The Universal Medicine Livingness Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon

I write in relation to ’The Livingness Workshop – Stage 1’ facilitated by Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine on 15 February 2015. This was my first experience seeing Serge live, albeit from a webcast to Sydney. Having undertaken some of my own research prior to attending, I was reasonably certain that this was going to be a special day.

Serge Benhayon opened the Livingness Workshop with an introduction and made a simple statement that this was our workshop – not his – and this was the theme throughout. The workshop had a base structure to it, however this organically evolved through the contributions of the students.

I was pleasantly surprised by the willingness of so many people to freely and openly contribute to the group discussions. There was a significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living.

Serge noted that our lives are being restrained and often defined by our personal hurts and experiences. Serge at this time spoke about a way of living continuum; in one direction there was pure evil, in the opposite direction pure love, in the middle was ‘normal’ – with many incremental steps along the pathway. As we have all been hurt we typically develop protection mechanisms to try and prevent this from happening again, however this so-called protection or barrier prevents us from moving forward, and we get trapped around the so-called ‘normal’.

Have we, or are we, creating a self-perpetuating life cycle? Do we feel that we are less exposed, less vulnerable – more comfortable with being ‘normal’?

Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.

If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living?

Time to take the first step …

In the week after The Livingness Workshop, I had several people share personal issues with me and I was able to use the example above. I could see a realisation in their eyes and a natural connection with this message.

Throughout the session Serge encouraged an open discussion. He took all questions, respectfully challenged assumptions and, threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.

Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.

I would like to thank Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine for his part in delivering this enlightening experience, my fellow Universal Medicine students for their most generous contributions and openness, and my Universal Medicine practitioner, Donna Gianniotis who is such an inspiration.

By Matt Nolan

Further Reading:
The Livingness Workshops
We Are Not Our Hurts
Loving Daily Choices and Healing Hurts

588 thoughts on “The Universal Medicine Livingness Workshop presented by Serge Benhayon

  1. What is presented at these workshops feels normal when we are prepared to understand that we are returning to what our bodies already know. Therefore it is extremely simple for us to re-connect to, as you have shared Matt. It is then up to all of us to set a standard or quality to live with, as our being-ness loves to be obedient to our most divine aspect or essence.

  2. It is incredible that the simplest truths are often the deepest. We are so brainwashed to think that we have to come up with a complex answer to our complex way of life, that when the simplest truth rings truth we are left astonished by the grandness of it.

    1. Astonishing indeed is the simplicity of Truth, and being obedient to Truth rings True in us all when we set a standard or quality of being or living True to our Essences, or as Matt has shared our “natural connection”.

  3. “a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.” The presentations by Serge Benhayon reconnect to a truth we can feel within and then it is our choice to deepen our living of the truth we feel.

  4. Thank you Matt. Like you, it makes absolute sense to me that the more we let go of and resolve our hurts, the more space we have for love.

  5. I love that too Matt Nolan, the generous contributions from attendees in workshops. I love listening to how Serge responds to each so differently but all equally in their development. Serge Benhayon is such an amazing man .. I could listen to him all day .. in fact ever since I found him I do with any opportunity.

  6. Very beautiful Matt and a true depiction on what goes on in workshops led by Serge Benhayon. Presentations that provoke further questioning as to the choices we make, very supportive discussions with people who are ready and willing to take a deeper look at life and how we are in it.

  7. Seeing people’s eyes light up with realisation in the week after the workshop, shows that what is presented is something common sense and relevant to everyone. Serge Benhayon simply puts to words what we have felt but learnt to bury so we can get on with life as it is. It is an extraordinary ordinary moment to have these feelings confirmed and normalised.

  8. Universal Medicine courses and workshops remind us that we are a student of life, and how powerful it is for us to accept being such a student.

  9. I love the way you shared the wisdom of Serge’s workshop with others. As we evolve, it is our responsibility to support others to do the same.

  10. I can relate to what you have shared here Matt about defining ourselves based on how others have treated us, instead of simply being who we are.

  11. The Livingness is actually a very ‘normal’ way for us to be living, what is not ‘normal’ is making choices that harm and abuse our bodies on a daily basis.

  12. We sit on a normalized understanding of life and of ourselves and on a way of living it we consider normal. We are already trapped there since what we call normal is not and is constructed around hurts we carry. And these hurts conditions our way forth big time.

  13. Each Serge Benhayon workshop is all encompassing, nothing held back. We too are invited to be the same in life.

  14. Serge Benhayon inspires us to be more, not for ourselves alone, but for humanity.

  15. The way of living continuum as presented by Serge Benhayon raises awareness of polarities and where we choose to sit. Offered in this way we can feel how far from pure love, normal is. And contrary to what most people think, normal is not it, not a place to settle or feel comfortable in. There is so much more on offer.

  16. This is beautifully written – a great testament to the absolute integrity of Serge Benhayon.

  17. I always find the Livingness 1 workshop very powerful, it reconnects me to a new level of experiencing my essence, and the workshopping activities with other students are also very enlightening. For me it’s a foundational course to live who I truly am and understand how the systems of life have affected my ability to do this.

  18. Every workshop I have attended presented by Serge Benahyon thus far have never been the same, they’re forever evolving and that’s what I love about them.

    1. Yes Shushila, they are very responsive to where the group is at and to what’s needed. They are a joy to receive and participate in.

  19. The workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon are a reintroduction to the truth that resonates with our inner knowing.

  20. This is very true. In all the workshops and presentations I have attended what is presented is a reflection of us, essentially what we come in with. There is so much beauty and magic clearly indicating there is no agenda set but the absolute love for all.

  21. Matt I love your straight forward and very clear approach to describing what is as you say pure common sense, despite it not being so common in our society today. But, we feel the truth in it, even if we can’t see it being played out in our everyday lives, we know for sure that life was not always this destructive. We know there were simpler times where people acted on feeling more than the so called intellect of the mind.

  22. The middle of the bell curve that is ‘normal’ is probably harder to defeat than pure evil, for it holds us in a comfort we cannot (or don’t want to) see past and through. Although – like many who find their way to Universal Medicine – I had a knowing that there was so much more to life, I didn’t have the wherewithal to break out of the web of comfort I, and all of us, had collectively spun. It’s taken the gentle sledge-hammer that is Serge Benhayon to smash the illusion I was in. Today, it’s up to me, with the on-going support of the Universal Medicine presentations and modalities I choose to access, to break free of the last vestiges of comfort that hold me back from being a living expression of pure love.

    1. Yes Victoria, I get an image of a fly trapped on sticky paper. We die in the position of ‘normal’ not realising we’re living dead unable to move because it feels comfortable and familiar. This is, as you say, an illusion and takes great commitment and dedication to move ourselves out and to be a ‘living expression of pure love’

  23. An excellent summary Matt of a Serge Benhayon presentation, thank you. Every workshop, retreat, lecture or course I have attended live or online has been delivered in the same way, with a beautiful professionalism, openness, respectful challenge and ease. I’m so glad you loved your first experience as much as I did (and continue to do). Having searched for a ‘common sense philosophy’ for so long, Universal Medicine is the ‘global tonic’ presenting true answers to all our ills I’d been looking for!

    1. Thank you Victoria for all you have beautifully expressed here, I have also found the Universal Medicine workshops and presentations having common sense, they are a combination of all that is divine yet the practicality of living it. Very different to New Age spirituality which took me away from the practicalities of life, and away from self care and self love.

  24. I agree Matt; everything Serge presents makes complete sense and if something doesn’t make sense test it out for yourself and use your own experiences as a true marker for you – this builds our livingness and a deeper connection with ourselves.

  25. Thank you Matt, for bringing the day to us in this gorgeous blog, which we can revisit again and again. It does seem that we as a society have settled for a ‘normal’ that we think is comfortable, we now even think is who we are. Yet if we are honest, deep within we still are not at ease with ourselves, with life and each other. Does this normality that we have settled for reflect just how amazing, powerful, vital and joyful we are and inspire us to be more of who we are? Why not? We may have moments of experiencing this but why are we not living this amazingness every day? Our connection to who we are is where our true normal is. For our love within, who we are, can never be altered, hurt or harmed, and it is this quality that when connected to, defines what true fulfillment is.

  26. Yes it is great Matt the way Serge Benhayon opens up the workshops to us and says ‘This is your workshop’. In a way that can at first be a bit daunting as one feel a level of responsibility being called upon – we are so used to sitting back and letting the presenter do all the work while we ourselves contribute very little. But knowing all about energy and committed to live in a a true way, this amazing teacher knows he can only respond to what we are calling for – his job is not to impose knowledge upon us but inspire us to find that we ourselves have the font of all wisdom within.

  27. And what I am observing is that pure evil can present itself in places and situations where I once thought to be the least expected which I was a part of, but thank God I am gently coming out of by learning through the reflection in others and the observation in my livingness.

  28. I have heard Serge Banhyon saying ‘This is your workshop, not mine’ many times. When I was at school, I was a ‘good’ student, never late, always attentive and able to answer questions correctly – but I am really realising now is how this stance is pretty much useless when it comes to livingness; it only works with memorizing and accumulating knowledge. Being at Universal Medicine presentations challenges this familiar posture that has for so long allowed me to hide behind being good, uncommitted, and I often find it very uncomfortable.

  29. Thanks Matt, first I have to take the time to appreciate the fact that you experienced something great and then you went ahead a wrote a blog about it, I find that very inspiring in itself. I love the concept that Serge Benhayon presented about us living in this spot between evil and love. It’s almost like we have just settled for it and we have been in that spot for so long that anything outside that spot feels scary or unfamiliar. We cling to familiar as humans, even when it’s not that good; if we know it, we feel safe. I remember hearing this terrible song over and over on the radio when I was a teenager, I commented the first few times about how much I didn’t like the song and then a month later it played at a party and before the lyrics came on I screamed out, I love this song?! I later realised I just got tricked because it was familiar. It’s time we make a new norm and one part of that is expression; good on you for getting out to the world what you experienced in the Workshop!

    1. It’s an interesting concept that by living what’s normal we are not challenged because it’s neither the extreme of evil nor is it the truth of love, yet so many of us are settling for this.

  30. It is so true that we often hold onto our hurts more and then measure how we will be with others based on this. This is a pattern I can relate too. I had never considered it in this way until I heard Serge Benhayon speak on it, but it showed me how when we all do this we continue to circulate abuse because we all stay protected however when someone loves openly it sets a new way.

  31. This has stood out for me too Matt since hearing Serge Benhayon present Livingness 1, “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” This is huge and breaks down many dogged thoughts that keep us suppressed in protection for years or eons. 9 times out of 10 what we ‘think’ is going to happen if we open up again and trust… doesn’t.

  32. I loved reading this Matt. What is so beautiful to me is that everything is presented in Livingness 1. It’s not like so many other courses or workshops I’ve attended where it’s an introduction and you need to do more in order to get the complete picture. One could never do another Universal Medicine workshop again in their lives and yet still have the access to everything those who attend many have. The clue is in the name – if we make it our Livingness, then we heal our hurts, let go of protection and accelerate our movement back to Love.

  33. Thanks Matt, there is a simplicity to all that Serge Benhayon shares and it’s very relatable. I often start discussions with door knockers, people at the shops, etc, related to what I have learned at Universal Medicine workshops and everyone always sparks up and can also relate – Serge gets to the heart of the common human experience and it’s something we do all innately know.

  34. When we get hurt and don’t heal that hurt and let it go we can tend to form a protective barrier around ourselves to prevent us getting hurt again. And then we get hurt again, and again don’t heal it and let it go so another layer of protection is added on top of the previous one. This goes on and on with more layers getting added over the passing years until one day we realise we are the equivalent of a ‘sumo’ of protection and realise how awkward and heavy these hurts are to carry which then gives us the opportunity to heal them. Then one by one with the grace of the lessons we learn every day from our own and others imperfections we peel them back, let them go and lighten up.

    1. This reminds me of a cartoon I once saw of a person in the darkest, saddest, most protected and miserable struggle of life you can imagine, and yet underneath it all was pure light and Love, untainted and untarnished by any of the hurts and layers of protection we might cake ourselves in. Beneath it all we are pure and innocent and always will be, no matter what.

  35. ‘Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.’ Beautifully said Matt.The simplicity and common sense of the Ageless Wisdom is an affront to the arrogant spirit but it is the pure medicine of the Soul.

  36. We have indeed a natural connection with all what Serge Benhayon is presenting. Whether we choose to live in this connection is another thing and related to the question do we want to stay ‘normal’, not stand out and living a comfortable life or choose love as a standard for our every day.

  37. “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” Goodness. This is such a powerful revelation. It completely changes one’s outlook on life from one of, ‘Life doing me’ to, ‘Me doing life’.

  38. I came back to this article as it popped up in front of me this morning. Living the ‘norm’ these days isn’t such a great thing. This is no to judge those that do but more question the direction we are headed in support of any norm. When you do things year after year or even week after week it’s always great to keep your head up and look at the possibilities.
    As was presented at the course in the article, “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” Yet we carry on as though everything will repeat itself not realising what we are carrying will attract the very thing we are trying to avoid. It’s an interesting one to see, in that something happens and we feel hurt, embarrassed, judged, not trusted etc by it. When we record this and look for that to not repeat itself in that way again so we change the way we act, share, move, or speak.
    Everything around us senses the change and we see it as us being a better person or protecting ourselves or just not letting something bad happen again. Everyone and everything else sees it as something unnatural, something that doesn’t belong to how you naturally are and so by support and to heal, everything constellates for you to let go of whatever it is. You think it’s the repeat of the same thing again and so go through the same process of changing how you are and so the cycle continues; you think here we go again hang on and everything else is saying here is another opportunity for you to let go. Never do the two meet because it’s “normal” for people to change and be a better person and it’s not normal to see the world like this. It’s not to challenge the ‘norm’ but to consistently ask questions of why you do what feels like the same things are certain points, and be open for the world to reflect the answer to you.

  39. I love how Universal Medicine presentations don’t have boundaries, and how the participants are allowed to explore and examine what is being presented, through open and honest questions, experiences and a willingness to go there no matter how uncomfortable it may be. If schools were like this we would have a very different kind of society than we have today.

  40. There is no doubt that great change can come through our lives when we choose to be in connection to love, however the change is far greater when we work together to live in union with the oneness of the love that we naturally belong to. For love in fact is our true ‘normal’, a normal that is out of this world in contrast the normal we currently have settled for today.

  41. “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” Absolutely – many of us ‘think’ we are using common sense when the truth is we actually are not.

  42. Thank you for sharing your post Livingness 1 Workshop reflections Matt. I could really relate to all that you have expressed which made me take a moment to appreciate the changes I have made which was a beautiful confirmation.

  43. It is truly life-changing what Serge Benhayon presents around the hurts we have, we hold onto our hurts to protect ourselves from further hurts which only results in us hurting ourselves and missing out on the deep love and connection available to us all. Learning to let them go is not always easy as we have identified with them for so long but when we do it is a powerful experience that allows the space for us to embrace love and our relationships more.

  44. What we call in our life ‘normal’ is not only related to who have we become after being hurt in and by life. Normal is also an area where hurting another or being hurt by another one is also ‘normal’. Normal thus, is this way of being that has accepted hurt as part of us and of life. Normal is a subtle way to giving up who we are in the name of who supposedly we are but are not.

    1. Great point Eduardo. Accepting a ‘normality’ that is less than who we are, is in fact a convenient excuse for not accepting the responsibility of all the choices we make to not live who we truly are.

  45. “If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living?” Great expression Matt. We have come so far away from how life can or could be lived we now think of it as ‘normal’, and the desire for everything to be evidence based perpetuates this. No awareness of the energy of life – life lived as pure function….when there is so much more.

  46. It’s funny when things drift away from where they should be and then even the most down to earth, common sense approach becomes something else; “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” Where is the ‘common’ or ‘norm’ heading? Do we really or truly have a marker for this or do we just keep moving it depending on what is happening around us?

  47. The openness of Serge Benhayon to be a conduit to deliver what is needed by each group and never to allow self to get in the way of participants opportunity to evolve is totally humbling and a beautiful reflection for everyone who takes part.

  48. Thank you Matt I love how you share about the continuum from Love to Evil and how we get stuck in the ‘normal’ range protecting ourselves from potential hurts based on how a handful of the 7 billion people on Earth have treated us in the past and how making a choice to move towards Love instantly shifts our perceptions and our interactions with others. Serge Benhayon presents with such humility and acts as a facilitator empowering us in our reconnection. Awesome summary of the beauty and openness available in all Universal Medicine workshops which offer life-changing but very practical tools.

  49. The world has never become a greater, warmer place by holding on to ‘hurts’ and living from the protection and guardedness of those hurts – and so if we live like this – all we do is confirm to a hurt world that they also need to hold protection. If we choose instead the responsibility to deal with stuff we carry, and heal ourselves, we can release all that stops us from opening up and truly connecting to others. the world needs to see and trust there is another way, and this is where we can make that first choice.

  50. There is a great humbleness to the way that Serge Benhayon presents which allows the group to be responsible for the content of the workshops. This challenges the notion that a leader has to be control, when yes he leads the workshops, but never have I ever had the feeling that he is in control of them and of us for that matter. We are all there together as a group, chosen to be there of our own free will, and Serge facilitates that freedom of choice and supports us to explore and to go deeper in to that choice and to find harmony and unity between ourselves and eachother.

  51. We can be so fooled by the game of protection. Serge Benhayon makes a great point in saying that not everyone on this planet will hurt us so why put up the guards to everyone when only a certain few may not have been loving towards us. And anyway, what are the hurts? For me, I feel that it’s not what people have ‘done to me’ but what they are doing to themselves by choosing to not live the love they are, which hurts because it reflects the choices I have made in the past to do the same.

  52. Do we not live in the fullness of who we are because we are afraid to get hurt or is it because we are afraid of our grandness and the consequences of living in our grandness can bring to others? For me I am realising more and more it is the latter and the impact this way of living has on the world.

  53. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience of The Livingness 1 workshop. I remember attending for the first time, I was amazed it was all so new to me but at the same time it felt so old, something that my inner self really knew. And it simply made common sense, something that seems to be lacking in our world today.

  54. We create our own ‘self-perpetuating life cycle’, by hanging onto the belief that because we have been hurt by one or two people in our lifetime, that everyone else we are going to meet will do the same. Yet if we stay open to loving – ourselves and others – this has to change.

  55. Thank you Matt. Attending presentations at Universal Medicine has shown me that it is very easy to get caught in the comfort that holds me back but when I choose to move towards deeper love then so much more is presented to me.

  56. ‘If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living? Simple choice to make you should say and yet we hang on to hurts and put barriers more than we truly want until we jump in with two feet and say Yes!

  57. ‘Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.’ This is an extraordinary truth to fully realise. It totally changes how we relate to each, at home, at work and in society. The expansion and freedom of living without this ransom-holding of others is exponential, beyond words.

  58. All the Universal Medicine events are such a gift to us. There is so much sense and I feel so truly connected to myself and held in the most awesome love.

  59. Matt I was inspired by your blog to attend a recent 2016 Livingness 1 as a refresher. As always the same message was delivered but flavoured by the contributions of the attendees, and I felt like I was hearing and understanding what was delivered for the first time. It is always a gift to attend these events.

  60. Not so common commonsense is absolutely what I feel when I hear what Serge presents … and wonder why it is not commonly talked about. We generally live complicated lives until we actively choose to simplify, and one of the most freeing choices is to let down the walls of protection. By simply being myself there is no energy expended in trying to fit in and get it right. So whenever life feels complicated I know that I need to reconnect to me and simply be.

  61. I love that you have been so deeply inspired by one workshop that you not only have felt impulsed to write what you have shared in deep appreciation of the day but have since inspired others through sharing the wisdom you embraced. There is no doubt that sometimes common sense and the simplest of messages when presented at the right time can be transformational.

  62. “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” This is a brilliant insight, and worth exploring deeply… anytime we allow ourselves to be impacted by another’s ill energy, or if we have some attachment, investment we have placed on an external agent, then we are instantly a pawn in a game of energy that only harms everyone… the moment we choose to reclaim ourselves and live who we truly are, then these false energies hold no sway.

  63. I find your testimony very sweet, humble and accurate, each workshop facilitated by Serge Benhayon involves the group that is there on any given day, I love the inclusion and the practicalness of these presentations.

  64. ‘Serge noted that our lives are being restrained and often defined by our personal hurts and experiences.’ This is such a powerful reminder that Serge teaches, if we choose to deal with our hurts our life can change enormously giving us the space and freedom to be our true selves.

  65. I love your summary Matt and agree with you 100% “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.”

  66. “Have we, or are we, creating a self-perpetuating life cycle? Do we feel that we are less exposed, less vulnerable – more comfortable with being ‘normal’?” These are great questions and are well worth pondering on daily as they contain much wisdom and hold the key to our evolution.

  67. Serge Benhayon teaches in a way that empowers us. Calling upon our own inner intelligence and wisdom innate in us all. This work-shopping enables us to claim the teaching as our own.

  68. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience and this truth “‘ Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense’.” this definitely is a rare commodity out there in the so called normal world, common sense out the door and complexity with all it’s innate problems enters.

  69. “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” Yes, it doesn’t make sense to taint all of humanity with the negative experiences we’ve had from a few people. And to remember that there are always two parties to any relationship and that there is a learning to be taken from every situation whether it is perhaps to not be accepting abuse, learning to speak our truth, etc,. etc. and to bring more understanding for if we do it takes away the “taking it personally” element. I’ve found too that by having a foundation of love for and connection with myself first then what others do or don’t do has little or no effect.

  70. ‘ Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense’. I absolutely agree Matt, what Serge Benhayon presents makes complete sense to me, very simple and a no-nonsense approach to life that supports us to return to who we truly are.

  71. This is such a good point Matt – “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” – if we define ourselves by our hurts then we disconnect from being open to what is truly possible.

  72. Gorgeous blog Matt. At the core of our being we are all in essence the same. I feel this is something we all know yet we struggle to live due to the barriers of protection we have created to prevent ourselves for being hurt again. This masked way of living has certainly become accepted as our ‘normal’ so much so that we fight to keep it in tact. Yet it is a ‘normal’ that is not our natural way which is why there is so much unrest in the world. The Way of the Livingness offers all a hand to return to our most natural way of living by healing our hurts, letting go of the walls of protection and instead deepening and living from our connection to our essence, our being, the unifying commonality we all share; Love.

  73. It is amazing that we accept to live a lesser life because of the hurts that we have felt in the past and naturally defend ourselves for the future by living in protection. When we are able to heal those hurts there is a willingness to be more open with people and enjoy a very fulfilling and joyful life.

  74. Thank you Matt for a great article, it is amazing that because of the hurts we receive from a handful of people in our life that we hold the whole world ransom, by protecting ourselves from what others may do to us, which prevents us from opening up to feel our own love and accept love from others.

    1. I agree Jill. When we let go of our protection and heal our hurts we realise that we are all not so different, and in fact are all tender, fragile, deeply beautiful and equally powerful when we surrender to the love we are within.

  75. Matt, it’s gorgeous how you describe your experience and how you put the simple presentation into practice, thus making it your own. So I don’t get the feeling that you’re regurgitating other’s knowledge. You share your wisdom.

  76. A great blog Matt exposing how much we hold hidden hurts and judge people in the way they treat us, coloured by these hurts – thus continually perpetuating the endless cycle of protection, which in the end simply consolidates our hurts and makes us more wary than ever.
    “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be”.

  77. This is such a great blog Matt, we all experience hurt and we all yearn for more love, while at the same time shutting down from others in protection from getting hurt. It makes common sense to all that the result is a more guarded and shut down people. What if we chose instead to stay open and loving not prejudge another on their ‘potential’ to hurt us. What if we understood that that hurt cannot really come from the other person, only triggering something we already have hurting inside that we are responsible for. What if we felt another was being so open and loving and just being themselves that we could relax and let down our guard and be ourselves too. How would our lives and our community change if we all lived from this understanding and commitment to love?

  78. True Michelle, once we crack any identification with external influences, and projections, we can be untouchable by the many traps and hooks the world will try to ensnare us with, and be free to live guided by our own inner knowing of what is true. And from this comes true engagement and true connection with others.

  79. Lovely to re read this Matt and reconnect to the simplicity that common sense always delivers.

  80. This gave me something to consider – “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” I also realised how much living now can be tainted by past events, regret, remorse, or pain and hurt – and how that negatively affects everything I do in this moment because the quality I am living in now is affected by carrying those hurts. And that quality influences every choice I make now. So in effect we continue to recreate the past into the present. That is why healing those buried hurts and clearing them allows us to live free from their sub-conscious influence, and the quality of our living will change accordingly.

  81. It can appear to be so easy to allow our hurts to define us, to hide in our hurts and live in this self imposed prison, choosing to not step out. There is so much joy in living who we are and the love, appreciation and openness we have to bring – as you have said Matt ‘Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will’, why waste another moment when there is so much more to be lived and shared.

  82. “Throughout the session Serge encouraged an open discussion. He took all questions, respectfully challenged assumptions and, threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.” I have been blown away by the common sense and down to earth approach Serge has, nothing fancy, he holds everyone in equally with love and without judgment, and offers us the simple truth of how it is.

  83. This is a line I often remember ‘…if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.’
    It’s simple. factual and worth remembering when those thoughts of not being able to trust anybody enters our minds.

    1. Yes I agree Elodie this is a great reminder. I find that when I sense those thoughts hovering, if I choose to connect deeper to the love we all equally are I am able to respond in a way that is far more open and loving for all involved.

  84. This is so beautifully laid out Matt, to show how simple things are, despite how complicated we try to make everything. The complication comes as a secondary reaction to the initial hurts. The deeper the hurt, the greater protection will surround it and the greater the control to ensure the hurt doesn’t get exposed – and from the attempt to control come the extreme behaviours and much of the evil that the world suffers under today. Understanding that we are all affected by hurt, and learning to open up and not hold the world to ransom because of it, will be the beginning of the steps back towards harmony and brotherhood with all equally.

    1. Well said Annie, letting go of our hurts we get to experience a deepening of love for ourselves and all our relationships – a powerful choice when the old hurts and protection are released.

  85. “There was a significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living.” And thank goodness this is the case as life as it is at the moment is not working. I agree, all that Serge Benhayon presents makes sense and is easy to embrace when we are open to listen as all is that is presented we can all already feel inside so we are not being told anything. This feeling of confirmation of what I already knew is what stood out when I first attended a Universal Medicine workshop. Thank you Matt.

  86. ‘ I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ – A powerful statement Matt and a beautiful reminder to not shut everyone out because of a few that have hurt us. I know the more I develop this in my life I can feel how much love and support there is around ready to connect to if I allow it.

  87. ‘Serge noted that our lives are being restrained and often defined by our personal hurts and experiences’, this has been such a great learning for me. I have never seen this before but starting to see and observe this totally changes life. The whole Benhayon family have been an inspiration to me and shown me that there is a whole different way to live.

    1. This is true for me also Kristy. Becoming aware of how restrained I actually was as a result of living life from my hurts and protection has actually been truly empowering. As I have been inspired, to focus on healing that which was holding me back through which I have discovered another way to live that feels so much more natural.

  88. Matt on re-reading your blog I am again drawn to your words ‘This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ Today I realised that there are some people from my childhood with whom this pattern of behaviour still holds true, so your words have been a great reminder to be all of me with everyone.

  89. ‘This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ This message have resonated with me too Matt and it is something we need to remind ourselves on a regular basis, at least I do. The more I aknowledge and allow myself to feel how much I do love people, the more open I am to live from which I know is true, that our essence is the same alsways and all we need is our connection to this and reflect the love that we are.

  90. ‘Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’
    These are deeply wise and inspiring words to remind us all not to cut ourselves off from people and the world.

  91. So true Matt, all that is presented by Serge Benhayon is “common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today”. Everyone knows that lifestyle choices affect our health and wellbeing but most expect their bodies to withstand the abuse that is imposed on it. Serge Benhayon presents self-love and inspires a way of living that honours and respects both ourselves and everyone else and it is only common sense that when we care for ourselves, others and the planet with true love then many of our hurts will heal and we can return to the joy of who we truly are.

    1. Serge Benhayon makes that common sense common and universal for everyone. And with such an ease that exposes the lack of truth we have in the world today of how we are choosing to live our lives. An exposure that is so needed and after the initial reaction, much appreciated for having woken us up to the truths of life.

      1. Beautifully said Leigh. There can be a reaction to the realisation of what we deep down know we have settled for that is so much less than we know to be true. But to see love truly lived is the inspiration to see this and choose differently.

      2. To see it being lived beyond the reactions and previous choices to accept less, just blows me away. And yet there it is for all to see consistently so, it is possible.

  92. If we keep people out because of our hurts we keep love out as well. This is something I didn’t realise until listening to Serge Benhayon and it makes perfect sense. By allowing myself to hang onto hurts I am missing out on the love that I am. So it is very sensible to let go of the sad stuff and choose love.

    1. I agree Amanda, “let go of the sad stuff and choose love”. Common sense = simple, it is only when we attach to the sadness that it becomes complicated and further entrenched.

  93. Matt thank you for not holding back what you have learned at the Livingness Workshop Stage 1. How powerful is your realization: “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” And that you brought this realization, so beautiful in your daily life – into your Livingness – that is very inspirational. I would say this was a workshop that was worth one’s salt . . .

  94. The way Serge Benhayon speaks is so simple but reaches deep into your heart and meets you where perhaps no one has for a long time. His presentations make so much sense, way more than many of the beliefs we run our lives by, that often are harmful to us or to others. When he speaks a truth, it is true for all, not just certain people or occasions. This is what I now know to be truth, not the partial truth that I used to accept.

    1. So beautifully said Fiona. Serge Benhayon has introduced us to the whole truth and nothing but the truth – oh thank you God!

    2. Yes, Serge Benhayon absolutely speaks to everyone and not just to a ‘group’ of like minded people who share one common interest. His audience is as varied as they come simply because all that he presents is practical, logical, common sense that resonates with people far beyond the surface.

    3. Beautifully said Fiona – ‘The way Serge Benhayon speaks is so simple but reaches deep into your heart and meets you where perhaps no one has for a long time.’ – and so very true. For me it does make sense, as what is presented by Serge Benhayon is the quality of love that we know we all are and are once again inspired to re-connect to the essence of our Soul and live this in our everyday.

  95. Thank you for sharing here Matt about the continuum of love to evil and where ‘normal’ sits in between. The more I experience what true ‘Love’ feels like, the more I realise how normal really doesn’t cut the mustard. There is a way to live and feel that is so much grander than what we are sold in the images that abound and are fed to us. Connecting to this through Serge and Universal Medicine has been life-changing – to say the least. Every day now can be about this love, and living it so humanity has a reflection of what we can be, once again.

  96. Awesome Matt. What you said about taking our hurts and projecting those experiences out into the world rather than projecting who we naturally are is a real pearler!

  97. Common sense, a commodity that appears none to common; I would absolutely agree with you Matt.
    What you have written is a beautiful testimony to the common sense, truth and integrity of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and U.M practitioners.

  98. The level of real freedom in any Universal Medicine activity is superb. The body registers this and lets go the guards. As it opens up extraordinary things happen that our entire being registers and will never forget. From there, life will not be ever be the same.

  99. Matt I loved reading your blog, and the reminder about choosing to live from love or from hurts, these words especially resonated ‘ … I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ I have an image of stepping out of a protective outfit and feeling the sun on the skin of the unprotected me, and how glorious that feels.

    1. What a great image here hartanne60… Stepping out of a protective coat and into the sunshine…. It’s so interesting to me that we often think that the more protected we are, the less hurt we will be when in fact it’s the heaviness and hardness of the protection that hurts us the most. By opening ourselves up to being honest and removing the protection, we are able to open up to ourselves and other people, and in my experience this is when we invite true miracles to occur…

  100. Mary thank you again for your lovely blog. I recently re-attended the Livingness 1 workshop and even though I was repeating, I got so much out of it and found it truly liberating and inspiring. For me Serge Benhayon’s workshops are fascinating, resonate deeply, and are somehow also very practical applying to all facets of life. I really enjoyed the openness of the many participants and how what they share seems to move the workshop along in a beaut way for everyone. There is always a true equality felt between Serge and the participants.

  101. Matt thank you so much for sharing, you have captured the webcast of The Livingnees Workshop Stage 1 so well, it was as if I was participating too, especially about our hurts …..I had never thought of it like that. Just because we have been hurt by a few does not mean to say that the rest of humanity, the other 7 billion are going to hurt us as well but this is how we perceive it. “This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” so well said Matt I could really relate to this.

  102. “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” This is such an important message to get across Matt. So many of us carry old griefs and grudges around – not trusting others. These weigh us down – no wonder we feel exhausted. Learning that we are all equal and all have love as our core was a revelation for me when I first came to Universal Medicine. So, to not judge anyone because of a previous experience I may have had was a big lesson – one I am still to learn in full.

  103. Thanks Matt, I laughed when I read how being hurt by some people does not mean the other 7 million will do the same, then I realised that is exactly how I was living, anybody and everybody was going to hurt me, so better to be hard, defensive and ready to attack back! All of this because I didn’t want to feel my own hurts, especially the ones I inflicted upon myself. I’m learning to give myself and the other 7 million a break, a little honesty and responsibility goes a long way.

  104. I realize reading your blog that when I leave aside or behind what others have done to me and stop defining myself by that, it stops affecting me and I can be myself again, and continue loving and taking the steps to give everything I have inside. When we let our hurts get us stuck, we let the whole world miss the best in us.

  105. It was so beautiful to read how you have been deeply inspired by the day and the wisdom imparted. The depth of the realisations you have come to are quite profound. I especially love ‘If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living?’ … An extraordinary message for us all to consider.

  106. Thank you for sharing Matt. Your blog reminded me of my first workshop with Serge Benhayon and how I could feel aligned to the Truth that Serge was presenting. Now every workshop feels like a first one because what is shared is always evolving us.

  107. Thank you Matt, how truly beautiful to read of your first experience with Serge Benhayon and then to read through the comments and come across your amazing updates, you and your writings are very inspiring and a joy to feel and read. My experience with Serge Benhayon and his workshops over many years is that they are always simple, totally relatable and totally life changing.

  108. Thanks for sharing Matt, I too find Universal Medicine workshops incredible inspiring where you get to have amazing philosophical discussions about life and the way we have life all about function which is far from the truth as everything is because of energy and the result of our choices in life. Universal Medicine teachings have allowed me to lift the fog I was in and see life with more clarity, understanding and as a result there is more self responsibility and purpose in my life.

  109. It is a great point that just because we’ve been hurt before (no matter how much it may be) it doesn’t mean that we need to put up barriers against the remaining 7 billion people in the world! In my experience the barrier itself only generates more hurt.

  110. Matt, love your description of the first workshop you attended. Your comment that “the workshop had a base structure to it, however this organically evolved through the contributions of the students” especially resonated with me, as this has been my experience of every workshop I have attended over many years. Even though workshops may have the same name, they all differ and there is always something new to digest as Serge Benhayon presents what students at each event are open to and ready to hear. Thus no two events are every the same – as the students become more aware, so too do Serge’s presentation go deeper.

  111. Wow, Matt thank you for delivering the Livingness workshop to us. If we just look a bit over our self-made protection barriers, we would realise how beautiful life can be and the connections we make. This helps us to tear eventually the walls down.

  112. It’s true how we set up the protection against what might happen and then meet the world with that. Instead of just being ourselves. We allow our hurts to dominate who we are and how we show ourselves to the world.

    1. I can definitely relate to this! I can see how I have been living pre-empting people’s reactions, instead of just being the full me. It actually takes a lot of energy to protect, calculate and measure how much of myself I’m going to be around people. Unravelling these shell-like layers of protection and mistrust is so important in developing deeper and more meaningful relationships with all. It’s amazing what can happen as a result.

  113. What Serge Benhayon presents is simple yet life changing.Thank you Matt for your brilliant summary of the presentation that you attended.

  114. Thank you for sharing Matt. I so love the style in which Serge Benhayon presents, straight down the line and true, no beating around the bush here or being nice but whoa we all love it, someone with the courage to finally speak the truth, the truth we all know deep down but were silenced many eons ago. What a blessing for us all.

    1. Yes Kate, every cell in my body awakened and loved hearing Serge Benhayon speak the truth and wisdom I had been searching for my whole life.

  115. Its as simple as that Matt. You hear something at a Universal Medicine presentation that resonates with you. You try it out to test it and observe how life is for you after that. That is how I have changed my life, slowly, one step at a time. No quick fixes or list of things to do, just a willingness to be open make new choices and see how things go.

    1. …and in that seeing ‘how things go’ I find it also supportive if we are open to learning from our mistakes.

  116. This is such a Serge Benhayon way of presenting (common sense)and has always been so in the 8 yrs I have been attending Universal Medicine events . This way of presenting is so easy to understand, and relate to the way we live. As many have said before in these comments protecting ourselves from hurt does not help in our Evolution, I know I will often take the middle road but from now on I will have more understanding of the detrimental effect that this has on us and ” try” living in pure Love. Thank you Matt for your informative blog.

  117. I would like to thank you Matt Nolan for one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read about Serge Benhayon. The depth of your wisdom is touching, as is your openness to people and your understanding of life. It is an amazing thing to sit in front of Serge and think, everything this man says makes so much sense and yet why is it that no one else is talking like this? You have captured it magnificently here when you write, “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be”. Imagine if we were taught that when we were little, and we then share that with all others, just imagine the relationships, the health and the joy we would have lived our whole lives with. No matter, because it is never too late, and we can start now, as you did, Day One after the workshop.

  118. I enjoyed coming back and re-reading your blog Matt and the update you shared. I love that you have embraced the workshop and taken it into your life. As you say all that is presented does make sense so it makes it a whole lot easier to make the changes knowing that it is ultimately our body that suffers from our choices past and present.

  119. It is really lovely to feel how much appreciation you have for what was offered to you in the Livingness workshop including how you got there and how easy it was for you to share from your own body the experience as you felt it to be. It all feels inclusive of the all which is very beautiful to feel … Thanks Matt!

  120. Thanks Matt I have been to many of Serge Benhayon’s presentations over the years and no matter what he presents, on what ever subject you always know it comes from a deep knowing wisdom, which always makes so much sense. From the very first time I went along I have been amazed at what I have learnt and how what he presents has changed my life so much for the better

  121. I can say with some authority, that hanging onto hurts is the largest hurdle I have had to truly loving myself and moving back to the light person I know I am. So regardless of the idea of who will hurt me or how many times this will happen, it is so worth looking for the key that will unlock the reason that you hang onto any hurts you may have. When they surface, it is a blessing, use that key to let them go.

  122. ‘The group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living’. This line in your blog is what is great about the workshops by Serge Benhayon, they are not against life, but they are a common sense, honest, sharing and expression about what isn’t working in life for many people.

  123. Thank you dear Matt, I can confirm what you say! In all courses Serge Benhayon keeps always the connection for everyone and everything to feel! In no way there is self, but loving service and available great divine knowledge!

  124. I remember being there at this workshop and even though I have done it many times it was so profound and I learnt so much. It’s amazing how little the number of people I could think of that had really hurt me. Then thinking of the amount of people I have not let in or trusted because of the fear that they ‘might’ hurt me… CRAZY! I love how when Serge Benhayon presents he does challenge us to consider a bigger picture and then afterwards it so amazing what we start to become aware of in our own life. Thank you for sharing Matt how your experience was in this blog, it’s so valuable.

  125. You’re right, Matt. Serge Benhayon presents a wisdom that feels somehow familiar and just makes good, common sense. Our first hurts can tend to plasticise us into protection towards the rest of the population, for fear we’ll get the same treatment from them. And so we incarcerate ourselves in that ‘normal’ you describe, discarding at that point our freedom to be who we truly are. Once we know this, we have a choice – and this is the liberating element that Universal Medicine brings. You can choose to get your life back by dealing with those hurts. Pure gold.

  126. Matt, I love how simply and how real you write about the Livingness course you attended, exactly as Serge Benhayon presents, simple and real.
    It is a very beautiful thing to realise your own part to play in how you see life and how life presents to you/us in the everyday. There are many thousands of people who are getting to realise through these Livingness presentations that we all are the ones that have made life the way it is and if we don’t like it this way, we are free to change ourselves and see where that leads. Pure common sense I agree.

  127. I love Serge’s point; just because a handful of people have hurt you in your life, it does not mean the remaining 7 billion will. How sensible! I’ve never actually thought about it like that. Of course one might take that literally and say that we would never meet 7 billion people, but the point being, why live in protection from what you believe ‘might’ happen when you could be living in your grandness, which to me feels like it could possibly even minimise any potential harm by a truck load. We think hardening ourselves protects us, when in fact it just attracts more hurt.

  128. It is the realness and common sense of Serge Benhayon and his presentations that simply makes sense and offers a pragmatic approach to making choices that deliver the lifestyle and wellbeing I truly want to live.

  129. When I began to understand how much I was affected by experiences with just a few people early on in life, it made me realise how much I project my hurts into new relationships, expecting everybody to be the same instead of opening up and seeing/feeling the individual essence of each person I meet. I am learning now to let people in and not criticise or demand perfection.

  130. The thing that I love about Serge Benhayon’s presentations is that they just makes sense and when things make sense there is a space created to allow further realizations. I love the example that you gave about what occurred for you when Serge spoke about the importance of dealing with our hurts and you realized the following “that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be”. This is a life changing realization.

  131. “This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” I know this one well too Matt. I am very aware of how ‘protective’ I live and how much reaction I am in pretty much most of the time, all in the cause of protecting being hurt. To allow the hurt and accept it is there is very healing, rather than numbing or burying what I am feeling. From this point it is much easier to let the hurts go and connect to the true me free of encumbered impostors.

  132. Matt your beautiful real sharing touched me so, I had tears of Joy. I too attended that workshop by webcast – and the way you sum it up is gorgeously accurate. I love the way you describe Serge Benhayon’s holding of the workshop that he “encouraged an open discussion. He took all questions, respectfully challenged assumptions and, threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.
    Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” I feel the same and this is a very perceptive summary.

    I also had the same experience of, and absolutely celebrated your line; “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” Isn’t this huge! And realising it changes everything, including the possibility of no longer holding seven billion people to ransom – developing and maintining a plethora of ‘protective’ behavious and more – all because a few people might have hurt us and ‘just in case’ others do – and so we set our selves up in a cage of guarded apparent ‘safety’ and our bodies suffer and the whole world misses out on the real us.

  133. The difference we can feel when holding into a hurt when someone triggers something that causes a reaction, compared to when it’s let it go and becomes a learning, is huge. It is so transforming to let go of the hurts, they are what we have identified ourselves with but they are not us.

  134. It is an amazing realisation that we so easily define ourselves from our protection out of the fear of being potentially being hurt thereby pre-judging any relationship before it has began. Although this is not a new revelation presented by Serge Benhayon, however, the way that he delivers and expands upon how this impacts on one’s life and then goes on how to address it is such common sense, supportive and elucidating. The result is that one is far more capable of moving forward and making changes. From personal experience I know that this has greatly helped me in the recent years since my initial contact with Serge Benhayon to greatly enhance my relationships and my life in general.

  135. It is a bit mad to think we hold the whole of humanity to ransom and protect ourselves due to being burnt by a few. We all have hurts and many run very deep but unless we address and sort them to the whole of humanity is missing out on the love we can be.

    1. Spot on Kev, I love this observation. As you say, ‘we all have hurts and many run deep. However, no matter how much hurt we carry it is minuscule in relation to the greatness we come from, yet we choose to dwell in the small part that is our hurt instead of the huge part that is our glory – and the whole world misses out “on the love we can be”.

  136. Thanks Matt.
    To take a deeper look into what actually goes on inside as we move through this world is actually a courageous step, and you have approached it with openness, care for yourself and others and grace! Sounds like it was a great choice you made? How is it going now?
    How long has it been since that first workshop and do you think things have changed?

    1. Hi simpleSimon888 thanks for your note and for asking how my progress has been since the workshop.

      To say that I am positively transforming my life would be a most accurate reflection. My whole outlook on life has changed for the better as I realise that I am responsible for what has happened and what is going to happen in my life. This is a real liberation in that I am slowly letting go of the hurts I have been lugging around for so long and no longer blaming others for these hurts. This personal responsibility is such a big reawakening!

      My reconnection with myself is building and has improved significantly with my choice to alter my diet (I am now alcohol; dairy; caffeine; sugar; and gluten free).

      The improved connection with self has been followed with an equally improved connection with others.My energetic awareness is improving as I feel more, rather than my usual default to think! This is a big work in progress.

      In summary the last 6 months has profoundly altered my path in life. There has been a shift back to a more gentle and loving realignment with the true rhythm of life. I have been greatly supported on this journey via my Practitioner – Donna with some beautiful healing sessions and philisophical discussions!

      The great thing is Simon, I have only just scratched the surface!

      1. It is such a joy – and an inspiration to hear how these last six months have been for you. Thank you for sharing – and to simpleSimon888 for asking! I’m with simpleSimon that it is a courageous step to “take a deeper look into what actually goes on inside as we move through this world” – and that “you have approached it with openness, care for yourself and others and grace!”
        The fact you are now feeling the part you play in daily life as an empowering responsibility is a gorgeous testament to your openness, and it sounds like its really a huge shift and benefit – and in a relatively short space of time – so much to celebrate here! I’m going to be checking back in another six months – for another inspiring installment.

      2. So awesome to have a 6 month update since this blog.. I would love this to happen with every blog that I read. I am inspired by your comment Simplesimon888 to ask the question!

        it’s amazing what you have come to Matt in just 6 months, it’s going to be interesting to see what comes next if this is just the surface!

      3. Thanks for sharing your update as well Matt, you are powering from strength to strength, simply because you are making choices which take you towards love rather than in the other direction. Great example.

  137. “if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” I agree it is a gorgeous insight Matt. I find workshops with Serge Benhayon full of such delightful insights that deepen my understanding about life and inspire me to look at people with a renewed sense of love, openness and equality.

  138. Letting go of the barriers we create ourselves opens up a world of possibilities. I recently had an experience where I chose to not dwell on a perceived wrong. The relationship with the other person is now back to where it was prior to the event, possibly better. A few years ago I would have ruminated over the experience and kept the person at bay. What a difference Universal Medicine did to my life.

    1. I love this practical example Patricia and your description of the before and after approach – what a difference.

  139. Awesome Matt how you are so open and willing to share your experiences which are equally an inspiration.

  140. It’s lovely to feel how open you are Matt in taking those first steps, they may seem small but lead us to a completely different way of living.

  141. I enjoyed reading this blog Matt as it reminds me of the many Universal Medicine workshops I have attended and like you have written the students are open and love to have discussions, and each time I go, there is always so much given by Serge Benhayon and his team.

    1. I agree Julie, and it is all done so smoothly, everyone working together. How very different from my many years in event management!

  142. I love reading your blog Matt I can feel how you really felt what Serge was saying and this has come through in your blog. Our hurts are the biggest thing that hold us back in life and yet we hold the whole world to ransom for what one person may have said or done to us. I know I did and seeing that holding onto the hurts how ever small have been hurting me far more than the hurt itself. Thank you for sharing Matt you have captured the Livingness workshop beautifully

  143. Thanks Matt, I am reflecting on what you mentioned you heard in the workshop with Serge Benhayon, about how every movement we make is either towards pure love or away from it. This is a very simple way to look at every choice and what it feels like in my body, so I may develop a clear marker in my body which way I am moving. I know when I make a choice that brings me more into my essence where that love resides, I feel more open and tender in my body and more open to other people, accepting and still – able to simply observe with a clearer mind. When I make a choice in the other direction, I feel I have desensitised, hardened and become a little jagged in movement – a little discordant in life. The more I allow myself to feel and acknowledge this, the more I witness the truth that choosing love is hugely significant to the life I want to lead.

    1. Simon in a world where everything is appearing to get more complicated, busier and more difficult to manage I also felt the truth in the simplicity of the fact that everything we do is either towards true love or away from it. No complicated calculations to work just just pure science.

      1. Cool David.. that is pure simplicity right there! I love when life can be described as simple as that, otherwise it’s so easy to get lost in the complication and wobble with words…upon words…upon words!

    2. Hi Simon, I love how you have taken this to the level of the body in which way am I moving. Am I moving more towards an openness in the body or towards a contraction. Bringing it back to the body is a very practical way of checking in with ourselves.

      1. Donna & Simon I too love the simplicity of bringing it back to the body. That is the most effective circuit breaker when I have got lost in mental activity and the complications that arise from that.

    3. Beautiful Simon, I love your descriptions of how you can tune into and notice, kind of ‘take stock’ of whether “every movement we make is either towards pure love or away from it” as Matt so gorgeously summed up. I too feel more open and accepting as my movements are towards love, there is a flow and a warmth and my shoulders and chest are open. The words you use to describe the ‘not love’ direction when clocked in your daily movements are really relatable too, particularly – discordant and hardened. When I clock my movements having been away from love and from who I am, I often feel more distant in my body, sometimes clumsy, often tense or thinking things ahead of time, instead of being right there with all of me in that moment, theres often a pulling in or tightening across my shoulders – or the old doosie of the clenched jaw. Tuning in though the day is super supportive, letting go, opening back up, letting people in, and celebrating the gorgeous little things like the gorgeous sound of the car door closing when I’m in my own warm connected flow. Thanks Simon for the prompt to re-clock how this looks in daily life. As I saw written on another blog on this site, along the lines that ‘changing our posture changes the world’, as simply and powerfully as that!

    4. The contrast in our body of choosing love and not choosing love is getting so loud and so instant. I love this because I am so clearly shown when a choice is taking me away from who I am. I so appreciate he instant feedback I am given.

      1. I absolutely agree Vicky… the response from my body is so quick when I am living lovingly and when I am not.. All it takes is for me to listen and respond to these signs.

  144. Beautifully expressed Matt. I love how you have shared your experience of attending The Livingness Workshop for the first time. Whether we have attended once or many times The Livingness workshops offer us all evolution.

    1. …and the Livingness workshop evolves too…each time relevant to those who attend and the wider circle of those we meet. For me it’s like returning to a treasured book to find it has been updated. A joy.

    2. This is so true, The Livingness Workshops offers everyone evolution equally no matter how many times a person has been to them before or not.

    3. No matter how many times I have attended I always come away with a deeper awareness and understanding of myself and my choices.

      1. This I also find, just when you think you have got to a deep awareness and that you have got to a point where you have evolved, then the next level of deepening presents itself. This is what I find fascinating that there is this endless depth to where you can evolve to and your not actually going anywhere at all just connecting deeper with yourself and God.

      2. This is something that really stands out with all of the Universal Medicine presentations, workshops and retreats. Even if an event is one you have been to before ‘by name’, the presentation is always new, fresh and exactly what you have been feeling on a deeper level, but often not expressed in words. And then Serge presents beyond what I can access and confirms a whole new depth and grandness that is not yet in my awareness. The experience of the ancient and ageless teachings is truly amazing.

      3. Vicky, my depth of appreciation for what Serge presents is completely echoed in your words. Before a course anything I have been pondering on or wanting to get to the bottom of is answered when I get there. When this happens it never ceases to amaze me. And like you I totally adore getting to a deeper awareness because the impact of this is internally very profound but has a ripple effect that impacts outwards. The way the information is presented is always clear and can be felt in the body instantly.

    4. Very true karenmuntelwit, although the title of the workshop maybe the same and same tenants of information are covered, each one brings unique teachings and more evolution to all who participate, first timers or old hands alike. Every workshop offers a deeper and more profound journey of self discovery, connection and brotherhood, supporting all who attend to make stronger connections with themselves and with one another. True brotherhood in action.

      1. Absolutely agree Karen.. and well said Rowena. It’s amazing that Serge Benhayon does not take down notes or write his courses… he simply gets on stage and starts talking.. It makes me ask the question… if Serge has been presenting the same course ‘The Livingness – Stage 1’ for many many years and he has not taken down notes… then he would follow a basic structure by bridging to people what the Livingness is BUT as he evolves in his life, so to would his workshops. Never are they the same!
        He would not at all be restricted to a written workshop so it evolves with him and with what humanity is asking for. What an amazing way to present.

      2. Its amazing, and quite wonderful, that these workshops, whatever they are called,always present for the students. They are never about Serge Benhayon proving how good he is, how important his knowledge, they are always about the students attending, and each one takes away the choice for a new level of being.Like Michelle, I always find my current pondering is always answered, Serge facilitates the workshops so that in group work we find our own answers, he never ever says’do this’. This indicates to me the level of Serge’s deep love and connection to humanity, always feeling what is needed at any given moment. He is brotherhood personified for us all.

  145. It is very clear when you say: if I choose to move more to the love side. It is a choice, and we can simply chose to move to the love side, when I do, everything opens up, I open up, and the release of the hurts is easy, the connection with others on a loving basis is a reality.

    1. Me too juliamanbos, when I am move to the love side, the little ‘me’ that can get stuck on the continuum is freed up and I can see how my hurt is wanting attention or sympathy. Making it about love brings an understanding that I am bigger than my hurts and loving myself is the only way to heal.

  146. ‘Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.’
    This makes so much sense and exposes how protecting ourselves from the world is an excuse or a game to simply hold back our innate greatness.

  147. Its such a great point that if we have been hurt by the actions of 1 or 2 people then that is no reason to shut off to the rest of the world. We only hurt ourselves more by closing down and I now, don’t feel I can be hurt by another if I love and care for myself.

  148. Matt at first it could be easy to consider anything that challenges the normal to be “out-there” yet as you’ve shared nothing that Serge presents is out there, in fact it makes complete sense, is simple and is what I have come to understand what is truly normal.

  149. Isn’t it incredible how often one experience cements so solidly inside of ourselves – especially if we experienced it as a hurt – that from there on we shut ourselves away from openly approaching this theme and any person related to it ever again.

  150. I agree Matt and deeply appreciate the simple, common sense that Serge Benhayon presents; as well as the space he holds at any workshop such as this one, for everyone to feel for themselves into what it is that they have felt, experienced, relate to and choose to take away with them.

  151. You are quite right – what Serge Benhayon presents is common sense and very practical and down to earth, but it takes a willingness to step out from behind the wall of hurts and disappointments in order to be able to hear it and not react or recoil; or put another way: it requires a willingness or at least openness to the possibility of taking responsibility for our choices.

  152. Amazing sharing Matt – thank you. I know I was left with exactly the same feeling myself when I did my very first workhop with Serge Benhayon – that everything made sense. 10 years later it makes more sense than ever – these teachings are simple but profound and life changing if we choose to apply them in our lives.

  153. I know this has been true for me, “Serge noted that our lives are being restrained and often defined by our personal hurts and experiences” Letting go of the ‘hurts’ that once defined me and my reaction to life has been hugely healing. And how beutifully simple it is, often traditional counselling does not offer the possibility that your ‘hurts’ are not actually you but rather an experience. Becoming aware of what actually is the true you, the potential and quality is utterly supportive and reconnecting. I no longer carry the hurts, that I once felt defined me, they are now more.

  154. Amazing sharing Matt, I also remember this course, and I can notice how real and practical Serge Benhayon’s presentations are, getting to see the bigger picture of what’s going on. I love the example he used about do we assume the next 7 billion people are going to hurt us if we have been hurt a few times before. It was really eye-opening!

  155. Thank you for sharing your experience Matt. I have also come to realize that avoiding feeling my hurts is dominating my every decision. Going for safety, security and protection I am closed down to love. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine for coaxing me out of my shell.

  156. Matt, this is a great blog to read. I continue to be inspired by Serge Benhayon and the simplicity in which he presents a very common sense way of living based on love, that we all already know deeply within. Self honesty is the first step – a true appraisal of where we are with ourselves in our daily life and being open to see exactly what is or is not supporting us. The group work together on these workshops is amazing as it begins to crumble away so much that is not who we are in truth.

    1. Absolutely Stephanie and it’s when we bring this self honesty to the group that we are met by a shared connectedness, a willingness to find truth.

  157. Matt, I love how you’ve shared your experience of how it was for you at the Livingness workshop. Serge Benhayon really does present a lot of common sense but in a way that allows people to access it and understand it for themselves. There’s no imposition, but when you hear the questions, you start to consider – as you say why if we’ve been hurt by a few do we approach everyone with that, as I write this I can feel how much I’ve held others to ransom and the majority of them have never hurt me! We really do have to question what we’ve accepted as normal, and begin to ask those questions of what we accept and if what we accept is true at all. Thank you for reminding me today to approach everyone in openness.

  158. Thank you Matt for sharing your workshop experience with us and what comes across from your blog is how much you received in a one day presentation. I have just attended some courses here in the UK and as always there is so much given that I could work with for lifetimes.

  159. “There was a significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living.” Just because ‘normal’ life has been accepted for so long, it doesn’t mean we are all living lives filled with love and purpose. Let’s co-create a new normal, which comes from living from who we truly are – which is a deep sense of love and connection. We can see this in babies and young children, until they learn what family and society accept, and then many adapt to fit in.

  160. Great observations Matt, I too have witnessed just how willing people are to open up at a Universal Medicine workshop – more than any other event or workshop, and with an honesty I have never seen before. I have found this has inspired me to open up and become more honest too. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  161. ‘If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle’.
    Wow what extraordinary wisdom Matt has come to and is sharing here after attending one Universal Medicine workshop, and by webcast! Just shows the power of truth.

  162. Thank you Matt for sharing your first experience of a workshop with Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon simply makes sense of our human life.

  163. Great blog Matt. It reminds me of a recount that I used to have to write at school after the holidays – just describing what happened, what was said etc. Quite often this can be a bit boring, but even though the structure feels the same what you have shared is powerful, revelatory and far from boring! By giving a recount of your experience at Livingness 1 you have clearly shown what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are about: simple, common-sense.

  164. The simplicity of Universal Medicine’s presentations are exceptional in today’s world. Indeed Matt you are returning to the man you were born to be.
    It’s unprecedented to nominate & let go of hurts that have identified and held us back for years, without indulgence or blame.
    As Ariana says “The results of living this way and making our choices from connection and love is transformational”

  165. Thank you Matt I really enjoyed reading your article. I too remember the 1st workshop I went to which was profound in that there was finally someone (Serge Benhayon) that was making sense of this life and presenting a simple why to live instead of the complicated one I was use to. Hurts can be simple as well. All that needs to be done is nominating and feeling the hurt which then clears allowing that space to then be filled with love if we so choose.

  166. Love this line Matt “This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” This was the most powerful thing I did (and still doing) releasing myself from these ideals and beliefs that are not me. My body tells me everything I need to know. The rest is a bonus.

    1. Well said Rik… I love your last two sentences… that’s something I would love to read everyday. Because I learn new things everyday in my work and in my study it’s cool to see those things as a bonus and not forget about my body that will tell me everything I need to know.

  167. What a great post Matt and well worth sharing. The bit that really sticks out for me is when you say “Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.”
    The common sense stuff is super important and yet somehow we have deviated away from it and things have got complicated. Dealing with our buried hurts in a simple way can have profound changes in your life and I am living proof of that. Serge Benhayon presents another way to live that is simple and practical which is much needed today for all of us.

  168. I felt this when I first heard Serge Benhayon speak “…Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” Common sense brings a responsibility and this it appears is the challenge for some, is there a willingness to responsible. I know I have had my moments when it has felt tricky, but ultimately following my commen sense and my innate feeling of responsibility has lead me to feel a million times more me than I ever had before, regardless of what may occur or how my choices in life may be judged. As you say there is nothing ‘out there’ about what is shared by Serge Behayon, we know people feel lonely, we know people are getting ill and disease is increasing in society, we know that many feel depressed and are without truth purpose in life, and so to suggest coming back and building a relationship with ourselves first is gorgeous and it so makes sense.

  169. Great sharing Matt and I totally agree on the common sense approach of Serge Benhayon. We are flooded with life managing strategies and concepts of how to live all void of a true Livingness, which is what Serge Benhayon presents: Simple daily life truth.

  170. When we swim against the flow of a river, it’s a metaphor for going against what is considered normal. When I decided to swim the other way, I became part of a group of people that are choosing not to rebel against life, but to commit to life, commit to responsibility, commit to self care, integrity and above all, truth. Serge Benhayon displays these qualities and it is my choice to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ thank you (not yet). There is nothing radical about this way of living, just a very loving and honest existence. Matt, you have detailed how each and every course that I’ve attended with Universal Medicine, presented by Serge, has been. It is ‘normal’ to want to live with these characteristics in our lives; I would say it is radical to not want these qualities.

  171. “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” This is a great sharing Matt, this also reminds me of how we tend to brand a race or culture of people as all being the same. We often hear, all Americans, Chinese, Indians and etc are like that. And when we meet one that does not fit the ideals we believe them to be we rationalize it as “he/she is just different”. We make so many assumptions about people as a form of protection, trying to keep ourselves safe, yet we miss out on so much.

    1. This is so true Caroline, just like we can stereotype male and female behaviours with not much understanding of what each individual person is going through and then say it is just because they are a man/woman.

  172. What a great insight from Serge Benhayon in saying, because I’ve been hurt by a few people, doesn’t mean the billions of others in the world will! That one statement alone could revolutionise relationship counselling!

    1. Spot on Heather, this is such a powerful insight into relationships in the way we are living life constantly filtering it through our past hurts and how simple it is to let go of the hurts to let the love flow in our lives.

    2. Thank you for explaining that further Heather. The worldview puts into perspective that because I hold a hurt I am blame one person for; I am holding everyone else in the world at bay expecting to be hurt. That’s a self-imprisoning way to live. Better to feel the hurt, but not let it get the better of me.

  173. Yes absolutely, it always comes down to the fact that we have a choice in every moment, to choose love or not to choose love. As there are only a few that are choosing love what I am finding is, that making this simple choice in every moment isn’t always easy, but with a loving dedication to commit to love and not to be hard on myself, when I do make mistakes there only has to be one way, and that is more loving.

    1. An on-going choice to be love or not to be love, and yes Caroline it requires commitment, dedication, acceptance and appreciation.

  174. I can confirm this Matt, the teachings of Universal Medicine are not ‘out there’, radical or complicated to understand and they are no theory either, they are in fact very practical, tangible and easy to apply. The amazing thing is you can simply test them for yourself by applying them to your life – if you do so, you will realize how much sense they make and you will benefit from it immensely.

  175. I love what you have expressed here Matt. We do have a choice every day in every moment to choose the path we will take. And that living in reaction and protection from being hurt through seeking comfort has indeed become an assumed ‘normality’. However what if choosing to connect to our love within became the normal, and if instead we were seeking to choose to re-build our trust in love and each other? As you shared there is a deep wisdom equally within us all and this naturally part of who we are, from which we can live if we choose to connect to this. ‘Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.’ – well said. Serge Benhayon’s message is not revolutionary, it is simply evolutionary, if we so choose to live this loving way for ourselves.

  176. Thank you Matt for your great blog. You’ve summed it up so well – the simplicity and common sense of how life is our medicine. Our choices are what govern our experiences, and so being able to look at our choices in this way is hugely liberating.

  177. ‘If I choose to move more to the pure love side’ everything changes and there are endless opportunities to ‘re-write’ my history. Thank you Serge Benhayon and Matt Nolan.

  178. Thanks for sharing your experience Mathew , it makes perfect sense to want be be more open, honest and loving with people . The common sense type wisdom that Serge presents is easily understood and the group work between so many different people from so many different walks of life is an amazing experience.

    1. Exactly Greg and there is such a willingness in all the people around to look at what really is and move on from where everybody got stuck. What impressed me most has been the level of openness and honesty that is constantly lived there.

  179. That which Serge Benhayon offers us in his workshops is so totally simple and totally accessible to all, the choice is always there, and always will be. Like yourself Matt my first workshop was the beginning of a totally different way of life for me, it was lovely to read your blog as it reminded me where I once was at and where I find myself today, thank you.

    1. Hear! Hear! Rosemary, there were many me included, who attended their first workshop with Serge Benhayon and immediately knew that what they were hearing was already known as a truth in their own body. It was like ‘coming home’ and as for you “was the beginning of a totally different way of life for me”!

  180. Totally concur Matt, I experience a very similar thing when I go to the courses – what is presented it not out there or un-relatable, it is simple common sense and fits with my experiences of life thus far. Like you said, something resonates within me when Serge Benhayon talks and I know what I have found is the truth – a way of living that challenges the normal we simply put up with, and supports people to feel for themselves the most loving and open way to live.

    1. As you say Rebecca, Serge Benhayon opens the back door on so many of our so called normals – he suggests that if we begin to change the platform we live from that true joy and harmony can be present in each and every moment. It’s so evident how deeply we have given up on such a raised benchmark – in our day to day lives I see people everywhere coping with life’s rat race rewarded by pay cheques, holidays and new acquirements. Pockets of relief amongst a tough, fast paced world.

      1. Exactly lucindag, the majority of the life we live outside of the rat run is simple relief – the food we eat and the stuff we drink, the holidays we go on – it’s all to momentarily escape the pressure of life. However what Serge Benahyon presents is that we do not need to escape but can fully embrace life and enjoy it.

  181. Yes, I agree Matt it was a truly profound moment in my life too, when I attended my first Universal Medicine presentation, one that I will be eternally appreciative of.

  182. I love how Serge Benhayon presents very simple things about life that are actually very true. We do tend to protect ourselves from being hurt and this can play out in so many ways. I love what I have learned and continue to learn through Universal Medicine too Matt, it has helped me become so much more open to people, much less hurt, which means I am not always looking to others for confirmation that I am ok and so I more willing to meet them at face value.

    1. Amongst so many gems presented here I love the reminder that if I am looking to others for any kind of recognition or confirmation of me, I am lost to me and need to re-establish a connection and communication with myself based on acceptance, love and respect. Thank you, Kate.

    2. Well said Kate, me too, I have learnt – and re-learnt – or more likely remembered so many truths about life since attending workshops with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I am more open to people and much less hurt. I’m learning to take more responsibility and that I am amazing just for being me; no rara, but a simple fact.

  183. I love what you say about it all being common sense what’s presented. From all that Serge Benhayon has presented over the years it’s all had me go, yes that makes sense, I knew that even if there were definite elements of revelation they still made perfect sense.

    I’d say I’m a fairly bright bunny but growing up noticing how people related to each other, how people lived, the religious explanations of things did not add up at all and left me confused and flat. What is presented with Universal Medicine reminds me of a world that I do know, a world I may have long forgotten but a world and way of living that comes alive. So blessed to be part of it.

  184. Hi Matt thank you for blog, every time I go to a Universal Medicine event, I always walk away with something special, a deeper understanding and practical tools to suppot me to heal evolve and to be more of me. Universal medicine becomes your way of living.

  185. What you have written is so powerful. Because it is so simple. That is, quite literally, all there is to it. That simple choice. It is there for each and every single one of us, each and every single day. Serge Benhayon is offering us all a choice. But, in truth, it’s old news! In that it is a choice that we all already have, have always had and will always have. It is nothing complicated, nothing special, nothing weird, out there, or off-the-wall. It is the simplest, most normal, most obvious choice. For all of us. But, as your blog so eloquently explains, very few of us are making that choice. That is a fact. But that fact doesn’t make the choice itself any less simple or accessible.

    1. I like what you are saying here ottobathurst that just because there are very few making the choice or even understanding the choice does not necessarily mean that the choice is more difficult or less accessible. This is the trap we all can fall into. We can feel the truth in our lives and we want to make different choices to put that first but then we hesitate because we don’t want to stand out from the crowd. I know I fall into this one. We assume it is a big deal when really it is very simple, very natural, very normal.

      1. Living a life putting the truth first changes the way you do everything. In a way it changes you because you become more yourself.

      2. Yes and then it seems very straight forward to say how can any one argue with you being you?

        And if I have a problem with someone having a problem with me harmlessly being myself then I’m placing being accepted by someone else over me accepting and loving me first- a way of living I’ve lived too much in the past that I know leaves me at the mercy of everything I’m giving my power away to. I would not recommend this to anyone.

        On the other hand getting to know who I truly am and who we truly are is amazing.

      3. This is so true what you’ve shared andrewmooney26, we hesitate from being who we truly are because we don’t want to stand out from the crowd. When put like this I can see how crazy this is. In the past (and sometimes still, but much less so) I have made my life so difficult and complicated which is utterly exhausting, when as you say, living who we truly are is actually ‘very simple, very natural, and very normal’.

    2. Is it love or not? The simplicity of the choice is sometimes the agony for me because I have to accept that I have chosen the ‘or not’ many times. What Serge Benhayon presents with exquisite consistency is that no matter what has come before, we have in this moment and the next and the next a fresh choice.

      1. I love that choice matildaclark, that even when we get it ‘wrong’ we always have another choice, to love.

    3. I totally agree ottobathurst: the power of this wonderful blog by Matt is in its simplicity. He had no need to embellish what happened for him at his first Universal Medicine workshop, he simply told it as it was and in doing so, clearly and forthrightly shared his experience, which I am sure will be of inspiration to others.

  186. Awesome Matt, thank you for sharing. I too remember my first Universal Medicine workshop five years ago now, so it’s lovely to read of your experience and be reminded of the ease, common sense, love and wisdom I also felt at that time.

    1. Yes Candida, me too, I remember sitting in my first Livingness workshop with Serge Benhayon. In those days it had a different name, but the feeling is the same; a feeling of so much common sense and of coming home.

    2. I am reminded too Candida of my first Workshop with Universal Medicine. I travelled to Lennox Heads to attend Livingness 2 after listening to Serge Benhayon’s lectures and reading his books for a couple of years prior. My curiosity got the better of me and I took the trip up to see what it was all about. It was the best decision I have ever made and that was five years ago.

  187. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience, Listening to Serge Benhayon present I would agree wholeheartedly, “threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.” The truth recognises truth and it resonates within, it simply makes sense.

  188. “…as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” This is such a mind blowing statement and realisation. There is much to be learnt and pondered on from this one statement. When we realise the absurdity of how we live our lives from this hurt in this respect we realise therefore the ultimate potential available if we were to choose otherwise.

  189. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience, When I attended Serge’s talks I was amazed at how simple and full of common sense they were. Our world has been filled with so much complexity that when simple truth comes along it is hard to believe that life could be so simple.

  190. I have always loved how Serge Benhayon presents. He says it as it is and then it is up to you to take it or leave it. He has absolutely no attachment to whether what he presents is accepted or not and this is very freeing.

  191. Top blog Matt. “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.”
    This is exactly what I found when I started to attend the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. There were no frills, no fluff, just a common sense approach that can be used in everyday life that truly benefits ourselves.

  192. It certainly is awe inspiring attending one of Serge Benhayons workshops or presentations. I cannot deny that what he presents feels so true to me each and every time. Good for you Matt for taking the step and attending a workshop.

  193. Thank you for your beautiful expression Matt and putting into words exactly how I felt as well ‘threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.’ My body responded with a sigh of relief that at last something made sense and I had the answers I had been searching for all my life.

  194. Beautiful Matt thanks, what you share is so simple and profound, and as you say… it’s common sense. If we were to take just this and apply it to life consistently… an enormous amount would change.

  195. Thanks for sharing your experience of Universal Medicine’s Livingness Workshop Matt. I’ve attended these in the UK and can totally relate to how you said that Serge Benhayon’s comments and presentations come with a deep wisdom that is also innately familiar.

  196. This reminds me Matt just how stunning the Universal Medicine events are. They feature people from so many walks of life, yet there is a strong feeling of what we all share. They helped me come back to see that this love is innately common to us all and super powerful.

  197. Thank you for sharing Matt. Its true each and every one of us feels what is true when we are willing to be honest with ourselves, no matter how far away we may be living from it at the time, in the instant its felt marks the gorgeous opportunity to align to that and choose to make changes from there.

    1. Well said Emma. It is a blessing to be supported so powerfully in returning to our innermost connection and awareness. And as Tim Bowyer says below, this comes with “no frills, no fluff, just a common sense approach that can be used in everyday life that truly benefits ourselves”, and we naturally also have a more loving impact in the lives of all around us.

  198. This also resonated with me Matts … “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.”. Now that’s a game changer, like you found the following day. Awesome revelation and like you say this is not some “out there” thing, it is incredibly practical and can be lived as soon as you choose it.

  199. Thank you for your awesome blog, Matt! What Serge Benhayon shares with us, we all know inside. We recognize it and something inside says yes to it. You experienced it, me too and you were able to share with others as well. Hearing Serge speak for the first time felt for me like coming home, finally allowing myself to stop searching and the end of a life being about surviving.

  200. It was so confirming to read your honest and powerful blog Matt. It is clear that you have been truly inspired by Serge Benhayon’s common sense approach, your fellow students and the incomparable Donna Gianniotis. I am also constantly astounded by how the word ‘normal’ as the world knows it seems to include obesity, rape, murder, violence, self harm, drugs, alcohol, child abuse and a denial of love for ourselves….. Serge presents that love and evolution are our true normal and every last cell in my body tells me this makes perfect sense.

  201. Thank you Matt. It’s that common sense basis that I like about what Serge Benhayon presents, nothing airy fairy. When I went to my first Livingness 1 all my cells in my body went I know this… and I want to know more.

  202. ‘If five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.’ This statement has been profound for me in looking at many areas that I noticed I had been protecting myself pretty much all my life. Serge Benhayon’s presentations are full of such gems. I too find that what he presents makes everything simple, down to earth and immediately applicable to life.

  203. I love how you share that there was and from my experience there always is a “significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living.” Very true.

  204. I was just commenting how the Universal Medicine courses are like no other, no exams or assignments, no pressure. Just turn up, listen and feel. Serge Benhayon is a master of patience and continually presents his lived wisdom with such common sense and humour. I really enjoy reading your blog again Matt, thanks for sharing.

  205. Thank you Matt for taking the time to express about your experience of the Livingness 1 Workshop. I agree with you about the basic common sense way in which Serge Benhayon presents. It resonates because we know and can feel the truth in his message. Simple, powerful and if we accept it, life changing and world changing. Another word for it is LOVE.

  206. I have attended the Livingness workshops many times and oh my god they are such good medicine.

      1. Agree, agree, agree. But it’s almost as if the word ‘medicine’ doesn’t do it justice. Nowadays medicine is something that most people take to alleviate pain, to suppress the illness, to enable them to continue to eek out their existence. Yet this kind of medicine is oh-so-jolly-much more. This kind of medicine is life, and body, and everything, changing. It is medicine….but with a very big capital M!

  207. This is a very good way to understand ‘normal’ Matt, that it sits somewhere between evil and love. It is the absolute comfort because it does not involve an active choice. The more we choose love however, the more love will become the ‘normal’ way for many of us.

    1. And even though it appears like there is no active choice when the ‘normal’ road is adopted, there still is a choice being made. If we are not choosing love, we have to be choosing the other.

  208. Matt, I too remember my first ever experience as a Universal Medicine Student, and like you have shared here the wisdom that Serge Benhayon spoke with, spoke volumes to me. I loved reading what you have written here, yes we all do need to take a look at how we are living and with practical common sense begin to make the changes our bodies are literally crying out for.

    1. I also remember, ‘ the wisdom that Serge Benhayon spoke with, spoke volumes to me’, what Serge was presenting simply made sense, there was a knowing in me that what was being presented was absolutely true with no doubt, I didn’t have to try and work it out.

  209. Awesome expression, Matt:
    “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.”
    That’s the trap of so much of our Society – to live in the anticipation of needing to protect ourselves. As you say, The Way of the Livingness re instates our status to that of being who we are naturally, without this anticipatory protection.

  210. ‘If five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” This really resonated with me too Matt and was the start of my journey to open up and be more love in brotherhood with humanity.

  211. Serge Benhayon not only explains, in a very practical way, how it is possible to change the way we are living and to choose to live from our inner selves, from a place of truth and love. He also, so lovingly, explains why is it that we struggle to do this on a consistent basis. How many workshops have you ever been to where the lecturer has not only had the insight to say ‘this may not be easy for these reasons’, but when you return some months later, will acknowledge and give understanding to the fact that you are trying to make different choices and it’s not easy because this is what’s really going on ……
    So, we are then graced with more understanding, allowing us the space to acknowledge all that we are and all that we have already mastered on our continuous journey.
    Serge Benhayon lovingly goes over things I don’t know how many times, with no judgement and no attatchement to anyone ‘getting it’. We have free will and it’s totally up to us how we choose to live our lives. He is a truly inspiring man.

  212. Yes Matt, I too found that Serge presented and continues to present ‘no radical concepts, but common sense’. Roll on the day when this type of sense does become common.

  213. A common sense that comes from our wisdom within. Thanks for sharing your experience and the truth you re-connected to Matt.

  214. Thank you Matt, it has been really helpful for me to have the reminder that ‘in one direction there was pure evil, in the opposite direction pure love, in the middle was ‘normal’ – with many incremental steps along the pathway’. I love the simple and practical way this article is written, it is very supportive to read, thank you.

  215. “if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.”

    It makes sense doesn’t it.

    Then why do we think the world is a big bad place out to get us?
    Admit there are great atrocities in this world but isn’t it just as bad if we shut out the world and don’t appreciate the beauty?

    Life is a two way street, an open door a constant interaction.
    It seems silly to place our hurts as the primary focus in our lives; meaning basing a life on protection.

    As corny as it may sound it makes sense to make life about love.

    1. That’s a interesting thought Doug.
      If we perceive it for long enough doesn’t it eventually become true. That’s what it seems on the surface.

      People not being friendly and open. Little human decency and so forth.

      This is a very real perception however it remains un-true as the kindness and Love always remains within, no matter how deep or how many layers it may be under.

  216. Thank you Matt, its very refreshing to read a comparative newcomers take on a workshop such as the one as you attended… it really is simple isn’t it… And common sense as you say. Wonderfully written thank you.

  217. ‘Serge encouraged an open discussion. He took all questions, respectfully challenged assumptions and, threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.’ – I have always found Serge Benhayon to be like this in workshop or in personal conversation.

  218. Beautifully expressed. So true as well, what Serge Benhayon shares and facilities in his presentations are common sense realisations, there is nothing strange or ‘weird’ about it, the issue of ‘self responsibility’ is often what people find hard to stomach, and I can understand that it is confronting, but from becoming aware that I actually had the power to alter that which did not feel true in my life was a complete life changer.

  219. I attended a one day workshop presented by Serge Benhayon and I came away with this feeling that I had just been told something really big but could not quite fathom what it was, but I knew I had to go back and find out more.

    1. Yes very true Julie, I too had the same feeling, like I had just crossed the threshold into another realm and had to take a deep look at my life to date as a consequence. I have never regretted attending and many years on, cherish these events deeply for the personal healing plus the beautiful and sincere connection and love that has grown between those who attend. Every Universal Medicine event I have attended fosters true community and group work, each event is a living gem in this world that delivers true resolutions to many people.

  220. Livingness one and all workshops with Serge Benhayon have been a continuous amazing support over the years and have shown me the truth about life, and knowing that is so real, tangible and confirming of the truth that resonates in my body. Yes I know it too, we all do, and how amazing that finally someone is bringing the truth and integrity to the world with absolute knowing and love. It is beautiful to share your appreciation of this workshop Matt, thank you for your blog I love it.

  221. Thank you Matt for your sharing. I remember me on my first Livingness Workshop 10 years ago (was called “Heart Chakra Workshop” that time). I did not understand very much because my English those days was very limited. But my body did understand totally, and I felt – without understanding in full why – like coming home again. My life turned around and yes, it feels like I had have two lives this life. One before I met Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings – which was more of an existing – and one since then, the life I live now in direction to pure love.

    1. I felt that coming home too, Steve and Sandra, its a big place, and the more I explore it the more I know I am here to stay.

      1. Me too, the beautifull thing is that the coming home is for everyone. It is a wisdom, truth and love that is in each and every one of us and all encompassing. I deeply appreciate what Serge Benhayon and Universal present, represent and share.

      2. Me too – I remember a moment at my first event when I knew that I had found the people I was meant to be with. I remember walking into the food hall at a Lennox Head Retreat and I knew that I had found true brotherhood once again and it did indeed feel like coming home.

  222. The first time I attended a Livingness workshop almost 10 years ago it was like having been lost my whole life and then finding that I was home at last… the truth will always set you free to be your real self.

    1. Well said, sjmatsonuk, I also remember the feeling of coming home because everything I had felt deep inside about the world was confirmed with such simplicity and common sense.

    2. So true sjmatsonuk, the truth will always set you free. It’s amazing how the simplicity of truth belies its enormous power to heal deeply cemented patterns and behaviours and our hurts that we become imprisoned in – leaving us more clear and open to love.

    3. I agree sjmatsonuk. There are many out there claiming they have the truth but the true truth will always set you free and everything else will pin you down or box you into something that is not who you are.

  223. ‘I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ This is a pattern for many of us and our relationships with people change when we let go of old hurts and open up to each moment. In this way we can be with who is there and what they are actually presenting rather than what we think they will think, do or say.

    1. Yes so true Carmel, the workshops have enabled many people, self included to drop all the expectations, presumptions and judgement about other people and just engage with them where they are and where I am. And for me, a very staunch hermit, the world of people has opened up, I now love being with people, sharing life and working together in a way previously un-imagined and very much en-joyed.

  224. Within one workshop, one day – Livingness 1 – everything in life makes sense again even though in some areas its hard to understand why they continue. What I’ve witnessed over the last decade is no matter what age you attend or how many times you attend you gain a deep confirmation of what is truly going on in the world and the reasons for this. From not knowing what true love actually is to being met and held by absolute love. The greatest investment of time and money I made.

    1. I agree, going back the basics with Livingness 1 again, for me, always pays great dividends. Going deeper every time and confirming to me what ‘being in the Livingness’ is really about. It is quite simple, love, truth, honesty, awareness, commitment and consistency, honouring ourselves – all of those things lead us to the path of return to who we truly are and with the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I am certainly not going to miss this opportunity to evolve this time round.

  225. Thank you for expressing your truth here Matt. This is definitely the way.

  226. This is very beautifully, concisely and simply expressed Matt, thank you. It leaves me with no uncertainty that it is very normal to love and be loved and very, very abnormal to not. While the latter is sadly the more common in the world today, it doesn’t ever mean that it is normal to feel such separation. Deep down we all know this to be true because we feel it with every pore of our being.

    1. I agree Liane, not only has Matt beautifully summarised the true nature of the Universal Medicine workshops, but that it is very natural for us to love and be loved back. Years of studying and healing with Universal Medicine has supported me to let go of my deeply held suspicions and defence around people. I can let love in and express love so much more easily because it is our natural state and any deviation from this shows me that I have a hurt to resolve or an issue I don’t want to look at. And yes then love pours forth from every atom and pore of our being – simply delicious.

  227. Thank you Matt for sharing with us all the magic of the Livingness workshop. It is so true that Serge Benhayon makes these workshops about the people attending and it’s one of the things I enjoy the most about all of the Universal Medicine workshops and retreats. It shows that Serge Benhayon is here to support others and never is what he presents about himself. The common sense wisdom presented at these workshops supports people to change the way they are living. I’ve been able to aply it to my life over the last 8 years and can truly say that no other workshop or approach I’ve ever tried has supported me to make true change in my life.

  228. When we create barriers to protect ourselves, nothing gets in or out. We lose our connection with others. This is lonely and not loving for ourselves or others. It makes sense to let go of our hurts and to be able to reconnect with the enormous love available to us.

  229. Serge Benhayon offering another way of seeing the world. I find his teachings like no other and I find his wisdom opens doors for me to see my world differently.

    1. That’s so true Natasha. And yet the teachings that Serge Benhayon presents are what I am rediscovering.

      1. True Karin, Serge Benhayon is just bringing us back to what we innately know inside, and once we wake up to that then there is no barrier to ourselves other than what we put up ourselves. The presentations of Universal Medicine have truly changed my life and I shall continue to attending Livingness 1 presentations to build a stronger and stronger foundation for myself and love every step of the way.

  230. I find this to be very true Matt, ‘I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.’ For if we were to focus more on who we are or can be, it means we have to take full responsibility for ourselves and our choices.

    1. So true Susan. It is so easy to be a victim and blame others for all our hurts and woes. If we claim our responsibility back we then have the power to change things.

  231. Matt I really appreciate your sharing your workshop experience. It is revealing how much most of us do put up our protection first before we give anyone the chance to get to know us. I know that I have done that for most of my life and still do at times, more often than I would like. But as we build more trust in others and especially ourselves, and know that no matter what happens we are perfectly capable of dealing with it. Love and equality is where it is at, we are all these and more. Having been a part of the Student body of Universal Medicine for many years now I know that what Serge Benhayon Presents and lives is inspirational and the truth.

  232. Matt fantastic to hear your experience in the first Livingness workshop with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I too remember very clearly attending mine 11 years ago and I totally agree that what Serge was presenting made absolute sense and I started to realise the hurts that I was carrying. Seriously a pivotal moment in my life choosing to go to that workshop and have never looked back.

  233. Matt, I really enjoyed reading your article, it is written with simplicity and clarity. What Serge Benhayon presents has always made sense to me in a kind of knowing sort of a way. It may take me a while to digest (there is much to take in) but with time a sense of greater clarity unfolds and it is all from that same place of knowing.

  234. Thank you for sharing your experience Matt. I have had similar experiences with the simplicity and wisdom of what Serge Banhayon and Universal Medicine have presented in the various courses and workshops I have attended. What has been presented has resonated with me in a way that I know it to be the truth, it feels practical and universally applicable.

  235. Letting the world in no matter what stories we have chosen, sounds simple, and it really is. But we have made it very complex and impossible by the hurts we hold.
    We can do this both ways — by holding the whole world in ransom when we are hurt by a few; or we consistently hold a few in ransom but not everyone else. But there is no difference in these two scenarios. Without loving all, we cannot love any.
    When we think we are “protecting” ourselves, we are actually hurting ourselves and everyone else deeply.
    Thank you Matt for sharing your very clear and honest experience with Serge Benhayon and the workshop, which in his very respectful, deeply loving and truthful way in presenting, we are allowed to come to the understanding deeply ourselves.

  236. Thanks for your writing Matt, for sure the teachings from Serge Benhayon are grounded in common sense. The real question that needs to be asked is why there is such a reaction to this. Could it be a defense of a way of living that isn’t really working? I considered Universal Medicine made perfect sense to me when I first came to listen to it, and nothing since has made anything other than perfect sense in a world that does not.

  237. Matt your appreciation of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and the student body as a whole is beautiful to read, thank you for sharing so openly.

  238. This is a wonderful expose of the world – it literally makes no sense, yet one man tells it like it is and we instantly know that the truth is what you can hear, see and feel. This is amazing, and yes coming home never felt so good.

  239. Matt, you are a role model yourself. You have obviously been drawn to Universal Medicine through inspiration and your own search for a new way, as you have recognised that for the majority of us, the way we live simply isn’t working, and you aren’t prepared to just go along for the ride as so many of us do.

  240. I have had a similar experience with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon Matt – and what it has all boiled down to is common sense.

  241. Common-sense is exactly correct. What is interesting is how it can seemingly be so difficult to see life with common-sense, to look at situations with common-sense, to make decisions with common-sense, we are so coloured by our hurts and our issues that we cannot often see with common-sense. Serge Benhayon is not coloured by the haze of the hurts and issues and therefore can see and present back to us – the audience – the revelations based on common-sense, which is actually all too uncommon in what we see day today. Thank you Matt for a great sharing.

  242. Thank you Matt for your openness and clarity in seeing how we hold the world ‘to ransom’ just in case we are hurt or rejected. Your words are a timely reminder to let people in and let go of our old hurts, to be love.

  243. Awesome sharing Matt – what you said really struck something in me: if a handful of people have hurt me it does not mean that the rest of the world’s population will do so too – hearing this makes me realise how much I still live with that same expectation too, of being hurt rather than giving everyone the ‘benefit of the doubt’, no matter how small I may think this is. Thanks Matt, great stuff for me to ponder on…

  244. Serge Benhayon’s workshops offer uncommon common sense. There is so much profound wisdom that he delivers, so simply, and the healing effect rolls on for weeks, and months afterwards. I look forward to the day when this sort of common sense does become common.

  245. It’s so clear from your writing Matt, that what you’ve shared here is wisdom you also know within – that makes ‘total sense’. I have found myself experiencing this time and time again, in attending workshops, healing courses and presentations by Serge Benhayon, and even the odd session… that everything he says resonates with the deepest chords of my being.
    And although I may not be fully living this wisdom in my everyday, I know it is there, and with due awareness and a willingness to look at what truly works and what doesn’t in life, the lived wisdom deepens… Looking back, the extent to which this has occurred for me is near unfathomable, since attending such presentations. I simply cannot imagine such powerful inner-awakening, awareness and wisdom, without having been willing to listen, deeply discern, and feel all that does resonate within me from all that Serge Benhayon most prolifically and freely shares. That he does so from a stance of absolute equality only takes this deeper and confirms that it is, all, within every one of us.

  246. Great post Matt – you bring a very grounded perspective to what Universal Medicine is all about – the simple and profound message of which has, to date, been missed by the media at large. It is crazy that people should fear a man or organisation that presents the benefits of living with an open heart, and that the media should so relish the opportunity to so clearly misrepresent him.

    1. Yes, and that craziness will gradually dissolve as each one of has the true courage to open our hearts to all without exception. As I wrote that word ‘courage’ I remembered that it is derived from the French word for ‘heart’ which is ‘coeur’ and also the Italian ‘cuore’. Let us no longer hold back our divine love which is our birthright.

  247. Absolutely I agree Serge Benhayon’s presentations are full of common sense and very supportive to live in a way that enhances our well-being. There seems to be a lot of extremist behaviour in our society today and it is great to get back to a foundation of truth and love, playfullness and joy and work from that.

  248. Matt this was such a great blog to read – how you felt by attending this workshop was described and written about with so much love, clarity and simplicity that it would be very hard not to be inspired by you.

  249. Matt, delightful reading your blog and your appreciation of what you experienced and learned from the Universal Medicine Livingness workshop. When I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine 9 years ago, I too was blown away by how down to earth and simple, yet how profound the wisdom presented was, and how it all made sense to the deepest part of me. What a joy it also is to be surounded by so many other students who choose to explore, understand and deepen the life we live, and who so generously offer their own life experiences and understanding so that we can all develop and evolve together. I understand when you sum it up as “I am Home!”. Me too.

  250. Excellent piece of writing Matt, I loved your observations and insights on Serge’s Benhayons workshop presentation. Serge’s work is very down to earth and he makes it practical and accessible.

  251. Awesome Matt, thank you so much for sharing your day. Every workshop I have attended with Serge Benhayon has been mind-blowing, he has so much to offer us and just like you say he always takes questions and respectfully challenges assumptions, leaving the participants un-imposed and free to ponder on the great wisdom delivered.

  252. So enjoyed reading your blog Matt. “Throughout the session Serge encouraged an open discussion. He took all questions, respectfully challenged assumptions and, threaded through his comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar”. I had exactly the same experience when I attended my first workshop about 7 years ago. There was a knowingness deep inside me that was resonating with what Serge Benhayon was sharing with us all. I may not have fully understood all that he shared, but I could feel a connection – something familiar – the truth.

  253. Thank you so much, Matt. It is silly how we can ransom others to the hurts we feel, not letting them in because others have hurt us. An amazing overall message that Serge Benhayon offers, with a huge amount of clarity and reality.

  254. Dear Matt, what a gorgeous blog you have shared! I’ve been studying with Universal Medicine now for a few years, and openly discussing and sharing has become my norm, so your writing helped me realise how much there is to appreciate about the Student Body, our discussions and dedication to living love, and how we share together. Your blog is a great exposé of how normal, common sense, practical, and accessible the Ageless Wisdom is, as presented by Serge Benhayon. I look forward to more writing from you!

  255. “that this was our workshop – not his ” for me this just encapsulates the love Serge Benhayon has for humanity. How many people that present make it about themselves? Not Serge, ever – everything is for all of humanity, not just confined to those in that room, it is for all – everywhere – because he loves us all deeply and equally and lives a life dedicated to God, the truth and humanity. I for one have never been held in such love until I met Serge Benhayon, nor seen anyone love people so much that they dedicate their whole life to service. Not to put him on a pedestal – he is showing us we can be and live that way too.

  256. Hi Matt, thank you so much for being open to share yourself and your experience – it is beautiful to read. Such straight, simple and refreshing truth. I loved feeling the love in your words.

  257. You explain your experience of the Universal Medicine Livingness Workshop so openly and truthfully of how inspired you were, Matt. It is an amazing start when we realise how ‘normal’ is what the majority do, but not how we can be.

  258. Yes Matt, there are many ‘normals’ that trap us and box us in, or rather we box ourselves in. It is a pleasure to read your reflection of the Livingness workshop presented by Serge Benhayon. Each course I attend also offers me the choice to walk in the direction of Love with a good dose of laughter and humour on the way.

  259. Matt – I loved your blog! I have done the Livingness 1 course too, and I loved the wisdom and simple common sense presented. I totally agree with you, what Serge Benhayon presents simply makes sense, and that is so refreshing in a world that makes little sense!

  260. Hi Matt, Your openness to embracing the truth from the livingness and sharing that with the world in your blog, and how you are living, is an inspiration to all who read it and all who feel your honesty.

  261. I love how simply you’ve expressed your first Universal Medicine workshop and you sum it up perfectly at the end when you say “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.”.

  262. Hi Matt, I loved reading your blog and your beautiful way with words. Thank you for sharing your experience, you have captured the absolute simplicity of Serge Benhayon’s message for us all.

  263. This is a great summation of what state we are in and the one we could be in, if we but choose differently. You have really captured the essence of what Serge Benhayon presents, Matt!

  264. Thanks Matt, sounds like this workshop you attended was very eyeopening an many levels. I have found anything that raises my awareness of myself and the world around me to be extremely empowering and liberating at the same time.

  265. A great post Matt. I remember meeting Serge Benhayon for the first time and feeling that what he shared made so much sense. It was so normal and down to earth, so real and I felt that I knew exactly what he was talking about and it all made perfect sense and seemed so obvious that I wondered how I had not got to it before. It was like what he was sharing was hidden in me just waiting to be remembered. This continues to happen with each presentation I attend and the beauty of what is shared to support daily living is immense.

  266. This is such a great article Matt, i have attended many courses with Serge Benhayon and find them very true, very simple and very inspiring. The simplicity and common sense nature of theses workshops is what stands out for me in your blog, I love the clarity with which you write.

  267. Matt everyday I meet people through work, or whilst out and about, that clearly see something is not working in the world. The struggle and relentless issues that come up are unsustainable. When the participants of Livingness 1 and other workshops come together their is a real purpose to the fact things need to change – and to the fact that we need to be the ones that change and together support everyone else who is equally feeling the need to change the way society lives/functions.

    1. Beautifully said David. We do need to change and change we are doing, what Matt writes here and the comments that have followed are testament to that. This can and does mean the world is ready to see our loving way of living. Bring it on I say, let’s all shine our love and light for all to see.

  268. Imagine the trouble the world would have been saved from if people like Hitler had dealt with his inner hurts before going into politics.

  269. As time has marched forward the number of channels on TV that are becoming available are ever increasing, but quantity of anything does not always bring quality with it. With TV services provided by satellite dish, cable, phone or a Sim on some hand held device, and then there are the subscriptions for any and all imaginable and un-imaginable things we can watch. Universal Medicine broadcasts are the snowflakes in the coal pile. It globally pales and challenges anything else that is available our there to watch. The world is slowly getting to be a smaller place.

  270. Thank you Matt, to share so openly the experience you had in your first workshop with Serge Benhayon. It is so clear, that the truth sets free and I can so clearly feel this in your writing.

  271. Hello everyone, I just wanted to thank you all for not only taking the time to read my words, but to be so supportive and encouraging in your comments back.

    The Universal Medicine community is so beautiful and I feel so blessed to be a part of it. The simplest way of expressing this can be summed up as follows – “I’m home”!

    1. Welcome home Matt. I too have found that all Serge Benhayon presents just makes sense and the more I choose to allow more love into the way I live the more love there is within me.

    2. And what a loving, supportive and joyful home it is. As well as being the largest family you could ever be a part of.

    3. That’s beautiful Matt, I had almost exactly the same experience as you with my first workshop many years ago now. I was also struck by the simple common sense and the incredible support and love which continues to grow and expand.

    4. Awesome Matt, returning back to ‘home’ is a most Joyful knowing and to have everyone there beside you claimed in our Love that we are is it. There’s no other place I want to be.

  272. Fantastic blog Matt, the steadiness that you write about this day with is a testament to the no nonsense, super real way that Serge Benhayon presents. Thanks for relaying the teaching about hurts and protection – while I am still carrying hurts this never gets old.

    1. Yes his testament can very much be felt- speaking directly from the truth of your body Matt- thank you !

  273. Thank you Matt for your blog, it’s always great to hear how another has confirmed what they have always known as truth. How when we listen to truth our deep knowing is awakened and the pull to be all that we are begins. It’s the feeling of coming home.

    1. It sure does kimweston2, the feeling and pull to come home, to return to the love that we have always known and felt we are, yet been too afraid to express in the world for fear of being ridiculed; at least that was my experience.

      1. That is my experience too James, it’s still something I work through daily as I’m learning to express in full.

      2. This has been my experience too James and Kimweston2. I am constantly learning how to express in full, sometimes it is so very easy to do this, other times it feels like I am standing in front of a firing squad. However I am still standing, so will keep expressing all of who I am.😊

      3. Awesome Leigh keep standing and expressing all of who you are!! The great thing when I express in full is that I find the situation or interaction completes and I am not left in the thinking of I should have said this or that – it is far less tiring!!

  274. Thanks Matt, great sharing. I also experience how every Universal Medicine event is so beautifully comprised of both what Serge Benhayon shares and the contributions of all the participants. Serge always presents how it is our workshop and as you say takes all questions respectfully and answers with such a “deep wisdom that it feels innately familiar.” It is amazing and very heart-warming how people from all walks of life and ages so openly share their life experiences. We learn so much from ourselves and each other and often in hearing how many others share similar experiences we are able to depersonalise our stuff, see it more clearly for what it is and where needed let it go!

    1. Isn’t that true Nicola, the fact that other people share and you recognise yourself in their words. Both receive an immense healing. I have been completely inspired by the openness of people at Universal Medicine events – that is why they are so healing.

  275. Thank you Matt, I really enjoyed reading your blog on your experience and awareness around your first encounter with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, live as it were.
    I understand absolutely the content of your article, for that was my experience also, even though a few years ago now. Basically, what was presented to me back then made more sense to me than anything else that had been offered ever before in this life and still continues to do so, even unto my reading Serge’s latest book titled ‘Time”, one of a 3 part series – it just makes sense.

    1. Roberta, I can also attest to the fact that my first experience with Serge Benhayon was the same as yours and Matt’s. “Basically, what was presented to me back then made more sense to me than anything else that had been offered ever before in this life and still continues to do so”. That was 11 years ago and since then Serge has not only shown an unwavering consistency but an ever deepening love for all.

  276. Really superb sharing mat, a true testament to what can occur after one workshop with Serge Benhayon and people who choose to study what he offers, as a living truth within them. I agree normal is not ok in this world at this time. Look at cyber bullying as one example -what is chosen and allowed on the internet.

    1. Normal is far from OK, my own normal life was full of stress, anxiety and anger on a daily basis. I literally ran on copious amounts of caffeine and sugar to get me through the day, there is clearly nothing normal or natural about this. Our bodies naturally need water and health foods that nourish them not a toxic mix of drugs and yet the world says that’s fine to work like that everyone else does so you will just fit right in.

  277. I agree Matt, I also attended via webcast in a different location and the realisation of how much I hold the world to ransom based on the experiences of a few people, was certainly a light bulb moment for me. I also agree, there is so much ‘common sense’ in what is presented and its so easily relatable for others.

    1. I realised the same thing Joel and now I am learning that there are many people in the world who don’t want to hurt me and welcome the love I am. The Universal Medicine workshops have played an integral part in enabling me to feel and heal the hurts. Consequently I have been able to put into living practice much of the common sense shared in these events with astounding results. Universal Medicine restores not only the common sense, but the common decency and respect to humanity. There is much to learn from the workshops about ourselves and how to truly work together for the real benefit of all.

    2. Exactly Joel. We can hold the world to ransom because of a small few who have hurt us. I have also realised I have done this.

      It is crazy though – because in doing this we are potentially missing out on many many great relationships that could go to a very deep level if we just let ourselves be all the love we naturally are.

      1. I so agree Johanna. The presentations that Serge Benhayon have given on the way we hold 7 billion people to ransom because a few people have hurt us, is one of the one powerful truths I have ever been given. I have so clearly felt the way I have ‘protected’ myself by holding back my love so that I will not be hurt by others. And I have clearly seen how this does not work. To hold back our love does not work – in fact one is less protected when one holds back love. It all makes percent sense now, but I had not seen this in myself and others before I heard this wisdom delivered by Serge. Somehow that delivery broke down my castle wall and allowed the love to begin flowing again.

      2. Absolutely Lyndy ‘in fact one is less protected when one holds back love’. I have held people to ransom all my life waiting for them to prove themselves before I will trust them and dare to open up. This has left me in a very isolated place where I have built up more layers of hurt and protection which I have been gradually dismantling since attending Universal Medicine presentations and it feels so beautiful and natural to let people in. This has changed my life and I will be forever grateful to Serge Benhayon for showing me the way back to love.

      3. Absolutely Helen – you could be talking about me with everything you are saying here! Thank heavens for the Ancient Wisdom and the amazing messenger who has come to remind us of the truth.

      4. Absolutely Joel and Johanna, ‘We can hold the world to ransom because of a small few who have hurt us.’ I used to do this, and now understand the harm and folly of this.

    3. Joel I really relate to the holding the whole world to ransom because of the actions of a few. I feel how sad this is and how it’s a product of me being very narrow minded.I’ve been shocked at how strong I’ve held this mentality. I’d reasoned that those who care take you through your formative years are the only ones capable of loving you and anyone outside of that arena could easily hurt you because they weren’t duty bound.

      Meeting Serge Benhayon and those inspired by Universal Medicine have blown this out of the water. I’m now allowing myself to trust again and deal with the hurts that I’ve used as prison bars from being all of me in the world outside the one I grew up in.

      1. I have began to let go of my childhood hurts too, letting go of blaming others for the state of my life. This has set me free of my self imposed imprisonment and allowed me to love not only myself more, but my family too because I accept them for who they truly are and it’s does no good to continuously make excuses to not be love, by not taking responsibility for my own behaviour.

  278. When I read “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” it sounded almost funny, But it is actually very serious, because this is how people think and pull up a wall to not let in other people and keep themselves stuck. I really like the way you express in this blog with such honesty and simplicity and how you bring what this workshop has brought to you back into your daily life and the people around you. Very inspiring Matt.

    1. I agree. I remember reliving my most hurtful experiences in my life over and over again or, more precisely, being in a protection mode so that I won’t get hurt again. The trouble with this kind of protection is that we can’t connect to the other – all we can do is have our lances touch each other – or the boxing gloves if the protection is a little less prominent.

    2. Same for me diana1975. It was a comical thought, but sobering when you consider how many of us walk around in invisible suits of armour…..just in case those remaining seven billion try to do something I don’t like.
      Exhausting, it holds everyone to ransom and we miss out on their love and our own.

  279. Super post Matt, love the way you’ve made complete sense of it all – and can share this with others too, because as you share, what Serge Benhayon presents, the universal truths that are innate within us (clouded by our hurts to bring up that barrier of defence) make common sense. Dealing with our hurts leads the way back to a (or the real normal) life of Love.

    1. I agree Zofia, it is common sense to deal with our own hurts and live the life of love we have within us because when we do, nothing can hurt us (unless we allow it), because we are enough in ourselves.

    2. Yes- the real normal. Living in a way that is natural and true to our essence.

    3. Indeed Zofia – super post indeed. Matt you have made complete sense of it all and I love how you explained your experience. There is great power in dealing with your hurts – it frees you up to see the world how it truly is and not through the lens of your own stuff.

      1. I love you analogy of looking at the world through the lens of our own stuff. I never realised just how smokey my lenses were until meeting Serge Benhayon. They are now getting clearer by the day. And I can now see the world and others and it is constantly surprising me just how beautiful and colorful the world and the people in it really are.

    4. Indeed Zofia – this is the crux of it and what I am currently going deeper and deeper with – “dealing with our hurts leads the way back to a … life of love.”

    5. Yep Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are shining a light for humanity and the way upwards.

    6. I completely agree Zofia. It’s not always easy to admit to or deal with our hurts but this is the way to living a life of love.

    7. Great Zofia, I love the fact the the Universal truths, held within us all equally so, are actually common sense and support us greatly in returning to a way of living that truly supports us.

    8. I agree Mary, Serge Benhayon’s approach to life is very refreshing. It’s definitely time for us to truly look at what’s going on in our lives and stop hiding our heads in the sand!

  280. Great blog Matt, very refreshing. Great to see you write of common sense and the absolute practicality of choosing to view life with more love and discernment.

  281. “If I choose to move more to the pure love side…..this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle” – this sentence jumped out at me… we reap what we sow, and if we accept normal then ‘normal is all we are going to get with the rest of our lives. We in effect give up on love.

    1. Great point Simon. If we accept things that are common practice as ‘normal’ then this limits us and keeps us trapped in an non-evolutionary cycle.

    2. Hello simonwilliiams8 and yes I agree “we reap what we sow” so be aware of what you plant and where you plant it. In effect, “give up on love” or choosing not to be love and you are planting something. There is no middle ground, no time out or pause, we are planting things all the time and in any moment you can choose more, even if you choices prior don’t support, we have forever a choice that lets us be responsible.

  282. When we don’t deal with our hurts, we set ourselves up to be hurt over and over again to the stage that we don’t even know or recall the hurt that first effected us and it does feel ‘normal’. I agree what Serge Benhayon presents is not some ‘out there’ radical concept but is based on pure common-sense. The group discussions often help us to go deeper and be honest enough to feel those hurts and give us an understanding of why we react the way we do and then we have the choice to let down our defences and let people in or do we keep shutting humanity out.

    1. Beautiful Deidre, I agree. And the great thing about this is the deeper we go, beneath all the hurts that we have buried so deep, the more we find love…masses of it! Constantly finding its way to the surface once more if we so allow it.

  283. Thank you Matt for your clarity and yes it is all about common sense , a sense we all share a sense we all feel in common– the truth– we all know what is true the question is where do we go when it is known , do we stand in and with it or shrink from it and what are the implications of how we respond.

  284. Wow Matt, this is a great blog in that I can appreciate that we can choose to hold ourselves back from being open with others based upon hurts, keeping ourselves from embracing the true amazingness that we have within. I am really beginning to appreciate how much we each have to offer the world and that by choosing to live more fully in it we offer a true way of being to inspire others to claim the truth of who they are.

  285. Thanks for sharing Matt. It sounds like you got a lot out of the livingness workshop. When reading this I couldn’t help but feel how much I hold the rest of the world on gaurd as the result of a few people hurting me, in fear of it happening again… It’s quite apparent and I can see how it stops me from moving forward. I can definitely say that I feel comfortable in being normal. Yet normal isn’t a good thing for anyone.

  286. Gorgeous Matt, you’ve encapsulated the experience of being at the Livingness workshop beautifully. It is so simple what Serge presents and at the same time utterly profound, and hugely empowering for us to take those gorgeous steps back to dropping off our walls of protection, opening up to people and letting the beauty of who we are be what we present to the world. How would anyone want the opposite of that?!?

  287. Hi Matt, your blog is very relatable, I love you writing style. I am only just realising how much fear governs my decisions, even in very subtile ways. Realising that everybody is not out to hurt you is truly is the key to let go and trust again and to realise there is nothing to be afraid of or is there?…. Maybe being afraid of being afraid? Now that sounds like a scary concept…. but that how we trick ourselves into putting the walls up again, we move through one fear and replace it with another, crazy right?
    What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do so well is assist you in having a tool set to observe these behaviours and in that awareness the behaviours seem to loose the control/hold they had over you. Simply being honest enough to know that you are putting up a guard ironically almost frees you of it all togther.

  288. Hi Matt. The simplicity with which you have presented the Livingness part 1 and your understanding of how so very obvious and normal all that was presented is, is a testament not just to Serge Benhayon and his incredible ability to present the truth in such an accessible and simple manner, but also a testament to you and your willingness to be open and aware of what was presented and to take onboard what felt true for you.

  289. Beautifully shared Matt. The everydayness of the presentations by Serge Benhayon and the participation of everyone, not to mention the subject matter, make these presentation well worth attending.

  290. Awesome blog Matt.
    ‘ If I move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living? ‘
    Yes we will be returning to the life that we should be living filled with love, openness and a deeper connection with all of humanity. Imagine….how would the world be then?

  291. Matt sharing what Serge Benhayon presents as just common sense but which is not so common in society society just hits the nail on the head for me. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  292. We all truly want to live love because that is our essence (who we are), yet get stuck in the comfort of normal. Thanks for a great blog, Matt, for expressing so clearly your workshop experience. What Serge Benhayon presents is simple commonsense.

  293. Hello Matt Nolan and I enjoyed what you have shared about this workshop. This line is so simply powerful for me, “This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” It seems I am willing to shut down my world because of “what others have done (or may do) to me” rather then continue to live “by who I am or who I can be”. Thank you Matt Nolan your blog has supported me to see things differently.

  294. Awesome Matt! I’ve participated in many Universal Medicine workshops, but not Livingness 1. You’ve inspired me to do it!
    Thank you.

  295. Gorgeous Matt. It was very refreshing to read. It amazes me that, like you said, so few people have hurt me and yet I brand all others because of this hurt. It seems so ridiculous when spoken like this.

  296. Yes Matt if we had common sense we would be moving along the love continuum at a much more rapid pace but the normal feels safe and we think we know what to expect of it. However when we let go of the barriers and the hurts the horizon opens up and the extra-ordinary starts to happen and we can’t help but go towards the bright light.

  297. Matt, your description of your experience of the Universal Medicine Livingness 1 workshop is very simple and clear and to me showed the depth of your understanding. It’s so confirming to see how quickly our new level of awareness plays out in our lives when we embrace it, as you have.

  298. “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” I completely agree Matt and thank you for sharing your experience of a Universal Medicine workshop, you have very clearly represented the way the participants’ contribution to the workshop is a fundamental part of the day, guided by Serge but in no way dominated by him. Serge deliberately emphasises the importance of group work and these events support everyone to re-discover this natural expression in order to collectively bring true resolutions to the world.

  299. What a great sharing Matt…and I agree, what Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine present makes sense…and we do need to challenge the way we are living. The illness & disease statistics that are continuously rising clearly show this.

  300. This is great Matt – a beautiful summary of your experience. What you write makes so much sense, especially that when we talk with others about the two lines/continuums that we all know that true love is what’s needed, it’s true love that’s missing and it’s love that we really want. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon share with everyone, the way we can take those steps back to loving ourselves and all others and letting any hurt go.

  301. Great sharing Matt of your personal experience of attending Universal Medicine Livingness 1 workshop and how you have chosen to take the first step at being more of the love that we all are.

  302. Matt, I love how you have expressed with such clarity your experience at Livingness 1, and I particularly related to these words: “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today”. Such an incredibly wise observation, and one that I, and many others, also know to be absolutely true.

  303. What Serge presents can appear sometimes it as almost too basic as if to say “Really? is that it!?” but it actually is that simple and makes so much sense. What you shared here Matt about constructing life around the actions of others rather than who we are is really relatable because how much of our lives are controlled in a way that makes us appear a certain way to others? For me I am learning just how much my movements are either in protection from others or to please, pander and hide from others. At the same time with the steps I am making towards Love and dropping my barriers I get to experience others dropping theirs.

    1. Isn’t it confirming when the world mirrors the actions we take? You drop your protection and others can be more love and more open. A beautiful, virtuous cycle.

      1. Simon, I love the way you describe the dropping of protection bringing the possibility of others being more loving and open as a ‘beautiful virtuous cycle’. As opposed to an imitation ‘virtual cycle’ which has no life in the fuller dimensions.

  304. Thank you Matt, this is an awesome blog. I can relate to what you have described ‘normal’ to be. I have lived that and felt that life as ‘normal’ just isn’t it. There was more to life but I just couldn’t put my finger on what was the missing link. When I was introduced to Universal Medicine and I was presented with truth, I immediately resonated with everything that was presented by Serge Benhayon. I had finally found the missing link in my life, it was ‘commitment to Love’.

  305. Matt, I loved reading your experience of Universal Medicine Livingness 1 workshop. I agree it can be the simplest of things that when presented from a way that is already lived, resonates very deeply within us. For me this feeling confirms that what I have heard is true, and like you say, something that is real and makes sense.

  306. Matt, what an open and revelatory sharing from your first Unimed workshop. It is a great reminder for me that I am still at times protecting my hurts rather than feeling into them and moving on. We can get very comfortable holding onto what is familiar as the journey back to self love can be very exposing. I have found that every step back to self love for me has been worth it in terms of my connections to myself and those around me. Thank you for your sharing.

  307. Matt I loved your observation of there being a ‘significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living’. This is so true, and what Serge Benhayon offers is as you say, common sense from a wisdom innately known within ourselves that shows us there is a way to break the cycle of ‘normalness’.

    1. Yes Carolien, and that within us is a knowing that there is more to life than being “normal”.

  308. Great sharing Matt, it is lovely to read how much this workshop resonated with you, as it did with me, challenging how we have lived, and still are, is one of the things that is so important. To feel that there is much more to live than we thought there was.

  309. “Do we feel that we are less exposed, less vulnerable – more comfortable with being ‘normal’?” This is such a great question Matt.

  310. Hi Matt. I was at Livingness Workshop stage 1 webcast in Perth and it was a light bulb moment for me when Serge Benhayon shared that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. No it is not rocket science, but it was amazing to recognize how I had been living my life based on the beliefs that I would get hurt.

    1. This is so interesting isn’t it nicolesjardin?
      So a few people hurt us and then we protect ourselves from the rest of humanity AND when humanity meets us each and everyday they protect themselves from us based on the belief that they will get hurt. It’s a vicious cycle. But one that we can break with awareness.

      1. Hi Kathryn I agree, I have the opportunity everyday to see how I have built patterns and habits of protection.

    2. I can relate Nicole, I was at this workshop too and it struck me to realise that everyone I now have in my life I keep at a bit of arm’s length just in case they hurt me the way one or two people hurt me when i was a little girl… and as you say Kathryn, the awareness of this and willingness to look deeper into why we behave this way makes all the difference — and the hurts we carry eventually and gently drop away.

      1. I love what you have added here Kathryn and Katerina it is a vicious cycle that can be changed with awareness and understanding. Conversation like these ones start to expose that so many of us are walking around in protection.

  311. Thank you Matt.
    In particular I appreciate your paragraph about how we define and project ourselves based on past experiences that have hurt as opposed to simply being who we are now. So true and something I continue to work on.
    I loved reading how well you relayed what Serge Benhayon presented in the workshop. That is not always easy to do and will of great benefit to those who are new and may be interested in attending a workshop one day.

  312. Thanks for sharing this Matt. I love the fact that within the week after the workshop you were already openly sharing what you had learnt in a way that others to could benefit from it also. It’s like people some how know that you’ve got something amazing they’ve always been looking wanting to know, or trying to figure out so all of a sudden out of the blue they will mention something that so clearly lines up with what you’ve got to share. Magic!

    1. Yes Danielle, the magic of God. There is something that draws one to where they need to be and this is illustrated in Matts heartwarming experience.

      1. Absolutely there’s no coincidences here and it’s only even more evidence that what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine shares is the truth that is inside us all, that we have been waiting to unlock.

  313. What a great account of the day Matt. You have relayed it so well, really simple. I can see how easy it is to paint a picture of the future based on past hurts and experiences and assume that situations as well as people will all behave or occur in the same way. Quite exhausting as well, constantly wasting energy bracing for the next ‘what if’.

    1. “Quite exhausting as well, constantly wasting energy bracing for the next ‘what if’.” – I agree, Lucy, I felt my body let go as I read your comment.

      1. So true – Matt I love what you have expressed so simply here – Serge is the master of ‘making sense’ about how we could truly live well – and it is really exhausting hanging onto hurts and old patterns.

    2. I find myself walking around with that picture in my head so often, and in particular when something has occurred to remind me of past hurts. But its not real, there are a thousand moments inbetween that are filled with a rich, gorgeous magic, filled with love if only I can just see it.

  314. “If I choose to move more to the pure love side with a resultant lowering of the barriers, accepting and releasing the hurts, this then will attract more love, more openness, and I will establish a better connection with myself and ultimately define a new life cycle – or will I in effect, simply be returning to the life that I should be living?”

    I love what you’ve written here Matt. It’s that simple, not always easy but well worth it.

  315. This is my experience too Matt, I have found since the very beginning that when Serge presents The Livingness I can feel the truth of what he is saying; it is as though it was there in me but unacknowledged and unexpressed, and only needed for me to hear it from someone who lives it, for it to be awakened. It is when this happens that I realise I have been living the circular “normal” life you mention, and Serge gives me the opportunity to return to the loving human being I am, re-connected to my heart and soul ..

    1. Great comment joanchristinecalder, I too have experienced similar feelings and I am on the same journey as you, re-connecting to my heart and soul. This journey is very simply and loving but I do struggle with it at times because I have accumulated so many barriers and obstacles, that they take some time, commitment and consistency to move and clear them away. I know what is loving and supportive for me, it’s now a matter of choosing this everyday, living and breathing the gentleness of life.

  316. Thanks for sharing Matt. It is crazy to think that because we have been hurt by a few people that we hold the remaining seven billion people in the world at ransom and like you. . . “this really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be” I could not have written that better myself. This is a great revelation and a real life changer.

    1. I agree Matt and Kathleen, reading these lines put my own action into prospective.

    2. Hello kathleenbaldwin, when things are put it like this is really does brings things into perspective, what are we doing? “It is crazy to think that because we have been hurt by a few people that we hold the remaining seven billion people in the world at ransom.”

  317. My experience of The Livingness workshops is very similar. Many many times I have shared with others examples of the simple and profound wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon, and seen the recognition and connection to an inner-knowing in others. These presentations and their common sense approach are exactly the medicine we could all do with a good dose of!

  318. A simple and common sense presentation delivered by Serge Benhayon … Time and time again and always it seems at the perfect time. How cool you were able to extend what you have received in the workshop and deliver it to your friends to support them unfold too!

  319. Matt I too have found the workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon to be enlightening in a very commonsense sort of way. He says things that are obvious, but which I had not thought of before, so many a-ha moments. Life now makes sense and I have an understanding of how life really works that enables me to know the value or consequences of each choice I make. Pretty amazing, and definitely a life changer for me.

  320. Thank your the simplicity and straightforwardness of your contribution, which makes it so clear how simple and joyful life can be if we but lower the barriers and start dealing with our hurts.

  321. Serge Benhayon is a Master at presenting life as it really is and taking things to a simplicity that feels innately true. It is amazing to feel how empowering such simplicity can be in our everyday lives.

    1. What Serge presents is with such simplicity and common sense. When I hear it, it’s hard to deny it because it is so simple and clear.

    2. I love the simplicity of what Serge Benhayon presents too Joshua … it is what speaks to me every time. I feel it is only us not wanting to see our irresponsibility and just how complicated we have made things at times that creates any kind of resistance to what is presented.

      1. Beautifully put Sandra. True Responsibility is something most avoid and complexity is one of the many ways of doing so

    3. I agree Joshua, allowing simplicity in my life has been such a huge support. The complication I use to live with was exhausting.

  322. Beautifully expressed Matt. What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents is pure common sense. It makes so much sense that we recognise it and know it when we hear it.

    1. Correct Rebecca Turner and Matt, it is this very real, simple, practical, common sense that speaks so loudly above all the complication and theory based approaches for making sense of life. It is true philosophy, science and religion that is for every person on this planet.

      1. I think its the simplicity of it that gets me every time… and that comes through so clearly with what Matt has presented from his first experience of the workshop.

      2. Yes, the wisdom imparted is so full of common sense and simplicity that it cuts through all the complications we traditionally like to make out of things. Attending one of Serge Benhayon’s presentations is like a breath of fresh air that leaves me feeling more solid and sure in my body. In coming back to simplicity my body naturally wants to sigh and let go. It knows what truth is because it recognises it when it is heard .. it’s like coming home. Serge’s presentations literally allow me to come home and to an ever deepening definition of home too.

    2. Hello Rebecca Turner and I agree. I love how Matt Nolan summed this up, “Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” It is so simply common sense and that is why it brings so much to us. We want to look for the complicated, it’s almost like the more down to earth, common sense and simple it is the more we can feel it shakes our comfort in life or where we stand. If we complicate things then we can spin ourselves around and not do anything but if something is common sense and simple then it exposes us more because it doesn’t give us any excuses as to why we can’t do it. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon bring to us a simple way of living and in that expose every part of how things currently are.

      1. So well said Raymond. Life can be so simple but we tend to complicate it to the point where we can lose ourselves. Underneath all the complications is us in our true nature – pure and simple.

      2. Hello Rebecca Turner, yes and it begs the question if life is so “pure and simple” then who is responsible for the complication? From my experience it seems we pull in the complication as if we don’t believe that life can be simple and hence complication keeps you from truth, where as simplicity leads you there.

  323. Thank you Matt for your sharing. You are so correct when you write ‘message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.’
    All Serge has ever done is really present love, simplicity and a way of life that is supportive to who we truly are.

  324. Thanks Matt for sharing And for giving such a clear description Of your Experience In meeting Serge And listening to his presentation . I have Been a student Of Unimed since 2006 And to hear how You straight away receive the Truth And with such clarity express it …It’ s amazing !!

  325. It feels that your experience at the Livingness Workshop – Stage one resonated deeply with you Matt and all that unfolded made sense. Your openness and deeply felt sharing has allowed for others around you to be open and your wisdom in the conversations that transpired brought much healing. I, too, have come away from Serge Benhayon’s presentations with more awareness and openness but also confirmation that what I have felt within is true. Thank you for sharing.

  326. Matt the openness with which you write and with which you approached your first universal Medicine workshop is very lovely. I get the sense that you shared the example with the people after the workshop with the same openness and non imposing manner, which allowed them to feel for themselves their own natural connection to this wisdom.

  327. I love the reminder Matt of how we can so easily assume that because we have been hurt by a handful of people during our life then we use this as an excuse to close off to the “remaining seven billion people in the world” in fear that they too may hurt us. When we think about it, it makes so much sense. Serge Benhayon presents things so simply, with absolute love and in a way where “it just makes sense”. I am deeply inspired by each presentation and workshop that Serge and Universal Medicine presents.

    1. Hi Donna, thanks for your sharing. I just had to respond and publicly thank you for introducing me to Universal Medicine and the teachings of Serge Benhayon. As you well know this has had such a positively profound influence on my life. Your gentle guidance, patience and wisdom are such an inspiration to me – thank you.

  328. Thanks Matt, I totally agree with you about common sense. When I first started attending Universal Medicine workshops, listening to Serge Benhayon, I was constantly saying to myself, that makes sense or I already know that. I had lost my awareness of so many things that when they were presented by Serge I could feel that I already knew and had experienced what he was delivering. I was amazed that I knew so much. Whenever I attend a presentation by Serge Benhayon I still experience this and it still feels amazing.

  329. Matt this is fantastic and just shows another wonderful example of how Serge Benhayon continues to share and inspire others through living a life of truth, love and wisdom in a practical way and I for one simply love it.

  330. For so long I “defined and projected myself” by my past hurts Matt.
    Since my first “special day” workshop with Serge Benhayon, I am returning to a truer way of living, expressing, accepting and learning to love myself.
    In return I have attracted more love and openness from people I meet and connect with in my life.

  331. Through Universal Medicine and seeing a different way to live, I never stop being amazed by my unfolding path and the way we are all connected. This morning I realised that I had been carrying a hurt around since I was about 2 years old and I turned 59 yesterday. I had been locking everyone out. Playing a game of looking like I was letting people in, when the fact was I was putting on a show. Yesterday I took a short video of myself for the Diet and Weight Loss sphere on Unimed Living. When I looked at the video I could see this women, protecting herself, but I could also feel the beautiful, playful, joyful women locked inside wanting to get out.
    Matt your blog was like a confirmation, a loving hug. Thank you.

  332. Thank you Matt for this fantastic blog, so clear and easy to understand. I sometimes forget that I am not my hurts, that I can let them go, and how beautiful life without protection can be.

  333. Matt such a beautiful sharing, common sense is lacking from the way we live you are completely correct. And yet we defend it constantly and with such fervour. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon supported me to see and feel how life can be – truly joyful.

  334. Thank you Matt Nolan for bringing with such clarity what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon present and bring. I can only underline what you are saying, there is such common sense and realness in the presentations that lets me see life for the simplicity it is. Whatever Serge Benhayon presents I always have an experience of all that what I have been busy with that makes life still complicated disappears while the things that really matter and are simple come to the fore.

  335. Matt thank you for your sharing, your correct to say that the workshop is for everyone. I was at The Livingness 1 workshop just last week, it was like we all had a personal session with Serge Benhayon, but via a group. The experience was amazing.

  336. This is really amazing Matt.. I love what you shared about how even though there could be twenty people that have hurt you in the past, it does not mean the other 7 billion will. I sometimes get caught up in protecting myself from the possibility of being let down, but holding back does not give anyone the opportunity to see another way or have that realisation you spoke of. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  337. It was great to read your article and I felt you were getting to the heart of the matter with something that was really important to you, and it is lovely how you felt this when you were connecting with others and could feel their openness and receptiveness to you with their eyes. I have learnt and continue to learn so much from Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and Universal Medicine Practitioners and deeply appreciate the openness, equalness and willingness of the Universal Medicine student body.

  338. “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be”. This is a great observation that is such a common, if not ‘normal’, approach to life. The result is as you say; “Serge noted that our lives are being restrained and often defined by our personal hurts and experiences”.

  339. Thanks for sharing this experience with us Matt, I really love this paragraph:
    “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will. This really resonated with me as I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.”
    What I realise in reading this is how can we imagine or worry what seven billion others may do, from an experience of such a small number of people….it just does not add up!

  340. ‘threaded through his (Serge’s) comments there was a deep wisdom that seemed innately familiar.’

    I totally agree, how great is it in this seemingly crazy, non-sensical world to realise that there is a wisdom there and that we can all connect to it, should we so choose

  341. “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be”. Thanks Matt, what you have expressed here feels like the way most people operate. I know this is true when I think of myself. It has taken me many years to shed the hurts I had been holding on to, with a few more to go too! Whilst I have definitely established a deeper, more honest and loving relationship with myself and therefore with all and am in a “new cycle of life” there are forever deepening levels to go with this. When pondering more deeply, the root cause of me still not living 100% of all that I am lies in the fear of what may be done to me. The question still applies – do I want to deepen the cycle of life I am in or am I content to stay still with where I am at? – the answer is no! Thank you for the opportunity to re-confirm my commitment to not staying still but to keep evolving and growing in my awareness.

  342. “…there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will”. This gave me a big laugh and such a big insight as well. Thank you Matt for sharing this.

  343. Thank you for sharing Matt, what I love about Serge Benhayon is how what he presents makes sense and is extremely practical in relation to everyday life.

  344. Matt it is lovely to read your experience of Livingness 1 as I had a very similar experience of the fact that what was presented was not “out there” but simply made common sense. It helped me challenge every way I was living, ways that I knew were not true but I had got so lost in that I felt trapped.

  345. Hi Matt – as I started to read your blog – I really stopped to appreciate your observation of Serge Benhayon claiming that each workshop is in the hands of the attendees rather than the facilitators.
    It’s always struck me how one can do the same course over and over again – we are taught to complete things and move on. But the thing about each and every course is that Serge will take it as far as the attendees are willing to go. So each and every course will be different as we deepen our connection and understanding. His courses are ever evolving – just as we can be. I’ve never had any other type of course presented this way, where there is no control – just an endless opportunity to go deeper.

  346. So cool Matt, thank you for being open and sharing your inspiration. The beauty of simplicity is felt through out your workshop experience.. it just makes sense!
    Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine rocks the socks off comfort and protection. Here’s to living an open life with All (not to perfection but knowing this can be lived).

  347. This is a great overview of the Livingness workshop Matt and you have presented the profound simplicity that Serge Benhayon presents what you noted as deep wisdom. One of the beautiful aspects of the Livingness Workshops is that they are our workshops, not just a presentation, but one that the students participate in, all working together to understand how we can return to a loving way that actually is normal. What we find is that anything less than love is simply not normal. Thank you for your sharing.

    1. Hi Jo, thanks for sharing. I have had the pleasure of attending a few more workshops since the Livingness Stage 1. I completely agree the workshop approach brings ownership to the students through active participation. This beautiful and supportive environment encourages open expression and a true human connection.

      Warmest regards

  348. “There was a significant commonality among the group demonstrating a collective need to challenge the way we are living.” Yes to changing our way of living and accepting ourselves and appreciating ourselves and each other more; taking more self-responsibility and loving ourselves. A great sharing – thankyou Matt.

  349. The common sense presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is like a breath of fresh air. Over the years I have seen it turn hardened sceptics around, through the consistency, simplicity and practicality of what is presented. Our hurts instead of keeping us safe and protected are really keeping us small and away from the glory we can be living.

  350. I like the bit here about being hurt by a few people and then holding the rest of humanity to ransom for it. It is so ridiculous when you put it like this, but I know I do this. I can feel also just how imprisoning this actually is. We think we are safe in the normal and not exposed but actually we have locked ourselves away in a fortress of our own making and cut ourselves off from the love that we are actually from and made to enjoy naturally. Serge Benhayon was the first person I had met who seemed capable of putting love above his hurts and as such was and continues to be an incredible inspiration to me and many others.

  351. It felt inspiring to read your blog Matt. Like you I have just experienced a Livingness 1 workshop held at the Sound Foundation in Somerset, England. It felt truly amazing to be there and experience so many new people who were willing to explore their own truth and to share their feelings with others. This way we can expand our understanding of life and allow ourselves to make new choices that will be more supportive. The love that we have all been offered by Serge by way of reflection is a great blessing.

  352. Thank you, Matt, I love how you conclude that what you learned from the Livingness 1 workshop is simple common sense. How far removed from ourselves have we become in society, that these basic principles of life are not known and lived by everyone, even though as you say they are familiar to us all?

  353. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience, it is often said that Serge makes sense out of the nonsense and I have found this to be true also.
    I can relate to having only a handful of people hurt me physically or emotionally and then held the world to ransom by living in a hardened way, so as to keep everyone out. I can now see the folly behind this way of living, as it not only hurts me but everyone else also.

  354. Awesome Matt, what you say here is absolutely true. I have recently attended my fifth Livingness 1 presentation, each one amazing. I was astounded at the depth and quality of what Serge presented and the questions that were asked and the interaction of everybody who attended. Once again I came away feeling lighter, inspired and armed with more understanding of what being in the ‘Livingness’ truly means. Quite simply, it is living the true me. Thank you Matt, and thank you Serge and Universal Medicine.

  355. This is great to read Matt, ‘Serge Benhayons message is not based upon some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense’, this is so true, this is what I felt when I first attended a course with Serge, it simply made sense and what he was presenting I could feel I knew, I had just forgotten. It was a beautiful, simple wisdom and it was reachable and achievable, which was very unlike many of the spiritual courses I had attended that didn’t really make sense to me and always felt out of reach.

  356. Thanks so much for sharing this Matt, I too did the Livingness one very recently which was also a great experience once again as I have done it many times. I bet you can’t wait to experience more of the same abundance of wisdom that just pours out of this man.

    1. This got me smiling kevmcharfy
      I enjoy the workshops immensely and the livingness one workshop, as well as the many other workshops bring about such a deep wisdom which asks me to look inside myself for that same wisdom too. It’s beautiful.

  357. Matt I love what you have written here, this is my experience of all the workshops and courses I have attended with Universal Medicine. Serge Benhayon has an all encompassing understanding of life that is based on love that makes total sense, a common sense that I very much agree is lacking in the way we live our lives today.

    1. I attented a Universal Medicine Livingness Workshop in the UK and as you say alisonmoir, Serge Benhayon has an all encompassing understanding of life that answers many of my questions I never found an answer to before.

    2. I Agee Alison. This is also what I have felt and experienced in every event, retreat and workshop that I have attended with live or by webcast over the last 9 years.
      Now that is consistency.

  358. Matt what you have shared about what Serge Benhayon presents is a fantastic example of just one of the endless insights that Serge presents for people to consider. So many times I have heard something that Serge has presented and thought to myself ‘of course, that makes so much sense’. Everything that he presents is beautifully simple, easy to apply and has the potential to bring lasting change to the way that we live life. My life is just but one life that has changed for ever.

    1. I love how you have said ‘consider’ here Alexis. That is exactly what Serge presents- something for others to consider and feel for them-self what feels true.
      Thank God Serge speaks and presents the way he does – I personally have not heard or felt this level of truth about the way life is, anywhere else.

  359. What I have is experienced with the courses and workshops presented by Serge Benhayon is the absolute equality between everyone and the working together for the evolvement of the course. Serge sees himself not just as a teacher, but also as a student of himself – for me this was a very different experience from what I had met before.

  360. Matt, I loved the part where you brought attention to the fact that there are another 7 billion people out there to love us and not hurt us, like the very few that might have in the past. All too often it is easy to focus on the few painful experiences and then feel that the whole world is like that. Thank you for your inspiring blog Matt. With love, Sue

    1. Thanks for the reminder Matt and suekira – it makes no sense to walk around protecting ourselves from something that ‘may happen’ (ie. getting hurt) based on our experiences with just a few people.

  361. Great post Matt and lovely to read how you were able to share the example you used with your acquaintances.
    I agree that so much of what Serge presents is based on common sense…but perhaps these days we should say ‘uncommon sense’ because it appears we have either forgotten or deliberately choose to ignore or shy away from true sense.
    I know I did and Serge’s presentations have genuinely helped and inspired me to re-evaluate and change how I live my life, for which I am most appreciative.

  362. I completely love this beautiful blog Matt. I was deeply touched by the wisdom and simplicity of your expression.
    Your words about common sense felt very powerful… ‘Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.’ Yes, it is not too common when you look around. It also means that this ‘sense’ is something we all hold in common, that there is no one on this earth who does not have access to it. How truly you have spoken that Serge does not present some radical ‘out there’ mad thing, but truly practical wisdom, available to all.

  363. Thank you Matt Nolan for writing this blog about your experience during the Livingness workshop. Great point you raise that we only for ourselves can choose to accept more love into our lives and lower our barriers, letting people in. This is such a beautiful process and that has never been told to me before I met Serge Benhayon in one of his courses or presentations. Before that I was looking to receive love from other people, making myself dependant on the openness and willingness of the other, mostly resulting in abusing myself and the other, when truthfully observed.

  364. Thank you, Matt. I feel very touched by your observation and appreciation. So true, at every Universal Medicine event I attend, in person or via webcast, apart from what Serge Benhayon presents, there’s always much contribution and participation by the other students who share their wisdom and insight through their own experiences, in their own words. Witnessing and being amongst the process of co-creation, there’s something very beautiful about the way each event unfolds itself.

    1. I have found the group discussing at these workshops absolutely amazing. I am immensely appreciative of the fact that I feel safe to reveal my most intimate and personal experiences to people that I have only just met. I feel as though I am sharing with close friends and family. I never feel the need to hold anything back during these discussions, I love every single presentation and workshop I have attended at Universal Medicine, because they are all so supportive, loving and I always feel heard. The love and support from everyone is astounding and deeply inspirational.

    2. Hi Fumiyo,

      Thanks for sharing your experience at Universal Medicine events. I have attended a few now since the Livingness Stage 1 and I have come away feeling just the same way as you described above. I am most looking forward to the Sacred Healing 1 in August.

      Warmest regards.

  365. “I realised that I am defining or projecting myself more by what others have done (or may do) to me and not by who I am or who I can be.” An awesome realization and one I can relate to. It can be such a trap which holds us back from ever truly feeling ourselves or others – just hurts and protections clutching together, instead of meeting ourselves and others deeply.

  366. ‘Upon reflection, Serge Benhayon’s message is not based on some ‘out there’ radical concepts, but on common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.’ Matt, your line here sums it up, yes real truth is common sense and that ‘normal’ living sometimes has no too much common sense but lots of supposed comfort. Often the only time we are rocked out of our comfort is when we are faced with life threatening situations or disasters to wake us up to commonsense being our natural way to live with truth.

  367. Thank you Matt for sharing your experience. I too love that Serge Benhayon’s presentations are based on common sense and that the message is always real, practical and supportive of people being committed to life while returning to the love and openness they naturally are.

  368. Matt, what an awesome reminder of how we often withdraw or hold back from people to protect and avoid our hurts in order to ‘not’ feel more hurt, when in actual fact, being open to people and being who we truly are ‘without’ holding back, is the very thing that truly supports us in acknowledging, accepting and healing our hurts. I have been to many of Serge Benhayon’s presentations and workshops, and to me it doesn’t matter how many times we might hear the same message, there is always a deeper level to take this to. So thank you for the timely reminder that being open and being love is what expands not only the love within (for ourselves) but also the love outside (for and with others)…

  369. Thank you Matt for openly sharing your wonderful, informative and inspiring first workshop with Serge Benhayon.
    I too have found Serge’s workshops/ presentations to all be very informative, beneficial, inspiring, healing and the wisdom gained invaluable. He never imposes; holds everyone equally; what he says makes sense. He has inspired me to take responsibility for my past ill choices, and start to bring more self loving, self nurturing ways to live, with changes made to my diet, sleep, and relationships. From a life of chronic fatigue, mild depression, hypoglycaemia, anxiousness, and low self esteem issues to now feeling more vital, enjoying life and feeling the beautiful woman that I am within. I am very appreciative of what Serge brings to us all.

  370. Thanks for your Sharing Matt. of all of the Universal Medicine workshops I really enjoy livingness 1 a lot! Because of the reasons you’ve shared and because I realise there is a commonality in all people. It presents that we have an essence and when unhindered from the mind, our essence is only love. I was amazed at my first livingness 1 workshop about how simple, practical and fun a discussion could be. I was talking with people more than twice my age and it seemed like we had a lot in common, and got a long like best friends. It was great to express some honesty from my body and listen to the presentations from Serge. He has a light and humorous style that never leaves anyone behind. He speaks from an absolute place of truth in him and it is wonderful to feel someone who is so confident and not imposing.

  371. Matt, I love your sharing here. I particularly am drawn at the moment to the sentence “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” I had not looked at it that way before, but it makes sense, just because a few people may have hurt me, it is absolutely crazy to put up the great shield that we tend to do to protect us from all further hurts. The important thing is to deal with those hurts themselves, and remain open to people. I have thankfully, dealt with many of my hurts, but there are deeper layers always to be dealt with. I am in the process of opening up more and more in all my relationships with people, a very rewarding process.

    I agree with you, there is nothing radical about what Serge Benhayon presents to us, it is really common sense, just a different way for us to look at things.

    I have really enjoyed your sharing, and will be revisiting this blog from time to time. Thank you.

    1. “Serge noted that if five, ten or twenty people have hurt you there is no direct linkage to suggest that the remaining seven billion people in the world will.” – Yes, seven billion compared to five, ten or twenty that may have hurt you. It’s a no brainer when you look at it like that, why not just give it a go and drop the “great shield”.

    2. Hi Beverley, thank you for your kind comments. As I progress my re-connection I am reminded of a quote from an old physics teacher – the more you know the less you know. This resonates to me with our journey of continued evolution – there is always more and I look forward to that unfolding. Warmest regards.

  372. Serge Benhayon delivering – “common sense – a commodity that appears none too common in the way we live our lives today.” I have heard before that Serge Benhayon is the man that makes sense of everything and Matt your beautiful expression here reinforces this claim. It also shares with the world that Serge does this in a way that allows the student body or workshop participants to take the workshop wherever it needs to go.

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