I Thought I Was a Great Healer

When I was 20 years old I got a job in a big bank. I worked as Head of Department and every year I was being promoted to a higher position. I was very good with money and finances and my career was settled.

After ten years I wanted something else. I wanted to ‘deepen’ my life and so for four years I studied to become a holistic massage therapist. I started my own practice and it became successful in such a way that I earned my living from this new career path. For years I worked together with doctors in a medical clinic where they would refer clients to me.

I decided to do more studies on energetic healing and did so many modalities that it is hard to find any that I didn’t do, and I can’t remember all the names, but I became a so-called Reiki master and an Awakening Your Light body master as examples. I studied with gurus and started to present meditation classes. I was teaching third eye travelling, crystal and sound healing and palm reading. I gave sessions in Journey therapy and learned many shamanistic ways to treat people. I went with the American Indians, sat with so-called enlightened ones and various gurus, and my sessions and meditation groups became ever more popular – I even had waiting lists for clients. I was great in ‘manipulating’ energies. If clients came with chronic pain they often left without any pain or at least with much less pain. People called me ‘a great healer’.

Was I truly a great healer? What was I really bringing to my clients?

There was always a nagging feeling within of living a lie that something much deeper was missing, in my connection with myself and God, and in what I brought to my clients.

Looking back, I can now clearly see that I was denying that because I was addicted to the recognition I received through my work. Deep down I knew I was living in a fake way, but I just went on. Interestingly, all those so-called healings never brought to my own life any true healing, and this was reflected in the fact that my relationships with partners, family and colleagues were not loving; they were disharmonious and this did not change at all during the years I was doing all those training courses and so-called ‘healings’.

What I can see now – looking back with honesty – is that I became more and more focussed on what was ‘wrong’ with people and a spiritual arrogance crept in, thinking that I was superior as I ‘knew about life’ and they didn’t. This arrogance created separation between them and me, especially with my family. I didn’t embrace others with love but judged them for behaving stupidly, even though this was mostly unspoken, but as all is felt, they reacted to me and we had arguments. I blamed other people for my issues and for the past I had experienced, instead of truly dealing with my own hurts.

I did my work well but was never really good at being with people. I lived in my own separate world, even though I was behaving like I was open to everyone.

With partners I was often fighting and wanting them to work on their issues, instead of me opening up to truly feel my own hurts and be with them and hold them in love to be able to do the same. The fights became more frequent and intense as all the courses I did buried me deeper into my emotions and an attitude of ‘I know better.’ I hardly had time for my partner or the things he wanted to share because I was always busy with clients. Looking back I feel that I had an attitude that I was more important, so we talked mostly about me. Basically my life was about me, even if it looked like I took care of everybody else. It was all for me, to satisfy myself and my need to be recognised and needed.

It wasn’t until I started to participate in the workshops presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I started to be that honest; to see that there was not one ounce of love more in me or towards others despite all the courses I had done or modalities I had practised before.

More and more I felt that I no longer wanted to play with energies directed by my mind from a source I did not know. I started to wonder how it would be to connect from my heart with people. Then someone I knew died of breast cancer and her husband wondered out loud how it was possible for her to die. He said that it was not fair, that she was a great healer, always there to help others. I asked him if she was also able to love herself and his answer was clear, “No, it was very hard for her to love herself.” We both felt there was an answer in that response.

Meeting Serge Benhayon

Not long after this death I heard about Serge Benhayon and boarded a plane the very next day to meet him. I felt a clear YES in my body to meet this man. That decision was the best decision I had ever made, although quite possibly the most confronting gift at the same time. Serge Benhayon offered me the biggest wake-up call I could have ever imagined, just from observing the way he is and by feeling his unconditional love.

Serge spoke such clear words of wisdom – they were completely resonating with the truth I felt in my body. He never told me what to do, but just by listening to his presentations I became aware of the truth about how I was living. He reflected so much lived true love, a love that I could feel touching that same quality held within myself, a love that I just was not used to living myself anymore. This was shocking to feel and I even felt embarrassed as I could feel the arrogance with which I had lived for so long, pretending that I knew it all and loved all; that I was a great healer.

Serge invited us to become more aware about energy first. He presented that life offers two energies to choose from: one energy being Fiery energy, which we experience as unconditional love, and the other being astral energy, which is all the energy we use when we don’t come from love. This energy is also called Prana.

I started to feel how much I was not living from true love, how I was not connected with myself. And questions were rising to the surface as in – “How could I ever bring true healing to others if I was not living that myself? How could I ever bring healing and true service if I was not loving myself first?” When I realised this, I closed my healing practice and explained the reason why to my clients. This was a brave and very honest decision where my true healing started.

During the Universal Medicine courses I started to learn to connect with my inner-heart and from there with the fiery true energy and, when I learnt the Esoteric Healing modalities, I was confronted with the way I had actually worked with people and their bodies for so many years. I had touched them from the connection with astral energy. Many times it had felt as though it was ‘good’ energy but I started to realise that deep down I had always known that it was false ‘good’ energy – I just had not wanted to know. I started to see that ‘false’ energy could suppress symptoms of the body (pains) and bury those issues deeper into the body, which then gave the client a feeling as if they were gone.

I started to see that pains and illnesses are important messages from our soul – an opportunity to become aware that there are more loving choices to make. We are offered to see how ‘ill’ behaviours lead to ‘illness’.

I had to honestly ask myself these questions:

  • How healing had it really been when I connected with astral energy and touched people’s bodies and from there made pain ‘disappear’?
  • Or did the pain just go hiding deeper in the body, making it harder for people to feel what is really going on in their lives and the consequences their often unloving choices have had on their bodies?
  • How was it for the bodies I treated while being connected with the astral source?
  • Can it be that attending all those courses, where our hurts get addressed with pranic energy, only make us dwell more and more in emotions?

I started to be honest about the fact that I had always known that the astral energy I had aligned to was not one that felt loving nor true; it felt like black energy even if many times the energy showed itself as beautiful white energy. This was and is the tricky thing for many people to come to terms with, that they (including myself) allow themselves to be fooled by those colours and the apparently ‘enlightened’ feelings of ‘bliss’.

Serge Benhayon taught me how to just trust what I feel in my body again. No one can fool a person when they are listening to their body instead of believing the stories of the mind.

I was always looking for the truth – I love Truth, I love Love. I always carried within me a love for people and a willingness to offer others the chance for true healing. I just had to feel again that I am that love myself and live that love.

I have always loved God and always felt that part in me that was the same spark of light connecting me with God as a part of the whole; I was just very lost and looking everywhere for the answer, searching for something outside of me that would make me feel better, more whole.

I am deeply touched that in this life I was able to find my way back to myself, to discover that only in that connection I can feel God, the divine beauty within me and in everybody else. Now I know and feel that true love is loving all – and that it starts with loving myself first.


Related Reading:
To Heal is not the Same as Cure
The Real Meaning of Healing
Sacred Esoteric Healing as a way of Life

348 thoughts on “I Thought I Was a Great Healer

  1. I am at last opening up to being aware of energies and how they play out having tried to ignore them for most of my life. I felt that if I didn’t feel the energy they couldn’t feel me or would leave me alone. But of course we are never left alone and there is a certain negative energy that does not want be exposed but at the same time is controlling our lives and how we live, this energy caps us from knowing who we truly are because when we eventually wake up and we will it will no longer have the domination it has had over us all for aeons.

  2. It is not easy for us to admit that we have got it wrong, like we can be really stubborn in doing this and try everything from denial to arrogance which is why I can appreciate and value where you were at to start to be honest with yourself and seeing that what you were doing, no matter how successful you were, was not it. Awesome that you found the true light. Very cool.

    1. Being honest is a great starting point, ‘Basically my life was about me, even if it looked like I took care of everybody else. It was all for me, to satisfy myself and my need to be recognised and needed.’

  3. When we separate from our true essence, our soul, perhaps from the hurt of not being met for who we truly are as gorgeous and loving beings, we then operate from a consciousness that is anything but love. I know in my life it led to behaviours of wanting to do things for others and believing that was my value, recognition being a poor substitute for the unconditional love and acceptance of me simply being me. When we are out of our being and the divine quality it brings it’s then all about the doing.

    1. Recognition can keep us chasing for the elusive something, keep us in the doing, and so not allowing settlement and surrender.

  4. ‘How could I ever bring true healing to others if I was not living that myself?’. This is a great question for anyone in this day and age let alone those in the healthcare industry and anyone who considers themselves healers.

  5. This is such a beautiful and touching article to read. The depths of honesty that you write with is inspiring. I especially love this part about colourful lights, because I find that this is rarely talked about – as most places that teach healing will introduce light but never teach how to discern the different qualities of the many lights that are available.

  6. When we seek recognition and success we become blind to the truth and what is really happening even though deep down we know something is not right.

  7. Having worked with alternative therapies for many years, prior to meeting Serge Benhayon in 2008, something very significant that was missing is that not one of the alternative training courses attended ever mentioned about the energies of spirit & soul, prana & fire, as was introduced by Serge Benhayon at the first course I ever attended with him. This understanding is a foundation to be discerning of energies that run through us all of the time.
    Serge invited us to become more aware about energy first. He presented that life offers two energies to choose from: one energy being Fiery energy, which we experience as unconditional love, and the other being astral energy, which is all the energy we use when we don’t come from love. This energy is also called Prana.

    1. What stands out for me reading the blog and the comments that follow, is that Serge Benhayon invites those people that attend the workshops and presentations to consider something different. It’s an invitation and the choice is always left to everyone to discern for themselves. This way of presenting is totally different from any other presentation I have attended.

    2. True, Serge is the first person to talk about the different energies that run us, and yet that is such a fundamental part of life, to know which energy you are aligned to, which energy is running you.

  8. There are many people I know who have also embarked on the path of becoming a spiritual healer, and for most this has been a fruitful venture, with many clients and feelings of success coming their way. But the point that you make here is simple and delightful really, as true success surely must come from every aspect of life and not just how many people know your name or pay you money.

    1. Yes, the one life, healing in one’s own life, and all relationships, is all part of ‘success’, ‘With partners I was often fighting and wanting them to work on their issues, instead of me opening up to truly feel my own hurts and be with them and hold them in love to be able to do the same.’

  9. It’s interesting that we know when we’re living a fake life, but yet aren’t willing to be so honest about it in order to make the changes we know we need to make. We have a choice to get real and honest about what we know we need to change to live more fully as ourselves, more openly and honestly- or delay until the body forces us to make those changes.

    1. I lived a ‘fake’ life for most of my adult life without having any conscious awareness that that was what I was doing. In fact so embroiled was I in the illusion of life that I actually believed that I was one of the ones who was living with honesty and purpose! And that is perhaps the biggest barrier to truth; the fact that when we have an energy that is not truthful coursing through our bodies it consumes us to the point that we believe whole heartedly in whatever guise it is that we have adopted at the time.

    2. Honesty is a great start, calling out what we know is not true, ‘He reflected so much lived true love, a love that I could feel touching that same quality held within myself, a love that I just was not used to living myself anymore.’

  10. The placebo effect is very powerful and it can be difficult to discern any healing effect in addition to the healing that comes from a person being ready to heal and a practitioner being ready to support. This discernment can be pushed to excess but it is important to understand what the value of the intervention actually is.

  11. When someone speaks the truth it can be felt in every cell of the body. This is why it is easy to know who is telling the truth and who is lying.

    1. I totally agree Elizabeth, someone was being ‘nice’ to me the other day, but their ‘niceness’ was dripping with sarcasm and contempt. As we become more aware it is so easy to read the energy coming through people and because we can read the energy it doesn’t affect us. It is like water of a ducks back. This is so freeing.

  12. When we bring energetic responsibility and quality to what we do, we can feel the difference between thinking and feeling in what we offer as healing practitioners.

    1. We cannot love another until we love ourselves first, equally we have to start healing ourselves first before we are able to support another.

  13. Thank you for sharing this honest testimonial to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, claiming that the changes you have made in your life is something that needs to be shared with others.

  14. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine offer an ever deepening understanding of energy and how energy effects everything.

  15. Yes you can really feel the old in the new age, and the hooks to ensure you are constantly searching because you will never be enough. Yet in our essence we are all we will ever be or could want to be because we are made from Love and the only place we can go to is back to Love!

  16. Also of note is that often, the tell that really gets our attention is the common denominator in issues. If our relationships are not loving then we have an opportunity to go deeper with the loving relationship with ourselves. From there all relationships are much clearer.

  17. It is really amazing to be able to write here “There was always a nagging feeling within of living a lie” because so many people have this nag and can’t put their finger on why or what it is about, they just know that it nags away. Working with the Esoteric was the first time I stopped running from that tension and turned around to look at what it was sharing with me. This is the greatest gift we can offer ourselves and others, an honesty about what is not working and a willingness to be part of the change in our own lives and therefore in the world.

  18. It can be a painful realisation to admit that we are harming others more than healing, our need for recognition is a deep trap that can hold us for lifetimes.

  19. You can offer to others what you can offer, what you have said yes to. No less no more. Realizing that there is more to say yes to and going for it, opens up amazing avenues to explore life and us in it.

  20. ‘Serge Benhayon taught me how to just trust what I feel in my body again. No one can fool a person when they are listening to their body instead of believing the stories of the mind’ when we live in connection to our body, our whole life changes as we are no longer hostage to our mind.

    1. Our body conveys so much wisdom to us, ‘I started to see that pains and illnesses are important messages from our soul – an opportunity to become aware that there are more loving choices to make. We are offered to see how ‘ill’ behaviours lead to ‘illness’.’

    2. Our body conveys so much wisdom to us, ‘I started to see that pains and illnesses are important messages from our soul – an opportunity to become aware that there are more loving choices to make. We are offered to see how ‘ill’ behaviours lead to ‘illness’.’

  21. ‘ “How could I ever bring true healing to others if I was not living that myself? How could I ever bring healing and true service if I was not loving myself first?”’ Well said, this is the key Syliva and makes total sense.

  22. There isn’t an I in healing. When we try to bring it in, it couldn’t be further from true healing.

  23. Serge Benhayon ignites the truth in us and invites us to live with the responsibility of that truth.

  24. When we start to consider what we bring to life and others we learn that our energetic quality is what is most important.

    1. Many of us have been sold the lie, and swallowed it, that life is about what we do. Life has nothing to do with what we do. The doing is only the means to bring the being into form.

  25. There is nothing as humbling as the communication of our bodies, and even then sometimes we do not listen because we are so identified by the stories of the mind.

  26. I sometimes wonder why doctors, who use interventions that work, do not consider themselves healers?

  27. Our perception (or lack of it) of energy in our everyday lives, its place in everything is so limited that we are missing enormous opportunities for understanding.

    1. That is quite true even though many people in business and other areas are quite aware of energy.

  28. Searching the different modalities is also familiar to me, but now I realise that it was a complete waste of time and money. Many of the healers I went to made absolutely no difference to my health and now I am thankful that they didn’t because I would have hung around even longer, instead of saying no to everything I was involved in.

  29. This blows me away every time I read it. What a complete turnaround, and what an incredible amount of honesty and responsibility you have chosen. Very inspiring.

  30. We can pretend and deny though the truth remains true, forever waiting for us to reconnect to it. Admitting we have been dishonest and choosing to reconnect to truth, is the greatest blessing we can offer ourselves and the world.

  31. Healing can only come from within, what we offer to others in all that we live, this I am learning.

  32. I thought I was a great healer too. But no-one ever truly heals anyone, we can just facilitate. And we cannot facilitate unless we are doing our own healing. It all starts with ourselves.

    1. Only we can make the choice to heal, no one can do it for us. All that others can do or that we offer others is a lived way from which to be inspired.

  33. “I started to see that ‘false’ energy could suppress symptoms of the body (pains) and bury those issues deeper into the body, which then gave the client a feeling as if they were gone.”- For me, this is the stand-out sentence in this blog, and one that I have had direct experience with, as after I was a recipient of many shamanic and Reiki ‘healings’, my immediate emotional and physical symptoms seemed to disappear, only to resurface in an even bigger and more intense way months or even years later, as they had been deeply suppressed in my physical and energetic bodies.

    1. Yes, some modalities bury illness deeper in our bodies, what source of energy is the practitioner working with, ‘Or did the pain just go hiding deeper in the body, making it harder for people to feel what is really going on in their lives and the consequences their often unloving choices have had on their bodies?’

  34. You have so much softness in your face now compared to the previous photo. You can feel the openness to equality within your eyes and not the arrogance of the ‘healer’ that knows more. What a great sharing and what a massive consciousness to break out of.

  35. As you have shared, a great healer is not just someone who gets results. We need to look at their whole life to see if there is love in every aspect of their life, including love for themselves.

    1. It would be obvious if we saw a dentist with rotten teeth or a psychiatrist who was emotionally unstable that this person may not be able to help us. Energy healing is no different if a practitioner is unresolved in some area of their life they won’t be able to see or support us out of our predicament.

    2. And look at how they are living, as their livingness, the healer’s, affects their patients more than most care to admit.

  36. It’s a very fine line between boasting from an arrogant stance about ourselves, and knowing our own worth and the grandness that we truly are. And that fine line is everything. We are either coming from divinity or we are coming from a most destructive force – a force which has created illness, disease, disaster and chaos on earth.

  37. Arrogance is blinding and keeps us closed off. Drop the arrogance and a whole magcial world appears – one that was there all along.

  38. I thought I was very good at thinking but always noticed how small even the greatest thoughts are compared to truth. The difficulty was to find the truth and its much greater intelligence even though it is always with you in the shape of your body – we just have to listen.

  39. “I Thought I Was a Great Healer” – the word that really stands out to me in that sentence is the word “thought”. The fact is that the mind will have us believe anything and everything but it is our body that tells us the truth.

  40. We are all naturally great healers, however if we do not live a life of care and energetic responsibility then instead of healing we are harming.

  41. I find it amazing how much the hurts from the past can dictate the relationships of the present. And how they can create a shield between us, a barrier that stops the love we have for eachother from entering in or from being expressed out. It is a simple technique that Serge Benhayon presents, but it is so powerful in transforming relationships across the world, just the act of letting someone in and of letting your love to be expressed out is monumental in healing old hurts and in regaining trust in ourselves and in humanity again.

  42. So many of us are fooled by the astral energy, but at the same time we know it’s not the truth. Only honesty can free us up from this by claiming what we know we can feel and not succumbing to the attraction of this energy that is presenting itself as something that can heal. Love and truth is the only way to heal. Nothing from outside of us can do this.

  43. Your before and after says it all…..you are a shinning light for us all to be inspired by.

  44. ‘Can it be that attending all those courses, where our hurts get addressed with pranic energy, only make us dwell more and more in emotions?’ For the ten years I and other group members were involved with a Sharman we indulged in our emotions under the guise of needing to address our hurts by expressing how we felt. It was a total waste of time and extremely exhausting.

  45. What a deeply honest blog, and it asks many questions that can apply to any job / role … do we just do it well or do we truly care about people in it? And of course if we do not self care first what care can we offer another?

  46. The greatest gift is recognising we are all practitioners of life with the potential to heal others, in the way we express, write, move, touch and respond to self and others

  47. Such wise words by beautiful Lyndy! There is a very big law of supply and demand, and this is easy to play into, but as you have said, it does not guarantee that a popular product is actually good for you. Take Coca cola as an example….very popular and yet disasterous to the body and best used as a drain cleaner! And so it is for so many of the healing techniques that abound, and many other things in our current society that are ‘fed’ to us only because we ask for it! As consumers, we must be careful of what we ask for, for the supply will be there in a flash…and we may only feel the consequences many months or years down the track!

    1. Brilliant Henrietta! That is exactly what we do. I have just finished writing an article about Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, and the whole thing is about this law of supply and demand – not only with coca cola etc. but also with the currency we trade – abuse and hatred.

  48. Allowing ourselves the space to get really honest with how we feel within our bodies and the messages they are sharing forms a framework. This framework then gives us the opportunity to learn from our movements and to shift what may no longer be holding us and supporting us to be all of who we are and share that with others. The true healing is in the space we honour ourselves with to explore what holds us back and then sharing that with the world.

  49. A true marker for me is whenever I feel the need to have something back then the energy I am in cannot possibly be love. Any seeking for recognition in whatever I do comes from the emptiness within myself. Fill myself with love and I offer love… much to ponder on here in my relationship with self and my children.

  50. What Serge Benhayon presents really exposes those gaps in many of so-called healing modalities out there that conveniently ignore or cancel out the energetic truth when it suits them even though they do often talk about energies. It’s quite amazing how so many of us have been had by that because once we connect with the truth, it’s so blindingly obvious that they actually do not make sense.

  51. Relationships are such an amazing marker in our lives, we can always know if our lives are true by the relationships we have. All relationships are one relationship.

  52. It’s a beautiful and true expression of humility, that we can accept in full where we went wrong and not try to hang on to being “right” or avoiding the honesty. On the other side of such personal humble acts is our soul – and it feels beautiful to come home to that.

  53. For those open to energy and healing it might seem all the same, but there is an enormous difference between modalities and what they offer in terms of integrity and outcome. From personal experience, I studied Reiki for sixth months before my first Universal Medicine workshop and there was something about Reiki that felt out of kilter and not quite right especially when having to visualise symbols… it also felt more imposing. The Esoteric, however feels completely the opposite, natural, subtle, but powerful in terms of supporting the body to heal, to become relaxed, still and connected.

  54. It is with honesty that we can unravel that which is not from truth, the illusion of being better than another when the truth is that we are all equal sons of God and have unlimited wisdom at our fingertips when we choose to connect to soul.

  55. One of the most wonderful lessons that I learnt from Serge Benhayon right from the start, was about the fact that even though we were as a group learning about Sacred Esoteric Healing, we were never more or less in status than the client, and to be called a practitioner was simply a call to a job for work to be done and that this name of practitioner can be interchangeable between the client and yourself, no one was one thing all of the time we are all client and practitioner, and we are all our own master healers.

  56. You are very humbled and honest throughout this blog, I wanted to thank you for that, it is very healing to read. Now its my turn to be honest, I was thinking, damn, I still do some of the things you say you use to do in this blog, I still do them now. Reading them though out loud, actually allowed me the space to feel how ridiculous it is when I behave selfishly. One comment on this thread above stood out to me, it was simple and I feel to re share it; “You cannot inspire others to heal what you have not yet healed yourself.” This really sums it up and makes you realise the responsibility in putting your hand up to “help”.

  57. We are all healers of our own bodies, all that is required is our own willingness to connect and live from our hearts where there is no space for that which is not from truth or aligned to soul.

  58. This writing is great proof to yourself and to others , that true personal healing is possible, that healing is possible.
    The photos are clear evidence of this.

  59. Without first loving our connection from within, we cannot love or help others outwardly so. Our movements from the inner heart’s expression can ultimately inspire others once we have confirmed and appreciated it’s sharing’s for ourselves.

    1. Beautifully said Kelly, we then become the reflection that heals and offers all that one is.

  60. It is a bitter pill to swallow when we realise that what we believed was healing was in fact harming. When I think back to all the different healers I went to in the quest to feel well, and it only took one weekend at a Universal Medicine workshop to ease a 25 year old back ache, showed me the truth of my pursuits and my own involvement in spiritual healing.

  61. Yes good point Liane. As I have understood it, yes prana is a lesser vibration of divinity and we have misused this energy in our lives, instead of allowing the volume of our divinity through as our life fuel. Thanks for the link.

  62. The false ‘good energy’ is way more harming than anything we may instantly perceive as bad and this is because it comes dressed much like a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ in the sense that what you see is not what you get. It is this lack of transparency that hides a great evil – one that many of us are yet to awaken to.

  63. To heal people can sometimes come with an arrogance or sense of self – the person carries with them the bigotry of being better than others. But what you present here is that healing starts with a relationship with ourselves and then is extended to others with no sense of self at all. Healing is about giving back and supporting. This is a great sharing on how important it is to be clear in our bodies so we can support others.

  64. It can be very confronting to realise how something we have been doing has been harming people rather than actually supporting them – I think it’s great how honest you were willing to be and without drama make changes in your life to respect the true understanding of healing that you had come to and with that truly benefit everyone.

  65. The feeling of ‘manipulating’ energy rather than being a conduit for soul energy is what would have given you the nagging feeling that something was not right with the healing modalities you were using. I have only studied a few new age methods and while they gave me a thrill of being able to do stuff with energy they never felt like they were it. We are naturally meant to surrender and co-create with God through our souls, not create for our own devices and pleasure.

  66. It is an important decision to stop doing what we are doing when we learn that what we are doing is harming ourselves and other people. In those moments we have to drop our arrogance and understand life from a greater perspective. I have seen so many people’s lives change completely and for the better because they got honest about what they were doing and why. This blog is a great testimony to this.

  67. If we think we are a ‘great healer’ then we are attached to some outcome and we will not be able to bring through what is needed for our clients. If we know we are a facilitator for healing to occur, then, subject to the willingness of the client, great healing is possible but we do not heal the client, they heal themselves if they can let go of what is in the way of healing. The outcome may not look like what they might want, for example they may die, but this may be the greatest expression of healing for them.

  68. Serge Benhayon simply presents the truths of life and then it is up to people to do what they will with what is presented. This can be confronting as what is presented shows up the ill ways that we have being living but from my experience it is well worth it as truth is worth pursuing.

  69. There is no such thing as a great healer, if one truly understands that true healing requires 3 parties- the client, the practitioner, and The Soul. The Soul of course is always dedicated to the process of healing, but can only truly assist when the other two parties are fully aligned and open to true resurrection.

  70. One of the greatest illusions is that as a practitioner we think we are the healers, when in fact it is the person themselves through the choices they make. The other is that you have to be a practitioner to work in healing. Anyone can work in any industry and bring a healing quality through how they are with themselves, how they are with others and the quality of how they move in the workplace. Healing is a deeply beautiful word that has been bastardised to ‘fix’. There is no fixing in healing.

  71. It’s humbling to ask the questions about how are we truly contributing, am I healing or harming, a vital aspect of integrity.

  72. I have had a total re think on going to see a practitioner for anything now and after I have filled in the paperwork that is required about me and my personal health. I ask the practitioner questions about their health my Dentist found this rather strange but when I explained to her that it was a two way relationship she answered my questions and I took her on as my dentist. Interestingly there was another Dentist that I met at the same practice and I knew immediately that I couldn’t see them, we can sense when something doesn’t feel right.

    1. I like that Mary, interviewing your health practitioners! Yes, it’s a two way relationship and we will be affected by the quality of our health practitioners way of life.

  73. your article is a great example of how it is possible we can run in self-delusion, choosing a level of dishonesty to not see the lie we are choosing to live, and that is for all us to consider in our own many ways we do so…. yet the truth is there for us and in us – and so by choosing self-honesty and discarding all that which we have taken on that is false, we can reveal the underlying eternal truth of who we are.

  74. It really is quite arrogant for any of us to think that we can heal someone else. It is totally dis-empowering for the one who thinks they are being healed. We can only facilitate. And we can facilitate by living in a way that is loving on all levels and simply bring our presence to everything we do, whether it be a ‘healing’ session or not.

    1. Yes it is arrogant isn’t it. I am finding there is a fair bit of arrogance in worrying about someone as well because there is a presumption that they cannot cope and that you know how they should be. I will never not care, but I will always endeavour to respect someone’s will to choose for themselves.

  75. Similarly I thought that I was a great yoga teacher but there came a moment of realisation when I realised that I had actually played a key role in preventing people from ‘being’ yoga. The true meaning of yoga is to return to a state of Oneness with life and yet because I was in total separation from myself and therefore life, then that is what I reflected and taught. My teaching actually kept people in separation from themselves, which is the complete opposite of what yoga truly is.

  76. I love the integrity of shutting your practice when you realised that what you were offering was not offering an evolutionary form of healing but delaying and burying. I felt the same. I couldn’t do Reiki any more because I felt I didn’t have the understanding about where the roots of the conversation from the body were coming from. If I have not worked that out in my body, how could I support another to work it out? I would simply distract them or bury and potentially complicate the issue that was coming up for them further.

  77. There is a vast difference between being ‘cured’ and healing. A cure is a temporary removal of symptoms, without the underlying cause of those symptoms being addressed. It makes sense that when we don’t address the underlying cause, that we are continuing to harm the body and that this will eventually begin to show itself again.

  78. Dear Silvia, I can very much relate, and have been into Spiritual pursuits and “Natural Therapies”, supposedly helping people. And yes, there definitely was an arrogance there too, a feeling of ‘better’, as I was helping others. At the same time I did not have a clue how to have truly loving relationships in my own life, with my partner at that time. But that was not considered; it was just about the technique, the modality, and not about how I was actually living myself. This has now changed and I’m working very much on how I am living with myself, what quality my relationships are, and knowing that we need Medicine very much; without it we would be in an even greater mess than we already are health wise.

  79. The spiritual arrogance and one’s pride is for everyone to master in their own way. It can get a hold exposing an emptiness within but with absolute honesty, step by step it can begin to break down. There’s a part of me that still wants to be the ‘only’ powerful one. I know this is not true but I am still craving some form of recognition to fill the emptiness.

  80. The humility required to observe what your life was really like demonstrates your love of truth. The honesty with which you present your learnings is an opportunity for us all.

  81. Serge Benhayon was the first person I met after searching the world over who beyond all doubt lives the life of a true healer, and thanks to the inspiration of his reflection many more are now equally choosing to wake up and return to that same truth within themselves.

  82. Making life about energy first is a responsibility we all have in order to live with purpose and integrity in everything we do and not indulge with sources of energy that are detrimental to our bodies and the wellbeing of others.

  83. “No one can fool a person when they are listening to their body” Absolutely, our bodies are so loudly and completely honest, and we cannot fool ourselves when we pay attention to what they are saying.

  84. It takes a lot of honesty to come back to a true healing of oneself, to admit that the choices we have made are not it, and to come back to what is truth. This is the most amazing choice we can make in life, to return to what is true love.

  85. The depth of integrity that you have now built in your life beginning with recognising and being honest about how you were truly feeling inside and relating to others is beautiful to read and see. We could call this a true miracle, and one that you chose.

  86. I’m struck by your absolute honesty about knowing that the healing work you were conducting on clients in the past didn’t feel totally right and true and agree that it’s possible that getting relief from a symptom or condition through what is not true healing may just instead be burying it deeper within the body and simply, unwittingly, setting ourselves up with a resurfacing condition in a more profound manifestation sometime in the future.

  87. It was a seminal day when I realised that there was a difference between making pain go away, and a true healing. Making it go away is relatively easy… just smooth it out, move it on, bury it deeper. But a true healing involves the energy coming up and out, and that may involve discomfort, or working on oneself and the issue. Its a harder path, but this allows for the energy to leave completely and not be left to reappear in some corner of the body that is seeming unrelated as a more complicated illness for the future.

  88. “Basically my life was about me, even if it looked like I took care of everybody else. It was all for me, to satisfy myself and my need to be recognised and needed.” Recognition is a trap set up to distract, judge and separate us from each other, but as you came to see Silvia none of that is love or is an expression of love, and ‘if it’s not Love, why choose it?’ 💞

  89. Treating other people through the lens of their personally perceived ‘defects or faults’ creates inequality and a hierarchical structure that go against the truth of us being one and equal with differing expressions.

  90. This is such a super honest article that it opens us up to be more clear and honest about the ways we too pretend and play along with things we know are not the truth of us, but we settle for it, or even invest in it, because it seems the easier or more comfortable path to take, until one day we even lose awareness of the true path. But thanks to those like you and Serge Benhayon it is possible to wake up and remember the truth that we have always known, just lost view of for a time.

  91. “I was always looking for the truth – I love Truth, I love Love. I always carried within me a love for people and a willingness to offer others the chance for true healing. I just had to feel again that I am that love myself and live that love.” What a amazingly beautiful gift Serge Benhayon brings to us all by his very presence and way of living. Thank you Silvia for sharing your story of healing and who you are.

    1. Yes, live it for ourselves and that is it – what we then offer another is their freedom to choose for themselves. That is really what Serge Benhayon has offered all of us and I Love that he Loved enough to not be swayed by anything and to show us that inspiring steadiness which gave us the space to connect with that Love for ourselves.

  92. This is exposing, we all, if we reflect can feel when we have been taken over by energy that does not feel good, in rage, righteousness, indulgent, and yes what we think is healing / sympathy etc…”More and more I felt that I no longer wanted to play with energies directed by my mind from a source I did not know.” When will we begin to really go there and open up concerning the energy at play in our world? This blog really opens up this subject and takes a good look around. Energy is Everything, it is in all and it is all, we need to go there and talk about it.

  93. Serge Benhayon has taught me what a true healer is. A person who walks their talk, who inspires others to be more of themselves, a person who is humble yet all knowing of the responsibility that they have, a person who knows who they truly are and their purpose here is to reflect the truth, a person who lives with energetic responsibility always considering the whole. This person is a true healer.

  94. It is an irony that spend our life looking for fulfilment in life from something outside of ourselves when in fact the answer lies within ourselves – ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is Within, is so true.

  95. I really admire your choice to close your business when you realised the truth. That takes true character.

  96. Wow! With all those courses, modalities, skills, practices and experiences one would have thought that you would be a master of healing and know how to deal with everything inside out! Shows that there is something not quite true about any of the Astral-based healing practices. They may look great but they are void of any true love and care.

  97. This is a very real amazing offering of the truth about the world, our choice of energy and the illusions we are under by virtue of the world around us. It is beautiful to see the changes in you and to know you, and the appreciation of all you have come through and who you are, thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine .

  98. When I studied and practiced new age and other prana energy based modalities I feel I was in a role of wanting to make the world better, seeing pain and illness in a sympathetic way, and being in the recognition of making others feel better. I had a very emotional response to how others were, and I was unaware of the true purpose of their dilemmas because I too was disconnected from my soul. The sympathy I lived in made me want to help, which was a form of rescuing, but there was no true healing or evolution from either the way as I was or the modalities I used. Now I know the difference between spirit and soul and how these feel, I can finally live in a way that is healing and evolutionary for others.

    1. It is so true that if we go into sympathy and try to make people better we are blinded to the true purpose of their dilemmas. Consequently when we do that we never support them to truly heal but put a band-aid on the hurt.

  99. “If clients came with chronic pain they often left without any pain or at least with much less pain”. This is what most people want from a massage or healing treatment, but from my experience of doing the same thing as a massage therapist for many years, people would then come back two weeks later with exactly the same pain. This showed me that the pain had not actually healed, but had just been relieved for a while. I knew there must be a way to work with people that helped them get underneath the pain to the root cause of it. When I found Universal Medicine and their healing modalities I knew this is what I had been looking for. An honest approach to true healing that is more than just relief. A true holistic way of working and living that encompasses the whole being, not just the muscles. It was a joy to find, and a true relief to leave the old frustrating way of working behind.

  100. This could be a reflection for life, for example I thought I was doing okay, but in reality and being very honest I am not, but this is truly loving and where healing can start. For if we pretend we are lost in a cloud. Much better to say my life or body is a mess when it is, than pretend we are being super loving and loving ourselves when we are not.

  101. “by feeling his unconditional love.” This is great point to make, how often do we tell people how much we love them or try to make them see / know how much we love and care about them, when really the words are needy or empty. When the truth is a feeling it can be felt a million times more deeply than empty words. For example someone shared with me recently, along the lines of ‘I know you care because you ask me about my work/ day’ you don’t need to say you care.’ More and more each day I realise I don’t need to say or write the words I love you – because it can be felt through how I live, and any word I write, if I am choosing love.

  102. Very inspiring to feel how honest you where and prepared to choose truth the moment you knew. Re-imprinting a whole life is remarkable – thank you for sharing your evolutionary choice.

  103. It is interesting what our mind makes us think just because we have success which has nothing to do with the truth.

  104. “Then someone I knew died of breast cancer and her husband wondered out loud how it was possible for her to die. He said that it was not fair, that she was a great healer, always there to help others. I asked him if she was also able to love herself and his answer was clear, “No, it was very hard for her to love herself.” We both felt there was an answer in that response.”
    As a kinesiology practitioner and remedial masseur for 15 years prior to meeting Serge Benhayon I used to say with pride that my reward was not the money but seeing the changes in my clients. Being presented by Serge that the foundation for healing was love and to support another was to first come from a foundation of loving oneself was profound. I realised that the reward that I had perceived as an expression of my love was, in fact, me endeavouring to fill my bottomless pit of emptiness from my lack of self-love.

    1. Well said jstewart51, I can relate to your words about feeling good supporting others really being an activity to survive the emptiness of lack of self love. We want to fill up on the feel-good high we get.

  105. It is almost unbelievable that someone could be so successful at something that is so highly valued – like being a healing practitioner – and to not settle for this success and to seek a deeper connection with an ever greater source or quality of life.

  106. Life becomes terribly simple when we consider that it is a simple choice of prana or fire. Then we take out good or bad, nice or not nice – and it becomes about what is true first and foremost.

  107. The spirit is unable to bring forth anything of truth as it lives in the eternal striving for recognition in the absence of what it is truly missing, which is the true love in connection to the Soul.

  108. Recognition is a potent force that the spirit constantly seeks to validate itself, despite the misery and wretchedness that it so often brings, yet it continues to drive our patterns and behaviours until such time as we stop and allow ourselves to truly connect to our innermost, and here there is no need for recognition because here we can feel and know who we truly are and where we are from.

  109. This is so wonderful to read. We can only offer, what we have healed in ourselves, otherwise what foundation and lived wisdom do we offer another?

  110. I am sure most of us have those moments of clarity when everything in us says “this is not it”. But where to from there? Because similar to the earlier part of the story in this blog, the many changes I made following those moments of clarity did not make much of a difference. It was not until thanks to Universal Medicine I started to understand the difference between the two energies which I could in each moment be drawing on, and learning to tell the difference between the two that all started to make sense.

    1. Being presented with the two energies and accepted it is a paradigm shift that is like discovering the world is round when having previously thought it was flat. When the majority of humanity realise this, there will be a seismic shift in world consciousness.

  111. In terms of understanding energetic healing, we are certainly in our infancy, and in the last 30 years there has been an explosion of energetic healing modalities. So is esoteric healing the same? I could easily tell you that it is not, but they are only words. The best way is to discern for yourself. However, that takes a lot to truly discern what is true and what is not when it comes to the world of energy, and in truth is very difficult if you have not at first experienced the fact that the world is ruled by two energies – that of fire and that of prana, the latter referring to the energy of physical life force, also called ‘chi”, and the former being the energy of the Soul, and that of our true higher nature. And you can be told such a thing, but to make it a reality, you have to train yourself to feel energy again. And the body, not the mind, is the medium through which we do that. This is why the esoteric way requires such a clean and disciplined way of living in one sense, for much of what we call life is designed to numb our senses, be it through the food we eat, or the emotional states of being we choose to stay in. In such a state, it is impossible to feel what the esoteric refers to as the energy of fire.

  112. In the disconnection from our soul we easily fall for the tricks of that which is not from love, only by our commitment to healing that which is who we are we can once again offer a reflection to another that will inspire them to be more love in their lives.

  113. What you present here is super important – for us to take full responsibility for the choices we are making and the energy we are living and therefore bringing to our workplace, our family and all that we live.

  114. I find it very interesting that there are many people who have great jobs and are in influential positions, and then because they feel there is something missing from their lives and something feels incomplete, they leave their job and position in search of that something else, and hence lose that position of influence in the process…This can be seen in other common scenarios too where someone leaves a country, or leaves family or a relationship etc etc. All in search of something that is missing in their lives. It seems many of us have done this at some point. To me this is a symptom or sign of someone seeking the truth, only we get deluded into thinking that we need to leave a job/relationship/country etc in order to get to that truth, not realising that it lies directly within us, only a matter of us connecting to it.

  115. Arrogance can be a great form of protection. Letting go of arrogance opens us up to others and to what is on offer for us in life. There is much power in being humble.

    1. So much of the way I live is to rid my body of the stubborn pride and arrogance that can be a literal pain in the neck. I feel how much I already live with an amount of humbleness but to be absolutely honest I can feel my stubborn spirit holds onto certain ideals and beliefs, which I continue to work on as part of the way I heal. Thank you Nikki, it is a work in progress when it comes to being truly humble.

  116. It’s so true that if we strenuously develop in one area of our lives than if it isn’t truly serving our whole life than the gaps are going to show – and so here I am very inspired by humbleness and living a life of simplicity, which is true healing and doesn’t come from any gurus or spiritual practices.

  117. Beautiful….”With partners I was often fighting and wanting them to work on their issues, instead of me opening up to truly feel my own hurts and be with them and hold them in love to be able to do the same.” I love honesty, truth from the heart heals, no doubt. I recognise this behaviour in me and it is something I still am working on…but it has been precious to be aware of the trap I can fall into. Being raw, open and vulnerable concerning our own hurts heals for sure.

  118. It is amazing to hear of someone’s realisations like this and then so inspiring to hear of the changes chosen as a result. It has been too common for me to realise something and then avoid the changes because they call for too much relinquishing of comfy habits and fitting in…

  119. The honesty and transparency of your realisations is humbling, and no doubt, brings a moment to the reader to apply the same honesty and reflection to their own life.

  120. The commitment to honesty in your path of evolution is to be applauded. It is rare, but very very worthwhile.

  121. This certainly opens up many issues around the Spiritual New Age, especially seeking and collecting modalities that continue to allow you to live however you want without ever explaining to you where you are drawing energy from, without ever asking you to live responsibility and never ask you to connect to yourself and be love first and foremost. I can only say thank God for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who has never not presented where energy can come from and for teaching that we can discern energy and that we should always be discerning.

  122. When it begins to dawn on us what true healing actually means and how wide reaching it is, ie is how much there is to heal and or come back from, we only can be humble in serving this great task and give our all in service to all.

  123. Thank you for sharing that true intelligence comes first from our body and not our mind. Serge Benhayon was the first person I ever heard say this and I immediately felt the truth in his words within my body.

  124. It is actually really arrogant to assume that we can heal people. I used to believe this when I worked as a bodywork practitioner. but actually all I was doing was relieving the symptoms and burying the root causes. It’s impossible to fix someone. As a practitioner our true role is to support people in their own healing. In this way it is empowering for the client.

  125. What a great awareness and willingness to change to truth! “I could feel the arrogance with which I had lived for so long, pretending that I knew it all and loved all; that I was a great healer.” – Who has the will to let go of the arrogance we all have? And if we are not arrogant we are in self-doubt or self-loathing, which is the same energy in fact – just the other side of the same coin. To come out of this can be tricky, as we have the tendency to take the information we get and make that our ‘I know it all’. But as long we make it about ‘I’ and use what we know or what we have access to for our identification, there is no healing and no truth of it lived. We really really have to bring a change into our way of living, acting and moving to truly change, not just into a better life, but into a true and serviceable one.

  126. Through its unrivalled mirror Universal Medicine has taught and empowered me to know that i can heal myself through the choices i make in every moment.

    1. Me too Lucinda – Through Universal Medicine I now see that life can be lived as medicine and doesn’t have to be the blame of our illness and disease. Ultimately, it all comes down to our choices, and taking responsibility for them is a huge turning point in anyones life.

  127. Indeed Shirley-Ann we are going round in circles – making different choices at the this foundational level is the healing that brings true change, evolution to mankind.

  128. If we are not connected to our soul, everything that we do comes laced with the need for recognition and acceptance- something that we can easily fall for when in the illusion of being a great healer. Universal Medicine first and foremost teaches that, we are to first develop our relationship with ourselves and our inner hearts before we can support others to connect to the divinity within themselves.

    1. Not just in healing, but in everything we do. When I was younger, I would only put effort into things I did only if I knew somebody would see, so I’d only clean properly if my mum would check after me, or I’d only “make myself pretty” if I was going out. At home I used to wear stained, baggy t-shirts and not shower if I wasn’t going out that day. If we don’t do things from within, they can never bring change.

  129. Reading your blog Esther is a healing in helping me to shed layers of arrogance. Many of the protective layers I surrounded myself with in this life are slowly falling off and there always more to discover and discard.

  130. Amazingly honest – to strip back and get real with how you have been living in the past, the potential that all you had founded your life upon was Pranic energy. I find that it is the many flavours of Pranic energy that give it is temptation – we think we are better because it presents itself as the energy to do good, to heal rather than the obvious ill of doing drugs or being violent, and yet when it is all coming from the same source, it is just different points along the same line. It is only when we choose fire that we remove ourselves from the line completely and can chose to live from a place of beholding love.

  131. Relying on modalities to fix our ailments without looking at what’s causing them in the first place is simply seeking relief, and there are many treatments and modalities out there that do this. They offer solutions but don’t address the cause.

  132. What you’ve written about does beg the serious question; What are we being sold as ‘healing’? If I were to accept a modality that does not hold the integrity of the practitioner’s way of life as paramount in their practice of it, and if I did not look at how the modality came about and the integrity of its origin, then I’d be making a blind choice – blissfully unaware of what it is actually delivering me.

  133. The subject of energy is a very fascinating one. It’s interesting how we can convince ourselves that something is true even though at the time we are not being fully honest with ourselves. Your beautiful sharing shows just how we can live a double life with the professional front looking slick and home life being tangled and messy. The professional front cannot be as slick as we think it is because what we live at home will affect the quality of our work and vice versa.

    1. Everything is energy therefore we can not ever separate one activity that we do from another. Every thing is always affecting the next, so it is pure illusion to think that we can help and heal another unless we work on and continue to work on ourselves.

    2. One of the important distinctions Serge also makes is that supporting another to heal themselves comes from the quality of energy we bring which is something we live, not a role we play in the clinic room. It’s all one life, one energy.

  134. “No, it was very hard for her to love herself.” – this line speaks volumes for your friends situation but also for that of most of us in humanity. The fact is for various reasons we find making loving choices and taking care of ourselves to be one of the most challenging things we can do. What you share though is incredibly important as without the ability to love ourself how can we help another heal or support them in their re-connection to loving themself? Sounds obvious when its written but before Universal Medicine I would not even have considered loving myself in the way I do today.

  135. “true love … starts with loving myself first.” And when we love ourselves we cannot help but reflect that to others which inspires them to also take care of themselves and we also then know that everyone is love underneath any hurt they may be in the grip of so if we do not focus on the hurt but appreciate the love, the hurt diminishes in its light.

  136. Being confirmed in us having a spirit and a soul changed my life forever – for up until this point, i had been focusing on spiritual pursuits and my mind at the expense of my soul and my body.

  137. The richer my expertise in the field of healing is growing the more humble I become. From being identified with my doing, the application and mastering of a healing modality and all the skills involved with helping the client to heal, it becomes more and more obvious that the assistance and support are much needed and helpful but they are not doing the healing not do I have any control over the healing process. It is the patient who either chooses to heal themselves or not, accepting and making use of the assistance offered or not – this choice is often made not consciously but by the inner being (the inhabiting spirit). A lesson well worth to be learned by every practitioner and client.

  138. It’s so interesting what you’ve shared about how although you were ‘healing’ for a living, your own life felt quite the opposite of ‘healed’ with dysfunctional relationships with other people and with yourself reflecting this. The quality of our own body, families and relationships are such tell tale signs of whether the way we’re living and working is truly supportive and ‘healing’.

  139. I have come to understand through the presentations of Universal Medicine that everything in life is one life and everything we do in life effects everything else in terms of the quality we are living. As a practitioner myself this has come to mean that there is no difference between my private life and my professional life and that the quality of one must effect the quality of the other.

  140. I find it amazing when people can really feel they were on the wrong path even though that path was rewarding in a financial sense. There are so many so-called healers in the world that you couldn’t drag away from their modalities with a team of wild horses and there is no way you could make them see that they are burying the persons issues deeper in the body to come back with vengeance at another stage.

  141. In the first photo, there is no joy or lightness in the body. It feels dense and burdened from expressing an energy that is not true to it. The second photo exudes the universe, love and openness. The joy of being who you are is available for everyone to see. This is an amazing transformation.

  142. I have found to be the most settling thing is to know the true meaning of what love is, energetically. Once known and marked in the body all then can be discerned – everything!

  143. Many courses on offer may utter words that sound good and with many promises and perceptions of healing, yet all the while they are without the energy of Love and therefore will not offer true energetic healing.

  144. Over the years I have seen many people become practitioners of a healing art thinking this is a ‘better’ job, I have witnessed that this does not truly work out for them. They then go back to the job they originally worked in and I have seen them blossom, develop and grow. We need to know that we are all practitioners no matter what what we do.

  145. There are many things that Serge Benhayon has presented that have been significant. But one thing is to discern everything. Not always an easy task when the eyes and the ears are seeing and hearing things that appeals to the mind. So what may look and sound true is not. That’s where re-learning to read and feel energy is imperative, otherwise how will we ever know? I was very similar in the sense Silvia that I too fell for many of the modalities, becoming a good practitioner, but I just knew that something was missing and I thought the next modality was going to bring it. But it didn’t so I kept searching. The beautiful thing now is that even though I don’t work as a practitioner in the sense of practicing a healing modality as I once did, I am a practitioner in the area I work in and bring healing to this, because of how I am, how I live and the choices that I make. There is no arrogance in this because I know that everyone is the same here. We are all practitioners no matter what we do.

  146. This is so great to read. I recognise the arrogance in me of thinking, even as a child, I am better off knowing what I know about life and that made me special. I can now give myself the grace of understanding that I had chosen to ignore my true worth in favour of being irresponsible and trying to cover up the sense of unease by trying to feel good about myself through whatever means including trying to stand out and be better than others- a cycle of yuck. Recently I realised how this cycle I was living makes me ill and felt how I am no different to anyone in any respect and that we are all the same whatever our life choices. It’s a wonderful feeling of equality. I do not need to be false or pretentious in any way- so all that dis-ease can drop away. I can love and accept myself, read where I’m at and deepen my understanding of me and others.

  147. “He reflected so much lived true love, a love that I could feel touching that same quality held within myself, a love that I just was not used to living myself anymore.” – having this kind of reflection from another is so powerful, I can totally relate to what you say here – recognising the true love that another is living with and feeling it ignited within yourself, it’s absolute gold.

  148. I wonder if we are absolutely honest, how many lives are in fact about ourselves rather than everyone together. Even when we apparently do something for another or even live our lives in service of others is it really about us, about recognition on some way, shape or form on a subtle level? In my experience, I can feel a strong need to make my life about others but underneath that there is a belief that it is ‘the right thing to do’ and is ultimately about me doing the right thing and being seen to do the right thing – if not by other people by God. The desire to be identified is very strong it seems.

  149. We all have a radar for truth within, and this becomes ever clearer the more we see and understand the false pictures, ideals and beliefs we have created and live by, so easy to observe in others but not always so within ourselves. But once we align to this truth and start to live it to the best of our ability – all that is not of truth gets exposed – and this is what we are all here for to learn together. The question is – how much do we really want the truth.

  150. It is interesting to observe the superiority energy that plays out in so many ways in our community – the subtle and not so subtle, whether choice of religion, academic and intellectual prestige, medical status, the entrenched self-believing authority of dogmatic medical and scientific institutions, just as the catholic church once held Europe in the grip of fear and control – and right down to the subtle ‘spiritual’ superiority of the new age pundits. So we need to start with ourselves, and look at how we are in everything – is our expression based on equalness, or do we try to control and dominate, or play less and give our power away, or do we choose to live in absolute equalness with all.

  151. I am so impressed with the piece of writing, because it takes so much honesty to step out and say – hey, I got it wrong, I was not behaving in the love that I am and here are all the consequences of that choice. Very inspiring to read.

  152. There is no greater trap than the spiritual new age. It lies there awaiting the seeker who has developed enough awareness to realise that physical life is not all there is, but not enough awareness to discern what truly lies beyond. And so with all its vibrant colour and offerings, it tempts us to dip our toes into the ethereal world of energy, disregarding our physical connection to life, and losing ourselves in a world of feathers, smoke, and blissful contemplation. The illusion of such a foray is that such a world is actually very real. There is a world of energy that we can connect to beyond our own. However, what we have never paused to ask is – what is that world, and what runs it. Who are the supposed “guardian angels” who whisper the words of the future to a clairvoyant, or who magically remove the pain from one’s ankle. For I have seen enough “miracles” in my life through the spiritual new age world that leave me in no doubt that such forces exist.
    The question is though, do such forays into this world truly benefit us? Are they what they purport to be? If you compare such a world to the world of physicality, it is very attractive in what it has to offer. Until you eventually realise that it is not our higher selves at all, nor a world that is actually more powerful than ours. And you only realise that once you realise that there is a deeper connection that is ours to behold to which even the spiritual world we get enamoured by is accountable to. That plane of consciousness – the plane of the Soul, to which many messengers in history have alluded to, from Alice Bailey to Serge Benhayon, from Pythagoras to Socrates – is our highest calling, and when you have opportunity to connect to that, you actually realise just how poisonous the spiritual new age is.

    1. Smoke and mirrors is a fitting description of the spiritual new age. We can get lost in the maze of glass and mirrors and lose our way out or worse, not know that we have become lost in the maze.

  153. IW OH TBM
    ‘Interestingly, all those so-called healings never brought to my own life any true healing, and this was reflected in the fact that my relationships with partners, family and colleagues were not loving; they were disharmonious and this did not change at all during the years I was doing all those training courses and so-called ‘healing’. ‘ This is super interesting – surely whenever we are involved in healing it must also come from a unit of expression which has lived the healing as a way of life.

  154. If there is an inkling of superiority, then there can never be a true healing. Healing can only ever happen when as a practitioner we know that we are never more or never less, that we are all from one and the same source, just different expressions.

  155. “After ten years I wanted something else. I wanted to ‘deepen’ my life and so for four years I studied to become a holistic massage therapist” I think this is such a great example of how we place jobs of worth in the humanity fields rather like a ‘good’ box and money in a ‘bad’ box. Nothing could be further from the truth energetically in that what ever your profession you can influence greatly the environment and others by the quality of your body and what it emanates out. It is truly amazing when you start to see and feel the purpose of moving and imprinting things with energetic quality.

    1. Agreed Vanessa, education, education, if we were to put energetic integrity and presence up there with performance & league tables, our young people would walk taller, express more freely, live more responsibly and the relationships between student and teacher would naturally blossom.

      1. Agreed from me too. At the heart of our current education system is pure function at the expense of health and well-being. It is cold and harsh to experience and it is no wonder why so many students and teachers suffer from mental health issues. Teach our children the importance of energetic integrity, that the quality in which we do things either heals or harms and put this at the forefront of everything we do and we have an entirely new system – one based on love and appreciation not just results and outcomes.

  156. This is a super blog. There is a fine line between thinking we are ‘a great healer’ or a ‘great artist’ or great scientist’ and knowing the grandness from which we come from. One energy is true, and the other is not true.

  157. “More and more I felt that I no longer wanted to play with energies directed by my mind from a source I did not know. ” – this is a powerful statement. Many healers out in the world just assume that the energy they are playing with and working with is that which is our natural source. However, this is not the case. Energies are fickle and can fool us when we allow it. Serge Benhayon is one man who has taught be so much about energy, and I am still learning so much. I too was fooled with the energies that I was using with Reiki and some other modalities, and it is a blessing I have embraced to understand this so much deeper how this all works. A deeply heart felt thank you to Serge for being the one to stand up and speak the truth against such a strong tide seeking to keep the game going and keeping us all fooled. We now have the choice.

  158. Thank you for being so honest and transparent in your time as a “great healer” and the opportunity for others to read and digest where you have been and now what you choose to live. A great healing indeed.

  159. When we do not live our love equally with everyone, there is the energy of arrogance present. This can be for healing as well as in any area in life. When I recognize this within myself, it is a reminder for me to deepen my own Livingness, as when there is any judgment towards anyone or anything, as well as if there is any situation I do not want to bring my Livingness towards, my body feels it. Arrogance harms and it brings up how hurtful this really is, there is harm directed towards ourselves and everyone else from holding back our love.

  160. What stands out in this account is your honesty and the willingness to expose the ill energy you were running on, then the process of step by step dealing with what was exposed – and from there simply moving on with humbleness and a true sense of who you are and what you are here to bring.

  161. There are so many of us who are needing help to deal with our stuff, our pain, our difficulties in finding our way in the world. So many of us are seeking something. Unfortunately, we are not taught, or do not want, to discern the solutions that come our way, and we often end up going down the road that looks good, or seems exotic, or claims that it it really old. The results are often mixed at best in terms of actually dealing with our problems to the extent that they are no longer something that has a part in our lives. And it is very very rare that the root causes of our issues are actually healed by this path. Instead we settle for feeling better, and looking like we are ok instead of actually returning to being full of vitality and a part of the world.

  162. “I started to see that pains and illnesses are important messages from our soul – an opportunity to become aware that there are more loving choices to make. We are offered to see how ‘ill’ behaviours lead to ‘illness’.” – How true, we are indeed a result of the choices we have made. Question is, are we open to see where our choices have brought us?

  163. It is such a huge thing to do, to honestly look at all those choices and to completely change them. However, when we find the truth, when we find true love, there is no good reason to stay in the dark when truth and love feel so connected and change everything.

  164. Well said Abby – we can use a word in the wrong way and hence give a false image. How many other words out there have been used to trick us?

  165. I love the way that no matter how far off track we get in life from our soulful path, there is always that ‘nagging feeling’ that lets us know that this isn’t ‘it’. I always marvel at the patience and loving consistency of the soul, staying steadily with us even we keep kicking it away.

  166. It’s quite ironic that we can feel powerful and special because we can manipulate energy, yet in reality it is us who are being manipulated by energy. The human spirit, which constantly seeks to prove itself as being as good as (if not better than) the soul, invites in any energy that will help it achieve its aim, without the slightest discernment of the quality of energy.

  167. Your eyes say it all. The ‘after’ shot shows how you have connected to your Soul and have started to love yourself more and more. It pours out of your eyes.

  168. As long as we do not know the difference between prana and fire we can be very fooled of what is succes in life.

    1. I fully agree – so often we can get caught in good or bad but essentially that is all from the same spectrum – prana. It is like we are given a different flavour, a so called choice, but it is all under the same umbrella and only leads to better but not to truth. Truth requires a shift/change of energy and without considering the fact of the 2 energies – fire or prana then we will be eternally lost in the illusion trying to better our lives. I know this was the case for me before Universal Medicine.

  169. The power of words and their meanings is clearly displayed in this blog. We give the name ‘healer’ to someone who ‘heals’ us from a physical aliment or pain. But is this the whole and complete definition of what healing truly is? Certainly not if we have not considered in the slightest that no healing can ever occur if the offending Pranic energy has not been removed in the first place.

  170. I have dabbled in many modalities and techniques over my lifetime before coming to Universal Medicine Therapies. What I have realised is that none of these previous modalities taught responsibility, I was giving my power away to wanting to be fixed and would bury the issues deeper into my body. Universal Medicine Therapies asks us to be responsible for the choices that we make, allowing that which is within the body to come to the surface to be cleared. Therefore, we do not heal anyone, but as a practitioner offer a reflection for that person to do their own healing.

  171. I studied other energetic practices but as I write this I realise that there is no need to actually study another practice to be convinced you are doing the right thing. It wasn’t until I understood the difference between spirit and soul that I learned that, the whole of life, whatever job, circumstance or relationship, they will be influenced by the recognition and comfort hungry spirit, until the point we chose to bring our soul into daily life.

  172. On one hand, we are seeking for truth on the other we don´t wanna deal with our hurts; that leaves an opening to be fooled by what presents itself as truth, as close as it can to true truth, but it is the deepest illusion. It needs honesty and the willingness to truly heal, to expose the illusion we have fallen for as you have chosen to do.

  173. I agree Ariana with everything you have said. I too went down the ‘new age’ spiritual path but interestingly I wasn’t successful! I knew it was not it so it wasn’t long before I met Serge Benhayon who presented what I felt to be the true way of being and living. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who is inspiring so many people to live another way.

  174. Whenever I blame another or are being judgemental of another there is no doubt that the issue is within me to heal even though I don’t always want to feel it within my body. It gets interesting when another blames me as I observe them; there is so much to read in that moment but what I am learning most is to not to take on the blame but see it for what it is.

  175. One of the issues with doing these various kinds of energetic techniques is that they take us further and further away from who we really are and then we become less and less capable of understanding others and their issues. It makes sense to just concentrate on what is wrong as that is easiest to notice and to deal with those who are really unwell because it becomes difficult to notice anything more subtle than that.

  176. A deeply beautiful sharing of the truth and bringing back a real connection and knowing into your life from meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine something I am developing also from meeting him and the inspiring teachings and love we are all offered as one humanity to connect back to ourselves and who we really are.

  177. We tend to think that we can only be a ‘healer’ if that is our profession. But if we are living from an energetic quality that is based on truth in every moment of every day, then it is possible to offer an opportunity of healing to anybody at anytime, regardless of what we do.

  178. I wholeheartedly agree with you Silvia – every word Serge Benhayon offers is a potential wakeup call to live in the fullness of the love we are by living soulfully in true brotherhood, rather than settling for the lesser love of individualism fuelled by our spirit’s need for any form of experience, distraction and complication.
    “Serge Benhayon offered me the biggest wake-up call I could have ever imagined, just from observing the way he is and by feeling his unconditional love”.

  179. I spent 22 years as a patient and 15 years as a practitioner in the field of alternative therapies and have sampled a fair few modalities in that time. None of them have come close to the standard of energetic integrity and person responsibility that Universal Medicine presents as the foundation upon which to offer healing. What is expected of the practitioner makes absolute sense, how can anyone offer another person healing if we are not aware of the quality of energy we are choosing to live by. Our personal conduct, expression and responsibility are far greater than we realise or choose to admit.

  180. We strive for the things we are told represent success, but when we get them, there can still be a feeling of emptiness. What looks good on the outside does not necessarily represent what is happening in our relationships and how we feel about ourselves.

  181. Your description of a successful healer is not far from some the old stories of some doctors. They were fully, technically perfect in the execution of their job and treating others, but what were they doing to themselves and their body’s?

  182. True Ray, and when we change the quality we are first and with fullness within, we can work in any role, feel fulfilled in who we are and what we do.

  183. There is a whole other level to responsibility when you realise it is not just what you say or do that affects someone, but how you LIVE.

  184. There is huge difference between offering relief to a client or true healing. A lot of people simply want a quick fix, who want to feel better if they are sick or if they have an illness of injury. What Universal Medicine Therapies offer is not a quick fix, but an opportunity for a person to understand what has been the root cause of what has led to the illness in the first place and a means to reconnect back to themselves so there is the opportunity to truly heal, bringing that which has been buried in the body to the surface.

  185. … and that is why so many people have completely rejected religion. Because they know that mainstream religion is just there to fool.

  186. This blog touches on so many important topics, and recognition is one that stands out the most for me. I too used to be “open towards everybody” and “help” everybody in everything. However the only thing I was doing was feeding people’s emotions with sympathy and need to be needed. It’s so gorgeous to feel this lift off of my chest!

  187. There is a good point to made in the title of this blog alone: ‘I THOUGHT I was a great healer’. Our minds unchecked can lead us in all sorts of wayward and wide-of-the-mark if not downright dangerous directions. But when we take the time to develop our capacity to FEEL rather than go along with our various ideas, ideals and beliefs, our relationship with the truth changes.

  188. It is such a great basis of healing for a practitioner to look upon the client as equal, regardless of what ailment, ill or disharmonious behaviours are presented. Surely we all heal better when we know that we are being treated with deep respect, compassion and care, and not from someone who believes they are better or more advanced.

  189. The more we heal and deal with our own issues and hurts, the more we can offer that reflection to others and to do that we don’t need to have a label as healer, we can do this in any job or profession.

    1. Beautifully expressedI Rosie. When we have truly healed ourselves, healing qualities are often embodied and brought where-ever we are.

  190. I like the clarity you bring to the topic of healing. We use the word healing so easily but in truth do not know what it really means.

  191. It is amazing how much arrogance we can carry and judge others with and by when we are not actually living how we feel they should be. How can we truly help let alone love another when we first do not give that love to ourselves? Said this way it makes no sense then not to love ourselves deeply and then we can love others more deeply as a result.

  192. “More and more I felt that I no longer wanted to play with energies directed by my mind from a source I did not know.” Looking back with hindsight to when I was kinesiology practitioner I now feel quite shocked at how gullible I was. It is, however, understandable in that the functional results were profound but that does not excuse the lack of discernment and responsibility – it just re-enforces how harmful such practices are.

  193. Indeed one of the greatest revelations about life came from the exploration of the possibility that life could be fueled by two very distinct types of energy

    1. Very, very true for the “nice things” that we do are actually harmful if they don’t come from love.

  194. Yes, I thought that too when I wrote it Judith, but also felt that even when we are not willing or ready to consciously admit it to ourselves, we all know the truth inside and on hearing it receive the offering and healing for when we are ready.

  195. “There was always a nagging feeling within of living a lie that something much deeper was missing, in my connection with myself and God, and in what I brought to my clients.” I too have experiences such nagging feelings repeatedly in my life, and have a sense that most of us have. These have at times been similar to what is described here about the quality lived – in my outlook of life, my work, my relationships – which have gone downhill until I could no longer ignore it, or it has been a nagging feeling in my body which has later resulted in health issues. We would save ourselves so much time, pain and complication if we just listened to such moments.

  196. Learning the science of healing and the difference between fire and prana as presented by Universal Medicine has been the most empowering thing I have ever done.

  197. I am interested in how you changed careers wanting to help people, I also did this from graphic design to working within the mental health profession. Now I realise how arrogant this need for doing ‘good’ is and dismisses how important every job is no matter what it is. We really miss the energetics of life when we focus on the practicalities of a job and give it its worth from that view point rather than seeing that everything we touch carries the imprint of love or not.

  198. I too in the past have dabbled in many ‘new agey’ things always hoping and searching the next one would bring me what I was missing…… But the day I met Serge Benhayon was the day I stopped searching out there and started to look within and through attending many of the courses he presents I started to clear and heal my old hurts that not one other new age thing had ever come close too, in fact they only served to bury my stuff deeper in my body, thus only giving a temporary relief. And I came to understand how important it is to honour my body and that everything I need is already within me!

  199. Looking at your two pictures I know who I would rather go to for a healing session. Your most recent picture shows a solidness, clarity and openness that I can trust.

  200. “There was always a nagging feeling within of living a lie that something much deeper was missing, in my connection with myself and God, and in what I brought to my clients.” I too was practicing various spiritual modalities before coming to Universal Medicine and its amazing soul-full therapies. I was continually questioning as to why there was so much ill-health in the many spiritual practitioners. If their therapy gave true healing, why were so many not living true vibrancy themselves? Anyone can get sick – as illness is a clearing out of the body – but the everyday lives of those spiritual practitioners are not a patch on the vitality of most of the Universal Medicine student body. The Way of The Livingness is the way….

  201. The difference in your before and after is phenomenal, you are so bloated from all the poison in your body when you were 38 and 8 years later you are looking 10 years younger, so light and beautiful. Great inspiration for us all and living proof of the Universal Medicine Therapies and The Way of The Livingness.

  202. It is fascinating how we can use words together, and sometimes without realising, bring such profundity… “how ‘ill’ behaviours lead to ‘illness’… is one such example. It is indeed our ill behaviours that bring ill-ness into our lives.

  203. …” I started to see that pains and illnesses are important messages from our soul – an opportunity to become aware that there are more loving choices to make…” Recognising and understanding this make one a great healer

  204. Astral energy is keen to feed relief to us via spiritual modalities because we are then not called to know the truth of how we have been living to accumulate the ‘pains’ in the body in the first place. Seeking relief ultimately keeps us ignorant to the fact that every choice has an impact on the body.

    1. This sentence packs such a powerful punch of truth, Rachael – “Seeking relief ultimately keeps us ignorant to the fact that every choice has an impact on the body.” How much money and time do we spend seeking distraction or relief to avoid what the body is constantly telling us?

    2. It is the relief that spiritual modalities give that makes them so attractive – the greater the ability to relieve, the greater the harm by burying the cause even deeper into the body.

  205. Super honest, super powerful and super inspirational blog Syliva – you have given me a much deeper awareness and understanding of the importance of commiting to healing ourselves first and foremost thereby creating a solid foundation based on love which we can then share equally with all.

  206. Brilliant blog which is rich with learning for us all. How deeply inspiring it is to have come full circle, to now take responsibility for the energy you live and to deeply know the difference between true healing and all that is on offer under the name ‘of ‘healing’ which is anything but. As you have shared – true healing begins with choosing and living our own Love, letting people in and surrendering to Love’s true expression.

  207. ‘I became more and more focussed on what was ‘wrong’ with people and a spiritual arrogance crept in, thinking that I was superior as I ‘knew about life’ and they didn’t’ …. I feel this is a very easy trap to fall into, even if you’re not practicing as a healer. I find it incredibly challenging to be around people, who I love deeply, watching them make the most unloving choices over and over again, with a refusal to be open to their will-full lack of responsibility. As I work with this, I know that it all hinges from my own relationship with myself, the more I deepen my self-love, the easier it will be for me to let go of all judgment, to allow the space for the other person to have the opportunity to choose differently. They are far more likely to do this if they feel met, if they feel inspired from others feeling the potential in them, rather than confirming them in their failure.

  208. Since learning the healing modalities that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon present, my whole perception and understanding of being a healer has changed. I don’t do the healing, the client now does that so there is no need for me to get identified by their healing. The healing is something the client does, and chooses how much or to not heal at all. I am a practitioner, and I support the client, but I am not the healer, the client is the healer healing themselves.

  209. When you write that you did not want to work any longer with energies the origins of which you didn’t know and hadn’t discerned, it makes a lot of sense. It can be very tempting to go for the recognition and accolades but once we know that there are two energy sources to choose from, there is no going back.

  210. I had only begun to develop an interest in types of energy healing before I found Universal Medicine but none the less met a number of ‘healers’ and other people with similar interests. What struck me is that there is an assumption that anything to do with energy healing is somehow separate from our way of living when in actual fact the opposite is true and the best form of healing is our way of living, specifically The Way of The Livingness.

  211. The depth in your eyes now to then is incomparable. You are a great healer of yourself now, which allows you to work more deeply with others.

  212. Wow, if we could all bring this level of honesty to ourselves and what we know we have sold out on, buried, ignored, reluctant to step up to the responsibility we are avoiding, and so much more, we could actually begin to truly heal rather than just piling on further layers of obfuscation to not be aware of what we are choosing to ignore. But running on buried hurts and reactions does nothing to heal ourselves or the world.

  213. It has become commonplace to offer a service but be totally drained ourselves. For example, the standards we have set in society have said that its okay to be a nurse and be totally run off your feet and exhausted, but where does this leave the people that are being looked after?

  214. It is through a body of love that we access the soul. Without this body of love it is not possible to support another to truly heal.

  215. Our bodies will show us the ill way we have been living – this is the actual illness rather than the end result that manifests… and is why ‘Life is Medicine’, as Serge Benhayon has presented for the last 18 years.

  216. It is interesting how we can hold a belief that to get more in touch or to know and understand energy we need to withdraw from mainstream society in some way. Having worked in a profession that is considered ‘dry’ for several years now I am discovering more and more, how much energy is at play every day. When you work with money especially there is a lot to feel. People attach their worth, value, security etc to money. Some work so so hard to spend their money on a lifestyle to distract them from the fact that they are exhausted. Others don’t spend it at all with a fear based mentality as though it may all be needed at some point. We are all so unique, there is so much to learn, working with people could never be boring.

  217. Incredibly honest blog Syvia, very inspiring to read about one who has found their way back to love.

  218. Before we don´t even know that there are two different energies to draw lifeforce from we don´t know anything about true healing. Your story is a very honest exposé that helps to expose the very common and arrogant approach that prevails in alternative and spiritual healing as risen with the new age consciousness.

  219. We can all discern energy, however, I feel we can shy away from truly claiming this. I know for myself I have been full of self doubt and still am at times, however, I question where this doubt is coming from and how much is coming from not wanting to take full responsibility. Choosing to hold back just a little bit, not wanting to fully commit, not wanting to say goodbye to our comforts completely.

  220. It’s interesting how you were aware of an arrogance when you were practicing all your different modalities, how you enjoyed the ‘recognition’ ….. ‘Basically my life was about me, even if it looked like I took care of everybody else. It was all for me, to satisfy myself and my need to be recognised and needed’ …. Your body was already speaking to you, trying to help you to discern what energy you were really in. It seems like whenever we are in the energy of ‘self’ that is a big red flag that it may not be true. Truth is always about the whole, about everyone, equally, about unity.

  221. “hold them in love” this is the key for everyone – to hold all others in love – everything becomes very clear and simple, and we become far less if not involved in their stuff at all. We are able to observe, not take it personally and see the energy / hurts at play, and know that this is not them. For example, it may come from childhood hurt, stress at work, or a lack of self worth, and this can be with ourselves as well, but knowing all along that what is being displayed / projected / games being played is not who we are, not one ounce at all. I am learning this. When I hold another in love or myself, I can’t help but love them / myself – all that other stuff, issues, behaviours are not real, they become pale and insignificant – just things we go to to try and protect ourselves. I have much more understanding when I hold myself or another in love, I feel the real me, or the real other person, and how sweet, gentle, powerful and sensitive they are, not their hurts.

  222. I remember going for a healing session once with someone many years ago. I spent the evening afterwards throwing up. This wasn’t due to a massive clearing of my own stuff. What I realised had happened was that I had taken on the practitioner’s energy in the session and my body was clearing that. I was actually healthier than the therapist and her stuff was actually clearing through me. This showed me always to be discerning with who I go to for healing sessions. If the practitioner is not living in a way that takes care of themselves then there is no way they are healing. They are actually harming. It is so inspiring to read of practitioners who go through a transformation when they start to live in a loving way.

  223. It’s really interesting what you’ve shared about the woman who passed away and her husband – it highlights the importance of looking after ourselves first and foremost before lots of other people, and does raise the question of what QUALITY we are caring for others with if we lack quality in our relationship to our own bodies.

  224. ‘He reflected so much lived true love, a love that I could feel touching that same quality held within myself, a love that I just was not used to living myself anymore.’ This captures so beautifully what Serge offers to everyone and we all have a choice whether to align to it or not. Thank you for sharing your journey back to Truth and your willingness to let go of your past and embrace a future where building your own self-love enables you to support others in a true way.

  225. What a beautiful blog offering so much wisdom and understanding sharing your life and the realisation of energy and the claiming of your truth Silvia. Serge Benhayon is the most amazing gift to this world and all humanity inspiring by his everyday livingness true responsibility, integrity and love and it resonates with our bodies inside at a very deep level. The amazing changes you have made to your life and hence to that of so many others is beautiful to read and a real reflection and appreciation.

  226. “I blamed other people for my issues and for the past I had experienced, instead of truly dealing with my own hurts.” Focusing on other people’s hurts and problems is a great way to distract one from one’s own. Esoteric Healing is based upon the understanding and fact that to support another to truly heal one first has to heal oneself.

  227. It is quite a thing to be stopped in our tracks when all everything around us seems to be confirming that what we are doing is the right thing. What I mean by ‘everything around us’ is that the system and what is so called normal is confirming it. So what are the markers that can call us back? The first one is that feeling deep down, the one in our bodies, that still has an emptiness inspite of climbing Mt Everest, or removing someone’s pain. The second is an observation of the world and that our ‘normal’ is getting us into deeper and deeper problems.

  228. I have found it interesting that when we become curious about ‘there has to be more than this’ we can become like Alice falling into the rabbit hole and losing our way back. I was starting down that rabbit hole myself but felt and found the truth in the Way of The Livingness that stopped my search. There were others that had heard the call that was with me, but the truth presented rocked their world, and some were not ready for the truth. Life is all about choices, and every person has to choose theirs.

  229. A must read for everyone involved in the new age healing environment, brings attention to how harming some so called healing modalities are.

  230. Its an interesting point to consider that when some ailment is no longer causing us stress, pain or discomfort we can believe it is healed. Yet there could be occasions where this isn’t the case but instead it has been buried deeper. That is what we have to discern as intelligent beings, listening to how our bodies react to situations, whether we are truly healing or receiving relief from our woes.

    1. True – this really turns much of our modern thinking on its head. This is after all the outcome most seek from the healing or medicine they seek – simply for the ill, pain or discontent to go.
      It is wise to consider the long-term effects of our choices for they will be lived by us always. If we consider only the short term benefit of solutions and not the long-term true healing that too, is possible then we are simply delaying letting go of the baggage we complain of that we will otherwise, continue to lug around with us.

  231. It is such an education to feel the difference between the two ways of working, the two energies. I know I never meant to do anyone any harm but when you feel the difference in the energies I realised how I hadn’t offered them true love, I had offered them relief. I could feel how much that harmed my body and therefore was able to appreciate my current decision to not practice any of the treatments I learnt before.

  232. Life can be a roller coaster or it can have a consistent flow which leads to endless moments of self reflection and evolution.

    By inducing ourselves into the highs and lows self reflection and evolution are difficult to practice effectively.

  233. I have also been deep in spirituality (never got to become a healer, as all the healers I have known did not feel I was ready and did not teach me what they know—how interesting!)but when I met with Serge Benhayon’s books, I could feel the truth of what is being shared. It highlighted intensely the tension I feel in my body of what is true and what is not true (which was how I had chosen to live up till then), although it was clear that I did know truth all throughout, so the conflict was very poignant. Your article is very important and it has inspired me to share more in this area, as I was also very lost and in retrospect, I really did not know where to turn and was looking for everything I could get my hands on to fix myself, without the foundation of discernment.

  234. We can get so caught in spiritual healing because it looks like it’s working but the truth is if there is no connection, energetic integrity and awareness then no healing can be done.

  235. Wow that is a big step to take to close down a business and change the direction of your life completely. You clearly felt the truth of what Serge Benhayon presents and the love that he emanates.

  236. Loved the honesty of this blog and this is a great question to ask ‘Was I truly a great healer? What was I really bringing to my clients?’. …. What are we really bringing to others? It is essential for all of us to know the truth about energy and this is one of the many things Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine bring. When it comes to doing bodywork with people (or for that fact even being with people in our day to day jobs) the quality in which we are in whilst doing this is really important and this is what makes the difference. The quality we are in and to have a true understanding of energy provide a great foundation for us to genuinely evolve.

  237. This transformation you show is pretty incredible. A beautiful exposure of the dark truth that spiritual therapies are, and the false healing they provide.

  238. I agree this is such a game changer- when you realised the difference between the 2 energies and learned how to connect to the true energy, its amazing how your body responded so well. Thanks for using your honesty to expose what had been going on and how you were fooled.

  239. It is a challenge to see that something that you have invested time, money or emotions into might not be all that you thought it was. Often, if someone tells us that we can react quite strongly and defensively, but there is something in the way that Serge Benhayon delivers that leaves you to come to the realisation for yourself. He does not impose with a right or wrong way, he simply delivers the truth, which gives us the choice to either continue deceiving ourselves or to acknowledge what we knew all along.

  240. Great comment Esther. When we work under the energy of our soul it is never just about us, it is always about humanity, equality, it is selfless, all encompassing, divine and brings true healing to ourselves and everyone around us. The difference between working from our spirit and our soul is huge and we can ultimately feel this in our body, the truth is always present, it is a matter of us willing to see it or not.

  241. You are extremely brave woman, I imagine that it took a huge amount of humbleness to close your practice and start afresh. Its so beautiful that you are able to truly support others the way deep down you always wanted to. Its very easy to get tricked by the way something appears but as you said in this blog, we can all feel the difference between fake “good intentions” and genuine living way of love that supports others effortlessly.

  242. Much of what you share here is that deep down inside each and everyone of us, we can feel energy and we know there is another way. This line “even though this was mostly unspoken, but as all is felt, they reacted to me and we had arguments” highlights to me that our unspoken words, and ideals/beliefs/thoughts also effect us all. As Serge Benhayon states very clearly, everything is energy and everything is because of energy. But what energy are we choosing to live our lives with?

  243. You raise a good question, if we are having issues in our personal lives then are we truly able to support others? If we struggle to make our own relationships loving, what then are we offering our clients…
    There is much to ponder on here for many who work with people- whether that be social work, social services, education, psychology, healing modalities, medicine etc.

  244. I completely agree. Getting involved with all these modalities is intense, exciting, involving but there is no love, hence there is always the search for more.

  245. It is interesting the a “great healer” can be judged by only the so called performance of her work. It seems crazy that someone can be considered so when their own life is in need of attention. Yet, we are happy to place such titles on people and go to them for fixing. However, if someone asks us to take responsibility instead of fixing it for us, it can be quite confronting.

  246. “Basically my life was about me, even if it looked like I took care of everybody else. It was all for me, to satisfy myself and my need to be recognised and needed.” so many of us who have been in the healing professions can relate to this – as we looked to satisfy our own needs through our clients. Big ouch. Wanting affirmations from others is a big sign that shows we are not in true service, but seeking to satisfy our need for self, When we look inwards and feel our essence that need for outward recognition falls away as we learn that we are enough for who we are and we work from the inside out rather than from the outside back in to boost us.

  247. Our world supports us to look for the answers in life outside of ourselves. I have done many things in my life that people would think were wonderful. When I basically collapsed with exhaustion at 50, I had to ask some questions about what I was doing that was not working.

    I began to understand that there was a part of me that I was not recognizing. I did not understand that feelings were actually physical sensation in the body and that this was a whole part of life I was missing, so I said “I want to truly feel everything”.

    This statement has totally my changed my life. I have felt much sadness and hurts but I also feel alive like never before. I have received so much support in my life. I am starting to trust people and allow them into my life.

    I have always been a “do it yourself person”, but I understand now that I did not have do anything, I just needed to surrender to the infinite wisdom that is inside of me and let go.

  248. Wow, so much is covered here. What a transformation – and what a story. Talk about a life changing experience. Thank you for sharing and for inspiring.

  249. How amazing that you now know the difference between the ‘New Age healing’ and true love and Esoteric Healing. Your line: “Or did the pain just go hiding deeper in the body, making it harder for people to feel what is really going on in their lives and the consequences their often unloving choices have had on their bodies?” really made me consider that by taking away a pain or discomfort without the person truly dealing with why it has become that way is not helping a person but actually the opposite. The message from the body is suppressed but the cause is still their causing harm to the body but maybe in a different way.

  250. Stunning. Simply stunning. Heartfelt. Honest. Real. And this line was a real clincher for me – “it felt like black energy even if many times the energy showed itself as beautiful white energy,” as I know exactly what you mean. I have done many a spiritual thing in my past time and I concur that they never felt 100% right even when I was convinced they were.

  251. This is an absolutely stunning blog, with so much to share about, what stood out for me was not really loving people, thinking I do, I know I do deep down absolutely love and care for people deeply) but there can often be an arrogance – not true love. This is a game that keeps me in identification and me. For if it wasn’t there I would feel how we are all unequivocally the absolute same, and I couldn’t help but love everybody. There would be no living from hurts, needs or self. Life would be far more simple, and it would be very clear what need done and when to leave people be.

  252. I love your insight about the fact that the issues that we all face are there to support us in learning about the unloving choices we may have. I have noticed that in hindsight there have been many such moments of inner knowing asking me to ‘wake up’ and change the trajectory I am on, well before many physical problems and general issues manifested in my life. When we have such feelings it is worthwhile allowing ourself the time and space to truly reflect. Our mind can lead us astray, but our heart always knows.

  253. It is always so interesting to read and hear about the life-changing effect it has to meet Serge Benhayon and the presentations from Universal Medicine. What is it that brings many many people to let go of their former striving, even this was ‘successful’ in a financial way? Even if we have ‘a lot’ in life it does not mean it is truly purposeful and makes true sense. And we know this. And if we are honest we are searching for more, we are searching for the truth. Truth is what Serge and UM offers. And the willing being does take the offer which is given and change their life into a true way.

  254. It is a bitter pill to swallow when we find out we have invested so much time into believing that the Spiritual New Age can deliver us truth, but the bitter pill is that it does not and never will as its only purpose is to bury us deeper into the illusion. Having had my own experiences of different healing techniques, both practicing and receiving, for ten years or so, nothing really changed and I found myself hopping from one, then on to the next promise. Whereas with Universal Medicine courses and workshops there has been no desire or pull to find something else – from the moment I read my first Serge Benhayon book everything else became insignificant.

  255. Your journey reminds me of myself in my quest for ‘there must be more’? I myself was just playing with it and you had a ‘Ph.D’. There was one practitioner I had been seeing for treatments that was a practiced provider of holistic remedies. After many years my practitioner told about this amazing person he had heard speak and told me I must see him. He would not be in town again for 7 months but gave me his book to read. I had tried to read this book on and off during the wait for his return but I would fall asleep and never finish a paragraph, let alone a page. As the time came near and I still had no idea of what was going to be presented so I had another crack at this book. I was determined to have a go at reading the book so I sat outside in my cold shed in the garden, sat on a stool and started to read this book. But I was no wiser for my efforts. The long and short of it Serge Benhayon was the speaker and was the end of my, and others, searching for that which was missing, ourselves.

    1. I hope that was in summer Steve, it is way too cold in the UK in winter to be out in your shed. For me to get any understanding from those purple books, I had to reread a sentence up to six times.

  256. It would be a very helpful thing to be taught from birth, that there are two energies running the show here on earth so we don’t have to get sucked up in the astral before we come back to the fiery truth.

  257. We are all practitioners in all walks of life, and to me there is nothing more inspiring than someone who lives who they are, values what they do and lives a simple life filled with Joy.

  258. Thank you for your honest account of how easily we can get distracted away from what we know is the truth deep within. We settle for convenient truth, especially when it ticks the boxes of fame and income, and push away and under anything that doesn’t fit the image we need.

  259. I too also often wondered what true healing was when I worked as a body worker and clients kept coming back regularly – which of course was good for business – but indicated clearly nothing really changed and something was missing. If life was all about functioning, sure, not having physical and emotional pains and aches even temporarily could be considered as great healing, but there’s much more to life, and nothing is nothing and there’s always cause and affect for everything, and learning to look at the energetic aspect beyond the physicality offers deeper understanding, and the practitioner’s integrity cannot escape this scrutiny.

    1. This is a great point Fumiyo, so many therapies are good at relieving symptoms but this cannot be considered truly healing if there is a reliance on the practitioner to provide it, and the cause of the symptoms or underlying issues have not been addressed. It brings the responsibility back to us and how we live, the choices we are making everyday, and the energy we use to fuel those choices.

  260. There can be much done in the name of healing and love that is not this in truth. Many ‘good’ actions and listening to people’s stories and going into sympathy with others that is not healing. There has been so much awareness that Serge Benhayon has brought that has given me and many others the opportunity to ask the deeply felt questions that have opened the way for true re-connection to who we truly are. I am and will always deeply appreciate this beautiful gift that has been so freely given.

  261. Thank you for you honesty and willingness to see that how you were healing before you met Serge Benhayon was not really healing at all. I spent a lot of time before I met Serge going from one modality to another trying to get rid of my back pain, it never worked, I got relief but it continually came back and I was resigned to having back pain for the rest of my life. Without getting to the core issue which I feel in my case was shutting down my heart and living less than I know myself to be, we can numb subdue things but we don’t truly heal them.

  262. If one has been involved with the New Age Spiritual movement what Serge Benhayon presents it is such a loud wake-up call. For many it is too confrontational and they react and choose to reject what is presented. However, for the very many who have chosen to hear the awakening is like discovering that the world is not flat but round.

  263. The biblical proverb: ‘Physician heal thyself’ asks us to reflect on this, how can you truly heal another if you have not healed yourself?
    Luke 4:23?”

  264. Thanks for sharing your story – certainly reveals how every person has the capacity to be a great healer depending on the type of energy one chooses. Its not reserved to one being a therapist, just simply the way one lives.

  265. This has been a big realisation for me and a very important one, that doing anything for recognition or attention can never be healing for ourselves or anyone.

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