True Religion is Simple

Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.

Is there such a thing as God? Why are we here? Is there something greater than us, than just this world of the physical? What happens when we die – is this it or do we go to another realm? The answers to these questions depend on who we ask: if we ask the scientist it will be a very different answer from the sceptic, to the religious person and then there’s your mum, dad, work colleagues and so on.

All our answers or contemplations will be subjective and based on a combination of our personal experiences, learnt knowledge, exposure to the ideals and beliefs we have been raised with, whether we come from a religious, atheist or scientific family and anything in between.

But most importantly, there is our human condition that not one of us can truly escape from, one where we have been emotionally hurt in our lives, not feeling loved and met for who we are. Many of us are carrying these built-up hurts throughout our lifetime, so we then learn to protect ourselves so as not to be hurt again. There are many who have been hurt by ‘religion’ and even the word itself can cause a reaction. The truth is that we are influenced by external forces, which often determine the path we choose in our lives and the views we form on religion.

Religion is a very old word that has been here as long as time, or as long as human beings have been around. Religion has been dressed in many different clothes, with varying rituals and ceremonies, it has its ‘books’ of supposed truth, and then there are the masses, the people and the congregations that make up each religion. There have been wars, injustices, judgments, murders, genocide and witch hunts over the centuries, all in the name of religion.

We have turned to religion to connect to something far greater than ourselves, for some of us have felt lost and did not know where to go. What we end up doing is separating further. ‘Religion’ – as it has largely been – has not been offering the whole truth that has been sought.

It has become defined as something that is organised, that requires ‘heads’ who seemingly know more, who instruct people as to what their version of the truth is without revealing that it is a version, a re-interpretation, containing fragments of truth, but not the whole truth. For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.

“One of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth, which translates to being an act that corrupts and debases the truth. Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations II, p. 7)

Truth is simply truth, or it is not.

We have been using a word – ‘religion’ – to describe something that is not True Religion but its exact opposite. If religion is about God who is love, then there cannot be all these evil associations with religion, and the most cataclysmic fact is that the truth of religion has been so bastardised, and that the truth of religion was lost long ago.

This is true evil, the way it has separated us from our own connection with God, divinity, something much greater than this physical life that lives deep within us all. We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities.

If we strip back all the layers over this word religion and come back to its origin, we would find the simplicity and vibrancy of this word, a living word, where deep down we in fact all know its true meaning: we know religion as we are that, it’s just we may not be living a religious life.

So what does religion actually mean in truth?

If we take it back to the roots of what religion truly is, the simplicity of the origin of the word,

“The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)

If we lived the truth of this vibrant word religion, what would that look like? True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary. If we began to live connected to divinity, then truth and love would be our natural way of being because the essence of Divinity is beholding in love and truth. As we live this way, we then bring this relationship we have with divinity to others we meet, as we are all made of the same essence, and so in this connection others will feel that they too can choose to reconnect to that which is within them also, and in doing so will feel the deep connection of our true Oneness.

Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.

So true religion could never, by definition, be involved with corruption, cruelty, warmongering and control over the masses in its organised ways because it feels and understands that God is love. How have we allowed someone to be deemed as a ‘higher authority’ in the church as being ‘the one’ who knows and has all the answers?

In the origins of these organised religions, true and great teachers came and revealed to us a way that we can live ‘above’ the limitations of ‘the day.’ Yet mankind got our ‘hands’ on these pure teachings and they became polluted with other agendas – personal gain rather than the simple truth of the teachings that were to be for all of humanity equally.

It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and his presentations on the truth of religion that I could let the word ‘Religion’ be claimed back in my life, even though this took some time, as it’s meaning to me was so poisoned that I realised I had never connected to the true meaning of religion. The true meaning is simple.

These revelations reawakened my own connection to the truth of God and in that my awareness of what life truly is has expanded beyond words and I realised that I knew this all along.

True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that. We are so much more than how we live currently. True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are. True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.

Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother as we are all from the One Same Source.

By Anonymous

Further Reading:
World religion day – do we know what religion truly means?
Organised Religion versus True Religion
What is true religion?

580 thoughts on “True Religion is Simple

  1. I love simplicity, and I love truth, ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.’

  2. Reading this blog again I found this part that stood out for me
    ‘It has become defined as something that is organised, that requires ‘heads’ who seemingly know more, who instruct people as to what their version of the truth is without revealing that it is a version, a re-interpretation, containing fragments of truth, but not the whole truth. For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.’
    We have accepted a version of the truth for so many lifetimes we believe it to be the truth and that to me is the evil in the lies we have accepted as truth because we have given our power away to others who have touted themselves as knowing more than we instinctively know. This is the evil that comes through religion and education.

  3. The purity of our essence/Soul is always felt and the searching is the feeling we have to return to the essence/Soul and that innate feeling will align us to God when we understand the relationship we have with our spirit.

  4. We have allowed ourselves to be fooled into many false religions which have us believing that there is something far greater than ourselves, so great we need an intermediary to dedicate themselves as the go between us and God. By giving our power away to an outside religion we have left behind, forgotten or buried the religion which resides within us; this is our connection to the universe and God. We don’t need anyone on the outside to tell us about the universe and God, as Jesus said 2000+ years ago the Kingdom of God is within. So we need to look no further than to ourselves.

  5. The fact that we have been misled about God through religions that interpret and re-interpret for their own gain (one simple look at the history books give you that snapshot) it is no wonder so many have turned away from God and any form of religion. We have learnt to be afraid of it from the inside and the outside!!! Yet if God is within, and it is who we are, where we are from and what we are made of, then it is an ever deepening relationship with ourselves, not an outside entity that tells us how bad we are or what we have to do to get approval.

  6. The etymology of ‘religion’ refers to it as a return. When I connect to my essence, that essence is a part of God. I have returned in that instance. Pretty simple.

  7. “It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and his presentations on the truth of religion that I could let the word ‘Religion’ be claimed back in my life,” I would say the same too Anon. Although I would say I had been ‘religious’ in the past I would not have claimed that when i was introduced to The Ageless Wisdom. However having now found the true definition of religion it is simple, as you say in your post – and I reclaim once again that I am a religious person.

  8. I’m really starting to appreciate how words that correspond to truth are then bastardised so as to take the person off course for many lifetimes. It’s such a devious way of holding back something so intrinsic to who we are is to hold it in plain sight but under the darkness of misrepresentation, This is where we have to come back to reconnecting with what is truth so we go deeper and are not fooled.

    1. Yes, the bastardisation of words take many of us off course. Having discussed the topic of religion with friends, now that I understand its true meaning, many more can claim they too are religious.

    2. Yes it is devious. There are a lot of religions out there that try to manipulate and coerce and therefore we have come to be afraid of the words and the people who live religiously. All of this can be felt if we turn off our ears and stop being swayed by words, movements and livingness is a far more powerful form of communication.

    3. The truth in words has been bastardised, ‘the truth of religion has been so bastardised, and that the truth of religion was lost long ago.’

  9. Thankfully Serge Benhayon has brought back the true meaning of the word Religion so that the imposters can be exposed for the lies they are. I know I was totally sucked into an organized religion because it contained just enough fragments of the truth to fool me at a time when I had lost everything and was looking for a way out. And this is to me is what the Religious imposters offer; a false comfort, a false way of living. Once you are sucked into that consciousness it is extremely difficult to extricate oneself from.

      1. Keep it simple, ‘“The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)’

    1. It is hardly surprising that people lost faith in religion, ‘There have been wars, injustices, judgments, murders, genocide and witch hunts over the centuries, all in the name of religion.’

  10. ‘We have been using a word – ‘religion’ – to describe something that is not True Religion but its exact opposite.’ I was so angry with religion for not being what I knew it to be, but it was me who walked away from God and turned to anger and my own intolerance.

  11. ‘True religion is very simple’. Yes, practical, inspiring, liberating and super accessible too. Out of the confines of what we have created as religion, true religion is a way of life, of being together that is totally natural to us all. There literally are no divisions. Imagine that.

  12. We often turn to religion as a way to understand the world and make sense of what we feel, but the trouble is the version of religion we have been sold falls very short of what true religion actually is. We know there is more to life, but there are very few people pointing us in the right direction. Thank God for Universal Medicine for being a beacon of light in the darkness.

    1. Absolutely Julie, at last here is someone who is willing to stand up and lovingly pose the question
      “Is it possible that we have been imposed upon and what we have been taught is religion isn’t religion at all”
      Just asking this innocent and harm-less question can bring up so much reaction in people so it would appear the word is loaded with ideals, beliefs and misconceptions.

    2. Yes, thank God for Serge Benhayon, who speaks Truth, and only Truth, ‘“One of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth, which translates to being an act that corrupts and debases the truth. Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations II, p. 7)

      Truth is simply truth, or it is not.’

  13. ‘There have been wars, injustices, judgments, murders, genocide and witch hunts over the centuries, all in the name of religion’. So one can completely understand why so many people in today’s age have an aversion to the word religion.

    1. And why it is so important that we explore it, so that rather than just a knee jerk aversion, we return to the truth of religion and its innate presence in our lives.

      1. I was in full-blown reaction to religion, I’d seen the hypocrisy and lies being taught. When I met Serge Benhayon and observed him and the love and integrity that he lives in all his movements, only then was I willing to put down my fighting gloves and listen.

    2. Although ‘religious’ in my younger life, I too got turned off by the hypocrisy of the church and the people in it. It seemed there was one law for them and one for others. The blessing of now understanding the true meaning of the word and returning to the Ancient Wisdom teachings in this life, transformed my attitude.

    3. Yes, it is no wonder. Therefore allowing space to re-connect to God through movement and through Love may take some time, perhaps lifetimes. Once the connection is felt there is no mistaking the truth of who we are, what we are made of and where we are from.

  14. Religion is everything about life. it is about how we love through our day, how we are with ourselves, how we are with others and what we are open to learning through each of these experiences and encounters. Knowing that we are religious in everything we do everyday opens us up to the knowing that God touches us in everything and constantly reminds us of his presence. Religion is life.

  15. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that” – the ultimate self love.

  16. I agree true religion is simple especially now that I have felt this within me. I always thought, believed and bought up that religion is everywhere else, whether a building, a person, a statue or a picture, and never within and it makes perfect sense. I have felt that inner knowing all along but because of the conditions and feeling as being the odd one out, I disregarded it.

    I love the simplicity of true religion, I can find it within me 24 hours a day.

  17. When we understand true Religion and that in its essence there is an absolute simplicity and that it is not about trying to attain or go anywhere, but return to who we naturally are, we will begin to see how much institutionalised religion has bastardised the word, to make sure we never find our true way back to God.

    1. There is a simplicity with true religion, ‘“The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)’

  18. What religion are you? Which religion do you belong to? It’s as if a religion defines us and makes us acceptable or at least tolerable. We are all allowed a religion. We have created belief systems that back up our need to hand over the responsibility of our lives to an outer force or power. If we are to talk to God and/or have Him/Her communicate with us we need to be able to speak the same language. The more love stillness, harmony joy and truth we have in our loves the easier that becomes. It is not about pleading or bargaining with God, it is about being as centred and steady as possible and expressing how we truly feel from this place – and knowing our expression is in everything we do.

  19. “We are so much more than how we live currently.” Oh boy, ain’t that the truth. And really? Don’t we know it. Even if it is deep deep down, we know it. Because we are it.

  20. perhaps in order to begin to know truth one must first begin the journey of knowing and experiencing Love.

  21. The religions of today speak words of universal love, equality of all, brotherhood etc. yet they do not live it. Where is the integrity and truth in that? Then where is there truth in their presentation of God?

  22. If a Truth is truly true it has to be so everyone, not for some and not for others. As with there is night and day, so it is with the Truth or not of God – and the only way we can truly know what is true is from our inner-heart, not from a book or what someone says.

  23. This is a very beautiful blog…just the simple litmus test of does the religion we currently have really unite and support humanity to work together or does it separate and divide us?.. is enough to make us stop and consider have we been sold a big fat lie when it comes to religion and its meaning and purpose?

  24. “We are so much more than how we live currently” We can live the grandness, beauty and love we all innately are, or accept a contracted way and live a lesser life of struggle and dis-content. I see many people not fulfilling their true potential, but choosing to conform, led by outside forces and dis-connected from their divine nature.

    1. We are so much more than how we currently live, we are divine, ‘If we began to live connected to divinity, then truth and love would be our natural way of being because the essence of Divinity is beholding in love and truth.’

  25. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that” When we speak of ‘homecoming’ and a return to truth, this is it. The complexities of life fall away aa we follow a simple and love inspired path.

  26. True religion is simple and the understanding that comes from it is powerful.

  27. “One of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth, which translates to being an act that corrupts and debases the truth. Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations II, p. 7)
    Such simple but such wise words. When we know truth, there is no question as to its validity.

  28. ’True religion is very simple and universal’.
    ’Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other’. I just love reading these two statements, they are pure, simple and honesty from the heart.

  29. Its a word that takes us beyond ourselves and the small picture where we are at the centre, and into something much larger. It dwarfs us, humbles us, gives us renewed purpose and encourages us to look beyond the petty and into the potential of everything we are.

  30. Even now when I hear the word religion spoken by another, it comes laced with hurts, beliefs and impositions. When I have heard Serge Benhayon speak of religion it is the opposite of this and what I love is that religion starts within and once connected to the within, it is reflected to others if they so wish to see, hear or feel it.

    1. Thank God that we have Serge Benhayon to speak of what true religion is, ‘It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and his presentations on the truth of religion that I could let the word ‘Religion’ be claimed back in my life, even though this took some time, as it’s meaning to me was so poisoned that I realised I had never connected to the true meaning of religion.’

  31. Religion in its true meaning means a re-binding. It is the many parts coming together to form the whole that they are a part of. Yet many wars have been fought and much blood has been shed in the name of ‘God’ and ‘religion’. Not only is this an absolute tragedy, it is also a biting irony, for that which tears us apart can never be that which brings us together. And here the illusion is revealed so that we can see that the divisive ways we have come to accept in terms our understanding of ‘religion’ have nothing to do with God, love or true union (the coming together of us all) but everything to do with keeping us living in separation to this.

  32. When you ask people about their experience of religion you get a diverse response. Whereas when I present or attend Esoteric Yoga or experience any of the esoteric modalities, everyone has a common experience. There is a sense of oneness and absolute knowing that we are an equal part in the universe. There is no right or wrong, no judgment or rules, just the purity of love.

  33. Religion is so simple that we needed to make it complex and complicated to lose it, as actually we cannot ever escape the eternal bond with the whole. Once we are lost religion becomes the process of re-binding by undoing that which separates us from the state of oneness we are an intrinsic part of.

  34. To understand that religion in your personal relationship with God and that no higher external organisation is needed in this, really breaks down a lot around the wariness many of us have carried with religion. I would have run a mile in the past if you suggested I was religious as I associated this word with cold, judgemental hierarchical organisations and regimes which were not loving and deeply hypocritical; it’s only through understanding that religion is in me, that it’s my connection to God and that it’s in all of us equally that I can now know I am religious. A huge thank you to Universal Medicine for re-igniting this understanding in me.

  35. Yes we are much more than we think we are. I became aware of this truth, through Serge Benhayon’s presentations and books on the Ageless Wisdom. To be in the presence of one who inspires us to be all of who we are supports us to dive deeply within until we connect to our eternal and multi-dimensional selves.

  36. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that” This makes religion accessible to all very ordinary ways, we walk, talk move with it within us. In this way it becomes a guiding part of us.

  37. Powerful. Yes lets all do our homework on what religion truly means, lets take that responsibility and end in our lives the individuality and our comfortable ways that hold no truth.

  38. ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.’ No arrogance, no divisiveness, no struggle just a simple way of living, living religiously with and for all.

  39. Religion is a word that has been heavily polluted with mis-interpretations and lies about God and Divinity and I’m very grateful to Serge Benhayon for the true clarity that he brings on this subject.

  40. When I read the first powerful quote from Serge Benhayon I can see how religion as we know it today has been used for the purpose of the separation of people, the control of the same people and in some cases for the benefit of just a few who place themselves in positions of power. I have finally come to know that there is none of these in true religion, as true religion is here to bring people together, offering them the truth of who they are and to know that every single one of us is of equal magnificence in the eyes and heart of God.

  41. The Irish people face a dilemma. The Pope is due to visit this week and since the last papal visit, the catholic church’s reputation has be torn to shreds in the face of multiple allegations and proven accounts of abuses against children and women over many decades. What’s the bigger sin, the abuse itself or denying abuse occurred, remaining silent, or shaming and ignoring accusers of abuse? Whichever way you package it, the church is not a place of God but of lies, rotten to the core and in no way represents true religion. To me, apology or not from the Pope, this is unlikely to change.

  42. “We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities” Many communities who did this, found themselves and their children abused and tortured by the those in positions of authority and ordained to guide and protect them: priests, ministers and teachers. To know there is no authority greater than our own, would mean fewer of us, child or adult, would suffer abuse in silence.

  43. There is an episode on Serge Benhayon TV where Serge and Rebecca discuss religion and how violence is perpetrated in the name of religion. Serge’s sharing on this was that if there is violence it is not religion…at all. If there is anything destructive it is not religion. Unfortunately so much hurt has been done under the guise of this word, so much so that when a lot of us hear this work we shrink, shrivel and curtail away, because we are feeling the hurt of thousands of years and thousands of generations of bastardisation of this very magnificent word, that is more than a word, its our relationship to each other and to life. I am eternally thankful to Serge Benhayon for having the strength and love to hold firm on presenting what is religion, so that I can feel now what religion is in my own body, that I can now have a relationship to this word because it is how I now live my life.

    1. It makes sense to me, now, that if there is violence of any form committed in the name of religion the people committing this violence are not in the least religious, for as you say “anything destructive is not religion”. Unfortunately the violent actions of others in the name of religion are actions that seem to have been often accepted by society which simply goes to show that humanity in general have accepted the bastardised version of the word religion as they have been kept from understanding the truth of it.

    2. Yes I love how clear Serge Benhayon is that if something is destructive, in any way divisive or separative or abusive then it simply is not truly religious but a falsity parading itself as such.

  44. If only we all were raised to know what true religion was before we were raised to either join a religion or deny all religions. It would be far less confusing for our next generation of children.

  45. I love the title of this blog “True Religion is simple’ It is for us to keep it simple: align to the God we already are and express through our movements not words.

  46. A beautiful sharing on what true religion is, many religions have complicated and bastardised the true meaning of religion, so to bring it back to its divine origins and simplicity is very inspiring and supportive for the masses who have sold out to the lies and false images of many religions.

  47. “Religion is a very beautiful word” This opening line says it all and will expose anything that is less than true religion. Because when we don’t like the word we don’t like what we associate it with but this does not mean that religion in truth is not beautiful.

  48. “because the essence of Divinity is beholding in love and truth” – is there anything else we truly need?

  49. The word ‘religion’ is only distasteful when we are being affronted with its bastardised version, the way that religion has been fashioned to be, its hierarchical structures, denigration of women and some minorities, its lies and twisted truths.

    1. I wrestled with the faith that was my family’s choice of religion, Christianity. I questioned, and challenged anomalies, contradictions, lies and atrocities, my Mother in particular could not answer my questions, but expected me to acquiesce nonetheless. I could not. With new understanding all unanswered questions. of the past have been answered. And I follow path simple religions path that was always part of me.

  50. All Relationships are religion and we are never not in relationship. We have all but removed from our awareness that religion is all around us and our everyday lives.

  51. People are often searching for the ‘more of life’ (stemming from the, there must be more than just this physical life) and enter organisation religion. Offering people the ‘more’ but in truth, not offering the truth.

  52. Religion in truth is the most beautiful thing.. out Relationship with divinity.. the magic of life.

  53. Religion is a word that potentially opens up the universe to us. It is all about expansion. Yet, in our world, religion has become increasing reduced and such reduction has also reduced our relationship with the divine to almost none.

  54. Religion is simple and if it is not, then it is simply not religion but all we have put in its place to not live the exquisite nature of our true and godly selves.

  55. Why have we chosen for a life so disconnected from the love, from God, and with that choice created a life of suffering because of this disconnection? It sounds not very intelligent but that something else is ruling our choices, which are the external forces you are talking about.

    1. No intelligence in disconnection at all, only misery and emptiness. And yet, a choice we make, over and over again util such time that we choose otherwise.

      1. Yes Gabriele, and we can do that if we recognise we are moved either by the external forces we allow us to be moved by, or by the love that is our natural way with which we all are born with and never is not with us. It is a matter of choice.

  56. The fact that when you go to the different religious movements in the world you find all different versions or parts of the truth that always deeply annoyed me. In the beginning of my study I thought I had found it in the teachings presented, but after studying further I became disappointed in finding that they too were missing substance, not the full truth, thus leaving me in the emptiness I was in.

    1. It is a great illusion we live under that there are ‘many paths to God’ when the truth is there is only one true path and then the various winding paths that will steer us off course and take us the long way around.

      1. Hi Liane, that is exactly what I was experiencing, we can go for life times in this merry-go-round, from the one religious path to the other and actually go nowhere, but possibly becoming more disillusioned in life as a result. In that continual search we do not see that one true path is always there for us to choose. It is that illusion that is given by all the paths that do not allow us to make this simple choice and start to walk that one true path that is there for all of us to one day take, so indeed we are in delay when we let us take that long way around.

  57. I have recently committed to doing the gentle breathing every morning first thing and some exercises which have really supported me in so many ways.

  58. Reading this makes me realise that any gossip or judgement on others is not loving and not how we are naturally meant to be wth each other; ‘we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’

    1. That is a beautiful way to understand life, we would never want to hurt another.

  59. It is very gorgeous to read the true meaning of religion here; ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality’.

  60. I think it’s important to ask ourselves are we getting the whole truth with something or not – as there can be many things within a religion that are close to truth, but does all of it ring true or are there parts that do not gel or seem very off that pollute the whole of it so to speak? I know for myself when I’ve heard Serge Benhayon present about religion everything he has said has resonated completely with me, which is certainly the first time in my experience of different religions…

    1. Totally Fiona I concur everything Serge says resonates truth to my body even if my mind takes time to get what is really being shared.

  61. When we do not hold steady with the love, wisdom and truth we all have within us, we get knocked and swayed by the external forces that would have us think we have to look outward to source such wisdom. True religion is anything that reconnects us back to our inner-most, and anything that takes us further away from this is simply the bastardised form of ‘religion’ that is fed to us to deliberately lead us astray.

  62. “If religion is about God who is love, then there cannot be all these evil associations with religion” So simple, so powerful. Exposing all the rot of bastardised religion right here, in this simple sentence.

    1. I know I used to question if religion is about God being love and what I see if religion not being about that and in fact being the opposite, then is there a god? What I now know is that anything that is not love is actually not living the God within we are and therefore not religious in any way. It’s interesting how we can be steered in certain directions, but the truth is always within.

  63. True religion is one that connects you back to the divineness that you are… what can oppose this? What other definition of the word religion could we possibly have?

    1. That to me is the true meaning of the word religion Victoria, but for many this is too simple as they have made God external and to gain access to this external God they have built religious institutions that in this deceit are controlling the masses.

  64. “True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary”

    Perhaps this is why the organised religions fight so hard to keep up the appearance of why they are needed when in truth they are not. They don’t want to ‘go out of business’.

  65. ““The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are.” How simple is that. It is a bodily connection to the magic of the Universe and the Love we are made of that is beyond what our body is made of but uses this body to remember that essence of where it came from.

  66. A religion that is true would be very supportive. A simple test is the religion’s relationship with science. If it contradicts science in silly ways then is that religion supportive?

  67. I was never into religion but I didn’t have problems with people who were following a religion, infact I quite liked some religious people. Because they actually felt like they wanted to connect to God’s love and I really enjoyed being around these people. On the other hand, some came across as arrogant – constantly calling God’s name in vain – literally, just to portray an image of being holier than others. Thanks to Serge Benhayon, I actually know that you do not have to follow any of the mainstream religions to be religious, and all people who call themselves religious are not necessarily being religious.

  68. Religion is a word that talks to us all, whether we consider ourselves religious or not. Even if established religions are what they are, can we imagine a word without any sort of religious activity? No, we cannot. This tells us that we cannot do it without it. Yet that of course, does not mean that we have to buy into what is on offer. Religion is a beautiful word that invites us to connect back to something that is essential to us all and to move from that essence.

  69. Beautiful reminder to not just listen but feel the word ‘religion’ and thus know its true meaning from the body and not just the mind.

  70. The more I connect with myself, my essence within, and let go of what does not belong to this, old hurts, experiences, patterns of behaviour, the simpler life gets, the beautiful simplicity of religion.

  71. The simplicity of God is Love offers us everything we should ever need to know as a way to live. We have, perhaps, been swayed by words, their meaning and their re-interpretation and we have to unpeel layers of beliefs and ideals to find the clarity of those words that hold such sway.

  72. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.”
    Wow so true and so powerful and so simply said, there really are no limits when we connect to the all, the vastness of eternity and the majesty of divinity is always there. If we were to listen and feel, we would know we are always being communicated to multidimensionally.

  73. God, truth and the divine is always simple. If we just dedicated ourselves to living simplicity in every way, I feel we’d live a religious life. Thank you for reminding me where love lives – in the simple things.

  74. “We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities.” And this goes beyond the religious self-appointed authorities, we give our power away to so many self-appointed authorities – our managers, our friends, our families…in many ways we seek people’s approval/likes/feedback and then that determines how good we feel about ourselves.

  75. When we turn to religion when we are lost or wanting to be saved, what will be supplied to us will be a form of religion that meets the need and emptiness but doesn’t confirm that we already have everything within us. It’s as simple as supply and demand. This is our responsibility that we have created organised religions devoid of the truth of our natural relationship with God.

  76. I have always known there is more to life then being born living on this planet and dying and have felt this innately within me. I love how you have re-imprinted the word religion here, its very important to do. I used to really reject the word religion or anything to do with it but through the teachings and presentations of Universal Medicine I know now the true truth of this word.

  77. Reconnecting with the true meaning of religion is so very important and very healing. We have strayed so far away from the truth and have ended up fighting each other over it. If we return and reconnect, which is what the word religion actually means, then there is no room for divisiveness or separation.

  78. Divisiveness is the furthest point away from Divinity (unity, oneness). Everything that leads us back from divisiveness to Divinity is religious by nature.

  79. From understanding the simplicity of true religion, how often and or how many people are actually living religiously, no matter whether they consider themselves to be religious or not? With just that one question honestly assessed we have a marker that is sufficient to deliver all the answers to every problem we have.

    1. It is very humbling to consider the words we say in our heads as counting when it comes to asking that question Alexander. It is not just what we do and don’t do but how we eat, move, think, speak…it is everything. Living in a religious way is to live in connection in and with everything.

  80. I agree about religion being a beautiful word, it is very alive, which reflects my relationship with it as it is now, lived religion, a lived way of returning deeply to who I am in essence through consistent commitment to responsibility, observance and honesty. I would have it no other way.

  81. What a straightforward, beautifully written blog about religion. It is a crime what we have done to this word, which should fill us with the knowing of God and our own Godliness. In organised religion we have given our power away to the religious authorities who claim to be ‘men of God’. Yet they too have given their power away, and do not know themselves to be equal to God.

  82. Serge Benhayon has brought truth back to the word religion and with this I can now say religion is part of my life. Simplicity, the unity of us all, the love that we all innately are and our connection with this.. how far we have taken this word from it’s truth.

  83. True Religion is so simple in it’s purity, simply connecting to our Divine essence and living from its love, knowing that we are all one in brotherhood, as this spark of Divine love lives within everyone of us,

  84. ‘The truth is that we are influenced by external forces, which often determine the path we choose in our lives and the views we form on religion.’ This is so true, yet when I realised that true religion is returning to who we truly are, true religion is simple because it comes from the inside, and not the outside.

  85. ‘We have been using a word – ‘religion’ – to describe something that is not True Religion but its exact opposite.’ We have indeed Anon, and we must ponder this most deeply – the fact that we allow this also allows the abuse to carry on in the institutions that name themselves as such.

  86. “‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.” A beautiful introduction to what is a true example of a word that we all feel, know and love and yet has been manipulated and skewed over many lifetimes to be something it is not. True religion is who we all are and it is found in the movements made from our divine vehicles if we so choose to walk hand in hand with it’s wisdom.

  87. True religion is simple, life is simple in all its grandness, it is our heads that bring in all the complication and struggle, whereas, when we are fully present in our bodies, our heads can no longer trick us! To listen to our wise bodies is a true medicine to give oneself.

  88. ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ how refreshing to read and a beautiful invitation to embrace the truth of living religion.

    1. When you make life about connecting to people in their essence I believe we ignite the memory of who we are, where we are from and what we are made of and the absolute equalness of that essence in each and every one of us.

  89. “The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)” I love this quote. So many have been led to an untrue version of religion on account of the bastardisation of the word. Simply reconnecting to ourselves – to the divinity within – what could be simpler than that?

  90. True religion is simple.. yes it is.. connecting with ourselves and our body, living a loving life.

  91. ‘Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.’ Whoa, what a quote! Terrorism at it’s finest and most sinister.

  92. Religion is the most beautiful word, yet it is detested or at least disliked by so many today. How we have bastardised words to turn us away from their true meaning…

    1. Universal Medicine presentations have really brought it home to me about the evil in the bastardisation of words – and how this misuse continues to keep us in separation to the truth that we know in our essence and are longing to return to.

  93. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” I love the simplicity of true religion and that we all have access to it via our movements and expressions made from our divine bodies, showing us that no matter what, we are connected to God always and we don’t need to go to a particular building or area in the world to be with God, as he is within us in every movement.

  94. Religion is the process of us returning to truth. Everything we do is religious then for whether we like it or not each step away will eventually lead us back. Like a divine boomerang! Thank you.

  95. Very powerful, true religion is a way of being, a connection to the divinity we hold within. Once this is fully understood and accepted the current religions will all be easily unveiled for the falseness and bastardisation they are.

  96. To connect to humanity, the messengers have to be at the same time very human and very much in tune with where people are at and to be able to speak/reflect something totally different, beyond human.

  97. I have always felt drawn to God from as early as I can remember yet what I saw in church never stacked up or made sense to me. So like many of us I shied away from it knowing that there was/is a God but not like I had been taught him to be. The fact is we were all created as his replica so we are all Gods, just not living the fact. The more we re-awaken this fact within, the more we will see quite how much is and has been at play to stop us living this and thus reflecting back to others they too are also Gods. I know there is the notion of the saviours or someone like Superman but what if we are all the saviours and the Supermen? What if it is up to us all not one person to claim back the truth of who we are? How would we then live knowing this repsonsibility that we have?

  98. ‘The truth is that we are influenced by external forces, which often determine the path we choose in our lives and the views we form on religion.’ The more we see there is so much more than purely what the eyes see the more we see the game that is being played. Essentially we are puppets to the energy we align to, whilst we think our thoughts are our own they are simply coming from a collective consciousness.

  99. The majority of people you meet, have been hurt by the word Religion and you feel the recoil in their body if you misuse it. I know for me, I still have trouble using the word without justifying or at least qualifying my position and view. The trouble is, I still don’t fully know how to describe my version and sometimes I feel like just another person that thinks “my way” is THE way…., which bothers me. The truth is though, this is not the position anyone that is practicing true Religion takes, for when you are connected to yourself and God, naturally you are connected to all that there is. All, is equal and nobody is in hell or heaven, everyone is just on a slow path of return and by free will, sit at different points on this path, that eventually leads home.

  100. The power of true religion is to be able to see God in another regardless of their behaviours and choices as it is this reflection that offers them an opportunity to reconnect to that which is diivine within themselves.

    1. Yes Francisco, it allows another space to surrender to their own divineness for the reflection is living proof that it is safe to go there.

  101. I do not need to preach religion for it is becoming clear to me that through the simplicity of my movements, in the way I choose to align to God, my responsibility to the whole and recognising it as an essential part to supporting evolution is the answer to what religion truly means and the only way to bring about change in it’s true meaning is to truly live it.

  102. I love how you have called ‘religion’ a vibrant word and how true that feels. The way we have mostly experienced this word was more like there is this thing that we continue to fight over to prove who has got it right, but the truth is that the word is only explanatory to what already is – our connection to God, a very real and living state of being.

  103. To me religion in essence and truth is beautifully simple and universal and about a re-connection back to the innate divinity we already are deep within as you present here and as Universal Medicine have been presenting for years. There is much complication around the word religion but that doesn’t mean that it has to be that way…

  104. We really don’t need doctrines and elaborate rituals just a re-connection to our essence and the Divine quality that lies within waiting to be reignited and lived in full

  105. “True Religion is Simple” – its simplicity is the ease and truth of universal love the non application of which being what makes religion the otherwise complicated mess or disorder we have today.

  106. Our connection with our inner-heart is what re-aligns us with the truth, that is, with God. Truth in Religion then, can’t be explained or dictated by created rules or any external ‘authorities’, as we all have within us the authority of what is felt as truth or not.

  107. How sinister is it that the origins of the word religion have been misconstrued and manipulated to essentially give power to a sect of humanity over another and how this paradigm of life then begins to be lived in every aspect of humanity, hence the uncontrolled comparison and jealously that many live today.

    1. Twisted for personal gain – an ages old pattern of behaviour instructed by individuals petty plays for power and self aggrandisement, and allowed to play out through the ages. However, we need to remember that we are the ones that have allowed it to play out, and we are the ones who can change it.

  108. I have often struggled with the word religion, yet now I know what true religion is and that it is the way that I live now, reconnecting back to my true essence, it is much more simple to feel the truth of true religion.

  109. I love this claiming back the essence and the true meaning of what the word religion is and letting go of the false re-interpretations and mis-representation of the way the word religion has been abused. As the title of this blog says “True Religion is Simple.” How many of us have been caught in this tangled web of lies and deceit which after we become aware of then go into reacting by rejecting God and the word religion itself.

  110. I always knew God, a feeling from deep within, but could never find what I innately knew and felt in any organised religion. This took me on a journey into the Spiritual new age. How tricked was I to find that like religion this neither held the knowing and feeling of God that I had. It was only through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom delivered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine did I find what I always innately knew.

  111. ‘We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities.’ and the bastardisation of words there to keep us giving our power away. Universal Medicine brings truth to words and to religion reminding us of who we are so we can claim ourselves back to what we innately know and feel.

  112. The true way of religion is simple because it is an expression of divinity and it is within this movement that we are constantly growing, exploring and learning for ourselves how life can change by revealing more of who we are. Life then becomes a constantly shifting expression, that deepens and enriches as we listen and feel from our bodies the truth and express from this honesty and that is a simply wonderful way to learn for life.

  113. Our society has been set up in such a way that the beauty and love of a religious way of life has been lost due to the state of organised religion. Living a religious life is founded upon responsibility, integrity, love and joy. When there is war over religious beliefs we immediately get to see how far away religion has strayed from its true lived meaning.

  114. The truth of religion is confirmed by the fact that a group of people can meet from different background and work together with genuine purpose. This may not be one’s experience everyday but the moments we have experienced of this equality is deeply confirming of the fact that we are all the same in essence.

  115. I read somewhere that religion did not have a name for a long time, because it was just something that was naturally lived, like breathing.

  116. Religion has meant many things to lots of people but this exposes the damage done when we change the meaning of words like these. Knowing it as simply a re-connection to our divinity brings truth back to the word religion for us to all feel how gorgeous that is for everyone.

  117. It took me quite a long time to be ok with the word “Religion” – as you so accurately pinpointed, the word has been missed to represent a form of control and mistruth that does not leave someone with true religion or a true connection to themselves and with God, after all, religion is simply the magic of life.

  118. Starting with religion being about a re-connection with a divinity that is equally found in the core of all of us brings a beautiful simplicity that is so needed in the seeming chaos that abounds in our current general way of living…

  119. ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ Thank you – so very inspiring and beautiful to read and feel.

  120. The more I deepen my relationship and connection to God the more evil shows its face and in ways that I once thought were actually coming from God! I have been so fooled with words and acts that I thought were love but had only one agenda in mind and that was for the individual therefore it is crucial in life to read and discern everything that comes my way and how I do this is by continuing my path of discarding the movements I make that come from no other than self and not for the all.

  121. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that. We are so much more than how we live currently.” The Way of The Livingness has brought me back to the simplicity of religion that I had as a child, knowing that I was a part of and lived within something stupendous.

  122. True religion is not something you need to read incessantly. Or, loyally attend a building once a week, not unlike a dog fetching a ball. The religion that is within us all, wherever we go and has never left us is all we will ever need; it is that simple!

  123. It is always great to read about the multidimensionality of human life, I find it both humbling and stupendous at the same time.

  124. A beautiful sharing on true religion that touches my heart and my knowingness within resonates and feels amazing to connect with within. A loving knowing of the depth and simplicity of true religion and the livingness of this simply being all we are in our amazingness and love.

  125. It is powerful beyond words that we are now, in this time finding ourselves able to reimprint words with the truth of their origins. Religion is just one of many words that have lost their truest meaning, in the choice of humanity to loose the connection to the true origins from which we came.

  126. It is so important for us to be talking about the true meaning of religion, thereby, breaking down the mis-representation of this very beautiful word that we have been living with for far too long, causing great suffering to all of us through the separation and division that has ensued. Religion isn’t about getting anywhere, or being anything, rather it celebrates the truth of all that already is and all that we already are.

  127. What I love about religion is that it is forever expanding, it knows the exquisiteness of all that we are and ALL that we are a part of. In life, we have a tendency to focus on what is right in front of us and we loose touch with the enormity of the whole, that we are an equal essential part of. Religion is our relationship with this truth.

  128. It seems we don’t dare to think of ourselves as divine, but there it is, waiting within to be discovered. Living knowing you are divine provides an understanding of religion that can never be found without that inner connection.

  129. We have been using a word – ‘religion’ – to describe the middle men who saw the opportunity to make a grab for power by inserting themselves in the name God between the Son of God and the connection to the Divine within, warring against all other scammers who were also staking their claim and rushing in to create something that is the exact opposite to True Religion. This these great deceivers have been getting away with for centuries and will continue to do so until the Son of God once again comes to his senses and awakens to his true birthright; his direct connection to the Divine.

  130. ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.’ A very beautiful description of true religion, reconnecting to this Divinity is life changing and allows us to feel the deep connection we all share.

  131. So very true that a Religion that is not purely and wholly divine Love and equality in its every expression, foundation and intention can never be true Religion.

  132. What an joyful sharing on the beauty of true religion shared so simply with the absolute truth of it and our divineness. A marked contrast to the bastardised way religion is in the world with the oppression separation and suffering as a result of not being the oneness and love we are innately. A deeply beautiful sharing of our true religion from within.

  133. ‘For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.’ – I love the absoluteness of this truth, the fact that the truth is the truth, something is either true or not. Therefore, it cannot be that there are multiple different religions, which are all true. They must all be re-interpretations of the truth, so, none of them are true, for as soon as something is re-interpreted, it is no longer true.

  134. ‘…equality that brings us all together through the bond of love…’ This is very beautiful indeed. I feel this truth and am breaking through all the prejudices and beliefs that get in the way of me living this in my day to day life. I’ve lived a lot in judgment of myself and others and I see the world deep in the illusion we are divided according to attributes – good looking/ugly, clever/stupid, wealthy/poor, good/evil etc. when actually we are all equal. Sometimes I meet people and I’m side tracked by their ill choices, but that’s for me to see clearly but also see beyond, because living the truth of this bond of love is what will restore us to living in harmony.

  135. “Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” – unfortunately, we can feel this all around us in our world today. However, we have a counter measure to this with our ability to read energy, we all know the truth when we come into contact with it, equally, we can feel when something is not true. It’s very important and empowering for us to deeply appreciate this and give ourselves the space to trust in what we are feeling, rather than feeling the need to look outside ourselves for the answers.

  136. “so in this connection others will feel that they too can choose to reconnect to that which is within them also, and in doing so will feel the deep connection of our true Oneness.” True religion is uniting not separating. Very beautiful to feel.

  137. “Truth is simply truth, or it is not.” I was speaking with someone this morning and really loving how important it is to make life about what is and what is not true, simple and black and white.

  138. The meaning of words is lost when we speak them from knowledge or study rather than from living and expressing what is within our hearts.

    1. Well said Harry – the difference in words that comes from studies and knowledge or those that come from a lived experience, truly connected with ourselves and our hearts, is vast.

    2. I agree Harry, let alone when we alter or water down the meaning of words to hide the fact that what we are living is not the same as the original meaning of the word anymore.

  139. The world has a whole different look and feel when we return to the real religion that resides within us all. And, the knowingness that everyone also has the choice to return to the one source.

  140. I have never heard the word “religion” described as beautiful but that is exactly how I feel it to be. There is such a feeling of vastness with religion and when I say religion I mean it in the true sense of the word and not conventional/institutional religion. I am engaging in religion every time that I re-connect with myself and engage in the world.

  141. I love this opening paragraph and with it the deepening connection and appreciation of living a religious life and saying I do with others. This wouldn’t have been the case not so long ago.

  142. I heard Serge Benhayon talking years ago about religio and relegare meaning to return to God, any doctrine or history are not required. To live religion is to simply live our return to God in our everyday lives. (no trumpet fanfare required).

  143. I used to react to what I saw people say religion is, when you keep it simple and in truth what it is, a reconnection with the All, how can there be a reaction, I have felt settled in my body since I have come back to this true meaning and I know that no one can take it away or give it to me, it is for me to nurture and develop, my relationship with myself, in connection divinity and All. Love it.

  144. Religion is something we all know so well but because we have walked away from it the bastardised versions could be created and wield their power over humanity as from many ages up to today. This bastardisation of religion and the harm it brings, will go on until we claim religion back as that inner connection with God we all have.

  145. Serge Benhayon sometimes refers to when he first started to introduce the word religion and the huge reaction the people in the audience had. Even though we were all there because we know God and that there is more to life, the word religion had been so tainted that we couldn’t get past it at first. I am finding there are so many words like that and I am enjoying exploring and being open to what words actually mean rather than the twisted versions we receive via religion, media, family, education etc.

  146. Divinity is simple, everything else that contradicts the natural for and and order of the universe is out of sink, we feel this when there is violence, roughness, anger etc it grates on us, care, love, order are harmonious, and so living a religious life is simple. We all know what feels true, divine and what does not.

  147. Without a relationship with divinity we are left at the mercy of the world we have created, when you consider all the atrocities that remain very much a reality in modern society, we could say we are living in a world where ‘anything goes’.

  148. “Truth is simply truth, or it is not.” and there are not multiple truths, for with Truth there can only be One Truth. Of course there will be multiple versions of this truth, but then they are not the Truth.

    1. The fact that there is only one truth will be a hard pill to swallow for the many who do hold on the false ideals and beliefs life has given to them.

  149. “Truth is simply truth, or it is not” as human beings we have used complexity as a natural way of being, it is utterly crazy as it not only clouds our ability to know truth but also keeps us living in the illusion that there is something greater to strive to in order to survive. If we let go of all this nonsense we can only feel the simplicity of how life is and the clarity of why we are here and our deep connection with the all.

  150. It is become clearer every day that anything true is always simple, no stories, no mysteries, no riddles, no justification necessary. The human mind is the one that delights in making things complicated, lying about it and then finding a solution to the self created complexity.

    1. Very true Golnaz, it is crazy how we can choose to make things so complex and reject the simplicity that is on offer.

  151. I simply love the truth and exposure that this sentence brings – “This is true evil, the way it has separated us from our own connection with God, divinity, something much greater than this physical life that lives deep within us all. We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities.” – And yet I am fully aware that I need to take responsibility for aligning with this as this divinity is pure and untouchable that is my core has never left me. I choose to leave and explore the individuality and what this brings. Today I am on a very clear road of return and the more I let go, surrender and appreciate my inner divine essence the more I see the evil in what I have been choosing.

  152. Recognising that Religion is an old word and that there has been many interpretations of it is crucial to understand, as it highlights the importance of having a personal connection/relationship with it and not relying on texts, history or institutions as such to show the ‘absolute truth’ of Religion that we can blindly subscribe to.

  153. “…we know religion as we are that, it’s just we may not be living a religious life.” Although this made complete sense to me when I first heard Serge Benhayon talk about it, it took me a while to accept that ‘we are religion’. We have all been so indoctrinated with the idea that religion is something outside of us, and it is so deeply engrained in so many, there have been many layers to clear to get to the point where I personally can accept that I do not have to go anywhere or to be anything other than connected to myself to be religious.

  154. If we all knew, walked and lived our connection to God, what would happen? It’s possible we’d all be super powerful which may be quite a scary concept to those who want to control or are in control. What better way to control the masses than by making religion complicated or abhorrent.

  155. True religion is beholding of all and when we break down the barriers and or take away the separative nature that has occurred over the ages we can feel the richness of religion and how we interconnect with it everyday through our movements and expressions towards one united truth and that is a pretty cool way to be, live and love for life.

  156. The very first paragraph – ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ – is as simple as it gets. Thank you.

  157. “Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality…” How refreshing to read this as an opening line on a blog about Religion… the simple truth in a word. How different will we all be when the true meaning of this word is restored, world-wide!

  158. Wow, it’s clear to me that you know exactly what (true) religion is and what it is not – very powerful. Religion is actually very simple – we complicate things unnecessarily when all we have to do is to reconnect to who we are.

  159. Religion in its true expression is the re-uniting of all: us with ourselves, us as a whole humanity and us in relationship with a grand plan in which we serve in line with the will of God.

  160. This blog made me inspired to do a Rap comment….enjoy!

    Religion it’s personal, not a commodity to trade on…not a debate or an excuse to fight in the name of
    Religion, it’s a connection, to yourself…. without perfection… a connection to nature and God and his rhythm, these basic principles, free us from life’s superficial prison.
    We are the power, not a book or a priest, no building or cathedral can make an empty man complete.
    Nor can an orange robe be worn, with a shaved head and bare feet – to “enlighten” or brighten the dullness you see, in the mirror. No mountain or a diet, Guru or a temple, can settle our thoughts if they’re racy and mental,
    the bridge to return, is our breath being gentle and our movements being absolute…
    this is what guides you back to you
    and us back to the light that is true,
    these movements lead us out of wrong or right,
    like a magnet we are drawn to the stars in the night
    and in our hearts we are reminded that we are here to return
    with true Religion… we don’t hold back, we let the fire burn,
    in our eyes and our hearts, in the way that we move,
    without preaching, just livingness, and nothing to prove!

  161. ‘there is our human condition that not one of us can truly escape from, one where we have been emotionally hurt in our lives, not feeling loved and met for who we are.’ – Very well said, our emotinal hurts will affect us our entire life unless we take an honest look at them and then learn to deal with them.

  162. True religion is our connection and relationship to God, it is about how much we allow of this into our lives each and every day. This is the simplicity of the grandness that is on offer, and it is up to us to choose this or not.

  163. “True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary.” Not only does this show the simplicity of what religion actually is, it also reveals that our current set up of having intermediaries between the general public and God is an actual lie.

  164. ‘Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.’ – exquisitely beautiful, expansive, uniting, joyful, multi-dimensional and, yes, simple – it’s our choice to simply be our divine selves.

  165. The words to describe ‘religion’ in your blog are very heart-felt and palpable… ‘connection’ … ‘essence’… ‘truth’ … ‘multidimensionality’ … ‘quality’ … ‘bond of love’ … ‘equality’ … These qualities living within a human-being are why being religious is a natural, joyful, harmonious and harmless way of living.

  166. Love this post on the simplicity of religion. Man has made it so complicated with all the rituals, different ones for the different institutionalized ‘religions’. Getting back to basics – and a pure and simple reconnection with the divine – has enabled me to accept true religion again. Deep appreciation to Serge Benhayon for presenting truth, allowing me to awaken what was hidden away inside me for a long time.

    1. I am also questioning why we would hide something so beautiful? This in itself says a great deal for how far we have travelled away from our innate essence.

  167. It is amazing when we consider the extent the word religion has been bastardized to mean something which is far from the truth, creating separation and atrocities all in the name of God, and it is only when we can live from an open heart that we know true religion to be the most natural and accessible thing we can ever experience.

  168. Those times and moments when we are afforded the huge experiential overview of everything from ‘above’ , as it were, make me realise how reduced and confined a ‘realm’ I have been living in. My relationship to God and religion has been hugely distorted because of the alignments I have made – even though I ‘knew’ the truth of it at some level.

  169. Reclaiming what religion actually is, rather than the reinterpretations, has been an absolute joy for me. It was like a part of me that I held as precious had been locked in a cupboard and has now been let out to play. I am learning to express what I feel in this relationship with divinity with others in the absolute respect it deserves.

  170. I remember when I was a little girl, lining up for confession with my class at the Catholic Church. I hated going to confession and I remember all I wanted to do was runaway. Why? Because as I sat there I said to myself, ‘why do I have to talk to a man locked in a room, when I talk to God myself all the time, I felt God, I was close to God, so it didn’t make sense, it only made me feel so bad, because I had to find things I was doing wrong to be forgiven. I didnt need forgiveness from a priest. I had a direct line to God, I hung out with God all the time, it was felt in my heart and body. As I child I knew the truth of my connection to divinity, I was living it.

  171. I love how you show that truth is simply truth. There cannot be two truths, your truth and my truth. Truth is simply truth, or it is not, for us to feel with everything.

  172. For a very long time the word ‘Religion’ was abhorrent and caused a great discomfort within my body – and then one day this man came along (Serge Benhayon) and my perceptions and understanding of life began to change and with this my feelings about ‘Religion’. I could feel the truth of what Serge offered – a deep love and respect for humanity and for his alignment and connection to God and the Hierarchy – and today I am very willing to declare that I too am deeply religious.

  173. It is interesting in that much of the human population senses that there is much more to us than flesh and bones and the physical world around us and hence we seek to know what that might be, but then we seem to come up with many versions of this idea some of which are clearly very destructive and separative. In my opinion, the re-interpreted versions of religion that we currently have actually take us further away to the truth we are all seeking.

  174. How I live is a religious process, the rebind and reconnection with soul, true power to live with the divine source. It comes down to simple choices every ay, live like everyone is watching, no hiding anything….to the best of my lived quality. Use as a barometer, truth and honesty, this is the way back, it is process of return.

  175. Is true religion a bit like an ant? There is no right or wrong, just one purpose! What if the 7+ billion of us on the big blue marble ant hill we all live on, became more ant-like?

  176. “If we lived the truth of this vibrant word religion, what would that look like? True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary.” – The way people currently live and perceive religion is very different to the Truth that the word Religion delivers in itself. When the meaning of a word has been twisted from its true roots, and used falsely, it leaves very little for a person to found themselves on, and so it is super important to not fall for a word without feeling from the body how this actually sits in the grand scheme of things and deep within with ones connection to truth. Religion, True Religion is deeply freeing, whilst the false version is incarcerating.

  177. This is a powerful opening sentence: “Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.” – this sentence says so much as it reveals the beauty of the word religion, showing that it is after all, something familiar to us all. No one is born wanting to hurt another – there is an innate tenderness and delicateness in us all and it is this we bury underneath so many layers as we grow and take on the hurts that affect us often so deeply. But in one amazing sentence, it is revealed that we are all the same within and that we indeed can choose to live in this natural religious way to support that inner connection with self and hence God. This makes religion something completely different to the way it has been portrayed over many eons, and to me becomes something far more tangible, true and real. Thank you for this great expose on religion and its true meaning and simplicity.

  178. ‘…containing fragments of truth…’ it can seem too good to be true to find the whole truth in one place after only finding such pieces before and always laced with everything they are not. Being open and discerning allows there to be a knowing that takes no faith.

  179. I love the start of your blog and your description of religion: ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ You captured the magic of the word and let us all feel the simplicity and divinity of being in Heaven where ‘hurt’ doesn’t exist.

  180. What a beautiful loving sharing of the simplicity and knowingness of true religion and the bastardisation of this truth really is evil in its highest form.”Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.” How amazing to feel and know this from my heart.

  181. The truest word of religion is very transparent and bare, very simple and direct. It is a feeling we have with ourselves and everything in the world, that of closeness and a deep relationship.

  182. Say religion to the average person and they deny that they are religious in any way. Ask them about purpose and meaning they will talk about family, friends, connections; all of the important relationship in their life. What we have lost touch with is that all of this is religious. We deny we are religious just because we may not believe in what is the current thoughts or ways on what religion is. But have not yet considered that what we think religion is, is not it and that religion is much broader, richer and is everything about life.

  183. How amazing is it to be here when the world is re-awaking once again to re-connect to our Divineness! Has our world reached its tipping point? When the earth reaches its twice a year equinox, it does not just stop and go the other way; it wobbles for a time. Are we now experiencing that wobble in our selves being apart of humanity?

    1. I agree Steve that the intensity of human life does seem to be reaching a critical tipping point which will lead us to really question more and more the beliefs and structures we have in our society and whether they are really working or not to bring us the love and harmonious existence we all really want and know is possible.

  184. When the true meaning of the word religion is laid before us, we innately know that it is an inner relationship with the Divine that needs no middle management to control or monitor it. True leadership arises from those who work to strengthen and honour their inner connection to such an extent that their quality of movement and wisdom inspires others to do the same and all achieved without one single commandment, religious gospel or doctrine.

  185. ‘The answers to these questions depend on who we ask…’ Imagine when we all answer the question of religion from that same place. Meaning, we all have access to the same wisdom and intelligence, but the differing answers are the reinterpretations of the truth… I’m sure, one day, we will all be unified in truth and know religion together.

  186. “For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.” This really does expose the divisiveness that occurs with all the different religions today. In truth there can only be one religion and that is our connection to our innate divine essence, our Soul – that is all about love, truth, harmony, joy and stillness – equally so in every one of us.

  187. We can talk about God and use words connected with religion, but unless we have fully embodied anything we cannot talk with any authority, we are simply regurgitating knowledge. I hear Serge Benhayon talk about God and the Soul, and I can feel there is truth in what he presents but I do not yet fully feel God in my body.

  188. ‘So true religion could never, by definition, be involved with corruption, cruelty, warmongering and control over the masses in its organised ways because it feels and understands that God is love.’ The word ‘religion’ has been used in the most horrible ways to deliberately tie it to abuse, war and oppression – the complete antithesis of true religion.

  189. “If we strip back all the layers over this word religion and come back to its origin, we would find the simplicity and vibrancy of this word, a living word, where deep down we in fact all know its true meaning…” – gorgeous, its true meaning I know as being us living in a way that was originally true, or originally love.

  190. A beautiful sharing. When we stop complicating Religion and take it back to {as You say} the simplicity that it truly is we can become the Love that we truly are.

  191. It’s amazing how we have so willingly limited ourselves, being influenced and tamed by ‘what other people think’, the accepted norm, in a world where we are already limited by our physicality. We have lost touch with how incredibly magnificent we truly are. Religion is the relationship we have with the truth, with God, with the absolute divinity of who we are and all that we are a part of, even if it’s too much for our minds to fathom, we can feel it all in our body, when we surrender and allow Universal truth to flow through us.

  192. Religion is totally natural to us. We know of God in our hearts, we know of love and relationship.There is nothing simpler or more beautiful. No wonder the force that comes from outside of us and which has chosen to move away from God sabotages the institutions of religion on earth.

  193. I used to switch off when I heard the word religion but now like you Caroline I find it a very powerful multlidimensional word that offers me a connection to God. As I come back to the truth I know so well, but left behind, I can understand why so many words associated with God have been bastardised. so that organised religions could have control and gain financial reward over the masses. In giving our power away, they have been able to sown seeds of doubt into our understanding of what true religion is, so that they can makes sure we will never connect to the fact we are all Sons of God equally so.

  194. It is such a great point to make, that true religion does not dis-empower anyone because with it everyone is equal to eachother – all held equally in God’s love. And this does not mean that there is no uniqueness, because God can love everyone as his children and we can all still be who we are which is actually the way it is suppose to be because with each different perspective being expressed in full, there is perhaps a divine potential for the universe to expand just a little bit more.

  195. Embracing true religion allows us to reconnect to that which we walked away from long ago and it is emminet that is somehting we are coming back to simply through the appreciation of our movements as it is then that we experience the simplicity and grandness of how life is when in connection with the all.

  196. Divinity is simple and if something is not simple it is not from God. We are made as God’s exact replica’s and have moved so far away from this we no longer relate to the universality that is inside each of us.

  197. Considering how many times we have lived it is no wonder that so many of us react to religion because of past experiences the important point to realise is that we have been duped into believing that we have been hurt by religion but we have not. What we have been hurt by is manmade and not from the divine source from which we are made and it is this which is true religion within us constantly.

  198. Religion is mostly lived in the heads of people, how different is it to live it from the heart and to be connected to the great wisdom within.

  199. ‘Congregation’ is another one of those words that illicits reaction and prejudice because of its association with organised religion, yet it is a powerful and beautiful act when we come together to share in the truth of religion.

  200. ‘Truth is simply truth, or it is not.’ Yes and this is something that confused me about organised religion because they all claim to own different versions it! Truth is a constant terminal and to have this claimed supports me to feel truth from my body when I encounter it

  201. Religion is a topic that encaptures how we can live life from our innermost heart without feeling governed or influenced by anything else.

  202. Yes indeed, when we are living in a truly religious way we cannot possibly harm another, which exposes the religions that go to war or even create separation in any way, as being so far removed from the truth.

  203. Knowing the Love within us, true religion then becomes…”… our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.” How different would the world be if we based all our relationships on love – true love, not emotional love, but a love that is willing to honestly speak truth equally for all.

  204. “There are many who have been hurt by ‘religion’ and even the word itself can cause a reaction”; that was certainly my experience, the coldness, the untruth and the not making sense of what I felt the magic of life was all about left me confused. I turned my back on institutional religion but then felt a guilt as I knew God was true, it was only when I felt what Serge Benhayon presented about religion did I start to deal with my hurts over it.

  205. “… where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love” and anything less that this innate expression is just not religion.

  206. There is majesty in simplicity, and so easily and simply we reconnect to the majestic equallness we come from. But make something complicated and the grace and understanding is lost – it’s now a case of one group better than another, the upper hand, the better one, worse one and on it goes. Institutionalised religion has fed off this very complicated plate for a long time now, and when we feast with it we get lost in the illusion, institutionalised religion perpetrates.

  207. ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that’. Powerful because we carry it with us, wherever we are.

  208. I thought it was great that many people saw through the failings of what the religious institutions were offering humanity and chose to walk away. But it is even better that now many are finding our way back to the true understanding and relationship with religion once again.

  209. With so many different religions and versions of what ‘the truth’ actually is, they can’t all be true. The truth is the truth and everything else is opposite to the truth. We all know truth, we recognise the vibration and feel it resonate deep within us. There is an exquisite beauty with truth that unites and honours us all together in the divinity of who we are, so it is no surprise that so many of us have rejected the bastardised version of religion that has been in existence for so many centuries. Thank goodness for The Way of The Livingness, for bringing the truth to humanity.

  210. The relationship with God is so simple as you say – extract ourselves from complication as a belief and all that is left is Divine Love.

  211. Just by observing the state of our world today, it is very clear that the established ‘organised religions’ are not uniting us, or reminding us, equally, of the absolute divinity that we are ALL a part of. They are causing fractions, boundaries, inciting, fear, violence and hatred, turning us against each other. Yet there is a religion that reminds us all of who we truly are and all that we are a part of and it is The Way of The Livingness.

  212. Given that God is love how is it that we have strayed so far away from this truth with organised religions, where they espouse ‘wrong and right’, ‘good and bad’ and that God punishes us if we do something ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’. The God I know would never do that, he knows that we are forever learning and his understanding is eternal.

  213. What is interesting is the way religions have suppressed the natural qualities of women. As well as our natural mothering skills we are expected to be a dutiful wife and not cause trouble for the man. Women are very powerful and perhaps that is what has been suppressed in such a male-dominated society. When the women are truly being who they are, the men can be themselves also, but this is not fully understood and we are developing harder and harder and losing our natural tenderness.

  214. Using the word ‘vibrant’ to describe religion seems wrong but also beautifully fitting, if we are going by religion’s true definition. The fact that ‘religion’ has connotations of coldness, separation and inequality is absurd, considering that the truth “there is more to life” is something that unites us all.

  215. Our hurts cause us to put a self imposed barrier around ourselves, it is that barrier that causes a temporary barrier between us and the rest of life. Healing our hurts dissolves the barrier and we are then able to be re-absorbed into the body of God, aka ‘life’.

  216. Our hurts play a huge role in identifying us. They contribute massively to our misguided belief that we are individuals. Healing our hurts goes a long way towards supporting us in our return to the lived understanding that we are all united in love.

  217. When we return to the lived understanding, religion is indeed a beautiful word because religion is who we all are. Religion is the living body of God.

  218. I didn’t see just how bastardised the word religion is until attending presentations by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. In fact, before then I just ignored it! All I can say is Thank God for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for shining light on truth and being a true beacon of truth and lifting the veil on illusion which has been deeply entrenched within the world for a very long time. ‘So true religion could never, by definition, be involved with corruption, cruelty, warmongering and control over the masses’; hear hear!

  219. God loves us so much he allows us to think he doesn’t exist yet here we are moving around inside his body kidding our selves that we are more advanced than he is! Little do we realise where our true inspiration comes from, a wise, loving, multi-dimensional intelligence that encompasses an entire Universe and holds it in supreme harmony. When we choose to align to this awesome energy within our bodies, the mystery and magic of God reveals itself through true religion, a quality of moving stillness that resides within all of life.

  220. I simply love how it feels to read your opening paragraph – it brings a huge open smile to my heart and a joyful response from with-in saying yes True Religion is how I am willing to live.

  221. My opinion on religion was definitely formed by my hurts – like the pastor who preached about God’s love but then made mean comments when he noticed a few homeless people outside using drugs. But if I take away these hurts I get to feel the gorgeous beauty that is open to us that is religion.

  222. When we surrender to our ‘beingness’ and have a relationship with that, the divine qualities of God are known.

  223. You are spot on, there is every possible version of religion out there, and ask each person in your life what it is for them, and there will be as many different answers as there are people to ask. Bringing the word back to it’s origin of meaning, allows us to sift through what has been imposed and what we have taken on as being religion that is not actually a true representation of what it is.

    1. Yes, Jennifer, religion must surely be one of the most misinterpreted and bastardised aspects of life. Thanks to Universal Medicine we can track the true lineage of religion throughout history, which has always been there even during the treachery of the Dark Ages.

      1. Very true Janet, the bastardisation of religion would be right up there with ‘love’. The lineage of true religion is fascinating to read… something not belonging to any particular organisation, but evident through many great people throughout history. When the truth of it is so personal and cannot be owned or held by anyone or even many, it stands to reason that we’ll see it littered throughout history in those who did what it takes to re-connect and then live that connection in life.

  224. Religion is our connection to God and there is nothing more simple than that as it is who we are and where we come from.

    1. The simplicity is so grand. Whenever people complicate something so simple it can only mean we are deviating from the love we are and can express from. Instead we pollute the waters in which we all bathe – so how wonderful to read this and return to what religion truly is.

      1. Our connection to God is the most simplest thing. Religion as we know it has deliberately complicated this simplicity so that most people have forgotten their connection lies within.

    1. …and so, one is part of true religion and the other part of the existing institutionalised false versions we have accepted. Well said Abby.

  225. “The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639) The first time I heard Serge explain this, the meaning of true religion, it at last made complete sense to me. After a lifetime of never really understanding or feeling any affinity to any other religion, this was a breath of fresh air that I was able to understand.

  226. ‘…it’s meaning to me was so poisoned that I realised I had never connected to the true meaning of religion. The true meaning is simple.’ Something I can so relate to. I had allowed myself to be so hurt by the bastardised interpretations of true religion that I threw the baby out with the bathwater and shut down completely to religion at all. However, in all honesty, I never shut down to the fact of God and so when the truth was presented to me it was easy to feel and acknowledge.

  227. Religion before to me meant being pious, praying to God, being a good girl, being nice and doing good work. The opposite of course being a sinner and going to confession. The Way of The Livingness does not require us to be guilty of anything, but to learn from our experiences, to do no harm to anyone and to love ourselves first and foremost, not in a selfish way but in a loving, self caring way.

  228. With true religion being our connection with divinity then there can be no individuality but only true care for all.

  229. For me the biggest shift has been the understanding that religion is my relationship to God – it does not need to be controlled or defined by what a book says, by the Church, or any religious institution. Its intensely personal, my connection and yes I can get support, but in the end its a question of whether I feel His presence in my life or not?

  230. It is within us all, the ability to look at what we have presented as religion and to feel whether it is true or not. It require honesty and willingness to let go of ideals and beliefs around life, but definitely we do all know what true religion is.

  231. ‘True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary.’ It is very gorgeous to read how true religion is in fact very simple, I felt this simplicity and the absolute beauty and joy of The Way of The Livingness religion but not with other religions which instead feel complicated and full of dogma that one must follow to be part of that particular religion, the difference is huge.

  232. What happens when we ask a question such as; ‘Is there such a thing as God? What I feel is that it creates doubt. But surely life is full of questions isn’t it? Is this because we are full of doubt? The whole subject of questions is an interesting one to ponder. It seems unthinkable to think of life without questions…but I am left to wonder whether it is possible to live life without doubt?

  233. We don’t need to learn what we already know, it’s about being reminded of all that we already know and all that we already are. We have been pulled so far away from our true selves that we’ve forgotten and lost touch with the magnificence of who we truly are and equally important, all that we are an essential part of.

  234. ‘We have turned to religion to connect to something far greater than ourselves, for some of us have felt lost and did not know where to go.’ – No coincidence that something that purports to offer us salvation is actually pulling us further away from our true selves and from our relationship with God. With every truth there is always the complete and equal opposite of that truth, which is what organised religion has, in fact been offering us.

  235. Thank you. We think ourselves educated because we have so many words in our dictionaries. But what if they have lost their meaning and like ships in the dock drifted miles from their mooring. Could it be that this is a key part of our current malaise, that we use phrases that have been twisted away from truth? Rather than research space travel or high speed internet our time would be better spent learning the real meaning of words, because they represent our relationship with truth. We should be more aware of what we actually say, for the quality and meaning we use is more powerful than we think.

  236. Religion is so simple that it could never judge another religion, never not express its equality with every religion and person in the world, it is aware of all that is not true but will still keep living truth with all its consistency, love and joy.

  237. Religion is actually very natural to us as we are born in that connection but in fact are forced to replace that natural connection with the false interpretation the institutionalized religions have made of it instead. I do now understand why people are living with so much tension as a result of not being allowed to live that what so vibrantly lives within.

  238. Beneath all words, actions and ways of being with each other is energetic quality, and this is what tells us a lot about how life actually is.

  239. “It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and his presentations on the truth of religion that I could let the word ‘Religion’ be claimed back in my life, even though this took some time, as it’s meaning to me was so poisoned that I realised I had never connected to the true meaning of religion” – agree , for me it was the word itself and the connotations of ‘being religious’ to do with wearing sandals, being smiley soft or bit of a hippy, frigid, select, though in spite of this picture which was often a reality with some i met along the way….I can recall from childhood into teens not ever not feeling the sanctity and truth of religion, its pull and effect on me; its importance on another level. And so when Serge Benhayon presented religion in its absolute truth, I felt this is it; this is religion; this is home and confirms the deep feelings i had all those years ago.

  240. “…Religion has been dressed in many different clothes, with varying rituals and ceremonies, it has its ‘books’ of supposed truth, and then there are the masses, the people and the congregations that make up each religion. There have been wars, injustices, judgments, murders, genocide and witch hunts …” No wonder there can be such a vivid reaction to the word ‘religion’… Quite a deliberate sabotage in an attempt to prevent one from returning back to the love absolutely known within.

  241. It is so clear that the true meaning of words becomes hidden behind a version which is usually the opposite to the actual meaning – this could not be truer than with the word religion. In seeking outside of us we have settled for something far short of the glory that we are from.

  242. ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.’ – It is utterly crazy how we have complicated and pushed the word religion away from it’s true origins, to end up appearing to be the complete opposite of what it truly is.

  243. “If we lived the truth of this vibrant word religion, what would that look like?” this is a great question to ponder on as the simplicity and joy in our bodies would be beyond what we can imagine knowing that true religion is simply living from an open heart in connection and for the good of all.

  244. This blog is free of the usual impositions over what religion is, which is an absolute breath of fresh air on the subject I have to say. Reading it I feel free to feel that connection for myself, without the need to be part of anything more formal and organised.

  245. We have been so tricked about religion, we have been sold such a complicated story that is not the truth. And much of humanity questions that form of mainstream religion as not being the truth, but in the absence of anything other, they often go with turning away from religion. The Way of The Livingness is shining a bright light that true religion is actually very simple, and divine, as your blog so beautifully explains.

  246. Religion plays an intrinsic part in all our lives, even when we consider ourselves to be atheists, we cannot escape that God is always and forever at our very being, to reconnect to.

  247. I remember when I grew up that all the religions I met were of no interest at all and later, up to my 40s, I found that even modern religions that attract intelligent people were ultimately not helpful. Interesting, yes, but not helpful.

  248. True religion is the process of remembering and thus knowing we do not need to be anything but the love that we are, expressed in full through our every movement in any moment. There are no mandates, pictures or false ideals that shape the way we move, just an alignment with the guiding light within us that leads us safely home to the love within our hearts.

    1. Oh I love that Lianne,’the guiding light within us that leads us safely home to the love within out hearts’.

      1. Yes Sarah and Liane. Full of grace and simplicity. and I love Liane that you have said ‘True religion is a process of remembering . . .’ This is exactly what I was experiencing the other night when I aligned – it was a remembrance of ‘what is’.

  249. I see religion as simple as building my relationship with myself and God in all that I do, bringing that connection and those qualities innately in us all out to life – no need for war or bloodshed or disharmony, just a simple way of living.

  250. If we allow the gravity of this point to sink in: “one of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth” and then we look at the fact that we have so many religious institutions that claim to be the mouthpiece of God and reflect on how they manage to come up with conflicting information, not just with one another, but also with their own doctrines, and the ridiculousness of the claim that God is playing a game of favourites and they happen to be the flavour of the day….. we start to understand that such institutions are in fact an ongoing devastating force in the world.

  251. ‘We have turned to religion to connect to something far greater than ourselves, for some of us have felt lost and did not know where to go.’ – In my opinion and by what I have observed, many ‘religions’ have taken advantage of this in the most cunning ways.

  252. So true Ariana, our world is currently full of complications because we are mostly driven by individualism.

  253. True religion is definitely simple. It unites us, connects us, it is non-judgemental and always about love and truth. Any religion that causes separation or individualism is not a true religion, we can spot this a million miles away when we are willing to see the absolute truth.

  254. Religion is such a great point of discussion there is the institutionalised religions and then there is the true meaning of the word religion itself and what it represents.

  255. What a so very powerful statement the first paragraph of this blog is. If we allow it to, it can turn us ‘upside down’ or ‘inside out’…taking us to the awareness that the essence of our being is of love, truth and equality. And if we allow it to, it can offer us the choice to live from this beingness, and not from the commonly held uncertainly about who we are and playing the ‘game’ of trying to find out.

  256. Yes, it is such a fallacy that we need an intermediary between us and God. Our intimate and immediate relationship with God is the most natural thing in the world.

  257. This is beautiful to read ‘Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother as we are all from the One Same Source.’ and confirms everything we need is within and to absolutely not give our power away to anything outside of ourselves.

  258. “The answers to these questions depend on who we ask: if we ask the scientist it will be a very different answer from the sceptic, to the religious person and then there’s your mum, dad, work colleagues and so on” -This is so true, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the many different perspectives, opinions and beliefs on God and Religion, which in turn can lead to us subscribing to a belief or ‘box’ that doesn’t fully capture how we’ve always felt about life, and whether there is more to it than what we see.

  259. I’ve always known there was more but could not settle on an organised religion for the inconsistencies and hypocrisies. Now I have found my true religion – The Way of The Livingness.

  260. This blog is deeply healing in itself. On re-reading this today, there is an immediate feeling of re-aligning and re-connecting even deeper to the truth of religion as a living way and the particles naturally responding and expanding.

  261. Thank you, one of the most enlightening blogs l’ve read on religion! I love your description… “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” This cannot be owned by an organisation, nor can any one person claim right to being religious, not connected to a divine power, above any other. THIS is true religion… finally!

  262. I love that religion is about a connection to each other – as a child we learned about God but not truly about Brotherhood. God was seen as superior to us and we the unworthy sinners.

  263. Nothing about religion drew me to it until I met Serge Benhayon then it felt very different. What he presented I kept nodding my head agreeing and now as I connect more to the divinity within it is Truth for me, my religion, about all of us, uniting us as the oneness we are.

  264. The answers and truth of life depend on, and are known again, by the quality of life we align to. “For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true.” So this is the One religion- reigniting our relationship with our inner-heart our Soul. It lives inside us – All of Us. We will return. “Truth is simply truth, or it is not.”

  265. “we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary.” Growing up I always saw religion linked with a building and a person and never something we could have directly with God ourselves but this is actually no true religion. It would say, only if you have studied God you can know all about him and so if you had not you should contact him through the ones who have but this is a total set up for us to not know true religion and that is our connection with God and everything in life.

  266. It’s absolutely ridiculous that religion as most of us know it today is one of the major factors in keeping us all separate instead, in its true sense, making us all one.

  267. When we claim the word religion back to its original meaning we too claim back the simplicity of that divine living within and is not something we have to look out for or need to be told what it is by someone, a so-called an authority on religion.

  268. True religion is simple and very beautiful to witness as it is a quality in which we all embody when we live and move from this divine connection.

  269. Divisiveness; that could well be the biggest poison we have on this planet. If we look at the way our world is structured it is built entirely on a system of dividing, separating and creating tension and rifts between people. If we are to consider the way we covet our organised religion, our sport, our countries, societal identities, pastimes and so on, we can see how much of this is based on identifying with being different. But religion, as I now understand it, makes no one separate to another, instead, it is impossible to see yourself as less, more or different to everyone else because at heart this is not true. We may have different flavours but we are all the same ‘ice-cream’ in the middle, and to understand and be religious in the true sense of the word is to have that knowing as a part of how you live, deconstructing the divisiveness that represents the other bastardised forms of religion which go beyond what we traditionally see as religion and include everything we devote ourselves to that leave us separate to one another.

  270. ‘Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.’ …. it feels so simple, clear and uniting to feel the truth in what you are sharing here, thereby highlighting the enormous evil that has been perpetrated in the bastardisation of the world religion, offering us the complete opposite of what is true.

  271. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that” – beautiful, true religion is living truly.

  272. True religion, a place ‘from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ – yet how many deaths have occurred in the ‘name of religion’, throughout history? A very clear sign for us to deeply consider what it actually is that we are signing up to with organised religion, or anything else. If something doesn’t feel ‘right’, it’s important to pay attention to what our bodies are sharing with us and read the energy of what is before us.

  273. ‘…equality that brings us all together through the bond of love’ now just reading this before stepping out the door makes such a difference to how I am with everyone I meet and how I am with myself. I am no less, we are all equal and we all share the bond of love no matter what it may appear on the outside.

  274. With an understanding of what the true meaning of the word ‘religion’ means, its not challenging to feel in your body, the truth in what you share …”a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality…”

  275. If we understand religion as a living way of re-connecting with the Divineness we already are it takes away the striving to attain something that we think we’re missing and instead gives us the foundation to bring more of who we already are out in our daily expression for the benefit of all.

  276. It’s a really interesting observation and distinction to make that when we don’t want to feel our hurts we will use, manipulate and bastardise anything to protect us from being responsible for ourselves. Religion is one of these words – the way it is portrayed through out humanities existence is a great indicator that the way we look at the situation is not true because there is nothing loving about the results of the reactions caused by people.

  277. ‘True Religion is Simple’ and true simplicity is religious as it means to be at one with what religion re-connects us to, the simplicity of who we divinely are.

  278. I feel the truth in this blog and I have always felt how far from the truth the organizations we have called “religions’ have been from the truth I know it to be, that I can feel within me.

    So how have we constructed and/or fallen for ‘religions’ that are not delivering the truth of this ancient and sacred word and way of living?

    Is it possible that people who are connecting to the truth are impossible to control and so those who have desired to dominate throughout the ages have passed on a tradition of presenting a bastardized version of what we all want (a community forum which supports us to return to who we are) in order to gain and maintain control?

    A destructive and bastardized version of religion (as well as other important words) would serve those wanting to control double fold: 1. by controlling the masses and 2. by keeping people away from searching out the real thing since they think they tried it and it did not work.

  279. Thank you for sharing “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” How simple is this, we have it all within us, there is no need to be looking for it outside of us.

  280. It was not until I met Serge that I came across the teaching that if, over time, the true meaning of a word is lost or changed, it totally changes the trajectory of society and we miss out on the true lived expression of that word, whatever it is. I can see how this is the greatest and most subtle evil for it deprives us of a true standard of living and communicating from equal understanding of the words we use.

    1. Yes, perhaps a slightly off trajectory to begin with but now it’s so way, way off where so many unloving acts are done under the banner of religion many don’t want to know what this word truly means, and many don’t want to forgo what it means and put up with what isn’t loving. But trying to filter out and only accept the parts that are agreeable doesn’t acknowledge that the whole unsightly package cannot but come with it.

      1. I agree Karin – we cannot accept a part that is okay without accepting the whole that as a whole is utterly false and has delivered us the greatest of evils and abuse.

    2. This is so true, Rebecca, and explains why and how we have become so lost, by gradually being nudged further and further away from what we innately know to be true.

      1. I agree – one step at a time as we begin to accept a lesser truth that is easier, more comfortable and allows us to get away with the state of the world, we begin to move away but as we do we have to start accepting other things that go with the sliding scale – we cannot accept a part of the lie and not also accept the rest that goes with it.

  281. Nothing could be simpler, clearer, more supportive and more purposeful. And now, after all that Universal Medicine has shown me and supported me to heal and let go of, I read these words, I feel, I know, I walk forward.

  282. If a company sold bottled water that contained acid, would we buy it, would we drink it, would it be legal? And yet we allow these religions that cause as much damage to society, brotherhood and equality as a bottle of acid would to our bodies. We buy them, we drink them in and no-one challenges them.

  283. The arrogance with which a word like religion can so easily be bastardised, a word that is utterly sacred and the golden key back to the heaven we are from, tells us a great deal about many of the religions in existence today.

    1. Sure Otto, if we are open to see it, religion as an institution is the complete bastardisation of the religion that everyone of us equally holds as the basis of their existence.

      1. I was very intrigued by your use of the word “institution” – the prefect word that perfectly describes what religion has become and so, I looked up its etymology. It come from the Latin ‘institutus’, past participle of ‘instituere’, which means; to set up, put in place; arrange; found, establish; appoint, designate; govern, administer; teach, instruct…… And therein lies the truth of the lie – so to speak! True religion is a known truth from which we all come, which we all know and to which we will all return – it is a relationship with God which we carry in our soul. Thus, there is nothing to be set up, put in place, governed, administered or taught. Religion is not an institution, it is a livingness which we all know and all have equal access to.

  284. Truth is always simple. When the word of God is expressed in such complicated way, in books that you have to study, doctrines you have to follow, and rules that decide whether you are ‘in’ or ‘out’, we know we have veered a long way from true religion.

  285. ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence..’ Yes we need to connect to this word from our bodies to understand the essence you are talking of. If we only meet this word through all the ideals and beliefs we have taken on then accessing its true meaning is lost to us.

  286. “True Religion is Simple”. Such a true and simple statement. It is within the complexity of orthodox religions that truth is hidden.

  287. “The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639) Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon, who has re introduced the true meaning of this word. I had never been able to feel a true connection with any religion until I understood what it really meant thanks to Serge, and then everything made sense.

  288. I was chatting to someone the other day and could feel his reaction when I said I was religious, however when I shared what that meant to me, he said “I couldn’t agree more”. Once we get past all the ideals and beliefs we have inherited, everyone knows what true religion is.

  289. Love and Truth are simple. If truth is a truth, there can’t be multiple versions of it. Truth is absolute. Love from God is a beholding grace that enfolds all equally, regardless of background, gender or culture. In true religion, there are no distinctions – when we make distinctions, does it not make sense to question the source of them and what we are following?

  290. ‘True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.’ this can be felt deep within us all, without exception, as the natural innate way of being for us individually and collectively to be and live. I love these words and what they hold.

  291. ‘Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other’. The world would feel very different when we have people building loving relationships with each other as opposed to living and feeling separate from all others and just taking care of your own little corner.

  292. Once we can fully understand how influenced, or in some cases controlled by external forces and that we don’t think but are given thoughts depending on what energy we are aligned to, we can then get down to what religion truly is.

  293. ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’.. beautifully described.

  294. This really makes sense; ‘therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary’, reading this I can feel how institutionalised religions try and make us believe that it is only going through them that we can have a connection to God, whereas in truth we do not need to be in a church or temple to connect to God, we can have this personal connection anytime.

  295. “True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are.” This is a such a different take on religion than we have allowed religion to be. No proving, searching, becoming the Son of God but simply being it and living it. Beautiful.

  296. Thank you for sharing so honestly how you re-connected to religion again.You wrote: “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” I love religion because of the simplicity – simplicity is always a good marker as if it gets complicated this connection is missing.

  297. I love that you describe the world Religion as ‘vibrant’ because there is a tendency to see religion as stuffy, old-fashioned, serious, full of a judging and punishing God, whereas my experience of The Way of The Livingness is exactly that – vibrant – people are open hearted, smiling, joyful, welcoming, and busy at home, at work and in their local community.

    1. I totally agree, Carmel. With The Way of The Livingness there is a real and true sense and experience of aliveness.

    2. Yes, I agree Carmel, this is my memory of religion as a child too – on my grandfather’s occasional visits he would take me to the local church with him on a Sunday. I came out feeling confused, closed down and waiting for punishment from this unseen judgmental God. Far from vibrant and the other end of the spectrum from the way people who are choosing to live joy-fully from their innermost –The Way of The Livingness.

  298. The word Religion seems to mean to re-tie or re-connect (‘lig’ means to tie or bind). If it is to re-connect to ourselves and if we are, in truth, quite grand, then religion is actually beautiful.

  299. ‘This is true evil, the way it has separated us from our own connection with God, divinity, something much greater than this physical life that lives deep within us all.’ – this must be the epitome of how evil and divisive the bastardisation of truth actually is. Because we can feel the ‘un-truths’ in what we have been fed as being ‘religion’, in our rejection of it, we have further separated from everything that we are a part of.

  300. All my life my experience of the way religion was presented was: being threatened that if I didn’t behave in a certain way God will not love me (and will very likely dole out punishment), being told some outlandish stories and expected to believe them and hearing that I had to diligently learn what was expected and try hard to perform those expectations because I was not naturally good enough as I was. On the whole my response to the word religion was bracing myself in defense and protection and refusing to take part. I liked aspects of the many religions, but in truth did not feel truly represented by them.

    Now on the other hand when I read the description “the truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are” my heart fills with joy and my whole being lights up with this glorious confirmation of the truth of who we are.

    1. A theme of not being good enough as you are ran pretty strong with me too, and just keeps you in lack of self worth and not worthy to receive God’s love. In keeping things really simple, all we have to do is start to self-love which is the beginning of reconnecting with the true quality of the word religion, for in loving yourself, you can then love all others.

  301. I love your simplification of what Religion is. For me I know that Religion is not about rules and regulations or church interpretation but just the simplicity of Love for our equal brothers and as we say how could anyone hurt another if there is true Love in this World.

  302. True religion- the direct relationship one has with divinity- means those intermediaries purporting to be the gatekeepers between oneself and God are selling a falsity that it doesn’t make sense.

    1. So true Karin, what are they selling, it does not make sense. When we connect to the truth and our body we can feel the connection to God.

  303. A deeply powerful blog which brings us back to the simplicity of what religion is and how in fact we’ve missed it and yet we know it deeply. Hence our huge reactions to what we see in how religion is practiced in the world. Religion is a coming home to God and to us.

  304. ‘Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love;’ – never before have I read such a beautiful sharing on the word Religion, inviting us to deeply re-connect with all that we know to be true.

  305. “Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.” If we are living true religion then there can be no corruption, genocides and warmongering etc.

  306. When i wrote this blog, it was such an opportunity to express how I viewed and felt about religion and my relationship with it. I have been deeply moved by the comments in response to this blog, the depth of the sharings, the natural wisdom and KNOWING in relation to religion.

    It’s like true religion is a diamond within – and we are wiping of the grit and dust from every angle of the diamond.

    1. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly – This blog is deeply inspiring to read and to comment upon –
      “It’s like true religion is a diamond within – and we are wiping of the grit and dust from every angle of the diamond”.

  307. So true .. there can only be one truth, and when that one truth is equally within us all, there is no place for all these organised religions with their internal hierarchical positions, separative rules and regulations.

  308. God is Love. So simple. So if anything that is done to harm or for evil in the name of God, is simply not true to be done in the name of God. As God is Love.

  309. The sharing of what is true religion is truly beautiful to feel. Allowing the space for fully appreciating all that it offers – a way of living way beyond individual need to protect hurts and find solutions.

  310. “Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother as we are all from the One Same Source.” – this is a beautiful observation indeed – as we deepen our relationship with ourselves and hence with God, then we cannot but deepen our understanding and love for self and others.

  311. “there is our human condition that not one of us can truly escape from, one where we have been emotionally hurt in our lives, not feeling loved and met for who we are.” – This cannot be escaped and nor can it be denied. And yet when you bring in religion, True religion, there is purpose and meaning to everything that we experience.

  312. I love the point about not needing an intermediary if we brought our attention back to the simplicity of truth in religion.

      1. Absolutely Christoph. Classic giving away your power, instead of consulting the Son of God that we are.

  313. Absolutely true religion and our reconnection to our divinity is simple once we commit to it and leave the complication of ‘organised’ religion with all its competing ideals and beliefs well and truly in the past.

  314. There is a deep understanding of religion here to be felt and shared – thank you. Even in the first few lines I was open to all you had to express and this coincides with my own recent reacquaintance with the truth in religion.

  315. Religion is simple, yes, but to undo all the complexity, confusion and conundrum we have made it takes a bit as we are wrapped into the falseness and first need to get aware of all the subtle shackles we are held by.

  316. Divisiveness is the evil that exists in our society and within our relationships. When an opinion is held as a truth it is dangerous. Opinions hold us against each other.

  317. “… true evil, the way it has separated us from our own connection with God, divinity, something much greater than this physical life that lives deep within us all….” This is quite the opposite to the true meaning of ‘religion’, which as your blog describes is about ‘re-turning to’ or ‘re-connecting’ to God / love / essence… a knowing that there is more to this plane of life… no wonder the word ‘religion’ has been bastardised.

  318. ‘There are many who have been hurt by ‘religion’ and even the word itself can cause a reaction.’ – This is very true, I used to always feel immensely awkward when I heard the word religion and I have to say I had no trust that there would be such a thing as ‘true religion’ – today I know that the true religion is available to all of us, whenever we choose to re-connect to ourselves and who we truly are.

  319. It is very heart warming to read your understanding of true religion and if we all lived in this way we would all be living in harmlessness with each other and what a huge difference to the world that would make.

  320. True Religion is simple… connection to ourselves, connection to all, bringing truth and a holding love for all others – equally so, with no judgement or bias.

  321. ‘“One of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth, which translates to being an act that corrupts and debases the truth. Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations II, p. 7)’

    Religion is a great example of this.

  322. I wondered why most religions I came across were so complicated, judgemental and full of rules, I feel it could it be a ploy to deter people from connecting to it. It certainly put me off religion for years and it wasn’t until I heard the truth and simplicity of religion that I chose to reconnect to it again through The Way of The Livingness.

  323. This reveals the truth about religion and the current and historic falsity in which wars can be fought in the name of religion – how can this be if as you say Anon, “Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother”

  324. “For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.” And this is where we have fallen so many times in accepting half truths and differing truths to the absolute truth that we do know but chose to ignore, giving our power away to those that we think know more than us

  325. Religion is such a profoundly beautiful thing. I used to cringe when I heard people talk about their religions and try and grab me by the shoulders and say ‘this is what you have to believe…Jesus died for our sins’. It make no sense to me: in the first place I never felt like a sinner and the whole thing felt really creepy. But to know the truth of what religion is now makes me love that word.

    1. So beautifully expressed Lyndy! This is so true – I too used to cringe and still do when I hear how the word religion being used to represent something it is not! Thankfully I now understand how this can happen with words, and I love the fact that the true meaning of words can indeed by claimed back to their original intent and meaning!

  326. Yes, true religion is simple and pure in its love, a oneness that is us all. So many interpretations have been made, it can make many recoil from the word. War, crime and abuse of any kind does not belong to this purity.

  327. It just shows how far the word religion has been take out of its origins and abused, the fact that we must now put so much energy into rewriting and restoring its true meaning.

  328. You have hit the nail on the head here – “We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities”. Here’s to re-igniting the divine power within us all.

  329. “The truth is that we are influenced by external forces, which often determine the path we choose in our lives and the views we form on religion.” If true religion is all about love and equalness, and caring for each other with no judgement, then it does pose the question how religion as we know it today has become so far removed from these fundamental principles. Taking Catholicism as one example, the amount of abuse that has been uncovered which has occurred over centuries it seems, makes a complete hypocrisy of the Catholic Church and what it supposedly stands for.

  330. Gorgeous blog. If religion is about absolute love then it’s impossible to discriminate or divide who can be a part of our beholding; are we not all under the same stars, made of the same cells and part of the same universe?

  331. Your opening description of the word religion was healing for it allowed me to feel how i am still in reaction to it, holding what is a beautiful word to ransom due to buying into its bastardised meaning for a very long time.

  332. Religion is the way back to what we have left behind when we distanced ourselves from being at one. Everything that truly re-connects us is religious by definition.

  333. My experience of religion has been that it is extremely divisive. True religion is inclusive.

  334. ‘Our relationship with divinity is Religion…’ I wonder how many of the religions in our world purport that we cannot have direct relationship with Divinity or God. It was certainly something I was taught in my youth. It was always something that did not ring true with me because I could not believe that a truly loving God and Father would not allow his children to have a direct connection with him.

  335. Regaining the truth of the meaning of religion exposes the truth of the established religions – that they are bastardised re-interpretations and misinterpretations of truth used for all sorts of personal gain.

  336. “We are so much more than how we live currently.” A truth that mankind has to catch up with. Our current level of society is on the floor, failing miserably in representing the divine glory we originate from. True religion empowers us to return to this inner realm thus enabling us to reconnect to our inherent grace and wisdom that we abandoned a long time ago.

  337. How ironic is it that religion today and for a very long time is meant to celebrate our connection to God, something we never lose! We just choose to not feel.

  338. It is very beautiful to read about true religion, this feels so different from all of the institutionalised religions of the world that seem to be a list of rules to follow rather than being about: ‘our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.’

  339. It is ridiculous that our versions of God are so diverse that we will fight each other to prove we are right. The one thing we can possibly agree on is God is love but there is no violence, hate, comparison, greed or anything else negative in love, so why are we all so messed up and have been for so long?

  340. Religion is something that encompasses much more than a book, a meeting place, and a set of ideals or beliefs – it is about a living quality, a relationship to energy, a relationship to people and ourselves and a living way which comes from truth. Without truth then words are simply words.

  341. When veils of manipulation and lies are removed from our eyes, we see truth and the weight of oppression is removed from our shoulders. We breath again, see and feel the simplicity and purity of true religion and are blessed.

  342. I remember going to see an Indian guru who taught a system of how to achieve enlightenment. It was so complicated, as it involved doing so many different things, chanting specific mantras, whilst rubbing certain body parts, a lot of significance was also placed on the fact that this guru washed our feet. I remember thinking that it was just too much work. It now seems not only utterly ridiculous but also so damaging that there are so many different religions that purport to know the way back to God and yet, in truth are actually leading people in the opposite direction.

  343. It is quite interesting – when we ask a sceptic or a priest we get very different answers but quite likely the same degree of certainty which I find quite funny.

  344. When I look at some of the evil that has taken place in the name of the Catholic Church, to name one organised religious authority, it seems to me that religion is the opposite of this representation. Religion is about equality, love and care for everyone with no judgement, never condemning and far removed from abuse of privilege and the arrogant defending of positions of power and status. Religion is love that could never be found in a religion of rules and obedience for it has no rules and yet has a beautiful order and simplicity to it. Religion has no need for confessional, and no condemnation of differences, just acceptance and respect of everyone no matter where they are at with their life or the behaviour that is on display.

  345. ‘…where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.’ this is not how the organised religions of the world have been – many have in the name of their God tortured and murdered anyone who did not subscribe to their ways.

    1. Carmel what a contrast between the truth of religion and the versions of religion we have today, given how what your share here fits exactly what is needed and what people want, the question for me is how have we let religion be something that is the opposite of the truth we innately know it to be?

  346. Religion could be understood as our true and loving relationship with ourselves and through this the ever deepening reflection, understanding and love of humanity. Thank you.

  347. I love this “The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)

  348. I love your opening paragraph, it is restoring the beauty of the word to its truth so we may feel the glory of what religion truly is.

    1. It is a good feeling to strip a word of any mis-use and to feel its original meaning. Religion is a prime example.

  349. “We are so much more than how we live currently. True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are. True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.” This is so far from what we have been led to believe relgion is. Rather than make the focus about something outside of us that for the most part seems far from our reach, true religion reminds us that we have all that we need within us, and that all we have to do is to make a choice to reconnect to what we already know to be true.

  350. This is gorgeous, you have beautifully brought truth to an incredible word that has long been used for all that it is not. You have brought the truth that this word is all of us, it is a livingness that brings us to connect to God, love, equality, divinity and the multidimensionality we are all from.

  351. “For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follow the many re-interpretations of this.” This is the truth. How do I know? I feel it in my body as an absolute knowing. There is no question mark, it is complete.

  352. Religion is not owned by any one person or any one group, It does however belong to us all equally, whether there is a belief or not, a practice or not. It is part of our every single moment whether we know it or not. Religion is not only very deeply beautiful word, its very beautiful to know that you live religion to the best of your ability. As a humanity we have a way to go to understand the beauty that is on offer through religion.

  353. It’s truly lovely to re-connect to the true meaning, intention and purpose of religion – it’s a coming home so to speak.

  354. Religion in its true meaning is inclusive of all, hence it makes no sense that so many wars have commenced in the name of ‘religion’ this is the problem that arises when we theorise the principles of love opposed to living them.

    1. I agree Abby, this is so true and it applies to pretty much everything in life, our expression is powerful when expressed from our Livingness.

  355. A great sharing on religion – it is actually very powerful, very connecting and very embracing of all. We are so far from this in how we have interpreted this today. I have grown up thinking religion is about war and separation – but in truth it is not this at all.

  356. ‘we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary’ yes and it is, this allows the truth to be distorted as is so often the case.

  357. As human beings, even though it is rarely lived, we know this Oneness you write about. We experience it in times of crisis, when we all come together as one, forget our differences, hurts etc…and come to do what is needed. It is innate in us, but the question is why we do wait for a crisis to activate it?

  358. There is nothing more true than religion the fact we do not live this word and therefore we have so many religions that are a bastardisation of the true meaning of the word, we are upside down and back to front!

  359. What an opening paragraph! What many of us have come to know religion as is so far from this Truth.

  360. This is a beautiful blog re-instating the truth and real meaning and origins of the word religion. You show just how far we have come from living the truth of this word.

  361. I never really understood religion as it was and still is shown to me other than from Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness. Each answer to those questions posed will eventually or straight away prove confusing, complicated or hypocritical. But I now know that true religion is very simple and doesn’t leave anything or anyone behind or separated.

  362. “True religion is simple” Does that mean it is equally accessible and understandable to every single one of us? Don’t tell the Vatican! Pulls the rug out from underneath all their arrogance, secrecy, supremacy and separation-creating individualism.

  363. How truly simple this is, Religion with no rules, regulations or expectations – only to re-build a relationship with ourselves and then others in true brotherhood.
    “Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.”

  364. When we take away all the complications and come back to the simplicity of the heart, there it is–religion. Religion is not special, it is connecting with every human being equally.

  365. In my teens when I chose for a while to consider what was actually said about God, the need to obey what was touted as ‘his’ rules (it being irrelevant if you agreed with them or not) and the threat of hell if you did not, I was kind of scared of this demanding, grudging and punitive character!

    Oh how complicated we have made religion. We have made God to sound like a megalomaniac monster. It has been a blessing meeting Serge Benhayon and remembering that absoluteness I felt when I was very young and no complex rules or explanations needed. When I stop and connect to my awareness deep within, I can feel my connection to the All. Yes True Religion is very Simple.

  366. Great point that when an element of truth is grabbed hold of, that is not the truth – just a version that might look like it, but isn’t actually it. Truth has to be whole and leaves nothing out, or else it’s not truth.

  367. So true, the word ‘religion’ has become so repellant that many people have skirted away from getting anywhere near God, the Divinity, the movement of true religion itself. No doubt restoring the truth in words would bring about much needed healing to the world we live in.

  368. How if religion is purely being fully present with all of ourselves — feelings, thoughts, bodies, movement, hearts? In this focused moment, and with that amount of awareness and being present, the “presence” of all that is not physical grows and the whole experience deepens profoundly; time expands and there is a feeling of space within and around the moment Lived every day bringing this attention to how we can choose to be is for me religion, a dedication to all that is, seen and unseen.

  369. ‘Is there such a thing as God? Why are we here? Is there something greater than us, than just this world of the physical? What happens when we die – is this it or do we go to another realm?’ These questions are vital to ask, and to ask wanting to connect to the truth our bodies already know, it is a willingness to let ourselves go there in the face of all the opinions, traditions and stories that are so ready and waiting to propose themselves. The true and simple answer is always felt from within.

  370. What I think is fascinating to consider, is that the idea of something greater, of a connection or relationship beyond that of being just a physical human, has been around since the dawn of time. If we have, as scientist’s state, been evolving, becoming more intelligent and learned as time progresses, then surely religion would have been something long ago left behind if it was nothing but nonsense – and some say that religion is simply a human way to give life meaning and perhaps for some this is the case. Even as religion has twisted and changed away from its true meaning, as a society there is still within many a feeling that there must be more to life – is this just a desire to have a greater purpose or is it in fact an inner knowing that we are more than just this human life.

  371. Very beautiful – to be robbed of the true meaning of religion is to be robbed of the true meaning of ourselves. Religion and who we truly are, are inextricably linked.

  372. I was traveling on a train recently and started talking to an elderly lady who was traveling through Europe by train for a holiday. She mentioned dying and so I asked what did she believe in. She said she was in two minds about reincarnation but felt there was an essence to all of us but what happens to that essence after we die she hadn’t considered. It seems to me we have lost our connection to God and in that disconnection we have accepted a lesser form of living. Is it possible that this lesser way of being is so in our face now that humanity is at last starting to question what is really going on and seeking answers to those fundamental questions of life and why we are here.

    1. Yes Jane, and very deliberately so. It’s in the simplicity of what religion actually is that we unequivocally remember who we truly are.

  373. It is amazing how children can see through the hierarchical system that occurs in organised religion. When one of my sons was in primary school he came home after a Christmas church service and asked me ‘why if we are all the same does the minister climb up steps to be higher than us when he is talking to us?’ He refused to go to church services thereafter.

  374. Brilliant blog I love it… there are many lines that are momentous in what you’ve shared here, one… “there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true” is a cracker. I grew up with the attitude that there were many truths… as in mine, yours and everyone else’s (version), and that all were valid somehow because they were seemingly true to each of us. What l’ve come to learn is that these are not truths at all, and that if something IS a truth, then it is equally true for all, even though all may not have yet arrived at that truth in their own perception.

      1. Yes exactly… to have that distinction is great as it pulls me up when I sprout what I consider my version of truth to ponder whether that is, in fact, a limiting version, or the actual TRUTH.

  375. ‘True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that’. When we are connected with our body, you can feel the truth when it is delivered and religion is indeed very simple; religion is about all of us being equal in our divineness and that we all come from the same source, there is no separation, only the kind we humans manifest by being disconnected from our bodies and the love that we are.

  376. It amazes me how we as a collective can bastardise words so completely, religion is just one of the words that doesn’t in its current form come even close to it’s divine description. Time to claim it back.

    1. Absolutely Vanessa, one of many words that need reclaiming to bring back the divinity they originated from so they can once again bring the alchemy they once did.

  377. It is so true, true religion would not have warmongering, greed, corruption, pedophilia, slavery, and the many other things that have been associated with the word religion for many centuries.

  378. I have never considered religion to be a vibrant word but if I feel what it is to be connected this is so true. Religion, being connected to our Soul, is vital and vibrant on the inside even though there is a deep stillness within.

  379. Your opening paragraph on religions is so true, so how have we got it so wrong? I picked up my daughter from school yesterday and was marvelling at the diversity and multitude of cultures and religion at the school until it totally confirmed to me how separated culture and religion keeps us. We all seem to have this desire to belong to something so why can’t that be to belong to the one and all?

  380. ‘It has become defined as something that is organised, that requires ‘heads’ who seemingly know more, who instruct people as to what their version of the truth…’ I had not appreciated the significance before reading this again that we refer to leaders as ‘heads’ in this way. And yet there is much truth in this…that all too often we allow our ‘heads’ to deliver ideals and beliefs, and to overrule the innate knowings we have in our bodies. When I listen to my head in isolation from the body I can create a myriad of doubts…or perhaps access myriad of doubts. But when I choose to tune into the fullness of my being, the wisdom of the body in its entirety – then I find there is a deep sense of knowing. Yes, there is a God and that he is pure Love. And yes, we can reconnect to him by going within.

  381. What if the answers to Life’s big questions are already known deep within us? And that the truth is so uncomfortable we will pretend not to know just so as not to confront this.

  382. What a great topic and exposè on Religion, one thing that stood out is how we turn to religion to be something greater than us. But as I have come to appreciate religion being a connection to God not outside me but within me, a connection that is reflection by nature all around me it begs the question is religion a connection to something greater than me or simply a connection to the true quality and enormity of who we naturally and innately are?

  383. Religion to me is simply my connection to something much grander than I could ever imagine, and knowing I am part of something incredibly magnificent = super simple.

  384. Thank God for Serge Benhayon, who has exposed that what religion currently represents is the opposite of what it truly is.

    1. An exposure that we all know in our hearts so that when it is revealed to us, it is immediately felt as an absolute truth; testified by the plethora of comments, blogs and personal stories written here and in other posts on this website; a living, growing, expanding collection of voices that are challenging the accepted norm and are re-calibrating the truth of religion.

  385. It is only by the patient, persistent and loving presentations, lived example of Serge Benhayon and the ripple effect of that that my hurt over religion is healing, if not healed.

  386. The evil of the misinterpretation of religion has caused so much hurt that it requires much healing to regain trust in God again. Blogs like this are a great supports in that healing. Thank you Anon for such a clear and accessible appraisal of True Religion.

  387. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that. ” And yes we are so much more than we live currently on earth. The word religion turns people off because they don’t know the true meaning of it, rather focussing on what institutionalised religions have touted – much of which strays far away from truth.

  388. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” To reconnect with the true meaning of religion is to know who you truly are.

  389. We all know true religion. It carries a responsibility that humanity has shrunk away from, hence the bastardization of the truth, the warping of religion in its pure and innocent form and the ensuing chaos that has followed. Serge Benhayon has resurrected religion in all its simple glory, a body led focus that returns us to our inner knowing, wisdom, love and responsibility, empowering us to resume our natural way with God, our internal, perpetual and immutably wise counsel present in every area of our lives.

  390. Our connection to God is never a one-way street; we are always part of the All and of God. And thus, even if we are not aware of it or have turned our back, so to speak, one vast and all-encompassing lane (the All) is and always remains open as God never turns His back. It is just not possible or even remotely part of the equation.

  391. It’s true. Why would religion lead to harming others? This exposes all the so called religions who enter war for the sake of God.When we are connected to the divine within ourselves there is no way we would want to harm anyone or anything. The word religion needs to be re-claimed.

  392. Religion started with someone speaking truth with words that resonated in the listener. Today religion is a corporation. Religion is still alive, and well, we just stopped listening, it is that simple!

  393. Reading this it makes me realise how institutionalised religions have bastardised the truth of religion, which is that we are equal brothers; ‘How have we allowed someone to be deemed as a ‘higher authority’ in the church as being ‘the one’ who knows and has all the answers?’

  394. The way we have allowed the word religion to be bastardised to me shows clearly how lost we are as a human race as at our core we are divine but have lost that connection that should be naturally be there.

      1. Indeed Mathilda, while we have made our life awful and complex, the way back to love is actually very simple as it already lives within. We only have to reconnect to it.

    1. Well said Doug, we actually choose for a lesser existence when we ignore that core of our being, our connection with God and instead choose for a way of living in disconnection with that connection.

  395. A powerful, clear expose of false religions masquerading as truth. Essential reading for all, many of whom, like myself, did not want to be associated with the word religion because of the way it was practised by and bastardised by conventional religions. True religion is simple, pure, and loving: it is our connectedness to divinity within.

  396. Powerful blog. I agree true religion is simple yet when I look at the world religions, they are all very complicated, judgemental, divisive and controlling. Thank you for sharing what true religion is, our world definitely needs to hear the truth about religion.

  397. I had no idea about the origin of the word religion until Serge Benhayon presented it, and what it actually means. If we all took the time to understand the original meaning of the word it would provide a very different relationship with that word and less reaction to it, which of course is fuelled by the divisiveness that should never be part of any religious behaviour.

  398. This is such a brilliant blog – a really beautiful and open discussion about religion. You are so right about so many being hurt by religion which has been grossly misinterpreted by humanity. I am just writing a article on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, at the centre of which lies the age-old hatred between religious factions, which then pollutes all other dealings and relationships. This is huge.We need to get to the truth of religion with every cell of our being.

  399. Interesting how this article has made me reflect on the fact that when I was growing up I was always comfortable with my relationship with God, I just knew this was a part of my life and a part that I loved. But what I struggled with was the ‘religion’ part where it felt like I was being boxed if I told others that I prayed and had a relationship with God – they would ask what religion I was part of and I did not feel like that was relevant or even fit what I had. I never really considered this until just now. Now I understand my reticence to classifying my relationship with God as belonging to a particular religion – of course it is about religion, but it is about a deep connection first and I was perhaps sensing that many of the religions presented at the time did not feel like the True religion that I knew to be the connection with my divine self. Thankfully I too have found this reflected deeply with Serge Benhayon’s presentations and am learning to claim this more and more.

  400. I love the opening paragraph as to me this says it all . . . “Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another”

  401. “True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.” – any teaching that does not first see the connection to self and amongst us all is then divisive in nature and hence not a true religion. Thank you for this beautiful delivery!

  402. This part just clicked for me and I know now how religious I am and how that is on a day to day basis, “True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are. True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.” There are so many groups in the world that require you to actively participate and carry the walk with the beliefs and rules of that group. For me just now I realise I’ve carried a picture of what being religious ‘should’ look and be like. And may I add after reading this blog that those pictures are the opposite of what I feel in my body. Another bastardised version of religion seen for what it is.

  403. The truth about religion so beautifully delivered. To consider how many people appoint an intermediary between them and divinity is quite something; to consider those appointed intermediaries act out the rituals and ceremony, often complicated and shrouded in secrecy that portray only they can have this access to God is also quite something. If we all knew our connection with God, with divinity was so simple, so direct the world would indeed be a different place. But what obstacles do I put in the way of my relationship with God, where would I want to turn to an intermediary to have that connection?

    And what I come up with is a lack of self-worth, the guilt for knowingly and continuing to not choose a relationship with God; basically anything where I think I don’t deserve to know God. But all of that is all rubbish. Why? Because God loves us equally – doesn’t matter what we do or say or indulge in, there is no judgement. There is no special treatment – the ‘worst’ karma is as loving as the best confirmation of how amazing we are. There is no limit to love – so no, ‘that’s it you’re banished forever’. I may struggle to accept all of this but in accepting it I drop the hard judgement of myself and can allow myself to return to being able to live each day religiously with divinity.

  404. “True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that.” Beautiful Anon and religion is a true connection to the all and from it’s simplicity we see that we are all authorities on what true religion is as we move and express from the one true divine and that is the connection to our inner heart.

  405. Great to strip back the layers of falsity that have been dumped on the word religion and to present the essence of it in all its grand simplicity.

  406. Yeah, agreed that religion when understood by it’s original meaning is as simple and natural as a new born baby.

  407. This is so beautiful to read Anon bringing the truth and simplicity to religion and exposing the true evil of what is currently going on with the bastardisation of words and the denying of the greatness and divinity we all are.

  408. Thank you so much for sharing this amazing exposing of how the word religion has been bastardised over the years and in contrast the simplicity of connecting to true religion and the relationship we then have with God without the need of a corrupt intermediary.

  409. ‘How have we allowed someone to be deemed as a ‘higher authority’ in the church as being ‘the one’ who knows and has all the answers?’ An excellent question, to which the answer can only be because we decided at some point – perhaps caving to the brute force behind these authorities – to give our power away to them. We have done this for centuries, and many of us continue to do so, rather than acknowledge the call and the primacy of our own, inner authority.

  410. “True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are. True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.”

    That is my religion. That is true religion.

  411. ‘In the origins of these organised religions, true and great teachers came and revealed to us a way that we can live ‘above’ the limitations of ‘the day.’’
    This is a great way to describe the true purpose of religion – teachings delivered by those who have mastered human life and who can in turn support us to connect to a way of being that enables us to do same.

  412. It is brilliant you are re-imprinting the true energetic meaning and quality of the word religion with this blog .. it is very much needed.

  413. Thank you for these words of absolute truth that help to resurrect the true meaning of the word Religion. If “the essence of Divinity is beholding in love and truth” then this immediately exposes every thought, ideal, belief, behaviour, action and philosophy that does not hold true to this founding principle. Deep to the core of our being we are love, we do not need to acquire anything in life, all we need do is let go of that which inhibits our expression of this love. This is what it means to live a truly religious life – we dedicate our lives to our return to Love, Truth, God and thus to our true self, the Soul.

    1. It is interesting to expand on this Liane, while we all are looking for the true meaning of life we tend to not reconnect to what already lives within, but instead stubbornly insist on looking for the answers outside of us which makes us in continuous motion and very busy to acquire matter and knowledge in life.

  414. When I was a kid I was terrified of dying because I was told that you lived, you died and then you either went to hell or heaven and you were more likely going to hell as you were a sinner. I could not see the purpose of life. It was when I started exploring reincarnation that life started to make sense and then when I attended presentations by Serge Benhayon on the truth of religion, these confirmed what I had always felt, that their was much more to life then the physical realm we live in.

  415. “Our relationship with divinity is Religion ” this line stopped me as it brings the power and simplicity back to a word that has been bastardised and changed from the truth that I now know it to be.

  416. This is a truly magnificent sharing exposing the many “religions” in the world and appreciating the simplicity of true religion- our connection to our most divine innermost way of being. I have been instilled with traditional religious dogma for so many years but now can feel God in the simplicity of how i live, in the people I meet everyday and in my connection back to me.

  417. Poison the word and you poison the relationship with the living aspect of life that originality was expressed by the word. This is the most efficient way to rob someone of the one truth and thus divine people that otherwise would be united by the true meaning of the word and hence living the one-unified truth.

  418. If that would only be taught in school, what you write here: can you imagine, how many little Gods would grow up, who live from their inner knowing and connection. What a blessing for the world. It is great how you describe in detail the bastardisation of the word religion. It is well needed in this world.

  419. What a cracking article that is so so well written. I must admit I would never have described Religion as a “vibrant and beautiful word” and yet after reading this article how could you not. We have really messed around with this word which as then knocked on for us to think of religion in all different manners when truly there is only one religion that isn’t owned or confined by it’s meaning. This very personal connection which then supports us all to see how inclusive religion is by way of living. Buildings, books and beliefs aside the reason we look for something else, something grander is because we already know what is in front of us isn’t it, otherwise why would you even look or consider it.

  420. Religion is simple , its the man – made ” religion ” that are difficult for they truly have no religion in them .

  421. “True Religion is Simple”. I felt this as a child and because we rarely went to church when we were young, other than at Christmas to sing Carols we had very little exposure to being indoctrinated by the church and it’s so called religious ways. I could feel a lot of the stories in the bible didn’t ring true and the way it was written didn’t make sense to me so I gave very little thought to religion but at the same time I knew God. God to me was simple he was in the stars and the sky and all around us so there was no need to go to church or have religious ceremonies. What I never realised is that I could deepen my connection with God, for me, he was there and I was here in the physical world and that was it. Thank you Caroline a great blog which I will come back to many times…… ‘Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother as we are all from the One Same Source.” I love this, the ripple affect when we deepen our relationship with God goes out to everyone.

  422. True religion naturally hold nothing more and nothing less. Not even God is greater than anyone. We are all equals. The fact that true Brotherhood has not been lived on earth by the majority clearly highlights the fact that conventional religion is not truly true.

  423. I could sense myself thinking about a hundred other things whilst reading this and this shows me the extent of which the word religion brings up feelings of uneasiness and wanting to check out in my mind. But whilst hanging in there and constantly coming back to your blog I really got a healing from reading this by getting a deeper understanding of what religion truly is and how beautiful it is. So thank you.

  424. I love how this wonderfully shows that perfectionism is not the way. Nothing is ever going to be perfect as we can imagine many pictures of ideal scenarios but they don’t necessarily match the reality. The greatest joys come from living from the body in the moment.

  425. It seems apparent to me, that most of the religions of the world are supposedly based on love. That fact that we have created disharmony to the level of war between groups of people whose basic religious premise is love surely reveals something to us. Perhaps that love is not what we think it is and that our version of love is one of these ‘re-interpretations’. Love does not divide people, it unites. We should never be divided in the name of religion – it is the antithesis of division. And yet we allow it. How does this happen?

  426. I, like you had never connected to the true meaning of the word religion until Serge Benhayon presented on it, and you may ask, how do I know it is the true meaning? Well it is the one meaning that resonates most with me, it makes sense and feels right…. and all my life, the word religion and all its various meanings always left me doubtful and unsure.

    1. When we live true religion we will experience harmony, brotherhood and love, it is very simple. I imagine our world would be a very different place to what it is now.

  427. Religion has become a living word for me since I’ve been hearing Serge present on the Truth of Religion, and observing living religion in him, and many others. Religion cannot be separated from day to day life (it lives and breathes if we so choose) nor can it be relegated to an activity on a certain day of the week.

  428. Your opening words are a wow, bringing us straight back to the beauty of what Religion truly is. “Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.”

  429. ‘…hrough the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.’ – wow this is so huge – bigger than any war or bomb or attack is the fact that we chose separation first. That we choose to have differences in the world where there actually needn’t be.

  430. It’s taken me a long time but I can now contently claim that I am religious, knowing that I speak of the true religion that resides within, not the organised religion that has done so much damage.

  431. This is Great, more words should be put under the microscope of energetic Truth so we can start to get an understanding of what we are actually energetically saying when we use a word. If I am to pick one word and take it back to it’s energetic roots then that word would be slavery, meaning anything that keeps us from our Soul! Then are we not all slavery until we re-connect back to our most divine essence or Soul.

  432. It is through the religion that you speak of Caroline, that I have come to know myself – from the depths of who I truly am. That’s what true religion brings us back to – the most precious, intimate home-coming back to our soul.

  433. I grew up being told there was no God and as a result religion really wasn’t discussed. But as I grew up what I could see religion being presented as simply didn’t make sense but my questioning did not delve deeper and the words God and religion became words that I struggled to use. Fast forward to last week when I was having dinner with a nine year old girl. We had been to a family funeral that day and we were talking about death and dying, which we have talked about before, but this time she added the question “do you believe in God”. I was almost taken aback but I knew in that moment I was being given the opportunity to share with this girl what I would have loved to been shared with me at nine. When I asked her what God felt like to her, without hesitation she answered. “Sometimes I feel very weird in my body but when I feel God that weird feeling is no longer there”. Such a simple and beautiful expression of what she knew to be true.

  434. Thank you. It is wonderful to be reminded of the origins of words. The word ‘religion’ has been steadily bastardised through its use as a label for movements that are not truly religious at all.

  435. Religion; lived, expressed and imposed in its false form has caused such gigantic hurt to humanity over the ages that it will take some time to heal people back to the true relationship that we all have with God – we are, after all, all of us, his sons. But it is blogs like this and conversations like this that begin to pave the way to people feeling sufficiently supported, held and understood to begin to possibly take another look at something that they have, understandably, shut down from so totally and utterly.

    1. Yes I agree Otto the lies suited us because we then could renege on our responsibility and let mainstream religion control us, instead of standing in our own power and authority.

      1. Which is in fact a beautiful revelation, because it means that by, as you say, “standing in our own power and authority”, we can reclaim religion in its truth, irrespective of whatever any churches are doing. Sons of God on the front foot.

  436. “This is true evil.” And yet most would believe that religion was the exact opposite; and so we see how far the bastardisation has taken/takes us away from the truth.

    1. Agree that is the evil that we are feed a lie about religion, when true religion is the absolute opposite to what mainstream religions preach.These feed separation, fear, dogma, individuality, whereas true religion supports love, unity, oneness and joy

      1. But then I am intrigued…because we live by a supply/demand system by which we are supplied what we demand. So, whilst it is true that we are fed these lies, is it not us who first asked for them and accepted them? Do these lies actually protect/justify us in our irresponsibility for not claiming/demanding and standing up for the truth that we all innately know because we all come from it? And so, is the evil our inaction?

  437. I love how you expose how religion has been dressed up in many disguises over our lifetimes and our understanding has been tainted by our hurts and the imposed beliefs put upon us, I know that the truth of religion is that God is already inside me and I am returning back to the love I am from. We can all reconnect to the divine power inside us because we are all from the One Same Source. It is very empowering to read and feel the truth of your blog thank you.

  438. Thank you for this beautifully accessible summary of what true religion actually is, showing us that it can be so simple to return to a relationship with ourselves, each other and God that we naturally have always had and know deep inside.

    1. True religion is simple. And if it is not, then it is simply not true religion at all but something we have moved into place to not live it.

      1. I love that summary – if it’s not simple it’s not religion, but something we have chosen to not have true religion.

      2. Definitely. This is like most things in life – they are naturally simple, we just have a habit of overcomplicating.

  439. If we have got ‘Religion’ this wrong and ended up following a definition that is so untrue, what have we done with the rest of the dictionary? Reading your words today it’s clear to me it’s not a one-off but rather that because we don’t live honouring truth, the terms we use to describe the whole of life are lost and empty. We think we can get better lives by refining the meaning, but it all starts with knowing truth in our body.

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