Dreams ­– What are they Showing us About our Life?

Years ago I used to have a recurring dream about being alone in the yard of a concentration camp. The dream was about total desolation and incarceration, barrenness and despair. When I would wake from this dream, I felt like I could hardly breathe. Had I lived this experience in a past life? I would have to make a determined effort to struggle from the heaviness of the dream into my day.

Recently I had a dream about being with a group in a dark space and wanting to escape by climbing up and out from a dark dungeon into the light. As I attempted to find my footings, the climbing felt difficult and uncomfortable. It also involved precision, dedication, and trust. When I arrived at the windows above the dark space, the first window was too small for my head. I reached further to open another larger window and was able to climb my whole body through into the light.

When I woke from this dream, I felt light and clear. There was a sense of freedom. The dream to me clearly indicated that when trapped in emotional pain you cannot free yourself by using the mind… it is through our connection to the whole body that we quieten the mind, bringing the mind into conscious presence with what the body is doing. Practising conscious presence enables us to feel the stillness, and in the harmony of stillness, our connection to our Soul, and to God

How are these two dreams related?

The first dream is telling me how limited I am when I allow outside forces to dictate how life is or how I am, or who I am. How successfully thoughts of lack of self worth, frustration, guilt or any emotions keep us separate from who we truly are. They are the barriers to feeling our true beauty and worth. On a deeper level, as a young woman I knew what felt true, I knew integrity, I could feel my sensitivity and I could feel love, but I didn’t know how to express or live these qualities fully in the world. There was a tension between what I knew in my heart and how to live it. What was missing was a deeper connection to my Soul.

The recent dream confirms that there is a way out of this self-imposed prison. The ‘way out’ is my dedication to The Way of The Livingness, to live to the best of my ability with energetic responsibility. This way of life asks us to be disciplined, aware, self-loving and consciously present – bringing the mind in line with what the body is feeling and doing.

On the morning that I woke from this dream, I could feel how spacious and light my body felt. My thoughts were of the grandness of the universe, how our particles are aligned to the stars. We are more than a physical body; we are part of a much grander oneness. It is a wonderful feeling of liberation and expansion to feel our connection to each other, to our energetic responsibility to life on earth. It opens us up to consider what quality of energy collectively we citizens of earth are emanating into the universe.

This profound shift in my consciousness from the incarcerating prison to the feeling of being at one with the universe did not happen overnight. For many years I was searching for answers to the frustrating sense of limited thinking, and to the inner questioning that there has to be more to life, and I sought these answers outside myself. I used to say to myself, “There must be one man on the planet who is at the forefront of true consciousness, who can get us past this limited, old way of being.” It seemed that life on planet earth was full of pain and suffering, even for those of us who lived in relative comfort and success.

From the first time I attended a presentation by Serge Benhayon, life began to hold a deeper purpose. I began to forge a loving connection to my Soul.

I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart so that I could live my truth free of limiting, ingrained patterns. Old ideals and beliefs about how to be were gradually worn down as I began to accept and appreciate who I am. Judgments about the world were relinquished as well – the layers of protection that I had been using to guard myself from being hurt. I was ready and willing to get out of gaol.

Serge presented the difference between spirit and Soul, that we have a choice of energy in every moment, with every thought, every intention, every movement throughout our day, and all of these affect the quality of our dreams, as I experienced for myself.

What is so very powerful about Serge Benhayon is that he reflects a lived way. A way to be in life that is founded on a deep connection and trust that we are all Sons of God, that we are love in our essence, and that when we choose to connect to our Soul, to the love that we are, we need no longer look for approval or answers from outside of us. We are all worthy of healing. And that is the beauty of knowing Serge: he has inspired me to come home to me and to the inner knowing that,

“Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations p. 664)

I have found that when I connect to my inner-heart and pay attention to its messages, I am complete. There is no need for perfection in this completeness.

I feel that I finally understand the teaching of Jesus:

“The Kingdom of God is within you.”

My Soul was communicating to me in these dreams the difference between existing with self-created, imprisoning constructs, and living life from my connection to my Soul – ­my inner knowing, loving guide and forever best friend. To cherish this deeper connection and to live with a moment-by-moment awareness with delicateness and grace is now my purpose ­ – surrendering to God’s Divine plan and feeling his beholding Divine love for us all. Life is not to be about suffering, achieving or striving. True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to and to embrace this with all of our being.

By Bernadette Curtin, Artist, Art Tutor, Writer, Bryon Bay, Australia

Further Reading:
More to life than meets the eye
The Vastness of Who We Are
Developing a Relationship – with my Essence

494 thoughts on “Dreams ­– What are they Showing us About our Life?

  1. No one to my knowledge has so clearly described the difference between the spirit and the soul with such clarity that there is no way we can say we do not understand within us all it awakens the realisation that we know too, we can either ignore what has been presented or inquire more into what the differences are and how these differences affect our choice of every movement.

  2. So much of life offers a chance for our evolution back to our Soul and it is up to us to feel what is serving our bodies at every interaction we have with our spirit, so we can respond to life and deepen our Love.

  3. ‘The dream to me clearly indicated that when trapped in emotional pain you cannot free yourself by using the mind… it is through our connection to the whole body that we quieten the mind, bringing the mind into conscious presence with what the body is doing.’ The more I surrender to my body, letting go of not just emotion, but pictures, ideals and beliefs the more settled and at ease I feel and the less in my head I am. In this way I allow my body to support me in making choices. It is remarkably easy to make decisions this way as my body confirms them every time.

  4. Is it simply a reflection of all of our worries and everything we are thinking, or is it communication about those things? How crucial is our perception on life…

    1. Sometimes my recent dreams are puzzling, but if I stay with the feeling upon waking, there is a message that is being communicated, and I find it supportive to allow a few moments to ponder what the dream is communicating, and where it has come from.

      1. Yes, absolutely. It never helps to try and analyse every aspect of it because the message gets lost – I also try to stay with the feeling and see if there’s any relevance in my day-to-day.

      2. I haven’t remembered my dreams in a very long time, but recently I have been dreaming again and remembering them in the morning. I know they are communications of support from my soul and I am paying careful attention to them.

      3. I love what you share here Bernadette, stay with the feeling on waking to support us to understand the dream, ‘there is a message that is being communicated, and I find it supportive to allow a few moments to ponder what the dream is communicating, and where it has come from.’

      4. I loved how you stayed with how you felt on waking after the dream, and how that supports you to receive the message, ‘On the morning that I woke from this dream, I could feel how spacious and light my body felt. My thoughts were of the grandness of the universe, how our particles are aligned to the stars. We are more than a physical body; we are part of a much grander oneness.’ We certainly are.

  5. “My thoughts were of the grandness of the universe, how our particles are aligned to the stars.” Yes, there is a much bigger grandness we all come from and if we can allow that knowing to be what we honour in our every day movements, then we will understand our responsibility on earth is not to earn more or to ‘get’ more but to remind each and every one of us that we have within us all the answers we seek.

    1. How many of us have that awareness in sight? Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be many. The majority of us think there’s something wrong with us, that we are bad & deserve all the things that are happening. We have no awareness of the fact that we are actually precious, and the way we are living our lives is so much less than what we are capable of & made for.

      1. viktoriastoykova I agree we are not brought up to consider ourselves as part of the universe quite the opposite in fact. We are taught from young that life is rather ‘humdrum’ and something to be got through rather than lived to the fullness of all that is on offer. It is as though our bodies are being squashed into a certain movement that prevents us from actually reconnecting to the universe. It’s such a strong sensation that even though we may feel there is more this over arching energy will do anything it can to stop the reunion. In the reunion with our soul the energy is rendered naught. We have a constant battle within us as our spirit fights to survive the inevitable return to our soul.

  6. Ok, just want to comment on finding this blog with this written, ‘“The Kingdom of God is within you.” Felt a little wobbly this evening asking myself do I have what it takes to be myself in this world. I have just read a new blog with this written and was great, this is exactly what I needed to read. But clicking apparently randomly on a month I came to this one- how’s that for being shown that we are all looked after. Shown that no matter how things may appear we are always deeply loved and looked after. My part is to connect to the Kingdom of God within just as others have done in times gone by that were far more challenging.

    1. Karin you asked yourself a powerful question and I feel that this is how we connect to the kingdom, looking within rather than looking outside us for answers. As you have experienced here, when we ask we are loved and supported in return. Thank you for sharing how it works!

  7. A dream has a way of catching our attention that doesn’t happen in everyday life. We know the dream is just for us and just about us whether we choose to honour it by acknowledging it or ignoring and discounting it. I deeply appreciate the dreams that come knowing they are always an invitation to go deeper into myself and re-connect to my wisdom and love.

    1. Christine dreams are definitely a way to catch our attention and if we just sit with the dream we can get a sense of what is being shown to us. I have just sensed a deeper meaning to a dream I had 2 nights ago. Which is that no matter what it may feel like or look like, we are always looked after. The more we get ourselves out of the way the more the support can be there. All we have to do is let go of the need to control life.

  8. ‘my Soul – ­my inner knowing, loving guide and forever best friend.’ Sometimes `i forget about my soul, which is a bit nuts really, but when I remember to connect, the power of love that is there within me reminds me to simply be.

    1. Connecting with our Soul, ‘I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart so that I could live my truth free of limiting, ingrained patterns’.

  9. Without purpose in our day to day life we will always struggle to commit to it. But if our dreams and the symbols or patterns that keep coming up in our day to day life can help provide clarity on that purpose, it is wise to appreciate them and see them as the learning opportunities they are.

  10. ‘Serge presented the difference between spirit and Soul, that we have a choice of energy in every moment, with every thought, every intention, every movement throughout our day, and all of these affect the quality of our dreams’ Dreams are amazing. They show me what is there for me to clear, they bring an awareness to consciousness that I’m aligning to so I can choose otherwise. Dreams ask me to evaluate my choices in life and make more loving ones.

    1. Karin, I don’t know anyone except Serge Benhayon who has explained the difference between spirit and soul so clearly, so that there is not a shred of doubt as to how our spirit manipulates and controls our thoughts so that we think that the thoughts we have are our own which makes us individual and just human. This is one of the many things I hate about the set up of life that we can get trapped in our minds so that we are disconnected from our bodies which is how the spirit can then control our lives so that there will not be a connection back to soul. Serge Benhayon by fully explaining the difference between spirit and soul has laid bare the games that this part of us continues to exert over us, because our spirit feels the pull back to the one soul and is in resistance to this inevitable outcome.

      1. Thank God that Serge Benhayon fully explained the difference between spirit, and Soul, so key to understand the difference, ‘Serge presented the difference between spirit and Soul, that we have a choice of energy in every moment, with every thought, every intention, every movement throughout our day, and all of these affect the quality of our dreams, as I experienced for myself.’

  11. What I can feel from this is how enriching and nurturing it is to just even be open to reading.

  12. I used to dream and now I don’t get them as much as I used to and sometimes I ponder as to why? But I find the most intriguing is the deja vu’s and I suddenly have this feeling that I have done or been here before, its like an epiphany.

    Everything has a meaning behind everything, no different to the responsibility we have in everything. We bring understanding then life just doesn’t happen, it happens for a reason – it is that simple if we are open to this.

    1. I used to dream a lot more too and used to love the efficiency of communication by the soul through them. I wonder if I am less open, or is it that where I am currently at in my initiation my lessons need to come from another source?

    2. We do have a responsibility in everything, being responsible is one aspect that supports us to return to the Truth, ‘there is a way out of this self-imposed prison. The ‘way out’ is my dedication to The Way of The Livingness, to live to the best of my ability with energetic responsibility. This way of life asks us to be disciplined, aware, self-loving and consciously present’.

  13. I used to have recurring dreams about trying to get home and being lost in a city, missing trains, wrong trains or driving around the wrong ways. This week I dreamt I was on a motorbike driving home from the countryside and I knew my way, had a GPS and was aware of the wrong turns. It was a lovely confirmation from my Soul. Our dreams can be a mirror of how we are living, they aren’t just ‘random’.

    1. Our dreams are always a conversation and an opportunity to consider how we are living, how we are putting ourselves to bed, and how much we are open to continue our awareness into our sleep rather than switch off and crash at the end of the day.

  14. Everything has a meaning in life, it is not like we are told that we just dream, there is symbolism in dreams and they often are a reflection of how we are living or have lived our days.

  15. Thanks Bernadette for sharing these dreams for we can all learn from them. Life is set up for us to be imprisoned unless we do see the true purpose of it and not get caught up in the zillions of distraction to keep us from connecting and remaining connected to our souls.

    1. kevmchardy life is set up in such a way that it imposes on us all constantly to wear us all in submission to accept a lesser life, not the life of grandness that we come from and is our birth right. realigning ourselves back to God is the only way out of this mess we have made for ourselves.

    2. We can get caught up in distractions, yet innately we know the Truth, ‘On a deeper level, as a young woman I knew what felt true, I knew integrity, I could feel my sensitivity and I could feel love, but I didn’t know how to express or live these qualities fully in the world.’

  16. Because of our choice to descend into this dense creation in which we will return to incarnation after incarnation until we arise from it, asks from us to be very focused on the goddess that we are to be able to resurrect ourselves to the light we are from.

  17. From my experience my dreams can either come from my spirit or Soul. The spirit dreams often leave me feeling tired, drained, unwilling to wake up or revved up and buzzy. The Soul dreams on the otherhand always come with a deeper message that feels very clear and solid.

    1. The Soul dreams do behold you for who you truly are while the spirit dreams take you in its hold.

  18. It is very true that we have a choice to live imprisoned in our minds or to harness the connection to our soul through our body. Just watched a clip on you tube about how our bodies have the same atoms that can be traced to the stars and when i look up at the stars I can’t help but feel wonderous.

    1. A beautiful reminder of where we come from Vanessa, ‘our bodies have the same atoms that can be traced to the stars and when i look up at the stars I can’t help but feel wonderous.’ We are magnificent.

  19. ‘It is through our connection to our body that we quieten the mind’.. yes- simple tools like bringing our attention to how we are breathing and moving, walking and exercising regularly- all of this supports our connection with our body and the development of a steady and solid confidence.

    1. I agree with you Bryony that building a steadiness in our bodies gives us a natural confidence that holds steady so there is less likely hood of going into overwhelm.

  20. Thank you Bernadette, your blog has reminded me of how much there is to appreciate. I used to yearn to understand the world, the Universe, myself, and our place within it all, and since finding the work of Serge Benhayon I have found all this and more, not just because Serge’s work offers so much, but also because by reconnecting to my own soul I also have equal access to the truth, intelligence, love, and wisdom of God. It doesn’t get much bigger than that!

    1. The work of Serge Benhayon and the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom give the world a opportunity to reconnect back to a way of being that will support humanity to climb out of the self incarceration back to the light of our soul. It’s the only gift worth having.

  21. I love remembering my dreams, they’re always so interesting and the detail very telling. At some point I used to have different dreams every night, I used to love waking up in the morning and sharing with friend and family around.

  22. There are times when I can have a mish mash of dreams and when I wake up I write down as much as I can remember and I ponder on the dream and the messages within them too. Sometimes my dreams are of past lives and within these are the things that I either didn’t deal with or healed. Just recently I dreamt about something and it was symbolic of what was playing out during the week and upon discussion with another friend who held and offered the space, with the no judgment, I broke down and felt the enormity of what was and had been playing out in my life and lives.

    I felt a huge revelation and understanding of why I was the way I was or had been.

  23. ‘it is through our connection to the whole body that we quieten the mind, bringing the mind into conscious presence enables us to feel the stillness and in the harmony of stillness, our connection to our Soul, and to God.’

    ‘when we choose to connect to our Soul, to the love that we are, we need no longer look for approval or answers from outside of us’.

    These two statements are what I needed to read this morning, that connection to the body is the connection to Soul and when this occurs, nothing can touch us when we are in the movement of this. A great reflection of where I am with my life.

  24. ‘Life is not to be about suffering, achieving or striving. True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to and to embrace this with all of our being.’

    Someone I felt was quite flippant with me today with something I said. It was said as if I wasn’t in the room. At the time I ignored it but on the way home I felt terribly hurt. I can see I can make it about me versus the person and avoiding them. But I was feeling judged, which I ignored. I said a few things in conversation, though true, without being present in my body meant it was easy to be dismissed and spoken of as if I wasn’t present – which I wasn’t! I felt hurt but didn’t feel this until the drive home. Thinking ignoring things and feigning a lack of authority doesn’t protect because it’s there.

    Honouring my sensitivity I can feel the real hurt is how I retreat from the world, become apologetic and dismissive. It’s happening in a few areas where I’m new to things. I could make it about me versus the world which is how I can make life a struggle defending, protecting, feeling great anxiety, justifying etc. Or, I can choose to be present, not avoid life and feel the truth that can come through. People may well dismiss me, that hurt as a child, but the pain has always been my dismissal of myself. And my life is not short of specific opportunities to practice being present and expressing without investing or getting anxious about outcomes.

  25. Bringing my mind back to being in tune with my body and how it’s feeling as I’m moving and doing whatever is there to be done in that moment, helps me feel much more together and settled in myself and connected with a sense of what’s really needed from me, it’s something I keep learning from.

  26. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” – well that throws 99.9% of our current love songs out the window as so many of those songs are about needing love, needing to be loved by someone etc…

  27. Dreams can often show us that which is not healed within us that we are still carrying around with us. They can be pointers to the energetic poison we have loaded into our spiritual bodies and therefore serve as a guide as to what we need to heal and deal with. Dreams can be messages from our Soul or they can be direct plantings from the astral plane that will try to knock us off course. As always discernment is the key to any dream reading.

    1. I agree, energetic discernment is key, something we can connect with from our whole body sensitivity and not just a processing from the mind in isolation.

  28. For the most part we live in a hole that buries our divinity underground. Until one day we begin to arise ourselves out of this mud only to realise that the incarceration we have suffered was only by our own hand (i.e. we dug the hole) and the beauty within us is still pure and completely unaffected by our actions.

    1. Yes, that is what is so stunning, the hole is of our own digging! Awkward moment! But the challenge once we recognise that the hole is of our own making is to not go beating ourselves up for digging the hole, for in so doing we put ourselves right back in it.

    2. It’s quite something when we can bring ourselves to admit we dug the hole and so we have to get ourselves out of it. All I can say is truly Thank God for Serge Benhayon that he has opened our eyes to see that we are in a hole of our own making and has given humanity the tools to get out of it if we so chose. Some will and some won’t because they have made the hole very comfortable so why leave? When they see the many that have left their holes then they will make the steps to get out of the hole as they will realise that it’s actually not that comfortable at all and everyone is leading a joyful life but they are not.Reflection is very powerful.

  29. I’ve had many recurring dreams where the messages are so clear. One of them is when I miss a class or a group excursion because I was disorganised and distracted. When I wake up and remember the dream, I reflect on my recent choices and it all makes sense.

  30. ‘The Kingdom of God is within us’, I remember hearing those words as well Bernadette and wondering what they meant, and now I can feel and embrace what it truly means to be connected to God and divinity.

  31. Before I met Serge Benhayon I didn’t believe in Jesus or God. I thought Jesus was made up like Robin Hood and God was like an old man sitting on a cloud. Now I KNOW God, live and breathe Him / Her in everyday life and have a very strong connection to Master Jesus as the great initiate he was. The Kingdom of God is indeed within us all whether we know it or believe it or not.

  32. When I get caught in a loop of negative thinking it does invite in all manner of feelings that can keep you feeling trapped. Whereas in connection, there is always a light to follow and way out of the dark.

  33. Thank you Bernadette, your blog was practical and magical at the same time. I have recently been focusing on conscious presence and appreciated this line “Practising conscious presence enables us to feel the stillness, and in the harmony of stillness, our connection to our Soul, and to God…” Conscious presence is simple and everyone can do it, yes it takes time to learn to live this way but the outcomes are pretty amazing – supporting us to be in connection with our soul and God. When I am in conscious presence I feel like the body is the frame for the art work of God, right there in my inner heart all the beauty of the universe held steady by the body.

    1. Conscious presence is so essential in our lives, “Practising conscious presence enables us to feel the stillness, and in the harmony of stillness, our connection to our Soul, and to God…”.

      1. Conscious presence is being connected to our body and our inner heart, I love the simplicity. It is weird how we can find simplicity elusive, which shows us how we make things complicated!

  34. Self-constructed prisons are very hard to detect. We need help to become aware of it to extract ourselves out of it. The problem is the familiarity and a level of awareness generated by a pattern of movement that precludes us from realizing how we set ourselves up. The good news is that the Soul does not play ball with what our Spirit offers us.

    1. Eduardo I agree with you when you say, ‘Self-constructed prisons are very hard to detect. We need help to become aware of it to extract ourselves out of it.’ This is why the teachings and presentations of Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom are so very necessary because they offer a way out of our self-made prison should we want to listen and take action from what is presented.

  35. I loved returning to your blog again Bernie, and I loved the line – “How successfully thoughts of lack of self worth, frustration, guilt or any emotions keep us separate from who we truly are. They are the barriers to feeling our true beauty and worth.” – I had a moment of feeling down, lack of self worth and separate, and it just goes to show that it is only an energy feeding us these emotions and so called issues, because in truth we don’t have lack of self worth issues, we just need to honour ourselves deeply and feel the true beauty within us. It was beautiful to read and feel how you live your life.

  36. We all have big deams about life – but if we realised these are just pictures we’ve been fed, perhaps we’d be more open to hearing what our real dreams at night have to say?

    1. When we connect to our Soul what we connect to and what happens is so infinitely grander than even the most grand dream we could ever have that it makes our desired pictures completely absurd.

    2. Great point Joseph, I love what you’ve shared. Many of us have blocked out our ability to read and understand our dreams. Sometimes our Soul is communicating to us through our dreams, but are we listening?

    3. It could also be said that we have big dreams about life because we have forgotten how beautiful, amazing and incredible we are when we are connected to our soul. Even the greatest moment in human life cannot compare to the magnificence we come from and truly are.

  37. That disconnect between what we know to be true, our knowing of our massive potential, and what we are living: when we go deeper within and connect to our soul- that quiet voice within that knows how to live in accordance with our true nature, the gap diminishes, and we start to build and live from a steadier foundation, based on that absolute knowing of who we are.

    1. Beautifully said Bryony, I loved your words about the soul …’that quiet voice within that knows how to live in accordance with our true nature’. The more we connect to our body and stillness, the more joy and steadiness and settlement is there for us.

  38. These dreams are quite profound, and it is beautiful how you have taken the quality from each to confirm what is true and not true in life. I too find that when I am still and with my body there is no need, trying or perfection sought as I know I am complete. This is such a blessing to know after living most of my life trapped by living from my thoughts and trying to fit with whatever was happening outside of myself.

  39. Being connected to Love, to our true essence is like discovering the ignition button after 59 lifetimes of fumbling with the wrong keys. It’s starts us up and gets us going in a totally powerful way.

  40. One day we will come to realise that we are busiest when asleep and that things happen here in the quiet of this space that allow us to peer into ourselves and our life much more deeply.

  41. “This way of life asks us to be disciplined, aware, self-loving and consciously present – bringing the mind in line with what the body is feeling and doing.” This is simplicity at its best – it is so simple what is being asked, but I feel it is the disciplined part that stops it being complicated.

  42. Since I can remember and up until today my dreams have featured prominently in my life. They are messages and communication from the body that offer understanding of everyday life and the energetic inter-play of it too. Without them life for me would be like losing one of my senses.

  43. Our dreams can communicate 1000 words, but if we go seeking the meaning and trying to understand it by analysing, the communication disappears. Perhaps that’s why we often forget our dreams?

  44. I find my dreams fascinating – I love how much I can learn from them and how they are a bit like a compass in life showing me if I’m going in the right direction or not.

    1. Very true Meg, they can also help us understand behaviours because when shown in a dream we can almost be the observers of a story as it plays out.

      1. Yeah great point, our dreams can help us step back and observe what we do, rather than be totally consumed by our current situation.

    2. So true Meg, I have been appreciating what my dreams are telling me. They do feel like a compass in life and when I am open to understanding what they mean, they are spot on and can be confirming as well.

  45. Many of my dreams are a message to review my life, and the most recent one showed me that all of my cupboards in my house were filled with junk food. In the dream, the food was not mine but still a clear message that this is an area in my life that would benefit from an overhaul.

  46. I love the wisdom and understanding that dreams offer us, and how through our connection to the soul they literally speak to us.

  47. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations p. 664)it just is the all of everything, devoid of all that creation offers.

  48. I have found that there are supportive dreams and dreams that feel almost designed to unsettle and the most important is to be able to discern the difference.

  49. “We are all worthy of healing.”..tears came to my eyes reading this. Indeed we are, each and every one of us, regardless of the actions we have taken, we are all worthy of healing. Whether we choose to or not, is up to us, but it is there for each and every one of us. God’s gift to us all.

  50. “There was a tension between what I knew in my heart and how to live it.” I know exactly what you mean and it was only when I heard Serge Benhayon’s presentations on the Way of The Livingness could I start to marry my inner world with my outer world.

  51. I too have found that by re-connecting with my whole body and innermost it re-connects me with a knowing of stillness and how to move and be in life in a way that is in harmony with all, rather than living just from my head so to speak and the mental constructs that we can confine ourselves in…

  52. I love how you describe how your old ideals and beliefs about how to be, were gradually worn down as you began to accept and appreciate yourself more. Often we’re not consciously aware of exactly what we’re still holding onto, but this can be revealed to us through dreams, for us to be more aware of and let go of. But the mere process of accepting and appreciating ourselves means that sometimes the things we were holding onto without really fully realising, just drop off quietly.. the more space we give to acceptance and appreciation, the less room there is for anything that is not of that same expansive quality.

  53. Yep Serge Benhayon is definitely the one man on the planet ‘who is at the forefront of true consciousness, who can get us past this limited, old way of being’ ✨

  54. ” have found that when I connect to my inner-heart and pay attention to its messages, I am complete. There is no need for perfection in this completeness.” Beautiful Bernadette. When we are all able to feel this inner connection the world will be a very different place.

  55. ‘Life is not to be about suffering, achieving or striving.’ Sometimes when I look around me it seems that people are just caught up in that, in suffering, achieving or striving and think that’s what life is about. I know for me it is so important to keep reminding myself of the bigger picture, where we all belong to and surrender to the lightness of that.

  56. There is an endless amount of support from our soul and the Universe forever showing us the way back to the divinity we are. So too are our dreams a support and at times a clear message from our soul to what it is we need to look at and make changes with in our lives.

  57. ‘True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to and to embrace this with all of our being.’ True freedom comes from feeling the connection to the universe and our place in it and surrendering to its plan, order and flow.

  58. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” to sit with this is beautifully settling.

  59. ” I feel that I finally understand the teaching of Jesus: ”
    “The Kingdom of God is within you.”
    A simple teaching that the kingdom of God is within us all equally ,no matter what we do, or have done. Its just our choice of free will to re-connect with the kingdom of God and live from that knowing.
    Thanks for sharing Bernadette.

  60. To think that everything in this world is random, is random, to think that dreams mean nothing is weirder than connecting to their purpose. I love reading my dreams with my husband of a morning, it is one of my favourite times of day. Understanding that everything is a message is the key to unlocking life’s mysteries.

    1. When I first started to get support through my dreams, there was a period over 4 years where they helped me expose and deal with my issues around men. I consistently dreamed of a pattern I had with men until I looked at it from every angle and renounced it, otherwise it would just keep repeating itself. At times I would get sick of it because I would think I had dealt with it, only to have another exposing dream which clearly indicated there was more to look at.

      1. Yes, everything in life is there to be read and what is beautiful about dreams is that they expose things that we might not always want to see, if we do not address these things in life, they reoccur in our dreams. I also love reading other people’s dreams and supporting them to also learn and grow with the support of their dreams.

  61. Such a beautiful quote Bernadette; “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations p. 664). In stillness everything is there, complete.

  62. I have had many very significant dreams and the guidance that I received from them is a resonance that doesn’t disappear, it does however, grow and deepen. The wisdom I have gained never leaves me it just eternally expands, shinning light ever more as a guide to how to live my life, without reservation.

  63. It is that way of living and that absolute knowing that we are already divine, no trying or pushing needed, just dedication to truth and the acceptance of ways lived that need to rebalanced and the impulse to what is next. Divine.

  64. My dreams often have been a direct communication of what has happened in my past, in past lives and what may come to pass, it is such a beautiful communication from our soul when we live in a way that that communication is possible.

  65. Absolutely glorious to read this Bernadette, especially love the way you describe your connection to the universe, we are part of something so grand yet see ourselves as so insignificant.

  66. Dreams have a way of communicating something which perhaps I am not observing in life but am getting caught up in and they are an opportunity to take a stop moment, feel what the dream is showing me which is a great support to then look at how I am living life.

  67. It is in those moments of soul infusion that we gain a deeper understanding of the experiences we are facing in life; sometimes our soul lovingly communicates this through our dreams for us to gain an insight into the quality of energetic imprints we are that are shaping our lives.

  68. Recurring dreams say a lot about what is deeply troubling us, what we might have brought into this life even. And it is such a joy when they truly disappear, no more to be seen because we have healed that particular hurt.

  69. We can get so caught in our day to day that then you find yourself walking from one day to the next to get to the moment when it’s all ok or for example getting by until it’s the weekend or similar. When I read this; “True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to and to embrace this with all of our being.” When we keep ourselves in these small patterns or behaviours it blocks the bigger or “grander picture” and when we look out you see that the world is far greater than the end of the week and we live with the tension between what we know and what we are currently choosing. Articles like this start a greater conversation and light up again a greater knowing. There is a flow to life, you can see it and at times feel it clearly, we only need connect and align to this flow to bring the freedom that we have always felt.

  70. Dreams are fascinating. Being able to read dreams with clarity is an amazing gift. I remember feeling totally affected by dreams as a child. Often it was very hard for me to know what was a dream and what was reality. My mood and behaviour during the day was very much dependent on what kind of dream I had. If someone was horrible to me in the dream I would believe that either that had really happened or that that was what they would like to do to me and spend the day feeling anxious and miserable, and if I had a dream where I was flying or soaring high into the sky, I would be joyful and settled. And as I grew older dreams became my very own personal TV channel where I could check out and indulge.

  71. You highlight so beautifully just how every moment of our breathing life offers us the opportunity to deepen our connection to Soul, be it sleeping or awake, in order for us to return to being and breathing the light of our Soul in all we do. Our Soul forever is calling for us to surrender to being in union with the light of who we are, with God, with all that we are part of, through which we realise that this is what truly living here on earth is all about.

  72. We can ride off dreams as ‘subconscious nonsense’ or we can evaluate what they’re reflecting back and teaching us, either directly through the dream’s message or if it is all a bit too crazy and we’re experiencing nightmares, horrible dreams etc. looking at what might be causing this.

  73. Our dreams can offer us the Soul’s perspective on what is going on in our life. This gives a whole new level to look at. It is a whole other dimension to life to help us to evolve . . . amazing really.

    1. So true Kathleen and it just confirms that there is no dimension or aspect to life that our Soul is not with us. Very amazing and awe-inspiring to realise there is so much for us to explore.

  74. The way I sleep is a reflection of the way I live, so when I wake up in the morning I can feel in my body the facets of my life that need to be addressed or in which I need to go deeper. The night rest has its meaning then, to release what is already understood or making uncomfortable what needs to be seen.

    1. ‘The way I sleep is a reflection of the way I live’ – this seems like a beautiful sensitive way to understand that our nights are just as important as our days, that paying attention to how we live throughout the day will affect the quality of our sleep. Thank you for your comment.

  75. Dreams are amazing, if they are coming from your soul. They can also come from a place that wants to put you off – you should be very aware of the difference. The second kind of dreams wants to confuse you, to get you on the wrong path, the other one is expansive and symbolic.

  76. “Love is a stillness, that needs nothing” – one of the absolute sublime sayings from Serge Benhayon. Reading even only one a day, let your day have a total different purpose.

  77. Recently I had a run of dreams that had the same theme to them and as I took note read them could feel how each was a progression from the previous. What I realised with the last one was that they were showing me I was choosing to let go and re-imprint an old pattern of behaviour I have had since my childhood; my body confirmed this. A clear message from my soul.

  78. The Way of The Livingness is the way forth in our evolution for it fosters a true connection to our bodies from which we access infinite access to the wisdom of the universe.

  79. What I loved to learn and put to practise is reading dreams rather from feeling with the body than from interpreting with the mind as usually taught by psychoanalysis. It is a beautiful confirming experience to realize that we know from the body what the mind often cannot fathom when we attend to it and learn listening and understanding.

    1. I agree Alex, it can be a simple as feeling the body when we wake from a dream, it will tell me how I felt in the dream and then I have a clearer understanding of what is being shown.

  80. Some of the greatest healings I have experienced have been from my dreams, if you allow yourself the space to read what they are communicating to you they offer us a beautiful opportunity to learn and further evolve.

  81. I have loved coming to see dreams as more than just subconscious ramblings as I sleep, but opportunities for me to look deeper at what is happening in my life.

  82. When caught in emotional turmoil it is indeed the body that can get us out of it as the mind and the repetitive thoughts that are the incarcerating walls keep us within the self-destructive emotional vortex.

  83. Our dreams offer us a connection to a form of communication which can expand our circle of support and offer us a relationship with the wisdom that is innately within us at all times.

  84. An amazing sharing that captures the power of honouring what we feel -knowing there is something more and exploring this to discover the depths of which we can truly understand ourselves and humanity, and above all, energy.

  85. Sometimes I would get dreams themed playing out like a movie or video game and I would fob them off – judging myself for not being detached from what was once a serious addiction in my life. But this week I had one and it wasn’t the context that stuck with me but what was happening to the main character and I could relate to that same attitude playing out in my life. Dreams are always telling us something and not worth dismissal.

  86. We are constantly being shown how we are living and given the necessary wisdom to grow in many forms – both in activity and in rest.

  87. Dreams are definitely worth looking at. There is always a message there and sometimes sharing the dream with another allows us that realisation of the message if we do not have it immediately.

  88. I am reminded of my own dream when reading yours and it was sharing the same thing, we can make this a struggle, we can be in the rough seas afraid of what is to come, or we can ride the waves perhaps even watch or walk on the bridge and not get pulled into the drama. Dreams offer a reflection when we ask for support, simply an offering.

  89. This is beautiful how your dreams are reflecting your souls connection to you Bernadette, and the difference that feels now in your body. All we have to do is feel it and be open to the messages we are given.

    1. Yes Gill. I had a dream a couple of nights ago and at first it could have seemed quite a disturbing one but when I took a moment to feel it and read it I got the message it was giving me and it was actually a confirmation of the changes I have been making in life.

  90. Dreams offer a great stop or pause moment and even we can be triggered to remember a dream much later in the day or even days after … They offer a great insightful moment to stop and consider ourselves, our reactions / responses.

    1. Being open to the insight that our dreams provide us can sometimes be just as important as learning from the experiences in our day to day life.

  91. Dreams are an example of the magic that is available to us in every day life… Here is the Universe directly communicating with us and we don’t even have to be conscious!!

  92. I find it is so important to pay attention to our dreams as they are a way for the soul to get our attention.

  93. Dreams are a powerful way my soul can communicate with me. Too often they can be dismissed as random nonsense but if I take the time to feel what happened or ask someone if I am really lost on the detail, what is revealed is so supportive of my next steps and not taking steps away from my path to being more of me.

  94. I love dreams – last night I had a dream that on one level made no sense and was totally bizzar, and yet on another level the feeling of the dream, in the dream and the way I felt on waking made the otherwise random dream make complete sense. Our dreams have the ability to reflect back to us much about life – when I am willing to really feel this with honesty I get learn a lot.

  95. Dreams I find for me can be quite active experiences where I throw myself around in my sleep. I have learnt that there is unfinished business from the previous day that I often act out. Being aware of this now I know that any unfinished business from the day needs to be let go of.

  96. What a great built in toolkit we have – Dreams offering a powerful insight and deeper awareness into how we are choosing to live on a daily basis – bringing the opportunity to change the ill-choices.

  97. Our connection with dreams and multidimensionality is a great assistance for us during the flow of our every day – have a good sleep and get out of bed correctly results in much more joy being loved as we move forward.

  98. It is not always easy to feel into the prisons we place ourselves into since they are mostly invisible to us to the point that we ignore we are in one. The image of prison, on the other hand, is a tricky one since it brings the idea that we are brought to one by someone else. As such, it is not that easy to accommodate the fact that we say yes to them, but this is what happens…. Until we decide that it is time to move on.

  99. ‘I have found that when I connect to my inner-heart and pay attention to its messages, I am complete. There is no need for perfection in this completeness.’ Beautiful Bernadette, nothing else is needed.

  100. It would be easy to write off dreams as ‘random’ and meaningless, but if we are such ‘intelligent’ human beings as we claim to be then would 40% of our entire lifetime be a purposeless drift? Could there be more to it?

  101. Being open to healing by what our dreams present is also bringing a deepening of our Soul connection.
    Reading our dreams is an art based on a science of the Soul, which clearly brings True healing to this area of our life.

  102. Dreams are like the closest of all friends, offering an insight into how life is being lived and what is on offer.

  103. Understanding we have a spirit and a soul as, Serge Benhayon presents, brought a depth of understanding to my dreams I had not had before.. and what they were showing me.

  104. Agreed Jane, what a blessing if everyone was educated from a young age in the true meaning of symbology in life – what a difference this would make to how we understood life and to the quality of our choices.

  105. Developing our connection to our Soul is a beautiful experience and allows us the space to read life and respond, rather than react to life and miss the constant opportunities our Soul offers us to evolve.

  106. The struggles we feel in life come from the pictures we have of how we think life should be, yet isn’t. The more I surrender to honour the stillness that is inside me, the more I re-connect to the purpose of why we are all here and I find it is simple to dedicate myself and my life to being part of that. The more distracted I get by the business of life, the less connection I have and the more pushed and pulled I feel by life.

  107. It is only connection to the whole body that quietens my mind and stops me from running wild with stories, struggle and doubt. It allows me to put everything into perspective and feel the loveliness in me and others again.

  108. The moment I attended my first presentation with Serge Benhayon I knew that what he was presenting I had been looking for. I had been interested in 1 or 2 teachers that were is the USA and was considering on travelling their to study with them. But I just had this feeling that there was someone much closer. I have to say I have not been disappointed at all and what I have been offered has been life changing.

  109. A beautiful sharing on dreams and the real support they can give us from our soul from the way we live and the connections we choose to support us on our journey to living the true love we are. I always loved my dreams as a child and they were very much part of my life and the real relevance and offerings from them are so beautiful to claim appreciate and know again thanks to Serge and Natalie Benhayon and Universal Medicine .

  110. After reading this blog before I decided to keep a diary of dreams and yet I notice this is something I’ve avoided putting into action. Today reading your words Bernadette what I am getting is that we don’t need to work out the answers in life, we don’t need to solve all our issues and our problems, we just need to be open to receiving the messages our Soul sends our way. They help us understand everything in a beautiful and profound way.

    1. ‘we don’t need to solve all our issues and our problems, we just need to be open to receiving the messages our Soul sends our way.’ Love this comment Joseph, it feels like a surrender.

    2. I have too Joseph. I have previously thought that I didn’t dream or that I could not recall my dreams. That’s how I know how powerful they are now, because of how I saw them. I too am going to start recording them and see what happens.

    3. I love this Joseph – simply to let go of all the struggle in life –
      “we don’t need to solve all our issues and our problems, we just need to be open to receiving the messages our Soul sends our way”.

  111. Our dreams are a reflection of how we are living our life, so we would do well to pay attention to the messages they are giving us. Sometimes confirming, sometimes showing us our choices both good and bad, but always something more for us to learn about ourselves.

  112. ‘The ‘way out’ is my dedication to The Way of The Livingness, to live to the best of my ability with energetic responsibility. This way of life asks us to be disciplined, aware, self-loving and consciously present – bringing the mind in line with what the body is feeling and doing.’ – Obedience to Love and energetic Truth

  113. Dreams can be extraordinary… I had a Interesting dream the other night where I had to follow and find something in the mouth of the Sphinx… what is always revealing how one feels after the dream

  114. I love what you have shared Bernadette. Dreams are fascinating to me as they show what I may not even be conscious of, yet it is still impacting on my life, past or present. I had a long-term childhood dream regarding a lion and my inability to call for help. No matter what I tried in the dream I could never call out for assistance. Dreams are fascinating and helpful – provided we read them correctly and honestly.

  115. The combination of humility and grandness I feel when I read about the Divine Plan and how we are held, prepared and supported for all that we are called to be and do is very inspiring. Thank you, Bernadette.

  116. We are given messages all the time either in dreams, by nature, by our car, by our body, the list is endless, all there to support us to evolve and return to the love that we know ourselves to be.

  117. “Old ideals and beliefs about how to be were gradually worn down as I began to accept and appreciate who I am. Judgments about the world were relinquished as well – the layers of protection that I had been using to guard myself from being hurt. I was ready and willing to get out of gaol.”

    There ain’t no ‘get out of gaol free’ card. Only a steady commitment to love, truth, openness, getting honest and self-care – and a willingness to let go of what you are not, and appreciate what you are.

  118. Bringing our mind back to an awareness of our whole body really does help us to re-gather and reconnect with the whole of who we are, rather than letting our thoughts run off isolated and unchecked.

  119. It’s great to know that there is more and I like the response from above not to analyze instead sit with it be with it and I love to just express the dream and when my partner does express his dreams in the morning that feels supportive sometimes I understand sometimes I don’t there’s a lot to learn within this.

  120. I once thought that dreams were just the ramblings of the mind. But now I see them in a different way and if I take the time to ponder on them, they can be quite revealing.

    1. Ramblings are also something to be fearful of sometimes, or escape into at other times. I now feel that “Nothing is nothing and everything is everything” thanks to a deeply wise man I know.

  121. Our soul is offering us messages all the time – through symbolism during the day with nature and the animal kingdom and through symbolism at night via our dreams. To dismiss this fact is to dismiss the gold that is available to us – and that’s when our dreams can often be no longer soul-infused, but sourced from another energy that we are choosing.

  122. It’s interesting how common that search, the itch we all feel for some truth or way that is absent from our lives when we reach adulthood.. a feeling that is plainly not met by our parenting, education or broader society. That itch is the knowing deep inside that there is more, and that more is a magic that is relevant to our worlds on a day by day, moment by moment basis. When we discover that it is within us all the time, and there are practical steps laid out by Serge Benhayon for living it here and now… we feel as if we have finally come home.

    1. It is very common isn’t it simonwilliams8, that feeling that there is more to life…..developing the being within with loving steps enables us to live with so much more understanding of who we are, and thereby appreciate our true nature. The truth of who we are is there for everyone.

  123. Lovely to see how you are reading your dreams, because this says to me that you are deeply committed to learning about yourself and the world around you.

  124. The subtle world is not so subtle. And so we need first to discern if what is being communicated to us through our dreams is coming from our spirit via the astral plane, or from our Soul via the Soul plane. The former will lead us astray. The latter will reign us back in.

    1. Thank you for raising this Liane, yes discerning where the dream is coming from is super important. Years ago the night before beginning a Universal Medicine retreat I had a dream in which I was being bullied and harassed out on a road by men in grey suits. I spoke up to them. The astral bullies were trying to frighten me and they did not want me to attend such a life-changing event.

  125. How many of our inner prisons are self imposed, and what is really great about that is they can be dissolved simply when connection to the inner heart is felt.

  126. Whenever we engage in an outside force all our movements will come from an energy outside of who we innately are.

  127. It’s a real moment of truth as we realise how much we limit ourselves when we become caught up with the games that we allow the mind to play with us. When we are young we have a connection to the truth through our body which over time becomes eroded, and then we are inclined to allow the mind to dominate. Finding a deeper connection to my body has allowed me to not be so attached to the mind and the games that we allow.

  128. Dreams are not just random, they often hold messages or reflections about our life. Sometimes they are trying as well to disturb us. Dreams often relate to how I have been living as in if I had a chaotic day my dreams reflect the chaos back and when I had a very flowing connected day my dreams are clear too and it is often in those last dreams that I receive clear messages about my life.

    1. I agree Lieke, and they can also be very practical. I have known for the last week that I need to put some oil in my car and I keep forgetting. Last night I had a dream in which I was driving my car and the engine was sounding very ‘sick’. I knew in that instant that it was because the oil was low. First thing to do this morning is a trip to the service station! And yes a dream might be practical as in this case but I am also aware this is an even deeper message for me around my body and that I am ready to hear.

    2. Yes, I agree. My dreams are always a reflection of how I have been living and whether I consider this to be negative or positive, there are always amazing teachings on offer.

      1. Yes, they are amazing teachings and the more I learn to not react to my dreams the more I am able to ‘read’ them and understand what they mean. Because when I am in reaction I only see negative messages which give me a reason to be hard on myself … Around we go!

  129. The symbology of our dreams is divine and something we are not taught as children but thanks to Universal Medicine we are being offered this again for ourselves to support us to live who we are. What a beautiful sharing from your dream “it is through our connection to the whole body that we quieten the mind, bringing the mind into conscious presence with what the body is doing. Practising conscious presence enables us to feel the stillness, and in the harmony of stillness, our connection to our Soul, and to God…”

    1. I agree tricianicholson, that dreams were not given credence or explained to us as children. My parents were attentive whenever I had ‘bad’ dreams at night and I appreciate their care. I now appreciate as you do, that dreams can reflect much about how we are living, and bring valuable messages to heed.

    2. I dreamt a lot as a child and was told on waking from a recurrent nightmare, “it’s only a dream.” Its only in the last few years, with the support from Natalie Benhayon, that I fully understood the message I was being given back then. Talking about our dream life with young ones is so important; listening and meeting them with respect and equality is invaluable for relationship in later life.

      1. Good Point Sueq2012, often our dreams are dismissed as young children and then we practically ignore them as adults, and do not feel the benefit of the dream. For years I had the same dream and just did not know what it was trying to tell me but just lately without trying the meaning slotted into place, and it has given me understanding of why I was having the dream for all of those years, and that it is still relevant today.

    3. I see dreams as my opportunity to get support from heaven. Sometimes I let distraction of daily living get in the way of that being an awareness in every moment so I need to have these opportunities for support in my sleep till I can build a body that can hold that awareness in every moment.

  130. There is such deep joy to break through of our own self-imposed limitations, all the exposing and discarding of false pictures we have held onto for so long, letting them go frees ourselves up to be so much more of who we are. This is a deeply inspiring process I would re-visit and re-visit, for there is so much joy and power to unfold.

    1. I love your words here Adele, and yes there is deep joy breaking through our limitations and discarding false pictures. Everything it seems must be examined piece by piece so that we can be ‘more of who we are.’

  131. For sure our dreams share something with us, there is so much symbolism with them, I have noticed if I try and over think them and work them out they are elusive, if I sit with it and allow it to bubble, up the meaning is with me.

    1. And allowing myself the space to be aware of the dream and consider its significance reminds me that there is so much more to life that this temporal reality. Things are being communicated all the time in a multitude of different ways.

  132. It makes a big difference to know that a dream is a message from our soul as opposed to dismissing it as some sort of entertainment that ‘disturbs’ our sleep.

  133. We are blessed with the depth and wealth of learning that comes from our dreams. We are here to return to the love that we are and are helped along the way in so many ways, dreaming is one way, the symbolism that can be found in nature is another as well as any aches or pain, accidents, illnesses and diseases that affect our body. And very importantly our relationship with our self and others offer us a very clear reflection we can either learn and grow from or go into hurt and blame from . Everything gives us an opportunity to learn or not.

  134. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” when connected to ourselves there is nothing we need outside of ourselves for we are complete. great insights you have gained from your dreams Bernadette, the soul is always communicating with us if we are open to listen.

  135. I agree Janet. It is such a beautiful feeling to know soul is speaking to me, holding me in love and giving me symbolic messages in my sleep so that I may evolve – how very reassuring!! Thankyou for this beautiful blog Bernie, and also – as you mention – I am forever grateful to Serge Benhayon for bringing forth again ‘The Way of The Livingness’ – so clear, and simple to support us all to remember who we truly are and that we are here to bring this to everyone.

  136. I have had periods of my life where my dreams were not remembered in the morning, however recently I have been inundated with dreams, which reflects the powerful period of growth and learning that I am currently experiencing. I love how the soul takes every opportunity to communicate.

  137. Some dreams have been of a very different quality from these that I have written about, some dreams are imposed to unsettle and create disquiet. At these times I am prompted to look at how and why I have allowed them in.

  138. In the past, I have had some quite dramatic dreams which makes perfect sense when you consider that dreams are a direct reflection of the way we live.

  139. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” I love this quote by Serge Benhayon. When we search in need, it is not love we find, no matter how convincing it may appear on the surface. And here the whole futile game is exposed, for how can we ever begin to search for something we already are?

  140. I love the way you have read your dreams the message is so clear and expansive. It’s easy to get caught up in drama and intrigue when we interpret dreams. You remind me that the simple truth is always with us.

  141. I love how dreams help me to understand my day and my life and how things are happening around me and also where I am at at that moment in time. Dreams constantly reflect life to us and if we listen to them, we can use them to support us in making changes that help us evolve.

  142. True freedom does come from knowing there is a bigger picture… it brings a perspective that all of humanity needs… its like when astronauts look down on the earth from space, it usually changes their lives.

  143. I love the fact that we have dreams, and an ever present awareness of our Soul and our multidimensionality.

  144. A very inspiring sharing of our dreams Bernadette and all they show us if we are willing to open to them. I love my dreams and what they reflect and it is amazing how clear and accurate they can be and also so informative as to what is really going on at times, I also really appreciate your sharing about life – “I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart so that I could live my truth free of limiting, ingrained patterns.” Beautiful and what we are all here for.

  145. I absolutely agree that ‘life is not about suffering, achieving or striving’. When we feel trapped through our own creation in struggle, if only’s, or setting and achieving goals, we are at the mercy of a never ending cycle of angst and disharmony within the body. Feeling and surrendering to the All and in doing so nominating the self when it gets in the way brings about a contentment that is far greater than any achievement… no trying, no resisting but simply a letting go.

  146. The more we understand and appreciate that sleep time and daytime are actually one in how they reflect to us our ‘whole life’ or life in its whole entirety.. then the more we start living as that whole entirety as opposed to living split compartmentalising or separating life.

  147. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing” I let this quote just sit with me often and forms a benchmark of whether I know and live love or not. I know that love is who we are and where we are all from, therefore if I love another, I have no need for them to be anything other than who they are, regardless of the behaviours. It doesn’t mean I accept abuse in my life, quite the opposite, it means I bring more responsibility to what I accept. An ever deepening experience of love – a stillness that needs nothing.

  148. Our dreams are such a powerful reflection for us, that show us how we are living and also if there is anything that we need to change about our lives.

  149. I had a dream last night about something. It showed me an area of my life I needed to look at. However what was pertinent was that it also came as a forewarning to something that was going to unfold today and that I needed to be aware of it!

    1. A great example on how we already know what is ahead of us, we are just not usually consciously aware of it.

  150. I have often had lucid dreams but I think I was using them more to escape away from the reality of my day to day living.

  151. I love the knowing of the bigger picture Bernadette, it makes complete sense to life for me. We have so much support and information, from dreams and signs all around us when we do not dismiss them. It is all to support us to connect to our soul and the love we know we are and Serge Benhayon reflects the lived way for us to be in this world.

  152. “I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart so that I could live my truth free of limiting, ingrained patterns.” It is very confirming to know that we all have a unique relationship with purpose, which shows we all equally have our place in God’s Divine plan.

  153. ‘to be disciplined, aware, self-loving and consciously present – bringing the mind in line with what the body is feeling and doing.’ a recipe for life that truly supports us to step out of the self imposed prison we hold ourselves in.. The Way Of The Livingness.. the pathway back to Soul.

  154. Great last line – that true freedom is knowing that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves, and accepting and embracing this with all of our being. This is true freedom because it means letting go of our mental constructs and pictures of how life should or ought to be, and being open to seeing it as it really is – knowing that there is always more, greater depths, that we can be living.

  155. Yes indeed, Bernadette. As I experienced very recently, if we are holding onto emotional pain we cut ourselves off from the immense love that is all around us and within us. Our dreams are a way for the soul to guide us back to our innate connection to God and teach us about the waywardness of the spirit.

  156. This is just one part of life, dreaming that is, that makes more sense if we see it as a message from our Soul that we can understand and read again if we put it into practice.

  157. Connecting to soul each moment supports us to be in the world fully present, at one with ourselves and whole of humanity.

  158. Another recurring dream experienced in the past is constantly being in situations where I am tested or have to pass exams to prove myself. In truth, I don’t have to prove myself, simply be true to myself. Life is an unfolding, no failures, just learning and evolving.

  159. Amazing to appreciate the endless support available to us through our dreams and endless daily reflections.

  160. I remember when I attended a Catholic boarding school, the Head of the school said, addressing the whole school, that life had to be a struggle and was full of pain and without the pain you didn’t get anywhere in life or achieve anything. I felt at the time what he was saying wasn’t true. In a so called religious school there was absolutely no mention of the soul in his speech and without Soul connection, life is full of pain and is a struggle.

    1. Life without connection to our soul is like living in a desert. Your experience kevmchardy in a catholic boarding school reminds me of my experience at boarding school, where we were not taught about the difference between spirit and soul, or energetic truth.

  161. Waking up from sleep with a dream that is so fresh in the mind offers quite a pivotal stop moment before we get up and place our feet on the ground… These moments certainly put a spanner in the wheel to bring a stop moment, a reflection, a learning and a pondering to the deeper meaning of what is actually going on (energetically) behind the scenes.

    1. Yes there is no off switch and this is important to note because if we do try to ‘switch off’ when we go to sleep then we can have the sort of dreams that are more to do with the indulgence of the human etheric spirit that uses the astral realm as its playground, than they are to do with the Soul and our connection to it.

  162. Coming to understand that life is constantly constellating to support us to evolve, dreams are exactly that too. Sometime they can be the most profound and pertinent message, clearly from the Soul offering insight and understanding we might not have quite grasped in our waking hours, and other times they can feel messy, complicated and singularly unhelpful… which is also a great marker for where we are at in ourselves. Or so I find anyway.

    1. I find this too Jennifer. My dreams are a marker for my day and can either be a reflection of how I have been or a reflection I might be ready to see that is easier to communicate when I am not awake. I rarely take them for granted now – a great marker.

  163. ‘“Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” What a beautiful line from Serge Benhayon. When we are still, we need nothing – just being is enough. Which goes to show how outside of ourselves we are when life becomes about things we think we ‘need’, or need to do.

  164. ‘Serge presented the difference between spirit and Soul, that we have a choice of energy in every moment, with every thought, every intention, every movement throughout our day, and all of these affect the quality of our dreams, as I experienced for myself.’ – so how do we distinguish between souf-full and spirit-full dreams? I have found with soulful dreams they are profound, yet simple at the same time. I don’t immediately try to understand in my head, rather, by surrendering in my body, something always comes to me and the learning unfolds. With spirit dreams they always seem more chaotic, confused, forceful and are often quite emotional.

  165. Some dreams offer us, an opportunity for our soul to connect and give a message that we may not have been willing to feel or be aware of during our day. I had a recurring symbolic dream that most definitely was giving me a message of when I was choosing a harmful path which would leave me in a perilous situation or would take me away from my true essence but how my soul was always there never judging, simply waiting in the wings for my return.

  166. Our soul offers us a beautiful reflection and awareness of what is going on from another angle, or what is coming ahead of time, or simply what is there to work on within us, like the non physical world that we can’t see although the energy is there. I love the symbolism in this blog as it shows that the soul communicates with us through this way if we are willing to read it and apply it to our lives.
    Beautiful Blog Bernadette thank you for expressing in the grandness that we all come from.

  167. It is so easy to pass off a dream as being ‘crazy’ and making no sense. But people I find are genuinely fascinated by dreams and know there is much more to them than often admitted. This weekend I nearly passed off a dream that held such a valuable meaning I needed to heed that if I hadn’t talked about it I would have just passed off its main, pivotal message as being a little bit too out there for me to grasp – no! That was just my spirit, the part of me that wanted to carry on as it is and ignore the message that was coming through loud and clear. And I just love how the soul communicates through what is meaningful and a person relates to in their life. So when I lived by the sea it was beaches and the sea and now it’s decorating!

  168. Dreams are amazing and can tell us so much of what is happening or of our insights and things that we have picked up and felt through the day.

  169. It was inspiring how you used your dreams to see what it was you were choosing to live and how that affected the quality of your life and connection. It would have been easy to react to the childhood dream, to feel like a victim or hate the world. But there is always something to learn about how we respond in situations and what/how we need to be in them to learn and evolve.

  170. Our body is in constant communication with us, delivering messages from our soul. How awesome is that and I was not aware of this beautiful gift from God until a few years ago. Thank you Serge Benhayon and thank you Bernadette for reminding me again how meaningful these messages can be.

  171. I love what my dreams show me, often they have spoken to me directly about a situation and could be said to be prophetic but rather I feel I am often so aware and sense what is occurring around me that all my dreams are doing is processing that awareness and sense of things into images and stories that then reveal it to the fullness of understanding.

  172. We are taught as children with intent to convince us that we must seek experience and knowledge from the outside world. There is no school that teaches that we already are Everything and just need to expand that, except for the School of the Livingness.

  173. I love this sharing and how meaningful dreams are. Often we can say ‘oh well that didn’t happen in real life’ but when we discount a dream we are not truly wanting to see the message that is being delivered here. We have an opportunity to truly see how energy is so much more than the physical and how this plays out in many ways, and dreams are one way of communicating this to us.

  174. I had a dream last night and in that dream I felt a real sense of reflection of needing to re-charge, to take deep care and to rest, it was showing me my car and how I was running out of battery, I had a 100miles to go but the car was starting to conserve power. In my dream realised I had not charged my car the night before and so had not setup with a full tank so to speak. This for me is a great reflection of the need to wind down to take care and to deeply honour and rest when I have the space so I am ready to go as needed instead of push on without that same level of care. Dreams are an amazing gift from our soul.

  175. “I have found that when I connect to my inner-heart and pay attention to its messages, I am complete. There is no need for perfection in this completeness.” You have exposed here Bernadette the distractions and complexities we can get caught up in with life that are all false, and our dreams are supporting us to come to the same conclusion. It is actually very simple and we get confirmation how we are living by our dreams.

  176. Living in alignment to our Souls can change everything – such a Way of Life is simply presented in The Way of The Livingness – true religion.

  177. The description of soul and spirit that I first heard from Serge Benhayon at a Universal Medicine course was so enlightening. For it made total sense to consider there are two parts to our personality, the soul which is deeply loving and caring for our body and wants the best for us, and the spirit which chooses indulgence, drama and emotion. To continue to understand these two aspects of my personality is a great insight, and it makes it easier to stop and say no when I might be heading towards doing someone that won’t feel good. It is great to understand life on a deeper level through this awareness.

  178. The fact that Serge Benhayon lived the path and still lives what he presents is super powerful, it obviously works given he is the World Teacher.

  179. I’ve had a somewhat recurring dream for many years on behalf of my anxiousness. I would always be trapped in a situation – couldn’t get out of a room to get to a test, couldn’t find my passport on the way to the airport, etc. I’m not free of these dreams (though I have far fewer of them), but what they do show to me is how I am choosing to live. Yes, choosing. It is a choice not to slow down and connect to my body, to my soul. Sometimes all it has to be is slowing down as part of my bedtime routine. And then going, ‘hey, I can start this from the moment I leave work.’ Then you go back and back and realise that it can actually be a way of living, not to be racy and have that constant buzzing level of anxiousness.

  180. Thank you Bernadette for this amazing sharing. There is much food for thought you offer us!

  181. I find I often wake from a dream and it leaves me feeling a certain way – lighter, more weighed down, on edge or rattled – this is often my first point of reflection on the dream and what it is showing me.

  182. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” …. and as equal sons of God, we are all love, therefore, it seems our challenge is to simply learn how to be all that we already are – which is exactly what The Way of The Livingness offers.

  183. As a child I had a particular reccuring nightmare that was affecting me in an overwhelming way. Once I decided to understand what my dream was telling me, read into what it means and not be afraid of it anymore, it stopped and I gained a huge understanding to what it meant and what I was running away from in my life at the time. When we choose to read every situation including our dreams, it is empowering, healing and very supportive.

  184. ‘The first dream is telling me how limited I am when I allow outside forces to dictate how life is or how I am, or who I am.’ – So true, we give our power away and lose touch with how amazing we already are. Because of this lack of connection with our inner heart, we will always feel something is missing and go in search of what it is, looking outside ourselves for guidance – which just takes us even further away from our true selves, where all along we have held the potential to answer all our questions.

  185. “I have found that when I connect to my inner-heart and pay attention to its messages, I am complete” It is true. there is no longer a need to search for things outside ourselves to make us feel complete. Our inner-heart has an instant knowing and if we honour what we have felt, life really is simple and the layers of complication we try to add to our life no longer fit.

  186. Often in my dreams I am giving someone advise and after having these dreams for some time, I have come to the understanding that I am giving myself advise and that I do have the answers to my own life already inside of me. Awesome way for the soul to communicate to us.

  187. Dreams are very multi-dimensional, delivering us messages through our feelings, symbols and scenarios that are not possible in the material world. The more I have learnt about energy via the Ageless Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon, the more I have been able to understand and appreciate what is given to us in this realm.

  188. I love dreams; they’ve been an instrumental part of my life since a young child and also a way, another ‘pair of eyes, that’s helped me to see on another level what’s going on around me, in my life, with my friends, colleagues, and the world in general. Dreams can be our biggest counsel and support to life and energy.

  189. Dreams are part of our living/livingness and are there to show us and message us our evolution and way forth, even in the most horrific, enticingly dazzling, or plainly sepia, symbolic true dream, each one holds importance, an importance to note well.

  190. Dreams are so personal in how and what they communicate to us, hence why it is so significant to note what we feel they were communicating to us.

  191. For a long time I thought that I didn’t dream. I would wake up with no recollection of anything much whilst others would talk of flying or playing with big giraffes. It’s taken me a while to realise this isn’t the whole truth of what’s going on. When I get woken up unexpectedly in my sleep I get to remember quite vividly dreams I am having. This has helped me to see I very often do dream but just block it out at the end. Considering this makes me realise that on some level I am saying ‘no thanks’ to the truth, support and help. Your words Bernadette have inspired me to keep a dream diary and start to honour much more what my dreams say and are here for.

  192. The act of dreaming confirms that there is always activity and that we are constantly in communication with energy, the world and universes — even when we are asleep. So we can never really ‘switch off’ to energy as we are constantly in it and of it.

  193. Feeling the reminder from another that I am worth healing really does mean the world. In these moments we recognise our true nature, its joy and potency in how deeply it can inspire another.

  194. Last night I had a very clear and powerful dream, in it my soul shared with me that I am doing incredibly well but that the area that holds me back is my parenting. This is so incredibly accurate, as it is indeed my parenting that brings up the most emotion and reaction in me. I have had to have dreams repeat many times in the past in order to get their significance across but not now, now I am heeding the dream and already I feel the potential evolution that it is offering.

  195. Day and night we are constantly being shown where we are at, what and where we need to learn, grow, develop and evolve… life is a constant unfolding, we are forever students of life.

  196. Dreams are a great indicator of where we are at in life, and everything reflected to us throughout our day is also a reflection of where we are at in life too.

    1. It’s very beautiful how everything constellates in life to support us in our journey back to the truth of who we are and in the livingness of our truth.

  197. Now I have a clearer understanding of what my dreams are communicating I really enjoy feeling into the messages. Sometimes, I can’t read them so well and at other times I get really clear. It’s like my own message service to myself commenting about recent choices, ways of living and patterns that need looking at.

  198. The ‘way out’ is certainly a dedication to The Way of The Livingness. I’ve tried to tick every box going that’s meant to hold what I was looking for, not fully understanding what it was I was seeking was connection with me and God and all of us around me.

  199. Totally agree Jane. Every day and every moment is an opportunity to learn. Today I approached a seemingly ‘same routine situation’ with a fresh approach and I learned so much with it.

  200. What can seem like a bad dream or horrible dream can actually be something really positive with the understanding of what it is showing us. I used to have really horrible dreams when I was younger but with the understanding I have now from the presentations of Serge Benhayon and trusting my reading on them I would see them very differently and for what they were offering.

  201. What I find is that although the scenes in my dreams change, the common thread or quality of them is the same, often showing me a pattern or a way I am living that is still in my body, say an anxiety for the day or week playing out in dreams which remind me to make sure I don’t take those things with me to sleep.

  202. Understanding that my dreams are a continuation of how I have lived my day – and an opportunity to learn more about myself – brings a whole new level of responsibility to living life.

    1. How amazing that we are so supported at every single moment – with the opportunity to awareness and understanding of ourselves and life.

  203. I love your understanding about the bigger picture of life Bernadette. We come from Love and our soul supports us to return when we tune into its messages. We simply need to stay open to the messages we receive.

  204. “The recent dream confirms that there is a way out of this self-imposed prison. The ‘way out’ is my dedication to The Way of The Livingness, to live to the best of my ability with energetic responsibility.” What a great confirmation of how life was and felt and then what is possible when we are committed and dedicated to truth from our whole body not just wishful thinking. I also love how dreams are so confirming in all they provide.

  205. It is commonly spoken about that dreams mean something, and to discover as you have that indeed they hold a deep relationship with our lives and with our Soul is extraordinary, and reminds us of the wisdom on tap that is available if we open ourselves to it.

  206. Everything has a purpose, that also includes dreams. Dreams are energetic communications to be listened to. One can listen with their heart there inner heart or their head. Which one one listens with, leads to the higher communication. This also applies to the physical energetic world.

    1. You are right. But your words highlight how crazy it is that this is something that so few us know and those that do, have had to ‘learn’ it. Surely, given the gift that you claim it is (and I agree wholeheartedly) this is something that we should all innately be able to do and something that should be part of our day-to-day conversation, from birth.

  207. Thank you Bernadette for the reminder of just how important our dreams are in our lives, by showing just where we are at in our lives in the moment.

    1. It is a real game changer and takes the focus away from trying to attain answers from outside of ourselves. Yes there are some very wise people but the really wise ones know we are also the same and so rather than give us all the answers show us ways to find them ourselves. I know for me the moment I really come to a realisation I get it but if that same realisation is given to me from another then I often hear it as words and do not fully implement it into my way of being. It is also very empowering knowing that everything we could ever want we already have just need to surrender to it and then wow the word impossible no longer is a part of the dictionary, rather the question becomes ok so what is possible?!

  208. You have beautifully expressed the Truth here, Bernadette. It is so liberating to climb through that big window and take in the whole Universe than stay locked inside a tower/prison of indulgent personalised recriminations against oneself. How many of us walk around holding unresolved guilt, frustration, blame, and many other emotions? Body awareness is the key to the first step to uncovering our connection to our Soul.

  209. What we feel in some dreams can be life changing – there have only been a few of them that I can remember in my life but what was revealed and felt changed my understanding of life and uncovered a far deeper truth for me to feel rather than just know.

  210. ‘What was missing was a deeper connection to my Soul’ – and for most of humanity…Through The Way of The Livingness presented by Serge, I have developed a reconnection with my Soul, which has brought me many riches in the shape of purpose, health and vitality, self-love, commitment to life and and deeper understanding of myself and others and of how life really works. And as the relationship with myself has deepened, I find I can more easily connect with others – all my relationships have improved.

  211. When Serge presented the difference between spirit and soul – the two energies that we can choose from, for the first time I got to understand my life and all the struggle and complication that my life had been by aligning to spirit – and from this understanding and grace, I was able to make many amazing changes in my life, which supported me to be able to trust myself and all I was feeling and that everything I need for this life journey is already within and I have access to this by staying in connection with my body and my breath.

  212. Thank you Bernadette, for your wise words, your beautiful insights, your appreciation of Serge Benhayon, and your openness of sharing. This world would not be the same without you and I am so grateful to have had the honour of reading your piece about dreams.

      1. Agreed Otto, we could certainly do with more of both. The wisdom and grace expressed by both ladies is deeply healing, precious qualities that show us the way home.

  213. This is an important connection that offers the black and white facts of how emotions are a distraction to the connection of who we are …”thoughts of lack of self worth, frustration, guilt or any emotions keep us separate from who we truly are. They are the barriers to feeling our true beauty and worth…”

    1. Johanne emotions are indeed ‘a distraction to the connection of who we are’ and yet we have engineered ourselves into a position of positively relishing emotions. We love them, we wallow in them, we equate them with feeling alive and ‘being human’. Our talent shows thrive on getting the audience to ‘feel’ something. We categorise emotions as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and seek to feel the ‘good’ ones (happiness/excitement etc), all the while missing the point that there are actually not natural to who we are and as you so rightly say Johanne ‘a barrier to feeling our true beauty and worth’.

  214. I love how dreams can show me things that I need to look at. Recently I had one where I was doing something I did not want to be doing, I said no to it in the dream but could still feel a pull which showed me that something about it was/is still enticing me to it. Often I find dreams, like with this, can offer another view point to help address things in day to day life.

  215. I love this quote from Serge Benhayon – “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” When I am in my essence there are no complications, no dramas, desires or attachments. There is only a sense of flow and harmony, and the joy of feeling a part of something truly grand.

  216. When attending some of the retreats in Vietnam, Natalie Benhayon used to do a early morning talk about dreams and the interpretations, and these talks opened up a whole new aspect of life to us all, especially the importance of feeling into what is being shown and not dismissing the messages.

  217. “There was a tension between what I knew in my heart and how to live it.” A perfect example here Bernadette of how our dreams can assist us, through understanding, to bringing the two together – what we know in our hearts and how to live it.

  218. When I reflect on dreams in my early life, I see how my soul constantly spoke to me and invited me to see more. In one recurring dream, I returned to a place similar to ones I had worked in as a tutor, but always returned as a student, to old large Victorian buildings. I wandered from classroom to classroom, not knowing why I was there, but feeling I had more knowledge to acquire. I woke from these dreams alarmed and with a deep sense of inadequacy. My soul spoke to me then, but its message eluded me. Now I know the school I needed to return to was not in a building and the knowledge I sought not found in ordinary books. As a student of The Way of The Livingness, I can access the infinite wisdom of the heavens and stars. We are all students of life and our classroom is wherever we are. This understanding brings a true sense of purpose and deeply felt self worth.

  219. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” We are presented with the real definition of Love, a quality that wants for nothing, but is rich in its own stillness and hence a clear marker that if we feel needy of anyone or any thing, we have lost touch with this innate quality within us.

  220. We are so quick to brush off dreams or nightmares as outplays of our ‘crazy subconscious’, but what if they weren’t ‘random’ and were actually there to teach us something about life, reflect something about how we lived or what was really happening around us in our day?

  221. When I reflect on dreams in my early life, I see how my soul constantly spoke to me and invited me to see more. In one recurring dream, I returned to a place similar to ones I had worked in as a tutor but always returned as a student to old large Victorian buildings, large windows, and parquet floors.. I wandered from classroom to classroom, not knowing why I was there, but feeling I had more knowledge to acquire.. I woke up from these dreams alarm and deep sense of inadequacy. My soul spoke to me then, but its message eluded me. Now I know the school I needed to return to was not in a building and the knowledge I sought not found in ordinary books. As a student of The Way of The Livingness I have access to infinite wisdom of the heavens. We are all students of life and our classroom is wherever we are. This understanding brings a true sense of purpose and deeply felt self worth.

  222. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” This quote from Serge Benhayon, expresses all we need to know about Love.

  223. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.”(Serge Benhayon) What this line describes I know is a beautiful place to be compared to the wondering mind that is in constant movement to find in trying to escape of the life I had chosen to live.

  224. Wow Bernadette that was a great sharing about dreams. Our soul is really clever as it takes all possibilities to talk to us. The question is: Did we listen and understand? With your amazing blog you gave us a great insight what dreams can do for us – wonderful!

  225. There are so many aspects of life that are there to point us back to our original nature but we miss so many of them due to the blinkered way inwhich we live.

  226. A beautiful and inspiring blog Bernadette. The return to multidimensionality, and freedom from our self imposed exile from it.

  227. When I was young the priests used to teach about spirit and the soul and the difference between the two and too be honest I was totally bored by what they had to say and switched off and went into my head.
    When Serge Benhayon talks about the difference between the spirit and the soul I’m listening very intently because my body actually knows what he is talking about, because it comes from a lived experience from his body rather than what he has been taught and there is a vast difference in the teachings. One teaching is from recall and the other is from the body and the difference is like chalk and cheese as the saying goes. The information that Serge Benhayon presents does not come from him that is quite clear but it does come from his body as a lived experience because he lives in such a transparent way that allows the soul energy to come through him. And that is awe- inspiring to know that we all have access to the same intelligence we are just not choosing it.

  228. Surrounding to what is truly felt in the body and honouring this honours absolutely everyone and everything else. If true consideration is giving to the impact this has it’s a simple choice to be open and willing to be part of God’s divine plan.

  229. Dreams are amazing. Even if I have ones that are disturbing they also are telling me where I have let what isn’t love into my life and what and where these weak spots are. That’s invaluable. I may not know exactly what they mean but there is so much I can feel and be aware of.

  230. Bernadette, this is very beautiful; ‘I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart’, so simple and what an amazing thing to work on – simply loving and accepting ourselves.

  231. When I have had a strong dream it often takes me a while to come back to myself. Whether the dream has been seemingly positive or negative there is always much to learn from it, but it does not have to influence the way we step forward into our day. I find it helpful to be vigilant about being present with myself and my movements, and I can be my full self and also ponder on what the dream was offering without carrying it with me in the way that I move.

  232. Dreams are an incredible reflection back to us on the way we are living, things we are working on, what is going on around us.

  233. ‘ It is a wonderful feeling of liberation and expansion to feel our connection to each other, to our energetic responsibility to life on earth.’ This is amazing. Today, as I walked through the park I passed a few regulars who were drinking and one who was sleeping with empty beer bottles beside him. Often there are large groups and loud quarrels. A few smoke weed and hide in the bushes. Today I wanted to observe how I am as a walk. Feeling present I didn’t feel intimidated or any sense of threat. I notice I could choose to be fearful but knew it’ll be based on a picture of drunk people who are possibly antagonistic. I also noticed a pull to be judgemental -losers, what a waste of time drinking all day- and its twin, being sympathetic – poor people, what got them to where they are choosing to drink all day etc.

    But today I felt they were just other people who were making different lifestyle choices as they say. We were no different. And yes, I could trust myself to know if the drink was affecting a person that they were wanting to be in any way confrontative that I would walk a different route, or if someone was in danger I would call the Police, as in any situation. I felt I didn’t have to hide the connection we all share or being honest about any judgement or sympathy that does come in because I am feeling insecure.

  234. Bernadette, I really enjoyed reading how you described your understanding of the dreams. Very interesting the part of the head being too big to reach out of the window, to reach the light. And then the route being through the whole body. Really awesome.

  235. I get goose bumps reading this blog..
    …..and it has given me a deeper understanding of how precision and attention to the body is key in pulling myself up and out of the imprisonment I have kept myself in by living from my mind at the expense of my body; my whole being.

  236. Dreams can be like going to school with your soul as the teacher. Crazy then that we write them off so freely without listening to what has been shown to us.

    1. Yes Otto, I agree. A beautiful way to express this. Our soul is an amazing teacher with us as we sleep at night. Our dream’s message may sometimes elude us, but the teacher remains with us until we’re ready to see.

  237. I remember so clearly a healing session on one of the Universal Medicine courses when I got to feel exactly the same dream that I had had multiple times as a young boy. It totally confirmed that connection to our soul that is available to us all at all times and clarified this recurring dream for me….a dream that I had had for years and years but never really know what it was about and often in fact been scared by – it was an epic dream showing me the vastness of my connection with the universe.

  238. Bringing the mind back into conscious presence with our whole body and what we’re doing helps us to re-gather and be more aware of the energy we’re doing things in – as in how we are moving and the kind of thoughts we’re having rather than being split a part with our head in a day dream, worrying, off too far ahead of us and our body running on ‘auto-pilot’….

  239. Life is forever offering us reflections that could profoundly turn our lives round if we paid attention and read what the messages hold for us.

    However from personal experience I know we are so good at justifying why things happen and then because we have an explanation we ignore the deeper reflection. E.g. our train was late because there was a signal failure. Ok all of that is true, but WHY was MY train on THAT DAY late? And what does a train and being late mean in this instance?

    We are blessed that we also have this extra period where our Soul can speak to us in our dreams where we are more open to receiving the message as it is.

    1. Sure Golnaz, but even then when we have had an exposing dream, do we then take that as a communication from our Soul or do we put it of as just being a bad dream. There is always that interference of the mind if we are not fully open to have our Soul into our life.

  240. Our self-imposed prisons may have different colors. They could be obvious or very subtle. It may have bars or glass that is so clean that it does not look like we are imprisoned. The fact remains, our body tells us one way or another that we are trapped. It is our choice to choose the prison and the relief, or to say no to the prison. We all walk through the first one, some outgrow the first one and venture into the second one, where the true light awaits us.

  241. I am appreciating how dreams are a way for our soul to communicate with us. I am learning to listen to my soul more and more.

  242. We champion beliefs and ideals in our world but all too often it is these things that keep us ignorant of the true picture and the awareness of who we are. We might ask ourselves, if we know who we are in our innateness, what need do we have for beliefs?

  243. The fact you dreamt of a concentration camp not only how it looked but also how it felt confirms that we don’t have to ‘experience’ something to have an intimate understanding of it.

  244. Our dreams can tell us so much about the energies we have been aligning to. There is no escaping the evidence of them and I appreciate this reflection deeply.

  245. Dreams are very revealing when we understand the symbolism within them. What I find wonderful is how the same symbol can be dreamed by 2 (10, 50, 100) different people and the reading of it in the context of their lives will each hold their very personal reading and presentation of what is to be confirmed or exposed.

  246. “From the first time I attended a presentation by Serge Benhayon, life began to hold a deeper purpose. I began to forge a loving connection to my Soul.” I feel exactly the same, this was my experience and from there and opening up to what my dreams were showing me provided a way for my soul to support me to handle what was going on in life and look at things I may have not wanted to look at before, things that would occur during the day and I would ignore vs deal with. Today my dreams still show me what is going on during the day that I may not have been fully open to as well as helping me get a sense of what is ahead, what is the real energy at play.

  247. Thank you Bernadette, there’s a beautiful way that dreams convey something so deep and wise, and can change the course of our life. I appreciated your words too on conscious presence, it’s something I’m still learning and it really does steady my mind and reduce emotions also.

  248. Our dreams are a huge support to us if we do not dismiss but rather ponder on the meaning, even if we do not get a full understanding at least we are willing and open enough to learn from the dream. All my adult life I have had the same type of dream over and over, and now that I am not dismissing them I have gained an understanding of what the dreams mean, and as a result I have this one particular dream less frequently. But when it does come I always pay attention to the message, and it has never failed me.

  249. Beautiful and inspiring to read Bernadette, our dreams are never just dreams. Last night I had several dreams and I am not yet clear about their meaning but I know that will come to me when I stay open to the messages they bring and the opportunity for healing.

  250. “There was a tension between what I knew in my heart and how to live it.”
    Indeed Bernadette we have become masters of living from our heads, masters of function and management yet within us all lies a deep wisdom that knows there is so much more.

  251. What Serge Benhayon presents is not some airy-fairy dream but a way of being that can be a reality for us all and is demonstrated by the fact that he is the living reality of what he presents.

  252. Dreams are very potent messengers. Some of them stay with me for years, abstract teachings that support me to grow in my everyday life. They are a valuable part of my life.

  253. I remember growing up being curious about the saying from Jesus that “the Kingdom of God is within you”. At the time I could not relate to it in my everyday life, and yet somehow I knew it to be true. Nowadays I have no doubt of this fact, and thanks to the support of Serge Benhayon it is becoming a lived reality, because I can feel that I am made of love and from love.

  254. “My Soul was communicating to me in these dreams the difference between existing with self-created, imprisoning constructs, and living life from my connection to my Soul – ­my inner knowing, loving guide and forever best friend.” The messages from our soul are so powerful and so constant, both day and night. Its therefore up to us as to whether we choose to read, listen and act on them or not.

  255. It is a great thing to know that dreams have meaning and are not just some sleep time entertainment, and being able to interpret their meanings brings an amazing insight to our daily life.

  256. I love the way our soul speaks to us through dreams. When I was much younger I had a recurring dream of climbing a step ladder into a packed attic space. it was a while before I understand the symbolism of the attic: my over-crowded mind I kept returning to, rather than listening to the quiet small voice within. The dream invited me to clear the clutter of beliefs and ideals that prevented me from moving forward.

    1. Gorgeous when we can interpret the dreams accurately, However, I have also found that even when I can’t, I am still offered a healing through them and awareness eventually comes.

  257. I have had many dreams that have supported me greatly to see how I have been living and the consequences of that. We really do have so much working for us constantly giving us opportunities to be aware and bring understanding.

  258. Our dreams are so powerful if we allow ourselves to feel what they are communicating, I know in the past I used to dismiss my dreams even though they could stay with me for the whole day. I found working with Natalie Benhayon with her e-dreams for years was so supportive and allowed me to eventually read my dreams and bring an understanding to what my dreams were showing me and the deep healing and evolution they continually offer us.

  259. “Dreams ­– What are they Showing us About our Life?” – everything!!!!! If we are open, and so take note of how they support in [our] evolving in life.

  260. ‘There was a tension between what I knew in my heart and how to live it. What was missing was a deeper connection to my Soul.’ …. just love what you share here.
    I spent too many years looking outside myself for the answers when feeling this tension, when, in fact, I had the answer deep inside all along. I’m feeling how important it is for us to deepen our trust in ourselves and claim the undeniable truth that we all know so much more than we give ourselves credit for.

  261. Many people are generally interested, even intrigued by dreams and their interpretation, so to have understanding about Spirit and Soul and how dreams are a way to support awareness and connection with our Soul, brings a deeper aspect, regard and appreciation to the messages and truth that gets presented to us during our sleep. This confirms just how much our Soul is always there ready, communicating to us. Its us that simply needs to turn and face it – to connect – rather than push, control or think it (the spirit) knows more.

  262. Another beautiful reminder of how our bodies are always communicating with us, even when we sleep – an optimum time for gaining our attention without all the distractions of the day!

  263. What a blessing it is to read your blog Bernadette. To recognise just how much our dreams are there to support us in understanding, learning and bringing awareness to our life, dreams are also confirmation that evolution of mankind is the bigger purpose of all of us being here.

  264. Dreams can offer a powerful insight into our day to day choices and awareness, thanks Bernadette for this insightful look at how we can begin to approach our dreams and their significance.

  265. I love how you describe trying to go through the first window but your head wouldn’t fit through- that when we try to address problems or issues with our heads we don’t get anywhere but it requires a whole body intelligence to know what is needed.

  266. We can get accustomed to experiencing nightmares, being tormented and taunted in our sleep. And so to eulogise what happens at night might seem like a sick joke. But as you beautifully show Bernadette, there are dreams that shine light like a beacon onto our life, help us see reason when we are in strife, and illustrate fully what we’re here to learn. So why do we get these two kinds? This in itself shows that there are two types of energy we can live in life, one that harms and reduces who we are, another that celebrates Love, educates and understands. What kind we receive just depends on what we choose in the day. If we are open to the truth – our Soul will find a way.

    1. Brilliant sharing Joseph, I love the way you write/express with such depth of wisdom and love. I can read an entire book written by you. Your words flow beautifully and is inspiring.

  267. Thank you Bernadette for a deeply appreciative blog about life and how there is so much more to it than the physical eye can see. Your appreciation for the path you have chosen is palpable and the child-like awe that we all have the capacity to express and let loose, is clearly here expressed as a joy about life and all it brings, whilst not turning a blind eye to all the not so pleasant things we also get to see. A real but refreshing take on life.

  268. Life lived with an understanding of our wider purpose in being here is very different and reading your piece Bernadette I’m very aware of that and how in your realisation that we are here for a deeper and greater purpose and that each thing presented to us is to bring us back to who we are, life takes on a whole new meaning and there is magic for us to see and feel all around – nothing can be mundane when we live in this way.

  269. Dreams are key in supporting us to understand what is happening for us on a day to day basis. Dreams can communicate so much – especially things that we have registered as feeling during the day but perhaps might not be consciously aware of, and so the dream brings it to our attention and from here can support us in our understanding of self and of life around us.

  270. So true…”We are more than a physical body; we are part of a much grander oneness.” …for this explains so much about life, than if we were just a physical body.

  271. It seems that dreams can offer us healing or at the very least offer an understanding of what is happening for us in life. It is then another step to take this understanding and live it in some way in our everyday lives.

  272. Yes, very true Elizabeth – I once had a dream that literally showed me what was about to happen in my life. It presented it to me in such a beautiful way that I could not feel afraid or nervous about what was in front of me.

  273. I can get very caught up in the struggle and complication I see around me and that I create and entertain.
    It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that after reading this I can see I do not need to enjoin. I can recognise it has an energetic quality and if I can feel this I can also choose otherwise. I know I’m in in it and thinking myself out of it doesn’t work, it just gets me more stressed thinking about what I have to do, I can go into striving to get things done and only then I can relax.

    So what if I found another way? Choosing to just let everything around me follow the path it’s chosen. What if I let go of making things happen and investing in having to have them happen in order to impose an order that I can then feel comfortable with. But this way, even if things do follow my plan I can still feel stressed at the end of it all. So why not do what is next to do, not get distracted, complete tasks when they are in that flow of completion, let the world be crazy if it wants to be crazy, Choose my connection with me and the space around me and not fall for the doing, the functionality of the world, letting go of all outcomes and feeling how what is being done is actually the magic needed at any one time. When I get into the doing I immediately stumble and feel overwhelm. When I do things from the spaciousness we actually live in then I get to feel the ease in which life can be lived no matter how crazy things get. This is something I am presented with each day- so what a blessing!

  274. “We are all worthy of healing.” So true Bernadette… and we are offering each other healing in every interaction we have with one another.

  275. “What is so very powerful about Serge Benhayon is that he reflects a lived way.” This is the inspiration Serge offers everyone he meets, everywhere, every day… a total consistency and dedication to offering a way of living that comes from truth, love, harmony, joy and stillness – that we all know, have innately within every one of us, and which we are all capable of living too.

  276. Reading dreams is actually very telling of where we are at energetically.
    It still fascinates me how dreams communicate a lot to us, and it is about us choosing to truly listen and respond. Serge Benhayon is one such person that has brought to my awareness that life is so much more than just what we see – that energy is everything and that this plays a huge part in how the physical plays out.

  277. “True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to” – this is a great quote and it goes hand in hand with knowing that everything has a meaning. For example, our dreams are not simply random occurrences – they mean something as does every single thing that happens in life. Life is there for us to read.

  278. It’s incredible what dreams can show us. I find I don’t remember a lot of my dreams, but the times I do they usually stand out. The message in the dream isn’t always that obvious as I get caught up in the detail and the literal happenings, but I’m conscious of the difference in intensity depending on what’s going on in my life at the time.

  279. Thank you Bernadette for sharing your dreams and your readings of them. They are a great example of what can be offered to us in reflection in our dreams if we are open to look at what they are presenting.

  280. I have always found dreams quite fascinating and in more recent years found the connection of what I have been living to the communication of the dream… sometimes that can bring revelation, sometimes confirmation and sometimes a complete puzzlement! Interestingly, I find I dream more when I have eaten lightly in the day!

  281. It makes sense that dreams have a meaning and not just simply happen and happen by chance.

  282. I recently in a healing session got to such a surrendered place and I heard these words ‘behold and beheld’, in that is the everything.

  283. Everything is Everything therefore shapes and symbols have meanings just like words and actions.

  284. Beautiful Bernadette, thank you – love and wisdom in words. Your sharing has deepened my sense of who I am and this is very healing.

  285. Being open to seeing what our dreams are reflecting to us is something that I’ve found really helpful too – sometimes I’m not sure what the meaning of them was but an awareness or understanding may arise later, and by not just dismissing the dream I’ve given myself the opportunity to connect with that reading rather than ignore it…

    1. Yes, being open to my dreams allow me to know their significance even if it’s a good while later, or another layer that is revealed. Not ignoring or dismissing them is key especially when they repeat as a theme or there is a slight change. Noting what that change is and what it’s saying about how my choices have changed is also significant as they are tools letting me know what there is to work on or appreciate in what I’ve changed.

    2. Yes, sometimes I may not relate to the incidents of a dream but I acknowledge how the dream made me feel, and this helps me to learn and understand more about myself and where I am at.

  286. Bernadette, firstly I love this point you make; “Life is not to be about suffering, achieving or striving. True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to and to embrace this with all of our being.” Its something that helped me make sense of life and our purpose. Furthermore I love your detailed description of dreams and the symbolic nature of them and what they share. From first talking with Natalie about the symbolism of dreams and what my dreams meant it has been a real blessing to have my soul show me things in ways I would not have seen during the day or confirming what I already felt.

    1. Spot on Abby – dreams are very powerful and can support us in so many ways, offering healing, insight or understanding.

  287. My dreams are gold. The gift of understanding that they bring to my life on every level is beyond anything that I could ‘think up’ while awake. They speak at a time when any waking patterns are not running in my body and present the very understanding that is needed as I continue to commit to living my love in ever deepening ways.

  288. I always knew there was more to life that what I was living; it just didn’t make sense that there wasn’t but even though I searched for a very long time the answers remained elusive. That was until I met Serge Benhayon and in one weekend what he presented offered me the answers to all those never-ending questions. Although my ingrained way of living was challenged in so many ways the common sense that I was finally hearing was what I knew with every particle of my being to be the truth.

  289. I love the quote by Serge Benhayon you have picked out to support your experience that once connection is made with our innermost essence, there is nothing more needed, our whole worthiness is right there; “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” Yet again Serge delivers such wisdom in so few words.

  290. I have found it very surprising how well dreams can communicate with us once we have some understanding of them. I would have considered that quite unlikely in the past.

    1. I agree Christoph. I love dreams and I have the habit of spending some time considering what they are telling me. Sometimes I write them down and I used to have a notebook next to the bed where I would write them all! It was really fun! What I notice is that the more I pay attention to them the more I dream and the more messages I get from them. Love what they communicate.

  291. The aim of the game of this world is to not live the apparent struggle that it is. The problems and issues we have are simply creations and whilst they have an externalised reality they are still not in essence true. The answer is never to fight them and try and escape for this is from reaction from our mind and hence still in the same energy. It is through simple surrender to our soul. The apparent complexity of life conundrums never exists in the simplicity of life from the Soul.

    1. What you have written Joshua about the answer is not to fight our problems or issues by reacting in the same energy, but surrender to the soul, is a game changer. We avoid the simplicity because human life has become full of complications.

  292. The teaching by Serge Benhayon about the difference between spirit and soul is the great liberator, because it releases us from our self-created imprisonment, revealing what we are choosing that keeps us away from the grandness we know and are.

    1. I agree Janet, it becomes easier to de-personalise, step outside of the entanglement of emotions & hurts and understand what it is that feeds our choices.

  293. Inspiring blog Bernadette. I am reminded to be open to listen to my Soul’s messages instead of ignoring them. The reason I choose to ignore them is so I don’t have to take responsibility for my choices, I know this is not supportive for me or the people around me.

  294. The dream always loves the dreamer – it communicates the truth that is already known in the body and experienced in our living way. Dreams can offer confirmation and choice – this is a very beautiful sharing Bernadette.

  295. I had an unpleasant dream in the night and I awoke knowing the reflection was from how I had lived with emotion and reaction in the past. I got up early and came downstairs, opened the door to let the dog out, and was met by a beautiful starry sky and the ‘woo twit twoo’ of an owl in the distance. I was immediately lifted to connect to myself and start my day with a different energetic quality.

  296. I used to dismiss my dreams but when I started to pay attention to them I realised what powerful insight and clarity they offered me in terms of my choices during the day. In learning to interpret the symbolism of them I have another tool to support with my learning.

  297. As a child my mum was always telling us about her dreams, and what she thought they meant. This was something she got from her mother who used to interpret dreams, I too now discuss my dreams with my family and ponder on what they might mean. I had one last night that was unusual, but already I have a sense of what it means.

  298. Our dreams can be powerful messages from our soul, that if read accurately support and confirm us to either change our behaviours in ways that truly support us and everyone else, or to continue doing what we are doing because we are already doing that, although there is always more for us to do. Our dreams are basically a reflection and therefore a continuation of our waking day.

  299. Bernadette this is a real offering of the power and purpose of our dreams and our choice of energy and what they reflect to us. Very revealing and beautifully written with your commitment to life your soul and the divine plan with God and the grandness of us all.

  300. The Way of The Livingness is truly the ‘way out’ of the abyss of self-doubt, lack of self-worth, victim mode and all the other forms of mental, emotional and physical self-abuse and into the Light of one’s Soul.

  301. Superb Bernadette. “I realised that this purpose to life was to learn to trust and love myself and to listen to my inner-heart so that I could live my truth free of limiting, ingrained patterns.” This is such an anathema to the present approach of education and society, which is to be moulded and learn to fit into whatever is accepted norm. What you succinctly express here is true purpose and true freedom.

  302. ‘What is so very powerful about Serge Benhayon is that he reflects a lived way.’ As you do. The power and absolute clarity and livingness of you is tangibly felt in this blog. I can also feel in oneness with the Universe and a connection with the stars and can feel this in my body just from having your blog open on my computer .. it is quite remarkable and shows the power of how one can impulse another and help to pull them up and out of their own miasma just through reflection. I don’t give myself the space to read my dreams and you have inspired me to do so more. Also it goes to show if we have trust, dedication and precision and consciously and consistently chip away at what is not love and walk with what is Love we get to feel the enormity of the Universe as you have done and this is just the beginning! Thank you for sharing.

  303. Thank you Bernadette. Serge Benhayon brings us the divine gift of knowing the difference between our spirits and our souls and appreciating via our bodies the quality of stillness that resides in our souls. Fortunately for us our dreams do communicate the messages we need to receive in relation to the quality of our living, intentions and desires. Paying attention to them in the way you have enables us to connect to our inner wisdom and the inner stillness of the soul and hence receive divine guidance on how to live in this world aligned to the grandeur of the Universe we are immutably a part of.

  304. Recently I attended the funeral of a friend of mine and I was given the opportunity to see two different ways of life. One life lived in disconnection to oneself and the unease and misery that this naturally brings so that there is a want to be in distraction the whole time. And one where one is at ease with one self and the joy that this brings there is no need for distraction because there is so much of life to enjoy. The latter way of life has been achieved by me with the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and I count my blessings that I made choices to change the way I was living to one of enjoyment everyday.

  305. What you shared about completion not needing to be perfect has broken something in my head, in the best possible way. I can see now how I held the idea of perfection and completion being one and the same and yet I have felt completion and I can say in those moments they weren’t perfect. It feels like more is going to unravel from this, Thank you Bernadette.

  306. Bernadette, thank you for sharing your realisations and how both yourself and thus your dreams have changed as a result of the work you have out into reconnect and live with your Soul. “The Kingdom of God is Within you’ is such a powerful quote and something I cannnot be reminded of enough – for any outer seeking lacks this knowing and thus is flawed from the start.

  307. I definitely feel there is significance to our dreams, my dreams are often symbolic of what’s going on in my life or what happened in my day and give me a wider understanding or show me a situation from a different stand point. Our dreams could be a super useful tool if we fully utilise what’s on offer from them.

  308. Having had dreams and nightmares brushed off as ‘it was only a dream’, it is beautiful to read about the brisker picture that our dreams can give us. But, as with our day life, it is important to discern which energy is running through us at night, for harm or for healing?

  309. Dreams are such an important part of life and can support us if read correctly. As a child I had a recurring nightmare which I never understood. With the support of Natalie Benhayon, in reinterpreting them, they all made complete sense. That support, as a child, would have been invaluable.

  310. It is a common misconception that when we sleep that we switch off (we may intend to switch off, to get away from the world) and whatever happens during our sleep time is insignificant, but in actual fact it is no different than when we are awake. Everything means something, so our dreams are just a reflection of how we have been living during the day, and we can have either soulful or astral dreams. Personally I feel it is wise to give every dream some focus, and to ask ourselves what are the meanings behind the dreams, as it is an opportunity to evolve.

  311. Our dreams are always offering us a reflection of our life events, and it is up to us how much we are willing to look at what our dreams are representing.

  312. As children many are woken at night by their nightmares and as parents we have yet to fully appreciate or understand what can happen to children at these times, that they are visited by spirits and that their nightmares are very real not just imaginary happenings. So when it comes to dreams that can offer us an in-sight into our lives we tend to ignore and dismiss them because of our experiences as children. So it is great that you are opening up the conversation Bernadette, showing that our dreams are very much related to how we are living and can be great learnings for us to ponder on.

  313. Dreams can be so revealing when we are open to reading them. I used to have a recurrent dream about being lost in various sorts of mazes and feeling totally trapped. The more I have taken responsibility for the quality of the way I live my life during the day the less I have had versions of this dream. In the past I dismissed dreams but now although I am not often aware of dreaming after I wake up I pay particular attention to what I have dreamt and the message contained in it for me.

    1. Yes, it is a great feeling when a recurrent dream appears in an altered, more positive light.

  314. “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” There is not one ounce of true love when there are conditions. Living a life when we expect another to do because we have done leads to tension and disharmony within the body. Living is based on the outside and not what is true for self. It is not selfish as how can it be possible to truly love another when there is no love for self. Living in stillness and connected to soul we are content as nothing on the outside can come anywhere near to the connection we have to God and the Universe.

  315. Bernadette, it is really interesting to read about dreams and their meaning, I used to have dreams of flying and of nothing being able to touch me on earth, these dreams felt very powerful, I had not considered their meaning until reading this article. I also used to dream of filing my paperwork and being ordered I remember I used to joke that these dreams were very boring, I can now feel that the mess in my life and home was in need of order and that these dreams were allowing me to feel this, thank you for writing this and for making this link between dreams and how i am in the world.

  316. “My Soul was communicating to me in these dreams the difference between existing with self-created, imprisoning constructs, and living life from my connection to my Soul” Through the presentations of Universal Medicine I have learned that every dream is a message and a reflection of how I have been living and for me to learn from.

  317. “It opens us up to consider what quality of energy collectively we citizens of earth are emanating into the universe”, the energetic quality of a dustbin comes to mind.

  318. Just prior to reading this article I was feeling very discombobulated. I had started lots of different projects and completed none and this was bringing up a tension in me. I knew that I was disconnected from my body and also knew that reading a blog would help to bring me back to my body. Initially I felt that I couldn’t really take in the blog but gradually I could feel myself come back into my body and now I am back, phew! it really is painful to not be connected, it’s a very scrambled state to be in.

  319. Stunning and beautiful Bernadette, an inspiring read which confirms that at every moment whether awake or asleep we are in constant inter-communication with everything around us.

  320. The mind is a con man, never follow it, if you do you’ll end up getting taken for a ride. The body on the other hand is Honest Harry, hold Harry’s hand and it’ll act like a balm.

  321. Bernadette, I too have had one very significant reoccurring dream. The problem though was that although the message of the dream was super simple and super clear (basically that there was something that I was not seeing), the belief that I held that I was doing incredibly well (when I was not) was so strong and all consuming that I was unable to heed the message from my soul. The exact same scenario played out identically on at least 2 more occasions. I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our soul communicates with us through dreams and shan’t dismiss the significance of the heavenly sent messages again.

  322. “My Soul was communicating to me in these dreams the difference between existing with self-created, imprisoning constructs, and living life from my connection to my Soul – ­my inner knowing, loving guide and forever best friend.” Dreams are our amazing allies and reveal to us the very essence of what may be holding us back or what confirms us. The messages from our soul are a constant tool to explore and to get a greater understanding and depth to life and how we live it. Simply beautiful thank you Bernadette.

  323. This shows how powerful our dreams are in enabling us to understand our current situations and our responsibility for finding our own way out.

    1. Carmel, I didn’t know this as a child and at one stage I used to be so afraid to go to bed because of the reoccurring nightmares I had. If I was taught that our dreams are powerful and how to read and understand them then perhaps I wouldn’t have been so scared and would be open to learning from them instead of trying to block them out.

  324. Our dreams can be so supportive in our development and growth back to Soul if we understand these well and do not dismiss them as just dreams.

  325. Dreams can offer us clear reflections of what is going on in our lives. Nothing is by chance. Being open to reading this language can be very supportive as in what we may need to bring focus to, and dreams can also be confirming of how we are living.

  326. This is written with so much love and compassion to the way you chose to live in concsious presence and it is amazing how you get reflected in your dream how your life has changed since you were practising concsious presence on a steady basis. Thank you Bernadette.

  327. Not only are we “all worthy of healing”‘, it is what life and the cycles are about and there to provide and support us with – opportunity after opportunity after opportunity.

  328. We talk so much about living a ‘dream life’ and aspire to be in a place where everything is great. Yet what we are blanking out is that our true dreams at night hold so much wisdom and give us the most beautiful guidance and advice. If we just open up, stop and consider what they present, as you have done here Bernadette then we will see we are supported in the most divine way to live the truth. The way we are cared for is beyond our wildest dreams and it’s starting point lives in our stillness it seems.

  329. The wisdom of dreams can be quite profound offering us an understanding of an element of ourselves or our lives that can support us deeply when read. There is so much we can learn from the symbology and beauty on offer, divinely guiding us back to ourselves should we choose to embrace it.

  330. It is incredibly beautiful how our soul communicates with us through our dreams and the journey we go on together to understand the significance of what is being shared.

  331. Bernadette, I love the wisdom you offer here that you have come to understand through your dreams.
    Realising that we are so much more than our physical body, that are particles are aligned to the stars, that we already are everything we need to ‘be’ and we have access to infinite universal wisdom, always ….. is a massive get out of gaol card. All the constructs and falsities that keep us trapped and burdened with untruths fall away leaving us free to live our lives full of purpose, knowing with absoluteness the divinity that we are all a part of.

  332. If nothing happens ‘by chance’ and everything is everything, then what justifies us ignoring 6-10 hours of our day and everything that takes place during this time?

  333. This a beautiful quote . . . . “Love is a stillness that needs nothing.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations p. 664) . . . . Thank you Bernadette for bringing the importance of our dreaming to the fore. There is so much to learn from our dreams. They can confirm, alert and /or educate us. We simple need to read them just us we read life.

  334. Recently I was prompted to recall that we are able to ask our souls for support – I was reminded they’re our ‘buddies’. I did so, not knowing what form that support would arrive in, and being open to whatever form it would take. It came as a deeper connection to my dreams – there was a richness to them, and a quality that was felt upon waking that stayed with me the whole day. That quality is, I have realised, not so much related to the actual dreams I’d had (although they did feel deeper) but the feeling of connection to my soul. And what a beautiful feeling that is.

    1. Thank you for sharing Victoria, that’s beautiful to hear that you were held for the whole day in that deeper connection. And a very powerful confirmation of your call to your Soul.

    2. Just awesome, Victoria. I think most people think of speaking to their souls in times of hardship or despair. Really cool that you’re open to having a friendly chat and to come from a place where there is no need.

  335. Connecting to the kingdom of God that is inside us is so simple these days; it is holding this connection by using our movements that is making life interesting. Our ‘movements’ and expression, which can not be separated are affecting the ‘quality’ of us being the ‘Son of God’. So as you say Bernadette, ‘we need no longer look for approval or answers from outside of us,’ and when connected to our Soul our ‘dreams’ are re-directing us to deepen our connection, then our expression can evolve, so our movements will align to the deeper level of our Soul-full-ness.

  336. To feel the spaciousness and light I am/we are is a simple choice as it is the essence of our being. Surrendering to this truth is as simple as offering myself permission, allowing the connection to spaciousness and light that is reflected constantly by the stars and the universe. What an amazing constellation to be part of.

  337. I don’t dream very often (or at least remember them) but when I do they are always very profound and very much related to how I am living, and there is always a strong message for me to look at.

  338. Nothing in life is coincidence… everything happens for a reason – our dreams tell us how we are living, the bee crossing our path has a message, as does every person we meet reflect something for us. We are forever students of life.

  339. There is so much more to life than we realise… we tend to focus on our own personal world when there is a universal Divine plan that is inclusive of everyone.

  340. “True freedom comes with knowing that there is a much grander picture to belong to…” Beautifully said Bernadette.

  341. As human beings we are comprised of both an ethereal component (spirit and Soul) and a corporal component (our physical form). Most of us are very familiar and comfortable with our physical aspect but can get a bit ‘spooked’ by our spiritual one. What this means is that when we go to sleep at night and allow our physical body to rest, by not tending to the spiritual aspect of ourselves and ‘sealing ourselves in sleep’ correctly by way of how we live during our day, the rhythm we hold ourselves in, we inadvertently open ourselves up to certain forces that can wreak havoc with us in the sense that we ‘leave ourselves’ and go into the uncharted territory of these astral beings or spirits, ill equipped. This is how we get bullied in the night through various nightmares that are fed to us to scare and thus deter us from living true to who we are – multidimensional beings whose essence is pure Love. This may be by the constant fear mongering technique by which we are showed images of unresolved and thus very painful situations from past lives or even just purely imagined ones.

    However, our Soul can show us things that will help us arise out of a certain momentum if the way we have been living is not true to the love that we are, so that we can renounce the pattern that has held us so captive in our waking life. Our Soul can also ‘send’ us dreams that are deeply confirming of the choices we are making. The point being that there is just as much going on in our ‘sleeping’ life as in our waking life and it stands us well to give the messages we receive here equal weight to all that we receive during the day, just as you have so beautifully done Bernadette.

    1. Last night my dream was of driving a car that was low in power, and this dream reflects how my body is ready for a grease and oil change. Today I intend to be very aware of how I am using and moving my body, and I will dedicate time to enjoy a walk and some exercises. As you have explained Liane ‘our Soul can show us things that will help us arise out of a certain momentum…so that we can renounce the pattern that has held us captive in our waking life’. I really appreciate these loving messages from my Soul, how they are delivered in a powerful and simple way and offered with no judgement.

    2. What you share here Lianne makes clear to me that our dreams always tell us something about where we are att in life and with that awareness we can make the next step to free us from the shackles of the physical life we have deeply invested in. Therefore it is important not to dismiss dreams just as dreams but to understand that we are vessels of energy and that our dreams do show us to which energy we are aligned to and where we are at or what next step to take.

    3. Beautifully said Liane – there is much more going on 24 / 7 than we choose to acknowledge – in fact very often we spend a lot of the day in a dream thinking we are awake.

    4. What you’ve shared here Liane feels so true on multiple levels, and helped confirm for me some of the causes of many of my dream experiences. I have always been fascinated by dreams and at times felt like we all are living two lives- one during waking hours and the other in a non-physical world. But the reality (as you have described here so clearly) is that there are both a physical and non-physical reality occurring simultaneously all the time, but we can access the messages from the non-physical aspect through our dreams. It has also been a huge support in my own personal understanding and awareness of life lessons to interpret my own dreams and feel what they mean for me (unlike the typical generic dream ‘dictionaries’ that one can find in a bookstore, which never felt like they applied to my dreams). I have found that when I just trust my feelings of what the dream meant for me instead of questioning it, and thus dealing with this issue in my waking life directly and honestly, there was a healing for me which often played out in certain recurrent dreams I had had for years suddenly stopping. This felt like a confirmation that it had been cleared.

  342. I look forward to the day where conversations like these are part of our every day, where we talk about God in the true sense, and our connection to Soul. This feels like a welcome and much needed step in the right direction.

  343. These are beautiful all encompassing interpretations of dreams given to you by your soul Bernadette, and what I considered reading this is that dreams infused by our soul have something for everyone – they are for you specifically but also serve for everybody else as well.

    1. ‘dreams infused by our soul have something for everyone – they are for you specifically but also serve for everybody else as well.’ This is so true Katerina, the soul encourages us to see and to feel the bigger picture, that we are all connected, and that how we live affects everyone.

  344. Thank you for sharing about the dreams you had Bernadette, they are really beautiful reflections about life where not just you but we all can grow and learn from.

  345. I use to think dreams were just something you had and I remember detailing them at times in the ‘how strange or weird’ category but never looking any deeper at them. I remember as a child having ‘bad’ dreams or nightmares and not wanting to go back to sleep. I remember having reoccurring dreams and not taking any notice of them and simply giving them the ‘strange or weird’ tag and moving on. It’s amazing now with The Way of The Livingness to bring dreams into being a naturel part of life, a guide or a reading on what is going on in life and from there expand further your awareness based on what you have seen and felt. Dreams are no longer random things that just happen but more a support or guide on where to next.

    1. Same here Ray, dreams were just random ‘weird pictures’ especially ‘cheese dreams’ ( eating cheese before bed to produce really wild dreams). Now relating to dreams as a message from my Soul about life currently or to come, when read, brings an understanding to my daily life. I sit up and pay attention to my dreams more than ever rather than placing them in the ‘weird’ basket.

      1. It’s a great example and just as what you ate before you went to bed had an impact on your dreams so does how you act, the quality you are in also impacts into your sleep dreams. Ever had times when you couldn’t get to sleep and the day just wouldn’t turn off? The way we are in the day carries on in our sleep and dreams, it’s just we see them as 2 different parts when in fact it’s all one and the same.

    2. Yeah very true Ray. You can buy books which claim to decipher your dreams, but I’ve never really felt that was true. A little like horoscopes in the paper. But yes indeed, dreams are there to tell us things about life although I don’t believe it’s up to a book to tell you what they mean – that takes away our own responsibility to read into what they mean and what’s happening for us.

      1. As we know no two dreams are the same, there can be symbols that have a common meaning but the way you dream them, at the time you dream them is personal or unique if you like to you. The reading, understanding or awareness of the dream is important for you and as we are saying it can’t be taken from a book. Dreams relate to life very directly and how you live in it. The reading or even recalling of a dream can support you in the next part of your waking day as they are not just some random thing that you do in your sleep.

  346. Bernadette, this is a powerful writing on the insights and awareness that dreams offer to support us making new choices and changes in our life. Very inspiring to read and feel the deep commitment you have to life.

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