Can I Align to the Wisdom of my Soul in a Place like San Victorino?

San Victorino is an old commercial landmark in Bogotá, the city where I live in South América. Although it is a place where you can get anything you want very cheaply, I have always disliked it. It has gone through some transformations in the last couple of decades but it remains a place I would normally avoid going to. It feels rough, hectic, and unsafe. You see it all; the dodgy-ness, the survival, the rummaging, the bargaining, the hard work, the ability and resolution of the merchants, the desolation of the inhabitants of the streets, a few burglars, and pensioners wandering around amongst it all.

One morning, while at work, I was asked to go there on my own to buy some chemicals. I immediately, but silently, reacted. I didn´t want to go there and especially that day as I was wearing my fancy clothes and didn´t have my trainers that would allow me to run if something went wrong. My body hardened and my face changed its glow for a frown, yet I responded: “Yes! Sure, I can do that.”

Before heading off I still had some time around the office and, at some point, I started plunging into a feeling of misery and desolation. I pushed it down. How come I was feeling like that? I didn´t like the idea of going to San Victorino but it wasn’t so bad as to justify me dropping into that mood. It felt like an old deep condition that was being triggered, which I wanted to push down because I felt it would defeat me.

I chose to stop for a moment to release some of the tension that had already crept into my body and I made the choice to feel what was truly going on. I felt something quite familiar and well-known, as in something I had deeply identified myself with in the past. I recognised that I had, at times, convinced myself that these feelings of bitterness, flatness and the cruising defeat, were me.

I had at times been very serious, disconnected and negative about myself, my role in a situation, in a relationship, and my place in the world.

Even though these emotions were not as intense and they don´t turn up as much nowadays as they have in the past, I had to admit that they were still there and I was experiencing them very vividly on that morning. I didn’t really want to get in touch with these emotions as they were contradicting how lovely I’d been feeling lately in my awareness, my wisdom and my daily commitment to connect to a true purpose in life.

I was tempted to give in to its familiar density where I would start judging this lived love as an illusion or idealisation, far from my reality. In other words, these emotions and old patterns were about finding ways to sabotage and be hard on myself.

I then headed off to my destination, feeling defeated for having entered into that mood once again. While in the taxi I chose to let go of the tension in my body and I surrendered in acceptance to how I was feeling. Within a few minutes I felt gently detached from all the stuff I had been in, and it became clear that this misery was something that certainly was there for me to deal with, and not pretend it wasn´t there.

The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.

I then felt how this misery was held in a weakened part of my being, which is like an open window for certain types of emotions to come in – a disempowerment. Some memories even came to me at this point and I recalled the moment when I created this window. It happened when I was a young girl and I chose misery and desolation because I was feeling deeply victimised for what was taking place at that time. Strangely I got to see how I chose this, which raised my next awareness: that it was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.

So here I was in this taxi feeling and accepting this was something that I still needed to deal with, but approaching it in a completely different way, which had no reaction or intention for solution – just a steady observation and deep understanding of a past choice that came from a past hurt.

I was about to reach my destination, so I organised myself: I put my hat in place, put some coins into my pockets, preparing in case someone would ask for money, I dropped my shoulders, opened my chest a bit and decided to walk as gently as I could. When I got out, and as San Victorino displayed all its dense magnificence in front of me, I nearly hardened again, but I was in a very different place within myself. A shift had taken place, the restless contradiction had gone and I was feeling lighter and very present.

No one seemed to be noticing my presence, as if I wasn’t there at all. I was able to slide freely and swiftly along the dirty streets, and it was interesting because it all seemed and felt quite familiar. It was like a physical representation of the emotional density I was in before. I was walking in acceptance of everything I saw: the ugliness, the struggle of the human being as well as a shared vulnerability and potential in all. I felt protected and at ease in my beautiful body. Tension or anything disturbing could have kicked in again at any moment, but this didn´t happen because I didn´t allow myself to drop again – I remained steady.

I walked a few blocks, purchased what I needed and was ready to go back. This time I caught the bus, and the more I allowed myself to be there, observant, very much in touch and at ease with myself and my body, the more I was able to confirm the connection to something deeper that was guiding me well.

It was great to experience both that level of detachment from my emotions, and the choice to go there: to the unwanted dark zones both within me and externally in the city. All the amazing teachings I’ve received from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine all of a sudden made deep sense; that we are truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves to deal with our stuff, instead of the contradictory approach of the mind or getting into the messy stickiness of emotions.

There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us. I now have a very vivid reference that I can come back to whenever undealt-with stuff from my past presents itself in the form of emotions or events. I don´t need to fight them, nor do I need to feel bad for having chosen them.

All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are. I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with. I certainly don´t always chose this path within, nor do these things all the time, but this experience was a great confirmation of how capable I really am whenever I need to revisit disheartening environments outside and/or inside of myself.

I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.

Realising that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.

In deep appreciation for the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and to Serge Benhayon for bringing them through for all.

By Luz Helena Hincapié, Bogotá, Colombia

Further Reading:
The Kingly Body – Building A Connection With Your Soul
Returning to Our Essence
Co-Creation – Liberation From Creation
Donkey Kong

732 thoughts on “Can I Align to the Wisdom of my Soul in a Place like San Victorino?

  1. Absolutely Luz, ‘I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.’

  2. When we judge a situation it takes us away from our essences and in what you have shared Luz, you let go of those feelings and set yourself up to fully appreciate the essence that we are, thus empowering you to get to the next amazing realisation.

  3. The deep treasure you are speaking of is the most powerful tool to help us out of any situation. When you’ve connected to this immense love, nothing can top it & nothing can deceive you that you come from anything different.

  4. When you read a blog which goes in such depth of what’s happened, explains the shift in the detail you have Luz, we get an opportunity to feel that shift & get these realisations ourselves as the readers. Thank you.

  5. These days any emotions feel really uncomfortable within me. Whereas a few years ago we were one and the same, my emotions were mine. Now I know this is not the case, they come in when I allow them to and then run riot inside me. Addressing the why I let them in the first place has lead to them feeling stranger.

    1. ‘Run riot inside me’, that is certainly what emotions can do if we leave an opening for panic energy to enter us.

  6. “… we are truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves to deal with our stuff, instead of the contradictory approach of the mind or getting into the messy stickiness of emotions.” When we experience something like this from being in a situation, and we can live this truth, it goes from being a concept to a reality. It’s such a different experience to live something and not just know it mentally.

  7. This was timely for me to read as to how first the feeling/emotion, old hurt etc is within our body and has nothing to do with the outside. The teaching and presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon support all to, if willing, be able to go there and feel this alongside who we truly are and our amazingness.

  8. Once we have brought ourselves back from the overwhelm from all we see around us, we realise we can do this again when we feel the pressure of chaos building up.

  9. Yesterday I found myself feeling like a stranger in my body, not comfortable. Then I felt sadness, but why if I was feeling ok before? After breathing gently and connecting with my body I realized that I was not present so had absorbed some stuff from other people. Certainly there is no such thing as ’empty space’. There is love or something else running the show. It’s all a matter of choice.

    1. Very true Inma, “Certainly there is no such thing as ’empty space’. There is love or something else running the show.”

  10. Such an empowering experience Luz. We can complain about the ugliness of the world or staying present, observing it without need to react or to do anything to fix it. Presence transforms, heals and hold us in a way that allows us to observe everything around us rather than absorb it, a powerful way to approach life. Thanks for sharing.

  11. It is very inspiring to feel how you stayed with yourself, feeling, observing everything. And what I can feel is how I have wanted a way-out, a solution in situations like the one you described, and that desire to arrive at somewhere is what stops me from staying with myself.

  12. When we harden going into an experience, battle ready so to speak, how on earth are we going to let the world in? How are they going to see everything that we have to offer, the real gold that lies inside us all, and that so easily unlocks the gold in another. This is a great blog Luz, showing the clear signs our body gives us if we allow it to communicate with us.

  13. When we make the choice to let go of old hurts we are so held in God’s love, and we experience life afresh and with a deeper understanding about true love, life and relationships.

  14. We can transcend any feeling that threatens to pull us down by choosing to connect to breath and the soul we can bring ourselves back to our true essence.

  15. I love the way you became aware of and connected to what was going on inside you, with honesty and your transparency in sharing this with us. In this way you show us the fragility of our inner-world our fears, inner hurts and insecurities. This is the true world and when can face and befriend this inner-world, the outer world feels far less threatening and becomes our friend also.

  16. We prepare ourselves to move in a specific quality when the time comes. Movement does not just occur. How we move now was decided beforehand with our own movements.

  17. It really feels like the key to how Luz was able to get the point where she was moving with ease in a city that has such heaviness and struggle going on was the level of self-acceptance she had attained by the choice to see everything there is to feel in herself without judgement. In a sense, that deep honesty allows more awareness to come to us on what is really going on inside when we react emotionally to something, which can then lead to the understanding to not only heal the hurt that caused it but to then not get affected any more by outside events or influences.

  18. Great blog Luz, it is a great reminder of how we can be manipulated by past hurts, if we allow them to become bigger than we are in any given moment, I have found that through addressing my hurts that they no longer have a hold on me and I am able to be more of who I am.

  19. You’ve made it so beautifully simple – that the only thing ever holding us back is ourselves.

  20. Luz I’ve come to realisation that when we release the judgments and let things be, we see the beauty in all the chaos, the ugliness to even accidents. I from time to time find myself getting caught in the calamity and soon realise how it affects me and brings me back to me, and that it is meant to be for that situation and people affected.

  21. “how lovely I’d been feeling lately in my awareness, my wisdom and my daily commitment to connect to a true purpose in life.” A beautiful opportunity to appreciate who you are and to inspire this awakening awareness in others wherever you go.

  22. Thank you Luz, what you experienced here is monumental! It could have gone two ways, to stay with the old feelings or open up and explore a way to view and heal this that meant a return to your true essence. It highlights the choice we always have to heal and that the way to healing is through “a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.”

  23. I find that in the most difficult scenarios if I am humble enough to walk with God I feel an enormous ease. I reckon life is more about how we approach different situations than the actual situations we find ourselves in – that is what determines the overall quality of our experience.

    1. “life is more about how we approach different situations than the actual situations we find ourselves in” I agree Meg, how we experience life is often a reflection of how we are within ourselves.

  24. Having worked as a bodyguard and protector I found that some habits become so ingrained that you actually think that they are you, that they are a part of you and that’s the way it is. Universal Medicine offers humanity the opportunity to find out what they actually truly are and then to live from the connection… And not to live from what we have taken on.

  25. Taking responsibility for our movements creates the future we move in to, whether that be of misery or joy, it is all result of how we have moved.

  26. “All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are. I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with.” Checking in with our body is so important as it tells us so much. The quality we then choose to move and live with then affects not only ourselves, but can reflect out to others.

  27. The denial of what is going on does not ever serve us; only when we nominate how we are feeling without indulging in it, we can start to heal the undealt with hurt and move on. And our physical body thanks us for it as do our movements reflect the change.

  28. We all have places and situations in our life where we find it challenging to maintain our connection to ourselves. Yet the one constant we have in our lives is us. Learning that it is our choice and ultimate responsibility to maintain our connection is something that cannot be dependent on any out side influence or place. In my experience the beauty of connection and acceptance that transpires when we let ourselves stay true is beyond words.

  29. This quality of observation is truly behold ourselves and others in just exactly where we’re at and what we’re feeling is what allows us the space to discard anything that’s in the way of us feeling and being more of ourselves.

  30. Such beautiful gems you offer today Luz, thank you. It’s been very healing for me today to hear again and understand that I can accept how I feel ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and observe it, I don’t have to be defeated by it, and I don’t have to give myself a hard time for having been defeated by it in the past either … this is freedom. And I love how life reflects to us exactly what we need to see, we are so supported no matter where we are.

  31. I haven’t heard of this place or the city you live in Luz – but I thoroughly appreciate the fact that you are there, walking your walk and reflecting something different to that part of the world.

  32. Absolutely inspiring Luz, and what a deeply healing reading you gave to yourself of the desolation of the inner city reflecting the desolation we but choose to go into in ourselves.
    This would have not been easy for many – I’m not sure I would have stayed that steady – but what you’ve laid down here is how simple and possible this detachment and steadiness actually is.

  33. Thank you Luz, what a powerful sharing on how you aligned to your Soul instead of feeling old hurts or reacting to your surroundings in any way. This shows us what is possible when love and wisdom is truly lived no matter what the outer circumstances are.

  34. As human beings there are places we usually avoid. Imagine if the Soul would do the same and say I do not like this and rather avoid it. It works with us in one way or another.

  35. Thankyou for sharing the process you went through in an place that could have pulled you down. Your realisation that how you felt ‘was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.’ To know we have the power to change our choices and thus how we feel in certain situations is powerful indeed.

  36. If we applied the principle you have shared in this blog, in all areas of our lives, the world would be a very different place. If we hold ourselves in a way that is in the world but not absorbing the world, we are able to not add to the mess but instead inspire the masses.

  37. I love this blog- it gives a great example of how we can recognise long held patterns that don’t support us and re-imprint these with a truer way of being that actually supports us – very cool sharing, thank you.

  38. If I may add, the claiming of you and the beauty of you in your body and the way you moved is so key here… We underestimate what it is to move in the sanctity of our being in this world, where’er we may be and whatever we may be doing.
    I find myself equally deepening in presence with myself, my body and my movements, when exploring or moving through any place that feels particularly heavy and tainted with the misery of human existence and/or the abuse of people and privilege. Rather than be ‘pulled down’, a part of me actually ‘rises up’ – knowing with clarity, the purpose with which we can walk on this earth.

  39. Luz, it is deeply inspiring to read of your inner process here – that essentially, you did not give up on yourself, and you allowed such honesty with the depth of what was triggering you.
    Were we all to be so honest… that there are aspects of humanity we may kid ourselves we’ve accepted, but which, actually we’ve conveniently blinkered from our view…

  40. When we align to the wisdom of our Soul we accept and appreciate where we are at and move through life observing everything but not taking it onboard to disturb our inner equilibrium. The more we are able to experience this the more markers we have for what is possible when life presents us with challenges.

  41. Thank you for sharing so honestly about how we can leave an open window for old emotions to re-enter our bodies when we are not willing to acknowledge that we have undealt with stuff lurking waiting to be triggered by situations/people etc. It is so confirming to read how you were able to make different choices and how this supported you to be in this challenging place without getting affected. A beautiful reminder that we always have a choice about how we respond or react to life.

  42. It can be so easy to get identified with our emotions and in particular our heavier or denser ones, especially if it’s been an ingrained pattern from the past – your approach in what you did Luz is very simple and it’s really amazing how quickly things can change when we reconnect to ourselves and our bodies, accept what we are feeling and observing it where we can. And no matter what our outer environment, we can connect – I recently experienced this while travelling somewhere that is completely falling apart and how even in the middle of all this if I dropped my reactions and accepted all around me knowing we are all more, people were amazing and I learned a beautiful lesson that I can choose in an instant what I give focus to, the love I know I am or the other.

  43. When we are in full acceptance of the world around us we may observe the suffering and imperfections that goes with human life but we will also always see the light of potential.

  44. There are so many gems each time I read this blog. Today being how I could relate to not wanting to go into emotions and attach to them as the marker of who I truly am grows stronger. The more we connect to what’s within us the less we seek all those outside identities. Even the emotions we feel within our bodies come from outside of us, no different to picking up and putting on a coat, like an actor who dresses up to play a role.

  45. What strikes me is that there is no perfection but there is a way to have a relationship with what we don’t like and probably wish it wasn’t there, within and without us – and it is not about avoiding it or pretending it wasn’t there or going into protection, but our power lies in choosing to be who we truly are.

  46. What I love about this blog Luz is the simplicity with which you were able to ‘deal’ with that heaviness when it arose. It’s so easy to try pushing it back down, or rationalising it away but that is essentially just re-burying it back into the body, waiting to re-surface with the next trigger. The process of healing is far easier and simpler than we usually give it credit for, as what you’ve shared clearly illustrates.

    1. As you say Jenny, gorgeous to read how simple the process is… just have to stay with our bodies and not check out, try to escape or distract ourselves. And when we do, the feeling passes, and the process gives us so much information to work with.

  47. It is a very practical recipe you give, Luz, of how to not absorb what is going on around one when you write, “All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are. I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with.” It is very simple and effective.

  48. “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” Pretending something is not there is such a false form of protection and actually just deepens further whatever it is we are denying.

  49. What I absolutely love about this blog is it names the weakness or openings we carry not as something to push down but something to feel and acknowledge and at the same time to know that you can choose not to give yourself over to them – they are there to be addressed and each moment we choose to add to them or stop and observe and feel them, and feel how we can come back to our bodies, be tender and then no matter where we are, life meets us, and we meet it. Thank you Luz.

  50. As you walked through the streets, accepting all that you saw, whilst remaining steady and constant in your fragility, there was at that moment a true offering for change on earth being presented.

  51. Wow Luz this is beautiful blog that reminds us of the power of love and how we are supported in any situation when we surrender to this truth.

  52. I came back to this blog as it came back to me after talking about my new job – a busy sports pub. To say that the environment is heavy would be an understatement. I love what you’ve shared Luz in that it is as simple as accepting what I feel, whatever it may be. Something I will take into my day, Thank you.

  53. What a marker to have felt this in you body Luz, “There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us.” A steady reflection that supports all.

  54. Thank you Luz for a very inspiring blog, i relate to the open window where certain emotions came in and the memories that came to you. I have been going through familiar patterns lately and looking at what is the door that this energy is coming through, like you I need to allow and feel and know that I am not these patterns. ” In other words, these emotions and old patterns were about finding ways to sabotage and be hard on myself.”

  55. A great documentation of what choices we can make and that we can return to ourselves when we are feeling ‘out’ and how simply we can return to ourselves by the way that we move.

  56. What a beautiful gift you offered those troubled streets when you walked in gentle appreciation of the love that you are.

  57. Luz this is a great blog, full of honesty and how we all harden from past experiences in our life, when we expect similar situations to arise, your words; ‘There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us’ is very true because as we let go of old patterns, stay connected to ourselves, we are able to observe what is going on around us.

  58. Love what you have written Luz, as I too have buried stuff coming up with past memories, I do at times go into the wanting to fix mode and then get lost in the emotion. I very much appreciate how you chose to not be taken over by these emotions, instead you let go and surrendered to just feel them and realised in that moment they are not the real you.

  59. thank you Luz, I also spent many years hardening myself in anticipation of what was ahead… Sometimes real, sometimes just mental configurations, but the effect was always the same and really took its toll on my body. The freedom that comes from connecting so deeply within that I am not run by mental constructs is extremely liberating, it is also such a relief to be free of such an ingrained stress pattern.

  60. I can so relate to some old, familiar emotions surfacing up as if to tell me that they were the real me and the love that I have been re-claiming was false. Your sharing here is such a powerful reminder that it is a choice, as it has always been, and my body is the greatest ally in navigating through this sea of energies to connect back to myself at any moment.

  61. I love that in the connection you chose you were able to glide through a place unnoticed and unaffected by all that was going on around you. It being a ‘physical representation of the emotional density’ we can all fall victim to, is a great correlation to recognise. Your experience was profound in that you were able to appreciate the power we have through our choices, and our ability to stay detached and yet observant of what can otherwise consume us if we allow it. A deeply empowering experience and great lesson for us all.

  62. Luz I love what you shared about the importance of letting go of the tension in your body and surrendering to what you observe and feel. Holding yourself like this feels to me like there is a detachment that stops us from absorbing and taking on the suffering we see and feel around and within us, but at the same time, does not feel cold or hard but totally accepting of what we are feeling. Surrendering is the key.

  63. Wow, Luz, this blog deeply moved me today and I can feel and see how much this pattern you speak of, giving into the density we can feel, and how that’s not the whole story at all. I love the visceral description you give, it makes it very real to understand and feel that we can always come back to our bodies, we can choose to be tender in any moment and with that tenderness we can then observe the choices we’ve made and allow ourselves to fully feel them. That contradiction you speak of when we deny what we’re feeling and yet are perturbed by it is something I’ve often felt, and reading today I can feel a new understanding that it’s about feeling those feelings but allowing the tenderness of the body so we can observe ourselves in them without wanting to fix or do anything, and in that way we do not need to identify with them but can see any openings and hurts we may have for us to deal with. No running away, no hiding but no condemnation either, just true observation and a willingness to let go and understand we feel and see. Thank you for the support today, it’s perfectly timed.

  64. whatever our environment, our surroundings, where we work, live, or pass through, we always have the choice as to where we feel true protection is… Doesn’t come from hardening ourselves, putting on a mask, a shield, and buffeting our way through, or does it come from reconnecting to that deep in well, from which we can understand that this connection is the only true protection that we need.

  65. Great sharing Luz Helena. Our presence in connection is a silent light that brings protection to us and at the same time transforms wherever we go.

  66. A beautiful sharing, thank you Luz. I can say that I have had similar experiences lately. I have been more aware of my behaviours that have kept me in the struggle “because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe” Your memories of when this started for you in this life ‘It happened when I was a young girl and I chose misery and desolation because I was feeling deeply victimised for what was taking place at that time.’ has sparked memories in me too that I have held but not totally understood before. Thank you for writing with this much detail, it has been a deeply healing experience for me this time round.

  67. There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us, you have demonstrated this and your experience is inspiring Luz.
    Holding a steadiness within ourselves, thus being able to connect to our innate wisdom, is certainly a key.

  68. “In other words, these emotions and old patterns were about finding ways to sabotage and be hard on myself.” This is so true. It’s crazy really that I create drama’s and scenario’s (they are becoming much less) to make life difficult and complicated for myself all because I think it’s too good to be true to feel amazing and have such an amazing life all of the time. I have felt incredibly still within and then something happened and I dropped from feeling so good but it’s a learning and acceptance of myself and that life can be joyful, flowing and amazing from moment to moment. It is also not a big deal if I do drop but to move on and see it as an another opportunity from which I can learn from.

  69. I love how you describe the detail of what you were feeling Luz, I could sense the anxiety and tension the impending trip was creating in your body. Knowing that each situation is there for us to learn from so that we can no longer react in the same way is so valuable and supportive in changing old patterns and beliefs of how we think things will be.

  70. “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” Love this line Luz, I have grappled with this ghost too, and once I stop and recognise what I am doing it seems absolutely pointless and meaningless but at the time it can seem very real and plausible.

  71. Checking in with our bodies in all situations and adjusting as needed, releases the feelings of tension and hardness we may hold. Simply beautiful.

  72. I Love how simply you explain that we can come back to our tender natural self from the deep old feelings that create much anguish and tension in us in five to six simple steps, it really is this easy. We are truly powerful.

  73. I really love this. You offer so much here in sharing your experience, Luz, but what comes back to is the simplicity of our body, our movement. It appears simple, and it is simple, yet it requires so much honesty and dedication to come and surrender to that wisdom. Such an inspiring woman. Thank you, Luz.

    1. Yes Fumiyo, to not give our power away to something that we know is not who we are requires an honesty and dedication to ourselves. We can make excuses but I have come to realise that there is nothing more important than feeling the stillness within and even though it can be tough at times to truly feel the tension, it is indeed well worth it as I give myself the space to choose to surrender and let go of what is being presented in my body.

  74. I loved re-reading your blog Luz it’s a great feeling when we can stay with ourselves and open instead of going into reaction and fear – holding onto our power gives authority to our livingness.

  75. It’s possible to see that any time we go into any emotional state or tension it’s clearly been a choice to go there to take ourselves out to try to avoid being aware and also avoid bringing what we are there to bring. Re-building our relationship with the graceful, steady, strong and unwavering essence we all hold within is the most empowering experience of feeling there is more to us than just us and yes their is always a guiding light if we choose to remain connected with ourselves.

  76. This is a very lovely blog Luz and a great reminded for us all about the importance of staying connected with ourselves because it really does change our inner and outer landscape.

  77. Observing what is familiar, yet highly unpleasant and charged feeling, has taught me that I am not that, yet if I do not make a choice to stay connected with my true essence, I am a sitting duck to arrays of thoughts and emotions that would continue to wobble me no end until it owns me.

    1. Well put and yet it is so simple to turn around, yet when we are in it we can feel like it is unreachable.

  78. I like how you were able to hold love in your heart, Luz, and your sharing shows how love is bigger than any fearful and strange situation, when we choose love.

  79. That is such an inspirational blog Luz. I love your honesty and the way you describe your experience – it makes it vey lively and therefore easy to follow with the body and not only with the head. That makes it so understandable what it means to observe instead of absorb . . .

  80. And this is one of the great ‘ secrets’ so to speak… to be and to not absorb, to be out to bring ourselves to the world and not to take on what the world is into, to be able to listen and truly feel what is being said without taking it on, there are so many references to this in writings modern and ancient… And this awareness is what Universal Medicine is restoring to all those who choose to listen.

  81. A truly inspiring blog Luz, I love this paragraph, ‘Realizing that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given’. True.

  82. Your blog, Luz , is an inspiration concerning your observation and honesty towards yourself.

    1. Its true kerstinsalzer15, I really appreciated how honest Luz was in those moments and how powerful it can be in re-setting the inbuilt reactions and making a new response possible

  83. Luz indeed it is a treasure to be connect to a love within us that always there steady and strong no matter what we are facing in life or have already faced!

  84. Love this blog Luz, and love this . . . ‘All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are. I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with.’. . .this says it all.

  85. An inspiring read, Luz. When we connect deeply with ourselves we can live and be anywhere, without absorbing what is going on around us. It is always our choice.

  86. A really inspiring and supportive blog. On re-reading it this time the line that catches my attention is, “It was like a physical representation of the emotional density I was in before.” I find this such a powerful image and a reminder of how the world we experience is a reflection of our own internal one – the magic of God.

  87. And hence is our great responsibility Luz to choose to be light, fun, joy-full and connected with ourselves as choosing not to in such a place or anywhere in this world in fact is a choice to continue to allow the denseness to be. It is only through presenting a true and loving way that people are going to feel and see a different way

    1. Yes Joshua, a beautiful reminder of our true purpose and what we are here to do. I have come to realise that it is through my way of living (which continues to unfold) I inspire and not by talking or preaching. This is what I love about Serge Benhayon as never before had I come across someone actually living their talk.

  88. Your blog really highlights how present and honest you were with yourself and what was going on for you, that level of responsibility really allows for such amazing opportunities to learn.

  89. This blog is so rich with wisdom, thank you Luz. It’s so beautiful to understand that even though we have made choices in the past, that we now need to clear, this is not all there is to us. There is this great well of wisdom within us and our true nature is love. Our amazing divine nature is available to us whenever we allow it.

  90. What I got from your vivid description of San Bernadino this time around was how profound the influence is that you can have Luz on a place like this. You were able to bring a quality of presence to a place that so badly needed that quality. And there are so many places in the world we visit where we can positively influence, and we should never underestimate how much the way we hold that quality influences the place and the people.

    1. Well said Stephen, I agree, appreciating ourselves and what we bring I am beginning to realise is so important. I went visiting an auntie in hospital the other day and I became aware of my light and the joy I was feeling and the impact it was having on the people and the place, but what I didn’t do at the time was appreciate myself… I find your comment very confirming.

  91. What I love about this blog is that it shows that nothing outside of us can overpower or control how we feel, or alter the light we have inside. So often I react to what is going on around me, and that reaction brings it inside me, instead of knowing I’m strong enough to handle whatever is before me. What an amazing lesson.

  92. Although I’ve never lived in a place like you describe, Luz, I have gone into uncomfortable situations and understand how it is often our mind-set that determines what happens. When I walk with confidence there is no fear, when I walk with fear, anything can happen. This to me is a clear reflection of the importance of being with ourselves and allowing our natural confidence to be there supported my our presence.

  93. ‘The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.’ This whole article is a show-stopper and this morning the above quote jumped into my lap. I love the image of the ghost that, whilst we are pretending is not there, has the upper hand and that when we acknowledge that it is there we have the ability to start showing it the way to door. I have many times tried to scrabble around for joy whilst shirking taking responsibility for the ghosts in my cupboard.

    1. Me too Matilda wanting the joy yet not willing to deal with the ghosts. I have come to realise that I cannot pretend, hide in the falseness of the ghosts for when they arise it simply doesn’t feel great in my body. The more I become aware, acknowledge and let them go the less they are showing themselves in my life.

  94. I loved, ‘All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are.’ So simple, yet sometimes so hard to do in a particular moment and setting, yet so powerful and amazing.

  95. Luz, what struck me most about your great sharing here is how the outer world truly is a reflection of and the culmination of all of humanity’s inner emotions, struggles, and disharmony. However, all that is really just a thin veil on a steady, all-loving core (our Soul), and you have shown here how that is always there as a bridge to feeling our connection with God that can be used to walk through any shadowy area, whether it be a rough city, or an old inner hurt that hasn’t been dealt with. And that connection with God, felt through our body, can be our anchor to alleviate any anxiousness about a difficult situation we are in. This was displayed in the way you connected with your body in the taxi and that inner stillness through your opening of your chest, and the way you walked gently that enabled you to glide through the city not being in reaction to the disharmony around you. Very cool indeed.

  96. “Tension or anything disturbing could have kicked in again at any moment, but this didn´t happen because I didn’t allow myself to drop again – I remained steady.”
    There is indeed a place inside ourselves where we can observe and remain steady; how wonderful that you did not absorb what was going on around you. Very inspirational Luz, thank you.

  97. “Realising that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.” Very touched and inspired to read your blog Luz. Inspired to lovingly support myself through situations I find challenging, which I tend to numb not to deal with how I am feeling.

    1. Yes Janina, this sentence is very confirming and a beautiful reminder that what ever is coming up for us within our bodies we can handle and that nothing is never too big although it may seem overwhelming at the time. I can feel how I am numbing myself by eating too much at the moment. I want to come up with excuses eg.’oh it’s because of the run up to an event or it’s because I’ve been doing more physical work lately and therefore my body requires more food etc but the bottom line is I’m shirking responsibility and not being honest with myself and feeling what there’s to be felt. Being totally honest with myself and accepting what’s coming up in my body are key.

    2. I am finding as I uncover my hurts and let them go that it is paramount that I do not be hard on myself when I know I am avoiding responsibility but to lovingly support myself step by step. Being hard on myself has been a big one for me so whenever I allow harming thoughts to come in I simply say ‘No’ to them for they are not who I am. Being super loving with myself at challenging times knowing I am learning and will forever be learning is essential as I let go of that which is not true to express more of the love that lies naturally within.

  98. When we recognise that our connection to our Soul comes purely from within, we realise it matters not the extent of our external circumstances. Love is love, and it does not recognise the boundaries that we place on life.

  99. ‘we are truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves to deal with our stuff’. these are such empowering words for me.

    1. To think we are all capable of living from this steady quality within and yet we call in so much stuff not to live it and feel it. It’s great to see blogs like this sharing the wisdom of the journey of connecting within.

  100. Luz, there is much I could write in response to all that you have here shared. Suffice to say that the underlying tone of your article is for me such a depth of acceptance and surrender that my body says yes too. Super inspiring for me so thank you.

    1. Yes me too. When I read about how you prepared yourself in the taxi I became super aware of my body and the tensions in my jaw and shoulders released. A quick body scan and release can change everything as we approach different situations in life.

  101. ‘I had at times been very serious, disconnected and negative about myself, my role in a situation, in a relationship, and my place in the world.’ Totally exposed – I have been in the comfort of this outplay for lifetimes – it feels very old. Huge thanks for supporting me to move on from this old comfortable pattern.

    1. To read this extract again and again cracks through those beliefs of reductionism, leaving only spacious-ness for ‘the other’ – an approach to ourselves and life that says ‘YES, please and thank you, for being me in the world right now – what is there to be done?!’

      1. Like you say Matilda reading it again I stopped in my tracks. Another part that really stood out this time (as different sections pop up each time I read this) was that these old ways have LOOKED like us and because they have an image of our bodies going through the motions of being serious, disconnected and negative there is a blind following of such in the search of who we are. But who we really are is known through our feelings/our clairsentience and not simply what we see. All the other senses can work together with our ability to feel, for example: I now can clock my voice changing when going into reaction because it not only sounds different but feels different too.

  102. I can quote so many sections of this blog which I could stick on my fridge door for daily support and inspiration. But I now feel I have a far stronger resolve to self-heal and deal with emotions by myself; instead of heading to a practitioner to help me nut it out. The self-empowerment from this is amazing. I can see how I can tend to go into my head to fix things when I feel something uncomfortable which heads me straight back into the emotion of the feeling, perpetuating the emotion instead of supporting myself to move on from it.

  103. The self-healing on offer from your blog Luz is phenomenal. To understand that all we need to do when we feel an uncomfortable feeling or emotion is not push it away ‘but approaching it in a completely different way, which had no reaction or intention for solution – just a steady observation and deep understanding of a past choice that came from a past hurt.’ I am inspired. Thank you.

    1. It is so very cool that we have the wisdom and understanding of how to best support our lives and to not push away uncomfortable feelings but to feel them and look deeper as to what is truly happening and heal that once and for all.

      1. Sounds all very easy and simple and I guess if there is a commitment to trust, understanding and honesty you’re set, but sometimes those noble traits are hard to crack when you’re stuck in certain patterns of hurt. I find what helps is if I simply begin a journey of nominating that I want to look into, feel what is truly there, then everything around me starts to help me to work through things. The power of nomination is incredible.

  104. Luz this line really stood out to me “I was wearing my fancy clothes and didn´t have my trainers that would allow me to run if something went wrong”. The idea of having to be prepared to run is very foreign to me given that I live in Australia, which is a relatively safe place to live. I can only imagine the affect that this must have on the body, not feeling safe in your own city and how awesome it is that you have arrived at the place of being able to stay gentle and tender with yourself and let go of the tension that has been there as a protection.

  105. In answer to your question in your title Luz – YES you can and it can be anywhere.
    I never though that I could ever work in what many would call a ‘dark place’ – a UK prison that is located in a rough area. Life inside jail is not where anyone would want to be and how do you hold yourself as a woman inside an all male prison and make a difference. Easy really.
    You apply and LIVE the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to the best of your ability and bingo you get consistent results.
    I made it about humanity and not about me, me, self self. I made sure I walked in with my heart full open and not allowing my head to take over with ugly thoughts that were not true. I could only do this because of how I was choosing to live in my personal life day in and day out. I was taking deep care of myself and making sure I was seeing a Universal Medicine practitioner twice a month and then simply getting on with it.
    On another note, I now work in a part of the city which is a ‘no go’ area for many as it is known for its crime, prostitution, homeless and drug dealers. I am fearless when it comes to walking the streets now and what an incredible feeling to LIVE in this way as a woman – thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon.

    1. Thank you for sharing Bina. This solidness goes wherever we go. I have walked through some dark and heavy places more recently and what stood out is how light I felt. It was such a contrast to what I was seeing and observing all around me but boy did my body feel light and open, which was just what was needed.

      1. The reflection from your essence was just what that dark and heavy place needed to feel Vicky.

  106. I really enjoyed reading your story Luz, I love how our experience with life and its challenges reflects how we choose it to be. When I have remained connected and steady in and with myself at these times my experience has often surprised me, as it is not what I might have thought or had expected. Our choices are powerful… and what a great register of this in your body.

    1. I have had some incredible markers of events that would generally really rattle my cage and yet when I remained connected and steady I could hold myself and others in an equality and with no reaction or emotion. It was a great marker for me to feel how truly amazing this felt and how it gave me the confidence to know I can in fact live that way consistently if I choose..

  107. ‘I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.’ Your experience, beautifully shared showed that we can take ‘us” anywhere and be who we truly are if we would only appreciate how far we have come and not be so hard on ourselves.

    1. Appreciation – This is such a turning point I feel for anyone who has experienced intense, vulnerable situations, and to not give themselves a hard time. Appreciate in full as that experience will only serve them for another situation as and when it arrives. From my own experience to allow myself to keep feeling and allowing and connecting to that innate wisdom and not let my head rule the situation as it can so easily jump in, take over and confuse. Thank you for sharing your journey Luz this sharing would of not come about if you had said ‘no’ I can’t go there. Instead you have inspired many and shared your light and wisdom.

    2. The appreciation here is something that so many of us could learn from, whilst it is easy to criticize ourselves unless we truly appreciate, I feel we stop ourselves evolving and growing. Thanks for reminding me.

      1. Very true David. My friend and I send one appreciation text message to one another each day and it is a great celebration of the amazing things and people in our life and a great reminder to ourselves of how far we have come. Appreciation is becoming a more natural way of expressing and feeling.

  108. “ Realizing that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.”
    This is such a gorgeous and affirming and confirming sentence Luz, for most of my life all I felt when I looked within was the emptiness inside of me and deep hurts that no matter what I did, I could not change. It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon and the super awesome practitioners of Universal Medicine, that this started to change for me, and instead of the unwanted feeling I have been steadily choosing to fill myself up with love, treating myself with more and more self love and care.

  109. “ It was great to experience both that level of detachment from my emotions, and the choice to go there: to the unwanted dark zones both within me and externally in the city.” So beautifully put Luz, our willingness (or lack of!) to go there to what you so beautifully describe as the dark zones within ourselves, have a direct relationship with the dark zones or situations in our life’s that challenge us or we don’t want to deal with. By showing up, so to speak and having a willingness to look at and feel the uncomfortable stuff within ourselves, it supports us to be all the love and light we are in the world.

    1. Yes, if we are not prepared to go to our shady corners then they endlessly have some control over us… wielding their weapons of shame, fear, sadness, hopelessness etc. from the shadows. When I have grabbed a torch and ‘gone there’ I have always been amazed by how small the corner is, a little gremlin that is only powerful because I haven’t actually looked at it.

  110. “Tension or anything disturbing could have kicked in again at any moment, but this didn’t happen because I didn’t allow myself to drop again – I remained steady.”
    How you described yourself walking through the streets is awesome Luz, when we stay open and vulnerable and yet deeply aware, it is my experience that we are protected from harm or assault as we allow ourselves to feel everything and we are not judging or hardening to other people, simply accepting and observing them as equal and the same.

  111. “Strangely I got to see how I chose this, which raised my next awareness: that it was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.”
    The self awareness and self introspection you share with us Luz is very inspiring, that we actually choose these thoughts and patterns, and although they bring us much suffering, we hang onto or even defend them as being us, as there is comfort and familiarity in theses patterns.

  112. “I then headed off to my destination, feeling defeated for having entered into that mood once again. While in the taxi I chose to let go of the tension in my body and I surrendered in acceptance to how I was feeling. Within a few minutes I felt gently detached from all the stuff I had been in, and it became clear that this misery was something that certainly was there for me to deal with, and not pretend it wasn´t there.” It’s truly healing and affirming the times I have let myself completely surrender to everything I feel, however intense or painful it may appear in that moment it quickly transforms into a deeply level of awareness and moves through my body, allowing me to feel my tender lovely self again.

  113. I often find myself pulled towards people in their darkest hours or at the edge of eternity when passing over. I can appreciate my ability to be with them without going into sympathy or having to better their situation. Just knowing that my presence, the love and light I reflect, is all that is needed.

  114. Darkness can be found in the most subtle of places where you would least expect it, often places we have championed or seen as being good such as in the school classroom. It does’t necessarily have to be about a place that look and feels ‘dark’ in terms of a picture or ideal on the outside, but anything that keeps us separate from our Soul.

    1. Exactly gyllianrae. What this awesome blog has highlighted for me is the deepening of our awareness – to feel everything which goes on around us and to not dismiss that feeling. To do this in our day, observe it and stay stead means we have the potential and ability to move more and more out of the emotions that have incarcerated us for lifetimes.

      1. Thank you Gina, this was exactly my experience. It woudn´t be right to provoke or go into comparison about which places are darker than others, because darkness can be found everywhere around the world, even in the most developed countries. Neither this is an experience to idealize or go “yeah, yeah, yeah”.

        I´ve have always been frightened by seemingly dangerous areas in many places, including London where I lived for several years, where my inmediate reaction was to always to close off and harden. Having growing up in Bogotá, my body learned to harden since very young as misery is more obvious in the streets of under and developing countries…although thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon, I´ve learned that protection doesn´t come from my muscles or by contracting my vascular system, it comes from my Lymphatic system, through which the light of the Soul communicates and flows…

        This at first was something I didn´t understand, but over the years I am openning more and more to this awareness and way of being. The experience I shared was a small, but powerful window that openned and confirmed what would be to be truly protected. As I said it is not something I have mastered yet, and I woudn´t try to find a job in San Victorino (not yet!!) or walk along the streets at 11 pm at night 😉 …However it is awesome to know true protection comes from the connection to our Soul (which never judges or harden our body as a mechanism!), and that we can encourage deeply through acceptance, surrendering, connection to our body and bringing presence to everything we do.

    2. Darkness is anything that keeps us separated from our soul, very powerful and so true. Thank you Gylian.

  115. What this blog highlights to me is the freedom we have in every single moment to make a choice and come back to our body, no matter where we are or what the circumstances are. Our light far out weighs any darkness.

    1. ‘the freedom we have in every single moment to make a choice’ – this is a beautiful quote and an inspiration to remember our power and responsibility. Thank you.

      1. Agreed Matilda, each choice we makes comes with an enormous responsibility, our choices do impact on others, whether behind closed doors or in public there is an effect.

  116. “no reaction” this is the key to approaching and being in full in life in a completely different way. To not react allows us to have a much deeper understanding, to hold another in love, and to see with much more clarity what is going on for another person, rather than the arrogance of taking it personally. It also allows for freedom, joy and a much lighter way of living and moving through life.

  117. What you share here Luz powerfully illustrates how we sustain and continue to live with our past experiences as ‘reality’, by giving them all this power, yet we and the world have actually moved on. Your sharing also reminds me, how in this emotional state that small part of us makes life all about us, what we would like to see. How different is the Soul, considering all and what it can bring, show and shine in any place or town it is needed.

    1. Agree Joseph and how we have a choice to come back to the simplicity of being in the presence of ourselves and our body anytime, anywhere and in every moment.

    2. Awesome Joseph to feel the incarceration we self-impose on ourselves, ‘yet we and the world have actually moved on.’ In this we can feel the indulgence and irresponsibility of this – not to judge – but to support the moving away of staying in the comfort of these feelings.

    3. ‘What you share here Luz powerfully illustrates how we sustain and continue to live with our past experiences as ‘reality’, by giving them all this power, yet we and the world have actually moved on.’ Great comment Joseph Barker. We forget how powerful we are and where we are truly at.

    4. Yes we do, ‘how we sustain and continue to live with our past experiences as ‘reality’, by giving them all this power, yet we and the world have actually moved on’, very true. I still see this in myself, and other people, and am choosing to let this go.

    5. That is very inspiring what you have wrote Joseph! An Emotional state makes us small and so we see only us instead if we align to our Soul – wow – there is endless space.

  118. One of the fundamental teachings from Universal Medicine that I have found most valuable is how to ‘observe and not absorb’ situations so that, as you say, ” we are truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves”. This is a true blessing supporting us to rise above our emotional reactions and remain connected to the truth in our hearts, to observe things with higher understanding and compassion and therefore make clearer more loving choices and to be of greater service to others.

    1. ‘This is a true blessing supporting us to rise above our emotional reactions …’ well said jeannettegold – this blog certainly endorses this valuable teaching from Universal Medicine. We are not owned by our emotions – we simply need to ‘observe and not absorb.’

      1. To know we are not owned by our emotions is liberating beyond imagination. I sense all my emotionality as somehow losing myself – losing clarity, losing connection to truth, losing reason. They take me away from myself and I really don’t like it. I much prefer the feeling of those times when I remain centred, unemotional and clear to respond to a situation rather than react to it. There is a HUGE difference.

  119. For me there is a beautiful acceptance about life and the way it is in this blog. I have also at times reacted to places, scenes, people etc instead of knowing with a deep certainty that superficialities aside, we are all from divinity and are indeed light – no matter the darkness present. A very inspiring blog that requires further study!

  120. Luz, you have expressed this so clearly and beautifully. No judgement on yourself. “I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.” These words are divine.

  121. ‘The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.’ I know this so well, and it makes no sense, actually I get quite frustrated when I allow this to happen in my body, the lack of surrendering to what is there to feel inside makes it very complicated and it takes so much time, exhausting really.

  122. “I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.” The thing about this beautiful paragraph is that more often than not, we fail to realise that there is a being within that can steer us in the direction of truth and love. What we do is search everywhere else but inwards, we even move countries to ‘find ourselves’ when all the while a gentle tap inwards can reveal the end of a long and windy road of searching.

    1. I know I can relate to what you share Mathew about the search everywhere outside of us to find ourselves; it can be through travel, moving to a different country, trying to find that perfect job, or relationship. As you say a gentle tap inwards can reveal ‘the everything’ we have been seeking.

      1. It is so true, we can search far and wide, read hundreds of books and seek solace with healers, but the truth lies within and what we truly seek is the connection to ourselves once again.

    2. Beautifully said Luz and great addition Matthew. And so true. We have all that we need deep within us we only need to stop and reconnect.

    3. Beautifully expressed Matthew Brown, why are we not taught this at school, imagine the suffering that could be spared if we were taught all we needed was within. Countless searching ended by a simple truth.

    4. That is a so true what you have shared in you comment Matthew. It is a bit sad that we did not learn to look inward from our parents and that they did not learn it from their parents. It is really time to show our kids that looking inward is really the best thing to do.

  123. Your title “Can I Align to the Wisdom of my Soul in a Place like San Victorino?” Luz, is a question for all of us to ponder when we find ourselves going into difficult and threatening situations. We can imagine how we would be, but the reality is we do not know how we are going to respond till we are in the situation. You prepared yourself by re-connecting to your soul and then let your soul support you as you carried out your task. So preparation seems to be the key, and continually coming back to that connection, not just on the day we “need” it, (for needing takes us away from our soul), but by affirming that soul connection every moment of every day as we live it, so that we come to trust ourselves and our ability to know how to be and respond in dangerous situations.

    1. I am feeling the question ‘can I align to the wisdom of my Soul’ is not only to be asked of us when we are in dangerous places but everyday places like the supermarket, shopping, the car or train. This is a question for all of us everywhere. What Luz has beautifully done here is take us through a step by step process of how we can practically and tangibly do this.

      1. A great point Vicky, can I align to the wisdom of my Soul everywhere as my foundation, if so, then it will be easier in dangerous places.

      2. Exactly Vicky. Or we could even take that further and question “can we align in what are considered some of the most beautiful areas on earth”?. Even the most stunning of environments, those considered most appealing to eye, will never connect us, as it is always a choice we have in any moment to align or not.

  124. The belief of needing love, beauty, harmony, nature, etc around us to be able to be truly ourselves and stay connected is a very insidious consciousness which was very much manifested in the whole new age era and that keeps us constantly striving for the paradise on earth, but it is a big illusion that keeps us small, not re-connecting to our divine origins. We do not have to go anywhere, we just have to be ourselves and we bring our godliness everywhere we go.

    1. Very well said Rachel. This idea does create the attitude that, in order for us to be truly ourselves and love our lives, we need the environment around us to be fully accepting of that; a ‘paradise’. The reality is that there will always be someone or something that does not fully accept our truth in almost every situation or place, and we can either use this as an excuse to shut down or continue expressing knowing they are getting a reflection of absoluteness.

      1. Absolutely Susie and it also exposes how much we look on the outside to be confirmed, instead of first having this relationship with ourselves so that wherever we go, whenever we go, that connection and foundation we have with ourselves will always be there and felt first.

      2. Very wise Susie, it is easy to react and go into shut down when situations seem to turn against us, but that contraction is the worst thing we could choose as it not only keeps ourselves in the lesser denser realm of dynamics, where we are even more at the mercy of the situation, but no-one gets the reflection of love, no gets the opportunity to learn what is true, and no-one evolves… a no-win situation all round.

    2. Yes totally rachelandras, we take ourselves wherever we go, there is no escaping that truth, and we carry all that we have lived before. In my younger years I traveled to many remote and far away lands in search of a sense of true beauty and freedom. I now know without a doubt that true love, freedom and oneness lies within me and is known from the inside out, not the other way around.

      1. I found the same Victoria, I kept thinking the inspiration was going to come from the most far flung corners of the earth – as far away from where I was as possible – and now I have found that the true love, true beauty, true freedom and true truth was inside me exactly where I was all along.. Now the beauty is wherever I go if I am with me.

    3. Well said Rachelandras. God is everywhere and to not observe it in everything is an illusion. We need to be a part of the whole of humanity and see it for all its ugliness – understand the choices which creates this true ugliness and which we have been all responsible to be a part of creating on this earth. To not do so is irresponsible and delusional.

    4. Beautiful Rachelandras, this is definitely something I can still get caught up in, needing that harmony to be around me, when in fact, all I/we need is to choose the harmony within us. It cannot and will not ever be perfectly harmonious ALL of the time, but we can choose the harmony within any time.

    5. When we are connected to ourselves there really is nothing externally that is needed. We are the beauty, harmony and nature that is craved. Once connected to and clocked by another it can be equally found within themselves too.

    6. I love it, thank you for pointing this out Rachelandras. It is not our environment that makes us harmonious and beautiful, neither is it an environment that is harmonies and beautiful that we need to be harmonious and beautiful, it is the connection to ourself and with that the whole fullness of ourself that brings harmony and beauty everywhere we go.

      1. True Esther, ‘ it is the connection to ourself and with that the whole fullness of ourself that brings harmony and beauty everywhere we go.’

    7. Fantastic rachelandras. It is a huge con job that we need things to be a certain way in order to be connected and harmonious so that one day we can reach a paradise somewhere outside of us, when the truth is it is already within us wherever we go whatever the circumstances, if we choose it.

      1. Yes agreed Penelope, Luz’s gorgeous sharing highlights how important it is for us to stay connected with ourselves, her story may have been a very different one if she had not been honest with herself and what she was feeling. Life has a great way of reflecting to us what we don’t want to see and confirming that which we do.

    8. Beautifully said rachelandras, this is something that I have experimented with and come to the same conclusion. My family and I moved from a city to ‘paradise’ 16 years ago and I can tell you paradise was not what not what was life is about. Being ourselves in our godliness is definitely where it is at.

  125. Thanks Ariana for highlighting the power of fragility – this is great reminder for me. Sometimes I still catch myself, when I want to judge my feelings again, when I feel fragile and weak. And it is actually the opposite – when I allow myself to be fragile.

  126. ‘I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.’ Thank you Luz for expressing so beautifully the gift that is there for all of us when we choose to connect.

  127. I find by being gently and loving with myself feeling, allowing and surrendering to the feeling of the tension in my body, without analysing it, I know I can choose to let go of the tension as simply as stopping and taking a breath, readjusting my posture and feeling my body.

  128. Luz, I could feel in my body as I walked with you while reading of your experiencing this scenario. The line that stood out for me was “There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us”. Reminds me of a precious piece of wisdom that a very wise man, Serge Benhayon, has often presented and that is “to observe – not to absorb”.

    1. So true Roberta, we can allow ourselves to feel what is going on around us without taking it on – or taking it personally – and reacting to it. Trusting and honouring our awareness is absolutely key.

      1. I agree Hannah, trusting our awareness and following our true imulses is key to not absorb but observe.

      2. Our awareness is to be honoured as you say Hannah and this blog shows how quickly putting this into practice can change how we feel.

    2. Brilliant Luz, Roberta and Kristy. To be aware in the first place to feel when something comes up and then be honest with its presence and not dismiss it is incredible. ‘I was walking in acceptance of everything I saw: the ugliness, the struggle of the human being as well as a shared vulnerability and potential in all.’ Everyone is divine in essence, we do not need to dismiss or be afraid of anyone or anywhere.

    3. So true Kristy, honesty is the key. Whenever I find I am in reaction to someone or an event these days I look deeper inside me to feel where I am still holding onto this energy. The honesty allows healing and an opportunity to confirm or make new choices about the way in which I live.

  129. ‘I started plunging into a feeling of misery and desolation. I pushed it down.’ This is so often the response we take when we feel such uncomfortable things within ourselves. ‘It felt like an old deep condition that was being triggered, which I wanted to push down because I felt it would defeat me.’ And this is how we think it will turn out, that we will be defeated, we are powerless to what is actually our own choices.
    Thank you for talking this experience through to what can actually be our reality, ‘I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.’

    1. Recognising the power that we are is like peeling an onion – many layers of awareness, and power growing with each.

  130. The choice to continually be present with ourselves stood out to me while reading this blog. I understand the feeling of “feeling defeated for having entered into that mood once again” for me this happens so easily and often, and without conscious presence I can be off wallowing in old thought patterns in no time at all, and then beating myself up for doing so.

  131. Oh my, Luz! You have really brought through the power of reflection and how the outer mirrors the inner. There are so many gems in this and indeed the teachings of Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom are a treasure to behold….in our own bodies, from our innermost. This is the only protection we ever need to be in this world with. Thank you.

    1. Thankyou Peta, it’s quite something to hold the innermost not just of the self, but of the all everywhere we go and in all we see in the world. For me I have been reactive to outer circumstances, going into sympathy, absorbing etc, instead of steadily and solidly not wavering from the truth of us all no matter the depths of illusion.

  132. ‘confirm the connection to something deeper that was guiding me well.’, beautiful Luz, you show us that the connection and guidance is always there, waiting for that confirmation.

  133. “I was tempted to give in to its familiar density where I would start judging this lived love as an illusion or idealisation, far from my reality.” This highlights for me what a game it is, this game of life. The fact that we’d actually be tempted to consider choosing a feeling of density above the expansiveness of the ‘lived love’ and light that we know. With energetic awareness we are empowered to choose whether we want to let the divisive energies have their way with us or not.

    1. Spot on Stevie, and not only that we are tempted to choose the density, but we then see the lived love as an illusion…We can choose deception for ourselves. Our own awareness is our own saviour, nothing else can open the doors of love to us.

    2. I know for me too often I go around and round back into old patterns allowing old rhythms to hook me back in. This story highlight for me the responsibility of conscious presents and the choice to constantly be checking in with myself and living from my true self.

  134. The power of observation and not absorbing. Remaining with ourselves and walking who we are. True and simple and a magnificent gift for all of the world.

    1. After learning from Serge Benhayon 12 years ago to “observe and not absorb”, I can say I still have a long way to go in mastering this skill. Observation of my own reactions, choices, and self-created dramas is assisting me to see the game at hand. The power of observation is immense.

  135. This blog also reminded me how important it is to be you in everything you do. Really work on and face those events, people, situations, moments where you are triggered. It’s not you have to go and talk to those people if your needing the space, it’s giving yourself space to feel and act with purpose to self-nurture and love who you are in your connection.

  136. Awesome to read Luz. Very supportive for anyone going through an inner-turmoil of emotions. What I liked was the simplicity to focus through awareness something was not right and to just accept it. Observing all of you but allowing yourself to keep connecting to your body and what is true. No buying into any actions, thoughts or movements that are not you. Love it very supportive !

  137. This is an incredible account of healing hurts which can at first seem like they will defeat us. I have deeply felt the power of acceptance from your experience. I had an experience this morning when I was returning to work after being off for two weeks. I was a bit dreading going back, an emotion and experience that I didn’t want to be feeling so tried to push it down also, whilst feeling bad that it was there. When I opened up to accepting that I was feeling these things, this released the heaviness and tension that was building. Accepting that we have emotions and past hurts that are there to be healed is oh so powerful.

  138. It is just awesome how we can either connect and feel what is happening in the body or we can try and bury the feelings, hide them or distract ourselves. Both have very different consequences. The choice to face ourselves rather than run away makes a whole lot of difference and is really worth appreciating. Thank you Luz for sharing your experience.

    1. Distraction is a game so well played in society, with TV, movies, games, alcohol, and so much more. It is played so much, perhaps we have forgotten there is a game at all.

  139. Luz thank you, how amazing to read about your experience. Aside from the insight into another part of the world and how others in it live every day, what you described is so simple I am reminded of the many times l’ve made a similar choice… when faced with what seems an overwhelming situation to deal with, the choice to just be in my body, surrender and let go any hardness. The result has always been just as marked, and nothing at all like the usual way I might expect to feel under the circumstances. The reminder of the power we have to affect everything is much appreciated in what you’ve shared.

  140. Thank you Luz for this deeply inspirational blog, reminding us all that being in our own light and power is only a choice.

  141. This is a very freeing and humbling experience to have Luz and I appreciate you sharing: ‘this experience was a great confirmation of how capable I really am whenever I need to revisit disheartening environments outside and/or inside of myself.’ The more I revisit and re-choose how I feel about what’s inside the easier it is to accept and understand what’s on the outside.

  142. ‘I surrendered in acceptance to how I was feeling’- I agree, Susan, this is very honouring of ourselves. When I start to feel emotions that I know aren’t who I am, I can tend to try and dismiss them without first acknowledging they are there and giving myself the space and opportunity to heal the opening that has allowed them to enter.

  143. I appreciated the fact that such a shift in your wellbeing in the place you felt unsafe, was actually a very simple process. It did not take expensive psychology visits or long arduous learning of meditation to connect and go with what felt true in your body. Very practical, very simple, very real and yet extraordinary.

  144. San Victorino sounds like it really needs more people to walk through it in the light and with the wisdom of their souls.

  145. “flatness and cruising defeat” Your selection of words is so spot on Luz, I can truly feel how self indulgent and capping this cruising defeat is.

    1. “flatness and cruising defeat””I can truly feel how self indulgent and capping this cruising defeat is.” reading your comment slapped me gently with the reminder it is a choice when we are faced with a situation that feels overwhelming we can choose to harden, contract and give up on ourselves and humanity or we can truly claim ourselves and feel the hardness in our bodies, allowing it to dissolve away giving us the freedom to re-claim our essence and be who we truly are by bringing truth to the situation with no attachment to an outcome.

  146. “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” I love this line Luz. How often do we do this? We don’t like the feelings that are coming up so we try to hold on to the joy we were feeling before, but this is then just pretending because we are not acknowledging how we are actually feeling. What an internal struggle that is unnecessary if we were to simply allow ourselves to feel what is there.

  147. Thanks for sharing your inspiring personal development – the way you have claimed yourself back in the last years is amazing. To stay connected to ourselves in such an environment like in the town San Victorino, requires a lot of livingness and a deep connection to our body. And you were able to do it, which means, your livingness is already strong enough to hold your connection, this is wonderful.

  148. Wow Luz i am deeply inspired by your commitment to swim amongst the dark zone and explore its source, to consciously take your awareness & understanding to these familiar deep conditions and dis-own them. Universal Medicine has shown us the doorway to these seismic shifts in our being – however momentary, thank-you for opening the door and walking through.

  149. Reading this inspirational sharing from you Luz your journey somehow felt quite familiar. Even though not facing exactly the same situation what you have shared it can be applied I feel to so many factors/situations in life that create an awareness in ourselves that at times feel very uncomfortable – that ‘I don’t want to go there’ feeling. The fact that you ‘made the choice to feel what was truly going on’ and not to pretend that those deep feelings did not exist’ for me always feels like the beginning of a wonderful healing taking place. That window of opportunity to keep gently tuning in (without the mind running the show) to not cover up or play down what was really happening. Thank you.

  150. The denseness you describe here Luz is something that many, many people choose to go into when they are presented with something to look at or triggered by an aspect of life. It is so common place that there is a generally agreed upon understanding that this is how we respond to things that make us sad, angry, etc. Some people don’t even realise that they are making a choice to go into the denseness.

    As you describe here, choosing to stay out of the denseness and with yourself allows you to observe what has been presented to you and gain the clarity you need to clear or deal with it. There is a huge responsibility in choosing to respond to life in this way just as choosing the denseness is hugely irresponsible in the way it impacts on others and keeps us from confronting and resolving our past choices and hurts.

  151. I love this blog Luz, I can only imagine what it’s like going into a district like San Victorino but it’s easy for me to to get a mental picture of you walking through those streets connected to yourself and because of this being surrounded by love and protecting Angels, who would allow no harm to come to you in this state.

  152. What’s so wonderful about this blog is that it blows the victim mentality (that things just happen to us and we are powerless to change them) out of the water. Luz has very clearly shown that we always have a choice to either react to the world and what is happening in our lives or surrender, re-connect and trust.

    1. Absolutely Andrew, ‘surrender, re-connect and trust.’, it is something that is kind of scary and exciting at the same time. Knowing that we can ‘surrender, re-connect and trust.’ makes me feel expanded inside, it’s adventurous.

  153. After reading this I understand that density is the greatest drug on the planet that our spirits can get off on and highly addictive at that. But that love is much more powerful than density and that there is a very simple way to choose love instead of density and break the addiction.

  154. It never ceases to amaze me that no matter what may be going on around us, we don’t have to be affected. It can be super intense at times, sure no doubt it takes time and honesty to build this foundation, but one that is worth every moment in the treasure chest.

    1. Yes totally agree Jaime, being at the mercy of what goes on around us is not a fun way to live… tossed around and affected constantly by the dramas and trials of others. It does take time and honesty to build a foundation whereby you can ‘breath your own breath’, as Serge Benhayon has always referred to it as. Being able to remain ‘yourself’ amidst anything and everything is definitely worth the effort.

  155. I have discovered that when we are open and willing to face our past hurts, usually stemming from family, so much support becomes available and so much space is created for ourselves internally as well as externally that we can become aware of how grace flows through us….in other words the ‘inner-most way of being inside us’, can express and guide us.

  156. Thanks Luz for an awesome article, it really shows the responsibility we hold to be able still hold the love for ourselves in our bodies, and others by not contracting or hardening when entering so called darker war zones. Also realising everyone has made choices to get to where they are, and that needs to respected but not carried by us.

  157. Rereading this blog today made me realise that when we fully appreciate who we are and claim that in full, no place in the world would bring any fear to us, and we can serve wherever we are needed.

    1. Yes I agree with Nico and I too have found this deeply inspiring, supporting me to look deeper at what I hold on to to hold me back.

      1. And in that Michelle, I know that the fear of being ourselves in full is only lived by our little selves, the little selves we have chosen to withdraw to for whatever reason. Now however there is the time that we are asked to return to the true being that we are and when we respond to that call, we are shown how completely different our life can be If we live this continuously. There is not fear or holding back in living according our true origins, but only love and truth as that is the basis of our existence and our way to evolve in life.

    2. Yes the power of appreciation cannot be underestimated Nico, something l’ve discovering myself… it is one of the primary keys in being able to ‘serve wherever we are needed’ as you say.

  158. Gorgeous blog Luz, Loved hearing how you allowed yourself to feel what was really going on. I used to avoid London at all costs, a couple of bad experiences when I was younger meant I used to get really stressed at the thought of having to go. This of course all changed when I was introduced to Universal Medicine, I was inspired to look deeper into why I had these feelings and deal with it. I now love going to visit London. It is so true that your inner state reflects your outer.

  159. So beautiful and powerful to read Luz, I felt that I was alongside of you in your trip. What a huge shift in before and after and a marker for you to come back to. I have recently had a revisit of past emotions of fear and how it has been deeply buried for me to not feel. I very much appreciate your words “It is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.”

  160. Everything comes down to a choice: are we willing to stay open and feel what is there, in and around us, no matter how uncomfortable or heavy it might feel, and without becoming it, or do we suffocate it or stuff it down, putting it away for another day? Amazing to feel how dealing with uncomfortable emotions or situations is so simple, when we just connect back to our bodies through our movements and breath, knowing that the situation is just that – something that is temporary and does not belong in my body.

    1. Our bodies are always telling us what does and does not belong. The question is whether we listen and accept what it is telling us.

    2. Bryony, a beautifully expressed surrender to the body and all the truth it holds, whilst we walk though the chaotic energetic garbage tip of human life on planet earth.

  161. Luz this is such an inspiring blog and there is much in it for us to ponder on. This line particularly stood out for me “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” I too have done this many times in my life, getting caught out by contradicting myself and then stumbled around trying to get back to who I am. But I too am learning that, from experience, when I choose to remain connected to myself there is nothing to trip over, and nothing to be fearful of, as in our full power there is nothing that can touch us, regardless of where we are or who we are with.

  162. Reading your blog again Luz I really got to feel what you meant by staying open. There are times when I have been aware of a situation and that I could possibly become emotional and react, so I have gently taken myself back to feeling my breath but I have not fully surrendered to the connection of my soul and the wisdom and clarity it can bring to these situations. This is something I am going to observe over the coming days.

  163. Great Blog Luz, I love what you shared about “the moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.”
    This is gold Luz and I can really relate to having been in a similar state myself many times not truly acknowledging and surrendering to what is coming up, but pretending I am ok despite that which I am choosing not to allow, to be felt.
    Giving myself permission to feel without the personalised identification has allowed me the opportunity to feel and observe a situation without feeling owned and controlled by it.
    The more I feel the quality of who I truly am and claim this as my truth the less I feel myself getting hooked into that which I am not.
    Each time I allow myself to feel this it’s confirming of the power of surrendering to love and the illusion that exists in believing that we need to contract and harden to protect ourselves.

  164. ‘…the messy stickiness of emotions.’ Yes indeed, well-described. It’s great to be able to distinguish between emotions and feelings. The latter can be powerful (as if overwhelming) but connecting with them brings clarity. Emotions we tend to get mired in, like mud, and become identified with. My sense of feelings is they are there to be felt and then can move through us.

    1. Indeed emotions drain, for they stick like a leach onto the body, indeed it seems that their impact on our physicality brings us to assumes that they belong within us.

  165. ‘I felt protected and at ease in my beautiful body… I remained steady.’ Again, I loved reading this  – not only for what it is literally saying (gorgeous enough in and of itself) but for the quality of deep love I can feel you have for yourself in the words ‘…my beautiful body…’.

  166. ‘It was like a physical representation of the emotional density I was in before.’ Luz I love this very strong and clear metaphor – and not that it’s even a metaphor, it is very much a reality and a reflection. Later you refer to it as ‘…the unwanted dark zones both within me and externally in the city.’ As within, so without, beautifully illustrated.

    1. I totally agree Victoria, when we become aware of this kind of reflection, it is deeply confirming and at the same time humbling to realise the breadth and power of these divine messages that echo our chosen steps.

    2. ‘As within, so without, beautifully illustrated.’ Absolutely Victoria, an awesome reminder thank you.

  167. The power of surrendering and being open, regardless of the place we are. We can be in the most darkest of places in the world or within ourselves, this blog shows that our light and love is always grander.

    1. Very true, Mariette, … life, ideals and beliefs, construct to try and keep us separate from these ‘dark places’ when in fact these are the places where light and love are truly needed more than ever.

    2. Yes Mariette it shows that no matter where we are, or even how we’ve been feeling just prior, we can choose to connect to ourselves and bring our light and love to wherever we are. No place is immune when we do.

    3. I fully agree Mariette, we are that much more than the atrocities that are expressed in our societies. In fact we are all sensitive, tender and loving people. We have to learn to read the origin of the waywardness in society, that in fact this abuse is all there because we as a species have walked away from that grandness we are and because of that we live in societies void of love that allows us to go into these abusive forms of living. Allowing love in our lives again will be the way to go, and to restore love back on our earth.

    4. A super reminder that we are greater and grander than our hurts and past choices…….and key is not to emotionally indulge when they arise, otherwise we absorb, when all we need to do is observe, stay steady and connected, in the knowing they have arisen in order to be released from our body which has carried these old emotions/beliefs for quite some time…..thus the reason they can feel intense at times.

    5. Yes, I experienced yesterday confirmation that we do not need to harden in challenging situations but rather connect more deeply to our vulnerability and surrender rather than fight back. I found a strength in just being me and not reacting.

      1. Lovely sharing Janet, as we all know those challenging situations. I also notice that there is a lot of strength in just being and stay open. When we don’t react, we simply observe what is going on and we don’t create any issues.

      2. Absolutely agree Janet, “we do not need to harden in challenging situations but rather connect more deeply to our vulnerability and surrender rather than fight back”.

    6. Very well said Mariette. This blog does indeed evidence that no matter what is going on around you, on the outside, there is still the opportunity to align with the light and love on the inside which will always be grander than any darkness we observe. That is fact.

    7. Mariette, what a true comment and so powerful. I have run away from who I am and surrendering and being open with myself is the only way to come back and know that light and love are indeed grander than any darkness.

    8. That is so true Kristy, it can be pretty disconcerting to be in a place that “looks the part” yet you cannot shake the feeling that everything is not ok.

    9. Great sharing Kristy, I know those place pretty well. It seems all roses, bubbles and pretty in pink yet underneath the carpet it is a war zone. Keeping up appearances is actually doing a lot of harm and carries no truth in it whatsoever.

    10. The darkest places are often shiny on the outside, but whether they look dark, or just feel dark, the light is there to shine the truth.

  168. Luz I really appreciate you sharing this experience and what it has revealed. “That it was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.” This is a pearl of truth and understanding, I can really relate to ‘it looked like me because I choose to identify with this”. Such a powerful awareness thank you.

  169. What has been so powerful in this blog is the way images or pictures we have affect the body as you first felt when saying yes to going the San Victorino. Equally as powerful was the choice to re-connect to your body and the truth of who you are and holding that through your experience. What we choose informs our lives – Thanks Luz.

    1. It is Amazing what Luz did for herself, although there was initially some reaction she constantly observed her body and asked herself to go deeper. For me this is a great example of what true self love really is. It is like she was her best friend holding her hand for her all the way until she came back to the love she knew within her.

  170. “I didn’t really want to get in touch with these emotions as they were contradicting how lovely I’d been feeling lately…” This highlights beautifully Luz, our ability to choose to come back to our body and back to love in every moment. And how much easier this choice is when we have a lived marker / memory of our loveliness, our true essence to return to. We can all live this way if we choose to.

  171. “It felt like an old deep condition that was being triggered, which I wanted to push down because I felt it would defeat me.” I can relate to this Luz, a shrunken down / defeated state that I let have its way with me sometimes when I think that I’m not going to be able to handle a situation. And just as I’m writing this the words from one of Michael Benhayon’s songs come to me, ‘Nothing before us is more than our light’. When we stay open and truly connected to love, nothing can hurt us, we are supported all the way.

    1. ‘Nothing before us is more than our light’ Beautiful Stevie what a perfect sound expression to hail forth.

      1. Every day no matter what lies ahead, “that nothing before us is more than our light” is a truth worth carrying.

    2. A beautiful reminder for us all Stevie, that ‘Nothing before us is more than our light’. Luz has put this to the litmus test and proved that it’s absolutely true and therefore something we are all capable of doing. Turning around defeatist reactions are essential, as so many people benefit when we choose to stay open, loving and light. There are always more people to consider and its so important to remember this in those times when we just want to take care of our own skin.

    3. Thank you for the reminder Stevie, those words ‘Nothing before us is more than our light’ are so true and so powerful – they cut through the ridiculous notion that we are smaller than any situation we are presented with.

  172. I enjoyed being taken to South America thanks to your vivid description, and being reminded that no matter where we are we always have a choice to “…connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves..” What an amazing reflection you give to those around you.

    1. I felt the same Peter Campell. how often I went somewhere to escape.
      How beautiful to receive the confirmation that to connect to ourselves is possible everywhere, just as a matter of choice.

      1. Yes I too would want to go to certain places I’d imbued with special powers of connecting me to myself when actually it had nothing to do with the place but with my choice to reconnect with me. At the time I couldn’t handle the responsibility of acknowledging my power so gave it away to the location I was in. Great to claim who I am back, wherever I am.

    2. Yes agreed Peter… not just about the taste of South America, but the power we ignite with such a simple choice. It begs the question why we do not spend all our time in such dedicated conscious presence when that is the result!

  173. This is a beautiful sharing, Luz. I especially like the paragraph where you talk about realising that your emptiness is not all that is there for you to work with in this life, and that you now know that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This most definitely is the greatest treasure anyone can ever be given. Incredible!

    1. True Johanne the saying “there is no place like home” is apt here, no matter where we go if we stay connected we are always home.

  174. I too have been becoming aware of this lately Luz for seeing how the world is and where humanity is at can be disturbing and painful at times, but the moment I choose to dismiss what I feel instead of simply observing what is before me (usually because I don’t accept it as it is) I’m lost. ‘All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are.’ Thank you for sharing so beautifully your way, for it serves us all.

  175. I love the practicality of this blog Luz – you’ve offered a step-by-step instruction manual for feeling into what we are feeling, as simple as it sounds it still takes time and patience to allow ourselves to just feel whats there to be felt. I particularly love your new-found ability in understanding our ‘stuff’ – ‘…approaching it in a completely different way, which had no reaction or intention for solution.’ Without the investment or need to solve we are free to feel the truth of what our body is holding or communicating to us – I feel the answer is already there, it’s just a matter of being able to hear it openly with no expectation.

    1. Beautifully shared Rachael, “Without the investment or need to solve we are free to feel the truth of what our body is holding or communicating to us – I feel the answer is already there, it’s just a matter of being able to hear it openly with no expectation.”

  176. ‘Strangely I got to see how I chose this, which raised my next awareness: that it was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.’ This particularly stood out for me and is my inspiration for the day. Choice – misery or love?

  177. It is beautiful to sit here and appreciate all that you have shared Luz – and to realise that ‘my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given’. We have been so blessed with a great wealth and depth of love that is there for us all when we reach within – and is ours to choose in any moment.

  178. What a contrast you describe of how you could feel before and after your huge shift Luz, that’s a great marker for the next situation you have to face, when its felt so strongly in the body.

  179. Thank you for highlighting this Ariana. So true yet so easily overlooked. Fragility in no way equals no power. Honouring our fragility and embodying it, as presented in this blog, is awesome. As you say, no martial art or fighting needed.

  180. Well said Ariana. We like to think that being hard, protected or skilled in martial arts keeps us safe, when actually (as Luz has shared) fragility and letting go of hardness makes us very grounded, observant and powerful in situations of possible danger.

  181. Super blog Luz, I love re-reading this as it’s so very practical and awe-inspiring, confirming how the choice to be present in our body brings greater awareness and re-connects us to the love that is always there to support us if we choose to.

  182. Luz, l felt that I was being drawn into some intrigue, but I am so glad All was well with your adventure. For me I learnt a lot about truly looking beneath the surface when these uncomfortable emotions and feelings arise (which they often do). I am inclined to brush things off without getting to the heart of the matter, only to have it arise again. So thank you very much for such a great sharing.

  183. It is a fantastic when we start feeling, perhaps for the first time, that what used to catch us all the way and brought us down, does not have a grip on us any longer. It is important to acknowledge the enormous work on oneself this reflects because what we discover at some point is that it is us who bring us down by choice.

  184. Amazing to hear that we don’t have to fear or fight the dark zones in ourselves and if we accept them and understand them this allows us to face and understand the darker corners of humanity or the world without fear or fight.

  185. Luz, this is a great article and has got me pondering on the fact that I can be with my soul anywhere, after a shopping trip yesterday to a very busy mall I realised that my automatic response was to give in and be overwhelmed by the music and lights and business and come home exhausted, but remembering your article i am aware that I can stay with my soul and stay still and steady here too.

  186. Wow what an amazing blog Luz. There is so much great wisdom in it. So often I have tried to avoid or cover up my weaknesses or emotional hurts believing I could out run them and pretend they were not there. But you have presented a beautiful blueprint to heal them by actually connecting with them and facing them head on, understanding them fully and from there understanding that they are not who we are and so choosing to let them go.

  187. Another wonderful blog Luz – thank you. I think we all have our own “San Victorino” whether that be an actual place, a person, or a circumstance that elevates those suppressed feelings / reactions / emotions (or to use your word – ghosts).

    These are telling moments for us all, highlighting that we have not properly dealt with the associated hurts. The best response to these moments was beautifully expressed by you – “I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with”. We all have this choice and this can be at times a most difficult choice, however, this is where true evolution lies.

  188. Love this line…”allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom”. The guiding light of the soul, it is with us with every single turn we make, every street and city.

  189. The title exposes how easily we assume that being in our fullness is not always possible and that certain circumstances are a good reason not to.

  190. Reading the steps you took to come back to you was great Luz. It really is a beautiful thing to be able to do for ourselves if we give ourselves that moment to feel that this is not in fact who we truly are. My experience of being caught in momentum can make this quite difficult to realize and take that much needed step back.

  191. Isn’t it crazy that we accept comfort in the discomfort, because it is so familiar and what we have taken on generally from a young age as who we are. It is awesome that you were willing to go deeper to connect to the truth of where these uncomfortable yet very familiar feelings came from and seeing them for what they really were. And I love your claiming statement “I know now that there has always been a powerful, innermost way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given”.

  192. The absolute honesty and openness in your sharing is such a gift, Luz, ….. ‘It felt like an old deep condition that was being triggered, which I wanted to push down because I felt it would defeat me.’ ….. the way you acknowledged that you had felt these feelings WERE you, then chose to surrender to your body and allow yourself to feel what was truly going on feels very pertinent to me at the moment. I found the loving grace with which you allowed yourself to choose differently deeply supportive, thank you.

  193. There is so much wisdom in this blog Luz, so much for me to take away to my everyday living – thank you.

  194. “No one seemed to be noticing my presence, as if I wasn’t there at all. I was able to slide freely and swiftly along the dirty streets, and it was interesting because it all seemed and felt quite familiar. It was like a physical representation of the emotional density I was in before. I was walking in acceptance of everything I saw: the ugliness, the struggle of the human being as well as a shared vulnerability and potential in all. I felt protected and at ease in my beautiful body.” This has a profoundness about it Luz…having been honest about how you were feeling allowed you to be accepting of yourself, which allowed space for you to be accepting of everything around you. This is a great example of how we are within ourselves is then reflected back to us in all that we do, say and think.

  195. I find reading this blog very supportive. The sentence, “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy”, describes the scenario so well when we are not truthful with ourselves and do not choose to feel whatever it is we are feeling. This blog expresses powerfully the huge self-empowerment we gain when we are completely truthful and accept responsibility for how we are feeling.

  196. The Way of the Livingness is a way that is not known through reading about it or accumulating knowledge it must be lived to be known. What you have presented here, Luz is an experience of living from your being, and it is so awesome.
    You also have presented something that I found truly profound: “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” This nails that ‘everything is ok’ attitude that we can take on, as you refer to it as ‘pretending’ which is exactly what it is. By acknowledging that we are feeling hurt, sad, less than ourselves, we are able to do something about it and address what we are feeling. But if we are pretending that we are ‘ok’ we can’t make any changes, because we are lying not only to everyone else, but to ourselves.

  197. What I appreciate and enjoy is that we are all connected and so nothing is by chance-there are no coincidences…and your blog is an example of this Luz as many have commented how timely your blog is for them as well…myself included.
    I recently had a profound experience of feeling divinity within however as my working day progressed I became less able to hold this feeling, and the old ” ways to sabotage and be hard on myself” crept back in, but the revelation that came from reading your blog this morning was that “I don´t need to fight them, nor do I need to feel bad for having chosen them” as I realised I had gone into this reaction again – not as strong as in the past but there all the same! Thank you for your shared inspiration Luz.

  198. I love the way you described what happens when we choose to be dishonest with ourselves and pretend Luz. “I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” I know that feeling so well and in fact I start feeling trapped running around in my head. And only opening up and the willingness to look at it with honesty starts to break the hold.

  199. This is great Luz Helena, your descriptions are very vivid which makes it very real for us to read. The crux of it was when you were in the Taxi and recalled childhood hurts, and you felt that the misery was your choice. No excuses, no justifications, it is just what happened, I am glad to hear that you have moved on and that you have shared this experience with us all.

  200. Just brilliant Luz. And I say if you can let go in a scary part of Bogotá you can let go anywhere!

    1. It shows the same to me Dean, that no matter what our surroundings or what is going on we still have a choice. Yet from my experience I’ve mostly chosen to harden when I don’t like what I am faced with. This of course is changing and the simple blog by Luz is very supportive in that approach.

      1. We have lived in a neighbourhood with similar tensions to what Liz describes in San Victorino and the great thing is that what you see is what you get. It’s all on display, nothing is hidden from view and you know exactly where you and everybody stands – everyone is very easy read.
        Next door to us the neighbours have had some pretty worn out old cars whilst in our drive way we had a very flash one, yet nobody cares and no one has EVER said anything in 7 years of living there other than wow that’s a really nice car.
        On the other hand when I have lived in more up market areas, you cant see what goes on behind closed doors (even though PLENTY goes on) and we found that people were far more likely to be jealous, competitive sneaky and up to no good but in a much more nice or good way. People generally don’t tell you that they like your car, but if they do it is usually more from a gossiping point to find out how well your doing financially and is more of a comparison than a congratulations… that’s a little cynical I know and it is true not everyone is like that in those areas and also in the bad areas there are occasional dangerous things happening.
        But my point is, comparing and competing with other people in the neighbourhood and being jealous of their success is way more harmful than walking down the street and having someone randomly swearing at you at the top of their lungs.

  201. Awesome Luz, I love how we have the opportunity to walk ourselves through situations like that. “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” there is no point in pretending that we arnt feeling something – it leads to while other complications.

  202. Hear hear Ariana! most definitely our true strength lies within our vulnerability and fragility, in accepting these most delicate qualities that are at the core of who we are, we allow ourselves to be our true mighty selves effortlessly.

  203. ‘The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is’ – this line jumped out of the page for me Luz, as I can so relate to how quickly we can assume a posture within ourselves as to a past experience that holds within it a package of hurt that until unwrapped and seen for all it is, can not be let go of, but instead fuels our every move when triggered.

  204. I loved reading this blog and hearing your experience of how you visited this place and honestly sharing how you felt about it. There are many learnings within what you share and I deeply appreciate this.

  205. Another incredible blog by you Luz, thank you. This line ricochet off the page for me today – “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.”. What an insightful observation of human life – we often don’t want to acknowledge what is really going on so we pretend it’s not, but it is and it does feel like a ghost we are fighting because we choose to only see fragments of it (or add bits to it) and then we do clumsily try to be OK and be happy. Thank you for showing there is another way to be with what comes up for us – another miracle in this world inspired by Serge Benhayon.

    1. I agree that this line is a real gem Sarah and it explains the missing part of the equation to experience the joy we naturally should have every day. I know I often can sense something is not quite right, sense the tension in me, and then attempt to get back to some kind of balance or connection with myself only to find it is a bit like fighting a ghost and a real struggle. I realise after reading this blog that the missing part may well be not fully facing and accepting the emotional energy I am choosing the investment or attachment I have to something. It feels like facing our darker corners in full is essential to returning to our light.

  206. I love how you describe it as treasure. That’s exactly what it is. When I first started to feel the love in my inner-heart, I also described it as a cave of jewels.

  207. ‘The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy’ – There is much here to be pondered on for us all as these ghosts sit in the back ground for most waiting for the moment when we go into self doubt or feeling less and then the opening is there for them to come in. The key to holding ourselves through these moments as you have identified Luz. Awareness of what is going on, observing and challenging allows for the re-connecting to what is true. Thanks Luz.

    1. When there is something that clouds us, we can turn into two different directions: survival mood and chase ghosts, argue, fight, etc. or we can turn into honouring mood and reconnect to our qualities; a place where we can naturally be in our body.

  208. How powerful it is to connect to the body and just let go of anything that tries to get us out of our power. It is actually never a big deal, hence all is waiting there for us all the time. You are a living proof – thank you for sharing YOU.

    1. Yes, steffihenn. it is never actually a big deal to live connected to our essence and simply be responsible for the thoughts and reactions that can diminish our power if we let them.

    1. So true felixschumacher8! Like a bright star on a dark night, or beautiful rose amoungst thorns. Standing bright for all to see the wonder.. Of how each of us innately are. A great reminder for all.

    2. Yes very true felixschumacher8, it is in places like these that we most need to pay attention, not simply for our own safety, but in order to leave a light hearted impression every where we walk. Every where we go, we can if we choose to keep a focus on the quality of our body when we walk, leave a deeply loving, tender wake behind us that can wash the streets clean of all the aeons of self created misery, neglect and struggle. We are so much more powerful than we realise and it is so joyful to read how Luz was able to go deeper, right underneath her hurts, in order to connect to and carry her exquisite love through the very streets that need it the most.

    3. We have to be aware of the thousand ways to hook us our of us. San Victorino is an obvious one, but just one possibility. There are a range of much more subtle ones to cloud our awareness and connection to our natural way, without the presence of beggars, violence, etc. .

    4. Absolutely felixschumacher8. Luz not only found some healing for herself by visiting this place, she also provided healing for the area by staying connected and walking in her grace.

  209. To express as you have in the detail that you have is such a joy Luz Helena Hincapie. It allows me greater awareness of my own inner struggles and sensitvity and the simplicity of the wisdom of my soul that is there waiting. Thank you for continuing to share in this way.

  210. “Tension or anything disturbing could have kicked in again at any moment, but this didn’t happen because I didn’t allow myself to drop again – I remained steady.” Brilliant, Luz! You show that when we choose we can remain steady and constant in our quality. I am inspired. Thank you for writing and sharing.

  211. Thank you Luz, this is beautiful and I can feel how your presence graced San Victorino that day. I can also feel how your openness transformed your experience removing the denseness that might have attracted other events during your visit. This is a great awareness to share and I am grateful to you for your blog and your appreciation of the power of Soul-full beingness that is available to us all equally so.

  212. Luz, I love what you have shared, and how you have shared it. It is truly inspiring and proof that it doesn’t matter where we are or who we are with, we can always choose to stay with oursleves and what we know to be true. You have given us a very powerful example of how this can be done, thank you.

  213. I agree Marika, the understanding of reincarnation brings a much bigger picture into play than a limited focus on one life can allow. Reincarnation makes sense of things and people particularly, bringing a depth of understanding and detachment.

  214. I have discovered the same – the more we want to see and feel what is there, the more is available for our learning and growth.

  215. Very true Katie. Accepting responsibility frees us from being trapped by the belief that we are at the mercy, so to speak, of all that happens in the world around us.

  216. “I was tempted to give in to its familiar density where I would start judging this lived love as an illusion or idealisation, far from my reality.” How often do we allow the thoughts of ghosts of the past to interfere with our present state of loveliness. Awesome to read how these ghosts left once you were able to observe, Luz.

  217. “I then felt how this misery was held in a weakened part of my being, which is like an open window for certain types of emotions to come in – a disempowerment.”

    What a stunning observation this is. If we are standing in our house and feel a draught, we close the window. It is no different when we stand in our bodies and emotions come tap tapping. They are the wind sent to upset the stillness of a space that is otherwise free and full without them.

    1. The open window is a great analogy Liane, and adds depth and understanding to Luz Helena’s blog.

      1. I agree Bernard, I love how revealing it is that we wouldn’t contemplate standing in a draught, we know only too well the consequences on our body, yet, we can openly allow our emotions to run amok, which in truth causes a lot more harm than a simple draught.

      2. I like this metaphor of an open window as well. Sometimes I have the feeling, that I still have a lot of open windows. In which areas of my life do I don’t live my truth ?

    2. Liane and Luz, this is indeed a stunning observation, I love it – we would never allow our houses to stay with windows open or rain pouring in, we would address the draught or leak, and yet we do have those weakened parts of our being where emotions can come sweeping in and we allow them, and those emotions disturb our stillness. It’s like we allow ourselves to get wet and cold inside and yet at any time we can address those spots and seal them and doing so allows us to build a greater level of stillness in us.

    3. It is great that you have have highlighted and expanded on this Liane with such a simple and tangible analogy. It is very important for us to be aware of this, in that we can actually close that ‘window’ or gap of unwanted or ill emotions if we so choose to.

    4. Thank you Liane, this brings me to the attention to detail in everything that happens as well as the logic simplicity in which to approach life.

    5. I also love how you have expanded this Liane, for me it is that balance to go out in the world open and expressive, yet have a watertight seal around me that doesn’t allow myself to absorb what is going on, merely observe and contribute. Our greatest danger is when we lose ourselves, drift away in our thoughts and switch off to what is happening, that is when life happens to us, instead of us being the major players we are.

    6. Liane, I love how you describe the open window in relation to our emotions and our bodies. Yes, we shut windows when it is draughty, yes to saying ‘no’ to our emotions as they come tap tapping to upset the space of stillness inside.

    7. Reading your comment has given me goose-bumps Liane. Your expression is amazing.
      Your analogy has left me with a powerful image of simply ‘closing the window’ when emotions come tap-tapping. And then there’s more – “They are the wind sent to upset the stillness of a space that is otherwise free and full without them.” Magnificent!

  218. “I was tempted to give in to its familiar density where I would start judging this lived love as an illusion or idealisation, far from my reality.”

    Ah…the ‘familiar density’, what a great way to explain our craving for the comfort that we invite in to offset our evolution. The lighter we begin to feel the more we seem to panic that we are leaving our comfort zone and thus seek the familiar density that tells us we are ‘safe’, that we won’t stand out. But the truth is that earth has become a darkened landscape due to the way we live life void of love. To reinstate the light, we simply need to live our love. However, the moment we make this an ideal and have picture in our heads of what this looks like instead of holding true to what we feel in our hearts, we are lost in the shadows once more.

    1. This is so well described and a such a beautiful description of the science of “not holding back”. ‘Familiar density’ is such an accurate description of what we seek when we want to feel safe and comfortable, it is our ingrained movements that we can call in, but our Soul is forever giving us more light to move more freely and with Gods plan.

    2. “To reinstate the light, we simply need to live our love. However, the moment we make this an ideal and have picture in our heads of what this looks like instead of holding true to what we feel in our hearts, we are lost in the shadows once more” This is absolutely brilliant! We can get lost in pictures, and not carry out our actual love because we have let ourselves be distracted by pictures and ideals of what love is, rather than living the truth of out hearts.

    3. Such true words, Liane Mandalis … an all too familiar pattern for me …. ‘Ah…the ‘familiar density’, what a great way to explain our craving for the comfort that we invite in to offset our evolution. The lighter we begin to feel the more we seem to panic that we are leaving our comfort zone and thus seek the familiar density that tells us we are ‘safe’, that we won’t stand out’.

    4. Beautifully said Liane – I can relate to that, especially “The lighter we begin to feel the more we seem to panic that we are leaving our comfort zone and thus seek the familiar density that tells us we are ‘safe’, that we won’t stand out.”. That is something I want to explore in a deeper way. I know this feeling, when I feel much lighter and then something in me craves for the familiar density. A mechanism, I want to expose more and more.

    5. “Ah…the ‘familiar density’, what a great way to explain our craving for the comfort that we invite in to offset our evolution. The lighter we begin to feel the more we seem to panic that we are leaving our comfort zone and thus seek the familiar density that tells us we are ‘safe’, that we won’t stand out.” This is absolutely brilliant Liane.

      1. Beautifully said, Abby …. ‘we can feel safe within ourselves wherever we are’, bringing our light and love to all those around us, being guided by the wisdom of our body.

    1. And the light and power you walked in Luz, would have been felt by all who saw you. What a blessing you brought upon this place.

    2. I agree Margaret. I love the way Luz, so intimately, takes us on the journey with her.

      1. This story highlights to me it is as simple as choosing to be with ourselves constantly and consistently, allowing our body to guide us through situations by presenting feelings in it that are creating disharmony and dis-comfort in our connection with our essence. These gifts are presented to be felt and released, freeing us to bring our true reflection to humanity.

  219. Reading your blog Luz, leaves no excuse for me to not fully claim myself in my fragility and staying open to the world where ever I go and most places I have to go to are certainly not as dangerous as San Victorino.

    1. Of course San Victorino can play out in different ways and have different names in our lives and so it is very empowering to read your blog.

      1. Yes so true Judith, Luz has just wiped out all our excuses in all those ‘San Victorino’ areas of our lives that we hold onto in order to not connect. She has delivered a new marker that shows us that we can if we really choose to, align to our soul anywhere in this world and bring the grace of God to all we meet and to everything we do.

    2. I totally agree with you Judith, San Victorino probably makes East London look like a walk in the park on danger levels, but at times when I am on my walk at night I can feel myself tense up as I assess what dangers may lay ahead of me when dodgy looking characters are about.

      1. I know what you mean kevmchardy. No matter where you are, dangers can be lurking around the corner. If we take karma into account, it doesn’t matter where you are and how present or loving you are being. What happens will happen.

      2. ‘She has delivered a new marker that shows us that we can if we really choose to, align to our soul anywhere in this world and bring the grace of God to all we meet and to everything we do.’ …. absolutely, Rowena …. we can shy away from things by claiming they are too dangerous, when in fact this is sometimes just allowing our protection to keep us separate.

      3. Yes, there’s a physical reality and practicality to the situations we find ourselves in and we need to be aware of this and not blithely walk into dangerous situations. But I agree too with what’s being presented – staying open and connected and not contracting is key whenever we feel a fear.

      1. Thanks Suzanne. As soon as I read your comment it made perfect sense. I now realise that I was actually feeling the fragility but had not really clocked it as I was caught up in reading the story and wanting to know what happened in the end.

    3. I completely agree Judith. There are no places in the world that don’t need a loving imprint. With the choices to be with ourselves we are making this possible. So yes, there’s no excuse to not shine our light. The darker the place, the more they need it. People are people and deep inside us we are all lovely and amazing Sons of God. It is up to each and everyone of us to connect to this in ourselves and in others.

  220. For me this is an incredible read Luz as you share about an environment that is not part of my daily life. I have never traveled to South America and have no direct experience how it is to walk around in a more volatile and potentially dangerous neighborhood.
    To this day I felt the best way is to stay out of trouble and avoid such locations, which probably is very sensible. However your blog made me aware that there are obviously people living their lives in these locations, doing their jobs, bringing up children and the extra challenge that brings to being able to stay open, fragile and claim the love that you are in this context. It makes living my life look like a breeze.

    1. I agree Judith, that is what I felt as well how Luz took me to a part of the world I have never been too and gave me an opportunity to ask myself would I allow myself to stay fragile and open in an area that was dangerous? The answer is I don’t know, I would like to ‘think’ I would but then at times I don’t even allow myself to be fragile and open in areas that are safe and familiar to me! What I found truly inspiring is how Luz went there with her own free will, she did not reach for foods to bury or numb what she was feeling, she did not judge herself but simply gave herself permission to be, feel and reconnect to the love within. It is truly Beautiful-Full what she has shared. And yes what about the women, children and men who daily live in these places? Not just in San Victorino but everywhere. We are all equal which means in truth we all have a the same sensitivity.

    2. It is for each of us to feel into what places you would venture and what places you would avoid. Beyond that, it is always good to remember that there are beauty and love in places where you would not imagine as it is misery and ugliness in places where everything else shines.
      We all know how inspiring a loving reflection can be. Is there any reason to count out the possibility of such reflection in places like San Victorino? And, if this is what we bring,
      is it any reason to exclude the people of San Victorino from receiving a loving reflection?
      What these questions suggest is that no matter where we go, bringing to full of us is always the best option if evolution is the name of the game.

      1. Well said Eduardo and absolutely “it is always good to remember that there is beauty and love in places where you would not imagine just as there is misery and ugliness in places where everything else shines”. We should not measure out our love but be like the sun which shines equally on everyone and everything.

      2. True Eduardo, if we stay open to love we may be surprised by what people are ready to offer us.

    3. I echo that Judith and relate. There can be a real beauty in staying open to areas we might ordinarily (and sometime sensibly avoid). I can also see how a reaction to a place can be a reaction to something I am not dealing with within myself. It seems how we react to our surroundings is a direct reflection of our own energetic state. They are a mirror, just as much as a literal mirror.

  221. Wow Luz this blog is fabulous. I felt as if I was in the taxi with you on your journey. What I love most about what you share is that no matter what the circumstances are, we always have the choice to return to the steadiness of our own loving connection. That is a beautiful gift we all have, walking with all that we are.

    1. I agree Kelly. Knowing we always have a choice to return to the loveliness that we are feels amazing. And claiming that is an amazing super power that we have. “we always have the choice to return to the steadiness of our own loving connection.”… Super beautiful.

    2. These old patterns we carry can feel incredibly debilitating, however, only because we allow them to be so. The surrendering to our body and it’s infinite wisdom seems such a beautiful choice, yet, I know for myself, it’s something I can fight with great resistance, to my own detriment.

    3. I felt I was in the taxi also Kelly, very beautifully written. And yes it is trusting this connection and the strength of it that I have found building within me to be a huge support.

    4. Yes we do. It takes a while to develop as we sort through the parts of us and our lives and choices we’ve left to get messy, but it is well worth doing so. Steadiness and at-home-ness within ourselves is both beautiful and offers a beautiful consistency.

    5. It would be a big excuse to blame the circumstances for our drama or misery. I like the level of responsibility, which is required to live in a place like San Victorino.

  222. Thank you Luz, here is so much in this blog but most of all I love the acceptance of everyone for where they are at. No need to change and no need to be fearful. Acceptance on so many levels.

    1. Yes Lucy – in such an environment, Luz is describing, a lot of acceptance is required. This can be very challenging, but it is always our choice to stay connected to ourselves or not and to appreciate each other.

  223. This is a very interesting way to feel a weakness in your body. I am intrigued to understand this more deeply, Luz. It feels like you have a great level of sensitivity to your body, to feel with such accuracy. Particularly when you describe this…”I then felt how this misery was held in a weakened part of my being, which is like an open window for certain types of emotions to come in – a disempowerment.” I know that this is also true for me. I can feel misery come knocking, in my mind, it seems. I am intrigued to feel and locate where it also sits in my body.

  224. I felt some tears well up, from connecting to this deeply and appreciating the gift that I have received through reconnecting with The Way of the Livingness , my soul speaks and I have committed more to being open and listening to it “Realising that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.” It is a true treasure, priceless, invaluable, infinite and divine.

  225. This is an awesome article, so much in here that is supportive and inspirational “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is, and clumsily try to reclaim my joy.” Such a great reminder to feel what there is to feel, what ever comes up, in the knowing that these emotions are not who we truly are. Trying to avoid it, does not work, so true, it is there for a reason and highlights that there is something to work through.

  226. I often find that I lose myself in different places or situations, but you prove here Luz without a shadow of a doubt that connection back to self is just a breath away and it shouldn’t matter where we are or what we are doing, remaining connected is just a matter of choice.

  227. I totally agree, Luz, what you describe is the greatest gift we can give ourselves – “I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.” When our connection to truth is stronger than our old reactions and hurts, this helps us build a solid foundation within ourselves, which gives us greater confidence in daily life.

  228. Another gorgeous blog Luz that was an absolute joy to read. I love the imagery you use and the way you are able to convey how our outer environment reflects our own inner landscape. I was with you every step of the way. It is our bodies that are the key to unlocking the door where true wisdom lies, for it is Love that is the jewel on offer within the Kingdom of our hearts.

    1. Exquisitely expressed Liane and a great summation of the wisdom on offer with the keys to the Kingdom.

  229. It’s amazing Luz, to feel how in the craziest of places we can remain super still when that stillness comes from within us. San Victorino can be going on all around, but when we choose in full to be in our bodies, connected, feeling our warm breath, letting our particles expand, we are in our space, detached and yet fully there and present amongst the commotion around us. That’s the power of stillness and the power held within our physical body — when we choose to cherish it and connect deeply to the wisdom and love that it holds.

  230. ‘I then felt how this misery was held in a weakened part of my being, which is like an open window for certain types of emotions to come in – a disempowerment.’

    What I am seeing is while we hold onto these unresolved hurts, they weaken us and allow us to be buffeted around by what life throws at us. To live with the honesty of seeing them, feeling them and letting them go, we strengthen ourselves to be the wholeness of who we really are.

    1. I agree emmadancin, it is so empowering to allow ourselves to feel these ‘weakened parts of our being’ and not try and avoid feeling them, they are ‘windows’ that allow ’emotions’ in and they do also offer us the opportunity to heal and evolve. As you say they offer us the opportunity to ‘strengthen’, this is invaluable and the opposite of what is often shared concerning issues when they come up. It is great not to go into them and become part of it, but if it is there to feel, I say feel it because it allows a rawness and openness that can bring true healing.

    2. Yes, emmadanchin: avoiding them is counterproductive, even though we have not been taught this. Far from ‘sucking it up,’ we need to feel and go behind the hurts that manipulate us so much, to the Love that we are.

  231. We can indeed convince ourselves that we are these moods and behaviours that become so familiar, the ‘familiar density’. And yet underneath it all are a series of hurts that remain buried and continue to drive us until we are ready to see them for what they are. They are not who I am yet they are the way that I have used to not be who I am because of the fear of retaliation to the immense light that I am.

  232. There is so much happening in every given moment in life, as you have illustrated Luz. To be really honest with myself about what is actually happening moment to moment, ‘to not pretend it is not there’, this is the responsibility that lays there for me to choose.

  233. It’s like we want life to be lovely and comfortable all of the time and when strong feelings emerge, it is not comfortable and we do what we can to not feel them. It takes courage to let myself feel the misery and desolation of what lies underneath all of the distractions. And yet, somehow I get the sense that in surrender, the pain will wash away with ease revealing everything I have ever wanted.

  234. Can I be who I am in the world, with all of its rawness, without all the familiar ways of numbing my awareness and putting up a shield of protection? I can for a while and then the familiar patterns take over once more. Luz, you have inspired me to go deeper and find the strength within to be who I am in the world.

  235. WOW Luz, your blog has brought me to standstill. There is so much there that you have offered. And so perfect for me to read this today as I navigate really intense feelings that I have been suppressing for a very, very long time. The realness of your writing, feeling you confront the intensity of strong feelings within you, is supportive for me to stay with it, come back to my body and let go of trying so hard to protect myself and not allow myself to be connected to the extraordinary awareness that I am.

  236. Thank you Luz for such an awesome blog – very powerful and inspiring. This blog is a beautiful reminder than not matter where we are or what past feelings we have had it is possible to transform any situation with acceptance and love.

  237. ‘I appreciate how far I’ve come in my experience of feeling and allowing for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom.’ – Thank you for all that you’ve shared, Luz, beautifully inspiring.

  238. Thank you, Luz, I absolutely loved reading how you chose to overcome the emotions you were feeling, which you clearly recognised were not you, choosing instead to bring all of you to San Victorino, what a blessing.

  239. Hi Luz, you have blown apart any images or pictures of comfort and that by being in or staying with what is comfortable and truly evolving. So many beautiful opportunities open up when we are willing to surrender to what is offered no matter how icky it may initially feel in our body – if any thing the ‘ickiness’ is a true indicator that there is something there and an opportunity to evolve. Thanks for sharing Luz.

  240. I agree Marika, Universal Medicine has allowed me to see the world around me in different way, no longer I walk around in sympathy of others trying to fix them or make their lives better but now walk with a clear understanding and acceptance of the power of one’s choice.

  241. We can see life as a series of tasks we are obliged to do, a pile of responsibilities that add up as we get older. Many of us long for relief from these apparently onerous duties. Yet when we understand and appreciate the power of our presence on this earth there is no task, destination or role to great, for all we bring. Thank you Luz.

    1. Gorgeously put Joseph. When we let go of having a ‘destination’, and our expectations of what the world will do or bring, life totally opens up and instead of being a lineal road with a track and an end, it becomes more like an endless canvas for us to make our marks on with our expressions and actions.

    2. Beautifully said, Joseph: presence brought to any task, any place, any emotion completely changes the nature of the task, the place or the emotion.

  242. Luz, I grew up in Bogota and understand first hand the dangers and heaviness you speak of. What an amazing trust you have also demonstrated along with your connection, openness and commitment back to love. Thank you for sharing with us third world country life, yet I noticed when you chose The Livingness it was very similar to living in developed countries. The energy may be denser there, but there is no illusion as to what goes on. What an amazing inspiration you are Luz (I notice your name means Light!), lighting up the way for others to have the opportunity to feel Truth.

  243. Luz this is a wonderful crystal clear example of how we can choose to observe the old hurts that rise up in us to be healed, and not get drawn into the emotional turmoil of the past, thank you.

    1. Agreed 1timrobinson, it is so easy to be drawn backwards, but Luz describes it all so well that it supports us to see how it is possible to acknowledge the past but not let it define our mood, and therefore, our responses.

    2. Yes, a great practical method of doing so – this will be immensely supportive for many.

    3. Love how you said that 1timrobinson – about how we can observe old hurts that rise up to be healed without getting lost in them.

    4. Agree 1timrobinson — there are so many moments like these, constantly, and they always seem to offer us a choice — to heal, let go, and open up more or to spiral in the drama and agony of the self-created hurt that’s been there dragging us down for however long. It’s always a choice, and we can always choose love over pain; never ever is it too late.

  244. This blog reminded me of how the other day I had a picnic bag stolen and I almost hardened.. I really wanted to get angry but I realised at that moment that I didn’t need to react in the same way that I have in the past… I also felt that who ever took the bag would bring it back as it was so lovingly packed for a new years day breakfast and there was no money in it. Sure enough, within half an hour the bag was returned. It was beautiful because I could appreciate how I hadn’t hardened and I had trusted.

    1. That’s awesome, Rosie. A very beautiful example of how trust can work almost like a silent mediator.

    2. That’s a biggie, Rosie, to stop before you went into an old reaction like that and imprint instead the energy of trust and openness – inspiring!

  245. This is stunning Luz. I love what you have shared. I recognise the feeling of “feeling defeated for having entered into that mood once again.” for identifying a mood or emotion with being who I am because when I choose it it returns with a vengeance. However as you have exquisitely shown, and I have felt at times for myself, it really doesn’t even come close to the powerful steadiness that is within me when I come to a stop and let myself feel the true me again.

  246. Thank you Luz, this is an inspiring sharing of the power of appreciation, surrender and connection to our bodies instead of the hardness that comes as a result of living in survival mode.

  247. Luz, I loved reading the part when you stepped out of the taxi and opened you shoulders and just let your body glide through the streets. Your body was the carrier for your journey and you accepted this with a great deal of humbleness to be able to listen and learn.

    1. I love this too Shami, ‘Luz, I loved reading the part when you stepped out of the taxi and opened you shoulders and just let your body glide through the streets.’ This is beautiful and clearly shows me that we do have a choice, we can harden our bodies when we feel uncomfortable in a situation or we can remain open and loving, how we hold our bodies is so important.

  248. Absolute amazing Luz. Can you imagine what forces we have to put up with not listening to our body – not letting ourselves be who we are. I really remember this and especially in ‘unsafe’ environments. I seem to have hidden to protect my true self in order to be less seen and or attacked (violently or non-verbal). What you share is unique; as it shows me that I can be myself wherever I want to be (place, environment) without having to feel unsafe with myself , because I am feeling me (who I am) and I know that this is enough. No feelings or fear or sympathy are there then – simply because I say Yes to being me and No to what I am not (fear, small, contracted, stupid etc. etc.).

  249. Luz, your blog shows that it is possible to “align to the wisdom of the Soul” no matter how sordid or unloving a place may be. The key is to connect to that place within that is pure and can never be tainted by anything on the outside. It’s only if we let fear and doubt assail us that we appear to be affected but it has not touched the deeper part of us.

    1. Sandra what you share is pure gold. It shows that we all, no matter where we have come from or where we are now, have the choice to connect to our soul. No matter what goes on outside of us no-one but ourselves can choose not to live all of us. It provides us all with a great strength.

    2. Great comment Sandra Newland, in particular your observation that fear and doubt only ‘appear’ to affect us – but can never in truth touch our true beingness.

  250. I can relate to what you say, Marika, from quite an early age, I just knew that things did not feel right in the world and at times despaired, I felt that I just did not fit into this world, was a square peg in round hole so to speak. I hid myself in books, living through much of the fantasy, or the adventure, whatever I was reading about that was actually not really true. It has been meeting Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine events and healing, that I have come to understand more about why the world is as it is, and to come to accept this as how it is, but for me to live The Way of The Livingness within this world for myself, and to show humanity that there is another way to be living on this earth of ours.

  251. Thank you Luz! There’s much revealed in your blog for me. This sentence is the first I’d like to comment on “I was able to slide freely and swiftly along the dirty streets, and it was interesting because it all seemed and felt quite familiar. It was like a physical representation of the emotional density I was in before.”. This reveals to me the power of reflection. How our environment is reflecting something to us that lives inside of us. Clearly for you one of the reflections was the emotional density in the city. I instanlty could relate this to the city that I am living in – even the country. Very heady, not showing the affection and warmth, yet underneath a lot of warmth and care + fear. How magnificent is the Magic of Life / God that we are reflected exactly that what is supporting us in our evolution back to ourselves.

    1. Absolutely Floris van der Schot, it a a great quote concerning the power of reflection and we often can attempt to deny what we feel. Where I live also communicates a density and heaviness to me that, yes when I ponder this, it reflects something for me to learn within myself. I also appreciate the power of reflection that can be felt when some one chooses to stay themselves in any environment, such as San Victorino, or anywhere else, the light felt is awesome and yes we can ‘slide freely’ when we choose this rather than identifying and reacting to what is being offered all around us to learn and offer ‘evolution back to ourselves”.

      1. Yes Samantha, it is a great quote reminding us of the power of reflection. And also the responsibility that we have to feel. Because without us feeling – as an individual – we’re not setting ourselves free and we keep on being ‘kept’ in the so called ‘dark’ where in Truth, this only exists because we don’t want to feel. In denying to feel both the beauty and the denseness, emotions, etc. we keep ourselves small rather than support ourselves to accept, let go, evolve, accept, let go, evolve. Constantly.

  252. Luz, this is so beautifully written, I agree with Marcia, I felt like I was there walking in those sad old streets with you – your realizations, and affirming what you need to do was really inspiring. I also feel you might have missed the fact that what you ‘brought to’ the streets of San Victorino that day was lasting and light filled and may have touched many lives you passed on your way.

  253. “the more I allowed myself to be there, observant, very much in touch and at ease with myself and my body, the more I was able to confirm the connection to something deeper that was guiding me well.” Love that Luz, I can relate to that feeling at periods in my life, when I could feel that inner guidance, a just knowing what I had to do, it all flowed so beautifully when I acted as guided. It is amazing how that can be so, when we just let ourselves go deeply, that guidance is just there.

    1. That has been my experience as well – the guidance is there and when it is not there it just means that I have closed myself off to it, made myself unavailable in some way.

    2. I too have found that the more we surrender and trust our infinite wisdom, life not only flows but there is harmony and great joy to boot.

    3. Whenever I am anxious I know I disconnected to my guidance- I love the term you are using. What great effect that has- fears, angst, panic could take place. The moment I stop and connect to the trust, that I am always held with love no matter what, all the fear just fades away in nanoseconds. Crazy how we keep ourselves separate from that.

  254. Wow Luz as others have shared this is very powerful. I love the way you express and write, it flows and is both easy to read and understand. From what you have shared I would say the emptiness that you once felt is now a tiny tiny speck against the love you are and how you are reclaiming this within. It is beautifull to hear. So not just a quick shopping trip! It shows how willing you are to be responsible; in this short space of time for this trip you had to make you really chose to heal some stuff. What I really liked as well was how being with you in your body you then accepted everything about San Victorino. Power, Love and Healing on many levels.

    1. Beautifully expressed Vicky Cooke, I agree I appreciate the ‘responsibility’ and the awareness that the issues are a ‘small speck’ concerning the overall amazingness and love that is within. We all have had moments and markers in our lives that are there to be appreciated for a knowing of the healing, reawakening, confirming of who we truly are, “I now have a very vivid reference that I can come back to whenever undealt-with stuff from my past presents itself in the form of emotions or events. I don´t need to fight them, nor do I need to feel bad for having chosen them.” This is beautifully expressed in the blog, as is described as a ‘very vivid reference’, it becomes part of our bodies reference, a physical knowing of a choice made that has expanded and brought joy and stillness, not reductionism and disharmony. I agree, I really enjoyed the ‘acceptance’ and surrender of what is around in San Victorino and what is within. The power of surrender, expressed.

  255. “All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are. I then have a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with.” Thank you Luz for a really helpful sharing here, and especially for the words above. A really great reminder of how simple it can be to hold ourselves in the most difficult of situations. And a great way to free ourselves of so many of the past happenings that still seem to arise within us, by letting ourselves just feel them without reacting, and then let them go as they do for good, if we just give them the space to pass on.

  256. great Sharing. Clearly showing the fact that there are two different ways of being with ourselves. One is reactionary and holding onto the emotions that we experience, and the other is one of acceptance, stillness and has a connection to deep within.

  257. “I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is”. That is an awesome description of a feeling I have had my whole life, when I don’t take the moment to acknowledge and feel what is really going on inside me, and just try to make it better.

    1. Good point – I find that the moment I go into fixing mode = try to make it better, everything actually gets worse because, as Luz explains, I am then fighting a shadow and I am very much in reaction to my own reaction.

    2. A true Stop is the best, when we are in Automode. Otherwise we just override and override and never really look behind the curtain if there is in fact a ghost or not.

      1. Yes steffihenn – it is so easy to override with the mind, what we feel in the body. And only when we stop, and take our time, we can feel what is really going on inside the body.

  258. The teachings of Universal Medicine are “universal”, your experience and story highlight that Luz.

  259. Wow Luz, such a powerful story to share from your lived experience of being in a so-called ‘dangerous’ place but being able to stay with yourself. As I live in what I would call a fairly safe city, I hadn’t considered how I would be and what my connection with myself would be like if I was in an unsafe place. By reading this blog, I have a deeper awareness of the possibility of how we can stay being ourselves regardless of where we are if we work through our hurts and stay connected with our body.

    1. Yes Donna, Luz’s story is a very powerful one. She shows that by staying connected to ourselves and in being ready to acknowledge our hurts and fears we can heal ourselves. The gentle breath is always available to help us on that path.

  260. Luz thank you, A gorgeous example of what it’s like to live from your innermost and how this can support us anywhere, any time, and to not be in connection to the innermost is the true desolation we all fear.

    1. ‘…to not be in connection to the innermost is the true desolation we all fear.’ Spot on katechorley. I have recently found myself in this situation when simply going for a morning walk and felt panic at realising how far I felt from my usual connection. It is amazing how simply our breathing and feeling our bodies can bring us back.

  261. Luz this line stood out in relief ‘something I had deeply identified myself with in the past’ and it stood out because it really underlined the fact that we identify with emotions and ways of being that we have literally plucked out of the air. Those identities then become our fixed idea of who we are and govern our lives like scripts in a play. All the while these bogus identities that we have taken on are preventing us from feeling who we actually are in truth. The deep river that runs under the city of illusion.

  262. Incredible Luz, thank you for sharing! ‘There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us’ this is such an important and powerful statement, one that a lot of people struggle to accept. It seems uncanny that in a situation of potential danger/violence it’s actually possible to stay calm, and remain unchanged in ourselves and body. The fact that this IS possible (as you have evidenced) shows how when we claim ourselves and choose not to engage in emotions, we are extremely powerful – much more powerful than many may first think.

    1. Yes Susie Williams, I find this point particularly interesting. I live in a part of the world where I feel relatively safe and have not been tested for how I would feel and behave in a place that is more volatile and holds potential danger or violence, for example I have never traveled to South America. So for me it is very interesting to read what has been shared here by Luz, as it is a great testament of the power of love and staying true to ourselves.

      1. Absolutely Judith. I too have never travelled to a particularly dangerous place, but I can feel the difference in my body when day to day I get slightly on edge about something… For example if I’m ever worried about bumping into someone that really doesn’t like me at school, saying something wrong in a presentation or that something will get stolen in the PE changing rooms I work myself into a state of anxiousness where I can (in extreme occasions) totally go into my head, and lose all connection with my body.

      2. I can relate Susie, it does not take big dangerous circumstances to work myself into a state of anxiousness, it can be every day situations when I so choose to go there.

    2. Beautifully said Susie, we actually do have a choice whether to succumb to emotions or to remain clear, and that we are powerful in a way that most do not realise – or rather choose not to be aware of, because of the responsibility that would come with such awareness.

    3. This is a great point made here Susie, the holding steady with ourselves is huge. And Luz experience is a perfect example of that.

    1. Absolutely Elodie and in this blog Luz reminds us..”just a steady observation and deep understanding of a past choice that came from a past hurt.” What a great key and tool to remember.

    2. Yes Elodie – it is time not to hold back and to show our beauty – anywhere, any time.

  263. Luz the title of your article is such a great question and it caused me to come to the answer that we can connect to the Ageless Wisdom anywhere because the ageless wisdom comes through a persons body. In saying that I would imagine that it would be much harder to connect to it in a war zone or indeed any environment where there was a lot of emotion running through the body as it feels to me that the body is a better conduit when it is in harmony.

  264. Beautiful blog Luz. I loved reading this and feeling that it is a choice to go away from my loveliness when I feel hurt or uncomfortable but also to understand that I why have done this in the past and not judge myself for it. I am learning lots from this blog, thank you.

  265. Luz, thank you for such a beautifully vivid description of your outer and inner landscape. I love this paragraph which sums up what we feel when we connect back to ourselves – ‘Realising that my emptiness is not all that is there for me to work with in this life, I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. This feels like the greatest treasure I have ever been given.’ Beautiful!

  266. Luz, it is truly amazing to connect the fact that everything we ever need or want is already within us – the answers lie within, the knowing of exactly how to handle a situation, and to deal with things that happen around us. It is just a question of us taking a stop moment and giving ourselves permission to feel and be honest about how we feel. One step at a time, just like you did in the taxi. Thanks you for this gorgeous reminder.

    1. I agree Henrietta, and what you say expands on this article for me by clarifying the necessary choice and process that is needed when we fall into this sticky web of self-destruct and self degradation. I am most appreciative having read this blog coupled with your comment, as I could really relate both deeply.. “It happened when I was a young girl and I chose misery and desolation because I was feeling deeply victimised for what was taking place at that time. Strangely I got to see how I chose this, which raised my next awareness: that it was a choice, but it is not actually who I am. It has looked like me before, because that is what identification and the comfort of familiarity have made me believe.” I can relate to having many of those moments when I was just a little girl-and can see how I can still resort to that choice of victimisation regularly, if I so choose it.

      1. Irena you have brought up a memory for me by sharing the line ” I chose misery’. I remember choosing with a particular boyfriend to get ridiculously upset often. The totally mad thing about it was that it was so fabricated that I would make myself cry longer by thinking of upsetting things on purpose in order to keep my tears going ! How clearly does this indicate that I was choosing to be upset ?

      2. Feeling sorry for ourselves (the victimisation) only leads to wallowing and a disempowerment. Of course it is important to let ourselves feel how we might have been hurt by another’s actions or perhaps our own choices, but should we stay in the hurt then we are just holding onto it to justify not moving on and we turn our back to the learning that is offered in each and every situation. There is after all, never a right or a wrong, there is only ever a learning from our actions and choices.

    2. Thanks Henrietta, this understanding could turn the world of education, and the world itself on its head. If we could learn this and bring up our young, living in a way that allowed them to trust their own guidance and grow in true confidence, how different would the world be.

      1. Great point Annie – our youth enter the world of education and get told they know nothing and that this has to be built up for them through school. But how different would it be if they entered the so called world of education to be told that everything they ever need to know is already within them, they just have to learn the basics of reading and writing and numbers to support them in expressing and sharing the amazing knowing that they already hold. Very cool!

  267. This was such a great sharing Luz and such a great lesson for us all in reminding us of the power we possess to come back and connect to the enormity of who we are at any moment and address any disheartening environment inside or outside of ourselves from the awareness this connection provides. It is so gorgeous your visit to San Victorino supported you to see this and confirm the power of surrendering to love.

  268. Anytime, any place, any where we can re-connect to that wisdom and ‘powerful inner-most way’. It is within everyone regardless of your colour, religion, gender, nationality or age.

    1. Absolutely, shevonsimon. It is totally ubiquitous. It is so simple our connection is just a gentle breath away.

    2. Absolutely Shevon and it is the opposite choice to this…”I had at times been very serious, disconnected and negative about myself, my role in a situation, in a relationship, and my place in the world.” This is one very old and familiar, well worn choice which does not serve me any longer, as it was the choice I made from a place of making myself less than and not claiming my true power. It is time to put it to rest for good.

    3. Beautifully said – wisdom that is within us all and only a (true) breath away at all times.

    4. So true shevonsimon, this connection is something we can all achieve regardless of who we are or where we come from, it is simply in making the choice to come back to ourselves.

    5. Yes, I agree, once we are connected, we are connected with everybody and everything, no matter of skin color, language and all the other points you have mentioned.

  269. Wow Luz, very inspiring and full of wisdom. We can certainly connect to our soul wherever we are, regardless of the conditions of our surroundings we have a choice to connect or to disconnect. I love how every situation brings an opportunity for us to evolve and unravel past emotions we’ve not dealt with. Your awareness was amazing and willingness to surrender and connect soulfully was deeply inspiring.

  270. Luz, the way you express in this blog feels like your singing a melody with your words and the flow that I feel from them, touches me deeply. You took me with you and I too felt a letting go and realization within me. Thank-you so very deeply, absolutely divine.

    1. What a beautiful description Julie. I was ‘stopped’ by so much in this incredible blog as well. Particularly this section, “these emotions and old patterns were about finding ways to sabotage and be hard on myself.” This is a major mode of behaviour I have got to let go of now by taking fuller responsibility to ‘be love’ with myself and others.

      1. If we keep choosing to come back to ourselves/love in that spherical way, there is no need to let go and try, as that very choice to come back basically does it for you. Your love Irena, is amazing.

  271. Absolutely gorgeous Luz. A powerful reflection of the power we walk with when we are connected to our Love, to our Soul, to God. It is so true that when we choose to connect to the steady qualities of Love that we all are within, we have the strength and confidence to expose and let go what is not of Love and as such deepen our connection to the wisdom of Love that awaits us all. I love how you chose to reflect on why you were reacting to a particular part of the world and chose the feel and see what your part was in this. Our hurts lived creates a world of darkness and separation, one that we truly do not want to live in. The way you have embraced healing these hurts is inspirational Luz, bringing light to the darkness within and so without. A true blessing you are everywhere you may go reflecting to all that there is another way to live.

    1. That was beautiful to read Carola. It is hard to resist love when we truly start to let that light shine out. It is infectious and we are all so thirsty for it.

  272. Taking a moment to stop and feel what is being presented before we move into the next “thing” – be it a different situation, a meeting with people, going to bed, whatever – and check in with ourself, how our body is feeling, is very powerful as you have so clearly shown here Luz. It gives us space to move forward with a clear intention and purpose and to get rid of any old patterns, momentums and pictures we might be holding about what the next “thing” is going to look like.

    1. Wonderful expressed Simone – to stop and feel is often so important, otherwise we get lost in the doing.

  273. ‘I felt protected and at ease in my beautiful body.’ This is astonishing… I have known many people who have migrated from countries where they didn’t feel safe and discussed the daily trauma they experienced living in these places. It is so empowering to hear your account of this day and how you created a safe space for yourself in among such a tough environment.

  274. On reading your blog Luz, I have a deeper appreciation for the importance of continually developing and appreciating the quality of our inner foundation – “….how lovely I’d been feeling lately in my awareness, my wisdom and my daily commitment to connect to a true purpose in life”. In the moments where we are challenged and feel triggered by our past hurts, lulling us into a distorted view of ourselves and the world around us, it is the quality of our inner foundation that determines how quickly we are able to return to the truth and the wisdom of the body. It determines our ability to ‘be like a fish in the ocean and not get wet’ in any given moment.

  275. Amazing Luz. The experience you share shows how important it is to allow ourselves to feel what is going on when things go off track. You also show that we can create true harmony within our bodies absolutely anywhere if we are willing to surrender to our divine essence.

  276. Luz, this is super interesting, ‘the more I allowed myself to be there, observant, very much in touch and at ease with myself and my body, the more I was able to confirm the connection to something deeper that was guiding me well. I have had this feeling before, that if I do not react and contract to situations that feel uncomfortable, and instead I observe and stay present then I feel great, such a different feeling.

  277. Thank you Luz, again your insights are always very powerful. This one today shows how when we have the marker of who we truly are, we can know that the emotional ‘fog’ that comes in is not us, and so do not need to get caught in the spiral. We can observe that it is something we have taken on in the past, and it is there for us to learn from until such time as it is able to clear.

  278. This is great Luz and i love your analogy with inside ourself and the outside reflections that are happening and the reactions this sets up . It is a sabotage from our old patterns when we find the love we are inside and connect to this and you offer a real reflection and knowing of our power to simply re imprint new ways to be in our stillness and connection in whatever situation to keep coming back to. Beautiful and very confirming of who we really are and how we can choose to live.

  279. I had a similar experience yesterday when I went to the cinema, with a friend. In, the past I have had a mixed relationship with cinemas in that I had my first panic attack sitting in a crowded cinema. Since then I always sat in an aisle seat so that I could get a quick exit if I got anxious. Yesterday at the cinema, it was crowded, we were in the middle of the row, and I wasn’t particularly that into the film. So I took it as an opportunity to observe and be with myself while not absorbing what was around me. It was a great experience because I didn’t get anxious and even though it felt very dense in there with lots of emotions flying about, it didn’t get to me. It really felt like I had re-imprinted how I can be in what used to be claustrophobic situations.

  280. Thank you so much Luz, for what you have shared and so beautifully precise conveyed here! I felt excited, when I read your blog, because of the depth and beauty of the truth you have revealed here, through the experience of walking in San Victorino. I can relate to what you have said, that the try to not feel what is coming up, wishing to fix it quickly, wanting to get away from it, doesn’t allow me to go in the required depth to really record the whole and transform a situation. Allowing myself to observe and being aware of everything inside and outside, is liberating and supports me to be connected. With me, the situation and everyone. It is true beauty in what you have shared here.

  281. Luz thank you for the wisdom and livingness you have shared. The marker you now have is a marker that you have offered to everyone. That familiar density of misery and desolation is something I also choose and think it is me…. but because it is such a drop in mood and such a big emotion to have to some ‘little’ situations in life, it can stop me in my tracks and go ‘what is that about?’. I can see for me how it comes back to my perception of ‘failure’, so anything that I feel I have failed at, this familiar emotion of despair is there for the picking. But as you have so brilliantly and wisely shared Luz, it is dealing with the window in which these are allowed to slip in time and time again. This is such a powerful teaching, thank you!

  282. An absolute joy to read and reflect on your experiences here Luz. There is certainly nothing more harsh and ugly than this in many parts of the world but we still ultimately have a choice for the quality we choose to be in it. It struck me as I read this that the raw and realness of a place like this is actually very beautiful in many ways too as we do have this same evil going on in many rich places too, yet it is hidden, masked and unseen which feels even more destructive and painful than the situation where this mess is clearly seen.

  283. You have shown us clearly Luz, that there can be no victims, it is simply a choice we make to be that or not.

  284. Luz, I love this sharing, it deeply resonates, and will do for anyone who has experienced a time where nothing external to their body was able to sway them emotionally or negatively influence how they felt. I have experienced that on quite a number of occasions and it is very life affirming to know that we all have a choice to connect to that stillness and that loving streadiness as and when we wilfully decide to.

  285. Thank you Luz for showing how simple it can be to let go of emotions or patterns of behaviour that aren’t really true to who we are deep inside. Love how you said – “I don´t need to fight them, nor do I need to feel bad for having chosen them.” It’s ok to feel them as then we can truly let them go, no trying, just recognising that they aren’t a true part of us and so don’t need to buy into them or feed them.

  286. I can see how I have a few ‘San Victorinos’ in the form of places, but also situations and people that I choose to avoid because of the uncomfortable reaction they trigger in me. How you dealt with your experience in San Victorino is a great learning, and facing something you are fearful of I see can be a catalyst for change, especially in areas where you may have held yourself back.

  287. My parents lived in South America for a time and I have travelled there, so I can appreciate your hesitation in going to a rough part of the country in order to collect some items for work. I am inspired by your dedication and commitment to remain steady despite what is going on around you and with that you will have brought the most beautiful reflection to all the people you crossed paths with in the city. What a blessing those people had that day to pass you claiming who you are.

  288. Luz, through allowing yourself to feel the misery you were in and not to fight what was happening you were presented with a beautiful revelation. For me this sentence is huge ‘Some memories even came to me at this point and I recalled the moment I created this window.’ as it gave you the very entry point of your misery that needed healing and armed with this wisdom you were then able to hold yourself in the rough environment that was surrounding you. For me this is deeply inspirational as it means that I also have this ability to feel the route cause of my emotions. Thank you for writing such an accessible blog of your unfolding.

  289. Out of curiosity I looked at the place you mentioned on Street View and wow. At times I have experienced such chaos on the inside but the way you approached the whole thing – both the inside and outside experience is nothing short of amazing and at the same time so simple. Two gems I am going to take away from this first reading of this blog are “I don´t need to fight them, nor do I need to feel bad for having chosen them.” and “I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.” Thank you Luz.

  290. Luz, you are an inspiration. ‘I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love. ‘

    There are places I react at the thought of going to, both within and in the external world. But the beauty of life is that circumstance will arise asking me to go there knowing that’s where great healing is if I to choose to be open and observe.I can allow myself this grace, to trust, to stay with my body’s wisdom -its particles that are the same as the universe’s – to not just harden and stay in my head trying to solve issues.

    Luz, what a beautiful reminder your sharing is to give myself this same chance to stay with whatever is there presenting itself for healing.

  291. And no matter where we are in this world, this treasure needs to be taken and lived. Every corner of this planet needs a loving imprint of the light of our soul.

  292. Our innermost being is the greatest gift and treasure, without any doubt at all Luz. I love these words you wrote because the more we experience living in connection the more I realise it’s not about me, but everyone else, but I have to live with this love first and through the care and nurturing I bring to me, I then bring to everyone else.

  293. I can relate to the hardening you talk about when faced with something you don’t want to accept. I am realising how debilitating this can be, and how it is a pattern I have gone into for much of my life. Being aware of your body then is so very important, as you were able to catch yourself and not harden again when you got out of the taxi. It is very empowering to be able to express the following – ‘I was walking in acceptance of everything I saw,’ and I would add to that also being in acceptance of everything we feel, to then get to a place where we can accept and observe without absorbing.

  294. I find this blog super interesting – years ago before I started to make changes to the way I live my life I was often out in the ‘night life’ of wherever I was and I had developed a way that worked for me then of navigating through and keeping trouble away, despite some of the not so good situations I found myself in. More recently I have been in the situation where I have decided to go for a short walk in the early evening which because of where I live means walking in the start of the ‘night life’ again. Having dropped the hardness, posturing and attitude I used to carry as tools to deal with this in years gone by I initially felt exposed and vulnerable, I was in reaction also and closed to feeling what was around me. Going back to taking a gentle breath allowed me to return to my own connection to me as I know I am and to open to what I could feel. I realized that I was in judgement of those around me and was projecting this to them. I let go of this easily as I understood my own actions in similar situations to theirs and found acceptance and understanding for what I could feel.

  295. What a journey Luz, holding onto yourself when all around you reflects otherwise. I’ve had similar experience too, when ..’All the amazing teachings I’ve received from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine all of a sudden made deep sense; that we are truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves..’ Powerfully we can suddenly access the teachings in our own bodies, it’s beautiful.

  296. Luz, I was so interested and inspired to read your sharing of this experience. There’s loads here which I find inspirational but what I’m really impressed by is your commitment to truly feel and stay with the discomfort of your hurts, which then provided the key to your unfolding awareness and true healing. It’s way too easy to stay shut down and go into the familiar habitual old patterns and reactions in order not to ‘go there’ or feel our hurts. You’ve beautifully demonstrated that when we are willing to stick with the facts and take notice of our body, we can drop the facade and the identification leaving us free to feel and experience the total divinity that is there within and around us – beautiful.

  297. What a great example, if you can do it in San Victorino, it gives much hope for the rest of us in parts of the world that don’t have that ugliness ;).

    However when we define ugliness in an energetic sense it is something that imposes upon you. So if you were to step into a university that would be ugly because everything in there is asking you to conform (imposing).
    No matter the ugliness, as seen in this blog, we can and have the right to accept and be ourselves in every way.

    1. Very well said Luke, it’s the expectation and demand that we conform to something we are not, that is ugliest thing of all — and this can be in a place like San Victorino or somewhere much more amenable and attractive, it doesn’t matter. It’s what makes people want to run, escape and hide and it’s one of our deepest hurts that we try and numb out with all sorts of distractions and vices in life. To be in an environment where we are not imposed on is rare, but it’s certainly what I have been inspired to know and feel is possible at every single Universal Medicine event I have been to, and every time I have been around Serge Benhayon.

      1. Agree there are not many non-imposing location currently in operation in our world. Setting up a nurturing home environment is a good start because then you always have some where to return to gain your bearings once more.

  298. Luz thank you for sharing this experience that shows us clearly that we can choose to observe and allow ourselves to be held in steadiness or to succumb to old emotional patterns. You’ve set a new marker for yourself and inspired me to realise that with consistent practice I can support myself when an old pattern arises.

  299. I loved this Luz, how you observed yourself observing what was going on around you and not once dropping into absorbing any of what you described. The teaching of observe and not absorb is certainly a gem given by Serge Benhayon.

  300. Luz, i love the way youve captured this. i love the way we can find that real insight when we can go to that place of stillness and find the truth of what is really going on. it really highlights that everything is energy and how the way we feel has a real effect in our everyday life.

  301. Dear Luz, you remind us how simple it is to reconnect back to the feeling and sense of what it truly is to feel ourselves. This is not only profound but very revealing to us as we all know the possibility and opportunities that present.

  302. “I know now that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.” Yes yes and yes Luz. Your name means light after all! Staying with ourselves and ‘observing not absorbing’, as presented by Serge Benhayon, is the way to go. Understanding , not judging – two fundamentals I am also working with at present. Thanks Luz for an inspiring blog.

  303. Yes Luz, it’s very powerful when we realize that we are not the emotions we are feeling and that we can choose to let them run us or choose to stay connected to the love and joy in our body. Well done for not giving in to the emotions that wanted to come in and for staying steady and with yourself even though you didn’t want to be there. And what a great realization “that there has always been a powerful, inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.”

    1. Yes Sandra, agree…. what you share here Luz is a great example of how it’s always a choice we can make; we are not victim to our emotions, but the master behind them really. The moment we say yes to ourselves and no to the emotions running rampant, we return to the solidness and steadiness of the love we are.

    1. Agree Marcia, living yoga amongst all the commotion, motion and madness — that is what the true purpose of you is — to be in union with ourselves wherever we are.

      1. Exactly Katerina and there is no greater reflection than that! Points of light walking here on earth.

  304. Luz i have always appreciated your writing and your ability to so clearly dissect and bring understanding to certain experiences that are relatable for all. I particularly love this blog in reference to where you live. It was like being transported with you and walking your steps so I too now have a marker. Thank you

    1. I agree Marcia, Luz’s writing is transformational and offers the opportunity to feel the marker she has discovered within herself. The power of inspiration is beyond our wildest imaginings.

      1. And what I love about inspiration is that those we are inspired by have indeed built a platform which we can choose to step onto and be supported by if we are willing to commit to our own healing. No-one can do that for us but if we do commit, then those who have gone before us have left a rock solid foundation on which we can start to build our own which will serve to support those inspired by us.

  305. Luz, I love the awareness of the fact that the outer environment was a reflection of your inner environment. The struggle, the poverty and the desolation feeling the same both in and out. It shows us that anything around us that we do not like, or struggle with, is purely a mirror for our own healing. It is awesome that you were able in this case to see it all so clearly and allow yourself to feel it so it could clear. And the consequence was that your outer environment could then not touch you. A great story, thank you.

    1. Great comment Rebecca. It’s an awesome reminder for me to be aware when I react to any situation or people, it means there is something there for me to work on. To ask myself why am I reacting and what is it bringing up for me to feel and heal?

    2. “It shows us that anything around us that we do not like, or struggle with, is purely a mirror for our own healing.” It’s so powerful to approach life in this way. Everything becomes an opportunity to let go of our old patterns and hurts, and for us to evolve when it is seen as a mirror.

  306. I always enjoy a blog written by you Luz – full of insight, love and wisdom inspiring me to question myself and my beliefs more.

  307. Luz when you said ‘“All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are,’ I really got to feel how the body acts like an anchor. When we are not connected to the body we become adrift and can literally end up anywhere.

    1. Yes, I agree Jonathan, it is deeply empowering to stay connected with ourselves no matter where we are or who we meet. To consistently stay connected to love, stay open we experience miracles and are able see the beauty is still within us and around us.

  308. Luz what a fantastic template you have created for yourself. You now know how to deal with your tension in any future situations.

    1. I agree Lindell, walking with awareness makes a big difference. What I also found was becoming aware of all the love around me makes a big difference, then even unhappy places do not disturb that connection to all the surrounding love.

  309. Thank you Luz, another powerfully lived example of the teachings of Universal Medicine and proof that all it takes is one solid experience like yours to show us how to deal with all those “disheartening environments outside and/or inside of myself.” How we choose to deal with the emotions and defensiveness that arises in situations like this makes the world of difference and once again you show us that we can make a 360 degree turn if we simple stay with quality of our breath and keep our hearts and bodies open. It is quite a miracle to re-visit these places and to leave behind a light and loving impression that supports not only us but all those who cross our path.

    1. Yes, rowenakstewart, Luz has shown us how simple it really is to deal with all those “disheartening environments outside and/or inside of myself”. It is great to deal with all those emotions etc. that arise when places that challenge us, like for Luz, San Victorino, bring up all the old hurts and emotions that we had buried long ago. I agree it is wonderful to re-visit these places that bring up these emotions and clear our path with our light, which leaves an imprint for those who follow, as well as clearing our own path.

    2. I agree Rowena, there is no place that the simple yet powerful teaching of Universal Medicine cannot be Lived. It reminds me that no matter how dark and dingy a place one finds themselves in, the Light of the Soul washes over all of that, allowing Joy to be the leading Light… and all it took was the choice to connect to a love that lives innately within all of us.

      1. I just love what you have said here Donna: “that no matter how dark and dingy a place one finds themselves in, the Light of the Soul washes over all of that, allowing Joy to be the leading Light”. Such wise words to remind ourselves of often; words to light our way out of any dark corner.

  310. Luz, I simply loved how you recognised your reservation and brought it back to the hurt from where it came. This is an amazing amount of awareness to be able to do this in the moment you are feeling the reaction. Then you beautifully felt and continued by trusting in your power. I love it. Thank you.

  311. A super amazing sharing Luz. I love it. Thank you. We are truly so so powerful as you have clearly appreciated and claimed here on your writing. An inspiration for many !

  312. Luz you have offered much to contemplate in this blog. I can relate to not wanting to feel or see the pain and chaos that is around, and so will also avoid going to certain places in my neighborhood. You have linked that clearly to certain parts of ourselves that we don’t want to look at. Pretending we don’t feel is a recipe for disaster, and you have shown us how being open to what is going on eventually leads us to a place of deep acceptance of ourselves and others.

  313. Reading your blog, I could feel how much I give my power away to my pet-hates and hold them as something that would stop me from living who I am in truth. If I see them as my liability, I feel the burden, I do not feel the joy of being me. These days I do far less, but identifying with old hurts and emotional patters used to have the similar grip on me as well. It is easy to forget my responsibility starts and ends in simply committing to being me knowing how powerful, and not to take others’ choices and outer world personal.

  314. Beautiful and magical, Luz. Allowing space for what I perceive as failure and imperfection in myself and in the world, and accept them as the necessary ingredients of evolution is something that I have been learning as well. Knowing the truth of who we are is one thing, but we can’t jump from this rather messy reality of our world and personalities to the truth of Heaven in one go. What you say about pretending is just spot-on as well.

  315. Luz, what a great sharing. It is inspiring to feel how you managed this situation so well by not absorbing the emotions around this, feeling into your body and using the Gentle Breath. When we are able to come back and feel into our innermost we are given all the support we need to manage these situations and your story absolutely highlights this.

  316. What stood out for me Luz is your willingness to see the rot and choose not to react, and as a result a deep healing was able to take place. From reading this blog I can see how this can apply to any situation we have in life which we perceive as a threat.

  317. I love this blog Luz – it was super to read. The practical approach you took to feeling into the tension in your body and realisations this lead to, coupled with the resultant effects it had on your body is a totally gorgeous example of how we can take responsibility for ourselves. In so doing you brought a grace to the streets of a heavy city that is still there and will be there for all for all time.

  318. Deeply instructive blog in how to allow ‘for something greater within me to show me the way back to true awareness and wisdom’, in ‘disheartening environments outside and/or inside of myself.’ I like the point you make about life not being just about working on our emptiness and focusing on getting out of our negative. More life-changing for our selves and for others around us is to develop our greatest treasure – ‘the inner-most way of being inside us that can guide us all past our deep hurts and back to Love.’

  319. You blow me away yet again Luz, your knack of getting to the heart of an issue is astounding. This blog reminded me how often I go into things that haven’t happened yet and probably won’t, instead of just staying with myself and exploring why I maybe feeling that way. It just goes to show we need to honour how we feel and face it and not bury how we feel.

  320. This is a beautiful reminder, thank you Marika. I sometimes get caught up in feeling like I can’t be myself due to my surroundings, however this is not true. It is purely a choice that I make.

  321. Spot on for me too, Marika. I simply love and appreciate your comment: “Knowing that in every moment I have the choice and power to live a loving life, regardless of what is going on around me, is a truly empowering way to be and live.”
    Regardless of what is going on around me, regardless of the choices I made in the past and the life I lived up until that moment, I can make a new choice any moment.

  322. yeah it is much easier to accept that life is where it is at, instead of fighting where it is at, which was my modus operandi. There is much to accept and understand that is all there for us when we are willing to make the choice as Luz has shared.

  323. Luz another brilliant blog in which you are able to offer a something to the world that is very much needed. How through our own lack of self love we are able to prejudge situations before we have experienced them and how this can cloud what is about to unfold. You used the word ‘defeat’ a few times and I could relate to how we can give in to the negative thoughts from our past experiences instead of seeing it as something to be re-visited and healed.

  324. I have the same experience Luz, in a city that is known for being a bit heavy, rough and lots of drug and alcohol, but the more I felt the people and their sensitivity the more I grew to love the place.

  325. Thank you Luz, this is a very healing article and one that reminds me of how simple life really is and how complicated we can make it. Returning to our bodies and surrendering is something I am working on deepening at the moments and keeping playful also so to not go into my head which has been a default button I have used much in the past. So an inspiring article to keep moving forward with this.

  326. I love your writing Luz and settled in for your sharing, much like you describe open, accepting free from hardness and ideas. It is a very timely read as I have just struggled with something and not been willing to look at the dark places, and it has resulted in great tiredness! Time for a gentle walk through the streets of my San Victorino!

    1. Yes ‘a gentle walk’ is the way to go Vanessa! I love this point, as I can often drudgingly walk with my back against the wall, like trying to keep it as separate to me as possible as I have judged feeling these dark places as me… instead of feeling and seeing it all clearly and being gentle in my reconnection to what is me.

  327. The ability to be exquisitely you and only you wherever you go, whatever happens around you, has got to be one of the most amazing abilities on this planet… and it’s simply a choice.

  328. This blog is a demonstration of any time, any place, any how we have the choice to change and take charge of our body thus meaning that what we then experience is different in any situation. Thank you Luz for the ever inspiring practical examples you openly share.

  329. “a choice to adjust the type of quality I move and walk with.” – Our thoughts are a reflection and direct impact of the the way in which we choose to move – This is something I choose to connect to daily – the quality of my movements. For example if I am sitting slouched, walking with disregard – then my thoughts are the same and not aligned to love. Whereas if I am open, and joyous with my body, taking care, being aware of each move in a gentle way, with no rush, but harmony and love – then my thoughts are aligned to God.

  330. Luz this is a great and deeply inspiring blog. Giving yourself permission to stop, feel and observe the emotions that were running your body , is beautiful to read. How different things are when we come into conscious presence and awareness – then our presence is powerful. Having re-connected to the one-ness there is no reaction or separation from anyone or any situation. The power of Love is mightier than any form of protection.

  331. “There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us.” this is music to my ears – it feels amazing to live this way and I know it to be true, thank God for Serge Benhayon, living and presenting this – it changes and has changed everything.

  332. “it was a choice,” it is that simple, a choice to choose love or not – I had the same experience yesterday, my bathroom doesn’t quite equate to the streets of South America 🙂 – but none the less the same choice was made – to choose love and not allow an old pattern to play out.

  333. An amazing experience Luz. What you share here shows me how we are all so connected. You share how you choose to be in your body, come back to yourself and observe your surroundings rather than absorb. Isn’t it so that if we go into a situation with hurts of the past, with tension and with an expectation based on previous experience, then we are almost asking for that same experience to happen again, confirming how our body is in that moment. That is why other people and especially animals can sense the state of someone or something straight away and will respond accordingly. But for you to remain open and connected is to re-imprint any past situations and bring to it all of who you are. Amazing.

  334. Observing things for what they are, without putting any label on them, but to just be with them, without absorbing them, has been an enormous shift for me to be in life, and with life.

  335. Accessing the inner me, was the first thing I learned too, with the teachings and healings presented by Universal Medicine. Once we know how the true me feels, it is steady marker in all situations which arise and may be seen as difficult to handle. The awareness that any misery we experience is at first the choice to leave (separate) from me within. Getting aware of this then allows me to connect again and not let the outer overwhelm me.

  336. And I would add a resounding YES to that one, our Soul is everywhere, it never leaves us, and once the choice is made to re-connect to our Soul, it comes closer and everyone benefits from the light it brings wherever we are. Pretending that we don’t feel something is dishonouring of the body and keeps the door closed to true healing, I have learned that it is okay to feel what we are feeling, even if it doesn’t feel good, because it’s not until we feel it that we can dig deeper and heal it.

    1. Of course the Soul is everywhere. It has to be as we each contain the possibility to connect to our own divine spark and live that. So yes yes yes from me too.
      Our souls will be where ever we chose to go if we are also choosing to walk and live with it emanating from us.

    2. To confirm and add to this Sandra, it is our honesty that lights the way to the true power of healing.. Only from honesty do we begin to truly uncover and expose that which is not us allowing truth to shine through with that which we are. The light of the Soul, our Soul is awaiting our re-connection to it and this we can choose however far we may think we have been away from it.

    3. True Sandra – blocking unpleasant feelings doesn’t allow us to heal them in full. Approaching them with understanding and a willingness simply to see what might be underlying is key in allowing them to no longer be there.

  337. Luz, what an awesome marker you have set for yourself in knowing that you can bring yourself back to you in any given moment, and that it is indeed a simple choice to do so. I found your blog very inspirational, as I have similar feelings when I go to work. My place of work has a very heavy energy and I make this an excuse to drop and then sometimes feel drained at the end of the day, but I can see how by staying present and doing what you suggest it is up to me, by taking responsibility to not absorb what is around me, but to reflect who I am to the world and then the world will reflect the glory of who I am back to me. It’s no wonder that our mind does not want us to get the simplicity of how easy it is to make these loving choices for ourselves, because once we get it, it loses control and then emotions, tension and nervous energy don’t exist anymore!

    1. How complicated we choose to make things when we get ruled by our mind. When we re-connect to the body and give ourselves permission to feel what is going on within, however uncomfortable this may be, we reflect a totally different presence to be responded to by nature, people and the world.
      “I can see how by staying present and doing what you suggest it is up to me, by taking responsibility to not absorb what is around me, but to reflect who I am to the world and then the world will reflect the glory of who I am back to me”.

  338. Luz as others have shared the practical way you shared about how you handled this situation and how different this was from the past is great for us all to take into our everyday life. As you say “The moment I go into pretending I get into a state of contradiction where I start fighting a ghost without having acknowledged it first for what it is”. For me what stands out is to both be honest and open with what I feel and also not associate that I am all the discomfit or pain as doing so is a sure fire way to harden up and stay disconnected to everything.

    1. Great point David, focusing on who we know ourselves to be is what carries us forth in love while focusing on everything that is not truly who we are, like pretending, is just a story that we do not have to feed at all as it serves no-one.

  339. Me too Marika, it is so easy to get caught up in what is going on in the world and go into reaction and then either get depressed about it or go into mission mode trying o sort it out. But neither work and both involve simply seeing the picture without allowing for any understanding about what is actually going on. Universal Medicine has also been huge for me at helping me understand both myself, other people and the world so I can now observe life far more and not be in a constant state of reaction and anxiety, which I was pretty much in before.

    1. Understanding is such a massive word, and with it comes appreciation for the other person, the circumstances, the situation… and with appreciation comes an openness to any all.

      1. Well said simonwilliams8. The more we allow ourselves to understand and appreciate others the more open we are to others and are far less reactive, judgemental and critical.

  340. That is great Luz and goes to show that no matter what we may be feeling about a situation when we connect to ourselves we can overcome anything. And ultimately in any given situation we have a choice to respond or to react.

    1. When you put it that way, that in any situation it’s simply a choice to connect, then life is about connecting rather than all the bad things that may be going on around us, and that makes life so beautifully simple.

      1. I agree Meg, it sure does. It takes away all the pressure we put on ourselves. I have found usually we are our own worst enemies and can be so self critical both of ourselves and others. Yet when we take a step back and make life about connection everything, at least in my experience changes. A huge thanks goes to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for helping me to reconnect to this natural way of living.

      2. Yeah – stopping self-criticism especially when you’ve massively messed up can be so hard, ultimately though if we make it about connection and what we have to learn the situation can be healed so much faster.

      3. Well said Meg, sure we can mess up and make mistake but we are here to learn and not to be perfect. As long as we learn and evolve from our mistakes then they are invaluable lessons learnt supporting us to live more of the love we naturally are.

      4. Yes I agree life can be beautifully simple though it is during the times we give power to our mind and past experiences that we try to complicate it and connection is lost. Luz and many others share in the many comments how we always have a choice.

    2. In every situation, ultimately we do have a choice. This is our free will, that which is on offer for everyone equally and when we choose to respond with understanding and unreservedly within ourselves (even if we reacted first!) we are truly allowing ourselves to ‘just be’ in the world more and more; this way of moving, of living is deeply healing for the whole planet.

      1. It sure is Cherise. And it is something the more we remember and connect to the more understandable life becomes. No longer can we say that we are simply at the mercy of what is going on around us, we cannot blame anyone or anything, rather can take responsibility for ourselves and our lifes.

    3. I love this James, reminding us all that we have a choice in any moment and in any situation we find ourselves in. It is certainly wonderful when the teachings of Serge Benhayon support us to not be in reaction to what is going on around us.

      1. I agree Sally, the support Serge Benhayon has given us all to understand what is actually going on in the world with others and with ourselves has been huge. I used to be pretty much in a 24/7 state of anxiety, in constant tension finding it hard to be in this world, that is before I met Serge Benhayon and became both a student of Universal Medicine, of myself and of Love.

    4. And that whatever situation we may find ourselves in, or wherever we may be is perfectly designed for us to see, learn and understand what we need to so we can move on, evolve and deepen our love if we so choose to.

  341. Luz you paint a vivid picture of the parallel between the the places we are reluctant to go both in the physical world and inside us. Staying connected to your inner light and love you were able to move freely in the streets steeped in disregard and be a beacon to all you met that there is another way to be wherever you are.

    1. This sounds like what they mean by the saying,”to walk through the world in a white suit without getting it dirty. When we don’t absorb the energy coming at us and don’t react or judge we do not get affected by it, we can just observe and be present with no need to control or change things.

  342. It is beautiful to be able to be so honest in feeling what is going on that it is possible to let it go and just be in every situation with our fullness, for which the environment we are in makes no difference.

  343. I love how you were able to stay present in yourself in a challenging and frightening area, Luz. It confirms to me that no matter where I am, in which situation I am, when I choose to be present I do not absorb and do not go into fear or anxiety myself, but stay confident and steady in feeling the love within me.

    1. Absolutely kristensaltzer15, fear and anxiety are at epidemic levels within society today and for a great presentation on how to bring about a huge shift in the levels of fear and anxiety, it is recommended by me to go do the course below! I have done it twice once in person and once online.
      Understanding Anxiety in Men – ONLINE COURSE

  344. I love the detail you include about acceptance here, Luz – even the acceptance of what we might call ‘negative emotions’ within you, which is something we are often trained to avoid feeling or to actually suppress such emotions. You share clearly how this level of acceptance allowed you to re connect with the Love underneath the emotions – that I find inspiring.

  345. This is the most detailed personal account of how to live ‘observe, don’t absorb’ I have read to date: thank you, Luz, for sharing a very practical, everyday example of how self confirming this way of living is and how it is entirely possible, even in challenging circumstances.

  346. As you show me that clearly Luz we are that much more powerful than the most ugly place in the world. I know that too Luz, feeling uncomfortable in som area’s or cities, but it is all about our connection with the power in ourselves, if I am less connected I also feel les safe in where I am. Al what is internal is reflected in the external and it is the truth of that reflexion that makes me fearful for that places, as in reality the are not fearful at all but just a reflection of my undealt hurts I ignore to go to in that moment.

  347. Since my experiences within Universal Medicine, I have developed a marker similar to what Luz describes, of feeling light, lovely in my own presence and connected with a flow in daily life sometimes not affected by difficult circumstances. This marker has been so important, because without it, I would not have felt the drop into a more negative or emotional rollercoaster way of being instead it would be just a normal part of life. Seeing it is not normal anymore is great and I actually hear myself say, this is not me, this is not how I want to live. Then Luz describes a process of reconnection that is familiar, a return to me. This blog has helped me appreciate this change in my life and is a great allegory for those places we go.

  348. I had a pattern of needing to know everything as in what the issue behind every bit of hardness in my body relates to and would go in with a hardness to find the issue and tracing it back to its core origin, process it often being very hard and critical of myself throughout the process. These days I find feeling the muscles in my face brings me an awareness of how hard I have become in my body, by surrendering and letting go without judgment or trying to analyse what I am holding onto or what I need to process I feel all the tension release and my face soften with a wave of tension release throughout my whole body.

    1. Love that Margaret, that has helped me connect more with what Luz shared. I often have tension in my jaw and face yet can gloss over it as if it is always there so there is nothing I can do about it, rather than actually chose to relax and surrender the area.

      1. We have been disconnected from our bodies and using some of our coping mechanisms for so long we don’t realise we are doing them. The more we connect with our bodies the more we learn about ourselves.

  349. What a great Blog Luz. I can really relate to going into situations that have the potential of being unsafe and the importance of conscience presence and observing not absorbing others people’s emotions no matter how traumatic the event is for them. For me it is still important to park the car appropriately for a fast getaway if required and to case the place out for exits and possible unexpected events but first and foremost is me being present with myself and that is the one thing I rely on most the calming effect my couscous presents has on others.

  350. ” There is indeed a way to be without absorbing whatever is going on around us.” What’s great about this is that we have the continual choice to be steady within ourselves every moment of the day. We can make a different choice all of the time, to bring us back to our own connection. The power of choice is absolutely awesome.

    1. The power of choice, of free will and responsibility are all a true blessing. As is the fact that we are often over and over faced with similar situations and circumstances to support us to heal and face what needs to be faced lovingly so.

  351. Thank you Luz, a great account to read, and i loved how you recognised how the streetscape reflected the emotional turmoil previously you had felt, and that in choosing to be with you, to be connected to the all you are, how easy it was to walk through the streets. This is a grand real life example of the way to walk through life and all the twists and turns that come up.To walk with your heart.

    1. I loved this analogy too, it can very difficult walking through the landscape of our own hurts but when done with true compassion that comes with connection we no longer need to fear what previously had the power to haunt us.

  352. Luz what a great sharing and place to come to in your body and what a great inspiration for everyone. This shows how we can really be in our own power and self with out allowing the outside things to take us out and effect us. A Beautiful reflection.

  353. Thank you Luz for sharing this powerful experience. It is amazing how different situations bring things up for us and provide an opportunity for us to heal, if we choose to go there. What you have shared here is inspiring that it is worth going there to heal our hurts. The loving thing about this existence is that, if we don’t go there this time, we keep getting offered opportunities to heal.

    1. Beautiful Revelation Lee, “It is amazing how different situations bring things up for us and provide an opportunity for us to heal, if we choose to go there” this makes a lot of sense and if I consider how often I get frustrated and sad, well then I could choose to look at that maybe something is here trying to teach me something and instead I will be wiser and more knowing rather than stuck.

    1. So true Natasha, just reading this blog has been so uplifting and supportive to me right now.

  354. Thank you Luz for the detail of your observations of yourself and life. I appreciate your vivid descriptions of how you dealt with the false energy and detached from it, which had the corresponding effect of changing your experience of the density and heaviness of that part of the city. It’s great to confirm these types of experiences which then support us the readers in our own processes to align to truth and love.

    1. It liberates that part if the city and the people who live and work there too. I am learning that when I hold an attitude “against” I am condemning that person and place – keeping them down, keeping them in a prison from which they cannot escape.
      Ah! You might say, they are only thoughts. What can thoughts do? But thoughts have tremendous power. As an example, we all know when someone is thinking ill of us, no matter how nice and obliging they act.
      How do we escape such a truth? We cannot is the simple answer, but boy can we take responsibility for what passes through our head, and we can scrub clean our eyes so that they see without prejudice – the prison garb that our mind cloaks the world in.

      1. This is a great point Rachel how that area would also receive a healing from the quality in which Luz walks through the streets, So often we focus on why it is not possible to do or go somewhere and forget to value what we bring to any situation. Any light brought to places of denseness are a great value for all of humanity.

      2. I enjoyed reading your reflection Rachel, “it liberates that part of the city and the people who live and work there too”, what an expansive energy in those words. I agree we imprison people with our thoughts and our judgments and I can actually feel this, how those kind of thoughts narrow everything down and make things feel like cardboard cutouts and the richness, depth, vibrancy and multi-dimensionality of life is lost.

      3. I love the analogy of the cardboard cutout Josephine, how much we lose when we have pre-ordained an experience, or a person. We hold each other hostage with these judgements, and the potential for wonderment and amazement is lost. And what is this life when it is denied wonderment and amazement?

  355. I love this blog Luz, it powerfully shows that ultimately we always have a choice – to stay with ourselves through our connection to our body or to buy into our emotions and thoughts. I can see through your examples that no matter what situation we are in we can always come back to ourselves – how powerful that is.

    1. I agree Jade, this blog says exactly that – no matter what situation we are faced with the choice is always there to connect back to ourselves. So often, I go into blame or expecting things to be a certain way but it always comes back to a choice.

  356. Very interesting Luz how the analogy of how ‘desolate’ you had felt in the past was being symbolised or represented by the city area itself where you were asked to go back to (!) … and that when there is acceptance of oneself, there is so too the acceptance of what’s around us – reflecting our own state of being, which is always a choice as you share.

    1. Zofia I had an aha moment when I read your words ‘ when there is acceptance of oneself, there is so too the acceptance of what’s around us’. I have been pondering on moving from the town I am currently living in. Your words reflected to me my surrounds and how I have been using them to feel comfortable and not face my responsibilities. There is much to ponder on. Thank you.

  357. Luz, thank you for explaining this episode of your life, it can be a revelation that emotions and hurts from the past are in us but are not who we are – they are just extra baggage that we can let go of and become lighter and feel more of the love that we are.

  358. What an inspiring experience for you Luz which is also very inspiring for me as a reader. It has helped me to see where I have sometimes fallen into the trap of pretending that something uncomfortable isn’t happening in a kind of desperation to return to the steady sense of harmony I was feeling within myself beforehand. Of course this doesn’t work and so the negative spiral is set in motion where I start to have self doubts etc. and love feels like it’s a million miles away. Imagine if the world operated from the perspective that we all knew we were divine and that everything else was just a case of having ‘left a window open’. The understanding that it was a choice we had made to leave it open in the first place but that it can be easily shut, is very empowering.

  359. Whether it is the deep dense darkness within us or without, our enormous hearts can feel it all and allowing ourselves to simply feel (as it is the most natural thing for the heart). the depth of devastation and disturbance we feel and see reflected in the world is the devastation we have lived in disconnection with our true heart.
    In the past I have always questioned why I am placed in situations and places where a lot of grief and strife are present, although not always revealing, it is there. The truth is I chose to be there—and if I can simply be me and allow myself to feel all that I can, the desolation felt in these situations brings me back to the most intimate relationship I have with my heart and my body, the connection with myself.

    1. Many people think that ‘bad luck’ is happening to them, or ‘why me?’ but as you pointed out Adele ‘The truth is I chose to be there’. There is no such thing as luck but choice and constellations are real. We are the result of our own choices.

  360. “All I have to do is check in with my body, feel the muscles of my face, surrender, come back to my breath, stay open and observe things for what they are.” These words are gold and i’ll certainly be reminding myself of them when faced with any situation where I find I’m hardening , or feeling fear. Your description of the process of getting to the bottom of your initial feeling about the journey is so clear and a really useful resource for getting to the bottom of old hurts. Thankyou for this amazing writing Luz.

    1. I agree timburns62. A beautiful reminder of the strength and power in our body to overcome our hurts and mental constructs. When I am connected to me, there is nothing that I can’t deal with.

    2. Yes Tim I find these words are gold as well! It is rather simple to remain connected with oneself, it just takes a few simple choices and coming back to the markers in our body; breath, hands, face and how they are feeling etc.

    3. Yes timburns62, these words are absolute gold and can be applied so simply to any situation.

  361. Thank you Luz, your article is an awesome confirmation of the fact that we are all “…truly able to choose to connect and live from the steady qualities within ourselves to deal with our stuff, instead of the contradictory approach of the mind or getting into the messy stickiness of emotions.”. I am also familiar with the “messy stickiness of emotions” or the draining vortex that is so easily created when I allow thoughts to run un-checked. Your article was a beautiful reminder that it really is as simple as choosing to stop, to acknowledge that we each hold within a deep love and wisdom that we can reconnect to at any time.

    1. I can relate to that “draining vortex” too Hannah. It is such a blessing to know that the “unchecked thoughts” are not us – as Luz so beautifully described in her blog. I love that by developing conscious presence in each moment, I am able to be more aware of the thoughts that are so clearly not me!

      1. True Simone, the more present we are in each moment, the more we come to know our true selves – so much more than the “unchecked thoughts”.

  362. This is an amazing account thank you. I have heard many stories about the daily dangers of living in South America, by choosing to hold firm in you love you were supported even in this dangerous city.

    1. Same for me Abby and I found this a great example of how the outer will reflect the inner.

  363. Luz, What a great practical example of how being consciously present with our body and being willing to feel what it truly going on (including any unaddressed hurts etc.), can support us to ‘observe’ situations and not ‘absorb’. I know for myself I’ve particularly had the opportunity to put this into practise over the Christmas / holiday period as coming together with family at this time of year along with all of the expectations we have for it being a certain way, can be a trigger for many of these unaddressed hurts. Thanks for offering the inspiration for another way to be in these moments of tension and discomfort.

    1. These family get together’s during christmastime can be a place of discomfort indeed. But as you say they are only there to show us our undressed hurts, so another opportunity to work on them as our undealt with hurts are not us and are witholding us from being the love we originate from in full.

      1. Should have read this before Xmas! For the most part it was really good being with family but there were definitely things I didn’t want to feel or look at which resulted in some pretty poor choices on my part, dealing with those now, but it is great to have this blog to reference and re-read.

      2. To me that is the beauty of living an energetically responsible life Vanessa, that though we are learning and we don’t have to be perfect, living in this responsible way makes dealing with our poor choices a natural part of the life we have chosen for.

      3. Yes Nico your comment has made me reflect that whenever I am feeling uncomfortable, it is an opportunity to learn more about myself and grow by dealing with the hurt beneath that discomfort. Pretending its not happening, just leaves it undealt with and my experience has been that the same issue keeps resurfacing until you face it with an open willingness to discover and heal the root cause.

    2. I agree Angela, conscious presence is a way to stay true to ourselves and be aware, but not take on what is going on around us. Luz gives a beautiful example of this, very powerful.

    3. The power of observation is not to be discounted, it leads to a level of awareness that ultimately frees us from the prison of illusion.

  364. This is pure philosophy Luz, lived and breathed. This is the Livingness made manifest. As we condemn parts the world and our Brothers, so too do we condemn parts of ourselves. And visa versa. This is prison we make, and all of us are held captive behind it bars.
    The choice you made this day, liberating, glorious, is not just a marker for yourself. You have offered a marker for us all through the detailed teaching and wisdom in your words.
    For this I have nothing other than deep appreciation and gratitude.

    1. Yes Rachel I too feel appreciative and gratitude towards Luz as she is able to hold and walk the light in these places of darkness in the world.

      1. ‘I was walking in acceptance of everything I saw: the ugliness, the struggle of the human being as well as a shared vulnerability and potential in all. I felt protected and at ease in my beautiful body.’ … I love how Luz felt ‘protected’ in connection with herself, as she chose to enter San Victorino in full awareness and acceptance of her surroundings and with her divine glory.

    2. This is what I could feel too in Luz’s writing. There is a deep philosophical understanding of life that goes beyond our normal everyday thinking. Judging and condemning our Brothers is very much condemning ourselves, this is the discomfort and misery we feel and try hard to push down pretending everything will be fine. It is our judgement that is the cause of our misery and not the situation. When we stay fully with ourselves we can see the world for what it is without the need for anxiousness to cloud the bigger picture.

    3. I confirm and appreciate what you have expressed here Rachel; I love the way Luz makes it no big deal. This is the way we can choose to live every day —- in that amount of awareness, with no pat on the back or expectation of a reward. Immediately that would set us above others and the comparison and condemnation begin, and so we would fall into more and more contamination inside and outside. Affirmation yes, confirmation yes, and appreciation yes, but not seeking recognition. Then, like Luz, we can walk down a dangerous street untouched, in all the senses of the word. And if we also come to feel and know just how much love we are, we will bring a change to the people in that street, like an angel passing unnoticed, but felt.

    4. I see the prison I have made, know now what the bars are made of. They are not real, they are just labels I have put on myself that hold me captive, and I have allowed them to make difficulties where there are none. Luz’s wisdom is liberating.

      1. Great observation catherine. I too can see the prison I have made. What a silly little place to be locked up in whilst holding the key.

    5. Yes, so very true, what Luz is sharing very much shows how the inner reflects the outer and vice versa and I like what you point out Rachel, that in the end it always comes back to how much we accept the all and not just only parts of the all, be it in the world as such or with others or ourselves.

    6. Well said Dr Rachel Mascord. Condemning anything, be it others or situations, is like living in ‘compartments’ in our lives and even our bodies. This brings a feeling of separation from people and life. This self imposed prison festers away and fosters justification and judgment against another, as it is that which we do not want to see about ourselves. In this blog, Luz has shown another way with observing, not absorbing and bringing acceptance and appreciation to any situation is possible.
      “The choice you made this day, liberating, glorious, is not just a marker for yourself. You have offered a marker for us all through the detailed teaching and wisdom in your words”.

    7. It’s very true Rachel. And Luz also freed everyone around her from the prison they have created – through any choice to not hold themselves equally to the way in which Luz has described.

    8. “As we condemn parts the world and our Brothers, so too do we condemn parts of ourselves. And visa versa.” This is it Rachel, we can either choose to let ourselves out of our self-made prison of looking at all that is wrong on the outside by taking responsibility for how we are with ourselves first. And then we are more able to truly see what is going on in the world without our own clouded judgement.

    9. Beautiful comment Rachel and I shared you deep appreciation and gratitude for all that Luz has shared. The daily choices we make in our lives, the relationship that we have with ourselves, is the quality that we bring to and share with the world that we are in a constant connection and so relationship with.

    10. Brilliantly said Rachel, It is so true. If we are to truly live in Brotherhood no matter where we are, what condition our environment is in, when we choose to walk with an open heart, what we bring and reflect in incredible. We are part of this world, everything is connected to us and therefore what you’ve shared is great wisdom and truth. Thank you Rachel and Luz for your inspirational sharing.

    11. I agree Rachel, the Livingness of the words expressed by Luz provide a true teaching for us all.

    12. Beautifully said, Rachel … ‘As we condemn parts the world and our Brothers, so too do we condemn parts of ourselves. And visa versa. This is a prison we make, and all of us are held captive behind its bars.’ Love that you chose not to separate from the gorgeousness of you, Luz, taking your grace and beauty through San Victorino for all to feel.

  365. Luz, I love how the inner and outer landscape correlated in your experience (no coincidence of course), and I loved your approach to what you felt, acknowledge it, be honest about it and come back to and feel the body, and keep coming back to that. I feel how key this is, especially not giving any time or energy to castigating ourselves that we feel something as you note at the end of your blog, no matter what hurt is there, there’s a greater love underneath that allows us to be able to address it and be open to what we feel and what is around us.

    1. Hmm agree Monicag2, acceptance is not just about the things that have created hurt, but also the great things too from making choices. There is no separation with Acceptance, it’s all there to be – accepted, and in this perfection can be let go of from any self-critique, or judgment.

      1. What a great point Zofia, ‘acceptance is not just about the things that have created hurt, but also the great things too from making choices’. I get so fixated on the hurts that I am trying to heal that I forget to stop and honour how far I have come. What a great reminder. Thank you.

      2. Zofia your comment’s really helpful – acceptance I wouldn’t have said is something that comes easily to me so understanding acceptance is of everything without judgement allows for a deeper understanding of all things. The observing of life and allowing the bigger picture to be felt – rather than my reaction of my narrow vision of right versus wrong to dominate.

      3. Acceptance is so the key and indeed ‘it’s all there to be accepted’ once we come from that foundation we can observe what is going on, keep coming back to how it feels in our body and take the next step and the next choice to be love.

    2. This is awesome Monicag2 it beautifully summarises what Luz has shared in her article revealing that beneath all our hurts lies a choice to stay within them or come back to the love that we ultimately are. Acknowledging, being honest and coming back to feeling in our body are so important to heal these old ways of being that stop us from living and being the all that we are.

      1. ‘Acknowledging, being honest and coming back to feeling in our body are so important to heal these old ways of being that stop us from living and being the all that we are.’ Simple words but a profound summary of how we can be in the livingness.

    3. No coincidence indeed monicag2 that the inner landscape matches the outer landscape. I have found that nature and the built environment always offers me a point of reflection if I am open to seeing it.

      1. So true Lee, I too often see that my experiences out in the world and what I’m met with are a reflection of how I’m feeling inside. And so it shows me where I’m at by confirming the loveliness that I am, or showing me if I’ve stepped away from that, and when I have stepped away, it’s a choice – stay in it or not.

      2. And this is very empowering to observe Lee as it puts us in the driver’s seat so to speak – it’s always our choice.

      3. I agree Lee. The more honest and accepting I become, the more I see and understand which allows me to accept and see more.

      4. I agree Lee I have experienced this recently being treated not so right by people. It felt like a war zone constantly being beaten and fighting for what was true. What was important here was me claiming my truth by being utmost responsible for anything coming back to me even though it was not right or true for me. It required me to observe and stay connected and live in a way this was not able to come my way.

    4. Yes, I find that truly beautiful, Monicag2, the fact of there being an enormous well of love beneath our hurts that can resolve them with little or no effort, provided we surrender to that Love.

      1. Beautifully said Coleen. Surrender is the key …Luz had a clear choice…go into the anxiety of what she was asked to do, or surrender and accept what was there. Very beautiful.

      2. It is as if we often can’t accept that it is actually that simple and if you surrender with the willingness to see and be honest you can heal. It reminds me of the audio accepting your imperfections and grandness; the two go hand in hand.

      3. I agree Vanessa, surrendering is simple and yet we often don’t want to admit that to ourselves because then we won’t have an excuse to stay in the drama we’ve created!

      4. True Lucy “surrendering is simple and yet we often don’t want to admit that to ourselves because then we won’t have an excuse to stay in the drama we’ve created!”. It’s sabotaging ourselves. We can have it all at any moment, or choose to have bits or none at all. We rightly deserve it all!

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