The Magic of God in Nature

I had just come into the local supermarket to do my weekly shop. As I came through a door thinking about something else that had just happened, something caught my eye. I stopped and looked, and here was a real live tiny little robin sitting on top of a till. It made me stop in my tracks and forget all about my thoughts.

I felt so much childlike joy and amazement watching this beautiful little bird, and I wanted to share it with the world.

I stood and watched as this delicate and joyful little bird made me smile. It felt like it was there just for me. It stood still for a while, then hopped to another till, and stood still again before it hopped to another and flew off. I watched it fly over some aisles, then up to the roof. It was amazing to watch this little bird fly across the store. 

I felt that this beautiful little bird reflected the magic of God and stillness, which reminded me of the stillness that is in me and brought me back to the presence in my body and away from my thoughts.

It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details.

Here was this beautiful little bird in the most unexpected of places, just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it. Some people noticed, many people weren’t aware, but this little bird was not bothered, it was just there.

I saw a security man notice it and said to him with such childlike joy “It’s a robin!” The amazing thing was, when he told me that he’d seen it before, I could feel myself getting pulled into the thought of “Will it get out?” and I actually asked him this question.

But as soon as I said those words I could feel I had gone into my head, my body felt tight and tense, so I stopped and came back to me, simply appreciating the magic of God, the gift from heaven and the joy that I felt.

The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.

Funnily enough, I never saw the little robin again… 

That was until about a month ago when I was walking through the supermarket and what should fly past my feet, with its wings spread out wide, but my little friend the robin.

Then, upon my return the following week, I felt to go down an aisle, and there on the end was a beautiful collection of china mugs, with the most delicate deer painted on them. As I had a look to feel whether I really wanted one or not, guess what caught my eye…. yep, you guessed it…. the robin. But this time it was not flying around or sitting on a till, here it was on a mug, the only mug at the very end of the shelf that had a beautiful robin painted on it – and yes, I bought it because I knew it was there just for me.

So every day now, when I open the cupboard door, I smile when I see this beautiful robin looking at me. It reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me.

Inspired by Serge Benhayon, Natalie Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

by Gyl Rae, 37, Scotland

Further Reading:
A True Relationship with Nature
Experiencing the Magic of God in Daily Life
The Magic of Nature the Magic of God and Me





850 thoughts on “The Magic of God in Nature

  1. Robins have a natural playfulness, they magically appear, and then fly forward a bit, waiting until you walk next to them again, only to repeat this as if they are playing with you.

  2. As you have shared Gyl, appreciation of God and understanding we are more than human brings, our attention to these magical moments that confirm our divinity, and that we can all live with a Deep-humble-appreciative-ness from our essences or “child like joy”.

  3. ‘It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details.’ I sincerely love those moments too that offer profound communication that speak directly to the heart.

  4. I love the messages that are constantly flowing between us and the divine. They are letting us all know they are there walking beside us. We may not be able to see them but we can feel them, they are our friends in dark places.

  5. The times when I have an equally delightful message from God, via nature, I am so full of joy and wanting to share it, that I often forget that others are not seeing the message and the messenger in the same divine light that I am. But there is no way I will let that dampen my joy, so continue to smile knowing that all the while the ripples of my joy cannot but flow on out from me to everyone around me, whether they realise it, or not, such as the magic of the world of energy we all inhabit.

    1. We may like to think we are not aware of the significance of those precious moments but whether we are aware of them or not, we receive the blessing of them just the same – such is the love that is being offered to us each and every moment.

  6. Part of our deepening and evolving communication with god is to stop and to read these messages, developing this communication and understanding of the language of God serves to truly evolve.

  7. “Here was this beautiful little bird in the most unexpected of places, just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it.” How freeing to be like this! I’m noticing that more and more I can also be in that beautiful delicate presence within me and bring it to life, and that it is not affected by or touched by life, but it’s up to me to stay connected to it and enjoy it. I’m like the robin in the sense that people note the delicate beauty of my soul, a delicate beauty that we all are. There is magic everywhere, including within ourselves, if we allow it to be present.

    1. How could people not notice the delicate beauty of your soul Melinda, ‘ that people note the delicate beauty of my soul, a delicate beauty that we all are.’

  8. This is so lovely. I’ve been noticing such magic on walks – even in cities, I see leaves dangling mid-air, very beautifully twirling around (they are on spider’s webs which can’t be seen). They remind me to be connected to the love of my Soul and God.

  9. The wonder of nature can certainly bring a stop moment to us and the opportunity to recalibrate and begin again.

  10. When I first read this story, having worked in a supermarket, my first thought was ‘oh my goodness, bird poop on the groceries would not be a good thing at all’ in other words, I judged it in a negative way, and this is symbolic of how we tend to treat the Magic of God, we dismiss its beauty and see only the challenges it presents. When we stop to feel the beauty and the delicateness, it becomes a whole different story.

    1. I also used to work in a supermarket and often would have pigeons flying in and out. Whenever one did, the panic that took over the staff members was unreal – we used to worry about all of the diseases it can bring to open food and that if any inspectors walked in that moment, the shop could have been closed down. All of the rules and regulations we have placed on ourselves completely take us away from seeing what is going on around us, yep of course it’s practical to get the bird out but it is just as important to understand the symbolism & learn from it’s presence. There’s always a message.

  11. Behind the veil of our human created world, pulses a love Divine that cannot be erased.

  12. ‘…just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it.’ A great magical message for everyone of us living on earth.

  13. Our bodies are made of divine particles so even if we have no access to nature we can still experience God through connecting with our body.

  14. When we allow it nature can really provide that stop we need sometimes. That butterfly, that ladybug or that birds song that arrives at the right time and allows us to just pause, appreciate and begin again.

  15. A gorgeous sharing Gyl, the joy and playfulness of God in nature which is all around us when we have eyes to see.

  16. I always smile when I read your delightful blog Gyl. And I can so relate to the joy of you seeing this robin in a most unusual place. In New Zealand we have a beautiful little bird called a Fantail – and yes it does have a fan for a tail – and it sings the most beautiful song. A few weeks ago, I was in my local food market and I suddenly could hear this song and yes, there in the rafters above me was a fantail singing away and flitting from rafter to rafter. A wonderful moment in time to truly appreciate the ‘magic of God’ coming through this tiny little joy-filled bird.

  17. I love that birds have fun with us. The robin didn’t need to be noticed, but when it was it had the opportunity to remind you of our delicateness and playfulness.

  18. The beauty and the magic of God is around us everyday, the more aware we are the greater we see what is around us to be seen.

  19. Doubt is such a spoiler. It has no place in magic. Like a straight line trying to measure a sphere.

  20. I love this magic too. Sometimes seeing a tiny feather or a butterfly appearing as if from nowhere confirms for us that we are part of a huge plan much bigger than us and allowing ourselves to surrender to that is the way.

  21. Nature is a beautiful reflection for us to appreciate and move in, for me it is a powerful reminder of the order of the universe that we are all from.

  22. You can feel the lightness and joy in this blog with a huge appreciation for the magic of God and all the constant messages we receive.

  23. Divinity is in everything. Our task is simply to remove the layers that shroud our eyes and prevent us from seeing what the heart already knows.

  24. The Magic of God is his ability to send us messages constantly through different means that remind us constantly that we are more than human and that he loves us dearly.

  25. Robin’s have always been the most divine reflection to me, their delicateness and their playfulness. Thank you for that reminder as it has been a while since I have thought about them and perhaps that reflection they offer.

    1. Yes I have not seen one for a while – do they have them in Australia. Reading this blog and thinking of a robin makes me smile 🙂

      1. No Robins, and actually finding a small bird that does not look prehistoric was a great challenge for many months! Then I met some playful little birds on the oval where I walk and I could feel all the playfulness of the Robin in them so clearly no-one is left without the reflection that is needed in the moment. Isn’t the interconnectedness of the world we live within grand?!

  26. So many reminders that we too are a part of the joy of nature and life if we choose to connect with the wisdom of our inner hearts.

  27. We are surrounded by the reflection of God in every moment of the day, not only through nature but equally so in everyone, as we are all the Sons of God. Always calling for us to deepen our connection to who we are, the love we are within and as such to our innate Godliness.

  28. Every time that we are in nature we have the opportunity to experience the magic of God in full,that is if we allow ourselves to feel and see the magic at work.

  29. Love the joy in this blog! Makes me wonder why we choose to then ignore the beauty around us, when there is so much joy that can be felt and lived.

  30. I love the delicateness of robins and can feel how playful this is and how nature is there to remind us that life does not need to be serious, focused, purposeful, but with a lightness and joy. There is so much around us to support and remind us when we’re open to seeing it.

  31. That was beautiful to read, it reminds us all of the very personal nature of our relationship to God. And, what a beautiful line about the robin “just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence” – how lovely to also live this way, just as we did as kids.

  32. It sometimes takes the shock of unusualness for us to wake from our slumber, to understand that God is with us everywhere, all the time, everyday. It’s just us and our disobedient spirit that tries to shut the cupboard door and thinks somehow that it’s hidden God within. Thank you Gyl.

  33. This is a delightful story. A beautiful reminder how very lighthearted and playful life can be.

  34. A robin is one of those birds that can often delight the observer, and stop them in their tracks. It serves its purpose well to be a point of reflection and pause of the beauty we all are.

  35. Like you’re Robin in the supermarket, I was greeted by the chorus of Kookaburras and a load of other tweeting going on. So I went onto the balcony and there was this Kookaburra being harassed by some other birds. I could clearly see the little birds were not happy that it was perched on their tree and they were swooping at it and tweeting at it. The Kookaburra just continued to perch on its branch and it was not budging, no care just happy to be away from the heat of the sun.

    I watched the trees sway in the wind and after a while it quietened down, the birds didn’t tweet or swoop anymore, I think the little birds became tired and it was so beautiful to watch and they all stayed on their tree.

    How many times have we done this, make a noise about something different being introduced into our lives than its part of our rhythm or life? The majesty of God within nature.

  36. Reading this blog has made me appreciate more the little starlings that fly outside my balcony every morning. I used to believe the magic of God will only be present if I lived in house with a garden and yet its right outside my balcony from the second floor.

    This magic is even in a leave that falls from a tree and lands on the road as I’m driving – the magic doesn’t have to be spectacular and big, it can be delicate and personal just for you, if willing to see it.

  37. It’s such a beautiful moment when God catches our eye amongst the constant movement of life. We are brought back to the truth that He is there all along. We just miss this fact with the onslaught of creation.

    1. Yes, I had forgotten to appreciate the magic of those constellations! Those moments that seem like chance but are clearly never chance but reflect to us a body of energy we all live in that nature knows so well and is fully obedient to.

      1. Clearly never chance, and clearly always there when we are open to receiving what’s before our eyes.

  38. The magic of God is a constant reminder that we are a beloved part of the Universe. Every time you open the cupboard to see the robin mug you will be reminded of this truth.

  39. Last week I was in a meeting that was difficult. As I turned to get some papers there was a little white feather so beautifully formed lying beside them, so delicate in it’s nature. It immediately reminded me not to go hard and to appreciate the beauty and magic in everything. There was definitely magic in the meeting that day, no harsh words were uttered and there was a playfulness and consideration that had not been present for some time. This blog reminds me that we are always being supported to be light and to express love, in whatever way we can in whatever circumstance.

    1. That is true. Fairytales make us dream of a better life but the robins of this world show us that love is available at any time.

  40. Gyl I was just reading another blog about nature and eagles and came across your blog which again inspires me and fills me with warmth considering the magic of god that is everywhere.

  41. Totally gorgeous Gyl, a beautiful moment to feel how loved you are, when you get to see the magic of God, reminding you that you are never alone even when shopping.

  42. Gyl, that is beautiful. Thank you for honoring such detailed symbolism in life – which we are constantly reflected by nature.. A simple way of understanding life and you is true symbolism. Nothing is there without a reason, if we see that, our life will start to change.

  43. When I’m caught up in my stuff I completely miss the Magic of God all around me. It’s so beautiful to feel it in my day – so seeing a few very small, pristine white fluffy feathers, a reminder I can reconnect with me and bring a new beginning to my day.

  44. I adore robins, and now realise it is their delicateness and playfulness that I have loved. I hadn’t considered that it could be a reflection of something in me though, I always thought it was a reminder of what I should be. Another layer taken off…many thanks!

  45. Reading this blog today made me smile and feel the joy of you being with the robin. When I go into my mind I do not consider that robins can tell me something or that they could present a message to me, but when I can observe and be one with the robin, I am with the all the robin is the representation of. Time disappears and a magical space is opening up, a space where the magic of God can play out.

  46. Nature is such a great reflection that there is something much larger that we belong to and that this reflection is freely available to us shows us how loved we are by God and the universe.

    1. Sure Elizabeth, it is the reflection of the love of God we then can reconnect to, the same love we are made of and are from. That’s why it feels so amazing.

  47. “Then, upon my return the following week, I felt to go down an aisle, and there on the end was a beautiful collection of china mugs, with the most delicate deer painted on them. As I had a look to feel whether I really wanted one or not, guess what caught my eye…. yep, you guessed it…. the robin. But this time it was not flying around or sitting on a till, here it was on a mug, the only mug at the very end of the shelf that had a beautiful robin painted on it – and yes, I bought it because I knew it was there just for me.” How exquisite is this paragraph, it filled me with joy to see the Robin return in such a beautiful way to you Gyl. This is truly the magic of God in nature. Thank you. I would love this to be a children’s book.

  48. “It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details.” Often in simplicity is the most intricate, detail of profound love.

  49. “Here was this beautiful little bird in the most unexpected of places, just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it.” I love this passage, because it reminds me of me and where l am and can be in my life right now. It teaches me to observe and not absorb and to dissolve all pictures l may have about life and others and how l think they should be or behave. . No expectations, no conditions, no control, no manipulation, just allowing all to be as is around it.This little robin just is.

  50. ‘…just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it.’This is a wonderful reflection of the magic of God in us and an inspiration to be in this world as who we are without compromise.

  51. “It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details.” I love these little moments in nature as they confirm not only the stillness and rhythm of life but that which embraces the very essence of who we are and what a joy that is.

  52. The beautiful the most amazing thing about nature is its way of also reflecting back truth even if we don’t like what it is showing it is always offering something supportive and healing to understand life with.

  53. There are many moments when I feel the magic of God in nature, this weekend a blackbird who I know regularly comes to our garden, flew down and sat and watched me through the window, its yes was of truth, it was steady and didn’t shy away…I felt a reflection of the truth that I and all can choose to live in this interaction. I love these moments.

  54. A lovely gentle reminder that there are constant messages of the Magic of God, it is just up to us to be open to acknowledge and read them.

  55. I remember a time when I was going through a challenging time and a bird called a willy wagtail would appear at my window for a couple of weeks. It was such a joy to see this bird playfully wagging its tail without a care in the world, the presence of the bird really supported me to lighten up and see the bigger picture at the time – that’s why I love the magic of God.

  56. A young woman comes to help me clean my house every week. She has been going through a difficult patch. I asked her to clean an old green house that is tacked on the end of the house….not a particularly envious job however after about ten minutes she was calling me to join her. She had found a huge toad under a large bowl that had stones and crystals in it. The toad had disappeared. We looked together and she caught it in her hands. I asked for her to hold it gently so we could appreciate it’s beauty. It had a lovely speckled chest and kind watery eyes with tiny feet holding on to her gardening gloves. We marvelled at it and then she took it out into the garden. Later she told me how it had made her realise that life is good and how it had brightened up her day and that it meant she had something cheerful to talk about with her friends over the week-end.

  57. We try hard to make life.. what we call life and suddenly something reminds us that life is much bigger than what we try to make it. What a beautiful gift!!

  58. Nature is truly awe-inspiring, the way it lives, expresses and is moved by the pulse of its essence, that is in harmony with the cycles of the universe, all without hesitation or question. How often do we see the sun worried about shining too brightly, a flower choosing not to bloom holding back it’s scent in case it is not liked, or a robin not wanting to fly and sing so that it can instead try to fit in and be like people in the world… The beautiful thing is that we are surrounded by nature reminding us of the fact that we too are of this making. Our physical bodies and being when in connection to our essence, are impulsed to move by a universal quality that represents God, the Soulful magnificence that we are. And when we live and move in this way we too are awe-inspiring in every way.

  59. ‘The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.’ So true Gyl, and not for us to react to, but to appreciate, celebrate and embrace.

  60. You have to love the magic of life, envy single moment divinely designed to help us know the depth and beauty of who we are.

  61. I can so relate to that little mental linearity that tries to interrupt the amazement and appreciation we feel and spherically relate to when we get a glimpse of divinity. Well done for coming back to yourself to appreciate even more of what you were experiencing, and to bring even more.

  62. Beautifully shared Gyl thank you, the beauty in nature and the magic and joy we feel is but a reflection of what we bring to each other.

  63. Nature is indeed all around us and often in the most unlikely places. How delightful your blog is Gyl. I get such pleasure out of seeing that little Robin in my mind’s eye!

  64. I looked to nature this morning to remind me of the Magic of God, it is a true gift.

  65. exquisite Gyl. The moments like this where we can be stopped in our tracks by nature reflect to us the beauty that is also inside.

  66. How absolutely gorgeous; experiencing the childlike joy, amazement and the Magic of God in a supermarket.

  67. There needs to be a joy lived within to notice and appreciate the joy and wonder of these magic moments in life.

  68. What his blog reminds me of is the oh so gorgeous but equally the not so gorgeous sights from nature. Who likes seeing a dead animal on the side of the road? Or a plant, tree or animal getting into a situation where it is placed in the likelihood of illness or death such as in a drought? Nature cannot be viewed on one level alone though. Sure one animal or a few are likely to die but the benefit is for the balance of the whole and this is the surrender and understanding of all of nature.

  69. I’ve just started a new job and have been noticing how I have been calibrating what I’ve been saying, not only that but the way I move too, in order to be accepted and liked. As a result I’m now feeling quite sick which I’ve only just realised by reading this blog, so thank you Susan for the reminder of how harming it is when we hold back from being our full and glorious selves for any reason.

  70. Nothing can drown out the beauty of nature like thoughts! We can be so stuck in our minds and completely unaware of the beauty that surrounds us. Gyl the tiny robin sounds like a gorgeous little messenger, and even the mug was your take home symbol of the beauty of this bird. I’ve been in situations before too where I’ve been consumed by an incident and then something has happened in nature which has brought me back to my body and out of the whirl of thoughts.

  71. Within every small task lays the greatness of God, if only we choose to see and thus breathe the essence of who we truly are.

  72. This is such sweet story – thank you for sharing it! I love the reminders that we get through the magic of God, so much can be communicated in this way when we are open to receiving it…

  73. The magic of God is all around us blessing us with little stop moments of joy whenever we choose to see them.

  74. “It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details.” It always brings me so much joy and childlike wonder when we capture these little moments of our days. It feels so precious and beautiful and shows just how much we can learn in these moments is we take the time to enjoy what is there to be shared.

  75. What a beautiful experience. I love the reflections birds offer. For example the deep joy of the streak of blue that is a Kingfisher ‘skating’ over the surface of a river or lake. They remind me of the joy that is innate within us all.

  76. Gyl it is beautiful when we stop to appreciate the magic of God, just yesterday I was at funeral Ceremony and when speaks where on, a small feather just floated in front of me and then it went floating across the room towards the coffin, in that moment it just made me smile. I could feel the magic there too.

  77. Gyl this is such a feel good blog, it makes you stop and appreciate the magic that is around us in our everyday. Beautiful, thank you.

  78. Gyl your blog reminds me to appreciate what nature reflect to us, the magic of God is all around us.

  79. We are never alone and always supported – this is the message nature constantly brings to us. Sometimes we are aware of the messages and sometimes we are in our heads or lost in a story we have created. This is a simple reminder that when we are present there is much being presented for us to be held in.

  80. Yesterday when I was walking with the dog, something made me look down to myself and there it was a tiny ladybug just on my chest walking towards my inner heart to stay there for quite a while. I just melted and enjoyed this light and simple present from heaven.

  81. Gorgeous, light and playful – such is the magic of God that is endlessly reflected to us in every moment.

  82. Nature offers healing and healing is being present in the body and appreciating the magic of all we truly are. Simply beautiful.

  83. Yesterday evening I took myself off for a walk just before it got dark, it was a warm and still Spring evening and the birds were trilling in the hedges the Snowdrops were giving way to the beautiful Daffodils, and shyly peeping through the grass in the hedge were some white violets and for me this is such a stop moment to just appreciate the absolute magic of God and to listen to the birds singing a renewing of life, another cycle another opportunity, we are given so much, but I know for myself I have not taken everything that has been given to me to evolve, but God doesn’t give up he constantly shows us all our grandness and beauty reflected in the beauty of a beautiful Spring evening.

    1. Thank goodness for nature, it’s a constant reminder of the true beauty of God in a world that can feel quite ugly at times. Your beautiful comment has reminded me of how much nature has given me, and also the Magic of God I feel when I see little children.

      1. Melinda I agree “nature is a beautiful reminder of the true beauty of God in a world that can feel quite ugly at times”. It just a great confirmation that nature is around us all the time supporting us in every moment.

  84. Gyl, what a wonderful reminder this robin is, ‘It reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me.’ I love how nature reflects to us our true nature, I often see with little birds how joyful and free they are, how very sweet they are and it is lovely to be reminded that this is my true nature too.

  85. Recognising that we have this constant communication available to us allows me to accept that we’re for ever supported by God, “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.”

    1. This is true and always to be appreciated – that we are never not receiving communication from the Universe and reflections of our Godliness.

    2. I completely agree the magic of God is everywhere, we just need to allow ourselves to see. It is only more recently that I started to feel and connect to this magic, before I am sure it was ther,e but I was never with my body to recognise it.

      1. Gosh Amita, just feeling this some more, when we say the Magic of God is everywhere it is everywhere – even in our own bodies and movements, to be observed and appreciated too.

      2. Thank you Rosanna, you make a great point about the Magic of God being inside us as well and there to be appreciated.

      3. Yes, appreciating that the magic of God within us is a great point and reminder that God is always with us and within us.

  86. The magic of God is everywhere if we care to notice. Regardless of the season there is much to appreciate and celebrate when I go out for a walk.

  87. What is interesting in this scenario is that we could either perceive the robin as you have Gyl, a reminder to bring our playfulness into the seeming ‘chores’ of life or we could read it as this quality of ours being trapped in a consumerist world, as symbolised by the supermarket and the fear of the bird not being able to escape. Either way it is one and the same gorgeous reminder to allow ourselves the freedom to express what is so natural for us to express, the delicacy of our love.

  88. We all have ways of looking at nature and this blog while at times I found parts difficult to read, highlighted to me the awareness of what we see around us. Do we take things like nature for granted and dismiss it as a part of everyday or do we take the time to breath it in, to read it more deeply? It is amazing what we can see and read from the most simplest thing around us, if we choose and how this supports us to keep our head up and not get to locked into what we are doing.

  89. During my walk, I stopped to listen to the birdsong and looked around for where it was originating from and there was a robin sitting onto of a road sign, only a tiny distance from where I stood. It continued to sing loudly and beautifully and just kept looking me right in the eye, not in the slightest bit concerned that I was less than an arm distance away from him. What a joy as we continued this mutual appreciation for several minutes!

  90. Super-lovely Gyl, thank you! It is quite magical where and how God can show his hand. It feels like the robin was not only reflective of the joy you felt in witnessing the magic of God in an unlikely place, but a confirmation of your own sweet, joyful robin-like essence. And that’s part of the magic – reading what presented to us.

  91. There is something oh so beautiful about nature, and it is not so much the visual splendour but the energetic emanation that envelopes us. One of the best ways to understand our own connection when we have lost a marker as to what that truly means is to study nature, but not as something extrinsic, but rather as something that is constantly reflecting back to us a reminder of who we truly are.

    1. The outer beauty is but a reflection of the inner light, specifically placed to rein us back in from a life lived in shadow.

      1. This is so beautifully expressed Liane and speaks of the continual support we receive from Heaven, daily,if we look for it.

  92. Beautiful to read Gyl, I love it when a robin pops up, or something else from nature that reflects something back to us, it makes you realise and appreciate how often the magic of God is around us.

  93. So lovely Gyl that you could appreciate the stillness and joy of seeing the Robin; the Magic of God is certainly everywhere.

  94. Most people would immediately go into rescue mode and try to get the robin out of the store without stopping to see and appreciate the magic of God at play.

  95. “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.” This is a very beautiful reminder to be more open and aware.

  96. This is a gorgeous reminder to come back to Gyl – thank you. We are forever held in God’s love for we are in fact God’s love. Such is God’s love that we are surrounded by nature constantly reflecting to us the magic of God, that magic we also are within.

  97. It’s almost impossible to comprehend the lengths God goes to show us who we are and the magic of where we come from. Such perfectly timed moments, and incredibly constellated encounters that open our eyes to the wonder of the universe we live in.

  98. When we take the time to stop and appreciate the Magic of God we notice the endless communication that is being offered to us all.

  99. “I felt that this beautiful little bird reflected the magic of God and stillness, which reminded me of the stillness that is in me and brought me back to the presence in my body and away from my thoughts. ” This line for me made me ponder about what stillness actually is and what came to me is that it is a state of being that can only be in the present and in connection with the all and in that stillness there is no place for any thought as from this stillness we can sense that even a thought is a movement that can be very disturbing at times when we are unaware of this fact.

  100. Beautifully shared Gyl. It is amazing how the simple things in life in their just being, can bring such childlike joy, ” It reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me.” A beautiful reminder thank you.

  101. “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.” So true Gyl.. Years ago, after attending my first levels one and two Sacred Esoteric Healing courses with Serge Benhayon I drove away knowing I had found gold. The confirmation came in the form of a rainbow that ended just in front of my car- and stayed there for miles. Normally we see rainbows as an arc that spreads horizontally. But here was I driving into the end of a rainbow – my pot of gold.

  102. The magic of God in nature is there to reflect to us the stillness we hold within naturally so. Awesome thank you Gyl.

  103. Such a beautiful reflection from the robin just doing his thing despite the unusual surroundings and a great reminder for us to focus on what we feel to do and not be swayed by other people’s opinions and views whether expressed or not. When I stay centred with me life flows and the magic of God reveals itself in wondrous ways.

  104. Thank you for sharing your joy and appreciation of your Magic of God moment Gyl and I love how you were led to a beautiful mug to act as a daily reminder. We are all given many such offerings but so often we are blind to them because we are so caught up in our heads. I love the stop moments I am presented with that get me out of my mind and re-connecting to my body and the magic that is all around me.

  105. As you have demonstrated here Gyl, the nature of God speaks loudly to us ( just as our body does) and we have a choice to be oblivious to the messages that are there for us or feel the wisdom and the joy that they bring.

  106. Thank you Gyl, it is gorgeous to be reminded of the magic of God and the joy that is there for us to connect to anytime.

  107. I smiled reading this today Gyl, as I’d gotten lost in my head and suddenly reading this I was reminded of the joy of life and nature, and how it’s always there to remind us that life is simple.

  108. This is such a beautiful reminder of how enriched our lives are by the ever-presence of God’s love which is constantly reflected through nature. We are surrounded by the magic of God, a Divine reflection of God’s love that is forever calling us to be who we naturally are, as the same magic resides within the inner-heart of us all.

  109. It was lovely to re read your sharing Gyl. Who wouldn’t be absolutely delighted to see a tiny Robin in the
    supermarket, it would make my day! The truth is that the opportunity to connect to the Magic of God, is there at all times its up to us to observe it where ever we are.

  110. Thank you Gyl for sharing this beautiful joy filled experience, the magic of God is all around us if we are open to receive the blessing that it brings. I often feel a child like joy over some of the very smallest things that life presents.

  111. Delightful and a reminder to stop and be with these magic moments which I feel are often reminders for us to reconnect to the magic of who we are ..and sometimes just to have us celebrate the joy in life and the joy that we are.

  112. So beautiful Gyl, nature has never ending lessons for us. More and more I am appreciating and being open to the Magic of God. What a divine gift from God for you to be blessed by a gorgeous little red robin.

  113. Thanks for sharing your joy-filled Robin moment. Today a family of ducks crossed a very busy road and I stopped and waited for them to cross, it took quite a long time as there were 16 in total! The cars were banking up behind me but I stood my ground, there were two ducks that hadn’t made it across but if I didn’t hold they would have been left behind and wouldn’t have been easy to find another break in the traffic. At that moment, I could have been tense, as there was a lot of pressure to keep driving but my body was very relaxed and I was deeply touched by the experience. These are the moments in nature that I treasure.

  114. The magic of God is indeed everywhere, how very beautiful that this tiny bird inspired such divinity and appreciation, thank you Gyl;
    “I felt that this beautiful little bird reflected the magic of God and stillness, which reminded me of the stillness that is in me and brought me back to the presence in my body and away from my thoughts”.

  115. Gyl your story left me with a clear and strong impression that things can occur in the natural world that are not coincidence and that we are connected to nature and such magical occurrences are there to open us up to a new way of looking at life if we choose.

  116. Beautiful Gyl. The Magic of God is all around us when we are open to being aware of what is being shown to us.

  117. What a beautiful sharing Gyl. It was lovely to be reminded of the simplicity of God in the messages we receive, and the joy we can feel in it’s magic. It is amazing how easily and quickly we can sabotage this by going into our head and loosing the essence and wonderment of the moment….. .”But as soon as I said those words I could feel I had gone into my head, my body felt tight and tense, so I stopped and came back to me, simply appreciating the magic of God, the gift from heaven and the joy that I felt.”

  118. Gorgeous blog Gyl, when we are willing to see the magic of God is everywhere. Reading your blog really inspired me to appreciate this and to appreciate the details and what they reflect.

  119. Funny how we wait for an ‘unusual’ event to knock us off our feet, or more accurately awaken us from our routine. What if we looked around with appreciating eyes that saw that everything was bespoke, tailored and divinely designed in its way? Perhaps then we would know that this simple joy of the robin you describe Gyl lives in everything and lights our way. It is not a momentary gesture God gives, but a symphony of constant gifts.

  120. We can brush off events as just ‘random’ happenings and not appreciate or let ourselves connect with what is being communicated, or we can read what a situation is presenting for us to learn and grow…

    1. The difference is in the word “connect”. When I keep myself closed and separate to life then at best I marvel at what is happening, a far cry from the deep sense that I am deeply connected to everything and being joyfully open to any reflection and learning offered from the moment.

  121. ” The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.” Absolutely it’s everywhere as long as we are willing to choose it. What a beautiful gift from God.

  122. Two days ago, I was in a garden picking the fruit of black, red-currants and raspberry bushes. I felt the magic of God as I reflected on how earlier in the year these same bushes stood bare, empty of leaves and now black and red-currants in abundance dangled like precious jewels from each branch and glistened in the sun light. There is a wonder and joy in the simple appreciation of daily miracles like this..

  123. This blog has just made me wonder why I have been spotting lots of little spiders at home for some time recently – not really a big nuisance but something I would prefer not to have. And in an instance I have realised how I am seeing a bit of complication here and there – at work and the projects that I am involved in, and how I am reacting to them at different levels – and the truth is I am actually very organized and great at bringing an order and simplicity into how things can be done – but am I living that in full? No – I have sometimes held back not wanting to be seen as being controlling. And there is hurt I am feeling in this holding back, as well as in the fact that I am reacting to where things/people are at.

  124. The magic of God seen in nature is such a joy to behold and what a beautiful reflection you received from the robin and your cup, thank you Gyl for sharing your joy.

  125. As a child, I used to just love seeing robins. In fact, my whole family would cheer in delight when we saw a robin. We did not know it at the time but what we were feeling was the Magic of God, which is so incredibly wonderful to feel.

  126. Loved your blog Gyl! The magic of God is stupendous, and when we embody that we are just as amazing, the reflection of God is seen everywhere and our true light is known!

  127. It is so easy to be distracted by life to the point that we miss the beauty around us. in those moments there is nothing more delightful that being reminded by nature of it’s presence and beauty by something completely out of the ordinary, snapping you out of your thoughts and making you smile as you go on your way…. Undeniably powerful magic.

  128. It is gorgeous the way you describe this experience Gil and how the beauty of this world brings you back to you. I wonder what would happen if we started to see the magic of God more in our own nature? What would our day be like if we saw that we light up our office, and the supermarket with just our presence and our walk? Will we see we bring the same beauty as you perceive with the Robin, to this world so effortlessly? Wow, what if we are powerful way beyond what we believe?

  129. It’s just gorgeous to notice these signs through nature. When we are aware, the reminders of our divine nature are with us everywhere.

  130. Nature offers a wonderful ‘stop’ moment that has a great way of bringing you back into your body, and its all around us, calling us back, (to be less distracted) all the time.

  131. The Magic of God is beyond words, in every moment there are divine lessons for us all, lessons through observing and appreciating nature; how beautiful is that. Thank you Gyl for sharing your gorgeous and inspirational story about the little red robin.

    1. Shirl absolutely the magic of God is beyond words. in every moment and movement there is a divine lesson, the question is are we willing to be open in observing and appreciating the nature around us.

  132. True magic in everyday life, love it! There is a world of communication available to us if we are willing to be aware of it..

  133. The magic of God never cease to amaze me – every single day it finds a new way to teach me something, or remind me of the magic we actually come from.

  134. A reminder that God finds us wherever we are and can give us messages in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. He’s always with us even if we sometimes momentarily step away from ourselves.

  135. There is so much to celebrate when we take the time and have awareness as to what nature has to offer. I love it when I notice a bird or feather that falls just at the time when I know I am very in my head and need to lighten up. Or feel the wondrous energy of trees, their aliveness and expansiveness, when I am feeling contracted. We have the ability to feel what is around us and come back to us in any given moment, through the awe and wonderment of nature.

  136. Finding the magic in life is so precious, and it is there all around us built into the details and the minutiae if we but take a moment to appreciate it.

  137. Everytime I see robins gracing my presence I remember this blog and appreciate even more the magic of God. Today I was a little off key so I went for a walk. After a few minutes of choosing to let love move me -rather than plodding on, I felt lighter and in tune with the harmony of nature around me. Unusually I looked directly above my head where a bird of prey had just taken to the air and was gliding around. I felt how powerful we are when we allow ourselves to be. Later a fox jumped out and unbeknownst to him, I watched him decide his maneuvers – an animal who likes to have the overview of what’s happening to secure their self-interest..

  138. I am really appreciating the gift of nature and how it is there to support us, to bring us back when we are out, to show us what is possible in simplicity and true joy.

  139. It’s amazing how even little things in nature can bring us to a point of feeling such a lovely connection with God. The moments can be fleeting yet are quite profound as we stop and notice and can feel that there is so much more being offered than just what our eyes can see at the time. Thanks for sharing this experience Gyl as it reminds me to stay alert to all the messages God is constantly sending us through our environment around us.

  140. It’s so special to have these moments and to know that they are possible every day when we are open and present. It’s like there is surprise and delight waiting every day.

  141. Love this blog Gyl, I have a real connection with Robins and not a day goes by when I don’t see one. I work all over the place and in a different town or region every day but I always see Robins, as I work by myself it is a good reminder that I am never alone and that my work is appreciated even if not vocalized by the client.

  142. Quirky and fun story. Never discount the joy that can be found in life, otherwise, you make it 10 times easier to see life as grey and unfulfilling.

  143. Re reading this blog gives such ‘a smile’ in my body. The magic of God, God’s way to say love is in you and under your nose, donot ever underestimate this love, feel you are a part of the universe and play.

    1. Feeling ‘a smile’ in your body from the joy of appreciating the magic of God – love it Annelies.

  144. Gyl, such a sweet story, A confirmation of having space in your life to be open to receiving and responding to the gifts that come to you. Often when we are stressed or preoccupied we haven’t the tolerance and react to situations, missing the gifts all together. Life is a constant communication.

  145. Peculiar how nature can make us stop, and remind us of what is important. Early in the mornings I drive to work, just as the sun is about to rise, and so each day I see the sunrise in all its glory, and yet, all around me I witness people in their stressed state focussed on nothing more than beating the traffic. And I wonder how ludicrous it is that there can be all of this glory around us, and yet we live in utter ignorance and denial of the fact. For if one were to let in the glory of a single sunrise in full, one could not get caught in the anxiety to get anywhere in a rush.

  146. Yes, Gyl, it is so easy to take nature and what it is offering us for granted. Why would we turn away or avoid such a beautiful gift??

  147. What a joyful story of the magic of God Gyl. How easily you could have lost it by going into your head to worry about the robin, but you didn’t, the robin new exactly what he was doing, bring you a message from God and you allowed yourself to feel it …..gorgeous. .

  148. It moments like this Gyl that are so heartwarming knowing that God is making that direct communication with us.

  149. I loved reading this again Gyl. Your essence can be felt in every word. I can feel and recognise the delicateness, playfulness, grace and connection that you bring to people in the way you describe your experience with the Robin.

  150. Gyl I love this blog. It brings me back to the simplicity of life. That humans’ tendency to shroud this beautiful harmony in complications and dramas is so unhealthy and unnecessary. That by connecting with the Magic of God that is all around us, we can bring ourselves and each other back from any reckless behaviour we have indulged in.

  151. I love the way nature reflects back to us the divinity of who we truly are. It’s a constant reminder, or confirmation of this when we choose to be open to it. Magic!

  152. Moments like this bring people together in a shared moment of joy – here you and the security man – but quickly get replaced by normal social etiquette when the robin-equivalent that fleetingly bound them flies away. Shows just how connected we are to each other through true moments and equally how we’ve created behaviours that we think are norms through which to get through our day but which in fact serve to keep us separate from each other.

  153. Supermarkets are inherently cold places, not just because of the temperatures, but also because of all the wrapping, packaging, promotions and long hours that the staff have to work. It is wonderful to read how nature can still find its way through the front doors.

    1. I don’t find supermarkets a cold place to be, yes literally if walking down a chilled isle, but nothing a scarf, cosy jacket and gloves can’t beat. I like going shopping and buying food, there is a beautiful warmth connecting with the staff and the people I meet.

  154. Your words here Gyl remind me how so often we still compartmentalise life and see magic in only small parts. When we look with a true appreciation we can see that everything is equally part of a divine design to bring us back to who we truly are. This is magic to me.

    1. “Like a love letter from God to you.” Which of course is exactly what they are Felix and something to really be appreciated.

  155. When we constantly look at our mobile phones, which is happening more and more, we miss out on the magic of God. At times I make the choice to put my phone away and be fully present, look around and see and feel that yes, God is everywhere.

    1. That’s a good reminder, Mariette, so quickly we have reduced our awareness to a single thing as to our cell-phone or to a conversation or to a single part of the body, whereas the all of it renders us the Magic of God.

  156. I felt the joy in your sharing Gyl – I feel the same childlike joy welling up inside when I see the Magic of God around me – a reminder of our preciousness and the playfulness with which we can live life from – thank you for your expression and enjoy your cups of tea with the little Robin.

  157. The way nature can talk to us and remind us we are much more than the human frame that we move in is an Absolute Blessing. Just when I’m getting on with my day and the more I connect with my soul it is extraordinary the beauty that I am shown. A simple feather dancing in front of me or a bird singing a stunning tune just as I walk past. All a confirmation that we are apart of a much bigger Universe than what we have been taught to believe. I love this very much and I find it very warming to know we are all one.

    1. and what an awesome reminder Francisco! I am only just starting to appreciate what an amazing gift we are given daily in the magic of god that surrounds us.

  158. The Magic of God is around us all the time in one form or another, a beautiful red sky, birds singing, a glimpse of a butterfly, or a deer in the field on a walk, they are all there as a message to either confirm, or bring something to our attention.

    1. Yes Sally by acknowledging the sign and reading the divine message that is there for us we are offered immediate evolution. For many years I blocked these messages and only just now am staring to reawaken my ability to understand their true meaning.

  159. the magic of God is there to be felt in every moment, we are so used to being entrained and entrapped in a world that seems three-dimensional, that we can forget that we are moving through layers and layers of realities and dimensions that can be felt seen and interacted with.

  160. Gyl, I adore small birds and I just had to read your blog again, it is so heart warming and shows us that the beauty of God is all around us in so many forms especially nature we just have to be open to seeing it. Thank you Gyl.

  161. The ‘magic of God’ all around in all moments. I went for a walk with someone this morning and we saw two birds calling from a tree above our heads, they sat together, they shared joy in their song and presence and we appreciated us being together and how they where there as a gift from God. I can feel the messages all around me know, the more I am open to them the more i see, they enrich, deepen and support my experience of life deeply.

  162. So beautiful Gyl, we are the magic of God too. As reading your words this morning is like having the little robin pop in my room here and remind me of all that’s true. Thank you.

  163. Nature has a beautiful way of reflecting a message back to us, providing we have the wisdom to see it.

  164. It’s interesting that some people notice the magic in these moments and others walk by, oblivious to the missed opportunity for connecting to a sense of something greater, to that magic and stillness in ourselves and beyond.

  165. A gorgeous sharing Gyl on the Magic of God at play in our lives, reminding us of the love and support that is around us all the time.

  166. The magic of God makes me joyful, always and reading about its magic as well. It is most of the time unexpected and a lovely reminder of the support that is all around us. And its playfulness is exquisite when it all gets too serious in life.

    1. Yesterday morning I had read this beautiful blog about the magic of God. Later that day I had a very playful experience. I was working and went with my car from one client to the other in to visit them in their own homes. While driving there was a ladybug on my thigh. I love ladybugs, a present from heaven to remind me to love myself. I felt joyful and let the ladybug out of the car and it spread it small wings and flew away. When I was with my next client on her table there were table mats with ladybugs on it, I just had to smile inside and out. This morning I went to another client and I had to throw something in the bin outside there was a huge plastic ladybug on the edge of the pond in their garden. I was just so funny! The magic of God, what a playful present from heaven.

  167. I am opening more and more to seeing the magic of God everywhere. If I look for it, it isn’t there, when I connect, surrender and enjoy being present in my body, I am delighted by the signs of God that are constantly communicating with us all of the time.

    1. Beautifully said Shami. Today I was walking and talking on my phone and getting a little frustrated when I saw a bright red, beautiful lady bird. It stopped me in my tracks; I felt such joy. It reminded me to come back to the joy of being me – not the old patterns with the person I was talking to and my frustrations with someone and trying to solve their problems! (Yikes!)

  168. Just like that little robin, we are not to know the amazing or profound effect we can have when we are simply going about our daily life naturally ‘being ourselves’. The more we open ourselves to love and the magic of God the more we realise we too are a part of it and can through our gentle presence spread a little of his magic.

    1. So true Barbara. The Magic of God is all around us when we choose to notice it and we too can bring joy to ourselves and others by being who we truly are, Sons of God.

  169. Thank you Gyl for the beautiful reminder to connect to ourselves in every moment. For me nature has this wonderful purpose and I love your awesome sharing with the little robin – you can find nature really everywhere!

    1. So true esteraltmiks. The more I keep my awareness open to what nature is offering me, the more I find. Each presentation comes at a moment which really seems to suit what is going on for me at the time. Yesterday I was going for an early morning walk and came across a very large scrub python (non-venomous) crossing the path and I had to stop and wait patiently for it to pass. So much was presented to me at that moment: slow down and stay present; lighten up and enjoy what is going on around me; the beauty in everything – the snake had a lovely diamond pattern on its skin and moved in a very gentle, rhythmical way; and that transformation and evolution is constantly available.There was nothing that needed improving; just a simplicity that was stunning.

      1. That is such a beautiful sharing Helen – I know exactly what you mean: “Each presentation comes at a moment which really seems to suit what is going on for me at the time.” That is why life is so wonderful and joyful for me.

  170. This is not just about the magic of God at play (it was there waiting for you); it is also about you connecting and surrendering to your divine quality of harmony in its presence. Beautiful!

    1. Great point Eduardo. God is constantly using nature to communicate with us in symbols. This is something that is available to us all, but when you say ‘yes’ to receiving the communication of God, the symbols and apparent coincidences seem to step it up. Everything we need to know in order to develop and support others to develop their ability to live their true selves in the world is being constantly communicated to us, if we are open to hearing what’s being communicated.

  171. I love reading this blog. Since I have read this last time I have taken so much more notice of nature and the messages from God.

  172. There are many examples of the magic of God to share. I was walking at night and feeling the beauty of me in my walk, very present and connected, yet also aware of a trail of thoughts that allowed a little apprehension about an upcoming meeting. I looked to my right and there on the gate of a house was a lit up, large number 8, the number of Soul. I took it to be a sign to confirm my feeling and not allow the thought to dominate. I felt very confirmed and words came to me from a different place inside saying that the meeting will take care of itself and there is nothing for me to be concerned about, other than being with me now. It brought even more joy in the walk and then into the meeting.

    1. Simon I loved reading this. We always have a choice: to let the thoughts dominate and try to control our situation, or allow ourselves to be held in the love of that immense body of the All. Recently I’ve been contemplating how actually I could just let go and surrender to coming back to myself. What if there was nothing I needed to plan but that everything was about coming back. That I didn’t need to know what the end picture looked like, just feel the next movement.

  173. This is a very beautiful blog Gyl. I love this – ‘appreciating the magic of God, the gift from heaven and the joy that I felt.’ I have always had a deep connection with nature as it always reflects who I am in essence and through which I can feel the all-encompassing love and divinity that we are and are a part of a part of. Everywhere and in every detail is the magic of God to see and feel and when we are connected to our hearts eyes we can receive and be blessed with the messages that are there for us.

  174. This was totally gorgeous to read. You can’t deny that there are messages and blessings at play all around us when you choose to see them but I especially love when something is so exquisite like this that it brings you to a complete stop to appreciate and bask in its magic.

  175. Exactly Gill, for me it was a little chipmunk today crossing the path and running up the tree. This delightful feeling I had when it appeared for me was a reminder in me that I can feel like this. Just in the right time. Gods magic is everywhere.

  176. Hey Gyl, what beautiful sharing and tender moments with god and the robin. And what a gift for you to feel this is actually you what you get to see and feel and what you have noticed through this little bird. What a beautiful confirmation for you.

  177. This blog tickles me, God tickles me, the magic in nature tickles me, I tickle me.

  178. It’s amazing when we stop and look and God is there all around, and it’s just to be felt, not to be worked out. We don’t need to do anything, good reminder to come back to the stillness of who we are.

  179. “It made me stop in my tracks and forget all about my thoughts.”
    I love being stopped in my tracks by something beautiful, I just drop whatever seriousness and sternness I’m in and come back to me – it’s great to realise in that moment that even though my regular way of behaving can be too serious, it’s not my true expression and I have just been caught up in trying to be good again, darn it. And then I continue on in the lightness of true being 🙂 🙂

  180. Gyl you have shared a beautiful story with us about the Magic of God in life. Every day I connect to nature in one way or another and I always appreciate the ‘livingness’ of it. From a bird, to a flower, even the tremendous motion and movement of clouds. I am in awe of our world and the offerings and messages it constantly gives us when we truly appreciate the details and listen with our hearts.

  181. Such moments of communication from God are incredibly beautiful, but we quickly lose the impact of them when we (even momentarily) go into our heads.

  182. Nature is such a reminder that we are connected to, and are a part of something magic, and so much grander. Its all there reflecting the beauty and glory within all of us, if we just chose to stop and notice. A little bird, an exquisite flower, the sunrise, raindrops on a spiders web, all awe inspiring and heart opening expressions of a most amazing Love.

  183. The joy I feel when I hear Kookaburras sing is exquisite. I usually close my eyes and allow the blessing to wash over me in its entirety.

  184. Wow Gyl, This is so amazing, thank you for sharing. It is a lovely reminder to stay present and aware so we can be open to receive these messages from God.

  185. I just love Robins Gyl! What a gorgeous example of the beautiful communications we can receive form God if we’re open to it. I notice so many more of these moments when I’m less absorbed by events in my head. It’s fun spotting these divine communications, I don’t always know what they mean but they bring wonder and playfulness to my day.

  186. Every moment is there to teach us something. We can choose to not see the bird, or – like you did Gyl Rae – be open and see all that the little Robin reflected for you.

  187. Cute! I loved the playfulness of your blog which reflected for me the playfulness we can experience when we start to connect with those little happenings from nature that seem to be there for only us. On a walk the other day in unfamiliar territory, a butterfly kept stopping and starting ahead of me for about a quarter of a mile (that’s one energetic butterfly!), like it was leading the way. It was a moment of pure switch-off from the mental preoccupation with my day ahead and on some level a connection to something much more profound.

  188. It’s the magic of god within us all
    It’s the blessing of all we see
    It’s the magic of god around us
    It’s the blessing that sets us free

  189. While I was driving today, it occurred to me that I hadn’t noticed any magic of God moments for a while, so I said to myself “where is the magic of God today?” As I said this I noticed a wagtail bird in all its play-full-ness suddenly appear on the roundabout out of the corner of my eye. There it was, it had been there all along, I just hadn’t been paying attention.

  190. An absolute joy and delight to read this blog Gyl. Thank you for sharing this magical story, spreading your joy across to all of us.

  191. Gyl, your delightful blog is a reminder that we can see the Magic of God in even the most unlikely of places when we are living in a rhythm and harmony with the Universe.

  192. Gorgeous Gyl. When I feel open, there is no end to what magic might appear for me to notice. It always feels to me that nature is there to bring me back from the mental stimulation that is all around me and get me to start feeling stuff again. What a blessing!

  193. Seeing the Magic of God everywhere is a choice, we can walk through life and not see all the beauty that is around us, the light through the trees, a feather on the ground, birds that sing nearby. It is up to us, our choices to look for these amazing reflections.

    1. So true Raegankcarney, I have noticed that since reading all these amazing blogs I have deepened my appreciation for the magic of God even further. I’m not only seeing more with my eyes, but feeling more on a deeper level in my body, choosing to claim my own beauty on a whole new level.

  194. I just had to go back to this beautiful blog about the magic of God and the little robin – how truly amazing if we just stop and take the time to appreciate those moments.

  195. Gyl, this is such a beautiful story; I love it. Magic is indeed normal if we accept it and open our hearts and eyes. God is communicating his love to us constantly. It is up to us to receive it.

  196. Appreciating the ‘magic of God’ is such a powerful way for me to bring myself back to me. If I’m feeling a little ‘off’, I love going for a stroll, to have a stop moment to take in the beauty that’s there for me, for us all, every day. There is always so much to see and appreciate. In so doing, I am also connecting to that magic and beauty in me too. I’m back.

  197. Isn’t it funny how we think of magic as something unattainable, out of this world, not ‘real’ and if it is then it is reserved only for the special few, when really it is all around us all the time and it is very natural to be immersed in such beauty. The magic IS always there but our awareness and appreciation often is not. That’s why I love reading this blog – there is a pause given to stop and feel the exquisite beauty that we are a part of…even in the supermarket.

  198. The magic of god is so profound that it makes you laugh with joy; overtime you see it occur and say ‘how can that possibly be?’. How did you know I would be thinking that at that exact moment, to see that car with that number plate, or that white feather, or see (the reading can answer that) to confirm what I was thinking and/or feeling.

  199. A lovely read Gyl , it is amazing the magic of god in nature and how things like that can happen when we are open or aware of the magic in play.

  200. I am seeing so many magical signs lately. Just this week a deer was running along a country lane in front of my car – in daylight. I stayed back and after about a mile it turned off into a field – beautiful.

    1. How beautiful sueq2012, the signs are just so full of wonder and magic, and simplicity.

  201. Thank you for this lovely blog Gyl – a beautiful reminder of how everything in nature communicates with us all of the time, and that nothing is ever a random happening. Everyone of us are all part of the whole, all of the time.

  202. What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful blog Gyl…the simplicity of your story says everything about stillness, joy, truth, harmony and expression – it is a parable. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  203. A sweet story Gyl. I love how the magic of God through nature allows us to feel nature and the real world bare of the man-made impositions. I was driving home from a healing session on Saturday, stopped at a red light and felt something connect to me. I looked to my right and a fluffy, little, white dog was looking right into my eyes from the car next to me. It lit me up with smiles, laughter and joy. Its eye contact was so connected the women driving the car with the little dog became aware, laughed also and patted her dog. The dog then turned towards her then immediately turned back to continue looking me in the eye with complete openness. What a lovely moment in traffic!

  204. It is true the magic of God is everywhere and very simple to connect with when I get out of the way of the possibility that there are no coincidences in life. An example, was walking by the water the other day and came across a rubber glove floating mostly submerged in the water, with all fingers curled except the index finger pointing up to the sky. I took it as a message to reconnect to God and then felt how I was walking somewhat in my head and not truly open and receptive with the whole of my being. It tangibly changed the quality of my walk and brought a spring into my step.

  205. Gyl this is beautiful, I also have experienced the magic of God trough nature in the most unexpected ways. In those moments I can feel the joy and appreciation in my body.

  206. Re reading this beautiful true story of the little robin in the supermarket made me smile and feel joyful for all the moments that remind us of the beauty, simplicity that we have in us and around us always. Wonder full is our life. The sunlight above the clouds is there always, we just forget because we don’t see!

  207. “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel”. It really is up to us to be open and have the awareness to see and feel what nature reflects everyday.

  208. Beautiful to read Gyl, Nature has an amazing ability to provide a ‘stop’ moment at every opportunity. Light, playful and delicate in its message, now you have this as a daily reminder every time you open your cupboard door.

    1. Absolutely susanG, I agree “Nature has an amazing ability to provide a ‘stop’ moment at every opportunity” – just like this morning when driving to work along what can be a busy road and high street, I had to stop the car for a peacock to cross the road right in front of me – this made me smile, and say thank you God.

  209. It is totally lovely to embrace natures beauty and to appreciate its wonders as they often bridge us back to our true nature and essence. I feel there is a lot we can offer back to the natural world in our expressions of glory and gentleness, a harmony that we have long neglected, in our rhythms, interaction with environments and other beings. Your blog Gyl offers a great footprint on that path of return.

    1. I agree Phil, I also feel there is so much we can offer back to nature in the way we choose top express through our movement and rhythms in life.

  210. This morning I was indulging in some food my body didn’t really want or need, (I can now track this back to when I ignored a sign several days ago), and I had ignored the signs from my body earlier this morning as well, and then I received a big sign from nature loud and clear — the call of geese right above my house, (you can’t miss that call), and looking out of the window I saw 6 geese flying in formation followed by another 6, and they were obviously heading for the Lake at the Lighthouse. Six being the number of self-love, and two sixes making twelve, which reduces to three, the number of Light, I have really got the message now and give thanks for the Magic of God that helps me to come back to myself and be on track.

  211. It was lovely to read your experience Gyl, with this robin. And helping you choose a cup, which connects you to this lovely experience every time you see this cup, as a reminder. This bird connected you to yourself and god. To me it is amazing how quickly we forget or get distracted from this truth of divinity and stillness. Also it reminded me that things in our home are reminders of the feelings they stir in us. Do they feel good and support us or disconnect us from our divine. This is a great base to help us de-clutter our lives.

  212. I sometimes walk lost in thought until a bird starts merrily singing in a tree nearby – it always brings me back and reminds me to be all of me when I’m walking, it’s lovely.

      1. Sometimes it feels like they just sing to me. I find it amazing when I connect with the birds they seam to answer in their joyful way.

    1. Carmel I find that too – it is a heaven sent signal to come back to ourselves.

  213. This is gorgeous to read Gyl. I have always had a love of robins as my name is Robyn! They are delicate, playful and light. All qualities that I have come to realise are in me also. I am slowly letting my delicateness resurface after many years of hiding it under the hardness I had built up to keep me at a distance to not feel hurt by others. It feels at times very confronting and then I start to get used to it and I lighten up and allow myself to enjoy feeling this way again. Thanks for the reminder about the tiny bird that I have felt connected to for so long.

  214. I have seen a few animals on the road in front of my car recently in the UK – a badger, a hare (unusual for them to be on a road in UK) a rabbit, pheasants…..So many signs! So many messages…..

    1. I sometimes get a feeling that I am going to see an animal or bird, I don’t know what exactly, and then there it is.

  215. I have been seeing a lot of ducks lately which is not totally out of the ordinary as I walk round a lake every morning before work but it is usually their formation and number that always intrigues me like mostly I have been seeing them in threes and yesterday there was two sets of three forming two perfect triangles. A couple of weeks ago I was at work no where near a lake and saw three ducks perfectly spaced all facing the same direction and the next day I saw three ducks doing the same in a completely different place. Do you think Gods trying to tell me something?

    1. I reckon God’s definitely trying to tell us something with these symbols Kev.

  216. This blog made me smile! I recall seeing a beautiful butterfly flying down the isle of a supermarket. I was amazed as it was quite large and not something you would see in such an environment. It’s true the magic of God is everywhere.

    1. On occasions like this Natalie, I often notice that many people do not even notice the butterfly, or the robin, or the rainbow, or the person, so intent are they on the business of the day, usually with head down and narrow focused vision. To be open to the Magic of God we have to be present with everything around us as well as what we are engaged in. Our vision has to be spherical, we have to be open to whatever may appear, and our awareness alive. Otherwise we miss the opportunity for that magical moment.

      1. Beautiful comment and so true, Joan. If we are not aware, we miss those magical moments.

    1. Attention to detail, letting every moment be an opportunity to connect to Life and God, changes everything and rather than being burdensome or time consuming delivers exactly the opposite – an apparently ever expanding spaciousness – brilliant.

      1. It is just beautiful to stop and marvel on the detail of every moment Matilda. These moments are spacious and are so rich with opportunities for growth.

  217. Nature has a compelling way of bringing us back to ourselves if we allow this. I was walking in the park this afternoon and the shapes and colours of the autumn leaves on the ground were amazing. I could feel myself coming back to me as I walked through the leaves and appreciated the magic of God in the glory of autumn. Thank you Gyl for reminding me about the reflections that are there for us in nature.

    1. I agree, Anne – sometimes the geometry and precision of nature and animals is mind boggling. I love biology because it’s fascinating, the order and perfect balance of the body – when you learn the intricacies of the body you can’t but believe in the magic of God.

    2. Anne as I walked to work the other morning I was stopped in my tracks by a magnificent tree. This tree and its smooth bark and beautiful branches was so solid and still I felt myself immediately come back to me. God’s Magic is all around us. 🙂

    3. I love this line Anne – “Nature has a compelling way of bringing us back to ourselves if we allow this.” Nature is always reflecting to us, regardless of whether or not we are choosing to observe and appreciate these reflections… When I allow myself the time to observe these reflections, there is no doubt as to the magic and presence of God…

  218. I love your blog Gyl and today this sentence jumped out at me – ‘It also made me appreciate the magic of God in life, and how much I love simplicity and the little details’ – I know when I stop to appreciate I am always offered the magic of God – it is there in every little detail, in every little moment like a constant stream of love. Magic surrounds me in all that I do when I keep life simple.

  219. Beautiful story Gyl. I love Robins, they are so not afraid of humans and they come and say hello to us quite easily but to see one in a supermarket, that is real magic 🙂

  220. I love where you say: ‘something caught my eye. I stopped and looked, and here was a real live tiny little robin sitting on top of a till. It made me stop in my tracks and forget all about my thoughts.’ Those magic moments so have that effect hey, bringing a ‘stop, wait, there is more’ kind of moment.. A gorgeous moment this week, moving into our new home and pausing momentarily to feel how ‘meant to be’ it is and how supportive it feels when right before me two kookaburras swooped down landing in a tree in the garden right in front of me and chortled their celebration to the skies. What a home coming,what a confirmation both of being ‘on track’, and that there is more to us, we are held in such stupendous love, and constantly being offered reminders of the grandness we come from, and can return to.

  221. Wow, Gyl, what a great reminder that I don’t have to go into a forest or somewhere into ‘nature’ to find the magic of God. It’s all around me. It can be in a pot plant, a green tree frog on my glass sliding door, a bunch of flowers on the table, a lady bird on my home grown vegies. My home grown vegies.

    1. Absolutely Ingrid it is so great to be reminded that the magic of God is all around us just waiting to be appreciated.

  222. As I was getting out the car today there was a robin hopping it’s way towards me so I paused to just feel and appreciate. I know that this blog has helped me with my greater appreciation of what is all around me everyday. On seeing this robin I allowed myself to feel just how sweet and divine he was. It’s wonderful to appreciate the world in this way and choose letting go of being caught up in thoughts about all the ‘serious’ tasks I have to do in my day.

    I know these tasks are just ways I have used to feel self-important when I’ve not allowed myself to feel the truth of who I am, amazing just for being me with no need to be serious or self-important. This robin brought to me the magic of God, the harmony that is always there, when I am humble I can feel this. Thank you Gyl.

  223. Today I went for a walk in the woods and I was struck by how tense my body was feeling, and it occurred to me that it was this tension that was causing me to not be able to appreciate the nature that was all around. So I would choose to let the tension go from my body, but then it just came back again. So, then I decided to just observe it, really get to know it and feel it in my body without trying to hide from or run away from it, and then it felt like I could be with nature again because I was being more honest.

  224. Thank you Gyl for sharing a part of your day, the magic of life is all around us and it is always there when we are open to it. It was great to stop yourself when you felt you went into your head in worry about the bird, as you could feel the real message was there to be appreciated, uncomplicated by such thoughts.

  225. I used to really wonder why some people like to bird watch, as a hobby. As a kid it seemed incredibly boring. As I grow older, I see the beauty in being with and having great respect for all that’s in nature (not necessarily bird watching), which is highlighted in this blog quite beautifully.

  226. ‘The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.’
    I agree, it is just simply our choice as to whether we are open to seeing and feeling it or not.

  227. It is just lovely how Gyl’s story about a little supermarket robin has inspired so many to share their own magic of God moments through their comments. This is a beautiful demonstration of what can occur when we share from our hearts with love.

  228. Golden opportunities are missed when we overlook the magic of nature and what Gyl has shared here shows me that it does not have to happen deep in the wild. This robin was celebrating God in a supermarket!

    I was off for my early morning dog walk last week and stepped out of the house to see a deer in our street…elegant, quiet and graceful, it watched me for a while and then trotted down the street, across the road and into the recreation field opposite. This street is no longer a street to me; it has been and always will be touched with that little bit of magic. As I lie in bed at night I consider the emergence of nature all around us even in the most urban settings.

    Thank you, Gyl.

    1. When we have been touched by the magic of God the joy of it stays with you! I had an amazing experience with a deer too a few years ago. I was sitting in my conservatory when the person I was with pointed out there was a deer in my garden. Not only was it my garden, it was nibbling gently on a bush just outside the window. As I turned to look it stopped eating and seemed to stare me in the eye. A few minutes later when I looked out the window again it had quietly gone. It would have had to have done a huge leap and would have had to have worked hard to get over the fence, not once but twice. I didn’t see any of that – just the beautiful presence and stillness it was offering – a gorgeous confirmation of where I was at within myself at that time.

  229. Your blog brought a huge smile to my face Gyl. You really have a beautiful way with Nature, and I could really relate to you in how you said to the store clerk “Look, it’s a robin!” I always seem to be the one amazed at the simplest yet most amazing signs from God, but sometimes get a “So, what’s the big deal?” response from people when I want to share the joy of the moment with other people. It’s great that you showed such appreciation for a magical moment like the robin in the store, and I’m sure it will bring even more of those moments to you because of your approach to them. I feel that when we appreciate the little things like that, it confirms how amazing we are ourselves and how supported we are by God in many ways.

  230. I love the signs that birds give me. Once, after a retreat, when I was feeling joyful and very open, I had three sightings of birds that affirmed me, (one hovering kestrel, and two swans and three geese which circled above my head anticlockwise), but then I became excited about it and told someone else, and the next thing I was hit by a large seagull dropping, myself and my car! I got the lesson.

    1. Ha Ha Joan, I love this story! It goes to show how we can get excited about things that are absolutely normal. What is sad is the fact that we have ignored or misinterpreted these beautiful communications most of our lives.

  231. It is a constant communication, always pulling us back to the truth we know deep within. It can be playful, like a Robin fluttering around, or it can be more intense, like an earthquake shaking a country to its core. Either way, the message is always powerful when we are open to it.

    1. Interesting, people pay to go to one of the ‘magic’ shows with its contrived illusions, when we have natural magic around us all the time, without the illusion and it’s for free!

  232. The playfulness that is so obvious in children is an amazing discovery when one feels it once again as an adult – it is like rediscovering an amazing treasure.

    1. This is so true michaelkremer2212 – and when we connect to our playfulness the years slip away whatever our age. Age does not need to become a barrier to living life fully and with vitality. It is an ‘amazing treasure’ to live life playfully every day of our life.

  233. So true Gill, the magic of God is all around us, all that is required for us to be aware of it, is to be present and observant.

  234. As my relationship with the world we live in changes, I am becoming more aware of the instances where I feel the presence of God. It may be in people and nature, or the way light falls on the ground under a tree in full bloom, the stillness of a snowy morning. The more I allow the space in my life to let these moments occur, the simpler my life feels and vice versa.

    1. I love this ‘vice versa’, Jinya – the more space, the more magic, the simpler – all expanding in relationship with one another – thank you.

  235. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. At work I sit by a window and outside is a big beautiful tree. In a way I’m kind of sitting under the tree. I stop myself many times during the day to look up at this beautiful tree and watch the leaves slowly fall. When I’m caught up in anxiety, or stress the tree grabs my attention by hitting the window with leaves.

    1. I love the way trees do that – I was once walking round a field in arrogance, thinking I was doing great, when a seed pod dropped and flicked me on the shoulder – it was a wonderfully tender wake up call that instantly brought me out of my head and back into my body.

      1. These are great reminders Lindell and Carmel. Nature is so delicious and fun. Being aware that there are possibilities beyond intellectual understanding is a great start for these moments to be able to present themselves to us.

  236. I have observed that I can go for a walk and be in my head, thinking and sorting out some future plans, and not notice anything around me at all. When I do notice that, I can now stop, breathe gently and observe, and the magic of God jumps out at me from every direction: sunlight through reeds, bright yellow buttercups in the meadow, grasses swaying in the wind, the chiff chaff calling, the bog squelching under my feet, the twinkling stream, it’s all there to be seen when we look.

  237. Gyl, thank you for this blog, it was magic to read, so simple but such a delightful reminder to be forever aware of the delicateness and of the magic of God no matter what the surroundings.

  238. I can relate to your lighthearted feeling Gyl by connecting to the little robin… isn’t it interesting that this is showing us that we apparently harden our heart in “normal” everyday living?

  239. What a gorgeous blog Gyl. I felt like you shared the magic by relaying this story. Beautiful.

  240. Returning to your blog Gyl is so lovely first thing in the morning to me. I usually go for a walk about now, just after sunrise but haven’t been able to for about a month and this beautiful little robin in your blog inspires me to get fit and out there again! The magic of God is everywhere if we are open to it.

  241. Thanks for sharing your sweetness with us all just as nature and the magic of God offers this same sweetness to us all equally on a daily basis, if we can only open our eyes and hearts and get out of our heads and our suffering human condition long enough to notice that these gifts and magic are everywhere.

  242. This is so gorgeous. I can feel the magic of God. I love the mug thing.. I actually enjoyed every single word you wrote. Thank you for this reminder – the magic of God is everywhere we go and for everyone.

  243. This is a wonderful confirmation that when we are connected to ourselves then we are presented with all these magical moments that nature and god are always there to show us. Remaining open and willing to be.

  244. A fabulous story. When I was kid there was a kids TV program in which stories were told. I’d like to have heard you telling this story on that show.

    1. I loved being told stories especially allegories that had deeper meanings and especially by really talented story tellers. This robin tale would be a wonderful story to tell a child – and even more beautiful because it is true!

  245. Thank you Gyl this is so beautiful and joyful reminding me of the magic of God all around all the time if I stop and choose to see it. I love how you say the robin ‘reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me.’

  246. Thankyou Gyl for this beautiful sharing, so powerful and natural to know we are always held in the presence of God and how natural it is to live in that knowing.

  247. I love how the magic of God stopped you in your tracks and brought you back to the stillness within you. I know when I am presented with these moments I’m being presented with a clear choice to let go of the thoughts I use to distract me from connecting with my stillness and feel the beauty within and the love we’re held in.

  248. Super gorgeous, light and lovely – I can feel your absolute joy and thank you for following the impulse about wanting to share it with everyone.

  249. When I was a child I felt nature and loved nature. I especially loved the sky, sunsets, sun rises, warm breezes, the mountains and trees. As I got older and moved to the city, I forgot to look, I forgot to feel.

    Thank you Gyl for reminding me.

    1. So it is simply a return to a natural relationship with life and nature that we know well, not a striving to learn something new…beautifully touched by this, thank you, Rebecca.

    2. It’s so easy to forget to look. But even in London where I live there are signs all the time from nature. We just need to remember to open our eyes.

  250. I’m currently camping as I write this blog. I too enjoyed the presence of a little bird with red markings, perhaps it was a Robin? Anyhow, he certainly made me stop when he sat on my ute and chirped to me for about 10 minutes. There’s something about stopping to appreciate these moments that commands presence.

    1. I love what you have written here Oliver ” There’s something about stopping to appreciate these moments that commands presence.”

  251. Gyl reading all the comments its shows just how the Magic of God is always there. No wonder I felt so content to play in nature as a child or simply with a cardboard box. Having never seen a humming bird before a tiny one gracefully came to rest on my bottle of water at lunch yesterday, a bottle that also only arrived after a string of constellations. Very magical. The more I appreciate and connect with the magic all around the less the pull to be caught up in thoughts and instead enjoy what is there.

    1. David a gorgeous comment! “The more I appreciate and connect with the magic all around the less the pull to be caught up in thoughts and instead enjoy what is there”. This is a lovely recipe for staying present in the moment and content with being.

  252. This blog reminds me to be open to the signs and communication from God that are all around me “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel.” It is true it can be found everywhere and when we are open it can support how we experience our days and is completely supportive.

    1. Absolutely Samantha, the messages are really ongoing. Nature and the messages never give up on us and are always reflecting exactly what we need to move forward.

  253. Since reading this blog for the first time I have paid much closer attention to the magic of God and see more of the little signs along the way and have greater appreciation for them. Just yesterday we followed a hare gently running down a track and it was as though it was playfully leading the way. Beautiful to see and feel.

    1. Sounds amazing Beverley, its amazing what you can notice and appreciate when you bring more focus.

  254. As I connect more and more with people in the world I re-reaslised that we are all the same and we are all deeply loving people. This article is a testament to that.

    1. Very true aminatumi. I was never a great ‘people’ person, but these days I am realising that we all have the same beautiful quality of love within us and this is reflected to me everyday in the people I meet. If we make love our focus, then it will reveal itself in the most delightful ways throughout our day.

    2. I agree aminatumi, I absolutely love people, no matter who or where they are in the world. And I know that is without doubt, thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presenting the truth about love and what love really is.

  255. Thank you Gyl, for your beautiful sharing, as the magic of god in your situations with the little robin just flew around the world, and has brought tears to my eyes, reminding me of my own godly magic, timeless moments, that always have brought instantly the innocence and a wholehearted opening – beautiful (unexpected and unplanned : )) moments of stop thinking and feeling god. I feel, these moments lead the way to who I truly am through feeling. It can be promptly, as it is always there.

  256. Thank you Gyl, I love simplicity and the little details too. This blog is beautiful and I find there is so much beauty in a moment when we are filled with wonderment as we observe the Magic of God.

  257. Yesterday I saw a huge hawk of some sort fly very close across my path as I was driving, and glide most gracefully, with no wing beats, across a field and then out of view. In that moment I felt very present with the bird; it was just it and me, and we happened to be in the same place at just that moment. I felt an awe watching the majesty and power of that bird, and its easy flight. I thought “what reflection does this bird bring for me?” At the time it did not come to me, and sometimes I realise in an encounter like this, I don’t feel what it is about at the time, and only feel it when I pause later and give myself time to look at how my day is going. Yesterday I now recognise, I got a bit rushed at one point, because I had allowed an interruption to my rhythm and left my true nature, the connection with my heart and soul. The bird was all grace and rhythm and mastery of its flight. What a reflection for me.

  258. I was able to feel the magic of God when I recently was able to reconnect to a friend after 30yrs. Just being open, honest and sharing our feelings we were able to connect to moments when we where children playing in nature, without any worries or fears. It was beautiful to feel that magic and joy we felt as children.

    1. That’s lovely and confirms the magic of God is not just in nature but people and relationships too : )

      1. Yes absolutely! I went for a walk with a friend this morning and felt the simplicity and joy of sharing a walk in a meadow and being shown all the amazing creatures and plants – beautiful red beetles and hoover flies that I would have otherwise walked by, too focused on the bigger picture.

        I felt a childlike wonder that I never allowed myself to feel when I was a child – too busy trying to grow up fast. I feel this wonder is always there if I connect to me. That it’s ok to allow myself to be. That nature holds us in the big vistas and the smallest detail, there is no chance here, no random act or encounter with people or nature.

  259. Pure joy Gyl, and taking time to observe – something that we can so easily forget to do. Six months ago I saw two kingfishers standing on the jetty on our pond, something completely unheard of, but such is the Magic of God. It’s there for us to see and it’s there for us to appreciate – in full.

  260. Thank you Gyl for this beautiful sharing and reminder of the magical moments around us all the time just waiting to be noticed if we choose to. The more we see the more we see is my experience and nature is an amazing reflection to us of our beauty within to come home to and is great to share and expand the deep a deep contentment it brings so simply..

    1. Indeed tricianicholson, it feels like there is forever more to see once we have started to walk the path, seeing with openness, love and appreciation.

    1. matildaclark. Sometimes a little tap on the shoulder is a wake up call, to see all the good that is around us in this life.

    2. Exactly, it does just feel like being tapped on the shoulder by life.

  261. I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets yesterday afternoon and I immediately thought of this blog, I had a smile in my face and felt how nature is such a reflection of the divinity of within ourselves.

    1. I absolutely agree franciscoclara8, the magic of God in nature is a reflection of the Magic of God and the divine within ourselves. I appreciate this everyday. How awesome and loving is God that he chooses to reflect back to us just how divine, glorious, magnificent, vast, grand, delicate, and so much more that we all are.

    2. I agree franciscoclara8, I had a similar thought when I saw my back yard turn a deep fiery orange during the afternoon. Makes you stop and see the magic is all around.

  262. I love how playful God is. Fancy a beautiful robin down the aisle of a supermarket. It makes me smile.

    1. When I first read this blog I made an assumption that it could not be in the UK. An assumption based on knowing the health and hygiene rules that abound. Realising this had happened in the UK (as I read on) shook down my assumptions (fixed beliefs that get in the way) and opened me up to the fact that miracles are in our everyday – thank you, Elizabeth and Gyl.

  263. Robins are such dear, sweet little birds and so happy to be around people. We have two super friendly ones in the garden and they now have a little third one in the family. They’re never afraid to come and be right next to us and are great company when we might be working in the garden. It makes my heart sing every time I see them.

  264. Thank you Gyl for your magical sharing. These moments are real stop and appreciate moments that are so needed in our lives and help bring us back to Divinity and to God. The wonderful thing is that when we open our eyes and our hearts these little messages from God are everywhere confirming if we are on the right track or not.

  265. “The magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to feel”. How glorious! I love your story Gyl, thanks for sharing.

  266. I am becoming more and more aware of what nature is actually reflecting back to me. I was sitting at a bench yesterday and these two pigeons were sitting almost at my feet, enjoying the sun, and not afraid at all to be so close to me. We can all be so close and intimate with everybody I realized, in brotherhood.

  267. How sweet Gyl… I love how nature plays with us, and if we are willing to see it we will know so much more about it, like you do with this Robin.

  268. Hi Gyl. How’s this, I was in a grocery shop this week and then I too see this very small bird in the middle of a large shop, down the back of the aisles. As soon as I saw it I remembered your article. Seeing the bird on this occasion reminded me to be very discerning about my food choices. It was magic to feel. Thank you.

  269. It ‘s just about impossible to hold a serious manner when choosing to be with nature. Nature is and offers everything in divine order, all we need to do is be open to it.

  270. Lovely story Gyl! As more and more people seem to live in cities, with its effect of distancing us from nature, it’s refreshing to read of encounters of this kind, whereby nature, and of course God, is saying, “We’re still out here and we want to stay in touch!”

    1. “Staying in touch ” is so significant Jonathan. So often we do not give ourselves time or be open to what is out there, and that is because we are not in a rhythm. If we are rushing around from task to task, rather than being in a consistent rhythm that has space within it, then we miss all the magic of God, and we think it is not there to touch us. But it is always there, it is only us that gets kn the way of us.

  271. I love the way robins are just there – I see them in the forest where I work, where I walk before I start work, when I empty the shop rubbish during the day, and as I walk back to my car after work – their silent presence reminds me that I don’t have to say anything, I can just be. And when they sing – it’s glorious!

  272. What a lovely sweet story to remind us of the simplicity of life and that there is so much more than the meanderings of our minds – people and nature is where life really is.

  273. Gyl it’s lovely taking time to appreciate the magic of God that is all around from the seemingly out of place but perfectly placed objects to the dawn call of the birds across an otherwise busy town. It’s as if there is a whole other world that we can so easily miss yet in stopping and choosing to be a little more aware it’s all there.

  274. I had a ladybird come for a drive in my car yesterday, it bought such a joy into my heart and a sense of fun that I took with me for the rest of the day. Magic of God!

  275. Gyl this blog is so gorgeous. The Magic of God is all around and we can either choose to feel it or ignore it.

    However I know that there are no accidents, mistakes or luck but that life is filled with this Divine Magic all the time. It is in the details. ✨

  276. A beautiful blog Gyl and a great illustration of the gift that nature offers and at the most unlikely of places.

  277. What I can feel in your blog Gyl is the hubbub of life all around you, people busy doing their things, caught up in thinking about this or that…and then in the midst of it all is a tiny bird, God’s little messenger. For those who notice it, time suddenly melts away. The moment expands, and in that expansion there is space for a understanding whatever the message may be.
    I have experienced the same when a tiny downy feather fell in front of me one day when I was feeling irritable about something. The moment it wafted before my eyes, and then paused as though making it’s point, time became meaningless, and everything opened up including the dark cloak that irritation had wrapped around my heart. I knew that it was telling me that this delicacy is my true nature. I let the irritability go – for how could I dream of holding on to “irritable” when my true nature is a delicate as down blown on a gentle breeze?
    The magic of God is around us, all the time, subtle and seemingly inconsequential until we open our eyes and our heart.

    1. Gosh Rachel, you really have a sublime turn of phrase!!, “The dark cloak that irritation had wrapped around my heart”, absolutely gorgeous!
      Your closing line really nails it for me.
      “The magic of God is around us, all the time, subtle and seemingly inconsequential until we open our eyes and our heart”. Pure magic!

  278. It was amazing, last night as I drove home from celebrating my birthday, right in front of me was a massive rainbow. It was beautiful and although it wasn’t raining where we where, you could see ahead the sheets of rain coming down from the clouds, it was glorious, and it felt like a lovely birthday present.

  279. How beautiful Gyl to have a constant reminder of stillness every time you reach for the mug with its portrait of your friend – the robin. My reminder to come back to myself is a chair with a comfy cushion at the front door. I may not use the chair but it beckons me to stop and breathe and soak up the magic all around me (and in me).

  280. Finally allowing ourselves to fully accept that the world around us is in fact there to allow us to learn and to evolve is completely life changing.
    Life is not about achieving goals in the far away future, but about finding our way back to the stillness and love that we truly are and from there let all God’s magic unfold and inspire.

  281. Such a gorgeous sharing Gyl, as I read I could feel this little robin in my heart, a simplicity and a joy that lights the way just as it is needed…. it felt like reading a sweet children’s story your experience of this robin, thank you.

    1. I agree Clare, there is something very simple about enjoying life in the way Gyl describes – very fulfilling and beautiful.

  282. The Magic of God, so simple and such an amazing reminder that nature reflects back to us so very much. I love rereading this blog to keep my eyes and awareness on what I see and feel anywhere and anytime.

  283. I love the playfulness in this blog. A perfect reflection of the playfulness in nature. When we take notice of this it can help us to keep life playful and light.

    1. Absolutely Rebecca – keeping it light is much more enjoyable than just keeping our heads down and doing what needs to be done in our work/at home/doing chores

      1. Yes, and when our heads are down we don’t see the ‘love letters’ that are constantly delivered to us. Keeping it light brings in the light.

  284. I just love those special moments where we can appreciate the tiny details of life. We always get the message we need.

  285. This blog has been a great reminder of the fact that the magic of God is all around us and has heightened my attention to this. Where I work we have a bird box where a family of wrens are nesting. From the staff room window we are able to catch a glimpse of the male bird tending to and feeding the female and then she may also appear as she goes off to get food for the chicks. Real ream work in motion and beautiful to see them all working so harmoniously together. A great reflection of true family that is possible for us all in our own family and the greater family that reaches beyond our own homes and includes all of humanity. Another example of the magic of God in nature reflecting back to us.

    1. Absolutely Beverley – harmony is one of the things that makes nature and animals so magical; they work together in brotherhood no matter what, and this is a powerful reflection that we can have this same love in our families, workplaces and with everyone.

    2. It is awe inspiring to watch and appreciate nature at work. Animals seem to feel the call, and then action that. Sometimes harsh and appearing emotionless, but always full of true love.

  286. That just brought tears to my eyes, absolutely gorgeous god is always with us if we chose to see and feel, i love how you where listening to the message the bird had for you.
    ( GOD had for you). And now you are reminded of it every time you see the cup, price less, what a gift.
    Thank you for this lovely message. xx

  287. I so appreciate the loving reflections of nature, the Magic of God moments. I feel them as blessings, reminding us we all have this magic inside of us.

  288. A few weeks ago a white feather fell from the sky in my backyard. I was inside doing comments for the blogs and the feather fell vertically ever so slowly. There was no wind at all, it was super still, sunny and slightly balmy. At about 6 to 8 feet from the ground it stopped and looked as if was suspended in mid air. This lasted about 5 seconds, then it just continued falling very slowly. It makes me smile again just writing about it.

  289. I love how a ‘love letter’ from nature brings me back to the present, in the body, in the moment, appreciating and accepting what is offered, what is reflected for me to deepen my development.

  290. I read your blog a few days ago and appreciated your attention to detail, playfulness,fun and communication with the robin.
    Today I’ve been working in the garden, it was raining all day, and my companion was another robin, who appreciated all the worms I helped him to get. I was smiling at him, feeling connected to you, Gyl, and to everyone in the world.

    1. Same for me Natalie, I love listening to the birds singing away – I can hear them now – I love how they bring a sense of joy and play-fullness back to me.

  291. This is so sweet and an exquisite sharing, it brought the warmest smile to my face….a moment of deep appreciation of the Magic of God. Magic of God is simple – in that moment, by us just being, like an open playful child, we will feel the magic around us, its like our eyes open and see so much more….its a simple acceptance of this magic, there is no explanation, that only kills it…., it is and it happens all the time around us…we are so supported by life, by God….THANK YOU for sharing such beauty in the Magic of God.

    1. Beautiful comment Karoline and so true. I have recently been recovering from a knock-out cold and cough and knew a gentle walk was the most loving thing to do even though I really wanted to see the amazing display of azaleas at a local park. Lo and behold, as I walked around my area, I saw a stunning display in the garden of a house nearby in a street I don’t often walk along. I smiled and appreciated the magic of God that inspired me to go in this direction for a change! I stopped in awe and took some photos which will remind me that magic is around us wherever we go. A gorgeous blog Gyl.

  292. “I felt so much childlike joy and amazement watching this beautiful little bird, and I wanted to share it with the world.” This is lovely Gyl. It is amazing how nature can connect us back to our inner most qualities. Thank you for sharing your joy with the world.

  293. Gyl, a lovely simple story in appreciation of the magic of nature.

  294. I have found recently that the messages have been flooding in, not just in my day, but also in my dreams, the power of symbolism that our dreams can reflect

      1. Haha, no it doesn’t – just another reflection that the love of God never sleeps either 🙂

      1. Sometimes even getting no messages is a message – not being able to remember a dream or missing something someone else saw – it really can be amazing considering how life is perfectly coordinated for each person

  295. God is in detail and everyday I can choose to be present so I am aware of every detail of/ in my life and therefore I am aware that God’s Magic is all around us, for us to enjoy and embrace.

  296. That such a tiny, vulnerable little robin can go about its life with such confidence, joy and purpose in an artificial, hectic, dangerous human environment, is an amazing affirmation to us all. We can be like that little bird, vulnerable and fragile and yet confident, open, and fully ourselves, even in this ker-azy world we have built that freaks us out on a consistent basis!

    1. I love what you share here diannetrussell, and what this lovely little bird is reflecting to us. To me there has alway been something very special about this bird – as a child whenever I saw one I would remark on it with absolute joy. I think you just summed up why it was/why it is so special to me! To have this as a reflection as to how I can be myself is inspiring.

    2. So true diannetrussell, what an inspiring reflection of confidence and joy that the little robin (with Gyl’s assistance) has shared with us.

    3. Yes Dianne, that’s the magic reflecting to us a very powerful message of the little Robin you have shared….these messages are always showing us ‘we can, we are so much more…always supporting us to take the next step…

      1. Karoline they are indeed constantly supporting us with the next step and confirming the steps we have taken or reminding us of something that is ahead to be aware of. The more I choose to be aware of them the more little messages and reflections I see. What is also magical is how the magic of God is not confined to nature but to everything. Even in the rainstorm that is outside at the moment the birds are singing away – its lovely to wake up to that playfulness.

    4. So true Diannetrussell. Being vulnerable in the world is not only possible but something of beauty.

      1. Well said nikkimckee, “Being vulnerable in the world is not only possible but something of beauty”. As a man it has taken me a while to begin to truly accept this but wow, the strength it brings is incredible. I always used to associate vulnerability with weakness, when it is far from it.

    5. Well said Dianne – such a true example – if the delicate little Robin can be himself in all his glory, so can we. Have to ask myself, what’s holding me back?

    6. Spot on diannetrussell and so true. A great affirmation indeed and one to remember for sure. Thank you.

  297. Hi Gyl, I so enjoyed reading of your experience with the little robin – joy is in the simplest of things if we but stop, and enjoy the Magic of God. Comes to mind a recent experience while walking through a rainforest in Costa Rica, when the people on this venture were watching their footsteps ahead as they crossed the swing bridges in the forest canopies, I was a little hesitant, so was at the rear of the troup – and thus was witness to an army, the most magnificent army of ants coming down the ancient tree and across the path in front of me, all carrying little pieces of delicately chewed green leaf from the forest canopy – these were ‘leaf eating ants’ of which I had heard about – all working for a unified goal, in brotherhood, allowing the light to enter through these tiny spaces to the darkened forest floor below. It brings a smile to my face just to remember the moment.

  298. The fact that there is a reflection of the nature only confirms that magic of the reflection is also within us. A mirror reflects the truth of who we are.

    1. Beautifully expressed Matthew. Nature reflecting back to us who we truly are. Since becoming more aware of the magic of God, there are so many moments and signs in nature that I now notice in my everyday activity. Everyday miracles.

  299. I loved this Gyl, it touched my heart in such a light and playful way that I was with you in that supermarket watching the robin in childlike wonder. Truly the magic of God in action!

    1. Yes me too. I’ve really noticed my walks in nature can be doing walks or being walks where I can appreciate every leaf on the tree, the ducklings and their mum and smile and say hi to the man who paused to watch them too.

  300. Beautiful Gyl. You are right, the magic of god does remind us of the power of attention to detail, something I am noticing constantly supports me to develop my awareness.

    1. I say heaven is in the detail, in the smallest of things, between one moment and the next.

      1. For me the details can mark the difference between being comfortable and experiencing the divine.

      2. Beautifully said Dean – it certainly is in the tiny little things – bits of magic that are always there for us – with the choice to pay attention to them or not 🙂

    2. Great point Vicky, “the magic of God does remind us of the power of attention to detail”. It is often easy to get caught up in the end result we often miss the joys of the journey along the way.

  301. I am continually in awe of the messages we receive from God.The other day I was walking down the road and this delicate leaf was blown in front of me and as I walked it kept getting blown ahead of me on my path. This went on for some time then it stopped in its tracks between my feet. I read the message, felt the blessing, thanked the masters and continued my walk.

    1. Mary-Louise I love what you have shared. These messages remind me we are all connected within divinity. Thank you.

  302. Ahh Gyl I just love re-reading this and feeling the simple reminder of how God is always with us.

    1. Me too Joshua, I loved reading this blog, reminding me of the love letters of God I receive all the time.

  303. I am in awe of the beauty of nature every day whether warm and sunny or not, and I can feel it’s true that that magic is within me too. Today it was bunnies, running out into the road, peeping out of the hedgerows, hopping across my path when walking, just really playful and fun.

  304. What I also reflect on when reading this blog and all the comments, is that nature is never greater than me, yes it is an amazing reflection and reminder of the grandness and beauty we all come from, but never is it once more than us. For everything I see in nature and love, is in truth within me. I am as grand as any mountain, as bright as any star, and as sweet and delicate as any beautiful little flower or bird.

    1. Gyl what an amazing comment. Such a confirmation of the majesty we truly are that I have yet to fully embrace within my daily living of everydayness.

    2. Nature is such an amazing refection as you say Gylrae of the beauty and grandness we all come from. Yesterday the most perfect rose bloom in delicate pink was sparkling with raindrops reminding me how fresh and delicate and divine we are.

      1. Sandra, I also love being stopped in my tracks by the beauty nature can offer us. Stopping to smell the roses is one of my favourite summer time things to do – they have such a divine delicate scent.

      2. Yes, I love how the gentle breeze sways all the trees in spring right now and I feel a great harmony. What a beautiful way to feel this as a reflection of the harmony within all of us.

      3. True Sandra. Finding these amazing reflections from nature isn’t difficult, the difficulty is stopping the rushed blurred motion of life to actually have the space to see them.

    3. Gylrae I love what you share “I am as grand as any mountain, as bright as any star, and as sweet and delicate as any beautiful little flower or bird” I had this experience myself this weekend, however I could feel the grandness of a mountain in how I held strong in a difficult situation, but at the seam time I could feel my own delicateness.

      1. I felt this too recently Amita, I had a glimpse of my own power, and it almost felt too much, beginning to feel the true power and potential of me felt truly awesome, connecting to people in a way I had not done before. Realising and accepting my own beauty and power allows me to evolve and others to evolve too, so not holding on to this feeling just doesn’t make sense anymore because who would not want to feel like this everyday, because it is who we truly are.

      2. Yesterday when I was walking in ‘my’ park, the park I walk in every morning, I was on the phone with a friend and I shared: I feel so big, I feel as big as the whole park. It felt wonderful, it was like the park, the trees and everything that is part of the park and myself were one.

      3. Gorgeous Amita. I was on a coach yesterday for around 4 hours in total and was totally mesmerised by the rolling hills and beautiful green trees… What a reflection!

    4. So very true Gyl. When I was going around looking outside of me for things to make me feel better, nature was often a source of going ‘wow’ look at that or being disgruntled because it did not fit my expectations. The deeper I connect to and appreciate myself, the more apparant it becomes that the grandness, the love and the playfulness in nature are all reflecting what is within me and within us all.

      1. Nature never stops reflecting, going round and round in cycles always presenting us with an opportunity to evolve, it is us that have chosen to stop paying attention to the communications nature gives us, but once our eyes and hearts have been opened to the magic of nature then the possibilities for growth are stupendous. Nature reflects back to us where we are at, be it with beauty or chaos, as in earthquakes, tsunamis or hurricanes, either way we as a human race can learn a lot from accepting what nature has to offer as a reflection.

    5. Indeed Gyl, for feeling that equalness with nature is a divine spaciousness that if I’ve stepped away from, immediately invites me back to me.

    6. Awesome to note and so true. Nature is so beautiful, for years I would be in awe of it and think it was grander than me, a rising sun, sea or mountain. Instead now though I just deeply appreciate it, not making it more than me.

    7. What you say here is so confirming, Gyl. I love nature, birds, flowers, and I, too, feel that they reflect back to me what is already inside me, and it feels natural and beautiful.

  305. “this little bird was not bothered, it was just there.” I have to say this line stands out for me as a reflection of how we can all be. It reflects to me that this is how I can be, not needing to be noticed or seen, not bothered or affected by what is happening around me, just steady, present, and here for all of humanity.

    1. I got this too from the blog Gyl. To just be, not wanting others to notice us, to confirm and appreciate ourselves and not be looking around for others to do that for us. To just be ourselves in our natural state, like the bird and let others be the same.

    2. This is really beautiful Gyl, ‘It reflects to me that this is how I can be, not needing to be noticed or seen, not bothered or affected by what is happening around me, just steady, present, and here for all of humanity’, when I am present and simply enjoying being me it feels amazing, i’m learning to stay steady and not be affected by the outside, the robin is a great example.

    3. Gyl thank you for highlighting this line. I went for a beautiful walk this morning and each way I looked a little robin was there just going about his business. I remembered your blog and felt how magic the moment was. A robin just being and bringing magic, reminding me that’s how I can be in my day too.

    4. I love this line Gyl, ‘this little bird was not bothered, it was just there’, this is what I am beginning to feel with myself that I can simply be me no matter what is going on around me, this feels like a lovely way to be.

  306. I was smiling to myself the whole way through reading your blog Gyl. I was reminded of all those very precious moments of connection I have had/get through nature. I love them and and I loved reading about your experience too. Thank you.

  307. This was an absolute delight to read Gyl, I had a big smile and giggled at the end as I was totally with you, the Robin and the magic of God.

  308. There is so much magic around us all the time. I’m lucky enough to have a massive window right next to my desk at work, with a huge tree that’s very popular with the birds. It’s such a gift to be able to gaze out and take in the ever changing beauty, like having a hug from God.

  309. Love what you have shared Gyl! Nature and the magic of God are all around us, it is really just a question of looking and letting ourselves see it and enjoy it!

  310. Beautiful Doug, I too feel the joy of living in this connection, at play with the magic of God and incredible beauty of this life.

  311. Absolutely gorgeous tale Gyl! I have felt the magic of God in nature all my life – as a child I was so deeply connected and grew up in the British countryside where I spent most of my time outside emersed in nature and the magic of God. Each day I would pick primroses or daffodils or bluebells to bring home to my Mum. The robin was my absolute friend too and it always brought me so much joy when I saw one. Hearing the early morning birds in a British Spring/Summer connects me so deeply to the magic of God and my relationship with God. Just remembering these things directly brings me back to my connection with the love of God and my part in the universe. I absolutely celebrate my growing awareness of the gifts and messages from God which nature bestows us with.

  312. Now if that wasn’t confirmation with the Robin on the robin mug then what is! I love how the Magic of God really is in our everyday when we are open to see it and be with it. Beautiful.

  313. Thank you Gyl, I couldn’t help but smile reading this and feeling the absolute joy in you and those magic moments!

  314. I agree, it is the simple observations like these that hold the magic and the joy. They are the kind of thing we don’t notice when we are thinking ahead or lost in our thoughts – a big part of life to miss out on.

    1. I agree Rosanna, we tend to dismiss or overlook the magic that is constantly around us when we move about our day being busy in our busy-ness.

  315. Thankyou Gyl for sharing this. If we are open to noticing the Magic of God there are signs and symbols everywhere in our everyday lives that can remind us of our natural, sweet, delicate, and wonder-full selves.

  316. Your line “It reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me.” is so great. To bring a reminder to always be aware of what is being reflected by nature and those around us. Be aware, be consciously present and see what the magic of God has to offer, it can be truly amazing.

  317. Miracles are happening all the time. We just need to walk with our heads up to see the miracles happening all around us every minute of the day.
    It’s sad to see people walking around with their heads down looking at the ground, they are missing so much in life.

  318. I love it Gyl. There is so much of God’s magic around us when we give it some attention. Nature comes to play and lets us feel that child-like wonder.

  319. I can totally feel the delicateness and playfulness of your friend, the robin, through your words, Gyl. It is so delightful. How wonderful to be able to appreciate the magic of God in even the smallest and most delicate of things, like this tiny bird. Truly beautiful! Thank you.

  320. So gorgeous Gyl, finding the joy in what could just seem like a bird flying around a shop needing to get out. The magic of God is all around us. I walked down the street the other day and came across a beautiful, full, delicious smelling rose – just the flower, in bloom, laying on the path for me to pick up, smell and feel its beauty – reflecting mine. Not just a rose laying there, but a feeling of absolute beauty, a gift.

  321. I feel we have access to the magic of God is every where, I appreciate how you write about your experience of the apparently simple and modest moments and encounters and how they are full of the magic of God. I went into my local supermarket this week and saw the man who organises the trolleys, he can often have his head down and be busy with his task, he was pushing the trolleys past me and mine was slightly in his way, so I said “shall I move it!” He lifted his head and made eye contact and we connected, beyond “hello” we both felt the connection, we both said yes to feeling the magic of God. It was awesome.

  322. Awesome sharing Gyl – it is amazing what we might miss day to day if we stay caught up in our heads and don’t truly look round to see what is there. I have had an experience recently where every few days I will find and identical grey and white feather right in my path – Im gathering quite a collection.

    1. Rebecca, I too receive confirmation of the Magic of God through feathers appearing ofen in the most unlikely of places. Last Sunday when I arrived home, I picked up my re-cycle bin to return it to the bin store, and in the bottom of it was a feather, and when I got to the store there was another feather on the ground in the space that is reserved for my bin. I have found the more I am present with, acknowledge and embrace natures symbols,the more they appear.

      1. I agree – it is amazing the places things can turn up – shoes, luck boxes, looking out the window at just the right time. Sometimes I have no idea what the messages may mean, and other times there is something about the way I have seen them, or how and when, that conveys a feeling. I find just confirming the fact that there was something magic about it is all that is needed sometimes.

  323. Just the words ‘magic of God’ shine out from the page and help me to connect to what matters. We are part of a bigger picture here, and reflections can be found in everything. I find that when I remember this it helps me to stay open to all instead of becoming insular and focusing only on my everyday problems.

    1. I agree Rebecca reflections can be found in everything, even breaking a mug ( not the Robin one), a clock, loosing keys, bumping your car, twisting an ankle, getting the cold, a spot, all these are also little miracles and awesome reflections, stop moments, to learn from our Soul and God.

  324. What a great story Gyl confirming that The Magic of God is there all the time. The feeling of joy and playfulness I felt as a child certainly comes alive again when I am reminded of little things like this. It’s in these moments where some of the most unexpected things can happen or we see things in the strangest places yet they always make me smile as they show me exactly what I am needing to see at that moment. Instead of spending so much time being caught up online, or in our heads – the real magic is happening all around us – just waiting for us to notice. I loved how playful and varied the magic of God can be from Robins flying through supermarkets to your mug with a Robin on it

  325. What a delight to read, I can feel your joy Gyl.
    “I felt that this beautiful little bird reflected the magic of God and stillness, which reminded me of the stillness that is in me and brought me back to the presence in my body and away from my thoughts.
    Makes me smile, thank you Gyl

  326. I have been loving the magic of God in nature, on two consecutive days in two totally different places I saw four ducks sitting in a row facing the same direction and then a few days later I saw three ducks sitting in a row all beautifully spaced and facing the same way.

  327. Delightful Gyl. I am blessed to live in an area where these moments are everyday. From Pelicans soaring, Wallabies resting, various birds visiting and chirping, cows running (rare and very funny), the tiniest flowers, the trees and the life that surrounds them to the never ending and glorious sky, the gateway to the magic that is beyond our world. I treasure these gifts that are presented everyday and especially love when the natural world, very naturally comes into our own without fear or hesitation – a reminder that we can also be this way with ourselves and each other.

    1. Your comment made me smile Jennifer, especially about the cows, as it made me giggle to remember seeing a cow super playful and having fun. I was getting a lift to work, enjoying and appreciating the beautiful day and drive, when the cows in a field caught my eye – food had just been put out for them and one cow ran over to his friend, ran round in a playful excited little circle right in front of him, as if to joyfully say yippee, come on food’s here – then ran off back across the field – I so loved seeing this.

  328. A magical blog, so light, joy filled and playful. I also relate in my experiences how nature will often bring some sign of lightness and playfulness and sometimes even a thought comes into my head that really shows me that I am not alone, and fills me with an awe of harmony being naturally there around us and within as well.

  329. God’s loving messages are always there for us to see and feel. It is just another lovely reminder to return to the delicate stillness we all hold within. Thank you Gyl for expressing with such beautiful clarity.

  330. I simply sit here reading this: smiling. I know these moments too, and even if I may look like a child staring at the miracle when happening to me – this is the most precious confirmation that can happen…when god shows the miracles that are there.*

  331. Magical miracles of nature! I have a little robin that sits on a chair outside my kitchen window, greeting me as I look out onto my garden. It brings a smile to my face every time he visits.

  332. Gyl I love how you brought yourself back to appreciating the Magic of God rather than go into the thoughts and worry of how will it get out. It’s such a great teaching for me to just appreciate and not go into my thoughts, to just come back to me and appreciate. Thank you.

  333. Lovely Gyl. These moments of reflection that we receive from nature are perfect little mini steps towards having heaven on earth. The key is do we live in a way that allows us to notice them or are we distracted by the monolog of thoughts that run through our head.

    1. Dear Mathew it is one of the keys to having heaven on earth, as God is with us all the time, in every single little moment no matter what, even if we are not aware of these little messages. He never leaves us.

  334. Gyl, what a gorgeous sharing! Your blog is a true blessing and a way for others to remember that magic of God is in and around us. It just takes us to be in connection with ourselves for us to see it.

  335. Oh gosh I LOVE this blog and felt the joy and magic fully alive as I read it. Yes, I too love those special moments which are actually there far more often than we realise. Resolution to self: be more open to observing nature and the messages she lovingly constellates and delivers just for me ☺.

  336. Truly beautiful !!!! I know these magical moments and yours is definitely an extraordinary one- we just need to open our eyes for the beauty that is constantly communicated to us 🙂

  337. So many miracles are happening right on our doorsteps and we keep gazing expectantly out to the horizon for something grand. Thank you, Gyl, for sharing your life changing supermarket robin!

    1. matildaclark, that made me chuckle, looking to the horizon for something grand when all along it is there right in front of us … those miracle messages.

    2. Very true matildaclark. The grandness is found in the smallest of miracles.

    3. So true matildaclark, we can miss the beauty that is right in front of us.

    4. The beauty is right there in front of us, in the moment. That is what we tend to miss, and until we realise this, we will always be let down by our expectations.

    5. Thank you matildaclark , I agree. I once had a butterfly literally fly right out from my ear. Standing in the kitchen, and as if from nowhere ( heaven really) I heard a noise literally right at my ear, I turned and saw a butterfly fly right past me. Then two nights ago, I was feeling a bit off, I went through to my bedroom and here on top of my bag, which I had only placed down five minutes before, was a small, beautiful, delicate little grey/ white feather waiting for me. A confirmation from God. Heaven sends miracles every single day.

    6. Very true Matilda – there are hundreds of miracles and blessings happening right in front of our eyes every day, yet as you say we don’t appreciate them and continue ‘gazing expectantly’ for something ‘grander’.

      1. Great point Susie, the wonder of life is not in the massive events but in the minutiae, the everyday detail that we often overlook but that represent amazing reflections when we choose to be open to appreciation.

    7. I agree matildaclark, they are with us in the smallest of things, and not always in nature – can be with a person, at work, on our own, in a conversation, an email exchange, reading a blog – they are everywhere simply waiting for us.

    8. Well said matildaclark – love it. Miracles do happen right in front of us. Through connection with ourselves we become open to seeing them which makes the Magic of God normal and an everyday occurrence rather than only a “big bang” event.

  338. I love reading this blog Gyl … I will probably be back again just like the robin.

    1. Me too. It’s such a delightful blog that instantly put a smile on my face.

  339. I used to think of myself as a bit of a ‘nature person’, meaning that I appreciated nature and enjoyed being out in it from time to time. It wasn’t an obsession, but I’ve enjoyed bush walks in the past and enjoyed being there with the animals – particularly the birds and other small animals. What I am realising now is that I’m not a ‘nature person’, I’m a ‘magic of God’ person. I was having similar moments to what you have expressed – but only thinking of those that happen where we expect them – not seeing them or registering with them in other parts of life. They are everywhere around us and it’s beautiful when we see them, appreciate and understand them. The Magic of God in nature is….magic, I love it, anywhere and everywhere.

    1. I relate to this Frank. I don’t spend much time outdoors but notice this does not stop God delivering messages to me.

    2. That’s an awesome claim to make and to own, Frank. I love Nature, too, and am open to the magic of it anywhere, any place, anytime.

  340. It’s a testimony to you, your presence and connection that you noticed and felt the Robin, these signs, confirmations of God, are always around us, and we are often in our thoughts so we miss them. Thank you Gyl for a beautiful reminder of yours and everyone’s divinity.

  341. For weeks, I’ve looked into the sky whilst driving along a country road that gets me to work and have seen 6 birds in different formations and colours. Almost every day for weeks now that same number, as I’m truly recognising certain shifts within, I’ve absolutely felt the magic and confirmation in such observations. I love the Robin story, very cute.

    1. Thank you Oliver, nature and the Magic of God is a great reflection and or confirmation. I love seeing things in the most unexpected of places – but in truth, nothing happens by chance or coincidence – everything is there for a reason, exactly as it is meant to be.

  342. I agree Doug, it becomes a great marker to feel when I’m connected to my essence. I see what’s in front of me all along….the magic of God.

  343. Gyl I loved reading your blog. I felt every part of your story. I really enjoyed the part where you felt yourself going into you head and how the magic of God starting disappearing, so you chose not to go there. Such a great point and one cross road I have been at myself. Great realisation that when we live from our head it takes the magic of God out of our life.

    1. And to add to this kimweston2 I also love how Gyl described how her body tensed up when she went into her head. This is something that happens often I am sure for many of us, but how many times do we override or ignore this or accept it as just the norm. Great that Gyl could come back to herself and be in the flow. A great testament to the Work of Universal Medicine in providing the tools so that we do know how to come back to ourselves and how our true self feels.

      1. This is so true Shevon, ‘A great testament to the Work of Universal Medicine in providing the tools so that we do know how to come back to ourselves and how our true self feels.’ I take it for granted that I know how my true self feels and that I can choose to come back to myself. Reading this makes me appreciate the amazing presentations of Universal Medicine and how powerful theses tools are.

    2. Thank you kimweston2, and I agree, the Magic of God is definitely not in thoughts in our head or the stress of a day, but in our bodies and all around us, just waiting for us to join in and play.

      1. And with this awareness I find that there is so much more that we can be conscious off. It stops the auto-pilot as we become more responsive and alert to what we feel and what is going on around us.

    3. Well said kimweston2, I loved this part too. I have felt how when I mentally try to work out what something means I completely loose the connection with what has occurred and do not appreciate the beauty of feeling God in that moment.

  344. Nature is a reminder of how to be, we just are not always still enough to notice it all the time, at least I’m not. But when I do, it reminds me of the simplicity of just being.
    Thanks Gyl.

    1. Indeed Mark. This simplicity of just being can truly reconnect us with our inner stillness. It may be a robin, a beautiful flower or anything else in nature. Once we allow ourselves to truly notice it, we will marvel at the beauty, grace and simplicity that it reflects us – as we are all that deep inside ourselves too. We just have to allow ourselves to feel it and to reconnect to it.

  345. What a gorgeous story and example of what is there waiting for us when we open ourselves up to the magic surrounding us.

  346. The magic of God as you have shared Gyl is everywhere to reflect the magic within ourselves, we see it when we are open and aware and especially when we are still and playful. What a lovely reminder in how our every day can be equally magical, thank you Gyl.

    1. Absolutely, ‘What a lovely reminder in how our every day can be equally magical,’ I used to think it was only the holidays to far off places and days off work or days out somewhere in nature that were times I could enjoy nature and notice how magical life is, but your experience of the robin the supermarket shows how the magic of God is everywhere, all of the time.

    2. Yes so true 1heart1love1earth, just taking a moment to stop and feel the joy in simple things is a great reminder of the magic within. I love how the robin appeared in the supermarket, not often a place we associate with the magic of God!

    3. Very true and something I feel is so natural that is can be overrode very easily as not being important. But actually can be a great support in keeping us steady in our day.

  347. I have a robin in my garden who comes whenever I go out there….he seems to come from nowhere, perches in the most amusing, and appropriate places, even on the clothes line at times when I am hanging the washing out….and as you write, ‘just is’

    Lovely to hear that the ‘robin greetings and being service’ is available in supermarkets too!

  348. It so pays to be open to the communication we receive all around us. Everyday there are signs like these. I love the way that the robin was on the mug – a very clear sign!

    1. Yes the Magic of God is no mystery. It is happening for every one of us all of the time – its just that not everyone is open to it.

      1. Yes Dean, and if you do open up to it, a new door opens to a wondrous new world of communication, knowing that we are not alone in the Universe as God is with us everywhere, all the time.

    2. I agree shevonsimon, I was just walking up the stairs from lunch, thinking about something and happened to look down , and what’s on the next step up, in front of my feet – a little sticker with the number 26 on it – it made me smile, as this same magic of God can be found in numbers too.

  349. Lovely moments and time of appreciation. Today I drove past about twenty kangaroo’s sitting and laying about on someone’s front yard. I stopped the car to feel the connection they have with each other to sit and lay in stillness.

    1. Not so every day in the UK (!) but how super cool to give ourselves the grace to appreciate all that is on our doorsteps – thank you, deborahannhansen.

    2. I’d better add a rider here to say this is not every day here in Australia either – only in certain parts! But what a gorgeous sight to witness. Animals in repose are very inspiring in that way.

    3. Deliciousness in God in nature. Thanks Deborah for sharing another confirming moment that God’s love is in reflection everywhere, it is in us and around us but it is up to us to see that.

    4. I can really feel that stillness and togetherness Deborah,all the way around the other side of the globe! As Matilda says, not common in the U.K! How beautiful to stop to connect with them hanging out in someone’s garden, to join in their gathering for a moment and be so beautifully reminded of the true love in family.

  350. I love these moments in the day when you actually allow the space for God to work his magic. I can feel sometimes that I miss them when I can’t see or feel any and realise that I need to re-connect and let me out which let’s a ripple of love change the way I am in the world.

    1. “allow the space for God to work his magic” I love this Lee. I have been in my head recently and this is so not me. I have allowed it to take me away from allowing this space and joy for God to work his magic and feel that I am a son of God, and God is within me.

  351. I love the messages and reflections nature has for us, to remind us who we truly are and to support us on our way back to who we truly are.

    1. Monika you put it beautifully, say that these messages are here to support us on our way back. If we connect and feel we can see how much support is on offer, it’s never ending.

  352. Oh Gyl your story really touched my heart thank you. It really reminds me that the magic of God is all around us, always, we just need to be present and aware to see it and feel it. This magic is communicating to us as well showing us the glory we have come from and are returning to.

  353. Being present and embracing the communications that nature is presenting to us, is a truly magical and life changing experience. They are like little signpost on our journey through life.

  354. You sum it up Gyl gorgeously just how God’s beauty is right under our nose, everyday, just waiting for us to appreciate it and know we are the same beauty in every way.

  355. Since 2 weeks there are two young swans in the canal in front of my appartment. I enjoy how their feathers get whiter and whiter each day, as they mature. They wash themselves and make spectacular landings on the water and I stand looking out of my window and feel the blessing of those 2 birds returning every day and show their grace.

    1. …since a while there are little birds nesting near my window. They fly in and out to feed their young. They are so delicate and strongly caring for each other – they inspire me to feel my own delicateness and strangeness in there. Quite funny…if I let it be I feel sweet, fragile and delicate and at the same time get a feeling of my power. This power is different then I thought and expected it in the past. It is an inclusive, all integrating power – not a power over something or others. Its sweet! Very interesting and to ponder on.

  356. Yesterday I was blown away by the vibrancy of colour all around, a depth and aliveness I have not seen to this degree before, so stunning.

  357. On a walk yesterday morning, I stopped in my tracks when I saw a tiny delicate filmy web-like canopy sitting over blades of grass, with droplets of dew sparkling on its surface.

  358. It is the simplest of things in nature that can make us stop and connect. We are often too busy to notice, but when we do, it is indeed magical. Thank you Gyl.

    1. Yes Debra, the busyness can too easily get in the way of seeing and feeling a magical moment. I used to live in this way but recently I have noticed there is not a day goes by without me feeling the beauty of nature around me and an appreciation that I have not experienced since my childhood.

  359. Gyl, thank you for sharing with us your lovely story. It is amazing when we stop, look and really see what is before us all the time. I too, love receiving the precious messages sent from heaven.

  360. The magic of God is always such a joyful surprise and it immediately brings me back to the connection I have with God inside me. This connection never leaves me but sometimes I choose to not be aware it. I appreciate the effort of God to bring me back with this gentle and joyful reminders. And your story confirms it is truly magical!

  361. There is so much beauty to see in nature that indeed is a reflection for the endless beauty inside of us that we so seldom allow ourselves to see and appreciate.

  362. So very gorgeous Gyl, thank you! As I read I became aware of the sweet bird song outside my window. Those magic moments can be all to readily blinkered out when we’re in the head, ‘doing’ our day. The moment we’re from the body, it’s like surround sound switches back on and heaven and it’s magic is all around us with reminders there is more to us. Yesterday, in a moment of daily routine, not present or appreciating, I heard, then saw two birds side by side on an electricity wire singing in unrestrained resonant celebration…and they were dancing with full throttle joy, alternately bobbing up and down and stretching their wings out wide (till the whole cable was swaying to their rhythm!). Their turn taking playful gorgeous dance and song stopped me in my tracks to appreciate. Magic!

  363. What a beautiful blog Gyl and an insightful reminder that there is so much to appreciate all around us all the time and how easy it is to miss it! I can feel the joy you will have using your special Robin mug.

  364. I am reminded of how we can find God in the most simple daily parts and tasks of life. Being aware, opens up many moments in our lives to appreciate what is all around us.

  365. What a beautiful story thank you Gyl for sharing. Its magical what nature brings us and that stop that it provides and then a dialogue from God and feeling that all resides inside is wondrously grand.

  366. A powerful reminder that the magic lies all around us ALL the time, we simply forget to see.

  367. Nature has a clever way of cutting the internal dialogue rubbish that constantly fills ours minds. I love being stopped in my tracks by the most insanely coloured autumn leaf on the ground or a flower that I haven’t seen before or even when the sky is so intense, one side is black with imminent rain and thunder and the other side clear as day. Nature does just ‘do it’s thing’, unashamedly. Whatever is stopping us from doing the same?

  368. Gyl as I read this so loving, soulful truth, I needed to share something I have experienced. As I have walked to work, I hadn’t realised I have been in my head when I have sometimes come across this bird (I honestly do not know what it is called, except it is black and beautiful). It sits on a a metal pole not far from the hospital enterance. It would watch me walking towards it and I had wondered why it wouldn’t fly away when I walked past so close to it. You have just helped me realise it is asking me to feel ‘who am I when I take myself to work!’ I can’t wait to see it again, because I will stop and see the beauty in its eyes and the shiny black feathers and enjoy that moment 🙂

  369. I love how nature be it a little Robin or a feather is offering a message to us about ourselves and it also reminds me how simple life can be lived. Thank you Gyl for a beautiful simple story and the reminder that the magic of God is everywhere when we become aware of what is being presented to us in any given moment.

  370. Gyl, I felt the magic of God as I read your blog. It never ceases to amaze me the way God gifts me through nature. If I ever start to have doubts about myself, nature usually presents something simple but stunning to bring me right back to stillness and harmony. How magnificent is that!!!

  371. Gyl when reading this line: “I felt so much childlike joy and amazement watching this beautiful little bird”, I can feel the joy and delight. It brings me to a deep knowing that these are the moments in life that remind us that delight and joy are everywhere and there is such a bigger picture to the whole divine plan. Just to be able to see god in everything is a choice we get to make every moment, and appreciate those moments. My experience is the same as yours by what you share, having more awareness and seeing more, and so it unfolds.

  372. It is always lovely to see the magic of God at work, it is all to easy to miss when we are distracted, in a rush or thinking about something else, and when we do see the magic of God to appreciate it every time.

  373. The magic of God is there all the time around me, and when I take time to reconnect to the stillness within me I know that same beauty is a pure reflection of me.

  374. Beautiful blog Gyl. I love reading it as it also reminds me to appreciate the beauty, joy and delicateness in nature is also in me. God is in us and all around us.

  375. I love the Magic of God too Gyl. Thank you for sharing this. In fact, as I sat down to read your blog a robin landed on top of our fence. I have to confess though, I have never seen one in the supermarket though!

  376. I love how you describe the robin in its delicateness and amazingness, just being him and not being bothered by what is going around him.

    1. I do too Esther. What a perfect reflection and reminder of what we essentially are. It is very difficult to look at a robin, all skippity-skip and chirripy-churp and not see that we too carry this quality within. That’s why we can’t help but erupt in a smile. Our world is sprinkled with such messages from Divinity – we need only choose to see.

  377. Gyl this is gorgeous, small birds like robins bring such a lovely feeling and I could feel your joy as you wrote. When we stop and appreciate what nature shows us it seems to offer us more and more.

  378. A lovely story that has captures the simplicity. – I feel like the term Magic of God and miracles has been distorted over time and we are not connected to these small things because we have been distracted by waiting for big biblical tales like the parting of the sea, resurrections, and lame people walking, but there is magic around us all the time and it is also there in the the things that are not so pleasant, if we are willing to see it.

    1. Nicole, great comment. We’ve lost that connection with the simplificity of what the magic of God is and yet when we’re reminded as Gyl has done here with her gorgeous story, we smile, so we know but we’ve forgotten and allowed ourselves to dismiss those simple magical moments all around us. Gyl thank you for sharing one of your magic moments – it’s a joy to read and feel.

  379. Absolutely Doug. This is the wonderous magic of life, constantly reflected back to us whether we choose to be in connection with it or not, it is always there to remind us of who we truly are. I love it Gyl.

  380. It is so lovely Gyl, to feel the childlike wonder and playfulness of your interactions with the little robin.

  381. Thanks Gyl for this reminder that the magic of God is always there and gives us signs in any location at any moment.

  382. This is such a delightfully playful but deeply felt experience of the magic of God, Gyl, I started to smile inside and in the end it became a laugh. You sharing your moments of experiencing something very present for you that reflected something for you on those days, helped me to bring a greater awareness to myself in this moment, and reflect on how open I am to what is around me and sending me signs all the time, even as I sit here at the computer. Everything is there for us to receive and feel if we do not shut ourselves off.

  383. Reading your blog again Gyl, I simply find it amazing that the robin was sitting on the only robin cup in the store – it blows my mind the absolute precision of it. Such an extraordinary testimony to the magic of God and all I feel because you had such a connection to the robin when you first saw him. It makes me realise what incredible miracles are possible when we open ourselves up and pay attention to the magic of God everywhere, every day. Thank you.

  384. Beautiful, Gyl, thanks for sharing your lovely connection of you, God and the robin messenger connecting you.

  385. I can feel your joy and playfulness, Gyl, and it makes me smile with appreciation of you, nature and all what is around us, including all my friends, family, people I know, meet on the street, on the train, even those I don’t know-because we are all part of this magic.

    1. Beautifully said elanalight, this is a joyful blog and a great reminder of the magic of God.

  386. What a gorgeous experience! I love the joy found in nature and animals – the magic of God is found everywhere! I can relate fully to the wonder you felt watching this little Robin – I frequently find myself watching wildlife in the mornings when walking or having a quiet cup of tea at my kitchen table, often gazing in child-like wonder, feeling so joyful at the antics and interactions that happen. Once I was watching three swallows flitting around outside my window – I was marvelling at their grace and beauty and then they flew in through the door, together, and sort of hovered right in front of my face for 5-6 seconds, in perfect formation and awareness of each other as I stood by my kitchen table. They were within arms length – then flew out again – I was totally amazed at the incredible depth in stillness that I became aware of in that moment, just sharing space with them… an incredibly intimate moment. Thanks for sharing your story Gyl, it reminded me of the Swallows!

  387. Thank you Gyl for reminding me of the magic of that is everywhere to be seen if only we stop the ‘busyness’ of thoughts in our head.

  388. It is so true Gyl that the magic of God is everywhere. It is so important to stop and appreciate every little thing. The quality of our life can change as a result.

    1. Spot on Rebecca, the more we confirm the magic of God, our quality of life can change.

    2. Absolute truth Rebecca; “It is so important to stop and appreciate every little thing. The quality of our life can change as a result.” I, 110% agree with that.

  389. Such fun to come to your blog today Gyl because in yoga this morning there was an instant were a couple of birds chirrupped right outside my window, it brought me to the joy of connection instantly. I so enjoyed the magic of their sound.

    1. Yes, Rosanna, I too have been very aware of the birds singing outside the house recently – being late spring in the UK they are really going for it! And this is constant reminder of the joy and aliveness of nature, as an expression of the awesomeness of God all around us.

      1. I woke to the birds chirping outside, it was so joyous. ‘An expression of the awesomeness of God all around us.’ I love it Janet.

  390. I smiled all the way through this Gyl. What a beautiful gift from the magic of God. I have come to know that these magical gifts surround us daily; we simply have to be aware that they are there, just waiting for us to open our eyes and our hearts.

  391. Gyl, isn’t it amazing when you see something and can feel the magic of God in what you are seeing. I have noticed that with autumn leaves- sometimes in a whole pile of leaves all the same colour there is one leaf which is totally different. I cannot even see a nearby tree where it may have come from but nevertheless this gorgeous leaf is right there. I pick the leaf up and in wonderment I take it home, appreciating God all the way back!

    1. Anne, i often do that with stones. Sometimes I just pick them up to hold them, before putting them back, sometimes I take them home to enrich the house, and now I am feeling that some of them should go back outside for others to enjoy. I love Gyl’s account of the robin, there is a garden centre near me where a little robin sits and sings in the (indoor) cafe, and hops down to peck up the crumbs. Its such a joy to see it sharing its world with us.

  392. What a lovely blog Gyl. I will never look at a Robin again without thinking of you and the reminder for playfulness and stillness in my body.

    1. Me too. And when I see them inside I’ll catch myself before I go into “will they get out?”!

      1. 🙂 yep you don’t want to do that – going into our head and the questioning thing, as they’ve been sent form heaven – so no question or doubt about that.

  393. I loved reading this account of how a red robin brought an extra joy to these days, Gyl. Nature can certainly provide many wonderful moments for us to enjoy.

  394. Little birds are so delicate, sweet and fragile – what a reflection for us…

    1. So true sandra, ‘Little birds are so delicate, sweet and fragile – what a reflection for us…’ I feel my sweetness and loveliness whenever I hear a little bird sing, I often close my eyes to listen and the sound is so very beautiful.

      1. Me too Rebecca, the sound of their celebrating sweet songs -really listen too- let my body resonate in the same precious light- and playfulness. It is like I am connecting to shining again…. : )

    2. Beautifully said Sandra. What a gorgeous reflection, to come back to these qualities – as Gyl has shared – especially when the ‘weight of the world’ may be holding us down somewhat.. that we can come back to ourselves so naturally (if our eyes and hearts are open, or willing to be so 🙂 )…

      1. In those moments when we do feel weighed down by the world, choosing to see the robin (or whatever other magic is there to support us) is all that it takes to realise the world is not there to weigh upon us.

      2. I agree Nikki. And we do need to allow the space for these times also – as there is so much to see and feel in this world that is not easy at all…

  395. “I smile when I see this beautiful robin looking at me. It reminds me of my delicateness and of the magic of God and the playfulness in nature, and in me. ” This is gorgeous Gyl. Appreciating ourselves is so important. The other day I was sitting with a friend in a car and a robin alighted on the wing mirror for a while.

  396. Your beautiful story of noticing the little Red Robin in the most unlikely place was a reminder that God does send us messages, he communicates with us in many ways; through people, through symbols and, of course, through Nature. It is just beautiful, and healing for us, when we stop and read the messages he is sending us. Instead of just admiring the beauty of a symbol – we can feel into what his message is communicating to us. To notice a little Red Robin sitting on a supermarket till is one thing, but to feel into why it kept re-visiting you is a symbol not to be ignored but to appreciate.

  397. Those signs from the universe can be very powerful and confirming. Thank you for sharing Gyl.

  398. Thank you Gyl, another inspiring story about the magic of God. As a student of my own Livingness I now feel the magic of God in so many areas of my life. Nature brings us closer to God when we simply open and feel the blessing.

  399. I have just watched the most gorgeous sunrise with a friend; there was rising mist in the valley, a tiny crescent of a moon, and a pink sun ball (looking like a squashed balloon), lifting out of the horizon. As we opened the window to get a photo, the bird song was magnificent, it’s magic of God every morning to start a beautiful day.

  400. I have just watched the most gorgeous sunrise with a friend; there was rising mist in the valley, a tiny crescent of a moon, and a pink sun ball (looking like a squashed balloon), lifting out of the horizon. As we opened the window to get a photo, the bird song was magnificent, it’s magic of God every morning to start a beautiful day.

  401. Thank you Gyl for sharing your story of the Robin. So sweet. I love these moments and love living life in such a way that we take the time to appreciate and see the magic of God all around us. Magical.

  402. Inspired to a standstill by this article and guess what: in so doing I got to hear the birdsong outside. The magic of God that is always there – it is up to us whether we see/feel/hear/allow ourselves to be touched by it. Thank you, Gyl.

  403. The beauty of nature, really allows us to connect back to ourselves and God, the stillness in the open space early morning, the birds singing, it really is a moment of magic. Just connecting to this in the morning brings us back into our body.

  404. Thank you Gyl, There is so much beauty in nature and if we are open we receive directly these love letters from God. What a magical world we live in!

  405. Something that would seem so small and insignificant to some and yet this beautiful little robin seemingly out of nowhere appeared within your vision. A gorgeous stop moment to really appreciate (of which you did) the amazingness of a small feathered friend amongst a busy environment which can so easily distract all of us from the beauty there is around us in our daily busy lives. As I sit here typing I can hear the dawn chorus in full song another beautiful reminder that nature shares its gifts with us constantly.Thank you Gyl.

  406. True magic. And every time you drink from this mug you will experience the magic of God.

  407. I have and will aways be at home when I am in nature. I but need a photo and can transform myself into the image. I use to live in the country side but now live in London. I have woods near by and a park with a stream (ok, it is open surface drain) in front of my house. We have our own skulk of foxes. The squires and lots of water birds. We also have one small fluffy back garden visitor… a robin.

  408. Thanks Gyl that was beautiful, I could feel your childlike wonder as I read your blog and it reminded me of the same wonder that lives in me.

  409. Thank you for sharing your joy with the robin. These tender moments are gorgeous gifts from heaven that bring us back to a deep wisdom through a delightful simplicity and playfulness.

  410. Love this Gyl! At work the other week I had a little ladybird appear on one of the plants in the store. Me and a little girl both noticed it at the same time and looked in wonder at how it might have got there. In that moment, together, we both felt the wonder and magic of God. It stayed for 2 days and then moved on but I am always reminded of it’s delicateness every time I see the plant and the fact that I am living within the magic of God every single day. So very simple and ever present.

  411. Thank you for sharing Gyl. These simple things that we have around us in nature are just beautiful to have there for everyone to appreciate. And to have that knowing of the energy behind it is just gorgeous.

  412. Wow Gyl such a joyful reminder of the magic of God around us all the time. Thank you for sharing!!

  413. This is definitely the magic of god…its everywhere if we’re aware. I can remember when I was waiting for a friend one day to meet me for lunch. When all of a sudden I noticed this little butterfly come right up to me at the bar. It was so beautiful. I wasn’t even outside I was inside. I could feel so much harmony inside of me at the time. It was so unusual to have a butterfly in a restaurant. I knew it was there just for me that day.

  414. Such a delight to read your article Gyl – thanks for sharing it. I really appreciate the simplicity of Nature and all its offerings to us.

    1. Susan I too appreciate the simplicity of nature and what it offers. It really reminds us of how simple life can be.

  415. I love the feeling of joy, innocence and playfullness in this blog – that magic that just is suddenly there as if from nowhere bringing us immediately to a connection with God and the present moment.

  416. Beautiful Gyl. The magic of God there to be seen…if only we stop and take note.

  417. This is really cute. I absolutely know the feeling of being blessed with the presence of a cheeky little bird. Wonderful recall of your experience Gyl.

  418. Thank you Gyl, an amazing conformation of the true power of God. Thank you for sharing this divine experience. The ability we all have to bring the truth about religion and the magic of God is truly felt in this blog!

  419. Nature sure does provide us with endless opportunities to stop and feel the love of God. Just a few weeks ago our building site shut down because a koala had decided it wanted to check us out. It was lovely to feel at that moment when we were all looking how we are all connected, sometimes we just need a little reminder, in this case it was a little fluffy one.

  420. Love the simplicity of your Blog Gyl Rae you captured it well. This blog made me reflect, like you wrote, that the Magic of God is always there in the simplicity of things. The detail of it when I see and feel it is what stops me. The placement at that very time is just for you however, it is for all your feeling how wonder-full it is – MAGIC !

  421. The magic of God shown to us through nature is indeed a blessing. Nature is continuously reflecting to us what is needed to be seen. If we allow ourselves to open our eyes and see what nature is offering then the true joy that nature is, can be felt.

  422. This blog warmed my heart Gyl, how very beautiful. Just what are the chances of a Robin sitting on a Robin mug? A fine example of the fact that there are no coincidences in life. That Robin and that mug were there for you.

  423. This has reminded me that ‘everything’ is there for us – waiting with love connecting us back in every moment. It is a choice and the choice is ours. Thanks Gyl, for the reminder.

  424. It is amazing to think that we can still connect with nature even in the middle of a supermarket. God is apparent even in the smallest of details.

  425. So beautiful Gyl Rae, we don’t have to understand why, we just have to appreciate the magic of God, and sharing it with others is a good way to show appreciation. Childish playfulness is also good medicine for when I am too serious.

  426. Gyl you summed up the simplicity and beauty of life reflected in the little robin. Thank you.

  427. A lovely reminder Gyl and I too enjoy the delicate and playful reflection of the Robin. It is amazing how the reflection of God is all around us all the time and how going into thoughts or wonderings takes us away from what is being offered to be felt in the moment.

  428. The magic of god is so beautiful to experience, thank you Gyl for sharing your amazement of the beautiful robin, reminding us to be playful and just be.

  429. I can feel the joy and wonderment and holding in all you share here Gyl. It is so amazing to appreciate and marvel at the beauty of God and nature as most of us would have done as children.

  430. Lovely blog Gyl – nature is extraordinary! Sometimes we really do have to expect the unexpected; the little robin on the till and in the supermarket was – as you say – such a beautiful instance that allowed you to appreciate the magic of god.

  431. What a gorgeous reminder of magic of God that’s always there to remind us that it is within us too & to bring us back to presence, being present in our body and head. I love how the robin kept popping up in your life to do just that and you bought the mug. What a precious reminder for you. Thank you Gyl 🙂

  432. Wow Gyl, what a stunning, sweet and joy-filled piece of writing! A robin in a supermarket – who would have thought! I love how you gave yourself the space to connect to the delight and wonder this tiny robin brought, and with it a gorgeous reminder that you are more, and there is more to life, than the swirl of thoughts, your shopping list, or the busy-ness of your day– and I love that you now have this reminder every time you open the cupboard! The magic of God is truly boundless!

  433. I love looking at the magic of god in nature, when I go walking, I love to watch the birds, the trees, the leaves, I find feathers some mornings; interestingly I see them when I am feeling heavy or over thinking something, then all of a sudden there is a feather reminding me to be light and playful. Whatever I see, it is always something so relevant to what is going on in my life. It is truly amazing!

    1. What a gift nature is to us. A constant reminder to help us mend our crazy human ways.

    2. I can relate to your experience, Raegan Kairney, I also love seeing the magic of God in nature. The other morning I was walking past my glass door as I saw something white floating diagonally down towards my lawn. I popped outside and stood as it fell at my feet, a beautiful fluffy little white feather. It made my day, it was just what I needed at that moment.

  434. Such joy and wonder expressed Gyl, thank you for sharing your moments with the robin. I love how nature has the power to stop us in our tracks if we are paying attention, and in that it offers us a moment of reflection and connection with nature. I feel this when I’m out walking and see a beautiful rose – I always stop for a smell of the delicate and beautiful perfume. I’ve come to realise that nature reflects back to us the grandness of who we are as Sons of God.

    1. It is so important Michelle to take the moments to appreciate. I love watching my little dog Polly sitting very still on the front door step, head cocked to one side, listening to the bird singing in the trees around us. She reminds me of just how essential is it take a moment to stop and connect with all of nature, to feel the vibrancy, beauty and vitality inherent within us all.

  435. Thank you Gyl. What a lovely reflection. I have never seen a robin in the supermarket, but I do see them regularly when I walk in nature and as you say I can feel their delicate presence. I also often see them when I look out of the window at work or when I take the bins out.

      1. It’s so true. Although they are supposedly shy little creatures, when they are there they are there with such purpose and you can really feel their presence. I always loved that they were called ‘gardener’s friends’ because it felt very apt.

  436. Thank you for sharing the robin with all of us. I could feel your delight and childlike wonder as I was reading. It reminded me of the many times when the magic of God has made me stop in my tracks, come back to simplicity and know what is important in life.

  437. Thank you Gyl for such a joyful sharing of Robin and You. I could feel a lovely intimacy developing as you let the magic of god in. The awareness you share when you went into your head, effectively overriding gods magic is great. I’m going to remember that.

    1. That’s beautifull what you have shared Sandra, that the moment was intimate, it has reminded me how gentle and loving we need to be with ourselves to see and feel moments like these …. I wonder how many people did not see that little robin!

  438. What a light and beauty-full account of the joy of life and the magic of God through nature. There are beautiful signs for us everywhere and when we actually stop to feel them in our bodies, the joy and love which emanates is huge.

  439. Gyl so much is known about nature and yet at the same time so little is also known about the true meaning of nature. We understand about the reproductive cycles, migration, eating habits and yet we know hardly anything about what nature is there to reflect to humanity. It will be great when this knowledge becomes readily known as we will then enter into a different relationship with nature.

  440. Thank you Gyl for this beautiful blog. I love the stillness I felt through your expression 🙂

  441. Wow Gyl, this story just got better and better! And how awesome is it that it’s not just a ‘story’ but real everyday life – with the magic of God at every turn.

  442. Beautiful Gyl,
    The magic of God, just ‘is’ as you say. Living stillness and beauty, a quality of divinity which is in us all. Thank you for this reminder. Lovely blog.

  443. Gyl this was magic to read. I love god’s work too. Nature always has beautiful ways of stopping me in my tracks on many occasions. It’s always a lovely reminder of how simply joyful life truly is.

  444. Haha, thanks Gyl, God must be having fun, as I too met a robin in the fruit and vegetable aisle in the supermarket recently. I completely agree that it arouses such joy to see beautiful little expressions of the divine in the midst of the everyday.

  445. This beautiful post brought tears to my eyes Gyl, I love knowing you have that Robin with you in the cupboard and in your heart. I also love the way you describe going into your head and bringing in worry when there was nothing to worry about. This is such a great example of how powerful it is to simply feel and appreciate the magic of God.

  446. This was story felt so light and lovely to read Gyl. What a sweet confirmation. Nature in every way is always reflecting back to us, although we can miss out if we are to busy to notice. When I arrived home this evening I had a kookaburra perched on the rail on my back verandah. It allowed me to stop and appreciate the sweetness and joy in its presence… and mine. I don’t often see kookaburras so close so it felt very special.

  447. I loved this story Gyl – how gorgeous! Little birds and the harmony they represent never fails to put a smile on my face and I also love to watch them in joyful wonder as they go about their business. The magic of God is always all around us, ready to reflect magic whenever we are open to seeing it, I bet that mug is super lovely too!

  448. This is such a beautiful blog Gyl, I love how you could notice straight away that you went in to your head and were able to bring it back to the simple joy of the robin

  449. Hi Gyl, I did exactly the same thing around Christmas time, bought myself a mug with a robin on it after being on a walk and hearing the robin singing, I felt just for me too! It also makes me smile every time I open the cupboard door. How connected we all are, and connected with nature too.

  450. Thank you Gyl, this was just gorgeous to read and feel the magic too.

  451. Gyl what a wonderful reminder that we can see the magic of God anywhere just be open to it. I love where I live on the edge of town and the fact that I have planted so many trees and shrubs I do seem to attract the birdlife, lizards, frogs and the occasional Bandicoot that Pass through my yard. I also have a pond and bird bath for my friends when they visit. The Magic of God is so beautiful.

  452. So often can it be easy to choose to be oblivious to these messages. The magic is well worth unfolding

  453. I too get very joyful when I am in nature and I very much enjoy walking and what is great to feel here is that we have the opportunity in each moment to fully appreciate all that is taking place or not.

  454. Hi Gyl, this was lovely because I could really feel what you were saying about the magic of God in nature, you present so much more here .. a lesson to wake up connect and appreciate that the magic of God is actually around and with us the whole time. I could also feel your wonderment and joy of feeling this within the store. As well as this you have shared how when you asked the question to the security guard and became a bit worried that actually stopped your connection to the magic you originally felt. So as well as sharing the magic of God in nature and allowing others to feel how tangible this is you also show how when we go into doubt or worry it dismisses what we originally felt. Thank you. P.s …. you should get the mug with the deer too : )

  455. That’s gorgeous Gyl. Thank you for sharing your experience with the little robin.A great reminder that there is magic of God to be found in every moment, if we are open to it and present.

  456. A beautiful read Gyl, a great reminder that the magic of God is everywhere should I be present enough to be open to seeing and feeling it. I love these little moments, they make me deeply smile. I had a wallaby sitting right outside my window not so long ago. It is unusual for it to be so close to the window in suburban Sydney. I can’t but help reflect on the grand wonder that is offered in these moments, that God is here with us all of the time.

  457. I so loved reading your blog Gyl and yes the Magic of God is certainly reflecting to us all the time, we just need to allow ourselves to be open and appreciate we are that too.

  458. I love this blog Gyl, the robin reflecting your own qualities back to you. My grandmother used to tell me a story about a little red robin when I was a child – it was my favourite story, because I could feel my grandmother’s love as she told it.

  459. Yes, God reaches us even in the most unlikely places in the most unlikely way. Gorgeous sharing Gyl.

  460. Just beautiful Gyl, I love seeing these little details and the magic of God all around too.

  461. How confirming Gyl – we can see the world in so many different ways – people can see a bird in a supermarket as unhygienic or scary – but your appreciation here is beautiful – and a choice you made in your body to simply observe and not absorb.

  462. Thanks Gyl this is a gift to read you. While reading it came back to me so many times this smile had arisen inside my heart and on my face discovering a butterfly or bird suddenly flying all around me. Such a joy to be visited and invited to feel fully alive, playful like a child again

  463. Gyl, this is so beautiful to read, I love the lightness and playfulness of your articles. It’s gorgeous to read, ‘Here was this beautiful little bird in the most unexpected of places, just doing its own thing, simply being itself, in its beautiful, amazing and delicate presence, and not bothered by what was going on around it.’ What a wonderful reflection, a great reminder to me that I can be myself no matter what is going on around me.

  464. Beautiful, thank you Gyl. The joy this little bird is bringing is palpable.

  465. The magic of god is around us always and what a gift it is if we are open to seeing and being within it. Your writing was beautifully descriptive Gyl.

  466. I love this little blog Gyl, I’ve had a fat little robin come into my garden every morning now for a week and then one morning he bounced right up to the window and stared at me for quite some time. It always feels very special to have those little moments, even if I don’t always know what they mean.

  467. What a beautiful experience of the magic of God in nature. Thank you for sharing Gyl and I love how you followed the impulse to get the mug so you have a daily reminder.

  468. So cute! Every day there is an opportunity to be stopped by the magic of God, nature will find a way to amaze in the most unexpected place and I am constantly reminded of it’s beauty and strength if I take the time to appreciate it. If I don’t it will usually surprise me, or catch my attention, and bring me back from a day dream or worry in my head.

  469. Hi Gyl, it was a beautiful experience to read your blog and to connect to the fun and lightness that I too felt. These moments that we are given are such a beautiful opportunity to connect to all the wonderment that I feel in all that I am offered by God. Each day there are many such blessings all around me to inspire me to appreciate their reflection and to continue building an ever deeper understanding of the magic of God.

  470. The other day I was in the country and I was out for a walk and I paused and listened to the dichotomy of all the bird song, the scents in the air, the insects awaking in the warming sun, the myriad colours of green that were there. The magic of nature is aways with us all, if we only pause and use our senses to feel its true beauty.

  471. This blog really blows me away Gyl, I have to say i have never seen a Robin in a supermarket but I am visited by them often when I am working, I like to think it is the same one keeping an eye on me and appreciating me for my toils.

  472. Thank you for sharing Gyl, it is a great reminder that “the magic of God is everywhere, even in the most unexpected of places, just there for us to see or feel”. It is amazing, when I stop and see how nature is endlessly and tirelessly reflecting back to us all of the time.

  473. There is so much humour in the magic of God, very playful. And you obviously brought that playfulness to many if not all areas of your life, Gyl, getting such a lovely confirmation!

  474. Thank you Gyl, your childlike innocence with its knowing and wisdom shines through what you share here. And what a blessing the security man would have had when you asked him if the robin will be ok 🙂

  475. Thank you Gyl for reminding me that the magic of god is everywhere and that when we are in our mind, having thoughts and not being present in the moment, we miss out on so many magical moments.

  476. I really love this Gyl Rae, the magic of god is everywhere if we allow ourselves to see and feel it and it is everywhere around helping us to remember that we are from God and nothing else.

  477. I Love this Gyl, beautiful reminder of how the Magic of God is all around us, it is there to reflect back to us the loveliness within ourselves that can be enjoyed once we reconnect to our bodies. Thank you.

  478. Thank you for this play-full sharing Gorgeous Gyl. It is so lovely to hear about the power of stopping to take notice of the messages we receive – the magic of God moments. The simplicity of appreciating nature for the message, and appreciating ourselves for listening to that message is truly amazing. And what an awesome message it is – the stillness and delicateness are in me and the magic of God is everywhere.

  479. What a great confirmation of your delicateness,the magic of God and the playfulness in nature. Thank you for sharing, Gyl.

  480. It was a joy to read your story Gyl…these kinds of experiences remind me that we are always being looked after, that divinity is there for us all. How could you possibly deny it after experiences like that. I have had many ‘magic of god’ experiences and each one with the most perfect symbolic message. We are being inspired back to love each and every day.

  481. I love the way you express Gyl, I can relate to your delicate nature and the way your eyes are so opened to God and nature. I always feel like I am right there with you when you describe such moments and equally feel connected to others who are similar to me (like you) when I am seeing the delicateness of God and nature in my own day. Thank you for writing about the most simplest of moments and all of its beauty.

  482. A beautiful story Gyl of appreciation and wonder. God is everywhere and in nature very evident. I love the unexpected visit of a wallaby, one minute bounding across the paddock and the next it is sitting in stillness, or the kookaburra that so patiently sits on a branch and waits for its next meal – there is no doing, just stillness. Awesome.

  483. Could it be that the magic of God is normal and your experience here Gyl is a magnification of what is happening around us always? We are part of that nature and therefore we too are the magic of God! Awesome example Gyl! Loved reading it and as I write here I am observing an Aussie Magpie dance in the morning sun!

  484. Gyl, your delicate way of writing reminds me to be open to the magic that is there daily.

  485. The magic of God is such a blessing to have in our lives. Its moments like these that really make us appreciate the life that we have.

  486. I felt the joy when the little robin caught your eye in the supermarket. Thank you for sharing about the magic of God.

  487. What a great reminder of the magic of God in nature! What I have found for myself is that this magic is always there and constantly offering us reflection, and that there is never an ‘off’ switch… And so in this regard, how much I am aware of what is on offer, always comes back to me and my connection with myself. The more I am connected to myself, the more I am connected with ‘everything’ and ‘everybody’, however when I am disconnected I also lose the awareness of the ‘all’ and in this. It is me missing out on all that the magic of God is offering in every single moment.

  488. Thank you Gyl, I’ve just returned from a walk this morning and your story feels very confirming of the magic of god everyday life and which reflects the stillness available to us in any given moment when we choose to connect.

  489. There is magic in all the little moments. I find nature really pulls me out of my head and back into my heart, and to the childlike wonder still living inside me. It feels like anything is possible when we connect to that.

  490. Beautiful Gyl, I love hearing about the attention and appreciation people have to what’s going on around them nature wise. Makes me enjoy the seemingly little things in life and not get caught up in what I’m thinking and the ‘hard’ stuff.

  491. Gyl I love your story. It is magic how these ‘small things’ bring us immediately back to ourselves. And it isn’t great to have this moment associated with the visits to the supermarket – no doubt it has completely changed your experience of the place, reminding you that magic can happen in the most seemingly (to our minds) unlikely places.

  492. Thank you Gyl, I love your experience of the magic of God through nature- so beautiful, it made me smile from ear to ear, in wonderment , and joy, as a child.

  493. I really enjoyed the lightness in your story Gyl which brought a smile to my face (might have been different if it had been a wedge tailed eagle).

    I’ve noticed that when I’m present and open then divine symbols appear. If I’m available, then so is the magic.

  494. Beautiful story Gyl of the vast yet simple communication of our universe through nature, and even more when this beauty in its joy is confirmed by another.

  495. Thank you, Gyl, for this wonderful reminder that the magic of God is indeed everywhere all around us. It is very beautiful to feel your childlike joy and amazement in appreciation of it.

  496. I really enjoyed reading your blog Gyl. It brings back my awareness of how easy it is to be distracted and caught up in our thoughts or jobs for the day. Thank you

  497. This is so delicately gorgeous Gyl. Robins and other small birds often remind me of the delicate magic of God and bring me back to an exquisite stillness.

    1. Birds have been reminding me lately of the grace in which they fly, the beauty they hold in living true to their only way of living and their precision in movement. They don’t have to be slow to show such steadiness and they don’t need to do anything else but fly their wings and support themselves to live what is natural to them.

  498. Thank you for the reminder that the magic of God is there for all of us, all the time.

  499. God truly is with us, every step of the way! Thank you Gyl for sharing such a joyful experience.

  500. This is such a lovely blog, your confirmation and appreciation of God’s magic is strongly felt. It does remind me of the how I felt as a little girl, and it is beautiful to know that that feeling can be rekindled – we don’t have to become indifferent and jaded just because we have grown up.

  501. Thank you for sharing such a sweet story Gyl. A beautiful reminder that God is everywhere, and has the power to pull us out of distraction, even where we least expect it.

  502. Thanks for sharing Gyl, its great when we stop and appreciate what is around us. All of the little signs from nature to bring us back to ourselves and like you said, to take you away from getting lost in thoughts.

  503. What a gorgeous story, Gyl. I go to an indoor shopping centre sometimes and occasionally there are some birds inside. They always seem quite happy, singing away merrily. I’m sure they know their way in and out, they can fly over thousands of miles so I think they are able to get in and out when they wish to, they probably enjoy being sheltered from the elements. They are such super little signs of the magic of God.

    1. Gill, they sure are little signs of the magic of god. I love the dawn chorus, it’s as if this was designed to wake us up with joy, reminding us all of the glory of being alive to start a new day.

  504. Hello Gyl, this is a very touching story. Touching in many ways, from the sight of just the robin, to the interaction with the security guard, to what you stop and saw, to you buying the mug and to how you now see the mug. It shows me the little things in life are often overlooked but when you appreciate them you see them more often and the joy they bring is far greater than mere words. This joy seems to keep expanding on itself further and further if you allow it. I loved reading this and I’m inspired to keep appreciating all the ‘little robins’ around me for as you have shown these will continue to fill your life with joy long after.

  505. This is a really sweet blog Gyl, one that is powerful in its simplicity. What is lovely, and as you suggest, is that the magic of God is all around us, all of the time. And it coexists with all that does not represent God too, as an extreme comparison, also for us to feel. Your robin message was there in such an obvious way, to remind you of something that you needed to feel – your own delicateness and playfulness.

    1. Yes so true Shami, it is there for us all, always waiting to reflect back to us just how amazing and gorgeous we are, we only have to stop for a moment to see it.

  506. This is such a sweet story and a beautiful reminder of the joy available for us to connect to in every day. The beauty and joy of a playful robin and in fact in most animals is something that I feel we all have inside us, and that we can all share with each other and remind each other of every day, in the same way, by just being our joy-full selves.

  507. It’s amazing that the smallest of things can make us stop dead in our tracks and return to the beauty that is naturally waiting for us… Us

  508. A very beautiful reminder Gyl thank you – it is so common to be caught up in the doing and goings-on in life and barely register such a moment. What unfolded for you has clearly been a powerful and lasting impression. It makes me wonder how much I miss on a daily basis when I don’t allow the space to let it in.

    1. Jenny this is so true, how much do we miss if we don’t allow the space to let it in. It is so up to each of us to embrace the true beauty of who we are, as in doing this we become very still and look from our body out. I know that when I do this, every thing is there to be seen, and I see so much more.

  509. Thankyou Gyl Rae for reminding me of just how playful and delicate God is and therefore we all are and how easy it is to forget this when we are lost in our thoughts.

  510. Isn’t it beautiful Gyl when these moments appear in the day in such un-expected places to remind us of our inner stillness and connection to the natural beauty of God. It brings us home to ourselves and back to the simplicity of life, important messages in the midst of our busy lives.

  511. Gyl, what a beautiful story you are sharing here. Absolutely the Magic of God. I feel this magic go right through me. What an amazing occurrence, and just for you in the supermarket. But not really just for you, for those who are also open to seeing the Magic. And fancy finding that beautiful mug. What a lovely momento you have every time you use it.

    I just love robins, we also have birds we refer to as robins here in Australia. Rose Robins, Flame Robins, Crimson Robins, Yellow Robins etc. They are really special birds.

    Thank you so much for sharing the love you are.

  512. Gyl,
    I so love the simplicity and beauty of what you describe here. Yes nature has so much to show us about the truth of who we are if we so choose to see what it is being offered to us. How absolutely divine to see a Robin in a supermarket. How even more divine that you felt and honored the presence of the love of God. These moments in our lives are so precious and are being presented to us always to remind us that we too are the same love inside, gentle, tender reminders for us to let go and to live our own preciousness.

    1. yes Leigh these moments are really precious and simple reminders as you say of what lies within, great beauty and divinity.

  513. Wow, It is incredible how the magic of God works, the joy that you felt, and the fact that it was sitting on a mug with a robin on it! I really liked what you said about the robin not caring what other people were doing or thinking, it was just being, and enjoying itself as it flew. It was very cute how the robin had fun inspiring you!

  514. The magic of nature and the magic of God – just blow me away with its intricacies, detail and pure beauty. I feel the eternal lessons we can find in nature are so incredibly under-estimated in todays culture and society.

  515. Gyl what a beautiful reminder that the magic of God is all around us. Thank you.

    1. And reminds us when we stop to appreciate it and let it in.. that we are equal to that magic and can therefore live with such grace and harmony also.

  516. Love it Gyl – the richer picture that is accessible to us all if only we are willing to look up from our lives and notice the magic that is always around us.

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