Students of The Way of The Livingness: True Miracles

What is a Miracle?

A ‘miracle’ is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as:

An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.” (1)

It is a commonly shared belief that miracles are impossible phenomena and that the word ‘miracle’ was used by the Christians to help explain stories such as Moses ‘parting the sea’ to allow the Israelites to escape from the Egyptians thousands of years ago.

Due to the bastardisation of the words ‘religion’ and ‘miracle’ (along with their true meaning), people often tend to believe that miracles are just ‘mumbo-jumbo’ or make-believe stories. Institutionalised religions would have us believe that it’s only ‘chosen ones’ such as Moses or Jesus who could perform such divine occurrences because they were spiritually blessed. This then encourages many religious followers to believe they are less, in comparison to the ‘chosen ones’.

Could it be that this is not the case, and miracles are not just ‘mumbo-jumbo’ or impossible phenomena? Could miracles relate in some way, if we so choose, to every person, not just a few ‘chosen-ones’ throughout history?

What then would miracles look like if these were true?

Students of The Way of The Livingness

I have been attending presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for many, many years and have witnessed some absolutely incredible changes in many of the students of The Way of The Livingness. The Before and After Universal Medicine project shows some of these phenomenal transformations that have taken place due to students of The Way of the Livingness simply making more loving and healthy choices in their everyday lives.

According to ‘natural and scientific laws’, as we grow older we physically begin to age; wrinkles occur, our body generally weakens and illness and disease become more common due to the immune system being exhausted…

However, for all those who have been inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to live responsibly, committing their lives to loving themselves and sharing this with humanity, these so called ‘laws’ seem to not apply, or not apply so harshly or suddenly.

Instead, the students look younger, more vital and fresher faced; they are living in their natural body shapes (whereas often as we age our bodies become less fit and can disfigure, age or weight-wise), and they also have become more joy-full and play-full… In other words they seem to be aging backwards!

By choosing to make loving choices in their daily lives, they are transcending the ‘norm’, so what is happening right before our eyes are in fact TRUE MIRACLES. They are indeed ‘extraordinary events’, so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.

The Students of The Way of The Livingness: True Miracles (by their True Definition) Right Before Your Eyes…

True Miracles are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices, and really what the students of The Way of the Livingness are doing is not miraculous or difficult; they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self.

The miracles we see in the Before and After Universal Medicine Project are a natural by-product of this way of living as we can see from these pictures below.

Carolien Braakenburg

Carolien Braakenburg Before Universal Medicine
Carolien Braakenburg | 6 Months AFTER Universal Medicine

Carolien Braakenburg | After Universal Medicine
Carolien Braakenburg | 5 Years AFTER Universal Medicine

 Jonathan & Rowena Stewart

Jonathan & Rowena Stewart | Before Universal Medicine
Jonathan & Rowena Stewart | 1 Year BEFORE Universal Medicine

Jonathan & Rowena Stewart | After Universal Medicine
Jonathan & Rowena Stewart | 7 Years AFTER Universal Medicine

Stephanie Stevenson

Stephanie Stevenson | Before Universal Medicine
Stephanie Stevenson | 4 Years BEFORE Universal Medicine

Stephanie Stevenson | After Universal Medicine
Stephanie Stevenson | 6 Years AFTER Universal Medicine

By Susie Williams, Student

(1) “Definition of Miracle in English:.” Miracle. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2015.

Further Reading:
From Living a Lie to Living Who I Truly Am
Universal Medicine Before and After Photos – the Man beneath the Tattoos and Dreads
The Livingness Before and Afters

550 thoughts on “Students of The Way of The Livingness: True Miracles

  1. This is a great article because it is true and a fact that the students of the Ageless Wisdom are getting younger and more vital it is amazing to watch this occur. As an example I saw a friend and a student of Ageless Wisdom presented this time around by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. My friend glowed from head to foot there is no other way to describe the sheer beauty of her grace, I have never seen her face so radiant, open and so clear. What I also felt was a compulsion that I too can be that way that this grace and vitality is there for everyone to claim for themselves it just comes down to a choice. What do we want out of life superficiality or something more sustaining?

  2. Thank you Susie, deepening our understanding of what a miracle is definitely making our day more alive, and as this awareness will promote more insight-full-ness into each day I look forward to expanding my relationship with divinity.

  3. Growing up, i was surrounded by elderly who were exhausted from life – some overweight, others underweight. Some talking to themselves, others talking to nobody. To come into a community where the elderly are this vital and approachable has changed my perception on 1) Getting old and 2) the elderly themselves. We don’t have to get angrier and angrier as we age, nor do we have to give up and feel useless.

    1. Absolutely Viktoria, for me at 66, old-age is looked forward to in the most amazing ways, and adding to that my relationship with passing-over, as this is something that is also bringing such a joy to the way I am living and this will be until my last breath. Enjoying life will never stop and gets more Joy-full.

  4. Not only do many students of The Way of The Livingness look younger and more healthy, they feel younger, more healthy and have more vitality.

    1. Yes, students of The Way of The Livingness are more vital and alive than they were before starting attending the courses.

  5. “…. true (living) miracles are the results of choices,….” and the foundational choice that leads to miracles is, LOVE.

  6. Thank you Susie, once we let go of our hurts and begin listening to and responding to our body with care the results are really extraordinary – not to forget the power of self love and self appreciation also, which creates a tremendous inner glow and joy.

  7. It is amazing to observe, witness and experience the transformations that unfold naturally when we are impulsed by love. Love is a divine force that we all have access to as such we all have the ability to be the miracles of love.

    1. What a great term “The Miracles of love”, it could be used as a noun for all those that follow the impulse of their soul…. and it would make a great song!

  8. It is interesting how it takes a miracle for someone to transcend out of their misery, when really this is the most natural thing – to not actually be miserable at all.

  9. As testified by the Before and After Universal Medicine Project, and other stories of healing by Universal Medicine students, miracles can be the norm.

  10. Some of the stories that I have read in the Before and After section in the Unimed Living website are so extraordinary it is hard to believe it’s the same person, both in how they look and how they feel – and it’s all because they started to choose love. That is a miracle.

  11. Love the photos of the before and after shots, living proof of how when we start to reconnect back to our inner selves we find who we truly are, which is beautifully reflected in the after photos.

  12. These photos and the many stories of the students who have transformed their lives are living proof that the Livingness truly works.

  13. These pictures certainly show a big change for the better. I wonder if people would consider this important if they knew about it?

  14. The joy of reconnecting to who you truly are and the deep inner knowing that all humanity are equal Divine Sons of God is the miracle inspiration of The Way of The Livingness.

    1. Yes, feeling that reconnection in your body is the key and quite simple.

  15. Thank you Susie for sharing some of the miracles you have witnessed with us, the photos speak for themselves as I feel the love and joy emanating from them, returning to and learning to live the true love they are is very inspiring.

  16. True miracles for the new era you can read here in abundance. It will not be long when we will have many representing 20 years of doing the work / being a student of Universal Medicine. While everyone else continually internally ages our inner-beauty expands and shines brighter.

  17. Wow Susie the before and after photos you share are deeply inspiring and show us what is possible when we begin to live and move with great love and awareness in our lives – miracles will naturally occur.

  18. Thank you Susie for sharing some of the many many miracles that happen to people who have chosen to connect to their divine essence through The Way of The Livingness, returning to self love, responsibility and a love for humanity, it is such a joy witnessing the before and after events.

  19. To me it is a Miracle that someone so young like you Susie is able to be so wise; it’s amazing that you are not like some women your age that are too busy obsessing over their own issues to see others true growth and development. The way in which you are able to celebrate others indicates that you have a great relationship with yourself. This kind of collaborative and supportive approach to one another will be what saves humanity from the mess we find ourselves in on a global scale.

  20. It is a miracle to let go of a long held pattern of behaviour and choose something new. It takes a lot of self reflection and responsibility to observe it, reflect on it and no longer choose it- this is a miracle when it is truly lived.

  21. This weekend in England I saw another example of a miracle. Another before and after was presented and it was amazing to see and feel the changes in this 70 year old women, just by choosing to heal her hurts and to love and care for herself and she will not stop living this joy of finding herself at this age. Like you say Susie choose simplicity and live love.

  22. Thanks Susie, great to read your blog again. I often think of myself as a living miracle because of the changes I have made in my life thanks to the support of Universal Medicine. I am so different emotionally, mentally and physically and each day feels joyful (most of the time!). I also take much better care of myself and particularly have more regular contact with my doctor, this was after listening to a presentation by Serge Benhayon on the importance of self care and how what conventional medicine provides is a huge part of that foundation of self care. It all made sense to me (I was previously against seeing the doctor unless I absolutely had to) so I decided to make a lot of changes in my own life. Essentially what Universal Medicine provides is about self love and taking responsibility for ourselves – a very powerful way to create miracles.

  23. We know the likes of Moses and Jesus lived on this earth so we cannot deny they were human beings who lived and breathed just like we do. Unfortunately though, too many of us have them up on a pedestal with the belief that they performed the miracles they did because they were the chosen ones. But, if they were of the same physicality as us, down to our most basic particle level it actually makes sense to me that if we live with the same integrity grace and love that they did, that honoured the divinity they were solidly connected to, we would be able to initiate miracles in our own lives and world around us just as they did too.

  24. The truth and power of what is, as we deep down know, is power. No ‘rahrah’, no airy fairy stuff, simply living life from love and connection. Which is what we have often deeply missed. The magic of love is incredibly deep and accessible in one’s body for all. Equally the love and masters around us.

  25. It goes to show that ‘scientific laws’ can be broken as the students of The Way of The Livingness show us there is another way to live. The loving changes that we make can seem ever so subtle in our daily living but they can make such a difference to how we feel about ourselves and how we go about our day. There is much to celebrate and appreciate when we choose LOVE.

  26. Thank you Susie. It’s great to come back to this blog and appreciate all that is happening within those who are choosing The Way of The Livingness. I forget to appreciate how much I have changed myself, sometimes just seeing what I have not done rather than that which I have.

  27. Great sharing Susie, I too have witnessed many students become younger purely by changing their choices. It made me realise how much our choices are reflected in our physical body, and how true miracles are there waiting to happen when we choose to reconnect back to the love that we are.

  28. Thank you Susie, it’s the miracle of love, something we can all equally choose everyday. Once we live from the light of the Soul, miracles really do happen.

  29. This makes me realise that miracles are not that way out there and super magical. They are simple profound changes a person is making in their lives that comes about by changing the energy or quality they are living by. It’s not a big deal and in fact is very inspiring to see such changes lived.

  30. Well said and very true Susie, and the amazing thing is these miracles within the student body are happening daily because of the loving choices people are committing too and it’s becoming a new ‘normal’ that is very inspiring and supportive for all to see.

  31. So incredible! How amazing that we have such support at our fingertips the moment we choose it.

  32. The Before and After project demonstrates so clearly how by making different choices people are ‘ageing backwards’ and defying the widely accepted perception that getting older brings with it a deterioration of the body. These photos are such a beautiful reflection of the changes that are possible when we commit to making loving choices in our daily lives, no magic formula just a loving consistency that is achievable by all.

  33. Thank you Susie I love how relatable you make miracles: “true (living) miracles are the results of choices” so rather than being something unattainable for the majority they are something that are within the reach of us all if we commit to living Love and making supportive choices.

  34. The body is a constant miracle in action, that never sleeps. There is always cells recreating themselves, working together, blood pumping, heart beating and lungs breathing – all divinely inspired. How often do we appreciate the miracle that is our heavenly body? How often do we move in this appreciation?

  35. As a society it seems that we view miracles as a far-out, few and far between experience, but is this only because our relationship with our Divinity is not our current normal way of being? Yet our Divinity is our natural way of being, and our extraordinariness is actually very normal and ordinary. When we being to return to live in connection to our essence as have the many students of The Way of The Livingness, we then see the that miracles are a joyful confirmation of the Divine that is lived and are truly and naturally part of our everyday lives.

  36. I too agree Susie with the way you have presented Miracles in this article. It is something we need to take out of the mystery box and bring as you have into the everyday! These are amazing photos too of ordinary people making loving decisions that change their lives in miraculous ways.

  37. I like what you write here Susie and you are returning miracle to its rightful place. People often think they need to travel to a holy place to see a miracle – and often as you say for a chosen one – but there are living miracles – walking, shopping right next to you as we speak.

  38. Thank you Susie, and yes we need to redefine what a miracle is for in truth it is saying yes to the pull of universe to be more of the beauty and divinity of who we are and letting go of the belief of doing something and instead allow ourselves just to be and shine who we truly are.

  39. What happens when we return to love is a true miracle and everyday allowing love in our life there are miracles everywhere, even looking in the eyes of someone and deeply connecting is a miracle in itself.

  40. Whats cool is that you are reclaiming the word Miracle, it was hijacked by the Church as you pointed out and in that hijacking real miracles have been set aside and not appreciated for way too long. The photos are incredible although there are many photo’s that are still yet to be public, these people are everywhere, walking around the streets and getting to enjoy the vitality and youthfulness that comes free with these everyday miracle making choices.

  41. Yes it is true… It is actually possible to age backwards… And it certainly is against the trend of everything that is around us… It’s got to be worth a try 🙂

  42. There is something super cute about this redefining of the word miracle… that there is no reason why the extraordinary can be happening in a very ordinary way all around us, changing the way we normally look at things, or normally live our lives. The world teaches us that making different choices is one of the hardest things to do, yet these are the very best kind of miracles.

  43. Indeed Susie, many of the students of Universal Medicine who are truly living the Way of the Livingess are walking miracles of health and vitality in a world where illness and disease is steadily on the increase. World – take note! For how can it be that these people are improving their health and vitality as they age?

  44. I love coming back to this blog Susie, since attending Universal Medicine presentations over 10 years ago I have been witness to hundreds of true miracles during this time in the student body.

  45. As a student of the way of the livingness, I am seeing the miracles that present themselves to me each and every day, because ultimately I am a student of life.

  46. These photos tell their own story. The miracle is that these people, and many more, have been able to reconnect with their innermost heart and really start to live from here. The aliveness can now be seen in their eyes and the more they live from this place, found within each and everyone of us, the more alive they look. I know this because I can feel it in myself as I move more and more into a livingness from my own connection. This is The Way of The Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  47. For me a miracle is that which reflects the Divine love of God in this world, in which case we can be blessed by many in this lifetime if we are willing to receive them. Through loving connections between people, nature, the universe and through choosing to live in a Soulful way for ourselves and with others, we can all be touched and inspired by living miracles.

  48. Beautifully shared Susie. There is so much disbelief about the presence of miracles as we as a humanity are existing with much dis-belief or in separation of who we are. We are all part of the Divine, as through our bodies we all have the opportunity to represent the Divine love of God. And it is through our acceptance of this fact and our willingness to make loving choices that we change the way we live. With this we ‘are transcending the ‘norm’, so what is happening right before our eyes are in fact TRUE MIRACLES. They are indeed ‘extraordinary events’, so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true.’ Brilliantly said – had to repeat it all. I too have witnessed many true and living miracles of which I am also one.

  49. Susie it is so true what you reveal here. Students of the way of the Livingness most definitely look so much more alive and vital. They have that sparkle in their eyes as your photos show.

  50. Gorgeous sharing Susie – I love watching the ‘Before and Afters’ at Universal Medicine events – a true celebration of another glorious soul budding open into full bloom 🙂

  51. Miracles are often defined by something extraordinary that defies any conceived ideal or belief that we may hold to something even being a possibility let alone a very available reality. What if miracles are actually the breaking down of our ideals and beliefs around what is possible in life and how life can truly be lived?

    1. Yes Joshua in a world designed to take us away from our true self by feeding us ideals and beliefs at every turn, it is a miracle when we break these paradigms down and begin to look for a way to live that is dictated by our inner heart instead of our head.

  52. We need to redefine what we term a miracle, for the current socially accepted definition limits our ability to appreciate ourselves and others. I would say it is a miracle that someone can turn their health around so drastically in their later years, that someone can go from having a life of depression to one of vitality, that someone can change the nature of their relationships. These things do not happen often. As human beings, we are more likely to remain engrained in our behaviours over the course of our lifetime. So when I see another person able to challenge the way they live and break out of a lifetime of patterns that are literally killing them, I call that a miracle, for it certainly defies the trend.

  53. True miracles do occur just before our eyes, when choosing to live love it changes our whole way of being. The shift it can bring is enormous and beautiful to observe and experience. As it is a beautiful journey.

  54. I agree Susie, the word ‘Miracle’ has been bastardised and by accepting this meaning we all miss out on the many miracles happening around us everyday. How is it that the breath allows for oxygen to circulate the body, or the heart to pump our blood, a bud to grow into a flower and open to display amazing colour and design? the list is endless. We behold the miracle and thus it is our openness and appreciation that provides the backdrop to all we experience and view in our lives and the lives of others. The students of the Livingness are a living and concrete example of thousands of miracles happening very day – true connection to self is a beautiful thing.

  55. These transformations are truly miracles. It is a blessing to experience these miracles in, with and through other persons and oneself! I wonder, if a true miracle always is attended by love as the “divine agency” – like the definition of the dictionary states.

  56. every time I see someone’s eyes come alive, this feels like a miracle. We have read or will have perhaps seen what happens to eyes when then animal or human dies, and the life leave visibly… It is like that to see the light come back into people’s l eyes and their lives in their faces… This really is a miracle,

    1. And it can be like a flame jumping from one candle to another, when you just being you and the light in your eyes and face ‘jumps’ to another, lights up another, inspires the other …

  57. For miracles, I have to look no further then my own life, and how such a freight train of momentum of disregard and spiritual arrogance was able to be turned around by a simple and constant reflection of truth, lived and breathed by people who simply walked their walk and lived their talk

    1. I love this Chris, beautifully claimed and so true. I too can claim witness to the way I am choosing to live now as a true miracle. As I was also inspired by a ‘simple and constant reflection of truth, lived and breathed by people who simply walked their walk and lived their talk.’

  58. How much I have been ageing and deteriorating in my health has slowed down considerably since I began, 10 years or so a go, to begin to take ‘me’ seriously and put a little care and love my way “However, for all those who have been inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to live responsibly, committing their lives to loving themselves and sharing this with humanity, these so called ‘laws’ seem to not apply, or not apply so harshly or suddenly.” Often we get used to an unhealthy version of reality, a bit of true TLC goes a long way to inhibiting the deterioration of our health and what many call the ageing process.

  59. So true Susie the word ‘miracle’ has been bastardised to make sure we don’t see miracles as being a natural everyday occurrence. I know the turnaround in my life has been a miracle, the vitality and love for life I now have is a miracle, and that the pain in my back that I used to suffer has gone is a huge miracle. There are so many miracles that happen in life if we open our hearts and eyes to them.

  60. There have been definitely some amazing transformations with the students of The Way of The Livingness, that could be called miraculous. I always felt that miracles can occur and are inexplicable just because we don’t know the science yet. Someday these miracles will be explained. In the meantime we can see these transformations before us as people choosing to light up their bodies with love.

    1. And as well as the physical transformations we see in the students of The Way of The Livingness, I’ve been living in my own home for the last 8 years and am actually buying it (well, the bank is), instead of renting – that for me is a miracle, to have that stability, confidence and standing in society to be in the one place for an extended period and to be investing in me.

  61. ‘In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices,’ – Beautifully said Susie, the students of The Way of the Livingness are living proof that true miracles are happening everyday by making different choices. I too have witnessed these amazing changes in hundreds of students over many years – it is deeply inspiring and possible because everything Serge Benhayon presents truly works.

  62. Absolute miracles, so are miracles in many ways visible for us all, I personally know many more miracles like these beautiful people who have grown their hearts with the love they are, I am one of them, but this not makes any one special, it is just a re-turning to who we all are. Miracles are not special, just absolute true reflection of what we already know to be. All my true developments so far are deeply inspirated by Serge Benhayon and the Hierarchy.

    1. Well said Danna. Miracles are indeed not something ‘special’ or incomprehensible – such as a man parting the sea; they can happen all the time in every day life and should happen all the time because they should be the new norm. Living love, caring for others and returning to who we truly are is a gloriously normal miracle!

      1. Yes, and even though this is special it is never extra glorified, simply because there is no need. As being us, with all the magic that occurs should be our normal right. So as you said lets make it our normal.

    2. I love reading this discussion Susie and Danna on the normality of the everyday miracles It is indeed a miracle if we can turn around an ingrained behavior simply by changing our choices this in turn will make for huge changes to our health and well being. I know this as a fact.

      1. And so this fact is chosen by our own free will and commitment to change. In relation to our miracles , this shows us that we are our own miracle by returning to ourselves and making choices that add up to that. There is no need for rara – just the absolute confirmation and acceptance of our choice to change.

      2. Absolutely true, Danna, we are the miracle makers by our own choices just as we are the makers of our own dramas. To be with ourselves or to be against ourselves that is the choice

      3. Absolutely well said, we can create much deep drama, which is our karma too. As it looks at first like it can be quiet stimulating and attentive. But how does drama truly effects our body when it is chosen?

  63. We call something a miracle when we don’t understand how something wonderful has occurred. Many students of Universal Medicine inspired by Serge Benhayon to choose The Way of the Livingness to turn their lives around by simple self-loving choices know that they understand and can make miracles happen. The magic of God is all around us confirming that we can all live miracles when we choose and live love.

  64. Since attending Universal Medicine presentations now for around 5 years I have be blown away by the amazing miracles that I have witnessed, Universal Medicine is the real deal hundreds of people are living more joyfully, more vitally and with much more love and purpose. This is a blue print for the rest of humanity everywhere. It is so very obvious that in our society people are suffering the illness and disease rates are extraordinary high. Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness are offering us a different way and a way that does truly work.

  65. Thank you Susie for this great sharing. I agree there are so many wonderful changes in all areas of peoples lives, including my own. I would not go back to how I was before for any reason at all. I am sure others are of the same opinion. The photos speak for themselves and the difference is huge , not only in how people look but particularly in their brighter, more alive eyes.

  66. “By choosing to make loving choices in their daily lives, they are transcending the ‘norm’, so what is happening right before our eyes are in fact TRUE MIRACLES. They are indeed ‘extraordinary events’, so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple”.
    I love what you have expressed here Susie and I love the before and after photos.
    Yes it really is that simple.

  67. These pictures are so astonishing. Every time I see them. A story to be shouted from every roof top and featured in every newspaper. There is gold at our doorstep. There is work to be done.

  68. Over the last nine years I have also seen the changes within the student body, as their vitality and commitment to life grows. Specially as we age there is this perception that we no longer need to make an effort and should be winding down ready to retire – that used to be me, but now I am the total opposite by working full time and starting a new career at the age of 54.

    1. I agree, Julie, that the general perception is that retiring is the golden egg at the end of a hard road … it must be fairly demoralising and draining to be living life with the only goal to be retiring as soon as possible and then ‘living the good life’, only to discover that one’s health is packing up. Choosing to live one’s life from and with love all the time can mean that the ‘winding down’ mentality just doesn’t come into it – there’s too much love of humanity to want to disconnect from people – you’re having too good a time!

  69. I have observed this happening all around me, people are changing their body shapes, face shapes, health and well being, the way they walk and stand, the care they put into how the dress and eat and so much more…And as you say “really what the students of The Way of the Livingness are doing is not miraculous or difficult; they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self.” It comes down to a choice and it feels miraculous because we are all very familiar with people being more unhealthy, more over weight, more set in their ways and more ‘given up with life’ as they get older, when a person commits to being a student of life the opposite occurs…

  70. We all know that scientific laws have tremendous limitations to explain many things that take place. And, we do not know enough about natural laws. As such, we use the word miracle to name something amazing no one has a clue about how to explain it. But, is it really that we have no clue? The case of the students of Universal Medicine is a great example. This is a bunch of people aligning to the divinity we are and simply living in a way that honours it. So, God is always behind the so-called miracles. They belong to Him, not to us. I am sure, though, he would never use the word miracle to refer to them.

    1. Yes Eduardo, people coming back to who they are! This is a miracle . . . as the whole world is set up to distract us to forever be looking out instead of looking within . . . so that we can know without a doubt just who we are..

  71. A picture says a thousand words, it is so easy to see the miraculous change in people who have simply chosen to live the love that they are and look so much the better for it! In other words, it is not about losing weight, curing an ill, kicking an addiction, it is simply about connecting to the body and living the truth of that, which is self-loving. There is a comment on these pages somewhere from a woman who was a smoker, coming along to see her first presentation from Serge Benhayon, simply connecting to her body and hasn’t smoked since. That would seem to be a miracle, but is it simply coming back to the truth of who we are?

  72. These transformations and many more within the student body are miraculous indeed.

  73. I Love the appreciation style of writing from you Susie. I can testimony too that there are many miracles that happened and are still happening. I’ve been an absolute sugar and diary addict and when I was around 22 my weight was over 100 kilo’s. By slowly taking much more care of myself – including going to bed earlier, stop eating gluten, dairy, alcohol and suger – I naturally (!!) started to loose weight. It has never ever been a goal, but if you see me now, it is a miracle in itself that I lost over 25 kilo’s without making any effort rather than applying advises and start to more and more listening to myself. And, all the way I’ve been very close to myself in the sense that I absolutely love eating and I’ve never aten anything that I didn’t like. There have been times that I’ve been struggling to find alternatives for meals if I felt that I had to give up certains foods because my body didn’t want them anymore, but quite soon I found a ‘new’ one. What I am learning to see now (and than have to apply) is that I do not have to justify me for the changes and the choices that I make. For somebody who loves to be liked, this seems to be impossible to get to. Living my life regardless of the thoughts, ideas, judgements and encouragements towards me. I can see that this is the only way to free myself from the world. There’s still a way to go… As well as I’ve already come a long way!

    1. Thanks for sharing this Floris – it feels like you have a blog unto yourself to share. What you have described is what so many over-weight people aspire to achieve; it would be awesome to hear more about what was triggered within you to start making the changes, as self love is sorely lacking from the crash diets promoted in the industry.

  74. A great blog Susie. The before and after photographs certainly confirm the amazing changes from changing our way of living and making different choices. Thank God for Universal Medicine and the inspiration it offers to make the changes.

  75. This is gorgeous Susie. I have no doubt that had I not found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would have been consumed by dread about getting older, losing my ‘looks’ and becoming withered, dried out and invisible. I am 35 years old and the intensity experienced by women my age is mind blowing. We are bombarded with advertisements that encourage us to defy ageing at all costs. The anti ageing industry is worth billions, probably trillions… and… none of the lotions and potions work, even if the wrinkle is removed the self loathing and lack of self worth remain.

    I have always said I would rather feel beautiful than look beautiful, thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have discovered that the beauty I feel naturally translates to the way I look. I look forward to meeting myself in the mirror in 10, 20, 40 years because I know the woman looking back at me will be astoundingly beautiful inside and out.

  76. This definition is interesting “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.” Why separate divinity from natural and scientific laws? – are we not limiting what science can explain and confirm about the world if we leave the possibility of something more grand than we may currently be aware of?

    1. Great point Abby. When we separate ourselves from claiming our Divinity we are no longer living in the grandness of our Love, our natural way. How then is it ever possible for the true laws of science that are encompassed by the unified will of the universe, make sense to that which has separated from it. For me this definition highlights the separation with which we currently view what miracles are, and as such who we are.

  77. I like this fresh approach to true miracles we see with the people aligned with Universal Medicine. I love this – the students look younger, more vital and fresher faced; they are living in their natural body shapes (whereas often as we age our bodies become less fit and can disfigure, age or weight-wise), and they also have become more joy-full and play-full… In other words they seem to be aging backwards!

  78. Susie, great blog, you’re prompted me to consider how much through the bastardization of words we loose out on and can live less. To see miracles are something of the chosen few or the special ones robs us all of the true miracles as you note here in our own lives and those around us. And here to see those miracles celebrated and claimed is gorgeous. It is a miracle to live love, nothing fancy, no razzmatazz just love, who we are – simple.

    1. Yes Monika, once connected to that Love within us, every step feels as a miracle. I’ve still got to embody this to live it in a more constant way. But if I move or speak with my Love it is like a constant miracle.

  79. It’s lovely to see and be around people who are becoming more joy-full, playful and more vital, as a result of the choices they make in their everyday livingness. Living miracles.

  80. “to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true.” I love your definition of miracle Susie, and the photos say it all.

  81. It is deeply inspirational to see the students of Universal Medicine changing their lives through living love and these photos are remarkable. They are most definitely ‘transcending the norm’… incredibly so, and the miracles witnessed daily amongst us are not privy to just a few but all who choose to live the Way of the Livingness. No quick fixes, pills or the like – just loving choices.

  82. Carolein, my experience has also been that “true (living) miracles are the result of choices”. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and attending his presentations on the Ageless Wisdom I have been inspired to make different choices in my life – choices that are more loving for self and others. This has been life-changing for me – a living miracle!

  83. No matter how many times I look at these photos…..I mean….really…really look, and appreciate what has actually happened here. No drugs, no special pills, no surgery. Just super simple, loving choices. That is, in essence, all that has happened here. Yet just look at the amazing photos. Incredible. Especially when you think about the zillions of dollars spent in direct health care or the equally zillions of dollars spent on all kinds of alternative modalities that promote; losing weight, beating ageing, caring for your skin, feeling vibrant, improving your mind, improving your relationships, making you ‘better’, etc, etc…But then just take another look at these photos….simple, self-loving choices. Deeply inspiring.

  84. I love your sentence and the truth in it “true (living) miracles are the results of choices”. There is no fate – it is my commitment to life, to people, which can change everything in my life.

  85. Yes Susie you are so right, the students of The Way of The Livingness are all miracles. I am living proof of this. Recently I returned to a group of people, through work, that I had not seen for five years, when I walked back in half of them did not recognise me until they heard the sound of my voice. They could not stop telling me how well and how beautiful I looked – this is the end result of living The Way of the Livingness – from where I was to where I am today is nothing less than a miracle.

  86. In the past I felt that only miracles were performed by someone who had special powers!!! Smiling now as I too am a student of The Way of The Livingness. Indirectly I was on the right path but knowing now that we ‘ALL’ have this amazing gift within each and everyone of us and as you so beautifully share Susie “to simply live love and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true”. Miracles are plentiful and not a day goes by without experiencing such gifts.

  87. ‘Miracle,’ as you express here Suzie, is a word shrouded in mystery – unattainable to all but the chosen ‘gifted’ or ‘special’ few. But as you’ve shared here, Miracles are actually available to all and very much within our control. . . It just comes back to a series of choices. Choosing in each moment which direction you wish to go, love or disregard, healing or harming. It is actually very simple.

  88. “So to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.” Susie this is gorgeous to read and to feel, that from making simple loving choices from what we feel to be true. Now that is a miracle that is possible for all and I love that. Thank you.

  89. ‘True Miracles are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices, and really what the students of The Way of the Livingness are doing is not miraculous or difficult; they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self.’
    True Living Miracles are not random or lucky but a result of choices and Universal Medicine Students are a living breathing example of THAT.
    Thank You Susie. Awesome blog. 🙂

  90. “ to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE…” and when this is done it can inspire those around us to also make changes in their lives. This is beautiful to see, particularly when people who have no association with Universal Medicine get inspired to live more lovingly.

  91. Wow! Those Before and Afters truly are miracles! I can feel that true miracles come from within us first; not only in appreciating and caring for ourselves but all things, including everyone we interact with.

  92. What you say here Susie about it being as simple as a choice I can say is absolutely true. Never before Universal Medicine or The Way of the Livingness was I ever presented with the simple fact that my choices contain the power to shape my life. And the more I choose to live in love, the more I choose to be aware of God and who I truly am I am left doubting less and less that miracles can occur in everyday life. How else could I explain that four years ago I would not be caught dead making eye-contact with people, holding a full time job, more vital than I have ever felt in the last 20 years and the rest of the ways my life has changed, all down to changing my choices.

    1. Leigh this is beautiful, I can completely relate to how much appreciation there is here for such simple yet deeply profound changes such as being able to look someone in the eyes, or to work full time. These are miracles because of you making those choices to change and not allowing yourself to just be stuck in certain old and familiar ways, but to branch out and explore more about yourself, your potential, and your generous nature.

  93. The miracles that occur with self-responsibility are indeed real. There is a culture of wanting it now attitude, but in reality the power of true change occurs one step at a time and living in connection.

  94. There is nothing more powerful than living testimony and the Students of the Way of The Livingness are exactly this – the living testimony of hundreds of True Miracles that came from simple loving choices. I had a giggle about ageing backwards ! I thought of all the anti-ageing hoo-ha out there pitched at women and thought if only self-love came in a tube it would be a best seller – alas self loving choices from within are the way – no need for miracle creams – just early nights, light food and returning to stillness.

    1. Haha, that miracle cream out of the tube is not the deal, but the real deal is the sunny side up from within outwards and shown to all to be seen as a miracle. We live and walk the truth and that can be noticed and felt.

  95. This has been my experience “By choosing to make loving choices in their daily lives, they are transcending the ‘norm’, so what is happening right before our eyes are in fact TRUE MIRACLES.” My excess weight and bloating has shifted with out ‘trying’, I live a joyful and vital life. This is a miracle, lived, I know how I felt and looked 15 years ago. I know I look and feel healthy, more alive and more present in life than I ever have.

    1. So beautiful what you have shared here Samantha, we are transcending what is known as the ‘norm’… I am a living miracle today compared to where I was 10 years ago. Learning to care for myself and committing to my own life has been key in making healthier and wiser choices everyday.

  96. By choosing loving ways (Self Care), it is the step towards creating our own path of miracles.

    1. And miracles are appearing in very refined ways. Little Feathers on the way are reminders that I am walking aligned with the universe and god. Little confirmations from heavan are the magic of god and divine miracles for me.

  97. The most amazing part of being a student of the way of the livingness is getting to witness this amazing miracles in everyone on a regular basis. The changes the joy and the beauty ever growing with in each one of the student body is simply wondrous to see and feel. This is a real gift and joy to witness appreciate and be part of in every way with everyone as is the expansion of love and the living of this in our lives .

    1. I agree Tricia. Being witness to every loving choice made and lived by the students of the Way of The Livingness, big and small, is a miracle in its own true right. A Divine reflection of the Love of God that we are as is available for all to live in this world.

  98. “make choices based on what you feel to be true” it really is that simple Susie. Before Universal Medicine I would know when I did things that weren’t true as I could feel the tension in my body, although I would deny this and override it again and again. Not doing so is a simple step and it can make a massive difference to how my body feels. It is a great feeling to not be carrying around a weight of a choice that wasn’t right for my body. One example being no longer drinking, this choice removed a lot of stress and tension from me as I was no longer drinking something that made me become a different person. That alone carries a lot of tension I am now glad to be rid of.

  99. Its great to see a different approach on how we look at miracles, I am definitely a living example of one, feeling better now than i did ten years ago or more.

  100. What my experience has been is the more I open up to the possibility of miracles, the more miracles appear before my eyes. I also find when I appreciate a miracle then it allows for the next one to take place. There are everyday miracles happening all of the time, we just need to open our eyes to them.

  101. I visited my doctor earlier this year and he commented that ‘I was one of the very few patients in his practice that was healthier now than I was six years ago when I first came in.
    At sixty five, that’s a miracle.

  102. One of the things I like the best about Universal Medicine is “we are all equal’. This means we can get in touch with God ourselves without going through a priest and perform miracles.
    So to perform a miracle I simply have to live, love and make simple choices based on what I feel to be true. Thank you Susie Williams for those simple instructions.

    1. Great, isn’t it Nicholas, no middle men or women, just a direct line to God. Had a smile as I reflected on plants, they don’t ask permission of another, they just germinate, grow and at the appropriate time produce seed and die.

  103. As seen before our very eyes the thousands of true miracles occurring day by day by so many, by way of their own choice to live in love and honour of their body, is a wake up call for all of humanity.

  104. I really enjoyed reading this again Suzie and taking the time to appreciate that it is a miracle when people get older but are living with more vitality than they ever did in their thirties or forties. This totally changes what old age looks like at the moment and this is to be celebrated.

    1. Yes absolutely Julie we need to celebrate how joy-full we are when we age ‘esoterically’. Many elder students of the Way of the Livingness have already shared their stories in a soon to be published book…with more to come…

  105. Thank you for bringing more space to appreciate the amazing transformation that so many of us have made and are continuing to make, back towards what is actually a very normal and simply loving way to live.

  106. As can be seen in the photograph that without a doubt I am a living miracle. I am now at the age 63 I am the fittest and healthiest I can ever remember being and feeling and also that my life is the most fulfilled it has ever been. Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for the support and guidance for me to make the changes that have resulted in the joyous life I now live.

  107. The before and after photos are a fantastic example of yet more true miracles – you can not only see it but feel it to be so. It is not just about the natural weight loss (which often happens when bringing self loving choices into our lives) – you can see and feel it in all their bright,sparkly eyes. As you share with us so beautifully Susie “they are choosing to make self loving choices in their daily lives” and it shows big time. It speaks volumes to the world out there.

    1. Yes, Marion, seeing people blossom into their natural body shape is gorgeous to observe, and it does feel miraculous but familiar at the same time to feel everyone’s uniquely divine essence being expressed more and more through their physical form, their eyes, their movements and their smile.

  108. “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency”.
    I guess this definition determines natural law to be visible to the naked eye or tangibly 3 dimensional? A miracle is as everyday and natural as is the sun rising in the morning, its just a whole lot more than 3 dimensional.
    No wonder miracles can’t be explained (yet) by (so called) scientific laws, which are cemented into the 3 dimensional realm, failing to take into account the actual and very natural laws of the cycles of energetic flow just for starters.
    All scientific and natural laws are, indeed attributed to a divine agency – and I don’t mean the church – we just don’t like to admit this and thus hand over the reins …
    If we did, we might be surprised by what really constitutes a miracle.

  109. Very true Susie… I was at a gathering of old friends recently , and went straight from there to a dinner with a student of Universal Medicine. The demographics were about the same , but the contrast in health, vitality, connection with the self and the ability to connect with others was vast. Miracles indeed.

  110. Universal Medicine – producing miracles like no other time… people living joy-fully, vitally and lovingly in a time when mental and physical health is reaching crisis point world wide. Thank you Carolien for sharing these miracles, they are needed.

  111. “To perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple”. Love this blog it makes miracles normal and shows the beauty of responsibility. Very awsome. Thank you for sharing.

  112. I can see and feel the changes in my family relationships and how we express to each other which is a miracle for prior to Universal Medicine we were just existing, just getting through life with little purpose. This is so amazing to feel and I am appreciating this right now.

    1. Agreed, Anne. So many of us drift through life without meaning or true purpose, and so to feel how vital, engaged and committed the student body and their families are is an amazing turn around.

  113. Susie thank you for highlighting the every day miracles that abound amongst the community of people who have been inspired by the presentations of Universal Medicine and chosen to take responsibility and make consistent but simple changes to their life. It has become so ordinary that it needed someone like you to shine the spotlight on this miracle for us all to appreciate how far we’ve come from where we were.

  114. What evil it is that a miracle is not truly recognised as a miracle – as you have so described Susie. We all deserve to fully appreciate and enjoy the magic of a miracle when it stares us in the face… I am loving the many miracles on this page, and also the one that meets me daily every time I look in the mirror!

  115. Absolutley miraculous and well said Suzie, I don’t see anyone anywhere else becoming more genuinely healthy and shining more as they age!!?? Even tho it’s a simple act to connect to oneself and live according to how you feel, without the inspiration and steady consistent support from Serge Benhayen and Universal medicine I don’t know that recognising and changing such ingrained ill behaviour and choices especially in so many people, could ever be achieved and in such short time and as far as I’m aware it has never happened before. Truly Divine.

  116. I see the loveliest change in the Universal Medicine students as their lightness. They are shining from within.

  117. Brilliant Susie I love what you share here as it highlights the true miracles that are happening as we choose to live the love we know to be a true way. All confirmed in these amazing pictures.
    “so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.”
    It really is that simple.

  118. “Could miracles relate in some way, if we so choose, to every person, not just a few ‘chosen-ones’ throughout history?” This is great – and there are so many small miracles that occur daily – I am now that much more aware of them. The fact that I naturally stopped nail-biting after 40+ years of ‘trying’ is a miracle to me – yet it occurred naturally when I began to take better care of myself and learned to love me.

    1. This is very true Felixchumacher8 , I have experienced the dropping away of food choices that I knew were not right for my body but I never believed I would be able to give up. And have done so without any difficulty, just a naturally dropping away as it becomes harder and harder to consume things that are not supporting my body. 5 years ago I never believed I would be able to give up cheese even though it made be blocked up, yet now eating it is unimaginable, this is the same for many sugary foods, coffee and alcohol. Lots of little miracles.

      1. I agree, Felix and Stephen. The way I am living today is also nothing short of a miracle. I used to eat to avoid taking responsibility for what I was feeling inside, and now by addressing this long standing behaviour I have a completely different relationship with food and what my body needs.

      2. That’s been my experience too Stephen…I haven’t given anything up, the way I put it is that ‘it gave me up’. I either chose to stop eating or drinking it because of how it made me feel, or I’d just not feel like it for a long time and then realise that I just didn’t crave it or want it anymore (e.g. chocolate) – if you’d known me 10 years ago, you’d know that this is a miracle 🙂

    2. So true Felix, we have been sold a lie, miracles are only achievable by a very select few. Yet as you have so simply and clearly pointed out we are our own miracle makers, and these miracles occur daily.

  119. What inspires me in these before and after pictures – and in myself – is seeing the light in the eyes and willingness to be seen JUST AS THEY ARE, compared with a sense of hiding from the world or using a particular attitude to be in the World in the before picture. Incredible what can be read from a picture… less heaviness, more joy and engagement, Wow how awesome!!

    1. I agree, Emma. What shines through when we are no longer in protection and living a measured life is us just being who we are, and it is a miracle to feel that returning after years or even lifetimes or locking it away.

  120. I know a lot of students of The Way of the Livingness, and a lot of them I only meet once or twice a year. It is one of my biggest delights each time I meet some of them or even just seeing photos of how far they have come. It is like more light is shining through, which makes their faces glow and their bodies move with such grace and I meet the same in myself when I look in the mirror. For me this is heaven on Earth.

  121. Such an awesome blog Susie. Miracles do happen all the time – this is my experience too. Taking the blinkers off and to stop living in the glamour and illusion of what we think life ought to be is, a great start. As you share with us Susie simply by making more self loving and healthy choices in our every day what a ‘world’ of difference this would make.

  122. Being a Student of the Way of The Livingness I too am a miracle, I no longer hide away in my home disengaged and unhappy. I am out there amongst people having fun living me, living the love that I know is true all from making more self loving choices in my life.

  123. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing the way people change simply because they have re-connected to their true essence, are dealing with their hurts and allowing themselves to be themselves. This is indeed a miracle but one that is commonplace for those who attend Universal Medicine workshops. Clearly there is something profound about learning to express the love that we already are.

  124. Its true – I look around the student body of Universal Medicine over the last 15 years and the transformations are too many to mention. There are hundreds of men and women who by choosing to live from truth and love, and to let this guide their choices, have found their health has abounded and vibrancy is everywhere. I would say the student body is flourishing, and certainly growing. From where we came from, we are all living miracles, myself included.

    1. I look around and see so many people of all different ages and backgrounds within the student body of Universal Medicine and what I see is people shining with vitality and a zest for life that is rare these days. As one of these people, my story does indeed seem miraculous but how I live now is the most normal, natural way to live…life prior to this was not normal, I was getting by as best I could but the quality of my life was nowhere near what it is now.

      1. The same goes for me Sandra, my life may have looked ‘normal’ but I had never questioned what ‘normal’ actually was. Turns out it was anything but and it took several years to unravel myself from the life of unhappiness that I had created. My life now is vital, free and based on love – and it feels very very normal!

      2. The reason our lives looked ‘normal’ was because we were living in the same way the majority of people were…stress, anxiety, illness, relationship issues and low self worth are very common but we now know that they are not ‘normal’ and that it is very possible to live a different way, and how to deal with issues and challenges when they present – which they will.

  125. This reminds me, I must try and hunt down some old photos of me eleven or so years ago, I’m a living miracle also, people that know me now would be amazed at the difference.

  126. Thank you Susie, when I come back to your article this reminds me what an awesome transformation I have made myself since I know Serge Benhayon and to appreciate this.

  127. Thank you Susie for highlighting the miracles that we as students are, by simply choosing to live the love we are.

  128. As Susie’s blog and the comments have described, true miracles “are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices”. If we raised our children with the awareness of the effect of their choices, then what we now call ‘true miracles’ would become the norm!

  129. Thanks Suzie for highlighting the amazing transformations that are occuring within the student body of The Ageless Wisdom

  130. Absolutely, Ariana. To live in connection to our Soul opens up a new and true way of being that brings love and joy beyond our wildest dreams, and it feels like a miracle every day because it is everything we knew deep inside us that life could truly be. And the best bit is to share it with others, knowing they are from exactly the same source.

  131. To accept that behind everything is energy is a miracle. Yes, we can accept it scientifically, but to really accept this is enormous. It allows you to experience and live life completely different. My body has creaked and cracked as it has released the energy that was not meant to be there. as you said Ariana, connection is what causes change.

    1. Beautifully said, Matthew. Clearing the old ways and behaviours out of the body that have been entrenched for years is miraculous, and creates space for the amazing divinity that was always there to shine out.

  132. When we choose to love ourselves, to fully appreciate and honour our exquisiteness, our bodies love us back and reveal what has always been there. We have kept our true selves obscured as we’ve chosen, through our previous choices, to keep ourselves small and to dull our shining light.

  133. The amazing changes that I, and the many other Students of The Livingness, have made are miracles but at the same time it is a paradox as the choices that brought about the changes are in truth common sense. If our starting point was/is from this level of common sense what miracles would/will next occur?

    1. Seeing you Jonathan and your beautiful wife Rowena on my recent trip to England was so inspiring. When I look at the before photos of you and then seeing how amazing you both look now is very powerful proof of how making loving choices pays off. Living the Way of the Livingness is worth it on all levels imaginable, and has definitely worked for all who are willing to make the change for themselves.

  134. Touched by how normal miracles have become, as my awareness of life and what is going on around me has heightened. Then there is the balance of appreciating these miracles in full without making them any more grand than our normal. Thank you, Susie.

  135. It’s as if the word miracles has been bastardised to mean attaining or becoming something that is not possible, or at least only available to an exclusive few. What the students of the Way of the Livingness are showing every day consistently so, is that miracles are available to us all if we make choices that are honouring and truly loving of ourselves. It’s in fact so simple — nothing exclusive, unattainable or mystical about witnessing everyday amazing miracles every day.

  136. There are more miracles too in the way members of the Universal Medicine student body approach ill health conditions when they do occur, as they surely will. I’ve met several students with new, persistent or even what we might call acute health conditions and you would never know, such is their dedication to living in harmony with their bodies and with great honesty and responsibility. I’m also one who falls into the category of someone with a new and persistent health condition but have a level of health and vitality that means the average person would never guess it so. That too is a miracle ~ and I attribute all I have learnt to Universal Medicine.

  137. Carolien thank you for bringing this to our attention – the true nature of miracles and the fact they are not only available to us all but that they are taking place left, right and centre within and outside the Universal Medicine student body, as they have with you. We should be studied!

  138. As I shared with a group recently, it is a miracle, for me, that I now actively engage with stocking my wardrobe because I am the one who knows how a certain garment or pair of shoes feels for me. Previously I was living with a level of disregard that meant I did not particularly care what I wore as long as my wife said it looked good on me and she had bought it for me in the first place.

    While this certainly doesn’t ‘part the seas’ with a wow factor, it is truly miraculous for me that my renewed level of self care has brought me back to a far deeper understanding and appreciation of who I am. This has been made possible for me by the reflections of Serge Benhayon and all at Universal Medicine.

    1. I agree completely, Greg. To change a pattern of behaviour that has been the case for most, if not all of your life, and be liberated from it so as to find a new way of living and expressing, is nothing short of a miracle and can bring so much joy.

    2. That’s awesome Greg. Everyday, quieter miracles are no less than the larger than life ones. One might say they are more so because they reflect real and beautiful change in real and beautiful people.

    3. Go Greg! it is so confirming of our magnificence when we dress up! As so many of us men used to pride ourselves on being unkempt, it is a miracle to develop such a caring and self loving way of being. It is also a joy to be around other well groomed people at Universal Medicine events – nothing over the top and showy, but it often feels like a celebration just being there.

  139. As a student of the Way of the Livingness I too feel that I am a living miracle. If you had met me thirteen years ago you would be astounded at how different I am today . I was so blind to what was going on around me then as I was trapped in my own little self created world of hurt and protection. This world was so full of ideas and judgments of how I should be and how the world should be, that I could not see what was actually happening and what could be. Frustration was my constant companion. Thank God for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for pointing me back in the right direction so I can now live in a way that knows that it is up to me to take responsibility for my choices in thought, deed and action to change the way I view life. I change it did!

    1. Thank God for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for pointing me back in the right direction. I now know that it is up to me to take responsibility for my choices in thought, deed and action in order to make change possible. And change I did!

  140. Beautifully expressed Susie, I have been witness to many ‘true miracles’ within the student body as well over many years. It is deeply inspiring to feel and see the amazing choices people are making with the love and support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

    1. So true Anna, this is beautifully expressed Susie. I too have witness amazing changes in people in the student body who come from many different backgrounds and differing life experiences. I have witnessed the ‘true miracle’ of people once lost to the world of partying and drug taking coming back to themselves and making new choices that have changed their lives and the lives of all who meet them. I have witnessed people coming back from a lifetime of exhaustion and depression who are now able to work and interact with life in ways and with the energy that they could never have previously imagined. I have witnessed mothers who had compromised and accommodated all others at the expense of their own health who have been able to reclaim themselves as a woman first and been able to inspire others to care for themselves in such a way that they can naturally care for others without sacrificing their own health. I have witnessed people who were so hurt that they found it hard to be anything other than angry or sad, blossom into the full expression of who they are, astounding everyone with their wisdom and their love of humanity. I could go on and on for each person who claims themself as a Student of The Way of the Livingness has an amazing story of where they have come from to where they are today. All these stories are as Susie says ‘true miracles’

      1. Me too, kathleenbaldwin. And amazing to witness these changes it is. When the world comes to appreciate this and accept it’s possible, there will be no turning back – for us all! What Universal Medicine offers is true social work in action.

      2. Beautifully said, Kathleen. Such transformations are miraculous and are now commonplace within the student body. Each person’s story is a unique example of the power of love when it is chosen wholeheartedly.

  141. Susie I couldn’t agree more with what you have shared in your blog. I can see so many people turning their lives around’ since connecting to the Presentations of
    Serge Benhayon’s and Universal Medicine. I too am slowly but surely making positive changes in how I live my Life with many more to come. Thank You.


  142. So so true Susie! I have watched also these miracles right before my eyes in fact I am one such miracle! My life has changed immensely since attending Universal Medicine. I have been blown away seeing so many positive healthy changes in many if not all the people who regularly attend the Universal Medicine presentations. What is happening here is extraordinary- as the world around us gets more sicker and more intense we are getting younger, lighter and defiantly more joyful and playful, we are my no means perfect and we are all evolving in our varying degrees but there is a definite continuity in how much so many people have changed their lives around- Yes Susie true miracles for sure.

    1. Well said, Samanatha. The feeling of joy is common in the student body because there is a celebration of returning to a way of being and a love we have sought high and low for, and found it deep within.

    2. Beautifully said samanthaengland – I love how you just claim being a miracle, me too!
      The Universal Medicine presentations offers a complete game changer in life.

      1. So am I a miracle?!
        Looks like Universal Medicine is a ‘miracle producer’ – but it is not. It just supports the true miracles to come out of their hiding. And Universal Medicine does that very well : ).

    3. Yes, Samanthaengland, it brings so much joy to see everyone amazingly blossom to the gorgeous being they truly are. There are some students I don’t see for months, maybe a year or more and then when I see them I go wow — their true light shines through stronger and stronger. The student body of Universal Medicine is reversing the trend on ageing extraordinarily so, and that is a huge miracle.

      1. Katerina I have experienced this also. I will not see someone for a while and then WOW there they are again. Even shinier, sexier, truly vital. It is miraculous. 🙂

    4. Wow, Samanthaengland, I so relate to what you have said. I also am one of those miracles with such a more joyful, playful, love-filled life. It is available for all of us who are willing to make the choices that allow for this. And yes, we are not perfect, always a work in progress.

  143. Yes Susie we have been sold short with having miracles assigned to ‘parting the red sea’ or ‘walking on water’. This stops us from recognising the everyday miracles that we can have under our very noses and deepening our understanding of the intimate relationship we have with them. The before and after photos of the students of the Way of the Livingness are immensely inspiring, not only because how much more attractive the people look, but because of the quality of life they are having which is acutely obvious when you look in their eyes.

    1. What is truly inspiring about the above miracles is what can be felt is that they had no goal to change the way the looked but rather they had commitment to change the way they live and from that change in quality of life it so naturally unfolded that the quality of their bodies too amplified

      1. Yes Oliver, it is as Susie has written a natural by-product and has never been the goal, it is just living love.

      2. Well Said Oliver – really great point. For when we limit ourselves to changing the way we look no benefit occurs. Looking at the way we live and treat ourselves and others day to day our bodies will naturally change into what is true. And that looks so sexy! I feel totally inspired by age after witnessing the elder UniMed students living with vitality and vigor.

      3. Hmm, interesting and at a time when so much money is being spent on cosmetic surgery

      4. Yes, so many people either seeking to look younger, slimmer, fitter, etc, or people have just given up as it just seems too hard…and so us, as students of the Way of the Livingness, seem ‘too good to be true’ because we look and feel so great…and it’s just a byproduct of the way we live. It’s just too simple!

      5. That’s the great thing, we make changes to the way we live and love ourselves that allows the true healing to take place in our body.

      6. I can testify to that Oliver, my commitment to change the way I lived had nothing to do with size and shape, nor was I in poor health. Life just didn’t FEEL right. Now it does, and my body has simply gone back to its natural shape, as I have gone back to my natural playfulness.

    2. Yes Golnaz the change that has taken place in these peoples lives is so obviously clear when you look into the eyes in these before and after photos.

    3. Golnaz that is a great point that the distortion of miracles stops us from recognising these everyday cosmetic surgery free, photo shopped free, real life inside out transformations.

    4. I agree with you Golnaz, the everyday miracles that are happening with the students of the Way of the Livingness are so important for others to see and feel. What a shame the media do not share this with humanity. It is up to us to show it wherever we go, just by the gorgeous vibrancy in our eyes and how walk and move our bodies.

  144. Absolute gold Susie! The individual transformations that students of The Way of The Livingness have undergone are indeed “…extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency”.

  145. What better illustration of a true miracle than the photos presented here. People do look as if they are aging backwards. And knowing that all this vitality is within our reach is so powerful. Thank you for a great blog.

    1. I agree Patricia they do look as if they are ageing backwards. For me personally a saw a friend of a friend for the first time for four years the other day. She looked at me quite stunned and said Simon, you look completely different, even your face has changed totally. I would’t have recognised you. Have you had a makeover? I had to laugh out loud but it does confirm how miraculous our lives are becoming. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and our taste and commitment to truth, we are natural makeover miracles!

      1. Exactly, Simon, and I wonder when someone is going to cotton on the fact that there are countless examples of ‘natural makeover miracles’ in the student body that the world needs to know about.

      2. That’s great Simon, it cannot be denied; the Way of the Livingness works, and living a committed life, aligned to truth helps us look more vibrant an alive than ever. I had people trying to tell me my diet without dairy and gluten was not good for me, but they could not deny that I look very well indeed.

      3. Even better Simon and Patricia, is when you read the stories of their health and well-being, and how they so often have turned around chronic illness and pain or have learned to live fully despite a diagnosis of disease, all this through making simple lifestyle changes, and addressing underlying destructive or undermining patterns of behaviour and thinking. It’s truly miraculous, totally natural, and equally accessible for anyone.

      4. ‘accessible to everyone’…that’s the great part for me Annie, we can all make those changes if we want to.

      5. That’s awesome Simon and just proves that people truly can not only see, but feel, the difference from the choices made to live a joyful and loving life. That is a true miracle.

      6. Love that Simon – makeover miracles, letting the way we live shine right through our bodies, our eyes and our hearts – who can resist the sight of love walking down the street.

    2. We sure are ageing backwards the sooner professionals start studying us the better, we have much to share and it is all thanks to the living example of Serge Benhayon who has never shyed away from sharing what is possible. Miracles and much much more!

      1. I agree Vanessa, so many within the student represent absolute miracles in just how enormously they have changed themselves and their lives through seeing and feeling the living example of Serge Benhayon. They are also now living that joyful and fulfilling way.

      2. Vanessa is this is such a great point. Professionals from all areas, science, social and health should be studying Universal Medicine Students very closely. Truly miraculous.

    3. When you look at the eyes in those photos, the ‘before’ ones look heavy and dull, as if the weight of the world is on them. The change in the ‘after’ ones is stunning, that gorgeous vibrancy is there for all to see, and there too for all to claim themselves should they choose.

      1. Yes, the photos ,especially the eyes reveal the truth of how people are living before and after Universal Medicine. So many peoples’ lives have been transformed- and are living testament that “miracles ” can be the norm and do happen.

      2. The after eyes shows us a vitality that is not seen that much in adults, but is there in young children. This makes it clear for me that we are ageing backwards, returning to be the child that we started of with in this life.

    4. Patrica. What a wonderful transformation all of the people in the photographs, from then to now. That is what I would call a miracle.

      1. Yes Mike, and the transformation is the natural beauty and lightness that was always inside just being allowed to shine out.

  146. The reflections back from comments that people make about the student body are not only what is seen but also what is felt. People feel the presence of something that is inexplicable but it’s the magical magnetic pull of the soul.

    1. Very true Matthew. It is not just how people look but their quality that stands out too, a very naturally open, vital quality that definitely stands out in this world.

  147. These pictures of people before and well into Universal Medicine speak for themselves – one only need to look at their, our eyes: there is actually somebody home there, and very much so!

  148. Great blog Susie, these are just three examples of people who have changed their life around, but we know of hundreds more, and as you have stated the elderly within the student body do not seem to be presenting the stereotypical idea of what an elderly person should look like, especially when it comes to health and vitality. In this day and age this is in itself is a miracle.

  149. Beautiful blog Susie. We all have the power to create our own miracles. It is not a power given out to a select few, we all have the same power and capacity to create what can be “attributed to a divine agency”.

    1. Well said, nikkimckee. When we allow ourselves to connect to that divine agency within us, we see life in a completely different way, and that’s when the miracles become ‘the norm’ in our everyday.

  150. I was in a religious education class the other day, when I saw posters on the walls the kids had drawn about the definition of parables and miracles – it made me stop and think of this blog and the many miracles I have seen and experience in my life everyday – what if we all were to know the truth and were taught “to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.”

    1. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have ‘The miracle of you being you’ as part of the religious education in schools. So children grow up knowing how precious they are, a gift for all, each and every one and something to be treasured, not to be taken for granted.

      1. Yep that would be cool or sharing in class miracles that have happened that week.

  151. Susie, this is a beautiful wisdom you have shared with us here. That miracles are for one and all equally and are actually quite simple and not at all mysterious or mumbo jumbo as you say, they are however magical and should never be dismissed.

  152. I too have noticed these miracles Susie – people who look years younger, with sparkly eyes, shiny hair and glowing skin, bodies that are real, curvaceous or slim, who live with purpose and who love life. Ageing never looked so good!

  153. What is a miracle?
    Miracles for me are the little realisations I have every day that allow my understanding of myself to expand and grow, and therefore evolve.
    My body is a living miracle also, and it talks to me all of the time, I am only just realising just how much it talks to me. That in itself is a miracle, because without these miracles we would remain in the pain and despair of what human life has become.
    My body is connected to God and nature and everyone else on the planet so what I do, say and think affects everyone, so if I accept my miracles and how awesome they are then everyone feels the joy of that too.

  154. A beautiful sharing with us all Susie – speaking as a student of this life and having attended several presentations and modalities offered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – taking back responsibility and committing to make those self loving choices is a beautiful natural anti ageing ingredient to life. No botox or fillers required, no nips and tucks and hefty bills required. Seeing all those other students of life “ageing backwards” is so inspiring – there are no secrets how they do it as you express so beautifully; “simply live love and make choices based on what you feel to be true”.

  155. What a wonderful reminder Susie that we are indeed challenging the idea of ‘normal’ by the way that we live. Throughout these comments have been dotted examples of what living as an esoteric student has meant for each individual – each example in itself a miracle. Turning the ageing process on its head, finding vast amounts of energy previously unavailable to us, a joy in us so strong that we cannot but smile warmly at everyone who passes us by…the list goes on. We are indeed miracles and nurturing ourselves with this awareness only helps to confirm and develop the miracle that we are living each and every day.

  156. “Instead, the students look younger, more vital and fresher faced; they are living in their natural body shapes (whereas often as we age our bodies become less fit and can disfigure, age or weight-wise), and they also have become more joy-full and play-full… In other words they seem to be aging backwards!” Miracles indeed, and I include myself here!

  157. A gorgeous eulogy to this way of living, with love Susie. You sum it up perfectly and we can see in the pictures how these miracles work. Reading what you share theres a feeling in me that living focused on self must be very toxic for us indeed. Its miraculous to me that we are given the grace to see past this way and make a new choice.

    1. I agree, Joseph. We can be trapped in illusion for lifetimes and not see the wood for the trees, so to let go and open up to life and love is the greatest gift, and transforms our experiences of being here. To start choosing a way of life that no longer is focused on self and protecting our hurts is liberating and indeed miraculous.

  158. Miracles we all are definitely! Choosing to step out of the brainwashed way of life and into our own way of actually living and healing ourselves.

  159. I could not help but add this – This article is written by a young women who I personally know, and who recently I connected with in an embrace of hello. In this greeting I connected with a wise and all-knowing and deeply mature women who felt well beyond her years and who expressed as in this article in a way I do not ever hear young women speak. The fact of all of this is, including how deep and well this article is written, from such a young women with such appreciating is a true miracle.

  160. Everyday miracles due to loving choices. I love this. I am continuing to choose love on a daily basis and my life is joyful and miraculous. I look forward to each new step.

  161. Beautiful Susie and I see living miracles every time I meet a student of the Way of the Livingness. There are so many people who have before and after stories like you have shown here. These people are absolutely living miracles.

  162. Thank you Susie, I love how you’ve shown how accessible miracles are to all of us, simply through our daily choices. I know the changes that I’ve been inspired to make in my life from presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are truly miraculous.

  163. Thank you Susie, being a student of The Way of the Livingness has allowed me to live and experience miracles everyday to the point that it has become a normal part of my life. this has also allowed me a deeper appreciation of the choices I have made and the quality of being I choose to live in.

  164. Brilliant Susie. One of the greatest blessings I’ve welcomed into my life since being a student of Universal Medicine, is the knowing and experience of true miracles occurring every day. Miracles are most certainly not for the ‘chosen few’, as you’ve astutely shared here, but are accessible to anybody.
    It is an absolute miracle that I live in such an amazing, loving relationship that is committed in absoluteness for the rest of our lifetime, for example. An absolute miracle that my doctor tells me that my body is, after an extensive testing assessment, that of a woman 10 years or so younger than my chronological age… that if he looked at my tests without the birthdate, that’s where he’d assess me as being age-wise. There is a miracle in a music student trusting her own expression on the piano completely, when ‘everyday communication’ is extremely difficult.
    We don’t celebrate the miracles in our everyday enough – not nearly enough. And the false ideologies you’ve called out here so well, and our adherence to them, are what is responsible for this – all designed to keep us feeling less than deserving of the hand of the divine’s intimate involvement in our everyday life.
    Great blog Susie, thank-you.

    1. Seems to me that the more I celebrate the miracles around me , the more come my way…or is it just that I am increasingly aware of them….or does it even matter, I’ll just continue to celebrate what is re-writing my ‘normal’

  165. Have we found the fountain of youth, or some kind of magic time machine to reverse aging? Could it just be, that by choosing to honour our bodies we can reverse some of the things we have done to age it?

  166. Wow, you said it all with your words and the pictures, Susie! The students of the Way of the Livingness each are a living miracle. You could put any student who is making the self-loving choices and makes their life about love with their before and after photo’s in your article. This is something that should make the world stop, consider and study. How come we are going against what is called ‘normal’ these days?

  167. Students of Universal Medicine living their glory. It is miraculous but is becoming the new normal.

  168. Susie I have been reflecting recently about the students of The Way of The Livingness. There are many, many things about them that stand out for me but I am blown away by the wisdom that comes through them and the huge variety of ways that they express this wisdom. I have read so many articles written by the students recently and am continually struck by the way that they are evolving and by sharing their insights and knowledge, in turn, support every body else to evolve equally. It is the way that life should be lived, each of us constantly giving another a leg up.

  169. Miracles used to be – for me – fantastical events that happened to other people who were special in some way – with magical powers. Now I also know that “True Miracles are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices.” I too have experienced and witnessed others having miracles – now a normal part of everyday living, which all comes down to choices, as you say. Very cool!

  170. Susie, I think the pictures confirm exactly what you have been saying – we can all perform miracles if we make the right choices in how we are living.

    1. Yes, miracles are made in the everyday choices we make – they are normal.

  171. Theses people do represent that fact that miracles occur but also that they are normal. We have been lead to believe that, as you say Suzie, miracles are something ‘out there’ or unreachable. The truth is by simply chosing love modern day miracles do occur. By recognising who we truly are therefore able to call out what we are not, we can begin to let this go and allow our formor glory shine through for all to see.

  172. Thank you Carolien for sharing, I love your line, we must be ageing backwards !

  173. What an inspiring blog. The pictures tell all. Aging is a beautiful process when each day offers the confirming miracle of reflecting how I live.

  174. Susie this is so true… I was certainly led to believe that so-called miracles are a phenomenon that is inexplicable if we are to apply the laws of physical life, therefore to ‘perform a miracle’ must require extra-ordinary powers (which as you say, we as ordinary people don’t have). They were a fanciful story in which the miracle is so far removed from anything we can believe that it is relegated to fantasy… such as the ‘parting of the Red Sea’. Nothing in me actually believed this to be a true story, and so miracles for me, were fantasy, or out of my realm to deliver… as an ‘ordinary person’.
    It makes no sense there is even a word for something that isn’t real… as in, why have the word miracle, if there is no such thing as one other than by the examples we associate them by that we know aren’t real. We know examples such as Jesus walking on water, or Moses parting the Red Sea are symbolic and not real.
    What you’ve shared about those inspired by the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and the phenomenal changes that have taken place, makes miracles accessible and real, everyday possibilities. THAT makes sense to me. Why create a word for something that isn’t real… unless it IS real, but we’ve allowed it to be re-interpreted so we don’t recognise the real thing, when it’s under our noses.

    1. Well said, Jenny, it is amazing how many things are bastardised to disempower us from feeling the truth of them. We have been robbed of the real meaning of ‘miracles’ for so long, but Universal Medicine (and now Susie’s blog) are setting the records straight so that miracles are becoming a natural part of our daily lives again.

    2. Absolutely Jenny and Janet. For eons we have had the meaning of many words and concepts changed so that they appear separate from, and often out of reach, of human beings, while they are in effect the fabric of who we are. God, religion and miracles are some obvious examples.

  175. These miracles occur everyday. I guess the question is, are we willing to see them?

    1. If you don’t go in a second hand hand shop you will never find a bargain. If you don’t believe you are a son of god you will never find a miracle.

  176. Beautiful article, Susie! What I would call usual miracle. The way you described how students of Universal Medicine are going against the trend is solid and empowering. I saw those transformations myself and I do know that miracles are real, anyone can be the miracle if we choose so.

    1. Absolutely Elena! It’s super empowering to see the students of Universal Medicine going against the trend and bringing ‘normal’ back. And you are a shining example of this!

  177. Susie thank you for a very simple but powerful sharing, Inspiring me to make more of a commitment to making self Loving choices in all areas of my Life.

  178. The pictures say it all. No dieting, no fads, no plastic surgery, no pills, no extreme methods just changing lifestyle choices to self-care, self-love, taking responsibility for their lives, choices and actions and that’s it. Simple. WOW this should go into a woman’s magazine! What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offer is an enormous support to anyone willing to make changes within their lives and they provide an amazing reflection to all of ……’yes there is a more loving way to live’ : )

    1. Good question Luke. It seems that right now we are currently living such a long way away from who we truly are, hence all the dis – ease in the world, which is growing at a frightening rate. The way of living, as taught by Universal Medicine, is somewhat of a miracle for all of us who have chosen to change our lives and re-connect back to who we naturally are. However, this way of living IS who we naturally are and SHOULD be the norm. It’s scary how far we have ventured away from our natural selves and the craziest part about it is it actually takes a lot of effort to NOT be our loving selves.

      1. Agree Alison. Until recently I didn’t realise that it takes a lot of energy to not be ourselves. I always thought “i’ve always been this way and it is easy”. But i’ve discovered that it is difficult to be uncaring, unnurturing and blunt.

        You have to be miserable to be uncaring.
        You have to be in constant discomfort to be un-nurturing
        You have to in constant anxiousness and stress to be blunt.

  179. Suzie, what you say is the absolute truth. There are countless people who have become more healthy and vital and appear much younger since attending Universal Medicine. Proof that we can indeed create our own miracles.

  180. Awesome Suzie, “true (living) miracles are the results of choices”, I love the simplicity you’ve brought to the phenomena of miracles and have seen at first hand the miracles that Universal Medicine inspires. Making more loving and healthy choices in their everyday lives couldn’t be more plain to see or feel from these illustrations!

  181. The pictures are incredible, in a way it shows that students of the Way of the Livingness are growing younger and more vital each day. There is a very marked difference, firstly from those I know, how they have changed, and also when you look at society as a whole. These are true miracles.

  182. Thanks Susie, the pictures say it all, ‘By choosing to make loving choices in their daily lives, they are transcending the ‘norm’, so what is happening right before our eyes are in fact TRUE MIRACLES’. Simply by choosing to live love miracles are a natural by product.

  183. Susie, thanks for bring our attention to the fact that miracles are happening around us all of the time and even in our own lives. I can say that how I have turned my life around through making different choice is truly miraculous. I now feel healthier, fitter, and more energetic in my 50s than I did in my 30s. I used to look forward to my retirement when I could stop working. Now I am really enjoying my job and know I want to continue working beyond retirement age. Why stop when I’m having so much fun? For me to be able to write this is a miracle indeed.

  184. So true Susie. The Before and After Project says it all about the health and well being benefits of studying with Universal Medicine. In fact, next time someone expresses an interest in Universal Medicine I will direct them to the Before and After Photos.

  185. What is there to say here other than the pictures tell it all! Thank you Susie Williams.

    1. Yes bernadetteglass, the amazing pictures say it all. It’s impossible to not notice the difference. And it’s not a miracle for us; it is what happens when we make more self loving choices for ourselves and align to truth and commit to life in full.

      1. True Esther, it’s the choices I make in every moment that reflects in my body and hence the photos. Am I choosing love and commitment to myself and therefore to life ? Thank you Esther.

  186. In ‘The Way of the Livingness’ I found not a doctrine nor rules to follow, but a return to living in way that deeply honours and supports me in every way, and also extends this depth of honour, support and understanding to every single fellow human being. Part of it has been to deepen my awareness. Now I see that in effect miracles happen everywhere. From the butterfly that dances around, to the shape of the clouds, to the healing of a wound, to my feeling nauseous when I have eaten the wrong food, to catching the sparkle in someones’s eye, to hearing or reading just the right message at the right time, I have found that life is full of miracles, I simply need to open up and engage with it more.
    Witnessing the changes in the students of the Way of the Livingness, it has been amazing and delightful to see the reversal of trends and disproving of common beliefs. All of this shows that miracles are not the exception, but the natural way of life. The more we return to living as we know is true in our innermost, the more we will naturally witness miracles in our life and all around us.

    1. Beautiful, Golnaz. I can feel the wonder and awe you experience in response to the everyday miracles that occur all around you, not as something far fetched but in ordinary situations and interactions with people.

      1. I agree Janet, I feel wonder and awe with this piece of writing, an opening in me to how life is a miracle, yet with a purpose, to live so much more than our existence supports.

  187. There is the saying “the miracle of life”. Yet so much of the way life is does not feel miraculous. So when i see and feel a genuine warm smile and eyes that meet you for who you are it reminds me of what that saying means. It brings the simplicity to how miracles can be a part of everyday life if we choose. I agree with Susan that Universal Medicine has helped me to recognise the importance of bringing miracles back to life and through this, the incredible changes that many students have undergone

    1. Simone I love that you mentioned ‘genuine, warm smile(s).’ There is the miracle of people, who may never have met before, sharing a truly heartfelt smile that warms me up from inside out – surely confirmation that we are all equally united together. I love those moments. Everyday miracles that I’d have been too defensive to be aware of let alone appreciate prior to Universal Medicine.

  188. A miracle I experienced is working a full day, very physically, without getting tired because of really being present and not absorbing or being effected by the world around me. This was a recent experience; where is only two years ago, I was unable to do so due to a state of exhaustion (being effected by everything around me).

    1. So true Oliver. I find it a miracle that I can get up in the early hours of the morning and work a long day and be energised with this rhythm. A few years ago I would not have thought this ever possible and would have presumed it would lead to exhaustion.

  189. What a gorgeous blog Susie – it feel so much more empowering when we know that we can make miracles happen in our own life. Miracles are no longer mysterious and unworldly – in fact they are the opposite – they are daily occurrences that happen when we open ourselves up to the magic of God which like miracles is not exclusive to anyone but there for us all.

  190. Many people have told me how I look young and have stopped or slowed down ageing. I say that I look like what a ‘normal’ 39 year looks like and most people my age are actually looking older than they should. This is because I am making choices that are ‘normal’ to my body – living lovingly, which is the simple ordinariness of who we are.

    1. Jinya this is such a common story amongst the students of Universal Medicine that the ageing process has slowed down or even reversing. Now that is an everyday miracle, yet a miracle that we can all live by, choosing to make everyday self-loving choices.

    2. This is so true Jinya. I work in a busy spa, and I deal with many clients on a daily basis. I am very familiar with the way most people age and what we consider to be ‘normal’ for our age. What has struck me is the vast difference between what we have come to see as ‘normal’ and what I now know is possible through The Way of The Livingness.
      It is absolutely true that this way of life – The Way of The Livingness is re-defining the parameters of what our true normal is… and that the way of life that is common in society is something we have accepted but is so very far from normal.

      1. I absolutely agree Kylie. The difference in the bodies of those who have chosen to make self-loving choices, and those that haven’t, particularly as the body ages and the effect of our earlier choices is clearly seen, is phenomenal and should be studied. This calls into question many of our assumptions about our bodies and the ageing process.

      2. Kylie, I completely agree, being in the Health, Spa and hospitality industry I see the same people aging before their time. Through the support of Universal a Medicine, we have re-defined what normal is, which is forever evolving as The way of the Livingness is showing us miracle after miracle.

      3. Here, here Kylie and Jinya. What we accept as normal these days is killing us and our bodies look much the worse for it. The results of becoming a student of the The Way of the Livingness are plain for all to see, in our eyes, our skin, our vitality. We certainly are reversing the current trends and establishing a new normal. Simple choices that support our bodies, our hearts and our souls and shine for all to see.

      4. This is so true Kylie, ‘The way of the Livingness is re-defining the parameters of what our true normal is’, it is certainly my experience and looking at the photos on the ‘Before and After’ Project, this is undeniable and absolute.

      5. The reference point for what is “normal” seems to have been set at a place which is in fact not natural or normal. When living in a responsible way and making healthy lifestyle choices the “normal” is vastly different from a large part of society but one that is possible for all.

    3. This is the case for me too Jinya. People are often shocked when I tell them my age. I look at least 10 years younger than I actually am…if not more. This is due to my everday choices such as nutritious food and good quality sleep, but also I feel that as I drop a lot of my protection and issues that I used to carry my natural sweetness is emerging and this is what people see.

    4. I know exactly what you mean Jinya – it is funny how growing up people always thought I was older than I was and now they think I am much younger! The same is the case for many of the Students of the Way of the LIvingness, who over the years I have seen change and now they look younger than when I 1st met them.

  191. “True living miracles are the result of choices”
    “The choice to simply live love”
    This is beautiful Susie.
    To make a choice to live the love that we are thus having a reflection and ripple effect that this way of living has on all and every one, is “a true miracle right before our eyes ”
    as shown by these amazing pictures.

  192. Awesome blog Susie, it’s a great reminder that each and every one of us is capable of being a living miracle just by the choices we make in the way we live. These photos are living proof – it’s so amazing to see and feel the difference in the ‘after’ photos.

  193. What is a miracle is just one more for those words that has lost its meaning over time ‘is not explicable by natural or scientific laws”? 100 years ago man would fly? 50 years ago the cartoon strip Dick Tracy talking on his videophone watch. The Bumblebee still according to scientific laws should not be able to fly. As you have said Carolien we the students of the way of the livingness are walking talking true miracles not waiting for scientific laws to catch up with us.

  194. I love that, Susie, miracles being what happens when we commit to loving ourselves and serving humanity, and living every day present with ourselves, and simply. Letting go of all the old beliefs about ageing is a start, yet accepting the natural processes of our bodies as we become older. It reveals how it is the quality of energy we live from that brings about the miracles, not trying to remain and look young. Looking at the photos the significant thing is the light and clarity in their eyes, and the openness and vibrancy in their faces; it is coming from a lived quality of energy and is not for show, but real.

  195. Miracles are born everyday from our own choice to return to the love we all bestow within and that is simply beautiful. Returning to the love we are that is a lovely miracle. Thank you Susie.

  196. Dear Susie, this is very inspiring. It gives the word “miracle” back to the people, and reclaims the power we all have to live miraculously, taking it back from the disempowering way it’s presented through institutionalised religion. I’m surprised some religions haven’t actually trademarked the word since its bartered like a commodity, bestowed upon situations and people only by their authority. Your writing has restored it as something that belongs to everyone equally, and is something that is achievable by all through love.

  197. Thanks Susie for sharing this great blog and reimprinting how the word miracle has been used. Miracles are a natural event through our day it is our choice to be aware of the miraculous life we are offered to live.

  198. I feel you get to the core of the issue of the exclusiveness of miracles in this statement, Suzie: “Could miracles relate in some way, if we so choose, to every person, not just a few ‘chosen-ones’ throughout history?”
    If everyone does indeed have access to miracles, and to the blessing of God, this then makes redundant those who hold themselves as the exclusive arbiters of God’s Love and Will i.e. it renders redundant institutionalised religions.
    Hence why Jesus had to be ‘done away with,’ so to speak: he was cutting out the middle man ( religions ) and that middle man is singularly resistant to such action!
    Your article confirms what Jesus taught precisely.

    1. ‘utting out the middle man’ I love it Coleen.

      How empowering is it to know and feel that we have that direct connection for ourselves, and have the continual reminder from Serge to just go ahead and choose it.

  199. It’s great to blow the lid on what has been considered a miracle. Miracles occur around us all of the time.

    1. They do Oliver, ‘True Miracles are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices, and really what the students of The Way of the Livingness are doing is not miraculous or difficult; they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self.’ There are hundreds of examples of miracles from people who choose to live love.

      1. It seems to me that there are two ends to the ‘miracle acceptance’ spectrum. Those who discount what their choices have brought as ‘just good luck’ and those who hold them as really special as in the out the normal sense of miracles.

        I agree with you Lorraine what I am noticing is ‘Simply by choosing to live love miracles are a natural by product.’….. and what a de~light~filled new normal it is too which I celebrate as being the way life can now flow, should I choose.

  200. I recall as a child going to some religious classes and discussing with the pastor and the other children about miracles – the parting the waters, the birth of jesus etc it was all the BIG things that were talked about. And I recall suggesting that miracles can happen every day, that it does not have to be something that is ‘out of the ordinary’ or ‘seemingly impossible’, rather it is about how we choose to perceive things and how we can see miracles around us all the time. Miracles are normal… and awesome – and we are the most normal of all these miracles around us. There is much for us to appreciate in this.

  201. Thanks Susie, it’s true the changes we can make by living love are miraculous.

  202. Love that Ariana – “… love that I am choosing my tomorrow by my choices today.” That’s a quote for the fridge for sure!

  203. Thank you Susie! This reminds me to reflect and appreciate the miracles that have occurred in my life and those I have observed of the friends at Universal Medicine. Absolutely as a result of making loving choices. 10 years ago it was suggested I would be institutionalised with bi-polar and on heavy medication for the rest of life. I haven’t taken any medication for 4 years and am contributing positively to a full time challenging job, with a young family – never perfect, aways refining; I laugh with glee when I look in the mirror and see a gorgeous woman reflected back to be who is soon to turn 50 and does not look it at all! It’s a miracle!

  204. I seen many miracles in my life and in others lives. It, for me, is recognizing them and appreciating them for what they are. True miracles.

  205. There really are miracles happening constantly around us and in our own lives. We just need to open our eyes to see they are not just for the elite or enlightened. It is the little things that are miracles (like a shy person having the confidence to speak) but when we appreciate them like they are big things the loveliness of life keeps growing before our eyes. It has been an honour to have watched so many students of Universal Medicine blossom over the years.

  206. I can categorically declare that the way my life is today, is a miracle for the changes I have been able to make were made with the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  207. When I previously thought of a miracle I related it to something outlandish and unbelievable like walking on water, but that just takes me away from a miracle being tangible, which it actually is. Everyday occurrences have the ability to be miraculous, just like the changes we see in the before and after pictures of Universal Medicine students. Great examples of miracles happening that are clearly measurable when we open our eyes to see and feel.

  208. Beautiful Susie! It reminds me again to not take anything for granted but to see the miracles that happened in my life and in the life of others. Truly amazing!

  209. Susie, it is a FACT that our lives are indeed miracles unfolding before people’s eyes. I have recently deepened in my appreciation of this as I was made aware by a stranger who, based on my history (which I shared) could not fathom how I got to where I now am in my life. It is the simple, everyday miracle of LOVE that has (and continues to) transformed my life from the inside out and, as you shared, countless of other students of the Way of the Livingness.

  210. So true Susie! Your blog and the before and after photos are true miracles that are happening naturally around us all the time – whenever we choose, in any moment, love.

  211. Miracles are normal. What is not normal is our inability to see and appreciate them in the every part of our every day. We hale and revere things as ‘miraculous’ only because we have departed from the wisdom and the knowing (Divinity) of the simple truth of all things. WE are the miracles that we are waiting to be blessed by! They are not reserved for the chosen ones, but they are a result of our choices. Did we choose love or did we not?

    1. I love that Liane: miracles are the result of CHOICES, not something just for the “Chosen” ones. Words are awesome!
      I totally agree that WE are the miracles.

  212. Thank you Susie for your blog and for posing the question “What then would miracles look like if they were true?” It feels to me and I agree it would seem that miracles as such are natural and true when we accept that God’s grace is behind the ‘miraculous’ recovery, healing, reconnection etc. For myself, from my own experience I know that I have been graced by God’s love as my body begins to heal the wounds of many lifetimes of loveless behaviour and disregard -I am ‘walking’ again and without constant pain – that for myself is a miracle.

  213. Thank you for sharing Susie, miracles really are not exclusive to a chosen few, these pictures are true miracles, people who have turned their lives around and are living a life full of vitality, you can see a sparkle in their eyes and a brightness in their faces that is not there in the pictures before Universal Medicine.

    1. Alison, that’s the true miracle the brightness and sparkle in the eyes, the joy on the face. The photos speak for themselves, that they are living a life full of true vitality. What an inspiration.

  214. You know what’s so wonderful about this Susie is that you’re confirming that miracles can occur in anyone’s lives, right here today in the 21st century and in modern life. Miracles are not reserved for anyone special, or from any particular background or culture. What the students of The Way of the Livingness represent is that miracles occur as a result of the choices we make to live with Love. It’s as simple as that!

  215. I absolutely whole heartedly agree Susie witnessing people age in the students body of the Way of the Livingness is like watching time reverse and vitality and gorgeousness step through. It really is amazing and like you said not reserved for a few special people but rather anyone who wants to make the choices to live in a way that is about quality of action and love the focus, it really is miraculous.

  216. True miracles occurring “Instead, the students look younger, more vital and fresher faced; they are living in their natural body shapes” It is great how you highlight their ‘natural body shapes”, in society we are often sold what is the ‘perfect’ body shape, seeking it is often unattainable and questionable concerning our health. It is so powerful to share the suggestion that we can all be our own body shape naturally. I can feel that, I am finding my own shape and it feels just right, without the pressure to conform to any suggested ideal.

    1. I totally agree Samantha, we come in all shapes and sizes and most of us don’t fit the so called perfect bodies that are plastered over billboards Tv and magazines, so it is important to embrace our own natural body shape.

    2. I have found this too Samantha, ‘I am finding my own shape and it feels just right, without the pressure to conform to any suggested ideal.’ After spending years not being happy with my body shape, trying various diets and always feeling like a failure because I didn’t achieve the shape I was aiming for, I now feel that I am much more my natural shape, and this is without any dieting or trying to look a certain way, it has just happened naturally through looking after myself.

  217. Hi Susie, a picture paints a thousand words as they ,these photographs reveal the truth as does your blog! Aging relates to how we live – with or without love in our body.

  218. Susie, that is pure genius what you are writing. When I started reading I wondered how you would explain miracles and when I saw how you did it, it is such a great idea. Yes, each one of the before and after photos is a miracle. A true miracle.

    Well done!

  219. Thank you Susie for sharing your insights into what Miracles really are!

  220. Susie what a wonderful blog and bringing back the truth of miracles. I have miracles everyday in my life it’s the way God plays with us.

    1. Miracles – ‘the way God plays with us’. Love it Simone and totally agree, sometimes I just laugh out loud at others, it feels like a smile in my heart

  221. What a joyfull celebration of the Students of the Livingness! Everyday miracles by everyday people doing the most miraculous things! Making choices to live a life full of life and love. Thank you for your sharing Susie.

  222. Thank you Susie, true miracles i find are in the most simplest of things that i have often dismissed or ignored as nothing. Yet the more i allow for simplicity in my own life, the more i am seeing and feeling that miracles are happening all the time all around me – and I am one big walking miracle!!

  223. Right into our everydays, Susie, you have brought the miracles that abound around us. Turning back the apparently relentless clock of aging is a beautiful tribute to the Way of the Livingness. Thank you.

  224. “true (living) miracles are the results of choices” what a profound statement Susie, and it speaks volumes. The daily choices we make are what we live, and if these choices are deeply caring for self, which comes from taking responsibility, then that is a miracle. We do not need a double blind test to tell us what is wrong with us when we can FEEL our way in life and know from inside of us what is true and what is not.
    Universal Medicine are showing the world that there is another way to live and the miracles are there for All of us, Equally.

  225. I love this blog Susie, thank you dearly. In the past I thought that miracles were only occurrences you read about in the bible, but since attending the workshops and presentations of Universal Medicine I now know that “true (living) miracles are the results of choices”. Since choosing to live in a way that is more loving I feel more free and less stuck by the expectations of life and the hurts I was holding onto. I am more loving and open with people and willing to express how I feel. Life has more joy and harmony in it than ever before. The way my life has changed is an everyday miracle!

    1. I completely agree Bianca, Susie has truly claimed the simplicity of miracle making and we are all the evidence of that simplicity. It is with deep appreciation to Universal Medicine for so generously offering the way to reclaim our true lives, our true expression and our true health, so that our very ordinary every day lives become a joy to live. Like you, Universal Medicine has opened my heart to myself and to people again, I have found Love again, which is the miracle that ultimately we all want in our lives.

  226. Thank you Susie for showing us that for people who choose to make loving choices in their daily lives, they can transcend the ‘norm’. Such people are making ‘miracles’ the new norm!

    1. Hear hear, Anne, miraculous as the new ‘norm’ – I like that. I remember feeling this way when I was a child and it is amazing to feel the awe and wonder of life returning.

  227. These pictures tell us a story. A story that everyday miracles can happen simply by making different choices, more loving choices, choosing to live in a way that is honouring, caring, nurturing, in connection with oneself. Living in this way transforms people. Just look at the sparkle in their eyes.

  228. I love this Susie. Perhaps we need to redefine the term miracle as: A Natural Law that states that when loved is lived, a person is able to restore their innate Divinity and liberate themselves from the shackles that have formally bound them to be and live less.

    1. I agree Liane, a beautiful re-definition of the word, its meaning and the true result of choosing to perform a miracle. Not something mysterious and unearthly, but a tangible activity that transmutes our every day lives and the quality of our wellbeing beyond all expectation and measure.

    2. Beautiful Liane, we can bring back the everyday miracles that every person has within their power to experience for themselves, doesn’t need to come from on high, but from within.

  229. I love this blog, specifically this “so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.” This is really super simple, but yes it indeed results in miracles, that I have experienced in my own life and that I have also seen in many others. The fact that there are hundreds of people being able to make consistently loving choices for the health and wellbeing of their bodies and their lives is a miracle in itself, as so many people world wide struggle on a daily basis to commit to living what they know their body truly needs.

    1. And to live in a way that is respectful, loving and honouring – a modern day miracle that is totally non-exclusive and life changing. Yabadabadoo!

    2. That was the stand out time for me, too, Danielle. It may sound naive to some, but living Love daily does produce daily miracles, perhaps because we are living from a completely different energy as our base. It certainly works for me!

      1. I agree Coleen, my whole life I dreamed of having love in my life, I never realised it was going to come from within – to me that is a miracle!

  230. I love this Susie. I too am living proof that miracles are everyday affairs. Once we understand the true meaning of the word we are able to see miracles everywhere in everyday life and know they are not reserved for a chosen few.

  231. I have had the honor of witnessing many transformations in the student body. Ordinary people from all backgrounds came to Universal medicine with all the problems and frustrations like anyone in the world. By being students of ourselves, and students of life our lives have blossomed. Looking at my life before Universal Medicine, I was heading for mental and physical breakdown, so I consider my transformation a miracle. As you say Susie these miracles are available to everybody.

    1. Absolutely agree Bernard, I too was heading towards major illness had I not chosen to apply the teachings of Universal Medicine to my life. We are ordinary people making ordinary choices to nurture our bodies and become aware of what we are feeling. The results are extraordinary only because we are among the first to be doing so in this day and age. What we are living now will one day be the norm, as more and more people discover that the course of their health and wellbeing lies in the choices they make everyday.

      1. Thank you rowenakstewart, you are a shining example that applying the teachings of Universal Medicine in your life is a game changer.

      2. It is worth taking the time to consider that Rowena isn’t it, that there are few if any examples in this time of people becoming healthier through association with a way of living, a religious way that re-imprints what religion is. Your before and after pictures are a great testament to the living miracles to be found in lifestyle choices.

  232. What I find interesting is it doesn’t seem like a miracle to the person making the loving choices as the way they are living becomes an honouring of the truth they have always known. However in this day and age, with all the bombardments telling us how we should be and showing us what is “normal”, finding ones way back to love and truth does seem like a miracle and could in fact be considered as such because it seems impossible to so many. I wonder if it was like that for Jesus and Moses … Basically it is no big deal to deliver what is seen as a miracle when you live fully connected and committed to life, love and truth. For me this is The Way of Livingness.

    1. In other words, ‘The Way of the Livingness’ leaves a trail of miracles for all of humanity to study and to learn from.

  233. I love your blog, Susie, especially how you explain that miracles don’t only happen to a chosen few, but are a result of the choices we make and our commitment to love. This is empowering for all.

    1. I so agree Carmin, it feels so all encompassing when miracles are not something that is set apart for just the ‘chosen ones’. When miracles become more of a day to day occurrence we feel a sense that we are part of the miracle of life and all that means – in this way it feels more of a confirmation that we are all the same deep down and not something that separates us.

  234. Beautiful blog love it, true miracles happen to all of us from our true daily choices. As we connect to our truth, our body reflects this to the world through our joy. Miracles are there for all of us all of the time.

  235. These miracles are the ‘norm’, they are who we truly are. The Ideals and Belief’s society present as successful and fulfilling -serve to disconnect us from who we truly are. A Beautiful blog that says it all in the faces of the people shown.

  236. I agree with you Susie, the before and after photos is a testament to people getting younger and happier rather than older and less vibrant. It is such a contrast and against the trend of the norm. That it is amazing to see this transformation. It is like a miracle. It confirms that by each choice we make is helping us or hindering and an accumulation of them shows in the quality in our body and energy.

    1. So true Concetta – it goes totally against the norm of the beauty industry which focuses on the outer rather than the inner beauty that we can see and feel from the photos.

      1. Exactly Concetta and Marcia – no ‘make over’ in the world could bring out the radiant glow that is both seen and felt in the face and particularly the eyes of the after photos. No botox or training regime, just by taking responsibilty for their everyday choices and learning to deeply honour themselves and their own bodies.

  237. Love your blog Susie – miracles can certainly happen to us all by our own everyday choices – there are countless of people that have had
    their lives turned completely around in various amazing ways, applying the profound teachings by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine in their lives.

    1. Thank you Susie and Eva. I am inpired by these pictures. Real transformations brought about by simple step by step practical choices about food, rest and exercise, alongside a consistent commitment to learn – super cool.

      1. So true matildaclark and Eva. Susie’s blog exposes all the myths about miracles and brings it back to how simple choices produce profound results. In simply addressing food, rest, exercise, sleep pattern coupled with a consistent willingness to learn, to stay open to new possibilities, does produce amazing and radical consequences. It is Super Cool and I for one am totally in on making miracles – they Rock!

  238. “True Miracles are not something that only a chosen few are destined to perform and/or be at their receiving end. In actual fact, true (living) miracles are the results of choices” – this is amazing Susie, as it empowers us to make our own miracles, instead of waiting for a ‘chosen one’ or look to the past to show us what a miracle is. Beautiful blog

    1. This is exactly it Jessica, and Susie – we are endowed with our own choices to create our own miracles – we do not need to look to, or wait for, another.

      1. Exactly Jenny – as then it creates a situation where everyone is wanting to move forwards but no one wants to take the first step

    2. Love what you say, Jessica and Susie “true (living) miracles are the results of choices” , yes the choices we choose to make. Our choices “empower us to make our own miracles.” How amazing is that! How amazingly powerful we are when we live The Way of the Livingness, we can so change our own lives.

      1. Exactly Beverley – that power is huge, all we have to do is reclaim it

  239. Miracles are definitely not for the chosen few but it is for everyone to experience if they so choose. I totally agree and I love your blog Susie, the photos are a beautiful example of miracles experienced by people who chose to live with love, responsibility and joy, embracing The Way of The Livingness. It highlights the fact that we are all equal, we are all gifted with the same abilities, to choose love or not.

  240. I love what you’ve written Susie and you’ve put responsibility fairly and squarely into the hands of every person and shown that how we live our everyday lives has an impact on our health, wellbeing and general way of being in the world. There are hundreds of people now within the Universal Medicine student body who have made the choice to live in a way that makes them walking miracles as they have turned illness, addiction, toxic behaviours and obesity, to name just a few, around and are now living lives free from these with vitality and joy. In today’s world, these are miracles.

  241. This is great, thank you Susie, I love how you’re re-establishing the true meaning of the word ‘miracle’!! No mystery, and actually very empowering to see how miracles are possible and come about as a result of our own choices.

  242. So true Susie ! I´ve seen so many change into “younger”, more vital and joyful people- it is phenomenal . Why no one is interested in how they did it ? Probably because you don´t need to drink a special drink or need to use any new anti aging serums. It is too simple and you can´t sell it and get rich. It is just choices – daily life choices and I am still always astonished how much people I know changed, after they lived by the teachings of Universal Medicine.

    1. Absolutely steffihenn, it is hard to market taking responsibility for one’s choices! The photos are an amazing testament to the changes that are possible, and truly speak for themselves that miracles are possible and happen every day.

  243. I love how our choices determine the quality we bring to the world (as Elaine says earlier), and the quality of changes is here for all to see in the pictures of the Students of the Way of the Livingness. Beautiful miracles are happening daily, in lots of ways when we are open to observe them.

  244. I agree with you Susie, some of the Universal Medicine students do seem to age backwards. I posted a photo of myself on social media and few old school friends commented saying “how have you managed to dodge the wrinkles?” I hadn’t even thought about it, I know I feel amazing and my goal was never to better myself but it is a definite by product of the choices I have made in the last eight years. Those choices have made a huge difference to the quality of my life, and the quality of what I have to offer those around me. I am by no means perfect and still have a lot more refining to do but the results speak for themselves.

  245. What I love about what you’ve shared Susie is that it makes miracles real and possible, not something for a select few. I know from my experiences of Universal Medicine that it is about making loving choices each day, and the changes are indeed miraculous.

    1. I have experience amazing changes in myself too and I see it in friends I’ve met at Universal Medicine. The people who are choosing to live The Way of The Livingness in full, the miracles becomes something very natural, not something impossible or inaccessible but can be integrated into their daily lives by choice. What is so beautiful is that miracles can be experienced by anyone.

  246. Thank you Susie, you make miracles something accessible for every person, no matter the race, creed, age or gender… no longer unbelievable, fictitious accounts only attributed to those ‘special few’ lucky enough to be graced.

  247. You have made it very clear Susie that miracles are not just for the ‘few chosen-ones’ but we can choose to live the love and have this wonderful by product as you have called it. Thanks and you are definitely a living miracle yourself!

  248. If we move away from the belief that miracles are only for special people or that it is unattainable then we can see the miracles that occur in everyday life. Our cultures do not support how special we all can be yet everyone is a walking miracle if we so choose to live a life that supports us. Everyone loves to see photos of people looking more vibrant and this is something that should be celebrated as you have done Susie by writing this blog. Thank you for sharing.

  249. Our choices determine the quality we bring to the world. Thank you Susie for showing what miraculous change we can bring about and are bringing about as Students of the Way of the Livingness.

  250. Fantastic article Susie thank you. You have returned to us the real meaning of miracles and in the process given everyone the opportunity to achieve miracles in their owns lives simply by choosing Love. To me miracles occur everyday. It is a miracle that plants grow, birds sing, rain falls, that butterflies and bees can fly! The science of nature is a miracle and we are part of that science, so it makes sense that when we choose love, we are aligning to the laws of science and then we too can perform miracles. What is so incredible in the Before and After photos is the vitality and joy in everyone’s eyes. Choosing Love in one’s life is just choosing the best anti ageing medicine God can offer us. The School of Science I have chosen to attend is Universal Medicine and the laboratory results are clear for all to see. I love the moment when all the students gather for another workshop after months of not seeing one another. We all look younger, fitter, healthier, vibrant and the most exciting part of all, we can see the joy returning to one another’s eyes. Every year we reveal more of who we truly are because we have made a choice to choose God’s medicine in all we do. Love certainly does make the world go round and it makes us all healthy, wealthy and wise if we choose to make our lives go round with it too.

  251. Excellent post Susie Williams and Thank you for spelling it out with such simplicity. Photos cannot lie and there is no air brushing going on so it just shows you the change which is nothing short of a miracle in all those who choose to live another way of life that does not harm them or others.
    I am a living miracle as my life Before Universal Medicine was an ill path where I was heading. My medical records confirm this. I have completely turned around my life and look absolutely amazing and no one out there thinks I am 53. I feel younger and sometimes forget to Appreciate how far I have come. I am deeply content and that is the biggest miracle. Thanks Susie for reminding me of what Universal Medicine has done for me personally, my partner and all those whose lives I touch everyday. I feel humbled to say the least.

  252. Beautifully expressed Susie. As you say, “they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self”. This is so true. Rowena & I did not try to loose weight or to get healthier, we were just shown another way to be. A way that is based on Love and self-love and the pictures show the result of living that way. It definitely is a miracle.

  253. I love this definition ‘to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true.’ Thank you Susie for making miracles accessible to everyone.

  254. I love how you have pointed out that miracles could in fact be an everyday occurrence but we have bastardised the meaning of the word, believing that only a chosen few are rewarded by God in some way.
    How many of us experience little miracles and brush them off as coincidence – I know I did in the past.

  255. Great article Susie. Why is it that we have put Miracles up on a pedestal and think they only occur to the chosen one, or once every thousand years. There are miracles every day, and they are happening all around us if we just open our eyes to see. The Way of the Livingness has provided not only an opportunity to pay more attention to them, but also many examples of living miracles.

  256. It is true, through the reinterpretation of the word miracle we have chosen to be blinded to the miracles that are actually happening right before our eyes, every day. Thank you Susie for writing this so clearly.

  257. This is beautiful Susie, ‘so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true. It really is that simple.’ It is wonderful to read how living a life of love is a miracle and the amazing results on people of doing so, I have noticed incredible changes in many students of the livingness and Im aware that in society this is not the norm, it is truly remarkable and so yes its great to really appreciate this and see what a miracle this way of living is, thank you.

  258. I’m going to have to dig out some old photos of me ten years ago before Universal medicine when I used to smoke like a chimney and drink like a man possessed. This is another true miracle as I am two stone lighter and no longer smoke,drink or do many other harmful indulgent things.

    1. Absolutely Kev Mchardy…dig out those photos and show the world that you too are a walking miracle, and dig deep too to feel and appreciate how much else has changed in your life as a result of making those choices. Very inspiring.

  259. Beautiful how you describe what a miracle is! Not something unattainable, but a result of choices that makes one see the daily miracles in life in ourselves, in others and in nature.

  260. I agree with all of the above comments – so many of the Universal Medicine students are walking miracles – we have turned our lives around, and are now living more naturally as who we truly are. Our mouths no longer show a forced smile, but a natural joy that emanates from deep within.

  261. Susie, I love how you have normalised the term “miracle” and how you have made it accessible through your writing. I have witnessed so many of them and have come to fully appreciate that they stem from the choice to bring my life back to love.

  262. Great article Susie, I have experienced miracles too, and yes I have witnessed them more frequently since attending Universal Medicine presentations with Serge Benhayon.

  263. Thank you for bringing this with such simplicity. Miracles are in our face, in our lives every day if we connect to our natural being and the love we are all from. Thank you Susie.

  264. Thank you Susie, for stating that miracles are not rare “mumbo-jumbo” occurrences, but everyday events that occur to us all. “LIVE LOVE” – thank you for bringing it back to its simplicity, in all your authority 🙂

    1. Well said, Ariannekasi. You can feel that Susie writes with the authority of a young person who knows there is more to life than meets the eye, who has seen and acknowledged miracles in everyday life around her, and has accepted this as ‘the norm’. How cool is that?

  265. Wow- I love the photos of the living miracles of Students of the Livingness- normal people choosing to live more lovingly on a daily basis, consistently.

  266. When I look at the contrast of what I see in the world, how people are and how systems and organisations function and then turn to what I see in nature, Universal Medicine and the student body I know I am witnessing miracles. There is a wonder, a magic and sense of a greater power, of God in miracles. Miracles inspire and remind me of a science and intelligence that is known in my heart and not always by my head.

    1. That’s a good point – if we allow God into our everyday, then the potential for witnessing his magic is all around us… and its been studying with Universal Medicine that has helped to remind me of that fact.

      1. Totally agree simonwilliams8, the magic is there even in the seemingly mundane:

        Today I went to an event in a town I do not know well. When I arrived my car ‘took me’ into a private car park. Once I was in there I noticed the fee was going to be £9 for my likely length of stay!! Only when I came out did I see there was a council car park on the other side of the road and there was also street parking which would probably have been cheaper.

        I actually managed to stop my mind from going into mega judgement mode (there’s a miracle in that). I got my mind synced back with my body in the current moment (the only one in which my body can be). I decided not to move my car to one of the cheaper options others had used. At the end of the event I did hurry a little so not to go over into another hour (£11).

        When i went to pay it was £4 – there is a special rate if you arrive early. It wasn’t advertised anywhere. So I ended up paying the least amount!!

        Mundane yes, but to me part of the magic that now is normal, because without ‘thinking’ I ended up parking in just the right place.

    2. Deanne that was beautifully said, God is in miracles as he is in us all.

  267. Awesome Susie, just an amazing expression of how miracles occur, and how easy or rather natural they are, your words: “…They are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self”. For all those who live love, equally too radiate responsibility – the results speak for themselves as can be seen by these beautiful photos. Love is the way.

  268. Say it how it is. Gorgeous blog showing how everyone can in fact be a miracle just by choosing to live with more self-regard, self-worth and self-love and living love. Easy; and who needs anti ageing creams! The photos say it all. Thank you for sharing this.

  269. Pictures speak for themselves, the words to go with them blow the lid on the myth of miracles they happen daily not just once every 2000 yrs

    1. Yes Jaime, LIVE LOVE and miracles happen… something the Master Jesus did 2000 years ago and look at the legend he left behind. He didn’t think he was special… we just made him that way ever since, instead of living the love he showed us was possible ourselves.

      1. ‘He (the Master Jesus) didn’t think he was special… we just made him that way ever since, instead of living the love he showed us was possible ourselves.’

        Wow Jenny, very powerful. When we all accept the equality of the love that is for everyone to share (and be), no-one greater or less than another, how different the world will be.

  270. Lovely article Susie. Miracles are not as uncommon as they are made out to be. They are certainly no ‘mumbo jumbo’ and I now embrace them as normal because I have seen so many miracles take place in the lives of Students of The Way of The Livingness. In fact looking at nature and my own life when I am in the flow with everything evolving around me, I would say miracles is the natural expression of the Universe and the more we return to our natural way, the more miracles we will be surrounded with.

  271. I love the way you bust open the word miracle because it is truly miraculous the changes I have either witnessed or experienced within the Universal Medicine student body. My changes were not as physical as the students that appear in the photos above but equally as powerful. I was caught so heavily in the throws of alcohol and drug addiction and was constantly up and down and unable to stop, it all felt so real and hard. Then I had the pleasure of meeting this super connected cool guy Serge Benhayon whom brought to my attention that I was equally as connected and cool as he was, everything became so simple and drugs and alcohol were easy to stop. It had nothing to do with will power or quitting or being a recovered alcoholic, it was not a struggle. It was that this man, Serge Benhayon and his family reminded me that I am amazing. In starting to love myself and accept love the other stuff just didn’t fit anymore. Not a big deal but at the same time a huge deal, as my life has done a complete 360 and now I am accomplished and truly successful. I do not need to label myself a recovered druggie or alcoholic, I am simply me, an awesome woman with loads to offer the world.

  272. This is a great reminder of the fact that we all have the potential to be living miracles. No one is more special than another, but we can just bring it back to making loving choices in our day to day lives and living our truth.

  273. You have nailed it in sharing the true miracles of the Students of Universal Medicine. I have also witnessed this as well as being one of these miracles whose life is unrecognizable from before Universal Medicine 6 years ago. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Yes Sharon Gavioli, you most definitely are one of those miracles. Having seen you when you first came to Universal Medicine, to the way you are now… absolutely qualifies you miracle status 🙂

    2. Completely agree Sharon that you are and we all are. It is amazing to come to Universal Medicine and attend a course over the years and see students making incredible changes for themselves. I know I am shifting old patterns & beliefs that have engulfed me and I seriously thought that there was no way out except to ‘manage’ them and it is miracle that I have been able to see them for what they are and step away from them and live my life in such a loving way now. We are living miracles as Susie so amazingly pointed out.

    3. Me too Sharon. Just lately I’ve been reflecting more on just how much has changed for me in the 8 years since coming to Universal Medicine and making changes in my life. It is a miracle that at 50 I have more energy and look more vital than I did at 30 or 40.

      1. Sandra I can’t believe you are 50! Definitely agree those changes are working for you!

      2. Exactly, and I’m not alone in this when I look around at the many men and women in the student body who seem ageless…true walking, talking miracles but oh so natural and normal!

  274. Great article Susie, seeing people become more alive as they get older is not something that happens in mainstream society and it blows me away.

  275. I agree with you Susie there are many Universal Medicine students who have made miraculous changes to there lives, as an example these photos show and the changes I have made in my own life both physically and emotionally are a miracle to me.

  276. This is beautiful Susie as it reminds us that we each hold the power to change the way we live through the choices we make everyday. It is so evident that each of these examples you have shown are of people who have chosen to live in a truly loving way and as you say seem to be ageing backwards. It is as simple as choosing to live with true responsibility, love and nurturing for self, then this ripples out to others.

  277. Beautifully expressed article. True miracles do occur, I feel I am walking proof of this, who would have predicted that my health and well being would improve to such a degree that I can with all honesty say I feel and look better than I did in my 20’s and I am now in my 40’s. Life is to be lived in full, by honouring what my body shares with me I have learnt to live more fully and it feels divine. I also see this happening with many other people who have chosen to care for themselves and honour how they truly feel about life.

    1. Hear, hear Samantha, I also feel and look better in my 40s than I did in my 20s.

  278. Susie, I love the way you make miracles possible to be something of how we choose our everyday living to be. There are so many things in our lives that are possible when we reconnect to ourselves, and our awareness becomes much more expanded, and our choices then come from that awareness.

  279. The photos say it all. Miracles do not have to be fantastical rare events only performed by a ‘chosen few’ but are simply when people return to living the love that they are and their natural divine nature in a world that is constantly pushing us the other way.

    1. I agree andremooney26 the photos do say it all. The after shots radiate with joy and vitality.

    2. Absolutely andrewmooney26, well said, ‘Miracles do not have to be fantastical rare events only performed by a ‘chosen few’, this has always been my idea of a miracle, something that is unreachable and unattainable. Susie, your article shows us that miracles are possible for us all, you bring the true meaning back to the word miracle.

  280. How wonderful that you have cracked this myth on what miracles are Susie and present the truth that everyone can choose to live lives full of miracles everyday.

  281. Thank you for showing that miracles are actually all around us and within us every day.

  282. Great blog Susie. I love how you bring such clarity and truth to the meaning of miracles. As you so clearly demonstrate – the choice to perform true miracles is in our hands by making consistent loving choices, not for self but for humanity. Beautiful ‘Before & After’ examples of students of The Way of The Livingness taking responsibility and proving that miracles can be an every day occurrence.

  283. Hello Susie, who were Moses and Jesus at the time that they performed these miracles. From what I have seen they were described as ‘simple’ men, people. So in today’s society we look for anything miracle related to be from a ‘somebody’. Most would think you would have to be well educated or an elite sportsmen or something similar to perform a miracle but history has shown us that these miracles were often performed by just people, simple every day people of their time. If you look throughout the before and after project with Universal Medicine these are just everyday people from all walks of life, same as the ones throughout history. These are truly miraculous stories, each and every one, thank you Susie.

    1. Love it Ray…so true what you say. Miracles are happening everyday with ‘ordinary everyday people’ and we can be witness to these. Looking into the eyes of a baby or child that is in their innocence just melts me and is a miracle. We are living in a world full of daily miracles if we are open to seeing them.

      1. True Marika, we are surrounded by miracles every day, like simple flight of the bumble bee that physics can’t explain.I have found that since I started to see and appreciate these miracles, more happen, and life itself has become miraculous.

      2. … and there are endless miracles inside of us to be found, cherished and reflected to the world. An ocean of love, joy and truth gracing this planet.

    2. An interesting perspective Ray – they would indeed have been everyday people, with everyday lives like our own. Their miracles were a result of a deep connection with God and that is available to all of us and not some chosen few.

  284. This article brings miracles back to earth as it were, because we all do and can make choices in life. I can certainly say that since hanging around Universal Medicine I have experienced miracles in myself and seen in others and that without a doubt that there is a form of divinity in the world around and within us. Because just from some of the stories and photo’s that are within the Before and After project how can it just be a fluke or ‘just happened’ or ‘luck’ from where people have come from to where they are today if divinity were not true or around us on earth and not just up in the heaven’s or accessible for the ‘chosen ones’?

  285. Gorgeous blog Susie. Like many, I have always expected miracles to be huge, earth shattering occurrences that you cannot help but see, but recently I have come to realise that there are miracles in all shapes and sizes unfolding all around us, moment by moment – we have simply been taking them for granted. I have also begun to acknowledge the miracles that are happening for me as a result of the choice to begin to love and truly care for myself like I have never done before. And as I approach my 66th birthday, I like many others, am actually starting to feel younger and more vibrant, enjoying a full and joy-filled life – now that to me is the biggest miracle!

  286. Susie, you are a living miracle yourself, as you have started to live love from a young age you stand out in so many ways between your peers. A young woman who loves and respects herself and makes a stand for what it not right in her world. Just imagine if we could let all our children grow up in this way, the world’s problems could be fixed in one generation!

  287. I am inspired. Thank you for sharing this with us all Susie. Feels so lovely in my body to feel how choices to simply self-love and let others in can be so healing and thus miraculous in one’s life.

  288. The before and after photos are indeed miraculous, showing what is possible,for students of the Livingness. Thank you for sharing Susie. I have noticed many others who have changed their lives as well, just by the simple choice “to live responsibly, committing their lives to loving themselves and sharing this with humanity.”.

  289. Love this blog Susie, so awesome how you are questioning the false belief that miracles are not normal and only for chosen ones, which keeps us in this state of powerlessness.
    It’s truly divine what you share and very empowering, thank you!!!!

  290. I have attended Universal Medicine events for many years and have been witness to these miracles. I am honestly amazed that when I meet friends throughout the years they continue to look more and more gorgeous. They are not perfect and still experience the many difficulties of life but it isn’t affecting them in the same way as many others, it’s worth paying attention to…

  291. ‘True (living) miracles are the results of choices’. Yes they are. Thank you Susie.

  292. This is awesome Susie.. I loved this bit ‘ so to perform a miracle one does not need to part the sea, but simply LIVE LOVE and make simple choices based on what you feel to be true.’ It makes miracles super tangible and not aloof or unexplainable. The before and afters are like two completely different people too!

  293. As a student of the livingness and living love, true miracles do happen. Relationships are transformed and the magic of life returns. I am blessed to have been presented with the way of the livingness.

  294. As a student of The Way of the Livingness just learning the true definition of the word love was a miracle to me.

  295. Beautifully said Susie. I couldn’t agree more. I know that the way my life has turned around is nothing short of a miracle and this was made possible by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  296. Strong message Susie. A powerful reminder that we are all capable of miracles, that these extra-ordinary events can be shared easily with everyone, and we all have a responsibility to appreciate even the seemingly smallest occurrence.

  297. “To live responsibly, committing their lives to loving themselves and sharing this with humanity, these so called ‘laws’ seem to not apply, or not apply so harshly or suddenly.”
    I couldn’t agree more Suzie. It makes sense that if we live in a certain way that ages us, like eating and drinking the wrong foods, exercising too strenuously, not dealing with our emotions, taking on the emotions of others, then could it be that by doing the opposite, we wouldn’t age as quick. Looking at the before and after photos of the students of The Way of the Livingness, and every time I look in the mirror, I would say that this is definitely the case.

  298. I used to think miracles were something impossible and to do with saints. That was until I myself became one of those living miracles you refer to and started having heaps more energy and getting fitter, sexier and seemingly younger every year. But wait there is more… there are also all the miracles I experience and witness on a daily basis many of which are delivered by nature or just the constellation of how things happen when we open our eyes and connect with the magic of God that is everywhere. Now miracles have become so normal for me that I find it a miracle that I didn’t see them before!

  299. Universal Medicine has brought to me the possibility that I am ‘the chosen one’…as is everyone else, dispelling the elitism that I had experienced in formal religions.

    From that many miracles flow, and my own versions of the seas parting as the path through what would have seemed like insurmountable obstacles appear, so often happen not in a way I could have predicted.

  300. Susie this is awesome on so many levels: the redefining of the word miracle, your appreciation for huge changes others have made and the amazing undeniable and miraculous effect Universal Medicine has had on so so so many people.

  301. Thank you Susie for giving us these examples of modern day miracles. Just looking at the photos is enough to stop you in your tracks and consider that there must be something at work here to effect such profound physical changes. These photos show that the activity of Love, chosen and lived brings forth such miracles and is very much alive here and now and not something that just exists in religious works of old.

  302. Gorgeous blog Susie, thankyou for sharing your experience of the everyday miracles you see around you. When we open our eyes and feel with our hearts, miracles are everywhere. They are not something that has happened to ancient people in far away places. The transformations I have witnessed in many people over the years I have been associated with Universal Medicine are amazing, as you share with the before and after photos. People are becoming more beautiful as they age and this comes from an inner vibrancy, a deep connection with themselves, with God and with others.

  303. I agree Susie. I am also a Student of The ‘Way of the Livingness’ since years and what I see around me, happening to and through other students AND in my mirror every day are true miracles! We are extraordinary and welcome ‘events’ attributed by a divine agency. We have this divinity inside of us -like all humans have- and start to let it shine through. So as you said Susie, miracles are not just happening to us – we ARE the miracles if we accept our divine belonging and express it.

  304. Susie when I grew up my understanding of a miracle was akin to walking on walking, being raised from the dead or having a loaf of bread and some fish feed 5,000 people. With this bastardised version I completely missed the miracles that happen every day. The before and after pictures you’ve shared are true example of miracles based on people turning their lives around that should be deeply celebrated. I’m also seeing miracles in the smallest of things thorough the day helping me understand there is no set rule about what defines a miracle as I used to believe.

  305. I agree Susie, miracles can happen for anyone anytime as you have clearly shown with these before and after photos. Living love brings miracles in all areas of life, it really does and it has for me.

  306. The problem with todays world of I want it now is, we did not get to where we were going over night so when we start to grow younger as we get older it takes time. Like children, they are baby’s crawling around and then they are teenagers some would say that a miracle in it self. Growing younger is just a by product of choices, I should know; been there got the T-shirt… 3 sizes smaller now.

  307. A beautiful blog Susie. The changes in the student community are living and walking testimony to the fact of miracles – “true (living) miracles are the results of choices, and really what the students of The Way of the Livingness are doing is not miraculous or difficult; they are naturally returning to love and in doing so are re-learning the true laws of what it is to live for humanity, and not self”.

    1. I love the emphasis here Stephanie – that a miracle does not have to be difficult. I’ve always associated a miracle with the impossible but it is simply the improbable. Generally we are not willing to look at the way we are living, which is what is needed to make the real changes that allow miracles to happen.

  308. I can absolutely claim this is the truth in my life, I have seen many people change over the years I have been involved with and attending Universal Medicine events – people who look younger, more playful, vital and full of life. Not only this but relationships, friendships, family life evolving and growing along the way, plus the changes in work places, how people express themselves and go about their day – all are an amazing reflection and truth that miracles are real and very relatable and happen every single day.

  309. Hear hear Susie I absolutely agree true living miracles are the result of the loving choices we make – these pictures are a clear testament to the fact.

  310. Wise words Susie. The Way of the Livingness presented by Serge Benhayon feels like a continuing miracle as the more I choose to live in a loving way with myself and others the more love I feel and this miracle becomes normal.

  311. Since I have attended Universal Medicine courses I have had huge transformations in my life concerning my state of wellbeing.
    Normally I would not say this is a miracle, but given the fact that I was not able with every possible support of conventional medicine and naturopaths to recover from this exhaustion which I was suffering for about 1 year before I got to know Universal Medicine it is a miracle that within a short time after attending some workshops I felt already much more vital. How can this be when beforehand every possibility to heal was taken but did not lead to any result?

  312. The word miracle has indeed been bastardised, like other words such as religion and love. Miracles can and do occur every single day. As a Student of the Way of the Livingness there are many miracles that I have witnessed. I have seen a transformation in the many hundreds of students, their eyes shining, their skin glowing and yes the appearance of looking younger too is common. I have seen this in others as well as in myself. I also find the Magic of God miraculous, such as the pink lining I witnessed on the clouds this morning or the animal that appears out of no where offering through symbolism a particular message. Miracles are indeed everywhere, it’s a matter of opening our eyes and heart to be able to see these.

  313. Beautiful blog Susie. Universal Medicine is presenting to us a way to come back to who we truly are, we are coming back to our true selves. Little miracles are happening every day, they are becoming a natural occurrence. In our bodies, within our relationships, our health and wellbeing and in our workplaces. Life IS a miracle in itself, our bodies are living miracles, and are evolving and growing more and more beautiful and lighter and lighter every day, the photos above are evidence of that and there are many more where they came from. All this is thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who are reminding us of something that is within us all just waiting to be re-connected to, and that something is Love. The Way of the Livingness is the true and only way to come back to who we truly are and Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family and many others are showing us that true miracles can and are happening, every day.

  314. Thanks for sharing these wonderful examples of miracles that are happening on a daily basis due to people choosing to reconnect and live from the love they naturally are.

  315. True miracles indeed, by simply living love and making loving choices. I witness miracles around me every day, in the beautiful reflections of people around me that chose for love.

    1. I agree Mariette, I witness miracles everyday and not just in students of the Way of the Livingness but in people I come across every day. It shows me that every time we actually truly choose love a miracle is just around the corner.

  316. Susie, what a great blog about the true living miracles we either already are, or have the opportunity to be. I loved what you shared about miracles being the result of our choices, and in this, everyone has equal access to make the same choices. As a student of Universal Medicine I count myself amongst these living true miracles… there is no exclusivity in this, and the way many of us are now living is not set aside for a few chosen few – it is available to all 🙂

  317. These changes we see in the pictures are true miracles, thank you for naming it as such Susie. These are miracles we tend to look over and assume them as normal, but in truth it is completely against what is ’normal’ in our society and we are showing that the way of the livingness is the way to go for humanity.

  318. Great sharing Susie, There are more and more students of the Livingness who are living miracles and who are a constant inspiration to me to keep living more lovingly with myself.
    I consider myself to be a living miracle too and that is due to finally understanding that I am making choices constantly, in almost every moment and it is the choices I make that determined how my life will be. Disregarding choices, as simple of “I’ll just have that piece of cake, but I know I will feel bad later” or loving ones, “How will I feel in half an hour if I do have that cake? Perhaps not this time”. Miracles are part of everyday simplicity.

  319. Thanks Susie. I love that you have made miracles something accessible to all.

  320. I totally agree Susie. The sparkle seen in Students of the Livingness is undeniable, and many transformations ‘unbelievable’ – you need to have known the person ‘before’ to appreciate the magnitude of the changes in the ‘after’. If we can turn around our health and appreciation of living so simply it is indeed a miracle everyone can achieve.

  321. These people are the living proof that love is the best and true medicine. And we don’t have to wait for a ‘miracle (in a misinterpreted meaning)’ that may or may not suddenly come upon us to have our life turned for the better, but all we do is simply make loving choices every day.

  322. Susie, I love the way you have redefined the word miracle back to it’s true meaning, something that becomes tangibly real through personal choices and an accessible-to-all way of living love.

  323. Susie I love this. We’ve made miracles some off there thing performed by a chosen few, but as you show here, miracles are available to us all, and come in simple but very profound guises, the photos you show are testament to that, how people have turned their lives around, it’s obvious from the eyes, the vitality that jumps off the page. And the changes, more self loving choices, no quick pill, but a consistent dedicated lived way.

  324. Dear susie,
    I have recently been observing the miracles that have occurred in my life since becoming a Student of The Way Of The Livingness. As you write above we are all able to “part the sea”, simply by connecting to and living from the well of love that resides in all of us.

  325. Susie, wonderful that you have brought up the subject of miracles. Yes, I am one of those miracles you talk of. Through the presentations of Serge Benhayon and being involved with Universal Medicine, and taking on board what felt true to me, my life has been absolutely transformed. I was such a shy, nervy woman in my 60’s, with no real friends and no confidence – looking back, I was quite a mess really. Nine years later, I feel such a completely different person. I hold myself so differently, look so different, and my self confidence has soared. I have lots of freinds, and I have taken on so much more responsibility, I am amazed at myself.

    But I have seen so many miracles within the student body, people have dealt with the issues they were holding through their lives, and enormous ones they have been for some, but the growth and transformation in so many of them is absolutely amazing.
    It is wonderful to be part of this whole miracle of The Way of the Livingness and those who are now living that way.

    And the proof is there in the before and after photos.

    1. I love this Beverley – truly claiming being one of the miracles Susie writes of –
      Yes, you /we certainly are!
      I can relate to much of what you express – life in my 60’s is totally different from how I was pre 2008 when I attended my first presentation with Serge Benhayon and being inspired to stop seeking externally for that ‘missing piece’ and making new choices in my way of living.

  326. I am a student and I have had my own amazing transformation before and now, but I have also been witness to many miracles right in front of my eyes.
    In the 6 years that I have been a student of The Way of the Livingness I have been blown away by the beauty and health that I have watched people transform their lives into.
    No magic pill, no crazy workouts, just simple life changing self loving choices are responsible for this. In all my years of working as a Massage therapist and being into various healing techniques, I have honestly never seen anything like it.
    What Universal medicine has presented through the Way of The Livingness is a true gift for all of us.

    1. Same same Rosie, I too was completely blown away and continue to be blown away by the transformations, the amazing beauty, vitality and radiance that seems the common norm with students of The Way of the Livingness.

  327. Thank you Susie, this is beautiful. If every choice we make, as simple as what we eat, what we wear, how we speak, how we move, how we carry ourselves, how we shop, how we cook, how we drive, how we do our taxes, how we deal with every single challenge that comes our way etc., is an opportunity to reflect to humanity what choosing love naturally brings, how can we afford to not be the miracle?

  328. True miracles indeed…looking younger as we get older, feeling younger as we get older. We are definitely transcending the norm, and creating a new norm…one that feels very normal. The Before & After pictures say it all.

  329. I agree miracles happen before our eyes every day, small or large, it is up to us whether we choose to see them or not. Sometimes they might be showing us something we don’t want to look at, for example: a reminder to be more gentle with our body.

    1. That is so true Thomas, a miracle can sometimes be in disguise and we dismiss it. We may not want to see it as it may “rock our boat” and we may not feel so comfortable about that!

    2. What you say is true, Thomas, we can easily overlook a miracle because if we didn’t we might have to face a painful truth. Miracles show us there is something more and ask us for greater responsibility in our lives and our choices.

      1. Very true, and have also found I sometimes simply miss a miracle because I am not present in the moment and an expectation or ideal gets in the way of me recognising what is right before my eyes. The trick with miracles and the messages of God for me is to be present in my body and simply feel what is being communicated.

      2. Yes, a good tip Carolien, presence, presence and more presence enables us to be so much more aware of the different dimensions all around us.

  330. Susie thank you, this is a wonderful and true article. I too, have seen true miracles and am one of those myself as I live The Way of the Livingness by making loving choices that support my body and also taking responsibility for everything I do. My body is more vital and structurally sound than it has ever been. Thanks to my commitment to heal my self and to Universal Medicine and the presentations by Serge Benhayon.

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