The Body is a Temple for the Soul

There was a time in my life when I was hugely arrogant and this largely came from my misplaced identification with my body and the lives I knew I had lived earlier before coming into this one.

Why do I say misplaced? Because I was in the illusion of an image – a conditioned picture, laid down by false information, giving way to certain ideals of how a man’s body ought to be; the utterly belying and beguiling warrior consciousness so to speak.

And so even though I had moments when I acknowledged that I was indeed blessed to have a great physical form and must respect that more, truly, deeply I was in disregard in spite of this – indulging with alcohol, nicotine, sugar, late night partying and disregarding my body’s messages and then further ‘killing it’ in the gym with my hard-core workouts, which made me feel at times invincible: feeling invincible in the fact that no matter what I did the previous night, I could come back to my peak levels the next day by just being crazily disciplined with my regular intense workouts. And falsely confident in that no matter what I would do, how much I would abuse my body, how much I taxed it to the maximum with my escapades into extreme adventure sports that would fill my body with adrenaline and spike me up and down, I was however in complete ignorance. And boy, did that make me arrogant!

I took great pride in the knowing that I had lived some ‘warrior lives’ in my past and this further boosted me with a false sense of power. In short, I had succumbed to that illusion of the so-called ‘discipline’ that I was living with. I was intense and I walked with the arrogance of the ignorance in me. But then none of us are ever so ignorant, are we? We do all know really! We carry deep within us at all times an imprint, a memory that is loving, honouring and true, an imprint waiting for us to acknowledge, and I for one always knew this.

It was only when I had allowed myself to step deeply into the abyss and well beyond it, that I realised how far behind I had left my true self. But even then there was something pulsating, sparking and protecting me. Even then I could always feel the presence of angels in my life, and this made me start being honest with myself. I started to take a hard look in the mirror each morning and began to see that the man being reflected back to me was but only a half version of who I truly was; I stopped drinking, but the pain and the angst kept on coming up. I stopped partying and yet I would not be able to sleep at nights. I made myself a recluse and in that I further disconnected from my own essence, and in this, shunned the love and support of those who were around me at that time.

Even though I thought I had started to heal some deep hurts, something inside me was quietly telling me that I was yet to get off this merry-go-round of being a prisoner of life. I was yet to break through the illusion of it all! And something was challenging and calling me deeply, constantly to do this. The tension within my body kept on increasing and this did nothing to heal my patterns and behaviours.

Meeting Serge Benhayon and Making Responsible Choices

All this changed the day I met Serge Benhayon… and has been changing ever since.

The answers started to pour in. I started to take a deep, honest look at everything. These indulgences/behaviours that I had always known, ever since I was a young boy, are not who I am. And yet I had allowed the so-called false ‘rites of passage’ with these indulgences turn me from being a beautiful, sensitive young boy, into a deeply hurt and angst-ridden young man.

My inner angst soon started to dissipate with each answer, the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices and without the need to be perfect – choices that supported me to be more connected to my body no matter what hurt or pain would come up. Choices that even though they were challenging for me initially, I held onto, as I could feel the truth of what was being shown to me. Choices that I now know, deep within me, were more than just true, they were and are simply divine.

Soon I started to make these choices an integral part of my lifestyle and they began to reflect in my outer dealings with the world. These choices started to show me a path that made my body feel vital, that made me realise and understand deeply how those past ingrained indulgences and behaviours had somehow never made me feel vital. These choices started to show me how, even though I felt I was living in my body then, truly I was far from it; far from understanding and listening to what my body needed on a daily basis as I walked, as I ate, as I communicated and expressed in the world, as I slept – it all became one glorious movement in my body and I was able to feel an expansion that I had never ever felt before. I was now able to see clearly how earlier on, prior to making these responsible choices, my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body. And even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease.

Movement and Feeling True Purpose in My Body

Thus, I began to understand the true dynamic of movement. I began to understand the true meaning of my movements, and in that, I could now sense the true purpose of my physical body.

I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?

I could feel myself moving slowly, but steadily, away from the shadows, that darkness that I had voluntarily chosen out of my own ill behaviours. My movements were now being observed by me – as if I was in a constant state of meditation – and I could sense the effects of when I spoke rudely or in reaction (like ripples in water). I could sense how I ate when I reached out for foods that would bring comfort or not allow me to feel what was coming up for me at any particular time. I could now begin to catch my thoughts when they came in… and I could see how if those thoughts were allowed in, they would play havoc with my body and then this would start off a ‘domino effect’, so to speak. I would fall back into my age-old patterns of hurts, like eating food that dulled my vitality and my light, generally affecting my surroundings with that dullness.

Over the past few years I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me. I have always had this inner knowing, but I had gone on an outside quest to seek it. I had climbed mountains, dived in oceans, travelled, read books, indulged in the so called spiritual healing lifestyle etc. etc. I had run miles away from myself. And this understanding did not happen in any ‘Eureka’ moment. It came to me through my own choice of understanding the teachings of Serge Benhayon and the Ancient Wisdom. A wisdom so ancient, and yet so timeless, that they only make more and more sense each second I dive further, deeper into this vast pool of teachings. I was firmly, truly, deeply and humbly committed like never before in my entire life. No excuses for me this time around. No playing games, as I was able to see the bigger picture – as vast as the unfolding cosmos above me and above us all. It was ‘All’ in for me, as everything I had done or come to pass so far had only been hurtling me towards this.

Developing Energetic Responsibility with My Body in Movement

And this is exactly what I did. It was confirming and hugely responsible for me to re-collect and know that I equally belonged to all those ancient places – that I had lived in the past not just as a warrior but as a philosopher, a healer, a teacher, a master and a guardian of light and truth. I made that true, soulful choice of being energetically responsible towards my body, towards my entire being. And now, having chosen to not run any more from this, I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body. This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout.

So on a practical level, how did I firmly, deeply build this innermost in my body?

I went back to zero and began again. I began to slowly build a rhythm of movements that would then become my ‘markers’ in daily life. These markers would then take me back to ‘me’ (to my centre) if I ever felt I had come adrift. I began to observe myself; I began to let go of my own self-imposed and harsh discipline that would invariably make me slip and fall and self-flagellate. I began to see that this was beyond just getting on and off the wagon. It was deeper. It was truer each time I chose what was felt in my body as vital. I thus began to let go and I started to build daily self-care and self-loving markers around my body and my life.

This steadily made me honestly aware of my movements: my walking, the way I get up from bed, the way I get to bed, how I flush, how I put down/up the toilet seat, how I wash dishes, how I prepare my tea, how I cook food, how I travel, how I sit, how I meet and hold myself and others when I talk to them – each and every movement through life. Every movement is now a ritual. It’s Zen for me!

Through all this I could now humbly feel how this is all about true responsibility. Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet? How then can I be responsible in my relationships on the outside if I did not have the ability to hold that within and for my own temple – ‘my body’?! The doing would then take care of itself.

True Movement and True Religion

I always knew about Karma, but earlier it was more a philosophy for me to know, live it in parts, eschew and spew out, rather than this deeper understanding of actually living and experiencing it through my choices as true Karma is everything we do in the quality of energy we do them. An inspirational role model in this has been my fellow, elder brother Serge Benhayon in all the years I have known him in this life; consistent, steady, powerful and yet so humble to the core. This was the role model that I had constantly sought all my life.

And now it’s all such a beautiful change. I now am able to sense and feel my own quality as equally as I can feel anybody else’s. Now I am able to feel deeper through it all. How cool it is now to live with this quality in my body – this absolute Obedience to God and Divinity.

With the power of the Ancient Wisdom as a huge blessing in my life, only because I chose very truly to understand it through all my illusions, I have been able to come back to my true nature – gentle, tender, yet powerfully strong and immensely responsible. This is the quality I am walking in now. For I know that this is honouring of The All in me and The All that is in the constant expansion of the Cosmic. It’s like I am now being given more and more access to a much deeper and powerful teaching from the Universe with each of these movements. With each moment I feel more and more responsible with that divine power coursing through my veins. This then makes my body feel totally at ease when I let go and allow these messages to come through.

I am now able to live life with a deep gratitude and an absolute humility for all life. Each and every one of my fellow beings that I earlier felt so disconnected from, I now know that I am responsible for – with how I live, how I think, how I speak, how I move, how I breathe, how I walk and how I reflect; every single aspect of my being-ness! This for me is now True Movement and this is my True Religion, as I keep aligning myself more and more each day to the stars and the vast unfolding of the Universe above and around me. My Cosmic duty is unwavering, no matter what.

And if I forget on any given day, I remind myself by asking myself; “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution!

By Chetan Jha, London (UK), Guardian of Light and Truth, an Angelic Monad living the life of an ordinary human being extraordinarily as a Universal Man

Further Reading:
The Power of Healing Our Hurts
The Body speaks Loudly, but am I Listening?
Our Relationship with Ourselves is the Start of All Things

579 thoughts on “The Body is a Temple for the Soul

  1. Chetan I can relate to what you have shared with this comment
    “I would fall back into my age-old patterns of hurts, like eating food that dulled my vitality and my light, generally affecting my surroundings with that dullness.”
    It’s as though we are unable to accept that we are in fact magnificent beings and that there is a way to live in pure devotion which is a sacred union between us all and God.

  2. Our body knows Love. That’s why it feels light, joyful and at ease when we align to it.

  3. To me there is a call to constantly appraise everything as the universe is constantly expanding and it is asking us to expand with it. I know I have fallen into a trap of I’ll make changes in my own time, however is it possible that if I procrastinate then I’m calling in an energy that will correct my tardiness of hanging around? Is this how illness and disease occurs because we are not keeping up with the expansion of the universe?

  4. I love that you have put ‘true movement is your true religion’. In that true religion is about a connection from within and what we are aligned to, it is a way of living and of course our movements. This is something I had not considered before until the Ageless Wisdom teachings through Universal Medicine, a truth that my body knows.

    1. How we move, the quality of our movements is always super important, ‘I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?’

  5. Understanding that we have traveled this path before and can return to the connection we once had allows us to be continuously on the alert for the illusionary ways that keep us trapped, as you have shared Chetan. Then with absolute honesty that we are always learning from everything that is given to takes us away from our essences or Soul allows us to evolve back to being Soul-full by our observation of the trapping and responding as Lovingly as we can.

    1. Gregbarnes888 we are bombarded by an energy that seeks to get us to be in constant reaction, in the reaction we are not responding but have fallen for the illusionary ways that as Chetan has shared that keeps us trapped for life times. Until there is a willingness to look past the hurts that we have continually focused on to see the greater plan of why we are here and what we are here to do.

      1. Totally Mary as we align to our divine essences🔥😇 we become aware of the bombardment and thus our “greater plan,” so our movements become what we are aligned to, then we feel an amazing energy in our whole body including that through our feet as we walk the path of return and thus aiding our ability to reconnect to our past lives through our understanding of life being more than this one-life-time. This for me takes care of many reactions that set us up to fail because we have a get out of gaol card as we feel this is our only chance or one life, ‘so up yours Jack’, as the saying goes but when we take responsibility for all we do our reactions wain as we become much more Loving ❤️ in all our interactions and thus responsivity, as you have stared.

  6. I am very familiar as I’m sure many are of the step by step progressive path. However, more and more lately it feels like the more I try to make steps the worse things get. Not because those steps aren’t honest or caring but they ignore the major factor that is progression is through no trying but claiming everything the temple already is and has inside it.

  7. The more I honour my body taking care to look after it, the more I can connect to stillness and the deeper I go with this. Sometimes, when I reach a new place of stillness that asks me to be more of who I am I can freak out, and it can take a while to settle into the new foundation that is being asked of me, but that is all that it is. The soul asks us to constantly refine and deepen so that each new foundation is a platform for the new normal from which to deepen again.

  8. No matter what our choice is, we are constantly creating ripples in the sea of life … it is the quality of that choice that is our responsibility and which will determine what all those around us will be washed by.

    1. Very beautifully expressed what is so true, ‘ we are constantly creating ripples in the sea of life … it is the quality of that choice that is our responsibility and which will determine what all those around us will be washed by.’

  9. The depth of our living is experienced through our bodies – it is our choice in every moment.

  10. Knowing that whether we speak rudely and in emotional reaction or lovingly and respectfully both expressions are like ripples in the water to those around us – it is our choice to the quality of ripple effect we share with all others in every moment.

  11. Seeing the Body as a Temple for the Soul invites me to surrender to it and to make more loving choices in my daily life. By this knowing, there is a standard, a mark to live from with no perfection but an awareness about how I want to be and what truly honours the woman I am.

    1. It is a powerful analogy to see our bodies as ‘a Temple for the Soul’ … this in itself brings a feeling of more responsibility, more loving care and dedication to how we treat our bodies and how we live our lives.

  12. Chetan, thanks for sharing your experience with so much detail and honesty. I also was one who denied the body and arrogantly used it as I pleased, so I understand very well about the angst you talk about. The deep void I felt once I started to become more aware about me and my choices seemed endless, and yet there always has been a space of clarity within me that guided me. Love reading about such a beautiful unfolding, for the wonders and the service we offer just by reflecting a living way that honours the tender beings we are.

  13. Chetan I could not agree with you more about the body and its movement, its definitely in everything we do and be in the world. Just like a pebble that lands on still water and you see the ripples and even though they disappear, they continue on – the same effect of how we live.

    There is much for us to understand, there is much that can’t always be understood by the mind. If anything, we have a responsibility in the world and if we all took that responsibility, I wonder what the world will be like today?

  14. “Even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease” – honesty like this is so powerful. We can use many words to tell a story, but one movement can reveal the whole truth.

  15. It is a seeming conundrum that we need to commit to life to no longer needing to be in human life just as we have to fully commit to honouring and taking care of our body so that we are the much more than the body, the multidimensional being from beyond the physical realm. Only when we start living that way there is no conundrum any longer but only the knowing of that truth and purpose.

  16. Although the temple is only temporal while the Soul is eternal while being here on earth in a body that serves as the vehicle for the Soul to express the divinity it represents, the body needs to be cared for and honoured just as much as the Soul as the two together are a pair in this realm where one without the other will not bring forth what is required to complete the human experience.

  17. Re-developing awareness makes it possible to begin to catch our constant wayward thoughts and recognise them for not being the truth of who we are. Finally we begin to arrest the mind and its ability to constantly hook us in (by choice) and hurtle us back into the abyss of illusion, comfort and disharmony.
    “I could now begin to catch my thoughts when they came in… and I could see how if those thoughts were allowed in, they would play havoc with my body and then this would start off a ‘domino effect’,

    1. Stephanie it’s the re-developing of awareness to understand that we do not own our thoughts, ideas,or feelings they are an energy that passes through us constantly we can only receive energy. What energy we receive is based on our alignment to God or the Astral plane; there are only two energies to choose from and they do not mix. If we were taught this Ageless Wisdom teaching from young we would not be living in the chaotic Animalistic and brutal way we are living today. Which means we have aligned to the Astral plane that set up this waywardness in complete opposition to our soul and God.

    2. Stopping the judgements, the put downs, anything that keeps us from our true magnificence, ‘my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body.’

  18. I can remember many times during my life when I used to feel that I wasn’t living the life I was here to live, that there was a much grander purpose to life than what I had been led to believe. But the problem was, I had no idea how to access that ‘other’ life, that was until I met Serge Benhayon not long after my 55th birthday. The choice to attend that course was the best birthday present ever and the glorious gift I gave myself keeps on giving every single day, thanks to the wisdom shared by this amazing but very humble man.

    1. Meeting Serge Benhayon is a gift from heaven one day humanity will know that he is the master of masters and rejoice that his obedience and dedication to the plan of the universe was carried out by, as you say Ingrid Ward a very humble and literally ‘down to earth’ man. So that the meaning of ‘As is above, so is below’ makes total sense to us all.

  19. The more I look after, nurture and care for my body, the more I can feel how much this supports and deepens my access to my soul. A relationship worth investing and deepening in for sure.

  20. This is a beautiful account of what the body as the temple for the Soul actually means and it is very real and practical in everyday life: What quality do we choose to be in and express? Is it Love or not? Is it Harmony or not? Is it Unification or not? Is it a lightness of being or burdensome? Is it only about me or is it in consideration of everyone equally? Is Soul or not?!

    1. It is key to check our quality in every second, to be On with what we are doing, ‘What quality do we choose to be in and express? Is it Love or not?’

  21. ‘Over the past few years I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me.’ The quality in which we move, or the quality that we move in…how we move, is pivotal to our mental and emotional state and the grace that we are able to bring to the world. Beginning each morning with this awareness and possibly even doing some gentle exercise or esoteric yoga allows us to have a marker for the day…just as allowing ourselves to focus on this more deeply as we prepare go to bed supports the quality of energy in us to deepen and thus allow more connection with multidimensionality and our own clearing and healing process.

  22. The answers do indeed pour in when we are really prepared to have a “deep, honest look at everything.”

  23. Who would have thought movement is more than just moving our arms and legs. It took me a while to understand that everything we do is a movement.

    If we imagine our whole body being immersed in water, any movement whether a finger or the lips will cause a ripple effect. Ripples visibly seen by the eyes but do they really cease – who’s receiving them at the other end? Much to ponder on.

  24. “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution! when I observe my thoughts I can tell by the quality of my thoughts who it is that is pulling my stings, there is a choice in that moment to come back to the responsibility of loving me more deeply in all the movements of my daily living.

    1. Jill Steiner this is a question that at some point we all have to ask ourselves
      “Who pulls my strings?”
      To be able to stop and ask ourselves that question is amazing because how many of us just accept that the thoughts that we have are ours because we are thinking them? To me this has to be one of the most deceitful lies that we have fallen for and I for one am so relieved to know that our thoughts are given to us because when I went through a period of mental illness my thoughts were totally out of control and this now makes sense as to why they were because I had aligned myself to an energy that was hell bent in sending me totally mad and therefore unable to even function in life. A functional life is many miles away from a truly present and joyful life which I now live because I have come to the understanding that our thoughts are not ours but come through us from the consciousness we have aligned to. So that I am able as you say observe my thoughts and tell from their quality what consciousness I have aligned my body to. Any thought that is not deeply loving is not from my soul that’s for sure.

  25. Reading this begs the question of how many of us can feel that we are influenced by previous lives and do we want to acknowledge the harming effects of those lives and the way we have lived and does it mean that we would be more responsible if we knew those lives.

    1. Julie to understand that we have had many lives does then make sense of some of the patterns of behaviour we have that feel so old and have us stuck in ways that are totally unsupportive. To be able to pick the old patterns apart so that we can move past what has entrapped us is very liberating as it allows our bodies to move with more freedom as the patterns of the past lives are like being cast in cement.

  26. Chetan this is such a powerful and inspiring blog, this line stood out for me ‘This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout.’

  27. ‘I am responsible for…every single aspect of my being-ness!’ How much do we allow all the nuances and detailed aspects of of our being?, it is our responsibility to let people see these.

    1. It is by allowing others to see all of our beautiful selves, with no holding back whatsoever, that we can inspire them, as we have been inspired. And if we feel we can’t show them every “nuance and detailed aspects of our being” we are being irresponsible as we are not ‘doing the job’ we are here to do.

    2. We are responsible for all our choices, all our movements, ‘I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?’

  28. ‘Each and every one of my fellow beings… I now know that I am responsible for – with how I live, how I think, how I speak, how I move, how I breathe, how I walk and how I reflect; every single aspect of my being-ness!’ What a shift for you to go from feeling disconnected from others to feeling humanity is your family. Knowing that life isn’t about us but is about energetic responsibility through how we move and live is a very beautiful way to be and live. So much of our angst and struggle comes from the fact that we feel very individual and feel very alone in that individuality.

  29. A powerful call to live the responsibility of our lives. To come to this conclusion – “each and every one of my fellow beings that I earlier felt so disconnected from, I now know that I am responsible for – with how I live, how I think, how I speak, how I move, how I breathe, how I walk and how I reflect; every single aspect of my being-ness!” – takes a lot of honesty, courage and love.

    1. With more awareness comes more responsibility, ‘Over the past few years I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me.’

  30. “none of us are ever so ignorant, are we? We do all know really! We carry deep within us at all times an imprint, a memory that is loving, honouring and true, an imprint waiting for us to acknowledge, and I for one always knew this.” That is the game – we know, but we are afraid of admitting we know, because then we would have to do something about it and if we don’t feel we will have the skills to deal with it, well then, we are better off not admitting we know in the first place.

  31. A profound and inspiring blog Chetan. A great reminder to continually honour the body.

  32. It’s so true that we can harm our body just as easily with hard work outs at the gym, as we can by indulging in cigarettes or junk food. The latter is more obvious but the arrogant misuse of the body is still the same.

    1. Yes, harm of the body can come in many forms, any dishonouring of the body. of our essence, is a form of abuse.

  33. It is easy to reduce ourselves to being a human being, having a body and doing life, ie. the mundane way of living. But when we understand the body to be a vehicle of expression and that we can make it the instrument of the soul everything changes – our awareness, the purpose of life, the choices we make and life becomes a living way of the qualities of the soul here on earth.

    1. Well said Elizabeth and your words bring a whole new depth and meaning to the words self-care, self-love and self-nurturing.

  34. When I was abusing the body as much as I tried to avoid looking at what impact it had I knew and felt it to the core.

  35. Invincibility cannot come from an abused body, because we live in a plane of life where the forces we are against are invisible to our eyes and they know that if someone is abusing their body, they have already won.

  36. Stillness for me is a settlement with an absolute knowing within my body. However, the question I am constantly asking myself is ‘what do I allow in that pulls me out from this stillness?’ and the answer to this is very simple – I allow people, I place others before me. I am learning through a steady, continuous, developing relationship with self that to read, observe, understand and become more aware of the energy that is at play supports me no end when making life about energy first and foremost and not about anything else that is there in front of me. My responsibility to myself is to hold myself in stillness regardless of where another is at in their evolution.

  37. This article reminds me of the fact that we will not ever know who we are through the words we seek to express ourselves with, but rather through a quality of lived movements which can either confirm the multi-dimentional beings that we are, or they can confirm a wayward lost-ness that is not true but rather just an expression born out of hurt and isolation. So, our words will always reflect our movements way and far before they reflect any truth.

  38. The body is indeed a temple for the soul and so the more we feel this to be the case the more we will gladly look after it.

  39. In truth we often champion how the mind can override our bodies innate wisdom and order for its own indulgence and desire for different experiences.

  40. True change begins when we are absolutely honest about our lives.

  41. Such a brilliant title this. We often hear “my body is a temple”…but without the addition of “…for my soul”, then the self-care becomes an individualist act with no purpose. This vital addition of three words totally changes how we approach any exercise, food, sleep our movement.

  42. This temple of ours – the body – is the doorway into the Soul. Nothing ‘out there’ brings us to Stillness… it’s re-connecting within, to our innermost that opens this door.

  43. To have such deep respect and love for our own bodies is not so common in this world, but what you share here Chetan absolutely highlights the benefits of bringing this level of care and attention to the magnificence that is already there.

  44. There have been a huge number of ‘religions’ in this world but none that I have seen have made the quality of energy we choose to move, their focus. No wonder so many then seem to cause great upset in this world when we’re ignoring the true building blocks of how harmony occurs – our every day choices.

    1. Yes Joseph. A religion that makes the quality of what we do, the intention behind what we do, greater than the ‘good’ or the ‘blind faith’ is unusual, but deeply treasured.

  45. Being a prisoner of life, of our very own choices after all and then living out their undeniable consequences is drudgery indeed, no matter how high and mighty we think we are and appear. It is but an outer shell, bursting at the seams with emptiness and lack of purpose..

  46. Continually asking the question ” whose pulling my strings?” . . . is an ongoing commitment to saying yes to Love and Responsibility.

  47. Chetan, I love the humbleness and honesty of your sharing. Thank you for sharing your rituals and how you built self care and self loving markers in your day with; ‘how I prepare my tea, how I cook food, how I travel, how I sit, how I meet and hold myself and others when I talk to them – each and every movement through life. Every movement is now a ritual.’ Very beautiful and inspiring, thank you.

  48. Feeling invincible and able to abuse the body in whatever way we see fit is a ticket that has to wear out eventually. Like a car with a drunken joy-rider, the car will have to get trashed eventually and show the wear and tear of disregard.

  49. Our whole life can be a lie, from the way we perceive our childhood upbringing to our interactions at work. If we don’t wake up and understand that we have a part to play in it all, we will never get rid of those strings which can feel so tight around our neck.

  50. ‘We all do know, really’ – so true. As much as we might try to pretend to ourselves that ‘we don’t know’ what to do next or how we feel about something, we always do know so much more than we like to believe. We just choose to not be aware of it, through our choices to numb or distract ourselves for example, so that we don’t have to deal with it.

  51. When we heal our hurts, we let go of so much protection and hardness which then allows us to connect to the wisdom that our body shares with us. I find that the initial whisperings are not super-loud so the quieter and gentler I am (and less protected), the easier they are to hear, and I don’t have to wait until my body is shouting to listen.

  52. We can go through the motions but one thing is for sure – our body always reflects the truth. It’s a church that always has spot on sermons and insights into life. The question is – do we listen and heed what is presented or put our ear muffs on over our head.

  53. It takes more bravery to let down ones sword and allow the expression of the inner heart to be seen and felt by all.

    1. Humbleness and honesty are the hallmarks of true courage and bravery and not the posturings of arrogance and imposition.

  54. It is hard to avoid but we do choose to live in ignorance for such long periods. Whose responsibility but our own is it to look after our own bodies and fully commit to live all that we are in life?

  55. There is so much wisdom being presented here. how easy it is to simply drag our bodies through life. What a blessing it is to reconnect more deeply to one’s body and the world of insight this opens up, as you have shared.
    ‘I was now able to see clearly how earlier on, prior to making these responsible choices, my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body.’

    1. For most of my life I have considered my body a machine of function that does what I need it to do. I abused that body with all sorts of toxins, foods, sports and countless movements, but I did also take a level of care of it…However, the key to it is that the care I was taking was only ever so that it could function to the level that I wanted it to. Never had I considered it more than that. Until I came across Universal Medicine and begun to see what you are talking of in this blog. Once this is known and begins to be accepted and felt, then the impulse behind the care of my body changed completely. An example of this is something like not eating sugar. This isn’t a case of amazing will-power to resist the sweet taste…it is actually an incredibly simple and easy choice. I know that sugar makes my body race and makes it harder for me to connect to my inner stillness. I like being that feeling of settlement within the body more than I like the sweet taste of sugar. So it’s no conflict.

  56. What a lie is the arrogance we can go into, similarly I used to flaunt my body for attention just because certain parts ticked certain boxes of the ideal of a woman. People would look at me and think that I am super confident, powerful young woman who takes very good care of herself. Yet, all of my romantic relationships were based on a need, I used to purge my meals to maintain an image and used recreational drugs. If we truly love ourselves, we would not need the attention from another, we will not crumble at the first criticism we get nor will we punish ourselves for anything that we do which may not match our goal, ideal or belief.

  57. Beautiful article Chetan. There are certain things that we hold dear and sacred to us, but it’s unusual to include our body in this, as it is often discounted as physicality and/or blamed for our suffering, when actually as you’ve shared, it is so so much more than this and something quite spectacular to appreciate.

  58. “made me realise and understand deeply how those past ingrained indulgences and behaviours had somehow never made me feel vital”. It is that simple isn’t it? We can make choices that make us feel vital, or we can make ones that dull us.

  59. I have been studying in philosophy about the body and the mind and the idea of ‘self’ – are the body and the mind the same thing, or separate and is there such a thing as self? the most interesting debate was about the self in relation to the body – if a person loses a leg or an arm or an organ and has it replaced, are they still ‘them’? What about as they age and their cells regenerate completely so they are physically a whole new body compared to their past selves, are they still ‘them’? I found this interesting because it implies that what makes us who we are is inherent in our physical body alone. Whilst it is true that our bodies area part of who we are, we cannot deny that there is something more to a human being than pure physicality alone, something that lives within the body but is not defined by it. Does this make the body irrelevant and easy to discard? No, to me it shows how the body really is like a temple, it is to be honoured and cared for as the vessel through which we express who we are – the more we care for it the greater its capacity for expression

  60. The arrogance of thinking we are ‘it’ is huge. My whole life I have been convinced that I am a good person and that almost gave me the right to judge others who were not so “good”. I grew up looking down on people who were failing school and girls who wore their skirts too short. Only to come to understand that all of my “righteous” ways were just an arrogance to cover up my lack of worth.

  61. “I had climbed mountains, dived in oceans, travelled, read books, indulged in the so called spiritual healing lifestyle etc. etc. I had run miles away from myself.” – I have had a very similar life leading up to reconnecting with the Ancient Wisdom, Chetan, and one day when I was doing sprint intervals while training for a triathlon I ran past two boys sitting outside a shop in town and the one boy yelled out “Hey, what are you running from, man?” This stopped me in my tracks (well, to be honest I kept running because I was so driven to find recognition through sports) and soon after I stopped all competition (and running) and now I feel more fit and healthy than ever through simply walking, swimming, light weight training and gentle exercises. So many times there are messengers in our lives speaking the truth if we just listen to the inner message being transmitted, and in my case I was running from all my past hurts and a world that I felt did not appreciate my innate sensitivity.

  62. “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution! A beautiful account, thank you Chetan. My body dropped as I read and I could feel yet again the Truth Love and Responsibility vibrating within and the fact that the body is a temple for the Soul.

  63. There is something very profound and liberating (from the many false beliefs and patterns we have adopted) about accepting that it is in our movements and our relationship with our bodies that we allow God’s endless embrace to be part of our daily experience of life.

  64. This last weekend gone I spent some time in a new city. It was warm and what I noticed was how much everyone around ‘looked good’ and apparently healthy. Yet beneath that was a sad emptiness. This summed up to me how polishing our body like a prize will never satisfy on its own. Yes we are to love and nurture our body but this comes from the energy we choose not just the creams and moisturiser we use. Thank you Chetan for this blog.

  65. Connecting with the fact that my body is a temple changes how I be with it, in that I want to respect and cherish it.

  66. When we honour the ‘Ageless Wisdom’ that we all innately know deep within us, we break the illusions, and return to the gentle tenderness that we are, realising that every movement affects not only us but others too, and therefore we have a huge responsibility not only to ourselves but humanity itself.

  67. ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body.’ Connecting to the stillness inside and making that our life, instead of trying to put stillness in the way we already live is the way to evolve.

  68. There is a myriad of ways we check out of life and this can be done with drugs, alcohol, TV, video games, sport, yoga, work, food, etc. Which ever vice we are using none is ‘better or worse’ then the other as they all achieve the same result – escaping from our connection with our bodies.

  69. ‘Why do I say misplaced? Because I was in the illusion of an image – a conditioned picture, laid down by false information, giving way to certain ideals of how a man’s body ought to be; the utterly belying and beguiling warrior consciousness so to speak.’ Yes Chetan all these consciousnesses and images are so beguiling, and they give us something to ‘hang on to’ in a world that can seemed hugely at odds with itself. Very tempting in so many ways! No wonder truth has a hard time showing its head in our temporal world.

  70. Believing that our behaviours and habits were ‘rites of passage’ is one big illusion and it is rather shocking when we realise this. To take accountability for every choice we make and that this either supports us to be in connection with our bodies and the depth that is on offer or not. It seriously exposes how there is a spirit that is having a field day and arrogantly thinks it deserves it.

  71. I have found a huge shift in the way I consider and care for my body since I became aware of how the way I treat and hold it affects the quality of energy that can come through me. I can very much relate to the body being a temple, as it brings back our relationship to God within ourselves, rather than seeking God in a church, mosque, or ashram.

  72. Thank you Chetan for a great sharing, “The Body is a temple for the Soul” these are such powerful words when realised would lead us to choose to be so honouring of our bodies with self care and self love knowing the responsibility we have in every movement to live the love we are, knowing how the ripple effects of our movements effect humanity.

  73. I love your awareness around the false confidence we can build in our bodies, it feels like a shield we can take on to falsely protect our innate tenderness and fragility.

  74. Wow, the power of your re-claimed sensitive self is surely claimed in this blog Chetan. Your true vitality that has been restored by that reconnection is really evident in the quality that this piece was written, and is personally inspiring for me. I feel we have had very similar lives this time around on many levels. I also liked the way you described your observations of all your daily movements as a constant meditation, because I can see how allowing yourself to observe the quality of our movements, is the same as say observing our breathing, and the two go hand-in-hand. I know that when I focus on breathing gently, my movements have only one option…to be gentle themselves.

  75. The quality is key, we all know our quality, it just takes a deep humbleness to again surrender and live it.

  76. “Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet?”. Now this statement should be on a billboard in time square. Responsibility starts with ourselves. Everything starts with us. But we fight to take care of the planet, but how often do we fight to take care of ourselves?

  77. The great beauty of the Ageless Wisdom is that it so do-able as it is forever asking us to be ourselves in full.

  78. Finding Serge Benhayon has been a lesson on how fast can I double back and work on all the ill issues I have created for myself. Like you Chetan, I have had a chip on my shoulder filled with arrogance that would never have been knocked off, but the Truth has slowly eroded it away thanks to Universal Medicine.

  79. Coming back to oneself is an ongoing process of not only looking at our hurts but appreciating what is there waiting to shine, not sullied by our pursuit of individualism.

  80. We know the truth of what you share here Chetan, and the proof of it is that we know exactly which choices to make to counter the divinity, power and with that responsibility that would otherwise be our natural way of moving.

  81. You can only trash a temple if you do not honour it, nor hold in reverence that which is held inside.

  82. “….This absolute Obedience to God and Divinity.” Wow what power and strength. I love these words and all they represent. Awesome blog Chetan.

  83. “Who pulls my strings?” This question immediately puts us on notice of where we are at. The quality of our movements also let us know what energy we are in – a great way to keep a check on ourselves.

  84. Our body is a temple for our soul. Until we understand that we are designed to live and be like this we will be blind for this simple reality and continue to live the wayward lives we see many people in this world have dedicated themselves to.

  85. That moment we stop and clock that there is more within us that we have not been chosing to live with is the moment we realise things need to change. Being honest and letting go of what we are allowing to get in the way of being all of us is essential for a life that is embracing all that we are.

  86. Epic Blog Chetan! I love your description here of responsibility and that it is all about our bodies and our movements which affects everything around us and beyond.

  87. ‘Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet?’ I can often feel a fraud and it’s because I know I’m being irresponsible somewhere in my life. How to address this? It’s for me to be honest and ask what’s been going on – am I avoiding something? why? etc without judgement but understanding, acknowledge the ill effects of this irresponsibility and choose to move in a way that is with responsibility.

  88. “Who pulls my strings?” is a great question when it comes to our daily, moment to moment movements. We are either driven by outside forces and pressures, our ideals and beliefs, other people’s expectations or even demands – or – we move from the stillness and sacredness within.

  89. “This for me is now True Movement and this is my True Religion, as I keep aligning myself more and more each day to the stars and the vast unfolding of the Universe above and around me.” I love this Chetan – a forever evolving – aligned to the divine.

  90. “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution! Love this Chetan, mantra for the days ahead.

  91. It is interesting, this connection between ignorance and arrogance, because at the core of every person there surely is a divine knowing of what is and of what is not true. So aren’t ignorance and arrogance just different expressions or ways of hiding what is already deeply and knowingly known?

  92. These are such wise words Amparo, when we let go of the fight and accept there are many things out of our control and surrender we give space for life to unfold and in that we discover our inner strength

  93. Chetan, what is so lovely about what you have shared is the feeling of expansion and the love you clearly have for people and for life. Your way of living feels vibrant and so far from mundane, isnt that what most of us wish for?

  94. So much shifts when we start to look at the way we are moving and consider the bigger picture. Our movements and our choices impact our thoughts, our level of exhaustion or vitality and I love your question, who exactly are we choosing to pull our strings?

  95. Brilliant Chetan. It’s kind of ironic to me how we que up and spend large sums to enter historic buildings. We respectfully walk around and leave the surroundings untouched. Yet our own monument we are given, our physical body is often trashed. Just the last couple of days I have notice the way I move my body is not gentle and loving at all. Just because we can push our physique around we should not ever forget it’s divine and precious beauty. It has ancient wisdom worth cherishing more than any construction.

    1. Wow yes, when I consider my body as the divine temple it is, if it were a physical temple I’d be shocked and saddened at my treatment of it. They’d be no vandals to blame but me.

  96. How we move around tells us more about each other than the words we say. We are constantly reading energy. Just yesterday a student said to me I looked sad. It caught me by surprise, because I thought I was being professional, hiding how I was feeling and delivering my lesson as normal.

  97. What I am learning is how much I have been taking everything so personally and how that has been affecting the way I react to the world: hence adapt my behaviour accordingly and how that has been a big impact on my body. Understanding and honouring my body as a vehicle of expression is very personal yet so impersonal at the same time, and is a process of learning that takes me deeper into humbleness.

  98. It is only until our movements are aligned to true purpose that we can finally break through the illusion of being an individual and embrace our oneness with the all.

  99. When we do come to that inevitable point where we humbly realise that our body is a vessel for the energy we choose, our relationship begins to change with everything. We begin to realise that every move we make and thought we have, prepares us for the next and for the quality of energy we allow. It is our movements more than anything else that either vitalise us and keep us vibrant and clear or that drain us from our life-force which is the universal divine life-force we ought to be tapping into through the quality of our movements.

  100. Within us is so many layers, the layers we have said are us and show to the world, but its when we start peelng back the layers that we see what is truly inside needs no dressing up, it is eternally emanating.

  101. The body is the temple for the Soul. My body loved reading this and my body has never felt so present, solid and grounded as it does now. Truly amazing and I know this is only the beginning but I also know the importance of taking heed of the next step that is felt and again I am feeling this in a way, through my body, that I have never felt before. It feels good. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been a huge reflection, inspiration and support for me with regards to this.

  102. “The Body is a Temple for the Soul”. I love that sentence because it rings so true. There is a resonance that it comes with that expands me every time I read it.

  103. Moving with that level of responsibility, know that everything we do is having an effect on the body, how our body is able to reflect who we are to others, feels more loving then saying ‘I love you’ to the world.

  104. It is a great opportunity to appreciate that even in those times that we have dwelled in our arrogance and wayward ways, there still that part within us that knows truth and love, and that it is only a matter of time before we reconnect and live in full to the immenseness of our soul.

  105. ‘And if I forget on any given day, I remind myself by asking myself; “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution!’ Were we all to do this what an amazing world we would live in. Allowing ourselves to connect to the soul we realise the sacredness that is required to house it and we naturally begin to take more care of our body because it just feels horrible when we don’t. Eating in a way that supports sacredness and moving with grace is a part of this response-ability.

  106. An amazing sharing Chetan! You show that through taking responsibility for who we are in everything we do that life can completely turn around .

  107. Beautiful to read Chetan. Thankyou for sharing. Consistency with all our movements is so important – how we move and flow on a daily basis. The Ancient Wisdom teachings are profound. I feel blessed to have discovered them again this life.

  108. From intense arrogance to “I am now able to live life with a deep gratitude and an absolute humility for all life.” I think you need to add living miracle to your description after your name 🙂

  109. This feels divine to read Chetan. This is a quality we all equally have and come from. The reminder of this and to return to it consistently is very beautiful and yet in the process of return there are so many opportunities to hold and support ourselves and be supported and I always remember to have fun and that joy is my birthright.

  110. The Truth, Beauty and Power of the Ancient Wisdom is an enormous blessing to have in one’s life, Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for reconnecting us to this Ageless Wisdom that brings everything back to knowing which energy you are moving in – are we harming or healing. This introduces the great importance self responsibility and energetic integrity which are both lacking greatly in this world.

  111. The greater warriors are those who don’t fight, as truth is held within them and its surrendered emanation is their strength

    1. This is beautiful Amparo. We think we need to fight, but there is great power in surrendering and living the truth we know from within. Without words, others can feel this, which brings it back to our movements.

      1. Very true Debra and Amparo – the true power lies in surrendering the identification with individuality which keeps us trapped in the fight which makes the human spirit thinks it is having ‘life’ – some life!!

    2. These are such wise words Amparo, when we let go of the fight and accept there are many things out of our control and surrender we give space for life to unfold and in that we discover our inner strength

  112. I love the title of this blog. It puts into perspective that caring for the body is not about how it looks or what it can functionally achieve. It is all about having a body that allows the soul to be expressed through it. This simply means being clear and still enough to feel what true love, wisdom, stillness, joy, and harmony would do if our ideals, roles and need for identification didn’t get in the way.

  113. ‘ I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body. This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout.’ Chetan this is a very beautiful and simple description on your experience with stillness. When I first began to hear about stillness I had a picture that it was about being slow, but as you share it is more ‘a holding within my body’ that continues to deepen and unfold the more we connect to it.

  114. I love coming back to read this Chetan, it is a beautifully honest blog. A great sharing in letting go of the arrogance of individuality and surrendering to divine will and oneness.

  115. The beauty of the word humility often makes me teary these days. It is like re-finding the dearest and most precious of friends and knowing you will do everything and anything to take care of and nourish this relationship. Me and humility, in love right now 🎉

  116. It’s amazing how we can end up in all sorts of trouble, illness, disease, angry exchanges or abusive relationships. But the ‘answer’ to it all is just the same – it lives in how we move every day. No matter what’s up we all have the power and choice in every moment to move in a connected, gentle and loving way. There’s no additional part, no complex art, just the opportunity to choose Love and make a new start. Thank you Chetan for this ode to the absolute power of the way we move.

  117. Thank you Chetan for sharing such an inspiring story, especially these words “Every movement is now a ritual.” reminding me of the importance of the quality of each and every moment in my life.

  118. “My Cosmic duty is unwavering, no matter what” – this is pure gold and actually brought tears of joy to me. Absolutely love it.

  119. The only way to break free from being a prisoner of life is through our connection to the deep wisdom that lives within, this is a simple process that requires a willingness to heal and let go of that which compromises our truth in any way possible.

  120. Our bodies are so amazing yet we behave as if this is not the case. To have a body that can be a temple for the soul is a huge blessing.

  121. Like you since being involved in Universal Medicine, my relationship with my body has changed significantly. There is still always more to learn and develop, but each day it moves closer to be something that I treat with care and love as it is a temple for my soul and true expression.

  122. Consistency has definitely been a key part of my daily life and it is from the consistency to choose to move in a way that not only feels amazing within my body but also sets a foundation for the way in which I experiment, learn and grow to not only deepen my relationship with my body but to also deeply understand, read and observe the world and the people within it that makes our movement an integral part of our bodies overall vitality and the temple in which we reside. Thank you Chetan.

  123. It is incredibly cool and inspiring Chetan to live the absolute Obedience to God and Divinity. When I first heard Serge Benhayon mention the word obedience every particle in my body resonated and I knew exactly what he was saying. To live in the absolute Obedience to God ultimately means everything to me and the more I claim this and let go of the veil that has kept me in separation the more this absolute Obedience to God gets ‘real’ and becomes a way of being in my life.

  124. I felt the same way on meeting Serge Benhayon, he was the catalyst for myself and so many to bring true honesty and deep love and connection back into our lives, allowing ourselves the true purpose, healing and responsibility of why we are here. Loved what you have shared here Chetan.

  125. The body is the temple for the Soul, and at any point in time, when we move, when we speak when we express in any way, we can make the choice to have that expression come from the quality of the soul. This is the art of healing.

  126. There is a life, and then there is a life within the body, and when we make the life within the body more harmonious, it reflects into our outer life as well.

  127. Movement is the start of our loving life or our difficult life, when we move in a way that is accepting of our self and where we are, then it is love that flows, but when not, the difficulty can compile and compile making it feel like a heavy burden is owning us.

  128. A title that explains us the very depth of ancient wisdom we come from.. And you brought us the awareness of that back again, Chetan. The understanding of what we have chosen that did not hold the temple of our Soul in our Body. But the contrast. The teachings of what we call true Soul – are very well explained or shared in the teachings of Universal Medicine. A school of teachings that relates so so well to humanity and explains us so much why currently the world is as it is. And then brings us back to our responsibility – of every individual, to be part of the plan that helps us brings back to our Soul.

  129. Our body is the temple of the Soul, so beautiful what you have shared here Chetan, reminding me of the commitment to make every I do come from love, knowing the ripple effect it has on all others.

  130. Your words Chetan remind me, how typically as men we find skills and prowesses in our world and use them like a battering ram, a huge shield to smash our way through life. ‘I am strong, I am tough, I can provide and dominate’ – all of this seems to flow, endlessly in our search to be a king in life. But what you beautifully show here my friend is every answer, every resource we could ever need, every treasure that we seek, is waiting for us to access it, just by making our movement true. One Loving step leads to the next, and if you let it life will flow, guiding you to true power.

  131. You expose so much Chetan, the ignorance, the arrogance, the behaviours we can live our lives by, but all these things are not us. When we feel the true purpose of the physical body, to express the light if the soul through our movements, we start to learn what a vehicle of expression it can be. Then everything changes and the true journey begins.

  132. You speak about true movement with a lived quality that made me stop half way through the blog, then stand up and have a walk, I did this because I was inspired to reimprint the way I stand and move, this was an an epic tale and your unfolding story touched me deeply.

  133. Starting from zero is an amazing stop for humbleness to deepen, a moment of choosing more love. Allowing our bodies to lead the way, our talk will reflect all that we embody, no more and no less, this is the most powerful and present feeling I have ever felt.

  134. What a moment to appreciate when our awareness begins to pour in, just as it is equally to appreciate all those moments when we do not have the awareness and in the process we are still so loved that all our unwise choices have still led us to today. How much to appreciate about the constellations in life, and that we are always being taken care of and that we are never alone.

  135. What if every single tiny movement had a massive big ripple effect on the rest of our whole lives? Then what would your next movement be?

  136. “I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?” The beauty of our movements is the honesty it shares and it is from this honest that we can choose to explore how we feel within and to uncover what stops us accessing the divine truth of who we are. This is where we can truly begin to see our bodies as wondrous vehicles and lovingly support them in the way we move, nourish and express who we really are.

  137. “…I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?…” This is key, we have the ultimate choice or be it command of how we move the body, which can then either align one with their Soul or not, which then affects the quality of thoughts, behaviour and consequent choices. Movement could be the ultimate way one stays truly connected With love, slight adjustments of the body, each time bringing you back to innermost truth. I’d say, True Movement could be the ultimate way to disarm and dismantle any intruding doubt, negative thought or negative emotional state.

  138. “The body is a temple for the soul” it’s a truth we cannot ignore as it is only when in connection to our bodies that we can access the multidimensionality which is innate for us all.

  139. When introduced to being responsible for my every movement I reacted “That’s way too much!” The belief of it being a constant mental focus makes my head hurt now just typing it. Being aware of my every move isn’t a mental process, it’s a willingness to be aware of how I feel and in building this by feeling my walk, the way I sit, open doors, my posture, how my voice feels in its tone and more I’ve come to understand that it’s not ‘too much’ but actually very simple and beautiful when I move in a way that leads me to feel good.

  140. ‘I was now able to see clearly how earlier on, prior to making these responsible choices, my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body’. Chetan – Thank you. The power of bringing our awareness and our fullness to every movement changes how we are in life and opens up a way of livingness that is full of the reflection of love. Choosing the quality of our movements is up to us and is as simple as we choose it to be.

  141. If, If, If only we can begin to consider the importance of truly caring for bodies maybe maybe then we may start to take steps towards healing ourselves and humanity. This is so true.. “Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet?” The importance of the steps each one of us makes ensures others have the same choices as have been presented by Serge Benhayon. Thank you Chetan.

  142. Beautiful Chetan, it is through our bodies that we can once again return to live as the true masters that we are, in connection to something outside of this realm that we live in and aligned to the vastness of the universe.

  143. ‘Over the past few years I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me’.- Taking absolute responsibility for all our movements allows for the surrender to the love we are and the absolute trust of all that is.

  144. Wow Chatan – what a blog! Just reading it has made me feel at so much ease with myself, there is so much to learn from it – thank you!

  145. It is an old saying that the body is a temple, but expanding on that to a Temple of the Soul takes it so much further and seems to mean so very much more.

  146. So many of us take advantage of the gifts we have been given, presuming they will be able to withstand indulgences and outright unloving choices. Everything has to rebalance though.

  147. “…I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me…” Yes, our movements are indeed a great marker of reflecting one’s embodiment of love and stillness.

  148. “…I have always had this inner knowing, but I had gone on an outside quest to seek it…” A path that is familiar to many, only to lead them back to where one started.. only to discover what we have been looking for is right under our nose…and then starts the innermost quest.

  149. The title of this blog says it all – our body is a temple to our Soul – which is why the planet is so obsessed with distraction, escape and championing abuse of the body (to keep us further away from our soul-full light).

  150. The call to return to who we are never goes away. Try as we may to ignore it, it is always there.

  151. Responsibility is the key here. I love what is shared in terms of coming back to this in our bodies and clocking the level of responsibility we have all of the time.

  152. The way that we move determines the quality of energy that we are going to be in. If we want to connect to the soul we need to move in a way that respects our body. In this way we treat it as a temple that is capable of allowing the expression of the soul to come through.

  153. Love this Chetan ‘ And if I forget on any given day, I remind myself by asking myself; “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution!’

    1. Love this line too Jenny – a great reminder that there is more to life than what we see. By being more open to this and understanding the energy at play, we also confirm our multidimensionality and the fact that we are more than just humans.

  154. The power of the Ancient Wisdom is a huge blessing to guide us all back to our true nature to be gentle and tender, yet powerfully strong from within because we connect to our true power of knowing who we are and where we are from. As we get to understand the wisdom, we see how far away from it we have been living. Returning back is the greatest decision I have made for a very long time.

  155. We don’t realize how arrogant we are until we start to connect to a truer part of ourselves and then it becomes obvious that we are been driven by a part of us that is a fragmented part of the whole and not the whole itself. This is a moment of a huge awakening and an opportunity to let go of all that is false that we have held onto.

  156. “Over the past few years I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me. I have always had this inner knowing, but I had gone on an outside quest to seek it.” Yes Chetan, we can spend our whole lives seeking something outside of us, but will never find it. Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom, which is showing so many of us that what we all crave is that connection to true love which we all have already within us and we all have access to whenever we choose.

  157. ‘And something was challenging and calling me deeply, constantly to do this.’ – We avoid these deep callings to return to an innate way of beingness, continually resisting this call because we are so deeply inured with this false way of living life until our body can no longer bear the strain, and we have to let go and allow the process of healing our hurts to take their natural course – maybe over several lifetimes. How glorious it is when we begin to retrace our path back home.

  158. We would have a very different relationship with our body if we truly accepted that it was a temple.

  159. An inspirational journey Chetan! Thank you for your honest sharing.

  160. The body is made up of particles that when are allowed to vibrate at their innate level, can house the Soul. When the vibrations are lowered and the density increases, the spirit has a playground.

  161. Why should the body not be, our temple for whatever name we give God? We are all sons and daughters of him/her! We were all born complete, so why should we be made to only worship in something outside of us?

  162. When we finally come to the humble realization that our body is deeply tender, delicate and immensely powerful in what it communicates back to us about every choice we have made – then, we humbly start returning back to ourselves. Knowing we are infinitely responsible for every choice, for every thought, and that our movements are everything.

  163. It’s a fascinating study you are sharing Chetan, the fact that our thoughts are affected by the quality of our movements is groundbreaking. The truth of it is liberating however, as it is a simple act to choose a different quality of movement.

  164. I had no idea how lost I was until I met Serge Benhayon and attended the Universal Medicine workshops. I certainly did not have a body my soul could reside in that’s for sure. Those were the ‘bad’ old ways. Since those dark days I have over a period of time regained my self worth I have done this by hard work looking at every detail of my life to see where I have accepted a negative version of myself, I was brilliant at dismissing myself it was so easy to do –
    those negative thoughts just kept coming. But where were they coming from? And who was feeding them to me. I have learnt about energy and that there are only two types of energy: from Soul, or Pranic. I was allowing Pranic energy to run my body which gave me the negative thoughts. Making changes has been difficult but that’s where the Universal Medicine practitioners come in, with their support I have picked away at a way of life I took on from other people and made that life mine, when it was totally opposite to who I truly am. Freeing myself up to live who I truly am has been the most fascinating journey which I am still on as I continue to unfold and build a body that the soul can reside in.

  165. The key to knowing oneself is through movement. Change the quality of your movement, and you will find you change the quality of your thoughts. So, if you choose a movement that is at least unimposing, you will find the freedom to stop and surrender, and in that space, you will find clarity. Alternatively, move abruptly, or harshly, and you will find yourself driven to a different sort of space.

  166. When we truly and completely commit to something and go all in then we surrender to the possibility of all that it can deliver. This story is very inspiring and shows that the physical is not it.

  167. There are so many things, people and places we worship. Consider how many churches, stadiums, and shops exist in this world. And how many of us devotedly visit them every week to pay homage to a pursuit we think is true. But what quality of attention do we give to our body? What understanding and care do we bring? What intimacy do we allow? For so often it seems to be something we drag to work or push into wanting to party. What would our life be like if we gave our body true care? Your words here Chetan inspire me to make the pilgrimage to find out.

  168. Yes Chetan’, that is exactly it. If we know our own quality we instantaneously know everyone else’s because we are one : ‘And now it’s all such a beautiful change. I now am able to sense and feel my own quality as equally as I can feel anybody else’s’.

  169. “Every movement is now a ritual.”It is quite fascinating what happens when we bring attention to every moment, because I realise that absolutely everything we do is done in a certain energy and to look at which energy are we choosing. What and how we do all the little things, are very relevant to the energy we find ourselves in at the end of the day, it has not been a coincidence, it has been our choices all along the way.

  170. ‘I have always had this inner knowing, but I had gone on an outside quest to seek it’ It is this inner knowing that we all have and the tension we feel from this inner knowing compared to what we are currently choosing in life, that keeps us perpetually creating a world full of distraction and hardship so we will continue to seek outside and persist in avoiding that is forever within.

  171. Thank you, Chetan Jha, it was just beautiful to read your life development ” been a prisoner of life “, to now be at a stage of evolution. Being ” Guardian of Light and Truth ” and as you say that is done by living that which you are from the stillness; lovely.

  172. It has recently become more apparent to me that my body, and our bodies, are our connection to the Universe and hence the Divine. I now see that I can either choose to be obedient to the body and its innate connection to everything, or I can continue to live dismissively of it, maybe in very subtle ways, to avoid the responsibility this brings. This is in effect being obedient to another energetic force. The body is so much wiser than I once believed, thinking it was all about the mind – but now I see, the mind is in truth the whole body and so no part of us can serve us as the whole can.

  173. There is nothing more beautiful than the humbleness of returning to love, and there is nothing more powerful in re-claiming back this for ourselves.

  174. Soo so much is covered in this blog. I can relate to the sense of self responsibility you keep coming back. When I attended my first course with Universal Medicine I really got that the way to love others is through being that love myself.

  175. Having a relationship with ourselves that also beings an awareness of the universe and how we are all a part of it, changes our perspective of life and how we live it. Life cannot be the same when we start to open up and feel the gentle harmonious rhythm and flow of Universal Order.

  176. ‘I was yet to get off this merry-go-round of being a prisoner of life.’ It takes a lot to admit that we are prisoners in life when we are offered everything to make us think otherwise.

  177. I can relate to this, I lived for many years with an unsettled feeling “My inner angst soon started to dissipate with each answer, the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices and without the need to be perfect…” I have also let go of this unsettlement and enabled myself to feel more settled and steady, because I am honest, more responsible and listen to what my body shares.

  178. Just this title is asking me what my body is a temple of? Recently I have realised I let in energies that are not soulful but, because I can’t see them, I think I am getting away with it. Such arrogance and foolhardiness. As I feel the truth of this I realise I am playing dangerously and actually need to return to being humble in my way so my body can release all that is harmful and return to Soul.

  179. It’s bizarre isn’t it the way we fuss and preen, tan and body ‘build’ – but the whole thing is done as if the body is a product to be shaped and styled. When you actually connect to how the body feels inside, you start to see there is a direct relationship between the quality you speak and move in and the feelings you have. Far from an object – it’s the body that is king. Thank you Chetan for sharing here on your return to honouring it.

  180. Beautiful what you share, “Every movement is now a ritual.” I can feel this deeper commitment in my on life with a developing relationship with my body, true expression comes from this deeper awareness and connection, the inner, naturally becomes the outer, the inner connects us to the vastness of the universe and the natural flow and order that it reflects.

    1. Very beautiful Samantha. It was incredible reading your comment and feeling the movement that it brings which came visually as the cone shape the universe has been relatively recently been photographed as by scientists. Pure beauty and science as one.

  181. Our body is the temple for our soul and from this knowing and understanding comes such changes and love in our lives that makes all the difference to the quality and movements we make on earth in our everyday livingness and divinity we innately are.

  182. The images of a ‘perfect’ body are but a shadow of what our body can possibly be when we allow ourselves to live free of constructs and conditioning that impose upon its true form.

  183. The willingness to return to basics, to feel how the body moves, how the fingers type, how the fridge door is closed, how the bottom hits the seat, that willingness can be the greatest educator of our time.

  184. We are familiar with the notion that a temple is a place, in many religions, where people go to worship, to sit to be, to find a sense of stillness, to contemplate, to ponder, to find a sense of perspective, insight, solace, reassurance, and connection with their God. It is becoming clear to many that all this described above occurs within the body, that it is in fact the human being who takes the steps inwardly, within themselves to connect and feel the love of God, not soley from the bricks and mortar that we have walked the body to. We are, if we choose, a walking temple… the temple and connection with God goes with us where ever we walk.

  185. I remember years ago buying a T shirt at Esalen Institute that had printed on it My Body is the Temple to my Soul. It was purple and deep blue with a huge circle and small stars on it and around the circle yoga postures. I loved that T shirt and really related to its message but now my understanding is so much expanded thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. My awareness is growing all the time and thus my attention to energy, the quality of energy and the responsibility of the energy I choose.

  186. Chetan when we consider the purpose of our body it’s fascinating, as it’s most often than not, something that we abuse and use to get something in life that gives us what we are missing. Yet it’s through our body that we get to express God and the Universe; something I’ve come to understand through Universal Medicine.

  187. Just pondering on the title alone should make everyone stop. It takes away the notion of the body being for self. What if the way I treat my body affects the quality of energy I can allow through it. What if we are simply vessels for either the divine/love or not and there is only 2 sources. And so the way we are with ourselves and everything is then saying yes to either 1 of these 2. The question albeit obvious but not so often lived is which source will you align to?

  188. The body truly is ‘a temple for the soul’. For where else is the soul going to live? We are just not aware of the energy of our soul while we trash the body with foods it can’t digest and doesn’t need, numb ourselves out on alcohol and drugs and push ourselves beyond the limits of what our body can naturally do. When we stop doing all of these things and start to respect our own body and show it some love we start to feel the added dimension that the soul brings. We start to feel our natural quality. And it is gorgeous and divine. Why would we not want to prepare our body for the soul to naturally shine through?.

  189. Chetan, this is really beautiful and very powerful and offers a great healing to all that read it. Thank you.

  190. “… And even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease…” This is key as feeling the dis-ease is our body’s way of alerting us to our choices.

  191. ‘Why do I say misplaced? Because I was in the illusion of an image – a conditioned picture, laid down by false information, giving way to certain ideals of how a man’s body ought to be; the utterly belying and beguiling warrior consciousness so to speak’ It is truly incredible that we have all been so beguiled (great word Chetan) by the prevailing images of our gender and the way we are supposed to look to be thought great, worth listing to or worth being looked at. All the time we are sculpting ourselves (chopping bits off) to suit the image! Instead we could be reconnecting through our inner-heart to the super heroes we all are – the warriors for truth.

  192. The more I allow my body to be my guide the deeper and greater the understanding. It feels very humbling when I realise that for so long I have disregarded this vehicle and yet it has consistently and lovingly offered me love divine.

  193. It is so beautiful to understand that I am divine and live in a divine body, a body that is part of the universe, the planets and the stars. While trapped in the illusions of the mind our way out is to reconnect with our bodies as these are our unconditional gateways to heaven.

  194. ‘All this changed the day I met Serge Benhayon… and has been changing ever since’ Meeting Serge Benhayon is a life-changing experience – one that transforms life into a deeply joyful and purposeful engagement. Not perfect, as you say Chetan, and not always ‘easy’, but there is a deep satisfaction that we are going home and so is everyone as they choose so.

  195. There is so much in your blog Chetan but what comes up for me most is the importance of accepting that not only do we live in an imperfect world but that we ourselves are imperfect – and acknowledging this allows us to see the opportunity to learn and grow from this imperfection.

  196. There are many buildings or landmarks in the world which are referred to as ‘sacred’ but what about our actual physical bodies? What if they are the most sacred temple each and everyone of us has – would we be more willing then to surrender to the wisdom of our body and live in harmony with it, and hence with all, rather than fight and abuse our most sacred temple…

  197. Just today I had the opportunity to see and realize the magnificent design of the body; it is perfectly equipped to do and express everything that is in line with the Soul´s expression on earth similar to a well-outfitted car that perfectly meets the needs to fulfill the tasks it serves. But do we honour that or do we want to have it ‘our’ way in ignorance of or even resistance to the task?

  198. The arrogance we walk with both in our ignorance and once we awaken to the Energetic facts of life and yet still do not accept our responsibility, is pretty staggering. I know when I ignore or override my body’s messages for example, by overeating or pushing myself to stay up later than I am really able to, it’s not me being helpless in the face of old patterns or whatever other convenient excuse I can conjure up, it is arrogance and it responsibility on a spectacular level.

  199. Deep within us all there is a spark, a fire, our essence always calling and pulling us back to the truth who we are.

  200. Chetan, I always found that the arrogance you mention here is very vulnerable to either truth or an attack from an even greater arrogance, one that is even less apologetic about its behaviour. Until love came along, this felt like there was no way out.

  201. There is no building or place can support the connection to one’s Soul as does our body, as our body IS the Temple of the Soul.

  202. What comes up for me is that if the body is the temple for the soul, which it is, then why do we not cherish it with everything we have? Why would we abuse it in anyway? Surely knowing this we would look after it with our all – perhaps there is something else at play that does not want to let go and control the body instead. I know for myself it can seem like an internal battle at times, but really that battle is simply me not surrendering to the light of my soul.

  203. Understanding that our body is the temple for the Soul is very beautiful and paves the way for the absolute responsibility that entails.

  204. Just having attended a workshop with Universal Medicine I got to understand on a much deeper level how essential it is to really understand why and how the body is the temple for the soul. It is so by design and purpose. Nevertheless there is a multitude of ways we (the spirit) can manipulate the body to not serve as a vehicle of expression for the soul or universal, divine qualities. In the end it can only be delayed but meanwhile we create an enormous havoc we all have to suffer.

    1. That is true and we can enormously boost ourselves by doing everything with the body and not override it. That can be awkward at times in the beginning but it works very well.

  205. What I love about this blog is it delivers the bigger picture in life in regrads to topics like responsibility, Karma, Integrity yet it includes the practicality of how to take care of the smaller details to re-build a true rhythm for our body – “I went back to zero and began again. I began to slowly build a rhythm of movements that would then become my ‘markers’ in daily life.” and the magical thing is when we just choose one aspect in our every day life to bring care and attention to, many other activities are pulled up too! Thank you Chetan, a blog I will return to.

  206. So much is released from our bodies simply in being willing to let go of what is not truly supportive of our connection to Soul. Inspiring to re-read this account making this the purpose of unfolding and to being dedicated to making every movement a step to bringing more truth and light to life.

  207. So who does pull our strings in respect of “how I live, how I think, how I speak, how I move, how I breathe, how I walk and how I reflect”. If we think we are making all those decisions ourselves that is plainly not true as it’s a consciousness or energy that we align to that informs every micro movement. So which quality?

  208. My body has certainly been my greatest guide and ally. During the times that I ignored, disregarded and abused it, it simply waited, waving signals and doing beyond amazing with what I threw at it. Nowadays there is a dynamic, respectful relationship that means I am interacting with and learning from my body most of the time and I have never felt so supported…

  209. “Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet?”

    Great point you raise here Chetan. It highlights how easy it is to point the finger ‘out there’ and put the blame on humanity for not taking responsibility, but do we really look at how we are living our lives, and does it include energetic responsibility?

    Only when we all start to take responsibility for our own lives, and truly live it (without perfection as you say), will it be truly lived and experienced. It is up to each and every one of us.

  210. Deep appreciation is required here Chetan for your willingness to take a good honest look at yourself. It’s so easy to trundle along in life numbing ourselves from the truth, but your absolute desire to uncover the truth is admirable.

  211. I can so relate to what you say here Chetan: ‘My inner angst soon started to dissipate with each answer, the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices and without the need to be perfect’. I have had to deal with huge inner angst as well as much intensity within. I lose the plot every now and then but we have been given so many wonderful tools to help call us back to the radiant stillness that it is much easier now.

  212. There is much illusion and glamour around the concept of past lives of those that dabble with such thoughts, but it need not be so. Indeed, the most sobering realisation is that your past life is in essence pretty much the same as the one you are living now, unless you are committing to deeply questioning and unravelling your embedded ways. That need not be a depressing thought, but rather one that imbues one with the budding realisation that life is not something you can so easily give up on and is thus worth committing to.

  213. THis was an interesting read for me as i have never felt like you have in my body but often wondered how people coud look amazing and treat their bodies so harshly – thanks it was interesting to read.

  214. We all have energy passing through us all the time – what quality of energy we channel is entirely up to us though, it’s a choice.

  215. It is amazing how healing it can be to just be honest with yourself. It stops the fight of trying to be something you are not and trying to avoid seeing the way you are living that is causing the angst in the first place.

  216. “…the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices and without the need to be perfect …” A sure sign of love unfolding within

  217. How fortunate are we to have these bodies made of divine particles. Without them the spirit would rampage totally out of control and things would get so dire there would be no return to the Soul that we are – we’d be totally stuck in a world of dissatisfaction and misery. .Thankyou bodies!

  218. Love the small but significant statement that none of us are ignorant in all of this. We pretend not to know, but really we know full well what is good for the body and what is not. There are clear decisions taking place and we can either choose to take responsibility now, or repeatedly abuse our bodies over 30, 40 or 50 years till it starts providing us with some negative feedback that we simply cannot ignore.

  219. What shines through so clearly Chetan is your humbleness and humility…with not a shred of arrogance for where you are at or what you have come to…it is very beautiful to feel.

  220. Making it about our movements in every moment is such a great way of living. Often when I am stuck in my mind this can help me, to move my body purposefully and be very present. This allows me to observe my thoughts instead of be ‘in’ them and then it is easier to feel what is true and what is totally trying to make me doubting, not clear and unsure.

  221. It doesn’t matter what you may have done in the past, what great deeds you may have performed, or epic lives you may have lived. What God reckons with is the quality of the moments you live today. Your body registers these, just as it has always done and just tells the most perfect tale of where you are at and what you are here to do. So let us not fall for fantastical ideas, or concepts we might like but religiously return to embodying our true light, in the way we carry ourselves and the way we move. Thank you Chetan.

  222. As the Ageless Wisdom states and has done so for centuries upon centuries of our time here on Earth – everything is energy and as such our body is a ‘vehicle of expression’ through which this energy expresses. There are only two sources of energy from which to choose: the first being all that is love, and the second being all that opposes this.

    Therefore it can be said that our body can either be used according to it divine design as a vehicle through which the light of the Soul (love) can be made manifest in this plane of life or, it can be used to express the fragmented light of the human spirit (the part of us that separated from Soul/love) and keep us living in illusion (shadow). Thus, the true meaning of life is simply to relearn how to live in such a way that our expression of the one true light of our Soul shines far brighter than ‘the many dazzling yet far lesser lights’ that our spirit revels in.

  223. What an amazingly beautiful blog and sharing of your journey with you soul and your body as one and the wisdom joy and purpose you have come to ever evolving deepening and expanding and an inspiration for us all.

  224. Wow Chetan…I love this blog as I felt it pull me up to ask ‘who is pulling my strings?’ after feeling like I’ve dropped the ball in a couple of areas.

    1. That is always a great question Sandra – who is pulling my strings? Or to quote a famous song out there called ‘Everyone’s got something to say’: Cut the drama, cut the pictures. Who’s the master of this show?’

  225. It is a simple equation… look after my body, listen to what it communicates and follow its lead, and I find myself feeling well, vital and very much connected to something so much grander than just an individuated ‘me’. Stop listening, react, become emotional, get caught up in life’s dramas, try to drill down into a supposed issue… and all that beauty and magic of me and life is lost.

  226. Who is pulling our strings is always the question to ask, it brings us back to the choice we all have what we choose to align to – the divinity we are or another force. And from that choice we then act. And no matter where we’ve been we always and ever have that choice and our body shows us clearly where we are, a marker of truth on our path back to living the divinity we all innately are.

  227. “I was now able to see clearly how earlier on, prior to making these responsible choices, my hurts, reactions and judgments had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body. And even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease.” Wow what a sentence. If we all understood how much we are being diminished by our reactions and judgments we would work hard to diminish them for the sake of our own expansion. Gorgeous awareness here Chetan.

  228. This blog has made me ponder on the real meaning of ignorance. It is usually a term used to describe something that we do not know, are uneducated about and that we have no access to the information. However what you are presenting here Chetan is that we do know and are fully aware of what we are doing. So therefore ignorance becomes a deliberate choice to dull our awareness or offset our knowing of life, which we cannot stop knowing only choose to ignore.

  229. Going back to zero is significant otherwise we carry on the merry-go-round of living in the arrogance thinking we know it all (which in truth we do) but there comes a moment when we realise we have been kidding ourselves and the more we realise this the more honest we become and see that that which we have chosen is a complete and utter lie.

  230. Rereading your blog, Chetan, I realize how much this pattern of regret and critisism is still ingrained. But I understand more and more that acceptance of myself and appreciation are the keystones in my life.

  231. ‘How cool it is now to live with this quality in my body – this absolute Obedience to God and Divinity.’ – deeply touched by the absoluteness in your expression, Chetan.

  232. ‘I started to take a deep, honest look at everything. These indulgences/behaviours that I had always known, ever since I was a young boy, are not who I am.’ – this is the turning point; nothing can change until we are prepared to be really honest about how we are choosing to live, exposing all the behaviours that are not true to who we are. Once we start clearing out what does not belong we create space for the love that we are to expand and nurture us from the inside out.

  233. Chetan, I can relate to the warrior code of consciousness in relation to my body in the past. The body is the temple for the soul definitely, and how can we invite God’s love into our bodies. The answer is in your blog through the introduction of true movement, love care and gentleness, or as Buddha said, creating the kingly body through self-love. Also said by many others throughout history and currently Serge Benhayon, and being lived by many now as a way for clarity and wisdom to come through the body, rather than the self-abuse of the past.

  234. This article leaves us with no doubt about the ancient wisdom that is available for each of us, and offers us a very practical way to connect with it for ourselves. Our movements – are forever more the key to our own connection to God.

  235. “Choices that I now know, deep within me, were more than just true, they were and are simply divine.”
    As we begin to feel the confirmation of these choices and the inner settlement that unfolds – there can be no doubt that this stillness is from heaven.

  236. The Body is the Temple of the Soul when we make sure that we love and care for this body and do not let the money-lenders, sugar thieves, ideal persuaders, emotional roller coasters take possession and occupy the multidimensional space that the Soul loves.

  237. ‘I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me.’ – this is such a very beautiful revelation and something that we must all discover for ourselves, so that it becomes a part of our livingness, after we have felt and discovered for ourselves what it truly means.

  238. ‘even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease.’ …. we have this false perception that if we are not ‘sick’ we are ok. We can be seemingly well, but very far from living with the vitality that we could live with, equally, we can have an illness, but still be living a vital, nurturing life. The important part is the quality of the choices that we are making – are they loving, supporting and nurturing our whole body, or are they harming?

  239. It just shows how far away from our actual truth we have veered from. Like you, I and many others have been able to start to steadily come back to the truth, which has always been there, with thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who is a true guiding light and reflection of truth in this world for all. I can honestly say with my hand on my heart if it were not for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would still be going round and round in circles living a life that was not true to me and carrying old hurts and ill beliefs etc as before knowing Serge I tried many many different things to clear this but not one thing truly helped!

  240. There is a lot I connect to in this article and that I will come back to, it is rich. I can relate to the ‘warrior energy that you describe, I can feel how I have lived lives where I have lived fearlessly and pushed my body for a cause I felt was ‘true’, and now in this life I can feel it can bring a hardness and also a way of being that says get out of my way the ‘truth’ is coming through. It can say in the least be a bit imposing and it has a certain push with it that I have been allowing myself to let go of. It also has a beautiful courage and lack of compromise concerning the truth that is strong and something that I am appreciating. If we lived many lives, which I would say we have, there is as you say however many ways that we have lived. I am a woman, and I can feel that I have an opportunity to really surrender to this fact this life and enjoy what it brings, letting go of past habits and choices that do not support and allow myself to melt into my femininity, while embracing and walking with all I have embodied that is truthful and from love.

  241. ‘My inner angst soon started to dissipate with each answer, the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices and without the need to be perfect..’ I really appreciate this statement, because even though I know I am not perfect there is still an insidious element that wants to be or needs to know it all. In letting go of protection and becoming more transparent there is more of an ease with not having to be it all or know it all but with the awareness that there is a part of me that will always be whole and will always have access to it all..

  242. The flow of the souls light through the body gives us such clarity and purpose.

  243. As my understanding of the Ageless Wisdom deepens and life becomes clearer through honesty with myself the way is which I live is changing too and even when I get frustrated because of the deep knowing of the truth that the Ageless Wisdom is offering me to go deeper which I am resisting it is not about being hard on myself but appreciating my willingness to be honest and accept in full where I am at for in truth it is through acceptance I can surrender.

  244. I have had to go back to zero a few times in my life and rebuild each tie; the foundation is stronger and the love is deeper.

    1. I know exactly what you are saying Nicole, I am often going back to zero, even though each time the ‘zero’ is actually an expanded one – like the cycle of motion and repose or the in-breath and out-breath of God.

  245. Chetan, there are so many revelations and pearls of wisdom revealed to us all in your infolding journey. It always comes back to how we move, our connection to ourselves, to others and to the universe. When we are able to drop our individuality and the seeking of recognition, love and expansion is there for us in bucket loads.

  246. Today I have felt how taking on the emotional issues of others has been so abusive to my body. It is like I have lapped up the emotional energy like a mop and absorbed it without saying no because I wanted to be helpful, good and loved for being useful.

    But the truth is saying no to abuse is the reflection that the world needs. Saying no to anything that is not love allows us to shine forth the love and light we are.

  247. Meeting Serge Benhayon is a catalyst for so many of us to bring true honesty and deep love and connection back into our lives allowing ourselves the true purpose, healing and responsibility of why we are here. A joy to read Chetan.

  248. On offer for identification in society are the physical body or the mind. This starts quite young, when we get attention from parents and teachers for either our physical abilities or our ability to recall and reproduce what we have been taught. It is not long at all before kids start to feel funneled into one group or the other. Either way it is a reduction of the gorgeous, whole being we are as little kids. I sometimes wonder if this unconsciously comes from adults who miss and resent not being as joyful and free to be themselves as they once were as kids.

  249. It is in the quality of my movements and my intention to surrender myself to a purpose and service in life, that is often beyond my comprehension, that I am building a relationship with stillness that is ‘unfoldingly’ inspiring.

  250. ‘ Serge Benhayon in all the years I have known him in this life; consistent, steady, powerful and yet so humble to the core. This was the role model that I had constantly sought all my life.’ We all long for such a role model to remind us of the way back home and Serge Benhayon has inspired many to also be such a role model for others.

  251. ‘If I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet? This is indeed ‘a question worth pondering’. Living in disregard we emanate a form of abuse and we reflect that to others everywhere we go. How can we expect to love and serve others if we are not first loving ourselves?

  252. No amount of hurt or pain is greater than the love we are and even though I know this truth inside out it is in the quality of my movements that truly make a difference in the world.

  253. The phrase ‘are we there yet?” comes to mind, as I used to think there was a place to arrive at, where I could down tools and put my feet up. My learning, healing and deepening of my awareness is never ending, as is my capacity for love. So the responsibility of what I choose in every moment is always there.

  254. So great that you talk about the true purpose of our bodies here Chetan – to responsibly express and magnify energy for the benefit of all, rather than a dumping ground or a stolen car that we are simply taking for a spin each life for the indulgence of self.

    1. We can’t ‘get away’ with anything, everything is felt by everyone, it doesn’t matter if we are seen or heard, or not – we are constantly contributing, energetically, to the sea of energy that we all live in together.

      1. It’s true we are constantly contributing energetically to the all, which is an absolute confirmation of the power we all hold. It’s a truly beautiful responsibility that we are offered in every moment.

  255. If we all truly embraced the fact that our “body is the temple of the soul”, we would treat it with so much more respect and care.

    1. I agree. And it is a really fun thing to do… to engage with and embrace the wisdom and guidance of our bodies and let ourselves be supported by their innate and natural relationship with everything divine.

  256. There’s a huge difference in being disciplined from the mind or from the body. We can do all the ‘right’ things like cutting things out we know aren’t good for us and don’t work for us, but if these instructions come from the mind as a way to tick boxes and fit a picture, they can have a devastating effect on the body. When discipline is impulsed from the body it is always in line with it.

  257. “We carry deep within us at all times an imprint, a memory that is loving, honouring and true, an imprint waiting for us to acknowledge, and I for one always knew this.”
    How true this is , Chetan, and to reconnect with this knowing, give it all the appreciation it deserves and taking responsibility for it will change our lives and behaviours forever. Your sharing is wise and deep.

  258. ‘Every movement is now a ritual’ – how beautiful to hear Chetan. To live rhythmically like this is to embrace the universe and ground it here on earth for all.

  259. ‘These choices started to show me how, even though I felt I was living in my body then, truly I was far from it;’ – when we start living our truth we get to appreciate just how far removed we have been from living this in our lives, from being the love that we are.

  260. ‘Even though I thought I had started to heal some deep hurts, something inside me was quietly telling me that I was yet to get off this merry-go-round of being a prisoner of life. I was yet to break through the illusion of it all! ‘ Your honesty is not only very humbling, but also very supportive for anyone who reads your blog, Chetan, as there is so much we can all deeply relate to …. the constant pull is always there for us to ‘come back’ to true selves. We have to work pretty hard to resist this, to swim against our natural flow.

    1. Thank you Alison- Yes very true what you say here. Honesty leads to Humility and Humility is all about Acceptance without the need to beat oneself up over past mis-learnings.

  261. ‘But then none of us are ever so ignorant, are we? We do all know really! ‘this is the crazy thing. When we allow ourselves to see the behaviour we’ve been in and the reasons why, it is so obvious how false it was. The trick is getting our pride out of the way to go there.

    1. Absolutely Michael- That false pride that will do anything and everything to keep us under.

  262. “I would fall back into my age-old patterns of hurts, like eating food that dulled my vitality and my light, generally affecting my surroundings with that dullness.”

    I did this yesterday, thank you for your reminder of the effects of this. I feel dull today, and that is my reflection. I will reflect less to the world today from how I was yesterday. The power of responsibility.

  263. To consider my body as a vehicle of expression is a paradigm shifting game changer – from that understanding I can begin to appreciate how precious our body is and the worth and value in truly working with it rather than overriding it.

  264. What a huge blessing it is Chetan to have Serge Benhayon as a role model and inspiration, reflecting absolute love and responsibility.

  265. “I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me.” Our movements are a great way to notice how we are, we can be fooled by the mind to think we are doing OK, but paying honest attention to our movements will always reveal more to us.

  266. The faintest idea or picture about life already removes us from being in life. We either experience life as an interpretation by the movie that is playing in our mind or living life from the full presence within our body. Living life in full in is living with a full body, ie the full presence of the Soul.

  267. ‘And so even though I had moments when I acknowledged that I was indeed blessed to have a great physical form and must respect that more, truly, deeply I was in disregard in spite of this’ – It is easy to disregard the body when we are disconnected from the quality it could possibly hold – our Soul.

  268. ‘Even though I thought I had started to heal some deep hurts, something inside me was quietly telling me that I was yet to get off this merry-go-round of being a prisoner of life.’ I have been working on my hurts for over a decade and whilst most are healed and I am in a body that is virtually clear of them all I can still say I am on the merry-go-ground of being a prisoner of life. Until I can fully renounce all my attachment to the world in the living moving knowledge that I am of something far grander will I be able to claim I am bringing through God in his absoluteness.

  269. Chetan its amazing what we put our bodies through, how we think they are invisible and the levels of abuse we are in, at the same time as doing this we wonder why we get sick and feel that our bodies let us down. It’s strange but exactly what I used to think and how I would live in the past. I love the change when we make quality of living and movement the most important thing.

  270. Amazing Blog Chetan. This blog and all of the blogs on this site are a beacon for humanity, and a publication like no other – to look at how every blog serves and is relatable to people at different times in their life, written by the true wisdom of those who have enabled the inner heart to guide their way. This is extraordinary.

  271. “I was in the illusion of an image” We become so entrapped by the images we create for our selves and then believe them to be the ultimate achievement. True evolution is learning to free our selves of images, to stay open and present so that we can fully respond to what ever is required of us, without limitation.

  272. “The body is the temple for the Soul.”

    It is! We’re to make the choice to allow our body to be able to receive our Soul. We’re super delicate and sensitive and the more we make choices from this connection, the more our Soul will be able to enter our physical body here on earth. There’s nothing more enriching us than feeling our own love flowing through our body. I am appreciating my body more and more for the healing it offers and bring to both myself and from that to others.

  273. It’s groundbreaking what you’ve shared about even discipline being an illusion if there is no true purpose behind what we’re committing ourselves to; being disciplined is a highly regarded trait, but there is the possibility that this particular routine or momentum can be distracting or harming us.

    1. Well said Susie..the day humanity understands the true purpose of being in a human body is the day we set ourselves totally free from the chains that keep us away from evolution.

  274. Our passion for following images has turned the body into an instrument that sustains and feeds the arrogance of the human being and its separatist way of moving in life. This, of course, does not change the fact that in truth the body is a temple for the Soul.

  275. It is quite common in society to abuse our bodies with various activities and substances, and arrogantly think we can do whatever we like and get away with it… however our bodies always expose our arrogance at some point in our lives. They are constantly sending us messages of how we are dishonouring them until we stop and take notice – some messages may be stronger than others. And yet despite all the years of abuse, our bodies will start healing the minute we honour them and treat them with loving care – how inspiring is that!

  276. What a powerful sharing . In particular l am moved by this …”How then can I be responsible in my relationships on the outside if I did not have the ability to hold that within and for my own temple – ‘my body’?! The doing would then take care of itself.

  277. ‘I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?’ – I love how you bring focus to movement and the rhythm between the quality of our movements and the flow of energy that follows which then impulses us to make loving choices or the complete opposite.

    1. When I watch Serge Benhayon walk it’s like he’s swimming against the tide, the tide being the illusion that we are all swept up in. The tide is like a tidal wave that sweeps up everything in its path, we need to consciously move in a way that prevents us from getting swept up and in doing so we remind others that there is a true life under the false life.

  278. ‘We do all know really! We carry deep within us at all times an imprint, a memory that is loving, honouring and true, an imprint waiting for us to acknowledge, and I for one always knew this’ – yes we do, Chetan, which is why it’s always such a struggle when we try to live up to all the false images we get bombarded with in life. We can’t reduce ourselves to something we are not, something that is a mere speck compared to the magnificence of who we truly are and what we are all a part of.

  279. Calling us all back home Chetan, with what you have so humbly expressed here, home to our own inner wisdom, our own glory that awaits when we let go of that which is not true and gently start to dive within. The Ageless Wisdom is carried within us all, and it is beyond extraordinary when we finally choose to turn that key and let this wisdom pour back into us again. It’s the coming home we always long for, and ironically it is within us always waiting for us to turn back home within ourselves.

    1. This is incredible to contemplate and feel Katerina. Much truth and wisdom shared here.

  280. I am not sure if the body is a place where the soul would worship, i.e. a temple. Perhaps a body can choose to act and be in accordance with the soul and that union is Divine?

  281. ‘l went back to zero and began again. I began to slowly build a rhythm of movements that would then become my ‘markers’ in daily life.’ I seem to do that often Chetan, come back to zero again, come back both simplicity of being gentle, being in my body, feeling my movements. Always coming back, coming back, to where I belong.

  282. Living according to the illusion of images is a trap most of us have chosen for lifetimes. Serge Benhayon and those who choose to walk through life as he does, remind us that our true expression is to live according to the light of our Soul and the multi-dimensionally we are part of.

  283. It is indeed the images we hold of life about so many things that keep us from what life truly is. ‘Don´t make yourself an image of God’ would also apply to every other aspect of life. Before we don´t get to realize the illusion of an image we often don´t even know that we hold one.

    1. So true Alex, I was not until I heard Serge Benhayon presenting on how our thoughts are not our own, that I began to clock the prevalence and guile of these images.

  284. When we consider the body being the temple for the soul, we have to give it the wisdom and respect that goes along with those words and live them! I find myself constantly humbled by the wisdom my body offers and the arrogance of my mind to think it knows better. Where is my humbled emoticon?!

  285. There is a one of many keys you offer Chetan and that is: for the answers to start to flow in we require being totally honest in how we have been living up until that point. If the thinking is it’s not that bad etc., the level of truth and all that can be revealed will be equally as diluted as our indifference to our responsibility to the whole.

  286. We must move in a way in which the body configures itself to allow the expression of the Soul through it.

  287. What an amazing inspiring deeply beautiful sharing Chetan I love it and your true knowing showing what is possible for us all” How cool it is now to live with this quality in my body – this absolute Obedience to God and Divinity” Our body really is a temple for the soul.

  288. “I began to slowly build a rhythm of movements that would then become my ‘markers’ in daily life. These markers would then take me back to ‘me’ (to my centre) if I ever felt I had come adrift.” the same here Chetan, it’s really powerful to feel how the foundational movements and things that I turn to can help me reconnect when I get caught up in life overall.

  289. It’s so true, Chetan, that our hurts and reactions diminish our natural grandness and majesty. It is so wonderful to feel you commit to resurrecting yourself to the divine power you have always known within.

  290. And BANG Chetan, there you have a man of the future walking amongst us. So loved ready your claiming Chetan, straight from a vehicle for God. This is how we offer evolution, by walking the incredible gifts we all are.

  291. It is deeply beautiful to live a commitment to responsibility such as this so that each movement offers us greater access to divinely powerful teachings of the Universe so that we not only become the guardians of light and truth but vessels of inspiration that reflect our Universality to all who have forgotten.

  292. If we can have a temporally ‘perfect’ body; fit, strong, resilient etc. and STILL feel empty or purposeless, then perhaps there is another level of life and ourselves that we aren’t looking at or after….

  293. On one level, when you describe yourself as being “a prisoner of life” and “yet to break through the illusion of it all!” it could sound fairly dramatic, however I know exactly what you mean Chetan. When we realise not who we truly are – an integral and expressing part of the universe, and instead become romanced by the good things in life, the material success, the family etc. it is hard to see the illusion this creates to keep us away from choosing Love and Responsibility.

  294. I love your absolute knowing of your past lives, and that you carry them all with you in this one. We don’t have to identify with any of them as we can clear the past in how we walk in this one, but we can also feel the strength of previous lives lived and stand strong in the innate wisdom that is a thread through all of them.

    1. Very true Rebecca, Chetan speaks with a refreshing absoluteness about his past lives.

  295. ‘This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout’. I am reminded Chetan of a time I desperately sought to find that anchor within. It is there now, just as you describe and I’m blessed to have found my own inner stillness.

  296. Superb confirmation of just how much the Ageless Wisdom as lived and presented by Serge Benhayon has empowered you to deepen your self awareness, your integrity and responsibility so that we finally get to behold the whole magnificent You, as opposed to the partial reflection that existed before.

  297. ‘” I was in the illusion of an image” We can also live under the illusion that we are less and this false picture prevent us from returning to divinity.

    1. We are the ones who keep the illusion going, if we pulled the plug on the illusion then it would deflate as quickly as a balloon with a hole in it, it would shrivel to no-thing because it is no-thing without us inflating it by choice.

      1. Without awareness, we don’t even know we’re in the illusion: it becomes the norm. When offered Truth through The Way of The Livingness and inwardly reflecting on our own lives opens up opportunities to prick the bubble of illusion and feel what is truly going on.

  298. The title of this blog says it all! The rest of the words is the story most will relate to as how we have lived. Serge Benhayon has become the emergency exit light above the door in the darkness we have lost ourselves in.

    1. It is, kevmchardy, and what I am appreciating so much is how the humility and divinity that Serge Benhayon walks in confirms everyone as his equal, inspiring us all to claim our own divinity and allow the ‘awakening’ within, without perfection, as we walk the path together, back home.

    1. Agree, there is so many stand-alone statements in this blog, that provoke moments of deeper insightful contemplation revealing innermost understanding… “We carry deep within us at all times an imprint, a memory that is loving, honouring and true, an imprint waiting for us to acknowledge…” A statement here that confirms the essence of exactly who we are – Love.

  299. I love the simplicity you offer here Chetan. How can I be responsible and where do I start? My body of course, the piece of divinity I’ve been given to care for just now, tending my own garden and of course in doing so I take care of a part of the universe.

  300. “I took great pride in the knowing that I had lived some ‘warrior lives’ in my past and this further boosted me with a false sense of power” – agree Chetan and in the arrogance that can occur through knowing the past (lives of glory) we fail to see the beauty and relevancy of the present day; that the present is only what matters, not the nostalgia of the past, for the present lived in true glory is but the past re-ignited into the future as one life.

  301. So amazing to be able to let go of so much and just surrender to all that there is in starting again from zero and building a true foundation step by step.

  302. It’s beautiful to humbly expose the arrogance of everything we though was ‘it’ yet was so very far far away.

    1. Yes, Kylie, life makes a lot more sense, once we expose the falsity and attachment to our self-created identity which is so far removed from the pure divinity we naturally are.

  303. The body is something to be cared for, cherished, honoured and loved, because it is or will certainly become the temple of the Soul as we renounce our destructive and disregarding ways.

  304. I always heard the saying “the body is a temple” and I could never hold onto its meaning in my everyday awareness – I comprehended but didn’t live it. It was not until I started reading the material of the Ageless Wisdom that I could feel strongly, and without doubt, the poisons we allow in our life and how they are a barrier to living our soul’s light.

  305. If the body is a temple for the Soul – which it is – why is it that we allow such a great sacrilege to occur on a daily basis by way of what we choose to eat and how it is we choose to move, and thus allow a great pollution to occur to that which is truly divine?

  306. Chetan I am completely wowed by your honesty and sharing of the depth and connection to the Universal Wisdom. Like you share we all have the depth of knowing of who we are and when we take full responsibility of the love within, we can connect to the true stillness that unites us with the unfolding Universe.

  307. I very much needed the reminder of bringing it all back to my movements today to support a stillness that in the last week I have chosen to override.

  308. What a blog, so extensive shadowing all parts I life and that which we can choose to live it truthfully or not.

  309. I can still get caught up in the illusion of false images. Just a simple thing like how long I should walk for; judging myself if I only do 10 minutes because that’s not long enough etc. We can tie ourselves up in knots with all these self-imposed rules. Now that I’ve started to let go of a few of these false images, I feel freer, so I am keen to keep fishing more out and dropping them too.

  310. Thank you Chetan, this is really powerful to read and feel the call for us all to treat our bodies with such level of energetic responsibility as it is only then that we can understand the importance our bodies play as a launchpad for our return back to soul.

  311. Chetan the ‘so-called discipline’ that you mention comes in many forms, discipline in the gym, discipline with food, discipline with work, discipline with routines etc but what they all provide is a false sense of security, a kind of man made hemming in of ourselves that offers a form of comfort but the security and the comfort that they offer are very tenuous as they have no roots in truth.

  312. ‘The body is a temple for the Soul’… so true Chetan. Soul is all about love, and if we treat our body and our selves with true love then naturally our soul can be with us. If our lives and way of being are unloving then there is no room, no space for love.

  313. Yes and the blessing is that once we know the blocks, most of them simply go just by us knowing – many blocks only work because we are unaware of them.

  314. This is beautiful. Once we have worked through the necessary learning and changes it then becomes valuable to appreciate, confirm and just be.

  315. ‘Each time I re-connect to [this Quality of Stillness within me] – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout’. This is a lovely statement Chetan Jha, and this ‘innermost’ is always there within us, we just have to choose to reconnect instead of allowing in the thoughts that ‘would play havoc with my body’. As you say, once we allow those thoughts there is a ‘domino effect’ for they are always waiting to pour in as soon as we create an opening by wanting something for ourselves. If we make a ‘responsible choice’ however, to reconnect to our quality of stillness then we are impulsed by thoughts which have that quality.

  316. ‘I was yet to get off this merry-go-round of being a prisoner of life’ Yes, we are all on this merry-go-round thinking we are going somewhere when really we are imprisoned in our own desire to create something for ourselves to avoid feeling hurt, to climb up a ladder of success, or fall down a ladder of failure. Either way it’s a personal creation to give us an illusionary sense of identity.

  317. I love the title of your blog, as it also indicates how when we begin to make choices that honour, self care and nurture the body, we deepen the connection within ourselves and naturally we see how the body is the doorway into the soul.

  318. What a journey you describe here Chetan..this blog shows how much you have always been so aware of your past but how ‘off track’ we can go with what we can feel when seeking truth, until we find the true way for our expression when we connect to the Ageless Wisdom teachings through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  319. We kid ourselves that life is fine and everything we engage in is just how it is supposed to be and then we meet Truth in the form of Serge Benhayon and everything, absolutely everything, changes. Chetan, it takes real courage to stop, listen, reflect and admit all the falsities of life that we have run with. What an immense inspiration to feel how you have faced your arrogance and perceived something far greater within you as a consequence that is empowering you to bring all your wisdom to bear in the world.

  320. Who pulls my strings? Is such a great question to ask myself. Often when I get thoughts which do not make sense or seem right I ask ok so where is that coming from and then they go. Ultimately they are either going to be from love and so encompassing everyone, or not, there is no middle ground.

  321. “My inner angst soon started to dissipate with each answer, the intensities began to transform into steadiness and soon I began to truly honour my body with my choices ”
    Honouring and appreciating the choices made is key to transformation and in itself a great choice.

  322. It is super inspiring to read such an honest piece of writing from a man! A true man, a (the) way of being a True man. To choose love and truth over anything else is absolutely beautiful to read. Although challenging as well as it’s asking me to reflect on my own choices and commitment to that inner knowing I hold within. Thank you Chetan. I love the real way in which you’re writing. Very easy to relate to for me.

  323. We try to resolve life’s problems through our minds but that truly doesn’t work – as you say so clearly here, Chetan, it is only when we truly honour our bodies in every detailed way that we can truly connect with Truth and our natural Joy.

  324. I love what you are sharing here about choices …. ‘Choices that even though they were challenging for me initially, I held onto, as I could feel the truth of what was being shown to me. Choices that I now know, deep within me, were more than just true, they were and are simply divine.’ When we are being impulsed from our soul, there is a knowing of the truth that is pulling us to be our divinity.

  325. I can very much relate to being under the illusion of an image, in fact, multiple images, as I am sure almost everyone else can. This is something that deludes us into having a very false reality of life. We think we need to be a certain way, or that we are doing very well in life as we are ticking all sorts of boxes, however, if we are trying to attain a ‘picture’, we are chasing rainbows that don’t exist. We are already everything that we need to be in this life, our struggle is to recognise this, to simply connect with our bodies and be impulsed from our inner heart – this is where we know who we are and that we have found our truth.

  326. “…a conditioned picture, laid down by false information, giving way to certain ideals of how a man’s body ought to be” – a body ruled harshly by condition, or a body loved adoringly through honesty.

  327. We are being constantly supported by our body to let go of everything that is getting in the way from our Soul having full access and expression. Tension then becomes a friend to show us where we are resisting this.

  328. Serge Benhayon is certainly the most incredible role model. I have never encountered true humility as I have in Serge. His simplicity, great humour, love, and his multidimensional intelligence are all there for all to see and feel and experience. Further, he has shown that these qualities belong to us all – he is just ‘living’ it so we can all ‘get it’!

  329. Our body is a temple for the soul. The body is in fact more than just the temple for the soul for it is our bridge in bringing divinity into lived presence for all to see and feel. That is the purpose of our body, the only true purpose – a vehicle for divine expression. But how much do we honour this? How much do we actually place this as a priority over the foods we like the taste of, or the comforts we say we enjoy…this is something for us all to ponder on for it exposes the level of honouring (or not) that we have towards life and our human existence knowing that we are far more than what the eye can see.

  330. “I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?” – I’m appreciating this myself more and more, just how powerful the quality of our movements are and what a difference it makes to be in union with our whole body and soul or not…

  331. I love this definition of Karma: “this deeper understanding of actually living and experiencing it through my choices as true Karma is everything we do in the quality of energy we do them.”

  332. Chetan – this is key in our understanding of the responsibility we hold in our movements: “Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet? How then can I be responsible in my relationships on the outside if I did not have the ability to hold that within and for my own temple – ‘my body’?! The doing would then take care of itself.”

  333. “Obedience to God and Divinity” – such joy and freedom in all of five words and forever expanding.

    1. Absolutely Gabrieleconrad, no more profound reference point can there be.

    2. Interesting isn’t it how the word ‘obedience’ is associated with a shutting down, a narrowing or a submissive stance and yet ‘obedience to God and divinity’ leads to expansion and a lived experience of true freedom.

  334. Sometimes it can seem like we ignore our body – but the more I see and observe people, I feel that we don’t. Just look at the number of us rushing for coffee, that cheese burger, or sugary bar – is that just random? Or are we pursuing those things all because of the way that we feel inside? When you consider this, you start to get the key difference is really just what choice you make with how to deal with your bodies state. Do you cover up, block out, patch up and elevate? Or let yourself feel the full extent to which things don’t feel great? From what you say Chetan it’s clear to me, that the second path is the healing one for you and me.

  335. As much as we need to honour the body and even treat it sacredly the moment we glorify it over our true nature that is Soul we actually condemn ourselves to be less than we divinely are and will harm our body more than we may be able to imagine. Honouring the body as a temple refers to the energetic quality we allow to enter and run the body thereby allowing it to work in accordance to its divine design.

    1. Well said Alex. The moment we feel we are bigger than our bodies but do not move with respect to them, we are lost in a deep illusion that can play out for many lives.

  336. Under the one Granddaddy illusion of them all (that we are simply flesh and blood) there exists a million trillion other illusions that all knit together, layer over the top of one another and feed off and into one another. There is no direction that we can look that is not into a web of illusions other than within.

  337. ‘I am now able to live life with a deep gratitude and an absolute humility for all life.’ this is truly powerful.

  338. ” I was in the illusion of an image” Chetan I am wondering if the whole of humanity is ‘in the illusion if an image’? The illusion being that we are mere mortals living a physical life. If we allowed ourselves to feel the truth of what we know deep within our bodies then we would be living like the sons of God we know ourselves to be.

  339. The body is the temple for the Soul, and when we live in a way that honours that – very simply from the depths of our true heart and inner essence – we become a divine messenger and offer that divinity through our very movements.

  340. I agree Chetan, we are all knowing and choosing to listen to our inner heart, our Soul and our body connects us to the Ageless Wisdom and to God. The choices we make affect our movements and our movements affect our next choices. Everything is interconnected and every choice we make does matter, nothing is too small to consider how they affects us and the universe. Such is our responsibility to live love and truth in every moment.

  341. What I so appreciate about Serge Benhayon is that he gives everyone the space to discover for themselves just how they are living their lives, for most of us it is in such a disregarding way. There is no judgment for our choices so this understanding then can facilitate to start taking a more honest look at the way we have been living and to make more loving choices which I know for a fact our bodies really appreciate.

  342. The more I allow myself to surrender to my body, the more I’m in awe about my body and the way it and my Soul are working together to heal whatever is needed to be healed. My body holds all the memories from lifetimes. How superbly amazing is this? Thank you deeply body for being – in fact – such a loyal, humble and true friend and partner. I love the fact that you’re never judgmental. Which is not only needed, but also deeply appreciated (even if I don’t appreciate it).

    1. Yes, that is quite an unexpected experience much more beautiful than I ever imagined anything could be.

  343. A story that shows that we are not going anywhere but that it is up to us to walk the steps of our true beingness, and that we can do it, as you show Chetan, at any time. I am deeply inspired by your deep commitment and absolute zest for living a life that allows you to walk in the rhythms of the universe and your true being.

  344. Chetan like you since being involved in Universal Medicine my relationship with my body has changed significantly, each day it moves closer to be something that I treat with care and love as it is a temple for my soul and true expression. I see the responsibility in how I look after myself which is very different from seeing it as getting in the way of what i wanted to do.

  345. The body is also a medium through which the soul is able to express and therefore unless the body is of a certain vibrational standard the soul will not be able to express itself. It is therefore absolutely paramount that we get our bodies up to a certain vibration, so that the soul can express on Earth.

  346. To have a role model like Serge Benhayon is life changing and I know a lot of people, myself included, can deeply relate to what you have said here ‘This was the role model that I had constantly sought all my life.’

  347. Amazing Chetan, an amazing documentary and sharing of your return back to your essence and what is lying within you. So much of what you have shared resonates deeply, but I don’t feel I had the same warrior lives as you did! One of the first and most profound teachings I was introduced to by the Ageless Wisdom was “Observe and not absorb” – one that continues to be a part of my every day life – like all true teachings of wisdom which aren’t a flat line which becomes irrelevant eventually, these teachings are forever deepening and evolving.

  348. What a powerful and inspiring testimony to the changes you have chosen to make in your life to support your body and return to a way of true movement from this innermost re-connection to the body being a Temple for the Soul.

  349. There is so much within this one blog. What I found important today was the fact that stillness is not about how fast or slow you move. It is indeed an ‘anchor’, that is strong and steady. This anchor can keep you from wandering into the idealistic way of being as a man or woman that society would suggest we should be. Stillness knows a way for you to move your body that creates harmony internally but also with everything around you. It rings out from your body, like the sound waves from a deep bell, offering a reminder of what stillness feels like for all around you.

  350. ‘…choices that supported me to be more connected to my body no matter what hurt or pain would come up.’ Today I’m feeling the inspiration of this sentence and the call that I can no longer ignore to commit no matter what. Thank you.

  351. ‘I was now able to see clearly how earlier on, prior to making these responsible choices, my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence, and how that had also affected my body. And even though I had no visible illness, I could feel the dis-ease.’ We are not brought up to recognise the harm we do ourselves with our thinking and inner dialogue. When we begin to truly explore our behaviour patterns and are willing to feel their destructive nature, then we can be more self loving in the way we are with ourselves and each other every day.

  352. It’s ironic, to say the least, the way that we worship and seem to adore the way our body looks but then move and treat it like a shabby old book. We chuck it around, fling it to the ground, crease the corners and unpick the binding without blinking an eye. If only we stopped as you have done Chetan, to see what is written so simply on every page – ‘Love is your way’. In the end it is just a matter of how long we want to play ‘loose and fast’ with our body in life before we realise it’s the wisest thing we’ll ever read.

  353. I love how as students of The Way of The Livingness we are claiming who we are more and more – the journeys we’ve been on, our Sonship and our true, multi-dimensional selves.

  354. “Choices that even though they were challenging for me initially, I held onto, as I could feel the truth of what was being shown to me. Choices that I now know, deep within me, were more than just true, they were and are simply divine.”
    For so long we have been navigating out way around the truth, so when it is felt, the door does not just swing open, there is a mental tussle with the undeniable obedience one feels in the body, as we make our journey, release our attachments to this life, we begin the surrender to the divinity that we are here to pour forth and express. Bring it on Chetan…..a inspirational and eternal unfolding.

  355. Universal Medicine teaches a modality called True Movement which supports us to re-configure our bodies back to the way they were originally designed to move re-aligns us with the Universal flow.

  356. This is an amazing blog Chetan, and got me feeling into when I was young there was no way I was going to war as I felt how lost we were as a humanity and that to be fighting had no brotherhood. This I felt was something from my past and was felt so strongly in my body, which started me on a quest to find love. From the first presentation by Serge Benhayon I started to understand the true meaning of love and Soul so my path of being responsible with a divine purpose commenced.

  357. I really like your description here, Chetan – “it all became one glorious movement in my body”. The more I surrender the hurts that I have identified with and carried in my body, the more I can feel that I am naturally a part of a grander flow and order that is divine.

  358. Thank you Chetan for such an honest and transparent blog that whist reading it and at conclusion, makes you stop, re-read and consider so much. There is so much on offer here. Notably, how the choice of self care and honouring of one’s own body, has the same impact on the relationships with others and interactions with life… “Soon I started to make these choices an integral part of my lifestyle and they began to reflect in my outer dealings with the world…”

  359. When we know that our body is a temple for the Soul, and how we are with it affects whether we stay connected to our Soul or not brings much more awareness to how we look after it. I am not perfect but I am not as ignorant and reckless with it as I used to be, a knock on the elbow is felt and not disregarded. All the little signs I used to ignore are now felt and appreciated.

  360. The number of people that have excepted life as we know it, to be normal, but still missing something, is growing! And, as you have expressed Chetan, it is ‘us’ we have been missing! Meeting Serge Benhayon is finding the key to unlock the door, we have built within us, then it is just a matter of stepping through the door.

  361. “The body is a temple for the Soul” I had come across this statement before meeting Universal Medicine, but failed to connect to the real meaning of this immutable truth and consequently had no regard as to how I treated my own temple. Studying the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom have empowered me to restore my appreciation of and connection to my own inner sacredness and hence the quality of how I care for my body has undergone a 360 degree transformation. There is still much to deepen, but the vitality, joy and appreciation that I feel in my body today far outweighs the work hard/party hard activities of the past. Honouring our bodies really is the best medicine on Earth.

  362. The day I met Serge Benhayon was the day that my life also changed too. He has been the most constant guide in terms of navigating the ups and downs of life…from the smallest of details to the largest. The wisdom he imparts is deeply inspiring allowing all that who know him to connect to and activate the same wisdom within themselves.

  363. “feeling invincible in the fact that no matter what I did the previous night, I could come back to my peak levels the next day by just being crazily disciplined with my regular intense workouts” – hmm, yes Chetan, the might of the insatiable spirit; the gall and allure of incorrect discipline i.e. discipline without or not from love but through feat or accomplishment which in fact gets us no where except eventually exhausted in a heap, unproductive. An applied loving discipline arises natural vitality — to do more.

  364. Also love these words on Stillness… “I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body.”
    In reconnecting with the stillness within myself also Chetan, I have felt the same – yes, it is innately within, and to get in touch with this is profound beyond measure… And yet, although ‘within’ it is an aspect of our divinity, of God’s Love, in which we are most certainly held. So at once we find ourselves in deep personal relationship with this quality, and by virtue of its very nature, simultaneously awakened to our interconnectedness with all.
    Very, very beautiful to read of your journey here, of reconnecting to all that you are, and your no holds barred way of celebrating every part of you – the true and magnificent you – that has been refound and reclaimed, Chetan. Thank-you.

  365. Love how you’ve described what true movement is today for you in life, Chetan – movement in accordance with, and responsibility to, the All.
    Greatness and humility stand side by side when we surrender to this, and allow the knowing of our purpose here – yes, ancient indeed – to once again flood our veins.

  366. ‘ And now, having chosen to not run any more from this, I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body. This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout.’ It is truly wonderful to discover how crucial is our knowing of the quality of stillness in life. Deep down we all know and miss the beauty of stillness – especially in a world entirely geared to raciness and rushing interspersed with troughs of exhaustion and lethargy. Stillness is deep beauty and divine quality and without it it is nothing, nor can there be true movement – a sobering thought!

  367. I had to read this over a few times as there is so much wealth in what has been written. Beautiful sharing of how by choosing honesty and truth as your marker you have been able to see through the arrogance and pride and re-connect to your true power, inner wisdom and loving essence.

  368. This is a great reminder of the potential and purpose in our lives here on earth, to begin to rediscover our true nature and bring this more and more in to our way of living, allowing an ongoing unfolding of awareness.

  369. It’s amazing when you realise that what you have been searching for is already there within you. All the trying and trying to prove ourselves stops, a huge weight lifts off your shoulders, and life becomes so much more simple. There is joy in the simplicity.

  370. Chetan, I love reading this article, I can feel how we are so much more than human when I read it, I can feel what very powerful and amazing beings we are, it is very beautiful that you have changed so much and now live in an honouring, true and loving way, you are a true role model of what is possible.

    1. I totally agree, Rebecca. I have such a sense of our multi-dimensionality reading this blog, it’s so expansive, very inspiring.

  371. ‘I took great pride in the knowing that I had lived some ‘warrior lives’ in my past and this further boosted me with a false sense of power.’
    I can really relate to this though this may not fit with what people think of me. But growing up I would take on anyone in my family who I thought was being abusive and not hold back having a very strong sense of knowing I have had lives where I have literally fought for truth. Contrary to this way at home was how I held back at school, later at work and socially. From early doors I wanted to be self-reliant and for that I needed work, which translated as doing whatever to fit in even if it meant trying to agree with social norms and not speaking out.

    But both ways are false. I didn’t bring loving understanding at home so I got reactions to my judgement and self righteousness. But I concluded it was speaking out for truth that got one attacked – a conclusion I came to partly because of this feeling that to speak truth it is required, as I felt it was previously, and to be committed fight for truth to the death. I had a pride that I would be willing to do this but then, as a young girl, who wanted to be independent and not subservient I choose to not speak it (and be subservient to others’ opinions). I didn’t realise so consciously at the time my choice felt like a betrayal of God and of who I am and to keep with this decision that wasn’t true I turned to various self-abusive behaviours to quell the wisdom that was ready to come forth.

    Just writing this I can see how I have held myself in the abuse of not allowing the love, the sweetness, the sensitivity and the truth within to shine forth without reservation all because I give my power away to the security the world seemingly offers. What if there is a bigger plan that is already laid and waiting for me, like us all, to simply be and we don’t have to worry about things like the next paycheck when we are allowing of it? Am I willing to surrender to this plan and not my very very narrow minded one?!

    1. Ahh the trap of settling for a fraction of our expression in order to get to the carrot of security and avoid the pain of reactions. I know this too well. Thank you for your honest share Karin. It is great to now know all that is required is a choice to start living the fullness of that love, the sweetness, the sensitivity and the truth within knowing, that there will be self-created patterns and tangles to clear along the way as well as enormous support from our Soul and the Universe always.

  372. “It’s like I am now being given more and more access to a much deeper and powerful teaching from the Universe with each of these movements.”
    Whilst our entire education system is based re-call and to regurgitate knowledge, Universal Medicine teaches us to access wisdom through the way we treat and move our bodies, which brings through the most incredible teachings and knowledge the earth has ever heard of.

    1. Yes, Universal Medicine teaches the truth of who we are and what we belong to, which should be taught in every school around the world from kindergarten.

  373. It is truly inspiring reading about the depth of commitment with which you have been dedicated to aligning yourself more and more to the truth of who you are and the vast unfolding Universe.

  374. There is so much depth and universality in this blog; it takes us from the daily practical life we live and expands us into the Cosmos through that knowing of the rhythm of true movements in that practical life, and thus we know ourselves as Human Beings but also that first and foremost we belong to the whole Universe and are Divine Beings. Through the Ageless Wisdom we are able to learn this, for many of us had forgotten it and chosen to reject it in favour of a comfortable, dense, safe lives we have created for ourselves. But once we have been shown by those that went before who were nearer to the Truth, and have so glimpsed the stars and felt the Constellations and how they flow through us all the time, all is opened up for our expansion and evolution. It is then our responsibility to commit to this purpose, not just for ourselves but for the whole of humanity — and the Universe. We make a difference. I love this blog Chetan, thank you.

  375. Such a rich article Chetan, I love the flow in this sentence and how it connects us to the truth that our bodies a vehicles through which we can bring God’s light and love, “I began to understand the true dynamic of movement. I began to understand the true meaning of my movements, and in that, I could now sense the true purpose of my physical body.”

    1. I love the part you highlighted Rosanna and I could highlight Chetan’s entire blog. Every sentence is deeply inspiring, honest and rich in wisdom. Also I too can relate to feeling the same purpose and understanding of my physical body. Knowing that it is a vehicle to express God’s love, this has changed my life and in accepting why I am here on earth.

  376. Very inspiring to read Chetan and your commitment to truth is deeply felt. Love this one; ‘I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body. This Quality of Stillness for sure evolves me each time I re-connect to it within me – this innermost of ‘me’ that then is my anchor throughout.’ Beautiful blog, thank you!

  377. Chetan I love this part “”I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?” where you share just how your journey of re-connection to yourself and the importance of every aspect and every movement, I know for myself I set out with great intention but them my movements don’t always confirm that connection with me and the universe. It’s great to be reminded of this and the importance of my movements in everything. After all they are what support me to remain connected to me and therefore offer inspiration to all.

  378. There are so many men who lead the same kind of life, drinking in the evenings, sometimes quite a lot, and working out hard in the gym as if to counteract the damage done before. Its very inspiring to read how you developed energetic responsibility in your movements and what a huge impact this had in your life.

  379. It often is said to treat the body like a temple, like something sacred and that I would agree is good advice but rarely it is identified whom this temple serves. Universal Medicine clearly presents that there are two available energies or beings, prana/spirit and fire/Soul, who can use the body for their expression and the different effect those energies will have on the overall state of the body and the way we experience life. Thank you for giving a very descriptive and vivid testimony to both states that comes with authority from direct experience and realization.

  380. The Soul adores and honours the restrictions of our body. It is very appreciative of the body. Whereas the spirit – when not in connection with the Soul – thinks it owns the body. That it can dictate the body. Of course it can make choices that aren’t in line with the rhythm of our body, but this can only last for so long. As our body is part of the universe and actually belongs to it, it cannot but show us the consequences of the choices we’ve made or are making. Not as a critic, but simply to offer us countless opportunities to come back to the rhythm of our Soul. How magnificent.

  381. This Ancient Wisdom Chetan describes here makes sense to me on a cellular level.

    I find it funny when people mistake The Way of The Livingness as “alternative” when it has been around for aeons, so that the way we live now is more likely the alternative life style as it ‘derived’ from this ancient way of honoring self, others and the Universe.

    The Way of The Livingness is the only kind of education or school that has inspired and supported me to take tender loving care of my body so I can have ‘a body of love’ with which to take responsibility with in all areas of life and to be able to myself in full.

  382. ‘I started to take a hard look in the mirror each morning and began to see that the man being reflected back to me was but only a half version of who I truly was;’ … I know this feeling, I can remember looking into the mirror and feeling disappointed, not because I don’t look like someone on the cover of a magazine, but because I knew that I was and am so much more than what I was reflecting to the world in the way I was choosing to live. Now I love looking into my eyes and seeing heaven.

  383. ‘There was a time in my life when I was hugely arrogant and this largely came from my misplaced identification with my body and the lives I knew I had lived earlier before coming into this one.’ – through your willingness to be so open and honest, Chetan, you are offering us all a gorgeous reflection that in order to understand the whole, we must take the time to understand each part that makes up the whole, equally. When we have understanding for a few parts only, it’s very easy to mis-interpret or to make false assumptions.

  384. When we start to make different choices and start to let go of hurts we are beginning our journey back to self love. I used to be riddled with self loathing and lack of self worth but wasn’t aware of how much this was so until I looked back one day and realised that not only did I have an ever growing appreciation of myself, but that i was beginning to deeply love myself too! From this self love the drive (and hardness) to change diminishes. I know that I have wanted to get to a place of self love and surrender but I have come at it from a want or a need to get there. This want or need is counter productive, because as we know there is no arrival – we are already there and so the surrender to what we already are is the key to feeling it.

    1. Beautifully expressed Michelle and this KEY is what makes Universal Medicine unmatched, for every modality, every presentation, every part of the business is founded on this journey back to who we truly are.

    2. The want and the need of anything we think we need, will always fall short of our expectations and just becomes the carrot on the stick outside of us! When we surrender we find there is no need to look for anything outside of us because we are complete.

  385. Thank you for sharing that although your body was not exhibiting any obvious disease that you could feel the effects of your former lifestyle and the harsh discipline that you subjected your body to. It is beautiful to feel how you are now lovingly committed to move in a way that reflects your obedience to the Divine within us all.

  386. It’s really interesting what you’ve shared about overeating Chetan; the dullness we choose and create for ourselves can be felt by a lot of people around us; that tired, flippant, sleepy feeling where your body feels exhausted from taking in so much content does actually create ripples in the room/home/restaurant or wherever we are.

  387. Chetan this is a beautifully honest blog. A great story of letting go of the arrogance of individuality and surrendering to divine will and oneness. It is so refreshing for a man to write in this way.

  388. Brilliant blog Chetan, your words are deeply inspiring and I too can very much relate to what you’ve shared. Since meeting Serge Benhayon, I also, step by step started making more and more loving movements and choices. I know every time I read your blog, it is a beautiful reminder for me to ask myself this same question; “Who pulls my strings?”

  389. What I feel is so powerful about this sharing, Chetan, is that even when life was good and you felt on top of the world in many respects, there was something deep inside you that always knew there was so much more to you than what you had become. It is very joyful to feel how you have listened to this inner wisdom.

  390. Having read this twice now Chetan and enjoying it all the more second time around, I am struck by the illusion we tend to run with in society that if you are ‘blessed with a great body’ that you will therefore be happier and more content with yourself. In one sense you could say you were, but discovered it was a false sense of yourself… made harder to arrive at in some respects because you DID fit the picture, rather than arriving at your true self, your value and worth through the dissatisfaction of NOT fitting the ‘warrier’ ideal.

  391. What is the quality of my movements? We could think it is a small part in life if we reduce it to exercise and sports, but it is all in life as we are in a constant movement all the time.So in which movement are we really and what is the quality of our movement. It is awesome what you have shared here Chetan, very inspirational.

  392. It is such a blessing to know we are responsible for everything that happens to us and through us and because of us, so cutting through everything to the absolute truth is the most important thing.

  393. “…These choices started to show me a path that made my body feel vital … listening to what my body needed on a daily basis as I walked, as I ate, as I communicated and expressed in the world, as I slept – it all became one glorious movement in my body …” A beautiful description of the process of unravelling back to our original way of being. Tender, honest and in every day language so relevant for everyone, thank you for sharing.

  394. It was so interesting to be reminded of how we can abuse that connection to the body. All that exercise and discipline looks good on the outside, but when it’s used in that extreme way it acts as a wall of protection, creating a suit of armour that cannot be penetrated by the love, and by what is truly going on around us. It’s a way championed by many but delivers us no true quality in the way we live.

  395. “Choices that even though they were challenging for me initially, I held onto, as I could feel the truth of what was being shown to me.” When the truth is delivered with absolute love, it empowers us to face the challenging choices with a new awareness and determination, a determination to unearth their root cause and heal the pain behind them. Your frankness and honesty Chetan is very inspiring in a world that fosters escapism and distraction over embracing our true responsibility to deeply care for our body, the vessel of our soul.

  396. Thank you Chetan for sharing so honestly and absolutely. Sharings such as this become beautiful teachings that allow many of us to expose and drop previous held false illusions. You have claimed all that you are and now you are bringing it to others – Thank you

  397. And the deepening of our connectedness to the universe, the cosmic, never stops. There will be times when we stumble, take a backwards step, but with willing and tenderness can always bring ourselves back.

  398. God does not live in buildings but by making our body ‘the temple of the Soul’ it then becomes god’s residence. A powerful testament to this fact. Thank you Chetan.

  399. It is amazing that life or lifetimes of not caring for our bodies and the stunting it enviably causes in our lack of evolving starts with a simple choice, to stop disregarding ourselves and because we are ageless we can choose at any time in our life.

  400. “I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body.” That is really something to ponder on also that our movements determine our way of living. It seems to be that most of us have missed some very important information while we grew up!

  401. This story of going from abusing the body to holding it in deep regard is very rich and full and gives the reader (me) a real sense of how you did it which is wonderful. The way that you approached it strikes me as very scientific in many ways as you went about knowing the truth for yourself. We cannot just accept things at face value. They have to resonate with us and be something that we know for ourselves. You now know the importance of movement which is what you have shared so beautifully Chetan.

  402. Wonderful blog Chetan. Thankyou. I love what you have said about the word ‘discipline’. Like many words this word has been totally distorted: ‘I took great pride in the knowing that I had lived some ‘warrior lives’ in my past and this further boosted me with a false sense of power. In short, I had succumbed to that illusion of the so-called ‘discipline’ that I was living with’. Temporal discipline nearly always involves some kind abuse to the body, and it is telling that in education the word discipline nearly always means ‘punishment’. True discipline is energetic discipline which can only come about as a result of developing awareness and then choosing truth.

  403. My whole life also changed the day I met Serge Benhayon. What Serge presents makes so much sense and reconnects me to the Truth I know deep within and have always known and in fact am. So yes, I agree with you none of us are truly ignorant although we may pretend to ourselves and others at times that we are.

  404. Chetan, the way you honed your body, the same way I honed my mind and i had a similar experience – it was never enough and, in the honing, I saw the severe limitations of the mind. What was missing was knowing an alternative.

  405. “The Body is a Temple for the Soul” – and the temple is the body of the one soul.

  406. Thankyou Chetan for sharing so warmly and openly your whole self. I appreciated this line “my hurts, reactions and judgements had not just diminished me, but had diminished my light and natural essence”, how true this is and it clearly highlights how the first person we hurt is ourselves when we make the choice to react, judge or carry hurts. Our essence is precious and we can honour it deeply with our own precious care.

  407. When we feel our body and the connection to every movement we begin to get really honest with ourselves and how we live. It is from these movements that we can then observe and be aware of all going on around us, just from that beautiful connection we hold with every little movement made. Showing us much in terms of true support and the power we have to bring all of who we are into our expression from the heart.

  408. ‘The tension within my body kept on increasing and this did nothing to heal my patterns and behaviours.’ it is the same for many of us, regardless of what our patterns are – for me it has been patterns of overeating and disregard, pushing myself to do more that I can physically achieve and being self-critical. Eating has dulled the tension so I can’t feel it, but that dulling is short-lived and not in any way a true solution, because the tension never actually goes away.

    1. So true – the tension can offer connection to our soul if we choose that – rather than the dulling.

  409. As a yoga teacher with a strong, physically fit body, I too polluted the world with my arrogant swagger but nobody could have told me this at the time, I had to experience my body breaking down and showing me irrefutably the error of my living ways in order for me to be able to question the way that I had been living. Chetan I too have changed the way that I do everything with my body and this has changed not only my world but ‘the’ world as it is with our bodies that we will restore Heaven on Earth.

  410. This is a mammoth sharing Chetan and extraordinary for so many reasons. Your honesty, your insight, your wisdom, your ability to claim who you are, your eloquence, your understanding, your level of commitment, your level of responsibility, your dedication and your ability to convey the extraordinary in a comprehensible way are all nothing short of stunning! Truly masterful.

  411. It is a very powerful self observation to notice how our hurts, reactions and judgements actually hurt the body by first dulling the light of our natural essence.

  412. True respect for the body comes from humbleness – and humbleness comes only when you truly recognise the grandeur of all that is around you.

  413. “I started to take a deep, honest look at everything.” It is only when we take this deep, honest look at everything about the way we are living, our motivations, beliefs and ideals, emotional reactions and thought patterns and face ourselves truly, that we are able to make the change. Before honesty there has to be a recognition and awareness of what is actually going on, then the honesty about our choices, and then the most difficult transition of all, accepting the truth of who we really are – beings of Love with a Divine Essence -and how we have been rejecting it in favour of a created life.

  414. After reading this I am super inspired to put myself on a programme of observing my movements – how I walk into a room, how do I start the car, how do I say hello, how do I walk from one room to the next. This will bring what quality I am choosing so I can debase beliefs and ideals and live from my inner knowing.

  415. A powerful confirmation of the stillness that is always within us, to be surrendered unto, held and then reflected through us, as a lived quality in our everyday lives for all to benefit in seeing themselves in this if they choose to.
    “And now, having chosen to not run any more from this, I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body”.

  416. What an insightful, powerful and appreciated sharing – thank you Chetan, such an understanding of your path to deep connection with you soul. The transition of your choices is humbling, to let go of how we have know ourselves and identified ourselves with the world is very freeing. Accepting honesty, truth, self love and commitment are part of the new choices and deeply appreciated by our bodies and souls when we choose this over staying stuck in ways that we know aren’t working.

  417. Another brother returning to their natural selves. A blessing to read.

  418. Love how open and honest you are about your past and being so arrogant. It is refreshing when people can expose where they have been, what they have been caught up in without being afraid of just telling it like it is.

  419. To stop living the warrior inside as a man is something that deeply resonates within me. I’ve not resurrected myself in full from the warrior, yet I do feel deeply so that I’m not the warrior. I am a deeply loving and caring man. A simple man that just loves to truly love.

  420. This article certainly packs a punch and goes off in all manner of directions. I found this, and this is true responsibility, “I now know that I am responsible for – with how I live, how I think, how I speak, how I move, how I breathe, how I walk and how I reflect” and while some may read it as hard work and others equally as simple this is a dedication to a greater call that goes beyond ‘just me’. We often seem to look at the world through ‘me’ glasses and in that can miss the reflections of something grander and greater. Funnily enough the more truly responsible we become the more we see beyond ‘me’.

    1. ….. and the more we see beyond ‘me’, the more we appreciate the magnificence of all that is around us, the ALL that we are a part of and the ‘me’ starts to become very insignificant.

  421. There is something about past lives and our pre-occupation with them that can cap us from actually living in this life. I know that sounds odd but, although I can feel I have lived before and that I have brought a foundation with me into this life, I feel that if I focus too much on what I have done in the past I will miss what I am here to evolve to in this life! I will have taken my eye off the ball and it is a clever ploy to distract me from the work at hand! So as much as I would like to know I did a good job, I was a decent, kind and loving person, that I stood up for right and spoke up against wrong, I have to choose the here and now and to live all of that in the here and now to lay a footprint that holds not just me, but anyone who wants to live love, just as I am sure I walk in the footprint of others who have walked before me.

  422. Took me several times over the day to read this, it oozes truth, honesty and responsibility. You have shown how we can choose to see and cut ties to everything that keeps us small and in a box.

  423. ‘it all became one glorious movement in my body and I was able to feel an expansion that I had never ever felt before.’ – Very beautiful Chetan – the importance of our movements and how it affects our entire being, is something we need to hear over and over again.

  424. Awesome. What you describe here Chetan is the facade that so many men put on – a need to be tough and hard and arrogant and push through. The reality is – this is hiding who men truly are. To drop these ideals is huge and reading it makes me appreciate the fact that your body knew there was something more – and continues to keep wanting to be more of itself.

  425. I love the phrase “My Cosmic duty is unwavering…”, the most fullfilling and joy-filled duty to expand back into, our relationship with the universe fully claimed.

  426. Wow, there are so many gems in this blog Chetan, written with such humility it’s hugely inspiring. I just loved reading how ‘every movement is now a ritual.’ There is nothing too small, too insignificant in the eyes of God. Everything counts, everything matters because it is part of the whole, the whole of us and of where we are from. When we are able to bring this realisation in practical day to day living as you share here, magic happens – our bodies move in the harmony of the divine and alchemy takes place all around… This is possible to anyone – the ask of us all is to be dedicated to what is true, to humbly step into the grace of who we are, and to move in this quality every day.

  427. This is a great example Chetan of our body being a vehicle of expression that can be driven by one of two drivers. For the most part we have the human spirit behind the wheel, taking the vehicle on a reckless joyride through life in sheer disregard to any repercussions that may happen (sickness, accidents, exhaustion etc.) because the it knows that it is immortal and when the body dies, it will just inhabit another one and pick up where it left off. It is this arrogance that allows us to use the human form as a dumping ground for temporal excesses. That is until such a time that a call comes from within or we are stopped in our tracks by tragedy and begin to realize that we can’t continue on like this, that there is another way. This begins the re-imprinting process – laying down the stones of a far more solid foundation, with true love as our guide, just as you have so beautifully described for us here, so that the human form can no longer be used as a wasteland and instead becomes what it is divinely designed to do and that is to enhouse the light of the Soul.

  428. Chetan beautiful, powerful and deeply profound to read and appreciate all that you share and the light that you are. Much, if not all of what you share echoes what I feel and your words inspire me to deepen my love, my movement and my quality to the depth that I am innately.

    1. Totally agree DN this beautifully written piece shares such wisdom of its own showing the way Chetan has grown and therefore the value of the teachings he has accessed.

  429. A deeply beautiful and truly awesome blog Chetan. The inspiration you offer and responsibility you reflect is a loving nudge for us all to live the majestic, magnificence we all truly are. Thank you my Brother.

  430. It’s ultimately up to us. Are we willing to accep arguments and anger, disturbance and depression, melancholy and moods – or will we say no? ‘This is not me’ and go to make a simple change, to come back to a loving movements. Thank you Chetan for your reminder that no matter what takes place – we always have a choice.

  431. What I love the most about what is shared here is what is claimed and lived. There is no holding back and definitely no hiding…”This is me and this is who I am”. Very awesome and inspiring reading.

  432. I love your final comment, Chetan, asking yourself in those moments when you feel even a tiny bit less that the magnificence you truly are – “Who pulls my strings?” It is our sole (and soul) responsibility to live in the absolute fullness of our divine power, and it is stunning to feel your commitment to that purpose.

  433. Thank you Chetan for sharing this stupendous story of your unfolding insights and return which resonates so deeply to my heart and offers a beautiful inspiration and pull for to also deepen my own connection, honouring and commitment to the soul-led unfolding of my own life.

  434. Reading this I was reminded of the perception I held a few years ago that the idea of being aware and present with my every movement was to big to cope with, how was such even possible when I had so many tasks, and expectations placed onto myself. Initially it was intense but thats the quality I brought into everything – intense and very tense! These days with the support of Esoteric Yoga and True Movement it’s an absolute joy to feel how I sit on a chair, wash my hands or brush my hair, everyday little things are beautiful to be present with. The appreciation of these everyday little movements being with and of God is felt as I read this. Thank you Chetan.

    1. Good point Leigh, “Initially it was intense but thats the quality I brought into everything – intense and very tense!” I had quite an intense situation last night, and in that moment there were a few options of how to deal with it, completely succumb to the situation and get gobbled up by it or stay with myself and feel how that doesn’t only support me but everyone. It is amazing how quickly our bodies movements become more still and purposeful again when we leave what is going on outside of ourselves and sit back and observe. Not always easy but allowing the body to become tense as well makes it so much harder.

  435. Chetan, you have hit us with another bomb shell of your wonderful and amazing Love! Wow who can deny from reading this that there is far far more to us all than meets the eye? We are greater than we think we are and this is one of the keys to rising ourselves out from the issues, struggles and dilemmas of life.

    1. I too can feel the love emanating from Chetan’s words Joshua. His expression is deeply open, honest and full of wisdom.

  436. To feel and connect to the ripple effect that every movement we make has, brings great responsibility, purpose and joy to our life.

    1. Yes, the key is to be connected and stay connected, something you can’t do when you have an intensive workout, be it physical or mental.

      1. You can be connected but the question is what are you connected to? – clearly not the Soul or your body!

  437. ‘I was however in complete ignorance. And boy, did that make me arrogant!’ It is humbling when we first admit to the arrogance we have been walking through life with, but I remember in that moment when I first admitted it – rather than going ‘ouch’ I felt it as a blessing as my body opened up and there was more space created within it. For me it was a very quiet moment. As soon as it was nominated the arrogance cleared completely from my body and there was more honest appreciation for myself too.

    1. Humbleness is an opening up to a deeper level of awareness – if we are willing to go there.

  438. In water it becomes evident that we create ripples with our movements that radiate out and bounce into and off others and other things.. And yet how much do we consider that we are doing this all the time – creating ripples with our movements – regardless of whether we are in water or not… And consider what kind of energy we are emanating out with those ripples that have an effect on everyone around us…

  439. Responsibility is so much greater than I ever imagined and is commonly understood. Our every ‘thought, word and deed’ is a movement that affects the ‘All’ and never is there any time to ‘take a day off.’ As I am often keen to remind myself, if we choose to act in irresponsible ways, we are in fact responsible for this too.

  440. Thank you Chetan you have covered so many aspects of the ways we disconnect from our true selves but the core of what you offer is beautifully summed up in your title and I am feeling the depth of responsibility we have towards our bodies and the reflection that they are of how we are moving through life.

  441. Gorgeous blog Chetan; a beautiful testament to you and your commitment to being a representative of the future true way of living as opposed to the standards of today.

  442. If we all sit around a table and share the stories of our lives, most probably they will be different ones. Yet, we will discover at some point that underneath them all, we all share that we are (or that we were) prisoners of life without even knowing that this was the case. If we continue, we will also become aware that we have constructed the ‘jail’ where we lived our illusion. We are fully responsible for where we ended up. We are equally totally responsible to extricate ourselves out of it. It was, and it is our choice and there is always time to do so.

  443. There are so many one liner statements in your blog that stop me in my tracks, and find myself re-reading and feeling the depth of the Universe from. …”I know absolutely that ‘stillness’ is neither slow, nor fast, but a holding within my body…” captures the quality of stillness in movement… Love. Your blog truly deserves the full grace of study.

  444. “These indulgences/behaviours that I had always known, ever since I was a young boy, are not who I am.” Although I did not know that my ‘indulgences/behaviours’ were not me I did, however, have the feeling of not being in harmony with myself. At that time it did not know it was a lack of harmony I was feeling. In fact, it was not until sometime after I first met Serge Benhayon when I was aged 55 did I equate that feeling of unsettlement within myself, which had continued throughout my life, with harmony, or lack of it, within myself and with the world. Through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, as presented by Serge Benhayon, I have come to realise that this dis-harmony has been me not honouring and expressing myself. That in fact I had been constantly attempting to mould myself to fulfill ideals and beliefs not mine own of how I should be. Learning to discard these and to feel and live from knowing from who I am and not by what I do or endeavour to be, so the feeling of dis-harmony within myself is dissolving and in its place is the returning to a natural state of inner-harmony – what a joy.

  445. I can relate to being in a great amount of illusion and hardness in my younger years. My self worth was obtained through all the things I could do, but it was not steady, because I had to keep proving I was worthy by doing more, and then of course if I didn’t ‘do’ as much, I then felt less worthy. Having a sense of self worth that is from within regardless of what you do is the only way I have found works so as not to get swept away by the chaos of the world.

  446. “And if I forget on any given day, I remind myself by asking myself; “Who pulls my strings?” And the answer is always resounding – Love and Responsibility – first and foremost to my body, to evolution!” Absolutely! Great post Chetan – thankyou.

  447. I have made the choice to start again – to work on letting go of the knowledge I live from and live The Livingness.

  448. “So on a practical level, how did I firmly, deeply build this innermost in my body?” i love your explanation of how you supported yourself to build back up from the ground, so to speak – becoming “honestly aware of my movements: my walking, the way I get up from bed, the way I get to bed, how I flush, how I put down/up the toilet seat, how I wash dishes, how I prepare my tea, how I cook food, how I travel, how I sit, how I meet and hold myself and others when I talk to them – each and every movement through life.” Beautiful and clear.

  449. Well said and thank you for sharing Chetan some very insightful points – indeed ‘who pulls my strings’ is a great question to ask oneself.

  450. “Through all this I could now humbly feel how this is all about true responsibility. Because if I was not being responsible with my own body, how then could I walk the world saying I am a responsible citizen of the planet?” How many of us see our body as a temple, not to worship but as a sacred place that offers us an opportunity to connect to our Soul and to God. If we are not able to take full responsibility for the choices we make in how we mis-use the body, then can we ever know if we are being truly responsible in other areas of our life.

  451. Meeting Serge Benhayon is a game changer for everyone, whether we realise this or not. The vast majority that meet Serge Benhayon start to reevaluate everything in their life up to the point of meeting him. For me it’s like being thrown a life belt as I struggled in the sea of life trying to keep my head above the water, it is up to each one of us as individuals whether we hang on to the life belt and use it to save ourselves, or carry on as we were for another life time. The choice is always ours to make. Serge Benhayon has never told me or anyone I know what to do. He presents and we are left with a choice always.

  452. A powerful blog Chetan. Thank you for sharing this honest account of your journey. I too am becoming aware of the power in how we move, and as you describe, movement is not only the physical, but also about how we speak and think.

  453. The teachings of Serge Benhayon and of The Ageless Wisdom and are simple, revelatory and extraordinary by the fact that they offer humanity true answers to come out of our dilemmas and woes. You have shown us all what is possible, Chetan by applying what was shared to transform indulgences and behaviours that weren’t truly you and reconnect back to who you truly are.

  454. “Who pulls my strings?” A very wise question to ask our selves Chetan. The Ageless Wisdom as presented by Serge Benhayon constantly reminds us of our responsibility in this world, “to my body, to evolution”. Your ability to transform the footloose and fancy free party animal into a humble reflection of divine love, a man who genuinely cares for himself and for everyone with the utmost tenderness and wisdom undeniably proves the power of these teachings. When we can humbly admit our arrogance and ignorance, the way forward opens up for us to trade in our un-loving choices for something far more valuable – real evolution.

    1. Yes, Rowena, I like that idea of trading in our old ways to make different choices by embracing what is important in life, a return to a more loving way of being.

  455. A blessing to open up your blog this morning Chetan and receive the wisdom and love shared openly and tenderly. We are reminded of our true purpose: to align with and serve the one God and put the ‘small’ self to bed for good.

  456. Beautiful beyond words Chetan. The depth and universality of you flows through your writing, Your journey will be related to by many and will inspire others to live their lives with ‘absolute obedience to God and Divinity’

  457. Thank you for exposing the lifestyle of a man who has a ‘good’ body, well worked out etc. and how there was so much abuse in this. I love how you turned around and now truly honour your body by making every movement important and about quality.

  458. As I can sense from reading your blog Chetan, it is a blessing from heaven to return to living a life in service of co-creation instead of in service of creation which many of our brothers are living.

  459. Wow Chetan, your journey is amazing to read, from living a life of disregard and arrogance to living gently and lovingly and responsibility, what a turnaround. The Ancient Wisdom is truly beautiful and if lived is deeply healing and a natural, loving way to live. It’s very gorgeous to read this and to feel the huge changes you have made in your life and what an inspiring effect this will have on those you meet.

  460. “I began to consider that each movement is important. How do I walk? How do I talk? What is the quality of my movements?” It is the movements we make that can create a rhythm that follows the strong beat of our heart and bodies as one or against this divine marker that will show us how we are living and to what degree we are willing to go to forgo this gift. Allowing ourselves the space to learn and grow from our movements is a movement unto itself and reveals much in terms of our level of responsibility we so choose. Thank you Chetan.

  461. “I have come to deeply understand that the quality of my movements determines the level of stillness within me.” Feeling the Divine stillness within we reconnect to who we truly are.

  462. It is an extraordinary thing that we miss… taking loving care of our bodies – because if our actions, which come from our bodies, are not loving towards ourselves, then how can we truly love another?

  463. Thank you Chetan, it is always amazing to read the transformations that occur when there is a connection with the soul lived once again.

  464. Wow… awesome blog Chetan – there is no turning back once we truly connect and deeply commit to the Ancient Wisdom.

  465. After life times of deep slumber, when we re-connect back to the truth that we in truth have never been without yet have chosen otherwise, it is a re-activation and externalization of what has always been within us. Everything changes. On a human level, it might be a ‘wow!’ but, really, it is our true normal simply being reinstated, and that is very beautiful.

  466. As you discovered Chetan through your remarkable inward journey of transformation, “our body is a temple for the soul” so then it naturally follows that it is our responsibility to honour this divine temple, or not. I felt as if I was walking alongside of you as you came to the truth of who you are and could feel so clearly how you once moved through your life and how you do now, being responsible for each and every movement and living each moment to the fullest; now that to me is true religion.

  467. The choices and commitment you have chosen Chetan is an inspiration to all people, men and women alike. The steadiness and consistency expressed are felt within the heart, that stillness is equal within us all. Isn’t that what power is about, without any need to be anywhere or to change anything; isn’t this what love is about, purely patience that has no limitation in time and space, without any need for us to be anything other that how we already are…but it is when we no longer avoid feeling the depth and the grandness that everyone and everything is, that we choose to express the grand love that is simply who we are.

  468. Profound transition through life Chetan, remarkable, though unsurprising what re-connection to The Ageless Wisdom as taught by Universal Medicine does bring forth to re-ignite once again – True Love. Truth. Wisdom. Power.

  469. Chetan, I have been blessed by your sharing. Inspired to continue to deepen this relationship within myself and ensure my place in the Universe is one of harmony with the Universe. Who pulls my strings indeed – I will walk with that today and lay a new foundation, confirming and appreciating whilst equally discarding all that does not support that level of love and responsibility.

  470. Returning to our true nature is something we have, and are, all struggling with, yet, as you have shared, once we choose to be honest, to let go of the illusions, ideals and beliefs and start to heal the hurts from all that we have turned our back on, it is a choice to claim the divine love and light that is innate within us all. ‘This is the quality I am walking in now. For I know that this is honouring of The All in me and The All that is in the constant expansion of the Cosmic.’ Very beautiful and power-full, Chetan.

  471. Wow, all that you have shared has sent the most divine ripples throughout our Universe, Chetan and I, for one, am deeply moved and inspired, thank you.

  472. This is a very powerful sharing Chetan! This is an inspirational journey you have shared with us. I love your words ” I am now able to live life with a deep gratitude and an absolute humility for all life”

  473. Its very cool that you speak of your past lives as if they were as normal as breathing. Much of the Western world would criticise this saying you can’t possibly know that, but that seems to dismiss the millions of people that live knowing that reincarnation is real, and whether you believe in it or not, it is still real.

    1. I was raised in a belief system that actively negated reincarnation – but despite that I have always had a deep knowing that it is true. I can create doubt if I want to, but I would just be denying that which I very clearly feel and know is true within.

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