Nature – Life – Responsibility

It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.

The other day my friends told me about what amazing organisms bees are, and the incredible work they do. How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all.

We marvel at nature, we enjoy nature, we swear on the beauty of nature and its natural rhythm, we seek nature in times of hardship or to relax in, we stand up for nature as we can see our interdependence with it and the responsibility that brings, but when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose. Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.

We do what we like and live our life that only holds ‘me’ in the centre and completely ignore that there are not only another 7 billion people in this world, but that the planet we live on is in the grandness of the universe and thus an integral part of the universe; part of this clockwork of interdependence.

There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.  We see ourselves as detached from all that is going on around us, so that we can behave like little bubbles that are hermetically separated from everything around us, unless we choose it differently.

But this is not how the world or the universe works. We are part of it and thus we always play a part in it in every moment of our life, whether we want it or not.

I have always loved nature, from the gigantic landscapes of the big continents like Africa and America to the littlest detail of a flower bursting into bloom; from graceful elephants and joyful dolphins, to the busy bee humming in the scented meadow and trees. I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.

This has changed dramatically since I was first introduced to Universal Medicine and the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring. For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.

This turning towards and taking deep loving care of myself has rekindled the fullness of my whole being, it has brought me the understanding of my part in this world, and everybody else’s, and has made me aware of the responsibility we all have.

Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me. Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.

Our interdependence comes with responsibility.

However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.

By Esther Andras, Delmenhorst, Germany

Related Reading:
By connecting to our natural rhythms we improve our well-being
Our simple sun
Nature: The Ultimate Reflection

843 thoughts on “Nature – Life – Responsibility

  1. I can so relate to what has been written here, ‘This has changed dramatically since I was first introduced to Universal Medicine and the presentations of Serge Benhayon.Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring. For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ Serge Benhayon is the only person in this lifetime who has truly met everyone he meets, and it is a feeling that everyone experiences he see past the hurts, barriers of protection etc., that we all carry to the essence of who we are all of us bar none. This ability to connect with our essence awakens that part of us that has been in denial that it even existed. We are taught from young to look after others that it is sin to even have any thoughts of looking after yourself, it is drummed into us especially women. The truth is is if we cannot care for ourselves then we cannot care for another. What we are being shown in our current way of living is the lack of care for ourselves.

  2. Deep appreciation for all what is here presented. Just feeling the beating in our heart confirms the beauty and greatness we come from. This exposes the ignorance we have choosen to invest in when we deeply know the powerful beings we are.

    1. Inma what you have shared here is deeply touching
      ‘Just feeling the beating in our heart confirms the beauty and greatness we come from.’
      How many of us stop to feel our hearts and the innate beauty of this magnificence we all come from.
      Instead we push our bodies or completely ignore them and yet expect so much, so that when they break down with illness and disease we wonder why this could have happened? There is so much that we have chosen to ignore about ourselves that we have forgotten as you say just how powerful we all are.

  3. There’s an intelligence in Nature to honour but it starts within ourselves. How could possibly have true care about Mother Earth and true understanding about climate change, pollution, global warming…if in our day to day we abuse and disregard our body? True change starts within, in the way we live and be with ourselves and others. The body we live in is part of Nature, part of the Universe and the whole…which now is clearly claiming for a change. The great news is that perhaps is not too late, we can start now.

    1. Caring about nature, or anything starts with self first; in the meantime we can learn a lot from nature, bees being one great example, ‘How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all.’ Living with purpose.

  4. Yesterday I was reflecting on how similar is biology and physiology. For example, rivers could represent our veins that bring the blood impulsed from our heart, this is for every being equal. Or how every element from nature is designed having its own centre that supports the whole to live in such a harmonious way. Same happens with our human body, we hold a heart that bumps 70 beats per minute, it’s working with non-stop for us to be alive…This shows me that everything is interconnected and we can’t scape to the fact that every choice we make has an effect inside and outside us. Every element from Nature it’s very needed and makes sense that is as it is, none is more important than others as all know its role, no competence, no ‘me time’, no need for scape…We as human beings have a lot to learn from this. A return to our true nature, a reconnection with our body is very needed for all of us to reestablish divine order and balance on earth.

    1. Being connected with our body is very needed, and with that comes responsibility, ‘Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.’

  5. I watched the remake of The Lion King yesterday which was interesting to note that even in the ‘care-free’ wayward part there was still a world that needed care and responsibility to be reclaimed. However the illusion that the care-free, my actions affect no one is one that we are living as a human race. All the while our weather, environment, social, mental, emotional and physical health is saying otherwise. It has been a huge blessing to take responsibility for my actions.

    1. Life is not just about ourselves, we are part of a much bigger universe, part of the Divine plan, ‘We do what we like and live our life that only holds ‘me’ in the centre and completely ignore that there are not only another 7 billion people in this world, but that the planet we live on is in the grandness of the universe and thus an integral part of the universe; part of this clockwork of interdependence.’

  6. I feel that what you are saying Judith carries a lot of truth in the feeling of being separated from nature, that’s when we abuse it and ultimately ourselves. We live in such disregard and disrespect of this planet. Is it because deep within we know this is not the plane of life that we come from?

  7. This is the bit that really gets me that we as a race of human-beings do not seem to comprehend that there is a universe and that we are a part of it. We seem to live our lives in ignorance of this fact. This subject should be carefully studied as part of our education, to leave this huge topic out shows just how backwards we really are. We should not leave the subject of the universe to the scientists as the universe affects everything and we are very much apart of the everything.

  8. Reading your blog today I found it as a bit of a wake up call, one that asked me to deepen into my responsibility by feeling the all I am a part of. Nature, humanity and the universe, what an enormity I have an effect on.

  9. Everything affects everything and we are never separate. If we stay detached from nature, admiring it and not connecting to the very real reflection it is offering us, then we miss the magic of the Universe that is in plain sight.

  10. If animals are part of nature and our souls are from the stars, then the universe is our nature – the universe being the body of God. Our true way is therefore universal, understanding and being part of the cycles and vibrations of the stars, planets, and the space holding it all. A true Universal Medicine for us to return to as we make our way back to our divine origins.

    1. Melinda this is a great sharing
      “true Universal Medicine for us to return to as we make our way back to our divine origins.”
      That there is an endgame in place and that the future is secure we will all return to our divine origins once again.

    2. Beautifully shared Melinda, ‘Our true way is therefore universal, understanding and being part of the cycles and vibrations of the stars, planets, and the space holding it all. A true Universal Medicine for us to return to as we make our way back to our divine origins.’

  11. I have come to see that there is nothing in nature that is not offering us a lesson, but sometimes those lessons are so subtle, that we in our human rush, totally overlook them. Just to sit and watch how ants move from one place to another, supporting each other as they surmount some huge obstacles, to observing bees in their commitment to their purpose and to marvel that from one tiny seed can grow a huge tree, nature is broadcasting the possibilities of our lives to us in every single moment. Nature is definitely not separate from us, but naturally a part of our lives, as we are a part of it.

    1. I agree with you Ingrid that nature and the universe are always offering us a lesson or reflection, and sometimes they are very subtle and sometimes not so. To ignore what is being presented as we often do shows our arrogance and disdain towards ourselves and others, and that is why it is easy to be so abusive towards each other because we fail to see the magic or heed the lessons being offered.

    2. There is so much beauty in nature, ‘There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.’

  12. If we don’t truly care for ourselves and others today what will the repercussions be not only for tomorrow, but for the generations to follow.

    1. I would say we have the answer already right in front of our eyes. We entertain ourselves, distract ourselves, eat and drink a lot and try to survive. But we deeply miss to love and be loved and to deeply care and be deeply cared for.

  13. Great to bring it back to what our responsibility is in how we are living, that echoes the absolute magnificence and beauty of nature, to ask are we living with that same quality and vibration.

    1. I love nature, there is so much beauty in nature, ‘ I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.

  14. It is easy to react when we see that humanity doesn’t seem to care for ourselves and nature. But when we understand that if we are not able to care for ourselves we are then not able to care for others and the world around us, this gives us clarity on why the world is the way it is. Also, when we see what our part is in the whole picture, it is clear that we all have a responsibility to care, love and nurture ourselves so we are able to reflect this to the rest of the world.

    1. Yes that is so simple and yet so profound. If we do not care for ourselves then it is easy to understand why the world is as it is. If we step back and focus on being kind, caring and responsible in our own lives then, over time, this will have an effect on the whole.

  15. Esther great blog and it is totally fascinating how we have removed ourselves out of the equation of cycles and the important part that we have as being part of the whole. When we expose this we have to expose the fact that it’s not all about us and our world, and not many a prepared to let of our self identifying ways. I know I struggle with it as I have invested so much into it and everything around us is telling us to be this.

    1. I agree with you Natalie, as long as we make life about ourself and our immediate world we will keep running in the same circles and nothing will truly change. Reflecting our life back to us and to keep asking ourselves, do I live to the deepest truth that I know, is a start to bring balance back to this very out of sorts life we currently live.

      1. Esther I deeply understand what you are sharing with us
        “do I live to the deepest truth that I know”
        The answer to that question for me is no. But at least I know that the truth has not been diminished. it may look as though it has and no one seems to care. However what I am re-learning is that the truth can never be extinguished which is the propaganda that pervades our very being as there is a concerted effort to keep us all away from the truth of who we are by luring us all into all the distractions that are on constantly on offer and we are drawn to like moths to a flame thereby lose focus of the truth.

  16. There is work to be done… bees are always there to remind us of this and perhaps even to confirm to us the work we are doing or to remind us of what needs to be done 😉

  17. In my first University degree I studied animal behaviour and amongst the animals that we studied was the Bee. Bees are fascinating insects – not only do they have specific ways of communication amongst themselves which include specifically choreographed ‘dances’ or movements to communicate location of pollen areas, the use of specific angles and movement (exact degrees of angles), delegation of roles and jobs, and delegation of areas in the hive. An absolute divine geometry but also always done with complete harmony and always working together. This is a valuable example for us all on how we could do it too – if we all allowed ourselves to be inspired to live and work in brotherhood.

    1. Very beautiful comment Henrietta, I love reading about the bees, and I agree it is a great example we should take note of and learn from nature, as it reminds us how to return to harmony.

      1. That is the missing link we ignore, that all we observe in nature we can be inspired by to do or not to do. We are not separated from our surroundings but a part of it.

    2. Henrietta, nature has a way of reflecting back to us our possibilities to live as one humanity. We all have reactions, we all feel the same pain, we all come in the same way and leave the same way, so why do we insist we are different from each other by colour, race or nationality? These are all deliberate falsehoods to keep us in the disconnection. Because how powerful would we all be if we lived like the bees in harmony with each other. Life would be the complete reverse of what we are living today.

  18. Nature is an amazing medicine for us all – in its reflection but also in the way it holds us and allows us to return to a more natural rhythm within ourselves.

    1. The universe reflects so much to us, as does nature, ‘Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring.’ Very beautiful.

  19. WE have a part to play in what nature provides and the quality that is in that – we also have a responsibility in how we discard those things that we make from nature – for everything comes from it and goes back to it – so all the plastic bags and containers – everything we throw away- where is it actually going to end up and how can we leave as little negative impact on this planet as possible?

    1. Spot on Elaine, How we are in our every day will affect nature, and so this is something to consider and to think about as it might be playing a part of the clearing cycles nature goes through – perhaps we need to consider if we are behaving in a way that is supporting or not supporting the ourselves, our brothers and the very nature that we live in and with.

  20. Staying as an “admirer of nature”, keeps nature at a distance from us. It is almost as if we want to be close enough to enjoy the beauty but far enough away to be absolved from anything that is done to harm it. But the truth is, we are intrinsically intertwined and how we live affects every part of nature, but at the same time nature is always offering us many lessons on how we can live our lives, more naturally.

    1. Yes, we want to have it all and we want to own it because we do not understand that we are part of a grand whole. In being part of a whole there is nothing we need to hold onto, own, conquer etc. because we have it all already and are complete by the simple fact that we are part of the all.

    2. The distance we allow between ourselves and nature speaks volumes. It could be said that it’s part of an attitude humans hold of being tourists on planet earth, enjoying the scenery but not getting close enough to truly feel what we are a part of, a grander interdependence, and the responsibility that comes with that.

      1. Your description of humans ‘being tourists on planet earth’ had me smiling at the truth of what you have shared, but at the same time, I could feel a sadness at this reality. I wonder if we fear getting too close to nature just in case, we are offered a reflection that says something in our lives needs to change, as in doing so we may have to let go of our comforts? Nature is such a wise and truth-full teacher, so how much are we prepared to be the willing and forever student?

  21. I love the reflection of the bees, just doing their job, and continue to do so, no comparison or jealousy knowing that they all have a part to play that is equally important to bring the whole, a strong commitment to what is true.

    1. Yes, a beautiful reflection to us all, that we all have a part to play, which means simply doing what needs to be done. A simple truth that we have learned to fight with all our might.

  22. When we think we are insignificant it is easy to abuse and disregard ourselves and the world and space around us. It is through appreciating our part in it all that we will much easier take responsibility for what we are actually putting out to the all.

  23. When you consider that society, in general, fosters individuality, most of us grow into a life where so much of the time it’s all about us. Therefore, it makes sense of why the world is in the chaotic state it is in, with “7 billion people” programmed to do their own thing working in totally disharmony to everyone else and with the cycles of nature and the universe. But return us to the one brotherhood that we were born to live and it wouldn’t take long before the disharmony is replaced by the harmonious living that is always waiting for us to say yes to it.

      1. Thats the game Lucy to keep humanity away from the divinity that is true Brotherhood and we are all playing the game until we stop playing the game.

  24. I can feel how that unworthiness is a trigger point for the separation we perceive with everything that surrounds us and actually is holding us within. We might see the beauty and the grandness ‘out there’ yet stop ourselves with ‘but’.

  25. We can learn a lot from bees. We seem to have lost that dedication to work and generally feel drained by it. What I feel is missing is the sense of communal purpose that bees clearly have – working together for a common aim. When we only come to work to get paid or do not align with the values and purpose of the workplace we lose that incentive.

  26. The more we as a human race claim our part in the whole and truly appreciate this then we will start to see changes in the way we are treating each other, this planet and nature. There is no petition in the world that will make any difference or charity it has to come from us living it within ourselves first.

  27. Serge Benhayon has allowed me the space to appreciate my part in the world – how I fit into everything and how I am equal to all. It has provided a profound sense of purpose.

  28. I have had so much appreciation from others this week that I have found it overwhelming which just goes to show how much I do not appreciate myself. I am taking more care of myself and not pushing myself so much since these heartfelt messages have been coming my way. It shows how when we appreciate each other we can actually inspire each other to be more.

    1. Receiving appreciation from others can certainly expose if we are appreciating ourselves equally so, or not. In the past I know that I was not appreciating who I was and what I was bringing to the lives of others, as when their appreciation came my way, I often thought they must be talking about someone else. These days I deeply appreciate the appreciation and the difference in my body when I do, is massive.

  29. When we stand in separation to something, we can allow abuse to enter via many forms (destruction, judgement, physical and emotion abuse etc)…. When we are connected to it all, then it is much more difficult for abuse to enter.

  30. Everything in the universe is aligned to its rhythm, so what makes us think we can do what we want?

  31. When we don’t appreciate ourselves and what we bring, and are feeling out of sorts, we often go to nature to bring us back to ourselves. But what if we took care of ourselves to start with so that we didn’t need rescuing or restoring by nature? How often do we consider our responsibility to look at what we’re reflecting back to nature: are we presenting a nurtured and nourished vehicle for the soul, or a vandalised one?

  32. I can resonate deeply with what you’ve written. The reverence I feel for nature cannot be ever separate with the respect and care I give to myself. Nature is a beautiful reflection but it is not separate from me. All that we see is a reflection of the Glory within us.

  33. Very true that when we take deep care of ourselves we feel more connected to ourselves and others, and more alive. To not take care of ourselves is to not care about how we are connecting with others and the wider world: taking care of one’s own body actually supports everyone else.

  34. Corruption is rife within society to the point that it is unfathomable the extent to which it runs. With this being the case how on earth are we going to truly honour nature for what it is and offers us unless we get our own species in true order to begin with?

  35. Appreciation for ourselves and our responsibility to be aware that every move we make has an effect on everyone else deepens our understanding of the immensity and wonder of the Universe.

  36. The beauty of nature is that it reflects to us who we are and even grander, that we have a responsibility to live that all of the time we are on this planet earth.

  37. The fact that we can see nature and the stars and do not feel we are a part of that same awe and beauty shows how separated we have become from our soul and the all we are naturally a part of.

  38. To actually feel ourselves as belonging in nature begins to expose the arrogance of our behaviour thus far on earth and offers up the reflection from nature about hard work, responsibility and working together in accordance with what supports the whole.

  39. What a good call for us to realise our greater responsibility. “There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.”

  40. I love coming back to this blog, to feel how blessed we are with nature offering us the reflection of the love we are coming from, it is not for us to use or misuse nature, not to make it more important than we are. Nature offers us a holding and asks us to step up in responsibility to become aware we are even grander as we come from the divine outside of this planet earth.

  41. It took me a number of years of coming to Universal Medicine courses for the penny to drop that I matter, I could not find a way to appreciate myself. I had been so hard on myself for so long believing that I was no good and playing along with this idea that to break this pattern seemed almost impossible. Until a dear friend and practitioner of Universal Medicine modalities gave me a white board marker and asked me to write just one thing that I appreciated. It took probably a painful 20 minutes for me to come up with one thing but eventually I did, then tentatively I came up with a second thing and a third until there was a flow of appreciation coming from ME. It was such a turning point for me because I went away from that session so delighted that I kept on writing more and more things I appreciated about myself. It’s probably one of the biggest shifts I’ve had as when we appreciate ourselves, we start to value ourselves, say no to abuse and we are able to appreciate what is around us. To live this way means our days are consistently pretty good without the ups and downs of being at the mercy of what the world tells us.

    1. Fiona thank you for sharing your story, it’s deeply touching. I started an appreciation diary a few years ago and it absolutely changed my life to write down things about myself, my qualities and nature, that I appreciated.

  42. So true that we often forget what magnificence we are all an equal part of until we are back in nature again. When we look up at the sky and stars, or at a flower coming into bloom, a new baby being born, there is no denying the awe and wonder of the whole universe – so why do we not consider ourselves and one another part of this everyday wonderment?

  43. Living with energetic responsibility allows us to see the bigger picture and the impact we are making with every choice we make, that is we either harm or heal – it’s that simple.

  44. ‘Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring. For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ When we begin to value ourselves and see humanity as our family it changes everything.

  45. To consider ourselves part of a greater whole is a key consideration when taking responsibility for the way we live and the impact it has on all around us.

    1. Yes, when we consider ourselves part of a greater whole we naturally consider all around us as our focus is less on the self and more on the all.

  46. Life isn’t just about our species, life is about everything that exists in this world but also the universe. Everything whether visible or not plays a role in life but has a responsibility to life and is needed. Without bees, there would be no flowers or honey, they have a purpose and commitment to life just as much as any other animal on this planet – all have a purpose and responsibility, including humans beings.

  47. Nature does not complain, it simply does its job, reflecting to us the rhythm of the universe.

  48. The state of the natural world and our abuse of it are a direct reflection and consequence of ourselves and our abuse of each other.

    1. I very much agree with you. We search high and far for answers but we do not take the ones that are right around and in front of us. Only if we turn towards our self and bring love into our own life will we bring this automatically to everything around us.

      1. What a powerful thing it is when we love ourselves for the love just overflows.

  49. So true, we do not take responsibility for the planet we are living on, we just need to look at the damage plastics are doing to the fish in the sea and nature in general or the rubbish that is washed up on our beaches or the amount of forests that are being chopped down with no consideration for the wild life that live there or the over fishing or all the oil spills that happen in the oceans, or how we are destroying the ecosystems that marine plants and animals need to survive. These include clearing mangrove forests for shrimp production and scraping entire ecosystems off seamounts, or underwater mountain ranges, through deep-sea trawling. These are just a few examples.

  50. We live in a planet that shows us in every possible way that we have to better learn the relationship between self and the all. Although nothing may be able to take away what we have to go through as individuals because of our previous choices, it is not about us.

  51. The opening line sums up the entire conundrum when it comes to looking after this planet. Nature is but a mere reflection of what happens in humanity. We like to try to fix nature because we do not like what it reflects back to us in that it shows us how horrid and abusive we are to it. But in truth the answer to the entire biodiversity and nature crisis on this planet right now is to do with us and how we are as a global race of beings.

    1. Yes the opening line really struck me as well. When nature is our reflection we can feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the reflection because it can be one that doesn’t fit our picture or convenience. Yet, nature is fluid, it is not stuck and if we engage fully with our responsibility we give space for nature to reflect without need to it to fit a picture of right, we can let nature lead and as a human race, step back into the humbleness and harmony that was once our living way.

  52. Yes, this sentence really struck me as well, it struck me because of the blatant difference between the way we approach life and the way nature works, we in our bubble and nature in harmony with the all it is part of. I see nature now as inspiration not something to stand from a distance and admire.

  53. The rhythms and cycles in nature are a great reflection to us of the order of the Universe that we are very much a part of.

  54. What a beautiful reminder:
    “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.”
    Hear hear, this is very true.

  55. Our bodies are nature and can tell us everything we need to know in order to live in harmony with natue. Now that is worth appreciating.

  56. Nature is there to support us via reflection and symbolism; being an admirer creates distance and misses the point.

  57. A growing awareness that we are all part of the Universe and that our every move, word and thought has an effect on humanity and the Universe calls for an ever deepening commitment to truth and responsibility for ourselves and each other.

    1. Mary I came to a realisation that we are polluting the world by what we say, our focus is on the damage say plastics is having on our planet, but have we ever stopped to consider that the words we use can be more destructive, is it possible that the words we use contribute to illness and disease. We ‘think’ words are just words but actually they are packages of energy that can be used to devastate our bodies. This is something to consider next time we feel hurt by what someone says.

  58. We don’t often enough consider that we are intrinsically interconnected not only with nature and the universe, but equally so with everyone and God. As with this awareness we realise that we in fact have access to great power and universality, with which every move we make impacts greatly the world we walk in. So when we stand in awe of nature it would serve us well to appreciate that this is a reflection of the magnificence and power we innately are within.

  59. Living with he detachment and separation as an individual, we separate from the truth of the Oneness we are from and intrinsically part of.
    “But this is not how the world or the universe works. We are part of it and thus we always play a part in it in every moment of our life, whether we want it or not”.

  60. We turn to the Internet, phones and technology to provide us with the ‘answers’ to life’s problems, but sometimes a walk outside is all we need to do to get a different perspective on the issue at hand, and connect to the bigger picture!

    1. Absolutely Susie and be reminded that we already have access to a far greater and truer intelligence residing, waiting and residing within us all.

  61. It is so easy to feel so small and insignificant when we consider the immenseness of the Universe and the magnificence of nature but coming to understand that we, in our own uniqueness, are just as an integral part of the all as a star, a beautiful flower or a delicate bud returns us to our true place in this world.

  62. It is so true we separate ourselves from nature as if we are not an integral part of the all and the natural order and rhythm of life and the universe.

  63. “Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me” – agree Esther… I love those times when I’m feeling and breathing in the majesty of nature and at the same time can feel an appreciation within me, of me, of life itself. Nature is such a reminder to ourselves.

  64. Every choice and movement in life can contribute or retard life, hence the responsibility to live knowing that we are part of the all.

  65. Your last sentence speaks volumes and shows the imbalance we have in life, that we admire and enjoy nature but we don’t do this for ourselves, and until we are able to appreciate ourselves we will not truly understand the purpose of nature and what it has to offer us. Every part of nature offers us something that we can learn from but we use it for our own pleasure and gratification and then wonder why we have disasters throughout the world that are needed to re-balance the abuse we constantly put on mother earth.

  66. ‘We see ourselves as detached from all that is going on around us, so that we can behave like little bubbles that are hermetically separated from everything around us, unless we choose it differently.’ Great reminder that we are all part of the whole, and each one of us has a responsibility to the whole, and when we play as individuals we are in fact segregating ourselves from the whole.

  67. True Esther, when we don’t appreciate ourselves and feel the grandness we are equally made of, we separate ourselves, make ourselves smaller and even start playing the victim. Nature can make us aware of the beauty we all are and the responsibility we have to work together and feel the joy of being in connection with the all.

  68. How very different life in this world would be if each and every one of us was raised to know that “every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” When I first came to understand this in full the feeling of responsibility was almost overwhelming, but there was a part of me that reminded me gently that in truth, I already knew this in every particle of my being. Yes, it is great that I knew it but I hadn’t been living it. Today all that has changed, this responsibility no longer scares me, it is actually a joy.

  69. We do tend to stand in awe of natures beauty but do not see our place in that grandness or that we are equal to that beauty. If we did, we would be in awe of how the body works, what it does for us and how it communicates to us constantly.

    1. Beautifully said Julie for the grandness of the intricate workings of our human body is no different to the grandness of mother nature – we just don’t appreciate this fact.

  70. “Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.” – This sentence alone is enough for me and all of us to be inspired to appreciate our equality with Nature and the rest of the Universe as big players who’s every action ripples out and effects the All. I have found that as long as I don’t take on the responsibility of others but simply focus on being me with self-loving and nurturing behaviours, this has a huge impact on everyone I am in contact with and beyond.

  71. “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world” – a stopping statement Esther that is so true.. to really stop, think, feel, appreciate what we ourselves do bring, our essence, zest, true appeal and magnificent wonder I find is more often than not given away to a single drop which is ‘how we look’ aesthetically or ‘what we may do for a living’. Neither of these ‘requirements’ are apparent in nature’s kingdom and planet which we are a part of.. and so I wonder how come we indulge in such nonsense or do pay any emphasis to them (!?!)

    1. I remember the Dr Zeuss book that has a flower and a whole world that lives on a flower and it is so minute that it just looks like a flower to anyone on the outside – well what kind of flower are we as a planet reflecting to the wider universe? I am realising that I cannot do anything about anyone else but I can certainly make sure that I don’t turn my light down and ‘dull’ the flower!

  72. In terms of divinity, nature is our base note and not our high note. If we have lost ourselves, then nature is restoring in the sense that it is a great reminder that we come from a universal rhythm and order that we simply need to re-sync to. Once we are realigned with this we can either cruise at this altitude and enjoy the rhythm and flow on offer or we can become aware that there is an even greater aspect of our divinity that we can access and express here on Earth.

  73. “Our interdependence comes with responsibility.” Something so very simple and yet we have made it something to ignore so we can live our life according to what we want and feel like.

  74. This is fascinating to read how bees live and how they work together in harmony. None of them are just doing it to pay bills or get through the day – it is a team working as one. A lot can be learnt from this model, as there seems to be a disharmony in business today – where we have made it about making ends meet rather than truly working together and building relationships.

    1. Yes, this clearly shows how we have put the ‘me factor’ in the center of life all the while ignoring that we are living on a planet not only with billions of brothers but that this planet is part of an immense universe.

  75. Well said Esther, the part we play in this universe is to hold ourselves equal to the all and live with deep appreciation of this.

  76. “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world” – Esther i love the fact that your observance of the grandness of nature and its ways has brought out via reflection such attention towards the grandness in you and what you offer. And how we as a human being are inextricably part of the all that makes the one planet.

  77. It is so true that we think we can act apart from the natural order and cycles of nature without having an impact on ourselves and life.

  78. We are a part of the all and that comes with responsibility, a responsibility that, by the looks of it, most of humanity hasn’t acknowledged yet. And fervour and mission-driven pursuits are not the answer here either, just to make that clear.

  79. Appreciating ourselves and what we truly bring is just as important as appreciating another or nature. I can appreciate how much this has changed for me. I used to many many times be in absolute awe of nature, especially trees and landscapes, be in awe that it was far grander than me however now I feel equal to this but can absolutely still appreciate it (nature). With regards to this ‘but that the planet we live on is in the grandness of the universe’: I saw a video the other day of other planets in the galaxy, the milky way (why is it called the milky?) and well the galaxy .. only a small part of it. Gosh does it bring it back to reality that we are just a small cog in a very big wheel.

  80. I have had moments where I have stood somewhere stunning and very grand in nature and thought and definitely heard others say “How small we are and how vast the planet and mother nature is” Whilst physically this may seem true, I agree with you Esther, mother nature and our environment is there to remind us of how grand we are, and really that we are in fact more.

  81. I read about bees being in danger and what a huge impact that would have on humans and wonder what is being reflected to us? The way we are living is killing off a species that shows us what true brotherhood and harmony is and how it constantly works for the all. We are killing off this aspect in ourselves by the way we are living thinking we are separate from each other with our ‘I’m alright Jack’ ways and with terrible consequences.

    1. That is so true and thank you for the reminder of our responsibility. It is so easy to get caught by hurts and indulge in our ‘stuff’ and miss the responsibility we have to the All we are from and part of.

  82. Nature has an amazing capacity to support and regenerate us, should we choose to feel this. When we get affected by life and hurt by things around us, nature is often a safe place to retreat to and heal – hearing the soothing birdsongs, feeling the ocean breeze caress our hair – it is all in our perception of things and how we choose to see them.

  83. I wholeheartedly agree with you Esther. Nature offers the most beautiful reflections moment to moment confirming the truth of the grandness we are from – the glory of a vast and beautiful sunset or sunrise is a lovely way to appreciate ourselves more deeply.
    “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from”.

  84. To recognise that we are a part of and not merely an external admirer of nature, instantly allow us to take more responsibility for the way that we live daily in nature and within the all.

    1. Spot on Francisco – and this comes from connecting to the fact that there is so much more to life than what we can see. Something so beautiful that lies deep within us.

  85. We are part and parcel of the reflection to the Universe from earth. I can’t imagine it is a collectively very loving reflection but if I abdicate my responsibility in being part of that reflection then I give permission for the reflection to represent me. I am learning that if I stand steady with love being my leading impulse, there are others who equally find this their leading impulse and together we shine. What if more and more people stopped worrying about what other people are doing and stood steady? What reflection would we offer then?

  86. I appreciate the reflection that is on offer from nature and the rhythm in which it holds us all as one and the same. Nature offers us so many valuable lessons to learn everyday and how we also play a part in the rhythm of life and the way in which the world is today. Nature is pure magic.

  87. If nature is reflecting to us how to live in harmony, work hard for the same purpose and to live in a rhythm with the all. What are we reflecting back to nature by living in chaos? and how does that chaos affect nature? There is no surprise as to why we need the corrections of the earth in the way of earthquakes, tornadoes and the like.

  88. “Our interdependence comes with responsibility.” Yes, responsibility for our contribution to the whole, so the question is are we going to contribute to the rot or offer universal quality we can feel reflected around us in nature?

  89. An inspirational sharing Esther!. There is so much here to ponder on and remind ourselves how wonderful nature truly is and this includes ourselves.

  90. “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world”. This is very true and I would say the horrors that we don’t like to hear about are only possible because we have stopped caring for ourselves. When you do not care for yourself, you are already on the back foot in life and it hardens you to feeling or caring about anything outside of you.

  91. Indeed, if we continue to live like we are doing at the moment, the earth and the universe will correct us, by what we call natural disasters, in such a way that the abuse will be stopped and the energetic impact of it will be cleared and nature and the earth can restore their natural rhythm.

  92. I agree that we live our lives as if we don’t have any effect on anyone else on the planet and as a collective species we live on this planet as if we have no connection with or influence on the universe. It is a ridiculous stance really when everything in nature and the universe is reflecting to us the opposite is true – that everything is inter-connected.

  93. “if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” Deeply wise words Esther.

  94. Imagine what we could achieve as humans if we took a leaf out of the book of bees and we all worked together in harmony with one common goal, instead of the mess we create when we are all in it for ourselves and the separation that it causes.

    1. I agree kevmchardy – there is an infinite abundance of learnings and reflections being offered to us by nature that would transform the way we live if we were to pay attention.

  95. “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” I love this Esther. Expecting Nature to heal us when we don’t try to heal ourselves is abusing nature. Living in harmony with it brings a whole new level of appreciation.

  96. ‘..but when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose’ True Esther we need to open our eyes to having an equal responsibility in the grandness of the universe. We cannot just dismiss everything that is around us and live a life on our own. It all is a matter of choice.

  97. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to’. This is a great revelation that makes life about all of us rather than just our little group, whether that be our immediate family or circle of friends etc. Understanding we are all interconnected and that we cannot escape this fact is a great start to consider the true impact of our choices.

  98. Great article that strikes at the very real fact of how we think we can live in anyway and not impact on everything around us. This, “For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” again brings a responsibility to us that speaks more about ‘being’ then doing. How truly are we doing everything in the world? Are we taking care but first taking care of ourselves or are we disregarding ourselves that then leads to that same disregard being in everything else we touch. Then we can go further in that do we then walk in a way that only takes care and notice of a few steps within a hundred? Meaning that for the greater time we are sending a message to all else around us that we aren’t connected? There is a great learning held within this article and one that I understand now from a deeper level.

  99. Beautiful words Esther. It is ‘the part’ taking responsibility for its part in the whole it is a part of. Nature is a great restorer of Divinity for it reminds us of all that has been Divinely created and is tangible to the physical senses so that from this point we remember that we go way deeper than this – beyond form and back to the limitlessness of the formlessness (Universal Will) we belong to.

  100. Beautifully shared Esther. We all are intrinsically part of the great cycle or movement of the universe, of which we can never truly be separated from. As such we are always in a relationship with this truth. It is only when we resist our responsibility of moving with this truth that our relationship then is one that is abusive.

  101. Nature is a beautiful beautiful reflection, without it we would be very lost. What’s even more beautiful is that when we learn to live in harmony with ourselves, than natures reflection is a confirmation of that lived essence of harmony.

  102. This has been a beautiful, healing read, and its an interesting study into appreciation and self care. So often we feel our value is in what we do, but your words are communicating the bigger picture we are part of, our value is not limited to human life, as we are each a grand and precious part of the universe.

  103. Do we admire nature because we know that we are more than capable of living and working in the harmony than other animals do? Nature certainly gives us constant reminders of what is possible and what is natural in the order of the universe. It is only in our arrogance of feeling we are somehow separate and above all that, that we lose sight of this.

  104. Nature is there as a reflection for us to know we are truly grand, it can help support us to reconnect to the grandness, if only we allow this and surrender to what is there to be revealed.

  105. Considering the innate interconnectedness of all things, there must be something hard at work to keep 7 billion people thinking they are separate.

  106. When I am in awe and wonder of nature there is then a moment of choice when I can leave it at that, or accept that this is a reflection of the grandness we all are.

    1. I like that Matilda, the fact that we always have a choice, but important in this is to understand that there are only two choices available to us (although we do not like that) a fiery choice connected to that we are from, or a less fiery choice which makes us to disconnect from that source we all belong to. And in that lesser choice we make ourselves lesser than the grandness we belong to and otherwise would connect to.

  107. So true, Esther. We appreciate and marvel at nature and how beautifully everything fits and works together in harmony but we forget each and every one of us are also part of that ‘everything’ and we actually know and are harmony within ourselves already, and our body proves this so. If what surrounds us is reminding us of this truth, and our body is made of this truth, it makes much sense to move accordingly. Being ourselves and doing what is there to be done is all we are ever being asked of.

  108. This is an awesome reminder of the bigger picture. As humans we have the ability to reduce ourselves to our own selves, even to lock ourselves away in our own minds, to occupy such a small space with our focus when we are actually part of the entire universe. The universe we are a part of is pretty big compared to the smallness we play.

  109. Reading this reminded me of a cactus I had once that only flowered once a year for one day, and I have to say it was the most beautiful flower I have ever seen. And we were totally in awe of its beauty, but maybe if it did flower more often we would have taken it for granted, and what I feel now is that it was reflecting back at us our own hidden beauty.

  110. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ Very true Esther, many turn a blind eye to this level of responsibility. If we nurture and deeply love and care for ourselves the ripple effect is felt far and wide, likewise if we abuse ourselves and others and make harming choices, equally this is felt far and wide and adds to the harm and abuse so many struggle with on a daily basis. The quality of our choices is key to bringing true change here.

  111. It has occurred to me, or perhaps it is because I can feel how this blog reminds us all that we are all part of the same source of love, that when we abuse ourselves we abuse others and when we abuse others we are abusing ourselves. It is a question of how aware we are of what constitutes abuse, how much we are prepared to feel the level of normal we have accepted for ourselves. Goodness this is a big topic but so fundamental.

  112. So true, I can see that if we see nature as separate to us we will be more likely to abuse it, to not see our part in that beauty and our responsibility as well. The same for the relationships with each other, if we see our self as individuals we will fall victim to selfishness and competitiveness, even jealousy and comparison.

  113. I know when I did not appreciate my worth, I was always looking outside to admire something or someone in expense of myself. When I started to appreciate myself, it is natural to appreciate ourselves and others including nature together and equally. The quality is the key.

  114. We are all connected… Deeply and irreversibly so. This is the revelation and the experience that will lead us to the letting go of the separation that is simply totally foreign to who we truly are

  115. One only need look at the sheer amount of plastic and waste in our oceans to see how much we still need to learn when it comes to living responsibility with the all and ourselves.

    1. Yes we, as a humanity, mostly turn a blind eye as to where things come from and where things go, how they end up. When we throw something away it does not magically disappear into thin air. Awareness around this is crucial. In the case of plastics in our oceans it has been predicted that before too long there will be more plastic than fish. Not only are many birds and sea creatures dying because of our careless disposal of “waste products” but our own lives are at risk too. As this continues unabated we are literally destroying the very nature of this planet and of ourselves.

  116. For us, nature is not just a reminder of the grandness, the precision and the magic we belong to, but also that life(s) is the result of a movement of permanent balancing until we are able to go beyond this.

  117. I was thinking about how we will often seek nature in times of hardship or to relax or reconnect in – as we just know that there is a harmony that we can reconnect with… What would life be like if we lived more in connection with this harmony that we know within ourselves, on a more consistent basis? A quality that lives within us all the time just that gets ignored or dis-connected from…

  118. Nature is a direct reflection of the natural order and harmony that exists in the universe and our behaviour that is outside of this order and harmony sticks out like a sore thumb.

  119. We can indeed marvel at the intricate and profound beauty of nature… Imagine if humanity knew itself truly and lived within this flow …how extraordinary this would be with such grace and beauty that would reflect across the stars

  120. Indeed realizing our part in the universe and our effect and responsibility – brings us back the reason of life, the reason of living and the truth we have been given (inside us). The moment we realize this and become aware of this truth, the bubbles of illusion will be shown AND the joy of living love in life is reborn.

  121. Leaving ourselves out of the equation and life would never make sense and neither will we ever feel complete. Every part is important in love, every single part is equally important.

  122. I love nature and used to go to it when I was looking for solace from some situation or problem, this would give me a moment of connection. Nature provides us with a deep connection to who we truly are, realising the grandness of who we are and where we come from, and the degree of responsibility we have within our planet and universe.

  123. Nature is not separate from us. Life is one life, nature or city, they are all reflections for us, they are all telling us and/or confirming with us something that is happening within ourselves. What we see in nature or in the city, whether we like it or not like it, it is reflecting to us something about us. It is wise to look at everything and at all sides and not just what we want to see.

  124. When we consider ourselves separate from nature, from another and even from our own bodies we give ourselves license to abuse and maim because we can pretend either what we do doesn’t affect what we think we are separate from; or if we do see that we are having an effect we don’t believe it affects us. I have favoured the former but both are equally as irresponsible and destructive.

  125. Nature is a wondrous thing but I love that you are asking us to consider our part, rather than just gaze at it as if it has nothing to do with us. Nature is there for us to remind, confirm, bring us back, pull us up make us stop but its purpose is not to draw us into being in awe of it or for us to pedestal its beauty.

  126. No connected human being will ever knowingly choose to hurt an other. You don’t need rules laid down in books or stone to say what you should and shouldn’t do – your every cell knows the truth. The biggest crime is the way we have ended up living in our heads, conjuring up guidelines for what’s good and right out of thin air. What you show here Esther is when reconnect to our body, our true nature is simply there.

  127. Nature is a reflection of who we truly are, it allows us to confirm ourselves to being all-knowing and greater than that not in an egotistical way but just as a reflection of God our father.

  128. It occurs to me that one of the reasons we do not appreciate who we are and what we bring is because in doing so we have to then feel more of our true responsibility in bringing that to the world. No longer is the world just about us but about us all.

  129. So beautiful to appreciate I am a part of this grandness that is all around me, that I am a part of it sharing the same particles. Once I used to have to go to special places believing they were magical and I was not. Now I know this magic is within me and I see it reflected in nature especially.

  130. We are here to learn from nature with all its magical cycles and wonders and not destroy it for gain in anyway, just as we can learn so much from our bodies if we develop self care and love and not numb or destroy that either.

  131. ‘Our interdependence comes with responsibility.’ all we do to ourselves affects nature and the all and all we do to nature affects us all, loving or not loving.

  132. We are a part of the whole and unless we understand that we will always be thinking in us and them and never take the full responsibility we have.

  133. Ever since I was little I was always at one with nature and still feel the absolute wonder and dynamics it shares with us constantly. If we stop and enjoy these moments more often, we will begin to appreciate our part in the whole and how we can learn from the constant rhythm of nature and learn to work alongside it not against it.

  134. Across newspapers and website magazines there are many headlines about illness and disease. ‘The big c’, dementia, diabetes, heart failure. But to me what should be there are articles on the big ‘i’. Individuality is the scourge of true humanity. It leaves us burrowed down thinking of ‘ourselves’ as cut off islands instead of the brotherhood we are. Thank you Esther for highlighting, how when we live from our body instead of the concepts in our head we can’t help but feel our union and the purpose that is there.

  135. Well said – exactly so. Once we do not see our power in that reflection, we give our power away to something else. So, we must choose to use our power very wisely. Prefer indeed to stop our power and attention in appreciating our truth that denial of one’s truth.

  136. What a beautiful appreciation Esther, appreciation of the grandness of you and the grandness of every thing around us, of which we are an equal part;
    “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from”.

  137. This is a brilliant blog and very humbling. In that I am guessing that there are many like myself who would consider themselves to be appreciative and aware of the amazingness, beauty and grandness of nature, yet don’t take the responsibility to see themselves as part of it. What you have written is a very insightful angle on the topic and one that I hadn’t considered in the wholeness with which you present it. Thank you.

  138. Gosh, this is so true. How we marvel AT nature in a way that we might look at a painting and then, we turn our heads away and carry on with our lives.

  139. Bees are absolutely amazing and I could watch them for hours; they have sentries, undertakers, nursery workers, nectar collectors, cleaners – every bee knows their responsibility and nobody takes drugs or goes on holiday, they just love what they do and give it all they have.

  140. I love this call to be part of the whole, and not a bystander or an admiring observer.

  141. I love the simplicity yet the power of what you have expressed here Esther; what a responsibility we have to contribute to the all;
    “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to”.

  142. I absolutely love nature, I’ve always loved the absolute harmony I feel when I’m in the mountains for example. The more I connect, the more I begin to hear the different songs of the birds, and other little animals that are occupying the areas around it’s always just so beautiful!

  143. Just this morning I witnessed the absolute determination a bubble bee has when it wants to get inside a property through the tiniest of holes, in this case an air vent. It was amazing to watch how it did not give up and was focused beyond anything I have ever seen before – definitely a message there.

  144. Yes the reflection nature gives us is there to inspire and remind us that we are reflecting something too. Knowing this brings a huge responsibility because what quality do we reflect to the universe? Here responsibility is not meant as that heavy thing it is made to be, but as a grace to start loving ourselves as that then will be what we reflect outwards as well.

  145. By stopping to make it only about others in life and taking careful care for oneself first instead, we not only are honouring our true nature but with that the whole constellation, which is living on this planet earth with all the nature and with all the people we share this planet with, we are part of too.

  146. If we start to honour and take true loving care of ourselves this will automatically be transferred to everything we do and thus the answer regarding our treatment towards nature does not lie with nature but within ourselves.

    1. I agree with you Ester, we tend to look always outside for the answers to life, but actually we have to look inside as all the answers to life are already there even before we have the question in mind.

  147. I love the celebration of bees here and the appreciation of the inspiration they offer in their uncomplicated dedication to work together. In acknowledging it, I am, as a part of nature, then inspired to consider these qualities in me.

  148. However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.

  149. Nature is so beautiful and inspires us to grow and nurture ourselves and those around us as it does.

  150. Far too many of us in today’s world do not have a true appreciation and understanding of the absolute grace of nature and what it reflects to us.

  151. Brilliant blog Esther. You provide great insight into the true causes of pollution and disregard for the natural environment. Human life can seem far from natural at times due to the many artificial layers we have constructed over ourselves.

  152. Sometimes I find myself getting all worked up about why we aren’t taught from day 1 that before we can be anything in this world, we have to be ourselves. This fundamental principle determines how we behave in society. Many of us are disillusioned by what we think is us, but is in fact a version of ourselves that has purely been created to fit in, or in many cases – to seperate ourselves. All of which is not our true selves. recognising our purpose, like the bees do and moving from that would be an absolute game changer.

    1. There comes a point when fitting into the box of separation (over a very long time), just cannot be maintained any longer – hearing Serge Benhayon of Universal Medicine, present for the very first time, was the beginning of the end of that heavy duty cage like structure I had boxed myself into.
      “Many of us are disillusioned by what we think is us, but is in fact a version of ourselves that has purely been created to fit in, or in many cases – to seperate ourselves”.

  153. We are all part of the universe whether we like it or not, so we are under the constant pull to evolve and be more of the greatness that we truly are, answering this call is the only way forth as resisting it is the negating our own natural right to be in connection with the all.

  154. There are so many aspects in nature to us to learn from to start to understand the grandness we are actually from.

    1. Yes. I agree. And I love the word ‘grandness’ as an invitation to consider the bigness of all that we are part of, so much of which is beyond our view and immediate understanding.

  155. I can really relate Esther, I was once in awe of nature, having spent a great deal of time reading and watching nature-documentaries with my son who was fascinated from a young age. Since meeting Serge Benhayon and understanding the principles of the Ancient Wisdom, I am now in awe of something so much grander. Nature has it’s place within that however it is first accessed and felt deep within me and nothing in nature can compare to it’s magnificence. It does however often reflect to me aspects of that grandness and for that reason has my utmost respect, but no longer my reverence.

    1. I love how you say that you absolutely respect nature but that you know the grandness you are coming from and hence do not need nature but know its part of the whole. You are understanding life from the other side of the scale than we have learned it to be.

      1. Yes exactly, I found once that grandness was felt and became part of how i know myself, I couldn’t look at wonders of nature with the same eyes, it just didn’t compare to the enormity of the what I could access and feel inside me.

  156. I used to need nature. I would need it to escape from the reality of what was going on for me. I would rely on it to restore me and replenish my energy. Nowadays when I walk in nature I can feel that it confirms me. I do not need it in the same way. Why? Because I now take responsibility for my stuff and I live with a level of love that I did not embrace before. I am no longer desperate for relief.

  157. I suppose we either see and use nature as a distraction from our life, or we can use it as a confirmation of something grand we are actually a part of. Nature needs no condiments, only it natural flavour, perhaps that is all we need to, our natural flavour is the relationships we form and our footprint being light and loving.

  158. Ester I love what you say “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” it does start with self appreciation first this is what I have come to understand. If we are unable to appreciate our self we cannot truly appreciate another or nature.

  159. Once we connect to our essence and hold it throughout our movements we realize that we are one with nature and it is there as a reflection of our own divinity.

  160. The reflection of bees in nature working in dedication and commitment to the whole, why is this simplicity and natural law not adhered to in the human world? Have the human race left what is natural and is this choice one which is truly wise? Do we really think there are no consequences towards disobeying what is natural law?

  161. Nature is such a huge gift to remind us that we come from somewhere far grander and that we have a responsibility to live that grandness here on earth.

  162. What I love about the nature we live in is the constant reflection of the divine, reminding and or confirming us of how simple life can be when we all play our part, how joyful and abundant life actually is.

  163. “Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me.” The more I understand nature and that it is there to offer us a reflection the more I love to see the intricate way it all works together in harmony each having its own job to do as part of the whole.

  164. There is a point made here in this blog that Really strikes me today and that is seeing the value we each bring to life, the importance of what we bring simply as a tree does. It is nothing about what we do or produce but by being who we are.

  165. As one example of the magic of our natural world we need only look at the humble tree whose virtues span the entire globe. We often refer to trees as being ‘the lungs of the earth’ for they play a vital role in providing oxygen for us to breathe and thus sustain life in this realm. But symbolically a tree also reflects to us so much more. It shows us how to live the majesty of heaven here on earth. That it is only by digging deep and establishing a steady foundation of love (like the elaborate root system of a tree), are we able to reach great heights, reach out to others, connect with our divinity (the branches extending out, fruits, flowers and leaves blossoming). Thus, through the reflection of a single tree we understand at a deeper level the simple truth that; as is above, so too must be below (Hermes). With this in mind, we can now look at every single aspect of nature and know that there is a deeper message for us to receive and ponder on that is all designed to guide us safely home to the love within our hearts and our full-bodied expression of this. I am forever in awe of the Science of Reflection.

    1. Simply put – the virtue of a tree is that it helps us ‘breathe the breath of God’.

  166. Nature takes care of itself naturally. It is when we interfere with nature that we can cause damage and disharmony. This reminds me that if we allow ourselves and others to be who we are, naturally this is healing but if we impose and try to change others it creates conflict.

  167. A beautiful article. It has brought to me an insight as to how we, as a humanity can destroy nature at the rate that is currently happening on our planet. With out accepting ourselves as being equal to nature and appreciating the part that all play, we are able to live our lives in constant disregard, destroying our bodies, creating illness and disease. Which is exactly what we then do with nature. To me self love is the precursor to the ultimate service of loving and honoring nature, the true protection the very same that nature is offering back to us every day.

  168. Listening to a swarm of bees in activity on a young spring day is one of the most alluring sounds of stillness in action I have ever heard.

  169. Your blog confirms the fact that there must be another force not of this world running the human show we all play ball with at times, if not completely are enthralled with all the time. The craziness of not honouring and respecting ourselves and the very world we live in which we endlessly depend on for our own health and well being anyway, is akin to the craziness of how people can completely trash their own bodies with alcohol and drugs. It makes no sense on a physical level, and proves that there must be another character behind it all which is known as the human spirit.

  170. And it is the extraordinary connection with oneself, the potential of connecting deeply within to every cell that lays the foundation that makes true responsibility possible.

  171. Appreciation still seems to be in our head, an idea of a moment we stop and stock take and say ‘hey I did that well today’ or ‘that conversation was great’. But what I sense from your words Esther is that true appreciation is a quality, a flavour that we can know in everything we do. It is a constant ability to hold yourself in awe as part of divinity, and so step forward joyfully, enjoying each step you take and meal you make. It’s like true appreciation is not a word or a thing but a vibrational state of being where you are connected naturally to everything.

    1. Beautifully expressed Joseph. I am learning that appreciation can be expressed and felt in different ways. It is a vibration that we can choose to be in consistently in every moment or not. When I am moving in true appreciation I feel joyful and light.

  172. That is so true, we are equal to the beauty that is reflected in nature because we are made from the same source. I had not considered the importance of seeing myself as an equal partner but in doing so I would take more responsibility for what I was putting out in the world both physically, emotionally and energetically.

  173. The incredible beauty of nature working in true unity and how it shows us that if we separate from the whole through wanting identification or recognition we are not then able to see the grander scale of life and the part we play in it. Bringing our essence and expression to the all brings responsibility and true brotherhood to the forefront and that then mirrors what we see in nature time and time again.

  174. ‘Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me.’ Many people relate to nature more than they relate to themselves and others and glorify and champion it endlessly. It’s true we need to respect nature and work with it but not hold it as more than the grandness of who we are.

  175. Won’t go past the first line; “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” Doesn’t this make sense? I know growing up the only way I truly got something was to do it myself, understand it and then be able to live that understanding there after. Once this was done I didn’t go back or revisit that moment nor carry it with me, it was like I was standing on my own foundation of what I had seen and done. Why I ever thought I could do something for someone else without being or bringing that to myself first goes against everything I know is true from how I have lived. When I peel it back and look at it I can see it makes absolute sense for me to live what I am and then in every touch, every moment, every breath, everything I am already will be in every part. No need to bring anything to anyone because you are already everything for everyone and so it changes how you look at life, at people and at issues that come your way.

    1. This is gorgeous Ray and yes it does change how we are in life. All the pushing, trying, driving forward can just melt away as that deeper care of ourselves and acceptance of ourselves come to the fore.

      1. We’ve been sold a lie on how to live, on how to be and in that our view, perceptions and pictures of the world are upside down or skewed sideways. This way of living won’t let you see it until you walk free of it and then you realise why so many things felt the way they did. We live in constant anxiety of what is going on around us because we are not truly seeing it for what it is. The Way of The Livingness is and does put a stop to all of this and brings us back into alignment. This alignment isn’t just a belief it’s a natural alignment that everything else flows to like nature. We are far greater then we appreciate and if your life isn’t speaking that back to you in every moment then you are out of alignment.

      2. I can absolutely relate to this Ray. I have not mastered it but I can really appreciate how I am now able to walk through life free of so many of the anxieties and fears that used to beset me and that I can see still affect others. Often I take this for granted, but then I might stop and look back at a situation or event and go “wow! that was pretty huge what I DIDN’T react to then.” Why? Because I saw it for what it is and thus it didn’t affect me.

  176. Wow. I love this. How can we be a part of anything without being its absolute equal for there to be true harmony?

  177. Considering a flock of bees living in a beehive to be a miniature of the grandness of the universe we live in, can, when seen from this perspective, give us an insight of what living in harmony with the universe actually entails. We are designed to work every minute of the day, only with one purpose and that is to serve the hive, knowing that this is who we are and are part of and that doing our part in it will return to us the support and grandness in return from the whole hive. Now replace hive with the universe and we are able to place ourselves into the whole, but to me it will be wise to practice this in our local communities first and not take the big step to wanting to serve the universe from day one but to keep it practical and do what we are here for, to serve the communities we live in and from that, like the beehive, will serve the whole because we are in harmony with it.

  178. How come we have come to think like we are the centre of everything and do not belong to the whole we are living in while we are an undeniable part of nature as so brilliantly described in this blog? Could it be that we do rely too much on our mind and not so much to our body, as what I have found by becoming more aware of my body that it does hold such a wisdom and from there can feel that I am part of the whole I am living in? And with that whole I mean the whole, not limited to our planet or the stars we can see in the universe but even beyond, as great and stupendous as it is.

  179. The wisdom that is shared here is simple but we have made life so much about being someone and achieving plenty that we have lost sight of the divine simplicity that is all around us, fixed with our eyes on one point, and one point only, missing out on the grandness that we are part of.

  180. I love how you have captured the importance of the connectedness between humanity and nature.

  181. What you raise here is so important Esther. If we do not see ourselves as an equal and necessary part of the wonder around us then we will not care for our environment or those around us, let alone us. And looking at this planet you can see that we do not care for it in the way we can and it highlights the separation we create between it and us, and how until we resolve this in us and actually embrace us, our care and our part in it then we will abuse our environment, and all around us; so no amount of fixing the environment will work until we address our own internal environments – the inner really does reflect the outer.

  182. I love your points here Esther. Of course we are a part of everything else, how could we not be?! We cannot separate ourselves from the rest of the universe. Where else do we belong? So it makes sense to care deeply for the body we are given which makes up a tiny part of the universe. By taking care of ourselves we do our bit for taking care of the whole.

    1. So simple Rebecca, I love it. And so simple is taking responsibility for the whole by just taking care for ourselves in the knowing that we are part of the whole and that everything matters. We either add to the whole and make it even grander or we make it less, all by our individual choice and which ultimately is felt by all.

      1. …and if we don’t take care of ourselves it really hurts. It hurts our bodies, it hurts others, and it affects everything around us. To not care for ourselves we have to be resisting our naturally loving ways which is quite exhausting and destructive. Why would we think that this is ok?

      2. That is a great question Rebecca. To me it is not about any reasonable thinking as mostly we act out of reaction when we are triggered by situations or what other people say and in that are led by emotion and have no eye anymore for the tender body we live in but only want our needs to be fulfilled. For any reasonable thinking person would not want to harm him or herself but our striving for recognition and award makes us vulnerable for doing things we actually would not have done when we would have been connected to that love and delicacy we all equally are.

  183. Esther what you’re presenting here is huge! I can see that if I were to appreciate myself as part of the whole and feel the part only I can deliver, my choices would be in harmony with the divine order because they would be impulsed from there. I am equal to the All and there is no resentment, no do good doing only love and expansion that nature so beautifully reflects. So, so different to the illusion that I don’t matter which is just a convenient lie to excuse my carrying on doing things just for self- interest.

    I’m really seeing how the bubble of my own little world is actually a perspex prison, like I can see the world but not touch or be a part of it in the way I was designed to be. So inspired to live not from I should do x or x to be good (or conversely react to the rules I try to set myself and rebel) but consider the All in every thing from cleaning my teeth to what is next to do and return myself to living from every cell of my body committed to life.

  184. Esther I have to say this was not apparent to me!
    “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.”
    I didn’t come to this understanding until I met Serge Benhayon and listened to what he had to say, slowly it dawned on me that I was not taking care of myself, you could say there was little to no love in my body. Serge Benhayon and his family make life about love it is everything and I have come to this realisation myself via the reflection they give out as they live their lives in and with love as the upper most ingredient. Years later it is now very apparent to me that if we don’t care for ourselves there is no way we can truly care for any other species on this Earth all thanks to Serge Benhayon and his families support.

  185. If we stop and consider the miraculous ways in which our bodies are working away inside us to keep everything flowing and functioning to the best of its ability, regardless of what our outer body is doing, we can start to appreciate that it is in fact flowing in harmony with the outer nature that is all around us. There is a rhythm to life which we are a part of, and our bodies are constantly doing their best to align to it. It is only when we let ourselves get in the way, that this rhythm is interrupted and things start to go wrong.

  186. This is something we still need to understand and then live, that the care and love we have for ourselves is reflected in the care and love we have for something else, be it a person, nature or anything else in life. Only when we truly grasp this will we start the changes that are needed, to deeply care for ourselves and learn to love ourselves first, which then will radiate out to everyone and everything else.

  187. For sure we have a responsibility to life as we are part of that grander whole we call Earth and the universe but I like to keep it simple therefore I would prefer to focus on how I am in the society I live in. Do I live such that I know I do contribute as a valuable part of this little whole in the grander whole and do I feel responsible for that? I must honestly say that I am not always aware of my role and that it is a valuable part and an important part to make everything working in a flow that supports other people in having human value rich lives and with that in fact I try to not take my full responsibility to the society I live in yet.

  188. When we truly love, appreciate and live in respect of our bodies, we live in honour of our homes, our communities, our country, our planet, and our universe. Everything around us is communicating the way forward if we listen.

  189. Seeing the relationship with ourselves in context of the whole brings understanding and purpose to the responsibility we each have. Appreciation is a divine quality.

  190. I was visiting family yesterday and while looking out of a window I saw a robin fly down and land on the garden fence. It made me stop and smile and in that moment I felt very still and connected to myself and everyone.

    1. And when I let myself be touched by these moments I cannot help but feel the connectedness of everything and the inspiration and support that is always there.

  191. What I got from re-reading this today, is that when we live separate from something, we leave open the door for abuse to enter. When we live connected to it, we naturally want to take care and appreciate it. I feel this also extends to ourselves, as when we live in connection to our body and our essence, we naturally want to care for the precious being that it is. When we live disconnected from it, it is easier to disregard it and bring in the abuse.

  192. ‘Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.’ Powerful words Esther and so very true. Whilst we continue to forgo embracing and appreciating who we are, including our part in the universe we are in, we will continue to see the abuse, restlessness and turmoil that we are currently are witnessing across the globe, as a result of the resistance of living in harmony, in rhythm, in accordance to the universal order that we are all held in together.

  193. Nature has to be read like everything else for what it brings so as we learn to feel energy what nature brings is opening us up to share a greater awareness about some of life mysteries. Our ability to read energy or clairsentience is something I feel I will always be developing so what I feel and how I read it is becoming supper important thus a work in progress to the best of my ability.
    For more on CLAIRSENTIENCE go to;

  194. Esther, this is absolutely beautiful to read, ‘Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.’ I had an experience a few days ago where I was looking up at the stars and I felt how absolutely beautiful they are, I felt this beauty and sparkle in me too, I felt very light and clear and did not hold myself as lesser, this experience reminded me not to get caught up in issues and to instead stay with my power and amazingness, the stars were a beautiful reflection of who I truly am and where I am from.

  195. It beggars belief to see the way we declare ourselves the ‘most intelligent species’ in the world but then go around abusing each other and our bodies. As you show, Esther, nature behaves contrastingly, so wisely. It makes no practical sense until you come to understand the human spirit and it’s way of endlessly acting so recklessly.

    1. Very true Joseph. The willingness to be aware of how and why the human spirit operates as it does is very empowering, as we then realise that with same breath we have the equal opportunity to choose to live in connection to and guided by the light of our Soul, who we all are.

  196. Esther, I love what you have shared about ‘using’ nature responsibly – how it is a reflection for us of our natural cycles and natural ways, and yet it is too about us deepening our care and respect for ourselves on every level, so that we can have this confirmed when out in connection to nature again!

  197. It is incredible how we have carved out an existence in a corner of the universe and then pretended that we are separate from it, even though we know that it is impossible to be separate from it. Such is the illusion of human life on this planet.

  198. We can either go to nature and try to find there what we are missing in life or we can be in harmony with nature and awake to the symbolism and magic that are at hand.

  199. 7 billion ‘me’s’ in the world – that’s where we are going wrong for sure 🙂

  200. The level of cooperation and harmony that animal species work with is quite spectacular. I feel we all know deep down that we humans are not only capable of this but it is our natural way to live. We have gone a long way from this harmony and awareness of our part in the whole universe. As has been pointed out in the blog, we have become very self-obsessed and incredibly disregarding of the impact our behaviours and energy have on the rest of the planet and universe. Until we reclaim our true nature, we will have nature to reflect it to us.

  201. I can’t ‘bee leave’ how much I can still be like a ‘hermetically separated’ slug that crawled up in my blankets and hides from humanity. Thank you Esther, placing myself out of reach of humanity is slowly changing so I can ‘bee’ accessible in a responsible way.

  202. Talking about bees, my name is originally Hebrew and means bee, industrious one. We are a part of and linked to nature in so many ways. Its good to be reminded.

  203. Awesome. “We see ourselves as detached from all that is going on around us, so that we can behave like little bubbles that are hermetically separated from everything around us, unless we choose it differently.” The harm that comes from this way of thinking is evident in the outcomes of self-centred living we have today. By removing the illusion of separation we start to take responsibility for not just what we do, but how and why we do what we do.

  204. Marvellous piece of writing, and more so because I am sure English is your second language. It is true what you say – that we tend to think of nature as something extrinsic rather than being something that we are integrally part of.

  205. Through reading your blog I can see and appreciate how self-care and self-love is actually a responsibility as we are part of the all and therefore everything we do affects the all including nature.

    1. The delicate care that a bee takes when it is collecting pollen is a reflection that I feel we can all learn from. The marvels that nature offer have never bee-n understood for what they offer as a direct reflection for us to evolve.

  206. Truly appreciating ourselves is important as it helps us to appreciate the power that we all have and the responsibility that inherently comes with it!

  207. Such a great point Esther, holding ourselves less than anything in this world is based on a false premise that we are 3 dimensional beings only and not the multi-dimensional grandness we are in our essence. Nothing in nature can compare to this, but it certainly can reflect aspects of that grandness in all its beauty and wonder.

    1. So true Jenny, we always have to remain connected to our essence as that is where we are all returning to, and nature can offer up a reflection, the same as what we offer nature can be from our grandness when we responsibly claim who we are. Seeing everything is energy, which is only a vibration, the energy we vibrate in is so easily felt by nature. The harmony we all come from is part of the divine reflection that nature responds to and would you believe we all respond to the magic that is offered through our divine connection to harmony.

      1. Yes it is a magical intertwined symphony Greg and all it takes is for one of us to choose a connection to our essence and all you have described can be felt and seen, like another world opening up.

      2. So true Jenny magic awaits our every move when a divine connection is obtained, as presented by Serge Benhayon, so all is felt as a unifying love. So when we live full of loving responsibility our harmony and joy is a reflection for all to feel.

  208. That’s awesome to realise that we are part of nature not separate from it! It’s a big thing to accept, given we are not taught that we are connected to the all.

  209. Wow, I just got this…standing in separation to the grandness of nature and the universe we stand in separation to all. I also love nature and marvel at the sheer beauty of snowcapped mountains or gorgeous cherry blossom trees all in bloom… but haven’t considered my own beauty or sweetness. Appreciation is such a game changer, one that I forget to practice.

  210. Very true – to embody love or self-appreciation allows us to offer it to all without any trying or doing.

  211. How amazing is it to come together as a group to complete something – whether it’s a project at work, setting the dinner table or helping to paint a house, working together simply feels fantastic.

  212. Beautiful Esther – this life is certainly a package deal. Like a beautiful flower you would never say one petal is better than another, they all feed in and play a part in the plants health. Knowing this you can see how thinking poorly of ourselves or that we are more nightly is just a trick, an illusion we can indulge in. There’s no need to continue this any more when you understand nature’s real order.

  213. If everything is energy and everything is because of energy it means that we are all responsible for everything that happens. This does not have to be a burden but a simple choice to be more care-full, truth-full and loving in everything we do.

  214. ‘How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all.’ If I swap the ‘bee’ in this sentence and put ‘human being’ in place then I have to be honest and see how much ‘me’ there still is and how much work there is to be done for us as human beings. Nature is giving us very powerful reflections and is always there to remind us that we are part of the grandness and have the responsibility to live accordingly.

  215. Accepting and being part of the grandness of the universe opens up the true purpose of our part in the whole. With true purpose comes a joy and love for all we do -not matter what our chosen ‘busy working bee’ life may be.

  216. Knowing we are a part of nature and not bystanders looking on and that nature suffers because of our lack of understanding and appreciation of what it is here to offer, would we still abuse and misuse it and make demands on it in the way we do at present. When we don’t interfere with nature it has a natural rhythm and flow in which everything works together to support the whole.

  217. I used to think that nature was something to look up to and admire, but I some how separated from it and made myself less, now through reconnection with my inner heart I understand that nature and I are part of a divine whole and, that divine light within me and all can inspire…and support nature when I live it in full.

  218. When we acknowledge and accept that we do have a responsibility and that responsibility is living in connection to ourselves, to God and with the planet and everything in it how we see life begins to change. When thoughts in the past or future enter I do my best to let them go and when I find myself reacting I do my best to let it go. Nothing is greater than constantly checking in on how my body is feeling to feel the connection to myself, God, nature and to everyone and everything.

  219. I used to live as ‘me’ in the centre and completely ignore that there are not only another 7 billion people,’ so I found out that living like this is the exact opposite of what truly living is all about. My life as an integral part of my evolution has become all about connecting to humanity and to first learn how to be loving in all I do so that love is then a reflection for everyone.

  220. Caring for ourselves could include a walk in nature everyday. Since I have been having this daily ritual of walking, connected to myself, in nature, I feel more spaciousness and a growing appreciation for life.

  221. Pondering on bees and how they are here in purpose and follow that through, it gets me thinking about just how seperate we have all chosen to be, live. If animals have a plan, one that keeps them working in harmony always, then why do we think we are above or different to that. Our so called intellgence seems to really get in the way of our purpose here.

    1. It is well worth taking a moment to consider why we believe we are more intelligent when our actions are less intelligent isn’t it?!!! I am forever humbled by the reflection nature offers me, not because it is greater but because it shows me where I have lived in ignorance of the effect what I do, say and think has on the whole.

  222. Taking care of ourself is an essential part of our foundation if we are to truly and consistently be loving with all others. The intent behind why we do what we do e.g is it to make a comfy life for ourself or is it a true part of looking after what we need to makes all the difference…

  223. It is true that we cannot deeply appreciate the livingness of nature to the depth that is available to each of us if we have not cultivated the appreciation and beheld love for ourselves.

  224. Esther, this is very interesting, ‘ Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.’ I can feel how I have always seen nature as more beautiful and more amazing than people and so it is great to read how nature is a reflection of our grandness, beauty and amazingness and is showing us our true nature and potential.

  225. If we lived more universally with the awareness of energy we would look at responsibility very differently. In other words, when we realise that we are indeed part of a greater plan and order in the universe, we would realise that everything we do affects not only this planet but reflects to all others. Think big.

  226. Great reminder “if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” Something I have been really working on is self appreciation and truly allowing myself to feel.

  227. It’s shocking how many people think they have to go out there to protect nature, when every single one of our moves can do more damage to our planet and the universe than any amount of benevolent work can “fix”.

  228. The more we are truly connected with ourselves the more we are truly connected with everything else … including nature. I can really relate with what you have shared, I too love nature and am sometimes blown away by its absolute beauty but I feel an equal to this and no longer it is something that is separate from me.

  229. I look around and see that all too often we want all the beauties of nature without giving it the respect it requires, just in the same way we mistreat our bodies and then blame them for their ailments. We think we can take our actions out of the equation like they have no consequences. I too can stop pretending I am inconsequential; none of us are no matter how small we may try to make ourselves be in this matter of influencing the world we live in.

  230. One of the most beautiful things about reconnecting to our inner truth is that the separation that seems to be inevitable in our world now is there no longer, as the interconnectedness of all things becomes apparent, and then a living truth.

  231. It is odd how we as humans get about in all these tiny, isolated, self-created bubbles that seemingly drift within the huge Universe blissfully unaware of the greater part we each play within it. But if you observe bubbles long enough, and given enough space, they have a remarkable ability to eventually join each other and form one gigantic sphere. This is the truth of who we are.

  232. being on an equal standing with all that is the natural world is making us realise the difference we can make when we come together on a level of deep love and brotherhood. Showing us our responsibility.

  233. It is interesting that even though we live in the universe we somewhat do not see ourselves as a part of it but believe we can do whatever we like and not having to abide to the universal laws.

  234. I used to never make a connection between nature and me, since making different choices and connecting more to who I am I know that the grandness and beauty of nature is just a reflection of me and the more I appreciate and value myself the more is the depth of communication with the wonderment of the universe.

  235. There is humility and grandness in accepting that we are part of nature – letting go of our isolated individualism and embracing responsibility and our natural unity.

  236. I feel we get into trouble when we see nature as separate from us, that somehow the laws that govern nature don’t apply to us. If we look at nature in this separation, marveling at its harmony and beauty and don’t see that as a reflection or reminder of what is within ourselves, we are missing the point.

  237. Very wise words indeed Esther, seeing ourselves separate from nature either has us in awe of it or oblivious to it and the role it plays, and the constant communication.

  238. Nature is very honest and when we look at the environment and how it is around us constantly we can be shown a mirror or a microcosm of what our lives are like. When we take this honesty shared from nature we can see just how important we are to the whole universe and how everything interconnects always.

  239. “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” I am now starting to appreciate me and what I bring to the world ever so slowly, this I can lose sight of, thank you Esther for the reminder.

  240. To be in connection to ‘ the all ‘ includes nature and the rhythms we are all part of, we can live in isolation to these facts but nature will always be there to remind us of our interdependance. We live in ignorance to the fact that are denaturing the very planet we live on, just as we abuse the body we live in. When we begin to self love and self care we will realise to live in harmony with the body cannot exclude anyone or anything including our planet.

  241. Appreciation of ourselves allows us to feel that we are equal to nature in every way and allows us to feel the grandness that is inherent in us. When we appreciate ourselves we feel more easily our part in the big picture and can respond more easily to what is needed.

  242. You are so right Esther, we have a million documentaries on the wonder of nature, and yet we refuse to see the essential way nature applies to you and me. We fight like vicious enemies the cycles we are part of, pretend we are exempt and ‘special cases’. We spend our lives trying to rewire, mimic and beat God at his game, so what would our life be like if we accepted we are all naturally the same?

  243. When I connect to nature I connect to the abundance of life but when I live from my ignorant mind, I feel depleted and shortened in resources and in a way give up on the grandness I am.

  244. Connecting to and reading the reflection that is offered by nature’s every form, movement and grace offers us endless opportunities to grow and to learn.

  245. What a beautiful sentence to read –”Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring”. I love how claimed you are in how you fit into the order of the universe.

    1. What an absolute joy to confirm that we are Universal and never are we not the grandness of the all.
      It becomes a question then of what we are reflecting and whether it be the stars and limitless potential or a much lesser and denser reality.

  246. Thank you Esther, that too has been my experience as the more I appreciate and confirm myself the more I appreciate nature and know in my heart I am part of the universe and also feel the responsibility of being me in all that I do.

  247. Nature is forever reflecting to us the divine order and precision of the Universe and our responsibility to the cycle of the all in which we live.

  248. Isn’t it fascinating and ridiculous at the same time that human kind marvel at all sort of things from nature’s wonders to someone’s achievements, but missing out to appreciate human body,the most incredible and stupendous mechanism, and the being inside? Where and when did we lose this connection and stopped appreciating OUR nature?

  249. A testament to the fact that the more we realise and understand we are part of the whole, the grander the whole will become as we play our part.

  250. The sheer destruction of nature, our abuse and absolute general lack of care and appreciation of it simply highlights how deeply we lack any appreciation of ourselves and each other.

  251. “I matter and matter greatly in this world” I always questioned why I felt like I was bottom of the list and a lot of time was until I realised it was because I put everyone else first and me last. Finding Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I got this understanding and have chosen to care deeply and appreciate myself, no longer feeling or being bottom of the list.

  252. Looking at things as if we are part of the whole how dare we treat ourselves and nature the way we do. Nature always has a way of correcting itself and I am coming to realise more and more that our bodies do the same thing. Unless we get in line with the bigger picture or greater plan we are looking at severe hard times and a lot of unnecessary suffering.

    1. Sure kevmchardy, just look at the increasing illness and disease rates confirms what you are saying about that nature will always correct itself to stay in harmony with the all, so too do our bodies have to obey to the same laws, and illness and disease are a result of this correcting movements.

  253. It is apparent to me also Esther, that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nature, animals, the earth, the universe…and so on. I love how you have highlighted that nature does reflect to us the grandness of who we truly are; it is up to us to observe, listen and appreciate.

    1. Absolutely – to confirm ourselves in our divinity and grandness in each and every moment.

  254. A beautiful, brilliant and essential understanding that we are part of the whole, and forgetting this for even a moment causes a ripple of disharmony. Being responsible for our own awareness of this and our choices around it is life changing. Not just for us but for humanity and the universe.

  255. ‘I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world’.- The connection between all living things which includes all of nature and our earth has been forgotten. The Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom has supported our return to true connection and this blog has invited me to ponder on how I see myself as a part of the all – do I appreciate who I am and what I bring?

  256. I love the confirmation you describe Esther, that nature reminds us of the grandness we are. It is all around us all the time to tap into wherever we are; even in cities, we can look up to the skies or hear a few birds. When we marvel at nature, we can marvel at ourselves too.

  257. The beauty and responsibility nature offers us is absolute ” I love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me. Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” Thanks to Serge Benhayon the real role of nature and our reflection, choices and support is seen clearly for all humanity.

  258. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” – I agree and by truly loving ourselves more and taking deeper care of ourselves we more naturally appreciate our interconnectedness and extend that same love and care to all others.

  259. Well said Esther. We think we live in our own bubble and that our actions don’t have an impact on the people or things around us, but actually all of our choices have ripples, and these ripples can move far and wide and affect our relationships, people we meet, nature and much more.

  260. Yes, Esther, we marvel at the order of nature and in the universe and yet we do not acknowledge how we are an intrinsic part of it all, so determined have we been to retain a sense of individuality and avoid our greater responsibility.

  261. These words feel so profound and true. We love to love nature but we leave ourselves out of the equation and continue to abuse ourselves, holding ourselves as less than, however if it wasn’t for our amazing faculties, within our amazing bodies we couldn’t appreciate nature as much as we do…”Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me. Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from. Our interdependence comes with responsibility.”

  262. Esther when you share that “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” this makes complete sense yet prior to coming to Universal Medicine I would not have considered the real and depth of importance that taking care and loving myself really means. Yet now from my experience I look back and wonder how I considered I was caring for others when I was not caring for myself.

  263. I was walking on a nature trail today to view a waterfall and noticed how still and yet so vibrant it was being underneath the canopy of the trees and how much of a sanctuary nature provides us to return back to that same stillness yet alive and vibrant space within our own body… The reflections from nature are forever there to support one to reconnect.

  264. ‘I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how’. I am being confirmed in what I bring every day which makes it easier to appreciate myself and all the steps ( big and small) that I have walked to be in this place of huge self-appreciation….

  265. The problem with environmental activism per se is not that it is not right to be concerned about the environment, but that we are not focussing on the problem at the heart of the matter, and that is our level of disconnection within ourselves. If we were more connected, and as such treasured ourselves more deeply, that level of self care would extend to the way we treat others and the environment by default.

  266. It seems that sometimes it can be easier for us to pick out our own faults than to appreciate ourselves in full. Just as you wouldn’t look at a scenic view and complain about a branch being out of place, we should enjoy and appreciate ourselves in full for all that we are.

  267. Beautifully said Jane nature is a reflection for us reminding us there are no limits we are all connected within the cycles of life nature is a constant reminder of this.

  268. It is a great question, Esther. Why are we outsiders looking in on nature and even though we appreciate many aspects of it we do not always take responsibility for our part in maintaining a balance with nature which is so necessary for universal harmony.

  269. There is so much that we can learn from the natural world. Tiny insects like bees and ants are such amazing examples, who work together to build thier homes and to support their community. They all have a purpose within their community and that is what they do. Without this support from each individual the colony would not survive. When we can understand that there is a reflection for us to see from even these tiny creatures, we will begin to understand the significance of the responsibility that we have in this world.

  270. Nature is a reflection for us that constantly is reminding us of our true nature and essence of life, especially needed when we have moved away from it by living from our wandering mind.

  271. Yes Esther – it’s important to see and embrace our true living nature. An equalness, a evenness a deep understanding that moves with a sublime grace – the more we know ourselves this way the less room there is for the false games that get played.

  272. It is true, we live in disconnection from nature, we are in awe of the beauty. But we forget to see that this beauty is just a reflection for us to connect back to. We are a part of the whole that nature is.

    1. Totally agree Benkt I never considered that nature was just a reflection for us to connect back to until I attended and listened to the presentations by Serge Benhayon. I began to realise that we are equal with nature if we choose to be and this blog clearly reminds us of the responsibility we hold in our relationship to each other, the universe and all it holds in how we live and whether we nurture or not.

  273. The fact the we see and feel the beauty and grandness that nature is shows that we deep down know our own part in it and the grandness we are coming from, as how could we possibly know/see something in another if we hadn’t something within us that it could respond to.

  274. When we look up and see the mass of stars sprinkled across the night sky, the transparency between those stars and us looking up on a clear cloudless night can make you realise that we are part of a massive and very grand universe, and so we can’t live our life in an egocentric way that is as if everything evolves around ‘us’ or ‘me’ – there is a responsibility of the way we live that doesn’t just affect our own body, but also affects other people and the vast universe in which our planet is integrally placed within.

  275. Wow Esther, reading your blog I can feel how much we are missing out when we are only admirers of nature. The reflection nature gives us allows us to connect to so much more, the truth that we are part of the beauty we live in, all the way to the stars.

    1. Indeed Jane, nature has no limit as it is connected to the all, and that is what nature is reminding us of constantly, that we are the same.

  276. To have nature around us as a reflection is a blessing indeed – but as said it is a reflection, hence it is a reminder of that which lies within each of us already. Sadly as is pointed out by Esther in this blog, more often than not we do not access this part of ourselves unless we have suddenly strayed too far and then seek nature to bring us back – and this is a wonderful blessing that we can choose to use, but what if we just tapped into our our natural essence directly? Perhaps it is we who are the ambulant blessing we seek?

    1. Nature is a great support and going for a walk in nature can bring us back to ourselves but it is our willingness that allows this and it is our care-full commitment to ourselves that allows that connection to remain.

  277. It is a big thing to let go of the religious beliefs that dictated what we thought our origins were and to appreciate the true majesty of God and nature that we are part of and their true role in our evolution.

  278. There is much to appreciate, honour and observe within nature – we can learn a lot from observing the magic of God, the flow of nature and the cycles of life and all that is forever rejecting to us the true harmony of Life.

  279. It was beautiful to come back and read your blog again Esther it is such a great reminder that it can be so easy for us to use nature for our own pleasure instead of recognising that we are part of the whole that includes nature, and it is there to confirm our own grandness of who we are and where we are from. Life has an order and a process and nature offers a powerful reflection of this.

  280. You outline a great blueprint for truly caring for nature – no slogans, no rah rah, no manifestoes, no fights, battles or wars; instead we have responsibility and the knowing that we are a part of the all as our foundation.

    1. I agree with you Gabriele, most poignantly expressed, there is no need for promoting nature in any way shape or form, just the taking of our own responsibility in all areas of our life.

  281. Living in the center of a city I am always struck by the power of getting out into nature and feeling the connection to a rhythm of movement far greater and a reminder that we are also of this.

  282. To be able to truly care for another we need to care for our self first. When I first heard this presented by Serge Benhayon it made absolute sense to me but it took me a long time to actually to feel worthy of the depth of care that I now give to my self.

  283. I can feel that sometimes I have regarded nature as higher than myself as there is an intelligence and rhythm lived in nature that I wasn’t living for myself. However, when we do connect to what we offer this same grandness is equal in all of us too.

  284. The depth of quality I can feel when someone lives deeply taking care of themselves, is full of appreciation and knowing the depth of who they are. Such a person seems to be one with the Universe and with God, so through them I experience the Universe and God. As human beings we seem to have a tendency of proudly isolating our awareness and expression to our thoughts, which can take us millions of miles away from the connection with the everything around us and the deep awareness we could have, and so often even our well intended actions prove to be harming in hindsight. I can understand completely that taking care of myself and building that deep connection with my essence is the first step to truly contributing to the world around us.

  285. There is so much grandness and majesty in nature that is on offer to us everyday, but we can so easily dismiss it as we focus on our busy lives. Taking the opportunity to stop and appreciate what we are a part of is so important, and is the start of accepting that we also have a responsibility for the part we have to play in the greater scheme of things.

  286. The true gift of nature and its reflections for us is a never ending offering to humanity. The appreciation of ourselves from this is deeply beautiful and offers us true evolution.

  287. ‘I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.’ It is only through presentations such as those given by Serge Benhayon that we can begin to understand just how significant we each are, our purpose in life, and our role in the expansion of the Universe.

  288. When we appreciate ourselves as part of the Whole, then we can appreciate how we all work together to bring balance, harmony and unity on this planet. Nature is an amazing reflection to us, showing that we are not meant to be here or do things alone, that the natural order on earth can be restored when we each see the equal part that we all play.

  289. A very beautiful and meaningful analogy “each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together” – one of purpose, commitment to life and what is needed of each of us.

  290. What a beautiful expansive sharing Esther I love it .The understanding that we all matter and our responsibility on earth with nature each other and in the Universe is something that Serge Benhayon is reflecting to us in a way that we have not taken full and true responsibility and appreciation for as humanity and is much needed. Serge Benhayon is reflecting to us the deep care for ourselves walked in our everyday movements and imprints and the integrity, love and appreciation of this is immense and really does make a difference.

  291. When we understand that we matter, that every choice impacts everyone and everything, it becomes obvious that we need to take care of ourself deeply, as this profoundly affects the quality of our footprint.

  292. Esther, I feel you have unearthed something that lies underneath our human psyche. We all love to connect with nature and be in awe of the abundance of natural beauty but do we consider ourselves with the same reverence? We are missing out big time if we think nature is grander than us, and what you have written here Esther puts us back in the context and majesty of nature.

  293. A beautiful sharing Esther! I agree Esther, that our grand purpose is for us to evolve Humanity and this can come about through the taking of responsibility in our lives through decisions and actions. Thank you for this inspiring blog.

  294. “But this is not how the world or the universe works. We are part of it and thus we always play a part in it in every moment of our life, whether we want it or not.” This is a n essential piece of foundational truth that it seems a lot of people miss in their development to understanding what is truly the purpose of life , why we are born and the imprint we have to offer. If this awareness was offered from young then perhaps there will be a reflection from people back to the universe that supports and expands the whole and not diminishes it

  295. When we care for ourselves and have that as a foundation, care for others and the world around us flows from us and is not even something we have to try out. But that is challenging if the foundation is not there. Self care is by no means selfish, it is a gift for all.

  296. Feeling our own rhythm and how that is within the rhythm of nature, of God, gives a greater understand to the importance of living lightly in all aspects of our lives. Do no harm.

  297. We could ask ourselves, what is our honey? Bees make this amazing substance as well as cross pollinating plants and are part of a great network of mutually sustaining organisms. Perhaps for us it would be a collective love and care for the planet and each other that would allow it to shine so brightly in the heavens.

  298. This is so very true Esther…we tend to focus on everything outside of us “but when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose.” We don’t take responsibility for our part which is all about knowing and understanding our innate wisdom and purpose.

  299. When we come to this world we learn so much that we are an individual and stand separate to everything, but in truth, we are not, we are part of everything.

  300. Bees, like ants, show us the power of dedication to our path in life, without comparison, competition or judgment; simply the most beautiful acceptance of the integral, significant and super important part that each one plays in the bigger picture. There is so much humility, unity and power in this; so much for us to learn from and be inspired by.

  301. What I find fascinating if but rather sad and startling is the fact that humanity seems to love its separateness, its divisions and we fight region against region, nation against nation, race against race. All the while we are totally dependent on each other for our global wealth and overall well-being. It only takes a moment to consider just how dependent we are on other nations for our own level of material comfort, for us to realise that any form of self centredness is absolutely crazy!

  302. Admiration tends not to include ourselves as part of the magnificence of what we are feeling, hence stems from a place of inequality.

  303. Your last paragraph is really poignant. The whole article provides the wisdom to the question of how is it that one can admire something so deeply yet be in the disregard of it, using and abusing it. This reminds me also of families, friends, relationships. That when we live from being the centre of our world and not in consideration or relationship with others or ourselves in connection with all that is surround us, we have a great capacity to abuse. Conversely when we are connected with everyone and the universe around us we realise we have a part to play to reflect the beauty and marvel that we all are.

  304. It always amazes me when a ‘cult killing’ occurs – how much press, outrage, reaction and disgust it brings up in everyone. Every single one of the major religions has killed literally millions of people over the years and yet you never, ever read a sensationalist headline shouting about the shocking death of XX people by crazy cult religion. Why is one considered a ‘cult killing’ in which the perceived craziness of the relevant religion is written about in detail – yet what is going on in Syria, Yemen, Turkey or has gone on in almost every other country at one time, is reported with zero comment about the religion behind it all. We are mugging ourselves.

  305. I like the message that this blog gives – to appreciate ourselves means to be in equal partnership with nature.

  306. Human behaviour and emotion is the biggest pollutant to our beautiful planet earth. Science would do well to study this to find out just how much heat is ommitted from humans when we are in our emotions and the impact this has on our environment.

  307. It is so true Esther that we can see the beauty in nature yet somehow feel we are separate from it, as if it is somewhere over there, or all around us, yet we do not equally play a part in it! Great to read your blog and feel just how connected we are to everything around us. Everything we do including how we move and express has an influence on nature and the world and knowing this we can feel the responsibility we have to be loving in all we do.

  308. The way the bees, ants and the penguins work together for the survival of the group, and the penguins huddling together to stop from freezing, provides a great reflection to humanity.

  309. A life lived in ignorance of our true purpose and of our part in the all, is another life wasted, another life cementing all that is false in the world, a life lived in a deeper unease, void of the truth that is there for us to choose to return to once again in an instant.

  310. We are surely deeply connected to everything around us, from the smallest microscopic detection to the expanse of the universe. Through presentations by Serge Benhayon I am developing a deeper awareness and understanding that all our moves, actions, choices and impressions influence and effect the natural world. The natural world is an incredible and integral support to us. Taking any of this for granted is a violation of the natural order of the universe, not just some random separate moment in time because it may suit to create any form of dis-harmony for personal, financial or self-serving benefits. It makes sense to me that the earth needs to adjust , clear and cleanse the level of disharmony and dis-regards imposed because everything has a break point where enough is enough.

  311. Before I became aware of how my emotions affected me, and others, I would go to the forest or to the ocean to make myself feel better. Basically dump my ‘stuff’ onto nature, and say thanks very much, I feel better now. I see the irresponsibility of that now. Nature is not there for us to dump on, to feel better from, it is there to show us how we can live in cycles as nature does with seasons, and how everything is interdependent but with nothing being of more or less importance.

  312. The magic reflected in nature is ‘awe’ inspiring, it offers so much for us to appreciate and learn concerning divinity, order, collaboration, harmony, beauty and more. I enjoy the relationship I have with nature now, where I am not less than it, the wonder is still there, but i am developing a true wonder for the shine in our eyes also.

    1. So true Samantha, nature invites us to feel that within us we are absolutely equally awe inspiring.

  313. To care for ourselves – just how hard can it be? Yet my experience is there is something inside of me that will willfully choose every last answer in this multiple choice test, except the one where I actually rest, recuperate and take stock of the way I live. Like a drunk motor racing driver, it prefers to chat and talk about the latest race rather than see the way it drove around the circuit was actually a disgrace and without grace. I love Esther how you use this blog to show up this arrogance and its habit of avoiding the truth – we are here to care for ourselves and in so doing negate the reckless selfish part. It is not our true nature.

  314. It is not until we each individually appreciate ourselves and what we bring to the planet will we establish our true inter-dependent place in nature and the Universe and its flow.

  315. “There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it. We see ourselves as detached from all that is going on around us, so that we can behave like little bubbles that are hermetically separated from everything around us, unless we choose it differently.” – So true – we are connected to nature and undeniably so, yet we see ourselves as separate, “better” even, and more often than not “more intelligent” than nature. It is time we got off our high horse, and realised that there is much we too can learn from nature, and the magic of God that works through nature as well as through our body!

  316. What a beautiful and honouring way to live. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to”. Imagine the world we would be living in if we accepted this level of responsibility.

  317. ‘we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe’ …. we, arrogantly, felt like we could make a side trip without anyone noticing, indulging in individual pursuits, gaining recognition, building and enjoying our comfortable lives. The dis-array we find ourselves in today is the consequence of that mis-guided choice. It is for each of us to choose to live the responsibility that we have within the cycle that we are all a part of, equally so. When some of us choose to ignore their part, it affects the whole, always.

  318. ‘We do what we like and live our life that only holds ‘me’ in the centre and completely ignore that there are not only another 7 billion people in this world’ – we can’t do it alone, and yet, we try and pretend we are alone – making choices that only serve to fuel the ‘pretend’ version of life we create and never the whole we are a part of.

  319. Nature holds such majesty, and is a great reminder of the splendour of life. There comes a time, however, when you realise there is not enough majesty in nature to reflect to you your own, and this does not mean that you don’t respect nature any longer, but you no longer need it to complete you. You realise you are very much part of it, and in that realisation, you realise the responsibility you hold in contributing to the whole of what we call life.

  320. “Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring.” This really highthlights how the opposite of this plays out, i.e. when we feel we don’t matter. There is disregard of how we take care of oursleves and everything around us, a lack of love and care for oursleves and a total giving up.

    1. Learning to appreciate and love ourselves is not selfish but is the foundation upon which we can build to love, appreciate and take care not only of others but the planet with true understanding and responsibility.

  321. Accepting that we are an integral part of nature has a two fold effect on me: there is wonder and awe in the magic and untapped wisdom in our bodies along with respect for the responsibility we have to be harmonious integral parts of nature and custodians of the blessing it is.

  322. I know exactly what you mean Esther, to admire nature so deeply but not see ourselves as part of it, is dismissive, arrogant and completely untrue. All the love, beauty and majesty of the universe is available to us if we include ourselves in it.

  323. Our relationship with nature is a direct reflection of our relationship with ourselves. We cannot truly cherish and respect nature if we don’t bring that same quality to ourselves first. The answer to the climate and environmental crisis, right there.

  324. Why do we feel like the anonymous worker bee? We may all be different but are all here to work together and all have an important part to play. The Gautama Buddha said: ‘In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you’.

    1. I love what you are saying here Steve. We have the tendency to feel less and then try to feel more through a title or position, all the while we all have an equally important part to play in the whole, like every bee.

  325. “Our interdependence comes with responsibility”. Esther I really feel the power and wisdom in these words; I also appreciate the divine message and learning you have reflected in this blog, thank you.

  326. Esther, Nature is a great and grand reflection for us all of the time. I love your example of the bees and how the work together in harmony for the good of the whole hive. I wish we as humans could put aside all our differences and just work together like that too! All too often we complicate things, bring in mis-trust or defence and then there is no way we can hold the same qualities in our team as bees do with such simplicity. But then again, perhaps this is our learning as a collective species (as human beings) – a learning with the constant reminder of nature around us, saying it is indeed possible to just be you and bring your qualities to the team and beyond.

    1. I agree, Henrietta. We often are so focussed on individualism like different clothes, different religion, different education and are so identified by those parameters that we forget that we as a humanity in truth are one and as such carry the potential within us to work together in harmony like the bees do.

      1. Thank you Kerstin – after reading your comment I could not help but have the image of us all dressing up in yellow and black stripes so we would all look the same (and hence less differences perhaps) and perhaps ‘be’ more like the bees!
        But it is true that each of us brings forth different qualities and different forms of expression which is such a magical thing, and hence the differences amongst us all. But as you have said, we have taken these different forms of expression out of their natural sense and then have proceeded to identify with them. This then creates a rift, a difference between us and hence a disharmony. It is so important for us all to see ourselves as coming from the same essence no matter what our clothing, skin colour, back ground etc. and from that essence expressing our qualities for all to share.

  327. “Our interdependence comes with responsibility.” Absolutely we are responsible for our every move as this impacts everything, which includes nature, we are part of the whole not separate, when we live with this true understanding, We can feel our true purpose and appreciate the responsibility we hold. .

  328. Imagine if bees decided that they only wanted to take care of themselves and their own needs at the expense of the other bees? The hive would not last very long. We have so much wisdom reflected to us in nature just waiting to be observed and learnt.

    1. Great analogy Andrew. Having said that, planet earth has lasted a very long time, thousands of years in fact, with precisely that taking place. Our human bodies and the escalating illness and disease experienced daily is a constant reminder that it is not working and is killing us.

      1. Very true Andrew and Vicky, because we do not follow our natural rhythm and order and work hand in hand as a one humanity we are literally destroying ourselves. Be it through the disharmony we live with each other, from arguments to war, or by not treating our bodies according to their making, from causing them discomfort up to illness and disease.

  329. Wow, what a powerful line Esther – “Our interdependence comes with responsibility.” This blog provides a great stop moment, to consider if we are willing to accept the grandness we are intrinsically a part of.

  330. When we appreciate that we are equally magnificent to everything around us, we are then able to truly appreciate nature, people and God. When we put anything above or below us we are more likely to be disconnected to the powerful beings that we are.

  331. Indeed Esther you have pointed out well how greatly we appreciate and applaud nature, yet we do not see eye to eye or feel the truth of the equality that is truly presented.

  332. I loved re-reading your blog Esther – it is so true how much we can be in awe of something, even be inspired by it but then do nothing about it or settle for less. Nature is a great reflection of the magnificence we are all from yet so easily we dismiss it because it is there. But take nature away and we miss it – it is an interesting phenomenon we live with – we just accept things as being there or normal and only when they are gone do we appreciate quite what they are/were.

  333. It was lovely to feel how I/we can appreciate nature and that there is equally an opportunity to appreciate me/ourselves in these moments as well and that we are all indeed interconnected.

  334. So well well said Esther: ‘However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.’
    Time for change – a change from making it about love ourselves and by choosing love within our self.

  335. Esther I too learnt from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that Appreciation of myself is so important for my own evolution and for being part of the whole.

  336. “We are part of it and thus we always play a part in it in every moment of our life, whether we want it or not.” yes there is no choice to be part or not. So your blog and its message is great to take responsibility for what quality we bring to the whole. And to feel how this is not a negative thing but a beautiful opportunity to feel how grand and amazing we actually are.

  337. So true, we can only care for others, when we care for ourselves and the way that the world is being treated is a strong reflection of the lack of care that we have for ourselves. The reflection is short term gain, indulgence and lack of responsibility. We can all make a change, but it starts with our everyday moments and choices the ones that we think no one knows about or can see…..true responsibility.

  338. I feel this is super important to not stand separate to nature because when we objectify anything it becomes less, even if you think it is more and when we objectify we no longer care for it in the way that is possible when we are equal and connected.

  339. I love this… the full acceptance and embrace of the fact that we are in nature not alongside it. This puts to bed my arrogance that stems from separation, whilst also awakening a deeper wonder at all that is shown to me by nature, my body included.

  340. We do not learn our part in the universe, in fact it is ‘taken away’ from us. As children we are in sync with ourselves and the rhythm of the universe, we can feel our part but learn that everything else, mainly accumulating knowledge, is more important. So it is a matter of connecting back to what we know to rekindle our sense of belonging.

  341. Self investment is an essential part of developing the quality of essence each of us are, and ironically through that dedication to self, all others benefit from the quality of us in our full wonder.

  342. I so love looking at nature even if sometimes it is only on the TV sometimes with the absolutely mind blowing footage they can capture these days.

  343. Humanity seems intent on proving that it can get away with each of us doing as we please with a complete lack of accountability. We keep trying to patch up any tell-tale signs that we have got it wrong so that we can carry on in with the same irresponsibility as we have been for millennia. We fail to see the joke of it all, that we are stuck on a planet and in a body that keeps showing us irrefutably day in day out that the only workable way is harmony, oneness and responsibility for our part in the whole.

  344. The deepening of our Love and connection to ourselves, God and the Universe assures a depth of Divine quality that we bring to Love all other life.

  345. “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” A great reminder that we are an integral part of this world, and that everything we do, no matter how big or small, has an impact on everything around us.

  346. Nature walks are so simple and so naturally calming, it says a lot for how we can be supported by that environment for sure. I am learning slowly, that lovely as it is, its actually really important to not be reliant on nature for this, but to learn how to feel tranquil anywhere we are.

  347. I do really appreciate how I feel in nature and how simple it is to enjoy the cool air of the mountians and the feeling of being unimposed upon by the world.

    1. This has reminded me, Felicity, of the smell I now notice when I first go outside in the mornings – it is cold in the UK and that first smell is so big… an invitation to notice and appreciate everything.

  348. As you say, how can we hope on a large scale, to care for and protect nature like Bee’s when within our own communities and countries, we do not know how to live with and look after ourselves and each other beyond class, gender, race, and culture.

  349. I have really come to appreciate that our relationship with the earth and nature also reflects our relationship with the universe and the interconnected nature of all particles.

  350. When we are connected to our body and our innate rhythm, we feel our connection with nature and know we are all pulsing in the same rhythm.

  351. Absolutely Esther, I have heard so many people describe what is ‘natural’ as if it is very separate to us. Perhaps they do this because they can see the way we live, is out of sync with the universe? But when we speak about life this way, we miss the fact that the world around us is showing us our true nature in every way. You could say we are held in the most amazing way – so naturally. It is quite confronting to truly know the power we actually have, our affect on everything and how living and knowing that is the most natural thing.

  352. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to”. Inspiring words Esther, responsibility to ourselves, nature, the ‘all’ and to our interdependence is the key.

  353. To know and appreciate that we have a purpose and play a part in the Universe, alongside everyone and everything else means we all best get on with what we are here to be doing and is also very humbling.

  354. It’s lovely to acknowledge that we are “part of this grandness” and nature is constantly reflecting this to us. We can feel this when we connect to ourselves even in the most hostile environment so long as we stay with ourselves and do not react or get influenced by what is coming at us from the outside. When we do this we are reflecting the grandness, simplicity and beauty of life lived from within which can inspire others just as nature inspires us.

  355. ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.’ This is so true, we have to start to care for ourselves first then we can begin to appreciate other species. If we start to be responsible for self then we can take on responsibility for others. It all does start with the self.

  356. Truly appreciating ourselves and our permanent interconnectedness does bring with it more awareness of how we affect one another all the time! Genuinely taking care of ourselves is a great place to start to develop the kind of quality we truly want to be putting out and bringing to others.

  357. To be or not to ‘bee’ that is the question? I have found being open to the opportunities that come my way without any preconceived notions of right or wrong, good or bad has been a great place to start relearning what works for my body.

  358. No ‘maybe’ about it, if we could simply ‘be’ tenderness, respect and infinite adoration the self would look after itself in the most loving way possible.

  359. Is it possible that the wonders of what the world has to offer are the result of mankind working in harmony? is it possible that this is how the pyramids were built? So the bee’s are just showing us on a small scale what has already been achieved by working in harmony on a larger scale.

  360. Yesterday I was putting something in the boot of my car, and a robin flew on to the roof. It sat there for a moment watching me, and then hopped onto the tailgate, almost to where my hand was holding it up and looked me straight in the eyes. It then hopped around a bit more, landed on the wing mirror, and then flew off to a nearby rooftop, but continued to watch what I was doing. It was a beautiful moment, and I was reminded that I too am a beautiful, delicate being, and that the smallest of my actions can have an enormous impact, regardless of what it is I am doing.

  361. Its funny – we can so easily go ‘wow’ when we consider nature – the birds, the bees, the elephants, the mountains. Yet we are equally a part of that, our bodies are this marvel that is so magical, and yet I know my relationship to that is far removed from the wonder I feel for the stars and the universe. The answers to it all start right here at home, in our bodies.. and then it emanates out to the world around us.

  362. Thank you Esther- we need to appreciate the magic of God that is reflected in nature and not sit in our arrogance and tamper with nature with no consideration of the reflection it is offering us.

  363. It is very touching to read this, Esther, to feel your sense of belonging and that you matter in the world and the bigger scheme of things. If we value ourselves and our part to play, life has meaning and purpose every day.

  364. When I look to humanity I cannot see in general that they behave in a way that is in harmony with the nature they live in. There is a lot of abuse to nature, lands are being exhausted to produce as many crop as possible, primeval forest are being cut for the profit of big companies, nature is being destroyed for building concrete cities, industries and gigantic infrastructural structures like roads, harbours, airports, rail-track’s and so on. The way we go about with mother earth it is not only in disconnection with the nature we are undeniable part of but in this activity we also create environments to live in that are completely disconnected from that nature, we do need to remain healthy within ourselves.

  365. I really do love this blog for it really wakes me up to the responsibility of our place in the universe and that everything we do, no matter how small has a consequence. I used to think that if there was aliens in flying saucers they probably wouldn’t make themselves known until we stopped blowing each other up and destroying, this beautiful planet in the quest for things that really don’t matter.

    1. I love this acknowledgement of the responsibility we have to be custodians of nature, not only because we are abusing it so ferociously but also because we are ignoring our greatest, gentlest, wisest teacher… the consequences of this are everywhere for all of us to see.

  366. “I have always loved nature, from the gigantic landscapes of the big continents like Africa and America to the littlest detail of a flower bursting into bloom” – I too recall the vastness and expanse of such settings Esther especially the wonderful airy planes of Africa or the continent’s inky blue-black starry, crystal clear skies revealing heavens’ constellations… to see or feel this same magic lives inside us too, is to feel the magic of God at work.

  367. Beautiful Esther a real reflection and understanding of the beauty of nature and ourselves and the responsibility we have in this. I love it. Inspirational and real for us all to feel.

  368. In contemplating nature and the cycles, the events that unfold in accordance to the sun and the moon, the seasons that align all suggest a rhythm that is innate within all and everything including humans….. We are the one anomaly that goes about our lives with little or no responsibility to our surroundings, we have a lot to re-learn to get back to living in harmony within our environment.

  369. Responsibility is often perceived as a burden, but there is so much magic and beauty in being responsible and in the full appreciation of those choices we have made.

  370. ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.’ This equation is so simple it is a wonder that so few of us have clocked it! Is it possible that we haven’t clocked it because we have been set up not to clock it? And if we have been set up to not clock it, who/what has set us up and why have we allowed it and continue to allow it?

  371. Wow! Connecting with 7 billion souls would feel totally amazing and I can’t wait for the day when I can live in that much connection to the brotherhood we all come from.

  372. This is a beautiful reminder that we are equally a part of nature and have a responsibility to not live arrogantly in or indifferently to it.

  373. I know the feeling of ‘nature is greater than me’ but also was able to bring a change here. Nature is huge and an amazing bombastic true intelligent magical sensation – but so am I as well. So we fit together, just have to learn to live in harmony with each other. In the moment we as a society are far off here… great to make a start and take responsibility.

  374. I’ve been watching some amazing nature documentaries and feeling what each species is reflecting to us as people. I’ve been intrigued at how the footage has been captured of predators without the camera person being detected ( how are they not getting eaten?!). Though it’s mentioned people encroach on the habitats this voyeuristic medium communicates we are separate to nature, not just in the lifestyle but in marveling at nature and the creatures that inhabit it as being wondrous. It’s funny because I feel people may consider themselves superior to animals but this isn’t appreciation, it’s insecurity based. We rarely appreciate how wondrous we are also when we are connected with the all, with nature which is what nature programs seem to celebrate: the innate flow of the universe without interruption.

  375. That we are part of the grandness of nature and that how we live and care for ourselves either expands or diminishes it has profound repercussions on our responsibility to the all that we are part of.

  376. Esther this is a beautiful blog reminding us of our amazing connection to the universe nature and its awesome magic that we are part of. Our responsibility with this and being all we truly are working together with a loving grace and harmony is reflected by nature to us confirming our oneness and divine glory and the power we have to live this in the world.

  377. Esther, I love the irony you have presented here – the fact that we marvel at nature and stand up for the protection of nature, protection of our species etc. yet we forget that we as human beings are also from nature, that our particles belong to the natural divine cycle of things, and hence deserve the same level of care and respect. This feels like a contradiction indeed that we fight to protect the whales and the dolphins, yet we sit down to smoke cigarettes and alcohol and put ourselves to sleep at times that do not support our body! By all means, let’s make sure animals and nature are respected, but let’s not forget to give ourselves the same respect and care too.

  378. To understand that we are part of a whole allows us to grasp the responsibility there is and step by step live as his part in the rhythm according to the flow of the whole.

  379. We have so much to learn from observing nature and the communication it is constantly supplying to us but if we see ourselves as superior to it or separate from it then my feeling is we miss the message.

  380. ‘…How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all.’ Imagine what humanity could do if we activated even an ounce of this way of working together.

  381. I imagine us all as bees in the world wide beehive – everyone does their bit to make a successful community…. would be very very amazing. Alone to start to see us as ONE community and than to find out how to make it working in harmony and grace…a worth and lovingly project – called life on earth.

  382. This opens up a whole new level of understanding the responsibility we have to hold ourselves equal to all the beauty we see and feel in the world around us.

  383. I’m sure that since we are on this planet along side nature, that we must be able to live in harmony with it. Yet mankind has spent much of its existence trying to control, overcome or prove its dominance over nature. Perhaps that need is there because of an insecurity that can arise from knowing the nature is far more powerful than we can ever be. Yet neither one needs dominate and nature has no need to dominate us. Nature reflects to us how we are living and harmony is on offer.

  384. It seems to me the secret to the harmony of bees is the simplicity, each having a role, knowing the role and living it. There is no question of purpose and no complication of it. A great reflection to mankind, where we all strive to be noticed, acknowledged and recognised for what we do rather than simply getting on with the job.

  385. To me, the first sentence says it all “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.”. This isn’t rocket science, yet I see very few people continuously making choices to deeply care for themselves. Let alone, expanding and deepening this care. Isn’t it strange that we don’t actually care for ourselves. That for most people self-care is only in their dictionary when the body stops functioning due to a form of illness or disease. Why have we lost the connection with ourselves to such an extent that somebody talking about self-care is called weird? What is the force that is imposed on us, as we’re natural extremely delicate, caring, tender and loving. To name but a few qualities of ours.

  386. Appreciation for ourselves and the quality within allows us to connect to the beauty and awe of nature, as it is only then that we know that every cell in our bodies is a reflection of the grandness of the whole universe.

  387. I read today that the Great Barrier Reef of Australia has been severely damaged by bleaching from the rising temperatures of the oceans. My initial reaction was one of deep dismay and almost a feeling of being appalled and how humanities way of living is causing this to occur. While this is understandable, the truth is is that even this reaction is still going to not do anything to solve the issue, and in fact is contributing to the very evil causing this in the first place. I realise I must accept these things and simply live a loving life as this is what at least reflects something true back to the whole world.

  388. The interconnectedness of everything on earth is undeniable, from the smallest to the grandest of things and everyone of us has a part to play in the tapestry of life.

  389. Yes Esther, when looking at the bigger picture, we do have a responsibility …” within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe…”

  390. Yesterday I took my usual walk along the coast and then stopped to drink in the amazing space and view in front of me. Instead of being in awe, I could feel this was a reminder for me too of the grandness that I am and that we are all from. Nature provides us with the most powerful reflection.

  391. ‘I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how’ – and this was very much how I saw myself within nature. I wasn’t prepared to stop and really feel more deeply into this connection and to realise that there was a responsibility in being a part of the grandness of the all – that I was not this isolated human being who connected to nature as and when it suited me. As I have begun to connect more to myself I am beginning to honour my part in the great Universe and to realise that everything I do has an impact on the whole and with this I can feel the full beauty of this great interconnection.

  392. “How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it” this is an inspiration for our lives and another example of how nature shows us how it is possible to live.

  393. ‘I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.’ …. me too, Esther. It’s only been in recent years that I have begun to appreciate my part in the whole and therefore, my responsibility to live this to the best of my ability. It’s a very beautiful journey providing me with an ever deepening and expanding purpose in life.

  394. Universal Medicine is a superb paradigm breaker and has for many brought incredible change into our lives because nothing is held back, the full impact of our responsibility is clearly laid before us and all the tools to resume the helm of our lives provided. And now it’s up to us to reclaim our power and innate authority to restore harmony within ourselves and within the world we live in. It is more than possible, it is a reality that many are now choosing with awesome results; the quality of how we live plays an essential part in the clockwork mechanism that keeps impeccable order in this immensely beautiful Universe we are an integral part of.

  395. It is interesting to consider the fact that we are all part of nature, the whole, whether we appreciate it or not. Only the separated mind can think itself of being not part and superior to that grander whole nature is. How foolish this way of being is, it is clearly showing to us when natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes or heavy storms take place, only then we are able to admit that we are part of nature and have a close relationship with it.

  396. It occurs to me that when we walk in nature, our responsibility isn’t not to just take from, indulge in or check out, but walk in a way that confirms the nature within us: we are one and the same.

  397. We certainly have a lot to learn from the bees – it’s marvelous how they are so dedicated to the part they are born to play and they work tirelessly as part of the team without complaint or grumble. Our systems would function so much more gracefully if everyone knew their true purpose and just got on with it without looking forward to the holidays. We would in fact not feel the need of a holiday if we are enjoying being with ourselves while at work.

  398. “If we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” Esther you make a good point here in that being an ‘admirer of nature’ means we see it as something separate from ourselves. It’s only when we recognize the vital part we have to play in our interdependent relationship with everyone and everything that we stop living in our ‘hermetically sealed bubble’ of me and start to take responsibility for our every choice.

  399. Wow, in re-reading this blog I can truly appreciate what is offered by way of reflection from nature around us as our effect on all there is by our actions. Not only can we see very obviously that our actions affect everything on the planet but that what is really on offer is the reflection of the effect of our actions on everything beyond also when we choose to either live in accordance or discordance to it.

  400. This blog highlights the extent to which we remain ignorant in our part of the universe and narure. We call ourselves superior but we bring in the most destruction and we don’t sit back and consider this – we only see issues within humanity and not the fact that we as a humanity are our of sync with the all.

  401. Humanity is an amalgamated part of the whole of life but has dedicated almost every sector of its existence to believing and acting as if it is separate, it really is no wonder that there is so much tension.

  402. ‘…we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all…’ Remaining aware of my responsibility and its impact on the ALL is my commitment to my self and humanity today….

  403. I think your opening line is very pertinent if we don’t care for ourselves we won’t care for others truly, care, deeply care which really shows us where humanity is at. There is a massive lack of care and love for ourselves, it is an epidemic that is global and devastating the land as a result.

  404. If we keep seeing ourselves as separate from nature and expect something from it we will always be held in a thrall rather than living in loving co-existence with it knowing we each affect the other no matter what it is that we do.

  405. It is true that nature is not something that is separate to us for we are intrinsically connected by pulse, rhythm and flow of life…we may live our life connected and in harmony to the all or we can go about our lives in our own current that is abrasive to the whole of which we are part.

  406. Esther, I remember sitting with you outside a cottage overlooking fields, trees and hills, but with a busy road passing the house. As we looked out you said “despite the noise of the road we can still feel the stillness underlying everything”. Many times since I have taken time to stop and feel this, and I realise the the stillness we connect with in ourselves from the Gentle Breath Meditation, that is always there consistently available and which supports our being, Is the same quality of energy of the stillness that is in nature, however hard the wind is blowing. Knowing this connection with our own stillness is where we feel the connection with nature and the whole Universe, and the stillness of space.

  407. Without the bee, the flower will not exist, without water the tree will not stand, without the tree, the bird will have nowhere to land – everything depends on everything else, but we like to pretend the world is a collection of separate, self-sufficient objects that live by themselves. Perhaps its not surprising because as you show Esther, this is how we tend to see ourselves. I heard the other day that bee populations are dying out worldwide – surely it is signs like this that must begin to show that we are not independent and free in the way we like to think ourselves to beeeeee. Bzzzzzz.

  408. It has been through developing care of my body and self that I have come to understand how delicate, precious and finely balanced my body is. This is a beautiful reflection of the universe and everything in it. I now feel my body as a part of the universe and I realise it has been given to me as a custodian, to learn to care for and understand deeply. We cannot treat ourselves as less or seperate from nature or the universe as there is no such thing.

  409. I love what you have pointed out here about how much we admire nature and see the interconnectedness of all living things. Yet the trick we play on ourselves, that allows us to abuse ourselves and the environment is that we are separate from all that. I know! It doesn’t make any sense at all, yet this is the mental game we play.

  410. Such is our arrogance that we can walk this planet without much consideration for the footprints we leave behind.

  411. We are an equal part of the Universe — this is a great understanding and acceptance to have come to. I hadn’t really stopped to think about just how much I marvel at the harmony, magic and pure constellation of the world of nature around me AND equally thought ‘wow, this is me too’ and without this appreciation, what a separated way of living it is from the nature of who we are. I am aware that God communicates with me through nature, and I love this deeply but my appreciation of my part in this, that my own body is an equal tool for God’s communication has a deeper place to go to.

  412. We only have to stop and watch a spider spinning its web, a line of ants carrying crumbs back to their nest, or a tiny wren collecting grass to weave its beautiful nest to relaise that nature is not only mind bogglingly beautiful, but that it is there to reflect something back to us that we far too often dismiss. And that is that we are indeed a part of this intircate and magical world, that we are part of nature and we need to accept and appreciate that all that we do has an impact on everything around us. In the same way that everything in nature is part of a finely tuned eco system that supports itself, we too have a responsibility to play our part.

  413. “How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong”. In human life there’s hardly anyone who works in order to keep the boss, king, queen etc. alive and strong. We’ve created the polar opposite when it comes to hierarchy. Many of the people high in hierarchy use their power to surpress and dominate as well as many of the workers who are undermining and staying silent. Even if they’re actually used. We’re playing a game as human beings. We’re fuelled with suspiciousness and cynism. There’s much, very much to learn from nature.

  414. “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” This is such a fundamental understanding that is vitally important to understand. So many of us believe that we can help people while ignoring our own health and well-being, but this is impossible. We cannot give if we have nothing of ourselves to give.

  415. Beautifully written Esther, to take us from the detail to the universe and back again, to our role in the whole.

  416. The symbology of nature is immense, yet we have blocked, or chosen to ignore, our connection with it and instead chosen to go our own separate way which is complete disregard of everything around us and what it reflects. Thank-you Esther for your beautiful words and appreciation that we are all an intrinsic part of nature and until we accept and appreciate that we will continue to ‘go our own way’ until the world turns around and bites us on the backside.

  417. Thank-you for voicing this so well Esther: “…when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose.”
    Crazy, how we ‘humans’ are, isn’t it… Surrounded by divine order – yes, look at the bees!
    And we think ourselves to be evolved……

  418. There comes a point in our relationship with ourselves – with deep appreciation and re-connection to our essential essence re-established, as you’ve referred to here Esther – where we no longer impose upon nature. We can appreciate and marvel in the wonder and majesty of all of her beauty, we can most surely walk amongst tall trees, high mountains or ocean headlands, if that is our choice… but no longer do we seek nature to ‘give us our fill’, and/or to relieve us of the tempestuousness of this world, of the struggles of our daily lives and the rest. Instead we commune, and we connect – without an iota of imposition.
    And in this, I would say, true harmony is again restored – as it is designed to be.
    What if ‘we’ are a great blessing to this earth and all of its natural elements, by virtue of truly reconnecting to the majesty of who we actually are – Sons of God, nonetheless. And we walk this earth in the ever-humble grandness of loving her for the forum she offers us to live, learn, grow and express, in ever-deepening union and communion with the all…

  419. we are not on an island, as much as sometimes we wished it were so. And so, like it or not, nature, and the world is constantly calling us to interact and to realise that we are interdependent in so many ways – on each other, on the world at large.

  420. yes, the damage we are doing to the earth is a reflection to the damage we inflict upon ourselves, in our reckless disregard of our bodies and how we are with ourselves, so we are with everyone and everything around us.

  421. for most it is true, we do not appreciate ourselves and our part in the grand order of the universe, let alone our part we play here on planet earth, and because of this we are missing out on the greater dimensions that life holds for us – and even though we are willfully blind to this, we inescapably live as part of them. but if we can start appreciating and living in a way that is in accordance with the greater rhythms of the universe we will start to expand our awareness to see and to live that grander life that awaits us all.

  422. “… if we do not have appreciation for ourselves…” – it is quite a quantum shift to recognize ourselves as being an important part of the greater whole, no more or less than any other person, and in equal respect for every living being and aspect of life. That is not the way we grow up or live as a society hence, we need to choose this change of attitude and establish it ourselves. Appreciating ourselves is an essential factor to make such choice a living reality.

  423. Unless we truly care for ourselves the quality of the care we can offer others is a fraction of what it could be, a fraction of the love that is there for us to share. It feels like we are being quite selfish, taking so much more than we are offering back. Living our individual lives with no thought for how we are in turn affecting the ‘whole’ that we are an equal part of.

  424. Every time I read your blog, Esther, it feels like I go to another level of understanding.
    ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world’, given this truth, I realise that, right now, we are not being honest about the reality of our lack of responsibility. When we think we are ‘caring’ for someone, animals, our garden, whatever it is, we are only scratching the surface and there is a whole depth of love that remains completely untapped. It’s only when we bring this well of love to all that we care for that we will be truly caring, starting with our selves.

  425. “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” This makes sense Esther…the more disregard we have for ourselves the more disregard we will have on people, animals and nature around us. From personal experience I can say that disregard can be a challenge to come out from, by its very nature it comes with a given-up-ness that alludes to not caring.

  426. We could learn a thing or two from the bees, as they know exactly what they have to do and that everyone is working to the same purpose – all animals and insects thrive or die off in their own time if man does not interfere with the process.

  427. Nature reflects so much to us and Bees are one of those amazing examples of living dedicated and in harmony and knowing of their role they play in this togetherness. “There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.” A beautiful blog showing the sensitivity we all are and the beauty around us through appreciation love and allowing.Then true responsibility will be our way.

  428. Yes how important is appreciation of ourselves then? It is not selfish it is actually something we all benefit from greatly.

  429. It is very true that every choice I make either harms the universe or it heals it. Re-awakening to this truth and the responsibility that comes with it has felt daunting but when love is lived it changes every thing.

  430. “… we can behave like little bubbles that are hermetically separated from everything around us” Love this line as it really does sum up how we live in this world, blissful ignorant of our real impact on our environment and on everyone around us. Every thing we do, think, say, daydream about, and indulge in no matter how small or how large matters immensely. We get precious about our environment but fail to include our own personal behaviour in the mix, cleaning up our act does include addressing our own waywardness, self disregard and ignorance and when we do, miracles happen.

  431. What an incredible possibility to consider that we are far from individual ‘hermetically sealed bubbles’ – but an essential and equal part of the Universe. What an incredible possibility it is to consider that through our connection with the Universe we affect it all – every choice we make, every movement, every thought we allow. Responsibility feels very different from this perspective.

    1. Great responsibility indeed for our every thought, intention and movement and such unfathomable potential for a planet of beings living together in harmony and brotherhood, in true community and at one with the greater cosmos and divine pulse.

  432. ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world’. The Way of The Livingness teaches us to care for self, humanity, natural world and all other species. The universe lives within us in our cells and particles. When we truly love ourselves, we bring universal love to all equally.

  433. By our history of a species that has not been taking care of ourselves, we then try to save a species from extinction, when it was our disregard for ourselves and the world we live in that caused the original problem! It is not rocket science on how to stop this destructive cycle we call life; it has always been just a choice away!

  434. When we take the time to observe nature, we can see it has a great way of showing us so much that can help to consider or reconsider the interactions within human life.

  435. Living accordingly to universal order – is by living our absolute truth and divinity and not hold back. Seeing nature as a reflection of that , and like you said we need to appreciate ourselves in full for how we are and not hold back either.. What you share is magnificent: ‘Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me. Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.’ Thank you

  436. Somehow seeing nature as below us in the evlutionary chain is such a loss on our part – we are not greater but equal, and when we see that equality we will realise we cannot continue to treat nature in the disrespectful way we currently do.

    1. Indeed Kathleen, we are quite prepared to see how amazing nature is, and how the cycles of life unfold before us, how when nature is left alone will work harmoniously together and retain its balance but have forgotten how amazing WE are, and that we are all part of the whole, therefore part of fabric of nature made up of zillions of particles of light scintillating and whirling around and around holding everything together, yet expanding all of the time. Now that IS grand.

    2. This is such a powerful realisation to fully appreciate. So whatever we see or feel happening in nature is the message that is being communicated to us at the time – a reflection of what is going on inside ourselves. I’ve heard this referred to as ‘messages from god’ and very worth reading and listening to.

  437. If we do not appreciate we remain stuck in the same old patterns and we are unable to see life differently,

  438. Caring for ourselves means looking at every single aspect of our lives and holding each and every part equal. I find that if I drop the ball on one part of my life then everything else is affected. I may not notice it at first but little bit by little bit I feel the tension that builds up from not honouring myself in every part of my life.

  439. We are a part of nature and instead of depending on it to give us what we aren’t choosing to feel within ourselves, we can connect to the great reflection it is offering to us of the harmony and grandness we all can be, for that harmony and stillness abides within us all as well and begins with us, like the simple reflection from the bees, being responsible for our own and each others well being knowing how we are affects everyone and everything.

  440. Appreciation is such an important aspect of how we can choose to live, it automatically takes away judgment and criticism and beings harmony instead.

  441. We consciously step out of the harmonious flow of life and by doing so create all of the problems that we currently face and then spend an incredible amount of time trying to work out how to solve our problems. The ridiculous thing is, we pride ourselves in being the most intelligent species!!!

  442. We forget that we have a natural way of moving that moves to the same impulse as nature. When our mind finds stillness this impulse can be felt, and our body moves in rhythm to the grand plan that we are all connected to.

  443. I have noticed that when I take the time to care for me, take time out, have a walk, get some sunshine and water myself, I respond just like a flower or anything in nature. We all respond to care, and love and we all flourish with it.

  444. Understanding that we are as much a part of the entire grandness of the universe As any other part of it brings a deeper appreciation of the natural laws which we must understand and obey in our responsibility to be in accordance with every other heavenly body.

  445. Love what you have shared Ester “through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” feeling the interconnectedness with everything and the importance of our own part within the whole.

  446. For me it is very important to keep feeling that I am part of the gigantic world all around me. Each and every moment that I don’t feel connected to this grandness is an indicator that I’ve lost connection with the grandness in me. What I love about nature and life is that they are constantly communicating that I do belong. There’s no holding back in loving, confirming and evolving me. It’s all there! When I come from the foundation that I do belong, I found that it’s easier to deal with the challenges in life. Which of course is quite obvious to me. When I don’t feel the foundation, it’s easy to blow me – literally – apart.

  447. Esther, as I read this article there is a grandness that you speak from that holds me, nature and us all as equals. This is a very clear reminder that we are all part of this grandness and thus requires us all to see that the beauty and divinity that nature is constantly reflecting is already within us. When nature becomes the distraction at the expense of our own deep care and love we are being shown how very lost we have become.

  448. Great reminder that we are all part of nature and our appreciation of self is a great reflection to others. How important it is to take care of ones self in a loving way, as we move through and with nature, our movements will leave ripple effects for others to feel.

  449. I am opening my eyes and heart to all the support that is all around me. I am actually feeling it which is huge for me because I contracted and chose not to feel. Yes, I am feeling more and some of the feelings are pretty intense but I am feeling alive like I have never before, and I feel the amazingness that I am and rejoice in the fact that I am alive and can now experience life in the fullest! Bring it on!

    1. Ken I loved reading of your newfound aliveness, it’s almost as if we have been caste into a sepia version of life, our bodies moving automatically but no one being home and then we discover ourselves and through ourselves we discover life and God and everybody else and it’s as if colour and life flood simultaneously into our bodies and lives. I’m with you Ken ‘bring it on’.

  450. Esther i love how observant you are of nature at the smallest of detail, and that you paint us a picture of collective and interdependent responsibility as necessary and as beautiful as the scenery you observe.

  451. nature is a great help and reflection for us people, because we still live in ways which exhaust ourselves and exhausts others.

  452. We are a part of the universe what makes us think we are not? Does space exploration have something to do with that we think we are not part of the universe? — we have to discover something outside of us when the most beautiful thing to discover lives inside of us! It is a surety once we connect to that inner-knowing that it is possible to consider and understand we have all the answers inside of us.

  453. Self appreciation in Australian culture isn’t really endorsed, even most of our humour puts each other down. This may not seem that significant on the surface but it contributes to condition ourselves to not feel familiar with appreciating ourselves. I wonder what life would be like if we all had a healthy relationship with appreciation.

  454. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ It can be easy to forget this simple truth if we do not appreciate the impact of every choice we make.

  455. The fact we are damaging nature and our planet through how we choose to live is a reflection of how we are destroying our bodies, and not living in a considerate way towards ourselves and each other.

  456. One of the ways that nature helps me is by making me stop. I don’t allow this nearly enough, but I see what a massive support this is to me. I can whizz through whole days not noticing the natural world around me – which says everything that you need to know about that day! And then there are many moments when I allow myself to stop and appreciate the bigger picture. There are also those moments when nature forces me to stop! When I am presented with such gob-smacking beauty that it is impossible to ignore. God saying to me, loud and clear, “Woah Brother, slow down my friend, slow down – take a look at this, and get everything back into perspective, get your head out you bubble and move for the whole, because you are the whole.” And he has some pretty beautiful tools in his box for doing this!

    1. I love these moments ‘There are also those moments when nature forces me to stop! When I am presented with such gob-smacking beauty that it is impossible to ignore.’ The beautifull sunsets or the most Amazing Full Moons that are so huge and low in the sky. I saw my first shooting star last year. Yep nature … God, has a good way of stopping us to take a step back see the bigger picture and see and appreciate the far bigger picture.

  457. We cannot appreciate the magic of nature if we do not appreciate ourselves. That is the science of appreciation. Thus, if I find myself dismissive of anything that nature is showing me, then I know that this is an indication that I need to be committing deeper to my own appreciation. Because I am nature.

  458. To understand that we have a direct link to nature was a bit of a conscious breaker. I thought it was random and simply outside of us. Through my understanding of energetic awareness I have come to realise that when humanity makes mass scale lived choices that work against being in harmony, nature is constantly working with us to clear it. There is a responsibility we have to live well together…to consider that we are responsible for earthquakes, floods and natural fires is a huge revelation and a huge stop moment!

  459. “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” This is obviously very true about the experience of millions of people, because pretty much everyone I speak to seems to have the memory of being deeply touched by and appreciative of nature at some point in their life. Yet the way humanity lives does not reflect the grace and harmony displayed by such a reflection. I feel the same about nature and in fact the whole of the Universe, sensing a powerful, harmonious, vastness around and within me whenever I allow myself to really feel this connection, yet until Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon had spelled it our for me, I had not reflected on my absolute oneness with it all. Also the responsibility and accountability that awareness naturally holds.

  460. If we were to consistently see life as a whole and not centred closely around ourselves, we may be more responsive, understanding and accepting of how life is for all and what is lacking and calling for a true way.

  461. Esther I love how we can look at just one aspect of nature and learn so much, the commitment, dedication and working together of the bees, and I also love the brotherhood of working together that the ants show us. It’s clear that nature has it worked out and we are the ones that have deviated from our own natural way.

  462. “… by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe … My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” Something that is not often pointed out to us, the fact that we live within a huge and graceful universe, but an immutable fact that requires much more of our attention than we give it. Humanity searches for life on other planets with the arrogant assumption that we are the only species to inhabit the Universe. What we fail to take into account is that there are many dimensions to life and just because we live in the third dimension here on Earth, does not mean that everyone else does out there in the grandness of the Universe. Our ignorance of this fact makes us stick out even more in our disharmonious way of life. Studying Universal Medicine and learning how to truly take care of my choices and me so that I can at least begin to diminish the disharmony I generate has been such a blessing. These ancient teachings offer a thorough and complete education on how to restore true love, respect and harmony to all aspects of life and relationships, from the personal to the collective to the universal, empowering us to once more resume responsibility for our part in the harmonious whole.

  463. Great blog and my take home message is that “I never considered my part in the grand scheme of things” as what does it matter we leave one day to check out and do what we will, however in all truth it matter a great deal.

  464. I love the word ‘interdependence’ you use here, Esther, in relation to the whole of nature and humanity energetically living as one. How could it in fact be any different, when we all live within the body and divine order of God? It goes to show how far removed from the truth we are when we feel isolated and separate in the world, fending for ourselves and in survival mode.

  465. We have spent lifetimes attempting to become something we think we should be. But do we not all start and end the same way? What is everything made out of, particles that are never more or less?

  466. We are part of the universe and like it or not, take the responsibility or not, we always play a part in it in every moment of our life, this cannot be escaped. Our lives are therefore a reflection of the responsibility we have chosen to live it in (or not).

  467. I have come to realise that it is not selfish to take care and look after myself for when I do take responsibility for my well-being and the way I choose to live I feel vital and therefore in a ‘good’ place to love and care for others and all around me.

  468. What a beautiful reflection the bees are in their way of living and working together in harmony for the greater good of the all – a lesson from nature that would serve humanity well in its own evolution.
    “The other day my friends told me about what amazing organisms bees are, and the incredible work they do. How each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all”.

  469. Nature can remind me who I am – if I am not holding myself dearly – as the grandness nature is showing me must be also in me as otherwise I would not so strongly see and feel it in my body.

  470. This is a very inspiring blog that asks us to consider not only the magnificence of nature but how is it that we are living amongst it interdependently and what responsibility are we taking for part in this world. You would never know from this blog that English is your second language, it is so beautifully expressed, thanks Esther

  471. Esther, once upon a time I would have not understood your opening paragraph’ if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others’ but now I look back on how I used to believe that I was caring for others and see that because I was not caring for me, then all that I actually had to offer others were my beliefs.

  472. ‘when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose. Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe’ …. it seems we like to play dumb. It’s something we choose to do as, in truth, we know our rhythm, our purpose and the responsibility we have to live the truth of who we are, always. It’s as natural for us as taking a breath, yet, we have worked very hard to forget, to dis-connect and dis-tract ourselves with a false way of living that offers us comfort, but in return it retards us and incites individualism. No wonder we are confused and finding life stress-full and chaotic, we are trying very hard to live in a way that isn’t true, that is going against the divine order, of which we are an equal part.

    1. I agree, Alison, we are an equal part of the divine. We know it, but to live this way needs commitment, dedication, surrendering and responsibility, the responsibility to truly listen to our body, the responsibility to care for our body in a true way so that we are able to hear its voice and the letting go of things which do not support the connection to our body.

  473. Your article, Esher, has inspired me to question, when I am outside appreciating the beauty all around me, am I also appreciating all that I am, equally so. A gorgeous and practical way to allow the forever deepening of my relationship with me.

  474. ‘There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.’ Reading your blog explains to me why we treat our home, our planet the way we currently do. By bringing awareness to why we are living in this state of disconnection and disregard may support us to take responsibility for our actions, behaviours and choices. Also it is when we start appreciating who we are that we are then able to appreciate nature equally.

  475. I was walking on a river yesterday in low tide and was simply enjoying the day, the feeling of the sand in between my toes, watching tiny crabs running into their holes up ahead, watching people and their dogs. It was superb. After reading your blog Esther I realised that in all of what I was a part of yesterday nature was communicating constantly. At one point a tiny white feather floated past my face, it was almost like it was in slow motion. I stopped and marvelled at that tiny piece of natures magic at the time and realised that God was communicating to me. But this is constant and it is with everyone. No one ever misses out either. All of our actions and inactions matter, way beyond the carbon debate that we have yet to even touch on. Esther, your blog highlights this magnificently.

  476. “Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me.” This is beautiful Esther and deeply inspiring.

  477. Some years ago, I realised that as much as i loved the ocean, because I was not taking responsibility for the enormous angst and frustration i would carry with me throughout the day, I would simply be dumping all of this vent into the pristine ocean…. and this was a stop moment. I could see my part in dumping the earth and abusing nature because of where i had placed myself – not in the grand scheme of things but as a victim bystander waiting and expecting something to give me what I needed – a sense of assurance that I would be OK.
    Now my relationship with nature and the ocean is very very different. The need to dump my sorrows and cleanse myself with the waves is no longer there, and now I can enjoy what nature offers in a way that before I never could. I know I am a custodian of this planet, and a custodian of nature and that it’s not about me doing anything but by me simply accepting my own grandness and not going onto the sidelines.

    1. I never did much swimming or surfing but I did walk through forests for relief from what I collected during the week and that was also a form of dumping instead of being part of it.

  478. Thank you for this beautiful article outlining our position in this world, admiring nature is something different to admiring ourself and our place in this world. We are in equal standing when we choose to feel the divinity that we are part of.

    1. Absolutely – when we connect to nature and the whole, there is a grandness that cannot be denied of which we are part.

  479. There’s indeed a natural responsibility to life. Something we’re not told or taught. It is with great grattitude and appreciation to Serge Benhayon and from him thousands of other students of life that I’ve been inspired and supported to also play my part in life. Reading this blog makes me feel humble and still as I can see how much I am now living me in regards to how reckless my life was in my late teens and twenties.

  480. I love this line – “Our interdependence comes with responsibility.” If we are not responsibile for our part then we are affecting the whole universe.

  481. Hello Esther and there is possibly enough even in the first paragraph for us to deal with, “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” So what does this mean for us now and in the future. As you are saying it’s time to bring the care home, a deep care and no longer walk out the door without first having that care for ourselves. Knowing from there everything we touch will feel that care and from there be offered the same choice we have. To me we can see that anything other than this is just a continuation of what we have been doing that isn’t working. We know how to care, we do care and it is just that we aren’t bringing it fully to ourselves thinking that this is not how it should be. It is like trying to show someone something we aren’t fully around ourselves yet, the more we know the easier it is for others to understand. So let’s find out more and more on what it feels like to care for ourselves, knowing that with this knowledge or knowing everything we interact with thereafter will feel everything we do.

  482. Someone in an earlier comment mentioned weather and I am struck by the domination this topic has in our daily lives. It is a huge part of nature and yet we constantly complain about it. Too hot, too cold, too wet, too dry, It is weather, it will always be variable. How crazy is it that we have such a huge reaction to it instead of appreciating that we need all of those variations and we can even enjoy them.
    I have never forgotten what someone once said to me, which had the effect of making me more accepting of what nature brings us each day in the form of weather and that is: There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.”

  483. I am beginning to understand that self-care applies to absolutely everything and to truly self-care it is important to honour all aspects of our lives as equally important. For example, if I get busy and drop my exercise, or allocating time to spend in my relationships, then this is no longer self-caring. Not to value one area of my life over another, as every part counts. I am discovering that this is true self-care.

  484. What an exposing blog Esther. It is a whole other ball game when we start to consider that our every thought and action affects not only ourselves but all others and beyond. I am still delving into the layers of my own irresponsible ways and it is coming to light that every single drop of disregard for myself is actually irresponsible and that is huge.

  485. Feeling we are part of the universe we see when we look up at night to the sky is very inspiring, to start to live with that same quality of purity of light the universe continuously reflects. That is our responsibility – a true blessing.

  486. How can we ‘tackle’ and spend billions upon billions of dollars on global warming or climate change when we continue to ignore and disregard our own bodies?

  487. What a beautiful constant reflection nature offers us. How willing are we to appreciate the grandness of this and that our own grandness is an equal part of the whole?

  488. It is easy to assume that we are insignificant indivdually and that we can behave as we choose and in disregard of the natural rhythm of all life however by doing so we only add to the growing ‘pool’ of actions which cause disharmony.

  489. Nature can provide an amazing reflection of what it looks like for species to come together and live in harmony, adhering to the cycles and grander laws of nature with no resistance or begrudging, and the end result is the beauty and harmony of nature.

  490. Through the presentations of Universal Medicine I have also come to the conclusion, “that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe,” This would have been unfathomable to me a few years ago where I felt insignificant and that I was of no importance. Turning my understanding around has meant that my choices, actions and decisions are so completely different; plus I feel more connected to nature and everyone around me than ever before.

  491. Esther I loved reading this line, its a beautiful reminder “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.”

  492. This is so true, that it is easy to limit our perception of nature to mean this planet only and to not consider that the universe is just as much within nature. I wonder if perhaps over many centuries we have developed a way of educating ourselves about the natural existence of all things, from an unwillingness to see the all that we are a part of, because this would bring in a new and much greater level of responsibility for the way we live not only with eachother, but with the whole universe as well.

  493. Such a beautiful way to look at it, that we are part of nature and in that inclusion we are not here to be mistreated as so many abuse themselves and nature.

  494. The more we take care of ourselves the more we realise how equal to nature we are and how much we can marvel at the magnificence of ourselves equal to the magnificence of nature all around us.

  495. I love how you point out the difference between a bee and a human being – one moves knowing it is naturally part of a bigger whole and the other moves thinking that it is the most important part of the planet. This line really encaptures it for me: ”we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.” We forget that we are part of the whole universe, it’s not about us, we’re part of a much bigger, grander whole.

  496. Thinking we are separate to nature is the same as thinking we are unconnected with each other.

    When I lived in a popular tourist destination I often couldn’t understand how people would visit there for the beauty of the landscape but leave a lot of litter on the cliff tops. I wondered if they noticed they’d left it or thought some litter pickers would collect it like in towns and cities. Perhaps they didn’t consider that what they had done had an impact, that their litter (often it was a lot) didn’t matter. To me it was a visible reflection of how I went around thinking I’m inconsequential so what I do doesn’t matter. But actually I can pollute my surroundings with the quality of my walk even and thinking I’m of no importance this excuses this! – but when many people do this, the surroundings look and feel disregarded, and our relationships with each other are impacted. Understanding my choices matter greatly brings me back to responsibility.

  497. “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” I can so relate to this Esther, I would feel inspired and pulled by natures magic, but it was always momentary – it never lasted – for I did not see (until i came to Universal Medicine) that I too could equal this wonderment and inspiration if I was to treasure myself and live by the cycles that are here to support & hold us.

  498. We may ignore and abuse nature but only need to look at the reflection of what happens in nature when it is out of balance. Are we creating our own path to extinction from our choices?

    1. Good question Steve, as we all know that old Mother nature will only take so much before she starts correcting our mistakes in a very powerful way.

  499. Responsibility is a word we tend to avoid at all costs. Why? because it is saying that we are a part of the whole and have a part to play and so cannot just go off and do our own thing regardless of everyone else and then expect no consequences!

  500. The relationship we have with nature often comes with wanting nature to make us feel better – without truly appreciating ourselves or others we use nature to fix the hurt we are feeling and to give us temporary relief, and at the same time missing that there is so much more nature has to offer in the way of symbolism and connection to everything.

  501. Wow, Ester, if we would closely look at just the one example you presented here concerning the working together of the bees, what would this mean for our own life. My question there is does bees drink alcohol or coffee as stimulation in order to have so called fun( alcohol) or be able to get through the day( coffee) and what would this working together in such a harmonious, close, commited and dedicated way would mean for our own lifes? What kind of change would this bring?
    I know from myself that taking responsibility brings joy and to be joyful has an impact on my surrounding.

  502. Esther, this is beautiful, ‘each bee just lives for her task at hand and is deeply dedicated to it, how the whole hive works together to keep the queen alive and strong, how the whole system works in harmony, and how incredibly hardworking they are for all.’ I can feel how we could live like this as human beings, working for the all, at the moment this is not happening, we live very separate lives and do not see the bigger picture or that we are one big family.

  503. It is a crucial reflection when we look at the microcosm and know it is a reflection of what is playing out in other wider areas of the community too. I can see my responsibility to live considerately of the all must start in my very own ‘hive’

  504. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” When we stop and actually feel your words Esther, it brings a clarity and responsibility to our every move on this planet. When we walk in anger or frustration we are not just harming ourselves we are harming the planet and everyone and everything in it.

  505. “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” this is so true and the more I understand the power of appreciation the more I understand it is essential to our evolution.

  506. ‘If we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature’, it is so true that we need to start with appreciation of ourselves which naturally leads to the appreciation and honesty of the world around us.

  507. There is something confirming in seeing a glorious sunset or sunrise, and a consistency in the beauty of nature and its ability to survive no matter what that is inspiring.

  508. “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly” – so true Esther, everything starts and extends from the quality we hold ourselves first, and so everything else.

  509. I too never realised how much I matter and how everything I do matters until meeting Universal Medicine. I have found that the more I nurture myself in my daily life, taking care of what and when I eat, sleep, work and the quality of my breath and movements, my appreciation of nature has changed immensely. I no longer use Nature to escape or seek relief from life, but now deeply appreciate the reflections of the beauty, harmony and purpose of God and the constant reminder of my divine origins and my place in the universe.

  510. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.”
    This is a huge responsibility and we are not just talking about nature here and our planet but the whole of the universe. To allow myself to feel this already changes my next move into a greater one.

  511. The difference laid out in your third last paragraph is a beautiful teaching, Esther, thank you. Accepting we are part of nature, our wonder, appreciation, respect and responsibility has to extend to ourselves.

  512. Esther, thankyou for this beautiful reminder – it is so lovingly written I realized I was not appreciating what I bring to nature when I am being true to myself and what a fallacy I live if I think I truly love nature and feel my connection to it, yet I cannot appreciate my own beautiful self as being a dynamic and vital part of it! In actual fact if I am not appreciating this then I am polluting it!!!

  513. We layer foundation after foundation on top of one another, in order to create our primary foundation. The more foundations in different aspects of our lives that we layer, the stronger our primary foundation becomes. For me Jesus demonstrated how absolutely rock solid his primary foundation was, when he was nailed to the Cross, he did not waver for an instant, he knew who he was beyond a shadow of a doubt and that knowing was as a result of his fundamental foundation.

  514. If I am valuing others above myself, I am not valuing my true worth. I am holding myself as lesser which is a form of dis-regard. LOVE these blogs, it’s so beautiful how we support each other to expand and evolve.

  515. Realising that the way we are with ourselves is a reflection of how we are with everyone, as I allow myself to consider this and acknowledge how dis-regarding I have been with myself over the years, I find this very confronting. Which leads me to question why I seem to be more affected and hurt by how I have treated others than how I have treated myself. It suggests to me that there may well be a lot of hurt that I am still holding on to that I’ve not yet allowed myself to feel and let go of.

  516. ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world’, this really resonates with me, Esther, thank you. It feels like what you are sharing is that our relationship with ourselves is no different to how we treat everything else in our lives. It is a reflection of how we are in life. It gives a very real perspective that we can’t shy away from. I can feel myself squirming a little as I write this as I know how dis-regarding I have been to myself, which means I have shown this same level of disregard to everyone else, whether I have meant to or not, the fact is, I have.

  517. The world is suffering from a global epidemic of irresponsibility – as in our ‘hurt’ and protection we disconnect from all that we are an intrinsic part of and attempt to live the individual life, looking after ourselves and or family and friends, when in fact we are here to live equally with all. The consequences of this kind of living are evident in all of society’s woes and conflict, but if we learn that protection and individualism aren’t the answer, we can start to look at what is true for all of us, that we are interdependent and interwoven with all people and all life, and are an equal part of it all. Only then will the world truly begin to heal.

  518. Interdependence goes hand in hand with responsibility, but a responsibility which is a joy and wonder to live when we begin to understand what it means.

  519. “There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.” This is so true Esther. Even though there are times when we do appreciate the beauty and grandness of nature, we tend to forget that we are an integral part of the whole. As a rule, we do not like to step out of our comfort zone if we are asked to do something that may interrupt our usual day to day life. What we dont realise is how this resistance can and does interrupt the natural flow of the cycle of life.

  520. Standing alongside nature and seeing the reflections of beauty, honesty and community it encapsulates makes me appreciate the responsibility I hold and the connection to my soul that has a greater purpose to the world at large. If we then look at how small bees and ants are and yet what they represent it is immeasurable and then what ponder the part we play in they way the world is today? When we bring all that we are to all that we do, we are walking in responsibility, just like the bees in the colony.

  521. We are being offered an opportunity to live with nature and all that it brings rather than seeing it as something we admire, go to, use, even abuse. It is this seeing it as separate from us that allows us as humans to do this. Something for me to consider in terms of how I see nature – thank you Esther.

  522. I grew up sailing around the world, and when you are in the middle of an Ocean, miles from land you do realise that you are just a speck, a tiny part of this big world that we live in, which again is just a part of the universe. I used to love it at night when you look up at the stars, millions of them that are easy to see without any light pollution. It is amazing the world we live in and yet how often do we get caught up in deadlines and work commitments etc etc and forget who we are and where we come from.

  523. ‘I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world.’ In admiring the grandeur or intricacy of nature we can forget ourselves – some might even deny humans even matter in the face of such magnificence, or carry loathing of people from an environmentalist perspective. But the beauty that lies within us as magnificent natural beings also needs to be recognised and appreciated. Anything else, and we are making ourselves less – and setting ourselves up to be careless with ourselves and with nature, thereby creating the very dynamic of abuse of which environmentalists complain.

  524. ‘…when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose.’ Great observation Esther. We either view nature as we might enjoy an exquisite artwork – from afar – or ‘get in amongst it’ and use it as our personal playground. Rarely do we consider our own, very integral part in it.

  525. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to’. The understanding of being of service includes bringing a body that is deeply loved, nurtured and held in the Divinity it came from. It has taken a long time for me to begin to understand that to be of true service this has to be the case and how making life about ‘I’, means that there will be no ‘I’ in true service when we interact with all that is. Thank you Esther.

  526. The way we treat nature is only a reflection of the way we treat ourselves. Were we to understand our true worth, we would not treat nature with the same disregard.

  527. Beautiful Esther, when we allow ourselves to feel and be part the the grandness of the universe, we feel how incredibly important we are. A puzzle isn’t complete until all parts are in place.

  528. It’s interesting to ponder on how we decide that we are separate to nature. I know for me, it’s only very recently I have never considered that I was actually part of something bigger than just even my immediate family. It’s impossible that we are not part of nature, but how we choose to live everyday certainly keeps us separated, and I guess if we do that for long enough, we create generations that experience their elders living in isolation to the all, and the cycle continues.

  529. From the micro to the macro, there is a bigger picture we rarely consider. Our body is made of particles, as is the whole the universe, so we have a responsibility in what those particles reflect back to the rest of the world – to others, to nature, our planet and the universe.

  530. Hello Esther and from what I see we only change our tune with nature and others things when things get extreme. You know that little pain in the head or neck that reoccurs every now and again that turns out to be a tumour, then we stop. That storm that turns into a hurricane, then we stop. The rain that turns to a major flood, we stop. The fall that turns into a broken bone, we stop. We received message all the time in every moment and yet to have us stop it needs to be loud. Otherwise at this point it seems we walk straight past. I notice we seem to work best and nearly unbiasedly when there is an extreme, it seems the extreme has a way of bringing us together that isn’t normally what we choose. Why does it need to be extreme? and from our behaviour it doesn’t appear it has been extreme enough as yet. We are a part of nature as it is a part of us, the two of us are inseparable and it’s only us that think this isn’t the case.

  531. ‘Our interdependence comes with responsibility’, – This is a grand truth that is and honour to accept and appreciate in full.

  532. Every aspect of God’s given nature is here to reflect something to us – how ignorant are we as a society that we ignore these reflections every moment of our lives.

    1. Michael if ignoring nature was the worse thing that we did to it then it wouldn’t be so bad but we have desecrated untold amounts of nature and actually directly caused the obliteration of an absolutely inexcusable amount of wildlife and still we don’t choose to mend our ways.

  533. What I have found interesting for quite sometime now, and I was also one to do this, is how much we blame the weather and what nature is doing on how we feel and our moods. Like me, I never considered what nature was even asking of me. Now I listen so much more and when it rains I feel whether I really need to go out or it’s a day to stay warm and dry inside… instead of reacting and being annoyed.

  534. Isn’t ironic? We love and adore nature and actually depend upon its many fruits and offerings yet we equally trash and abuse it!

    1. It is ironic and thinking about it, it seems it is great reflection of how we are with our own bodies. We love that we can work with them, do the things we like, look beautiful etc, yet we also eat foods that do harm our bodies, we think negatively about ourselves or we do not dress ourselves to the weather. Great to start a different way; let’s honour and appreciate our bodies and nature equally so and let’s see what beauty will be reflected.

      1. This also equally applies to our relationships, an aspect of our lives that defines almost everything we do yet is one of the most common aspects of life that we have issues with. If we have issues in relationships then how are we place in our relationship with ourselves?

      2. Yes great point Joshua, our loved ones like family, partners and close friends do get the most of our reactions yet we do hold them very dear. Which in my own experience often felt like uncontrollable reactions which I did not like but felt almost powerless with. Yet I found that taking it back to our own relationship with ourselves the reactions become controllable or are not there because they stem often from someone doing something loving for themselves which we did not take the effort of doing for ourselves or just from not appreciating ourselves enough.

  535. There is a very strange thing that so many peoples have done throughout history, and especially in the current era: that is to hold nature in contempt. We seem to think that it is there to be shaped and moulded to our needs and whims. It shows a lack of appreciation for the fact that nature is not owned by us and as you have pointed out here, we are inextricably intertwined with nature. Our true relationship with nature is not one of dominance but one of mutual appreciation.

  536. I do not feel we can comprehend or fathom the absolute vastness and hugeness of the Universe and just how magically it truly is, or if we do we soon seem to forget! We are a small part of something very big and I feel this is where we get stuck and where there is definitely a deep and very ill conciseness of ‘we are the only ones’ in the entire Universe and it is all about us! As well as we are born, live, and die. There is so much more to us than this and thankfully this is what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine not only present and teach, but reflect. I loved what you shared here and it’s really interesting … and true in that we tend to see looking after ourselves (self-loving and self-caring) as being selfish when in fact it is the complete opposite. How we live and the way we take care for and with ourselves has a ripple affect all around us, which of course includes nature.’I started to invest greatly in myself, not by being selfish, but by learning to be self-loving and self-caring. For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’

  537. Amazing sharing. “I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” Nature is amazing but when we live the grandness we are, wow that is awesome.

  538. What you say here about appreciation relates to people too. We can at best admire the greatness in others until we begin to appreciate the greatness in ourselves.

  539. “There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it.” As the saying goes ‘we can’t see the forest for the trees’.

  540. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” This is a poignant statement, and a powerful one at that. If we all lived this knowing the world may very well be a different place to what we have today, as there are so many of us living in a cocoon, thinking that what we do has no real consequence on the whole, when it most certainly does.

  541. A great sharing Esther and I thank you for reminding us that we cannot be separate from nature, we are all connected to each other. There is no way we can be of support or love someone else without first having learnt what it is to love ourselves first.

  542. Self centredness will only ever keep us thinking that we are individuals and that what we do or how we are doesn’t count. Lucky for us we have the blessing of nature which reflects the grandness of who we are and where we come from – a place of union, of harmony and divine order.

  543. A beautiful sharing of the part we all play in the world and so much more. Our Responsibility in this is so gracious and loving and something we all need a greater awareness of as is the support and reflection nature always offers us.

  544. This is a beautiful blog and I particularly love your final paragraph Esther. A bee does not get stuck in the machinations we humans do, it simply is, and does what it is here to do. We are not separate from the bee nor anything else in this universe. It is so worth appreciating our part in the whole.

  545. Thanks, Esther. When I am still, I can feel that everything around me responds to this deeper level of being. And if I feel a bit out of sorts, I enjoy the connection to nature and the stillness when I go and stand in a forest. It is important to appreciate whatever supports us to come back to ourselves.

  546. Beautiful blog Esther and I loved this sentence. ‘Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.’ We are all from this same grandness and thus each one of us can feel our part in it.

  547. The more I understand about life the clearer is becomes that our relationship with ourselves is the foundation of our relationship with life itself and so it is the place to look when we encounter disharmony in our world. It all begins with us and we have a great responsibility to nurture ourselves with deep love, care and appreciation from which true change will arise.

  548. There are very few things that we have created, that tide and time will not reclaim. We are but a speck of time compared to mountains but does this give us the right to waste our time? We are all part of the whole and have our role in it to play.

  549. Esther, this is a great article, there is much wisdom in it. This really stands out for me, ‘when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose’, this feels so true, with animals and plant life there is so much interrelationship, so much harmony, with us as human being there seems to be so much separation and not working together harmoniously as we could.

  550. I love this “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” From it I feel there is a principle that if applied changes our entire way of being in life. It is a principle that means we consider the whole all the time and in that everything is taken care of. Something for me to take into my day.

  551. Understanding that we matter and in fact that everything matters is fundamental if we are to truly address the escalating problems we are facing. The overall state of our human relations, the quality of our health, the ecological and economic fragility of our world are not shining examples of an intelligent species. Universal Medicine restores our awareness of our immense power and responsibility to our selves, one another and our communities, sticking our heads in the sand is no longer an option.

  552. This is huge this blog Esther, totally beautiful and if every one could fully understand what you are saying here our evolution, our destiny would happen sooner rather than later.

  553. The way we are with nature is a reflection of how we are in connection with ourselves and everything we are part of.

  554. What I feel here is that there is always space to deepen our appreciation of what nature reflects and means to us.

  555. Such a great point Esther, it isn’t until we see ourselves as part of this incredible whole that we can really appreciate the grand beauty we are and come from too, far greater than anything in nature in fact…

  556. Beautiful Esther – it starts with simple practical self-love and self-care and yet what can unfold for us is the true connection to ourselves, to nature and to everything – and we can finally realise the richness of our lives living fully our part in the grand interwoven interplay of the whole universe.

  557. I love the simplicity, beauty and wisdom of this blog: we can be attuned and equal to the magnificence of nature and universe, the choice is ours to make.

  558. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ Important to be reminded that every choice made either diminishes or expands us.

  559. I like what you say about not standing separate from nature. That is how I used to be. I would observe it, marvel at it (or not – depending on how rushed I was!) but never consider myself as part of it. Now that I am so much more aware of the whole picture and my absolute part of that, my relationship with nature has developed and, like you, my appreciation of it is also an appreciation of myself. Deeply confirming and deeply humbling.

  560. We think we appreciate nature, however, how can we truly appreciate the divinity that nature constantly reflects to us, without any judgment, when we are choosing not to take responsibility for the way we are living on this planet, as an equally important part of the whole? Are we not then actually working against nature? Are we not then merely using nature to alleviate the dis-ease we are feeling from our false way of living, from choosing to live as individuals, rather than living in true connection, in brotherhood, in unity with the whole?

  561. The gorgeous reflection that bees offer is the way they harmoniously work together for the greater good of the whole, they do not see themselves as separate or individual. This is an enormous lesson that humanity has yet to grasp. There is no true joy in being individual, as to be so, we are cutting ourselves off from feeling the web of love that connects us all together. It is still there but we are choosing not to feel it or live in harmony with it, therefore, causing a contrary current which affects the whole, the ripple effect is then felt by everyone. As more people choose to live in this way it has an increasingly significant affect on the lack of harmony felt by us all, hence the current mess that we are now living in.

  562. Ah yes, “We marvel at nature, we enjoy nature, we swear on the beauty of nature and its natural rhythm, we seek nature in times of hardship or to relax in, we stand up for nature as we can see our interdependence with it and the responsibility that brings, but when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose. Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.” As much as we try to fool ourselves that we are separate from nature and its natural rhythm – nature’s reflection is far too powerful to be ignored. Divine Design!

  563. “We marvel at nature, we enjoy nature, we swear on the beauty of nature and its natural rhythm, we seek nature in times of hardship or to relax in, we stand up for nature as we can see our interdependence with it and the responsibility that brings, but when it comes to ourselves and our part in the universe, we are completely ignorant of our own rhythm and purpose. Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.” – How we are with ourselves impacts on all those around us, and not just ourselves. It is time we appreciated the grandness that we are here to live and remind each other of. Esther, you have so beautifully shown us that we cannot take things for granted, and we cannot appreciate those things around us deeply so, until we embrace ourselves and appreciate ourselves on all levels too.

  564. Esther, thank you for such a beautiful blog – a great reminder for us all that Nature is God’s gift to us to keep telling us how amazing we are and what an important role each of us actually plays in the Whole.

  565. Great reminder for us to see ourselves as part of Nature! You also bring home the fact that we are very much responsible for our actions and the way we live , not only on the physical level but also the deeper self nurturing way of the Soul.

  566. It’s no surprise this blog post presented itself just after I was having a conversation with a friend about the importance of looking after ourselves first before we can be of any service to others, and that by being of service to others never ever means leaving ourselves behind and being selfless, benevolent and arrogant. We all have a part to play and contribute and I believe there is a reason for every single one of us, even when sometimes it doesn’t look like right – it often doesn’t look right, but there is a reason for all of it.

  567. Certain Bees, the scouting ones, actually do a “wiggly dance” in which they wiggle around in a figure of ‘8’. The direction of the ‘8’ tells the other bees in which direction the pollenating flower is in, and the length of time spent on one full rotation of the ‘8’ tells the bees how far away the food is. Absolutely stunning science we have yet to truly understand and appreciate.

  568. Beautiful Esther, we are so very arrogant when we admire nature but fail to acknowledge our inter-dependence and enormous responsibility within it. I too have learnt that I cannot truly treasure anything in this world unless I am truly treasuring myself and as you say not in a selfish way, but learning to invest in my health, my well being and my commitment to self, people, life. We have so much to redress and Universal Medicine continues to present the science and philosophy behind this responsibility, making it tangible, practical and very accessible to all who studying these ancient teachings to restore harmony, integrity and respect in their lives once more.

  569. The Bees are a wonderful example of Brotherhood not only do they serve their hive they also support the plant kingdom by pollinating the flowers and trees.The intricacies of nature and how it all magically works together to serve the whole, is there to offer humanity a reflection that each of us has our part to play on this Earth no different to nature.

  570. When we see ourselves as part of the whole then we cannot help but want to be responsible of every little part of that whole, just like the bee’s do.

  571. I’ve learnt too that self-love and self-care gives me a foundation from which I can much better support others and so it’s not about self in the end but all of us.

  572. I have often wondered if nature is called ‘nature’ because it reflects our true nature. That is, every creature, be it in the way they move, how they look or the sound they make, is constantly communicating a message to us to help us return to the harmony and divinity we have disconnected from. You raise a great point here Esther, that we can often adopt the stance of appreciating nature from afar rather than see that we are also part of this grand order and universal harmony that is forever calling us to return to that which we separated from.

  573. To invest in ourselves is so important, for without investment in caring for me then what I see in the world is diminished. That is how I feel anyway from the experiences I have had where I care for myself and look positively on the world, and when I do not and see a much bleaker picture.

  574. I love what you have shared Esther, and this concept completely blows the belief of what we have in the world presently. What you have shared is when we choose to take care of ourselves, to live as we do matter, connected and interconnected with everyone and everything, daily as a deepening awareness with the deepening with ourselves, we take more responsibility to inspire and lead. Everyone who takes the responsibility to self-care has the natural responsibility to lead.

  575. Esther, you share great insights in this blog, how holding ourselves apart from something like nature and not seeing ourselves as a part of it means we both abuse ourselves and it. It’s obvious when I read it here, yet I do not live this consistently, I have moments where I feel connected to it all but they are not yet an established consistent lived way. What would that actually mean, honouring me, honouring nature and the cycles we both live in – for we are a part of nature even while we hold ourselves apart from it and as you put it so simply Esther ‘Our interdependence comes with responsibility.’ Thank you, I’ve been given a great gift in reading this today.

  576. It is a curious phenomenon that we view nature through the lens of what it offers us and how it can serve us, please us or support us yet do we consider what effect we are having on nature by how we are living and the impact we are having on the whole?

  577. Esther you raise some great points here about our attitude of being separate to nature and to the grander Universe, and how that separation influences how we live and value ourselves, and what we choose on a daily basis.

  578. When we are a part of it then we are less likely to abuse it and the fact is, we are all a part of it, no matter where in the world we are.

  579. We are all so interconnected with everyone and everything, more than we accept. The ‘I’ does matter in so far as us being and living ALL that we are so that we can fully contribute to the whole.

  580. There is much we don’t want to feel when it comes to our role on earth, if we let ourselves feel this much change in the way we move is needed.

  581. The disregard in which we use and abuse our planet is no different to the disregard and abuse we do to ourselves. When we change that to self loving and caring behaviours toward ourselves and then toward our fellow man we also consider the impact we have on and in our environment. As a human race we have lived irresponsibly, it’s now for us to reflect on our choices and contribute with every action being in an energy that will support us all including nature.

  582. The most obvious and in our face reflection from nature is that everything is interconnected and everything impacts on everything else. Even the fact that our actions have an impact on the destruction of the habitat and extinction of other species shows us that we hold immense responsibility and accountability in our hands.

  583. “I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” Thank you Esther for a confirming blog and this reminder – beautiful 🙂

  584. Redefines what it means to be an environmentalist. You cannot be a true environmentalist, standing for and supporting nature if you are A) not loving yourself or another and B) wanting to save the environment out of reaction or judgement to the current way humanity is living and abusing themselves and the world. A true environmentalist is someone who seeks to bring a balance to the world, embracing it all, including all of human life.

    1. Beautiful exposed and explained Joshua. So the way to “save the planet” is not by hugging a tree but by seeing and living the fact that every choice you make affects the all.

    2. Joshua I love what you have shared. It has helped me to see that so many environmentalists are actually fuelling the very degradation that they are looking to stop because as Esther so rightly says, nature and us are one and the same, which means that if a person is not living in a way that is self loving, then this is the same as polluting the Earth. When you think about it, there’s actually no difference between pouring bleach into the ocean and pouring alcohol down your neck.

  585. How often do we negate or neglect to see our part, “I have always stood in awe, appreciating what a beautiful planet we are living on BUT, and this is a big but, I didn’t ever appreciate myself in it, or what I bring to the world. I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” We are funny in the way that we see how beautiful and magical the world is but like a foreigner we don’t see ourselves a part of it. This is reflective for a number of things in that we know how to appreciate but we don’t allow it to come home to us. In other words this is a key to unlocking so much, appreciate all there is and equally appreciate you are all there is, a note for me to take into the day.

    1. I agree Ray. So easy to marvel at nature – but the true marvel is what it is reflecting in us. For we are as much part of ‘nature’ as any tree, flower, animal or sunset.

      1. Thanks Otto and why isn’t this our immediate thought? It absolutely makes sense and is true and yet it’s not our current or common view. We see ourselves as something other then a part of the whole picture. As we are saying we will “marvel” at all the great things around us and talk about the balance nature brings but we speak of it as if we are external to it and play no part. Is it because we think of ourselves as superior to nature? Yet we die and the body we have returns to nature, we know that as a fact so wouldn’t that indicate that we are a part and not greater? There are so many imbalances in how we view the world as a human being and that is because we are part of something grander and nature indeed reflects this to us all of the time.

  586. You bring a whole other dimension to not abusing nature. That we can do this by seeing the reflection it really brings to us – how divine we are – and that it is not about hugging or saving a tree. It is about living in a way that does not harm others and thus nature.

  587. The magnificence we are is in itself a wonder to behold, as we hold with us the wisdom of the universe that we are all inescapably and inherently part of. As with nature and the universe, we are designed to move in a way that is impulsed by the universal truth that reflects the light of God’s love, the pulse of life. Imagine if the sun resisted the pull of the universe and chose to not move in accordance to its divine purpose? We are no less than this nor is our responsibility. For not only are we forever held in God’s love, we are God’s love and we are responsible for the divine love we hold and are moved by in this world. For it is here that we will realise and can appreciate the awe of the oneness that we are all equally part of.

  588. Absolutely brilliant blog Esther, I love what you’ve shared. So, beautiful to appreciate what nature reflects to us and there is much for us learn. The bee’s are a great reminder for us, showing us that we too can work and live in brotherhood. Nature is a constant reflection of order, beauty, magnificence and divinity, we are certainly part of this, and it supports us in every way once we choose to appreciate what nature offers.

  589. We are all indeed one – all that makes up our universe. When you see the grandness of nature, you are offered a reflection of how grand you truly are. The magnificence of God.

  590. Our minds lead us to believe we are separate to everything around us – an individual, but our bodies know and feel everything through energy – there is no escaping the wisdom of our bodies.

  591. Everyone, and everything, are inter-related and inter-connected, even if not supposedly physically touching, because everything is energy and therefore energy connects all.

  592. As I read an appreciate what is offered here, the kookaburras out side are singing their song of appreciation for the divine order we are all living, sharing and responsible for our own part in the harmony of it all. Imagine if the birds decided to sleep in, take the day off, over eat and feel sick, sluggish and couldn’t fly straight. The world would feel very strange if this happened even once. Yet as humans we can choose not to live our fullness . . .

  593. I am vey glad that someone has broached this subject, for I always found it strange that we treat nature as an impressive show that we are watching on Telly, how absolutely disconnected we choose to approach it in regards to our part in it all. Don’t get me wrong, I am with you and also feel nature is stunning and is reflecting something big, much like the stars in the sky but it’s merely light reflecting, it is no grander than what lays inside of everyone of us.

  594. How very different a ‘self centred’ life can be from a ‘self loving’ one. When we are loving with ourselves and our bodies we are oozing that love everywhere we go, so no matter who we pass in the street, they will get the quality of what we live through our walk and presence. So really, we are living that love not only for ourselves but for everyone else too, nature included. In self centred-ness we are blocked from seeing the effects of how we are on everything else.

  595. It is true, we often put ourself outside the picture, as the observer of the beauty (and the awful things that happen). But in true nature we are part of this whole picture, we have got a role to play. Equal in all ways.

  596. There is much to learn for us all from the simplicity of the reflection of nature. I love your image of the hive and how bees are purposeful working in connection and in harmony to the all. If we were to stand back and observe planet Earth like a bee hive we could easily see how we do not work as one but rather for our individual gain.

  597. Life has become much nicer for me since I experience to be part of a whole, an equal part of a bigger whole.

  598. This is a beautiful reminder that our natural way is a part of the beauty and harmony of the world. The majority of humans on this planet don’t know this and not only see themselves as separate to nature and the universe, they seem to think they are above it and they contribute to what is not beautiful in the world and beyond. Yet, that is not our natural way.

  599. Nature is constantly reflecting something to us, whether it is confirming to us who we are, showing us how we are living or guiding us to take our next step. We all have the ability to read what nature is showing us, it is what we then do with that reflection that determines our next choice, and accepting that we are an integral part of this reflection.

  600. Nature is a grand reflection that we are designed to work in brotherhood, not to do it alone, but to value ourselves along with everyone else as equal. When we surrender to this, then there is a natural order in which our particles align to.

  601. When we look at the example of the bee’s in the hive, we get to see how when life is lived with an overall obedience to our effect on the whole, in this case the hive, a far greater form of freedom than the individual freedom we strive so hard for is achived, in the harmonious working of the group. Currently we struggle with competition and suffering, hurts and issues all over the world – the ‘me’ based form of individual freedom where you can do whatever you like with no thought of the consequences on others is the dominant idea, and yet is it possible it is the perpetrator of the issues we seek to be rid of?

  602. Nature and the animals work together in beautiful harmony. The time will come we join in here. The first step is, I agree, to start to honor & appreciate our own nature and our belonging to a bigger picture and plan.

  603. Love is an expression of what is within, and so holding onto any frustrations, issues or complications gets in the way of us expressing love.

  604. Esther as I was reading your blog I was pondering what would it look like if you were to take an animals view of how humans live on this planet, quite literally a bird’s eye view – it would make a great little animation with the animals bewilderment at how the humans live oblivious to the cycles offered by their surroundings, how disharmoniously they move amongst each other and how self centered their lives appear to be.

    1. I agree, there is quite a stark contrast between the way animals move and the way humans move.

  605. I love the awareness you are bringing to the intricate workings of all aspects of our world Esther. Everything is connected and thus the responsibility we are called to live cannot be applied to one part of our world and not to another.

  606. Wow Esther this is beautiful and says it all. Appreciation of ourselves lovingly as part of the whole and magnifies the Universe we are all part of along with nature in more ways than we imagine.

  607. It’s so easy to feel like a tiny speck within the awesomeness of nature, but if we connect to our own awesomeness we can indeed feel equally awesome within it and as a part of it. How beautiful.

  608. Beautifully said Esther.
    The truth of the world in which we live, is that we treat nature as we treat ourselves. If we but pause and consider how destructive we are of nature and bring this awareness to how we treat the body we are in, does this not cause us great shock? Appreciation and love of our body is the precursor to true appreciation, care and love of our planet.

    1. So true Leigh, the first environment we live in is our body yet we are so reckless, uncaring, and often downright destructive with it. It may be that we live even more separated from our own body than we do with nature around us.

  609. ‘There is so much beauty in nature and around us but we do not see it for what it truly is as we do not appreciate and understand our part in it’ – LOVE what you’re sharing here, Esther …. it’s so true, we refuse to take responsibility for the part we are here to play, we see ourselves as separate, we admire the beauty of nature all around us without appreciating that we are part of the same delicate web of connectivity. Nature depends on us to step up and play our part too.

  610. ‘This turning towards and taking deep loving care of myself has rekindled the fullness of my whole being, it has brought me the understanding of my part in this world, and everybody else’s, and has made me aware of the responsibility we all have.’ Taking deep loving care of ourselves is something we generally avoid but once embarked upon becomes a journey that reveals so much and gives us back so much in all sorts of ways. In my experience from taking deep loving care of myself this feeling of connection to the Universe has grown incrementally and my feeling of responsibility with it, because of this there is more interaction with my local community and global affairs and a greater feeling of interconnectedness. Great to be reminded that there are 7 billion of us living on this planet and to see the enormous potential there is for us.

  611. What an incredibly beautiful call for us all to start considering the part we are here to play in the divine order of this amazing universe we call home.

  612. It’s true when we begin to really care for ourselves and begin to appreciate ourselves and what we bring to the world we see that we have an equal pace along with the bees, the trees and everything else, there is no separation and everything and everyone has a purpose. What if 7 billion people started to take care of themselves, appreciated themselves and allowed this connection to the Universe?

  613. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ – wow what an awesome reminder of our responsibility each day! And how often to I ignore the fact that I am part of the all!! But the truth is, everything is energy first and if I am to ignore this fact, I might not see it but I will feel it!! We have a choice at every moment and it is possible for us all to support ourselves and each other.

  614. Loved the expansiveness of your blog Esther a great reminder of the responsibility we have to live in a way that supports nature and not hinder it. As you say the more we are able to appreciate ourselves the more we can appreciate nature and the reflection it offers us. When we do we will see how we abuse the very thing that is offering us a true reflection on how to live in harmony with each other.

  615. I have never ever considered this, I don’t actually appreciate myself or allow myself to feel the grandness I bring to everyone and this world. I don’t think I have ever actually allowed myself to feel it. I’m great at appreciating others and nature but not myself. This could be where I am going wrong so to speak, living in a way I am constantly trying to be more, good enough – when really i am awesome along. Is this where many of us go wrong so to speak, although there is no wrong, but get swayed off track, thinking we have to achieve instead of realising we are already everything we need to be and then some! Now this is an awareness, an understanding for me, but not yet an every day lived experience.

  616. Gorgeous Esther, and true that we have our place in nature and there is so much to appreciate about nature of course but ourselves too.

  617. “Today I still love nature and I am in awe of its magic but I do not stand in separation to it, feeling it is grander than me. Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” that is a great insight Esther and one that as you share comes with responsibility for how we are interconnecting with nature and others, everything is connected no one is in isolation.

  618. Well said Esther we do indeed need to appreciate ourselves and then can be one with nature. I love how nature can reflect back to us so many divine qualities we all carry, ultimately to remind us that we are all one and the same and far more than purely physical human beings.

  619. I am a part of this grand and glorious whole that I see in nature. Without claiming this I separate from that glory rather than enjoying the expression of being a part of that grandness. It’s like being invited to a party and feeling sad for not going. But the choice to not go has been made by us. I feel this has been the key that has been concealed. That we have the ability to confirm our own grandness and our place in the universe.

  620. Maybe you’ve just given us the answer to the environmental problems of the world. We focus on what we do to the environment but as yet we haven’t considered that our mere presence IN nature is affecting it greatly by us not accepting that we are part of it. It’s like when you get a new organ in the body and the organ cannot really accept that it’s welcomed and can be part of this new environment. Nature is forever inspiring us to be part of the grandness it constantly reflects.

  621. Thank you Esther, so by abusing nature we are abusing ourselves and each other, and likewise our lack of appreciation for ourselves plays out with the way we use nature and see ourselves as separate.

  622. We have a lot to learn from nature. We admire it but don’t connect to the fact that we too are part of it, and live totally out of sync to the natural rhythms and cycles we belong to.

  623. Your blog made me remember how the way we live has changed just in my lifetime. As a child we were in contact with family and friends more often and would visit each other’s homes every weekend. People would pop round unannounced, but we didn’t have phones back then anyway. There was definitely more of a community feel. These days we live in our individual silos. I know I don’t always keep in contact with friends and sometimes don’t see them for months.

  624. As I was reading about your description of the bees and then the fact that there are 7 billion of us – the difference between how the bee population live and the 7 billion of us live couldn’t be more stark! Yes we need to be more responsible and understand the interconnectedness of how we each play our part but since we are not at that stage yet we can look at the bees and be inspired as they are showing us the way to go!

  625. When we understand that nature has been provided as a gentle reflection of everything we need to know, then we can treat it with a level of respect and understanding, and this includes our own bodies.

    1. Yes, because so many of us take it for granted, or worse, we are completely ignorant of it. Which is just a reflection of how we are with ourselves and others around us.

  626. Esther what you share is beautiful and it is completely spot on, I too was in awe of nature however like you “I somehow knew I was part of this grandness but did not see how.” I feel also the more I appreciate myself then not only the more I feel part of the all but the more I feel responsible for everything. My choice to be reckless is something that is not an option when I both value myself and all others. The more I make this part of my everyday living the stronger that foundation is.

  627. Esther, this is gorgeous, ‘Through the understanding that I matter, and matter greatly in this world, by the mere fact that I am part of this gigantic universe, I started to invest greatly in myself’, I notice that when I value myself and take care of myself that I feel well and vital and have the energy and love to then support others and I feel the bigger picture – that it is not just about me and what I need but is about all of us and the whole universe.

  628. “However, if we do not have appreciation for ourselves, we will always stay an admirer of nature, but in truth will keep using it and abusing it instead of living in it and knowing how to be part of it and live accordingly.” Very, very true Esther. The way we are with nature is such a great reflection of how we are in all our relationships. Do we see ourselves as part of the whole or separate to it? An awesome question to ask ourselves.

  629. Nature offers us a reflection of our innateness – the delicacy, the fragility, the beauty, its cyclical patterns, how it evolves etc. We might say that nature reflects our nature back to us. Nature can also offer us a reflection of what happens when we work against it creating disharmony in our world – or even our Universe. Then it offers us loving corrections so we don’t go too far ‘off track’. It is all beautifully balanced in my view.

  630. The grace and beauty in this understanding of oneself and one’s connection to the All is beautiful to read Esther. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” is a phrase that jumps out for me this morning as I move into my day.

  631. We live in separation from ourselves and therefore in separation from everything else. Re-connection back to who we are in truth, is the one and only antidote for everything.

  632. So very true Esther, we are always at the ready to appreciate and marvel at the intricacies and grandness of aspects of nature, but rarely are we prepared to see the wonder and incredible beauty of ourselves.

  633. Not only do we completely disregard the natural rhythm of the universe but we actually appear to be going all out to put ourselves into a way of being that is as far from the natural rhythm of the planet as possible. It really is no wonder we are so completely and utterly out of sorts.

    1. The pull of nature to work in harmony with our natural rhythms is strong… we have to work hard to counter this, which goes some way to explain our exhaustion, ill-health and discontent… madness, yes, and one day we will surrender to our natural state of working with, not against, nature, God and the universe.

  634. Lake of the Woods in Canada covers an area of 1679 sqm miles with 14,552 islands. It is a real wilderness area. There are very strict rules for visiting; there are only canoes allowed and nothing man made can be left. In my youth, I spent two weeks there portaging heavy wooden canoes and supplies with 18 others. Thinking back to this adventure puts life into perspective and our part in it. When I look at what we allowed to happen to the planet and what we are doing to the place we live, is a true crime that affects us all. By not knowing our part in the big picture, will make it only a memory.

  635. Beautiful to feel your appreciation of the part you play in the bigger picture and your commitment to living this in a responsible way. This is inspiring and confirming of how until we appreciate how we are all integrated and thus how our every choice affects everything we will continue down the current path of devastation and the consequences for humanity and the universe are being presently felt all around us.

  636. I couldn’t agree more, Esther. When we look beyond the bubble of self and take responsibility for the ripple effect of our movements in the universe, we cannot help but feel a union with all of nature, humanity and the stars.

  637. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ This reminds me that I am ‘the fly in the ointment’ when I do not take responsibility for contributing to the harmony of the Universe that I am a part of.

  638. What a beautiful sharing Esther. Mostly we do not see ourselves as a part of the whole but as an individual needing to accomplish or compete something. This attitude is holding us back in our evolution as we are whole naturally and as such a part of the bigger whole.

  639. What a beautiful sharing Esther. Mostly we do not see ourselves as a part of the whole but as an individual needing to accomplish or compete something. This attitude is holding us back in our evolution as we are whole naturally and as such a part of the bigger whole.

  640. Bees are a wonderful reflection of how to live in harmony with each bee dedicated to playing their part in the whole and not distracted by their own individual needs. We would do well to heed this lesson and recognise what this means for us. For me choosing to look after my body in a responsible way means that I am not being a drain on resources and have more vitality to contribute to the ‘all’ that we are an integral part of.

  641. You have begun an evolutionary conversation here Esther. The grandness of the universe is equally in me, and what we call ‘nature’ is but another reflection of this truth! Our responsibility it simple really and it is first to connect with the power and potential that we hold to make a difference in the universe!

  642. We human beings are responsible for the world, to keep it as we have found it, in harmony with the all and the Universe and that is not the way we are currently using it. In the disharmonious way we are living we are exhausting and polluting the earth to such an extend that the earth responds with earthquakes, heavy rains, landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, global warming to name a few. Until we become aware of our role to this natural disasters and like the bees are working in harmony and rhythm with all that they are part of, we can start to take our responsibility and live in harmony and rhythm to the grander whole we call nature.

  643. “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from”. Beautiful Esther. I enjoyed reading your journey from being in awe of nature to appreciating the same in yourself.

  644. Absolutely beautiful Esther, it’s so easy to forget that we are all part of the same picture and the responsibility for this is equal for all. Thanks for the reminder that our responsibility goes beyond this world to the ever expanding universe as it is a jolt out of seeing that it is only about us, even though we are very much part of the all.

  645. We tend to stand before nature as if it were the only majestic thing around. It is not the only one; just the obvious one. We do not understand what nature does to us. It is a reminder of the grandness we are and the immense beauty we represent. It also reminds us that we are part of a truly encompassing order and we hold a responsibility in it and towards it. Nature supports us to deepen the understanding and appreciation of life and the perfection of the order. It has a lot to offer us. We just have to be willing to put the me bubble aside and feel.

  646. I have always loved the idea of living in a sphere which is a massive swell of interconnected interdependence however somehow failed to realise that, of course, this requires a huge level of responsibility.

  647. So beautifully shared Esther and a loving invitation to appreciate that we aren’t separate and that nature is here to support us, not just look pretty or annoy depending on our perspective at the time.

  648. A great read Esther, thank you… Nature certainly offers many examples of how it has the capacity to integrate and live in synergy and harmony … the bees are just one example where humans could consider and ‘take a leaf out of its book’…

  649. “My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.” This is the ultimate responsibility and a much needed and ever so crucial lesson for humanity at this time in history. It is not just about being responsible for our own little individual world, but for the world we live in and everybody and everything we share this world with.

  650. Yes Esther imagine if we zoomed out and stood in awe and wonder at the 7 billion human beings+ who live on the earth. So often we tell jokes about how crazy Aliens would think that we are if they landed one day. Perhaps the truth is we are very disappointed in a deep way with the disharmonious state of our affairs? The beautiful thing is that this shows we do yearn to work as one just like the bees. It seems like the more we appreciate the beauty of our true nature from the universal view, the less room there is for arguments, hate, blame and gloom. And this all seems to start with us appreciating ourselves. This appreciation is as important to be taught as the birds and the bees.

  651. Very, very beautifully said Esther, I have nothing to add except my joyful concurrence and appreciation.

  652. We have so much to learn, not only from the lives of bees but from the whole of nature but jeez we’re an arrogant bunch. Seriously! That everywhere we look there’s degradation and suffering and yet we still keep making the same old choices and believing that we’re ok as we are. So life therefore has no choice other than to keep dishing up the consequences of our choices and boy oh boy it’s going to get a lot uglier, simply because we continue to put our hands over our eyes and ears and pretend that it’s got nothing to do with us. Eventually we will be able to work out that the common denominator in all of this mess, is…………!

  653. Esther your first line is spot on ‘It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world’. We trash ourselves first and then by default we trash every-thing else. We care deeply for ourselves and by default we care deeply for every-thing else. It’s a mathematical equation, it can’t be side stepped.

  654. How beautifully you put our existence into perspective and remind us that not only are we one of 7 billion, we are part of a greater whole – the Universe.

  655. Esther you have shared so very much with this article. Yes I completely agree with you that we see ourselves as existing separately from nature, as indeed we also see ourselves as separate from one another but if our goggles of illusion were to be lifted then we would see that everything in life is simply a swirling mass of identical particles. Particles that many refer to as the body of God. We are all cut from the same cloth, as are the trees and the birds and the animals and every-thing else for that matter, one fabric just different shapes.

  656. I agree Esther – when I appreciate myself deeply as a tiny but a vital part of the One gigantic picture it makes absolute sense that it is my responsibility to love and care for myself.

  657. “Today I can feel my part in it and how, through the reflection of nature, I can be confirmed in my own grandness and/or be reminded of this grandness I am from.” Nature is a reflection of all that we are and the all that we come from. When we stop to appreciate just how important it is to see how interconnected we are brings a giant smile to my face. Thank you Esther.

  658. I like that you are asking me to consider the possibility that if I find the rhythm and purposefulness of nature inspiring, I could possibility have my own rhythm and purpose to life.

  659. “For, in truth, I am unable to support anybody else if I am unable to help myself. My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to” . . This is super important and so very practical yet sadly overlooked by most.

  660. Nature is a beautiful reflection of the interconnectedness and interdependence of everything. To see ourselves as separated from that shows how much we have lost ourselves in individuality and disconnection from our true inner nature. Connecting to nature hence can be a bridge to re-connecting with ourselves und understanding ourselves as part of a grander whole. We may feel like lost in space at times but we have only lost connection with the beholding and encompassing presence of space; nature is in intimate relationship with the space it is held in as reflected by the laws and principles it abides by.

  661. ”Above all, we remain ignorant of the responsibility we have within the cycle of the all, starting with the planet we are living on, our mother earth, out to the limitlessness of the universe.”
    Showing us that we can life with responsibility for exactly that : Our part in this plane of Life, or the Ignorance of that fact. What will actually be the more easy one? .. I think we all know the answer to that if we look at our world today. So lets increase our awareness about our responsibility in life.

  662. In the same way that we cannot truly love another if we do not love ourselves, we cannot truly appreciate nature if we do not first appreciate ourselves.

  663. Once we grow in appreciation for ourselves , we grow in our lives and so our inside knowing can come to the surface.. That we then can make our living way. Thank you Serge Benhayon for having inspired me and many many more on this website.
    And it inspired me Esther when you shared…

  664. I share your deep appreciation of nature Esther; the fact we all share the planet we live upon and by living in respect to the nature and rhythm of our own bodies we naturally honour each other, and are in harmony with life. Appreciation for the part I /we play is key.

    1. Great comment Victoria, I have come to realise how we treat ourselves and our body is a reflection of how we treat our planet. Most people I know would agree that our planet is currently sick, not functioning at its optimum potential due to the destruction we have created, the disregard, the huge levels of waste and poison we create and more, this to me is not dissimilar to how we are feeling and treating our bodies. So, reflecting on this and by taking responsibility, I know I can make a different by looking at how I choose to treat myself and my body. If I want to heal our planet, it means I first have to heal my own body, live and move in a way that creates harmony and naturally this will then be supporting everything else around me. Trying to heal from the outside first doesn’t seem to work, to me, it feels overwhelming and unachievable. But once I chose to start the healing process from me, starting from within and taking responsibility for my part and understanding how my choices impacts on humanity, it feels to me that harmony for humanity is definitely possible as I can feel it return within my own life. So, imagine, if 7 billion of us started to take responsibility and started to care, love, honour and treat our bodies with the utmost respect, how would that look?

      1. Beautiful chanly88, and this is how it is done, the quality of our every choice has an affect on the whole. This is a level of response-ability that we are being called to.

  665. It’s true we can be in awe of something and hold ourselves as insignificant or we can be in awe and appreciate what’s there and the difference that we still make.

  666. I love the order in nature. Simple, efficient, humble and exactly playing the part they naturally bring. Nothing more, nothing less. As human beings we’re extremely out of balance. We’ve lost our connection with our natural rhythms due to so many choices against our body. Our body who’s the one that actually is the part of us that isn’t lost. If presented with love it simply surrenders to itself and opens up. Hence why we love nature. Because in nature we are allowed to be who we are. How powerful is the reflection of nature… that once we are in it we come back to ourselves.

  667. Nature doesn’t get caught in distraction, delay or procrastination, which begs the question why as humans we do. Is there an energetic reason for this, are there influences unseen that we need to be aware of.

  668. When we do not leave ourselves out of the equation, every thought, act, behavior we have matters in the world, nothing can be ignored, absolutely everything matters. This then brings a deep joy in how I choose to live, as the truth is there is a deep joy in purpose and responsibility.

  669. What an awesome reminder us of ‘our’ part in the grandness and beauty of nature and the universe and the part (aka responsibility) we have in that.

  670. Thanks Esther this first line says it all or quite a lot in the scheme of things “It is apparent to me that if we do not care for ourselves, we will not be able to care for others, nor for any other species in this world.” Responsibility and care holds one of the keys to our salvation and balance to life on Earth for humanity I feel. The bubbles of individualisation cause much separation with in our framework and the reflection of the bees working together is one we can learn so much from.

  671. I have always loved nature and the great outdoors – but it’s only in the past few years that I have really begun to appreciate it. I used nature as a place to run away to or to check out in. Having greater appreciation for myself has had a direct link to my appreciation for nature. And that’s beautiful.

    1. Great point Nick, we can love something, but do we actually appreciate it – and relate to it in a way that supports ourselves and others to grow?!

  672. I love the expansion this beautiful blog offers. ‘My every choice either contributes to, or diminishes, the all that we belong to.’ To willingingly take our place and bring our purpose to the grandness that we all belong to brings us in harmony. No choice is insignificant, everything matters.

  673. I love this Esther. Of course we are a part of everything else, but we indulge in the avoidance of this in order to be able to do what ever we like. Embracing the understanding that you offer here means growing up!

  674. How convenient is it then to think there is only one life and that everything that is wrong with the world is far too big for us to bring change and hence – why not spend a life plodding along without any real purpose.

  675. I do love how bees work and also the beauty of the shapes that they create in their bee hives- it is amazing to observe and teaches us much. If these creatures can work together in this way, in such harmony then it shows us as humans a reflection of what is possible- for we are far from this in our world currently. Sometimes the greatest wisdom is offered in the greatest simplicity of life.

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