Liane Mandalis, Me and all of Humanity

I am blessed to have a close friend in life who goes by the name of Liane Mandalis. We met years ago in a café in Sydney and ever since have chosen to have each other near, call on each other for support, and inspire the other to the nth degree.

Liane Mandalis and Nikki McKee
Liane Mandalis (left) and Nikki McKee (right)

She has many great attributes, but the focus of this article is her commitment to Truth. She does not waver and nothing can get in the way of her expressing Truth. It can but try, but it doesn’t stand a chance.

Liane does not hold back her expression of Truth. She does this in many ways and not just verbally. If I have lost my way or got caught up in something, all it takes is a look from Liane to bring me back. This is not a certain look she gives me, like a death-stare or some other contrived look; it is simply the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence. The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.

Being exposed can be confronting. If I am not willing to be honest, or see what Liane is exposing, then I can get very uncomfortable, reactive and dismissive of what Liane is offering. Fortunately my commitment to Truth is akin to Liane’s so we fare well together, but for many, this is not the case.

History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth.

But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.

Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and others who speak Truth straight from Heaven, have no need to be heard. Thankfully for us, they continue to speak Truth, whether we listen or not.

When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution. Whilst in-Truth all we do is go round and round the sun, without Truth and evolution we are but going nowhere.

On behalf of Humanity, Liane, I express my gratitude and appreciation for your commitment to Love, Truth and Evolution. You call us all to the simple truth of who we are.

By Nikki McKee, Member of Humanity, NSW Australia

Nikki McKee Nikki McKee is a business woman, Joint Managing Director of Travelbay (, mother, writer, woman of the world and lover of Truth.

You can learn more about Nikki McKee at

Liane Mandalis Liane Mandalis has a love of writing and philosophy with a deep interest in community wellbeing.

You can follow Liane Mandalis on Twitter @lianemandalis

Further Reading:
In truth there can only be one truth – as truth is truth
Beliefs V Truths
Truth – Expressing in Full

459 thoughts on “Liane Mandalis, Me and all of Humanity

  1. We have lost the true meaning of the word God and therefore lost ourselves and so live in the misery and unsettlement, the unsettlement is that the particles that make up our bodies are obedient to the universe and the universe is the body of God. That is a fact that can be denied but it doesn’t stop it from being the truth and one day the truth will out as it always does. Lies are in the end always exposed for the lies they are.

  2. ‘When divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way…’ I love this. Truth expires where we are not living for evolution. What an inspiring friend to have.

  3. Yes, although I don’t know Lianne Mandalis personally I so appreciate her comments on these blogs and other places. She has a beautiful way of expressing the truth, clearly and simply.

    1. Thank you elainearthey. Truth is a much sought after but rarely lived elixir that allows us to see into the depth of Heaven before us and within us.

  4. There may not be many people around who love enough to speak Truth and continue to do so no matter what, perhaps because we fear our own version of crucifixion, but looking at people like Serge Benhayon, I get a sense that there is an incredible glory in living that much love that far surpasses our humanely torment and there’s far more pain in knowing yet holding back that kind of love.

    1. I agree with you Fumiyo when you look at Serge Benhayon and other people that speak the truth there is something about them that shines out to humanity and we are deeply touched by that quality within them it’s impossible not to be touched as it is a communication from heaven. A reminder of where we all come from.

  5. A pertinent point: what underlies the choices we make – evolution or comfort? Evolution is not always the easy, palatable choice, but it offers great potential for expansion and deepening our relationship with ourselves, the universe and God.

  6. And how wonderful that divinity is actually speaking to us all the time… It is a ceaseless communication of beholding love, if we just had the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the body to feel this

  7. We all need friends like Liane who can inspire us and are willing to keep presenting the truth no matter what. Having people who do not waver is how we get society back on track and willing to be honest about our part in the mess we have made of life on earth.

    1. True Fiona, we do need friends who both inspire us, who keep presenting the truth, and who call out when we have stepped away from truth.

  8. A beautiful sharing of the qualities of true friendship – forever evolving with the loving pull-up to bring us back to truth.

  9. The power of love – holding another without any judgement, simply with the absolute knowing of the divinity within all, to bring us back to this truth.
    “it is simply the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence. The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.”

  10. A powerful testimony to those who bring and express the truth and live the love of Heaven on Earth.
    “Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and others who speak Truth straight from Heaven, have no need to be heard. Thankfully for us, they continue to speak Truth, whether we listen or not”.

  11. Friendships and all relationships expand and deepen when truth is the foundation of the connection.

  12. ‘When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.’ True Nikki but when we do get our own stuff out of the way, divinity is right there with us, as the moment we open ourselves to truly hear and see what is going on we start to distinguish what is illusion and what is the truth.

  13. What you have honestly said here Nikki is true
    “History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth.”
    Unfortunately humanity has been so saturated with false ideals and beliefs for so long, we believe these lies, rather than trust that there is a truth to be had and that it is our right to know this truth. Going into sympathy doesn’t work as this means we enjoin the mire, it’s taken me many lifetimes to work this one out. I have come to the understanding that someone has to stand on the side, as it were, and reflect to the ones floundering about hopelessly lost, that there is indeed another way to live.

  14. When Truth is spoken, evolution is offered. We might rail against that, or stay stuck stubbornly in our stuff, but the offering is clear and if we can listen with all ears then things can move forwards and we don’t have to go round that particular merry go round again.

  15. It is gorgeous when I read of another woman appreciating the qualities of another, it is truly beautiful Nikki that you express so openly about Liane, this breaks down any comparison or jealousy when we can love another and be inspired by all they bring.

  16. Nikki what a beautiful sharing of true friendship, a friendship that pulls the other person up without destroying each other or trying to be the better person – love it.

  17. There are few, if any, things more beautiful than truth presented with love.

  18. Truth is a joy to express and hard work to supress. There is a simplicity that comes with speaking what is true and an aching complexity that comes with speaking what is not.

  19. Truth is in our body and comes out of our eyes, so when we choose to be consistently present, truth is found in every expression ‘it is simply the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence.’

  20. I have read some of Liane Mandalis’ work in relation to the many lies that have been perpetrated towards Serge Benhayon, and the absoluteness of her commitment to telling the Truth and exposing these lies for what they are is so palpable while reading it. Also, it is a true friend who can call out someone close to them when they are not being themselves in some way without worrying about being ‘nice’ or ‘polite’ which just allows the abuse to continue.

  21. It takes one person to stand up and speak up when they see something is not right for others to be able to take a step away from the ‘picture’ and discern once again for themselves what they can feel. But discern for ourselves we must, then we can rest easy knowing we have taken time to observe, to read, and to live in our bodies what we then feel to be the truth. A dedication to a way of living that means we have the capacity to observe and to bring understanding is the markings of wisdom.

    1. Its only when we are prepared to look at these things in this way that we get to see things in Truth, and when we do, we can offer that to others. And that is super powerful.

  22. If it wasn’t for those who speak truth I wouldn’t be aware of how unsettling circular conversations can be. We’d all keep just going around and around.

  23. Thank you Nikki, I liked what you shared about truth being communicated by much more than words, such as the look Liane gives you that helps bring you back to yourself. And I agree with you on this line about the truth; “It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.”

  24. There is no end to the depth of friendship and relationship with each other, there is always more love we can set free and share.

  25. True friendship is a relationship that establishes a true quality in which neither one will accept less or allow the other to drop and each one is inspiring the other to be true to themselves, forever expanding and evolving.

  26. People like Liane are the reason to not give up on life and oneself as they reflect that there is so much more and if we are only willing to open up to the possibility we can discover it for ourselves.

  27. These people who are committed to truth are like shining stars walking amongst us, I have such a person in my life who I cannot get enough of, despite my reactions, tantrums to what they share with me, I still go back again and again because I know that their truth comes from the heart, from a deep, deep love.

  28. Love the public and open expression of appreciation Nikki – these things need to be said, they need to be shouted over the mountain tops…or they can be simply expressed in the way we walk, in the way we talk, in the way we blink and know deeply within us that what we share with another is precious indeed.

  29. A true friend is someone who stands by us and supports our growth, and at times it is about hearing those things we may not want to hear, but delivered by someone with the holding of the love that they are…a blessing indeed Nikki and Liane!

  30. It is a great thing to truly appreciate another. It also exposes just how stubborn we are or can be when it comes to truly hearing and feeling truth and adhering to this. True truth is absolute love, it is just are we willing to see the comfort and denial we have been living in, to then let this go and let love in.

  31. We so need people who speak the truth, ‘no matter if we listen or not’. Someone has to set the bar at truth, so the wayward (which is most of us most of the time) at least have a marker to come back to.

  32. The keenness of humanity not always being open to truth — is one important point of awareness. It is all of us and the honesty we are willingly to understand that we are not from here, this plane of life neither should we be here. But whilst we are here our greatest adventure is to be honest about where we are and come back to the truth that we need to get back to living the love that we are. Not the creationist of all that we are not.

    1. Just being open to considering Danna that we are not from here is an enormous leap for so many who have been taught that life is all there is – you are born, you live, you work, you die. No wonder we have a deep and constant unsettlement that we try to manage with all our coping strategies.

  33. Being exposed can feel very uncomfortable, but surely receiving truth is better than being right or wrong in one’s untruth or lie…… There is no equivalent. Speaking truth from a place of love is very supportive.

  34. The greatest reflection of true friendship are ones that are founded on truth, honouring and expressing truth before anything else regardless of what the reaction or response may be. As you have gorgeously shared this is the commitment offered to the evolution back to who we Soulfully and innately are, and a dedication to the truest love of all.

  35. Oh yes, it’s very uncomfortable being exposed when we take it personally. And when we make it personal, it is very uncomfortable to be the one who does the exposing.

  36. What a blessing it is to have amazing friends in our lives who are open, loving and willing to express truth no matter what.

  37. When someone like Liane expresses truth we all win, because what she offers is an opportunity for us to reflect and to deeply heal, what a shining example she is for us all to not hold back our truth in anyway.

  38. “Our own comfort is placed before evolution.” I’ve done this, and I’ve not done this. And when I have placed my comfort before evolution, it is all about me, and I usually feel a bit physically ill afterwards (especially when that comfort involved comfort foods!), and when I place evolution before comfort, I consider the all, and usually feel lighter, nourished and ready to be of service. And without judgement (or as close too) I observe when I choose each one, and lovingly review what was behind those choices so I can either confirm it, or review it to let it go.

  39. Nikki is so wonderful you have a reflection of truth in your life in Liane and the photos say’s it all. Also thanks to the heavens for the reflection of Serge Benhayon.

  40. The truth is always felt in our body. When we choose to express it, is always a blessing for everyone around us, even though this could be rejected. There’s much love in fully committing to truth.

  41. When truth is spoken a fire is lit in all who hear these words… This fire may be hidden for decades even lifetimes and yet the spark is now there … So speak truth and let the world feel this resonance

    1. I love this “When truth is spoken a fire is lit in all who hear these words”. It is true, truth is felt in the body and our fire never goes out – truth can ignite it.

      1. Yes Nikki.. and thats all we have to do … live in a way that our words come from that inner well, that fire within, and thence effortlessly reflected out into humanity

  42. Beautiful Nikki and Liane – what is inspiring is the interaction and relationship you have that this depth of appreciation and true respect is present and than being chosen to be shared with the world. Not many women actually can do that and or have that, so that is a gorgeous leading example to be inspired by to see more the truth in oneself and also the other.. We got so much inside that we need to re-discover and share with the world..

  43. I loved what you have shared Nikki about Liane and your relationship, what a gift you are to each other, being open and honest to speak the truth to each other, something that is not always easy to do, this is true love calling us to be more of who we are and what we bring.

  44. The style of friends that a someone chooses tells you a lot about that person. The fact that you are brave enough to invite Liane into your life, shows your commitment exposing yourself in the name of truth. That is a credit to you, some of us hide in relationships that we know will not ask more of us, this can be easily disguised as familiarity but a true friendship is about evolution and it sounds like you both offer that to each other equally.

  45. I can never get enough of appreciation! It’s very uplifting to read the appreciation and love we have for one another and it’s also very healing to express that appreciation ourselves (including for ourselves). I often read Liane’s comments on blogs and there is a clarity and purity to the truth she expresses which always feels very profound to me. Liane has a very beautiful reflection for all of humanity that we too can all express the truth in the same power, purity and consistency, and to do so is simply a surrender to ourselves.

  46. It’s amazing to meet a life long friend of quality like this Nikki. I like that we are just going about our business and then the bigger picture knocks on our door and says “hello we have a friend for you” and then we can spend a lifetime growing and appreciating together.

  47. Being in awe of people’s qualities is one thing – but expressing it to them, letting them know how we feel and what we see in them, is another as it is something that we must do more often to combat the comparison, jealousy and competition in the world.

  48. To stop, appreciate and express appreciation for the people we love and who inspire us, magnify the love outwards so we are all touched by it’s warm embrace.

  49. Thank you for the reminder that life is about evolution. And that by you writing this, you are also calling “us all to the simple truth of who we are.”

  50. Such a gorgeous photo of two friends connecting. When we connect with another our world expands.

  51. It is so important to have role models in our life who do not waver from truth. It gives me courage and steadfastness to not waver. It shows me it can be done and the joy it brings when we are not trying to live with a foot in each camp. This is what the world needs or we will continue the downhill slide we are on.

  52. What a beautiful sharing Nikki! To have a friend like Liane who challenges one to truly look deeper and take responsibility for our way of living in this world.

  53. What an opportunity to have that reflection of love in your life. I have found there are many who are not ready to let go of the comfort that has kept them ‘safe’ all these years. I have been one of them for a large part of my life but now I have heard, seen and felt truth and love again there is just no going back – you cannot unfeel or unsee what you have felt and seen. It comes from the body and the pull is what calls you home.

  54. Gorgeous Nikki and Liane, sharing with us that truth is everything – but also allowing others to find their way – so no convincing or push. A beautiful marker of truth is laid by this blog and another fantastic exposé on the evil we have allowed the word “truth” to be about, which is simply just bastardization of the word. Not the real and only whole truth.

  55. People crave truth but the fact is that hand in hand with truth comes a step up in responsibility too – and if we don’t want to upset our comfortable status quo that is based on our ideals and beliefs that feed that same comfort we can react emotionally big time when the absoluteness of truth rocks those comfortable foundations.

  56. Beautifull to celebrate a relationship and the true qualities within the relationship and of that person .. something we should do far more.

  57. It feels amazing to read the expression of someone’s appreciation of another this way – no holding back, detailed and to the point. Very inspiring and something we can all do for each other – hold them in love and in truth and confirm them in their amazingness.

  58. Sometimes when the truth is spoken and we react, deny or resist these are the moments I am learning to not run away from. Yes it feels uncomfortable in that resistance and reaction but by repeatedly connecting to those speaking truth the resistance gets less and less.

  59. And there is no holding back here in expressing your love for Liane Nikki. Expression and truth certainly works in a chain reaction…reminding the next person that they too are everything.

  60. ‘Whilst in-Truth all we do is go round and round the sun, without Truth and evolution we are but going nowhere.’ – this is so true Nikki and well said. As the purpose of evolution is to return to being and living all that we truly are. Without embracing truth we are merely living a lie.

  61. This is a very interesting point “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” How often does the person who speaks up when something is not truthful get singled out and the power that wants things to stay the way it is pulls in old tricks to have them torn down or discredited in order to keep the status quo? If one person had not stood his ground and spoken about the abuse in the Catholic Church we would not have had the Royal Commission that is unearthing so many years of abuse.

  62. Our bodies are highly attuned instruments to detect if we are open to truth or not. We can feel all the things mentioned in the blog and more; tension, dismissiveness, irritation when we don’t want to hear or be challenged out of our comfortable mindset. It is great to stay aware of what’s going on for you, not go into blame or any stories about the other person

  63. We all need these relationships in our lives that keep us on track and call us to be more of the truth and love we can naturally express and live. Often we can use our friendships for less than this. To feel wanted, needed, special, comfortable or confirmed to stay exactly as we are. This is not what relationships are designed to be, as ‘when two or more are gathered in my name’, with purpose and commitment to our soul, magic happens.

  64. I agree, Liane has a beautiful connection to and expression of the truth. The way Liane expresses truth is powerful, uncompromising, and unwavering. Liane really reflects what a gift each human being can be to this world when we commit to living love and truth.

  65. “The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.” True friendship is shared when we are called back to who we truly are. No true friend would leave another drowning in the swamp of dishonesty and being less than the truth of who we are.

  66. Truth binds and equalises us to the ‘more’ we are a part of. In other words, the universal intelligence we all equally have access to is the same, our expression is just unique from our own lived experiences. When hearing or feeling truth it can have this steadying effect, a knowing that that is where we are from, but also a devastation that we have not chosen to express or live that truth in every breath or everyday. That’s what makes it uncomfortable to hear at times.

  67. How blessed we are to be part of a community where truth is of the utmost importance, where we learn to evolve by our interactions with each other; we are both teachers and students in what we reflect to each other, these are true friendships.

  68. “But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.” This is a great sentence and one I can relate to well. God is always there communicating yet by being in comfort and holding back we are directly saying no to his love.

  69. What a great friendship, true friendship. I much rather have the truth expressed no matter what rather than the cover up version that keeps things comfortable and un-evolving.

    1. What I feel is that this blog is offering a fresh new look at what true friendships and relationships are. Often relationships can be arrangements where we are comfortable together, no one pushes buttons and we may have similar interests. It may even be about ticking boxes and to have people around us based on the beliefs, ideals and pictures we live to of what relationships and friendships are. When we live from our essence and soul and make life about evolution all the above drops away and what’s there between us is true power and purity. I really appreciate this blog because it’s one example of how a relationship can be when we live from our essence.

  70. It is a blessing to have friends in our life who are willing to express love and truth no matter what. Sometimes we trip and fall in life, and even make mistakes but it is our willingness to embrace love and truth that will support us to walk with gentleness, steadiness and purpose on our path of evolution.

  71. ‘Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and others who speak Truth straight from Heaven, have no need to be heard.’ This blog shows a deep appreciation for Truth and the line above speaks volumes of the detachment from need for those who speak the truth. Quite beautiful.

  72. This is so awesome to read and feel the appreciation of what Liane reflects to you. What is so true is when we are exposed sometimes it can become uncomfortable and awkward but when we really allow ourselves to let in what is being shared there is much healing to be had.

  73. I love being around people who are committed to truth. They are so easy to be with because they feel safe. It is very different than being around people who are suppressing their truth and instead pretending that everything is fine when it clearly is not.

    1. I feel the same Elizabeth. I much rather someone be completely honest and express truth to me any day even if it can feel uncomfortable. I find it very supportive and expansive to hear truth being expressed. I love being around people who are not afraid to express truth lovingly.

    2. I agree, there is a simplicity to the conversation. Someone who is skirting around the edge and isn’t direct results in a tension that gets really complicated! I would much rather have someone speak a truth that is hard to hear than elude to something I should know but not actually nominate it.

  74. Lianne a divine example of living our essence and how inspiring it is for all around, this is literally changing the world.

  75. ‘…when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.’ – this sums it up really and exposes how we can choose comfort over the truth when the fact is we miss out! Truth allows us to feel things in full – and how awesome is it to have people out there who live this, with no investment, it is just who they are.

  76. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.” Throughout the ages we have ignored, dismissed and ridiculed, tortured and murdered those that spoke the truth. We are still doing this, we don’t like to hear the truth if it means we have to look at our comfortable lives and see how we are contributing to the way the world is today.

  77. No need to be heard stood out for me, how often do we stand in the pulpit and preach – these are not wise words they are telling. True wise words come from living God’s words not telling.

  78. Beautifully shared Nikki, in a world where competition and comparison between women happens all too much it is deeply inspiring to read your appreciation and celebration of your friend Liane.

  79. In all Honesty I have a way to go on my path of return to having truth as a fully integrated part of my Livingness. Truth for me is part of the divine aspect of God along with love, stillness, joy, harmony and light all of which I have amazing moments of connection to, but honestly is still a work in progress. Thank you for sharing Nikki and am inspired to bring more truth into all that I do.

  80. In rereading your article, what really stood out to me – and something I’d never appreciated – is that the word of God is truth. Simple as. Amazing to have someone in your life who speaks the word of God. An inspiration.

  81. Awesome confirmation Nikki – truth needs to be expressed. Funny though that we have to state that, it should be the only way to express. Imagine a bird not expressing truthfully. I guess that is hard to imagine but we can as humans, funny thing. But until we get back to being like a bird in expression (some of its ways…) expressing like you two do is important, thanks for sharing.

  82. So inspiring Nicki. That look that holds you in its full gaze where you can hide nothing, you feel so bare, exposed, and utterly held without judgement is love in full. It is how we ought to be with each other, holding ourselves and everyone else in our innate magnificence and not letting ourselves play games with the lesser that keeps us separated and so so much less of who we truly are.

  83. Having a friend who doesn’t hold back from truly pulling us up when we need it is a great friend to have!

  84. This is what relationships are really about – Truth. Truth is a traded commodity these days as everyone seeks the truths to what is going on in life yet we’ll all know them, all it requires is honesty and a lot of love to embrace them.

  85. Having people that don’t waver from the truth is deeply inspiring. It feels as though this brings us all closer to living more of who we are. The reflection we get is that we are also from this truth and that we can build our commitment towards it with every choice we make.

  86. I love the way you describe that those who speak truth have no need to be heard. This shows me that when I am invested in someone ‘getting it’ I am not speaking from truth.

  87. What a gift to read this article because it shows us all that one of the things that is truly valued is when we do express the full truth we feel and know, for us not to do that is a disservice to all. Yet in our heads we sometimes think that we can’t say certain things to offend the other person, what if instead of that we lovingly share how we feel – the truth that is – and from there the relationships and lives of those people we express in this way with have the opportunity to truly deepen.

  88. It is super inspiring to have people in our lives that are rock steady in who they are and the truth of this. We make that choice to have these people in our lives because deep down we know that this what we truly want, to be expose of the loveless choices and to be called to be All of who were Are not just parts and we hide behind the comforts of holding back.

  89. This article continues to inspire and inform me about the richness and intimacy possible in every friendship. My approach to, and care of, relationships is developing all the time. Thank you.

  90. I love how you have expressed that at times you feel the support of your friend to see the truth of a situation without her saying anything: “If I have lost my way or got caught up in something, all it takes is a look from Liane to bring me back. … it is simply the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence.” I have noticed this too with people who take care to live a certain quality. Their presence alone communicates and pulls me and others up toward also expressing that quality. It is very beautiful and shows how taking responsibility for the way we live naturally has a wonderful loving impact on everyone else.

  91. Appreciation I know is something lacking within myself for myself and therefore for others. Thankyou for sharing the love and appreciation you have for Liane Nikki, your dedication and commitment to truth is a blessing for humanity.

  92. I met Liane briefly, in Vietnam but what really stuck me was how 100% met I felt when meeting her which seemed to stay with me for a long time. A truly beautiful woman!

  93. When we have friends who can offer such clear truth for us it is a sure sign that we have been blessed. When we offer this friendship to ourselves, first, we not only magnetically pull such people into our lives but we bless ourselves and them also.

  94. We do….”When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said,” and dignity speaks every day in many ways, it can be what someone says, or it can be the way a leaf falls in front of us, or a cloud forms, or a gentle hand…so much is offered for us to feel our true quality. It is a blessing to know someone prepared to speak the truth to us.

  95. What I get from what you say Nikki, is how Lianne does not hold back or apologise one single bit. I too have experienced that look from someone else’s eyes where it’s like they say ‘I don’t mind what you say or what you try to do, but whatever happens I will be here holding you in truth’. Reading this, this morning reminds me in no uncertain way that I can actually hold this truth in me too, each and every day.

  96. Finding truth is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. How can you put a value on truth! Appreciation to Nikki, Liane and Serge Benhayon for sharing the truth that communicates so much of what humanity is looking for.

  97. “Liane does not hold back her expression of Truth. She does this in many ways and not just verbally.” This is great and shows how expression is not just verbally in what we say but more so comes from our way of living. I often like to change things in my life or want to be more truthful yet if I am not willing to live this in my life then nothing changes. When I do change how I am living my life as in not accepting anything less than love and truth, naturally I am more truthful in my conversations and relationships but also when I do not say anything it is felt.

  98. I love looking at this photograph – the love, light and joy just radiates out and because of its composition continually circulates from Nikki to Liane, to the viewer and then back to Nikki. Gorgeous.

  99. Sometimes the truth can be hard to hear but if it’s awakening us to greater responsibility and love it is never ever worth holding back.

  100. There are those who bring forth words which can move an entire society, they were called seers and oracles in the past. And although they may have lost their ancient place of reverence amongst us, they are still here, still speaking the words and still lighting the way for us all.

  101. This is beautiful Nikki and shares something we don’t do as a humanity enough; celebrate each other. What you share here shows the importance of living and reflecting truth, essentially who we are in full. There is great power in this.

  102. It is undeniable that your friendship with Liane is one of love and evolution and I appreciate you sharing your innermost feelings with all of us. In time, I am sure that we will all develop, or should I say re-develop the openness and honesty that you and Liane share and return to a way of living that is nearer brotherhood than it is at this current time.

  103. It always serves to see the divine reflection people hold in life and to deeply appreciate it and celebrate it publicly. It never serves to see the bad from a place of judgement.

  104. I find that I can appreciate my friends and people around me when I have been appreciating myself. If I am feeling bad about myself I can’t see the beauty in others or recognise what they bring. When I love myself I then can naturally love others.

  105. Nikki you have me considering all the absolutely amazing people I am so blessed to know. There should definitely be more time and energy given to appreciating the people around us, and especially those who are committed to bringing truth and integrity to the world.

  106. Nikki, I love how you have shared your appreciation for Liane – and in so doing I have no doubt that your friendship has deepened on some level. And likewise, your relationship with yourself would also deepen for this is how appreciation works.
    Now, In those moments when I feel such an immense appreciation for another I will no longer hesitate to express this to them, as a phone call, a text message, an email or a card, whereas in the past I may have hesitated, held back, or lost the impulse or sadly put it off for another time. But when we put it off or just assume the other will know or feel it, it is like hiding a part of ourselves. Sometimes what is needed is just for ourselves to stop and fully feel the level of love we have for another, for in this we re-discover the level of love we have for ourselves too.

  107. Thank you Nikki for sharing the appreciation and purpose of truth. Divine truth is for the evolution of all, it is never about one person, and regardless of the topic if offered with this intention is very healing for us all.

  108. Inspiring one another is a way to grow and evolve and is truly beautiful in the sense that it is about equality and a knowing that we are all one and the same and that the path of return to Soul is a path we all have to walk one day.

  109. Thank you for this blog Nikki. It is inspiring to read the depth of appreciation you have for your friend. I all too often shy away from feeling the depth of my appreciation and hold back from expressing it. Through this blog, I can feel the expansion on offer when we express appreciation.

  110. “History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth.” – raises the very personal question how keen am I on truth, to receive the reflection of it and as well to present it to a world that may not be so open or even rejecting of it, and of course such rejection is often directed towards the person presenting it and not just the truth itself.

  111. Indeed Nikki – thank-you for taking the time to appreciate and share what a true friendship can be, one that does not stand still or feed self but calls us to yet greater love and honesty in service for all.

  112. I can conceive of no greater reflection, than one who consistently lives, breathes and expresses truth – for the sake of all, from the deepest of care, love and knowing that humanity does indeed hold in its core, a truth that is universal. It is very fitting that you reference Serge Benhayon here in this regard Nikki, for he is all that, in the fullest expression and flight of it I have ever known.
    And I am humbled, inspired and continually transformed out of the shackles that once held me from living such truth and integrity myself – every single day – by virtue of knowing him and receiving the truth he imparts, which belongs to us all, in my life.

    1. Absolutely gorgeous words Victoria – each word a pearl so shiny, we are blessed to read this and feel it in every cell of our body to be true for us too. Thank you!

    2. So beautiful to read Victoria, I am inspired by every word especially to “living such truth and integrity myself” so that I can bring to my Livingness the living blessing of truth and wisdom that is freely available from all the presentations by Serge Benhayon.

  113. Kapow Nikki McKee: “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.”
    Truth is always felt, isn’t it… We may react to it, or to the best of our ability, be willing and open to receive it and respond from our receptivity. Knowing your dear friend Liane Mandalis also Nikki, I would say that you could not be one to shirk from truth at all – and clearly in each other, you have found awesome companions, who will continue to support each other in true ‘evolutionary style’ – i.e. not feed into and pander into each other’s comfortable, imbedded ways, but rather meet each other in all of the light and wisdom you each hold.
    The only way to go in any relationship in my books – woohoo for you both 🙂

  114. Wow love hearing the appreciation and love you have for Liane when someone is dedicated and committed to truth the whole of humanity benefits.

  115. What a gorgeous blog this is, great to read again and again. The exposure of those that know and speak truth is very important for us all to see that there is a truth, coming from true people just like us. We are all capable of bringing this truth.

  116. With truth being presented to us without any imposition we will be much more willing to open to such truth and align to it; the moment it is laced we sense it and resist, not necessarily truth, but the imposing aspect it comes with, or we could also say it is not truth anymore as it is not delivered in truth anymore when loaded with an agenda. As we are not perfect it is wise to recognise truth and discern the whole package of delivery thereby, distinguish between the truth being expressed and the possible personal staining. We should not dismiss truth because of the imperfection of its herald and neither shall we take on something that is not of truth and thus compromise.

  117. What a blessing and a treasure it is in life to have a close friend who is honest with us, no matter what, and who will tell it to us straight like it is. For me this is true love and friendship.

  118. When we have people in the world who are committed to the truth then we instantly know that the world is a safer place to be in.

  119. Reading this I am reconnected with what true brotherhood is. How we can support each other and be supported. Very confirming of what true relationships are all about and love in action.

  120. Meeting one such as Liane or Serge, we get to feel instantly the sliding away from truth we have chosen up to that point – things that may not have seemed such a big deal we realise were a deliberate set up, yet willingly chosen. and so the small steps away lead to a greater step and we have lost that connection to who we truly are, but as you say Nikki we can bring ourselves back in an instant with the reflection of love and truth that we encounter with these two remarkable people.

  121. Gorgeous article Nikki, I love reading about your friendship with Liane, it feels like a very close, true and evolutionary friendship.

  122. A beautiful appreciation of a relationship based on truth and evolution – true love and true friendship.

  123. Truth means everything to me. What I am re-learning is truth cannot come with reaction or one person in mind it has to be about truth and all of humanity.

  124. A true friend doesn’t make everything sound pretty and perfect all the time in order to avoid conflict or please someone, but will say what needs to be said to support someone – be it by exposing disregarding choices or appreciating what’s amazing in the relationship; both offer the same reflection and honesty.

  125. I love how the title of this blog includes the words ‘all of humanity’. This blog is not just about you and a dear friend, it recognises that the quality of relationship that you have with your friend is a contribution to humanity. The love and truth that is present in your relationship is there for humanity too. It is an inspiration and an offering.

  126. I agree it can be sometimes absolutely excruciating to be exposed for not living the love that is inside of me. There is a big pride there that does not like to admit that something I have invested in may not actually be it. However my experience is that when I align with what I can feel is the overall truth, it is painful, like lancing a boil, but also incredibly healing and liberating and I definitely feel lighter afterwards.

  127. Where would we be without the Liane Mandalis’ of this world, calling us all to the simple truth of who we are? This is a beautiful blog of appreciation and celebration, which we could all have more of!

  128. A beautiful testimony to truth Nikki. It is so amazing to have these people so committed and dedicated to truth walking the earth in these times. My wife is another person who is also very steady in her commitment to truth and I deeply appreciate having her steadiness and commitment to love in my life.

  129. Truth can be dismissed so easily as a human being. It seems we get away with it in our created form of existence and we attack those who dismantle our castle of protection. Unless we choose out of free will, to appreciate our bringers of truth.

  130. Such is the power of speaking the truth.. people either love it or hate it, but this is part of the beauty of it. It reflects very clearly the foundation we are choosing to stand on.

  131. This is a powerful and empowering statement that is full of wisdom and truth –
    “when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution”

  132. “But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.” It is ironic as the result of our comfort is the steady rise of illness, disease, drug addiction, sex trafficking, domestic violence, corruption, war, etc.

  133. After reading this blog one can clearly see that the reason we have so many relationship issues be its tensions, struggles, miscommunications and misunderstandings are simply because of our personal commitment to truth and love. For when another expresses such truth and love our way, and it exposes or challenges us to be more of who we truly are, our resistance to that is what gets in the way.

    1. Very true Joshua and whether we are the bringers of truth or we are being offered truth to not react but observe what is at play within ourselves and within others.

    2. When we are honest enough to recognise that this is what is happening, we pave the way for something great.

  134. It’s gorgeous to see the lovely photo of you both, what a power couple you are! It is inspiring to read how you both support each other in a way that expedites evolution, and not just for yourselves and each other, but ultimately for everyone. Way to go girls!

  135. What a beautiful testimony to a dear friend Nikki. To have someone that you can go to and know that they will show you truth no matter what, even by a simple look in their eyes with no judgement or criticism, even when it can be uncomfortable, is indeed something to deeply value.

  136. I love the looks you get from Liane that are louder than words, reflecting the truth that connects you with a direct line to Heaven, that’s a true deep relationship, with Love, evolution and purpose as the connection.

  137. Choosing to surround yourself with amazing people is a very nurturing and self loving choice, it is also a great way to not hide, as we give permission for our relationships to evolve and challenge us.

  138. I love Liane’s commitment to truth, “when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution”. I agree truth is paramount.

  139. What a very beautiful expression of appreciation and love for Liane and your friendship Nikki. Both of you have a commitment to love, truth and evolution which is inspiring.

  140. Very beautiful Nikki and how beautiful that you are letting each other in and have truth as your foundation in relationship – that is one big role model example for the whole world.. Not many relationships are based on that! So cool.. We need more and more of that..

  141. So lovely to share the joy and appreciation of an amazing friend. I need to share my appreciation for the people in my life more often. Thank you for the inspiration Nikki.

  142. This inspiring to read and feel the truth in your friendship – thank you for sharing Nikki.

  143. This understanding that truth is the word of God is absolutely awesome Nikki and it puts our reactions to truth in stark perspective. I have enjoyed reading about your beautiful friendship with Liane and it is obvious you are both women of great integrity.

  144. I so value the friendships in my life where the baseline is truth and the other person never shies away from asking how I really am, pulling me up for making disregarding choices or exposing the things I’m choosing not to see. It’s such a support to have this stream of support and evolution to learn from.

  145. A beautiful celebration of true friendship that is not always a comfy place where we collude in being less than we truly are, but always a loving and inspiring place to call out that which is not true, appreciate what is and support with each other’s expansion.

  146. Liane is one of those people you meet and see the shinning beacon of truth that she is! She lives truth everyday in the most practical of ways. she is not sitting in her room contemplating her navel about truth, but out there in the world with family, friends and community, everyone she meets is met equally with the love she holds and lives. The look in her eyes is the all knowing universal truth, you cannot dodge it, even if you close your eyes.

    Nikki you are powerful in your solid way, with a tenderness ever so delicate that touches others deeply.

    I appreciate your friendship, it is inspiring to be able to write about a dear friend rather than the comparison and jealousy that can happen between friends which stops it from being a real friendship. You have shared how powerful friendship can be. That actually can inspire others too of the love and power our friendships bring to us.

  147. I love this photo and I could look at it for hours. Whilst the truth may seemingly feel uncomfortable, in truth it feels like the joy that emanates from this photo.

  148. Nicki I love your celebration of Liane and it is really inspiring to feel who I would like to celebrate. And through my own experience I only can agree: “But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out.” That is a truth not everybody likes to hear and it is wonderful that you exposed it.

  149. There is so much joy in this blog — a friendship based not on making each ‘feel’ better, and fill up those empty spaces we don’t fill up ourselves but based on truth, based on us being all that we innately are — a friendship based on grandness. This is how relationships ought to be — this is in fact why we have each other in our lives.

  150. I love to hear the truth and love to be connected to truth but in all honesty I am still a work in progress when it comes to living the truth 24/7! Thank you Nikki, great article about how we expand which is how we evolve! To me truth and expansion cannot be separated.

  151. The truth is, when we commit to return to Truth, we are always blessed with a reflection or reflections of Truth around us. It is thus our choice to see this reflection and choose evolution or not. Relationships with evolution I will not miss them for anything, they are not always easy, but they are so worthwhile.

  152. There are many nice parts to life, many things we can do, many places to travel to and sights to see. Yet none of this is sustained vibrant or vital without the truth. This blog helps us see it’s not an optional extra or a picturesque moment, to be enjoyed in seclusion but an underlying river that flows through our world. This picture and snapshot of you Nikki and Liane is a beautiful reminder to us all that truth is the support, the way, the answer, the path, the be and end all of life.

  153. What you share Nikki is what is possible when we choose true relationship, one that is ever evolving and calling us out to be and shine the full light of the truth that we are. There is such a wealth to uncover, one of the greatest joys. What a beautiful reflection we can offer and confirm in each other.

  154. Commitment to truth is a quality I hold dearly, and although it may at times cause people to wobble in the presence of that truth, nevertheless it is the only way for me.

  155. It’s a glorious moment when we appreciate truth above and beyond personal comfort. A little (or lot) of squirming is so worth it when we realise there is expansion and evolution patiently waiting for us to choose. This feels so much grander in every way beyond the ideals of comfort, comfort quickly becomes un-comfortable and awkward.

  156. I totally agree Nikki, when we express truth there is not an ounce of needing to be right or to be heard. No matter how much people resist truth, we don’t get affected by how others react. In contrast when we think we are expressing truth we often go straight into judgment if we feel that people are not listening or agreeing with what we have expressed. Truth is truth, it is just is so absolute and it doesn’t need convincing, justifying or preaching. Truth shines and emanates through every part of our body when we choose to express the absolute truth.

    1. This is a great example of how we can appreciate, confirm and celebrate each other. It is not just about what we do for each other but about the quality of being, the quality of what we reflect in full in all our relationships that expands our connection and our evolution.

  157. I have recently been exposed by a very loving, honest woman, one who I trust implicitly and although it was confronting in many ways it came from love, and at the end of the day it was the TRUTH. So I totally understand how we can support each other in the way that you and Liane are by not holding back our expression when we feel to, and this is what true support and real friendship is all about.

  158. My Dad said to me when I went to school “if you come away with five true friends then you will be well fixed up.” I remember thinking that five was a ridiculously small number – I had zillions of friends. But now as I understand what true friendship is and how so often I have settled for an arrangement or companionship, I can see that my Dad was right.

  159. Truth and appreciation. Working hand in hand to develop a deep friendship. This morning, through reading this blog and some others, I am deeply struck by how I am developing appreciation and it is delivering gold – but that there is always more…it’s such fun. I am working with a whole crew of people at the moment and spreading the simple language of appreciation through them all is a joy to behold. Literally like the christmas lights all popping on!

  160. ‘…it is simply the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence. The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.’ – Beautiful, how uncomplicated and simple it can be when we allow ourselves to trust what we already feel is true – there’s an undeniable knowing in that instance, that needs no explanation.

  161. Nikki, what a lovely way to deeply appreciate another. It is amazing how much we can learn from each other when we stop trying to out do each and simply be with each other.

  162. ‘Being exposed can be confronting’ and we may choose who we associate with in order to avoid being exposed, or we can choose to be ‘out there’ facing all of life’s reflections that show us what is truly going on, show us everything that is the direct result of all of our choices. Uncomfortable, maybe, evolving, certainly.

  163. A beautiful inspiration for true relationships and the amazingness these offer us .Thank you Nikki and Liane for this beautiful sharing of your livingness.

  164. “Being exposed can be confronting.” But it is the most amazing gift we can give one another, as it empowers us to see that what we cling onto is not who we are and in allowing ourselves to feel and release these impositions, we return to the simplicity of just being our naturally tender selves.

  165. The truth has always been there it is just a case of do we choose to align to it, feel it and hear it or not. And if not why? That is when a tirade of excuses, hurts, arrogance, greed, corruption, blame, resentment etc can come out. And the truth is still right there. So ultimately it is us that stops feeling or seeing this. Thank goodness for people like Serge Benhayon and Liane Mandalis who are dedicated to living and reflecting truth to others so it is known.

  166. Reading this blog I can appreciate the title itself in that when we express in absolute to truth to anyone, we are in fact expressing for the benefit of everyone and this is the nature of truth. Not only does it apply to the particular situation in which it addresses but is equally applicable and encompassing of every other.

  167. A true friend is wonderful. Even when they get it wrong, their impulse is from love.

  168. The inspiration that Liane and Serge bring through inspires others to also hold steady to express the truth as best they can – and as more light up to that, the less the evil that permeates the earth can wield its corrupting influence.

  169. I can only agree with you one hundred billion percent. It is because of those like Serge and Liane who are steadfastly committed to speaking and expressing the truth that we can see something in this world we can trust again and know we can trust ourselves just as we too know the truth as it is confirmed deep within.

  170. What a beautiful reflection and example of true evolutionary friendship you have shared here Nikki. I deeply appreciate you sharing the potential of all relationships whatever the constellation. Truth is the gate we all must eventually walk through – any resistance is delay!

  171. ‘Being exposed can be confronting.’ I have felt how uncomfortable it is to being exposed. Uncomfortable as it may be I also feel what is being offered is a new level of understanding and truth. Delivered with love this opportunity to embrace a deeper level of love, to know who we are more intimately, is gorgeous when we surrender to it – when we do not, we have to call in a great deal of what is not love which only creates suffering.

  172. The reflection offered by anyone with such a commitment to truth is a gift for us all as this can truly change the basis on which we have the opportunity to make new choices and evolve ourselves.

  173. It’s amazing how appreciation inspires appreciation and from there on inspires and connects to a depth of appreciation I’ve never felt before. There’s so much to appreciate, and so many, in fact everyone. Living with daily appreciation is living very rich. Thank you for appreciating Liane and sharing the joy and truth with us.

  174. A relationship of and for the future. Living it now. Very beautiful Nikki. Thank you for sharing this for all.

  175. ‘On behalf of Humanity, Liane, I express my gratitude and appreciation for your commitment to Love, Truth and Evolution. You call us all to the simple truth of who we are.’ – Excellent Nikki, I have noticed this in Liane too, and eventhough I have never met her in person I feel like I know her very well, as the language of truth is universal.

  176. How amazing to have friends that will let you have the truth always – even when you are finding it challenging to go there. And that she does not force it on you, but is just there as that reflection so that you can choose it when you are ready. I, and I suspect most of us, could practice at more openly expressing what there is to be expressed, whilst holding the other person in utmost love and care, and also not being attached to whether they agree or not, so giving them space. I find the examples provided by people such as Serge Benhayon And Liane Mandalis wonderfully inspiring.

  177. I agree Ariana, truth is everything. Our bodies resonate with truth, yet it is often our thoughts that resist truth. When we connect to our body, it will expose what is true and what is not. Our divine body is a barometer for truth and having someone reflect truth to us when we have been living avoiding connecting to it, we can feel very uncomfortable because it exposes our choices of not choosing to live in truth. So, the discomfort is from feeling the tension of what we haven’t chosen for ourselves. Allowing ourselves to feel this can pull and inspire us to choose to be open to receiving Truth, Love and Evolution or if we choose to avoid feeling the tension or worst, go into blame and reaction then no evolution is present but only delay in evolution.

  178. Thank you Nikki, it is gorgeous to feel your appreciation for Liane. We are blessed when we meet people or have a solid relationship with someone who is fully committed to Love, Truth and Evolution. Truth when delivered does not hold anyone in judgment or comparison but in absolute love. When we are open to truth and love, divine healing and evolution is taking place.

  179. A true friend doesn’t hold back, doesn’t play nice and will deliver the truth even if it means we never speak to them again! A far cry from what most people consider a friend – one who panders, comforts, makes us feel better, distracts us, enjoins etc…. A true friendship is one based on an absolute commitment to mutual evolution.

  180. “Humanity isn’t so keen on truth”. And nor am I sometimes. It can hurt to feel the irresponsibility and it can hurt to feel the lies and comfort that I have been living. But what has astonished me as I have travelled along is how the truth has no judgement and ultimate patience. So in fact the pain is my indulgence, avoidance and attempt to get myself off the hook. It doesn’t actually exist.

  181. We need to get used to being exposed or how I see it as highlighting the what is not, so it can be seen, let go of and we can move onto our next point of evolution. It is a blessing to have a friend that supports this type of reflection I have this in Elizabeth Dolan. She is always inspiring me to be more.

  182. Yes big hands in the air for truth from me. I would much rather be told the truth than something someone thinks I want to hear. I have seen the incredible harm that can do and don’t want a bar of it. I do hope for a world that holds truth as a trait worth valuing though and I am not sure we are really there.

  183. Those who are willing to speak the truth in all situations hold a very solid and loving constitution for us all.

  184. I can say in the past I’d have friends because they were popular or funny or smart or well connected, but never because our relationship was based on truth. A friendship such as this has a huge purpose – one that really is founded in love. Reading this blog made me appreciate how I too have the opportunity to base relationships on purpose, and in doing so it changes the whole dynamics; no more nice-ness or sympathy or emotions which really brought in the drama. But keeping it simple and in that, appreciating each other deeply.

  185. It’s so easy to “carry on” and complain about friends, family and generally everything in society. What a great blog as it shows and helps us all appreciate how we can express about our friends and hold them with the depth of care that you’ve shown. If we all focused on the greatness life would be very different.

  186. I love the appreciation in this article, appreciation, builds more appreciation, it builds a knowing and lived relationships that we are and from God.

    1. I agree, appreciation, love and truth together are very healing and allow us to move on to a life undreamt of.

  187. Nikki its rare to read about relationships like this, lets face it many friendships are based on choosing someone who will not press your buttons, yet what you have presented here is a relationship that is here to serve humanity before self, therefore it does not stand still but constantly responds to the energetic call. Hence your words read like an statement, void of any emotional needs, simply absolute in its purpose, its plan.

  188. True relationship! How gorgeous Nikki. And this line… “Whilst in-Truth all we do is go round and round the sun, without Truth and evolution we are but going nowhere.” Ha so true, this is absolutely what is going on. Yes humanity has a history of not wanting to hear truth, funny that one. Must be a part of us that doesn’t want to evolve but is sitting in the comfort of what we think life actually is!

  189. Oh my Lianne, before I even started reading this your picture shone off the page. Such absolute joy. So gorgeous.

  190. I love the title of this blog because your friendship is not just an exclusive expression between the two of you, what arises as a consequence of the love you have for one another really does benefit the whole of humanity. True friendship, true love is about holding everyone in the same level of regard and just as Lianne brings you back to yourself Nikki with the look in her eyes, so she will do that for everyone she meets. And then the choice is down to the individual as to whether they respond or not, but I have a feeling that most people will be unable to resist!

  191. Having a commitment to truth that is unwavering is a rare quality these days. To find that in another, reflected to us as a reminder is so precious and it is so beautiful Nikki to feel your full appreciation of this. Thank you! What we see in another, is what we hold within too, and is in the process of unfolding, as it is for us all.

  192. What a wonderful, open and honest sharing, you are truly blessed to have found each other Nikki. I recently was exposed for my behaviour and it was a big ouch, but thank goodness for true friends for without them in our lives we would be stuck in our comfort for many more years to come and the world is in a bad enough place without us remaining in our comfort, which ultimately hurts us even more.

  193. I do not know Liane in person, but what I read of her has always great depth of wisdom. It feels gorgeous to have her as a friend, who is steady in her expression of truth.

  194. ‘When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.’ Well said Nikki. Hearing truth can be confronting and uncomfortable. Having said that it’s also important to discern if what is being presented is true or not. Words can sound ‘true’ but may not be.

  195. It’s so inspiring to see people who don’t hold back their truth, and it’s more than what is said – it is felt in every movement as truth beams out of them.

  196. ‘When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.’ this is brilliant, it reminds me to always be willing to listen and accept truth. When we accept truth when it is reflected to us, it is very empowering and supports us to evolve.

  197. What if we could all appreciate our friends in this way, to not compare but to be inspired by the amazing things they bring to life.

  198. I have a friend like that. We have been friends for 45 years. We do not speak often but we have stayed in touch through many changes in both our lives.

    I am understanding what it is about him that stands out. He speaks what he feels. He does not hold back.

    With my new relationship with Universal Medicine, I have come to realize how important speaking what you feel is. It has brought me deeper respect and appreciation for this person that is in my life.

  199. ‘The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.’ Wow, and just in a look. What power there is when we are in connection with the All. We can fight it by putting comfort up as a barrier or we can come back to who we truly are.

  200. I have had the opportunity to feel truth spoken, I am honouring more and more that I can feel the difference in truth and untruth., I can feel the difference in how I speak. Many of us have spent so many years attempting not to rock the boat, speak up, be seen, that we deny who we are and our truth. Fact, the truth spoken with love heals, I have felt it, observed, and now more so consistently speak it.

  201. The truth of this sentence is a travesty: “History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth.” Yet I understand it well, because I too at times do not like my irresponsible choices highlighted. And I can imagine the force wielded when this level of resistance and obstinance is really deep. In such a climate it is a huge act of unconditional love to keep offering that level of care and honouring , to not water down or withhold the truth. I too am grateful for Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon, you Nikki and all others who are committed to feeling and expressing truth.

    1. Golnaz I like the way that you have identified the similarity between the struggle that we feel as individuals at having our irresponsibility highlighted and those who have, throughout history vilified those who stand for truth. The macrocosm is always a magnification of the microcosm and therefore it is for all of us to look honestly within and renounce what is not true and loving.

  202. ‘When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.’ It’s funny how we can look at the world and ask ‘where is God?’ – yet, divinity is all around us should we be willing to hear and see the truths being reflected.

  203. It’s lovely to see the relationship you both hold for each other and from that we get the photo and writing for this blog. The connection we have with ourselves and others, it’s the quality and ongoing deepening that is a key to how life should be. We so often get caught in many other things and it’s great to bring it simply back to a connection. When things get lost, peeling things back to a simple point supports me best.

  204. I’m discovering how I’m actually in awe with people that speak lived truth and wisdom. In whatever area this might be. The key for me is to choose to be open to receive the wisdom from all angles. Which might be from the most unexpected angle. Boy oh boy is there much to learn. Once I thought that I was the only one knowing truth, now I’m learning how arrogant this is and that every single one connects to a part of truth – it’s up to me to feel and connect to it.

  205. I am also deeply inspired by the words of truth that come from Liane Mandalis. Every word is straight from heaven and cuts to the core of what is needed in that moment.

  206. This beautiful writing is solid proof of how relationships can be so much more than we generally allow them to be.

  207. It is a joy to see you both on the photo and your whole piece of writing is full of true strength and power of two women who choose to live truth and to evolve together. Very inspiring to read as this is what we have on offer for humanity.

  208. The thing I find extraordinary about being with someone who lives the absolute truth is that they do not always need to say anything, we can feel it emanating from their bodies, and what we can feel is if we are also living that same truth, which feels joyful, or not, which creates tension and discomfort. We resist feeling the discomfort and numb our bodies, but that only serves to stop us evolving.

  209. If we want change we have to understand the value of speaking truth and being able to hear it. Thank you for sharing your experience of it.

  210. It is so lovely to read when another expresses their appreciation for another. Appreciating others is sadly not encouraged unless it is for something that we do and as for appreciating ourselves we tend to think it is big-headed and/or ‘who do we think we are?’. Appreciating ourselves and others is essential if we want to have true and loving relationships.

  211. As much as truth may be presented to someone it is the choice and willingness of the recipient how much he will let it in, that´s part of free will. But even without the reflection of truth from outside we can have the willingness to recognise truth whenever and in whatever form it presents itself to us, may it be from within or outside, the simple openness will make us more truthful.

  212. Nikki, I love the fact that you love truth and then in turn the person, in this case, Liane who delivers that truth. This is deeply inspiring for anyone who reads it.

  213. So deeply inspiring to feel the quality of Truth lived and expressed by one, being honoured and received as a blessing by another, regardless of the uncomfortableness that it exposes and without holding one greater than the other. Expressing Truth is an act of Love, reflecting the light of God, who we all are in essence and as such bringing the opportunity to evolve to all our relationships, including ourselves.

  214. We are so blessed when we hear the truth although I have not always felt this way. In the past I have more often than not squirmed when someone spoke the truth – and then blamed them for making me feel uncomfortable! Nowadays I am often astonished to realise that I do not react but appreciate the love that is being offered – not just words to make me feel comfortable but to offer an opening for expansion and love.

  215. ‘History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth’… It is therefore super special to have friends who can say it how it is even when we don’t want to hear it!

  216. It is very loving to hear the truth spoken with no investment in it, demanding that we agree or even understand.

  217. What a gorgeous picture of you both…how blessed we are to have friendships where both are committed to the highest level of truth and evolution rather than comfort and security. Then the relationship is for the whole world and not for self.

  218. Nikki it feels a little cliched to say that ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ but the photo of you and Liane is simply divine. You both feel so delighted to be in each others company and the togetherness that you both feel is palpable. Both the love and connection are also impossible to miss, such a glorious photo that naturally expresses so much.

  219. The friends that really make a difference in our lives, who we feel incredibly supported by are often not those who pushover and allow us to make whatever decisions we want without reflecting when these are not considerate/supportive of us and others, but those who consistently present truth day in day out who we can trust because of this consistency.

  220. I’ve just learned that ‘A true friend is one who is willing to evolve with us’. And sometimes in life we have to accept and love those unable to walk that path with us.

  221. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” When we are prepared to listen to divinity, we also have to deeply apppreciate that we are willing to hear what is being said. What we do with what we hear is then an individaul choice.

    1. ‘Getting our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said’ sounds like quite a simple thing to do but it’s actually ‘our own stuff’ that acts like a constant barrier to the truth. We walk around literally encased in our own stuff and it is this ‘stuff’ that quite literally stuffs us up! It gets in the way of the truth of every-thing, which therefore means that we are living a lie within the body of truth.

  222. Nikki, this is such a gorgeous article to read, the photo of you both is so playful and loving, this is a very beautiful friendship and shows what is possible in our relationships with each other.

  223. “Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and others who speak Truth straight from Heaven, have no need to be heard.” And its this absolute quality that makes one want to pay attention because they demand nothing in return, they just choose to remain completely open, consistent and trustworthy in their adherence to expressing the truth. People who live the Truth have no need of any kind of recognition or notoriety, they are simply expressing who they really are and we have a choice to hang out with them or not.

  224. ‘You call us all to the simple truth of who we are’…. nothing complicated, and if we are open to evolving (rather than defending and being stubborn) then the truth is the greatest gift of all.

  225. “But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.” And to me this is where it is all about, do we choose for the life of comfort or do we choose to live evolution, to live in a way that is truthful to our being and that evolves us back to who we truly are and belong to be? Not that a difficult choice in truth…

  226. Your relationship and appreciation with Liane shows us the fact that everyone has the potential to have this relationship with each other… Can you image how living on our planet would then be like? Not dreaming of Utopia here, but recognising the real potential of us all.

  227. ‘But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.’ – it’s as though we hold back and wait for others to show us that it’s safe to follow, dismissing the ‘knowingness’ that we feel inside to instead stay comfortable and safe, but, as you say, we are missing out, Big Time in the process.

  228. It’s gorgeous to feel the love between you both and your appreciation for Liane, Nikki, and the absolute truth which forms the basis of your relationship.

  229. ‘the look in her eyes combined with her steady presence. The what-is-not-truth is exposed and I am called back to all that I am.’ what a beautiful reflection of the power we all hold and the support we offer to everyone around us, when we live our truth.

  230. When truth is presented, it can often confront many of the comfortable lies and half truths we have accepted in our lives and yet we are never truly free until we let go of these lies we have held for so long as being truth

  231. What a beautiful tribute to truth, and to those that bring it like Liane Mandalis. This truth is needed in this world, bringing us the truth that will evolve us when we choose to say yes.

  232. When there is truth, even in the uncomfortable moments, there is trust and with trust we all feel so supported. Its great when you have friends in your life that can love you, support you and bring you back no matter where you get to without any judgement.

  233. I too deeply appreciate Liane’s expression of truth. She has inspired me hugely and now, even more so after reading your beautiful blog Nikki, as it reminds me to appreciate what is offered to us all. It is such a joy to read, I can feel the love and reflection you bring to each other and therefore this resonates out towards humanity. What you’ve shared inspires me to express love and appreciation to people in my life more and more, the power of appreciation is absolutely incredible.

  234. Thank you Nikki, for sharing so openly about what Liane Mandalis brings to your life and what she brings to life itself. A very beautiful quality of presence as we are here to evolve and commit to truth, and not waver from it or stand in anything else.. It is time to move forward from a new, as this blog is presenting, Nikki and so are you Liane.

  235. Truth is only confronting to those not willing to live it. It is a quality of the Soul and as such it comes part and parcel with the other attributes; Love, Joy, Harmony and Stillness, of this great body of love that is our true self. You simply cannot live one without living all the others… such is the majesty of the Whole that is our Soul. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by those who do not shy away from the truth. A great reflection for us all to behold.

  236. Beautiful Nikki thanks for the insight into your friendship with Liane, I particularly liked your comment… “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” To have this within a relationship is gold…

  237. Recognising that what we’ve been choosing has been harming can indeed be confronting, but needn’t at the same time be a huge issue. We can recognise the behaviour and change, or recognise it and not change, either way the choice is entirely up to us; to lash out at others is totally uncalled for.

  238. Friendships like the one you describe here Nikki, is one based on love and evolution. It is deeply inspiring to read your deep appreciation for Liane and the support that you offer each other.

  239. All relationships need truth – otherwise they are not true relationships… they are arrangements with no true foundation.

  240. I do agree with you in full Nikki in expressing your gratitude for Liane and many others who steadily express the truth, as they are the pillars for me to hold onto when I need it and be inspired back to expressing truth myself.

  241. “Liane does not hold back her expression of Truth.” This is so needed in the world, to express in full. When any of us hold back, our friends and all of humanity, miss out and we are harmed by suppressing this expression.

  242. How powerful is a reflection! Either way, whether it being a loving one or a non-loving one, the reflection is huge. Doesn’t this show us the enormous responsibility to choose to reflect love. If not, we’re reflecting that life doesn’t matter, that we don’t matter, that’s it’s all about getting through life etc. Thank you for appreciating the enormity of a loving reflection. And thank you for the reflection of love.

  243. Every single one of us on this planet has the same credentials as you Nikki as a Member of Humanity – there is no heirachical structure within that, just all equals.

  244. We all need someone to look at us with the unwavering assurance of truth, a steady presence simply presenting what is of truth and thus exposing what is not of truth no matter how much we want to insist, resist or fight it – even in denial we recognise truth and over time we come around to accepting it.

  245. There is too much comfort in our forms of pandering and belittling ourselves through niceness and “good” behaviour that we all too often miss the solid rock of truth in our lives. The one we know we can call on any time and know will always be there for us no matter what.

  246. You two live what it truly means to be married. At your core is your relationship to God and in being together you deepen that relationship to God.

  247. Thanks Nikki, for sharing your appreciation and reflecting the great importance of truth and true connection.

  248. To feel the appreciation you hold Nikki, for the qualities Liane not only shares with you, but the world, is a healing for us all.

  249. This is a beautiful testimony of true friendship, Nikki. Those friendships of deep honesty and intimacy are very precious and so seldom in this world.

  250. It is great to appreciate another’s true expression and ourselves for our willingness to be inspired and grow.

  251. When you spend time with Liane or ever read some of her writing you feel that with truth comes love, joy and equality.

  252. It really melts my heart to read of the love shared in this friendship, and of powerful women expressing the absolute truth that they know in every fibre of their being. Love does not cut corners, and truth can feel exposing, but its bright light clears away what we are not to reveal, our true selves.

  253. I love the point you make about our willingness to hear the truth being our willingness to listen to God. This makes it crystal clear that denying the truth is akin to shooting ourselves in the foot big time.

  254. Nikki I love how you have so rightly said that people like Liane ‘speak Truth straight from Heaven’ because they really do. We are all capable of being portals for Heaven’s truth, whether or not we are is dependent purely on the choices that we make in our everyday lives. Our portals can be clogged up with all manner of things that prevent the wisdom from flowing through, (emotions, certain foods and drink, beliefs, ideals to name but a few). But once we start to clear and look after our portals then we are all potentially spokespersons for God.

  255. “when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.” And choosing the comfort we are also saying we know better than God what is good for us, how arrogant is that?

  256. Now that is the kind of true friend to have in your life – “You call us all to the simple truth of who we are.” This blog re-defines friendship in so many ways, so there is no more colluding, indulging, sympathising but just good old fashioned love that accepts nothing less from each other than shining our bright light for all the world to feel.

  257. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” Nikki this is very wise as is the rest of the article. Appreciation is key of not something that is comfortable, but of those situations that are offering evolution. Rather than fight it we can evolve with it.

  258. This is without doubt true friendship, when just looking into one another’s eyes brings us home to who we truly are and all our tender love. This is such a key and fundamental responsibility that we have for and towards one another, to constantly remind each other of all our immensely gorgeous qualities and inherent divinity.

  259. Nikki, this is so beautiful to read, your love and support for each other feels very solid and gorgeous, it is really lovely that you are sharing this appreciation for Liane with her and everyone to feel what true friendship is – that it is about love, and truth, not being nice and keeping things as they are – very inspiring thank you Nikki.

  260. What a beautiful testament to a true friend Nikki. So often, when our friends tell us something we don’t want to hear we can feel deeply hurt by them, rather than understand that what they are telling or showing us is that how we have been living/behaving is not supporting to anyone including ourselves. The difference with what you describe here is that it is being conveyed with absolute love, with no judgement or criticism, which has rarely been the case, particularly in my own experience, until more recent years.

  261. The more people that are not afraid to speak the truth, the faster we will evolve back to where we came from. Liane is truly inspiring with her wisdom and this is a great tribute to her

  262. A beautiful tribute to an obviously very dear friend. I agree that more of these loving sharings in the world would be a true blessing and inspiration for humanity, thank you Nikki, and also Liane.

  263. A beautiful testament and appreciation of truth and true friendship Nikki and a delight to read and know. I love your sharing especially “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” very true and needed.

  264. When we allow evolution to be the purpose of our relationships, we allow God to lead us to the way, and in that empower and prosper divinity in ourselves.

    1. I agree Nico and when any-thing other than evolution is the purpose of our relationships then we are energetically incarcerating both the relationship and ourselves.

  265. Absoulutely gorgeous, to read and to feel, your deep, tender, appreciation, of your dear friend, and all that she brings to us all…….truth and wisdom, which is innately within us all.

  266. Celebrating Liane is equally celebrating God as when you hear Liane speak its as if the message has travelled from the depth of the universe right to you.

  267. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said” – I totally agree. I may hear things and think I have understood, but the more I learn to surrender, the more gets revealed and I keep finding myself going ‘Oh, NOW I get it’.

  268. ‘But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out. Our own comfort is placed before evolution.’ – well said, Nikki. This is why we react if we are not willing to choose truth. Deep down, we know what we’re rejecting, we are angry with ourselves for the choice we’re making.

  269. What a gorgeous testament to your friendship with Liane Mandalis, confirmation of how much we can support each other by just being who we are and being willing to share our truth, always.

  270. A contribute of appreciation to Liane, Serge Benhayon and all others who choose to speak truth. This truth is not spoken for themselves, but for the all and it is through the words that evolution is offered having a rippling effect to the rest of humanity.

  271. I love this – a beautiful expression of your appreciation and love for your friend – how often do we leave all these things felt but not said, when in expressing them not only is the person confirmed, so is everyone else.

  272. It’s a joy Nikki, to read the deep appreciation you share so openly, in regard to your friendship with Liane, for it is only in a relationship where the truth is expressed and the other is willing, even when at times it is exposing, to accept the reflection they are being offered, that a true friendship will keep truly evolving.

  273. Truth may be uncomfortable to hear at times, still what a true blessing to be loved this much. Truth inspires and calls us to the all that we are and exposes all we are not. Beautiful appreciation Nikki, of an equally powerful woman, Liane.

  274. How key it is for all of us to express truth… Some certainly have a natural gift for this as Liane clearly does; for others it might be a work in progress. Either way, we all know truth– it’s the tuning into and stepping forward with it that’s in development.

  275. ‘Being exposed can be confronting. If I am not willing to be honest, or see what Liane is exposing, then I can get very uncomfortable, reactive and dismissive of what Liane is offering.’ So true Nikki, learning how to accept a reflection we may not want to see can be challenging. I know I can hear such offerings as criticism, no doubt fed by my inner perfectionist!

  276. As others have shared I agree it’s awesome to truly appreciate another and publicly! We do not appreciate others (or ourselves!) enough. Also I agree there is no true evolution without Truth. This may feel uncomfortable at times but it’s very needed. I haven’t met Liane but can definietly confirm from knowing Serge Benhayon his love and absolute committment to both truth and humanity is astounding.

  277. I love that Nikki McKee talks about how God doesn’t need to be celebrated, just lived.

  278. “History is filled with people who speak the word of God only to be crucified, burnt and buried alive, tortured, persecuted, lied about… it seems humanity isn’t always so keen on Truth.”… ain’t that the truth!

  279. Indeed humanity needs this level of dedication and acceptance of truth that you talk about. Without it .. as you say we will continue to go around and around spirally out of control .. as we are so blatantly doing right now.

  280. What a divine relationship you have. The best kind ever, are those in which honesty and truth are the foundation. This relationship you have with Liane is truly something to be celebrated.

  281. Beautiful Nikki, it feels like we are appreciating Liane along side you as we stand united in the celebration of each other and what we each have to bring. Today we celebrate the gorgeous Liane who brings the wealth of the Ageless Wisdom to her written word with her own unique way of expressing it leaving an imprint of love for generations to come.

  282. Truth calls us out of our ‘issues’ and back to who we are – many of us like our issues too much to want to feel the enormity of where we are from… Heaven. Liane Mandalis is walking Heaven on earth, like many have before, and showing us all it is possible as we are equal to the Truth she expresses in every way.

  283. A truly evolutionary friendship Nikki, thank you for sharing your amazing appreciation for your dear friend Liane and for humanity to read. To me, this is what relationships are about, our willingness to express truth and love without holding back, offering each other the space to evolve. The beautiful and loving reflection you bring to each other also supports people around you too. Because, the love and trust you have for each other expands out and beyond. It is heavenly to read and appreciate true friendship. It is a blessing and deeply inspiring to have people in our lives who are willing to express truth and love with consistency and commitment.

  284. This is a beautiful appreciation blog for your dear friend and is very touching to read Nikki. To have such a relationship in your life is a true blessing. I am deeply appreciative of those that share my life in an equal way. Thank you for sharing.

  285. So very inspiring to read of one woman’s appreciation of another without any jealousy or envy – only joy and true appreciation, and with this recognising those same qualities within yourself Nikki which is the true inspiration we offer each other.

  286. Nikki, this is such confirming blog which is framed with a gorgeous confirming photograph.

  287. I love that you have appreciated that there is much more than words in the expression of truth. It is a whole body movement, one that has such a huge impact on people who see and feel it, without a word being spoken. And to look into another persons eyes and see the unwavering truth of who we are is an amazing blessing. Its steady light shines a spotlight on anything that is not equal to that and exposes it as the poor substitute it is.

  288. Nikki, I love Lianne’s expression, she cuts straight to it, no messing around, nail on the head type of stuff and inspired I am too by her way to live that same level of truth in my life.

  289. Your heartfelt appreciation of your friend is both beautiful and sad at the same time as it shows us how we ALL should and could be with each other. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” Amen.

  290. Nikki this is so beautiful and so needed in the world. So lovely to read true expression of appreciation for a dear friend.

  291. Nikki, firstly, it is wonderful to hear your appreciation being expressed so openly and so publicly – this is always something inspiring to behold! And secondly I must agree with you that Liane certainly does have a ‘knack’ for standing for the truth and expressing it in a way that holds everyone as equals and yet blasts away that which needs to be blasted away. Likewise, you too Nikki have such an openness to this truth and a willingness to take on board and explore what is on offer. There is a refreshing approach that you take that blows many away, such as in this blog alone, not to mention the myriad of other ways that you bring your light to situations!

  292. How often do you read about someone’s true feelings toward a friend? How beautiful. Thank you Nikki!

  293. A look can indeed be a really powerful thing and convey much if we are willing to receive it.

    1. Fiona, I agree with you that a look can be such a powerful thing. It carries the power to cut through lies and bring another to truth, it can convey the deepest love imaginable but it can also silence another, cut another down, warn another, in fact a look can convey any emotion that we are able to feel, as well as convey things such as love and truth, which are in actual fact not emotions.

  294. How often have we seen this, someone steps out and up for us all and they are cut down or criticised. We ourselves often see this but don’t in our way step to support but rather just watch the outplay. We will still have an opinion but it won’t support like it is needed to. It’s great to see something the other way and this blog is a part of it. To watch someone genuinely appreciate another is a refreshing thing. Thank you Nikki for a fresh look at these relationships and I am sure Liane won’t be changing her tune anytime soon.

  295. If one doesn’t like to feel and hear truth then one should not get to close to Liane Mandalis, her every word and movement is committed to shining light where truth needs to be seen. As Nikki shared, just with one stare your illusion can be shattered and truth be felt. It’s a great honor to walk by her side this life. Many, many times, Liane has been a solid anchor to truth in my life, holding steady with an expansion of love that is tender and for all. She is nothing short of an inspiration for us all.

    1. Kim, this made me laugh out loud. One should indeed not get close to Liane unless they are prepared for Truth.

  296. Such a strong and unwavering commitment and appreciation to a dear friend. When truth is spoken, with or without words, it is clear as. What struck me was the fact that people who speak truth do not have a need to be heard. This is inspiring as I can see myself often contracting before sharing truth. There’s still an investment of the way people (may) react. How freeing would it be to let this go and just honour and appreciate my own sense of worth and truth.

  297. It is wonderful to appreciate and celebrate the qualities we all know we can live when they are personified. Liane also personifies a great truth, that truth delivered with love is the most powerful expression of all.

  298. Thank you Nikki for this blog and for expressing on behalf of me as part of Humanity. It is a blessing when people like Liane Mandalis and Serge Benhayon are irrevocably and tirelessly committed to truth without personal needs or attachment to people’s response. I am so grateful for that, because looking at my own life, at times it takes a while for the penny to drop for me and the fact that there are such guardian angels in the world who do not give up on me as readily as I am prepared to give up on myself, and who keep presenting the truth until I am able to see it is so very loving and supportive. A Gift from Heaven.

  299. Nikki what power, beauty, truth and wisdom you have shared in one short blog. This is what the look in Liane’s eyes must feel like. As what you feel when you see her is the depth of truth that Liane is connected to.

  300. When someone is connected to themselves they are able to access a great love and through this can feel what is in line with this and what is not. We all have the capacity to do this. In our current times where there is much disconnect and distraction some find this confronting and will prefer to shut down something that reminds them of who they truly are.

  301. It is our own dismissal of truth that is reflected in those big incidences where a world teacher like Serge Benhayon is accused and lied about for speaking truth. It is on us to let go of our protection.

  302. Those that speak truth have no need to be heard – so well said Nikki which exposed much in areas such as politics where there is very much a need for ‘leaders’ to be heard and an attempt to give people what they want to hear to win themselves votes.

  303. Brilliant Nikki, your celebration of Liane, her commitment to speaking the truth no matter what, and who’s way with words and expression comes directly from Heaven, does feel to be on behalf of and inclusive of us all.

    1. Yes, I agree Jeanette. This is a beautiful blog of appreciation and celebration of truth. Liane’s expression of truth is heavenly, she is a reflection of truth wherever she is and this is a blessing for all who meets her, and for humanity.

  304. I like that you point out that the truth is not necessarily pleasant to hear but that it offers evolution and I very much agree with you what a blessing it is to have people who stand with the truth no matter what.

    1. Yes Esther, once we are open to the blessing of truth, our lives are changed forever and we can only grow and evolve.

  305. When I can have the humility and courage to see that the tension I am feeling is because I am being shown more, or being asked to be more…then I am on a good path, then I am saying yes to evolution, then I am friends with the Truth. If I fight it, then the only one who loses is me.

  306. You have already spoken on behalf of humanity in your appreciation of Liane’s expression and commitment. So there is no need to add mine. Except that under the inspiration of the women herself who cannot hold back the truth, I have to get my appreciation out in the open!

  307. I too have a dear friend who does not hold back from expressing truth, and despite it always being uncomfortable when I am exposed in holding back in some way myself, I now wholeheartedly welcome and embrace every opportunity to evolve that she reflects to me.

  308. Oh yes she does Nikki, and the love Liane holds humanity in is palpable, hearing or reading the truth she expresses. I also have many amazing truth detectors and exposers of what is not love in my life… and one look, a few words or just thinking of them can lovingly snap me back to the reality of who I am again. Not always comfortable, as you say Nikki, but the other is very uncomfortable and not at all evolutionary. Thank God I say, for all the ones and groups throughout history that have committed to expressing and living a life of truth with no wavering. I could write pages of names right now who are doing just that! Thank you

  309. Love to read and feel this appreciation for someone who brings such a solid commitment to truth.

  310. Love this Nikki – I read here your appreciation for having a marker of truth in your life. To appreciate one another for this attribute is very powerful. It shows we do not have to play nice to be in a relationship, and that if they are based on truth, then the relationship is never in comfort but always in evolution.

  311. When we speak the truth, it is the first time it is heard by the mind and not from it! But as you have said Nikki, do we evolve or ignore it and carry on in comfort? It becomes a choice.

  312. This is more than just a testimonial to Liane. This is a testimonial on purpose, love and truth. The fact that there are others willing to be absolute in this is as reassuring as much as it is guiding and holding. Thank you for writing this Nikki, not only to express your love and appreciation of an amazing friend, but to remind me of the rock that is the foundation of truth – inspiring.

  313. Evolution is always on offer but do we seize the opportunity in every moment or do we sink back into our comfortable familiar ways that don’t require us to make an effort to extend ourselves? While we have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo we are indeed ‘the ones who are missing out’. We lack the vital aliveness of someone who is fully engaged and committed to life. It’s a deadening lethargy, at best a half-hearted involvement and as we gradually lose touch with our connection to ourselves we are prepared to overlook things even though we know they are not right or true. If we stay connected to ourselves and are not hiding from the world we will feel when things are not right and we will speak up, not in reaction, but with a broad understanding and deep love of humanity.

  314. A beautiful testament to ‘Truth’ and someone who lives that truth. Thank you Nikki for sharing your deep appreciation of what you have in your connection with Liane.

  315. Liane Mandalis is an advocate for absolute truth and like an owl she is a real hoot to spend time with.

    1. Great point Rebecca, many of us are content to surround ourselves with people that don’t rock the boat, we then complain when we feel there is no true intimacy in our relationships. True friends present the truth without thought for the consequences they may face. This is true love.

  316. Hear, hear Nikki. Liane is a truth bringer, and I too appreciate her uncompromising willingness to stand up and be counted. It can be very difficult when confronted with a truth one does not want to hear, but Liane delivers truth with love and without judgement – she just says it as is.

  317. A true friend will always share the Truth otherwise they would be a lie friend and not a true friend. I am blessed to have both you and Liane as very dear and True friends Nikki.

  318. Without those who are willing to express Truth we go around in circles going nowhere, so very true. Often truth spoken rattles and does not fit into the box we want life to be boxed into and often I have experienced that it’s not the truth speaker that is ‘wrong’ simply that they are highlighting that life cannot be boxed and it’s actually my efforts to remain small that are not the truth. But then without these people I would remain small and restricted. And I know that the same ability to speak truth is in me, just as others can help me see the errors of my boxes I can help myself and others to see and feel the restrictions we hold in and of life. Feeling those barriers come down does feel far greater than anything achieved inside a box.

  319. It is beautiful to feel such a deep appreciation for another human without there being any jealousy, comparison or yearning. It is not always easy to hear truth and to be exposed in the what-is -not truth moments but your relationship is such, Nikki, that there is only love expressed in whatever is communicated.

  320. We do all go round and round the sun, and if we aren’t really ‘going’ anywhere then what’s paramount to focus on in our lifetime is the QUALITY of how we live. Thus, reflections from those who speak the truth and observe how we live can be incredibly supportive if we so choose to listen.

  321. Nikki your relationship with Liane is a blueprint for how all relationships should be. Be they family, friends or work colleagues, we should be living in a way so as to constantly lift each other up. How telling is it then to consider that so many of our relationships are about keeping another either back or down.

  322. Nikki the whole of humanity is lifted by any expression of truth, therefore what Liane and you are expressing is actually invaluable. Without the truth being expressed then we will all simply keep going around and around, not only in our own individual patterns of behaviour but culturally and globally too. It is only as a result of people expressing the truth that we will eventually get off this merry-go-round and get to go home. Keep expressing the truth.

  323. Last year I went through a spate of listening to podcasts of interviews with people who have spoken up in various ways, some in countries where you can be jailed, or worse for doing so. Many of these people were speaking up against human rights abuses at great personal risk and cost – this too is inspiring. In so-called modern societies we have trial by media and social media, where often vile accusations are made and victims’ reputations can be irreparably damaged. One scenario perhaps looks more brutal than the other but the energy behind both is the same. It’s only the delivery mechanism that has changed.

  324. ‘Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and others who speak Truth straight from Heaven, have no need to be heard. Thankfully for us, they continue to speak Truth, whether we listen or not.’ What a gift this is – people who continue to voice what is true – not only when they are not heard, but even when they face repeated abuse as a result of what they offer. That takes a depth of courage and conviction that is inspiring.

  325. Magnificent article, showing us all what commitment to truth brings. Often the truth is all we need to come back to who we truly are.

  326. I have always been blown away by Liane’s writings and ability to communicate seeming obscure religious concepts in a metaphorical way that makes them tangible to understand.

  327. Nikki, its inspiring to hear how you appreciate your friend Liane. A true friend is one who will lovingly always tell you the truth or help you see it if you are willing.

  328. Thank you for your gorgeous expression of gratitude and appreciation of Liane’s commitment to Love, Truth and Evolution, it is a joy to read about your evolving relationship. Humanity is indeed blessed by her and all those who are also committed to this path of expression, whatever the personal cost, and particularly at this time when there is a deep call for answers to the many problems we are presented with in our everyday lives.

  329. This offer of evolution you mention Nikki is constant and continuous in every moment, and what I have experienced is that when we chose responsibility we are choosing evolution.

  330. That is true friendship, a friend who speaks truth rather than keeping you comfortable and pandering to you. We are here for evolution not to be comfortable. To have such a friend is a treasure.

  331. It’s amazing how quickly the truth can bring us back, the more people speaking and living the truth the better. And you’ve reminded me of my responsibility to speak the truth too – thank you.

  332. Thank you, Nikki, for making it possible for us to share in your celebration of Liane and the absoluteness she lives every day. The world is such a sorry state that your blog heralds an important change for us all to embrace – to be more open to the truth of what is really going on and no longer stick our heads in the sand or attack those who stand up for love.

  333. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said.” How wonderful to have a friend who doesn’t hold back the truth, and even though we may choose to put our stuff in the way of hearing it, they will still hold us in the love that they are, and continue to speak nothing but truth; just imagine if we all had such a divine friend, what a delightfully different world it would be.

  334. Well said Nikki McKee. I have come to understand that Divinity speaks to us constantly and it is my own creations that stop me from hearing and appreciating what is being said. As you say, ‘we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said’. Very wise.

  335. Nikki, this is really gorgeous to read, I love how you have expressed your appreciation of Liane, this is very beautiful and it feels gorgeous that you support each other in this way, I can feel how I could be more honest and truthful in my relationships and how loving and supportive and evolving this is.

  336. Thank you Nikki for sharing your friendship and appreciation of Liane Mandalis, It was gorgeous to read and offered a moment of reflection for my own friendships. To build a friendship based on truth and evolution and not comfort, is rare and very beautiful to behold.

  337. I always find the most effective way to be exposed to truth, or in other words to knowing something I am doing is not true, maybe not healthy and not supporting myself or those around me, comes in the form of a steadiness, sometimes this might be a few words, but more often than not it is just a reflection of another person’s living quality, the integrity of living in well-being with the commitment to look after themselves and let that be the quality that I feel, and very often feel inspired to emulate, in my own unique way.

  338. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” When we live with others who share what they feel, we can choose to react and create an argument or we can choose to learn from the interaction and evolve.

  339. It is not always comfortable but it is truly fabulous having a friend(s) who do not hold back from expressing the truth. They are the best friends to have.

    1. Well said, Jstewart51. As confronting and uncomfortable as it may sometimes feel, it will always help us to move on in life, that is to say to evolve.

  340. Absolutely beautiful appreciation, for such a totally amazing person! I just love reading when people write such positive things about another without jealousy or any other man inflicted emotions, just pure love and appreciation.

  341. Beautifully expressed Nikki, around the sun with awareness, truth, love, and we evolve which means we have to be willing to listen to those who have been doing that for a few more rounds than us or we shoot them down as history as shown is the preferred way of the human being, who does not like their way of living exposed for the lack of truth it holds.

  342. I celebrate this honoring and appreciation of Liane and so of everyone who commit to truth in a way of living and expressing it for all to see and get inspired!

  343. Thank you for your sharing about your heavenly friend! Its so great that we have friendships like this in the world. A friendship based on understanding and evolution, it shows that true friends expose one another, and help draw out the best in each other.

  344. I had the pleasure to meet Liane and I can relate to what you are sharing, she touched something deep inside of me that reminded me of my wholeness, ancientness and godliness.

  345. Thank you Nikki and thank God BIG TIME for our beautiful loyal friends who adhere to the Truth and will not let anything stand in the way, who can bring us back to our selves simply by the divinely tender look in their eyes. Evolution is not always comfortable, exposing what we have been choosing that is not in alignment to our Truth can make us squirm, but it is 100% worth the discomfort, as what lies buried underneath the rubbish we indulge in is the most tremendous love, wisdom and warmth, something we have longed to return to for eons. And people like Liane Mandalis, Serge Benhayon and countless others support us to navigate our way back to Truth day in day out because of their own undying commitment to what truly matters in this world.

  346. “But when we are not willing to hear the word of God, we are the ones missing out.” So well said Nikki. Hearing truth is the most healing thing that we can hear as it clears all the lies we have been hearing and with that feeling and being affected by.

  347. Nikki it is beautiful to read your appreciation for Liane in the fact that you hold each other equally and also deeply appreciate yourself. In my experience its rare to read articles of appreciation in the way you’ve shared but something that we can all be inspired by.

  348. It’s sure sign we do not want to be honest or understand more deeply when we become reactive and dismissive of what is offered to us from truth.

  349. Yes, truth and love are a very powerful combination and when truth is spoken from love as by both Nikki and Liane, it is beautiful and healing. Everyone can do it – we just need to choose and then get out of the way. Simple really 🙂

  350. What a beautiful expression of appreciation, oh what the world would be like if we appreciated and gave grace to those who speak truth without reservation; and instead of choosing our own comforts, listened to the voice of God that rings true. It could be said that we have the choice to listen or not but with the not, we also can choose to simply respect that someone’s truth may not be right for us at that point, this too would see the world spin in a very different way.

  351. It is beautiful to read a blog like this where the essence of another is being appreciated by their friend. So often in life, we do not see this happen yet the richness that is brought to anyone who reads this blog is so obvious.

  352. We might like to rewrite the truth to something we would prefer, and God knows we all give it a shot, but at the end of it all, what is left is this simple reality that we can’t deny. You are both inspirations to me Nikki in what you say – why wait for a far off day to admit what flows through your body and is in your heart? The more we embrace the way it is, the simpler life becomes for everyone.

  353. Gorgeous Nikki, and I concur with everything you share here, about Liane and about truth. When the truth is expressed every part of our bodies respond to this, our bodies LOVE truth. We have settled in society today, and for a long time back, to live away from the truth, and this is why our bodies suffer, with the ailments, diseases and day to day tensions, that afflict us today. The antidote to all our woes is to live the truth we all know, and to celebrate it, express it, and let ourselves receive the glorious medicine it brings when this truth is expressed by another.

  354. It is amazing to know that people who have this level of commitment to truth walk amongst us and are not the only ones. There are many that I know of personally and who I choose to have in my life to inspire and guide me back to the truth of who I am. Something we all need to do at some point in life – return to Truth.

  355. Great testimonial to a fellow student of The Way of The Livingness and her steadfast dedication to the truth, no matter what. And I second that.

  356. Nikki, you offer us the joy and often discomfort that is truth, but that truth is evolution and it’s what we’re all here for although many of us have forgotten. And the thing is, we know truth, even when we react to it – we know it’s true and hence our reaction. It’s amazing to have those in our lives who are absolutely willing to be and live truth no matter what, they’re a shining beacon for us all to remember the truth we are.

  357. Heartfelt appreciation for your friend Nikki, that which you see reflected in Liane being in you too, what power, and what power in friendship.

  358. Hear, Hear Nikki, I agree . Liane, has a way with the written word that melts me to the core, often allowing me to see a whole new perspective on the topic presented which brings tears to my eyes when I remember that it is something that I have known all along.

  359. “When Divinity speaks we may need to get our own stuff out of the way in order to hear what is being said. It may not feel nice, comfortable or even remotely pleasant but what is on offer is evolution.” some great words of wisdom, thank you for sharing.

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