Universal Medicine – a Documentation of True Change. No Fire Walk Required!

“A first degree burn we call a kiss” was the answer from a spokesperson from a recent Tony Robbins motivational seminar, after the event reached the news due to the severe burns on people’s feet after a ‘motivational fire walk’ that is advertised to supposedly change people’s lives forever.

People are desperate to engineer changes to their lives as the constant pursuit of happiness has left many stuck in a life without a deeper purpose, and yet others are left struggling to achieve the very same futile purpose they started out to achieve – that albeit when reached – soon fades into purposelessness.

The world is full of promising healers, coachers, trainers, etc. who say they have found the ‘way to happiness’ but in truth, it is mainly about the way to capitalise, making big bucks off people who are desperately wanting change in their lives. From this place of desperation, people are willing to pay thousands of dollars to burn their feet (and other such bizarre practices) in the belief that this is bringing them the will to finally conquer life.

In 2007 I said yes to an invitation from my sisters after having observed some very profound changes in their lives. My older sister had changed from a spiritual new age fanatic who I could not keep a conversation with, or even share quality time with, into a true older sister who was now interested in people, building a connection with me, was very committed to life, earning money, and had a clear purpose in life.

My younger sister, with whom I shared years supporting to get her out of her depression, and who had chosen for the last years that alcohol was her best companion to get some fun out of life, suddenly stopped being depressed, stopped drinking and took an unprecedented pro-active attitude to life that was so surprising to me that I was curious enough to go to a Universal Medicine workshop with them, presented by a man called Serge Benhayon and held in Westbury in Somerset, England.

Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

At that time I had a profound repulsion for anything related to new age, healing, holding hands, hugging and talking about problems, so I went there quite sceptical as, from my experience, there was either conventional medicine putting you on not always very efficient drugs, or all this alternative ‘bla-bla’ that from my point of view just served to make people feel better by sharing their misery.

However, what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are.

Serge Benhayon simply presented that “everything is energy” and that “everything is because of energy” and that we can choose to live with the awareness of it or not. He also presented the difference between Soul and Spirit and how this impacts our daily living. He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.

I did not have to burn my feet by walking over hot coals, I did not have to hug strangers and share my misery, I did not get yelled at, have to repeat motivating mantras, follow some (or any) rules, do certain exercises or change my name.

I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.

But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.

In 2009 I started to regularly attend Universal Medicine workshops twice a year when Serge Benhayon presented in the UK and I always felt deeply inspired as it was never self-centred and about me, but about my responsibility in life and how to clear my issues, and about how to live in full integrity.

The EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association)* code of ethics by which trained Esoteric Practitioners work sets the standard for a practitioner’s commitment to a way of living and quality of being that is unheard of in the world today, and it has absolutely inspired me to live my life with the same level of integrity.

Contrary to anything presented today, the modalities of Universal Medicine are not self-serving!

So you cannot attend a Universal Medicine workshop and then find that you have the right tool, the manual or technique, for how to better your life. You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life. From this perspective you apply it to your daily life and truly live it, not as a dogma or a rule but as something that comes from your body, and your inner awareness that this is the way.

There is no end point to this growing awareness and therefore there is no ‘perfect’ technique to learn to get anywhere, only to understand that we are constantly evolving.

There is no manual, book, teaching or modality that can do all of this, or grow this awareness for you, and Universal Medicine does not make any false promises to solve it for you. Universal Medicine presents on the fact that everything is energy, that we are in the driver’s seat and that we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in.

For example: I chose to explore the benefits of a gluten and dairy free diet and it was quite astonishing how much healthier, lighter and more vital I felt. As time went on, feeling well with simple gluten and dairy free changes turned out to not work anymore and my body was asking for even more refinement. How did I come to this awareness? By being observant and applying self-love to my body – principles I learnt with Universal Medicine.

Suddenly I was bloated again, felt tired, and I was craving for sweet foods – now some fruit and not the usual ice cream, but nevertheless still craving sweet. So, what was going on then? Why was my energy low that I needed a pick-me-up? Was I looking for something to bring me excitement in my life, and if so, why wasn’t it already fulfilling enough?

You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat. I was not following a diet, as I did not try to achieve any goals like being healthy or slim, but held closely the importance to deepen my awareness and feel a certain quality in my body, in my daily life.

We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.

To make people walk over burning coals does not support them to build more awareness for their bodies: in fact, it has quite the opposite affect. Are we keen to celebrate a life-coach’s teachings that promote fire-walking, despite the risk of burning our feet, without reflecting upon whether those teachings are delivering the importance of taking responsibility for one’s life and choices?

Rachel Andras
Rachel Andras

Universal Medicine does not promise for people to become millionaires, resurrect them from the dead, become famous or make the best business ever, and nor does it offer the happy pill of spiritual enlightenment. Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life and has an impressive record of people who have lived for many years in depression, anxiousness, with chronic pain, in abusive relationships, struggling with substance abuse, unemployment, etc., who have transformed the mere existence of today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering into fulfilling lives, fully engaged and committed to the communities in which they live, no matter what social and economic level they come from.

In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved. And no fire-walk or burnt feet in sight!

Published with permission of my sisters.

* The EPA (Esoteric Practitioners Association) is the internal accreditation arm of Universal Medicine. It was instigated by Universal Medicine to monitor and accredit the modalities that were founded by Universal Medicine. 

By Rachel Andras, MA Gender & Development, MA Social Education, Barcelona, Spain

 Rachel Andras Rachel Andras is an entrepreneur, organizational change facilitator, youth and adult educator and writer, supporting people with body awareness and self-respect and confronts the many harmful ideals the media asserts about men and women.

Follow Rachel Andres on Twitter @r_randras

 Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine Serge Benhayon is a philosopher, teacher and author who regularly presents in the UK and Australia. You can learn more about Serge Benhayon at his personal website www.sergebenhayon.com

Follow Serge Benhayon on Twitter @SergeBenhayon or on Google+ +SergeBenhayon

Related Reading:
Before and After
Everyday People in Livingness
Who is Serge Benhayon?
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the esoteric modalities

539 thoughts on “Universal Medicine – a Documentation of True Change. No Fire Walk Required!

  1. We are not taught to listen to our bodies, we could say the opposite is true we are taught to disregard our bodies to rely on our minds to get us out of trouble. where as it is our bodies that speak louder than words.

  2. I’d rather walk out of a hall with a greater understanding of responsibility I can take out into my life than to be wheeled out of the room due to burnt feet and a rah rah that lasted seconds.

    1. These ‘fire walks’ very much depend on motivational rah rah, getting into a state of crazy stimulation, not a wise way to live your life, incredibly false, with definitely no settlement in your bodies.

  3. Listening to our bodies as you have shared Rachel, certainly deepens the appreciation we have for the most Loving ways of living and to be appreciative brings the fire of God into our hearts, so that our essences or Soul feels this same fire in others, so we walk in fire not on fire.

  4. I love how you describe the way you and your sisters were leading very different lives before choosing to regularly attend Universal Medicine workshops, Rachel. If we are open and willing, it doesn’t matter where we have been or what kind of life we have been living, Universal Medicine workshops offer the opportunity to look at where we are at and the choice to continue travelling down that same road or not.

    1. I have a family member who met Serge Benhayon maybe two or three times, from those meetings years ago now they have changed their life around. They aligned to the same energy that Serge Benhayon aligns himself to and that is enough. We all know that alignment because we all come from the same energy.

  5. There can be no greater offering than to be guided to live life from the “the truth of who we are.”

    1. Serge Benhayon supports us to return to who we truly are, ‘He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.’

  6. What Serge Benhayon presents is “about living life from the truth of who we are.” It is not a glamorous pitch but it achieves all the things and more to live a full, fruitful and purposeful life that all the motivational speakers, healers, etc. claim to offer but do not live up to their promises.

    1. It is simply about returning to our essence, deep inside, who we are in truth, ‘I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.’

  7. We will never change the outcomes if we do not consider why we are seeing the symptoms we are, or if we are looking to a quick fix. That said, making space to look at the ‘why’ instead of the ‘what’, does not mean it needs to be dramatic or complicated either.

  8. From what I’ve learned from my own explorations of Universal Medicine’s teachings is that if there’s any pain to the body through my actions then there’s something there to look at and more love to be brought into the picture. There’s no gain from pain, lack of love or mental drive disregarding the body.

  9. One does not have to walk on hot coals to fire up – all you need to do is commit to life in full.

    1. Ha ha, very true, walking on hot coals does not and will not fire you up, and it does nothing to support you living true to yourself.

  10. I don’t know what world this spokesperson inhabits, but certainly is not in mine, as in mine, a burn is a burn, always painful, often serious and definitely not a kiss in any shape of form. To minimise its effect as such is simply a very disregarding attitude to many who have paid money to experience something that is purported to change lives; the only thing I think will be changed will be the feet of the participants!

    1. Obviously the vast majority do not have burnt feet, I did not see any people with burnt feet at these events, but the event is total false rah rah, you are totally outside yourself, not connected with your body in any true sense. The event generates a false lift, that then lets you down, but what the organisers want is to capitalise, big time, on getting you to do more of their ‘motivational events’. I thank God that I saw through the hype before being dragged further into the abyss.

  11. Not everyone wants to be in ‘the driver’s seat’ and so there will be a supply to the demand of wanting to change without taking the responsibility about the choices we have made and make in our lives. Once we are in this driver’s seat ‘we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in.’ And boy oh boy what a joy it is to live in this way.

  12. It seems most find it easier to believe in something like fire walking when someone has said this will help us deal with issues than taking responsibility for ourselves in our life. It does not make sense that burning our feet will actually heal us but our drive to not take responsibility for what we are choosing in life is so big that we rather follow and play dumb.

    1. Simple, and beautiful what Serge Benhayon presents, shares, and lives, ‘what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are.’

  13. I hate that there is an energy that sits waiting like a vulture for those who are looking for something more in life. This energy appears to offer something different, yet it is more of the same and leaves many disillusioned and cynical. Trying to get to the truth can feel like an episode of Indiana Jones, navigating the obstacles. This is free will and we need to learn how to discern truth again as we naturally did as kids.

    1. To feel what energy is running our bodies, ‘Serge Benhayon simply presented that “everything is energy” and that “everything is because of energy” and that we can choose to live with the awareness of it or not.’

  14. What Universal Medicine offers is true empowerment, taking ownership, therefore responsibility for our own life, instead of looking out to shop for things to armor ourselves up with to be better than. Realising that we actually already have everything is such liberation.

    1. Bringing back responsibility into our lives is so essential in the world we live in, ‘But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.’

  15. So much of what we do in life is about managing it, but to actually truly embrace life, to accept and know that our part is about living life from the truth of us, that is different and something that is truly life changing, and that is what Universal Medicine presents, an understanding of life, of us, and it supports us to develop a relationship with our bodies and in that way we can truly be us and engage with life.

  16. Walking over fire makes not a smidgen of logical sense. Yes it may seem to offer change but in what way is it truly benefiting or inspiring you to change the way you live your daily life?

    1. ha ha, I agree, perhaps the point is there is no willingness to see how completely stuck you have become because it should be a shocking burning wake up call to the abuse you just inflicted on your own body and told yourself it didn’t hurt!

  17. I did one of these fire walks years ago and it definitely did not change my life. In fact at the end of the event the members who were running it looked so checked out and spaced out it actually freaked me out and I never returned again.

    1. Thanks for sharing Vicky as I don’t know anyone who has participated in one. I did have a moment or two – of madness, in retrospect – when I considered doing one, but thankfully common sense prevailed and I didn’t. Although it does show how desperate I was at that time, to ‘find myself’!

  18. Great account of the true benefit of applying the principles of Universal Medicine. I cannot imagine walking on fire but thanks to Serge Benhayon I can imagine loving life full of the fire of the inner heart & soul.

  19. How amazing that your sister turned around depression and had a commitment to life again, she is not the only one, I have seen many people do exactly the same. Amazing.

  20. The presentations from Serge Benhayon are never about telling you what to do, they don’t demand you follow any teachings, they simply offer you many keys to living a true and vital life, and you are free to say no to the keys if that is the choice you make. I for one, took those keys in both hands and every day since celebrate that I did. It is so much more fun being in “the driver’s seat” of life than in the back seat being at the mercy of what may or may not come next.

  21. The thing about accepting more energetic responsibility in to one’s life that I have found to be so beautiful, is the depths of love and joy that come thereafter.

    1. I think I have been suffering from lack of appreciation and the normalising of relationships rather than celebrating them and honouring the deepth that is already being lived.

  22. There are many presenters who promise a lot and convince you their courses will change your life, I have tried many and felt they were all charlatans or just in it for the money. Along comes Serge Benhayon and immediately I recognised this man is different, for a start he walks his talk and talks his walk, he is steady and consistent, and treats everyone equally with true love and support – and my life has truly changed and evolved since meeting him.

    1. I totally agree with what you share Anna, having previously attended different new age courses, and being almost at the point of attending no more courses as I felt they had nothing to offer, and there was lack of integrity, and hypocrisy within these various establishments. To then attend a workshop by Serge Benhayon was refreshingly different, this was a man with the utmost integrity, love, and true care I had ever met in this life. This is a man who supports you to evolve, to return to your true magnificence.

  23. We may survive a fire walk without any burns. We may be congratulated by others for what we have done. We may have ten pictures of us smiling and the burning coals. Yet, none of this truly helps to move freely. What it does, instead, is to lock you in a pattern of movement that is jailing you …again.

  24. I can so relate to this blog as once I was searching for something missing in my life, a sense of fulfilment, a sense of belonging, a reason to life because as far as I was concerned, life sucked.

    Many of the modalities, teachers or gurus I thought could assist me did the opposite to what I was searching for. It kind of fixed me for a short period, maybe even put a band aid but never reached the core of it – till I met Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. Everything written in this blog describes the difference it has made to my life. Like you Rachel nothing stays stagnant, it is forever refining and the body is forever communicating. The question is are we prepared to listen to it?

  25. Reading your piece again, after a few years’ interval, makes it so crystal clear why Universal Medicine is hated by some – universal medicine is not owned, not listed on the share market, can’t be traded, is not a commodity with futures and share options. It is ours, individually and personally, as nothing else is and this, they don’t want exposed – lest the goose that lays the golden eggs perish.

  26. Presentations by Universal Medicine have helped me to appreciate much more how precious my and our bodies are, and how important it is to care for our body and being as a whole, something we always have the potential to deepen and learn more about… To see people being encouraged to damage their body (by walking on burning coals) in the name of ‘motivation’ or ‘wellbeing’ certainly rings alarm bells to me…

  27. Yes Universal Medicine supports people to commit to life by re-connecting to their true essence and thus feel what their purpose is. For me it has transformed my life and my relationships as I no longer live shut down from others nursing my hurts and fighting this feeling that there must be more to life. There is a divine gloriousness about life and by taking responsibility for how I am in life, I am so much more available for whatever is required.

  28. “However, what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life” Absolutely Serge offers us an opportunity to understand truth and the responsibilities we have to ourselves and others, and from that my life has changed tremendously because I am far more aware of what is truth and what is not.

  29. “it was about living life from the truth of who we are.” Universal Medicine presents and inspires a way of living that develops an awareness of the magnificence of the Universe of which we are all a part.

  30. It is much more efficient to present a way of living that truly works to people without needing to have advertising and promises because it works, than proclaim and shout out that you can bring change even though there is no true change in sight for the people who have worked with you.

  31. I love the fact that when you go to Universal Medicine workshops and courses, that there are no expectations for us to be anything other than ourselves.

  32. Awesome Article Rachel. Such a clear explanation of what Universal Medicine is about.

  33. It is interesting to ponder what keeps people investing in deepening their connection to themselves?…… when our aim is not self improvement but a return to who we truly are.

    1. Could it be because ‘a better life’ is not it, there is so much more – there is truth and love, harmony and stillness. There is the universe, space and God. And no feet needed, let alone burning them to rally some force that will tell you that you now have the willpower to be successful and become a tycoon or a Don Juan, have enormous erectile prowess and amass a fortune.And all that before you even get out of bed; wait a moment, you don’t have to get out of bed anymore. There are underlings who do that for you. Just keep them engaged and fire-walking.

  34. A brilliant account of the awesomeness that is Universal Medicine and what it brings to our lives. The most profound inspiration to be the real you – nothing more, nothing less.

  35. There is much in life that encourages us to override or ignore what we sense or feel from our body but what I have come to realise and appreciate through Universal Medicine is the great, simple, practical and harmonious wisdom that we have access to in connection with our whole body. To encourage people to willingly burn themselves could only be motivational in the sense of motivating them to be more dis-connected from who they truly are in my eyes.

    1. There almost feels like there is a degree of desperation in the agreement to “willingly burn” oneself in the quest to have a better life. In absolute contrast, Universal Medicine asks no one to put themselves in any form of danger to improve themselves, but simply offers a way of living that if chosen has, as far as I am concerned, the potential to change lives; making that choice has changed mine in many miraculous ways.

  36. To be honest all the “excitement” and dramatic events/changes in life has never left me feeling more secure. The only security feeling I have truly discovered is one in intimacy, connection and relationship with my own body. From the foundation of this, I am being my own experiment in life, not knowing how it would look but this way feels true to me.

  37. ‘we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.’ … this is huge when you consider it, that in fact because we’ve walked away from who we are, there’s now evolution to get us back. So there’s no getting somewhere at all there’s only a return; and the beauty is it’s in us, all of us ready and waiting for us to activate it, and the body supports and guides us with this.

  38. “killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies” This is exactly what we as a humanity are doing at present and then we have a group inspired by what is presented by Serge Benhayon that are turning this around. So we need to ask if all of those things that we are using have really worked? I know for me they have not. There are some aspects in my life that are requiring a great deal more honesty, but I am real with this and aware of where I am not going. This honesty and realness towards life has been because of Universal Medicine’s presentation.

  39. I did a fire walk amongst other ‘abusive’ things many years ago – in an attempt to prove to myself that I could overcome my fear of pain and heights etc – that I could control my mind over matter. After a brief period of elation after each event it did nothing for me. Such a huge contrast with Universal Medicine which asks nothing of us but to feel deep within and to feel our body – what it wants. If I had stopped to ask my body back then it would have said ‘no way’ to any of the crazy things I did – at various spiritual courses.

  40. “Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life and has an impressive record of people ……. who have transformed the mere existence of today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering into fulfilling lives, fully engaged and committed to the communities in which they live, no matter what social and economic level they come from.” Yes so agree and I am one of them.

  41. Well said Jane, so many people in life settle for things being ‘normal’ when in fact their health and well-being is suffering greatly, the quality of our life is certainly lowered when we accept this as being ok.

  42. Wow to say ‘a first degree burn we call a ‘kiss’, goes to show you how abusive and harming these types of seminars can be. To show such little regard and true support for their participants is quite concerning, I was once a part of these seminars and hooked by it’s promises of a ‘better life’. Thanks goodness I saw through the illusion of what was presented and found my way to a true way to heal and truly evolve through Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine presentations.

    1. No way is a first degree burn a kiss – first degree burns hurt and to have them on your feet would be incredibly uncomfortable… and inconvenient.

  43. I can so relate to being desperate for a change, but not willing to commit. I was prepared to pay as much money as I could afford and try all kinds of things on offer, but was not prepared to take anything beyond the workshop/course proximity, I never made it about life, even though I was very keen to talk about it. Universal Medicine simply teaches us to look at our life with as much honesty as we can muster, and our relationship with food is just one example, it is all about life and us living it.

  44. relate to purpose. There is another way: purpose comes from something very deep we have been able to connect to which we know is true. Both may lead to life lived on purpose but are not equivalent.

  45. Radical and cruel techniques such as fire walking and all-night marathons only prove how desperate we humans are for something that makes sense and rings true; we just have a knack of looking for it in all the wrong places, blinded by despair and fuelled by hope.

  46. I remember bungee jumping a few years ago and walking away saying I’d conquered my fear and changed my life – I hadn’t, I’d only made myself throw up and after the high life went back to normal. Giving ourselves 1st degree burns won’t change our lives, it’s how we live every day and how we live in every moment and all the hundreds of choices we make everyday that will change the overall outlook and direction of our lives.

  47. What Serge teachers is so extraordinarily practical and yet the ultimate marriage of science philosophy and medicine, all in a package that is clear totally for humanity.

  48. Serge Benhayon just presents. It’s just for us to feel if what is presented is true or not, if the changes we experience in our life because of our choices, are healthy for us or not. Us and only us are responsible of our own choices. And yes, in my case Serge and all what Universal Medicine represents is and has ever been an inspiration that I appreciate dearly, because the changes that I’ve experienced after that have been always really supportive and beneficial for me. No fireworks needed. Simple, available and real as life itself.

  49. There are so many pretenders out there, so when a genuine person comes along like Serge Benhayon, we are all so sceptical, for certain reasons and myself included. This blog was so awesome as it really covers in detail the difference between what is currently on offer by healers and life coaches in stark contrast to what Serge Benhayon presents. It is only a matter of time before people will know the truth and that is unless we begin to self reflect, we are our own worst enemy.

  50. It is mindblowing the extremes people are willing to go in order to have an experience that will snap them out of their daily misery and complications of life but this is short lived as true change only comes from within and as Serge benahyon presents, it is thorough our constant commitment to live as who we truly are that we can bring back the joy into our bodies and our reconnection with the all.

  51. The practical approach to life and understanding life as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine makes sense and allows people to come back to a deep inner knowing and from there learn to live in a way that allows this out.

  52. It’s amazing to see the amount of things out there that promise so many things, fix that pain, that simply support you to be you, the true you and from there whatever you do becomes an extension of that. In other words not making it about a particular topic or niche but supporting you to awake to what you already are and from there make your next step. At times we are so caught in fixing a part of ourselves we get blinded to everything else. It’s understandable when things are going wrong to attempt to make something right but it’s far better to support everything and from there the part that’s astray just becomes a greater picture. Universal Medicine has supported and continues to support many many people to do just that, truly support themselves and simply live from there.

  53. The thing I’ve found and continue to find in being a student of Universal Medicine also myself, is that the deeper I go in re-establishing a lived relationship with the soul, the more purposeful I become in life – a purpose that is about all, and not self-serving in the slightest. The real and lived love, the joy and knowing and honouring of truth I now experience – are light years away from the struggle and seeking/yearning for connection I once knew for so very many years…

  54. Such a breath of fresh and purposeful air in reading this Rachel, thank-you. I agree in full – no fire-walking, and no ‘rah-rah’ designed to hook you in and play upon one’s need to be more, achieve more, earn more and the rest…
    Universal Medicine presents real life, lived from a foundation in the love of the soul, our innate and godly aspect, and nothing less. The soul harkens not for fame, grandiosity or any such desire – it simply is.

  55. Thinking that walking on fire literally will fire you up and change your life forever is playing with fire irresponsibly – and when we play with fire irresponsibly and get burnt how can we possibly think that that burn will not be painful and that subsequent scarring both physically and emotionally will not occur.

    1. It was interesting, physically the fire walk did not hurt, I would not have done it if it did, seeing lots of people do it with no pain was part of my motivation. So a fire walk that in theory should hurt, blister or burn your feet, but did not makes me wonder what donation must have been called in to stop the physical impact on our bodies.

  56. People must be very desperate to allow themselves to be heightened into a frenzy and the pursuit of fire walking – there must be a thought that, if they can do something that hurts and is scary, then they can do anything, i.e. change their lives. Life doesn’t work like that though and nor does the human psyche.

    1. Yes Gabriel, that was part of the impetus, that if you can walk on fire, then you can do anything. What a load of baloney! Nothing changed in my life through doing that crazy walk; it is only since attending workshops and presentations by Serge Benhayon that my life, how I live is so much more steady, evolving, full of love, responsibility; I am no longer searching for the elusive ‘something’, I have found the true me.

  57. “I was not following a diet, as I did not try to achieve any goals like being healthy or slim, but held closely the importance to deepen my awareness and feel a certain quality in my body, in my daily life.” Such wisdom we all hold in our bodies. Time to listen.

  58. Such a beautiful and inspiring blog to read Rachel, you have captured and conveyed the true essence and purpose of our lives; assuming responsibility for our choices and just being our true selves.
    Thank you for sharing your experiences and your wisdom.

  59. That’s just it, Universal Medicine does not offer any magic pill, but instead supports people to build their own relationship with their bodies and by doing so they then adjust and feel what support them. Simple, not magic and yet deeply profound – it asks people to see and feel that they have the choice in how they choose to live and that those choices impact them, and if they’re willing to look and see what works for them, and what doesn’t, they can choose differently; it brings people back to the awareness that they are the pilots in their own lives and celebrates that we have choice always in how we are with ourselves, our bodies and how we live.

  60. When I tell people that I travel abroad to attend workshops and courses by Universal Medicine, they often ask ‘So, what do you get?’ – as in a qualification that I can attach to my name, a new skill, something that would aid me make money out of – like, otherwise they see no worth. It’s a bit of a strange one really because in that sense I get nothing, but I am actually getting everything – the key to everything and beyond what my mind can comprehend, and how I am experiencing life is far richer than it has ever been.

  61. “The code of ethics by which trained Esoteric Practitioners work sets the standard for a practitioner’s commitment to a way of living and quality of being that is unheard of in the world today, and it has absolutely inspired me to live my life with the same level of integrity.” Isn’t it amazing that this code of ethics does care equally for the practitioner and client by standard it sets! This is true care.

  62. It is shocking that a ‘first degree burn’ to the feet in these workshops are referred to as a ‘kiss’… what a manipulative way to coerce participants to accept something that under other circumstance would be considered abusive, if not sue-able.

  63. ‘But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.’ After spending many years and time and money on every New Age book and course none of them ever presented anything on responsibility. It is beautiful to read of the steps you took to re-connect back to your true self Rachel with the common sense approach Serge Benhayon teaches and continually inspires and supports many to bring true healing to their lives.

    1. That’s a really interesting point, no new age book or course presenting on responsibility, when this is a core movement in life that supports our true wellbeing and that of all around us. If we are not learning about responsibility then it must be about learning to escape and not deal with what is in our lives. We may replace things that are seemingly less harmful but really the same energy is unchanged. Looking within is the only place to begin and not trying to force change from the outside. I’ll be the first to say that responsibility is not an easy thing initially, but it does become more simple.

  64. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” Beautiful. To walk on fire burns our physical body but to walk with Fire in our inner-heart and our light burns bright for all to feel.

  65. Great to see people like this sharing their lives and how they were to how they are now and the reasons for it. Changes made like this that continue to support others and everything around them are truly remarkable and we would all do well to sit up and take notice, I know I have. At some point we will look back at stories like this one and wonder why it wasn’t apart of mainstream, why we didn’t take more notice and follow this lead. I can’t see anything that wouldn’t have me listening to people like this.

  66. What you present here Rachel is so down to earth and truly caring, no amount of spin can argue with the simplicity and realness of what you’ve shared.

  67. What makes the presentations of Serge Benhayon different from New Age, and other forms of self-help/healing, courses is that what is presented is not to ‘fix’ you but instead to be a guide for you to take responsibility for your life and how you live. “You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.” They are very empowering, if you choose to take responsibility for yourself.

  68. If we were to raise children supporting them to be themselves and not seek outer forms of recognition through academic or financial success, sporting prowess etc we maybe wouldn’t have a world so seemingly driven by greed, self-interest at the expense of others, ruthless pursuit of power and domination, and the bizarre spectacle of whole nations brought to their knees by a sporting loss.

  69. Having spent a lot of money attending these seminars with Anthony Robbins I can speak with authority when I say that there was nothing in these seminars that did anything for me, there was a lot of rah-rah and hyper talk and everyone was put in a very unreal heightened state to do the fire walk. I recall feeling it was pretty silly but went ahead anyway, I became so disconnected to my body so I had no feeling in my feet whatsoever. Did it change my life? Absolutely not, the only true and lasting change I have made in my life has been from Universal Medicine and what Serge Benhayon presents, he has supported me to make truly loving choices and to learn to be the ‘real’ me and to commit to my life in full and to feel the joy from choosing to live this way.

    1. Yes, Anthony Robbins and other such presenters create the experience of dis-connection from ones body, an altered state of being. It may feel very expansive and liberating but is ultimately not sustainable in life because it is ‘an altered state’ – it is in fact escapism. With Serge Benhayon there is no escapism, instead he asks you ground yourself in reality, in fact is common sense.

  70. I was once caught up with the idea of going to an Anthony Robbins event where they do the fire walk. I heard that other people had done it and not burnt themselves. In my mind this showed me they had overcome something in life, and that maybe if I too were able to do it, I would then be able to turn my life around. I certainly wanted change. Luckily I never did go, and looking back I wonder what would have possessed me to do such a crazy thing. What Serge Benhayon presents makes such simple sense. There is nowhere to get to, nothing to achieve, just an allowing of ourselves to be who we naturally already are. And all of this at our own pace, with no manual to follow, no judgement and definitely no fire walk.

  71. This too is what I love about Universal Medicine and its teachings, we are responsible for our own healing and thus with every presentation and course chosen to attend the ball is served right back into our court, for us to develop and deepen to the innate sounds of evolution calling from our own bodies.

  72. Universal Medicine presents in such a way that teaches and empowers you to discern the teachers and teachings that it presents, and from there to embrace what is true for you.

  73. If we ignore and disconnect from our bodies we are really disregarding ourselves, Serge Benhayon teaches us how to re-connect with our body and to honour and cherish it.

  74. There is a great beauty in the simplicity of what Serge Benhayon presents and with that it is genuinely liberating as you say Rachel. There are no doctrines or teachings given that say you need to do this or that before you will be complete, or able to really commit to life; Serge starts by confirming how we are all already complete and amazing in our essence – what we need to develop is our connection with, and expression of, that essence consistently in our daily lives. And so we start from a point of already being whole rather than lacking something that we need to find from outside of us.

  75. Brilliant Rachel, ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.’ I love the simplicity of this, I spent many years attending new age courses, where I did change my name; attended strange rituals that didn’t make sense and was trying to be a certain way – it was never simply about me being me and knowing that I was already everything, the presentations by Universal Medicine are so simple and so refreshing and just make sense.

  76. “In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved.” This is so true. There is no pretence of waving a magic wand. What Serge Benhayon presents is pure common sense and practical, which reveals truth.

  77. I loved this part ‘But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.’ It really reminded me of all those times I hadn’t taken responsibility I was being someone I wasn’t, now I know differently and living and claiming myself means lovingly taking responsibility.

  78. There is no need to jump up and down full of excitement like a crazy person or firewalk in order to know who you are like some renowned motivational speakers claim. Universal Medicine presents the simplicity of the ancient wisdom which is deeply known within all us, and offers us tools to reconnect and align to the quality of love within us equally.

  79. For me it has always seemed crazy to consider hurting yourself an achievement yet in many ways I have been a part of that consciousness. There have been times where I have felt quite a sense of achievement when I’ve been really sick. (Crazy I know) Serge Benhayon presents the truth that wakes us up and shows us how we have been living in a kind of fog of irresponsibility. The amazing thing is that taking responsibility for my life has brought me so much joy and a real sense of myself and the quality I bring. Nothing I have lived before is better than that.

  80. Rachel, great to re-read your article, this stood out for me this time, ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.’ I love this, it is so simple and beautiful, before attending Universal Medicine events I was always trying to be a certain way, thinking that I was not enough as I was, I tried to be like other people; I changed my name; followed gurus – none of this worked, now more and more I am simply being me, this is so much easier and feels true.

  81. So true Rachel, the track record for transformation in health and well-being in the students of Universal Medicine speaks for itself, and is well worth studying, the benefits to the health budget of a nation are enormous.

  82. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” totally agree Rachel. Learning that all we had to do was be ourselves, simple, and in this discovering just how much we have lost ourselves to the moulding of school, family, work and society. Learning to recognise and let go of self-limiting patterns, and beliefs, learning and understanding that all the wisdom we need is indeed within, has been the most deeply freeing experience, discarding layers of falseness and assumed identity – and all that work is just to bring me back to who I truly am, naturally so.

  83. Such a powerful and inspirational story Rachel, thank you for sharing your experiences and your wisdom.
    What you have expressed here is stunning and really resonates with me;
    “Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body”.

  84. I am not sure the people receiving the first degree burns or the nurses attending them would liken them to a “kiss”. I have participated in various seminars where you would go into a focused state to do something not normally possible like breaking a plank of wood with bare hands. In that moment it was a feeling of leaving my body. All the work I have done with Universal Medicine teaches the complete opposite, which is to be more connected and bring more presence to my body. If I leave or disconnect from myself then who or what is driving me?

  85. What Serge Benhayon presents is absolute truth. We all know hearing (and feeling) the truth can be challenging at times to say the least but if where humanity is truly at is anything to go by, the truth is so desperately needed.

  86. Thank god there is no fire walking – my feet wouldn’t like that! Instead what is presented by Universal Medicine is a way of living that is simple and supports building love and appreciation, not self punishment and a long slogging journey to get anywhere, for you are already everything

  87. It seems a extreme thing to do to walk on hot coals for whatever reason is put forward, but we have many examples of people doing extreme things to themselves in the name of Spirituality and enlightenment – for instance there are people who put hooks into their skins and into their mouths whilst in a trance state. And we are supposed to be the intelligent species on the planet, and yet you don’t see animals doing anything like this.

  88. ‘…we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution…’ – what a statement. Where do you even start to fathom the meaning of this topsy-turvy presentation? I feel like simply letting it sink in and not start thinking about it: “Me, Us, the cause of evolution?!”

  89. We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, yet our behaviours contradict that much of the time, and yes I agree, ‘ we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.’

  90. I totally agree Rachel one does not need to experience a fire walk to bring true change to their lives. I have attended those seminars with Tony Robbins and have done a fire walk and it left me with nothing but the feeling of emptiness and how silly I was to even consider that was ok or safe in anyway. We were put in such a hyped up state you felt totally out of your body and this was trying to teach us how much power we have and can do anything – but this felt totally false because I was only able to do that because I disconnected from my body, so what energy was running me? Meeting Serge Benhayon after this strange experience it was clear this man was the real deal and walked his talk, his presentations are loving and simple and support you to make changes in your life that truly work without the need for a fire walk or any rah rah at all.

  91. There is nothing to dare, to prove or to strive for to bring some truly caring and loving changes to one´s life with Universal Medicine. Nothing to believe in, hope for or invest in. It is all very simple and relatable, always very real and connected to everyday life. With whatever aspect one might feel inspired through the presentations by Universal Medicine it is a matter of giving it a try and making one´s personal experiences so that one knows for themselves. We need to live what we consider to be true for ourselves and not adapt what is claimed to be true by another; in that sense Universal Medicine presents possibilities that come from lived experience and hence are shared for others to be inspired and find out for themselves.

  92. What Universal Medicine presents is so simple. It can be too simple for some. Sometimes it’s easier to look for things that distract and ‘motivate’ rather than simply love ourselves in the way we deserve.

  93. There is an enormous honesty and humbleness in what Serge Benhayon presents. He presents the facts as he has discovered by living it, and shows us as a true teacher the way back to who we truly are, without any claims, but with the utmost integrity of living 100% energetically responsible.

  94. No fire walk needed! . . . but simply to connect with the divine fire we already have within. The fire that burns bright with the love that we are all made of and from, and so truly are.

  95. I love the diet example, Rachel as it really shows that true health and wellbeing is about continually feeling into our bodies for what is needed rather than following a particular diet or program. I am continually evolving my diet and often find what I ate a month ago is no longer sitting well in my body and so I make the changes that feel supportive for me.

  96. My explorations into the New Age, into Spiritualism, into Religions and even Academia, nothing came close to the level of congruence, of wisdom and insight that I have encountered through the presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon. The teachings are only offering possibilities – and it is up to the individual to try for themselves, or not, and to accept or reject based on their own experience. It is expanding the understanding of, and exercising of, Free Will all the way.

  97. Serge Benhayon presents Life in a simple and clear way that we may navigate our way through the energetic outplay, develop deeper understanding and become students of our inner-hearts wisdom and of Life.

  98. Unlike the motivational seminars of Tony Robbins et al where one is exhorted and stimulated to be something the result of which is not self-sustaining, at Universal Medicine workshops there is no exhortation; just simple Truth that is offered and for the individual to choose or not as they wish without any judgment. The hundreds, if not thousands, who now live far more joyful, fulfilled and purposeful lives, which continue to constantly deepen, as a result of choosing to practice in their daily lives the Truths presented is the living testament and proof that what Serge Benhayon presents at these workshops and other presentations is truly motivational.

  99. To be reflected who one is in truth and thereby being revealed everything that we live that is not of our true making is what is needed for any true healing to occur, but it can be challenging because we tend to hold on to what we have identified ourselves with even when it is to our own detriment. Universal Medicine is not promising anything but presenting everything to know who we are and to heal and save ourselves. That is not to everyone´s liking due to the responsibility it involves – we are the architects of our own life, not victims of life.

  100. The amount of people who have chosen to transform their life and subsequently their health through choosing to live in awareness and with responsibility, truly speaks for itself as to the power of what Universal Medicine has presented. No ra ra – just extraordinary living proof.

  101. Rachel, I love how observing the change in your sisters inspired you to explore Universal Medicine. This is the true power of changing our world, living with the committment to life, with our love, which means we feel the purpose and importance of our personal lives.

  102. The only true inspiration comes from living what we have found to be true and loving to us as a whole. Others then can see and feel the living quality, the behaviours, way of thinking and talking – it is real, simple, relatable. And if it feels true we may choose to find out more about such way of living that doesn´t need and do moralising, proselytising or else; just living who we truly are to the best of our ability.

  103. I love how real and relatable is the approach of Universal Medicine, and how deeply transformative it is. I agree that fire walking isn’t a true way to approach life, to me it forces people to bury how they feel, rather than honour it, and could only be unsupportive of self-honouring.

  104. Being presented with an understanding of life where there is total commitment to developing quality in everyday life without any investment from life, was indeed an amazing experience I have appreciated from day one meeting Serge Benhayon.

  105. Around 4 years ago today a couple of people launched a largely online attack on everything Serge Benhayon. There has been some horrendous things done and said over the past 4 years about everything and anything Serge Benhayon and not 1 single piece of factual evidence has ever been produced or found. Sadly in this day and age this style of attack would have had most people break down or possibly suicide, there would have been a trail of destruction in their life simply from the intensity. How has Serge Benhayon done? From all reports and from what I see he has never looked greater and in all those 4 years I have never seen him down and out. He has always been there speaking and expanding on the great work he is doing in multiple communities. What does this tell us? There is a way Serge Benhayon is, a way he lives that is not the ‘norm’ but yet supports him so so strongly. I will leave you to study this further and deeper if you wish. Needless to say, I don’t know anyone else that would have survived the pressure of the last 4 years and what’s more is the way Serge Benhayon lives isn’t special to him, it’s available to us all.

  106. The fact that Serge Benhayon has always presented the same very consistent, very simple messages for years without any convincing or selling or motivational ra ra speak and this message has touched and transformed so many people’s lives, is proof enough for me that he is on to something of great value and truth.

  107. We do not need to suffer for things to change, we do not need hardship or anything like that. Rather by making loving choices everything will and does change. It means being very open and honest and not holding onto things but is worth it. Otherwise they bubble up inside us and wreak havoc. Seeing life as an opportunity to learn changes everything. We are not here to be perfect but to be love.

  108. ‘But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.’ Being ourselves, our true selves, we naturally assume responsibility for our choices.

  109. “A first degree burn we call a kiss” – this sentence has to be followed by a thousand exclamations marks. What on earth are we doing when we deny the immensity of this self harm by attempting to paint it as a loving blessing? Kisses are tender and warm gifts that we give one another when we are being affectionate, joyful, intimate, it’s a celebration of love. A self inflicted first degree burn is a dire act of self abuse requiring serious medical attention and is definitely not something to crow about.

  110. What this also shows is that a lot of people are looking for that something they know is out there.

    1. Yes I agree Vanessa, if people are prepared to burn their feet on the promise that it will bring them some settlement, contentment, fulfilment or happiness in life, it shows that many of us do know that there is an underlying disconnection, unsettlement and misery that we are living with and managing as best we can which means that we know there is something much more to life and to us that we have disconnected from.

  111. “He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution”. I can see why this one can cause some conflict in peoples minds. It puts the responsibility fairly and squarely back into our court!

  112. There is an animated movie called Wall E which is set in the future where everyone everyone is obese and live their lives through the distraction of virtual reality programs completely void of any human touch. It seems a bit far out to see this image, but scarily so it is not that far from the truth of how we are living. There are more and more distractions with the technology that is available to us now, with parents often commenting on how much they struggle with encouraging their children to play outside and make their own games. We are more obese than ever (I believe Australia’s rate of obesity per capita is now the highest world wide). So yes anything that truly supports us to return to a true and simple way of living where we actively want to connect with ourselves, each other and nature is definitely worth exploring.

  113. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” If you do not love yourself then initially this does some seem attractive. However, what is presented is that ‘me’ with which we identify by the way we have been living, is not truly me but behaviours we have learnt, driven by the energy we have chosen to fuel those behaviours. The ‘me’ that Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom invites us to re-connect to is the unsullied, love-filled ‘me’ that has, and is, always been there before we learnt these behaviours, just covered up. That is the liberation.

  114. Universal medicine is a callback to connect to who we really are and the responsibility we all hold with this. It is simple and allows the truth to be felt from our bodies and known from inside us all. Learning to discern energy, and the expansion from our choices, brings another way of living harmony and contentment inside, and allows a flow and joy in our lives in brotherhood lovingly.

  115. The world at large is driven by achievement – and so it is forever divided between the have and have nots. Success of the type sold by the likes of Tony Robbins is of course an illusion, driven by an empty dream that promises much but never really delivers the true sweetness it supposedly offers.

  116. “A first degree burn we call a kiss” I find this such an upside down and back to front way of thinking!! It makes no sense. Living life from the truth of who we are is the only true way we can make sense or should I say, bring understanding, to our complete life.

  117. Nearly 10 years on and I am still learning the depth of everything is energy and everything is because of energy.

  118. Every course and workshop of Universal Medicine that I have attended, has offered an expanded understanding of our true interdependence and responsibility we all hold for ourselves and each other, and that this responsibility is part of the joy of brotherhood.

  119. Rachel it occurred to me that we often think we need to partake in some extreme activity or amass some secret knowledge that holds the key to life, these are almost out of reach things. Yet the truth could not be further from this, that’s what I’ve come to understand through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Everything is already inside and instead of partaking in extreme activities we can reconnect and listen to our body.

    1. It is empowering to know that we have all the tools we need to live a meaningful and joyful life – that we are already enough.

  120. Thank you, Rachel, for sharing your experience of Universal Medicine… it is inspiring and confirming. I have been working with Universal Medicine for ten years now and am regularly blown away when I reflect back to the trajectory I was on, what that might look like now and my experience of life today. There is much to note but one of the key things is the difference between the avoidance of and shirking of responsibility (being accountable for my actions, choices, the consequences and the part I play in the bigger picture) and my current willingness to take it, explore deeper and understand my true purpose.

  121. From what I have seen many self-help gurus spend their time insulting and belittling the audience only to tell them that the only way the guru will stop insulting them is if they do what the guru tells them to do. It is surprisingly crude and effective.

  122. I feel to return to the opening line Rachel “A first degree burn we call a kiss”! This bizarre statement flung me back to my teen years when living in suburbia and trips to the seaside were rare, there still was an expectational consciousness that one ‘must get brown’ in the summer. Yes, this was at all cost, no matter the redness, the blistering, the freckles etc. etc. and this process required baby oil, coconut oil if you could get it or just plain old cooking oil to help the process – like cooking sausages in the pan. Nobody said “stop”. Listening to the body was overridden with the desire to please the belief ‘one must be brown in the summer’. So travel around the sun a few more times and we have the belief that one must walk burning coals to please God and to show one can overcome any pain being experienced in life.. Truly, what ridiculous behaviour we humans can indulge in when we do not take seriously what our amazing bodies are telling us. For me, it wasn’t until I began attending the presentations of Serge Benhayon when I realized the responsibility we had of connecting to and listening to our body. How very simple is that as a starting point to changing our lives forever. Thank you Rachel for a blog so easily presentable to the most skeptical of folk out there.

  123. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” Very liberating indeed.

  124. As living evidence of the health, well-being and joy that can be had when walking the pathway of the Way of The Livingness, I am a role model for all around me. The life I have now is fundamentally miraculous in comparison to how I lived before the support and teachings of Universal Medicine.

  125. It is astounding the way we justify, diminish and rationalise away the things we do that are so otherwise distinctly harming to us. I have also done many things along the same lines as a ‘firewalk’ and never stopped to question why my body was screaming no, because from my mind I was already convinced how beneficial it would be in some way.

  126. Fire walking seems to confirm both our desperation to escape the misery of emptiness (ie not being connected to ourselves), and our willingness to not see the truth.

  127. What you share Rachel makes me think a lot about maths. And how we look about for incredible options, or ways to be, like fire walking, as if to say perhaps that 2+7 = 49 today? Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine steadily, and consistently present a way of being that makes basic sense. In this instance 1+1=2. Through listening we get to realise, we’ve always naturally understood this maths but wanted to avoid it at all costs, because it shows that the way we lead our life just does not add up.

  128. Serge Benhayon has shown that the secret to self-empowerment is not following a set diet, exercise program or fire walk, it comes from equipping ourselves with the ability to listen with humility, honesty and consistency to the message our body sends, every moment of every day.

    1. We lovingly teach children to not touch the hot stove, then completely give our power away to someone who tells us we will be motivated by walking on burning hot coals.

  129. The fact that we already have all we need within us to live a truly healthy, productive and harmonious life, does not make for a quick fix to dig deep into the enormity of who we are, but it does put an end to all the crazy searching outside ourselves for the happiness pill, so eloquently described by Rachel – if we are prepared to honestly and earnestly embrace this.

  130. I have wondered whether people ever get burnt doing the fire walk used by some motivational presenters, so I was very interested to see this had made it to the news. I wonder what they are told – that they haven’t embraced the teachings enough, aren’t true believers etc. Fire walking has always felt like a weird thing to get people to do. It goes against having any kind of care for the body, this vehicle that we generally use and abuse and arrogantly think we can do what we like to it. A real challenge of fire is to start bringing our fullness to every part of our life, to walk into our meetings and speak truthfully, or be more loving and open in our relationships, more present with our kids etc. The fire walking and other spiritual new age tricks just seem like a distraction from our real purpose in life.

    1. It’s interesting that we buy into extremes like fire walking to solve our life’s dilemmas, but we don’t naturally commit to being more loving with ourselves and others. We have made the reasons for how we feel and for life being the way it is complicated, if not downright mystical. We have lost connection with ourselves, with our innate common sense, and with the simplicity of life. It could also be said that we have chosen a form of intelligence that makes fire walking seem acceptable but not self love.

  131. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me”. This is the simplicity and pure gold that Serge Benhayon presents. All the hoops that motivational speakers and the spiritual new age put you through, confirm the pattern that we have to do something to be whole. In contrast, Serge Benhayon not only tells you that you are already enough and have everything already there, you can feel it for yourself. There is no rah-rah, just another person who knows this truth inside out and meets you knowing that deep down we all know it too. We just need to wake up.

    1. It has taken me a while to let myself understand and appreciate the simplicity of the truth about life. That there is no complication and struggle, just accepting and living the fact that we all have access to infinite wisdom within us and that it is in the letting go of external patterns and behaviours that we get to feel, know and live this.

  132. A life stuck in the up and down cycle of pursuing happiness rather than a deeper purpose is the worst kind of prison. You don’t let yourself be aware that you are in prison and actually fool yourself that you have freedom of choice. Yet really you are spinning round and round on the spot making the same unfulfilling choices and ‘chasing the dream’ with only a moment of satisfaction when that goal is achieved. I find there is nothing more steady and fulfilling than true purpose, a purpose that knows there is a much bigger picture than my little life.

  133. Universal Medicine is undoubtedly unique in not pandering to the need for self-betterment and instead offers a choice of self-responsibility in committing to life. No rules, no requirements, no goals, no affirmations, no effigies. Just refreshingly pure and true.

  134. From a very young age I felt/knew that there had to be a way of living that is ‘the same’, equal for every single one of us. The fact that both body and breath are crucially important has given the answer. Applying it is our own responsibility and choice. Beautifully summed up in this blog: “You are not solely (!!!) there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.” So truly learning about ourselves requires surrendering to our body instead of doing something. Universal Medicine is teaching all of this from a livingness – level of lived Wisdom – that has inspired many people, and so do they inspire others around them as well.

  135. I’m an advocate of change! There’s so much to be changed for the better. But only change that comes from within will sustain. And exactly this is what Universal Medicine is teaching, breathing, and living. That we’re all able to re-turn to who we are and live life once again from where we all began, innocent, playful, and adhering to the laws of the universe.

  136. I’m reading the opening line for the third day in a row and I keep re-reading this line: “A first degree burn we call a kiss” – To me this is bizarre and if we really let in what’s being shared here, we would instantly know that this is the opposite of a loving thing. If a child would burn him or herself we would treat him or her with the most delicate care, yet when we’re an adult we wipe it off as if this is nothing and should be accepted as ‘part of the game’. In my 15+ years of experience in the field of coaching and personal development I can share that most people are very afraid to open up their hearts and start feeling (again). Often they choose hardness over feeling any (emotional) pain. Hence the popularity of these ‘promising trainings’. As if it’s not adding love to our body, it will separate us even further from our Soul. We are to call it for what it is, share our concerns and slowly come back to a world where personal development or spiritual development is a relatively ‘slow’ process, and nothing from the outside will bring us, us. Universal Medicine is an organization that walks its talk. Without having met them, I would not have been able to write this as I would simply still be in the clouds that I once was a part of, and lacking the clarity to see through.

  137. We innately know that living ‘the hard way’ or ‘pushing to the edge’ isn’t it, because we also know that all the hardness and cruelty in the world doesn’t come from our essence. That’s why it hurts – and it should. Universal Medicine introduces to the world a way of living that is truly loving, solid, and in many ways deeply contributive to the world, our world. Living by the principles of the Ageless Wisdom isn’t hard, it’s rather a choice of a forever deepening relationship with truth, in and around us. What Universal Medicine lives, shares, and teaches in various forms is unique and worth being studied. Of course these changes last, as everyone attending is offered Wisdom that comes from within. Lived wisdom that is.

  138. We’re told and sold that true change will come one day in an instant moment, or when we’ve done just that specific thing. As Rachel is sharing, the Magic and answers are not found in any pill, nor outside of us. True change will come our way and with that, True Magic, by a continuous commitment to ourselves, allowing ourselves to surrender to our body and the love inside of us. Letting go of everything that we might have identified with can at times feel really strong, but the fact is that we use these ideals and beliefs to not take responsibility, and the great thing about life is that we can all start and stop these processes on our own level, at our own speed, in our own way. No one can tell us what to do and what not to do. Due to the inspiration and consistency of the way Serge Benhayon is living, he’s inspired me to do the same. To not let myself be governed by a giving up energy, or other indulgences, but rather to keep choosing to be pulled up by the magnificent and very tender man I am.

  139. What a beautiful piece of writing Rachel. There’s so much I can relate to, and have equally observed the profound changes in both myself, as well as many, many others. I’ve been very skeptical, not trusting the world and kept everybody out. Meeting Serge Benhayon has changed this completely. It’s wonderful to experience my own unfoldment back to me and see so many others do the same. Basically by accepting more of who we are and in doing so, making more space for who we are, it’s a way of living that honours a forever deepening relationship with everybody and everything in and around me. A life full of appreciation, love and evolving. My life has never ever been so rich. I can now see that I have the choice to give up and be sceptical, or I can choose to appreciate everything in life.

  140. What I love about The Way of The Livingness is that it’s got no rules and so is full of wonderment, and is forever expanding. The wonderment is a way of wondering that is very humble, and for me personally very joyful, as every time I truly wonder I connect deeper to either myself, another, nature, or God. We’re so held and encouraged to wonder the whole day and in allowing ourselves to feel life, we’re naturally expanding our awareness, love and knowing of the world’s sciences. How beautiful this is.

  141. On the subject of having a life changing experience, the fact that we have such things as fire walking shows me how much there is a call for real change coming from so many people all over the world, yet it is being answered by practises that are perhaps not for the soul intention of bringing us all back to love, but maybe just offering a temporary relief from the angst and the tension of life. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon however offer something very real and long lasting. Something sustainable and deeply loving.

    1. Yes, there is a huge call for improvement but a seemingly much smaller call for truth, just truth.

  142. Why do we choose to over-ride what occurs for us in terms of ill-bodily reactions? Your answer here Leigh is spot on: so we can appear to be doing life ‘normally’. And who knows, maybe we want to appear tough or not soft or ‘over-sensitive’ or whatever it is we think we need to be. Maybe we even become addicted to the very thing that causes us the ill-reaction. What a crazy situation this is. Isn’t it time we stopped and admitted that these things are doing us harm?

  143. “…‘motivational fire walk’ that is advertised to supposedly change people’s lives forever…” well it may if one gets severe burns on their feet… What does offer true change is having the awareness that everything is energy because of energy and recognising the difference between spirit and soul.

  144. Thanks you for sharing this Rachel. The simplicity of living life from who we are, knowing that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy, is profound. When living in connection with the truth of who we are there are no excuses for being checked out from life and there is huge responsibility for every choice we make.

  145. ‘The world is full of promising healers, coachers, trainers, etc. who say they have found the ‘way to happiness’ but in truth, it is mainly about the way to capitalise, making big bucks off people…’ This is true Rachel, with so many knowing there has to be more and seeking the ‘it’ only to find the ‘it they thought was ‘it wasn’t. Here in this aspect Universal Medicine is so very different. The testimonials from hundreds if not thousands speak volumes of the fact that the answer is very simple…to live the truth from who we are by connecting to ourselves and letting go of pushing, striving and achieving. No fire walk necessary.

  146. There are no promises made by a Universal Medicine. There is no salvation that it provides which will change your life for you. Serge Benhayon simply presents the fact that we know much more than we have been willing to admit, or in some cases allowed to admit, about who we are and what we are capable of. As you say, Rachel, the greatest gift that Universal Medicine presents us with is that of awareness. But it is not forced upon you, it is simply presented to you. The choice to be aware is up to each one of us.

  147. A constant pursuit of happiness keeps us in the cycle of ever-searching what is not true. The only direction we need to go in, is inwards, with stillness, to realise we don’t have to get anywhere or prove anything because all we could ever need is inside of us. It is an ongoing process to uncover and let out this, but it is a loving way that does it, and not any mind over matter walking on coals.

  148. We are very much set up to always achieve more, to make things grander, to go into bigger extremes and never once do we seem to question whether this ride we are on is the right one nor does it occur to us that there seems to be another option. So we end up striving for more, making ourselves do things in the belief that it will get us somewhere. I can only say I feel deeply blessed to have encountered Universal Medicine and the presentations of Serge Benhayon as they have made me aware that there is another way, that I do not need to keep pushing through life as I had, and that life is not about achieving more but about returning, returning to my true self. So instead of trying and doing and pushing, it is very much a letting go of all this holding together and onto things and let myself rest in the fullness of what makes me, which then lets me, astonishingly but not so surprisingly, bring a potential to the world that is beyond anything that I could have imagined.

  149. True change is not a process of becoming anything or being more than we already are, and the pursuit or desire for this is not healthy. True change is simply returning to who we naturally are within and the appearance of change comes from letting go of all that we are not but have previously taken on.

  150. This is still a strong belief that there is no gain without pain. “No Pain, no Gain” – this is seen all across the board in the massage and health industry but also in the spiritual new age with the walking on hot coals to seemingly ‘get there’.
    God works in wonderful ways and would never ask of us something that would truly hurt us or hurt our body. Of course there are times when we will feel burdened or feel emotional pain or we can perceive things as being complicated and dramatic (often more so than what they really are), and of course there are illnesses or diseases with much pain and discomfort involved – but the bottom line is that it is not God that has inflicted that pain on us. My understanding is that it is simply us with our choices that have culminated in this experience for us, and hence this actually is the gift in empowering ourselves by getting out of the ‘mess’ we created in the first place. The beauty is that we have it in us to make the needed changes – how amazing is this!?

  151. When I first read The code of Ethics I was blown away by the integrity not just in what I was reading but what was being said was actually being lived. I had not come across this before but I too was deeply inspired to bring the same level of integrity into my daily living.

  152. We are constantly being offered moments of evolution so it makes absolute sense that we make the necessary adjustments and changes in all areas of our lives. I love the clear example Rachel has given relating to food. It is a dedicated loving commitment to oneself to develop awareness by the refinement of our choices.

  153. It makes so much sense to me today that what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been presenting all along that everything that happens to us is our own making. We cannot blame anyone or anything as much as I would like to sometimes! The answers to everything lie within.

  154. Having looked for years for the quick fix answer to life, my problems… everything, it was in the teachings of Universal Medicine that I was offered the truth. Responsibility and choice sit at my fingertips every moment, and this is an understanding that has changed my life.

  155. When we know there is something deeply wrong with what we encounter in our life, we start looking for something better. Strangely, at that moment there are vast industries dedicated to giving us what appears to be better but in truth does not help. A commitment to truth is vital here.

  156. ‘Simply live who we are’ seems to be the message – no fancy quick fixes. The truth that is presented by Universal Medicine shall stand the test of time. For me, this simple existence is a fundamental approach to being reconnected to my inner-most

  157. Furthermore, your testimonial is something I feel I can share with friends and family – it really is a beautiful record.

  158. Rachel, it was a joy to read your post – it really was. You beautifully describe Serge, Universal Medicine, and your experiences – many of which I can relate to. I was that sceptical guy at the back once too. I’m so grateful to have been that guy at the back – my life has infinitely improved on the back of the presentations offered by Serge. Not because he told me what to do or how to live my life, but because he showed me that there’s another way to live – a very simple way.

  159. Universal Medicine supports us all with the tools necessary for us to develop an intimate relationship with our bodies and the quality of movements as it is through our bodies that the divine can work through us.

  160. I have heard living being described as a slow suicide, which is actually not living at all. Serge Benhayon reminded me of what ‘living’ truly means and my life has never been the same since.

  161. It’s fascinating how we can push ourselves to do and try all sorts of things in the name of seeking ‘truth’ or the ‘something’ that is missing. I’m not sure at what point it kicks in that fire walking is possibly not the most sensible idea – half way across the hot coals, or after the burns have been suffered…? But, in any case – it goes to show that we are living life in a desperation for a greater truth and look everywhere and anywhere for it – at our own expense. In realising that it is and has been with us all along – there is nowhere else to go, but deepen a loving way of life – no tests, outrageous costs or pain required.

  162. ‘However, what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are.’ Truth requires no hard sell, or convincing. It is already everything – and super simple.

  163. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.” This is an enormous realisation and a true gift to receive in a world where everything is geared to be someone.

  164. True change does not come from burning or beating ourselves up. It comes for connecting to the grace of the truth and love we all have within, and feels so very, very, normal… as well as amazingly grand.

  165. Hello Rachel and like many others you were inspired by your younger sister in the way she had changed her life due to Universal Medicine. A living change that was so obvious you needed to check things out for yourself. Many people have seen these sort of changes in their life and this will continue to inspire people to see for themselves. No matter what is said or written the living proof cannot be denied, thank you.

  166. The standards of health, psychological and emotional well-being, relationships like simple respect for each other, etc. is rapidly declining in our society but has anyone stopped and asked themselves where are we heading? Universal Medicine has not only stopped me to ask this question but offered me tools that I can apply to my life that actually make a difference.

  167. “Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life and has an impressive record of people who have lived for many years in depression, anxiousness, with chronic pain, in abusive relationships, struggling with substance abuse, unemployment, etc., who have transformed the mere existence of today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering into fulfilling lives, fully engaged and committed to the communities in which they live, no matter what social and economic level they come from.”

    This is so true and a testimony of the amazing work this organization is providing. Universal Medicine is showing us the way into the future because without taking more responsibility for our lives our future looks very grim.

  168. The love of Serge Benhayon supports us to come back to our own love. It does not ask or expect anything of us, just gives support through love, and this is precious as in our world I did not find this truth before in any other human being.

  169. I agree Rachel, Serge Benhayon taught me how to listen to my body, not what to do. I have never heard him tell anyone what to do. In the day and age where body awareness, connection, mindfulness are all buzz words, it is clear from the statistics you mention that people are abusing their bodies more and more. The obvious paradox is that truly learning how to listen to our bodies is a major oversight of so many new age teachings, perhaps because if people did, then they would not get involved with them.

  170. Burns definitely don’t feel the same as a kiss, It seems wildly irresponsible and dismissive of the people who received the burns, first degree or not. I have fallen for many illusions in the desperation of knowing that there is so much more to life. Harming our bodies can come in many forms not just walking on fire.

  171. Thank Goodness for someone so sensible as Serge Benhayon. He tells it how is it and lives an incredibly consistent, transparent, solid and loving life and this I truly appreciate as it has helped me to gradually build, with self-love, the same qualities in my life. No more escaping, trying, looking outside of myself, misery, emptiness or wanting to be ‘fixed’. All I need is already within it is just a matter of reconnecting. It’s that simple.

  172. A lot can change when we choose to take responsibility for our choices. It can not only change how we feel within our own bodies, but it transforms relationships, our work and how we live life and life interacts with us. You’ve beautifully described an example of these changes in your life!

  173. Universal Medicine has certainly inspired me to commit to life, to the quality that I bring to life and to all my relationships and interactions and to know that it is something that I can forever deepen.

  174. There is a huge difference between motivation and inspiration. True inspiration comes from connection, whilst motivation comes from a drive that comes from outside of oneself.

  175. There was a message inherent in all Universal Medicine’s teachings, which I hated in the beginning and it took me ages to accept as a fundamental aspect of life. That there are no true quick fixes, and what is more there is no end point for me to reach, thus shattering the expectation of me putting my feet up at some stage because I had arrived. I had grown up in an era in which from every angle there were promises of a quick fix, products and services to deliver whatever experience I might be craving, and although nothing so far had delivered, I still had the ‘hope’ that I would one day stumble across something that did make a difference. Little did I realise at the time that Universal Medicine which was presenting what I did not want to hear, offering an understanding of self responsibility and a forever unfolding, evolving and deepening life that was mine to embrace, was all that I had in truth been looking for.

    1. There are no true quick fixes but there can be moments that are life changing and our life changes for the better. They just happen at times where I haven’t expected them.

  176. Totally agree Rachel. Universal Medicine is about returning to who we truly are through commitment and responsibility with our choices, listening to our bodies and aligning to and listening to the wisdom we all have within. True evolution, with no burnt feet.

  177. Isn’t that amazing Rachel! “In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved”. I can also say that there’s an evident vital, loving and joyful quality of being in others at every Universal Medicine presentation and course I’ve been to.

  178. “A first degree burn we call a kiss”. Interesting how we try to convince ourselves that something very harmful is in fact good for us – from drinking alcohol to practices of walking over hot coals to avoid feeling the emptiness we feel of having disconnected!

  179. One of the first teachings that was presented to me from Serge Benhayon was the importance of discernment. Having an inclination to fence sit myself, this alone has encouraged me to dig deeper and claim how I really feel about things. There is so many behaviours we allow in our society that are of no true benefit to anyone simply because we don’t connect to how we really feel about what is happening in the world around us.

  180. Three sisters who have made enormous loving changes in your lives, and the world is a richer place because of that. Thanks again to the wise teachings of Universal Medicine.

  181. ‘The code of ethics by which trained Esoteric Practitioners work sets the standard for a practitioner’s commitment to a way of living and quality of being that is unheard of in the world today, and it has absolutely inspired me to live my life with the same level of integrity.’ I LOVE this Code of Ethics. While I do some practice work, I apply it to my professional work and to everything I do, to all of life. The unheard of aspect? The Code simply says how we live matters, all of the time. If I drink or do porn in my private life, well, that isn’t really private at all. No one may see it at the physical level, but it is something we carry and can be felt energetically by others. To be treated by someone who does porn outside the clinic door is highly undesirable; and why should not the same apply in business, in trades, in teaching, cooking and indeed every domain of human endeavour?

  182. ‘He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.’ Now what a game-changing revelation this presentation is. You mean we didn’t evolve from reptiles and pond slime?? That we were once something more than human, not less, and we actually devolved to planet Earth and are now in the process of evolving, of returning, to whence we came?? Could it be true, and could this be why we are so horribly irresponsible as human beings, because we don’t want to admit to our decision to separate from something far more harmonious and universal in nature? I love the way Serge Benhayon cuts through accepted beliefs, challenging pretty much all aspects of life. Not many people can do that – and what a gift he, and that capacity, is.

  183. Ha ha, I’m so glad to read Rachel you did not have to join in any unpalatable practices upon attending a Universal Medicine event! I have heard many say same, and that was my experience too. What I found so, so key when I first attended Universal Medicine presentations though was they offered relatable, understandable and above all common-sensical insights into, well, pretty much everything. After years and years of investigating all sorts of paths, finally I found something that made sense on every level and in a way that resonated with me completely.

  184. Oh dear. A first-degree burn is a kiss? This is a devastating – and dare I say quite evil – re-framing of self-inflicted injury, designed to minimise what is a very harmful practice, and in way that can’t be escaped. Having said that, there is clearly also a lack of self-responsibility on the part of those who participate. It’s a great example of how we use our minds to justify all manner of self-abuse… and no judgement here for we are all, or have been, more than willing to do this in various forms, whether it’s riding a motorbike, over-eating, smoking, staying in toxic relationships, and so on.

  185. “Universal Medicine presents on the fact that everything is energy, that we are in the driver’s seat and that we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in.” In contrast to any other teaching that I have ever come across, the responsibility of how we live is at the center of the teachings of Universal Medicine. What is presented in everything that is shared, is that the quality of how we do things is affected by the quality of how we are because everything we do affects everyone and everything. By living a life that is full of integrity, true care for oneself and true responsibility there is a clear pathway for true love to flow in and out of the body, thus serving all equally.

  186. Rachel the summation of what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present is spot on “It was about living life from the truth of who we are”, it is both simple, powerful and life changing all at the same time. One of the things I found challenging was that I had my life set up to be super complex and it was about what I thought others wanted me to be like. Today it’s the opposite – working hard to have a simple life that is built from knowing the truth of who I am. That is true change.

  187. Rachel, this is so true, ‘The world is full of promising healers, coaches, trainers, etc. who say they have found the ‘way to happiness’. Before coming to the Universal Medicine courses I spent much time and money looking for answers, following gurus; reading self-help books; going to workshops and nothing ever changed, I felt like they were not true, but attending Universal Medicine events is completely different, they made sense and were inspiring and the people running them looked well and vital.

  188. Rachel, I love how you came to the work after seeing the changes in your sisters. It goes to show that people notice when we do make a change. And Universal Medicine students are making massive changes in their lives – no doubt or question about that. There is no exclusivity either as everyone and anyone can also make the same changes. It all comes down to what we value the most.

  189. ‘“A first degree burn we call a kiss” was the answer from a spokesperson from a recent Tony Robbins motivational seminar,…’ It is hard to get over this first sentence – equating such harm to the body as a kiss.

  190. As to being the most intelligent species on earth…surely intelligence is what you do with knowledge and yet here we are in the 21st century with more knowledge than we have ever had but no further evolved than any of our ancestors. Indeed true history would show how in fact we have regressed from the wisdom that many of our previous brothers had nurtured. We are missing the target – big time. Enter Universal Medicine – true intelligence inspiring true evolution.

  191. I’m intrigued by your reaction to the whole spiritual new age and the like. Is it possible that as we search ever more frantically for the answer to a life that we know isn’t it, we are ever more easily fooled by the illusions that many of these paths offer? The more hungry we are the less likely we are to discern what it is that we are eating.

  192. “Universal Medicine presents on the fact that everything is energy, that we are in the driver’s seat and that we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in.” End of story! The only answer to our issues – to wake up and take responsibility for the quality of our lives, our health and relationships, to make life a one constant expression of integrity, respect and love. There are no short cuts, no magic tips or secret formulas, just a commitment to feel, discern, be honest and deal with our stuff. The tools that Universal Medicine offer us are there for the benefit of everyone not the individual and consequently in using them I have found that I am returning not only to my true self, but to all of humanity too and loving it, quite an achievement for someone who has in the past been extremely shy, withdrawn and depressed.

  193. Charisma is defined as a personal magnetism or divine gift. Serge Benhayon wears both of these definitions naturally. Yes, it is that simple. But aren’t we all beholders of this same energy?

  194. The first degree burn they call a kiss – is it the kiss of death as you need to shut yourself down tremendously not to feel something very painful?

  195. In my own encounter with new age spiritual practice I encountered enough rituals with extreme and seemingly unexplainable outcomes to confirm that everything is energy. What I didn’t see was accountability and integrity. I worked behind the scenes and there were, drugs, affairs, issues with money, conflicts, politics, it was far from the utopia presented on stage.
    All of this behavior was justified because we were ‘helping people’. The only changes in my life were actually going backwards and burying issues. Universal Medicine presented something completely different – choices and responsibility.

  196. “…it was about living life from the truth of who we are.” Universal Medicine has changed my life from learning to take responsibility for my choices and reconnecting back to the divinity that lies within.
    I am looking much younger as I age and feeling more vital, as I introduce more self loving and self nurturing choices into my daily life.

  197. ‘…what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are.’ His angle is completely different to anything I have ever heard and when applied is transformative. Everything he shares makes complete sense and resonates deeply.

  198. A fire walk will certainly change peoples lives forever… something so assaulting on the body will leave its mark on many levels – physically, emotionally and mentally. But if one is to then ask why, to take responsibility for ones choice and to deeply feel what was the motivation to do this, to bring understanding, then true healing can begin to occur and different, more self-loving choices made.

  199. Self-responsibility is key if we are to make the changes the world so desperately needs. Seeking outside of ourselves and blaming others will never bring about true and lasting change. It is only when we choose to be aware of our responsibility – to ourselves and to humanity, and in so doing develop a way of living with honesty and integrity that we will inspire others to also make true change their way also.

  200. ‘He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source’ – This blows everything out of the water in terms of our beliefs that we are in control of our lives. If our choices are in reaction to everything that is happening around us then everything around us is controlling how we live – we are living in reaction. If we choose to re-connect to our body and feel what is true then the choice we make will come from this place and bring a response to life based on who we truly are, and not what is society dictates. Thanks to Serge Benhayon we can now be the ones to choose the life we want to live with the fullness of what is possible.

  201. “You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat. I was not following a diet, as I did not try to achieve any goals like being healthy or slim, but held closely the importance to deepen my awareness and feel a certain quality in my body, in my daily life.” How liberating to make choices from an awareness that knows exactly what is true for us, innately so … rather than making choices that are imposed on us and that we take on when we know deep within they are not true.

  202. ’I did not have to burn my feet by walking over hot coals, I did not have to hug strangers and share my misery, I did not get yelled at, have to repeat motivating mantras, follow some (or any) rules, do certain exercises or change my name.’ – You have really captured the essence of what is often going on within the spiritual and new age field, a lot of people give up who they are in the quest for what they are being promised, it being ’enlightenment’, ’rising to a higher vibration’, ’peace of mind’ etc.

  203. ’People are desperate to engineer changes to their lives as the constant pursuit of happiness has left many stuck in a life without a deeper purpose, and yet others are left struggling to achieve the very same futile purpose they started out to achieve – that albeit when reached – soon fades into purposelessness.’ – Well said, and likewise there are also those who search for truth and a true change, but who give up along the way because they lose trust due to meeting a market that is all about shallowness and moneymaking and not about true change and true wellbeing.

  204. “…it was about living life from the truth of who we are.” I have been inspired to make some amazing changes in my life since attending Universal Medicine events. Simple, little changes in the way I go about my life, none have been forced on me and I have not had to burn my feet. I feel amazing in my body most days and healthier now than when I was 10 years younger, simply from living the truth of who I am.

  205. “The end justifies the means” I have heard this again and again usually when “justifying” atrocious behaviour that could not be possibly waved away under any other pretext. It is curious how we learn to put the lid on what we so inherently know from young – we understand that even the smallest hint of unloving behaviour can be felt, it hurts and is not okay. But by the time we are adults we are mastered at talking ourselves out of all manner of what would seem common sense and unquestionable when young, and this is championed as a good thing! I am so pleased that I came across Universal Medicine and started to uncover those self-created blind spots and return to my natural common sense.

  206. It is interesting to observe that we often like to have a quick fix, and go to extremes with this like fire walking which is a shock to the body and does not give true settlement in the body. Yet to do things that are truly supportive for us like self-care and self-love is bringing up way more resistance. The second one brings true change and with that responsibility which we are not always willing or ready to go to.

  207. Yes, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has supported me to transform my life in so many ways. The only thing that has helped me with the tension in my body [caused by not being me].

    And the effects that this has had on other people in my life is amazing. All i needed to do is be myself!

    So much appreciation for what i have been given and what is available to everyone if they truly ask for the truth.

  208. There is no end to our awareness and what we get to feel in our bodies. We are on a journey and not trying to get to a destination.I love what Serge presents as it is simple, evolutionary, revelatory and so much more but most importantly we are responsible for what we do with what is presented -self responsibility.

  209. Before I met Serge at the age of 9, my mum has explored all number new age spiritual practices, all of which i tried to avoid and never wanted to be involved with, as I found it all very weird. But when she offered to take me to see Serge, I was happy to go and when I met him he was normal, respectful and not at all weird – I felt comfortable and what he was saying made sense and felt true and has continued to do so in the 10 years I have known him.

  210. By realising that everything we have longed for is already inside of us, we do indeed have to stop and consider how everything in our lives is of our own making. It is truly freeing to stop putting the blame on others/external factors and finally live in a way where we accept responsibility for the ripple effect of every single one of our choices. We then get to feel how powerful we all are, and how we affect one another all of the time.

  211. “In 2007 I said yes to an invitation from my sisters after having observed some very profound changes in their lives”. When the results of The Way of The Livingness are so clear nothing needs to be said, only lived to inspire others to what they already know to be true.

  212. Universal Medicine does not operate on the basis that there is a baptism of fire, so to speak, that changes your life once and forever, but a process that develops awareness based on the need for permanent choosing that changes life and your life forever.

  213. Universal Medicine is a really educational experience. Different from any other ones, though, it does not ask you anything. Although it offers you limitless opportunities for expansion, you take as much as you want. There is no need to prove yourself either.

  214. If we go back in life, it is clear that each of us did different things to develop oneself. Some of them were to develop ourselves in order to walk in life. Universal Medicine does not offer just that. It offers a way to also develop/expand life itself. This is unique.

  215. There is a need to document the changes in each of us as a result of applying Universal Medicine teachings. We have to do this in the most inclusive yet honouring way we can possibly do it.

  216. Through humbleness, integrity and love Serge Benhayon presents with direct simplicity the Truth of life and how to live. The result for those who explore for themselves what is presented consistently brings about enhancing life changes.

  217. “I did not have to burn my feet by walking over hot coals, I did not have to hug strangers and share my misery, I did not get yelled at, have to repeat motivating mantras, follow some (or any) rules, do certain exercises or change my name.” And thank God, it is so amazing to simply be welcomed for who we already are, eternally whole and complete and empowered to re-claim ourselves from amidst all the non-sense we have created in the world. The essential, fundamental difference with Universal Medicine is honouring our bodies, to listen to, nurture and respond to what we feel within us. There is never, ever any hint of performing any rite of passage, no hardship to endure, nothing to prove, just an ever deepening return to our love, fragility and well Be-ing.

  218. ‘From this place of desperation, people are willing to pay thousands of dollars to burn their feet (and other such bizarre practices) in the belief that this is bringing them the will to finally conquer life.’ The ridiculousness of such practices as this seem so apparent from the start but there are many who are desperately seeking the answers or a solution outside of themselves when all lies within and only takes a simple reconnection through breathing us rather than something else.

  219. I never have understood the Fire Walk and why so many millions of people go for such a con. But who am I to be judgemental? I was part of the New Age scene, giving motivational talks at mind body spirit festivals, thinking I was inspiring people to ‘Dare to be Yourself’ or talking about ‘Spotting Life’s Opportunities’. How imposing was I to think that I knew it all and that people would benefit from my imparted wisdom? It is easy to see how we can be swept along by a dynamic speaker who can convince us that their way is right, but how different to meet someone like Serge Benhayon who truly lives what he presents – it’s in every cell of his body and we can feel the truth of what he is presenting and the divine authority it comes with.

  220. It is so true, Rachel, people are desperate to release their frustration and sadness they carry and do all sorts of things for this. Fire walk and the hardening and hurt this causes seems for some a great tool to bury deeper their issues in order not to feel them anymore. People prefer those extremes instead of taking responsibility for their lives.

  221. The interesting part is, deep down we know if a technique is successful and where it leads us to. The question is, are we honest enough to admit this? And are we honest enough to express our intention when we book seminars that put our physical health at risk?

  222. Such a beautiful testimony to Serge Benhayon, your two sisters and of course you Rachel.
    “However, what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are”.
    Taking full responsibility to live life from our inner wisdom and the truth of who we are is indeed very liberating, thank you Rachel for sharing your experiences and your wisdom.

  223. This blog presented me with a range of thoughts and considerations. While I am very accepting of people’s choices in life, as we do each have the choice of what activities we engage in, I was also struck with the utter ridiculousness of firewalking being presented as a “way forward” in life.

  224. I have made many changes in my life with various courses, modalities, gurus etc. But none of these were true changes, as the issues that I had been working with would always return or another issue would become apparent not long after the one I had been working with supposedly resolved. When I started working with Universal Medicine Therapies, I noticed that certain ‘issues’ gradually started to dissolve. There was no big wow factor just certain things started to drop away and I felt so much lighter and more myself. I soon clocked this and realised that what was on offer with Universal Medicine was the real deal and I haven’t looked back since.

  225. Thankyou for sharing this experience and this very true observation. People across the world are looking for a way out and a true understanding of life. We are yet to fully understand that life and living this life in full is our truest and most significant form of medicine.

  226. Ahhh I had forgotten about those many painful years of searching and trying things out, briefly thinking I have found the answers and being disappointed again and again. Looking back my main questions from young was why is there such a discrepancy? I could sense there is a gorgeousness in people, yet they behaved and at times said things that made my heart sink. I could sense the absolute love, wisdom and certainty within myself, yet I too often behaved and came up with thoughts that were nowhere close to the beauty I knew was within me. Each conversation showed that every single person craves more love, care and harmony in life, yet collectively we were creating a world that was spiralling in the opposite direction. It just did not make sense and no one, absolutely no one had any answers for me.
    Then I met Serge Benhayon and started to understand the difference between aligning to my Soul or to my spirit and the stark contrast in the outcome depending on which source of energy I am choosing for my thoughts and actions. And what is more I was supported to feel the difference for myself rather than take anyone’s word for it – a way of teaching which I have found is part of Serge Benhayon’s honouring way.

  227. One of the many things I love about Serge Benhayon which stands him apart from every other presenter I have seen…and belief me I have seen many….is that he delivers what needs to be said and has no investment in any-one liking it or getting it.

  228. Those like myself who have spend years and years and thousands and thousands of dollars on the spiritual new age merry go round can vouch for the fact that non of it works. It was a total waste of time and money, nothing gained what so ever, in fact it was extremely harmful because you think you are getting somewhere always searching outside yourself for answers .

  229. I too walked over hot coals in pursuit of happiness, where did it get me?…. no where… just burnt feet as you mentioned. Where as, in the first hour of a Universal Medicine one day workshop I re-connected to my essence and this was the beginning of me transforming my life from one of misery to a purpose filled and joyful one.

  230. I love the title Rachel, ‘No fire walk required’. Indeed we do not need to engage in any task or look outside of ourselves to find a ‘solution’ to fill any emptiness we feel inside, as the tools necessary to change this are already within our reach all of the time.

  231. I walk ‘on fire’ every day. My motivation comes from my knowing who we are in truth, comes from my connection to all beings and so the feeling/sensing of where we are and what is needed to supports us back to our origin.

  232. “A first degree burn we call a kiss” – a burn blisters and is painful. A kiss on the other hand can be many lovely things including delicate and gorgeous to experience. Likening a burn to a kiss is trying to put a spin on something that is actually very dangerous and causes pain and harm to a person and I don’t see any evolution in this.

  233. What you say about humans beings being the most intelligent species yet acting in complete disregard to our own bodies is completely true. As a species we are more diseased than ever with cancer now 1 in 2. Diabetes, cardiovascular and many others diseases are rising drastically. Our health systems are realising they do not have the capacity to support our medical needs in the future. We are in crisis! Completely, yet we continue to push on, just drink more coffee, get the medication you need to distract you from what your body is trying to show you. Etc.. Etc..

  234. Universal Medicine’s teachings are not about achieving that ‘better’ life – living the truth of who you are makes your life amazing beyond anything else, but it is a by product of the commitment to be your truth to support others.

    1. Very true – there is no rah rah or false promises with Universal Medicine, only real and self loving support for the body whilst already saying that we all are equal and equally hold an amazingness with in.

  235. Universal Medicine does indeed have a very impressive record with regards to supporting people to make positive changes in their lives. Many of these have been recorded in before and afters and all were achieved without telling anyone what to do. You make your own aspirations in life and that is perhaps what is so beautiful, if we are unhappy about how we live it is always within our own power to change this, I can think of no better way to approach life than to have complete control over my own destiny, and I like Rachel would only want to be in a normal situation, the new age spiritual approach to life was not something that I ever had any interest in, in fact I found it a complete turn off, which is why I can say so wholeheartedly that what Universal Medicine presents has nothing in common with this type of behaviour.

  236. ’So you cannot attend a Universal Medicine workshop and then find that you have the right tool, the manual or technique, for how to better your life.’ So true, and very much unlike the trend in society, which is to continuously look for solutions, a cure, a quick fix, anything to ’better our lives’ as opposed to being open to true change and to heal the root of the issue.

  237. ’There is no manual, book, teaching or modality that can do all of this, or grow this awareness for you, and Universal Medicine does not make any false promises to solve it for you. Universal Medicine presents on the fact that everything is energy, that we are in the driver’s seat and that we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in.’ Well said, Universal Medicine encourages and empowers us to take responsibility for our own lives and the fact that every choice we make has an affect not only on ourselves but on everything around us.

  238. A powerful account Rachel – your example speaks loud and clear. Universal Medicine has never been run with a hype to draw in as many people (money) as possible, they don’t adjust their teachings to make it attractable – they deliver truth even if some people are not ready to hear truth and choose to walk away. The Ageless Wisdom is not being adjusted to please anyone. And this is what I have witnessed consistently for the last 11 years.

  239. An amazing article Rachel and much deserved tribute to Serge Benhyaon. The presentation that simply being oneself is everything is so simple and such a reflection for us as we are all trying to be something else more better …to achieve something that we already are all of. “But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.” This says everything and brings true the responsibility to humanity that we are missing.

  240. “A first degree burn we call a kiss” it is hard to consider that in this day and age, full of health and safety and concerns over the way people are treated that claiming the burns from walking on fire are a kiss were not duly questioned. Yet the bigger picture is the fact we all know fire burns, don’t touch a hot stove, so why would walking on something that is bound to burn you be sensible? To me I think it comes from the fact that if we don’t feel a connection with ourselves we go on a path to seek what is missing. The most amazing part is that we will all eventually discover it was never actually missing, it has always been inside and it’s been our choice to change and connect to what is already there, that is key. In my case true change certainly came from Universal Medicine.

  241. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” So simply true Rachel. There is no need to do or change anything about ourselves when we attend any presentation by Serge Benhayon, all we are asked to do is to connect to what is already inside us.

  242. Succinct and really easy to follow, this article sets out the way Universal Medicine works… no tricks, fads or rules, just a lot of lived inspiration, loving support and the blessing of realising our own responsibilities. Thank you, Rachel.

  243. True change comes as a result of choices that only the individual can make. Universal Medicine presents the facts, it’s up to us what we do with that information. The size of the student body and the comments on this blog and many other blog sites, are testament to how profound the changes have been for those of us who felt the truth in what we heard and have chosen to act on it.

  244. It is almost laughable that we should aspire to being able to walk over hot coals. What other species would ever make that their goal. And we call ourselves “intelligent”

    1. Things in the world are getting worse, not better. Take the example of mental illness, such as depression. Walking on hot coals will not address this, but may take your mind off your depression while you deal with the burns on your feet. We need to look at real answers and develop within ourselves the awareness and the honesty to do this.

      1. So true. And makes me think of how we are all judging the well-being of our society. Nowadays, as long as we don’t have cancer or some other extreme illness we consider ourselves well. The measuring bar of vitality and try health is now so low – and yet the statistics continue to rise… If we were to be really honest, then they’d bust out the top of any graphs.

  245. I love how the teachings of Universal Medicine have enabled me to deepen my relationship with myself and by default, with everyone else and to appreciate that I am part of something so much more, something grander than I could have ever imagined. I used to think of my life in separation to anything else, it’s amazing how liberating it has been to broaden my horizons and feel a part of humanity, a part of the divine universe.

  246. Just one look at your photo, Rachel, is testament to your health and vitality. You are radiating love and joy, very beauty-full.

  247. I completely agree with your experience of Universal Medicine, Rachel. I was curious to hear Serge Benhayon present after being shown his website. Whilst I found some of the things being presented quite confronting, I appreciated that Serge presented the truth and it was and is for me to decide whether to accept it or not. There was never any feeling of being coerced or suggestions as to what I should or shouldn’t do. It’s always my choice, but, and this is the part we try to avoid, with that choice comes responsibility. My life has been enriched beyond measure by my understanding of this fact and choosing to take responsibility for how I am living.

  248. Great article Rachel, I love the simplicity of this,’ Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat’ I find this really helpful with my son, I can feel how I tell him what is good for him and not good for him to eat, and that actually what feels more supportive is to allow him to feel in his body how certain foods feel and so he develops this relationship with his body.

  249. Thank you Rachel – it is beautiful to appreciate all that we have been given by Serge Benhayon. I have been given back myself with the ability to make choices for myself led by my body and not my head. For all my life I had allowed the opinions of others to rule how I lived whether it be the way I dressed or the food I ate – I was always seeking approval. Nowadays I live my life with more of a sense of who I am, and that I have a soul and a purpose and that in humanity I am surrounded by my family, as we gradually all come together and act with one common purpose to live in unity and equality.

  250. Why is the world not waking up to what is so simple? The world has tuned out and plugged into our own little comfortable world and become insular in the crowd. I was in the queue the other day at lunch time, and they called next repeatedly and the person in front of me, who was next, just stood there and as I was about to say something to them the till in front of them became free. I went to the till they had not heard that was free, and the cashier commented about how annoying it was, when busy, that the people with headphones just slowed up everyone by not hearing the announcement of ‘next till’. The shop has 25 tills and at lunch, they are all staffed.

  251. “… others are left struggling to achieve the very same futile purpose they started out to achieve – that albeit when reached – soon fades into purposelessness.” Never a truer statement Rachel and evidence enough that when we make life all about attaining our own happiness, our own success, we can never affect the empty purposelessness of this pursuit. When we focus on connecting to our bodies, nurturing the quality of our relationships with self and with everyone, accepting responsibility for our own well being and living in brotherhood, then our lives become enriched with true, unalterable purpose-fullness.

  252. Absolutely Rachel, Universal Medicine is a ‘documentation of true change.’ Thousands of testimonies back this up…it can’t be made up! The consistency of reports over time show something significant is afoot. Whilst on the surface, at first glance, people might draw parallels of Universal Medicine with the spiritual new age; it doesn’t take much investigation to see they are worlds apart, not only in approach and way of being, but also by the outcome in people’s lives, (either true long lasting change or not.)

  253. ‘The code of ethics by which trained Esoteric Practitioners work sets the standard for a practitioner’s commitment to a way of living and quality of being that is unheard of in the world today’ This code of ethics is unparalleled in the world today, and has set the bar when it comes to practitioner integrity and responsibility. But not only that, it is there for all to read and feel and to choose to be inspired by, and to guide their choices in life also.

  254. “In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved. And no fire-walk or burnt feet in sight!” – so true – I am always so amazed at the living miracles experienced by many hundreds of students of The Way of the Livingness all over the world, seen in the before and after photos.

  255. Brilliant blog Rachel exposing the truth about Universal Medicine and what Serge Benhayon brings to humanity through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, unlike the falseness of the spiritual new age hipe.

  256. “He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.” If this was widely common knowledge, harmony would be the natural state we live in instead of disharmony and fighting for the belief we think is true. Life is about evolution, and if we all accepted this we would be one in that.

  257. Amazing Sharing Rachel, it is such a turn-off to see the motivational type seminars, chanting, yelling, mantras, and all of that being so popular, and Universal Medicine being associated with the same, but Universal Medicine events are so different! There is no yelling, and nothing to be, it’s not about sharing problems – but rather looking at life from a view of personal responsibility.

  258. Rachel you shared that Serge Benhayon presented “It was about living life from the Truth of Who we are” Self responsibility. Living life and listening to our bodies, self nurture and most of all Love for ourselves that then becomes love for all.Thank you Rachel.

  259. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me” – true Rachel, and the issue I always faced was ‘but, I am being me’ (!) so how can I ‘just be me’ – working on this for a long time, I realised that ‘to be me’, was really just about unraveling what had not been me to alter my true communication and expression. Re-learning to just be ourselves is a huge process because of what things we thought were us, but weren’t through countless swallowed beliefs and ideals, relating to culture, nationality, religion, where one is from, education, gender… essentially every pillar of life that works to create an altering away from the original-version [of us]. This is what Serge Benhayon reveals, and leaves people/students to delve further into this for themselves, it being a personal journey, to heal what is not us – to be the real or true us. It has been the most hugest learning and best education I have ever received, surpassing beyond anything any of the two degrees I have read at University.

  260. Super account Rachel of the truth about Serge Benhayon and the philosophies of The Ageless Wisdom as taught by Serge and Universal Medicine. No ‘get rich quick’ scheme that may disappoint and further disillusion some, but more so commit to life, to people, to yourself – with the awareness of energy [fire/soul, or prana/spirit] that flows through your body.. and you can have the most liberating or empowering time that lasts – for eternity. It’s a clear choice really.

  261. Ah – now here is the part that takes us by surprise! “But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.” We all say we want the truth but when we hear it we don’t always like it because it exposes our attachment to varying degrees of comfort.

  262. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.” No rocket science required – just plain and simple TRUTH!

  263. Any modality or motivational talk that disregards a person’s body is never going to support anyone to true and whole health and wellbeing.

  264. “From this place of desperation, people are willing to pay thousands of dollars to burn their feet (and other such bizarre practices) in the belief that this is bringing them the will to finally conquer life.” We are fooled into believing that life is meant to be an uphill battle when the truth is the exact opposite – we just need to surrender and be part of the whole natural rhythm and flow of life.

  265. “A first degree burn we call a kiss”. It appears he may have kissed the Blarney Stone to say such things to fellow people. It makes me wonder if any of these people would consider the possibility of subjecting their children or grandchildren to this type of activity. I sincerely hope not.

  266. It has been one of the most empowering as well as confronting truths presented to me by Universal Medicine. A truth that no other workshop, book or course had offered me, and which I did not want to hear at first. That no one, no thing outside of me can bring me what I want, not truly – I am my own savior and it is my own choices that shape my own life. In fact I am far more than I have allowed myself to accept I am for lifetimes, and how I choose to live my life impacts directly not only my own life but everyone else’s too. This alone has totally transformed my relationship with myself, with others and with the whole world.

  267. ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.’ this is the beauty of Universal Medicine you are just inspired to be yourself in full not anything else.

  268. After reading your blog Rachel, I am left deeply appreciating what Serge Benhayon and his family bring to humanity and their commitment to serving others. I have through them, my life’s true purpose presented to me. A priceless gift that I can choose to keep on giving, by the way I also live.

  269. I had become increasingly sceptical about healers and presenters on life, yet when a close friend started making amazing changes in her life in a quiet and humble way, I could not ignore them and knew that she was on to something that was quite different to all the other things we had tried. I accompanied her to a Universal Medicine presentation, it was not at all what I expected and found myself returning over and over again.

  270. When we connect with that which brings health and harmony to our body, the tension and constant seeking stops. We are ‘home’. Serge Benhayon presents the truth of what life is about and this is evidence in the changes you saw in your sisters Rachel. You could finally see that which made sense to you – lives of greater vitality and responsibility. Amazing and yet not really when we understand that this is how life is meant to be!

  271. Your summary and description of Universal Medicine has nailed it. I once sought many things and all was with a lack of responsibility because I wanted something that would fix everything. I never did fire walking but I understand the mentality. There is hope that something external or some drastic measure will create the change we are seeking. Serge presents on responsibility and once we look at our choices and realise that we are responsible for our lives, life changes quite suddenly.

  272. This example just shows how much we look outside ourselves for answers when in truth they are already within and made known to us when we deeply connect to and trust that inner knowing.

  273. I feel very blessed that we have amongst us today a leading light, Serge Benhayon that lives, breathes and shares without compromise, the religious way of moving in connection to Soul, moving in a way that we are all born to live, together. I have never felt better equipped for life than I do today, knowing and living with the truest manual or tools I could ask for that come simply from developing a relationship with my body. As it is through this relationship that a far greater awareness has developed from which I am guided by my ever deepening connection to my Soul.

  274. Choosing to be responsible is choosing to connect to the truth of who we are in essence, to connect to our Soul and honor it. When we understand what true responsibility is, we then know it is a joy, as we are confirming all that we are through the choices we make.

  275. There are countless ways that falsely promise and purport to be the path to resolve the unrest of the desperate and disheartened seeker. At times, and often for only a short time, the change of feeling better, even slightly, is enough to give a false sense of success and we then settle for this betterment until such time that the unrest that was never addressed reminds us so, and is felt once again. It is only when we turn within to seek the guidance of our inner-heart that we will find the true answers and as such be led to know the true way to live. Through knowing Serge Benhayon and through The Way of The Livingness I am constantly inspired by my deepening connection to who I am within and as such with all others and life. I have tried many of the ways that pose to have the answers but I have realised that greatest answers that serve us all most, come from within where we are all equal in essence, and so honor not only who I am but all of us.

  276. How very true that we as a society seem to be seeking more and more extreme and bizarre ways to somehow achieve a sense connection, to something, to achieve a sense of accomplishment, a sense of power or purpose to compensate for the powerless-ness and the purposeless-ness that is felt though the lives we exist in. When we have no sense of who we are in essence we have no sense of the purpose of the lives we are born to live and it this this sense of lacking, of something missing, that drives us to seek in the world outside ways to fullfill or numb the feeling of emptiness that exits within.

  277. What a brilliant blog Rachel! There are more and more outrageous activities and techniques coming out that are all about pushing the body and seeing how much pain, roughness and abuse one can take and then being congratulated for doing it. Many things we choose just don’t compute or make sense when you start applying responsibility and commitment and knowing that everything we do affects us all.

  278. Whatever is pursed with an aim to fill up from the achievement – even the getting away with doing nothing, is totally empty and will be exposed sooner or later.

  279. To burn your feet and for those running such an event to write it off as not big deal is quite something, especially when Tony Robins has followers all around the world. I can understand wanting something to be amazing but if it overrides your bodies natural sensitivity and tenderness it does not add up to being supportive.

    1. I find it quite something that they set up a feet burning exercise and saying that lots of people did this exercise without hurting themselves, thereby creating pressure on people being quiet. When they DO speak up, the pain is called a kiss. The ridiculous part is that you have to pay a lot of money for this level of care.

      1. You highlight the point of caring for your body – and we could say that this is one of the most basic and founding responsibilities in life – to care for, be gentle with and take responsibility for our bodies, to not purposely abuse them or put them in harms way. Taking this risk of severely burning your feet seems to be an extreme, dangerous and unnecessary exercise in helping yourself. What does it really do to contribute to society? It seems to me that a firewalking exercise is more about a Hollywood stunt than it is about addressing real world issues.

  280. Universal Medicine holds the key to simplicity, beautifully this cannot be bought or sold, just consistently presented and then left for all to reignite their will and choose what ultimately feels true.

  281. “A first degree burn we call a kiss”
    Watch a Toni Robbin’s trailer and you will be bombarded with extremes of ego, dominance and frenzied elation.
    Enter Serge Benhayon and here is simply a man who walks beside you, who journeys through life with you, inspires a steadiness into your everyday life that is both life changing amazing and normal.

  282. Fact: ‘In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved.’ This is front page news is it not?

  283. Universal Medicine stands for absolute energetic responsibility and energetic integrity and return to our True movements and Way of Living. The false promises, prophets and modalities are easily seen for what they are in the light of Truth, when we connect to our deep knowing that is forever present..

  284. I read over 1000 books by every so-called healing or self-help expert on life, I tried many modalities one after the other and gave my power away to the every promise on offer. To be honest, I knew they were false and that is why I sought them …a quick fix and a solution to make the ill-effects of my choices disappear. I was not seeking to take responsibility, I was after a remedy and a life-size eraser. There was never a question of changing or true healing on the cards prior to coming to Universal Medicine.

    1. I have also looked into a range of modalities to try to help myself come to a deeper understanding of life. Even though I had completed a university degree, I still did not feel that I had a good grasp of life and I tried all sorts of things – (not fire walking though, although I would probably have tried it was this option presented to me at a certain time in my life). Now I know that life is for living, expressing myself in and having a care, responsibility and love for. Our lives, and how we choose to live them is what evolves us, not whether we have walked on hot coals or not. Committing to your daily life is the key.

  285. Very well said Rachel Andras. Universal Medicine is the real deal and Serge Benhayon the True Seer.
    We have at our doorstep or via an internet connection everything we have ever been searching for – the answer to each of our woes, the Truth of Life amidst many empty promises that deliver nothing and take us further from our Soul.

    1. Yes he is the first that I have come across who lives the love he claims. And it’s obvious from the care and integrity he shares.

  286. Awesome article. It is so true what you are saying here – ” being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.” That is true freedom.

  287. You’ve covered it all on Universal Medicine Rachel, an organization that promotes responsibility and truth.

  288. “However, what Serge Benhayon presented was nothing close to motivating, convincing, needing to conquer life, to beat life or manage it, but it was about living life from the truth of who we are.” I was also very sceptical of anything new age, which left me utterly cold. When I first heard Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom teachings they simply made sense. Noting to do, or strive for, or achieve or better, simply a letting go of everything taken on that is not the essence of who we are.

  289. Walking on fire = motivation?!?
    This sounds like an extreme cry for help…
    How have we got ourselves in a place where this is acceptable, even intelligent?
    As Rachel has beautifully expressed and Universal Medicine continues to present – we have all the tools we could possible require right here, right now.

  290. Universal Medicine takes self responsibility to a new level. Their presentations are often challenging and have taught me the value of true love. Love being found in truth and not cushioned in comfort or softened so that we don’t have to deal with what truly is. We are not broken and do not need to be fixed, we have been asleep and unaware, allowing all sorts of hurts to rule us, but not anymore. Universal Medicine has delivered the true keys to life that were within us all along.

  291. Walking on fire just highlights how desperate people are – I have never done it myself but can only image the pep talk the presenter would have to give in order to convince people to do such a harmful thing to themselves. Thank God fire walking is not on the menu at Universal Medicine courses, just good old fashioned down to earth common sense.

  292. I can say without any hesitation that Universal Medicine has offered me, through way of presentations, workshops and courses, the tools, means and skills that I can, by choice, apply in my life. These ways prove by themselves, through my own application, to bring about an awareness of life that I would not have otherwise had. This deeper awareness becomes a new marker of how life can be and these personal experiments with what has been presented have shown me life is most definitely about awareness and that all the tools Universal Medicine presents, are there to deepen and enrich our relationship with life.

  293. This beautifully shows exactly how down to earth the approach of Universal Medicine is and just what a loving support is offered throughout.

  294. Rachel I loved reading this. I second everything you say and also wanted to share that I’ve head lots of people talking about “change” and about “making changes” yet I have never come across something that supports a true fundamental change, no fluff, no hype but a consistency of loving choices. Prior to Universal Medicine I always thought I was the issue, there was something bad with me and never did I consider that the true me, in my essence, is divine. Yet I know that to be an absolute truth now and from there can deal with the hurts or issues that arise – it has turned on its head how I am with myself and in life.

  295. Thanks to Universal Medicine teachings, coming to the truth that we just have to be ourselves and clear the layers of protection as well as the ideals and beliefs that have got in the way of this, is like beginning life from scratch again. It re-orientates us back to the simple acceptance of who we truly are as soulful beings, and clearly demarcates the ‘what is not’ us which keeps us lesser and struggling through life.

  296. A great read Rachel. Universal Medicine’s presentations have a very different approach to our life’s difficulties from ones that are ‘out there’. The proof is in the pudding so to speak. I love its real and pragmatic approach. It cannot be a fluke that so many hundreds of people making real long last changes to their lives…and all done without walking over hot coals!

  297. The lack of motivational drive and pump you up’ speeches is very noticable in Universal Medicine, refreshingly so. Serge Benhayon wastes absolutely no time indulging in such endeavours. What he does focus on is bringing us face to face with the many truths about our current day living and our responsibility for ourselves and one another. Serge is an expert at peeling back the lies we tell ourselves and cutting through the many illusions we have fostered, re-educating us in the art of feeling and listening to our bodies and discerning the quality of energy that underpins everything. Universal Medicine is about choice, responsibility, honesty, connection, relationships, health, community – the reals issues that we are want answers to, straight up and no power games in sight.

  298. “You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat.” Expressed so simply that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine guides but does not dictate.

  299. Great words of true wisdom here Rachel. It is confronting to see that we live in a world where people will pay to burn themselves in a firewalk in hope of enlightenment rather than take the necessary steps to come back to the love they are. I still find myself caught up in this from time to time but the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has allowed me to see this self made game for what it is.

  300. “ … in the belief that this is bringing them the will to finally conquer life.” No one can bring you will. Your will is yours to will, and that will needs to be discerned and known what source you are willing to will.

  301. I agree with the comment about those people who offer a course for change and capitalise for their own benefit. I have the awareness (due to Serge Benhayon’s teachings) to always discern the teacher and not just the one time but always, and any presentation. I grew up with many motivational speakers. I did not follow any guru and in truth I did not look up to any role models. When I attended my first presentation with Serge Benhayon he brought it back to redefining what Truth is by clarifying it by the energy. Energy cannot lie and cannot be bastardised like all else has been. He presented the all energetically and did not hold it back. This I could not resist as it was the Truth ,the Truth I knew in my body.

  302. So true Rachel, Universal Medicine will never tell you what to do but instead point you to the responsibility you have in your life and that you are so much more than you have chosen to live.

  303. Rachel, you are quite right – you need to be very numbed to expose yourself to a painful experience without feeling it. Being hyped up fits the bill quite well.

  304. Incredible Rachel, very inspiring and love the way you have so beautifully expressed your experience with Universal Medicine. This part ‘it was about living life from the truth of who we are.’ to me means we already have the answers, we already hold the wisdom and love. It is simply us learning to return to who we are, not about seeking anything outside of us but re-connecting to truth and love. Universal Medicine is dedicated to support humanity to re-connect to absolute truth and for some people it may take a little time to accept what we are offered here is, truth, endless love and evolution.

  305. This is a great testimonial of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine Rachel, thank you. Being presented with the statement that Everything is energy… made me realise that even a thought is energy… something that is not tangible, but depending on your ideals and beliefs, can be as real and vivid, influencing or even dictating the choices we make and the way we choose to live. It really does open up the consideration of what type or quality of energy are we choosing? …. Universal Medicine presents the big picture beginning with the energetic building blocks of life… Brilliant presentations always.

  306. I can relate to so well to your experience. It was my daughter who inspired me. She was young, very beautiful inside and out, very intelligent and loved by all who knew her yet she was deeply sad and lost and despite trying to ‘fix’ herself nothing seemed to work UNTIL she came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I watched her slowly but surely make many simple changes. She was like a beautiful very tight rosebud that was beginning to open up and bloom. I knew she was onto ‘the real deal’ here and that she was showing me the way by her living example.

  307. Enjoyed rereading this Rachael, just the choices that I have made and the resulting life is to be deeply appreciated.

  308. Brilliantly said Rachel – it’s profound what you’ve shared about Universal Medicine and how it has supported you and your family to develop greater love in your lives without any imposition or rules of ‘do’s and ‘don’t’s.

  309. Absolutely brilliant blog Rachel – one would have to be blind not to see and numb not to feel the simple truths you so openly and beautifully share with all. With deep appreciation.

  310. To hear about people willing to burn and blister the ‘souls’ of their feet in hope of changing who or how they are, makes me stop and realise how desperate society is to find the truth about life and how starved we are from our own connection. Because that’s all we are really craving, connection with ourselves and true connection there after with each other. We aren’t taught this in school, we aren’t taught to feel our delicacy, our preciousness and our inner wisdom. We are taught to live from our intelligence, our minds and be tough and succeed. To me, true success is now honouring who I am within and what I feel and committing to living this as best I can.

  311. No fire walking indeed.. The Ancient Wisdom teachings as presented by Serge Benhayon continue to demonstrate a very practical way to live where love is at the core of all we do.

  312. ‘You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body’ – This is the essence of the teachings and you have captured and presented it so well Rachel. We are taught body awareness and that the ultimate form of responsibility is how we live and treat our body and how that actually affects everyone because it’s all energy. No rah rah here, just life in its truth and an understanding of the part we all play.

  313. I love this article Rachel. Nothing you have shared here rings any alarm bells, in fact it sounds like the most normal thing ever, so normal it’s hard to believe it’s not something we stumble across every single day.
    Universal Medicine sounds to me like the missing link in all our crazy searching for something. It’s not one person, it’s not the list of promises you mentioned, it’s simply a presentation of living a responsible life. How refreshing!

  314. A newsworthy opening paragraph:
    ‘Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life and has an impressive record of people who have lived for many years in depression, anxiousness, with chronic pain, in abusive relationships, struggling with substance abuse, unemployment, etc., who have transformed the mere existence of today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering into fulfilling lives, fully engaged and committed to the communities in which they live, no matter what social and economic level they come from.’

  315. ‘You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body…’ This debunks all the rubbish said about Serge and his supposed dictatorship. He never ever tells anyone what to do. He presents from his lived experience of approaching life another way, contrary to the norm, and from there shares his experience. People are then inspired to give it a go themselves. And when they/I do…all we find is that everything makes perfect sense.

  316. I too have been so inspired by the many changes and transformations that people have undergone especially so in the student body. To see how so many have grown and become more confident, more glowing more beautiful and so much more caring and respectful is awe-inspiring. And I have also come to appreciate the growth in myself too in all of these areas since working consistently so on bringing more truth into my life. The cool thing is that is does not stop here. This is just the tip of the iceberg, with so much more to come.

  317. “Serge Benhayon didn’t tell me what to eat, he told me how to listen to my body…” Right here you have encapsulated the way in which Serge presents. He offers principals based on what he himself lives and knows to be true and it is up to the individual to embrace them or not and integrate those principles into their own lives as they choose.

    1. Kate, I agree and what I have come to feel for myself is that the reason why Serge Benhayon continually inspires us to redirects ourselves back to our bodies is because our bodies hold the road map back to who we each innately are. We traverse our own specific way back to the start, no body else has taken exactly the same detours away from soul as we have.

  318. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” – how simple, to just be ourselves and yet it is something most people struggle with because of all the societal conditioning that tells you it isn’t ok to just be yourself. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who is a constant reflection that this is the only way to live life and not get hammered by emotions, relationship dynamics, office politics, etc.

  319. My observations of others around me and the perception engendered in me from very young is that life is about surviving, getting through the struggle and rewarding ourselves when we have a good day. Life is as simple as the commitment we make to breathe, which requires no commitment because the breath is instinctual. Humanity chooses the quality of each breath and this is where the joy and harmony is available equally to each one of us, this is where the quality we choose to live is chosen.

  320. Serge Benhayon doesn’t need to motivate or sell anything, just his presence and the way he presents truth is all that is needed. I would have run a mile from any kind of motivational speaker when I met him 9 years ago as I’d done the circuit of workshops, books and modalities and was questioning it all. Serge came along at the right time for me – I was ready to hear the truth.

  321. ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.’ The true simplicity of The teachings of Serge Benhayon totally exposes our propensity to completely complicate our lives.

    1. Spot on Jenny and if it weren’t for the complication that we choose to layer over the top of life then we would all be living in the simple glory of who we already are.

  322. Hello Rachel and while I’ve never had anything to do with Tony Robbins I have gone to other motivational speakers. I’ve never done the fire walk either but I have seen how at these events they whip you into a motivated frenzy that usually dies off after a couple of days. What I have consistently enjoyed about Serge Benhayon is that what he presents is more of a slow burn. There are not the usual peaks and drops but more a sustained support that just keeps on giving. What’s more it’s all up to you, in other words the work you do with yourself feeds you back. It doesn’t rely on a repeat course or a special formula to follow but more a connection to you, which again the depth you take is always a choice.

  323. It is amazing the ridiculous activities that we will buy into because the promoters market it as life changing, yet, when someone presents that we are already everything and that all we need is to connect to our essence we are skeptical and look for the catch. I love the simplicity of what Serge Benhayon presents, and I have found the only catch – the catch is you actually have to do it, live from your essence that is and take responsibility for your choices. No one is going to ra-ra you up to do it, no one is going to sell you something that will do it for you. When you choose this, there is all the support in the world, but it still has to be you who does it.

    1. Lee having done a lot of spiritual practices, I know from my own experience that there is a part of us that loves the showmanship of walking on fire. There is a part of us that loves to feel important and special and to stand out from the crowd. But the fact of the matter is that we are all the same and returning to that glorious oneness is actually very simple, as demonstrated and presented by Serge Benhayon.

  324. In relation to the Tony Robbins seminar, it seems the advertising is true as severe burns on your feet certainly have the potential to change your life forever. It gives a whole new concept to advertising.

    1. It is interesting because people actually do make destructive and unloving choices, just not are always openly honest about. For example, people who gamble are very often choosing to lose money under the illusion they want to make it. People leave one abusive partner for another… what is going on here. Everything we do is a choice and has consequences.

  325. ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.’ This is one big thing I learned very early on in my association with Universal Medicine and it was indeed liberating. Having spent my whole life trying to be what I thought others wanted, I have been learning that who I am is truly amazing, awesome, inspiring and powerful and that simply being me, all of me, inspires others to do the same.

  326. Connecting with our bodies and developing a relationship with ourselves is paramount in order to feel and discern the truth of what is out there amongst the many gurus and healers who claim that they are the real deal, it is this knowing within us that instantly recognises when true love finally presents in our lives.

  327. After many years of trying various healers, modalities, gurus, yoga etc I came to the work of Universal Medicine very cautiously, not really wanting to be loaded with yet another modality. What inspired me to attend courses was I saw big changes in a couple of friends who had been associated with Universal Medicine. I was inspired by the joy that I could feel in the way they were now living so eventually I decided to travel up north to attend a workshop. I soon realised that what Serge Benhayon was offering was the real deal and by applying the simple tools that he was offering, I could see the changes within my life starting to transpire and be long lasting changes compared to everything else which was short lived.

  328. The Way of The Livingness teaches us that there is a deep wisdom within us all that we can connect to by being aware of our body and the quality of our movements at anytime, it is simple and does not require any rah-rah or extreme acts such as fire walking but a simple commitment to be who truly are.

  329. We are able to refine our relationship with life and it is an ongoing process. I realise that when these old cravings come back, when my body starts to react to what was once ok to eat or even do, that I have the opportunity to deepen my relationship with myself and the quality of energy I choose to live in. Without Universal Medicine and presentations by Serge Benhayon, I would still be stuck at the awareness that change was needed, but without the understanding of what my body was energetically calling for.

  330. There are no promises or solutions offered by Universal Medicine. What is presented is the possibility for everyone to understand the Ancient Wisdoms that offer immense understanding to our current realities so we can choose to live the fullness we innately are already.

  331. WOW!!!!! How abusive is this ‘“A first degree burn we call a kiss”! And this is coming from a person that people pay to help them!!! These kind of flippant remarks are dangerous. First degree burns are definitely not kisses it is the body being harmed. I actually did one of these fire walks, I was at an extremely lost point in my life desperately trying everything. On the same day as this I also tried to smash through a wooden plank with my hand! Yep crazy I know. At the end of the day with loads of mixed emotions and not feeling any clearer as I was leaving people were trying to get me to sign up for the next event. What really scared me was they looked like zombies, completely vacant. I left and never did anything like that again. Nothing changed, my life didn’t suddenly become amazing, I did not walk away feeling I could do anything.
    A few years later after some reluctance I went to a workshop by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and the difference was VAST. It wasn’t about trying to be something, it wasn’t about trying to fix myself it was very unimposing, I could feel in my body that Serge was speaking the truth. It was about me reconnecting to me. This is an unfolding process and 10 years on I have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with myself and everyone else. My health and diet is the best it’s been. I have a true knowing and understanding of life and the Universe. I have let go of many old ideals and beliefs as well as hurts, sadness and misery that I was holding onto in my body. I am more committed to life and do a job that feels purposeful and that I love. And this is just the beginning. Serge doesn’t put himself on a pedestal trying to rah rah people, he meets everyone equally and inspires all to be the love they truly are by the consistent, steady, committed, dedicated to truth, transparent and caring life he lives. This is the real deal. It’s about being responsible for ALL of our choices and knowing we have the power to change this, practically so with how we live.

  332. I love what you have shared here, Rachel. The simplicity of living from our bodies is something we are never told about – life is made so much more complicated than this. There is a huge amount of money being made out there from people’s insecurities about themselves, their lives and their bodies and it is so far from the simple truth. The simplicity and responsibility that is presented by Universal Medicine practitioners and presenters has been life changing for me.

  333. I loved this very refreshing read that sums very practically all that Universal Medicine is, and Serge Benhayon is and offers EVERYONE upon meeting him. The changes in you and your sisters, after being inspired by them, is pure inspiration and a joy to see unfolding. I particularly relate to what you write here in relation to food..”You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat. I was not following a diet, as I did not try to achieve any goals like being healthy or slim, but held closely the importance to deepen my awareness and feel a certain quality in my body, in my daily life.” Thank you, Rachel.

  334. This is such a strong testimonial of the fact that Universal Medicine is not just another happy pill. It’s about dedicated daily work on awareness – revelations, downfalls, standing up again and walking forth, lightly so.

  335. Brilliant, matter-of-fact, no frills presentation of the life-changing work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  336. “He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution” this is a huge, paradigm shattering idea that turns everything that we usually think of as being our place in the world on its head. If this is true, and I know it to be so, we are not the bystanders in the way we live, being pulled from one situation to the next. We are truly the masters of our life, and with that comes the responsibility, or lack there of, which makes life what it is for us.

  337. “There is no end point to this growing awareness and therefore there is no ‘perfect’ technique to learn to get anywhere, only to understand that we are constantly evolving.” This is a great point being shared here, there is no perfect state of being/living that we can achieve and then have it all, nor is life about perfection, but there is a constant pull to evolve, to be more of who we are. This is a revelation in a world where we get taught that achievement and to better ourselves is the goal in life.

  338. There is definitely no “ra ra” with Universal Medicine but it does offer so many tools to change the course of my life. For me that was becoming more aware of the obvious things I could change to make life less of a grind. As Rachel mentions when we start to take better care of ourselves we never reach an end point, it is a constant refinement; what was right for me three years ago is not what I need for my body now, that is the key and that is why no guru can ever help anyone, for it is our own choices that we must be willing to responsibly make.

  339. I know from my own experience that gurus (even if they say they are not a guru, which in many cases they do) deal in emotions and have a wide range of tools to get people to believe they can change their lives for ever and for the better. And yes, there might be insights and some changes in their lives due to the fact that there is some ‘wake up’ happening, but it has nothing to do with taking responsibility for every aspect of our life, knowing that all is energy first and it is definitely not about giving away our power to someone else.
    The Way of The Livingness asks all to be self responsible 24/7, use our body as a marker, to know the difference between emotions and feelings, to use our mind in accordance with our body, to mention but a few of the many elements that make it the only true way I have encountered in my life.

  340. I have witnessed incredible change in myself and my life along with many other students of the Way of the Livingness. By taking responsibility for my choices and re-connecting with my body and the wisdom it offers me I live with integrity, honesty and most of all true love in my practical and simple life style.

  341. I have seen so many people change there lives around – the before and after pictures of the students of Universal Medicine show far more than simple weight loss, it is a change in the quality of there body, a true smile on their face and light in their eyes.

  342. Awesome blog – I can attest to the truth that Serge never dishes out rules to follow or order, he simply supports connection back to our own essence, from which we can develop a relationship with ourselves to feel what is really true.

  343. If that is a kiss then what do they call making love? I better not get too imaginative here…

  344. Essentially what you have shared Rachel is that responsibility for ourselves, in every possible way, is what evolves us. And perhaps the reason we have such a plethora of possible solutions to what ails us is because we avoid this one thing like the plague.

  345. A wonderful blog Rachel, you have covered so much ground here, debunking the whole spiritual new age amongst many other so-called solutions to our miseries and ailments. You are spot on, walking on fire (something I came close to doing in my own pursuits for relief to my miseries) offers nothing of true value in the end. Taking responsibility, committing to normal life, attention to the details in daily living, developing self-loving ways with myself and others, re-learning what love actually is and letting go all the false ideals around this… are just a few of the things that have turned my life around in a fairly spectacular way… simple, real and deeply satisfying.

  346. It seems so ridiculous to look and see someone wanting to walk on fire for the supposed spiritual benefits this bring.. we are humans and fire burns our feet, ouch! Often on our quest for what we want we will seek and believe almost anything until we return to the simple truths of life which reveal so much and best of all they are free.

  347. Through Universal Medicine I have changed my life totally, enabling me to connect to the true purpose truth and knowing of life. It is life changing in every way bringing Responsibility, Integrity, Vitality, Understanding, Beauty, Consistency and Love to humanity. It is the Way of The Livingness and truly inspirational. Thank you Rachel for your amazing reflection.

  348. Universal Medicine is indeed a documentation of true change. How can throwing oneself into an activity that damages the body encourage change in any way? We don’t create change through trying, we can create change through the letting go of damaging behaviours by being honest with ourselves and allowing our true selves to emerge. This is the difference that Universal Medicine presents. It is interesting that people would rather walk over hot coals than get truly honest.

  349. ‘You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.’ So true and I have never felt more connected to life although I am making many choices that go against the current norms.

  350. There is not one ounce of common sense in the statement “A first degree burn we call a kiss”, and having worked in a burns unit, I can categorically say that not one patient would have said that they had been kissed by the fire that burnt them. To read this, it appears that we as a society have become so deeply shut off from the preciousness of our bodies that we have no comprehension as to the pain and suffering we inflict on them. In total contrast what Universal Medicine presents offers healing on so many levels and the support to re-connect to our bodies that have been ignored and have suffered senselessly for way too long.

  351. It is interesting to read here about there being no end point, how living with awareness is a never ending journey of life. because as much as this is true, I know that both myself and other people I have spoken with still at some level can be looking for that end reached for point. For that place where everything is just right and maybe even perfect, that place where we can say – yes, I did it. This is part of the journey, of course, and eventually this need for satisfaction in the task will pass, but it is well worth exploring just how honest we are towards the fact that awareness never stops both deepening and expanding.

  352. Many years ago, I wanted to participate in a fire walk program with Tony Robins, but couldn’t bring myself to actually attend, partly influenced by the huge cost but also not feeling brave enough to do so.
    Today, I felt deep shock run throughout my body on reading the opening line on this blog – a deep sense of total self disregard and abuse that I would NOT have been aware of prior to attending presentations by Universal Medicine. How can anything so destructive as a first degree burn can be passed off as a kiss?
    “A first degree burn we call a kiss” was the answer from a spokesperson from a recent Tony Robbins motivational seminar, after the event reached the news due to the severe burns on people’s feet after a ‘motivational fire walk’

  353. Thank you for sharing how you were inspired by the changes that you observed in your sisters and how this led you to start attending Universal Medicine presentations. These presentations are in such contrast to the extreme self-abuse of fire-walking that forces you to override the messages that your body is giving you in order to follow the directions of another person. Serge Benhayon presents simple tools to support others, if they choose to, to take responsibility for the way they are living, no quick fixes in sight but the opportunity to become more self-loving and increase their own health and well-being through the choices they make. Many will still choose to stay in the comfort of believing there is nothing they can do to change their circumstances, but for all those searching for fulfillment or plagued by the thought that there has to be more to life than what they are currently living, then Universal Medicine offers a true opportunity to turn your life around without abusing your body.

  354. Until meeting Serge Benhayon in 2008, I had no idea that I was actually choosing to live lesser than the truth of the Divine Essence that I am, and the confirmation that this essence is common to every man and woman on this planet. An ill- choice that had me going round and round in circles of deep sadness, constantly searching and looking for something externally, something that I knew was always there, but had no idea how to re-connect to it.
    “He (Serge Benhayon) presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source”.

  355. ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me’, Rachel it sounds so ludicrously simple doesn’t it, ‘ just be me’ but what that highlights is how most of us spend most of our lives not being us. We inhabit a myriad of different personas, all of them as false as each other. A film star that is not being themselves is no different to a homeless person who is not being themselves. Either the real us is there or it’s not.

  356. Rachel, great to read your article, I love how you clearly show how very practical and simple the presentations of Universal Medicine are, and how they inspired many people to change how they feel about themselves. I have witnessed incredible changes in people who live now with more integrity, honesty, responsibility and love. Many students of the Way of The Livingness look as if they are getting younger, they look more vital, are taking care of themselves, are committed to life, to work, to people. It is truly remarkable and very different to any other organisation I have ever come across.

  357. And yes I did a fire walk back in the 1990s – amongst other crazy things. Can’t say it changed my life though. However Universal Medicine has definitely enabled me to make new choices – and my life has vastly changed. Huge appreciation for Serge Benhayon – and all his family – for what they bring to the world.

  358. “A first degree burn we call a kiss” that would actually be quite funny if it didn’t entail self abuse. The alarming thing about getting people to walk on fire is that it teaches people to over ride the messages of their body and yet it is the messages of our body that guide us home.

  359. Rachel, a great ‘fire-cracker’ of a blog bringing the simple and profound truth of the Ancient Wisdom teachings – there is nothing to become, only to live and be ourselves.
    “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it”.

  360. The world is full of false prophets, gurus and supposed healers who all promise to alleviate our suffering without ever once addressing the fact that the true cause of our misery is from walking away from the love that we are. There is a wisdom that lives deep within us all that speaks this truth and so when another true and Soul-full servant delivers such a truth, it is music to our ears for it rings true to what we hold within. That is of course unless we let such inner wisdom become drowned out by the noise of the world and all things spiritual that seek to silence it.

  361. All the guys I used to hang out with are having to take blood pressure pills or this pill or that pill to stop them from having strokes or heart attacks. This would be me as well if I hadn’t come across Universal medicine and started taking responsibility for myself and started committing to life. I asked one of my old mates when he told me he had to take blood pressure pills daily for the rest of his life, what changes he had made to his lifestyle to help correct this problem,like had he cut back drinking and smoking and he said he didn’t need to as the pills sorted out the blood pressure without him needing to do anything.

  362. “We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.” A shocking statement that should in its own right jolt every single one of us into addressing this abysmal state of affairs. Universal Medicine wastes no time in bringing us face to face with the dire issues we have created and the responsibility we have for our own health and for the health of our communities. The level of our irresponsibility and disregard at present fails to truly represent our immense divine wisdom and love that we as beings are capable of, an immensity that Serge Benhayon perpetually reflects and that as a consequence, others too are now beginning to reflect as well. Resuming responsibility is the most effective medicine yet for all of our current day ills.

  363. I so enjoyed reading your blog Rachel,and this line stood out for me today “We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.” There is so other animal or species on this earth that indulges in food and emotions like we do and this is not only holding us back it is making us very sick.

  364. It really is so simple…when we finally remember that all we need is found within us and therefore there is nothing another can give to us that we do not already have access to, we begin to reawaken the inner flame that burns deep within our hearts. This flame is our love, untouched by all that imposes on it from the outside. It is eternal and pure. To take great care of our body, to relearn how to self-love, to remain observant…these are how we tend to the Heavenly fire that forever burns within us all. And so to truly ‘walk with fire’ has nothing to do with purely spiritual pursuits such as subjecting our bodies to abuse by literally walking over hot coals and having to create a head/body division by applying ‘mind over matter’ so that we override what our bodies are telling us, it is in-truth the complete opposite and means to honour, love and care for our bodies so that they become a vehicle that can enhouse the light of the Soul thereby allowing its fiery love to impulse our every move.

  365. What to me proves Serge Benhayon’s integrity and absolute love for humanity is that no presentation is ever about finding solutions, so that the individual can have a better and more comfortable life, but rather he always brings it back to the bigger picture of how we can evolve in love and true intelligence equally together by re-connecting to the all-knowing nature of the soul.

  366. Rachel, this is a great article as it shows how love and simplicity are the healers of our body.

  367. This is a great article, Rachel and I also have practised spiritual techniques like yoga and some others. They brought me nowhere, I even got ill after some time. When I came in touch with Universal Medicine my body recovered and regained health and vitality.

  368. Universal Medicine presents on the fact that everything is energy, that we are in the driver’s seat and that we have the power to choose the quality and awareness that we drive in. Yes, we are each in the drivers seat of our lives, but it will be our choices that determine where we end up.

  369. Thank you Rachel for this great blog that really shares the simplicity of what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present, no big deal really, but profound in its capacity to change your life forever.

    1. I am guessing you are one of Rachel’s sisters – one of the first to inspire her in such a loving way! No doubt she is not the only one that you have inspired with your ways, and for this there is much appreciation! Thank you!

      1. Thank you Henrietta. We need to appreciate the many ways we inspire others and how much we contribute to society and the lives of people around us. Every single one of us has that capacity and therefore the power to offer change.

    2. Great word Judith – profound – that is indeed what is possible – profound change in your life.

  370. Universal Medicine holds the body as a precious vehicle, not one to bruise, or burn or bash in any way whatsoever, but to always offer the body the best possible care we can in the given circumstances. The physical body is after all our vehicle for the divine, and so the more we can care for the physical vessel on all levels, then the more we can also be prepared to deliver what is needed from a true source. This may sound fanatic to some, but in reality it is a devotion to loving ourselves, deeply so, so that we may deliver that same love to all those around us. To walk on hot coals with the risk of burning your feet, is asking someone to kiss goodbye to caring deeply for your body, the vehicle of the divine. To me this is a deep disrespect for sacredness that we all carry within and have the potential of expressing through us. To harden our body and to push it beyond what we know to be true and loving, is saying no to God’s love, it is refusing who we are and where we come from. There is no true enlightenment in that. God would never ask of us something so bizarre and purposeless.

  371. To have discovered Universal Medicine and have learned to listen more and more to my body is a blessing far beyond what most would realise. The changes I too have been able to implement through my daily choices has been phenomenal, but like Rachel Andras, I cannot find myself resting whilst I know that there are so many others who are not yet aware that this is choice that is available for us all. It is not about waiting for everyone to make the choice, it is simply making the choice available for those who want to give it a go. Rachel, what I love about your sharing is that you were simply inspired by your sisters and how they changed their lives, and then you were curious about knowing more. This curiosity allowed you to meet Serge Bnahyon and his teachings, and Universal Medicine and all it has to offer.
    Universal Medicine has always held its doors open for all, yet has never imposed on another or hooked anyone nor lured anyone nor made any empty promises…nor burned anyones feet! It is a take it or leave it philosophy, but one that says this is something that at least once in a person’s life time is their right to encounter should they choose it. How open and amazing is this? And a money back offer too if you are not happy with the workshops!

  372. A truly beautiful and truth-full contribution and I especially love your amazing summary of the fact that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of it – that’s it, in a nutshell really, all our problems and the way through and out of the created mess summed up in one statement.

  373. There are many things that promise a change/improvement to our life, and many are very willing to pay lots of money to have their life fixed. There’s so much money being made on people’s vulnerability and desperation. On the other hand, what Serge Benhayon presents is simply a way of life and there is no ‘deal’, and we are just reminded that everything is energy and we have a choice, and it costs nothing to self-love.

  374. It’s easy to realise that any form of teaching that is obviously abusing or harmful to the body in some way cannot be true, what is not always so clear is when we are searching for happiness and hear of someone who has these profound statements claiming to have the answers, then the only way to know whether it is true or not is to tell by the way in which they are living. Serge Benhayon is a not only a man who speaks words of wisdom, of love, of truth, of responsibility and of integrity, he walks his talk, it is his Way of Living. He has no followers only people inspired to choose full responsibility for their choices and to change those physical and emotional behaviours that are not self-loving and therefore harmful to not only themselves but knowing they also have an effect on the all. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me”. “But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices”. Thank-you Rachel.

  375. When I first encountered Universal Medicine, I tried making sense of it from my view point based on my knowledge and experiences in other self-development practice/teaching such as meditations, modalities etc. and it was only when I could totally embrace the fact that everything was energy and everything was because of energy that I was able to see through the obvious flaws in those practices and teachings that were in fact designed to trap me. What Universal Medicine presents is actually very simple, yet our pride and arrogance doesn’t want to admit that we have been fooled.

  376. Rachel I loved reading this. It’s beautiful to read the simplicity of living life as oneself. How complicated we make life when we make it about everything other than our relationship with our-self (and therefore everyone else, God and the universe) – so getting better, achieving, acquiring success that is based on other’s recognition etc. In connection with ourselves we are in connection with life and its flow.

  377. I am one of many who have a similar story to yours Judith. Universal Medicine invites us to connect to our own inner fire, not walk on fire or other contortive exercises. No gimmicks are needed once we deeply connect to who we are.

  378. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.” This is so simple and yet so challenging. I was so far from being me when this was first presented to me that the challenge was in connecting to who I truly was first. Once I connected to who I truly was, it then became about living this in full each day – this continues to be a constant challenge, but when I do live me to my fullest it feels amazing.

  379. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me. I realised that we don’t have to get anywhere, that we have already everything in us and that we just put so many layers on top of it that we don’t feel it.
    But being me meant assuming responsibility… responsibility for my choices.”
    This is simply it with all of the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. We dont get let off the hook by fancy promises, there are none. We start to wake up to self responsibility, scary at times but oh so worth it. I would never go back to the deep sleep I was hiding in.

  380. Love what you’ve said here Rachel, a true representation of Universal Medicine and all the richness it has to offer in supporting us to commit to life in full by truly being ourselves.

  381. Hello Rachel and thank you. From what I read and see I would have to agree, “We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.” I’m not sure collectively we would admit this yet but as I said from where I stand it looks true. What we now think of as normal appears very far from where normal was 10 years ago and that in itself is a concern and should be a cause for alarm. But we are ‘ok’ because it’s all just normal?

  382. Humanity is searching for purpose. Observing many around me there appears to be many involved in activities, food indulgences, entertainment and lifestyles which are driven, rushing around and packed full. Yet in all these instances I am not feeling or seeing the evidence of joy and awe about life and who they are. We find the energy and money to pursue things that distract us from life or act like a band-aid but hold back from making choices that the body is asking for. Why do we not take time to just stop and feel the truth within the body and act on that? Your blog is clear in it’s invitation to consider what is simply there to be felt and observed, that the change we are seeking is walking along side us every moment and all we need to do is to stop and make the choice to take action.

  383. I’ve consumed countless Self-help books in my time. I’d feel inspired whilst reading the book but there it would end. Attending one workshop with Universal Medicine opened me to greater awareness of life and my place in it, and set forth changes that I made as a result of my own understanding. Understanding empowered me to take back the reins of my own life rather than relying on someone, or thing, to come to the rescue.

  384. Rachel, you highlight so much here, but the big takeaway I have today is that any of the tools and techniques as taught by Universal Medicine are there to allow us to deepen our relationship with ourselves and life and in doing so support us to be more committed to life. There are few organisations approaching healing in this way that is healing for all, and that as you heal, you bring that out into the wider world; and no organisations have the level of integrity and quality that is the absolute DNA of Universal Medicine.

  385. There are so many courses, events, presentations, motivational speakers that all aim to make us ‘better people’. The fact is, we are already whole, we are already complete, we may not be living it in full, but it is our starting point as this is at the core of each and everyone’s essence. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon presents simple tools to support us to reconnect to our essence and live it in full.

  386. Over the last 15 years I have tried many modalities, forms of meditations, been to India, spent time with gurus – all with a purpose of seeking to better myself. It wasn’t until after a diagnosis of breast cancer and then coming to the work of Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness that I started to see true change. What Serge Benhayon presents is extremely simple and is available to anyone across the globe. Universal Medicine offers a way of living that is universal, not just about the individual but how to live in a way where we are equally responsible for ourselves as well as for all of humanity.

  387. I just had to highlight this paragraph “Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life and has an impressive record of people who have lived for many years in depression, anxiousness, with chronic pain, in abusive relationships, struggling with substance abuse, unemployment, etc., who have transformed the mere existence of today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering into fulfilling lives, fully engaged and committed to the communities in which they live, no matter what social and economic level they come from.” I am astounded at the number of people whose lives have been turned around by the teachings of Universal Medicine. Certainly not as a set of rules to follow but as a guide to a way of life in connection to the source we come from. It takes away the angst, the drive and allows a sense of love for humanity and purpose.

  388. This kind of motivational rah-rah – “you can do anything if you set your mind to it” type of thing is actually evil because it asks the person to dissasociate and disengage from their body and use their mind to overcome any pain, fear or terror they are feeling. This doesn’t bring them closer to them knowing who they are in their essence, it actually takes them further away and teaches them that they can use their mind to override their body, until such a time that their body says – enough.

  389. Severe burns to one’s feet is something I’d call life changing too but not in a positive way. I can only imagine the fear and anxiety I would go into to prepare myself to do such a thing…using my mind to override what ever cell in my body would be saying which is ‘don’t do it, it’s going to hurt’. I did a bungy jump once and I was terrified but I used my mind to tell myself I could do it. And I did. And I felt exhilarated afterwards and it gave me something to talk about in an exicitable way for a while. But it didn’t deal with what was going in for me at the time, it was just a temporary distraction which fortunately didn’t cause any physical harm to my body.

  390. Thank you Rachel, I love what you share here “You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body” and this has been the golden key to open up so much learning about life and support with how to live it. When we can understand how we feel we can support ourselves accordingly, working with others to ensure our body is emotionally and physically supported. The end goal? To support others to be empowered in the same way.

  391. Universal Medicine offers The Way of The Livingness… a way back to the love, joy, harmony, truth and stillness we all naturally are in essence – something we spend lifetimes searching outside of ourselves for when in fact it is a matter of returning to it within.

  392. We can get sold the idea that doing something drastic will help us make lasting change, like walking over hot coals, running a marathon, climbing Mount Everest etc. I certainly toyed with the idea of pushing myself to do something out of the ordinary that might help snap me out of my misery. I too went looking for answers in countless workshops that professed to have ‘the answer.’ What Serge Benhayon presents is that we have all the answers within us.

  393. This is a powerful statement of what Universal Medicine offers Rachel… no enlightenment offered on a plate, but loving truth for all equally and the responsibility of choice.

  394. Hear, Hear Rachel, there is no nonsense when it comes to Universal Medicine, that’s for sure, just common sense that everyone cannot but benefit from if applied to everyday life.

  395. Beautiful Rachel- what you share has been my experience too. I was definitely not interested in the New Age stuff and avoided it. I heard about Serge Benhayon through a friend who shared an audio with me. It was amazing the feeling I got when I heard him speak- I knew this guy just made sense- so I booked in to a retreat and my life has not been the same since- thank God for Serge Benhayon and his preparedness to not hold back and to live all he teaches which is the greatest inspiration.

  396. It is a big thing responsibility, as so many people try to avoid it by seeking the ‘enlightenment’ or improvement of their lives outside of themselves. As Universal Medicine presents, this doesn’t work, we have the steering wheel of life in our own hands, we can’t expect someone else to solve it for us. We are choosing the energy and so are responsible for what quality of life we have.

  397. When we do the ‘obvious’, begin what we have been waiting for so long to do, honour and support ourselves and how we feel, our body starts to be an instrument of a warmth and care that emanates from our heart. So you can see, we end up truly walking with fire actually, the Love and care of you and me. This fire connects and is always burn free. Thank you Rachel for sharing your path back to Love.

  398. “You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat.” This is what I love about Serge Benhayon and what he teaches. It brings the responsibility back to ourselves and that is the greatest thing to learn for ourselves and to bring for Serge Benhayon. It is so much lovelier to empower other people to make loving choices and to get to know their own bodies themselves without wanting something for yourself than to make it all about that you are helping and changing people. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine do simply that, re-learning people to listen to their bodies and live from that.

  399. “Are we keen to celebrate a life-coach’s teachings that promote fire-walking, despite the risk of burning our feet, without reflecting upon whether those teachings are delivering the importance of taking responsibility for one’s life and choices?” Brilliant question!

  400. “You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.” Serge Benhayon has supported me to see that responsibility is a constantly evolving commitment, not a few jobs on the to do list but a way of life that brings true purpose back into play.

  401. “I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.”
    Indeed Rachel, this felt for me like the first time i had tasted true freedom, and interestingly there was a part of me that wanted it to be so much more complicated, to my frustration what Universal medicine presented did not fit with the mass of pictures i had compiled life to be.

  402. ‘You see, Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body, and with this I developed a relationship with my body and therefore with what suited me best to eat.’ This relationship is the key that is missing in most ‘diets’. The way we eat is governed by our relationship with ourselves and our evolution, and so building a relationship with our body is the first step in building a true relationship with food.

  403. I agree that there is no evolution in walking on hot coals; nor does it bring any true change to this world.
    It is the simplicity, wisdom and plain common sense presented by Universal Medicine that is and has been significantly more profound than any other teaching/ or spiritual pursuit I had experienced in life.

  404. What an extraordinary change in the well-being of your sisters Rachel – this speaks volumes.

  405. Universal Medicine offers a way of living that is simply about taking responsibility, having energetic integrity and listening to what does and does not work for the body.

  406. Personal change can never be sustained by a belief. Beliefs change over time and so do our behaviours. Only when we identify the change by the bodies communication will we find sustaining change.

  407. It is a wild and wacky world out there when it comes to spirituality, the New Age, personal development, and so on. I have experienced it exactly as you described Rachel, myself and others desperate for relief from the suffering, emptiness, and difficulties of life, but after spending $1000’s I still felt just as empty and miserable at the end of it all. Universal Medicine offers the complete package, reconnect to yourself, commit to life, listen to your body, and make loving choices. Also, learning the difference between spirit and soul is profound and completely life changing. I am one of the many that has been restored thanks to the work of Serge Benhayon.

  408. ‘So you cannot attend a Universal Medicine workshop and then find that you have the right tool, the manual or technique, for how to better your life.’

    Time and time again I am so inspired by people making the space in their busy lives to attend courses presented by Universal Medicine.

  409. What a beautiful look at what Universal Medicine has offered us. Not the answers to our problems, not the tools for a better life, motivational talks or how to beat the system – but rather the fact that everything is energy first. There are so many scenarios in life where people will say ‘I don’t know…I don’t know what it happened, I don’t know what that means’ – but if we bring it back to the fact that it is energy first, then nothing is unexplained, and we discover we’re actually aware of everything that goes on around us. Universal Medicine is not a self help new age forum – it simply presents age old ways of being more aware of what is going on in our lives, which so many of us are looking for.

  410. Rachel, it is wonderful to read your article, this stands out for me, ‘I just was presented with the very liberating fact that I just had to be me.’ I love how you very simply and clearly explain the presentations of Unicersal Medicine, they are super simple and practical and have changed many lives including my own.

  411. “We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.” – you only have to look at the statistics on obesity to see this is true. You have to be ignoring your own body for it to bloat and gain so much additional weight so that it is considered obese and putting your health at risk.

  412. I was in a conversation the other day when this was being talked about and the perception of the people talking was that sometimes you have to push yourself beyond your limitations whether it is fire walking, or pushing your body to train for a long run or ride. What I offered was that your mind can tell you all kinds of crazy things but it is the body that has to do it, and ultimately take the consequences of injury. The mind cannot go and do it alone.

  413. That has been my observation also Rachel, that so many who have applied the principles of Universal Medicine to their own lives have restored themselves from burnt-out sick exhausted shadows to vibrant, engaged, committed vital members of their communities. The opposite of self-serving, but in service to all.

  414. What? I read your first paragraph in disbelief Rachel, that people will walk on fire and get burns in order to change their lives. This shows the desperate levels that we can go to, to look for something that is different in our lives. If we are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, these behaviours show how lost and floundering we are as we ignore our bodies. Understanding Universal Medicine teachings, we return to knowing who we are and need to seek no more for anything outside, it’s all within us.

    1. Gill, it’s amazing the lengths people go to to try and find themselves…when they are there all along.

  415. This is so true what you’ve shared Rachel, Universal Medicine makes no claims of saving anyone or promising them grandiose portrayals of how life will be once you undergo the trials and/or give over yourself and worldly possessions to someone. What is presented comes from true wisdom of having been, there, done that, got the T-shirt, realised it’s not the T-shirt but an essence within us, discarded the strive for more shirts and come back to the all that already lays within and that our bodies are constantly communicating to now share with all the same journey. Serge Benhayon never dictates or judges but understands where we are, who we are and what we have made ourselves to be and how to come back from it all to the simplicity within us. Always in the knowing that it is we who walk our walk in whatever quality we choose to and that the choice is always our’s to harm or heal based on the energy we choose to live in and by.

  416. Rachel, I see that you came to Universal Medicine from having seen the big change in your sisters’ behavior. These living examples speak louder than words and show what is possible when we care for ourselves and live responsibly

  417. “Universal Medicine does not make any false promises to solve it for you” This is something that really struck me when I first came across Universal Medicine – no-one was hooking me in or even suggesting things, I was left to come to it in my own time. When I showed an interest people were there to answer questions or lend me books but no-one forced anything on me nor did anyone try to solve my problems – I came to see that I was responsible for making the choices which put me in the situation I was in and I was the one who could make a different choice- very empowering.

  418. No solutions for the problems in life are offered ever in the teachings of Universal Medicine however definitely answers through the understanding of living life in a quality of energetic integrity and understanding.

  419. To understand life from an energetic foundation has always made a lot of sense to me, because I could feel that we were more than just matter. Through the teachings of Universal Medicine I have been able to take a fuller responsibility for the quality that I live in, knowing that everything is energy and therefore because of energy.

  420. I had similar experience with my body – how my increasing awareness and more responsible living brought up some new way of eating and movements (how I talk, think, look at situations and people,..). Interesting I found how much effort I had put into substance and habits to avoid my awareness… I found Universal Medicine Courses very much reflecting my daily choices and so my relationship with evolving and taking responsibility. Sometimes this can be very challenging and it can be tempting to reject the reflections by calling the mirror false – but my body is a reflection I can not deny, just avoid. And this hurts at the end. Everyone who is seeking true answers to life will find with Universal Medicine some more questions to ask and that we are the ones who bear the answers. With Universal Medicine I do not get chewed for answers but learning how to discover my own wisdom. It is an empowering way with my sensitivity – not against it.

  421. I understand now through the teachings of Universal Medicine that the way to live life with integrity and responsibility is to bring the fullness of who I am into life and engage with others. No need for further seeking of truth outside of myself nor endlessly trying to improve all my perceived defeats. Whew what a relief!

  422. To attend a Universal Medicine is indeed a deeply inspiring event but as you describe Rachel with no goals to improve your life or motivate you into a heightened state. Just the opportunity to learn how to reconnect with our own innate knowing and respond to life by feeling life.

  423. I love that you weren’t looking for any rah rah motivation or hugging, etc I too was not interested in such things though I was searching for understanding of why people behaved the way they do as I was studying therapy. Serge sells nothing other than living in a way that inspires us to know there is a way to live in connection to your soul and God, he most certainly is the most inspiring man I have ever met.

  424. “Serge Benhayon did not tell me ‘what’ to eat, he taught me how to listen to my own body” Well said Rachel, it is interesting how this gets reinterpreted to say that we are told not to eat xyz rather than, more often than not certain foods will make you feel heavy, tired, bloated or racy and speedy which are very accepted side affects of the food or drink, but rather than accept that for yourself we make choices to not feel like that. Why, because we have felt what it is to be still in our bodies and this becomes worth more than the sweetness of chocolate or ice-cream or whatever it is for you. This is a process and completely bespoke to each person.

  425. Yes, we are ‘in the driver’s seat’ and choose which energy will come through us. And if we choose the energy we are originally come from we can surrender to what has to be. Instead of choosing the energy that goes against our natural way and lead us to believe that we are in control. In fact we are never in control – we choose one or the other energy and this then plays through us.

  426. It’s true we are all looking for the happy pill without really reflecting on what is on offer, falling for the illusion that what others have must be better than what our current lives hold. I remember reading about the walking on hot coals and how people burnt their feet, and seeing the ludicrousy of it all…..how would this make me a better person and be more successful in life? We get sold on things like this and we go along with them hoping it will offer the missing jigsaw piece in life. Like you say Rachel, I have found that Serge Benhayon offers no illusionary carrot to be dangled in front of my eyes, but presents a truth that when I allow myself to feel resonates throughout my body as being true.

  427. ‘today’s ‘normalised’ silent suffering’ as I read this sentence I felt deeply thankful that I now have the awareness to say no to the suffering I was once accepting in my life as normal. I now say no to abuse and the more I call out what feels abusive to me the more I become aware of other areas of my life where I continue to treat myself or allow others to treat me in ways which are not truly loving. It also exposes the ways when I am not treating all those around me from that loving foundation and it gives me the opportunity to change.

  428. Rachel this is an inspiring sharing, and so many people have similar stories of changes they have made in their lives. I love the clarity and truth that you share with us in your writing, clear and concise. For someone who may be just reading for the first time, just what Universal Medicine is in truth, all about, there could be no better recommendation than your testament to Serge Benhayon’s teachings. Thank You.

  429. Walking on hot coal might actually change your life – not for the better though because you might not be able to walk properly again… These types of things that goes on is just laughable but still people do it. It’s not actually laughable but deeply sad. Why is it that to change our lives we think that we have to destroy ourselves? Maybe if we tried to bring some love into our lives then we might see the changes we are looking for…? Not the easiest of things always but the only true way. If you find it hard then listening to Serge Benhayon is highly recommended.

  430. Universal Medicine is about living life, it is not about ticking boxes, achieving goals or a one size fits all attitude, it is about connecting to what we feel, what is true for us and living from that truth.

  431. How is it that we have come to a point where the apparently most intelligent species on this planet have become so desperate and so disconnected from their bodies and hearts that they are prepared to walk over burning coals, receive third degree burns, and believe that this is in someway going to improve their lives. At the very least you are not going to be immobilised for the foreseeable future. There is no animal that goes towards danger, they all flee from natural disasters as they trust what they feel in their bodies, the tsunami in Thailand is a beautiful example of this. We seem to be at a point where if someone says jump we jump.

  432. “We are supposed to be the most evolved species on earth, but looking at current statistics we have to admit that we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies.” Mankind isn’t doing a great job currently, witness the current obesity epidemic and ill-health statistics. . Yet Universal Medicine students are bucking this trend, becoming more healthy, fitter and more loving to themselves and those around them. What’s not to like?

  433. When I read this “A first degree burn we call a kiss” I know this cannot be true, why would we hurt our body in such a way we burn ourselves to get somewhere with ourselves. It will be a trauma for the body, it can never be healing to let go of your hurts that are in the way to live your life and not the ideals and believes we have put on top of it. In the contrary it will add another hurt. I call a kiss a very intimate gesture to confirm a true connection between me and someone else, that’s a different kind of fire which leaves no marks on the body only a warm and tender mark in the body.

  434. Saying yes to Universal Medicine is saying yes to responsibility, the responsibility to be ourselves and to every choice we make, to observe and not absorb and live life instead of surviving and struggle every day. It is choosing for simplicity instead of complexity. It is living a life in full connection with everyone and with who we are and knowing we are all equal. Thank you Rachel for your straight and powerful statement.

  435. There is no doubt that you would be drawn by the clear and exceptional changes that you witness in your sisters.. to find out more of why after many years they would feel to change. And then to discover that all is being presented, and all that is being asked is to re-learn how to be more of yourself again. A great blog Rachel as more people need to know this is available (and they don’t need to walk over hot coals to get to it!).

  436. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink came to me. As you have said, Rachel, that everything we search for to make us complete, we already possess, the only reason not to choose this… is our lack of wanting to accept responsibility.

  437. I saw a reflection of my old self recently when I met someone, still trapped in the New Age bubble, attached to a guru and desperately searching for answers and profoundly lost. Many, as you say, seek truth, but few are blessed to find a teacher like Serge Benhayon and his amazing team of esoteric practitioners to support their return step by step to truly feel who they are and their divine essence. And when they do arrive at a place of stillness, self acceptance and a new sense of purpose. Why choose to burn the soles of your feet when you can live a fiery and soulful life.

  438. “You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.” So very well said Rachel. And this is the difference that Universal Medicine offers. A very down to earth, practical way of living that invites us to make loving choices from the truth of our own bodies. Very refreshing and very welcome in comparison to the airy fairy approach of the new age or the motivational seminars you speak of.

  439. What you share Rachel is that the best evidence of the work of Universal medicine is seen in the eyes and lives of people who have chosen to be themselves and take responsibility for their own lives. This is why Universal Medicine has no need to promote itself or advertise in traditional ways, the transformed lives of Universal Medicine students speak for itself.

  440. Serge Benhayon is the only presenter who is bringing a greater awareness to how we are living and the harm we are causing ourselves. Not only that, through his way of living he is also able to present on how we can live and evolve out of this state, through developing deeply loving ways with ourselves and each other. What he shares and his living example is very powerful and very supportive.

  441. Having been involved with a lot of Spiritual New Age stuff of many different flavours, it always seemed to me that the presenters always needed something bigger and better to keep people coming back, to keep the numbers up and the money coming in. Could it be that the hype Tony Robbins has been selling for many years now is losing it’s effectiveness – interesting how the people involved in the fire walking suddenly felt everything and burnt themselves?

  442. It is so true, Rachel, that “we are killing ourselves by ignoring our bodies”. The fire walking test is a classic example of how far removed we have become from the truth that resides within our bodies. Serge Benhayon makes it about connecting to what is already there inside every single one of us equally. And once we get back in touch with that, to live in the world from that quality cannot but take our sense of responsibility to a wider perspective.

  443. Great article Rachel stating exactly how it is, we are all out there killing ourselves, because we don’t listen to our bodies and use food, drugs or alcohol to numb ourselves to what is really going on. Universal Medicine doesn’t offer any magic pill, unless you can call responsibility a pill and the results of being responsible is pure magic.

  444. Superb article Rachel and this is an essential ingredient that alters everything, “(Serge Benhayon) taught me how to listen to my own body.” In all the places I looked no-one ever mentioned how to listen to our bodies or how for that matter to resume responsibility, authority and awareness for one’s own life for the benefit of all, not just one. The radical shifts you describe in your sisters is real, very real, and has happened to thousands of other people too, you and me included. Universal Medicine certainly sobers us up, but its a sobering process that empowers us to connect to such a deep steady joy within ourselves that makes it easy to drop addictions in favour of cherishing and honouring our bodies and our inner qualities. I too am astonished at the changes a gluten and dairy free diet has delivered, revealing an immense vitality hither to not known due to the immensely dulling impact these foods had on my body. And the key here is all the wisdom presented by Universal Medicine arises from a man who lives what he presents 24/7, no let up and therefore what is imparted is founded in a strong physical and energetic awareness that cuts through the many illusions we hold about life and our inverted self interest and brings us face to face with the reality we have created for ourselves and our immense responsibility that we have up until now done our very best to avoid.

  445. Rachel, an awesome blog and I fully agree: ‘In the last 15 years Universal Medicine has presented more evidence of people living a healthier, more vital and joyful life than any modality, medicine, or lifestyle technique has ever achieved.’ I have tried many different modalities but Universal Medicine has been the 1st and only so far which has presented the whole truth, with nothing hidden. Sure there was lots of good in other modalities, but always bits which never felt right. Something I have learnt is that it is either everything or nothing and so anything less than absolute truth comes laced with what is not truth.

  446. Fire walking is totally different from fiery walking. In the first one, fire is and remains outside of your body. It is something to beat. In the second one, it is an emanation from your body, a reflection of the energy you choose to align, something you share with the world via reflection. In the first one, you have to walk fast to beat the fire and to prove yourself. In the second one, no need to prove yourself. These two ways encourage a totally different connection with movement. In the first, moving in disconnection is the way to turn on your power. In the second one, moving in deep connection to what we know is true is a way to turn on your power. Seemingly similar expressions that embody total different philosophies and offerings.

  447. One of the most amazing things about Universal Medicine is that it presents in such a way that empowers you to embrace what is true for YOU and discern EVERYTHING including the teachings it presents. That’s huge! No other organisation like Universal Medicine holds such standards of truth and integrity in all it does.

  448. Beautifully said Rachel. Universal Medicine presents that we all have a responsibility for the energy that we choose to live in. “There is no end point to this growing awareness and therefore there is no ‘perfect’ technique to learn to get anywhere, only to understand that we are constantly evolving.”

    1. I agree, Mary. Coming from a background where ‘perfect’ was something I regularly attempted to achieve, this was a refreshing new outlook for me.

  449. Rachel I read about that fire walk experience and whilst “fire walking” amazed me as a Kid, i would certainly not want to try it! Like you I was very put off by the “spiritual new age” and was hesitant about Universal Medicine at first, yet there was no scent of “spiritual new age” to be found which was great, otherwise I would have not attended the events and my life today would not be what it is. I have changed remarkably and that is from listening to my body and being inspired and supported to express what I know is true. If anyone is looking for true change Universal Medicine certainly inspires this.

  450. I also love the fact that people have not had to walk through fire and on hot coals to achieve such miraculous results in health and well being .

  451. Thanks Rachel ,your article makes so much sense and I can stand testimony as a witness and from my own personal experience to what you have talked about, and have seen many people make positive changes to their lives from their association with Universal Medicine. Learning to listen to our bodies is a great thing to take on board and also learning to take responsibility for our actions, there is no quick fix or magic pill to fix all our issues or ails, but by choosing to increase our awareness and not dumbing down the experience of life we can learn to live in a way that naturally supports the love and joy we have inside .

  452. So many great points in the article. The one that particularly stands out on this first reading is, “He presented that we are not the result of evolution but the cause of evolution, and that we had decided to be less than who we truly are and that we are now evolving back to our true source.” This ‘turns-on-its-head’ all the generally accepted theories of evolution AND makes so much more sense.

  453. Serge Benhayon is a true teacher; one that does not invest in you, one that does not try to convert you, one that wants you to follow him. He presents his way and leaves it entirely up to you what you do with it. What he presents though, does not add to the backpack we all carry. It helps to understand what is that you carry in the body and to free yourself of it so you can start moving in a way that is closer to your own truth.

  454. “You are not solely there to learn skills and apply them, you are there to learn that life is about awareness and that all the tools are just there to support you to deepen your very own relationship with life.” This point was exactly why I love the workshops from Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon as it offered me something I was looking for – the possibility to deepen the relationship with myself. Now my life is joyfuller and more truthful than ever before.

  455. There is a marketplace that sells change that is a very lucrative one but not one that delivers what it promises. Its mere existence is proof that people know that the lives they are living are not it. This is not just another market though. It is one where people tend to get energetically poisoned in their bodies, poison that adds to the malaise they were trying to escape from.

  456. Tony Robbins does not lie, getting first degree burns on your feet after the ‘motivational fire walk’, has to change your life forever. You will not be ever able to stand on your feet like you did before.

  457. “Universal Medicine supports people to commit to daily life”…. just this simple statement should be enough to turn the heads of institutions all around the world…. because it is the lack of commitment to life that is causing the tidal wave of addiction and so many other illnesses and symptoms that are engulfing our health systems.

  458. Universal Medicine is just simply it Rachel, as the presentations, lectures and workshops are all there to assist us to restore our connection with our inner most and to live from that source instead of the external source that has taken us away from our true origins. Universal Medicine is showing us the way back to where we come from and each and everyone of us have a choice to go that way, back to who we truly are, and heal the wayward way of life we currently live in our societies.

  459. I never walked on burning coals but I can say I tried so many types of meditation, reiki, visualisations, chanting, this and that form of yoga, shiatsu, mantras, sage smudging and the list goes on but none of it, not one bit of it actually taught me or inspired me the way that Serge Benhayon has. The Way of The Livingness is what supported me and looking back on my life, there are 2 very different parts. One where I was completely lost and irresponsible and the one now where I feel the most vital, committed, joyful and responsible ever and I just amaze myself at what I am able to do and how I feel.

  460. Rachel it took me a while to truly understand the difference between soul and spirit but now that I do it helps me immensely in my everyday life. Every single thing in life comes either from soul or spirit and therefore every single thing is either looking to return us to soul if it is impulsed by soul or keep us wandering in no man’s land if impulsed by the spirit.

  461. Thanks for sharing. I didn’t realise that your sisters had changed so much and it was from you observing them that you too decided to go along and meet Serge Benhayon. I just love hearing all the stories of people around the world and how they, like me have completely turned their lives around. Not because Serge told them but because they were inspired and because they made choices. Love it.

  462. Universal Medicine has supported so many of us to find our way back to ourselves and as a result I have gone from trashing myself in so many ways to cherishing myself in so many ways.

  463. “There is no end point to this growing awareness and therefore there is no ‘perfect’ technique to learn to get anywhere, only to understand that we are constantly evolving” and this is just one aspect of The way of the livingness that I have come to absolutely love.

  464. I can relate to how you felt cautious and sceptical at first when you were introduced to Universal Medicine because I too felt that way. This was because I saw so many new age modalities and teachings available that didn’t feel true to me. Once I listened with my heart open to what Serge Benhayon presented at Universal Medicine I realised I have found what I have been looking for, truth. I was blown away by how empowering I felt from learning to listen to my body, to trust what I felt and to discern what I was hearing and feeling. What I love about Universal Medicine is that there are no rules, the audience and presenters are all students of life and I feel that no one is superior to another, from the very beginning I felt absolute equality, love and truth like nowhere else. I realised I had returned home. I was meeting people at Universal Medicine who are deeply inspiring, loving, open, gentle, honest and joyful. This supported me hugely to build trust in people and within myself.

  465. I can relate to many people who just want that quick fix without having to hold any responsibility for their choices. This is all true about Universal Medicine not promising anything and many individuals that are involved with Universal Medicine know it isn’t an easy path at times to live what is true in this world, yet there is a beauty and simplicity to life that can be experienced when we choose this.

  466. This is a really awesome testimonial to what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon can offer. No magic pill, no quick fix solutions, no remedies, no potions, no pills, no promises…..just a way of living that can deepen your awareness of life, what’s at play and for you to develop your own relationship with your body.

  467. Rachel, what an awesome living testament to the power of living who we are…! I have never done the fire-walk thing, but have certainly engaged in many other activities in the past in that endless pursuit for happiness including a hot sweat lodge, jumping off a high post, being dunked in a freezing cold river, sitting at the feet of a guru for 3 days, putting arrows to my neck, snapping wooden boards in 1/2 with my hand etc. etc. And in this, I have also been aware of many other extreme activities that others have done such as running around naked, engaging in sexual activities in a group etc. – all activities which I felt at the time I wasn’t ‘open’ enough to participate in rather than feeling the fact that I was uncomfortable might have been an indication that it wasn’t quite right!

    All that you share about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I can only say ‘Hear, Hear’ to (!!) – hands down, this way of living is the ONLY way I have ever found to bring me any true experience of feeling who I truly am – a way that is more joyful, vital and harmonious – and that I know now can only be found within…

  468. The most curious thing about the “can do” philosophy perpetuated by the likes of Anthony Robbins who continuously sell us the illusions that we can turn our dreams into reality, is that if everyone actually was able to manufacture the life of their so called dreams, we would all quickly find ourselves living in a rubbish tip. After all, what person looking to undertake such a course and who is seeking to fulfill their life’s desires dreams of spending life as a cleaner? His philosophy is thus deeply flawed – for if every person was to live the life of a celebrity or king, society would simply crumble. This is not to mention the fact that he is selling dreams that are not steeped in reality, for there is only ever room for one “Brittany Spears” at a time, whilst hundreds or thousands of equally or more talented and better looking singers are cast to the way side – not able to achieve their dreams quite simply because there is not the market for 1000 talented singers at the top of the game. This exposes the danger of such philosophies presented by the whole new age movement that sells such a dream, from Anthony Robbins, to William Whitecloud, to the proponents of that new age blockbuster “The Secret’, or “What the Bleep.”
    And that is where no comparison can be made with Universal Medicine, even though a few loud voices have tried to tarnish its reputation by making such inaccurate comparisons. Universal Medicine presents a philosophy of responsibility and pure hard work and grounds itself in a sense of reality, despite its deeply religious undertakings. So, sure, take it or leave it as you may. But you will not meet a more non-imposing man than Serge Benhayon himself. And yes, you may find yourself confronted with pondering on things many of us like to simply ignore. But so be it. Truth is not always easy.

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