Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body through Acceptance

One of the great joys of Esoteric Yoga is that it is such a wonderful support for developing an honest relationship with the body that then supports me to have a more honest relationship with everyday life.

The various themes that are available to be explored in an Esoteric Yoga class are endless and equally there to be explored in life’s everyday activities. Developing an acceptance in life is one such theme that has supported my body to surrender more, as opposed to pushing through life carrying tension, burdens, exhaustion or pain in general. It may at first seem that acceptance of ourselves and how things are in life would be simple, however, given the opportunity to look deeper, there is much to uncover and feel.

A poignant question I have asked myself is, “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” And if I translate this to my yoga practice, “Do I have an expectation of how I want to feel in a yoga class?”

When we have expectations in an Esoteric Yoga class, or in life, we limit our awareness, because we are so fixed on an outcome or a picture of how it should look and feel. And when those expectations are not met there can be a disappointment – a tension that can be felt as an unsettlement in the body. Thoughts of ‘not being enough’ or ‘achieving enough’ are great examples of how we don’t accept life, which result in a tension and a mistrust that we carry in our body. Not to mention the fact that we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is.

Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender. Letting go of stories of ‘what may happen’ or ‘what may not happen’ is very liberating as it allows the body to be open to whatever will unfold before us and allows us to see life with a wider lens. Accepting and surrendering are far more enriching ways to be and live that pave the way for appreciation, rather than chasing the pictures and fantasies of what we think and want life to be that keeps our body in a state of tension!

Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress. When practising Esoteric Yoga I have experienced that there is an opportunity to feel this quality in the body – which is a direct result of lifestyle choices to that point. We may like what we feel or we may not – in other words, we may accept what we feel or we may not. For example, we may feel joy-full and open or we may feel pain and an uncomfortable momentum. These momentums are the result of a series of choices that become the uncomfortable tensions and tightness in our body. The point being, how we feel and our level of surrender are very much connected, and are a result of the quality of movement and lifestyle choices we choose each and every day. As the founder of Esoteric Yoga, Serge Benhayon has presented, “The body is the marker of ALL truth” (The Way of Initiation, p 602) and something we actually cannot escape.

When we do not want to accept what is felt in the body, it is very common to choose to numb and distract ourselves from feeling our discomforts and momentums, something we are actually very practised at. However, in an Esoteric Yoga class when I stop to re-connect to the body by simply choosing to align the mind with whatever my body is doing, any momentums that may be there can be seen more easily, and it is here that I have an opportunity to start to let them go.

Allowing ourselves to be with whatever is there to be felt in the body with whatever we are doing, and bringing an acceptance to this, allows an openness and thus more space for surrender. In contrast to this, when we choose to react to what we can feel (the momentums), the body stays hard and we delay the opportunity to become aware of the choices and patterns of behaviour that are causing the tension.

We can choose the path of ease by accepting what is there to be felt and allowing the body to surrender OR, we can fight ourselves by diverting our energy to avoid and distract ourselves from our awareness, and thus continue with our patterns and ways of living that keep the momentums and tension held in the body.

The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best – and that is to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness. When we allow this, it brings a halt to everything that does not belong to our natural rhythm of stillness. The sense of ease that can be experienced in an Esoteric Yoga class has become a healing rhythm for me that I can take into my day, as I am no longer fighting myself by staying in tension and anxiety. In essence, I have an opportunity to allow the deeper quality of surrender that I have embodied to be with me and to inform the quality of my movements. From here, my patterns and unsupportive ways of living naturally start to drop away. This is why I, like many others who experience Esoteric Yoga, find it very supportive and deeply restful.

There is quite a difference to how the body can feel at the end of a day should we choose to move in a quality of ease and surrender as opposed to tension and anxiety that deplete the body. If we are moving the body in a quality that honours our innate rhythm of stillness, then we open the door to feel the joy and vitality of this. The body’s wisdom knows how to bring itself back to harmony and true connection.

The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.

By Anonymous

Further Reading:
Esoteric Yoga – yoga for our world today
Esoteric Yoga – To Do or To BE?
International day of yoga – June 21st

484 thoughts on “Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body through Acceptance

  1. Esoteric yoga supports us to connect with the body, and to allow the body to surrender, ‘The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.’

  2. “Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.” I’ve never placed the two worlds ‘stress’ and ‘surrender’ together but they do go well as a pair reflecting opposing ways to be in life. In stress it definitely feels like I’m fighting something and not accepting life as it is, and not accepting myself. Surrender is such a beautiful feeling, allowing all of me to be present, instead of being in a fight against the flow of life (and myself) to have life how I perceive I need it to be.

    1. Accepting what is presented, and allowing ourselves to surrender is so supportive for our bodies, and our well-being, ‘Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender.’

  3. I used to love attending the themed yoga programs as it felt like the Esoteric Yoga, combined with the theme super magnified my life in that particular focus. For example a program on Delicateness – that quality and my understanding of how it is or isn’t lived in my life was brought right up into my face in the most loving way possible. Being reflective about life, with the support of the connection to the body that comes in Esoteric Yoga is really beautiful.

  4. It was great to read about expectations, the expectations we have and just how much they limit us. Also when I read this ‘Developing an acceptance in life is one such theme that has supported my body to surrender more, as opposed to pushing through life carrying tension’ I became really aware of the tension I was carrying and holding onto in my body which then enabled me to let this go. It just goes to show how we can hold ourself in something like tension, stress, anxiety and not even know we are doing this!!!! So therefore great to bring such awareness back to the body and how we are, and Esoteric Yoga is one of the best modalities I know to support with this and of course letting go of those tensions.

    1. Expectations we place on life can be quite invasive and limiting, ‘Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?’

  5. ‘Developing an acceptance in life is one such theme that has supported my body to surrender more, as opposed to pushing through life carrying tension, burdens, exhaustion or pain in general.’ I can’t exactly pinpoint the moment where I began to accept myself and my qualities so much more but in the acceptance them. life has changed considerably. Esoteric Yoga as a modality has definitely played a significant part in this and it is a modality I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.

    1. I agree with you michelle819 when you say
      ‘I can’t exactly pinpoint the moment where I began to accept myself and my qualities so much more but in the acceptance them. life has changed considerably. ‘
      This has been my experience too. Esoteric Yoga has supported me to come back into my body and build a relationship with myself, something I have not had since I was a child, where we are constantly encouraged to look outside of ourselves rather than develop the natural beauty that is within us all.

    2. With no expectations, and more acceptance, we allow more appreciation and enrichment in our lives, ‘Accepting and surrendering are far more enriching ways to be and live that pave the way for appreciation, rather than chasing the pictures and fantasies of what we think and want life to be that keeps our body in a state of tension!’

  6. What I can appreciate after reading this blog is realising that actually I do not have a lot of expectations, however I am sure there is always more I can let go of! #makingitaboutlove

    1. Great that you do not have a lot of expectations Vicky, as they can be quite detrimental to our daily living, they ‘limit our awareness, because we are so fixed on an outcome or a picture of how it should look and feel.’

  7. I have found esoteric yoga to be a huge benefit to me by taking the stillness I have connected to into my day has made such a change to how I behave and move, what I say and the thoughts I have. My day is easier because I am with myself in the day, so that a lot of the nervous tension has gone and I feel very settled in my body. Esoteric yoga is so simple but so profound.

  8. ‘Thoughts of ‘not being enough’ or ‘achieving enough’ are great examples of how we don’t accept life, which result in a tension and a mistrust that we carry in our body. Not to mention the fact that we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is.’

    I know this is a huge chunk I’m highlighting but so needed to read this today. It is a tension that I feel in my body – that striving to try to be more stops me from appreciating what is, and what is is actually pretty awesome!

  9. Every Esoteric Yoga session is different, however it is always a true reflection of how we are and relate to life. What we are offered can be a revelation to support us in our everyday life.

  10. Esoteric yoga brings you to a stop from the whirlwind we can all too often get caught in in day to day life. Sometimes that feels a little bit confronting which is why I often avoid doing it.

    1. It is great to have some stop moments to connect with your body and what you are feeling, ‘how we feel and our level of surrender are very much connected, and are a result of the quality of movement and lifestyle choices we choose each and every day. ‘

  11. I agree, my mind can be a great facilitator for distraction and justification yet my body doesn’t lie and the Esoteric Yoga is a wonderful vehicle to embrace that relationship with honesty and truth.

  12. “Accepting and surrendering are far more enriching ways to be and live that pave the way for appreciation, rather than chasing the pictures and fantasies of what we think and want life to be that keeps our body in a state of tension!” This is so true, the pictures keep us in reaction because life has it’s way of delivering what’s needed which never looks like how we want it to. Accepting and surrendering would support us to stay open to be with what has been delivered in life and work with it. Without the acceptance we may be fighting how life is and going into struggle.

  13. So true, when we fight life, we interfere with the body’s ability to communicate, or rather, our ability to listen to what is being communicated through the body, and what I often find is I trap myself in a pattern of thoughts/behaviour which confirms itself in perpetuation.

  14. I needed to read this as my body is going through something which I am finding challenging. I love “the body is the marker of ALL truth” – and there are times when I forgo this truth and go into my head about it when it makes absolute sense, my body is signalling something.
    I know my relationship with my body has to go to another level of understanding and appreciation, it is that simple, its whether I’m open to listening is the question.

    1. The body shares such wisdom with us, how important to listen to it, ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress’.

  15. We put so many expectations on the body of things like what it should look like, how hard it should work and exercise, maybe not giving it a rest when needed or overdoing the resting, so Esoteric Yoga is perfect for letting the body just be without any judgements. It shows us exactly where we are with our body and offers us evolution.

    1. This is really interesting as when I think of expectation I have not thought of the expectations I have and place on my body!!!! 😶 On reflection and from reading this I know I do not allow my body to rest when it needs it. Definitely something to ponder and explore ❤️

  16. “The more we allow acceptance and surrender”… the more we allow space in our body and from that spaciousness quality live life and also relate with others.

  17. If we can have an honest relationship with our body then we have everything that we need to live a true life

    1. Rather than numbing ourselves so we do not feel what the body is communicating with us, ‘When we do not want to accept what is felt in the body, it is very common to choose to numb and distract ourselves from feeling our discomforts and momentums’.

  18. Attending Esoteric Yoga sessions has been a life-changing experience for me. Rushing about in a numbed out way is no longer the normal and accepted way of life of the merry-go-round of daily exhaustion and stress. A foundation of ever deepening stillness and awareness brings more harmony and joy to my day and a quality of gentleness and delicateness to movement.
    “The sense of ease that can be experienced in an Esoteric Yoga class has become a healing rhythm for me that I can take into my day”

  19. Esoteric Yoga, known as the Yoga of Stillness – offers the opportunity to develop a deeper level of awareness that begins to reveal the plethora of mental pictures and expectations of outcomes that are ‘normal’ in our daily life. Esoteric Yoga has revealed another way to be through bringing awareness, re-connection and presence with the body.
    “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” And if I translate this to my yoga practice, “Do I have an expectation of how I want to feel in a yoga class?”

    1. Esoteric Yoga is a blessing for us, allowing us to stop and connect with the wisdom of our bodies, ‘Allowing ourselves to be with whatever is there to be felt in the body with whatever we are doing, and bringing an acceptance to this, allows an openness and thus more space for surrender.’

  20. The beauty and support of esoteric yoga in my life is absolute and known by my body deeply. “The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.” so true .

    1. Acceptance and surrender support the body to settle, ‘The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best – and that is to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness.’

  21. I knew my body needed some deep rest at the start of the week, and an esoteric yoga session gave me that space to rest deeply with myself.

    1. Movements that support the body are so important to our daily living, ‘There is quite a difference to how the body can feel at the end of a day should we choose to move in a quality of ease and surrender as opposed to tension and anxiety that deplete the body.’

  22. The more I look at the pictures or expectations I have in life the more I see. These ideas about how life and people should be, really limit my experience of the world as it is and the deeper version of life that is on offer when I let go of them. Esoteric Yoga is a modality where I get to feel both the limitations of having expectations and the expansion when I allow myself to drop it all and feel the stillness that’s there.

    1. When we can get ourselves out of the way by bringing our minds into union with our bodies there is such a depth of stillness to feel and surrender to.

  23. Embracing tension and not react to it can bring an immense healing. The tension is there for a reason supporting us to let go of something that is not true that we have held in our body. The tension can feel extremely uncomfortable sometimes resulting in my heart pounding but staying with it and being open to what it is offering me maybe the opportunity to express, I can very gently let it go. The pictures of how I am to be, look like and ‘crave’ or invest in simply have to go.

    1. Love the appreciation of whatever is there because whatever is there is communicating something we can learn from and change from.

  24. I’m noticing how the ideas about how I should be have conditioned me for so long. And the top of that they has nothing to do with who I really am. By surrendering to my body I can feel the Truth of my natural qualities, the power of my pressence, the beauty, my delicate nature…a whole download of information about me from inside that I couldn’t ever find in any book and anywhere outside. It breaks all these ideas and how great re-finding myself in this way.

    1. Thank you for your comment Inma, you have really articulated the beauty of Esoteric Yoga, which is the reconnection back to our true selves, and living in union (yoga) with our essence everyday. All the wonders of our soul and the universe are there to be experienced from inside ourselves, and Esoteric Yoga definitely supports this.

      1. I totally agree with both comments Inma and Melinda. Esoteric Yoga supports the body to return to itself and the feeling that stays with us is truly beautiful and is an experience that cannot be surpassed by anything man-made.

    2. Inma I agree with you because I can feel a presence within me which I wasn’t aware of. I’m actually starting to feel my sensitivity and delicateness which I had hidden away as a child because I felt those qualities were under attack, then I forgot I ever had them. Esoteric Yoga has supported me to rediscover just how delicate and sensitive I am and that it is okay to have these feelings as they are what makes me who I am. We need more sensitivity and delicateness in the world as we have all hardened ourselves to get by and not get hurt by life. Is it possible that by giving up on our sensitivity this allows us to be abusive towards ourselves and all others?

    3. Surrendering to our body is very beautiful, ‘I have an opportunity to allow the deeper quality of surrender that I have embodied to be with me and to inform the quality of my movements.’

  25. One of the things that inspires me most from practising Esoteric Yoga is that there is no aim to reach but a sense of space where I can feel my body without trying or doing but simply feeling what’s inside me. For me is a very supportive technique to come back to my tenderness and stillness within, an ongoing process that feels amazing.

    1. The sense of no aim to reach is what I would call trying; trying to be something I am not, trying to achieve something, trying to be enough. This is an exhausting hamster wheel that Esoteric Yoga beautifully supports us to step off and simply allow ourselves to be. This is where you find there is nothing you need and nothing to achieve as its all already there.

  26. “Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body” – the more honest I became about my body the more open I felt in myself in life, and equally the more honest I became about life the more open people were towards me.

    1. There is no end to developing an honest relationship with the body… there is always something being offered to us to look at and it then requires a deeper level of honesty and refinement to support us in our unfolding within in our relationship with the body.

  27. Acceptance of my true qualities inspires me to deepen them and appreciate how different everything feels when I choose to live that way.

  28. I have found Esoteric Yoga to be a great support to me in establishing a deeper connection to myself. I am building an inner strength a self-mastery to not be dominated by the negative thoughts that have controlled my mind for most of my adult life.

  29. I loved the reminder of surrendering to what the body is feeling and letting go of outcomes and expectations. I haven’t quite mastered the surrendering when we perceive pain, the uncomfortableness or the tension – I still have my training wheels on there.
However over participating in several yoga programs my relationship with my body is developing to a depth I have never had before. And I will continue to partake so that my body will trust to surrender more to who and what it is, part of the universe.

  30. A timely reminder that we are not what we feel.. ie we feel everything, but how much we stay stuck in that feeling or personalise it, is entirely our choice. Distracting ourselves from what we don’t want to feel is a short term solution that makes us feel temporarily better, but the thing we didn’t want to feel stays in our body until we’re ready to deal with it. The way we can deal with whatever is painful, uncomfortable or difficult, feels to me that it’s about being honest about what we’re feeling, and giving ourselves full permission to feel it, without identifying with it.

    1. This is a great point Bryony, not taking personal what we are feeling and being fully honest and transparent with the choices we make…to me feels like loving and embracing ourselves with no conditions, a powerful way of being that definitely brings a true change in our lifes.

  31. I have noticed at night I can be tired and want to go to bed early but like a young child can do, I fight it and fight it and distract myself with social media, doing the dishes, eating some more food, watching something online etc… and there is tension in my body. Then when I finally surrender to going to bed and my body goes aaah, thank you. It is a loving work in progress for me to surrender to how my body feels straight up, and not fight/resist it, which ironically just makes it more tired!

  32. I had a big back tooth pulled out today and I hardly felt a thing it was such an easy going experience. Last time I was in such resistance to losing ‘my’ tooth that my whole body was tense…the procedure seemed long and very painful. It felt like the dentist was being really inconsiderate to my body. The main difference in these two cases was my level of acceptance. The dentist actually said that the tooth today was more difficult to take out and left a much bigger hole and will need longer to heal. We all agreed, the dentist, his assistant and I that it is very dependent on the attitude and disposition of the client as to how the procedure whatever it is, pans out.

  33. “One of the great joys of Esoteric Yoga is that it is such a wonderful support for developing an honest relationship with the body..” – yes it is and without that honesty the truth of who we are as a person and human being cannot be leveraged and enjoyed. The joy of Esoteric Yoga is the joy of ourselves in truth.

  34. The Esoteric Yoga modality is very simple in its approach but incredibly healing and powerful for the body, it supported me to feel stillness in my body for the first time.

  35. Many years ago my physiatrist suggested I enroll for a few classes of Yoga to help me with my high levels of anxiety, which would spill over into full blown panic attacks where I had been known to harm myself.
    I went to one class and never went back, there was just something that didn’t feel right to me, the sensation was so strong in my body that I couldn’t ignore it.
    Fast forward many years and I decided to try Esoteric Yoga on a one to one basis and I took to this yoga like a duck to water, it was a completely different experience. I was simply lying there on a mat just feeling my body and I would either fall asleep or be so wired I could not let my body settle. Now a few years on I can actually say I can be in my body and there is no anxiousness there. This allows me to feel a stillness I didn’t know was there, as the anxiousness hid the fact that there was a wealth of stillness to be found. So I wonder how many more people are walking around with high levels of anxiousness, not realising that there is underneath all that a reservoir of such stillness that they can tap into.

    1. Wow, Mary, this is an amazing realisation – ‘the anxiousness hid the fact that there was a wealth of stillness to be found’. We can get so identified with something being wrong with us that we forget the loveliness of our essence which remains like a still pool deep within us.

  36. Connect and embrace awareness and your whole day becomes a yoga session – supporting and nourishing you. As we all rush around is it any wonder that we are so ratty and exhausted?

    1. Well said Joseph as staying in connection with your presence and your body is nourishing in itself – and exposes how we can literally get beside ourselves sometimes.

  37. I can remember many occasions when I had “an expectation of how I want to feel in a yoga class?”. I may have gone into the session feeling unwell or in pain and there would be an accompanying hope that the class would be the panacea for the problem. I soon discovered that wasn’t the way the sessions were going to unfold as my body knew more clearly than I initially did what needed to be addressed first. These days I go into each session with no expectations and I am always delighted with what my body has been waiting patiently to show me.

  38. There is a great joy in the participation of Esoteric Yoga, it is such a simple way to reconnect to our bodies. I was totally disconnected and over the years I have used the Esoteric Modalities to bring me back to myself and in doing so have reconnected to the playfulness and joy that naturally resides within me and everyone we just don’t know it.

  39. I am currently doing an Esoteric Yoga program and just love how it supports me to be with my body more.

  40. The more surrendered I become the more tension I actually feel from any lifestyle choice that is not love. But the difference is that I can feel the increase in tension but not get bogged down and suffocated in it.

  41. Esoteric yoga shows us where we are with ourselves up to that point; be it racy and distracted, physical aches and pains which we have been previously ignoring or unaware of. Either way, it also has the gift of bringing us back to our natural state of stillness.

  42. ‘ the more we accept life and what we feel…….’ if we don’t accept where we are at there is no possibility of change. From our honesty we can then accept and appreciate what we bring and then surrender and changes happen naturally without trying. I find this in a microcosm in an Esoteric Yoga class.

  43. There is such simplicity in Esoteric yoga and it has been the most supportive way to reconnect back to my body. I did not realise just how much I lived in my mind. Esoteric Yoga has supported me to drop back into my body and I’m learning how to stay in my body and not jump out of it when life presents a challenge. The mind is cold, empty and a disconnected place to live and when we live from our minds we are separated from each other.

  44. We have so many pictures and before life has even arrived we have preempted how it should be, and how even we should be before we have truly got to know and appreciate ourselves. I agree, acceptance is so vital, such a great reminder alongside honouring the body, thank you.

    1. Melinda acceptance of who we really are is huge because currently life is set up to constantly encourage us to look outside of ourselves. Recognition and acceptance from others seem more important than us accepting ourselves first. Life is a complete set up from start to finish to stop us from evolving back to who we are and where we come from. It’s like being in a Candy store, we are constantly distracted by the array and variety of sweets on offer. When we get to the stage of realisation that it is a set up, then the hard work starts. This is where Esoteric Yoga is so supportive because it brings everything back to our body rather than being just in our minds.

  45. However much my mind may try and ignore the innate stillness within, Esoteric Yoga has offered the presence of bringing a deeper awareness to the body with its powerful, yet simple template.

  46. Esoteric Yoga allows us to deepen the awareness we have with our bodies and with the Divine.

  47. Even an esoteric yoga class is a wonderful opportunity to drop our expectations on having a tension free body and accepting what our body is communicating to us.

    1. Being tension free is not the goal in Esoteric Yoga. It’s the connection to our essence so that we don’t connect and identify with the tension as being us when it is not.

  48. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” This is a great question. When we accept where we are at in our own development then a great settlement occurs within us.

    1. I still have investments and pictures of how life should be Elizabeth, I hate what we as a collective have allowed life to become. I do not accept life as it is because it is so vile. We are living so very far away from the truth of who we are and we seem to readily accept this. I do wonder if we as a race of human-beings will wake up from the nightmare we are all living.

  49. If we do have any expectations of life or an Esoteric Yoga session, it’s not long before we realise such, as the session reveals everything that’s going on within us, as apposed to our focus being on everything outside of us.

  50. Esoteric Yoga is multidimensional. Each time I practise, my relationship with myself and divinity is exposed and/or confirmed. Accepting where we are without judgement is integral to our evolution.

  51. In esoteric yoga we can discover much, much about our bodies and way of being.

  52. My question these days is am I moving in all the space that surrounds me, or am I burdened with a tightness in my body and in my breath as I let all the little things get on top of me and give that feeling of overwhelm? No matter how much there is to do, the space is always there and when I connect to it, my body remembers that ah-ha feeling.

  53. Esoteric Yoga is a beautiful space to feel what the body is holding and has been carrying and offers an ever deepening process of accepting what is there rather than fighting against the very thing which carries us in life.

  54. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is? It has become so clear to me the pictures I have around dating, that have actually delayed me in dating! Having all these pictures busted, I am now free to feel how complicated I made it all with pictures of how it should be or look, it is now super simple, the most important thing is just being me.

    1. Any picture I have about anything actually delays the situation from being what it is truly and me being aware of what it is truly.

  55. I would also say that we can use our minds to wander off and distract us from feeling the power and beauty that resides naturally in our bodies. As we are so unused to these feelings it can take a bit of adjustment to trust what our body knows over our minds.

  56. We are used to living life in a straight jacket – and we say we’ve had a good day when it doesn’t rub or chafe. But Esoteric Yoga shows us that this jacket isn’t true – connecting to your body you can’t escape that there is so much more to who you are. You start to realise you can take the jacket off and live from a bigger awareness instead.

  57. I am getting so much from this blog at the moment, there is so much gold in it and I am just soaking it in. I have been fighting (with myself, in other words I was in reaction!) over a certain area of my life, thus nothing has changed. Having read this blog, I said, ok let’s accept what is here, what is my lesson, I want to get to the bottom of this block that I feel? And boom, next morning I signed and paid for a mini course on the topic that will support and expose any old patterns that really do not serve me any longer. Acceptance brings an awareness of what you need on that moment – very powerful!

  58. Developing honesty with our bodies is super healing and life transforming, which has profound ripple effects in all our relationships, as we gain the confidence to express all we are feeling which allows another to do the same.

  59. After an Esoteric yoga session, I have felt so still and so with myself afterwards, and then finding it easier to move from this stillness during the day which supports me not to react, but to observe all that happens without absorbing, so at the end of my day, I am still feeling clear and with myself.

  60. The body loves honesty too, and responds instantly and lovingly. It’ s almost like the body says, ok now you are ready to listen, and impulses you directly – a direct line to your inner wisdom! From one’s inner wisdom, the understanding begins to unfold of the energetic factor behind everything that is happening.

  61. I feel at this moment I am not accepting life as it is…. and something for me to sit with and unravel further as I have felt this inner tension recently.

  62. When we react we miss out on the simple wisdom that is coming from our bodies to support us back to harmony. The power of acceptance and surrender in the moments when we could otherwise react to what we are feeling in the body, cannot be underestimated.

  63. Acceptance is so powerful and so vital. Feelings of ‘not good enough and not achieving enough’ are direct blockades to acceptance, and it’s no wonder that we hold on so tightly to both these things as it is the perfect way to not accept and therefore not be aware. We miss out on so much when we do not accept.

    1. I have also found acceptance to be super powerful and healing on so many levels. When I have accepted whatever life has presented ( and not fought against it), I have been able to surrender deeper and in the surrender so much support becomes available that was not visible before.

    2. Ultimately we lose out on the realisation that there is something divine in each and every one of us, and when we remember it.. wow, the lights tun on!

  64. Oh the simplicity of the honesty that comes with acceptance and surrender. Thank you for taking us through the steps for how to approach the Esoteric Yoga Program. The opportunity to feel that settlement in the body is vital for our mental and physical health and is ours to connect to and nurture, or not.

  65. Over the last few days I have really felt in my body where I have been controlling or wanted to control things in life and just the title of this blog supported me to help realise areas I need to work on ‘Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body through Acceptance’ the 3 keys words being honest, relationship and acceptance.

  66. What I love about letting go of expectation is that we allow ourselves to be surprised. We think our expectations are the highest goal to reach but I have found that life will keep offering more and more, more then we can imagine if we give ourselves over to it.

  67. What Esoteric Yoga offers us is that healing rhythm of returning to ourselves. It is a simple, powerful, healing rhythm to take into our day.

  68. I have experienced the same ease as you describe in my day by starting off with esoteric yoga. It connects me to my body and a deeper stillness. It is a great support in the day to accept all that crosses my path without judgment – without perfection. If I can keep that connection, I don’t feel exhausted or drained at the end of the day. On the contrary, I still feel like I felt in the morning: connected to my body.

  69. There is an innate wisdom in us, in all of our body that we can reconnect with and honour by being more aware of our whole body and how we do things.

  70. ‘… we limit our awareness, because we are so fixed on an outcome or a picture of how it should look and feel…Not to mention the fact that we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is.’ picking up a picture is not as harmless as it seems. All the A’s get put in the bin in an instant- acceptance, awareness, amazingness. It is really not worth it.

  71. ‘…And when those expectations are not met there can be a disappointment – a tension that can be felt as an unsettlement in the body.’ It is really not self-loving to have pictures because of what it does to our bodies.

  72. What is important to remember is that acceptance does not mean tolerating bad behaviour, acceptance just means that we accept the fact that we are more than just human beings in a physical incarnation

  73. It is all too often perceived that we need to actively go out to attain a result of health and well-being, yet the actual direction needed is in the surrender and repose of the body to allow it to do what it knows naturally – “to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness.”

    1. So true “yet the actual direction needed is in the surrender and repose of the body to allow it to do what it knows naturally” if we just allowed this in our body rather than get caught in we need to do something.

    1. Yes and if we can get the need to be ‘right’ and blast through the pictures of being wrong, good, bad, failing, succeeding – the list goes on, then we get to simply feel where our body is at and we can move from there. The honesty is the foundation for true healing.

  74. Esoteric yoga is an amazing modality to experience, and is super supportive in helping us to feel a solid foundation in a world that has such a push, drive and whirl all of the time.

  75. Esoteric Yoga is a brilliant way to become more aware of our body as well as our racy thoughts. In this way it provides us with such honest feedback as to how we have been living.

    1. Yes and we can appreciate this and deepen our relationship with the way we are moving and living, or we can react and defend and justify all the reasons why it is hard to change, but the body will always reflect the truth.

  76. “We can choose the path of ease by accepting what is there to be felt and allowing the body to surrender” Esoteric Yoga asks us to surrender to our inner quality of stillness, where we can build a relationship with awareness, and slowly, gradually bring changes into our lives as certain things are highlighted for us to look at and understand.

  77. I find that when I reconnect to my body and really start to feel how I have been living, this level of honesty can be confronting and sometimes I choose to react to it, but this means I miss out on the healing that is on offer. Honesty and observation without reaction is such a great place to start when we want to change how we are living.

  78. I hadn’t made such a connection between yoga and acceptance, so thank you. It makes a lot of sense as to why I can avoid yoga so much and therefore why we also avoid stillness.

  79. I am finding out more and more about acceptance, and how key it is to surrendering and letting go. I hadn’t quite realised that it was the precursor to these things, as well as to appreciation. There is such beauty in accepting, as in that we hold ourselves and everyone around us, just as we are. We don’t push expectations on ourselves or others and the space that opens is huge.

  80. Thanks for the reminder – that its not always about feeling amazing, or getting it right. Its simply to feel what is truly going on in the body which then gives us a marker for how we are living, what is going around us. It confirms us in our ability to feel everything.

  81. Reaction hardens the body and in fact compounds any dis-harmony that may already be there, so what is offered here is pure gold, to allow the space to accept how our body feels, to observe and to understand our choices and their impact, and Esoteric Yoga is an amazing tool in this. It supports us to observe and in that observation, we have the opportunity to surrender and to break the cycle of where and how we’ve been; no fixing required, just an acceptance, understanding and surrender.

  82. “It may at first seem that acceptance of ourselves and how things are in life would be simple, however, given the opportunity to look deeper, there is much to uncover and feel.” – we have the continual opportunity to allow ourselves to understand more about life and our relationship with all aspects of it…

  83. This was great to read today: when we have any kind of expectations upon ourselves, even if it’s about something positive, like how we want to feel, a definitive train that we want to catch, a time that we want to do a task in, a goal we might want to achieve, it puts our body in a mild state of tension until the end point. But most of the time there is no real end point, because we move the goal posts on ourselves, all of the time, and we don’t appreciate the little moments of flow and confirmation in our lives. Things really do flow pretty well and pretty naturally, when we get ourselves out of the way and let go of any pictures that we’re holding onto, and just say yes to doing whatever is next – felt from our bodies, not dictated by the mind.

  84. I feel like surrender and humbleness are related: one thing that helps me surrender is knowing I’m not perfect and having the humbleness to know I’m always here to learn, and that it’s ok to make mistakes and mistakes or dropping in life actually gives me an opportunity to come back stronger – and that life is perfectly designed to help us learn and grow and develop.

  85. In my experience having set expectations about how life, ourselves or others should be can be quite a trigger for reacting emotionally to something, and when we do, that we have stopped ourselves from having a deeper understanding of all that is going on and sensing how we truly need to respond goes out the window! Until that is, we recognise the way we are reacting and can then choose to change the way we are approaching things, and being more in touch with our body, can give us an honest marker for how we are approaching life.

  86. I love that this can continue to be refined….”Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.” I used to completely ignore it and overrode what I felt, but I am doing this so much less and it is becoming more normal to be aware of it and then take action to honour how it feels. It is so much more smooth, flowing, vital and simple when I listen to my body.

  87. I had no idea that my life consisted of pictures of how I wanted it to be or look like. It’s like living a life in a straight jacket there is no room to maneuver as I am completely held by the pictures I have been given and make about how life should be. I have come to the understanding if I didn’t hold on to these pictures I actually would have the space to explore what it is to be me in the world. Esoteric Yoga is a way for me to come back to myself and just be, which allows me to let go of all the outdated pictures, ideals and beliefs that I have held onto, believing them to be what constitutes as me.

  88. Life does not need to be a struggle and the more we accept ourselves the more this becomes a real fact for us.

    1. We bring struggle into our lives when we don’t stop to appreciate how far we have come and when we get caught in the motion of doing. When we bring stillness and surrender into our lives we can begin to appreciate the flow again.

  89. I haven’t really appreciated that if I accept what my body is communicating, this allows me to learn from this awareness, whereas being hard on myself just stays, and cements the hardness in my body so no healing will occur. Beautiful to take this understanding out into my everyday.

  90. I imagine that I have come a long way with ‘acceptance of life as it is’ but I find that after sitting on call-waiting with a government department playing Mozart, for an hour, I have a headache which seems to indicate that I have a way to go with acceptance!

  91. When we allow ourselves to feel, the answers are all there. But we have made protection and not feeling so normal that Life becomes a battle and a struggle rather than simple and with ease.

  92. These pictures of how we want our lives and relationships to be are indeed a big set up for disappointment and feelings of failure and resentment. The real ouch is in how attached we are to our individual pictures to deliver us some form of fulfilment or experience, when all the time self acceptance lies within the inner heart and not outside of ourselves.

  93. I didn’t realise just how much I have invested in life and for it to be a certain way. Chipping away at my pictures and stories has at times been very hard work because the patterns are so ingrained in my body which shows me that what I’m dealing with is not just this life time but past lives as well. Once a pattern is established in our bodies we unknowingly walk that pattern which keeps us stuck in it and we get so used to our patterns we believe they make us what we are, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

  94. Esoteric Yoga is a powerful modality to bring us back to what our bodies are feeling, if we are open to surrender to what is being felt, the body is able to bring understanding and healing.

    1. It is a very simple and beautiful modality that when we feel out of balance, it supports us to bring us back to what our bodies are feeling.

  95. There is much we can learn about the way that we’re living life by being more in tune with our whole body, being aware of all that we’re feeling or sensing and honouring that. Esoteric Yoga is a true and simple support for building and deepening this awareness.

  96. “Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body ..” – yes and to develop an honest relationship with people too, because who doesn’t love and appreciate openness from someone?? Honesty develops openness which develops connection and trust.

    1. Esoteric Yoga is a beautiful way to build honesty with oneself and others. It sure does support with developing connection and trust.

  97. Esoteric Yoga is a very simple way of exposing the disconnection with our body and the identification with the mind and all its endless stories. Esoteric Yoga offers a strong and profound bridge to restore us back in communication and re-connection with the stillness within.

  98. ‘A poignant question I have asked myself is, “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” This is a very important question to ask, around life and yoga. I have found this to be an ongoing development, always coming back to deepen my acceptance of life around me, and also, recently, the ageing process in my body. the deeper we understand life and our purpose of being here, the easier it is to accept life’s imperfections and glitches and keep bringing truth.

  99. Acceptance is key. I feel I have not been accepting my current job situation, which has created some struggle. Now that I have accepted, my next steps are clear, acceptance is powerful.

  100. Yes.. how we move can either energise and revitalise the body, or deplete it. The same for how we work, sleep, eat, exercise.. every choice affects our energetic quality.

    1. Yes when we bring it back to the simplicity this is so true, how we move can either energise and revitalise the body or deplete it.

  101. “Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.” – I agree, bringing our awareness back to our body gives us an opportunity to connect much more deeply with how we’re truly feeling and to connect with an innate wisdom that knows what is needed next in any given moment.

  102. Sometimes it can be difficult or very challenging to accept life as it is, especially when you see someone that you dearly love create situations that they do not truly deserve. This can indeed be very hard to accept. And yet, perhaps to accept another person’s freedom of will and the life they create with that is one of the greatest forms of love being expressed on earth.

  103. I have come to realise that expectations comes form pictures we adopt, wishes/needs, things to fulfil us where we are not full of ourselves. Esoteric Yoga offers us re-connection so we can full-fill ourselves with us within. Time will ensure that expectations are no longer needed to keep us going.

  104. Indeed the esoteric yoga is a lovely reminder to come back to the body and connect to the being inside and bring that to everything in life.

  105. “The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.” Esoteric Yoga supports me on a daily basis, as life becomes about being not doing yoga.

    1. Carolien if there was a book of quotes by the student body this would have to be in there
      “Expectations keep us in past experiences whereas an absolute openness invites the future.”
      Expectations dull us and keep us locked down whereas openness is our bright future.

  106. As you say essentially it all comes down to not wanting to fully feel and live the greatness that is within us all. We are essentially all powerful Gods here on Earth yet choose to live lesser ignorant lives so we can seemingly fit in to a picture of how it should be rather than returning back to the fact of who we truly are.

  107. I agree we can have everything we have ever wanted right in front of us and with us yet because we may want it to look a certain way or expect it to be like something else ‘we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is’, it is often then only when it is too late that we actually see what was on offer.

  108. There is a tangible difference between accepting life as it is and giving up on life, and this piece is beautifully written about the former by someone who is not engaged in the latter.

  109. Expectations limit our awareness. I love this, especially as we are about to talk about expectations at work. I feel expectations only allow you to see and feel so much, like wearing blinkers in life. They also set us up to have judgments and disappointment.

  110. I have been on Esoteric yoga Stillness programs a couple of times and wow has that helped me develop and deepen my connection with me. What has been exposing is how much I want to check out and not stay present – its been super beautiful to be aware of this (and at times challenging) yet totally worth it.

  111. I really struggled to read this article. I could feel the discomfort of tension and the off-ness in my body that tells me how I have been living and I kept finding myself nodding off. The body is so amazingly vocal and honest. What I am getting is that what I am feeling in the body right now is the result of my choices in reaction to daily life.

  112. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress’ … YES, our body shows us what is going on, not what we think is going on, and that’s something we all innately understand, which is why we often ignore and or suppress what our body says, but still it speaks no matter what, it’s one of our most faithful allies.

  113. I am doing an online 6 week Yoga program and the depth of stillness that we are going to as a group is profound. I then bring this deep connection into my day and into my week until the next session. It has supported me to be more in my body and the way I move in and around the facility where I work has changed. I do not get as caught up in the consciousness of ‘do,do,do immediately’ that the staff are in and that permeates from every wall in the building.

  114. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” This really stood out to me as I was reading. I have to say sometimes I do accept life as it is and then at others I don’t and its interesting to reflect on these moments to see what is it within myself that I don’t…what’s going on for me that I am not accepting what life is presenting? Great to ponder on..

  115. Acceptance allows us the opportunity to see what is being presented, whether it is an awareness, something to learn from or something to express.. in ourselves or in our world.. with the opportunity to evolve.

  116. This blog is so valuable to help develop an understanding of why we want to leave the body and the awareness it offers, and what the benefits are from truly staying with the body and allowing and accepting what it is showing us. This explains why it feels so amazing to be in an Esoteric Yoga session as we are so aligned with ourselves and accepting of the communication from the body. We are not running away or delaying anything, just right there with ourselves to feel the beauty as well as what doesn’t belong.

  117. Acceptance and surrender comes hand to hand… and it’s really freeing indeed to allow our body to express how it feels, to listen to it and surrender to its clear messages. There is no other way to go than to ourselves, just going deeper and deeper.

  118. There is a lot we can learn if we are willing to connect with and be honest with ourselves about what we’re feeling in our body and relate this back to our everyday way of living.

  119. “Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.” we have a marker that delivers truth if we can surrender to how our bodies are feeling.

  120. The more I practice Esoteric Yoga the more I become aware of when I am not moving in connection with myself, and the more often I can pause and say to myself “am I with how I am moving and what am I doing?” Often I have found that my mind was somewhere else. Observing this gradually brings an awareness that opens up a wonderful opportunity to deepen my conscious connection with my body and myself and move through my life knowing the stillness within where I am entirely present.

  121. One of the most useful and powerful things that Esoteric Yoga has taught me is how to surrender and accept what is happening in the moment which leaves me free to respond rather than react to what is occurring. It is definitely still a work in progress and something I am still learning to do, but already the difference in my life it has made is huge and it has had a big impact on my health and wellbeing.

  122. The healing modality, Esoteric Yoga or The Yoga of Stillness, has changed one simple thing in my life which has been the most profound…and that is the way i move my body and in this the way I think, to then how i consider and hold myself as a beautiful woman, and how vital, harmonious I feel as a result. To know oneself by the quality of stillness is to come to know who we all are.

  123. “…Esoteric Yoga is that it is such a wonderful support for developing an honest relationship with the body that then supports me to have a more honest relationship with everyday life…” Totally agree with you. Esoteric Yoga develops a living foundation and settlement within you, your body that then, this quality lived, is what you meet the world with.

  124. “The body is the marker of ALL truth” (The Way of Initiation, p 602) and something we actually cannot escape. And Esoteric Yoga supports us to feel all that we are within the body, I clearly felt this after a recent Esoteric Yoga session where walking from the clinic where the session was held onto a street in London. I was given an opportunity to re-imprint how I move and how I am in every moment .. it is just how long did I allow myself to live this way. The answer is not that long! So it is great .. actually more than great it is a blessing that we have modalities such as these we can come back to time and time again to build a true foundation and way for us to truly live and be.

  125. Surrender is something the many of us are missing.
    If we would surrender we would sleep a lot better. The inability to surrender at the end of the day that causes a lot of sleeping problems. And with surrender I mean: when my body can truly rest inside itself, because I can feel trust.

  126. We can live with tension and anxiety our whole life because there are always days and things that we havenot done before or just simply find challenging every time we do them. I have been noticing this in myself that I sort of live from challenging moment to challenging moment and in between I am thinking about the challenging moment to come and how to best deal with it. This of course leaves my body in a constant state of tension. So I am learning to indeed surrender and just be in my body and enjoy the smallest things I do. This is how it is changing how I feel about life.

  127. When somebody said to me to “stop fighting my stillness” I had no real idea what they were talking about to even stop the fighting because how do you stop what you don’t know or can’t feel what it is you’re meant to be stopping?! Thanks to Esoteric Yoga and to committing to it, getting to like then love it after having avoided it like the plague for years… I realised and understood that it’s through this Yoga i began to stop [fighting], to feel my quality, and to know myself. It’s been one of the best forms of medicine.

  128. Years ago when I was first introduced to Esoteric Yoga, I hated it and found it hard to sit and surrender and to feel my body. But now I find it is one of the most supportive things I can do for my body, and I no longer fight it.

  129. Esoteric Yoga is a wonderful way to bring honesty because it allows us to connect with our stillness and from stillness we can feel and see what is occurring in our body.

  130. “Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender.” – what a magic sentence…and as one of our commentators has also mentioned previously “Any expectations is a rejection of what is actually on offer.”.. I love these two sentences and it goes to show how much I can impose on myself, on others and on life in general to fit a certain picture, to be a certain way and yet in all that I am missing out on all the amazing things that are actually on offer…the magic that is there to be enjoyed and celebrated gets denied and gets ignored and in stead we harden the body – the absolute opposite of surrender. And then when we let go, when we allow the body to be, and we stop fighting the flow and go with it instead, it is an unfolding that has no picture, no ideal nor belief that gets revealed and we get to feel how everything is exactly as it needs to be for all of us to learn and grow and truly be in life.

  131. I can see that if we have a picture of how life, or a situation, should be then we are less likely to surrender to the ‘what if’ and in fact, to our bodies. Esoteric Yoga has offered the space to build that connection and relationship with the body.

  132. I love the ever developing relationship of honesty with my body, it has brought me to feeling the joy we all belong to, continually showing me my choices that either support me or don’t and my movements that got me to these. Much to appreciate in journey of acceptance of my essence and truth.

  133. Through acceptance I am appreciating that everything has a purpose even if not evident at the time, and when we consider this rather than reacting, there is an opening and expansion that naturally follows. It first starts with the connection and acceptance with the body.

  134. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress’ – This is so true and I love clocking what my body is telling me and then if needs be change the way I am choosing to do something and then feel how my body instantly communicates something else that is much more harmonious.

  135. Connecting with my body and feeling what is really there to feel really supports me back to me – even when my choices feel yucky. When I try to skirt over how my ill choices have affected me I compound them by making more ill choices to keep up the numbness to feeling them. When I really feel my body I also feel the delicateness and how lovely I am and though it can feel like a huge ouch knowing I have hurt myself through staying up late, pushing my body too hard, eating rubbish, I also feel how much I want to look after myself.

  136. I feel tired today. Reading this inspired me to connect to my body and feel where I am at, and I am tired.Now I know that I will take it super gentle and tender today, even amongst a very busy schedule.

  137. Developing an acceptance of myself in life is an ongoing process and something I am now enjoying this self-discovery of who I actually am. Releasing myself from the pretzel like mode, discarding all the ideals and beliefs about who or what I should be, letting go of trying to be everything for everyone, is such a relief. And Esoteric Yoga has been one of the modalities from Universal Medicine that has supported me to surrender to my body.

  138. We can only feel the body if we stay with it! My habit is to get excited when I start to feel good, but this takes me straight out of my body. Staying with the body means going deeper and surrendering and accepting more and more. It’s the opposite of getting excited.

    1. Rebecca, I can relate to that too and this is something that I keep checking in with myself. In my experience it feels amazing to feel present in our body yet interestingly, there is a ‘normalcy’ and ‘naturalness’ in it.

    2. Oh dear yes, me too, I get very excited when I can feel the space that is offered from that surrender. I have learnt to just see my excitement in that situation as an indicator that this is something that feels right and good, so now I smile at myself when I get a bit excited and I build more opportunities to embrace that space till something that made me excited feels normal 🙂

  139. I love what you have said about acceptance here Priscilla. I keep imagining that I have come to the acceptance of my ageing body, for example, but then something happens and I experience a wobble again and realise that the acceptance I have is only partial and still based on images that are ‘acceptable’ to me. What a huge process this is!

  140. Accepting life and what is reveals for us to learn is a big one, big in its power to shift issues and big because it can take a while to allow acceptance to develop. We resist it so much because we have become used to try to control life. Control in itself is an illusion or picture, we cannot really control life, we only think we can, we will get very lovingly exactly what we need at some point to support us to learn to be come back all of who we are. Being observant of what there is to learn in life not react to, has really supported me concerning acceptance. Acceptance is also about allowing all of our power and potential to shine and be seen.

  141. Having any picture or attachment to how something could or should be is a set up for some level of tension in my body. These thoughts are great to reveal and Esoteric Yoga offers a simple very gentle way for the effects to be felt for what they truly are from our body.

  142. Esoteric yoga is amazing and really has changed my life allowing me to stop, connect to and feel my body and all that it is telling me through the learning of surrender allowing wisdom and expansiveness and which feels so beautiful inside .

  143. Our relationship with our bodies are super important and being able to connect to them and feel the quality they are in. The way in which we are using them you can’t deny what we feel when we connect to Esoteric Yoga. What I love about Esoteric Yoga is that it gives you space to feel and move your body in a different way perhaps to how you were moving your body previously.

  144. Esoteric Yoga is such a simple way to deepen our connection and as our practise continues it supports us to bring a strong energetic foundation to our lives.

  145. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.’ What an awesome natural barometer, to be appreciated, we have!

  146. Having a consistent rhythm that includes activities and routines which support our body has an incredible effect on our life – even repeating one thing each day can make the end of the week much less exhausting than if we allow ourselves to go ‘astray’ as work/school bogs us down.

  147. I simple adore Esoteric Yoga because in it’s simplicity it has supported me to feel my body and as I surrender more I am giving myself permission to feel my body and this had been huge for me as I am at last accepting myself and the divine being I truly am. I know this because I can feel the divinity growing in my body and I remember it so well.

  148. It’s amazing to have a regular commitment to something that makes us feel connected, awesome and our best during the day. Giving ourselves half an hour in the morning for exercise, yoga, swimming or something else can make such a difference.

    1. Absolutely Susie. This morning I insisted with myself to do some of the things that I do in the morning that I know support me as I could notice a distant ‘thought’ saying ‘it’s just one day, you can skip it today’. At the end of the day I am feeling very appreciative of this as it has indeed supported me not just today but also to observe and change a pattern.

    2. Absolutely, the commitment to be connect to our body by what support us and move the rest of the day from there is like doing yoga all day.

  149. It doesn’t make sense to not accept life as it is, or not accept ourselves as we are. We just end up fighting reality, and this takes a whole lot of energy. We need to accept what is there in our body in order for it to release or heal. Honesty is required for this. If there is no honesty we cannot heal.

  150. This is, I feel very true
    “Serge Benhayon has presented, “The body is the marker of ALL truth” (The Way of Initiation, p 602) and something we actually cannot escape.”
    Our bodies are breaking down through illness and disease this to me is humanities marker that something is very wrong and needs to be addressed. How sick do we have to get before we admit that our current way of living is not working.

  151. Knowing that we are enough just as we are and not needing to do anything to prove this can be challenging at times, as we are so identified by what we do. We need to place more value on simply being.

  152. The simplicity of the opening paragraph of this article almost belies how profound it is; that by committing to developing an honest relationship with our bodies we develop a more honest relationship with ourselves and that this as a foundation changes everything because we can no longer be caught in the falsity of external appearances and expectations.

  153. It is our quality,stillness and strength inside that we are supported to feel through sacred Esoteric Yoga building a growing relationship with ourselves in honesty, truth and love.

  154. Being completely over fighting myself at every turn I can understand the absolute beauty of surrender and am practicing surrender whenever I feel my shoulders tense. Esoteric Yoga is a beautiful way to connect to body and feel the tangible deepening that surrendering allows and gives me a marker to take into my day.

  155. Only this morning I had an amazing esoteric yoga session where it came to light that I had an investment in things being a certain way and therefore a tension in my body. Do the session was focussed on sacredness which helped me to deeply surrender.

  156. Esoteric Yoga is a beautiful way to re-connect with the innate stillness within through simply surrendering unto the body and letting go of interference and mental chatter by the mind. It takes practice but well worth investing the work with oneself in this way.

  157. I put my socks on the other day and I did it in such a way that I do in Esoteric Yoga and it made me smile as I am after many years starting to bring more care to me,

  158. When I read this, it seems so clear that the body is the best friend you could ever have. And Esoteric Yoga is a pretty cool way to support you to have a relationship with it – and one that is honest and loving -oh and real.

  159. Sometimes I love how I feel in an Esoteric Yoga Session and other times I can’t wait for us to get to the last lying down part. Mind you that has decreased substantially. But those moments are always interesting to observe and observe ourselves within those moments. To observe is the key here and not become invested in how the session will be and how my body will feel. Its all just allowing what is there to be felt, regardless of what they may be.

  160. Letting go of the images and pictures of how we want life to be is hugely liberating and the more we allow our selves and our bodies to surrender to the moment, the more the magic of God is allowed to manifest.

  161. Accepting life as it is supports us to see what is needed next. It is like allowing ourselves to take the next step forward without any resistance.

  162. I adore Esoteric Yoga.. because through reconnecting to my stillness it’s taught me how to adore myself through the inner quality i hold within…a quality that founds joy in life, at work and with people too.

  163. I have sometimes found it hard to accept what the body has been wanting to tell me despite my conscious ignoring….but in the same way that I am discovering the joy and tenderness in building intimate relationships with other, so too am I finding the same with my body..and, like God, the body does not judge.

  164. It makes sense to me that if we don’t want to accept what we see then we essentially limit our awareness. I find the more honest that I am with what I feel or sense, catching myself from dismissing things, the more naturally my awareness deepens.

    1. And there is a humility in this that I find very inspiring. The more I submit to listening and taking heed of what my body expresses the more open I am to learning, change and developing.

  165. I absolutely love Esoteric Yoga, and agree, I too have discovered how “…Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom…” and that when we give time and space for the body to drop into stillness, it is profound the insight, awareness, feedback & love the body shares with us.

  166. It is interesting to note that to surrender to ones body is not the same as choosing to be passive. It is actually an active choice to be obedient to a greater intelligence that will hold you as an equal.

  167. “The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.” This is so well put. The body just loves it when we accept ourselves in full.

    1. And not having any pictures and ideals we think we need to fulfill. It actually never lets the body settle, as it gets communicated, that it is wrong and not good enough yet. For example: you get up at 4 am in the morning- you decide or your body call for a sleep in until 6/7am . Do you fight yourself because you did not fulfill the ideal or do you just surrender and enjoy the time with your body in bed?!

  168. Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us don’t accept life as it is. We can react in a few different ways, such as giving up, just making sure we are comfortable in our own niche, being an activist or working for ‘good’. None of these create settlement in our bodies or allow us to see what’s really going on. I have found over the years the Esoteric Yoga template has allowed me to feel these reaction to life, feel the untruth of them and the truth of simply being me and allowing the world to be too.

  169. “Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body through Acceptance” – it’s through and thanks to Esoteric Yoga that i’ve developed and continue to develop the one thing that’s now the foundation of my life, and that’s ease. Acceptance is what brings that ease, eventually to surrender.

  170. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.’ To always be listened to and adhered to.

  171. “Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender.” When we have no pictures of what or how we want life to be, it becomes so natural and normal to ‘let go’ both of what we come to expect in our minds, and as a result how we hold ourselves in our bodies. And to begin to allow this surrender, we start to feel how much more there is for us to feel.

  172. Actually sometimes I find it very hard to let go of the stories of ‘what may happen’ or ‘what may not happen’
    and I understand that I use this way to keep my body in tension because it feels familiar.

    1. I agree, Mary. I have a strong pattern of writing scripts ahead of time, how things will play out, and that these then catch me in reactions before anything has even happened… bonkers really.

    2. I know this too very well- it even creates anxiety before anything happened! There is this Hollywood movie in my head, instead of trusting and letting go of any control. A way to go forward with this means aswell, being very tender with yourself and not becoming hard, because you can feel how much you want controlling life. There is a reason why you chose that and being patient and understanding with yourself is very important.

  173. Having expectations creates a momentum in our bodies that disregards the very nature of our being-ness, the letting go of such patterns allow space in which we can surrender to that which is of truth.

  174. Esoteric Yoga has allowed me to feel the simplicity of what my body is informing me throughout the day. It has offered me the space to stop and begin to understand that the constant drive and tension of the way I have lived life is the antithesis of stillness.

  175. Reading your blog it strikes me that what is needed is a willingness to open to all that is on offer. We need to be willing to stop, willing to feel, and willing to be responsive to what we feel. Without the willingness we can just say no to it all and trundle on as before.

  176. Esoteric Yoga or The Yoga of Stillness: “there’s no place like home” said Dorothy on Wizard of Oz:.. there’s no place like stillness. The true home of us all.

  177. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.’ – I find that this honesty is accessible in layers, the more honest I am willing to be and accept, the more honesty I am given. It is a continuosly deepening process.

  178. We have a responsibility as to what quality we are moving in, as when we move through the day in ease and surrender we are reflecting to others that this is possible, they then can choose to align or not. If we are moving in stress and tension then this is the reflection others are getting and we are not offering an alternative to how most people are living

  179. If we let go of all expectations, we are able to simply observe life. If you allow yourself to surrender to this, it can be quite inquisitive, like a baby taking everything in. Letting go of how something should feel or how something should turn out, allows us to embrace the natural rhythm around us.

  180. Developing a relationship with our body is a bit like developing a relationship with a friend who always tells us the truth, and Esoteric Yoga is a fantastic tool to help us build a relationship with our body that can help us navigate through life.

    1. And even when something does not go its way like it should or we made decisions that does not honour our connection, do we treat our “friend” like we would actually really treat a friend of ours ?

      1. Very true, we don’t criticise our friends for all their choices they make everyday – we support them with whatever is happening. It would be pretty cool if we could remove all criticism from the way we approach ourselves and life.

  181. Esoteric Yoga is super powerful as it brings us into an intimate relationship with the body, so that we can learn and grow from honestly feeling all of our momentums, loving or otherwise,

  182. I was surprised when I found my first esoteric yoga session involved nothing more than sitting in a chair. Any kind of yoga I’d done in the past had involved positions (and pain to some degree!). This alone addresses what you say about expectations. I’ve found this yoga to be a deeply enjoyable experience and one which can be replicated just about anywhere.

  183. Esoteric Yoga, when practised with honesty gives us an utmost accurate reflection of how we are living. The more willing and honest we are the deeper the insight and quality we can gain and make our way of living.

  184. Having a picture of how this has to be is not just wanting to have a specific result, it requires everyone to adjust their movements to that way that is able to deliver what we want. It is not just a desire but pure control set in motion. It is a movement that aims at controlling movements.

    1. And the “sad” effect is, that what you set in mind as a result may be amazing for you in your imagination, but what if it is even grander what is possible and can happen, when you let go of the control button?!

  185. I love the natural flow and amazing awareness that happens when I completely surrender in an Esoteric Yoga session. It is magic.

  186. In each moment we have the opportunity to dissolve what has been and claim the joy in our->being. In essence we are the same and through our unique expression we are One with the world. For without our version of expression all else is lesser.
    It is we who create the joy and by surrendering to the body’s stillness, with that inner-connection, we can expand into movements of joy that otherwise would be the resistance. Without our stillness in motion we have motion without the harmony (stillness) — a subject of a momentum of tension and pain against what we are naturally within. Esoteric Yoga is first about that connection within — a union back with the body our divinity and Soul.

  187. Esoteric Yoga is a ground breaking modality and it has helped me to connect, understand and relate to my body in a way I would have never thought was possible.

    1. Spot on Eva, the Esoteric Yoga modality will one day be appreciated and respected by people worldwide for the true healing it brings the body.

  188. Esoteric Yoga reintroduces space to just be.
    To be in one´s body, to be with oneself, to be in the world.

  189. We can always feel something. Even if we are numb and we can’t feel anything else, we can still say ‘I feel numb’. There is always something to notice and always something to be honest about.

  190. Esoteric Yoga allows us to explore our bodies and for me its like looking through a space into my body. I can see/feel the tension I’m holding observe this and just by observing this I can feel the potential to let go. I find Esoteric Yoga absolutely fascinating because what is happening in the body doesn’t stop when the Yoga session is finished even after the session if there is enough willingness the body can keep adjusting itself as I go about my week.

  191. Not accepting life sets us up for an internal struggle which does not need to be there. This can come in the form of reactions to everything, as our expectations of life are not met. It makes no sense to choose to have a hard life in this way, but we do.

  192. I am currently on an Esoteric Yoga program and I can say it really helps me connect to my body. I have become more of an observer of life, which gives me more space to consider my choices, rather than being caught up in the constant motion and reacting to it.

  193. Esoteric Yoga supports us to feel a truer way of being from our bodies, it gives us a marker, a point to reflect back on as we re-learn to move with this quality in everything we do.

  194. When I actually think about how often I don’t accept things and people for how they are, it seems utterly ridiculous but none the less I keep doing it! I seemingly go into reaction before I have been able to stand back and get some space between me and the situation. In saying this it feels like it has also provided me with the antidote, identify the situation and then use my connection to my body to provide me with the space to not react. Ok I really need to put this into practice because it is the thing that caps me the most.

  195. Esoteric Yoga offers a space in the body that was so foreign to me in the early days, and I have at times definitely resisted that space, but wow what a difference it can make to a body that has been pummelled by the pressures of the day.

    1. I can very much relate to this Heather – I too have resisted that space, but the yumminess I feel when I completely surrender speaks for itself.

  196. It’s so important to see that how we finish our day; what we feel, think, the quality of our body, relationships and how we go to sleep, can be very different day to day as a direct result of how we lived (quality) rather than what we did (quantity). A long working day can physically tire us out, but this purpose can be a revitalising experience and thus this is how we go to sleep.

  197. Just reading this blog allows my body to totally surrender even though I was feeling tensed before.

  198. “The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best – and that is to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness.” That is why I love the Esoteric Yoga it always helps me to return to this state of being. If I do not have this connection to my body I often miss out what my body needs and so I lost myself in being driven and to achieve what I think is needed. That exhaustion is really not a nice thing to feel at the end of the day. Thanks God for the Esoteric Yoga!

  199. During any Esoteric Yoga session its like a magnifying glass is placed on many areas of my body, which reveals how I am living. Sometimes this can be uncomfortable in various parts of my body, but other times it can feel amazing. Interestingly the times when my body feels amazing are often the times that my mind goes 100 miles per hour covering any and every topic. All so I can be distracted from confirming the choices made so far. When my body is aching, I am simply present. There is nothing like an expose on the choices we make and how this affects our body.

  200. Fighting life or accepting life, both are reflected in the body and the relationship we have with it hence being aware with and of the body allows us to change our attitude towards life. Esoteric Yoga equally allows for space to be aware of and develop one´s relationship with the body and life in general.

  201. I feel you have given me a new marker for today. The tension we can feel is rarely attributed to the momentum we live and it is quicker to go to a behaviour that has worked in the past than to surrender to discover a deeper awareness around what is driving or has driven our momentum. Thank you for the re-frame.

  202. Without the connection to my body that I have developed through Esoteric Yoga, I would not be anywhere as honest as I am now. Every time I lay down for a session or find a stop moment in my day, something I was unaware of is instantly and obviously felt. I find it very steadying to have this as my foundation in life.

    1. It is a great foundation for every moment of life, one that doesn’t need to stay in the Yoga room or on the Yoga mat. As you offer, the foundation is there with-in, we can simply choose to connect to the quality in a stop moment any where any time.

  203. “The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.” – Acceptance is not always easy, however, it is the key to surrendering and to allow ourselves to be with things as they are, and hence be in the flow of it all.

  204. It is so true that allowing ourselves to get caught up in expectations of ourselves and others means that ‘we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is.’ Taking a moment to feel the enormity of that immediately deepens my appreciation for all that is on offer if I choose it.

  205. It has been my experience that my body always tells me the truth whether I want to hear it or not – it gives it to me straight, where are my mind can come up with all sorts of stories and excuses and reinterpretations of what is actually happening in my life.

  206. Esoteric Yoga is an amazing way to truly feel my body what is going on my choices and the acceptance and love allowed form here whilst surrendering to it all. Every session offers more to see and feel and my body really loves it and it has become so much part of my life and the greatest support I can give myself.

  207. The world cannot control me when I trust in what I feel within the body. The world can tell me being single is lonely and there is something wrong with the woman, but what I feel is pretty consistent joy. The world can tell me a woman is worth less if she is not married to a steady partner, I am not married but I feel I am on a honeymoon every single day of my life even when challenges are present. The world can tell me many things but if I first feel before succumbing to what I am told, the truth is very different.

  208. ‘The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best – and that is to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness.’ – this feels so honouring of who we are. When we allow our minds to call the shots, it seems as though there is no consideration for the whole of us, rather there is a seeking for recognition, praise, attention from ‘outside’ …. rather than surrendering, feeling the joyful settlement throughout our whole body as we allow ourselves to be in our own natural rhythm.

    1. That word settlement – it really goes to the heart of what we run away from with the momentum we live doesn’t it? The tension and the searching all go when there is settlement in our body.

  209. ‘Allowing ourselves to be with whatever is there to be felt in the body with whatever we are doing, and bringing an acceptance to this, allows an openness and thus more space for surrender.’ – as opposed to resisting, or numbing our selves so we don’t have to feel the tension, which doesn’t help us address the issue or understand what led to us feeling this way, which is necessary for us to prevent the same thing from repeating over and over again.

  210. Through Esoteric Yoga, I have learned [and continue to learn] to live life honestly , through getting to know my body and my feelings to become aware of personal choice… choices that support, care, respect , regard and love the real-me.

  211. Life is properly challenging at the moment, and there have been many things in the last 2 and half weeks that have threatened to overwhelm me. However, each time I come back to my body, to feeling myself and I feel that inner balance return and that I am more than ready for the next step.

  212. I have more to unfold with this as I am at times still very exhausted at the end of the day. I think this is that I don’t walk in that surrender but live in a raciness and not wanting to drop to a deeper level of sacredness.

  213. Great question…do I accept life as it or do I have pictures and investments in life to be a certain way? I can see how the pictures I have about how I think life ‘should’ look gets in the way of truly accepting and deeply appreciating how my life is unfolding. I am focused on exposing the pictures so I can see them for what they are and not let them control my life.

    1. I can relate to this marylouisemyers. As the pictures get broken down, in their place is a rich appreciation of what is taking place and naturally unfolding.

  214. Accepting life as it is without any investments or pictures can at times be challenging. When we look at our world there is much that does not reflect the love and truth we are. Though with acceptance, which does not mean we condone or say yes to the abuse or chaos we can bring a greater understanding rather than reaction which adds to the mess.

  215. Esoteric Yoga is so divinely simple in what it offers, this alone exposes how I might be choosing unnecessary complications in my everyday.

  216. Without an honest relationship with my body I can’t have an honest relationship with life. It’ll always be filtered through a filter of ideals, beliefs and then how can I hope to know myself or be intimate?

  217. I used to practice a particularly, I was going to say vicious, but intense form of yoga called Iyengar at one stage… It was almost a badge of honour to have injuries from the intensity of the exercises that we did… What a difference there is in esoteric yoga… So gentle and so effective.

    1. I used to have expectations of myself in yoga classes, that I would become more flexible, even touch my toes. But these expectations would travel with me everywhere throughout my day. Esoteric Yoga has assisted me to drop my expectations through learning how to simply observe and feel and as a result I have a much deeper understanding of my choices – without any expectation to change them.

  218. Until such time that we do move in presence and honour of our bodies, we have no reference point of how exquisitely beautiful we can feel and what vitality we can actually move with throughout our day. Esoteric Yoga gives us that tangible marker – and once we have this, it never actually leaves us.

  219. What I have found to be true is that the body responds to quality. We move in a certain way and we feel it. So do others.

  220. In a world where many if not most of us are choosing to distract our selves from what we feel in our bodies this is pure gold…

    What if there are just two ways to live life here on Earth; one being to live in a way that allows us our natural awareness of what we feel (and know through feeling) and one being to live in a way that uses every and any means of avoiding being aware of what we are feeling (and know through feeling)?

    If this is the case perhaps one way brings the struggle, separation and suffering that we have come to accept in our world while the other way, when chosen brings harmony, unity and the experience of feeling a one unifying Joy & love?

  221. What I love about Esoteric Yoga is that the space it provides to feel what stillness is. Everything else fades into perspective of being just ‘stuff’ – still things that we need to address, and commit to in life, but there’s a gap between me and everything else – a space to breathe, and a space to feel what needs doing next, instead of trying to do everything at once. A truly amazing way to live, in and with this connection to stillness and space.

  222. When we are accepting what is taking place we can stay open and surrender to what is before us without the need to control it or think it needs to be otherwise. It is then that we receive the deeper understanding and meaning of what is occurring.

  223. I am currently doing a women’s Esoteric Yoga program and the theme is surrender, the sessions have been deeply healing and have supported me to understand and feel what true surrender is and how I can bring this awareness into my daily life in a practical way.

  224. This is something i work on in yoga, feeling the good and the bad with the same lack of judgement or expectation – if there is pain or tension, but equally if there is openness or lightness. It has been interesting to feel how I immediately go to the tensions and resist the possibility that their could be areas of openness, but this for me is all part of learning to be truly honest

  225. Listening to the body really is the only way to be truly honest. The body provides the truth of what is going on. If we look for truth anywhere else it is likely to be created by hope or ideals.

  226. Returning to the quality of our bodies is a very assured way to assess the quality of our living choices. Our bodies cannot help but tell the tale of our lives and Esoteric Yoga restores a tender relationship between the story and the story maker.

  227. I really must make space for more esoteric yoga in my life, as I still am far from a constant connection to my body without checking out. No expectations though!

  228. I use a sleep app and what I have noticed is that when I take part in a recorded Esoteric Yoga at night before I go to bed, I drop straight down into a deep sleep for a few hours. I cannot as yet maintain a deep sleep all the way through my sleep cycle but what it is showing me is how there is a correlation between my sleep and Yoga. So anyone who doesn’t sleep well at night may well consider using Esoteric Yoga as a natural way to aid a restful sleep.

  229. In fact when I allow myself to feel and live the divine in me, at the same time I too have to let go of my attachment to temporal life and all the ideals and beliefs that are attached to that. What a relief and a liberation to live in connection with my soul once again.

  230. Esoteric Yoga supports me to become more honest of what is going on. It is a great tool to learn to surrender the body. Then the body gets open to feel more.

  231. I love the opportunity that Esoteric Yoga provides us to deeply connect with our bodies which then gives us a deep appreciation of the fact that our body is actually the vehicle that en-houses the soul. The body then has an amazing role in helping us to return to our true origins.

  232. Developing and deepening acceptance builds a foundation for understanding and love – and no smashed picture in sight.

  233. Our bodies cannot lie, they offer a marker of truth, both in terms of all the choices we have ever made and in terms of what is actually going on around us. We are living in a sea of energy, which we feel, constantly, yet, it seems we go to great lengths to avoid accepting the truth of what we are feeling, instead using all sorts of strategies to numb, distract, delude, dismiss, protect, hide …. no wonder the world is in such a mess. Through acceptance and surrendering to the wisdom and guidance our bodies are constantly offering, we are being true to who we are and sharing with everyone else that there is another way to live, a way that honours who we are and everyone else, equally so, a way that is loving, joyful, harmonious, divine – a way that is our natural way of being.

  234. ‘Developing an acceptance in life is one such theme that has supported my body to surrender more, as opposed to pushing through life carrying tension, burdens, exhaustion or pain in general.’ – Acceptance feels very foundational for us to be able to be true to who we are. It’s important for us to accept the truth of how life is and how we are choosing to live within life –
    otherwize we are choosing to live in a bubble called illusion.

  235. Every time I practice Esoteric Yoga I get a new marker of the level of sensitivity in my body and to kwow that it is not a curse but instead a blessing as it allows me to understand myself and others with a deeper level of acceptance.

  236. “We can choose the path of ease by accepting what is there to be felt and allowing the body to surrender OR, we can fight ourselves…” The latter is something we will realise in the end is hard and harmful on our body, whereas the accepting and surrendering within our bodies allows the natural grace our bodies are divinely designed to be.

  237. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” This is such a valuable question to ask. If we have pictures, of course we are going to drive to attain them, where as if we accept life as it is we can allow ease and surrender in our bodies.

  238. Letting go of pictures of how we think our life should look and expectations that we place on ourselves makes room for a deeper surrender and a greater acceptance of what is actual. I am then able to deeply appreciate and embrace life.

  239. Our bodies are constantly communicating to us, exposing the reality of how we are living, and whether we are conscious of it or not, we are constantly either reacting or responding to our body’s messages.

  240. ‘Developing an acceptance in life is one such theme that has supported my body to surrender more…’ Just reading this supports my openness to surrendering to life and my inner most being in life. I have used force to get through life and call in even more force to deal with any difficulties I’ve come across. Surrendering to the intelligence of my body is something I can go so much deeper with and it feels beautiful,like I’m getting to know who I truly am and not what I have taken on board as who I should be and judged myself against.

  241. I was marvelling the other day at how comfortable I now find sitting up for the positions in Esoteric yoga that require that. Only a few years ago I would of found that to be agonising, What changed was letting myself be supported by pillows and relaxing and surrendering my body whilst sitting.

  242. A great read of ‘surrender’ – there is much in this blog to accept and expand with. I will read it again to honour the stillness within and know by surrendering all is revealed.

  243. Having felt very flat today and judgmental I know for a fact there is something I am not accepting. Judgement fills my life when there is not understanding. Esoteric Yoga is amazing in its ability to bring understanding the more I observe and accept what my body is presenting/feeling.

    1. True, I definitely have so much more love and understanding for myself due to these Esoteric Yoga Programs, simply accepting how your body feels and knowing always that within is the divine just waiting to be activated.

  244. “The body is the marker of ALL truth”. And when i look at the world I can see that almost every single thing that we do is perfectly designed to bury that relationship with the body, with that truth. Over-eating, over-exercising, under-exercising, drinking coffee, smoking, alcohol, drugs, distractions of social media, internet, TV, competition in sports..the list goes on and on. Most of humanity is living in absolute direct opposite to listening to our bodies. BUT – here’s the kicker, whether the body is being listened to or not does not matter, it will still be the marker of ALL truth – thus, in perfect scientific proof, the catastrophic state of humanity’s health.

    1. If we lived in respect of this truth we have the answer to our self-created ills. It seems so simple yet our investments in the outer prevent us from reading the messages as clearly as they are communicated.

  245. Yes I have expectations on how I want it all to look..and I also play a similar game to this (just a slightly different flavour of the same) by which I can try to bend and mould things so that they fit into a set up that I have invested in. This is really, really dangerous and prevents me from reading the truth of what is at play. Why do I do it? – because I am invested in my self/my life and want to make it work within that box. This, like expectations, prevents me from being open to the more.

  246. I love the space esoteric yoga offers just to observe those signals that my body shares with me. When I observe, awareness drops in – to me a miracle every time!

  247. ‘The body’s wisdom knows how to bring itself back to harmony and true connection.’ It certainly does, and we begin to feel the power of this when we honour what our body calls for, to replenish and nourish itself.

  248. We have to also let go of control to deeply surrender. I find having expectations comes hand in hand with being controlling. Letting go of anything that blocks surrender is a loving choice I am learning to do more and more.

  249. I think it’s a great point that when we’re attached to things being a certain way or want them to fit a picture that we’re holding in our mind then we miss appreciating what actually is there to be seen…

  250. This is a absolutely what Esoteric Yoga supports ‘for developing an honest relationship with the body that then supports me to have a more honest relationship with everyday life.’ Great reminder and on reflection I feel how little in our daily life we have other things that truly supports us having and developing an honest relationship with ourselves, our body and our life in such a loving way.

  251. With Esoteric Yoga there is a whole body sense that you have come back to you, and that this is the most natural way to feel instead of running a hundred miles a minute in our heads.

  252. As I woke up today I found my body was a little bit on edge, by using the simple techniques I learned in esoteric yoga and allowing myself to connect deeply with each part of my body that on edge feeling passed and I felt far more full and at ease. Its super power and a great everyday support.

  253. Living from our bodies rather than from the noise of our heads changes everything and Esoteric Yoga has played a huge part in supporting me to get out of my head and feel from my body what is true and actually going on.

    1. I agree Fiona, Esoteric Yoga is a practise that does just that, it allows us to feel and even think from our bodies.

  254. “Not to mention the fact that we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is” So true, we get so caught up in our dreams and desires that we forget to appreciate the beautiful quality of movement and the harmony with which our bodies perform. We can have such a gorgeous relationship with our bodies when we let go of our agendas.

  255. “Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender.” I have noticed how my body is wanting me to go to another level of surrender but at the moment I feel I have hit a brick wall, I get so far and don’t seem to be able to take it to the next level, so it is great to read your blog and feel how I have an expectation on how I want surrender to be, and then getting frustrated that I can’t let go.

  256. Esoteric Yoga offers the opportunity to understand the meaning of stillness and to observe where our movements are not in harmony with this inner stillness.

    1. and it tangibly offers us the opportunity to connect and move from this inner stillness within our every day.

  257. Esoteric Yoga has helped me a enormous to connect more to my body instead of my head. While in the past in general I was not able to feel my body living in tension and anxiousness but know I when I feel this in my body I know I am not with me. with this awareness I have a means to stop the momentum that brought me there and choose to return to the state of ease in which my body is at its best.

  258. ‘We can choose the path of ease by accepting what is there to be felt and allowing the body to surrender OR, we can fight ourselves by diverting our energy to avoid and distract ourselves from our awareness……’ – this question asks for honesty and it challenges the fact that we all so often choose the ‘fight’. Why is this? Perhaps because accepting and surrender bring so much awareness that we are then called to true responsibility and we’d rather the comfort irresponsibility allows.

  259. “Esoteric Yoga – Developing an Honest Relationship with the Body…” for the past few years Esoteric Yoga is a great love in my life though for years prior it was something I avoided because simply i preferred to live life in bluff and pretence that everything was alright, that I was coping, managing, and so to slow down and ‘be honest’ wasn’t life for me then, or the norm i saw with those around me equally in a rush too. The more i connected to my body the more i wanted to be in it, and the more i was in it, found i wanted to truly respect it and hear it’s immeasurable communication.

  260. Interesting that not feeling enough means we are not accepting life – when we are living with low self worth what we are accepting is that false identity and the truth is that we are amazing beings who are living less than who we truly are.

  261. I love what you have shared about letting go of pictures or expectations to support the body to surrender… which then inform the quality of our movements now free of the tension that comes with moving towards attaining a picture. In this way we can just allow life to unfold before us and be moved in accordance with its flow rather than what we impose upon it.

  262. I always amazed by the way esoteric yoga reveals everything about the way I live my life. If I accept what I feel rather than react to it I can make supportive changes.

  263. ‘The more we accept life and what we feel, the more we are able to surrender the body to its natural settlement so that we may enjoy our natural flow.’ When I feel a momentum I have been in I am endeavouring to feel it, accept how this has effected my life, let it go and make a more embracing choice that is not about self but about the all. Esoteric Yoga supports this because I am able to feel I am connected to something far greater then just this body.

  264. I am in the middle of an Esoteric Yoga course with Marcia Owen. There is so much gold that I have learnt that I could share with you, but perhaps the simplest and most initial gift of it all is the gigantic appreciation I have felt for myself in simply making the commitment to do this; to spend this time connecting to the deep purpose and teacher of my body. In the world that we live in, it is so much easier to just keep on truckin’ and keep on burying ourselves in the comfort of motion. It’s certainly what i did for the first 40 years of my life and it will take some time to reverse that momentum but Esoteric Yoga is a huge support for me and I love that I have found it, committed to it and started to embrace it.

  265. There are no coincidences ….. after reading this inspiring blog a few times now and feeling how supportive Esoteric Yoga would be for me to deepen my relationship with my body, what do I find in my email? – an invitation to take part in an online Esoteric Yoga course – just love the constant support being offered for us to return to being who we truly are.

  266. I have to get judgement out of the way if I am going to have a truly honest relationship with my body. I am a student, starting at the almost-beginning. So, as a baby does not judge itself as it learns the ropes, nor will I.

  267. ‘Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.’ – I deeply appreciate the relationship that I am developing and deepening with my body every single day, the more I allow myself to surrender, the more I share of my gorgeous self.

  268. ‘The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best – and that is to return to its natural rhythm of harmony and wholeness.’ The body is certainly a wonderful ally in our being able to maintain a healthy, harmless and harmonious life, and esoteric yoga is a brilliant tool for assisting us in claiming the body as our ally in our return to Soul.

  269. Awareness and acceptance go hand-in-hand, as I’m discovering. Choosing to remain aware enough to register all I feel and see, no matter how distressing or personally confronting, no matter how much I want to dull or numb myself to it, is one challenge. The next lies in accepting everything I see and feel; in reading and understanding it and therefore being at home with it. Any tool that supports this is gold, and for me, Esoteric Yoga is one such tool.

  270. ‘When we have expectations in an Esoteric Yoga class, or in life, we limit our awareness…’
    This is simply focusing in on one thing we are expecting we fail to see the symphony of space that surrounds us in its glory; and we’ll move in ways that reflect the reduced version of life we see and live. When actually we could move in celebration and acceptance of all that is there for us to live.

  271. ‘When we have expectations in an Esoteric Yoga class, or in life, we limit our awareness…’
    This is simply focusing in on one thing we are expecting we fail to see the symphony of space that surrounds us in its glory.

  272. I really appreciate the awareness to expectation and pictures that can be revealed in Esoteric Yoga. They offer an honesty that is essential to be able to see them for what they are and feel how limiting they are to the whole possibilities of what is truly available to be lived.

  273. For many years, I have tried many different ways to connect with my body. Any ‘positive’ results were always fleeting. Esoteric Yoga is the only one that I have found that is really supporting me to build a relationship and connection with my body for the future. Sometimes I find that super challenging as I don’t often want to feel how I have been pushing my body etc… but on the whole, I find it amazing because learning to be with your body (and not fighting against it) is the most steady-i-fying (I just made that word up 😉 ) thing you can do. It helps you live life from a much more steady place, resulting in being much less thrown around by life.

  274. “When we have expectations…we limit our awareness, because we are so fixed on an outcome or a picture of how it should look and feel.” Expectations shut us off be it in our awareness or in our experience of life. If we cast our focus on a picture and do not look up, that is all we will see.

    1. Oh Nikki, I love that, ‘if we don’t look up then what will we see’, I can so relate to this, the fixation with looking down at a picture that keeps me trapped from seeing what is true.

  275. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” I’m learning that this awareness is crucial in any situation, meeting, task or conversation, it’s vital in keeping in check otherwise possibility reactions – disappointment, resentment, judgement, hardening, need for control, and the list can go on… Staying present and observing what is happening is something that esoteric yoga supports with hugely in all of these day-to-day situations.

  276. I have always enjoyed Esoteric Yoga as I have found it very supportive as a way to reconnect to me, for years I was in total disconnection to myself. What I can now feel is that while on the Yoga courses my whole body is adjusting constantly either during the session, afterwards or a few day before the next one. So I can say that on an energetic level the courses are extremely powerful if we allow ourselves to align to the energy that is constantly being presented. And I also have a greater depth to my understanding of group work and how powerful that is too. When we all come together and our focus is on the group not ourselves as individuals I feel it has given me a glimpse or the possibility of how the Pyramids could possibly have been built.

  277. Such a great topic to discuss and share on, how when we react to the world and what is going on with us and around us we are in constant tension. Surrendering and accepting life as it is and know that it is our choices to go deeper in our awareness and to honour what the body is feeling is what will support true change in our lives.

  278. It’s amazing how an Esoteric Principal such as “the body is the marker of all truth” can be so equally applied to every facet of life, such is the way of the Esoteric that is so profound yet simply relatable in every day terms.

  279. It has been helpful to read that by being upset about what we feel in our bodies does not serve us but only makes us harder, and that acceptance can play a huge role in our healing, and the letting go of whatever we have reacted to.

  280. When I surrender in an Esoteric Yoga class or in my day to day life, I receive clarity, lightness, love, wisdom and expansion in my body.

  281. Our bodies are incredibly honest, they may not look or feel how we want them too sometimes but it’s always exactly what we need to grow and evolve and learn from whatever is happening in our lives at that point in time.

  282. Esoteric Yoga is a practice that we can connect to at any time during our day, as it is not about postures but connecting to the stillness and fragility within our bodies while we are going about our daily work. When we build a relationship with our bodies in this way it supports us to break down all the expectations and agendas that we hold about life, so that we can respond to what is asked of us, rather than attempt to manipulate life to serve our ends.

  283. The way we move and the way we express throughout the day determine how we will feel in ourbodies at the end of the day.

  284. Indeed Greg, when we surrender and open up more deeply to who we truly are and to the fact that our lives are on a path of return and that we are already so much more than we can imagine, everything in us will be geared to continuously look for that next level in that path of return not allowing to platoon in our many ways of comfort anymore.

    1. So true Nico, when we surrender to our Divine Intelligence this is a “far more enriching ways to be and live that” as a Livingness is sustainable, which is not comfort seeking.

  285. Coming from a life in which I lived in disregard of my body and with that of my essence, I now do love Esoteric Yoga as it is in full appreciation of my body and with that too with my essence, the essence that is at the core of our being.

    1. I love how it’s never too late to change our way, to make more loving choices in the way we are choosing to live. I have been doing this over the past 9 years and will continue to do so, constantly refining and re-tuning, being guided by the wisdom of my body.

      1. Thank you Alison. Indeed it is never too late to choose to stop living the abuse in our daily lives and instead choose to live to the wisdom of our body and in accordance to our being. A way of life we know so well but have walked away from long long ago.

  286. Esoteric Yoga is one of the most subtly powerful modalities I have come across, learning the power in choosing a quality of movement is something we have overlooked for a very long time. We have become so used to our heads leading the way that it is largely lost on us that it is from the quality of movement that everything else results.

  287. I found it very significant to read these questions about how invested I am with pictures and desired outcomes and how much this impedes my willingness to let go to the reality of what my body is revealing to me.

  288. ‘The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best…’ the simplicity of this is inspiring and I observe in me how I falter with the letting go process, interrupting it with thoughts… every time I come back to letting go and letting my body reveal what is going on, I am inspired again by the depth and simplicity of life lived connected to my body.

  289. When I feel tension or anxiety, allowing myself to really feel it completely, makes is so much easier to find out why I have allowed myself to be owned by these emotions. So just being aware of what I have chosen above the stillness within myself I have the choice to do it again or not. Sometimes these momentums run us because we do not have the awareness that they are caused by first a belief, but this belief obviously is not supportive to the body if tension is felt. What tension is challenging us is to look at what we have accepted as normal and ask if this is truly normal? And if there is another way?

  290. The feeling of settlement in our body is something to deeply appreciate and it starts with us being honest about and appreciating all that we ‘already are’ and letting go of all ‘that we are not’.

    1. Alison thats a great point and one that I also feel the esoteric yoga supports, to appreciate that what we ‘already are’ is what happens naturally as we let ourselves connect as its the holding and the resistance that drops away when we feel this.

  291. Surrender is a great word – it does not mean give your power away, to me it is me giving myself permission to go deep inside and to feel my body, to develop a deeper awareness of its wisdom

  292. Esoteric Yoga is a wonderful modality that we can use to re-connect to feeling what our body is telling us. A great opportunity to stop, listen and surrender to feeling how we have been running our body – the momentums we have been choosing.

  293. ‘The more we allow acceptance and surrender, the more we allow the body to do what it knows best’, this line to me brings about an incredible surrender. If we brought this truth to our every day we would know there is no need to fight as the body has a rhythm that is connected to the all, and the all has an ebb and flow that one can not control. 

    1. Agree Kim when we let go of the fight we can deeply accept and surrender to the natural flow of life.

  294. Acceptance is one of those core qualities I continually come back to, it makes for a great foundation for life. I am currently in a 6 week program with the Esoteric Yoga Stillness Program for Women and our theme for the program is “Surrender”. Acceptance seems to be what’s needed to allow the surrender, to let go of fighting against ourselves or life exactly as it is, and surrender back to our being – which ironically has no need from others or life!

  295. I know that before I allowed myself to surrender my body to what it knew to do best, that I would have to be living by expectations and pictures – else how other would I propel myself along!?! Getting to know and move in my own rhythm (being guided by my body rather than driven by the expectations, has brought a very different quality to my life, and this would not have been so simply supported if it had not been for Esoteric Yoga.

  296. When I first attended esoteric yoga classes, I found it almost impossible to stay awake. The exhaustion and discomfort I became aware of in my body was quite something. I remember feeling will this ever get any easier. Roll on a few years and I love listening to the messages my body is giving me during esoteric yoga and the understanding I get of the way I have been living.

  297. “These momentums are the result of a series of choices that become the uncomfortable tensions and tightness in our body.” It is so easy to not accept this or deny this awareness because it asks us to be responsible and create space for different decisions to be in front of us. The more Esoteric Yoga I have done, the more I can see that where I am at, is from my own choices and as a result of a momentum that I have created for myself. It has been incredibly empowering as I know I have the opportunity to surrender to a deeper level of love which has the potential to change the momentum…the ripple effect at play.

  298. Attending an esoteric yoga class at the end of a long day can be quite confronting as we can instantly feel how we have been living as we become more aware of the exhaustion, tension or stress we are carrying.

  299. A lot of my investment in ‘things being a certain way’ are actually tied up in ‘people being a certain way’. I acknowledge that most of my frustrations and disappointments arise because people are not behaving in ways that I want them to behave. Acceptance, surrender and understanding are the only antidotes.

  300. Once a person has truly understood that esoteric yoga is simply a slice taken out of our life that offers us a chance to re-connect back to our bodies and to allow the body to re-adjust itself then it’s easy to understand that the esoteric yoga session never really ends, life becomes one long never ending esoteric yoga session.

  301. I love your comment that responsibility isn’t a dictatorship! but a natural awareness of what is next and an impulse to follow it.

    1. So true Karin, True Responsibility is a flow that emanates from within as our awareness expands! Life and awareness expand as all aspects of life are reviewed, so True Responsibility becomes a Livingness.

  302. ‘And when those expectations are not met there can be a disappointment – a tension that can be felt as an unsettlement in the body. Thoughts of ‘not being enough’ or ‘achieving enough’ are great examples of how we don’t accept life, which result in a tension and a mistrust that we carry in our body. Not to mention the fact that we miss out on appreciating the amazingness of what already is.’

    What wonderful awareness of what we create in the body, the dis-ease we can forgo when we connect with the wonderment that we hold within, already there and constant.

  303. “Within our body is an honesty that communicates much wisdom and is a great gauge of our level of surrender or our level of stress.” allowing and surrendering to what the body is showing us allows healing to take place.

  304. What I’ve noticed is that it takes a hell of a lot of energy to fight the path your body naturally would take (evolution), as apposed to surrendering to it and even accelerating it.

  305. What stands out for me is that we don’t like to feel not good or tensed and that we try to numb this but that actually by being present with the body and moving it with purpose like we do in Esoteric Yoga the body naturally restores itself to a harmonious state. So in conclusion numbing does just ignore the discomfort but presence and true movement as practised in Esoteric Yoga brings true healing and harmony in the body.

  306. During Esoteric Yoga sessions, I have noticed that at that point of ‘letting go’ of a tight posture or tension in the part of my body we are moving, I am actually choosing to surrender into an innermost quality of stillness that is within my body, and what I then realised is that I am actually – at that point – ‘accepting’ myself, accepting love, choosing love / choosing the true aspect of me over the momentum of holding pattern that has kept me separated from accessing this innermost quality. Self-acceptance seems to be a natural consequence of the activity of surrender.

  307. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” Gosh, I can relate to this. My investments and pictures are too numerous to count… and many a time I haven’t detected them or seen them until an issue reveals itself. I still find an ongoing inner battle to wanting life to be a certain way rather than accepting it for what it truly is… esoteric yoga is a modality that support me to be where I am at and to observe myself with judgement aside. This then supports how I relate to the bigger aspects of life and I find I can observe more, react less and become more accepting.

  308. We can know things in our head, but when we know, connect and feel them from our body we understand them inside out and in everyway.

    1. I agree Abby. I find when I use my head to resolve a difficult situation I get easily pulled in different directions by what people say, I get easily confused, justify things and get emotional but when I listen to my body and connect to my essence I instantly connect to truth and the answers are already there.

  309. How amazing to surrender and allow the body to recieve what is happening, rather than tainting everything with our pictures and ideals of what we want to happen. Accepting indeed comes from surrendering, and it doesn’t necessarily mean moving on in a silent way, it means letting out in full what we truly are, with no rules, filters, limitations or reservation in our expression, for the truth to be felt by all.

  310. Letting go of investments or pictures is so empowering. I didn’t realise how much they affected my perception of life and my relationships.

  311. As a society we have become very good at managing life with a myriad of distractions that keeps us away from feeling the truth that is presented to us, and Esoteric Yoga offers us an opportunity to come back and reconnect with our bodies and break through the illusion of life in order to claim ourselves as all knowing sons of God, for we are more than we think to be.

  312. There is one thing that I know for sure in this life and that is I am extremely thankful for Esoteric Healing modalities as they really are the only way I could experience surrender in the body, and once I had felt that knowing in the body was supported to come out again from myself.

  313. Esoteric Yoga is a beautiful connection to my body and if I choose to surrender to my body’s wisdom and what it reveals about my lifestyle choices, I feel deep stillness and appreciation. Holding that quality and awareness feel very self-loving.

  314. Being with my breath is a great indicator for me of how I am feeling. It creates small moment-by-moment stops, where I can choose to then feel what’s going on my body. Sometimes I don’t like what I feel, but the trick is to not try and fix myself, but be honest and allow myself to feel everything. Its the resisting that can lead to my body getting stressed and hard with tension.

  315. “Do I have investments or pictures in life to be a certain way – or do I accept life as it is?” now thats a great question to ask and one where I can say that for most of my time the picture was far stronger than acceptance, in fact its one thing that I have to deal with daily is am I accepting the what is or wanting life to be different.

  316. ‘The body’s wisdom knows how to bring itself back to harmony and true connection.’ yes and Esoteric Yoga supports us to listen to that wisdom release what does not belong to it and allow the unfoldment in a deeper connection.

  317. Being honest and honouring of what our body is feeling is truly caring and loving of our self and without a doubt Esoteric Yoga is a great support in developing this self-nurturing.

    1. It does seem a no brainer when put like that, which you can’t help but ask yourself why choose tension and stress when ease and surrender are always on offer. It opens up a can of worms that are well worth opening.

  318. It’s like the body knows how to be and what to do in every moment with every breath and it is us with a picture that interferes with its flow.

    1. This is so true Fumiyo, no wonder we are constantly fed these pictures everywhere we look.They work in a way to distract us from connecting to what we already know and to create false expectations that are not realistic or achievable.

    2. I couldn’t agree more Fumiyo. When we don’t get in the way, the flow is naturally there leading the way.

  319. Esoteric Yoga always enables me to feel how I’ve been living and allows my body to re-align to its innate stillness and harmony.

  320. The Esoteric Yoga is very honest when it comes to showing us where we are at and the way we have been using the body up until that point, and accepting that without judgment of ourselves is key.

  321. Developing an honest relationship with acceptance is key if we are to surrender to what is next.

  322. I feel we are programmed with expectations so just being aware of this is a really important factor. I can look back at all the times my expectations seemed bigger than what actually happened, letting disappointment set in and I have to admit that I have also let this happen in Esoteric Yoga when I haven’t reached the stillness and connection that I may have in previous sessions, instead of just accepting it is where I am at.

  323. ‘Accepting and surrendering are far more enriching ways to be and live that pave the way for appreciation…’ I love that word ‘enrich’ – it has a resonance that reflects what it means. And I love that we can find more enriching ways to live via the Esoteric way. When I consider the level of enrichment I am feeling and exploring now, it feels like my life prior has been brittle and thin and anything but truly abundant – abundant in the sense of the inner richness and sense of depth I now feel. And this after a good 10 years pursuing this path. One wonders at the riches yet to come.

  324. The word ease pulled my attention in reading this blog, and that is exactly what I experience when I am one with my body. I then am at ease with life as everything is felt for what it is but the marker of truth I hold in my body keeps me aligned to that what I know is true to me and my being.

    1. Letting go of my grip on life and going with the flow (the cycles and natural pull we have to live connected to a bigger picture) brings a simplicity and purpose to each day that is undeniable.

      1. Sure Mathilda, many people, including myself do think they have control over life while in reality we don’t as we can only go with the flow of life when I am honest. And this controlling needs the never ending effort to keep up with the flow, introducing complexity and delay. But much better is to let go of this control and experience the ease and simplicity in which life can be lived.

  325. ‘how we feel and our level of surrender are very much connected, and are a result of the quality of movement and lifestyle choices we choose each and every day’ ….. our bodies cannot lie, how we are in one moment carries us forward into the next moment, therefore, if I have resisted surrendering to my body and being impulsed by my natural rhythm, by pushing myself to get something done, this is felt and recorded in my body and I will feel the consequence. The longer I do this, the greater the impact and intensity of what transpires in my body through aches and pains, or something worse. It is very beautiful how the body is always supporting us to come back, to let go of the ‘push’ to get us somewhere, and, instead, be impulsed forward from our inner heart, allowing life to unfold around us.

    1. It is so true Alison, the body never let’s us go, it is always calling us back either quietly, or loudly, to be with the stillness that is more natural to it.

  326. In my experience, it supports you to develop an honest relationship with the body, which in turn, develops one’s relationship with awareness and then ultimately one’s relationship with truth. This is the blessing of the modality of Esoteric Yoga – to live knowing who you truly are.

  327. ‘One of the great joys of Esoteric Yoga is that it is such a wonderful support for developing an honest relationship with the body that then supports me to have a more honest relationship with everyday life’ – I’m deeply appreciating the reminder that, how we are in our relationship with ourselves, directly affects the relationship that we have with everything and everyone else.

  328. Yes for me the most amazing gift from yoga is the realisation that things don’t have to be a certain way, there is no right or wrong, just the observation of what is at play in any given moment. Having said that I am still finding pockets of non acceptance that arise, but the yoga practise has given me the body knowing to recognise them for what they are (sometimes there’s a delay) and surrender to the fact that the discomfort is allowing me to see there is more to surrender to on a deeper level.

  329. ‘The body’s wisdom knows how to bring itself back to harmony and true connection.’ Super simple – we have the answer with us all along.

  330. I have enjoyed every session of Esoteric Yoga over the last twelve years; in the beginning I would fall asleep almost as soon as I laid down, and that showed me how exhausted I was and needing sleep. More recently I have appreciated how much Esoteric Yoga teaches me about the different parts of my body and my awareness of the whole body is developing as a result.

  331. Very wise words Marikka, I’ve never felt so in my body as with esoteric yoga. It’s a great marker for where you hold pain in your body, I have had chronic neck pain for 2 years from a motorbike accident and only recently through this modality been pain free. Now I’m learning to bring it into my everyday movement.

  332. Esoteric yoga is so amazing. It’s where I give myself the space to observe without criticism and feel how my choices of how I move and express affect me, where I get to feel what truly supports me and what doesn’t.

  333. When I first tried esoteric yoga I was not ready for the absolute stripped back honesty with which it showed me how I had been choosing to live. Rather than understand that the battered feeling in my body was as a result of the choices that I had been making, I chose to blame the esoteric yoga for being a rather useless modality. That has changed entirely now and I relish the opportunity that esoteric yoga provides in showing me the absolute truth of the reflection of my choices.

  334. Letting go of expectations and outcomes supports the body to surrender, then we can feel the deep stillness within. Esoteric Yoga is like the doorway that opens wide to support us with this.

  335. Acceptance and surrender versus resistance and fight, a choice that is forever being presented to us and to our absolute detriment most are choosing resistance and fight, which is resulting in the enormous strain and tension that so many are choosing to live with. It is a choice and the moment that we choose something different then so too will our experience change.

  336. Sometimes I fight what is going on and sometimes I feel what is going on. I find that Esoteric Yoga supports me to feel much more and lessen the need to fight/resist/numb what is going on. I highly recommend it.

  337. Do I have any pictures? I have many, in fact many more than I thought I did and it is great to bring my awareness to them as when I do, and I let them go, I am continuously surprised at how much better life is when I let go oh my need to control, which is an illusion anyway as I can’t.. it is just a picture.

    1. Yes Rosie, having pictures creates a tension from the get go, that restricts our movements and hinders the natural flow. And I too have realised I am not in control of anything, apart from myself, and how I react or respond to life.

    2. So true Rosie, how many times have we gazed out a window to an image of what we are thinking about to only find our that it is only a day-dreaming without any true substance? A structured life where we explore ways of feeling the union with the body or True Yoga, so we continue to take that into all we do to the best of our ability opens us to allowing life to unfold.

  338. I can very much related to having pictures or expectations on how I will feel during an Esoteric Yoga Session. At times sitting and feeling the tension in my body is something I want to move past quickly so I get to relax and enjoy. However feeling the tension I have discovered is very important for all my body is showing me is how I have been living up to that point and the Yoga shows me that I can make other choices. It is a process for in each session my body shows me something different and this is what needs to be very much appreciated, regardless of what my body is communicating.

  339. I have experienced a very real and practical feeling of space in my body when I align to acceptance. From there my body has the space to let go and surrender. It’s such an amazing example of how the quality and energy of our thoughts profoundly affect us on a physiological level.

  340. We don’t even fully realise that when we hold expectation on how something should look or be, it actually tunes our sight to see in a certain way. I have experienced this many times and there will be many more when I see something and then awareness allows me to see it another way. We don’t have many forums to discuss this in and it’s great to see this awareness written about for all of us to see and truly chat about.

      1. These need to be lead by those that are truly connection and can see what the true purpose of these forums or discussions are about. It’s not about fixing problems or more money, it’s about awareness. What is the game that is being played as we are already proving more and more that throwing money at things only makes it better for the short period and makes no difference truly. It’s not about no funding either but about bringing this all together, so we can all truly see whats needed.

      2. So true Ray, the institutional approach goes about thing by waging a war to bring about a fix.
        Without an agenda true communication brings openness to the table so we all can explore the possibilities that sharing equally brings. Is it possible the way we express, so we build on another’s awareness by bridging this allows for true dialogue? Then without trying to be better, sharing this way we build equality upon another’s platform and who knows what will eventuate from opening up to what unequivocally serves everyone equally?

    1. I agree with you Ray there are very few forums where we can openly discuss what is going on in life. We now have illness and disease through the roof, people talk about cancer now as though it was like catching a cold. But when I was a child cancer was very rare? Now we have category 5 Hurricanes and very soon I feel the Weather forecasters will up grade to a 6 and I wonder if the weather is also another reflection to show us that the current way of life is so disharmonious. When are we going to be aware that all this is happening for a reason its not random.

      1. Why are we holding back and yes sure we can possibly say the world doesn’t support us to truly talk and have these needed discussions but why would that stop us when we can see what we see? It’s not about majority or minority rules, it’s about what we see and feel is true and presenting that time and time again as it’s needed. Without attaching to something happening or changing but just the relationship with the feeling of truth and having it expressed. Cancer was a rarity growing up and now it touches more and more of us everyday and I don’t think the true figures we have actually seen, what is actually going on? Why are we sitting as a race where we are sitting?

  341. Esoteric Yoga is nothing like any other yoga on the planet. Its foundation is on the union within, and that in itself makes it unique.

  342. I can certainly feel now just how draining it is to hold onto a vision of how I think things should be at work, with family, friends, etc. Practicing Esoteric Yoga has really been a great marker for me to feel just how much tension is there sometimes and how when I am not accepting things and putting my body into a state of nervous energy, I don’t even feel the tension that has been there all along, which is somewhat alarming because my body is copping the effects of this way of moving.

  343. I have loved all my esoteric yoga sessions as an enormous support to confirm where I am at (whether it is where I want to be or not) and the new markers offered in my body to go deeper.

  344. I love many things about Esoteric Yoga but one part I love most is that your given space to allow your body to just be, wherever it is at. Your supported constantly to delve deeper and allow what is there to surface to feel and understand. When I surrender it is like saying, ‘Oh that’s there’ or ‘That’s how my body naturally wants to move’…. when I’m putting pressure on myself with expectations to be a certain way, then the sweetness of awareness is blocked. For me awareness = joy and vice versa.

  345. I agree for sure that if we have set expectations or are attached to a picture of how we think a situation should go or life should be then we limit our awareness, perception and understanding of the moment and life rather than being open to seeing all that is there for us to see and respond to…

  346. It is true the more we surrender the more our bodies will reveal how we are choosing to live on a daily basis, and we can react to this or accept with grace the truth of what is being offered.

    1. Spot on Paula, allowing ourselves to just feel the body and accept whatever it is that we are feeling as part of the communication with ourselves is so important.

  347. This morning the realisation that everything and everyone in my life are set up to help me to evolve was very clear although I am aware on the other hand that the world is set up to not support me. It was very clear and apparent that even though the world does not support me it doesn’t mean that I have to join in but I can choose to accept and surrender to my essence and the essence that is all around me.

    1. Sure Caroline, I do experience the same. Life does not support to live life in an evolutionary way. It tries to keep us where we are and to not evolve back to where we come from. But our body knows the way and when we connect more to the body by being in conscious presence the distractions of the earthly life ceases away and life becomes at ease, an ease that can be clearly felt in the body and in everything I do.

  348. “When we have expectations in an Esoteric Yoga class, or in life, we limit our awareness, because we are so fixed on an outcome or a picture of how it should look and feel.” This is like wearing blinkers and Esoteric Yoga is a truly amazing support to take them off.

  349. Accepting life as it is is a big one for many, we all know Truth and how grand life could/should be hence we struggle to accept where we have gotten ourselves to.

    1. How true this is, Michael. We struggle big time as to acknowledge the truth of how things are, we must also accept the part we have played in us being where we are. However, from this point of honesty and open-ness, we then have the opportunity to ensure, moving forward, that our contribution is one of love, as we actively take responsibility for the way we are choosing to live on our collective journey back to the divinity that we are all equally a part of.

  350. Vitality, ease and joy are only some of the benefits of surrendering to the ease and stillness that make the body when we don’t interfere.

  351. It was only when I began to participate in Esoteric Yoga classes some years ago that I realised the depth of the dishonesty I had as to the state of my body. Suddenly everything was beginning to be exposed and I didn’t like it one bit; I was saddened and horrified at the same time. But I could feel that, as uncomfortable as it was, I was finally allowing myself to truly feel my body and could no longer ignore that it was asking for much more love, care and respect. And that’s exactly what I have given my body and as a result I have finally developed a deeply honest and loving relationship with it which is reflected back to me in every moment, especially in an Esoteric Yoga session.

  352. ‘Letting go of expectations supports the body to surrender. Letting go of stories of ‘what may happen’ or ‘what may not happen’ is very liberating as it allows the body to be open to whatever will unfold before us and allows us to see life with a wider lens.’ – This has been such an eye opener for me, to appreciate the extent to which I was trying to meet ‘pictures’ of how I thought things should be, or how I should be, rather than being open to letting things unfold before me and enjoying being a part of something new and different and the learning and expansion that follows.

  353. I’ve done Esoteric Yoga for a few years now, and I love how you describe the ease, this is one of the biggest things Esoteric Yoga has taught me – that there is a way to move that doesn’t fight, jar or hurt your body in any way and there can be an ease and a flow to the way we walk, move and initiate our day.

  354. With the word surrender many people may feel surrender to what? In my understanding and experience it is surrendering to the innate body’s wisdom that you talk about here, so it is surrendering within and nothing to do with surrendering to anything on the outside (outside of ourselves) .. giving our power away. In an Esoteric Yoga session earlier this year my body/me felt really irritable. At the end of the session I went up to the Esoteric Yoga teacher and said ‘in that session I felt really irritable’, the teacher said ‘great’. What I got from this is as you shared to not have/hold any expectations of what something should be like but also to be with what my body/me was showing me; instead of reacting to the irritability it was simply for me to be and feel it was there, as from experience and understanding, in doing this (feeling it was there) it was the first step to the irritability not being there!

  355. ‘It may at first seem that acceptance of ourselves and how things are in life would be simple, however, given the opportunity to look deeper, there is much to uncover and feel’ ….. this is so true, the more I uncover about myself, the more I’m aware of how much more there is to uncover and understand, to enable me to connect with, and appreciate, myself on an even deeper level.

  356. I love nature for its reflection of how flow and harmony are natural. We are made of the same particles; it is just our alignment is either with or against the order of the universe.

    1. It makes such sense to not waste our energy swimming against the tide. Everything around us offers this reflection and our body knows very naturally how to align when let be.

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