A True Love Letter for Serge Benhayon

A Letter to Serge Benhayon from Rachel Andras

Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon

Dear Serge,

I have never written a love letter in my life and I’ve never thought about doing so until now, but I feel the time has come and a true love letter is now needed.

History is full of love letters referring to the emotional turmoils of people and their longing for each other, but what I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.

Therefore this is not an ordinary love letter as you are not an ordinary man (even though you are), and it is also not a love letter from me as a woman to you as a man. It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins.

This letter is also not a letter to you as an individual, but to you in representation of humanity because that is what you represent and where your true love lies.

The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.

As a man:

You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it. Not because you are sexually neutral, or not interested in me as a woman, but because your absolute integrity and allencompassing way gives no space for those thoughts.

What is so amazing is that you do not have to control yourself in any way – this is simply who you are. Many men have this sexual connotation: even if they don’t fancy a woman there is a sexual judgement based on her “market value” as a desirable object or not. We live in a world where women are objectified in all walks of life and where we learn from a very young age to assume certain roles as men and women. Serge, you are breaking down those roles, not by telling people a sophisticated social theory about it, but by inspiring people by the way you live.

As a practitioner:

You are a person who truly supports people whatever their life situation may be and according to what is needed for their growth. The extraordinary aspect of this is that you are not like the expert that we are usually referred to who compartmentalises people – you always take into account the mind, body, spirit, Soul and our divine origins.

It is always about seeing the whole, and specifically the whole of humanity. You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world. Of course this often means getting personal issues out of the way, but it is always looking at the whole. That’s so exceptional.

What you present:

Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things. You just present facts and people are free to choose what to do with those facts.

You were the first one who presented to me the most basic aspects of human life: that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy, and the difference between spirit and Soul. Basic facts I should have been introduced to on my first day of school and been brought up with.

On religion:

The religion you present is a way of living – The Way of the Livingness which offers space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace: it empowers us all to be who we truly are – equal Sons of God.

There is no external or transcendent higher power that makes people feel less, there is no accumulation of riches or assets that only belong to one person or a group of people who are the chosen ones: there is no chosen one, we are all the ones.

As a Philosopher:

You are the first person who presented philosophy as a day-to-day livingness.

We are all philosophers and that is what you live and empower everybody to be – their own philosopher. We can all connect to the Universal Wisdom that is available to everybody.

With you I learned that a true philosopher does not have people who study him or her as a person, and there are no followers of philosophical theories. A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives. True philosophy is all about our evolution in brotherhood and never about the uplifting of any one individual.

Serge Benhayon you have shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.

Rachel Andras
Rachel Andras

You are a living example of all those human expressions in their deepest truth and for me the biggest gift and expression of love you have given to me has been for me to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.

With deep Love and Appreciation for all that you bring.

Rachel Andras


Rachel AndrasRachel Andras supports young people with body awareness and self-respect and confronts the many the harmful ideals the media asserts about young women.

Follow her on Twitter @r_randras


Serge BenhayonSerge Benhayon is a philosopher, teacher and author who regularly presents in the UK and Australia. You can learn more about Serge Benhayon at his personal website www.sergebenhayon.com


Related Reading:
Serge Benhayon – Teacher, Presenter, Philosopher, Healer and Friend
Serge Benhayon – A True Role Model
Serge Benhayon and Me

855 thoughts on “A True Love Letter for Serge Benhayon

  1. Thank you Rachel, as we get to know more about Serge Benhayon the more that can be written and from what you have shared it could easily expand into a book.

  2. When a teaching is lived, the teacher knows how to not impose because they understand the importance of learning the teaching through experience rather than the head. When the teacher has lived what they present, they also know that it can be difficult for others to grasp to the depth they are presenting and that is why they can give the space and allow the students to make their own steps.

  3. As a man, or as a woman we have social constructs which we abide by. What you have written here is very true that Serge is the first man to not impose with any sexual innuendo, physically, emotionally, or psychologically. It is rare to speak to a man who does not think of you as less or more just because you’re a woman, to stand next to a man who is not governed by the imposed social beliefs – it is truly liberating and perhaps what all of those rebels/protesters crave.

    1. The letter is a beautiful appreciation of such a magnificent human being, ‘It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins.’

  4. A beautiful expression of appreciation and love of Serge Benhayon and the Divine love that flows through him
    to offer humanity a way of return to our shared Divine origin.

    1. True love is very different from emotional love, ‘true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’

  5. This is a very touching love letter, one without need or desire. It is instead full of genuine appreciation, and all that is shared I can completely agree with. The love that Serge Benhayon offers each of us is a lighthouse for mankind, showing us what is possible and the way back from the dark.

  6. Letting go of the want or helpless need to better the world has been a massive weight off my shoulders. I used to ache at the thought of how to save everyone suffering, plus all the animals and trees and nature combined… that’s a LOT to carry around. Through the love of Serge Benhayon and re-discovering this within myself too, I understand life on a completely different level and also understand myself and how to work within what has been created on earth but showing that we are more than the creation itself.

  7. Thank you Rachel, lovely to read this again. This is so true about Serge Benhayon, that he has “a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins.” Now I have reconnected to my own soul this is something that I feel inspired to do also.

    1. And Serge Benhayon always has 100% integrity, ‘You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it. Not because you are sexually neutral, or not interested in me as a woman, but because your absolute integrity and all–encompassing way gives no space for those thoughts.’

  8. It is so rare to meet a man, a practitioner, a presenter, a philosopher as you describe here, but here we see all these in one person. And that is just on a humanly perceptible level. I just cannot help feeling there’s so much more that we cannot possibly fathom about this man. Are we making the best use of this gift?

  9. This is such a gift that has been given to humanity again
    “I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.”
    We have not been taught that we are all divine, that there is within us all an essence which if lived from will change us and the world. To me, we as a race of human-beings have tried everything and it clearly hasn’t worked, so why don’t we give our divine essence a chance ? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    1. Serge Benhayon is such a gift to humanity, ‘You were the first one who presented to me the most basic aspects of human life: that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy, and the difference between spirit and Soul.’

  10. Love the title Rachel, ‘A true love letter to Serge Benhayon’ I have to say through Serge Benhayon I have learnt what true love is and it is nothing I was brought up to believe it was. How amazing it would be if as children we were brought up to know what true love is, and that we all lived by that love.

    1. What I find astonishing is that our true essence is love but the model of society we live within somehow makes sure we don’t know that. We also have a world that is saturated with untrue versions of love ready to take the place of the real thing.

  11. ‘You are the first person who presented philosophy as a day-to-day livingness.’ So true Rachel, Serge Benhayon walks his talk, philosophy that when lived allows us to understand so much about love, life and others.

  12. You are a true act to follow Rachel — a natural born lover and leader of philosophy. I too could write a love letter to Serge Benhayon. I share with the world all that I am more and more each day. Every person I meet is a love affair waiting to explode. As you have expressed Rachel – “there is no chosen one, we are all the ones.” And there is no greater joy to share I am The One with others, and greater to that, is when they re-discover they are The One also.

  13. The love Serge Benhayon expresses is unique in that allows to have a true feeling of Divinity. We are immensely fortunate to have such a relationship with the new World Teacher.

  14. I love what you have said here about Serge Behnayon, Rachel…’It is always about seeing the whole, and specifically the whole of humanity. You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world. Of course this often means getting personal issues out of the way, but it is always looking at the whole. That’s so exceptional.’ This is counselling for evolution, for the whole, for the Love of God and all.

  15. For me one of the most profound things Serge Benhayon presents is on our divine origins. Once we reconnect to that everything is there, the world is temporarily turned upside down as the lie of human life is revealed, however a true divine order is re-established.

  16. Wow Rachel, what you shared here is no rah rah. This is a deep appreciation of what this man brings to humanity. It could easily have been a woman too.

    This love for him is in no way sexual, and where the world is at a struggle with the word, LOVE. The love Serge shares is equal for all and is within all of us, when we are ready to see, hear and feel it. – We are a particle of the whole divine..

  17. “Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things.” This sounds so simple and it is, but in this world it is something not understood, as we are so used to letting our head speak with it’s many ideas and thoughts that however rarely have to do with our everyday lived way. If we all just talked our own walk the world would be a far more honest place and with that a huge step, closer towards truth.

  18. Love, “it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” Serge Benhayon has ignited the spark within me to reconnect to my true essence of love.

  19. Thank you Rachel, you have beautifully encapsulated what Serge Benhayon reflects back to us all – the love that we all are equally so no more or less just the choice to live it consistently no matter what.

  20. ” that it (love ) is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence” this is so beautiful and I love this love letter.

  21. Rachel I love the deep wisdom and appreciation for Serge Benhayon you share in this blog. This line is a beautiful example of true love and a great reminder for us all – ‘ true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’

  22. I love this profound blog Rachel – it gets to the origin of all wisdom: ‘With you I learned that a true philosopher does not have people who study him or her as a person, and there are no followers of philosophical theories. A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives. True philosophy is all about our evolution in brotherhood and never about the uplifting of any one individual’. Yes it is about the all and not about individuality – I love the brotherhood of this and feel lthis blog should be freshly reposted so that we can read it with the newly evolved eyes this year has brought to all of us

  23. I have never known someone to hold, respect and honour every single person equally – with no favouritism, undercurrents or agendas. It is a pleasure to know Serge Benhayon and doing so has completely changed the way I see and live life.

  24. One of the most powerful observations I have had of Serge Benhayon is that his authority and his authenticity simply and humbly comes from how he lives not from what he thinks or believes. You do always sense that nothing he does is a ‘put on’ or a ‘front’ or a form of self control, it is just a continuation of how he lives in every day life – no difference between his home family life and his public life – he is exactly the same in all areas of life, and he is never trying to convince or be more than simply who he is and he is maximising all that he can bring to the world. This is incredibly inspiring because it shows that anyone is capable of the same thing.

    1. Likewise as a practitioner, ‘You are a person who truly supports people whatever their life situation may be and according to what is needed for their growth.’

  25. Very beautiful, Serge Benhayon brings an enormous wisdom to this world, for us all to see and re-connect to. To bring us back to our true origins, the divine.

  26. So so beautiful what you have shared about Serge your true love for him and all that he brings to humanity thank you Rachel I love all that you shared especially these words” You are a living example of all those human expressions in their deepest truth and for me the biggest gift and expression of love you have given to me has been for me to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.”

  27. Rachel, this is very beautiful and offers so much to feel and savour … ‘This letter is also not a letter to you as an individual, but to you in representation of humanity because that is what you represent and where your true love lies.’ I love this, how in fact in honouring Serge Benhayon you are honouring where we are all from and how in fact this is who we are and how we can live.

  28. It sounds so simple, basic but as a woman and being relatively attractive for most of my life it is very uncommon to come across for me a man that does not treat you as if you are an “option” or has an opinion of the way you look that indicates that he has thought about something unsavoury.
    This is why I really loved the paragraph bellow, I agree whole heartily.
    “You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it. Not because you are sexually neutral, or not interested in me as a woman, but because your absolute integrity and all–encompassing way gives no space for those thoughts.”

  29. And this comes as timely reminder for me to deeply connect to as well: “As a man: You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it” Thank you, I needed to read this today in this moment to allow me clarity in a situation that is currently unfolding.

  30. Deeply moved by your love letter Rachel and all I can say yes and yes and yes again. Feeling very very grateful for being on this journey.

    1. What an amazing letter to write to Serge Benhayon, a man who deserves full appreciation, we are all so incredibly blessed to have him in the world.

  31. On re-visiting this blog, once again, I am touched to the core of my being with the magnitude of what Serge Benhayon offers to us in the way he lives. In 9 years, never once have I seen anything other, than a flow and consistency reflected 24/7 in transparency and a lived quality of harmonious movement, deep, ageless wisdom, the most profound depth of energetic integrity and responsibility, with a true purpose to serve the all, equally so. Thank you Rachel Andras for the truth you deliver here.

  32. Often in life I have not lived in a way that considers the bigger picture, instead choosing to get bogged down in the day to day situations of life. However, in those moments when I do consider the all- that there is more life changes and the struggle goes and there is much more allowing, grace and purpose.

  33. We learn that love is only for the selected few in our life and the love for only one person in our life. Serge Benhayon shows us by living example that love is love and love simply loves, hence there is no more love for one person or the other as all that love is is love.

  34. There are no words to fully express the appreciation for the magnitude of what Serge Benhayon has given to us, we have been given so much to quicken our return back to soul like no other time ever and this is humongous!

  35. Thank you Rachel, for expressing with such deep appreciation for what Serge Benhayon represents and reflects for us all, his absolute love inspires us to come back to what we long ago walked away from and lives deep within our beingness. Thank you.

  36. Rachel, not only is Serge’s love for all of humanity, so too is this love letter. You speak for me and I’m sure many, many others in you love and appreciation of this man – the extraordinary, ordinary Serge Benhayon.

  37. What a powerful statement this is about the truth of love being a living stillness within. I am totally inspired by the truth that Serge Benhayon reflects in his living way 24/7 in every area of his life.
    “what I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence”.

  38. Serge Benhayon has offered so many so much, his presentations are extraordinary and packed with astounding gems of wisdom, as are his books and all he does every day. At times I do not realise the breadth and depth of everything Serge offers because of his humility, but also because of how natural it is to be offering so much.

  39. Rachel you beautifully summed up the incredible gift Serge Benhayon is. He is the walking expression of what we are all returning to. When you feel all that he offers, you know all that you are.

  40. A great testimonial to the absolute integrity and purpose Serge Benhayon offers as a reflection and inspiration: “… what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins”.

  41. Wow, what a love letter, written for us all from us all. So much of this, of what Serge Benhayon shares with us, is all known to us already – he re-connects us to a wisdom that is simply waiting to be reconnected to. Why are we not told from young about the difference between soul and spirit? It would make the way we see our behaviours so much smaller. I join with you in your love letter and to thank you for writing it to Serge, from us all – in deep appreciation for reconnecting me back to stillness and to know I have always had a choice.

  42. “The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.” – I agree, true love is the most natural thing for us to express, it is who we essentially are and yet most expressions that are labelled as ‘love’ are not the real thing. Serge Benhayon presents with great clarity on love and what is not love, without any judgement, just sharing what he knows from the way that he lives.

  43. Reading this what comes to me is, how would it be if we allowed ourselves to express the love and admiration we have for one another, instead of the criticising we learn and do. And I can say, there is no need for criticism if we are held in greatness that we are, as we then can stride forward in this greatness and with every step more will expand quite naturally.

  44. Rachel a beautiful love letter, about a man who offers us all with no judgment, no expectation and no need, all the love that he is, in so many ways. It would be a real life changer if more men and women were able to express their love the way Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon family are able to express theirs for humanity as a whole.

  45. This is such a powerful and true love letter Rachel, you have beautifully encapsulated the amazing qualities and immense love that Serge Benhayon consistently reflects to humanity.

  46. This is so beautiful to re-read Rachel. Serge Benhayon is an inspiring role model and man- all because of his choices throughout many lives. He has ” shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.”

  47. Thank you Rachel for such a beautiful love letter expressing a deep love and appreciation for all that Serge Benhayon brings by way of the Ageless Wisdom and by the way he lives his life with absolute love in full service to humanity. He is a man who walks the talk like no other.

  48. ‘You are the first person who presented philosophy as a day-to-day livingness.’ One of the first things I connected to was the practicality of Serge Benhayon’s presentations and the possibility of applying simple tools to turn my life around. Key to this is Serge’s ability to make the Ageless Wisdom accessible to all and de-bunk many myths including that philosophy is something that only a chosen few can understand. Serge has consistently shared how he and his family are living on a day-to-day basis and offered the possibility that we can all make the same choices and in that we can all be our own philosopher.

  49. Thank you for expressing your (and our) love for Serge Benhayon with such a depth of appreciation for all that he brings to humanity; a guiding light who is devoted to service and has let go of all individual distractions, a reflection to us all of the potential we equally have as Sons of God.

  50. ‘The religion you present is a way of living – The Way of The Livingness – which offers space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace: it empowers us all to be who we truly are – equal Sons of God”. Thank you Rachel for expressing this so beautifully.

  51. A beautiful letter of love and appreciation written from the heart. Love “is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence”

  52. Serge Benhayon shows us the way we all will be living one day. The love he is living is equally in all of us but needs someone who lives it as an reflection to reignite that inner love fire we all hold within. Love unites and is there to make us return to the true origins of our being, back to soul, the being-ness we originate from.

    1. Thank you Nico, this is true in my experience too – Serge offers a true and thus powerful reflection, which has re-kindled the inner flame within my heart, preparing for being re-ignited in full once more.

  53. The love you write here about is showing us that we are all equal in essence. And this is what the remarkable man Serge Benhayon is reminding us of, showing the living truth that is his everyday.

  54. Love is the key, it is in everything Serge Benhayon is and does. It isn’t the needy false love, but the all encompassing grandness of understanding, holding everyone and everything.

  55. Rachel, what a beautiful love letter. No ounce of emotion, just absolute truth. And to write a letter like this to a man who is not your husband shows the love and depth you hold both Serge Benhayon in and the love you hold your husband in. Thank you for sharing.

  56. This is a deeply beautiful Love letter Rachel. What if we all wrote Love Letters from the foundation of being a Son of God? The atmosphere of the world would change, the boundaries we have drawn between countries would disappear, the divorce rate would lessen, Nature would breathe a sight of relief. You have given us a wonderful template Rachel.

  57. A truly stunning letter and an encapsulation of everything Serge offers and is….he absolutely deserves all the love you have so gorgeously expressed. It is without a doubt a letter from many of us, as you have encompassed within how many, many people also feel about him. Thank you.

  58. As Henry Thoreau said, “there are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers.” Serge Benhayon grounds a way of living that is deeply philosophical, and not a philosophers stone or meditative cave in sight.

  59. What you write here is deeply beautiful, writing a love letter with absolute love, sharing that what is truly remarkable about Serge Benhayon into the most sensitive and truthful way.

  60. Dear Rachel, I deeply appreciate your pure words to and about Serge Benhayon; to and about all of us. As I read your letter I am deeply touched as it confirms all I know, see and feel in Serge myself. Serge lives Love so we can remember how it is, how simple, profound, all encompassing and in us all.

    How important to get to feel and see the difference between what we primarily have on Earth and what/who we truly are; how we can really be and live.

  61. Wow Rachel it is beautiful to read a true love letter such as this and be inspired by your deep appreciation and love expressed for Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon is truly inspiring and his love and care for humanity is extraordinary as your blog so powerfully reminds us.

  62. Just read once again this monumental blog Rachel Andras. Every paragraph is a blog in itself as there is so much being said between the lines and it is not just to Serge Benhayon but to ALL of us.
    What sticks out for me today that is simply profound is “The religion you present is a way of living – The Way of The Livingness – which offers space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace: it empowers us all to be who we truly are – equal Sons of God”.
    It is the bit about how Serge Benhayon “offers space..” and this is what is really extraordinary. There is no time thing on anything and its an unfolding process so its not like we have to set goals, get going, have an agenda and get into drive and pushing mode. In Fact The Way of the Livingness is the opposite to all of that and I am living, walking, talking evidence that it works. No longer am I at war within myself and I am deeply touched by what this man has thus far given to me and the world. He has given me permission to be the real me and that was the game changer. His way of living done it and that is my constant inspiration – that it is possible for me to live that way to and it comes down to that word RESPONSIBILITY.
    Thank you Rachel for such a powerfull Tablet of Truth.

  63. “true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” So many gifts and truths in this Love letter – this being just one of them. It is as majestic as the man it is written for and the woman who penned it.

  64. This is such a powerful love letter, it isn’t full of emotional overtures, pandering to, or putting someone on a pedestal. But a letter of integrity and honour, to a philosopher who knows – “We are all philosophers and that is what you live and empower everybody to be – their own philosopher.” which I absolutely love, feeling that deep within me and claiming that in full.

  65. A love letter for all ages and era’s. Serge is undoubtedly the model of what humanity will be one day, unimposing, in perpetual service, completely dedicated to the collective evolution and wise beyond words. Everything he does is to make the time,that we take, to arrive at that point shorter, without making the choice not to take that path, wrong.

  66. This blog is gorgeous to read Rachel. Thank you – what you have expressed is a demonstration of love in action – both from yourself and in relation to the way Serge Benhayon lives his life serving humanity. I am inspired to take a fresh look at the world today as I go about my activities and simply let the day unfold with as much love as possible.

  67. Wow Rachel as powerful if not more than the first time I read it and it really stood out how much you are honouring yourself and all those who have chosen to explore what living life to the fullest means,

  68. Rachel this is a timeless love letter. One could read this in 500 years times and it would be still valid. Your words reflect the deep appreciation and love that I and many, many, others feel for Serge Benhayon, who through his living example of how we can be and his untiring out-pour of love in service to humanity has shown us the way back to our self. Serge Benhayon has paved the way for humanity’s return to Truth, Love, Joy, Harmony and Stillness – to God.

  69. Rachel, I would be happy to put my name at the bottom of your letter too. My deepest love, appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon.

  70. When true science, philosophy and religion are all held in equal value they actually bring out the best in each other while at the same time collectively keeping each other honest, focused and committed to caring for humanity as a whole.

  71. Rachel, what a truly gorgeous love letter, a love letter without any emotion or need just pure unadulterated love. It is very special to read and enjoy a love letter written from a married women to another man without their being anything strange about it. Love is love, it is not sexual, needy or crude in anyway. Thank you for showing us that love has no boundaries.

  72. It’s very true what you write about Serge Benhayon, that he has “a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins.” Serge does this with precision, somehow covering every topic relevant at any given time, and forever unfolding more. He truly is an extraordinary man.

  73. What an absolutely beautiful and divine love letter Rachel. Your presentation is a true and gorgeous testament to a man that emanates; consistently and equally; heavenly love. With all that you have written I could not agree more, thank you.

  74. Thank you Lee for sharing what our first job when working for God is, and that is the simplicity of being with us and reflecting our love out to all others. This is the true wealth that we each carry and have in abundance.

  75. Thank you Rachel – a true love letter devoid of emotion but full of the love and appreciation you have and so many of us have for Serge Benhayon and all that he is bringing to humanity. So beautifully written and expressed.

  76. Thank you Rachel, your expression of deep love and appreciation for Serge Benhayon is beautiful to read. I especially love this simple yet powerful reminder in this line ‘ true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’

  77. This is an awesome sharing, Rachel, and what you have written here about Serge Benhayon and what he brings is like the outline of a new life curriculum which is possible for us all to live if we choose this.

  78. ‘A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives.’ This indeed is who Serge Benhayon is and what he does – and we too become our own philosopher once we take responsibility for ourselves and for humanity.

  79. This is such a beautiful letter, showing us that love is universal for everyone. And not only reserved for the intimate relationships we deem to be based on love.

    1. Love is universal, and this is what humanity needs to feel now, and to know that this is the bridge out of the deep pit of illusion within which we have dwelled for eons.

      1. “Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things. You just present facts and people are free to choose what to do with those facts.“ This is so true Rachel we are given the choice and it is up to us what we do with it. Serge does not have any investment in an outcome.

  80. There is nothing about Serge Benhayon that ask us to be anything other than who we truly are and in his way with us we are already that. The depth of love in which we all reside is evident powerfully so in the presence of Serge, thus confirming again the love that is already there to be lived and shared. A Beautiful letter exposing the truth of brotherhood in Humanity, thank you Rachel.

  81. Rachel this Love Letter to Serge Benahyon is a beautiful and natural expression of how deep this true healing is for everyone who chooses ‘The Way of The Livingness’ in their daily life.
    I really appreciate now, how far I have ‘come back and met more of the truth of who I am’ since my first attendance at a Serge Benhayon presentation in 2008. Breaking down all the old ideals and beliefs has been challenging and there are many still rising to the surface. There is an inner pull felt more strongly than ever before.
    Thank you Rachel for bringing Wisdom and Truth with your words.

  82. “I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.“ Deeply moved by reading this thank you Rachel!

  83. I so love rereading you love letter Rachel! Your expression of love feels so natural and is a marker for how we can be with each other in the world – freely expressing we the love we truly feel. This is WHO we are and holding it back holds us all back! This love letter is revolutionary or more accurately – evolutionary!

    1. To meet Serge Benhayon this was very healing too. As a had traumatic experience with men and was very cautious and protective. I could feel his love and support but there was no sexual connotation whats so ever. This was the basis upon which I could start healing and see the true nature and beauty of men.

      1. I know Janina, we have met truth in its fullness in Serge Benhayon. This is not perfection, but a consistent expression of what it means to know that we are first, LOVE. When we all learn to live from this knowing the world will change.

  84. A truly beautiful and loving letter Rachel, My heart beats with the same love and appreciation you so openly shared about Serge Benhayon. A man who deeply inspires me to recognise the love I carry within the knowing I am a son of God and together we are all returning to express from our true origin…… at home with God.

    1. I totally agree with your comment Nicole. I too, have been deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon and am really enjoying being ‘at home with God’ rather than continually seeking for this true connection outside of myself. What a blessing Serge brings to us all.

  85. A true philosopher is borne out of a commitment to a living way that allows the truth of love to be known within oneself in service to all. Serge Benhayon lives and serves as a true philosopher. It is through his love and dedication to truth that Serge is the inspiration for many others to commit also to living the truth of themselves and love for all others equally.

    1. Well expressed Annie C – I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding Serge Benhayon serving the all through living the way of true philosophy 24/7. An absolutely deeply inspiring man to observe and listen to his presentations.
      “Serge Benhayon lives and serves as a true philosopher. It is through his love and dedication to truth that Serge is the inspiration for many others to commit also to living the truth of themselves and love for all others equally”.

    2. Annie you bring truth to the word ‘Philosopher’. That it is a commitment to a living way. Serge Benhayon lives this, and has been a constant reflection to hundreds of people who now see the difference between what is love and what is not. To then feel this within our bodies is very freeing and reawakening of what we have truly come from.

  86. It is through the Love that Serge Benhayon holds for us all, constantly, that we too can begin to feel that same love within us; the love that holds us so that one day we too can choose to take the same steps back to that Love we come from. Serge is not the ‘chosen one’ but rather the one who chose to step up to the responsibility that is there for us all to step up to, and for that I am deeply thankful.

  87. Rachel your love letter expresses what I’m sure all who have Serge Benhayon in their lives would love to say. I appreciate all he has offered and continues to offer us individually and as a one humanity for in truth he never gives to just one person, it is always an offering that we all can then access.

  88. Its been a while since I’ve read this amazing ‘love letter’ and it is with deep appreciation that I say thank you Rachel. The way in which you have shared this to us all is so inspiring and the truth of it touches me on all levels, very deeply with no emotional heaviness – which is a rare thing indeed. Just absolute joy.

  89. I really love reading this blog, it’s absolute gold. I love the section that states that the religion The Way of the Livingness offers each person the time and space to evolve in their own time and pace. This is very true and inclusive of all human beings. It’s up to each person, there is no “leader” as such except our own inner hearts and our own body guiding us. It’s a truly beautiful and unifying religion. I love that it is based on a livingness and not intellectual theories, and nor is anyone appointed as having a special relationship to God. We are all equal.

  90. This blog has a very stilling affect on me and offers a moment to really feel the depth of love we are held in constantly.

  91. This is a most beautiful love letter. Amongst the many loving testimonies to the beauty of Serge Benhayon the observation of him that stands out to me on this reading of this letter is, “Serge, you are breaking down those roles, not by telling people a sophisticated social theory about it, but by inspiring people by the way you live.” This so true that by his lived example that is possible as a man to fully respect a woman without any sexual imposition. This is truly remarkable.

  92. Thank you Rachel for sharing this powerful love letter. Serge Benhayon is an inspiration to all to live in and with true love and when we live with love we grow the love within ourselves to share with others, this is the love that Serge Benhayon brings to the world.

    1. Absolutely Mary- Serge Benhayon inspires us to inspire others – in the true meaning of the words. There is such gold in self love and how that can be so easily recognised by another. It is so easy for us to spot the joy of a child who is content within themselves; love is no different in adults – and in seeing those who are totally claimed in themselves is just joyful.

  93. That is the best love letter I have read so far Rachel . . . there was not an ounce of an ugly feeling inside me while reading it. Your love letter only let me feel the joy and lightness what comes for me so natural if there is true love. And I have to admit I love Serge Benhayon too.

  94. Wow Rachel Andras, this love letter just blows me away….. so much understanding and insight you easily deliver which clearly comes from your loving, living divine essence and the wise woman you are. I feel very humbled having just been nourished in a warm bath of love.

  95. Thank you Rachel for such a beautiful love letter to Serge Benhayon, on behalf of us all- unemotional, full of truth and power.

    1. Yes to have a love letter with no emotion, would be in some people’s view, not a love letter at all. But as I have had the opportunity to explore; perhaps love isn’t emotional, perhaps it isn’t about extremity, pining, lust, move-mountains kind of love. Perhaps what has been sold to us in the movies is not it. And perhaps, love is a forever blossoming relationship we have with ourselves, then reflected to others – and it is with the body first, not just the mind.
      Perhaps love is not a drug but a choice we make to be more open, aware, expressive and allowing.

      1. Beautifully expressed hvmorden on Love:
        “Perhaps what has been sold to us in the movies is not it. And perhaps, love is a forever blossoming relationship we have with ourselves, then reflected to others – and it is with the body first, not just the mind.
        Perhaps love is not a drug but a choice we make to be more open, aware, expressive and allowing”.

  96. Such a beautiful sharing to re-define what love letters are thought to be. As you share, what is so loving about Serge Benhayon is that he is a reflection to us all to be who we truly are – an absolute gift to support others to do the same. This is not about making the world a better place, but rather being open and honest to who we truly are.

    1. So true hvmorden – ‘making things and life better’ was a trap I used to fall into until attending Serge Benhayon’s presentations. I can now see and understand that ‘better’ is definitely a lesser way of being than moving towards being open and honest – paving the way to be TRUE.
      “This is not about making the world a better place, but rather being open and honest to who we truly are”.

  97. Rachel, thank you for this universal love letter to all of us – there are many parts of it that stood out for me, but this one in particular hit home today when I read this for the second time: “to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.” – there is such an acute sensitivity that we all carry in knowing that the way that the world and society is currently set up is not loving and supportive and a natural way to be. And so naturally we may think that we need to ‘fix the mess’ or go in there and ‘better things’ as you have said. But what if it is not about fixing and bettering – what if it is about standing your ground with what you know is true, just being yourself and reflecting in full what you know is you and true, and that this is all that is needed…the mess will one day reveal itself, but how can a mess know how to return without a beacon (or many beacons) of light? In this, living has a purpose, people have a truth to turn to, and we will all know that life as it currently is lived in planet earth can be lived with far more love, respect and care for each other.

    1. I agree Henrietta, I have revisited this blog a couple of times and what I always strikes me the most is the fact that I don’t live like I am the Son of God, yet I am. It’s amazing to really know this – that what I carry within me is Divine Will in its absolute and purest form. Very beautiful!

      1. Yes Donna – I can understand what you mean I feel. I know in my head that ‘I am the Son of God’ but this is not reflected in the way I live my life. I feel for me it is an evolving process where the more I open up and accept myself as I am the more able I am to be the Son of God. It feels as though my heart is gradually opening up and the embers are glowing but not fully ignited and fiery.

      2. HI Donna I have been pondering on what, living like the Son of God looks like. Recently, I have become very aware of how super simple my life is, which I had not fully appreciated which gives me a kind of indication, if you like, that I am living as a Son of God, and yes, I may not always hold this fully, but most importantly I am accepting and honouring my simple living…..and as this deepens the more I live and hold steady the truth of who I am – A Son of God.

      3. So true Donna – we can feel we are so much more, yet we struggle to live it, to actually let it all out and take every step in that knowing. We falter, we hold back, we fight ourselves…all the while the world is waiting, waiting for us to just let go and shine and remind them of what we all are…Sons of God. And then life goes on…until all of us know and live that as our truth.

    2. Beautifully expressed Henrietta. Knowing that we are all Sons of God has completely turned the way I view myself around. Rather than seeing myself as a flawed sinner I now see that it’s merely a choice of energy – I can choose to activate that godliness or to forever think it is up to me to make myself and others right. It has been so important for me to witness Serge Benhayon, living as an ordinary man, light the way by showing us how extraordinary we are if we but allow the light of God that lives within us to simply shine. And there are many people living more and more from the divinity they are – as seen by Rachel’s exquisite love letter.

  98. Serge Benhayon brings so many amazing things to the world for people to consider that I find it hard to exactly put into words how much I appreciate him. I love how this love letter speaks for all of us who know and appreciate the many incredible ways Serge has positively impacted our lives. When I read this blog I am again blown away by the enormity of all Serge delivers, and that he also makes it about supporting us to nurture and develop these same things in ourselves.

  99. So beautifully expressed Rachel, a great testimonial for Serge Benhayon, written in love and truth without emotion – the best love letter I’ve ever read. Thank you for sharing so exquisitely what so many of us feel and know about Serge.

  100. This is a truly magnificent letter. Writing it could not been possible without the infinite love Serge holds humanity with, which this letter responds to. So, the mere fact that it was written reveals the quality of such holding. The letter could not been written either, without Rachel connecting to her most exquisite qualities as a Son of God. Two Sons of God holding each other so deeply and in such an honourable way is something amazing…. and normal even if it is not the norm.

  101. Rachel, you highlight so much of what Serge Benhayon presents as being rare and yet absolutely natural (and it is); what Serge does is walk his talk and presents from that in a way that invites us to see we are the same, we are equal and we have in us a divinity that is there waiting to be lived. I love that you’ve written this letter Rachel for Serge and everyone, and reading it today allowed me to see and appreciate what we’ve all been offered by those like Serge who live their divinity and ceaselessly be that no matter what, while never ever being un-reachable – Serge is both real and divine and shows we can be that too.

  102. It’s so beautiful to reflect on Serge Benhayon in this gorgeous love letter. You have described him so beautifully and I’ve deeply enjoyed the opportunity to just stop, be still, and appreciate all that Serge is. What an incredible man! What you have written is the pure truth, and it feels like love made visible. It was very healing for my body as I read your words. This is the power of love and truth.

  103. Rachel, what you have expressed here is such a beautiful and true testimony to Serge Benhayon.
    You are speaking for so many, including myself, with your love letter.
    You have offered so much insight and wisdom; I love pondering and appreciating what you have written.

  104. Rachel, this is so Truly, very beautiful – I especially love your comment:- “I’ve learned from you Serge that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” I love that you brought it back to our own divine essence – loving from the inside out! How does it get better than that!?

  105. Rachel, your beautiful writing keeps pulling me to read again and again – every paragraph bringing a deep wisdom that resonates with me (and others). With Love and deep appreciation – Celebrating with my heart, the true philosopher thou art.

  106. Rachel, thank you so much for sharing your love letter. You’ve captured it so perfectly. I really liked reading this bit “philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.” Super awesome.

  107. Rachel, you could only write this love letter if you understood the truth of love yourself and it is an absolutely beautiful and inspiring read. This sharing should be available in all arenas where ‘love’ is presented and discussed – newspaper columns, Dear Dorothy pages and teen mags! It would probably be rejected in these arenas but in truth It would blow ‘contemporary’ meanings of love away in a puff. The truth of what Serge Benhayon offers all is absolute and expansive beyond measure. Above all it is the answer to humanity’s woes and divisions.

    1. Thank you bernadetteglass – even though there are parties who are in savage disagreement with the work delivered by Serge Benhayon – your sentence states the absolute truth in my personal experience of Serge Benhayon and his constantly inspiring presentations –
      “The truth of what Serge Benhayon offers all is absolute and expansive beyond measure. Above all it is the answer to humanity’s woes and divisions”.

      1. We have to really want to know and live with truth to accept the level of love and the livingness it requires to accept what Serge Benhayon offers. It has challenged so many of my perceptions, beliefs and patterns to the core. There is not doubt when we feel truth in our bodies! Thank you Stephanie.

      2. Bernadetteglass and Stephanie it feels to me this sentence should be repeated and repeated till the cows come home and more…. :
        “The truth of what Serge Benhayon offers all is absolute and expansive beyond measure. Above all it is the answer to humanity’s woes and divisions”.


  108. Your love letter is so inspirational Rachel and is there for all to see what a true love letter is – your words expressing what so many of us feel about Serge Benhayon.

    1. This letter is breaking old patterns and belief systems of what a love letter is and who society says you are allowed to write a love letter to. I think its fantastic that it is written with pure love, by a married woman to a married man, yet not an ounce of sexuality or emotion in it. Truly, deeply beautiful

  109. Ive just re read this amazing love letter. A man that loves all equally, he is an expression of true love in a lived way, every moment every day, without imposing without judgement, just love and stillness. The love letter holds no attachment or emotion and it expresses beautifully what I also feel.

  110. Every time I read your beautiful love letter Rachel, it inspires me over and over to re-connect more deeply within my body to the quality of Stillness, which I now know, is constant and unwavering within me as part of my essence and equally so with everyone.
    “what I’ve learned from you Serge (Benhayon) is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence”.

  111. That is really beautiful, and its crushes the belief where a love letter is about. We can send everyone a letter to express the love and truth we feel in another. We dont need to have a person as our partner, it can be everyone ! Love it, thank you Rachel , everything you say is absolutely true.

  112. I love coming back to your blog Rachel, you write for us all when you wrote this love letter, it is absolutely divine. You bring all Serge Benhayon’s amazing qualities onto the written page for all to see. A true love letter so beautifully expressed, a testament to how a love letter should be.

    1. Exactly alisonmoir. What you have written Rachel is the true love letter – capturing the essence of a person and what they bring on the page.

      You have captured Serge Benhayon beautifully here and reflect, I’m sure, the feelings of every student of Serge’s teachings and wisdom.

  113. This is an exquisite and profound love letter capturing beautifully how so many feel about Serge Benhayon and what he has so lovingly offered and inspired in us through being the deeply amazing embodiment of divinity that he is. I whole heartedly confer and thank you for your incredibly powerful expression of love.

  114. Through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I feel as though I am finally receiving true education. Imagine if schools taught children in the way Serge presents ~ “philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood” Absolute gold Rachel.

    1. I fully agree with you Sara – this is what true education is about, the knowing or our Divine origins through philosophy, science and religion as presented and lived by Serge Benhayon and his family 24/7. My school years fostered deeper separation, competition, feeling lesser, anxiousness etc. Hardly the basis for building a strong foundation within nor a way of true brotherhood.

  115. The depth of love in this letter takes ‘love letters’ to a whole other level. It is as you say ~ “…a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins”. Absolutely beautiful Rachel and deeply inspiring.

  116. This is such a touching letter. I love how you have included all of us, unlike so many love letters that are exclusive to the world. This letter takes us all in and invites us to feel welcome, You are a great philosopher Rachel and I am grateful for your words.

    1. Agreed Shami – this is one of my favourite blogs to feel and read. Serge Benhayon has the deep love and respect of so many people. This letter was written to him with all of us in mind and in Heart as we too deeply love and appreciate him.

  117. I really congratulate you Rachel in being able to clearly express how much love you have for a man without any emotional hooks or ties. Your letter is a example of your celebration and joy of a man who inspires you greatly and in that there is much to learn from how we communicate in life. We can really share our deepest sense of self with another in true form if we connect to our relationship and intent of our actions. It’s really inspiring to read and to feel your deep honour and respect of Serge Benhayon, knowing all that he is.

  118. Rachel I feel you speak for so many, and certainly myself, with your love letter. Isn’t it quite something for a woman to have written a love letter to a man with such love, and no partners or anyone taking any offence. This shows us all the love we can have with all others. Phenomenal. Thank you so much.

    1. Karin this is so true – what Rachel has exposed is that 99% of humanity don’t use or live by the True meaning of the word ‘Love’. Because if they did they would see that this totally makes sense. In revisiting this blog, it’s even more profound than the first time I read it. The level of quality in Serge Benhayon’s integrity and depth of his love, which holds everyone equally, is not what humanity is used to and so it does come across like a Phenomena – something to be studied, understood and tested. Serge is living in a way that every single last one of us yearns for. Our spirit, bodies and hearts not only deeply crave the love that is being reflected, but we actually cannot evolve without it as it is who we ARE. So a BIG thank you to Serge for presenting a new way – a true way for us all to come back to.

    2. I very much agree Karin, writing a love letter without any emotions and claims nor ownership, simply expressing the love that is felt and that is there. The love that resides in us all and thus connects us all, equally so, with no one better or less to love.

    3. Yes Karin, I couldn’t agree more. To be able to express this true love for a man without another taking offence is indeed phenomenal. But this is possible, as Serge Benhayon is showing us by example, that we do all have that same love for others and we can learn to be in relationships without jealousy and comparison. We simply have to learn to connect to the love that we are which resides in all of us.

  119. Thank you Rachel, for this love letter to Serge in the name of all of us. It made me aware that there is so much unexpressed and we still have so much to share. I agree that we don’t have to better the life of others, just by living an example of truth and how it can be lived day by day is enough.

  120. Yes that is so true, Serge is breaking down those roles, not by telling people a sophisticated social theory about it, but by inspiring people by the way he lives.
    This is something very rare and a blessing to know him.

    1. These last words written here Kylie Connors, pulled me up. …’full of truth, power and all of you.’ This is what Serge Benhayon offers of himself and what Rachel and many of us have responded to. There is something undeniable in what Serge Benhayon offers and my affirmative response comes directly from the body – bypasses any emotion or thought. This love letter is simply a reflection of truth and speaks to ‘all of you’ and ‘all of you’!

      1. This is very confirming Bernadette, I too have felt my body affirming the truth of what Serge is presenting directly in my body- bypassing emotion and thought.
        What Serge presents goes straight to the heart!

    2. For me too Kylie… Imagine if this love letter was the role model for all love letters and how powerful that would be.

  121. Thank you Rachel for writing such a divine love letter to Serge Benhayon, one that is true in every sense, a letter that comes from us all. Absolutely gorgeous Rachel.

  122. It is so refreshing when people express what they feel so thank you Rachel Andras for this very true and accurate portrayal of Serge Benhayon.

  123. Wow, Rachael you have captured Serge Benhayon in all his essence. The amazing man he is in all aspects of life. Yes he is everything you have described and more, the words that we cannot at times find to describe this loving man. We are all truly blessed to have such an inspiring man living amongst us.

  124. Serge Benhayon is a true world teacher, I have always found him so accessible and so willing to help others, without ever being imposing or trying to look good. It is a remarkable quality to know as much as he does yet not use this knowledge against another, instead encouraging everyone to appreciate the qualities we all have and are all able to access with the right choices.

  125. Rachels letter make me feel harmonious and joyful. To know the truth of the ageless wisdom and the livingness of Serge Benhayon is confirming the truth in me. To bring science , religion and philosophy together like Serge Benhayon does will be the future of our world, even if in the most cases not lived now,

  126. I can feel the depth of true love written in your words Rachel without an ounce of emotion. So refreshing to feel love in its true form. Thank you for expressing your love for Serge Benhayon which is representative of the love that so many of us feel for him.

  127. Re-reading your amazing article Rachel, for me a reason why this love letter is so different is that it’s a Letter of Love, about Love, written from the same Love. Such expansion of Love only cancels out any otherwise neediness or female/male dynamics felt in many typical love letters. And your words here offer the reason, so clearly felt: “It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins”. Love is not bound by physical gender or body; it’s just Love.

  128. Wow, I wish I got a “love letter” like that. I can feel the true appreciation you have of Serge Benhayon and also when you put it all into one letter I realise just how much he is and has presented to this world.

  129. Rachel your letter is like a summary of the Ageless Wisdom in its lived form, which is how Serge Benhayon lives and thus shows by example how love can truly be. I’m sure that your letter speaks for a great many people whose lives and hearts have been touched by Serge, to the ever-expanding benefit of all.

  130. So having read Rachel’s letter I now know for sure what truth feels like. It just is. It leaves me feeling still, and settled, and solid. There is no chink in it which is open to argument, not because it imposes itself on you, but just because that is the way it is, it is just truth. Thank you Rachel for this writing this very still letter of truth.

  131. I was contemplating love songs the other day – how each one is kind of like a love letter, but one full of emotion and longing, heart break or anger. It is utterly refreshing to read your love letter, that completely encompasses all the Serge is and brings to the world.

  132. Serge Benhayon is an exquisite Soul and beautiful man and truly an inspiration for all of humanity. I have never met a man who clearly loved me more than I loved myself. For me it has been a process of allowing that love in and trusting it. Thank you Serge for your dedication to us all. I could read these sorts of letter every second of every day! Very beautiful – thank you for sharing Rachel.

    1. Donna your comment literally stopped me in my tracks as it resonated so deeply within me as a truth not realised before – “I have never met a man who clearly loved me more than I loved myself. For me it has been a process of allowing that love in and trusting it”.
      What a marker for a level of self nurturing and love to bring myself back unto, to be able to fully reflect this quality to others by being all of me in full.

    2. Spot on Donna, “a man who clearly loved me more than I loved myself” .. and this was a true healing in showing me that there is no end to the amount of self love we can give to ourselves, and this is great medicine to our body.

  133. Rachel wow – your letter warms my heart. I cannot feel one ounce of emotion in this letter – only a beauty and love for another human being. I love what you expressed here: “It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins.”… Like poetry!

  134. loved the love letter Rachel! Whenever Ive thought of a love letter, or giving love myself, I would absolutely want to truly love another. But There was somewhere along the lines I confused being love and expressing that with whomever, I would reserve that until it was ‘safe’ and then do lots of nice things for a person so they ‘like me back’. But my true love has no boundaries.. It comes from my heart and isn’t made to be kept in at all! Serge Benhayon has showed me that true love is bigger than our bodies, it is made to be expressed. Thank you for such a lovely read. Game changer!

  135. Rachel, you have so delicately expressed how Serge Benhayon brings together science, religion and philosophy. This forms a true picture, it is the truth. Serge Benhayon presents nothing than the truth. And this is deeply healing and loving.

  136. Rachel so beautifully expressed, expression from the soul and definitely felt by my soul.

  137. This has been my experience at presentations, and in person life is about he big picture “You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world”. This has inspired me to live more for the ;while’ rather than making about ‘self’, my life has altered considerably since I have begun to live from this place. Living for personal gain has very short term, unsatisfactory outcomes, to support humanity equally feels like a true way of living. I do this by not making my choices from a ‘selfish’ place, simple and yet completely different from how I often used to make decisions.

  138. Rachel- thank you for your beautiful, loving true account of what an amazing and remarkable man Serge Benhayon is – unlike any other man I have met. He inspires so many people to reconnect to the divine essence of who we are, and live in this world fully committed to life and responsible for our daily choices and health. His love and devotion for humanity is paramount in how he lives and in all that he does.

  139. I’ve just completed a wonderful workshop on Relationships presented by Serge Benhayon. Part of a group exercise was to express and share with each other the values of a particular person in life. A person that brings to us a love and consistency that is solid and true. A person we can trust and listen to and be equally be listened by. A person that doesn’t judge or impose but that appreciates and understands who we are. A person that knows the truth of what is going on for us and can respond with just the exact level of delicacy and sensitivity required to support truth without telling or holding back. The person for me is Serge Benhayon. Thank you Serge for being all of you and the opportunity I have to embody these qualities within me by your reflection.

  140. Thank you for this true Love letter. Not only you have unfolded so much wisdom in a very simple way (which has offered me a great moment of clarity and inspiration), but also have expressed powerfully what Serge Benhayon stands for, what he brings and what many, many of us feel for his presence, ways, life, teachings, integrity and his deep understanding and love for humanity. I’ve tried to describe before all what Serge Benhayon has awakened in myself, and I can only come with a “He is amazing, the most remarkable man Ive ever met!” this is why I find this letter so beautiful, because it brings everything I have felt, but havent been able to express with such level of care, without any ’emocional tone’, but just true Love, the same Love he has awakened in all of us.

  141. I love all you write and say Rachel thank you and thank you Serge Benhayon for all you are and all you bring to humanity every single one of us ,simply amazing. You are a gift to the world and what a beautiful love letter to read know and share.

  142. A love letter that encompasses absolutely everyone, leaving no one feeling excluded or left out from the magnanimous love we all are. Stunning Rachel, thank you.

  143. This is the first true love letter I have read, it is free from any emotions in the sense it is pure like gold, not laced with needs, masked hurts, desires, longings.
    There is no giving away of ones power as the writer holds themselves equal to the recipient, there is a recognition from the writer that they too have all the love and beauty, that they are expressing to the other.
    There could be no jealousy from anyone that this letter was not addressed to because it includes everyone and lifts us all to the true meaning of love.

  144. This is such a beautiful article that I return often to read what you have shared with us all Rachel. As you express “True Love is far from being emotional – that it is a living stillness residing in me as the foundation of my divine essence”. That love resides in us all and to feel and recognise that in another is such an amazing ‘knowing’ experience – a return to something that we all recognise in each other that never left – just got covered over with the many layers of ‘what we are not’.

  145. This is a beautiful love letter… Everything written in your blog Rachel, is so true, thank you. I love what you share.. “that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence” And indeed, Serge Benhayon shows through the way he lives, with love, it does break down many of the man made ideals and beliefs and change does naturally occur, without the need to write a sophisticated theory on them to prove it. Living love is the proof, and this is inspiration to the way I live life too.

  146. Serge Benhayon’s presentation on religion is the first time I have felt an affinity with this word. Prior to this it was just full of imposition and control with memories of the cold, damp, concrete church. Now I feel the all encompassing nature of this word that describes my relationship with myself, with God and with the entire Universe. Where this word once felt like it crippled me, it now opens me to the truth of who I am and where I am from.

    1. I can relate Sara. Serge Benhayon’s presentation on religion re-ingited in me what I always knew was true about God and Religion in its true meaning, but had shunned away, having been misled by the bastardisation of the word. In rekindling this knowing with God, I’ve rekindled the knowing with myself.

    2. I can relate to what you have shared here Sara Harris. While I grew up having very limited exposure to religion, deep down there was always a knowing that I was religious as strange as that may sound. But it wasn’t until experiencing The Way of The Livingness as presented by Serge Benhayon, that that part of me has been re-awakened; the absolute knowing that true religion is a connection with our inner selves first, in harmony with God and the All – expressed and embodied in our everyday livingness. There are no rules to follow as such, just a preparedness to listen to our inner heart, which knows the way home.

      1. A religion with no rules, simply a ‘preparedness to listen to our inner heart, which knows the way home’ ~ beautifully said Stevie Cole.

    3. That is beautiful Sara – I can totally relate to what you have shared. I have been able to re-imprint the word Religion. Every time I say it now it leaves me feeling tender, warm and very open to connecting with God, myself and everyone around me.

  147. One day humanity will realize what Serge Benhayon brings to the world. It is not about him and never was, it is about us, our connection to each other and to God. One day even the biggest sceptics will discover the truth Serge lives and teaches. And those who now learn to walk this path will support those who yet will. For all which is brought through will be tangible to many and they will prove it by living it by themselves.

  148. It has been sold to us throughout our times are that philosophers are only a chosen few, often thought of in a high academic ‘intellectual’ stance – this is not true. Meeting Serge Benhayon has allowed me the freedom to see that philosophers and philosophy are part of our everyday life. I can hear and observe the greatest wisdom from a child or old man, to a stranger in the street, as equally as I can from Serge, my mum or myself. Philosophy is how you live your life. It cannot be found by studying in a lecture theatre at University.

    1. Utterly true Gyl. Every person is a philosopher and this role does not belong exclusively to the domain of Academia. It was lassoed into this arena as a way of controlling thought and knowledge, of creating an outside Authority to overlay and cover the innate, deep and powerful Authority was each have within us. Anyone who is connected to their Inner Heart and observes the world with true understanding, detachment and clarity is a philosopher.

      1. ” It was lassoed into this arena as a way of controlling thought and knowledge, of creating an outside Authority to overlay and cover the innate, deep and powerful Authority was each have within us. ” – this is truth. There is one man who comes to mind that I know brings truth and philosophy to his students, lectures and the lecture theatres he teaches in.

      2. Thankyou Gyl and Lyndy for this timely and important reminder, “anyone who is connected to their Inner Heart and observes the world with true understanding, detachment and clarity is a philosopher “. Some of the most most amazing philosophy I have heard is during the last days or weeks of someone’s life in the Palliative Care ward where I work. As you rightly expressed Gyl, “Philosophy is how you live your life”

      3. Academia have used their ‘superior knowledge’ in the past as a means of control, through religious establishments and government, to keep people obedient and small. Now ‘ anyone who is connected to their Inner Heart’ can see this superior knowledge for the control that it is and know the truth of the Universe that this connection brings.

      4. Truth simply stated in a one-line gem Lyndy Summerhaze- Thank you!
        “Anyone who is connected to their Inner Heart and observes the world with true understanding, detachment and clarity is a philosopher”.

  149. Rachel, this writing just keeps pulling me back to read over and over again – the wisdom, beauty and silliness within every world confirming that all these qualities that Serge Benhayon lives and reflects in his life are the very same qualities that reside within us all waiting to be brought out in full and lived in the same way as this very inspiring, tender, respectful and loving family man reflects to everyone constantly. Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing me the opportunity to return back to the truth of Love and make different choices to live another way. It may not always be easy, yet it is so simple in a choice to be or not to be love in every moment.
    “it (Love) is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.”

  150. This is so true: “Serge, you are breaking down those roles, not by telling people a sophisticated social theory about it, but by inspiring people by the way you live.” Serge Benhayon was the first man for me to live what he talked and how refreshing that was for me. It has been very inspiring for me to feel this and live in this way too.

  151. Rachel I love returning to this gorgeous blog. What leapt of the screen today was the whole section on Serge as a man and the line: “You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it.”
    What I found amazing about this statement is not that Serge Benhayon held you in such unimposing regard, I have experienced this with Serge too and it has inspired me to develop self respecting ways where once there was a void. So what was so amazing was the incredible indictment on the state of the world when someone can be the FIRST man ever experienced in a woman’s life to have not imposed on you in this way. Thank God Serge Benhayon has been leading, allowing us (through living this unprecedented decency and valuing) to break down for ourselves all that perpetuates and allows women to be held as objects and the continuous imposition that comes with that.

  152. Simply having a conversation with a man, who holds you with so much love and in absolute presence, with no imposition on you as a woman in any way whatsoever, is a rare and beautiful thing. Serge lives this and is like this with all women. Whats more, he also holds men in the same amount of love as every woman. So yes, Rachel, his living way is inspiring and makes what is so natural possible, by breaking down the unnatural roles and stereotypes we see for men and how they are to be in the world.

    1. Beautifully expressed Sara Harris. It has been life changing for me, experiencing a totally different way of communication that Serge lives 24/7. There has never been a feeling other than total respect from him and to have this shown equally so whether he is speaking with a man or woman is truly ‘new normal’ amazing in breaking down the stereotypical gender roles that are played out.

      1. Sara, as do I, and I also add that Serge Benhayon speaks to every child with the same love as he speaks to every man and women, and as absolute equals to himself.

    2. Yes absolutely Sara. Having a conversation where you don’t feel like you’re trying to meet an expectation someone else has, act smart, fight flirtatious energy, measure up and be something you’re not is very unusual; but Serge Benhayon imposes none of these things, and holds every person in total love and respect… Quite incredible; and yes as you say it is exactly the same with every woman as it is every man – no difference whatsoever.

  153. “Serge Benhayon you have shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.” That is so beautifully put, Rachel, and what I have come to understand gradually though listening to Serge and observing him live it. It puts everything in perspective and makes it so simple and all part of the whole. I love the way Serge presents, as i love him and the way he lives. Thank you for expressing it in this amazing love letter.

    1. Yes, and even if we choose to not ‘know’ that, doesn’t change the fact that we all are equally what Serge Benhayon lives, and it’s showing us clearly where our evolution is going to, if we choose it or not. Serge is living our future, and we can choose that too, whenever we are ready to do so.

  154. Indeed and well said Rachel, we are all amazing lights of divinity and a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.

  155. Rachel I was someone that wrote many “love” letters in the past, full of emotional turmoil and neediness! Yet with every single one of these I did not hold love to be what I now understand it to be thanks to Universal Medicine. In essence I did not hold love as “a living stillness residing inside me” therefore whilst I thought I was writing love letters I was really writing emotional blackmail to keep that person from leaving. What is stands out in your love letter is that it is only one of a few true love letters that circulate this world – its certainly re-defined what a love letter is.

    1. As someone who wrote many love letters also, I totally agree with you David, Rachel’s letter has ” certainly re-defined what a love letter is”. Thankyou Rachel for putting so beautifully into words what so many have been feeling since meeting Serge Benhayon, and being reminded always that love is ” a living stillness residing in us “

  156. Rachel, thanks for your amazing love letter, it is worth to re-read many times. There are so many sentences, which resonate in me, in particular one “it (Love) is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” True love is not imposing at all – it allows us to be what we truly are.

    1. “thanks for your amazing love letter, it is worth to re-read many times” – I agree alexander1207 – there is so much here to be felt, and each time I revisit a different aspect stands out. I love the line you highlight, beautiful.

    2. That is a beautiful sentence, Alexander. Thank you for highlighting it for me today, and thank you Rachel for writing it in the first place!

  157. This is a letter from the universe, in appreciation of Serge Benhayon and all he brings. Thank you Rachel for such beautiful writing, I could feel the expanding universe as I read it. It is written for the all from the all as we are all these things equally, even if we don’t feel or know it yet. Thank you Serge for all that you bring.

  158. Rachel, what a beautiful love letter devoid of all the emotion we normally expect to read. Reading it reminded me of the first time I met Serge Benhayon – he was the first man whom I felt not even the slightest hint of imposing from and that has been consistent each time I have met him over the past 8 years.

  159. Rachel, your deep love and appreciation is felt in every word…in a way this love letter is for everyone as we can each bring all these qualities.

  160. What an extraordinarily beautiful way of expressing TRUE LOVE. Thank you Rachel.

  161. This is true Rachel. Serge Benhayon is the first person I have come across who presents philosophy as a lived experience rather than something that we study or that is only for a chosen few who are ‘philosophically’ inclined. The truth is, we are all this way inclined and have access to the same Universal Wisdom through our everyday livingness. You say it beautifully – ‘We are all philosophers and that is what you live and empower everybody to be – their own philosopher’. I have never seen Serge make anyone less and he makes it very clear, through his words and what he lives, that everything he has is available to us all.

    1. Serge Benhayon always treats everyone he comes in contact with as an absolute equal to himself. What a wonderful role model he is for all of us to follow.

      1. Yes Beverley, Serge Benhayon sets the marker of how all people can relate with each other – with decency, respect, love and equalness.
        There are very few people in this world who truly lead the way by holding everyone as equals, nurturing the greatness in all — this is Serge Benhayon’s way.

    2. Yes Sara, Serge Benhayon’s life is never about Serge Benhayon. There is not one ounce of self in anything he does. It is all in service for us, everybody equally, for all of humanity – no matter where we have been or where we think we’re going. This is true love, and no emotion in his love at all. It is totally pure, and showing us who we all are, as we all come from the exact same Divinity, and that is where we are returning to.

  162. And it is rare to read a love letter of this quality – no hooks, no emotion, no drama, no heart break in sight – just simple, honest appreciating and honouring of another. I love every word, Rachel, as I too love Serge Benhayon.

    1. It’s like the first love letter ever written! Rachel captures what so many of us feel about Serge, a deep love of appreciation for being shown the way back to living the love we all are, and then I have found that I feel that love for myself – slowly but surely this is the way forward for me, and I would not have discovered that had it not been for Serge having the courage to share truth and love, of that I am certain.

    2. Yes, I too love every single word. What a grand way to express love – sharing the absolute truth and appreciation of Serge Benhayon and the infinite ways in which he has touched our lives.

    3. I agree matildaclark, this love letter is truly special, and I can easily sign this too. I love Serge Benhayon and what he brings to the world. He is THE world teacher of our time and I do not want to imagine this world without him and his family in it.

  163. So true Rachel, that the fact that everything is energy and everything is because of energy and the difference between spirit and Soul should be the first things we learn.

  164. True love is always for everyone and everything. You have written this letter from the All for the All. A beautiful expression Rachel, of deep appreciation and accepting human life and God. Serge inspires us all to be the Sons of God that we are.

    1. It is a true blessing to deeply appreciate and accept human life and God and I want to thank you Annelies and Rachel for expressing this.

  165. Serge Benhayon is all that Rachel describes in this Love Letter. From my very first interaction with him, I have been able to feel all the false ways I have learnt to seek love and attention from people and especially a Man. I have felt the emotional love that we grow up thinking is love, and have dropped into deeper aspects of my own capacity to love, each time I interact with him or attend his courses.

    The quality of presence, integrity and consciousness that Serge Benhayon brings is the most remarkable experience I have ever had, as a presenter, teacher, counselor, guide, or simply as a fellow human being. His presence restores my hope in humanity and my capacity to be an engaged person living in a World that has consistently disappointed and disillusioned me. Through being who he is and how he chooses to live, he shows us what it means to truly love and to live this is every way, without personal agenda but with the aim of restoring true brotherhood on Earth.

    This is such a remarkable thing and deserves to be recorded and presented as such by all forms of representation; especially in the media. However my perception is that our World is not yet ready for Serge Benhayon and will continue to attack and persecute what he brings, just as people have done countless times in the past when a big bringer of Light arrives.

    1. Beautifully written emmadanchin. I fully agree with you that Serge Benhayon’s presence is the greatest gift on earth – restoring trust in myself and humanity as a whole.
      As you say, historically so – it may well be “that our World is not yet ready for Serge Benhayon and will continue to attack and persecute what he brings, just as people have done countless times in the past when a big bringer of Light arrives”.

    2. This is an equally powerful testimony, emmadanchin to that of Rachel’s. Through Serge’s teachings, presentations and love expressed to all, I walk reassured in the world knowing where we are at in the grand plan of life and in our evolving. Anxiety and fear about the world and its current state is abated in the knowing and understanding of all that has been shared by and through him. I now walk taller, and eminently more sure footed and confident in the world, knowing who I am in relation to all others and all others in relation to me. My disillusionment with life disappeared gradually over the first few courses and I haven’t looked back since. Serge Benhayon offers us the reflection of what it means to live on Earth as a true Son of God and this is everyone’s potential. Yes Emma I agree, this needs to be recorded and presented as remarkable because I share your feeling in your words, “The quality of presence, integrity and consciousness that Serge Benhayon brings is the most remarkable experience I have ever had, as a presenter, teacher, counselor, guide, or simply as a fellow human being.” For the many who are not ready for his light there are many who are.

  166. Rachel all you say is beautiful as is your love letter about Serge Benhayon and that you speak for so many who feel the same way. Thank you for your expression and all you say and I espcially love that ” you have shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.”

  167. Rachel, what you have so beautifully expressed about Serge Benhayon feels as though it has been written on behalf of humanity so thank you. Serge has inspired me to live me in every moment and this is reflected to all those with whom I come into contact- His gift to humanity.

  168. This is the most amazing love letter I have every had the honour to read. Re-reading it again today I can feel that love in which you share this with us all. We are all included and connected together in the bigger picture – such an inspiration. Thank you Rachel.

  169. Rachel this was such a deeply touching love letter. A true love letter indeed, and you have encapsulated Serge, his teachings and the equal power in all of us beautifully.

  170. Deeply beautiful love letter Rachel. Thank you for expressing so truly the appreciation that I also feel for the loving and inspirational way Serge Benhayon lives, shares and presents the divinity that we all equally are in essence. And with this I have discovered that there is a way to live in harmony with the All that we are divinely a part of and connected to. Thank you Rachel for the light you shine through being who you truly are and the words you share.

  171. This is expression at it greatest Rachel. I read your words often as they move and inspire me. Thank you, the love and appreciation is deeply felt not only for Serge but for every one of us; for all humanity.

  172. This is gorgeous Rachel, ‘true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’

    1. I agree with you rebeccawingrave, this sentence is what resonates deeply with me as I re-read this writing today. ‘true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’
      The living stillness is so palpable in Rachel’s words of wisdom and joy.

  173. I love reading this letter and I love reading everyone’s comments. My love for Serge Benhayon is a deep internal love and I feel the reflection back as a knowing. Serge represents and lives the soul on earth and it is immensely powerful and enriching to feel and witness the power of this love through everyone’s expression.

  174. Your love letter is truly beautiful to read and echoes how I (and many others) feel about Serge Benhayon and how deeply appreciative we are to have met this amazing man. Your love letter is setting a new standard of expressing love to another with no holding back and encompassing all – this letter supports us to claim our love for another and to fully express this – thank you for the inspiration.

  175. It is simply glorious to re-read this inspiring Love Letter to Serge Benhayon Rachel – Eloquently and clearly presented and expressed with grace on behalf of all humanity. With deep appreciation and thanks.

  176. A love letter this is for sure and one that can be written from all whom have met and spent any sort of time with Serge Benhayon. Thank-you Rachel for expressing the love that is deeply felt within all of us for a man that has consistently, generously and ever so graciously dedicated his life to and for all people, and their evolution.

  177. Melted completely! A love letter to Serge Benhayon which in turn reflects to all of us as we each carry that same beauty.

  178. Beautiful letter Rachel. Yes, there are many ways in which Serge Benhayon is extraordinary and yet he is incredibly humble and ordinary in his extra-ordinariness. What I find so inspiring is how he shares such wisdom from his own livingness and in his all-encompassing way he holds everyone equally. Serge embodies everything we all are but have forgotten, and he is a constant reflection and a reminder of our true way for which I am and will always be eternally grateful.

  179. Rachel, you reflect all that you say of Serge Benhayon … the depth of your love, joy, stillness and harmony shines clearly from your photo. And this is what I love about Serge – all that he is and all that he presents, we are all that too equally so.

  180. “History is full of love letters referring to the emotional turmoils of people and their longing for each other” This is so true, reading them can leave us in the same mournful energy that they are written in. How refreshing and light to read a letter of true love. Thank you Rachel.

  181. I just love your love letter Rachel. Awesome. Love is universal and for everybody and not only directed to one person. Serge Benhayon always inspired me as well, he is a living example of what love is.

  182. Just an awesome summary of an extraordinary yet entirely accessible man and of the unbounded contribution he brings to the world.

    1. Boundary-less commitment and service to the world. Serge Benhayon lives an example of our future and the way we can and will be together. Thank you, Rachel, for expressing your (our) deep appreciation for all that Serge is.

  183. It is not always easy, but it is always loving and true what Serge Benhayon is presenting and offering. It goes into the smallest corner of the body and renews old and false belief patterns It sets free to be more love and to be joyful. It is refreshing and vitalizing. It opens the heart for more love for humanity. Thank you deeply, Serge.

  184. Absolutely amazing love letter Rachel. The depth of appreciation is palpable.

  185. Its so beautiful to read this love letter Rachel and feel that it is for us all. Just like Serge. This is my second time reading this blog and it continues to shine.

  186. So true Rachel how Serge Benhayon has breathed forth science, philosophy and religion, unlocking them from their confined entrenchment and sprinkled them into our our everyday livingness. With this greater awareness my eyes feel more open and my appreciation for everything has re-awakened.

    1. I agree Lucinda. What Serge has brought forward and allowed us to integrate into our lives has set us free in the true meaning of that word. You can tangibly feel the love that has deepened amongst us. It shines from our eyes.

  187. It is ground breaking that you can write a public love letter Rachel to a man very happily married, and to date, have 565 comments supporting and agreeing with everything that you write. I have no doubt Serge Benhayon’s wife Miranda will have read this too and feel only love and affection for you as she does her husband, because what you write is true for everyone. You set a new bar for what a love letter should look like from here on in!

    1. Yes, absolutely ground breaking Suzanne, setting a new foundation for love letters for sure!

  188. Wow, thank you Rachel – this is amazing. I particularly love how you have concluded it: “Serge Benhayon you have shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.”. Absolutely beautiful

    1. Yes Jessica, I am in full agreement with you here – it is an amazing love letter and the clarifying of the ‘cornerstones of a foundation for life’ through the connection between Philosophy, Science and Religion is – “Absolutely beautiful”

  189. I would love to add:
    Dear Serge,
    you inspire me
    -to be playful,
    -to realize that responsibility is not a burden but a blessing,
    -to discover my Grace and share it with the world
    -to realize & appreciate the divine beauty in me and others
    -to shine
    -to serve
    -to sing
    -to express love & truth
    -to be joyful
    -to connect
    -to build & deepen relationships
    -to discover my love for humanity
    -to find may way to God again
    -to see my path
    -to claim my power

    and I could go on….

    Serge – to love you means to love humanity (including me). It is not you personally, it is what you bring/reflect that we love. Because it is us – without all the barriers we created.

    1. Absolutely Sandra, I love how you say ‘ Serge – to love you means to love humanity (including me). It is not you personally, it is what you bring/reflect that we love. Because it is us – without all the barriers we created.’
      Serge brings Love that is for everyone. Neither exclusive or discriminatory in its nature it is a love that offers truth, encompasses all in its true beauty and wisdom, and allows us to be ever-unfolding, to be all that we truly are.

    2. Beautiful Sandra – all of the above are included in my love letter to Serge Benhayon too, alongside the letter in which Rachel has so lovingly shared the absolute and undeniable truth about Serge Benhayon – a constant inspiration in my life.

    3. I Love your additions Sandra, this makes Rachel beautiful letter even more beautiful.

  190. Magnificent, Rachel, I’ll sign this letter too with total joy! It’s with great appreciation that I feel the way has now been opened for people to speak of love with a capital ‘L’ – Love in its truth and fullness without any sexual, sympathetic, exclusive or emotional connotations or energy. And Serge Benhayon has opened that way by truly living it, making it so much easier for others to live it too.

    1. I agree Dianne,
      Rachel your incredible love letter sets a new marker for all TRUE love letters. Thank you Serge Benhayon for being that consistent ever true LOVE, showing us the way to reveal it within ourselves and everyone else. We are so blessed by your presence.

  191. Everything that Serge Benhayon lives, presents and shares is absolute in every sense. He does not claim to own this or that he has created it, he knows from how he lives in connection with God that all that comes in and through him is Universal and accessible by all. Serge is so open and says it how it is, you start to understand that it is only the choices that Serge makes that gives him access to what he knows. That these choices are there to be made by all, or not, depending on what energy you are aligning to.

  192. Everything that Serge Benhayon lives, presents and shares is absolute in every sense. He does not claim to own this or that he has created it, he knows from how he lives in connection with God that all that comes in and through him is Universal and accessible by all. Serge is so open and says it how is that you start to understand that it is only choices that Serge makes that gives him access to this what he knows. That these choices are there to be made by all, or not.

    1. Well said Natalie. Serge Benhayon is absolutely the most humble and truly dedicated man I have ever met, with no ownership on anything. His way of living is there for all to be inspired by in order to return to a way of living that we all know deep within, but have covered over with ill-choices from ideals and beliefs that keep us in a prison of our own making. Thank you Serge for your constant inspiration and reflection of the possibilities available to us when we make a different choice and therefore bring a completely different quality into the way we can all live our lives..

  193. Rachel, what a beautiful love letter you have written. Just seeing the title and the photos was releasing something in me already. I can fully put my name under this letter myself, thank you Rachel for expressing with such power, deep love, true clarity and absolute divinity.

  194. I’ve known Serge Benhayon for over 9 years and can attest that during that time not once has he ever imposed on me, nor have I seen him impose on another, in any way, sexually or otherwise. And you said it so well Rachel, it’s not because he is asexual but because of his absolute love and integrity.

  195. For me, out of all the many, and continuous gifts Serge Benhayon offers everyone equally, is as you say Rachel ‘… biggest gift and expression of love you have given to me has been for me to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God’. With the deepest appreciation, thank you.

  196. This blows me away. Rachel what you have expressed is very eloquent ‘what I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’ and ‘this is not an ordinary love letter as you are not an ordinary man (even though you are), and it is also not a love letter from me as a woman to you as a man. It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins’; but more than that I can feel it is embodied, it is not just words you have written but what you know and feel, it is powerful and reminds us all of the love we come from and love that we are.

  197. Everything that Serge Benhayon lives, presents and shares is absolute in every sense. He does not claim to own this, or that he has created it, he knows from how he lives, in connection with God, that all that comes in and through him is Universal and accessible by all. Serge is so open and says it how it is that you start to understand that it is only choices that Serge makes that gives him access to this, what he knows. That these choices are there to be made by all, or not.

  198. Re reading this beautifully expressed love letter, the preciousness of what we have been offered by Serge Benhayon through the religion The Way of the Livingness brings tears of joy in the reconnection that is felt…”The religion you present is a way of living – The Way of the Livingness – which offers space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace: it empowers us all to be who we truly are – equal Sons of God.”

    1. Yes Rosanna and Rachel. And Serge does this (give us inspiration and the space to go for it in our own time) with a patience, an understanding and beholding which is nearly unfathomably and undescribable. But it is felt and honored in the way we live.

  199. Rachel when I look back to before meeting Serge my understanding of “philosophy, science and religion” were as completely separate entities. It is only now as I’ve come to understand the deeply integrated connection between the three of them do I feel they make true sense. A true blessing to have this awareness through the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  200. This morning I am loving the ‘marriage’ you have spoken about between philosophy, science and religion and the completeness that the three bring. Thank you, Rachel.

    1. I agree Matliada, philosophy, science and religion are all needed in equal measure and not in competition with each other. They way Serge supports groups to explore all three delivers nothing short of revelation.

  201. Having read and reread your love letter Rachel, I am again deeply touched and appreciative that this level of expression is occurring. It has confirmed for me in a new and deeper way that love just is and absolutely envelopes us ALL because it is our home place. The bastardisation of love by emotion and kitsch is truly devastating for humanity but to feel the expression of it in this letter, expands me and fills me with commitment to life and the truth of love.

  202. “You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world.” This says it all for me, the absolute love for people and humanity. How many of us, myself included have done or do things in life for self -gain, even just listening to a conversation. There is not one ounce of that in Serge Benhayon every single thing no matter what is done to support people to know and live the truth of who they really are. That is true love – that goes way beyond this world.

    1. I agree Gyl. Every word uttered or written by Serge Benhayon is not for self-gain and always for the evolution of all. There is never an ulterior motive behind his actions. He has many times claimed that he is an open book with nothing to hide. He has even gone as far as saying his life looks boring from the outside. Perhaps so to the unknowing observer who might see him go about his day, but I know that he is living an amazing life, because he is an amazing person. I mean, you only have to be with him for a second to feel that. I am so so fortunate to have him in my life.

      1. I too feel so so fortunate to have met Serge Benhayon Jinya – and experienced the consistency from which he lives his life, with a world leading integrity.
        Had I not met Serge my life would have continued on the trajectory of not even realising how much abuse I was allowing and perpetuating, I might never have come to rediscover the beauty I am inside under all the loathing I held towards myself, nor the responsibility to others I actually hold in everything I do or say, nor my ability to freely choose another way, that benefits everyone. I would have remained utterly lost from myself in the abject misery of that incessant ache of missing a life lived in connection to self and all. I thank God for Serge Benhayon being who he is in our world – a leading light who makes the amazing into the everyday and reminds us all there is so so much more to us than meets the eye.

    2. This too has been my experience of Serge Benhayon. I have never met someone as selfless as Serge. Someone who wants nothing more than for everyone to know their own true self. An amazing man who I love.

  203. Just seeing this photo of Serge Benhayon instantly comes the words ” I love this man” with a huge smile.

  204. This is so beautiful Rachel and expressed for us all thank you. I espcially love how you wrote…
    ‘the biggest gift and expression of love you have given to me has been for me to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.’
    A true love letter and inspiration for the world to see.

    1. I love this sentence as well Tricia – I still sometimes want to better the world, but deep within I know, that this is not necessary, I just have to be son of god and a reflection to all other human beings.

  205. I would like to sign your love letter too Rachel – what you have expressed about Serge Benhayon sums up so much of how I feel about him and everything I have been presented with over the years, he is a truly remarkable man and has shown me how truly remarkable I am too.

      1. We could all sign this love letter. It is like no other as I feel part of this love that is being expressed, as it is a love we all held in equally.

    1. Yes gemmarubina – my comment is me adding my signature to this shining letter of deserved appreciation. I would still be lost and living in misery and abuse were it not for Serge, summing up the appreciation for not only returning to a life of care, but of who I divinely and innately am, and beginning to then be there to show others there is another way – well, its so much appreciation – my heart sometimes feels like it will pop in the gratitude of having Serge Benhayon in my life.

  206. Clarity and truth, “A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives.” Humanity can support one another in a very real and tangible way, support others to feel their own truth and becoming ‘their own philosophers’, empowering, responsible and simple.

    1. Serge Benyahon is a true philosopher, he is committed and dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibity for their own lives. Humanity needs more people like Serge.

  207. I have written ‘love letters’ in the past but they where so full of how I ‘needed’ the person and ‘our ‘relationship in isolation of everything else. This letter is the opposite of that, through the appreciation of the love that Serge Benhayon brings, there is a natural appreciation for all of humanity, the two can not be separated.

    1. That’s exactly right Samantha you can’t separate the two. It is extremely inspiring to see this and introducing this approach to life has been a necessary and warm welcome.

    2. I too have written ‘love letters’, full of romance, gooey quotes from Shakespeare etc. They weren’t real as Rachel’s is, and are faded and brittle in the attic of my mind, whereas THIS love letter stands the test of time and will be eternal.

  208. This has always been my experience of listening to Serge Benhayon “Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things. You just present facts and people are free to choose what to do with those facts”. There is no push or preaching, but an unfolding of his own experience lived. It is wonderfully inspiring and empowering to listen to and it supports my own self development and general awareness.

    1. Very true Samantha, I agree. Rachel has encapsulated the very essence of Serge Benhayon’s teachings, that they come from a living experience, tried, tested, felt and examined and then presented for others to try for themselves. And the amazing thing that continually inspires me is that there is no push, no demands, no chastising if people don’t make the same choices. Serge simply keeps presenting and the results of his choices are clearly evident for all to see, he is fit, healthy, vital, joyful and extremely hard working, with a perpetual eye on the big picture, humanity and what is required next. Those who have put his teachings into practice in their lives also end up looking and feeling vital and well, with a huge capacity to support the individual and the community with true wisdom and regard, as Rachel is so evidently doing.

      1. Yes I agree, Rachel has captured the true intention and way of living Serge Benhayon shows us all, with mastery and gentleness. It’s beautiful to see how he has been with you too Rachel, as this matches and confirms my experience with him.

    2. I completely agree Samantha. This is what makes Serge Benhayon’s presentations so real – there is no preaching just a sharing from his own experience. So very real, so very inspiring.

    3. So true Samantha. I love how Serge Benhayon honours so deeply where your at. He knows you will get it eventually – such a deep understanding. That allowing and the space he offers you plants a seed that seems to grow. He knows so much, and always shares a personal story to support the teachings. He doesn’t hold back anything – true inspiration and role model.

      1. Yes, he communicates the grace for us to remember who we are and in that we grow. Divinity in action.

    4. I agree totally which what you say Samantha. There is no imposition or trying to convert, no rules and we are no coerced into anything whatsoever, it is ALWAYS our choice. Serge Benhayon is a shining example of what he presents and this can be truly seen and felt and when listening to presentations I feel held in that love and am consistently inspired and supported in opening up to the marvels of myself.

  209. “The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.”
    As you say Rachel, Serge knows no compartments, he treats the whole being, always seeing all that they are before all they are not.

  210. This is such a profound and beautiful true love letter Rachel. I find it quite difficult to express in words the level of appreciation and love I have for Serge Benhayon. You have done an amazing job on my behalf for which I thank you deeply. It’s a wonderful summary, and everything you have shared here is there in all of us, and that is what Serge is here to share with us all in how he lives.

  211. One of the many things that I love and find inspiring about Mr. Serge The Real Deal Benhayon, is that he is so super patient. I can’t even fathom how much he knows! Without patience he would not be able to do what he does. And his patience, I feel, grows from a rich soil of truth, love, stillness and harmony that is lived and expressed practically in everyday life. Like a mountain, ever present through the ages.

  212. Rachel, you summarise the vast range of subjects that Serge Benhayon presents on that encompass life, with such clarity. With regards to religion is is beautiful to consider how simple and connecting the religion of the way of the livingness is, it offers an equality that is our divine way and strips away all the behaviours we live that is not who we really are. We are all equally sons of god and we will all get to that equal truth in our own time.

  213. My greatest love of all is quite possibly science. I have studied it at length throughout high school, then at university and later through my own daily observation of life – a science in itself.
    It’s for this reason that I deeply understand the love letter written by Rachel as it is an expression synonymous with a love of science, and of how all things do make sense when considered with universality in mind. The clarity and common sense offered through Serge Benhayon and his diverse forms of work which are interwoven with a profound understanding of people is utterly and deeply precious.

  214. Your beautiful letter is written for us all Rachael, to express our true love, in its true meaning,
    …”what I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.”
    Serge presents constantly that we are all equal.

  215. Beautiful writing Rachel! A line that really leaps out at me is……. “there is no chosen one, we are all the ones”……………that feels so empowering!

    1. Jonathan thats reminded me of the fact that before coming to re-connect to myself through the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, I was wrestling with the religious beliefs of their being a chosen one and what I felt in my heart that that was not true. Its very empowering to now know absolutely that we are all the ones.

  216. “What you [Serge Benhayon] bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins”. A simple, direct and clear testament to the love and purpose of this remarkable, yet also ordinary, man.

  217. It’s true that Serge Benhayon is amazing and has inspired many to know that we all come from the same amazingness. Thank you Rachel for your letter. Thank you Serge for the inspiration to begin to understand what love truly is.

  218. ‘Serge, you are breaking down those roles, not by telling people a sophisticated social theory about it, but by inspiring people by the way you live.’ Being inspired by others through the way they live I have found is the best way to learn and live.

    1. I agree Esther, for me the first (being told a sophisticated theory) is temporary, I may take it on board for a while but then I give up. The latter, being inspired by others through the way they live, has longevity, as it means I change how I live and in doing so I stop old patterns that have kept me trapped for too long

  219. Understanding what true love is has totally changed the way I do everything once I started to make the choice to live in way that supported me to reconnect to this within myself it has had a profound effect on all areas of my life. ” that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” A living stillness reflects this feeling so well.

  220. Rachel I love your line, ‘that it (true love) is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.’ Wow, what a call back to myself and that stillness. Thank you.

  221. Having just spent the last two weekends with Serge I can unreservedly say I love him and all he brings, it is an honour to be on this journey back to soul with him and all the students of the Way of the Livingness.

  222. Without the love and support and inspiration of Serge Benhayon I would never have made the changes in my life that made the Consultant I saw today exclaim “You look so well, what have you been doing? You look ten years younger!” The answer is simple; I have been looking after myself in every way, not just physical. But it is deeper than that, it is about the choices I make and the energy I choose to express. Serge Benhayon is the only person I have met who shows me a whole way of living that brings about this change. I have seen other students grow and expand, family members, either students themselves or purely from being in relationship with me, old friends, and those I speak to. I see everyone change and become more of their glorious, heartfelt selves as they meet and work with this humble and delightfully playful and ordinary man. Who would not love him? Only those who are jealous, as they see how the light shines from him and know their own lack. For those who are open and willing to respond this love letter says it all.

  223. Serge Benhayon is an extraordinary healer. The first time I ever had a treatment with Serge I felt safe and deeply supported. What he says makes sense and the more I apply the teachings of Universal Medicine the more I know how true they are.

    1. I remember my first healing session with Serge Benhayon and it was the most powerful healing session I have ever had. The quality that is divinely pure in its touch is one that can not be mistaken for anything else. I too felt truly and deeply supported, cared for and there was not a second that I felt uncomfortable in any way. Quite the opposite. I have had three healing sessions with Serge, one to one and each one has had this incredible integrity that I have not experienced from any other practitioner outside the Universal Medicine practitioners and modalities.

    2. Ditto Elizabeth, the feeling of being absolutely safe was the first awareness I had with Serge Benhayon. 10 years later that feeling has not altered one bit.

  224. “but what I’ve learned from you Serge is that true love is far from being emotional; that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.”
    I agree Rachel. What Serge Benhayon has taught us and shown us about love is a far cry from the way I grew up and understood love to be, that it is a foundation within us for us to allow out and grow.

    1. I agree Michelle – it is surely true that love is ‘a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence’ and this feeling is profound. When I connect to this I can feel the truth of what I feel in my body, rather than the emotional kind of love which just takes over my head and leaves my body stranded in an abyss of emotional turmoil.

  225. Huge words with no razzmatazz – I love the feeling normalcy in this article and that Truth = Love and vice versa. Thank you, Rachel.

  226. This is not a love-letter to a person – this a love-letter to what Serge Benhayon brings and offers. And what he brings and offers is something what we have all equally in us. So it is a love-letter to all of us, an appreciation off all of us and our true nature. Thank you Rachel!

  227. Rachel this is simply beautiful and true; thank you for writing this real love letter on behalf of all humanity. Your expression is inspirational as Serge Benhayon and the Way of the Livingness absolutely is.

  228. I just love coming back to your love letter Rachel and read it as it speaks from the truth of my heart.

  229. A wholehearted thank you Rachel for this Love letter written for us all. Having seen you in person at the Sound Foundation in Frome (UK) a couple of days ago, I can attest to you being an absolute living testimony to the love you write of and live so well. A deeply inspiring blog which I love reading over and over.

  230. I love this line – “philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood”. These three elements are the corner stone for life. Because without one of them bring present, there is always a missing piece and we as humanity can feel that.

  231. An exceptionally beautiful love letter about an exceptional man Serge Benhayon who shows us all by reflection the way to be exceptional by being our divine selves.

    1. “An exceptional man Serge Benhayon who shows us all by reflection the way to be exceptional, by being our divine selves”. I love how you have expressed this. I wholeheartedly agree.

  232. It was so beautiful to again read your love letter to Serge – and to all humanity. With your words you embrace us all as you are voicing what so many of us feel for the man we know as Serge Benhayon. Thank you, Rachel for your love and commitment in writing this love letter.

  233. In a world where most walk around grey, hiding behind masks and completely disconnected to truth. A world where like me it was function the best you can and play the game it is an incredible blessing to have one many lead the way, a way that thousands of others have equally embraced for themselves – a way that means living in connection with oneself, being committed and being lovingly responsible. That reflection is certainly from someone that has shown me True Love.

  234. Knock out blog Rachel. A beautiful expression of all that Serge Benhayon brings to this earth – which truly is heaven on earth for us all to choose if we want.

  235. Serge Benhayon is exceptionally caring and loving whilst never pandering to people as individuals – the counsel he provides is for the benefit of everyone equally, he has shown me the meaning of true compassion.

    1. Here here fiona55 – you are spot on.. Serge Benhayon does not hold anyone less or anyone more than everyone else.. He is completely loving, but never pandering. He offers an absolutely incredible support to people across the world.

    2. Thank you fiona55, what you have shared is my experience too – Serge Benhayon provides compassion in the true sense of the word.

  236. I just saw a photo of Serge and Miranda Benhayon and was just blown away by the joy, love and real-ness they live. The fact that they are here for humanity and that is all they do. Why do we get so caught up in the little stuff? When that grandness is possible to be lived! Wow.

    1. Yes Serge Benhayon and Miranda Benhayon are a truly inspiring. Their relationship is not for their own self gain as most relationships are, but as a reflection for humanity of true love.

      1. I agree Donna, being able to observe Miranda and Serge Benhayon together is a constant inspiration to how true and deeply loving relationships can be. We are incredibly fortunate to have such profoundly real and honest representations of how grand love actually is.

    2. Beautiful ariannekasi, the grandness that Serge Benhayon reflects to us all is actually very real and not something that is unattainable. And then what is reflected by his relationship with Miranda Benhayon, their entire family, and all who know him is that grandness being lived without limitation.

  237. Serge ‘The Real Deal’ Benhayon is a super awesome man who shares his wisdom of the ages so that we all grow together. The other day I saw a flock of pigeons playfully flying in circles and amidst them all a single white dove. It reminded me of what we are all here to do. To lead each other in equality, knowing that we have something to bring, our reflection of God.

    1. Beautiful expressed Jinya, and Serge Benhayon has done just that, by offering me a true reflection to live life from my inner heart and with true purpose for the benefit of all.

  238. It is certainly a love letter written for all rather than just one person. This is revelatory in itself.

  239. Hear hear Rachel. Serge Benhayon has brought home to me the truth of who I really am and the opportunity to stop living all of who I am not. So now I am able to feel my natural delicateness, sweetness, and womanly qualities whereas in the past these were not even on my radar.

  240. We only are able to understand the depth of love Serge Benhayon is bringing to us and humanity to the extent that we allow love into our own hearts. The love he truly brings through his livingness is much grander than most of us are able to hold. He is the biggest inspiration for me to learn and understand in my body what true love truly is and I am deeply thankful for that.

    1. This is so true kerstinsaltzer15 – the grandness of this man’s love is unfathomable. True love has no summit, it grows, evolves with each moment alongside the call of humanity.

    2. Well said Kerstin, this is so true that there is a much grander Love that Serge is living that we can connect to. The deeper we let this Love in the deeper we get to feel what it is that Serge is connecting and allowing through which inspires us even more to be All of who we are.

    3. I agree kerstinsalzer15. And in this way, he is a constant inspiration of the forever deepening of love and expansion of our grandness that is possible.

    4. Beautiful and profound words, kirstinsalzer15 “We only are able to understand the depth of love Serge Benhayon is bringing to us and humanity to the extent that we allow love into our own hearts.” I have found this to be my experience of learning to reconnect to a love within, the capacity and depth of this love has continued to grow and I see no reason for this to alter.

  241. What is expressed here Rachel is written on behalf of anyone and everyone who has met and chosen to feel the qualities of Serge Benhayon. In all he reflects and I am inspired by I love what is written here – “I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.” Feeling this can make life simple with no need to keep trying and be anything more than my true self.

  242. Thank you Rachel for putting into words the depth of appreciation we all have for the loving man Serge Benhayon.

  243. A truly beautiful love letter Rachel… All-encompassing of the divine magnitude of what Serge Benhayon brings to and holds for humanity.

    1. Beautifully said Rob, “the divine magnitude” of what Serge offers humanity is indeed immense. It is incredible what one man has manifested in his life. The most incredible thing about it is that Serge is not one man saying only he can do this, he is one man saying we can all live like this. It is up to us to make the same choices in life that enable us to be just as intuitive, wise, loving and truly productive for the benefit of the whole of humanity. Serge Benhayon is a master of universal love, wisdom and compassion, whose work and teachings are a continual source of inspiration, guidance and purposeful advice, worthy of the utmost attention.

  244. Rachel, this is truly beautiful what you have shared, how you have expressed with such love and sincerity. It’s lovely to read and appreciate all you see and feel and all that Serge Benhayon is, brings and teaches as well. Thank you.

  245. A beautiful true love letter – an expression of love. In a world that has forgotten their divine origins as a very real and living way, Serge Benhayon is at the forefront of that lived way.

    1. When we accept that we have simply forgotten our divine origins, so much confusion and struggle will dissolve. Life is about letting go/surrendering/opening up to what we already know, rather than a searching on and on ‘out there’ for the elusive answer. It is always our choice whether we stay reduced to the boundaries of our human-ness or expand into the grand-ness of our natural divinity.

      1. I love the idea of ‘confusion and struggle dissolving’ Matilda, and this stunning transformation is brought about by one simple choice.

      2. Beautifully put Matilda; instead of constantly looking OUT to find the truth of ourselves and who we are… Why not start looking IN… Guaranteed it will talk a fraction of the time, since we already know all of it!!

    2. Beautifully expressed Shannon, and also in a world that has forgotten the meaning of true love, what an amazing reminder this letter is.

  246. Rachel, this is an incredibly inspiring piece of writing which I have re-read. Thank you for articulating so beautifully what I too am experiencing having met Serge Benhayon and been equally inspired by him. To reconnect back to the fact that “… I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are …” has reignited by entire being knowing this is where I am from and where I am returning. But to deeper understand that my life is “..a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins ” has brought me to be able to live with joy as I now can remember my true purpose in life. It is being given permission to live my life with this love and dedication to humanity, what I so innately have wanted to do forever, which like you, I too share my deepest appreciation to Serge for.

    1. I share what you say ginadunlop completely. As a result of Serge Benhayon’s teachings, and even more powerfully as a result of witnessing how he unwaveringly lives, I have regained my awareness that I too am an equal Son of God – and so are we all, the whole of humanity. And this means my natural dedication in life is to “truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins”. This has provided a confirmation to what deep in my heart I have always felt about the essence of people and longed for it to be true, but in the face of what the world around me was showing me, I had given up on. Now I am supported in knowing this truth and building this way of life. Words can not express the depth of appreciation in my heart for this.

  247. “The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural”–this is the most beautifully expressed Rachel. We all deserve this level of Love, for we are it!
    Why then is this level of Love not reflected everywhere we are and with each other?

    1. Very true – we all deserve this love in our lives, and in order for that to happen we must learn to be love with everyone and to accept this love when we feel it from others.

  248. What you have captured so beautifully here is the immense power and wisdom that Serge Benhayon presents to us all and that he does it all in the most practical and completely liveable way. That is what makes him so unique and one of the reasons that he has inspired so many people to look at the way that they are living their lives.

  249. Serge Benhayon has given me the most amazing gift and that is to know that I am enough and all I need to do is appreciate and accept me in full, and nothing else.

    1. Yes there is such power in this simplicity. To appreciate and accept myself in full offers up the opportunity for a whole new platform from which to live life, that feels free, easy, wise, spacious, very very steady and joyful

    2. Absolutely Francisco Clara, beautifully expressed, I am learning that I am enough, just as I am, with no need to try or do anything, it has been a deeply healing experience to come to this awareness a “most amazing gift”.

  250. Thank you, thank you Rachel for this love letter to Serge Benhayon. Every word expresses what is in my heart. Each one of the points you raise warrants a love letter on its own. Each point is enough to turn anyone’s life around. Yet I and hundreds of people have been experiencing all of them and are graced with so much more every single day as a result of this one man who simply has not, and never will, give up on Love and Truth. He lives as a claimed Son of God with every breath and stands as a loud and clear reflection of who humanity, every one of us are – equal Sons of God, who chose to forget this fact for a long time but are now finding our way back and are re-learning this way of living.

  251. Thank you Rachel for having the true commitment to write what we all feel so deeply. When I feel the love Serge Benhayon presents I know that love is real for us all and we can now move towards it with out fear of ridicule.

  252. “you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world.”
    This is so true, Serge slices through everything that we are not and meets all that we truly are, by addressing each and every person in this way they are left inspired to be more of who they are.

    1. This is such a profound gift to start seeing ‘who we are not’ and have the option of instead building our life on real foundations of who we truly are.

    2. I agree lucindag – he asks us all to be everything we are – it’s a very empowering thing, not being seen for your mistakes, past or issues, but simply for who you are and what you are capable of.

    3. Beautifully encapsulated Lucindag, thank you. Being met by Serge Benhayon always lifts us out of our self made quagmires back to where we truly belong. While we are very good at focussing on our faults and blemishes, Serge perpetually reminds us of our innate divine qualities, placing them foremost in our awareness so that we can embrace and express what is so naturally ours. His love for himself and others is immense, he is always prepared to say exactly what needs to be said, in order to slice through all the nonsense we hold onto in order to make clear to us what our real responsibilities are in life. No sweet talking, just the plain honest truth.

    4. My depth of appreciation cannot really be expressed in words when I think of Serge Benhayon. His depth of understanding and love is so total that it cannot be fathomed in my head. I am truly inspired to be all of who I am when I am with him and know that I am already complete with it. The inspiration is to keep letting go of what I have taken on that is not true so that I can be all of me consistently.

      1. Indeed Michelle, we are complete, a wise man once told me that love is the being, the knowing that we are everything already.

      2. Yes Michelle, our minds cannot fathom a love so exponentially great – However, our bodies know it deeply so.
        My appreciation and love for Serge Benhayon comes with a full body knowing of the enormity of love we are all made of.

      3. Thanks Kyllie for putting this so succinctly. This love is indeed deeply fathomed by my body as it understands it in full and words are not needed to comprehend it. It only needs to be felt to be understood as it recognises instantly its true sister quality in another when true love is reflected back to it.

    5. Agree Lucindag, but he slices in a way that is still completely loving and that is done with absolute understanding towards whomever is being addressed, with the intention of bringing back awareness to the fact that we can be, live and give SO MUCH MORE. A reminder of our potential.

  253. “…I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world” is a very powerful statement. How ingrained is the ideal of bettering the world and our identity around this? In this simple statement is a great study for mankind.

    1. So so true Simon.. Bettering the world is such a deep illusion so many of us had fallen for.

    2. It is certainly a different approach isn’t it Simon? To be in the world as a living inspiration rather than trying to make it a ‘better’ place.

      1. So true Simon and robynjones11, we have been ‘trying’ to make the world a better place for aeons, and not making a very good job of it, in fact it appears to be getting worse and worse. Life on earth will never be perfect because it is not our true home so the key here is to go within, stop trying to ‘save the world’, inspire others to do the same, and the evolution of the world will take care of itself.

      2. I agree Sandra. ‘Trying’ to make the world a ‘better’ place is not working at all and the simple fact that “Life on earth will never be perfect because it is not our true home…” is an amazing revelation to be aware of as this frees us up for a greater purpose.

      3. Beautifully expressed Robyn. Trying to better the world and myself, to make everything better, was a huge drive for me and a huge trap that kept me from living in a truly healing and vital way. We are so freed by deeply realising that’ “Life on earth will never be perfect because it is not our true home…”. It seems well worth repeating!

    3. Yes – there is so much in here to ponder on. When we set out with the intention of “bettering” we are coming from the perspective that we are less and need to work harder. What Serge presents and what I can feel deeply is that we are already full, whole and amazing. It is therefore simply a matter of connecting with this and a surrendering or letting go – no trying needed.

      1. Yes Michelle819, ‘bettering the world’ feels exhausting but by being true to ourselves we can reflect our truth without any trying and the ripple effect takes care of the rest.

    4. So true Simon,This would be a great study! How many of us have fallen for ‘bettering the world’ at the expense of our own bodies and we can’t see that because of the way we have identified with doing good.

    5. Combining that study with a re-evaluation of the word better would be huge Simon.

    6. That statement struck me too Simon. It’s like it lets us off the ‘trying’ hook in a way and opens us to the more natural and flowing state of just being and expressing our true self. Thank God for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for sharing this wisdom with the world. Embracing and living this reclaimed way of just being ourselves is the true path to making the world a ‘better’ place.

    7. Very much ingrained…..I have carried this belief for a very long time, which actually is quite a load on your shoulders I can tell you. Thinking you have to better the world and with that feeling responsibly for the world, is an illusion and keeps you from living who you truly are. It is actually a great excuse to not focus on yourself, how you live and what you reflect to others around you.

  254. Rachel this is a truest love letter I have ever read with an absolute heart felt expression of the divinity that one man inspires in us, in all areas of life. To appreciate the re-connection with ourself and in that, with God, shows just how much impact we can each have should we choose to live a life of love and dedication to humanity.

  255. Thank you Rachel, you have been really inspired to write this letter that recognized the truth of Serge Benhayon and all of us. Reading it I can not feel one word that comes from an individual, no one word that separates me from you, and I love to feel this.
    Reading your letter I realized the grandness of what we are living and the responsibility of bringing this light to the world.
    I never met in this life someone like Serge Benhayon, and in his integrity I feel the possibility to walk God.

  256. This is the most real love letter I have read, a deep expression of love and appreciation for another with no emotional strings attached. Truly inspirational.

  257. Serge Benhayon has given so much, and it is always unconditional, unchecked, and unmeasured. I love how you Rachel have been inspired to write this blog with those same qualities.

  258. This is a truly beautiful, loving love letter expressing the qualities of Serge Benhayon that are the role model for all of us. Hence it is not really a love letter to or about Serge but of these qualities which are the true qualities of all of us being reflected through him.

  259. Thank you Rachael for sharing your beautiful love letter that speaks for us all.

  260. Thank you Rachael for writing this beautiful love letter….that speaks for us all.

  261. I love coming back and reading this beautiful letter Rachel, I feel that you capture the essence of a truly universal man in putting to words the love you feel for Serge Benhayon You make it clear that Serge is a living example of what we could all be if we lived to our full potential as expressions of light on earth.

  262. At times in history, people have written letters, and these letters have been kept and become famous, quite often these letters have been hidden from public view and only come to light centuries later. Quite often they are an expression of a deep feeling between people that could not be expressed at the time. What you have done Judith is to write in public of a deep and profound love for a man who always reflects back to us a depth of love that can only be found in the eyes and heart of someone who truly lives with God

  263. Now this is how a love letter should be written! A sharing of truth that love that touches ones soul, thank you.

  264. “A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives.” This is such an important point and it demonstrates why search has no followers. The student body and the Way of the Livingness is not something Serge Benhyaon has set up to gain followers but that which has come to be from the Livingness of all those who have awakened through the immense love and inspiration of Serge Benhayon.

  265. Every word is absolutely true Rachel. When you describe Serge Benhayon, you are describing us all, with the only difference being how much we accept and live how grand we actually are. Serge leads the way for us all to be inspired.

  266. We do not have completely fathomed yet the enormity of what Serge Benhayon has and is bringing to us. Even the students, actually willing to study him in detail, not to talk of the rest of humanity, whom for a great part are not even aware of what is occurring.

  267. I really love the bit Rachel when you say to Serge Benhayon that the religion he presents is a Way of Living. This is what I spent most of my adult life searching for and I tried many religions but there was always something missing.
    The Way of the Livingness that Serge Benhayon presents is about unity, equalness and an all encompassing quality that is deep within each and everyone of us. All we need is to live a self connecting life and that is what I have chosen and it works. The need to search for anything outside of me has finally gone as I know it all resides INSIDE me. How deeply empowering is that and this is what Serge Benhayon offers to all of us – equally.

    1. Agree Bina Pattel, Serge Benhayon has offered us heaven on earth equally by presenting us a Way of Living that is honouring of our bodies and encompassing of the all .

  268. Serge Benhayon has helped me enormously in my life. Just being in Serge’s presence – having him in my life as a friend, to speak with him and to call on his support has been life changing. To have someone in your life who is constantly loving towards himself and all others is the greatest inspiration and friend one could ask for. This man has supported me and continues to, with his loving presence, to know and feel that I am a beautiful woman who deserves love and respect and that I am worthy of this. I am just one woman out of many women and men who will attest to this. There is much evidence of this through the comments in response to Rachel’s letter and in the blogs on this website.

  269. This is the most inspiring Love Letter I have ever read and it leaves me feeling open, expanded and confirmed that the Love that I am is the there for All. To share this with out any boundaries or conditions like Serge does every nano second of every day is totally possible and only a choice. To Be the Love that I am and to Let my Love out for All.

    1. Yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly Natalie Hawthorne – this is the most inspiring Love Letter I have ever read too and the sense of there being infinite spaciousness to open unto and express the truth of who we are – Love – with no boundaries or conditions as Serge Benhayon lives constantly is something to fully embrace and enjoy with every particle of my/our being.

  270. ‘philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.’ A great summary, Rachel. Serge Benhayon presents us with Life as we know it deep within and how we can live it every day.

    1. Thank you Rachael, Carmel and Serge Benhayon, I agree, great summary.
      As the students of the Livingness build their relationship with each other in brotherhood, holding all of humanity equally, the true power of what that can bring to the student body will be felt in every interaction when and where-ever there is true expression. As the sons of God build a collective livingness this is being felt as the love that we all come from! This is the Way of the Livingness.

  271. Rachel this is beautiful. To know Serge is the deepest blessing and to be shown the truth about life is the most precious gift that can be given. Together we are learning how to live this gift and share it with others. One man can do so much, its amazing. What can we all do?

  272. Rachel, gorgeous. You present what we all are, and how meeting someone like Serge Benhayon has shown us we all know. That’s one of the many things I love and appreciate about Serge that he never ever lets anyone feel small, he presents from the bigness in a way that is accessible and by his inspiration you feel you know it too. That has been my experience and I’ve been able to make lasting changes in my life throught this understanding. He really is both truly remarkable and absolutely ordinary and in that reflects how we are that too.

  273. This is a truly awesome blog, thank you Rachel for presenting your perspective of Serge Benhayon which I support and agree with 100%.

  274. Thank you for this profound true love letter Rachel written on behalf of us all. There is so much in this letter, it covers everything but what I feel to comment on now is the blessing of having the truth presented by Serge but absolutely no imposition or judgment about what I choose to do with those facts. This is so rare in a human being, to feel held with no judgment or imposition, in other words true love. Experiencing this has made me realise the level of judgment and imposition that usually exist in all human relationships.

  275. “…I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.”
    As I read this blog today, my mind started to wander on to the next things I have to ‘do’. To read this line put an arrest to that momentum as it reminded me there is nothing I can ever do that will be greater than me just sitting and being in the fullness of me. Thank you Rachel.

    1. Absolutely Amelia, we are ALL already and our divinity does not express from the doing, but from the being….very beautifully said, thank you!

  276. And the good thing is: when he is not around, I don’t miss Serge Benhayon because his inspiration is always there and it’s actually me living it.

    1. Gorgeous Simone, so beautifully said, the love is in you and everyone of us, there is no need of him being around as we are all one by our divine origins and that is the true love he reflects us. Very awesome!!

  277. This struck a core note “you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world” I don’t ever recall of being reminded of the qualities that are there for each and everyone of us, and pretty much forgot they even exist, this would have continued to be the case if I had not met Serge Benhayon and chosen to see what he sees in us all.

    1. Yes, a revelation Felix to know that the struggle is not needed when it is true romance or true love.

  278. I too have not been one to write or receive love letters and have always thought of them as quite cheesy but Rachel this is absolutely gorgeous and what I would call a real love letter. The difference being is the love you have expressed is real, not just the emotional version of love that we are sold.

    1. Absolutely Tony its all about reclaiming truth. So many aspects in life have been bastardized and we avoid living them, because they don’t feel true (in this case “cheesy”). Serge Benhayon inspires us to connect to the truth of love, religion, life in general and so much more and to bring truth back into it and live it. For me the most beautiful aspect is that when we reconnect back to truth we can feel the oneness we all are and that we come all from one divine expression, like with this love letter as it is evolving with everyone contributing to it from each unique expression.

  279. An incredible piece of writing thankyou I love this line: that it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.

  280. Thank you Rachel for expressing so beautifully what I, and many many others, feel about Serge Benhayon. I have learnt so much from him and his example, one of the simplest things being to be myself, be love before all else.

  281. I did experience all of what is Rachel writing about in this love-letter as well and realized that I can react to what is presented from Serge Benhayon – that would mean to react to myself, because we are all equal. Or I can appreciate that he shows me that it is possible to life this level of love, integrity and responsibility on earth – if he can, so can I – and so I did it, I took him and his life as an inspiration. And what he inspired me too, is, as you said Rachel “that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins.”
    So he inspires me to embrace my divinity, to express it and to inspire others so we all hit the road to Glory again.
    That’s really worth a love-letter!

    1. Beautifully expresses Sandra Schneider. Serge Benhayon has inspired me in countless ways to really feel what is true in my living and what is not. I am equally inspired by you too Sandra – the changes you have made within yourself, your partnership and your life are exquisite to see and feel.
      Thank you!

  282. I love your love letter Rachel. It so beautifully expresses how we, his students, all feel about the remarkable Serge Benhayon. Brotherly Love to the 9th degree.

  283. I agree this has been my experience also “The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.” It is very natural and it is something that feels entirely ‘normal’. Learning to express this from within myself, I know I choose an ‘extraordinary’ and yet normal way of living, connecting with the love within feels confirming, supportive and true and doing so exposes that which is not true.

  284. It is so true even if we do not like to admit it that sexual energy is almost always present in relationships and interactions between people. Whether it be men judging a women’s worth based on her physical attractiveness or women competing with other women or trying to attract attention, it is all a subtle power struggle due to a lack of self worth. Before I met Serge Benhayon I had just assumed this was a normal part of life, but he has shown me through his example that it is possible to have close relationships with women and men based purely on love and mutual respect without sexual energy being involved. This fact alone is revolutionary to human life and so well described in this blog.

  285. This is the most beautiful love letter I have ever read Rachel and will return again and again to feel the amazing love it was also written with. We have all been offered the most amazing opportunity (gift) to attend, listen, observe and feel the ‘truth’ (through making our own choice) of what Serge Benhayon presents and represents in life.
    Serge Benhayon’s “dedication to truly serve humanity” is never ending. An amazing gift from Heaven.

  286. The enormity of what Serge Benhayon has grounded in this lifetime sometimes escapes me. This letter was the reminder I needed. Philosophy, religion and science will never be the same. He has shown that they do not belong in the cloistered spaces of “ivory tower” institutions. They are belong to real life, and are the birthright of every woman, man and child. He has restored these treasures to us. They simply await our will to gather them to our hearts and live them in full….as he does.

  287. Rachel this letter is extraordinary… I have never read a love letter like it before. It leaves me be, to feel the amazingness of what one man can be, an extraordinary ordinary man… it shows that we can all bring these qualities and it also shows when these qualities are lived… we will have amazing relationships and connections… like yourself.

  288. A beautiful love letter to an amazing man Rachel, ‘I don’t have to better the world, just be myself and reflect my amazing light, the divinity we all are.’ Thank you.

  289. Rachel, not once did I feel any emotional strings being pulled, but instead felt truth and strength. It was beautiful to read a true love letter.

  290. Thank you Rachel for not holding back your love and offering everyone an opportunity to understand what true love is about. A letter I feel is written on behalf of countless people, myself included.

    1. Absolutely Eva, a letter written on behalf of so many, myself included, and my appreciation for Serge Benhayon is ever expanding and deepening.

  291. “A true philosopher is dedicated to supporting others to evolve so they become their own philosophers and take responsibility for their own lives”. Rachel, rarely has a philosopher been defined so simply yet so accurately. With this or any other definition, Serge Benhayon is the master philosopher as this is the way he lives 24/7.

    1. A very powerful quote to highlight Anne, thank you. Rachel has very eloquently defined the real power of Serge Benhayon’s teachings, the power to support and enable people to truly evolve and resume full responsibility for our lives. We are truly powerful people and Serge Benhayon perpetually reminds us of this fact, with immense humility and grace, always encouraging us to choose and live from our own glory, to embrace it within so that whatever we do in life, we grace ourselves and others with our universal wisdom.

  292. Truly beautiful Rachel, To express such love so freely, we can all feel the depth and breadth of everlasting love with Serge Benhayon. You letter is for everyone too.

    1. So true.. Jenny. This depth of everlasting love, that we all can feel from Serge Benhayon, is incredible and it is also the same love, we all have…..living within us all….to express with in full equally out to everyone.

  293. Rachel that was the most beautiful letter. Every bit of it completely true. You have lovingly and with great honour brought to light the man that Serge Benhayon is.
    God Bless you.

  294. Rachel, such truthful words I’ve rarely heard before (except from Serge Benhayon himself) beautifully expressed with absolute clarity.

  295. In reading this again, the expression, the beauty, the divinity is all there. Just love everything about what you have shared. The love is just so felt, I feel exactly the same and to have it articulated so wonderfully has been a joy to read.

      1. So true Rachel Mascord – in German we would say she speaks right from my heart.

  296. This feels like a true love letter, one that is not sappy and emotional, but powerful and confirming of everything the person is, without them having to do anything.

    1. There is no want or need expressed in this letter. It is a powerful, simple statement of how joyful we all are to have Serge Benhayon showing us by example how glorious and loving life can be son this planet

      1. I agree Catherine, this letter speaks on behalf of many people who have been touched by Serge Benhayon.

      2. Absolutely agree beautiful powerful simple statement, no want or need expressed, just a sharing of pure joy

      3. A love letter based on true appreciation, now that is a love letter to end all love letters!

      1. Exactly arieljoymuntelwit, how often can we say that people love us, not for anything we do for them, but simply because they have seen and love everything we are.

    2. Absolutely Rebecca, love has no excitement, enthusiasm and emotions of any kind good or bad, plus as bonus, it leaves all others alone to do their own thing!

      1. True gregbarnes888 – it simply gives a person space to feel they are equally that love.

    3. You have nailed it Rebecca. How very inspiring to look at other parts or situations of our lives and see if what we experience as “truth” intact is just a version that has drifted afar from what would truly be our simple and loving expression.

      1. Often we do feel love for people, but we have disconnected from our ability to truly express that love

    4. Absolutely Rebecca, love has no excitement, enthusiasm or emotions of any kind good or bad, plus, it leaves all others alone to do their own thing!

  297. Thank you Rachel for your beautiful writing and this great testimony to Serge Benhayon, all of which I wholeheartedly agree with.

  298. Like you shared, Rachel, Serge Benhayon only presents from his lived experience and how he brings everyday more love into his body, his life and the life of others. He is so open with everybody and open to share all his experiences and wisdom. I never met somebody before, being so open and not holding back with his wisdom, and as such supporting everybody in his own growth. This is extraordinary.

  299. ‘‘You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world.’ This is a rare quality and one that speaks volumes for the integrity and humanity of Serge Benhayon.

  300. Thank you Rachel, you have expressed so much love of how I feel about Serge Benhayon and the deep appreciation for who he is and he constantly reflects to us all.

  301. Wow Rachel, I have never read a more beautiful love letter! And I am blown away by the clarity how you explain and express in every day language a lot of things and terms we as students use a lot, but that are not easily understood if one hasn’t studied with Universal Medicine and listened to Serge Benhayon’s presentations. Just wonderful.

  302. Rachel you describe truthfully and eloquently so much of who Serge Benhayon is. I love the depth of your appreciation, the depth of your love and the depth of your wisdom. What also really stood out for me is how you so clearly don’t feel that Serge Benhayon is different to you or indeed anyone else but simply a reflection of us all.

  303. Hi Rachel, To put into words what Serge Benhayon brings is quite a job and very inspiring as he has brought so much to so many. To read this letter is a great reminder for me to fully appreciate everything I have in my life since meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  304. “You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it” In this you express, Rachel, what an true role model Serge Benhayon is for all men of how to relate to women.

  305. Rachel, thank you for sharing such an accurate account of Serge Benhayon and what he truly brings to humanity. A ‘stop’ moment for me was when I first felt the fact that Serge loved me more than I loved myself. I could feel in every part of my being that Serge was forever going to be a guiding light for me to find my way back to my own inner wisdom and love; a constance source of inspiration reflecting love (even though at times it has been tough love – without any judgement whatsoever). A truly inspirational man I feel privileged to have met.

  306. You have so beautifully encapsulated everything that Serge Benhayon lives and offers to humanity, and to all of us who have chosen The Way of the Livingness alongside him. It is a an exquisite and remarkable piece in celebration and appreciation of an exquisite and remarkable man. Thank you for your awesome expression of these simple, but profoundly true, facts, to the world, Rachel.

  307. ‘You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world.’ This is a quality that is very much needed in our world and thanks to Serge Benhayon we have the reflection that this is possible and can be inspired to to do the same.

    1. This is so true, Serge brings understanding to all he meets that there is much more than just our personal gain and development but that we are apart of the whole and this brings an all encompassing way of living and depth of the Love that I can feel so deeply and I am constantly inspired Serge Benhayon. Indeed a very rare reflection, hence why the enormous appreciation.

  308. A very true and deeply gorgeous dedication to a man who has committed his entire being and life to love and humanity. I second everything you have said here Rachel and thank you for such a love filled piece of writing. I love how you have captured all areas of Serge while reflecting his all encompassing and unified way.

  309. What a beautiful love letter. Thank you for sharing Rachel. I can feel the depth of appreciation in your writing.

  310. Such a beautifully written love letter Rachel.What you have written is all encompassing and a representation for us all, & I felt the tender depth to your letter.This appreciation for Serge and what he brings is deeply felt by me also.

  311. Wow, truly a beautiful love letter, coming with no emotional weight, needs or conditions. Serge Benhayon is most sincerely deserving of this appreciation, what he presents is only ever for the benefit of everyone. And as you said Rachel there’s no sophisticated social theories but rather inspiration through his actual way of living.

  312. Gorgeous love letter Rachel to a beautiful and inspiring man. It’s an amazing declaration of the love, truth and wisdom Serge Benhayon lives everyday and brings to us all and to you and the way you are choosing to live with that same love and truth in your heart. It’s exquisite to read and to see so clearly how I and many others feel about him too. Thank you, with love and deep appreciation for all you bring. I will return to read this again for sure.

  313. These two basic facts you mention are spot on Rachel. What is incredible is this is who we are. It is our make-up, but somehow the two most important aspects of who we are have been forgotten, or should I say cleverly hidden, like leaving a piece of a puzzle in the box, therefore creating a feeling of being incomplete, causing a reaction to ‘search’ for something that is not actually missing in the first place.

  314. Rachel, you have spoken for so many people of this world on the true meaning of love, and you letter to Serge Benhayon was so heartfelt.

  315. Thank you Rachel, I am sure you speak for the majority of us, both men and women alike , that have had the pleasure and privilege of spending time with Serge Benhayon.
    To me Serge is an example of someone who consistently makes loving choices for himself so he can be that love for others.
    When you really try and do this, day in and day out ,you soon appreciate how difficult it can be sometimes, to live something that is so simple!

    1. So true Belinda Jane. The realisation in how difficult it can be to live something so simple is a realisation worth coming to, as it takes away all needing to better self and puts in its place a very firmly held appreciation for the love of self that each of us can connect to that is needed to continue to make the choices each day to live the simpleness of our love out in the world.

  316. Rachel, this is just such a beautiful love letter. You have simply summed up Serge so well. I love how you brought philosophy, science and religion together and expressed just how extraordinary Serge is across all aspects of what he brings to all of us. I truly felt the letter was from all of us was well. Just divine.

  317. The truth beautifully presented Rachel, thank you. Serge Benhayon is continually presenting by how he lives how we can all Live the Love that we are equally, naturally every day.

  318. Serge Benhayon’s life and work with Universal Medicine is a gift to humanity, the value of which cannot be overstated.

  319. So beautiful Rachel, what you’ve shared is speaking for all who know Serge Benhayon and his tireless and all-encompassing, extraordinary work. I was particularly struck by your words on religion… “The religion you present is a way of living – The Way of the Livingness – which offers space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace: it empowers us all to be who we truly are – equal Sons of God.” I realised as reading it that this IS true religion and I felt deeply touched by the recognition of the fact. Thank you!

  320. What Serge Benhayon presents is revolutionary based on the fact that nobody else is sharing such great wisdom in such an open and accessible way. However on another front when receiving what he shares there is a deep feeling of already having known it.

      1. I’ve actually never experienced anything like this any where else, not school or church or work. It’s only more proof to me that what Serge is accessing and sharing is very old wisdom that we can all access

  321. Rachel, it is so freeing to read your love letter to Serge Benhayon. We are raised to think that we can only express this level of love to our partners and family. How great would it be to express this level of love to each other all of the time?. Now that would be a revolution worth being a part of.

    1. Absolutely Elizabeth; we are taught and told that we can only express this kind of love to our families or partners.. But what Rachel has shown is how powerful it is to express love with everyone, and take time to appreciate those who have inspired us.

    2. Elizabeth I truly believe that it is the revolution that we are part of. There is nothing that is not love and so what constraints must we be applying constantly to forever be holding back the love that we are? I am so excited to be returning to a time when we can all allow ourselves to express love freely. A time when we don’t have to constantly pull against the natural flow of expansion. How absurd that we are already love and would know this in a second if we simply stopped doing all the things that we do in order to not feel the fact that we are already love!

  322. Beautifully said Rachel and echoed by all who know Serge Benhayon as the true philosopher that he is. What Serge brings, lives and shares is the highest reflection of love today, that we have ever been offered. There is joy-shared and appreciation as I write this, knowing that I too am an equal Son of God who without his reflection would have stayed in the dark.

  323. Rachel I love how you said ‘I don’t have to better the world, that I just have to be me and show my amazing light’. The I don’t have to better the world really caught my attention. Thank you.

  324. Rachel, this exquisite love letter to Serge Benhayon speaks so clearly and so lovingly of a very humble man whose purpose it is to present to humanity that there actually is another way to live; that we don’t have to stay stuck in the pain and the struggle of our lives as we have done for so long. And what I appreciate so much about how Serge presents is, that he forces no one to follow him and he has no expectations, he simply allows: “ every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace”; honouring and respecting every single person he meets. Now that is true love.

  325. Thank you, Rachel. I love that you have written a love letter to Serge Benhayon on behalf of us all. I am beginning to grasp how important it is to express everything that we are feeling, and confirm the many many blessings we receive every day through the choices we are making to align to truth and love again. So I thank God every day for Serge Benhayon and his family, and will do so for the rest of my life.

  326. I just had to read your blog again Rachel,as it perfectly puts down in words how so many feel about this man who has turned around countless peoples, hopeless pain filled lives to ones filled with love and joy.

  327. Rachel you have written the world’s first love letter to, and about the man, Serge Benhayon, who is nothing but love all the time, and we are no different from him, so in truth your letter to him is about and for all of us.

  328. There is still a part of me that is in awe of Serge Benhayon, even thought he tells us we are all equal Sons of God. This man is an incredible human being who lives Love for all of humanity and shares the Ancient Wisdom with us so we may remember who we are and where we are returning to. Without this loving sharing many of us would still be searching in the dark but instead we see his amazing Light and then our Own. Thank you Rachel for sharing this Love Letter with us all.

  329. One of the greatest things about Serge Benhayon is that he can handle all the love that we have to offer, without the need to reject or criticise it. I have found this to be a very rare trait and it is such a welcome one because the feeling of being offered the opportunity to have the freedom to express love from the depths of your soul is unlike anything else on earth.

  330. Serge Benhayon taught the difference between emotional and true love. In the past I would think love was all about having a partner and doing romantic things, saying I love you etc. Now I know love is a beingness, a way of living, and that love is in my heart, it is what life is all about, it is not just for relationships with family or friends. I know this now again because of Serge Benhayon sharing about this but most, by that he lives this love in full. Thank you Rachel for this beautiful love letter.

  331. A love letter that speaks for all – no exclusivity and no emotion or pull – simply heartfelt honouring and appreciation. Thank you, Rachel.

  332. A truly beautiful love letter Rachel. Serge Benhayon is the true embodiment of love. I join with you in absolute appreciation of the depth of the love he is.

  333. So beautifully written Rachel. A love letter encompassing all that is possible when one lives and breathes from their soul.

  334. “philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.” – This indeed is the real holy trinity…Thank you Rachel for naming it so clearly and Serge Benhayon for making it such a practical and accessible way to live.

    1. When I read this sentence it made me really stop and appreciate what was being shared. So Powerful, yet so simple. Indeed Serge has been undeniably remarkable how he has presented such a practical and accessible way of living known as The Way of the Livingness. Each day I am thankful for choosing to connect and be apart of the truest student body that I know of. Students of life and the universe and it feels so natural.

      1. I agree Natalie and Joel – a truly powerful statement by Rachel, holy trinity indeed.

    2. Yay! Thank you for nominating a true trinity, Joel and Rachel:philosophy, science and ( true) religion. I love it.

  335. This is a beautiful expression in words and I feel it speaks for most of us who have chosen to be graced by coming to know Serge Benhayon. A Love Letter indeed. Thank you Rachel for sharing the loving feelings of your heart.

  336. Wow, so beautifully written and expressed, about the most humble man I have every met. To actually put it all into words is very inspiring. Serge Benhayon is most definitely all you have said and for myself he has been the pivotal point to showing me that there is a far more fulfilling way to live, from the inside out, rather than the outside in.

  337. Truth and love to the letter Rachel. Thank you for so gorgeously expressing the beauty of love that I and so many others equally feel for Serge Benhayon. A true letter of love on behalf of all that have been touched by the enormity of love that is Serge.

  338. Rachel, in these words you write you have redefined the true meaning of Love, “Love is far from being emotional; … it is a living stillness residing inside me as the foundation of my divine essence.” Beautifully expressed and so True.

  339. A true love letter for the ages. Beautifully expressed Rachel. You have written this from yourself from the deep knowing within but also on behalf of all who know Serge Benhayon and what he brings to this world and the deep appreciation and love we all have for him. Thank from myself and on behalf of those past, present and future that will read this and know it is from them too.

    1. ‘…on behalf of those past, present and future that will read this and know it is from them too.’ – I love what you have said here Penny!

  340. Serge Benhayon presents what we all know in our hearts to be true with such simplicity … Everything is energy and everything is because of energy; What the difference is between spirit and soul; and a way to understand and love humanity without judgement, reaction, condemnation and misery. Serge is a living example and inspiration to return to our divine origins. How can you not love all that is on offer through this man and all that have been inspired by what is now known as The Way of the Livingness?

    1. So very true Suzanne, that is why we have all so willingly accepted what is presented by Serge and can feel the truth in our bones, because it lives inside us all. But what an inspiration and blessing we all have, to have a man like Serge in our lives.

  341. I love the way you have broken this letter down into categories, as the grand body of work can be overwhelming unless presented like this. Serge Benhayon has addressed, nailed, covered the most poignant questions/subjects of our time.
    Anyone that is interested in life and making sense of all the things that don’t make sense will love his presentations. What blows my mind is sometimes I only pay $5 dollars at the door for these life changing talks. If you can’t do a talk, read his books, he is a living legend. Your blog Rachel, reminded me how much Serge brings to this world but equally how possible it is for all of us to make just a big an impact as him, as we are… as you pointed out …equal sons of god.

    1. Great point sarahraynebaldwin, ‘Your blog Rachel, reminded me how much Serge brings to this world but equally how possible it is for all of us to make just as big an impact as him, as we are… as you pointed out …equal sons of god.’ Serge is absolutely amazing and I’m just starting to feel that I too am amazing and be aware of the qualities that I bring. Serge is a great role model for showing us all our true potential.

      1. Indeed Serge Benhayon is constantly and lovingly reflecting that we are all equal and that we have equal access to the love and wisdom that he has.

    2. Well said sarahraynebaldwin, this man tackles head on all the real issues of our times, no holding back and yes some of the lectures are just £5 or $5 at the door. This price does little to reflect the immense value of the teachings, that support us all to look at the uncomfortable, ugly areas of our lives and take responsibility for them. Rachel is a beautiful example of how we can expand our awareness to take this direct and honest approach out into our communities to support the return to true values in our society, how to truly respect ourselves and others in our day to day lives. This is the power of the Universal Medicine teachings, to enable the whole of humanity to evolve through true community work.

    3. Sarah I love your comment. You are accurate in that considering what Serge Benhayon has already provided and is in the midst of offering can be overwhelming, and the impact of his teachings and presentations are immense, yet he is the humblest man and what we pay for this absolute gold we get equates the hire of the room or the price of the healing sessions. And what is really beautiful for me is that everything about him teaches that we are all equal Sons of God, and allows us to slowly in our own time return to understanding what that means. Through him I have remembered how much we are constantly, unwaveringly loved and supported by God, by Heaven and by our own Soul.

      1. I agree with all you have said here Golnaz. Serge Benhayon is the humblest and most inspiring man I have ever been blessed to meet, bringing me the reminder that I am / we are all equal Sons of God and “Through him I have remembered how much we are constantly, unwaveringly loved and supported by God, by Heaven and by our own Soul”.
        The presentations are priceless and deliver the pure gold to inspire our Way Home to the Divine Essence of all that we all (humanity) are in truth.

    4. Mary I totally did forget to mention the audios, proving my point that this mans body of work can be overwhelming. Just rehashing the fact that we are equal sons of God and therefore , if committed are totally capable of bringing this same unwavering power to the world has Serge Benhayon does. I pose this question…. What are we doing mucking around and indulging with our own ‘insufficient self absorbed stories’ and why don’t we just live each day like we are the most important person in the universe? As everyone is the most important person in the universe…..as we are all ‘one’. Then we too can clean up the worlds litter but it won’t be with two hands, it will be with a massive loved up garbage truck and lets face it, to have a world full of people as committed as Serge Benhayon, that is a world I want to live in. To be clear, this end part of my comment is not directed at you Mary but myself and all equally so.

      1. Absolutely sararahraynebaldwin. Our ‘insufficient self absorbed stories’ are a waste of space, a red herring, and a delay. Let’s stop feeding the cats and get on with it.

  342. Thank you Rachel for expressing what is in my heart and in the heart of many hundreds of people who have had the blessing of deepening their understanding and expression of life through the teachings provided by Serge Benhayon and reflections received from witnessing how he lives.

    1. So beautifully said Golnaz, what Rachel has written is within the hearts of many. And reading her letter I can feel my heart expand feeling the level of appreciation that I too feel for Serge Benhayon, through one man living his life in and from his love, he has written it into history that each and every one of us can live this too.

  343. Rachel, your love letter encompasses the LOVE that we all are and what is beautifully demonstrated by Serge Benhayon’s living example–that we all are equally able to live and express this LOVE now or in the future and that choice is ours in every moment.

  344. Such a beautiful written piece on Serge Benhayon and what he brings and represents for all equally. Thank-you Rachel for your spot on words of truth. Serge’s love for humanity is absolute.

  345. Rachel this is so beautiful. I am touched by your love letter and agree with all that you have expressed about Serge Benhayon. “The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.” Serge Benhayon’s presence and consistency has supported me to trust in people again and to know that true love is here on earth.

  346. I love the love letter. Especially the part about philosophy, science and religion. This is true, what Serge Benhayon presents makes sense and makes me understand life with all aspects.

  347. Amazing beautiful letter of love, hear hear to all you express so eloquently.

  348. Amazing Rachel how extra-ordinary is this line ‘You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, not even with the slightest thought of it. ..’. You are a beautiful woman too Rachel. Does that show us as men how far we have lost ourselves. I know there is respectful and descent men out there and I am certainly one of them, however I used to think like most men. I had no one to show me other-wise.
    Dear Serge Benhayon, I could write you a love letter every day for the rest of this life too. I was lost and not good, abusing and sabotaging myself in every way as a man. Your inspiration and love will lead us back home. You act not better than me just a man who has purpose to show us we too are the leading Lights for All to come home. I now feel the love that I AM. With love, Rik

    1. Hi Rik, I really like this line too but what you write afterwards, Wow! so very powerful. “I too used to think like most men and had no one to show me otherwise”.

  349. The ‘real deal’ of love I know to be true, speaks this language you have spoken here Rachel – unhindered, celebratory, appreciative, honouring, powerful and more… all from a foundation of equalness in love. This can’t be taught to our minds, but only reawakened deep within our hearts – the knowing that we are all, in essence, one and the same – and that this absolutely amazing truly love-living man, Serge Benhayon, has inspired such a reawakening within you Rachel, and so many, many people (myself included).
    Thank-you of speaking so openly and fluidly of real love, of divinity, of true philosophy and religion, in such a beautiful proclamation of love that (because it comes from real love and not the emotionally attached kind) clearly leaves yourself and all others all the greater for the expression, and embraced by your words.
    Absolute gold, thank-you.

  350. Serge Benhayon is indeed worthy of such a beautiful love letter. Over the years that I have known Serge he has consistently shown me more love than I have ever known was possible. His love for himself and with that all of humanity is extraordinary yet he is a very ordinary kind of guy. Serge Benhayon is a man worth getting to know.

    1. Because he lives, with such consistency and integrity, all that he is and shares, Serge Benhayon is making what for now still seems extraordinary (the consideration of every single person in every single one of his actions) very ordinary. Because to live in connection with all is our natural way. Not yet our statistical normal but within our reach, shown to us by Serge, and where we are returning to.

  351. What I appreciate about Serge Benhayon as a practitioner is that he holds his clients as equal and as the ones with the answers or the keys to unlocking their own questions or concerns. He never sees someone as their issues.

    1. Oh yes Danielle – so true. There is not one ounce of judgment in Serge Benhayon. He knows we are all equal Sons of God and that we are all capable of coming home to the full embodiment of that on earth.

      1. Yes Lyndy, Serge’s commitment to meeting everyone equally with no judgement is amazing. I’m often very inspired when observing how he does this without one reaction.

      2. Yes Danielle – such a poignant point! Serge Benhayon has been standing in front of us not reacting, not flinching, just bringing loving, detached, observation and all the glory that gives access to. Only now am I beginning to deeply touch on this in my own embodied way of being i.e. making it an actuality rather than a mental knowledge How long it sometimes seems to take for the penny to drop.

  352. Thank you Rachel for putting such tender and divine words to how I and many feel about an ordinary man who has touched so many people’s lives. What you have shared and expressed so beautifully says so much about the depth of true love you live with and so gracefully share for all to feel and be blessed by.

  353. This letter, full of appreciation, is indeed a love letter. Filled with love, by the quality of its author and for whom she writes it and an inspiration to appreciate all of those who have blessed our lives.

  354. Beautiful to feel your strength and your commitment to love.
    I also can rely on, to be met as a woman without being sexually imposed on, to be appreciated as a woman in full – without holding back.
    It is a huge release in the body. It gives me a reflection, what I have accepted in my body as normal – no matter if it comes from the outside or if it is inside me – not fully embracing me as a woman.

  355. Awesome love letter Rachel! You expressed yourself so beautifully and so clearly. No fluff or gushiness here, just solid true love.

  356. Just had to return to this letter again today as it gives me such joy to see these words written by a fellow student. This is a full expression of love. There is so much love in each and every word. Thank you once again, Rachel for this glorious and exquisite love letter.

  357. What a beautiful and powerful declaration of love. One that is wholeheartedly deserved by a man who brings so much to the world simply by being himself. I continue to be inspired on a daily basis by this man’s teachings, his wisdom and the love that he shares unreservedly. Thank you for sharing this Rachel

    1. So true katechorley, Serge’s teachings have done and continue to support so many people all over the world to re-discover their true selves and re-build our lives based on true love. And all because he knows who he is and simply lives the truth of that, everyday without fail. Rachel’s eloquent letter speaks for so many of us, especially the women, who have all felt truly respected by man who honours the true qualities that women bring to this world.

  358. Thanks Rachel,for your wonderful sharing about Serge Benhayon and your appreciation and love for him and that he reflects to humanity; it gives me much to ponder.

  359. Your love letter is awesome, Rachel. Each word you have written echoes the feelings of so many who know and love Serge Benhayon. Your expression has allowed me to feel my deep appreciation of Serge – I am lost for words at this moment and I feel there is nothing more to add to your deeply honouring and loving blog except to say a simple ‘thank you’.

  360. Gorgeous Rachel; you speak on behalf of thousands in this blog. Serge Benhayon has been and is the greatest representation of love and someone who is completely dedicated to humanity I’ve ever met. What makes him such an absolute power house man is his CONSISTENCY – his home life and work life, the way he is with every single person is all 100% respectful, 100% honest and 100% loving.

  361. Dear Rachel, for someone who confesses to not having written a love letter ever before, this offering is truly exceptional! For me the paragraph that says….”Serge Benhayon you have shown us that philosophy, science and religion are connected, and brought to me the deep understanding that life is always in harmony with all three aspects: philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood”…..is so beautifully concise and conveys totally how Serge Benhayon has de-mystified subjects, previously considered the preserve of a few intellectuals and egg-heads. It is a true love letter delivered straight from the heart !!

  362. Rachel, this is the most divine love letter I have ever read. It is divine because it is appreciating a beautiful man who is sharing with us all there is to know and feel and he recognises the equalness in us all. It is divine because I can feel the deep self love you are sharing with us all in writing this letter. Thank you

  363. Amazing top post Rachel Andras and it will require a few reads for me to Appreciate everything you are saying so clearly here.
    I cannot agree with you more and could say “Ditto” to ALL you are saying about Serge Benhayon.
    What really got me was when you said “…because your absolute integrity and all–encompassing way gives no space for those thoughts.” So rare a woman could say this about a man and here is Serge Benhayon not only living this way but sharing with the world that it is possible to not have those ugly thoughts running through the mind.
    The freedom it brings is beyond words and I am talking from my lived experience here.

    1. Absolutely Bina. Rachel encompasses so much here in a single blog, I’m quite staggered, and will also be revisiting this.
      And yet that is 100% reflective of the man, Serge Benhayon, that she is writing to – his life, his work, his presence and 100% unwavering commitment to all IS that magnificent a person. His capacity to deliver all he does, to assist so many people, to write, to live an extraordinary ‘everyday’ life of immense love with his family… it goes on and on… IS that huge, that no single blog, nor million, could ever truly encompass the myriad of ways in which this man’s love holds and touches all.
      And so we will continue to document his work and way for a long, long time yet to come.

    2. Absolutely Bina, the world is full of advices on how to prevent, avoid and control, but we have to look at the current of energy that is running us. True integrity is not having those thoughts, because one took the responsibility to only align to the divine.

  364. The words from Rachel – black on white here on this website – are describing what a hole community of people word wide are feeling and living. The changes from so many, the way we did and do unfold since we met Serge Benhayon – are our living love letters to him. And so it is to see that our love letters to Serge are in fact also love letters to the people all around the world. Because if I say “I love Serge Benhayon”, I say (by honoring what he presents): I love you, humanity.

    1. That is such an inspiration Sandra, “The changes from so many, the way we did and do unfold since we met Serge Benhayon – are our living love letters to him.” To feel I am a living love letter to Serge, and therefore everyone else helps me to bring even more of that quality to my life, in my moving, being, expressing, and to keep expanding that in widening circles.

  365. So beautifully expressed Rachel – as you’ve said, there are basic facts, yes facts, like ‘everything is energy and everything is because of energy’ that should be taught from a young age … this has been life changing for me to understand and begin to live with this as the basic premise of everything.

  366. Dear Rachel, your love letter is deep and rich in the love that is innately you, me, Serge Benhayon and everyone on the planet. If only all could feel this love in themselves and feel it in others and then express forth in this love as you have in your letter to Serge. One day (a little way off) there will be more than just this one true love letter that I have had the privilege of reading, but expressions of love and appreciation from many for their brothers and I will return to be part of.

  367. This love letter gives words to what I feel for Serge Benhayon, the man I love dearly. It is a letter I will come back to because I love how you’ve expressed what love is and how Serge is living this in every moment always. Thank you Rachel, this is truly divine.

  368. “This letter is also not a letter to you as an individual, but to you in representation of humanity because that is what you represent and where your true love lies”. Love it, Rachel, yes, Serge Benhayon is presenting and sharing to those of us who are open, purely for the support of humanity, that is, ALL OF US. His presentation that we are all equally (Yes, all of us, every human being), not just students of The Way of the Livingness) are actually Sons of God, with the responsibility to evolve ourselves back to what we used to live. There is absolutely nothing in it for himself.

  369. Thank you Rachel for expressing so eloquently the true love that I and so many others feel for the most amazing man I have ever met but also the most deeply humble and accessible and supportive of all. I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have written.

  370. This love letter is gorgeous Rachel, I especially enjoyed reading, ‘Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things. You just present facts and people are free to choose what to do with those facts.’ This is something that I have really felt with Serge Benhayon, it is something that feels very true and very important and something that I am working on- specifically to let go of the control as a parent, simply presenting the facts and allowing my son to then make his own choice, it seems to be so ingrained in parenting not to do this.

  371. In reading how you have felt objectified by all men Rachel it felt really quite sad as a man, as there is this tension there between the sexes all the time with a level of mistrust on both sides, with men also feeling rejected or often hurt by woman, looking to justify who we are, responding in survival mode, yet here is Serge Benhayon, a man who unites everyone regardless of gender, or any other differences we care to make. His ability to see beyond the behaviours to the core of who we are is quite something to behold, a measure of a man that all woman and men can aspire to be more like, in our own unique way of course.

    1. Poignantly said Stephen. And I agree – that Serge Benhayon inspires the way for all of us, men and women alike, to open to deeper understandings (and then deeper…) for each other, to heal the hurts we cling to that so tragically separate us, and open our hearts to love – truly so and in full – all those in our lives.
      I know my relationships have been changed and have grown beyond measure through knowing Serge and being a student of Universal Medicine – the love and deepest joy I now live everyday, does not happen overnight, but it can happen in the case of such true inspiration being ever-there to light the way.
      In this, I am humbled beyond measure, repeatedly so…

  372. Rachel you have so beautifully expressed what I and I’m sure many, many others feel about Serge Benhayon, an ordinary man who shows by lived example how extraordinary we truly are.

  373. Thank you Rachel for sharing your love letter , Serge Benhayon walks and talks the love we all share his commitment to serve humanity through evolution is a stand out and yet a humble family man naturally warm to all with a great sense of humour and a treasured friend .

  374. Beautiful Rachel. I feel you have written this love letter to Serge Benhayon from all of us, thank-you.

  375. I’ve never written or read a love letter, but this one is pretty good if you ask me.

    1. Yes this one is amazing. Rachel’s put into words all that I also feel for Serge Benhayon. In doing so, I’m brought to an even deeper appreciation of him, of what he presents, of myself as a Son of God and of us all. Rachel, thank you.

  376. I like how you said that counsel from Serge Benhayon is not to uplift the person, but rather remind them how awesome they really are and just have to chose it for themselves. Serge Benhayon sure does live a way of life that is inspiring and accessible to all.

  377. An absolutely beauty-full, honest sharing from one person to another. The way you have expressed how you feel, Rachel, is so refreshingly open and clear and a gorgeous example of what love truly is.

  378. Written with absolute eloquence and love, a treasure to read that leaves a lasting impression.

    1. Heather this feels like a delicate rose flower bouquet, its the quality poems should be written in. Very precious!

  379. What a love letter Rachel. I love how you have weaved everything together in this letter showing the very deep appreciation in what you now understand of life and the beauty and richness you now live everyday. There really is so much to appreciate in what Serge Benhayon lives and presents and the love that he is and your letter shines a light on this for all.

  380. This is one heck of a love letter – blooming lovely without an ounce of flowery platitudes, a template for showing appreciation, thanks Rachel.

  381. Delicately written, and I am sure will make many uncomfortable. We are not used to expressing pubic affection so openly as a society, or appreciation in this way. Serge Benhayon indeed inspires many (myself included) to be more open, connected, and more understanding and considerate of the whole of life.

  382. A love letter that I have read a few times and each time I stopped to feel something that stood out for me to feel deeper about the appreciation you have shared here on so many levels. WOW, a love letter that is so clear and without any hooks. Beautiful to read and re-read again. Thank you Rachel.

  383. What a beautiful letter that reflects the love and truth that Serge Benhayon offers the world. He has certainly inspired me and many others to begin to live their truth and be a light in the world. Thank you for writing on behalf of myself and many others Rachel our deep appreciation for what Serge Benhayon has inspired in us all – a return to the truth of who we are.

  384. This divine love letter is equal to those love letters that God sends!

    1. ….the love letters God sends consistently! I started reading them in everything and now when I don’t get one of his love letters I know I just wasn’t present enough to see it!

  385. Thank you Rachel. An awesome appreciation and honesty of the truth you feel about Serge Benhayon

  386. I especially loved the part where Rachel wrote from the perspective of a woman. I too have benefitted enormously from what Serge Benhayon reflects and holds as a truly non-imposing man. When I first met Serge, I was still very much in the momentum of presenting myself as women in need of validation from a man. Never once did he encourage or buy into that, nor did he judge me for it. Indeed, nothing was ever said or done at all: simply by holding an enormous love and respect for me, he showed me none of that was necessary or needed – he has always seen the whole of me. That is a gift beyond compare.

    1. Serge Benhayon is adorable; his love for all is very much felt; as a woman he has always met me equally, with love and no imposition in any way shape or form. He has taught me to have a greater love and respect for myself and others. I feel truly blessed to have him in my life.

    2. Me too Victoria Lister I love that part as well – it is amazing how healing it can be to have someone simply honour that in you.

    3. Yes Victoria Lister you confirm a great point here. So many of us, including myself, have sought after validation from men and Serge simply does not buy into it at all. However, he holds us in deep love that is not one bit imposing. Within this love, I have had the chance to feel where I am seeking validation and am then able to make a different choice in how I am.

  387. This is a wonderful piece of writing and I really appreciate the way you talk about philosophy, religion and science linking together. As if they are pieces of a puzzle that have always been united but we as a society have separated them and pull them from one another and then further pulled them apart. Thank you for sharing such wonderful clarity in your writing.

    1. It’s quite interesting that in society we often feel we have to be in one camp or the other. There being the philosophers, or the religious people, or the scientists, but Serge Benhayon brings all of these together as one, demonstrating how we can live more fully and completely as ourselves when we consider them all together rather than as separate streams. Thank you Rachel.

    2. I totally agree Natasha. This blog is so clear and brings everything together in such a way that allows understanding. Utterly brilliant.

  388. You have described the love that Serge is, so beautifully – he is truly an amazing man. Thank you to an amazing woman.

  389. ‘You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world. ‘ this is what I have found of Serge Benhayon also, and something that he is extremely good at- reminding us to see how divine we are.

    1. I agree Emily, every time I have spoke with Serge Benhayon I always feel my divinity is confirmed.

  390. I love this love letter Rachel,and how you say, Serge Benhayon is just re-presenting where we all can be. You make a brilliant point about the way sexual objectification impacts men’s relationships with all women not just those who are considered ‘desirable’. I never heard it put this way. Meeting Serge has given me a new understanding that its possible and actually natural to live free from this horrible sliding scale of sexual assessment. This is just one case where he has inspired me, and others to live in tune with our true beauty.

  391. I would like to add my signature to this love letter, not because it is beautiful (although it is that), but because it captures all I love about Serge Benhayon too.

    With Love, enormous appreciation and deep respect,


  392. Hello Rachel Andras, it was interesting when I saw the heading with “Love Letter” written in it I immediately had thoughts of ‘what is should look like’ but your letter bears no resemblance to those thoughts. Usually a love letter would be a personal story from one to another and more or less just be about the people involved. I saw nothing in your love letter that was just about a few but it was more for everyone and bought in much more than just an emotional story. Thank you for a clear understanding of what this ‘love’ can look like, something that can be shared with us all and not just for a few.

  393. Thank you Rachel for sharing your love letter to Serge, which on reading it I discovered that really it was for me too and for all of us! What you present is beautifully ground breaking: about true love not being the emotional kind, about love being a state of being and how we are and can be all equal as men and women and how it is this deep love within us that is for all of us to connect to and share with all. Thank you Rachel for this love declaration – it feels like you have written this on my behalf as well – for I too hold Serge Benhayon dearly in my heart and have an immense appreciation for all that he is and all that he brings us.

  394. Beautiful in every sense. Love letters must evolve too; this love letter has evolved.

    1. Absolutely Oliver, this letter is expanding as we all are when we live and work in brotherhood.

  395. Rachel -What a beautiful love letter – not emotional – you have written to Serge Benhayon. I too appreciate him for showing us- humanity – another way, the true way to be with ourselves and others.

  396. A love letter to all humanity. Your power and dedication to truth is deeply felt, thank you Rachel and thank you Serge Benhayon for all the amazing qualities of expression that Rachel has so wonderfully stated here.

  397. Rachel, I agree with every word you have written here about Serge Benhayon. Thank you for putting into writing what hundreds of people know to be true about Serge Benhayon. This piece is written with divine balance, truth, love and more, so beautiful – magic to read.

  398. Wow, what a beautiful and powerful love letter. Your every word was full of love, warmth and truth. I can read this love letter again and again. The fullness I feel when reading this is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this divine love letter.

  399. I second this letter 100%! There is so much you have written here that has opened my eyes to how much there is to appreciate beyond my current understanding of what Serge Benhayon presents. I have never fully understood the meaning of philosophy, science and religion and how they are linked to our everyday lives until I read your words, thank you. This is the most beautiful letter. The truth, harmony and love felt from these words are a healing.

  400. Rachel, you have beautifully expressed the truth about Serge Benhayon, ‘Hear, hear’, to everything you say, and would that more people had the opportunity to listen to this man of integrity who imparts such wisdom and love by being who he is – a man who does not hold back from expressing truth to the world.

  401. I love how your love letter to Serge Benhayon makes me feel in my body: still, joyful and filled with love. Thank you Rachel, exquisite writing about the most special and yet normal man I have ever met: Serge. I agree absolutely with you.

  402. This blog is HUGE! It expands far beyond the boundaries of this world and I can feel this expansion and lightness in my body. What you have said about introducing the basic facts about energy and spirit and Soul on the first day of school is so true. If we learnt these teachings first, everything else would be simple. Thank you for sharing this intimate love letter with humanity Rachel.

  403. Thank you for Rachel for writing this amazing love letter not just from you and for you, but from and for all of those who know and love Serge Benhayon very dearly, self included. Serge Benhayon has re-introduced the true meaning of Love, Religion, Science and Philosophy into society once again. His life and his life’s work is as you so beautifully say, focussed on empowering the individual to reclaim their power but always and perpetually in relation to true equality and brotherhood and never for individual gain. I feel in your letter the immense equality he holds every man, woman and child in, a very natural regal quality that asks us all to step up and embrace our divinity and live as true Sons of God. And you Rachel are living proof of the immense benefits the teachings of Universal Medicine have when put into living practice, a woman who wisely and actively supports her family, friends and community to address the serious issues that are affecting our communities today.

  404. i felt to revisit this beautiful blog again this morning as it holds so much. It is truly all encompassing. It is to be truly celebrated. Thank you Rachel. The first of many parts that I loved was – ‘It is a letter from me as a Son of God and Soul residing in a human female body, knowing that what you bring to this world is far beyond simple human affection, but a dedication to truly serve humanity on our way back to our divine origins’. This is Serge Benhayon in the simplicity of who he is.

  405. Dear Rachel

    This is indeed a love letter. Filled with truth, joy, inspiration and a living stillness that only true love can bring.

    I am in appreciation of you and Serge Benhayon.

    Thank you.

    With love
    Kathryn ✨

  406. Rachael such a beautiful letter declaring and sharing with All the truth of who Serge Benhayon is and what he brings to everyone equally. Reading you letter I felt I’d love to print it off and joyfully share it with everyone I know. I can stand by this letter and say “this is the Man I know, love and appreciate and this letter so easily explains why”. Thank you for writing what is in the hearts of so many.

  407. When reading this love letter it brought tears to my eyes. Not tears of sadness but tears of Joy as I could feel the love in every word written about this amazing man. I too have a deep appreciation and love for what Serge presents and teaches us all.

  408. Rachel you encapsulated everything we feel and know about Serge Benhayon in this love, and beauty-filled letter.

  409. A love letter to humanity, because as you rightly say, Serge Benhayon represents humanity, a way of living that we are all from. His dedication to people is enormous and it is great to read of your appreciation of this Rachel.

  410. This is a truly beautiful love letter. It gave me a moment to stop and appreciate Serge Benhayon and the integrity, love and truth he commits to in every moment. Thank you for sharing your expression of love with us all Rachel.

  411. Wow Rachel, I can feel the inspirational light that is Serge Benhayon, indeed the light that is within us all, beaming through your words. Your living stillness reigns loud and clear, a love letter from a woman who knows she too has the power to inspire humanity.

    1. Well said, and absolutely true as reflected in the short bio at the end – Rachel is clearly doing powerful work in her own right. That so many others are claiming their presence and power as a result of having listened to and – where it resonates with them – living what Serge Benhayon presents is evidence of something truly remarkable.

  412. Philosophy, science and religion as one bringing an understanding of life as deep as the ocean, Serge Benhayon shows us that we are all the same, we all have this depth inside of us.

    1. I agree Kate, we definitely all hold this wisdom, truth and love within us all. To separate philosophy, science and religion is only presenting part truth; to unite all three is the whole truth;and this is what I love about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, it is always about the whole truth and about humanity as one, leaving no one out or behind, or about any individual. This to me is true love, bringing harmony, stillness and truth to all.

    2. Hear Hear Kate, we all have this depth inside of us – a statement worth deeply pondering and connecting to every time we go in to any self doubt. We too are truth and love – how powerful and awesome is that? 🙂

  413. Rachel this is the first real love letter I have ever read. A truly inspiring letter to a truly inspiring man, Serge Benhayon, who epitomises by his livingness what and how love is and how we can all be.

  414. Rachel – what you have shared here is pure Gold. I loved so many particular bits that really stood out. “True philosophy is all about our evolution in brotherhood and never about the uplifting of any one individual.” This statement is so profound as it debunks completely the quest for individual intelligence and knowledge to be better than another – and indeed a lot of what philosophy can be too – i.e. a method of thinking to arrive at something that is then owned and put forward as that person’s idea. What you have presented here as true philosophy is not the ownership of knowledge or ideas, but the knowing that revelations and teachings that we come to in our every day life are always from the one Soul, and never for the advancement of one over another. Thank you Rachel – your expression of Love is also a huge expression of Wisdom.

  415. “there is no chosen one, we are all the ones” this equality is at the heart of what Serge Benhayon lives and represents and calls us all too. And it is this equality that heals all the imposed divides between men and women. There would be no gender wars with this teaching lived, there would be no racism or prejudice based on difference of any kind. That is huge. I love what you have written Rachel.

  416. Rachel, this is pure fire the way you write this letter to Serge Benhayon! A beautiful testimonial to the man he is – a Brother who constantly pulls us upwards to be more Love in service for all. Thank you Rachel for presenting true and universal love for humanity to see.

  417. Thank you Rachel for going for it and writing this straight from your heart. You feel huge! It’s like you’re just radiating appreciation, power and love and it feels awesome. I still find myself baulking at words like Son of God and brotherhood but at the same time I get their meaning, as just expressions that refer to our equalness. There is no ‘one’ – because each person on the planet is the one themselves – and that’s what it’s about – each person re-connecting to all that they already are, underneath all of the layers of protection and hurt, and supporting others to do the same, simply through the way they live. No following, no fixing, no saving: just living all that we are.

    1. Love your expression of truth here Bryony – ‘There in no ‘one’ – because each person on the planet is the one themselves…’ Rachel’s love letter is a perfect example of the work of Serge Benhayon inspiring others (all of us) to reconnect to this truth and bring to the world the love it (we) so desperately miss and have have for a looong time, forfeited! No more, the light is shining on us and we know the way back.

    2. You got it, Bryony! I remember feeling a little strange about those words at first too (coming at them from a bit of a feminist perspective!) but I understood their energetic intent, at least intellectually. Now, I love being a ‘Son’ of God, living on a planet that is all about ‘brother’hood, about living life in harmony with the many. There is a true beauty this, if we but stop, reconnect and feel what it means. Today, knowing myself as a Son of God is gorgeous – I can feel it in my heart as well as know it in my head, and it feels very fiery and expansive!

      1. Absolutely agree Bryony and Victoria, for me it has been a process too. The world is set up to make us react to our divine origins, but its the insidious cycle of creation and once the truth is felt there is nothing to stop us from being the amazing Sons Of God we are!!

  418. What a beautiful letter. Upon opening it, reading the first few lines and looking at the photo of Serge Benhayon, I became aware of the extent of my love for this man also. I also became aware that this type of love cannot be directed at one person, it is a love for all inspired by one man. Serge has inspired me to love beyond was I thought was possible.

    1. That’s an awesome observation nikkimckee: ‘…it is a love for all inspired by one man.’ So true – that’s exactly it. This is a universal love letter.

  419. Every word you have written Rachel has and does speak volumes. Each word you have written you speak on my behalf as each word is the truth of the most extra-ordinary man that has shown me the highest level of true love imaginable. Serge Benhayon is every word that you have written and as powerful as each of those words are – the words don’t give the enormity of how AMAZING Serge is, this you have to see it and feel it for yourself.

    1. So true Natalie. To someone reading this blog who has no knowledge of Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine what we are expressing here might seem over the top: isn’t it a bit ‘sus’ that we all think Serge is amazing? But here’s the thing: while Serge is absolutely amazing in terms of the commonsense recipes for living and being he presents, he is at the same time absolutely ordinary. There is no charisma or rah-rah or hoopla around him and he lives like the rest of us. The difference is he’s mastered life more than most of us – and given how hard life feels for so many, that’s the amazing part!

  420. Beautiful letter of appreciation Rachel, this is a true confirmation of what love is about and how it can be communicated without the need that is so commonly asociated with the word Love.

    1. Yes, love without the emotional overlay. Funny, as I’ve been reading and commenting on this blog, I knocked my favourite mug and it fell on the floor and broke. I felt a tiny, momentary twinge of sadness – almost like there was a part of me that thought I should get upset – but was interested instead to observe, pretty much in real time, how it was actually OK. That, I suspect, is a version of what Benkt is referring to: I can love the mug but not feel devastated by or angry at its loss. So it is that a love letter can be not a burning, yearning declaration of passion but a calm, considered, beautiful expression of deep appreciation. Tea cup, letter (and that which is expressed in it): love without the drama!

  421. Wow Rachel this is the best love letter I’ve ever read! So clear, so true everything included 🙂 I feel the power. Thank You. With love Nadine

  422. Thank you Rachel. This letter is full to the brim of love and appreciation without a hint of emotion. It echoes my own appreciation of Serge Benhayon without whom I would still be chasing my tail knowing that things didn’t feel right with life, but not having a clue what to do about it. Serge has totally inspired me by how he lives; a living, breathing, walking example of divine expression in a human body. To accept and claim my light and sonship, and to choose a way of life that supports my body so that divinity can express through it in equal measure is something I know will continue to unfold. As Serge has said we are all the same, so if I am the same as Serge I’ll take it! Who really could not be inspired by him?

  423. Thank you Rachel – a letter clearly written with Love. You write with so much wisdom. Clearly evident of a woman who has come to know the wisdom that lives inside of her.

  424. This is one very beautiful love letter Rachel. A love letter like no other. This letter expresses a love that is within each and every one of us, a love that is accessible by all. I too feel this love for Serge. When I met Serge and with each course and meeting, his wisdom and integrity was inspiring, then to be presented that I am the same, no different, hold on, really, me! But it’s true, each day there is a possibility of a greater Love to be felt, and lived, and this seems to be there every day. This is the Love that is presented and lived by Serge Benhayon. Thank you Rachel for expressing this and thank you Serge for being you.

  425. Rachel, you have given voice to what I and many others have felt and experienced. Thank you for expressing a love that is not based on romance, sex or an arrangement but rather one that is about an equal respect for who we truly are…sons of God…

    1. I agree ottobathurst, a letter that didn’t pull you in to get involved or try and convince you but allowed you to read and see the truth for yourself.

    2. I agree ottobathurst, so wonderful to read a love letter that has no sign of emotion, need or game-playing, only the Truth.

  426. This love letter reflects what love really is about. Hallmark, Valentine’s day, romantic movies and all those love song writers, I hope you are all paying attention, as what is written here, is what love is about. All the rest does not even come close….

    1. How different is love when it is a deep love coming from stillness and that encompasses all. No need in the love, just love.

  427. Rachel, your love shone through with every word that you wrote. It is just so gorgeous to have someone express love like you have here. The world needs much more of this.

    1. Good call Elizabeth. Imagine if we expressed our appreciation for each other in this way. I had a lovely moment yesterday where I very consciously chose to let my parents know, after having spent a week with them, how much I appreciate being able to express all of who I am when I’m with them – what I think and feel. Even when I don’t get it quite right and rub them up the wrong way, or they don’t quite ‘get me’, at the end of the day I still feel their love for me regardless. I also appreciated myself for being able to share, with honesty, all of me with them. The whole experience was very healing – for all of us.

  428. Everything written here by you Rachel is a truth I know, and is known by many others. Simply stating truth about one extraordinarily ordinary man in this way is so cool, thank you.

  429. Thank you Rachel for writing this beautiful and deeply touching true love letter to Serge Benhayon – a letter that expresses what many of us feel for Serge. Such an incredible man.

  430. I can only second that, with all my heart. Serge Benhayon is a true inspiration and role model, living and teaching us all that we are so much more than meets the eye.

  431. Rachel. Just pure magic from your heart to an inspirational man. Serge Benhayon.

  432. I just realised when I started to read this beautiful blog that I have written many love letters because every letter I write is a love letter, or at least that is my intention even if I am not 100% there yet! Serge Benhayon has been my inspiration as I have seen what is possible through his loving living way. Every word Serge shares is a love word, every movement he makes is a love movement and of course every letter he writes is a love letter.

    1. Brilliant Nicola! Let’s reclaim ‘love letters’ and love letters too!

    2. Nice one, Nicola. My intention is to write love letters at all times too. I particularly like attending to work emails in this way – there is so little love in work! I’m not sure the world is ready to receive work emails actually signed off ‘With Love’ or ‘Love from’ but I must admit I’ve nearly done it a few times. With former, female colleagues with whom I’ve maintained a connection beyond work I will sometimes do so, but I can feel how this can still be a bit confronting too. It’s like we are OK with expressing love with our partners, children, family and maybe best friends, but not yet with others, even though we might love them just the same. One day!

  433. It was a Joy to read a love letter that is unimposing, not longing or demanding, simply an amazing expression of appreciation and honouring. Recognition of one beautiful soul to another as equals, awesome Rachel thank you.

  434. Thank you Rachel for sharing a love so true that it cannot be confined to one person or even between two. The love you describe is universal and when lived has the ability to uplift and inspire all others to walk the warmth of its glow in their every step. Serge Benhayon is here as a man who has made an unwavering commitment to walk this love so that we too can remember that beneath the protection, the fear, the hurt, the uncertainty, the grief and the vulnerability lies LOVE. Simple, gorgeous, tender, fiery, eternal Love… just as we left it and forever ready to be in our every move once more.

    1. Liane, a resounding ‘yes’ to the truth of your expression about the LOVE that Serge Benhayon is and his willingness, commitment and dedication to living and presenting the depth and breadth of this truth. No, love cannot be confined to one person and through Serge Benhayon we have been given the opportunity to return back to our own love, heal the wounds inflicted by our departure from it’s fullness and so too serve humanity with full love as well. In doing so we too have the ‘ability to uplift and inspire all others to walk the warmth of its (love’s) glow in their every step.’

    2. Hello Liane Mandalis and I agree that this letter is “a love so true that it cannot be confined to one person or even between two”. This is how I know Serge Benhayon to live and be, no specials, no favourites, no exclusivity just one love for everyone, every time. This is no strive for perfection but a dedication to love and truth no matter who he is faced with. He brings this all from a deep connection within and lives from that connection, as is with everything from Universal Medicine.

    3. I agree with the point that you re iterate here Liane that love is not something that is for one or even between two people, it is universal. It can be expressed between two people but love is all encompassing and should never exclude. This is what Serge Benhayon lives day to day and reflects to us all.

  435. Wow, totally blown away by this love filled letter. Thank you Rachel for expressing your love – our love of Serge Benhayon and all that he inspires and stands for. You have captured this so beautifully and deeply.

  436. This is truly gorgeous Rachel. If feels like you connected to the student body and wrote a love letter for all of us to Serge Benhayon, perfectly encompassing everything that is there to be shared. This is Serge Benhayon, in all his divinity. Thank you for writing your deeply felt appreciation for the man we all love so immensely.

    1. ‘It feels like you connected to the student body and wrote a love letter for all of us’. Beautifully expressed Jo.

  437. When a True Love letter is written it speaks to all. Thank you Rachel the voice of your heart melted my own.

  438. What a beautiful Love Letter Rachel, encompassing all the aspects of what Serge Benhayon brings for us and how he shows us by his Livingness how we can truly be. That you can write such a letter in such beautiful and clear expression reveals how meeting and learning with Serge works for us in our lives if we so choose.

  439. Thank you for your beautiful and true expression Rachel.
    Everything you’ve said here about Serge Benhayon is the absolute truth and is about a man who treats EVERYONE as his equal, inspiring us all to stop and look at how we’re living and the choices we’re making that are keeping us in separation to one another and is showing us that the way to return to the love that we all are is via the lived way that is The Way of the Livingness.

  440. Thank you Rachel, I so appreciate your putting these eloquent words that I too feel about Serge Benhayon into this “true love letter”.

  441. Rachel, tears streamed out of my eyes as I read this, as you express such truth and an enormous love — and it is the first true love letter I have ever read. Everything you share here about Serge Benhayon I have also felt and know to be the absolute truth. Thank you for expressing it so eloquently and grandly.

  442. This is the most beautiful love letter,Rachel, written with pure love to a man who is pure love. You have expressed so clearly what we all feel and it is just pure joy to read it.

  443. You have expressed so clearly what Serge Benhayon brings for us all, and simultaneously, how we can also be all that he brings. It’s a beautiful love letter, in the true meaning of Love, thank you Rachael.

  444. Rachel your blog feels so divine, every word you share feels so true and loving. Thank you for this beautiful letter about a huge inspiration and Univeral man Serge Benhayon. I am deeply touched because I can feel everything you express feels the same for me.

  445. Your words melt me Rachel. Danke.
    I would like to add that for a man to meet Serge Benhayon, is a most beautiful encounter that is always with the deepest tenderness and love. Words do not do justice to the feeling of connecting with another man who imposes no competition and comparison deriving from his insecurities. It doesn’t mean he’s perfect, but it does mean he takes responsibility. He is a role model unlike any other by living the words responsibility and integrity according to their original meanings and empowered many a man, woman and child to do the same. And he’s never short of a silly joke!

  446. “Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way” – I can confirm when being held in this way it allows me to feel such freedom and joy – it simply allows me to feel me. This is one of the most beautiful and loving things I am learning that we can offer the world – simply allowing ourself and others the freedom and space to be everything we are.

  447. Rachel what an all encompassing love letter written about a man I love dearly too. I feel this love as a Son of God living in a female body to another Son of God. Your letter is written with such beautiful clarity and resonates deeply within me inspiring me and supporting me to lovingly and continually return to who I truly am.

    Thank you Rachel.

  448. “You are the first man I’ve met who did not impose sexually on me as a woman, ” I agree and it feels amazing.

  449. Yes one of the biggest things is that “there is no one, we are all the ones”. Serge Benhayon is an inspiration as he lives and holds himself as an equal to everyone- he has simply chosen the responsibility and absolute love to express and reflect to us all that we are, in our divine origins. The ultimate love- to reflect and remind us of everything that we are and can live – that we are universal. Inspiring others to re-claim this for themselves and to live this way. “You do not counsel people for their personal gain, you counsel people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world.” I absolutely agree with everything you said. Thank you for not holding back what a true love letter is Rachel. Absolute truth.

  450. This is really beautiful, I will read this a few time’s as I would like to comment on each of these aspects about Serge Benhayon also, because he is truly an amazing person who has inspired me to be the full, confident and accomplished women I am today. As a man – Serge Benhayon you were the first man to meet me with such openness, equality and care that there was no Woman to Man interactions or games at all, and instead two equal people meeting in a genuine and respectful way.

  451. Rachel this was a gorgeous love letter expressed with such truth, honesty and grace for Serge Benhayon.

  452. There are so many gems in your love letter Rachel, I don’t know where to begin. You have summed up very nicely Universal Medicine and everything that Serge is, and everything that he represents. He is an extraordinary ordinary man and I am deeply honoured to have Serge Benhayon in my life. It makes no difference whether he lives half way across the world, his presence is still felt, and one line (amongst many) that stands out for me is “You are a person who truly supports people whatever their life situation may be and according to what is needed for their growth”, is so true as I, and many will testify. Thank-you Rachel, you are awesome, and so say all of us!

  453. How beauty-full! Thank you very much Rachel for writing this amazing and all-encompassing love letter. You expressed what I also feel and I can confirm your words with every cell of my body. Serge Benhayon is an extraordinary man yet he is so ordinary. With his immense love and integrity (and patience) he presents to us who we truly are. No imposition just sharing what he lives on a day to day basis. A true inspiration.

  454. Thank you, Rachel, for this true-love letter that many of us would want to sign along with you. The depth of appreciation and love felt in your words really confirm what you say – you embrace that you are a Son of God equally. Stunningly beautiful.

  455. I feel deeply moved by your expression of true love for Serge Benhayon Rachel. Moreso because every word you have expressed I too feel from deep within my heart and with every cell in my body. True love is not needy, not a yearning or a longing – it is clear, strong, unemcumbered by desire, attraction and complication and it supports us to evolve, to develop, to grow with each other as one. Serge Benhayon reflects this to us with absolute dedication and commitment to humanity. I am eternally grateful to him.

  456. Beautiful Rachel and thank you for writing this ‘love letter’ on behalf of us all. One of the many parts I loved is
    “Everything that you present comes from your lived experience and there is never an imposition or a demand for anyone to act or behave in a certain way or do certain things. You just present facts and people are free to choose what to do with those facts”.
    Serge Benhayon is an incredible man who has inspired so many of us and continues to do so.

  457. Wow, what a man what a man what man Serge Benhayon is, and what a woman what a woman what a woman you are Rachel. Thank you for bringing this out into the world, there is no fuss no self aggrandizement in this man, simply bringing divinity to everyday life and for all to see and have. Bringing the truth of what Jesus has shown us as a living example, that we are all Sons of God and that we can walk that in our daily lives.

  458. Wow, what a man what a man what man Serge Benhayon is, and what a woman what a woman what a woman you are Rachel. Thank you for bringing this out into the world, there is no fuss no self aggrandizement in this man, simply bringing divinity to everyday life and for all to see and have. Bringing the truth of what Jesus has shown us as a living example, that we are all Sons of God and can walk that in our daily lives.

  459. Rachel, you have expressed so many of the things that I love about Serge Benhayon. You are right that there is not one aspect that is so love-letter worthy – the man, the healer, the philosopher, the family man, the friend. It is the whole package – and every cell of that package is all about love. It is not the emotional love that is normally expressed by and between people. It has a purity and depth that is unfathomable and is so precious.

  460. A beautiful love letter Rachel, expressing how you do not love Serge Benhayon for what he does but how he does it and the quality he brings. I concur with everything you have expressed, thank you for sharing.

  461. Rachel thank you – I couldn’t have written this better. Serge Benhayon is an extraordinary man, I am hugely thankful to him for everything he has shown me, it’s almost impossible to put in words, but you have done a great job.

  462. As others have said .. your letter touched my heart as the true love and sincerety was felt from it, very beautifull indeed. Even more so I felt every word you say resonate with me as you speak for not only yourself but many many people who deeply appreciate Serge Benhayon for what he lives, what he presents, what he reflects and how many people he has helped to turn their life and health around.

  463. Rachel you forgot to mention he is funny and cute too! The whole package! But seriously I commend you for taking this on as to put into words what Serge Benhayon is living and sharing with us all is huge as there is so much to express and appreciate. The way he can share with you the workings of the energetic laws of the universe so simply that you understand it and see the world as it really is, the way you always felt it was but no one else said it was. It is truly a world teacher of ancient wisdom who will talk with anyone and share with everyone LOVE and truth in equal measures just as God does if we are willing to allow it in. Thank you Rachel for sharing what we have all felt and experienced in our equal brother Serge.

    1. Yes, because I am only one spark of the body of God and my angle of expression is only complete with all of you expressing here. Thats the beauty of life. We are all one!! And the funny and cute goes definitely with you gorgeous Vanessa!!!!

      1. I’m enjoying what you both added here Vanessa and Rachel – a graceful expansion.

  464. Rachel – thank you for your deeply honest appreciation of Serge Benhayon – a man who offers all those who truly know him a reflection of the fact that we are all Divine Soul-full beings – simply by living and expressing this way himself. I am left to ponder with equal honesty your comments about men making sexual judgements about women based on their ‘market value’ and indeed the devastating effect these and other such judgements have on our relationships and connections with humanity. What stands out as a theme in your letter is the absolute integrity Serge Benhayon lives and how such integrity is possible for us all. A true love letter for us all and much to ponder on as a result.

    1. Beautiful is the only word I know that comes anywhere close to how I feel about Rachel’s article. Its one to come back to again and again, to know such love here in this world

  465. Thank you for sharing this beautiful letter with us all Rachel. Your line…..”You are a person who truly supports people whatever their life situation may be and according to what is needed for their growth”, really sums up for me Serge Benhayon’s completely selfless approach to helping others along their pathway to evolution.

  466. Thank you Rachel for sharing this as I feel that I should appreciate more what I have learnt with Serge and that I am taking it too much for granted.

  467. Each and every word in this letter contributed to what was being said, perfectly so, and every sentence expressed only wisdom and truth and its equal counterparts, nothing less. I am blown away by Rachel having expressed simple truth that, now having read what she has written, I know that I knew, but yet I had not fully come to it, and could not have expressed it at this point. And so, I feel a big ‘ aaagh yes, that is it, it is simple’ in body, and I feel more still, accepting and also more ‘vital’ for having read this letter. A big thank you Rachel.

  468. Spot on, Rachel. Sometimes I feel that there aren’t words to describe my appreciation for all that Serge Benhayon has given us, but you have captured it beautifully with this love letter. It is the greatest blessing to be guided by someone who knows where we are going, because he has not forgotten where we come from.

  469. So beautiful Rachel – Serge Benhayon is all the things you say – I love this “You are a person who truly supports people whatever their life situation may be and according to what is needed for their growth. The extraordinary aspect of this is that you are not like the expert that we are usually referred to who compartmentalises people – you always take into account the mind, body, spirit, Soul and our divine origins.”

  470. What a gem of a love letter Rachel. That is such a step by step guide to seeing there is not one of us who is not completely equal to that. Thank you.

    1. Beautifully expressed Lucy. That is so true. This letter leaves us feeling the absolute equalness we all are, in the divinity we all come from.

    2. Serge Benhayon reflects to us what we all are, but what we had mostly forgotten.

  471. Thank you for sharing this love letter Rachel. It was inspiring to read that one is not just for a select few or reserved for expression between two people but is there for everyone equally so.

  472. Thank you for writing this on behalf of everyone which captures very simply all Serge Benhayon is and brings. I feel nothing more to say other than I absolutely agree with every word and the part that stands out most is “You were the first one who presented to me the most basic aspects of human life: that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy, and the difference between spirit and Soul. Basic facts I should have been introduced to on my first day of school and been brought up with”. When I first attended a workshop this part of the presentation was what began to give me the answers to my life questions at the time and I fully connected with. Beautiful Rachel, as you are, and thank you 🙂

  473. Rachel, this is the most beautiful and inspiring love letter – confirming all that you have developed within yourself as you write of this to celebrate the truth that Serge Benhayon brings, through his consistent way of living, to the world to share with humanity.
    On reading this – I feel totally blessed, humbled and immersed in the truth of Love. My heart feels like a flower opening its petals more fully to embrace the sunlight (Son-Light) and the awareness of the absolute presence of the Soul, patiently waiting for me (us) to express the fullness of the Son of God that I am (we all are).
    A day never to be forgotten – attending the first presentation with Serge Benhayon – the man, practitioner and philosopher who has opened my heart to the path of return, the Way back home to Love, religion in its purity.
    With deep appreciation Rachel for this absolute gem you have written here.

  474. Rachel, what an all encompassing blog, that is presenting everything that I experienced with Serge Benhayon. Thank you for sharing this to the world!

  475. This is absolutely beautiful Rachel, I am very moved by the sincere truth of this blog which really nails who Serge Benhayon really is. These hateful jealous cyber bullies that try to tarnish Serge’s reputation need to read and fully understand this blog and the actual beauty of this man. I really would hate to see where I would be without the loving support of this man Serge Benhayon in my life. I may even be dead due to liver failure,lung cancer or heart failure due to the total disregard in my life. I love this man also and am eternally grateful for showing me a truer way to live. I am a tender, gentle man and I now know it is possible to exist in this world as one, whereas before Serge Benhayon I had tried to make myself unnaturally tough and hard to exist in a world which I looked at and thought that this was the only way to get by.
    Thank you Rachel and thank you, thank you thank you Serge Benhayon as I said for showing me that there is another way.

  476. I can feel the love that you so beautifully express with Rachel – Serge Benhayon is unwavering in his love, dedication and commitment to humanity. What we are all offered I feel in the many presentations/courses is a ‘choice’ to make changes from ‘existing’ in this busy world of ours or to bring self love back into our lives making changes to start living in a way which is all encompassing for each and everyone of us. Thank you – what an awesome blog to read at the start of my day.

  477. Someone who really met me and saw me as who I truly am – that was my first experience meeting Serge Benhayon. The level on which he lives everything he presents is simply inspiring – truly someone who walks his talk.

  478. How Serge Benhayon has presented and shown by his living here is a great science of the inner-heart. It can and sometimes does take time to accept that this is a possible way not only just for him and his close family but for each one of us also living here on earth.

  479. This is my most favourite love letter. I full heartedly join the deep appreciation for Serge Benhayon and the simple factuality on what he lives and presents to all of us that you express here: That we are all equally the Sons of God – and how to live a life that fully honours that fact – The Way of the Livingness.

    Not only “offers The Way of the Livingness space and time for every single human being to evolve in their own time and at their own pace”, even more it brings to our awareness and reconnects us back to the fact that this is how we are held in and by the love that God is, and that there is a practical most simple way of everyday living to make it an extraordinary ordinary reality.

    In honouring Serge Benhayon we honour equally ourselves and every other fellow human being in the very essence of who we all truly are. Not giving away one´s power, not putting someone on a pedestal, just the simple acknowledgement of what is seen and felt to be universally true.

    1. I agree Alex. Serge Benhayon presents and lives that we are all equally the suns of God. By the Way of the Livingness we all can come back to this fact.
      What a blessing – What a gift – What a men!

  480. Rachel your letter touched my heart as i felt the truth resonate in each part of my body. I can complete relate to what you share with Serge, ” You area a living example of all those human expressions in their deepest truth and for me the biggest gift and expression of love you have given to me has been for me to understand and fully embrace that I am a Son of God and that I don’t have to better the world, but that I just have to be myself and reflect with my amazing light the divinity we all are and be a guiding light for everybody on our journey back to our divine origins”. we definitely not here to better the world, but it is something most of us have got caught into, however Serge has lovingly shown through his livingness this is not the way, there is another way.

  481. Thank you for sharing your love letter Rachel. It is beautifully expressed and full of love, with none of the usual emotional love that is so common found jumping out from love letters! I relate to many of your points made about Serge Benhayon and one of his amazing qualities as you said is that he helps “people to understand their true quality and what they bring to this world”. The appreciation and understanding Serge has for everyone is truly amazing.

  482. Rachel, wow, this is a true love letter! And I agree, Serge Benhayon is the first man in my life I can truly love without anything in between, and where I can feel the whole of me and more. It restores my trust in men, because I realize we are all so much more then our gender and we as humanity can start to let go of the hurts we inflicted upon each other, men to men, women to women, men to women and vice versa. Because we get the tools to deal with these hurts through Serge Benhayon’s teachings.

  483. Not sure if you can sign a love letter from someone else to someone…but I do!

    1. Yes Sandra, me too! Rachel your blog is a true testament to the love that Serge Benhayon inspires all of us to be. When I consider what my life was like before I met him as to how it is now and is continuing to unfold, I feel I am very, very blessed indeed.

  484. This is beautiful to read Rachel, ‘You are a living example of all those human expressions in their deepest truth’, I absolutely agree with this, Serge Benhayon lives with such integrity and love that it blows me away every time I see him and listen to him present, he has deeply inspired me and my life is now very different to how it was 5 years ago, I live with a level of care and integrity that I did not know was possible and I continue to deepen this.

  485. Rachel what you write is echoed by how I feel, the fact of the love you feel and hold is likewise due to how every aspect of my life has been deeply touched by the love and dedication of Serge Benhayon. As a result I now know myself as an equal Son of God from previously being completely lost.

  486. Rachel – this is the first love letter I have ever read in my life that has not once ounce of lust, emotion or need in it. Wow.

    1. So true, there is a huge difference in this ‘love letter’, you can feel something truly powerful and all encompassing, a completely different level to the sadness or need you can feel in most love letters I have seen which are also completely self centred. This letter really shows love doesn’t leave anyone out, it is so much grander than what we generally accept as love.

  487. What a beautiful testimonial to Serge Benhayon Rachel. You speak for many like myself who have been inspired by Serge’s way of life and imparted wisdom. It is so empowering to be and live who we are, letting go of ideals and beliefs from outside.

  488. Beautiful expressed Rachel, thank you! ‘The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.’ Serge Benhayon reminds me and all of us to be love and live love on a daily basis. We are all the Sons of God, we are the ones. Serge has reminded me who I am and I know this to be true, simple and natural.

  489. I fullheartedly agree, Rachel. I as well never met a man before who is loving everybody equally in a non imposing way, not pandering to somebodies needs but giving each person the full support to get the understanding that we are all Sons of God equally. I have experienced in my own body how it feels to get the reflection of Serge Benhayon what true power means and am deeply thankful for this as I experience often a bastardized version of power in the world, one person want to dominate the other with its power, whereas Serge is reflecting to us that we are all equally powerful as we all know what true love is by nature. Also to get the reflection of Serge as the philosopher and how this can be lived for everybody of us, and how science and religion and philosophy are equally expressions of our wholeness as beings, having been separated and converted and not being expressed any more in their encompassing true form of expression. I equally, like you, am thankful and appreciate deeply that Serge Benhayon is in my life reflecting to me true power of love and wisdom and that I am a son of God which I start to comprehend and thanks to the living example of Serge Benhayon, am able to surrender to in a deeper way. Thank you Rachel for writing this love letter.

  490. I agree Rachel Andras that a true philosopher and healer is one who never imposes but supports others to learn, grow and expand their awareness so they become their own healer and philosopher and in turn perhaps help another and so on. Serge Benhayon has always had this approach and he has made no secret of the fact that he is here to help others to help others and therefore change the world.

  491. Wow. this is SO glorious, Rachel. As you say this is not a love letter to an individual but to a representative of humanity, so similarly your letter speaks on behalf of not only us students of Universal Medicine but also for all humanity. Thank you for expressing so clearly and beautifully the deep, deep appreciation for Serge Benhayon.

  492. I agree, Serge Benhayon, you make us stand up for ourselves, you encourage us to come out of our hiding places and speak our truths, you empower us, you ask us to shine our light and never be less than the true Sons of Gods that we are. You bring true change to humanity and the world – that is uncomfortable at times but very very needed. You inspire us in so many ways. Thank God for Serge Benhayon! He is freeing us from our shackles, which we got so accustomed to that we have difficulties parting from them. However once we have said YES and let them go we start to experience what freedom and free speech truly is about. The liberation is limitless and the joy unfathomable.

  493. The love that you express in this letter Rachel Andras, is extraordinary and so needed to be written. We all innately are this love and come from it although we have chosen to walk away from it, we are now returning to it. It is time to return, enough is enough and that is something we have to understand. The life we have lived disconnected from the love has not brought us anything but harm to ourselves and each other and we have to understand that we only have to choose to return to our origins to stop this harm that we all are suffering from.

  494. Simply gorgeous Rachel. How could you not want to thank and appreciate a man who has brought so much wisdom and depth to your life, and your understanding of life. Also what is particularly unique about this is that it is not just by what is presented by Serge Benhayon, but in truth its by the way he lives that gives him a natural authority and inspires so many of us.

  495. Rachel what a beautiful love letter to a beautiful man, what you share here is what I feel too.Serge Benhayon has shown the world what true love is, there is no other that understands love like he does, he is love personified, love embodied totally and in absoluteness. It was Serge that brought me back to love by living love and showing not just me, but thousands of others that there is a true way to love and live love. “The love you have shown me is very rare in this world, which makes it extraordinary but at the same time it is the most natural thing.” So very true.

  496. I wholeheartedly agree with all you Rachel have expressed with such clarity andabsolutness. Thank you.

  497. This is beautiful Rachel and i can only agree with every single word you have written. Serge is indeed a extraordinary man but he is so because he lives what most of us have lost, not because is different then any of us. He is the template for the true normal and has guided so many of us to the way back to this normal in ourselves.

  498. Rachel, reading the introduction to your love letter brought tears of joy to my eyes as I feel the truth in all you write. This love letter you have written is indeed unlike any other love letter. There is not one ounce of emotion in your expression, but you simply sharing from your soul the love that you are, your expression as the Son of God which is indeed the love that we all are. I too have been deeply inspired by the love that Serge Benhayon lives and reflects to us each and everyday. Thank you Rachel for your divine expression.

  499. Deeply sacred and beautiful is your love-letter Rachel. Now it is time for it to joy-fully go a-twittering and a-tweeting on its love circuit around the world which cries out for love.
    much love, Lyndy

  500. Beautifully said Rachel. Serge Benhayon is all of this, and more. Serge has inspired me to open my heart and find true love for myself and as this love expands within me it is a joy to share love with everyone around me. A love to be shared equally with all with no judgement of what anyone may have done or the beliefs they cling to. Serge has shown me the true meaning of love.

  501. What an amazing testament Rachel, to Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and all the work thus far presented. Serge is without question an extraordinary man and I have said in the past Serge is one of the bravest men alive. We are not only blessed to have him stand up in this way and present the truth of where we are from and what is needed for us to step back into our own true way of living, as we where in deep need for the light to be shown so we could step back into a true way of living that reflects and supports others to do the same.
    Serge presents simplicity and this is an important way to live life and now it is my way.

  502. Your blog Rachel encompasses all I feel about Serge Benhayon and the deep appreciation I have for what he brings also. With all the love and wisdom he has brought us all, where would we be without it?

  503. Until you meet Serge Benhayon, and it took me quite a while to see this, I didn’t consider it possible that such a person exists – in fact I had no concept. Somebody who just knows and lives it in full. I have seen or met quite a few unusual people but they all had the same smell to me of trying very hard. Serge just is and that is quite different.

  504. Wow, Rachel, what a beautiful piece of writing you have shared here. I absolutely love it, it is obviously straight from Soul. Thank you so much for outlining here, in the form of a love letter, what I absolutely endorse as well. As well as being an ordinary man, yes, Serge Benhayon is absolutely extraordinary. He has helped so many others come to see who we all truly are, in our Essence, the amazing Sons of God that we ALL truly are, with no exception in all of humanity. And he does this through his presentations which come from how he lives his own life. What a role model for us all! And we have come to know that we also can live our lives this way. Very much a work in progress for me, but I know that the key is for me to BE MYSELF in all that I do.

    I too am so grateful that I now understand the big difference between Spirit and Soul, helping guide me in all my decisions now, and how to feel the truth for myself. The key being my connection to my own innermost – so simple really.

    And Rachel, your light shines through that gorgeous photograph of you.

  505. Rachel, I love the simplicity you offered in presenting the marriage between science, religion and philosophy… It makes sense to me.. ‘philosophy shows us the way to go, science connects it to the reality we live in and religion is how we connect with ourselves and each other and live in true brotherhood.’
    Thank God for Serge Benhayon!

  506. Absolutely profound Rachel, a gorgeous gesture of deep appreciation for yourself and the man who is lighting the way. Serge Benhayon is a beacon that sparks that same light in others; and so it goes, the ripple of Love out into the ocean of humanity.

  507. This is an exquisite piece of writing Rachel! Thank you for expressing so clearly and so lovingly all that I too feel about Serge Benhayon. There is not a word here that I would change. This is Truth delivered in a way that is Heart Felt and Simply Beautiful!

  508. Hear hear Rachel.
    I particularly loved (and felt the truth of) this line: ‘Basic facts I should have been introduced to on my first day of school and been brought up with.’
    Indeed we should be brought up with this wisdom as taught by Serge Benhayon, through Universal Medicine.

  509. A love letter as it should be. Free of emotional need and imposition and filled to the brim with deep love and appreciation. Thank you Rachel and thank you Serge for the continual inspiration to be more.

  510. Thanks Rachel, I love how you have shared every aspect of how Serge Benhayon relates to us, as a man, a practitioner, as a presenter. I agree with everything you have shared.
    I too celebrate Serge every single day and I have told him so.
    His response always comes back to a deep appreciation of me, for I am as just as amazing as him. He sees this, unflinchingly, in every single encounter or interaction I have with him.

  511. I’m am truly speechless Rachel in the sense that you have expressed truth in every word and I have nothing more to add other than I felt every word and resonated with them completely. Deepest appreciation of you and Serge Benhayon. This blog will be revisited many times by me. In fact I’ll print it now.

  512. It is with the greatest joy I read your love letter to Serge Benhayon, Rachel. The complete and total humbleness with which Serge embodies as he lives life and interacts with people, is what allows for his infinite depth of tenderness and warmth to be felt and so deeply loved by so many including myself. In feeling this quality in Serge, we come to know and feel that this same capacity of tender love within ourselves is equally possible. That Serge is the ultimate reflector because we, humanity, are his own great reflectors that he never ceases learning from and understanding. This makes Serge and the Truth he lives so openly accessible for all those who choose it.
    And with your words here, this universal fact of equalness that is presented and lived by Serge and (now 100’s of others more) is music from above, heard and played now down below: “There is no external or transcendent higher power that makes people feel less, there is no accumulation of riches or assets that only belong to one person or a group of people who are the chosen ones: there is no chosen one, we are all the ones”. We are indeed.

  513. This is a beautiful letter Rachel, one that speaks for many hundreds if not thousands of people that have met and transformed their lives through the wisdom and love of Serge Benhayon.

  514. Dear Rachel, I felt the depth of your heart and your soul in your written expression here in this blog – and I thank you for I so heart-fully enjoyed reading this visual account that I could not only feel, but see with my eyes and confirm with my whole body – it resonated in every particle of me.

  515. I second everything you have said here about Serge Benhayon, thank you Rachel for expressing the immense love and appreciation you have for Serge and the service he offers to all equally. I was in a course with Serge Bengayon today and I don’t seize to be amazed by the pure wisdom he delivers and the simplicity in which this deep wisdom is delivers. I love you Serge Benhayon and my appreciation for you is endless.

  516. Rachel, what an absolutely glorious, beautiful, powerful love letter which speaks on behalf of us all of the amazing man Serge Benhayon is, and the inspiration and reflection he offers each and every one of us to re-connect back to who we truly are and the amazingness we truly are also. I echo EVERY single word of your letter – thank you for the blessing you have offered to humanity in writing this.

  517. Hear Hear Rachel, what a beautiful testimony of love to a truly beautiful and inspiring man.

  518. Wow what a love letter. When you break it down like that Serge Benhayon is one amazing man. what he has presents, the quality that he lives, what he offers, is simply amazing. He has been inspirational in my life for me to claim me and learn to re live that in the world.

    Thank you Rachael for such a beautiful love letter to such a beautiful man.

  519. Rachel this is breathtaking beautiful and absolutely true. Thank you for expressing this on behalf of us all!

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