There is no Right and Wrong in God

Judgment has been exposed to me recently as being a very ill and very ingrained condition we hold in our general way of thinking. In short, a moment stopped me in my tracks as I got to feel how evil it really is to judge another.

I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.

Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.

Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.

In my case, it can be seen through my facial expressions, my smile, which is not my full smile, and through my eyes, which are guarded and not fully allowing me to see the other person in full. It is also in my posture, which I realise now is often guarded as my shoulders are rolled in, keeping my heart closed. It goes to show that judgement can never be hidden!

Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.

Without any knowing of a right way to be, there cannot be any judgement as there is nothing to base the actions of another against. They cannot be judged ‘wrong’ as they are just what they are.

What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.

All are based on a perceived notion of what is right and what is wrong, never simply based on what is true. Some examples I have noticed myself using are:

Can I say that?”

“Is this the right thing to do?”

“Is this going to break some rules if I do this?”

“What will others think if I do this?”

“I should not have said that.”

Judgement is so insidious – I know I have often found myself not enjoying situations that I otherwise would have because of the weight of such thoughts over my mood and general state of being.

My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.

Then I realised, there is no right and wrong in God as there simply isn’t any judgment in Him. He is pure love so how can there be any right or wrong?

I was brought up through the Catholic Church and was taught their belief of sin; that we were saved from our sins with the coming and the death of God’s Only Son Jesus (Yeshua). This teaching does not, and never did, feel true to me.

The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do. God would never do this simply because He is Love, and He will always hold us in Love regardless of the behaviours we choose to live. After all how can a super loving Divine being ever cast judgement on anyone or anything if all He is, is pure love?

In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.

Rights and wrongs are a haggle, a debate, a justification that forms the basis of a judgment or an issue we hold about another personCrazy as it seems, without the rights and wrongs, there would simply be no judgements. For how can there be when there just is what is true and what is not?

Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.

Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment. Try to say the ‘right’ thing, and failing and judging ourselves for saying the ‘wrong’ thing, or not saying something when we should have, are examples where right and wrong never seem to get us anywhere. We can be as polite and well-mannered as possible but even then the riddle of right and wrong never seems to be mastered.

None of this exists when we speak from love and understanding and this alone proves the fact that right and wrong actually do not exist.

There is only what is true and what is not true.

If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.

As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.

Such behaviour is nothing more than rubbish, because as I am learning, it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.

God is accessible through nothing more than a True Loving Way of being with all: a way that I am learning is clearly laid forth through our re connection with our bodies, and the letting go of the held ideals and constructs that paint God as being some other way.

He is the supreme holder of love, offering us evolution out of our patterns, issues and creations so that Humanity returns to the One Whole, the Brotherhood we originate from.

Inspiration came from Serge Benhayon to write this blog. His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived, and this connection is felt in his every word and gesture. He has inspired me to reclaim my own Divinity and connection to God, the natural absoluteness I lived as a child.

By Joshua Campbell, 23, IT Professional, Tauranga, NZ

Further Reading:
True Reflection, The Way of The Livingness & The 5 Elements of God
Living Religion: A relationship with self, love and God

786 thoughts on “There is no Right and Wrong in God

  1. Gee this is so beautiful to read, thank you Joshua. I didn’t realise how much judgement I was in still because of the cloaking of it under right and wrong, including how I am with myself. You wrote “I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection” and I noted the word ‘committed’ and it reminded me of how we say ‘commit a crime’ or ‘commit a sin’, and it points to how serious and grievous we feel mistakes are and then allow them to dictate our worth, instead of being light about it and enjoying the learning process life offers.

  2. Understanding how appreciation works and that when we Live with True-appreciation, which is understanding that to be energetically appreciative, we understand that we are divine beings and so much more than physicality. Then our deep-humble-appreciative-ness eliminates any judge-ment

  3. There is no way to know what another person would think, and our judgement of what they think is usually a judgement we have on life, on us and others.

  4. It’s important that you say “through my eyes which are guarded and not allowing me to see the other in full”. Often we can go into the pity of guarding ourselves and thinking it is because the world is doing us wrong, so we ought to protect ourselves. But there’s another side to the coin like you have mentioned – we are distorting our perception when guarded.

  5. It startles me to know that other people can feel my every thought and movement. Although we may not be aware of it, although we may not register it consciously it is true that we are all feeling everything and there is no hiding. We have just agreed to play this game where we pretend we are clueless.

    1. Since we are all connected energetically, it makes sense that we feel everything and so there is no hiding.

  6. Judgments lock us into the game of comparison – right and wrong, good and bad, better and worse which effectively blinds us to the games actually at play.

    1. Quite evil games at play, to label another right, wrong, good, bad, or better, especially when we are all equal; what are we to judge or compare ourselves with another.

  7. I know for a fact that judgement feels awful in my body whether I express it to another or feel it coming back from someone it still stinks – this is enough evidence for me that it does not belong in the grandness of the universe and that God does not play ball with judgement.

  8. Beautiful blog Joshua and I can really see more clearly now how much of a set up it is to have a picture or notion of God as being judgemental for then it normalises and justifies us being judgemental with each other and with ourselves.

    1. Saying no to judgement is a loving step, ‘it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.’

  9. Right and wrong are substitutes for truth and untruth. There is a similarity between the concepts but no more than that and we can and do go badly wrong on mistaking one for the other.

  10. What I find fascinating reading this is how we create our own concept of God base on our own judgements; and of course this applies to everyone, so we have our view of the world and how we think it should or even shouldn’t be and then we assume everything else works from those views, so the foundation of all this is false, and it exposes how our want to get things right or not wrong is based on a false platform from the beginning.

  11. “There is only what is true and what is not true.” There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in truth, it just is. This is a powerful truth I have learned from presentations and life lived by Serge Benhayon.

  12. That right and wrong thing, it feels like a blob of interruption that comes in and stops truth from being received by the heart. It seemingly settles an argument by putting me in a certain position, but I am left unsettled.

  13. Judgment is so disallowing. It freezes us in a specific moment and in its flavour and gives no space for evolution.

  14. Reading through your blog today Joshua, it struck me how insidious right and wrong consciousness is, that it’s part of the foundation of judgement. Seeing things as right or wrong is deeply entrenched in society, we have for such a long time lost connection to our innermost loving essence that we can only judge things as right or wrong, instead of seeing with clarity if something is true to the love we are, or coming from outside of this love.

    1. We have for a long time lost touch with who we are in truth, ‘we have for such a long time lost connection to our innermost loving essence’. Serge Benhayon inspires us to return to our essence, ‘He has inspired me to reclaim my own Divinity and connection to God, the natural absoluteness I lived as a child.’

  15. Judgement is based on a false idea of love for love, in truth is a beholding and as such an observation, so can never ‘judge’ another or even ourselves as right or wrong. There is only truth or not and love observes us in both, with the understanding that ultimately we all come back to the truth, a one unified truth we are all from.

  16. ‘The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do.’ Having been bought up a Catholic it was drummed into you that you are a sinner, I always knew it wasn’t true. It is amazing the lies that get told and still people fall for it, this is evil in action to reduce people’s awareness and true connection to God.

  17. This word judgment is crippling the whole planet and everything that lives on it.
    Who knows the truth than God. If we are really honest within our own bodies we know how it leaves us feeling when we judge another, for when we do not, it feels inclusive of all and to me that is where God resides.

    1. Very true Shushila, ‘God is accessible through nothing more than a True Loving Way of being with all: a way that I am learning is clearly laid forth through our re connection with our bodies,’

  18. Judgement is an action aimed at reducing another person and yourself in one go. The judgement is always about the other one, but the action is about both.

  19. Right and wrong complicate things no end, and when we try to get things right, we actually end up getting them ‘wrong’ because the right and wrongs are judgments based on pictures. In trying to get something ‘right’, we’re striving for a picture that isn’t true or real, but something we’ve created – an expectation that we’ve set for ourselves, and usually set up for ourselves so that we can fail.

  20. Judgement is as varied and indiscriminate as people’s subjective opinions on artwork. How can there be any Truth to something that is all over the place and based on a million belief systems?

  21. I love this statement, ‘In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is’. This makes me realise that we are placed with the impositions of right and wrong from the day we are born, the culture we grow up around and the teachings of the education systems. A battle I have lived with and at times become entangled in, even today when there is simply only the truth and not to project this on others. I can only offer this truth and leave the rest to the individual as to what they do with this simplified truth, with no judgment.

  22. Without right or wrong there can be no judgement and also no forgiveness, it exposes the separateness of being on one side or the other and the falsity of the path of right or wrong. Both are equally false, and when we find ourselves in them, it’s about coming back to understanding and knowing that neither are true and lovingly learning how we allowed this and taking responsibility for how we are, no beating up, just an honesty in us for what was chosen and the fact that we can now choose differently.

  23. Absolutely God loves us unconditionally therefore there can be no right or wrong, something for us all to ponder on.

  24. God is Love and loves us all for who we are and not for anything we do, be it ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in our human thinking.

  25. ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.’ I can relate to this Joshua and it is something I need to be more aware of as these judgements holds me back from becoming the love that I am and to reflect this love in connection with others.

  26. It is awful how we impose the beliefs of right and wrong onto others and on to ourselves. Punishing ourselves for our mistakes over and over, often revisiting them to torture ourselves some more – it just isn’t worth it, and it makes no sense.

    1. It is an excellent way to be less than who are and allows us to hide but is the tradeoff worth it?

  27. When we go into judgement we put ourselves above God and what is True. Letting go of all the constructs and beliefs that have keep us trapped in old patterns is so freeing and allows for a deeper connection with God.

  28. I reckon that one of the greatest ways to dissolve judgement is to be honest about one’s own mistakes, weaknesses, and imperfections. This way we are all together, making mistakes and learning from them. With no one better or more supreme, we are all just figuring life out…

  29. By this blog I am becoming aware of how much I judge and not even been consciously aware that the way I view my everyday choices have come from a source of right and wrong.. Feeling the enormous tension from this in my body as you shared your experience. How I am left now to feel that there is another way of approaching the choices I make in my life – from more understanding and accepting – choosing to leave behind any right, wrong or good behavior or judgements.. Beautiful this is and will be.

  30. Serge Benhayon is the epitome of this. In the many years that I have known him I have never, ever heard him pass judgement on anything, anyone or any situation – even when we are discussing the most extreme of human behaviours because he knows that behind whatever the human expression may be at that time, is a soul of unbridled love, equal to his and equal to all of ours’.

    1. Yes I have also noticed this – even despite the internet bullies and the media saying the most despicable lies about him and his family, I have not heard one word of judgement about them from him. That is inspiring as I know for me that would be a very difficult thing to do!

  31. I looked at the title of this article this morning and considered further the very exposure of this blog around judgement. Even if someone uses the word ‘god’, it brings to us a view or a picture or belief towards them and colours anything they say next. It would seem we are always attempting to push others somewhere, other then simply accepting where they are no matter what. I watch things around me and how freeing it is to be ‘left alone’ to be yourself no matter what the heading. This is more and more rare in this world and I am seeing with this article that we are going against what we may now consider normal in life. As was said, no matter what the heading or the purpose, allowing yourself and others to be where they are and offering through a living inspiration another choice without judgement, is a beautiful blessing for us all.

  32. I love this Elizabeth; what I am reading is about a respectful and loving relationship with yourself that says I have an opportunity in every reflection to learn more about myself and heal any hurts I still carry.

  33. Is judgement borne from comparison and competition as we pit ourselves against one another to get ahead; I see this more acutely than ever… from the outset in maternity units around the world we start to set this up with ideals about the perfect picture of mother and baby… then in toddlers groups we judge ourselves and our children alongside others, checking the developmental markers and ‘grading’ ourselves, often harshly and competitively. This is the start of a trajectory through our education system and out into our work places and adult relationships. And as you say, Joshua this is all counter to the truth. There is no right or wrong and therefore no judgement with God.

    1. So true and amazing that it starts from T=0. I’m going to open my eyes wider to this and really commit to clocking it more; and by clocking it, it then loosens its grip on me and all of us.

  34. Right and wrong, good and bad, all go out the window when we realise that the only thing that really counts is whether or not we are being true to who we truly are.

  35. One of the greatest liberations I have ever experienced is the release of the necessity of right and wrong – a state of being that has been indoctrinated into every school child with such force. Now I simply express what I feel, without the need of anyone else to agree, or be right! It is deeply beautiful.

  36. Joshua, thanks for this blog and these lines because I often catch myself judging myself and putting my self less than who I truly am. This is something to observe in more detail.
    “As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.”

  37. In the beginning when I heard the saying, there is no right and wrong but only what is true, I did not know what that meant, as it was such an unfamiliar feeling in my body. I was configured by right and wrong! But when I slowly started to accept myself more and more, I am letting go more of what I judge myself is right and wrong, good or bad, and slowly I am understanding this is a process and never such a black and white situation. If in any situation I honor my feelings from the body, I am being true to myself. This is a trust and a confidence I am re-building with myself in this world.

  38. That’s just it Joshua, right and wrong just trap us, and if we in fact observe and honour that (to paraphrase) (‘it is far more loving to pick ourselves up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before us’, then we offer ourselves true healing. And there is nothing in God which condemns, so why would we condemn ourselves to the merry go round of right and wrong.

  39. Right and wrong have been so embedded in our psyche. If you think about it where did it even come from? certainly not from God. What God does offer us is an opportunity to learn and if we choose unwisely, then another opportunity is offered. We are continually being offered opportunities and if we do not take them up, we are not punished or made wrong. This is true love, where right and wrong do not exist.

  40. ‘Judgement is so insidious.’ I agree Joshua. Bringing understanding to any situation where we feel the inclination to judge makes a big difference.

  41. This blog supports my body to settle. I’ve always prided myself on not being judgmental, but your words remind me that judgment is evident in protective tactics, and I know I still use a lot of those. Thank you for so beautifully opening up this topic.

  42. When we enter into judgement we allow ourselves to live lesser lives as that is what judgement is doing. It makes us measuring our life against the ideals and beliefs we are holding which tend to be void of any truth but instead are based on right and wrong, the man-made bastardisation of truth.

  43. Right and Wrong is such a construct of the individual self which uses it as an armour to keep itself moving in false angles and thus from flowing back into the universal sea of Love.

    1. As I read your comment Lyndy I felt the difference as a vibrational movement of energy either one of discordance or harmony. Our movements in accordance with the flow love do not impose on all around us.

  44. How true is this, “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.” These “unconscious judgements” we carry out like a blanket in our view of the world and in that they become how we see the world. Take care of these ” unconscious judgements” and your view of the world will automatically change. Use the world as a mirror and whatever is coming back to you in that reflection is the next part for you to move into or out of.

  45. Right and wrong always comes from ideals and believes that we have. Always from something we have heard, read or saw someone do and not have felt ourselves if it is true or not. We think right is how we should be but it is actually about what is true.

  46. I love the title of this blog. There is no right and wrong in God or in our one Soul. There is only right and wrong in the arrogance and pride that we do not want to let go of.

  47. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the Body of God – only all that is true and all that is called in to resist our expression of this.

  48. When we are born there is no right and wrong, there is only truth which means to me that right and wrong are made by human to rectify and to keep ourselves in the belief that living a human life is our natural way of being while in truth this is not, as we are so much more than that and actually do not belong here.

    1. So true and “there is only truth” and all else comes after that. We hold an idea of how something needs to be for us and it grows and grows to the point where it becomes a reality or normal and yet when we hold it to truth it doesn’t step up to the mark. Our truth at any point is the marker and just as an idea grows so does the truth expand. We don’t look back from one day to the next and compare how we were, it is always just another part of an ongoing expansion where all we are is to be naturally appreciated.

      1. Indeed Ray, there is no need to look back and compare as this will never meet that what we have expanded to. We can only appreciate this fact, even if it takes us out of our comfort of having control over our lives, as when we truly surrender to the forever unfolding aspect of our being we understand that the comfort of control in life is simply a holding back of the potential we can live.

      2. Exactly and it only serves to hold us back and “control”, well said. To keep ‘on a roll’ so to speak or to stay in the true flow of life we need not “look back and compare” but more start living how you want or see things need to be now. Only when we bring forward to ourselves and appreciate all we are and how consistently does life be seen to be turning back to us in place of us walking forward to it. We only need to walk knowing and preparing for all to be unfolded back to us.

      3. I love the way this discussion expands. It shows to me that we do know so much more when we do go beyond the right and the wrong that is keeping us restricted in our thinking and does not allow us to expand to the grandness we all belong to.

      4. I agree and it shows us that all relationships are important and equal. No matter who it is or what it’s about, there are always opportunities to ‘grow’ the discussion out “to the grandness we all belong to”.

  49. Right and wrong are the antitheses of truth and love. Why would right and wrong ever be introduced into humanity as ‘principles’ to live by? We have the most amazing wisdom in truth and love and there is absolutely nothing to replace these with as foundation principles to live with.

      1. So therefore this can be a really useful marker for us. If I feel myself being ‘dogmatic’ about right or wrong or feeling confronted by someone disagreeing with me, then I know that I have slipped up and am choosing to not read the energy that is at play. ‘Right and wrong’ is an escape route out of the bigger picture.

      2. It is something we pick up or go into in order not to see. If as we are all seeing more and more, that we know everything and it is a matter of surrendering deeply to what we are truly feeling then anything we ‘go into’ would be a choice to blinker what is already there to be seen. It seems we have built life in reverse, in that we go out to get everything when in fact life flows to us and in that flow all we need do is hold surrendered to what is already unfolding before our eyes. The moment we pick up something, right, wrong etc etc we step out of flow to ensure this same pattern will need to be repeated back to us again at some point. We are so supported to see everything and only ‘we’ can put things in the way so all is not seen.

      3. So true Otto, for if we cannot see the energy at play we cannot discern the truth.

  50. Right and wrong are drawers we pull out when we haven’t gone deep enough to feel what is true or not true. Or, and possibly more precise, when we have felt something but override it with our mind and its right and wrong tick boxes.

  51. Judgement builds walls between us where they do not belong and muddies our awareness of the whole truth of a situation, which stops us from seeing the response that is genuinely needed.

    1. Yes, when we allow judgement into our lives we indeed muddy our awareness and cannot see anymore that we are much greater than that judgement make us to believe.

    2. It is what we put in the way from how we have been with ourselves over time. We allow judgement into our thoughts and critique ourselves from the inside out which then becomes like a blanket we place on the world, it becomes our view after creating it in how we see ourselves. We don’t yet fully appreciate all we are and from there all we can do. The world is only a part of who we are and from this reflection we can see ‘what is next’ for us to re-learn as all is known when we connect deeply to it.

  52. Beautiful what you have shared thank you Joshua, I have been so caught up in the right and wrong in religion which was an absolute way of separation from the love that we are, there is simply no love in the judgment that the right and wrong bring,” If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.”

  53. “He is Love, and He will always hold us in Love regardless of the behaviours we choose to live”

    Thank you for this reminder of the beauty of God’s love, it has given me an opportunity to feel it again.

  54. “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.” Listening to a discussion on the radio yesterday about the ethics of being morally right I voiced to the air ‘ but what about truth?’ As you say “Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment…..There is only what is true and what is not true. “

  55. An amazing lightbulb moment reading this blog today Joshua that if I find myself in the ‘wrong’ the thing to do is to dust myself off and learn from what has happened … and ‘God is accessible through nothing more than a True Loving Way of being with all’ … this blows the whole idea of sin an forgiveness out of the water, and shows us how we can live in a truly loving way with us and all others.

  56. I was not brought up in any particular religion but ‘being right’ and using judgment was something I went for. I guess, not having a relationship with Truth has something to answer for here. For me ‘being right’ gave me a sense of validation that I longed for from outside. Your article prompted me to go back to this amazing article about Truth and it is just very confirming to feel Truth inside myself ignited again.

  57. Beautiful Joshua. In judgement we can pigeon-hole ourselves and others. She was wrong, he was also wrong ad I am right. I am better, more – or conversely, I am terrible, less, always in the wrong and a failure. Judgement doesn’t ask us to open to the all-knowing wisdom we have within us. It tells us to stay at the very superficial level of life and keep going down this treadmill that leaves us in a haggard heap with war-torn relationships as well. Judgement keeps us in the reduction we choose to live.
    Love – which holds absolutely no judgement is always calling us to be more, to access more of the innate depth we all have. It asks us to let go of our pride that is holding on for dear life to right and wrong.
    Eventually, all of us, in our own time, will have to choose the latter.

  58. When we judge, we are choosing to see life based on the doing over the being. The question is why do we do that? Isolating the doing from the being helps us to reduce the other and ourselves away from our divinity and walk as merely human.

  59. There is energetic awareness that can guide one always in right action, and then there are beliefs and patterns that will keep us in the cul-de-sac of de-volution

  60. It’s very easy to judge others, but how often are we willing to ask ourselves why we do it?

    1. With the amount of judgment that shadows our societies I would say collectively not nearly enough Nick.

  61. The moment we judge we are truly wrong 😉 as we are caught in the rights and wrongs of that which is not truth. In truth there is no right or wrong, only the what is.

  62. Judgement is so awful to feel – be it from another or from oneself. To have judgment we have to look at things in our world as either Right or as Wrong…but this limits our perception of things tremendously and does not allow the natural flexibility of our loving nature to allow things to be either true or not true. In a world where we can see things as true or not true there is no judgement of what is not true, there is simply an allowing of how things are, with no imposition to change things, just simply a reflection of the truth forever shining and lighting the way. This melts away all Rights and Wrongs, and hence leaves a life far more simple and loving to live.

  63. “In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.” what a beautiful knowing we are all held in and reflected to us .Where has judgement come from and how horrible a feeling it is to both offer and receive in our bodies and something at the root of society that does not have any place or belong to in the love we all are and come from.

  64. Joshua, this article is very wise and feels very true; ‘I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.’ I have noticed how I have judged others and so placed them in a box of being ‘wrong’, there is then no connection and my body feels rigid and I have been judged by others which feels like others are only seeing what is not me and not seeing all that is me – this feels very limiting and does not allow a connection between us because I am seen as being ‘wrong’.

  65. It is so important to talk about the impact that judgement has, how it makes us feel both to receive and to give. At the core of judgement is an imposing lack of understanding, something which no one would ever actively choose to do, but it has become so engrained in how we relate to eachother the world over it can go largely unchecked, unchallenged and taken for granted as the way we all are in everyday life, not giving credit to how much it hurts to be this way.

  66. “In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.’ For most of my life I felt this about many things and it was only when I was questioned that I would, and still occaissionally do, start to question and doubt my own feelings. When we know something is true and there is no question, it comes from the whole body and feels very different than when we are told something that comes from the intellect/the mind.

  67. Joshua, I can really feel how ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are not true, I spent much of my childhood and adulthood trying to get things ‘right’ and say the ‘right’ thing, this is exhausting and left me feeling anxious and unconfident, not knowing who I was. Being true is very different, it is our natural way.

  68. We have judgement in our lives and create judgement in our society because we have walked away from the truth of who we are and instead of this truth we have given right and wrong, a pour substitution of the profoundness of the truth we actually come from and belong to live.

    1. We have walked away from the truth by compromising what we originally knew to be true. In this compromise we seek to have something close to representing what is true and not true, and we then fall for the Right and the Wrong as a form of understanding life and what happens around us. But Nico, you have nailed it by saying that by walking away from the truth and using Right and Wrong, this is a very poor substitution for what we know is our natural and innate way of living.

  69. I am grateful that I have been shown the separation that “wrong” and “right” brings, it literally breeds judgment on ourselves and others. Judgment can only come through if you are choosing to disconnect from your heart.

  70. “Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.” So well said Joshua. Judgement of another can be so harsh and creates such a disturbance between people that is ultimatley so unnesseccary. To realise that any judgement on another is first and foremost a judgement on ourselves, is the first and crucial step to changing our relationships wiht those that we judge, and how we perceive other people to be.

  71. Right and wrong, good and bad make us numb for the truth we actually know; increasing levels of honesty is the antidote to the false duality until we rejoin truth through the awakened awareness again.

  72. I love what you say here Joshua. If we are judging outwardly we have already judged inwardly.” If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love”.

  73. There is no right or wrong in the Body of God, only ‘all that is true’ and ‘all that is not’. Judgment is a thick black cloud that moves in to obscure our clear knowing of this, rendering us lost in the fog of our own reactions so as to not clearly see our way out of this forest. Furthermore, the poison of judgment sits in our bodies as we live unaware of this great toxin and the affect it is having on us all.

  74. Right and wrong annihilates truth in the illusion of being righteous about one´s own version of a so-called truth. Nowhere can we be more lost than in righteousness.

  75. Joshua reading through today I really understood about the posture part and it’s relationship to being judgmental, I would say feeling judged would also relate to a certain posture as well.

    1. Hi Melinda, for sure all our thoughts will have an impact on our movements and with that on our posture. One day we will find that all our ideals and beliefs, judgements, thoughts and moods have an impact on one’s posture as it will have on people’s overall health and wellbeing.

  76. When we are in that state of judgement and holding others to ideals and beliefs that we fervently defend, we miss out on the grandness of life and what it has to offer, let alone the potential of others and ourselves -everyone looses out when we are blinded by our beliefs and pictures of how life and people should be.

  77. What a gift to know this at such a young age, I hope you appreciate how amazing you are to have this understanding and share it with such wisdom with the world. I certainly do.

  78. Right and wrong vs truth and not truth, what a difference. The first pair made up based on personal preferences, ideal and beliefs, the second pair being absolute based on the love that God is – truth being everything in line with God´s love, untruth everything that is not in line with God´s love.

  79. Its funny reading this , as I can see where the same situation for two people , can be one man’s right and another man’s wrong depending on culture, tribal beliefs , national beliefs , and man made religious ideals and beliefs.
    It reminds me of history and what Abraham Lincoln presented not right and wrong on slavery but the truth that we all know ” all men are created equal ” as stated in the American Declaration and therefore slavery can be right and wrong , but never true.

  80. Judgements of others are a way to make ourselves feel better about ourselves and also a way we do not have to honestly look at the situation and what there is to learn.

  81. Appreciating ourselves (knowing that we already are all what we need and more) is medicine and can be a great service to our society, reflecting that there is another way to live our lifes full of true love and compassion.

  82. So revealing and very relatable blog about how we can measure or judge ourselves based on the beliefs and perceptions that we can have in our minds. Despite the harming impact that being under this constant self-judgment has in our body. It’s medicine simply reading this; “God is the supreme holder of love, offering us evolution out of our patterns, issues and creations so that Humanity returns to the One Whole, the Brotherhood we originate from.” Thank you Joshua.

  83. ‘There is no right and wrong in God’ This is a very freeing Truth that gives me permission to simply be who I am, whithout efforts or restrictions.
    Human control is not needed when God’s compassion holds us in our learning.

  84. Being right and wrong is such a set up as it positions us to hold ourselves in a constant judgement and then all others too- whether consciously or not. To see each situation as an opportunity for learning and evolving changing this as the lack of judgement allows the space to make a different choice.

    1. Being in a constant self-judgment is very exhausting as has nothing to do with who we really are. Living a life with the openess to learn in each situation really inspires me as I feel joy and a sense of space to make my life more loving. Then is when I can feel God in me, in all of us.

  85. Thank you Joshua, the concept of right and wrong and how beliefs, ideals, and pictures we hold of how life should be is a very interesting study. When we choose judgment of ourselves or others we miss out on the learning that observation and understanding can bring, and the love that we can hold ourselves and others in.

  86. ‘The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do’ – which is a belief that cannot be further from the truth.

  87. Judging another or a situation means we have not truly read what is before us and so there is no clarity or true understanding. Devoid of truth and responsibility.

  88. Judgement exists to counter our ability to read the truth of all things and thus know that the source of all truth is the Universal wisdom – the love of God – that lives within us all.

  89. Yes judgement is not pretty and harmful for all concerned. However simply and clearly expressing the true truth is loving and not judgemental. Another of the great harms of judgement is when we use it to stop people speaking the truth.

    1. Gosh, well said, Nicola. We always have to come back to how we feel in our bodies when we speak/interact with others and be lovingly and deeply honest with ourselves and therefore others. From this foundation we can deconstruct judgement and deepen our relationships.

  90. As I was reading this I was nodding off on the train, fighting and judging myself that this was wrong and trying to stay awake. So I stopped reading, stopped judging and allowed myself to feel what was going on. My body stretched and shifted position and the sleepiness vanished, all without the need to be right and the wrong allowed it to continue. When we drop the judgements on our actions or feelings we open up beyond those right and wrong boxes.

  91. I can feel how I have been trying to avoid mistakes and being ‘wrong’ by investing in being ‘right’ and how that causes anxiousness and is detrimental to my nervous system. And how devastating that is when I don’t get rewarded for being right!

    1. I can relate very much what you said here Fumiyo. Living a life from the outside, expecting the approval from others, pleasing, trying, doing it “better”, living under the pressure of the perfectionism…are very exhausting ways to live. Rather than simply being and hold ourselves in love, which is natural and far away from the complications that we have created measuring ourselves by the rights and wrongs.

  92. I love what you have said here Joshua: ‘Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment.’ This has been one of my greatest learnings since I came to study the Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon. Certainly the truth sets us all free of this imposed thought paradigm.

  93. ‘Right’ and ‘wrong’ operates at so many insidious levels that we can sometimes be unaware of. It nearly always involves us having a ‘image’ of the way things should be and if that is contravened then the judgment comes in. This is the little world, the reduced world that we have constructed around us to keep us safe, but when we surrender the bigger picture (which is actually picture-less!) a whole new dimension of wisdom comes with the freedom to truly serve.

  94. ‘Right’ and ‘wrong’ are both decoys used for the absence of truth.

  95. And this reminds me of why I decided I wanted nothing to do with religion or God as a child. Growing up with a muslim and christian influence and then later going to a catholic high school all confirmed for me that something about religion and god did feel very off. Today I have a far clearer understanding of what God actually represents in truth, which as stated here in this article is most certainly not about right and wrong, or about all the different ways one will be punished if they do not follow a certain code. It makes perfect sense that we are all equal and equally loved regardless of our choices.

    1. The many bastardisations of truth in terms of what religion and God truly are, serve to either incarcerate us into a strict dogma of beliefs or turn us well against them. The goal here being to separate humankind from their divinity and not to truly support our reconnection to it. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the Body of God (the Universe we all live within), there is only what is true and what is not.

      1. Some would argue that this is just semantics, but it is these most subtle of nudges from truth that are the most evil because they can run, undetected, keeping us away from God, for the longest, and thus they become the most protected and held on to and hard to shift. We are incarcerated by such bastardisations.

    2. As we are also born from God, as we come to truly know God as love we truly then know who we are. This then gives a clearer understanding of behaviours and ways of being that don’t fit (such as judgment) and those that do, such as being loving, truthful and harmonious. The more we know God as Love the more we know ourselves.

  96. ‘In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.’ Simply and beautifully said Joshua. When we live from ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ we miss the opportunity to read a situation that allows the space for us to bring an understanding towards any person or situation, leaving no room for judgment.

  97. Right and wrong belongs to the perceived idea that we can be perfect therefore everything can be judged by a false standard because perfection is not possible on our plane of life. God is love and see’s what is truth and what is not truth, no judgment necessary in the freedom given to choose.

  98. The concept of a judgmental God makes very little sense. If he was our creator, then he allowed us the will to choose whether or not to act in accordance with our higher nature. And if so, it would not come as any surprise to him that we might stray, and thus there would only be understanding, not judgment, yet at the same time a call to responsibility to express in accordance to the light that breathed us forth.

  99. When we judge others or ourselves we are only seeing what they do or say and not the Divine essence of who we are.

  100. “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” – Joshua this is GOLD….As I am learning there seems to not be any ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ – we all make mistakes but so long as we learn from them then essentially they are not mistakes nor a wrong – they simply become a learning. It takes a lot of understanding for self and others to not go into judgement, and so if we feel a judgement coming on, then it is time to stop and see the part we are playing which is boxing someone, and putting an imposition on how we would like another to be. Another opportunity for growth!

  101. Judgement simply stops me seeing clearly. I might be living with a divine son of God, but totally unable to see that because of all what I am judging them with based on my own pre-conceived ideals and beliefs and fuelled by my arrogance and frustration.

  102. Reading this article again, it’s shocking to consider all the judgments I make in a day, how quickly they happen and how they shape what I choose to do, or not do. Judging myself to be either right or wrong gets me tied up into all sorts of knots that really complicate life.

  103. I am familiar with the seriousness that comes over me when I have made a judgement. Just the other day I caught myself judging a venue I had booked to stay in. They had loud music playing in the reception and the lifts. I had a headache and so immediately made a judgment that I had chosen the wrong place and got myself into a huff about it. I only snapped out of my mood when I talked myself down, realising it wasn’t the venue, but my judgement that got me there in the first place.

  104. Judgments not only place others into a box it keeps them in that box. . . . we are then responsible for boxing them.

  105. “There is only what is true and what is not true” . . . well said Joshua. All judgement is a form of control and manipulation.

  106. A very timely reminder Joshua. It is felt in all of our movements, the tone of our voice, the gaze in our eyes when we are in judgement or reaction. Conversely the opposite is true — be in the presence of someone who will simply behold you without asking you to be anything more than you are knowing all along the grandness you truly are, and you become a puddle of melting love healing and healing again.

  107. Judgement is basically us saying ‘you don’t match up to how I believe life should be’. And we do this in every aspect of life. And what I am learning is that these beliefs hold us very small – like the judgement that I cannot ware a moose hat. The amount of energy used in trying to justify why our beliefs are needed is exhausting and yet when challenged they are very tiny things we inflate by choice to avoid the grandness that we are.

  108. This is a great illumination of how we trap ourselves in right and wrong and how we then attempt to use God and our idea of who God is to justify this right or wrong. God is love and how can someone who is love judge or hold right or wrong; it’s not possible yet for aeons humanity has trapped themselves in this view. There is no perfection here so anything we do which doesn’t work rather than make ourselves small and wrong we just dust ourselves off, learn and move on – no matter what we are, always divine and in divinity there is truth or what is not true and we can always choose to come back to the truth of who we are.

  109. It’s one of the great sadnesses of the world that we think that God holds Judgment over us. It’s sad because this is how we must treat ourselves and each other to think this way. This belief relieves us of taking our own responsibilities in life and making a life a loving way in all things, which would change this belief significantly.

  110. “Judgement can never be hidden” as when we judge, our bodies are guarded from what we don’t want to feel and in reaction of, and so the quality of our movements is far from the acceptance of the love that we all are.

  111. What you write about Serge Benhayon is true, it’s the way he lives his life that is felt in every gesture and movement – that changes everything, more than we realise and can see, for now. It’s confirmed it’s not about words, although Serge is a master of words too in their purest form and energetic configuration and truth, what I mean it is not in words another will feel love – it’s in how we live in every moment of the day, even if we are not with that person, this can all be felt all the time, and comes with a quality. The quality in how we choose to live, is then felt through our actions, gesture, body, movements and words, by everybody.

  112. Spot on Joshua, without the energy of right and wrong, there can be no judgement. Truth contains not an ounce of right or wrong and so never makes it personal, hence why there is no judgement possible.

  113. God is accessible through our own connection and openness in our hearts and our willingness to simply hold another in that very lovely space that is available in that moment. Perhaps it’s a bit like a portal – you make the move in unquestionable commitment and loving purpose and what is next opens up before us. Nothing else is needed just holding being open with clarity of heart and purpose.

  114. Such a simple yet powerful message here Joshua that being, there is no right and wrong in life only what is healing and what is harming; or in other words what is true and what is not.

  115. Boxing someone somewhere gives us control over reality. Knowing where someone stands tells us also where we stand in comparative terms. By doing so, we reduce the person to that which we felt in a particular moment. By doing so we cease to offer evolution to another one.

  116. In God there is no right and wrong as these are a creation because of us living in disconnection to who we truly are and belong to. Being right and wrong keeps us in the illusion of our own created way of living that is void of the love of God, who, as you say Joshua, only knows truth.

  117. Right and wrong are the same sides of the one coin, so true Joshua, and it blows all perfection and attempts to be right out the window, there is indeed only truth or not truth and truth, like love never judges, it just is, ready and waiting when we are to live it.

  118. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.” and all parties see and feel this….the person judging and the person being judged. You are on the money with this blog Joshua, judgement is insidious and evil. I am only becoming truly aware of what part it plays out in my life and also in others. The call back to feeling what is true or not as opposed to right or wrong feels again, bang on the money and a beaut reminder.

  119. Knowing that God is only love and nothing but love it really does question when judgemental thoughts and actions come our way where they are coming from. It is vital that we discern the game at play and what is being carried out to try and make us feel less and not good enough. It is wonderful to be reminded that we are in every moment always enough in God’s heart.

  120. Thank You Joshua for your wisdom shared here. I agree that God being Love does not judge us in any way but waits for us to make the decision to be love too.

  121. Great to be reminded of this Joshua, so from this there can be no judgement…’Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment.’

  122. ‘Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.’ This is so, so true. We all know what judgement feels like and we know when we are judged instantly. It creates a barrier between people a reaction that then comes back and can escalate into further hurt and reaction for not being seen for the Sons of God we are. I know this as I walk down the street. If judgement comes to me I know the other has felt it. I also know they feel love when I am aligned with love. I’m discovering that sometimes I will ring someone and initially their voice is a little hard but after a few exchanges they become more gentle.

    As I write this I know I can expand this to ringing the person with no fear, no barriers, no readiness to go into protection and hurt, but already hold them in love no matter how they answer the phone. To already be living the love we are rather than wait until I have assessed the situation first because often, I think I maybe loving, but there’s a condition waiting there in the corner if they are super rude, there is a limit I’ve set to being love which is not love at all.

  123. In my experience, judgement tears apart relationships between people. There is no excuse for it, no justification to allow it to happen. When I see judgement coming in, I see barriers rising up between us, fortresses being built so that no love can come in or get out. Judgement therefore to me is all about protection from being hurt – perhaps from being judged. Whatever the reason, it breaks down bridges and condemns eachother to being known only for a moment’s decision, and not for who we truly are.

  124. I enjoyed coming back and reading your blog again Joshua, Judgement of ourselves and other people is incredibly insidious and harming and until we understand it fully, it can form the basis of how we live our life. As soon as I see something being right or wrong, I now know there has already been a judgment, and this is something I am learning to catch before it runs with any harmful thoughts. “If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.’ So very true Joshua.

  125. Judgment is one of the most potent tools wielded to divide us one from another. When we drop that clanking tool to the ground observation, understanding, and love cannot but arise.

  126. Judgement is the roadblock we set up to not feel all there is to feel in the situation at hand. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the Body Of God, there is only what is true and thus, what is not.

  127. It’s interesting that when we take it back to the body, we see and feel how it never lies. We may think that a judgement is just in our mind and no one will ever know what we are thinking, but our body will always tell a story. We can also use how our body responds as a means of being more aware and catching ourselves out when we go into judgement.

  128. There certainly is no ‘right or wrong’ – only Truth or not truth in the reality we choose to live

  129. Judgement is harsh, relentless, and essentially a very superficial part of human life. But we can hold on to it with so much vigour. I caught myself having strongly judgemental thoughts about someone recently. Each time the thoughts came I told them to go away. But they kept on coming. So I began to seek why they were there, to find their source, a hurt or a choice – something. But all I could find was blame. Knowing that this is not the truth, I began instead to change the way I moved. I could feel in my body that every movement was done with judgement, there was a brisk harshness to every movement. This to me has come to mean that I had shut down my heart, so I went for a walk to surrender my heart to my body again, to let my inner heart be in command again. Eventually I was able to see the truth of the situation and to see my responsibility in it. Therein laid the judgement – my own lack of responsibility in moving in such a way that shut my heart down that allowed such thoughts that hurt another person.

  130. A great blog Joshua exposing how harming it is when we live in judgment of another, the key for me has been to truly appreciate myself and deepen the relationship with myself, this has supported me to appreciate and accept others and to bring understanding to another’s choices.

  131. There is nothing worse than judging another, or feeling judged ourselves. God never judges us for what we do, there is only what is true and not true, but God never holds our choices against us, he is always there when we choose.

  132. Joushua your words ‘I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.’ I couldn’t agree more, I have now reached a point where it really hurts me when I judge someone else because I really get to feel what I am doing to them, and how unloving that is.

  133. Interesting to note how many unconscious judgements we put on ourselves or others, even when we think we have stopped judging…’Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.’

  134. “Is this going to break some rules if I do this?” great catching of a judgment Joshua. I have been recently having to look at eighteenth century Britain with its innumerable rules, regulations, conventions, protocols about race, colour, class, gender. It was a society that was encased it rules and conventions –it is a wonder anyone was able to walk straight there was so much to dodge. We think we are heaps better now and in some ways we are, yet we still set up an obstacle course of judgements and rules, and conventions which may be more subtle but are nevertheless quite potent in their undoing of us.

  135. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in God. There is only all that is true and all that is not.

  136. I don’t think that it would be going too far to say that living under the dictatorship of the right and wrong paradigm is at the basis of all conflict, abuse and war. Time to pull it out by the roots!.

  137. ‘Can I say that?’ – this is a phrase that comes to me sometimes too. Underneath is an insidious ‘measure’ of what is okay and not okay to say. Obviously there are things that are not loving, and in one sense it is not okay to say that thing. So we need to just keep connected to true love and that will be the marker, not an idea of what is okay or not.

  138. I love what you shared about judgments, essentially putting people in a box based on a perception, and in doing so not being able to see them or their behaviour clearly. We harm ourselves and others when we subscribe to allowing judgments to taint the way we view the world and people… denying ourselves from seeing the truth of what is really going on and therefore being able to learn from that.

  139. What I am discovering is that judgement shuts us down to the great opportunity of learning we have available to us constantly. Judgement also takes us away from the space to be held in joy and keeps us locked in a little box. Releasing the judgement offers us so much in terms of how we move and essentially live everyday, which is pretty cool.

  140. Beautiful Joshua – thank you for sharing this. That is so right god is love and understanding, he never judges so shouldn’t we, as this only disconnects us from who we are. And so what we know we can change.

  141. Anytime we think that we are right we are immediately judging.
    Ponder on that… ‘every time we think we are doing something right we have already judged’

    Mind blow

  142. Such a depth in which you write Joshua. I loved this line particularly – “In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.” I have loved getting to understand and live this statement – it frees up so much time to live like this.

  143. Judgement is indeed insidious! It casts a false perception of what we are seeing, and I’ve noticed it is quite detrimental to our body, making it contracted and hard! Combating judgement involves acceptance in full and letting go of what we want and need anything to be.

  144. Beautiful Joshua, and the absolute innocence you celebrate at the end is felt throughout this blog. So much power in wonderment.

  145. Holding ourselves or another less feels horrible, as we are all one and equal. Allowing, accepting and appreciating feel so much more wholesome.

  146. Judgement gets in the way of me expressing and receiving love and healing. Holding another person as less than me feels awful and inhibits any true connection.

  147. The more I understand energy the more I understand how there is no place for judgement.

  148. I have to put my hands up and say I have been judgemental too. I so wanted people to ‘get’ this amazing thing I had connected to. All the while I wasn’t allowing them to come to love in their own time and in their own way just as I had been given grace to.

  149. Now more than ever looking to understand and not to judge and truly seeing the pain that people are living with to support with a way to move forward.

  150. God and judgement really don’t mix – like chalk and cheese, as the saying goes. So, what’s with that whole ‘judgement day’ thing? I have the image of standing at the pearly gates of heaven and waiting for God’s judgment of how ‘good’ I have been on earth. That’s an image I was fed at school and something that seems so far out to me now. Although, perhaps there is some truth in the integrity we have lived and how we pass over determines the life we come back to.

  151. Judgment is the antithesis of appreciation and appreciation has the power to delicately dissolve judgment at its root cause. Could it be that we only judge another because we are lacking a sense of appreciation for ourselves?

  152. True – there is not right nor wrong, only what is truthful. And judging others is very unproductive, it robs them of the otherwise opportunity to see what they need to do to arise from whatever situation they might be in.

  153. When I judge myself or others or get stuck in defending my rights and wrongs I feel frustrated and annoyed, my whole body feels tense, and I only see the other person for the issue I have pinned them down to. If I observe myself I then can bring more of an understanding to what is going on and see who the other person is.

  154. Such a weight and pressure put on people who believe that God is condemning and judgemental. The questions you have asked Joshua expose so clearly that there are many untrue perceptions of God to create panic, oppression, disconnection and control. No wonder we have such a reaction in our bodies and it is visible to everyone when we go into judgement and right or wrong… as we are saying no to God and yes to everything else.

  155. The moment we judge, we shut the door to understanding. There is a lot to learn and be aware of in life, and our tendency to classify right and wrong gives us things we can be hurt about rather than understand.

  156. Well said Joshua. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the eyes and arms of God. There is only Oneness (a unifying love) and either the choice to be with it or not. Even if it is the separation that we choose, there is no judgement from him but only more space to feel what has been chosen and the effect this has on us. Thus, it is us that bring in the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ as a means to cause anguish in the endless oscillation between these two seeming opposites (both fed by one and the same energy void of love) to further delay our return back to the love we are.

  157. We can never judge another when we see through to the essence of who they truly are. The judgement is there as a roadblock, a way of saying ‘I do not want to see the divinity in you because then I will have to see the divinity in me’. It is through appreciation that we dissolve such barricades by our ability and willingness to deeply connect with the divinity in another and thus within ourselves.

  158. How beautiful would it be to live in a world with no judgements, knowing everyone is love, that they are choosing to allow this energy to flow through them, or choosing not to be love at this point in time for whatever reason.

  159. I agree that judgement is very ingrained, I constantly find myself having expectations about how another should be responding to a situation. It is a bit of a warning sign for me now, I am caught up in how something should be I get distracted by reaction to what is not rather than being able to truly feel and express what is going on.

  160. A really great blog Joshua, judgement is insidious and can sneakily creep in even when we are choosing to let go of this harmful behaviour. It is great to be aware of this, ‘What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.’

  161. “Crazy as it seems, without the rights and wrongs, there would simply be no judgements. For how can there be when there just is what is true and what is not?” This is so true Joshua, as soon as we see something as being right or wrong we no longer feel what is true or not, because we use judgement based on our ideal of how things should be. I have also found that as soon as I feel right or wrong I feel I need to justify why it is right or wrong rather than accepting my inner knowing of truth.

  162. It is challenging to be aware of how much judgement I go into and to clearly let that go. I have been aware of this for some time – knowing we are all from love no matter what our current expression is – and honouring each person. However I find that there are patterns of judgement that come up that are tricky and I am in them before I realise. Each time this happens, I do not beat myself up but gently let go of these and fine tune my awareness.
    The idea of needing to get things right is quite retarding and as I would rather evolve I’m giving up trying to get things right and going for getting things love.

  163. Bringing in appreciation to all areas of our life and who we are, in our essence helps to dissolve judgement.

  164. And who makes up this ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, where does it come from? ‘Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.’

  165. This is wonderful Joshua, to realise the deep sabotage and attack we assault the body with when we inflict this constant negative judgment upon ourselves – and this can be in almost every moment, some kind of judgement or criticism – this ensures we keep ourselves in the less and in the spin of life. What if instead we connected to the part of ourselves that was full and complete and lived life in appreciation of this? We could find that in appreciation we can open and deepen that relationship with ourselves, and this changes everything in how we are with life and with other people – as we can only bring that appreciation and connection to others when we are living this ourselves.

  166. Judgement is a sure fire way to suck the joy out of life and inject it with the seriousness that you observed, Joshua. In judgement every moment becomes a balancing act on the scales of right and wrong, with our health, our world view, our very selves in the balance. But resting in the love of God, and the fact that he hold us in love no matter what, dissolves the weight of judgement away.

  167. ‘..the natural absoluteness I lived as a child.’ Beautiful Joshua, it is this innocence and yet natural absoluteness where we return to by letting down our guard and letting go of ideals and beliefs that created the right and wrong in our lives.

  168. Love what you have written Joshua, “In God there is the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is”. Understanding is the key to letting go of judging another or indeed ourselves and without the judgement of being wrong or right it will be possible to come back to our original state of being in brotherhood with all for we will see ourselves as all of equal value to the One Whole.

  169. “He is the supreme holder of love, offering us evolution out of our patterns, issues and creations so that Humanity returns to the One Whole, the Brotherhood we originate from.” When I read this I can feel in this space that right or wrong have no place other than being part of our own creations. Thank you Joshua for an insightful dissection of right and wrong.

  170. Beautiful Joshua, judgement is insidious and hides in many of the things we do and say without us even realising it. This blog helps to unmask the ugliness so we can not be held by its chains.

  171. ‘Judgement is so insidious’, I totally agree Joshua. It comes in many forms. I am learning to recognise it when I have been judgmental to others and then choosing nominate what I have done without judging myself but seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow. I also found with a willingness to understand situations, choosing to be honest and open this supports me to let go of the heaviness and harmful effects of judgement.

  172. What is interesting about the words ‘true’ and ‘untrue’ is they can easily be tainted into ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘good’ and ‘bad’, its not about the words but the way we use them. If we use words as a weapon against our fellow brothers, then we are already lost before we begin. An example of this is to say to your sister: ‘It doesn’t feel true to me for you to send your child to dance classes at 8.30 at night” That may well be true but it is also a judgment. We are very tricky and can find ways to judge even with different language and as you pointed out in this blog, judgment can be felt by all, through our whole body and can’t be hidden. If you truly ‘read/observe’ a situation there is no room for judgment, only understanding, the more understanding brought the freer others are to make their choices.

  173. ‘Without any knowing of a right way to be, there cannot be any judgement as there is nothing to base the actions of another against’ – this says it all Joshua. Judgement only comes about when we compare someone’s behaviours, choices and way of being to something we perceive to be ‘right’… In other words, we compare them and expect them to meet the expectations WE have about what is the ‘right’ way to live – so judgement is the imposition of our own ideals and beliefs onto someone else.

  174. Joshua, how true are your words:’ In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.’ It is so simple, and we have, through the Churches, complicated things beyond imagining with all the dogma and ideals about God. Every human being can feel what is love and what is not. We all know it. And it is that simple.

  175. This is brilliant blog Joshua. ‘Judgment’ is the blight of our civilisation. It strongly rejects others, and rejection is the biggest hurt on our plane of life. With the world in the state it is we don’t have the luxury of judging others.

  176. Learning the difference between judging and discerning has changed everything. In judgement we hold another to an image and thus expectation of how something should be, and then when it doesn’t measure up we judge and the other feels this. We judge to try to bring them down through our own emptiness. If we first connect to ourselves and know the truth of us, we can see that same light equally in all, and from there, it is possible to name that which is not love, but holding that person in appreciation of the light and love that they too are from.

  177. Recently Serge Benhayon presented that he doesn’t judge people, no matter what they do, because that the judgement adds to the pressure and bashing that person is already under. I felt this was such a beautiful way to look at life – people already have so much going on – they don’t need our judgement, they need to see something completely different and feel our openness and that they are loved no matter what.

  178. Was just pondering how we can hold judgment not just about ourselves and others, but also about things like food, as in ‘this food is bad for me’ or ‘I shouldn’t eat that’ (even if I want to eat it). I am realizing how the way that I judge food as good or bad affects the way I see myself. If I feel that a food that I am eating or want to eat is ‘bad’, ‘not good for me’, then I am also judging myself in the same way for wanting to eat it. But when I just change the words I use, as in ‘I feel bloated/heavy/dull/tired when I eat this food’, it’s not a judgment, just a simple fact.

  179. To know God so intimately and lovingly as we do, makes it clear to me that we have within us the same essence, in which there is no judgement. So it is possible to live from this essence and the greatest understanding in order to let go of judgment is surely that the capacity to live free of it is there within us whole and complete and we do not need to better or improve ourselves to live without judgement, only to look inside and connect with the place where the judgement cannot dwell. It is, as Serge Benhayon has described, an unplugging from one energy, of comparison and judgement, and plugging in to another. Then the healing and the Livingness begins very simply.

  180. Right and wrong, so-called and so-judged, are handy drawers that we use to try to make sense of life and our role in it, but the concept is just that, a concept. It is not true.

  181. I’ve been noticing lately how judgments come when I want something or someone to be a certain way and they are not, rather than simply accepting what is.

  182. It is so easy to slip into judging another, to what is right and what is wrong, all very debilitating of ourselves and the people we are judging.
    Thank you Joshua for shining a light on this harmful energy and for showing us the loving, truthful light of God where there is no judgement, right or wrong.

  183. Judgement is so commonplace, it is like a language we all speak. And we tend to think our life is better or we have some relief, when we have judgement that is less extreme. ‘Oh now my day is better than it was before – oh good!’ There is a constant reward in this way of segmenting life, instead of the constantness you describe Joshua, where there is no wrong or right, just a loving support of God and the truth’s light.

  184. Every moment without judgement is a moment of unison, acceptance, openness. We need to weed our inner garden from judgement before we can enter heaven.

  185. And again and again, every day I make the experience of what judgement does to our relationship with ourselves, others and God – it disconnects, isolates, separates. It is the opposite of connection, religion, union, oneness and thus everything that God is not, as God is nothing but Oneness, union, unconditional.

  186. There is no right or wrong in God. There is love, choices and consequences, and the consequences can be devastating, amazing or even bigger than that.

  187. I am discovering that there is in fact no ‘right and wrong’ but simply energy and energetic consequences. This takes the shame out of anything we may do that is not from our truth. It simply shows us what we do to ourselves and gives us a choice of how we want to live. Every choice has an energetic consequence. Fact.

  188. I am so much more aware of how often I judge another since reading this blog, Joshua. It has been a very powerful sharing for me. Thank you.

  189. I once made a judgement about a person and formed an opinion about this guy, only to meet him a few years later to discover he had become the most beautifully open,honest and loving person. This taught me a valuable lesson to not judge people because we are all learning and we are all at different stages on our path back to God.

  190. ‘Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’ – many can be a part of something that has happened and come away from it with very different views/judgements. This shows that no person can judge another and that it is never about judging but holding the other in love until they re-connect to the love and what is true within them. Life is about who we are deeply within and living this in the world and nothing about passing judgment, making a stand, being right or what we ‘do’. Feeling judgement towards or placing it on someone else is more about ourselves and acknowledging this is another beautiful way of unfolding more of who we are.

  191. In life, we have completely invested in being right or wrong and that comes loaded with judgment and equally being defensive. To come to the understanding that being right is not necessarily being true was a huge shift of understanding for me.

  192. Yes Joshua, It is great to catch the posture changes, and then thoughts that happen to our body when we go into judgment. It’s a way to readjust, to reflect and let go of any pre-conceived ideas that cloud what we are actually seeing.

  193. Learning that there is a difference between what is right and what is true, has transformed everything in life. Now we no longer need be at the mercy of belief systems of our upbringing, church, academia, culture, but rather feel instead in every single situation what is the truth of it. Our inner heart knows when something is aligned with truth or not, and if we can but learn to feel this, then whatever presents in life we can discern the truth of it, or whether it is designed to pull us further away from truth.

  194. I agree judgment is insidious – and right and wrong is the cause of most of the fighting in my relationship. Choosing to not speak from that in my experience has being really challenging times, the perceived need to defend is so well practiced, it is often an automatic reaction. It is the understanding that these moments are not islands or isolated events what I do leading up to it has an impact on what and how I can communicate.

  195. We humans label things right or wrong or that they are good or bad, and that is where all the complication comes in…..But when we begin to see that everything that comes our way is a learning for us we can begin to appreciate what life brings us without the labels . Love this blog Josh for the simple and true expression of; there is only what is true and what is not true.

  196. Some of the biggest judgements I have had are about myself. The more I work on this, then naturally judgement of others have faded away. In love there is no judgement, there is no right, no wrong, just a quality of being that unites all equally.

  197. It is true that God does not Judge. This is a total lie perpetuated by those who seek to rule over man.

  198. In my experience, in order to cease to hold another in judgement, we need heal this in ourselves.
    Self- judgement corrupts our relationships with others and how we experience life.
    When we accept and Love ourselves deeply it is not possible to hold judgement of another nor to cast judgement or expectation of others.

  199. I agree that Judgements harm ourselves and others more than we realise.
    It is deeply healing to accept that we are all equals and equally of God.
    To dictate another to be a certain way or to fulfil our needs and demands is unloving and denies another the free will to be and live according to their rhythm and unfolding path.

  200. How true this is – Judgements cast shadows and cement images we have formed in our minds.
    Never will another measure up to a picture held by someone else – how can they
    Let us deeply accept another and hold them in Love rather than cast judgement which separates us from others and from Love

  201. ‘Then I realised, there is no right and wrong in God as there simply isn’t any judgment in Him.’ God never goes by right or wrong, only truth, and we all deeply know the truth, there is no judgment in truth!

  202. When we have these expectations and pictures of what is right or wrong it completely blocks out how we feel and how our bodies feel to be in life. By the time we are in the judgement it’s as if the truth of what really is happening doesn’t even get a look at. Which highlights how important it is to feel in our bodies what is true rather than reacting under the weight of the judgement which are not a part of who we truly are but a part of the picture we have created and the expectation we have for that picture to materialise.

  203. Beautiful words you have shared here, Joshua about Serge Benhayon – “His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived, and this connection is felt in his every word and gesture.” It is in every word and gesture that we can feel the flow of God in our lives, as opposed to living in protection and shut down to the glory that is inherent within and all around us.

  204. “Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” We create the picture according to what are own needs are and if another doesn’t live to our self-created picture then we judge them as wrong. This is very unfair and very unloving on them and ourselves. God loves us so un-conditionally we all have equal free will to make our own choices in life. We are not judged by the divine for what we do or don’t do. Peculiar to think we have the right to judge another for a perceived wrong.

  205. The judgements that we continually place upon ourselves, as Joshua writes, are a constant Litany that our mind produces a seemingly endless cycle of self denigration that keeps us from really starting to express and to feel the expression of truth within us.

  206. The eyes of judgement cast a harsh shadow wherever they fall. I love how we see so much more clearly when we let go of judgement in the first place.

  207. Judgement leads to all sorts of other emotions such as frustration anger bitterness blame that we can then use to justify our thoughts and behaviours which can be far from the truth and totally unloving and can be felt by everyone. The consciousness of being right or wrong is very insidious and very harming.

  208. Great to read Joshua, a beautiful reminder of how debilitating judgements are;
    “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.
    All are based on a perceived notion of what is right and what is wrong, never simply based on what is true”.

  209. Right and wrong actually do not exist and as you say Joshua, when you utilise them you make yourself less, and that proves to me that right and wrong in truth do not exist as we ought not to feel ourselves less as there is only learning, a learning to find our way back to who we truly are and belong to.

  210. When we accept, we deepen the understanding of our world, what a freeing feeling to be with life and have life be with us. If we have ever craved to being met, this is the answer—and we are being met by the whole world as we meet it with understanding.

  211. The acceptance of our Light is knowing we are the sons of God, and from there express forth all that we are on earth. The two levels are first our acceptance and then the expression, they go hand in hand.

  212. Thanks for nominating the harm of judgement, it seperates ourselves from self and others

  213. The need to be right and defend can be so strong that it feels like it comes out with such force. I know from personal experience and from people I love who have fed back to me how horrible it feels when you are judged. It can be crushing, when we are not seen for who we truly are.

  214. If God is love, does love judge? If it judges, is it love? If it chooses to be unaware, is it still love? Is it love to be aware, in full, and not to judge?

  215. If we replaced the word ‘right’ with – ideal, envisioned, or hoped… we would see how heavily invested we are in ‘right’ to confirm our expectations, but never to deliver truth.

  216. Our judgements come from the pictures and thus expectations we hold; that prevent us from being truly open to observing and understanding in any situation. It is the pictures of what we or another should be that interfere with us going to a deeper level of love.

  217. We completely divide ourselves as a people, nations and communities when we make judgements of who is right and who is wrong. It happens on a small scale in relationships and grows to world wars in the bigger picture. God holds us as equals without judgement, we can learn to be the same with each other in the same way.

  218. Being right or wrong lays the foundations for judgment but truth is the foundation of love for humanity.

  219. Feeling judged feels totally terrible. Judgements come with an energy that demeans the power, beauty and clarity of our essence.

  220. Judging self or another is an awful thing. In judgement the body tenses and the mind is critical in the sense of putting another (or self) down. There is a perceived idea of something ‘needing’ to be a certain way, fitting a certain picture and because it is not we have the right to condemn or judge. Letting go of this is a huge process and can be the biggest healing we offer ourselves as in the process we get to feel the judgement is there purely to distract ourselves from going deeper with understanding and hence loving ourselves and another.

  221. I am doing a level 4 esoteric healing course at the moment in UK by Universal Medicine and we are working with the organs. This weekend I have felt in my body how many judgments I still hold towards others and therefor myself. Every time I think I am better or somebody else is better, but also every time I see people only for how they look and not for who they truly are, there is judging in that. I have become more aware of my judging patterns and this is something I am taking home with me and really work on. Judging is poison in the body and poison for my relationships with everybody.

  222. I love that God is accessible through our reconnection with our bodies and its ‘True Loving Way’. No letters after ones name needed, no zen like states, or belief system or ideology, not even any good samaritan deeds required, and certainly no manual per se. Simply a willingness to listen to our bodies, bring honesty to all it reveals, and live in a way that deeply honours the vessel of sacred communication that it is.

  223. This is exactly it Joshua: ‘What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.’ The whole key to freeing ourselves for the bondage of judgment is to bring our awareness to it. Once you feel it you know how heavy, damaging and leaden judgement is, and how it utterly obscures love, joy and laughter.

  224. A great reminder Josh, to constantly come back to my body, as it is the only true marker of truth. Being aware of how my body is feeling and how it’s moving, supports me to shift the heaviness and dullness of judgement when I’m stuck in it, and return to the tenderness and openness that I am. This is such a big learning process and forever deepening, and I love my body for this offering.

  225. I recall in the past I could kind of feel justified at judging myself’; It was like I’d convinced myself that it was a form of self reflection or honesty or something or other. When all the time it was just a way to keep myself small and keep myself disconnected from the natural spring of joy and truth that resides within me.

  226. One of the greatest flaws in religions is the idea that God judges. All religions agree that God is love, but somehow we have managed to slip judgment into this pure love that knows what is true and what is not. Perhaps judgment is so much a part of our ‘normal way of being’ that we cannot imagine a God who doesn’t have an ounce of it in their being.

  227. Compared to the open and inclusiveness of discerning whether something is ‘true’ or ‘not true’ there is a harsh severity in judging something as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. I know how horrible it feels in my body when I judge myself in this way. The fact that we also tend to impose this on one another, and that we have imposed this view on our relationship with God seems criminal. For many years because of the Christian, Judaic and Islamic interpretation I was scared of such a judgemental and punitive God! So glad I came across Universal Medicine and the Way of the Livingness that put everything back into perspective again.

  228. Reading your blog it just occurred to me that our whole justice system is based on right and wrong. And I’m left wondering where truth sits in this?

    1. So true Stevie. The problem with the justice system is that it labels a person based on their actions instead of who they naturally are, thus pinning them as being the ‘badie’ and being ‘wrong’. By no means are their evil actions in any way acceptable but I feel the way we go about handling this process is evil in itself as it is not allowing them the space or the grace to see that they are not the action and to heal and understand why they did that act in the first place.

  229. Judgment of what is ‘right’ keeps us stuck in the past. Rigid in our responses, and doesn’t allow us to feel everything that is there to be felt in the moment. Even though we may not be aware of it, a great deal of the judgment we feel is directed at ourselves. We actually box ourselves in to an ideal and make ourselves right or wrong, which then flows onto the way we treat others.

  230. Thank you Joshua, I’m starting to feel how evil the energy of judgement is, as it is designed to shut down our true expression in any way it can.

  231. When we fight to be right or wrong we are fighting for evil, as this is one of the greatest tools that separates us and stops us from coming back to and building the love we are.

  232. I find one of the best ways to expose my own judgment is to be on the receiving of it. I had this happen recently and as I was explaining how it felt, the feeling of being made wrong rather than building love between us, how it felt like a put down and very much was felt through tone of voice, I could feel all the times when I had spoken like this. It was great to see this and express how much I needed to come back to love rather than allow judgment to come between us.

  233. God is a pretty great role model when it comes to not judging. He holds us in the unwavering love and knowing of what is true but allows us to make our own choices and deal with the consequences of those choices. He keeps steadily reflecting truth through the many symbolic messages we receive throughout the day allowing us to choose how we respond and how much see of the truth.

  234. When I try most diligently to get everything right, I usually forget that life is first and foremost about learning – which, for myself, tends not to happen so much when everything is just right.

  235. “This feels rather arrogant to me! If God doesn’t judge me but only holds me in love and understanding, why would I choose to beat myself up? ” couldn’t agree more Michelle it is pretty much the ultimate in being arrogant. Crazy to boot!

  236. It is freeing to see through your judgements and notice when they come up to be able to live free from them. The problem is we are very often not aware we are judging someone or ourselves. That where it can be super helpful to get support from others as often what we are blind to is very obvious to others! Funny as that may be it is true.

  237. When we judge another we are not allowing ourselves to see that their actions, behaviours, looks etc are supporting them in their evolution and that they are supporting us in ours at the same time. I am learning that we all have images and live life to an ideal we have created, missing out on a richness of what in truth is really there for us. If we let go of these images and pictures of how we think life ‘should’ be then we are giving ourselves permission to become aware of what that richness is and to start to live it.

  238. Judgement is really us bringing in an image or ideal and comparing what we see against that, instead of allowing what is there in front of us. We seem to use judgement as a measure of other peoples actions, but we approach this without the awareness that judgement is all about control. To start to see judgement for what it truly is, and also be honest with how we allow it in, is the way to start to break the pattern of it.

  239. I truly accept that God is truth and love, that there is no judgement in God. What is interesting is how much judgement I can hold on myself – holding back because I do not feel worthy when I’m not feeling the fullness of myself. I now know that it is not me who does the judging, but an energy I have let in, and that it is simply a way to trick me into focusing on what is not me, rather than what is. This blog is a wonderful reminder that as a Son of God I just am – there is no right or wrong, just an ever unfolding opportunity to reconnect more deeply to Truth and Love.

  240. The idea that there is a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way of living limits the opportunity we have to express from our own place in humanity, in our individual way. There is a true path that may differ from person to person, and this needs to be tailored to our own qualities and not based on what’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

  241. ‘…how can a super loving Divine being ever cast judgement on anyone or anything if all He is, is pure love? – Good question Joshua. There is no judgement in God – just Love.

  242. What springs to my head when I read the first sentence here again is that God simply presents the truth, which means there is not room for right of wrong.

  243. Constructs of the authoritative, judgmental God have been a set up to control and manipulate the masses throughout history. So deeply ingrained are the beliefs that judgement is personal to each person, we have been frightened into submission – a travesty that keeps in us the shadows our true equal glory! Serge Benhayon has shone a light on those shadows by leading those who chose to, back to the truth on the Ancient Wisdom. It a choice to know and feel our equal responsibility in expressing the truth of the love we are all made of to the best of our ability.

  244. This is very exposing Joshua of the harm of judging. I know that I am most judgemental towards myself for not living up to some preconceived notion of what I should be or how life should be. I can then pass this judgement on to others which stops me seeing the true beauty of another. The self judgment stops me seeing my true beauty.

  245. Right and wrong are so common in our life, under so many guises as you show Joshua. It is like when you are travelling and fixated on taking the ‘right road’ you actually miss out on the beauty all around. It takes a new understanding to stop holding on so tight, put your map down and just walk forward knowing your heart is the greatest guide. While we obsess about getting lost we will never come to see we have a great knowing already installed right in the centre of our being,

  246. I have been very judgemental of myself and others it is of no purpose other than to keep everything exactly as it is in the world, full of tension and dis – ease of relationship and health.

  247. I can feel the damage I am doing to myself when I judge or put myself down for a “wrong” I may have done. You are so right, Joshua, there is no right and wrong but only truth.

  248. Right and wrong are concepts that keep us away from truth. There is no such thing as right or wrong their is only truth.

  249. These judgments that are fostered by the ideals and beliefs of what we ‘think should be’ in our lives and lived by others are so condemning. Half the time we don’t even realise we are adhering to them. I certainly didn’t until one by one, and I’m sure there is still more, with the support of Universal Medicine I am starting to see where this has been in my life and letting go of them. I have definitely noticed less and less judgment towards myself and then this has naturally dropped towards others.

  250. ‘There is no Right and Wrong in God” – therefore our use of this as an assessment of life is baseless. This fact can not be stressed enough, especially in a world that exercises all manner of disregard, and even abuse under such banners. Reflecting on what is True and Not True on the other hand has a completely different foundation. The truth of our expression is love, harmony, joy and brotherhood among us all, each living as equal Sons of God.

  251. A key for self development is to avoid the double bind: We make a mistake, we beat ourselves up and thereby contract and then make more mistakes, beating ourselves up etc. We do extremely well when we are able to acknowledge the mistake without beating ourselves. up.

  252. The opposite of judgement is acceptance. Acceptance then creates space for understanding to be obtained. In judgement, we remain in reaction, and our perception is thus tainted by what has hurt us.

  253. Judgment is one of the biggest barriers to love. It stops love point blank.

  254. Judgement is one of the biggest barriers to love. It stops love point blank.

  255. Judgement is such a harsh and love-less activity… I know when I have gone into it because there is no warmth, openness or embracing of another. Thanks Joshua, what you’ve shared is spot on and so important if we want to restore any semblance of brotherhood anytime soon.

  256. Most humans do not know what it is to live without judgement. It takes a long while to trust but when a person is held in true love it is the greatest support offered to knowing there is more to life than what we see and knowing exactly what true love really means.

  257. I recall a few years ago saying something to Serge and then concerned he might have got the wrong impression of what I said – simply I was worried about ‘what he thought of me.’ When I expressed this in a email to him, he simply replied: ‘I don’t judge.’ In that moment my world stopped. I had never been presented before with the idea of not judging. My life changed forever after that. Because I know God does not judge and here was a man living this exact same level of true love. Inspiring.

  258. Inspiring Josh. “it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.” I am only just learning not to go into judgement. It is liberating and evolutionary. It is also saying no more to indulgence and irresponsibility.

  259. The idea that there is right and wrong in God’s eyes has been the cause of many wars and much devastation, fear and separation amongst humanity. This idea simply cannot be true, as how could an all-loving and all knowing God be the cause of such evil. It does not make any sense. Truth or non-truth is God’s way. Right and wrong are man made ideals.

  260. “it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.”. Love this line Joshua. The ‘I’m not good enough’ line is like making ourselves into a punching bag, no different.

  261. I grew up in a family that loved a good debate around the dinner table, it was something that I used to find quite stressful. Sure the topics would be worldly and interesting, but certain members had such strong need to win the debate it would often mean that the conversation would turn personal and nasty. It got to the point that I would walk away and not participate. It is great to explore the many different perspectives that exist and most often there is one unifying truth that brings people togther but not when you are stuck on the need to be right.

  262. Being right is such a trap. As we can be absolutely right yet completely shut down to connecting with ourselves and others more deeply – where the riches of life lay.

  263. I love feeling your connection to God that you take to everything in your life like the judgement that you felt you put on yourself and others and work it out from there. God can be a very real part of our everyday lives in a very different way than the mainstream religions present it.

  264. Joshua we can say we are open, that we love people, that we are supportive and that we don’t judge, yet what you share here is the hidden depth of judgement so many of us live with. Its a really great to understand this and observe how life could be without holding the subtle levels of judgments we may have.

  265. Thank you Joshua, the slightest movement away from our divine connection, creates separation. Separation takes us away from the ‘brotherhood’ which is the feeling we can not stop feeling, and is the magnetic pull we are all return to.

  266. Re-reading this wonderful blog, Joshua, I realise that I have judged absolutely everyone! With great arrogance I have judged humanity for being so fallible and reactionary, making it difficult to be in the world, when in fact I too was coming from reaction and creating the sense of struggle within myself. Looking at our false perceptions and judgements is a very humbling exercise.

    1. What a blessing in re-reading this blog and comments, and to be open and honest. I agree with you Janet, I also have both hands up when it comes to judgment. A very humbling experience but one that is needed to evolve!

    2. There is no Right and Wrong in God – I love that heading, Joshua, absolutely agree with you, only Love and Truth is in God. As you have said, God does not judge, he has given us free will to make our choices, and he awaits patiently and lovingly for us to eventually learn from our choices. It is we who judge ourselves and others, in great arrogance, and we cause so much harm not just to others, but also to ourselves. We have images of how things and we should be, and when this does not eventuate, we judge them accordingly. I have been as guilty as anyone else, of using judgment, especially regarding myself, always feeling myself less than others, but as I have been learning to connect more deeply to my innermost and feel the truth of who I truly am, and live more and more from that place, the choices I am now making mean that I am gradually removing judgment from my life.

  267. It feels like our desire to be ‘right’ is fuelled by our own insecurity maybe from a feeling that there is something more to life that we’re missing. The more I allow myself to live being impulsed by the love that I feel from within, it becomes more about how I am choosing to live and a ‘knowing’ that I’m making good choices as my whole body sings with joy. I’m nowhere near as judgmental as I used to be and can now see that whilst I’m loving the way I feel, it doesn’t make me right and someone else wrong, rather, I’m choosing to make different choices and the other person may well decide to do the same in the future, or not, but they’re on their own path of learning and development and only they can decide on their next choice, that by the divinity of universal law, will be the ‘right’ choice for them and the learning they have to master.

  268. Hello Joshua and this is a coin we have tossed for years, “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.” This is a way that I lived my life, ‘right and wrong’ and personally it always just spun me around in circles. We can build a whole world on it but that doesn’t make it true, to me there is now more and more simply ‘feelings and awareness’. It’s not the right and wrong don’t still sit with me but more and more I am relearning to just feel and bring more awareness to what I feel in every moment of life.

  269. Each time we bash ourselves, we do this with an energy that is very far away from the divinity we come from. There is no self-bashing whip in heaven, and God would never bash us with a stick (or anything for that matter) so why do we do this to ourselves?

  270. This is brilliant Joshua. There is absolutely no judgement from God and no casting of right and wrong, and yet we tend to judge ourselves so much, with a self-bashing stick constantly at hand…

  271. Feeling today how much I have deeply held myself to randsome over mistakes and unloving expressions I realise I have allowed no space to hold myself lovingly as God would. This feels rather arrogant to me! If God doesn’t judge me but only holds me in love and understanding, why would I choose to beat myself up? in this self sabotage I am taking myself further and further way from my connection to him and on that path only choosing to beat myself up more the more removed I become. This is clearly illogical and if I am allowed to say it – ‘rather idiotic’. Acknowledging there is no perfection and acknowledging we do get hurt in a world where everything is set up for us to get hurt it is super important to lovingly understand why we make the choices we make and why we react. How can there be any judgment if this is the case?

  272. What I find so valuable here is how you describe honestly what happens, or what you’ve noticed happening in your body when you are judging someone else. It shows how our body reveals just how we are at any given moment, we can feel it but often ignore it. But more importantly, another can feel it and read it too, and in that moment they are likely to react and reflect a similar posture, guarding themselves against what they can innately feel. So if we’re in judgement and closed down, it’s likely that’s what will be reflected back, the result is a distinct unease and separation between people, and a lack of harmony. When I ponder on how we relate to one another as a society I can see a lot of disharmony, conflict and separation, and I am left coming back to judgement. How can we come together if we are constantly judging others to be less than ourselves, and judging ourselves to be less than others. It seems we’ve created a vicious cycle based on comparison rather than love and understanding. If we are prepared to take responsibility for creating it, then it also means we can make a choice to create something different. We can each choose to hold ourself and others as equals, as the divine and amazing beings we all are.

  273. God is an example of True Love for us all, it is time we raised our awareness of this, and simply followed this loving way to be with every interaction we have.

  274. It is our mind that decides what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, maybe it does this to keep us small because when we judge ourselves or another we contract and withdraw into ourselves, so why not listen to our bodies, because our body always tells the truth, there is no judgement or no comparison in our body, it is not our true nature. So the key for me when I feel myself going into judgement is to re-connect to my body and appreciate myself, and realise that those thoughts are not me and call them out for what they are, just lies to keep myself small and in comparison, which is not my true nature at all.

    1. Great point Sandra, the mind can tell us all sorts of untruths while the body will always reveal all if we choose to feel and listen to it. Great blog Joshua

  275. I know when I am not feeling great about myself, the major sign is that I start trying to be right, a superiority, aloofness and protection comes in. And what is right or wrong become a dominant way of me communicating, and not building connection.. I get to choose how long I go down this path, but more and more it feels untrue, disruptive, and not flowing to be righteous. Right is not truth. What I have realised is that this behaviour has come from protection, my trying not to be hurt. I am letting the guard down and opening up. We all have our ways of trying to put armour on ourselves. However when we are with our sacredness, our soul, there is no requirement for protection.

  276. There is no right or wrong with God, because all is within the body of God, so there can be no judgement when we are aligned with divinity “Without any knowing of a right way to be, there cannot be any judgement as there is nothing to base the actions of another against.” There is love or not love, however all shed within love. Something that I feel is true and am learning to live.

  277. How should I be able to honor the other if I do not so honor my own being and what I am able to bring? What I am able to bring to this world is a piece of divinity, an offer to evolve for all of us. My body is the holder of sacredness, through me God can come to earth and life. The moment I make myself less I give away my power and deny my responsibility. In this ‘lesser’ state I am searching for safety, orientation (like right & wrong) and relief from the tension we created by living less than who we are.
    All starts with accepting who we are and here to be and to take this responsibility.

  278. This is a beautiful sharing and so important to realise in my life that there really is no right and wrong and no judgement which then allows a simplicity and great understanding for ourselves each other and the world. Seeing what is really going on and using all our senses is our best guide in life to knowing what is true and what is not and honouring that and each other lovingly. Now this would really change the world.

  279. This blog highlights to me just how judgemental I am with myself more so than other constantly judging that what I have to say may not be valued by other in saying that I must firstly be judging other has having more wisdom in what they have to say.

  280. I am quicker to spot and arrest judgment of others now (thank you Universal Medicine) but yesterday I let self-judgment play out for most of the morning and was shocked by the quiet denigration of the internal voice that was basically reducing and diminishing my self-worth. It dug its heels in and was comfortably taking root, until I spoke to a friend about it and started to apply a generous dose of appreciation – a great antidote that not only puts the critic back in its box but then goes beyond to build a foundation with less and less space for it.

  281. Judgement is so heavy, it can really weigh one down. The expectations we put on ourselves and others just sets us up to fail. When we let go of the judgement and replace with understanding and acceptance we are no longer adding to the hatred in the world, with understanding and acceptance of ourselves and others we are allowing for space to grow, learn and evolve.

  282. We judge another because we have already judged ourself and to make our self feel better we turn that judgement onto another rather then address and deal with what is being exposed. We need to learn to read the situation.

  283. “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.” very well said, there is never a winner when right and wrong is the focus. As you say, it is just an illusion to think that are opposite sides of a coin, in truth they are not.

  284. I know that if I find myself judging another I have in some way turned on myself and that to focus on the outer judgment is then to miss an opportunity to see what is going on internally for me – which is my responsibility. I simply need to gently, uncritically but firmly look at what I am questioning or berating myself about, that triggers me to compare myself to others, hence the need to judge. Building self-acceptance is a great platform not to look to others for a sense of who I am.

  285. I have always been so sensitive to feeling judgement from others-in fact from defending the hurt I would feel, being on the receiving end of judgement I adapted myself to act in a certain way to minimise the occurance of this. I’m still dealing with the repercussions of this today.

  286. I have been my biggest critic of right and wrong putting myself in this box from the ideals and beliefs of false religion. It has taken time to accept me for just being me and that I am ok, to realise mistakes are there for our learning no right of wrong, brings a freedom to my life I had not experienced before. If God does not judge, who am I to judge myself or anyone.

  287. “Right” and “Wrong” keep us caught in our head working it out and trying to tick all the boxes, whilst “What is True” and “What is Not True” invite us to connect more profoundly to the knowing deep in our heart.

  288. Judgement is also quite draining and exhausting, as this reaction robs us of the power to stay present and detached, and instead we enter into a dynamic with the other, and absorb that energy into our bodies – escalating harm for all.

  289. The whole guilt trip of right or wrong and how we use judgement to help support this type of behaviour, definititly feels heavy in the body and the opposite of love, joy and lightness of being. Joshua a great blog written as it exposes, and is freeing by delving deeper into this understanding of the constrictive and binding nature of judgement.

  290. What an incredibly timely blog for me to read Joshua, you have beautifully exposed the trap of judgement and how this way of living can only box yourself and others in. Reading your blog has created alchemy in my body Joshua, thanks for your incredible expression.

  291. Judgement only gets in the way of clear sight, so that we can never then truly know the whole of a situation.

    1. You are right Annie; judgment is insidious. By calling in judgment, we become a squid that swims into their own ink, we obscure everything around us and become blind.

  292. “Crazy as it seems, without the rights and wrongs, there would simply be no judgments. For how can there be when there just is what is true and what is not” It’s a revelation what you share about right and wrong…we are so invested in it to consider what is true or not isn’t normally on our radar. It feels spot-on that there is no judgment in truth, or not truth, it just is or isn’t.

  293. Today I read a quote that said that whenever there’s judgement, there’s no appreciation. So appreciation isn’t something fluffy or something to express every now and then, but actually an energetic law that is a constant. Constant appreciation, rather than constant judgement. What a difference this would make to the world. Let’s work on it all together:-). With Lightness and Joy together on our way to a world full of appreciation.

  294. Who are we to judge another, if we do not live a life of truth ourselves?

  295. When we perceive God as judging then we remove ourselves from the equation. This prevents us from feeling the power and responbility that we have in equalness. God is within not out there somewhere. ✨

  296. Awewsome work Joshua, incredible how you shosw us the true insights of judgement (right or wrong). For the world to see what we are doing and the cap of illusion that we are doing right with it. We all know this striving for perfection and so we know it is a safe way to act – as allowing to feel
    All the love again, which God is showing us, scares us as we will have to surrender again, but we know it is Love that is Our Return.

  297. With judgement there is no understanding or compassion for other people and ourselves. It’s a pure roadblock to our own evolution as humans, and can only lead to inner and outer conflict. When I am judgmental I can feel how my chest tightens, forearms clench up and I am usually frowning in some way. How can that tension be good for my body and how will that ever lead to harmony between myself and others when they can clearly see and feel that?

  298. When we do away with right and wrong, ie we recognise judgement for what it is, we can have connection that feels true and we leave each other to make the choices unimposed upon.

  299. Letting go of judgement and our concepts of right and wrong can take some time as they are so ingrained but it is so very freeing and empowering to do so. When we get caught up in making things right or wrong, we are constantly checking, measuring, proving and feeling bad about ourselves if the “wrong” is outweighing the “right” – a super exhausting exercise!

  300. The choice really comes back to riding the rollercoaster of right and wrong or the steadiness of truth.

  301. Becoming aware of how and when we judge others (and ourselves), it is clear that many of our interactions are already prejudiced and laced with reaction from past hurts and experiences. This is setting up just another situation where there is more reaction and triggering.. the key is learning to be fully present and without pre-judgement, each moment fresh, and to make the choice to not go into reaction but rather hold a space that awareness and understanding may arise. This is when a true response is possible for all to learn from.

  302. There is also the myriad of judgements we can cast on ourselves.. I often catch myself out and see others doing the same, putting themselves down in respect of choices we have made. So for me judgement is intertwined with the expectation of ‘I/They should be a certain way’.

  303. Judgement is an image or belief that blocks us from feeling the truth from our body. This not only delays our evolvement but also blocks our ability to truly connect with others too.

  304. Judgement is so limiting in our perception of life. To move through life judging others by what I perceive to be right or wrong is to limit God to our human condition. How can I contemplate God through loving eyes if my eyes only perceive judgement of other?

  305. If for one second we believe that God is about right and wrong then we do not know God at all.

  306. “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” This is so insightful, that judgement is based on our preconceived ideals that we place on others. When we stop and see people for who they truly are, there can be no judgement.

  307. Joshua I love how you share the smallest details about the way we hold ourselves and are in fact judgement and felt as such, it’s easy to say someone is being judgmental when they say something but how often do we look over a gesture or movement and not consider this to equally be judging?

  308. Right and wrong are very much subjective, influenced by our personal perception, beliefs we have subscribed to, our triggers from past hurts and experiences – and there is judgement inherent in this – which another naturally reacts to… But if we approach each moment fresh and ‘read’ the situation – what is happening and what is at play, we can arrest the judgement and reaction and instead are able gain deeper understanding and insight. Takes some practice but it is the only way we will all get to an understanding of each other and of the world.

  309. Judgements have been a way of life for me in the past , a way of behaving to find my place by comparisons with others. Now I realise this, it feels pretty awful, and your list of examples completely summarises it. Transforming that to what is true and what is not true has an absolute different way to be and knowing ‘God is accessible through nothing more than a True Loving Way of being with all’ teaches us we can all change our behaviour to being from Love.

  310. Judgement is all about me and how I see the world. It has nothing to do with truth. When we judge another, we lose our universality and become reduced to self and hold an unequal view of the world: what I see or say is right, what you see or say is wrong!

  311. Judgement – it can be such a subtle thing, even just expecting someone to be the same as they were the last time you saw them is a judgement, for people change and evolve and so we can’t hold them to be a certain way.

    1. This is a great appreciation and respect for the always changing, always moving nature of life and to hold anyone, including ourselves, to ransom for how we/they were last week, yesterday or even a moment ago is to arrest the natural development we are all part of in life.

  312. “The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do”.
    This sentence stopped me in my tracks this morning – Although never having been brought up with, or affiliated to, any formal religion or church attendance, there was always a sense of having done something wrong and constantly plagued by the thought that I had somehow sinned. The possibility of severe retribution was always hovering over me, as I could not ever be ‘good enough’ for God who was sitting in judgment over me on his throne in the sky.
    Where did this thought come from? Is this true? How much did this lock me into a perceived reality that was a complete lie?
    No-one ever told me this and yet it was deeply ingrained somehow and felt very real until I attended the Ancient Wisdom Teachings presented by Serge Benhayon’s and I began to connect with God through awareness in my body.

  313. Wow the impact of judgement in our lives is enormous and creates so much pain and separation in our lives and that of others. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body”. This blog brings a reality to how we live and shows the way we truly can change this and bring a real love, joy and appreciation to ourselves and hence that of everyone around us .

  314. “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.” So true Joshua, it can be a constant stream throughout the day, it is no wonder that we find it hard to appreciate ourselves when we berate and put ourselves down so much. With this lack of appreciation for ourselves it can be easy to then judge others by how we see ourselves and how much this can then affect how we are with one another.

  315. This is such a clear and beautifully written article showing that right and wrong are just opinions and in fact “There is only what is true and what is not true.” When one understands and appreciates that truth based on the understanding of energetic integrity there is no argument, it is either what it is (true) or it is not what it is claimed to be (not true). Learning to discern truth in this way makes life simple.

  316. “There is only what is true and what is not true.” Learning to honour what we feel to be true and express this truth takes practice, we are raised with so many indoctrinations about the world that are not true. Discovering Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is like stumbling across an oasis of Truth in the vast desert of lies we live in. Once there we can re-imprint our relationship with honesty, awareness and truth, learn how to drop the judgment and re-establish heart warming relationships based on honesty, care and tenderness as opposed to judgment, criticism and righteousness.

  317. Judgement is insidious! When we leave a hole for it to creep in it becomes the weed that spreads its roots and seeds everywhere in our mind. It can shut down of senses and denies us seeing and feeling the truth and just leaves the illusion of something that is not real. Where truth is what it says on the tin, and that’s what you get it is also something you can’t accidently open up but is always something to learn from.

  318. I realise how the idea of the Catholic Church of being a sinner and God is our judge is still partly running me instead of being a student of life and giving myself space to make mistakes. I am starting to see how this ingrained pattern is holding everyone at a distance, only when I live what my body is telling me I will feel how we are one and the same. And that I don’t have to be better or less, this takes away the pressure I put on myself and opens up being a forever student.

    1. I agree, we find lots of ways to hold ourselves back and the choice is always ours.

  319. I totally agree with what you say Joshua, no good ever came from any sort of judgement, self judgement just really sux and the audacity to judge another when God himself doesn’t judge is even more outrageous, even though both are such easy things to slip into if we are not careful. If we humans could just get over ourselves and quit being so judgemental of ourselves and others the world would be a far better place.

  320. It is so true Joshua when we consider that there is nor right or wrong in God, but only love. How have we human beings been able to stray away so far from our truth and out of connection of being the Sons of God? It feels to me that right and wrong and the judgement that comes with that are a result of choosing to live in this separation, as when I consider myself as being the Son of God, I know that the other is the same as me and how could I judge another when in that connection with that I a know I also judge myself? It makes no sense and is clear that ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is a creation from living in that separation and not from God.

  321. Thank you, Joshua, for very lovingly and firmly de-basing the insidious nature of our games with ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ – when I berate myself for some perceived ‘wrong’ I am remembering more often to stop and consider if God would ever speak to me in that way and the answer is always ‘no’. He would give me a loving hand up, dust down and a point of clear inspiration to take the next step with the recent learning on board – I am learning more and more to afford myself the same grace and care.

  322. “As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.” Joshua that is really a different way to look at ourselves – it is not about self harm it is about self love!

  323. You can only judge something if you have been hurt by it, and in the hurt, you limit your understanding of what has actually happened. Therefore judgement, is ultimately a lack of understanding. This is why the concept of a judgemental God simply makes no sense. If God is all understanding, as a Christian would say, then why would he judge? He would quite simply be beyond judgement.

  324. “Seeing people for who they are” allows me to feel the equalness and the Love of both the other(s) as well as my own. There’s much appreciation when I allow myself to Truly see people. The feeling inside of my own body is also very different. When I see people for who they Truly are, I feel a lot of openness, respect, tenderness, equalness and union. Where as judging always comes from a hard and strict body, I would actually say that in these moments of judgement there’s always a way of competitiveness.

  325. Judgment is insidious – it permeates into many unsuspecting areas. I really appreciate you sharing Joshua how you have felt judgment running so you don’t enjoy what is before you. As I read this I can feel I’m doing this with the course I’m currently doing. I’ve been ‘thinking’ it’s stress – but as I read your blog I can feel it’s self-judgment and it robs the natural joy. Returning to joy by connecting and appreciating me and all I offer is the loving antidote to the silent assassin.

  326. Growing up in a strict Catholic family I always felt the imposition of the ‘right and ‘wrong’ and how God would judge my deeds. Letting go of these beliefs has allowed me to embrace the love of God within myself and surrender to what is divine.

  327. If we had all been brought up with the notion that ‘making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are’ and put in this way it’s ridiculous how we have allowed this to become a way of life that we accept as normal. What you suggest Joshua allows us to see the person as so much grander and more glorious and to allow their potential to come shining through.

  328. To surrender to any moment no matter how awful it may feel and understand that God is right there offering a moment of evolution and there is always the option to choose more love than the moment before.

  329. I have noticed when I feel attacked I use words that are loaded with judgement in defense. In talking this through further I realised the very behaviour I was judging someone for was because this was an area I was not stepping into in my life. I held an image of what it looked like and everyone’s performance was held accountable to this image. The image was unattainable and made it difficult for me to take even the smallest steps in that direction.

  330. Even if we don’t show that we are in judgment, it is felt deeply in the body of both people, but it is also an assault on the body.

  331. Joshua your words ‘Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.’ It is shocking when we realise that we are judging another on our own ideals and beliefs.

  332. “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.”. This says it all!

  333. It’s so true that judgement can be seen in our eyes and in our posture. It’s a sure way to tell instantly if we are not choosing to be loving. I love how the body tells the truth and there is no escaping it.

  334. I have found that when I truly feel good about myself, when I feel connected to who I am and the love that I am, there is no desire to judge others. It is only when I am ‘not myself’, feeling self-critical, negative, contracted and loveless, that the desire to judge others is present. Hence, the issue is with myself and not with others – and is one of re-establishing that connection to the truth of who I am – rather than pointing fingers at others. With this understanding I now know there is no true basis for judgement at all.

  335. As much as it is bugging to see such atrocity and untruth in the world, so much apathy, given-upness, lack-lustre and dullness, judgement comes from these emotions.

  336. Life is about evolution, back to who we truly are. Everyday can be a great learning experience of “The what is” and “the what is not”. When we decide to embrace awareness, sensitivity and openness, what we can know about life is enormous and starts with the very small things going on in our life and with those around us. Judgement blocks the openness to this, as it comes from a pre-held idea of what is right and wrong, stopping us from seeing anything that is presently going on.

  337. Reading this blog today Joshua, I was feeling all the times I have held judgement against myself – when I haven’t lived up to my own ideals about how life should be. I have realised how detrimental this is, to hold judgment against anyone let alone myself.

  338. So many of us hold ourselves back or fear of getting it wrong, it is mainly because we were brought up in an education system or a religion that is based on ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. We learn everything by making mistakes, so for me ‘Oops’ is a great word – way better than a grovelling, self deprecating ‘Sorry’ – somehow it acknowledges the mistake but allows us to be light with it.

  339. I love the idea that we can pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and move on instead of wallowing in the self recriminations and imperfections of our own self judgements.

  340. Judgements are massive and yes seem to usually relate back to what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. But who says what is right or wrong. Who has the authority to do so. For example, a certain food may support someone at their stage of evolution whereas it may not support another at another stage. Conversely doing things because they are right, say like changing your diet when you are not ready to because someone has said it is the right thing to do, can also be harming. We have the choice in each moment to feel what our body needs and that takes away all the ‘right’ and ‘wrongs’ and allows us to simply be.

  341. I know I’m in judgement when I can feel a gap between how I naturally am and the responses have a natural flow with no rules or need to think, as opposed to a slight reservation, having to consider what the best thing to say is etc. That way is controlled, it tells me I am measuring what I allow in and judging what is before me. It always ends badly!

  342. Wow Joshua, i love the authority with which you write. I can so relate to this, ‘Try to say the ‘right’ thing, and failing and judging ourselves for saying the ‘wrong’ thing, or not saying something when we should have, are examples where right and wrong never seem to get us anywhere’, for years I tried to say the ‘right’ thing and ended up withdrawing and not saying much at all, this was very painful, i am now enjoying simply saying what feels true rather than what I think i should say – much more simple!

  343. One of the most beautiful things i have come to know since Universal Medicine is that there is only truth and that God does not judge and never has done. This changes everything and allows a loving understanding ,a flow , a harmony and way of living that simply makes sense of the all.

  344. “I got to feel how evil it really is to judge another.” I agree the evil in judging another is strong…my feeling though is that we can only judge another when we have judged ourselves to be ‘wrong’ in the first place. The constant self-bashing and not having the feeling of coming up to scratch then leaves the door wide open to compare to others and either make ourselves smaller, or more than to compensate. From that platform we are constantly judging another as a measure against ourselves.

  345. “My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.” I can relate to this, Joshua, and it feels like an imprisonment to live like this.The internal critic keeps us from surrendering to the fact of our divinity which can easily be felt when we let go of our ideals, and beliefs and honour ourselves rather than being so dismissive.

  346. You know what, Joshua, this is amazing what you are writing here. I agree that judgements are deeply ingrained that we sometimes even don’t realize them.They can be very subtle but they create a feeling in the body which is very negative and the body posture shows this too.
    Judgement does not hold the other one in equalness and as such is very harming .

  347. My judgemental ways are coming up for me to clearly see. I have had many situations recently where my judgemental comments have been gently pointed out to me. Initially I wasn’t able to see it clearly but now I am getting to do a 360 around it. I recognise that I am presenting the truth but that it is wrapped up in judgement, which bars anyone from actually receiving it. The other thing that I have come to clearly feel is that I deliver it with a slight rant. The games up.

  348. I realise that I have been holding myself to ransom because of the harsh judgements I have made about myself. The depth to which they can be felt in my body is actually quite shocking when I actually allow myself to go there. This all stems from the idea of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and of the choices I have made without allowing myself the grace of understanding and allowing.

  349. ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time’, Joshua that’s such a great observation and such a tragedy when you consider that judgements are a man made impediment layered over the top of truth.

  350. There is no right or wrong, there just is and how we each perceive it can be very different, based on whatever ideals and beliefs we have been brought up with.

    1. Absolutely. And putting people into ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ boxes keeps us separate. It keeps us from celebrating the same divine love that is within us all – untouched by our choices.

  351. “Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.” This sentence exposes the immense arrogance we live in, when we make decisions and judgments about other people when we are all behaving the same way. How can we ever elevate ourselves above another person when we are not perfect ourselves? When we truly learn to observe and read situations it empowers us to feel the energetic factors at play and once felt, provide us with the real answers and the ability to respond rather than react to another person and their choices. The need to justify becomes redundant.

  352. Joshua I loved reading your article again today and felt that your description of how your body presents itself when in judgement was incredibly accurate. It supported me to be able to feel how my body is when I am judging another and how I close down physically and energetically. I also got to feel how not only do I see only part of another but I only allow them to see part of me. Lose lose.

  353. It is true, Joshua, how we are able to numb our bodies by having judgmental thoughts. Our bodies get hard, thus numb and we get to be less aware of what we are not willing to feel – all that is constantly communicated.

  354. Brilliant Joshua. Judgement puts us into boxes be it right or wrong, but if we see our expression as but a way of communicating what is true, our bodies offer us a beautiful marker of truth for us to enjoy the ever evolving learning that is available to us when we choose to listen to its sharing’s.

  355. ‘In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true’. If only we all realised and understood this profound truth, there would be no war. Instead we have invested in ‘mighty’ ideas and concepts about God, about life, about each other, which are not true and which lead only to conflict, misunderstanding, war, and much more. Where there could be heavenly harmony we have created chaos.

  356. How true this is Joshua… “Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” If we were actually observing what was happening with a person there could be no judgment as the observation (which is love) would reveal the whole picture. Judgment can only come when what is happening is being seen through the filter of a perceived idea or ideal.

  357. This right and wrong business is everywhere. I often hear parents say they’re teaching their children right from wrong through teaching rules but without a connection to bringing understanding, responsibility or truth.

    I’m reflecting on this after a week of making a few mistakes, nothing major but I still go into reaction. What is this about? Is that I decided it wasn’t safe to make a mistake when I was young because mistakes meant you got shouted at or hit even when you had no idea how something was your fault. Like in my first days of primary school I saw my classmate being slipper-ed and vowed I’d never get into trouble/caught so I carried an internal right and wrong gauge. I’m only starting to recognise the judgement of my every move and it’s no wonder I feel so stiff. Learning that it’s not about judgement but letting go of this high state of alertness and being present to the best of my ability and sensing what it is that needs attention to the tiniest detail.

  358. After reading your blog the first time Joshua it inspired to be more aware of how judgmental thoughts play out and to be aware of when it is expressed by myself and others. Judgement is so rampant, insidious and harmful. With more awareness and by choosing to expose it whenever judgement is present through simply expressing to others lovingly I have found it is hugely supportive to dissolving it. The more I allow myself to be aware and continuously choose to express, this will nip judgement in the bud. Appreciation is a powerful antidote to judgement, when I choose to appreciate there is no room for any judgmental thoughts.

  359. Our perceived notion of what is right or wrong is a way to keep us from feeling what is the truth. We all know truth, we feel it in our bodies, yet whilst we carry ideals around what is right or wrong these will always tarnish us from feeling what is true. A sure trick to keep us from feeling the glory of the amazingness of who we are.

  360. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.” I agree with you, and it is quite clear to others when we are verbally judging them in some way. It can be felt by them in the expression, the tone of voice, the very feel of what is said. It is something that cannot be hidden, we can feel it and others can feel it.

  361. For quite a young man, there is so much wisdom in this blog, Joshua, I love it. I so agree with you, here, “what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” But who decides what is right and what is wrong? Is it ‘society’s’ beliefs, or just our own beliefs, who knows? Beliefs made up by some people in charge of us in some way, such as developed in the Catholic Church over centuries of control over people. And this does not just include those who followed the Catholic beliefs, but all the other religions that emerged and broke away from it, they still have the old beliefs embedded within them insidiously. But who is it that is judging us nowadays? I sense that we are our own worst judges of ourselves. We can be so hard on ourselves, tend to find so much wrong with us, resulting in so many of us suffering from lack of confidence, a lack of self worth etc. How crazy this is, when we are all sons of God. God is love, and if that is so, then how could he judge? Of course he does not, he lets us have free will to choose what we do, with no judgment, but with infinite patience for us to learn from our mistakes. So why do we not live this way too. It feels so much more loving for me and for us to take the same loving attitude to ourselves as God does.

  362. Hello Joshua and this blog has been with me the last couple of days. Not that I have been thinking about it or reading it over and over but the simple fact that I did read it and comment on it has bought a change in my life. We don’t ‘learn from our mistakes’ because there is truly no right or wrong, there is only more awareness and this is what this blog has gifted me, more awareness. Thanks again Joshua.

  363. Self-judgment finds its way into the tiniest of doubts or mistrust, and holds us to ransom, then as you presented Joshua it spreads. ‘As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.’ Also the insidious controlling thoughts that set us up to find a way of taking us out of conscious presence bring about a lack of discerning judgment by us, believing we are solving or coping with a perceived ideal or belief. Only to find out we are truly judging it. Being present with what we are doing while we are doing it, which is conscious presence, brings about our evolution!

  364. Judgement is the seed of separation. If I don’t choose to connect to the essence of either myself or somebody else, there’s always some kind of judgement going on and thus separation. As I’m allowing myself to really feel the Love and the Grandness of it, it’s everywhere. From all angles I’m surrounded with Love, it’s up to me how much I dare (choose in fact) to accept and let in. There’s so much Beauty. Something I held as impossible for a long time. But thanks to my own commitment and the unwavering support of my own Soul, God, Serge Benhayon and so many around me finally made me crack open and enjoy the naturalness of both my own Love and of others. Away from the constant judgement.

  365. There is so much wisdom and truth in your understanding of God Josh. Our own choice of the quality of the loving relationship we give our selves and in turn are open to God to also support our ever deepening loving connection with All.

  366. Joshua, this is such a gorgeous and deeply felt blog, and it blew me away. I feel and know much of what you have described but have not always lived it, and in reading I realised that the person I hold most as being wrong is myself and yet God see no wrong, there is only truth or not and as you say our job in finding ourselves having chosen not truth is to dust ourselves off and come back to being the loving beings we are. To quote you ‘In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.’ Divine and simple.

  367. It is easy to bring ourselves down in self judgement which then leads to judgement and thus bringing down of others as we have put ourselves in a position of less and then find it unbearable to feel others being more. We have a choice in every moment to realise, when we make those poor choices, judgements etc, that what we have done isn’t who we are all the time, we have momentarily stepped aside from ourselves, abandoned our vehicle so to speak. So for me it is “lets step back in with the awareness that it is how I am in what I do next” that is key.

  368. Judgment is the brother of comparison as both subjectively seek to make one person feel better and the other person is denigrated in some way. It seems that right and wrong are at the root of comparison and judgment and create the same disharmony -there is only truth.

  369. I recall Serge Benhayon giving an example in one of his talks about a baby learning to walk. There are many wobbles, many falls. For ages there is a lot flapping of the arms, lifting and dropping the feet and stumbling forward, in a manner that no adult would. And this is all lovingly accepted and cherished. No one calls a baby’s fall wrong or a failure. It is seen for what it is – learning along the way and part of building the mastery of walking. Yet the ideals and beliefs drummed in by man-made religions that we need to strive to be what is deemed to be ‘correct’ and worthy run so deep. It is always great being reminded that “there is no right and wrong in God”.

  370. How and why did we allow ourselves to become our own harshest critics? When you really stop and think about it – it makes no sense at all. It makes much better sense to appreciate and love ourselves.

  371. “Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” This is so true Joshua – how is it that we manage to get something that is so obviously right so wrong!

  372. I found it both fascinating and very helpful to read your description of the physical reactions in your body which arise whenever you judge another.

  373. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.” I always felt varying degrees of either disconnection or discomfort depending on the particular situation but I never thought that it would be visible throughout my whole body – I always thought my thoughts were invisible.

  374. “Judgments are essentially a put down”. This line really stood out to me today when reading this blog. Judgements are a play of energy of someone being more and someone being less, all counterproductive to brotherhood.

  375. One of the most beautiful and understanding things that I have heard Simone Benhayon say is that there is no right or wrong there is only energy. And not only is there no right or wrong, there is only learning.

  376. ‘He is pure love so how can there be any right or wrong?’ – How common is it that we see God as someone who judges and condemns. Could we have it more upside down?

  377. On first reading it could be said that this is a very strong statement, to call judgment evil – “I got to feel how evil it really is to judge another”. But I can see the insidious nature of it; that to hold someone lesser, which is what we are doing when we judge, is to dismiss the equality between us, and in dismissing this essence of them we are denying God in both ourselves and in the other person.

  378. I love this sharing Joshua! On my second read I find so much more jumps out at me, especially around judgement of self and closing off thereafter and feeling unworthy. We all make mistakes that God has never judged us by and His Love is always a constant in our lives. If we too could be as loving to those around us what a huge difference this would make to us all.

  379. It is amazing how subtle a judgement can be – on ourselves and on others – any expectation on how we should or could be is a judgement. We almost seem to have developed a silent rule book of the rights and wrongs, do’s and don’ts of how to live life – but there is no right or wrong way. There is certainly a choice, and you can make one way of living look right and another look wrong, for example a successful career verses a lowlife drug addict. But what if the same energy is providing the choice between those two polar opposite lives? What if it is just the right and wrong, but neither is the truth?

  380. This article is awesome in appreciation and in not holding back, God, Love and Truth are absolute. And Serge Benhayon is an absolute inspiration… “He has inspired me to reclaim my own Divinity and connection to God, the natural absoluteness I lived as a child.” I agree I am constantly inspired to be more of who I naturally am and I can feel myself reclaiming the knowingness of divinity I held as a child.

  381. When we are judging another we are are judging ourselves – when I got to fully understand this with the support of Universal Medicine and the teachings and revelations presented by Serge Benhayon I got to see how much I would actually judge myself. Making more loving choices and saying no to the negative thoughts as indeed been extremely freeing and a deepening process which is endless. This acceptance and embracing of feeling God within and that this is my truth is simply exquisite.

  382. Self judgement is a real issue “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgments we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.” I have become aware that the less I judge myself the less I judge others. It is stunning how often I have been critical of myself, it is a trap that stops us feeling the magic of our soul that lies within. It disconnects us.

  383. Awesome blog exposing the craziness of our perceptions of right and wrong. It feels so clear to me how I have applied these to myself in self-judgement which then in turn becomes a way of looking at life’s situations which we then project onto others too. I have also found this perception of judgement to be so inhibiting in how I approach what I do in my life.

  384. We express in our house, if it feels appropriate, that ‘being right is not the truth’ because we often can fool ourselves into thinking that if we perceive we have been wronged it is okay to get righteous and judgmental. But in doing so we fall into a trap, we do not take responsibility and we are not expressing truth ourselves.

  385. I have had a moment when I realised that I had caught myself in this also “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” Nothing can heal and relationships can’t develop with love when we use judgement on ourselves or each other.

  386. Judgement is at once both a huge and insidious issue. I am not sure if any of us have not grown up with it in some shape or form. For me (although I have done much work on my issues and on this issue of judgment) I still find myself caught up at times in self judgement, which actually I find quite crippling. It is absolutely based on this concept of right and wrong, of an ideal or belief that I shouldn’t be making mistakes, of “weak’ areas being exposed, of me being shown that I am not where I think I am and so on… This stems from the conditioning from young we get not only from religions but also from education and all our systems. Breaking down through all of this to know that who we are is immense and that there is no right and wrong, just a learning and an unfolding, is hugely important. Judgment is a heinous crippling on self and on others that keeps us curled in a foetal ball, or in resentment, anger or rage! – In this hardening we lose sight of self appreciation, all vestiges of it buried for a while. Learning to live life in connection to the loveliness of who we are in the full awareness that there is no perfection allows us to live more of who we are more naturally.

  387. First we allow an energy which gives us a thought. Then we claim that thought as our own. It is only then that we can judge.

  388. Thank you Joshua for your insights. I have always said. . . . “You cannot be right for very long before you are wrong!” and you can quote me on that as that is exactly how it goes. It is a bit like you are not happy for very long before you are sad. And as sure as war will follow peace we are kept in the game of up and down, good and bad, and right and wrong. This is a great thing to crack and the only real way to crack it is to step off the treadmill and into being true, real, and practical.

  389. The need to be ‘right’ is draining and then equally so is when we get it ‘wrong’ as usually there is self judgement. This exposes how neither behaviours are true as they have an effect on our bodies. I am learning more and more how there is “There is only what is true and what is not true.” and for either there is always a learning and opportunity to grow.

  390. “God is accessible through nothing more than a True Loving Way of being with all: a way that I am learning is clearly laid forth through our re connection with our bodies….”
    Isn’t it interesting that in the light of these words so many religions negate the body and make it about everything but the body – makes you wonder what their true intent is.

  391. “His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived, and this connection is felt in his every word and gesture.” I can concur this Serge Benhayon is a breathing, walking and talking reflection of divinity on earth and the inspiration for us all to be this too.

  392. “If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.”
    This sentence really captures the whole blog for me beautifully – amazing!
    We so easily make it about right and wrong but this will never lead us to the truth, it will forever keep us imprisoned in the loveless concepts of our minds.

  393. ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time’ – I can relate to this Joshua and know exactly the feeling. If we make a not-so-brilliant decision, a simple one, being to go to bed late or overeat, naturally our bodies feel heavy, tired, dull etc., but it’s so true that when we self-loathe or beat ourselves up for this things become SO much denser and heavier in our bodies – it’s as if we magnify the choice tenfold.

  394. I love your observation Joshua, how your body posture changes when in judgement. It is a great marker to have and clearly shows the harm it does even to oneself.

  395. “There is only what is true and what is not true.” The concept of judgement and right and wrong is used by many as a means of control over others. When we judge people (or ourselves) by their actions, we are missing out on a true connection to the essence of the true love that we all are.

  396. “None of this exists when we speak from love and understanding and this alone proves the fact that right and wrong actually do not exist.” It is through lack of love comes jealousy, comparison and judgement. As soon as we start connecting to the life we are from all this starts to fall off and fade away.

  397. “Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” This is crazy how we have been caught in this illusion of perceived right and wrong which leads to judgement, but if we truly just connected to the pure love we are there is no space for this, or any judgement.

  398. “I know I have often found myself not enjoying situations that I otherwise would have because of the weight of such thoughts over my mood and general state of being”
    I can really relate to this Joshua as I have recently realised just how much I do this myself due to worrying about what others will think and that I have to do things ‘right’, either to be liked or to prove to myself that I am worthy, but by doing so I also realised that I am making myself less and judging myself against others instead of claiming who I am and just being me. You are absolutely right, there IS no right and wrong and buying into that one just keeps us all small and in comparison and judgement with each other which stops evolution in its tracks.

  399. “Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment.” How is it possible that most of us are able to forget such an important inner knowing?

    1. That which is Love and that which is not Love resides within the body of God. And holding both equal in Love and observing allows that which is not Love to be alchemised, if the free will is there to do so. To know Love it is essential to know all that presents itself, with understanding and holding.

  400. Judgment is us second-guessing what is. It can be a good guess but it is a guess.

  401. Judgement comes from a belief that has been taken on from somewhere or someone else – let go of all the beliefs, ideals and images and there will be no judgement, no right or wrong, there will only be ‘What is”.

  402. From very young I could feel that there was a true way to things, an order and a knowing of what was clearly so, and it did not require anyone’s permission or agreement for it to stand true. It was strange and at time bewildering when others acted against what felt to be so true, but it did not change the actual foundations that stood firm and still true. And there was no right or wrong, just strange why people chose that and at times it hurt. Later on I learned that there are ideals and beliefs about how things ‘should’ be and anyone who did not do it that way was wrong. Not only have I been judging myself with these ideals most of my life, I have also been imposing these views on others and judging them. It has been exhausting and devoid of the love and confident knowingness of the younger days. Thank God that Universal Medicine has been providing inspiration and support in spotting, nominating and letting go of the ideals and beliefs and returning to an understanding that there IS no right or wrong, but simply truth, understanding acceptance and love.

  403. I love the title Joshua we have this perception that life is about right or wrong but God does not work this way and never has done. It is through the various religions especially the Catholic Church that have suppressed us into thinking there is a right way and a wrong way to get to God. Being right or wrong comes loaded with belief systems that we then feel we have to justify, yet truth can be felt instantly, it does not have to be proven. Children know instantly when something is true or not and they are not afraid to say what they feel without judgement or criticism, just simple words that say it how it is.

  404. Right and wrong feel like handy notions that promise some kind of stability on the outer by putting things and people into boxes and labelling them as such; is it possibly the absence of a sense of stability and worthiness on the inside that makes us want to attach these props? And more, is it actually a sign of wanting to control a situation or person, or even life for that matter?

  405. You are most definitely divine Joshua, keep claiming it more and more and more.

  406. Up or down, right or wrong, good or bad, more or lesser, believer or agnostic, true love or emotional love, and reconnection or disconnection it is all a choice, so choose wisely for it is our chosen path that shall return us to being the Son of God!

  407. You can spend an entire lifetime trying to be right.
    Yet, in any given moment you can be true.
    The choice to choose truth over being right is not arduous, but simple, and our most natural state.

  408. I know this posture really well Joshua, and love how you describe it.
    In my case, it can be seen through my facial expressions, my smile, which is not my full smile, and through my eyes, which are guarded and not fully allowing me to see the other person in full. It is also in my posture, which I realise now is often guarded as my shoulders are rolled in, keeping my heart closed. It goes to show that judgement can never be hidden!
    Knowing this can be quite powerful because if you find yourself in this position once again, you know instantly that you are guarded, and in that moment you can either continue that way or surrender, open up and let the guard down. Accept and observe, surrender and allow.
    Just writing these few words has an impact on my body.

  409. Hello Joshua and I think you are right, kidding. But what you are saying here is very true, “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.
    All are based on a perceived notion of what is right and what is wrong, never simply based on what is true.” I have watched my thoughts since reading your blog and it is amazing to see just how many of these ‘judgements’ are around. Nearly everything that has come out of my mouth over the last day has had a lingering ‘right or wrong’ tag with it. The awareness of just this I gained from reading your blog has been priceless thank you.

  410. “Yet what is interesting about judgement is that it is based entirely on a perceived ideal of what is ‘right’ and thus what must be ‘wrong’.” This is a great line Joshua, and one that brings up the question of, ‘who says something is right or wrong?’ It is only what someone else believes to be right or wrong that makes it so, whereas if we tune into what we really feel, we may see things very differently. What is right for one person, maybe very wrong for another, but “only what is true and what is not true”.

  411. ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.’ When we make judgements we are already no longer connected to our essence and I know I use thoughts and judgements on myself to avoid the connection with God to not feel how grand I am. And instead of living in the joy of being a Son of God, I get very serious indeed.

  412. Does judgment get triggered because what we see and feel in another actually resonates with something in us that we are trying to hide from ourselves? The reflection is an opportunity to open our hearts to ourselves and the person offering the awareness. Judgment doesn’t exist with an open loving heart.

  413. The antidote to judgement for me is appreciation, humbleness and fragility. These Divine qualities allow me to connect, wonder, learn and evolve from all the reflections that are offered to me. In my experience judgements kick in very quickly, often so quick that I’m not even aware of the fact that I’m judging and / or comparing. Either towards myself or others. It’s a wonderfull process to become aware and accept that I do have a choice to disconnect from my heart or not. There’s so much to appreciate, wonder, learn and evolve. In this lies the equalness that we all belong to. No one’s better than anyone else. Not a single one. How Gracious and Grand is Life, Love and GOD?

  414. ‘judgement can never be hidden!’ This is so true. We walk around and most of the world is in judgement of others, of themselves, of environments, of beliefs, of ideals…. So it’s quite something to come across someone who is open, who sees the whole, who communicates we are way beyond these compressed thoughts that we allow to hold us captive in their reduced reality and comprehension of the world and each other.

    I’m realising how evil judgement is because it keeps us away from knowing the grandness of who we are. I’m realising how every time I judge myself (usually under the delusion that I’m helping myself not be a certain way) I’m actually compounding a lovelessness in my body, courting ill health and disease and reflecting this reality to others. So how powerful it is when I am open and allowing of myself and others. This too is being communicated, allowing a space for people to feel who they are more freely. We don’t have to buy into judgement as it is so minute when connected to the expansion of the universe.

  415. Wow Josh, how you relate judgements with the Catholic Church makes completely sense and I need some more pondering on how this particular part of this religion has influenced me as I am raised in a Catholic family too. I can be very hard and judgemental on myself and I know how I can judge others as well. Thank you for this open and revealing blog.

  416. For me being judged has been incredibly painful. When we close down to one another without understanding or allowing, it invites the recipient to feel less or is a confirmation that they are not worthy of love or that they are “wrong” or “bad”. When we view situations or choices as either right or wrong we are shut down to the concept of evolution and that every situation and choice whether loving, or unloving is an opportunity to learn and grow – no judgment necessary – simply allowing another the grace and space to learn in their own time and the humbleness that you are learning and growing too.

  417. The whole concept of our being less and of being wrong comes from the teachings of conventional religions. As a Catholic when you are told from birth you are a sinner and that the very act that brought you into this world is a sin then you are pretty much going to start off life on the back foot! This of course is very far from the truth and is of course going to keep you feeling pretty insignificant and unworthy if it is a teaching you have subscribed too in any shape or form, making it a very normal part of your expression to judge in your contraction . As you have shared Joshua it is impossible for God to judge because he is a beholding love. This love though has to be felt within the body to be known, but once known it is much easier to let go of our own judgments of self (and therefore of others) and to let go of our ideals and beliefs that create those judgments.

  418. When I think I am ‘right’ it becomes a body experience, my jaw sets, my shoulders and arms tense and my whole body hardens. Feeling my body in this way is a great guide to whether I have got stuck in the right and wrong rather than the openness of what is true.

  419. ‘There is only what is true and what is not true.’ The simplicity of this is profound and opposite of the complexity and stuckness of arguing about right versus wrong.

  420. Yes, the energy of right and wrong comes from the same source, and is a creation of ours that stops us being able to feel the Truth. Great to have this out in the open. Thank you Joshua.

  421. One key about judgments is that when we see something negative and react to that, we have diminished ourselves because we have not seen the whole. The tricky part is that we may be completely accurate about the negative part but our reaction or even our incomplete vision harms us.

  422. Brilliant Josh! Judgement clouds us from understanding, understanding is a great gift and brings so much love to a situation!

  423. I don’t like being judged it’s one thing that really bothers me, but that’s my trap, and a wrong I have created, based on a notion that I know better. The fact is I do know better…. and it is my responsibility to lift myself to the occasion of showing ‘the better’ or The Truth, and not living the purposely placed judgement to be less. It’s a merry-go-round and The Truth is the only-way-out.

  424. Right and wrong form sides – one against the other. Truth on the other hand stands alone, rises above duality and calls me back to the oneness I am from.

  425. Love and judgement cannot coexist. A great reminder and I agree that I judge myself pretty constantly too Joshua. Thank you for this exposé Joshua.

  426. Judgement is an action that fills up the entire spectrum of life, it is in the obvious ways we use sport to compete, talent competitions and examinations, judging our ability, but it is also less obvious in reactions people have to how we live, or see another live, a jealousy of the lightness another brings, seeing someone succeed at making their life fun and full and knowing it could be me. I know that I have used it as a measure of my worth by quantifying how I compare with the actions of someone else. How also I determine the quality of another by what they do. In doing this I actually can feel how I lessen my own quality.

  427. When we realise that we are already divine and that we are discarding everything we have created along the way that has covered our true essence then we know there cannot be any wrong. There is only learning, returning and unfolding. There is no judgement in God as he knows who we are, where we are and that inevitably we will give up our resistance and the game we play and return. This is something worth reminded ourselves of regularly for in this world, so full of right and wrong the judgements come in easily.

  428. I am becoming more and more aware of how deeply this belief about right and wrong is that we carry with us. I presented a workshop for my students the other day and this subject also popped up. We came to the conclusion, ‘it is never good enough’, whatever we do or whatever we are, there is always this voice that says: ‘right, wrong, good, not good and have to be different’. Living life from the knowing that there is no right or wrong, only love and truth, and that we are here to learn, gives so much less tension, stress but above all, so much more joy.

  429. In life we strive from right and wrong, for the good and bad. Our entire society is made up on the basis of right and wrong but what if the thing we should work towards is truth – the one truth of the all?

  430. Time and time again it seems there is a stalemate in relationships purely because judgement is getting in the way of connecting and truly meeting another person. For us to become aware of how we judge others and ourselves gives us an inroad as to how we can begin to change the way we are with each other and ourselves. By dropping judgement we begin to feel more and allow healing for the possible hurt we are avoiding. Being kind and compassionate we get to understand what is being played out and it is easier to come back to the love that we truly are underneath all our false perceptions.

  431. Self-judgment is possibly the most difficult to dislodge. It is often so insidious and deeply ingrained we don’t know it is occurring. We are habituated to our negative self-talk. The key for me has been in developing self-love to the extent it becomes incongruous to keep it up.

  432. Instrumental in all of this is the role of the body. It is through the development of our connection with our body that we can begin to re-feel the essence of who we are and this, if pursued, leads us back quite naturally to the divinity we are and hence to God. And through that we can see we are in fact part of God. How can we not be?

  433. I love your account of your return to the God you feel to be true. I think many of us are doing the same and re-discovering God – and religion – are not the dirty words we thought them to be. I love the fact I can now relate to these words and thanks to the wisdom shared by Serge Benhayon – without cynicism.

  434. ‘Rights and wrongs are a haggle…’ Joshua you are so right. Whenever I have engaged in a judgement-based debate it has felt exactly like that – an awful, ugly to-ing and fro-ing competition in which no one wins. Not the way to go.

  435. I love this blog Joshua. We make so many judgments in a day about ourselves, about others and it’s not something that is usually on our radar. What you share about the Catholic Church was my experience also…”I was brought up through the Catholic Church and was taught their belief of sin; that we were saved from our sins with the coming and the death of God’s Only Son Jesus (Yeshua). This teaching does not, and never did, feel true to me.” To me God always understands, holding, loving allowing us time and space to see what is true and what is not. It seems that we have invented right and wrong as warped versions of that.

  436. Thank you Joshua for sharing an amazing blog on judgement. To express truth is more loving than not saying anything at all but when expressed in reaction even when it is not obvious I am being judgmental and this is not love.

  437. Seriousness is a dead give away when I am being judgemental either on myself or with another. I also notice how I contract and harden my body in protection. Learning to read situations and allowing myself to feel every thing that is being presented is work in progress but I am beginning to see how loving and supportive this really is.

  438. Joshua, it’s lovely to re-read your article, since reading it the first time I have become really aware of how judgmental I can be, when I see people there is often a judgment, being aware of this I am able to start letting go of these judgements and staying open with people, this feels very beautiful and I’m finding that I can see them for how they are rather than my set idea I had of who they are and their imperfections. This has allowed me to connect with people in a much deeper and more loving way.

  439. ‘I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are’ – You’re absolutely right Joshua. Judging others puts them into ‘boxes’, and we do this to have an ‘excuse’ to avoid connecting with that person, building relationships, learning something that’s there for us to learn, observing something important and so forth.. In other words, putting people into boxes allows US to take LESS responsibility, and this is the insidious backbone of judgement.

  440. Indulging in mistakes does not serve anyone. In letting them go and seeing them for what they are, there is no judgement but a loving understanding that I am learning and there’s no such thing as perfection.

  441. Joshua I loved taking another read of this, for my entire life was plagued with thinking everything through before I said it, always calculating how others would take what I said. Whilst there is still lots of steps to go there is no doubt that by letting go of the need to be “right” how I am and what I say comes with far more honesty and truth.

  442. Josh its brilliant for you to share the truth behind the judgement – that it is ‘…based on a perceived notion of what is right and what is wrong, never simply based on what is true.’ – when we are honest about this, and see that when we judge it is a comparison to a right or wrong – then it becomes a lot easier to see how we can trick ourselves into this behaviour when there is not one ounce of truth in it. What a great consideration the next time we catch ourselves judging another or ourselves.

  443. This is an amazing blog exposing the harm of Judgement and how it is ingrained in our selves and our bodies through many religious ideals and beliefs.It clouds our lives and makes us less and brings the right and wrongs to our perceptions and causes much suffering to us all. The joy and freedom of knowing there is only one enormous loving divine truth and every thing is either from this true wisdom or not brings a clarity and simplicity and deep healing to our lives and allows us a to expand and grow as who we truly are in our oneness brotherhood and love.

  444. Neither is there any good or bad in the body of God because God doesn’t categorize, only people do and boy do we categorize! It feels like we have a neurotic secretary that sits in our heads, madly summing things up, giving everything the once over, speculating, ruminating, contemplating and basically cutting, slicing and dicing that which in truth can not be divided. Every-thing is the one thing, the body of God, which is why, when God looks out, he only only ever sees himself.

  445. “There is only what is true and what is not true.” We can always feel what is true but we don’t always want to accept the truth, so we use ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ as our way to deny what we know and to justify our behaviour. I love the way Serge Benhayon constantly puts truth first, even when the required response might ruffle feathers and make him stand out. Serge presents us with a living example of how to deliver the truth from a place of truth, with the greatest of respect and the utmost gentleness, an example well worth observing and learning how to embody too.

  446. There is a lot for me to look at around judgement. In terms of my judgment of others you explain it so well Joshua – ‘I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.’ My judgement of others keeps me away from making a connection with them. Could it be the reason I do it in the first place?

  447. Judgments are the naaissance of us losing who we are as we compare ourselves with others. We build our sliding scale that can change like the wind moment to moment. It can even be as arbitrary as spinning an arrow on a board. It always starts with the view and opinion of one. As you have said Joshua there is no coin to flip, the truth just is.

  448. “None of this exists when we speak from love and understanding and this alone proves the fact that right and wrong actually do not exist.”. Absolutely true when we come from love, it is when we come from judgement this creeps.

  449. It is amazing to consider what influence the Catholic Church has had on our whole way of being – the deeply embedded attitude of Right and Wrong, the concept that we are born with ‘Original Sin’ and that God is a Judgemental God who will punish us for our sins by sending us to Hell (a place that doesn’t exist) if we don’t go to Confession and ask forgiveness. This is so far from the truth of what is, and how God is, it invites the question, what is the purpose of the Catholic Church? It would appear that the main reason for its existence is to keep us in judgement of ourselves and each other and not to feel the true love of God, the understanding of God, the presence of God, but to remain forever separate, insignificant and less than who we truly are. In my view that is a bigger ‘sin’ than anything we can dream up, but if we are not to judge that, then we need to understand who benefits from keeping us that way.

  450. If we were to consider the amount of stress that we generate through our quest of getting it right – we would possibly see it as world plague no. 1! Possibly this has a lot to do with our world plague no. 1: exhaustion.

  451. Judgment sure is a completely mad creation by us because there is no right and wrong in God. What would make us create something that is decidedly not in our best interests, that separates us from one another, and causes poisonous emotion to course through our delicately balanced bodies?

  452. Mary what became clear to me whist reading your comment was that when we judge others we are narrowing the viewfinder through which we are seeing them into a microscopic sliver. Whatever we perceive they are doing ‘wrong’ gets illuminated to gigantic proportions and as a consequence we are not then able to see or appreciate anything else about them.

  453. What comes to mind here is the many quotes we are fed – or an excuse – to stay in judging, like… ‘Just grin and bear it’ or another that does not look at the truth in something ‘who am I to judge’. There are many little gestures, movements, thoughts and sayings that we can use to tolerate life and people instead of opening up to truth.

  454. We are all divine and when we stop to feel and connect with the essence of each and every person, then any judgements can slide away. I have noticed that the more I appreciate myself then there is less judgement of others.

  455. Judgement can never be hidden, and the effect that it has on our body clearly demonstrates the harm of this judgement. Hardening our body and shutting it down in protection by rolling our shoulders in is one such manifestation.

  456. Growing up believing that I was born a sinner and had to live being ‘a good catholic girl” in order to ensure I went to heaven when I died- was a pretty scary thought, and detrimental to my health. I believed God was always judging me, and therefore I constantly was judging myself and this created constant anxiousness and tension in my body, resulting in chronic exhaustion, lack of self worth and lack of confidence.
    Thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I now can feel the lies that were imposed on me by the church. God is love and therefore would not cast judgement on anyone. Every choice is either loving or harming, and with it comes a deepening in our awareness and understanding, if we are open to read and feel the truth.

  457. What I perceive as okay, may be totally not acceptable to another and vice versa. Not needing someone to be a certain way, or have a picture of how things should be, allows them the space to be who they are and for me I just have to accept rather than want to manipulate and control things so that they do fit my picture.

  458. Joshua you bring to light how much we use judgement as a way to measure not only ourselves but others and that in truth judgement never supports to live who we are but holds us and others as less. When we come to see this and how it can play out in our lives it is far more loving as you shared to simply see our choices for what they are, not judge but come back to the knowing that we are forever learning and in every moment we can make another choice.

  459. Judgement is something I feel that I learnt from very young, and wasn’t even aware that I was doing it. The more aware I have become, the more horrible I feel it is. Now when I catch myself in any form of judgment, I ask myself to have more understanding and be open to seeing things from another’s perspective. It can make a big difference.

  460. Judgement keeps us removed from truth, understanding and love. It plants us firmly in the creation of right and wrong – which offers no true responsibility – but simply a pendulum that swings between one judgement and another.

  461. ‘Inspiration came from Serge Benhayon to write this blog. His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived, and this connection is felt in his every word and gesture.’ Serge Benhayon is the living, breathing example of what life looks and feels like when we free ourselves from judgement and judging others. Incredible.

  462. Wow Joshua. Judgement exposed. Thank you. Without the insidiousness of judgement, we simply would not react to ourselves or others as we do. We would not keep people out, and we would not condemn or hold anyone as less than the son of God they are. Judgement is the opposing force to unconditional love and is anti-evolutionary on every level.

  463. I love the fact that Universal Medicine has kept reminding me that my true essence is love and truth, and my connection to that is through connecting with me deeply. The more I allow this to sink in and I make a point of living in connection with myself, the more I realise I am of the same quality of God and there is no separation. The rights and the wrongs seem to drop off, but there is a difference when I am connected or not – the connected moments feel great and the ones when I am not connected leave a horrible lingering taste in my whole body.

  464. Right or wrong – something that pervades every day of our lives and the choices we make and we don’t even realise it most of the time. This is a Great blog exposing the insidious and righteous nature of the intellect based on knowledge. Every level of abuse, war, comparison, conflict and the list can be continued – is based on someone’s belief about what is right or wrong. This blog has highlighted for me the importance of being aware that every time our awareness is peaked, to check in and ask ‘is there judgement here’ and to feel into our foundation and what is there to be known. Thanks Joshua, so simple, so clear and so healing for us all to read and clock in ourselves.

  465. Joshua this is a truly inspiring blog that speaks to me in a multi-layered way. Your description of God is beautiful ‘Then I realised, there is no right and wrong in God as there simply isn’t any judgment in Him. He is pure love so how can there be any right or wrong? … He is the supreme holder of love, offering us evolution out of our patterns, issues and creations so that Humanity returns to the One Whole, the Brotherhood we originate from.’ Although I ‘know’ this intellectually I see how often the insidious self-judgements can arise in a day. Coming back always to the fact that we are all from love and are love and appreciating that, is the way to see beyond all the distracting judgements that arise.

  466. “Such behaviour is nothing more than rubbish, because as I am learning, it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.”. I so needed to read this today, thank you. It is a super way to look at life and how much we can learn and not to go into being hard on ourselves.

  467. Josh what a truly loving understanding you offer us All to connect to the truth of our own love as reflected by Gods love. It simply is love in its fullest available to all equally. I truly appreciate the ‘riddle of wright and wrong’; this is a great way to feel the games our spirit wants to play with us. The riddle can send us into a spin of thoughts and reactions, a little further from the truth of the love we are. That is the purpose of the riddle. Being able to observe the game for what it is – ‘A Game’ is simply all it takes to start to come back to the love we are all truly part of, the divine love of God.

  468. “In my case, it can be seen through my facial expressions, my smile, which is not my full smile, and through my eyes, which are guarded and not fully allowing me to see the other person in full. It is also in my posture, which I realise now is often guarded as my shoulders are rolled in, keeping my heart closed. It goes to show that judgement can never be hidden!”. Yes, Joshua, I agree with all these, and for me, I can also add the way that I maybe make a remark to another, even seemingly innocuous, but the tone that is used in the voice is the giveaway to the judgment. Ooh, and I just realised, that when I am judging myself, I can hear that insidious voice and tone I am using in my mind, quite insidious. I have been working on not judging others, and have let much of that go now, but the self judgment needs looking at much deeper. It has improved, but there are lots of pockets of it left to be dealt with. A big reminder for me, God does not judge, so why would I judge myself?

  469. What a beautiful sharing Joshua, I love it, thank you. I “can so relate to this sentence, “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time. As I read your blog, I could see just how much I still tend to judge myself on all the silly little things as well as the bigger ones. I obviously have set so many ‘rules’ for myself, and constantly am breaking those self-set rules, thereby then judging myself over and over daily. It is no wonder that I suffered from lack of self worth for most of my life. I can see from the items you set out, where you may judge yourself, that most of us set up these rules, really based on what society believes how we should be. But who is society, other than all of us? We can all change those rules, get rid of them. And as you say, God does not judge, God is love. We too are love, so how ridiculous it is that we come to judge ourselves so harshly. As you say, judgment is insidious.

  470. A wise friend once shared with me that it is impossible to judge anything or anyone if you ‘read’ the situation deeply enough. My understanding of truly ‘reading’ a situation is not just taking things on face value, having an understanding that is all encompassing and knowing that we need not convince, save, help or try, just be true in our movements and gestures and others will naturally be reminded of that from which we all came, love.

  471. Reading your brilliant blog Joshua I began to realise that I was introduced to the belief of right and wrong from a very early age and as this belief became deeply ingrained what flowed naturally from it was the continual judgment of me. I was always worrying about being wrong and then feeling small, and trying to get it right to make myself look “good’. What a lot of precious energy was used in the perpetuation of this grand illusion. No wonder it then became easy to judge others, often as an automatic response, something that I now feel instantly in my body, and it feels horrible. To now know, with every part of my being, that “there is no right and wrong in god” has felt like a huge weight has lifted and I am able to live the truth that I have always known.

  472. “As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.” This resonated with me Joshua, as if what I do is going to be the end of the world, or that others will have noticed and singled me out. It gives me a feeling of importance in everyone else’s eyes, as if I hold all the responsibility for the “success” of everything. In one way this protection is to make me feel safe, this judgment against myself or others a way of being superior so I cannot be hurt, but the reverse is true; it is our self responsibility to remain open and loving and vulnerable, that way we are more powerful than we can imagine, whereas from the superior heights of judgment we can fall, as is what happens when we feel we have done wrong.

  473. So many people want to hold on to the idea of a judging God. What does this give them? When God would judge we aren’t responsible for our own choices and we can blame him. With God being nothing but love we get such a strong reflection of our choices especially when they aren’t loving.

  474. Often when we judge another it is to make us feel better or to justify something we have done. I can feel the harshness in my body when I judge another and I recognise that making judgments about others or situations are deeply ingrained in our society and is often deemed as being okay. In truth it is not okay to make another less in order for me to get some recognition for this. There are so many important messages in this blog, Joshua.

  475. Wonderful blog Joshua that exposes how we all have our own perceptions of ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ but they are but a distraction keeping us from connecting to our essence and the one divine truth.

  476. “Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.”. We’re all making mistakes – lots if I speak about myself… Without the mistakes, I wouldn’t learn. And going through these moments of learning make me realise and accept more and more that everybody’s having the ‘right’ to make mistakes. That we’re all held Gracefully by God and the more we surrender to life, the more we understand that mistakes aren’t really mistakes. They are just opportunities to learn, grow, evolve. Which takes so much stress and drive out of our world. We’re all Stupendous beings, fighting our Grandness by judging ourselves and others.

  477. This is huge what you are sharing here Joshua, huge in its simplicity. If there is no right or wrong and only truth or not truth why do we have right and wrong created in our lives? To me it feels right and wrong create, with the judgement we can go into because of them, a distance between people, it feels like an protection and to keep us from being hurt yet – as you say – it hurts ourselves at the same moment to go into judgement as it is not our natural state. We are all the same, love, divine and judgement totally ignores this. If we would go back to the truth that there is no right or wrong only what is true and what not we could live in harmony together once again.

  478. I am incredibly judgemental and hard on myself when the reality of a mistake I have made is really just an opportunity to learn. When I start to view life this way it takes away all the pressure we put on ourselves of getting things right or wrong.

  479. I used to be anxious about commenting on blogs. It felt very exposing at first and it took me a long time to feel courageous enough to post the first one. Expressing how I feel is a developing skill that I am really enjoying as I have learnt to drop the judgement about if I am ‘doing it right.’

  480. Great blog Joshua. We think about judgment in relation to others but don’t often realise how harshly we can judge ourselves. This sentence made me stop and ponder on all the times I have missed out on having fun simple because I was so preoccupied with worry about self-judgement. ‘Judgement is so insidious – I know I have often found myself not enjoying situations that I otherwise would have because of the weight of such thoughts over my mood and general state of being.’

  481. This is an awesome exposure of the debilitating effects of living by right and wrong and viewing anything in judgment. Thank you Joshua for really blowing the lid on the complications we live when this underpins how we live. It’s a self-imposed prison which is void of any love or joy…. and one I’ve dabbled in most my life. We’ve already had a taste of this before starting school, in our families, religious practices, relationship dynamics, sibling rivalry etc. and then comes school to really bring it home and inforce this way of thinking. Living by what is true and what is not true requires no trying or ups and downs or self bashing… there is a steadiness, an absoluteness and unwavering connection to all.

  482. Joshua, reading the wisdom you share in this blog is great timing for me. I get myself very caught up with what is right and wrong and follow rules in order to do the ‘right’ thing but none of this is true. What is true is what I feel in my body and when I live from the stillness within I have no need to know what is right or wrong because I know it’s true.

    1. I agree Monika, with such simplicity there is a whole realm of life to be lived simple by the fact that a lot of energy isn’t being used to complicate what is before us. The possibilities of what we can offer are limitless when we release the shackles of judgment.

  483. Thank you, Joshua, for this wonderful blog. There is a lot to ponder on in this blog. When we love and accept ourselves we find it easy to learn from our mistakes whereas when we see life as being good or bad or right and wrong then we have no foundation upon which to walk upon except the quicksand of judgment. Love is the only solid foundation there is.

  484. There is no right or wrong, there is only what is true and what is not true.

  485. “Such behaviour is nothing more than rubbish, because as I am learning, it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.” I agree Joshua that judging ourselves and others has absolutely no purpose and does not serve; that there is no right and wrong – only truth. What judgment does do is keep us small when in fact we are the divine sons of God so how is it possible that we see ourselves as any less than this.

  486. Right and wrong are divisive and separate us from each other whereas what is true and what is not true unites us. From this is it clear that there is an energy at play in the fight that is right and wrong, as we are all naturally very caring and loving and want truth and connection.

  487. I have been experiencing this for the first time recently – that in actual fact it is not about what is right and wrong, it is about what is true – for you can do something that look and seems right and yet because its not true it doesn’t work out, or it becomes a mistake. Our preconceptions of being right and wrong lay the foundation for a life lived with judgment and not truth.

  488. This illusionary coin of right and wrong somehow has a great hold on what is widely considered good and bad behaviour, but this coin never takes in to account the people that we are on the inside, and how some actions may be the result of a greater sadness that festers unspoken about and unhealed.

  489. A great blog Joshua, thank you. Judgements based on right and wrong are indeed debilitating for us and for the people we are making judgements about. As you have pointed out there is only what is true and what is not; focussing on what is true will lead us to greater understanding, wisdom, love and God. What a divine blessing.

  490. The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do. God would never do this simply because He is Love, and He will always hold us in Love regardless of the behaviours we choose to live. After all how can a super loving Divine being ever cast judgement on anyone or anything if all He is, is pure love? – With the great help of religions we have bought into the insidious lie that we are sinners, we are in effect ’wrong’ even before we are born and this belief system often follows us throughout life unless we realise the huge illusion we have been imprisoned by and make a conscoius choice to let go of it.

  491. Love is as simple as ABC, and ‘A’ = apply appreciation; ‘B’ = be responsible, be connected, be harmonious, be joy-full, be truth-full; ‘C’ = connect to stillness, choose integrity in all we do, certainly makes sense to me, consistently I can then move towards a true movement, which is in the energy of love!

  492. God is just on, full power lighting the way for us and upon us it is us through the constructs of right and wrong, sin that causes all the turning down of what we will allow ourselves to receive. A most deliberate and unloving of games we have been playing since we stepped away from co-creating.

  493. Joshua this post is absolutely brilliant. I felt I was able to hold and understand myself more as I read your words. How lovely it is to connect to the truth that judgment can never be true.

  494. I can totally relate to this blog, I have been very judgemental in the past and often still am, especially to students of the Way of the Livingness and what I see and judge as a bastardisation of the presentations from Serge. But I have recently seen this for what it is as a non loving way and actually it severs my connection with others and places me in a position of not being love. When you come to an understanding like this it really helps to bring a truth to the situation and not the harsh judgement of right or wrong.

  495. Incredible how we can use judgement to send us off into a chain reaction of right and wrong, when all of it has been built on beliefs and ideals – that are totally manufactured away from our only divine truth; that we are all on our way back to that one way of being with each other.

  496. ‘As quick as wildfire, when I have judged myself, held myself accountable and suddenly put myself less than who I am, I have committed a perceived ‘wrong’.’ – I have certainly been there and done that, it is the ultimate way to disempower ourselves as to not have to take true responsibility.

  497. ‘Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.’ – Indeed it does, and not only that – it feels horrible in the body, poisonous. So in effect, if we pay attention to our bodies, it feels on the inside the way it looks on the outside.

  498. It is such a joy to read your blog Joshua – you have expressed with such honesty and truth about the ‘bogey man’ that most of us keep hidden in our cupboard! Once we accept the reality of judgement in our lives we are able to begin to let go of this perverse way of dealing with our own self doubt and lack of worth. As your blog unfolds it makes such sense of life and that there is no right or wrong – only truth, and the beauty within when we allow ourselves to be human. As you say ‘All are based on a perceived notion of what is right and what is wrong, never simply based on what is true’.

  499. It is funny (or not so funny) how we barstadise so much to make Truth so it isn’t a truth. Do we do this so we do not have to be accountable or responsible for how we live? A great call on judgement Joshua, from experience how often do we judge either someone or something and then think of something else in an instant making a judgement seem ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ or that it didn’t really happen! If we start to question this including catching ourselves immediately when a judgement is made to question it, maybe, just maybe we will start to be aware of just how evil judging is. And what about the judgements we have on ourselves! ‘Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides. … There is only what is true and not true’. It is that simple and clear. This was expressed so eloquently ‘If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.’

  500. Wow, what a piece of writing this is. It makes me aware of just how easy it is to judge myself. It is this that causes more harm than anything. If I am to love myself the way that God loves me I will not have a problem with any ‘mistakes’ that I make, and learn to love myself for them. The feeling of expansion in this is amazing.

  501. Learning that “Right is not better than wrong” has been a huge life changing learning for me. I developed in my life an extremely strong held belief that there was a ‘right’ way to just about everything and if I believed I knew it I would be become fixated on maintaining it. Consequently I was constantly judging, getting into arguments and life was a struggle. Letting-go of this entrenched way of thinking is a work in progress but one that is deeply enriching my life and for others as I am so much more relaxed, open and now rarely argue.

  502. As a child I always felt the description of God and him judging everything was wrong, it was a lie, yet this turned me against “god” the word and what it stood for. To now understand that God does not judge, that there is no right or wrong turns on its head everything I had been told about God. The great news is this is what I felt about God, that he is an all encompassing being that is absolute in his love – without a spec of judgement. To me God is now very much part of my life and my relationship with him is one that deepens, yet reading this blog asks me again and shows me areas where I am still tainted by the false version of God. On the other hand what an amazing difference to read a blog about the truth of God and relationships.

  503. The thing is if we do judge it is to not beat ourselves up, yes clock it, call it out and learn from it and move on. To stay in it and beat ourselves up is to only keep choosing an energy that is not love.

  504. To judge another or ourselves is to use the same energy that has been used against the Ageless Wisdom for thousands of years, no different to the massacre of the Cather’s by the Catholic Church or the killing of others who stood up for love and truth.

  505. It makes sense what you have written here with regards to judgement and how it can be felt and registered within the whole of our bodies, changing the way we walk, talk and facial expressions. Every thought is conveyed through our bodies as being loving or otherwise, and judgement only serves to keep us in separation from the love that we are naturally from and have for each other.

  506. I can feel to judge another is deeply and knowingly attacking them, more harming than a punch, you are basically cutting them off and saying they are not a son of God and can be nothing more.

  507. “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” We are boxed by the images we hold onto of how life should look and be – true freedom is living without images.

  508. I love your wisdom in exposing Judgement and how this can show up in the physical body. We think we can hide judgement as we think it is just a thought but as you say Joshua it can bee seen in how we smile our body posture and the look in our eye. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.”

  509. I can feel how being right or wrong instantly makes us or another lesser than who we truly are, and as soon as this happens we are no longer connected to truth. When we introduce inequality in any way, we are going against God’s nature, and separating ourselves from the flow and connection to everything. We can never be right or wrong, but just the vessels of loving or unloving energy running through us, through the choices we make.

  510. “Can I say that?”
    “Is this the right thing to do?”
    “Is this going to break some rules if I do this?”
    “What will others think if I do this?”
    “I should not have said that.”
    It strikes me what unnecessary complication/calculation we cast over ourselves and others – when life could be so much simpler if we were to call on our innate wisdom and express our truth from here.

  511. There is nothing in God nor in my Soul that judges so if a judgement occurs this is a choice, a choice to not see the other for who they are, to not let them in, to not move forward and to not be the all of who I am.

  512. Joshua a brilliant observation of how judgment outplays.
    I love what you say about “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin” for as soon as we apply this constructed scale of right and wrong – we have locked ourselves, our bodies into a calculated movement that knows nothing of the surrendered acceptance and understanding that we’re all exactly the same underneath our distress, doubtfulness, sadness and even happiness.

  513. Joshua I love how you say you often could not enjoy situations because of the heaviness (self) judgement brings. It is amazing what we can bring in to sabotage ourselves and the joy of life. The complexity, the heaviness and the hard work that comes with it is truly exhausting. To key is to learn to simply let ourselves be and allow ourselves to make mistakes.

  514. Joshua, I love this article, what you have written really resonates with me, particularly, ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.’ Reading this i can feel how this happens a lot, particularly if I have said something that i thought I shouldn’t have, I can be very judgmental and hard on myself, i always thought judgment was towards others, so its great to reflect on this and notice when i am being judgmental on myself too, thank you.

  515. “Inspiration came from Serge Benhayon to write this blog. His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived, and this connection is felt in his every word and gesture.” Thank you Joshua, this is such a beautiful description of Serge and the quality that he expresses so naturally and easily with everyone and everything he meets, a natural grace that calls us to return to who we are. It is possible to live our lives with total acceptance and zero judgment. It’s a process of re-connecting to our inner essence and from there un-picking ALL our ideals and beliefs, until nothing stands in the way of our innate wisdom and grace and we can meet everyone, self included with a fresh and innocent heartfelt smile.

  516. “In short, a moment stopped me in my tracks as I got to feel how evil it really is to judge another
    This line stopped me in my tracks too as I began to ponder on why it was that I still can go into judgement of others, and I came to the conclusion that it was because I was busy judging myself. My mind knows that this it is evil but it is such an ingrained habit and happens in such a split second. The extent of it feels horrible, whether I am comparing myself to another or making myself less, or judging their appearance, either way it is so wrong. But the fact that I know that I am doing it is great because then I can take steps to look deeper into why I still choose to judge myself and others, and the conclusion I have come to is that, if I was truly open and connected to my inner heart there would be no need to judge, as I would feel the total equality in everyone, it all comes down to love in the end, and there is no right or wrong in love, it just is.

  517. Reading this blog made me realise how much I do judge myself and what a harsh judge I really can be. I aways am aware that it was pretty uncool to judge another but never put myself into that same category. So from now on I am going forward with way less judgement of yours truly.

  518. How many times have you had the feeling that conversations that go on the ‘right’ side in terms of judgement are really empty, that is devoid of truth?

  519. In how many daily situations (work for example) you decide your next move out of the knowing that we are being judged by what we say or not. Often, saying what everybody wants to hear becomes the best strategy to be left alone. What are the real values of our conversations? How really enlightening are they?

  520. To go into judgement, we have to disconnect from our body and being. So, what is the true value of that which emerges in a form of a judgement from such a body?

  521. It is really interesting the physical symptoms associated with judgement. I have also noticed how it affects my capacity to see another person and in a sense I get back to seeing another person when I am able to listen and through that when I listen, my whole body attitude shifts and I can see the person again. Judgement gone.

  522. Judgement is a calculated movement. We only judge when we smell blood so to speak. And it is definitely a movement based on any imperfections I may have detected that reduced the judged one into being that… for the sake of our comfort (the comfort of placing people into boxes so we know where they are and where we are).

  523. The incredible damage in judging is clearly displayed in all our talent quests and singing shows where a row of ‘judges’ sit around and pronounce on a performer’s ability, voice, clothes etc. They frequently disagree with each other so there is no one unified truth operating, and it is sometimes the case where a young and open singer who’s given their all can be devastated by a rule or cruelty that professes to be an honest and accurate judgment. I do realise that this game can only have its devastating effect when both parties buy into it. If we give our power away to a judge then we are equally responsible and have consented to a false game.

  524. Judgment is an energy that says ‘I don’t want to know the truth’. It’s like a brick wall we construct and hide behind with our eyes and ears shut. It’s like shutting the door on potentials that are beyond our imagination – yet it happens so fast and it feels hard and constricting in my body to have one, or to be met by one.

  525. Love doesn’t care about right and wrong. ‘Love is a beholding light, love just holds us’.

  526. Joshua that is a brilliant blog. With what you have so clearly describe you cut all the ideals and beliefs most of us have about doing the right or wrong thing. This is so refreshing – like a cool summer breeze.

  527. It is so true Joshua, there is no right and there is no wrong, there is only what is true and that what is not true, without any judgement and there is only learning. Life is actually very simple and very loving if we take out the judgment based on right and wrong, something we have falsely introduced because we have walked away from the truth and tried to create our own way of living in separation of the One, but with that also introduced the right and wrong into our lives.

  528. Yes and no, passed and failed, good and bad – wow! Joshua how many ways we judge others and ourselves in our day. Did you tick that box? Did you out-perform? Did you succeed and ‘transform’? How many conditions will we place on our true beauty and our grace? How many ways will we score and grade other people’s simple ways? For in God’s eyes, as you say, there is no mistake. There is no terrible pursuit just a learning and greater understanding about what is true. The truth is not mean and hard, bullying and beating you with a strong arm. It’s a gentle giant that holds and hugs you – no matter what you do.

  529. The religious belief that we are sinners and that God is the big fat judge in the sky has brought such a hardness and disconnection to our naturally open, loving way of living. When I feel the energy of this belief I can almost hear the dungeon doors clanging and the bolts slammed. It is just a ‘belief’, not a truth, and yet it has dominated the earth for so long. We have created this lie and projected it on to our Father, the divine and awesome Creator of us as Sons of God, a Creator who is all love. It is time to see the lie for what it is and put IT in the dungeon! As you have so beautifully said Joshua.

  530. You are so spot on here Joshua, judgment is an ill and ingrained reaction in us. We are surrounded by it – frequently judged and often judging others and ourselves. We allow the ‘right and wrong’ consciousness to be an ubiquitous obstacle to truly, feeling, sensing and observing what is actually going in. If we can’t observe, then we cannot read and understand the situation, and that puts a lid on the glorious love that we naturally are. By judging we close ourselves off from a stupendous and joyful life. Why would we do that?

  531. I too am guilty of making judgments, against myself and others, there is a rigidity in my smile that I am totally ‘on to’ these days, providing me the space to step back and allow more understanding in that moment. Reading your blog has enabled me to feel how I still hang on to a lot of ideals and beliefs which I hold myself and others ransom to …… God does not judge us at all, so for me to presume to ‘know’ better is a terrible and very ugly arrogance. ‘There is only what is true and what is not true’ – to live with this understanding allows us to let go of any judgment as there is no longer any right or wrong, just the choice to bring truth, or not. Thank you, Joshua.

  532. Thankyou Joshua, I love your writing. It’s brilliant what you have shared here, right and wrong and imposing judgment is deeply entrenched in our society, in fact right/wrong even can form the basis of parenting. It can be quite painful feeling “wrong” because it often has the connotation that who we are is wrong, not that we’ve simply made an error.

  533. Joshua a very clear and insightful blog, and I love that you shared the physical change when we are in judgement… there is no hiding the reactions from our bodies. It’s clear this has a ripple effect at keeping us in protection and not going to the truth behind the reaction.

  534. This is a totally awesome blog, Joshua, thank you for exposing judgment for the righteous phoney it is, so brilliantly. ‘Without any knowing of a right way to be, there cannot be any judgement as there is nothing to base the actions of another against. They cannot be judged ‘wrong’ as they are just what they are.’

  535. We are surrounded by judgement that is encouraged, having an opinion on everything, being an expert, even down to commenting and having an opinion on the weather. It’s become a way of life without realising … despite all our opinions there is a plan in place that is evolving us all and offering learning and healing, even the weather is part of the plan. Judgement has been used to divide and separate us and not evolve us to return to brotherhood.

  536. Living life from what is true rather than what is right is liberating and well worth revealing for ourselves for it is the foundation of re-building a loving way for humanity.

  537. Dear Joshua,
    This is a brilliant discussion to raise. The judgements we place on those around us originate in the judgements we place on ourselves and this is the very place to begin to simply observe, accept and appreciate ourselves so that we can offer this same space to others. I feel a release of the tension I have held myself so tightly in the more I surrender to this, to the truth of who I am, who knows the depth and magnitude of the immense love of God.

  538. Also, even in writing comments, ‘is that the right thing to say?’, can come into my thoughts. But all that is, is doubt trying to steer my focus away from an expression that feels very true. So, is the idea of right and wrong actually a distraction from knowing and expressing our divinity as the Sons of God? Like you’ve expressed Joshua, there is no right or wrong in God, so WE must have created such ideas and judgments for a purpose.

  539. What I got from your understanding Joshua is that the whole idea of ‘wrong’ and ‘sins’ are just a cop out from actually taking responsibility for being disconnected from ourselves. In other words, we use the ‘wrong’ to focus our attention and seem to indulge in it instead of feeling the cause and checking our connection within. To me, this is the height of irresponsibility and something that I experience with myself.

  540. This is an amazing expose on judgement -the weapon we use to fight the truth of us all being equal Sons of God. What would my life be like if I did not judge? If I accepted that right and wrong are indeed same sides of a coin and with this conceded I had no right to judge myself or others. What if I gave up this currency for truth to guide me home – rather rather wander aimlessly in righteousness or forever paying penance. Or I can simply feel how horrid judgement feels in my body and how lovely truth sits, no matter what is going on around me.

  541. ‘There is only what is true and what is not true.’ – absolutely. In accepting this truth we realise that with Love judgments cannot exist, as there are only choices, the choices that we make to be with Love or not. Never does the fact change that the Love we are cannot diminish, regardless of what we choose.

  542. This challenges so much of the way we have been taught about right and wrong and God. If God is love then God is love all of the time, not taking time out to judge, – love – all – of – the – time. I think I accepted the teachings of right and wrong are focused strongly on that so that there was no love. When there is no love and just harsh judgement, it is hard to believe in the amazing loving being I am as a reflection of God and made in his image. I was lost. God is love. This makes more sense and now that I have a better understanding of this I am free to be my loving self.

  543. Right and wrong are always at the beck and call of someone’s beliefs, they can never be true as truth is universal.

  544. What a great realisation Joshua “Without any knowing of a right way to be, there cannot be any judgement as there is nothing to base the actions of another against. They cannot be judged ‘wrong’ as they are just what they are.” I can feel such understanding and love in this stance, it exposes judgment as purely manufactured by our own disconnection from truth and love.

  545. ‘The whole idea of sin and being a sinner is based on the ideal that God judges us for what we do.’

    Until reading this I never realised how deeply ingrained I still held the belief that I was judged on my actions. Despite intellectually knowing that I am not my actions, mention God and sin I realise I’ve still been held by the belief that if I sin or think of sinning I must be a bad person. It’s what we’re taught as children – being naughty or being good.

    It’s really a very insidious belief that extends to everyone. That no-one is free from the choice to do unloving actions, is re-interpreted as therefore no-one is free from sin so creating a false hierarchy of who is more good than another- i.e. who is better than another, who has the moral high ground. I tried to split people into good people category and bad people category for most of my life, who can be trusted, who can’t, and came down to trusting no-one. This is no different to what society does as it clumps people together into groups, labels and judges them – migrants, offenders, political parties, mental health patients etc.
    We all lose out on appreciating the beauty we all are and continue to live irresponsibly, not nurturing who we truly are: Sons of God; and continuing to make unloving choices that we then condemn ourselves for as sinners. A very neat trap we’ve created for ourselves which we can step away from.

  546. There is a very distinct and important difference between right / wrong, and true / not true – understanding the difference changes everything when it comes to an approach to people in life. Letting go being right, or someone else being wrong has a profound effect on the path of a conversation, argument or just the way we look at something or someone. Considering whether something is true or not, opens up the potential for understanding with ever-increasing levels of awareness and understanding made possible. When something is either right or wrong, none of that scope exists, it is black and white.

  547. There is a world of difference between knowing or feeling in your heart what is true and what is not, and thinking from an idea in your mind what is right or wrong. The difference is Love, the presence or absence of Love, the Love we choose to hold for ourselves and others. Judgement is a convenient distraction from feeling the separation that we have chosen from ourselves, from each other, from truth as we instead assume a superior pose over another and consider them less in that moment. Yet as always the truth remains that in Love we are eternally one and the same.

    1. Carola, reading your comment has supported me immensely. I read Joshua’s brilliant blog and knew it to be true, however this morning my mind piped up: “So are you trying to tell me that murdering a baby isn’t ‘wrong’?”, and I felt unsure as to where to go with that. I came to the comments this morning and read yours and it reminded me that we are all love equally. I do not condone acts of violence; however I can understand that to commit an act of violence a person must first separate from themselves. They do not stop being love, but they do separate from it enough that they lose sight of the fact that love is who we all are. Truth and love are in equal amounts in each of us and therefore it is true to say that murder isn’t ‘wrong’ – but it contains neither truth nor love.

  548. Judgement is insidious – when I judge myself it is far worse than whatever it is I’ve done or not done, and it is far more loving to see our action as part of our imperfection, and be honest about it, but with a loving way not a critical and judging way.

  549. Judgement is an imposition we place on ourselves and others, it caps our true essence of who we are by limiting our true potential of the reflection we are here to offer others around us.

  550. God is love. He is total acceptance and openness. We are from Him, and so a move [like judgment] away from our natural way of being is but un-accepting dishonour to our loving origins, and to God Our originating Father.

  551. Yes Joshua, as with anything, judgment happens first within ourselves, about ourselves, and from the ideal of perfection, ‘getting things right’, judgment towards others eventuates. I know that when I’m more accepting of myself, I have more of an ease with others and less space in my body to judge. When I go into judgment, I have closed or reduced that space, and the restriction feels, moves, sounds, awful.

  552. When we make a “mistake” or do something we know deep within does not feel right, when we are met with judgement it can feel very belittling. At any moment we have a choice as to how we behave but when constricted by judgment it can feel imposing and can lead to all kinds of reaction. However, if met with no judgment, space is there for us to feel truth.

  553. This is such an insightful presentation Joshua of the harm that comes from judgement. The truth is that we can never truly hide from what we are feeling we can only choose to ignore it, and only for a limited time. Thank you for exposing how the sinister activity of judgement serves only to keep us separated from knowing and living the truth, that we are all Sons of God, in essence free from judgement. It is therefore our choice of whether we live free from judgement and as such free to understand and embrace all that we equally are as a Brotherhood.

  554. I love your description of what judgement is and what is does – it places the judger above another in a position of being “right”. As you have explored so beautifully, what is right and who made it right? We really have no right to place ourselves above others – we are all sons of God learning as we wander down our path of return.

  555. Judgement is protection against the realisation of our true failing – to be the divine love that we are.

  556. With ideals comes right and wrong – followed by expectation, striving and achieving – leading to imperfection, disappointment and failure – justifying judgement, ignorance and arrogance. All are part of the pride we feel entitled to crown ourselves with. The moment we come back to love pride cannot prevail any longer; it loses its very raison d’être.

  557. As Joshua says we can haggle over right and wrong and I know I have played out scenarios in my head, but what really struck me recently when I was playing out a scenario in my head was what it was doing to my body. I had a twisted and contorted feeling because I was choosing to be unloving with a feeling towards another and a situation, and this told me everything I need to know about the situation with no need for right or wrong, and ultimately it removed the judgement of what had taken place. I guess it always comes back to the body and if I listen to that I can’t be fooled.

  558. Interesting enough and in contrast to what we may think, judgement and guilt are a way of avoiding responsibility ! Responsibility doesn´t judge, it is without an ideal of god or perfection, it simply sees what is what and what is needed and then it is for me to act upon it so that something can be completed, balanced, confirmed, initiated, developed… in any way it will evolve everyone involved. Judgement and guilt putting us into stagnation, deprive us of being worthy to proceed and move forward no matter into how much activity we might go to make up for the failing.

  559. I was not brought up in a religious way and yet the concept of right and wrong has been with me all my life and still is at times it is hard to get away from. The outside parameter is what determines right and wrong, always. It is form within that we learn the difference between what is true and what is not. The great thing about the latter is that it is, as you say Joshua, free of judgement.

  560. God doesn’t judge but just beholds love. There is a real acceptance and surrender choosing not to judge ourselves and others.

  561. Reading this, I realise how much the judgement of right and wrong pervades our thoughts and way of life. In living by what we know to be true and observing life from a place of truth there is a freedom, an openness and inclusiveness, whereas with judgement our view is skewed and narrow, there is little understanding.

  562. Nature is a great reflector of wisdom. Like the big old oak tree, regardless of what goes on around it, it remains unchanging, still and impartial. It does not judge, it just is.

    1. Beautiful Kehinde, and an oak tree is solid and unwavering in who it is – a great analogy and it reminds me ever and always to observe and not absorb, the absolute antithesis of judgement.

      1. Yes Monica, we are called to be like an oak tree ‘solid and unwavering’ to observe and not absorb.

  563. Now I am giving this consideration I can feel how limiting judging others is and it contracts me immediately and when I bring understanding to their situation I feel an expansiveness within myself and a freedom! Having a judgement seems to ‘attach me’ to the other person. Thankyou for this blog Joshua.

  564. Joshua I love this dissection of right and wrong – it really is a blind alley and deeply hurtful to ourselves and others. I was struck by your questions on self judgement, and that’s where it starts with that judgement and hardness on ourselves, which of course we extend to others. Effectively we’re all going around beating ourselves and others up and to what end – it’s not what God is or what we are as Sons of God. So you’ve inspired me today to look at where I judge starting with me and to unpick those judgements.

  565. This is such a good subject to expose – I have always felt the pain and cringe of being judged and how I shy away from people who judge me because it hurts but I have not been so good at recognizing when I am judging others and myself and how toxic that is – firstly I can feel how it dulls me down and limits me when I judge myself, but I have not really tuned into how it must hurt others when I go into judging them -and how doing that will also dull me down – the responsibility is to always understand and be aware otherwise I am harming!

  566. Beautiful Joshua. This is such a huge topic – how many of us have fallen for the illusion of right and wrong?

  567. Joshua this is a great blog for starters, this: and through my eyes, which are guarded and not fully allowing me to see the other person in full is already gold as how often do we truly allow ourselves to be open and see all of who the other is? How much do our feelings, expectations, reactions and judgements color our sight? We tend to think our eyes tell the truth of what we see but if we realise there is much more to it, and much that influences it, we would realise we have to learn to see (in) truth all over again.

  568. “Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.” This is so very exposing of what judgement actually does. We can also fall into the trap of judging ourselves for our imperfections. There is a tenderness in accepting ourselves and others for who we are, recognising when there are things to work on or deal with but not seeing ourselves as less for this.

  569. If I judge myself I get that serious, heavy feeling too Joshua – it’s like a dull blanket. And the more I let go of judging myself the more understanding I have for others too.

  570. “Whenever we judge or hold another less, the evidence is clear, it can be felt and seen throughout our whole body.” So true, Joshua. To judge someone we have to harden our body to feel a separation between us and them. But that hardness must come first, we create the illusion that we are separate from one another, and then to reinforce that illusion judgement, comparison, jealousy, all of these cement the perception of distance between each other. But it is just a trick of the mind that allows this to be, the truth is that we are not and cannot be separated from each other, only numb ourselves to the oneness that we truly feel.

  571. What is judgement and what is really happening when we are judging? There is a lack of understanding in the choices another is making. But why would we judge another for their choices and is it really about another or is it saying more about ourselves? The more loving and deeply caring we are with ourselves, the more we develop understanding of and for ourselves. Things like judgment then naturally lessen and is replaced by nothing less that complete understanding. This is God. His level of understanding is so grand that he allows us to learn and grow ourselves and does not interfere ever with the choices we make. He allows us to make our own choices. This is truly loving. Really it is the only way that we will learn that responsibility in life for ourselves, is the key to growing ourselves and others.

  572. I was also brought up going to Church and educated in the Catholic system. I also never understood sin either. I recall going to confession as a child and making things up along the way. It’s interesting that we would go to confession to seek Gods forgiveness. But yet we would continue with a behaviour that we are obviously observing within ourselves that feels not quite right. Why would God even need to forgive us when he is always pouring love onto us. He is love that love is what he gives, non stop and in a much grander way that we could ever imagine.

  573. A powerful blog Joshua, bringing deeper awareness to the ill choice of judgment – of oneself and thus of others. I find judgement can creep in over the smallest thing at times and my body goes into reaction very quickly now, reminding me how harming this is to be allowed to run. How simple life is when we come from a different angle and feel the difference in expression when being true.
    “There is only what is true and what is not true”.

  574. Whenever we hold any sort of judgement towards ourselves we will also somewhere have judgements towards others. This is a great inspiration for accepting that its important for us to love and bring understanding to ourselves.

  575. Thank you Joshua for exploring what being judgemental incurs in our bodies, I love how you allow yourself to observe what effect certain streams of thoughts have on your body.

  576. It is interesting to clock how often we judge ourselves and attribute right and wrong to our behaviours and the effect this has on our bodies, whether it be feeling down because we have been wrong or elevated because we have been right. Thank you, Joshua for sharing this as I can feel that it is all about what is true or not and this has no judgement attached.

    1. Anne what you share is so true of most of us. We don’t have a monkey on our backs, we have a self appointed judge on our shoulders. There he sits, waiting to bring down his gavel at the slightest sign of our self diagnosed wrong doing. Once the gavel comes down we slip into an array of pre-rehearsed emotions such as guilt, self criticism, repetitive negative narration (both in thought and speech), our bodies contract and all these behaviours pave the way for more of the same. Hey presto we become a person who is habitually hard on themselves, which in turn results in a person who is also able to be hard on others. Wow what a different world we would live in, simply by taking judgement out of the picture.

  577. Hello Joshua and we all know what it’s like and how others feel to be placed in a ‘box’, “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.”

  578. An amazing blog on right and wrong, Joshua. “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.” This says it all, how untrue right and wrong is and how we reduce ourselves to being less by not following the energetic truth, but limiting our perception to a lesser form, which is the judgement of right and wrong.

  579. Truth cannot be measured by the human perception of right and wrong as truth always presents itself in an energetic quality and is only as true as it is expressed.

  580. When we make ourselves wrong, this is an indulgence. We choose to see ourselves as wrong rather then take responsibility for whatever the learning is, that is being presented. When we take responsibility, we deal with the issue and grow from the experience, when we make ourselves wrong we do not deal with the issue and make ourselves less.

  581. At Sacred Esoteric Healing level one, we did a technique where we sent love to another and felt how sending love, bought in a judgment on another. All we had to do is hold the other person as an equal and this allowed true purpose and healing to be initiated

  582. Joshua, thank you for this amazing blog. I love and absolutely agree with your way of describing God: “He is the supreme holder of love, offering us evolution out of our patterns, issues and creations so that Humanity returns to the One Whole, the Brotherhood we originate from.”

  583. The real questions are: is it true or not? Is it love or not? Is it all encompassing or not? Is it responsible or not?

  584. I love how you bring in God, who never, ever judges, so why should we? It starts with judging ourselves and putting a burden on ourselves as to do things right. Having to be perfect, without learning or mistakes lies around the corner all as a form of safety. Understanding is a key word here.

  585. What a simple and accurate definition of judgments : “judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” Another has to match your picture and live up to your ideals and beliefs and otherwise they are ‘wrong’. Judgments and pictures, ideals and beliefs always go together. To let go of judgments we have to let go of the rest first.

  586. These habits of judgement and getting caught in the machinations of making ourselves and others either right or wrong are such a massive distraction and super draining to boot!

  587. Ahh Joshua, there are so many absolute gems in what you have shared here – thank you! One I really connected with was “it is far more loving to pick myself up, dust myself off, and lovingly learn from the lesson presented before me than it is to hold a self-imposed ideal that I am no longer ‘good enough’ because of my recently committed imperfection.”.

  588. Joshua, the examples you cite of the questions we can pose to ourselves in that voice of self-critique, doubt and flagellation are a real wake-up call — how we talk to ourselves, the thoughts that we entertain throughout our day can be an incessant whip we crack on to ourselves. When we consider that most of us tend to live like this, even without being aware of it, and relate from that place with each other, no wonder harmony in our world today is rare. No wonder disharmony, hatred and conflict are common occurrences — it’s a reflection of the battle that rages within.

  589. God is all loving and knows we are here to learn so as we can get out of here. Imagine if he were to judge every mistake we make….it is so ludicrous that many of us do that…judge every mistake we make. When we were young we did not, as we knew we were learning and part of learning is to learn from our mistakes.. we need to return to this simplicity….we are the forever student learning, deepening and developing.

  590. I was raised on right and wrong, the same way I was raised on toast and vegemite. The same way I had to wean my self off toast and vegemite I am weaning my self off right and wrong. I discovered both are extremely harmful to the body and being.

  591. Judgment is a stopper. It stands between our perception and understanding. It deceives us into thinking we know something and it stops us from seeing things for what they are, and from going into a full understanding. It is very much security based and it keeps us within our own little made-up world of images.

  592. Wow Joshua, I hadn’t got very far reading your blog when this sentence really hit home on the evil in Judging – ‘I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, …..’ my respose came very quickly and I could hear a ‘how dare I pass judgment on another when the perception held is so narrow’, and yet so many of us do it often and are so comfortable in doing it that we no longer realise it is happening. Very big alarm bells are rinigng.

  593. Judgment on myself prevents me from seeing the full truth of what is at play. It closes my heart and thus reduces my wisdom. It’s gigantic for me and I still go in to it often. More and more I am seeing it early and using it as a big alarm bell. If I can feel any whiff of judgment then I know that I am holding back, that I have contracted, that I am in protection.

    1. I can relate to this Otto, and am seeing more and more how judging myself is in fact just a trick to keep me from moving forward. It is a easy as saying oops, learn from it and move forward but by making it an issue I can stay in it for as long as I like.

  594. We constantly seem to think in right or wrong, but where is truth in all of this? I love your blog Joshua, thank you, as it shows that there is no such thing as right or wrong. There is only love or no love, truth or no truth, and the fact that we are forever learning.

  595. Judgement is so finite. Once we have made a judgement there feels like there is no room to move. That’s it, we’ve trussed up the person/situation and most people find it hard to re-visit a topic that they have judged. Even when we are proved wrong we tend to hold onto our original judgement, often defending it till death. It feels that judgement can easily get tangled up with pride.

  596. We judge our familys, we judge our work colleagues, we judge people in shopping centres, we judge people on the telly, judgement for many of us has become our default setting and it has become to natural that we no longer notice that we are doing it. Knowing that even our thoughts have an effect on others makes me wonder what effect the constant barrage of judgemental thoughts and spoken words is having on the whole.

  597. Joshua this is a stunning article that cuts through illusion like a knife. You have laid bare the illusion of wrong and right with the absolute simplicity of your explanation.

  598. “…making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong…” This is the crux of the issue for me, the basis of judgement is my own pictures of how things should be. Judgement is not based in truth.

  599. I have to second Donna’s beautiful and wise comment. All other judgement we cast comes first from the self judgement, the harsh voice we bash ourselves with. And it can become very subtle but still eat at us and our relationships with all of humanity — fundamentally born out of our stubborn unwillingness to accept the divinity we are from and here to bring.

  600. How blessed we each are as God’s children. I feel such joy when I read and hear God’s name. He is the All beholding the All.

  601. Life is either true or it is not and it’s as simple as that.
    Judging and interpreting life against a picture, ideal or aspiration is not true, nor will it deliver us truth.

  602. What you are saying here is very true. There is no analysis or question as to right or wrong when we are living in harmony – our true flow.

  603. It is astounding how readily we critique and analyse ourselves and how this outpours towards others.
    Religious rule has instilled such dogma, judgement, shame and guilt in us over lifetimes when all such configurations hold us less than who we are and do not have any place in the Kingdom that lives inside us all.
    They cannot corrupt the Love that we are, but they gain entry when we say yes to this false light.

  604. Thank you Joshua for exposing the obvious, and subtle nature of how judgment presents. The tension in the body that comes with judgment is beautifully summed up in how you share…”… Rights and wrongs are a haggle, a debate, a justification that forms the basis of a judgment or an issue we hold about another person…” A great blog that I’m sure will uncover more ‘ah-ha’ moments with every read.

  605. Love doesn’t and can’t judge, otherwise, it is not love… its a pretty simple equation and that many religions could remember more often.

  606. There is no need to travel to the holy land to ask for God’s advice or forgiveness. God is found within and through our living way.

  607. Gorgeous blog Joshua. “There is only what is true and what is not true. If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.” Judgement – in the meaning of deciding what is right or wrong – does not exist where unconditional love is concerned.

  608. Absolutely love this blog. This kind of discussion is so needed when there is a whole world based and run on what is right and wrong. This world is in a mess. The mess begins to dissipate when we bring in Absolute Truth and Love.

  609. Great exposure of the futility of judgement which I have only recently recognised rules so much of my life. ‘My body takes on a feeling of seriousness and dullness as a result of the judgements I continue to place on myself nearly all the time.’ Truly accepting that for God there is only what is true and what is not true reflects the awesome possibility to let go of all judgements – a work in progress for me but am loving the expansiveness in my body when I allow this.

  610. Wow, Joshua, you are so right that judgement can be seen and felt throughout our bodies, so that message is loud and clear to whoever we are judging, no matter what our mouths are saying. We know actions speak louder than words, but feelings speak the loudest. We are feeling all the time, whether we acknowledge it or not, so judgements of ourselves and others can be caught as we become more aware.

  611. Holding onto being right and judging ourselves for being wrong both feel as you mentioned Joshua, very serious and dull and flattens us. Its creates this pit that we spiral into and shut ourselves away from the world. But when we let go of this (sometimes not easy, other times very easy) and bring in space and understanding I feel lighter, brighter, more willing to understand and be curious about what’s going on for other people and what’s in the world around me. We go into it to avoid feeling our choices to go against God in the first place and how that choice didn’t bring us the end result we wanted. Because when we do open up to understanding we become aware of how powerful we are and the responsibility we hold in the universe.

  612. “I realised making judgments places others into a box based on what they have done or said in relation to my own perceptions of what is right or wrong, as opposed to seeing them for who they really are.” This is spot on in my experience. Learning not to judge means learning to let things be as they are and understand how I, or the person I am judging, got to a place where that decision was the decision I/they made. It is about reading the energy that impulses us, not just the action itself.

  613. Right and wrong feels such a made up game designed and played so that we feel small and very far away from God, and see others in the same way too. When we judge ourselves so deeply and harshly, we inevitably do that to others too. It is a huge responsibility to not judge ourselves. We can simply choose to feel and see what is really there underneath the game – our divinity.

  614. Judgement is foul and I agree it can be felt regardless of if you want it to be felt or not. The judgment is always there with self before it is projected onto others too. Great blog, many things left to consider.

  615. There is much to ponder from your blog Joshua… I love how you’ve gone to the core of judgement in our Judeo-Christian culture here in the West. It stems from our very notions of just what and who God is, and HOW He is…
    The concept of a judgemental God makes no sense to me at all, yet I continue to discover where I hold myself as less (and ‘judged’), and also where I hold judgements and expectations of others. Much of this stems from the ‘miserable sinner’ dictates of a church which never stands us all in equal light to Yeshua (Jesus).
    In the true sense of religion that I know, the Way of the Livingness, we are ALL His Sons, and thus all equally worthy of His love…
    ‘Worth’ really needn’t even enter the picture here, yet re-embracing our true worth and equalness in God’s love, is an essential part of returning to His love, and leaving behind judgemental and limiting dictates that only seem to serve to keep us all feeling ‘unworthy’ and ‘never enough’ in His eyes. Phew… it’s ridiculous how much the concept of a ‘judgemental God’ affects every part of our society, and the myriad of beliefs and judgements we can all hold and carry…

  616. The undoing of the judgements we hold is actually a part of our return to the love that we are, a part of deepening our relationship with God, if we choose – that we may let more of His love ‘in’, express it to others and hold all in the greatness that is beyond ‘right and wrong’, as you’ve so well described Joshua.

  617. And as we are equal to God, there’s no wrong and right in us. In writing this I could feel myself wanting to justify, turning it down after I wrote it, etc. For the first time I can feel that if I go into making it less, that it’s like giving myself the space to not really be Responsible. Like, yes I am Love – there’s no wrong or right in me, but I can’t live that. In this I do not have to take Responsibility for my Love. God’s never taking time out, he holds us continously – all of us. How Amazing is that. And as I keep on learning and evolving, he will too. So no perfectionism is needed, just surrendering to the Love and accepting that we do not have to be perfect. As this is a set up from being right or wrong. Indeed, 2 sides of the same source – separation.

  618. There is so much to learn, if we are willing to bring awareness to our judgement of others, and of ourselves, as you’ve explored so well here Joshua. Many notions of how we think we should be, think others should be – judgement comes complete with a plethora of ‘shoulds’, which can reveal so much to us about belief systems we may hold that only limit our capacity to love.

  619. Beautiful Joshua, no right or wrong, just opportunities for learning. I really get that. Where you have written “In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.” I got to feel how much more loving and inclusive that is, no judgement.

  620. Gorgeous Joshua, over the years I have come to learn that when we have even the slightest tiniest thought of being disappointed with ourselves for saying or doing the ‘wrong’ thing, then we are still judging ourselves.

  621. If we didn’t create right and wrongs, sins or not, then there would be far less, if any, wars in this world.

  622. Have we created right and wrong to create complication, drama and an identity? Taking us further away from God and the simplicity of love.

  623. ‘There is only truth and not truth’ – Absolutely Joshua; the way we live is never right or wrong, however a choice is made by each and every one of us in every moment regarding how much truth we will embody, live and say yes to. In other words, our lives, behaviours, actions, conversations and movements can come from truth and the awareness that we have a great responsibility in all that we do to represent that there is a bigger picture, or we can avoid this and live in a way that is disregarding, contracted, protected and so forth.

  624. When you make a choice to separate from God, he does not judge, but absolutely deeply and continually holds you in his omnipotent love.

  625. Joshua, this is a gorgeous article, I can very much to relate to what you have written about judging others, I have noticed recently that I am not judging other people in the way I have in the past, I have noticed that the thoughts are there that there is something ‘wrong’ with another person but I have not been going into these thoughts as I know they are not true – I know that we are all equal, this has allowed me to connect with people and enjoy engaging rather than holding myself back and only engaging with people I believe are doing the ‘right’ thing.

  626. Would a truly loving God create children and give them free-will and then judge and punish them for using it? If we believe this to be true what is our perception of Love? Perhaps the one we have lived by – that love is conditional upon how we behave – but we all know this is not the truth of love..don’t we?

  627. The greatest judgement we feel is the judgement that we have on ourselves. Develop and grow our self-love then this leaves no room for judgement. We then come to know love and through this love we come to know God.

  628. I too grew up a Catholic and it has and is still taking a bit to break down the ideals and beliefs that I have around things being right or wrong. It can still very much be my ‘go to’. When I feel that I am in this play of right or wrong, I feel a tension in my body. There is a part of me that either feels like I am on a pedal stool (being right) or like I am rubbish (being wrong). Both are simply two sides of the coin and neither is true.

  629. Thank you Joshua for bringing the truth of God to bear on what is an insidious habit of the human race that causes great damage. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement “After all how can a super loving Divine being ever cast judgement on anyone or anything if all He is, is pure love? Judgment is a very human issue and serves no-one accept the forces that wish to see us go to war on each other. I too have been able to realise the extent of my own judgments, with myself and towards others because of the depth of love reflected in the way Serge Benhayon lives. Serge is a constant reminder that the only thing God knows how to do is love us and loving us, self included is about embodying Truth, Integrity and Harmony, not preaching to a false idea of what is right and wrong.

  630. I felt that too Joshua when I was younger, God would not judge or look upon us as sinners, even the word sinners felt ugly and oppressive. When we feel we are right we automatically feel someone as being lesser and when we are wrong we feel lesser. To me being right is more evil because once we feel this, there is nothing for us to look at, there is an arrogance that does not ask us to question if what we are being right about is true or not.

  631. The person I have judged most in my life is myself but I know this is common in others too. It feels like a cloud we live under and I agree with the assertion in this blog that we ‘take things on’ in some way. I feel there is deep truth in the suggestion that we are all equally Divine and when I am able to connect to this essence within me, the judgement feels like it is something imposed on top of that essence – but not anything true or real. This tendency to judge ourselves and others is not our true nature and to me it is something to be dropped or let go of and part of the process of uncovering our innate being – a Beingness that is common to us all.

  632. By reading this line: “Judgments are essentially a put down, a way of making another lesser than me for their imperfections, and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs’.” – I realized, I also make MYSELF less by judging another! Because with the judging I say: ‘I can not understand’, ‘I can not read what is behind his/her actions and so I can not bring what is needed here to develop/evolve’, and I say ‘I do not take my responsibility here to offer some connection’.
    I am so powerful, but by judging I misuse my power against us all.

  633. Joshua this has been my experience as well and just on the weekend I attended a Livingness 1 workshop with Serge Benhayon and had a partner that I was connecting to. I clocked the judgement I had gone into and my body felt contracted, dull and flat like you say. The second I clocked it and said no to it – BAM the fire light up in me, my heart was so open it felt like I was going to burst and there was space for us to truly connect to the deepest part of our essence and it felt incredible.

    1. That is gorgeous to feel Natalie, and huge to consider that in judging we contract our own body and light. I am so glad I read this comment just now!

  634. Reading your blog I can really see and understand even more that there is not right or wrong as we are forever learning. We might do something that is seen as not the right thing but the truth about that situation is that we can learn from it and will make a different choice next time around, so in the end it was not ‘wrong’ just an opportunity for learning. Learning to express the love and divinity we truly are from.

  635. Beautiful, Joshua, yes, Judgement is something many of us do, especially self judgement, and it is such a destructive force. I have recently realised how much I am concerned about what other people think and I feel it is because I am expecting others to judge me in the same way I do. When we listen and observe with understanding, we can appreciate that everybody is simply doing whatever they need to do to survive.

  636. I too was brought up a Catholic and the idea of a God who would judge us and send us to the fires of hell for eternity was pretty scary, but for me also never felt true. Now knowing that God doesn’t judge at all, I often think how can we possibly be right judging others when God doesn’t? So it is definitely not true for us or anyone else to place judgement on another.

  637. “Judgement is so insidious”. How so very, very true. Once one starts to become aware of it, it is astonishing how prevalent it is. As I learn to let go of judging through developing understanding my world feels lighter and more ‘expansive’. Thank you Joshua for showing so clearly the falsity of judgment.

  638. We create the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in the things that we and others do in order to keep us unaware of the love that we are. When we focus on what we do rather than who we are we miss out on the truth of our shared love and the unconditional love of God.

  639. Thank you, Joshua. What you say at the end about Serge Benhayon is really beautiful and true – “His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived”. His reflection to us all is of pure love untainted by judgement or any other self-filled need, and his living way constantly reminds us that we are all equally part of the one and the same God, and will forever be so, no matter what ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’ we deem ourselves and others to have committed.

    1. I agree – Serge Benhayon is all of this and more.
      “His very livingness is the richness of God that we all once have lived”. His reflection to us all is of pure love untainted by judgement or any other self-filled need, and his living way constantly reminds us that we are all equally part of the one and the same God, and will forever be so, no matter what ‘rights’ or ‘wrongs’ we deem ourselves and others to have committed.

  640. Joshua I completely loved reading your blog this morning, wow it blew me away, having grown up with the Catholic religion of sin and the daily societal pressures of right and wrong it seems almost a distant possibility that society could exist without right or wrong, it is embedded in everything. Yet you clearly expose right to be the same as wrong and both to be pure fictious creations as God doesn’t judge, with no judgement how can right or wrong exist? Simply choices and consequences.

  641. What a powerful testament to living in truth. Judgments change over time and are like words written in the sand just waiting for the tide. Smoking cigarettes was once medically endorsed as calming and the occasional drink was also healthy for us. Daily we are presented with many things from others, what they purport to be truth. Without feeling into what we were told if they are truth, they are filed in our head and used as a ruler to measure others.

    1. Steve not only do judgements change over time but they change from person to person in the same moment. One person may say that it is wrong to steal in any circumstance but another may say that if a mother steals a loaf of bread because her kids haven’t eaten in 3 days then this is ok. That’s one of the many problems with judgement, it exists on a sliding scale that sits on a slippery dip in most of us, whereas truth has no sliding scale, it’s either true or it’s not, no scale.

  642. A brilliant blog with such depth and understanding from a deep wisdom instead of the judgement that exists so deeply everywhere in our lives. This judgement is so much part of ourselves our beliefs and ideals in the way we live that it is insidious and very harming and holds us so far from the very love and being we all are. A way with out this judgement is beautiful true and something to be found through true healing and building a loving way of being for ourselves and this can be felt by all.

  643. Congratulations Joshua you’ve really nailed it. Releasing ourselves from the imposition of the Church’s concept of sin by ceasing to judge ourselves harshly opens the way to cease judging our brothers harshly as well. How can a loving God possibly judge and punish his equal sons and daughters.

    1. Valerie your comment leads me ask “what in ‘God’s name’ has the church done to imbue people with the notion of God being judgemental?'”

  644. You wouldn’t chastise a baby for falling down whilst learning to walk would you, so why do we love to judge and criticise ourselves and others when all are equal in the eyes of God, and like you say Joshua, there is no right or wrong. I ask myself this very same question when I feel myself going into judgement, especially of myself, which can be very destructive and is certainly nothing to do with love, and considering that love is who we are and every thought is a choice, when where do these thoughts of judgement come from, our hurts, comparisons, jealousies? Once recognised, we can gently and lovingly begin to say no judgement by beginning to appreciate ourselves.

  645. As you describe, the notion of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is a very artificial, totally unnatural and rigid structure that serves no one and certainly does not apply to God, no matter how hard some religions try to dictate it for their own benefit and control over others.

  646. Beautiful written Joshua, there is no right and wrong in God, only unconditional love so why would we, his children, consider ourselves in the position that we can judge something to be right or wrong. We can only say if we live lovingly or not, speak the truth or not, but even that does not needs to hold any judgment but instead has to come from observation instead of absorption and identification.

  647. You have well and truly nailed it Joshua that judgment is one of the greatest hindrances to try relationship and good health. And as you point out it is based on the evil mental paradigm of ‘right and wrong’. Shakespeare;s Hamlet said: ‘for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ There is only the ‘what is’ and the ‘what is not.’ We as a race have an even better opportunity now to free ourselves from the bondage of right and wrong.

  648. Joshua what you have written here is so healing for all to read, judgement really is SO insidiously threaded through our lives and our communities and the very simple thoughts you have exposed here are the mere tip of the iceberg! We are grossly judgmental on ourselves and thus with others throughout most of our day and yet as you share so wisely, God in no way judges us, so where do such judgmental thoughts actually come from? Are they fed to us from the array of ideals and beliefs, pictures and images that we hold ourselves and others to? Are they serving, enjoyable or even lovely to experience at any time? To not hold judgment over ourselves is to hold ourselves in absolute love and a deeply cherishing way, a way we all truly deserve to be held. This is how God holds us, unwaveringly and how we can continue to choose to hold ourselves too.

  649. Makes you wonder about the contradictory messages most of us received when young – I was taught that God is Love and about ‘gentle Jesus’ and yet the strongest messages were about sin and how we mere mortals were forever flawed. I judged myself as incapable of ever reaching such perfection, which is realistic, but the true message I did not hear was that God never judges (despite parables such as the prodigal son). I guess the jokes about St Peter and the Pearly Gates have pervaded our unconscious and affected us all more deeply than we are aware of. Certainly the most judgement I feel is always from myself, a behaviour that is no way the true me, and one I am choosing to discard.

  650. Such a great blog Joshua, holding up in the clear-seeing magnifying glass what an impediment judgment is in our lives. And, as you say, it is all based on the consciousness of ‘right and wrong’ which has been drilled into us from an early age through the education system and through our parents who have been brought up in that system. This consciousness is evil and has been imposed upon humanity who are innately loving by nature. We have said ‘yes’ to ‘right and wrong’ and adopting it as a mode of being, and now, through the aid of Serge Benhayon and such blogs as yours Joshua we can learn to say ‘no’ to be imprisoned in this destructive thought paradigm.

  651. There is only what is true or not true. Expressing things as being either true or not true has a completely different feel to judging them as right or wrong. As you astutely state ‘right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin’. They keep us in a holding pattern of forever fearing to be wrong, but viewing things as true or not leaves us free to make a choice.

  652. ‘What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.’ Joshua I have recently come to this realisation too. When I observe my self-talk the insidious interweaving of judgements of all sorts is HUGE and of course reveals that I am forever comparing myself to an ideal or another. What a waste of energy and dampening of the potential to allow myself to fully express! Appreciation is the antidote I’m bringing to the table now.

  653. Thank you for such clarity Joshua on right and wrong! The fact that God does not judge and therefore why should we, frees us up to be less hard on ourselves and others , when you say that there is only ” true and not true” in Gods eyes, then who are we to complicate things into right and wrong? This is a truly insightful sharing Joshua and confirms to me that there most certainly is reincarnation, that one so young comes into this world with such wisdom how could it be any other way!

  654. There are no wrongs or rights, there is only a learning for life and love.

  655. Judgement certainly does not serve anyone – not the person doing the ‘judging’ and not the person being judged. It is awful to be in either shoes! I know how it feels to be judged by others, and I also know how arrogant it feels to judge others. Yet, i can say that we all can fall into either situation quite often. The key is to catch oneself when this happens and reflect on it and learn from it. To jude another brings no understanding to them and their situation. And like wise as you have so beautifully said in this blog, we actually judge ourselves white harshly too and as a result can be hard on ourselves. As a result we dont grow and dont learn when we stay in that energy. However, the moment we realise we are doing this, if we step back a moment and feel it, we have the choice to change the way that we are going about things. And this is the blessing and the growth offered.

  656. Absolutely stunning Joshua thank you. Seeing everything as a learning rather than a right or wrong, creates space and support for us to evolve. When we are coming from a space of truth there can be no right or wrong as it is cut and dry there is no wiggle room to grow. Learning is the true measure for life.

  657. Judgement leaves us constantly marking life like a harsh school teacher. The saddest part is how those marks actually leave scars and cut away at our true selves. We are lead to think we a better worse or different to someone else, which as you say Joshua, this is the absolute opposite of God’s way. If we as humans were put on trial the only true judgement that could be made is we have fallen for a lie and chosen to compete in an endless measuring game when in truth we are from the one divines source.

  658. Brilliant blog exposing that right and wrong comes with judgement and self righteousness. It encourages comparison, competition and superiority over another. Therefore not bringing harmony or truth in relationships, which encourages brotherhood.

  659. Nice one Joshua , I have myself so many times used judgements to try and protect myself from feeling threatened or made myself lessor through self judgement .What an awful way to seperate our selves from another by using judgement . I love how you have stated that there is really only what is true and what is not . Also how there is no judgement in god contrary to the guilt trip and judgement that has been used by religions to hold people down in that lesser ,separated way.

  660. Thank God for our bodies which expose the Truth of our every choice.

  661. Judgment is indeed very insidious… there are so many judgments I am only just becoming aware of – any movement that isn’t loving, honouring and or nurturing has negative self-talk going on in the background. Its catching the feeling of that movement in my body at the time that helps capture a sense of the judgments.

  662. Right and wrong are born out of a set of adopted rules we live by based on our beliefs and ideals about how life or we should be. It is a massive set up and not true.

  663. ‘and holds me as being greater when I know I too can at times make the same ‘wrongs”, this exposes the arrogance in judging. That somehow we forget all our imperfections and think we are ‘better’ than others. You are right it is an evil and an ugly one at that. I also felt the same as you, I wasn’t brought up any religion but I knew there was far more to life than what we were (are) living and that there was a greater unseen Love that encompassed all of us all of the time so I took it upon myself at the age of 11 to get confirmed in a church (christian) as at that time that was the only action I thought I could take to show that I acknowledged that love I felt and could committ to it. Also like your experience with the catholic church all the ideals and beliefs made no sense to me whatsoever, especially about sins and how one person can ‘save’ us. There is no judgement with Love and it is great you have started a discussion on this to enable this to be seen and debased. The only thing in I know that is in line with the truth I know and feel about us, love, God and the Universe is The Way of the Livngness that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine share and live.

  664. “If right and wrong form the basis for most of our patterns of thought, it is just as insidious as an invisible mist that pervades our sight, unbeknownst to us, blocking our clear view of truth and love.” This is a really brilliant line Joshua, and so true. There is so much available for us to see if we choose to see clearly, however most of the time, most of us do not. When there is clarity of thought and sight, we can allow God to flow through our bodies, and then everything is available to us.

  665. Also Joshua I loved many things about your blog. Your ‘tail’ of right and wrong is very true, “Right and wrong are the same sides of an illusionary coin, a coin that most perceive to have them on opposite sides.” These thoughts are always there and will forever be and as you say down further, “There is only what is true and what is not true.” This is how we should begin to see everything, thank you Joshua.

  666. What I can feel so strongly from your blog Joshua is the arrogance and superiority that comes with being right, which completely alienates us from each other. Whereas Truth holds us all equally – something is either true or not, and no-one is more or less for it… how supportive for everyone is that.

  667. Absolutely brilliant blog Joshua, I am deeply inspired. I agree judgement comes in many, many subtle forms. For me especially in the past judgement often went unnoticed because I have been so used to living with it. My body was always communicating to me when I have judged myself and or others. I wasn’t always willing to see and be honest about why my body was feeling the discomfort. By re-connecting more and more to my body this has allowed me to be more aware and honest with myself. Judgement is rampant and I noticed recently the many subtle forms it comes in and how frequent I have allow it to run my thoughts. I have found by being completely honest with myself, exposing judgement for what it is and not seek perfection but an understanding and learn from these experiences has been hugely supportive in reducing the poisonous energy of judgment. Judgement doesn’t just affect me, it affects people around me. The responsibility is mine to call it out and expose it so it does not fester and grow.

  668. To judge another means we are judging ourselves in exactly the same way… and we do this before we judge anyone else.

  669. There is kind of condemnation with judgement – identifying a person with what we perceive as their flaws whilst ignoring the bigger picture and cutting ourselves from truly understanding what is going on, on every level.

  670. Hello Joshua and superb blog and that is the second thing I have read in the last few days with the author being from Tauranga, a truly beautiful part of the world. I don’t know what’s in the water over there but we should be bottling it and selling it.

  671. It is very hurtful to catch ourselves being in judgement, it is very hurtful to not be the truth of who we know we are, the absoluteness of divinity, purity, joy and love. But then there is nothing to be sad about or indulge in, we are in judgement at times simply because our movements have not supported us fully and consistently to be the absolute divinity that we are, so we can just choose to move in a different way and we have high fived evolution.

  672. Life is a continuous series of opportunities for us to work our way out of ideals, beliefs and judgements back to expressing truth, not just with words but with all of our movements. Without ideals, beliefs and judgements our movements feel so much more free and natural.

  673. God never judges right from wrong or wrong from right, and when human beings do, we are saying “God you are special as we are only human”. The concept of God as superior is the first comparison.

  674. “In God there is just the understanding of what is true and not true; it just is.”

    Pure revelation to the spirit, a simple truth to the Soul. Thankyou Joshua.

  675. By subscribing to the very ill fed notion of the seeming duality of right versus wrong, we are forever lost in the endless oscillation between these two imagined points without ever having to live what is true. This is a simple trick of the spirit to delay the inevitable return to the light of the Soul that is pure love and truth and incapable of placing such barriers within. A truly awe-inspiring blog Joshua, thankyou for the awareness you have presented.

  676. When we love another how can we even have an inkling towards judging them as Joshua states ‘without the rights and wrongs, there would simply be no judgments’.

  677. This is brilliant and so true on so many levels. The first and only person that right and wrong cripples is our selves, it’s the perfect tool to undermine our power. This is then what we reflect to others which ecourages them too to undermine themselves and repeat the process until we now have a world where everyone is undermining themselves based on false ideals of right and wrong.

  678. “What strikes me is just how many unconscious judgements we place on ourselves nearly all of the time.” gosh yes, and with that on others and the world.

  679. Right and wrong seem to be personal opinions that everyone holds – what is deemed as right for one person is not what is deemed as right for another. What is true and not true however, has a lot more solidness and less judgement. It’s simply what it is. It comes with a learning. Thanks for this one Josh, judgement is harsh, and definitely enables one to play small or stretch their superiority over another.

  680. Beautifully expressed Joshua. There is no wrong or right as in judging, we’re always judging behaviour of the being – not the being itself as the being is pure Love, just as God is. And God allows mistakes, imperfections, etc. He just holds us, all of us in His unique way – with a Love that is much Grander than we can currently imagine. Judging ourselves or other keeps us away from that Divinity and thus from Responsibility. As in truth every Re-sponse is an answer towards the loving call that is given to us.

  681. I love the distinction between what is right and wrong and what is true or not true. There is no truth in right and wrong – awesome!

    1. “There is no truth in right and wrong” This is a game-changer Lucy – it cuts straight to the core. If there is judgment of right or wrong then there is no truth, only judgment. Truth is what it is.

  682. “Right is not better than wrong in God’s eyes, for it is not about perfection as there is no judgment.” Beautifully said, Joshua.

  683. Joshua to understand this at the age of 23 is quite something… what you’ve shared is spot on and takes the legs out from under any justification to hold ourselves or any other to anything other than the love of God you speak of. I recall the moment where I understood that if God is love, then there can be nothing of truth in being right or wrong as that condemns one side or person above the other. This was a life game-changer for me, and still is.

  684. Judgement is indeed a creation to feel less, and never comes from love. The judgement creates a position of control, as we are saying something it is as the way we perceive it but we can also observe and feel what’s going on, then there can be no judgement in that.

  685. Hear hear – well said Joshua. It is very true that right and wrong as we use them are clearly wrong or you could say not right in truth!

  686. Just reading about judgement I could also feel how exhausting it is. Imagine how much more energy (and joy) we would have if we stopped judging.

  687. “Rights and wrongs are a haggle, a debate, a justification that forms the basis of a judgment or an issue we hold about another person.”. When I read this I immediately thought of politics because the politicians – especially during campaign time – always bang on about right/wrong – they’re wrong, we’re right – no they are wrong and we are right. And the public is often left scratching their heads about what is true and what is not.

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