Caring Enough to Ask – Could there be Another Way?

Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“

I was certainly stuck in thinking life was ‘fine’. After all, it was a simple enough assessment to make. All I needed to do was to look around me and, as long as my life was like other people’s, my life must be fine. On bad days, I would look at people ‘doing it tough’ and that would also confirm my sense that I was okay. Generally speaking, this is what I also noticed other people around me doing.

The reality though, was that my life was anything but fine. I lived with poor sugar regulation, moodiness, back pain that would have me bedridden a couple of times a year, the sore neck, a highly functional but not overly caring marriage, a job I felt obliged to stay in to provide for the family, an expanding waist line, and the list goes on. But looking around me, everyone had some variation of these things going on, so even though I didn’t feel fine, I had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets.

What is interesting is that I had trained as a Natural Therapist; I had completed post grad training in counselling and trained in many other modalities. What is interesting is that even when I compared myself to other people in a similar profession, they also had similar things going on. What is even more interesting is that we had all the knowledge, the training and the tools to ensure that life was more than ‘fine’.

In 2004, my wife dragged [yes, dragged] me along to the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and run by Universal Medicine. By the end of that workshop I knew that something about the workshop was different but couldn’t put my finger on what it was. I would look around at the people presenting the course and those already working as practitioners and what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced, that I could not but consider that there might be another way.

For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.

This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.

Over the years, through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.

I have a more honest connection with people than I’ve had before, I love the work that I do, earn more than I have done previously and I relate to my wife and family more deeply than before. So, after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do.

I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,

“Could there be another way?”

The answer is undoubtedly YES and the evidence is the thousands of people like me from across the world that have made their own way of living and who are realising more and more that the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question…

“Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.

By Joel Levin, Perth, Australia

1,192 thoughts on “Caring Enough to Ask – Could there be Another Way?

  1. Yes, how many people truly care for humanity more than their own popularity…I would say Serge Benhayon definitely loves humanity despite the horrible lies that are presented about him.

  2. Thank you Joel, yes I relate to the kicking and screaming as my wife also dragged me along, and from that first workshop I also knew something was different, and it felt like I had returned home.

  3. Love this, Joel, when when we look around we can choose to see what we see. We an look at people in distress and think, my God nobody is coping well with life – there must be another way. Or we could think, nobody is coping well with life, there’s only this way.

    1. Comparison is a dangerous game because we can always find someone who is much worse off than ourselves, which can then cause us to think that where we are is just fine or even good, rather than to truly evaluate where we’re at.

      1. Very wise Alexis, it is important that we look at our own plate first like they say where I come from – or in english – keep your eyes to yourself & keep walking.

    2. Thank you Viktoria and adding to your sayings, keep you nose out of my business, or until you have walked all my steps in these shoes how do you know anything about me, so judge not.
      Absolutely as soon as we go into judgement or comparison we are lost so thank you Alexis.

  4. “Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working”? All we need do is pick up a news paper and read the shocking situations taking place around our world as well as the lack of respect or regard for people in the way many of the articles are written, to know all is not well in our world. Then put on top of that the fact that millions are reading these news papers every day and we are not all considering that perhaps “the way we currently live is not working” to me proves that indeed “the way we currently live is TRULY not working”.

    1. It is stating a fact when we say how we are currently living is not working, one just has to look at our young people, our schools and colleges to see the sad state of how things are.

  5. “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.” And this is the beauty of Universal Medicine, as it asks nothing of you, only offers an opportunity to understand that there is another way to live – the choice is then all yours as to what you do wtih that.

  6. To be truly free is simply to be aware of all the choices energetically speaking – every single one of them and not have any hidden, for in the end there are only 2 choices of energy: the energy that is from our deepest essence the core of who we are, or the energy that is not of this divine source. Once we are aware of these two, then we know we have a true choice and we are free – free to make the choice of one or the other. This is freedom. For one can be behind bars and yet feel more free than a man that walks the plains on earth, yet knows not the freedom of energetic choice.

  7. “Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working” – there is no arrogance in this, just simply a realisation or the willingness to be honest and reassess the situation and then see what is there for us to unfold.

  8. “So, after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do.” And this is just one of the many extraordinary qualities that make up the modalities of Universal Medicine, with their unassuming and very humble but unquestionably honest and simple approach towards true holisitic health.

  9. Comparison is so tricky, especially when we feel that life is not it and we then look around us and see everybody else doing the same and so settle for what we have even though it doesn’t feel true.

  10. I remember a student once saying we live on a hamster wheel but the door is open we can get off the wheel and live a different way.

  11. When we see something that is working for another then it is only natural to ask about that “other way”. If we don’t then we are potentially avoiding going to a deeper truth.

  12. We always know what is/isn’t working for us in our lives, but sometimes it feels like we’re so stuck in the momentum of making the same choices, that living in a different way feels like it’s beyond our capability. In my experience, nothing that lasts changes overnight. The biggest changes happen incrementally, over time, and starting with just one thing at a time. Step by simple step.

  13. It is important to constantly reflect on how we have got to where we are today, and whenever needed question is there another way.

    1. Yes it is only by being honest about how we are and the quality of our lives that we are able to make different choices. It has to come from within.

  14. It is deeply loving to express truth and even more so in the face of long-lived momentums of lovelessness by a society that reflects increasing levels of illness, disease, discontentment and abuse. It is not always welcomed to hear that we are responsible for the quality of life we live. In our openness to the truth we can feel what is loving and what is not as such are empowered to live more in honor to what we feel and know is true from within.

  15. To feel if what we’re doing is supportive or not is a constant learning and daily medicine. When we care enough to ask ourselves that question, then we hold within our grasp the key to transforming our own health and wellbeing.

  16. When we settle for less, it robs us of the possibility of another way. When we were the young child we would never settle for less, so what happens when we grow up?

      1. I have just seen how much I made myself less and what a great way to live under the radar this was. But the cost is a total loss of vitality and dissatisfaction. At some point that becomes too uncomfortable to continue with.

  17. That’s the odd thing about cruising in comfort, we know everything is not fine but we do not question deeper if it stands to rock the boat we have all set sail in.

  18. Serge is showing us a way out of the complication we have created and is waking us up to the fact that there is more to life than what we have settled for.

  19. What seems to be the source of our problems is that we measure and gauge how well we are doing by observing that others are worse off than us, living in worse conditions, so we settle for accepting an average standard of living, for at least we are not that sick or at least we are not living like that. Yet we are measuring our quality of life from outside of us, and not from any consultation or connection to our body and being, and the truth it offers us of the far greater potential of health and well being that we can live with. Serge Benhayon has reflected that there is a far greater way we can bring living all of us, one that is accessible by us all. Is it that we don’t look at the greatness that another lives, be inspired to then pull ourselves up to live our greatest, because we don’t want to face the truth and responsibility that we are living less that what we are born to live?

  20. This is such an awesome question to ask: could there be another way? because it can be asked at every point of every journey – not just the ones that look difficult and challenging, or perhaps like they are not even working at all, as it is the smooth and bump-less journey that perhaps needs the question asked the most.

    1. Absolutely Shami well said – every step of the way we are either living impulsed by love, by our Soul, or we are not and our bodies will always reflect the quality of energy we are aligning to. So in fact we always have the truth at hand if we are willing to ask the question.

  21. ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,

    “Could there be another way?”’

    The depth of love Serge Benhayon has for humanity has inspired me ever since I first met him. I knew when I did meet him my love for humanity was far less because all my personal desires I knew were getting in the way. That being said I knew what he presented in how he lives is the way and I chose to start the journey back to where I too will care for humanity more than fulfilling any desires that I know are poison.

  22. Indeed there is another way than the ‘normal churn and burn of life’ – the state of the world today reflects what we have all gone along with – stress, exhaustion, illness and disease – and yet we can choose a different way to be in the world, something that is far simpler and vital as is shared here.

  23. Yes there definitely is another way: one of Soul or one of Spirit. Our way is felt in all that we do. There is no such thing as mundane state, as we are either connected to our fire or not. Fire= love.

  24. Knowing there is only two ways makes life simple as one way leads to one thing and the one leads to a completely different thing.

  25. Yes there is another way.. The way we live seems not enough — hence more love needs to be truly brought to life, we need to re-examine what love truly is and how much of that connection to love we can bring back alive!

  26. When we ask ourselves ‘Could there be Another Way’ we have to be honest enough to admit that the way we are living is not working, so there has to be another way.

  27. Settling into a life of comfort and looking at all the bad things that happen in the world have us feeling secure in the knowledge that we are doing ok. And in those times when we experience hardship, there are always others who have it worse. So, what does it take to shake us up and out of this comfortable life to see that there is more and to even bring that question into our lives? Often this comes in the form of a serious illness, accident or death of a loved one.

  28. Often there can be moaning about a situation but “Could there be another way?” breaks that cycle of going in circles unchanged.

  29. I was pondering about ‘another way’ just today – about how I am learning to learn in a different way from the one I had been used to, where I would have something to aspire to, to become, and I was noticing how deeply ingrained this pattern was – and this blog just reminded me that perhaps, this ‘another’ way is not about cultivating or coming up with something new or different, maybe we have everything already and we are truly enough already, and it all actually is very simple.

  30. The world so sorely requires ‘a another way’ we constantly rationalise and normalise the harm we do to ourselves and each other. Living responsibly, give it a go I say and see what happens when you act like the whole of humanity is watching every movement you make, because in truth we are, because we are all connected. This is something I still am opening my eyes to, walls are not barriers to energy and we are all energy first.

  31. To ask ourselves this question and to experiment with it is a deeply loving way. We may not always find the true answer right away, so thanks to Universal Medicine we have a true reflection.

  32. There are movements that align us more to love and ones that take us further away from love. Yes there always is another way, and we are so supported when we choose to connect to and live this grand love.

  33. It’s so easy for us to look around at people within our own family and think ‘I’m ok because I have a better life than..’. Could it be that this so-called better life is what keeps us trapped and numb to the fact that there is more, and that by nature we should be evolving to know that more?

  34. ““Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.” it doesn’t take much to look around and say “Oh my have we got it all wrong” The only reason we are not all aware of the current mess we live in, is that we have numbed ourselves with food, drink and entertainment, take away these and we might see the illusion that blinds us.

  35. “All I needed to do was to look around me and, as long as my life was like other people’s, my life must be fine.” This line really explains why the world is in such a mess and why our global standards keep lowering and lowering, because instead of living from what we actually feel inside us – our truth – we are all measuring and comparing with what we see around us.

  36. I love the fact that your wife loves you so much that she took you to meet Serge Benhayon.

  37. There is a lot of comfort and security in not questioning the status quo of how we are living, but ultimately it does not make sense with the levels of illness and dis-ease in the world.

  38. It is true, we do compare constantly with each other and when we see others doing the same as we do there is a confirmation of all being right – but what if we are all in the illusion? What if most of us are not living true to who we are? That is why we need true reflections of a different way so when we look around we do see something different and are inspired to change ourselves.

  39. The falsity that we have bought into is if everyone is doing it, then we must be okay or normal. But we have never asked what if everyone else is wrong or have accepted a version of what is true and full? The greatest navigation is within us, in our bodies.

  40. This goes to show that we can have all the knowledge in the world but when it comes from the head and the body doesn’t live it- then is it of service?

  41. It is true care to ask ourselves if how we are living is true or not. Our body is constantly giving us messages as to the answer to that question, but are we listening?

  42. “Could there be another way?“
    My first attendance at a workshop with Serge Benhayon in June 2008, proved beyond doubt to me that there absolutely is another way to live and be. The way Serge moved and presented the day offered a very clear reflection and a resonance felt deeply within my body of something known but forgotten /buried for a long while.

  43. We are sold the idea that with the right knowledge, skills and experience we will be happy and successful in life but in truth nothing external to us delivers us the wisdom of the inner heart.

  44. Honesty is an act of love through which the truth is always offered. In asking such a questions we are no longer at the mercy of what the world tells us, but rather open to being guided by what is true and what feels true for us, and being aware that we are the one making the choices at the end of the day. In being open having these conversations that question the quality of life we are choosing and consequently living, we bring to the fore a focus of living what is true and the vitality and well-being that this brings.

  45. What stands out so strongly from what you have shared is that the body will always indicate precisely the choices we are making and whether they are supporting us to live our true vitality and well-being, our true innate spark. Interestingly I also studied Natural Medicine where we learnt many things, but not of our relationship with how our bodies felt after we ate or through the lifestyle choices we make.

  46. In this day and age there are so many more questioning whether human life is just ‘it’ and whether there is in fact so much more to it. With this quest for more it is always important that we all are already everything on the inside, and hence the answers are actually already there, just needing to be activated and lived.

  47. Why is it that when we see something that works that we do not immediately abandon everything else that does not work and examine what we are seeing is working. The answer can be many and varied, for example, we may be attached and identified by our struggle and therefore not want to give it up, we may be too arrogant to admit that our lives are not working and that everything we have tried has failed or we may want to avoid the responsibility of doing something that works. Whatever our reasons are we need to be more honest about them and let ourselves accept that there is a way to live that is deeply supportive of us.

  48. Absolutely there is another way as thousands of people have discovered since they meet Serge Benhayon, being open to what is offered through the Livingness and learning to live this practically in your life is a game changer that greatly rewards you back in many ways.

  49. There is always another way, we think how we live is working but deep down we know we are living a lie. When we choose to break away from that lie is up to us, we are never under any pressure, but the more we delay the bigger the lie becomes, so it is really in our own interest to move sooner rather than later. We just don’t like moving out of our ‘comfort zone’.

  50. There is so much knowledge out there, but many of us who have that knowledge do not live it in a way that in fact supports us. What is unique about the Universal Medicine approach is it presents a lived way, one that many now live, in very real ways in their lives. I too am one of those people and while my life externally may look similar, busy job, engaged with family and friends, the quality of how I am in it is totally different, it’s one that is deeply supportive of me and in turn means I am more connected to others and more understanding of how we can all live together. There is definitely another way.

  51. I’m on a train at the moment. It’s packed with people. Every time I catch the train I’m struck by how sad, given up, anxious and exhausted my fellow passengers appear and feel. I can often put myself in the same basket too.

    Serge Benhayon has awoken me to the fact that there is far more to life than meets the eye. When I connect to this the whole world opens up and there is no drudgery in life.

    1. Drudgery is actually the reality for many people, but surely deep down we must know we were designed for greater things than a life weighed down by worries, problems and miseries.

  52. It has been a honour walking along side other students of The Way of the Livingness as taught by Serge Benhayon and to be confirmed in who we really are when we reflect to each other that there is indeed another way to live.

    1. So true. I am forever grateful to Serge Benhayon for waking me up to the fact that there is another way.

  53. ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question, could there be another way?’ Truth being we all care for humanity just as much so why not ask the same, could there be another way?

  54. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” Love the way you have expressed this Joel. It brings a deeper understanding of the power of choice, and that we always have one.

  55. To discover and reconnect to the natural vitality of the body is a very beautiful thing. And all without the use of artificial stimulants.

  56. Reading this reminded me of a conversation I had with a tutor the other day, she asked me how I managed to get through the day without drinking coffee, and stated strongly that she could not work without her coffee. This is how I used to be before attending the courses and workshops run by Universal Medicine, and I was the same as my tutor, only now I manage perfectly well without the multiple coffees and many teaspoons of sugar.

  57. ‘….Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,“Could there be another way?”’ I love this sentence/statement because it’s so true. This is one of the most inspiring things to witness, someone who cares not about what others think but cares so much for himself, that by default of that love and care, loves and cares deeply for everyone (everyone) equally so!

  58. “Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“” great question, in short the easy route is not to ask, it is to let things continue, but the truth is the loving way, the caring enough way is the way that Universal Medicine have shared which is to ask, is to question and with this it does push buttons but those buttons need to be pushed as life is not working. If Universal Medicine did not exist, I would still be asking for another way to life as life has shown for many thousands of years things don’t work when we make it about function about getting on with the doing and ignoring the being.

  59. Joel, probably like most other people I’ve dabbled in many healing modalities and there was always this something that prevented me from finishing the course or practising the modality.

    My first Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 workshop was in 2014, something definitely happened within my body and every cell in my body knew there was something about this modality and presenter, Serge Benhayon was the real deal. I felt no pressure or to invest in attending the next workshop.
    So in answer to your question, ‘could there be another way?’ – absolutely, 110% certainty. The next question is whether there is a willingness to take that next step, I did and I have no regrets.

  60. It is always our decision when and if we step off one travelator and go onto another but within that it is great to have role models who show us what the new travelator has to offer.

  61. This is just one of the incredible turn around stories I’ve read about on these blogs. What makes no sense is that you didn’t receive this same reflection from your background in natural therapies. What is going on for health practitioners to be as unhealthy if not worse than the already deteriorating society we live in? Thank God for Universal Medicine offering something true and applicable which allows us to actually enjoy life and not merely exist in it.

  62. I lived for many years with a feeling that there was another way to live that was very different from the survival mode I was constantly in. And at 55 I think I was all but convinced that I had simply been kidding myself and the life I was living was as good as it gets. How wrong I was, as the day Serge Benhayon walked into the room where I was waiting for a Universal Medicine workshop to begin, was the day that I finally knew that I had not been imagining this other life, I simply hadn’t had the key to open the door. Serge definitely had the keys but it was still up to me as to whether I used them or not.

  63. “Could there be another way?“ A question so many have asked and many of those who have found their way to Universal Medicine and the teachings of The Way of The Livingness have found that Way.

  64. ‘It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.’ Being on a treadmill when living in the indecision or what we’re doing with no discernment is a great description. I love the simplicity of connecting with whether what we are doing is supportive or not is a wonderful way to feel the purpose of what we bring and appreciate truth.

  65. Universal Medicine exposed to me there is another way, living in a way of simplicity and connecting to truth. Expressing all there is to express with integrity and truth.

  66. To care enough for others to ‘burst their bubble’ – this breaks many of our ideas about what care is, yet this is in fact true care, and as yet not many of us do this so kudos to those such as Serge Benhayon who do and in doing so he reminds all of us that we can do this with each other, and ensure a more genuinely caring society for all.

    1. Most other people’s bubbles can’t be burst because when we have an ingrained belief which most of us do, about our lives and the way that we’re choosing to live we hold that belief so rigidly that we’re not able to even consider the suggestion that there might be another way.

  67. The first time I went to a Universal Medicine workshop I knew that this was something very different, the wisdom that was expressed was astounding and out of this world yet so relatable, it made so much sense. Since then I have been working on simplifying my life and it is working and working in ways I could never of imagined.
    Yes there is another way – a way that is about real love, true vitality and real true connection with others.

    1. There are only two ways: the way of the spirit into illusion, or the way of the Soul back to all that is true.

    2. It feels to me that the more I strip life back to the absolute basics, the more magical it becomes. I keep my focus on my body and the quality of my thoughts as well as the quality of my movements. What this does is that it ensures that the energy that comes through me is divine as opposed to astral. Before I focused on my connection with myself I was an open invitation for astral energy to come through me and it did, it poured in through the gap that was left between me and myself.

  68. ‘I would look around at the people presenting the course and those already working as practitioners and what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced, that I could not but consider that there might be another way.’ If we are going to pay money for someone to support us in life it is so heart warming to see that those very people are living what we aspire to. I feel I have had a healthy suspicion that has saved me from becoming embroiled in various spiritual and new age quests although I have been on a fair few. Universal Medicine is far from that. There is an integrity, accountability and responsibility that goes beyond any other organisation I have known before and the quality of the treatments offered especially by the Benhayon family is second to none.

  69. Making only one different choice can transform our lives, that one choice for me was being honest with how I was living and what I was choosing that was making my life complicated and full of struggle. Through attending Universal Medicine courses and presentations, I too have found another way to be in life which is simply being true to myself and honouring all that I have to bring, and honouring all others equally.

  70. It doesn’t seem like arrogance to ask, is there another way. It is common sense when we actually look at the facts of how we are doing as a species. It was important to nominate that although you can have the tools to manage life and many of the things that ‘should’ make you happy, it is only a cheap imitation of what we are capable of.

  71. It is deeply, deeply important that we be shown another, truly successful and very accessible, way to be in life for it is this that combats the sense of giving up / sadness / despair so many of us feel. We don’t have to accept what we are shown or take it on board at all – that choice is one we need to make for ourselves.

  72. The first time I attended a Universal Medicine workshop, I left fully inspired and full of hope that yes finally there was another way to live and be in this world; it felt like I was given a huge nugget of gold.

  73. There is always another way or a different choice to be made, I gained this awareness when I too attended Universal Medicine courses which allowed me to cut the heavy chains of old ways of being; old behaviours and patterns that no longer were working.

  74. Having abandoned the knowing inside that the world around me wasn’t the way to live I decided, full force to make the world work. If happiness was through a successful career, through a loving partner and children, great holidays, a wonderful house/flat I was determined to make it. So I invested heavily in the world’s way of doing things and I ticked only a few of those boxes but was heavily in the lie that it was what on the outside that would stop this empty feeling inside. I even sabotaged many of these ticked box goals so I wouldn’t be faced with knowing none of them were it unless I was connected and living another way. But I have come around to knowing there is another way, and I know too many people to doubt its authenticity including starting to live it myself. Not a day goes by that I don’t appreciate those who are walking this way and know this is for me to walk too.

  75. We might have a sense that something is not quite right but look around us and see nothing different and decide we are fine, normal just like everyone else and guess what there are even people worse off! It is the ultimate excuse to not listen to what we feel. It is a good thing we keep feeling it how hard we try and can always choose differently. And it also shows the importance of true role models to confirm that there is a different way to live.

  76. Being honest about all that is not ‘fine’ in life is crucial if we are to truly evolve and change – it doesn’t mean we have to be pessimistic but real about what really is not working for us all.

  77. “Could there be another way?“ When I was growing up I always said to myself there must be another way, this cannot be it , even the animal had it better than the humans. Thanks to Universal Medicine I now know for sure there is a way.

  78. We can all sense the natural vitality exuding from another when they choose to live from the connection to their soul yet it is a choice made by us to get ‘real’ and drop the guard/arrogance to see that there is another way.

  79. The moment we question life and whether we are maximising what’s possible it’s a bit like life unfolds to help us answer the question. Is there another way? Undoubtably, we simply need to begin by being honest and questioning what is really going on.

  80. ” Could there be another way?” In answer to the question: all my life I knew there must be another way. I used to say this cannot be it. How could I be living just to die, what’s the purpose, there must be a way of living that has a purpose? As I lived my life I gained some answers to purpose, but not clear understanding as to why all of life was such a mess in this world.
    Again like you Joel when I connected with Universal Medicine and the presentations of Serge Benhayon, I got to understand the purpose of life, my purpose of life and all that goes with it. I am no longer “living to die ” but” living to live ” Thank you Serge Benhayon.

    1. My sentiments exactly John as I very much relate to what you shared as I was always searching outside of myself for answers or knowledge that would change and improve my life, and then I was blessed to meet Serge Benhayon and learned that everything I need is already within me, and my searching stopped. And like you, I have went from, not wanting to be here in this world, to now, ‘living to live’, a full, joyful and fun life and continually learning to share and express more love on this earth school.

  81. Hear, hear Joel. I too . . . “live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,
    “Could there be another way?”” . . . . And not only does Serge pose this question he also answers it by showing us that there certainly is another way by living it in full himself and this is what is so inspiring about Serge Benhayon . He is a man who ‘talks his walk’.

  82. There is no doubt of the power of the reflection we get daily as we simply walk around from others and how this reflection informs our assessment of how we are doing. We learn what is normal and we see ourselves through those lenses. That would be fine in circumstances where normal would mean wellbeing, joy, health, vitality, etc. Yet, not in ours.

  83. It is crazy how we look at the lives of those around us that are suffering as a measure that we are doing ‘OK’, when our potential for living with well-being, vitality and connection is far greater than ‘OK’ or ‘fine’. We seem to have settled for a lesser way of being and living with our marker being lovelessness. Imagine the difference in our lives if we chose love to be our marker and guide.

  84. Before Universal Medicine I knew that life as I knew it wasn’t working, and that working hard to have two weeks a year a way somewhere hot, was not the answer (seemed futile), I knew that getting drunk on the weekends with my neighbours was not it (but continued for want of anything better to do), I just knew that exercising and dieting, hobbies, TV, Hollywood movies were not it, and that there was more to life and sometimes felt the desperation of it all. Finding Universal Medicine was like coming out of a dark tunnel towards the light – I knew it instantly and have never regretted it.

  85. Comparison with others who are less well than ourselves as a marker for our own ‘wellness’ can lead us to being dishonest with ourselves about how we’re really feeling inside… It’s not that we can’t appreciate that others are less well than us but in that also not settle for just getting by or functioning through life without being open to considering the quality in which we live each day.

  86. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found.” Yes Joel it is in our choices that we can find a greater understanding as to why we choose to move in certain ways and how these movements can either hinder or advance our life through a deeper understanding of who we are or hold us back from this learning. The beauty is that we can always choose another movement anytime.

  87. If we look at the world as a whole we can see that there are wars, famine, greed, violence cyber abuse, sex trafficking, drug wars and many drug related tragedies, escalating rates of illness and disease. A lot of us shrug these things off because they are not happening to us personally but they are happening. This week in the Uk news, there are acid attacks, a pregnant woman had acid thrown at her belly which held her growing baby, others had acid thrown in their faces, a 16 year old hung herself because of bullying, the rates of obesity for 11 year olds in our local area are now at 25%. Does it have to be this way? Is this really just human nature? I don’t think so. The change can only come about through us, and not by fighting these things or throwing money at them but by being the change we want to see and becoming more responsible about the way we live, how we communicate, what we communicate. Universal Medicine teaches us the fundamentals, how everything is energy and everything is because of energy. How everything is related and there are consequences to all our movements and everything we do. So the change starts with us choosing a different way and it gives us the tools to support us in this so we can sustain ourselves within all this mess and support a change that will last.

  88. Looking back it is interesting that I lived as many other people did not knowing that I had a choice, life or Christianity presented me with a certain way of living and this is how I thought life should be, not much room for “could there be another way” but the shoulds did not satisfy and so that lead me eventually to Universal Medicine and the finding and learning to yes live a different way.

  89. “So, after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do” – my sentiment exactly. Universal Medicine has really exposed how gappy all the so-called ‘holistic’ things out there that I have tried before actually were.

  90. It is that comparison we use to justify the pain and misery we live with but not want to admit – ‘I am ok because it is not as bad as so and so, or how it used to be however long ago’ etc. We so arrogantly refuse to say it is not working and we keep battling using different sets of ammunition but never changing our strategy until we drop dead, literally. Thank God, I stumbled upon Universal Medicine to realise that there really is another way.

  91. The way you write just rocks my world. I remember when I first went to a workshop and could feel how notably different it felt to anything else on offer. My theory behind the difference is that Universal Medicine never instructs, nor does it try to impress and there is not an agenda trying to sell you anything. The reason so many are inspired is because of the way the presenters live, the more you get to see their work ethic and impeccable home life, the more you start to question the way that the majority of us currently operate our lives, the more it gets you thinking, maybe there is another way?

  92. If we continue to explore, learn and ask questions throughout our lives we are more open to the realities of the world we live in and how we in turn connect with it. Living life connected to our bodies, we can see, feel and move with and from our choices and this shall mark our every movement made thereafter.

  93. We have come to accept life as an existence and have moved away from a simplicity that allows us to access the magic of life – the beauty in each moment, the depth of connections that can be had with others and to know a way of being that is vital and joyful. Serge Benhayon, through what he lives has woken people up to the more – and the fact that life can be loving, joyful and full of beauty.

  94. Comparison is a killer – a killer of truth. By comparing our circumstances to other people we are choosing to settle for less. What is one person’s normal is not another person’s normal. Our lives are the direct consequence of the steps we have walked and the choices we have made – it is impossible to compare this.

  95. We may think our life is fine but in truth there is always another re-finement we can make. Getting really honest about how we live and how that actually impacts on us and continually deepening this awareness shows us without doubt that there is more we can do for ourselves. The Universal Medicine presentations give us insight and make us sit up to realisations and revelations that offer us a different way. This way works.

  96. Most definitely YES. The fact it is a constant unfoldment and deepening means that it will always be more to live not in a ‘i have to get somewhere’ but rather what was considered pretty awesome last year is now simply ok and the level you won’t drop below. It is deeply sad how much we have accepted a way of living that is so average and dull compared to the beauty and love that is actually within us and all around us.

  97. I also got that point when I was managing a bar/restaurant where I got to a point where I knew their had to be another way. Seeing everyone around me getting so intoxicated and myself in a cycle of dis connection it was very timely when I was introduced to Serge Benhayon. The minute I started to question what was going on honestly like magic I was presented another way of living. A way of living that is honouring of ourselves.

  98. One can never underestimate the power of choice, and the power in accepting that we have it.

  99. Beautiful Joel, I was one of those practitioners too, but I had reached a point of knowing I was burnt out and that if I didn’t find ‘another way’ that I was retiring myself permanently from the profession. Meeting Serge Benhayon and beginning to heal myself was the start, and through this I saw very clearly how it was I could work with others to not end up burnt out again. In fact the very first healing course I attended taught exactly this as its foundation.

    1. Beautiful Jenny, it is so important for practitioners to be healing their own issues (not to perfection) and be living a true life before caring and supporting for others.

  100. Statistics are telling us we have escalating rates of depression and anxiety, and in my own life with my own eyes I see every day that the intensity and fast pace of today’s world is overwhelming many of us on so many levels that we must be in complete ignorance if we think the world around us and the people are in it are ‘fine’. Together we have created this world but if there is indeed another way that is more loving and true than what we presently living I say we all go for it!

  101. It is indeed very loving to say that what is happening on earth, how we are living and being with each other is not working – because by saying this we elect the fact that we are so much more then the disharmony we have chosen to live. Knowing this doesn’t work registers that there is another normal, another way, a truer way to be and live.

  102. It’s interesting before Universal Medicine I definitely was looking for something else, something different, it was clear that life didn’t work, but everything I tried was just a different flavour of the same old. It wasn’t until I started attending Universal Medicine presentations that I learnt simple and totally effective tools and it was confirmed that there IS a different way to live in this life and truly love the life you live… im grateful forever for this.

  103. Here we are again. Walking down that same old road with the best substitute we can find for the Love we miss inside, angry, sad and condemned it seems to endlessly repeat the same thing. But is that the case? Is this really the truth? Or is there another choice all the time we are alive? I know that there is and God knows when we get to the point where life really hurts we finally open ourselves up to truly ask ‘is there another way we are missing here?’ We don’t have to wait to things get dire but openly investigate what we know to be true as you do here, beautifully Joel.

  104. Universal Medicine modalities have been the first to deliver a truly holistic form of healing in my experience too – we certainly still need conventional medicine and some other modalities but the foundational core principles of healing that are encompassed by Universal Medicine assist us to make a complete energetic healing of our ills rather than just help us to ‘function’ better or work as a kind of quick-fix.

    1. Well said Fiona, this is exactly my experience. I did become ill, and through the support of Serge Benhayon and several Esoteric practitioners, I gained the awareness that if I was to truly heal and fully recover then I had to look at the energetic root cause of my illness which I did with a big dose of honesty followed by taking responsibility for everything I had created. It was a very healing time for me, and the start of a new way of living and loving myself and as a result my life has transformed which would not have happened had I gone for the ‘quick fix’.

  105. ‘This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’. And when the spin of the tornado we live amongst abates we can begin to see the residual devastation left from how that spin has affected us and others, and begin to rebuild.

  106. I completely and utterly concur with you, Joel, that there is another way and that way is The Way of The Livingness

  107. The problem is the criteria people use to say: this way of living works. In this case, people align to the idea of progress in one way or another. Yet, is the idea of progress a true one? No, it is not. It is based upon a linear conception of the world that in itself is a falsity. We have, on the other hand, people that state that this way of living does not do it. This statement talks about our potential and makes clear that our way of living is incapable of delivering it and pointing out that we have accepted as normal, the fact that life is what we live and see around. While the first statement offers a path to nowhere, the second one offers a way out, a way forward. It is about tapping into your potential.

  108. There is another way to live without a doubt. I have seen people transform to who they truly are and shed the layers of all the pretense of who they are not. Inspirational!

    1. Absolutely letting go of self doubt and connect to the knowing that we are equal and connect to the same Universal source.

  109. It is true there is definitely an other way. It is a way that is bringing true love in our lives, through the making of our own choices.

    1. Yes Benkt – and by making the choices to live lovingly we also begin to live responsibly in the knowing that every choice we make affects everyone else. It’s obvious that irresponsibility doesn’t work and our current world is a true testament to this fact.

  110. What you describe here Joel is exposing the ill of ‘normal’ and how we might wonder now and then ‘is this all there is to life?’, but are not looking further as soon as we see our neighbours, family, colleagues and so on all doing the same. Of course it is our choice and responsibility to comfortably choose to look no further but it is the fact that we collectively as humanity choose to accept a way of life that is actually not good at all, that is very harmful.

  111. Letting go of ‘should do’s’ and re-connecting instead with what we feel supports us all is truly freeing.

  112. Yes certainly is the obvious and true answer to your question Joel, could there be another way? Through observation, experience and statistics I cannot come to any other conclusion, other than the world is in a huge mess and there just has to be another way for humanity to live and survive. Thankfully The Way of The Livingness offers that other way. Thank you for the exposè Joel.

  113. It’s true that we don’t often question life based on the reflections of how others live around us. Sometimes I see or hear of what I consider to be horrific stories of cultural traditions, like Female Genital Mutilation, or other issues in societies such as children working in prostitution to support their family financially, and I see that if enough are doing these things it can become a “norm”. And then we might compare our lives to that and feel we are doing ok, even though we truly aren’t living vitally or joyfully, or being loving and caring with ourselves or others. It seems that the marker for “doing good” in life drops or rises, and it seems to be relative to what and how others are doing around you. Living a life of true joy and love cannot be falsified though because that comes from within and is a quality of energy. Perhaps if we globally started to become more aware of the quality of energy of societal and cultural norms, and let go of that which was not based on love, harmony or joy, we could profoundly change the world.

  114. Wow Joel – what a review! Yes Serge presents the (often unpopular) fact that we are responsible for everything that occurs in our lives. Nobody is a victim, we are all here to learn, evolve and return to the truth of who we are.

  115. This is always a great blog to read Joel! I agree with you “I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question “Could there be another way?”

  116. The more I am open to discovering another way to live the more I uncover how society is set up to keep humanity in the way it is, and how we are led to believe that this is ‘normal’ when in truth it is so far away from who we truly are.

  117. Thank you Joel for a reminder of the choices we need to make in our lives that can completely change how we live for the better. It is our own responsibility to live our lives in a way that is an example for others to follow as we have the example of Serge Benhayon.

  118. Like one of those walking escalators you get at the airport, life can feel like it’s impossible to stop, that the best thing we can do is make a ‘better life’ than the person next to us. But as you powerfully show Joel this just keeps us trapped in patterns and habits that aren’t true for life after life. Much better to stop, take stock and work out what is really the right. Thank you for caring to right. Don’t ever stop sharing the things that you do.

    1. The problem with ‘taking stock and working out what is really right’ is that we use the same energy that is fuelling our current choices to try and evaluate what’s going on. It’s a bit like trying to wash a dirty wall with a dirty sponge, you just can’t do it. The only way that I could change my life radically was with tiny changes, literally one different choice (that possibly didn’t stick straight away) at a time but what happened over a number of years is that my choices started to stack up and gain momentum. Over time I have switched my allegiance from being plugged into astral energy to sourcing divine energy. It’s not something that I could have made a choice to do in one fell swoop but it’s been very possible over time.

  119. “Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working” – it is a fact and it has been for a long, long time. We manage to avoid admitting it because we set the bar so low and others are usually even worse. However, when you see a person who is truly loving and vital like Serge Benhayon it exposes just where we are at. Some people take the opportunity to evolve and some dig in even deeper and do everything to kill the reflection.

  120. The ‘good enough’ life that ‘everybody’ seems to be living keeps us deliberately unconscious to the truth that you and many of us have found Joel! The ‘before’ picture you painted is an existence, the now canvas is The Livingness available to us all. I too hold a daily appreciation for the lived life of Serge Benhayon and his family – people who know the depth of who we are and share it by their lived way.

  121. I love the title, to care enough to actual ask questions. What an absolutely beautiful and caring approach to life. This brings curiosity back into learning and that learning is a life long companion in all areas of life, to observe, to ask questions and learn.

  122. You remind me Joel, of the care Serge Benhayon has to have asked this question without caring for his popularity, and in doing so to have inspired many others to begin to investigate this in their own lives, and the results show in that people find they are more ‘vital, true, and yet unforced,’ so more themselves in fact and with a level of vitality they did not have before, so yes in fact there is another way.

  123. ”Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES. Spot on Joel, and Serge Benhayon presents the importance of every choice we are making is either a movement towards love or a step away from love. It is simple and deeply supportive when we live this level of responsibility and begin to see the magic that happens when we begin to live this truth.

  124. Coming to understand that we are constantly making choices in our lives has been an incredibly confronting, exposing and empowering realisation. The Way of The Livingness as presented and lived by Serge Benhayon offers us the opportunity live in a way whereby we are aware of the choices we make, guided by our connection to our truth within, our Soul, so that love is the quality that is honored and lived to the best of our ability.

  125. Thank goodness – and your soul – for your wife dragging you along to remember that there is another way Joel. That reflection of another way, so real, so vital and so what we are meant to live, is all that’s needed to turn the tide eventually for this other way to be the way.

  126. “Could there be another way?” . . . is the question we should be asking as a collective, as a humanity as where we are now is clearly not working . . . with illness and disease, wars and conflicts, obesity and starvation, . . . clearly not working. The problem is that many want change but very few are prepared to change. Opening this discussion shows people just how do-able change is. . . making it not such a threatening option.

  127. “I have a more honest connection with people than I’ve had before, I love the work that I do, earn more than I have done previously and I relate to my wife and family more deeply than before.” Now this is True Success!

  128. What we deem to be normal in the way we are living at the moment is not truly vital and joyful. I only have to look around me on the streets to see this, we as society are smoking, limping, looking older than we are, looking sad and tired, find life often a dread and see work often as just something we have to do in between the ‘good parts’ like the weekend, the evening and holidays. So yes let us ask if there is another way.

  129. ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question’ – “Could there be another way?”
    Life is often viewed by many of us in comparison to the lives of others and if by that comparison we fall into the ‘ok’ basket then it is accepted and we go along without questioning. We have a picture that society has drawn for us and within that picture there are categories and as long we can fit into one of these we go along with it. The trouble is that this is all a dictated and narrow or finite way to being thus limiting us and holding us in the comfort we seek. Asking the question ‘Could there be another way?’ can bring discomfort, but may also bring in truth something deeply loving known to us all along.

  130. Yes, education and awareness of the body and all it offers us by reflection, is the best gift we could ever give ourselves. Re-connection and listening to the body’s wisdom is a key to restoring the truth of our being. The body is so willing..

  131. I totally agree with you Joel. When a question can challenge ones whole life and the choices one has made it can bring up a lot. It is our responsibility to be asking this question, ‘ Could there be another way’, as we are not fairing well as a society overall.

  132. Caring for others is a major factor in growing from a boy to a man. One can be 40-something and still act like a boy because they just don’t care.

  133. ““Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.” this sums everything up. We can live “ok” lives where we are better than others and where worse things happens to others and so we think we are all ok, but in truth life was not the rosy picture I pretended it to be. What was normal was not joyful, life today however, after asking if there is another way, is so very different.

  134. It’s crazy what we have deemed as normal in society and the measurement of normal seems to be based on comparison and majority over minority. Like, it’s normal to serve alcohol at a wedding or drink heavily over the ‘festive season’… but, try being the one with out a drink in your hand and enjoining, then you are deemed ‘abnormal’. Yet, is it normal to drink a classed poison? I’m sure everyone’s bodies would actually vote no to that.

  135. “Is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“” – I think it is. You know how people may react, reject or even ridicule and attack, yet never hold back from presenting the truth – this is not arrogance, but deep care and love that knows we are all equally in this together – as many of us have felt by attending presentations by Serge Benhayon.

  136. ” Could there be another way?” Resoundingly yes. Since being introduced to the Way of The Livingness and the Ageless Wisdom – learning about reconnecting to the love we all are innately – has been a revelation and a revolution in my life.

  137. Yes there definitely is another way and we have chosen to step outside the considered norm to find that other way through reconnection to our inner heart and fins the truth of who we truly are. Great sharing Joel thank you.

  138. My appreciation for the gift of being shown the simplicity of re-connecting with my own inner wisdom is never-ending because it has transformed my life. When I look back to the way I was existing before attending my first Universal Medicine talk I am struck by the arrogance with which I would have claimed to be doing ‘Just fine’ even though in my rare moments of quiet contemplation there was a desperation in me which I did my best to bury in a whirl of ‘doing’ and busyness which left me too exhausted and frustrated to pose the question of whether there could be another way.

  139. When we choose to deny our own inner connection we enter into the game of comparison and think if we are doing as well as/apparently better than others we are OK. Nothing could be further from the truth and demonstrates yet another evil of comparison, not only does it cause separation from other people but it also cements the disconnection from ourselves. I deeply appreciate that Serge cared enough for humanity to pose the question ‘Could there be could be another way?’ The answer is most definitely Yes as so many are now reflecting to those who are still caught in the trap of comparison.

  140. If we are ready and willing to take responsibility for our choices we are ready to step off the treadmill.

  141. Undoubtedly it is the way to be, live life from your connection to your soul, no rules no dogma, just what you are truly impulsed by your soul to serve humanity – it sounds grand doesn’t it, but it is simply us being present and choosing love to fill our veins, the rest is taken care of by this simple act.

  142. It’s amazing what we accept as fine in our lives, just because it’s normal. Yet I know what I accepted as normal 10 years ago I would now consider completely miserable and self abusive, yet at the time no one had ever taught me or inspired me to take care of my body and to develop a relationship with myself, I had no confidence, no self-assurity and no idea who I was but that was just normal to me. Thanks to Universal Medicine I now categorically know that’s normal, and it’s easily changed.

  143. love what you have shared here Joel, in the world there is nothing that can make sense of everything, and so it would be very wise to say, if nothing is truly working, is there another way?

  144. In reality Joel the world is in a mess, but if we as individuals are getting by, that’s enough. But in truth we put up with so much, like back pain, jobs we barely tolerate, and half hearted relationships. We stifle the truth in case we rock someone’s boat, but the crises are here, with statics in our health going through the roof, suicide, tattoos, kids addicted to screens, this is not ‘normal’. So to live in accordance with the truth we know within takes responsibility, to live with the integrity we know in our hearts to be true and be the new ‘ normal’.

  145. “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life.” I too have found The Way of The Livingness presented by Universal Medicine a true way of living that makes sense of the confusing world we live in.

  146. ““Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.” I wholeheartedly agree Joel, from also knowing something was not quite feeling true to then connecting with Universal Medicine it showed me there is certainly another way and one where that thing I thought was missing in my life was reconnected to and so much more.

  147. We are constantly readjusting what we call ‘my life is fine’. You see it every where, now it is normal to get cancer and life is fine when you fight and defeat your cancer , or when older people only have diabetes life is fine, It sounds a bit harsh but this is the reality I see every day in my work as a nurse in the community and yes there is another way the Way of The Livingness.

    1. This is very true, our benchmark for normal is continually adjusted and in many regards it begins to increasingly encompass greater levels of discomfort and devitalisation.

  148. It is interesting the way our society has become so comfortable with what it’s called normal amidst all the illness and disease in the world, deep down we all know there is another way to live and unfortunately, many are looking in the wrong places! Universal Medicine presents a true way of living that makes perfect sense of life and with full respect of our bodies as it is through the connection to our bodies that true healing begins.

  149. I prefer someone asking questions that rock the boat and seem to feel uncomfortable, as who knows, they offer us a huge evolution, one we actually need.. As so it did when I met Serge Benhayon for the first time. He was the first to ask questions that stirred up comforts in me (ones I was unable to get out of) and by virtue of his questions I was now able to break through layers of numbing I had myself created – all I needed was a simple question: Is there another way?
    After that, all the questions he asked, equally were felt within me, only I never knew or had the level of clarity to truly ask them and reflect them within my life. So, Yes, asking questions that might stir things up – are the best ones! In a true way.

    1. I agree Dana. I have squirmed and wriggled and tried to escape the discomfort of being exposed in my irresponsibility and unloving ways by very simple and practical questions by Serge Benhayon. But what I realised was that I was trying to escape the knowing I already felt in my body. The questions are answered before they are asked for we can all feel, deep within the unease from living in unloving ways. Serges loving questions and presentations simply reignite the knowing within, and the discomfort we feel is our fiery love making it’s way through all the denial and disregard, burning it up in its journey from deep within to becoming something we express with every movement.

  150. It’s funny looking back and reflecting on always knowing that there was more to life and living than what everyone was choosing and yet not knowing how or what that was…. Now it’s hard to imagine how I coped functioning as I did before, when I have now been shown, like you, how truly amazing that other way is.

  151. Do I care enough to ask if there is another way? It’s a great question and one that is uncomfortably exposing for if the answer is yes, then the next question is to ask ourselves ‘do I care enough to do anything about it now I know there is another way?’. That means taking responsibility for our choices – every single one of them – and I know I am still working on that one as my choices show that I don’t care quite often.

  152. Love this blog Joel. Yes, asking the question ‘Could there be another way’ is profound in itself. It only took my attendance at one workshop to realise that there was so much more to life than I had ever dreamed of, and to actual feel the difference in myself and my body from the modalities we learned. I arrived in a state of exhaustion – depletion in fact – but left feeling energised and lighter, knowing that there was more to explore and unfold here, so I booked into the next workshop. Twelve years later, when I reflect on my life before that day it is like reflecting on another person completely.

  153. When the spin of the word is spinning inside of you, it can seem like there is no other way. The presentations of Universal Medicine offer us a chance to feel in our bodies life without the spin. These inspirational moments can be gone quickly, but the memory of them lasts forever, and this is what can transform an entire lifetime from a dull dragging existence in to the bright and living spark that you are.

  154. Walk the walk, and people may not necessarily listen to what you say, but they will definitely take notice. It has always bemused me that we go to a doctor for advice on our health and they are overweight, or moody, or that we go to a counsellor or psychologist who has poor relationships in their own life. There is not enough true accountability in this world. Instead we are concerned with box ticking in order to cover ourselves, but not true service.

  155. ‘Could there be another way?’ it is a great question, one that many are asking more and more. They are opening to the fact that the way in which we are living, isn’t working and that there is a lot for us to question. Choices that we make can have an effect on how we live and these can start with very basic things like, what we eat, how much sleep we have, when we go to sleep etc. Then the quality of how we ‘do’ life comes into play also.

  156. I agree Joel – asking ourselves the right questions is crucial if we honestly want to understand what is going on both within ourselves and all around us. When we look round and justify how we are living because we feel we are being ‘normal’, we close ourselves off from questioning things further. Like you, it wasn’t until I attended a workshop and heard Serge Benhayon speak, that I even thought about seriously questioning my life. Once I heard him speak the wheels of change were put into place as what I heard presented certainly rang true and from then on life was viewed through different eyes and the changes, in my case, were inevitable.

  157. Yes there truly is another way. This idea of comparing ourselves to everyone else as a marker of whether we are ok or not is rife throughout society and is totally flawed. Comparison is a poison. It keeps us ignorant and unhappy and is a double edged sword. I have never felt better by comparing myself to somebody worse off and I have always felt worse if I go into comparison to someone I may view as better off. Yet how could I possibly know what is in people’s hearts and whether they are really better off? It is a merry-go-round of ignorance and fooling ourselves.
    The truth is within us. How do we really feel? Can small things throw us out? Do external forces control our happiness and self esteem?
    There is a foundation of love we can build from within that holds us steady in the love that we are. Coming from true self care and love because our connection to our selves is strong means that we are not at the mercy of those outer forces. We know the truth, we just need to trust that we know.

  158. I love what you have shared here Joel, particularly your sentence ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,’ Serge not only asks the question but encourages us to ask ourselves- Could there be Another Way, from what I have uncovered for myself, through the help of Universal Medicine there is indeed a truer way.

  159. Yes Joel, there is another way, and we have been blessed to find it and live it, so that our reflection may show others that there is indeed another way.

  160. Joel, Thank you for going there and finding out there is indeed another way. When someone turns away from the ‘norm’ and instead questions life and the way they live it we see the healing begin, then like you Joel they become a shining inspiration for all others to see there is another way.

  161. “Could there be another way?” is a very important question to ask as it’s oh so easy to keep going the way we do never questioning the validity or the relevance of what it is that we are doing or the way we’re doing it. Sometimes it’s only when we have a major stop through illness and disease or an accident that we’re prompted to open up to the opportunity of looking at how we are living and pondering on whether it’s actually working or not. So perhaps it’s prudent to ask this all important question and make some refinements before something like this takes place.

  162. ‘Could there be another way?’ is such a simple yet powerful question to ask, we open up to the possibility that the way we are living may be contributing to all our illness and disease, our exhaustion, our misery our lack of enthusiasm for life etc. Everything began to change for me when I meet Serge Benhayon and was inspired to re-connect to who I truly am and to make choices that are loving and honouring of me. Yes there certainly is another way and Serge Benhayon is teaching thousands of people to live in connection and to live in a way where love is forever expanding and deepening and adding quality to our lives.

  163. Joel this is a great powerful blog, “Could there be another way?” and many of us have reconnected back to our inner knowing and make more loving choices as a result. What if schools asked “Could there be another way?” Education would definitely change, and rather than waiting years to reconnect back to our inner knowing, children could be educated in a way that they get to keep their clairsentience, now that would be something.

  164. Yes the world suffers from poor diet, poor sleep patterns, and a plethora of self induced diseases to boot. However, what the world really suffers from is lack of connection, and it is fundamentally because of this why everything else goes off the rails so to speak.

  165. We find such comfort in comparison; it can confirm whatever state we are in. For many years I lived in comparison and comfort, but always knowing there is another way. The truth being that comfort is the most uncomfortable thing when felt for what it truly is. I’m now enjoying discomfort, as I live in a way that knows that there is another way.

  166. That phrase you use, ‘as good as it gets’, just serves to tell you something’s wrong or missing in life. When we realise it’s because we’re missing a true, honest, loving relationship with ourselves first and foremost and that it’s creating a deep emptiness, then it’s possible to start to make different choices beyond our ‘as good as it gets’ compromise.

  167. I was with a group of people the other day who were talking about how heavy their kids back packs were at primary school and the amount of school work they had to shuffle between home and school. It was clear there was frustration and disbelief that this was necessary and clarity around how harming it was for their children’s or student’s bodies, not to mention their minds. Then came a lull in the conversation, where they were sitting with what they have discussed and there was a general air of depression, which I read to be a drain caused by the tension of experiencing reality while deep down knowing that it need not be this way, yet not seeing how it could change clearly. What has stayed with me from this experience is how important it is to remember that people do know in their hearts that this is not as good as it gets and when presenting that that there is another way, to honour them by remembering this.

  168. Thank you Joel I really enjoyed re reading your blog, how amazing is it that we don’t realies that we have choice and how powerful, confronting and liberating our choices can be , there is indeed another way, the choice is ours.

  169. Absolutely. I mean, if we can’t do that, then what are we actually left with? Makebelieve life with material things? If we can’t connect to those in our life, then we have to ask ourselves what the point is?

  170. Bang on Brendan. So few role models out there who actually reflect their love for themselves, not just reflect an image of what they do, which is simply not sustainable.

  171. ‘So, after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do.’ This is what I love most about Universal Medicine modalities. There are no promises made to hook you in, no marketing, no sale pitches. Those that are willing to take things to the next level do it because they choose to and therefore no longer is the obligation driving life, but a joy, vitality and knowing that there is another way.

  172. When I came across Universal Medicine I was also in a bad way yet I was not looking to change anything much, I just wanted to feel better. So much has changed in my life, I am so much more joyful within myself and I now begin to understand about self responsibility bringing true choice. None of this would have happened without Serge Benhayon and the healing way that he teaches and there is so much more. Each day of living true to myself is a revelation.

  173. There is another way, it is one way. I always liked the idea that there are many paths to God, which allowed me pretty much to do everything. If there is only one way it means I have to consciously choose it. It makes me responsible to walk it. I feel this as the truth. The truth about Universal Medicine.

  174. There is another way, and that there are people like Joel who are ready and willing to write openly about this is absolutely vital to the evolution of humanity….Because at the moment the spiraling intensity of how awful the statistics of any aspect of our species read if we pick any one aspect of our society, reveal a paradigm that cannot be sustained, and this is surely known and understood… And it definitely has to be another way.

  175. I have lived on this treadmill of the shoulds and should nots, most of my life, making it one of struggle, if things became too easy or too joyful the alarm bells would ring, this was not at all normal and something bad may happen. So for life to be worthwhile there had to be struggle. What a different way of life i have now, thank to Serge Benhayon and his teachings that love, joy and harmony are part of my very being, and in being me this can be my life. This is the only true way of which we are gradually returning to.

  176. All along my life, I have known this was not it, but I didn’t know there in fact was another way possible and what that would be like. Reading this, I am feeling so blessed to have encountered universal medicine – that makes sense of the way it currently is, and how it can be different – that all start with my own choices.

  177. I spent many years knowing that there was more to life, I searched for it, oblivious to what I was truly looking for, yet at no time did I ask myself the right questions, because I didn’t want to hear the answer, until I came across a man called Serge Benhayon who asked me if there was another way to live, and through those presentations I got to find me, who was there all along, but lost in all of what the outside world was asking me to be.

    1. The point you make Sally is strong one, the fact that we make do we a life that because we have no other yard stick, we feel is what we have to make do with or even feel proud that we made it.

  178. Joel, thank you for sharing such a powerful article. I used to think my life was pretty good, until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, where I realised that the way I was living was not responsible or self loving, and yes I totally agree that there is another way.

  179. ‘The treadmill of life’ you describe Joel is so apt. We are the ones who get slowly crushed and undermined by this process we call living. So how amazing it is to stop and see we don’t have to walk and work this way. There’s no ‘should or shouldn’t’ to concern ourselves with at all – just a single loving truth.

  180. Before I discovered Universal Medicine if you asked me ‘could there be another way’ – I would have said ‘no’ as there were nothing in my life reflecting this possibility back to me. Now after attending Universal Medicine presentations for many years when I hear your question ‘could there be another way’ – YES there is another way and a very true way that hundreds of people are now choosing and living this love everyday and inspiring others to also know there is another way.

  181. Think outside the square – come up with a new angle – well humanity really needs a new angle and to think outside the square because we are in trouble, on so many levels people are struggling.

  182. I used to think that ‘another way’ was about changing career, moving house, hanging out with a different crowd and getting a new haircut.

    1. Love it Fumiyo and I completely relate, the change on the outside was ‘the way’ to bring about the change on the inside…it is truly disempowering.

  183. “Is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?” – I would say yes, but I know I didn’t want to hear it, or believe that the question was directed to me, as I arrogantly thought that I was more aware and had it better than the most; and I sought love in comfort, and not in truth.

  184. I can remember stepping off the treadmill when it all got too much but in that I was disengaged and had given up on myself and humanity. Through what Serge Benhayon presents I have found a way to step off the treadmill and still be engaged with life and all it has to offer.

  185. That is a very tricky trick to say I am better off than others – just another way to hide and not to deal with our issues. Same in saying it gets as good as it gets. With this behaviour we get lost in the old momentum and patterns. What about stepping out of the comfort zone and dealing with that what we have allowed to settle for less than we are.

  186. I can recognise a lot of what you have written here Joel and believed my life was as good as it gets, because compared to others I had a great life, but there was always an emptiness, as though something was missing. Then I found Universal Medicine and for the first time in my life there was someone who could makes sense of the nonsense, my despair of life and living lifted and I found purpose.

  187. Yes Brendan, and it makes me humbled to see what effect it has when we choose to not feed the old way, how simple it really is to break out by listening to our body, what is really needed to feel the amazingness what we are and to just be. A simple choice to take care for self this way is the most important thing I had realised for myself.

  188. This could be my line too, after working with so many modalities like Reflexology, Zen Shiatsu, Remedial Massage, Nutrition, holistic medicine – but studying with Universal Medicine there is so much more to it, the real deal and holistic results!

  189. We are all so blessed knowing Serge Benhayon – thanks to him many 1000’s of people around the world have found themselves and changed their lives. Inspiring and cutting edge teachings open the amazing ways to live life according to our connection to our hearts and bodies.

  190. What you have written Joel is so needed, because what I observe is the world is the total opposite to this: a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant. The other way to live a joyful healthy life is available to those who care about themselves and deeply and willingly connecting to their body.

  191. Yes there is another way. I was aware that my life was very comfortable but I often questioned what ‘life’ was all about as it seemed to have no real purpose. Serge Benhayon was like a light in the darkness when I heard him present and I knew I was hearing the truth and I found a purpose in life. At first I found it disconcerting to realise that “the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question” and also that I had chosen not to listen to my own body that was giving me the answers. The Way of the Livingness as lived and presented by Serge Benhayon rekindles the love within me and gives me a purpose and responsibility to myself and humanity for today and for the future.

  192. Universal Medicine definitely shows a way to live in the spin of the world without getting affected by it. That alone is the greatest blessing bestowed on us. Where we can live without being dragged around by others and what they are in.

    1. I Agree Gail Fuller, that alone is huge and others appreciate and need that reflection as well; someone saying no to others emotional turmoils and ill patterns in their life.
      For me to learn not to be affected by what is going on around me has been the greatest gift I have learnt to make for myself.

  193. My answer in big letters – YES THERE IS AN OTHER WAY – and so many people around the world are now living this other way. It was wonderful to read your awesome blog Joel so that more people get the possibility to feel what you and others have find out through the presentations and workshops from Serge Benhayon. As you so wonderful describe – only if someone is living this other way (way of the livingness) – like Serge Benhayon – people can easily learn from this because they get inspired by it.

  194. To live in a way that is not forced … Wow, what a revelation you made Joel! My solution to surviving in the world was to adopt a bravado that masked my absolute lack of confidence in myself. It was a way of getting over the hurdle of being locked in my shell. That decision was made back when I was 16. It wasn’t until I came across Universal Medicine many years later that I realised I had built a fortress around myself while projecting an air of confidence that fooled many people until they got to know me better. As you talk about your observation of the people at Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Joel it struck me that until we feel there can be another way, we think living in a forced way of is the only way to live and we reinforce it with each other every day.

    1. ‘It is like it is’, we can’t change it, this is a saying in Germany. The absolute shut down of taking responsibility here. Why not saying instead; connecting to my strong will to accept that I don’t have to proof anything, I allow myself to just be me today.

  195. It’s interesting for me to look back – and see how I never really considered that there might be a different way to do things. We just do what we do and go about our way – eating the things we eat and drinking the things we drink. Doing the things we do.

    And yet there was always something inside of me that knew there was something else to life. Something deeper – something more profound. Taking the time to stop – consider what that might be and give something else a go has been the best choice I have ever made for myself.

    There i another way if we are willing to look.

  196. Thank goodness for the ‘other way’ to live 🙂 Thank you Joel for this great blog.

    “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”

    Love these words and know that spin all too well, it sure is awesome to stop it and to begin to live from me first. Great appreciation to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing me this ‘other way’.

  197. I like that – undoubtedly Yes. I am in full agreement, there is another way, and I found it by Universal Medicine, a true blessing in my life. Like you shared Joel, I have asked myself just not the right questions. Therefore the absolute support of Universal Medicine and what Serge Benhayon presents has helped me to clear my sight and ask the right question: that is : is there another way? Yes, my undoubtedly yes, forever.

    1. I like this Danna, “I was asking myself, but just not the right questions” … round and round in circles we go, until we ask a different question.

      1. True when the question we are asking is not getting answered we need to ask another more pointed question. The question we possibly are not really wanting answered.

  198. I recently went to a conference of my peers and they all looked either depressed or exhausted that was the normal “I am fine”. If I hadn’t made the changes to my diet, lifestyle I would have been exactly the same. Fortunately I met Serge 12years ago and I haven’t looked back, I also am looking gorgeous – bonus!

    1. Hi Vanessa.
      My Wife and I were standing in the quest at the airport not so long ago for an early morning international flight. It was quite amazing to look around. We are all capable of such warmth and light and joy and yet everyone just looked so grey, and tired, and clearly eyed. Everyone just looked exhausted, and then we looked at each other and to see the sparkle in our eyes, the glow of our skin and the vitality in our smiles that have come from the choices we have made since discovering Universal Medicine – and the glaring difference was obvious. As Joe Says above – there is undoubtedly a different way.

  199. Joel this is such an important blog that would create a shift in many who read it. It exposes a way many live and think life should be. Once my eyes and heart started to open to another way, I could see how “holistic Medicine” wasn’t whole at all but something I used that was closer to the truth. The inclusiveness of Universal Medicine is nothing but whole. No part of ourselves left out, it’s learning that we are a part of the medicine.

    1. Beautiful put kimweston2, the holistic approach to everything is so important and key for a change. Thanks to Universal Medicine to be a solid reflection for another way. No doubt for me that I have found the way with this missing link. My view was so narrow in the past of thinking that I had found my way in identifying with all what I knew and could do. We are our own medicine and therefore I can be a true reflection to others when I allow myself to be seen for my divine amazing being that does not need any proof or certificate, I am the best true indicator how I am with my body and the ability to work a lot without being exhausted and no need for any stimulants.

  200. Imagine if the morning paper had in huge headlines: “Could there be another way?”

  201. I agree YES there is absolutely another way. And Universal Medicine is leading the Way.
    The teachings have never let me down. They are solid and True and you can rely on them. The only person that lets me down in life is myself. Through living as love I know to pick myself up, dust myself off and continue putting into loving action this other way offered.

    1. Absolutely Universal Medicine is leading the way, another way of living. It is just ourselves that let’s us down and like you say Irena it’s just about picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves off and continue to live this loving way.

    2. So true Irena, there ‘IS’ another way. The Way of the Livingness is about every aspect of life, the teachings are ageless and the process of unfolding back to who we truly are is something we all should welcome, re-learning to live a grander love.

  202. I held this arrogance too Joel – thinking that because my life / health / diet etc. was better than most that I was doing o.k., even though deep down I knew it wasn’t quite ‘it’ and that something was missing. Through the presentations of Universal Medicine I was able to get honest about exactly how my life was, and to begin to take responsibility for my choices that led to me having the life I had in the first instance, and I too can absolutely say “YES, there is another way!”

    1. In the past I used to talk to god; I know there must be a nother way to life, and that there is more to life than this what I knew it was. Now after 9 years studying with Universal Medicine I have found the answer. Serge Benhayon was talking about the other way at the first workshop I had attended in Australia. He was talking about this topic that there is an energetic responsibility and he has found the connection to god within himself. I knew that he was talking about the same thing what I had felt and so it all made sense to me. Knowing my power and connection to god is within me and that I have the power to bring light to the world when I live with my inner heart connection and in my glory.

    2. It’s crazy how our arrogance takes the better of us. But when we truly stop and reflect at everything, we soon realise there has to be another. Having found “the way of the Livingness”! I can definitely confirm there is another way.

  203. Yes Joel, there is another way, and I am grateful that Serge Benhayon dares ask the question, and is a living example of the fact that there is indeed a way to live this life with love, joy and vitality. Like you I considered myself to be of strong constitution, and in good general health, despite a few chronic conditions creeping in as my years advanced – but they were in the normal range, simply conditions to watch and manage. In truth I was an emotional mess, deeply unhappy, on the point of exhaustion and living on caffeine and sugar. I couldn’t sleep and couldn’t wake up clear headed, hence the caffeine to kick start my day. Also my weight was steadily increasing. I love your statement regarding being shown another way that ‘This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me. This was my experience too.

  204. Yes, there is another way. At first I didn’t want to admit that my life wasn’t ok. As though saying it out loud would make it real and also I would have to take responsibility for it being the consequences of my own choices. If you see people all around you struggle and you don’t struggle that much, I thought I had to be fine. It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon at Esoteric Healing level 1 in 2004 I got the reflection there is another way. I don’t have to go down the same track my family went, I can make different choices. I am forever grateful to Serge and Universal Medicine for the non-stop love for humanity and offering another way.

    1. I have had many, many moments of realising that my life was far from the image that I held of it. I went from the feeling of being rock solid in my belief that everything was going incredibly well to feeling that I had no true foundations in any aspect of my life, including my relationships. But that has radically changed now. Since being involved with Universal Medicine I have built my way into my relationships and life for the first time with love, integrity and truth and my foundations feel rock solid. It’s a wonderful feeling, I feel unshakable.

  205. Absolutely Joel, asking the right question, then understanding the true meaning of the words making up that question and not the reinterpreted versions of words, would give everyone the same understanding! If asked to ponder on the meaning or perceived meaning of words, whose meaning have been changed or more likely reinterpreted to conceal the truth. Words from Joel’s blog that could fit this, and are worth while pondering on; fine, love, okay, reality, good, esoteric, natural, knowledge, Universal Medicine, vitality, within us? To me unless a word has a one unifying truth for all equally, then that word is left up to each individuals perceived ideal or belief!

  206. Joel, I can really relate to what you say here as before finding Serge Benhayon, “even though I didn’t feel fine, I [too] had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets”, although in my case, I was not dragged to Universal Medicine but came freely of my own accord. Like you I have been inspired over the years to make different choices, which have been life changing so at 72 I feel more vital, alive and have greater wellbeing than I did at 52! I am another who is living proof that there is indeed “Another Way”!

  207. Thank you for sharing this Joel. I too deeply appreciate Serge for being willing to offer a different way of living even though it that has uncomfortably exposed the rot in the ‘normal life’ we had all resigned to living. It is truly a gift to be able to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside us and truly connect to what is in there.

  208. Could there be another way? is such a powerful question Joel. It somehow puts us all on a equal footing and asks us to observe life rather than compare ourselves to it.

  209. Yes – there is another way and I also deeply appreciate Serge Benhayon and Unimed, that he has shown us another way, how to live love, be vital, joyful, committed and in service for humanity.

  210. Amazing blog Joel, there is another way and seeing and feeling it allows me to understand that this is true as slowly over my life I have made changes which allow me to become more honest and more deeply connected to myself therefore more connected to those around me. There is a steadiness in me in how I live now since I let go of all ‘should and the shouldn’t as if I needed permission to breath. The wisdom of our choices have never been clearer as having the choice and the awareness, that our choices make such a difference to our journey.

  211. The answer is undoubtably yes Joel; thank you for highlighting this question and confirming the other way.

  212. Even though a part of me had resigned to the belief that this was as good as life gets, there was another part tugging at me questioning that there has to be more. And you often hear it in conversations as ‘well that’s life’ and ‘just got to get on with it’ and ‘well you have just make the most of it’. But rarely do we question or explore enough ‘I wonder if there is another way’. Through the presentations of Serge Benhayon I have discovered and I now know that there absolutely is a another way that can be and is lived from our truth and love that we all are within.

  213. Joel, what a great question, Could there be another way? From how I used to live my life to the way I choose to live it now, shows for me there is definitely another way to live. Serge Benhayon has presented a living truth that he and his family lovingly live by. I have found it both inspiring and very humbling to see what Serge presents for all of humanity.

  214. Studying with Universal Medicine has inspired me to deepen my relationship with my body. I am in awe of how my body responds as I introduce more respect, care and love to my the way I treat myself and others.

  215. Before I met Serge Benhayon and his family and came to a Universal Medicine event I was pretty smug about life and thought I had made it. I was fit, so called healthy, successful and had lots of friends. I never once considered to stop and feel the quality of all of these things, it was always more about quantity, more and better of everything. Even when I started coming to Universal Medicine events I didn’t notice that the way I was living was actually with a deep lack of self-care and self-worth, where I actually ran my body into the ground. It took many years for me to be truly honest about the state of my so called health and wellbeing, and soon I discovered that there was a whole other level to go to, one that floods with a deep self-worth and self-regard full of true joy and purpose. Thank God for Serge Benhayon for being one man who said “this is not it” in regards to the way life is currently lives in society.

  216. Thank you Joel, “Could there be another way?” I love this question and feel it can be incorporated into daily life: to reflect to others and to use it in every moment if something doesn’t feel right, or if something is not working. I love the openness and inquisitiveness this allows.

  217. Is there another way to live? Of course! The Way of the Livingness, for me is the only true way to live. After wading my way through years of new age pursuits I finally got the answer to my question “what is the TRUE truth, show me the way”. I can truly say, without a shadow of a doubt that since finding this Way, I feel I am coming back, more and more each day to the true and real me. And yes, I do have wobbles and challenges come up, but basically once on the path of return there is no going back for me, so thank heavens for the Way of the Livingness and our openness to recognise it as the truth.

  218. There is another way and it is for us to share the truth that it is all about Love and nothing else. Not the emotional form of love, but a Love that at times does not seem like Love at all.

  219. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” – I have allowed the world to spin inside me today Joel, your blog was a gift and a reminder that the spinning is not me and I can make a different more simple choice to let go and let the spinning spin right out of me.

    1. This is great to be reminded of -the world spinning inside us, when there is a point of stillness inside that cannot be touched by the world and will never be. All the energy that goes into putting up barriers or trying to stop the spin, when all we really need to do is connect an let things go by.

  220. Like the hundreds, almost thousands of people commenting on this blog Joel, I totally and utterly agree! I can see how very hard it is in the beginning to allow ourselves to feel that life as we know it to be might not actually be it. The possibility that there could be another way is actually more than just a possibility, as it’s being practised, lived by so many people including myself. No perfection required of course, but the pressure of getting life ‘right’ just falls away when the realisation sets in that there is simply no expectation. Just be you.

  221. “I would look around at the people presenting the course and those already working as practitioners and what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced, that I could not but consider that there might be another way.” – Yes Joel, I agree, from the way these people were presenting I had to admit that there was another way to live and I wanted to know how.

  222. Joel what you present here is so true, so often we are told we need to drive, to push our way to a successful life, but in all honesty and truth from experience this leads to exhaustion, a constant feeling of overwhelm or no matter what you do, never being enough – there’s always more. This is an exhausting way to live that constantly has us seeking outside ourselves – and the answers to everything we could possible want or seek in life are not there. The more I don’t try and don’t force – the more simple and joyful life is, I have more energy, vitality and know when to rest, the way I work has changed as has how I interact with other people and how I treat myself – as I know I am more than enough in simply being myself. There is a flow to life that feels so natural and effortless.

  223. Thank you Joel for your story. I can relate to using the normal as a yard stick and then we are all stuck in the ordinary. Yes there is an other way and we deserve better than what we are at .

    1. The treadmill of life seems to be getting faster and faster for some, but it is not until we fall off the treadmill that we will ask ourselves “is there another way” and then discover that is was under our noses all along. Yes, we ALL definitely deserve it, so I would say to the world, don’t accept that the way the majority of society lives at the moment is the ‘normal’ way to live, keep asking the question “is there another way?”, and see the magic unfold.

  224. I was always searching in the knowing there had to be more. I followed a lot of courses in various ‘natural’ therapies and I was never given the gift of choice. As you say Joel; ‘This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’. It was coming home after all those years (lives) when I first met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  225. Popularity comes at a huge price Joel. It requires our hands over our eyes to not see what is going wrong, fingers in ears to not hear the consequences and hands over mouth to stay silent and not ask the question “could there be another way?”
    There are so many things to love about Serge Benhayon, and a major one is that he did not put popularity ahead of asking the question and living its answer for us all to see.

    1. This is powerful Rachel, linking the ‘doing okay” with popularity and the requirement cover our eyes to what is truly going on. It is funny how much we respect people that are down the line, yet so many of us struggle to do this…maybe it’s because of the deal we have done with popularity.

  226. Yes, there is another way to live… and thank God that Serge Benhayon cares enough about humanity to share his knowledge, wisdom, love and livingness with us all so that we too can now choose a different way. We can choose to live our lives connected to ourselves and others, choose to love ourselves and others, and choose to care about ourselves and others rather than living in the misery of separation from all this (ourselves, others and God.)

  227. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found”. So simple and yet it never occurred to me until I met Universal Medicine that I indeed had a choice and as you say Joel it is the most liberating of tools. Thank you.

    1. Before we make a choice we have to have an awareness of the truth. So thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for the Truth, pure and simple. The old saying, “when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear”, was certainly the case for me and I have been celebrating and appreciating this ever since.

  228. Yes Joel there is another way, the way of living by the impulse of the soul which is what Universal Medicine presents

    1. Yes, the Way of the Livingness (to live as your true self, from your inner-heart, impulsed by the soul) is the only true way to go. And the revelation to me was that my Soul never ‘went’ anywhere, it was me who choose to separate, and now it is my choice to re-connect back to Soul and me more of the real me.

  229. Thanks Joel ,there has always been another way and we have only had to look deeper inside to find that something that has been said for thousands of years . The practical ways and refection of living in another way as shared by Serge Benhayon his family and the students of the livingness prove to all without perfection there is definitely another way to live in deeper connection and harmony with one and all. I appreciate this so much have this as a marker to come back to if if get lost , in turmoil and struggle.

  230. “There has to be another way”, I used to say to myself, “why would God go to all that effort just for this?” This was a question I have asked myself from a very early age. A constant sense that even though what was around me was absolutely fine – there must be MORE. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have shown me ‘more’ than I ever possibly, in my wildest imagination, could have conceived. And the more I see, feel and appreciate that the ‘more’ is, and always has been, right there within me and all of us, the more I love living the ‘more’. More please!

  231. ps: In addition to a comment I made a few minutes ago… the reason I knew there must be another way is because I feel as if I have lived it before in past lives. This knowing of another way has been like a constant ache or longing in me and to reconnect to it again has been the greatest joy imaginable. Therefore it is my way, not Serge’s way or Universal Medicine’s way – but a way that belongs to everyone – to ALL of us equally. Just the HUGEST ever thanks to Serge Benhayon for living it in full and once again making available what is known and inside us all so that we too may live it again.

    1. I love what you say here Nicola, your words have expressed how I feel too. Thanks.

  232. I always felt there has to be another way. The greatest blessing and joy of my life has been to discover Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who indeed live and share a truly loving and healthy way of living life that goes against all trends. I too now live that way as do many others and it is spreading!

  233. There will come a point in everyone’s life when they will ask the question “could there be another way?” We are at the forefront of an evolution in consciousness, and thanks to Universal Medicine I found my answer to this question, one that I had been posing for most of my life. For me it was a feeling, a knowing of something that I had known and lived before. All of us have this knowing inside of us, it’s just buried deeply in layers of pain and hurt. I am just beginning to feel my power, and I know that others feel it too, this is the way we will show humanity how to re-connect to the truth, and YES there is 100% another way, and that way is the Way of the Livingness.

  234. Yes Joel, I absolutely agree with you ‘So after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do’. Thank you for sharing.

  235. A great point that you have made here Brendan. We certainly limit ourselves when we compare ourselves with another. There is always going to be those who are doing better than us and those who are worse off. We can easily slip into I’m Ok when in this comparison which stops us from being truly honest with where we are at. For me the bar is now high, in that I know there is the possibility to live gloriously every day. The choices I make and how I live in each moment will determine the quality of how I feel in the next moment. I know that there is always more and a much deeper connection that I can aspire to.

  236. It was also down to my wife, not so much dragging me, but somehow fooling me into going to my first Universal Medicine course. I will appreciate her for doing this for the rest of my days.

    1. Kev, my husband was much the same as you. Although he had been searching through various new age practices for many years, at first he was reluctant to try another one. However, after attending his first presentation by Serge Benhayon, there was no keeping him away. Like you, he appreciates that I encouraged him to come and never again will he stray from the Ancient Wisdom teachings.

  237. For as long as I can remember, the family would sit around the dinner table at my grandparents place and eat a roast and home grown veggies, where someone would say: “so I wonder what the poor people are doing?” It was said tongue-in-cheek, but with some regard to the fact we were together, healthy and appreciative of the circumstances we lived-in.

    The measure though was similar to that of what is written in this blog; to: “….look around me and, as long as my life was like other peoples, my life must be fine.”

    Wild arguments would actually erupt at times at the dinner table when one of my family members raised their head and would point-out the inequality she felt in the world, and that no-one was doing anything about it.

    There’s no need for defending the current ‘way it is’ in my view; there’s every reason to punch through the membrane over our senses, so we can see what the actual facts are and embrace raising our awareness to it – let’s go above and beyond the current mob mentality that so many of us stick to, as though we do for fear of death. I mean, who or what would die if we walked, talked and lived another more aware way?

  238. For me, Universal Medicine has not only posed the question of whether there could be another way, but supported me both directly and indirectly by encouraging me to drop the criticism from me, of me, as I explore a different way, and providing a living example of how this other way can benefit, not just me, but those around me.

    It is such a multi-purpose question, with built in longevity…a real life time guarantee – it’s just up to me to keep asking if there could be another way when I feel myself going into patterns of behaviour that have been with me for a long time.

  239. “through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.”
    This applies to me too Joel and with over 900 comments on your amazing blog, I have total confirmation that any reader can feel clearly that there is Another way to Live and Be in this world.
    I have said this online on record more than once – I doubt I would be alive today had I not found the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.
    I have attended workshops, presentations and courses which have given me greater awareness and a deeper understanding about human life and much more. Applying the simple and practical principles has led me to the life I live today, which is truly content.

  240. Amazing blog Joel. The truth about Universal Medicine put so clearly. I think we were all going through what you were going through before we found Serge Benhayon. Thank you for expressing it so beautifully on our behalf.

  241. Another great blog Joel. There are so many people in the student body that have an honesty, a willingness to look deeper at what choices that have been made in the past that have not and do not work in creating a life of harmony. They have a willingness to share their trials and tribulations that support us all to shift the paradigms of our lives into love and truth. And you are one of them, Joel.

  242. Hello Joel, its a big or trendy word “holistic”. I am seeing it put around here and there at the moment as an answer or different approach. But it seems to me that most of the people using it are doing so as a selling point rather than using it truly. As you say Universal Medicine has this approach without having to say it or use it as a selling point. Thanks Joel.

    1. Thanks Raymond, it’s the unexpected fact that the approach is so truly holistic, that still blows me away, things shift and change (for the better) without planning it…beautiful stuff.

    2. That is such a key point Raymond and Joel there is nothing to sell what so ever. Universal Medicine presents deep wisdom with a very practical understanding way with it. The way I have always experienced any work that I have attended with Universal Medicine is that it is totally left up to the individual to attending any courses, or not, and not once have I ever been ‘followed up’ so to speak, to make sure I was coming back. There is absolutely no need for it. What Universal Medicine presents makes so much sense that I know it is truth.

  243. It takes a lot of humility to ask this question Joel. Something most are not willing to even consider yet. It is important to appreciate the fact, that for those who have asked it, we have indeed asked it, and been open to change.

    1. Very true, Joshua, and as Joel shares, Universal Medicine has shown that there is ‘another way’. A way that is loving and beneficial for all who choose to make it their own.

    2. Yes Joshua…it does take a lot of humility to ask the question ”Could there be another way” and it is vitally important that we do appreciate the fact that we have said Yes. After attending many spiritual new age courses, I came across Serge Benhayon presenting in London and I am so appreciative of myself that I made that simple choice to attend as I knew within me there was another way. I, like Joel, knew there was something very different about the workshop to any other course I had been on and from there, there was no turning back.

  244. This is so relevant – ‘For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.’ – This is how Universal Medicine has changed my life also, to see that there is another way because what they present they live.

    1. Agree Natalie, this was also so relevant to me and to many people who have discovered the presentations by Serge Benhayon and who were open to the possibility that there is ‘another way’. As Joel says ‘this gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’. Once one has made the choice, there is no going back, so long as one is willing to accept responsibility for their choices. This can then be life-changing!

  245. What a precious gift your wife gave to you, through dragging you out of your comfort zone to take you along to that Sacred Esoteric Healing workshop. Joel I enjoyed reading how you transformed your life since meeting Serge Benhayon.

  246. As of yesterday I moved back in with my parents temporary but what I am experiencing is- if I let it get on top of me – as if I’ve gone into a time warp of ‘how life used to be’. What reading this blog has nudged back into my awareness is that it doesn’t have to be like that anymore. By taking a stop during my day I get to feel whats going on inside my body, and it often relates to how I have been with myself in my actions and thoughts – this is where I am feeling the old ways in which I have been and treated myself while with family. To know that there could be another way to live out of and away from old, negative ways of living by making choices to not repeat those old habits and behaviours is pretty cool. Thank you Joel for the supportive reminder.

    1. “To know that there could be another way to live out of and away from old, negative ways of living by making choices to not repeat those old habits and behaviours is pretty cool”,
      Very cool I would say, what an awesome opportunity for you and your family to change old patterns of behaviour and begin to live in a way that is true for you all, well done you.

  247. Awesome Joel – thank you for so simply expressing what we all innately know – there is another way. Thank you to Serge Benhayon for presenting the possibilities of what this looks like and daring to expose that society’s current way of living is far from great.

  248. The simple gift of choice, what an amazing gift we have that we can practice and play with every second of the day for better or worse.

    1. So true kevinmchardy, through Universal Medicine there is now a choice being presented clearly, and we can learn the wisdom of our choices and be ever clearer for the next choice being presented. Amazing.

      1. We are reflecting what we have discovered in our inner heart. This beauty we have inside wants to meet many other beauties join in and to expand with each other, inline with the purpose of a bigger plan. I do more and more understand this divine plan and all we have to do is to surrender to it.

    2. A simple, but awesome gift. Every moment we find ourselves at a crossroad, a crossroad full of choices… this way or that way… and if we vere off track a little, then we can choose to bring ourselves back, where would be without having the awareness that our choices make such a difference to our journey.

  249. It’s so true Joel, when I connect within I can let go of all the ‘should I do this?’ or ‘will it be OK with someone else if I do this’ and just get on and live life – it was as though I was asking for permission to breath. So, yes there is another way and a much truer way to live life – and it is amazing.

    1. I can relate to what you say here Susan Lee about the shoulds and shouldn’ts and really we just need to give ourselves permission.

      1. So true Natalie and so simple when we let go of making life complicated. We then have more time and space to appreciate ourselves and how far we have come so far in this lifetime. We have moments where we can appreciate our own breath when we stop and listen to our own innate rhythm and wonder at how amazing life is and we are.

      2. I agree Susan and Natalie. We can agonise over should we or shouldn’t we, I have come to a place where I say “just do it”, and learn by it and move on. In other words, yes, just give yourself permission, that to me feels like releasing the restraints that hold me back.

  250. Joel, beautifully put, there is another way and seeing and feeling it has been the way for me to understand that this is indeed true, and slowly over time I’ve made changes in my life which allow me to be more honest, more true and to more deeply connect to myself and those around me. Before coming across Universal Medicine I was a mess, a highly functioning one yes, but a mess none the less and now I have a level of steadiness in me, in how I live and how I am with others that I wouldn’t have believed possible just a few short years ago. And all because as you put it ‘Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question, “Could there be another way?”’ – I too thank God that he did and that you have written this to remind me and us all – thank you.

  251. “what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced” – they are also very good looking!

    1. Dare I say it, yes it is true, we are becoming more good looking, we are coming back to looking like our true selves, full of joy and vitality and having that sparkle in our eyes and that certain glow, you only have to look at some of the ‘After’ pictures to see that 🙂

      1. I agree sandrahendren.

        Those ‘after’ pictures are very strong, even confronting. When I show them to people there is usually silence and a quick changing of subject.

        My word, we are looking good.

  252. If I hadn’t have asked ‘is there another way’ I would not be the person I am today. In fact, it is a question I have to ask myself everyday as there are so many habits and patterns that can be used to get in the way of accepting all that we are.

    1. Vicky, it is about a continual asking of that question. I’m truly thankful that there are many before me who have asked it and through experiencing and seeing their lived way I have been inspired to change mine. And Joel your blog today is a great reminder to appreciate how far I’ve come and also as Vicky adds here to not stop, to keep asking and keep refining. To know there is more love and more expression of that love in the world.

    2. This is perfect Vicky, not resting on our laurels knowing that there is another way, and that there is more we can do to break old habits and patterns of behaviour is nothing short of miraculous. There is ALWAYS more scope for growth and increased awareness if we choose to be honest with ourselves and look at our behaviours.

    3. Vicky I love that, it’s so true. The question never stops, ‘is there another way’ in all we do.

  253. When I was training as a therapist over 20 years ago now, I was keen to show that I could make a difference to other peoples lives by offering a stop point in their busy schedules to care for themselves, even if it was for only the hour they spent with me. Little did I realise that I was not looking after myself at all. Something did not feel so good! When I became bogged down with the ‘doing’ and ‘being’ for everybody else (my choice at the time), my body presented me with lots of pointers, over several years, that I was wearing myself out to the point of exhaustion. Then the questions started; why is this happening?; there must be another way to live; the search had begun. Then along came the opportunity to attend a presentation by Serge Benhayon. What was being presented just opened up to me (and many, many others) that, yes absolutely, there is another way. So thank you Joel for this inspiring blog.

    1. This is such a common story in the helping professions Marion. People who care to the point to harming their own health. One of the insight I took from some early courses was that it might not be truly caring if I am harming myself in the process.

      1. That is exactly why it is so important for you and all to share their stories as everyone is feeling this ‘search’ on some level – and it is for us to reflect the opportunity for others to connect to what they have been searching for.

      2. Yes exactly Joel, I was one of those practitioners who (seemingly) cared to the point of harming my own health. I was burnt out by the time I was in my late thirties and met Serge Benhayon at that time. Learning how to self-care and its significance and impact on not only my own health, but on the quality and integrity offered within a consultation, was life-changing to say the least. Today at 51 my practice is very very different, and the level of health I enjoy is beyond anything I ever achieved in my youth.

      3. That’s huge Joel. If I look at how many times I have dine things where I have gone above and beyond, gone out of my way, or put myself out to do something for someone or finish something or sort something out – even when I had other things to take care of or was tired – It’s a bit overwhelming actually. And although this may be considered to be a good thing’ or who to be a great friend, or very caring – ultimately I just end up exhausted and resentful for not having taken care of myself. Which is crazy.

  254. I love your blog, Joel. What a sad excuse to look at – or for people doing worse than you, doing it tougher than you, to feel ok. That was also my trick when I felt I, or my life, wasn’t so good. And I was also not aware that my life was not good when I thought I was doing great – drinking a lot, having lots of friends to drink with, partying, being ‘out there’ doing a lot, travelling a lot… What a wake up call a cancer diagnosis was! And seeing Serge Benhayon, and learning about energy and me in Universal Medicine’s presentations and workshops, I am waking up to the real me. And I feel better than ever without any alcohol or stimulants.

  255. Joel, I smiled at your description of being dragged to your first esoteric healing event. You say that what you saw was something in the practitioners that ‘was so vital, true, and yet unforced’. I saw this too, and I also blown away by everyone’s eyes. They were so open, and shiny and bright. I had never seen eyes like that before. In fact I am still blown away by peoples’ eyes every time I walk into a room of Universal Medicine students.

  256. Absolutely true Joel, there is another way and that way being The Way of the Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Like you, before I came to the courses and presentations of Universal Medicine I thought that life was OK. And it was, just OK. I always knew there was more but never knew how to access it. I too am deeply appreciative of what Serge Benhayon shares, simple tools to help us to re connect back to our body and to our being so that we can live our lives from our inner connection, then what becomes most important is the quality of our actions. Life becomes a very different way of ‘being’, opposed to living from the ‘doing’.

  257. Hi Joel, I had locked myself into a ‘life is fine, almost perfect’ mode so much so that I felt trapped in and by it. All I knew, that underneath that ‘I’m fine’ was “actually I’m miserable’ but I didn’t want to admit it. It was only through attending Universal Medicine courses that I understood more about myself and the choices I had been making. There was another way. It was in those courses that I felt completely accepted and loved for just being me – that’s something that’s very precious to me.

  258. The question here ‘Could there be another way?’ is so huge because it offers the opportunity for anyone, a choice to say yes. What a gift of a simple choice to make a change.

  259. Thanks Joel. Its remarkable how many of us know what is and isn’t good for us, this was certainly true for me. But until I heard of Universal Medicine I never really understood why I might not make the healthiest choices or the best decisions, the root cause so to speak that we can then address. The article headline is such an accurate description because it makes sense that we want to understand how to best implement a way of living that allows us to feel optimal, even you could say grand.

  260. I am too quick to forget the blessing that my life is since ‘finding’ Universal Medicine. Living without all the props that used to get me through my days (alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, gossip, shopping and a lot of sugar) I have a relationship with life and humanity now, that is always developing, based on simple purpose as I take responsibility for the part I play in the big picture. When things get clunky I really appreciate having the question ‘Could there be another way?’ in my back pocket. Thank you.

    1. Beautifully expressed Matilda and a great question to have at the ready when things get “clunky”. Thank you

  261. The illusion has a strong hold and is very stimulating to the 5 senses. Breaking the barrier and the hold that is this really needs to be congratulated and celebrated. It’s like pulling the ripcord on a parachute, you get to stop and appreciate the beauty of what is around.

  262. “The gift of simple choices” I feel so blessed that my path led me to attend the presentations by Serge Benhayon/Universal Medicine. What was being presented and observing the Esoteric practitioners it did feel very different indeed, a gentleness and a stillness and the gift of truly listening – this felt so very different to the contrast of the busyness of life and the emptiness that I had experienced. This allowed for the possibility ‘could there be another way’ Beautiful blog Joel thank you.

  263. Joel, it’s amazing how often we know something is not right, and often even have skills which might address it and yet we rumble on, deciding that it’s somehow fine when we know it’s not and then suddenly we meet someone who’s living it, not just talking it and we see that there is indeed another way, and so we start to investigate and we find things change just as you say. The thing I’ve seen reading your piece too, is how those things of relief we find can actually be lethal as often they take us away from the rawness of our discomfort and a real truth we’ve felt where we know things are not fine to settling for a state of feeling better, but actually all we’ve done is many cases is numb ourselves, and leading often to those up and down yo-yo states, rather than an honest feeling of how we are and what we feel.

  264. I am sure it is one of the ultimate acts of love to pop someone’s bubble of pride and ask ‘Could there be another way?’ I am so sure because I know it is what I would want someone to do for me, every time, providing an opportunity for change rather than letting me carry on in the delusion, confusion and pretending.

    1. Spot on Matilda. Why do we get so dogged about repeating patterns that do not work? So often in my life I have seen something not work and what I have chosen to do about it has not been to abandon that strategy, but I have tried harder! Over the years Universal Medicine has offered that question “Could there be another way?” in so many different ways, and has prompted me to observe, feel what is going on and slowly turn my whole life round. I too am convinced that posing this question is one of the ultimate acts of love.

      1. Hi Golnaz, I so relate to what you say about just trying harder when something clearly isn’t working. I assume that what is wrong must be me, and that extra effort will be the solution. Could there be another way….great question.

  265. Popping someone’s bubble of pride to ask “Is there another way?” So true Joel to really want to ask the question and to take the step into unknown territory does require a willingness to pop the bubble of pride that we can so easily walk around in, that our life is fine. While I knew there had to be more to life than what was being presented to me I also carried and arrogance and pride that held me in belief that I didn’t really need to change very much, when in truth there was much about my life that was not true. Without Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon clearly showing that there is another way, I would still be sitting in my bubble of pride that says “I am fine as I am” when in truth I was a long way from being well, healthy and living a vital life.

  266. Serge Benhayon inspires me endlessly.

    Asking questions of myself and life like, ‘could there be another way?’ has broken through some of my human pride and allowed me to develop liberating humility.

  267. ‘Could there be another way?’ has taken so much of the struggle and striving out of my daily life. Rather than, with furrowed brow, trying to work things out, my willingness to let this question be a part of my life, releases me from so many constraints about getting things right and opens up the opportunity to review and observe things ever more freely. Thank you.

    1. I love this Matilda, letting the question be a part of your life – that’s key and the way for us to change and embrace those changes. Lovely, lovely blog Joel, thank you.

    2. Matilda I echo what you share here. By simply being open to and asking the question “Could there be another way?” it opens up a whole opportunity to see life in a new light. When I think about it, the current way is one of struggle or reaching high, and these ups and downs, especially the struggle are considered normal and something to accept. But what if, as Joel shares here, our current normal is very far from what is true.

  268. ‘Could there be another way?’ is a great question to ask, and one I got to also via Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It’s amazing how we just accept life as it comes to us, not really thinking to change it, or knowing that we can – or even how to! I’m so glad to have found another way – the old way sure wasn’t working.

    1. I’m also glad to have found another way Victoria, and it is so lovely sharing this way with people who have found the old way wasn’t working.
      Thank you Joel for sharing your experiences of true brotherhood

  269. I am living “another way” and I feel the healing, the challenge, the support, the reflections, the responsibility, an awareness of what brotherhood truly is and most important the love of self and others. Thanks for sharing, Joel.

  270. I have been searching for another way most of my life. The detours I took in life was not believing in the humdrum daily existence, albeit well relatively comfortable. It was going into spiritual practices and groups believing that they were possibly going to take me somewhere when my heart knew it was not so. The first time I heard Serge Benhayon speak, I felt my heart open up and my head had a difficult time, because it didn’t trust that that I had finally found something true. It took a while, but the heart won out, because the consistency of what was being offered was so loving.

  271. I know that ‘treadmill’ of oughts and shoulds Joel.
    Now free of those since discovering the teachings of Universal Medicine.
    Serge Benhayon is living proof and a testament to “another way”.

  272. Being open to the possibility of there being another way seems to me to be the only way forward that we have otherwise we are stuck in what is not working and going around and around in circles.

  273. I too have a life that is not derived from caffeine, sugar and stimulants and what a different that is. I feel so much more stable, steady and less emotional that I would never have anything that would change what I have every moment in my life. Working in a cafe I see it daily how this has an impact on peoples lives, and it is a reminder to myself that I used to be there once too. They are all an addiction and a cycle that needs to be broken.

  274. Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“ I feel it’s important to always be open to the possibility that we don’t always know the answers! We may think we do, it may be convenient to convince ourselves that we do, and that would be arrogant. We may still come back to the same conclusion, but ‘When we stop questioning, we stop learning. … And if we’re not growing, we’re dying’.

  275. By me choosing to live another way, one that is based on self responsibility and love for myself and others, has changed my life completely. There is now more consistency and purpose of how I live as I get it now, that it is not just about me, but us as a whole.

  276. Great blog. Joel. ““Could there be another way?”
    The answer is undoubtedly YES and the evidence is the thousands of people like me from across the world that have made their own way of living and who are realising more and more that the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question…” I can so relate to this, as I was not asking the right questions on over 25 years of spiritual searching. It feels so great to have ceased the search and know I am coming home, living my way.

    1. Sue indeed I feel that most people in this world feel that something is missing, that there must be something more, another way. Yet very few of us then ask the right questions and take the time to listen to what our body tells us. As you’ve shared thousands of people have changed their lives, I’ve most certainly seen many changes. What comes from Universal Medicine is all the questions that allow me to go deeper within myself. Everything that is presented is a reminder of what I know but have not been choosing to be aware of. For that reason the more I develop the less questions I need to ask outside and the more I am aware of them within me.

  277. Yes there is another way and at this point in time it is called The Way of the Livingness. It presents to honour your body and for me it is a choice to live a very loving, simple life. I love the way I live today and for forever more.

  278. When I came to Universal Medicine I was already a Health Practitioner but despite a health scare of my own, when I had begun to live extremely cleanly, I had gone back to drinking wine and coffee now and again and eating foods that numbed me from the more subtle feelings that could have so supported me and my clients. How life has changed since I have begun to more deeply care for myself even though I have had no specific health reason to nudge me into doing so. The Benhayon family and Universal Medicine practitioners are amazing role models in this regard and continue to support the asking of this question “could there be another way?” Which highlights the choices we live in every moment.

  279. Is there another way, YES there is, one needs to be open and allowing. Since I came across Universal Medicine and their teachings I have had so many miracles in my life. What is shared is how we can deepen our connection to God, and as we keep connecting deeper the miracles keep coming, there is no end.

  280. Hi Joel, this is such a lovely account of the true depth of love you can share with people from choosing to live a simple life. I love what you have shared here and really feel how much Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have supported you in making those changes. This is a lovely blog you have shared with everyone.

  281. Thanks again Joel for another great blog. I myself was living in a way I defiantely knew was wrong but didn’t know how to change or where to start. Upon discovering Universal Medicine I was shown another way of being that has facilitated transformational change in my life in many ways and continues to do so.

  282. That is a question that has guided my life. I have always looked at any situation or problem and approached it from another direction. As I grew older I noticed that my life was not ok. I changed many things in it, but it did not seem to make any difference. Finally I heard about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. He presented a whole new way of looking at things. To make a true change you need feel deeper to what energy is being used. Change the energy and you can truly make a change.

  283. I love reading this blog Joel. It can be very confusing living in a world where ‘normal’ is so far from healthy it is not even funny. It’s definitely time that this question – ‘Could there be another way’ gets asked, again and again until we as a humanity get back to true wellbeing and vitality and LOVE for each and every person. This may sound like a pipe dream – but one I’m working towards!

    1. The fact that it might sound like a pipe dream simply reflects how far from the truth of Love humanity has strayed. I’m with you on this Amelia – and I know it is possible for every single one of us to reconnect to the loving essence that we are from.

    1. Yes I agree Gyl, those three words say a lot. Serge Benhayon as said many times has cared enough to ask them and show us there is another way and this has revolutionised my whole experience and understanding of love.

    2. Thanks Gyl, I agree…there is something very special about putting aside being worried about what others might think and challenge the very foundation of how life is perceived. Serge Benhayon has certainly done this with some incredible results.

    3. This is a particularly powerful part of Serge’s wisdom… not just being able to point people in the right direction, but having the guts to point out that we are looking a little lost (even if we confidently marching down the wrong road!).

  284. Joel you are right: There is ‘holistic’ and there is ‘Wholistic’ – with a background as a natural medicine health care practitioner, I too can relate to the fact that true holism was presented to me by Universal Medicine. As a health care practitioner, it is easy to lose oneself in the care of others, whilst losing vitality and depleting oneself in the process – not a very holistic approach indeed. Through Universal Medicine workshops, courses and healings I have learned about true care (including self-care), nurturing (including self-nurturing) and have been able to walk my talk and this certainly lends far more credibility to what I present to my clients, not to mention how much my own life has changed in beautiful ways – holistic indeed! What is interesting is that I thought that what I was living and practicing was holistic, but it was not till I encountered Universal Medicine that I really ‘got’ that the holism that we are taught in society is but a mere shadow of the holism that we are all capable of expanding to, as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – and for this I am forever in appreciation!

  285. Beautiful blog Joel. I had also studied holistic medicine and had gained a lot of knowledge and considered that my life was ‘fine’. But I was still filled with a restlessness and dissatisfaction as I innately knew that there had to be more to life. I attended a discourse and the words I heard felt so deeply true and familiar that i knew instantly that what I was hearing was what I had always been seeking. The Esoteric Teachings presented by Serge Benhayon are forever deepening my connection to God and soul and I now know with certainty that there is indeed another way.

  286. Thank you Joel for exactly describing how I came along to Universal Medicine, virtually kicking and screaming. Once I met Serge Benhayon, it changed everything about my life in such a positive way that I would need a book to describe how amazing my life is now.

  287. What you write makes sense and I can definitely relate. My partner at the time too pulled me along and once I experienced Universal Medicine I was astounded at what I had been missing and settling for all the years before.

  288. I could feel the same you are just sharing Joel. I had felt all my life as if I was driven by an outer force – not by me. Simply because I had never stopped to feel what was really going on. Through the reflection of the teachings of Serge Benhayon I got reflected for the first time what I had missed. Why I was able before to ignore the fact something here was completely out of order was the fact that everyone else was caught in the game of stimulation, numbing and checking out. What a lovely return is offered here…!

    1. Yes, it is an endless journey, and one we can continue to go deeper and deeper with. Taking the blessing of what we have dis-covered, or should I say re-dis-covered, from the teachings of Universal Medicine, out into the world, can be a joy that everyone can feel, and this is the blessing.

  289. An amazing blog, Joel. That simple question, “could there be another way?” has had a ripple effect that has completely changed my life for the better in so many ways that it is almost unrecognisable if you compared it to the way lived a few years ago. The aspect that comes to mind is: consistency. Gone are the ups and downs of life that used to bring dizzying highs followed by crushing lows. They have been replaced with a consistent developing of my relationship with myself, people and the world, and an ever growing awareness of life.

    1. I can very well relate to this Naren, seeing this other way to live and choosing to take responsibility has brought changes to my life that I would never have deemed possible.

  290. You have expressed this beautifully Noel. Thanks to Universal Medicine, I too felt relieved and amazed to find that there was another way to live my life. And as you say ‘This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’

    1. Well said – Universal Medicine confirmed what I already felt. That something wasn’t right in the world.
      Now I have an opportunity to see things differently and to live in way that is much more me.
      And be a reflection to other people who might also think not everything is OK.
      So caring enough to ask if there is another way, is actually caring about humanity as it stands.

  291. I love what you have brought to light here Joel. Standing up and saying that what is commonly accepted isn’t working, takes courage and strong self belief because, even though people may not be happy with the way life is, challenging the accepted norm doesn’t tend to win you popularity points.

    Crazy huh? That we can defend a way of being and an accepted ‘norm’ that is harming to our bodies and creates no joy in life in preference to considering the personal responsibility needed to investigate and pursue another way of being.

    1. This brings into the open our tendency and willingness to stay in the quagmire of the familiar rather than choose to review and make changes that, whilst contra to habit and the majority, set a truly sustainable, connected and evolving foundation. True madness: would we really rather stay in the dark just because that is where we have been for so long, rather than step outside, blinking at first, into the sunshine?

      1. I agree Matilda, I know I can resist change because I get used to the way things are and worry about what that change will bring to the comfortable way I have set things up. But there is no doubt, when I have cared enough to ask myself ‘is there another way?’ and then been inspired to try another way, I have always grown from it. The teachings of Universal Medicine have inspired me to start embracing life. I love the image of stepping out into the sunshine rather than staying in the dark.

    2. I guess asking ‘is there another way?’ Is very uncomfortable for so many of us, as we would potentially have to admit that maybe we have it all wrong…
      But is that so scary? And surely its worth looking at if there is another way that can bring the changes Joel describes here.

  292. Beautiful Joel! And I so agree with you that when we “stop the spin of the world from spinning inside” us, it is a gift , such a gift based so simply on our choices. Thank you for this reminder – so timely for me today.

    1. When I just read your comment Henrietta I felt instantly the tendency in me to spin. Thank you for the reminder to not choose to go around and around with the spin on automatic pilot.

      1. Thank you Henrietta and Sandra, the trick for me is to not be hard on myself and try to stop the spin in my head all at once, and realising that it’s going to take time for the momentum of the spin to slow down, increment by increment. Slowly but surely wins the race, it’s a moment to moment choice and I appreciate having the awareness to make that choice.

  293. I love your blog entries Joel and this one is no different. I too was stuck in the treadmill of thinking life was fine, resigning myself to the idea that this was as good as life could get, then I also met Serge Benhayon and my life has only become richer and more fulfilling from that point onwards.

  294. I too experienced that there was another way when I attended a Universal Medicine Presentation, but strangely enough everything that was presented there was confirming everything that was inside me screaming to come out. Everything that was presented simply made sense. I had been wanting for so long to start looking after myself, to get to bed early and start having quality sleep again. But it wasnt until I attended a Universal medicine presentation that I realised that it is okay to make a self-loving choice and put myself first for once. This was truly a miracle for me and one that I thank myself for everyday.

    1. Yes it’s true Harry, we DO know it inside already, and everything that has happened to me since Universal Medicine could be deemed a miracle, and for me the Universal Medicine teachings are a natural, normal way to live and one what we will all come back to, because it is who we truly are. I am no longer screaming on the inside for truth, and it looks like you’re not too, and hurrah for that!

    2. Harry, I love the way you have expressed how you came to honour yourself and your self loving choice and especially the words “This was truly a miracle for me and one that I thank myself for everyday.”

    3. Harry, I love this, the fact that while you knew there was another way, when it was presented, it was totally familiar and aligned with what you already knew inside… ditto for me.

    4. Thanks Harry – there are many of us that consider our life turnarounds a miracle, myself included. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine helped me make sense of myself and a life that I had given up – THAT brought understanding and true healing.

  295. At many points in my life – even when I was ” doing great” I had inside of me felt the knowing that ” there must be more”. Where is it? Can I find it somehow. When I first heard Serge Benhayon speak I had actually already been through a big transformation. I had lost a lot of weight, was doing Yoga living in Byron Bay. Swimming and surfing and eating reasonably well. But still inside I felt like there was something more.

    I heard Serge on an Audio presentation in a mates car on a trip to play music together.
    And what I heard was someone asking all the questions that I had been asking inside for many years and saying ” Hey, what about this – give this a try for yourself and see if it works”.

    Its been 5 years or so now that Ive been giving this a try.
    Im so glad i asked the questions. There is another way.

    1. Simon it’s incredible how many people feel “there must be more” yet as you found no matter what activity and thing I tried and did, nothing would take away that feeling. I used to get irritated that I felt that – now I am deeply grateful as the louder the “there must be more” got the greater the will for something true. With the presentations of Serge Benhayon I certainly found truth – a truth I felt I was being reminded of again, a truth that I felt deep inside. As you say there is another way.

      1. I could never fathom what life was all about. l knew I was missing something, and often felt an outsider as most people I knew seemed not to feel that. Like most of the comments I looked at lots of other ways, but all I found was more people like me, looking for what they had lost. Some thought they had found it in new age stuff, but while I played around with it that never felt real. Then I went to a talk given by Serge Benhayon and every bone in my body told me that what was lost was found. It was in me all the time, all I needed to do was listen, and I could begin to live another way.

  296. Joel, great personal story. It is easy to see around us everyone resigning themselves to ‘this is as good as it gets’ but deep down knowing there is more. How wonderful that you, like many of us and I am sure many more in the future, have discovered there is another way to be in our everyday lives that then brings a new meaning and depth that it is to be felt to be believed. I am forever appreciative of the teachings of Universal Medicine.

    1. There does appear to be a deep sadness in the world, I felt that deep sadness myself, knowing that there must be more and not knowing where to find it, but I didn’t give up my search, and finally I discovered Universal Medicine and its teachings. What a gift to humanity and the answer to my prayers. Yes there definitely is another way to live, and I can wholly endorse Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, as it is not just empty words on a page, but a lived experience and one that can be felt by all if they so choose it.

      1. You are so spot on Sandra how everyone in the world is in deep sadness – Like I was until I was introduced to Universal Medicine teachings and yes an absolute gift that I am thankful for daily. The fact that Universal Medicine really does offer an insight to a way of living, that it brings Joy to my life is a miracle… There is no tricks or spells cast it is all down to simple loving choices that support you to be all that you are. Such a blessing.

  297. This is so true Joel… it is the ultimate expression of love to have someone care (love) enough TO pose the possibility that we’ve got it all wrong and are living so much less than is our potential. Without true love (which is equally for all), why would Serge Benhayon care about the way anybody else is living. He could just continue to enjoy his loving family life, and prosperous working life, and not worry about the rest of humanity. It does re-write what we know love to be though, he has certainly taught me that. My own version prior to this was very limiting and self-centred. He has shown that true love is far from this… and cannot but feel what is going on for others, and care enough to offer another way.

    1. Beautifully put Jenny. What you have stated Serge Benhayon offers – and my experience has been the same – is the foundation of true charity: true care for others unmotivated by an ounce of self-gain, a simple expansion of love, but one most of us never get to. True charity arises from true love.

      1. Beautifully put Jenny and Victoria, Serge Benhayon offers us true care without an ounce of self gain, and yet he has it all. And he has presented to us that we can have it all too, without exception, true love is for everyone as everyone IS true love, equally so. Together Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the Students of the Way of the Livingness are re-writing history, the time has come for us all to claim the love that we truly are and that it is attainable for everyone, all it takes is a choice and an openness to consider that there may be another way to live, without the hardship and struggle, and that it is possible to halt the path of destruction that the human race seems to be going down, by coming back to Love.

  298. I keep coming back to the power of this question which, as with many questions, provides us with the opportunity to stop for a moment and consider where we are at, the choices we are making and the lives we are creating for ourselves. These points of reflection are super important and powerful if we are not going to let ourselves simply be buffeted about by life.

  299. I agree Joel that one of the remarkable things about Serge Benhayon is the way that he has never shied away from asking some uncomfortable questions about how we are living. This is not a great business model in terms of popularity or wide spread appeal but it is a model with great integrity because it puts people, and a love for humanity above all self -interest and self-gain.

  300. My life was ‘fine’ too Joel. A bit of a stiff neck every so often was fine, a few arguments here and there with my partner was fine, a consistent rash on my back was also ‘fine’. But one day, after a lifetime of a persistent feeling there is more, I decided to try the different way you speak of. And I haven’t looked back 🙂

  301. Another beautifully expressed blog Joel, and ‘we were just not asking the right question’ hit the spot. I wonder when I get stuck in something if I can pose that to myself of the situation,’ am I asking myself the right question’?

    1. The problem with asking ourselves the ‘right question’ is that deep down we don’t want to because we’ll do anything to avoid calling ourselves out. Sure we do a lot of pretending to ask ourselves the right questions but our questioning comes from the same energy as our avoidance and so we know damn well that we’re not gonna call ourselves out, it’s just a pretence, more stalling for time.

  302. Like Joel I have a vitality today I could never have dreamed of 10 years ago. My blood sugar is balanced and typically I never have an afternoon low. I rise early every day. I am engaged and enthusiastic about my work. All of this thanks to the work of Universal Medicine and my choices to support and develop care for myself.

  303. My life is fuller and ‘busier’ than ever before and I can feel that as I develop there will be space for more. I reflect back not so long ago when I thought I was busy and I lived with an anxiousness and nervous excitement/drive that is exhausting even to recall. Today I am appreciating the power of remembering how I was and considering the multitude of remarkable changes that have taken place in my life since I first started working with Universal Medicine; totally undeniably transformative and miraculous. In the full on ness and intensity of life, which I feel is heightening, I get steadier more consistent, and more aware, apparently contra to what is going on around me. Thank you, Joel for sharing your reflections and change as inspiration and confirmation that Universal Medicine offers us a way out of chaos and struggle.

  304. I can relate Joel to your initial appraisal about your relationship as functional but not deeply caring. It is truly liberating to deepen the care and love I have for my body past a functional relationship and see this also reflected in my relationships with others.

  305. Love this Joel. Could there be another way? If the way everyone is living can be another way – as we know from personal experience it can, and with great joy – then why do people accept less than this as normal? This will definitely be more widely felt by everyone and become the ‘normal’ question not too far in the future eventually becoming a reality that will become a question that the majority of all people will ask and then we can all live in – another way.

  306. Joel, I appreciate more than anything your straight forward sharing of your experience, as is expressed, the issue I experience is just how much people are pretending that ‘they are’ and ‘everything’ is okay, when clearly ‘they are’ and ‘everything’ is not okay.

  307. Gail I agree with what you are saying. It is a sad reflection on how we live when we use the level of sickness in society as a marker for how we live rather than the level of joy that it is possible to feel. In fact this form of comparison which is so prevalent in the western world today is such an avoidance tactic as it stops us being responsible for our choices that we are making daily and takes us further away from our true way of being. Joel, I am so appreciative to have had the opportunity to find out that there is another way to be in life and this is an ever unfolding journey for me!

  308. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found.” I agree. Even what seems the most arduous or difficult task, moment or time can be changed by a simple choice.

  309. Joel. There is another way, changing from what we were. Coming home to Universal Medicine, and words of Serge Benhayon.

  310. Isn’t it amazing how we compare ourselves with someone who is not sick either. Why have we learnt to use sickness as the marker/comparison. Why are we not using true health and vitality, strong true relationships, consistent steady behaviour as our markers.
    Maybe because it is so rare, that we assume this is the way society is. It just happens to us and everyone around us. When will we actually stop and look honestly at the mess we are all in.

  311. I too have a vitality that is not derived from artificial stimulants – one by one I start to let go of them. But really it was the way I was choosing to do things that supported me to see that it was draining my energy. Once I looked at that and made a change to the way I went about things this is what Universal Medicine has supported me to have a better understanding of and in turn I have a higher level of vitality.

  312. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found.” ‘Liberating’ is a great word to use. Because in my case it had to come from me and it was me who could choose or not choose, I found and find this ‘tool’ to be an absolute gift, it does not involve anyone else telling me what to do or how to do it. I had such a major issue with trust, any change in my life had come from me. I felt the difference, my choice – simple.

    1. I love what you have shared here Samantha, it has brought me the understanding of the issue of trust and changes in life needing to come from oneself to learn about trust and responsibility

  313. Several years ago I arrived at my first Universal Medicine Workshop, full of arrogance and pride because of what I thought I knew. Right from day one all I heard was could there be another way? I could hear the Truth reflected back by this, lovingly expressed, but not holding back any punches either. My life has turned right round as a result, wonderfully so. You ask: “Is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“ I would unequivocally say YES.

  314. It’s lovely to hear you express this Joel. It’s so akin to what I’ve experienced. Before my association with Universal Medicine I was overweight and if current trends were to continue, set to gain a lot more. I was recluse, given up and the greatest joy in my day was gorging chocolate or watching a show/movie as a reward for getting through the day. Since simply attending and being open to the philosophies presented by Universal Medicine I lost weight without an ounce of trying or focus, left my unhealthy eating habits behind and now have a life entirely dedicated to giving back to my surrounding community which leaves me feeling full and content at the end of the day.

  315. Thank you Joel. I feel like shouting out your final line “Could there be another way? Yes!” Just look at me now compared to ten years ago, even five or two years ago – look at photos, belongings, bank accounts, cars. Now look into my eyes, feel the quality that I live in. There is another way, there certainly is. And the evidence is right here.

  316. I replaced “I wish there was another way” with “Could there be another way?” and now can say fully, with joy in my heart – “There is another way”. Thank you Serge Benhayon.

  317. You mention thousands of people from across the world that are realising more and more that the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question… This is true, I am certainly finding that and “Could there be another way?” is a poignant, loving and expansive question. There is always more evolving to do, greater awareness to open up to and deeper love to embrace – that question is always worth asking.

  318. The Way of Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine is just that “The Way of the Livingness” ~ the way we ourselves choose to live. It’s not something that has been or is forced upon anyone, far from it. We have been presented with the truth, that we have a choice and we are responsible for those choices and that we are love and we are all love equally so.

  319. “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.”

    We are so used to being on this treadmill of the should do and should not do’s, it seems impossible to most people that there could in fact be another way. A way that brings it back to you, your life, your choices, your responsibility. It may be easier to stay on the treadmill of an existence which compares itself to others and calibrates well being to the status quo, but as the stats show, we are getting sicker.

  320. What I can see in hindsight is how I was satisfied with crumbs (to keep the analogy of a pie) in life, in my relationships, in my work. In short, mostly I was selling out to get some love and recognition. This has changed tremendously, because I asked myself the question’ could there be another way’ and acted on it. So this new standard requires more questioning, more simplicity, more chipping away of the complications that hold me back. The question ‘can there be another way’ still goes, it hits deeper layers of my patterns and behaviors that can be addressed and changed for everyone to benefit from.

  321. Hi Joel, I can relate to having a belief that this is as good as it gets and that everyone was on the same merry go round – until I attended presentations with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. What has been revealed to me is that there is a totally different way to live and the simpler the better.

  322. Joel this summed it up for me beautifully. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me. ” I too had this feeling until I made the choice to go to a Universal Medicine retreat and realised that ” Yes, there is another way.” The best choice I have truly ever made for me.

  323. Joel you are a master of stating the obvious with simplicity and grace in a world where the obvious is denied, buried and at times reviled. I love the way you write. Thanks for sharing this unfoldment.

  324. When we get reflected back to us our true essence by someone else who is living their essence we see that there is another more loving way to live and get inspired to make different choices so as to be able to live in this joy and harmony 24/7. This is why true role models are so important and why I have been inspired by many who are associated with Universal Medicine.

  325. Do we CARE enough to ask? What are we caring for and who? Is it for others before ourselves, or ourselves totally before others? These are the two opposites that most of us live with. If we are in either of those states then we are not able to make a simple choice as the ingrained behavioural consciousness of self interest first is so strong. However, the moment we realise that we are worth caring for in every action of every day, the world opens up to us and we naturally begin to care for everyone equally. In this moment the choices are simple and we are living another way.

  326. “Caring enough to Ask Is there another way?”, is a profound question to ask Joel, there has to be something in us that wants to question life and seek another way.. My question before I came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon was, ‘there has to be more to life than this?’ This was the burning question that would pop up at certain times in my life, but each time I asked that question, like you, I looked around and saw nothing that showed me anything that was greater than what I already had. Through Universal Medicine I now know there is an amazing life to be had and my life long quest has been quelled. I am learning to live my life by making more loving and caring choices that are no longer just about me but about everyone and everything and this has opened up my world to so many new and enjoyable possibilities.

    1. I totally relate to feeling this way prior to attending Universal Medicine presentations, Alison, that ‘there has to be more to life than this?’ but not finding an answer despite all my searchings. My life has now been transformed and has a purpose because it is wider than my previous limited horizon and so much more fulfilling.

  327. After we get introduced to the concept that our lives may not be as great as we think they are – it comes as a shock when we come to the conclusion that they are certainly not. It’s just that we have never really thought about it before. Deciding what was wrong with my life, in conjunction with hearing Serge Benhayon’s presentations on ‘could there be another way’, led me to a much more pleasant and peaceful way of life, especially with regard to curbing my emotions and living in stress.

  328. It’s inevitable that our acceptance of what is normal slips if we are to use ‘how everyone else is going’ as a gauge of what’s considered ok or par for the course. I love the way you clocked others looking so vital, true, and yet unforced, that it inspired you to consider that there might be another way. What is different is that it was not any sales or promotion speak that was trying to convince you, but the natural vitality and gentle way that was the living inspiration.

  329. I have been feeling how this new normal of my way of being is so supportive to my life now. Lots of people are realising too, yes, there is another way to be.

  330. ” Reading this blog I can feel how deeply caring it is to ask that question “Could there be another way”. The only way you can ask that question is to have felt what life is all about and to have then concluded that maybe, just maybe there is another way.

  331. Serge Benhayon has presented that there could be another way and that the current ‘only way’ would have us believe that it is actually a million different ways when actually it is all the same. This came to mind as you shared of others being ‘worse off’ or having a ‘harder way’ in comparison to oneself but as I have learnt from Universal Medicine stress and tension is still stress and tension regardless of the trigger within each person, hard times are still hard times and unease is still unease, it’s just our individual experiences of what causes such is different. What Universal Medicine has shown me is that regardless of how our ‘way of life’ may look on the outside there is a quality control behind all of it that can be felt as love or not love if we but choose to allow ourselves to feel that there is another way, often meaning we have to feel that the more dominant way has not been the true way or in the true quality. A humble pie I am continuing to work through, sometimes freeze and leave for a while but I keep coming back to eat more.

    1. Love the humble pie analogy, great to be able to freeze then eat some more – after a bit o thawing out or cooking – love it and part of my journey too.

  332. Yes Joel literally thousands of people have made simple yet profound changes to their lives. It is so awesome to be part of the new normal which is to be inspired that there is so much more to life than I could have ever imagined before I came across universal medicine.

    1. So true Vanessa, now there is a new normal for many and I am inspired by others who are living their lives from the simplicity of self-loving choices and energetic responsibility.

  333. We can so easily get so caught up in the merry-go-around of life that we forget that there is more to life than just getting by. Maslow the psychologist believed that every human being had an innate wanting to continually evolve and develop. He also knew that this would not be possible if we were not living in ways to support ourselves in this evolution. Thanks to the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, who has indeed shown there is another way, where vitality and joy can exist on a daily basis and not just on a “happy occasion”. All of this providing the foundation to continually evolve and develop in ourselves and in our relationships. Great article Joel than you for sharing all of this so simply.

  334. Through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have learnt that I also have a choice and I am directly at the controls of the direction in which my life goes instead of being at the mercy of it.

    1. Yes Kevin, it is a big eye opener when we realise we are at the controls and not at the mercy of life. That can feel impossible when stuck in a whirlpool, often known as life’s challenges but when the question arises, ‘could there be another way?’ the answer many of us have discovered is ‘yes’, thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  335. If we simply allow ourselves the grace to ask the question, ‘Could there be another way?’ we can start an honest review, without judgement, of where we are at, as individuals and as humanity, and in so doing start to break down the invisible fortresses behind which we pretend, and struggle, through life.

  336. I too love that question “Could there be another way?” and I feel so privileged to have been given the opportunity to ponder on it as a result of the presentations I have heard from Serge Benhayon. I am so grateful that I was able to find such a great answer this way; through love and truth.

  337. ‘ the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question…’ How true, Joel, we avoid asking the right question and live our lives in the illusion that we are doing okay because there are others worse off. How great to see the truth of what is happening and, even better, to be able to choose ‘another way’.

    1. Yes, it’s crazy isn’t it – because others are worse off, we think we are doing okay. There most certainly is another way, if we so choose.

  338. A great contemplation and a definite answer yes there is another way to live and i know this for myself from the inspiration and reflection of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and I have changed my life and the responsibility I feel from this lovingly.

  339. I love that question “Could there be another way” and I feel the answer is yes. I have certainly been presented with the truth to make my choice to live or not by Universal Medicine. I also love the simplicity by which they share and we can live, to make self-loving and loving choices from our body and not our head.

  340. While I read this blog again it came to me, that to be able to ask the question “could there be Another Way?” is quite a privilege. So many people on this world are ‘busy’ with survival because they life in war zone, in a violent or impoverished region. All that they can think about is how to survive this day while I ask myself what to wear or how to deal with my difficult colleague. All I want to say is that, in my life is space to ask myself questions like “could there be Another Way?” – and with that space comes a responsibility to do so. It’s not OK to live a functional life – if it could be loving, harmonious, beautiful and joyful every minute. I feel that I am asked to be more, express more than just what is comfortable so far. And I am sure we all know that there is an other way, a harmonious, loving way to live life with ourselves and others. So I love how you put the question Joel: Are we caring enough to ask? Because we have the space, the privilege and the responsibility to ask for an other way – are we caring enough to to do so? Your blog inspired me again to deepen my relationship with this question every day: is there another way? Can I express more loving here? Can I be more open with this human being? How can I bring more harmony into life and into the world?

    1. Fantastic response Sandra. It is amazing in itself to have, as you say, the privilege to ask ourself this question. Space and time are always important qualities and they are necessities which we can make for ourselves should we choose to. When, and if, we do, I have found that great light is shed on many of the issues that I sometimes think I face…and without much thought at all “another way” presents itself…and I know just what to do and just how to be.

      1. I agree with Sandra and Jenny, the issues we face are mostly about how we can live our lives, while others face issues of how they can stay alive. Perhaps when the privileged ones see, and practice, that the way they live influences the way everyone lives, all humanity will have the space to choose.

    2. Great call Sandra, absolutely agree with what you said. Why are all the privileged people in this world not assuming responsibility and truly caring and expressing love? It is really time for this call and a clear YES to responsibility and YES there is another way!!

      1. Yes, love what you have written here Sandra. I am in the position to ask this question and have had the luxury of asking it from the time I started questioning what was being presented to me as how life should look. So I agree it is my responsibility to act on this not merely for my benefit but as a way forward in every area of life and in relationship with self and all others. There can be a forever deepening of harmony and love and joy. There can always be more to care about and yes Rachel, ‘ …YES there is another way. ‘

    3. That is so true, some are so busy that they don’t even have a moment to stop and consider if there is another way.

    4. Great questions Sandra… Can I express more loving here? Yes, Always. Can I be more open with this human being? Yes, absoutely . How can I bring more harmony into my life and into the world? Continue to deepen and expand my self love/self care and my awareness in everything I do. Is there another way? Yes, there is Always a new choice to make; making one new choice can lead to other new choices which can lead to many areas of your life changing for the better.

    5. Great questions Sandra… Can I express more loving here? Yes, Always. Can I be more open with this human being? Yes, absoutley. How can I bring more harmony into life and into the world? Continue to deepen my self love/self care in order to expand my awareness of love. Is there another way? Yes, Always. There is Always a new choice to make, which can lead to many other new choices which can lead to your life being completely transformed… which in my case, has been my experience.

    6. Beautifully said Sandra. I totally agree that if we have the space to ask ourselves if there could be another way – then we should do so – for it only takes one to look around and read the paper to see the mess humanity is in. There is a lot more to just surviving every day.

      1. So true. There is much more than surviving waiting for us. And the funny thing is, we are all searching for MORE, looking for a meaningful life. But the question is: what are we willing to do for it? Am I really going for the “meaning” -so to say- am I open for it? And if the “meaning” is knocking on my door, do I say “YES, come in please and change my life”?

      2. Absolutely Sandra – when we ask if there is something more, most of the time it is ‘something better’ – I know I used to be that way! But now I also understand how I am just one tiny little piece of a much bigger picture – and thinking to better myself won’t get me any where. It should be about the all.

    7. Thanks Sandra,
      I have read and commented on Joel’s amazing blog in the past but was drawn back here for some reason and I know now that it was to read your powerful addition in this comment. I know it has exposed for me in the indulgence I go into.. having the space and knowing what I do know but not actioning it in full. Thank you very much this is a gem I will take with me now and always.

      1. I agree Sandra and Sarah , your comments have inspired me to look more carefully at where I use comfort to sit back and do nothing.

      2. Your observations really made me sit back and take stock of myself and the privileged culture in which I live. We are not stacked against insurmountable events that challenge our survival.. We have the “luxury” of being able to pause and reflect on life and our state of being within that. You have reminded me Sandra that it is not just a luxury, but a responsibility to do so, and to make these lives the expression of truth, not just a nestling into the comfort that makes us fall into a deep moral and ethical sleep when there is so much in life that is not right and not true.

    8. Great comment Sandra. Compared to a lot of people we do have a lot of privilege and space and I totally agree that for those of us who can, it is definitely our responsibility to ask the question of, “could there be another way”.

    9. Sandra, I love how you have shown how ‘could there another way’ isn’t simply a question to be asked and answered once, for if that is what we do, if we just say, ‘yes, and I have found it’, we in fact continue to live in that lesser functional way. You have shown how the question is in fact to be part of our daily lives, it is to be lived.

  341. “So vital, true, and yet unforced”…..when you wrote that Joel about UM Practitioners, I was like YES! That is so true. I adore that about them and find it so inspirational because there is NOTHING about them that is forcing you to do it their way so when you are in their company, you simply just feel their vitality and truth and then are free to choose next as to what you do with that. I am choosing more and more to be deeply inspired and live my life in a way that is unforced – which is quite a change from my past – let me tell you! But that’s for its own blog I feel 🙂

  342. “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.” I too learned about this on attending Universal Medicine presentations. It is a whole new way of looking at life; seeing the bigger picture, not just the small part I play, which had been all about me – and a bit of ‘do-gooding’ along the way. “Could there be another way?” Most definitely yes, as many students can now testify.

  343. Joel. There is always another way, to coming home to who we really are. It may take sometime to realise, but we will know when it has arrived. I found this out by attending Universal Medicine retreats, and listening to Serge Benhayon.

  344. You have described the freedom so many people wish for, Joel. When we talk about freedom in relation to the way of living you describe as “fine”, there is the desire to escape from it when things get too bad, or fight for our rights by rebelling and overturning the oppressor, and so on. However, this is never freedom, only another version of the same way if life. But if, as you say, we start to live another way as in “this gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” Then that is true freedom.

    1. That says it all for me Joan, and reverses escape from a life that is merely ok to welcoming one that is full of Love, Light and Joy.

    2. Awesome Joan, I love this line too. I have found re-connecting to my essence and making loving choices that support my body a simple yet profound way to stop the spin of the world from being inside me. It is now easier to observe what is going on around me and accept what I feel and see. I have much appreciation for Universal Medicine’s presentations that gave me the tools to begin choosing love and how to observe and not absorb the emotions & “spin” around me.

      1. This is great learning indeed; what a freedom from becoming attached emotionally to everything that is going on around us, and mentally to everything we read and see. The foundation of being present in our bodies, and the developing or our senses and sixth sense, and finding the love for ourselves and others within our core, allows us to choose to step back and observe. This feels like mastery. It is an ongoing process but Serge Benhayon has shown us the way.

  345. You’re right Mary, something does resonate deeply inside as being different with what Serge says, even when I don’t have the clarity to understand it sometimes. I can feel it to be true, and it always offers a choice that there is a another way to be.

  346. Joel I really like your comment “..I knew that something about the workshop was different but couldn’t put my finger on what it was.” My experience when first listening to Serge Benhayon from a friends CD was just like that. I didn’t know what it was about his voice, I just loved listening to it. I am still listening, and have been attending presentations a few years on. How grateful am I to Serge Benhayon for waking something deep within me and that I now know is deep within us all.

  347. The ‘other way’ you so beautifully put it Joel is so simple… Self love. It’s just are we ready to step on the escalator of love?

  348. When I first joined a workshop I felt immidiately that what Serge Benhayon is presenting is the truth I was always looking for. There was no hook, just simplicitiy and honesty. And the honesty brings responsibility and responsibility is painful because you have to accept all your choices and their outcome. But you can´t change the facts in avoiding the responsibility- so YES there is another way- you just need to take responsibility and choose it.

  349. The phrase you said, ‘there must be another way’ rings true. I’m sure at some stage we have all said that. It is the elusive simple way, but we tend to look for the complicated, evidence based, tried and tested somewhere else way, for the solution, when it is just waiting within us…

  350. Joel what you share with us here is so relevant to everyday life. As you say ‘It is arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples bubble of pride and ask, Could there be another way ? I certainly believed I had a ‘healthy diet’ according to my ideals, yet the sugar highs and lows and the need for caffeine and stimulants along with excessive fitness regimes that were exhausting me, yet would never truly consider listening to my body nor feeling what to eat or feel that I may be tired so rest instead of exercise. In fact, I was measuring myself with others to see how they were doing and really I was so lost. Universal Medicine presentations offered me another way to be with life which felt like common sense, to be re-connected to myself and knowing that the answers lie within is a true freedom.

  351. ‘Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“’

    It is certainly not arrogance, Joel: for if we know another way, it is a natural expression of love to share this with those around us, even if that just means living it in full so that they can see the ‘other way’ being lived.

    My experience with being inspired to live this ‘another way’ which I have seen so gracefully lived by Serge Benhayon and others is that I am healthier, have a better ‘grasp’ on life, and I truly enjoy far more of my every passing moments in my life now, than I did in the life I was ‘stuck in’ before.

    I too live in great appreciation for Serge Benhayon who has taught me how to introduce true joy into my life.

  352. Thank You Joel, yes it is the massive momentum of society’s DNRB syndrome (‘do not rock the boat’) that is called to account here, and Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have and will continue to provide, with clarity and accessibility, an alternative paradigm of how humanity can live in harmony, both with themselves and each other.

  353. It an interesting thing when as practitioners we consider there is a before the before and after. That we get a bit better and because that is better than someone else we don’t delve too much deeper.

  354. It’s very true Joel what you write about Universal Medicine – there’s a physical vitality and inner vibrancy that unmistakable. I remember my first workshop at Universal Medicine, what stood out to me were the attendees, especially the women, they just radiated. I felt that they had been truly supported and their lives were reflecting this. To me this was all the advertising I needed to continue pursing Serge Benhayon’s presentations.

  355. That was an amazing blog Joel. There is definitely another way, we all have that in front of us. It is just a matter of choices.

  356. Thanks Joel, it’s amazing how we can be so educated and know technically how to ‘live a healthy life’, but can be missing one vital key to the whole picture – and that is to care enough to want to look after ourselves to the level that will actually bring us true health and wellbeing. Crazy but true.

  357. Thank you Joel beautiful to read .The way we live in the world does not feel right and I am sure we all feel this in our own different ways but it is only since meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I know there really is a another way . The health we all settle for is not vital and loving but has become accepted and it is Serge Benhayon that lives with this true health and vitality and love that is showing this to us and leading the way for humanity by his own reflection.

  358. A beautiful blog Joel. Many times I can recall, during my struggle with life, saying to myself, there has to be another way. I did not know what I meant by this statement. I was doing all the things I was supposed to do, working hard to support my family, being a husband and father. Yet I was going nowhere. So where was I going wrong? If I win lotto, that would fix all of my problems. Yes sure. The answers that I was looking for were just more of the same way that I was already living. My marriage broke down and this allowed me to look at “me” and at this time I realised that there were other things in life that I had not experienced. I was open to change but still did not know what I was looking for. Then I was introduced to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. It was like coming home. My previous way of living has put down a strong root system, deep inside of me, and I am working on removing that. There is another way.

  359. There is always another way, another choice to make, another direction to take.I found With making many new and simple self loving changes, my life has completely transformed.

  360. Could there be another way without force, effort or trying? Since being involved with Universal Medicine I have come to understand that the answer has always been yes, only the ‘way of human life’ has made it appear that that little knowing voice within me doesn’t exist. What this blog reminds me of is that if I do not choose to feel and allow myself to experience the more simple way, the way of trying, effort and stimulation will make me believe that it is the only way.

  361. Joel what you write is so inspiring and so different to how I see many live. So many times I’ve heard people talk about their life and say something like, yeah it could be worse or when I stop to think how bad it is for some I don’t have a right to complain about things.

    Speaking for myself I know that I can’t hide from the times my body communicates to me that something I’m doing/ was doing in my life is/was harming to myself. no matter what’s going on to those around me I feel it’s my responsibility to take note. I no longer try to ignore the consequences of my actions by saying I’m ok by choosing to compare myself to someone I believe is worse off than me(!)

    I love reading how you noticed how vital the Universal Medicine practitioners were without there being any force. I’m beginning to trust and allow things to unfold knowing that there will be a miriad of reflections to learn from. I don’t have to force things to make things happen as I would like – aka trying to avoid reflections I’d rather not see!

  362. So true Natasha. If we make ‘Love’ with every step we take, every daily choice and each action, the Love really feeds you back.

  363. Inspiring joel .. You have reminded me of how simple it is to make a self loving choice and how much that has such a strong impact on the quality of our lives. Those women and men within the esoteric community are committing to living this ‘other way’ and I personally can see so much life and spark, spunk ands depth coming back into the way they relate and are with themselves
    I feel super blessed to have come across Serge Benhayons teachings and to really have started to make those self loving choices for myself also 🙂

  364. “Could there be another way?”

    The answer is undoubtedly YES and the evidence is the thousands of people like me from across the world that have made their own way of living and who are realising more and more that the answers were within us all along… we were just not asking the right question…” A celebration, Yah! There is another way, I am aware that I am some where entirely different from where I was 10 years ago, that did not happen by chance or fate, that happened by choice.

    1. So true Samantha. The changes I have made in my life by asking the right questions and then making different choices has meant my life is now much more joyful and simple. Yes there certainly is another way and as Joel shared its based on looking within and not just comparing yourself to what everyone else is doing.

    2. Samantha, I share your joy in finding that there is indeed another way. . . at 72 I am also ‘some where entirely different from where I was 10 years ago’ or in my case 50 or even 60 years ago. And Yes, it did not happen by chance, it happened by choice and one is never too old to make different choices in life!

      1. Well said Anne! We can always choose again. If what we have is not working, we can stop and re-assess: where to from here? If we don’t choose to stop, our bodies very likely may do the stopping for us; our bodies reflecting to us that how we are choosing to live is not working. And there is no age limit to true changes.

  365. Thanks Joel, There is another way and Im glad I have found it also. I thought my life was as good as it could get for me, but wow, every day it is more amazing, I never could have imagined it, and its all because of Universal Medicine.

  366. I have spent a long time doing the same as others despite feeling it wasn’t the way to live because it seemed to be the only way. Now I can feel there is definitely another way by the way I live life from living with the connection to myself.

  367. Thanks Joel ! Yes the answers are definitely within ourselves. Me too, I used to search and search out there until I found Serge Benhayon….

  368. “Could there be another way?” is a question I asked myself constantly throughout life and have usually found another way away from the norm to do something. Yes this showed I was not willing to just follow but I was still living with the same angst in life as everyone else. It was when I came across Universal Medicine that another way was Truly discovered and that is simply living with an awareness of myself and life, taking responsibility and being what I feel from within is “the other way”. I no longer live doing the opposite to the norm to make my life look better. Thank you Joel for raising a great question!

  369. Thank goodness that there is a different way, I had given up on life as it was, trapped in a world that did not make sense. My life now has purpose, joy and beauty.

  370. Thank you Joel, there are 2 things coming up. The first one is that we could also say “Daring enough to ask: Could There Be Another Way”. Why is it that we accept a life without love or even a little (self)care. Why do we measure our lives to others? Why, why, why. We’re not even considering a 2nd thought that there could be indeed that there is ANOTHER WAY. A way that starts with ourselves first and than do all the other things for others.

    The 2nd thing that came up while reading your blog is when I read “In 2004, my wife dragged [yes, dragged] me along to the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and run by Universal Medicine.”. I’m touched by the wonderful love, care and willingness towards each other that you allowed yourself being ‘dragged’ into the workshop. That shows the commitment to each other and the willingness to be reflective. Awesome inspiration! Let me know how it is now Joel…

  371. This is a great question to ask, Joel, – pretty straightforward. Thank you for answering it also, with a resounding YES, and your blog testifies your choices. Instead of giving in “to believing that this was as good as it gets.” it’s about making new and truer choices. What’s remarkable is that it’s the simplest and smallest choices that make the greater changes. Universal Medicine has opened my eyes and now I know that my life is not as good as it gets and there IS indeed another way. It’s a matter of choice.

  372. I’ve noticed that there is an unspoken competition to be better than the next person rather than just being the best that is within you and feeling and living from this place. Is is so beautiful to be living from this place and supporting others rather than trying to be one up. Great article Joel.

    1. I agree Matthew. How on earth could we be anyone else than we are ourselves. Yes, we can certainly be inspired by others. But we will always apply whatever we feel inspired by just a little different, in my case ‘Floris-stylish’. And wouldn’t it be wonderful that every single one is allowed by him- or herself and all the ones around that person to be appreciated in that. That would save just a litlle energy on ‘games we play’ every single day. I quess the world would be much much better of. So much better so that I can’t even imagine right now writing this words! Thank you.

  373. Your opening paragraphs expose how competition (and the comparison latent in competition) is not just intensely stultifying in making us feel bad about ourselves (in comparison to another, who is seemingly doing ‘better’ than us), but that it actually keeps us where we are – stuck in the mud of our issues – not being asked to raise our game.

    For, if we are constantly calibrating our life to match other peoples’ – to ‘fit in’ with everyone around us – and if those people around us are not living lives of true quality, then nothing ‘out there’ is asking us to step up, and to develop the quality of our own life.

    But if we are truly honest with ourselves – and we measure our life against what we know deep within our heart that it could be – we are then inspired to make ‘positive’ changes, to develop, progress, and – ultimately – to evolve. If we do this, we can then be the inspiration for others around us to take the same steps in their own lives.

    1. Great comment Conor – it’s so true that if we all play the measuring game then everyone misses out – and it only takes one person to step up and choose something different.

  374. Thank you Joel, awesome blog.
    I remember asking myself often if there was another way, always feeling there had to be more.
    Now, after making lifestyle choices that support me and my body I do live another way.
    A way of the livingness that leaves me vital, without the need of external stimulants such as sugar, caffeine or alcohol.
    I feel younger and more vital now at 43 years young than I did at the age of 23.

  375. Indeed Joel, i have also relearnt the gift of simple choice and equally my life, my relationships, my sense of purpose are today blossoming.
    Thanks to the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I now know that living from within is the way forth.

  376. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have show me there is definitely another way and I am eternally grateful for knowing this and living it .A life of joy ,vitality and love with responsibility and purpose what more could anyone want.I recommend it absolutely to everyone.

  377. At one point in my life I was doing some serious damage to my wellbeing but was under the illusion it was OK as everyone around me at the time was doing the same thing. At the time I couldn’t see another way but now I know there certainly is a way to live that comes from the inside out.

  378. Thank you Joel – I have just re-read your blog and the wisdom you present is great. I love that we sometimes benefit from being reminded to ‘ask the right question’ – how often in the past (before I met Serge Benhayon and attended the presentations of Universal Medicine) I did not know the right questions to ask, and your simple question “Could there be another way?” I found was the question to ask first.

    1. It was the same for me too Roberta. Before Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, the question ‘could there be another way’ never entered my orbit as I was too preoccupied with doing things the way other people were doing it and even if there were occasions that I felt what I was doing wasn’t the truth, I would still do it because society says we ‘have’ to compromise. Thankfully, I have now found there is another way to live my life and the only compromise I have in my life is that there is ‘No compromise’.

  379. The direction of my life changed from lost to clear direction just because I was presented with this question ” could there be another way” every cell in my body was screaming for ” another way” and I felt finally I had found the path back to the source of who I truely am.
    Not only me but the truth around humanity and the lack of real honesty in our lives that have us stuck with no true choices… until we realise the way to make life changing decisions that support a true life of vitality joy and love.
    What a contrast to the cycle I had running that I thought I couldn’t get out of, and it’s actually very simple and I thank Universal Medicine for showing me “another way”.

  380. I love returning to this blog. Compared to life around me at the moment, where people have so much going on for themselves, their families and friends, here is so simply stated that there is another way to be in life. It is truly inspiring thank you.

  381. The willingness to simply ask ourselves questions about life, how we are doing as individuals and collectively, breaks the patterns of head down, getting on with blindly conforming to the majority behaviour. In itself this is huge and a refreshing, responsible starting point.

    1. I love what you have shared Matilda, breaking down the patterns of conforming to the majority behaviours. One only needs to take a step side ways to start to see it from a different point of view and in that moment you are reflecting where you are in the equation and how the works for you. Amazing possibilities.

  382. Unfortunately it ends up being such a prison, to look around and rate yourself based on how other people are living or what is the general consensus of ‘normal’.

    This is where the problem lies, that we don’t look within and ask ourselves what is our normal. I certainly fumbled my way through life attempting to have something that was normal for me but mostly it was in reaction to everything else, until Universal Medicine came along and asked that question. I have discovered that there most definitely is another way and that way, is able to be lived without reacting to anyone or anything else that is going on around you and you then begin to become a master of your own life instead of all outside forces dictating how you need to be.

    1. Describing it as a prison is so very apt. Its invisible but very, very debilitating to allow ourselves to slow slip into great forms of dis-ease and poorer well-being all because others are not well either.

      1. When I read this quote Joel “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life”…I cried because it feels so true to me as well. And then when I read Shannon’s comment re living a prison I completely resonated with that as well. I did – at times – feel completely trapped and helpless about who/what life was before I came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon simply presented that there is another way and I saw that they were actually living it. It was then up to me to feel what was right for me and as I started to ‘test what they were presenting’, it always came up the same. But I discovered that for myself and in that discovery, I know it to be true because I felt it in my body and not because someone said so. Game changer for sure.

  383. Just taking a look at all these blogs and all these comments, I love how so many people are prepared to stand up and say what the truth about Universal Medicine actually is.

    1. The truth about Universal Medicine is exactly as is stated above in the article and all the comments. You just have to look at the student body that has formed itself and grown over many years to appreciate what an amazing and truly lovely and loving group of people they are. All, as you say anonymous, prepared to stand up and speak the truth about what Universal Medicine has been/is and will continue to be for them.

  384. Feeling this – I was also seeking everywhere for a true way of living well, and I tried and studied many, many modalities and approaches to living, but there was always something missing. After being a Universal Medicine student for the past 3+ years I now know and experience a consistent and beautiful and simple way of true wellness.

  385. A great blog – thankyou Joel. “…But looking around me, everyone had some variation of these things going on, so even though I didn’t feel fine, I had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets.” I so thought my life was fine – on the surface – but knew deep down it wasn’t. I would think ‘Is this it?’ So many people living ‘normal’ lives…… I now know there is a new normal, thanks to Universal Medicine, where there is love and truth and purpose.

  386. Life ‘after’ Universal Medicine is indeed yummy all around. Crucial to me was the different approach to a complementary modality: it’s first and foremost about learning to Self-love, but ultimately to take responsibility for humanity – with all the ease and joy this comes, when I Self-love first.

  387. Great blog, this line sums it up for me, ‘For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life.’ I have found a more steady approach to life from the support of Universal Medicine, life now makes more sense.

    1. Susan I found the same. There is no doubt that Universal Medicine has presented there is another way with a love and care that I had not felt before. In this way it has offered an inspiration and support to follow through on what feels true as I could always feel something was not working for me.

  388. I always knew there was another way to live and was always looking for it ( in the wrong places!!). It has been only since I started to attend Universal Medicine presentations by Serge Benhayon that my life changed and I immediately new that this was what I had been looking for all along. I now experience a level of love in my life that I didn’t think was was possible.

    1. I too was looking in all the wrong places for another way to live.
      I will always remember the joy at finding the truth at last, proven only by the way the people living it, consistently behaved.

    2. Beautiful Francisco. So many people in the world looking for truth in all the wrong places. Universal Medicine is a place where anyone can come and find the truth for themselves and have that level of Love that we have joyously found.

    3. I too looked in all the possible places outside myself only to discover that it was all in me all along. I cannot thank Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine enough for showing me the way.

    4. It is amazing how we can look everywhere for something that when we find it, turns out to have been there all along.

    5. Me too Francisco, I moved to the other side of the world because I had a knowing inside me that there was more to life than what I was living. I thought changing country would be it…of course it wasn’t. I looked externally through relationships, my job, friends, etc before joining the New Age bandwagon, only to go from one thing to another, still searching for years. It was only when I came across Universal Medicine’s teachings that I finally felt a deep ‘this is it’ from inside me that things changed. I always knew that the answer was inside me but I just didn’t know how to get to it. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have inspired me to live in a way that makes life about love.

  389. Hi Joel. The really really interesting thing is that the holistic practitioners have all the same issues and symptoms and all the knowledge of how to deal with them, yet they are experts at staying blind to the fact that they have this disfunction at all. I can relate.

  390. Yes Joel, most of the world so lives like this. And how amazing that we have the beautiful reflection of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  391. Yes it does take some time and focus and dedication to turn around the momentum of how life is being lived, but it’s so worth it. I have never looked back.

    1. I agree Felicity. It does take a change of outlook (which in itself is a commitment) to turn the tide on patterns and habits we have lived for so long. I visualise it as being stuck deep in a rut almost unable to see daylight. I can either trudge on, dictated to by the contours of the rut or I can spend a bit of time building a ladder and climb out to the full view/big picture/free choices.

      1. Matilda I love your analogy of spending some time building a ladder to get out of the rut.

    2. I totally agree Felicity that it is so worth it and once that momentum starts to fall away it becomes super enjoyable and any other way seems like you are cutting yourself short of what can an otherwise joyful and amazing way of being with yourself and others.

    3. Neither have I looked back, it is worth looking at the momentum of life and making more loving choices, it does take dedication and time, but it’s worth it.

    4. I agree Felicity, it sometimes takes real effort to remember how life used to be. Now I try to live in the fullness of how I am in each moment, open to change and evolve, and building my dedication to serve humanity through my own self love.

  392. Although not an alternative medicine practitioner, I too had tried many methods and teachings which claimed to lead to a better way of life but nothing really changed.
    Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do truly offer another way, a true loving way that has led to true healing and growing love in my life.

    1. Well said Tim, and Joel, thank you guys, I totally agree. It’s worth looking at what we just accept as ‘normal’. We do know already that it isn’t normal to live in pain, anxiety, constant stress and with this feeling of emptiness inside.

      1. I agree Esther I notice how people accept so much less as normal. It feels horrible. I know without a doubt that Universal Medicine offer another way which is truly amazing. I know I may not live that way all the time but nothing compares. I no longer have an emptiness inside that consumes me as it did.

      2. The once normal for me was just the result of the way life was- I just lived each day trying as best I could but never really listening to my body consciously knowing it had the answers. Thanks to Serge caring enough to present another way- I now live knowing how my body is feeling.

      3. Yes the normal of our society is very very ill. I was heartened to see new statistics showing that the younger generation are choosing not to drink or binge drink in the same way our generation and that before us did, a tide change… wouldn’t that be great!

      4. absolutely Esther and that level of accepting what is normal keeps dropping lower and lower and things that we originally knew were not normal are fast becoming or are already the ‘new normal’.

      5. Good point Esther, we have come to accept a lot of things as normal, as long as they are not to excessive, but the line of what is excessive seems to move all the time. We should first come to realise that there is a ‘way’ in which we are living that we call normal and that this way is not working, this then will open up the possibility of there being another way…a way that is proving to work for a continously and fast growing number of people.

      6. Yes, normal amongst society keeps changing, so I have to keep coming back to what is my normal. Normal in society may be starting the day with a coffee to get you going, but that isn’t my normal anymore (although it once was as I couldn’t get going without it). There are so many things that are now considered normal but only because they have become so commonplace, as you say Esther, things like pain, anxiety and constant stress.

  393. There is another way. Just follow your heart, that will lead to being joyful, loving and helpful to other people. Serge Benhayon has shown us all the true path to leading a more fulfilled way of living.

    1. I love that Mike – it’s as simple as that “just follow your heart, that will lead to being joyful, loving and helpful to other people.” I have found that it is truly that simple but funnily enough my experience of it actually is that the mind will not necessarily want to make it easy – it seems it has been in control for far too long.

      1. My mind had its own way for most of my life, was probably out of control, thinking it could ride roughshod over the messages my body was sending, and the impulse of my heart to change. Its being re-trained, re strained and harnessed to work for me, with love.

    2. I agree Mike, there is nothing more true to follow than our own hearts, which I have to thank Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for reminding me of and showing me the way.

      1. I am with you on this Rebecca, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have demonstrated much for us all to deeply consider and more importantly to live the choice is ours.

    3. I totally agree Mike, well said; Serge Benhayon keeps on showing us – anybody who is willing to ask the question – that there is another way. And that other way is the way I am choosing for myself now. A way of a deeper connection and true love and harmony.

      1. The ‘other way’ is to fundamentally plug into a different energetic source because unless we do then things like ‘just following your heart’ are dished up by the astral plane and have us roaming around in No Mans Land for eons. And this I know because I have been roaming around lost in the slippery undergrowth of the pranic consciousness for lifetime after lifetime. It’s trickery of the highest degree, it’s designed purposely to hook us in and trip us up and it does so brilliantly.

  394. Your beautiful blog is simple and direct – and YES, there is another way. I will always be deeply appreciative that Serge Benhayon has showed us the way through his dedication to life and truth.

  395. I completely agree – there is another way. It’s so easy to look around us and accept the struggles and misery as normal, when in truth we all know this is not the natural way to live.

  396. Yes absolutely – there is another way. A way of life that is gentle, deeply loving to self and others, where we let our guards down and find deep purpose in everything. I am forever grateful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing that way.

  397. “Over the years, through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.”
    This in itself is an incredible statement. Most people these days say they need their coffee or sugar for energy. You are going against the tide, Joel.

  398. Thank you Joel what an awesome blog. Weighing in at 165 kgs plus I most certainly had given up on myself, that is for sure and I too was merely surviving. But deep down something inside me kept searching with a knowing there was another way. Then I was introduced to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and now 5 years later 70 kgs lighter, loving and accepting the amazing Women I truly am more and more each day. Living and loving life in all my fullest and in all its fullness.

  399. This is amazing: “as long as my life was like other people’s, my life must be fine”. It is amazing that we accept ‘normal’ as ‘what everyone else is doing’, even though as you shared through your experience of “poor sugar regulation, moodiness, back pain… the sore neck, a highly functional but not overly caring marriage, a job I felt obliged to stay in to provide for the family, [and] an expanding waist line”, what is accepted as ‘normal’ is not always healthy

    1. For me this blows apart the myth of ‘Safety in numbers’ – something I think we are all to keen to hide in, like an excuse not to take responsibility. How many times have we heard children saying, ‘Well, everyone else is doing it!’ The truly inspirational people I have met in my life are those who have known themselves well and held firm in spite of the pressures and changes around them.

    2. Great comment! ‘Normal’ is what is most widely accepted, and what everyone else is doing, we gage so much on other people rather than listening to what we already feel is true and healthy.

      1. Awesome Meg – it is so interesting, because by following the crowds we have now created ever increasing rates of obesity and illness and disease. And still, the people who go against the crowd are seen as ‘weird’

  400. I love the term ‘Pop people’s bubble of pride’. Yes it can be challenging to consider that there may be another way to live beyond the usual comforts. Although life may be ‘fine’ it is worth looking beneath the surface to see if this is actually true or not. If we are honest about what we find there will be no pride to pop!

  401. It’s so true – we look from side to side to check how we are doing.. and so if everyone is not doing so well, propped up by caffeine with waistlines expanding, we look at ourselves and consider we are doing OK.
    This is just accepting a level of normal that is many steps away from true health. Serge Benhayon has pulled us up, presenting an entirely different example through his own lived wisdom, and at the same time provided the tools we need to help us step out of that given up situation.

  402. Thank you Joel for reminding us all there is another way and thank God for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and The Way of the Livingness for showing us the true way. Without them I would have continued in my given up state, getting through life but certainly not living it. My life has turned around 360 degrees and for the first time in my life I can say I have found the real me, and how wonderful that feels.

    1. Beautifully said Alison “thank God for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and The Way of the Livingness for showing us the true way.”
      It doesn’t warrant thinking about where I might be health wise, except for the fact when I look around at how many people are living. This is sadly totally unnecessary as everyone can choose for them-selves at any moment to live another way.

  403. Great blog Joel – I used to get stuck in thinking that my life was fine not only because it looked similar to others but also because I thought it seemed ‘better’ than some others around me. It was the same for me in finding Universal Medicine – I started to see there was actually another way of living that was better than ‘fine’ (or barely functional as it was), and now my ‘bad days’ are on par with what a ‘good day’ used to be for me in the past.

  404. Beautiful Joel, I too having met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine discovered there is another way and am developing and learning this ever since. I cannot recommend it more highly as a way to live and the absolute joy of rediscovering me and building consistency in this as a way of being.

  405. Hi Joel, I’m sure this blog has burst a few bubbles in asking ‘ is there another way?’

  406. Living a life of love, true vitality and profound joy is the ‘NORM’ how far away from that have we gone as a society.
    With you giving up alcohol, drugs, caffeine and all those stimulants that kept you running at a pace that wasn’t natural for your body, that was harming and damaging to the body, you are now free to feel where your body is truly at and honor it truly so.
    This is the biggest gift that one can do for the body. If only more women and men would choose this for themselves we would have a more accurate account of where society is truly at. We would see just how much our people, worldwide are running and fueling themselves falsely on substances that continue to deny their bodies the ability to truly rest and rejuvenate deeply so.
    You can see why and how we have so much violence within our world. It seems to me that it is a direct reflection of just how exhausted everyone is which is directly accounting for the outbursts of anger, the fueled level of violence within our streets and the disarray that we are seeing within the business world where the greed and possession of power is ruling.
    If more men and women commit to making more loving choices for themselves, like Joel has here within this blog, we will be able to come back to a true state of harmony within the everyday livingness of man.

  407. Thank you Joel for reminding us where we have come from and how opening up to another way has transformed our lives. Before coming to Universal Medicine I had given up the different paths I had pursued through out my life and was now what I called in the desert, waiting for my homecoming. Many thanks to Serge and the teachings of Universal Medicine for bringing me home to me and my loving family.

    1. Same here, i feel like I am coming home in more ways than I ever could have imagined. But this is not imagination it is real, tangible and true.

  408. I had been searching for a true way to live from my early teens, moving from one modality or thing to the next. Once I saw the inadequacies of whatever I was into at the time, I would discover the next best thing.
    I realised when I read this blog that I am no longer searching because I have found what I had been looking for all my life. So in response to the question posed in this blog – there is another way and that is The Way of the Livingness, inspired by Serge Benhayon and presented by Universal Medicine.
    By living in a more loving way, my life has transformed and I feel more vital than ever before.

    1. So true for me also Ulrike. I was constantly changing modalities like I change shampoo. I kept on thinking this one will fix all my problems, just like the next shampoo would give me perfect hair. Only with Universal Medicine have I stopped searching and have realised this is what I was searching for and have taken responsibility for myself.

  409. I like this article Joel and what you have said. I didn’t feel fine in my life either and, I had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets and compromising with chocolate and entertainment like parties, activities, holidays, alcohol, smoking, eating lots of sugary food. Since I have made my way out of this self-made prison I feel so much more vital and energised – I am graceful to myself that I have listened to my body and this inner voice.
    My trust into another way very strong and I knew it is there, it turned up to be presented through Serge Benhayon. He did talk about the own choice and that all is energy. I understood that this is the key to what I was missing inside myself. Everyone can change and no one has to accept a life in only suffer and existence when a life of joy is waiting from within.

  410. There was a stage in my life when I thought I had it all- married with 2 beautiful children, caring and reliable Mr Fix it husband, career, – I ticked all the boxes I thought was what it meant to be successful and happy but deep down I new something was missing. I felt an emptiness. I kept looking outside of myself to find the answers- in following guru after guru, doing many new age courses- reiki, Qi- gong, kinesiology, natural therapies etc
    My body you would think by now would have been vital and healthy- yet I suffered mild depression, undiagnosed chronic fatigue, hypoglycaemia, and lived in nervous energy.
    I was supersensitive and was not in by body.
    Then 7 yrs ago I met Serge Benhayon at a 5 day live in retreat. I felt so more energised in my body after having no gluten, dairy, sugar of caffeine in my diet- I learnt the gentle breathe meditation and actually felt the real me for the first time- all of me.
    And ever since then have been so inspired by his talks- I am making many changes to my life and feeling more tender, vital, and joyous.


  411. Whilst that question, “Could there be another way?” often stirs up an instant reaction of “don’t rock the boat – precarious though it is, the status quo is our known and better than what might lie in the unknown”, it does not make any sense to carry on with a way of life that, when we are honest, does not feel very good, at all unified (as in joined up with humanity) or supporting us to grow and learn. I have come to appreciate questions such as these as remarkable opportunities to shake down and review my choices and their roots.

    1. Yes, Matilda, as opposed to saying “Is that all there is, my friend” (some of us might remember this song), that many people think but maybe don’t say, it is indeed a far more challenging question to ask” Could there be another way?”
      It requires honesty and self reflection and I must say for myself, there is an opportunity every day to ponder on this question and change something!

  412. I remember a few months before I came across Universal Medicine teachings, I’d been asking myself a similar question ‘there must be more to it than this (life that is)’ and having a deep sense of knowing that the answers were inside me, but I didn’t know (yet) how to get there. This is on the back of years of different types of meditation, studying and practicing as a natural therapist and having recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (functioning but not feeling vital). And then I found Serge Benhayon’s first book ‘The Way it Is’ and it was like a light bulb (or bomb) going off…it made so much sense. That was 8 years ago, and I have made massive changes in my life to let go off old ways of being and thinking…and still more to go…a forever student of my own life – thank you Joel and thank you Universal Medicine for shining the light and leading the way.

  413. Awesome article Joel! And yes, I too have discovered there is another way…though I am still learning and refining this, I know without doubt that this is what I want, a life full of love and connection and so much more…

  414. Great Blog Joel, I also had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it would get. A very sorry way to exist.
    I also have through my own choices, built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality.
    thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon, and Universal Medicine.
    And the world needs to ask the Question “Could there be another Way”
    Undoubtably YES from me also Joel.

    1. Yes there is another way, I agree in full! I am so glad that I had the chance to see the way forward as presented by Universal Medicine. The path hasn’t been easy at times, lots of ways of being that had to go, but feeling more free as each day passes.
      I am here for the long haul.

  415. I feel most people on some level knows their life is not fine, no matter how rich and successful or happy you appear to be on the outside there is always something missing. Great question Joel ‘is there another way?’ and I feel you have answered it rather well.

  416. Love how you describe how you did come to a workshop of Universal Medicine – “dragged by your wife”… And this reminds me that, to ask the question: “Could there be another way?” is already a choice of willingness to step out of the treadmill. Because if we ask this question – we may get an answer and then we have to handle this.

    1. Very true Sandra – sometimes we prefer not to dig too deep just incase we expose too much. But it is also fair to say that our current population is sick, is suffering, is in disharmony.
      There is always a choice for us to make – go with it, or question the trend. I’ll take the latter.

  417. Awesome blog Joel, many times in my life I found myself in the same old drag heap knowing there is something else but not knowing how to get there or how I kept ending up in the ditch. I have changed so much thanks to Serge Benhayen and universal medicine who have brought it all home so simply and clearly for me and I can now know and live a continual extraordinary love filled life.

  418. I find that question can be asked for all aspects in ones life – ‘is there another way?’ More loving. I’m sure some people ask themselves the same question when they can feel the dis-ease or when they know something’s not right but don’t know how to go about changing it… I know I have. It seems difficult in these times cause what you see from others and what you know is it and that’s the only way you know how to live. Thank God for Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and all the people changing the way they live with now the know how. Now we can inspire others when this question pops up in their heads- they can see another way that they might not have known about before.

    1. I know, Emily, that for many, many years I asked myself the question, “is there another way…?” but didn’t know where to go to find it. Then thank Heaven I did. I attended a Mind, Body Soul Fayre one day and picked up a card, which shone out at me, for “esoteric facial release”, I had no idea what that was, but it had the Universal Medicine website on it so when I got home I looked it up and VIOLA ! knew I had found something special, and different. I did the Gentle Breath Meditation and listened to Serge Benhayon for a while and I knew that from that moment my life would change – deep appreciation to Serge and Universal Medicine. It’s like to you say, now we can inspire others with the way we live, now we have found the way.

  419. I always knew there was another way of living but I couldn’t find it as there was no-one around me living any other way. When I was introduced to Universal Medicine I knew I had come home. Joel, I’m one of those thousands of people “realising more and more that the answers (to living) were within us all along”.

  420. I feel that by living another way I am returning to the life I knew I could live when I was a little girl, unhindered by life’s hurts and baggage that I chose to collect along the way.

    1. I can completely resonate with what you say, living another way is really allowing us to connect back to our true self as we were when we where young girls, delicate and unloaded with baggage of hurts.

  421. We all have our version of thinking our lives were OK, mine is no exception. Other than I didn’t think my life was OK, it always felt like I was missing something. At times I had this feeling of a tightly coiled spring in my chest, angst, frustration, anger. All that has taken a bit to work through (still going) and like Joel writes, there is another way that has a flow, an ease to it. Who’d have thought? not me.

      1. So true Susie, I had accepted that my life is okay when there is nothing bad happening, health or otherwise. Or have thought that it will be okay once I have achieved the next thing to improve my life or overcome some struggle. What was missing for me which Universal Medicine presented was that, to connect to my inner essence now and accept that fully and feel the natural joy that comes from that, rather than expecting life to deliver that for me.

  422. Thank you for sharing this Joel, the transformation I have seen over the years of people attending these presentations and taking it into their daily lives has been truly inspiration. What Serge Benhayon has offered us all is nothing short of living miracles each day! And in the face of so much adversity he has never wavered what we all know is a true way forward for all of humanity. I am forever deeply appreciative of the love that is there for us all.

  423. This is such a great blog sharing that yes there is another way personally from your experiences and very inspirational. I love it and love rereading it with a joy of all it shares. Thank you Joel.

  424. The answer’s were in us all along … we were just not asking the right questions. How true and strong this last line is. I always have know that something was not right, but true to that line, I never asked myself the right questions to discover what that was. You are spot on in saying that practitioners who participate in Universal Medicine present something that is vital, true, and unforced. This to me is undeniable proof that if we ask the right questions we will find another way….Love.

  425. Thank goodness for the the other way, without a doubt before Universal Medicine became apart of my life, the treadmill of “what life is meant to be” would have crashed and burned. Absolutely Yes there is another and yours for the taking if you so choose.

  426. Yes Joel, there is another way and like you I also lived in a way that I accepted was as good as it gets, but somewhere it did not feel enough, so I sought for something more in the ‘spiritual’ sense but realised that was so unattainable….thanks to Serge Benhayon who simply put the question forward – could there be another way, a true way where we can live in vitality and loving, where life was a joy and not just a function and an acceptance of less that there is so much more… and now I know this to be true because I too – live another way!!!! And am forever appreciative.

  427. Before I listened to Serge Benhayon, I thought I was a ‘nice’, caring person. I now realise that I was actually very focussed on myself, not in a good way! I’m really quite shocked now, when I reflect back on how I used to be. I was so concerned with MY LIFE, but I wasn’t at all connected to the beautiful soul that I am, that has always been there and I’m now getting to know and be with every day. My life is so much fuller now, I love it.

    1. Great statement Alison…”I thought I was a ‘nice’, caring person. I now realise that I was actually very focussed on myself, not in a good way!”…I found the same, even though I usually made it all about helping others the way I did it was very much self serving, in so many subtle ways.

      1. Yes indeed Alison, it seems a paradox to be a very caring person for others but from the motivation of hiding from the fact that I did not actually feel that great about myself. The more I am able to accept myself fully, there is as actually more than enough in fact an ease to be caring with others naturally.

    2. I to was shocked at how being ‘nice’ actually wasn’t truly being love. That it is completely laced with self and disguised by putting the other person needs first. But really the truth of it is we are completely driven by the notion of what we are getting out of it first. It is so subtle that at first I found it hard to get my head around it but know it is so obvious that it actually makes me feel sick. Another gem that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have presented which expose the ill ways in which we can twist things round to get what we need. There is no self in brotherhood or love.

    3. Great comment Alison – we all need that ‘nice’ bubble popped, exposing what it really is. I know I’ve been suckered by the ‘nice’ comfortable existence, which does not rock any boats and therefore allows the normal I have already accepted to continue, rather than exposing the truth of what is really going on. It’s deadly.

  428. So clearly and simply put Joel “could there be another way” and the gift from Serge Benhayon and the simple choice presented to’ stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’ I too like many others have found it very real and true. Thank you for this beautiful sharing and the inspiration from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that yes there is another way.

  429. That’s a great question Joel “ it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride..?” and one that also gets us asking: what is love in its truest sense? I would far rather be spoken to with a love that offers another way, than one that sound nice but keeps me in comfortable ways that might not be doing me any favours at all in the long run.

    1. Rosanna I too rather be spoken to with a love that offers another way, rather than one that is nice which is not doing me any favours. Nice nice does no longer feel right.

    2. Spot on Rosanna, me too. Sometimes being spoken to ‘with a love that offers another way’ feels quite confronting, but that’s usually because I am choosing to hold on to a comfort rather than choosing truth in my life. When I first encountered the offer to live another way, it really wobbled me because I had to admit that the suppositions that I had based my life on were not true. However, a good few years on I am very glad those suppositions got wobbled, it really was the best offer I have ever encountered and I am extremely joyful that I accepted it.

    3. I agree, the question, “is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride…”, I would say a resounding YES to that. Uncomfortable as it may feel at the time, to be told the truth without having it sugar coated, definitely works for me and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  430. Joel,
    What abeautiful sharing to read & I can personally relate to much you’ve shared here. Thank you. Makes me appreciate to choose the way of the Livingness & coming across Universal Medicine, which has been a true blessing.
    I too used to think that being tired, having backaches, getting energy from sugar & caffeine to get through my day was normal. That’s what others around me were living too & that was normal life which I had accepted to be ok.
    A few years back I went to a ‘Livingness 1’ workshop by Universal Medicine, and it is there that Serge Benhayon presented a different way of living which made me look into my way which was different. A lot of people I saw there looked & felt very fresh in their being. I wanted what they had, health, confidence & that feeling of vitality in their eyes. Since then I have slowly started to make choices that truly supported me & seeing Universal Medicine practitioners. Slowly with this way of living of feeling & questioning what I felt with myself and my choices & making changes slowly, I no longer need to rely on external stimulants to function in my day. I started to feel each moment in what I am doing (eat, drink, talk, work etc). Today I am more vital than ever before & feeling wonderful in myself.

  431. It is so refreshing to read of the changes you have made and the awareness you have opened to. Yes I too noticed something about the practitioners and students of Universal Medicine that I couldn’t put my finger on when I first attended Universal Medicine events. It was tangible but I didn’t know what it was. This just shows that it is quite unusual to find a group of people who are so committed to loving and caring for themselves. It was and still is wonderful to feel.

    1. I agree Rebecca, there is something that at first its hard to put your finger on, but over time I have realised its simply an amazing level of care and respect you don’t often find in people.

    2. I agree Rebecca, being with fellow students who are living the work is an amazing experience, as you say, they are so committed to loving and caring for themselves. But that radiates out to being loving and caring for everyone else. Not perfect, but all working on it. Beautiful to be with them.

  432. I love the title of this blog, “Caring Enough to Ask”. That is what turned around for me. I was so given up on myself, life and love that I could not summon the energy or compassion to ask “Could there be another way?”. Now I do have the energy, love and compassion to ask that question and indeed live another way every day due to the never ending inspiration and wisdom of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I too have gone from surviving to living and fully recommend it!

  433. “I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,…”
    This is such an apt description of Serge Benhayon – one who really and truly walks his talk.

  434. The only reason we do not ask this simple question: ‘Could there be another way?’ is because it shakes down and rattles the familiar, habitual ‘comfort’ we have come to live. And this ‘comfort’ is anything but ‘comfy’ – it is just what we are used to. So, whilst the process of asking and exploring the ‘Could there be another way?’ question might feel scary at first, it actually frees us from firmly held patterns, that do not truly serve, and offers the opportunity to responsibly and respectfully take charge of our choices. What I love about this is, that now I have started, the question is always there supporting me whenever I come to another ‘stuck’ moment.

    1. I totally agree with what you say here Matilda. Recognising those ‘stuck moments’ then becomes an opportunity, each and every moment, to choose ‘another way’ and releases us from those old patterns and behaviours that do not serve us.

    2. I love this Matilda… The only reason we do not ask this simple question: ‘Could there be another way?’ is because it shakes down and rattles the familiar, habitual ‘comfort’ we have come to live… I was so very convinced that I was open to all manner of things, until I realised it was only the things that didn’t, truly, deeply, upset the apple cart I was unhappily pushing along.

      1. I can relate to that Joel, I also thought I was very open to everything, but yes, I now realise it was only those things that did not upset the apple cart, especially those to do with family. I was always wanting to keep everything calm within the family, actually treading on egg shells.

    3. I love this comment Matilda. It is so true, we don’t want to ask the question because it ‘rattles the familiar habitual comfort’ we live with. For me, I know the comfort I lived with was huge and never even considered there was another way to live, or more truthfully, I didn’t “want” to consider there was another way to live. Through the inspirational presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I have found another way to live and paradoxically, living this way is so much easier than living a life of comfort.

  435. Such a great blog Joel – so simple and direct. I can certainly relate to the feeling of ‘giving up’. Before I was introduced to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I felt like I was merely surviving. I was just hoping to have enough energy to go through the motions and do life. Now I know with certainty that there is another way, and in truth I have always known…. In fact, this is why it hurt so much to simply ‘survive’.

    1. I agree Leonne, just like you, before I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I was trying to get through life, surviving and not really enjoying it.

      1. So true James – we could perhaps all say that before we met Serge Benhayon we were just surviving and not really enjoying life. While many of us ‘ticked all the boxes’ that were expected from us by society, we could not understand why that was not it! Serge opened our eyes to the great illusion that had us entrapped and slowly we untangled the web and are now truly living joy-fully, as is our innate natural state!

      2. Me too, Leonne and James. It is through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I found what I had been looking for, the truth of who I was, and that I was under the misapprehension, as are many, that ‘surviving’ was the normal way to live. Now I know that is not the case.

      3. Me too James. I guess I judged my life by that of others I knew. With some, it didn’t compare so well, others I was doing ok. I had a good husband, nice kids doing well at school, nice home, not posh,but comfortable. I was quite happy in my comfort zone, didn’t envy those better off, but deep down I knew there was something more.And what a more! Since being introduced to Serge Benhayon I have become so much more aware of another way. Another way to approach how I am with myself and others, another way to eat, sleep, work. Another way to live. its always work in progress, there is no limit to how I can evolve if I choose, the possibilities are endless.

    2. I agree Leonne, many people live to survive, and its shouldn’t be normal but currently it is. Thankfully Universal Medicine is showing a new normal.

      1. Well said Rebecca. Universal Medicine has presented the new normal, only at present it is not the most common way to live. Sometimes our attachment to the old way to survive is very strong, as the new way asks us to become more aware and responsible. However the vitality and joy that arises that comes with deepening our connection to ourselves leaves one knowing that they will never return to the old. The new normal is the only way to live each day.

      2. I agree Rowena, the struggle to survive can almost become comfortable and a simple way to live without emotion can seem too hard to dedicate yourself to, and yet the benefits are beyond anything you can have when you stay stuck in the struggle.

    3. I totally relate to what you have shared Leonne – the survival to do life was exhausting. Oh how this has completely turned around and the joy for life is in every day thanks to Universal Medicine and Ageless Wisdom teachings, my life has turned itself upside down and I now Love Living life.

    4. Very true for me Leonne, I tried everything but nothing fundamentally changed. The sought ‘shift’ only came when I embraced the Way of the Livingness as elucidated by Serge Benhayon.

  436. “Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life” really resonates with me. Rather than just doing life,letting it more or less happen and hoping for some happy moments whilst seeking relief from it all, the Way of the Livingness delivers real engagement, true relationship, profound insights and amazing vitality – to name but a few of the benefits.

  437. ‘Undoubtedly YES’, there is another way and I have found it since being with Universal Medicine and putting into practice the simple techniques which Serge Benhayon presents. By becoming more aware and taking more responsibility for my life I have noticed huge changes in my attitude to life and as a consequence I no longer get drained like I used to. There is more purpose in what I do and I have the energy to do it.

    1. Great point Sandra, since taking responsibility for my life and living in such a way which is more than just getting through life or seeing what life could offer me, I can feel there is way more purpose to my life and the energy is there to live that purpose. Funny that, make it all about looking after me in a more self-loving way and I have all the energy to care and connect more with others.

  438. Beautifully expressed Joel…It truly shows that when we observe someone living true vitality and presence – we can’t but help notice and acknowledge what’s been reflected to us if we’re truly honest with ourselves…Thanks for this blog…

  439. I agree with you wholeheartedly Joel, there is another way to live. It is a joyful, love filled way to live and completely life changing. Thank you to Serge Benhayon for pointing out the way, and not telling me what to do.

  440. Thank you Joel, I loved reading your powerful blog.
    “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me”.
    What a gift Universal Medicine has been to humanity in teaching us that yes there is another way

  441. I had a recent experience where someone pulled me up on something and at first it left me reeling, only because they had said the one thing I was trying hardest to not look at, but having someone there who cared enough to talk about things that were difficult and work though it is amazing, and works out so much better in the end.

  442. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” I have been feeling the chaos that I once lived in begin to steadily dissipate as I have been committing to how my choices can change everything. An invaluable gift to share and one that I had not truly considered in the past, having a choice is deeply liberating.

  443. I agree Helen, the answer to the question is ‘that there is another way’ and it is amazing.

  444. Yes the Universal Medicine teachings certainly present that there is another way to live which is not just about getting through life, but a way of living in which true well-being is not just an absence of maladies but allows joy and connection.

  445. I am so grateful everyday that there is another way and that Serge Benhayon is sharing his experience of living it with others. As I read your blog Joel I was reminded of all the different practitioners I used to see in search of feeling ‘better’ about myself and I realised that what I’m most appreciative of now is that I have learned to be my own best practitioner by building a loving relationship with myself and listening to my body. No more running around like a mouse on the wheel waiting for answers from someone else. My life is full, vital and fun.

    1. Expressed so beautifully Michelle absolutely spot on. It is vital that we become our own practitioner and build a loving and truth full relationship with ourselves and our bodies. And Serge Benhayon along with Universal Medicine are sharing how this is possible for any one.

  446. Thank you Joel for posing this simple but profound question about whether there could be another way to live and sharing your experience. I totally relate when you say ‘Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not’. For me this has transformed my life and given it true purpose but also made it so much more enjoyable and fun.

  447. Spot on Joel, we just need to ask the right questions! “is there another way?” being one very pertinent one.

  448. I agree that there is a great arrogance in saying that the predominant way we are living is the best we can do. I know for myself that the way of living I have adopted through the inspiration of Universal Medicine is vastly more supportive and enables me to be more aware when I am choosing something that is not good for my body, whereas in the past I would just be on cruise control doing what everyone else was doing (including drinking alcohol, eating and sleeping poorly, etc.) . This is the trap of comparing ourselves with others, and thinking that I’m Ok because everyone else was abusing there bodies too. There is comfort in that familiarity that lured me into complacency before meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Thanks for showing how it’s as simple as choosing ‘another way’ Joel.

  449. Could there be another way? I stopped my business and along the process I ‘lost’ most of all the certainties we prefer to have to feel ‘fine’ in life. But this turns out to be a beautiful opportunity for me to take responsibility and be aware of the choices I made that led me here. Like it is so clearly said in earlier comments, instead of looking at it like a set of cards that I have been dealt which leaves me to be a victim of some kind.
    Thanks to Universal Medicine I am connected again to the wisdom and trust inside me which enables me to play the one big card I have in my hands and heart…. The full me.
    I do find myself on the ‘”treadmill of what I should and shouldn’t do” and in comparison once in a while, but I know it is all a matter of choice.
    I am getting there.

  450. Another way yes, and it is simple but powerful. Before being inspired by Universal Medicine, I too was burnt out, looking for a new career, depleted, highly strung. Fast forward 7 years of gradual change (all of my own making and my own pace), and I am back full swing in the job I wanted to leave, and feeling better than I did as a younger man. One need not attend Universal Medicine to make such changes in their life, but it is certainly inspiring when you hear it from a man who lives what he presents.

  451. Thank you Joel. The way you put it seems so easy and simple in that the choice is all ours.

  452. ‘I had resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets.’ Whoa! I recall a number of years ago before coming into contact with Universal Medicine, I was in a group therapy session (yet another unsuccessful attempt at healing my past hurts) and I said to another participant/practitioner that ‘I’d come to the conclusion that I was a sad person and that’s just the way it was going to be for me’. Fortunately for me they burst into laughter, which was revealing in showing me that others didn’t see the suffering I was enmeshed in nearly as much as I felt it. That detail aside, since putting the wisdom that Universal Medicine presents into practice in my life, what I’ve uncovered is that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth. The joy I’ve discovered myself to be by reorienting my choices towards self care and love still surprises me, and the harmony I feel within expands day by day.

  453. This is great Joel. “This gift of simple choice to …. to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me”, is a profound choice and one I have found truly liberating. When I first met Serge Benhayon, the realisation of the truth in this was a huge Ahha moment – and continues to be something I am aware of.

  454. Thankyou Joel for the following line:

    ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question – could there be another way?’

    The sentence speaks volumes.

  455. It is amazing to stop & feel what’s going on in your life and ask the question “could there be another way?”. Thanks for sharing.

  456. Joel, I love how you express how the choice of ‘another way’ for you was a choice ‘to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’. This has been my experience also. By far the most valuable lesson I have learnt from Serge Benhayon’s teachings has been to ‘observe but not absorb’. Prior to this revelation, I was observing everything, absorbing everything and short-circuiting in the process, as I couldn’t tell what was ‘me’ and what was not. What a mess! Yes, there is indeed another way and it takes great courage to question the established ‘norm’.

  457. What you share in your opening paragraph about your life being ‘fine’ is where many of us go wrong. We accept ‘fine’ without stopping to consider the possibility of living with true vitality. I too used to think my life was ‘fine’ until one day illness stopped me and allowed me to see the way I had been living was far from ‘fine’ it was self abusing. ‘Fine’ allowed me to completely disregard and override how I was feeling. Now I choose to live in a supportive way that offers me vitality.

  458. The question: Could there be another way? is very powerful if you truly look at it, and how there could be another way to live. It can really change your life as it did to mine. Its a question that is being asked to little.

  459. How often we compare to others to justify our lives are ok, that we aren’t that bad, that we are well because someone else is more ill and so on rather than an honest assessment of our lives and our choices.

  460. Thank you Joel. Such an important question and one I haven’t asked myself enough – for we can ask this question about every aspect of our lives.

  461. Reading this blog bought me to feel one of the things I most appreciate about living with my fiancee. I am constantly challenged to consider and understand life from a different perspectives – and always in a way that is more considerate of others. Thank you Serge Benhayon for being such a great role model for me.

  462. “… what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced, that I could not but consider that there might be another way.” I agree Joel. Having known Serge Benhayon for 13 years it’s wonderful to see that he is still ‘vital, true and unforced’, and now this describes his grown-up children and all the practitioners of Universal Medicine as well. True quality stays true, and is shared, and grows.

  463. I have enjoyed coming back and reading this blog. The gentle nature of it, no selling … just telling it how it is. Very inspiring.

  464. The choice to stop and feel ‘ …was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’. This is gold thank you Joel, and what a difference that makes to everything!

    1. Hear hear brother, connecting to our own feeling instead of what ‘we think we should feel’ the expectations that are ingrained in us over time from all sources.

      The question I guess becomes – do we spin in the world or make the world spin? Oh that is too spinney!

    2. This is indeed a most poignant quote David. It says so much, so powerfully and descriptively. Who would have thought that our lives were going to be about gradually extracting ourselves from the ‘spin’ we have taken on from the outside world?
      So many are now un-spinning themselves from the web we became overtaken by and caught in – un-spinning ourselves to find the amazing power and love that resides within once we extract ourselves from the web. Once extracted, or even partially extracted we can become an observer of the web (yes including the www.) and bring truth to it instead of being owned by it.

  465. Just re-read this amazing blog Joel and YES there is another way to live that I know because I am living proof and I cannot be dis-counted. This other way has stopped all the racy, pushy, draining and exhausting lifestyle I had using sugar as my main source of energy to keep going.
    Universal Medicine has shown me another way and now I live everyday doing my best without perfection to not harm me or others. I live a very simple ordinary life but it really is extraordinary to say the least.

    1. I too can relate to creating a draining and exhausting lifestyle which required sugar, and other foods to keep it fuelled. As I have gradually let them go I experience that I have more energy, however I am now looking at how I use the raciness of certain foods to dull down the quality of what I do and have to share. Again another example where I don’t necessarily want to stop feel and accept how amazing I feel and live from that.

    2. I can vouch for that!
      Life can be simple but extraordinary if we choose, power-full words and so true, thanks Bina.

    3. Indeed Bina, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have shown me a true way to be with myself and others. I too live a very simple and ordinary life and I love every bit of it. I live the extraordinary in the ordinary.

  466. ” Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.” This is great Joel and I totally relate. Since discovering Universal Medicine I am making different choices, which support myself and others.

  467. This feels like a question to ask every time I come up against something that is a challenge or a deeply embedded comfortable habit that I am suddenly aware of. The other way is not just another alternative way of doing something, it is about really observing HOW I approach that doing, in what energy, with what intention. Those are the other ways from which we can choose to change.

    1. This is great Joan, ‘HOW I approach that doing, in what energy, with what intention.’ very simple and so very true, I’m learning that if I choose to do things lovingly and tenderly then anything I’m doing feels divine whereas if I’m rushing and thus choosing a very different energy this feels hard and painful in my body.

  468. Living life with a new greater vitality without all the normal stimulants is a good enough reason alone to explore the question , Is there another way

  469. ‘Could there be another way?’ Just by posing this question we are presented with a rich opportunity to stop, ponder and review. It is going to be my question in my classroom when we come up against a glitch of any sort. Thank you, Joel.

    1. I love the openness of that Matilda, not going by what’s always been done but allowing the possibility of teaching with another way. Beautiful.

  470. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”

    This quote Joel, hits it the most for me. This is exactly what I have learned and still am learning in my life. ‘ stop the spin of the world form spinning inside me.’

  471. After years of following different gurus to “find myself and true purpose”, and from doing one course to another in alternative new age modalities e.g. reiki, qigong, channelling, homeopathy, muscle testing – I found myself so disconnected and lost- not in my body;
    I suffered from hypoglycaemia even though I was a naturopath- I still craved and drank caffeine and ate food with sugar; I experienced emotional highs and lows and started to not cope at work, and had lack of self worth issues . It was not until I attended my first retreat with Serge Benhayon that I noticed an instant and dramatic change in my body- I could actually feel my whole body for the first time and realised all my past life choices led me to how I felt in my body.
    I had an amazing “Ah Ha” moment. This led me to starting to live another way- a more loving, nurturing, honest and responsible way which has transformed my life.
    Much appreciation to Serge Benhayon, Natalie Benhayon and the practitioners and students from Universal medicine who have shown me that “Yes there is indeed another way”.

  472. Thank you Joel. I love the way you begin with ‘Caring Enough to Ask’. When we allow ourselves to stop and feel that we are worth living in a way that truly supports us, the pull to love only grows stronger and stronger.

  473. Thank you for sharing this Joel. You pose a really great question, one that needs to be presented and shared more often.
    It is so true and undoubtably known within us that there is another way. This way has also been shown to me without performance or a need for recognition by Serge, the Benhayons and the many amazing students within the student body and Universal Medicine.
    I feel I am now more open, aware and can connect to my own body and with others in a way that is more honest, real and truly supportive.
    This unfoldment has been my own: not always easy but nevertheless a very treasured process and confirmation of ‘yes there is indeed another way’

  474. I asked myself ‘is there another way’ over 30 years ago. I knew life wasn’t how it could be back then – but when you’re depressed that’s not difficult to know. What I found was what seemed like a myriad of alternatives, so I began exploring them. Many of them appeared to be promising and I have to admit, my life improved a great deal in the sense that I dropped hopelessness for hopefulness. Somehow though, I kept searching as if that inner awareness of what is true was not yet satisfied. It was only when I turned to Universal Medicine, through my partner, that I felt that ‘Yes’ come from within. Yes, there is another way and this is it. The momentum of being a seeker was still with me and I see that if we are not careful, it can become a fix in itself – it had been for me. But the inner knowing was only ever going to settle for the real thing and joyfully I can say, that Universal Medicine was and is there to show they way.

    1. I felt that too. When I listened to Serge Benhayon and when I listen to Serge what he says deeply resonated within me, it started to shake all the cobwebs off and lift the veil of illusion we are living in.

  475. Now that I have been living ‘another way’ for a while, I can appreciate how far I have come, along with so many other people who have made similar choices. Looking back, I can understand why I was living the way I was. I wasn’t consciously aware of a different way. Life was life and like many others I ‘played the hand that I was dealt’. It is truly amazing to have this opportunity to work on my stuff so that I become more aware of the choices I have made and the new ones that I can make that support me in living the true and full me.

    1. Beautifully put Jinya, I too can see that I was living with what I ‘had been dealt’ and attempting to make it work. There most definitely is another way to live, if one is willing to stop and ask the question, draw inspiration from the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon and attempt a different way. Awareness of the choices we make is key, this awareness can guide us, our bodies can show us the most harmonious way if we chose to stop and listen. I too feel that I am now living the true and full me, with more me to discover and expand. Life is no longer a ‘duff hand’ but a true lesson to be studied, learnt and applied with a full and willing heart.

    2. I always used to say i could only play the cards I was dealt. Not so, I can hand them in, stop playing someone elses game, and make my own choices, that like you Jinya ‘support me in living the true and full me’.

    3. Great comment Jinya. So often it is the way that we fall for the ‘hand we have been dealt’ and then we come to realise that it is us that dealt the hand in the first place. One huge leap into self responsibility and we realise that we choose our own cards and therefore have the ability to choose how to play them too.

    4. What you offer here Jina is huge… “playing the cards you are dealt” can ask people to be truly honest about where they are in life and work from there, but in most cases it implies a lack of ownership of the possibility that WE are the dealer!!

  476. Thank you Joel – a gorgeous blog – so open and so clear and easy in the sharing of what Universal Medicine has supported you to change. Your words “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me” sums up exactly how I feel about the teachings offered by Serge Benhayon and like you I have found another way.

  477. Speaking up and asking the challenging questions is truly caring and the ultimate expression of love. Being responsible for our own lives is the first simple yet profound decision we can make. From there it is all an incredible process.
    Thanks Joel for this blog and for making changes that felt amazing and deepened the quality of your life.

    1. Kathryn it is just that, being responsible for our own lives, is as simple as it gets, but we are never taught this as we are growing up. If we where how amazing it would be. Now we have the opportunity to choose this for ourselves and to share it with the up coming generation.

      1. Responsibility, that is a big word for many people. I love the word, it feels absolutely right that we should be responsible for our own lives, it actually makes sense. Why should anyone else be responsible for me?

    2. I agree, sometimes honesty can be really hard, but when someone is asking the questions out of the deepest love for another, you can’t help but hear them.

    3. I agree Kathryn, well said – ‘Being responsible for our own lives is the first simple yet profound decision we can make’. For most of my life I played the victim card, essentially accepting life as it was, with the inevitable highs and lows and that I had no real part to play in it as there was not much I could change. I now see that the way I live and the choices I make effect the my life dramatically!

      1. I so agree James. I too spent much of my life playing victim and blaming others or events etc. for the way my life was, and the way ‘I’ was in life. It was through the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon that confirmed to me (what deep down I realise I knew all along and was simply choosing/wanting to avoid), the simple decision to begin taking responsibility for my life and my choices. So in answer to Joel’s question ‘Could there be another way?’. The answer is a resounding yes from me!

      2. There sure is another way Angela and it is extremely inspiring to see and hear how so many people have been inspired, like we have, by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to start making more loving choices and actually live this ‘other way’, a way which is actually normal and supportive for our bodies.

  478. Is there really a choice not to choose living in a way that it not only beneficial to us physically, but also benefits us emotionally in that we are no longer caught up in our own little world but encourages us to be an equal part of all humanity? It has been a bumpy journey for me to fully appreciate how my life has changed through choosing another way of living other than what I had been doing for the past 55 years. The choices I have had to make have meant my stepping outside the normally accepted way of life that is so well portrayed by the media and magazines. To live my life without the aid of substances that alter my natural state of being was huge – to live without alcohol, without caffeine, no gluten, no dairy and no sugar — would it be worth all the ‘sacrifices’? The answer is a resounding YES, eliminating these things from my diet gave me much more control over my emotions, beliefs and ideals. One thing leads to another and before too much time had passed, I was indeed living another way! Thank you Serge Benhayon for presenting that there is a choice and yes, there could be another way of living.

  479. “There is always someone worse off than you.. be grateful for what you have.” It occurs to me that this stance is a kind of get-out-clause that excuses us from taking responsibility for the choices we are making. It allows us to carry on in a way that may in truth be self abusive and dysfunctional… In effect what we have allowed is for irresponsibility to become the norm.

  480. I spent six years training as a counsellor and loved working with clients, until I realised the lie I was living – how could I support others when my own life and relationships were in a mess? In helping others with their problems I had the arrogance of thinking I knew all the answers, whereas in truth all I was doing was distracting myself from dealing with my own issues. I am learning now from the beautiful example set by the many practitioners who have trained with Universal Medicine, that the way we live is what inspires others, not so much anything we say. I am learning to look at my own issues without judgement, and developing a way of being, that is truly self-loving, so that I can approach each day with that as my foundation.

  481. “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”
    This is really gold Joel as what you are talking about reads to me that we can choose whether or not to hold onto that inner turmoil that presides within most of us, that plays out in all types of behaviours making the world the separative place that it is today.

  482. You are spot on Joel. I also have stepped of the crazy merry-go round that has become the normal way of living over 8 years ago. By living ‘another way’ the din of the merry-go round becomes fainter for me everyday.

  483. You know, Joel, and even now I have moments where I think life is fine as it is where in truth there is more love that I can bring out.

  484. I write this in complete knowing that all my choices to look at the way I was living and felt that I needed to change this to have a healthy, vital and joyful well-being is extraordinary. Universal Medicine has been a the key to unlock a path that I knew was there but unsure how to access it. Without Universal Medicine I am convinced that my life would be completely different and my health would be very, very questionable. For this I am forever grateful.

  485. I love the way you pose this question Joel, ” Caring enough to ask- could there be another way?”. I have found even if life does feel fine and we are well within, we can still ask this question, as we are so much more than most of us have come to actually accept as normal. The more I have discovered in myself the more depth there is to discover and this is a beautiful process of unfolding and a joyful way to live. It brings with it a greater understanding of ourselves and therefore others in equal measure. There is definitely a fuller way to live when we have re-connected ….and Universal Medicine is reminding us and lighting the way.

  486. A great blog Joel, I loved the comment that everyone around you had some sort of issue or health problem going on even though in your profession you were better equipped than most.
    That becomes ‘the normal’ in our society, because we are all experiencing it, does that make it normal I ask or have we accepted a lesser way of being.

    I have found through the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I am developing a ‘new normal’ way of being which is more self love and care, more energy and a more harmonious life and see that reflected back me from the other people involved.

  487. Joel the experience you share of being a health professional amongst health professionals that hadn’t yet factored in that your own health matters, is pretty telling of the current state of health in the world. This is an important reality. As a student of The Livingness lived and shared by Serge Benhayon, we all get to experience first hand what it is to live a life of true well-being and then share this with others, in what ever line of work we do.

  488. Thank you for sharing Joel. There is a better way and I have found it via Universal Medicine. After ‘looking’ for whats missing in my life via many spiritual modalities, I am here to stay. Universal Medicine has taught me how to be me, live my life in a way I never thought possible filled with so much love, and its still unfolding, I am amazed every day.

  489. When I heard Serge Benhayon presenting for the first time I realized that I was searching for that level of truth and integrity all my life. His presentations make so much sense that I sometimes wonder why not everybody knows all that from childhood on. But then I can feel that we do know all that in our inner heart but we choose to not be aware of it. Most times we prefer to live our little comfortable lives without really wanting to see the mess the world is in. As long as there are people who are in a worse state than we are we think our life is okay. It’s like putting your head in the sand because we don’t want to feel the responsibility we have in that. Serge inspires with his presentations to take responsibility for life again – not only for your own life but for all of humanity. And that definitely IS another way.

  490. Oh hallelujah there is another way!
    The ancient wisdom comes yet again to call us all home.

  491. YES, there is another way! The more we are able to clearly listen to what our body tells us the more it confirms this. Listen to what lies within you and the choice becomes clear…

  492. Thanks Joel, and what a godsend Universal Medicine is to all of us who have chosen to look within and live from there allowing ourselves ‘to step off the treadmill’ and live another way.

  493. If I think back to how I used to live, before embracing ‘another way’ which Serge Benhayon introduced, I can see that I used to (literally) run everywhere, even in the office at my first job(!) fueled by coffee, chocolate and a feeling that I couldn’t get enough done in the day. It was exhausting and 7 years on my body completely broke down. However for the last 8 years I’ve introduced and chosen to live that different way, noticing that I have a body that needs my loving attention and care. I now feel so well and alive…no chocolate, no coffee, and getting to grips with those thoughts that I could never do enough!

  494. It’s absolutely amazing to see others live so beautifully and in their connection to all others. There is always a constant ‘you can feel more amazing and tender’ moment, which is never felt when in the constant merry-go round of ‘life’ as we see it today

  495. Thanks Joel, Yes, there’s another way and it is lot easier and joyful than the normal way. Self caring, self loving and self nurturing, The way of the livingness!

  496. It is brilliant Joel the way you demonstrate how the sentence (the jail sentence!) ‘as good as it gets’ keeps us imprisoned. It is a phrase that many of us, including myself, bought into – it keeps us capped, and trapped way below what we are capable of. In truth there is no lid on how glorious it can get.

  497. YES… love, integrity and equality is what is deeply felt within Universal Medicine.

  498. YES there is another way. I had been an alternative healing practitioner for a very long time before I met Serge Benhayon. I was always reading about, studying, researching and discussing the newest and latest methods practitioners around the world would come up with. And that was true for most of the ‘alternative scene’ at the time. Reason being that whatever we did never really cut it. Neither practitioners nor clients were living a joyful, vital and expansive life. At best we were just making it and getting through the day and through the week and that was even WITH eating sugar and having caffeine on a very regular basis.
    Because of my many years of living in disregard to my own body the turn around did not come fast, it took some time and commitment on my part. But contrary to all the other courses I had been attending before, the presenter in this case, Serge Benhayon, impressed me deeply as a person and as a practitioner as well. His level of light, love and compassion was and is extraordinary and therefore he was a very strong role model for me to keep me going on my own path of significant change and profound healing. Looking back now I have come an extremely long way and I never expected I would ever feel this level of vitality in my own body.

  499. Loved reading this blog Joel and I loved how you nailed it when you summarised that all Universal Medicine did was offer you a choice! I agree wholeheartedly with your statement that this ‘simple choice was [is] one of the most liberating tools I have [ever] found.’
    With Love,

  500. Thank you Joel for raising this crucial question for humanity. Yes, there is another way and Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is offering this way. Me and many others have chosen this way to live and have experience the miracle of unfolding a way to live with love and joy.

    1. Yes Joel and Jody, it is the ultimate love to pop the bubble of pride in the way Serge Benhayon has been presenting to us. As all our bubbles get popped one by one, through us seeing and feeling the truth what has been presented (and also revealing it to ourselves), the walls of separation melt, our horizons expand, and our potential for union as a race becomes possible as a reality. We really will one day be able to work together for the benefit of all. The implications of living without this pride, but with true love, are limitless.

    2. Very simply and truthfully put Jody. And it’s not just these pages, you only have to look at the many, many comments made on all the Universal Medicine sites to realise that there MUST be another way, the proof is over-whelming, and what Serge Benhayon and Universal present just makes sense.

  501. Well said Joel, thank you for your words of truth and wisdom! My life reflections are very similar. You have eloquently said it and so clearly…YES there is another way and thank goodness Serge Benhayon continues consistently to show us the tools, we all have inside ourselves, to live it harmoniously and lovingly.

  502. Loving life in a way I never thought was possible is my experience after taking the first step in attending one of Universal Medicine workshops. Now I am loving and expressing ‘More” of me in all of my relationships – and seeing a little more loving and expressing coming back to me.

  503. “There is always someone worse off than you.. be grateful for what you have.” You have highlighted an insidious untruth that we are fed from childhood…and you have reminded us all in simple terms that it doesn’t have to be like that. Thank you.

  504. Is it not funny when we feel something does not feel right or fit in to what we know is true, we continue on until that feeling now becomes a thought we are not so consciousnessly aware of no more, and it is now the way we live.
    What makes us go against that feeling, and not accept it? I once had some wise words shared with me “If it does not feel right change it”. Ever since then if it does not feel right I change it, AND what a difference my life has become!
    Is there another way? YES, just FEEL it !!

    1. I love the words of your inspiration Rik “if it does not feel right change it” – they take me back quite a few years now, when in a state of despair and in response to my calling out “there has to be something else!!” I was told “life/marriage etc. is just like that – you’ll get used to it”. Wow! so far from the truth was I – but I listened to that voice within that said that ‘there is another way’ – and so I can now reiterate your words ‘Is there another way? yes indeed there is – just feel it’.

  505. Absolutely Joel! I have made many changes to my life since becoming more aware of my choices and taking responsibility for my health and well-being with the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. Previous to this I was living in a way that was dysfunctional and self-abusive, yet I thought it was completely normal. As you say, it was just a matter of stepping off the treadmill to experience that there is another way to live that is truly enriching.

    1. Once a student shared an image of a hamster on a wheel with the door to the cage open, it was a great analogy of what is truth we have the choice to change and make new choices it can just be very comfortable on the wheel we know and think we love!

  506. Thank you Joel, i love the line “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”

  507. Joel this is great because so many just accept that this is what life is, however there truly is another way. Much of what Serge Benhayon shares is so simple and practical, I find myself astonished at times that I didn’t realise these things for myself, so I prescribed to was perhaps the ‘norm’. As you and many others have shared in blogs, it really does work.

  508. I became aware that there is another way , shortly after been introduced to the Gentle Breath Meditation during a Universal Medicine Workshop. After a short time practicing this meditation I started to feel different about my self and about life. This was the signpost for me, to finding the “other way”

    1. A beautiful nod of appreciation to the incremental miracles that occur as we lovingly take responsibility for ourselves back into our own hands. Thank you, Elizabeth.

  509. I am wondering how many people in the world are seeing their life as a treadmill you have to go on with…The funny thing with treadmills is, that they are boring, frustrating, harming – but also very very comfortable. With studying with Universal Medicine I was confronted (and still I am) with a lot of comfort in my life and the exposing of it is sometimes quite challenging. I chose and choose to take this challenge because I really get that there is no other way, I have to live a life in service, love, harmony, because I am designed for that. That’s the only thing that make sense. What I can do, is to slow down on my way, to hold back. But honestly: why should I?

    1. You are absolutely right esoandra, the treadmill can be very comfortable, and I am sure many people turn a blind eye to the truth because, a) they will have to start to take responsibility for themselves and their choices, and be) they will have to give up their comfort, or at least take steps to look at them. Yes, I have found it challenging at times, but why would I want to make my life any less by choosing to be less than I truly am?

    2. I love how you say Sandra that ‘I have to live a life in service, love, harmony because I am designed for that’. Divine design.

  510. Joel your way of living where “Over the years, through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.’ – is incredible. I to have made those changes and have a very vital way of living consistently so with out any stimulants what so ever and it feels amazing. I remember where coffee was the big draw card to getting through my day and sugar – reflecting back I was a nervous reck which I thought was a normal way of living. Being exhausted and going into override to work long hours in hospitality. Today I still work long hours in hospitality but am and completely steady, full of energy and love every moment at work and else where. Life is a Joy not a struggle like it used to be all thanks to the support from Universal Medicine and their teachings that they present.

    1. Absolutely Natalie. When I was a bit younger I would constantly crave and consume sugar, which gave me a very limited energy ‘peak’, which after wearing off left me feeling overwhelmingly tired and drained. It’s amazing that things like sugar and caffeine are advertised to make you ‘feel great and energised’, but do quite the opposite and actually make the body feel 100 times more exhausted.

  511. It is crazy how we all run around thinking we are ok just because we are comparing ourselves to the guy who is worse off than us. This mentality never heals anything in fact it keeps us all lesser. Thank you Joel for sharing with us how you found there is truly more to you and the way you live your life. Truly inspiring.

  512. Thank you Joel, I love the simplicity in the way you write! And I am going to write “stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” on a post-it and stick it on the fridge to remind me a few times a day.

  513. Thank you Joel for asking the question in such deep care, felt for all of us–what does being “fine” mean? Are we truly fine because everyone else seems to be doing the same or similar? Or can we reach the truth of whether we are fine by being honest to ourselves? Do we ask ourselves this question enough, every moment? And are we willing to truly feel the answers?

    1. Great point. Is the automatic response to ‘how are you?’ – ‘fine thanks’, a way to avoid being honest with ourselves and answering how we TRULY feel?

      1. Yes it is Susie. I have often observed the ‘I’m fine’ answer acting as a protective device, so that the adult or child is actually saying, ‘Leave me alone, I don’t want to go there; I will keep you off my back with “I’m fine”‘. Heaven only knows what the word ‘fine’ is descending to mean.

  514. I so relate to this Joel… I too used to look around and compare my health and lifestyle to others and think yeah I’m doing well. But beneath the outward success and ‘textbook’ healthy lifestyle… seemingly doing all the right things, I often had back and neck pain, tension and stiffness throughout my body, low energy, bloating and a constant feeling of unshakable exhaustion. I thought using nervous energy, sugar and caffeine was normal to get through the day. My exposure to the simple self-care teachings presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine had me reconnect and listen to my own body’s intelligence rather than what the health and marketing gurus sells us as being a healthy lifestyle. The “other way” you refer to has had me experience more consistency in my health and wellbeing than ever before.

  515. I too was in the treadmill of life that this blog describes so well, until I was drawn to see a Universal Medicine practitioner. I said to her one day after a treatment, “What is it that you do? because after I have a treatment with you I feel so much lighter, and it is so easy, there is no thinking involved, no complicated process of ‘digging deep’ and uncovering ‘core beliefs’, no talking for hours about everything that has happened in the past that I am still dragging around with me, instead it is extraordinarily simple having a healing session with you and yet so profound.” This was the beginning of my discovery that there was indeed another way to live and the start of my studies with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Now I too have changed the way I live by bringing a deeper level of care for myself into my everyday and I am now a reflection to others that there is indeed ‘another way’ as the Universal Medicine practitioner was for me, now 8 years ago.

  516. I so agree Naren- how we all so quickly “buy into the mantra of everything’s OK” because its the norm to say it, so no-one stops to really question it in another and within themselves, despite the fact that our body’s don’t lie and the truth can be felt loud and clear if we chose to. Thank you Serge Benhayon and universal medicine for showing me that Yes there is another way!

  517. It is amazing how we so easily buy into the mantra of “everything’s ok”, as long as everyone around us keeps saying it, it must be true. Even though inside we may be screaming out “this is not ok! I am not ok!” we are so often fed the line to not make a fuss, and don’t make a scene, that we just accept that this is what life is: just plodding along through life, hitting the milestones of birthdays, relationships, etc. until we reach the end. Since applying the simple teachings presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine life has completely changed shape. It has been challenging (I said simple, not easy), but there is nothing that I have ever come across which has been so convincing as what I have heard from Serge Benhayon. And the convincing was not done by him, it was me who convinced myself, because all he has ever presented over and over, in a multitude of different ways has been: your truth is inside you. It was just up to me to decide to listen to that truth.

    1. So true Naren – just going along with the ‘everything’s ok’ whilst ” inside we may be screaming out “this is not ok! I am not ok!”. Attending Universal Medicine presentations has supported me to be able to say when I am not feeling ok and to make different choices to come back to the truth inside myself, as is the same for countless other students.

    2. Interesting what you say about convincing yourself Naren. As you rightly say, Serge Benhayon is not in any way out to convince anyone. So I agree with you. Any need for convincing is about convincing ourselves and allowing ourselves to embrace the possibility of living free of doubt.

  518. For me, once I heard what Serge Benhayon presented, I realised that the questions I had been asking myself all the while I actually knew all the answers to too. The difference had been that never had I heard so deeply from anyone the importance and the strength of listening to our own bodies. It is a great skill to learn and one that can always be more gently accepted, recognised and further deepened.

    1. So absolutely true Jenny… I would say I´ve been a selfreflected person in life, but after listening and meeting Serge Benhayon I honour my body more and what I am truly feeling in every situation . An ongoing and neverending journey.

      1. Yes Steffi! At last the body has come into the equation. We always knew these things but we had forgotten the important part our body plays in feeling the truth of life. It is through our body that truth is expressed, it is through our body that love is felt, it is through our body that we can come to simplicity in life . . . and so master it.

      2. This is great Steffi…the difference between self reflection as a mental act and honouring of the body. The latter has the potential to offer much deeper honesty

    1. Well said Dean, its only a choice – their is no ‘special’ people what so ever just people that have chosen to bring in self awareness and reflections, responsibility and Love in all that they do.

      1. I agree Natalie, no chosen people, no special religion, everyone this way within them. It is our birthright no matter what our creed. We all come from One.

    2. Yes it is! This ‘other way’ to live is not exclusive or a secret for the few, it’s as you say, available to EVERYONE all of the time, everywhere, and it’s been there all along.

  519. This is well put Joel because I feel that’s exactly how it was for me before really committing to myself, and it gets to a point were you say to yourself enough is enough, this can’t be how my life goes…
    It really hit home after my first child was born and if it wasn’t for my sister introducing me to universal medicine and my husband & I’s wonderful practitioner, I’m 100% certain my life would have gone in the opposite direction that it has and we would be divorced etc.
    You have to want to make a change for yourself though, no one can make you do it.

  520. It is sad to see people in the grind of life, thinking that it is normal to be that way. It is a testament to Serge Benhayon’s love of humanity that he asks us the question “could there be another way?” He knows the truth of living a true, loving and vital life; and he also knows how to deconstruct our old ideals and beliefs so that we too can find a true and loving way of living that is honouring for us and our rhythm. Finding a life based on connection, love and care for ourselves and humanity rather than isolation and exhaustion. Thank you Serge Benhayon… thank you Universal Medicine.

    1. Yes, it is sad to see people suffering, and not realising that there is another way. You only have to look at Serge Benhayon and his family who are absolute living proof (and what more do you need than that) that there is a another way, and it works. For me, choosing the ‘Way of the Livingness” as presented by Serge and Natalie Benhayon, amongst others, is the normal way to live, and its available to all. I know this because when I vere off the path for some reason, I feel it in my body and it hurts!

    2. I agree with you Gretel, and all the comments from the writers above. “Deconstructing our old ideals and beliefs” is a game changer. As Joel writes “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”
      How much I appreciate discovering and practicing living another way. Becoming more aware of my thoughts, and old patterns of behaviour, and having techniques to change them has improved my nervous system, my liver function, and my gall bladder! But my life is not all about me any more, it is about me and all others equally.

  521. It took me years to come to terms with this – that there was another way of living. It wasn’t always an easy choice, because to choose the other way means stepping outside the “normally accepted” way of life. But I’m here to tell you, it is filled with wonder. My health has improved ten fold, my enjoyment is way up on the Richter scale, and my sense of purpose and place is stronger than I thought possible. This is the wonder of living without substances that alter my natural state of being — and for me this means no alcohol, no drugs, no caffeine, no gluten, no dairy, and no sugar. Eliminating these things from my diet gave me much more control over my emotions, beliefs and ideals. One thing leads to another and before too much time had passed, I was indeed living another way.

  522. I remember seeing my first presentation by Natalie Benhayon and it was then that I felt in my body that there is another way to grow up as a young women. I do not have to look like the air brushed models in magazines or posters. I do not have to impress a boy, wear clothes that will get me attention, or let young men speak to me in a provocative way. Natalie showed me that all I need to be is me.

    1. Beautifully put Madeline. Natalie has also shown me what a true role model is. And it has nothing to do with body image. That is a game changer!

    2. I totally agree Madeline, Natalie Benhayon is a living testament to true beauty, it emanates from her, she is beauty on the inside and the outside, and it is in ALL of us, thank you Madeline for your comment and thank you Natalie for showing us all that there is another way to live as women.

    3. Beautiful Madeline – and you are a shining example of this. Who could not but adore you for exactly who you are!

  523. Just the title itself is very powerful for me. “CARING ENOUGH TO ASK could there be another way”. I have been inspired by Universal Medicine teachings to look at many aspects of my life and have seen without doubt that there is another way and boy has my heart for long craved that way. And I know so many others also crave the same. It is evident and loudly expressed with the statement “I can’t complain” in the responses to a simple “how are you?”, or the long list of people on off-sick at work, or the multitude of exhausted people with given up faces.
    Do we care enough to keep asking the right questions and keep honouring the answers from within us that irrefutably say YES there is another way.

    1. You’ve got a very valid point there Ariana, when you say ‘We let the words ‘how are you’ trip off our tongue so easily’. How many times are we asked that question during the day and feeling that people are not really wanting an honest answer, or that they’re just being polite. For me, if someone asks me ‘how are you FEELING today’ I feel that at a deeper level and start to open up to them in the knowing that maybe they DO care enough to ask.

    2. How many times have we asked, or been asked ‘how are you’ in passing. The other person is often several yards away before we get a respnse. So to expand on your comment Ariana, do we care enough to stop. And listen with an open heart and mind.

  524. Just asking that question brings up so much. Being dissatisfied with life but not knowing how to change it, I often said to myself ‘there has to be another way.’ But what was this way? How do I find it? It was only after being introduced to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, listening to what was being presented and feeling how this resonated inside, I realised that yes, there is another Way and I have found it. My eternal appreciation and gratitude for this. Life-changing, yes, it certainly is!

  525. I’d like to answer that question, Joel, and it would be Yes! There is another way. After years of ignoring my way of life, even my own body, I can now feel the benefits of the greater amount of love and care that I plan into my everyday livingness. It is especially after I quit eating sugar that I really understand the difference between feeling “fine” (not really)) and a w e s o me. And it is inspiring to keep it up and go even deeper..

  526. It is always a pleasure reading your articles Joel and here you have another very important point made very simply, looking at how we live our lives on a day to day basis and make adjustments along the way is and has been a revelation to me and all those around me. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have shown us all another way that is for us all is we but choose it.

  527. Stepping off the relentless treadmill has been life changing as you say Joel – sometimes I get back onto the treadmill and realise how exhausting it is and it reminds why I have made all these wonderful choices to not be like that. Now I love walking at my own pace doing it my way and it feels the complete opposite to trying to keep up with the pace of the treadmill.

  528. “…..I lived with poor sugar regulation, moodiness, back pain that would have me bedridden a couple of times a year, the sore neck, a highly functional but not overly caring marriage, a job I felt obliged to stay in to provide for the family, an expanding waist line, and the list goes on.”

    When one looks at this statement in context it is truly perplexing how we, humanity, have come to accept this as normal and ok. I too was under this delusion in similar situations and accepted it as the ‘way it was’ occasionally questioning it but when not finding an answer, accepting it again. Universal Medicine has supported my questioning of it and shown me the Way It Really Is. It is my choice now whether I choose to step into a joyful and harmonious way of life.

  529. It is also amazing to me that before Universal Medicine, I thought my life was the norm. I studied holistic therapies with the view to healing my own life and others – but during all these studies my actual lifestyle was never questioned. The truth is that through all my study and healing I never actually went anywhere. Nothing improved and the norm was still the norm. It did indeed all change with Serge Benhayon’s presentation and courses. The way I now live life and the choices I make are completely different. Now I am vital and joyful, with my health improved out of sight.

    1. Oh Joanne, I absolutely and whole heartedly agree! I studied years and years, 7 in fact of Chinese Medicine and during this time my vitality, my quality of lifestyle was not questioned.

      Now I ask: Why is it the norm that a practitioner does not have to live a quality of lifestyle and hold a quality of health and vitality before they can be responsible for others health and wellbeing?

  530. Thanks, Joel, for caring enough to write this great blog, which asks the question: ‘could there be another way?’ There are many other great questions of course, many of which Serge Benhayon asks, and then provides true answers. Both the questions and the answers seem so blindingly obvious after the fact, so another question is: Why does it take Serge to point out the truth for us? Especially when, as Otto says, deep down we all know. And why, even when we are delivered the truth, do we struggle to live in the knowing of that truth, every day?

  531. Thank you Joel for sharing your experience of choosing a new way to live your life, through being introduced to Universal Medicine.

    I too have changed so much from a driven, sad, lonely elderly widow, by choosing a new way of living through my finding of Universal Medicine. Eight years later, I feel so much more vibrant, no longer (but still working on) driven like I was, and have lots of friends now. I am a completely different person and look years younger than I did back then. I have so much to thank Universal Medicine for in showing me this other WAY to live.

  532. Its beautiful to be reminded of the fact that once one asks the right questions the answers are there. “To stop the spin of the world spinning inside me” – ahh the stillness – I love this!

  533. It is true that when people start to question life and or the way things are that many people get offended like you are judging them and their life because they are saying it is OK the way it is. Sometimes this may be true and people may be throwing judgments around but this article shows us how we can re-evaluate our life with honest reflection and not judgment.

  534. Yes Joel I agree, since my first Universal Medicine event “could there not be any other-way.”
    Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are the real deal without a question.

  535. Thanks Joel, I’m reminded of the obsession I had with caffine and the complete dependence I built with substance misuse. The connection and capacity to feel again is a journey that I am rediscovering – the return to self is awesome. I thought I had the way, I thought I was a connected person but the way was quite ‘wayward’ – I was conforming with those around me. I was distracted by matters that were not love. It is refreshing to indeed know there is another way and it is far more connecting and rewarding than any cup of coffee. In fact having a cup of coffee that I thought was decaf just last week – sent me off to sattelites – the stimulation of a single caffeinated beverage was too much. Thank you for confirming there is simply another way.

  536. I love the directness of your blog Joel. ‘Is there another way?’ is a question many feel within but few truly ask. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who “cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question’.
    Through Serge and Universal Medicine presentations, workshops and healing sessions, there are thousands of people around the world who have completely turned their lives around…now that is testament there is definitely ‘another way’.

  537. What a great question to ask “could there be another way “? Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have quietly , without push or advertising shown many thousands of people that there is another way to live with more love and vitality . The courses and presentations have changed many lives , helping people to learn to stop , breathe gently, and connect deeper to there own essence and live in more harmony than ever before.

  538. Beautiful writing Joel. I could read this again and again. I too have felt I was doing fine while looking around comparing with those around me, and really, none of us were doing fine. I recall the feeling of “going out for a smoke” with other smokers. It was like some kind of support group- if we all do it, then it’s ok. No one would really see further than that, stuck in a consciousness, far from knowing how beautiful we really are.

  539. I find this such a simple honest question and know absolutely that yes, there is certainly another way to be. I am learning it by connecting to how I feel and holding love to the best of my ability, always, leads to the understanding that my every choice affects my every next moment. It’s a huge learning.

  540. Thank you Joel, I can relate to what you shared here very much. My life always felt like there was something missing but looking around everyone was doing just the same thing as I was doing. So I never questioned it. It was also only after I attended workshops presented by Universal Medicine that I started to question the way I had been living and making loving changes out of that. I deeply appreciate Serge Benhayon for asking the question if there could be another way?

    1. Like you Lieke, before meeting Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine workshops, I also felt that there was something missing and like you and Joel, I looked around and saw that “everyone had some variation of these things going on”, so I had also “resigned myself to believing that this was as good as it gets”. Now that my eyes have been opened and the choices I make are much more self-loving, there can be no other way than The Way of the Livingness.

  541. Joel, I can relate completely. As i went through and studied Naturopathy I had this arrogance that i was so healthy. The truth is i was completely exhausted, had extreme GUT issues, I was a mere shadow of myself. But i ate spelt bread and drank soy milk and took herbs instead of those evil medications so i was in my mind the picture of health.

    ‘…after years of studying ‘holistic medicine’, the Universal Medicine modalities have been the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do.’ I couldn’t agree more, this is the absolute truth. I learned so much more about my health with universal medicine than in a bachelor degree of Naturopathy. I am actually healthy now, i don’t just think i am.

    1. Wow that’s incredible Kate. I would actually go so far as calling exhaustion an illness – by working ourselves too hard or not getting enough sleep we are actually capping our bodies ability to function efficiently, and exhaustion can also result in a change of mood and behaviour – all these signs are identical to those when the body has a medically diagnosable illness.

  542. I enjoyed reading this Joel. Your comment “In 2004, my wife dragged [yes, dragged] me along to the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and run by Universal Medicine” in particular resinated with me as I was coaxed (dragged) along as my wife took this journey that was to become a student of Universal Medicine.

    For several years I was interested enough to keep persisting whilst being very sceptical and challenging everything with my version of what was logical by going into my head. I was starting everything with “Why”..

    The light bulb moment for me was when I was invited to my first men’s group shortly after relocating to Perth. The meeting only lasted an hour, in that short amount of time these 3 men showed me the answer wasn’t in my head, it was in my heart.

    Thank you Joel, Mat & Lee. Without knowing it, you guys changed my life that day.

  543. I never considered I was arrogant until I met Serge Benhayon and became aware of the way I had been living all my life. Once I understood that there was another way everything changed, and all my arrogance became obvious, and I started to let go of all the things I had used to keep some sort of life in place that wasn’t living or loving at all. Life is infinitely more enjoyable now.

  544. Thank you Joel, yes there is another way and you are a shining example of that way. Your solidness and the feeling of absoluteness that I feel when I am in your company is truly inspiring.

  545. Could there be another way? I feel that we do all ask this question, all of us, often. We do know. Deep down we know that there is another way. No matter how tall the fortress is, or how thick the walls are, we do all know. And once you accept that possibility and open yourself up to what changes (however small) that might bring up, then your life will start to change unrecognisably.

  546. I am so with you on this one Joel, “could there be another way?” the answer is most definitely and absolutely YES, and it’s felt through every single cell of my body. What Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon present, and our choice to live this way everyday, make this fact so undeniably true, felt and clear. This line is a great way of summing it up. ” This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” I whole heartedly agree.

  547. I love the words in the title – ‘potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride’. Yes this is potentially what we do when we question the normal way and present the possibility that there is another way. I remember my pride popping! A very humbling experience and one that has led me to experience much joy.

  548. ” Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.” I echo this Joel – choosing to now live a different way has brought me untold benefits, and not only for myself.

  549. “Could there be another way?” Asking myself this question made me realise that there is a choice of how to live. I can make a different choice. And this makes all the difference. Thank you Joel for sharing how your new choices have changed your life.

  550. Hi Joel, I too had studied many different forms of ‘holistic medicine’ with no true change until I came across Universal Medicine(UM) which showed me that there was another way to live- one of true vitality and joy- and supported me with tools to choose this. Like you Andrew I also feel blessed to have found Serge Benhayon and UM.

  551. Thanks for a beautiful blog Joel, “Could there be another way?” a question we will all eventually have to ask ourselves, and the only true answer is undoubtedly YES.

  552. Thanks for sharing Joel. How often do we just accept not feeling great, with throwaway lines like ‘life wasn’t meant to be easy’, or ‘there’s always someone worse off than me’.
    Great question I don’t think enough of us seriously ask, “Could there be another way?”
    What if life was meant to be easy and we are supposed to feel great …. ?

  553. We are so fortunate to have found this way and so fortunate to have Serge​ Benhayon​ in our lives. I was also very resistant when it was suggested by my friend that I come along to hear Serge Benhayon speak. However I am so grateful I did. What a treasure to find, when I had given up looking.
    It is so lovely to feel great most of the time. It is so great to know what well is.
    Thank you Joel for the blog and thank you Serge ​Benhayon for all your inspiration.

  554. Hi Joel, isn’t it great to have found an other way. I am so much more alive and I look younger than I did 10 years ago.

  555. Thanks for your beautiful blog Joel. I can totally relate to how you were living your life before being introduced to ‘another way to live’. I was exactly the same, thought my life was great. However, I now realise I was constantly comparing ‘where I was in my life’ to others around me, feeling worse about myself if others were achieving more than me, or better if I was achieving more than others. It’s quite hard for me to write that now as it feels so awful to acknowledge that’s actually what I was doing. I was also constantly looking for something more. I was never truly satisfied, firstly with myself, but also with my life.
    To have been shown how to connect back to the awesome beautiful woman that I know I am has been such a gift. Not only for me, but for all those around me too!!

  556. Couldn’t agree more Joel – yes there is another way. A way that does challenge the status quo in many ways – and why would we not want to challenge it? Currently the norm we have to compare to is widely unhappy and lacking true health and vitality. Having the choice to reconnect to true health and vitality through the teachings of Universal Medicine has been life-changing. Thank you Joel for sharing, and lovingly questioning.

    1. I was part of this ‘norm’ too Amelia and as Joel so beautifully and honestly shared that he found there was another way to life – I did too. From 2000 I started making more self caring and self loving choices from being inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine’s simple presentations on a more caring and loving way to live. My ‘ norm’ was coffee to keep me pepped through a big day treating people in physiotherapy, with bouts of fatigue in the day and just getting to the end of the week. Social drinks on the weekend to numb the dullness in my body and life, driving myself in intense exercise bouts and just recovering on Sunday to start it all again on monday.
      Now each day is a fresh start with purpose and more joy, way more vitality without relying on stimulants and way less hardness in my body. I am just one of thousands now who have found that ‘ Yes’ there is another way and the evidence is in their eyes, smiles and vital bodies. I am forever thankful and appreciative of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine’s consistent love of humanity that keeps this lived way openly shared for all to see and feel.

  557. When asking the question “could there be another way” all that is needed is ‘honesty without judgment’. I too have asked this question in the past 4 years and in time made changes to the way in which I was previously living. By answering the question honestly I was able to see that ‘yes there is another way’. My heavy coffee and alcohol drinking days complimented with multiple ‘natural health therapy supplements’ had me subscribed to the belief that ‘this was the normal way to live” although all along denying to myself that I was truly harming my body. With honesty I began to explore another way of living that has made substantial changes to the quality of my life and introducing a true purpose to waking up each morning.

    1. I love this Tan and also used to do the same, Drink coffee and alcohol and then head of to a natural therapist because it was a ‘healthier’ way to get better.

  558. ‘This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me’.

    Joel you have nailed it with this comment. The choice to breathe gently. The choice to be responsible for myself both physically and energetically. The choice to open myself up to the world and BE LOVE. The simple gift of knowing that we have choices in every moment, that will determine our daily living, is truly liberating. When the spin of the world stops from inside of us we can feel the stillness. This is love.

    1. Kathryn, I love how you have expressed “When the spin of the world stops from inside of us we can feel the stillness. This is love”. How true that feels.

  559. ” …. Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity …” Something one day we will all deeply appreciate. Thank you Serge for showing us the way 💝

  560. Having also experienced living a life which makes sense to me, I can’t recommend it enough.

  561. I too was dragging myself through life and had nearly resigned to the fact of just getting on with it but there was always a tension within me that wasn’t going away and that I could no longer ignore.
    What a blessing to discover the teachings from Serge Benhayon. There was an instant recognition at what was being presented and part of me was saying ‘I know this; it all makes so much sense’.
    I am forever grateful for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for they have presented a way of life I know to be real and true.

  562. Thanks for another beautiful blog Joel.
    I to used to be stuck in judging how I was by comparing myself to others, but through Universal Medicine I learnt how to re-connect to my inner- most and use that to tell me how I truly am. This is the ‘other’ way – The Way of The Livingness.

    1. Peter I can relate to your comment. I was so deeply ingrained to judging how I was by comparing myself to others that it has taken a while to drop that even after attending Universal Medicine presentations. But the consistency of what is presented and lived by Universal Medicine, I supports me to let go of outside markers of what is doing well and feel my own inner marker of what I feel is true health and living.

      I may still fall for old patterns but I don’t hold them as the only way anymore. They are useful signs I have lost connection with myself and I can take the opportunity to re connect. I am so appreciative of this other way and choose it more and more. what I used to live was very painful.

  563. Hello Joel, what I find interesting with this is how you say “In 2004, my wife dragged [yes, dragged] me along to the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and run by Universal Medicine.” This was a similar thing to how things started for me. Why as men are we waiting to be ‘dragged’ at times. I am not saying this is how all men are but I know for me when I look at my young boys they are so sensitive, expressive, warm, caring and very flexible in how they deal with things. Why then as men are we not holding onto these qualities? What is happening to ‘us’ from boys to men that is closing off to what was so ‘there’ in our early years. I guess what I am asking is why do men need to be “dragged” to something now when if it was offered to them when they were younger they would have possibly just chosen it for themselves, but better still, been what was presented at that course already.

    I agree, “Could there by another way” and when we are going from boys to men it is clear we are going the ‘wrong way’ and it is time for us to turn back and get the world on track.

    1. I agree Ray, perhaps there is a way that cherishes children in a way that they grow up without the expectations and limitations that currently conform them to the typically adult stereotype.

    2. I love what you have written here Raymond, it so exposes how at some point we go of track, loose our connection to what we know innately is right, deep down within. This does not just happen for Men, but also for women to.

    3. I loved your comment Ray, it was a beautiful question and I felt the open and tender boy, now young man that I am.

    4. This is a great question Raymond. Men needing to be ‘dragged’ by the woman feels like power issue to me. By outwardly being seen to ‘not want to go’ they are protecting their image of being strong and powerful, “I don’t need this stuff, I already know it all…” They may think that if they willingly ‘followed the woman’ they are being weak.
      Could it be, that by playing out this ‘being dragged along’ game they are giving their power away instead of fully claiming themselves as men and making their own choices. The boy in them actually feels to go along to the course or whatever, but the macho male needs to be seen otherwise, so projects the choice to go onto the woman..? Not sure if this is true, just putting it out there.

      1. Hi Paul, For me I can absolutely attest to having given my power away from things like having my clothes bought for me on the basis that others knew best whether I ‘looked’ good in them; what food I should eat based on what others cooked up for that meal; the list goes on. When I reflect on this it is clear how I, in fact, set this all up so that I did not have to take true responsibility for my life, which now that I have re-claimed this and own who I am, it is a joy to attend to even the minor details of me.

  564. I, too have spent many years affirming myself by comparing what I have and how I live to others around me. I always had a deep knowing that there was more that I could be and it is only through Universal Medicine that I have been able to truly feel and live this. In particular the quality of my relationships and family life have changed immensely affirming for me that there is truly another way !.

  565. So simple Joel, yet it is so deeply revealing how when we are hurt enough we even think the presentation of Another Way is actually someone being arrogant, when it could be the most amazing gift ever especially if it shows how we can truly improve our lives

    1. So true it is so easy to be arrogant when we are deeply hurt to even consider another way. I have seen many people who are deeply hurt who struggle to see another way, the grip on arrogance is so strong. I too went through this phase as I held onto my hurts, I had a deep level or arrogance and was not willing to see another way. It took me a long time to open up.

  566. This is beautifully written Joel. We all carry so much potential and questions like these can challenge us to make our potential an everyday reality.

    1. Very true Abby, all it takes is someone to ask the right questions, the questions that no-one else wants to ask, that then unleash our potential to make lasting and beneficial changes in our lives. When someone presents the truth, with a clear and open heart, free of judgement and blame, we respond with all our love and wisdom. Serge Benhayon poses the questions, provides the forum for discussion and offers tools to help us implement the changes we know need to happen, if we so choose.

  567. Asking the question, “Could there be Another Way”, never entered my mind.

    I simply went along with what I was given in life. As I was what I use to refer to as “A Sleep walker in My Own Life”.

    I only started to feel that there must be something more then what I was accepting, after I acquired a brain injury.

    I began, after the initial impact and the vital necessary medical intervention, to realise that I didn’t feel damaged on the inside, even though, I had lost the usage of the whole left side of my body. Thus, I posed this question to my self, am I more then this human body, and the answer was, YES I am!

    The clarity of this felt feeling, has only been fully cemented in me, after meeting Serge, at his Universal Medicine clinic, and having sessions with him, where I slowly connected all the dots together.

    1. Thank you for sharing Jacinta, that through your injury you learnt that you are so much more than this human body. I sometimes forget this in the busyness of the day but you have reminded me how important it is remember, that what ever goes on in my day, it does not stop me from feeling the beauty that lies within, and that I don’t need to get attached to the physicality of my body.

    2. Great description Jacinta ‘a sleep walker in my own life’ a perfect way to describe the numbness and blind acceptance I was living too. All the while not listening to the little voice inside me that was whispering ‘this is not the way’, Then one day I heard a presentation by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and my little voice said clearly THIS IS THE WAY!

    3. What you share here Jacinta is very profound. Knowing there is more than the physical and feeling ourselves in our fullness is a huge process to embark upon. I sense that this is what truly connects us to God.

  568. It took me a long time of going round and round in circles looking for answers in all the same wrong places before I was inspired to consider the most obvious question of all “Is there another way” and I found there was . Serge Benhayon and hundreds of other Universal Medicine students have proven to me, by their living example, that ‘The Way of the Livingness’ is that way.

  569. We can say yes there is another way, and there are millions of people that could benefit from asking themselves that question because that question is the opening, the beginning of a new cycle, the allowing for evolution.

  570. I love the way you write Joel and can only agree with all you share. I too travelled a path of different modalities and none of them actually returned me to me. I particularly felt your sentence ” It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” The sense of truly reconnecting with myself and my body returned me to me instead of being carried forward by the momentum of life as long as all was ‘fine’.

  571. Yes I can relate to the acknowledging that things are not right, but are quite content to accept the abnormal as normal.

  572. Thanks Joel for your sharing: I too looked around and compared life to how others lived it and felt my life was fine, until one day when I was hit by a car crossing the road- a wake up call? Well I still managed to override my body and kept the momentum of doing until I experienced mild depression and chronic fatigue after having my second child in my 30’s and then in my 40’s -becoming supersensitive, reactive, not in my body, not coping at work, with mood swings and hypoglycaemia. It was not until I attended the first retreat held by Serge Benhayon that my life started to turn around and I became aware of truth. Yes- there is definately another way of living- a joyfull, vital, loving way!

  573. What is of greatest testament to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is that there are hundreds of stories just like this. This “another way” is not prescriptive or rule driven, but instead offers a connection and way of living and being that I for one had looked for for a long time. I like Joel and many others have found it, and what a true blessing it is.

  574. ‘Could there be another way’ – yes, Joel my answer would also be yes! I can relate to the looking outside of oneself for some sort of guide or confirmation of where I was at when I was feeling not ‘so fine’. I was always so busy distracting myself with other people’s lifestyle choices that I did not have time to look within and see what was truly happening to me and my body.
    With the support offered by esoteric practitioners I have gradually built an understanding of how the way I lived life was not offering me an opportunity to change, only to keep repeating the same patterns over and over again. I have been offered ‘another way’ to live a life that is not only sustaining me but offers the world a reflection that changing is a release and a life giving experience that is beyond compare.

  575. Hi Joel, thanks for writing this. I relate to what your sharing here. I would also look around to see if I was in line with what everyone else was doing which meant I was fine right? Wrong. It’s something I’m still working on today but at least now I can be honest which is a definitely a step in the right direction…

  576. Awesome Joel. I walked away from my first encounter with Serge Benhayon saying, ‘He just makes so much sense’! For me, there is no other way to joyfully live life, but the Way of the Livingness.

  577. Thank you Joel for your blog. For the first 45 years of my life I lived in a dense fog of hopelessness and sacrifice. On my 45th birthday, the present I gave to myself was the decision to not live the next 45 years the same way that I had lived my last 45 years. I wasn’t sure how to do that and it took me another 10 years, after doing the ‘spiritual’ thing, to find Universal Medicine and that there really is another way of living.

  578. “Over the years, through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.

    I have a more honest connection with people than I’ve had before, I love the work that I do, earn more than I have done previously and I relate to my wife and family more deeply than before.”

    I’m sure plenty of people may wish to argue these points but the ‘proof is in the pudding’ as they say – and you are the living proof.

  579. Joel it’s hugely significant what you say about looking around you and seeing that everybody else is a variable of each other because as a result of that we just assume that that is the way life is. So how incredible now that we have a growing group of people who are becoming vocal and saying that there is indeed another way to live and it really is oh so simple.

  580. This blog raises the important question of what do we perceive as wellness or health? We generally consider ourselves healthy or well or ‘fine’ if we don’t have a life threatening illness or permanent disability and there is always someone else worse off we can look to and compare ourselves against. But do we actually stop and feel our bodies and how much they are struggling or how much artificial stimulants and/or relaxants we are having to pump into them just to keep us going?

  581. When I used to compare my life to other people’s whose life was very hard and tough I would also say that I was doing ‘fine’. I would tell myself that I was not living through a war or through terminal illness so life was OK and I should not complain. BUT it was just OK. I was surviving not living. The truth is I was suffering life and not truly living it. This completely changed came about when I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. They showed me that there is another way if I choose so.
    Thank you Joel for such a clear and vibrant blog aiming at the heart of what life on earth is.

  582. What a great question! ” Could there be another way?” It exposes where I have accepted something less, because it is normal, but it is far away from my own truth. Great to start again expressing, what I truly feel and to wake up out of this trance.

  583. Thank you for your amazing blog Joel – I love it how you wrote from your way of living and not from a new concept you had learned and with that you gave me the possibility to feel the difference you had experienced with Universal Medicine.

  584. I love how real and true this piece of writing feels. Honest and simple – we can all take a leaf from that book 🙂

  585. Another awesome blog Joel. Yes it is easy to slip into comparison, look around us and think that ‘everything is OK’. But is it really? Why do we accept that ‘OK’ is normal – because everyone else feels the same? I too am grateful to Universal Medicine for showing that there is another way. A way that is beyond OK, that is about true love and joy and that this only comes from not seeking what is outside of ourselves but from looking within at our relationship with self. Serge Benhayon is a true inspiration for showing us that there is ‘another way’ and that this ‘way’ can become our new normal should we choose it.

  586. Hear hear Joel, that was my life too in a nutshell and Universal Medicine also showed me there was another way.

  587. Universal Medicine undoubtedly is an establishment with utmost integrity and respect for people’s lives. Without force, or imposition, through their teachings and modalities, they certainly know how to pull the wet-blankets-off, to reveal what’s not true. I liked Joel’s use of the word ‘fine’ in this sense, that a lot of people do walk the earth feeling ‘fine’ only to be just managing such a status, (without the support of a practice that aids them to unfold past this point, right back to their vital essence).

  588. Thank you Joel for your beautiful reminder that everything is within and that all it takes is a crystal clear question such as the one you speak about ‘could there be another way’ to awaken the possibility. This is the question that helped me connect with myself and begin to live a life beyond anything I could have imagined. I often used to say to myself ‘there must be a better way to live’ and yes there is. I have found this Way through the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  589. I love reading this blog Joel. You present so simply and eloquently how there is another way of living for everyone who chooses self-responsibility and self-care, and that a depth of connection in our relationships and a consistency of vitality and joy can be there for everyone when they start looking within instead of outside of themselves.

  590. Thank you Joel for this beautiful article answering the very important and much pondered Question could here be another way to live life? and absolutely yes there is by just making loving choices it all evolves from there, and now so many people are living this, its amazing to see and be part of too.

  591. Great blog Joel. Upon reading it again, I am sure there are many people in the world who can relate to what you say but don’t know where to go to “find another way”. My experience and that of many others (reading the comments above) is that there IS another way to live based on true love, joy, harmony and healing. Thank you to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for presenting to me that there is a true way to live and it is available to everyone.

  592. “…something about being neither the controller nor the victim of life – being willing to express what I feel in each moment…” I lovely blog, exploring the true meaning of “the call” it is an interesting phrase that I have heard often myself. The quote above did remind me to find balance and allow myself to be, rather than trying to push or seek any recognition. Something that I am still in the process of learning.

  593. Hi Joel, it is always a joy to read your blogs and just like you I know there is another way. I am 54 years old and more vital and alive than ever before. The relationship with myself and others is forever deepening, Life is fine? Life is amazing! Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    1. That is a great distinction Annelies, the difference between life being ‘fine’ and life being ‘amazing’. And the ‘amazing’ is not routed in the material, but in our health, vitality, joy and in our relationships. If we only aspire to ‘fine’ based on the lack of strife in our lives, then we restrict ourselves and everyone else to a mundane life. We go around reflecting ‘fine’ as our ultimate achievement. When we come across someone who reflects back to us ‘amazing’, we are given the opportunity to see that there is so much more than ‘fine’ and that we can all choose ‘amazing’ for ourselves.

  594. Thank you Joel for this article! That is the most bridging I ever read. I love sharing this with people around me.

  595. Ah, Conor, “it’s there for us too.” So many people I meet don’t believe that and are content to continue with the same old ways, hoping to find some change within them. But there will be none unless there is a change of heart, and therefore of mind, for we cannot expect to carry on with the same attitudes and beliefs and find another way. What Serge Benhayon offers us is a very simple way, as Joel says, and has nothing of the old ways in it.

    1. Well said, Joan. We have to be willing to completely let go of our identification to the old way of doing life and accept that we settled for less than truth, before we can be open to a new way of being.

  596. Your a such a Legend Joel. Love the way you write, super cool, super true.
    Totally relate, I went to so many “holistic” Dentists, Alexander technique teachers, massage practitioners and they were all struggling so much in there own personal lives that it was strange to think you were paying them for support…
    Some of them would be chain smoking between each session, I worked in a cafe in front this guys massage room and he would come out for a long black coffee and ciggi every chance he could get. Not one person commented on this being strange. Since I started attending Serge Benhayon courses I am able to see things for what they are and ask more questions of myself and society. Thanks for your epic blog.

    1. So true Sarah, I once attended a weekend personal growth workshop with a well-known (local) healer/phychologist who chain-smoked and ate lollies throughout each day with an arrogance that defied any challenge. More fool me for buying the reputation accompanying her, to override everything else in me that screamed to get out of there.

      We’ve lost our discernment and our understanding of what is required to heal something. Universal Medicine is the first in our modern times to reintroduce the age-old wisdom that to heal another, we must heal ourselves first, not as a concept, but as a lived truth. Everything taught, presented, practised and shared on behalf of Universal Medicine, is done so from the lived experience of those in such positions, first and foremost, by Serge Benhayon himself. As a self-proclaimed ‘forever student’ this forms the very basis of all teachings and is the reason for the sort of stories like Joel’s, yours and mine, along with the thousands of others currently out there.

    2. I love what you have shared here Sarah – “Since I started attending Serge Benhayon courses I am able to see things for what they are and ask more questions of myself and society.” I never used to question health care professionals or anyone I went to for a service. Also, attending workshops and ‘healing’ sessions with practitioners who smelt so bad of smoke, I could hardly breath.
      This has now changed, because of the level of care Serge Benhayon treats himself with and than all others. Recently my son needed to see a specialist, but on meeting them and seeing how little they cared for themselves, I asked myself “how will he truly be able to support my son, if he doesn’t support himself” with absolutely no criticism but from a real and practical way of looking at it. I thought for a moment ‘I can’t do that’, they are a specialist, I can’t ask to see someone else…. but I did, and it was so simple and most of all loving. Thank you Serge Benhayon for always showing and asking “Could there be another way?”

  597. Indeed, there is another way. Deep down many of us question this but very few of us get to see this other way being lived. It is with deep appreciation that I thank the Benhayon family and Universal Medicine for presenting and showing that this way of living can be the norm.

  598. Joel I share your thoughts that there is another way. I am so grateful that I was introduced to Universal Medicine. I can say I find it challenging to over come the patterns and behaviors I have developed but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The life I am developing for myself now with the help of the esoteric practitioners is without a doubt the result of me accepting that there is another way to live and be happy.

  599. The ultimate expression of love, I think, Joel.

    And if we can recognise that there is another, more loving way, it is the ultimate expression of love to then live that way ourselves, and by doing so, to bring it and share it with the world – not in an imposing way, but in a natural way which says ‘this is how I live..isn’t it great?’s there for you too’.

  600. Thank you Joel for sharing this. It’s so true. Universal Medicine has shown me another ‘way’ – that I had always looked for deep down; but had given up on because I had not seen it being lived around me.

    I now know there is so much more to life than what we settle for as ‘normal’. Illness, disease, stress and misery is simply not normal. Thanks to Universal Medicine, I now know a level of vitality in my body that I wouldn’t have thought was possible – consistent, steady, with no need for stimulants or anything to make me ‘feel good’. So why do we put up with or accept anything as ‘normal’ that need not be so?

    I thank God that there is in fact another way; and I thank God that Serge Benhayon has asked the question… ‘Could there be another way?’ Yes, Absolutely.

  601. If we are all walking around in bubbles then that is one way to be in life, popping our bubbles is another way to be. I choose to be me with no bubble.

  602. I can relate to looking around myself and thinking I was doing ok, because there were others far worse off than myself. After all I did not have cancer, diabetes or heart disease as did many of my family members – I was only in pain everyday with joint pain, IBS, sciatica, sinus headaches, plus numerous other ailments and could not work, but I was still doing ok.
    Now, like you Joel having attended presentations run by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have discovered that there most definitely is another way to live. Thank you for sharing.

  603. Yes, there is another way. My past life was like a plane hurdling towards the ground out of control, if it had not been for being inspired by Serge Benhayon I know where my life was going. I may not be soaring yet but am steadfastly coming back to the true me.

  604. Love it Joel yes there is another way it’s so easy to look around and see what everyone else is doing and accept that as normal. It is another to start to ask is there another way and then start to live it!

    1. Great point Kylie; it is very easy to see what the people around you are doing as ‘normal’, without much consideration over what feels TRULY normal and acceptable within our own bodies. I could definitely do with looking outside less for the answers, solutions and ways of living and start turning my eager eye INWARDS – focus on what feels amazing to me, and build a life based on that.

  605. Thank you Joel for this beautiful blog! This blog to me is all about the power of reflection. It can either confirm us in our doing ‘fine’ because this is what we see all around of us and hence we think that this is the only way (everybody has problems as the old Spanish saying goes, so this is only normal) or you can make you stop (when you tap into a reflection that gives you permission to lift the lid you have placed on your life. Magic follows. You realise that there is another way and your body starts melting for the first time as it feels how beautiful is to come alive and feel complete and truly register how limited was your life up to this point).

    1. This is beautifully expressed emfeldman. The true way to live life as presented by Serge Benhayon has also showed me how limited my life has been. There is indeed another way to live life and my waking up to a fuller and more complete me is only starting to emerge as I feel our evolution is limitless.

  606. HI Joel, another inspiring blog thank you.
    And how I can so relate to this…….
    ” This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”
    Now thanks to Serge Banhayon I too have stopped and now able to take a breath and more importantly breathe.

  607. Joel, you speak for the majority of mankind when you say that we think that we are fine if we ‘tick all the boxes’. Our tendency is to always look at others who are doing it a little bit more ‘tough’ than we are, to confirm our sense that we are doing okay. In most cases it takes a major incident such a life threatening illness or dis-ease to shake us out of our stupor and start to be honest about how we are really feeling. After my first life-threatening illness, cancer at 50, which had spread to my lymph nodes, I congratulated myself that I had made major life style changes and had beaten the doctor’s prediction that I was unlikely to survive the next 2 years. However, the changes were to some extent superficial and ten year later I had another life-threatening illness (heart attacks) to wake me out of my comfort. I can now see my illnesses as blessings, which led me to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. “Could there be another way’? The answer is a responding ‘yes’ and my life is now more vital and joy-full in all respects since I started to live another way, thanks to Serge Banhayon and the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom.

    1. It’s absolutely incredible that you’ve seen an illness like cancer not as a burden or punishment, but instead an opportunity to evaluate both how you are living and what led to developing the illness, and are then able to change your lifestyle to one that supports you.

    2. That is such a healthy way to look at an illness or dis-ease that we may get. To know it has happened because of the way we have lived and to take responsibilty for our choices and how we live. It crosses out blame and being a victim instantly. Then the dis-ease becomes a blessing and something we can learn and evolve from.

    3. Thanks, Anne, great point. It is a shame that it can take something major such as a life threatening illness to knock us out of the comfort of just going with the status quo, but it certainly is an effective wake up call, so we finally start examining what is truly important in life.

  608. I like how Joel refers to assessing another to confirm or validate our own existence, or level of accomplishment. I found i used that barometer frequently before finding another way through Universal Medicine. Awesome to know there is another way.

  609. Joel, this is such an insightfull article. I can relate to it. Until I came across Universal Medicine, I thought I was doing alright. But looking back I had very little self-confidence, had a back that a couple of times a year had me crippled for sometimes weeks and unable to sit in or drive the car, had very few friends, was working huge hours of the day, with very heavy manual work in replanting rainforest and looking after a rural property. (when I look back, I feel exhausted)

    But I still felt that compared to other people I was doing well, I was eating what I regarded as a ‘healthy diet’, was not badly overweight, had few colds etc. and thought I was very fit.

    It took me to be looking for solutions to my back issue, through several New Age modalities, to finally find Universal Medicine. I knew straight away that this was The Way forward for me, and the back issue (no longer the focus), but the way that I live became the focus. A couple of years later, I realised I had had no further problems with the back.

  610. Thank you Joel. My response to finding this work has felt like a “breath of fresh air” and “coming home”. There is an implicit truth underlying Serge Benhayon’s presentations.

    1. And that is what I feel every time I ask myself ‘Could there be another way?’ – the space and opportunity presented by simply considering that heads down, getting on, we might be missing something critical and super simple about life. Universal Medicine offers us a foundation upon which to explore this question and review our choices.

      1. So true Matilda ‘Could there be another way?’ Such an open and expansive question that invites us to stop and re-evaluate. Offering the possibility that we do have choices and our life is indeed of our own making.

    2. For me too, Russell, finding the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has been a coming home. The breath of fresh air that this work brings is a joy to inhale.

  611. Another brilliant blog Joel. I find it inspiring to hear how even just being consistently honest with family, friends and everyone you meet, has helped turn your entire life around. Honesty is something I could definitely put some work into, so reading your blog has been super supportive – thank you!

    1. Me too Susie, the more I have re-connected with the real Me, the easier it is to be honest with myself and my family, friends and other people, which is such a relief. There is no need to cloak or hide anymore, the more open and honest I am, the stronger and clearer I feel. It is definitely is a quality worth developing!

    2. I agree Susie, I too find it ‘inspiring to hear how even just being consistently honest with family, friends and everyone you meet, has helped turn your entire life around’.

    3. Awesome that you got something supportive out of the blog Susie, honesty can sometimes be the key to the biggest and best changes.

    4. Thanks Susie. I agree it’s such a simple way to live that only ever returns more and more vitality the deeper we go…

  612. Love this blog Joel, so much of it I can relate to and captured in your words in relation to Universal Medicine… ” the first that have delivered a truly holistic result, without claiming that they do.” is so true.
    I was also a trained practitioner who should have been well armed to live beyond the ‘fine’ most of us settle for because we don’t have cancer or other life threatening health conditions. My circumstances differed slightly, but the result in the end the same – a new marker for what is truly healthy and vital. What is offered through Universal Medicine is nothing short of miraculous really, when we look at the current health trends and your story and mine are just two of thousands, growing daily as more and more people seek true answers to the ‘l’m fine’ that’s not so fine in truth.

    1. This is so true Jenny, ‘a new marker for what is truly healthy and vital’, I used to think I was healthy because I compared myself to others and I didn’t get ill so often and ate pretty healthy foods, but I didn’t feel vital, I didn’t feel connected to my body like I do now and I didn’t have this lovely feeling of lightness and tenderness in my body, so as a student of Universal Medicine I agree what is offered is nothing short of miraculous.

      1. Yes Rebecca, that’s become our measure these days for healthy and fine – either that I’m not as bad as someone else, or I don’t have Cancer!
        We’ve lost a measure of ourselves that’s from our own sense of wellbeing. Wellness, wellbeing, vitality and health have lost their true meaning and have become relative terms only. Universal Medicine is bringing true meaning back to those words by lived experience… hence the new site Unimed Living. It cannot remain a concept of wellbeing… if we are to start shifting the trend, as Joel puts it, but a real and tangible thing to know from within… enter Universal Medicine and the revolutionary changes it has instigated and inspired in so many of us.

  613. Absolutely Joel my head was nodding the whole way through reading your article every part of it, there is another way to live and it rocks! Thanks to Serge Benhayon!!!!

  614. The measuring stick of how we are doing compared to others is a great thing to put down once and for all. Universal Medicine has opened myself and hundreds of others up to the possibility of having true love in our lives, when many of us had given up the search. Thank you, Serge Benhayon for daring to ‘go there’ and ask that all-important question – ‘could there be another way?’

  615. Hi Joel. Thank for sharing your journey with us all. I can really relate to what has been shared here and have found my own path with UniversalMedicine And Serge Benhayon to be very similar. What I can say is that YES there is a different way and Yes I too now live that new way.

  616. Yes Joel there is another way, and I am ever grateful to have commenced the return journey too. I can relate to the ‘accepting less than’ notion of life thinking that this was as good as it gets. So happy to feel and know there is another way.

  617. Could there be another way? Absolutely the answer is YES. I too was doing all the ‘right’ things…..(home grown organic food, home made alcohol, (no chemicals and made with clean water), daily yoga etc. Looking good on the outside, but spinning on the inside, exhausted, sad and disconnected. Re-connecting to myself, and making a commitment to myself to love myself enough, was the beginning of living another way. Some 4 years ago I could hardly wait to get to my first a Universal Medicine presentation with Serge Benhayon. I just knew and felt the difference in being reflected the truth rather than pandered to by health practitioners straight away. True healing began. The way I choose to live now is a way of life, not a phase, and the vitality I live with in my body is closer to how I felt as a vibrant young 8 year old. I have chosen to live in a way that supports me to feel this vitality that I naturally am, rather than draining me. Therefore I do not need the stimulants I used to use to drag myself through the days. This is True Freedom.

  618. Great question and YES there is another way! I see many examples of people who changed by choices their way to live in a simpler more natural and vital way- and I find also many people who actually ask this question but are still looking for the way to change their way.
    We all are inspiring living examples for others and we can share alot. Yes!

  619. I enjoyed reading your blog very much Joel.I loved it all but this line stood out :-“The gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me”.I am very grateful to Universal Medicine for presenting that there is another way to live, and feeling this truth from inside out rather than the other way.

  620. I remember when I was younger I used to say to myself that there simply had to be another way to live than what I was seeing every day around me. I thought I would find the answers by travelling extensively and experiencing different cultures but the truth was I just saw the same old thing over and over again.

    Slowly over the years I gave up and gave in to the notion that “this is all there is”. It was only through attending workshops with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that like you Joel I too saw something different reflected that inspired me so much that I went on to choose that other way to live that was being reflected to me. Since then my life has changed so much. I now have the life I always dreamed of, a life of purpose and meaning and fun and joy.

    The answer to that question you pose Joel “Could there be another way” is a resounding YES.

  621. Yes – there is definitely another way to live, and you Joel, and many more have already discovered this way thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I am sure that you are delighted that you allowed yourself to be dragged to that first presentation and to be offered another way to live, blowing away the myth that so many believe that “this is as good as it gets”.

  622. Yes undoubtedly there is another way. To get off the treadmill (once I had accepted that this was not fine), and to be able to connect to myself through some very simple choices has allowed me to have a whole new relationship with life! I wouldn’t have known there was another way had it not been for the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  623. Great point Susan, there is indeed always someone else worse off, measuring ourselves against others is no true measure at all. It is a justification for not wanting to change, but why wouldn’t we want to change when we can feel vital and alive every day through simple lifestyle choices.

  624. Dear Joel,
    I was a massage therapist for 15 years and have gone to and known many kinds of therapists but I have consistently found that most people, even highly functional ones and ones “trained to help people with this”, express a deep discontent with their lives….but if this is all we see, even in the therapeutic practitioners community…it is hard to ask the question…”IS THERE A DIFFERENT WAY?”.

    Seeing Serge present & seeing vitality and love lived in the esoteric students “..that have made their own way of living and who are realizing more and more that the answers were within us all along…” confirmed for me, that This is the way. The way of our own heart.

  625. This is one of the loveliest, most poignant and yet simple blogs about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon that I have read. It echoes my own journey of self discovery through connection to self and others and confirms for me that we are all in the same boat. We all desperately seek connection and meaning in our daily lives but sadly few of us attain it. The teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine help you to ask yourself the right questions so that you get the answers you were looking and the amazing thing is that the solution is right there within us where it has been all along. It now feels incredible to be able to feel true connection and meaning in every moment simply by being me. Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for reawakening this gift.

  626. Most people might think you are a master of self control and will power to be able to say “I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.”! It’s not everyday you hear this, but the beauty of it is that ‘the other way’ that you describe, presented by Universal Medicine is, from my own experience too, putting the power back in our court, to choose how we feel – and not be dictated to by diets, manifestation mantras, or any of the other ways we use to be able to get through life.

    1. Absolutely Rosanna often people comment I must have great discipline to live the way I do but its the opposite it comes from a love within you that supports the body naturally with no need to carry out strict regimes etc, I have never felt better and it has never been so easy.

  627. Interesting Joel that once upon a time you (and many of us) would need the confirmation of our OK-ness by seeing other people ‘doing it tough’. Why weren’t we able to see if we were OK by tuning into ourselves, rather than by comparison with others and feeling ‘good’ about seeing them in a ‘bad’ state? That’s an indictment of the whole system that society is labouring under! Hooray to you for coming along to the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop and learning that ‘there is another way’ and that it is accessible to all who are willing to look within themselves and open to the love that they are.

  628. Gold nugget alert with this one – “we were just not asking the right question”. How profoundly true is this one….I know for me that I kept asking the same question – just in different way – and not surprisingly I kept getting the same answers – just in different ways. And nothing changed.well it might have changed slightly or a lot but never for long.

    Until I went SURELY, there must be another way and asked a different question and boy oh boy got some great amazing answers showing that there really is another way to live.

  629. Joel I am with you a billion percent. Universal Medicine has shown me another way and now its up to me to make those choices everyday in everyway to return to my fully loving self for all to see. WooooHooo Ive been looking for me for a very long time. Thank you Serge Benhayon your the best.

  630. Popping the bubble is quite a biggie and yes beautifully put Joel, the ultimately expression of love. Thanks for sharing so clearly and simple.

  631. Thanks Joel for sharing your experience and that there is indeed another way. It’s very honest of you to say your wife dragged you but it’s also true that you went and you felt the truth of what you heard and had the heart to embrace this other way.

  632. And how amazing this other way of self care, expressing your truth and connecting to people truly is 😊

  633. A great blog Joel ““Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.”
    This was a question that I did not really know I was asking until I came across the answers from attending the presentations of Universal Medicine. And now I most definitely ask this question and offer it to others and share what I have found to be a way of living that supports me as opposed to pulling me down. The Way of the Livingness, an Awesome revelation.

  634. Seeing living examples of people who chose another way like the Benhayons made it possible for me to trust and choose the ‘other’ way. And the fact that nothing what is presented is imposed upon me. I am responsable for the choices I make, and no one else. Greatly refreshing, confronting and necessary to make changes that come from my own awareness, not something I am being told to do.

  635. Seeing living examples of people who chose another way like the Benhayons made it possible for me to trust and choose the ‘other’ way. And the fact that nothing what is presented is imposed upon me. I am responsable for the choices I make, and no one else. Greatly refreshing, confronting and necessary to make changes that come from my own awareness, not something I am being told to do.

  636. I remember something Serge Benhayon said in a presentation I was at a little while ago. He was saying just this, that here is another way, but the important thing was not just to seek that other way and follow it, but first of all to look at what and why the way being already followed was not working. If we just change tack and think we have left it all behind we are deceiving ourselves, for all the old stuff will be carried with us and we will turn out to be doing the same old thing in the so called new way. This made a lot of sense to me, remembering how many times in my life I have “made up my mind” to change the way I do things or the things that I do. It has to be from the heart and feeling what has really been going on before a true change can happen. As Judy says, Joel’s clarity and simplicity and loving expression are a beautiful example of living that way.

  637. Years ago I was sitting on a hill overlooking the site were we were about to build our new home. When I had a thought, “what if this is all just an illusion”
    At the time life was pretty intense, but I felt something speaking to me.
    Then my children gave me a iPod for my birthday,
    with some talks by Serge Benhayen.
    This changed my life , I got to see things in a different way.
    I got to see that there was another way.

  638. Could there be another way, yes, there is another way. I love that you ask this question in a time where it clearly shows that we as a humanity are not doing that well.

  639. I so loved your description of the presenters at the course you went to “vital, true and yet unforced”. It is something that I have felt also, something so different from other ‘holistic’ courses I have been to, where you feel like there is some sort of agenda. Universal Medicine courses and workshops have the most warm and allowing energy that I have ever experienced.

  640. Joel there most definitely is another way and like yourself I have been deeply inspired by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon to see that it is possible to make different choice that support this.

  641. It is such a simple non-imposing question ‘could there be another way?’ I also remember looking around, feeling I was doing ok, much the same or better than everyone else I saw. There were no other examples at that time of anyone appearing to be doing anything different until I came across Universal Medicine. Asking this question, and then standing back, leaves the respondent an option to feel that there definitely could be another way, and then it’s their choice to choose it.

  642. Thank you Serge Benhayon for loving humanity above you popularity by asking the question: could there be another way? I am one of the many people that have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant and can say from own experience: Yes there is another way. Thank for your blog Joel.

  643. Thank you Joel. Absolutely. I have found that my own arrogance of thinking that everything was fine in my life when actually it was very far from it, is slowly steadily being replaced by a humbleness of knowing that I am a part of something bigger. That I am actually a part of, or within the body of God.

  644. Thank you Joel for your blog. What I love about Universal Medicine is that NO-ONE has ever told me what to do! Instead I have offered myself choices in a place of either reaction to life or from a love of myself. Totally MY choices and I wear the consequences of those choices. A quote I am fond of is “Love is the answer, what was the question”?

  645. That really stood out for me as well Joel, when I first came to a Universal Medicine workshop, there was something different from all the other modalities and healing workshops I had been to elsewhere. There was no attachment from any of the practitioners or Serge Benhayon to have people attend or needing to get anything, they were just there presenting,“Could there be another way?” – which I now know and live whole heartedly. Yes… there is. A simple, loving, connected and open and honest life very different from the self-abusive, constant arguing, over serious and stressed out life I was leading. Awesome blog Joel.

  646. “…. through my own choices, I have built a way of living that delivers a level of vitality that is not forced or derived from sugar, caffeine or any other stimulant.” Taking responsibility for our health with simple choices that truly make a difference. The way to go – yes!

  647. The saying ‘This is as good as it gets’ springs to mind and I can now see that holding that belief was a bandaid for the pain of not living who I fully was and justifying it.

  648. Absolutely there is another more simple way of living and expressing and here we have a beautiful example of the wisdom which comes from living that way.

  649. This is a great article which reinforces the simple fact that we do know how to live life in a way that we know is true, time spent redeveloping this connect is an important step.

  650. “Is it arrogance to suggest that the way we currently live is not working, or is it the ultimate expression of love to potentially pop peoples’ bubble of pride and ask, “Could there be another way?“” This is such a great question. For many people this is a very confronting question as they feel their life is ‘fine’ and do not want to face the reality and the truth of the fact that it is not. To be able to stand up ask this question without arrogance takes not courage but deep, deep unconditional love as is demonstrated by Serge Benhayon. By doing so with love and with no investment in the outcome, just presenting the fact, thousands of people have been willing to look at the truth and take responsibility and change their lives and be honest.

  651. I totally understand Joel when you said you noticed practitioners of universal medicine looking so ‘vital, true, and yet unforced,’ The practitioners of universal medicine have inspired me to see there is another way, they walk their talk and are a true inspiration. Thank you for a great blog Joel showing us that yes there is indeed another way.

    1. Samantha it is very true, whereas in eduction we are taught that it is what you know in your head and can say that is important when I reflect on it is the vitality and light of the Universal Medicine practitioners and Way of the Livingness Students that offers the real inspiration as it is undeniable and can be felt as well as seen.

    2. You are spot on Samantha. The practitioners of Universal Medicine not only always look ‘vital, true and unforced’, but they also always and consistently have time for anyone who has a question or needs some support without any imposition or expectation of gratitude. They all do indeed walk their talk, and do it out of a pure and simple love for humanity, treating every single person the same, no matter what. This really is true inspiration.

    3. Great point, yes I have noticed this too. It is very inspiring because as soon as you see them (Universal Medicine practitioners) you know there is another more self-loving way to be and live.

  652. And that one question ‘Could there be another way?’ allows us all to pause for a moment and consider; allows us, for a moment, to dispense with all the rules and frameworks in society and honestly look at our lives and where we are at. Thank you, Serge Benhayon, for putting the question out there for humanity and Joel for sharing the turn around in you life since being prepared to answer that question honestly.

    1. I agree Matilda, it is an amazing question to consider, because often the way we do something, like live or eat or work or sleep, are so ingrained we don’t even consider them as something that could be different, and we never stop to think about where the ideals on how to do them came from.

  653. Thank you Joel; as someone who has seen your “before and after pictures”, I can vouch for the incredible changes you have made, what I didn’t know was that your wife dragged you along – how fortunate were you!
    I especially love the words “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” I have also found that this was one of the most important changes that I made once I understood, with the help of the various workshops and the continuous support from Serge Benhayon and the other esoteric practitioners, that I have a choice and that life need not be this hamster on a wheel existence with all that it comes with, from depression to moodiness to exhaustion to unexplainable aches and pains.
    And most amazing is the fact that all these seemingly normal occurrences of my then everyday life are now but a distant memory.

  654. Exquisitely put Joel, thank-you.
    That one person, Serge Benhayon, ‘dared’ to step forth and question what was not working, and show ‘another way’ has also been a profoundly deep inspiration in my own life.
    I too had lived my own way of, well, ‘misery’ (thinking that that was pretty much how it is) until I started to feel, experience and make quite deep changes in the way in which I lived, inspired by Serge Benhayon and the work of Universal Medicine. And I would like to stress the word ‘inspired’ here.. for from the first moment I heard Serge present teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, I have never ever felt ‘told’, nor imposed upon with a way I ‘should’ be. Rather, I’ve actually felt that every word he has said has felt like it was my own – my own inner wisdom speaking to me, that had been so deeply buried.
    How joyful to rekindle its flame, and feel the same in you dear friend, and such wisdom pouring forth from your pen yet again!

  655. Yes yes yes agreed Joel there is another way, a new normal & an extraordinary ordinary in each of us – thank you for expressing. So much gratitude to Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine for sharing & inspiring this way with us. It has & continues to make such a difference in my life. I am more vital than fit, I am energised rather than driven & feel lighter & so free in my body.

    1. Love it Beverly, “new normal and an extraordinary ordinary” sums up my life too since attending Universal Medicine events and listening to Serge Benhayon present on stage. There is so much to truly thank Serge Benhayon for, as his constant love of humanity, courage to speak up, deep personal integrity and boundless compassion has and continues to support so many people to return to themselves and re-discover their true worth and expression. I too am vital, energised and lighthearted, feeling bright and alive and never believed I would feel like this again having lived through so much personal strife in my life. This work truly is the Grace of God.

  656. Joel, I love that you say your wife ‘dragged you’ to your first Universal Medicine workshop, not only for its refreshing candour but because it also says something about how men and women tend to approach their health and wellbeing. The medical industry reports same – men are reluctant starters when it comes to their health. It’s really interesting how women do tend to lead the way on these matters: why is a whole other topic. So congratulations for taking the plunge – you could have chosen not to go at all – and being a way-shower for other men.

    1. Yes this stood out for me too Victoria. It is a comical image but one that shows us so much. Women do tend to be more proactive when it comes to their own health, but men do seem to be slowly picking up the reigns too.

  657. It is a totally ordinary thing in the world we grow up in, to look around in order to see how we are doing and gauge how we are by comparing ourselves with others. It’s not so hard to understand how quality of life slides in that to-and-fro of looking for standards, and how we put up with the sore back and the mediocre relationships as we see them around us too. As you say Joel; Serge Benhayon “cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question,’Could there be another way?'” This other way most definitely broke a reliance I had on looking outside of myself to judge something right or wrong and began my own discovery of life from the inside feelings first.

    1. This is so true Rosanna, ‘It is a totally ordinary thing in the world we grow up in, to look around in order to see how we are doing and gauge how we are by comparing ourselves with others’, It feels very freeing to longer do this, I feel like i’m now on my own journey and living in a way that feels true for me rather than comparing myself to others and how they are doing, I feel like I am truly evolving because of this.

  658. ‘Could there be another way?’ – a question I feel I have been asking all my life and love the how you have questioned yourself when life could have continued as ‘fine’, being in comparison with others and saying, life can just exist. I have been fortunate to also attend courses from Universal Medicine and they have changed my life in how I relate to myself, those around me and the world in general. By showing me there is another way, to take self responsibility, accountability and feel the difference of these choices. And I agree – “Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.

  659. Joel, I love your article. I’ve tried many different ways of living which are actually all variations on the same way of living and all equally empty. I too am so appreciative of attending Universal Medicine presentations and being presented with another way, a way that I often don’t always choose to live but a way that I know with my whole being is the only way to live. Thank you for reminding me of the simplicity of this.

  660. Thank you Joel for nailing the ‘wheel of life’, that we get caught on, comparing, accepting and justifying the choices we have made. There is indeed ‘Another way’ and It is beautiful.

  661. Yes our pride can get in the way or we are just too numb to actually be aware how we are really feeling, the lack of true joy and depth in our relationship with ourselves and others. There is another way and I did not even really know that I was looking for it but I was. My soul brought me to Universal Medicine and every word Serge Benhayon has been teaching, has made absolute sense to me. The Way of the Livingness is my Way and I am it’s forever student.

  662. That is exactly what Universal Medicine has offered me. A way to step out of the tredmill. How? By simple choices concerning self care instead of accepting less just because everyone around me is doing so, because it is the ‘normal’ state of being. Now I know there is a choice, every moment to be full of me.

  663. Like you Joel, I thought my life was very good, but there was an underlying feeling of anxiety, and frustration at the problems of the world that the whole collective of best brains couldn’t solve – the poverty, illness, war, racial discrimination, greed, violence, etc. I too have discovered that there is another way to live each day that allows me to make more loving and supportive choices, and I understand that by doing this I am not in that anxious frustrated state, so everyone else benefits from my shift of energy.

  664. Thank you Joel. I can totally relate to what you have shared here – it is like my life’s story. I remember saying to Serge Benhayon shortly after attending the Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 course that, for the most part, my life is great however I did concede that there are parts that are not so great but nothing to really complain about or so it seemed. How then do you say to someone who thinks they have a pretty good life having a home, a great family, lots of friends, a great job and business, could buy pretty much what they want, and is willing to put up with almost any illness as long as it is not cancer etc that perhaps life is not so grand?

    Do you feel deep down truly content, vital, happy, joy-full? Have you the relationships with people where you love openly and let people love and care for you deeply? How can I have people all around yet feel lonely and empty in a crowded room? These were burning questions inside that after listening to Serge Benhayon for the first time he was speaking my language – speaking to every part of me. What Serge was sharing was not going to win popularity contests however there was no doubt that he was not there to do so. Rather from his natural, genuine and deep love and care of people that he could not just sit idly by nor talk or complain around a kitchen, work or lunch table about the state of the world – where illness and disease rates are accelerating rapidly as are relationship break ups, corruption, greed, rape and violent crimes, mental health problems etc skyrocketing in fact. Seeing and feeling that none of this would change unless someone starts living, showing and sharing that there is a different way. Thank you dearly Serge and Universal Medicine for sharing and inspiring me in me what it is to truly love people including myself deeply.

  665. Thanks Joel for this very simple and down to earth blog that explains it all. I, too after many years of searching and committed spiritual seeking had settled for ‘this is as good as it gets’ until I met the Benhayons, Universal Medicine, the Ancient Wisdom and the student body. Then I got to realise there is another way that works, as I could see it and later feel it in those people who had committed to the way of the livingness. This was confronting to all that I had settled for and given up on but an enormous inspiration at the same time. Since then my life continues to expand and change in ways I would not have thought possible even a few years ago thanks to embracing ‘another way’.

  666. Thank you Joel. What a great blog.
    You have said it so simply and exposed the ‘Everything’s fine’ myth, which is the way we do it, comparing ourselves to others who are worse off to justify a sad and small way of living.
    Deep down we all know that something’s not right and it’s just a mater of time until we admit it. Bring it on!

  667. Well said Joel. It is easy on one hand to dismiss the question of ‘is there another way?’ But if we stop to really ponder on this and how usually the choices we have made aren’t working, it is such a profound handbrake and turning point if one is willing to not stubbornly over ride what is being presented to us.

  668. thank you Joel. It is so true, that pride gets in the way of even contemplating this question. It can be so easy for us to stay in the comfort of whatever we are in, as UNcomfortable as it actually is, and just keep going along, doing what we do to exist in the world rather than truly live. I too had a plethora of Natural Medicine qualifications behind me when I discovered Serge and Universal Medicine. No matter how much I dedicated to these other modalities and practices, none of them supported a simple, loving and natural way of being in the way that Serge and Universal Medicine do. I too have jumped of the treadmill and now live and work with an ease and flow that is undoubtedly showing me that there is most definitely another way. Who knows where I would be if I hadn’t!!

  669. ‘Could there be another way?’ There most definitely is.

    It requires going against the current trends which is like wading through strong tidal waters because the majority of the world is living against their true nature.

  670. Thanks Joel, what a great question that if everyone asked and felt truly into would know there is. Your blog shows how we can comfortably sit on a layer of existence that is not true to our potential. It’s such a powerful question I want to share it with everyone, just to give them the opportunity to feel there is and what potential they hold within.

  671. Thank you, Joel. Once again you have captured a universal truth on behalf of hundreds of individuals. When I came across Universal Medicine 12 years ago, I too knew instantly that the endless searching for truth had come to an end.

  672. Yes, Joel, as you say there is another way and I am profoundly grateful that I chose ‘that way’ as presented by Serge Benhayon. It was so wonderful when I began to let go of all that has held me back from appreciating that life can be as simple as I choose to make it. When I can allow each moment to unfold rather than racing ahead with ‘all that I need to do’ I can be in the present instead of living my life constantly thinking of the next task that I needed to do, in order to be able to feel that sense of achievement at the end of the day.

  673. Amazing blog Joel, thank you for confirming what I felt inside me when I first attended a Universal Medicine Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon “Truly Amazing!” and I am still coming back for more! I was also into alternative therapies and like you, I was not doing fine at all, I was not even ticking the boxes… I can feel now my vitality like I have never felt before, even though within that vitality I do have ups and downs but nothing to compare with what I use to experience before that.

  674. Thanks Joel, I love how you say -‘the answers were within us all along…we were just not asking the right question’… Very true!

  675. We will only arrive at the true answer when we ask the right question.
    “Could there be another way?”
    You have presented so simply that many of us are living life just getting by, ignoring the problems, grinning and bearing it.
    You are so right Joel, it takes “popping of the pride” to face the fact that all is not as great as we wish it to be…and then it becomes OK that all is not OK. Now we are free to face it with honesty and the next layer of questions arise: “So if there is another way, what is it?”
    And the answer to that lies within us, as is so beautifully and consistently presented by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  676. A great question to ask. Are we happy just going along with the motions, putting up with what is accepted as normal in society. All the ills, the conflicts, the disharmony in our bodies, our relationships and within humanity in general. Have we become a society of laid back silencers, afraid to stand out if we question the so called norm? Do we ever even stop to consider another way. Amazing blog Joel Levin.

  677. Could there be another way? Universal Medicines practitioners and students reflect another way of living. A way that treats everyone equally. A way that treats everyone with respect how ever they choose to live. A way of no judgement. A way of living in harmony with each other. A way of expressing what is honest no matter the outcome, A way of nurturing themselves by making loving choices in what they eat and how they care for their body. This way demonstrates a holistic way of living and shows that there most definitely is another way of living and this is my way of living.

  678. Its so wonderful now to live as the different one, the one that stands out as living true health. I am the one where my staff come to for clarity and confirmation of what they are feeling, as they see the clarity and truth in me. How lovely to not feel we have to be the same as everyone else around us to fit in. Now they want to fit in with me.

  679. Before coming across Universal Medicine I was searching for something. What that something was I didn’t consciously know. Looking back, I was searching for another way as deep down I knew something about my life wasn’t right. 10 years later my life has changed more than I could have ever imagined. There is indeed another way.

  680. Awesome blog Joel, and I wholeheartedly agree, there there is most definitely another way to live where vitality and joy are normal, and not the sense of heaviness, dragging and exhaustion that so many of us are resigned to thinking that that way of living is normal.

  681. Joel I love the simplicity in which you share a question that I feel everyone could relate to in their own way and it inspires me to know that I can ask myself this question not only in the sum total of life but in each small moment and choice that I make. Bringing it back to the endless opportunities I have in my every day to make choices in A Way that I would like it to be and doing so unapologetically, as it is my way of nurturing and honouring me and My Way.

  682. It is funny when we ‘prop’ ourselves up by looking sideways or behind at someone else that maybe not ‘doing as well’. Why and what do we want to feel ‘better’ from? I remember chasing the next thing to feel better or entertain the ‘well at least I’m not as bad as..’ The only real answer or ‘better’ has come from the answer and the looking I have done from within myself. But you have to be at a point as I was 5 years ago when you ask the question, “Could there be another way” The other way for me was Universal Medicine and self responsibility.

  683. I can relate to this article a lot. When I was in my mid 20’s I had everything yet I felt that I was missing an important part of life, like someone forgot to tell me the punch line before I was borne…. as it turns out, the most important part I was missing desparately was me – and YES there is a way of living that allows and fosters this relationship.

  684. I love it Joel. There is always a choice – to remain where we are, to remain ignorant and to accept less for ourselves; just as there is a choice to ask ourselves if there is another way, if there could be more to life and to honour our true knowing.

  685. What a great blog, Joel. I can so relate to what you have shared. My own life has been one of chasing ideals in relation to health, nutrition and self-awareness, but none of it was getting me anywhere. I was not healthy, I was not taking care of myself, I was in a constant state of exhaustion and my self-awareness was simply taking me round and round in endless circles. Why? Because I hadn’t stopped still long enough to really feel what was going on. I loved what you said about the simple choice that you discovered to “stop the spin of the world from spinning inside [you]”. Universal Medicine has shown me there is another way and that way is very simple – and I can now feel there is a stillness within, which is the way.

  686. “Could there be another way?” such a powerful question that is rarely asked but I have felt has been the question in the back of my mind for far too long. Even today I am discovering that there are still ruts I choose to go into and not question. I don’t feel that this question ever remains in a fixed place but follows us around constantly. My life has changed beyond words if I were to look back and compare to how I was living however I am now just aware of different layers of disturbance begging to ask “Could there be another way?”

  687. Much of what you have written here Joel, I can relate to. From the highly functional yet not overly caring marriage to feeling obliged to stay in the same job….yet I never really felt it was fine and I always felt there must be another way. Thank the stars for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who indeed presents a way of living and loving from a place of integrity and truth. I came across his work after 5-6 years of searching for a truer way to live. His authenticity and down to earth approach to the big question “Could there be another way?” is anything but arrogant.

  688. I enjoyed reading your blog Joel. It is incredible how we can fool ourselves about how we are feeling and not be honest. If we’re honest then we do have to consider another way and change the behaviours that are not serving us. I am thankful to Serge Benhayon for presenting the Way of the livingness which is a simple more loving way.

  689. Oh yes Joel I agree, there certainly is another way to living our lives. A live so rich and full of joy that I never dared to imagine it. If it was not for the loving support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would not have made the choice to re-access it as willingly and I know I would feel very different today.

  690. Great blog Joel… I can relate as I too used to think (or try and convince myself) that life was ‘fine’ and / or normal, when I realise now that deep down I knew it really wasn’t, and that there were lots of things that simply didn’t match up or make sense. When I began to connect back to who I naturally am, and to consider that I had a choice in the way I was living, I realised there was nothing outside of me that could make life ‘fine’ and that everything was within (as it had been all along) and the starting point for that was listening to and taking more care of my body. Inspired by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I now know (and live) that there is indeed another way.

  691. YES. undoubtedly, Joel. Long time I was doubting myself so much. I was really scared, that what I felt inside is not true, could never be reality, like down to earth reality. Gladly – “the evidence is the thousands of people like me from across the world that have made their own way of living”. I was living in a nutshell for a long time, imploding over and over again. There is a way and – – finally – every day I am looking very much forward to it, I want to jump in over and over again, yeahah!

  692. This blog explains so many things so simply and effortlessly. I remember living my life feeling so resigned to the fact that it would never be all I could feel it could be. I felt as though I would never know true love or feel truly good in my body. I tried hard but no modality or self help book ever really supported me to live the way I really wanted to. Like Joel I recognised Universal Medicine was different right away and my life began changing for the better very quickly. Now there are still things I know I need to change but the difference is that now I know it’s possible and I have all the tools I need to choose what is really right for me. This is worth appreciating and your blog reminds me to do this Joel. Thank you.

  693. I love your expression Joel, what you write is the truth for many, we can accept that life with it’s many ups and downs is something we just have to put up with. Yet, as you write, when offered the possibility that perhaps there could be another way, it feels like a light which was turned off long ago becomes reignited. This has indeed been my experience and though this light has sometimes dimmed, now reignited it shall never be put out. Thank you Universal medicine for rekindling my light.

  694. This is a piece to come back to for sure Joel – it is simple and artful. The offerings Serge makes are not text book ideas like so many of the self-help books and courses I did in the past and like you Joel this is the first that changed my life holistically too. Thank you Serge for putting your care for people before your own popularity.

  695. Joel, you’ve hit the nail on the head. As long as we are OK and tick most of the boxes we just keep going along doing the same thing until something stops us.
    I too could tick most of the boxes but there was always something inside me that said, “There has to be another way. There has to be more to life than this”.
    And I kept looking until the day I met Serge Benhayon. It is a day etched in my mind, a grand moment in time, as this man spoke with such clarity and presented what I had always known and yet did not live. And from that day 9 years ago I have continued to be truly inspired by his way, his love and his life.

  696. I totally agree Joel Universal Medicine deliver a holistic approach, getting holistic results without any claim that they do. Simple words but true, Serge Benhayon is the real deal.

  697. Thank you Joel for your insights. I was looking for meaning in my life and the New Age was not the answer ,a friend invited me to a meeting of Universal Medicine in Byron Bay which at first was a little hard for me to understand. They were the Sutras of Patanjali . I went along when I could, understanding more as time went on and I am so very glad to be a Student of Universal Medicine and all that entails.

  698. I remember hearing a couple of friends that were a generation older than myself talking one day, and one expressed to the other “life wasn’t that easy for us, but we managed”
    I felt the truth in the first part of the comment, that life wasn’t that easy, but the second part really stopped me. Did I really want to just manage in my life?

    This felt so far from my truth, so far from what I wanted and so far from what I felt my life was about.

    I am so fortunate to have met and to know the Benhayon family, for they are a living example to me and the world that there is another way, that we are all destined to live amazing lives and that we can all live together in joy and harmony.

    Yes, by the way they live, and the way that they have inspired hundreds of others to live, there can never be any doubt that there is another way – the way of the livingness

    1. And a big YES from me too.
      Another way of being? . . . I am living proof that this is possible and can be embraced.
      And I started from a very low base.

  699. This is a great blog Joel, and I wholeheartedly agree that ‘Yes, there is another way”. My life was falling apart and I had the opportunity to go to a workshop with Serge Benhayon. I went and have never looked back. What was being presented was very simple answers to all the questions I had had, but which I then realised I actually already knew. It was just that I had not taken notice of them because they weren’t the answers that everybody else had. Far too often we try to ‘fit in’, instead of trusting what we know within us, and this is the reflection that is being offered to us all by Serge and Universal Medicine.
    Thankyou Joel for asking “are we asking the right questions?”

  700. There most certainly is another way, ‘the way of the livingness’. I had tried so many modalities, for well over a decade. The presentations by Serge Benhayon always felt so true and my body confirmed this truth each and every step of the way.

  701. Joel I liked how you presented that you would choose who to compare yourself with dependent on how you were doing, I also did this. I feel this is one of the main traps that keeps us thinking life is okay, not really that bad. It is thoughts like this that close us off to the possibility there is another way, because we are championing life is okay how it is. I love how you write Joel.

    1. I completely agree Toni – comparison is definitely both a straightjacket and a comfort to keep us wedded to the struggle of so-called ‘living’. There is another way and it is the livingness inside us as so many previous comments have also pointed out. This vital connection cannot ever be confused with any existential struggle.

  702. Joel. Very true in all you say. We certainly need to look very closely on the way we live.
    Rather than live by a timetable we set ourselves, we need to priorities our real needs to leading a fulfilled life, not just for us alone, but for all humanity. Serge has shown us the way, we just need to follow his examples.

  703. Yes indeed there is another way! Although I have had an interest in my health and wellbeing, I had not discovered the vitality and clarity in life that I have today, until I was introduced to Universal Medicine and the presentations by Serge Benhayon. I feel (and function!) better, today, at nearly 44 years old, than I did in my mid-twenties. Across all the facets of my life I can note vast improvements… in my relationships with people, my way of expressing, and in the level of my self-care and love. It is all a work in progress still – there is no perfection, but wow! I cannot go back to what I now see was a life of existing, not truly living… even if everything looked great to the onlooker back then and nothing looked amiss… I could feel something was missing… Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon supported me in finding what that was!

    1. If i hadn’t heard Serge Benhayon speak, I would still be asking questions, opening doors to ideas and beliefs that never felt completely right. It was as if I could only find parts of the answers, but not the whole truth. Like Janene and the others, I could never go back to that, and the continuing discovery as my life unfolds is amazing.

  704. Thanks Joel. Its super easy to look at the lives of those around us and say as long as were are doing okay in comparison to that then we are fine… even though fine might to be the case for how we are feeling. Many people are unhappy in their day to day lives. I can tell by the comments I hear from those that I work with and serve at my counter, yet no one has asked that question ‘could there be another way’ as for everyone around them, their way is the same.

    1. Yes this is a big one, and as soon as we start comparing ourselves with another there is no room for growth or evolution within ourself because we are looking on the outside again; we need to let go completely of all forms of comparison we have.

      1. You are right Vicky, by comparing ourselves with others only allows us to grow like runner beans gowning in the garden climbing and twisting on a line towards the sun. True evolution is to expand from within to be like the sun that the runner beans are trying to reach, unknown to them that they too are suns themselves.

  705. Amazing post Joel Levin and very sincere. Like you I wanted “to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me”. This happened when a wise friend suggested I go along to a Universal Medicine presentation by Serge Benhayon.
    I initially dismissed it all because everything made sense but at the same time it would mean that my life that I was living was not it and it would have to end. I was so invested in the drama and comfort that to change would require commitment and I was not ready.
    However, there was a strong pull and so I went back after 6 months and made a choice to commit. That was 2006.
    My life today is incredible, simple and truly amazing. Serge Benhayon gave me the template and I made my own choices. I have a life that I could not even imagine was possible to sustain and yet it is. Is there another way – YES.

  706. I love that you share here the somewhat ‘mechanistic?’ manner of life much of humanity live by. In answer to the ‘dare to ask question’…Could there be Another Way?… these comments from all over our World attest to, an absolute Yes! and we are living that way, The Way of the Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon, founder of Universal Medicine. Joel it is great that you bring this to light, thank you.

  707. Joel, I totally agree with you that there is another way. But hang on a moment…perhaps this ‘other way’ is indeed ‘the way’. Which leads me to conclude that for such a long period of my life I was actually living the ‘other way’. Give me ‘the way’ any day…it’s so much more vital!

  708. Thanks Joel, the answer to your question “Could there be another way?”, is an emphatic YES from myself and many others I know who have been inspired by the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon to live that other way. Living free of any harmful substances like, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, dairy and gluten, my health, well-being and vitality has increased, I have lost a lot of weight and most importantly it has reconnected me to my body and has helped me to feel the real ‘me’.

  709. Great blog Joel, loved your honesty and process of the world as it is and how we can choose differently. This whole ‘normal’ thing is so sticky! People get stuck in the ‘normal’ of having body pain, drinking alcohol, feeling tired and pretty much being miserable. There is another way and I too thank Serge Benhayon for shining his light on that path.

  710. “It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” What an apt comment, Joel, and an amazing blog. I felt that spin of the world spinning inside me for a long long time. It wasn’t until my first contact with Universal Medicine that I felt a momentary pause to that spinning allowing me to feel a stillness that was so welcoming and felt so ancient. That pause has since lengthened in duration and continues to do so. And it feels awesome.

  711. Beautifully written Joel. Yes this was me too…a natural therapist but still moody and unsatisfied with life. Through finding Universal Medicine I have found a new and truly natural way to live, and a new purpose to living.

  712. I remember that resignation and saying “this is as good as it gets “, it is so NOT true.
    I too chose not to hear the inner promptings, pushed on and on……….yet, if we truly listen, the answers are within us.
    I am one of the many who have found that “other way” you speak of Joel.

  713. I had no other previous experience with workshops and it was my wife too that convinced, more like tricked me into going to my first Universal Medicine presentation. I too have experienced another way through what has been presented. Thanks Joel for putting it all so plainly down in words.

  714. Joel I always love reading your blogs. Your love of people just shines through. Reading this at this point in my life is perfect. I have been attending Universal Medicine courses for the last four years and have had one to one sessions with Universal Medicine Practitioners for the last six years. The self respect, love, care and healing in my life has been huge. I am now at a point where my body has been in a lot of pain recently with my periods, but it has been very supportive to ask this question even more deeply of myself – is there another way – is there another way I can go about doing things or another way to approach life? The support from Serge Benhayon is never-ending and with this slowly I am making changes to stay more connected to the tenderness and love I feel inside of me. It can seem taboo in general society to be sensitive and loving, but I can feel that is my natural loving way and to not live this is the cause of the pain. It’s becoming an easy choice of – do I want to feel the love inside of me or fit in to what seems normal and continue to experience pain?

  715. Absolutely Yes Joel. Universal Medicine presents another way for us all to live and I have chosen it . It has been amazingly life changing and continues to be so. Thank you Serge Benhayon.

  716. Awesome blog Joel – it is so true that many people walk through life feeling that its not right, and yet everything they see around them confirms that the life they are leading is normal or fine. And it only takes one person, one person living differently, to open up the question and the possibly – is there another way? For my self I can agree and say undoubtably yes there is, thanks to the support of Universal medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  717. I have also been inspired by Universal Medicine and found that there is another way Joel and I feel that ‘I have a more honest connection with people than I’ve had before, I love the work that I do’, this has been a real turnaround for me as I used to dread going to work and was so full of self doubt that I wasn’t truly connecting to people, this has changed now as have many other areas of my life, so I definitely agree that ‘there is another way’ and it’s an incredibly beautiful, simple way.

  718. “Could there be another way?” I remember thinking something similar in my early twenties yet everywhere I looked I would see others in the same, worse or better off situations than me – so life seemed “normal” and i found ways to cope. The hurts, the discontentment was not my isolated issue but a widespread normality so I stopped asking “Could there be another way?” and simply looked for a fix when the pain got too much. It was only after attending a number of Universal Medicine events and started to make different choices for myself that I realised there most certainly is “another way”.

  719. Fantastic blog Joel, I love that you have found that there is another way to the mundane life we can so easily put up with. It is true it is all to do with choices and choosing a life that is filled with real love “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”

  720. For sure, this is not ‘as good as it gets’. Universal Medicine offers a truly holistic answer to the question, ‘Surely there’s got to be more to it than this?’.

  721. Hi Joel, I’d agree that it can be easy to fool ourselves and say yes I am doing well, by comparing with those around us who perhaps are struggling in many aspects of their lives. But our mark of what is well and what is normal is perhaps not so normal after all. What if we are able to live with, energy, vitality and joy, as presented by Serge Banhayon, and not feel constantly beset by problems with our health and wellbeing. This seems like a better kind of normal to me and one we should strive to return to and measure our health and wellbeing from.

    1. Definitely Stephen. It is easy to feel ok and kid ourselves we are doing ok by looking at others in what we perceive is perhaps a worse position than ourselves. But what if we were to look at those who are living joyfully everyday with an abundance of energy and a true zest for life? Perhaps we would stop and make far more responsible choices for ourselves in the future…?

  722. Thank you Joel for the beautiful reminder, that there is definetly another way, a more loving and self honouring way, by making truthful and loving choices in ever moment.

  723. Great blog Joel discussing a very important question … “Could there be another way?” It makes me think of a famous quote by Albert Einstein’s … “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. I too am grateful to Serge and Universal Medicine for shining their light on the possibility of there being another way to live and for so lovingly and patiently supporting me to find it. And not just any old other way either … but a simpler, more practical, successful and loving way.

  724. Beautifully put Joel, there is another way to live and you are correct, we know it all along but we don’t ask the right questions. I too trod the alternative health route, making claims about the work I practised but never living the real principles of true health. Meeting Universal Medicine was the day I woke up to the truth – there is another way to live and it does as you say deliver “a truly holistic result, without claiming” that it does. Universal Medicine is our true remedy to all the ills in our lives, and it begins with re-connecting to our wisdom that can guide us back to a healthy, vibrant, loving life.

  725. Thank you Joel for your beautiful blog. Yes, there is another way and that’s what we need to reflect to humanity as, like we did before meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, we didn’t know either. You and all of us are the living testimony of the blessings we have chosen by living in a way that truly honours who we are and what we are here to bring. I could never thank Serge and Universal Medicine enough for showing ‘The Way’.

  726. I also got to a point where nothing in my life was working and I was in daily physical pain and totally dissatisfied with every aspect of my life and I remember lying on the bed in total despair and saying to myself “there has to be more to life than this”. Like Rachel shortly after I found Serge Benhayon through a friend, who at the time was treating me for sciatica and it has been shown to me that there definitely is another way to live.

  727. Before Universal Medicine my question was “There had to be more than this?” which started my quest to look for more, which eventually brought me to Universal Medicine. Asking the question “Is there another way?” opens us up to the possibility that how we live our life is not right and maybe this is what needs to change. Without Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would still be like you Joel, thinking that my life was ok when it wasn’t. My life was an empty shell devoid of love and just going through the motions of every day existence. So a big thank you to Serge for showing us there is another way that offers true vitality, love and a true purpose to life.

  728. Thank you for an inspiring read about what Universal Medicine brings. What stopped me and I took a moment to appreciate was “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”
    I just realised that the simplicity of choice has been one of the keys to making changes and I have learned I always have a choice no matter what and in this it supports ‘yes there is another way’.

  729. I agree with your observations Joel. I have always been struck by the level of honesty and commitment and consistency to truth that Serge Benhayon delivers. He could have taken the easier road that many take of telling people essentially what they want to hear but what good would that do? How would that change anything? We need more visionaries like him, presenting it as it is.

  730. “It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” This sentence caught my attention as I too was spinning with everything that was going on around me and still thinking I was ‘fine’ as this was how everyone else was as well – until I met Serge Benhayon and he confirmed what I had been silently asking myself “Surely there is another way?” Yes, The Way of the Livingness as lived and presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine shows me that there is a way to live that stops the spin and brings me back to inner stillness.

  731. Didn’t we all do this, telling ourselves that ”life is fine (or good)”or “this is normal”? I love the title of this article, “Do you care for yourself enough to ask that if life could be lived differently?” This is huge, Joel. Thank you for writing this.

  732. A beautiful and very inspiring blog Joel in its honesty and simplicity. YES! There most certainly is another way which I have been inspired by since attending presentations with Serge Benhayon. Having met you last year, I can verify you are filled with a true vitality and deep inner warmth from your chosen way of living. A joy to meet and communicate with you.

  733. “Could there be another way?” I absolutely agree yes there is and it can come from within. I loved who you described your experience of ‘choice’ “This gift of simple choice was one of the most liberating tools I have found. It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.”Since I have begun to take responsibility for my daily choices I have felt a foundation of stillness building within me, previously I was chaotic and emotional. It is also lovely how you describe Serge Benhayon and other Esoteric Practitioner as “unforced” this is just how it feels, no pressure, no push, no superiority, they are comfortable being who they are, and in so doing offer a beautiful reflection to the world.

  734. Thanks Joel. I have this image of you, head down, mumbling to yourself, feet barely moving, resisting all the way into Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 ☺. What a transformation!
    One of the most interesting aspects of this blog for me is the recognition that we are naturally vital and don’t need all those stimulants in our bodies. This is the opposite of what most people believe in my experience, but can confirm it to be true for me. In fact my body thrives on much less food than before and on a very much refined diet and I certainly have a great deal more energy now.

  735. “I would look around at the people presenting the course and those already working as practitioners and what I saw was something within them that was so vital, true, and yet unforced, that I could not but consider that there might be another way.” I too witnessed this at Universal Medicine presentations, which has inspired me to choose to change my way of living also. Having attended and trained in many spiritual modalities and courses before, not one had really made a huge impact on my health and well-being; they just papered over the cracks….Unimed is the real deal. ““Could there be another way?” The answer is undoubtedly YES.”

  736. Thanks Joel, your blog made my heart sing cause i now know there is another way – thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  737. Thank you Joel, Its interesting isn’t it how we can be so willing to settle for comfort and mediocrity with out question. As you said: “As long as my life was like other people’s, my life must be fine”. I can’t actually remember ever feeling my life was fine, I was either seeking relief in the form of alcohol and drugs, searching for ‘truth and goodness’ in spiritual practices or talking endlessly about my ‘stuff ‘with a myriad of doctors and/or practitioners. Nothing made any sense or really helped until Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine entered my life. Yes there is another glorious way.

  738. Oh yes: “It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me” – thats so liberating, is’t it?

  739. If my life had been ‘fine’ I can imagine how easy it would have been to settle into comfort and not aspire for anything more than ordinary. This wasn’t my life however, as mine was much more like Bold and the Beautiful without all the money and glamour but certainly all the drama and sadness. Nevertheless, perhaps we can both agree, that Serge Benhayon has presented that there is so much more for both of us and, in fact, all of us … and, as we have found out for ourselves, that is certainly true.

  740. I can relate with what you share Joel, having previously practised acupuncture, I definitely thought my life was fine when compared to many people I saw. Only now, can I look back and acknowledge that my life was far from fine. So, yes Joel there is another way, a way where life has a joie de vivre once again.

  741. Totally Awesome Joel. I love the authority and honesty with which you write and share. Although I never went down the line of playing with an array of ‘health or healing modalities’ I definitely had a drive and a push to be what I considered at the time healthy which included looking a certain way- but at no time was it about a true way that was about how I felt inside and out. When I first went over and did Sacred Esoteric Healing level 1, I did so under a pull to do so and because of the suggestion from a dear friend whom I deeply trust. When I got there, I felt a ‘home’ feeling and this was because of the vitality of the people and the way everyone interacted with immense care with me. Over that weekend I felt truth in what Serge presented and he had put words to all I had felt life to be- plus it made sense, he walked the walk and talked the talk. I instantly knew from all of this that I could deeply trust him, just as I do my dear friend.

  742. As I work in the field of medicine, it is interesting how many people working in this area still have unhealthy lifestyles and don’t question it . The question for me is, what is really going on in us as human beings that even people who have a medical training are blind towards the truth of what their bodies are telling them.

  743. Doing ‘what we should or shouldn’t do’ is the key-phrase for me here, Dear Joel. Thank you for bringing this to awareness again. That’s the trap I found myself in, too, and the many others around me. How easy is, what Serge Benhayon presents!

  744. Thank you Joel for asking this question. I can confirm YES there is another way… a way that takes care for our bodies we live in. I too have found the reflection of this way of living in Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. This way of living is so genuine to me that I can not do anything else than appreciate it as being true, the one and only purpose in my live to lovingly aim for.

  745. Thank you Joel, I love the question you are asking if we are caring enough to ask if there could be another way….. that was a huge revelation for me to realize when I first came to Universal Medicine that my lack of care was not even giving me the opportunity to consider another way. Since then I am deepening my level of care on a daily basis and the truth is right in front of me, every moment and I can heartfelt say YES there absolutely is another way.

  746. I spent years wondering if this was all there was to life – the 9-5, dinner with family, bed, up to walk the dog, breakfast with the family, work 5 days a week and collapse in the relief of the weekend only to it all over again. Aggh I couldn’t face another minute of it, yet alone the rest of my life and that’s the moment I said ‘there has to be another way surely there is more to life than this”. It was shortly after my internal cry for help that I discovered the work of Serge Benhayon and like you Joel felt something I couldn’t quite put my finger on but had a deep knowing that this was it.

  747. Hi Joel, I love the simplicity of your blog. We are all so used to measuring our well- or not so well-being against the really ill or poor people of this world, just to make ourselves believe that we are ok because we are better off than them. Like, I am so grateful that I am not in a wheelchair like him….
    Thank you for sharing your experience in the sacred healing workshop level 1, which was the eye opener for you. Isn’t it so obvious, when you can see it so clearly in other people, that there IS another way.

  748. Thank you for your blog Joel. Yes, there is another way and my thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing the world this is a living possibility for all.

  749. Thank you, Joel.
    You made me really appreciate the fact that we have ‘another way’ presented in a lived example(s), and not as an idealistic concept to chase after. And those living specimens are increasing in numbers.

    1. Absolutely true Fumiyo, you can’t argue with the ‘lived examples’, and there are an ever increasing number of them all radiating their beauty within themselves out into the world to everyone to feel.

  750. As you so beautifully share Joel…YES, there is another way….in deep appreciation of Serge Benhayon who always speaks the Truth and is never afraid to ask the much needed questions – many of which humanity doesn’t even know they need to ask!

    1. So true Paula. When I first went along to a workshop, I was part of humanity that didn’t know that I had questions I needed to ask but was amazed at what was given to me to consider and that there could be another way. There were some ‘whoops’ moments as I recognised some of my choices may not be serving me but over time I have let go of many ideals and beliefs. A stunning blog Joel, inspirational for all.

  751. Honesty is certainly on of the first steps in becoming aware if “life is working for you” and I love how you have shared that even though “on paper” you were doing the right thing. But with honesty you could see that things were not right, you were able to start asking the question “is there another way” and with the reflection of others who have chosen to live in line with their inner heart and respect to their body and the cycles…there was an “answer” given…Yes there is another way and now you are living breathing proof of this and the world surely needs your reflection. I look at you Joel and feel how incredible you are and a wonderful reflection of a true man.

    1. Very true Zoe – Honesty is really needed – otherwise we keep our heads in the sand. The power of our awareness and therefore our choices can change the way we currently live – if we let it.
      It is very easy to get comfortable with the norm, but wow what an amazing step forward it is to question it!

  752. Thanks Joel, I completely resonate with what you have written and like you I live with a deep appreciation of how Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity or anything else to not only ask the question “could there be another way?” but to present another way by the example of his very livingness. Through the reflection of Serge Benhayon I have discovered that other way which I now too live. The beneficial consequences of this to both myself and others are almost beyond belief and yet keep growing! That other way is actually very simple and something we all know. A new website has just been launched which provides lots more practical information about it 🙂

    1. Yes Nicola, ‘the beneficial consequences….keep growing’. I won’t ‘soporificise’ you with a list of positive health outcomes, I’d rather present my Wellbeing Index as graph – heading north exponentially. Available on request.

  753. What a pertinent question and an equally pertinent answer “Yes, there is another way”. Thank goodness Serge Benhayon has and still is willing to speak against the tide of ‘normal’ and to present truth, instead of convenience, so that now we have a choice.

  754. Hi Joel thanks for a great read and a great question to ask, could there be another way? Why do we live in comparison and jealousy as if everything is a competition whether we want to win, stay in the pack or be at the back? What would happen if we instead were committed to be honest with our self and how our body, our relationships, our life truly felt as we lived a day ,a life?

  755. This is so true “For the first time in my life, Universal Medicine presented me with another way to be with life. It was a way to step off the treadmill of what I should or shouldn’t do; a way to feel if what I was doing to myself (and others) was supportive or not.” In the past I have been to presentations about meditations, courses on healing,, I have done fasts and changed my diet … I did and did and did and did …. as well as always looking on the outside to be fixed. Serge Benhayon is different he and Universal Medicine present a way to be, a way to truly live, something I have never came across before; and it is simple, practical, tangible, up to us not another and as you say if we choose to let go of what is not love or supporting us the changes can be both slowly felt and seen.

  756. Awesome Joel, Thank you for your blog. Yes, I too for a long time felt that there was another way. It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that this turned on its heel so to speak as a simple, gentle breath meditation was all it took to discover that the confirmation I had been looking for was always there within me.

  757. Absolutely agree Joel, there is another way to be, and from what you share, this way is LOVE. Your personal story shows us neatly the difference between ‘holistic medicine’ and true medicine, and that in spite of what its name pertains and lends itself towards, ‘holistic medicine’ is not really medicine, without the presence of love.

  758. I relate to what you’ve shared Joel, so simply and beautifully expressed. I too had trained as a natural therapist and worked part-time as this and in corporate…desperate to leave the corporate rat race. Universal medicine offered me too a different way to live…I made the changes but it was inspired by Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine. Now I love my corporate job…have great relationships and have more energy than ever before.

  759. After a few years of being involved with the teachings and presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I am to feeling that there is another way. I feel now at the ripe age of 38 that I’m starting to live life instead of grinding it till death. There is another way and I’m living it.

    1. So true Daniel and it’s lovely to be living it alongside you as our paths cross and continue and cross again.

  760. Such a gorgeous blog Joel. Yes, there is another way and at last we have some joyful reflections to inspire more of us to ask the same question.

  761. I absolutely agree Joel, and this ‘other way’ is a way that allows us the space and choice to simply be who we really are deep within, with no need to succumb to the pressures of what we think we perhaps ‘should’ be. This is what is so unique about the teachings of Universal Medicine, we are left to simply be ourselves and know what this feels like without influence or imposition from anything outside of us, so that we can be, as you witnessed, “vital, true, and yet unforced”.

    1. I love this comment of yours Annette. What a relief, what an absence of strain to be left to me to discover me without reference to any other external authority or imposition.

  762. Joel – like you I saw my life as ‘fine’ because I compared it to societal norms. Because that was the only place to look. I’d lay out that I was fully functioning, employed, not too sick, and carried the ‘usual’ ailments and vices such as drinking, sugar dependancies and a general level of sickness. I had no reason to question it. But as I started to listen to what Serge Benhayon was presenting – it became so clear to me that I was accepting other peoples standards and not looking at why I wasn’t living a joyful, loving life. The truth is I was tired. Tired of where the world was at, tired of how I truly saw myself, tired of a cycle I was living that didn’t support me. So as I started to be honest with this, it allowed me to do the one thing I had spent my life avoiding – speaking up and being seen. And since I have started to let more love into my life and say no to what doesn’t feel like love to me, I can honestly say that I too have more vitality, respect, understanding and support. There is another way if we choose to see it. And I thank Universal Medicine for lighting that fire for me.

  763. Fantastic blog that shines a light on ‘more then mediocre’ – and settling for ‘okay’ when great is well and truly possible. Universal Medicine raised the bar on quality and deeper well being in life for me too.

  764. Comparing my state of well-being to others was always a see-saw ride between better off and worse off, leaving me with permanent performance anxiety!

    There is absolutely another way – through understanding true equalness, choices and responsibility without comparison. My heartfelt thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for being a clear example of what this is.

  765. YES Joel. This is a great read on the reality of what a Universal Medicine workshop offers. The choice is then solely ours.

  766. When I first met Serge Benhayon his vitality and sincerity stood out to me too and I can very much relate to what you say Joel about it not being ‘forced’. It wasn’t a facade put on for the sake of a presentation or ‘being under the spotlight’ but a genuine way of living and I found this very inspiring.

  767. Good question Joel: Could there be another way? That question has been with me all my life… I even came to the conclusion that it has to be the same for everybody. The same as in having access to it, same ‘rules’, etc. But only after I attended workshops presented by Serge Benhayon I found out that my pre-assumptions were right, it is the same for everyone. The most important answer that I found is that everything is energy, which means I am energy. From that simple statement I found out for myself that I can either connect to myself by connecting to my heart or not. Both quarantee energy, via my breath, but the quality, feeling and result of that energy are completely different. So, yes there’s another way! Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing back what we all actually already know but chose to – seemingly – conveniently ignore…

  768. Joel what you have shared is great. The part that I first went wow to is the fact that Serge Benhayon truly lives and cares for humanity much more than his popularity. This is truly inspirational and a reminder that when the awkward question/s need to be asked, who is it I’m feeling awkward for? I can feel it’s me I’m concerned about that can stop me speaking the truth.

  769. Joel, what a great question to ask! I was very similar to you, living a seemingly ok life that was the norm. I too worked in the complimentary health field, as an acupuncturist, and like most of my colleagues lived a life far from vital, joyful and connected. Meeting Serge Benhayon and subsequently discovering the Universal Medicine modalities, has changed my life.
    Your line – ‘I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity to ask the question, “Could there be another way?”’ says everything to me in this. I too live with deep appreciation for Serge Benhayon for all that he chooses to bring so that everyone has equal access to a way that truly supports and truly heals.

  770. Your blog made me smile because it reminded me of how I too had described myself as healthy and fine – ‘compared to other people’ – before I came to the work of Universal Medicine. Soon after attending a few Universal Medicine courses, I had to fill out a form at an appointment and under the question about health, I wrote ‘excellent health’, as I always had, because I didn’t have diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol or cancer as many around me did. In that moment I realised that I wasn’t being honest, I actually had a long list of health issues that I couldn’t truly deal with if I wasn’t prepare to admit them. The answer to your question is ‘Yes’, there definitely is another way. We can be honest about our illness and pain, about what our body is highlighting for us to deal with so that we can take responsibility for our past choices that led to those conditions, and in so doing, have the freedom to go forward and make different choices.

  771. Joel, I honour deeply the revelation of your headline:
    “to truely care is to ask the right question”.
    Every education, workplace and family home should be run by this question:
    “could there be another way” – a way of more true caring for each other.

  772. Joel,

    I love how you were “dragged there” and now you are choosing to live another way that has completely changed your life. Thank you!

  773. Thank you, Joel, for this beautiful and loving expression. I can relate so well to your experience as I, too, had a ‘fine’ life as a complimentary therapist with all the same contradictions that you share. Then I attended a Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 1 Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and run by Universal Medicine and where I was shown another way. I have chosen it and my life is now so much fuller and joyful.

  774. It is possible to get so caught up in our lives with a false belief that everything is okay that it is only when questioned, very simply, “Is there another way?” that we can truly wake up to the mess that our lives are in, I cannot express the enormous gratitude I have towards Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine for if they didn’t ask the question, I don’t know who would, and I definitely don’t want to think about what treacherous road I would be blindly going down with the belief everything was “ok”

  775. What Joel shares from his experience as a natural therapist is no different to my life experiences of hardening myself to deal with working in the construction industry – as one example, old friends will attest to the veracity of my swearing in every day conversation – thank God for Universal Medicine that I now understand why I did it, have taken full responsibility, no longer willingly unleash this on the world and now live such a profoundly different way. Thanks Joel for summing this up so simply.

  776. I love how you say …we were just not asking the right question… this is so true and how can we when we grow up and are educated with finding all the answers outside of us and are never really encouraged to listen and trust ourselves. Thank God Serge Benhayon came along and showed us that there is another way.

  777. Hi Joel,
    This post speaks VOLUMES to me, as I bet it does many others. The word ‘fine’ has been like a nervous tick for me. I know I’m heading toward a life that is full of joy, but I also I have a lot of hurts I need to heal along the way, so I understand that for some people, the process can be hard to watch and understand, because it can sometimes appear to look a little miserable, while stuffs comes up, and the choice to ignore and avoid that stuff is easier.

  778. Joel, well said; and to have someone with such a level of dedication to love for all that they risk their own popularity really is something – it stops me when I consider that, the deep care and appreciation felt by Serge Benhayon for everyone, even while we don’t always feel and live that care ourselves at times, is awe-inspiring. And the proof of the pudding so to speak, you, me and many others like us living in a way that is more loving and truly caring of ourselves and others – that is revolutionary and yet we all actively choose to be inspired and hence change how we live

  779. It is true isn’t it Joel, someone aka Serge Benhayon was prepared to be unpopular and ask “is there another way”. It is like the story of the Emporers New Clothes. Thanks for sharing Joel.

  780. Hooray for you wife Joel (for dragging you along) and for you too. As good as it gets is such a trap that doesn’t allow us to know we are so much more and forever expanding. The reflection you offer now to those around you must support them hugely to know there is so much more to life. Now that is something dear to celebrate.

  781. Thank you, Joel, for somehow expressing much in a way that seems so simple and light yet covers so much and which describes how many, if not most, people are getting through their lives.
    The sentence, “It was to stop the spin of the world from spinning inside me.” which went ‘bing’ inside of me – how powerful to just see that is what can happen a lot and to then choose or decide to not let that happen anymore. A-mazing and thank you again.

  782. Wow Joel this is awesome! You have shown that there is another way and inspired everyone to ask questions. I was doing and feeling exactly the same as you before I was introduced to Universal Medicine. Probably everyone is feeling what we felt but not really sure where to look for the answers. I have found answers to so many of my questions through UM and they have been life changing. It is so amazing we could share this with everyone we meet to show them that “There could be another way”.

  783. What a joy when finally we get to see that there is another way, something we always have hoped for and actually have known deep inside. But it takes a living example to inspire and awaken the spark for us to trust that we can do the same – to live what we long for the most, to finally be oneself again.

  784. Joel your story is also my story! When I first attended the Sacred Esoteric Healing 1 workshop I thought I was OK in my life, but just that week had been rough, so much so that I was not sure I could attend as I felt I needed to sleep and process what was going on in my life … however, luckily I decided to attend anyway and to my surprise rather than feeling more drained when I left the workshop I felt refreshed and more energized and vital than ever before, and understood that indeed there is another way, and far more to life on earth than I had allowed myself to feel before. My life literally changed course.

  785. I love the words “I live with such deep appreciation that Serge Benhayon cares for humanity more than his own popularity”. In one sentence you have stated how Serge has been a role model for you, to explore your potential and yet make life truly about humanity. Yay and cheers and Amen to this! And yes, I can see how this may not be popular as it means our potential is about honouring everyone equally and never about being better or putting others down. We have all experienced doing the latter. Could it be because when we feel a lack in our own lives, yet choose not to address it, it plays out with how we treat others?

    1. Great question Simon. Certainly in my experience the more I address the perceived lack in my own life, the less I feel the need to be better than or to put others down. It is a joy to feel the evolving sense of equal-ness with others and the expanded sense of myself this supports.

  786. Absolutely Joel, a resounding YES, there is another way. A true way to connect to the love, joy and harmony within me, thank you to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for showing me the true way, The Way of the Livingness.

  787. Such a great point to make Joel – so many of us think our life is ‘fine’ and yet we are often suffering both physically and psychologically, and not even beginning to live life to our fullest potential – taking our place whole-heartedly in the community, knowing that the open-heart is the only way to go, waking up in joy in the morning for another daily round, discovering the amazing treasure trove of wisdom that lies within us. Thank you for your honest and enlightening blog.

    1. Lyndy your comment about thinking things are fine when really all the evidence is stacked against such a conclusion is totally apropos. Deteriorating health – ‘how are you?’, ‘good thanks’. Depression – ‘how you going’, ‘I’m fine mate’. Feeling isolated and disempowered – ‘how do feel today?’. ‘Good, I’m good’. Well if this kind of good is as ‘good’ as it gets then there is some kind of meta-delusion at play. Love how you outline what awaits when this resignation about life is thrown off.

  788. Awesome thank you Joel, I can relate to so much of what you have shared. Without the support and inspiration I have received via Universal Medicine I would still be on the same merry go round of looking outside of myself and thinking I was doing ok…as when I looked out into the world I could always find someone who was worse off than me. How dishonest I was being! 4 years ago I began listening to Serge Benhayon’s Esoteric Medicine audios and the wisdom contained in these presentations has supported me to know there is another way to live. By reconnecting to the wisdom within my body and developing a truly loving and deeply caring relationship with myself, my life, health and relationships are more vital, real and fulfilling than ever before. The lovely thing I have been finding is the more I take loving care of myself the more the way I live and my true health can inspire others to begin to make loving and caring choices for themselves. And so the ripple effect continues….

  789. Yes Joel, there sure is another way – not just filling in time between birth and death but living a life where there is a true purpose to bring love to everything we do. It’s less about me and more about all of us together, yet building on a foundation of self-love so that this then overflows to others. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to find a new way.

  790. Joel – your blog prompted me to say : Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have presented “another way” of living based on love – but interestingly also based on being fully engaged, responsible, active and loving in the world – “another way” does not mean dropping out of society, or trying to convert it. Another way, to me simply means living with the level of self responsibility that is not yet very common among the worlds population.

  791. I can relate to so many things you have raised here. Thinking we are doing alright if our life is ok or better than average. Thinking we know or have worked out how to manage our way through life. Believing in whatever modalities we have chosen to better our lives and even help others but still knowing there is something missing. It may seem a leap to ask is there another way? Yet when we look around at the mess in the world or feel inside ourselves we know there has to be. Perhaps we have been offered so many false hopes that we have given up. I love that it was not what was presented by Universal medicine but what you could feel and saw in the Universal Medicine presenters and practitioners that made you stop and start to re-evaluate. This is real proof, living research that can’t be denied.

  792. Hello Joel and thank you for asking the question and I agree with your answer. Your story and life is now reflected in so many that have found another way to live, a true way that supports them and everyone and thing around them.

    I am another man that ‘came across’ Universal Medicine initially with reluctance. But as I could see from the first point this is not just another answer that gives you more questions. I felt supported and a lot of lingering questions from my life now have an answer. Thanks again Joel.

  793. Thank you Joel,
    You have inspired me to reflect more deeply within myself up on the areas of my life that may still benefit from that question ‘Can there be another way?’ even years after meeting Serge Benhayon and being deeply inspired by him and what he offers to humanity and therefore to every person. Hear hear to your words, ‘The answer is undoubtedly YES, there can be another way’. Today I can feel that other way being related to my level of self responsibility and commitment to myself. They are endless, the offerings that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offers to anyone even remotely interested in reflecting more deeply on their lives. The new website is a gift to humanity to support us all in our day to day living as we feel any discontent and we search for ‘another way’.

  794. I love what you have shared Joel, and yes there certainly is another way. Thank you to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for sharing, living and confirming that there is and always has been so much more than I had previously ever stopped to consider.

  795. Dear Joel – an ‘everyman’ story that most men can readily relate to, it’s like we are living to a template until we are given (back) our choice. Yes there is another way, the Universal Medicine student body is living proof.

  796. There is another way!
    I can say that in my 35 years of life I have travelled the world and tried many ways.
    For me, The Way of The Livingness is my way, the results are in me, I am my own science project and I am loving the results!

  797. Thank you Joel, a great story of how you found a very different, very loving way to live your life. I also have found the teachings of Universal Medicine, and their healing courses to have helped me find a completely different way to live my life, so different to the unloving, way I had been living, absolutely driving myself.

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