than you ever did before, a polar opposite to that what is the norm in society today.

  143. It is never too late to embrace life, the way you are with others simply reflects the way you are within yourselves. Having so much love and care and nurturing for yourselves and each other through the choices you have consciously made to live in the way you describe, how can it help but naturally spill over to all. I personally love being on the receiving end of the way you are.

  144. I have seen and been part of the vibrancy you live with and the love you have for life and people and I know that your reflection of this has helped me to embrace growing older with a lovely anticipation rather than a fear of it. You clearly show what a fabulous time it can be.

  145. Beautiful blog Rowena and a joy to read. You and your husband are living proof that the at any age can bring new beginnings to your lives which goes to show, our potential is endless.

  146. It is just so lovely to read Rowena, and as you say it is all up to us to be responsible for all our actions and reactions, this simplifies our all our relationships. We can then love, simply, being.

  147. A truly beautiful blog, Rowena, I love it. I really feel the following extract is key to living a really worthwhile life. “By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.” Responsibility is such a huge word for me, has always felt really important. Until we learn to take responsibility for ourselves and all our actions, we cannot truly operate properly in this world of ours. I feel strongly the need for us all to be living in brotherhood, in harmony and lovingly, and taking full responsibility for ourselves is such an important basis for this.

  148. Rowena what a marvellous and inspirational sharing. I am in my late 60s and for me to see someone who is so vital and sharing of herself and her wisdom as you are is heart warming and uplifting. You are encouraging me through your sharing to be myself and to be open to enjoy life through loving involvement in it.

  149. No doubt, not drinking alcohol is contributing not just to your physical health Rowena but also your overall healthy attitude towards life. As a society we have our blinkers on when it comes to the true cost of alcohol consumption. In Australia there are even complaints about the sales tax paid for alcohol being too high, oddly though this goes to pay for the cost of alcohol related violence, hospital admissions, disabilities, lost work productivity, child protection agencies etc. What can’t be given a dollar figure and what really counts is the toll alcohol has on quality of life and the strain it can place on others such as children in the presence of drunk parents, domestic violence and the hospital staff in the emergency department. Research and the data correlates alcohol consumption with many direct and indirect unfavourable effects. We can’t say we are ignorant about alcohol, perhaps the real illness is that we pretend alcohol is okay.

  150. Rowena, I really get the feeling that even though the years are passing you are bucking the trend and staying open to life. I too have noticed the tendency for our lives to contract with age, perhaps due partly to how we perceive our ‘retirement’ years and as you say friends pass away and new ones are not made. Just today I thought of someone I know that is over 100 years old and how a new friend made at the age of 80 may turn out to be a friend for 20 years. We celebrate a long life when what really counts is how those years are lived. What a blessing you bring Rowena, showing future generations that life need not contract as we age.

    1. We are living longer these days with so many advances in medicine but the quality of life for so many is misery with illness and dis-ease such as Alzheimer’s on the increase. It is very inspiring to know we can live life of service as an elder in our community by taking responsibility for being consciously present in our bodies and listen to the messages our bodies offer us by establishing a rhythm and consistently refining that rhythm. And by taking responsibility for our connection with our body and listening to the messages.

  151. I admire your lovely way of being, Rowena, your harmonious living and that in your age you are not giving up on life and new relationships. I know many people like your friends who are not able to move with life, stuck in the past and just watching their life disappearing as well as their friends.
    You are an inspiration to us all, thank you

  152. “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives. How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you, and it is not something you can wriggle out of either, although many spend a lot of energy trying to do so!”
    But why we don’t like to look at our lives, the way we live? Maybe because it is painful to realise that so much time is wasted and so many choices are made not from love?

  153. How incredible to find your lives expanding at eighty rather than contracting. I have seen through Universal Medicine and the many friends of many ages how this is possible.

  154. As a woman in my forties, a few years shy of 50… the last thing I would ever want my life to become is one where I do not continue to grow, learn and deepen in my connection and the quality of relationship I have with myself, with God, and with all others I interact with in my life. As you’ve so beautifully shared Rowena, living “a productive and loving life until I die” makes sense as the only way to truly live – anything less than that, I would rather pass on from this body and let go. Your words offer such beautiful truth and reflection Rowena, thank-you.

  155. Thank-you for writing this Rowena. It is such a beautiful statement of living true to oneself, in a way that holds a deep and considered responsibility for the impact we have upon all others. To receive this from a woman in her eighties adds a great depth to the inspiration here, for it is never too late for us to truly live life and commit to an ‘ever unfolding and deepening way’ in it.
    So many people of your generation and so much younger, have not committed to living life in such a way – to being responsible for ourselves in our relationships, our interactions, the quality in which we look after our bodies… There simply can’t be enough people who ‘bust the mould’ and show by the depth of love they live – as you undoubtedly do – what is possible, that we may all ‘wake up’ and know that we needn’t shut down in life, nor continue to shut down and imbed in ways that truly do not serve ourselves or others as the years go by.

  156. Thank you, Rowena, establishing a rhythm, this is really a gem of wisdom. Serge Benhayon has helped me to understand what rhythm is about. It is not only about the rhythm of day and night, repose and action, inbreath and outbreath, it is also about movement: the quality in which I move my body, in which I touch things, for example the keyboard with my fingertips right now. All this has helped me to find the rhythm of the true me. So it stands out when I am not in my rhythm, which makes it much easier to stop and reconnect.

    1. Beautifully said felixschumacher8.This is something I simply would not have appreciated as so deeply valuable prior to being a student of Universal Medicine and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom.
      Your words also offer a welcome reminder of appreciation – appreciation of the rhythm, i.e. the way I am in what I do, in so many things (such as typing these words here too…). In a world where so much can be so harsh in the way we are with ourselves and at times with others, it is in the details of our rhythm and way that we are in all that we do, that we can be ever-confirmed in who we are and indeed, brought back to ourselves if we find that we’ve been thrown off-balance.

    2. Rhythms are something I am continually refining as I deepen my connection with myself and learn to love and nurture myself on a deeper level by continually bring myself back to myself and being responsible for not taking on the emotions of others and being aware and willing to feel feeling when I go into emotion and letting the hurt associated with that emotion go.

  157. Wow this is So Inspiring Rowena it just goes to show that it is completely down to our own choices if we want to live in a harmonious way or not. To be living this at the age of 80 is a beautiful reflection that it is never to late to make those choices. Awesome.

  158. A beautiful read again, Rowena. To recognise and be able to reflect on disruptions in daily rhythms is a very powerful self loving tool to support us in our relationships and daily living.

  159. Thank you Rowena, your blog is beautifully heart-warming and inspirational. If only we could get this message across to everyone approaching their so-called ‘retiring years’. “…………………We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.”

  160. Hi Rowena you have set a new marker for aging. You are an inspiration to all! Thank you for being you. I love this line “I am simply me and it is wonderful.” I reckon that says it all.

  161. Beautiful Rowena. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’ I can feel the quality of life that you speak of here in your words and what an inspiration you are for those that feel that life is limited in any way. Being responsible is key to living in harmony.

  162. This is such a refreshing and inspiring read Rowena, and to feel that there is definitely a different way to approach and ‘be’ as we age. I’m a few decades short of my eighties, and yet even now I am beginning to embrace getting older and in being me, and I am more joyfull and vibrant than I was in my 20s!

  163. Thank you Rowena, it is refreshing to hear how you are approaching your nineties with a sense of harmony and commitment. This is not often heard of or embraced in the world as a true possibility. What struck me was “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” Timely and perfect – You are an inspiration to how we can all live in those years…and not fear them…and it starts by how we live now.

  164. Rowena, I especially love where you say how it is our responsibility in how we think, react and communicate with others. This level of responsibility is greatly needed in our world, and reading your blog has supported me this morning as I have realised a place in my life where I was wanting another to do something for me, that is not theirs to do.

  165. Rowena, what an inspiration you and Tony are. I see many older people on a daily basis and there are very few who feel that growing old is a joy. It is a pity that we define how we live by our age when in fact self awareness and self responsibility which are the “fertiliser ” for our evolution are there in abundance for all at any age.

  166. Reading this it is clear that you and your husband Rowena have set a new marker of what it means to live joyfully and harmoniously well into your eighties, and this is what we as a humanity are missing – true role models.

    1. Yes I agree Julie it is beautiful to read about Rowena and her husband and the new maker of what it means to live joyfully and harmoniously well into your eighties. Humanity is certainly missing these true role models. This is clear when you look at the statistics for suicide amongst the elderly particularly for men. Hopefully this blog will support many of us as we age to know Living a Harmonious Life in our Eighties is possible, to claim it and live it.

  167. Beautiful advice to share “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” Being aware of how we feel and honouring it is a wonderful way to build a rhythm that supports us. I have found a steadiness develop through this that allows me to handle what comes in life with a joy and understanding that I have not experienced before. This in itself is empowering and confirms and supports this dedication to feel what the body shares.

  168. Rowena, it is such a joy to read this blog and feel how you live harmoniously and now taking responsibility for how you are in everything. You’re right many of us don’t truly understand what it is to live harmoniously and the part we have to play in that – we can go into blame and make it about the other but that’s not it, True freedom is as you say Rowena ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful.’

  169. Rowena, what a great testimonial about a true way of a harmonious life. There is so much grace and wisdom in your words about how you live your life while being in your eighties together with your husband. ‘We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.’ What an inspiration and role models you are for us all.

  170. “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” My experience has been when I get distracted and let my rhythm slip back to old patterns I loose myself and life becomes a struggle yet when I establish a solid foundation for my rhythm everything flows effortlessly and falling into place.

  171. The choices you have made to live a harmonious life Rowena with your partner is beautiful to read. Often when people reach their 80’s life has become quite dull and they can be withdrawing from life, but you both have a beautiful commitment to life and love and an openness that keeps you young and vital which is deeply inspiring.

    1. I agree Anna. When most people are dreading old age Rowena and her husband are showing us all there is another way and a true joy to be found by committing to life and our relationships with ourselves and others until our last breath.

  172. It is odd how we resist living a harmonious life. Despite being offered this choice so many times I have chosen the opposite yet when I am in harmony I am also in joy and find it simple to live and feel what is true and what is not. Every moment and what it presents is to be celebrated and appreciate whether I like what I feel or not … This is true magic and such a blessing.

  173. Your writing reflects everything about you and your life Rowena – a beautiful, heart warming and harmonious blog that holds truth. Your wisdom and sharing is a gift to us all. These words have brought much clearing around the myths and contraction of maturing age and the choices open to us all. Thank you.

  174. Rowena this beautiful sharing is truly inspiring thank you. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’ – it is so true that when we choose to live harmoniously it is not just about ourselves, as we realise all that we choose has an effect on all around us. Your radiance is undeniable as you reflect the truth, that at any stage of our lives there is always more to explore, and we can live the joy and well-being of who we truly are with all.

  175. “I feel, in all honesty, that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be. I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life…” Rowena this statement is a revelation! For someone heading into their nineties to feel so much love, vitality and productivity, whose life is still expanding, is nothing short of miraculous, truly inspirational and a deep confirmation that when ‘The Way of the Livingness’ is embraced as one’s own way, the richness of life is ever unfolding.

  176. Your blog is so joyful to read Rowena and inspiring that you live such a vital life into your ninth decade. It’s beautiful to see and hear of people beginning to lead a more balanced and healthy lifestyle after initiating self-loving choices which lead to a connection with ourselves instead of continuing with unloving ways that only ever keep us in disconnection and forever shy of our true way of being. With deep appreciation of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing me a different way too.

  177. It is really inspiring to read and feel that you are living your life so fully in your 80’s. This blows my ideas about ‘getting old’ out of the water. I can feel that life can get increasingly amazing to the very end if we allow it.

  178. Thank you Rowena for your words of wisdom. Since I have come into the family of Universal Medicine I have so many friends around the world and I never feel alone or lonely. I absolutely agree with you when you say ‘I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life’.

  179. What you have shared here shows the beautiful consequences of self responsibility. A true joyous life.

  180. I am inspired by what you have shared here Rowena, as I am sure many would be. As I read your blog I can feel the joy that you live in every day and have claimed that for yourself.

  181. This is so beautifully explained Rowena. I have found the same joyfulness in life and realised that I was sabotaging myself when I was drawn back into old ways of being that I thought were harmless but were laced with loveless patterns. Life can be joyful and expanding all the time and to have this we need to be connected to the awesome love that we are all the time. This means that we need to recognise the behaviours that are less than this and let them go. I look at my life and consider what serves to expand love and that deep connection with myself?
    I can feel the joy of the way you have found to live and appreciate the ways I can have that in my own life.

  182. You and Tony are incredible and an absolute inspiration. It is amazing to see someone like you, I have never witnessed this before, an 80 year old with eyes as bright and sparkling as a new born and an alertness and interest in life and people that is still very active. You have not retreated from life but remained totally committed to it, growing and learning each day. Thank you for showing us how elder years can be lived.

    1. Beautifully said Kristy – Tony and Rowena are an absolutely amazing, incredible and very inspiring couple. The world needs to hear this and it should be celebrated.

  183. “I am simply me and it’s wonderful”. How joyful to hear one can discover this at any age .. With loved ones expanding rather than contracting … There is much to celebrate when discover the glory of this life!

  184. I loved reading this Rowena – My understanding of living harmoniously has changed as I have learned to take more responsibility for the dynamic at play, it is very freeing to listen opening and be willing to accept that something you are doing may need to change.

  185. Glorious Rowena thank you for sharing you. When I think about it, its actually crazy to think we don’t be with ourselves 100% of the time, yet look around society and that is in fact how most function, a few steps behind or in front of themselves at best. It is so refreshing to feel the solid commitment from someone to themselves living in harmony with themselves, as you are Rowena.

  186. ”We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” I know this to be true for myself and yet I have let that rhythm slip somewhat of late and interestingly I have let thoughts about being older, and how debilitating that could be, slip in – I have seen and heard of so many I know who are not doing well at all and then there are people like you Rowena who are just amazing examples of how we can be young, vital and joyful well into our eighties.

  187. As I read your amazing blog Rowena I was touched. I never heard a woman who is in her eighties write about her life in such a beautiful way. I am very much inspired and your awesome sharing helps me to stop my believe that to get older is not joyful. There are so many other role models around me who showed me that getting older is only an existing and not a living or that it has to do with a lot of suffering. To read your words is a healing for me to feel that there is an other way.

    1. This is so true. I meet a lot of older people in my work, mostly over 80yrs of age, and at least daily I am told that old age is no fun and this is often related to their poor health, loneliness and powerlessness. What Rowena has shared is inspirational and it is because she has taken responsibility for herself and her wellbeing. Great read.

      1. I’m not 80 yet Anne, 9 years to go, but I am often surprised and saddened talking to those my age at the way they view their lives and the state of their health. Many accept it as part of ageing, and say’don’t get old’. Well I AM old. Vibrant, yes, joyful, yes, well, most certainly. I am aware of the need to take care of myself, and I rest more than when I was younger, but in truth I should have rested more when I was younger! Old age is fun!

    2. The absence of role models such as Rowena says a lot about the way we have been living in general, doesn’t it esteraltmiks…
      Rowena is clearly a woman in touch with the spark of who she is within. In such depth and exquisite joy of inner knowing, we are age-less, it’s natural to feel joyful, and youthful (the being that we are doesn’t change…) and yet can honour the changes and needs of our bodies as get older with the grace Rowena does. Whilst sharing the wisdom of a life where love has been made the bottom line. This is so deeply inspiring for all of us who know such a true role model, that we ourselves may set the way forward for the generations to come – and make such a committed, responsible and engaged way of life the true ‘norm’ it should be, rather than the exception.

      1. What you have written Victoria is so true – “The absence of role models such as Rowena says a lot about the way we have been living in general” and therefore I am so inspired to re-connect to this inner spark as I can feel that we are indeed ageless there as you have so beautiful described. I like the idea “that we ourselves may set the way forward for the generations to come” so I will change the exceptions of getting older as I really don’t want a life without joy and lightness – as this is no life for me at all.

      2. Hear, hear esteraltmiks. A life without connection to one’s joy is no life.
        You know, when I first came to women’s presentations and talks through Universal Medicine and Esoteric Women’s Health, I felt a great grief in me surface… A grief that I’d felt the true role models of women older than myself missing in my life. Yes I knew some wonderful women, but didn’t know one who really lived the joy and fullness of who she was. It was a great healing to find myself with a group of women who were committed to changing this, that we could restore ourselves once more to the ‘true woman’, in all of her beauty, loveliness and strength.
        The deepest healing and acceptance of all? That WE can be the inspiration for the generations to come that I had felt so deeply missing in our world.

      3. And the unexpected bonus? That I have got to know women such as Rowena Parkes, who are of a ‘generation older’, and who glow with everything I would want to be when I am in my 80’s. What an enormous gift and blessing.

    3. Yes, esteraltmiks, this is quite an amazing blog. What a role model Rowena is for all others to be inspired by her as they become older. She really shows just how joyful it can be to be an older woman, she stands out against the past role models we have had who have portrayed older age as a time of great suffering and unhappiness. So many of us dread becoming old, feeling on the scrap heap so to say. But Rowena has shown that is not at all necessary, we can be living quite amazing lives as we age. But if we truly look after ourselves, are engaged in the community, and live truly harmoniously and lovingly in all that we do, we can actually live quite amazing lives until the day we die. It is up to us to make the changes in our lives that allow that, as Rowena and her husband have done.

      1. A “scrap heap” I had to find out in the dictionary what that means and when I get it I have to laugh as it is a very understandable way to describe the way an older age can be felt. I love what you have shared about to truly look after ourselves and I only can agree as my feeling is if I start this in an earlier age my body is not a “scrap heap” at the end of my life.

  188. Thank you Rowena, I agree, alcohol and drugs are the cause of so many of the world problems! “We feel that alcohol related violence is a present source of much suffering and alcohol should be seen to be the scourge that it actually is.” When I consider the number of times people who were naturally well behaved, totally lost all reasoning power, and were overcome by a force, saying “that was not me who acted that way”, it was always related to alcohol or drugs. In doing 20 years of security work , I noted a lot of this type of behaviour.

  189. You are an inspiration to young and old Rowena. Thank you for showing how amazing growing old can be when you choose responsibility as your guiding light.

  190. Rowena you are an inspiration. It is a blessing to read your words and see how natural it is to be open to have more people in your life when you grow older and to live responsibly and actively instead of resigning to growing old and giving up on life.

  191. Rowena you blow me away with your expression! You are truly a marker for me and what growing old can be. You embody such grace and joy and all that I aspire to be as I head into the second half of my life. Thank you for being one of the most inspirational role models I have ever known.

  192. Rowena – the rhythm you have built up is only reflected in the steadiness and joy I see you living. I really love what you say here – ‘How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you…’ – I don’t feel we stop enough and consider the responsibility we all have, yet by being honest with this, it can provide so much freedom and simplicity. You are a beautiful example of how growing older does not need to be about feeling alone or helpless.

  193. I too feel so much healthier for not drinking alcohol or eating gluten,dairy or sugar. I feel inspired by your blog and realise that increasing responsibility and establishing and honouring a rhythm allows for expansion and an increasing joy for life. Thank you Rowena Parkes.

  194. This is a beautiful story, Rowena, it is lovely and inspiring to read how you are living in a rhythm true to you, enjoying every bit of life.

  195. Rowena I love your sharing and as I am aging (in my late 60s) I find your sharing so relevant. I too love my life now more than I have at anytime in the past and all my appreciation goes to Serge Benhayon and the teachings of The Ancient Widom without whom I would not be in the position of learning new things about myself, Life and Love for humanity. Thank you for sharing your Joyful , harmonious Life with us.

  196. Very inspiring Rowena. Thank you for reflecting that we can always continue to deepen our loving relationship with ourselves and our lives. That there is never and end point as there is always more to appreciate, enjoy, share and celebrate. And that -‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’- beautifully said.

  197. Rowena, awesome to hear about. I can imagine this wouldn’t be the way for many people in the older age bracket. But now, you’ve given me something to look forward to when I get older – a wonderful way of life, determined by my choices and the responsibility I have for me.

  198. This speaks volumes and evidence there is another way to live ‘So many of our friends who have remained in Sydney are finding their lives are contracting, their friends are dying and they only have their families. We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.’ Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are a true beacon of light living this and showing just how possible this is.

  199. “My husband and I have found that to live a truly harmonious way of life in our eighties requires us to be responsible for the quality of lives we lead”. Rowena this is so inspirational for all, no matter what age. There is still an entrenched belief that life goes downhill as we age, yet you are bucking this trend. As you say, you and Tony “find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time”. Of course living harmoniously is available at any age, it only requires as you say, for ‘us to be responsible for the quality of lives we lead” and one can choose to take responsibility for their life at any age.

  200. This is gorgeous Rowena, as it so reflects the beautiful spark that is you! I can feel that our choosing to be responsible in our lives does bring great awareness and the choice to live a more harmonious and loving life. This is so evident in the way you express and now choose to live your life, a true inspiration for all!

    1. How beautifully said Felix! Rowena your blog truly is an inspiration for all ages.

  201. I want to be feeling like you do in your 9th decade of life now while I’m in my 3rd decade of life! Wow Rowena, thanks for proving how simple loving choices make such an impact on our daily lives.

  202. To feel that one’s life can expand not contract as we grow older, and that there is always new learning to be had about relationships and responsibility is so inspiring Rowena, growing older never looked so good!

  203. It is amazing to contemplate that if I keep working on my relationship that there is an endless depth of love to be discovered. I guess I had never considered this to even be possible. Somewhere along the way I must have picked up that love is finite in some way, and if it works and it is functioning, that I am lucky and this is success. But what I know now is that there is so much more to be discovered than I ever thought was possible, I can’t wait!!

  204. Reading this blog makes me feel how I saw getting older, as your life getting worse and ‘contracted’, as you shared Rowena. Your sharing deeply inspires me and makes me look forward to every day of my life, full of me.

  205. Beautifully inspiring Rowena. Great to hear that your life is continuing to expand with age.

  206. Thank you Rowena and to your husband. I had always worried about death and what comes thereafter. Universal Medicine set an end to this. And you are the living proof of how joyful one can spend every moment, always learning, being humble and wise.

  207. ‘ I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else, and not because I have to be a certain way or not.’ I loved reading this, Rowena, it’s so simple and so true. It’s very empowering to take full responsibility for how we are in all aspects of our lives. I am in my 5th decade and am more engaged in my life now than I was 25 years ago. I also feel quite ‘timeless’, knowing I will evolve, being me, as time passes and not stay static as time passes, which ultimately brings the feeling of being ‘older’.

  208. It is amazing to read your story Rowena Parkes, that when we take the full responsibility over our lives that there is so much more to it. That our life in service is not finished when we retire but that we continue to be productive and in service until we die. This is mind shifting, compared to what I see currently happening in our societies.

  209. Rowena you are an amazing role model! I too have found that taking full-responsibility for my actions and reactions is life changing and a very spacious way to live.

  210. Whether we are young or old, life can be lived fully and amazingly with no holding back. It is not just for the youth-full!

  211. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others’ I have found that this requires a continuing deepening of my level of honesty with myself and others. This is such a beautifully spacious and freeing way to be and allows for the possibility of joy in our relationships and in our life.

  212. It is so beautiful to have you as an example as a elder person. You are living proof, that it is never too late to change your lifestyle and make different choices. No matter what age. Most of the elder people I know are in the comfort zone of being too old to change. You are indeed an amazing role model for society- thank you 🙂

  213. Rowena, you are an absolute beacon of truth and a true example for all. How can anybody argue with that?!

  214. Rowena wow through your sharing it debunks the myth that as you grow older you automatically live a lesser quality of life and miss the life you had when you were young. With being with ourselves 100% of the time life becomes simple – I am sure many people are inspired by this as I have been.

  215. That’s awesome Rowena and very inspiring. I just turned 18 yesterday so 80 is quite a number of years away but hearing what you have shared inspires me to live that love we know in our hearts through all my years. You are sharing with me that this is possible and that when I get to 80 I can still feel joy and love. People says it’s inspiring to see a 18 year old live the way I do… I say it’s equally inspiring for seeing you at 80 living the way you do.

    1. It just goes to show that no matter what age we are, taking responsibility for our actions and reactions, and living that love we know in our hearts, allows us to live life fully and to deepen our relationships with all. Ariel at 18 and Rowena at 80 you are both an absolute inspiration.

  216. Yep totally awesome Rowena, I find this beautiful and very encouraging. We no longer have to just fade out as we get older but continue to grow till our last dying day as we make truer and more self loving choices.

  217. “By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.” This statement in and of itself is a life lesson thank you Rowena.

  218. Rowena what you have embraced in your life at a stage where many people seem to be very stuck in their ways is truly inspiring. It’s just shows that no matter how old we are, we can always make the choice to be responsible for our choices and just be ourselves!

  219. Awesome Rowena. I love this bit in regards to alcohol and coffee – ‘Both are very harmful for our bodies and should not be considered “harmless”. It’s such a simple yet powerful way to say it. Also pointing out that some people may not want to understand what it is to live harmoniously. Your exactly right… Some people wouldn’t because that would mean that they have to look at how they are and the way they are living.

  220. This is beautiful Rowena. I fully agree with “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives. How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for you, and it is not something you can wriggle out of either, although many spend a lot of energy trying to do so!” This is so true.

  221. It is great to read how our twilight years can continue to be an expansion, of staying committed until the end – ready to come back to bring all that has been learned back into the world once again.

    1. I agree Lee, so many of us fear getting older as we think our life is drawing to an end. It is quite common to hear from our elders that “our best year’s are behind us”. I believe this saying comes from the fact that as we age we may not be physically able to achieve what we could in earlier years and because we often spend most of our lives being recognised for what we do we believe that if we are not doing anything productive than we are not worthy. You buck the trend Rowena, knowing you and how you live actually makes me look forward to ageing.

      1. Hear, hear tonysteenson.I actually saw an advertisement this week that said, “your best years are NOT in front of you”. The advert was insidious, basically promoting wild travel experiences as ‘truly living life’ – and that without engaging in this, what ‘life’ were we living?
        Rowena bucks such insidious beliefs and indeed ‘trends’ as you say Tony, by living every day with a consistency of what true love, joy and responsibility are – living a life of purpose and meaning that puts the seeking of momentary ‘buzz and excitement’ to shame. I choose her way any day (and every day).

  222. What a great gift for you to have this awareness at your time in life, as you said most of your friends are losing their friends but you are gaining them. I love that you have shared your story and give me the inspiration to be more of me and take responsibility for my life for the first time in my life.

  223. What an inspiration Rowena! Going into your 9th decade like a fireball! Just another nugget of truth about it never being too late to take responsibility for your life.

  224. It was absolutely inspiring to read, that even in one’s eighties it’s possible to continue to bring more love, more loving friendships and harmony and well being to one’s health. Thank you Rowena for sharing this, as a possible choice for us all. And thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for paving the way, and showing us the steps to make this possible.

  225. It does take practise this is true but this is the only practise I can genuinely say is worth while, nothing else compares

    1. Absolutely true Jaime, nothing compares to the practice of returning to the simplicity of being me.

  226. What a lighthearted and inspiring piece you have shared…our quality of life can seem ageless, it depends on how we live whether it be from the inside out or outside in…, living from the inside out, is being all of me, which is a daily commitment, yet it brings so much, and as you say i know for me, coming into my 50’s life is expanding more and more and I’m more joyful than ever before… i am only looking forward to living more of life even though I’m getting older….or the other choice being, i can live how i had previously lived and life would be shrinking and i would be feeling that i am less and less of value…Serge’s life lessons as you say, are truly inspiring in embracing ourselves and living life in full….

  227. Thank you Rowena, very simply you are sharing it is never too late to change. All things are possible when we rid our–self of ideals and belief systems that have blinded us. The way Universal Medicine presentations by Serge Benhayon have inspired so many to not hold onto the past. By being consciously present, with all that we do, while we are doing it and for what ever we are doing, being present becomes a choice then a responsibility to our–self first. Then “by taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others.”

  228. Thank you Rowena for sharing how life is a continual development of deepening our relationship with our self and humanity at the same time. For we are forever learning and expanding our love for all. We are all blessed by those here sharing their lived lives so we may all learn from the experience.

    1. Hear, hear Andrew. Why set an ‘end point’ to life? We have been so robbed of the truth that there is actually no ‘end point’ to the being that we are. Yes, this physical life will indeed have its completion, but if we see that as the absolute end to our existence, then no wonder there is such rampant giving up and checking out from life – occurring well, well before our latter years. Rowena is a true role model for the embracing of the truth that we most certainly do ‘go on’, and that our deepening relationship with who we are, with God, and thus the way we embrace all is naturally ongoing when one is committed to life as the ‘one life’ that it is, and responsible for the part we play in it, every day.

  229. Thank you Rowena for sharing your harmonious life with us. It is a blessing to read that your life is so purposeful even in your eighties. When I look around I do not see this in general. As you say about your friends in Sydney, older people are losing their purpose and are developing a contracted life, losing their friends and are lonely living with their families. I was not very enthusiastic about what society was showing me of what it is to become an elderly person. What you show me is such a different picture to what I thought becoming older would look like, I feel now that I will embrace this phase of my life and am looking forward to it.

    1. I agree, I have always seen growing old as quite a negative aspect of life, however I find this quite inspiring and I now see growing older as just another aspect of life, that brings with it all new opportunities, and ways of living.

    2. “I was not very enthusiastic about what society was showing me of what it is to become an elderly person. What you show me is such a different picture to what I thought becoming older would look like, I feel now that I will embrace this phase of my life and am looking forward to it.” – I agree, nvanhaastrecht, the way the majority of society are living in their elder years is not much of an advertisement to younger people. I am so glad we have people like Rowena and her husband showing us a different way to be.

  230. You are showing us all how living with responsibility can expand one’s life Rowena. This is certainly a shift from the entrenched beliefs and behaviours around ageing. You are an inspiring role model who dismantles fear.

    1. ‘You are showing us how living with responsibility can expand one’s life Rowena’ – this is so true Bernadette. Rowena debunks so many entrenched beliefs in this blog, including the one I had bought into until recent years, that ‘responsibility’ is a burden. You only need to look to a dictionary to see where this belief comes from with the following definitions for ‘responsibility’:

      1. ‘the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.’
      2.’the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.’

      When what I am discovering is that true responsibility is a blessing as it starts with self-responsibility – ‘by taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others’. Quite the opposite to being burdensome, Rowena is living proof that this can make our lives ‘so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful.’ Thank you Rowena.

  231. Rowena it is so true. We cannot look outside of ourselves for the answers as we are the keepers of our own joy, vitality and love.

  232. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others’. An absolute gem of wisdom you’ve shared here Rowena from your lived experience. How different might the world be if we were to have learnt this as children from a very young age – in schools, within families, within our communities? What if the most important role for us as adults was to role model this behavior with our children in all aspects of our lives, ahead of any other of our other societal roles? I love how this possibility feels and I am appreciative that you and your husband, as the true elders that you are, will have left this foot-print on the earth to be felt by all well after your time on earth has passed.

  233. This is such an inspiration Rowena and is completely defying all that we are told and believe about growing old. This is extraordinary really, yet feels like it is exactly the way it should be.

  234. ‘Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand’. This is such a powerful statement, I love it. Choosing to be blind is essentially what a lot of humanity do, choosing to live inharmoniously. And supporting each other to stay in that way. So lovely to see two wise elders breaking the pattern, you are role models.

  235. What an awesome blog Rowena; one that shatters the myth that after a certain age it’s all downhill. Taking responsibility for our own lives certainly has amazing results. Your renewed love of life is so inspiring and to me you are age-less. Your last line says it all: “I am simply me and it is wonderful”.

  236. Rowena this is truly inspirational. How inspiring to be expanding as you age and not contracting. You offer a beautiful reflection to young and old alike.

  237. Love it Rowena you and your husband are such an inspiration and true role models about growing old joyfully and not reducing to an existence. Your vitality is very inspiring and very trending!

  238. Rowena it is very inspiring to read your blog as it shows me and everyone that as you grow older you can continue to build a deepening of love and joy in your life compared to the “normal” reality that I see which is people giving up, being lonely and feeling worthless – discarded.

  239. Thank you Rowena, beautiful blog. I like what you say here “It is all a matter of being with ourselves 100% all the time – this does take practice but it is so worthwhile.”

  240. Thank you Rowena for sharing your wisdom, what a great living example you are that we can choose every day of our life for quality, that ageing does not mean suffering, being without purpose, poor health etc. Thank you for being you!

  241. Rowena, I can feel the harmonious, joyful way you are living your life in your words. Your blog is an awesome message to anyone of any age and definitely highlights that we can keep growing and expanding the quality of who we are, endlessly. Thank you

  242. Thank you Rowena for this beautiful blog that is so full of your wisdom and love.
    Seeing and taking on ones own responsibility in everything at every time is indeed the key to change our lives. With this responsibility different choices will be made that sometimes may take time and effort, but open up such an amazing source of love and connection which seems ever expanding.

  243. Now that is the life I want to be leading now and when I am in my eighties too – expanding, not contracting.

  244. Being with you two is harmony personified. It’s gorgeous to see you be together, the way you talk about each other when you share the wisdom of your long love affair, and also individually it is always lovely to be with you both. A true and very special couple to have as our role models for how to conduct yourself in a relationship / marriage. Thank you for always being so generous in sharing yourselves with us.

  245. Rowena, I visit older people every day in my work in the community and they mostly tell me that old age is a terrible place to be and that it is not fun getting old. It is so refreshing to hear an older person expressing so much positivity and joy about aging. Inspirational !

    1. I agree Anne. The way so many people are experiencing old age, it is hardly something to look forward to.
      Rowena’s article is so important because it shows that old age need not be a travail. It can be gracious and entered into without the fear that suffering is inevitable.

  246. It is truly a blessing when people in their eighties can live a full and vital life without the need for stimulants and all the other generally accepted props such as caffeine, copious amounts of sugar and alcohol. Living in rhythm and harmony sounds like a wonderful prescription for getting older and staying fully engaged in one’s life, thank you Rowena.

  247. That’s beautiful to hear how simply and loving your life is at your age. It’s very rare to hear that someone in their eighties is living that kind of life, how inspiring.

  248. Wow, what an inspiration you are Rowena, thank you. As someone in her 50’s I am aware that I must be over half way through my life by now, yet I feel it’s just beginning as I put into practice the teachings of Universal Medicine and truly embrace the amazingness of me. I feel more youthful now than I did in my 30’s. I love when you say “By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others: this has made our lives so much more worthwhile and so much more meaningful”. It’s not the number of years we live for, it’s the quality of that livingness.

  249. How lovely it is to be totally inspired by our elderly. This is very rare these days but your story Rowena inspires both the elderly and younger generations to know that there is another way to live that doesn’t leave us drained, given up and shut down as we get older.

  250. Thank you Rowena, finding a group of friends that are sincere and loving is our natural way of being. I also feel that Serge Benhayon’s presentations have been an essential part of inspiring me to be more loving.

  251. Inspiring read Rowena. As a society we have given up on our elderly, as they too have given up on themselves. But perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that we give up on ourselves well before then. You are a living example that it does not need to be this way.

  252. Thank you Rowena, you are an amazing inspiration of what it is to live life with self-responsibility and commitment to love and as you said “It is all a matter of being with ourselves 100% all the time – this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile.”

  253. I have had a week of deepening the responsibility I take for the way I run my body, the quality I choose to live in each moment…and I am inspired by your blog Rowena, it is well worth the efforts as I read I can feel you are indeed reaping the rewards of this daily responsibility.

  254. Brilliant Rowena. I am sorry to say that I see many deeply unhappy people in their 70’s and 80’s (actually, I see many unhappy people of all ages). There is a lot of unhappiness attached to illness.. and many people see themselves as passive victims of illnesses, believing them to be just a normal part of getting older. The alcohol and coffee etc are the rewards for a long life of working hard. And so often I hear the words “I am too old to change”. If we all believe that is true then there is not much about getting older to look forward to.
    Then there are students of Universal Medicine, like yourself, who are nothing short of inspirational because you are living in sync with your bodies. And it shows. No such thing as “too old to change”…for as long as we breathe and can make choices we can develop ourselves, refine, and learn.

  255. Thank you Rowena, ‘the many life lessons that Serge Benhayon has shown us’ is also true for me as a student of what Serge presents. For me now, everything is a lesson in life and as you so aptly state there is no wriggling out, it is our responsibility because as you share, ‘no one can do it for you’!

  256. I smile as I read this blog Rowena! It seems Responsibility is not a dirty word but rather a way of being that precedes a harmonious life – I think it’s worth it. Thank you for showing a great way to go out ‘shining’!

  257. Wow Rowena this is beautiful to claim “I am simply me and it is wonderful” and so true. Your relationship is an inspiring example for all to see and to feel.

  258. Thank you Rowena, for sharing about ‘life’s lessons’. What Serge Benhayon presents about ‘life’s lessons’ I already felt deep with-in and I knew what Serge was talking about. It just had to be reawakened so I could live that way again. As you so plainly state it is our responsibility to live or to return back to the feeling ‘deep with-in’.

  259. Dear Rowena, I loved reading your article and could feel your Livingness jump out at me. It seems to me that the life you and your husband are choosing and enjoying in your latter years is the birthright of all. You are an amazing inspiration.

  260. Rowena…you and your husband are an inspiration. Such power in the simplicity of what you share. The world needs to know about you both – that you can make loving self-care choices and live to a very ripe old age, but feel younger. It certainly defies the current trend of the elderly where Dementia is plaguing the aged care homes.

    And I love this line near the end…’I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me.’

    Amen to that!

  261. Thank you Rowena, the power I gave to words such as ‘contracted’, before I met Serge Benhayon never served me! The relationship that I used to have with words in the past was not responsible. ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions,’ as presented by Serge Benhayon includes the way in which we use words or language. As I am writing this comment, if I feel the power of words that I continue to think or dwell on such as the word ‘contraction’, I can feel my body contract, ‘how one thinks is how one reacts’. When my focus goes to love and I live that responsibly, the feeling in my body is completely different.

  262. Rowena thank you so much for your blog. I care for a lot of elderly people in my work and the joy in which you are living your life, is unfortunately very rare for the elderly in our community. I hear all the time ” well I have to expect this, I am getting older” You are leading the way for how we can all age, through the choices that we make everyday. The results of your choices are all there for us to see.

  263. Congratulations on discovering the ‘Fountain of Youth’ Rowena and thankyou for sharing its (your) sparkle with us – true inspiration.

  264. Thank you Rowena, you use an interesting word ‘contracted’. I feel ‘contracted’ in this sense is a limitation or restriction. All students have had the opportunity to live a life in full with no limitations, because of the inspiration that Serge Benhayon has had on our lives.

  265. Truly inspiring Rowena to hear life becoming more full as you grow in age. Claiming your life and all the responsibility it entails.

  266. Rowena you and your husband are true inspirations, and show that is never too late to take responsibility for your choices.

  267. What a lovely blog to read Rowena. As you said “it takes practice” but I can already see improvements in my life thanks to the life skills of Universal Medicine.

  268. Thank you Rowena, the elder energy that you share in your blogs brings some amazing truths. As you so aptly describe, you see yourself living a productive, loving life until you die. The students of the Livingness as a group, are typically living a productive loving life. This is because the students have been inspired by The Way of the Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon.

  269. What a beautiful inspiration you are Rowena, as you show that by taking responsibility in what we choose and by being ourselves we can change our lives at any moment and that there is never a time where it would be ‘too late’.

  270. Thank you Rowena, once started, listening to our body becomes a natural rhythm. For me this means, as you stated, that I ‘go to bed early’ by not over riding that tired feeling or thinking I will miss something on TV. etc.

  271. Hi Rowena thanks for your great blog. What an example, a true inspiration for all ages, you certainly walk the talk. “I am simply me and it is wonderful”, says it all.

  272. Taking responsibility and establishing a rhythm – to live a productive and loving life until I die – you are wonderful and truly inspiring Rowena. It is never too late to make changes, and I am inspired to keep learning and refining, and uncovering old patterns of thinking and behaviour that get in the way of the vitality and joy that is possible.

  273. Thank you Rowena for writing this blog, which communicates so much.
    Words like total (as in ‘totally up to me’) can-not be misinterpreted, it is how we look at the re-interpretation of the words used in conjunction with TOTAL. Wellbeing as a word can get lost with many people having their own re-interpretation. Wellbeing to me is a holistic approach to all aspects of my life, which bring me to a point that allows true healing to take place. Responsibility is a word that can be flippantly discarded or discounted. For me true responsibility comes in every facet of life and includes an integrity to allow a consistent purpose to life. So my Total Wellbeing is a Responsibility I take very seriously, without being extreme.

  274. How gorgeous is it to have people over 80 years old speak about being vital, joyful and loving being themselves. This is a model of Ageing that needs to be studied.

    1. hear hear Elizabeth, it is extraordinary the sharing Rowena has given us and deeply inspiring. It makes complete sense to study this way of living that shows life can with vitality and joy at 80?

    2. Elizabeth I completely agree: “this is a model of Ageing that needs to be studied”. Rowena and Tony are absolutely brimming with love and vitality bringing joy wherever they go. They have much to teach many and this is certainly a model that should be studied. I myself at 58 am healthier and more vital than at any time of my life including my teens and 20s. We have all benefited from the teaching of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Why are the governments and medical systems of the world not queuing up to see what is going on here? – just have a look at some of these photos they speak for themselves.

  275. It is a joy and blessing to have met and know you Rowena, you and Tony are true living examples about how life could be lived when we reach our 80’s – in vitality and attitude to life and in your relationships. Thank you

  276. Thank you Rowena for a blog that shares that at any age we can start to make loving choices that are life changing!
    Each day seems to bring a new lesson in life so when I am living responsibly, this means I do not react or contract but allow the continuing expansion. This has become my rhythm that I now live and express harmoniously with all to the best of my ability. This has come about for me because of the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  277. To read your blog, as well as when I met you and your husband, Rowena, is very inspiring and very confirming. It is confirming to me that living my rhythm and my lifestyle inspired by Universal Medicine, I don’t have to fear growing old. I can go forward embracing old age full heartedly.

  278. It must be wonderful to have more friendships and relationships being built as you get older. This is certainly very much against the trend of old age where loneliness and isolation is often such a big issue. As I grow older I would love to emulate your way of living and embracing life, there seems to be so much joy in being this way. In working with older people this is certainly not something I would say I see very often.

  279. Thank you Rowena for a truly amazing article, just like you our friends oops did I say friends I meant family. The reason I say family is not to be smart or delusional but I now have a group who I connect to who are more like true brothers. I can rely on this group of people in any situation, they are genuine and sincere people that probably number at least a thousand.

  280. Rowena you are a true inspiration! I cannot wait to be in my eighties knowing that the way I live now, as you described, will have me feeling the same as I do now. I will just be another number in age.

  281. To say “I am simply me” simply says it all Rowena. Allowing to actually live ‘me’ does have a responsibility and integrity as you so aptly put it.“ How one thinks, how one reacts and how one communicates with one’s fellow humans is all one’s own responsibility, no-one can do this for us, and it is not something we can wriggle out of either”, Too many people look towards others for a quick fix. Also Rowena “living harmoniously” is our natural way of being and is what everyone is looking for but did not know how to find it before Serge Benhayon. Loving rhythms and “life skills” are the foundation that Universal Medicine / Serge Benhayon so practically presents to humanity.

  282. Thank you so much Rowena for your wise sharing. Meeting you and reading your blog
    inspires me to change my old conceptions of becoming elder, as you both are role models!
    It is so great to see that at any age we can choose to be and live who we are and choose to live in a harmonious and joyfull way and expand our lives and relationships.

  283. The way way you have explained living in your eighties feels simple and loving Rowena ,thanks for sharing and showing through your livingness how joyful ,fun and vital it can be.

  284. Rowena, while not quite as old as you – I am in my 70s – like you my husband and I also find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time despite the fact that we are ageing. As you say, living harmoniously together means that you have to constantly look at how you are living your life and to take full responsibility for that. This is not always easy in a 24/7 relationship but if love is the basis of communication then everything that comes up can be harmoniously resolved – an ever deepening process. As you say “this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile”. Like you I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life” but there are no plateaus and I know without a doubt that if I keep deepening my relationship with self and all others, the joy and love in my life will continue to deepen, as I continue to age. Joy and love are endless so it is always a journey and not about reaching an end point.

  285. Dear Rowena,
    I loved to read your blog as it shows that being vital and alive and joyful has nothing to do with age, but with choices we make in our lives. Very inspirational!

  286. I love it, Rowena, I love the way you tell us so simply about just how it is, and how you have arrived at this way of living. Returning to read this blog again I am re-affirmed in my intention to continue to choose to be conscious of the responsibility of my choices, and allow my life to expand as I grow older, rather than diminish and contract. I am enjoying my seventies more than my sixties, and that is because I also met Serge Benhayon and have learned how to take more care of myself and realise the part I play in bringing harmony to every situation. Not easy when I have been living in another way for so many years, but well worth the application, for myself and everyone else I come into contact with, and there are more and more of them!

  287. Thank you Rowena for an inspiring story that brings a feeling of joy. You have shown that the model of ageing we have been sold as socially acceptable, to be not actually true.

  288. Thank you, Rowena, for this amazing sharing. How you are living is complete opposite to what the world trend is heading, and that is even without considering your age. You have proven there is a way to keep growing and live a life of joy as we age. So inspirational. Thank you.

  289. Rowena this is is certainly an inspiring blog! You write, “I feel more alive and joyful than any other stage in my life”, an amazing claim considering you are in your eighties. It goes to show that reaping the rewards for taking full responsibily for our lives can happen at any age and is very well worth it.

  290. wow if that isn’t inspiration then what is! I love how you shared taking full responsibility for everything in your live all of the time is what supports you to have this harmonious and loving life that you are living. I like yourself have introduced responsibility in all that I do and there is still some more learning in this because absolutely everything is in this equation. Day by day if I am open to being aware of what needs more attention I can feel how different my days can be. This as you say has been deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon and the teachings of Universal Medicine.

  291. Thank you Rowena for this very inspiring blog. How wonderful that in your 80s you live with more awareness, vitality and joy than ever before. This is such a contrast to the way most 80 year olds are living. How fantastic that you and your husband are going against the trend and that your experience is here to inspire us all. Thank you dearly.

  292. “so many of our friends who have remained in Sydney are finding their lives are contracting, their friends are dying and they only have their families. We, on the other hand, find that our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time.
    As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before”

    When I read your words two things came to me, the first was wow, this is amazing! and beautiful! and the other, this is normal and beautiful!. In truth this is how it ought to be. So, thank you for grounding the future in the present!!

  293. Wow Rowena how inspiring and refreshing to read your blog here. What an amazing reflection you and your husband are for all generations. Being you and being all of you and enjoying life and it lessons as they come to you. Simple. Thank you.

  294. I agree with your point about responsibility Rowena. I found that by taking responsibility for my life and my choices I am able to able see my part in situations and not be the victim. I am able to work out why I feel a particular way and not blame someone else. I can’t change others so don’t waste the energy being upset by them, but i can help myself.

  295. Dear Rowena, this is beautiful to read and so very inspiring. We so very much need elderly people who age and live joyfully and gracefully embracing life to its fullest. Thank you.

  296. Wow Rowena this is so inspiring – “We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.” I feel that is true freedom and responsibility right there…. always being prepared to see what we create and what we have chosen! There would be no blame if this was truly understood.

  297. “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me.” These are very wise and powerful words…it seems incomprehensible but the reality and the livingness of this statement blow everything we have ever thought or known away.

  298. A truly inspiring blog. Thank you Rowena. “For the first time I take full responsibility and know that my well-being is up to me” I feel true power, commitment and freedom in these words.

  299. Wonderful understanding of the importance of establishing a routine. Raising children had taught me how critical a routine is to them, but I never realised that a routine is like a known quality that your body can understand. When some thing interrupts it I notice that some thing is different and I can adjust. Also a routine develops a strong foundation so stuff does not affect me as much. I have found that The Gentle Breath Meditation presented by Serge Benhayon supports me in developing a solid energetic foundation, so i can have more awareness of whats going on around me. Thank you Serge Benhayon.

  300. This is so beautiful to read, to feel the expansion you feel and not the known contraction we expect. An absolutely wonderful way to be living.

  301. I can really feel in reading this how powerful the choice is to fully commit to each moment and not take a step back from life. As we grow old it can be easy to retire and let the rest of life wash over us. Of course at any age this isn’t a good way to live, your example of living so fully in later life really affirms how it can be for all of us.

  302. There is so much joy and love in this article. To reach my eighties and feel like you and Tony do would be such a blessing. To know your life is expanding rather than contracting knowing that old age does not have to be the stereotype of illness and loneliness is a true revelation and is so inspiring. Thank you Rowena for sharing a way to live that we can all share whether we are young or old.

  303. Rowena. Such a heart warming article, so full of love for each other. You are an inspiration to all mankind on how a happy relationship can grow over the years.

  304. What an inspiration Rowena: “By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and all others” that is an incredibly powerful statement and it says it all really. If that was the focus of mankind what a different world we would live in.

    1. So true Margaret and something that we could all learn from and be inspired by whatever age or stage of life we are in.

  305. Rowena, your beautiful piece of writing has left me with a lovely warm feeling!
    The age-old beliefs about old age and the more negative aspects of ageing have been blown away here. As a mere sixty-something youngster, I have noticed the real benefits gained since starting to take more responsibility for the way I live. The simplicity of the idea that we all hold the key to our own well-being is so appealing, that ultimately, it must surely become the template for everybody.

  306. I have often heard people explain away poor health, poor physical wellbeing, lack of energy, lack of engagement with life on getting older. I have often wondered if the poor quality people talk about is because they have been abusive to their body and themselves throughout life, and then later on in life this abuse has been going on for longer so its impact is greater – and that it is not a necessary function of age. Reading your article I see very clearly that lack of quality is not a function of age. But what is more, you have so beautifully turned it round and you have actually been increasing the quality in your life. Very inspiring, blows beliefs about suffering old age our of the water, and gives all of us wonderful insight about living a joyful and productive life right to the end.

    1. I so agree, Golnaz, Rowena has given us an example of how to grow older and actually increase our quality of life each year. Truly inspiring to read, thank you.

  307. Beautifully inspiring Rowena. Indeed true role models. It is unheard of to to feel more vital and full of life in your eighties than ever before. As you say this is possible because you have taken responsibility for your lives, and as you say ‘We have found that establishing a rhythm to living and recognising when that rhythm is disturbed – either by our own actions or reactions or by absorbing the energy of others – enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us.’

  308. Your blog is so heart warming and wonderful to read – an inspiration for anyone at any age. Your closing sentence says it all ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful’.

  309. I love this comment about growing young instead of growing old. Rowena and her husband are true role models. The joy they share is felt by all who meet them. A fabulous blog and one I will revisit many times.

  310. Thank you Rowena for your beautiful inspiring sharing of your life in your eighties and all the changes and support from Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.
    Learning to be with ourselves 100% of the time is a great gift to be worked on and definitely the most worth while thing there is.
    It is a great joy to know you both and I treasure your presence, wisdom and friendship immensely.

  311. Thank you Rowena, for your reflections and especially as Rachel has reiterated, we can all experience this harmony when we continue to practice taking ‘full responsibility and knowing that my well being is totally up to me’

  312. If I get to live to my eighties this is definitely how I want my life to be… I am on my way because I have begun to make similar choices in the decades of my thirties and forties! I am just imagining how amazing life in my eighties could be if I carry on taking “full responsibility and knowing that my wellbeing is totally up to me.”

    1. Likewise, Rachel. I’m in my twenties and I can see now that the foundation I lay down now will be the one I walk on when I’m in my “golden” years. 🙂

  313. To live and grow old without the need for any stimulants, it seems like this is a choice that has served you well Rowena, and allowed you both to thrive as you grow older. A stimulant is a short term fix whereas you seem to have created a long term joy in your lives. Your way is certainly not the norm but it really should and could be the model for ageing well.

  314. Forget the up and down love stories of our 21st century celebrities, you and Tony are the true inspiration and the real story the world needs to hear. When it comes to commitment, respect, and a dedication to a love that is forever unfolding you and Tony are true role models.

      1. Absolutely agree Susie. Rowena and Tony are a true inspiration and the world does need to hear their story. Perhaps a TV documentary – be patient and stay tuned!! This couple, if not the new power-couple, will likely become the new pin ups in nursing homes and role models for how relationships can continue to deepen and become more joyous as we age.

  315. I love this article, it is so against the trend of misery and illness that we expect awaits us when we get older. Your article is so inspiring of how a life lived with a commitment to love will carry you though to the end of your life.

  316. “It is all a matter of being with ourselves 100% all the time – this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile”. This sentence is very inspiring. Yes it is so worthwhile. This is worth remembering in moments when I find myself straying off track. The effort is so worthwhile.

  317. It is just lovely to re-read this blog, and really accept that living in true joy is absolutely possible in our eighties. Thank you Rowena and Tony for being living proof.

  318. I am so enjoying reading this article again – honest, down to earth and showing it is totally possible for everyone to live this way by choice. Deeply and continuously inspiring. Thank you!

  319. ‘ By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and all others ‘. This is very powerful.

    1. Indeed it is so powerful. In my experience taking responsibility can both feel amazing and glorious and quite brutal…sometimes at the same time…but every time its taking me out of my “comfort” zone. I have lived a life until now being comfortable in taking no responsibility for how I have truly felt and what has been amazing is in combination with the support of Universal Medicine I am actually owning my feelings and communicating them in my relationships. Without a shadow of doubt I am learning more about myself, and essentially loving more about myself than ever before. In fact enjoying life as it currently is I can’t wait until I am 80 to…what will it be like to be me then knowing what I already know…amazing.

      1. Great comment Phil, especially, “Without a shadow of doubt I am learning more about myself, and essentially loving more about myself than ever before.” Like most Universal Medicine students I am also feeling my amazingness and the true responsibility needed to be brought to the way I live. No longer do I have ‘she will be right attitude’. Living with integrity as I know Rowena does and so do all the students who regularly attend Serge Benhayon’s workshops, inspires a more harmonious way of living.

  320. Rowena, we are blessed to have you and Tony as our role models for what is possible when we embrace life and take responsibility for how we are in it. Once we do this we become ageless in many ways, and free to be ourselves (which I can feel you are enjoying very much!) Thank you for sharing this with us.

  321. Rowena, people like you are an inspiration in how life is to be lived fully and appreciated fully through every stage of our life. Beautiful blog. Thank you.

  322. Rowena, such an inspiration and glorious role model you are – I am embracing my 60’s in a very different way than I ever thought possible – joyful, more playful and understanding just how true responsibility is about the choices I make to honour what my body is asking for, rather than just overriding it as was the way of old.
    I wholeheartedly agree with you – “I feel, in all honesty, that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be”.

  323. Rather than looking down at old age as a diminished state and something to dread, your blog is a shining example of what is possible: the quality, vitality, purpose and service that can be lived as you get older and that it is simply down to the choices we make. Thank you, Rowena.

  324. Likewise Fiona – What a beautiful relationship you have together. I loved what you said about never letting anything get in the way of your relationship with one another. No matter what was going on. Tony is a very expressive and loving man to everyone he meets, and I can really see how Rowena – you express yourself too. Also that you never left anything unsaid to each other. A true inspiration!

  325. Rowena, I have also just watched you and Tony present at the recent relationship workshop and it left me feeling so much warmth. I enjoyed watching the rhythm in which you beautifully interacted with each other with the utmost respect and love. As Susie says you are both an absolute inspiration to us all.

  326. Rowena, having just watched you and Tony present at the recent Relationship Workshop I can say that you are an absolute inspiration. I am touched by both your blog and your talk at the workshop, and I feel blessed to witness such an amazing couple expressing more than ever even in their 80s.

    1. Same for me. Reading this and witnessing you both in your relationship has really blown out of the water the old beliefs I had about growing older – thank you!

    2. I absolutely agree Susie, Rowena and Tony are such an inspiration to couples everywhere. Their love, joy and passion for life comes through in all they do and say. I have been deeply inspired.

  327. Thank you Rowena, you and your husband are an inspiration to us all. I have never seen such a well, full-of-life couple of your age group.

  328. Re-reading this beautifully simple blog I was more aware this time of the simplicity with which it is expressed and which it expresses. Simplicity is one of the gifts of growing older, thank you Rowena, for giving us such a brilliant example and showing us the way.

  329. I was just pondering my life in regards to your blog Rowena. I have also made choices in how I live and feel great. I have some regret to the abuse I have caused to my vehicle of expression (my body) in my first 50 years attempting to break, bend and generally wear it out. They will not have worn out there bodes from abuse. Then, I felt what an amazing place it will be in 50 years from now when our children that we are raising will have lived being loving to themselves? They will stand out as being like a time capsule just opened, fresh, vibrant, heathy and looking forward for the next 50 years.

  330. Thank you, Rowena, for turning on its head so many myths and beliefs about growing old and the expected struggles of ageing. At 47 I have never felt ‘more well’ and can feel only the potential of continuing to become more vital and appreciative of who I am as I get older.

  331. Rowena, you are a true role-model and inspiration.

    As I look around and observe people of all ages, not just the older generation, I cannot really see the signs of vitality and true joy that are so present in you and your beautiful husband Tony.

    The words in your blog that particularly stand out for me are ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others’. This one sentence holds the most incredible power and potential to help humanity.

    Thank you Rowena for sharing your wisdom with us all.

    1. Angie – well said. It’s a joy to be in the company of Tony and Rowena – they have always shown such openness.

  332. Rowena your blog is really inspiring I can feel your vitality and joy for life in your words. It is not often you feel that in people in their 80’s and 90’s, what a wonderful way to be and live the later years of your life.

    1. Agree Alison.T his is a new way to grow old and keep appreciating life as it happens. It’s very inspiring to read how joy-full their journey has been and how open Rowena is in her article.
      Very graceful indeed.

  333. Rowena. Your blog is an inspiration to me in my 40’s, to kids, to teenagers, to 60 year olds. To everyone. A magnificent example of how we can all live if we so choose. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for inspiring.

  334. So beautiful to feel your grace and wisdom Rowena as you share a loving acceptance of living in an ageing body and what a joy-full passage in time life offers all of us, no matter how old we are.

  335. Yes, responsibility – when responsibility is committed too, it can support us to make choices that can completely alter our lives. It is simple and it can occur any moment…Thank you for sharing your experience of making that choice.

  336. You’ve proven here Rowena that being elderly can be a true beginning and not a slow demise as so many people feel it is. I can feel the way your life is expanding, and it’s beautiful. So much to look forward to if we age in the way you’ve described.

    1. This is so true Michael ‘that being elderly can be a true beginning and not a slow demise as so many people feel it is. I can feel the way your life is expanding,’ it is beautiful and inspiring to feel how differently it’s possible to live in our 80’s, to continue expanding and feel alive and vibrant – wow!

  337. I love this, Rowena. What a joy to read and feel how alive and vibrant you are. A true inspiration for us all, and a wonderful reminder that it is never too late to change and take responsibility for the choices we make in our lives.

  338. Such a beautiful testament to self responsibility Rowena, how amazing to claim your life as you now live and experience it in your eighties. This is true inspiration.

    1. I fully agree Anna a great living inspiration compared to what I perceived your 80’s to be like. Not many people in their 80’s that I have met have so much Joy in their lives.

  339. “my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else,…” This is such a beautiful daily reminder. Thank you Rowena

      1. Yes, it is a powerful and beautiful daily reminder – “my wellbeing is totally up to me – not because of anything or anyone else,…”
        It is so freeing to be aware of the ‘blame game’ and be self responsible in this way.

  340. Thank you Rowena, for raising the bar on what is perceived or so called the norm about aging and growing old. You and your partner’s life as you say is about taking responsibility on how it evolves.
    An amazing reflection, you both offer, to all of the younger folk as well as the older generation, to make the choice to look forward to aging instead of dreading it, complaining about it and staying ridged about it.
    Your testimony tells us all it is never too late to choose to be aware of how we are with ourselves and others. Are we truly living to our full potential in life or do we just exist?

    1. ‘Are we truly living to our full potential in life or do we just exist?’ – That is an excellent question; one that we should ask ourselves all the time.

  341. Thank you Rowena for your truly inspiring article. It just go to show that there definitely is another beautiful way to be as we get older, and we don’t have to accept the current norms.

    1. Yes, Sue that’s true. We don’t have to accept the current norms about getting old and living older. Its possible to not live sad and lonely but full of joy and wonderment of life.

      1. I agree Rachel and Sue – Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have given us so many amazingly simple tools that we can use to make different chices about the way we live our lives, and as a result it is possible to live a full and vital life well into ones eighties as Rowena has shared. At 55 I too feel more alive and vibrant, work harder and look younger than I did when I was 45!

  342. Go Rowena! And all of us elderly folks. Rowena your writing is such an inspiration to every age, that there is another way to ageing than what is so common nowadays. It is much needed that the younger people have role models in the older community and can look up to the elders and not dread ageing but look forward to it. I am in my early sixties and start to appreciate more and more my ‘older’ days. Old age and ageing is often looked down upon, is so misunderstood and misperceived, the wisdom hardly lived and expressed anymore. Anybody missing a purpose after retirement and the kids grown up? What about the purpose of living and being your Inner beauty, living your gorgeous real self and reflect that to the people around you?

    1. ‘Old’ people are so often dismissed as past it. But what is old anyway? For me ( I am 70) it feels little different from being young. Except that I am now connecting back to the wisdom I had as a child, before I shut it down in order to conform to what was expected of me. I love your last sentence Ingrid, and I love the fact that I am rediscovering that purpose and feeling, and being gorgeous again.

    2. Very true Ingrid, we do need role models like Rowena, Tony and yourself that show the world there is a graceful purpose to our latter years, a deepening of who we are and much more within ourselves to discover.

    3. Yes Ingrid, and Rowena and her husband are doing just that, living and being their inner beauty and real selves … and wow what a service it is showing us all the joy that can be lived during ageing.

  343. Dear Rowena,
    Your vitality is there for all to see, feel and enjoy, there is no questioning that…….but I was interested to know what you attributed this amazing zest to, especially considering that you are in your eighties! I see you have given the nod to taking Responsibility for your actions and reactions and to having a Rhythm in your daily routine and being alert to when this rhythm gets disrupted. These are extremely valuable tips on ageing gracefully. Thank you for sharing your wisdom as you & Tony lead the way for the rest of us.

  344. I loved reading your blog Rowena. You totally break the mould, I have never read anything like this before about a woman your age, as what I hear instead is doom and gloom when it comes to ageing, particularly when we are 70+. And yet here you are sharing with us that ‘I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life’…I look forward to ageing!

    1. So beautifully said Brendan, Rowena has broken the mould. It is truly uplifting to hear a woman in her 80’s celebrating feeling so alive and well. A rare song in the jungle of ageing, where most people experience decline and decay. Rowena and Tony are clear examples of how our daily choices accumulate and carry us into our latter years. Evidently there are huge health and well being consequences arising from taking responsibility for everything one experiences and chooses to do in one’s life. They are living proof that we can choose a healthy and harmonious way of life regardless of our age.

  345. This is written with such vitality that I agree with an earlier comment about ‘re-writitng’ the rules on old age. Whilst the body might age, in this case what is inside, seems to have not!

  346. A wonderful testimony Rowena of a life lived harmoniously. A great example to all that it is possible to really enjoy life to the full, even in your eighties.

    1. This is a great point Oliver – well observed. So many fear death as they grow older, and life becomes focussed on how/when/where they will die. To not have this anxiety about dying is quite remarkable.

  347. I felt a serenity and grace, openness and spaciousness in your writing. A complete acceptance and yet with this comes a strength and a vitality and a sense of purpose. A definite feeling of being in life rather than on the sidelines. This is very rare in older people in my experience. Thank you for sharing this. It is a true inspiration.

  348. You are Re-writing the rules on what ‘growing old’ means Roweena. You have only grown wiser with more depth and more sparkle in your eyes in the time I have known you. You are a living treasure and along with Tony, a beacon of joy-full and harmonious living. I love having you in my life.

    1. That is very true Rebecca, Rowena and Tony are re-writing the rules on growing old. We are very graced by their joy and vitality and as true Elders in the world, they offer us all so much simple wisdom on how to live life. What greater achievement in one’s life can one wish for, than to reach one’s ninth decade with a treasure chest of joy, vitality and harmony, accumulated from a life of real Responsibility and Love.

    1. I agree. True joy, sparkle and vitality from Rowena. There is a lot of truth in the saying “You are as old as you feel”.

      1. Very true Mary, and as I age I feel younger every day as I adjust and refine my life style choices. No longer dreading old age I am enjoying my post-menopausal years. Inspirational article Rowena, thankyou, I love re-reading it.

      2. Yes so much truth in that saying. I know some days I can feel older than my years and other days so young all due to how I have lived in the days previously. Such an inspiration to know loving choices bring such gorgeous vitality.

  349. Beautiful piece of writing Rowena. I find that elderly people are commonly thought of as miserable and full of grief. It is great that you can feel joyful at this age and know that nothing outside of you can affect you due to your commitment to your rhythm.

  350. Dear Rowena, what a wonderful sharing of how your life is now Rowena. Yes, taking responsibility for oneself and all our actions and interactions is so important for the harmony that we all can live by.
    I am just a few years behind you and have also to thank Serge Benhayon and his family for making me aware of the need to take personal responsibility for our actions, particularly through being more connected and aware of ourselves.
    Prior to meeting Serge Benhayon 8 years ago, I was a widow with very few friends. In the years since, I have made so many dear friends of all ages, live a very joy-full, purposeful and extremely busy life.
    I also expect to live this joy-full and productive life until I die. And I just love being with me.

    1. Such a joy to read and I too know I will live a full and productive life until I die. Its so amazing to hear how your life has expanded with purpose and many dear friends as a consequence of taking responsibility. Thank you Beverley, another elder in the world showing us how our latter years can be just as fruitful, if not more, than our younger ones.

    2. Hi Mary – I’m only 23 but when I get opportunities to read articles like this it makes me realise that ‘old age’ doesn’t have to be something to dread – it will be as amazing or as rubbish as I choose to make it in all the years leading up to then.

  351. This is so true Ryan, ‘you speak of of living a rhythm and taking responsibility for our choices as the key to living an expanding and joy-filled life’. Great to highlight this, it is amazing the simplicity of living a rhythm and taking responsibility for our choices and how very powerful this is.

  352. Thank you Rowena, what a great sharing for humanity to see how easy it can be to live a purposeful life when we just take responsibility for all our experiences and move on; to let go of those which don’t serve and build on those that do. I too, can relate to your story as I feel more alive than ever before as I follow my heart and not my head.

  353. What you share Rowena, is absolutely remarkable in light of so many people struggling with life as we age. It’s super empowering to know that we can choose how we live at any stage of our lives and this can completely change how we feel about ourselves and life.

    1. Well said Sharon, at any moment in our lives we can start making choices to change how we feel, regardless of age.

      1. Oliver and Sharon, it is so refreshing to know that we can make a new start and change the way we live by just making new choices, it does not matter at what age we are at.

    2. It is so empowering to accept that we do not have to live under the rules and ‘norms’ of society, that we can choose to live vibrantly as we get older. Thank you.

      1. Indeed Matlida, so freeing to know that we do not have to be bound by the the norms of society, but can live in a way that may expand them for all.

    3. What you say is so true, Sharon – Rowena’s blog certainly is inspiring to everyone that life can be as full and vital as we choose if we make the choice to connect and change what doesn’t work.

    4. Sharon this is a great reminder and yes super empowering to know that we can choose to change how we live at any point in our lives and self responsibility is a key player which is deeply inspiring.

  354. Thank you Rowena, for your deeply inspiring blog and for sharing with us loving responsibility.

  355. How amazing to show the world what life can be like when you reach the decade of being eighty. Full of vitality, life and joy. It was such a pleasure to read your blog.

    1. I agree Rachel, as Rowena and her husband are showing, age is no excuse to stop living. It seems to be considered normal for society to see old people as infirm and miserable. To Live a life full of love, joy and vitality is a choice that can be made at any age. Thank you both for sharing your wonderful story.

      1. I like this, Tim – “age is no excuse to stop living”. It is wonderful to feel in this blog how free and joyful life in the eighties can be – and why not?

      2. That is a beautiful comment Tim. I agree age is no excuse to stop living, and sadly what I see is that it’s almost like many people give up on life as they get older, instead of embracing it deeper. I also agree a life full of love can be chosen at any age, as Rowena has amazingly shown us.

  356. “As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive”. This is truly inspirational, considering how many people view their elder years. As a woman in her sixties my intention too is to “take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me”. Thankyou so much Rowena.

    1. Yes Sue, what an amazing place to get to, where you “take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me”. I also loved, ‘I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die’. It just so refreshing and uplifting.

      1. Exactly Susie, this blog is universal and an inspiration for everyone.

      2. Yes Susie,and its great to see that growing old doesn’t have to be seen as being in your declining years, Rowena’s wisdom blows that myth out of the water.

  357. Wow Rowena you really explode the myth that it’s all downhill as we get older. Your willingness to take responsibility for the quality of life that you both lead is so inspiring and your joy and zest for living is lovely to feel. Thank you for sharing.

  358. Thank you for sharing Rowena – it is so amazing the difference between feeling the joy in how you live through the way you write, in comparison to the sorrow that is normally associated with ‘growing old’ – you are actually ‘growing young’ instead!

    1. Yes totally agree Jessica Rowena’s joy is palpable! Rowena has grown younger (and wiser) as she has connected to that ageless wisdom which is inside her.

    2. I like how you’ve said ‘growing young’ Jessica – that is a great way to describe how Rowena is living and an inspiring way to be.

  359. Wow Rowena, how inspirational you are. What a beautiful article, you are leading the way for how we can live as we age.

  360. Great blog Rowena. I love the part where you say ‘ by taking full responsibility for our actions and reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other’. Thank you for showing age is never a barrier to start to make self-loving choices. Very inspiring.

  361. Rowena I can really relate to what you have expressed so beautifully here. I started to attend Universal Medicine events as I left my fifties. Since then I have travelled so far, in terms of physical distance to Australia and Asia, but also in my personal journey.

    Recently I took part in some research being undertaken by a 24 year old for her masters degree on Ageing women and beauty products. In answer to her questions, inevitably I mentioned some of the new ways of being that I am constantly being supported to explore, the opportunity to identify and discard old patterns of behaviour and claim more of the unique piece of the jigsaw puzzle that I am here to bring before I ‘recycle’.

    With all the Universal Medicine student activity it feels as though I have a world wide family where age seems irrelevant, whether the connection is through the web or in person, the joy is there shining through everyones eyes.

    She went away quite surprised and saying that she was now actually looking forward to getting older! I wonder what the conclusion to her research will be. My conclusion is to value the chance to choose the quality of what life I have left, every day and appreciate the beauty that is there in nature, others and in me.

  362. I completely agree with everything you say, Rowena. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and his family I too have had a much more productive and harmonious life and the point about the rhythm is very important to me as well – plus our family of real friends is expanding – and even better it’s great to be able to live like this. Now I can really look forward to living my 60’s and a decade or two thereafter in a way that wouldn’t have been the case before meeting Serge.

  363. Rowena I feel what you have written has blown the lid off the concepts that perhaps we and society hold over what older age should be. Yes, life needs to be lived every moment, with self-responsibility.

  364. Hi Rowena, there is such a sense of freedom when you write about your life. Being vital well into your eighties is such an important subject and from what you describe it can be a fact and not just something we hope for. Very inspiring, thank you.

  365. Your blog was such a joy to read – so inspiring – it brought a tear to my eye. I shall remember your words whenever I allow that overwhelming feeling dare to slip in, that ‘it is all too late’.

  366. Rowena this was beautiful to read. It is inspiring that you are in your eighties, you are taking full responsibility for how you live your life, and you feel more alive and more joyful than any other stage of your life!
    It is generally accepted that the quality of our life will automatically diminish as we get older. Wonderful that your article simply evaporates that illusion.

    1. Great point! Yes it has been accepted that the quality of life diminishes as we get older. I hadn’t really considered that before and isn’t it great that this is false if we choose to make it so, and in fact as Rowena’s blog shows, it is possible for it to actually improve with age. Now that is something worth considering!

  367. Thank you Rowena, In a world where most people dread getting older and literally give up in so many ways you and your husband are indeed going against the trend. Your sharing is awesome and an inspiration to many.

  368. This was just a great read and a timely reminder to live each day with harmony is the key no matter the age.

  369. I too really love the simplicity and joy expressed here it feels awesome. Gosh in so many ways I am looking forward to how I will feel at your age if I feel this great now. 🙂

    1. How can we be dismissive or fearful of old age when the opportunities never stop presenting themselves and yes, inspired by Rowena’s writing, I can only look forward to expanding into every moment on offer, as I get older.

  370. Wow this is incredible Rowena. What makes your testament so amazing and inspiring, is the fact that you are 100% living what you speak; which I have been blessed to witness as you have become more and more joyful over the years.

  371. Rowena. I just love the way you and your husband are so in love with each other, and have such a harmonious, way of being.
    As you are reaching being 90 years young, may you truely pass on all your wisdom to others so they can see your true selves, in all your glory.

  372. I agree Julie and Frank, what a lovely way to approach the closing of our time in this life. No fear or feeling of incapacity, but an all embracing acceptance of life.

  373. Yes, I can say to people that I feel better than ever (I’m 64), and as I grow more honest and ask for more awareness, I will continue to be more me and continue to serve humanity for many years. Thank you Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for supporting me in my life.

  374. Lovely to read your experience of enjoying your twilight years. What an inspiration and a refreshing departure from our general cultural view of old age as an uncomfortable and fearful time. Thank you Rowena for showing us all there is another way if we so choose it.

  375. Rowena, I love your article. You and your husband are such inspiration for all, showing another way we can live as we age. How you speak of taking full responsibility in life and how your life is expanding with new challenges and new friends, feeling more alive and joyful. Thank you, with appreciation.

  376. Thank you for sharing the joy that comes when the choice is made to put in the practice, time and energy to be self-responsible. I felt inspired just reading the first line as that was all that was previewed and it doesn’t get more complicated, it is that simple.

  377. Thank you Rowena, the joy and wonder of your expanding lives together and how you’ve grown individually and together is so gorgeous and can be truly felt in your words.

  378. Amazing blog Rowena. It is very inspiring to read that we all can do the same with our lives so thank you very much for that.

  379. Absolutely Rowena, the lessons that I have learned from Serge Benhayon have transformed my life completely through realising that my life and my health are totally my responsibility. Through a lack of accepting this responsibility before meeting Serge, both my physical and my mental health were heading for disaster, in fact it was already a disaster, I just hadn’t realised it.

  380. Thanks for your blog Rowena, such a precious insight into the contraction that usually occurs in old age, as opposed to your way when you write “our lives are expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time”. It shows us all no matter what age, that it is never too late to make changes in our lives.

  381. I so agree with everything in your article Rowena. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and so many vibrant people through Universal Medicine my friendships are continually increasing and deepening. In my mid 60s my life is fun and full of new experiences as we learn to live in harmony with ourselves, each other and those around us.

  382. Simply wonderful, lovely to hear that as we age life can be harmonious and joyfull if we so choose.

  383. This is so true Ariana, beautifully written, ‘you have challenged the whole of ageing today’. ‘You are showing us all how to age amazingly vibrant and active’.

  384. This is simply beautiful, Rowena. Thank you. What you’re showing is that approaching the end of one’s life doesn’t have to be fearful. It can actually be quite joyful!

  385. Just beautiful to read of your experience and how joy-full life can be, and continue to be with each and every year that goes by. There is no ‘end’ just an ongoing growth within ourselves and with those around us….

  386. No ‘beating around the bush’ here, just calling it as it is… thanks Rowena. I particularly note “I feel more alive and more joyful than at any other stage of my life because for the first time I take full responsibility and know that my wellbeing is totally up to me”.
    That from someone in their 80s!
    As a mere boy in my 60s I feel the same way. At work when people ask ‘how are you?’, I say ‘better than EVER’. That throws people into a tizz… it just ain’t supposed to be that way.
    Responsibility. . . a bridge too far for many, but inspiring articles like this will serve to turn the tide.

    1. I love your joyful and fun-filled reply young Andy, a mere 60 years! Thank you Rowena for a truly inspirational article and having met you this year, I felt the sparkle within you, the twinkle in your eyes and know by your shining example that this is the way to be!

    2. Great Andy. I am in the boat with you and neither one of us is sailing into our sunset years. In fact we are watching the new dawn. I also respond to others in a similar way but get the same reaction from them ‘ it just ain’t supposed to be that way…’

  387. What an inspirational read Rowena. In my work I see a lot of older clients who have given-up on life. To show there is another way of being, of being joyful, accepting new challenges, taking full responsibility for yourself and showing it doesn’t matter what age you are that as you express simply – being you is wonderful.

  388. Hi Rowena, I find you such an inspiration – your vitality, the ever-present twinkle in your eyes, and your warm smile are all gorgeous to be around. I love your honesty here and was particularly drawn to the words, ‘By taking full responsibility for our actions and our reactions we can live more harmoniously with each other and with all others.’ Taking responsibility for our reactions for me means being aware how I react to situations and people and recognising that it is not who I am, but it is my choice.

    1. I also love this about Rowena, as you say Carmel she is such an inspiration, it is her, ‘vitality, the ever-present twinkle in your eyes, and your warm smile are all gorgeous to be around.’

  389. Dear Rowena, what an encouraging and inspiring possibility you present by living in such a rewarding and whole way into your 80’s! I know this is possible. I am feeling the transformation in myself and I too plan to be vital, loving and harmonious until I pass over.

    We are not meant to fade away into less and less…I smile picturing more and more of us being vital and possessing ourselves right to the end.

  390. Wow Rowena this is such a lovely reversal of how society generally views moving through our later years. If taking true responsibility leads to life expanding, new challenges, being more aware, more alive… more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before and feeling totally able to deal with anything that life throws at you, then I’m not sure what further recommendation anyone could possibly need! I can honestly say that I happily embrace growing older and certainly look to you both and feel inspired.

  391. You make it so clear what a productive and loving life is, so different from what society believes and expects, especially for older people. I can feel your expansion into the world rather than withdrawal from it. This is a great inspiration for me to live my life lovingly and joyfully every day as I grow older, that I may also not diminish, and also be an inspiration to others in their growing old. Yeah! a time to celebrate the wisdom of the Elder-folk.

    1. Beautifully said Joan. The idea of people expanding into the world rather than withdrawing from it as they get older is revolutionary in a way, and yet when you read Rowena’s writing, you realise that it isn’t at all.

  392. “I will continue until I die”- I deeply enjoy your strong commitment Rowena and feel powerfully inspired to stay tuned as well.

  393. Thank you for sharing how living a harmonious, responsible, purposeful life can be lived well into one’s eighties, Rowena. You are a trailblazer for those of us who will follow.

  394. Rowena, this is and you are truly uplifting. To hear your life is expanding at eighty is nothing but a testimony to the wisdom bestowed by Universal Medicine and the committed practice of two wonder-filled beings. Thank you.

  395. Thank you Rowena. It is fantastic how this sharing of your life as it is now in older age, breaks through the belief of ‘being too old for change’. You are a great inspiration and role model who shows changes can occur at any time so long as we take responsibility for our choices.

  396. Thank you Rowena Parkes for this truly heartfelt blog. I don’t know you but can actually feel you from your words if that makes sense. You are living and you sound and feel Alive and not just bopping along in your eighties waiting for the illness or disease to take you out. You are empowering yourself by choosing to take full responsibility and what a way to Live.
    I love what you say – that you take full responsibility for your well being. You are pure inspiration and all those you know will agree, as it shines through in this blog. I will continue to take full responsibility and plan to live as you do – in thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  397. What an incredibly inspiring sharing Rowena, it is simple, powerful and wonderful just like you! Imagine if this was what our ageing population could read and be inspired by – how different our world would be to the current care homes and waiting to die scenario we see all too often in our western societies at least. Seeing people, like you and your husband and the many more in the student community means that I don’t fear growing old, I see everyone becoming more vital year on year, so inspiring and very much not the norm!

  398. Each paragraph of this piece of writing was a revelation, and a joy to read. I really loved the realism of ‘this does take practice, but it is so worthwhile’.

  399. Inspiring to read that there really is no upper age limit when it comes to taking responsibility for our every day choices and making self-loving changes to the way we live our lives.

  400. Your blog is just lovely and very inspiring Rowena, thank you. When I retired seven years ago, I felt the best years of my life were behind me. That was, until I became a student of Universal medicine and realised that how I live my life is my responsibility.. Slowly I have learned and can feel, through making changes to my lifestyle and taking responsibility for how I live on a daily basis, that I have turned my life completely around. I feel blessed to have had this second chance in life and can say, I am living the best years of my life right here and now.

  401. Hi Rowena, What a gorgeous blog ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful’ says it all. Reading how your life is expanding really gave me a feeling so different to that I usually get when talking to many who have passed retirement age. Usually there is a lack of fulfilment as though leaving working age means life is diminishing, so to feel your vitality and your sense of true fulfilment is inspiring. What I find so wonderful is how The Universal Medicine presentations, which support us all, bring a renewed vitality in all age groups and you can see this and how it unfolds across the different blogs. Thanks Rowena.

  402. Rowena, this is amazing! It so beautifully illustrates that there are no limitations to when we can choose to change our lives except those we put there ourselves. I love how you describe your family and friends expanding instead of contracting as so many experience as they grow older. I was recently speaking to someone who is turning 70 soon and they were complaining about how as they have grown older, they feel they have become more and more invisible to people. What you have shared is such a beautiful demonstration of how this does not have to be the case and our choices continue to matter throughout our entire lives. You sum it up perfectly with your closing line: “I am simply me and it is wonderful”. Wonderful Indeed!!

  403. Hi Rowena, what inspired me here is that you are proof that no matter what your age, Serge’s presentations can benefit anyone’s lives if they too are inspired by, and choose to make the changes for themselves. Thanks for sharing!

  404. Rowena, I love your blog – you are a beautiful ‘elder role model’ for all to enjoy – filled with true vitality, wellbeing and Grace in abundance. Yes, You are simply you and it is wonderful to see the luminous quality you shine out from inside.

  405. Hi Rowena, thank you for sharing with us that living into your eighties can be joyful and have purpose. I have worked as a carer for the elderly and the way you have described your life goes against the current norm. Very inspiring.

  406. A marvellous approach to health (and self) care, “my wellbeing is totally up to me”. The responsibility you take for yourself is inspiring Rowena, what a great model for our elderly and indeed all ages to follow. May your life continue to be productive and loving.

  407. Rowena as a woman in her 20s it is so lovely and so inspiring to read that life does not need to go downhill from here, and that it can in fact be more and more joyful if we really choose to make our lives about love, care and learning.

  408. Thank you Rowena for sharing with us so openly and gracefully your life. As I read this I could feel the tensions in my body letting go, as I felt inspired by how you have surrendered your life to simply living harmoniously. The way you write and share your life is with such ease. What a graceful way to end one’s life.

  409. Thank you Rowena, both yourself and Tony are a true inspiration for how life can be like when I/we grow old. It is great to have a couple living as harmoniously and joyfully as you both are, to show that yes it is possible, no matter what your age.

  410. Great words of truth Rowena. Being 60 myself and meeting Serge Benhayon 8 years ago, I also have found that having a rhythm allows me to deal with the world and be myself, work always in progress. You have given me inspiration about the longevity I have left this life time, to shine and be me.

  411. Rowena thanks for sharing, I love how your life has become more abundant with genuine friends and life has become fuller for you… From what I have observed with life and people in there later years is that it becomes a struggle and lonely life. The power of choice is very inspiring.

  412. Beautiful Rowena, it is amazing to read about your life that is so against the trend. Most of the elders in our society are living with extreme medical issues, a break down of function and memory and very little joy at the end of their lives. But what you present is another possibility – the possibility to live in full till they end of your days, and pass over with a smile and a heart full of family and love and vitality. Thank you for sharing.

  413. Thank you Rowena for this amazing celebration of your life. It is an inspiration to everyone that life can continue to unfold and develop whatever our age and that our elder years are not for giving up on life, to seek comfort but rather a time to share our wisdom. It is so evident how much you embrace life – I feel a sense of warmth and love each time I see you on YouTube taking part in ‘The Woman I Am’ video – I can feel your sense of the joy of living life to the full.

  414. Rowena how wonderful to be approaching your 90’s and feeling how you do.” I am simply me and it is wonderful.” I know before I met Serge Benhayon in my late 40’s I was already giving up on life and learning to get by without really participating in life. Your blog is an inspiration to the young and old, that it is never too late to look at the way we live and the responsibility we have in everything we do and say, so that we can move towards living harmoniously. I have seen your pictures, there is a serenity and beauty that lights up from deep within you, and you are an amazing shining example of what we can bring to the world when we take responsibility for the way we live.

  415. Wow. Thank you, Rowena, for the clarity, simplicity and openness with which you write. If anyone feels that there is a time in life to ‘give up’ and wait for the inevitable; you inspire a whole new expansive approach, firstly with no apparent fear of the ‘inevitable’ and secondly with absolute commitment to the moment you are in…beautiful.

  416. “I am simply me and it is wonderful”. An inspirational read for everyone as we are all growing older. No one I know of in their 90s or even 80s has this much love in their bodies. Thank you Rowena and Tony for showing us how to live gracefully as we age, “living a productive and loving life…”

  417. How inspiring that you can make such beneficial changes at any stage in your life. I am in my late 30’s, and I have no fear of getting old, because I see so many of the Universal Medicine students living such amazing lives and looking so beautiful and full of life.

  418. Wowwzzzerrs. What an amazing testament. So much appreciation of your commitment and courage and wisdom. At a time in your life when most are curling up, withering away, retreating into their shell…and slowly dying. Your example is divine, humbling, inspiring…..thank you, deeply….now even more excited about my next 50 years!!

  419. Thank you Rowena I love and agree whole heartedly with you about taking full responsibly for ourselves, and our wellbeing is totally up to us. I’m sure you are an inspiration for all who meet you because of your commitment to life and the way you live it.

  420. How marvelous Rowena. I used to think that growing old was not something to look forward to, and that once you retired it was very much down hill from there. Now in my fifties, things just seem to be getting better and life seems fuller than ever. I actually want to keep working and being active in my community. Your blog is inspiring and clearly shows that life can continue to be productive and fun. I can feel the joy in your last sentence.

  421. Thank you for sharing Rowena. It’s great to hear that as you changed your life to take more responsibility, everything around you changed with more joy in life, more vitality, an increase in friends and more awareness of ones self-health.

  422. Thank you Rowena for this inspiring and refreshing blog. I love what you say about establishing a rhythm that ‘enables us to deal with anything that life throws at us’ – a great reminder for me.

  423. Rowena – these words coming through a women reaching her 90’ies are a joy to receive and inspiring the way forth for all of us. Showing humanity that there is another way of growing old then we so often encounter. What a joyFull perspective to receive and look forward to 🙂 It also just feels natural and the way it truly is and will be again. I certainly claim this to be my way forth through life too!

  424. Great Rowena, thank you for sharing these honest and simple truths. In your 80’s you offer such a shining example of how it can be to grow older gracefully, offering joy and much deep wisdom by the way you live and are with people….that those of us who are younger in years can look forward to this life stage when the choice to live harmoniously is embraced, as you have. You show us the truth of living a life of love throughout the ages, at whatever age.

  425. Wow this is so lovely to read Rowena, truly joy-full and truly inspiring! I love ‘I am simply me and it’s wonderful’.

  426. It was a joy to read this blog and see how taking absolute responsibility for oneself and one’s choices results in a life expanding with new friends and new challenges all the time instead of following the usual path of becoming more insular and slowly closing down or tipping into the abyss of Alzheimer’s.

    ‘As we enter into our ninth decade we feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before.’ Who could ask for anything more?

  427. Rowena your words are truly inspiring. I too am discovering that life is becoming richer and more harmonious as I age and take full responsibility for my life.

  428. Beautiful Rowena, I just love the way to nail when you say “Living harmoniously is something that so many do not understand – and probably don’t want to understand – because it means that they really have to look at how they live their lives.” You and your beautiful husband offer us all the opportunity to study our own way of living and being, so that we too can enter our latter years feeling “more aware, more alive”. Truly inspirational to know there is another way to grow old, a way that does not diminish and fade, but a way that can be vital and bright to the very end, full of grace, love and joy.

  429. I love your final statement, Rowena, “I am simply me and it is wonderful.” I am beginning to fully appreciate that and it is everything you say it is. I may be a couple of decades less than you but I, too, “feel more aware, more alive… and more blessed by sincere and loving friends than ever before” and “that I will continue to live a productive and loving life until I die, whenever that might be.” It is with the deepest love and appreciation of Serge Benhayon for the life lessons learnt from him that I can say this.

  430. Dear Rowena, this blog is a celebration of how living a harmonious life renders you ageless, and you are indeed amazing examples of this. What wonderful role models you both are for your generation and everyone, still fully engaged with life and expanding each day. Thank you for inspiring me in so many ways.

  431. Dear Rowena, I love how inspiring ‘I am simply me and it is wonderful,’ is. I am inspired to practice being with myself 100% (and come back to me when I get distracted) and take responsibility for all I think, say and do. I can feel the simplicity of feeling wonderful just by being me. Thank you.

  432. This is so inspiring to hear Rowena – thank you for sharing. How wonderful to have living examples like you and your husband, proving without question that we don’t have to shrivel up and deteriorate with age. I love how you have expanded in joy and harmony through the conscious choices you have made, showing also that it’s never too late to embrace life!

  433. Thank you Rowena, what you are sharing is so inspiring. I care for elderly people all the time in my line of work and what you share about your life and how you are feeling is not the current ‘norm’. As you say you have friends whose life is contracting, I see that all the time. It’s like life ended years back and our elderly years are spent just waiting for the end. What you are saying is so important for anyone of any age…we have choices in how we can live and these can truly support us through the whole of our life.

    1. I agree Jen, having worked with the elderly for a few years I can really see the difference in ageing of those who embrace life and those who see getting old as an inevitable decline in wellbeing. Unfortunately for now the latter approach is more common but you really prove this doesn’t have to be so.

  434. Rowena this is fantastic, I can now feel how I can look forward to 80 and your blog beautifully shows that through taking responsibility no matter what stage we are in our lives we can expand, grow and be more us. Truly inspiring, thank you.

  435. I love this Rowena, our wellbeing and quality of life is totally up to us yet so many place it in the hands of someone else and accept that the lower quality of life this brings is ‘just life’. A total throw-away of any responsibility and wellbeing life could otherwise be.

    1. This is very true Joshua, ‘our well-being and quality of life is totally up to us yet so many place it in the hands of someone else’.

  436. Rowena, Wow! Thank you for sharing about responsibility and what it is to be living a harmonious life in your eighties! It made me consider that many years ago, I used to consider that at this age of life, it was time to wind down, slow up etc. and that life was ‘less’ meaningful. However, to read what you have shared about the expansion that is happening in your life, is truly inspiring. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the way you and your husband are living became the ‘new black’ for everyone, and became the norm rather than the exception…? Is it not also worth considering that as we are all living in cycles, that at this stage of life, we are not only marking the ending of one cycle, but are actually preparing for the next, adding a whole new level of responsibility for the way we live in each and every moment…? A beautiful sharing, thank you.

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