The Science of Boiling Water

Have you ever taken the time to stop and watch water come to the boil?

I have a clear glass kettle that brings water to the boil even faster than pots on the stove (which as we know, boil very slowly – if at all – when we watch them!), and lets you see the whole process in motion.

There is a lovely sequence of events that happens, and a science to it.

What is the science of bringing water to the boil?

The only difference between ice, cold water, hot water and steam is the temperature, and the rate of vibration of the water molecules.

If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them.

The boiling point of water is the point at which the liquid water molecules are vibrating so fast that they spread apart to become a gas.

So, we have a body of water – introduced into and held by the kettle (or watched pot).

We add energy to the system, via electricity, which is converted into heat.

The heat energy increases the rate of vibration of the water molecules.

Firstly we see this as an increased movement within the body of water. This actually has a scientific name – Brownian motion – which describes the fact that as water molecules heat up, they move around faster.

Then we see tiny bubbles start to form, which are small spheres of water molecules moving so fast they have expanded from the liquid state to become a gas, and joined together.

These spheres rise to the surface because they are lighter than the denser water molecules, and are released from the body of water into the body of air above it, where they merge with other gases and other particles of that vibration.

As the heating process continues, the energy of the water rises, and more and more spheres form, and the spheres become larger and greater, and join together to form even grander spheres, and the water moves faster and faster, and soon the whole thing is one joyous whirling mix of water and steam and air.

And if the kettle had a whistle on it, it would be singing with joy!

What can we learn from watching water boil?

When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.

Imagine if it did! That watched pot would never boil! Indeed, if those molecules of water dug their heels in and refused to move faster, even decided to go slower out of spite, we may well watch the water turn into ice!

Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?

Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?

And why don’t we?

If we take the time to watch water boil, we create the space to allow ourselves to feel this process happening in our own bodies.

We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.

And we can feel that the same process happens in people as a whole. As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole. Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt.

As more and more of us are inspired by the light and spacious ones above, we too vibrate at a higher rate and our particles expand. We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us.

And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again.

I am forever inspired by the life and work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

by Anne Malatt

Further Reading:
Everything is Because of Energy
Who I Really Am
Evolution Is About Us Returning to Who We Truly Are

767 thoughts on “The Science of Boiling Water

  1. What you have written Anne is a beautiful account of what our evolution is; that we will again become more spacious, our vibration will increase and we will arise out of the denseness that we call human life back to the universe where we were always meant to be.

  2. The light brings us all together to deepen our relationships and increase our stillness, which is increasing our vibration and thus deepening our relationships with each other; this is evolution. Thank you Anne, as we become aware of those simple things around us we can connect to the magic as you have!

  3. I love this analogy, and as I read it I could almost feel my own particles vibrating faster – I got a real sense of how much we can and do to dull that vibration and keep it at a level that is comfortable and unchallenging. Awesome blog, thankyou Anne.

  4. As we reconnect – plug into – Fire, our particles respond with True Movement and increase the vibration of our particles in tune with the Universe.

  5. I have never considered steam and boiling water as raising its vibration by its particles spreading apart and moving faster, but it makes sense. I will definitely be observing a boiling kettle through different eyes now.

  6. It seems like a contradiction that when my particles move faster, this is when I feel the most stillness. It feels like there is more space between the particles, which is where the stillness is found. I really don’t need to know the science as I feel every detail of the changes happening with me as my vibration becomes lighter.

  7. What an inspiring reflection the boiling jug offers:). We are vibrational energetic beings.
    ‘We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.’ ..and around us. Thank you Anne.

  8. Why do we not only resist feeling amazing – but do everything under the sun to avoid it is a question well worth asking. What is really occurring? And what part of us stops it? And what needs to change for us to accept our inevitable gloriousness?

    1. That is a question worth pondering on, what needs to change for us to accept our gloriousness, why do we resist it?

  9. There is a vibration of life, of the universe, of God that we, our Souls, too are inescapably in union with and our bodies are divinely aligned to, and this is a beautiful reminder of the fact that all we need to do is surrender to being moved by this quality of energy rather than resisting it thus lowering our vibration.

  10. Lovey to read again. The beauty of the simplicity of the analogy to describe our evolution is joyful to feel and read.

  11. Recently my kettle forgot how to turn itself off after bringing the water to the boil. It just kept going and going then I realised something was wrong with it and decided that it was broken. Now I am getting a sense that it was an invitation for me to reconsider my limit, what I think is enough, when there is an offering of more.

  12. Who would have thought that actually everything around us is offering us a reflection of how to evolve and grow. Even down to the simple everyday things in life like boiling a kettle. No wonder many of us feel so purposeless or given up if we don’t see the magic in all these things around us.

    1. This analogy that Anne has shared of the boiling water in a kettle is a great reflection of evolution.

  13. We are constantly being offered opportunities to raise our vibration, we can dig our heels in and resist this pull, or embrace it and feel how expansive and spacious we become.

    1. Yes so very true Anna – saying ‘yes’ to the vibration of love is always a pull up the be more love, to which there is no end and is awe-inspiring to feel.

  14. The reflection we can get from boiling water is that the more heat we bring to it the higher the vibrations of the particles becomes, but too that there is more movement but above all more space between the particles to observe. Could it be that it is the same with us people, that when we let more fire in that our particles become more spacious and in connection with that what is all around? So different from when we behave like being a frozen block of ice.

  15. I find it interesting how even though the particles of water are moving faster as they heat up there is also more space between them, like there is a harmony or unity in the movement that allows the space to also expand…

  16. This is a great example of how something that expands its own vibration becomes so much lighter and changes its movement.

    1. I love what you have shared here Sally, as the way you have explained the principle of raising a vibration can be applied to everything we do – when we commit to expanding and lightening up.

  17. “If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them.” The science behind healing.

  18. The magic of boiling water. Life can be made up of the most mundane things. Equally so it can filled with magic. The things that fill either a mundane life or a magic life are the same – the secret lies in the beholder.

  19. I suppose one answer to the question of ‘why water obeys its evolution and we do not’, is that water does not have energetic forces directed at it to make sure that it stays in its current or lesser form. What we can learn from water is that it’s easy to follow the call to evolve and the struggle actually comes from the resistance.

  20. What I find fascinating is that water can have so many forms that look so completely different and the only difference is the vibration of the molecules, we can definitely apply this to us and our lives and note that our lives may vary in how they look or appear or feel in accordance to what vibration we are choosing and living in.

  21. This is a great reflection for us. There is a simplicity, flow and ease in the process of water coming to the boil and becoming steam, in a seed becoming a tree or any other example we can think of from nature. All these reflections are reminders that we too can live with this flow and ease, that life doesn’t have to be a struggle and that to surrender to the pull of our true essence, we will be expressing ourselves in the fullness of our potential.

  22. When looking at resistance in this way one sees the sheer folly in it! We are all designed to rise in harmony as this is a known scientific fact, as even the most chaotic cell is moving towards harmony. All illness and disease is a movement towards harmony, and yet most of us resist, preferring to be part of ‘the cult of individuality’ and then we think we are intelligent!

    1. With a greater understanding of life and how it is designed to bring us back to harmony, no matter how far we have roamed from home, we can approach life with a deeper appreciation, awe and joy at how blessed we are. From the ‘cult of individuality’ stance we miss these offerings.

  23. ‘We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us’. This is so true and a great reminder to stay connected or deepen our connection and not fall back into habits that create a denseness and heaviness in our bodies and thus in life. We can be light and bring light, we have a choice in every moment.

  24. I loved how you relate the science of boiling water to us being in the same vibration. We are no different to everything around us.

    We’ve just had new walls and paint in our bedroom and cannot believe but also feel the spaciousness that has been created. The room is the same size and space but there is something magic in removing the old with something fresh and new – a forever beauty full cycle.

  25. A brilliant example of how particles can do so much more than we realise – what could be possible if we resist nothing and give life everything?

  26. A beautiful science and one I use to understand how, in reverse, we became so dense that we took on a physical presence and now we have nowhere to go but to return to the higher vibration that we come from.

  27. It’s interesting to note that no matter (pun intended) what the material, medium, plane, object, etc all is energy; and particles make up matter. Each single particular has the intelligence of the whole universe. How is it then can we connect to and raise the vibration of these particles to expand the space and hence intelligence in our bodies? It first starts by connecting to and being with the body..

  28. There is a simplicity and beauty in the science and order of the universe which is reflected to us in the seemingly mundane and ordinary things of life we can so easily take for granted if we are not paying attention.

  29. I love when life is talked about as a science as it reveals a divine order that we are part of and that we are not just randomly existing. To think it is random is to avoid being responsible for our part in the divine plan.

  30. From someone that dug her heels in yesterday afternoon, this is a timely read, thank you.

  31. Multidimensionality is what we call our space.. The blog is simply showing us that. There is no way around — but to feel that we are all made of cells that are made of energy — we are all one and the same, evolving to the next depth of space..

  32. It would sure be lonely if only one water bubble rose on its own, and physically it is impossible. Awareness and observation allows us to see what is truly natural in nature and to reflect how natural we are living in our day to day lives.

  33. Your point on water not resisting the boiling process is so valid. It highlights the ludicrousness of human life, that we resist obeying universal laws and magnetic pull to evolve, to continually become aligned to higher vibrations.

  34. I love when people break life down so simply. Many mornings the kettle will boil and I don’t give it another thought, it’s just water boiling right? Not now as there is so so much more simply to life going on to appreciate. Water is an amazing part of life and the cycle described here is relative to us all. When life is just about coping or getting through it is wonderful to see people exploring another part, a part that pulls us out of the small and allows us to breath in the bigger picture.

  35. This is a beautiful analogy Anne and a powerful reminder that we are all connected and part of a oneness, to live without this awareness we block or stunt the natural pull to evolve.

  36. Such a powerful representation of how we are all born with bodies that are made of the same components, equally responding to the vibration we chose to surrender to, determining the quality of denseness of lightness we therefore live through our bodies. The more we resist the vibration of love the denser we become, the more separated and individualised we become, as does the ice. Yet the more we surrender to the higher vibration of love the lighter we are, and the more we realise that the true body that we belong to is the body of oneness.

  37. A beautiful explanation of two gloriously scientific processes… the boiling of water, and the evolution of man. Thank you Anne.

  38. I love this blog Anne in makes me feel all bubbly and warm inside. I love how science is interconnected within our lives in such a beautiful way showing how we are all connected to the all always. Awesome thank you.

  39. When we make life about energy first we understand that there is no point resisting our pull for a constant expansion to a lighter way of being so might just well surrender to the divine process and choose to be who we truly are.

  40. This blog is a great example of the extent to which we are subject to laws that become known to us through science. Our body is water in a very high percentage, so we are subject to the same laws that affect water (being water whose particles expand or water whose particles become denser). The only difference being in our own capacity to go one way or the other by our own will.

  41. Loved what you have shared Anne just reading your blog I can feel the particles in my body expanding with joy, thank you.

    1. Lovely to read this blog again and like you, Jill, I feel a spaciousness in my body after reading it, which I will carry joyfully into my day ahead.

  42. I do love watching water boil and now wish I had a glass kettle! What I loved about reading this blog is that we consider water in its various states to be different, yet it is all the same. It is only the amount of space between the particles that changes. I can relate this to the human body. At times it can be quite dense with the particles close together. At other times it can be light and open as the particles dance in the space we have chosen. This spaciousness is felt by others and creates a pull in them. It is like applying ‘electricity’ to the dense particles, which would love to have more space.

  43. Anne, I love how you have used the example of boilng water to show how expansion and space occurs. We live within a Universe that is constantly expanding so it makes sense that it is possible for us to expand and offer more space within our body too.

  44. It would appear from what you present for us here Anne, that water is very obedient to the laws of the Universe! And us humans are made up of a majority of water in our body (just as there is more water than land on Earth), this begs the question – if water is so obedient to universal law, what force exists that we allow to ‘dense up’ our bodies so that we are not pulled at the same rate of expansion as the molecules within us are wanting to go?

    Put simply – everything within our physiology is designed to pull in harmony with the Universe (God’s body) we live within, yet there is also something we call upon to resist this evolution: the call back to who we truly are.

    We have a lot to learn from the humble kettle – the wisdom of the Universe right before our very eyes, performing a symphony of symbolism every time throughout our day that we stop to have a cuppa! But it would seem for the most part we are too busy reaching for the coffee and the ensuing ‘rush’ or checkout, to truly pause and consider what is here revealed for us to assist us out of the daily grind we get so caught up in.

    I adore reading this blog Anne – it reminds me that Heaven is always on Earth.

  45. “If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them.” I love this metaphor for life. If we live our energetic truth our particles will also create more space between them, our vibrations will increase and thus we evolve.

  46. I love how your questions about water relate to human life. “Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole? And why don’t we?” After all we are all interconnected – and come from the same source. What if parenting and our education systems taught this – cooperation and understanding rather than competition and judgement? Energy first.

  47. This is delightful inspiration to start the day. It’s been said already but so very true as you have playfully demonstrated here – that all of life around us reflects our true potential.

  48. There is a science to everything as you have illustrated with the vibration of the ice, water and steam analogy Anne. And as I read your blog I could not but feel the science of our emotions and how they all vibrate in our body differently too. For example anger feels different to the cascade of frustration, resentment, bitterness and rage which all too would have their own unique vibration and thus have a different effect on our bodies. We have much to learn about the science and evolution of our human bodies and the world around us and what a joy that will be to learn.

  49. “When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.”

    I love this line Anne, indeed all that you present here for us to ponder. The simple fact that our human form is made up of a majority of water, whose very nature is to respond to warmth so that its particles can grow and expand and up their vibration, shows us that within us lives an alchemy that needs no effort on our part other than to surrender the resistance we employ to offset this process. Perhaps this gives us a clue as to why our current rates of illness and disease are so high – we have allowed a great stagnation to settle over that which by essence knows only how to move with the flow of life.

    1. Thanks for the connection to ‘warmth’ Liane. I know my body likes to be warm and cosy and I respond and make sure I am. Now I have a deeper understanding that, like water, it is essential for evolution for our particles to ‘warm’ up and expand.

  50. The fact of water particles boiling together and becoming steam is just natural, it is what would happen under Universal/energetic laws. Working together in collaboration and unity is simply natural. If our present day world does not reflect this truth, we are going against what is natural. And disobeying what is natural, naturally has its consequences.

  51. Just like water has no choice but to surrender to the boil, there is no choice for us to evolve. We are just under the illusion that we have choice in the matter and in this, create resistance to what we can not resist.

  52. If water did try to resist boiling based on the energy it was being fed, it would be a nightmare. Quite possibly it would explode. Perhaps we are doing the same thing when it comes to evolution? We are trying to resist something that is impossible to resist.

  53. When it was time to buy a new kettle there was a glass one on sale and remembering this article i was inspired to buy it. Interestingly because I live in a hard water area and I don’t have a water softener there is a layer of lime scale that forms on the metal base inside and can also cloud the glass. This reminds me of the stuff we can hold onto and cloud our vision. Now every time I clean the kettle and remove the build up I check in with myself to see if there is any clearing needed and allow my body to let go and expand.

  54. This is a beautiful analogy Anne, and an opportunity to ponder on why we are so good at resisting the constant pull to a higher vibration- that of evolution and are so afraid to let go of that which keeps us in separation of our divinity?

  55. Watching the kettle boil at work is a moment when I choose to re-connect to myself but as you point out it is also an opportunity to reflect on the expansion that is on offer for all of us.

  56. Thank you Anne you make science so accessible and I love how you highlight that water does not resist its evolution and the choice we have to surrender to ours.

  57. Water doesn’t resist its evolution from a frozen to a lighter form, so what about the water in our bodies? What I am finding the more I connect to how my body feels to be I can’t be anything but light as if my whole posture is pulled up to be grander and more spacious rather than closed down, shoulders rolled in and mind in a storm cloud.

  58. I so love how you have seen such revelation in your kettle. It shone a new light on what becoming fiery in our bodies is.

  59. I really love this. It just goes to show it is a given that we are all on a path of evolution – no matter how hard we may try. It’s just a science.

    1. Exactly. Life is science and as such we cannot escape the Universal laws by which we are bound. Ignore them – yes. Escape them – no.

  60. Anne I love the imagery of water accepting its natural evolution – be it ice or steam – and to whistle with joy when boiled! And the question – ‘why don’t we?’ – accept our natural evolution. Resistance can be huge – and takes force and energy, whereas naturally aligning to evolution is simplicity itself, It would seem to be a no-brainer.

  61. What a joy to read, and I can feel and see that whistling kettle as the water within let’s go and expands to become steam. It’s a great analogy for us and what is offered to us always and how we can surrender to it and the spaciousness there, with ourselves and all around. I’ll never quite look at boiling water in the same way again, thank you Anne.

  62. This is beautiful to read Anne I love that you took the time to study the water boiling and the evolutionary process involved – I am looking forward to using my kettle again and being reminded of this great science whilst the water boils.

  63. Re-reading this blog Anne inspired me to appreciate the boiling kettle (which is an action used several times a day) and be open to experience more of the spaciousness that is available when we choose evolution,

  64. I too am forever inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Reading your blog again Anne reminds me to really appreciate how understanding the process of water boiling can teach us about evolution. Boiling water is something we probably do every day and this is an awesome reminder that we too can choose to raise to our pull of evolution instead of digging our heals in and resist.

  65. How easy it is to let the kettle (our body) become calcified or unclean and then it takes a very long time to let the bubbles begin to percolate and joyfully surface for all to see in the clear glass kettle (our natural way of being).

  66. ‘Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?’ And why don’t we? Great question Anne, thank you.

  67. The joy of expansion is an invitation to be with one and all harmoniously. How beautiful is that? Thank you Anne.

  68. Beautiful Anne. And if we resist the energy of love that is offered then it is like putting the lid on a pressure cooker and our vessel, our body, has to release the vibrations through illness and disease.

  69. Bubbling, swirling, steaming and I got the sense that the movement of water in the whole pot was supporting the surface steam to change state into the air- all particles working together – a symbol of harmony and brotherhood.

  70. Thank you Anne for sharing the process of water boiling, aligning it to our own process of evolution with its expansion and spaciousness, a simply great science lesson, with nature our teacher.

  71. This such a powerful sharing Anne that calls us to deeply consider that we are a part of a greater whole that has a Divine order, and bringing our awareness to the Divine pull that is always present as, the call of our Soul, so we are moved by our Divine Will without resistance, and as such magnify the Light we are within and return united together to the Great Light we are from.

  72. I can really feel how I like to hold onto what is familiar even when I can feel the change is already happening in response to what is being called for, and how that resistance adds the heaviness which confuses me as though the called-for change itself is the weight/burden.

  73. The sense of spaciousness is such a delightful feeling, but first we must know and feel what denseness really feels like… then we can start to rearrange our lives, and our particles will follow.

  74. It’s interesting to consider this analogy Anne, especially seeing that we are composed of mostly water ourselves. So really our capacity to expand and vibrate should be no different than that of water! The question is what stops us?

    1. I agree Jennifer. I wonder about this same question. This blog shows that we too can choose to evolve and therefore naturally pull people around us to also evolve. This highlights to me our level of responsibility to constantly choose not to resist our natural evolutionary path.

  75. ‘We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.’ I have felt this spaciousness and feeling lighter and clearer more often when I am surrounded by people who are also feeling this way, so the magnetic pull you mentioned is so true and it certainly applies to what I have experienced. It is amazing how this works and I love the science of magnetic pull. So, when I do not resist this pull, I am able to also support others to feel this amazing expansion, lightness and spaciousness, and vice versa. Amazing to appreciate how we are so deeply connected.

  76. A beautiful correlation to make – and a pleasure to read… yet with just enough ouch to make us contemplate how ridiculous it is to hold back and not live who and what we are capable of. How gorgeous to find inspiration in the most unexpected of places.

  77. Interesting how I can sometimes feel like a watched pot that is never going to boil and then other times I feel myself boiling away joyously vibrating with greater space within my body. Why not just the latter? Only the fact that I choose to be the stubborn pot not wanting to boil – or more accurately in my case, the stubborn pot who wants to boil but only in my own time.

  78. Why indeed do we resist and delay our natural pull to evolution for that is all it is and can ever be – a delay.

  79. How lovely to read an article that brings forth a deep smile, and a feeling of joy… we can be those particles, becoming lighter and lighter, and we can transform and let go.

  80. Its a wonderful analogy – to highlight the difference between how nature responds to natural forces, and yet we dig our heels in and try to persuade everyone that black is white, that we don’t have any problems with the NHS, with kids, with Prisons…

  81. An amazing blog Anne! If we hold back our own joy and love in life then things start to get heavy, and I love how you have likened this to the science of boiling water! When we are in evolution we become lighter and lighter, much like the water become steam as it boils.

  82. Hi Anne, this is a beautiful blog and one that confirms the movement of Humanity when re-connected to what is true and their movement towards more truth. The ability to uplift others is amazing. This blog does also bring with it the opportunity to ponder the experience of those that ‘dig their heels in’ and resist the pull towards more light and what that means. The responsibility rests with each person for the life they choose to live and when this consist of honesty, truth and love the reflection it offers other does allow for the slow rise and transmutation towards truth, like the build of the vibration of the bubbles.

  83. Anne, your wonderful blog worked its magic today as I shared it with two of my grandchildren. They were absolutely fascinated by my new clear kettle, with a blue light, and stood and stared as it boiled –several times. As I began to share the process of boiling water I felt to read them your words instead, and they stood there transfixed as they listened, watched and slowly began to understand what was happening. It was a most beautiful moment in time – a true science lesson.

  84. An interesting analogy. It also made me consider water that might sit in a pond or similar and over time, and with no movement or energy input, can begin to stagnate. Furthermore, the energy that comes through water (ie a tidal wave) can result in destruction while a flowing river can be very healing and cleansing. In the same way, I can feel that when we don’t move, we can also begin to stagnate… And depending on what energy we align to that we move in and allow to come through us, we can either harm or heal… It’s not that the water/ body itself that is harming or healing but the energy expressing through the vehicle… This says a lot about energy and responsibility that we would all do well to consider.

  85. This is a good question when water is heated up it just does so without resistance. Whereas with people when prompted to step up we tend to disconnect and resist with varying levels of interference.

  86. This is an amazing example of the power of brotherhood if we apply it and not resist each other’s love or our own love. We too would expand and evolve together if we choose to surrender to our natural process of evolution, raising to a higher plane just like the water molecules which do not resist when the call for evolution is presented.

  87. It just seems so beautiful to imagine us all vibrating as one, to a higher plane. I feel we resist because we like the known and we like our ideas of how things should be, yet this expansion is already within us, and we inherently know this, so our resistance is just a petty grab at control. How gorgeous to surrender to our evolution and to embrace the big adventure.

  88. A gorgeous blog to re-visit Anne and be reminded of how truly powerful we are ‘We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us.’

    1. If we all live without resistance to revolution and choose to vibrate at a higher rate we would rise out of our current state of misery. So, the more people choosing to evolve the more we inspire others to be pulled along too. It is incredible how evolution works.

  89. What you express in this blog Anne is very revealing, simple yet powerful, I love how it calls us all individually to a responsibility for the whole;
    “And we can feel that the same process happens in people as a whole. As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole”.

  90. Thank you Anne, there is such a beauty in the reflection we get from nature, what a grand possibility of unity we have when we choose to not resist our particles to move fasters, and create more space. A ones with all.

  91. A superb analogy, bringing us back to the law of physics, molecules and particles which we are undeniably from. You raise a great point about resistance. Water just surrenders to the natural order of things and its place in it as it morphs in response to increased energy vibration. The next question then has to be, ‘Why don’t we surrender?’ Indeed, why is it we put up such a fight when what is before us is a foregone conclusion, a law of nature?

  92. The boiling water shows us expansion and evolution, we have a choice to expand and evolve in life or remain in contraction. The choice is always ours.

  93. I can feel that when I hold myself back from expanding I become small and then feel the jealousy and comparison to others who have chosen to allow themselves to expand naturally. The choice is mine. Boiling water shows us what is possible for us and it is naturally so.

  94. I really love this. Our body is made of water, lots of it. So, our body is by natural law more than ready to respond to a call to evolve. It makes so much sense how we have been trying to dictate and bully our body in the name of what our mind see as ‘advancement’ only for it to end up having to release so much in the way of illness and diseases.

  95. yes indeed… And the lovely thing is, is that we can feel ourselves becoming lighter, more spacious, less… dense… Especially as the weight of our ideals and what we have taken on in our lives starts to be let go of, and we can start to simply connect with ourselves, be ourselves, and enjoy the delightful lightness of being.

  96. Anne, I love how what you’ve shared is a merge of science and philosophy showing that they cannot be seen as separate elements, but are all part of the whole.

  97. What you’ve shared here Anne is very powerful. What if there is a natural ‘pull’ for us to expand, and allow the amazing and natural process you’ve described of coming to true unity? And just what are we doing if we wilfully resist this? I can’t imagine water molecules suppressing the process of boiling, becoming gaseous and ‘one’, but I can well get a sense of how we as beings are so well crafted at stopping and/or delaying what is such a natural process.
    The message it simply to get out of our own way, isn’t it… Thank-you.

  98. It is so beautiful to reminded that nature reflects what we are needed to do, to join others in a higher vibration.

  99. Anne, this blog is brilliant!!! I loved it and as I read it my smile got wider and wider. A beautiful analogy very well expressed in a such a way that is accessible to anyone. Thank you!

  100. I love this blog Anne, I love it when science is applied to everyday things. I once saw it explained on a science programs how by rubbing a very large diamond against something rapidly, through friction the heats up changing its molecules and therefore every molecule in the universe has to adjust to keep the perfect balance.

  101. A beautiful blog that makes us stop and compare this simple cycle of water to our own evolution and so the question, why do we resist, what are we getting from this?

  102. Anne, I have just re-read your blog and am enjoying contemplating how to share this with a science class I am helping out with. The science of boiling water is such a simple and straightforwards and easy to understand science especially with how you have described it. And you have taken it one step further as you talk about the fact that we too can have denser particles or lighter particles in our bodies – imagine how we feel with more of one rather than the other!? Life is all about science, all about energy and all about particles and vibrations…love it!

  103. Every natural event, activity or expression on earth and in nature consistently reflects the natural, loving and expansive being we are and how easy it can be to live this way.

    1. Reflection reflection reflection and the beauty of nature in supporting us to come back! How different do we feel after a day out in the sun, in nature, on the beach or in the forrest compared to a day spent on the couch immersed in computer games or ‘screen time’ – the vastness and lightness of the body after the day in nature VS the denseness and heaviness that we can feel in the body as lethargy after a day of gaming. Who and why would we choose to seek out the denseness? A question well worth pondering!

      1. This is so true Henrietta. It’s interesting to ponder on why in the last 30 years there has been an increase in technology that results in us being submersed in reflections that dull us instead of the days playing outside in nature that lift and lighten us. I don’t feel it’s just the fact that we know have the technology, it’s almost like the technology was created from a need to dull.

  104. Thank you Anne for this beautiful blog, I love the simplicity and playfulness of it. It is amazing the reflections that are offered all around us when we take the time to pause and take notice.

  105. “When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.” it is true its particles naturally follow an order and rise together to boil. When you watch boiling water it may look a little chaotic but when you look closely it is all bubbling together in an harmonious motion….I had never really thought of this before. Dianne I love your analogies and scientific way of bringing simplicity and understanding to the complex way we have chosen to live. It totally makes sense and asks us to look deeper into how we live our lives.

  106. We are particles on earth like the molecules in water, as we move through movement we cause our particles to increase the vibration, these vibrations allow us to expand, rise and evolve just like the molecules in water.

  107. Just loved this, so refreshing and light and showing how we too can celebrate ourselves so easily if we allow our natural flow and when the heat is on allow for expansion to show us the way.

  108. Your sharing reminds me on “everything is energy” and everything we do affects everything and everybody around us. And I like the analogy with the water as if we all would live under water – water inside us and around us. When I move my arm, this creates a wave, which will be felt by everybody. This leads to a very big responsibility we have for each other. Every single move of one person contributes to the vibration / quality of the ocean.

    1. Great description Alexander1207. If we are in water “When I move my arm, this creates a wave, which will be felt by everybody. ” Water shows this so well, because we can actually see and feel the molecules, while in our personal lives it is not as easy. Yet energy works in the same way and in fact includes our thoughts and emotions too. Not only do we affect one another, but if we look up at the stars we can feel something beautiful, everything in the Universe has an impact on everything, we have an impact on the whole of the universe. It is huge! The more I reflect on it the more I know what a profound responsibility we have to with every single choice, thought and action.

    2. This is true Alexander1207, the responsibility we have with everything we do, including our thoughts is huge as this affects the all, the universe, we are all connected. We have to get ourselves out of the way and consider the whole.

  109. When water boils, I have observed how the particles move around as if in a dance, there is a rhythm that expands in the activity. It feels harmonious as every particle or droplet has a place in the dance and supports all others. This is another great bog confirming how nature can show us many things and that expanding activity does not mean loosing ourselves, even when great change is occurring.

  110. The science shared here is magical Anne. It’s funny though I actually boil my water in the kettle for the stove first, so it bubbles quicker. I may try boiling the water on the stove in full and feel the bubbling up within me too. Awesome.

    1. Absolutely! Yet each particle is still divine and the only way back to our true and light state is through this dense and seemingly floored matter. With the universe in each particle we can restore our bodies to express God and Heaven on earth. Pretty cool for such a solid state!

  111. The analogy of the boiling water reminds me of how natural it is to be gentle, self loving and loving everybody else. Resistance just stops the water to boil.

  112. ‘We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us’ – and herein lies the energetic responsibly we all carry to be all that we are, to allow and support others to be the same. Beautifully symbolic and powerfully healing in what it brings, thank you Anne.

  113. This is a beautiful and powerful blog Anne. We can learn so much from nature, and the harmony of not resisting our natural evolution. Goodness, how much we resist our own grandness?.. We seem to have an addiction with denseness as a human race, of staying complicated, tightly-boxed and very separate as a human race, but this is so unnatural and hence the disharmony and ever increasing disease rates. When we say yes to expanding, everything around us responds and our body’s particles bubble up with joy.

    1. “Goodness, how much we resist our own grandness?” Yes, Katerina goodness that’s true! We do like to make things hard on ourselves don’t we? I have said yes to expanding and my life has changed irrevocably. In each moment I can keep saying yes or go into old patterns and say no… when I say yes I feel the particles bubbling away and my whole body expands in gorgeousness.

  114. Control is an illusion as we will not ever be able to control anything. But where does this intense wish to control everything come from. Could it be that we simply do not fully trust anyone or anything – starting with ourselves – and therefore try to control life?

    1. Well said Michael Kremer. It feels like control originates in a massive emptiness that then tries to fill itself up, whereas inspiration comes from a joy that is already there, that then this point of inspiration pulls up to be more joy. Control implies we are never enough, inspiration is felt when we know we are all equal.

      1. I love what you share Katerina, “inspiration is felt when we know we are equal”. Choosing to hold ourselves very dear so we stay connected to this truth. Life is so much simpler when inspiration is our source. Complication is a very good indicator that control has come in.

    2. Control comes from the lack of acceptance we have in ourselves for without that we feel the need to dominate others or situations to safe guard our own position. How tiring when we live like that, and also many missed opportunities for the control does not allow the natural course of events to flow.

    3. Most definitely something worthy of deep personal exploration Michael and also societal, global… If I seek to control and determine any outcome, I am seeking to protect myself, to self-preserve… In short, I do not trust the divinity within me.
      This forms the grist of one of the greatest learnings and continual unfoldings in life, doesn’t it – our ability to surrender to all that we are and the all, and let go of the countless mechanisms we have ourselves created in order to control and manipulate our existence.

      I share this with no judgement, for we all have been hurt in life, and it is this that ultimately must be surrendered and healed, that our ways of control may be no more.

  115. Inspiration is the easiest way to bring true changes into this world. Not asking others to be different, but making a difference first and thereby invite others to do the same.

  116. Fascinating and beautifully relevant as our bodies are essentially water exposed to energy all the time. Becoming light and spacious inside is certainly in our reach.

  117. Beautiful Anne. It is so refreshing to read a blog on science that is simple and easy to understand. As I reflect on how I have observed water boil on many occasion it is indeed a beautiful process when felt in relation to ourselves and as part of the whole, a reflection I have overlooked time after time. It makes me stop and question in what other areas I am ignoring and taking for granted the magic of God and the constant reflections offering me to be more.

  118. What a beautiful comparison you have made, Anne, between the natural evolution of the heating process of water and our own energetic evolution as we live with the principles of Universal Medicine given to us by Serge Benhayon.

  119. There is so much reflection in everything we choose to stop and observe. Your observation Anne is so profound that came from watching the water boil. Thank you.

  120. Great blog Anne, such a powerful and clear metaphor for how easy and harmonious our expansion could be if we didn’t resist. I have a glass kettle too and will take a moment to ponder and appreciate this when I switch it on, which is quite often 🙂

  121. Your blog makes me want to take a steam bath and relax.,, but also, as a metaphor, to let go and allow myself to grow, interact and bounce off everyone else joyfully to embrace life.

    1. Yes, and to remember that it’s so super simple – our bodies are made up of so much water after all. We are naturally made to expand and bubble up with joy in doing so 🙂

  122. Anne, I would have loved to have had you as a science teacher, who would have thought that a boiling kettle could prove so fascinating. The subject of our particles and the vibration of our bodies as a scientific process is fascinating. More so as this process is something that I can influence by my choices, creating a greater level of awareness and a higher level of vibration is attainable by anybody and worthy of committing to the purpose of creating.

    1. I am totally with you on that Stephen – this is true ‘science education’, from a true educator. What if all of our observations of life were viewed from our own unavoidable interconnectedness to what we are observing, and all there is to learn from its reflection?
      There would be no dull regurgitation of knowledge here, but rather a celebration of the living wisdom that we are surrounded by 24/7.

  123. Oh wow Anne it was an absolute delight reading this blog, I could feel the particles in my body dancing around with joy !

    1. I am with you there Jaderiver56. This article is pure delight to read. Exploring the way we feel and respond to one another, the impact we have on one another and evolution in such a playful and appreciating way. I can say my particles are beaming with joy as well!

  124. Why do we resist the expansion of our particles and the rising of our vibration? Could it be fear, the loss of the identity we have become used to that is used to vibrating at a certain density?

    1. I think you might be onto something Josephine. We can get very familiar with being in a rut it can become our friend… the kind of friend a loving parent would be gently discouraging us from hanging out with too much because they’re bringing us down.

      1. I like it Katerina, my outdated and comfortable identity, or behavioural patterns are like the ‘unsuitable’ kid at school my parents would not let me go on play dates with!

  125. It is really interesting to consider particles and what is going on at that level in our body. No wonder we get so many illnesses and diseases! It’s like an internal fight going on inside us when our particles are ready to respond to evolution but we choose to go against it..

    1. This internal fight in our body you mentioned Fiona, I can so relate. It is exhausting because it takes more energy to go against our natural evolution than it is to go with it. In fact I have experienced when I choose to evolve, I feel so energised and everything just flows.

  126. This is a simple, and so profound blog Anne. Who would have thought observing water boiling could bring so much wisdom. Pondering on it though, how could it not? We are surrounded by amazing things of this magnitude, yet rarely take pause to appreciate what they represent. Thank you again Anne, this blog is definitely one to keep coming back to.

  127. I love how there is a science to everything, and this science links us constantly back out to the universe by bringing us in for deep self reflection.

  128. The thought of water resisting their evolution into steam gives me such a comic image. It would make such a fabulous cartoon to illustrate humanity’s resistance.

    1. I can see this too Jonathan! it is ridiculous that we are fighting our own natural evolution, championing all of our forms of distraction along the way in plain ignorance of the facts which are right in front of our faces that this way of living, which is opposed to what we know to be true from within, is just not working and humanity is not in a good way at all.

      1. Our particles are constantly interchanging with those surrounding us. What makes us think we are in control of them? There is a Universal order that all particles respond to. We do not own our particles, and so this gives fundamental pause to the belief that we can truly resist or hold back. Our particles do respond to our will, but there is a will far greater that continues to pull them into ‘line’. We can choose resistance and the discomfort this brings, or ease and alignment with Universal Order. This is as simple as listening to our bodies. Our bodies are made up of particles that naturally know what they need, when in our physical form. All we need to do is appreciate this, and choose to listen and learn. The more we learn, the more the alignment is naturally there.

      2. It’s great to bring it back to our own make of universal particles Amelia and the arrogance we bring to thinking we can live on an individual basis in disregard of the whole.

      3. Yes, I agree Michael – we have become so arrogant that the simplicity of how the universe works and expands has alluded us for aeons. When we see the world with true humility our understanding evolves and the intricacy and delicateness of the world holds us in wonderment as we accept the inevitable truth of what we are offered on this plane of life. And as Amelia has said ‘We do not own our particles, and so this gives fundamental pause to the belief that we can truly resist or hold back. Our particles do respond to our will, but there is a will far greater that continues to pull them into ‘line’ – and this is the inevitable truth that we feel when we connect to the ‘all’ and feel the natural pull towards our future.

    2. Yes Jonathan that would bring an awareness to humanity, to just feel how it actually looks like when resisting our evolution. We have become so familiar with it that we don’t even see that we play this self destructing game….

  129. I have always been fascinated by water and the cycles it goes through, when I read this blog I am reminded of the many incarnations of water. From the ocean to the air to the clouds and the rain, water is constantly responding to what is called for. Water is also the main component in our bodies so it makes absolute sense that the way water behaves mirrors the way energy moves through us.

    1. Thank you Leonne, your comment reminds me that reincarnation makes so much sense, as what happens naturally in nature is a reflection of who we are and of our natural process too.

  130. I love the knowledge and wisdom you present Anne.
    I now have a deeper perspective and understanding of the simple act of watching a jug of water boil and the analogies that can be drawn from that.

    1. Shirl I am with you there. We can gain so much wisdom from the reflection provided from all sorts of areas around us, and I love it when someone shares their own playful relationship with an aspect of life. This boiling water example is a lovely one.

  131. “As more and more of us are inspired by the light and spacious ones above, we too vibrate at a higher rate and our particles expand. We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us.” Wow Anne, humanity is just so beautifully organised as expressed in the above sentence from your blog, we are all magnetically pulling and inspiring others to be more of themselves, just as we are by those vibrating at a higher rate than ourselves, no one gets left behind, how absolutely loving.

  132. How awesome is that – watching the water until it is boiling! Anne that is such a great idea and also I love all your sharing about this science about the boiling water. Now I am impressed and so I too want to vibrate at a higher rate so that my particles can expand . . .

  133. Totally agree Mary… This is a revelatory question that Anne asks. Could it be that water simply listens and accordingly responds to it’s body whereas we allow our mind to interfere with and hinder what our body is naturally pulled to do?

    1. Spot on Rob Mousalli – is it possible that we only see the body as a vessel that carries the mind and not the true intelligence of the whole body as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    2. Absolutely Rob. We allow our mind to get in the way and overthink thinks rather than simply feeling and allowing our body to be.

    3. Great point Rob. We do give so much power away to our minds that we end up completely overriding what our bodies are telling us, and even when they do send us messages, we are still very good at ignoring them.

    4. Kapow Rob Moussalli. Well said. And how blessed with greater awareness to this fact have so many people such as ourselves been as students of Universal Medicine? For Serge Benhayon has presented this truth repeatedly and from so many angles, that our understanding of this cannot but deepen. Our body is naturally pulled to come to true unification with others, just as Anne’s water molecules do not resist the natural process of unifying as a gas.

    5. Great point Rob. So often we allow our mind to get in the way of what our body naturally wants to do. Our bodies are continually working away keeping everything going inside us so that we can contiue to live, and we carry on taking it all for granted. How our bodies work in unison with all the different parts of it, without us telling it what to do is quite remarkable. Now that is true intelligence.

  134. Wow Anne, so much from watching a jug of water boil. It is amazing how everything that we see in the natural world and around us can offer an insightful reflection for us. I can connect to this image of water boiling and feel my particles expanding in the same way.

  135. Today I realised that the battle / fight within when I eat to much or the food that I know makes me denser is actually not so much about the food. It is about the effect the food has on the particles. As a result of choosing food that my body actually doesn’t need anymore, I choose a denser me. In which the particles within are less receptive of the love I am. As a result I am fighting within craving my Love, striving to find my Love somewhere outside of me, rather than accepting where I’m at and choose to reconnect again. Rather than the striving, eating more food that doesn’t belong due to the fact that I’m tired. It has been a clever game which I allowed to take place. When starting to realise and start living from the relationship with particles, the whole perspective on choices and responsibility change. To me it’s less personal and more responsible.

    1. Deeply appreciate your sharing here Floris. For this is exactly the message so wisely delivered by Anne Malatt in this blog – that we as human beings are very, very clever at wilfully resisting what is a purely natural process, and we have countless devices and means at our disposal to do so.
      To ‘get out of our own way’ requires such honest awareness as you’ve described.

      1. Lovely to read your comment Victoria which also allows me to re-read my own comment. We all have countless strategies and vices which we’re using to fight our own light and love that we are innately waiting to be connected to. Magic exist! Within is the place to look for, with an open heart and curiosity as well as honesty. As I was sharing this week with someone, we’re thinking that we’re honest, but there’s always a deeper level of honesty! Which doesn’t mean that we weren’t honest before, but only that we’ve risen the level of honesty. That’s the way to grow.

      2. Beautifully said Floris: “Within is the place to look for…” It’s most definitely time to ‘go there’, and truly get to know ourselves, for we are amazing beings. And yes, living with a depth of honesty with oneself, as our ‘normal’ way of being is simply par for the course of life, isn’t it… That is, if we choose to live responsibly, in consideration of our impact upon not only our own bodies and particles, but the whole.

  136. The fact we seek things to make us feel ‘heavy’ and dense already exposes where this is coming from and it most certainly is not in line with our evolution, the pull to rise to the next level. What prompts this resistance most is the hurts we carry and seek to avoid to heal as rising to the next level means healing and dealing with the true reality of all we have chosen all of the time.

    1. Absolutely Joshua, by choosing to become ‘heavy and dense’ we are not choosing evolution at all. As this blog so beautifully describe, our natural process is to evolve, to raise to a higher level of vibration and to sing with joy.

  137. As we are made up of a large percentage of water it is a great analogy to use a kettle boiling as a signal of our life choices, I love the idea of warming my body up and it is amazing that we can make choices that create more fire in our bodies, more warmth emanating out to be shared with the world in the form of our particles and the light that we live.

  138. Anne I love your analogy and how playful you are in the simplicity of watching a kettle boil, for us to discover the vibration and space of water and how that reflection is offered for evolution. Simply brilliant!

  139. And the boiling water is an awesome reflection of how all of nature, including our bodies, are governed by particles and that their movement is governed by energy. It is for many a well know scientific fact but your blog invites everyone to translate it to our personal lives and the quality of energy we choose to go along with.

    1. Great point Carolien. To resist the constant energetic impulses from our soul requires pulling in an equal and opposite force. Which would be counter to evolution and the pulse of the universe.

      1. The thing that strikes me most about that Sandra is the fact that we need to actively do that, therefore it is our choice to be less then who we are. Something to be reminded of regularly.

    2. Me too Carolien. Anne provides a simple and clear metaphor for our process of expanding as individuals, groups and society as a whole. Expansion feels like our natural state and that only through actively resisting this can it be prevented.

      1. Absolutely Lee, I have come to see just how much it is a very deliberate action to resist our natural state of being. WE have to put a lot of energy into this activity and since our natural state is just that..natural..the moment we cease the activity of resistance it will be there.

    3. Absolutely Carolien. And as long as we continue to resist these ‘energetic impulses from our soul’, we use far more energy to do so than if we just allow them to be in our bodies, and then act on them. In that expansion we are offered, time and space actually opens up, we would get more done, using less energy and feel less tired. How amazing is that?!

    4. I totally agree. In the world we are surrounded by examples such as the ones Anne has shared, Carolien. In fact nearly all of nature does not resist its development to the next stage of evolution. As humans we are quite unique in the level of control we choose to bring to our lives when it comes to expanding beyond where we have been and into what we will be.

      1. The word ‘control’ is a great one to contribute to this conversation Naren. The level of actual control we exert to resist what is a natural process of unification feels well ‘beyond my ken’, I have to say… but I am surely learning about it. This control can be seen to play itself out in so many ways – right down to our choices in daily living. Do I eat things, or engage in activities which dull the amazingness of who I am? Do I put myself down rather than embrace the rising vibration available to me through my connection with God and the living joy and stillness within?
        We are deliberately wilful in so many ways in our resistance to all that we truly are and the true evolution (i.e. our return to our true nature) available to us. The message in this blog by Anne Malatt is clear – get out of our own way and embrace the magnificence…

      2. Totally, Victoria. That ‘deliberate wilfulness’ to trip ourselves up is played out in the control we exert over ourselves and our lives, and also the constant comparison we place ourselves under. We compare ourselves, not only to others and what we think that we should have achieved by now, but to ourselves and how far we have come or where we think we should be by now.
        That continuous looking back and comparing ourselves to how far we have come, as opposed to looking to where we are going, what our next point of evolution is and connecting to that, is a form of control in itself. It is a classic form of getting in our own way, and stops us from ’embracing the magnificence’ that is right here for us all.

      3. ‘Controlling and measuring my expression in life by choosing to remain stuck in constant comparison’ – that would make a great blog in itself Naren (albeit with a more refined title than what I’ve written here!). We are so darn clever at finding anything to supposedly justify a lack of self-worth, aren’t we… and thereby controlling and measuring our expression right here and now.
        The name of the game – see it, call it out, and do not play small.

      4. I love that game, Victoria! It is one that I have been teaching myself how to play more and more, and no longer playing the one where I sit in the background imagining myself doing the things I’m holding back.

      5. It’s wildly crazy, isn’t it… That we are all such truly amazing beings, and we have become so adept at holding this back.
        Here’s to embracing and allowing the gold within to come through. Most definitely standing by your side on that one Naren.

      6. And I by yours, Victoria!
        The fact that we are such amazing beings actually means that it takes a lot of work to keep that all contained in a box the way we do. But once we start to let it loose we are bound to surprise ourselves with what comes out!

    5. Yes, I am left with the feeling of ease at the simplicity of it all too, Carolien. And an equally compelling curiosity about the human tendency to complicate these simple, natural matters.

  140. “And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again”. That a pretty powerful statement Anne. Taking responsibility for our choices is key here.

  141. Beautiful said Martin, if we are open to it we could be reminded every day that we are evolving to a higher vibration, to another sphere of life while we boil water for our cup of tea.

  142. Your blog is really interesting Anne, thank you. I’d never heard of the term Brownian motion, and find it intriguing that a scientific phenomenon that has existed as part of the natural order since the creation of the universe, in the 1800s had a person’s name attached to it, i.e. the botanist who ‘discovered’ it. There is a lesson in this for me about the human drive for identification of self, which runs counter to the one-ness of the source from which we are all originally from.

    1. Good point and not one I had as yet come to as I was still grappling with the real and practical implications of the science of boiling water – there is definitely no self in the water molecules!

      1. Agreed Gabriele! The water molecules don’t make it ‘about me’ and get in the way of a natural and amazing process of becoming unified – such a powerful message in this.

    2. Great Point Stevie, definitely worth consideration. It seems we are much more focussed on the ‘discovery’ itself and the identification as a scientist then on what we can actually learn from what nature is reflecting to us.

    3. Very good point Stevie, there is such a thirst for identification. It does seem ridiculous that something that naturally occurs in the universe should be named after one person.

      1. Ladies your comments so far have got me pondering on the true motivation behind things i.e.whether it is to support the human race in some way or to promote self. That question has got to be asked in all that we do but thinking about the area of finding cures, is the scientist propelled to find a cure in order to support mankind or because they then will be ‘The One’ who will go down in history as being the person who found the cure? How radically different are the two motivations which then leads to the natural question, ‘how radically different will the two outcomes be’?

      2. I’m loving the philosophical considerings that you have all deepened, if science is done with the intention for reward and gain then how does that impact the outcome, maybe we have a type of science flourishing that is not offering us a true perspective of how the world actually is, maybe there is too much self for this to currently be possible.

    4. This occurs all the time in science and medicine. So much self identification and wanting to make your mark or a name for yourself. There are dictionaries full of eponymous names of all the diseases, syndromes and conditions that have been “discovered” and named after those who discovered them.

      1. What you share really shows where we are at, to have to put your name to it, make a point of it so no one else can do the same thing and claim it as your own exposes a deep need and investment in what we do. This can be related across the board to many many areas in life. If we were to be content with who we are would we need such a status/claim put to our name?

    5. Great observation Stevie. There is such a need for recognition in todays society, that the emphasis often goes into that rather than what is being offered, right there in front of us.

    6. This is cool Stevie there is much in this – I discovered – label that we as humans can almost write off until we discover our own thing – to hang our hat on – this may not be worldly but in our own worlds of work, family etc. The need for recognition over the natural order of life is astounding.

  143. What a gorgeous analogy of how in life we are inspired by those who express and live their true essence, how we end up in effect ‘moving together’ as that essence is one within us all, and how in turn we inspire others to connect with, express and live their true essence.

  144. Whatever individual truth turns out after reading this – one thing is absolutely clear: it is a contraction to become ice and an expanding to become boiling water. And expansion always feels better in the body than contraction. So this is an undeniable truth for all. An amazing simple but huge sharing, Anne Mallat!

  145. It’s comical to consider water resisting boiling, what a state that would be – yet something that would also never happen as its a natural part of the process. However we are also naturally being pulled to evolve however whats not comical is how much we resist that pull to evolve, saying I’ll do it at my pace. A simple reflection that can remind us every day that we have a choice to allow our inevitable evolution or try and slow it down.

  146. Agree Martin, “there is no escaping the science of evolving” once we are aware and open to all the simple little things in life and in nature which constantly remind us of our evolutionary process and that we are innately divine. The lessons of ‘As Above, So Below’ are to be seen everywhere once we appreciate what is on offer.

  147. Water naturally expands with heat and yet we chose to do the opposite and contract and it is our bodies that suffer from not allowing the expansion that is our natural evolution. If only we would listen to our bodies we would not need illness and disease as a reminder that we are going in the totally wrong direction to our true way of being.

  148. What a great recipe for living to our potential for evolution: choose fiery energy to support our bodies and hop out of thoughts, staying connected to the response from our body to the choices we have made.

  149. Life’s so so amazing and full of wonderment. My own process back to me is a proces that is so so delicate and miraculous and on the same time, so known. Wow. And this is for everyone and everything I truly connect to. This blog about boiling water is a confirmation of the miracles and spaciousness that is all around us, waiting to be connected to. No hosanna, it’s natural. Life’s so natural, the wonders are magic and natural at the same time. Since reading this article I’m noticing I am more and more aware that everything is about ‘space’ and particles. There’s a lot less me involved. I am myself occupying space and particles.

  150. I had to come back and have a second read as the image is so strong and it has come back to me often this week – please write more as I found it so supportive.

  151. When the science of evolution is explained likened to water coming to the boil, it makes such sense to me rather than traditional science classes that were a fog and complete confusion in the past. It feels so obvious that..’As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole.’ It’s beautifully simple to understand thank you Anne.

  152. I was very much laughing out loud at this analogy: “When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.” Ohhhh … what a subtle and gentle indictment of the resistance within us all to evolving to our natural state. Gorgeous 🙂

    1. Looking at the kettle and observe water coming to boil without resistance but patiently allowing the process to unfold until it boils in its fullness and is able to transform particles into gas feels so light, easy and joyful. I agree, Coleen, about laughing concerning our resistance as in this image resistance does not make anymore sense. Ok, the process needs patience, but it is pretty joyful as well if we allow this.

  153. What a totally joy filled blog, Anne, and a deeply inspired one – to have observed the similarity between a simple daily event and the evolution of humanity! I call that genius: thank you 🙂

  154. What a break through in science and life …”Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?” Just pondering for a moment that water knows it is part of the whole and so it rises and feeling how we could choose this as well, is consciousness breaking. We are all molecules and energy, so of course, why would we not respond in the same way. We do have choice here to feel, whether we allow ourselves to respond with the universe or whether we do all we can to resist?

  155. Yes this is such a great science class Anne, today I experienced on a deeper level what it feels like to resist and what it feels like to say ‘yes!’ when I was asked to expand and be even more glorious than I already am. It is amazing to say yes to more grandness and what I noticed is that my body knows, it is that moment when my whole body says ‘Yes let’s do this’. The resistance comes from my mind, thinking about it once, twice… endless circles. So the key is listening to my body and following its impulses with saying Yes!

  156. What happens when water reaches one hundred degrees, something quite incredible happens, it suddenly expands from water to gas and it cannot be contained as a liquid. With dedicated self care, love and nurturing there is a point that the human being itself expands rapidly. To me it feels like the ‘being’ part of the human being is playing a bigger part than the human.

  157. How beautifully and practically you describe the process of evolution. As I read your words I could feel the bubbles in my ‘kettle’ rising and expanding – and as we express we joyfully do the same. Thank you Anne for making such simple sense, and enabling an understanding of how the universe is forever expanding and infinite.

  158. I love this blog Anne and watching water boil and all the awareness you bring to this. Wow so beautiful to feel our vibrations raising and vaporising up and beyond all.What a lovely way to feel in our bodies and bring to our livingness.It makes density really feel dense and heavy in our bodies and all the implications resulting from this in stuck behaviours and our livingness.

  159. We are all made of particles after all, and not to mention 70% water. I like this contrast between how water molecules don’t fight vibrating faster yet we often dig our heals in or choose things to become heavier and denser. It’s easy to see.

  160. This stands to explain so much more than just boiling water: “If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them.”

    1. Agree Oliver, and as I have shared above “there is much we can learn from boiling water”. The trick is to chose the correct or fiery energy in every moment.

    2. and to think… the fiery energy available to us is infinitely humungous in comparison to what is used to boil a kettle…….so what is happening within us when we either allow it or resist it…!?

  161. “we come together to form spheres of people all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us”. This sharing reminds me so much of exactly how I feel inspired and expanded after attending each and every Universal Medicine workshop, presentations and the many healing modalities with Serge Benhayon. Wow! I shall never take my boiling kettle for granted again but observe those rising bubbles. Thank you Anne.

  162. Resisting this kind of evolution must create a force of tension within us. Where does this go? How is this expressed? Why would we resist when this is the awesome result of more love and more joy? Sometimes it is scary to feel the inkling of how grand we are. We need to embrace the harmony of our true nature.

  163. “Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole? And why don’t we?” Love this Anne – the way you take us in the article from ‘the watched pot’ to us as humans on earth – bridging with science. Our natural evolution is for our particles to vibrate and rise – one and all.

  164. “And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again”. Anne, your blog and in particular this sentence, brings home the great responsibility each and every one of us have to do our part in this divine process. There is much we can learn from boiling water.

  165. Thanks Anne for sharing this simple analogy of evolution, it is also worth noting that the boiling point of water can easily be changed by adding another substance e.g glycol (alcohol) to form what we call engine coolant which retards the evolution of boiling water . The question that comes to mind for me is what substances and for what reason do I retard my evolution.

    1. Good point paulmoses39, think of all the energy we must create to resist it. Who are we doing that for? is the question I ask myself. It’s not for me, I don’t need it. How ridiculous.

  166. Thank you Anne for a beautiful sharing. Everything in life offers us a reflection. How is it when a drop of water joins the ocean or is added to a cup – they all merge into one and yet in some way were already always one? I have not got such a great explanation as yours just pondering away as I write this… it is fascinating to consider and especially as we humans are so made up of water. For some reason I keep thinking of Serge Benhayon and how one person (drop) decided to express in full the love that we all share at essence. How through just one person making that choice it has inspired and ignited thousands of others to make that choice. I don’t know how that relates to the drop of water in the ocean but it feels that there is an alchemy in the one drop that is calling all others to rise to the same source it comes from… almost like the boiling water analogy… maybe someone else can make more sense of my ramblings!!!

    1. Anne describes what you’re saying too Nicola in her second last paragraph: “…As more and more of us are inspired by the light and spacious ones above, we too vibrate at a higher rate and our particles expand. We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us….”
      Could it be said Serge Benhayon began vibrating higher and higher / faster, then other human bodies (or droplets as the case may be) began vibrating faster too, started being pulled into that sphere of higher vibrating particles? When Serge Benhayon presents truth, he is calling our particles to rise to the same source they originated from. No ramblings at all!

    2. These are not ramblings Nicola, but a most true science you are describing, magnetic pull. I feel the connection between what Anne is expressing, the science of particles and interconnection, and the science of magnetic pull as Serge Benhayon holds the highest level of vibration of anyone else on the planet at this time. He is always pulling us to rise to this level of vibration alongside him, as we are all connected, we cannot help but be pulled (it is merely the pace at which we choose to go there that differs for us all).

  167. Inspiring each other to move forward and rise, what a difference would that make to the constant comparison with which we hold ourselves and each other back so often.

  168. WOW what an amazing read – I will shortly go and make myself a cup of tea with water from my clear glass kettle which also has a ring of light all around the bottom which lights us as the water starts to boil – I will certainly look at the whole transformation differently.

    1. Yes Martin that is true to a tee. Funny I noticed a typo in my comment above in that I wrote the ring lights us instead of lights up – but maybe if we are present and appreciating the alchemy then we do indeed light up!

    2. wow Nicola you have a halo on your water much more reflection do you need :-). My next water boiler will have to be a clear glass one but until then I will be inspired by the sound of the water starting to move and eventually bouncing around.

  169. Beautiful Anne, it’s inspiring to read this. “Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt.” I loved seeing this spelt out and to therefore understand what I feel through the simplicity and understanding of boiling water, thank you.

  170. We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.
    And we can feel that the same process happens in people as a whole. As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole. Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt.” What a great analogy I can’t stop rereading it.

    1. I would never have thought that the process of a kettle boiling water could so simply and so clearly explain the process of evolution, but I have to agree Jonathan, what Anne has expressed here is phenomenal.

  171. A wonderful question with unending answers, all of which point to our impending evolution that occurs when we surrender to our true nature: “Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?”

    1. And I thought that boiling water was full of hot air rising – not water becoming gas and getting lighter! I had a good laugh imagining water evoking free-will, attempting to not boil and evolve into gas and wondered if it would last as long as the defiant resistance the human race employs to delay its own inevitable evolution?

    2. Maybe because water doesn’t have that little voice inside saying “nah, you don’t have to boil. Who says you have to boil? You’re water, you can do whatever you want … hey, you could take charge of this situation and show them who’s running the show.” and so on and on and on. Maybe it never questioned the fact that it belongs to a greater order and decided to create itself a vehicle so that it could say “Look what I did” …

      1. Hello helen simkins and we are living proof at times that voice isn’t so ‘little’. Life has a flow, a rhythm and energy. We have a choice to go with that flow or to listen to “that little voice” and do what ‘we’ want. But is it really what we want or is that another ‘little thought’ from the same ‘little’ place? If everything is energy than free will would have to be a choice of energy, the one that has the ‘little voice’ and the one that flows with everything. So what is free will? Choosing all the decisions that go on or just a choice of energy. Are we really free or is this the only choice we have and the rest is just what comes after? If we were to use this analogy water has a choice to boil and flow with everything or not to boil and stay just as water. There are no other choices, free will isn’t this big thing we champion it’s just a simple choice of energy. Thanks Helen.

  172. Truth be told I never really liked science and found that I could never really grasp it, but now I feel that science is very much a part of our entire being and its really fun to learn about. Thank you Anne.

    1. Hi Kelly I guess that it was not really science you didn’t like because true science is Divine and the true you can’t not like that! Same as all the people who don’t like religion ie true religion is simply a reconnection to the Divinity we already are. Therefore if we think we don’t like religion or science the chances are what we don’t like is the bastardised versions of religion and science and not what they truly are.

      1. Yes Nicola, absolutely and I appreciate you clearly pointing this out as I struggled very much with science and religion at school and am only now beginning to feel the true meaning of these words.

    1. Yes as I was reading this total lack of resistance in water to respond to its call and work with the whole it was so powerfully translatable to our choices every day: resist or let go? Simple. Are we listening?

    2. Hello Carmin Hall and yes I agree, I laughed at this analogy. Imagine if it did. It shows the ridiculousness of what we do when you think of it like this, it’s embarrassing in fact. There is a school of thought that we as humans are above nature and everything that surround us, that we are free to make our own choices which it appears we are. But when you look at something so simple as boiling water and the respect it has for everything else around it. I am reminded of how out of sync we are with everything, nature has cycles and we are a part of those cycles, not above or beyond them. Every cycle has a rhythm, an energy that allows everything to flow around it freely. If something doesn’t flow with that cycle at some point there will need to be a correction to that ‘something’ to allow it to come back into the flow of where the cycle is. From everything that is going on around us, ‘we’ are out of that flow, rhythm or resisting that energy, and hence the corrections are with us but yet we are attempting to resist even those, or more delay them. Back to the boiling water….at least it is free.

      1. Beautifully said Raymond- your completely right, it is embarrassing. Not only do we resist it, often we fight it so hard that we head backwards. “I am reminded of how out of sync we are with everything, nature has cycles and we are a part of those cycles, not above or beyond them. ” It’s clear that energys at play here to act as though we are above everything that is around us. other wise our particles would respond to the natural progression of the vibrations around us.- as like everything else does.

      2. Thanks Emily Newman and I might print this on a t-shirt, “Beautifully said Raymond- your completely right” For me it was great to write about this. Even though part of me accepted it as being true, it was like it was made more real by writing it down in the comment. The more you see the more crazy it seems. Send me your contact and I will make sure you get a t-shirt as well, kidding of course.

      3. Haha that’s hilarious Raymond. I’ll be waiting for my T-shirt! 😉 Yes I agree, expressing things (writing down or saying it) always makes it more solid for me too.

      4. I wonder how many things this works on, the writing down part. I have found a number of things I have committed to paper have instantly become more solid. It’s like an imprint of what you see as possible becoming more real. There is a touchable quality to this instead of just having it as a thought or a wish it becomes more of a plan. There are a number of ways to do this but it seems important to start somewhere.

      5. Very true Raymond. Sometimes all that is important is that it’s started, it has a chance to flow on from there. I have heard many times where people say – “saying it out loud makes it more real”. Expressing things does make it more solid- verbally or by writing it down. Others have the opportunity to confirm and recognize it also then.

      6. Thank you Emily and so we need to be careful what we write and say with this in mind. If even our thoughts are of a particular way we are or way we have been it will eventually find itself in the spoken or written word which then makes is ‘more solid’, we are getting to where the responsibility starts.

      7. Well said Raymond. We have a responsibility with everything in life, in how we are with it, privately and publicly so. For as you revealed, how we think about something eventuates some way with what we are doing.

      8. Hello Emily and yes it’s great to chat and see how everything is connected. At times it’s like we avoid just how connected everything is, people make fun of it, we brush it aside or don’t even give it the time. When we start to look at connection we realise the more responsibility that is there and in fact that is in every moment we breathe. I love how connected everything is and to me it makes life so simple, I only need live with a quality or a dedication to the quality I am with every moment and that quality will be there in every moment after. No big appointments or big stage but just a consistent commitment to how we live with everything, seems big but super simple.

      9. I agree with Emily ‘beautifully said Raymond’, you have highlighted the extraordinary arrogance of the human race. We troll around the world, knuckles dragging on the ground, spouting mis-truths and repeating gross mistakes that we have made for centuries. The Earth is getter sicker and so are we and yet as long as it doesn’t impact on my tiny piece of the Globe then it has no bearing on my life at all! All for One and Me, me me. This is indeed how I have chosen to live for most of this life and probably all of my proceeding lives as well. Up until now that is. After a while of attending Universal Medicine workshops I am now taking responsibility for my part in the mess that we are in. I have contributed hugely to where we are at and now am committed to producing a different effect in the world, one that takes everyone else into consideration.

      10. Hello Alexis Stewart and this is a sharp description of the current climate we have around us. Yes, Universal Medicine has also bought me back to ground with a healthy dose of self responsibility and as you say, “I have contributed hugely to where we are at and now am committed to producing a different effect in the world, one that takes everyone else into consideration.” I look forward to seeing how the world looks the more and more I go deeper in “my part”. When you take care of yourself, everything else is taken care of from there. Thank you Alexis, I love how your first name sounds.

  173. “If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them.” There is so much wisdom and philosophy in the science of what you present. This feels to me an invitation to deepen my awareness to the energy I put in my body, be it food or thoughts. Both have the ability to support either expansion or a contraction to my particles.

    1. Nicely expanded on Sandra. I love what you’ve shared about being more aware of the energy that you put in to your body- via food, thoughts, music, anything! to either expand or contract your particles.

  174. A gorgeous symphony of particles Anne, forever expanding and celebrating – ‘As more and more of us are inspired by the light and spacious ones above, we too vibrate at a higher rate and our particles expand. We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us.’

  175. Hello Anne Malatt and I loved the different flavour of this blog, thank you. I do a lot of reading and it was very refreshing to read this, almost like having a tea. I loved how you described the detail of boiling water and it is something I had never really given the time to. I learnt a lot from reading this, not only about boiling water but about life. It is amazing to see all the little things that are around us that are constantly reflecting more. Now that we have taken the time even boiling water can offer us so much. We are never alone in this world and this blog is confirmation of that fact. Thank you again Anne.

    1. Raymond it is true we are never alone, we are all connected to the same divine source, all our particles are connected, everything is pulled together with energy. We all come together and evolve like the particles of water, with our own essence.

      1. Hello Amita and I have heard both of these phrases many times, “everything is energy” and “you are never alone” but rarely have I put them together and never before have I seen them so clearly. If ‘everything is energy’ then it is actually impossible to ever be alone and as you say, “we are all connected to the same divine source, all our particles are connected, everything is pulled together with energy” I have never appreciated this more than in this moment after reading your comment, thank you.

      2. Love it Nicola and beautiful to read your appreciation Raymond and your natural connection as Amita has clearly expressed. What I love here is the sense of brotherhood working together.

    2. As I was reading this article, the simplicity, everyday-ness and playfulness of the water boiling analogy, which is based in science, literally bubbled through me. I could hear you coming to the point of reflection for us and it was so much fun. Never will boiling a kettle be the same as I picture the whole of humanity coming to its transformation.

      1. From something so simple as boiling water (beautiful analogy from Anne) and just reading the many comments how we have all come together energetically to express and share, infusing inspiration in so many. A lot of particles. As you share Matilda it creates a picture of “the whole of humanity coming to its transformation” Just leaves me bubbling over with joy.

    3. Love what you have written Raymond. ‘Now that we have taken the time even boiling water can offer us so much. We are never alone in this world and this blog is confirmation of that fact.’ yep that’s very clear to see that we are never alone, things are always there giving us a helping hand to expand.

      1. Thanks Emily and that rhymes, “things are always there giving us a helping hand to expand.” But seriously this is so true and the world is actually pulling/reflecting/asking you to expand in every moment, nothing less. It is our perception that lessens the quality that is all around us. Pretty amazing doesn’t even scratch the surface, if the whole world is like this, reflecting this grandness to us then who are we truly? Just human beings here for a good life and to raise a few kids and pay the mortgage or are we also from that same grandness equally? We are far far far greater than we can see. Don’t just believe me, have a real look around, it’s written everywhere.

    4. I like your comment Raymond, that there are many little things all around us that are constantly reflecting more. As Serge Benhayon presents, it is our choice to see that ‘more’ and take notice of the bigger picture as Anne has here.

      1. Thank you suzanne anderssen, you could say the whole world is one constant reflection if you choose to see it that way. Everything is divinely guided to support you personally but equally everything else all of the time. This is the size and sheer amazement of energy, how could there be everything for everybody in every moment, we are far greater then we choose to see.

    5. I love that too, Raymond. Everywhere around us and in the simplest everyday things, the magic of God is found. This makes sure that all of us wherever we are or go can receive Devine lessons.

      1. Thank you Sonja and it seems so obvious now that I wonder how I ever missed this magic before. It seems like you can go into a way of living that is blind to this magic, it takes you away. While there is a way of living that supports you to see more and more, ‘The Way Of The Livingness’.

      2. I agree Raymond and Sonja – the whole world is one constant reflection, that is very powerful. Everything we touch or do, has an effect on everybody else.

  176. The first thing that came to me after reading this beautiful analogy of life found while boiling water is that we are literally surrounded by objects, events, signs in Nature and from other people that are reminding us of our Divine origins. These things happen throughout the day, and it is just a matter of us being still enough to notice them. I have definitely noticed that when I am merely focusing on one thing at a time and my body doing that thing, I am able to see these things that I would categorize as the ‘magic of God’. Certainly, the example of the boiling water you shared here, Rachel, is in that category!

  177. Anne what a joyful blog! I feel to whistle out to all those other boiling pots/kettles to share in the joy of raising vibrations! I love your analogy – once again it feels like everything is designed as a reflection to show us that we are returning to a state of being that is pure love. In that state of being we are lighter, more joyful and constantly evolving and raising our vibration to the next X.

    1. Super true Donna. If we listen and choose to see – everything is an awesome reflection. One that can expand our particles.

  178. Coming back to the alchemic synergy of water and energy I make it my choice to boil myself today and spread my particles again and further after being somehow condensed the last week. So, let´s turn it on.

    1. Haha love it Alex. So Let’s turn on the kettle. Expand our particles and get on with it.

      1. The simplicity of the water analogy and its states of aggregation is so accurate to the states of being we can choose for ourselves. The icicle way of being is more than familiar from a long history of withdrawal, insecurity and anxiousness but the boiling-brotherhood-particle-lifestyle is definitely the one-unified way forward back to the fiery steam realms of the formation of solar systems.

      2. Absolutely Alex, the analogy of the water turning to ice reminds me of how we get ‘frozen on the spot’, meaning we get so stuck in our ways of being and thinking that another way seems impossible. It is not until we ignite the fire within that the ice starts to melt and the water can start to flow in a different direction.

  179. I felt my particles expand at reading this awesome blog. Thank you Anne truly inspirational.

    1. I could feel my body expanding too as I was reading it. The title was curious, but as soon as I read the first few lines, I got it and began smiling and nodding. It’s has a beautiful truth and scientific backup which makes me feel very warm indeed.

      1. Yes, Suzanne, I felt the same. The title was puzzling, but Anne’s beautiful analogy makes such sense and like so many things is something we can completely understand once it is expalined to us in such simple terms. “We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.” Inspiring Anne, thank you.

  180. Very inspiring Anne thank you for the amazing lesson on water and boiling ,vibrations and expansion what a great understanding shared from this.I look forward to our vibrations all rising together as one with this constant inspiration and love in the world now happening.

    1. Beautifully said tricianicholson – yes I am coming to understand the importance of vibrations in our bodies and how we can honour the vibrations of other people. Anna has presented us with the simplicity of choice here and what we are willing to live be it comfort or truth. Either way we are all able to expand if we choose.

      1. It’s a choice, do we dance, expand, soar in the warmth? Or do we remain cold and unmoving? Lets turn the fire up!

    2. “I look forward to our vibrations all rising together as one with this constant inspiration and love in the world now happening”… me too tricianicholson! How refreshing this analogy is, from water rising to steam, bubbling and expanding out, like the expansion of our bodies beginning to vibrate faster and faster until our particles are vibrating and expanding so fast that we won’t need our bodies anymore, we will just be awesome packages of vibrating light, in others words, we will return to our Soul.

      1. Bring it on sandrahenden. I welcome that, being awesome packages of light, having returned to our Soul.

  181. Wow Anne, this is very interesting yet so clear and real when you ask those questions. Why do we resist? I love the analogy you have used here.

    1. “Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?” Like water, it is natural for us to evolve and expand, so the question Heidi,”Why do we resist?” is definitely one to deeply ponder.

  182. I particularly enjoy the fluidity of change and transition from one state to another that this water analogy offers. There is no fixed state and this does resonate with me about life as we sometimes may feel very fixed in situations, yet all is in truth in a state of constant flux. This inspires being open to change as a natural occurrence, while also warns of the risk of slipping back into old habits and patterns that keep us fixed in our way of living.

  183. “And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again.” I look forward to this day Anne.

  184. ‘Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt.’ Many religions acknowledge the existence of life beyond the physical, and certain branches of science are happy to too – and we can see this ‘everyday science’ confirms the ever-changing nature of form. It’s funny then how much of humanity seeks then to dismiss the possibility of life beyond that which can be observed. Paradoxical really when you consider Anne’s findings were the result of careful observation of a commonplace phenomenon in which changed states are very much evident and accepted as quite normal. Apply this same reasoning to human life and suddenly there is a problem!

  185. Great analogy Anne. It always is so supportive to have explained to us what goes on scientifically with our bodies when we return to express the love we are. It then becomes indisputable and incredibly confirming.

  186. I love this piece – I feel it explains the process by which we as humans, composed overwhelmingly of water, work at the level of particles. Are we operating ‘on the boil’, expanded and vibrating rapidly or are we denser and heavier, with little movement and expansion at all?

  187. If we are kettles, are we the ones with whistles or not? Are we ‘singing with joy’ or much more subdued?

  188. Nice, visual analogy Anne and easily understood. Reading this it feels to me science can be grasped by even the least ‘scientific’ of us – science is innate in us all, simply by virtue of the fact we can observe, examine, explore and note. Our own bodies are living experiments, and our experiences provide us with evidence of our responses to the phenomena that is life on a constant basis.

  189. What a brilliant way to explain how life works Anne, and to appreciate how much you allready know this from within to see and recognise this proces in boiling water.

  190. It’s simple blogs likes these that remind me of the simple yet unfathomably magic nature of our bodies and our relationship with evolution. Even if we ignore it, we are a part of it.

    1. Yes Jinya, I agree that it is the simplicity of life that makes sense and allows us to feel the magic of God at play in all our lives, and deepens ‘our relationship with evolution’ – a feeling that is innate within us all when we allow. The magic of God is forever presenting itself to us and it is there for us to connect to throughout every day – we just need to appreciate and confirm these moments, and not discount them as coincidences.

  191. Great blog Anne, there are so many reflections such as water boiling that can reflect back to us the ease in which can can allow ourselves to surrender if we so choose to. I will never look at boiling water the same! 🙂

  192. Great article how the water boils and could be said lessens itself, for the part that leaves, the steam, it knows that it is still contained in the whole. How nature works, never scared of its natural path.

  193. Human beings are meant to evolve. People often make choices to resist their own evolution or to stay at a particular point, but both of these choices are going against what we are designed to do and what our bodies are being drawn towards. We wonder where illness, disease and injury spring from when seemingly healthy people find themselves affected but could illness and disease purely be the end result of resisting our own natural process of evolution?

    1. A great point Kate. I know that injury plays a role in my life simply because I have resisted my own natural process of evolution. It is a slow and frustrating way to evolve when one has to keep being injured in order to give up the comforts of engrained patterns. Resisting one’s own evolution is exhausting and in my case, often filled with physical pain and injury. It is the Universe’s way of saying, hey, stop, there is a more loving and true way to be. Let’s clear out this momentum of lovelessness and make way for some love.

  194. ‘Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?’
    Because it’s responding to the magnetic pull to evolve ….
    Then why do we find it so hard to do the same?
    Maybe, because we chose to ‘sell out’ and have been living with the consequences every since. However, we now know that we can choose differently, we too can be like the boiling water in a sphere of love with the rest of humanity.

    1. Yes Alison, I love how Anne’s article exposes how humans actually are in delay when it comes to evolution whilst all else in nature is on track – and humans arrogantly believe they are ahead and leading in evolution when compared with nature. Crazy.

  195. Your article is so filled with the joy and magic of God, I feel expansion each time I read it. That you were able to see such insights in the seemingly simple act of boiling water and express it so joyfully is totally inspiring. The act of boiling water often gives us the opportunity to stop and just watch and wait, which makes me wonder if we took more time to be still and watch how many other seemingly simple acts would hold such profoundly beautiful reflections to support and nourish us.

  196. Great point Brendan – when we look at the energy in everything, there are reflections everywhere!

  197. This is a really sweet analogy you have shared Anne. I love the science! I love how water molecules are so cohesive – for example the power of the strength of the surface tension of water. This shows me the power of our strength when we come together and are working as one.

  198. Wow Anne this is a wonderful analogy. “If we add energy to a body of water (or any body), the rate of vibration of the particles increases and the particles spread further apart, creating more space between them”. Imagine if the water resisted the energy the heat is bringing to it “digging its heels in and refused to move faster….we may well watch the water turn into ice”. Is this what we do when we resist the power and energy of love that is all around us waiting for us to expand to? If so, is it any wonder there is such a plague of exhaustion in the world today?

  199. Great analogy Anne. Life teaches us so much when we stop and watch. I have always enjoyed watching water come to the boil, especially when boiling eggs! I remember doing a science experiment at school where I boiled eggs and checked different variables as to the boiling point of water. I loved being still and observing the process in motion.

    And great question: why do we resist expansion and evolution, when this is what we are here for? Well mostly we resist even getting that far, being so consumed and distracted by the details of our lives we don’t stop for long to ponder why we are really here.

    I am learning to trust the feeling of space that comes when I allow myself to feel everything. I say to myself ‘it is ok, it is safe to feel this open.’ I feel the more I say yes to the openness, the more is revealed to me, the more I see and understand about life.

  200. ‘These spheres rise to the surface because they are lighter than the denser water molecules, and are released from the body of water into the body of air above it, where they merge with other gases and other particles of that vibration.’
    As we let go of our hurts and heal, we become lighter and stop reacting to others in the world from our protections, hurts and reactions, we can then join others by allowing the love we all have inside to shine out for everyone to see and feel, and simultaneously allow other people into our hearts, we all then arise to the glory we are from.

  201. I loved the analogy and symbolization of boiling water, in relation to human beings evolution, we are simply here to evolve together as one race in brotherhood and harmony, yet we can’t get on with the people under the same roof in our own homes, let alone the whole of humanity. We get busy trying to better our individual lives in separation to everyone else, and if we look at the conflict that is happening in the world, it’s easy to see this separate way of living is not working.

  202. Awesome blog – thanks Anne. Imagine if we watched everything in life with the same intensity as you describe watching the boiling water. How much more would we see and feel. Very inspiring!

    1. Great point Anne, we would see and feel so much more if we took notice of absolutely everything instead of getting caught up in what we are doing. The lessons we get reflected to us are constant, it is very inspiring indeed.

    2. Absolutely Anne, think I might go and put the kettle on and start looking at everything with this much depth.

  203. Wow I had never considered the boiling of water as a miracle, but it is and with this miracle comes many insights as you’ve shared Anne. Thank you for your science lesson, our whole day is full of science lessons if we are open to seeing them and what they share with us in a much broader, wholesome sense.

  204. It is fun when a simple analogy resonates in the body and communicates detail in very few words. The particles moving apart, creating space and expansion and the contrasting dense particles that form ice is one such analogy that is known in my body. It did take Universal Medicine’s courses,teachings, therapies and more to re-ignite the warm, expanded, spacious feeling and that made it possible to notice the ice feeling- and it’s not physical temperature cold, its more ‘icy’ by nature – distant and missing the warmth of a fiery heart.

  205. I used to lie on my bed and watch the reflection of the water in my pool and the sunlight hitting it on my ceiling. It was like watching life on my ceiling. The reflections were like spirals of DNA spinning continuously even though the water in the pool appeared still. The light of the sun helped me to see the life held in water. Magic is all around us and in us.

      1. Yes, literally and figuratively! Once upon a time I was trained in live blood analysis. Our blood live under a microscope is amazing – there is a whole universe of life within in us, a microcosm of the macrocosm. Very beautiful and divinely intelligent.

  206. I love the analogy of water transforming from liquid to vapour in its evolution. It mirrors the capacity for us to transform our lives if we grow with the call to evolve.

    1. True Jinya, our capacity for transformation is enormous and the expansion of our particles is more than we know…forever evolving.

  207. Anne- just the simple and alive way you explained the science of boiling water was a delight and true to the magic of God, science and nature. Being able to observe, understand and share the wisdom of boiling water is brilliant and confirmation of the spark of God we all have within.

  208. Great description of the way molecules naturally vibrate all around us and we of course are also part of the universe, so something is going to be occurring with our molecules/ particles concerning energy. I have felt a quality of expansion and lightness, we are part of the all and so our bodies do vibrate and respond to the every flowing through it.

  209. This is a wonderful blog Anne. To have such a simple analogy of something that we use and experience everyday is totally inspiring, and of course, makes such sense. I love that. Thankyou for bringing the world of scinece to our everyday living and making it playful and accessible for all.

  210. I love this blog Anne, when you look at water boiling in this scientific way really there is no denying what it is showing us. I certainly will be having another look at the water boiling and also the way that I can simply allow our naturally evolution to expand and grow – together.

  211. Anne, I love it, love it , love it. I could feel my particles rising to the call. I will never look at boiling water the same again.

  212. Who would have though that a boiling kettle could reflect so much. Thank you for sharing your divine wisdom and masterful way with words Anne.

  213. It is great when you are in a space (like you were with the kettle) when just by observing something so simple and everyday you then feel a much bigger picture of the plan in the body and how everything is related. It (life) then becomes so much more than what we live, yet at the same time there is a knowing that Love is silently leading the way.

    1. Which simply proves Love and science are one and the same, they are so intrinsically intertwined that they feel like the same thing when observed closely. Science is not something that only occurs in labs but it also occurs in every aspect of our daily lives.

    2. Amazing what you are expressing here Vicky Cooke and tonisteenson! The science of love in expression and yes Sonja, it happens every day whether we pay attention to it or not.

    3. So everything in the microcosm reflects that of the macrocosm and vice versa. Nothing is by chance and everything matters.

  214. Anne I took your blog with me throughout life today. Although the time at work I was pretty much physically on my own, it was very inspiring to feel that every moment I am a bubble connected to all other bubbles, so the awareness was to not hold back being a bubble in the first place. In the process of another day, nothing was just another day—a bubble does not only not hold back being itself, it does not delay in saying “wait I take 10 mins off of of being a bubble”, a bubble is just a bubble given the fact that by virtue and by nature, when there are other bubbles starting to appear in water boiling, all water particles in the kettle simply and naturally are pulled to the same state. Living in such a way, life is an expansion—thank you for the inspiration.

  215. I have certainly had the experience of feeling my particles and my body feeling energised, expanded, vibrant and spacious and I have also had the experience of feeling them dense and decidedly icy! Thank you Anne for bringing such a playful, simple truth to the meaning of life.

    1. I too Andrew have experienced the expansion in my body, lightness and feeling connected to a higher vibration. What’s interesting is that sometimes I purposely choose, the dense, heavy contracted lower vibration, as I don’t feel comfortable in the higher vibration, which shows me what choosing comfort over evolution does.

  216. It is amazing to feel that I am constantly being inspired and impulsed to expand and arise and I can choose whether to allow this expansion or choose to remain dense. Could water really be teaching us so much about consciousness?

    1. Great question andrewmooney26.! It’s amazing when you think about it, but all this time in front of me several times a day has been a reflection about consciousness that I haven’t seen.. That said there are a billion other reflections for us each day that pass by un-noticed too – clocking each one them is a joy.

  217. I simply love this analogy as it exposes the ridiculousness of resisting what inevitably will come to be. The rising and uniting of us all.
    “As the heating process continues, the energy of the water rises, and more and more spheres form, and the spheres become larger and greater, and join together to form even grander spheres, and the water moves faster and faster, and soon the whole thing is one joyous whirling mix of water and steam and air.” Anne you have really captured the joy of rising to the call to grow and expand.

  218. What a joyful sharing of science and evolution, connecting us to the purpose of the universe. Imagine if we were being taught this in schools from a young age.
    The reflections are all there in everyday life, we just have to choose to feel the wisdom. Thank you Anne for such simple clarity.

  219. What a joyful blog! I don’t think I shall ever look at a boiling kettle of water in the same way again. A gorgeous explanation of where we are all headed.

  220. It’s interesting to ponder on the reflections that nature always provide us to say “hey which way are you heading?” or confirm to us that we are on the correct path. As you say there is no resistance at all in where nature is naturally being asked to go…it just goes their, natural evolution. Such simple experiments in science that provide us with much to go away with.

  221. You bring such a great way of looking at things Anne. It opens up endless possibilities for us all. Thanks for taking the time to write!

    1. I was just appreciating Anne’s way of viewing the world too Simon! Her unique expression and presentation of the workings of the world convey the wondrous truth that we are intrinsically part of something far more amazing than we can fully comprehend, but are naturally aligned to.

      1. Bernadette I completely agree that we are part of something far more amazing than we can fully comprehend and one day when the curtain completely lifts we’re all going to stand there and go ‘you’re joking, seriously! We’ve been scrabbling around in the dirt for eons, living in self imposed pain and misery needlessly. We are choosing this life, it’s us, me, you and everyone that keeps choosing to be here and live this way. The doors have always been open, it’s just that we haven’t chosen to walk through them. Come on now it’s time to collect everyone up and lead them out of this ridiculous fiasco that we call ‘our life’. It’s not our life at all, in fact it bears no resemblance to our real life. Seriously we need to get moving!

      2. I love how you have expressed yourself here Alexis. Today when I woke I could feel the comfort and stupor that we are enthralled by and choosing! When I connect with the truth exposed in Anne’s article, there is NO doubt that we need to ‘get moving’ and realise how far away we live from our true glory! Thank you Alexis.

  222. You describe beautifully what can happen when we surrender to our evolutionary process.

    1. I found Anne’s blog absolutely delightful, and it has changed my view, not only of water and steam, but of the air itself. I see those little dancing motes as higher particles, constantly reminding me of the consciousness we all share.

  223. I love this Anne the visuals of the bubbles and the particles expanding – very inspiring.

  224. This is a great analogy that highlights that we in fact live in more than one consciousness. As the bubbles rise and break the surface there is a connection to another invisible spaciousness. So what is above the water is also within the water. This blog really gets me connected deeply to the fact that the lines and spheres of consciousness are crossed and very much connected.

    1. …”So what is above the water is also within the water”…And as our particles expand like the rising bubbles of steam, we can connect to other spheres of consciousness, other spheres of consciousness that are higher aspects of ourselves. We are all bubbles in a never ending sphere of energy, rising higher and higher into an endless expansion of love.

  225. Living science, what a great analogy you present so descriptively and playfully Anne. I love how you saw the great wisdom in the simplest of things – boiling my kettle for a cuppa has a whole new meaning on the bigger picture of life.

    1. I loved the image too, the science simply explained is so awesome – I can’t believe that science was so boring at school – to be able to make it boring is a real task as it is actually fascinating and beautiful, I am so grateful to all the scientists in the student community who explain and illuminate what is around us and the immense confirmation of the divinity we are surrounded by.

      1. I was lucky Vanessa, and I had some really good science teachers in high school who made it quite fun, but what I really love about Anne’s blog is how she has brought science to life, as in everyday life. No science class ever did that!

    2. Well expressed shelleyjones, Anne brings science into our daily lives and makes us realize how it is all around us all of the time and how much we are part of it.

  226. I keep returning to this blog as it gave me such an expansion of feeling how the Divine Plan works, and such an opportunity to be in touch with that every time I boil a kettle!

  227. Thanks Anne for a very interesting article, I love the comparison of us – humanity and the boiling water expanding and creating more space from the denseness evolving to the higher vibration.

  228. Top blog Anne and a great analogy. I love how you describe how we are magnetically pulled up by those of a higher vibration and that we can also pull others up with our increased higher vibration-brotherhood in motion!! I loved the science bit

    1. Tim it’s fantastic how Anna has shared the science of water, it is a very simple analogy, how the magnetic pull of the vibration pulls others up with our increased vibration.

    2. Hello Tim Bowyer and I too “loved the science bit”. I was never a fan of school but if things were taught like this then I possibly would have never left. I loved being ‘schooled’ by things that explain and detail things but then relate them to life. I feel this is how school should be and Anne Malatt would be a great teacher in this way. I learnt and took much away from this blog and comments but most of all was the feeling. I just loved reading this and could breathe a lot deeper after finishing reading it. The wonders of science when there is a true teacher at the wheel.

      1. Hello sarahraynebaldwin and I totally agree. All my life I have learned through a practicality of things. If things didn’t have a practicality I saw or if they were presented with a practical approach then I would wander off. I found this a lot at school, I never physically left and was a ‘good’ student but I would wander off a lot in my attention to what was being said. I was never ‘grabbed’ by school, I loved the people but not the work.

      2. Yes Raymond, school could not hold my attention for this reason.
        Whenever I had practical subjects or teachers that understood that life experience was a great bridge to learning, I would enjoy class but unfortunately the Education system is not predominately set up in this way and thus I dropped out go high school at age 15. Thinking I may never study again, I am luckily enough to now be a student of Universal Medicine and have these amazing Doctors and Scientists like Anne Mallatt and Dianne Trussel that have a passion for science, philosophy and life. This has helped me unlock and appreciate that science can be fun, inquisitive and practical.

      3. Thanks sarahraynebaldwin and I agree, Universal Medicine really bought things back to the ground and supported me with a real life approach to things. I have learnt more in the past couple of years then at any time in my life. No written test to see how much information I could store in my head either, just good old fashioned lived, practical experiences that then are a natural part of your life. When I now see in life the ‘intelligent’ people from school they aren’t doing so well but yet the education system was championing them. Strange it would seem a system that doesn’t actually prepare you for life but that is what it is telling us it’s doing.

      4. Great comment Raymond, great points you raise ” No written test to see how much information I could store in my head either, just good old fashioned lived, practical experiences that then are a natural part of your life.”
        that quote is the reason I love studying with Universal Medicine.

      5. Thanks sarahraynebaldwin, I loved that quote as well and it virtually epitomises Universal Medicine. It begs the question why aren’t we all studying at the same place.

  229. A universal lesson right there in a kettle of water, so where else is the universe communicating evolution to us? Answer – everywhere and all the time! We can keep ourselves so blinded to the magic of God’s language by holding onto hurts, pictures or ideals – yet the chance to see it is always there, in the simple details of life.

  230. “It does not resist” – now this is the key to evolution. If nature doesn’t resist evolution, then why do we?

  231. That’s what is so beautiful about these observations, and I love this example Anne. We notice a phenomena and feel the relevance, it acts as a reminder and a symbol that speaks to that knowing within us, as you say Doug, ‘most of us feel but find difficult to make sense of’. What we are observing becomes an illustration of or a key to something far greater than the physical world it presents itself in.

  232. Anne I love this blog it so simply explains a scientific fact and supports us to understand how we too can vibrate at a higher rate, creating more spaciousness and becoming lighter and clearer. if we align to those who are already choosing light and spaciousness and do not resist the magnetic pull up.

    1. Simply and beautifully summed up marylouisemyers and if we learn from this message than we will indeed be more aware of when we resist and how ridiculous it is to fight against nature.

  233. How much is anger like boiling water. If we let the heat affect us we can start to steam a bit. If we allow the heat increase over time there is always a tipping point when we have had enough and go into a rolling boil till the heat is removed. If we have a lid on the pan and try and contain the steam from escaping this will cause explosive results. When we feel the heat it is better to remove the pan from the stove and not be affected by the heat.

  234. There’s so much in life we take for granted, rather than enjoy and wonder the wonders of daily things such as boiling water. I am connecting more and more to the fact that we are only a set of particles that choose spaciousness or contraction. No neutral. With our bodies as the Awesome marker of we’re I’m at, at any given moment. I am indeed just like the boiling water. If I choose to connect = adding energy, I keep on boiling. If not, I cool ‘down’. I love playing like you do Anne. Thank you.

  235. Anne what a great way to get a deeper understanding of what is truly going on. To resist our natural way of being to be one together as one sphere is calling in force to resist it as you say Anne. How exhausting is that going to be?

  236. Love your analogy Anne “And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again.” the truth you say here in this statement is held in every single one of us, it is our blue print, it is our grand design, the calling to evolve is found in our every cell. Thank you Anne -I will never boil the kettle again the same!

  237. Anne, I love reading about the process of water coming to boil a lot , because it gives a feeling in my body, I can do this too. Thank you.

  238. Anne when I read ‘We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us’ I realised that because ‘space’ is actually ‘full of God’ what we are in fact doing when we become more spacious is we are filling up with more of God. That process continues until we are nothing but space (completely full of God) and then we and God have re-united in full and we have been fully merged back into the body of God.

  239. What a beautiful example of what is possible if we let go of the resistance and begin to allow ourselves to rise up. Magic in motion and a beautiful reflection for us all.

  240. I was just boiling some eggs in a pot, for lunch and for inspiration to comment. It was so cool to watch presently what the water was doing, like you say Anna, the spheres were rising, little bubbles pulsing patiently on the floor until boom! Up they go.
    Looking from the top of the pot the little bubbles are never alone, they group together! And they don’t look or seem picky about which group they join, they are pulled by whichever group needs them and the little bubble just says YES.
    To quote Liane Mandalis ‘This blog is pure brotherhood, the call back home to the All that we all are.’

  241. When I walk in the city and see people, even though everyone seems to be focusing on their own activity, what I can see in my heart’s eye is the naturalness of people gravitating together—we are in the waiting-to-bubble process, but this process is taking way longer than water boiling which in essence is very simple and natural. I always feel this is a video I would like to make—what we see on the surface is not what is happening inside of us, we are using a lot of force to control what is natural. We do not want to bubble together, because being together is accepted to be awkward and not normal. But how long can we fight this naturalness?

    1. Yes Adele, that would be a great visual, the rigidity and protection is evident but the unseen and felt essences show us a completely opposite story, one of connection and brotherhood, there are no separate people, just the interconnectedness between us.

  242. When we see a few bubbles appear while water starts to boil, it is one of the most beautiful scenarios to witness as more and more bubbles appear until the whole water surface is bubbling without holding back. Not only is there a feeling of natualness (what a kettle does when put on the stove), there is unity (when water boils, all particles boil). Natural law is one of the most beautiful, natural, simple, profound scenes to witness, as it is always true for all. No water particle boils on its own and no water particle holds back without boiling, for the whole kettle to boil—no wonder there are singing kettles, that is a celebration.

  243. Anne I love this blog….This part…..’As the heating process continues, the energy of the water rises, and more and more spheres form, and the spheres become larger and greater, and join together to form even grander spheres, and the water moves faster and faster, and soon the whole thing is one joyous whirling mix of water and steam and air.’
    Yep. That’s the evolution of humanity for you.
    Just replace the word ‘heating’ with HEALING and it all makes sense. 🙂

    1. I love this kathrynfortuna, so true, ‘Just replace the word ‘heating’ with HEALING and it all makes sense’, this brings a deeper understanding for me of Anne’s article, I can feel if we didn’t resist evolution and stay stuck in our ways then evolution would be very simple and we could all evolve together, beautiful.

  244. Thank you Anne for the Science lesson, I too have enjoyed watching the water boil in my glass kettle and now will watch with a greater sense of appreciation and joy reminded of our return to the light expanding beings we naturally are.

  245. This is how I love science to be presented, not jut as dry facts, but how it relates to us and how we live. This is true science, Anne. Thank you!

  246. ‘The only difference between ice, cold water, hot water and steam is the temperature, and the rate of vibration of the water molecules’ – I love this comment, reflection of us all. Each of us choose a different level of vibration and so the density in which we hold ourselves varies – regardless of this fact we are in essence all the same with the same opportunities and choices available to us. The choice is ours. Thanks Anne.

  247. I was having a conversation after reading this blog where I was looking at a slice of wood with a friend. What became clear is just like the bubbles, the grain of the tree had a lot to say to them and to me. It was like it was a book on cycles, a written history of how the world has been. I started to appreciate then, that in everything around us lies a richness and symbolism that is so powerful. This is the science of life to me. Thank you Anne for sharing and your innocent, everyday way of writing.

  248. When the energy is raised so high it can no longer be contained in the vessel, it must expand with the might of the energy that transformed it. Such is our fascination with the power of steam power. We have built up a head of steam, we cannot contain it or waste it, we must harness it to effective use.

  249. Beautiful example of the way in which we are called to warm up! heat up! fire up! and be more of the expansiveness (the love) that we are… There’s nothing to lose.

  250. Love the wisdom and sharing that can come from simply watching a kettle boil…what if we were to take notice of all these details in our lives that are always there offering us evolution – in our every movement, our every action.

  251. Great Science lesson Anne! I could almost say I wish I had you as a science teacher when I was at school – but in reality I was super lucky, I had 2 of the awesomest science teachers and partly as a result of this, I left school with a love for science! Hence why I so enjoyed reading about the science of boiling water!

    1. I agree Henrietta, I also had great science teachers, but when I saw the title I instantly wanted to read more – I love science!

  252. So deeply insightful Anne. I love how your analogy of boiling water reflects that there truly is no separation between science, religion and philosophy, as the truth of who we are is explored and presented. Through what you have shared I can feel how when we surrender to all that we are and are designed to do in essence, we align to an energy that is all-inclusive and all-encompassing through which we expand and naturally lighten up, without question, reflecting to all the joy of this movement through and with Divine Love.

    1. I felt that too Carola. Imagine if everything we were presented at school had as the foundation the relationship between science, religion and philosophy rather than seeing them as separate subjects to cover. Our purpose of education would be markedly different.

  253. Anne when I read you writing about particles there is so much aliveness and joy in your writing. Your exuberance for where we will be going to next and our natural evolution is evident. When we hold this as the bigger picture that we are here to rise up, let go of what makes us dense and choose that which will bring us back to our rightful place then we are more likely to make evolutionary decisions and choices and not those that keep us retarded and stuck. A very different but a sincerely true way to look at human life.

    1. shevonsimon you have encapsulated the solution to a dilemma that I have been sitting with. You have shared so eloquently what life is truly about, ‘letting go of what makes us dense and choose that which will bring us back to our rightful place’, those words for me right now are the exact words that I needed to hear. Isn’t life incredible when you open to it?

  254. Wow, Anne — this is the kind of science lesson we should have had in schools! Pure wisdom and understanding of the ALL in what you’ve shared here and how a simple observation of an everyday phenomenon such as boiling water can reflect so much back to us when we approach it with an innocent curiosity as you have here. Go true science and for bringing this to the world.

    1. I fully agree Katerina – when I was at school science lessons always felt very complex and a chore to have to sit through – hardly comprehending a word that was said. Anne has brought a totally relatable science lesson right into our own homes to be enjoyed in relationship to our own body. It brings a feeling of the wonderment and awe of early childhood as the kettle boils and a sense of my own particles bubbling away within and expanding at the same time. Totally cool and playful science!

    2. I agree Katerina, schools could be so much fun and full of so much true knowledge that could actually support us in life and in relationships with ourselves and others. Maybe one of the students of Universal Medicine will be able to rewrite how we teach our children and what we educate them on.

    3. I love it too. Bringing the wonder back into science and it’s relationship to the whole of life and the many reflections it provides.

  255. Amazing Anne how we have constant reminders and so many different ways of being shown how life works – thank you for this – boiling water will never be another constant reminder for me 🙂

  256. Wow Anne – I have never been told about the water boiling process in this way before and how energy provide the evolution for water to expand its particles and increase their vibrations. It is so true that we as humans don’t step up when we feel the pull to evolve but are rather very skilled at digging our heels in and turning to ice.
    I love the analogy of water working together to boil – and the question of why humanity resists energy is one to ponder on indeed.

  257. Wouldn’t it be gorgeous if science was presented in schools in such an engaging and life filled manner? Thanks Anne.

    1. I know that I would have definitely enjoyed, and connected to the magic and marvels of science if I had had a teacher like Anne: she brings it alive, very easy to understand and leaves you wanting more!

      1. Kids always want to know more, to know how things work, the why and how come of things, I know I did. I feel as though we do already have a kind of understanding but to be encouraged and supported to go deeper and deeper with what is there to be known and understood, as Anne has presented it, makes it truly magical and normal at the same time. Bringing it to life as you say Ingrid.The science of observing, feeling, and understanding, something we all have the ability to master I reckon.

    2. Absolutely Jeanette, It is so clear and easy to understand. Truth being taught with such a simplicity feels really joyful. I know that I would have been more interested in school with teachings about how life truly works.

  258. Anne, what a joyful and deeply inspiring blog at the same time. I will never forget this analogy of something so seemingly trivial but in truth deeply divine in it’s expression of movement. Same as we are too, same as everything looked at with appreciation and love is too. This is disarming, when you describe, that water does not resist, to absorb energy and to move faster and change its condition – always knowing, that it is for ever connected with the other particles, irrespective of its momentarily state – but that we do! Great revelation Anne, thank you for this great picture of this mini act of ascending, happening trillionfold every day around the world.

  259. I love it when science is brought to us in such simple ways, always with the connection back to us, reflecting/asking what is our part in it. An absolute beautiful way to look at and work with science.

  260. Anne. I never knew watching a kettle boil could be so instrumental in teaching us about our bodies. I will now boil the kettle again and watch the magnificent changes it produces.

  261. Wow Anne – I love this blog and the deep wisdom it offers. ’Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?’ A stunning reminder that we are all here to naturally evolve, equally so.

  262. Boiling the kettle, another great ‘moment’ to have whenever or wherever a kettle boils.

  263. When everything around us aligned to Evolution, it is absolutely ridiculous that humanity is not. And even more so that we believe that we are the most advanced and evolved species in the Universe…. And yet, we are the only species in the Universe that resists Evolution!? Even boiling water is more accepting of spaciousness than we are at times.

    1. The ridiculousness of where humanity is choosing to be at is indeed exposed in your comment Kylie. What a kick up the bum! We think our intelligence, technology and text book science is the ‘be all and end all’ – yet this investment or belief is what is keeping us in the dark ages as far as Love, Evolution and Brotherhood are concerned.

    2. It is utterly ridiculous as you say Kylie. ‘Even boiling water is more accepting of spaciousness than we are at times.’ As the most ‘advanced’ species on earth we have so much to learn still from the world around us.

    3. Kylie and Abby there is definitely an ouch in what you are both sharing here. It’s like evolution is something that has happened in the past but not even considered that evolution continues all day every day. There is arrogance in our resistance, thinking that big buildings and modern technology is it and the way out of the great suffering that is in the world. But this is a great illusion. So the natural world around us continues to point this out to us in many ways for us to take note…eventually.

    4. Absolutely Kylie, it is almost enough to make our blood boil. Now that would be a point of evolution, now imagine the fiery light that would come though our inner-most.

  264. This is a great analogy Anne. I love how you explain this.. “As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole. Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt”.

  265. Thank you, I love this Anne. ”As more and more of us are inspired by the light and spacious ones above, we too vibrate at a higher rate and our particles expand. We come together to form spheres of people, all vibrating at this higher rate, and as more and more of us rise, we magnetically pull the others, inspire the others, to arise with us.’

  266. If you combine this with the fact that studies have shown that feelings and emotions change the structure of water molecules too, and the fact we are made up of 80% water. Wow.. it is well worth exploring the influence our chosen quality of being is having on our bodies.

    1. Absolutely Abby, and all of the bodies around us! We are all in the one same pot and each of us contributes to the overall temperature depending on whether we choose to resist our natural evolution and turn our particles to ice, or, surrender, and allow the heat to do the work. In either case, the water will boil – it just depends on how long it will take to get there!

      1. Beautifully expressed Kylie, it is indeed dependent on the choices each of us make as to how long we wait for the pot to boil – but boil it most certainly will!

      2. I love this expansion Kylie and it makes total sense. If we have a jug turned on to boil and we keep through ice cubes into it of course it will take longer to boil and relating it to us all is key and raises a significant question: What I acting like an ice cube today?

    2. Yes very true Abby. They did a study that showed how water under a microscope reacted to different music/spoken phrases too, which resulted in their molecular formation being totally different. It’s pretty cool that we have this awesome liquid that responds to the environment inside us, although I know for me I could really do with honouring and taking more care of what I accept and allow in from the world that would affect the water!

  267. Anne – this is an incredible blog. A joy to read and very inspiring. Who knew the old kettle boiling could be such a source of inspiration!

  268. “And one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held,…” and like the kettle, heaven will sing! Thank you for this great post Anne.

  269. This is a great analogy. How amazing that within every ritual of making a cup of tea, there is a whole science happening in the kettle – science that pertains to our evolution. Water is such a profoundly amazing thing. I am sure that in itself it has great divine significance as it gives life to all life and it also takes life with its often ferocious power. If water naturally responds to evolution and if we are 80% water as human beings, perhaps all we need to do is to get out of the way and let ourselves come to the boil!

  270. I love this analogy Anne – I’ve been drawn to buy a glass kettle to see the water bubble, and now I know why. I love how the science of boiling water tells about particles, spaciousness, brotherhood and evolution in one package.

  271. Thank you Anne, for presenting us with something so simple and yet profound in the way that there is something bigger at play here that is constantly pulling us to be more of who we are.

    1. Thank you Francisco. Seeing that there is something bigger at play, pulling us up, would make us stop and make different choices. Today a friend spoke with me about something she has observed about me a million times. I always listen and decide to do ‘my own thing’ but today I actually felt something. Behind her words there was a crystal clarity and a feeling of lightness that I felt in my own body. As I went to go into my old behaviour I started to question that maybe this scenario and conversation keeps coming up for a reason and maybe there is a message there. With that all of the fight and resistance I have been putting up has fallen away and I’ve made a new choice and a new decision based on that crystal clarity. With that I feel so clear headed, expanded and without ANY angst or hesitation.

  272. What a great analogy Anne, also a great question…..why don’t we? allow that same spaciousness to be in our bodies. But mostly we do not, we fight it, numb ourselves from it or make excuses as to why we don’t want to expand, be light and clearer. Although using your wonderfully simple example here, we can bring more awareness to that process and make other choices.

  273. That has to have been the best cup of tea I never had, thank you for bringing science to life Anne. My body sings to this most glorious tune (up).

  274. Fascinating blog Anne. lt proves to humanity how nature continuously reflects to us the awesomeness of God with in every part of our lives ceaselessly. And all the universal truths can be read and wondrously experienced there if one will take a moment to allow the teaching in. l particularly love the glass jugs with the gorgeous blue light. They have always mesmerized me, now l realise a little more deeply just why! Thank you.

  275. I remember once becoming suddenly aware of how and why water boils, the science behind it and being fascinated and astounded at the beautiful mechanics behind something so everyday and ordinary. Could the same be said for life – something that seems so normal, the people in it simply ordinary, could it be that actually there is far more at work then meets the eye?

  276. I love this blog. What I find very interesting is that when you heat water in a very clean vessel slowly, under certain circumstances the water can heat up to 160C or even 180C before it then evaporates explosively. There is a specific German word for it – Siedeverzug and the dictionary says that the terms bumping and superheating describe this phenomenon in English.

    In other words, the water needs a seed and it can be a very small one, to come to a boil!

  277. Good article Anne and a good example of how something as simple as boiling water can be used as a symbol of our own evolution, I find great intelligence in simplicity

  278. It is fun to be able to look at the everyday things in life and learn from them. This makes life every interesting and also makes life a living science experiment

  279. ‘When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.’ – thats a blockbuster!
    To me came the image of on old boiler, totally fossilized and not well cared of – the water does not resist but it may not be able to boil because the boiler (the body) is not able to handle the heating any more. That is good to see that we have to ‘not resist’ and say yes to the rise but also responsible to care for our body so it is able to express that higher vibration.

  280. Through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have come to know the truth – everything is science, including God. This busts a few million ancient arguments out the water regarding Science versus God. How can you argue which is true or right when in truth God and Science are one and the same.

  281. Thank-you Anne, I feel we have sat with you and watched the glass kettle boil together. The purity and clarity of the water is a beautiful medium through which to observe life.
    ” to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?” Liquid rising to steam and then the steam returning to liquid mirrors the cyclical nature of time.

  282. As the water in a boiler, by just hanging around I did become stale. With Universal Medicine I began to clear my boiler (my body) and start to vitalize my life. I developed a lot and I can feel how I become more spaces. Spaces in the way that I am not so loaded anymore with old hurts, emotions or complications and so I become more light. I would say: I did put on my heating-up-bottom.

    1. I agree Gyl. This is the science that should be available to students in our schools today. I certainly missed learning this lesson when I was younger. One of the many joys of being a forever student is that you never truly miss out. I have now caught up on this particularly profound lesson : )

      1. Exactly Carola, we never ever miss out as everything comes around again and again until we have mastered what was to be learned.

    2. Agreed gylrae imagine how much you could expand on this simple exercise to show how life is and what it is really all about. I would be glued on the edge of my seat in class and paying attention to everything the teacher said.

  283. This is a hot observation Anne, boiling hot and to the point, demonstrating just how nobody can resist the rise forever. We are all going to make it and on making it we find that there is even more rising, more expansion, more spaciousness to be found, so why resist at all . . . let’s go!

    1. Absolutely kathleenbaldwin, I am with you! What in truth is there to resist? We are only delaying what in truth is impossible to resist by virtue of the fact that we are all from the same place of Divine oneness, which means our natural state of being is atonement.

    2. Absolutely let’s go! .. The resistance, the ‘spite’ that Anne speaks of sounds nothing more than an anchor or a heavy weight we carry, but the truth is that this weight is not actually attached to us, it is us that can hold onto it tightly but when we do let it go ~ it doesn’t even exist anymore. Here’s to letting go and taking off, to be the truth we already are.

  284. Me again…in light of what you have shared here Anne about bubbles, expansion and evolution, the dense matter transmuting to the light, I’m now pondering on the saying “A watched pot never boils”… perhaps this is why when we feel the judgment or jealousy of others, we shrink, play small and become more dense so as to impede our natural evolution back to a more expansive way of being… If this is so, then the key would be to learn to live in a way that, regardless of whether we are being watched, judged or condemned by others, we allow ourselves to consistently express love in order that we consistently expand, evolve and arise and return back to the love that we are. Hmm, there seems to be a theme here in all my comments on your blog Anne…and all inspired by this line: “Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?….and why don’t we?”

    1. Great expose Liane of ‘a watched pot never boils’…and of our choices – we can choose to react to others or stay true to ourselves. And, why do we put so much time and effort into resisting what is naturally there for us to ‘expand, evolve and arise and return back to the love that we are?’

    2. Yes Liane I agree and love what you have shared. What I sense is that when we simply just be in the knowing who we are and what we are designed to do, there are no questions, no need for comparison as we know that we are all Divine and in this oneness any form of separation does not exist. Then glorious-ness of our Love is our natural form of expression. So the more we surrender to all the Love that we are, the more we are All the Love that there is, which is never-ending and in fact eternal.

      1. Beautifully expressed Carola, particularly, ‘the more we surrender to all the Love that we are, the more we are All the Love that there is, which is never-ending and in fact eternal.’ I can feel the expansion in my body as I stop to reflect on and accept this truth – not unlike the water molecules naturally accepting their true nature and responding when the kettle is turned on! Thank you.

    3. Liane you have made several great contributions that build on Anne’s steamy blog, might I add: In order for the water to transmute it must continue to absorb the energy of its source and continue to increase its vibration, there can be a seeming delay while the vibration increases enough to transform, but if the vibration does not continue to increase at this stage, heat leaks away and goes off the boil.

      1. Apart from learning much about the properties of water boiling in this steamy blog, Bernard, I love what you have shared here. We also have much in common with boiling water – to increase our own vibration we must choose to keep embracing and embodying the fiery energy of the Soul and letting go of the old way. Yes, at times there certainly is this sense of nothing moving (seeming delay) whilst we catch up with ourselves and transform over and over.
        “In order for the water to transmute it must continue to absorb the energy of its source and continue to increase its vibration, there can be a seeming delay while the vibration increases enough to transform”

    4. I like what you have shared here Liane, it has brought me to reflect on the statement “A watched pot never boils”… and I feel for myself this relates to my attachment to evolution. Becoming idealistic in anyway about the expansion of particles has for me resulted at times in a delay that leaves me trying rather then accepting and allowing the pot to naturally boil and expand.
      In this way its internal comparison and judgement that takes place in my mind that deflates the love within my heart that when open and accepting creates expansion and evolution.

    5. This is great Liane – Your ponderings’ upon “A watched pot never boils” raise an interesting point to consider in relationship to judgment, jealousy and playing small is meaningful. Reflections are available to us all in countless ways.

  285. Anne this is a great blog using the analogy of boiling water to vibration in our body particles. It struck me that as we allow ourselves to ‘come to the boil’ we are also more transparent – rather like your clear glass kettle – there is nothing to hide away from any longer and we can be truly seen by everyone.
    “And we can feel that the same process happens in people as a whole. As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole. Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt”.

  286. Brilliant Anne. I love this analogy between boiling water and the evolution of our body. This will bring a whole new meaning to making a cup of tea! Resisting evolution just doesn’t make sense, and who wants to end up as a block of ice anyway, not me!

    1. Love the comment here sandrahenden of resisting evolution and ending up a block of ice! When go in the opposite direction to our true nature it certainly is a cold occurrence!

      1. I agree Bernadette – I love the lightness and fun of Sandra’s comment – and as you say when we are not evolving it is an icy affair and we tend to contract away from the light – when we are warm we expand our hearts and embrace the world.

  287. We simply cannot deny that everything is energy and everything is because of energy! I love, love, love being reminded of this truth.

    1. I agree bernadetteglass…a constant reminder that we live in a world where everything is energy and everything is because of energy and yet we so easily forget this in our day-to-day living…boiling a kettle is there to remind us.

  288. Wow Anne what a blog! The explanation of the water boiling in connection to our own expansion and evolving is brilliant. I was never much into science as a child but if I had everything explained to me as you have in this blog I would have fallen in love with the subject.

    1. I agree rachelmurtagh, science in school would pretty much go over my little head… I was so disappointed with how boring it was. Reading your blog Anne I felt the innate curiosity to understand and the joy in observing and playing… as science ought to be. It’s sad that this is not the approach or indeed the way science is understood in modern times.

  289. I love this analogy Anne and the idea of water resisting it’s evolution! It’s amazing how many blocks we put in our way to avoid our own expansion but this blog describes the process so beautifully why would anyone want to resist?

  290. “These spheres rise to the surface because they are lighter than the denser water molecules, and are released from the body of water into the body of air above it, where they merge with other gases and other particles of that vibration.”

    Heat rises and thus, the only way is up, back to the Heaven within our hearts. It is well and truly time to re-ignite the flame within and return back to the love that we are, for we have long outgrown the ‘denseness’ we have been living. Turn up the heat, there is work to be done!

  291. I’m back! What I love most about what you write Anne, is the fact that there is Divinity to be felt in even the simplest everyday occurrence, such as boiling a kettle. It just goes to show that the Magic of God is EVERYWHERE and never does it turn off, although we may at any time, turn off our awareness to it. What you describe here is pure science – the science of love; our ability to understand and our willingness to see, the Grandness we are and are from, each inspiring one another to arise from a lesser way of being that has held us asleep for so long. This blog is pure brotherhood, the call back home to the All that we all are.

  292. Anne I love the analogy from water boiling to its natural evolution, to us as humans allowing our natural evolution. The amazing reflection being provided to us through the water boiling is just beautiful, with the molecules and particles expanding and filling space.

  293. What an amazing simple analogy of energy science and our daily life thank you Anne it is brilliant and I absolutely love it. The understanding you bring really does feel alive and bubbling inside my body and inspirational to raise our vibration and expand and to offer this spaciousness as a reflection also. This is true evolution ! It also highlights what a lot of energy we use to resist it.

  294. We take so much for granted with technology throughout our lives and it is great to be aware that there are reflections for us in everything – not just nature but modern appliances too.

  295. Gosh this sharing took me back to watching my late granny’s kettle boil – one which did at times have a whistle (stopper) on the spout. It certainly whistled with joy as the steam amassed to be released. So enjoyed your analogy Anne and how we too can relate to this sequence of natural daily (scientific) events in our daily living of life. A joy-full process indeed. I shall not take my kettle boiling for granted again but, ponder on this sharing.

  296. I love it how something so simple as a boiling kettle is a reflection for life and the universe, it doesn’t just stop with us. The entire Universe, everything in it and beyond, vibrates to the same call and pull.

  297. Wow everything we do, like boiling water in a kettle is a message or a reflection from God expressing who we are and how we all vibrate as one. Great science lesson Anne.

    1. Absolutely Lindell there is always something there for us to reflect upon or learn from, truly the Magic of God.

  298. Anne every time I come to read a blog from you, it feels like I am about to sit down in front of a warm fire.

  299. “it does not resist” – it is a simple calling for us to say yes – yes to God, yes to our true divine purpose here on earth, yes to humanity and yes to evolution.

  300. This is top-notch science Anne. As nature is showing us how we can evolve if we allow ourselves to see it, but I never considered boiling water yet. You show us that life is so amazing, and while we tend to ignore our purpose here on earth, everything is showing us the way to go, of which the boiling of water, that is so common to our daily life, is one of these.

  301. A lovely observation and reflection of the intelligence at play in our everyday world, thank you Anne, I loved this!

  302. I love how you have used science to show us the craziness of our choices sometimes which is shown in this line “When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.” Thank you Anne.

  303. Could we be like water, to take it to the next step of transformation requires more energy to transform from its current state? By not willing to exert the energy that is required we will remain frozen in time.

  304. Anne once again you have described what could be a rather complicated topic in the most clear and accessible way. You have helped me to see that the people that we choose to mix with are all vibrating at a very similar rate to us. I can also see now that evolution is really just our particles becoming less dense. You really do make the science of Life incredibly easy to comprehend.

  305. Oh Anne, what a beautiful and tangible observation and explanation. Unfortunately this science is accepted only by a few in these days. One day in the future there will be a greater understanding of what you speak already today.

  306. Just exquisite writing, Anne, making the science of evolution so accessible and clear. Love it.

  307. I already loved the title and after reading the blog I can say I love it too. Relating science to our daily life is so great to do, it just is mind-blowing and makes so much sense.

    1. Great point, Lieke, about relating science to our daily life. That is what science is about. And also the other way around: relating every day life to science. Combined with our inner knowing and all the knowledge we have we can feel the humbleness of being part of the universe.

      1. Yes Monika and Lieke. It’s really beautiful to consider nothing is random but that everything is of grand design. Science in our daily life is this wonderful magic.

    2. I agree Lieke – I loved the title because it was so simple and straightforward I knew I was going to understand what would be presented. The blog itself is awe inspiring to read yet still delivered with delightful simplicity.

  308. Thank you Anne for this awesome and inspiring sharing. It is an absolute joy to read your blog and the boiling of water will never be the same again for me. From now it is a reflection of my natural evolution.

    1. Absolutely Mariette, it is inspiring me to observe things closer rather than get going to the next thing, not considering what is being reflected all around me. To see evolution in boiling water shows me how much more there is to this world than first meets the eye.

  309. Thank you Anne for expanding on my understanding of how our particles vibrate with more space as we choose the energy of love to set us free from the density of our physical body.

  310. I actually love watching those glass kettles boil too Anne Malatt but I didn’t know why until now. Your analogy of water boiling and the Ageless Wisdom is a pricelessly inspiring explanation. It is just sooo much fun to witness evolution!

  311. Absolutely love it Anne, the times I have watched water boil and all I have seen it the process of water being boiled, but you have given such a gift here, as from this moment forward I will never just see water boiling it will forever be a reminder of where we are from and where we are going and how we are all responsible for not holding back our bubbles and to heat up and proceed to the next level.

    1. “Not holding back our bubbles” I like that kevmchardy, a very playful way to look at the possibilities we have to expand how we are and live more of our potential. That is the big aspect of what life is really about, living towards our potential and never settling for being lesser but always looking for more, always being willing to play it big.

    2. Thank you for bringing this kevmchardy, reading your comment I realise that my life is changed forever and I will also never look at a boiling kettle the same way, thanks again.

  312. ‘When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.’ Anne I really had to laugh by this ridiculous idea that water would resist and say no I won’t do it this time, you can ask me what you want but no not this time. How ridiculous is our resistance to the natural process of evolution, thank you for this science lesson.

    1. I agree Annelies, it is ridiculous how we resist evolution. What Anne’s blow is so fabulously reflecting is that by holding back we can never reach the ‘boiling point’ or the next point of vibration, which is where and what we all naturally come from.

  313. I love what you have written here Anne, so much to ponder on, so simple yet profound.
    The analogy is wonderful; I will forever view boiling water from a deeper, wiser perspective.

    1. We will be probably all stand in front of our boiling water now and connect to this wisdom, that Anne shared. No chance to resist anymore no rise above 🙂

    2. The analogy is very simple and profound – I agree Shirl. If only all we required to learn about life was made this fun and simple, we’d enjoy school so much more and never want to stop learning!

  314. How cool Anne, I never thought about that but it makes so much sense. I know that when we get lighter we have more opportunity for playfulness and a huge amount of healing takes place, so bring on the bubbles I say!!

    1. Haha yes I agree Lucy! Thank you Anne – I feel more expanded already – I loved this science lesson – it makes so much sense! And the JOY! 🙂 Not to mention we are 80% water 😉 Meaning our particles are already ahead, but it is up to us to join them or resist!

  315. We must be exerting so much energy not to accept spaciousness in our body. We have configured our body in a way that stops our essence to express in full in all levels of our being.

    1. Yes Fumiyo we are living breathing kettles that are constantly trying to boil and yet we are managing most of the time to hold the particles close enough together to give the impression that we are solid blocks of ice walking around the planet when really by now we should be up and away and somewhere completely different. It is no wonder that life for many feels like a constant hard slog!

    2. True Fumiyo, and yet the moment we make a move that honors the light we are, a step toward spaciousness is taken that instantly brings us closer to feeling at home. Why would we ever want to keep ourselves from it.

    3. I agree. And when I look and feel how dense people are allowing their bodies to be, I can see a whole load of wasted energy.
      For me I will remember the boiling kettle when I feel a choice that brings more lightness to my body.

    4. Great point Fumiyo. This allows me to feel how exhausting resistance is in my body. It really is like swimming against a current. I love feeling this because it reminds me that the way back to myself is actually supported. I can come home by riding the current back to shore. Beautiful.

  316. We interfere, sabotage and resist our own evolution by eating food that numbs, engaging in activities that brings us down etc. even knowingly at times to keep us dense so that we remain where we are comfortably at, when the energy around us is already pulling us up and offering so much in favour of our evolution. It makes so much sense that nature is having to offer corrections in the form of what appears to be natural disasters, and our body is having to discard so much in the form of illness and diseases.

    1. I love the simplicity of what you have written here Fumiyo Egashira, it really is crazy how much we resist our evolution, ‘We interfere, sabotage and resist our own evolution by eating food that numbs, engaging in activities that brings us down etc.’ I can feel how much effort it is to resist evolution and stay where we are at because there is always a natural pull to be more.

    2. Yes it explains so much Fumiyo and we always have a choice to not resist and embrace our expansion.

    3. Great point Fumiyo… And what an enormous amount of energy we put into resisting what is already occurring (the pull to become more spacious). What would happen if we all just let go and allowed ourselves to Evolve naturally with no resistance whatsoever???

  317. Great observation. Thank you, Anne. From boiling water to our evolution – I love how you have expanded this. It indeed is the change in the applied energy that affects the state of particles.

    1. I agree, how vibrant a lesson would be at school and how much would children love this kind of education.

    2. Great question! I think I’ll have to create my own science lessons of this nature for the kids at work.

    3. This is a great question Sally. Relating science to life and seeing it in everything makes it sooo much more interesting and easier to learn then reading it from a book. This is where and how teachers can make such an impact on how we relate what we learn back to life.

    4. I agree Sally, no more yawning at the back of the class! The way Anne presents science is fun and inspiring. I could watch and listen to Anne’s presentations for hours, although she packs so much in, a short series might be even more perfect and we could give them as gifts to all the children, big and small, who we know are waiting for this type of clarity about science. How about it Anne?

    5. To see the similarity of the comments on this tread from people all over the world reveals that it is very much needed for our education system to evolve. For me discovering Universal Medicine and the College of Universal Medicine opened up a true way of learning about life by the presentations and my own live experiences.

  318. Boiling the kettle just took on a whole new meaning and I am going to enjoy allowing myself to rise with the temperature of the kettle every time I make a cup of tea.

  319. Thank you Anne for sharing this wisdom. I love watching water boil in those clear kettles and will remember this analogy about accepting the natural process or next step or our evolution.

    1. I love this also Annie, it is amazing to allow ourselves to feel this connection that is with us all of the time. Understanding that we are Scared and that we have a relationship with ourselves that is well worth connecting to and developing is everything and has given me the ability to be about to read an article such as this and be able to truly relate to everything that is being expressed.

    2. I love remembering from a boiling kettle the impact and truth that energy is always working in some form or another.

    3. There is a clear kettle at my work and I can’t wait to have a cup of tea. I often go and do something while the kettle is boiling but tomorrow I will be watching the water for my cup vibrate, expand and evolve!

  320. Who would have thought that watching a kettle boil could be so revealing, so full of love and science all at the same time – Anne I so loved reading your effervescent blog.

  321. Anne, everyone reading your blog is going to want to own a glass kettle – you should put your hand up for royalties!

  322. “We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us” – love this Anne, your felt joyousness is also mine too… as we all move together as one.

  323. Gorgeously insightful Anne, what an everyday occurrence that has so much in it, and the way water and energy operate together. Ingenious and shall look forward to taking note of this myself when next making a brew.

  324. I’ve noticed within my own body, that I am able to tolerate, actually enjoy, being warmer. I’m much more sensitive to cold weather than ever before. It feels as if that as I continue to live with self care and love and the commitment to returning to Love, I am naturally warming up, just like the kettle boiling.

  325. Wow this is so amazing Anne – who would have thought that simply watching water boil could be the catalyst for such a remarkable observation and I just love how you have married science with ancient wisdom. Gorgeous to feel and share your bubbling joy.

  326. Anne it was a pure joy to read your awareness expanding blog. This makes so clear what evolution is, how it actually works and the part we are all asked to play. Very powerful and playful. I could read your work all day.

  327. Reading the title of this blog I thought it would be about taking a moment and watching the water boil and it has turned out to be a great metaphor for our evolution as human beings being about light and spaciousness.

  328. It’s wonderful how we are given constant reminders throughout our day of the magnificence of ourselves and the world around us, and how we are all constantly evolving. Boiling water has taken on a new light and will always be a call to further expansion from here on in.

  329. Love this science. Who would have thought that there was so much science in boiling water that reflects to us our ever expanding particles and spaciousness within our bodies, our evolution to a high vibration. Wow! Water coming to the boil is so simple as it just allows it to happen without any resistance. So beautiful Anne.

  330. I have always been connected to the word ‘VIBRATION’ and had always felt that there were varying degrees of vibrations with people and places etc. Lower vibrations which felt more dense and tight…and the higher vibrations that were more light and spacious. And so we are then drawn to vibrations or energy that are either pulling us up or pulling us down. I love the kettle analogy Anne that shows no holding back to being pulled up to the higher vibrations and our amazing potential. I don’t think I can look at my kettle in the same way again!

  331. Wow Anne I love the divinity this blog reveals in such an everyday act. Your words inspire me to see this in everything around me. It’s particularly gorgeous how the bubbles and the spheres become unified.

    1. I love this also Joseph. A powerful reminder of how beautifully connected we are to all, and how all that we do offers us an opportunity to grow and deepen our connection to the Divine love that we are, and are a part of together. And that we can only all rise in a unified way through accepting the Love that we are, and are all from.

  332. Wow Anne, the simplicity of watching water boil. It is amazing to see the reflections that are offered in science and nature. This is a beautiful analogy of how we as people can rise together in our energetic state.

    1. Absolutely Lee… ‘This is a beautiful analogy of how we as people can rise together in our energetic state.’ We are all made of the same material and all responsive to the same energy… and hence what happens for one, will happen for all… eventually.

  333. It seems absurd to consider what if water were to dig its heels in and refuse to become lighter and evaporate when all the conditions around it – the application of electricity, the being in the pot etc are there for it to do what it is designed to do naturally. Absurd, but then this is what I have done, and what I see humanity do. When everything around us is supporting us to become lighter we resist. Why is this?

    The phrase ‘better the devil you know’ comes to mind: sticking to the familiarity of what you know even if it’s not so great. But this doesn’t bring safety, it brings disruption to our bodies and chaos (it’s no wonder we get ill and multi-symptomatic). Imagine if the water refused to boil, then all the processes that rely on water obeying the natural laws would collapse and all aspects of life would be threatened as the weather, the sea temperatures, the harvests would all be affected.

  334. I love how your philosophical nature is translating into blogs for us to share in your innate wisdom Anne. I watch water coming to the boil every night as I prepare a bottle to sleep with and I have always been fascinated by the movement of the process. You have taken my nightly ritual to another level – thank you!

  335. Science in this instance is very confirming of the natural process we are in to rise up. The harmony, exactness, and order of science means resistance is impossible, after all why resist? It seems quite strange that as human beings we can dig our heels in and resist, and not move with the natural flow and science of life just like the water.

  336. Beautiful Anne thank you for not only the science lesson, but the mechanism by which we expand (and contract). Given our bodies are a high percentage water, it makes perfect sense now where the feeling of spaciousness comes from when we are more connected to an energy that feels very warming (fiery). It’s interesting too that just getting hot (temperature-wise) is not the same, and nor is there the same expansive feeling that goes with it. The nature (quality) of energy introduced into the body is the key ingredient and the rest, it would seem, is physics and chemistry!

    1. Jenny this is so true. The quality of energy that we allow in affects whether we expand or contract. The electricity that goes through to the water in its boiling process is a perfect example of a fiery energy that is supportive of the water in its expansion.

  337. This is a great analogy Anne which exposes the ridiculousness of our resistance and the amount of effort we put into it, and also the joy of all rising together….and thank you for the inspiration of observing, and being aware of the reflections of nature that are constantly around us offering messages of evolution.

  338. Wow, just love what you share here Anne, a real meeting of science, philosophy and religion, all in one kettle ….. beautiful.

  339. Thanks Anne! How water boils is something I have never considered. It is such an awesome and real analogy for how we live. It really gets you thinking about the precision of energy and it’s role in absolutely everything.

  340. The analogy of water and humanity is powerful. As humanity we are all connected but there are sections that prefer to believe we aren’t and celebrate differences. Using the beautiful symbolism offered by water, there is no separation in the pot but only interaction and movement towards being raised to another level of being – when allowed to continue this will not leave one drop behind. The aspect of the continual jostling of the bubbles and how that contributes to rising, reflects our interaction in Humanity and how it can increase our understanding, wisdom and healing. It raises each of us to another level of being with each other. Thank you Anne – there is so much boiling water can reflect back to us.

  341. Anne, this is such an inspiring blog, it is absolutely beautiful and I love it. The way you describe the analogy between how the boiling water develops, and how we as Sons of God can choose to develop is absolute Gold. I love this explanation particularly, “As we vibrate at a higher rate, we create movement and spaciousness within each of us, and within all of us as a whole. Some of us expand so much and rise so high that they can move to another plane of life – one just as real but not seen with the physical eye or heard with the physical ear, only felt”. What a great explanation of what is gradually going on within the esoteric community. And this understanding is coming from watching a kettle of water boiling. Thank you for sharing.

  342. Love how you related the physics back to what happens in our own bodies! And it’s cool how as the vibration goes up there’s more space between our molecules and yet at the same time the unity between them isn’t lost.

  343. ” … inspired by the light and spacious ones above … ”
    I can feel you are more spacious than me, Anne, which means I am very inspired by this blog and can feel more spaciousness happening naturally because I am being like water! Yes we are inspired by the spacious ones above AND the spacious ones in body around us 🙂

    1. Oh yes indeed Fiona. There is so much wisdom in the saying ‘He who has eyes can see”.

  344. I love your analogy with the boiling water in a kettle, sharing the evolution from one stage to another by higher frequency. All we have to do is surrender to it. Thanks, Anne.

  345. I’ve never thought of myself compared to water… Reading your blog Anne made me smile and feel joy. Because it is this simple. If we don’t resist, we’re pulled up day after day and slowly become one. The resistance only leads to illness and disease and delay of something that in truth we can’t resist, coming back in touch with the higher vibrations. Which is lovely in the first place. Thank you for the simplicity and deepening my view and acceptance on me being a body of particles.

  346. Never imagined that a science lesson could be so exciting and joyous and furthermore deeply philosophical and religious. Such an inconspicuous kettle of water turns out to explaining evolution big time ! Real fun.

    1. I agree, Alex, Anne has made this science lesson absolutely “exciting and joyous.” I love it. Yes, this science is truly fun, and so, so more-ish. More please Anne.

    2. True Alex, Anne has a masterful way of sharing deep insights of the Universe in a fun and relatable way. Evolution in a kettle – now I want a glass one!

    3. Well said Alex, science as something deeply relatable and practical and even inspirational…the way science should be.

      1. Yes, the science of who we are in a world that reflects who we are so that we can return to who we are.

    4. So true Alex… Science and evolution simply and joyfully explained. I love the sense of wonderment that can be felt in Anne’s explanation. Boiling water doesn’t need to be a dry topic.

      1. Science, not dry at all, haha.
        It is a certain was to observe and experience life, a living way, that has a real relationship with it, developing an understanding of physics and metaphysics all in one as the oneness that they are and the reflection they provide for us to get know ourselves.

  347. I have always felt the magic of how water behaves and loved the fact that this magic is a reflection of what can occur within us. Our bodies are mostly water after all! When I look at nature, it seems people are the only animals who do doubt themselves, hold back or resist their evolution. This will have to be our learning to return to the simplicity of a bird who just knows it can fly, or any animal that just goes about its days with work and rest.

  348. I have a real sense of the meaning of brotherhood while reading this blog. No energy particle is disconnected from the rest and the more particles that are working together co-operatively, the grander the whole becomes. Thanks Anne!

    1. So true Helen, everyone together, but each in their own time. One creates a an energetic pull that becomes irresistible and then another and then another and soon all of humanity is bubbling along together.

  349. What an amazing analogy, We are made of around 75% water and on reading this blog it showed me a powerful reflection of the expansion that is in us all, We just can’t fight it. This blog has got me pondering Anne! Love it.

  350. What I love about living science is that it shared with us that life loves rhythm and as the kettle comes to the point of boiling in does so with the absolute knowing and doesn’t hold back. This is the same in life if we allow ourselves to surrender to our own rhythm.

  351. We are surrounded by the process of evolution if we stop to observe and feel it. Like the water boiling, it is inevitable that we are called to a higher vibration, we can not deny that. But a choice is always there to resist or to joyfully say yes to the higher pull. Thanks for this gorgeous blog Anne, a reminder of our path back to God.

  352. Hi Anne, I really enjoyed the comparison drawn by you in this article. What came to me was that we are guaranteed to evolve, whether we are the last sphere to raise to the top or the first. There is a science that cannot be denied and if the call is there from the energetic impulse, we can ‘fight it’ but eventually and inevitably we will be pulled to rise to the top…

    1. “There is a science that cannot be denied and if the call is there from the energetic impulse,we can ‘fight it’ but eventually and inevitably we will be pulled to rise to the top” Your beautiful comment Sarah is an undeniable truth so lovingly inclusive and spoken from true brotherhood.

      1. Yes Rosemary, when you look at life like this it leaves no room for anything but equality between all our brothers. How can we ‘save’ someone or feel ‘sorry’ for someone, when they are going to be at the same place as you, the varied degrees and positions we end up in at different points are simply determined by our free will to resist but that only goes on for so long, eventually every sphere (person) will bubble to the top, it’s a scientific fact. One day they will link this analogy to our evolution on this planet.

    2. Gorgeously said sarahraynebaldwin – it take more energy to resist love than to be it. As it is inevitable that we will be pulled back to love, the ‘struggle’ along the way is merely a choice that we make and an indulgence that we use in order to resist being and returning to, the love that we are. The exhaustion that follows is merely the after affects of this ill choice.

      1. Liane, this is the ultimate wool pulled over the eyes of humanity. For if you are all consumed with the ‘struggle’ then naturally you may be fooled into thinking ‘love’ is unachievable. In truth we are already ‘love’ but to live and feel it in full we must let go of a part that identifies and only knows its self from the ‘struggle’. We don’t actually fear ‘struggle’ but knowing who we are and what is left without it….
        I part on this note to ponder: What if there is actually no work to do but simply to accept the grandness we already are?

    3. Evolution is unavoidable. Reading this blog made me realise how resisting it is rather silly. It will happen anyway and if you try to stay as a dense piece of ice in a boiling pot, you sure won’t last long and you will need a huge force to keep trying.

  353. Boiling Water is a beautiful visual representation of what we all can feel, the process of evolution.

  354. Absolutely fascinating. I will be forever inspired by watching water boil for the reflection and reminder it offers to not resist what my particles are designed to do and where we are going. Love it.

  355. Ageless wisdom is available to us all in the simplest things. I can absolutely feel that science, religion and philosophy are inseparable when I read this beautiful article.

    1. Beautifully expressed Leonne. I love the way you have said so much with so few words.

  356. As I read this I can feel how the mind kicks in to find excuses, delay what we know is needed etc, where as when we observe water the natural flow is unencumbered.

    1. True Kristy, when we observe water there is a natural flow and we are simply observing what is, but when the same energetic principles are applied to ourselves, we can introduce a little doubt, a little complication, thereby stemming this natural flow.

  357. I have just bought a glass kettle and have enjoyed seeing what has been going on that before I was unable to see. It’s an addition for me to your great scientific analogy Anne. Serge Benhayon has been a great teacher and now with my own glass jug I can see through what seemed dense, into space and my relationship to the all that is and has been going on all around me all the time. Even though my jug doesn’t have a whistle it is me that is singing with the absolute joy that comes from heaven!

  358. Wow Anne, I love your blog. I also love watching water boil and the way you describe the process is magical. Indeed we are constantly reminded with everything around us where we can evolve to when we surrender to our natural evolution. Considering our bodies consist of a large percentage of water, so if we choose to become energetically more fiery (Soulful) we naturally feel lighter, feel connected to others as one and are able to transform to a higher level of vibration. I notice with food, if I choose to eat food that is energetically dense, I feel it in my body and if I choose to eat food that has a higher energetic vibration I also feel this in my body. We can choose to feel dense stay resistant and stagnant, or choose to feel lighter, more spacious. All influenced by our choices and the way we choose to live.

    1. The part in the blog that was a bit ouchy for me was the part about digging in your heels. I felt that same ouch when I read your comment Chan when you spoke about the foods you eat. When I eat the wrong foods I can feel that density in my body and the spacious and expansive feeling is elusive. The way I eat can definitely be a way for me to dig my heels in.

  359. This is a beautiful analogy that shows how everything matters and how everything reaches a higher vibration. It shows the absurdity of our resistance and the effort we put into it. The joy of just living by the pull is beautifully described. Thank you Anne for this inspiring blog.

  360. “What can we learn from watching water boil?” I’ve really appreciated how natural laws are abided by Anne. It reminds me that with the energy turned up, the natural response is to change in accordance to those scientific laws… and the ridiculous stubborn-water example shows how any excuses or resistance really are pointless in the end – we cannot defeat scientific Law. A reminder to embrace it and enjoy the ride!

    1. Love your comment very true we can not defeat scientific law as much as the air we breathe just not possible, so lets keep turning it up!!

  361. Anne what you have described is so gorgeous. Such a playful yet poignant example. We each can choose to surrender to expanding or not, how we choose to be affects everyone around us, we can be inspired to expand by others too, and it builds until we are all bubbling together! I am all smiles with the picture of us all “ joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body” I love it!

  362. Who would have ever thought that so much could be shared about our evolution from the simple process of boiling water! Such a joyous way to look at life Anne! If water did dig its heels in and resist then it would eventually explode in one form or another, as there is so much energy given to it through heat that it must be expelled in some way, in some time, if it is not being applied to the evolutionary process as it is designed to. This is crazy, yet it is exactly what humanity does!

      1. We don’t like exploding as when we consider it in the context of resistance of our evolution it exposes how we have chosen to use the energy available to us to evolve.

    1. Maybe we could say that when we are choosing to resist the magnetic pull for us to be our gorgeous selves, our explosions are our emotions ….. this is how we let off steam, in dis-connection.

      1. I agree Alison, resisting the magnetic pull requires us to generate a higher force of emotional outbursts leaving us in disconnection from our true nature as the sons of God.

      2. We all know there is more to life than just our temporal reality and it is bubbling away deeply within us. It is exposing for most to feel that they are not choosing to live in line with this

    2. Yes I loved the question of what would happen if the water resisted doing what was asked. Because I know I resist what is being asked at times and gosh it causes a whole bunch of strife!

  363. Simple things we experience in daily life, like boiling water, do indeed show us, remind us, and reflect to us who we are and what our purpose is. Thank you Anne for this little physics lesson.

    1. I agree Esther. It’s the appreciation of how everything works around us that will really help us understand our innate ability to live naturally.

  364. What a wonderful concoction of modern science meeting the Ageless Wisdom. Your example of water boiling is so simple yet so delicate and all encompassing. The way you understand the process and how this works is inspiring to say the least.

    1. Very true! It also highlighted the futility in resisting. Imagine trying to stop the kettle boiling – it’s just not possible.

  365. What a very simple but powerful analogy, Anne. I can really feel how brotherhood naturally occurs when we allow ourselves to be open to whatever the universe is offering us (the vibration of the universe) and to live that expansion. It is our choice to allow this expansion or not. When we hold back, resist the magnetic pull of others around us, we are resisting natural evolution.

  366. Brilliant – boiling the kettle will never be the same again! Such a beautiful illustration of the craziness in our delay of what we are naturally being impulsed to return to.

    1. Well said Michael – ‘Such a beautiful illustration of the craziness in our delay of what we are naturally being impulsed to return to.’ Yes indeed, why wait to live our Divinity, let’s turn up the heat!

  367. I love the way you have used a simple everyday event ( boiling water) as an analogy to remind us of what is possible when we surrender to evolution.

  368. I love gaining inspiration from the world around us – from the wondrous science in how things occur. There is so much magic in something as simple as boiling water, and just as much magic in every single person.

  369. Incredible revelation. I never thought about boiling water like this, I like it, it is awesome! Normally I would resist science, but this science is so simple, so real and I can relate this so much to my own life and development. It is beautifully explained how the water molecules are always going towards others and form bubbles. To me that is such joyful process. I love to be part of this science. Thank you Serge Benhayon, as you inspired me to open up my arms again for science, life and love (people).

  370. You have given us such a simple way of understanding what is going on based on scientific evidence which we can relate to everything, and feel in our bodies and energy, Anne. The simplicity makes it so clear what is happening within ourselves, each other, the world and the Universe. This transformation of an element through applying heat, or fire, is our transformation too — from density to Light. It takes me out of my head, and I can feel my connection with everything and all the cycles of the Universe. And I can see the whole process as an evolving cycle as we ignite inside with the fire that is already there, if we don’t resist it, and the vibrations become faster and we expand, and we become lighter, only to begin again — there is no end, only constant returning home to self.

  371. This is so beautiful Anne, I’m looking forward to boiling my next lot of water! This is so simple, and makes a lot of sense. I love when given new perspectives on these sorts of things. It makes instant sense and is profound at the same time. Much like all of what Serge Benhayon presents. I look forward to reading this again and again too, as new meaning often ‘bubbles’ to the surface.

  372. Thank you Anne, I understood how through that raising of vibration to more lightness and expansion, matter merges with other matter of like vibration and then it all mutually supports itself in that new level of vibration. I also got that there is always two ways it can go – finer and courser vibration and nothing stays static. It is interesting that as the reading of this blog unfolded, there was a pull upward towards a more expansive analogy and being open to this was a choice to allow energy in. There was a choice to read with an open mind and then a choice to be moved by it. I appreciate and celebrate how expression can be inspirational like this.

  373. Beautiful analogy, Anne. “If we take the time to watch water boil, we create the space to allow ourselves to feel this process happening in our own bodies.” Creating moments to be with ourselves and observe-I like it. Thank you.

  374. Brilliant Anne – you’ve made the whole process super simple – all we need to do is stop resisting and start surrendering to the process of evolution which, in any case, is inevitable.

    1. So true deborahmckay – it is time to stop resisting and go with the flow of evolution. I am now about to go and boil my glass kettle, that also has a beautiful blue light that comes on, with a whole new respect for what it is showing me. A great blog Anne, very inspiring.

  375. This is such a beautiful and fascinating sharing Anne. I had a smile on my face as I read the whole article. Thank you.

  376. “Why does water allow itself to be filled with energy, to join with other molecules of water as a bubble of gas, and to rise and be released from the body it comes from, knowing they are always connected, and part of the one whole?”

    – if water allows itself to be filled with an energy and we are made up predominantly of water, bearing in mind that ‘everything is energy’ (Albert Einstein), what is the nature of the energy that we are allowing ourselves to be filled with? Is it love or is it not?

    1. Hi Liane, This same question came to me after reading Annes article. We are defiantly saying yes to something but I do not know if we are considering wether this yes is going to lead us up or down the creek, in other words is it love or not?? That question is a moment to moment one but the fact you highlight remains, that we are made up of mostly water and there-for are filled up with energy daily.

  377. Yes! My whole body is bubbling and singing and whistling yes to this analogy Anne. I have seen your kettle in action and it is indeed a wondrous thing. This analogy is very apt when you consider that our bodies are approximately 60% water and our brains are 85%. When looked at in this light, how can it be that we could resist our natural evolution to become lighter and clearer by virtue of the choices we make?And indeed, what force must we employ to hold back our very natural pull to be the spaciousness we inherently are?

    1. A lot of back pedaling in a cold, dank, damp, dark and dense energy is required Liane and not only is it a very silly, destructive stance to take when spelt out like this, it is also extremely exhausting. Pulling in the 4 D’s – dank, dark, damp and dense – dull all down, down to the bottom of the kettle… but by the grace of God inevitably all will rise to love.

  378. The blog is a great reminder that every moment in life has something to offer us, even boiling the jug.

    1. Yes I agree Abby, It makes you consider how much is really being offered in each moment. The more common thing to do is watch the kettle impatiently, the frustration does not make it go quicker (in fact it sometimes makes it go slower). If you choose this rush you are left void of the magic moment Anne experienced: crazy how in our attempt to get ‘more’ done, we miss out on what may be the key to unlocking an effortlessness to that ‘more’.

      1. Yes sarahraynebaldwin, and in our frustration we become the coolest and thus the heaviest water bubble clinging for dear life at the bottom of the jug back pedaling against the pull to rise! Don’t you love how Anne has exposed the ridiculousness of this.

      2. Yes so true sarahraynebaldwin. The magic of science is at play all around us. Anne has made the simple act of watching water boil something to be in awe of. What else are we missing out on by rushing around and not paying attention to the simple things happening under our noses everyday.

  379. Ha Ha Ha, Anne, I so love this – what a great way to help us see what we are doing when we resist the expansion we are being called to do: ‘When water is asked to heat up, to raise its vibration and come to the boil, it does not resist.’ Resisting for us means staying heavy and it feels horrid, whereas allowing ourselves to become light and joyful is a whole different feeling. We are indeed being pulled up by those who have evolved to a higher plane of vibration and being there alongside them is our natural way. The heaviness we have developed here on earth over centuries is not natural but we have come to accept it as truth, and there are those who will insist their way is the right way and not look to the light, but remain in darkness. We can choose to be inspired and bubble up to the light or we can choose to remain as sediment, but in the end the water will all evaporate and the kettle will be left dry.

    1. Hi Carmel, yes and this heaviness gets fed to us every which way we look. It is for us to see through all this and embrace the fact that it can be as simple as bubbling up to the light leaving all the heaviness behind knowing it is not us.

  380. I remember reading that the human body is about 60-70% water – so if water doesn’t resist, and from experience when allowed my body does not resist the greater love within and around me. It brings up the question: if a large part of the body and being would not naturally resist then why is the smaller part being given the greater amount of attention?

  381. Wow Anne- I loved your science lesson on the chemical changes to boiling water and how it can also relate to us humans.
    “We can feel that as our energy rises, we become lighter and clearer, and our particles move at a higher rate of vibration, spreading further apart, creating spaciousness in us.”

  382. This made me stop and appreciate how all of life can be explained in science and all science can be explained in life…. We are all made up of particles and whether these particles are a pot of boiling water or a human body, we are in a constant vibration of energy and space. The question is, while we cannot ultimately stop this process of evolution, are we willing to work with this natural expansion or are we delaying our own evolution by working against it?

    1. Yes Angela, we are a living science. More and more, as I read these amazing blogs it doesn’t make sense to me to compartmentalise the way I live. Everything is interconnected because everything is made of particle, and these particles are governed by energy.

  383. Anne, this is a beautiful study of science in our kitchen and in our bodies, thank you for sharing your wisdom. I especially like your question “And why don’t we?”.
    For me it feels like allowing things to happen (evolution/what am I called to do and be) is something I’m not fully prepared to release control of. I’m putting myself in the way of something which I know is unstoppable – yet I still try to slow it down. I know my body is 90-something percent water so my challenge is to be as equally allowing as the water to accept the energy and evolve…

  384. What an absolute joy to read – who’d have thought that writing and reading about a boiling kettle could bring so much understanding to the process of life!

    1. I know Michelle, this blog is incredible, deeply inspiring and I love reading it. We will most likely see a similar process in everything around us when we stop to observe and appreciate the science of how things work in its natural state. Everything around us simply reflects the magic of God and our natural evolution. I feel that there is a message in everything around us, reminding us where we will eventually evolve to ‘to the next plane of vibration’.

  385. Anne you make science magical and tangible. I will never look at boiling water the same way again.

    1. Yes Debra one will never be able to boil water again without being reminded of the choice to expand, of humanity all bubbling away together and the magic and beauty of magnetic pull.

  386. Boiling water and moving ‘to the next plane of vibration’ is a bit too much for my simple mind to get round but I know what you mean about those who have the light and spacious particles can inspire others.
    On that note I say that Serge Benhayon and those working directly with Universal Medicine have this ability to inspire others because of their ‘kettle’ which is continuously being looked at, addressed, developed, refined, reviewed and remain open so more and more keeps coming. The ‘kettle’ is their own living body and it is their spacious particles that are now helping so many around the world.

  387. Put in such a simple way by example of the boiling water in a glass jug, using electricity as the energy, this is an ingenious way to show us that we are able to do the same by vibrating at a higher level. From there we also expand and inspire others to do the same therefore joining together we end up moving to a higher plane of vibration. So why don’t more of us do this, helping to pull others with us and evolving humanity through this magnetic pull? Thank you Anne for a very interesting sharing.

  388. This is a beautiful process you have describe Anne.
    As with boiling water the coolest water always goes to the bottom to where the most amount of heat (energy) is.
    If the heat continues not one drop of water will be left behind.

    Great analogy for human life.

  389. What an awesome sharing of water and a great reflection in our lives. As we connect to the higher vibrations we become lighter and lighter creating more space and magnetically pull and inspire others to rise up with us.

  390. I would never have thought it possible to describe the process of water boiling in relation to our own evolution, but you describe this beautifully with great detail Anne. I will need to read this again to grasp the enormity of it but I understand the principle and it makes perfect sense. We have a resistance to being more spacious and light, I know I certainly do and that is where the destructive behaviours come in, behaviours that stop our own kettle from reaching boiling point.

  391. Amazing science, so amazing! Good analogy, the water does not resist when it is being boiled so why do we resist our evolution?

  392. Love it Anne, I really enjoyed reading how we are no different than the boiling water of spheres and our natural evolutionary pull upwards.

  393. Awesome analogy Anne. ‘Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?… And why don’t we?, this is an excellent question, and reminds me of a conversation I once had with someone.. How is it that the animal kingdom – supposedly inferior and ‘less intelligent’ than us’ – knows exactly how to live, how much to eat, how much to sleep and who and what it can prey on (eat), whereas humans choose to ignore these facts and overeat, live in disregard, be violent when violence is completely unnecessary, and live in total disharmony… I think it’s time we all really looked at your question of why we do resist our evolution, and what hurts stand in our way of living in harmony, both with our own bodies and others.

  394. Beautiful Anne what an amazing visual clear picture of water coming to the boil and vibrating higher and faster creating spaciousness .It feels so joyfull, expansive and real and I can feel it in my whole body saying yes to this. Thank you for sharing so simply and bringing attention to the realities of energy and all inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine also.

  395. “Why does water accept its natural evolution; what it is called to do and be?…….And why don’t we?” A good question Anne. I love this blog – it’s simple science and how it relates to mankind.

  396. Thank you Anne what wonderful symbology you have used here. It makes it so simple to understand the science of energy and vibration. To know that everything responds to this universal law is confirming of the absoluteness of everything we see or don’t see – universal intelligence or God.

  397. Gosh Anne – that was the most expanding and joyful blog to read. I will never quite view a boiling kettle in the same way again as I will understand and feel all that is taking place within the kettle. If only science was taught this way at school everyone would be becoming scientists – which makes me wonder why it has been kept the exclusive domain of a few by making it so challenging to understand. When science is taught in a way that is accessible we will all be bubbling together and vibrating, and as you say ‘one day soon we will all be joy-fully moving together, rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again’.

  398. Wow Anne! When I read your water boiling story I got a body feeling of how it will be when I am heating up. Every time I say ‘yes’ to evolving I get a higher vibration and one day that will mean to become nonphysical, nonmaterial. I can feel the space I have to let in and which does take place. It is a great feeling and I am enjoying actually becoming hotter and more space-full. Wow again!

  399. Anne there are many areas in life that we take for granted, don’t look into yet you’ve shown that by stopping and taking a moment to appreciate the beauty and magic in how water boils it opens up a whole deeper understanding of our natural process of evolution. I’d never seen water boiling in the same way but in this light it brings a far more normal perspective on energy, particle vibration and our own evolution. Something we can all understand.

  400. A glorious reflection of what happens when we add ‘fire’ to life Anne, Wonderfully observed thank you.

  401. Wow Anne Malatt all this wisdom pouring forth from the seemingly simple process of boiling water in a kettle – well previously to reading this blog I thought it was simple! I am not only looking forward to buying a clear glass kettle so I can watch this amazing process in action, but also watching all those around me, and those far and wide, come together as they begin to vibrate at a higher rate: “rising together as one body to the next plane of vibration in which we are held, to begin the joy-full process again”.

    1. The amazing thing is we can experience his joyful process now if we so choose. When one person chooses to vibrate at a higher level it naturally pulls others along too. When we resist we get left behind until we are ready to surrender to our natural evolution but ultimately no one gets left behind, this is the magic of Oneness.

    2. I’ve just bought a clear glass kettle and love it but have not yet taken the few moments to watch the boiling process … this I will now do and will be holding this blog in mind, along with its innate inspiration, thank you, Anne!

  402. A fabulous read. I am loving the science of the particles; this article combined with another on this website; are introducing a revelatory way of looking at our bodies, that I am finding to be a real game-changer. The more I see and feel my body as a collection of God’s particles the easier I find it to embrace my responsibility, to let go of the ideals and patterns, to self-care……It makes everything so clearly simple and renders the trappings of the temporal existence powerless. I can feel the hugeness of this, even if I haven’t yet fully grasped it. On the most simple of levels, just holding this idea in my body, changes even the way I am typing this comment.

  403. That is so beautiful Anne and what I love about water is its incredible flexibility to exist in three different states depending on its environment and every water molecule responds to the call. Roll on the day when we all become that flexible, that allowing and that willing to be what is asked of us in response to the what our environment, humanity, is calling for, working as one body rather than individual droplets.

  404. Interesting analogy Anne how we all bubble up and expand with the heat (or in our case fire) to a higher vibration and a lighter and more spacious way of being just like the boiling water, the only difference being we resist and delay the inevitable and cause a dis-order in the coming together. We could all learn a thing or two from your analogy of boiling water, thank you Anne

  405. Beautiful Anne, I love this article, I love the simplicity and ease with which we as humans could come together and evolve and this analogy shows how much we resist this natural pull and how complicated we make it.

  406. I loved this and it made me realise how we take really simple things in life, like boiling a kettle, for granted and just expect them to happen. And I love how on reflection you have seen that if we are asked to be more of who we truly are and go with this we get lighter, if we resist and are stubborn we become denser!

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