Holding Onto Denseness

In my previous blog “What does it Mean – ‘Holding Onto’?” I began to explore how the expression ‘holding onto’ came to my awareness, and then started to reveal many things about how we often live as human beings in a world that asks us to adapt and best manage all its rules, challenges, injustices, disharmonies, relationships and ideals on how to live and succeed.

A very early experience in life, a boat that nearly shipwrecked when I was only two years old, left me feeling a tension in my body that later on I could identify as a ‘holding onto’. Yet it expanded beyond a trauma that was held in my body, to a way of living that was about protection, manipulation and control. I learned that we can hold onto nearly anything! Ranging from edges, chairs, muscles, limbs, quarrels, properties, relationships, ideas, pictures, wishes, longings, personalities, resentments, jobs, hobbies, patterns of behaviour and/or anything that can give us a sense of security and identity.

It’s been quite a while since I wondered what it is to be Me without `holding onto´ so many things and just expressing my true self. I can feel how I have spent most of my life immersed in ideals and beliefs of ‘how to be’, desiring charisma and other qualities that would give me recognition and in some way make me ‘more’ than others.

Today, I can clearly see how this is a way of living based on comparison and separation from everyone and everything else.

Thankfully, these ideals and beliefs crumbled after attending three presentations by Serge Benhayon on The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy. These presentations allowed me to go deeper in my comprehension of holding onto and gave me a taste of what it would really mean to live as the true me, by first understanding in more depth the condition of our individuated reality as human beings. But what does this all really mean?

What I understood is that there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.

To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have. This is a quality that can be felt when we create conditions, shoulds, buts, pictures, restrictions, strategies and so on, with an underlying intention of satisfying a very personal agenda. I would also describe it as introducing ‘control’ to life and making everything feel more constricted, stagnant, slower and basically in resistance to the flowing and unifying rhythm of nature and the universe of which we are naturally a part.

It can be a difficult concept to grasp because our experience of life as human beings is certainly an experience of billions of bodies separated from each other, each of them representing a seemingly unique and separated world of thoughts, projects, complications, stories, attachments that we are all holding onto!

However, what if all these individuals are not separated at all, but are all part of the same whole? I know we have heard this many times before, but getting to feel in the body what this actually means was truly life changing, as I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.

Even though it can be tricky to put it into words, it was so simple. First of all, none of the common thoughts about myself, my role in the world, what I should or shouldn’t be doing, were present: I was just being and allowing all that was there. I felt boundless and light, as never before.

I can say it was Me, as it had a focus, but it had a very different quality to my daily experience of me when I am in control, or even me in a state of calmness and easiness!

It was Me in the lightest and most natural and simplest versions.

It was Me – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all. There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!

I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!

This denseness is held by me in the body through my choice of contracting the particles in my body, therefore changing the frequency of my particles to where there is less flow, space and allowance for everything to just naturally be, move and express.

When we hold ourselves in this denser way, there is a higher possibility to be recognised, more easily distinguished, and eminent in our segregated state; and to me, one of the things that we, as humans, most seek is recognition and identity, therefore this becomes our ‘natural’ way of being: holding onto and densing up!

All of these I felt again the next day when I woke up feeling that old familiar feeling of being heavy and serious. What immediately became very obvious was how the lightness had been replaced by a holding onto something, holding onto many big and little things. I could describe it as:

  • Yes, but first I need to do this
  • Yes, but first I need to feel this
  • Yes, but first I need to make sure
  • Yes, but it is not easy to let go and I need more time
  • Yes, but it is complicated and I am not ready
  • Yes, but I won’t get the recognition I seek.

I felt completely closed off to my surroundings, and started relating to others as if I was also holding things against them to prevent them from hurting me, imposing on me and making me wrong.

From this, I observed how a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future. It is a life that is the opposite of our natural ability to expand, flow, be joyful and live connected to everything around us.

I now understand that holding onto creates a contracted body of denseness, and even though everything is set up for us to believe that our reality is rock solid, the truth is our bodies are energy, as the rest of the universe is too! Yet we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life. This way we get blinded to the fact that holding onto is constantly allowing the density and illusion of our selfish individualism to perpetuate.

Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day.

I am aware that I will forever be exposed to energy that I won´t like and that I have an ingrained pattern of using my nervous system to get through life while holding tension in my body and muscles, but I now know what it is all about: a holding onto! This is a reaction that is not needed because energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything – holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.

I know living in that feeling is not yet my daily experience. However, it is now my choice to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in, to breathe gently, keep the permanent connection with my body and to remember this experience that can be well-described as: Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!

Forever in appreciation for the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom brought through by amazing Serge Benhayon.

By Luz Helena Hincapie, Bogotá, Colombia

Further Reading:
Who I Really Am
Judgment, The Way of The Livingness and the Power of Letting Go
What to wear … you’re not wearing that, are you?

603 thoughts on “Holding Onto Denseness

  1. I love what Luz shares in this brilliant blog, I still have much to heal with respect to ‘holding on’, ‘I now understand that holding on creates a contracted body of denseness, and even though everything is set up for us to believe that our reality is rock solid, the truth is our bodies are energy, as the rest of the universe is too! Yet we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life. This way we get blinded to the fact that holding onto is constantly allowing the density and illusion of our selfish individualism to perpetuate.’

  2. It is a beautiful way to live, being light, open, and connected, ‘It was Me – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all. There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!’

  3. A much needed read this morning! along with another realisation that the denseness reminds me of when I was in the ’emo’ phase at school. I want to stand out and be different, believing that I can’t fit in with the majority. But when you get a whole bunch of people dressed in emo we all look the same and are far from individual. Letting go of denseness is no different however there is far more joy to experience once it’s dropped.

  4. I realised today a denseness I have held onto was for protection because in the dense emotion I was ‘safe’. But that me that finds safety in emotion is not the me I want to identify with anymore. It is not the true me at all so why should I invest in it’s safety anymore?

  5. Luz, this part is brilliant, ‘Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!’ Learning to not even hold onto our identity and that everything that we do, say and think is not us but an energy coming through us helps to let go of identification and a whole lot more.

  6. Appreciating ‘how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything’ is an amazing realisation for it is the holding on of hurts, expectations and the like that actually blocks us from connecting to the all.

  7. Our hurts make us individual – the more I understand this – the more I see the responsibility I have to not hold onto things and to always know that being individual is me withdrawing from life.

    1. We are not individual, but can at times think we are, ‘the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.’

  8. On a day to day basis, it can be very difficult to surrender and let go because we may have so much going on in our life. Sometimes everything might seem complicated and overwhelming but the tools you shared Luz, at the end are super supportive, like the Gentle Breath Meditation and being open to our awareness. I have been simplifying my life, embracing simplicity and being super gentle and caring with myself has supported me immensely in letting go of denseness. I realise that life is not meant to be hard but we choose to make it so, then that is what we will have.

  9. Wow, the amount of effort and complication that goes into holding up this type of existence and keeping it going is just astounding.

  10. When we become lighter, that can initially be unsettling – almost feeling like anxiety, except that there is nothing to be anxious about.

  11. ‘….a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future. It is a life that is the opposite of our natural ability to expand, flow, be joyful and live connected to everything around us.’ And we are the ones at the helm, we can choose to become exhausted because of the effort we have to put in, in what is not love, or we can choose vitality and joy because choosing love is effortless.

  12. I have recently been taking a good look at my holding onto my control and the effect this actually has not only on me, my body and my life, but more so what it means for others and where this actually affects them. A very uncomfortable exercise I have to say, for it exposes the absolute arrogance of the spirit who doesn’t give a thing about others, connection to God and the universe, but only thinks about itself/me and want to keep me in separation.

    1. Spot on Monika, the spirit certainly can cause a lot of harm, ‘it exposes the absolute arrogance of the spirit who doesn’t give a thing about others, connection to God and the universe, but only thinks about itself/me and want to keep me in separation.’

  13. When I contemplate what it would be like to let go and have no protection, I think of the young child just being itself, not worrying about other people and things, Just getting on with life.
    It is a great example of how I was and how I can be.

    1. Beautiful Ken, I love what you’ve shared. It shows us that we are capable of being deeply loving, light and playful just like when we were a young child. I am learning to return to that joyfulness and embrace the light and playful essence that has never left.

  14. Holding on to anything causes tension and is exhausting but letting go offers the freedom to know truth.

    1. Absolutely Mary and we can connect to our multidimensionality and grandest when we let go of denseness. Any sign of denseness is simply avoiding who we are, multidimensional beings.

  15. Holding onto denseness is holding onto the familiar and not being dense can bring up all sorts of unresolved items in our life.

  16. ‘Holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.’ So true Luz, your powerful blog exposes how we continually separate ourselves if we hold on, as it protects us and stops us from connecting to the grandness of love and universality.

  17. Yes, very often we are ready to pay the price of constriction and denseness for a short term perceived benefit.

  18. In my experience we hold onto a lot of patterns without being consciously aware of them. Becoming aware of them – usually because our behaviour does not make sense in a particular situation – is the first step. Being honest and observing can then lead to understanding and, eventually, a dropping of the pattern. Over time this transforms our life in ways that may be unimaginable.

  19. Also, after reading your blog again. I realise how much I hold onto. The ‘yes, but..’ list is a classic, I can relate to all of those and add a few more myself. It really makes sense why I often feel the way I do, it is because I am holding onto denseness.

  20. Brilliant blog Luz, this is just what I needed to read this morning. I can be so serious with my family and in some of my relationships and this highlights how much denseness I am holding onto. There are so many points you’ve shared that are spot on for me.

    1. It is a brilliant blog, and one I definitely needed to read, some interesting points, ‘When we hold ourselves in this denser way, there is a higher possibility to be recognised, more easily distinguished, and eminent in our segregated state; and to me, one of the things that we, as humans, most seek is recognition and identity, therefore this becomes our ‘natural’ way of being: holding onto and densing up!’

  21. When I’m ‘Me’ I am real with no expectations or investments. To live with the denseness I find there is a lot of ‘what’s in it for me?’, – the individuality; it isn’t a place I want to be in.

    1. There is also a familiarity and a comfort – even if it is the comfort of being less or much less than I am.

    2. So cool to be real and honest about our intentions so we can then see how often we load it with ‘what’s in it for me?’ and we can then also understand and feel this way of living is in fact very dense.

  22. Each of us face a dilemma: how much density do I need in my body in order to walk ‘comfortably’ in life? Although we have a physical body, hence assured denseness, we can run many extra miles on such path if we so wish as a way to guarantee not to feel the light we are. Yet, even such decisions reveal that at some point we have felt it and said no to it. That decision is what we hold onto… until we do it no longer.

  23. Holding on creates more issues and problems as the energy of not letting go is the issue in the first place, not to mention the physical symptoms of constipation or digestion problems that usually take place! When we feel something is not loving all we need is to feel it and express it and let it go as if Truth is our guide, holding it on does not let us feel ourselves.

    1. Very wise words diningwithoneandwithlove, and very beautifully expressed. It isn’t at all fun to hold onto denseness or create issues and complications, but we often find ourselves stuck in this way of living from head to toe. This is a classic way to avoid connecting to the grandness we are and avoiding connecting to our Soul and living the love that we are.

    2. Very insightful Luz, ‘I observed how a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future. It is a life that is the opposite of our natural ability to expand, flow, be joyful and live connected to everything around us.’

  24. “there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity” I can feel the holding onto denseness in the word ‘cementing’ when we identify with the ‘me’ and ‘I’, which is a universe away from a feeling of light that I feel when I know the energy of love that is passing through us all.

    1. Some of the points Luz shares are a great reminder for many of us that there is no need to hold on, ‘This is a reaction that is not needed because energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything’.

  25. I loved your descriptive list of holding onto something, and how we basically make excuses for holding on, that we are not ready to let go of everything, when deep down we are, and when we do make the choice to let go, the anxiousness, control and fear give way to joy, fun and laughter.

    1. It is still challenging for me to fully let go in some areas of my life, I love Luz’s point of view, and what she shares, ‘to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in’.

  26. I find trying to understand the want to be dense from the denseness doesn’t work. Only by asking to be aware of the responsibility being avoided, being open to feeling the aspects of that lighter me that I have been avoiding, this is when things start to shift.

  27. As soon as I start to look for more dense foods to eat I know I need to stop and feel and ask myself what’s really going on.

  28. It’s interesting that holding on or holding back is an actual physical movement, it affects our whole body and every move we make. What I find fascinating in myself is that with some people I find it super easy to be natural and not hold back with anything, but with other people I measure it and I’m much tighter in my body – it’s all a great process which we can learn from.

  29. It makes sense that having a traumatic experience will be held in the body for our whole lives unless we address it, but many of us do not know that these traumas which in some cases could have only lasted minutes are still ruling our lives. It brings in the question where are we making our decisions from; as in are they based on security governed by our traumas?

  30. “… holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else…” And it is so exhausting too!

  31. I have just completed an Esoteric Women’s Yoga program where the theme we explored was surrender. It was interesting over the weeks how much this supported me at times when my old pattern was to go into control or protection, I knew there was another way so I simply would come back to my body and allow the surrender, and the difference I felt was huge.

    1. Stay connected with our bodies, ‘ to breathe gently, keep the permanent connection with my body and to remember this experience that can be well-described as: Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!’

  32. The movement of holding onto something in itself is densifiation; we are already interfering with the flow of what is, and our particles vibrate slower.

  33. The thing with seeing the amazingness in life is, we get a moment of being clear and we see beauty very clearly, and to appreciate this in full, hold it and then move forward allows more beauty, and it’s something we have to learn to accept.

  34. We tend to think that ‘Holding onto’ something is natural because it is something significant that happened to us. Yet, when we go there our body becomes denser and there is nothing natural about becoming dense. When we become unnecessarily dense, on the contrary, we accept as natural and normal what is not. Distortion reigns thereafter.

  35. Anytime we sell ourselves out to the human/physical condition over and above our awareness of our beingness and multidimensional truth, we are essentially holding onto form, which is holding onto denseness.

  36. How complicated is everything when we are not ourselves… and how simple when we are

    1. So true Amparo, and we often wonder why our lives and our world is so complicated, it is because we’ve made it so. And therefore, we are able to undo all the complications we’ve created and allow the simplicity of life to flow and allow ourselves to return to our Soul and to love.

  37. Holding on to things in life creates hardness and protection in our bodies which stunt our evolution as we think we need to control life and instead of surrender to that which is divine.

  38. Thankyou Luz, your blog is a tremendous source of healing every time I read it. I become very aware of how much control I use in “anticipation of what might go wrong in the future” as a way to try to avoid being hurt, the only thing is feeling hurt at times is a part of the way life currently is here and focusing all my attention on avoiding that means I don’t realise I’m not living in connection to me – which is the very thing that hurts me the most.

  39. I loved what you have shared from your experience Luz, as I feel ingrained patterns rising to the surface I can feel how dense and contracted my body feels wanting to control everything, the word surrender says it all, when I can allow myself to let go and just be life has a flow and a lightness to it and a joy just being me, how simple is that, choosing one energy or the other.

    1. Thankyou for your comment Jill, surrender can feel so difficult when we feel hurt or in control yet it is a healing and a necessary part of accepting and flowing with whatever is coming up for us, as well as surrendering to our true essence underneath the turmoil.

  40. To clock and observe energy that is harmful can be easy at first; it is the little doubts that can creep in afterwards that is the test exposing a much needed deeper level of love for the self.

  41. To surrender is one of the hardest things to do, as it takes the security that most of us are chasing away but in truth when we stop holding onto everything, we get the support of the universe behind us and we begin to feel how ridiculous our “false sense of security” really is.

    1. Absolutely Sarah . . . and how hugely and widely we have set up a security safety net in our lives to catch us – just in case. It has indeed ‘caught’ us in the net of security which prevents the surrender to all that we are.

  42. Yes, this feeling can be described as a person standing on a chair and putting a rope around the neck in preparation to hang themselves. Identity being the rope, the chair being the control – the person can choose to remain standing on the chair or kick it off and strangle him/herself in their identity, and that’s exactly what identity does – it kills us little by little.

  43. I know that for me when I go for a walk it helps to let go of the heaviness/denseness in my body but there are times when I avoid doing this and when I do, I feel more tired and my days are less joyful. When I do surrender and follow the impulses of my body there is a vitality, purpose and I don’t get so bogged down in life.

    1. I agree and walking can be a great way to recover from feeling heavy or dense.

  44. ‘holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.’ True Luz, it keeps separation alive and gives us an identity that is not who we truly are. Sometimes I feel how I am desperately holding onto an emotion and feel at the same time what is there for me when I surrender. Walking with these two allows me to observe what is there to let go of and to choose the strength of my connection to support this.

  45. A very beautiful blog Luz with much to inspire. What you have expressed here I was particularly drawn to and will take into my day;
    “Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day.”

  46. Surrender, this word or quality was key for me yesterday as I had kinda got myself into a bit of overwhelm and frustration which of course cut me off from my awareness of actual knowing how to move forward and get done what needs to be done, in other words to stay in the flow, knowing that in the flow everything is taken care of, including myself!

  47. To live without a single ‘wall’, defence or need for control… now that is to truly live.
    Our glimpses of such oneness are to be treasured, for they show us the way, and allow the opportunity as you’ve shared here Luz, to recognise where we’ve held onto that which is not us – and potentially, let it go, that we may return to more of who we truly are.

    1. And to let go in the knowing that we are held in love, there are constant reminders around us letting us know that we are love and we come from love and love is waiting for us to return. However holding onto identity, and issues is what prevents us from seeing and feeling this.

      1. Exactly Viktoria. In our blindness, we negate that which we are actually craving – and is and has been there for us all along… Love.

    2. Letting go of what is not true, that what is not us, so more of who we are in truth is available for all.

  48. I know when I reach for certain foods that leave me feeling heavy that there is something that I am not wanting to feel and I wanting to keep myself shut down. We can judge and self ridicule ourselves as to why we ate it or we can start to lovingly look at why we are avoiding what we are feeling and not wanting to feel light and spacious.

    1. Yes Natalie – we can also look at how amazing we are, how well we are doing and appreciate like crazy! For me, food only comes in when I am not accepting what I’m feeling and appreciating to the core of who I am for being me.

  49. Luz, I love the simplicity of what you present in letting go from the place that “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!”
    This feeling from the physical body is a game changer, and cuts the stories and mind stimulated activity and ideals which can lead to complication and overwhelm for which next step to take. When it comes back to the simplicity of how our choices support lightness or denseness in our particles there is a clarity and focus. Thank you for so neatly presenting this.

  50. I am beginning to realise that when I feel a lightness in my body I also feel the quality of grace, but when I feel a denseness it means I am lost or bogged in the emotions occurring around me and I have taken them on. I am also realising that indulging in emotions only serves to feed that denseness all the more and is a really vicious cycle to be caught in.

    1. It is important to feel what energy we are aligned with, to feel if we feel light, or dense, ‘getting to feel in the body what this actually means was truly life changing, as I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.’

  51. It’s a good one to experiment with. When I consider removing my attachments to things that I identify with, I wobble a little…and in that wobble I realise that I’m holding onto a picture of myself, that actually isn’t me at all, but what I want others to believe about me. I realise the reason I might do this is because I’m fearful of being vulnerable if I just drop my guard leaving me to be transparent. But, deep down I know that is a lie, because the more open I am to being who I naturally am, the more solid in myself I am and the less I need from others to tell me how I should or shouldn’t be.

  52. This was so great to read Luz as I go through a period of letting ‘self’ go. I am trying many ways to make myself denser, I’ve only just realised while reading your blog that that is what I’m choosing to do. Hold onto the denseness and not surrender back into the all I’m made from. A beautiful light bulb moment that has create space within, thanks Luz.

  53. The following is such a brilliant explanation and description of denseness, taking it beyond the physical into the energetic reality of our lives. I relate to it hugely:
    “To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have. This is a quality that can be felt when we create conditions, shoulds, buts, pictures, restrictions, strategies and so on, with an underlying intention of satisfying a very personal agenda. I would also describe it as introducing ‘control’ to life and making everything feel more constricted, stagnant, slower and basically in resistance to the flowing and unifying rhythm of nature and the universe of which we are naturally a part.”

  54. Living life feels light when we let go of the ‘should’s’ and should not’s’. A surrender to the body, saying yes to what is presented. Lets remind ourselves it is that simple.

  55. I have really been feeling the difference between the two bodies you’ve mentioned here Luz, the dense one feels desperate to have an issue, a hurt, something and anything to cling onto. Whereas the light one feels spacious, open and freeing. Without the teachings of Universal medicine I would assume that I have gone completely insane based on the extreme flux of my behaviours at times but that extreme flux is showing me that any choice to disconnect from the spacious, light me gives the spirit an open window to try and desperately gather and hold onto as much denseness as it can, and try it does! But in any moment I can come back to my body and the lightness within and over time, slowly slowly the temptation to dense up my body is and will continue to fade away.

  56. We hold on to anything and everything we can in a desperate attempt for security and a stab at some delineation and demarcation from everything we cannot but be a part of – it is not working, only makes us feel dense and heavy and is a big strain on a body made from divine particles.

  57. ‘I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!’ Humanity identify themselves by the things they own, the job they have, the money they earn and the solidness of their body – the denser the more successful. Experiencing what it is like to not be weighted down (literally) by these things brings a totally different experience of who I am and the fluent, flowing and lightness I engage in life. This blog has exposed the illusion of the harm holding on to anything brings. It is so great to know we can choose what it is we want to experience with the increasing awareness of our ‘holding on’ and the impact it has on our physicality.

  58. I enjoy this blog immensely, your way of putting into words what it is all about and how it feels to you Luz blows me away. I was scrolling through the blogs and came back across this one, one that I haven’t read for a long time, but it is timeless and will be relevant for evermore or till we all learn not to hang onto the denseness and everything that causes that denseness.

  59. I may have highlighted this before but this morning I can see it again, “holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” What do we think we are controlling when in fact holding on like this actually takes any choice out of your hands thereafter. Once we have chosen to hold thereafter it isn’t you at the steering wheel and while it may appear things are the same, life will continue to subtly take steps away from truly who you are. No matter what it is or what heading it has allowing my body to settle, to let go and be still is the only way for me to truly deal with anything that faces me.

  60. The denseness and or restrictions we place on ourselves from certain patterns of behaviours or images of how we think we should be; i.e for me it was being recognised for what I could achieve etc. places our bodies under a lot of stress and anxiety, which over time creates hardness and stagnation in the body. This not only leads to illness, and or disease, but halts the natural fluidity and our true expression from shining. When we are aware of these destructive patterns of behaviour we can begin to unravel them and see that we don’t have to do anything as we are already amazing just as we are.

  61. Surrendering is such an interesting word as it brings up the vulnerability of being taken advantage of. There are so many pictures from our past that can come in but how many of them are true and how many are as a result of trying to protect a picture, that picture being smashed and us being hurt – only to confirm that trusting, letting go, surrendering only leads to hurt? Therefore we walk away from the one part of us that could support in every situation and help us read what is happening and why it is happening. This empowers, it makes us less vulnerable to all those hurts. The surrender simply needs to be to ourselves, our inner knowing and the fact that who we are, where we are from and what we are made of, is love.

  62. I hear ya on the holding onto denseness. A few years ago I found that when I thought I was relaxed at the dinner table, I’d actually been clenching a fist. It took a few months to get to the point where my hand is now relaxed. Sounds like a silly, quirky thing but I was holding on to something/nothing for no reason and it didn’t feel great.

    1. I find even sitting on a chair can tell me so much… I notice when I’m stressed and have a lot on, I sit up off the chair like my bottom is all ready to jump at any moment. This holding or clenching is indicative of how I’m feeling and the rest of my body is just as tense. It’s amazing what happens when I bring awareness to an area and let go.

    2. If your fist was clenched Nick I am wondering if your stomach and digestive system was also tight and clenched too.

  63. ‘…, I observed how a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future.’ It makes my skin to tight for my body and complications are the order of the day instead of the spaciousness in and around me when I stop holding onto something I know I should let go for further evolution.

  64. Luz your list of things we often choose to hold onto is very playful and so true. I experienced many times holding on to anger and how this felt. I recall my whole body went hard, I felt closed and in full defense and protection. I became dismissive and cold, I felt heavy and dense. This created an awful feeling of tension for people around me as well, and it affected how I relate and communicate with them. Anger feels very, very dense and harmful. Letting go of it feels completely spacious, light and joyful. This makes me wonder why we would ever choose to hold onto denseness/anger when it makes us feel so awful.

  65. When we clear a cupboard of all the clutter that has been hanging around for ages we feel a weight lifting off us and when we let go of all the clutter in our mind that we have been hanging onto we feel the denseness lift and the lightness of knowing who we truly are.

  66. Today I had a very clear experience in my body as you shared the difference between lightness and denseness in the body. In denseness the mind is racy and scattered, my mood grumpy and all thoughts were judgemental and defensive. Compared to yesterday where I felt light, at ease, still and open with everyone, I felt lovely and yummy and it felt like the most natural way to be. Which is amazing to experience when up until a few years ago I constantly lived and believed the denseness was me! To be able to see and feel the true and untrue ‘me’ is pretty cool.

  67. “I know we have heard this many times before, but getting to feel in the body what this actually means was truly life changing, as I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.” Thank you Luz I love what you have written and can so relate to what you are sharing. Recently I became ill and was not able to attend a family event, and as I surrendered to this situation I could feel an absolute harmony in my body, this was me just being with me not one cell wanted to be anywhere, ” I was just being and allowing all that was there. I felt boundless and light, as never before.” This I felt in my body but the very next day situations changed and I found myself back into old patterns of control and recognition “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!” this I found too; I now have a marker of what it means to truly surrender and enjoy me being me.

  68. Unfortunately, as a society, we have mistaken recognition and identification for what love is and this is the illusion we are sold and that we buy into creating not only denseness but complexity in our bodies and lives. It is love that we all want and that only comes from the true connection to our hearts first where we get to feel the simplicity and spaciousness of the soul.

  69. I like your approach of simply surrendering because of the mere fact that you know that wanting to stay in control does not give you the spaciousness you naturally could have.

    1. Yep I very much agree Esther. Also we have to bring in a huge amount of force (energy) to convert a space that is already naturally spacious into denseness. We can also very quickly shift this denseness back to spaciousness by choosing to surrender to love.

  70. Holding onto denseness in my experience is choosing not to be love when it is available. There may be good or even excellent reasons but it simply comes down to not choosing love.

  71. When I feel like I am living in a conundrum, complication, hurt impossible to resolve, I know I am not in my true essence and I am actually fighting it. True essence knows what I need to do and how, and there is nothing for the ‘I’ to figure out.

  72. Life is always changing, it is never static. If we hold onto things, anything, we are in fact going against the natural flow of the Universe. We may not all have dramatic events in our early life as Luz, but at some point something occurs when we all have our individual ‘shipwreck’, we lose trust in ‘flowing’ and turn to protection and holding on. Learning to let go of the holding and being in harmony with change is to re-connect to the flow of the Universe, in fact to be at-one with it. In doing so life is no longer tiring but joyful and rejuvenating.

  73. The best way to clear all that heavy baggage is to incorporate a lifestyle where connection to self is the priority.

  74. ‘It’s been quite a while since I wondered what it is to be Me without `holding onto´ so many things and just expressing my true self.’ These are great questions to put to myself this morning. What are the things I hold onto, and what would it feel like to be me without them?

  75. we have so much more to learn about ourselves and our universe, and the best thing of all is that it all can be accessed from within – what greater school than the wisdom of the Soul and the Universe itself..

  76. I love this explanation of living a life holding on Luz . . . . “It is a life that is the opposite of our natural ability to expand, flow, be joyful and live connected to everything around us”. . . so true. As the space that is created when we let go is who we truly are. We are not the denseness but the space. You have really nailed why we hold on in the first place. Thank you this is a great study of ‘holding on’

  77. Thank you for this sharing as it has supported me to shift things. I could feel I was digging my heels in on a situation and holding onto a hurt instead of opening up. By reading this I got to feel the quality of the choice I was making and that then gave me the space to let go of the issue and make another choice.

  78. Holding onto denseness being a desire to remain an individual – this is a great revelation, and I can see how I have invested my life in this way of being even when there aren’t any obvious traumatic experience and I have chosen to identify and solidify almost every single incident as a trigger to feel hurt. This is something that is still getting played out and felt in my everyday life, and sometimes I feel my humanness takes the upper hand and pulls a stop to surrender in the fullness of who I truly am.

  79. I love the practicalness that you’ve shared at the end, staying connecting with your body and breath and constantly making the choice to let go of any holding on in the body. A great reminder to go into my day with.

  80. When protection is an ingrained pattern in living, whenever something that we feel we cannot control, we would get upset, run away or not want to face it. In protection we want to be as far away to connection as possible, where there is nothing to hold onto, just a moment to moment expression from being vulnerable to being powerful and anything in between.

  81. Holding on to denseness or control comes in many different guises. I recently have seen how I do this when I perceive an urgent situation, or one with risk of failing. The belief I hook into by default is that I must be 100% ‘on’ and micro manage everything, and I am prone to anxiety and panic if things are not under my control. What I have learned from a recent incident is that the more I surrendered to the fact that the outcome wasn’t in my control, and listened and felt what was needed next, the more smoothly everything unfolded in its own way. It took no energy working this way, it was as simple as putting one foot after another as we walk in awareness.

  82. For me I try to control life, plan a head, it’s a form of protection, but it doesn’t work, it’s exhausting and it hurts – it’s a game I allow my spirit to play to keep me small, and not flowing with the all.

    1. I agree. Planning is very useful but letting the plan impose is very harming.

  83. This is a beautiful reminder to let go of the denseness and control that keeps us identified and separate from others. Making the space to truly surrender at these times changes everything and we get to feel there is a deep connection and love we have within that wants to share and express with others.

  84. Perfect reading for me this morning, and actually one that I need to keep re-visiting every now and then – as I can feel there is a part in me that wants to grab any given opportunity to choose identification by holding on and densification – and by the time I know it I find myself feeling miserable and separated from the world. Here you are introducing a deeper meaning to what ‘choosing love’ actually means. Thank you, Luz.

  85. Once I am aware of this possibility of letting go of denseness, letting go of recognition and control, of needing what I do to be important to the world, I allow a different feeling in my body, a lightness that affects my thoughts in amazing ways. The tension I felt holding myself separate and therefore having issues with other separate beings – as I used to consider them – melts away and I feel the love that we all are.

  86. The esoteric way is essentially about creating a body that can feel energy, and thus discern life on a level beyond its apparent physicality. Serge Benhayon presents that all of life is based on one of two energies – prana, and fire, the latter of which is our divine essence. You may say, how do we not know this, if this is the truth. And the simple answer is that so much of life is geared to creating a body that is physically and energetically dense. And in that denseness we lose connection with our ability to sense life in all its delicacy. Thus – create a body that is truly delicate, truly tender, and you will come to know the fact of God’s light, by the fact that you come to know your own.

    1. This is absolutely beautiful Adam. Reading this blog again and reading your comment is hugely inspiring for me to surrender, let go of denseness and allow myself to develop a relationship with myself to know my own light and to know God’s light.

  87. That “yes, but…” is so familiar to me. It is actually a complete contradiction in just two words. “Yes” affirms our choice, and “but” says no to the fullness of that choice by placing conditions upon it. So we end up being pulled in two different directions by trying to control what we are choosing.

  88. Denseness is addictive. It is so because it helps us to avoid feeling clearly in the physical body what we are feeling clearly anyway on an energetic level. Denseness is what allows us to keep ignoring the truth that we feel but we prefer to override. So the addiction to denseness has nothing to do with being naive.

  89. I think we live in a bit of an illusion, we live so protected and guarded against others in case we get hurt, but the likelihood of others hurting us may not be as much as we think and when we let our guard down we are given an ample amount of love 😀

  90. For me, I hold onto, or try to control things because I don’t trust. Simple as that. However, the result of this way of living is to only have access to a small part of what life has to offer, to not be open to what is really going on around me, or to the relationships with others. When I let go of that control and start to observe what is really going on, a richer world, full of love opens up all around me in everything I can see and do.

  91. Luz, it’s great to come back to your article, I can feel how I hold onto denseness, I noticed today that when I had work problems that bought thoughts of not being good enough, that I chose to eat to cover this feeling. I could feel how heavy and dense this made my body feel, I also noticed that I moved in a hard and heavy way and that this made my body feel more dense – very interesting to be more aware of this.

  92. For a long time I have recognised that having my laptop on my desk or at a table is awkward for my body. It means that there is tension in my body when I type or use the keyboard. I finally found something that is the correct height to rest my laptop on so that I can let go in my body as I work. Interestingly I can still feel tension a holding on, but it is deeper and it is easier to surrender to my body in this new position. I feel lighter and less constrained and there is a feeling of deep appreciation from my body.

  93. Gosh, what an experience. Your sharing really shows us how relating to any traumatic experience has the capacity to influence behaviour patterns and living in a way “…that was about protection, manipulation and control…” This certainly brings understanding to the observation of these behaviour traits.

  94. “…there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity…” Yes, agreed, it is very freeing to recognise this aspect about ourselves, and then even more liberating when we can then catch this part at play and choose not to let it run us.

  95. ‘To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have.’ We are essentially masters of keeping ourselves dense, and know precisely what and how we can do this without even realising we are doing so.

  96. Recently I have come to appreciate just how much I can take in life but not allow it to flow in accordance to the natural rhythm that it comes with, instead holding onto it, deliberating and setting conditions. In doing this I realise just how much I can support myself to let go of this by being more consistent in the choices I make that support me from the awareness I have.

  97. What I recognise these days is that the lighter the atmosphere or surrounding quality the more I become aware of the denseness I am holding in my body. In this field of tension, everything denser than the available lightness comes to the fore and there is a choice being made to either surrender the denseness or to hold against the lightness. What can sound a bit airy-fairy in the first moment is a very real everyday experience made by everyone equally, maybe not on a conscious level but definitely felt in the body anyway, e.g. we may feel moody, sad or frustrated and our co-worker is quite cheerful then there will be a tension or we are resentful or angry at someone but this person meets us with openness, unprotected and welcoming, are we then willing to surrender to the love available or will we insist holding onto our hurts?!

  98. If we consider that everything is energy then it makes sense to consider that everything we do affects everyone – our intentions, thoughts, all the movements we make ripple out into the world.. We may have separate physical bodies but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t connected!

  99. When we are constantly living in a way that creates the denseness, we are unable to experience anything else, or to truly choose anything else.

  100. “I felt completely closed off to my surroundings, and started relating to others as if I was also holding things against them to prevent them from hurting me, imposing on me and making me wrong.” Separation, the disharmonious state of being that has been the lived and accepted way for eons.

  101. To stay individual requires an enormous amount of effort, yet we are unaware of this effort, thinking that it is just our normal way of being. When we live universally, there is a lightness of being as we come to understand that our particles don’t belong to us but to the universe.

  102. I have often pondered who the me is who realises that I am not being the true me…for many years, and possible lifetimes I have lived with the arrogance of holding on to the denseness and hardness in my body and making the choice to shy away and hide the true me from others, therefore keeping us ALL in separation. Your blog has certainly given me more to consider, and a clarity in my understanding of what it is to surrender and let go of attachments to everything and anything, including our emotional dramas and neediness and making it all about myself.

  103. The denseness of density or the spaciousness of formlessness, how often do we live and ingrain the former towards heavy stagnation, and yet crave the latter towards light evolution?

  104. On reading this again and something I observed in myself recently is how denseness feels so familiar and when my body starts to lighten I can go into a doubt of how long it will last. I am understanding how this is the time to keep letting go and surrendering and in this the lightness will become familiar and denseness and holding on will no longer be an option 🙂

  105. ‘To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have’ – It’s so true that in order to hold onto things and stay stuck in issues or individualism it requires us to put extra energy into it, because these things are not in keeping with how we naturally are… This is evidenced by the amazing worldliness, compassion and understanding children have and show with everyone.

  106. This is a very revealing statement – “This way we get blinded to the fact that holding onto is constantly allowing the density and illusion of our selfish individualism to perpetuate.” We often feel it is our right to hold onto things, which of course it is, but the fact of the matter is that with rights come responsibilities and we have to ask ourselves what are we contributing to the world when we insist on holding onto our hurts, our grudges etc. When we look at it from a responsibility point of view we can see that we are allowing separation between people to thrive.

  107. Thank you Luz for a great article leaving me much to ponder on as I am feeling the denseness of control and hanging on in my own body at this time, the feeling of denseness and of light is as different as night and day.

  108. What a gorgeous choice Luz, ‘my choice to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in’.

  109. Yes, holding onto only gives a false sense of control and in truth does not feel lovely, whereas when we allow ourselves to surrender it feels so gorgeous.

  110. I really enjoyed reading how you deepened the relationship with yourself allowing feelings to just be and getting a real tangible sense of what denseness is … And put it all together, Love it, thank you.

  111. Hear me! Hear Me! The simple me that is humbly waiting to be connected to without any images of what ‘me’ is all about. This is living in the truth of knowing that my connection has allowed me to deepen the relationship with myself and humanity. Great follow up article Luz!

  112. The difference between a light body and a dense body is palpable; the choice is always ours as to what we hold on to, to keep our bodies dense. Letting go of this denseness thus feeling the lightness, joy and love is being and returning to our true, divine and natural selves

  113. Holding on is really holding on to denseness, ‘This denseness is held by me in the body through my choice of contracting the particles in my body, therefore changing the frequency of my particles to where there is less flow, space.’

  114. The holding onto phenomena of our current life and living, and the contraction and denseness of our separation in individualism is huge and beautifully exposed here. The freedom and lightness of simply letting go of everything whilst surrendering to who we are, and the universal flow lovingly within us allowed, is beautiful and expansive to feel also, and very inspiring.

  115. It is quite confronting to feel and face up to, but the real nightmare and torture we actually experience is the fact that its us who is actively keeping alive fear, it is us who is feeding misery a feast, it is our choice to prolong and enlarge issues in this world. We can push to solves them for so long in our life, but the simple truth is as you show clearly here Luz, it is us who is holding on and so recreating these experiences. It seems incredibly real and so it is, but like a virtual reality simulation this repeating cycle is actually one we can step out of and turn off, should we choose. Its our power to turn these vicious circles into sustaining and evolving cycles.

  116. How refreshing it is to lighten our load and let go of much drift wood, debris and paraphernalia we have been carrying with us for aeons…and to realise that never was it us, or needed.

  117. “I can feel how I have spent most of my life immersed in ideals and beliefs of ‘how to be’, desiring charisma and other qualities that would give me recognition and in some way make me ‘more’ than others.” I did this too, thinking it was normal but trying to be more or better than others automatically diminishes us as it takes away equality.

  118. Luz hi, had a great conversation with a friend of mine yesterday who was discussing how she could see that her son’s walk was changing since he started school, how he was drawing the power of his movements from his quads and had seemed to have contracted his stomach area and rolled his shoulders – she was saying that she felt it was the physical manifestations of emotional reactions to life. Its fascinating to see how even at this tender age of 8 that we are already altering our stance, our posture and how if we relate this to what you are presenting, how the body becomes the dumping ground for all that we choose to “hold” onto.

  119. Luz, what you are sharing feels gorgeous ‘there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!’, reading this I can feel how we hold onto so much, that we have so many attachments. For me this is especially the case with people in my life, I have an attachment with my son and him being a certain way, an attachment with friends and family, I can feel how liberating and amazing it would be to let go of all of these, thus letting go of the denseness and control.

  120. Each time I say ‘let go’ it is quite incredible just how much I get to feel the tension held in the body, particularly in the shoulders. Simply saying this, the shoulders and whole body drops and relaxes. It confirms just how important it is to take moments during our day to ‘check-in’ and connect with our body, so this is not what we take to bed and the body goes to sleep in tension with each night.

  121. We do hold onto things and we do become ‘heavier” or dense, … the thing is that once we start to lighten up the difference is so profound that we will never go back because being ‘light’ is strange though it may feel to most at the moment, our natural state.

  122. I often get clients who say they feel relaxed but when I touch their bodies they are holding onto a lot of tension in many parts of the body as if they are bracing themselves for some impending disaster or protecting themselves from being hurt. We accept this tension as normal until we feel how relaxed we can be without it. Usually the tension goes hand in hand with holding on to some belief or ideal or some picture of how things ought to be which prevents us from accepting how it actually is, so there is a tension between what is and what we want it to be.

  123. Some great observations of how reacting to life and holding on, only keeps us in separation – it seems to be a false sense of security. Ridiculous really when we hold onto something which hurts us in the attempt to protect ourselves – makes no sense.

  124. Holding onto anything makes life more dense and complicated. It is our awareness which opens to us the space to let go.

  125. The world is currently run by that little version of ourselves that wants to hold onto everything and anything and yet holding on and holding back has only created tension and harm in my life and in the world en mass. What I can really feel at the moment is that it is a choice, to identify with that little me or choose to live in and by how the real Me feels to be in life. Thank you Luz.

  126. When I hold on to denseness I miss out on the love that is within me and all around me, it blocks its flow and creates so much complication.

  127. To choose an energy that vibrates faster is an interesting exploration and can be life changing if based on exploring the premise that this faster vibration is actually our naturally divine source and one we can ‘let go’ back to as Luz states. This is very liberating to understand because it means that all that we do to remain heavy is against the truth of who we are and why it is such a huge expenditure of energy, whereas being light comes with a joy that informs us how natural it is to be that way.

  128. In clinging on for protection and security in life, we remain feeling insecure. In surrendering more deeply to ourselves, and letting go of the layers of protection, we find a settlement that is far steadier than anything we can seek to achieve or hold onto.

  129. What I can sense today in rereading this is how it makes sense that when we keep packing in or piling on top all that which we think we should be, should do etc. denseness is inevitable as the load just gets heavier like a suitcase does when we keep adding more. When I see and feel it in this way it is obvious the lightness is lost – thank you Luz for bringing this understanding.

  130. Luz, I love reading this article, I can really relate to this, ‘we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life’ I have done this in the past and I observe how this is a common way to live, it seems like we have a way that we live – what we like; don’t like; what we watch on t.v; what we eat; who our friends are and that we can stick to this – not expand and change, changing can often be seen as negative, as if there is something wrong, ‘why change”. I am now starting to enjoy letting go of this attachment to me being a certain way and I’m enjoying changing and expanding, it actually feels very natural and easy compared to trying to stay the same.

  131. Such a great article Luz, learning to surrender is the key. I had an operation recently and found on getting out of the hospital that I was holding my body in complete tension and denseness as if trying to protect myself from what is next, whereas just surrendering released so much of this feeling.

  132. Luz your descriptions of denseness are very relatable to me. Yesterday I got to really become aware of one belief I’d been holding onto. As the myth was busted I can honestly say I feel a wonderful quality of lightness in my body – and it is clearer this morning – not something I felt for a moment and then returned to the old familiar denseness. What I feel is supporting this is because I came home last night and actually chose to move forward and respond to something I had the belief I wasn’t ready for. In the willingness to surrender we are supported much more than we can possible realize, understand and comprehend let alone feel when holding onto our stuff. All this from releasing just one belief, our potential is extraordinary.

  133. How well you observed the consequences of the illusion, we would be in control! We are under control, the question is: under control of divine order or under control of separation?

  134. I realised today that underneath all I hold onto is my holding onto the physicality of this life and those in it when we are far far more than this.

  135. There are so many common everyday choices that can easily be made repeatedly to keep in a certain state of denseness. Overeating. Exercising too much or not enough. Dehydrating ourselves. Indulging in emotions. Certain music. etc.etc

  136. “….it is now my choice to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in….” This is indeed the key Luz, and your blog is insprational in its clarity of how this is possible. I too am finding that the more I let go of the little things in my life, the more the bigger things change without any trying. It is quite remarkable.

  137. It is amazing how much we hold onto things that identify us rather than saying ok I don’t actually need that or that does not support me any longer. The more I see each moment as a choice to either be in the love that I am, or not, the simpler life becomes and the more I take responsibility.

  138. The key for me is coming back to the fact that I always have a choice even though in many moments I would declare quite loudly that I can’t see what those choices are, eventually the truth reveals itself.

  139. When we are holding onto things we are also holding back our potential of what we can live.

  140. “This denseness is held by me in the body through my choice of contracting the particles in my body, therefore changing the frequency of my particles to where there is less flow, space and allowance for everything to just naturally be, move and express.” Thank you, Luz. This is such a great description of the disruption to the natural flow and order of our particles when we refuse to accept our divinity and hold onto seeming hurts.

  141. There was a movie once called “The Unbearable Lightness of Being.” I do not remember much of the movie, but it was quite an insightful title really, for what it alludes to is the reason why many of us choose a life of “density”, and that is that when you connect to the true light of your Soul, you become painfully aware of just how far we have strayed from the truth of who we are. Thus why at a certain stage of development for the initiate, the lightness of being they feel becomes “unbearable” so to speak. Of course, in time that passes as you surrender more to the impulse of the Soul, and you build a foundation that is strong enough to assist you to deal with the tension in life you otherwise feel. And it is that foundation that enables you to commit in full to life, amidst the corruption and contraction that surrounds you.

  142. Brilliant Luz, everytime I come back to this blog it supports me so much. If you consider how many painful or potentially traumatic events have happened in our lives or even in past lives before, it begs the question, how many of us are actually living free in the moment? You help us see that the disasters in life are not the events but the choice to hold on emotion. For we walk around in the most glorious setting seeing only disaster and fear. How powerful then is the truth that you frame, that it is just a choice to continue to play this game and entertain doomsday scenarios and tension and stress of any kind. This revelation is here to change your life and mine.

  143. I definitely use ‘holding onto’ as a form of protection, a misguided belief that if I hold on I will be able to control and manage everything. Since, as you say Luz, energy is flowing through us all the time any attempt to hold on is actually causing stagnation and blockage which if sustained over any period causes dysfunction, illness and disease in our bodies. It is huge and amazing to relinquish this control and surrender to life in full – not collapse or give in – but allow our bodies to be light and present rather than clinging on and tight.

  144. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Isaac Newton)
    In one of the many presentations given by Serge Benhayon, he offered an expansion to understanding Newton’s Third Law:
    “For every force there is an equal and opposite force.” (Serge Benhayon)
    ‘Self’ works hard (pulling in a force) to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.”

  145. Thank you for the beautiful reminder Luz that holding on, which creates a denseness in our bodies, is harmful to all. It is harmful to ourselves in that it inhibits and blocks the rhythm and flow of who we so naturally are; that being love, joy, harmony and stillness.

  146. Thankyou Luz, as I read this amazing piece, I could feel the denseness dissolving and the lovely lightness that was there all along was clear.

  147. ‘What I understood is that there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity…’ This part of your blog really struck me Luz. To maintain my identity I have to work hard and it is totally pointless when the world is designed to be the opposite. I don’t see anything in nature becoming more and more aggressive, ill and disengaged because of a focus on self and identification! Blogs like yours and your gift of expression are an important service in the world to assist us to unlock our true nature. Thank you again Luz!

  148. I have noticed that holding onto expectations is a pattern for me in this way, so that each time I encounter a new situation or change in circumstances in life I have the choice of how to approach it and can really appreciate this effect of becoming dense when I impose expectation.

  149. Through what you are sharing here Luz, when I start to connect to the amazing inner feeling, I was able to feel also an emptiness of the times I did not choose love and connection, but control. I have an idea when I let go of this control and let reign this amazing inner feeling I will have access to a never ending source and fountain of love and power.

  150. Luz, the way you have so beautifully explained ‘holding onto’, makes it easier for me (and I am sure many others) to let go. When we understand that we have a choice between denseness and feeling light and amazing, or holding onto and letting go, we are then free to make that choice.

  151. I agree, heavy thoughts, heavy body “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!” Sometimes I do feel light and open and amazing in my body, some times I love it and celebrate it and other times, I let myself go a bit wobbly and go and find an emotion or some food to eat, and so retreat into the familiar…why, when I felt amazing? I still am learning the why, it is something to do with the familiar but is largely due to the responsibility it takes to hold that lightness in the face of so much denseness that I perceive the world reflects….I am learning and I am more aware that when I hold that lightness, it is often reflected back to me and appreciated, it is like sharing a spark….it reignites and support the lightness in others.

  152. I can feel how much tension goes into holding onto material things. For the purpose of safety, security, protection, comfort, and identity etc. But all matter is ultimately transformed back to energy so I can feel how much of an illusion it is to hold onto anything no matter what rational reasoning we might want to engage.

  153. Luz whilst reading your stunning article again, I got to feel more clearly than ever that before that the way we are choosing to live is akin to the ocean squeezing itself into water pipes! Absolute sacrilege!

  154. Identification leads to denseness and denseness leads to identification, which is fascinating because the more that we focus on identity, the less we know who we are and conversely the less we identify ourselves as individuals and the more we merge with the whole, the clearer our understanding becomes as to who we really are.

  155. Compare, compete, separate, repeat is a life cycle that many of us have been stuck in for eons, hence the illusion of separation that we have managed to seemingly carve out of the one united body of God.

  156. How is it when we are young it looks like we need to grow up so we can have what we need in life to succeed, yet very few, if anyone, tells us we already have everything we need – ourselves in the lightness it is. Everything we acquire or think we need along the way can actually end up being a hindrance though we keep thinking we ‘need’ this ‘stuffing’ to get us somewhere until we realise otherwise.

  157. Since I first read this wonderful article, and many times since, I have had many things in my life that I have been holding onto finally exposed to the light of day (truth). I love the fact that I am welcoming this exposure, whereas in the past I would have wanted everything to stay hidden and tightly held on to. I am also loving the fact that I am feeling so much lighter now that I have chosen to let go of that which no longer has a place in my life, and the space to introduce that which does.

  158. If I am honest I have had resistance reading this blog ….. maybe because I am holding onto things that I need to let go of! This requires honesty and self-love and a willingness to call out from the body all that is being held onto that is not love as you have shared that can be anything from ‘Ranging from edges, chairs, muscles, limbs, quarrels, properties, relationships, ideas, pictures, wishes, longings, personalities, resentments, jobs, hobbies, patterns of behaviour and/or anything that can give us a sense of security and identity.!’ And that is only some of the things!

  159. For me that’s a revelation: When I am not present in my body this is a form of holding onto denseness. It allows nervous energy to creep in which is a killer for lightness.

  160. I have been exploring letting go and holding on a lot lately and noticing how my abdomen can ‘dense up’ even when having a simple conversation with someone. There seems to be protection and a need to be understood all rolled up together in there which is actually quite counter productive as it creates a barrier between me and another person rather than an open doorway.

  161. When we hold on to stuff what we are really doing is holding on to things through which we have identified. Not having been encouraged to claim that the inner joy and connection we felt as very young children is in fact who we are, we learn to reject it and look for identification elsewhere. By its very nature this is going to be heavier than the natural lightness we are. Until we can reconnect to that inner light we have no solid point of reference for what feels true.

  162. “I can feel how I have spent most of my life immersed in ideals and beliefs of ‘how to be’, desiring charisma and other qualities that would give me recognition and in some way make me ‘more’ than others.” This ‘way of being’ is probably recognised by most of humanity as being the way to live due to not being aware that there is another way. Thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universla Medicine, we are now being shown that there is indeed another way, and one that serves all, and not just the individual.

  163. This is a beautiful blog and learning highlighting the way we live holding onto things and in contraction to who we really are and that there is a very different way to live by letting go and simply being. Feeling this is a real marker and inspiration for change and all the delights of allowing the universal flow through our bodies and the beauty of this as a way of living to work with.

  164. “I now understand that holding onto creates a contracted body of denseness…” Thank you for writing so clearly on this topic Luz. If we were all to really understand the impact of holding on in this way, then we would not even entertain it. To appreciate that holding on to something actually creates physical problems in our bodies has the potential to be life changing if we are willing to take responsibility for our choices.

  165. As I surrender more and more, to the place inside me that feels complete and still, I realise just how much my body has been screaming out with all the things I was holding on to. Years of issues that I layered one on top of another and carried with me, feeling justified in holding on – the old right and wrong paradigm! Through the teachings of Serge Benhayon I have come to love and appreciate myself and others in such a way that it is impossible to hold onto any issues. My body simply doesn’t work that way any more.

  166. “anything that can give us a sense of security and identity”. I love the way you expand this, Luz, as I read your blog I can feel in my body what happens when I resist letting go of control and all the things I think support and keep me safe, and it is an immense amount of tension. We use so much tension in the effort to stay in our own identification of who we are and how life is. Your lists of examples are so useful to ponder on, and feel how my body responds when I read them. It will show me when I am holding on to something and how I have the choice to let it go. I have felt and know that feeling of lightness and ease and playfulness, so why do I not choose it more often? Because I do not live from the wisdom of my body’s particles, but instead “hold on” to the old familiar patterns of thoughts and emotional reactions that I think will get me “what I want”. So much self in that. It is so ridiculous when I see the whole picture.

  167. Holding on to denseness I agree does give a false sense of control which often leads to frustration and anger. Once I realised I don’t have control I can then let go and surrender. This is the best feeling ever because understanding that it’s impossible to control saves me from choosing it again as it really drains my kidney energy and my ability to be open and loving.

  168. Reading your bog Luz I have just realised something about myself that feels pretty important. Often I tell myself that if I really be me then I will stand out and be picked on, but really when I am not allowing myself to naturally be me, I am actually choosing denseness which separates me anyway from the beautiful order and magic of the universe and humanity. A ridiculous contradiction – thanks for helping me see this.

  169. And the first steps to freedom is to become aware of what that particular kind of denseness is that we are holding on to, and to see how it is not true nor does it serve ourselves or anyone. Connecting to the truth of who are allows us to see the fog of all that is not, that we live and move in every day, and therin the next step holds the freedom of choice of a different movement.

  170. it’s been huge to understand that what we hold onto and identify as being us, is really only things we have taken on, but that are not who we truly are.

  171. Holding onto anything takes a lot of effort and so maintaining our personal identity uses up a lot of energy because we are trying to be something we are not. How much more energy would we have were we to just be ourselves!

  172. Luz, your blog makes it clear that we do have a choice: to live in the contracted denseness of having to control our life out of fear that we will lose our identity or to let go of any ‘personal agenda’ and just be our natural expanded true self which responds to life by being ‘connected to everything around us.’

  173. I find this such a great reminder to read as I realise I have held on to so much. Most recently I have realised that I look to hold on to certain things and set conditions in order to have a sense of security in my life but why? The answer which has come for me is that I do not live continually from my connection to my Soul. From this scared place there is no need for security.

  174. “– holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” This is a great insight, Luz and seeing this releases our tight hold on ‘individual identity’ which has such great allure until we see it for what it truly is – a self-imposed prison.

  175. Here’s to the end of that heavy old individualism, so that we can move through life with a lightness of being in harmony with everyone and everything around us.

  176. After a presentation today held by the College of Universal Medicine the subject of food and eating was examined in relation to energetic purpose, awareness and responsibility that made me aware how much I hold on to denseness through my relationship with food. In that context the quote ‘Eat light to be light’ comes to mind – being either a light to the world or presenting denseness, inspiration or stagnation, evolution or comfort.

  177. It has only been in the latter part of my life that I have really come to understand what ‘holding onto’ actually means, in terms of relating it to my thoughts and my physical body. What is so remarkable now is that when I become aware of something that I am holding onto, and make a clear choice to let it go, so much in my body changes along with the thought patterns that suddenly have less of a hold on me than they had previously. So simple, and extremely empowering.

  178. There are endless ways I know to keep myself dense, but to let go of these tried and tested ways is to surrender to my true nature.

  179. Denseness does not actually have to be incredibly dense for it to have a detrimental effect on our bodies. I have quite a few things that used to feel very dense and now they don’t feel that they take up as much room in my body, however they are still the remnants of denseness and therefore still hampering me from being able to fully surrender. The fact that I can still feel them is evidence of their loitering intent.

  180. When we hold on to something that is not us we cannot expand past whatever we hold onto. What we hold onto acts as a barrier.

  181. There are a myriad of ways, remedies and reliances to ensure denseness in our body or we can choose to be in our true flow (living the real inner-most us) and experience the lightness in our body.

  182. Thank you Luz for a really great article on light and denseness, a lot for me to ponder on the denseness of individuality and with it need for protection and control, and the lightness of surrendering to just being.

  183. Wow. Such a wake-up call on the fact that all ‘identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!’ is in fact a form of denseness and keeps us from the lightness of being that we naturally are.

  184. So so beautiful Luz, you are showing us that there is no way out unless we start to feels things, and so becoming less dense and dense – so we can feel why things are in and within our lives and in our world the way they are now. Seemingly this denseness is causing an enormous blind eye, we all have been choosing, and so we must strip away.. And feel what is truly underneath , who we are and our choices. It is was never meant for us to be dense, as we are in essence a light that has always remained even though our physicality is dense and we had chosen this expression. So good to become clear on this again, and so forever and for all.

  185. I love that you describe the self’s need to identify and create identity as a form of control rather than the surrender to soul that is also available.

  186. Recently I have been experiencing more moments of Love in my life than ever before. There is an easiness and playfulness as fresh the mountain air. And yet what seems to swiftly follow is a needless issue, a pointed conversation or a desire to argue over the silliest of things. Whilst I used to think that I had a lot of ‘problems’ today it feels, reading your words Luz that there is only one I can see, which is there is an addiction to staying in heaviness and struggle, which I go to any moment I feel light. Wow, what would life be like if we didn’t keep boxing this lightness in and reducing it down with denseness? I am going to find out 🙂

  187. This article brings to my attention the amount I hold onto, which gets in the way of my connection

  188. Our essence is astoundingly beautiful, and when we connect to it we have the opportunity to live from and with it. I have experienced that this can be transformational in clearing areas of denseness that are not of this essence.

  189. Luz, its great to come back to your article, there is so much wisdom in here. I got to feel what you are sharing here at a Women in Livingness Group in London recently – ‘what if all these individuals are not separated at all, but are all part of the same whole?’ at the group the room felt amazing, there were about 80 or so women and I felt connected with them all, there was a feeling of intimacy, light and connection and sameness, no-one more or less, it was very beautiful to feel.

  190. When our life has been constructed in a certain way (in protection for example) and choose to let it go – it is our every movement and the way we approach everything in our life that then changes.

  191. The more I can accept everything as it is, without needing things to be a certain way, the less dense and tense I feel. The beauty of this is that it allows the grace and magic of God to be revealed.

  192. Individuality is championed in the world today as a desired trait to be achieved, to stand out from the rest.. But when we surrender to the immutable fact that we are one, then appreciation of the beautiful gifts we bring as a unit that is part of a whole, can truly be felt.

  193. I had a dream once which showed me just how much I was ‘holding on’ and how exhausting that is. I was in a brightly lit room where there was a very powerful round magnet embedded in the wall, there was a hammer with its head being pulled along the wall towards the magnet and on the other end of the hammer was me trying very hard to to stop it from connecting with the magnet. It was super exhausting holding it back as it crept inevitably toward it. You can’t truly resist magnetic pull! My sense was that I was hammering myself in my resistance to connection with myself and with everything.

  194. Holding on is a great way of expressing how I have lived my life. It is like I needed to have something to make me feel everything was ok. I understand now that it was about not trusting life or more accurately not trusting myself.

    With support from Simple-Living Global and Universal Medicine I am beginning to trust myself more and not have so may beliefs of how life should be. This has allowed me to relax more and just be me. Let go and let God in. I am truly feeling prepared to go out and make a difference in this world, whatever that might look like!

  195. We can so easily let our lives take over, and not allow oursleves the time to take a moment to stop and feel what is really going on in our bodies. But when we do, it is amazing to feel the difference between the lightness and the denseness, and the impact that each has on our bodies. In order to bring in more light, all we have to do is to make a choice to express how we really feel in any given situation.

  196. If I have been disconnected from myself I cannot feel the quality of my essence. When I return to feeling my essence I can then feel the denseness in my body that has accumulated while I have been disconnected. The more I connect to and express from my essence I can feel this denseness beginning to clear.

  197. This really does a great job in showing the futility of holding onto something. How much illness and disease is caused by the stubbornness of holding on? When reading this I was able to lighten up myself and have a deeper look at what I am hanging on to with a more honest kind of outsiders view and how surrendering to this makes it less about me but still all about me.

  198. We are energy first and if we connect with and acknowledge this we know who we are in truth. This makes it easier to let go of every belief and ideal we have about our self so we can come back to and live our true self.

  199. Holding onto can be anything from food, relationships, thoughts and repetitive behaviours – which can be changed very practically and physically by the way we move an sit; for example a collapsed posture leads to negative thoughts, whereas lengthening the spine allows for more freedom, lightness and joy.

    1. Gyl, I can relate to your comment concerning posture. It is as if “slouching” engenders a cynical or reserved or aloof attitude. OK time to sit up!

  200. I went into a new work situation yesterday and felt first hand the difference between holding onto (old patterns, beliefs, fears and anxiety) and letting go (surrendering to the support that is always there and my purpose). It was super simple and makes a mockery of all the effort and energy I put into making life complicated…

  201. Great blog Luz; I particularly love how you define control and the control it has over our lives;
    “everything feels more constricted, stagnant, slower and basically in resistance to the flowing and unifying rhythm of nature and the universe of which we are naturally a part”.
    Our purpose is to feel and live in the true rhythm and flow of life; thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  202. ‘I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.’ Experiencing the difference between the lightness of being and denseness of being in the body is a great teacher. This is when the consequences of choices really ‘dropped in’ for me. Beautiful, or not so beautiful to feel, listening to the body is incredibly powerful.

  203. Letting go to discover ourselves is a True joy beyond words – in doing so, we may discover equally that we are never alone and forever held in God’s embrace.

  204. To fully appreciate, holding onto something is holding onto denseness is quite revelatory. I can really feel how I squash myself under stacks of ideals and beliefs; how I want things to be to avoid intimacy or vulnerability, and get anxious and tense when I don’t allow life to unfold. I avoid the magic of God giving me all that is needed in every situation for me and those around me to learn and evolve from. Instead I have prefered to choose all the other things I am more comfortable with to fill the emptiness this way of life creates. What is beautiful is realizing this all and choosing to let go of all the ‘somethings’ I hold onto.

  205. The “yes, but” list is a great example of how we can so easily sabotage ourselves away from the moments of being open and spacious into another moment of being rigid and dense. It is all a choice and then movements that confirm that choice into ‘reality’.

  206. “What I understood is that there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.”
    We have built our world around the illusion of self – yet few of us even consider or question the continuum of this separation, for it is simply our everyday normal. Like you Luz, it was not until I was introduced to the work of Serge Benhayon that I realised I had a choice to step off this hamster wheel and re-evaluate what I had understood to be free will.

  207. We are raised to become something else than who we innately are and the original bit of us gets lost on our journey that never ends, because we never get full satisfied. There is always just something that is missing… the bit we forgot about on this voyage, our self.

  208. If every experience we have encountered in this life we can let go of, every situation that has occurred we simply acknowledge and move on, this will be a life free of pre-conceived ideas and pictures and therefore it is a life that we live rather than it living us.

  209. I have felt just how exhausted holding on to denseness can leave us after we have used so much nervous energy trying to control the natural rhythm of life. It simply does not work and over time leads to ongoing anxiety and will start to deplete us dangerously further, seriously affecting our health and wellbeing.

  210. The moment we hold life by a picture of how we choose to see it we are dense, dense compared to the spaciousness of being open for life to just be as it is, accepting of what comes around the next moment, not judging anything as good or bad but understanding it for what it is and why it occurs to the best of our ability – letting be instead of putting in a frame. It may seem difficult to do at times but is worthwhile the effort.

    1. It is the simplicity of letting go that I find ‘difficult’ at times, so used am I to the effort and struggle that I have set up life to be. The more I do let go the sweeter and wiser life’s offerings and opportunities are.

  211. We hold within our bodies all our unresolved issues and traumas from the past and it is only through body awareness and the connection to the quality of our movements that we can shift that to a more natural and harmonised way of being.

  212. Hello Luz and to see us all in this is very revealing about ‘our’ world, “To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have.” So you are saying that we introduce a quality of living that then cements or dense’s up our bodies so that we appear individualised. This is a very good point and reveals something about us. That if we left ourselves or were left alone, just still in our bodies then we would naturally return to one point or one way of being. We create different countries, different races, genders, states, towns, suburbs, groups, families etc etc all to keep up the appearance that we are all separate. What if we are not? What if we aren’t meant to be this way and at this point in the world our bodies are showing us that we aren’t where we are being pulled to be. Illness and disease are still rising and so are the many ways we keep ourselves separate; interesting that while one increases so does another. Time to get things together and stop more and more the game of separation or the “individualised state”.

  213. We talk about progress and evolution and celebrate the changes in our lives, which is all needed and worth appreciating. But what I feel when I hold on is a sense of being stuck in a time warp, like groundhog day repeating over and over again. Which then brings up the question, if I am truly wanting to move forward, am I willing to let go of everything that keeps me in that time loop? Am I willing to step off the not-so-merry-go-round that repeats emotions, denseness and harms again and again.

  214. Recently I have actually been feeling more and more physically this holding on as a tension in my body, particularly in my spine and lower back area. One of the best ways I have started to change this slowly is by clocking this physical tension and consciously letting it go and surrendering my body. It feels completely different when I do this – my posture, my movements all change. Even the sound of my voice changes! I am gradually realising that I don’t have to do anything special, I just need to be me.

  215. Listening to my body’s constant dialogue with me feels like a simple and essential act of respect and intelligence! When I do, denseness or lightness are simple to spot and I have the opportunity to respond.

  216. I love this exposing, Luz, of the ‘Yes, but…” mentality. It made me smile as it is so familiar, and yet at the same time I am faced with the arrogance of feeling I have the right to continue to make my life all about me, myself and I, when the world is in such a sorry state.

  217. I can feel sadness is an old holding onto pattern, why – to avoid feeling the amazingness and deep connection I have to God in my body. The fact that God is inside of me. That everything I could possibly ever know is inside of me, I don’t need to look outside myself or to anyone else for answers. Choosing these patterns are nothing but an indulgence.

  218. Thank you Luz, I appreciate where you have taken the first blog in what we hold onto, as a development in understanding of the science of energy which is so much related to a quality of being connected to a multitude of dimensions in life, rather than living more linearly, or flatly on a dimension in which I am physical and an individual. For many years, in spiritual deception, I would have said it takes hard, dedicated work to achieve the former, whereas now I know the truth that it takes hard work and dedication to stay linear, physical and dense. It is an amazing, freeing and beautiful process of surrender to return to the spherical nature of who we are.

  219. Letting go of, or holding onto control, of wanting things a certain way, has been a big learning for me and something I am learning not to do. I have come to feel how disturbing this can be, how it can consume my thoughts of how things should or shouldn’t be and can most definitely relate it to a feeling heaviness in my body. I love the freedom and space I feel within me when I let go of these entrenched patterns and allow myself and others to simply be. It’s like coming from feeling a rigidity in the body to a feeling of flexibility. It’s choosing simplicity over complication.

  220. It is a strange phenomena that we so often hold on to things that do not serve us, even stranger that we do it willingly. I have done, and still do even though I am well practiced at letting go. I guess the question is – Who am I without this or that? and the answer is – closer to finding out.

  221. I can feel how I hold onto denseness as a game, totally arrogant and individual game at that, it’s not about people or humanity. There is no room for people or God in denseness.

  222. “To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have.” I can really relate to this and I have gained a whole new understanding of hardening in my body or now as I see it as denseness when I consider what is happening on a particle level. I am going to question each day what am I holding onto. Thank you Luz.

  223. Remembering and reawakening once more to the true lightness of our being brings tremendous joy, and yet sometimes it is resisted because in it we lose the individuality and identity that we have become so familiar with. But this step into the seeming unknown only restores to us the true knowing of the greatness we are truly from, and in this the glory we are all a part of equally.

  224. An amazing reminder that the choices we make daily, and our choice to hold onto stuff results in either a lightness or a denseness in our bodies. And that every choice actually physically effects us.

  225. Our beings were not co-created to hold onto anything. That is why doing it creates so much tension inside us. A tension that is just perfect to avoid feeling who we are and that is always there to keep us entertained so we avoid evolution. What we do reminds me of trying to get TV channels through a decoder. We choose what would be our frequency (always in contraction to the original one), we choose the character we will become, what are we going to hang on to and we all set to sail sharing that reduced/distorted version of us with everyone.

  226. Shared with great understanding about the human condition, this article invites us all to at least start to get honest about the fact that we are holding onto all sorts of things and that letting go is a great thing to practise.

  227. This blog is a great reminder that energy passes through us all the time and holding onto it does not support or protect us from anything, all it does is give us a false sense of control while causing separation from our true selves therefore causing disharmony in our bodies which leads to illness and disease. By staying with ourselves, focusing on feeling our body, breath and our movement, we feel our essence and know we are complete as we are.

  228. Thank you Luz- a superb blog. We are designed to be in brotherhood and are by nature very light. Holding onto anything and everything that keeps the individual there in its safety and identification is denying the unity and brotherhood we are designed to work and live in, effectively denying our grandness, our love and God. Love does not separate – it unites.

  229. Love the honesty of what you have shared Luz. My essence, the lightness, the inner-most or the esoteric, is something that I make a conscious choice to be connected to, but like you my old patterns of denseness get in the way. The beliefs that I am carrying are being exposed more and more, so as I am writing this I can feel the rush to get it completed. Raciness being one of my issues, I am now more aware that it is a great form of stillness that brings me more of me. In doing so I can feel this writing will finish when it is me doing it!

  230. “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!” – this line really resonated with me and is something to consider more deeply. If I’m holding onto anything, anything at all then I’m making myself dense.

  231. It has been my experience that when I am terrified or feel lost that I immediately try to do or experience something familiar. The problem is that I then stop being aware of why I feel terrified or lost and lose the opportunity to notice that I usually don’t need to be terrified or that I can do something about it and that I am rarely actually lost.

  232. There is no doubt that when we lighten up about ourselves and others it feels far more open and spacious and our days have much more simple flow to them.

  233. Reading the title of the blog I can feel the comfort and almost pleasure I create in holding onto things, it’s pure indulgence, it creates drama, issues and complication – which if were not there then life would be about people.

  234. I have been known to be a bit stubborn and I have witnessed this trait in family members as well when you are on the otherside of dealing with it it is pretty clear that they are holding onto something and not wanting to deal with or not feeling resourceful enough to deal with the change. When you are on the other side it feels more like a desperate fight for survival. I have come to recognise these feelings in myself and it is warning sign for me that there is something to let go of.

  235. Love the honesty of what you have shared Luz. My essence, the lightness, the inner-most or the esoteric, is something that I make a conscious choice to be connected to, but like you my old patterns of denseness get in the way. The beliefs I am carrying are being exposed more and more, so as I am writing this I can feel the rush to get it completed. Raciness being one of my issues, I am now more aware that it is a great form of stillness that brings me more of me. In doing so I can feel this writing will finish when it is me doing it! What does this last bit mean??

  236. The blog cracks through a paradigm of thinking life is about accumulating and ‘holding on’ to memories etc. How would life be if we approached it freshly everyday?

  237. Dear Luz,
    In your list of things that we hold on to, you have listed “personality”. For me this is the thing that I am constantly letting go of aspects of, for when I choose the deeper more truthful me, my personality no longer has the same vibe, instead of it being pushy and controlling, it, for the time that I choose the deeper me, surrenders and becomes a humble student to the wisdom I hold within. However, when for any reason I no longer choose the deeper me, my personality again becomes individualized and thoughts of needing to prove self and defend self (my personal ways of trying to control life) are there hiding the deeper inner wise truth. Until such time I choose this deep inner wisdom again.

  238. Holding onto ‘thing’s, ie. belongings, physical objects we no longer need, however small and seemingly insignificant they are, is no different to holding on to a behaviour, that may seem small but is affecting the all.

    1. Absolutely true Vicky. I feel that holding onto hurts and behaviours etc can be more damaging simply because they get repeated, ingrained and even defended which continues to keep us in our denseness and away from the lightness we all naturally are in our bodies and particles.

  239. Denseness is not just how we feel after over eating, life can be dense and we seek to escape through food and other mediums, which leads to the “why did I do this to myself?”.

  240. “Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day.” This is something that for us all to practice in our lives.

  241. Gorgeous Luz, what I really related to in your blog was the simplicity that ‘holding onto’ is actually impossible because energy is constantly passing through us.. so when we are holding on, we are actually just choosing that same energy, thought, belief or protection over and over again! In an instant or in a movement we are able to choose again and choose to let go as you so delicately describe. The intricacies of this science may appear complicated but in reality are actually very simple once it is understood by experiencing it for oneself. Thank you massively for writing about holding on…. what a pertinent topic for us all!

  242. Reading this really gives you a sense of what is happening at a cellular level when we hold onto situations, ideal and beliefs, and how restricting it is for the body to flow in it’s natural rhyme.

  243. I have lost count of the number of times that I have purposefully chosen particular foods or quantities of food for the prime reason of wanting to invoke the feeling of having swallowed a house brick. There is nothing like swallowing a house brick to detach you from whatever you are feeling. (Actually scrap that…there are a lot of different ways that will detach you from what you are feeling and I have tried many of them!).

  244. Beautiful Luz so much wisdom in surrendering and the pure gold you share and the key to life ” to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything ” This says everything.

  245. The simple term ‘holding onto’ has become a kind of daily mantra or better marker and reminder to check me in relation to life and people; it´s phenomenal to realize how huge and all consuming ‘holding onto’ is, my reality is woven by things I hold onto like the threads of a carpet, but the very magic of this carpet doesn´t allow me to fly, much more it is binding me a to a very limited, subjective reality that is far from the spacious truth I know myself to be in essence.

    1. Yes, it is difficult to find a sentence that contains ‘true love’ and ‘holding onto’ where both are mentioned positively.

  246. For me holding onto ‘fitting in’ creates tension in the way you describe Luz. There is a pressure I build within myself as I people please, try to be nice and try to be something I am not…This clearly does not serve me or anyone else!

  247. Exploring why we hold on can be so revealing and potentially bring up old hurts – which may explain why we hold on in the first place. Surrendering can be a healing experience. And as much of a choice as holding on.

  248. I agree with you. In just reading Luz’s article, I could feel myself checking in with my body and the areas where I hold on. All this unnecessary control and holding on even in the quiet early hours of my day – what’s it like when I’m in full swing at work! I too, am trying to work on being less controlling and to surrender to my body more – this blog has really clarified things for me.

  249. The greater our self awareness, the greater we feel the tension of holding on. It’s what we do in that moment that either brings us back to the light, natural way we are, or keeps us in the dense, protected way we have learned to be.

  250. Even thoughts which we often would never associate with being ‘heavy’ or ‘dense’ in fact can also be a very key contributor to making us feel heavy and dense within our actions and behaviours. Its like the thought of how someone else has been may result in us holding onto an anger or frustration about that person which is felt in every way we are thereafter.

  251. ‘Yet it expanded beyond a trauma that was held in my body, to a way of living that was about protection, manipulation, and control. I learned that we can hold onto nearly anything!’ – It is an important point you are making here, how often are we completely unaware of the fact that holding onto things is actually holding us back in life. It serves well to have a look at what we are holding onto in our day to day living.

  252. “Yes but …” such an easy way for us to wriggle out of actually looking and addressing our arrogant stubbornness around holding onto to issues. I have observed so often within myself that I want to make an issue out of something that just isn’t there, as a way to prove my point of view and/or get noticed. The more I learn to let go and allow myself to stay light, less need I have to be noticed, as the feeling of staying light and open is far more enjoyable than holding on to denseness and becoming all heavy.

  253. ‘…holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.’ Letting go of our propensity to control pretty much everything in life is surely one of the trickiest tasks for the human being, so attached are we to our ability to create, be singled out for that which differentiates us from another, and generally live disconnected from our innermost and our fellow man. Once we can let go of the need to control, everything will change – for ourselves and the planet.

  254. energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything – holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else. Thank-you for this awesome reminder Luz. I love how you explain the denseness being the tension or nervous drive, I really get that. I too have been feeling that tension/denseness lately and when I feel that, I remind myself to just stay with myself and not go beyond what is there right in front of me and focus on moving and staying with my own breath and feel my body. This has changed the moment dramatically and allowed me to feel that spaciousness and light when we let go control, and that, all that is required is for me to stay with me and hold strong in that.

  255. Luz, your blog effortlessly describes the differences between lightness and denseness in relation to the body. This makes us recognise how the choices we make are usually generated from the usual marker of ‘should” or ‘shouldn’t” But as we know everything is energy and so our body is too, then the question of ‘Does this choice make me feel dense or light?’ may be the more appropriate marker to guide our choices.

  256. When an energy that does not feel true passes through us, instead of reacting or resisting to it, take note of it and feel into it, express all that we feel will bring an understanding of what this energy is about, how it affects us and why it exists in the world. Sometimes there is deep devastation in what we feel and if we allow ourselves to go there, the deep understanding that comes then allows us to let the world in even more.

  257. A deepening connection with my body comes from a deepening of self care and self love, and with that there is an opening up to the world because the body is ready.

  258. ‘…difficult concept to grasp because our experience of life as human beings is certainly an experience of billions of bodies separated from each other,…’ It is crazy that we can give our own individual issues so much concern when those of humanity are so much greater.

  259. This blog requires me to be more honest with myself in the sense that I will explore why I hold onto tension within my own body, and start opening up to the possibility of trauma(s) from my childhood or later. For a long time I’ve locked my feelings away from me, as feeling and me were 2 different things. Now I’m accepting that this isn’t the truth. That whenever I ‘lock’ myself, I’m indeed choosing (a form of) denseness that I’ve accepted to be ‘normal’. Yet it is the opposite of normal… And when I’m honest, it feels indeed awful.

  260. Hello Luz, and if we ever wanted a map to life, here it is, “I am aware that I will forever be exposed to energy that I won´t like and that I have an ingrained pattern of using my nervous system to get through life while holding tension in my body and muscles, but I now know what it is all about: a holding onto! This is a reaction that is not needed because energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything – holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” So hold onto at our own peril almost. As you say ‘energy is passing’ through us all the time, so to hold onto something makes no sense really. It will only allow you to be tripped up in the next step, or block the next part in some way. I love this and the way it’s written it all makes complete sense, thank you Luz.

  261. Luz, I can really feel the denseness in this holding back and how it makes our particles sluggish rather than free flowing through us. The fact that it makes perfect sense however does not exclude me from feeling some resistance in my body to not holding back- my individualism at play! There is much here for me to ponder and commit to.

  262. ” just expressing my true self’ have we ever done this since we were young children? And who is our true self? Not the pictures in our head. Love is the word that comes to body, not to mind – It’s well worth the journey of exploring together who we all really are. It’s really a question worth pondering on, for the truth and joy we re-find inside and have known all along.

  263. There is still individuality in being connected to everything, so in essence the esoteric teaches that there is nothing wrong with individuality per se. The problem is when we make individuality everything at the expense of the whole, and in separation to the whole. Then we have a problem, and that is where humanity has it wrong. We cherish individual freedom, which of course is important, but we cherish such autonomy as our highest form of expression, when it is not. Our highest form of expression is when we individually express in consideration and with respect to everything and everyone around us. Then it is guaranteed that our expression becomes part of what the esoteric calls true brotherhood.

  264. Wow. I am realizing that every “issue” I’ve ever had only existed because I ‘held on’ in some way.
    This is huge.

    I am now, determined to be aware when I am holding on and to let go of what is done and accept what is, especially when it did not go as I wanted or thought it should go…

    The more I let go and develop acceptance the more I am able to go forward in a way that feels true to me.

  265. We can experience an underlying feeling of anxiousness that we create in our own minds by allowing the smallest thing to bother us, and then our minds go round and round and we get heavier and heavier, until we can clock it and see that is simply our thoughts, it is not US. They serve only to distract us from feeling who we truly are. Once we can clock ‘Ah yes, there’s that anxious feeling’ it becomes easier to let it go. We are not our thoughts, but we do let them in, or we invite them in by the denseness we choose to live.

  266. What I experience when I let go of something that I have been holding onto, it being on a mental, emotional or physical level, is that it opens up and makes space for something new to unfold.

  267. At some point, through illness, disease, an ‘accident, or death we will all have to let go. It’s gonna happen. So would it not be far better to let go now?

  268. ‘I know living in that feeling is not yet my daily experience. However, it is now my choice to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in, to breathe gently, keep the permanent connection with my body and to remember this experience that can be well-described as: Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!’ This is evolution.

  269. It is a split second choice to hold onto denseness or to open ourselves up to our true light. What allows the choice is all that we have lived up until that moment.

  270. From my own experience, I know that the clearer I am with my own expression, both in what and when I say something and how I say it, the more clarity I feel throughout my whole being. And when this is not the case, I feel the opposite which is the denseness that you talk about here. The expression from Serge Benhayon, ‘Expression is everything’ could not be any clearer.

  271. An amazing blog Luz! Complex yet you have also simplified what you shared too. What it comes down to for me is the need to not identify with that which separates and individuates and let go to be the real me, part of the whole that is humanity.

  272. I wonder what life would be like if we just let go of everything? I reckon we hold onto stuff we’re not even consciously aware of, and everything we hold onto effects our body and our whole life in every movement of the day. Definitely something to ponder on!

  273. I love that word comprehension. It feels like the whole of life is brought before us to be understood and learned from when there is time to comprehend what has happened, or what is happening. It is very humbling.

  274. Returning to this blog today- what stands out is “I can clearly see how this is a way of living based on comparison and separation from everyone and everything else.” It is interesting how a reaction to one event or situation becomes what we shape ourselves and life on believing this to be the truth throughout. It seems like a convenient way of always keeping ourselves small as the marker we are comparing to is usually not true either.

  275. Holding onto anything of this three dimensional world we live in is in denial of the body of the light we are. By doing so we restrict ourselves to a three dimensional world while we are much more and in fact are not bounded to this as we can naturally access other dimensions too, dimensions we cannot see, hear, smell or touch, but for our being is a reality. We may call this God, the universe or the all, that does not matter, but fact is that we are so much more that our three dimensional world we live with our humanly bodies and we tend to restrict ourselves to while holding onto denseness.

  276. ‘Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day.’ I can relate to this Luz and have gently observed myself these past few days, simply letting go and how different this feels in my body.
    I keep returning to this blog, it is multi-layered and offers something different each time I read.

  277. Hi Luz. To go into this denser state now feels painful and very uneasy in my body and this was a way of being that I have lived most of my life in and up until now I had no idea of the heaviness of it. Your comment – ‘To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have’ is true and that it can be a very comfortable place to settle into, basically it is giving our life away to something else and not choosing responsibility. The lightness in the body of living from our own centre is very connected to others and once experienced, quickly becomes the only loving way to live.

  278. Surrendering must surely be one of the greatest arts that we as a race need to learn in our lives.

  279. I get what you are saying here Luz: ‘When we hold ourselves in this denser way, there is a higher possibility to be recognised, more easily distinguished, and eminent in our segregated state; and to me, one of the things that we, as humans, most seek is recognition and identity, therefore this becomes our ‘natural’ way of being: holding onto and densing up!’ And yet it is interesting that one of the least dense people I know on earth has also managed to become famous in her field and if she wanted ‘recognition’ she could have it hugely because of her success, but because she is in as close to ‘full ‘service as is possibly possible here, she is widely know in her field and yet not at all dense. This would be the way to go!

  280. Luz, what’s interesting to observe about ‘holding on’ is how we do this from a physical perspective, attitudinal or behavioural and also energetic… and how this all affects the body and its digestion of life [through the body]. It’s brought closer attention towards how I hold, touch, pick up items, and the quality in which I’m doing so for that is a measure of how I’m holding [or at times gripping] myself.

  281. I know the human spirit so greatly wants us to hold onto denseness. That way it keeps us in our hurts, keeps us feeling separate and individual. Holding onto hurts are a sure way to feel dense and our spirits can easily revisit old hurts as a means to keep us from expanding to become universal. What I have discovered is that it is always a choice, to come back to our quality of connection and through reconnecting with this quality we discover that we all indeed come from the one source. – love.

  282. Since reading this blog I have noticed just how much it has inspired me to let go of anything to which I felt an attachment and to actually acknowledge just how possessive I can be about some things. Definitely and an ongoing process but realising just how much I am attached and the potential in letting go has inspired me to keep looking at this whenever the opportunity arises.

  283. Expression is Everything so anything we hold onto, which is a refusal to express, creates a tension within our bodies that prevents the natural flow of life through us.

  284. One of the beliefs you mention Luz is the anticipation that something might go wrong, and yet if we focus on this, that is exactly what will happen! However if we stay steady within ourselves life has a way of becoming steady also. I notice this at work – if I remain steady within me, and don’t try and control/manipulate or get caught up in the chaos and drama happening around me, gradually everything and everyone settle and the work environment becomes a joy to work in and my colleagues a joy to work with.

  285. “Holding on gives me a false sense of control” – and I definitely try to hold on in so many way resisting me essentially. The question is why the need to control and what would happen if I let that go?

  286. We chose to hold on and be dense as it keeps us in the illusion of individuality and the me, me, clever me aspect that we so crave. However, we cannot escape from the pull to return to the oneness and love we all are at essence and thus the constant tension and exhaustion for the me will never be satisfied.

  287. ‘Holding onto’ something really does interweave into many aspects of our daily life with a cause and effect that can be sneaky and obscure. Obscure enough so unless choosing to be really honest and willing to let go may never reveal what the motivation behind a certain choice truly is. As very well described all this to protect the self from a perceived challenge, insecurity, threat or discomfort. Discussing yesterday with a friend what is behind a situation I am experiencing that requires a letting go so there is a flow and movement with the situation, I discovered a pearl of insight. There has been a fear of what is next so there is an energetic ‘stalling’ going on in me. The deeper cause and effect is a using of other people by my inaction to fully take responsibility to be willing to let go and move forward with whatever is next.

  288. As soon as I ‘tense up I automatically dense up’, so great to get more clarity and lightness about this. Thanks Luz!

  289. ‘What immediately became very obvious was how the lightness had been replaced by a holding onto something, holding onto many big and little things.’ – I had to smile when I saw your list of excuses, very familiar to me in the past, and would no doubt have still been if it wasn’t for Serge Benhayon and his ground breaking teachings.

  290. We can hold onto things that we actually would like to let go of – frustrations, comparisons, sadness – but we can also hold onto things as a ‘safety net’, a position we feel comfortable in, where we are seemingly ‘doing well’. And that holds back from taking our next evolutionary step.

  291. I have too spent a lot of time in comparison trying to gain recognition from others and make myself ‘more’ than others due to feeling less than others. It does feel heavy and all consuming to do this, like energy is constantly being drained from you in the background. When we become aware of the pictures that we are holding on to and how they affect us, it is easier to choose to let go and surrender. This is a constant never ending process as our entire existence as a human race is based on ideals and images of how we should be, not who we actually are.

  292. ’Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day.’ – A big turnaround Luz – life is very different when we learn to let go of control and trust that what ever is needed will be presented to us.

  293. I’ve been choosing denseness for most of my life and still choose it. The difference is the awareness and the greater honesty if not truth that I know when I am with me and when I’m not. For me a great marker is when I’m not connected to my body and don’t feel a lovely, spacious flow within my body. When I feel the flow I feel I’m with me. And when I’m not, I’m missing me – whether I choose to admit it or not. I’m learning to observe the difference in choices in order to maintain the lovely quality of being.

  294. I too am learning there is little point on holding onto me, what is being expressed through me is constantly changing and evolving if I allow that spaciousness and movement.

  295. Luz your coining of the phrase ‘densing up’ is masterful and the same said phrase kept popping up throughout my day as I felt my body ‘dense up’ often as I reacted to an assortment of different things.

  296. Just reading the title of this blog this morning helped my body to let go. Yesterday I felt light and free. I woke up this morning feeling heavier. I don’t need to hold on to all that I have collected over night.

  297. Luz every time I read this blog something different stands out. This time it was the courage of honouring one’s expression regardless of how this is going to be taken.

  298. I have only recently realised just how re active I am and inappropriately so I might add. Since this realisation I have been choosing to take responsibility for the feeling associated with the trigger before I react. By surrendering and letting go of the underlying hurt through gentle breath and focusing on my connection with my body I am becoming far less reactive.

  299. “There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything!” I can totally relate to what you are sharing here Luz. I just heard I didn’t pass an exam for the second time and straight away felt myself go sad and heavy, yet I could also feel a deep acceptance and truth that it was the way it was and that it did not make me less. The first bit made me feel dense and the second part makes me feel amazing even when not passing an exam.

  300. That is a killer line: “…to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything…” – instantly blows out all held onto files on my mental hard drive.

  301. “I can feel how I have spent most of my life immersed in ideals and beliefs of ‘how to be’, desiring charisma and other qualities that would give me recognition and in some way make me ‘more’ than others.” This sentence is so revealing as to how we have set life up in comparison and competition with each other because of a lack of foundation of love. Letting go of what we have been holding on to offers us an opportunity to rebuild that foundation and to look at all others in equality and appreciation.

  302. It’s amazing reading this and realising all the ideals and beliefs we would be walking around in dictating our decision making process, and generally how we navigate through life. We can feel the holding on in our bodies but it seems that we have become so used to it that we do not question it.

  303. Gorgeous Luz, last night at my sacred movemnet class I got to feel this; ‘what if all these individuals are not separated at all, but are all part of the same whole?’ I looked around the group of women in my class last night and felt very connected with myself and all of those in the group, I felt how even though we look different and are in individual bodies that actually we are all one, all the same, it felt very beautiful and unifying and I did not feel the separation that I usually feel with a group of people.

  304. ‘I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!’ I can relate to this feeling…’holding onto’ makes me feel heavier and thicker my body. Whereas letting go allows for opening up, expansion and lightness. The trick is to really get underneath what it is I am really holding onto. These can be patterns that are old and ingrained that just seems so normal, but unthreading them is a beautiful thing.

  305. Luz, the list of things that we hold onto would be humorous if it was not so spot on! This blog really exposes the huge investment we have in remaining individual, and how there is so much more to us when we surrender the control of our carefully measured and self protecting life that ticks all the boxes.

  306. “To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have.” And this requires a lot of energy. The more we surrender and let go, the lighter and easier life becomes and then the energy we wasted by holding onto denseness can be put to a much more positive and expansive use.

  307. Luz, this is pure poetry, and what you describe and feel here is magic, that we can ‘dense-up’ or be the light beings we are, and to be light it’s about letting go the attachments to anything to differentiate or identify us – and this is something to observe how those ‘yes buts’ come in, the conditions we place on life before we are willing to let go, surrender and be.

  308. Liz, this is pure poetry, and what you describe and feel here is magic, that we can ‘dense-up’ or be the light beings we are, and to be light it’s about letting go the attachments to anything to differentiate or identify us – and this is something to observe how those ‘yes buts’ come in, the conditions we place on life before we are willing to let go, surrender and be.

  309. Surrender is a tricky one to grasp – and for precisely that reason: it’s impossible to grasp at anything and have that be surrender. Surrender is a felt thing, experiential in nature; a letting go, a ‘being’ process we move into, not think our way into.

  310. ‘I learned that we can hold onto nearly anything!… anything that can give us a sense of security and identity.’ What a great observation Luz, thank you. Yes, what we hold on to defines us – or so we think. The little self finds it hard to comprehend our universality and struggles to let go of that which it has created in physical form, starting with our bodies. Not that we need to deny the body – far from it – but we do need to not see our body as much more than a vessel to contain our exquisiteness (or contraction away from that). Then there’s our addiction to our mental creations – the thoughts that dominate us so, and their offspring… all the ideals, beliefs, schemes, ideas, causes and solutions we dream up. Then there’s our spiritual fascinations… and so on it goes. Learning to let go of all of this is a necessary work on progress if we are to get to any sort of truth.

  311. Very inspiring to read this blog on living in spaciousness Luz. – ‘I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!’

  312. The patterns of ‘holding onto’ can be so sneakily camouflaged into the function of every day life that to catch them takes a few stop moments to feel what it truly going on and where I’ve forged forward and not spoken up.

  313. Not only do we hold onto denseness, but we can do it with anything – I know I have held onto sadness or frustration because its like a bone on which I can chew and give me something to think and worry about.

  314. The list of ‘Yes Buts’ is very revealing, I recognise so many of them – we put off being truly light for no real reason except that holding on to denseness is familiar, comfortable, but we will not evolve if we don’t explore.

  315. . . . “a holding onto! This is a reaction that is not needed because energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything” . . . so true Luz, I would even go as far to say that the holding on actually pulls in the very energy we are so busy protecting ourselves from by holding on. If that makes sense.

  316. The content of this blog is huge and I can feel how profound this is to simply surrender and instantly let go of all of the conditions we set.

  317. I was recently in a boat in a very rough,stormy and lengthy crossing. I had always in the past been seasick even in relatively easy passages and been in fear as well. I had the intention of doing it differently this time and the crossing certainly challenged everything for me, metaphorically there was nothing for me to hold onto and so all I could do was surrender and be very present with myself and with how I felt, letting go each time anxiety or a tensing in my body arose. I began to realise I wasn’t this little individual speck being dashed up and down at the mercy of the waves which were going in all directions, but in fact a part of the boat, a part of the ocean, a part of everything and all I needed to do was go with the rhythm and pulse of it all. I wasn’t seasick for perhaps the first time in my life and I have a newfound steadiness and confidence in myself which I know has much to do with letting go and not holding on.

  318. This is grand, it brings back life to the simplicity it truly is. We hold onto denseness for the false safety and comfort it provides. It is about allowing ourself to let go, and be the light that is in us, only blocked by our choice to hold onto denseness.

  319. It’s so cool Luz, that you have a very real maker in your body of the vast difference between a body held in the flow of life by being light and a body that is holding onto the dense of self. Reading this has reestablished what I already know to be true and given tools to clock what is going on throughout the day and what I am not allowing to flow. It’s pretty crazy, but holding on is actually us fighting the universe! It’s us saying ‘no, I’m going to do it my way’; what a force we must need to keep that going.

  320. I know ‘holding on’ back to front – it’s where I go to make myself dense so I don’t have to acknowledge the fact that I feel energy. It’s confirming the individual, like you say Luz, and denying the universality of who we actually are. Holding on makes us smaller and a more reduced version of the expansive being we are. This blog is such a great expose’ of holding on and leaves no stone unturned in understanding what we actually get out of making ourselves denser.

  321. ANYTHIING that we hold onto regardless of if we label it as good or bad leaves a denseness in the body. The more we let go, the lighter we feel, the more we feel like our true selves and our essence shines.

  322. Today a friend made me aware of holding on to images and letting go of them. The moment we let go of the inner pictures we make of life, expect things to be or hold life and people by, space opens up to just be with what is, a presence without anticipation of the next moment but absolutely open and ready for whatever is going to come.

  323. Have you ever tried to change something you do? Have you ever looked to be more loving with you? Have you ever had someone offer you unconditional Love? If so perhaps you will have seen that in each situation we actively fight to hold on to what we ‘have’ even when we may say it is a situation we would love to change. For when you delve under the covers of our day to day, we come face to face with this reality you describe Luz, that we actually choose everything in our life. It may be confronting but how empowering to know that we have everything we need to say ‘no I no longer need this, I choose to let go’. Thank you.

  324. What a great blog thank you Luz, so perfect timing for me, what I am I holding onto, rather than allow the space for life to flow.

  325. Hi Luz. The way we eat and how we eat has an enormous impact on our ability to connected more deeply to our light and feel this in the body.

  326. We spend our lives striving to be individuals, to stand by our ideas and beliefs that give us our identity. But what you are presenting here is so clear – that as long as we do that our bodies become dense and the flow of all that is true stops, creating all sorts of problems. Whereas by letting go of any pictures or expectations we may have of how we would like our lives to be, we create the space for love and light to flow through us, bringing us closer to what we innately know is true.

  327. Denseness is a perfect way to not feel what is truly going on. Allthough we think that we’re smart in being able to numb ourselves, the sad truth is that we’re actually miss out on ourselves too. And so we’re in a constant fight, without realising and / or accepting that we’re in a fight. And the denseness creates a non-clarity that will not ever expose itself. We’re to make our own choice to feel it and choose differently.

  328. Luz, I have come to feel so clearly from what you have written that if we all let go of the things that we are voluntarily holding onto, then we would all know ourselves as the divine beings that we are.

  329. It’s fascinating how much we use the ‘Yes, but’ excuse, to justify holding onto things and staying in whatever emotion we’re feeling… I wonder what it would look like if we took out the ‘but’ – even just for a day or week…

  330. I am sure that if every single one of us began to know the “difference between a body of light and a body of denseness”, and could actually feel this for ourselves, life as we know it would change in innumerable ways, and these changes could not but ripple through us and out to the world, creating one big body of light.

  331. We live in a world sold by the word ‘security’. From the word go, we get taught that you study and earn a degree for security, you marry and you have children for security, you get a job and earn money for security, you eat well and healthily for security. And then interestingly enough this becomes the focus – to play it safe in life, to not take risks. Some people then rebel against this by ‘taking risks’ such as bungee jumping and skydiving etc, but few are truly ready to take risks that take us out of our comfort zone and with the purpose of being of support to everyone around us. It takes a lot to leave behind even the concept of security, let alone contemplate leaving behind what we know, are familiar with and are comfortable with. But could it be that some of this is like a ‘set up’ – a way to keep us away from true growth? What if our true evolution was not about security, but was about truth?

  332. Thank you Luz for sharing this huge subject and expanding on it further. There is so much here to look at, and it just goes to show that we can be our own experiment and that what we learn is true, for us and our bodies.

  333. There is so much more freedom and true service in letting go of how we think life should look or be and allow the hierarchy to guide us as to what is truly needed for humanity.

  334. I love your blogs Luz. I love how you are super connected to your body and constantly take an active interest in how it is feeling and what it is telling you. The depth of awareness you go to is inspiring.

  335. “Yet it expanded beyond a trauma that was held in my body, to a way of living that was about protection, manipulation, and control.” Up until meeting Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom I never knew one could live any differently.

  336. This understanding that you bring, Luz, of ‘holding on’ and of ‘denseness’ is truly insightful and as you say difficult to put into words. However, you have managed to do so with clarity and simplicity. Thank you.

  337. Thank you Luz for writing this hugely supportive and inspiring blog. I can relate to wanting to be in control because of worrying about what might happen. When I let go of control, surrender and trust I am letting go of denseness, so I can simply be myself.

  338. Luz. a powerful exploration of what happens to the body when we hold on to irrelevant and false beliefs, and the gloriousness of the alternative when we let go.

  339. The holding onto I could observe yesterday as some situations occured where I was reacting instead of reading, because there seemed to be no time for this. This feels dense in the body afterwards. To let myself dictate by time instead of the absolute knowing there is always space, because we are living on a earth which is imbedded in the universe, everything else is illusion.

  340. It is interesting that when we feel unhappy and hurt, choosing denseness gives us comfort and it takes courage to move away from denseness.

  341. “…I was just being and allowing all that was there. I felt boundless and light, as never before…I can say it was Me… – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all… I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!…”
    This snippet of your blog is a beautiful and brilliant description of the difference between lightness and denseness that we can experience in the human body, revealing how everything is about energy, that we actually have a choice of what energy we choose, that lightness is expansion, that denseness is contraction, and seeing how these polar opposite qualities are what we actually see as the end result of choices being displayed out in the human behaviour and emotions.

  342. ‘It was Me – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all. There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!’ It seems absolutely crazy that we hold onto so much denseness and contraction to protect and comfort ourselves when they are the very things that are causing the pain and stopping us from being the recipients of the humongous joy we naturally are. Me without barriers, Me with problems, Me without desires, Me without control – awesome.

  343. You have brought so much by displaying how our reactions, thoughts, and emotions can be dense – and this is draining on the body. Sometimes we seek the light and it becomes a tail chasing game, but what you have presented is that our true light simply is there and it doesn’t need a big search.

  344. Somehow holding onto things gives us identification and fills a need – whereas the more we let things go the lighter we are and the less we feel the need to be identified by anything. After all if we are all love, which we are, then why would we want to be anything other than love?

  345. ‘ I learned that we can hold onto nearly anything!’ – and we do this because it gives permission to not take responsibility for our part in whatever is happening, there is something we can blame. The thing we do not realise is how the action of ‘Holding On’ is draining leaving us exhausted and not living the truth of who we truly are.

  346. If somebody would have told me 5 years ago that all my woes are actually my own choices to create a denseness in order to offset the amazing, beautiful, tender, powerful, delicate and gracious man that I am, I wasn’t able to feel it for myself in any way. I understood with my head that the answer lay in connecting to my body, but wasn’t able to truly picture how this would feel. Now I’m experiencing pretty much every day the loveliness within my own body. It comes and goes, or more truthfully expressed, I connect to myself and disconnect from it. But the fact is that I know that any form of denseness isn’t me. Which is a miracle in itself!

  347. Your blogs helps unpack all the different ways we imprison ourselves out of fear and a misguided need for protection. The good thing is we always have a choice, and we hold the key, so surrender (freedom) is in our hands.

  348. Luz, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and its simple message to let go of how things need to be or look like and surrender. It certainly feels more free to not try so hard to look or be a certain way so that I am different to others. It is great to come back to the knowing we are already unique yet equal in our expression without trying or holding on to anything.

  349. “…there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.” In this separation is where evil can flourish. It is only when we see ourselves as separate, different or superior to others that we can harm another. If we are aware that we are all the same in humanity, then it becomes much easier to treat each other with the love and respect we all deserve.

  350. The ‘Yes, but-…’ is brilliantly exposing the MeMeMe-factor that runs the whole show, basically saying ‘Yes, but first it is all about me, and then more of me!’. Once begun with self everything thereafter is more or less also about self; that´s the dilemma. It is gradual that we let go of self, the ‘holding onto’. With every layer discarded we realize in hindsight how much it had a hold over us while we were holding onto it.

  351. There is such a revelation you share Luz – that holding onto a trauma expands into a way of living. It shapes our choices, the way we move, and even breath. I can feel how it has developed into a quite a macrocosm of protection. As I’m discovering an understanding of ‘holding on to’ it is something that builds up over years by covering over how I truly feel about an initial situation. One unexpressed trauma can become a life long shadow that unless I choose to bring it out, it lurks and haunts with the intention to scare and manipulate my choice to bring more of the same.

  352. In every moment we have the choice to be present, connected and aware, or choose to be in reaction to life and holding onto a ‘broken Brits’ or even an ‘attacking’ way of being. It’s a a choice that in every moment we can ask ourselves which way are we choosing?

  353. I can feel how true it is that ‘This denseness is held by me in the body through my choice of contracting the particles in my body, therefore changing the frequency of my particles to where there is less flow, space and allowance for everything to just naturally be, move and express’. It makes such sense of how we take on energy from the outside that impacts on our body as we allow the imposition rather than staying steady and connected with our innate stillness where we allow a connection to our soul.

  354. “There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!” I know that feeling too – and now I do, the denseness of the way I live most of the time feels agonisingly painful. Interestingly though, I can often try not to feel this pain by numbing it with food, or some other distraction, which only makes my body heavier and denser and so the cycle increases in intensity. Having the marker, or reference point in my body for the lightness I feel when I let go and surrender, is a massive support in saying ‘no’ to this cycle.

  355. The ultimate ‘holding onto’ is holding onto self, driven by the self itself to justify and sustain its separated existence – separated from being the greater Self, the Soul, that is belonging and understanding itself as being one with the All, hence a completely different version of self that actually is selfless by its nature.

  356. Brilliant blog Luz, great understanding how the control and protection creates the denseness that separates us from the light we are all truly from, from your lived experience.

  357. Even stopping to notice whether or not we feel dense or light might sound unusual to some but when you register the difference in your body it is a an opportunity to understand how quickly the body can communicate with us.

  358. We can not hold onto anything forever. Something we are even forced to release, why we have held onto to feel secure in one way or another. When this happens it is actually a blessing that cracks open our protection and gives us but a glimpse of the depth of our sensitivity.

  359. You’ve changed the way we can address feeling dense, contracted or shut down; when our bodies don’t feel as light as we know they can be, we can ask the question of what we’re holding onto and what choices we’re making that are creating a heaviness inside rather than blame it on exterior events or other people for making us contract.

  360. I agree Jane that we are all trying to make some sense of life and why things happen and at the same time avoiding discussing the very thing that can explain it all – energy.

  361. I have been noticing more and more recently the background tension that is in my body when I am not honouring my own deep awareness of energy that I have and that is occurring every day around and inside me.

  362. Luz, I have just re-read your extraordinary blog again and can feel how your sharing is a tool to undense all those who read it. It is an evolutionary tool no less. Whilst reading it I got to feel how most people are walking around as dense as bricks, not by natural design but by individual choice. We are each choosing to pull in and hold onto a myriad of different things that keep us separated and in illusion. It’s as if we are all in hot air balloons that we have voluntarily filled with ballast and yet we so desperately want to lift off the ground and fly! Time to identify and then tip the ballast overboard!

  363. A full understanding of this topic totally turns on its head all our perceptions about exhaustion, eating, coffee, etc… Do we seriously believe that our bodies want a constant supply of caffeine and sugar? So how hard must we be working to over-ride that, to get ourselves into a state where we ‘need’ that. It’s amazing to consider. If we start from the undeniable absolute that these two substances are poison for our bodies, then we might begin to be able to see the truth off what we are actually doing to ourselves. Yet, we are looking at it from the point of the ‘already exhausted’, which of course clouds our view entirely and thus allows us to pour this poison into our bodies.

  364. Giving ourselves permission to let go of the boundaries, the denseness of our temporal body, to explore and wonder at the space;light within is absolutely game changing, experiencing life from the inside out.

  365. So true Luz, given we are vehicles of expression, and energy is passing through us continually, it makes sense that if we hold on to anything it will clog us up and the energy will no longer simply flow through us, and we will feel heavy and no longer light and spacious.

  366. Luz I can relate so absolutely with living in a way that constantly clamored to be ‘more’ than others. It was as if a part of me was constantly scanning the horizon and trying to depict if someone was about to get ‘ahead’ of me or not. I lived like this for such a long time and yet never disclosed it to anyone, it was a very furtive way of living. Through my involvement with Universal Medicine I have learnt that this way of behaving was borne out of not being able to stand other people reflecting the choices that I, myself, was not willing to make. Gradually over time I have begun making different choices and now don’t live in fear of other people’s success. Having said that I can still feel some residue from that way of being, which indicates that I still have work to do, in order to clear it completely.

  367. ‘Yet we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life.’ When I do this I get caught up in my head, in pictures, expectations, ideals and beliefs, my body feels heavy and life feels like an uphill struggle. I confirm the individual, remain separated, and exhaust myself in the process.

  368. Holding on to situations and running them over in our heads can be quite addictive, so what has been written here is super important because we may have some of the obvious signs of how this makes us feels, such as poor sleep, overeating, tension in our muscles but what about the effects on the body we have not clocked yet and to what extent is this contributing to our ill health.

  369. I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness! Im sure I am still holding to some form of protection…..and on occasion some over eating, which as you say is holding onto denseness and staying in comfort. Will ponder on this further.

  370. The quality in which we live be it dense or light has a direct influence on all those around us. In truth we communicate less by words and more by the quality of our presence and how we are living and of course those factors have a direct influence on our expression.

  371. Wonderful blog Luz, thank you. I find it interesting – and revealing – that when we allow ourselves to ‘let go’ and feel the expansion and lightness of our true innate beingness, it does not feel any less to me than the contracted version did. One of the fear-based beliefs I have encountered in playing with this awareness is that I will lose that sense of being myself – but in truth find that that sense of self is simply expanded, as you describe, into ‘Me in the lightest and most natural and simplest versions.’

  372. It is when we are light that we experience the gorgeous and beautiful joy-full moments of life. After all, when we are dense, heavy and weighed down in ourselves how can we be open to seeing and feeling the lightness of life within and all around us?

  373. I love the word ‘boundless’ that you use here, Luz. I’m not sure if I’ve ever used the term before, but it is a great description of how it feels to be not trapped in a reality that is all about me, myself and I but instead expanded and connected to everyone and everything. It is a very natural state of being in the body that is there for all of us once we drop the identification and investment in self.

  374. “– holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” How true. Yet whilst ‘control’ and the ability to impose our wishes on life is seen as ‘success’, we tend to keep grabbing more and more things to hold onto, without the experience of it ever being enough so a constant running on the treadmill. And to top it all, while deep down every single one of us craves love and intimacy, as you say we end up feeling more and more separate from everyone. A real booby prize.

  375. This is a great reminder Luz to let go things that we are so used to clinging to throughout our day. Bringing our selves back to the moment and how our bodies feel is a great way to get ourselves out of dwelling on dead things in our past and unknown things about our future, thus weighing ourselves down.

  376. “…the truth is our bodies are energy, as the rest of the universe is too! Yet we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life…” A most worthy statement here, stating the common denominator of life, that it is all about energy. And thus, it is a choice to choose what type of energy, either light energy or dense energy. A brilliant blog to read, thank you!

  377. I know myself in the past questioning my way of living as not being normal and that there must be another way to live life. Until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I did not get the answer on that question but now I know that there is another way, The Way of The Livingness that connects me with the whole and confronts me with the fact that we actually are not meant to live our lives in this density we experience on earth, but instead are part of that grander whole that continuously expands by co-creation and is not holding on to a certain form or way of being but is forever expanding and changing, and that that is our natural way of being in connection with the universe and with God.

  378. What you have expressed here Luz is very beautiful and inspirational; a wonderful reminder to keep life simple and natural in the face of whatever life presents;
    “Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day”.

  379. I love the way you write Luz, especially the following: ‘To keep our individualised state valid and going, we need to dense up, which is to introduce a certain quality to the way we are, in how we move and to the thoughts we have. This is a quality that can be felt when we create conditions, shoulds, buts, pictures, restrictions, strategies and so on, with an underlying intention of satisfying a very personal agenda.’ All the pictures, images, and conditions and the investment in them (our holding interests!) create extreme denseness and imprisonment, to such a extent that they create a consciousness that dominates our every move! Time to create space and let them go.

  380. This is so just what I needed to read this morning I love how you explain holding onto a thought or behaviour leads to denseness in our physical bodies preventing the energy of light from shining though us.

  381. Luz thank you for this very helpful article. I can relate to the “yes but…” excuses, and I too find your description of Surrender revelatory.

  382. ‘First of all, none of the common thoughts about myself, my role in the world, what I should or shouldn’t be doing, were present: I was just being and allowing all that was there.’ …. as I pondered on the possibility of allowing this for myself, I became acutely aware of the magnitude of ‘thoughts’ I have that are running me without me even realising, causing me to be a certain way, which changes, depending on the thoughts …. quite overwhelming to feel, it’s like realising there’s a ‘program’ that’s running you that you’ve never allowed yourself to acknowledge before. An alien program I’m allowing to sabotage me, holding me back from being my true, gorgeous self.

  383. Every time I re-visit your inspiring blog, Luz, I feel a slight shift in my body, a gentle release. Sharing about how much we ‘hold on’ to so much in life, is the perfect catalyst to ‘letting go’, allowing our bodies to ‘take the lead’, enabling us to return to our natural, glorious way of being, to be our selves ‘in the lightest and most natural and simplest versions’.

  384. ‘I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.’ A body of denseness requires far more energy to consistently remain dense, whereas a body of light simply is.

  385. Thank you Luz, and amazing sharing again and great insight about what it actually is meaning when we hold back and choose to ‘hold onto’. It makes absolutely far and wide sense that we have chosen the wrong form of control, and that we actually do not know in this state of being were we are in control of, or actually which energy we choose to be controlled by. Once we know that, and feel the truth – we will do every thing we can to stop that control and surrender to something magnetic, magnificent and truly healing. Let’s follow our hearts open and wide. We must not control but surrender.

  386. I had a very beautiful yoga session yesterday, where by I felt the connection to the group and beyond individualism, it was a confirmation of the lightness through the energy we all share. Yet that day I was hounded by thoughts that I knew were an opposite energy doing all it could to bring back the denseness and turn down the light. It’s a very clear choice that I am now aware of, but I’m so use to the comfort I resort to, to not stay in the lightness. A great awareness to how I have felt and to be with the authority in my body to simply choose.

  387. I’ve so deeply appreciated this blog. The ‘holding’ that stops the surrender to all that we are.

  388. Luz this is a massive realisation for me at the moment and your blog of course is devine timing. Reading this has given me more insight into how to feel when I’m ‘holding onto’, and how to move through this holding when I feel I’m in it. Reading your blog I could feel the resistance to grasping what you shared, many times I found myself drifting off and needing to go back and re read where I’d checked out (obviously there was much for me to feel). It’s shown me how this ‘holding onto’ is an area that keeps me small and how scared I am to surrender as all of me will be seen.

  389. Thank you for a great sharing Luz and such a clear insight on the many ways we seek denseness, to me food has to be a biggie and can clearly feel the difference in my body whenever I overeat. Learning to surrender and letting go of ideals that I have been holding onto about life allows me to feel the light that I am and treat my body accordingly.

  390. Hello Luz and your blog is showing me how we do this with food, the denseness. The way we eat, what we eat and the timing of our eating all adds to how we are. I know this is a sticky point for most of us and may spark this down a road but personal to me I can see the what, how and when with food is an important part at this point. I have gained more awareness about this from simply reading your blog Luz, thank you.

  391. Thank you Luz I loved reading every word that is written here. The way it is expressed is fascinating, I will ponder on whats read and felt but will return again as it feels like there are many layers to this piece of writing.

  392. Oh the joy to live life not holding onto things. I have had glimpses of this, but it is a work in progress to keep letting go and surrendering by noticing when my body feels tight or tense, when there is a certain thought pattern that I am not wanting to let go of or when there are feelings that I harbor against another. All of these keep me separate, keep me in a state of individualism so that I don’t feel the beauty of the light of where we all come from.

  393. “It’s been quite a while since I wondered what it is to be Me without `holding onto´ so many things and just expressing my true self. “ The willingness to express myself openly, easily and simply is a great indication of whether I am surrendered and connected to my essence or ‘holding on to something’. Thanks Luz for the expansion and awareness of how holding on plays out in so my ways and moments.

  394. I love this. It’s wonderful to feel how you are exploring and embracing life in this way Luz. Thank you for your inspirational blog.

  395. The Sutras and teachings of the Ancient Wisdom and The Way of The Livingness through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are absolute GOLD. They break age old consciousnesses and change lives just by listening to them. They are Revelations that no matter how many times you hear them you hear something new, or that you didn’t quite get before, or get to understand something more in a deeper and more meaningful way. As we unfold, they unfold. Pure Magic.

  396. ‘Experiencing for myself how simple and natural it really is to truly be connected to all by not holding onto anything has given me a new marker in my body that allows me to let go and surrender more easily to what life presents each day’. Whilst not seeking perfection, I know how much lighter my body feels now I’ve let go of so many beliefs, should’s and and fears. Each day I learn to open up more, and welcome the world not put up guards that keep it at bay.

  397. Energy is flowing through us all of the time, what a waste of time to hold onto something. Life becomes simple when we make it about light, energy. I still have the “Yes, but…” but I know this is never true and every moment is a learning to come back to the light.

  398. As there is more space in the Universe than matter, there is more space in our bodies than matter. With all this endless space within our bodies we should naturally feel pretty light!

  399. It is so true that the Ageless Wisdom Teachings as presented and lived by Serge Benhayon is a gift for humanity, so that we can free ourselves from the self-created shackles of denseness and form that we have locked ourselves into identifying with, so that we can instead freely be in truth, the Light of Love, the Light of God, that we are.

  400. The funny thing with holding on, we don’t realise we are doing it until we want to let go, but because our muscles have to be clenched for so long the act of letting go is more extraneous.

  401. Contrary to what we may think or believe, it is actually hard work to hold onto things. We think that it is the easier option to carry our load and our burdens but once we let go of that which we have been carrying, a lightness and ease can be felt in the body – proof that it is harder to hold onto things than it is to let them go.

  402. All the blog I read on this site always allow me to connect more deeply to what matters in life. Reading genuine sharing such as this blog are very grounding. Thank you.

  403. It is well worth letting go – for everything that we allow to remain that is not true allows disharmony within our body and we carry that with us. This falsely colours our perceptions, influences our choices and undermines who we are.

  404. At the end of the day absolutely every-thing that we have held onto turns to dust, which really highlights the absolute absurdity and futility of attempting to hold on!

  405. From that light place we can spot the ways we choose to make ourselves more dense. It is a learning process of observation and recognition.

  406. I know how easy and quick denseness wants to creep in and only our awareness in nominating and expressing what does not feel true can lift the denseness. I agree Luz.

  407. I love what you share here about the fact that when we go into the squeezing of ourselves by contracting, going into anxiety, the drama etc, we are feeding the individuality, we’re getting a kick out of the recognition, and ultimately it is this that keeps the behaviour going and going.

  408. How wonderful that you have shared with us your expanding understanding of ‘holding onto’. I can feel the wisdom and sense in your words Luz and like you I have felt this amazing expansiveness in my body, however reading your words is so confirmingly beautiful. As you say ‘holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else’ and to be able to feel this is part of the unfoldment of ‘letting go’ of the ‘holding onto’.

  409. The truth of the matter is that when we hold on too tightly to anything it becomes like a noose around our neck which will eventually strangle us. To stop this occurring we have to learn to let go of our hurts because it is our hurts that stop us from freely just being ourselves.

  410. ‘I would also describe it as introducing ‘control’ to life and making everything feel more constricted, stagnant, slower and basically in resistance to the flowing and unifying rhythm of nature and the universe of which we are naturally a part.’ This is such a helpful description of the choice of denseness and how it prevents us from being in the flow of life and is so supportive for starting to let go of the ‘Yes, buts…’ and choose the expansiveness of embracing lightness.

  411. We fill our lives with ‘Yes but’ and it is, as you say because ‘…we insist on holding onto things to make everything tangibly secure, differentiated and factual, and to assure us that we can control life.’ We think that by being in control we know where we are but in truth surrendering to what we feel in our bodies is our natural place, and so much more ‘knowing’ comes with that.

  412. A beautiful article sharing so much that is critical in our understanding of how we are really living. The truth of it all can be felt as can the fact that “– holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” – lots to ponder on and feel thank you.

  413. ‘Yes, but it is not easy to let go and I need more time’, one of my yes buts is ‘yes but I feel too tired today’ it’s amazing how many different excuses we have to focus on our struggle and how complicated we make our lives to avoid surrendering and living from that place of lightness.

  414. I have also found that when I feel light and expanded, if I don’t then keep feeling and honouring what is by being present, I fall into a numbness that is dense but that I could easily accept as a good life. I don’t feel heavy and in pain but not feeling light and warm and amazing. I often will accept less than what I know I can feel.

  415. “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!” Yes – so true. I have observed in myself and in others how this makes the body feel and look heavy and how the body contracts in on itself..

  416. There is nothing we can do about energies coming through us, even though we have a belief that we are somehow protecting ourselves against how awful something feels, but as this blog has stated we can choose to let it go and not hold on. It is also helpful to have the reminder that by holding onto something we then feel denser which then affects our movements, our thoughts – in fact everything.

  417. Thank you Luz for expressing and sharing on denseness. This is definitely something for us all to keep exploring and developing an understanding of. There are days when I can actually say I feel very dense (and I really don’t like that feeling) and then there are days when I feel so expanded and open, which feels so freeing and…natural.

  418. Luz, this is really helpful, ‘it is now my choice to remain spacious by making a permanent commitment to SURRENDER and LET GO of every little or big attachment that creeps in, to breathe gently, keep the permanent connection with my body’, I love the simplicity and practicality of what you are sharing, I can feel how I hold onto pictures and expectations and love what you have written about surrendering and letting go of this holding, it feels gorgeous.

  419. There is nothing more freeing than being ourselves and expressing in full, and feeling the joy that this brings. We are light and we come from light and the more I can feel this in my body, the less I feel the denseness and the complexities in life that this brings. .”Even though it can be tricky to put it into words, it was so simple. First of all, none of the common thoughts about myself, my role in the world, what I should or shouldn’t be doing, were present: I was just being and allowing all that was there. I felt boundless and light, as never before.” So true Luz it is amazing how the denseness disappears when we change our thoughts.

  420. Only those moments when through the body we can connect to the light we are and feel the limitless expansion that then takes place, we get to know that what we usually feel in the world of denseness is just a fraction of the whole we belong to and that for the most part it is not true either.

  421. Yes, Luz, the part of us that is determined to stay individual absolutely hates us connecting the ‘body of light’ you describe, the feeling in every particle of flow and harmony, a oneness with everything. It is no wonder that there are so many ways to dull and dampen this natural state in the body.

  422. Your ‘yes but’ list is all too familiar and makes me recognise all the different ways I hold onto things and thus prevent the natural flow and order that is there waiting to be allowed expression. When I do allow the flow, I can feel the connection to everyone and there is a deep knowing that needs no words.

  423. You explain so well the difference between a ‘light’ body and a ‘dense’ contracted body. These are experiences I can relate to; the dense one being more common, but the light one now definitely getting more of a look in.

  424. Thank you Luz. When we compress the particles of our body tightly together the denseness prevents the energy of light to shine through us.

  425. “I can feel how I have spent most of my life immersed in ideals and beliefs of ‘how to be’, desiring charisma and other qualities that would give me recognition and in some way make me ‘more’ than others.” When we hold on to ideals and beliefs we are always looking for the edge, the way to be different from the crowd and this can manifest both positively and negatively. Being successful, being rebellious, being sick, are all ways to create that edge, to set ourselves apart from other people. Holding on feeds this illusion, allowing ourselves to be who we really are restores to us the truth that we all belong to one amazing family, no edge required.

  426. After reading your exposing blog Luz I only can say that denseness is out of fashion now. It is time to discover the new “black” and this means to truly surrender to life on a deeper level as you so wonderful described Luz.

  427. I work in film-making and am struck by a comparison from my workplace. The lighting technicians will spend a huge amount of time and effort directing a source of light; covering up leaks of light, using flags and flaps to direct the light, negating shadows, attaching filters to soften it…doing all sorts…huge time and effort. My point being that light spreads everywhere, naturally illuminating everything. Dampening, directing, reducing, controlling light takes enormous effort. No wonder humanity is exhausted.

  428. What a great and detailed description of the process of individualisation and how that leads to denseness in the physical body and all the problems that ensue: anxiety, worry, ambition, agendas, control, etc etc.

  429. I can feel that this lightness of being is the truth of being and that all I hold onto to be that recognised individual, is masking the lightness of me. Another awesome blog Luz. Thank you.

  430. A life based on expectation of set outcomes or a life of committing to doing things with a healthy respect for our bodies and no set image of how it must turn out. There is quite a difference, I often find the most successful and enjoyable eventualities arise when I commit to task but am not driven to succeed, just open to success.

  431. This is what l am beginning to see also. Watching how ‘Self’ is predominating in my life. When l feel out of sorts l check the initiating thought, to feel if it is coming from self for self.
    This is cool to clock. So when l ask my soul, ‘is this thought or behaviour serving humanity?’, l get a clear reading and the opportunity to change direction, towards humanity. Very liberating and l am free to let go of it.

  432. Beautiful Luz, I feel the conditions we place on life and in that the denseness we seek and your last line sums up the conundrum superbly, we’re holding onto a me which is not me.

  433. This really is a big subject that can actually counter all the things that get in the way of our re-turn. In the realm of formlessness, the holding-onto/densification really stands out. And that stubbornness that holds on to every bits and pieces from any time any place, blocks us from surrendering to what is, is our desire to be an individual. And for me, when I am in the midst of it, it is not possible to truly appreciate others, let alone feel connected to them, and instead comparison prevails as it is not possible to feel the true equalness in us all. Thank you Luz for your pointer, I will go back to listen to the Living Sutras of the Hierarchy series.

  434. Holding on really doesn’t make any sense when I look at it logically, yet it has become our go to position when we feel unsafe. It is supposed to bring us a feeling of security and ease in the world, yet it does the complete opposite. When you are protected and dense, you are not safe at all. You may think you are more in control but you just aren’t as aware of any energetic harm that is happening, either from the way we treat ourselves or from outside ourselves

  435. Feeling yourself as a body of light connected to all the other bodies of light in the universe is the greatest dissolver of the dense and controlling self. When you feel it, you know without question that this is how we naturally would be if we didn’t move and hold our bodies in a way that restricts this light from flowing through us. Without Universal Medicine and the profound yet simple techniques of Esoteric Yoga, I don’t think I would have ever found my way out of the fog that I was stuck in as an individual self. I still go there and get lost at times but at least I know there is that choice and how unnatural living in separation feels.

  436. One of the sneakiest forms of control exerted in human lives is that of parents towards children especially in Asia, the expectations we feel we have control over because they are our children. How we want them to be, when and how. When families and blood lines are considered so important, we have set ourselves up to a life of control and denseness, as nothing is believed to be greater than blood and culture.

  437. When we start to live what is a body of light, it highlights this truth with everyone we encounter and there may be reactions to holding onto more denseness, creating more dramas, which we can be aware of and call out. When we allow ourselves to be affected, it highlights for us where we still have attachments in holding onto denseness, which again is for us to be aware of and call out.

  438. “Holding Onto Denseness” – super title Luz to connect to, — to hold on, is to feel thick and heavy. To let go and surrender is to feel light and spacious.

  439. Hi Luz , What a great blog with so much revelation! I can relate to so much of it and it makes so much sense how much we hold onto to the ideal, beliefs and pictures of how we want life to be, etc instead of in fact being more in the flow of life in a body that doesn’t have to be dense or in protective state, but to be open, or more surrendered and allowing, yet not agreeing or enjoined in the parts of life that keep us all separate or lesser.
    To understand we are all particles from a divine source, a bigger picture in fact, and not owned by our lesser minds holding tight for protection, control, recognition etc

  440. Wow Luz, there were parts of this I had to read a few times to really unpack and unwind what I was understanding. It was an odd feeling but it made total sense. Your last sentence will be one to continue to play with in the coming days to see where it takes me. Thank you for sharing what you have discovered.

  441. ‘Yes, but it is not easy to let go and I need more time’ … I know this well!!! The truth is, it’s actually easier to let go than it is to hold on, it’s our natural way of being to surrender to the whole.

  442. It can be challenging to feel the light of oneness when we are immersed in a world that seems hell bent on filling up every bit of space with distractions of every kind that lure the spirit of individuality into play. With the awareness you share here Luz we start to see through the veils to the source of our true light, brighter than any imposter.

  443. ‘holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.’ ….. I love the simplicity of your expression, Luz. You so clearly expose the consequence of ‘holding on’, what we’re really choosing, a far lesser existence, holding us back and the rest of humanity.

  444. Luz, I love the way you have expressed the truth of our oneness in this article. The fact that we are naturally light, and the science of how our choices to hang onto anything affect the particles and flow of the energy through our bodies. I have felt this denseness in different parts my body especially when I am feeling my body deeply through an Esoteric Yoga session, or Esoteric Healing session, and it is true there is no flow and space for the light to shine through where there is an accumulation of held energy. What is beautiful is that in the moments we do feel and allow the surrender of our individual identity we are infused with the light of our being. Divine words thank you.

  445. Thanks Luz, you have brought a lot more clarity to what it means to ‘hold on’, and to the practicalities of being connected to who we really are… to that lightness of being, and not identifying with the denseness of attachments to other things.

  446. Thank you Luz. I feel very heavy in my body this morning and reading your blog allowed me to feel that this heaviness is a consequence of my choice to live in a state of protection.

  447. Thank you for sharing this Luz as I too over time realised just how many things I was holding onto to be seen and identified by. All of these things I held onto, actually closed me off to the real joy and lightness naturally found in my body. When we give ourselves the space to clear the denseness i.e habits or things in which take us away from who we are. We begin to return to the true connection of our soul and that is the key to all connections thereafter.

  448. The words ‘best manage’ jumped out at me this morning and the force behind them, which burdens us with the force to ‘hold on’. To best manage something does not have the follow of truth running through the body but instead feels as though we are very imposed upon.

  449. As you described the different states Luz, I could feel my body shift and expand and then go dense. We are a fascinating science and we can learn so much from when we observe our bodies. To surrender and let go and to embrace what goes our way each day are good principles to live by. But we need support to do so because as as human race we have held onto for so long and although our natural state is light, we have chosen denseness for so long.

  450. When we hold on to the Will of the spirit to lead us, we will continue to exist in the denseness of our own creation. However if we choose to surrender to the Divine Will, the spark of our Soul that we already are in full, we will know what it means to live lightness of our being, the Light of the Soul, the Oneness of Love and be moved in awe by the grace of God. For this is our true and natural way.

  451. Wow Luz you have a way of describing the human condition that is incredible. Thank you for expressing in the way you do, I will have to reread this several times to get the full depth of what has been offered. But it is simple in the end, let go and surrender to the universe or not.

  452. This is beautiful Luz thank you for presenting the truth of who we are, and how it is our choice to live our lightness of being, rather than the limitations of denseness that literally keep us weighed down, caught up and diminished in a world that is created to keep switched off from living as the sparks of God that we all are in essence.

  453. “…I can clearly see how this is a way of living based on comparison and separation from everyone and everything else.” I know that when I am living in comparison with others I am not living the truth of who I am. Comparison and competition with others is a poor measure of my quality and holds me as separate to others rather than in appreciation of the connection that we all share as humanity.

  454. When we are willing to be honest with ourselves about how we truly feel we will then begin to expose the loveless ways we are living in order to fullfill, grasp at and hold onto such things that give a sense, even if it is false and fleeting, of connection or being loved. For if we admit that we feel an emptiness, feel that we have lost the sense of who we are, we are admitting that we are in separation to Love. From here we have chosen to say ‘yes’ to Love, and can begin to move in a way that returns us to deepening our connection to the lightness of Love we are within.

  455. Being attached to a specific outcome and trying to control things to make them fit what we’re seeking means we end up losing sight of the bigger picture and being open to what actually is needed. And comes with an imposition on others rather than a true connection.

  456. When you hear people talk about how we are one and deeply connected, it can be hard to reconcile this with how we feel within. Our individuality can seem very real. But with these words Luz you blow to smithereens this charade by showing how we actually choose denseness. Of course, this is going to make this difficult to feel the lightness that is my natural state. Just recently I have got to see how I fought viciously to hold onto being alone, to stay isolated and in misery and fought a huge amount of Love and care that was coming my way. It sounds crazy to say it and God knows I am so glad I stopped clinging to what was ‘known’ and this familiar prison of pain.

  457. What you share Luz, makes so much sense and now is an incredibly supportive time to feel the awareness you offer. Storing tension in my body from past situations is a very familiar situation for me and yesterday I uncovered another area that I had tucked something away. The initial cause isn’t relative to my life anymore but it is still present. It’s great to have it come to the surface because now I can choose to allow it to move through me knowing it isn’t serving me any longer.

  458. “Ranging from edges, chairs, muscles, limbs, quarrels, properties, relationships, ideas, pictures, wishes, longings, personalities, resentments, jobs, hobbies, patterns of behaviour and/or anything that can give us a sense of security and identity.” Its no wonder we don’t move with the ease and vitality of a child when we consider the load our bodies are being burdened with.

  459. Luz, I can see how holding onto issues and reactions doesn’t give me the space to observe and just be in my joy. With surrender, there is a letting go of the individual, but the individual is also looked after.

  460. Hello Luz and welcome back again. This, “a holding onto! This is a reaction that is not needed because energy is passing through me all of the time, and holding onto does not protect me or give me control over anything – holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” is so so true. We have been taught to ‘hold onto’ when we should be just allowing “because energy is passing through me all of the time”. This makes complete sense and it’s like re learning to do this. I can feel that part of me wants to grab and “hold onto” everything and anything. Enjoyed the blog Luz thank you.

  461. I agree with what you say here – that denseness comes with us controlling and putting conditions on things. It is so easy to do things out of security rather than openness. But in the denseness we miss out on expansion.

  462. Luz wow this is so inspiring and so well expressed…yes it’s true and just by reading and being more honest I realize how much the recognition well all under the holding onto that you describe still is. It’s great to be more aware and observe that and enjoy the way back and let it go…and let it go…to come back to the Me that is just part of the one holding and ever expanding energy.

  463. ‘From this, I observed how a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future’. This aptly describes the condition of someone I know who has been trapped in a never ending wheel of holding on, causing immense damage to themselves and family. It is painful to watch. I know my calling is to observe, not judge, accept them as they are and trust that with grace they find their way out of the wheel that keeps them repeating cycles.

  464. There are so many excuses we use to continue to ‘hold onto’ which keeps us in the tension and separation. When we allow ourselves to let go of the control the movements in our body naturally change as we alighn to the rhythm of the universe rather than fight it.

  465. Your blog raises so many great points Luz. One in particular is the revealing fact that any hurts we feel may have felt real in the situation they were initially felt in but it is actually us that continues to choose to hold them as a hurt rather than let them go. We therefore cannot truly blame anyone as it is our own choice whether the hurt remains

  466. Reading this blog made me aware of the fact how often I hold onto things, experiences. It is as a seriousness, indeed creating a denseness in my head. This ‘me’ is quite stubborn and in truth very childish. Observing this makes me almost laugh at myself. Yet, I’ve been quite attached for most of my life to this pattern. There’s a lot of space and lightness within us, but only if we allow it to flow. And I’ve got to be honest, it took me over 6 or 7 years to be able to understand this for myself.

  467. What a stunning blog Luz! I am truly blown away by what I have just read. “This way we get blinded to the fact that holding onto is constantly allowing the density and illusion of our selfish individualism to perpetuate.” This line stopped me in my tracks as I hadn’t seen things this way before but once I read it there was no denying the truth.

  468. ‘Control’ of life or in life lacks the true steadiness of a someone that walks their own path; but are instead jumping here and there to prevent or control situations before they may possibly come too close. The control is not a control at all, but simply a reaction that prevents one from truly living what is there to be lived.

  469. It’s true that holding onto things and living in denseness means we often fit in with the environment and people around us. The way the world and many workplaces/homes are set up are actually to support the choice to be dense rather than surrender and let go of our control/clutches on life, so we have an even greater responsibility to live the latter and inspire others to let go and not ‘hold on’, as this can really damage our bodies and make them very hard and contracted.

  470. To investigate and expose the detail of the old patterns we hold on to brings space and clarity and this is something you have done beautifully Luz. ‘Holding on to’ increases the load and stops us from being in our light. Thanks Luz for sharing your continuing unfolding re-connection to you.

  471. The “control, fear, manipulation, anxiety and anticipation” that come with ‘holding on’ create so much tension and consequently tightness, that doesn’t allow any kind of ease or flow in life – perhaps this is where so much of our illness and disease begins!

  472. I can so relate to what you share here Luz “… I observed how a life of holding onto and holding tight is really a life based on control, fear, manipulation, anxiety, and anticipation of what might go wrong in the future. It is a life that is the opposite of our natural ability to expand, flow, be joyful and live connected to everything around us.” The tension of this holding on – the control, fear, manipulation, anxiety and anticipation – takes a great deal of energy… so it is no wonder we are so exhausted at the end of a day!

  473. I have noticed how there is a pulling to make myself dense when I feel that spaciousness. It comes from the ‘holding onto’ and seeking the familiarity of what has become ‘normal’ to my senses, to maintaining the familiar form and avoid the surrender, with statements just like you have listed Luz.

  474. What is beautiful about the discovery of denseness, is that we can only realise we are dense from a place of light.

  475. “…the truth is our bodies are energy…”
    That is a good point to remember, it reminds me that the body is constantly changing, cells are constantly renewing itself, liquids are constantly circling, and particles are constantly moving in and out of our bodies – so really nothing stagnant about the natural flow of the body, no wonder we get sick when we try to freeze it in the moment and hold onto something.

  476. I can relate to the individualised state you speak of Luz – prior to attending presentations by Serge Benhayon my life was filled with ‘should do, ought to, and must do’. It is a very contained, controlled and rigid way of living which increases the feelings of separation. A very uncomfortable way which can be discarded with new choices.
    “This is a quality that can be felt when we create conditions, shoulds, buts, pictures, restrictions, strategies and so on, with an underlying intention of satisfying a very personal agenda.”

  477. What a great sequel to your first blog on holding on. I agree with you Luz – Spaciousness within feels completely different from the density of holding on. Your words have made a very clear distinction between the two and how simple it can be to surrender and let go!

  478. Such a profound sharing, Luz, that “holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” This sums up our collective, but oh-so-real illusion, which is based on this change of frequency in our particles!

  479. Bravo Luz, brilliantly expressed! There is an incredible simplicity here for me to relate to all I hold onto as a feeling of denseness, allowing me the opportunity to simply return to the spaciousness and light of who I truly am.

  480. Luz, I deeply appreciate the depth of understanding you present about denseness and light. It’s been a revelation to realise so simply what I have heard before but hadn’t quite got that choosing denseness makes me stand out more. Yes, I have aware of my own brand of identification but to simply understand it as a means of being dense so I can stand out allows me to feel how unnecessary it is to take on other energies – the shoulds, oughts, beliefs, competitiveness, fears etc. It’s allowed me to feel more clearly how this denseness is not me and let it go. I can remain in connection, I do not have to pile on the pounds! Denseness has no purpose beyond attracting recognition and recognition itself is poison, a toxicity that severs connection. Awesome, awesome article.

  481. When I choose to resist the ‘flowing and unifying rhythm of the universe’ it feels absolutely awful in my body and I know completely that I am more than just this physical body – that it is energy first and that I see the results of my choices in my body – how I look, feels, and move.

  482. Luz I love that you are sharing the science of energy from your lived experience; “but getting to feel in the body what this actually means was truly life changing, as I got to feel the difference between a body of light and a body of denseness.” To feel from the body that we are actually light and that there is no separation is a beautiful experience. To live in this way is in truth our natural way. To simply stop and connect and to make this choice, each moment is a tangible reality for us all.

  483. “holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else” – what a realization! Even the ‘wanting to connect’ is a form of control. If we just can let go of ‘holding onto’ and the illusional idea of control, we surrender to the connection we all natural have.

  484. We are led to believe that keeping things known and static is a form of safety and yet I have experienced that it only weighs me down. When bringing in the factor that everything is energy and energy is constantly moving and never static, I have experienced seemingly long held and entrenched behaviours lift off and leave my body instantly when I choose to let them go. There are still many things I hold onto to keep me dense but the more I connect to my body the clearer I feel how unsuccessful densing up and holding on is, and how letting go is far healthier to every part of life.

  485. Fabulous to read this when this morning I realised that I was holding on to some possessions because I might need them some day, even though I haven’t used them for several years; things that I have bought, or been given, when living in different countries that connect me to those times and thus identify me in some way; things that I think would be difficult to replace. So many justifications for keeping things taking up space in cupboards or sheds, creating denseness as you say. This morning I felt the way these objects can keep us from moving on, they keep us feeling safe and secure and in a kind of self imposed cocoon, in a kind of limbo land. Great to read your blog and feel inspired to let go of this stuff and thus allow more space in every area of my life. I have been surrendering more and letting go of past hurts and behaviours but with this stuff in the background it feels like a real hindrance to true progress.

  486. Fascinating to read Luz, I agree with you that denseness is associated with self identification – I know, for example, I can purposely eat food to make myself dense so I do not feel what I am/ have been feeling. It is like we know all the ways to not feel what is going on around us and the choices we have made. Choosing to be light can be daunting at first as a lot of the ways you have been living get exposed, but the more you choose to be the light you are the more normal it becomes. Light attracts light just like denseness attracts denseness. So when I start to feel things get to me and purposely, say eat, to dense my body then I want to eat more and become more and more dense. It is amazing how one choice can suddenly take you 10 or more steps away.

  487. An excellent blog. The science of the body is so amazing and intricate, but overall it’s rather simple, we simply let go and hold no protection, from there we know everything we are and everything our body is not, therefore it’s never hard too make choices that are true, and the expression of vitality is always flowing through us.

  488. Luz in society in general and throughout every area of life there are expectations on “how to be” within families, at school, work and out in life. I feel the problem lies when we choose to ignore how we feel and make everything about acting a certain way as that is what we think people want. The problem we then end up with is that we think we are in control in some way but are not at all. We may feel safe but at the same time, from my experience, also feel like something is missing in life.

  489. This is wonderful Luz, a great summary of how absolutely possible it is to let go and surrender all the holding patterns in the body, even trauma, by re-connecting to the spark within us that lives in every particle. The more we inhabit the body, to read and feel everything from there, the less we identify with the contracted and protected version of ourselves that has the fears, doubts and shoulds.

  490. We have always been taught to be solid in our bodies but this is not in fact our natural way of being because solidness usually means reliability, unwavering, committed, conforming and such like and when we are like this it feels to me as though there is a denseness there. I can really feel how holding onto something makes us dense, reducing the flow of our particles and the word comfort comes to mind. A great sharing, Luz.

  491. Great article Luz, its very interesting to read and to ponder on holding onto denseness, I know how much lighter I feel if I’m present in my body, I feel more joy-full and there is a flow and grace to how I move, so I can relate to what you are sharing. If I stop being present, go into rushing, am hard with my body or worrying about something, I can feel the difference, my body feels much more dense and like I am dragging it around.

  492. “Even though everything is set up for us to believe that our reality is rock solid, the truth is our bodies are energy, as the rest of the universe is too!” If our starting point to understand the workings on anything is from the perspective of energy first then our understanding and way of living is very different to that of one which puts physicality first. It then opens the door for no need for ‘holding on’.

  493. While I was reading through your list of what we can hold on to Luz, I could see how many things I have been holding onto, things that actually no longer serve me. Now it’s time to look honestly at them and ask why am I holding on, when I know deep down that letting go of my grip of what I can feel now is a denseness, would offer me a new sense of freedom and a lightness of being.

    1. Yes when you see it as denseness or lightness, it becomes very simple – as does the choice of what we would rather have.

  494. When I was younger I remember having a very clear revelation, in those days I expressed it something along the lines of ….any and every single thing that I hold onto will permanently require a small part of me to be occupied in that holding on, thus the more I hold onto the less and less there is of me to actually be present and live my day….So I can entirely relate to what you are saying Luz. When I was younger, I was referring more to material belongings, but since listening to Serge Benhayon have discovered that the things we hold onto are way, way more than just material goods and actually are far more damaging to our true vitality and expression because so many of us don’t actually recognise how much we are holding on. Luz – your blog is revelatory and I look forward to hearing more. Thank you.

  495. When we hold things lightly, we cannot help but feel lighter in ourselves. The denseness dissolves, and we can connect back to a flow of being ourselves naturally so. We all have had experiences of this, and it is possible on a daily basis depending on how we choose to live.

  496. Thank you Luz for your sharing. I love your words that you “surrender more easily to what life presents each day”. Not holding onto and causing denseness but letting go of the energy flowing through us each day frees us up to be part of the whole of humanity and as you say, not an individual but part of the Oneness.

  497. How much do we actually, if we are very honest, manipulate things and people – in a very subtle way, as a way to avoid our truth and light, it’s very horrible and vile, in the sense of how we impose and abuse one another because we don’t want to take responsibility for ourselves, our choices and our life. If we allowed ourselves and others to be – life would be super amazing, super simple, super joyful and there would be no need or want to dense up, there would be no war – we wouldn’t be trying to avoid feeling all the abuse and neediness directed at us. We would be absolutely simply all knowing, which we already are, but we would feel it all with absolute clarity and not try to hide from, or deny our truth and light – there would be no complication, individualism, or drama, everything would be very very simple – we would be open with one another and treat each other with absolute equality and regard for who we are.

  498. Holding onto stuff we don’t need is like living in a mobile home and taking everything we have everywhere. But ours doesn’t have a motor… we have to pedal it.

  499. This is a magnificent and amazing blog Luz and so timely, I could relate to everything you wrote about holding on to denseness, I had never thought about it like that before but it is true. There is a huge difference between when I am just me without an agenda or a need or a hurt or anything I can find that is tangible to keep me small, compared to to spaciousness and light I feel when I am in flow with life and not holding onto anything. I love how you relate it to our particles and how they feel dense and contracted and how have been able to feel the huge contrast in my body and how uncomfortable this feels Thank you Luz you have put into words so beautifully what I have been experiencing lately.

  500. Thankyou for sharing Luz. “I got to feel how holding onto something is really holding onto denseness!” And I so know the ‘yes, buts’ for myself. “…holding onto only gives me a false sense of control, while separating me from everything else.” Yet as we are all part of the one, the one universe, holding onto separation is actually ridiculous. Lots to ponder on here. What is our true choice to be?

  501. Thank you Luz for sharing your awareness of what it is that keeps us separate from one another and caught in the trap of constantly seeking something to hold on to in order to know who we are. I know that when I first came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, I had no idea how the real Me felt because I was clinging on to so much stuff inside my body in the mistaken belief that this was what I was comprised of. Gradually after much study, observation and healing, I am getting a sense of the real Me, a light hearted gracefulness and a tenderness that I previously dismissed because it felt too alien to the way of the world. The more I connect to the real Me the more connected I feel to other people, a huge miracle in itself because it was the last thing I wanted to do, connect to the body of humanity that I am so naturally a part of.

  502. ‘It was Me – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all. There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!” I too love this feeling – it’s the most natural feeling in the world – being connected to God.

  503. Thank you Luz very beautiful to read. Your whole blog is a testimony to that we are first, beings of light and that we pull things in to make us less, dense. Knowing this is imperative as it makes it easier to identify all we use to be denser: issues, food, thoughts, movements, ways of doing things etc. and that these things are not us or our personality but just that, things we pull in to not feel the amazing light we are.

  504. Holding onto a way of living is a way of living that is ignorant of the fact that we are supposed to evolve and that hat is our main purpose in life and indeed everything then becomes very dense compared to the lightness we can live if we allow ourselves to evolve to the energy that is around us.

  505. This is one blog I will need to read a few times to really get all that you have presented Luz and what you have experienced. I can feel my ‘holding onto’s’ wobbling big time! And how I use them as a distraction and an excuse to be busy, tired and overwhelmed. Holding onto feels like having your own little party that no one else is invited to and the only thing celebrated is separation and being alone in our own thoughts. This is one for the fridge, “This way we get blinded to the fact that holding onto is constantly allowing the density and illusion of our selfish individualism to perpetuate.” For me, the biggest tell tale that I’m holding onto is when everything becomes complicated and that is my only view of every situation or interaction, and everything becomes a push. Thank you so much for sharing this for all Luz!

  506. I have an understanding and experience of what you share here Luz, with the denseness of things that I have held onto and feeling the lightness and freedom when I am not attached to these multiple things. I understand that part of me seeks the individualisation and recognition yet, in seeking this, I tend to lose who I truly am. When I am connected to me and free from holding on to this denseness I have amazing clarity and lightness in my body, which is an exquisite feeling.

  507. “I have an ingrained pattern of using my nervous system to get through life while holding tension in my body and muscles, but I now know what it is all about: a holding onto!” – d’you know the other day Luz, I was looking at a photo of me opening the door.. with my hand on the door handle, and saw the exact same ‘nervous system to get through life’ and hold in action, right there – in my forearm and wrist. It made me reflect just how much of a clutch I do have in the most simplest of things like opening a door!

  508. What a huge subject you raise Luz, holding on, versus letting go, and to be able to accept.. and how we cannot truly let go or accept until we first see and admit what it is [the many things] we are holding on to. I know that when I’m holding on, my bodily digestion gets affected, so the way I am ‘digesting’ life, what I’m finding unpalatable, cannot stomach, or hard to pass through stands true from a food perspective and hence manifesting itself physically in my body, and also from a non-food or energetic standpoint too with various beliefs, images, investments or expectations i’m holding on to.

  509. Great article Luz Helena! You have pinned down one of the most liberating pieces of information and true knowing that anyone could wish to have: ‘What I understood is that there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else’. The human spirit down to a T! Being able to observe this and the truth of it gives us the possibility of surrendering to our true selves and releases the inherent powerful fire within us.

  510. This is absolutely stunning – not only because of what you share, but I can feel the reality of you living through this and having realisations and that is truly inspiring. Thank you, Luz. I really appreciate this.

  511. Awesome again Luz I love the follow up of ‘holding onto’ – an another expansion again on this would be fabulous too!
    It is simple is it not to honour the moment and deal with things then and there, then to ‘think’ about what’s best or put it off. Allow it to be .. there. Like you said Luz we can enjoy ourselves in life by being open to ALL that is possible.

  512. What if there are never issues? This does not mean life is cruising and we can put up our two feet and not do anything and things would all work out, but what if there are really no issues in that whatever that life presents us with, we choose to say yes to it by seeing and feeling deeper, we say yes to the part of ourselves which is light and forever in joy.

    1. I call it acceptance. Life is so much simpler when we live without reactions to what is presented to us. Understanding life, people and ourselves is a process we learn.

  513. Being a human being, having a physical body is all about creating and identifying with denseness–that is not just how heavy we weigh or feel but how identified we are with the pillars of life.

  514. Our spirit (the individuated) aspect wants to control and hold on as if it surrendered to love and let go it would cease to exist in separation. Therefore, it is in this constant fight for survival.

  515. Thank you for sharing your amazing insight and understanding “that there is a part of human beings, the part identified with the ‘self,’ that works hard in order to keep creating, maintaining and validating itself and cementing its individual identity in this existence, but basically in separation to everything and everyone else.” And how, in order to keep this going, we need to dense up, get a tight grip, a control on life “making everything feel more constricted, stagnant, slower and basically in resistance to the flowing and unifying rhythm of nature and the universe of which we are naturally a part.” Very powerfully expressed Luz – you have inspired me to take a fresh look at ways of deepening my commitment to surrendering.

  516. Thank you Luz for sharing this amazing blog, and reading it is hugely supportive for me. I now understand why I have been feeling that denseness you mentioned, I have been feeling this occasionally when I wake up in the mornings. It doesn’t last long, only a few seconds but none the less it is there. I have been trying to work out what is causing this and you have highlighted for me to deepen my connection with myself, to let go and simply surrender. To observe what areas in my life I am still trying to ‘hold onto’ stuff or control. Surrender is the key message for me here and to simply connect to being ME.

  517. I can relate to what you share about being dense in the body and in thoughts- I can feel when I don’t like situations or seeing what is really going on before me I often reach for heavy foods or foods that are more dense so that I don’t have to feel what is going on. When I eat like this it also often leads to dense thoughts.

  518. I almost get this sense that through life we pick things up and add them to ourselves, holding on to them and assimilating them as who we are – after some time we get weighed down with all the things we are holding on to and we are not any where near who we really are.

  519. I love, love, love this blog Luz. hahah . . . “Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!”
    Yes I agree any holding whatsoever is the holding on to individuality. It is so strange how devoted we are to holding on so tightly to something that is not love when we are innately love. Soon it will flip around as more and more of us surrender and let go of control and attachment and stand in our spaciousness with no need for recognition. Watch out all the little ‘me’s for here comes brotherhood!

    1. Kathleen I agree with what you have shared’ and yet I have been observing what happens when I try to let go of certain behaviours. Either my mind rationalises why I am ‘right’ to be doing/saying/behaving/thinking the way that I am or even if I know clearly that it is a false way of being then the behaviour seems to cling onto me for dear life!

      1. Yes Alexis if we are in any judgement the behaviour will stick as the judgement comes from the same source as the behaviour; from the head. To truly observe we take a step back as if we are witnessing what is happening rather than being involved. This allows us to begin to understand why we do what we do. We then can go deeper and read why we do what we do. We often then get that aha moment but still have to observe the momentum that has built up until it peters out and before we know it with no fuss at all that behaviour is no longer there –no judgement involved only the joy of watching it play out.

      2. Kathleen your short and simple description of the process of letting go is very supportive. There are many different scenarios in my life where I can practice this but especially with my family, who I can slip into judgement with at the drop of a hat. It’s taken me what feels like lifetimes to be able to recognise that standing at my son’s bedroom door and scowling doesn’t actually do anything other than separate us from one another and as you so rightly say ‘make the behaviour stick’.

  520. Luz, you have described our human plight so clearly and simply with your words and with your awareness. This last line is a corker and sums it all up so perfectly: “Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!” I feel the joy in that to my bones and beyond. Thank you for all you have expressed, there is great beauty in your words.

  521. The reason we “hold onto” ways of being that we know don’t serve us is because deep down they offer a sense of familiarity, and in that familiarity there is comfort. And yes, there is tension, but we have learnt to develop a relationship with that tension that allows us to “accept” a lesser way of being. So how does all of this start? Well, if something happens to you, such as a traumatic event, more often than not we end up not dealing with how much it truly hurt us, and so we bury all that we feel in that moment, thinking that to do so will make it go away. Only it doesn’t, and so we develop in time a way of being designed to avoid that original hurt, and from then on ensues a life of complication.

    1. And my question is what happens next? What happens when we hold on to that trauma or tension over 40, 50, 60 years? How does it manifest itself in the body and could this perhaps be a cause of illness and disease later in our life?

  522. Our Soul lives totally surrendered to the love and light of God. His body, the Universe, is a vast body of love that is endless space in continual expansion. We live within this space as does this space live within us. ‘Densing up’ this space is a clever trick of the human spirit to create a world within a world, albeit a world of illusion in which we hold tight to the notion that we are ‘different’, ‘more special’, ‘more intelligent’, ‘bigger’, ‘better’, ‘brighter’ than others etc. This we can only do when we live as an individuated fragment that has separated from its beholding Whole in order to carve a life of its own where it cannot be made accountable for the movements it makes that are in complete disharmony to the movements of the Whole (Universe/God/Soul) from which it (we) chose to separate from.

    Our whole excursion into form has been an exercise of ‘densing up space’ and is so far removed from our natural state of being as Sons of God that we can’t even see how abnormal this existence here on Earth is. We are here in form to return (evolve back) to the great love that we are yet we live in fear of this endless space that calls us all home for in it the tiny ‘self’ dissolves back into the great soup of the All from whence it came.

  523. I love this description, Luz, “It was Me – but without barriers of protection; it was Me in connection to all. There was no identification with anything and it felt utterly joyful because… there was no holding onto anything! No identity, problems, issues, situations, memories, perceptions, wishes, dreams, anything!” How beautiful that feels, how light I can feel it is, and in that great lightness of being, then how can we feel ourselves to be individual, separate from all others? There is no way, when we are living that way, then we can feel the connections we have with the rest of humanity, it is no longer about us, but about all of us together. This is the way we truly need to be living, letting go of the denseness that we ourselves create in our particles through our choices to hold onto wanting to control so many aspects of our lives. It is time to let go of all this need for control, allow more space between our particles. This is the way of our future.

  524. Luz, this is an incredible truth that you have shared here in your blog. As I read it, I could feel what you were describing in my body, could feel the lightness when you described your experience of it, and could feel what you were sharing when you said “This denseness is held by me in the body through my choice of contracting the particles in my body, therefore changing the frequency of my particles to where there is less flow, space and allowance for everything to just naturally be, move and express.” It felt awful in my body when you described the denseness in the body. This is an article that I will be returning to over and over, I sense I will be using it to remind me and for me to make sense of how I tend to live much of the time. I have been a person who likes to be able to control myself and things around me, but I know I need to let go of all that and am working on it. I am gradually learning how to surrender and to let go of all that I have been holding onto, I so dislike that feeling of denseness in my body. It is time to let it all go, surrender is now the important word in my life.

  525. “Me enjoying the Me that is not me but Me knowing it is not me!” I love this last line Luz. It really sums up what you have shared in your blog. The more we let go, surrender and know that our particles belong not to us but to the universe, then we lose sense of self, we feel and become part of the Whole and we then take on the responsibility to live in brotherhood playing our part in the grander picture.

    1. And Donna, I love what you have written here about our particles belonging to the Universe – this is so true and hence there is such a respect and care for them or conversely not so. Our choice.

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