The Magic of Nature, the Magic of God and Me

A while ago I had a revelation…. about the magic of nature and the magic of God.

I had taken a client to an appointment and was sitting in the waiting room. As I sat there waiting for her, I saw a picture on the wall of willow trees hanging over and into the water on either side of a river. It reminded me of my grandparents’ farm on the Shoalhaven River and how behind the island, which was part of their farm, the willows used to hang over the water. As the water flowed by, the lower leaves would glide across the water and you could see the shingles on the bottom, as the water was so crystal clear. The sunlight used to sparkle on the water and I remembered how much I always wanted to go into the water because it was so beautiful.

I remembered I had that same feeling each time I was in nature – wanting to walk into it, be under that majestic tree, paddle my feet in the water, somehow absorb what I felt it was emanating.

I realised I had been looking for what I could feel was there but was not able to capture because I was looking at the beauty, harmony and magic of nature as something I couldn’t attain – as something separate and outside of me.

But then I realised that what I was seeing and feeling as something outside of myself I can feel in me also – that same beauty, harmony and magic of nature resides in me and it is as beautiful as are the trees and rivers, and I don’t have to look outside of myself to try and capture a fleeting feeling when I can feel it all the time with me and in me.

Because everything that is in nature is in me also.

Now that was an amazing revelation to me and so next time that I am with nature I know there won’t be that longing of wanting it to give me something since I now know that I am part of the magic of nature – which also means I am part of the magic of God – and I can bring equally to it what it brings to me.

I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to Serge Benhayon – who walks the talk of the love and joy he is with everyone equally.

By Deidre Medbury

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