True Religion is Simple

Religion is a very beautiful word, a vibrant word, a word that takes us beyond the limits of being human and into a connection to our essence, our multidimensionality, where we naturally live in the quality of love, truth, and equality that brings us all together through the bond of love; and from where we would never, ever want to hurt another.

Is there such a thing as God? Why are we here? Is there something greater than us, than just this world of the physical? What happens when we die – is this it or do we go to another realm? The answers to these questions depend on who we ask: if we ask the scientist it will be a very different answer from the sceptic, to the religious person and then there’s your mum, dad, work colleagues and so on.

All our answers or contemplations will be subjective and based on a combination of our personal experiences, learnt knowledge, exposure to the ideals and beliefs we have been raised with, whether we come from a religious, atheist or scientific family and anything in between.

But most importantly, there is our human condition that not one of us can truly escape from, one where we have been emotionally hurt in our lives, not feeling loved and met for who we are. Many of us are carrying these built-up hurts throughout our lifetime, so we then learn to protect ourselves so as not to be hurt again. There are many who have been hurt by ‘religion’ and even the word itself can cause a reaction. The truth is that we are influenced by external forces, which often determine the path we choose in our lives and the views we form on religion.

Religion is a very old word that has been here as long as time, or as long as human beings have been around. Religion has been dressed in many different clothes, with varying rituals and ceremonies, it has its ‘books’ of supposed truth, and then there are the masses, the people and the congregations that make up each religion. There have been wars, injustices, judgments, murders, genocide and witch hunts over the centuries, all in the name of religion.

We have turned to religion to connect to something far greater than ourselves, for some of us have felt lost and did not know where to go. What we end up doing is separating further. ‘Religion’ – as it has largely been – has not been offering the whole truth that has been sought.

It has become defined as something that is organised, that requires ‘heads’ who seemingly know more, who instruct people as to what their version of the truth is without revealing that it is a version, a re-interpretation, containing fragments of truth, but not the whole truth. For in-truth there can never be many differing truths, there is only ever the absoluteness of what is true and then there typically follows the many re-interpretations of this.

“One of the most destructive forces on earth is the re-interpretation of truth, which translates to being an act that corrupts and debases the truth. Through the corruption of truth we have the ultimate weapon – divisiveness.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations II, p. 7)

Truth is simply truth, or it is not.

We have been using a word – ‘religion’ – to describe something that is not True Religion but its exact opposite. If religion is about God who is love, then there cannot be all these evil associations with religion, and the most cataclysmic fact is that the truth of religion has been so bastardised, and that the truth of religion was lost long ago.

This is true evil, the way it has separated us from our own connection with God, divinity, something much greater than this physical life that lives deep within us all. We are powerful beyond our recognition and yet we live in a way where we give our power over to those self-appointed authorities.

If we strip back all the layers over this word religion and come back to its origin, we would find the simplicity and vibrancy of this word, a living word, where deep down we in fact all know its true meaning: we know religion as we are that, it’s just we may not be living a religious life.

So what does religion actually mean in truth?

If we take it back to the roots of what religion truly is, the simplicity of the origin of the word,

“The truest religion on Earth is the one that has you re-connecting to the Divineness you already are. If you don’t believe it… do your homework on the true meaning of the word ‘religion’.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p. 639)

If we lived the truth of this vibrant word religion, what would that look like? True religion is very simple and universal, therefore organised religions would not be required or needed as they stand today; we would have our personal connection with God and divinity, without an intermediary. If we began to live connected to divinity, then truth and love would be our natural way of being because the essence of Divinity is beholding in love and truth. As we live this way, we then bring this relationship we have with divinity to others we meet, as we are all made of the same essence, and so in this connection others will feel that they too can choose to reconnect to that which is within them also, and in doing so will feel the deep connection of our true Oneness.

Our relationship with divinity is Religion and it is in this relationship where we will naturally build loving relationships with each other.

So true religion could never, by definition, be involved with corruption, cruelty, warmongering and control over the masses in its organised ways because it feels and understands that God is love. How have we allowed someone to be deemed as a ‘higher authority’ in the church as being ‘the one’ who knows and has all the answers?

In the origins of these organised religions, true and great teachers came and revealed to us a way that we can live ‘above’ the limitations of ‘the day.’ Yet mankind got our ‘hands’ on these pure teachings and they became polluted with other agendas – personal gain rather than the simple truth of the teachings that were to be for all of humanity equally.

It was not until I met Serge Benhayon and his presentations on the truth of religion that I could let the word ‘Religion’ be claimed back in my life, even though this took some time, as it’s meaning to me was so poisoned that I realised I had never connected to the true meaning of religion. The true meaning is simple.

These revelations reawakened my own connection to the truth of God and in that my awareness of what life truly is has expanded beyond words and I realised that I knew this all along.

True religion is very simple, it is pure, it’s our reconnection to a divine power, a power that is us, as we are one, we are that. We are so much more than how we live currently. True religion connects us with our amazingness, to be lived as who we truly are. True religion is our relationship with each other as one humanity based on love.

Since I have reconnected within and deepened my relationship with God, my essence, my connection with others is also deepening as I know another is my equal brother as we are all from the One Same Source.

By Anonymous

Further Reading:
World religion day – do we know what religion truly means?
Organised Religion versus True Religion
What is true religion?

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