Being a Student of The Way of The Livingness

I am a student of the Way of The Livingness – I have been for the last 6 years.

The Way of The Livingness

I have written many blogs about what I have learned along the way and how much I have turned my life around.

What is amazing with being a student of The Way of The Livingness is meeting other students, and hearing their stories. I love real life stories, not made up versions, but the real deal.

There are some students of The Way of the Livingness who I meet and when they describe their life and how they used to live, it seems as if they are talking about someone completely different. This is what I love about these people. They have lived and experienced life in so many different ways.

I have met people who have been heroin addicts, prostitutes, a drug dealer, police, a lawyer, a sailor, an NLP practitioner, a Reiki Master, a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a counsellor, a yoga teacher… as well as one person who was constantly angry, another who was always depressed, another who was a hermit and didn’t have any friends and would not interact with people; some were poor, some were rich… I have met so many people from all walks of life and made new friends.

What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.

There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.

I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.

I am so glad that I was introduced to Serge Benhayon and his inspiring family and that I found Universal Medicine. I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way.

Rosie Bason
Rosie Bason – “I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness”

By Rosie Bason

Further Reading:
The Livingness
I am a Student of The Way of The Livingness

923 thoughts on “Being a Student of The Way of The Livingness

  1. The Way of the Livingness is so simple, it’s challenging at times but the outcome is more self love and self care, which then leads to more love for others, feeling purpose in life, and a beautiful joy which comes from living the true me.

    1. The Way of the Livingness also encourages us to be more responsible, to see the part we have played in situations, ‘I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made.’

  2. I was confused, lost and in denial of this fact. Now understanding that we all have this choice in life, and can live within our essences or return to our inner-heart, I am inspired as a forever Student of The Livingness.

  3. To have awareness requires honesty, and honesty is easy when we really want to understand our behaviour and change the things that we don’t like.

  4. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have learnt more about the world we live in than anything that our current education offers. There is no following of each other, but a deep understanding that we know that we are held in consciousness of deep illusion. While we are held the free will we think we have is not free will at all, but part of the illusion that we all struggle with.

    1. Yes Mary hidden it is, as the Truth lays open many wounds that people want to hide, and being honest about this is the first stepping stone to absolute-honesty, then truth.

  5. “It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” And it is so much fun to find out and appreciate who you truly are.

  6. “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. I so agree Rosie. Learning about other peoples lives and the huge shifts they have made in their lifestyle – with consequences resulting in better health and vitality is awe-inspiring.

    1. Many of the lifestyle changes made by the students of The Way of the Livingness are indeed incredible.

  7. Attending Universal Medicine events I have met incredible gorgeous people who are not afraid to examine the depth of the illusion we are all ensnared by. With this comes not only a great humility and understanding but also a love beyond measure and a joy that equals that. I would not trade this for anything. It is a way of life we all know to the bones of us and beyond no matter our background, ideologies or philosophies.

  8. In-truth there are no borders between us nor boundaries that define us lest the ones we erect to keep each other out.

  9. The way of the Livingness understands that we are all human beings with a divine aspect of ourselves that is equally accessible to all if they so choose to connect with it.

  10. True truth is the one that is recognized and embraced as such regardless of people’s background, and I agree – that is what Serge Benhayon represents.

  11. There are many parts of my life that now feel as if they were at least a life time or more ago, and I continue to make changes through the teachings of the way of the livingness and every change brings me more deeply to living a life from who I truly am.

  12. The Way of the Livingness is a true religion that is never just about bettering your life, it’s about embracing love and truth and then sharing this in the world, it is never just for ‘self’ it is always inclusive of everyone.

  13. Meeting so many people, from all walks of life , who have chosen The Way of The Livingness as their way, has been completely life changing for me, but also a lot of fun. And what’s more, is how I love the sense of being together without ownership or emotional baggage. There is just a simplicity and an appreciation for whenever we meet, that is light-hearted and playful but also can be very very deeply supportive – with some awesome real life no holding back conversations.

  14. It does seem crackers that we have to learn to be our true selves once again – returning to who we were, before society, school and even our parents tried to mould us into being what they thought we should be. No blame, as they in their turn were moulded. We see babies and young toddlers just being. Why on earth can’t we allow that natural joy and vitality to flourish and continue to be the love that they are? Could it be that who have let that go feel jealousy and comparison cos we think we have lost that. Yet it’s still deep inside us, as the Way of the Livingness shows. We just have to un-bury it and bring it out.

  15. That’s the thing I so appreciate about the Way of the Livingness … no matter who you are or where you’re from it doesn’t matter, each makes it their way as part of the Way and each brings a different aspect, an equal part of the whole, truly equality in action.

  16. We know how to love and accept ourselves when we are very young. Then we learn how to be different and then we can learn how to love and accept ourselves even with the new learning. That is The Way of The Livingness.

  17. A profound change in how all of these people live, all of us. Hmm.. that is at worst unusual, and much more likely a totally unique education. So it seems crazy that there is so much resistance to what is being taught, unless of course that is the whole point – that the overriding human consciousness at this time is totally resistant to change.

  18. Being a student is about allowing , allowing yourself to feel who you truly are, what you bring with you that needs healing and what else you have healed so far, and can serve with in all relationships with people.. It takes a commitment to keep standing whilst you feel your hurts and allow them to be felt and let go of.. Not being tempted by the rigors and patterns that keep you in the old way(s). For there is much to evolve.

    1. Yes, once you know who you are at least to some degree then everything you say applies and we have that choice.

  19. When we stop the blame, thats when changes happen. When just take responsibility for every part even if it is uncomfortable.

  20. I agree Rosie, being a student of The Way of the Livingness does ask us to take responsibility for our choices in life. It also asks us to commit to life – to ourselves and to everything 100%. My questions then are ‘what is our true purpose in life?’ And ‘why are we here?’ For me, unless I am dedicating myself to being aware of the quality of what is going on within and around me (The Way of the Livingness) then I have to ask ‘what is the point of being here?’

  21. There sometimes is a perception that Students of The Way of The Livingness are just people who had a ‘condition’ and needed to ‘get help’. If you consider illness as us thinking we are purely human, and discounting our divinity then this is true. It seems to me we all need help remembering we are Sons of God. Thank you Rosie.

  22. If something works this well with lots of personal reports then it is probably worth investigating further.

  23. ‘everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.’ … the power we are is encapsulated in this, we choose and there are results and we can choose differently … we are truly Gods and the Way of the Livingness is a path back to living the truth of who we innately are.

  24. Rosie, just loved re-reading your sharing – absolute appreciation. We all have so much to share and offer each other. For me I just have to get myself out of the way and then what I bring is everything I or anyone else could ever want or ask for without the constant trying to please or have the right words, naturally it is all there.

  25. Thank you for sharing this appreciation Rosie. I have also been greatly inspired by those I have met over the years, every one of us in life has a story and though the outer story may be different, there is a truth we all know within that when connected to unifies us all.

    1. Yes, when there are lots of people doing well there is a lot of inspiration available.

  26. The Way of the Livingness lives within us all, for it is the one true path back to our innate godliness. It is a way of life that calls us back to who we truly are and is open for all to live across the globe regardless of religion, race or creed.

  27. Absolutely – true religion doesn’t discriminate between backgrounds, professions or what you’ve done in the past or what you do now. It’s about truth, integrity, steadiness, commitment, always learning and building a life based on these principles that we already know deeply inside.

    1. And most of all, you know it because every cell in your body celebrates rather than shuts downs or contracts in protection. To me it is so clear and unquestionable as my body just knows.

      1. Yeh I remember sitting in church feeling so uncomfortable and like something was wrong with me, whereas when I listen or attend The Way of the Livingness presentations it’s confirms who I am and everything that’s possible.

      2. I love how your share this. I was talking to a lady the other day and she said, why wasn’t I taught this as a kid. Its so simple and makes sense. As you sat in church you knew but because it was not common knowledge and spoken about, you doubted yourself.

      3. Yeh true – as a child you know there is more to life than just what you see, so in a way religion and god make sense, but then it comes with all this other stuff – like hell, judgement, condemnation and sin that is the complete opposite of the magic we feel – I remember feeling so confused.

      4. I bet you were confused! I wasn’t brought up with going to church and I was confused too. I grew up travelling and saw so many different religions and ways and people against each other that none of it made any sense whatsoever.

      5. I remember also being confused as a child about how so many people can believe so many different things when it comes to religion – surely there is only one truth or God – so which one is actually true and why do so many people believe in other ones that are not true? … It’s amazing how much our ability to have common sense actually comes from our ability to feel the truth.

  28. Rosie this is so true, The Way of The Livingness is open to all walks of life and to add to it further, age, countries, birth religions, sexuality, and cultures – it does not discriminate or segregate – WE Are All One.

    1. Yes, it doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t or what job you do. It is there for all of us.

  29. Well said Rosie, The Way of The Livingness is for all equally, and as you have shared, this fact is proven over and over with the many various people we meet along the way back to love. It shows us that we are all equal, it is only our choices that create the illusion that we are separate and different from our neighbour.

    1. Kim, I love it! Here is the next bumper sticker:


  30. We could say that being a student of the Livingness is simply just being a student of life, and knowing that we can learn so much from life everyday, it’s an incredibly rich and beautiful way to approach life.

    1. I guess being a student of life is like being able to see things with fresh eyes, this way we are more aware and can take things in, rather than from the approach of same old, same old, I already know it all because in this, we miss so much.

      1. That’s a really cool way to put it, and also having a fresh approach to life everyday, in that knowing everyday we can learn something new.

      2. Being open to learn something new is really important because learning can be so much fun. We only make learning hard when we are shut down or think we know everything already.

      3. I agree, I think part of the magnificence of learning each day is knowing that there is more to life than just what we do, see and complete every day, that there is a grander purpose to our day than simply getting up and working and then going to bed.

  31. ‘everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.’ Thanks for this reminder Rosie. Sometimes it seems hard to see a purpose in what looks like awful things happening to us but when we zoom out and take in account the bigger picture we can appreciate what is being shown and this can be a great learning and help build a stronger foundation for us now and in the future.

    1. Zooming out and seeing the big picture is important, as I know for sure that I can get caught up in things and not realise that I made x, y, and z choice to get to where I am now and what I now have to deal with. And you are right… we may just need this experience right now, to prep us for something much bigger that we are needed for.

  32. Having spent my life trying to be something and to discover that “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are’ is not necessarily very easy however it is so liberating.

  33. Sometimes, when I feeling particular set in my comfortable ways and am being asked to step up (by no-one other than myself btw), I have a tantrum and wish I was blissfully ignorant of the Energetic responsibility we all have to bring all of ourselves to life to the best of our ability. But in truth, I feel blessed to have the awareness I now do and be living my life with ever-deepening love, integrity and responsibility (amongst many other deeply beautiful qualities). The Way of The Livingness has brought me back to life and I will be eternally grateful to Serge Benhayon for not holding back one iota of the magnificent Love he is.

  34. Rosie I love the way you express your deep appreciation of The Way of The Livingness, it is deeply inspiring to feel how claimed you are and how you want to share this true way of living with the world.

  35. True, and for each of us, it is quite different depending on where we are at, what we have done in the past and completely up to us as far as where we want to go to with our development.

  36. The commitment you’ve made to yourself Rosie is clear and very beautiful, you have captured what true religion is as an everyday living thing.

  37. The real deal only can come from living it; we know the way by living it, unfolding with every step taken.

  38. Oh my words really cannot explain the enormous support I have received from Serge, Natalie, all of the practitioners, the student body, and the committed people I live with. For the first time in my life I have ever felt a real sense of community, a real sense of care, a real sense of “we are here to support one another”, never before has it been about everyone, everywhere I have been from the small town I come from to London or New York, I have only witnessed a life based on the thrive of the individual or the community within which the individual resides. What The Way of The Livingness presents is so much bigger than that, it is about the all – it is about every single human being on this planet. Thank you Serge, thank you Natalie, thank you Ancient Wisdom.

  39. The Way of The Livingness is both personal and universal, a way for everyone based on the choices made and the quality being lived, and what is found on the way is the common factor that unites us all as one in essence.

  40. Since being a student The Way of The Livingness I have discovered that there is a way to live with greater love in our lives, with greater understanding and awareness of the connection to myself, my body and of truth the resides within me. Being guided our inner-truth is what re-establishes a loving foundation within us, one that honors all equally, whereby we can naturally bring to life the realness of who we are, live the power of who we are, the love we all here and deserve to live.

  41. When I look back on my past life I sometimes just shake my head with who was that person, the changes that are occurring in my life are amazing, what a divine offering of love it is to know that it doesn’t matter where we come from or what we have done it only matters that we connect to the love within and take responsibility for all our choices both past and present.

    1. I am the same, I so appreciate the changes I have made and feel as if I have lived 2 very different lives in this one life!

      1. Yep, I can confirm that as well. Just a few minutes ago while I was making my bed I remember how I used to sleep in a room which was completely upside down, with clothes on the floor, ash from cigarettes right next to my bed, food scattered around and all sorts of other disgusting things. Today, my room is just so lovely, it’s tidy, it’s clean, its just amazing to be in here and do whatever I need to do.

      2. So good to look back and celebrate the changes we have made. Your room really does sound like worlds apart, and I bet your body loves you for it.

    1. I am so cool, I am on fire! nah, just messing around, but on a serious side, yes I am claimed, I have turned my life around and it is worth celebrating and appreciating all thanks to The Way of The Livingness.

  42. What this blog – and my experience of The Way of The Livingness shows me – is that no matter who we are, what we do or what we have done, there is an essence within us all that is equal, true and harmonious. We can all reconnect to this Living Way if we choose to and set our apparent differences aside.

  43. Thank you Rosie, that is a super cute photo of you. The Way of The Livingness is for everyone, it’s the way of the soul on earth, and a soul is something we all have. No one is special or excluded for any reason (including gender and sexuality) as all are equal. This is particularly dear to me because as a child and later as an adult I have never felt anything that ostracised or excluded others (particularly in religion) was right. We know in our hearts we are all equal.

  44. We have all walked different steps that have resulted in different experiences for us, but the more we share the reality of where we have been due to our choices and what we have subsequently healed, the more open we are to the amazingness of what we are actually learning and where we are together going.

  45. ‘What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done.’ The only thing that counts is right now, to don’t look back but to become ourselves, appreciate what is in front of us and go from there. To expand the love that lives inside us and to do this with people from all walks of life and from all over the world is just amazing.

  46. “It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” Letting go of the identification of what I have done to give me value, worth and status has been a great struggle for me as I had so little self-worth in just being me. Learning to, ‘Just being me’, is being a student of The Way of The Livingness – how crazy is that, that one has to re-learn being oneself? It completely turns education and all one strives for in the present society on its head.

    1. Yes, it is crazy when you say it like that! One has to re-learn to be oneself!!! Why on earth did we not learn to just love and accept ourselves right from the start?? Why has it been so much about fitting it, ticking the box and not letting people see or feel the real you?

  47. The Way of The Livingness is an open invitation to everyone both to walk with the World Teachers and to work in the quality of our movements so to magnify the power of our walking together.

  48. “It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters” So true. The Way of The Livingness is all about the being not the doing. Which is rare these days as we live to be all about the doing.

  49. Energetic responsibility as presented by Universal Medicine is beautiful in the way it asks us to be more aware and honest with ourselves about the energy behind the choices we make and the impact that this has on not just ourselves or a select few but all of us. In my experience we can hold many ideals, beliefs or pictures around what the word responsibility means to us but bringing it back to the energy behind our choices or way of living helps to strip these ideals away and leave us with more clarity in our day-to-day lives.

  50. When The Way Of The Livingness is lived, one of the things we realise is the equality of humanity, no matter what background we are from, there is an essence within us that is equal. And it is from this foundation and essence we go through life with, we deepen our Livingness and our love.

  51. Like so many others I am a student of The Way of The Livingness and more and more I am seeing the world clearer and clearer. As the article is saying it brings in people from all walks of life which is no coincidence as this gives me a more rounder and rounder view of things. I didn’t understand the world as it was, it didn’t make sense while at the same time I knew there was more, The Way of The Livingness has supported all of this and through people and my relationship to them and myself I have learnt more than any other time in my life. I am blessed and thankful to everything and everyone around me and appreciate things more then ever before.

  52. I love how taking greater care of ourselves and bringing more quality into our movements, living from and honouring the body is so confirmed in The Way of The Livingness, and how this informs everything in our lives.

  53. Taking responsibility for our choices are not only life changing but very empowering and The Way of The Livingness supports us beautifully to feel the difference when we choose to live this way.

  54. I agree Rosie with what you have said there are no rules and no blame rather the opportunity for us to take responsibility for the way we choose to live our lives.

  55. I agree Rosie, the Way of The Livingness gives us all an opportunity to choose to reconnect back to our essence, there are no rules to follow, no instructions, only our own choice to feel what is true and what is not.

  56. When we start to take full responsibility for our lives, blame is no longer an option, every choice we make leads to the next. Energetic responsibility offers a much greater awareness of why I make the choices I do and this understanding has changed my life enormously.

  57. So true Rosie, this way of living is for everyone “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” If we allowed ourselves to be who we are without trying to protect ourselves or gain advantage over another we would live in a very different way. I love that The Way of The Livingness has shown me so many people from so many walks of life who walk the talk and inspire me and others to build that consistency in their own lives as well.

  58. I love how you share you have met people from all ways of life and that of all these people their lives have changed by living The Way of The Livingness. It reminds me that however different we are on the outside and by our lifestyles we are all the same inside and can connect to that all equally.

  59. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.” I love this Rosie. Serge Benhayon presents and we take from it what we will. All our own choice. What could possibly be wrong with that?

    1. Very true sueq2012, we all have a choice to live in alignment to love or not, but once we discover the magic of true love in our lives one wonders why we would ever choose anything else?

  60. Taking responsibility for my choices and choosing not to blame others for them has transformed my relationship with myself and others. I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness and the many inspiring people I have also met.

    1. It is so inspiring when we see others take responsibility… it allows us to see it in action and that we can choose that too… and oh so great when stop playing the blame game.

  61. ‘All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ Beautifully expressed Rosie, there are no rules and regulations just a willingness to look at yourself with love and be true to who you really are whatever your choices have been up to this point. It is never too late for a person to make changes and The Way of The Livingness is there to support all.

  62. One of the things I love hearing about from fellow students of the Livingness, is how so many people have gone from withdrawing from life to be fully committed to life. Bringing themselves back into their communities, working purposefully, being with people, and loving life again.

    1. And there are so many and as they do this, they are inspiring others too. As one of my work colleagues said to me, you are rubbing off on me!

    2. It is true, it is painful to see someone who has given up on life. To watch someone turn that around, by their own choice to re-commit to life and to love and to see they can be the change they want to see in it, is truly inspirational.

      1. It sure is inspirational to watch someone completely transform their lives and through the Way of the Livingness there are countless examples of people who have done just that. It is never ever too late and we should never condemn anyone for the choices they have made because we are all love 1st and foremost.

  63. I love hearing about people’s real life experiences too, their learnings, transformations and evolution. And I’ve been blessed to hear many very inspiring ones from students of The Way of The Livingness.

  64. Yes it would change everything. No more blaming and expecting someone else to fix us as we would all clearly see we just need to adjust our choices.

  65. Different from other reigions that require some ‘pedigree’ and a past of religious rites building to the present, The Way of The Livingness does not require pedigree or rites. There are no pictures of the past we have to confirm to. It is about the present that can be lived with qualities of the future that is already waiting for us.

    1. I agree with you here Eduardo, there is nothing that you need or should have done and nothing that you should do to be part of The Way of The Livingness. It is for everyone.

  66. The Way of The Livingness is a joyful return (although challenging to our outdated ideals and beliefs) to the innate and divine essence within – a totally natural way of being, patiently waiting for all to make a choice to return to and live by Universal Laws and Ancient Wisdom.
    “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices”.

  67. I am with you with every word Rosie. I have also experienced and witnessed that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone, as it is the way we can live in connection to who we are, through which truth, love and Soulfulness is a way of life.

  68. The Way of The Livingness is about my own relationship with evolution, therefore there cannot be any comparison between students, nor can there be dogma because each of us has our own relationship with ourselves and the choices we are making.

    1. And no matter what your choices are, it doesn’t make you better or less than me or anyone else. It is just different choices, nada mas.

  69. As you so wisely point out Rosie The Way of the Livingness is available and accessible for everybody; the choice is always ours. The Way of the Livingness simply asks us to take responsibility for our choices.

  70. Thank you Rosie, I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness, it has turned my life around in so many ways. I love hearing the amazing stories of the before and after of student’s lives, it is just so amazing to hear where they have come from and the claiming of who they truly are, sons of God in brotherhood.

  71. The Way of The Livingness is who you are in everything you do, say, think and in every movement you make, it is the Way you Live. No trying to get anywhere or achieve anything just a choice to allow more of the love of who you already are to shine through.

  72. My life now has purpose, commitment and responsibility and lots of loving connections with others. How I live now is so different to how I have been living and i hope that this is being reflected to everyone in my life so they can make choices about how they live as well.

  73. This openness to everyone from all walks of life feels very different to other groups in the world today. And part of me has shied away from the world in reaction to the lack of openness that The Way of The Livingness freely shares. But even just saying that completely goes against what has been shown to me through this religion in that it is open to everybody and that it is the quality of openness that breaks down those walls we maintain between each other, because at one point I was completely closed down myself until being presented with another way life could be lived if I so chose to. The Way of The Livingness is not a group that is to remain secular and keep this quality to themselves as this quality that is connected to feels even greater when shared with others and I am learning that sharing who I truly am, a lover of people and connection, makes for a far richer life than holding onto the guards or hiding away from people.

  74. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices” So true Rosie and the amazing thing is once I really began to take responsibility for my choices my life really did change and for the first time in my life I could say I actually began to enjoy life

  75. So beautifully said Rosie. It amazes me how many people have changed beyond recognition from closed and guarded to people who’s open hearts and open faces are a joy to see.

  76. Rosie I also love hearing all the stories of people, how they have completely changed and transformed their lives in completely different ways. The one thing that unites us all is that life was not the vital, joyful experience it could be – and today there is a commitment to live this truth. It’s humbling and inspiring, showing nothing in the world can affect our inner truth our essence and our connection with God.

  77. The Way of the Livingness is open to all people of all ages, there are no have- tos, no rules or regulations nothing to get right, but the freedom to just be who you truly are, the stories from the student body about life changes is nothing short of amazing, this is a joy we all share reflecting to each other in brotherhood.

  78. Rosie, there’s such a freedom in the Way of The Livingness and it’s very much about who you are, and not ever about what you do. Indeed one of the many things I appreciate about it, is that it’s about living you in every moment without any perfection and sharing that you with all of the world. I could not imagine living another way.

  79. The beauty of The Way of the Livingness is it can be lived at any stage in life. Many families and children live this way. Young people have found it supports them to steer clear of the many traps of adolescence and teenage years: drugs, alcohol, nicotine abuse, self harm and promiscuity. I came to the Way of the Livingness in my mid-fifties, and now a elder woman in her 60’s (and once victim to all the aforementioned traps) I find great joy observing young people staying true to themselves because of The Way of Livingness and have not chosen the path of self abuse like so many of their peers.

    1. Not that long ago, just 7 years my normal was smoking and drinking, it is sociably accepted and is what you do. Today it is so far from my normal and I was chatting to my teenager and I was explaining about how I started smoking and drinking because everyone around me did it. I never ever stopped to consider it could be bad for your health as every one was doing it. What I love now though is that my daughter can see two very different ways and she is free to choose based on what she can see clearly.

      1. I love that you can share with your daughter the two different ways of being and consequence of each. In this way she is treated as a responsible and capable of making her own choices. In my youth, I simply rebelled against strict rules and what felt like impositions on my freedom (my parents didn’t know how to be any different). What was missing from an early age was honest and open communication with my parents about human life. ‘Life’ and our part in it was never mentioned. The new awareness as taught by Universal Medicine places personal responsibility central to our lives: we can create a better world for all, but first we must tenderly care for ourselves.

      2. Open communication changes everything doesn’t it as it allows us to have understanding and to connect with each other.

  80. The Way of the Livingness teaches us how to live and be in life. Life is the biggest school, and yet most people live largely in ignorance of how to live it successfully. Before the Way of the Livingness, I wandered, searched and fell many times. Choosing to be a student of The Way of the Livingness placed responsibility gently back in my hands and I am grateful it did. It also brought awareness, healing, purpose, truly changed me from inside out, and the way I live my life.

  81. The Way of The Livingness puts responsibility back into our hands, and we all can choose to take this responsibility and live in a way that is in connection with religion, philosophy and science. Choosing to be aware and taking the responsibility when we have chosen not to be.

  82. It is empowering to hear the stories of the lives that people have come from, to transform to what they live today due to the power of the choices they have made. It is deeply inspiring to see what is possible when people choose from love rather than their hurt.

  83. There is something truly profound to have found a course of study or a way of living that is applicable to all… rich or poor, young or old, bright or dull. These aspects of us become irrelevant as the focus becomes on the bringing out the gold within, and taking up the responsibility to shine that out, sharing our gorgeousness with others so they too can be inspired to live theirs.

  84. The Way of The Livingness – “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” This is the beauty of living The Way of The Livingness as it brings me back to me and from that in relationship with all other people, nature, the universe and with God, the origin we all come from and have to return to.

  85. Beautiful Rosie – I can sense the absolute magnificent change that is actually not even possible to be described by words only – this is why The Way of The Livingness is so important – because by virtue of seeing a living way, we learn , and also when then that livingness is being shared by words. Incredible powerful and healing. So you walking and talking, writing and reading, is a blessing to mankind. It is our livingness that reflects the All (universe).

  86. Rosie, you highlight many of the things I love about the Way of the Livingness too, that it’s for everyone and anyone no matter where they come from, where they’ve been or how much or how little they have. Anyone can choose it, and for those who do, it’s a journey of unfolding back to themselves and the understanding you highlight that everyone is where they are based on their choices and that being the case they have the power to take responsibility for those choices and change them if they wish.

  87. ‘There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ And how tempting it has been for me to not make rules and ‘should do’s’ out of what I heard, trying to make it knowledge instead of living it and making it my own lived experience and thus wisdom. All to not take responsibility for my choices but as I am a Student I am learning and getting more and more honest about what I choose and how aware I actually am.

  88. ‘Nothing just happens.’ I was aware before becoming a Student of the Livingness that nothing just happens but what I did with it was not observing life and how I and others lived, but I was blaming others for the things that happened; I was judging myself and others and was always quick to condemn myself. The Way of the Livingness brought true love and understanding into my life, and all the lovely people from all over the world. I am so rich being part of this group which is forever expanding and growing. And just like you Rosie I can say ‘I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way.’

  89. It is inspiring to read how you have incorporated God and divinity in your life. That it is just a very personal and normal aspect of us being a human, living on planet Earth and that in that we do not need to be part of a certain congregation or institution.

  90. I totally agree with you, Rosie – the Way of The Livingness is for and about everyone equally, universally, no matter who they are. It’s so diverse and common at the same time.

    1. Yes and it really doesn’t matter who you are or where in the world you are as we can all access it if we want.

  91. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” It’s the best thing ever and I highly recommend it.

  92. The Way of the Livingness has so changed my life. I agree Rosie “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” It is that simple.

  93. The Way of the Livingness is such an inspiring way to live and I would choose no other way. I love how we are always offered ways to be more and to evolve how we are living and we can then choose if we take that path or not. It is incredible how we regularly connect with others all over the world on different projects – distance is irrelevant when connecting to others.

  94. The Way of the Livingness is indeed for everyone, equally so. Thank you Rosie for all that you offer and for the gorgeous woman you are. Like you I love being a forever student of The Way of the Livingness.

  95. It is beautiful to truly connect with someone on the basis of who we are not what we do or have done, this is really how the students of The Way of the Livingness connect. Through experiencing life and learning from what happens in our lives, a commitment to living truth.

  96. I agree Rosie, I too love the real life stories of people and the incredible transformation that have taken place. It is amazing how the student body is so diverse, yet a feeling of equal uniting.

  97. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. ” thank you Rosie for sharing The Way of The Livingness which has become your way and the way forth for many, many people whose lives have amazingly been changed.

  98. I fully agree with what you say here Rosie Bason about The Way of The Livingness – it is the elusive missing piece most of have been searching for externally throughout our lives, only to discover it has been within us all the time and this essence is the same for every single person, equally so. Living from this quality, there is no need to have any measurements, judgments or comparison about what people do or have done. A deeper level of communication and connection with everyone is then available.
    “The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are”.

  99. ‘There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. ‘ Thank you Rosie for sharing your experiences with ‘The Way of the Livingness’. Learning to take responsibility for my choices has been an absolute game changer for me and has allowed me to feel more empowered and more committed in my life.

  100. I love this…”I have met people who have been heroin addicts, prostitutes, a drug dealer, police, a lawyer, a sailor, an NLP practitioner, a Reiki Master, a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a counsellor, a yoga teacher”…I have met all these people and have been a few of them myself and can truly say, nothing holds a candle to the way I have found through the way of the livingness.

  101. “I have met people who have been heroin addicts, prostitutes, a drug dealer, police, a lawyer, a sailor, an NLP practitioner, a Reiki Master, a doctor, a nurse, a dentist, a counsellor, a yoga teacher… as well as one person who was constantly angry, another who was always depressed, another who was a hermit and didn’t have any friends and would not interact with people; some were poor, some were rich… I have met so many people from all walks of life and made new friends.” – and we are all one and the same.

    1. Yep we are all one and the same, we just have different roles, titles, responsibilities but we are all the same, no one better than another just because of what we do or don’t do.

  102. I love this blog Rosie. It is so beautiful to appreciate what great people we all are and the great changes lots and lots of people went through by living the Way of The Livingness. True lives truly lived.

    1. Yes it is great to appreciate, inspire and be inspired as then there is no room for jealousy or comparison just joy and celebration.

  103. It’s no surprise that every conceivable demographic segmentation is represented in students of the Way of the Livingness, because ageless, timeless wisdom applies to, relates to and benefits all.

    1. Yes, no one is left out in the Way of The Livingness Cathy, it sure does relate to all and benefits all.

  104. What you describe, Rosie, shows that we are equal in love. Our professions, life-style-choices, careers, cultures… make us look and act different on the outside, with different skills in development, but these are mere rolls that we play. When we break it down to the quality of love in our innermost, we are one and the same. The more I focus on this love, the more equal I walk with others.

    1. Beautifully said Felix. It really doesn’t matter what pictures and images we see on the outside because fundamentally we are all the same.

  105. The Way of the Livingness is for everybody, equally so. I love being a student also Rosie, I love the learning, challenges and constant unfolding.

  106. “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.” – Simple and powerful; a religion for all helping us to bring out who we truly are rather than conform to any belief or ideal.

  107. I love being part in The way of the Livingness”, as it brings it’s simplicity, love and integrity.

  108. Great Blog Rosie, everyday in my livingness I celebrate ‘The way of the Livingness’. I loved your comment – ‘What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was’. The beautiful people I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with has expanded my world and who I am. The one thing that has become a truth for me through this experience is that deep down we are all Love and even though our expression in finding our way may be different – in Essence we are all the same. I am a Student of the Way of the Livingness, learning to live and take responsibility for the choices I make and loving this unfolding with so many others choosing the same.

  109. “There are some students of The Way of the Livingness who I meet and when they describe their life and how they used to live, it seems as if they are talking about someone completely different. This is what I love about these people. They have lived and experienced life in so many different ways.” Yes, me too Rosie. The people I meet who are students of The Way of the Livingness can speak about what they know because it is their lived experience. The changes so many, if not all, have made in their lives is phenomenal and I agree, sometimes it is as though they are talking about a totally different person. I remember when I was younger, I would often hear the expression ‘people never change’ and would often think this was a strange thing to say but never had the words to explain what I felt. I know now this statement to not be true, as I have seen many change, into vital, healthy, deeply caring and loving people, and have made many deeply loving friendships as a result. I now consider these people part of my true family.

    1. That comment, ‘people never change’ is really like a curse. Some may not want to, some may not want the responsibility but we are all capable of change, it’s just a choice.

  110. Rosie, I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness too. Nothing rings as true, is as personally honest or is more loving and accepting of exactly where we are and where we have come from, and still doesn’t water down the truth or hold back yet holds everyone equally. How absolutely amazing and life changing is that?!!

  111. Too right! There is nothing exclusing or mysterious about The Way of The Livingness.. in fact it is the complete opposite.

  112. “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was”. This quote stood out for me Rosie, The Way of the Livingness is available for all equally, which obliterates the false dictionary meaning of ‘esoteric’ being ‘mysterious and exclusive’. I too Love being a student of The Way of the Livingness! And appreciate all the support that is there, and other students.

  113. The Way of The Livingness is a very personal affair but yet it is connected to the all. When I chose the way of the livingness, I chose a relationship with myself that is about honesty, and expressing how I am feeling and expressing my essence. Miracles happen as a result of choosing The Way of The Livingness and these are nothing short of amazing. Many testimonies and stories can be read. I have tried to show people The Way of The Livingness but haven’t had much success, as with myself I know, one chooses The Way of The Livingness when they are ready. Until then, I will live my way and not hold back the power of light and love that I bring.

  114. Being aware and taking responsibility for our choices with absolute consistency is an absolute game changer in a world where there is not a lot of this.
    We look at the state of mass corporations such as the food industry destroying habitats, or the government endorsing sugar – and it puts into perspective that awareness and responsibility starts with few and ends with many.

  115. “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done.” Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine simply present the above with no judgement or criticism, whatever your background. Everyone is equal, and everyone is treated equally, no matter what. And this is what makes this man and this business so outstandingly different from anything else that I have ever come across.

  116. Hear Hear Rosie, I totally agree, being a student of The Way of the Livingness is a constant unfolding and learning. There are definitely no rules, shoulds or should nots, only the ones of our own making. It is a way of living that feels true and not something that you are forced to adhere to but one we choose for ourselves.

  117. I agree Rosie, I too find it hard to connect to these pasts that bare no resemblance to the persons that I now connect to. It’s like the energy around them has been scrubbed clean , leaving a sparkling aliveness. With self awareness and self-loving, as presented by Universal Medicine, I too feel the tugs of past stuckness loosen and magically melt away, allowing an expanded me to emerge.

  118. Absolutely true Rosie – I have experienced the same as you, meeting people from all sorts of backgrounds through Universal Medicine, and I agree – there are absolutely no requirements or rules to follow, just presentations about a different way, as the ‘normal’ way does not seem to be working for the world.

  119. With The Way of the Livingness “it is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” And the magic of the Way of the Livingness is that I now know who I am.

  120. Blaming others and not taking responsibility has been my mode too Rosie. And it took me a while to let that go, as if my engine was running only on the fuel of frustration and resentment. Now the fuel is based on love and to become love. It is always my choice as you say ‘nothing just happens. And it is great to know we are in this together as Students of the Livingness, so thank you for sharing your livingness.

    1. Hi Annelies, I would just like to say that we are all in this together weather we are students of the Way of the Livingness or not. We are all on the same planet, and it’s like we are all in the same pool of water, whatever one person does, affects us all as the ripple goes out and touches everyone in some way. Yes it is great to have so many students of The Way of The Livingness but you don’t need to be anything or a student to be the love that you are and to live in a harmonious way with everyone.

      1. Hi Rosie, I could not agree more and I am fully aware we are all one family. Everyone is able to choose love in every moment and as you say that has nothing to do with being a student of The Way of The Livingness.

      2. Absolutley Rosie. We are all the same, and all carry the same responsibility, student or no student.

  121. The Way of The Livingness is embracing of all of life and all encompassing of what is there for us all to live when we choose to bring our Love to life. This is what I find amazing about this way of life, every person may have a different expression of Love and a different expression in life but there is at the core pure equality with us all.

    1. I love your expression Felix, this asks us to ponder more deeply the truth behind the words.

  122. The Way of The Livingness is such a wonderful way to Learn and live, thanks to Serge Benhayon and family. How would Life be for myself and Others now without the amazing support and wisdom offered through these wonderful Teachings presented by Serge. My Life is so much richer and my eyes are open to so many truths and the Love shared with all of humanity in equality. Thank you is not enough.

  123. The Way of the Livingness is for everyone, there is no judgement, there is openness. With this openess so many of us have turned our lives around, by simply taking responsibility for the choices we make in life. The Way of the Livingness is love, truth and harmony.

  124. Rosie I’ve enjoyed reading your blog before, and here I am again today, a fellow grateful and appreciative student of the Way of The Livingness. Something different stood out to me this time: “I love real life stories, not made up versions, but the real deal.” As soon as I read this, into my mind jumped something I came across a week ago in my online work. Applicants from anywhere in the world can put in for any job coming up on the employment site because it’s all internet-based, no personal attendance required. One of the jobs was to write reviews for hundreds of service companies across a particular country.

    Boing! I had to re-read it a few times to be sure of what I was seeing. Yes, they pay people who have never used the company’s services, nor indeed even lived in that country, to write reviews saying how great the company and its services are!! I put in a report to the employer saying that this kind of deception and lying is a big problem and needs to be stamped out so that truthful representations can be given and used by consumers. The relevance to your blog is the key phrase “true stories”. Now when I read websites about health, healing, practitioners, etc by students and clients, I wonder how many are true and how many have been bought by paid review and testimonial writers. The awesome thing about having been a student of the Way of The Livingness and Universal Medicine for many years is that I know the people (students, practitioners, teachers, everyone associated), I know how they live, I see the changes in them as a result of their commitment to working on themselves, and I know the stories are true. Solid truth, hooray!

    1. This is very revealing Dianne, that companies pay for false testimonials about their services. It’s the same with sponsored science, I recently saw an article in a Woman’s Weekly where a “doctor”? was advocating the health benefits of alcohol chocolate and cheese when we know that many of us and our friends have been told by our trusted GPs that these cause lifestyle illnesses, and to avoid them or cut them out completely. Rosie as you have written we know the people and we know what is presented by Universal Medicine, and it is heartening to know that true truth is still available if we are asking for it.

      1. Yes true truth is available as you say Bernadette, but it does depend on if we want to hear it or not. There are lots of alternative options at our fingertips if we don’t want to hear or see the truth. It is up to us to investigate, feel, discern and figure out what feels okay for us.

    2. Yes hooray indeed! I was aware that companies can buy likes on Facebook so that it looks like they are well known but I wasn’t fully aware that people could pay for testmonials. Really you can’t call it a testimonial as that in itself is a lie if a testimonial means you know first hand and had a real experience with the service or product.
      It is quite shocking then what is online and it really is important that we know where the information came from and who is behind it all.
      I am glad I know everyone at Universal Medicine and many of the students firsthand. These people have not only become my friends, but my family too.

    3. A bit off topic but I’m going in anyways – 🙂 – I just watched a video about meat glue that many butchers around the world use a glue to bring off cuts of meat together to make it look like a prime piece of meat. And there would be countless stories like this of how we are being deceived about products/stories etc…I love that Students of the Way of The Livingness are indeed the real deal and providing a solid truth to the world.

      1. Your comment got me thinking! There are certain things I would rather not know about.. but how common is that… instead of being educated and then being able to make an informed choice, I know I have often wanted to just “not know”. I can also see the irresponsibility in this and how if we all stop burying our heads in the sand and speak up for what is and is not okay, we all do actually make a difference.

  125. The beautiful logo of the Way of the Livingness says it all. In light we are equal. Who we happen to be in this life is irrelevant to something that remains true no matter what. Have you noticed the angle formed by each one legs? It is the same than the Pyramid behind. A testimony to our amazing power if we choose to reignite our light. The Way of the Livingness is the ral deal.

  126. Rosie, I was also one who was not honest and did not realise “that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made”. It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and started to attend his presentations that I became aware of the importance of taking responsibility for my choices and this has been life changing. As you say, “nothing just happens”.

  127. Rosie, I love the articles you write, you are so spot on with this one. Being a student of The Way of the Livingness has taught me a great deal about myself, how my choices have played out and that when I am more lovingly connected to myself that I make other more self-loving choices.

  128. Rosie, it has also been my experience over 11 years that “The Way of The Livingness is . . . . not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are”. Hence it is open to anyone and everyone who feels that the way they have been living up until this point was not true and that there has to be something more. However, many do not like the self-responsibility that living this way requires. However if the first step is taken and then followed by another and then another, the effects will start to be life changing!

  129. A lovely testament Rosie and a beautiful blog sharing all that you are with all of those that need to read it. There are so many people from all walks of life experiencing different problems and issues and dramas and it has been an honour to be a part of something, Universal Medicine, where all of those problems, issues and quite extreme behaviours have slowly and surely disappeared over time – the more love is learnt to be lived and the more people surrender to their own unique and beautiful qualities.. without living in total disarray to themselves. A lovely process of acceptance and honouring their beauty and the beauty in each and every one of us.

  130. So simply shared Rosie, no ra ra just as it is. “It does not matter where you come from or what you have done…..There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” I too love being a student of the livingness as it felt freeing when I could stop and know that whatever I was before Universal Medicine was not me and all the searching could stop as I began my to reconnect to all that I am and always was.

  131. Awesome Rosie, I too absolutely love being a student of The Way of the Livingness, I have seen some amazing changes in people as they now live life more fully, more connected and many are walking examples of love. The Way of the Livingness has shown me how to connect back to who I truly am and in doing so love my life, love my work and love all those around me. I look back and see how stagnate and lost I was before I found my way – The way of The Livingness.

  132. Great summary of what it means to be a student of The Way of the Livingness – a commitment to self and a solid steadiness, the continual development of one’s very own and personal Way of living truth, harmony, joy, stillness and love in the world and every nook and cranny of one’s daily life.

    1. I agree Gabriele. Rosie has summed this up beautifully and very clearly. To be a student of The Way of the Livingness is exactly as you say – ‘a commitment to self and a solid steadiness, the continual development of one’s very own and personal Way of living truth, harmony, joy, stillness and love in the world and every nook and cranny of one’s daily life.’ And what’s more, these simple but profound teachings are accessible and available to all equally, with no exceptions.

    2. Agreed Gabrielle, this a great summary of the simplicity and true beauty of being a student of the Way of the Livingness it creates more space and flow in life and really get to experience the part we play in miracles that happen all around us as a result of reflecting that way of living to others.

  133. So beautifully and simply put Rosie, I may have been the hermit or the angry man or something else and being a student of The Way has transformed me into being a part of something much bigger than just myself. ‘Student’ is the word, as becoming aware of taking responsibility is an ongoing process, each and every choice is either increasing my awareness or dulling it and that is my responsibility.

  134. I love that within the Way of the Livingness there are no requirements to be a student other than a willingness to be ourselves and bring all of who we are to the world…. unquestionably, a deeply inspired way to live.

    1. Exactly Samatha! There are no rules, no requirements, no obligations, no pressure… other than as you say “a willingness to be ourselves and bring all of who we are to the world”… How cool is that?!

  135. Gorgeous Rosie, I can so relate and like you I too lived so much of my life unaware and blaming everybody else for everthing that was happening. Enter Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, no judgement only love and understanding, priceless allowing me the space and time to come to myself and start taking resposibitily for all my choices. As some would say, the rest is now history

  136. What makes Universal Medicine stand out is the fact that everyone is treated equally, and with the utmost integrity and love, consistently and joyfully so…such an inspiration for everyone.

    1. Absolutely Paula, it is this quality of equality that marks The Way of The Livingness and as Michael states “The Way of the Livingness, is equality truly lived.” In this equality, it is available to all, and in this we have true brotherhood.

  137. They say a picture says a thousand words – and the real-life reflection tells a million more. One amazing transformation could be considered coincidence but there are now hundreds of living breathing examples of the powerful transformation that can occur when one starts to make choices based on responsibility, self-care and self-love. It is worth a second look, or even better a scientific study.

  138. The Way of the Livingness is what I choose. It supports me to contribute whole heartedly to my self, my family and friends, my work and community at large. I am a citizen of this loving way and stand completely with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine as they have and continue to stand right with me.

  139. At the presentation of ‘Time, Space and All of Us’ that Serge Benhayon gave at Leichhardt Town Hall in Sydney recently, it was wonderful to feel the end product of the student body coming together to organise and conduct the event. All newcomers were welcomed with the traditional openness and warmth and the venue felt truly wonderful to be in. There are always time and space constraints in Sydney yet how students have conducted themselves as a working group in order to bring this event together already reflected the topic that was covered in the Livingness presented by students at Leichhardt.

    1. I was unable to be at this event Simon, but what I get from what you have shared is an appreciation of how the students of the Way of The Livingness make the time to come together and support each other to host an event like this. All working together, all with different ideas but finding a common way even though they all have busy lives already.

  140. I love your blog Rosie; I have also met students of all ages and backgrounds, all over the world. Many have shared their stories and come from living loveless lives to embracing life full of energy. I agree these transformations seem like a totally different person. Everyone in the world is united in that we all want love, we want to receive it and we want to express it. Why we don’t when it is so natural? That is where The Way of the Livingness and Universal Medicine can help.

  141. What you share is true Rosie, I too have been touched by individual stories and transformations that have occurred in people and their lives. My own story and the life I lead now is remarkable and totally different to how I was before. At last I’m my own person, appreciating and loving myself, others and life and continuing the journey of making daily and loving choices.

  142. To be a student of The Way of the Livingness. Feels like the biggest gift we could ever gift ourselves. Each layer that unfolds there is yet another moment to celebrate the amazingness of who we really are. Taking responsibility in all our choices there is a constant unfolding. It is so inspiring to see so many students making changes in their lives. The results speak for themselves.

  143. I used to abhor the word “religion”. It brought nothing but sadness and distrust. Now after living as a student of “The Way of the Livingness” for 12 years, I can see I am deeply religious. Now that is quite a turnaround.

    1. It sure is Heather, and I can totally relate. My whole perception and understanding of the word religion has changed and now that I know what it really means I too am religious.

  144. I love your comment and the feeling I have when i read those words: My search is over, I am home. I also feel that. My endless search is over. Now an everdeepening and everexpanding life forward.

  145. I feel the same Rosie, ‘ I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way.’ I am also a student of The Way of The Livingness, I enjoy learning everyday about how my choices affect me and everyone around me, I enjoy taking care of myself and from here caring for others, I enjoy having self worth, I enjoy knowing that we are all equal, amazing beings we may just choose not to live all of our amazingness, I’m enjoying being more honest,expressing more how I feel, so yes I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness.

  146. Rosie this is a brilliant blog and says it all. I love being a student of the aivingness and would not live any other way. And I Agree Vanessa the true beauty, radiance and vibrancy as a result of living so lovingly in every way is consistently inspiring and normal to see with everyone everywhere. Simply wonderful.

  147. I love the part “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are”, it shows that we are not a group of people that adopts the weak minded or people from drug, alcohol or sexual abuse history. We are all different and we all bring different qualities and skills and that is what makes the student body what it is today.

  148. No matter your background, you can choose to change your life in any moment. With “no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’”….just an openness “to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” Simple and beautiful, thank you for expressing the truth about Universal Medicine. It is now my way.

    1. Hi Arianne, I am just one of many who obviously love Universal Medicine not just because there are over 700 comments on this blog within a very short time, from people from all around the world and from every line of work and every way of life, culture and various backgrounds if we need to define them that way… but also because for two years in a row Universal Medicine has won the People’s Choice Award for the Crowe Howarth Business Excellence Award. To me it is obvious that they would win as they really are an amazing and inspirational business that has supported so many people around the world. I just love everyone who works there.

  149. I agree, I love hearing people’s stories. People have come from such varied walks of life. What else is amazing about being a student of the Way of the Livingness is the support and inspiration that is available to come back to the love and truth of who we are.

  150. Rosie the simplicity that “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices” says it all. Any way you look at it The Way of the Livingness makes sense.

  151. Just as you beautifully share with us Rosie to meet other students, of The Way of The Livingness, fellow students of this life who come from all walks of life – sharing and observing how with time and gentle practice of introducing ‘self love’ and taking responsibility for all our choices in life, has had such a profound effect of how we feel/express and live in our everyday. I feel very blessed to have come across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. From day one of attending my very first workshop – my life has changed enormously. Feeling and living by what feels the truth for me through choosing to take responsibility for all my choices.

  152. I cannot possibly imagine living life any other way than as a student of The Way of the Livingness. The changes in my way of living, my attitude to life, my deep love and respect for myself and others, and the joy in which I now live are in total contrast to how I was living 8 years ago. I cannot begin to imagine where or how I would now be living, if I was still alive, without the deep love and support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I thank God that I was introduced to him and his inspiring family.

  153. Rosie even past the stories of how life used to be lived the changes from year to year of students as they live more responsibly and lovingly can be remarkable. People just get more beautiful, radiant, vibrant that is the normal of a student to the Livingness I am endlessly inspired.

  154. Absolutely no ‘should’s’ and ‘should-not’s’ just lots of: ‘I knew something was up, didn’t have the awareness I do now thanks to Universal Medicine, enabling me to choose a-lot-more-lovingly’. Simple really.

  155. This blog is such a powerful symbol of your commitment to living in a way that honours who you are and respects that in others. Very beautiful to read Rosie.

  156. “I have written many blogs about what I have learned along the way and how much I have turned my life around.” Your opening sentence Rosie, reflects the inner growth that the students of Universal Medicine experience, always deepening the relationship with themselves as life unfolds before them, always changing, always moving. It is a beautiful way to live life to its fullest.

  157. I agree Rosie, It’s great to hear the real deal stories …and see how ‘nothing just happens’. Coming to this understanding means we become aware of ourselves and start to take responsibility for our choices, and this is where the changes happen.

  158. It´s so wonderful to feel how much has changed in my life by Universal Medicine! I´m more heartily to other people, can see there uniqueness and take them as they are. I go less in reaction to situations that challenge me. My day rhythm changed, so 4-5 Clock AM I stand up and by 21 clock to end the day, what´s very supportive for my fitness and much, much more!

    1. Very cool Urs – awesome to hear how your rhythm has adjusted so that now it supports your fitness and health. I’ve found the same thing – getting up earlier and going to bed at around 9pm has been a huge benefit to me; I get things done that need to be done, and don’t feel behind the game with schoolwork (which is unusual for teens my age as they tend to be getting to bed at 12/1am ish).

  159. Rosie, I can only agree with everything you have expressed, and yes I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness, and it is also now my way.

  160. Through my experience “The Way of the Livingness” is the way forward as I have tried other ways which have never worked. I felt I was on a merry-go-round all the time and nothing was really changing for me until I discovered Universal Medicine and have been blessed to now live life with less anger, frustration and reaction towards myself and others.

  161. “It does not matter where you come from or what you have done”….well said Rosie. I have never met an organisation that truly means this and lives this in its ethos. All of that does not matter because being a Student of the Livingness is about knowing who we are at the core and that we are all equal. So irrespective of where you have come from or what you have done – the Way of the Livingness is available to all. Awesome.

    1. Another aspect that came to me saraflenley is the fact that we belong to this, that we are the Way of the Livingness and all together we are the custodians of it. We only have to become aware, accept and choose to be part of the Way of the Livingness.

      1. This is a great point Nico, we are the custodians of “the Way of The Livingness” because we live in a way that re-connects us to the divine we came from.

  162. Beautiful blog, Susan, about the Way of the Livingness. I too love meeting such a variety of people and hearing about the wonderful changes that have come in their lives through meeting Serge Benhayon. The way so many lives have changed through finding real Love and living by the Truth is marvellous to witness.

  163. I am so often blown away by the real life stories that I hear of people who have changed their lives completely through the Way of the Livingness presented by Serge Benhayon. Each one of them is a miracle and a living testament to the amazing work of Universal Medicine.

    1. Absolutely agree Susan, there are many real life stories “of people who have changed their lives completely through the Way of the Livingness”. These stories need to be told until humanity sits up and listens and realises that our current way of living is not working as evidenced by the rising rates of illness, disease, suicides etc. and the many current conflicts evident today. Miracles are available to anyone and everyone should they so choose to take responsibility for their lives and live a loving way – the Way of the Livingness!

    2. I agree Susan. There are many people who have defied the odds and are living amazing lives through the Way of the Livingness – making love their living way. They are walking miracles because of their choice to live who they truly are.

  164. I love this blog Rosie so much as I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness and all the stability foundation and love I have allowed in my life since.I could not live any other way than with this ever evolving awareness, responsibility and integrity in my life now. With such a simplicity and knowing inside. Simply beautiful.

  165. How lovely and rue this is concerning The Way of the Livingness “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” It is true, I began to live from the inside out rather than the outside in, it is my choices that allow it to occur, truly empowering.

  166. Being a student of ‘ The way of the Livingness’, is beautiful, I love it. What is beautiful, by getting the basic understanding that it is our responsibility for the choices we make impacts our every moment and their is no one else to blame but the self was a profound learning for me. What also was important that we always have a choice to make a loving choice or not. With this basic awareness was enough to change my life, as I stated making loving choices, my body, health and so much started to change. I begin to let go of blaming others for where my life was and started to take deeper responsibility in making choices to support where I would like my life to be.

  167. What could be more beautiful than to live in a way that requires us to take responsibility for ourselves, to care and cherish ourselves and others and to stand up for truth and love. As children we knew what love was and what it wasn’t, we can re-connect to that knowing by dealing with our hurts.

    1. So beautifully put Elizabeth. As children we did not have all the hurts in the way and we can indeed return to that love and live from that instead of living life from our hurts with all the protection and armour in place. It is something that I am learning more and more and loving more and more.

  168. I’m with you Rosie. I truly appreciate putting one foot in front of the other, albeit reluctantly at first, to be part of a group of people listening to what Serge Benhayon had to say. His presentation made so much sense that I kept turning up to further presentations. The hardest thing for me to hear was that I, and I alone who is responsible for my life. That is still a work in progress.

  169. I have just enjoyed another weekend of The Way of the Livingness presentations. The Before and After photo’s and stories that were presented are a testament to the changes that people have made to their lives as a result of The Way of the Livingness. I always have so much appreciation for the students when you see what their lives was like before and then the amazingness that they are today. Some of these people you would not even know they were the same person. Incredibly inspiring.

  170. Great blog Rosie, simple and saying it as it is. No should or should nots, simply..”All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices”. This awareness and responsibility is the start of taking self care and the beginning of having improvements in health and well being.

  171. I love the all encompassing, non-judgemental nature of the Way of The Livingness. It represents true religion to me; recognising the unity of the essence within each of us and supporting us to bring out our divinity and express from it in practical everyday life.

    1. Me too Fiona. The Way of the Livingness brings people together, whilst celebrating each person’s individual flair and expression. I feel absolute support from the Benhayon family, Universal Medicine team and Students of the Way of the Livingness, and I am blessed to have these incredible people in my life.

  172. Rosie, love your beautiful but simple blog. For me the following sentence stood out in this one of a number of readings – “I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.” Oh, how I relate to this sentence, I certainly was inclined to blame others for what happened to me in my life, my parents, my husband, anyone else that I could blame rather than take the responsibility for myself. And I thought I was a very responsible person! Yes, I was in many ways, I always tried to do the ‘right’ thing and not affect other people in any adverse way. But I did not realise that by not truly being myself and expressing from that, was actually hurting everyone else that I was in contact with. It led to misunderstandings and all sorts of things. The major thing was my lack of choice to really be myself, or in other words, my choice to not be myself.

    1. Thank you Beverley for sharing this, because you not being you is the one thing that matters most, and only you can take responsibility for this. I have to take my hat off to you for being so honest and for even considering any of this, because having met you as the mature woman you are, who is willing to be open to another way of life after many years is great. I love that you are so open to change because my experience is that many in your age bracket would just give up or not bother and just stick to what they know, even if it doesn’t quite feel right. I hope you don’t mind me being so open about your age but its not something to hide from, but something to celebrate!

    2. Love what you have written here Beverley. I can relate to the blame game as I thought others had the problem not me. Huge realisation that in the end it was me with the problem as I wasn’t choosing to live in a way that was filled with Joy, Love and Truth.

  173. Thank you for sharing this Rosie. This is the second time I have read this blog and I love the simplicity of it. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” So simple but an absolute life changer.

    1. Thanks Lee. Simple is the way I live and write. I don’t have big words in my vocabulary and I am just sharing my observations and realisations. I used to think that I couldn’t write, as I thought that I had to impress but since I let that go, I really enjoy writing and I really enjoy reading everyones comments as it allows us all to come to a deeper understanding.

      1. Rosie your writing and your comment here is just beautiful. Thank you, for taking me to a deeper level of myself and humanity. I am the opposite to you Rosie I feel I can’t write so your comment is a real joy for me to read.

  174. I love what you have shared Rosie as you are simply just saying how it is. And it’s true there are many people from all walks of life and professions that can relate with what Universal Medicine present, because what Universal Medicine present is truth that lies within us all that we have just either forgotten or ignored. When you meet Universal Medicine the search for truth is over and it just becomes about putting what we know and learn into practice in our daily living.

    1. This is so true Vicky. When you meet Universal Medicine the search for truth is over. There is no way you can go back to your old life. You can try but once you know that truth lies within you, you have to work extra hard to squash it and you can do it but you can’t sustain it, eventually you’ll have no choice but to look at the truth. It’s so freeing living from the truth and not having to constantly support the lie.

    2. Gorgeous Vicky, and very true. What Universal Medicine presents is TRUTH, hence why it hits home with so many people from all different walks of life. It’s unusual to have a group of students so diverse, as often (especially with religion) some people totally resonate with what’s being shared but others may find it hard to digest.

    3. This is so beautifully put Vicky. The reason people from all walks of life (including religions and new age modalities) have chosen The Way of The Livingness is because it is about their inner most truth and never about following any rules or traditions.

  175. Rosie I love hearing about the ways in which people have turned their lives around as students of the Way of the Livingness. Expressed which such clarity and simplicity. Living a life without complication. And it’s not a solution to live a more comfortable life. It’s about living and expressing the truth all the time without the need for perfection and so much more to life than making it just about ourselves.

    1. Gorgeous comment Yasmin. And I agree because I have not ever encountered any other way of life that is so all encompassing of life and everyone in it without any expectation of perfection.

  176. The Way of the Livingness unites everybody because we are all students of life and no one is above the other. Therefore the Way of the Livingness leads Humanity to true Equality and Brotherhood.
    Thank you Rosie for a great blog.

    1. Beautifully said. We are all together in this, all equal and learning through our own livingness.

    2. When I stop to feel what you have expressed here marylinecd, the truth of these words is profound; ‘The Way of the Livingness leads Humanity to true Equality and Brotherhood’. Our purpose is laid out here. We have our Way.

    3. “Wow” that is a profound statement marylinecd “The Way of the Livingness unites everybody because we are all students of life and no one is above the other. Therefore the Way of the Livingness leads Humanity to true Equality and Brotherhood.” Beautifully said

  177. There is no better way to live than to know that any circumstances that occur are as a result of personal choices and not due to fate or bad luck. This belief allows for much more freedom and enjoyment of life as I have found I am not constricted by the idea that something has just happened or that life is outwith my control. I know for sure now that this is definitely not the case.

    1. Absolutely agree with you Stephen G, once I began to take true responsibility for myself, I also experienced such a beautiful freedom and enjoyment of life. Before I began to live the Way of the Livingness, I thought life was out of my control and things just happened, or I blamed others for what happened.

      1. I thought life was out to get me with the constant bad luck and misery. Then I started attending Universal Medicine events and started to feel a change in my life and that I am responsible for the way I live and the best part about it is that I have constant support from other students. They may have experienced something similar or something way worse. There is ever only sharings, there is no judgment or rules. Everyone is free to be their true self. I totally love being a student of the livingness.

    2. The Way of the Livingness allows me to feel that I am not at the mercy of any God or anyone else but that I am responsible with my choices how my life is. This is in fact very empowering. This may not be everybodies taste, as it is more comfortable to give our power away to a God and just not wanting to be responsible. You can blame everyone you want for your demises in life. But truth is I path the way I walk by my choices. And God has became very tangible and life very practical too me since being a student of The Way of the Livingness.

  178. Great post Rosie. There are no rules and regulations, as you say, only equalness and love from Serge Benhayon. We are all free to make our own choices, no coercion whatsoever – and no judgement. Every day I am grateful for the choices I made to discover and become and a student of Universal Medicine. My life has changed profoundly.

    1. As has mine sueq2012, what a treasure to stumble across such a complete new way of life and know that this has been there all along just waiting to be given permission to reconnect and re-step, a way of life that not only offers a true way of living but totally honours you and everyone else equally. Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon, his family and all the practitioners are a god send and deserve much reward for all their efforts and continued commitment.

  179. Rosie, I feel this too, ‘What is amazing with being a student of The Way of The Livingness is meeting other students, and hearing their stories. I love real life stories, not made up versions, but the real deal.’ I have been very inspired by meeting other students and seeing the changes in them, how they look, how they feel, how they express themselves, people that once felt withdrawn now feeling warm and open, noticing the change in peoples eyes, seeing a steadiness and a clarity, seeing women becoming more womanly, hearing how students are at work – how many are making work about people and not just personal gain, about students volunteering, giving their time to truly be out in the world to support others.

    1. Rebecca, I too have been so “inspired by meeting other students and seeing the changes in them”. How could one not see those enormous changes in people as they truly work on themselves? I have known some of these students for quite a number of years and they have become such amazing beautiful people now. As you say, their eyes especially say it all, there is such a steadiness and clarity in them. And the women have become so much more womanly, they exude such enormous love. And the so, so gentle men now are absolutely awesome. No need for the bravado they used to portray. I have seen such huge changes over the past 9 years I have been living (to the best of my ability) The Way of The Livingness.

    2. I love this too Rebecca. The way of the livingness is so real and practical. Seeing the profound changes in people’s lives is confirmation of this.

      1. Yes, The Way of The Livingness, is the Way of Truth, and this truth is The Way, and for all.

    3. It is amazing to see the incredible transformations that have taken place in people’s lives as they develop their Way of the Livingness, and so very inspiring…over time it becomes about people and not self.

  180. Rosie this is a totally brilliant blog ‘I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way.’ This line just says it all. A real commitment to being you and living truth.

    1. Yes Judy, I agree, I also think Rosie has encapsulated how I feel in those few words “I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness – it is now my way.” I now find and accept that all that ‘happens to me’ is as a result of choices that I have made along the way, if not in this life then in perhaps one of many others before this one. Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone that we knew got to feel that everything in life actually does make sense as Rosie has expressed in her blog.

  181. We are so blessed to have found this way of the livingness. For me I can say that since 9 years now I am on the path of return to who I am really, and it is such a joy to undo that what is not true to me. Expressing all what I know is true is still a challenge sometimes, but I can feel it straight away when there is something that needs to be said.I like what you have said that everything that has happened to you in your life is because of a choice you have made. Nothing just happens, there is always a choice and the energy in which we choose to live with.

  182. Thank you Rosie. The Way of The Livingness is founded on equality and leaves us free to make our own choices in life, offering the way back to live who we truly are from love. One of the things I felt when reading your blog, was that one of the most deeply honouring qualities that Serge Benhayon lives is that he holds no judgement in his body. I have always found this astonishing and something to live and aspire to. A rare quality indeed, but one with which we could change the world with, it is that powerful.

  183. Thank you Rosie 🙂 I love being a Student of The Way of The Livingness too – witnessing many people’s lives (mine included) improve so much when a loving responsibility is taken is glorious to behold.

  184. Hi Rosie great blog. I love being involved with the Way of the Livingness because it doesn’t ask you to be any more then who you are as and doesn’t let you get away with being any less then who you are. All are treated equally and there is so much genuine love and care amongst the students, sure we are not perfect, but hey where else in the world is there a group of people who are willing to truly support each other to not only reach their potential but to also support humanity at large to reach theirs. The Way of the Livingness is about people first.

  185. Wow Rosie, this article truly packs a punch – so simple and so on point! Thank you!

  186. ‘I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.’
    Yes, once we realise this and take responsibility it is clear to see that blaming others, or life, is just simply a cop out.

  187. Rosie this just warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. I love how simply and honestly you have shared about being a student…and it’s so true what we all have in common is that we recognise our lives were not working, we were living in the dark and The Way of The Livingness is shining a light, as we bring awareness, self responsibility with our choices and love…very simple…and life changing as we start to live our enormous potential in life.

  188. You are so right Rosie every one has a past some more colourful than others, no one is judged for what they have done or do for a living. We had a gathering last weekend to celebrate my wives birthday, and it gave me so much joy looking around and seeing everyone having so much fun and laughs without the presents of alcohol or drugs, something I wouldn’t have thought possible ten years ago prior to Universal Medicine.

  189. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. ”
    Yes, so many students from all over the world have benefitted their lives, from the ancient wisdom learnt from Serge Benhayon, at Universal Medicine, including myself.

  190. Ariana, you are making an important point when you say we can choose to beat ourselves up if we have made mistakes… this I feel is one of the crucial points in what Serge Benhayon reflects to us, that a mistake is simply a learning, and that whenever that might happen or how serious the mistake is, to welcome it as an opportunity for deeper understanding – and then move on with even more appreciation for yourself. This is the contrary to what we learn as young, that if we make a mistake we are ‘wrong’ and need to be punished for it.

  191. Beautifully said Rosie “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.”

    1. So true Nicole, the changes we can see in many are so amazing, and even someone who was addicted to alcohol, drugs like heroine, sex, prostitution or anorexic… we have seen the the worst cases. The amazing difference when someone reconnects to their soul is phenomenal and a miracle – seen on each before after presentation at Universal Medicine Events.

  192. The Way of the Livingness is my religion. It feels completely natural and asks me nothing other than to truly be myself, to treat my body and myself with love and regard, and others with the same, and that I am responsible for the choices that I make.

    1. Jenny, that’s the Way of The Livingness beautifully summed up – I absolutely concur to what you have said here.

    2. So beautifully said Jenny, ‘The Way of the Livingness is my religion.’ I too feel it is my Religion, a loving way of living in life that is all inclusive…each day I am committed to living religiously.

      1. Jenny and Karoline I totally agree ‘The Way of the Livingness is my religion.’ I too know it is my religion and I love that I am committed to living religiously every single day. What does this look like?….living me to my potential, taking full responsibility for the choices I make and making life about people first.

    3. The Way of the Livingness is my religion too, something that I know in my heart to be the only true way to live. And to live as a student of the Way of the Livingness is to live a life in the honouring of me and being responsible for how my actions affect the world and everything and everyone in it.

  193. What I also love about being a student of the Way of the Livingness of the amount of support and people willing to work on their stuff. Rather than hold back or hold a grudge, the willingness and openness to talk about what’s going on – and learn from one another. And also the compassion to allow people to be where they are at, to not push or tell, but to come back to being there and holding them in understanding and love.

    1. This is one of the things I love about the Way of the Livingness too Gyl, not holding back, or feeling resentment towards another, but instead a willingness and openness to talk about what’s going on. This is when and how we learn, grow and evolve together. It is so freeing and liberating to express how we are feeling.

  194. As do I Rosie. It does feel like I’m a different person today and the amazing changes in myself and what I’ve seen in others is nothing short of inspirational. To wake up each day dreading the day ahead is a thing of the past for me. It’s about living feeling beautiful, having true purpose and appreciating all others for me these days, not the existence and loneliness I put up with for many years. A humongous thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and all the students for showing me the way back to true love, true livingness.

  195. True acceptance of who you are and not what you do; true spherical love of each other; true kindness and true support from everyone who is living in the Way of the Livingness — who wouldn’t want to join? And, as an added bonus–True connection and a true relationship with God — whilst it sounds too good to be true, living in the Way of the Livingness brings all of this and more to you, come and join and find out for yourself!

  196. Straight up and so simple Rosie. Well said. And what a sparkle in your eyes in this picture!

  197. We are all accepted for who we are first not what we have done or are doing. We can all learn from this, as in accepting others and lessoning the judgment our life becomes lighter and freer.

  198. Loved reading this again Rosie – I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for The Way of The Livingness and Serge Benhayon who inspires us all to make choices in our daily lifes that leads to greater health and true wellbeing. As you say, it’s about being real and letting go of the facade – and acknowledging that despite the different experiences we are all carrying we are in fact all equal.

    1. I too Eva, feel forever appreciative for ‘The Way of the Livingness and Serge Benhayon who inspires us all to make choices in our daily lifes that leads to greater health and true wellbeing.” It brings us a way of life to live our potential of who we truly are, not by what we do. Any gift on earth could not match the depth of appreciation and the Way I Live.

  199. Thank you Gorgeous Rosie. I can really relate to how you described living your life blaming everyone else. I know what it feels like to do this, and it feels disempowered as well as pretty gross within my body. Taking ultimate responsibility for my choices, thoughts and actions has brought such a freedom to my life. I can connect more to the freedom and joy that is possible, with every choice that I make in honour of me.

  200. I love how you say Rosie that the way of the livingness is for everyone equally. It is not about being in a select group it is about saying Yes to how you really are and letting the real true and whole you live.

    1. Beautifully said Simone – ‘saying yes’ to all that you are and learning to share every ounce of that with the world – what a way to live 🙂

  201. Great blog Rosie. It is amazing meeting and talking to people who are living the ‘Way of the Livingness’, but what I love the most is the total acceptance of each other no matter what our backgrounds are or what we have suffered. Our back stories have no place in who we are being now and that is what I call freedom.

  202. Gorgeous, strong and straightforward Blog Rosie – I love it! I too am a student of The Way of the Livingess, and it is also my way! I echo your experiences with the student body – I have loved meeting so many people from incredibly differing backgrounds and experiences, and immensely enjoyed the feeling of community, honesty, equality, love and caring among the students. It is definitely The Way for me!

  203. This is a beautiful testament to Universal Medicine Rosie thank you. I to love being a student of the way of the livingness with the beauty and strength it brings to my way of living in the world not just about my self but everyone and everything with a deep responsibility and honesty called for to be lived in every moment with no perfection, just understanding and love.The inspirations of everyone else living this way is a great joy to be part of and share as we grow opportunity and evolve lovingly.

  204. I often want to complicate the ‘simple things in life’ and as you share with us Rosie – The Way of the Livingness is very simple indeed. The only ask of ourselves is to be aware of our everyday ways of living and take responsibility for all our choices. To chose to live in this way there is no trying to be something that we are not but, living life in the fullness of who we really are. What a celebration.

  205. As you say Rosie, with the Way of the Livingness, “there are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’.” This has also been my experience – all that Serge Benhayon presents is there for each person to discern for themself. Whether they chose to accept it or not is a personal matter, with no repercussions. “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices”. If a person chooses to do this, it can be life changing.

  206. When we put aside every word that identifies us and makes us different – our profession, colour, nationality, religion, culture, poverty or wealth, male or female and every other conceivable label or distinction of separation to each other – we are left with commonality, sameness and absolute equality. What is clear when i read this blog is regardless of how many words that may label us or we may hide behind and regardless of the choices we have made – we are all to our core naturally Love, Brotherhood and human decency.
    The choice is ours – to live the True me or not.

  207. Sometimes it’s hard to understand what things mean because there are so many labels for so many things. Even “The Way of the Livingness” is just a term and may not mean much to people – and that’s understandable …
    But what this religion has shown me personally is a greatness beyond words.
    It has shown me how to live with an extraordinary level of health, vitality, clarity and (as each day passes) a greater understanding and love of people despite how difficult our differences can sometimes be.
    The Way of the Livingness is not a spiritual pursuit. It comes from the soul. And it is the way I have made my way back to becoming the true person inside … more balanced, more considerate, more loving, more self-respecting and so much more.

    1. Yes Dean, the way of the livingness is not a pursuit as everything is within me so there is no need to go looking or pursue anything.

    2. Gold, Dean. You really can’t put a label on what comes from the soul – its everything, in everything and of everything. That’s why it is known as a way that is lived.

    3. Beautiful Dean. The Way of the Livingness has also shown me a greatness beyond words. And in this greatness is so many things, including a freedom to be who I truly am, which has never felt possible before. This religion holds no judgement, and I am therefore able to flourish like the first flush of a new flower, not having to hold back the innate beauty that we all share equally.

    4. Gorgeous Dean. This is the difference. “The Way of the Livingness is not a spiritual pursuit, It comes from Soul.” ….and what a very big difference this makes.

  208. Simply beautiful Rosie. I love what you have written and agree wholeheartedly. I LOVE being a Student of the Way of the Livingness and it is my way too! It’s a way that makes life about everyone equally with absolute commitment, dedication, taking responsibility for our choices and love of ourselves at it’s heart. It’s a constant unfoldment without an end goal – in fact it has no end, so there is nothing to attain. As our awareness deepens so too does the dedication to making life about All. We are inspired and we inspire. Magic!

  209. Rosie reading this blog is like coming home, the sense of connection in what you write is reflected not only by your Blog but the hundreds of confirming comments that are now attached. I love being a student of the livingness!

  210. ‘All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ I love it! So simple and practical too.

  211. Rosie as you say it is “for everyone equally” there are very few things in this world where that can be said but from my experience as a Student of the Livingness I know that to be true. There are so many people from all walks of life and everyone is equal. To me that is unheard of before Universal Medicine and something that is available to us all.

  212. It is touching to witness the dedication that students of the Way of the Livingness have. Their commitment is to their every day, not just at work or for special occasions. They know that their choices in every moment of every day matter, and they are learning to choose wisely and live lovingly. The students of the Way of the Livingness are an amazing group of people.

    1. Very true Rebecca, there is no “lights are on, it is show time” or just behave this way at certain times. The way of the livingness is how you live, 24 /7 and how you are with the butcher is the same as how you are with your neighbour or best friend. Equal for all.

  213. I find the Student Body so inspiring. I love meeting people from all walks of life. No one person is better than another and it doesn’t matter what we “do”, it is about our way of being and living. The Students of the Way of the Livingness, all choose to live to the best of their ability from their inner-most and when we connect to our essence, we are indeed all equal.

  214. Thank you Rosie, the paragraph…. “I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.”…………is pure gold.

    1. Yes jonathan, it’s too easy to blame someone or something else, whether that’s our parents for how they raised us, our ex-partners, our workplaces, our friends, the country and governments, etc, etc rather than turning the attention to ourselves and looking at how what we have chosen has paved our way.

    2. Very true Rosie and Jonathan – life starts to look different when we take responsibility for our own choices.

      1. True Eva, it is a revolutionary change when we stop blaming anyone for any part of our lives. It is also very empowering to stop holding other people responsible for your situation. The Way of The Livingness is all about supporting people to become responsible for themselves in every way and it is a truly brilliant way to live.

  215. I am a student of the Livingness, it is my way too Rosie which as you so succinctly explains is to be aware of myself and to take responsibility for my choices. And as you say it is so simple, so logical and so universally applicable, it’s a brilliant way for all.

  216. What I immensely appreciate about being a student of the Way of the Livingness is that not only have I found an organization “Universal Medicine” and a way of life “the Way of the Livingness” that upholds the level of love, integrity, wisdom and honouring of people which for years my heart has longed for, but I am also surrounded by other individuals who are committed to the same. Every day I see examples of people living and breathing love, truth, responsibility and dedication to humanity and every day I am inspired to deepen my understanding and ability to live that in my own life.

  217. I love re-reading this blog and connecting with how Universal Medicine is for everyone is described. In my experience it truly is a diverse mix of people and yet all capable of so much good will, care and support of each other – just because of the freedom offered in Universal Medicine workshops and events to express who we are – no rules, regulations or rituals except common decency and respect.

  218. Great Blog Rosie, thank you. Universal Medicine has shown that self care and self love is indeed true medicine, and this is evident by so many people who have made significant changes in their lives simply by being more loving and caring towards themselves. Consequently, immense improvements to the health and wellbeing of thousands of people worldwide has resulted, purely based on the Way that they Live. In my opinion, this has to be a Public Health initiative for sure.

    1. For sure johannebrown17…with such incredible turnarounds in so many people’s lives, this has to become, as you say, a Public Health initiative. That’s why it is so important for us all to really clock and appreciate where we were and where we are now and the vast difference in our health, relationships and lives generally.

    2. I agree johannebrown17, The way of the livingness has impacted so many peoples health from very simple lifestyle changes. One day it will be all recorded and it will be recommended by all once people are aware of the results. We could save millions in health care systems around the world.

    3. Very true johannebrown17.There have been some incredible changes people have made in their lives down to what Universal Medicine has presented and they have implemented into their lifestyle. Indeed this should be made a public health initiative… It’s amazing to see how the work and teachings of one organisation have impacted so many.

  219. I loved your blog Rosie. It is so simple really. Your comment – ‘All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices’. Sometimes I slip into making it more complicated and lose my way. Reading your blog has brought me back once again and reminded me not to use complication as way of not taking responsibility or blaming others when things happen or don’t happen according to ‘Expectations’ I have placed on them. Thank you 🙂

  220. Rosie, I love the simplicity and down-to-earth practicality of your blogs. The Way of the Livingness works for all people who are willing to take responsibility and be aware of the choices they make, and so we see people’s lives improve remarkably but the real miracle is not just to better one’s own life but to inspire others by being a shining reflection so that they can see there is another way to live and also choose a way of life that serves humanity.

    Serge Benhayon has inspired thousands – his spark has ignited the fire within us that can never be put out even though we may choose to smother it.

  221. Very beautiful to read and you are one of those people, based on how you live now, you would hardly recognise as the old way of living being the same person. You are an amazing woman who has turned your life around and there is so much more to come.

    1. It is amazing and deeply inspiring to see the beautiful changes that are taking place in the students of The Way of The Livingness – total transformations inside out.

    2. Yes I have Shanon, I have turned my life around and this is only the begining. Watch this space!

    3. That is true, I met Rosie when she just turned around from the wild life and she is blossoming since even more and more. Her true power is there with her and she is bringing so much light into the world and everyone she meets.

  222. Yep its all down to choices.
    I’ve made some dodgy choices, bad choices (and never not knowing I was making a bad choice I might add) I’ve decided not to choose and had choices made for me (my choice again!) and since the year 2000 and becoming a student of Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness and most of all of myself, I’ve begun to make choices with ever increasing awareness and self-responsibility, which ultimately equals pretty great choices – and it shows!

    1. I couldn’t agree more Helen. We are always choosing, and as you say, even if we have decided not to choose, it is still a choice. Knowing that I am choosing in each moment brings so much more responsibility and I love that. I find this responsibility absolutely empowering – again another choice!

    2. That’s a good point you make, Helen – that even if we don’t choose, we have chosen that, and in doing so we give our power to the one who makes the choice for us and we reap the consequences of that failure to take responsibility for ourselves.

    3. Our choices do come in many guises. I’m finding some that are very sneaky and tricky, making me think I’ve made a choice but really I’m just choosing a different version. The biggie has been ‘not choosing’ as you say Helen. Out sourcing my choice for another to decide… not any more I’m on to this sneaky one and I’m not letting it trick me.

    4. Yes Sandra – I have been becoming aware of that one too that sometimes I allow other people to make my choices for me. I outsource it. It doesn’t end well really 🙂 Time to reclaim my choices back for me.

    5. Great point Helen, that even when we ‘think’ we’re not making a choice, we actually are. There is never a time when we are not choosing what to do, think, say, how to walk, sit, drive, what to eat, drink….and on and on. It’s the smallest of small things that we are constantly choosing.

    6. I agree Helen, its amazing the effort that I have gone to to make it look like it has not been my choice, but even that has been my choice. Its how we all step back into our power when we begin to make more responsible and loving choices.

    7. Yes Helen, everything is a choice, even the choice to not choose is a choice.

    8. Simone, I can totally relate to the amount of effort made to pass off choices I’ve made as being ‘beyond my control’ – read blaming something else or claiming “I don’t have a choice’ … BUT ultimately one choice has led to another and when i track things back there is always the point at which free will was involved! All smoke and mirrrors really.

  223. I agree with you Rosie – I also love being a student of The way of the livingness and a student of my own soul. There is so much for me to appreciate – on my way back who I truly am.

  224. You are a beautiful inspiration Rosie, and shine though the absolute teachings of Universal Medicine. It is something to go along and listen to the presentations of Universal Medicine but to start claiming, living and incorporating the profound teachings into everyday life, shows to everyone that is around you.

  225. Simply and beautifully expressed, thank you Rosie. I too love being a student of The Way of the Livingness !

  226. This is really lovely Rosie, ‘It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.’ This is what I notice with attending Universal Medicine events too, that it does not matter what your title, job, race or gender, there is a knowing that we are more than all of these, it feels like relationships go deeper than commonalities in cultures and hobbies etc.. there is a feeling of equality and oneness.

    1. I agree Rebecca. A feeling of friendship and a great opportunity to deal with any instinctive (really, learned) automatic suspicion of others, fear of others, reservations when being with others etc. It is quite beautiful.

      1. Yes Christoph my experience has been that even though I might still have my barriers which are learned behaviours, I am more open to and allowing of myself to just connect with others even when I am meeting someone for the first time. This is something that has come from the loving environment provided by Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine at every one of his workshops.

    2. Yes agree Rebecca, through Universal Medicine I’ve really understood that Truth has no outer casings or titles for it knows the vastness of it cannot be contained, or called anything but the truth, and one that is inside every single one of us in equal measure, as part of the one whole (oneness). That when we live this, the arrogance of (all) the casings dissolve into humbleness.

      1. Agreed. I love being at Universal Medicine events and just sitting and being with people, with no need to ask or answer questions designed to put people in boxes, which is often what social gatherings are about. Instead you can just be, and enjoy the other people who are around you.

  227. This blog so inclusive of everyone, simple in its expression and delivered in a way that make sense and represents the Way of The Livingness so well. As you explain Rosie, we need to know that it is never about what we do or have done, it is about being who we are and opening up to that expression.

    1. Absolutely – for the first time ever being asked to be who we are – no more and no less.

  228. I have come to learn that the ageless wisdom of the Way of the Livingness is very practical and can easily be integrated into a life to which many improvements will be felt over a course of time. However, the main crux of ‘the way’ is that it is more than just a solution to live a more comfortable life. It is about living and expressing truth all of the time. It is not about attaining perfection, but it is about making life about more than one’s own life.

    1. Wow Jinya Mizuno, what a beautiful and powerful statement, that ‘the way’ is “about making life about more than one’s own life”. Love what you have shared here.

    2. Really well put Jinya! “making life about more than one’s own life” is something I have learnt and deeply felt too, as a student of The Way of the Livingness. There is so much more to life than just ourselves!

    3. So beautifully said, Jinya. the Way of the Livingness is not a magic bullet that will solve all of our ills. It is a way, a path, a journey to being more aware of who we all are together. I have found such a strength in living my life not only for myself, but with the awareness that I am a part of the whole we are all a part of. With that awareness comes a responsibility that is not burdensome, but actually opens up a whole new world in the world I had thought was all there was.

    4. Well said Jinya. I have come to realise that this Way is not just about my own growth and healing. We are here to support each other to be who we truly are.

    5. ‘making life about more than ones own life’ – this is beautiful Jinya. We are all in this together.

    6. So true Jinya, its not about us getting to a point where we are comfortable and we can sit back like fat cats and lap it up.
      The Way of the Livingness asks us to be responsible because everything we do, effects everyone around us. We are all in this together even if we don’t want to be aware of that.

      1. Yes Rosie, The Way of The Livingness shows us how to be responsible for ourselves and then one just naturally becomes aware that not only does every choice we make affect us, but affects everyone and everything around us.

  229. Before Universal Medicine came into my life I was just existing day to day – always wondering ‘is this it?’ surely there must be more! and by golly there is so much more being A Student of the Way of the Livingness has opened up so many incredible avenues for me – seeing and feeling the incredible changes in others also as you share is just amazing. we are all in this life together and taking responsibility for all our life’s choices is making such a difference, not just for ourselves but for all those around us too. From one student to another thank you Rosie for this awesome sharing.

  230. Thank you, Rosie for your blog about being a Student Of The Way Of The Livingness. It expresses with clarity and simplicity how I feel about being a fellow Student. The Way Of The Livingness is for “all of us” – for real people from all walks of life. It encourages us to make loving choices, re-connect with our true selves and offers a Way to joyfully live our daily lives.

  231. Gorgeous Shirley-Ann, ‘I have come to know the ‘extraordinary ordinary that lies within us all’. Miracles have become a part of my daily living as I experience and also see the way that the Way of the Livingness supports our extra-ordinariness to be restored as our normal way of being.

  232. This is totally inspiring Rosie and I agree – I love hearing about the ways in which people have turned their lives around as students of the Way of the Livingness. This always reminds me that it is natural for everyone to be in harmony with their bodies and the people around them. It is a constant joy to observe people how peoples lives and bodies reflect love when they make choices to live with true integrity. There is no background, culture or way of life that this truth does not apply to.

    1. Yes Leonne, and it is actually simple to do, as soon as there is the will to come home to one self. The key to a life with joy and no exhaustion nor anxiety or anger. Life becomes light and the complications are past once the truth is seen and lived behind each and every situation of life. Thanks to Universal Medicine – forever!

  233. I love being a student of The way of the Livingness too. It is a way of life that is simple and very real.

    1. Being a student of the Way of the Livingness is the most natural, normal way to be, and for me, the only way to be. It is who I am, and although a little resistance sometimes, I know that the Way of the Livingness will ALWAYS be my way.

    2. I agree, my life has completely taken on a new purpose, richness and meaning since I became a Student of The Livingness. I am so much more to myself and to others. It doesn’t mean my life isn’t challenging at times however it does mean I have so many tools at my disposal and so many friends and incredible modalities to choose from when dealing with life’s difficulties and issues.
      The way through rough and tumultuous waters is in an awesomely, trustworthy vessel built for the water…The Way of The Livingness is that incredible vessel built for the journey of life.

    3. Me too Esther! Although I haven’t done some of what might be considered more obvious and extreme behaviours (such as alcoholism, drug addiction etc), my health, wellbeing, vitality and relationships were still a bit messy prior to my introduction to Universal Medicine! Since becoming a student of The Way of The Livingness, my life has totally turned around. I still have a lot to work on, but for me, the biggest thing I have experienced is that the changes in my life have been true permanent ones, and not the temporary fixes or solutions of the past.

      1. I like how you shared that the changes in your life have been true permananent ones and not the temporary fixes or solutions of the past. The Way of the Livingness is not about quick fixes, because it is about returning to who we already are, which does not need fixing in the first place.

  234. I love the fact that the Way of the Livingness is about living from our essence. In our essence there are no should and shouldn’t, it doesn’t matter what we have done or not done, what possessions or accolades we have. What there is in aboluteness is love and honouring of ourself and everyone, knowing that we are all equal in our essence with one another and with God, and a quiet yet profound impulse to feel, appreciate and live that love in every moment.

  235. This simple statement captures the sense of freedom in being a student of one’s own unfoldment back to truth – “everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made.” I too held onto stories and blamed the world for all my woes, and if were not for Universal Medicine, I would still be going round in ever decreasing circles, rather than enjoying the simple and joyful responsibility of creating my own world and the quality I live in.

    1. “enjoying the simple and joyful responsibility of creating my own world and the quality I live in.” the freedom and simplicity of this truth speaks volumes. What has been presented here is huge – it exposes the fact we create our reality.

    2. I love this Janet because I feel the same way about how life would be now if I was still on the merry-go-round of blame and irresponsibility – “…I would still be going round in ever decreasing circles, rather than enjoying the simple and joyful responsibility of creating my own world and the quality I live in.”
      Now responsibility is the ‘new black’!

  236. You are absolutely spot on Rosie, it will always be about who we truly are. No matter what we have tried to do to forget this incontrovertible truth…

  237. The breadth of participation of the Student Body is quite remarkable and through attending I have so many different people that I would not otherwise normal meet. By doing so it has greatly deepened my appreciation that we are all equal and in essence the same whatever the age, gender, colour or nationality.

    1. Absolutely Jonathan, from being a student of the Livingness for 11 years, I now have more friends than ever before in my life – friends who are a variety of ages, occupations, nationalities, etc. However the one thing they share in common is a commitment to taking responsibility for their life and living as their ‘true’ self and all that this brings, to the best of their ability.

  238. Beautiful blog Rosie and it is been gorgeous getting to know you both as a fellow student and in every day life and watching you grow and blossom over the years. A living miracle!

  239. I, too, am proud to call myself a student of the Way of the Livingness. This living way reflects a truth that I have felt my whole life but had such trouble accessing. Instead I gave up and reacted to what didn’t feel true to me and as a result, gave away solid foundations that I could have otherwise built for myself. I know understand the true meaning of the word Religion, to re-establish a deep connection to myself and to all of life. I can now say without hesitancy that I am living a deeply religious life, in the truest and most natural meaning of this and this is the Way of the Livingness.

  240. This is so beautiful written and very honest. It is exactly what I learn as a student. Thank you Rosie.

  241. I always used to think I was inclusive of everyone but since becoming a student of the Way of Livingness I have been able to break down the arrogance I once walked around with and the imaginary fences that I’d constructed around me that still kept me in separation from others. Meeting and studying with other students of all walks of life and deeply connecting with them has allowed me to feel the absolute equality we all share and it’s beautiful. Thank you Rosie for your gorgeous blog, I particularly loved this line… “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” It can be uncomfortable at times facing what I’ve chosen or continue to choose but I wouldn’t now, want to live any other way because I am now more in connection with me, with God and with everyone.

  242. I don’t know much about spiritual modalities but I know enough to know that Universal Medicine presents something entirely different, The Way of the Livingness is all about taking personal responsibility for each and every action and in doing so life becomes richer and and ultimately better. I love how real and down to earth everything is, nothing airy fairy, just practical steps that allow me to understand life better and get on with what I have to do.

    1. Well said Stephen. There is nothing airy fairy about Universal Medicine. It is very real and down to earth, and nothing like the spiritual modalities that I have studied in the past. I used to want to withdraw from life and escape, but since attending Universal Medicine events I have never been more engaged with life.

      1. I would turn to spiritual modalities when I was in need of an alternative way of coping or escaping from life, Universal medicine’s way is about LIVING vitally, harmoniously slap bang in the middle of life, engaged, awake and head up.

    2. Looking into the eyes and feeling the vitality of many people at Universal Medicine events is a great advertisement for The Way of The Livingness. I have not felt any showiness, or exclusiveness and great openness to anyone that turns up. I have witnessed a great mixing and holding of equal-ness despite age, gender and sexual orientation, cultural background or profession. There is no religious fervour but true religion in the feeling of community and togetherness that comes from the simple recognition of a oneness we all come from. As there are now Universal Medicine events throughout most cities in Australia and many countries in the world, it is pretty easy to check out for oneself.

    3. Well, I do know a bit about spiritual modalities, having tried Reiki, Crystals, Budhism, and a few others and not one of them taught me to take responsibility. Not one of them supported me to turn my life around, in fact I experienced the opposite, where it seemed that I just got deeper and deeper into a giving up, sad kind of way of living. So very far from how I live today thanks to all the I have learnt and all the changes I have made since being a student of The Way of The Livingness.

  243. I too, love being a student of the Way of the Livingness. There’s a constant change and encouragement for me to move forwards, and I have an awareness of being supported to see where I am. When I wobble and fall back, the teachings are forever giving me the opportunity to improve my development to return to me and evolve. I get inspiration daily from other students, as I learn to live from being all that I am.

  244. I love this blog, Rosie, I too am a student of myself, as a Student of The Way of the Livingness. So sad that some people think that those who are involved with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are being told what to do and how to be. As you say “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices”. Absolutely, I am the one who makes the choice to take responsibility for myself. I love going to bed early, and if I don’t eat what is right for my body, then my body let’s me know and I am the one who suffers. Yes, I am as I said, a student of MYSELF, and I feel amazing.

  245. Totally agree with you Rosie, reading your blogs and other students just blow me away at times of who they are and where they have been and how they have transformed their lives.

  246. Thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have been deeply inspired to be a student of myself, a student of learning to live from where I come from and not what outside is asking me to be. A Student of the Way of the Livingness is simply being All that I am in All that I do. The more I chose and connect to this exquisiteness of where I come from the more life becomes Joyful.

  247. Hi Rosie, I loved reading your blog – so inspirational and the words that took my focus on reading it this morning were “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” Those words seem to take the sting out of ‘trying to be something/someone’ – for I am discovering the truth is each one of us ‘is enough’ just by being exactly who we truly are – then coming from that platform of inner knowing and acceptance all else unfolds more easily.

  248. Yes to all you say Rosie…equalness is a great leveller and brings such harmony.
    I enjoy and so appreciate the openness and honesty of the way you always express Rosie.

  249. I love what you share here, Rosie …..’What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.’ It is for everyone equally, which is so unifying. No one is seen as less or more, this is what it feels like to be a part of humanity, true brotherhood.

  250. I love the diversity too of the Students, so many walks of life come together because they all had the same knowing in their hearts, that there is another way, one which unites all in equalness, no matter their race, religion, culture or background.

  251. Through being a Student of The Way of The Livingness I am learning to see others in their true light, not by their choices or behaviours. I then hold myself in this way, knowing that I am indeed divine instead of identifying myself with anything outside of me. This is a work in progress and the support offered by fellow students and practitioners is deeply felt and appreciated. We are all in this together.

  252. Rosie this blog is so beautiful and really demonstrates the Way of the Livingness. It is all about love, truth, equallness and the way forth for ALL of humanity.

  253. I love this Elizabeth. The Way of the Livingness is true religion. No judgements or dogma just a feeling of brotherhood for ALL of humanity. 🙂 🙂

  254. Its very simple, look at the choices you make with what you do, how you do it, what you eat, how we choose to act and react. Its amazing how your life transforms when you bring your awareness to your everyday life. The Way of the Livingness is The Way

  255. By now it has become clear that there are only two choices – the way of the livingness and all the joy and vitality this brings OR what we could call the way of misery and suffering. Stepping away from myself is immediate suffering, so much so that it is an instant confirmation of these two choices.

    1. Vicky this is so true. There are only two choices. The Way of the Livingness and Stepping away…and suffering is no longer something I choose to do.

  256. Thank you Rosie for this really beautiful article simply expressing your love and joy and appreciation for the Way of the Livingness and all that it is bringing to yourself and the world.I agree totally and it is my religion too in every way and it is a gift from heaven for humanity.

  257. I only slowly start to understand that God is living in me and in order to live a life in connection with him and yourself you have to make a choice and every choice you make is either in respect of this fact or is disregarding. The choices in some areas are still challenging for me but the transformation in me and in many others who are students of the livingness prove that step by step we come closer to the understanding which choices are unfolding our relationship with ourselves and God.

  258. Thank you Rosie for this beautiful and simple account , this wiliness to share who we are. I cant imagine myself not being a student of The Way of the Livingness. As it is for everybody in a way like no other. The Way of the Livingness fosters truth and responsibility in all aspects of life, and with that allows true evolution, harmony and brotherhood .

  259. Rosie as you so honestly say and live, that it is truly amazing when we become aware as we stop blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that is happening to me in my life is because of the choice I have made, Nothing just happens. Being a student of the Livingness was the wisest move I ever made.

  260. Completely agree Rosie, such a fantastic blog. I love how you wrote ‘It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are’ The Way Of The Livingness does not care about anything other than who you are not what you have or have not achieved and done in your life

    1. That hit the nail on the head so to speak. Unlike any other organisation or institution where you get rewarded, seen and recognised by what you do for them and do in life The Way of the Livingness is about being who you naturally are. Its therefore open to everyone at any time. Very simple and super supportive.

  261. Me too Rosie and Suzanne. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness. I love to feel that I am now able to live in a way that is naturally freely and full of me. As before I was just living life, with a huge feeling of being owned and no freedom or space to be me. Which I am now experiencing everyday. It is just so amazing to be part of this, and to feel how I am so truthfull to myself to be a student of The Way of the Livingness as this is my purest and truest way – and I will always and forever grow and be a student.

  262. Rosie, I love your openness and your appreciation of what you have discovered about yourself and also seen in others around you with making the changes in your and their lives by taking more responsibility. Its funny how that word (responsibility) seems to be such a difficult thing to take on board at times, yet when you do take it on board, you wonder why you never did it earlier. I have certainly watched myself skirt around the word and avoid it in all ways possible, but then when I have finally decided it was time to take responsibility, it has felt like the best decision ever, and the love and openness that flows on from there is amazing.

  263. Me too Rosie. I love that there are so many people from different back grounds and walks of life who have totally transformed their lives because of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I look around when we are all together and it brings tears of joy to see the transformation in the students of the Way of the Livingness, including my own. I feel so blessed to be a part of this religion.

  264. Me too it was a revelation when I realised that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. I actually still have to keep coming back to this truth, as, at times it is very exposing and painful to have to admit this to myself and see the consequences of these choices.

    1. Great point and reminder marylouisemyers, everything that has happened and happens is due to a choice we make. The Way of the Livingness allows us to take responsibility for our own lives.

      1. To take responsibility for our life is actually very empowering as you realize that you are the director of you life. So no more assignments of guilt to others.

    2. yes me too, i do have to constantly come back to what i have chosen in life…. yes its not always easy but it is very empowering when we are prepared to look honestly at what is our part in situations we have found ourselves in.

    3. Ah yes marylouisemyers, but now with different choices and hence different consequences, it is no longer painful to come back to this truth, but really confirming and offers a moment to celebrate.

  265. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness for I also find it more joyful to connect to people from all walks of life whether they be fellow students, work colleagues, family, friends, and all the every day interactions we have along the path we walk throughout our day.

    1. Me too Rosie and Suzanne. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness. I love to feel that I am now able to live in a way that is naturally freely and full of me. As before I was just living life, with a huge feeling of being owned and no freedom or space to be me. Which I am now experiencing everyday. It is just so amazing to be part of this, and to feel how I am so truthfull to myself to be a student of The Way of the Livingness as this is my purest and truest way – and I will always and forever grow and be a student.

    2. Beautifully said Suzanne. As we connect to ourselves on a deeper more true level, others can indeed feel this quality and know they share this love too. If we walk openly through our day it gives others the opportunity to drop their guards, this is natural team-work and part of our way.

  266. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness, I meet so many amazing people and am constantly inspired all the time. My life is constantly evolving with joy and love. I am able to interact with so many people without holding back, I am able to be the true me, not pretend to be anyone else. There are no rules, no expectations, just an allowing to unfold at your own path. No matter where you are there are people there always to support.

    1. That’s so true Amita, where ever I am with myself, connected or not, happy or sad, I always feel support from the students of the Way of the Livingness. I always feel safe, loved, respected and allowed the space to just be.

    2. I agree Amita. I feel that life is constantly evolving and I am blessed everyday with the joy and love that I feel for myself and others. This is the Way of the Livingness and it is forever expanding.

    3. That’s a massive turnaround Doug .. and the same for me, my relationships are better and I have true friends (and family) that I know will be in my life forever. Not only that but it is where everyone wants to make it about true love and evolving together as one, it is very beautifull indeed.

    4. Wow, Doug, that sounds so very familiar to me. And yes, now too, I have hundreds of true friends. Yes, I lived in a very contracted way, made my body a fortress, keeping others well away, very few chinks. But I have completely turned my life around too, I just love being with people, and have come to have a huge love for humanity at large. Life just gets better and better.

  267. Being a Student of the Way of the Livingness was the wisest move I ever made.

    1. I can say the same for myself Dean; best decision ever, was to re-establish this relationship again.

    2. With a big smile I can say ‘yes’ to what you have said, Dean. The Way of the Livingness is so practical and tangible. What it delivers and how it is presented invites every single person to re-connect to their inner knowing and allows them to understand religion, philosophy and science with their own experiences.

  268. Like Susan it is so lovely to read your blog again Rosie
    I love the idea of life long learning, always something new to discover and learn from, always a deeper level of responsibility to go to.
    The Way of the Livingness and all involved in Universal Medicine are such a divine blessing.

    1. I too love the fact that as students of the Way of the Livingness there is never an end point to get to where we can say we have arrived, no lists of things to do or achieve, just an encouragement to continually discover and learn that we can always be more loving, more caring, more responsible with ourselves and each other.

  269. So lovely to read your blog again Rosie – there is such joy and love in the way that you write and I always find your blogs are so clear and beautifully honest. Thank you.

    1. So true Susan, reading this blog again I could really feel the love and joy and the honesty Rosie shares with us all …Thank you

  270. It is great to reflect on the real variety of people who I’ve met since being a student of The Way of he Livingness. There are so many people from every walk of life or area of the world. This shows there are no borders or boundaries with levels of education, material possession, geography or skin colour but instead a united will to live in a way that makes natural sense to the body. Being aware of ones choices and building responsibility is something anyone can do.

  271. I totally agree with you Rosie, where else is there where what you do is not a big factor instead of who you are. I love being a student also and seeing how people come and grow and blossom on the journey to becoming who they truly are.

    1. Beautifully said, kevmchardy! That very simple but profound difference of being held as who you are and lovingly encouraged to live your life with that as your focus is something that I value so very highly.

    2. That’s it Kevmchardy, its not about labels, or job titles or age or anything else that we can use to define ourselves. Being a student is about growing and blossoming into who we truly are as and being with others who are doing the same.

  272. It has always amazed me how diverse the student body of The Way of The Livingness is and up until attending Universal Medicine events I would never have gotten to know most of these people or people like them, because we just would not have moved in the same circles.
    In the past a profession would have felt like a divide and define who a person is and as you have mentioned Rosie, there are many different professions from all walks of life and no one feels less for being a cleaner and no one feels special for being a scientist. Everyone has there part to play and everyone is treated equally.

    1. That has been my experience also Julie, referring to all of our differing backgrounds and where we have come from in the ‘doingness of life’. I have found that mingling with and getting to feel the true richness and diversity among us brings more to the awareness of how we are intrinsically the same within, we all come from love, therefore indeed we are all unified by the fact that we all are love, first and foremost, innately so.

    2. Absolutely Julie – there is an incredible diversity within the Way of the Livingness student body. When I attend events I am surrounded by people from literally ALL walks of life and all different ages. It’s unlike anything I experience elsewhere, and building relationships with such a broad spectrum of humanity is priceless.

    3. Its exceptional in todays world to share intimately with a cross section of people where you have no idea what they do, where they live etc. In learning to connect to yourself and observe without judgement, people are held in a space that allows them to be themselves, void of the habitual guards or social graces. As you say Julie no one feels less or more, simply met & honoured for the quality that they bring.

  273. A core element of being a student of the Way of the Livingness is group work, simply sitting together with others and taking it in turn to discuss & challenge the way we are living. In my early days I would have recoiled from contributing to this kind of open discussion with strangers, however today I can find no reason to hold back, for I have witnessed a truly remarkable equality within these groups, which is nothing less than a celebration of the richness and colour of brotherhood.

    1. Being a student of the livingness and seeing first hand the power of group work is remarkable and its together with each and everyone of us, as we brings back the light of unity for all.

    2. I agree Lucindag the group work is so powerful and very different to what I had experienced in the past. It encourages equalness and I feel supported and respected for who I am.

    3. So true lucindag, I agree with your words about the richness that is there just by interacting and communicating with each other in a loving way, and I have found even a simple telephone call to another student of the Way of the Livingness when one is feeling a little less connected raises the energy of love and soon dispels all the doubt that one may be experiencing in that moment – another example of true brotherhood.

  274. You’ve got it in a nutshell Rosie. That is exactly what I have learnt about life through The Way of The Livingness – “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.”
    And that is what Universal Medicine has given me – the opportunity to stop and to get to know myself deeply. To know that I am way more than what I can do or have done.

    1. I agree Alison. The Way of The Livingness has brought me back to truth – the truth and a deeper understanding and awareness of life not being about doing and achieving, but simply about how we are in the world and the impact that has on others – pure gold!

  275. “Nothing just happens” – this is so true, Rosie.
    For me realizing that my life did not happen to me but does happen because of the choices I make has been an amazing game changer as well.
    Just yesterday I looked at some fotographs from only 2 years ago and was stunned by seeing this angry, sad, deeply insecure man that I have been, which feels so far away from what I feel like and am now.

    1. Yes Michael, looking back on the photos from before being a student of the Way of the Livingness can be an eye opening experience and the evidence is literally in your face.

  276. I appreciate the simplicity of your contribution – you describe a bunch of people from all walks of life who are students of The Way of the Livingness, who have made healthy and responsible changes to the way they live and who go from strength to strength. Some people have seen fit to call such behaviour as belonging to a cult – well, if that is a cult, can I have more of it please?

  277. Many ‘man’ conversations start with a question ‘what do you do’. Immediately you are in the competition and comparing mode where there is no true connection to who you really are.

    1. what car do you drive? where do you live?….the list goes on…none of them are questions that allow any connection or get to the truth of who the man is. They are all guards, barriers, fences to keep ourselves separate and protected. Yet, I am finding, more and more, as I approach these conversations from a different angle, that behind those barriers are gorgeous, sensitive men who are actually aching to make a deeper connection. It’s very inspiring and great fun to get out there and break the patterns and start building these relationships.

  278. “everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.” Like you Rosie, and so many others, I’m so great-full to Serge Benhayon and family for their inspiration, support, and offering a truer way to live. I’m great-full I made the choice to become a student of the Way of the Livingness,the most deeply profound choice I’ve ever made. And I’m great- full to the student body for their sharing and diverse life experience. Forever student, forever great-full

  279. Fantastic blog Rosie, without Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I know I would not have found the truth in life and a way to live where I can express my Soul in all that I do. The simplicity of connecting to this first and then what ever I do is emanating this quality is what The Way of the Livingness is all about. No perfection, always learning and refining to the sacredness that we truly are. Living life from this perspective has given life a new meaning. One totally worth living. Thanks Universal Medicine.

  280. Beautifully said Rosie. I am also a student of The Way of the Livingness and I am constantly inspired by each and every student that I meet for the uniqueness that they bring through their lived experience. I hold a deep deep appreciation for the love and oneness that I now feel with humanity, and this has come from learning to trust again and letting people in through being with the openness and non-judgemental love of the student body. I am not one for rules and being told what I can do and cannot do but I do love being inspired to be All that I Am. And through Universal Medicine I have realised that I and we are equally so much more that we see and believed and that there is a way to live together in connection, harmony and celebration of this. The Way of the Livingness is my religion and this is a way of living that I cherish deeply as I now walk more freely that ever knowing who I truly am and who we all equally are.

  281. Thank you for sharing your experience Rosie as a student of The Way of the Livingness. As a fellow student I would agree with all that you have attested to here, and can say that it has also changed my life in so many ways. It has renewed my joy, it has taught me what it is to be truly understanding, to be patient, it has taught me about energy and how this plays out in everything. But Most of all, it has reminded me of who I am, a living son of God one earth, and not afraid to claim it.

  282. I love the feeling of being met, for who you are and not what you do. I don’t think I have ever really had a conversation about work with anyone, which is so far from how we often meet people, sizing them up, comparing ourselves, judging them on what they do, where they work, how much money they earn etc. But that is not to judge as these conversations deep down really are us trying to connect with people, just like when we talk about the weather – deep down our body and our soul is really saying hey I love you, we’re the same and I want to connect with you.

  283. The Way of the Livingness is true religion. Does the word ‘religion’ challenge you? – understandably if it does as every corner of the world seems to be filled with its own version it… But the Way of the Livingness is about true religion which means simply reconnecting with your real self – your soul – and learning to live with that connection every day. It holds every human being as an absolute equal – no clubs, church’s or chosen few. Just all of us living connected.

  284. The Livingness really is for everyone. It doesn’t judge, no one is more or less deserving of its teachings and the way of life, the relationships and the self-development it offers.

    It is ‘a way’ that embraces all equally.

  285. Being a student of the Way of the Livingness has brought me a quality of life that I would never have imagined possible, and an understanding of the world that is deeply gratifying. If I had my time over, I would have been a student from a young age!

    1. Yes for sure! I am super stoked that I was introduced to Universal Medicine when I was 30 yet I can see how amazing it is for anyone, no matter what their age is.

  286. I agree – the vast walks of life and breadth of experiences found in the student body of the Way of the Livingness reflect the fact that this work is available for and applicable to everyone equally.

  287. Being a student of Universal Medicine is my way too Rosie. My life has changed in a way that I never thought possible. Life for me now is full of love and forever growing. Thank you

  288. The word Livingness means different things to different people, but it always comes back to the same thing for everyone. Living in connection to the truth of who we are.

    1. The students of Universal Medicine and the Way of the Livingness are an amazingly diverse cross section of society. What they all have in common though is their love of truth and care for people. I have never met a group of people so committed to living a loving and true life – an absolute joy and inspiration to be amongst them.

      1. I totally agree Josephine, students of Universal Medicine are an absolute joy to be with and for me I have a deep knowing that what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents is the absolute truth and one that I want to share with the world. The Way of Livingness is presented in such a way that allows us all to make our own choice, but for me there is now only one way and that way is the Way of the Livingness.

  289. I agree Rosie with what you so beautifully share with us. My life has totally transformed in amazing ways as well since meeting Serge Benhayon and becoming a student of The Way of the Livingness. In the past 10 years I have witnessed positive changes to hundreds of students making choices that are more loving and supportive for them with the true care and love offered from Serge Benhayon and his family.

  290. I love the real stories too, there is nothing like listening to another person’s unedited story, and the connection that offers. I know in me I can still feel ashamed or embarrassed about the warts and all side of things, so this is a great reminder to accept all of me and offer others the chance to fully connect to me (and not to the edited version).

  291. Beautiful Rosie, I too stand with all of me and say, I love being a student of the way of the livingness, and it too is my way. It has opened my heart to people and life. Everyone I meet who is involved has something amazing to offer me, be it a reflection or words. This is for all, equally so.

  292. Great Blog Rosie this comment stands out to me “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. Universal Medicine School of the Livingness presents a way of living that Serge Benhayon and his family live 24 hours a day not just in public but privately as well. They don’t just talk the talk they want the walk. The way of life they present is offered to all, as true reflection of a loving way of living. As you say Rosie “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’ it is as simple has being ready and willing to take responsibility to be honest with ourselves by being accountable for what is happening in our own lives and the way we are living. With accountability and true responsibility comes an openness to connect with our authentic selves and feel our true self underneath the masks, rolls and coping mechanisms we have taken on in our lives. We are then free to feel the Love that we are, this allows us to feel and connect with the all loving authentic souls around us, to feel beneath their masks, rolls and coping mechanisms and connect with the love that they are. From this place of love we can feel we are all equal no matter what walk of life, culture, religion or race we are from.

  293. I am so thankful that I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. My life has been transformed since I began living The Way of the Livingness, and I can no longer imagine living any other way. It is such a wonderful way to be living my life, I feel so much love within me now and from that I have come to feel such an enormous love for all humanity. From being almost friendless, lonely and lost, I now have so many close friends that I can absolutely trust in their integrity and love. I have never been so busy in my life, not always easy, but so very rewarding. The level of integrity that is held by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is the highest that is possible.

  294. “…realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.” This is such a powerful realisation Rosie. It is not always easy to take responsibility for our choices, it is often easy to blame others and see ourselves as a victim of circumstance, however, it is so freeing to take responsibility and know that we can make a different choice.

  295. I have also found this Katie. To me, the diversity of people that I meet at events reflects how real and how applicable the way of the livingness is. We are all equal at our essence.

  296. “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices” I love this Rosie. It really is that simple and yet so profound.

  297. We as students of “The way of The Livingness” are indeed of all ages, all professions, all backgrounds, all over the world, and all others are welcomed without judgment. Free to come and go, free to live what is presented or not. It is great to hear people’s real life stories of how they have turned their lives around, it always involves a greater level of honesty, commitment, responsibility, and support.

  298. The Way of the Livingness presents truth in living so there is no difference in who you are, what you look like or what you do as long as you have the willingness to connect to your inner heart the place where we are all the same.

  299. I have a deep appreciation for Universal Medicine giving me a deep understanding and clarification of many questions I had previously in the past with no answers, and the answers I get from Universal Medicine, I can feel to be true. Starting with an openness and progressing from there was my way forwards in the Way of the Livingness.

  300. I too have marvelled at the diversity of the Universal Medicine student body. Not only is it wonderful to meet so many different people with so many different skills and attributes, it is testimony to the wide-reaching appeal of what this organisation presents. It is truly for everybody.

  301. ‘…everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.’ So true Rosie – life doesn’t just ‘happen’ to us and no one is to blame for what does take place in our lives. We are where we are because of the choices we’ve made, this time ‘round and previously. This has been a key learning from Universal Medicine for me too.

  302. Thank you for this beautiful and simple account Rosie – yes, it is all about who we are. It is the ability and willingness to share who we truly are, the lived experience warts and all, that in turn truly touches and inspires another and reflects back to them the importance of their uniqueness as well. The Way of the Livingness fosters truth and responsibility in all aspects of life, and with that comes harmony, brotherhood and true evolution.

  303. Beautifully put – no exclusivity, no previous experience required – The Way of the Livingness is for everybody and brings us (humanity) together in a way like no other. What I also love about the Way of the Livingness is the opportunity to learn every day. Thank you, Rosie.

  304. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives”.
    I am extremely grateful and appreciative of the connection I have, and the learning I have received, with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  305. I too spent most of my life “in the mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made.” In fact I had become a major ball of anger and blame by the time I came across universal Medicine – this was not because of a lack of care, but because I cared deeply and did not know any other way to relate to the world. I feel so very blessed that I cam across Universal Medicine and was introduced to a different way of being – one that is in keeping with my own inner heart. I can now carry on caring deeply and live a life that actively supports a deepening level of love, joy and wisdom in my own life as well as that of others. I find the Way of the Livingness is the most naturally loving, supportive and responsible way of living I have ever come across.

  306. I can’t image myself not being a student of The Way of the Livingness. I love the changes in me and in the students I see around me. What I also find amazing is that the more I open up, let people in and realise that they are accepting of me, the more I am able to honestly explore and address my own issues. I can then transfer this out into everywhere I go and so more and more people are touched by the same opportunities the student body offers me.

    1. gilesch I agree, I can’t imagine myself not being a student of The Way of The Livingness. For me this is very clear – I know I am home.

  307. ‘I love real life stories, not made up versions, but the real deal.’ When you talk to students of The Way of the Livingness you get the real deal and some amazing stories. We can change, and enormously so, if we take responsibility over our own life.

  308. I have found no other way to live that is true like The Way of The Livingness. I sat in front of Serge Benhayon and felt something register deep within many years ago, and I have not looked back to old ways since. There has been many miraculous shifts – a book will only tell my story how deep the abuse was in my mind and on myself.

    1. Start writing Rik, I would love to read your book. I am sure many others will relate to what you share and it often takes one to start the conversation so that others can recall and feel open to sharing too.

  309. Feeling love by your own very way of livingness is beyond compare. Inspiring to feel in others, as inspiring it is equally to feel it in me. Beautiful to feel to love you live Rosie thank you.

  310. I read your blog the second time and your blog is just powerful. There are no coincidences, everything what happened to me – it happened to me because I made a choice before that. For me it gives me the sense of responsibility back, I’m in charge of my life and there is no fate.

    1. The power and joy of responsibility in a nutshell. No fate, no blame, no victimhood – more and more consistently in my own driving seat with my hands on the wheel.

      1. ‘The power and joy in responsibility’, I love that Matilda. It’s such a powerful line when you take the steering wheel and feel what it truly means. Many would never think to put these words in the same line, and yet it’s absolute truth.

    2. Yes, and isn’t there such a sense of freedom with that. Responsibility actually equals freedom.

  311. The way of the livingness is a way of living living that allows people to learn to live, love and appreciate themselves and others by learning more about themselves – mastery of the self . I have found The ancient wisdom teachings help to take the mystery out of life, and understanding we are all sons of God equal with all ours differences all here to live and work together in harmony not against each other in separation conflict or war .

    1. Well said Greg. “The way of the livingness is a way of living living that allows people to learn to live, love and appreciate themselves and others by learning more about themselves”.

      1. and so it goes around and around, and the more we learn to love and appreciate ourselves, the more love and appreciation we are able to share and express with others.

  312. A powerful blog Rosie. The Way of the livingness is about real people with real stories from all walks of life, People who have really changed their lives just by being aware and choosing to take responsibility for themselves.
    Instead of blaming everyone else, get honest and realize that every thing that happens in our lives happens because we made a choice.

    1. A group of people with as diverse a set of stories as you will ever find. Real life stories that we can all identify with. Now coming together with true unity and a commitment to see and serve a big picture that encompasses all. Yes please to being a student of The Way of the Livingness.

  313. To me ‘The way of the livingness’ is how it sounds, it a way of living forever unfolding, never with ideals, beliefs, shoulds or should not’s.
    There are no set of rules or doctrines one must doggedly follow, no striving to better oneself or achieve enlightenment. Its simply making the choice to reconnect the amazingness we all are, by starting with self-care and responsibility.

    1. I like what you say here Thomas. It really is as simple as you say, and you can start anywhere at anytime. As you say, self-care and responsibility are hugely powerful tools. Thank you Rosie for an honest and clearly expressed article.

    2. It does all start with self-care and responsibility once we’ve connected to what that means for us as individuals as it will differ from person to person. Through the simple teachings and tools of Universal Medicine, I’ve learnt how to make that connection with myself so I know how to care for myself in a way that truly supports me.

  314. Gorgeous Rosie. Thanks to Universal Medicine I have been discovering who I truly am under layers of behaviours that are not who I am, yet these layers are how I identified myself. I can relate to the hermit who didn’t have any friends and wouldn’t interact with anyone. I used to hide away from the world and only come out in very measured ways. In a few years I have made great changes and I too have a huge huge amount of appreciation for Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family and all the students of the livingness.

    1. It is lovely that you can share and expose yourself here nikkimckee without any judgement of how you used to live. We all have a past, and it is often so very far from who we naturally are deep down inside. I am glad that you are no longer hiding.

  315. Yes, Rosie, I am a student of the Way of the Livingness as well, and it is now my way too. There is no rules, just a huge opportunity to truly be who I am, and to commit to loving myself and everybody else equally. For me it’s like coming home.

    1. Beautifully said Esther, you have really summed up what The Way of the Livingness is for me too.

  316. This has also been my experience Nicole…society is based so strongly on what we ‘do’ and to be seen for who you are completely changes our goal posts – life becomes a joy and a journey of appreciation where the struggle, drama and reactions fall away.

  317. I so wholeheartedly agree Rosie, a couple of weeks ago I was at a gathering of The Way of the Livingness students and I was looking around at the large group of people and could not but notice how these were all such beautiful, radiant, confident, tender amazing people. I felt honoured to be part of this and my heart grew with love and appreciation for all those people like yourself Rosie, who have put in the work, have been willing to become honest and make the changes…the results are simply magical.

  318. It has often been years before I have found out what some of the students do for a living.
    It is so refreshing to be seen and appreciated for who you are not what you do. The key word is equalness because like many others I came to Universal Medicine in a state that was far from well or vital and still I was met with appreciation, in fact far more that I had for myself at times.

    1. I had never considered that before nicolesjardin, I have been a student of the livingness for almost 4 years and I have never asked anyone what they do for a living, it just does not seem relevant or important. It is just they who are important and not only is everyone equal, but everyone FEELS equal. Wherever I have been on my path I have been treated equally and with total respect and for an organisation with such a diverse student body from all walks of life, I feel right at home.

    2. In the Universal Medicine student body we have the whole of humanity represented.

    3. This is so true nicolesjardin, it is very liberating to be met and appreciated for who you are and not what you do. It helps us let go of any ideals or identifications about who we ‘should’ be and it highlights any need to live up to expectations from ourselves and others.

      1. The other thing that I have found is when I let go of the ideals and expectations i have discovered that I am so much more.

    4. oh yes, I can relate to that. When I first came to any of the Universal Medicine events, or had a session with an Esoteric Practitioner, I was met with so much appreciation and that slowly rubbed of on me, and inspired me, allowing me to appreciate myself…. something that in the past was very foreign to me.

    5. I love your comment here Nicole. In the past for me when meeting someone the conversations went quickly (if not immediately) to the question ‘so, what do you do for a living’ with a feeling of this looking to see if it was something noteworthy like a doctor or lawyer? As I am not a doctor nor a lawyer, I always felt uncomfortable in answering that I am indeed a humble check out operator. I now realise this was because I myself was measuring my own worth based on my outer successes, and therefore I was doing this to all. This was a great thing to expose for me, as it revealed the extent to which I placed importance on the outer, on the doing, the accolades, as being what makes us something, or makes us a good person. My experience these days is very different. I may still ask a person (or be asked) what it is they do, but it is to get a feel for their quality and skills and what it is they have to offer or are offering to humanity, or simply in extending a hand to connect and learn a bit more about them – this completely changes the relationship and interactions I have. What I have learned is that people really respond to being met for who we are, not what we do.

      1. Asking about someone’s profession is harmless but it is what we do with that information as you say Anna to judge or sum up their lives or who they are. Which is so crazy when I think of the many jobs I have had in my life and all the amazing things I do outside of my paid work I am so much more!

  319. I can understand why you have been a student of Universal Medicine for 6 years. It is an incredible organisation with so much to offer.

    1. Hear, Hear Dean. One of the greatest ‘offerings’ from being a student of Universal Medicine and the Way of the Livingness is the large number of people worldwide that one gets to meet, spend time with and to hear their stories. I for one, have never had so many close and loving friends as I do in the closing years of my life. Each and every one of them, continues to inspire me in one way or another.

      1. Yes, at fifty-eight I have more dear and close friends amongst the students of Universal Medicine than I ever had before and like you Anne, I find them all inspirational in one way or another. So many amazing people in one gathering, it continually astonishes me the richness of experience throughout the student body.

      2. Absolutely agree Anne, I have never ever had so many friends form all walks of life and such deep friendships as today. And the inspiration I live with them is amazing it is all about building and evolving and there is very little regression and holding on to issues as I know from former friendships who were all about emotional support and getting on with life combined with the constant consumption of alcohol that only allowed us to small talk around the same topics over and over again. Before the only thing that changed was fashion, today every time I meet them again they have become more glorious and amazing than they already were!!

      3. You go down the pub to find some company and you only meet drinking partners, you join Universal Medicine to find god and you meet hundreds of friends from all over the world.

      4. Yes, it is the same for me Anne, I have never had so many close friends as I do today, and it feels great to know that they love and accept me as I work through my stuff, or they celebrate with me and no one expects me to be perfect or be a certain way.

    2. Same, it is a way of life and about life. It is forever deepening, evolving, reflecting light and asking us to be more .. who we truly are. I have never known an organisation like it with true commitment to life and care for all.

  320. Beautiful Rosie. That’s what I love too! Meeting people from all different walks of life yet feeling so similar to them and finding it easy to connect and be with them all. Really different to everything else out there. I love how the emphasis is put on who you are and not what you do or what you have done. I feel like I matter.

    1. yes i too love the emphasis on who you are and not what you do. it allows such incredible clarity and equality amongst people that becomes an alive concept, not an ideal.

  321. I agree, Rosie, it has been awesome hearing people’s stories and learning about the simple choices they have made that have turned their lives around. What Serge Benhayon presents is the simple truths of our own individual and collective energetic responsibility: the mess we are in is the result of our own choices – we are not victims of any circumstances other than ones we have created and, once we accept that, we can see the seriousness of our situation and understand that is it US who an make a difference, US who can make the changes happen, first of all in our own lives, and then we can inspire others by our livingness.

  322. I feel so very blessed to say I’m a student of the Way of the Livingness because it has changed my life in so many ways. Letting love in (and out) is the way.

    1. Letting love in and out is the way. Now that I am learning to do both I am amazed at how much I have kept love in and away, when really it’s been there all along, bursting to get out (and in).

  323. It is inspiring to know that there are people in this world who want to live in a way that is respectful towards all and who are willing to take responsibility for their own choices.

  324. 15 years ago I would have never have believed that the quality of life I live now was possible. Everything about my life is different since I became a student of The Way of the LIvingness, and this is all because I have a relationship with myself that is unshakeable. Words cannot describe the appreciation I have for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

    1. With you 100% Heather. Never, ever would I have imagined. I was at an event very recently at which lots of my old, old friends were also in attendance. Some of them I haven’t seen for years. It was great to see many of them. But what struck me so powerfully was the reflection it gave me of how much my life has changed. And then, as you say, the appreciation for where I am in comparison to where I might have been, is immense. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have given my life a purpose, a joy and a deep, internal smile.

      1. I am with you Heather and Otto… and yes my life today has purpose, joy, and the smile on my face is not a mask I wear, but one that radiates from me. I am loving life!

      2. Rosie – I was struck by your comment “I am loving life”. The reason it struck me is that it is a comment that I hardly ever hear. And that got me thinking.” I am loving life” – I mean it’s not even such an amazing thing to say. It should and can be totally normal. Why the big deal? Yet I never, ever hear it. “How are you?”… “I’m fine”, “Can’t complain”, “not bad”, “doing OK” etc…etc…I mean what on earth is going on, whereby we can live an existence that these kind of responses are accepted? It’s totally crazy. When you consider what we have on offer, when you consider the gold, joy, amazingness, magnificence that is on offer every single second of every single day, isn’t it astonishing that if you asked the world how they were doing, 99% of them would say something along these lines – or many would actually say something worse. My point is the very fact that “I am loving life” is such an unusual thing to hear, is the biggest reflection of where we are at as a humanity. Loving life should be the norm, not the exception.

      3. Yes Otto…. thats an interesting point you just thought of…… even ask the kids after school and you get the same kind of half hearted responses instead of loving life.
        I am fine was a regular response for me, but it was not me ever being honest, it was more like giving a response to be polite and pass that part of the superficial conversation and not have to show anyone how I really felt.

  325. Absolutely Rosie, “nothing just happens”. The Way of the Livingness has taught me this and in this is the responsibility that I have for my own choices and the impacts they have on myself and on others too. There’s no room for blaming another nor for diminishing what’s great in life… what happens is either down to my own great choices or not so wise ones!

    1. Well said, rosannabianchini. The Way of the Livingness supports me to take responsibility for my choices in each moment, but not dwell on the past and waste time identifying with what was. It is ultimately freeing to live now looking forward rather than backwards.

      1. I so agree janetwilliams06, my life has changed immeasurably since I came across Universal Medicine. Whereas before I could easily go into being the victim of life and my circumstances, I now look forward to life, to every day knowing that what I’m surrounded by is the result of all my choices. It’s such an empowering way to live.

    2. Well said rosannabianchini … there is no ‘luck’ as some may say, it comes down to the choices we make which results in outcomes and consequences of those choices – wise or not so wise!

      1. Yes, the results from the our choices is what we are living right now and the results I am experiencing now just blow me away and make me celebrate all the awesome choices that I have been making these past 6 years.

    3. I agree rosannabianchini, being a student of The Way of the Livingness has taught me that my life is my responsibility, a great opportunity to be claimed and lived in full. And as you say, no room for blaming anybody else for end results of my choices, be they desirable or not.

    4. And there is a great simplicity in the acceptance and lived embodiment of this fact. The aeons of time spent deflecting and complaining. And/or the aeons of time wasted feeling powerless against whatever was happening to me. All that has changed now as I accept that my choices dictate my expression and it is that expression which dictates my future. Super simple.

  326. The definition of ‘The Way of the Liviness’ ‘There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ This says it all.

  327. A great sharing Rosie and one I absolutely agree with. I have observed my life turning around since being introduced to the Benhayon family and choosing to live as a student of The Way of the Livingness. I now choose to live with a level of self-responsibility that is a true support for me and all those around me, whether this be at home, work or in the community generally. This level of self-responsibility is based on making loving choices in all aspects of my life and daily living.
    ” I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way.” A super powerful declaration and one that is true for me.

  328. Thanks for your amazing blog Rosie. Especially your sentence “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” Wow – that is so powerful. And there is no right and wrong. Only recently I get a feeling of what responsibility could really mean in a good sense. I’m responsible for all my choices, so true.

  329. Beautiful Kristy – Universal Medicine has given me and so many others the support to look at our past choices without judgement, and then consider each choice we now make thereafter – simply is it loving or not. And to bring that into how i am living really does change everything I thought choices, responsibility and love meant.

  330. I was once baptised, brought up Roman Catholic and went through a boys boarding school – the whole enchilada. I witnessed ‘religion’ as it was imposed upon us, but I always felt unsure about it. The word ‘religion’ seemed to suggest something much grander that pervades your whole life, but catholicism, as I witnessed it, seemed to just be something one did. Or a group you signed up with to feel you belonged. People did not live according to the religion. The churches were grand in size and opulence, but they were cold loveless places. Now that I have seen what true religion is about through Universal Medicine, I can appreciate that I was not far off the mark. True religion is about a way of life that brings in consideration of the whole as deeply as the details. You are at once in connection with the universe and the bee buzzing around. It’s not even a lifestyle, but a way of being that uses aspects of life to support it. It does not prescribe to rules or commandments, but our own salvation through self-love and self-responsibility. The church is within us. We are the religion.

    1. I have never been in to the christian religions who trade spiritual guidance for our equality Jinya but your idea of true religion sounds beautiful and I’ll join you in it right now but without the salvation.

  331. The way of the Livingness is the only true road out of the miasma that we have created on the earth until now. By the way we live will inspire others to take this road.

  332. Count me in so do I,
    Student of the way of the Livingness.
    Never perfect but always committed to being true and all of the real me.

  333. So true Rosie, it really is as you put it. While attending retreats or presentations from universal medicine I have met so many wonderful people from all walks of life and each story, each person has given some learning about my own life that has prompted me to be more open and aware in my everyday.

  334. When you say “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are” is so true Rosie…the simplicity of being who you are brings such equality and harmony with others.

  335. People are amazing! We can be victims of our past or true masters of our ‘now’ – it is a choice, as you say, in awareness and responsibility.

  336. This is a lovely summary of what goes on for so many when they come into contact with the teachings of universal medicine. It is all about who you are and how you are in life, making it relevant and accessible to everyone. I too have found it wonderful to learn that there is a way to be in life that makes living life so much easier, lighter and more fun, and I will keep committed to this for the rest of my life.

    1. I love what you have learnt Felicity “that there is a way to be in life that makes living life so much easier, lighter and more fun”, and I love your commitment.

  337. The Way of The Livingness is very practical, it’s a part of every aspect of life. For me is about bringing connection to myself, truth and love into every part of my life. The only way to do this is to feel and choose everything myself.

  338. No asking for forgiveness or any of that … just a WOW in realising there is so much more to us than we know !!
    It is my way and the only way for me to, no turning back

  339. The way of the livingness is “not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are”. This honours us so much. Wouldn’t it amazing if we had this foundation in everything throughout society. If we recognize and honour each in this way, we would turn our world right round.

    1. Agreed Golnaz. What I’ve found in my own life as a student of the Way of the Livingness is that the walls that have been broken down between people, haven’t just occurred in the amazing and diverse relationships I have with fellow students, it goes much further than that into the many and varied relationships I have with so many people in life, whether fellow students or not.
      Bit by bit, the world is being turned around, and that’s what is so beautiful about Rosie’s blog – to appreciate her changes, which echo those of so many, and see the bigger, amazing picture of what is occurring here. Wow.

      1. Thank you Vicrtoria, because it is true, my relationships with everyone have changed dramatically! In fact, they have done a 360 because in the past I was very stand offish and kept people a mile away whereas today, I actually love meeting and being with people no matter who they are.

      2. You are an amazing woman Rosie Bason. Thank-you for sharing so candidly through your writings.

  340. Nice one Rosie – I too love hearing the stories of peoples life experience and the remarkable turn around for many (including myself) after doing the work of Universal Medicine. We indeed inspired each other to be ourselves and share that with the world.

  341. We are all equal in making a choice to be a student of the Livingness or not. Livingness does not favor one person over another. Being honest and taking responsibility for our choices is universal to all students, and it is the choice of us all in how far and deep we wish to go. But the thing that stands out for me is, no matter how we have chosen before being a student of the Livingness, life actually gives us so many opportunities to take responsibility for ourselves, to return to our true self. We are indeed loved so deeply.

  342. Thanks for your ‘ I love being a Student of the Way of the Livingness’ Rosie. It is that simple, we are coming from everywhere and share the love that we are. And the turn arounds in every real life story is a miracle to me.

  343. Rosie I love your no-nonsense commitment to responsibility with yourself and the choices you have made. I have felt this too – in that is impossible to blame someone else and point the finger as each of our choices bring us to a different spot, and a situation to be addressed. As I have discovered, these situations can come around and around again for us to look at, until we have healed them and learned what it is they were here to reflect to us.

  344. You put it so simply Rosie and what you say is so very true. As another student of the livingness who is very grateful to have met Serge Benhayon I also have enjoyed meeting so many different people from so many walks of life. It never ceases to amaze me when I connect with other students and observe how ‘ together ‘ they are now when I hear their stories of where they were before Universal Medicine.

  345. I love too hearing the stories of how students of The Way of the Livingness used to be. I find it jaw dropping as the person they most often describe is nothing like the woman or man they are now. I’ve met people who were very overweight and have lost lots of weight, people who described themselves as angry, swore a lot, smoked lots including cannabis and drank lots of alcohol, had mental health problems, the list goes on. I have met people who have not just overcome these but healed them completely. It really shows us that anything is possible and that no issue is impossible to heal.

    1. I totally agree Shevon, it’s quite remarkable to hear how other students have lived before they re-discovered the Way of the Livingness. I’m amazed at myself and how different my life has become through choosing deal with my hurts and becoming more responsible in my choices. This is what the Way of the Livingness has shown me – there are no rules or should’s and shouldn’t, simply our own way and path of unfolding acceptance and living of who we truly are, where we’re from and that we are in fact equal.

      1. Yes Heather, all ‘should’s’ and ‘shouldn’ts’ go out the window in the Way of the Livingness. There are no rules or judgments in love, which is exactly what the Way of the Livingness is all about.

    2. Like you, Shevon, I have met many people over the last eight years who have truly healed prior issues and moved on, yet also at the other end of the spectrum, also many people who have been healthy and fit as well as high achievers in life who have gained so much understanding as students of way the livingness about a deeper truth life holds for us beyond physical, temporal existence. The changes I have seen in these people have been equally dramatic!

    3. Hello shevonsimon and it’s great to appreciate what we see in amongst the students of The Way of The Livingness. There are some truly remarkable and miraculous stories of people turning their lives around. The stories may differ but they all seem to come together and say that they were living a way that didn’t support them to put it simply and when they changed that way they felt different, like they had been seen for the first time in a long time. That ‘changed’ way of living came from The Way of The Livingness, a way that truly supports people.

  346. I love the fact that the Way of the Livingness is about ‘who you are’ and ‘not what you do’. It turns the way we live life currently on its head and is allowing for everyone to be themselves. It’s perfect in its simplicity.

  347. I was at a presentation on The Way of the Livingness the other day and I paused for a moment and looked around the room. And took time to really appreciate who was sitting there. It is, as you say Rosie, an astonishing array of people from a huge variety of countries, backgrounds, lives and histories. All of various colours, creeds, class and culture. All from totally different walks of life. And, and this is the bit that I like best, all have come to The Way of the Livingness through totally different routes. There is no ‘path’, no ‘way in’, no ‘typical student’. People walk through the door from all different nooks and crannies of our existences. Why? Because despite our superficial differences we are all, in essence, equal. And we all crave the same thing. Love and Truth. Which is what the Way of the Livingness is all about.

    1. HI Otto. There is nothing more I could add to this, save to say, you have captured the essence of the Way of the Livingness for all. We ARE all equal, despite the superficiality of life that serves to make us think we are different.

    2. Yes Otto, we are united by our Essence, and not by any other means, or measurement.
      I do not know any other single group, organisation, religion, corporation, or establishment that is founded on love and truth, where all members come together as equals in their essence – and not by their abilities, hobbies, talents, professions, beliefs or goals. The Way of the Livingness celebrates everything we are, not everything we do.

      1. There may be some that CLAIM to be founded on love and truth?!…but the gold of Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness is that it delivers. It is 100% constant, committed, unwavering, dedicated, purposeful and absolute in that foundation. And every single utterance, comment, presentation or teaching is rooted in those foundations. So, other organisations may use those words in the plaques on the wall, the writing above the door, or the message in the pamphlet….but I, like you, only know of one organisation that actually lives and breathes the words.

      2. Beautiful Kylie, well said; the Way of the Livingness celebrates everything we are, and not what we do. And we are all equals and the same in our essence. And how much fun we are having celebrating this!

      3. And that’s the crux of why the Way of the Livingness is the real deal. So many other organisations claim, as you say, that it’s about love and truth, but from my own experience it’s still about what you do, what you can do, etc. There’s still exclusivity and better than and less than. The Way of the Livingness is about us, all of us, the essence of who we are, and nothing to do with what we do. We are all equal and exquisitely divine in our essence.

    3. I love the wonder and acceptance in your comment Ottobathurst. Like Rosie said, it’s about who we are and not what we do etc… and who we are, in essence is all completely the same. This I am still learning to grasp as I still get caught up in the superficial layers of looks and exoteric difference.

      1. It is hard not to when the world throws that stuff at us from every single angle. But there is such deep joy in over-riding those judgements and meeting people with a fully open heart and no pre-conceptions. I have had so many terrific surprises – all of which ever increase my love of people.

      2. I’ve found the same Otto. And I can fully appreciate what may ‘catch you’ Rachael, for the definitions we mostly hold each other by can be so strong. Sometimes I still get a little caught, but for the (far) greater part, I’ve come to a deep realisation of how equally I do hold people today.
        This didn’t happen overnight… but I can say unequivocally, that it has been my lived experience with Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine, the Way of the Livingness and fellow students of the Way, that has changed things so dramatically in this regard. So many walls have come down…

      3. Another strong factor that has made such a difference to how I connect with others – way beyond identifications in ‘what you do’, your social status, age, financial bearings… is, I have to say, the equalness with which I hold myself. Where once, I was so darn adept (and somewhat comfortable) in holding myself as less than others, and never ‘enough’, this has changed remarkably – 100% attributable to my commitment to living the Way, and the inner and outer developments in my life that have ensued.
        Truly amazing, when one takes stock…

    4. So brilliantly said Otto…there couldn’t be a more diverse range of backgrounds, professions, etc with the people that have come to know The Way of the Livingness as a true way to live … all different on the outside…same, same on the inside.

    5. well said Otto and this is one of the things I love about The Way of the Livingness it shows our oneness and absolute equality no matter what we do or where we come from.

    6. Hello ottobathurst and I agree and see that is how we support each other. People “from totally different walks of life” bring together a great understanding of the world. It is one of the things I cherish is that in a room or at a presentation of The Way of The Livingness you have such wealth and depth of understanding being brought together under the one roof. Everyone you meet you are given an opportunity to see more, more of the world and be more open “Because despite our superficial differences we are all, in essence, equal. And we all crave the same thing. Love and Truth.” Spot on for me ottobathurst.

      1. Imagine if it wasn’t just in a room of people listening to The Way of the Livingness….gives me goose bumps thinking about it. It is certainly what I endeavour to take out in to the world and live with everybody I meet. In fact it happened just 45 minutes ago. I was interviewing someone for a job position. When I walked in and saw him I immediately leapt to conclusions and thought that he wasn’t right for all sorts of reasons. I sat back and kinda closed down. But then I caught myself and switched. I threw out those pre-conceptions, wiped the table clean, opened my heart up, leant forward and listened and engaged. 25 minutes later – I think he’s going to get the job! What was fascinating was the effect it also had on my colleague who was in the meeting. My engagement opened her up to him as well after she had cast exactly the same pre-conceptions. Magic! Lovely. Always learning.

      2. Hello ottobathurst and I love this. How simple is life truly, it is just connection. From the connection EVERYTHING comes and this is a great real life example of that. The way you have lived, connected to yourself allowed you to feel the moment of you disconnected or “kinda closed down”. Once you connected, everything you thought was turned on it’s head. Great to share Otto, thank you.

    7. You certainly have summed up so beautifully a moment in time at a Universal Medicine event. To come into an environment like this and to be accepted for who you are, not what you do, and how well you do it, was so very liberating – it actually took me a while to accept it to be true, as it was so different from anything I had experienced. Now, to me, it simply feels normal.

    8. A great comment ottobathurst, it’s what I liked about Universal Medicine the first time I came, the four C’s; colours, creeds, classes and cultures, ages and the equality.

    9. Thank you Otto, what you share is so so true and is what I just love about the Way of the Livingness. I have never met you, but I feel I have from reading your comments and from the way you share your love with us all.

    10. Otto I love what you share about the interview and how you decided to let go of what you preconceived. It just goes to show that we must miss out on so many opportunities and moments of magic because we have already summed everything up and have this picture in our heads of how things should be and therefore miss out on what could be… and in my experience the one that I did not control is always so much more than I could have ever expected.

      1. For me it is always about committing to the bigger picture. I don’t own that moment. I’m not in that interview because of me. Therefore on what grounds can I bring my own preconceptions (born out of my issues) to the meeting. It makes no sense and is in fact the ultimate arrogance.

  348. Yes, The Way of the Livingness is for everyone and it is a very simple way of life – maybe too simple for some. But really life becomes easy if you make this choice… whilst it still allows you to manage all the demands and tasks that life requires you to deal with.

  349. One of the things I love about the Way if the Livingness is that I can be with anyone of any age and not notice we are different ages! In fact, age doesn’t come into the relationship at all when we are communicating on a deeper level than the surface chat that much social interaction engages in. In the Way if the Livingness every meeting is a date to bring a depth of love between two or more people.

  350. I love this gorgeous Blog Rosie. It’s true. The Way of the Livingness is for all. No criteria. No judgement. no rules.
    I cannot express enough my appreciation for being shown The Way to live My Way.

  351. You Nailed it Rosie. The plain and simple truth. No matter who you are, what you have done – where you’ve been. It comes back to this. This is it. Pure and simple. It is such an incredible thing to look around and really take stock of how many have made the choice to live like this. And how profound the results are across the board.

    1. I love the way you have said this simplesimon888. “It comes back to this. This is it.”
      This is who I am right now – not what I have done or been in the past.

      1. This is it. This is way. Oh yeah.. our way.
        I could almost start singing and make up a song.

  352. Thank you Rosie, you are a student of the greatest school I have ever been to.

    1. Ha, I love this Dean and so true. It is the school of life and living handed down from the Ageless Wisdom and within us all.

      1. Hello Marcia Owen and you spoke my very words after reading Dean Pirera’s comment, “It is the school of life and living” That is what I love about The Way of The Livingness is it’s practicality to everything around me. I am not learning a knowledge so I can show people how much I know, I am being support to live a way and in that way I can be everything I naturally am.Thank you Marcia.

    2. Oh yes – ABSOLUTELY – Dean. There is simply no greater school anywhere. I spent many of my earlier years looking for a consistency of truth in every word, that was reflected in the quality of the person delivering the wisdom.
      In meeting Serge Benhayon, I found the reflection I was looking for – and he sought not for me to give anything of myself ‘over’ to him, but rather, I have been and felt unwaveringly confirmed for the consistency of truth that resides in me too.
      What Joy… to once again be in such tremendous company, with people such as Serge and yourself…

    3. I love this Dean. The school that I went to prided itself on “being one of the best schools in the whole world”. Well, as a former student of that school and a current student of the school of The Way of the Livingness, I can say with the absolute authority of experience that the two aren’t even in the same ball-park – in fact, they teach two totally different things. My former school, taught me how to be successful, competitive, intellectual and high-achieving – a process that left me feeling totally hard, cold, scared and lost. My current school teaches me love, brotherhood, equality and purpose – a process that every single day I study, allowing me to feel ever more the true person that I am – a divine child of God that is blessing the whole world with every step, breath and move that I make. I don’t get any A+’s at this school, but I’ve never felt more joyful and more me.

      1. Yes, Yes and Yes to Dean, Marcia, Ray, Doug, Victoria, Otto and everyone commenting. I love what you are all writing and sharing here. I am nodding my head agreeing with you all.

      2. So good to hear you write this (or should I say ‘read’). I’ll add to, and say that in the school of The Way of the Livingness you get the whole A to Z.

  353. Thank you Rosie for sharing the simplicity and extra-ordinary Way of the Livingness and you.

    1. I agree Marcia, Rosie’s expression of her life’s experiences is succinct and full of warmth and wisdom. I felt her joy as she spoke of the life that we have now chosen as students of the Way of the Livingness – it is also now my way.

  354. I’m with you Rosie, I too love being a student of The Way of the Livingness. I love it because of how I now have such a solid foundation to live my own life from. I too am constantly inspired by the lives, experiences and changes other students have also made and the constant support and dedication of Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon family.

  355. How simply and succinctly put Rosie. The Way of the Livingness is for everybody, equally. There is indeed one unified truth and we are all a part of that. That is absolutely amazing for the world over.

  356. What I love about The Way of the Livingness is that it is inclusive of everyone. No matter where you are from, what you do, what religious background you are from, it is there for everyone equally so. An ‘open door’ policy of the highest degree.

  357. I love what you have shared and its simplicity and it is no way about putting people on pedestals but feeling and knowing we are all equal.

  358. Super gorgeous Rosie! I too have the same, amazing experience of meeting people from literally every walk of life (and age), and making many friendships with people I would have never dreamed of meeting! The Way of the Livingness brings people together, and I am truly blessed to be a student.

    1. Ditto to this. One of the amazing things about the Way of the Livingness is how I have seen that age is such an imposed form of pre-judgement. I am 44, but I have met 15 year olds who are way wiser than me, and 75 year olds who are more youth-full than me. We have all had many, many lives before this one and thus all come to this life with aeons of history and experience, so the 15 or 75 years we have been alive for in this life is a mere blip on the huge time-line of our full existence. Thus it is daft to give one’s age too much credence. And it is a joy to be meeting people with full equality irrespective of what age they are.

      1. That is so true Otto, age is a mere blip on the huge time-line of our full existence.
        With al our lived lives everyone brings there unique quality and put together we all create the whole.

      2. I agree Otto, it is daft to give ages too much credence. To have any set idea about how much someone can or can’t know, how they should act in life or even their actual worth according to their age is crazy.

      3. Hear, hear Susie and Otto. So many barriers have dropped down – age inclusive, along with social ‘status’, educational, occupational differences… – in relating to fellow students of the Way of the Livingness. And I’ve found that this experience and its AMAZING richness, has carried into all other relationships in my life, whether they be with fellow students or not, there is no real ‘difference’ in this. We are all a one humanity.
        I feel truly blessed to sit at the same table (sometimes literally) with fellow musicians, doctors, lawyers, film-makers, builders, cleaners, bricklayers, and the focus is on the quality of the person – all that they are and bring – rather than the horrendous and false divisions we’ve so allowed to penetrate our societies.
        Great walls are being broken down here – and this deserves to be celebrated in full.

      4. Following on from what you say Victoria Carter what I have then noticed is this…by meeting people first and finding out who they truly are, it is then really good fun when you do eventually find out what they do…this way round (rather than the normal of knowing what they do first) is so great because I can then see everything that they are bringing to that job. If I hear about the job first, I just fall in to the lazy pre-conceptions of what that job is, and how people do it. No I am seeing the true value of each person’s individual expression in that job. And this in turn opens up my awareness to what that job is, might be, could be…what I am saying is that it is just great fun and fascinating to be dropping all these ill-informed and life-imposed pre-conceptions and meeting the world with an open heart and clean slate.

      5. Very true Otto, wisdom can come in all ages and we can all learn so much from both those younger and older.
        I spent a day out shopping with a woman who is about 20 years older than me and what was interesting was everyone assumed she was my mother. I think this is just because we get along so well, and because it is not so common for a woman my age to hang out with someone older if it weren’t my mother or aunt. I love it though, as I can learn so much regardless if it is an older woman or my young daughter. Age is irrelevant.

    2. Absolutely agree Susie!! And the amazing thing is that the equality I have met people in does not divide into any age groups. Age does not matter!! The same with nationality, gender, social class, ethnic origin, or whatever normally binds and separates people. The Way of The Livingness is true brotherhood and holds everybody equally. Such a great and simple sharing Rosie, thank you very much.

    3. So true Susie, it is the most amazing melting pot of so many different professions, expressions, cultures and class because all this is secondary to the real purpose of meeting and connecting with ourselves and with one another. The true vibrant beauty is the connection first and then the wealth of talent, experience, willingness and wisdom that can and is being put to work to support the wider community. Pure Gold.

    4. Hello Susie Williams and I agree. The Way of The Livingness has taken me out into the world more. It seems like the more people I meet the more open I am to others. If I wasn’t a student of The Way of The Livingness I would have possibly just stuck to a select group of friends and maybe added a few here and there. I have certainly been opened up to more and have found that truly we are all the same, no matter who and where you are. I find even via these comments a common link between people. It’s almost like you know them from their comments, you have never met or spoken to them but you get an essence of who they are from their comments. A great student to be indeed, thank you Susie Williams and Rosie Bason.

  359. Simple and beautiful, Rosie, just like being a student of the Way of the Livingness.

  360. Such a lovely blog, Rosie – I love the openness and honesty of your lovely blogs. It is beautiful to meet so many students and to feel from their openness and honesty that nothing else matters – where they come from and what they do in life. As you say ‘There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices’. It feels so simple and uncomplicated when we let go of all the trappings of life and get back to the basics – we are all the same underneath.

  361. This is so true Rosie,’What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done’. This has been my experience also, it is lovely to connect with people on a deeper level rather than just hobbies or likes or dislikes, there is a knowing that we are all equal and that it doesn’t matter how rich or how poor someone is or what job it is that we do, there is a knowing that we are all equal and we all have something to bring, this is very beautiful to experience.

    1. I agree Rebecca, what matters is who we are and I have embraced the opportunity to connect with others from this much deeper level.

      1. Absolutely. There are people whom I’ve met through The Way of the Livingness and have now known for yen years – yet I still have no idea what their job is! A very, very different scenario from the accepted route of connecting with people whereby one of the very first questions is “what do you do?” It is so gorgeous to be meeting and connecting with people for who they are, and not for what they do.

      2. Wholeheartedly agreed Marcia & Otto. It actually feels like the hugest, heaviest, constricting veil has been lifted off the way I can connect with people – way ‘beyond’ apparent status, occupation, background, age… There is something deeply special happening here, and I know I can feel just how enormously I’ve opened up to people full stop. It matters naught whether they are a student of the Way of the Livingness or not, for in truth, we are all in essence indelibly interconnected and the same.

    2. Rebecca, it dawned on me when I read your comment about likes and dislikes, rich and poor, that I have no idea what these are for most of the people I have met through Universal Medicine, nor is it important for me to know, because first and foremost, I know WHO they are. My loving equals in humanity. So when I take that knowledge into the rest of my life, people who know nothing about Universal Medicine have the opportunity to feel that too.

  362. So simple and so true, Rosie, and with this understanding there is brotherhood and we can all evolve together. The Way of the Livingness and what Serge Benhayon presents is for us all – equally. A great learning, thank you.

    1. I agree Michael, all we have to do is be honest and then be truthful and our past does not matter for those two criteria, honesty and truth.

      1. We can have lived whatever past choices, but it is how we live each day from now on that matters more than anything. I have found it too easy in the past to wallow in my mistakes or wished that I had lived differently, I now realise each day is an opportunity to be different and shape how I want to live.

      2. Very true. Our past does not matter, only how we live each day now. So much of our past is what is not us. We need to take responsibility for that, but not get sucked in and stay living that, thinking it is who we are. Honesty and truth lived daily give us a fresh start.

  363. Thank you , Rosie. A powerful declaration of the way of life you have chosen for yourself and the joy and appreciation you feel. The Way of the Livingness is a clear path back to love, truth and a simple way of being, freed from struggle, drama and blame.

    1. Well said janetwilliams06. A ‘clear way’ indeed, and your words here have captured so very much of what humanity has suffered for so very long.
      There is most definitely another way, a way out of the misery and struggle, and the Way of the Livingness is it. The thing is, having been a student of the Way for several years now (and I will always ‘be’ a student, without question), it feels so simple and natural… that I am repeatedly amazed at how I did once live, and the choices that I made that kept me in struggle and drama, and feeling so much less than the amazing woman I know myself to be today. My how life has changed, and how blessed I feel to be a part of a religious way that reflects all that I am, and all that each and every one of us, in truth, is.

      1. Thanks for all your beautiful contributions on this blog Victoria. I love what you have shared and appreciate the powerful inspirational woman that you are today. It is great that you did not just stay in the struggle or drama and you made the choice to shine your life for all of us to see.

      2. Thank-you Rosie. Your words mean a lot from one who has herself clearly stepped out of the ‘shadows’ and gloriously forth to shine.
        The years of emotional tension, highs and lows, and feeling something was deeply missing in my life are surely well behind, thanks to the work of Universal Medicine, and yes, the choice (that didn’t feel like a choice really, but a natural stepping into all I had always known religion to be in my heart..) of the Way of the Livingness.
        In claiming what religion means to me, I cannot but claim the grandness within – how amazing and deeply beautiful it is, to know this once more, and that to ‘shine’ is our natural expression, when celebrating the truth of our divinity.

  364. I realized that it is not about what I do – but how I do it. So I can do everything if it is done in Love – it is lovely and so, worth to do it. That crack all the identifications I cut have with what I do, or the judgments of what others do. As you said Rosie: The point is who we are.

  365. There has been no other organisation, religion, community that I have come across where there is a willingness of complete equality among all the students. Regardless of the profession, title or stature their is a unified truth and understanding that inside we are all the same. A true blessing to be part of.

    1. It is indeed a true blessing to be part of David Nicholson, the best choice of free will I ever made.

    2. Hear, hear David. My heart expands just feeling this and appreciating deeply how it is not only the teachings of the Way of the Livingness that speak of our true equalness, but that this has been and IS a lived experience for students of the Way. It is something I feel I know to the core of me, yet until coming to this work, it had remained dormant, hidden… seeing so much strife and disharmony in the world had caused me to harden my heart and hide the Great Love for all that has always been there.
      As a ‘forever student’ of the Way, I am committed to ever-deepening my knowing of this Love and its expression. There is nothing more rich in this life that I could possibly imagine…

      1. I love how I read just what is needed and today I needed to read your comment Victoria about hardening your heart, today I saw some things that left me baffled as to where some people are at, and fortunately I know that is not them in truth as they are equal to the light I live and enhouse, sometimes it can be hard to see/feel that truth but love that I came here and am reminded to ever deepening my acceptance and love, being as responsible as I can.

      2. I deeply appreciate your honesty here Vanessa. The world, and the way we live with each other – as precious human beings, every one… contains so much cruelty, lack of true care and responsibility, and horrendous acts, of which I’m sure I have no idea of the full extent…
        There are always going to be things that trigger us, that hurt to the bone with how people can be, aren’t there… because we know innately how we COULD be, and have found such confirmation and enormous expression of this via living the Way. And your words here speak of the Way of the Livingness to me 100%, for they reflect a willingness to go deeper, and a level of personal responsibility and integrity that says, ‘if I close down and give up, become hardened or bitter, then I know I am only adding to the misery and the pain suffered by so many’.
        Staying with ourselves, and so honest when we find things hard to witness, is it – we may not be able to come to a resolution overnight, but most surely the deepening we commit to will offer many awarenesses, and help heal our own hearts that we can truly hold others in love, WHILST ‘seeing it all’, the ugliness included.

    3. Yes it is quite something isn’t it. At the last Universal Medicine retreat, one of the (many) things I loved was looking around the room and seeing the diverse range of people and all at different stages of their lives, and I loved that this religion attracted a place for all.

  366. This is a beautiful testament to inclusiveness of the Way of the Livingness. How everyone is welcome, if they so chose, but not to follow a dictated way of being but to discover and live their Own Way.

    1. Yes Jonathan, with the support of the way of the livingness, we all discover our own way..which is the way.

  367. One of the things I found amazing from being a student of the livingness is that I knew a lot of students for a very long time before I found out what they actually did for a living. Its one place that your job really doesn’t matter. Or you eventually find out in conversation but it never is a question to be used as an icebreaker or something. More living proof that we are in fact all equal.

    1. So true Kevin, it’s incredibly refreshing not to be judged or judge someone else by a profession.

    2. Absolutely, there is such beauty to be held as an equal and not to be judged by what you do, but rather met for who you are.

      1. I agree Kevin, Rosanna and Donna – there many students I have met at Universal Medicine presentations and connected deeply with and not even a hint of any academic qualifications even entering the picture. Years or months later there have been contributions to blogs from some of these people, and I discover they have more letters of high qualifications after their names than I even have in my full name! Prior to Universal Medicine presentations I would have been anxious to even approach these people, judged myself, made myself lesser and thus deny myself the rich and beautiful experience of true and equal connection with another fellow human being.
        As you say Donna –
        “….. to be held as an equal and not to be judged by what you do, but rather met for who you are”.

    3. Yes it is so true and such a contrast to my usual experience in a society. I know society generally aspires to treating all people as equals but this isnt possible if people are valued more highly, dependant on what they do. This maybe as subtle as having reverence for certain professions which means those in other professions are less by default.

    4. That’s my experience also kevmchardy – the deepest connections formed with people from all walks of life, as Rosie has shared. This is priceless beyond measure, in itself smashing societal ‘norms’ that have ruled for aeons.
      I deeply treasure these relationships. They are only enriched when you do find out what someone ‘does’ – in appreciation of the integrity and dedication the Way of the Livingness then inspires and brings to all that he or she may ‘do’ in life.

    5. What you say is so true that it no longer even occurs to me to ask what the other person does ahead of feeling and appreciating who I feel them to be and what they emanate. At times when ages after I already know and cherish the person I find out what profession they have chosen, it is a delight considering them taking the gorgeousness I have seen in them into that industry. It is completely opposite to judging someone according to what they do.

    6. So very true. In fact, of the many students I know, I don’t know what their day jobs are. But I know who they are.

  368. This is exactly how it is Rosie, everyone has lived their way and their are many shapes and sizes in how we have lived but none of this matters. The journey to returning back to who we really are and living this as our way is how simple it really is. I too LOVE being a student of The Way of the Livingness and sharing it with so many gorgeous people. There are no walls and everyone is welcome, the love is strong and it is here to stay.

  369. The Way of The Livingness is not something that you can try and give up if it doesn’t suit you anymore. It is a living way, and it impulses us a way to live, breathe and express. It is either chosen and lived or it is simply not lived. But IT is always living, because it is the pulse of the Universe.

    1. Hi harryjwhite, I don’t agree. I have known quite a few people, and even friends of mine, who have given the Way of the Livingness a try and have given up because it does not suit them for whatever reason. I don’t mind either way, they are still my friends and I love them dearly. I am just doing what clearly works for me and also what I see works for hundreds of other students who do live it.

  370. Thank you Rosie for sharing this very powerful yet simple blog, I am also a student of the livingness and agree fully, with the fellow students I have met from all walks of life in their miraculous transformation into people that ooze life, with a committed dedication for responsibility and integrity.

  371. I love the joyful way that you have presented The Way of the Livingness because it is a very fun and harmonious way to live.

  372. I agree wholeheartedly, Rosie, the way of the livingness has changed my life hugely and I am still studying it in order to be able to bring more out of the truth in me. and who I truly are.

  373. So simple and beautiful Rosie. I loved reading the array of people who are included here and just how it’s people from every day life.

  374. As you say Rosie the Way of the Livingness is for everyone and anyone who is prepared to be self-aware and to take responsibility for the choices they make. The experience I have of witnessing the changes in people over time (including myself) take away that belief that change is impossible because of “I’m too old” or “it’s just the way I am”. Anyone can make the changes any time they so choose and Universal Medicine and the student body are there to support them.

  375. Thanks Rosie, Very cool little blog clearly and beautifully put forward and shared with all. I too am fascinated by the amazing stories and experiences and walks of life that make up the incredible student body. Thanks for this reminder in appreciation.

  376. Rosie so beautiful and true. Yes it is a way of livingness that simply applies to everyone. I’d like to offer that even includes the people who think they are doing ok. The ones that feel their life is in order because it’s not totally broken down or chaos. The ones that cover over with ‘doing nice things’ to put a bit of distance between the bits in life that don’t feel great. I refer to this group because it’s the life I know very well, the one I lived. It’s a tense way to live because while the balls are being juggled I was never sure which one would drop and the consequences of that happening where un-nerving. The very finest point in life was to open up to the possibility that there is another way to live a totally full and loving joy filled life without the pressure of any of it needing to be a certain way. Yes immense appreciation to all Serge Benhayon offers.

    1. Hi Sandra, I have met quite a few students of the way of the Livingness, who thought their life was great and there was nothing to fix. Which can be totally true….. but for me the way of the livingness is not about fixing anything as nothing is broken.
      I know the game of playing “everything is okay” and “I have it all under control” well, when in truth, life can be quite a roller coaster ride. It is great to get off and realise there is another way.

  377. It’s so simple and beautiful. There is always a way to come back to yourself and live a vibrant, true life.

  378. I too am a student of The Way of The Livingness and have found it to be a deeply enriching way of life. Responsibility can get a bad wrap – conjuring up images of being super solemn all the time but I have experienced how joyful it can actually be to live developing awareness and responsibility, Serge Benhayon has shown me how and I appreciate that very much.

    1. That is so true Fiona, responsibility can get a bad wrap, and it can be seen as such a chore and then we miss out of the life changing effects it can bring.

  379. I am a student of the Way of the Livingness and my life now is overflowing with Joy, Harmony, Stillness and Love. I am allowing myself to show all of me and no longer holding back or hiding which had always been my way. I love your blog Rosie, especially the part – ‘What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was’. Celebration is what comes to mind as I read your words – today I celebrate us all.

  380. The concept of The Way of The Livingness to some is confusing because it is a religion and so many are averse to religion, I am for one. But as it turns out, it is the man-made religions that I steer clear of, where dogma and rules rule. I will not be ‘told’ who and how I must be in order to be a part of the group.
    Anyone who investigates exactly what it means to be in “The Livingness” will see that this is no man-made relation. There are no rules, no dogma, nothing at all to follow, no head honcho, no money plates to pass round, no quota of people I need to ‘save’, no dress requirements, no fasting. All it means to me, as Rosie you clearly say too, is that I take responsibility for my actions, including thoughts, because simply everything is energy and we are all affecting each other all the time no matter what. It is freeing because no one and no organisation owns me; it is Me who is living my life according to what feels right for me.

  381. Great blog Rosie, I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness. It has changed my life and I am deeply grateful for being introduced to this. I feel that my life wasn’t making any sense before and now I am taking responsibility and making loving choices that I never thought was possible. I am learning to bring more awareness in every aspect of my life. I am continuously learning and extremely inspired by so many amazing people from The Way of The Livingness.

  382. I too love the fact that I have met so many people from all over the world who all have a different background story and come from all walks of life. It’s just confirmation that we’re all equal, but the baggage we carry just looks a bit different from one person to the next, but there is a willingness to get rid of that baggage that is getting in the way of them being who they truly are.

  383. Rosie you have expressed what many of us are experiencing on a daily basis and it is inspiring to read. Thank you.

  384. Hi Rosie, thanks again for another great, heartfelt contribution. I agree with what you’ve expressed here and what I love about The Way of the Livingness is there is no judgement just loving support to return to who we truly are.

  385. A beautiful and bold declaration Rosie. I am also a student of the Way of the Livingness and it has changed my life. No one has fixed me but I have made these changes, chosen to be aware and accept more responsibility in my choices and day to day. I love meeting other students of the Way of the Livingness as they are deeply inspiring in how they live and respond to life.

  386. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.”
    I find this so very honouring, because in that moment when I am asked to embrace responsibility for my choices, I am invited to be aware that my every choice matters, that I am intimately connected with the flow of the universe, that there is an order to how the universe works and that I have the power to make a difference and deepen my relationship with life. I feel recognised and honoured.

  387. I too have enjoyed reading the remarkable stories from Students of the Way of the Livingness who have turned their lives around through taking responsibility for their choices and living and expressing the love they naturally are on a daily basis.

  388. “Nothing just happens” there is always a reason behind it. This is what the Way of the Livingness has taught me thus freeing of inbuilt blinkers. I can now look at the way I live/lived, appreciate how far I have come and how much further I can go if I so choose.

    1. Yes there is no magic click of the fingers… but there is the choice to change things with a bit of awareness and commitment.
      I am learning to appreciate more and its great because when I do, I have like a stock take and see how far I have come.

  389. Gorgeous Rosie. I am totally with you- I too love and appreciate being a student of The Way of The Livingness. Being and living who I am in the most natural way that supports me to live with the love of my soul in daily life. It is amazing just how vast the stories are from students and I agree, when hearing them it is like it is another person they are speaking about. It is divinely gorgeous that no matter our previous behaviours and choices – that we can still choose now to take responsibility for our life and be all the love we are.
    Deep thanks to Serge Benhayon, the Universal Medicine practitioners and the whole student body for the unending support.

  390. Great blog Rosie, confirming what being a student of The Way of the Livingness has brought us all, it brings enormous changes to everybody’s lives, as it has done to mine.

  391. I love the simplicity and strength of your statement. Plain and simple as it is – The Way of the Livingness – a choice to take responsibility, re-connect, walk the talk and be who we innately are all equally. To be a student of The Way of the Livingness is a commitment to Self as a part of the greater divine whole we all belong to and therefore very natural.

  392. Thank you beautiful Rosie, the way of the livingness is also my way and I love every step that I take with all those gorgeous people next to me.

  393. Thank you Rosie for describing the Way of the Livingness with such simplicity; for me, it’s about equality, honesty, love of self and others, and taking full responsibility for my life and my actions. And it’s about being all that I can be, not about what I can do. Now, living like this, just makes sense – this is my Way.

  394. I can so well relate to this Rosie. For me Universal Medicine has been the eyeopener that allowed me to realize that everything I do not like about others is just the surface and always relates to something I have not dealt with. But underneath that we are so similar and just amazingly beautiful.

    1. Yes it is interesting to see and notice things in others and then realise that it is just showing something of ourselves… like a mirror and not always something we want to see.

  395. I have been a student of the livingness for over 10 years and not only have I met and made friends with so many great and interesting people who have been willing to make changes in their lives I have also got to know myself and turn my own life around. Now instead of life being a struggle and lacking direction or purpose life is simpler and I am healthier and more positive than I have ever been. Through working with Universal Medicine I have got to know so many people but most of all I have got to know myself and who I am on the inside.

    1. Rachel, you reminded me…. in the past I used to be so identified with struggle, and I even played out the poor me, single parent, life is so hard song over and over and over. How exhausting and draining.
      This is not how I live now…. although it is an old pattern that I have to be aware of to not let it creep in. Great to realise that!
      Purpose, direction, action.. life is full these days and things are easy, and come together in the most beautiful simple ways. I am loving it.

  396. Thank you Rosie, being a student of the way of the livingness is absolutely glorious as you share here. For me it feels the most natural way to be and live. There is never an end-point, never a point where you say ‘that’s it, I’m bored’. There is always a deepening of the most exquisite relationship with ourselves, and then in turn into our other relationships as well. Being a student of the Way of the Livingness means being a student of myself, a student of Love and a student of Life. It means being completely and utterly free.

  397. Rosie, I totally endorse what you say as that has been my experience over 11 years. I can in all truth attest to the fact that “there are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices”. In truth, the Way of the Livingness could not be more simple and straightforward. It just asks us to live in the fullness of who we truly are, naturally so!

    1. Yes Anne and what I just thought of was, if anyone thinks there are any shoulds, I would suggest looking into all the self imposed shoulds and shouldn’ts we all live with.
      It is so easy to blame other, but it takes responsibility to see that we have made them ourselves.

  398. Thank you Rosie, and yes it is so true. The Way of the Livingness unites people from all walks of life and all types of professions, because it is not based on material possessions, accomplishments, class or gender but on one’s willingness to take complete responsibility for one’s life. I am one of those people who have undergone immense changes because I felt the truth in the teachings of Universal Medicine and put them into living practice. I too love witnessing the incredible changes other people go through too, as year after year more of our grace, beauty and power emerges. I am forever grateful of the day I walked through the door of a Universal Medicine workshop and met Serge Benhayon and listened with an open mind to all that was presented. Every day I grow more and more into the person I always knew myself to be, but had disconnected from early in life. The joy that is apparent in your photo Rosie is a joy I witness in myself and so many others and the real hall mark of a Student of the Way of the Livingness.

  399. ‘All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ It is so simple and yet the changes one experiences in life are enormous. Being a student of The Way of the Livingness is simple and fun, it makes a lot of sense and it allows me to learn throughout my whole life, forever unfolding.

  400. Beautifully said Rosie. For me, the people that are being attracted to study and be a student of The Way of the Livingness are the most beautiful, honest, inspiring wonderfully open people I have ever met also. They deeply inspire me to be all of me and at times I still struggle with my confidence but seeing the incredible changes made within others lives I too know that the things that I have done in the past do not define me and that change is possible for every single person if they so choose to want to truly live another way.

    1. Hi Natasha, it is not just those that are attracted to study The Way of the Livingness that are beautiful, for we are all equally beautiful. Some just have not yet noticed this in themselves so therefore are not living their full beauty as yet.

      1. Hey Rosie, Absolutely true. Everyone does has the most loveliest amounts of beauty and we are all equally beautiful. There is something about the teachings of Universal Medicine though that allow more and more beauty to shine through, more and more love to be felt and more and more honouring and cherishing and care taken from each of the students that then allows that honouring, cherishing and care to be taken with all others. I have felt many times how much we each cannot fully embrace another if we do not embrace ourselves, honour another if we do not honour ourselves… and I really feel the students within the student body of universal medicine and really living this and hence being able to hold others with the utmost loveliest of care… not saying all don’t do this or have the capacity to do this but there is just something so honouring about those studying the teachings.

  401. Thank you Rosie for this blog and I thank myself for making the decision to read it in one of the most difficult moments. It is completely true what you share and all the students’s comments. I feel blessed everyday for having found ‘The Way of The Livingness’, Serge Benhayon, his family and I need to add the student body to that as well as they show me in every meeting the possibility to evolve.

  402. The way you have written this is perfect and I can relate. The thing is, the story doesn’t really matter, we all have a story of something, but the way of the Livingness has no judgement whatsoever. It is fascinating and incredibly inspiring to hear how each person have found themselves again, climbing out behind the curtain all sorts of ways of living to realise that we are actually all the same, it is really very beautiful.

    1. I like how you describe climbing out from behind the curtains, because that is exactly how I feel at times….. like I have taken layer upon layer off, removed the old layers that I was identified with and now let myself be seen instead of hiding away and keeping myself separate from everyone else.

  403. The Way of The Livingness returned me to the ‘Real Me”. From here everything is possible. I have changed my life around completely – returning to True Love, Vitality, restored health, clarity of mind, more joy and great relationships, a greater commitment to life and to work and unending simplicity, compassion and understanding of others.
    Every day i learn more about myself and about life and every day i love people more deeply and appreciate the choices as a student i have made.

  404. Like many students of the Way of the Livingness I have left behind an old way of being that was limited and unloving – there is much vitality and love in my life everyday thanks to Serge Benhayon and the ageless wisdom he shares with us all – it is no wonder people from all walks of life find universal appeal in these teachings.

  405. I love how you have written this blog Rosie – it reminds me of exactly how you are with everything – loving, open, honest, simple and you just get on with it. Thank you for sharing you. I feel the same, I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness too.

  406. I agree Rosie, it is not about what you are but who you are and as such there is nothing much to do but very much to be.

  407. Rosie I love this blog and how you have shared that it doesn’t matter what walk of life we have come from.. we are here uniting, living the love that we are and that is the way of the Livingness. I wouldn’t want any other way then to have universal medicine in my life and the friends that I have and true love and support from people I never thought I would know.

  408. Rosie, another amazing blog from you, I love it. It is a great blog to share with those who are puzzled by what the Way of the Livingness is and fear it may be something that is not for them or will harm them. This is a beautiful testimony, very simple expressed, yet it is all there, what we all experience.

  409. So simply and beautifully expressed Rosie. Like you, I’ve noticed how vastly different our backgrounds and histories are, and yet underneath it all, we’re all the same.

    1. Yes, underneath our armour, our protection and whatever we use to hide behind or conceal with… we are all the same.

  410. Lovely blog Rosie. As a Student of the Way of The Livingness my way of living has simply become more loving, harmonious and joyful. The Way of the Livingness is for everyone equally, a religion in the truest sense, based on universality and love.

    1. I agree Victoria. Living more harmoniously was not even on my radar. My old life was about turning away from people that I judged were “bad”, and/or calibrating to their needs. It was never about the love-for-self and connecting and living from the untouched essence within where the stillness and harmony resides.

  411. All my life I was looking for a way to live that made sense and I found that in the Way of the Livingness. Not only does it make sense, it changes peoples’ lives. It is for everyone regardless of their race, colour, gender etc. The Way of the Livingness is truly universal.

    1. Me too Elizabeth, I also have always been searching for a way to live that made sense. The Way of the Livingness is the only thing that I have found that makes sense in every way and when this practical sense is applied to life it has made real and sustainable change possible.

  412. I can also claim for myself that “I love being a student of The Way of The Livingness – it is now my way”!! “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” This is so simply and profoundly expressed. Thank you Rosie for expressing the fact that We, are the real deal.

  413. Rosie thank you for sharing your experience connected to Universal Medicine and the people you have met from various walks of life and the connections you have made. I have met many Students of The Way of The Livingness all truly inspiring to get to know and appreciate.

  414. Hi Rosie, I too love being a student of the Way of the Livingness and I concur that this has completely changed my life. I was a person who from a very early age had given up totally on life. I was in a constant reaction to everything. People and, well in fact, everything shocked me as I was holding such strong ideals of how people and things should be. Thank God, I came across Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and the Way of the Livingness as my life has turned around completely. This turnaround is a result of taking responsibility for my choices and learning to observe life rather than be so involved and affected by it all.This is an extremely freeing process as well as an ongoing one.

  415. It is remarkable to meet so many people that have lived such different lives who now share a common interest in their wellness and willingness to serve others. I would never have believed the past of some of the people I have met as they have turned their lives around and only know from seeing the before and afters stories and hearing about their past history. I myself used to play a lot of sports, drink a lot and generally felt discontented a lot of the time. What I love now is that my life is never unfortunate or someone else’s fault, where I am is completely my responsibility and my future is mine to shape.

  416. What a beautiful simple statement Rosie. Since becoming a student of The Way of the Livingness, my understanding of myself, others and the world about me has grown to the point my life is moving in a very different direction than years before. The love that is in my life now due to Serge Benhayon and the student body is amazing and available for all.

  417. The Way of The Livingness is not fixed, it lives as people, who walk the way, live it. Ever changing and expanding, but never changing in its essence.

  418. The Way of theLivingness is about letting go of all the ways the world tells us to subscribe to, prods and pushes us into – false ways that do not allow our true selves to shine. The Way of the Livingness is about us all choosing the true us and rather magnificently letting the world see that there is another way a true way that everyone knows – they have just forgotten.

  419. “…The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” I would go so far as to say that The Way of The Livingness is ALL about who you are rather than what you do, although there is also a very practical element to it as well in being fully committed to life by working and being with people. I love this as the basis to all that we do can be done with ourselves rather than from an emptiness driven by an expectation, ideal or belief.

  420. I agree Rosie. It has become my way too. I used to attend Universal Medicine events wanting / expecting all the answers to all my problems. They do shine a bright light in areas where we have fallen for lies, however, they excel most at reminding us that we have the tools to live the truth we know and when we take up the gauntlet, that is when it becomes ‘my way’ or ‘THE way’.

  421. I too love being a student of The Way of The Livingness. Life now makes so much more sense, my life is full of love, joy and a deep relationship with myself and in-turn everyone and everything around me. This will always be my way!

  422. Rosie the power of your words made my heart emanate and pulse with such radiance while reading your blog. Thank you.

  423. Thank you for sharing Rosie, it is inspiring everyone sharing their stories. The before and afters say it all really. To hear where people have been, the depths of despair they went to and now to see where they are is quite extraordinary. It just shows we are all equally loving and extremely sensitive people. Sometimes, as I know is the case for most of us, we found it too hard to cope with what we felt in the world and so shut ourselves down. Now thanks to the The Way of The Livingness we no longer feel we need to shut down our sensitiveness and can be all of who we are showing the way forth for all to see and equally be inspired by.

  424. Love this Rosie, to be a student of the Way of the Livingness is now my way too and the more I choose to be more of me in the world the more I see that this for me is the true and only way to live and be.

  425. What I found really refreshing when I first attended Universal Medicine events was that you meet attendees first for who they are as people not by their role, title or job in life, that often we may identify with. Everyone is on equal ground. It is not until years after interacting with some in exercises or workshops that I have come to discover what it is they do.

  426. What a gorgeous blog. So simply sharing the rich diversity of people who have been drawn to live The Way of the Livingness. We are far from perfect and between us have probably made all the mistakes you can make in life. But we have been drawn by the truth and a knowing there is another way.

  427. Absolutely, Rosie, The Way of the Livingness is for everyone equally whatever our background is or was. This is truly a World Religion where all of humanity are included, because it is simply about all of humanity, all of us in brotherhood, re-connecting and evolving back to where we came from, i.e. God. On the way we learn about taking responsibility for our choices and letting go of past hurts, and finding the deep joy that is there in every one of us.

  428. Another gorgeous blog Rosie. I too am a Student of the Way of the Livingness. This way for me is about re-turning back to me. Along ‘The Way’, I am learning to let go of lots of ideals and beliefs I had about myself and about how life is supposed to be. Along ‘The Way’ I am re-turning back to the real me, the me that I was as a little girl, the loveliness and sweetness that I once was but lost as I got caught up in life. Along ‘The Way’ I am learning to re connect back to my body and treat it in a way that is loving, where I make choices where I honour my body and my being. Along ‘The Way’ I have changed how I eat, what I eat in line with what my body truly calls for to nourish it. Along ‘The Way’ I have learnt to self-care which has led to self-love and is leading to a deeper love for others. There is still more along ‘The Way’ that I haven’t arrived at yet, but I am looking forward to how ‘My Way’ unfolds as a Student of the The Way of the Livingness.

  429. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.” This is one of the major difference between The Way of The Livingness, compared with all the modern traditional religions. There are no dogmas, no beliefs, all comes from a connection with your own innermost and then learning to live from what you find deep within. Presentations are made, but it is up to the individual whether they feel this is right for them. But once one really connects, one feels so strongly the responsibilities we have to ourselves and each other throughout all of humanity. We don’t need rules etc., we KNOW what is right in how we are and act in every way. We come to love ourselves deeply and from that to love all of humanity, we are all beautiful in our essence.

    Thank you Rosie, for sharing this great blog.

  430. Wow, how amazing it is to read these comments and see just how incredibly so many lives have been changed by their meeting Serge Benhayon and being introduced to Universal Medicine. I was so blessed to meet Serge about 9 years ago, and yes, my life has been turned around from the not so young, frustrated, nervy, friendless elderly woman that I then was. My life is now full of joyfullness and friends, and I am looking younger as the years go on. People of all ages are reaping the benefits of living The Way of The Livingness, from young teenagers to people in their 80’s, who are no longer retired from life as so many elderly people do.

  431. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness too Rosie, it is exactly as you describe it. it matters not a jot where people have come from or what they’ve done, it is open for all to choose if they decide to. And it’s really inspiring to see how people change and grow as we make more profound choices to increase our awareness and responsibility.

  432. I love the simplicity with which this beautiful blog is written. I too am a Student of the Way of the Livingness and have met people from all walks of life. I have made some wonderful friendships and I continue to do so. What is greatly inspiring and incredibly beautiful is observing the changes that have taken and are taking place in other students as they claim more of who they truly are. It is awesome!

    1. Great point Caroline – the changes I have observed in other students (and myself!) have been amazing too. It is lovely to be celebrating each other for simply being more of us. Thank you for what you have shared here.

    2. I am amazed and blessed to have such a beautiful and deep connection with people I meet at the Universal Medicine events. It feels so natural and loving that when I meet new friends I feel like I’ve known them my whole life yet we’ve only just met. This lovely, beautiful and deep connection is incredible. It shows me that I can take this way of connecting with people everywhere and share this way everyone I meet. I simply choose to stay open, loving and connected to myself.

  433. ‘I for one spent most of my life unaware and in a mode of blaming everyone else instead of getting honest and realising that everything that has happened to me in my life is because of a choice I have made. Nothing just happens.’ I love this Rosie. After 5 years of attending Universal Medicine events my experience is that this is absolutely true. As much as I have fought and resisted this when really honest with myself this is it. It can be a bitter pill to swallow but when accepted as the truth there is a great freedom in realising that no-thing does happen by accident and it is ALL founded by the choices and decisions we make. Thank you for writing such a stunning blog. It is astonishing how so many people have changed their lives around through The Way of the Livingness.

  434. This is great Rosie. The Way of The Livingness is a true Religion. It is something that has been there throughout the ages, in the Renaissance, in Egypt, Greece etc and it is something that is truly unifying for people.

    1. True Harry – there is no division or separation whatsoever. No dogma, no set building, no rules or pillars to abide by. We are all equal and all of God.

  435. I love being a student of the Way of the Livingness too, I have met amazing people from all walks of life, met my husband and best of all met my true self 🙂

  436. I have been a student of The Way of the Livingness for 4 years now and the changes that have occurred by my choices to better understand and learn about myself are huge. When I look back at being controlled my self-doubt and self-loathing to now having a growingly steady base within myself, of who I am without needing outer tasks, roles or behaviours to identify me that is huge! And while I am not perfect the fact that I can allow myself to not be perfect is another big thing! Because these old ways I used to be in used to appear so tight and ‘my only way’ or ‘thats life’ ‘nothing can change’ and I was too small to challenge or even question my position in life. The Way of the Livingness as shown me and many others that there is a way to live life and not just get by or exist or suffer through until the end. There is a way to live in a quality of harmony and joy that is universally available for everyone regardless of where they have come from or currently are.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree Leighmatson, there is ‘a way to live in a quality and joy that is universally available for everyone regardless of where they have come from or currently are.’ There are opportunities that I enjoy today that i would have shrunk away from before I became a student of the Livingness, like speaking or even singing publicly, not because i need to prove myself in any way but because I want to celebrate and share the immense love and joy that i have in my life today.

      1. I can relate to that. It’s like I am discovering a whole new ‘me’ where in the past I would of ran a thousand miles away from say getting a full time job for example. What I would of claimed to be ‘me’ four years ago I can now say was not ‘me’ at all. And being open to the possibilities that what I do may not actually come from the true me has and continues to make this process and re-building of my relationship with myself and with all others a vital key.

  437. “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” Gorgeous post Rosie and I so agree with your statement. I can say the same.

  438. Student of the way, can’t help but start dancing when I hear that line. I too are in awe of all the walks of life that people come from and most significantly how it does not matter a jot where or what you have done, or indeed do the only concern for a student is the way you live your life today and the quality of that being felt. Your body is the barometer for what you are living and the only thing that is worth noting. I equally share your love for Serge Benhayon and his family for providing the walking talking living proof that life can be lived lovingly and with true purpose.

  439. Awareness and Responsibility, that pretty much sums up the basic principles of The Way of the Livingness. Very simple and very powerfully profound. I would say these principles are perhaps a reflection of the basic principles of the universe.

    1. True andrewmooney26. Without these principles we live in separation from each other and disconnected from the world around us and the cycles of the universe, of which we are all intrinsically connected to.

  440. Awesome Rosie. There is no other way once you have been introduced to “the way of the livingness” for me anyway. Life is simpler and its awesome being myself and connected to the student body.

    1. I feel the same Susan – understanding more about myself as I have come to through being a student of the Way of the Livingness has allowed me to know me more, feel more connected to myself, to other students and everyone, everywhere.

  441. I agree Rosie – talking to other students and reading their blogs, it is amazing how many different life experiences there are. To me, the breadth of experience and life choices just shows that The Way of the Livingness is a uniting way – one that anyone can connect to, not matter you background, social status, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or race.

    1. Exactly Rebecca. A uniting way based on something that is the same in all people, the soul.

      1. Perfectly said Dean – perhaps the soul is the something deeper we constantly look for – more than the colour of our skin, our beliefs and the places we live – the thing that can truly unite us.

    2. Very true Rebecca and unity is a much needed factor in society. This simply bring up how much we are yet to really stand together and act accordingly to how we know we could in all areas of life.

      1. I agree Amina – I listed only a few of the things people use to set others apart- unfortunately if it was all written out, it would be quite a long list. And yet when we can look and live above all of those labels and ideas and physical appearances, as shared by all the comments and blogs, life can be amazing.

  442. You have shared so beautifully about being a student of The Way of the Livingness. I myself have made enormous transformations from where I started 10 years I ago. I have also watched many, many students make incredible turn arounds in their lives too. What you share is spot on, ” What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.”

  443. Gorgeous Rosie, I love the way you write with such clarity, simplicity and claiming of the Way of The Livingness, it is also ‘my way’ now as after having lived this way for the last 5 years I am now more confident, more gentle, more open, more appreciative and more joyful than ever before and so this for me is the way that works. i have also seen and met many men and women who have completely turned their lives around, it is truly amazing and is something that I have not observed anywhere else.

  444. This is my experience too Rosie, I have met people from all walks of life through Universal Medicine, and am constantly amazed by them and the transformation from the way they used to live their life. But what continues to inspire me is that they don’t stand still, they continue to develop, when their level of health and wellbeing is way beyond the norm, they don’t sit back and relax, they consistently look at bringing more love to themselves, their life and community, there is no end point how much love you can bring.

    1. I love what you have written here Laura, especially, “But what continues to inspire me is that they don’t stand still, they continue to develop, when their level of health and well-being is way beyond the norm, they don’t sit back and relax, they consistently look at bringing more love to themselves, their life and community. There is no end point to how much love you can bring.” This is so true.

    2. That is true Laura, there is no end point or destination to get to and that is it. The students are forever learning and evolving and I am too.

  445. Hi Rosie – I absolutely second your experience, and can say that I too am a student who has met so many other people from all walks of life and no matter what their background or role is – the commonality that all have now is that they are open, gentle and loving people who deliver the truth.
    I’ve seen it in my own family who I can now say I have a true relationship with, I’ve seen it in my fiance and I’ve seen it in myself – an absolute willingness to live the truth of who they are.
    It has shown me that what we do is not as important as who we are and who we have always been.

  446. I loved reading this Rosie, I feel blessed everyday for having found ‘The Way of The Livingness’, Serge Benhayon and his family – never in my life before have I felt so supported.

    1. Yes Julie, I can most certainly say the same. Being a student of the Way of the Livingness has meant true family for me, true friendships and true connections. It has been absolutely amazing.

  447. ‘All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.’ So simple and yet it encompasses so much and for me being a student of ‘The Way of the Livingness’ has allowed me to experience an ever deepening relationship with myself and everyone else I come into contact with. It has enriched my life immeasurably and I will be forever grateful. Thank you Rosie for expressing your love for this way of life so simply yet eloquently.

  448. Lovely simple, concise article, saying it like it is…”There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.” I have found this to be true for me also, I would not have made the changes and found such every day joy in my life, if I had not taken responsibility for myself. I am also naturally wary of rules, and dictates and I do not respond to being told what to do. The inspiration and reflection of Serge Benhayon and universal Medicine have been profound. I feel it is all about learning to live your truth and building a connection from the inside.

    1. Samantha, I so agree. I do NOT respond to being told what to do either so it has been great to be offered the Way of The Livingness with no expectations on me whatsoever.

  449. I’m so glad you were introduced to Serge Benhayon and The Way of the Livingness too Rosie! Getting to know you and all of the other Unimed students has been nothing short of phenomenal the past few years. I have friends and family all over the world now, but most importantly I feel a fullness and stability within me that will never be shaken again. The changes I have seen in those around me, through the choices they have made to live lovingly is also astounding when you see and feel the scope of it. The Way of the Livingness is also my Way, and what a Way it is 🙂 Thank you Rosie!

    1. The Way of The Livingness is a uniting way and your experience, Amelia and Rosie and so many others, including mine, is a testimonial to this.

    2. Well said Amealia! I loved how you have claimed your stability and living your way, the way of the livingness. Its awesome to have friends like you that I can talk to and friends all over the world, it’s a beautiful community! and the years I have been involved in Universal Medicine have been the best 🙂

    3. I agree with you there Amelia. As Students we have all blessed to meet Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness.

  450. The Way of the Livingness supported me to come back to the real me. I had headed down the path of drugs, alcohol, depression,misery,giving up on life, I have now left that all totally behind. I am not a recovering drug addict,like most ex addicts. I am now Mary-Louise a divinely beautiful woman full of inspiration for life and a forever student of the Way of the Livingness.
    Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

    1. You are awesome Mary-Louise! “I am not a recovering drug addict,like most ex addicts. I am now Mary-Louise a divinely beautiful woman full of inspiration for life and a forever student of the Way of the Livingness”

    2. Marylouisemyers, I love how you have written, “I am not a recovering drug addict” because it just goes to show we are not what we have done, and we don’t need to get stuck in a past. We made choices, maybe some not so good, but we don’t have to stay there and get identified with it or beat ourselves up about it.

  451. Clear and to the point. I love that what you find amazing is the students. Our stories. Our changes. Our healing. And also the fact that nothing just happens. There must be a choice at some point for me to experience whatever it is. It does not fill me with guilt, like “oh, I am struggling and on top of that I created it”. On the contrary, it opens up a new world of possibilities, like: “wow, I have the choice right now to have a different experience, and it is up to me and to a day to day, minute to minute choice”. Good reminder, vital I would say.

    1. That is so cool juliamanbos – I really love the way Rosie explained that people come to the Way of the Livingness from a huge variety of backgrounds. It fells amazing to appreciate that the past cannot stop any of us choosing true responsibility if we really want to.

  452. How powerful is your simple and truthful statement. Being a student of The Way of The Livingness has changed my life a lot and this proces is ongoing and forever deepening.
    Just like you wrote:
    ‘There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives.’
    Awareness creates the possibility to make new choices and I love doing that.

    1. I agree Monika.. I love that there are no rules or regulations.. we are presented responsibility and it’s up to us to choose it for ourselves, no one is forced into anything, only held and supported with immense love to be who we are.

  453. This is so true I have met many people as well that have lived really disregarding lives in the past (myself included) and it is like it is another person they are talking about. I LOVE what you have written here ‘What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.’ it is so accurate about The Way of The Livingness. Also what is talked is always walked by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine so you get to see that there really is another more loving way to live .. and it is so simple.

    1. Vicky I completely agree with meeting people who’ve changed their lives so much so that they are now living a life that expresses who they truly are. So I too, when I hear their story and the choices they used to make that were so at odds with who they truly are it’s hard to quite imagine them making those choices and living that life.

      This to me is such a testimony to ‘The Way of the Livingness’ in that living this way restores those who choose to live according to who they truly are restores them to this no matter how they’ve lived before.

    2. And because of the inspiration from Serge Benhayon and his family, there are now many students of The Way of The Livingness who are also walking their talk. Me included.

  454. Thank you Rosie. The joy of equal-ness emanates fully from your blog and is the heart of ‘The Way of the Livingness’. It doesn’t matter who you are of what you have done, we can all choose to be who we are and being ourselves is just wonderful.

    1. I love what you have expressed here Richard ‘it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done’ as this does not change who we are when we connect back to our inner hearts.

  455. Rosie as a student of The Way of the Livingness I really enjoyed the way you expressed the fact of the wide variety of people you’ve met and who have become friends. The mix of histories spans just about every area in life yet what i feel is the united thread that connects us all is the will and commitment to love and to living who we truly are. It is a real blessing to have so many incredible people in my life, people that I’ve met since my first Universal Medicine event. As you’ve shared it matters not where each person has come from, what they did or do but who they truly are. Thank you.

    1. I love to that it doesn’t matter at all what our background is but we are still able to come together and live in a true way and support each other to be more of who we are. Without any judgement on our past choices… every person in the world is on the inside an amazing being, living the livingness is living that amazingness that we are inside.

    2. And it is a testament, David to the power of The Way of the Livingness that so many people have responded to the truth that we are all accountable for our own lives and our own choices as Rosie has shared. The simplicity of this is profound and I love the way this Livingness takes us deeper and deeper in understanding the commonalities we all share as human beings – we just have sophisticated ways of making ourselves ‘different’ or ‘separate’ and less accountable!

  456. So well expressed Rosie, I wholeheartedly agree! I am a student of The Way of the Livingness for 8 years and I could observe many magical changes in others and in me. And in fact they are not magical – they are real and profound, because of different self made choices.

  457. The claim made here is beautifully simple “What this has shown me is that The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done.” I too love hearing all the different stories we share and I find it interesting when meeting other students how meeting them for who they are first is key to then being able to listen to their background with openness especially if it has in the past been a ‘darker’ one. This demonstrates easily how we can make changes at any time in our lives with love and support from others and for ourselves. Thank you Rosie for the simple words, yet life changing, of what you have shared.

    1. It is very inspiring when you hear the changes people have chosen… from the past to where they are now and you can just see how “if they can do it” then anyone can do it.

  458. Thank you for posting this Rosie. I have so enjoyed your blogs and comments and have felt inspired, confirmed and supported by them. Now seeing how you are in this lovely photo allows me to connect with you more fully. I had imagined you older because of the wisdom and maturity in your writing….. but that just exposes for me how quick I can be to judge!

    1. Thank you elainearthey, wisdom comes in all ages. I have been discussing this very subject this week.
      I too have been quick to judge but am slowly working on that… bringing more awareness to the fact that I do judge and just being super honest about it.

  459. You are totally right Rosie there is no stereotype when it comes to making the journey back to our true selves and the love that is shared on the way.

  460. You are super inspiring Rosie, and a great reflection for us ALL. I can say that I too have turned my life around since being a student of ‘ the way of the livingness ‘ and I really am working on appreciating the choices and I made and the reflections and support I have chosen. As I have always know from a young age that there is more to life then just the mundane day to day rolls I knew I to had to do, ‘ the way of the livingness ‘ brings the absolute reality and sheer simplicity back to why and how life is needed and how to do life and not have life do you.

    1. Yes Amina – the Way of the Livingness puts life back into its rich and loving perspective. It’s a complete package and recipe for how to live life to its fullest in the knowing and appreciation of the bigger picture. If I ever feel flat and get caught up in the mundaneness of my tasks, if even for a second, then I have the tools to take it back to divine purpose instantly.

  461. Beautiful Rosie I love being a student of the way of the livingness so much also and i love how you describe how everyone is simply being who they are. This is a real gift to be in the world living this way and how all our lives have changed with embodying this and taking responsibility for our choices .We have more love ,more friends , more support and more harmony in ourselves than we could have ever imagined before Universal Medicine came our way. Simply awesome in every way thank you for sharing this.

  462. Thank you Rosie. This is a sweet and inspiring blog. I love the way you have described that everyone is equal and no one is excluded, this is on of my favourite things about The Way of the Livingness, that it is accessible for everyone regardless of past choices.

  463. I love being a student of the livingness too. It is taking a while to accept the definition as I had labeled myself in all sorts of other ways placing too much importance on them, identifying myself through them and thereby taking myself further away from me – especially the one that included organised religion! However a student of the Way of the Livingness is very much what I am because everyday is an opportunity to evolve more deeply back to who I really am and in that evolution I am discovering that what I am is far bigger and more amazing than I ever thought possible. Learning to accept this and live it each day is the study!

  464. Beautiful Rosie, it is my way too, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. For me the Way of the Livingness is absolutely the truth. A way of living based on love, integrity, joy, beauty, truth, the list goes on. My life has changed immeasurably, and continues to do so, as every day is an opportunity to bring more Livingness (being the true me) to my life. And if I ever drop or wobble, I know that I have support of Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family and other inspiring students of the Way of Livingness, what more could I want ?!

  465. What you share here Rosie is also my experience, I have met so many people since being a student of The Way of The Livingness. What I find so beautiful about it is that they all feel like family and that the way we live together is so harmonious and lovingly.

    1. I agree, the people I have met through the way of the Livingness feel like true family, that for me is evidence of what developing great relationships built on truth can do.

  466. Hear, hear Rosie. Being a student of The Way of the Livingness has given me a true purpose in life and opened my eyes and my heart to what life and living is all about. I have let go of so many constricting ideals and beliefs that were holding me back from finding out and being who I truly am and I have a growing family in all corners of the earth.

  467. Rosie you are an amazing young woman, just one of the many amazing men and women I have met who claim the The Way of the Livingness to be their way too. Reading their stories is nothing short of inspirational, and the support we are given by Universal Medicine to simply be ourselves (and not a lesser version) is phenomenal.

  468. Yes Rosie! On the last Retreat from Universal Medicine in the UK was a person who participated in an UM event for the first time and what he pointed out was his absolutely surprise that the students do talk with each other in equality. Doctors, plumbers, nurses, unemployed, psychologist, sellers … all united in open speech and the willingness to expand and to develop together. That’s the Way.
    And I was surprised that this was so special to him… After 10 years of studying Universal Medicine this is normal to me. Very good to get a fresh reflection here and to appreciate.

    1. Yes that is a good point, it is great when everyone talks and shares as an equal regardless of their profession.

  469. Thank you Rosie, you are a beautiful example of a woman who has come from a life of denying who she truly is and abusing herself in the proces to a living example of commitment, truth and love. Truly inspiring to me and the rest of the world.

  470. No glamour, no outer appearances, no games but love, playfulness, truth, responsibility and being and expressing You is what the Way of the Livingness is all about. I have been a student of the Way for 8 years now and I have learned so much about myself and about life. Actually I should say I have been and I am in the proces of remembering all that I have always know and it’s given my life the true purpose it was lacking before.

  471. Rosie, this is a powerful and true statement. I agree fullheartedly as I also have been supported through bringing the way of the livingness into my own life. I am deeply grateful that Serge Benhayon has introduced this soulful way of living by living it himself and presenting it, so that everybody has a chance to choose it for himself.

  472. Rosie you nailed it so simply and clearly. The Way of the Livingness is for ALL EQUALLY. It makes no difference who you are, how old you are, what you do or have done or have not done or where you are at – none of that matters. There are no rules, no shoulds or should nots, nothing to sign, no membership nothing. It is an opportunity for us to see things as they truly are and take responsibility for our choices… and from there apparent miracles become quite normal!

    1. Beautifully said – ‘It is an opportunity for us to see things as they truly are and take responsibility for our choices,’ I love your summary here, surely this is what life is about.

  473. I too have been a Student of The Way of the Livingness for five years and am also delighted to be in touch with such a wide range of lovely people whose lives and state of health have been turned around with such amazing results.
    I had muddled through 8 decades of life experience when, at last, I found Serge Benhayon. My only regret is that I didn’t find him much earlier. Would have saved myself a lot of silly mistakes. A wonderful thing it is to discover that it is never too late to change by taking on board the information this Great Teacher presents.

  474. That we are all equal is so beautiful to the Students of the Livingness Rosie Bason. In essence we are all equal and it does not matter where you come from or where you have been in life. We are equal brothers and the joy is in the fact that we together have returned to a way of life we all originally came from and where so desperate looking for in our lives before we met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  475. Well claimed Rosie. I had not stopped to fully appreciate just how many walks of life many of the students have come from and to now be living together as students of ‘The Way of The Livingness’ is something truly amazing.

  476. Rosie I too have come to understand and appreciate recently that The Way of The Livingness is for every-body. I have been flabbergasted to read people’s stories and to hear how there is not one ailment or circumstance that can not be turned around by it’s application. How extraordinary that there is one way of living that addresses every problem known to man, unless………..unless, every problem known to man has arisen because we separated from The way of The Livingness in the first place, which is in fact our true way of being.

  477. Thank you Rosie, for expressing the appreciation and celebration that I too experience daily, as an equal Student of The Way of The Livingness. I LOVE how simply you have expressed the ways in which it works so well, that being the way in which there are no rules and no pressure to do anything or be ashamed of how we used to live or the choices made or are making ~ that’s what a True Student is all about. The words ‘The Way’ are quite profound too, I am deepening my own relationship with them as I discover ‘my way’ is actually a way that is not about me at all and is a way of connection with all of us as a whole and my goodness how amazing my life is today.. Ahhhmazing!

  478. Thank you, Rosie, for sharing. I have been a student of ‘the Way of The Livingness’ for four years and my life has changed so much. Life now is simpler, easier, flowing and more expansive. What that means to me is I don’t feel trapped by the world and what goes on, I just observe it by seeing the reality of choices we all make ‘coming home to roost’, so to speak. That includes the choices I make too, I can feel the response my body has when it doesn’t want to participate with an ideal or belief in my head. My body lets me know very quickly and that gives me another opportunity to choose again to support my body instead of disregarding it.

  479. Beautifully said Rosie. I am also a student of “The Way of the Livingness”.
    The ageless wisdom that Serge Benhayon presents has made a huge difference in my life. In reconnecting to truth and my inner divine essence I have been able to live the real me. This has been lifechanging-very freeing, empowering, more loving and joyous.

  480. Thanks Rosie. The students of the way of the livingness are truly a group of diverse and inspiring people, making simple loving choices day in and day out. I too am a student of the way of the livingness.

  481. Hey Rosie, I am definitely one of those people, whose life and response to it is vastly different and improved in so many ways. Not just because of what I have learnt through The Way of the Livingness but through my interactions with the student body itself.

  482. I love the real life stories too Rosie, so inspiring how people from all walks of life, from varying backgrounds have chosen another way to live – one that celebrates them for just being them, not for what they do or where they have come from.

  483. How true is this about the Way of the Livingness, Rosie: “It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are.” Totally agree: it’s all about who we all are, in truth, something that we have never acknowledged as a whole human race ever before. So being a student is an amazing long term commitment and is very much open to absolutely everyone. As you say, members of the student body completely confirm this in the way we are all from all walks of life.

  484. Beautiful to read Rosie on how in The way of the Livingness, there are no rules & you just have to be you, that’s all. Yes, when we take responsibility for ourself & in that the way our life is because of the choices we made, there is no room for blame. I love this way of living & it is also my way.

  485. Super clear and simple blog Rosie which makes it very clear about what it is to be a student of The Way of The Livingness! One word I could sum this up with would be ‘responsibility’.. And this is what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have inspired me with – taking responsibility for my choices and beginning to connect and live from the true me!

  486. I have been a student of “The Way of The Livingness” for the last 4 yrs and love it, I have met some amazing people and continue to meet new people all the time. My experience has been life changing, I am constantly supported and encouraged to be the full me, with no holding back.

  487. I so agree Rosie. This really is something worth studying. The massive mental health issues coming up from lack of self esteem, lack of self worth, lack of purpose… So many people have written fabulous blogs about how their life has changed with these really simple and practical reminders. I am no different, I have rediscovered the young girl inside me that loves life, loves people and lives life to the full.

  488. Rosie a big thank you for sharing how amazing and life changing it is to be student of the Way of the Livingness”.
    This way has blessed my life and the land those around me for which I am forever grateful!

  489. “There are some students of The Way of the Livingness who I meet and when they describe their life and how they used to live, it seems as if they are talking about someone completely different.” – I have had this experience so many times with students. Everyone has a before and after story, but the most amazing thing is there is so often no trace at all of the old issues that had plagued them, be it drugs and checking out of life, a chronic lack of worth, illnesses, for some being overweight, for others just lacking vitality and commitment to life. Whatever has been experienced pre Universal Medicine is often healed without a trace after a few years of loving daily choices and peeling away the stuff we’ve layered over that hold us back from just being who we are. The changes are profound, powerful and deeply inspiring. Not least of all you Rosie, you seem to glow ever more so, and talk about sexy, you’re so gorgeous, it’s like you define what it means when we say ‘you’re blooming’ – like a stunning flower steadily unfurling and it just keeps getting more amazing.

    1. Thanks Kate, I am blooming awesome!
      I feel it more and more each day and I am not used to feeling so good all the time but I am practising and chaning old behaviour patterns. Giving myself permission to feel good everyday….afterall, it is my choice!

      1. Gorgeous Rosie – very cute too – getting used to feeling consistently amazing – love it!

  490. As you so beautifully put it Rosie: “The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are”… This to me says it all.

  491. Gorgeous Rosie, thank you for sharing what I too wish to claim and celebrate. Being a student of The Way of The Livingness has led to being able to connect to who I am – I never thought that was attainable because there was so much baggage there of who I was not! But now I can feel that sense of me and I now have true confidence to claim ‘I am Amazing!’. What I am recently delighting in discovering is, as I give myself permission to claim and express my love for myself and the true love I feel for everyone, others are feeling they are also being given permission to do the same. In fact people are coming up to me and saying, please keep sharing, it is really supporting. I choose now to never hold back expressing my love for others and myself and how The Way of The Livingness, Serge Benhayon and practitioners have supported me to arrive to where I am today so I too can inspire others to feel the same. It is AWE-inspiring.

  492. I love being a student of The Way of the Livingness too Rosie. The way you describe it is so simple and so real and is open and available to all. Thank God for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine or I’m not sure what path I would be heading down in the pursuit of what is already within me. That’s what I love about being a student. It is a forever deepening and not a forever chasing or searching for something like it had felt before.

  493. Hello Rosie this is simply gorgeous. “It does not matter what you have done” I have taken quite sometime to accept what I have done in the past without going into feeling guilty I realise this has held me back from being who I truly am. Universal Medicine students do come from all walks of life because we are all part of humanity. The only thing different is like you have said, we are willing to be aware of ourself and take responsibility for our choices, knowing that our choices, as does everyone’s everywhere, effects everything.

  494. Hello Rosie Bason, I agree and quite simply this is what ‘The Way of the Livingness’ is all about, “All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices.”

  495. “The Way of The Livingness is for everyone equally and it does not matter what your background is or was. It does not matter where you come from or what you have done. None of that matters. It is not ever about what you do or what you have done – it is actually more about who you are” – so true and you’ve said it so beautifully, Rosie. And this is the way that has been forever present and available for every one of us to come back to who we truly are – if we so choose to, and this is the way I choose.

  496. That it the power of this living Way…it is about the human being we are at our essence, not the career, the money, the talent, the success, the failure…..
    That is why it works so beautifully for so many. The Way of the Livingness supports every person to live who they truly are, to bring their innermost out to the world for everyone to enjoy.

  497. “There are no rules, no regulations, no ‘shoulds’ or ‘should nots’. All that this way of living really asks of you is to be aware of yourself and to take responsibility for your choices. This is how these people were able to make such changes in their lives” So powerfully said Rosie. #ResponsibilityNotBlame – this may not be the most comfortable way but definitely the most evolving.

  498. I agree Rosie the beauty of The Way of The Livingness is that it is about those committed to making their life about love irrespective of their past. It offers a chance to reflect and review our life and accept those choices we’ve made that haven’t worked or served us truly, and to move on from this towards true freedom through self-responsibility and understanding. This is a process, and each person/student deals with it in their own time. And this is too the beauty of The Way of The Livingness. Space to deal with your hurts and issues. I have been a student for the past 9 years, and for me there is no other way to life than The Way [of The Livingness].

  499. Lovely Rosie…being a student of ‘The Way of The Livingness’ for the last 10 years has been life changing for me. I love the fact that I am supported and encouraged to be the real me…so normal, so simple and so beautiful.

    1. Hello Marika and I have a feeling this will be the flavour of all the comments. So many of us, even in a short period of time have had their life dramatically changed. As Rosie Bason highlights, many people were suffering severe conditions but through simply supporting and bringing some self responsibility to their lives they have change things hugely. ‘The Way of The Livingness’, have a look around and you will see the people speak for themselves.

    2. These words ‘life changing’ cannot be underestimated. Life changing in a brand new way and not from a point of bettering, but a true way of living who we really are and were always born to be.

  500. Beautiful Rosie. I love how you put it that there are no rules, just the natural consequences of our choices. I’ve never come across anything else like Way of the Livingness and am grateful to have found this way that as you say “is actually more about who you are”.

    1. Very true Joseph, the lack of rules can be hard to comprehend, surely somewhere someone must tell you what to do, but the reality is no, no rules, just choices, consequences and responsibility. Being supported to observe our choices and their impact goes a long way in supporting a person to truly feel the effects of a decision or action upon themselves and upon others. There is no truer way to bring change to people’s lives than empowering them to observe and feel the real impact of our behaviours and to show us we are all worth caring for, deeply so.

  501. Thanks Rosie, beautifully said. I can tell my own story and it will be another just like those you’ve described… literally a before and after. What’s offered through the Way of the Livingness is a game-changer of magnificent proportions.

  502. Hi Rosie, I agree with you here. I too have met so many people who have come from the backgrounds that you have mentioned since my own activity as a student of The Way of The Livingness. They come from all walks of life to follow this Way. I never cease to be amazed at the fact that these people are now such vital and gorgeous people. People have been willing to work on themselves, deal with all their issues etc. and have completely transformed their lives. They have shown such enormous courage in many cases to be able to face the truth of how they had been living before.

    I too am so thankful that I met Serge Benhayon and his wonderful family, and that I found Universal Medicine. I too have transformed my life for the so much better, as a continuing student of The Way of The Livingness. It is My Way for the rest of my time on this earth.

    1. Very true Beverley, people have been willing to work on themselves and deal with all their issues. It is not just a magic click of the fingers fairy tale scenario. Students of the Way of The Livingness have worked hard, and have really committed to themselves and not kept burrying their heads in the sand pretending everything is okay when more ofthen than not, it is clearly not okay. I know from my experience that it didn’t just happen, but I have made it happen.

  503. Beautiful Rosie. I can so relate to the before and after stories you hear from students of The Way of the Livingness, the changes people have made in their lives are miracles. The changes I have made living this religious way is a miracle.

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