Exhaustion and Lack of Finances – What’s the Connection? 

I have always had a lack of finances, but then I have always had a consistent ‘lack of everything’, as nothing seemed to flow in my life. But how could my life flow when my long time habit was ‘overspending’, always playing catch up with my finances with any savings just being short term? This pattern was a big reflection of my life-force energy (kidney energy) and how I ‘overspent’: for example, I over-gave to others and put other’s needs before my own (so I could feel needed), which left very little energy for myself and suffice to say, left me exhausted.

What’s Kidney Energy got to do with my Finances?

This pattern continued for many years until about 6 years ago, when I started attending courses presented by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, which brought me so many realisations, along with a deeper understanding of my past choices. I realised that I had been living in a way that was draining my life force (my kidney energy) and that this was being reflected in my relationship with my finances!

I started to become aware that there were many ways that I had consistently been abusing my body and that had contributed to the draining of my kidney energy (energetically and physically). These included:

  • Lack of commitment to life – sums up my life in a sentence; because I always believed that I did not belong ‘here’, and that there was no space for me to express all of who I am, which meant that I was not able to trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs. This created the huge tension and anxiety that I lived with, which without doubt, completely and utterly drained my life force, leaving my kidney bank on empty.
  • Lack of quality sleep mostly I underestimated the importance and function of sleep and would stay up late; not very wise, considering I was ‘overspending’ daily, meaning my body would have needed to go to bed extra early to recuperate, to recharge, to refuel and bring back into balance my ‘overspending’. In the morning I would wake exhausted, without enough fuel for the day ahead, and so I found myself tanking up on another fuel to cope – sugar!
  • Lack of nourishing food – the sweet taste of sugar was my saviour and my downfall. It got me through the day, but at what cost? I became addicted and so dependent on sugar – and all kinds of comfort foods, including dairy and bread. Over-eating, eating too fast and eating sugar all drained my kidney energy.
  • Lack of self-worth/Lack of Connection I have always carried a feeling of ‘not deserving’ and not being ‘good enough’, and on top of that I was my own worst critic/self-basher and super judgmental, especially if I felt I got something wrong. I can feel now how harming and how harsh and unloving this was for my kidneys, which all negatively impacted my posture, how I carried myself and how I moved.

What’s The Connection?

What’s the connection between exhaustion and lack of finances? For me it was holding back my true expression – it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with. It is exhausting not ever expressing feelings, and it is exhausting and toxic taking on the emotions of others. It is exhausting when we say to life, “I’m not playing or committing to this life game”, which immediately impacted (reduced, sucked and drained) my life force.

What I came to understand was that the kidneys energetically represent our life force, which in turn is linked to our finances. The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth: how we are using it, what we are using it for, and our ability to use it to truly support ourselves and create abundance in our life (not just from a dollar value, but abundance in all areas of our life such as food choices, work, relationships) and this process for me began with self-care, simply taking care of myself, and most importantly ‘giving to myself’, because ‘I was worth it’.

Self-Care, Sacred Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Massage

Through self-care I began to feel what truly nourished my body and what didn’t. Giving to myself included all the support I now allowed in my life, such as attending the Sacred Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Massage courses.

Attending the Sacred Esoteric Healing courses, followed by the Esoteric Massage course (modalities presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine), I found an amazing support for my entire body, particularly from having Esoteric Kidney Massages. My kidneys have loved and appreciated the kidney massage after all the abuse and disregard of my body over the years. These courses were a fantastic support to help clear and heal so many of my old ways, my old behaviours and choices, and a big turn-around for me – spending energy wisely

Space For Love  

This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’.  I can now feel so much more space for myself to express more of who I am. I have created the space for love (and life) to flow… and love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life.

Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.

With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day, now that I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love and to ‘playing’ in life again.

By Jacqueline McFadden, Esoteric Healing Practitioner, Scotland

Related Reading:
Self-Care, Self-Love and Nurturing in University
Exhaustion: Living in a Black Hole
Self Care – ‘Walking the Talk’

699 thoughts on “Exhaustion and Lack of Finances – What’s the Connection? 

  1. It’s amazing how we do, or would do so many things for other people, be it spending money, going to the shops to pick something up, even the tiniest littlest of things, yet we don’t or wouldn’t do this for ourselves. This is when we have a great opportunity to stop and ask ourselves why. Why would I do that for someone else but not me, then change it. A simple choice in the moment to change an old pattern and value and build our worth up. You can physically feel this in your body, its like filling up your one internal energy bank with loving worth-full energy. It feels great to do this for ourselves, we look to others to do this, but truth be told, no-one can. But what a great opportunity for ourselves.

  2. I’ve struggled with finances for a few years now but recently the situation has improved. Yes I got more work/pay but that’s not what’s done it. I feel that active care for myself has been a major factor and being responsible with my money is a form of self-care.

  3. Reading your blog I became more aware of my kidneys and gave myself time to feel into how they feel. It just goes to show how we can go about our way and day not being fully aware of ourselves and our body yet this is the more supportive way to live … to be aware of ourselves and our body for true wellbeing. I wonder if every person did this, look care, love and responsibility for our body if this would decrease the pressure with medical professionals .. most probably ❤️

    1. It is always important to connect with our body and see how it feels, what messages is it sending to ourselves, ‘I started to become aware that there were many ways that I had consistently been abusing my body and that had contributed to the draining of my kidney energy’.

  4. I love what you say Jacqueline
    ‘because I always believed that I did not belong ‘here’’
    I never felt I belonged here and it has always been a sore point with me. Then Meeting Serge Benhayon the not belonging ‘here’ made sense at last because we do not belong here on earth we have built a completely false life here on earth and it is now our reality. This is the unsettlement that we all try so hard to run away from. Being able to say and feel I don’t belong here, is great because I’m not sure how long I will be here but I know it is not home and at some point, we will all return to our origins. This may seem to be an unreal fantasy for some but that’s because we have heavily bought into the illusion we currently exist in, to break this will take some time but the illusion will dissolve like the early morning mist on a summers day and the truth of us all will be revealed.

    1. This also resonated with me Mary ‘because I always believed that I did not belong ‘here’, and that there was no space for me to express all of who I am, which meant that I was not able to trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs’ I definitely had a lack of self worth when growing up and this had a knock on affect for a long time in my life. In reading this I wondered how many people in the world actually feel they do not belong here or are not worthy of true love? This is key and for me I feel this is where our education needs to be at, teaching energetic awareness alongside supporting our younger generations to know and feel what true self-love, self-worth and self-esteem are as well as deeply cherishing them and holding them in love so no one person ever feels this again.

  5. What a practical way to live life as so much is obtained when we understand bodily energy and how love builds appreciation and the bank balance.

  6. For me I’ve never been completely broke, there’s been savings in the background from parents etc. However my own earnings were pitiful at first. There was wealth and support available but I didn’t see it nor value myself as being worth it. That’s all changed now as I value myself more and more and it reflects in my relationship with money.

  7. The more connected to and aware of my body I am, the more I connect the dots between how my body functions and the choices I make, including what I feel impacts upon my kidneys and my vitality. It’s all there for us to become students of, all we need is awareness and a willingness to learn from our choices in daily life. It’s the most important classroom we can become a part of.

  8. “I always believed that I did not belong ‘here’……… I was not able to trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs.” I’m sure the feeling of not belonging on this planet is familiar to many of us. Great to read this and to link it with the lack of commitment to life in general. I’ve been working on this for a whole now and I do feel much more present in my body these days – more solid and grounded.

  9. What has to happen to stop the lack of worth behaviours and engage with life in full?

    1. People have a lot of lack of worth, and so can allow self abuse, or abuse into their lives, ‘Lack of self-worth/Lack of Connection – I have always carried a feeling of ‘not deserving’ and not being ‘good enough’, and on top of that I was my own worst critic/self-basher and super judgmental, especially if I felt I got something wrong.’

  10. Our sleep, the way we sleep and prepare for sleep alone is so important and either supportive or not (depending on our relationship with ourselves and sleep) something I am still very much learning and was reminded of today.

    1. Sleep is vital to our well-being, ‘Lack of quality sleep – mostly I underestimated the importance and function of sleep and would stay up late; not very wise’.

  11. This adds a whole new dimension to honouring what we feel supports ourselves financially, emotionally, physically and soul-full-y.

  12. Over the years the Universal Medicine courses have hugely supported me to bring in the self-love, self-care and self-worth for myself that was so missing, and much has shifted in my life. What I appreciate though is the constant refinement, it is not about getting to a point and then just stopping as our love for ourselves and others can and is forever deepening. With my finances I am currently looking at this in more detail and stopping spending on unnecessary things and it feels really good. Keeping it simple ✨

    1. Yes a constant refining with everything we do in all areas of our lives. As you say there is no end point, And no point at all in comparing ourselves with others. We are all uniquely placed on our journey.

  13. I realised as I read your blog Jacqueline that when we hold back from living our potential and committing ourselves in full in every moment we basically have one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake – no wonder we feel so exhausted.

    1. Holding back our love, our expression will be draining, it is putting a break on who we truly are, ‘What’s the connection between exhaustion and lack of finances? For me it was holding back my true expression – it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with.’

  14. I loved this stated,’how we are using, what we are using it for, and our ability to use it to truly support ourselves and create abundance in our life’. As you so beautifully expressed, abundance comes in many forms. I feel if we take care of ourselves first, without perfection, then the rest of what is around us will be looked after and will fit into place. And when something doesn’t, then it is something for us to truly explore and see why. It’s another piece of the puzzle that is missing or tarnished and needs addressing.

  15. At one point when I was reading this blog, I was wondering if I had written this piece of spot on truth. Who would have thought that the kidneys energetically were linked to our life force and its taken me years to understand this.

    I was in a similar state of being, burnt out and drained, dependent on stimulants such as coffee and sugar and to top it, staying up late to watch TV.

    There is an art to finding this balance and it’s personal, I haven’t perfected it, however I can definitely add that my life and self-care has done a 360 degree turn and life could not be any better. I take my body to bed so much earlier then ever, more astute to foods that affect me. Stimulants removed and everything is being refined. Not because someone told me, but my body was screaming at me loudly enough and it was packing up basically.

    If it wasn’t for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I cannot imagine what my life would have been like – I shudder with the thought of this. I deeply appreciate this change and it could easily have been someone or something else. And I have tried many other modalities which never went to the root cause of anything, in some respects it was just a band aid.

    So thank God for bringing Serge Benhayon into my life and the Scared Esoteric Healing into my body.

    1. I can agree with you here Shushila – “If it wasn’t for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I cannot imagine what my life would have been like…” I feel more in my body. more content, achieve more and eat better, exercise and feel younger than I did over ten years ago when I first heard about Universal Medicine. A personal testament to the art of true self-care and the quality of energy aligned to.

  16. There’s actually so much in the little that we have and don’t appreciate. I am beginning to get a sense that abundance has nothing to do with how much we have. When we are in appreciation of our own preciousness, it feels as though there’s nothing more enriching than that, yet there’s so much more that is actually available and already flowing through us. If everything is energy, and that energy is flowing through us all the time, not appreciating is like just letting the gold going down the drain. It is in clocking and appreciating we confirm its value and can have a personal relationship with the richness that is forever being given to us.

  17. The currency of love and appreciation… This really is something that we can take to the bank of our life, and it will bear interest, ongoing and ongoing.

  18. Commitment to life in essence is loving humanity at least as much as loving yourself, God doesn’t make any distinction in his love for us human beings, he only sees the divinity, our essence in us.

  19. I used to get distraught when I felt I had done something wrong; it would have such an impact on me where I would make myself small and withdraw. I would say I am still very gently letting go of this debilitating energy I allow to enter as I continue to build the inner confidence within me.

  20. I love the way that Serge Benhayon always brings it back to commitment to life. Because, when we’ve got this going on, everything else can fall into place – the important thing is to work on one’s commitment, and from there take each step as it comes. So simple and so real, everyone has the potential to be deeply committed – and thus to change the world.

  21. The ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’. So in other words it always comes back to us and how we are living. Only this morning while driving I could feel in my body where I keep the brake on in my life to do with love, not letting it in or out as much as I can.

  22. Love and self-love offers us an abundance of energy in our kidney energy that is then reflected in our relationship with our temporal finances, and both pay a generous interest in our sense of self-worth.

  23. It has been revolutionary understanding the impact on what our relationship with money is like and how this either feeds us energetically or drains us. I certainly have changed the way I am with money since understanding this full but also feeling it in my body and vitality levels when I have been disrespectful of money. Such a key one to understand and appreciate.

    1. Thank you Natalie. I can feel that a review in this area is needed and that I could go much deeper in my explorations with the relationship between money and kidney energy. I have been procrastinating with sorting out some important paperwork so its not surprising I have been feeling more tired and a little irritable…( a frustration with myself ). My self worth goes down when I do not do what needs to be done.

  24. Beautiful, and I can so relate to what you share. Holding back who we are also holds back the flow of everything else. It becomes like a stumbling block and life feels like a chore which it shouldn’t.

  25. Our bodies and organs have a huge connection to our livingness and energetic integrity.

    Who would have thought that there was a relationship with the kidney energy and money? Could you imagine if the world lived more responsibly and took care of themselves more – where would humanity be at? Something worth pondering over.

  26. I loved how you shared lack of ‘commitment to life’ has an effect on our kidneys. There are so many things that can affect our life force and sometimes people do not connect some of these factors with lack of finances.

    They are all good reminders for us all to explore from time to time and the subtleties that lie within them all, its just not about the money too.

    1. Exactly, it is not just about money. There are so many subtleties which can offer much deeper understanding if we are open and willing to consider what is below the surface.

  27. ‘The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth’. This is a game changer Jacqueline, and when we fully understand this and begin to make different choices, we will feel the blessings that this awareness brings to our lives and our energy levels.

  28. There is a very good reason I read this blog! As I feel this is exactly what I am going looking at and refining at the moment, in the way I live and have been living. ‘I started to become aware that there were many ways that I had consistently been abusing my body and that had contributed to the draining of my kidney energy (energetically and physically).’ Time to love me more ✨

  29. Lack of commitment to life – was for me not committing to work which naturally impacted on my financial income. Since recommitting to work, and working longer hours, I have observed how my energy has increased, I feel more vital, focused and more purposeful. And the offshoot from that in an increase in earnings.. A win, win.

  30. Commitment is so important… You can feel it even in your expression, as soon as you start to commit, almost anywhere, it starts to radiate out through our life.

  31. When we feel the draining effect of a lack of commitment to life that is reflected in the constant worry about lack of financial support, it is time to open a deposit account of love that can support our current way of living.

  32. I can so relate to everything mentioned here. Thank you. And the predominant and perhaps the overall encompassing area for me over most of my life has been the refusal to surrender to the loving and magnificent impulse of the moment, blocking the possibility of this quality to run through me and define my choices. I was more intent on holding on to hurts, issues and judgements, letting them dominate my thoughts. Standing back and observing this as invited by this blog, clearly shows that course such a pattern would have translated to stagnation in both my kidneys and my finances.

    1. I loved all you have shared Golnaz. The holding onto our hurts, issues and judgements limits and constricts the space within our bodies, leaving very little room for love to flow through our bodies where love holds us, and brings everything we need.

  33. Lack of commitment to life – for me was also living with doubt, which is pretty exhausting, I was giving my power away to my thoughts without living in connection with my body, avoiding the awareness that was there.

    1. I can relate to self-doubt and anxiousness getting in the way of my commitment to life but when we begin to bring awareness to our lack of commitment and see how it plays out, we change our movements so that we support ourselves to live, as you say Annelies, in connection with who we are.

  34. Commitment to life is committing to bringing all of me to every thing I do no matter how big or small.

  35. Thank you Jacqueline, it’s been great to read this again and understand when love is our foundation we spend money and energy wisely. I really appreciated the term “spending energy wisely” as it highlights that what we do with energy matters. Does it return back into our lives as love, or does the way we use our energy deplete our life with the choices we make?

    1. Yes, I had glided over that comment so I am pleased you reminded me of it because it really calls for a deeper level of conscious presence and awareness. The investment is in ourselves but the reward is not restricted to just me/us.

  36. Being love and not holding back our expression from this foundation, is a ‘currency’ well worth investing in.
    “love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life.”

  37. It’s interesting to see how we use money to care for ourselves or use it to hide who we truly are, when we pay for food, utilities, our mortgage or our rent do we see this expenditure as true care, or would we rather be purchasing things that give us a short lived high and have no real value under self-care.

  38. It is utterly beautiful how our life is reflecting us all of the time how we are energetically. So when we are holding back on our love, we not only deplete our bodily energy but also the extension of it in the temporal world reflected in our finances and how they flow. Never known that life was actually so simple and when looked at from the angle that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy (SB) life to me becomes kindergarten again.

  39. I love how you took responsibility for your situation of lack of finances, because there is always a reason for the circumstances we are in and evaluating every little thing that we do, feel and think in our life can greatly contribute to understanding the situation and then to bring change.

    1. Sure Lieke, and the only thing what is needed to live in this way is to take responsibility for the way we are conducting ourselves in life.

    2. Well said Lieke for taking responsibility for how our life has and is unfolding is key to resurrecting ourselves and letting go of the patterns and ideals that keep us in a perpetual status quo that does not allow us to live our potential.

  40. It’s interesting to consider that money is energy, it comes with an energy and of course our energy effects it, so I love your point about spending energy wisely, put simply, money can either be used to support us and others to grow or for the opposite purposes.

  41. Wow – financial planning at its best Jacqueline. You remind me that no true consideration of our financial circumstances is complete if we do not examine the relationship we have with ourselves.

  42. Great blog, thank you. It is telling me to not hold back in any area of my life, I literally can’t afford to.

  43. “What’s the connection between exhaustion and lack of finances? For me it was holding back my true expression”… The opposite is true as well – my shyness (holding back) around having a flow of money (energy/light) in this life, is JUST THE SAME, it is equally holding back and equally exhausting.

  44. Being financially stressed for the last two years I’ve come to realise that investing in my own self-care isn’t expensive, it can be in the quality I do what I do in. When I invest in this the riches come back to me. Be that money, or support in other ways. I can say I have a rich life even if I don’t have £000000’s in the bank.

  45. If what we put out always returns, then when we give our all we will feel that return.

  46. Even being poor or having money issues can be a way of seeking recognition. Once solved and the root issue is looked at why we need extra attention or empathy from the outside, the way money comes to us will change. Indeed the path for it to come is actually then open. Before, some part of you wants and needs the recognition, so why would the universe be able to support you with your life force/ money, when you are actually communicating that you want the extra attention more than this. Why things are how they are is always simple – never complicated – cause and effect will show off very quickly and clear.

    1. The cause and effect of any money issues I had always comes back to giving too much out to others when it was not needed which is linked to my big investment of people getting it which feels so imposing. And it was my way of avoiding looking at my own issues, being too busy helping others that I bought into the false belief that I was doing just fine – when clearly I wasn’t. I simply was not ready to go there and to take responsibility.

  47. What would be, if people get taught all this you are presenting here in this blog about money in general and when they have money issues?! Money is such an amazing reflection and gets reduced only to numbers in general. Reading the flow in ones life with it can tell so much about the persons expression/ holding back/ flow/self worth/ love…That is the beauty about life in general, when you see it as a constant developement- you can pick up one area and look into it and it will represent and reflect you everything if you are open to it.

  48. “With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day, ” Beautiful Jacqueline, when we love and appreciate and commit to ourselves, the rest can easily follow.

  49. One of the many profound and wonderful insights that working with Universal Medicine offers is the interconnectedness of all things… Well that’s the big picture ☺, but also the way everything is connected… As this article so clearly points out

  50. It gives a new yet old meaning to what investment, finances, banking and money truly mean. You can play with these on a physical level which goes well for some, but not well for others and yet I have seen even the ones that it goes well for still not fulfilled. So here we have the building between what’s physical and what is energy first. In other words taking care of the quality of how things come to be and not solely be focused on how they come to be. This way you have the whole package and it’s no stab in the dark or burden to carry but more of a living quality that you hold that brings all else to you.

  51. When we invest in anything other than being our true selves, the love we are, our connection to Soul, we are in fact resisting and opposing the vibration of our essence to move us. Instead we are moved by and live with a quality that disregards our essence as such there is a loss that we feel needs to be substituted, and this we seek to fulfil through engaging in emotions, lifestyles and behaviours that we think will give us a sense of worth, yet do not represent who we are. When we invest in surrendering to the love we are we will discover that this is where the greatest riches are lived, to which there is no end.

  52. I get a sense that we sometimes behave as if there’s not enough love to go round for everyone and hold back from some while giving more to others. If love indeed is who we are and what surrounds and passes through us, it totally makes sense how exhausting it would be to live in such a way that interferes with and stops love to be and flow.

  53. Every part of life is reflected in the physical body, its strengths or weaknesses, its ailments and disabilities. And when they are nominated and get addressed, to the best of the physical frame’s capabilities, life starts flowing and flourishing again.

  54. I love what you share here Jacqueline, we can’t ignore the connection between our body and our finances. What an opportunity to read what our body is trying to tell us and to make adjustments in our lives that will reward us back in many beautiful and enriching ways.

  55. It makes complete sense the connection between life force and money, as well as the connection between lack of self worth and lack of finances. In self-love and selfcare we find the re-balance of both of them

  56. Wow what a great blog on life as we live it and the choices we make that then hold us in a constant pattern of less when in truth we are so and have always been much more. The love bank account is always overflowing when we choose to fund our life with self-loving movements and choices that express this truth, it is only when we withdraw that love we begin to deplete our love funds and we also deplete our bodies in the process. A great blog to read today thank you Jacqueline.

    1. I love you description of the love bank account. A great way to consider the effect of all of our choices.

    2. That’s the thing Kelly, love is something that always needs to be spent, i.e. expressed, to ourselves, to others, and expressed in our movements. To hold back love depletes are body, it’s our true essence and fuel for health and well-being. Unlike a bank account the bank of love never depletes, it has to be continually expressed and lived and never saved for certain people, special occasions, or a rainy day.

  57. I love how you have tied overspending in with lack of sleep or lack of quality of sleep .. it makes perfect sense.

  58. Oh my gosh … there certainly is a connection there isn’t there ….:-) imagine if humanity felt into this and actually embraced this understanding… what a turnaround there will be.

  59. This is such a brilliant blog for me to read. I too have exhausted my bank and kidneys for far too long. It’s a pattern I have said yes to that offers no support. There is so much love and vitality on offer when we re-imprint our living way to align with love and all it offers.

  60. What I am coming to realise and claim within my body is that my sense of self-worth doesn’t come and go as it pleases for it is always there… it is through the choices I make that determine as to whether I know who I truly am and feel good about myself or not.

  61. Not expressing what we can feel is there to be said, and taking on the emotions of others.. just two of the ways in which we exhaust ourselves. What starts to turn this around is a willingness to get honest and bring awareness to what makes us exhausted and what energises us: to look beyond the sleep and food patterns at how I am living in each moment. It’s not necessarily about doing less, but so often about looking at the quality that I’m doing things in.

  62. So beautiful to read Jacqueline, the body is so reflective of every part of our lives where we give ourselves away and overspending our finances this is a reflection of how our kidneys are being depleted, the remedy that the whole world is suffering for the want of is “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.”

  63. Wonderful Jacqueline , its all connected , once we give people family or other wise a hand out we are sure to deplete our own energy and have it drained . But if we give a hand up , then we support the other to live from their own life force and maintain our own life force in the process.

    1. I have had to learn many things around what true care is, that it first comes from the quality of energy I live from, ie my soul/love, and not from the many things I used to do for others. I could in fact not physically help another, live love in my life and bring that quality to the person and offer that as a reflection and that is an immense and beautiful form of true care. It totally turned everything upside down for me by placing the quality of love first in caring for others, which begins with my own self love.

  64. This is a very revealing sharing Jacqueline! To recognise that we are all affected by our lack of love for ourselves and this includes our bodies and the energy we have to spend.

  65. Thankyou Jacqueline, great to read this again. I agree and I still need to look at these things – “it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with. It is exhausting not ever expressing feelings, and it is exhausting and toxic taking on the emotions of others”. Letting go of these things to live from love is the way to go.

    1. I came back to read this blog again too Melinda, because although I am expressing much more of myself, I can still feel I am still holding love back…. which is just a deeper layer for me to clear and heal and in which I will seek support with, as it feels very old. An Esoteric Chakra Puncture session feels very supportive right now.

      1. Thank you for your reply, in the last few days I have been coming across the words that ‘it’s exhausting living not expressing love’, and I too can feel the level of love I am holding back expressing. It is a beautiful and very supportive way to be honest about where we are at, and open to the healing that can allow more love to be expressed – and that love will continually deepen and always have another level on offer for us to reconnect to and express in life.

  66. It is so timely to read this again as I have recently started work again after being job-less for quite some time. The first thing I noticed was that the tension that had been building in my body as my funds were reducing had gone and my body felt so much lighter. I knew that the tension was there but hadn’t truly allowed myself to feel the depth of it. A great example of what is happening on the outside is always being reflected on the inside; we can’t hide from the truth that our body is presenting to us forever.

  67. “It is exhausting when we say to life, “I’m not playing or committing to this life game”, which immediately impacted (reduced, sucked and drained) my life force.”

    Fascinating to read this and see the illusion that we can all live under. We think by not committing to life, to check out, that we are relaxing, taking time out, and recouperating but it completely drains us. We also have this picture that when we commit to life, that we will be exhausted. But it is how we commit that makes the difference – are we doing it to truly serve our communities? Or to please another? Or to put food on the table? What is the drive behind our commitment – that is what makes the difference as to what can drain us or energise us.

    1. Thankyou Sarah, great to read the discernment you have made about the intention underneath the commitment.

  68. Every part of the body, every organ and system is representative of different areas of life and our various behaviours; the connection between sleep, money and lack of finances is particularly pertinent and obvious. All in all it shows that our body is always there to show and support us.

  69. As I read this I could feel how I hold back and play the girl and how if I stepped more into the woman that I am, the power and ability to handle and respond to life is very different.

  70. It makes absolute sense to me that overspending, mismanaging our money and exhausting our finances also depletes our bodies on an energetic level too – for every choice that we make is felt on every level of our being.

  71. This blog reminds me that there’s so much more to exhaustion than a bad night’s sleep! When we consider that how we move, how we speak and the kinds of thoughts that we entertain all contribute to our energy levels, it becomes very obvious where we’re draining ourselves – and just by bringing attention to these areas and, most crucially, acting on it, we can start to turn it around.

  72. Being your own bank manager and honouring kidney energy – what a solid foundation and great recipe for true richness; we address what is not working from the inside out and our life changes.

  73. My Kidneys hurt just reading this. There is much in this to ponder and feel, our lack of anything that is not love has an effect on our bodies.

    1. I agree Kim, we can offer a true healing to our bodies when we live and move with greater love and awareness.

  74. Wow, just being open to the possibility that our body and how we treat it might have some impact on our financial situation is huge. It can sound strange that the health of your kidney’s is a reflection of your bank account, sure, but when we dig a little deeper and take everything into account about how we are living with ourselves, it doesn’t sound crazy at all.

  75. A reminder for me to look at areas that I indulge, over spend financially and in other ways which are draining me. I have been feeling this but not wanting to look at it again. It’s interesting how we avoid what we already know.

  76. It is wonderful to read about the abundance in all of your banks Jacqueline ☺… Your already beautiful shining light will be now even brighter as you bring even more love and grace to the world.

  77. This is actually a very good point! Recently, I came out of my debt, and the moment I saw that there was an ease within myself. I don’t feel the same anxiousness as before… interesting!

    1. So true Viktoria. There is an intensity of unease in the body when there is debt or even the possibility of debt as I experienced last week when I nearly went into a big purchase which would mean a mortgage on my home – which would have meant the first real debt in my life. As soon as I realised I couldn’t go there my body came back solidly again and I felt soon top of the world. Surrender to the larger picture and let go small desire! That was my lesson.

    2. Same here Viktoria. I just had to pay quite a hefty bill. Now in the past, I would have went into resistance and delay of paying it and play small, meaning I can’t afford this right now. However this time, it was simple and very clear. I had a debt and it had to be paid, and pay it I did with ease and it actually felt pleasurable, because I did not resist, thus I did not take on anxiety or any tension! And instead I could actually appreciate that I had more than enough savings to cover it. And what a confirmation of the expansion I have been feeling….

      1. I know exactly what you are saying Jacqui. It is beautiful to willingly pay a big bill. When I first left my husband around 9 years ago I really resisted forking money out on anything but gorgeous clothes or CDs or books – the rest, forget it! But now that I have become the bill paper as I live alone, I have surrendered this resistance and feel beautiful when I discharge a debt or bill. I have my wonderful envelopes with everything that has to be put aside and paid for, and there is something very satisfying in this!

      2. How we relate to money is quite interesting, we can “feel good” after purchasing something we didn’t actually need like a dress, but resent an electricity bill that helped keep us warm and generally contributed to our self care and wellbeing.

    3. I’ve never liked owing anyone money, if I can I make sure they get repaid. Last 8 months I had a credit card with money to pay off. It has been tense but in valuing myself, knowing that I can support myself I took on a second job and this support has been massive in chipping away at the debt and a learning that I can actively support myself deeper. It’s been a huge opportunity to appreciate how much I do care for myself rather than working crazy hours and wasting myself.

      1. That’s lovely to read Leigh and confirms how committing to life and work does not have to be viewed as drudgery but can actually be approached as self care and self love.

  78. Understanding the connection between our relationship with life, the quality of our sleep and our finances is not something commonly understood. It encompasses the fact we are not just physical human beings but that we are multi-dimensional, with bodies that cannot be separated from who we are and how we choose to conduct ourselves in relationship with life.

  79. Brilliant blog Jacqueline. I’ll never look at my finances the same way again! You remind me to pay much more attention to the way my kidneys feel too – every time they hurt I know it’s costing me…

  80. After reading your blog, I can see the similarity between over spending our money and how this is reflected in our body – An over spending habit is quite the mirror reflection of how we can overspend our body’s natural energy … both can lead to exhaustion.

  81. Thank you Jaqueline for sharing how everything thing we do in our lives is a reflection and the end result of the choices we make, the degree of love we choose to live for ourselves. I have been learning and appreciating how the more we honor the love we are within, the less we need to strive and push to achieve or overspend on items and things that we not only may not truly need, but do not support us to live in connection to who we already are within. The more we live in connection to our essence the easier it is to discern what truly supports this connection and what does not.

    1. It’s so true what you say Carola – as we learn to embrace that everything we do is a reflection and end result of the choices we make we can begin to unravel the complicated web we have woven to block us from taking responsibility. As we begin to return to living life more in the flow of the Universe we can feel that life no longer feels as though it is against us – but more that our perspective has become clouded, and then as the mist clears we can feel a sense of wonder and appreciation for we begin to feel the true purpose of life.

  82. This article has brought me to a possibility, that I can now surrender to as being a truth. Simply allowing myself to feel the abundance that I am and bring, but most of all staying with this feeling and trusting it, allowing life to unfold and having the sensitivity to feel and run with what is felt.

  83. Perfect timing for me to read this as I can feel how I overspend ‘literally’ which is a reflection of me not being discerning in or of life energetically and claiming myself in full. But yes since knowing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine my self love and self worth have literally rocketed and the amazing thing is this keeps deepening which in turn as you have shared changes/evolves all other areas of life.

  84. Spot on Brendan. The last 2 days I have felt incredibly tired and put it down to because I worked long hours on my weekend, ( i have a job that requires me to work every 2nd week-end). But yesterday evening as the tiredness started to pass I got the insight that it was not my long week-end that caused my tiredness, but actually the cookies I ate on Sunday. A friend of mine had made some lovely gluten, dairy and sugar free biscuits and I ate 3. There was some dried fruit in them and dried fruit has a lot of sugar… so lesson well learnt – no more dried fruit.

  85. Recently I have been focusing on the word ‘value’. I have realised that I do not fully value myself and all that I am and all that I bring. My bank balance reflects this. Holding this word with me as I go about my life I have started to change my behaviour in little ways. It means appreciating, acknowledging and preserving, it means taking care of detail, not letting anything slide, and holding myself in a way that honours my preciousness. The word ‘value’ holds so much value. It feels awesome to feel the quality and meaning of the word, especially in relation to myself. I’m sure that as I take the time to value myself in this way my bank balance will start to reflect this. How can it not?

  86. I love that Jacqueline, saying yes to love and playing in life again. When we become honest with how we are with ourselves in life and are willing to see what does and doesn’t support us we change the paradigm for how we live, and we create the space for us to be fully ourselves in and with life. We’re there.

  87. This is great to provide an understanding of how our kidneys/ life force are linked to our finances. Makes a lot of sense. I have never been very good with savings and this is a great opportunity to look at why. And from a business point of view I have hired finance people who will only take the company so far and then leave. And this is a great reflection for me to see am I willing to invest in the right people who can actually take things further and in effect be the life force of the company.

  88. How very, very important commitment to life is, I spent the first forty years of my life totally uncommitted and have spent the last ten unravelling that. Its great to know that all these points you make are connected like self love and the energy of the kidneys, so we can move forward and not make the same mistakes over and over again.

  89. This is a great blog Jacqueline. The state of kidneys is such an accurate marker of how committed we are to bringing ourselves in full to life. What are we really invested in? One of the greatest learnings for me has been to bring ‘value’ to myself. I heard a wise man say that he sometimes made mistakes but if he did he would observe what had happened and do what was needed, but not get into any self-bashing whatsoever – instead committedly bring his value back in – his value as a Son of God. This I have begun to do in all situations! It is a powerful magic to do this in life. Value is what the kidneys are a marker for, while Self Worth is what the ovaries are a marker for. Two precious qualities that work hand in hand..

    1. I can feel the sense of purpose and beauty in your words Francisco. When we feel that appreciation is a Science we can feel the enormous shift that is taking place as we replace aeons of self deprecation with the simplicity of self love and joy as it expands and connects to the vibration of the all.

  90. That sense of not belonging here haunted me for a greater part of my life – however hard I ‘tried’ to fit in I never felt totally at one with myself or with others as I was constantly trying to plan and be one step ahead of life. At last I came to this realisation – that most of the time I was exhausting myself planning for events which may or may not happen. I am now beginning to realise that I am enough as I am and I can trust myself to be enough to face life full on. The more I embrace life fully the more space there is for me to be truly who I am.

  91. I really enjoy coming back to your blog Jaqueline, it is such a beautiful reminder to genuinely and deeply self love; a reminder not to slip into patterns of self loathing and playing less.

  92. “… spending energy wisely…. love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life…” Your blog shows how self-love goes a long way…

  93. ‘Lack of quality sleep – mostly I underestimated the importance and function of sleep and would stay up late’ I feel I still underestimate the lack of quality sleep I get as when I do not sleep soundly I have an excuse not to be focussed and committed in my day.

  94. “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth” this is such a revelation as we seldom make that connection of lack of finance and self-worth for it is only until we commit to ourselves with consistency and purpose that once again we can stop identifying with struggle in life and surrender and trust what is there for us in every moment when we express the richness within ourselves.

  95. So beautiful to read your blog again Jacqueline and to re-confirm the importance of balance in life – both in the way I live and express – and in the way I spend. The more self loving I become the greater my awareness of what is truly supporting and expanding me and my body. So true what you say – ‘love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life’.

  96. There certainly seems to be some correlation between self-worth, (be it high or low) and our financial wealth, attitude, energy levels and relationship we have with ourselves and with others. This is a great blog that expands the perception about self-worth and our relationships with everything.

  97. Having not been completely vital in my everyday, reading this post has shone a light on the fact that I did not, and to some extent even now, value the incredible man I am. The drain of this lack of value crushes everything – ending up in exhaustion and struggle. A simple remedy is to start to love deeply every ounce of my being and appreciate that what I am here for.

  98. It is great that you have spoken about our relationship to our life-force, our energy reservoir and its relation to our kidneys, Jacqueline. The true cause of the current day plague of exhaustion need to be known and considered. The essence of our kidney energy is about ‘value’, what do we value, how do we spend (energy or money) and most vitally ‘do we value ourselves’? I have been finding little pockets lately of where I do not value myself and where I will ‘sell’ this out. Beautiful discovery.

  99. One day when I overspent myself, I committed to finishing my day holding myself. Being very gentle to myself, bringing me to eat what I needed, rested when I needed, I gave myself lots of appreciation and understanding, sang to myself and light heartedly went back to express the truth that no matter what I am the son of God. I took care of every detail to make me feel very much cared for, and took all the time needed for myself. I breathed gently and steadily and it felt like an invisible warm hug around me. I remained conscious of how my body was feeling. While I was focusing on caring for myself, I observed that the phone I plugged in to charge was charged in no time.

  100. Jacqueline this is my second read, honestly it could be my story! I can relate to everything you have shared and can see currently that there are many new areas coming to my awareness where I squander or give away my energy instead of choosing to be loving with myself. For me as a woman it’s been a strong pattern entrenched for some time to give to others, to be there for others yet it actually doesn’t work – an exhausted body is the result. Thanks for the inspiration to continue banking with the Bank of Love…..much better than the Bank of Low Self Worth!

  101. “…The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth…” This offers an opportunity to reflect on many aspects about the way we live life and the relationships we have with everything.

  102. ‘… it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with’. Once we get exhausted we get caught in a vicious cycle because we feel that to give more will exhaust us more so we tend to withdraw even further. The trouble is that we cut off from the very source of energy that nourishes us and we stop its flow by not expressing and by holding back our feelings.

  103. It’s incredible how much energy we can use in holding back and not expressing all of us or holding back from living to our full potential! In my experience there is always more to learn and express and our potential isn’t a static thing – it’s not something we arrive at and are then ‘there’ so to speak but more about a constant unfolding and releasing of the love that is already inside us and eternally expanding.

  104. Sleep is such a powerful re-charging and rejuvenating tool. When we work up a momentum of going to bed late, not getting enough sleep or not preparing ourselves for the night very gracefully, instead of riding this off as ‘having a few late nights’, we can look at WHY we’re avoiding this rejuvenation and aren’t wanting to feel completely ‘on it’ the next day.

  105. ‘…I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love…’ I love this Jacqueline! It is never too late to put oursleves in the driving seat of our own lives, when we are willing to say yes to love, and it is remarkable what can happen when we do.

  106. Looking back, the part of my life when I felt most exhausted, was when I had the greatest lack of finances. Nothing was flowing at that time, my relationships, my home, work/income etc. and everything felt like a struggle. Like the author, I had reached a point in my life where my habit of giving to everyone else and having no care for myself was catching up with me! Being a 24/7 mum left me exhausted, drained and depleted. I also had lower back pain, which reflected the extreme contraction I had in the lower back/kidney energy area.

  107. It’s all too easy to blame the world for the state we are in financially. I could find a million excuses as to why I’m broke and in debt, but ultimately it is the way I take care of every little detail in every area of my life that reflects in the state of my bank balance.

    1. Love the honesty Rebecca, and in my experience being honest with ourselves opens up so many more choices and much more support to make the necessary changes.

  108. I particularly resonate with the draining of the kidney energy through self bashing. I have become aware that this particular form of expressing lack of self love and self worth is more exhausting of my life force than even physical self abuse, as everything else follows from this insidious and damaging habit — including my choices about how I live my life and spend my money. It is so obvious that everything is interconnected, but thank you for reminding me Jacqueline. We cannot escape the responsibility of being aware of ALL that is happening without doing ourselves and others great damage.

  109. I have found that connecting to the way my body has slowly over the last 15 years been sending me signals of how sugar is not self-loving for my body. Then the replacements for sugars were carbohydrates and they ended up being just as disconnecting from my self-loving way of living. The sugars and their substitutes including coconut juice would make my body racy and thus disconnecting me from truly feeling what my body was sharing. Then I would go into the crash phase after eating any sugar or a substitute and this would be where I felt extremely tired with a lack of kidney energy. With great pleasure I am rereading your blog Jacqueline and I have opened up to a deeper level of awareness and healing, thank you again.

  110. I know from experience that if you have a lack of commitment to life, your body is not fuelled by the love and joy in your heart, but depleted by a constant holding back that forces you to draw on other energies to get through the day. Not a healthy pattern to establish long term, and yet it is never too late to change.

  111. What I’m feeling is how making choices from the energy of love, however small or subtle, has a ripple affect on all my choices after. I just ordered lunch and didn’t order something I usually do when I’m very tired and hungry… and now feel so much lighter than usual. Still very tired but giving my body a chance to recuperate instead of making it worse. And the choice was so easy today.

  112. Currently I’m addressing self-worth at a deeper level, which in practical terms means a higher dollar value than I would previously have chosen. I took the rational thinking out and felt what I was worth and could feel I’m absolutely worth supporting myself in a loving and true way. Then I realized that I have more work coming in which covers the cost. The magic of god is huge and ever present –instantly, it is about trusting what feels truly loving for me first and choosing this without hesitation, justification or doubt.

  113. It is amazing to accept that my relationship with money is simply a reflection of my relationship with life, and that my financial circumstances are effected positively or negatively by the quality of my commitment to and responsibility for the way I live. I am still developing my understanding of the interconnectedness of everything.

    1. I’m finding how much appreciation has an affect on my finances and energy levels… it takes a lot to hold back appreciation for what we see, feel and know everyday.

  114. Such a joy to read your blog today Jacqueline, we have so much to appreciate in our lives with the understanding of how to live in love again, instead of living without love which drains every part of our body and life. I love this line “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.”

  115. It is very interesting to be aware that my relationship and choices with money is also a reflection of how I choose to care and love my body. Amazing how everything is connected. I am learning and becoming more responsible with my choices with regards to my finances and how I treat my body after reading your blog Jacqueline. Thank you for your awesome blog.

  116. Humongous connection between exhaustion and lack of finances. now it’s up to you, or us to choose the path that we desired. choosing abusive habits, e.g lack of sleep, drunkard, never ending smoking cigarettes, etc.. will lead you to misery. on the other side, choosing wisely for good health and living, you can save a lot of money.. this money that you need for essential needs. .. just a plain common sense.

  117. I enjoyed reading this again as I constantly struggle with money as do so many people and with so much advice out there on how to manage your money it is great to bring a deeper understanding of what is occurring energetically.

  118. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again”. Me too Jaqueline, I will never give up or abandon love as I have done previously in this life and for many lives before, I now know that if I give up on love I am giving up on God. Self love and love is the natural path back to God and through this our finances naturally flow.

  119. What feels super important for us all in this, is to honestly consider our commitment to life. When we wake up in the morning are we ready to fully engage with the day, or is there a part of us that would prefer to stay under the duvet? And if the latter, why?

    1. Thank you for this Janet, I was pondering on the same thing this morning when I felt wide awake at 3.30 but did not get up till 4.20 and felt very groggy for it, and could have easily fell asleep again, but past experience tells me that this would result in feeling sluggish all day. Like you say some honest consideration to commitment to life would be helpful in this situation.

  120. when I commit to life, doing whatever needs to be done, I don’t feel exhausted – it actually energises me and I’m a lot more playful and fun, and I tend to not take people’s stuff on. I may feel tired at the end of a day, but that is very different to exhaustion.

  121. The abundance that comes with love is something I am learning to live with and is truly a joy to me compared to where I came from, a lifelong not living that love which brought a wasting of energy in all its different forms, making me feel never enough.

    1. So true Nico, I have certainly felt this throughout my life. Learning to live more responsibly and lovingly, I am able to appreciate the abundance of life that has always been available for me to choose.

      1. I always relate to nature when it comes to abundance. When we look to a tree flowering in the spring we will never see it holding back in growing flowers, but instead produces in abundance in celebration to that what it is connected with, the abundance of the universe, the abundance of the love of God.

  122. The way we deal with money says a lot about us and overspending (excess and depletion) is as much a problem as is underspending (stagnation) and hoarding it. Money can teach us a lot and it is never evil, but we can certainly use it for the all the wrong reasons and causes.

  123. I really relate to what you share about under estimating the function of sleep. I have used a lack of sleep to not take more responsibility in life, as in if I feel tired and worn out, then I don’t maximise how I live, it is more withdrawn and less focused. I am learning that sleep of quality essential…still there is more to learn about how I put myself to bed and so wake in the morning.

  124. There are many things that exhaust us in life that we do not even begin to realise, camaflouged as they are by the obvious offenders such as poor diet, lack of quality sleep, and stress. Interestingly, however, if you were able to cure yourself of these afflictions, which is able to be rectified quite simply through right living, or the application of self loving principles, you would none-the-less most likely still find yourself getting exhausted throughout the day, as I am sure most esoteric students have discovered along their path of unfoldment. And certainly I have witnessed many people who have made such changes to the obvious benefit of their health, that still suffer from exhaustion. So, this meaning, that there is much more to exhaustion than meets the eye, and it is not till you deal with the obvious causes that you start to realise that there are much greater contributors to exhaustion that we are seemingly unaware of – such as not living to your true potential, not living true to yourself, not being open with people, living in protection, living in anger, allowing yourself to be affected by other people’s emotions – and so the list goes on.

    Of course, it is much easier in many ways to blame the quality of the water and the air and the chemicals in the fruit, than it is to look at such things, for they are extrinsic in nature and do not call us to look at our own part in things. As for the former causes to which I alluded, each of them at their core asks you to question deeply your own relationship with life from your own end, and that takes great honesty. So, as I said, much better to blame the hours of work, or the stress of family life. That is much easier to digest, but unfortunately will do nothing to assist you to living a life of true vitality. To discover what truly exhausts us takes humility, a tremendous will to be honest and self reflective, and at times great courage to go against the engrained will of society.

  125. It’s interesting how we can think that a lack of finances leads to misery and an abundance of financial wealth can equate to joy or settlement in one’s life, when in fact this is not always the case, as in fact true joy is not ever something we can accumulate because it is already living inside our hearts.

  126. How we live is reflected in everything that we do and have, a depleted bank balance is a beautiful example of the way in which we are shown that we are depleting ourselves by giving too much without loving ourselves, and not let the love that we are flowing in everything we do.

  127. So many revelations about our bodies have come to light through the presentation by Serge Benhayon and understanding how kidney energy works is just one great example. Love what you have shared Jacqueline, it is so simple to apply the principles of Universal Medicine to my daily routine.

  128. Money is part of our existence and is something we cannot avoid whilst here on Earth. There is a flow that finances allow and when we tend and care for our finances the flow can do what it is there to do – support us. It takes quite a bit of effort to stop this flow and it can be done by neglecting, ignoring and not being responsible about our finances. Realising that money is not just about money is a huge step. Money is about life.

  129. Lack of commitment to life definitely exhausts us and drains the kidneys, it can also make us quite down which can create a self perpetuating cycle of feeling down / too tired / exhausted to do even simple things, in my experience doing simple things such as going for a walk, hoovering the car, exercising with weights, going food shop, doing work on the computer, cleaning the house, ironing – actually energises me and make me feel more solid. Yes I can be tired at the end of the day, and this is not going to disappear overnight as it’s a long time momentum of how I have been living for lifetimes, but I’m definitely not exhausted at the end of the day when I commit to what needs to be done.

  130. Lack of self worth/lack of connection … this is one that I have let run my life and the game that this is that is being played is super tiring. Its like I am the one playing the game of tennis by myself and I am running back and forth to each end to hit the next ball. Crazy when you think about it and extremely exhausting.

  131. If we are not allowing love into our lives, we stop the flow, it’s the same with money if we don’t allow abundance, money does not flow and we have a depleted bank balance as well as low energy levels… Life force.

  132. Learning to self love more and being able to give my self that support and love, with the big one – learning to say no instead of always saying yes in the past when asked to do something or please another, has helped to change the old patterns around money and kidney energy .

  133. ‘it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with.’ So true Jacqueline, holding back love is very hard work, it is not natural for our body.

  134. I can also feel how we can do lots for others before looking after ourselves, which drains our kidney energy too Jacqueline. Returning to self-love, our medication for ourselves is definitely the remedy to live every day with.

  135. ‘and love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life.’ This is important because when we hold back our expression we create poverty.

  136. It can feel easy to get on that downhill slide where one thing leads to another and suddenly everything feels lacking. This is the roller coaster we can ride and the cycle can suck us into it, because it is all connected. We have to change the energy of how we are, and everything can turn around very quickly when there is a different powerful energy supporting us when we choose different choices.

  137. “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth:” I never twigged to this until I attended Universal Medicine and at long last – the penny finally started to drop. It was very revealing but at last it was beginning to make sense.

  138. There is so much that I can relate to in your sharing Jacqueline! Thank you for bringing to light the connection kidneys have to our finances too. A most timely sharing.

  139. I keep returning to articles like this looking for answers to what goes on at times with finances and what keeps coming is go deeper, go deeper. You can read all the words here and tick them off as, I do that, done and yes. Yet for where you are nothing may change or it may change slightly and so what does this tell you? Do we throw the whole thing out and go back to how things were merely because it was familiar and your ‘new’ approach didn’t work or do we roll up the sleeves again and again and go deeper. There are always questions to life or new levels of awareness to be seen as a part of this and so this cycle is never ending. What worked for you at one point may not work for you at the same level the next. This is the pull or the awareness to go deeper and so if you have stood on a level or foundation then it’s time to step again.

  140. I know from experience that when we do not fully commit to life, there is a lack of real relationship to the details, things which may seem small and insignificant but actually amount to a lot of energy draining if left unattended to or incomplete. So very much going along with the saying “if you look after the pennies, the pounds take care of themselves”, these days I am committing to a deeper relationship with my finances, my home and my body which is creating a great foundation to keep building upon.

    1. My gran used to say that Janet; ‘if you look after the pennies the pounds take care of themselves,’ and is so true which is linked to taking care of and having awareness of the detail in all things in your life so that we do not ‘overspend’ not just financially but in energy, relationships, work, food and the not so obvious, speaking too much and/or too loudly.

  141. It’s worth setting a budget in place, reviewing finances and looking at how much you spend. Often we can get a shock or surprise at the amount of money we spend in areas we didn’t realise. This is part of commitment to life and taking responsibility. I find working with cash each week much more supportive than paying by card.

    1. So true Gyl, to me cash is like talking to someone face to face, and a card is like talking to someone on the phone. True intimacy to me is some how lost over the phone and when paying by card. Even though I play at being playful when I use a credit card and I am also working on being more intimate with my phone calls.

  142. Our finances play an important part of our lives on a physical level as well as on an energetic level. When we care for our finances, then this in turn is there to feed us back, to take care of us too, to return to us some energy and vitality. There is a cycle and a flow and so it is too that when we hold onto money too tightly, then we are the ones who slow the flow and hence can affect our own vitality and energy levels. Likewise, if we are disregarding with how we spend our money, and let it run through our fingers, then this too leaches us of energy. There is so much here to understand, and as I grow each day, I get to feel more layers to this and I get to understand investments and insurances too and how this can impact our energy levels and vitality too.

  143. This is a beautifully expressed article, Jacqueline. I can totally relate to everything you are saying. I totally get the connection between finances and kidney energy, I am still exhausting my kidney energy levels at times and am still robbing Peter to pay Paul, financially. However, since discovering Universal Medicine and TRUE Self-Care, my energy levels are improving. I am going to bed a lot earlier than I ever did before. Instead of being a “Night Owl”, I am now a “Morning Person”. This is a massive change for me! I now focus much more on my every day living, eating food that nourishes my body and have cut out caffeine, bread and other stodgy foods that make me feel racy, bloated and/or tired. I have cut down a huge amount on sugar, not quite managed to cut it out completely but I’m doing really well for the sugar addict I used to be and my finances are slowly getting in order, in line with how much I value myself.

  144. It is indeed draining to hold back our true expression – it takes a lot of effort to be other than our true, divine natural greatness.

  145. Great blog Jacqueline. The state of our kidney energy all comes down to ‘value’. Do I value myself enough to care? Hence your wonderful list of ‘lacks’: lack of quality of sleep, lack of commitment to live, lack of self-worth. All these would be working against our sense and feeling of lived value, and would be the cause of such exhaustion. When we go with our true nature there is no energy being used by us going against it..

    1. This is a very valuable question to ask oneself Lyndy “Do I value myself enough to care?

  146. Lack has been a big issue for me, I can feel how I still measure how much love, joy, openness I will share, through a feeling of not having or being enough and yet I know in truth, so much different. I am beginning to actually acceptance the possibility of abundance in life, enough…I am enough with no push of trying or looking outside…we all are….the old ideas will surface again….but there is a known quality within that tells me, there is no lack to speak of….and yes self-care, self-love is a key that will make this felt and lived.

  147. It’s interesting as I came home from a weekend away to not much food in the fridge – this for me is a sign of disregard and lack of caring for myself. I would never allow this for another – so why myself? Could it be a lack of self worth and putting other people first – in general a lack of commitment to life.

  148. I love how simple this blog breaks life down into… our quality of sleep, how we eat, our commitment to life and how we feel about ourselves. These are the building blocks for how we live each day, going round and round either ignoring the lessons lived, or evolving by observing and making different choices when something does not work. It’s not about how much we have, it’s the quality we choose to live with that is the real gold.

  149. There is no measure for the depth of our love. True abundance comes from our ability and willingness to be this love with every breath.

  150. To consider that there is a connection to our kidneys and money reflected by self worth might seem a bit of a leap, but when taking stock it makes absolute sense. Whether we reduce ourselves, by way of feeling less and not deserving of higher salaries, or needing to prove our sense of worth by earning a large salary, (but still feeling empty on the inside) is all a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and the world in general. What if we stop seeking on the outside to confirm ourselves in some way, but do this naturally from within…doesn’t everything automatically align into its proper place?

  151. Thanks, Jacqueline. Until quite recently, I thought I was pretty good with money and didn’t have an issue in this area, however on deeper reflection I can clearly see how I just avoided the subject as I had just got used to not valuing what I offer the world, and therefore not being truly responsible with the well deserved monetary payment for the work I do.

  152. This article has supported me a lot to consider my relationship with money and how it impacts the way I live. I am learning a lot and realise that there will always be more to learn and that there is great inspiration in taking responsibility for my finances.

  153. I love that expression ‘the currency of love’. Its more valuable than gold, available in rich abundance at all times and we all have access to it. Its the simplest thing when we think of the flow of life in these terms.

  154. Its insightful to recognise the relationship and symbolism between overspending, money and kidney energy. Its like, the habit of staying up late even when you are tired is overspending your kidney energy which is the same as having a habit of overspending on a credit card to buy something that you then have to catch up to pay back the debt. Both eventually leave you feeling drained.

  155. Our relationship with money shows us so much about ourselves. It is a deeply personal relationship that is not just about how much or how little we have but how we feel within that, for it reflects our relationship with responsibility.

  156. I have started to want to take better care of myself which is really a first as before, any steps taken were because I knew I should for my own development but lately I have a desire from within to take care and love myself and others more, it feels great so I look forward to how this may be reflected in other parts of my life like money! Will keep you posted!

  157. if we understand that we are masters of our own creation we can start seeing more clearly the every choice we make that creates our reality, and most crucially the choice we have to continue the creation we know contains the seeds of the lie, or learn to choose that which ever unfolds the truth.

  158. Thus the return on the money spent on Universal Medicine events is exceptional in many ways.

  159. Thanks for writing this Jacqueline as after reading for a second time some of the points really started to sink in. I still struggle with my finances and realise I still have plenty to work on in an energetic sense.

    1. I have always struggled and had a lack of flow where my finances were concerned Kevin. But I woke up this morning taking a moment and appreciating that that is no longer the case, and that the main reason for this is I am ‘not absorbing others stuff’ so my kidneys are no longer constantly being drained, which was quite a shift for me because I was in the habit of giving more to others than to myself – in a word; overspending. But I still do have to be discerning….

  160. It’s great to be able to relate parts of the body and what affects them to the practicalities of life. When I first heard about kidney energy and finances there was an instant feeling of “Absolutely” like I knew within what was being presented and I had forgotten – it’s just one example of how incredible the body is but how we are responsible for its health and our lives in each moment.

    1. Our body is the barometer for our choices – do we choose to live the love that we are or, do we choose to live everything but this? The answer is found in the vitality or lack of vitality in the body.

  161. The importance of looking after our life force (our kidney energy) is everything and something we are not really taught about as it is thought to be selfish but in fact is quite the opposite. The more we love, care for and nourish ourselves the greater reflection we are to others to do the same. Also the greater potential we have to care for others from this loving space. A great reflection Jacqueline.

  162. Before the last economic crash, that was caused by the easy money allowed to us and greed in the banking sector it lead us to bury ourselves in debt. ‘Buy now, pay later’ was the phase of the day. This lifestyle became the cycle we could not escape; we had to work to pay for things we thought, we needed and now are no longer required or working, but we are still paying for them. The biggest cost of this mess was what we did to our bodies that sucked the life force out of us. Life, love, self and happiness became a fleeting moment of a memory. Could it be all of this happened because we were looking outside of our selves for something more?

  163. Jacqueline, this is so simple and gorgeous, ‘this process for me began with self-care, simply taking care of myself, and most importantly ‘giving to myself’, because ‘I was worth it’. It feels very empowering reading your article and shows how important self care and self love are for our health.

  164. Amazing Jacqueline. As I read your words I can feel how empty it is to ‘win the lottery’ because sudden financial abundance on its own does not change the energy that places us in a state of energetic destitution. My kidneys are beyond depleted at the moment and I can see that this depletion also shows itself in my finances. I’ve just recently seen how much I put everyone and everything else ahead of my own wellbeing in order to be a ‘good’ person. This is just like giving cash to others and not leaving myself enough to buy food – it’s a way of being that’s not sustainable and is actually harming my relationships.

  165. I can relate to the way you describe giving your energy away. I can bend over backwards for people trying to keep them happy while not standing strong in my own power and claiming what is true for me. A complete leak of kidney energy. My financial situation reflects this and I can see that I am careless in this respect too.

  166. “I was not able to trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs”. What a debilitating belief to carry around and to have underlie our choices and yet I can see how I too have allowed myself to have this influence running in me. I feel I was brought up with many messages. One was that there is no need to do any serious work because my role was to get married and have children and let the man be the bread winner. Another was that if I were a good person I would be taken care of, but being a good person was to do for others before myself so of course my battery was always running low but because I felt rewarded for what I did, I didn’t notice how much all this good work was taking out of me. Allowing myself to see these things more clearly and to begin to look after myself in a more simple and caring and continuous way has allowed me to begin to erode these old ways of thinking and to truly support myself in life.

  167. Overspending is a choice to not be in responsibility to live the value and worth that we are. It is a reflection of a lack of care for ourselves, so as to remain small and helpless.

    1. Sure Adele, it is a choice to honour the inner value or to sabotage that which lives so abundantly within resulting in making ourselves less indeed.

  168. It makes sense that our relationship with life has an affect on the organs. Just like what we eat has an affect on our energy levels and digestion and the way we are with people affects the hearts by how much love we let in and out. We cannot deny the fact of energy when this is acknowledged.

  169. ‘I have created the space for love (and life) to flow’ – It’s so true that when we jam-pack life full of to do lists, complications or issues and just keep moving from one to another then there is little space to actually experience and enjoy relationships, work and moments within the day. There is certainly a ‘flow’ that’s always available for us to join and live by, and it’s a simple choice of whether we want a very fragmented and ‘hard’ life or one where things are looked at/dealt with from a place of observation.

  170. I have found that I can place enormous pressure on myself with deadlines too which creates a huge anxiiety (of my own making) in my body and it is very obvious how draining this is.

  171. It is exhausting not receiving and expressing love, it is exhausting not living and expressing the truth – in other words it is exhausting not being who we truly are. Thank God for that as it is marker to show us when we are not truly connected and expressing and living from our essence and why would we want to be any other way?

  172. The whole ‘out of rhythm ‘ lifestyle is how I used to live too, Jacqueline, and one imbalance leads to another. We set up this way of living with a huge lack of responsibility, but I now understand what I do today will affect my tomorrow. It all comes down to the choices we make, and seeing how everything is connected helps to balance our energy levels, our purpose, our finances and our commitment to ourselves and our lives.

  173. “Through self-care I began to feel what truly nourished my body and what didn’t.” Its incredible how something as simple as taking the care to put on an extra layer if its cold, taking 5 or 10 minutes to sit or even lie down and have a rest if you feel tired, or take yourself for a 10 minute walk if that is what your body is asking for, can be so supportive and actually assist a shift in changing how we feel about ourselves in general.

  174. Life is teaching us in all its aspects where we come from and belong, I just love it. Nothing is without a purpose.

  175. I agree Love is one of the best medications we can give our self along with appreciation, confirmation and a whole lot of self-nurturing. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we went to the doctor’s and he wrote a prescription for all of the above along with what ever other medication we needed to heal.

  176. I can really relate to the sugar or carbohydrate in food equating to a financial loan – you end up paying back with interest. In my case when I can’t get out of bed when my alarm goes off the next morning.

    1. So true Michael, we do pay back with interest. I just spent 5 days at my mums, and found myself eating a few foods that I normally don’t buy or eat, and what I found is, that I slept longer than I would and then this threw me a little out from my morning ritual….so not worth it!

  177. A lot of our choices can be quite subtle. For example we have a deadline to finish a project – whether at work or studying. If we don’t do enough preparation or work in time, then we miss out on doing the work at a time of little or no stress. The closer we are to the deadline and the more we are behind schedule, the more we need to use stress (nervous energy) to get the work done and the more drained we are. In other words, our attitude to deadlines has a huge influence on our energy levels – over time this snowballs into high level of stress and low levels of financial, career and other success.
    This is just one aspect of how exhaustion and lack of finances are connected, but it is a big one.

  178. It’s interesting to ponder on our commitment to life and what that means. It really is about how we are in every detail of our life and how this supports us or not. How we earn and spend our money is part of this.

  179. I love what is mentioned here about creative space for love – and that love does not overspend. I too have been pretty rubbish with finances and it’s great to read this blog and see how finances relates to kidneys and life force and what is my responsibility in all that?

    1. HM, 6 months ago I moved house and country which provided a fantastic opportunity for me to deeply clear out and get rid of and let go of so much stuff that just kept me stuck. Nothing like a good clear and clean out to create more space, order and harmony in one’s life, and with more space, more love can flow.

  180. Jacqueline, it is so beautiful to read this connection you have made between feeling a lack of self-worth and how you would hold and move your body. This I reckon is a subject that deserves a great deal of investigation and would support the development of our health care systems to be more sustainable. Because if a lack of self-worth is at the core of physical health and well being, which can be influenced by the way we move, then the power to move and to heal and to feel well is all in our hands.

    1. Yep, our wealth and our health is all in our own hands, as is the choice to choose love and brotherhood or to choose everything that is not love which mostly results in separation and division of people, misery, discontentment, corruption, greed, complication, and the list goes on.

  181. When we connect to God we allow such simple and practical ways to change our Livingness. Your blog will offer such inspiration for us all to look more deeply and pondering on the way we live and the quality of each moment.

  182. “With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller,” I love that, many people can gain much from this as lack of finances is a huge problem for many people. It is about loving ourselves and deeply caring for ourselves!

    1. I agree and that includes finding ways to do our learning and our work with less stress as it leads to more enjoyment and higher energy levels.

  183. The relationship between all the aspects of our lives makes so much sense when it is explained like this and yet it is always there telling us what is happening when we bring understanding to it.

  184. I can relate to everything written here. Where to start with my overspending? The honesty to feel the tension created by choosing to be irresponsible, poor investments into lies like unworthiness, behaviours that try to convince me to be untrustworthy, unreliable (when actually I am consistent albeit very negatively). There is so much to address in this overspending arena which starts with me observing what I do and feeling the consequences of these choices, being open to another way of living knowing I can make different choices when I address the blocks to doing so.

    1. I have found Karin, that rather than address the blocks ( and I had many, so where would I start), I focused and committed to caring for me, learning to re-nurture and nourish myself in every area of my life, and the first area I started with was food; my body so appreciated my new loving choices to truly nourish myself, and this nourishment began slowly rippling into other areas that the blocks to self-love, began to drop and melt away….

  185. Yes, Jacqueline, without the commitment to supporting ourselves and our bodies to the nth degree, we are creating much needless anxiety and struggle in every aspect of our lives.

  186. After reading this the first time I asked myself where do I overspend in my life? And since then (the past two weeks) it’s like it’s been highlighted on a big screen, in my face how this occurs. At the same time reading this the second time – my relationship with money is reflecting how much I do or do not value myself. And in the moments that I appreciate and recognise the value in myself quite often I find money on the street which I never used to do. It’s nice to find money but to value how I feel inside feels far richer and having written that I experienced recently that the more I valued what I felt inside the more money I received (like a £5 note) – that was just the icing on the cake as I felt really yummy that day. This blog has provided for a lot of learning and reflecting, thank you Jacqueline.

  187. Imagine going into a bank and that when we had a meeting with them to set up our accounts they actually had a chat to you about the way that you live will reflect the flow on your money. If we were educated from young that everything matters and is energy first, how this is then represented in the body. When it comes to money and our relationship with it will create a final end product in how much flow we have.

  188. It is great to analyse our patterns with this degree of simplicity and honesty – to observe the seed behind our choices, the flow that is within and without and to bring awareness to the energy that holds us in otherwise loveless patterns that do not support us and we need let go of.

  189. How can I know exactly what I need in order to survive but go no further and not drop below? I know there will be all manner of explanations but I can see that I am able to do anything and just scrape by and not miss. What I am saying is this is proof there is more at play then meets my eyes, it’s very precise at times. It’s like I am constantly caught in the struggle, like a game and time and time again only to scape over the line again. Finances are the same, you have enough, enough to keep the struggle at play and make it appear something other then what it is. I find this whole thing very interesting and by know means is it mastered yet but great to see it all differently in this way.

  190. The absolute commitment to life to appreciation and love is ever expanding and our ongoing journey here deepening all the time . An amazing blog sharing so much truth about how we live and the flow of energy, our health, finances and joy that comes from this with true honest choices with no perfection only love. Simply letting go and being all we are.

  191. Lack of quality sleep is so indicative of our state of being in many ways but I had not made the link to finances before – very interesting to observe our lives in this way.

  192. I have recently been reflecting on money and the flow or the lack of flow…I have an understanding that when we hold onto money too tightly, then this slows the flow, but of course the answer to that is not to spend liberally whilst turning a blind eye. I am still in the process of learning, but I do understand that each step of the way, when it involves money it also involves our body energetically too and how we spend the money will either feed us back energetically or not. So for now it is for me to simply build more awareness of how I am spending money and what the purpose is for my spend.

  193. I can totally relate to what you have shared Jacqueline, as this is how I was too. Since taking much more responsibility for myself , working on not holding back, and putting into practise ways to self care, life and finances have flowed much more harmoniously. This is ever deepening so not something I am complacent about.

  194. ‘…….holding back my true expression – it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with.’ So true Jacqueline, it takes a massive amount of control to hold back our natural expression – and that is super exhausting.

  195. Thank you, Jacqueline. The more I connect to and look after my body and my energetic state of being, the greater my awareness also is of what I am spending my money on, reviewing how supportive these things are and whether they are feeding me back.

  196. At times we may experience how exhausting it is to have an intense conversation whereby we have expressed a lot with words and maybe emotion and expressiveness and eloquence. For sure we can overspend ourselves due to the investment we have into the aimed result. Similar we will exhaust ourselves by not expressing what is there to be expressed in full simply because we need to use a force to hold back what naturally wants to be externalized. Every time we hold back expression we will find ourselves exhausted, numb, disenchanted. Commitment to life is expression, caring for oneself is expression. When we express in full we will neither be exhausted nor find ourselves in a lack of finances.

    1. ‘Commitment to life is expression, caring for oneself is expression’, spot on Alex, and for myself, my expression and movements changed and evolved when I started to self-care and commit to life.

  197. ‘it is exhausting holding back love…’ the simplicity and truth of this comment is really inspiring and shows up my attempts to control and manage the expression of something that is totally natural, as both futile and debilitating.

  198. The relationship with finances, like every relationship in life, is a reflection of the relationship first and foremost with myself. And with the deeeping of the relationship with myself, I am working my way to deepening all relationships in life. It is very inspiring to therefore see in what areas are my relationships weaker and to deepen them naturally from the pull of evolution. It has exposed deeper of a big pattern/momentum of where I keep myself small so as to not evolve.

    1. Yes, Adele, this is a great way to examine all aspects of our life and highlight the areas where we can deepen our connection and commitment.

  199. This makes so much sense Jacqueline. Our external finances reflect the abundance and value within and the balance between our worth and our spending patterns. Where I physically over-spend is an indication of the attachment I have with that area and therefore I can be more aware.

    1. I over spend when I am not valuing myself and look for something external to validate me. It is a long running pattern that is coming to its fruition as, supported by articles such as these, I see the ineffectual futility of this behaviour and take responsibility for building my own sense of self value.

  200. It is great that you share the connection between the kidneys, life force, commitment and finances . This offers an understanding so choices can be changed.

  201. ‘I have always carried a feeling of ‘not deserving’ and not being ‘good enough’, and on top of that I was my own worst critic/self-basher and super judgmental, especially if I felt I got something wrong. I can feel now how harming and how harsh and unloving this was for my kidneys, which all negatively impacted my posture, how I carried myself and how I moved.’ This is a great learning for all of us – we think we are being ‘honest’ but in truth it is totally self-destructive behaviour. We do not fully appreciate the importance of self appreciation, indeed it often feels challenging to find something about ourselves to appreciate, but every small piece of appreciation we can do helps.

  202. Holding back is like stinginess; it is holding onto something that only would serve its purpose by sharing, expressing or investing but becomes meaningless and bland when held back but it gives a sense of imaginary safety and so we spare even more of what naturally would like to be brought into flow – quite a stagnation on many levels.

    1. I agree Alex, holding back is like stinginess. When I read this I thought of a stubborn child who dosen’t want to share his toys and so ‘plays alone’. Stubborness can be very hard to shift, and we are not here to ‘play alone’, we are here to share all we are, share, express and connect with each other, making it about love first. And the more love we share, the more love can pour through us. Oh and love dissolves stubborness… like nothing else.

  203. Understanding love as a form of medication may seem strange to some, but when we love ourselves, we are more likely to care for ourselves and listen to the messages from the body. Then we would get the message earlier that we are fatigued, weary, or not engaging with others. It is great to read the wisdom that all these things are interconnected, Jacqueline, it makes complete sense.

  204. “….I was not able to trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs.” This is very familiar picture to me Jacqueline. I spent much of my earlier life feeling this way, and it wasn’t until I was divorced and was forced to take charge of my financial situation that I realised I was totally capable of supporting myself. I had simply allowed other people to do it for me previously, which I realise now was a complete lack of responsibility on my behalf.

  205. I love how everything is inter-connected and therefore as long as we are constantly over-drawing at our own personal bank of well-being this is reflected in our finances. I was highly irresponsible in the way I abused my own body never supporting it to get enough rest and further depleting it by constant anxieties about lack of money. The more I have chosen to build a foundation of self-care that supports me in my daily life, both physically and also by addressing the constant negative self-talk that further sabotaged me, the more my finances have started to flow more smoothly.

  206. Not having enough, not feeling to be enough and the lack of everything as a consequence of this are hugely undermining factors; they erode our vitality, our finances, our sleep and our joyfulness.

  207. Perhaps one way of putting it is that exhaustion is a useful way to numb ourselves and lack of finances is a useful way of occupying and limiting ourselves. They are related and often go to together but may have different origins.

  208. You raise may great points here, I can feel how I have lived with a lack and I am still learning how to embody a knowing and feeling of abundance. So much has been offered shared and I feel blessed and yet I still am falling into the habit of a lack, rather than feeling the abundance…it is nothing but a habit that I work with everyday to let go of….our habits are not us.

  209. I very much appreciate what you’ve shared around the ‘source’ of the energetic, and financial, drain Jacqueline. If we don’t truly want to be here, our life is but a shadow of all that it could be. And I have to say, that without the tireless inspiration of those such as Serge Benhayon, Natalie Benhayon and Simone Benhayon, I would today remain in the ‘giving-upness’ I danced with in the past, a shadow of the woman I am today.
    Thing is, back then, I always knew there was more to be lived, and a truth to life to connect to, yet without such reflections as I’ve named above, I was lost at sea in so many ways, unable to sustain and make real what I sensed was possible, and stuck in ‘getting by’ in so many ways…

  210. They are easy words to roll off the tongue aren’t they: “commitment to life”… and yet until coming to the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I hadn’t connected at all to what this truly meant. Similar to what you’ve shared Jacqueline, I spent many years living on what I call ‘negative nothing’ – i.e. gradually accumulating a little more debt year by year. With an ill partner for a long time, and lack of full and vibrant kidney energy in my own life, I accepted the ‘drain’ as my normal.
    What a turnaround today, and something I continue to build upon in both realistic and energetically committed ways. The key: say ‘yes’ to life and don’t leave any facet untended.

  211. I know I held all sorts of negative beliefs about money and about putting everybody before myself. I have been the same exhausted and had the same lack of flow in my life. Gradually, because of a new understanding of life force and kidney energy presented by Serge Benhayon, and a new appreciation of myself, inspired by Serge Benhayon, I can say that this is gradually changing. Making a commitment to myself has been very empowering.

  212. The healthy flow of money and its management definitely can relate to ourselves in self worth, self love and many other areas such as commitment to life etc. But also many people can make money the focus of everything at the expense of their body and connection to Soul and god. So it’s great to interrelate money back to our bodies and each one of us look deeper into our relationship with it and the many ideals, beliefs, hooks etc that it reflects. Money is also something that is wielded like a weapon that we use to cut, hurt, control, protect ourselves with, or enslave others with, such a huge topic that deserves much pondering on .

  213. I appreciate the way you speak about lack commitment and the response of actions that accompanies that and so drains the kidney energy Jacqueline: ‘This [lack of commitment] created the huge tension and anxiety that I lived with, which without doubt, completely and utterly drained my life force, leaving my kidney bank on empty’. Anxiousness so disturbs the nervous system and interferes with the harmonic pulse of the cardiovascular system that we indeed do end up on an empty tank, feeling ragged. Great to spot this.

    1. I wonder if the tension and the anxiety where the point of these actions (lack of commitment) as the tension and anxiety made sure we cannot see how amazing we are and how awesome we can be.

  214. I thought I would know what commitment to life means but I am getting aware that it is nothing you establish or achieve once and then you have it, it is a constant deepening, not holding the status quo, so what once may have been one´s level of commitment today and tomorrow needs to be topped up to still be true commitment.

    1. True Alex – there is no room for complacency in life – we are here to forever grow and to expand the Universe.

    2. Sure Alex, life is an ever deepening way back to who we truly are and there is no time for ‘a holiday’ as a reward for our hard working. Every day and every moment we continue building on that foundation we have build the day or the moment before. Every expansion gives new aspects of life to work on to build that body that will live Gods love on this earth.

  215. I can feel the huge and endless potential of expansion when I bring focus and commitment to the areas of my life that are less claimed – the same focus and commitment that I easily give to those areas I find effortless.

  216. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” Hear hear so well said Jacqueline. Love is the missing ingredient in many medications. Love is what is missing in the health care sector and self- love is missing in our bodies. Until we bring love to every area of our life society and our bodies will continue to suffer.

  217. I also have a lot of experiences with draining my kidney-energy. It went so far that I had a slipped disc in my lower spine last year caused by a kidney-drain. After that I did took stock and realized how much I work in an exhausting way AND did urge others to do so. To bring in a change here to a way of working which was not less hours or days but in a way that took responsibility about my and others kidney energy was challenging, as I was so much focused on function and controlling the outcome of my doing. But with the new way of taking responsibility about the quality I am working in and with, I had to let go of the control and surrender to the knowing that all will come as it should when I – from the start – bring in true quality and care. Life should be about people – not about outcomes or ‘things’. And if the people are treated in love (including me) – the outcome-quality is guaranteed.

    1. I love all you share Sandra especially making the change to bringing in true quality and care: And if the people are treated in love (including me) – the outcome-quality is guaranteed. Sure is!

  218. We can choose a pattern of expenditure that remains within our budget. Otherwise, we run into debt and possible trouble unless we somehow can easily borrow from someone to cover our deficit (this is case in known in economics as ‘soft budget constraint’). With our bodily energy is a bit different. We can overspend and overspend and try to cope with such pattern through food or just using energies that can support the ill-functioning of a body but only to a point. We cannot borrow energy to compensate our ill patterns forever.

  219. I love what you have shared Jacqueline: “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” This kind of medication has also an other advantage – it is not so expansive. Imagine if a health care system would also have kidneys most of us would help to restore them by choosing more self-love – how beautiful would that be!

  220. Thanks Jacqueline, it is very easy to allow patterns around money to just keep playing out… and it’s not until we look a bit deeper at why we do what we do that it gets easier to shift them. Thanks for the insight, very helpful indeed.

  221. When we open up to the world of energy we live in, we realise that there is a much greater purpose behind everything we do.

  222. This is a great topic to explore. It removes the notion of victim-hood around lack of money and the notion of money being ‘bad’. Money symbolises and is the currency of flow. If we are flowing with life and all it is offering and asking of us to bring this will have a positive knock on effect on our finances. But if we are stuck in the rut of low self esteem, that the world owes me, and that I’m really not good enough, our finances will reflect this lack of flow equally so.

  223. The conflict and struggle between a knowing that we do not belong here and yet feeling a lack of self worth is a very draining thing. It only is resolved when we come to understand that to commit to being here lock, stock and barrel, is indeed our only true path to freedom. Then our self worth and vitality becomes amazing through appreciating all that we are while letting go of all the results of what we do.

  224. As ‘everything is energy’, holding back in any area of our life affects all other areas and once we understand this and make the connection between exhaustion and lack we can then see we have a choice to deepen our commitment to life. The difficulty is that the more exhausted we become the less we feel able to commit so a vicious cycle builds and it takes awareness to break this cycle. My story is quite similar to yours Jacqueline, and I deeply appreciate the support from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine therapies which have shown me that there is another way to live that does not drain the kidneys and which revitalizes us so that we can contribute to society by expressing from who we are, not from who we think we should be, which will make us over-spend or believe in lack.

    1. ‘There is another way to live that does not drain the Kidneys…’ should be a header on the front page of the newspaper or health magazine. That would be an interesting read and support for those people who are feeling the impulse to change their draining habits but don’t quite know how because as you say Sandra, a vicious cycle builds and takes awareness to break this cycle.

  225. Jacqueline it’s great to read of your ‘big turn-around’ and how you became the wise ‘bank manager’ and switched from depleting yourself by buying into the idea of lack and started ‘spending energy wisely’. It’s lovely how you can now say, ‘I have created the space for love (and life) to flow… and love does not overspend, love expands…’.

  226. wow, I had never considered ‘overspending’ in terms of anything else other than finances before but this opens up a whole new understanding on what is draining. The feeling I have when I spend too much I know in my body. It’s the same feeling as when I’m overeating or undereating, exercising too much or too little, taxing my body through lack of sleep, a disregard of my rhythm – ‘overspending’ is anything where I am pushing the limits of my well being. The tension this creates in my body is palpable. The same as when I was driving today and hadn’t noticed my fuel gauge until it was warning empty and I was miles from a fueling station.The choices are to come back to what is loving. What will support me rather than running on empty and the tension this creates. So this is planning work so there aren’t those last minute stresses on deadlines – so trusting there is the space to complete projects rather than stressing to get everything completed in one go to avoid stress of still having things to do. So much to consider from this simple understanding of ‘overspending.’

  227. “I can feel now how harming and how harsh and unloving this was for my kidneys, which all negatively impacted my posture, how I carried myself and how I moved” and the important thing to add to this is that the way that we move and our posture calls in a certain quality of energy that then prompts us to keep making the same lifestyle choices that we have always made. What this therefore means is that we incarcerate ourselves into repeated patterns of behaviour by repeating the same moves over and over again. If we want to change an aspect of our lives we therefore have to ‘move our way out of it’.

  228. The simplicity of saying yes to love has a profound effect on every aspect of our lives… exhaustion, finances, and any other tension we feel in our day to day lives is transformed.

  229. This paragraph is so very inspiring Jacqueline… “With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day, now that I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love and to ‘playing’ in life again.” The simplicity of life – saying yes to love and life and appreciating this in full!

  230. “Love – self-love – has been my medication…” so inspirational Jacqueline – this would turn the healthcare system around if everyone medicated first with self-love!

  231. We often think of overspending with money but for most people, rarely consider that we overspend on our life-force – the innate energy and if we use it wisely to get through our day. As the basis of Esoteric Medicine is built upon understanding energy, it offers the link between how we are in our day-to-day life and how it affects our body, our finances being directly related to our kidney energy.

  232. Like you I received a lot of healing through Sacred Esoteric Healing modality and treatments. It brought me back to my innate stillness. In this stillness there is no lack of anything.

  233. As you I received a lot of healing through sacred esoteric healing modality and treatments. It brought me back to my innate stillness. In this stillness there is no lack of anything.

  234. I see the link between the value I placed on myself and how comfortable I feel in earning good money. A lack of finances for me has arisen in times where I have not been as sure of myself, and perhaps have placed an ideal on being less well off in the mistaken belief that not earning good money somehow means I am serving others better by not caring for myself.

  235. Something I have found is that every area of our lives directly affects every other area. And so if we are not looking after our finances then how are we looking after the rest of our lives. I know I can easily ignore it and think it will be ok but that simply shows me the way I have been living. The more I am committed to life the more I actually want to know exactly what I am spending etc.. It can seem tedious at times trying to budget but makes sense and really helps me to appreciate money – something I definitely am still learning!

  236. ‘Lack of nourishing food… Over-eating, eating too fast and eating sugar all drained my kidney energy.’ Even not eating sugar, I have felt drained after eating what I thought was a nourishing meal. That may also have been to do with how I was feeling when I cooked it – was I in a hurry, was I pushing to get it done. The energy in our food is not just in calories, there is our emotional state as well when we buy it, cook it as well as when we eat it.

  237. “Meeting my own needs”. These words resonated within me. I can see that for a long time I’m playing this game that I am not able to fulfill my own needs. Which isn’t true, but simply an excuse to not take responsibility (lack of commitment) in certain areas of my life. Which is fine, but isn’t it common sense that this is actually draining my energy and that this cannot but play out in other areas of my life. Thank God for Serge Benhayon and all the amazing practitioners who’ve supported me in a big way to start the process of accepting the beautiful and tender man that I am. An ever unfolding path.

  238. ‘love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life.’ – Well said Jacqueline – love never overspends, it knows exactly how to allow a true flow in every aspect of life.

  239. With withdrawal comes not only the devitalisation, and the exhaustion, but also we are vulnerable to the influence of so many other energies that seek to derail us, and others through us. So there is a responsibility we hold for all, to be ourselves in full rather than let other energies play havoc within and through us.

  240. there is so much in this Jacqueline – and commitment I am learning is in every instant, there is no switch off moment – and the greater and more full the commitment, the more focus and presence, the more joy is there to be lived.

  241. When we look at the correlation between our material predicaments and the condition of our bodies, it opens up a whole new world of awareness and understanding. The more we take care of our bodies, the more we are able to naturally resolve our material issues.

  242. Reading this blog, we cannot but enquire further into our own patterns of ‘overspending’, and consider how we can use our kidney energy more wisely.

  243. There is definitely a link between commitment, responsibility and feeling more vital, energised and full of joy. I find this whenever I commit to doing anything, it can be the ironing, cleaning the house or washing up.

    1. Me too Gyl. I also find that commitment and purpose completely change my relationship with everything.

    2. Gyl what we will come to realise is that the ‘things’ that we are doing are, in a way, red herrings because it is not the ‘thing that we are doing’ that is of importance but the way that we are being whilst doing that thing. Therefore if we ‘hate doing the washing up’ we will be in retracting from the washing up whilst doing it, but it’s not actually the washing up that we are retracting from, it’s life itself.

  244. As I read through the first half of your blog Jacqueline, the ‘lack of’ is the theme that runs through it. I can relate to people who I meet who are of the same disposition, in discussions and conversations, there is a negative ‘lack of’ feeling from them. When you understand the connection is holding back your true expression, boy does the second half feel full of energy, vitality, joy and love. What a journey to share through your life!

  245. For me life has always been a financial struggle. There have been several times when I have been left large sums of money by relatives. This relieves the situation for a while, but what I find is that this gives me a false sense of security. These sums of money were introduced, not built in a solid way by myself, therefore I had not built the responsibility or commitment that supports having these sums of money. Each time I was left money I squandered it, and went back to how I was before, and in certain cases left myself much worse off. It really is so important to build our own financial foundation, and this is a direct reflection of the foundation we build for ourselves in life.

  246. There is no underestimating the power of Love in the Bank and the flow on effect to all areas of life and all others.

    1. Love this. The Bank of Love – the place of true wealth – with no security, protection, conditions or contracts. Utter transparency, full equality and 24/7 withdrawal or debit.

  247. Crucial to relate exhaustion to energy we give away to others by wanting to please, deferring to others, not speaking up, holding back. We begin to turn back the tide of exhaustion when we feel our equal-ness to all others, accept that caring and nurturing ourselves is an act of self love, speak up and express openly.

  248. I too ‘over-gave to others’ but realise now that the belief that I was putting other’s needs before my own was simply not true because it was my need to be recognised as a benevolent person that drove the whole thing.

  249. How can we ignore the correlation between our relationship with ourselves and everything in our lives thereafter?

  250. “This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’”. Through self-care we eventually come to self-love. Self-love can only lead to an abundance of energy flowing through our body first of all and then into the temporal aspects of our lives.

  251. “It is exhausting not ever expressing feelings, and it is exhausting and toxic taking on the emotions of others. It is exhausting when we say to life, “I’m not playing or committing to this life game” …” – absolutely Jacqueline, in other words, to give up which is exhaustive because it puts the body and effort into stagnation mode, and how difficult is it to move in this energy creating inertia, or an inert way of being and living.

  252. ‘With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day, now that I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love and to ‘playing’ in life again.’ Love it Jacqueline. There is a good reason behind bankers and financiers talking about money ‘appreciating’ in the bank except that they possibly forgot what was behind all true appreciation of money in the bank, and that is appreciation of oneself.

  253. The quality of ones sleep is super important. When I go to bed late when my body is saying go early and I can because I’m not working etc. it is so abusive and takes so long to rejuvenate from.

  254. Jacqueline, you inspire me to take more care and responsibility with my choices. To look at what choices I have been making that are depleting my kidney energy and learning to let go of them and anything that is not truly supportive. To simplify my life to allow more space and clarity to express love, the true energy of life.

  255. What I can relate to is the importance of connection. When I’m not connected – don’t allow myself to feel life – I don’t feel my body which will automatically drain my kidney energy. It is like a vicious circle. Not connecting – draining energy – exhaustion – need of energy from another source which affects the connection again etc.

    We’re to come to accept that we do have a responsibility to live our love as Jacqueline so beautifully expresses. And it is such a joy to do so, very tender, loving and joyful. Thank you Jacqueline and Serge Benhayon for sharing your love with us all.

  256. I am loving this part about quality of sleep and its relationship with overspending. I love how you have taken a whole-life approach to your finances, seeing the connection between every detail and how these are being played out, thus enabling you to see where the areas of dis-harmony are. Very beautiful.

  257. The subject of money comes loaded with beliefs, and there is a common saying that ‘money is the root of all evil’ and therefore if you have money, and an abundance of it, you must be corrupt or just plain lucky. But if money is connected to our kidney energy – our life force, then this belief is having an effect on a large proportion of the population who have a belief running that having money is a bad thing which in turn affects the choices people make in relation to money. It does come back to self worth. Do we feel worthy of having an abundance of money, and what do we do with it?

  258. Meeting Serge Benhayon, learning about kidney energy and experiencing the Esoteric Kidney massage woke me up to a more loving responsibility towards myself and from there, life itself and others.

  259. Jacqueline, how powerful the deep level of healing you have brought to yourself through taking care of your kidney energy (not overspending) and creating spaciousness within your body for love to deepen and expand flowing with life and not working against yourself.
    “I have created the space for love (and life) to flow… and love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life”.

  260. It is very noticeable that, when we ensure we have enough sleep and stop giving our power away to everything outside of us, we feel way less exhausted and the sugar cravings disappear.

  261. Every cell in our body responds to its environment. Our environment includes our physical surrounds, the way we move with the most significant factor being the quality of energy we choose to move with.

  262. Jacqueline, this is super interesting, ‘The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth’, this makes a lot of sense to me, since reading your article I have been able to ponder on how not valuing myself has meant that I have financially short changed myself and thus ended up with painful kidneys – great to feel this link and to work on valuing myself more and thus charging financially what my services are truly worth and as a consequence topping up my kidney energy bank.

    1. Painful kidneys, love how our bodies so easily communicate with us if we are wiling to listen, and then we can make the necessary changes, eg truly valuing what we bring and charging accordingly.

  263. Appreciation is so underestimated in our every day interactions and is vital in our commitment to life and in support of our kidney energy. I have been focusing on appreciation in my work and mentioning it to people as I appreciate small aspects in daily activities. It is surprising how many of us have little or no appreciation of self. We are just getting through, going through the motions of what has to be done… Appreciation can change this energy in a flash.

  264. Our society is full of this constant temptation to ‘push the boat out’ and go that little bit further. One look at our country’s finances shows just how this lack of willingness to look at the facts, gets us into extremely hot water. Today after reading your words Jacqueline I am imagining what life would be like to retire at night with money unspent and fuel in the tank. It is actually possible as you have shown not to spend everything that you own.

  265. ‘This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’.’ If we were to look at our outer lives as a reflection of our relationship to ourselves then we would have a completely different relationship to the world and would be much better placed to make different choices in the awareness this would offer.

    1. I absolutely agree Michelle. Whenever I feel a lack of something I now recognise I am actually lacking in love, therefore I need to deepen my relationship with myself and reconnect back to love.

  266. To look at your financial ‘problems’ or spending habits in the same boat as your diet, quality of sleep, rhythm and self-care (or lack of) is really revolutionary; when we feel something in our lives is lacking or not supportive, looking at the WHOLE picture of why it’s happening and relating it to all other aspects of life stops us from being so fixated or caught up in the issue.

  267. Sorting out our sleep is super important to maintain a connected quality of being. I find that if I haven’t slept well or have had lack of sleep, then my energy levels are directly affected. I feel it in my kidneys as a dull ache and it affects my mood. Having clocked the impact of sleep on my overall health, I have made going to bed early a focus to support my kidney energy.

    1. I love going to bed early, and my body does too. And I love to wake up naturally (without an alarm) in the early hours, which is the time I love to go to the kitchen and lovingly cook and prepare my meals for the day ahead, while the rest of the household sleeps. Both, the sleep and the nourishing food I have prepared support my kidney energy during each day.

  268. Thanks Jacqueline, I know this story well – in fact too well. Since I’ve been looking after myself during the last few years, with the ongoing support of Universal Medicine, the stability of my work and financial security have also been improving, as have all the aspects of my life. This is an ongoing process – with no goal, just constant reminders from my body that I need to consistently fine-tune and deepen my self care, expression and love.

  269. I have definitely noticed a link between how I move and express in the my day and how money flows in and out of my bank account. Money is a movement no different to all my other movements. So if I am moving my body without reservation, hesitation or contraction, fully claiming who I am, then this creates an abundance or magnification of life force which feels like it fills up my kidneys with fiery energy and then my finances also become abundant and fuller.

  270. Anything that we do not feel we have enough of is going to drain us as we have discounted who we are and what we are made up of. This disregard of ourselves has to have a impact on our quality of being. Thanks to Universal Medicine I have been able to look deeper at the way I live and where I may disregard and deplete myself.

  271. Your list of ways we abuse ourselves Jacqueline is very revealing in its simplicity and practicality, and each one has a knock on effect to the others, but the one point that stands out for me is the ‘lack of quality sleep’. I find that when I go to bed earlier, and even rest in the day (when its possible) when I feel tired, I am so much more in tune with my body and able to focus on the other things in your list, because I have given my body time to truly rejuvenate.

  272. Holding back what wants and needs to be expressed and lived has an immediate effect on our vitality (kidney energy) – my experience is that I need to be honest about what my body shows me it wants to do and express, not my mind or comfort seeking aspect, so it comes to feeling and honouring once again the impulses of the body like when we were children.

  273. “I have always carried a feeling of ‘not deserving’ and not being ‘good enough’, and on top of that I was my own worst critic/self-basher and super judgmental, especially if I felt I got something wrong.” The best way to undermine ourselves, avoid responsibility and to refuse to see who we really are. This self-criticism underlies so many of our current days woes. I am in constant awe of how Universal Medicine supports us to deepen our self-awareness, our self-love and self empowerment. The presentations and workshops consistently teach us how to nurture our weaknesses, resume responsibility for our inner quality, rekindle our commitment to life and our temporal commitments and keep evolving. A perpetual cycle of deepening our connection, knowing and expression of the Divine, which does not have one shred of criticism, judgment or arrogance within it.

  274. I wonder how long the rest of the world will take before they can make the same connection between how we live and the way our finances are. The people that have a lot of money but still live in total disregard may take a lot of convincing.

    1. Interesting point Kev. It’s very hard, when we judge life by what we see, to let ourselves feel beneath the accepted norm – to the actual energetic influences on our bodies.

  275. I have always had an intense relationship with money. I was brought up to be careful with money and never to spend what I didn’t have. Recently I was affected by a legal situation which chewed through a very large sum of money that we didn’t have. We were being bullied and had a choice to stand up for truth or not. I found it very challenging, to be spending so much money just to defend ourselves against a false accusation. I realised that in my angst, I was actually giving my power away to the assaulting energy and felt very strongly that my defence was to simply trust in the love that I am and have faith that things would all work out just the way that they were meant to. Unsurprisingly, this turned out to be true. Our foundation of love is our greatest defence when we live each moment knowing this to be true.

  276. We may have a perception that when people have a lot of money, their lives must be so much ‘easier’ and how lucky they are not to have to worry about money. However, the quality of our lives and the joy we feel flowing through our bodies actually has nothing to do with money, to think in this way is a distraction, providing us with an excuse not to take responsibility. It puts a focus on money being the answer, when in fact love is the answer, always. I love how your blog clearly shows the relationship between how we choose to live, the level of love that we have for our selves and the state of our finances are all inter-connected.

  277. Basically any ‘lack’ [like the ones you shared Jacqueline] is going to result in depletion from a want of needing, trying, proving, resolving, fixing.. what is held low [in regard or worth]; whilst accepting, on the other hand conserves and re-fuels.

  278. The points you have raised in relation to lack of finances are well worth considering. If everything is energy, and everything is because of energy, then there are direct links to all our actions and their effects on our bodies.

  279. It is a quantum step to truly realising how everything is interconnected, especially that the way we live directly affects the body we inhabit. The body never lies as a marker of truth but sometimes there is a lag or discrepancy between the body and the living way when things are changing and transforming.

  280. It is inspiring to read this, it is clear that the way we live affects our bodies. It is our responsibility to make different choices, bringing love back to our everyday.

    1. Well said Victoria! And the reverse applies too: we can also have very good kidney energy and not have a lot of money. Kidney energy and finances are directly related but we must take care in drawing lineal conclusions about our own or others’ lives. Reading the situation takes the whole into account.

      1. Your comment really expands on what we are discussing here Lindy. Without considering the whole or truly reading the situation we can assume, judge or react to it. That applies to every area of life, and when it is read it allows for a deeper understanding and love for our selves and others on our path of return.

    2. True Victoria, a lot of money can and often does equate to giving your power away because lots of money can easily afford lots of distraction, avoidance and delay, delay in growing and evolving.

  281. This is a very relatable explanation of the links between money and our kidney energy or life force. It makes perfect sense that when we feed our bodies with self care and love, adequate sleep, nourishing food and true connection our vitality returns. When we live against the natural rhythm of the body we end up ‘paying’ the price.

  282. I would often go to a part of my life that was in trouble or causing me trouble and try and fix it. I would see it in isolation from the rest of my life and single it out for special attention. In this you would do enough over time to see it better then it was before and so long as it was better everything was then ok. Finances are a big one because we link it to success and security. I agree with what this blog is saying and will add that when there is something like this going on in your life, it’s in all your life. The way to lift your finances is to look across everything and see what is needing to change in all areas. The trick has been for me just look at what is ‘wrong’ in one area and not see that everything is linked. We can make a fix short term in this one area and think things are better but for long term change or healing every point in your life will need to reflect the same. There is no work, rest and play it’s all the same and when you look and live life from here you will see how there is no one area and there is the healing.

  283. I love the lightness of the last sentence Jacqueline, a key ingredient to life.

  284. Overspending is just another way to not feel our disconnection or ‘lesser’ that you describe Jacqueline – the reaction of overspending is no different as a ‘filler’ than say, overworking or overeating.

    1. How true, and this inner emptiness can never be ‘filled’ by anything outside of us as alluring as these temporary distractions appear. Our own love and inner connection is our true source of nourishment and fulfilment.

  285. There is a strong, though not perfect connection between finances and our energy levels. It is quite possible to have money using nervous energy and anxiety as fuel, though the level of enjoyment can then be low. It is also possible to have levels of love and life energy and still have little money as there is a strong element of skill and commitment to life involved. It is very possible, though, to learn those skills

  286. A great example Jacqueline of the relationship between our finances and kidney energy and our ability to change how it feels simply by making more self loving choices and being more honouring of our body.

  287. Connecting these ‘dots’ is very important in terms of how we learn and evolve.

  288. Thank you for your blog Jacqueline. I too had a lack of commitment to myself and to life for different reasons leading to me being on benefits with poor health. Making a commitment to myself, humanity and to life, I now have a full time job, salary, my health transformed and my finances improving.

  289. The relationship between our finances and the relationship we have with our body and with life are inextricably connected. Just shows us how if we want to deal with something related to our finances, we actually have to look at everything … to look at the whole , not just a part.

  290. It’s easy to look at our circumstances and blame things on the outside of us for what is wrong, but the fact is we all have a part to play and can make a choice in responsibility which lifts the game.

  291. Money has often come easy with me, I always had enough to do what I needed to do. I would earn it or it would be given to me and I would spend it not really taking that much notice except for making sure I did not spend more then I had. In my younger days I did not even take responsibility for this and would find myself with no money to pay the rent. Since attending Universal Medicine workshops, particularly presentations by Deborah Benhayon and understanding that how we manage our money has a direct effect on our kidney energy I have learnt to manage my money with a far greater responsibility. I now know exactly how much I earn, consider what I spend and how much I spend and have plenty of savings in the bank to fund whatever venture that may come my way…..and extra bonus is that I have far more energy these days.

    1. ‘how we manage our money has a direct effect on our kidney energy’, makes so much sense Mary-Louise. And I love what you shared that you now have plenty of savings in the bank to fund whatever comes your way…..savings in our financial bank feels to me a reflection of how we are using our energy or life force wisely, so no surprise that you have tons more energy.

  292. Yes, Jane, this is certainly a more empowered way of looking at life and our finances. I am certainly learning to spend my ‘energy’ more responsibly each day and with this comes a deeper awareness of my choices, even the small ones.

  293. It goes against so much of our behaviours and patterns to make self-love a priority and the best medicine to take with us into our day. Universal Medicine re-educates and teaches the fundamentals of life in terms of how we can support ourselves in simple and practical ways that can, however, be life-changing.

  294. Absolutely – this level of and commitment to self love then makes way for the true support of others whilst not depleting our own energy.

  295. “For me it was holding back my true expression – it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with. It is exhausting not ever expressing feelings, and it is exhausting and toxic taking on the emotions of others.” Wow Jacqueline this is so true and the realisation of this and the simplicity of caring and loving oneself is an amazing way forward as you share thank you.The link with our finances, energy and our life is also great to see clearly.

  296. There appears to be an art in our relationship with money, overspending certainly does not work for the body, neither does excessively holding onto it from fear of not having enough. Like many things in life it is really interesting to take a particular relationship (in this case with money) and feel how it reflects much more.. our approach to life, our beliefs and colour with which it tints other relationships.

  297. “I have always had a lack of finances, but then I have always had a consistent ‘lack of everything’, as nothing seemed to flow in my life.” I wonder how many other people would say this about their life but not connect the dots as you have done Jacqueline. It can be so easy to blame other people or other things in our life as to why we are exhausted or have money problems or why life is not flowing, but when we begin to understand they are all intrinsically linked, we can then start to look deeper into how we are living and our life style choices.

  298. I can relate to much of what you say here, Jacqueline, and agree that love is indeed the medication, the antidote if you will. Over the Christmas break we watched Disney’s ‘Frozen on Ice’ where the message was that true love was putting another before you – a sad and untrue message for children. As you and I can attest, this is draining and doesn’t support me, and thus others. True love is loving yourself first.

  299. “What I came to understand was that the kidneys energetically represent our life force, which in turn is linked to our finances.” It makes sense to me and thus explains why my back hurts when I get tired and/or when I get stressed about finances. These connections between how we live and the well being of our organs has been a fundamental support in re-establishing a healthy respect for my body, connections that Universal Medicine has brought to the fore, essential education that has empowered me to completely transform my health and attitude to life, self and people beyond all recognition.

  300. I can so relate to this one “In the morning I would wake exhausted, without enough fuel for the day ahead, and so I found myself tanking up on another fuel to cope – sugar!” it was silly really considering I was pushing myself to work, play but not actually take care and bring a quality to what I was doing in any of my activity. I also therefore turned to sugar to keep me going but it felt yucky to wake up each day. Writing this now helps me appreciate the changes I’ve made.

  301. I can really see the connection between finances and self worth and have noticed that if I try and reduce myself, my life and only see problems in me and all around me, then I am reducing my abundance and my connection with the flow of life. This has got to have an impact everywhere including in my body and my bank balance. Makes complete sense to me.

  302. Ah, the treadmill of life! Are we not the ones that keep pushing the incline button to increase our resistance to life? I have often heard, what is life without a struggle! Could life be, a joy-full, loving existence that just flows every day… the choice is ours?

    1. Yes we tend to champion complication and the struggle by giving ourself a pat on the shoulder for coming out the other end. It is very humbling to all of a sudden see that all of that was unnecessary and self-created.

  303. Jacqueline, its great to read your article and to ponder on how I drain my kidneys. At the moment they are painful and so to get to the root cause of this feels important. What you have shared highlights areas in my life where I have not been careful with money and as loving and appreciative of myself as I can be and deserve to be.

    1. Rebecca, on reading your comment I got to realise that when I have not been careful with money, what came before that was not being careful or to be more precise not being discerning with my kidney energy – mainly giving my power away….. in a word overspending.

  304. The phrase ‘everything is everything and nothing is nothing’ as Serge Benhayon has used comes to mind here. The more we connect all areas of our lives with each other the more we will see how one thing affects another. And this blog gives some great examples of how the way we treat our finances directly affects our body and vice versa.

  305. This connection between lack of finance and how it affects our energy levels makes so much sense when explained in this way. How amazing would it be if we were taught this as children? We would grow up with a very different approach to money and how if we always take care of ourselves, it is as a consequence, also taken care of.

  306. This is such a great conversation we’re having. It offers much to the millions of people for whom exhaustion and debt has become a way of life. Without an inner sense of self and worth, we have an insatiable appetite to fill the void and compensate our seeming lack by expending energy and currency on the external and material. As the lyrics of a song goes ‘Can’t buy me Love’. And guess what, love is the only currency freely available, if only we knew how to tap into it. For this look no further than Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness,

    1. Hear, hear Kehinde, well said; love is the only currency freely available and what supported me greatly to tap into this unlimited supply was choosing The Way of The Livingness presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  307. ‘ love does not overspend, love expands,’ powerfully yet simply expressed Jacqueline. It’s important to stress that overspending is not just related to currency, but energy also. Earlier in my life, I had never related the way I felt in my body and exhaustion experienced to how I was living. How supportive it was to be shown that giving away my power, holding back, not caring for or loving myself, drained my life force. The Way of The Livingness offers us a way back to living full, balanced and committed lives, without becoming exhausted. And if we do become exhausted, it teaches us to recognise it for what it is: we’ve over-extended ourselves, reflecting on where and how and gives us tools to bring ourselves back to balance and when we do there is expansion of energy.

  308. The expansion of life (force) feels to me as a constant expansion of the love that I am. I’m learning that relationships, including the one with myself, are (only) there to support me in loving myself, life and others more and more, in which I am returning to live my love, my Soul’s love that is, here on earth. And in this Love I am reflecting to others that we’re deeply worthy of love, that there is a way out of the misery. How amazing is it that lack of self-worth actually has a direct effect on our kidney energy. Our body has much more importance than we currently accept it has. To me, my body is actually my best friend, it’s my guide through life. Although it’s sometime challenging to be with my body when it hurts or brings up ‘stuff’ that I’d rather ignore (which in fact isn’t true).

    1. We are all deeply worthy of love…… and if we all knew or could feel just how much we are held in love, and actually how much support there is for each and every person to receive an unlimited supply of love, there would be no lack of self worth issues. What is key is in honouring our intelligent and wise bodies and committing to life. Thank you Floris for your gorgeous comment.

  309. In a really practical and tangible way my relationship with money has changed dramatically since I have worked with Universal Medicine. Accumulating material possessions and acquiring the latest thing was very much part of how I used to function. Now I am not expecting something on the outside to fix how I feel I shop much less.

  310. Thank you Jacqueline. The link between finances and energy is undeniable. In fact I feel that my relationship with money tells me everything about my relationship with life. Your blog has supported me to turn my attention to the many ways that I ‘spend’ my energy unwisely. For example I have twigged that spending time on my computer or phone at night is very draining of my energy. I wake up the next day feeling exhausted.

  311. ‘What’s the connection between exhaustion and lack of finances? For me it was holding back my true expression – it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with.’ So true Jacqueline. I know my own thyroid condition, which has its genesis in exhaustion and lack of expression, reflects my own holding back in life. It is interesting to observe that my relationship with money has been similarly strained – and restrained. This way of thinking is an exceptionally holistic way to understand life, and the inter-relationship between all things.

  312. “What’s Kidney Energy got to do with my Finances?” – everything Jacqueline, and one thing that confirms this and especially pertinent given this festive season of ‘the sales’ is over spending…which i have found for myself leads to an ache or pain in the lower back/kidney region, plus i’m also exhausted at the end of a day, which, in the past i’d have thought was a sign of a ‘good day out’ , quite ironic really that we equate ‘drain’ with success (!!?!)

    1. And also it can be the other way around; that if we horde and don’t spend, it causes a block and stops the natural flow, this is tiring too, to go against the natural ebb and flow of money.

    2. I found that when I am aware of my body while I am considering spending money I tend to get a warning, which can be a pain in the kidney region, when I am about to purchase something that is less than supportive. However, I need to be open to this message. If not, I won’t notice the lack of energy until afterwards.

  313. This article is invaluable in terms of the understandings presented on the nature of exhaustion. When we consider exhaustion starts with adrenal exhaustion – the adrenals being glands located just above the kidneys – the relationships between our bodies, money and how we do life – and where our bodies end up as a result – become clearer.

  314. ‘This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’ …. I can feel how enriched my life has become as I choose to take more responsibility in the way I live. As I deepen the connection with myself, not only am I feeling the love that is me, that has always been there, but my decisions are impulsed from this place, meaning they will, by nature of the fact that they come from love, be nurturing and supportive, pulling me to evolve to an even deeper level of love.

  315. I feel the same importance should be given to the management of money irrespective of whether it’s ‘ours’ or not. Governments show enormous irresponsibility in their spending patterns and the way there is such a see-saw effect when one political party overturns another. The reforms and investments that one party makes then often get destroyed or reversed by the opposing party. The people are the ones who loose out, not only in terms of how their tax payer dollars are wasted, but promised projects either never come to fruition, or if they do, they cost way more than they ever should. This is an incredible drain on the whole country. I wonder whether as we all choose to live more responsibly with our own lives and finances, whether this will put more pressure, energetically, on our governments and financial institutions to do the same.

    1. I like this consideration, Alison. That if we step up to taking care of, and responsibility for, our bodies and money then there will be a ripple effect out to government and business.

      1. And Matilda, I feel that once the ripple goes out, it then returns to source and supports and builds us in our continuing and deepening self-connection, and we all evolve more.

  316. Lack of self worth instantly affects our posture! I had never really given that much thought to it, but the moment we slump our posture (with thoughts of lack of self worth for example), then we instantly create a drain in our body, and we will feel it…so simple really to change the posture, but the self worth can take a little longer to work on as I have discovered!

  317. An awesome understanding of the relationship between self-worth, self-love, commitment to life, our kidney’s and finances – not something one would often consider to be related. Thank you.

  318. Exhaustion is like a plague in our modern society. Most people live with exhaustion and often think it is normal or may not even be aware they are exhausted due to the way we choose to live. Your blog is very supportive for us to read. Bringing more awareness to what choices we make that are contributing to exhaustion and how we can eliminate it. Living without exhaustion means we are more able to be ourselves and not only that, we are also able to support others in a loving way.

  319. When you commit to life, there is the energy to do so. When you withdraw from life, you withdraw that energy which keeps you in that cycle that you don’t have the energy to commit to it. The antidote – commit to life and the energy will come! And that means committing in full, not holding back and not in perfection or drive, but going in boots and all with you, all of you and going life, yep, I am here. (note to self as well!).

  320. Could ‘giving our power away’ actually be a global pandemic? Rather than recognize and accept our lack of self-worth, we’re playing the game that we’re in full control. But in fact we’re actually letting ourselves being controlled by an unseen force. We’re so so precious, it’s up to us to (slowly) get back into the movement of the delicate being we all innately and naturally are. We’re to stop playing dummies and be honest about the fact that globally we’re actually not doing so well with most countries being financially actually not healthy. How does it come that we’ve accepted a system that accepts that countries (the collective of the people living in that country) are actually spending more than they earn – year after year. We demand a lot from life – not too much taxes, great health system, shops that supply everything we want, yet what is the quality of being that we’re actually bringing to life? Personally I can share that my relationship with life has a long time been about consuming, demanding and criticising, rather than appreciating and giving. The difference is a complete turn-over. One carries my heart, the other one doesn’t.

    1. Yes absolutely Floris – giving our power away is a global pandemic. And even those who are not giving their power away to others but are controlling, dictating and abusing those others (who are giving their power away to them) are also giving their power away to a force that is not themselves. Only true equality, respect, love and honouring of ourselves and one another shall the power be restored to us all.

  321. Money and self worth are inextricably linked when you are self employed, because if we do not value ourselves highly enough, we do not charge the correct amount for our services. Yes some people will buy cheap, but there are plenty who will pay that little bit extra for a good value and good quality service. And when we provide a good quality service, we can increase our own self worth because it has felt good providing that.

    1. Great comment Carmel, I am self-employed and can very much relate to what you’ve shared. Learning to value and appreciate myself, my skills and how I work has supported me with this.

    2. This is so true, Carmel, even as an employee, if you do not value all that you can bring it allows others to take advantage and ‘use’ you without appreciating any of the talents you offer as you have already dismissed them as being nothing yourself.

  322. Its fascinating how you have discovered this link between your body and your bank. Money has always been an interesting subject for me. When I was 18 I inherited a sizeable chunk of money from my Nanna. It was unfortunate timing because I was living in such a self destructive way the money simply slipped through my fingers. This to me is proof that money is not the answer to our woes, if that was the case Hollywood would have truly successful people that are steady and stable in their relationships and life….but we have far from that? Money and our relationship with it is a reflection, just like everything else in this world.

  323. What is inspiring to understand from this is the connection money has with everything in our lives, and the need for all areas of our lives to flow with love. Beautiful.

  324. A very timely read, thank you Jacqueline! You have inspired me to take a much deeper look at my own relationship with money and the flow within my life.

    1. Taking responsibility for our relationship with, and use of, money could so easily be something we brush under the carpet, ignore and avoid. I love the fact that you have used the word ‘inspired’ here, Paula… inspired to take care of and be responsible for ourselves… thank you.

  325. We are innately love, we are born with it, it is always there inside of us. Very few people realise that when they hold back this love, it is exhausting because it takes more effort to be something that we are not rather than something that we already are.

  326. I often look at a ‘problem’ and jump in to fix the narrow band of life I have honed in on. Yet this blog is a perfect example and a reminder that absolutely everything in life is connected. If we can’t see it, we simply have not joined the dots together yet.

  327. Self worth and finances – there is a definite link between these two. Knowing our worth in the work that we do is important so that we feel in our body that what we are paid is the ‘right’ salary for us and what we bring.

  328. You raise some great points and parallels Jacqueline, there is no question for me that finances, commitment to life, self-worth and how we ‘spend’ our life force/kidney energy every day are intrinsically linked. What is happening with my finances is always a direct reflection of where I am at with regard to these.

  329. Our bodies know! Awareness is the key to understanding our behaviour; the two are intimately connected. Great expose Jacqueline.

    1. So true Bernadette and how do we increase our awareness? By looking after our kidneys (life force) and stopping all habits or behaviours that reduce, drain and suck them dry. Our kidney energy gets a turbo boost when we commit to life and in the commitment the old habits begin to fall away.

  330. Reading your article made me aware that our finances are very symbolic of how we live – do we squander money or do we hoard it, do we feel we never have enough, do we feel we don’t deserve it, etc? Everything is indeed everything, as Serge Benhayon teaches.

  331. It’s so important that we take care of every aspect of our lives, money is something that can often be overlooked if it’s not something you badly need, but when you consider that money is an energy, so when we spend it we are in fact spending energy, it’s a whole new way to look at life and the way we care for ourselves and our energetic quality.

  332. ‘Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.’ – Hear hear, this is the most amazing foundation any body can have, and the path to true healing.

  333. I really resonate with what you have shared here Jacqueline, about learning to “trust that I could fully support myself and meet my own needs”. This feels like an important and fundamental process of fully engaging with life and self-responsibility.

    1. This has been the game changer for me Janet, and the process began with self-care which over time deepened and continues to refine. When we choose more loving choices that support ourselves to grow and evolve, I have found so much more support available that flows towards me.

  334. It’s interesting to expand these reflections out to a bigger picture; to global and international finances. So many countries are buried so deep in gigantic debt and if one considers the ‘collective kidney energy’ of a whole nation, then what is it doing to the people of that country to be living in gigantic collective debt? It makes me ponder on some of the African nations who are sucked completely dry by historical debts to the west or their colonial rulers. Until those debts are cleared will those countries ever be able to live at their full vitality and potential?

  335. Our bodies have so much to share with us. It makes total sense that our financial momentum is linked to our kidney energy. I have come across so many people who have had stages in their life where they made a choice to work just for the money, in complete disregard of how this job may affect other aspects of their life or require a deeper level of self care to offset the intensity of the position. In most cases during these times people have struggled to save any of the money they earn and even get themselves into debt. I have seen this in professional pole dancers, sex workers, the construction industry, high profile sales positions and hospitality.. I am sure it can happen in any industry.

  336. The relationship between lack of commitment to life and our finances makes me think of a sieve. Without full commitment there will always be holes through which our energy, vitality and money can drain. Being fully present with the state of my finances is a strong indication that I am fully present in my life.

  337. So often I let myself down by not putting me first. There is still an element of wanting to please all and I know without self Love there is no way I can do this. My energy levels tell me when I am overdoing it in everyday Life and therefore I have difficulty with finances as you describe by overspending on others. I can see the pattern and I thank you Jacqueline for your reminder!

  338. Negative self bashing for getting things wrong, so to speak, for we aren’t wrong, yes we can stuff up, make mistakes, but we are constantly learning if we choose to be. It starts at school age, maybe earlier than that, but it’s definitely ingrained here by other people’s reactions, frustrations, needs, even our own, and responses we can get when we make mistakes or are not at where other people want us to be.

  339. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” I used to think medication came from a bottle, today I really appreciate that medication comes from the way we live our life – after all you can’t take pills every moment but you can choose the care and purpose you move with.

  340. Beautifully expressed Jacqueline, ‘it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with’. This is so very true. What I have found is that not expressing what I feel is what exhausts me and that whilst I may at time think expressing truth may be hard it is actually far more damaging to my body not to express what is there to be expressed. The best example I have is that when I simply say what is there to be said the conversation completes. Yet when I hold something back then I walk away thinking I should have said this or that and so am giving it more energy, hence it is depleting me and then I am not present with what I am doing next, etc.. it is like a downward spiral which shows no wonder why we are soo tired and exhausted!

    1. This I feel is a common pattern with us all James. I know for myself in the past I would come away from a conversation annoyed because I should have said this or that and hadn’t and so it was still with me and draining my energy. Every day is a school day for me to learn to not hold back but to express all there is there to express. I don’t always get it perfect because holding back my expression is such an ingrained and embedded pattern that I just have to be gentle with myself when I still hold back a little in the knowing that tomorrow brings another opportunity.

      1. It is great when we view life as a playground and that we are here to learn and not be perfect. We can then take every moment to say ok what can I learn here. It makes such a difference and stops all the harsh beating up that we do to ourselves.

  341. It is miraculous to finally walk through fog and see more clearly that seemingly insurmountable impediments as merely beliefs that can be changed. With new awareness and understanding we’re often given the inner and outer tools we need to bring our lives and finances back into balance, step by step.

  342. The ‘Lack of’ list is very familiar Jacqueline and up until 10 years ago was how I lived too. Thought nothing of staying up all night to complete this or that for a deadline, in total disregard of what that was doing to my body and my energy reserves. Drinking copious cups of coffee does not make up for it, it just pushes an already tired body into crisis. What a godsend to find Universal Medicine, to realise the importance of taking care of our selves and our bodies because we are worth it, to restore a true balance in our lives and begin to address the huge energy deficiency. Today I feel so well, bright and healthy, nothing will ever induce me back into the late night, energy draining, coffee dependent life style that seemed so normal at the time.

  343. Lovingly paying attention to financial health and building a sound foundation for myself after years of kidney depletion was a major breakthrough, with ripple effects felt in every area of my life.

  344. Looking at my relationship with money with these considerations – ‘how we are using it, what we are using it for, and our ability to use it to truly support ourselves and create abundance in our life’ – marks a new level of responsibility. This is inspiring and important.

  345. I really appreciate what you have shared here, it is a timely read, reminder and focus for me with regards to kidney energy and to come back to how we live reflects in not only our health but also our finances.

  346. I do recognise that Jacquline, that lack of everything but in special lack of self worth that to me was the actual driver behind it all. Lately I got the understanding that this lack of self worth was from me not appreciating myself for who I naturally am and for that greater order I now know I am part of. The restoration of this connection has brought to me the abundance of nature and the universe equally in me, in my body and from that in all of my life and the relationships I have.

    1. The lack of self-worth Nico is a biggie, because with a huge lack of self worth (which I had) it becomes our base or platform from which we operate and move, and is where all my struggles, tension and anxiety originated from. When this is healed and we reconnect with our body there is so much potential for growth and evolution.

      1. Reading your comment I have had a big wake up call to the fact that I am still carrying a lack of self-worth in my body; nowhere near as much as in the past, but it is still there and affecting my life in many ways, especially around my finances. Top of my list today is to take the time to have a long and honest look at where this lack of self-worth has burrowed in to and to begin the process of finally healing it.

      2. That said Jacqueline, we actually create a way of living that is lesser than that we in fact are by not appreciating our true origin and the grandness we are from. When we heal these hurts that we have done to ourselves through these false creations we free ourselves from that lesser way and make space in our bodies to live that grandness we all come from once more on this planet earth, together as one.

      3. Jacqueline I can totally relate to what you share about ‘ lack of self worth being a platform for everything else’, I had no idea until quite recently, how much of my life was directly affected by my lack of self worth. The fact that my relationships with all others had my lack of self worth as their foundation is colossal. I have now changed my feeling of lack of self worth into feeling pretty great about myself and this change is radiating out into all of my other relationships. True and lasting transformation.

  347. Wow Jacqueline, your words make it crystal clear that we literally do ‘spend’ time willy-nilly and this is shown directly with our money. We think that being committed is flogging ourselves doing everything for everyone but this is so far from ‘it’. When we do what is true and not what is right there is space and expansion instead of expense, suspense and debt. We have the ability to end this ‘not-enough-ness’ that is rampant in the workd today just in the way we are with ourselves every day.

  348. Reading your blog reminded me of an old quote by Benjamin Franklin “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

  349. Jaqueline, I equally know this judgemental voice in me, a voice which is very draining and very subtle, sometimes so ingrained, that I do not realize it. In the last weeks it came more to the surface so that I was able to clock it. The healing of it is appreciation and love. How true love and appreciation equals abundance.

  350. Spending more than we earn, unless it is for a genuine purpose or investment can be quite harmful but it can be equally harmful not to invest when there is a very good reason to do so. There are big benefits to owning your own home, for example, where most people spend more than they have and borrow the difference in the form of a mortgage.

  351. In my experience exhaustion and lack of finance are inimately connected. When we are tired, it is harder to take care of the big and small details in our life properly. We miss opportunities and deadlines and get a reputation for being less than perfect which means that many opportunities are not even presented to us. This shows how important it is for us to tackle exhaustion and even tiredness.

    1. I can certainly relate to what you say Christopher. Many things are integral to financial health, including as you say exhaustion. Lack of self worth is another. Without this we often lack the will to put our financial house in order.

  352. It’s interesting to note that we can ‘over spend’ in so many ways. We may think that over spending is only monetary, yet when we break it down to energy, there are so many ways in which we over spend from pushing ourselves too much, to giving our power away to others, to being nice. If we keep tabs of our energy, like we do money, we see that there are times to spend and times to save.

    1. I agree Donna – I may be saving the physical pennies, but what am I spending my energy on? Am I getting a good return investment on my time by spending it wisely on things that come back to support me, or am I pouring it down the drain behaving in ways that give me nothing back in return.

  353. Awesome Jacqueline, so much to comment here, especially resonated with your words here: “…and most importantly ‘giving to myself’, because ‘I was worth it’” – when we cherish something, it is easy to love it, and abuse becomes unacceptable.

  354. This is an ongoing process and I’ve have always lived measured to what I just needed or if I did stretch it a little I would remain quite and reserved. What the reflection is is how my keeping money as money and me as me has directly put my life in parts. It’s divided things up so I don’t look at it as a whole and hence I look at life and people in parts and not as a whole. It leads me to keep going around in circles trying to make certain things better or different and when I see they are then I can work on the next part. This is in place of seeing life as one and so at any moment in any relationship there is time to work on everything at once.

  355. Wouldn’t it be great if studies in accountancy, bookkeeping and economics began with presenting the relationship and reflection between balancing the bank balance and the significance it has with the human body and the kidneys…

  356. I love the notion of us being our own personal bank manager – there’s a real self-responsibility implied there. And it can be enjoyable. One thing I like doing, at least every other day, is going in and checking my bank accounts, tidying things up, moving money around as it’s needed, ensuring I always have some cash in my wallet. It’s detailed, precise and supportive. My bank manager’s pretty cool!

  357. I was only saying the other day that I would like a deeper understanding of the relationship between kidney energy, life force and money and voila! – here it is. This is a beautifully clear laying out of the way we can run life, and wonderfully relatable. I recognise many of my own patterns and am sure others will too. The explanation of the path back to a more sustaining life will be supremely helpful for many as well. Thank you Jacqueline for allowing us to understand more about how all the elements you noted work together. As I’ve heard Serge Benhayon say, ‘Everything is everything and nothing is nothing’ and nothing can be viewed in isolation.

    1. Ask and you shall receive…..is what came up when I read your comment Victoria. We have so much support available to us all the time, and for me I had to learn to let it in!

  358. ‘Everything is Everything and Nothing is Nothing’. If there’s a saying worth living by, it most definitely is that one.

  359. This is beautiful to read, to feel for myself the consequences of not fully committing to life. Commitment is what brings us the purpose, giving all that we are in everything we do.

  360. When we don’t commit to life it’s like a constant tug of war going on within our body and it’s no wonder that we become so drained and exhausted. Then to make it even worse, we reach for foods that numb down or hype up our bodies, or other forms of distraction just to keep us going. We are here to commit to life and when we fight against it we are fighting ourselves, and it’s worth considering that if we do have this fight going on within ourselves, how is that effecting everybody and everything and could it possibly be that we need to stop this within ourselves before we can expect anything on the larger scale to change? After all we truly are all connected.

  361. Wow it’s crazy to thInk that most of how you felt is what so many people experience and cope with on a daily basis. But what a huge turn around you’ve been through – all with the foundation of being honest and choosing love.

  362. Beautiful Jacqueline, a true blessing and absolute en-joy to read. You bring it so simple, real and tangible.. And no ounce of me wants to judge myself, what I feel in relation to what you have written.. Even though I recognize what you feel and have felt. To allow to feel my state of life kidney flow (and finances) is a true start to feel my body and all the power that I have within me to change things around.. as I truly deserve. Let go of the old and choose new – fire inside.

  363. Tension and anxiety in life in relation to anything is a drain on our kidneys and therefore our life force. When the tension/anxiety comes from not having enough money, it can become a cycle that constantly drains the physical body. As you’ve shared Jacqueline, love and self-love is the medicine to turn this around.

  364. Everybody should be taught from young when they’re themselves and when they’re not. On a global scale we’re giving so much of our power away, without us even realising that we do! There’s indeed a natural flow inside us all that is connected to who we are. Full, grand, natural, soulful, loving. When this flow in any way, shape or form stops flowing, we can feel it in our bodies – if we choose to feel so. This has an enormous effect on our kidney energy and causes financial problems. On the long term. I’m experiencing for myself that it’s not so much that I do wrong, but that I’m holding back to bring all of me to the world. Playing small is a game that we’ve mastered playing. Which gives us the thousands of excuses why to not take responsibility. Of course this influences us in one way or another.

  365. It makes so much sense how if we ‘overspend ourselves’ so to speak, we are getting exhausted. Our bodies really can do a lot of work but I found they need the right fuel to do so which includes next to nourishing food, rest, love, deep care, nurturing, appreciation, tenderness and confirmation.

    1. Spot on Lieke, our bodies are super intelligent and amazing in how they constantly guide us and feed us back, with the right fuel: food, rest, love, deep care, nurturing, appreciation, tenderness and confirmation.

  366. ‘Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.’ Beautifully said Jacqueline, when we commit to making loving choices everyday we are rewarded back in a grand way with more abundance in all areas of our lives.

  367. I find that my outlook, my thoughts, my decisions and my whole experience of life is profoundly influenced by what energy I choose to sit in and draw from. That is well and good when all is going fine, but you know those time when you are on a downer or stuck in blame and nothing will budge you from being convinced you are right? When you end up in that energy how do you get out of it? At such moments in everyday life when I notice I have lost it, even the smallest loving choice can start the ‘un-sticking’ process. How amazing to build lots of such loving routines in our daily life so that we always have a foundation already there that supports us to come back. Of course there are times when I have veered so far that I need external support and I have not found anything as profound as Universal Medicine modalities.

  368. ‘Through self-care I began to feel what truly nourished my body and what didn’t.’ The concept of self care is a simple one and yet when it is introduced can have utterly profound results. It wasn’t until i met Serge Benhayon that I gave myself permission to deepen my self care. I had always been pretty good at this, or so I thought.. I never went to bed beyond 10.00 pm, ate a healthy diet and so on, but I didn’t realise that what I thought was healthy was in fact harming my body because I never truly clocked in, over riding my body’s signals when it didn’t like something. Nor did I really factor in that my contraction in life or my lack of expression in many areas meant that I was harming myself.

  369. Lack of commitment to any one of these elements that you have mentioned like sleep, finances, relationships and work is what can drain us very easily, and living without true quality just gets us by.

  370. When we live with a craving for sugar, it is a sure sign that something is wrong – that we are exhausted, drained and not living with our full vitality. Chocolate, eaten for comfort, does very little to support the body – it is but a moment’s satisfaction followed by days of guilt and weeks of trying to lose the excess pounds. Looking at why we are so exhausted is the key, learning the ways we drain ourselves so that we can counteract our lifestyle with more nurturing ways.

  371. Imagine most people can relate to overspending each day, living on credit so to speak but getting further and further in debt. You can prop yourself up in the short term with loans (eg sugar, coffee) but there will eventually be a crash.

  372. When you start to explore where you drain yourself and do not expend your energy wisely, the correlations with how you are with your money is surprisingly similar. It would be a great practice for us all to consider money more than just something we receive and spend. There is a flow with money, just like our energy. We can stop it from flowing to us by having a lack of self worth and we can spend it on distractions or things that harm us instead of things that support our wellbeing.

  373. When you look deeper into the amount of sugar and caffeine we consume we begin to see the extent in which exhaustion is prevalent in today’s society. This begs the question what has been the purpose of all the advancements of the modern world – if they were to truly support us you would think that we could like in a way where we are not mostly exhausted.

  374. It just shows Jacqueline that nothing in our life is separated. How we are in one aspect affects the next. Our life is one, not parts put together.

  375. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” This is quite a statement Jacqueline. I find that my consistency with self-love wavers, as does my commitment to it. I can tell myself that I am not going to waver but I still do. This is reflected in the state of my bank balance.

  376. Love and acceptance of oneself truly is good medicine, Jacqueline, bringing joy and abundance to every aspect of life and relationships.

  377. Love this opener Jacqueline “I have always had a lack of finances, but then I have always had a consistent ‘lack of everything’”, it is a great example of how everything has an effect on everything else – and that everything is in relation to all else.

  378. Changing the equation from; “This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’,” to; ‘Putting love into myself first equals abundance’, is life enhancing.

  379. I have never realised I put others needs before my own, but I do. I’m not sure how or what this looks like, it may be going to see people when I don’t feel too, speaking when I don’t feel too, not speaking up, trying to make everything okay with everyone even if that means overriding myself and my body. I find when I am exhausted it also can allow for more down thoughts which is not a great cycle to be in.

  380. Your comment about using sugar to prop up your energy Jacqueline makes me ponder on how I used to use credit cards to purchase things I couldn’t afford, which has the same energetically exhausting effect. I paid a high price in pancreatic insulin and a high price in interest charges as a consequence. I have noticed these days since going sugar free my use of credit cards has changed enormously. Not only am I craving less material objects to make me feel okay, I feel much more in tune with how much money I actually have and hence how much kidney energy I have to spend and am far more respectful of both.

    1. Rowena being respectful of both makes a good bank manager! And like you I find I no longer need material objects to make me feel okay as I no longer feel so empty and alone. Lately I have been really feeling the power in my kidneys as I allow myself to express the love that naturally flows through me.

  381. Connecting that our tiredness or exhaustion can come from a number of sources not just a lack of sleep, is a huge awareness to get to. I have learned too that leaving things incomplete, whether it is holding back in expressing love or over spending or under spending in monetary terms, is a big energy drain!

  382. I love having an active relationship with my money. Doing my VAT returns, accounts, checking my statements, doing annual spending reviews, monitoring service bills, etc.. I am not obsessive about it but can definitely feel how it supports me and is 100% the same as other self-loving rhythms that I am building into my life. Every couple of years I have a full medical check up – regular financial check-ups are the same.

  383. I love this line…”love does not overspend…” Truly, it is a well that never runs dry, but the more it is tapped into the more abundant it becomes.

  384. Staying up late – it’s like spending your over-draft. You then have to borrow (sugar)…until, eventually the debt collectors will come knocking (illness and disease).

  385. If we were taught that life force comes from our kidneys and to have healthy kidneys and a healthy body we need to commit to life, and to the true meaning of love, we would not be seeking caffeine, alcohol and sugar to get us through the day and to bolster our exhausted bodies. I know making a commitment to these two aspects of my life, along with not seeing money as a way to make myself a comfortable life, have changed not only how I view life but how I am in life. With this awareness I have a much greater understanding of the word responsibility, and the lack of responsibility I have taken towards life in the past.

  386. Great point Susan, for I too have found that when I try an hold onto money, it blocks the flow and sometimes an unexpected bill comes in….. like love money needs to flow.

  387. I didn’t realise that living a life where you are just getting by, where money isn’t really flowing, could cause a drain on your energy levels.It makes sense though as with it there is always a level of low grade anxiety because you are living beyond your means.

  388. In the past I would not have linked lack of finances to all you talk about here, but this blog is a reminder to me that everything is connected. I am feeling to have myself a kidney massage as that area of my body does feel achy and in need of attention.

  389. This is such a heart-warming blog to read Jacqueline. You have loved yourself back to abundance and it’s about so much more than money. I love that you are your own bank manager and that you are allowing the currency of love to flow.

  390. Fascinating the link between energy and finances one to pay much more attention to as a playful experiment for 2017!

  391. Brilliant article, thank you There is definitely a correlation between our relationship with money and our attitude to life, ourselves and others and this has a direct effect on our energy levels, All this is worth reviewing on a continuing basis. Yesterday I saw my accountant and then went shopping and I was immediately made aware of how I valued myself in the choices I made.

  392. Holding back our true expression I feel plays a huge part in not having sufficient funds in our lives to achieve all that we need to do. I would have put this down to utter nonsense about ten years ago but now I am living proof that the two go hand in hand.

    1. That’s it in a nutshell Kevin; holding back our true expression only serves to suffocate our natural essence, our life force, thus our kidney energy and as you say is related to and plays a huge part in not having sufficient funds to cover all our needs.

  393. This feels like a huge topic and one that, inspired by this article, I would like to explore further – the connection between commitment to life and how we manage our finances – thank you for starting this conversation.

  394. I was brought up in an environment where I was very aware of the haves and the haves not, but recently I have really had to reset what is fair and right and proper. There is nothing wrong with earning good money, and quite often not earning well arises from a lack of commitment. However I would temper this by saying there are many at the top % who earn at the expense of others, and there is a balance somewhere between we must reach. It is well worth exploring the relationship between how energised you feel and how much money you have, I know when I am earning well that my life force, my ability and commitment to get on with life is much greater.

  395. It’s interesting how we may crave for our lives to be a certain way, to have the necessary funds to do all the things that we’d like to do, but we can be reluctant to see that we can ensure this by choosing to take full responsibility for all the choices that we make. When things don’t go as planned, it doesn’t mean we have failed, it’s merely an opportunity for us to see that it wasn’t a supportive decision and to learn from it so that we don’t make the same mistake again.

  396. Our finances are, in truth, a reflection of all of the choices that we have made to live with responsibility, or not.

  397. Jacqueline for many of us we would think that the two are unrelated, why would my exhaustion have anything to do with lack of finances except if it meant I could not work? However given that the Kidneys are both to do with Finance and Life force/energy as you’ve shared then the link starts to become very real, I know from myself that when I was not committed to life in the way I am today I was both exhausted all the time (busy but exhausted) and had a real lack of finances (busy but overspending and struggling).Anyway great to look at this as its a major problem the world over and having such a clear, simple answer would put many peoples doubts and confusion about whats going on to rest.

  398. The parallel between finances and our relationship with ourselves and life is quite revealing … “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth: how we are using it, what we are using it for…” When we start to take care of ourselves and self care, attending to ignored issues, we really are adding value to ourselves, which gets reflected in the choices we then make…

  399. Through the Esoteric Modalities I have loved coming to understand that my kidney energy is affected by different aspects of my life such as my relationships, the work I do and how much I am committed to work (including paid and non-paid work) and also how much I bring of myself to all that I do. And realising that this directly relates to my financial situation. The more I have allowed for a flow in those areas of my life, my financial circumstances too have shifted.

  400. Jacqueline I love how you have expanded our understanding of money. The fact is every-thing is energy, therefore money is also energy and yet it’s a hard one for so many of us to truly grasp. We see money as a ‘hard currency’ literally and very few of us really understand its true meaning. We see it as a very literal trade between two or more people and don’t understand that it represents something that has been set in motion long before the notes and coins change hands.

  401. ‘I always believed that I did not belong ‘here’ This is very interesting for me to read and reflect on as I moved to a different area of the country that after nearly 2 years still feels very alien. And yet I choose to live where I am. Not fully committing to living here and being with the new people in my life at work etc. I know is very draining on my life force. A great one to ponder on where I’m stopping myself from expressing and accepting all of me.

  402. I bought myself a new purse today as mine had broken, it feels so lovely to have an orderly place to put my cards and money. It is so much more than just a purse.

  403. Responsibility, responsibility and more responsibility is the answer and what is becoming more and more blatantly obvious is that there is no getting away from the ‘R’ word no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

  404. Thank you Jacqueline. I am understanding the state of my finances in a whole new way reading this blog. When I read about the way that a lack of commitment to life drains kidney energy I was stopped in my tracks. I hadn’t fully realised that not committing to life could have such a huge impact on the body but I know without a doubt that this is true as my experience in life has confirmed this over and over. I am amazed that I chose not to see or feel this before now.

  405. Great point Susan. The out flow of money is equally important as it is naturally part of the whole cycle. We can’t take a look at one side, ie the self-loving choices without also looking at how we are sharing and being that in whatever we are doing.

  406. Great blog Jacqueline – I love the detail and specific-ness of it. It all comes down to true relationship and thus the quality of our energy . . . which is true economy, which is true beauty, harmony and Divine Austerity. Living this way brings a full volume of power through us to and for the world.

  407. “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth.” For myself I find this to be true…I used to be very frugal in the belief that I wasn’t worth spending money on even if I had it and held back from buying something I wanted. Since I developed a greater sense of self worth my relationship to money has changed.

  408. We are vital beings with energy constantly coming through us. When we choose to withdraw from expressing the love we are, we let another energy be transmitted, which is very taxing on the body.

  409. The message here ‘everything has a relationship with everything’ is true. The way we live is reflected in every choice we make. Are our choices deeply loving? Do we put ourselves under financial stress just to feel good in the moment? Are we momentarily indulging for a quick fix? The body will reflect everything we choose to live. Thank you Jacqueline for bringing this wisdom through your Blog.

  410. I love this part, ‘with the currency and love and appreciation flowing through my veins’, I feel we can all do with this universal currency but the only way to earn it is to simply choose to live it and express it.

  411. Thank you for sharing your experiences with exhaustion Jacqueline, for it is so common for many it has become normal. Like you I would wake up exhausted and weary like I had hardly any sleep. I was giving away my life force to others because I had low self-esteem. It was important for me to recognize and understand the underlying cause in order for me to change my behavior. Quality of sleep is so important when you are exhausted, winding down at the end of the day and keeping to a regular sleep rhythm helped me no end.

  412. Discerning if something is affordable – aka can come under feeling a level of self worth, one of the considerations is how does it serve? Is it for me to receive pleasure, a reward for whatever? Is there a purpose to spending the money, is there a ripple effect that supports others as well? This makes a difference to my kidney bank.

  413. Shows how sugar sells us short. It’s a double edged sword in that way. We can have our short burst of energy it gives us and enjoy the short opportunity to not feel our exhaustion but it always comes back to bite us in the bum as the underlying issue remains undelt with.

  414. How graceful is it to realise that our body is actually constantly teaching us how we’re with ourselves. I’m in a forever deepening relationship with myself and with life, accepting more and more the preciousness of my body and how it’s actually my best friend. Even if I choose to ignore its messages or tell myself that I can’t feel what the body is telling me. I can! And am forever amazed by the Grandness and love it can hold. There’s no other way in which I can contain my precious love. When I’m honouring me, there’s no way I would abuse myself in even the slightest way. An magnificent and unescapble school inside of us. Whether we choose to embrace or deny it.

  415. There is much to look at when it comes to feeling any tiredness, exhaustion or lack of vitality AND our relationship with money. In the end it is not about how much or how little money we have, but it is about how we are with it. Money is energy and it is about allowing a flow to happen…if we hold on too tight, then this restricts the flow both ways, and like wise if we are ‘too loose’ and uncaring with money, this disregard will also not support the flow. This is something I am still learning to work on and with….

  416. Great sharing, I can relate to this blog. My relationship to my finances was a reflection of my exhaustion too. It is so easy to get caught in burning out, by giving our kidney energy away, putting others first at the expense of our own body. I have been working on my body for several years now, and continue to do so, as you cannot just stop and get comfortable. Any form of comfort will allow exhaustion to creep in.

  417. So much here to learn from. As my commitment to life has increased, so too have my finances improved, but if I’m honest, I had settled for them being better so had not continued to go deeper with this despite feeling pretty exhausted at this moment. Now I can really be honest with myself and feel why.

  418. While money in my life has never been an issue, I was never committed to life and this was shown by my lack of self worth and connection to self. Like you. I didn’t really want to be here, so I can very much relate to your last point and how draining, the self-bashing, not feeling enough, and not living life to the full affected my posture and how I approached life.

  419. Simple taking care of yourself actually is simple and does not cost much and, it feeds you back ‘millions’ – the riches of your heart. And I agree with this line as an accompaniment — “Giving to myself included all the support I now allowed in my life, such as attending the Sacred Esoteric Healing and Esoteric Massage courses.” spending energy wisely.

    1. Attending the Universal Medicine Healing courses has been the greatest investment I ever made.

  420. What an inspiring blog sharing so much wisdom bringing an understanding about kidney energy and life flow, exhaustion and the effects on our financial health also. Learning to commit to life in full is an amazing blessing in every way and allows a vitality and flow into our lives if done with love and our true expression in this world and purpose.

  421. ‘the sweet taste of sugar was my saviour and my downfall. It got me through the day, but at what cost?’ – Sugar and caffeine are common ‘saviours’ and pick me ups to keep us going until home time, but as you’ve mentioned do we really stop to observe the effect that this has on our body? The short period of elevation followed by a decline of tiredness is often accommodated for by more sugar, or more caffeine, and although as a result we don’t feel the ups and downs in the same way our body is still processing the spikes and having to deal with it on the inside.

  422. This is great what you have shared as how many people does this affect .. overspending, feeling exhausted, trying to please others? Millions! It also makes perfect sense and I know from lived experience what you share is true. I used to be continually scrimping and well never saving; as soon as money came in it when out which is a reflection of me not holding and being the love that I am for me and instead living in emptiness. As for Esoteric Kidney Massages OMG they are a complete GODSEND. For years my kidneys used to ache and feel empty (drinking alcohol certainly does not help this) when I had my first esoteric kidney massage at a Sacred Esoteric Healing course held by Universal Medicine it felt like the most warm and loving blanket had been held over them allowing them to let go of the struggle and emptiness they were holding and instead fill up with love. My kidneys totally loved and appreciated this. I still have a lot to learn with loving me, my kidney energy and looking after my finances but were I am now with this to where I was is huge.

  423. With exhaustion being a world plague, you have here bought focus to areas, that if we address, would have a significant impact on the prevelance of exhaustion.

  424. When we live in respect of our life source and discern where it comes from, we are blessed with temporal finances to support us.

  425. Jacqueline, it is great that you are bringing up life energy and money and commitment to life and how important it is to bring love to our life. Once we add responsibility we can then find ways to apply that new-found love everywhere in our life.

  426. Jacqueline, your blog is so light and playful and full of joy. What a great contrast to the heaviness and worry we can feel when we have lack of finances, lack of love or lack of commitment in our lives.

  427. How true, Jacqueline – “it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with”. It is crazy when we truly consider it how much we go against our natural state of being, creating dramas and hurts that take away the joy and love we have for ourselves and others.

  428. Your blog has reminded me of a time in my life when I was exhausted and my finances were pretty much the same. My back around the kidneys ached all the time and with the tension I was in then I could not get my back to rest fully against the mattress of my bed, there was a huge arch in it and I could get the flat of both my hands in the arch with lots of space to spare. When I discovered this I realized something was very wrong with me and the way I was living. It took until I found the esoteric healing modalities and the wisdom of Serge Benhayon to begin to understand why this had happened and to commence healing. I love what you have shared, congratulations on your recommitment to life and to yourself.

    1. This is so true and I know this from experience. When we truly make it about love and others the money is there and flows but when we make it about self and money nothing flows and finances become a struggle. Ultimately it should always be about love.

  429. This blog is more than gorgeous, it is a provider of a stop moment to re-asses what and where we give our life force to, to what and to where our actual commitments are given, and ultimately to what purpose we are really choosing life – is it for comfort or is it for the expression and the expansion of love? Thank you Jacqueline for a fantastic blog.

  430. I wonder how many people who feel they are lacking financially, would consider looking at the way they are living simply in their day to day and that that could be a major contributing factor? Not that many I suspect. Great blog Jacqueline and very revealing. This is certainly an area that I need to bring my own attention to.

  431. The way we spend our money and what we spend our money on is a huge reflection for us. Looking at these details offers us a greater understanding of both the level of kidney energy and also how we value ourselves. You’ve got me reflecting on this Jacqueline and I realize it’s something worth regularly noting or reviewing.

  432. Lack of self-worth / not feeling good enough has been a big one for me. What resulted from this belief system was the constant need to do more to prove myself, drive to be worthy, ‘repentance’ for not being enough and it was indeed exhausting. The fact is that trying to appease the lack of self-worth never worked for everything I did simply confirmed the lack itself. It was, and is necessary to change the energy at source where self-love is the foundation as Jacqueline shares here. Then change is truly possible and an end to exhaustion is in sight.

    1. ‘Repentance’ – yes, an old acquaintance but adversary really. What a crazy idea that we are to walk around, head bowed and eyes downcast, in order to make up for our lack of self-worth when in fact, the very posture alone engenders more of itself, ad infinitum.

  433. What your sharing is also so relevant for those who see themselves to have plenty, be it simply comfortable or extremely rich. The is a richness and wealth to life that no amount of money can buy – it can make life easier, more comfortable, exciting, luxurious but never full to busting with love. And so, no matter the size of you bank balance, investing in the currency of love can always enrich your life.

  434. When we start to see that everything is energy then we can no longer have pockets in any part of our life, but see that if we are lacking in a certain area such as finances that there is something to be addressed that is deeper than just what appears on the surface or on the temporal level. It is amazing that when we address the lack of flow in an area (ie the energy), how it can completely turn around.

  435. Its amazing how when we start looking after our bodies and not draining our energy with respect to our kidneys that it can have such an effect also on our finances. Not to mention the effect of what this new consistency gives to all aspects of our lives. The healing power of love is not to be dismissed

  436. Your ‘Lack of’ list was a description of most of my life! Living hand to mouth at times was a real reality. A few years ago when self-care was presented it made no sense, it was a foreign word that I had no concept of its meaning. The energy required to hold back the love and light that is with us all was a 247 job at the cost of everything. Those past days are now history. Now, every new day is an opportunity to expand the love I held hostage for so many years!

  437. This is worth all the Gold it the world what you are sharing Jacqueline. What I have also come to realise is that when we get to a point of deepening this relationship with ourselves, which is amazing, there is no room for comfort or settling for that as being enough. As the Love expands so too do we need to expand and deepen this relationship with ourselves or we stagnate and this starts to drain our life force flow.

    1. Absolutely Natalie – the more we embrace all we are, there is less space for all we are not to be expressed. In other words, we need to fill ourselves with who we are, through confirmation and appreciation, then there is no need to withdraw or do things like overspending out of relief.

  438. It makes total sense to me – absolutely 100% sense – that one of the best forms of self love is to look after your finances and spend wisely. I have always known and felt this connection. But since meeting Serge Benhayon and listening to him talk on the subject, I have taken the science deeper and am so struck by the simplicity that it can bring to decision making in my life. The super simple, black-and-white fact of whether I can afford something is invariably linked to whether that choice will support me or not. Can I afford that holiday? No – great, it wouldn’t have supported my evolution anyway. Can I afford the more expensive fish at the market? – Yes. Ace, I’ll buy it. Of course there are other factors that need discerning, but it is my experience that on countless occasions this most simple of barometer has delivered the truth to me.

    1. That’s a great and very healthy substitute you’ve brought in here Otto, we can now ask ourselves “will this support me or not?” and it may well have a positive impact on the bank balance as we substitute the need driven purchases with this self loving inquiry.

      1. I really get what you are saying and love the phrasing; “need-driven purchases” versus “self-loving inquiries”. Being be to make that differentiation is a real life skill.

  439. Superb article Jacqueline and one I can very much appreciate, having over spent for years in total disregard of my financial and energetic well-being. I too have found that the Esoteric Healing courses offered by Universal Medicine have been and continue to be an immense support in empowering me to transmute life long habits, to restore my self worth, inner spaciousness and ability to open up to Love both ways. In the process I have been able to re-build a healthy respect for energy, money and self, knowing exactly what to spend money on based on how my body feels about the proposition, as opposed to the ‘retail therapy’ driven vain attempt to quell an inner emptiness, which in truth never worked because material possessions can never fill the void that our lack of self love creates within us.

    1. I feel it is certainly possible that the more we build on deepening our self-love the so called retail therapy will not exist. The need to be fulfilled by material possessions will be replaced with love, because love is abundant, accessible and free.

  440. When I have slipped up I too have been my own worst critic and so hard on myself. I was left feeling exhausted and it was my kidneys that suffered. Giving myself a hard time meant wanting to give up on life as I didn’t want to commit to anything because of the abuse I was giving towards my body. I have come to realise any negativity towards the body has an impact and that if I want to have healthy kidneys to treat myself with love especially at those times of learning when I have been judgmental on myself.

  441. Imagine if we went to the doctors and were prescribed whatever medication we needed to support our body as well as a daily dose of self -nurturing and self-care, now this is good medicine.

  442. It’d be good if our bank managers taught us this…a distant pipe dream perhaps, but it is this kind of universal thinking and living that we need to be doing; seeing the whole – for whilst we compartmentalise and keep aspects of our life separate from another, then there will always be pockets and shadows for irresponsibility to hide in.

  443. Very cool Jacqueline! Amazing what can happen when we consider that everything is connected!

  444. I really appreciate the fact that I am now living in such a way that I am not just able to feel the truth of a blog such as this, but that I know it in my body.

  445. Jacqueline, great to read this article and really be aware of the relationship between our kidneys and our finances and how we feel about ourselves, no wonder there is so much lower back issues (kidney area) when there is so much overspending and lack of self worth in the world. I have had a pain in my kidneys recently so it’s great for me to ponder deeper on why this is and if it could be finances or lack of self worth.

  446. “love does not overspend, love expands” the perfect return on a commitment to life and true love.

  447. We can eat all the healthy food in the world, but how we eat it also makes a difference, ‘Over-eating, eating too fast and eating sugar all drained my kidney energy.’ we don’t realise how eating fast can deplete us. Making time to sit and eat just what we need, no more, means we don’t suffer that over-stuffed heavy lump in our digestive system but walk away from the table with greater vitality.

    1. So true Carmel, most of us do not realise how eating fast can deplete us, and because this was an ingrained pattern of mine ( because I never had enough time), sometimes I still can catch myself eating a tad too quickly. But if you observe children when they eat they take small spoon-fulls and most stop when they have had enough.

  448. I had no commitment to life and lots of finance at one stage but what I discovered was without commitment to life all the money in the world can run though your fingers and still there is the feeling that something is missing as no purchase is ever going to quench the thirst for true connection; not a change of lifestyle, a new dress, a car or a house. There always remained the feeling of “is this all there is?” I have also discovered that you can have a very rich life without having lots of finance or lots of stuff as once you commit to life and are in the flow of life you always have what you need.

  449. ‘Love does not overspend’ this is brilliant. If I ever feel like I have overspent it, it wasn’t love to begin with. If I ever feel exhausted and drained, I have clearly allowed myself to engage in love-less-ness that would make me feel like I am leaking.

  450. Jacqueline you feel so incredibly abundant in every-thing. You literally feel like an overflowing fountain not only of prosperity, but also of love, wisdom and an absolute bounty of pretty much everything else and your crystal clear explanation will help so many others to be as rich as you. Brilliant!

  451. Interesting to consider that our life force, which is energetic, is represented in our physical life as money and I can understand and sense that there is a truth in this. As when I am wasting my energy in many ways by not living my potency in full, as I have done for a great time in my life, then that is reflected in the financials which always felt not enough as they were not used to support that potency that I sensed in me but instead the money was spend in ways to numb the pain I felt of not living me in full.

  452. Your great blog is so very timely for me as I have spent many years “holding back my true expression” and have finally come to the understanding that “it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with”. No wonder I have been exhausted for most of my life and continually challenged by financial issues. To come to know that to live the love that we all are and to not hold back one little bit of our natural expression is in no way exhausting was a rather wonderful and liberating revelation; now to learn to live this way in every moment.

  453. Jacqueline its very confirming to read and appreciate the connection between the way we live, our exhaustion and how kidney energy and finance are so directly related. When you bring in the whole picture, as you have, we end up with a deep support, understanding and way forward in life. At the heart of all of this is the true responsibility it shows.

  454. An absolutely excellent blog. It so true the ways you have revealed that we drain our energy in daily life, which comes out in over doing it for people, not valuing our worth, putting out more than is coming in etc. Your paragraph on “lack of commitment to life” I especially loved as it is so relevant. How you have described the relationship of this to money is amazing.

  455. Beautiful Jacqueline, it simply makes so much sense, if you do not value yourself how do you expect to know true wealth? We often look on at big celebrities with big incomes and fanclubs too, but often what turns out is they are just as spendthrift too. A profound sharing – being hard on ourselves and our body is just as mad as taking money and burning it.

  456. This is brilliant, and so timely as I was recently feeling how I don’t allow myself to appreciate or value what I bring, and how that was being reflected in the way I live. I can definitely recognise a similar pattern and link between my finance and energy level. For me, I have got so used to running on a very low level, when there’s even a tiniest spike, I go ‘It’s CHRISTMAAASS!!!’ and behave as though I have a limitless supply, then pretty soon start wondering where all that money/energy has disappeared to.

  457. A great blog Jacqueline that describes the life of so many of us. Because of my lack of awareness in my last long marriage I allowed myself to be drained of a life force that I had had in abundance before I signed the contract! I have since become aware of how I gave myself away, and sold out to glamour and illusion to keep this relationship humming along. This has led to an ongoing hassle with finance in my elder years, though must say that my kidney energy is awesome.

  458. Thank you Jacqueline for your honesty and absolute cuteness in the way you have expressed this! Boy could I relate! This is a blog I will come back to many times to workshop all you have presented. I have also given away my energy and not spent it for myself. This line is gold “love does not overspend”, so simple.

  459. ‘it is exhausting holding back love, the love that we are born with’ …. I totally agree, it’s like trying to swim against a very strong current and we don’t even realise we’re doing it – hence the epidemic dependence on sugar and caffeine to ‘keep us going’. A far cry from the absolute joy and steadiness we feel when our choices come from the loving choice to swim with the current of love, that naturally flows in us.

  460. What a brilliant blog, Jacqueline, thank you. Very timely with the passing of Christmas where, for many of us, over-indulgence and over spending is at its peak. Love the connection you make with lack of finances, exhaustion and holding back on our true expression. When we are over spending, we are actively choosing to de-stabilise our foundation, it makes sense that it will be a drain on our life force. It’s like having a leak in our boat, as we take on water, we slowly sink. However, when we choose to embrace who we are, appreciating all that we can bring to our life and to the lives of others, we will naturally make choices that will support us. Our impulse is to nurture and care for our selves as we build our foundation with love, leaving no space for leaks.

  461. I so relate to everything in this blog because it describes my life exactly! When we hold back from sharing all of who we are and only share what we think others want to hear or what we feel comfortable sharing then of course this is going to effect our bodies and in particular our heart and our kidneys. It is no wonder then that heart disease and kidney disease is so huge in people.

  462. A fabulous blog showing the reflections and relationships between the way we live life and our body. Our body really is the marker of the way we live…

  463. “and love does not overspend, love expands, deepens and is all encompassing, bringing simplicity, truth, connection, commitment, trust, support, appreciation and abundance into all areas of my life.” I love this Jacqueline, love takes true care.

  464. This is such a great read Jacqueline. Your blog has me pondering exactly what money and energy I am spending. For example I would never accept money that was given to me by someone who obtained it illegally ….but isn’t that what I am doing when I eat sugar? Using an energy that is not natural or in integrity with my body to fuel it? I can see I have had the notion that all energy is ‘good’ and useful but your blog reminds me that this is not the case.

  465. I too have been aware of a lack of energy and have come to the conclusion I am draining my kidneys also. I can see clearly what you remarked on and that is I give too much away, therefore depleting my kidney energy and sometimes I give what I think someone needs and am therefore taking away their choice. There is such a wealth of learning in your blog Jacqueline, thank You.

  466. Thank you for sharing your experiences for others to reflect on and learn from. What I could feel reading this is that if we don’t feel we deserve love then we make our lives a struggle and much harder than it needs to be in many ways.

  467. How awesome it is to play in life Jacqueline from the abundance of energy and vitality from self-love that is then naturally emanating to everyone around you. Love is always full and this fullness is reflected first in our bodies and thus in life.

  468. Beautiful to read Jacqueline; this morning I am particularly struck by what you have expressed here, thank you;
    “With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day”.

  469. “This ‘lack of everything’ I ran with for years equals ‘lack of love’.” So simple and yet so profoundly true. We are sold a big lie that we live in a world full of ‘lacks’ when the truth is the world is full of abundance – we just need to open our hearts and our eyes will see the love that is everywhere.

  470. This is such a brilliant example of the power available to us all, when we are willing to be aware of the choices we make daily in our lives; from where do these choices come? For there is not one aspect of the lives that we live, that cannot be reflected through our bodies. When we truly embrace this relationship for ourselves, there is no end to exploring the depth of the quality of love that we can live and enrich our lives with, from which we learn the responsibility is ours in every moment, in what we are choosing to surrender to. Thank you Jacqueline for reflecting the power that comes, for all to be blessed with, when we return to living the fullness of the love we are.

  471. I love how Jacqueline has connected her financial situation to her way of living. How true is it that when we feel unloved that we easily overspend, buying things to essentially try to fill this gaping hole in our lives; a gaping hole only we ourselves can fill with accepting the love that we hold within.

  472. The understanding you share here of how the way we live can impact on our life force and hence health, wellbeing and vitality and how this is connected with our finances is so helpful and makes such sense.
    I love how Serge Benhayon presents the different sources of energy that we have available to us and the energetic dynamics or flow that result from our differing choices in life; it’s empowering and helps me to better understand myself and the choices that I make.

  473. Thank you Jacqueline, I can totally related to overspending, giving my power away and feeling drained from absorbing emotional issues. So, I understand why I have niggling lower back pains. Committing to doing some Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy exercises everyday helps support my back and posture. Learning to not overspend is also part of being responsible, embracing self care and self love.

    1. Chan I also commit to doing some simple Esoteric connective tissue movements/exercises every morning which my body appreciates and really supports me in the awareness of how I move and my posture as I notice more quickly when my posture or movement does not support me and then I adjust.

  474. There is much to consider in this article. How many people suffer from lower back problems? Could lack of self love, and the drain on our kidneys be a primary cause to this very real physical epidemic we have in our world today?

    1. Every facet of our life, our living needs loving attention for the micro moments make up the macro.

    2. With you Kim Weston on that one: ‘Bring on the love’, for love is the currency of abundance and connection with an unlimited supply and flow for each and every one of us to express and share with all we come into contact with.

  475. Jacqueline you have clearly shown the consequences of living in a measured way, disrupting the natural movement and flow, the realisation of the impact this has had not only on our body but in the quality of your life. These reflections are the life lessons we are here to heal and once we surrender to love, the body can realign and every aspect of our circumstances will also align with an abundance that is immeasurable.

  476. Another pearler of a true story about a person who has committed back to life and is learning to take great care of themselves. I love reading these, they are truly inspiring.

  477. Everything in our life is a reflection of what we are choosing to live – there is no one else to blame – Wow, what would the world be like if we all took this on as our truth and began to make choices that were full of energetic integrity and energetic responsibility? Everything begins and ends with who we truly are and how this is lived.

  478. I can relate to what Jacqueline’s sharing here. Lack of expression and not allowing myself to express have left me guarded and contracted. In this tightness the energy running between heart and kidneys became stuck. Literally by my own choices / movement. It’s up to me whether to confirm myself with loving choices / movement or drain my energy by making choices / moving in a way that are actually against me.

  479. I simply love how our bodies are a beautiful representation of all that is going on in our lives. The symphony of life lives harmoniously within our expression and so if our expression is squashed and we are not living from our full connection things start to go haywire. Breaking old used patterns and beliefs about who we are and the lack of love for ourselves re-calibrates our connection and we are able to shine in full once again.

  480. Interesting approach and to see how everything is linked or connected. It shows if we look in one place for answers then in this place it won’t actually allow you to see the full picture. I have looked at finances in isolation many times and still do on a more subtle level, this tunnel vision of sorts never allows you to see the ‘forest for the trees’ as the saying goes. Imagine if this level of detail and care was a part of all financial advice, it would be very healthy.

  481. This is something I have also wrestled with Jacqueline. I over spend and don’t take care with money and this is representative of how I spend my energy and how I live. As my commitment to life has increased my financial situation is improving. If I drop my commitment for a while I can see the reflection in my bank balance.

    1. Thank you Rebecca for sharing your personal experiences and wisdom here, I hadn’t made this connection in my own life but I can see it clearly now.

    2. I recognise that too Rebecca, it is like the bank balance is the barometer that measures our commitment to life and with that how much we use our energetic life force for the good that we can bring into life.

    3. One of the keys may be finding out why we are overspending. There are some quite strong benefits – numbing and having plenty of energy from the stress and distractions among them – associated with overspending and it can be valuable to decide whether we want to continue having these ‘benefits’.

  482. Love this blog – the ever flowing currency of love brings so much richness to life, but more than that it brings a quality of care for ones self that supports you to be more caring and responsable with money because it is our life force in society as it is.

  483. Fantastic sharing Jacqueline I can so relate! I am yet to have the abundance and can see how it is linked to not allowing myself to love and be loved in full.

  484. This is a great explanation Jacqueline of how our money and state of being are connected. We are born with a full bank of kidney energy in which to wisely invest in the true treasure of life – our love and the expression of it. Where we go wrong is by investing unwisely in all that is not of this love and therefore not true and thus we become drained by our need and our want than to be something other than that which we already are. By forever chasing something outside of ourselves we set ourselves up for a life lived chasing something elusive, that in-truth can never be attained through material wealth and the seeming ‘success’ that it brings, rather than looking within in the treasure chest of our heart and focussing on bringing all that is true back out into a world that has become saturated with all that is not of this divine essence.

    1. ‘We are born with a full bank of kidney energy in which to wisely invest in the true treasure of life – our love and the expression of it’. Yes we are Liane and love all you share here. The more we allow love to flow through us the more we are confirmed in what we bring and who we are.

  485. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” – Love is the best medicine. Not as a fix as we tend to think about medicine but as one of the essential fundamental aspects in our lives, just like drinking water, eating nourishing food, quality sleep and relationships, etc.

  486. “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth: how we are using it, what we are using it for, and our ability to use it to truly support ourselves and create abundance in our life” – Beautiful and timely to read this article today, as I have been recently reflecting on kidney energy and self worth in particular. I have also experienced that our vitality has much to do with our own self worth…and if and when I am feeling down and depleted, it is usually because I have not been valuing myself nor feeling worthy, and often this stems again from a lack of connection with deeper parts of myself, the soul. The answer seems so ridiculously simple – re-connect, appreciate yourself, respect and honour what you are here to deliver (the soul’s riches), and your vitality may well increase from a simple connection to soul…simple in essence but how much do we find ourselves applying this? There are often many default programs that we have set up running in the background that come in to sabotage such simplicity…and so it is for us to be strong in realising that we have the capacity to simplify our life and actually put the re-connection and appreciation into practice consistently so. A great reminder for me today…

  487. Great sharing Jacqueline as it is amazing but true that all these things fit together to help us achieve true wealth. I am still lacking in a substantial bank balance so still need to look more closely at how I am living.

  488. Jacqueline, I love how you have made yourself your own bank manager! We need to be playful even when sharing a seriously revealing and relevant topic! Thank you!

  489. You can tell a lot about a person and how they live by looking at their finances – they are quite revealing.

  490. I found it very interesting to learn about the connection between our kidneys and finances. I work as a massage therapist and I would say 97% of my customers mention their lower back pain which to me says a lot about how are we living, how are we spending, how given up are we?

  491. Great points you raise as money issues are something most people have in one way or another. Investing in love and truth is an excellent investment as is committing to life and paying attention to the seemingly small things which through the power of compounding can grow in surprising ways.

  492. This is great Jacqueline and it feels no coincidence that the word ‘appreciate’ is used as a banking term as well, as in build money in the bank. So too is it with appreciation of ourselves when we do self care and self love. It builds and supports us back to a richness beyond measure.

  493. Thank you Jacqueline for sharing about the connection of life force, which is stored in our kidneys and the lack of finances! I can observe in my own life how much the two are connected and my lack of commitment to life is reflected in my finance as well and I thank Serge Benhayon who opened my eyes to this fact, which gives me a much broader perspective what I need to work on than the usual mainstream finance advisors could ever give me.

  494. I love the honesty that you bring here Jacqueline, in that you have been so willing to accept that it has been you who has made you exhausted, putting no blame on anything or anyone. There is much for us to learn from your experience, and an understanding that when we are lacking something in our lives, whether it is money, love or anything else, it is always important to first look at where we are lacking in ourselves.

  495. When we nourish ourselves lovingly the flow on effect into the rest of our lives can be felt so strongly and it is much easier then to look at all areas of our life in a more self loving way.

    1. So very true Anne and one of the first ( and many) changes I made was to nourish myself with food, food that truly supported, warmed and nurtured my body which my body loved and appreciated after many years of shoving anything in it! This choice alone had a powerful ripple effect in which it became easier to nourish other areas in my life that needed some attention and healing.

  496. I would say that physical energy and finances do go hand in hand as they reflect one another. I feel at the moment that both are stable but it’s in the lack of appreciating my riches prevents further growth. The more I appreciate what is rich within myself, my choices and within my life around me and my relationships the more that financial support comes or does not when not appreciating. I’d also say a feeling of richness is not solely linked to physical money as I feel my life is rich and have many things to appreciate and feel supported by even if I have £10 in the bank.

    1. Great point Leigh….this feeling I have of being ‘super rich’ has nothing to do with money or what sits in my bank account, but has to do with how vital I feel, feeling my life has purpose, and having the absolute trust that all I need will be provided. And with the sense of everything flowing in my life is a confirmation and a blessing.

  497. A beautiful blog on the importance of life force Jaqueline. I can very much relate to this and how the way we see and treat ourselves very much impacts on the quality of our lives and our life force.

  498. Our finances are a very important part of our life, and definitely symbolises our commitment to life as you have shared Jacqueline.

  499. This is beautiful, Jacqueline, and a valuable point of reflection for all of us, in terms of how closely connected our true expression and commitment to life are to our bank balance.

    1. Allowing myself to fully express all that I am has been truly freeing and I have felt the expansion in all areas of my life including the flow of finances. Also Janet, true expression and movement supports committing to life and purpose.

  500. Awesome Jacqueline – I love how you share the link here between finance, life force and kidney energy. And then that as you have welcomed more love in your life, it has reawakened your commitment to life. That is just gorgeous and makes so much sense.

  501. What an awesome blog to start the New Year with. Jacqueline I could see myself in every point you made… especially, “The relationship between money and kidney energy is a reflection of our relationship with money and our self-worth…”, reading this I realised how for years I have put a tightly screwed cap on top of abundance in all areas and of course finances have shown that. There has been a pattern of ‘that’s enough’ or ‘that will do’, which are both very limiting. Oh how I would love the support of a kidney massage right about now 🙂 This blog is a big dose of medicine in itself.

    1. Thankyou Aimee, and yes I do love those kidney massages….. lately I have been feeling the deeper clearing and release after having a kidney massage.

  502. I love your point about giving yourself love, self-love, so that you are physically and emotionally able to be full in life and therefore having a bank account that reflects this fullness – it does make sense.

  503. Wow – I can relate to all aspects of what you have presented. Thank you for sharing all of this so clearly I am inspired to address the lack of flow I have been feeling in my kidney energy.

  504. How joyful to read Jacqueline; ‘With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller, and expanding by the day, now that I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love and to ‘playing’ in life again.’ And it makes so much sense when we start to take care of ourselves, money has to be a part of the equation as how we are with money is part of our life and reflects back to us our way of living instantly.

  505. With most so exhausted and running in drive today, this blog is most pertinent and shared a beneficial understanding we all must come to one day.

  506. What a great way to be, using self love as your medication Jacqueline, that is a great medicine to take every day. Your life has certainly turned around by you committing to life in the past 6 years and making these changes. It feels like we can live fighting against love all our lives and get overwhelmed and exhausted if we choose to, or we can go with the flow and learn to live with love. The latter feels a whole lot easier.

  507. Jacqueline, thank you for the timely blog. I can relate to many things you wrote about your past experience with finances and kidney energy, like giving it away or lack of self worth. Even though I have heard all these things about kidney energy, sleep, food, commitment to life many times and partially was trying and making changes but nothing seems to be different. Reading your beautiful and simple blog is a reminder that it is livingness, consistency and willingness to make it work.

    1. I agree Elena, it is about our livingness, our consistency and willingness and I would add it is also about knowing who you are and what you bring by just being yourself ( no trying, no pleasing, no comparison), it is this which has greatly supported me to self-appreciate and self-love.

  508. What you’ve shared about how our relationship with money, spending and finances can have a physical affect on the body (through exhaustion) is really interesting; everything is connected, and perhaps our day to day activity and behaviours could even contribute to the state of our health.

  509. The reflection life offers us though our behaviours and through our body is full of wisdom. This gorgeous blog is full of messages about what is true and how our choices have a direct relationship with our body and the quality in which we choose to live. Thank you Jacqueline for your honest and inspiring words.

  510. Thank you Jacqueline, it is time for us all to look closer to where our issues stem from to then be able to make the changes that bring real change.

  511. Great blog Jacqueline, love it and can very much relate to it, lack of commitment to life, defiantly drains and exhausts the kidneys and our whole body. It has to start with committing to a loving relationship with ourselves, where there is no room for self bashing or choosing a lack of self worth. I am not living this but it is something I am working on.

  512. I am sure there are many of us out there who have been exhausting ourselves on all fronts, physical, emotional and financial, and are feeling the depletion on a daily basis, reflected by the long queues for coffee and sugary foods alone. These observations and insights are a great reminder that the connections between different areas of life, and our self responsibility, are far more than we care to mention. Thank you. Every reminder and prompt is a precious support in addressing these areas.

  513. An inspiring blog to read Jacqueline. If we have to medicate with anything – Love is the true choice to support the life-force-kidney-energy.
    “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again”.

  514. Gorgeous Jacqueline – ‘saying yes to love’, it is a tonic and restoring reading this. Living this is truly a master piece in the unfolding – as you share ‘the expansion’ brings qualities that previously may have seemed less possible and plausible.

  515. I have that the more I commit to life, the more energy that I have. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed with having too much to do, I simply commit to purpose and I find that I am given the energy for what I need to do. Committing to life certainly is good medicine.

    1. Yes Donna, same here, I also am finding that I am given the energy for what I need to do, which has been a wonderful shift for me and at the same time a deep confirmation.

  516. ‘With the currency of love and appreciation flowing through my veins, my financial bank and my kidney bank are flourishing and fuller,..’ I love this Jacqueline. I have learned too that love and appreciation are the corner stones for life and relationships to flow!

  517. “Love – self-love – has been my medication that I am never going to give up on again.” Loving myself is something I too have only experienced since becoming a student of Universal Medicine. In my family, to love yourself and take greater care of yourself than others was a ‘no no’. Giving all of yourself, especially as a female, (and even more so as a mother) was thought to be a great attribute – all else was considered selfish. No wonder so many women end up feeling drained and exhausted. Listening to my body and what it needs alongside loving myself is a definite antidote to many ills – great medicine.

  518. Really love this blog Jacqueline, giving such an insight into the connection between kidney energy and finances/self care/love. Finances are an area I have always struggled with and the giving to others at my own cost is very familiar. I love your ending line ‘now that I have my own private and discerning bank manager – moi – and the bank manager is saying YES to Love and to ‘playing’ in life again.’ Finding that commitment to life from and with the true connection to Love, beautiful.

  519. I can really relate to constantly depleted energy levels and finances and how this has turned around the more I have committed to connecting to and supporting myself. I love the playfulness of being your own bank manager with love being the currency of your life.

  520. I recognise much of what you say, Jacqueline, especially around sleep. Rather like, when you have an overdraft at the bank, it costs you more money to pay it back, when I go to bed late, I have to sleep more to make up, but even when I do that, there is still a feeling of exhaustion the following day and my timing is out of kilter. As we love ourselves more deeply, everything in life begins to reflect that love.

  521. Amazing! My relationship with money is definitely one to pay more attention to. It speaks volumes for where we are at the moment.

  522. For a long time I have felt that life is a pursuit – of self, of love, of money, of something that is missing – and it has been exhausting. Coming to the realisation that nothing is in truth missing and that the love I have been seeking has always been within me in abundance has been a grand revelation of what you share here Jacqueline – it is up to me to love myself and to reconnect to this abundance – just as it is for all of us equally. Thank you for reopening the bank!

  523. Jacqueline, what an incredible blog, thank you for sharing it so lightly and playfully! I loved reading every word of it. Your realisations are profound and supported me to understand a bit more about my relationship with finances. I particularly love the point you make about ‘spending energy wisely’ and the fact that ‘love does not overspend’!

  524. The story of over-stretching days, of using our energy in a non wise manner, to top up with sugar to compensate how we use our energy and how we live and to make this our normal makes very difficult to even fathom that this state of being is just a creation of ours. This has to be repeated, we create the soup that we swim in. This is deeply revealing of the quality of the relationship we have with ourselves… for now.

    1. Yes, because we may not have liked our life without the filter of such a distraction. We have enormous power and when we know how to harness that power, a lot changes for us and around us.

  525. The link between finances, flow of money and life force through the kidneys was a big revelation for me. The more I explored it, it made sense. What my relationship with money was showing me was my relationship to life and through not perceiving I had enough, (when I always did), was my contraction and making myself lesser in like feeling I wasn’t enough. The more committed to life and work I have become the more (naturally) I am earning more and there is more abundance.

  526. Jacqueline, it’s great to read about the link between kidney energy and finances. This really makes sense to me. I have also been someone who has overspent, and this article is very timely because this is something that is important for me to look at, also valuing myself so that I charge what I deserve for my work feels very important. I love reading how as your appreciation and love for yourself flows that this allows your kidney energy to flow.

    1. Yes, it makes absolute sense Rebecca. This blog is also very timely for me to read. What Jacqueline has shared will no doubt support many people to understand the link between our kidney energy with our choices and our financial flow. Also shows how every choice we make affects our body in some way, amazing to understand that everything is connected and we can feel it on a physical and energetic level.

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