God is Love

Today as I walked, I passed some people going from house to house, looking like they were door knocking or passing leaflets out to people in their homes. I felt them, and their purpose, was to spread the word about God to remind all that there is a God, or perhaps a way to God. I felt myself walking along equal to them, and all others, in my relationship to God.

I know God is as much in me as in all others, and in every piece of nature I walk past on this glorious September morning. 

I pondered on the fact that these people were out walking with their family on a Saturday morning going from door to door to tell people all about God, in their own way. On one hand I felt their dedication to this purpose, and on the other I know how some may react when door knockers such as these come around.

Now I don’t necessarily agree with the door knocking process, however sometimes we do need reminding that God exists. We may or may not accept this reminder, so what we choose to do with it is completely up to us.

I felt myself as being a reflection of God, walking around in everyday life.  

What does a reflection of God look like, you might ask? For some the concept of God being in human form may be hard to fathom, as there are many teachings espousing that God is external to us and as a figurehead to be revered – instead of inside each of us, equally so.

The qualities of God are unmistakable, and are actually in us all…

  • God is Love, in equal measure for all.
  • God communicates this Love in every word and detail of action.
  • God remains to Be Love, no matter the reaction of those who may not want to feel the reflection of this Love.
  • God does not allow abuse, in any form – which is anything that is not the absoluteness of the Love known to be.

From when we are born, we have and know the innate quality of Love. We know nothing but this Love until the people of this world show us otherwise. Unfortunately, due to the amount of lovelessness that abounds in our world, we get reflected this more often than not, and so as we grow, we can adopt this same lovelessness and abandon the Love we innately are.

It is important to know that we all started out knowing that Love: the above qualities of God are our most natural way of being and a way we can return to when we choose, allowing it to be.

These qualities are then there for us to reflect to all of humanity.

Reflecting God’s Love shows the world another way from the chaos and corruption that currently ensues. When we feel the power of this, we can feel the responsibility we have in living this Love, in whatever way we can.

We don’t need to door knock to do this. We can simply walk down the street knowing who we are and what we reflect – that is, God’s Divine Love.

Serge Benhayon with Universal Medicine, and all the people I meet on a daily basis, continue to support me in my unfolding and knowing of God, and the Love that we all are.

By Amelia Stephens

Further Reading:
Our Universal Relationship – Have We Checked our Inbox Lately?
The Word Love…
Love Letters and the Magic of God

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