Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…

A few months ago, I arrived early for a workshop at a small seaside town, so I decided to enjoy a walk on the beach.

There were quite a few people out walking, many with their dogs, as it was a beautiful morning with a clear blue sky and bright sunshine. The ocean was gently rhythmic and so the atmosphere was vibrant, yet very chilled and relaxed – everyone enjoying Nature.

As I walked along appreciating the fragrances of the beach and ocean mingling with my own breath, I noticed there were two sets of three people walking just ahead of me, all women. The closest trio, who were about 200m in front of me, were accompanied by a dog, who was delighting in catching and fetching a ball. 100m further on was a second trio of women, one of whom stopped to take off her shoes and let her feet enjoy the water while her two friends stopped briefly and waited until she was ready to resume their walk.

I could not help but observe the energetic quality of the two groups, as it revealed itself in the way each group moved. Each footstep of the furthest group connected sensitively with the earth and they walked with a sense of a unifying energy, in a quality of unhurried stillness and inclusion of all – not exclusively the trio, but all. Their bodies moved gently as though they were not disturbing the surrounds, with no jagged angles or abrupt movements to disturb Nature’s equilibrium; rather, there was a sense of flow, which felt lovely and was very easy on the eye. They were three people, and yet the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.

The closer trio were the three people walking their dog. They looked relaxed and yet the angles of their bodies seemed to deflect the flow of the surrounds, keeping them separate and very much as three individuals walking alongside each other. Particularly striking was the angle at which the ball chucker stick was held and moved, which was a little jagged and out of place with the rhythm of the day. I observed how one set of hips seemed to be pushing people away and one set of arms seemed ready for combat. Their footsteps were at times a little heavy. Undoubtedly, without conscious awareness on their part, it was clearly visible that this group was in an energy that was in marked contrast to their surrounds.

‘Spirit and Soul,’ I mused within myself.

The Ageless Wisdom has long presented that we have a choice of these two energies in everything we do in life; that we are aligned with one or the other energy in every given moment. Spirit is the energy of individualism where the ‘I’ is the centre and ruler of all ‘I’ survey, controlling my reality from the head, pursuing my own desires. Soul (essence/innermost) is a unifying energy, which under the impulses of the inner heart, impulses our activity to be in harmony with everyone else, and with our environment. ‘I’ and ‘we’ operate on equal terms under this energy as we realise that all we do affects all that is and that this relationship is reciprocated by everything around us, including nature.

Such talk of spiritual and soulful energies has long been dismissed as being unscientific with no evidential foundation, something for religious people to connect with in a church, a synagogue or similar perhaps. There’s often a sense that openly discussing the energies of people is something fanciful or new age.

And yet here were the two energies simply walking along the same beach in clear view for everyone to see.

How wondrous is it that the effects of our alignment with either Spirit or Soul are so clearly visible, and equally clearly felt in the simplest and most basic of activities, like walking. Would it not be reasonable to conclude, or at least be open to the possibility, that this same choice of energy is part of everything we do? If it’s in the way you walk, in the way we walk, as well as in every other activity we engage with during our day, notions that the two energies are nebulous, something reserved for religious people to cogitate about or energies that will be revealed after we pass on, can be completely dispensed with.

This brings a profound simplicity to life – we align with our quality of energy daily, in this physical reality here and now, and doubtless those choices and their effects will meet us in our afterlife and our next lives, also. Could this awareness and our choice of these two energies be the cornerstone for a true energetic science – a science that includes all of us and all that we do every day, and that this daily activity is a substantial part of our evidence?

Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple?

By Coleen 

Further Reading:
Quality of movement = Quality of life
The Power of my Walk
Walking in Presence and Without Pain

523 thoughts on “Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…

  1. “Soul (essence/innermost) is a unifying energy, which under the impulses of the inner heart, impulses our activity to be in harmony with everyone else, and with our environment.” Individuality may seem harmless in that a person may not be physically harming another or nature, yet it’s still very harmful as it’s living separated to the source of energy we all come from, and is out of rhythm with harmony and our natural interdependence. We can break it down to the quality of energy we are in that is either harming or healing for the collective.

    1. The quality of energy we are in has an impact on all, ”I’ and ‘we’ operate on equal terms under this energy as we realise that all we do affects all that is and that this relationship is reciprocated by everything around us, including nature.’

  2. The way we walk, the way we talk and the way we move speaks volumes and can tell us so much about each other.

  3. What I am feeling is how important it is to express what we are perceiving and sensing, because we do. Science might try prove us wrong and argue it cannot be seen therefore does not exist, but we do feel it all.

  4. How we treat our bodies in everything is of importance. And if we ever have the opportunity to people watch, you will see it in the way they walk.

    Whilst at the gym one morning (we have a gym at work), I observed this person’s silhouette on a window whilst he cycled. He was already hunched up, and his head could easily rest on his chest, and that’s how he walked as well. Whilst he was cycling, his silhouette was so interesting to observe. He was painfully trying to speak, but there were no words or sounds coming out of him, his body was desperate and crying out. At one point I knew he was crying because his desperation to voice himself was or being shut down.

    I learnt so much by reflection of another person’s body language, it’s clearly there, if we are prepared to observe it. Every body speaks a language, are we willing to see and read what it’s saying?

  5. There are ways to subtly miss the truth. A flowery language is an imperfect but useful pointer towards it being more of a mental image and less of a description of an observation.

  6. If we understand true science and how it works then we may understand that we are also living the simple application of science everyday.

  7. I love observing people. When I used to visit South East Asia on a yearly basis, I loved people watching. I could be sitting in a cafe and watching the people on the other side of the road. They way they moved would speak a thousand words, sometimes it was humorous to observe.

I find where I work, I know how a person is as soon as they walk into the place. I also observe and feel the flow of the ward as soon as I step into that place too.

    The question to ponder on is, do I want to be part of what has been created by someone else, or do I want to be a part of my own rhythm?

  8. I loved reading this blog about the observation of people walking on the beach. This may be different yet same same, I see it in the way people drive their cars as I am heading to work in the mornings. Just the way they move their cars from one side of the lane to the other. And when I see the abruptness, it kind of disrupts the flow of energy on that road, it’s quite palatable and can easily be caught in if not present with ones’ own driving.

    Do people ever wonder how this effects the other cars travelling later along that same road? Just something worth pondering on.

  9. Thank you for making conversations around energy of people, and the energy of the soul and spirit, more part of our every day life.

    1. It is great to be aware of the energy of soul, or spirit, what is running the body, ‘Spirit is the energy of individualism where the ‘I’ is the centre and ruler of all ‘I’ survey, controlling my reality from the head, pursuing my own desires.’

  10. When you choose to live your truth, and can feel purpose in everything you do, making life about service, life does become simple and in that all our needs are taken care of, we just have to allow ourselves to receive in the knowing that we are deserving and worthy of God’s love.

  11. Awareness of the two different types of energy; i.e. spirit and soul, brings so much understanding and clarity to one’s life and life in general. Spirit is everything that is not love, whereas Soul is a holding, all encompassing love where we are all equal.

    1. Soul is all encompassing love, ‘Soul (essence/innermost) is a unifying energy, which under the impulses of the inner heart, impulses our activity to be in harmony with everyone else, and with our environment.’

  12. The energy of individualism is the norm presentation in the world and so be it, but the energy of unity is what is natural to us and the expression although less familiar as a reflection is sorely needed. We choose our energy first and foremost for how we express in life.

    1. To have more reflections of being connected with our Soul is an energy that would be wondrous to have more of on planet earth.

  13. ‘Could this awareness and our choice of these two energies be the cornerstone for a true energetic science’. Absolutely Coleen, to become aware of the two energies is so profound and life changing, one day in the future it will be taught in schools, as people will be ready and waiting to hear this truth.

    1. The difference between the two energies really should be a fundamental teaching in schools, ‘we have a choice of these two energies in everything we do in life; that we are aligned with one or the other energy in every given moment.’

  14. The difference is quite profound between those that walk in connection to themselves and those that dont.

  15. “Energy is our responsibility to understand” so that passing-over becomes a joy-full affair “provide a great opportunity to evolve” and that we come back to that same joy-full way of being in our next life. When we see the multitudes of different attitudes that our youth has it makes sense when we understand how we live is a responsibility that we feel in our next incarnation.

    For more on passing joy-fully go to;

  16. Energy is our responsibility to understand as when we “pass on” our understanding of how our life can provide a great opportunity to evolve in our next incarnation should be taught from a young age so that passing is a joy.

  17. Similarly you can experience the difference between Spirit and Soul in the sound of one’s voice. It is not always in the words but can be distinctly felt and heard in the tone. I immediately notice my voice sounds different when I am not myself and that of others too.

    1. People can see, feel, and hear what energy you are aligned to, ‘How wondrous is it that the effects of our alignment with either Spirit or Soul are so clearly visible, and equally clearly felt in the simplest and most basic of activities, like walking.’

  18. Living science, do we move in flow with our surrounds or against it? And we all do know when we move in that flow, there’s a magic that is tangible and felt in our bodies and a joy in our hearts.

  19. How poisonous is this “I”, we get scared that we’ll be worse off, we want to make sure that the I is better than everyone else first and foremost before we commit to doing anything, when we commit to doing anything we do so only if it benefits the I. Even in our most “selfless” moments, we can be drenched in a need for recognition, which makes these moments even more poisonous than those in which we openly say “I’m doing this because I want to get something out of it”.

  20. One energy will hide this fact of life – that movement gives away the energy powering human life – and the other allows it to be clearly seen. Universal Medicine works in and with the latter to help us re-learn how to read this communication.

    1. So true Donna, we are reflecting so much in our movements and this reminds me that we can take responsibility for what we reflect, is it either healing or harming.

    2. In the way we move shows so much about our alignment, ‘we align with our quality of energy daily, in this physical reality here and now’.

  21. Yes and that is the beauty of life, what can be offered to another person through the quality of our bodies, It is true magic.

  22. I would agree with you that life and science is this simple, it is the willingness to see what there is to see that is key.

    1. Yes, to simply observe, be honest about what we observe and this leads to understanding.

    2. To simply observe what is there for all to see, ‘Could this awareness and our choice of these two energies be the cornerstone for a true energetic science – a science that includes all of us and all that we do every day, and that this daily activity is a substantial part of our evidence?’

  23. It truly is fascinating to observe, when we are open to it, how we all live aligned to an energy be it our Soul or our spirit and how our movements are evident of what we are choosing. This is what is so beautiful to realise, that whenever we want to know the truth of who we are and how we are living, it is there for us to see and feel through our bodies that knows only to reflect what is true.

    1. And the next breath : ) it doesn’t get any simpler and I guess that is what we dislike so much as it shows how often we simply don’t choose to breathe gently and lovingly.

    2. Bringing it back to the basics and being aware of how we breathe, being aware of our posture and how we move and hold ourselves makes a world of difference to the quality of the energy that flows through us.

    3. Yes, Simon, life is so simple when we understand how energy works and become aware of what energy we choose to align to.

  24. Being open to observing life and understanding what is playing out has been very supportive. I find through observation I am able to depersonalise things and be more open to identify what is running the show, our spirit or soul.

  25. Although we may not consciously notice them, there are angles everywhere, made by the way we have placed things in a room or the way we move and position our bodies. If we see everything as energy, as it is, we get to feel the importance, precision and ripple effect of every angle we create.

    1. This is so beautiful Fiona and makes sense of my new impulses to just move something slightly this way or that, it seems almost petty but it is actually being so attuned to the environment you are moved and it’s not a thought process, it’s an energetic flow that needs to be obeyed.

      1. Spot on Vanessa, I relate to the impulses to move something slightly, or move to a different place in the room, or remove it altogether, but it is as you so eloquently described; ‘it is not a thought process, it’s an energetic flow that needs to be obeyed’. Beautiful!

  26. Simplicity and a sense of being in the flow can be a great confirmation of connection to the soul, as is complication and a lack of flow in life indicative of being caught up in individualisation or the spirit.

  27. We can never stop moving. Even when we are asleep we are moving with our breath, every movement/moment is an opportunity to choose to align to either soul or spirit.

    1. Life is deeply loving when you put it like this Jill, it means we are constantly offered an opportunity to choose and there is no judgement or feelings of being imposed upon, it is always our choice which energy we choose to align to.

    2. What are we choosing to be aligned with, being aware of our posture and how we move and hold ourselves makes a world of difference to the quality of the energy that flows through us.

  28. Watching body posture and the way we walk and the way we move is very telling in terms of how much protection or openness we carry in our movements.

    1. And we don’t have to be constantly watching ourselves in every shop window, being with ourselves as we walk and feeling how our walk changes if we go into thoughts of future happenings or past situations and right back into the moment can be very telling.

  29. We have made simple facts of life mystical and somewhat taboo to talk about, yet like you say they are so evident in all that we do. We can tell when a person at work has rushed through their job just to get it done and go home, or when a person has taken care. We can tell when a doctor welcomes us with understanding and care, or when they’re just ticking the box so that they can go through the long list of patients waiting by their door. No question that there is a distinctive difference in how we do things, yet we don’t want to know the answer.

  30. Similar to watching ants move around their mounds where there is a flow and unifying purpose to their movements and actions. We can choose to move as individuals or as part of the unifying whole.

  31. ‘Such talk of spiritual and soulful energies has long been dismissed as being unscientific with no evidential foundation, something for religious people to connect with in a church, a synagogue or similar perhaps. There’s often a sense that openly discussing the energies of people is something fanciful or new age.’ Yet here you are presenting in practical real terms what this looks like and how this can be applied to everyday living. It is interesting how we interpret religion without necessarily applying what we know to our every movement, but what is religion if not this? Understanding the difference between spirit and soul has been of such profound significance to me personally that I can barely credit the time when I remained ignorant of it.

  32. Yes it’s the complications we bring into situations that so take away the truth that in fact ‘true ways are simple’ – not convoluted and exhausting.

  33. It pays to observe our own movements and learn from them, especially how we walk with another. Do we walk with them, lead or hold back? With awareness, a simple adjustment is all that’s needed to re-align and unite with another.

  34. You’ve raised quite an important point here as to the lessons we usually get taught as we are growing up, Alison. So much effort is put into outward appearances with never a consideration of the energy the body is moving in. This means we are not aware of the fact that our movements tell the truth and expose the way we are really living to any observer.

  35. A few years ago, any talk about spirit or soul would have sent me running very fast in the opposite direction, as I would have thought it a bit ‘voodoo’… but later there was a part of me that was curious and I wondered about the two. I had always made assumptions that they were the same thing, but now I am fascinated by the very vast and different expressions and qualities of spirit and soul and how they play out in the realities of life.

  36. Energy is fascinating, once we let an energy in it can totally change the way we move, think and feel. I wonder if the key to which energy we actually choose is how we move our bodies and the angles we hold it at and hence these are the angles that let in a particular energy that then proceeds to move us forwards (or possibly backwards).

    1. Great comment Meg. I feel it is also related to our level of awareness and our willingness to take responsibility for what is offered to us in each moment.

  37. What a lovely blog to read this morning, recently reflecting on how my walk changes and the quality of movement which is based on my choices, it was a lovely confirmation. How important then to be aware of my body and my walk since it clearly reflects how connected to me I actually am. Thank you Coleen.

    1. Being aware of our body, allows us to feel if we are connected with ourselves, presence is always so important in all we do.

  38. The quality of our movements is a choice from moment to moment which feels completely different when we move from our heads.

  39. I find our bodies offer us scientific evidence every moment of every day. It is organic and honest, it knows no other way. Our brain on the other hand has the ability to choose to over-ride what our body tells us. To justify its point of view, our body hardens to respect the choice the brain has made in over-riding the communication, and to cope with the outplay of the decision. Our body offers us free-will but that free-will is never without consequences.

  40. I observed a friend walking yesterday with so much grace, power and authority and it reminded me that these qualities are naturally in me too.

  41. There is so much we puck up from observing the angles of people’s bodies. The marker that you noticed of oneness between the people, harmony with the surroundings and a sense of flow can all be felt from the angles we create in our movements as individuals and a group.

    1. Observing is a great tool to have, especially staying observing and not getting dragged into absorbing.

  42. Yes, this is exactly what we are faced with and asking of ourselves everyday, we are energy before anything else….”And yet here were the two energies simply walking along the same beach in clear view for everyone to see.” There is blanket normalisation of the physical first and foremost, but it does not make it a truth. All is energy first.

  43. Every step we make either takes us closer to all the love that we are, or further away from it. And although it is our spirit that has walked away from the love and light of our Soul, it is the one and same spirit that makes the call to return home to this.

  44. “Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple?”- I would answer this question with a profound YES, for a number of reasons. First, all the evidence we scientifically need is the lived experiences that people have had and observations they have made in their lives, just like Coleen witnessing the differences in the way the two groups of people were walking. No need for complex double blind repeatable experiments or peer reviewed papers in the journal ‘Nature’. Just like we take a criminal witnesses testimony as proof of evidence to convict someone of a crime in court, we can do the same with our approach to science being based on anecdotal observations and conclusions people have come to with their everyday life experiences.

    1. I just realised the irony in what you have expressed, Michael. Witnesses to a crime are considered credible and believed, yet people living their own lives inside their bodies so they are ‘Susie and Johnny-on-the-spot’ witnesses are discredited. In truth, when we live tuned into our bodies, we are living, breathing, walking science experiments. True evidence is there for anyone who stops and pays attention to what has been experienced and discovered in vivo.

  45. I loved your observation Coleen, as you say the way both groups moved it was obvious to see who was aligned to Spirit and who was aligned to Soul, and how we either honour those around us by not disturbing the flow, or disturb everything around us without even noticing.

    1. ‘Without comparison we flow together which can be seen a mile off.’ So true, Kevmchardy.

  46. I like the idea of being a scientist of your own body. Last night I did an experiment and had something for dinner that I don’t normally have and afterwards I did not feel so flash (bit tired, and bloated). Experiment complete – ate this, felt like that.

    I have also been experimenting with how I move and focusing on the quality of energy in which I am moving (and living my life). It makes a huge difference when I move in the quality of connection and when I move in the quality of disconnection. When I move in the latter I am often left wondering how I got from point A to point B and sometimes I find myself with bumps and scratches as I’ve not paid attention. When I move in the quality of connection I feel steady, connected and energised.

    I am sharing this because I am not wanting the world to confirm that this is either right or wrong, that there are different energies in which we can move. I know it because I confirm it in my own body for myself. As you did when you observed these women walking.

  47. If we focus on the quality in which we walk, our destination and journey will be guaranteed to be sweet. Staying set on ‘getting there’ just leads to inevitable disappointment. The answer lives in your next step, and the one after that, and so on. Thank you Coleen.

  48. Movement can be obvious, like walking and moving arms, and yet it can also be subtle, like the movement of our rib cage when we breathe, a slight adjustment of our body, shoulders, back, hands, neck (etc) in our seat… We have so many moments of re-connecting and being with our Soul. Its always there, we simply come back to it simply through our movements.

  49. All can be felt in the vibration of our movements, even the alignment of the energy source that we have chosen.

  50. One thing I will be bringing a lot more focus to in 2018 is my movements, and since I walk a lot, a tremendous focus on how I walk.

  51. The way in which perceive people is also influenced by our own quality at that point in time, the more clear and with our Soul we are, the more clearly we can discern the quality of all else.

    1. Yes Michael, otherwise we hold the same judgement as we are feeling yet we don’t recognise it as judgement because it is our normal and has been justified as opinion.

  52. Simplicity brings flow and expansion in our lives which also allows for a greater learning and exploration through our choices to either say yes to love or no. Simplicity is king if we are obedient to it’s rhythm and relish the exploration of who we are forevermore.

  53. There is nothing mysterious about the soul and the spirit as they are in full view for all to see and feel.

  54. The simplicity of energy is quite astounding isn’t it.. and yet life and all its wonderings can be made so complicated when we want them to be that way.

  55. The quality of our movement is not necessarily something we can see with our eyes, but we can feel it or sense it. What I am learning more and more is to trust more of what I feel than what it is that I see.

    1. Great call Jennifer, when we rely on our eyes we can be tricked by images and pictures that block the true sight of feeling energy first.

  56. To simply understand the difference between spirit and soul is truly life changing, yet it is a distinction not commonly understood to our great detriment as a society.

    1. It is indeed life changing Thomas, and understanding and knowing that difference allows for us to make a choice between the two.

  57. Its beautiful to have something so simple as walking as a marker of the energy that we are choosing.

  58. ‘there was a sense of flow, which felt lovely and was very easy on the eye.’ – We all recognise true flow as it is one of our innate qualities, however for some people that is challenging to accept or connect to, as stress and a sense of drive and control is the norm in our society.

  59. I find there is such a vast difference between when I am walking feeling myself and connected to when I am just trying to get from a to b, or worse still texting on my phone as I walk etc.. I find I either walk aware of what is around me, feeling every step or pretty much the opposite and the way I feel and interact with others along the way completely changes. When I am open there is time to connect but when my focus is on point b I almost dismiss others in my path. It is fascinating, the more I break it down the more I feel how disregarding it is when I walk without connection.

    1. Yes, we can either walk with ourselves and other people are part of the picture OR we walk with our mind set on one thing – our thoughts or the task of getting from A to B. When we are ‘one track minded’, which automatically excludes our being fully aware of people and our surroundings, so much is missed.
      I have found walking with connection certainly lets you ‘see the roses and smell them as well’ and ‘see the people and meet them as well’.

  60. Coleen, it is great to bring it back to a simple choice of either aligning to spirit or soul, I love the clarity with which you explain how this choice is then played out – whether it be with the way we walk, it could be how we work, how we communicate – this choice is evident in everything we do; ‘How wondrous is it that the effects of our alignment with either Spirit or Soul are so clearly visible, and equally clearly felt in the simplest and most basic of activities, like walking’.

  61. The Ageless Wisdom has wisdom that transforms modern living with understanding of the ages that are completely relevant for now.

  62. It is the simplicity of truth that we so often resist; identifying ourselves with complication and struggle we find the simplicity of truth disarming and uncomfortable.

  63. ‘How wondrous is it that the effects of our alignment with either Spirit or Soul are so clearly visible, and equally clearly felt in the simplest and most basic of activities, like walking.’ – Walking is in itself a true disclosure.

  64. Spirit or Soul, it’s in the way we walk, I love your observations Coleen, we communicate so much with our body and always with the choice to align to the whole, our Soul, or the other way to self, our Spirit. Just the choice between simplicity and complication, between togetherness and individualism, the choice is always ours.

  65. “… And yet here were the two energies simply walking along the same beach in clear view for everyone to see…” Observation brings enormous awareness, and the opportunity to see more is everywhere if we choose.

  66. I have been observing flocks of birds lately and the flow and formation they hold has reflected to me not only stillness but a real sense of rhythm and how we all pulsate to a similar rhythm when we are in flow of our bodies moving.

  67. “Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…” — it is amazing how a walk can be so revealing in its energetic makeup… and how that the walk we walk, our gait, how our hips move, feet touch the ground… attribute our thoughts that lead to our actions and way of relating.

  68. Thanks again Coleen for this great piece of writing. What stands out for me is how much there is to learn in an average day, no special activities needed, so much is revealed if we are present with the soul and observe. It makes sense that so much can be read in our movements, we already know the concept of body language, where we read and understand the subtleties communicated through the body that go unspoken, so your observations are another level of that – the body language if you like of what the Ageless Wisdom has been communicating across the ages.

    1. Great observation, Melinda. The concept of body language, where we read and understand the subtleties communicated through the body that go unspoken, has been the accepted way of describing and understanding the form the body takes in life for ages now. The Ageless Wisdom, where understanding of the body and its movements comes from an energetic viewpoint, expands our understanding of the body and its ways of expressing to a much deeper level of awareness.

  69. It is the case that we can pick up the disharmony in another’s walk if you understand what you are seeing, the problem is the whole of humanity is reflecting the same to each other and, they believe this to be normal.

    1. That’s a great point, it brings an even deeper level of appreciation to being able to walk with Soul and all that this communicates to others who see the reflection, a communication through movement that is much more than words can convey

    2. Exactly Julie – most people are not aware how we affect each other energetically as this is not commonly taught in our societies.

  70. ‘Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…’ I know when I am ‘out’ from the feel of my movements. How wonderful it is to feel my body light up and return to it’s natural state as I move and walk with love and purpose. Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing the awareness of this subject, it is an incredible gift.

  71. If we were only to learn that the answer to everything starts not with thinking but movement, true movement in line with our Soul all the misery humanity is suffering no longer would need to prevail.
    Choosing the next move to be with Soul is the beginning of the end of spirit´s reign over the human being.

  72. The oneness or separation we are moving in says everything and feels so different and the reflection is immense and affects the all. Imagine if we were all reflected this from young and remained the fullness of our child within. How very special and different the world would be.

  73. We can have great ideas, good intentions, think we are doing the ‘right thing’ but there are certain tell tale signs that will always show if we are being moved by our spirit or soul. We don’t like to face it but if we get upset, react or behave in ways that aren’t true, we’re just letting our spirit take us down an old and very familiar track. It’s one that just goes around and around and leads nowhere. Thank you Coleen for describing the difference that’s there.

  74. The simplicity shown here of our choice of energy and the way we walk is magic as it says everything and offers us an amazing refection of the love we are and can chose in every moment and movement we make with our soul. A real inspiration.

  75. We may think that we are shakers and mover of our life but actually we are shaken and moved by the forces we allow to make us move.

  76. In the way we move we can learn to recognize who is moving the body, the spirit or the Soul, as both express in a certain quality and through a certain movement – it opens our awareness for the fact that the body is a vehicle of expression and we as a person are what and who we are aligned to. This can be challenging for the ‘I’ that considers itself to be independent and free-thinking but nevertheless, we are moved before we move.

  77. Realising that our bodies are vehicles for the Divine energy to flow through and that if we forget to honour that commitment to our soul then we become empty, and the other energy of spirit, mind, and complication inhabits us. This energy does not flow, it becomes stuck inside us as we create more issues because of losing connection with ourselves and the world around us. When we walk in this energy certainly we have no flow or harmony in our body. We can heal all this if we choose to walk ensouled.

  78. As we become more aware of movements and the way our body moves there is a greater awareness of the impact this can have on the space around us – and to feel whether we are in harmony with the Universe of not. Reading energy and observing movements is an innate science that we all have within.

  79. More and more I feel and observe how profound energy is and that we are choosing the source of energy all of the time. Movement is so key to this and can hugely impact how I am.

  80. I had some movements pointed out to me that were not loving and it was interesting how oblivious I was to them. It was great to simply observe this fact, so I can learn and feel my movements more, and what energy I am moving in. Being able to observe the 2 groups simultaneously helped your observations Coleen, and once felt, it is in the body, never forgotten.

  81. It is very beautiful to witness someone who is walking in connection with their body and soul, as there is a grace and harmony emanating from them that is in tune with their natural surroundings.

  82. Indeed Coleen – life can be truly simple when we have the understanding that there are only two energies that define our movements in life and we learn to live accordingly.

  83. There is nothing wishy washy or airy fairy about energy. It is a scientific fact of life. Just ask any astronomer or physicist. And it is so obvious in every aspect of our daily lives if we allow ourselves to be aware of it.

  84. Walking in connection – do we choose soul or spirit? If I walk from my body and my heart it’s my soul. I know when I’m in my head it’s my spirit, trying to lead me off track.

  85. When we allow ourselves to be still, a quality we all have from within, we are able to observe life and as so clearly stated in this blog, the energetic qualities of how somebody lives can clearly be felt. With that the existence of energetic qualities are revealed in front of our eyes, a reality that cannot be ignored anymore but becomes the obvious we live with.

  86. “…I noticed there were two sets of three people walking just ahead of me …. I observed how one set of hips seemed to be pushing people away and one set of arms seemed ready for combat. …” It is very interesting how our body may display a posture, a movement, a holding position taken on from a historical experience at some point in time, and yet there is a deep natural propulsion from our hearts that is always pulling us to come together.

  87. ‘Would it not be reasonable to conclude, or at least be open to the possibility, that this same choice of energy is part of everything we do?’ – Indeed it is Coleen, and every choice we make, no matter how private or personal it may seem, affects not only ourselves but everyone else equally.

  88. Amazing observation of the beautiful living harmony when aligned to the source of Soul, and the non- harmony when aligned to anything other.

  89. Very wise Doug. Yes, we are always accompanied – so best we make the choice of companion a conscious one.

  90. What you show us here Coleen is that even with our bare eyes we can see that there is a world at play beyond our physicality. It is not hard to see/notice, it is only a matter of allowing ourselves to see more there is than we have settled for.

  91. Our movements reveal everything about us, that is they show us where we are in a divine flow or not. Anything that is in a divine flow feels ordered, harmonious, supportive and playful.

  92. It is interesting how important our movements are. On a difficult day I made sure that my movements didn’t magnify the difficulty of the day and by the afternoon things were getting easier.

  93. Beautiful Doug, this is so true. We either walk with our spirit or with our soul, and God is always walking beside us no matter which one we choose, how deeply loving is that?

  94. The science of life is always simple – for the heart, but at times confusing or too simple for the mind.

    1. How true – the mind likes to complicate things and stay in control rather than allowing simplicity and flow.

  95. When we allow ourselves to see what is before us and look beyond the actual out play but like you have done hear and look at the energy that is moving people it starts to become very clear and very obvious that there are two types of energy at play. One that is harmonious and fluid and one that is dis-harmonious, jagged, jolted and harsh. When I started to attend Universal Medicine and start to become aware of this life and how it has a whole other dimension that I find fascinating. One that I had sensed but hadn’t really been able to understand it like I do now.

  96. Our Soul never leaves us it is always with us, it is us who choose to not walk with our soul but choose our spirit. It is simply a matter of choosing what energy we align too.

  97. It is such a gigantic shift, to go from needing all that ‘I’ want and desire, to being aware of all that ‘I’ can offer to the whole and seeking to live that way instead of the former. The joy that follows is pure delight, as being a part of the whole is place of wonder and awe, where ‘I’ can come to learn and see the stupendousness of the universe, a place where we all belong.

  98. Never has a walk or gait been so revealing about the actual quality of life we’re living with i.e, either spiritually (caged) or soulfully (free). For example you can be dressed in the finest clothes, make-up, hair, have the best residence, job, title etc. that may depict a life of joy and success… though the walk and gait revealing a counter to that, and thus the actual truth of that ‘successful’ life lived.

  99. Harmony / disharmony… Ease / Dis-ease… Interesting to note how any one of these can be seen reflected in body movement and posture, confirming so clearly how ‘our body is the marker of truth’…

  100. Its quite revealing how the body displays a movement and a posture, that could be a result of what ideals, beliefs, behaviour habits are lived and experienced.

  101. Coleen, I love this, it is so simple and clear to see and feel this; ‘Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…’

  102. Put simply: do we walk the all that we are – OR – do we walk the all we are not?

    1. There are days where the latter seems easier but that would just magnify anything that is disharmonious.

  103. Beautiful Coleen, there are just these two choices the whole time. How complicated our spirit makes it but essentially it’s just as simple as choice A or choice B. Being honest about which one we are in is the key.

  104. From my own experience, what a difference it makes to not only how we feel, but how our whole day unfolds when we choose to align to our soul when we walk. And as walking is such an integral part of our day, the impact this can and does have is huge. And equally the opposite is true if we do not choose it.

    1. I agree Sandra; there is a marked difference in how we feel at the end of the day. Even when things that we would normally perceive as being awful don’t get a look in. For instance, yesterday I had a sinus headache left over from a cold last week, took a mock English exam and could still say that I had a great day – this was due to being with my body when I walked.

  105. When I am moving or walking with my body I have a sense of feeling safe in the world, which feels incredible after so many years of feeling bamboozled by what was going on around me.

  106. The truth is in the way we walk and this says everything with the quality of our connection to our soul or not with our choice of energy first as our foundation in every moment lovingly.

  107. We walk with one of two qualities, the Soul – which is power, joy, knowing, light hearted and steady, whilst the spirit will find anything and everything to justify itself in whatever it wants to choose, whether that is good bahaviour or ill patterns in relationship.

    1. Well said harryjwhite for learning to understand the science of the soul and spirit is a game changer in understanding the game of life.

  108. The truth we are often not willing to not take note of is, that our bodies always reflect the quality of energy we align to, the vibration we allow to pass through us. Whether we are willing to be aware of it or not we can never escape the quality of our choices, we can however dull our awareness to the effect they have on our lives.

    1. Carola that’s so true “we are not willing to take note that our bodies always reflect the quality of energy we align to, the vibrations we allow to pass through us.” If we just stopped and clocked this more often, we would be making different choices in our movements.

  109. “the angles of their bodies seemed to deflect the flow of the surrounds” as I read this I get to understand the feeling of walking in a natural flow that disrupts not the surrounding space or anyone in it, I can feel how this is different to moving in a way that seems to ‘use up’ the space around everyone, rather than let it be.

  110. To witness and feel someone in stillness, walking is amazing and a huge healing. As the person walks past you, you are graced. Graced with the presence of God himself.

  111. When we are moving with our soul there is no force, it feels natural to our way of being.

  112. You have made the science of energy so beautifully simple here Coleen, it feels so grand. The soul is not something we have to try hard to search for, it is with us naturally, and just asks us to connect to our loveliness.

  113. The way we move gives everything away – we can move in angles and as if we are in friction with our surroundings or we can move with grace and flow with all that is around us.

  114. We do read energy well before we see the physicality of a situation. Often we ignore what we read as we do not like what we are reading and/or we do not want to deal with the situation.

  115. When I’m present with my body and choosing gentleness I’m with my Soul. When I’m not present I’m literally checked out and allowing my spirit to move me. It’s a stark difference.

  116. Walking is such a pleasure, and a True Science, because a body walking in Truth can release so much of what we have bottled up. All we have to do is be consciously present with every step so we do not get distracted. This allows our body the freedom of movement through every part of us so we become one with the body as we move!

  117. I can relate to this very well especially at dinner last night–how my movements in taking the food were–if they were gentle and with care towards everyone present or not.

  118. Observing energy, which we all can feel and know equally allows us to have a deeper understanding and awareness of life, it brings in a 6th dimension so to speak, a sixth sense. We rely on our eyes and ears far too much and in so doing miss out on the depth of experience and wisdom available.

  119. I love to observe people too, Coleen, and a lot can be seen physically from their movements, whether they have a stiff hip or back, or roll their feet in, for instance. But you bring an energetic understanding, and emotions can easily be seen, if someone is angry and talking and gesticulating. What you observed on the beach was a great understanding how there can be a harmony and flow in the group that were totally aligned to their deep quality of the soul, in absolute unison with their bodies. It is a wonderful reflection to show us there is a possibility for all to be of that same quality.

  120. When we walk or move with our soul it feels so much easier than the effort needed to fight against it.

  121. And in some situations which are offered to me it is clear as day the energy is for self and then it is down to me to make a choice to not feed the self but to respond with love.

  122. In answer to your final question, I would definitely say, ‘Yes’, science can be this simple and will be so when we realise and accept the foundational simplicity of our one true choice… do we choose in each moment to move and live with soul or spirit?

    1. Interesting to consider the simplicity of science. Have we been purposefully robbed of its truth by the complication with which it is presented to us as children? I know so many kids who are turned off from science as a result of this. Science is a beautiful, majestic, divine and joyous playground of life.

      1. And we enjoy that because then we don’t have to face the simple ways in which science shows us the errant ways of our choices. We can falsely claim ignorance.

  123. Walking with our natural essence is a way for us all to support self and all those around us.

  124. In walking with Soul the quality is in every aspect of movement and in this I can feel a flow. This feels like a great way to maintain this quality from moment to moment.

  125. We live in a world that is governed by either the spirit or the soul and yet we also live in the world that only ever mentions the true meaning of the soul. What’s fascinating to consider is that when the spirit is mentioned it is mentioned in a positive light, we have actually turned the meaning of spirit around 360° which is what allows it to stay hidden even when it’s out in the open. How cunning is that?

  126. Beautiful Coleen, the way we walk can reflect spaciousness and offer magnetic pull simply through the particles in our body.

  127. I love people watching, especially on the beach while people are walking, as you have a chance to take in different aspects of their walks. I just want to be clear that I am watching fully clothed walkers and it is not in a creepy way at all but in an observational way. Just like babies watch in order to learn what not do and what to do, I feel we can learn a lot about our own walk, through reading others walks in this way.

  128. The famous words ‘To be or not to be, that is the question.’ could also read ‘To be Spirit or Soul, that is the choice.’ Our body is either moved by and expressing spirit or soul, the only two ways of being we have.

    1. Ah, Ha!! And may I add, that when we are making a choice to be with Soul then we are for the first time understanding that we do have a true choice? The spirit never lets us know we have a true choice about who we connect to!

  129. Yes Coleen, as you say everything is revealed in the way we walk as the way we walk is the way we express through life. We really are very transparent beings even though we think we can fool people with a false smile or a nice gesture everybody can feel or see what is truly going on if they choose to not play the very same game.

  130. We can either choose to walk in expansion (Soul) or in contraction (spirit). To walk in expansion is to walk the true and real us and to walk in contraction is to walk a version of ourselves that is continually holding back what is really on offer. As the majority of the world currently walk predominately in contraction, we have normalised what is not at all normal and made what is normal seem rare or at worst ‘strange’ because it is no longer familiar to us.

  131. I can really clock when I am walking with my spirit; I am busy with thoughts, unaware of my posture or my body… Walking with my soul; I am still, stillness in movement, totally aware of every step and totally feeling the lightness and presence in my body. It is like night and day.

  132. Having clocked that I can change my whole outlook, feeling on life and thoughts simply by changing how I move my body, has been one of the most singular supportive teachings to have come from the Ageless Wisdom. If I want to be connected to my soul, then I simply have to change the way I move and walk. There is such a beautiful simplicity in this.

  133. ‘There’s often a sense that openly discussing the energies of people is something fanciful or new age.’ yet we are all living these energies everyday, and to talk about them, as in this blog, brings our awareness back to this fact and the responsibility we have with the energy we choose, giving us the opportunity to choose from awareness.

  134. It’s so pronounced that when we walk side by side to one another we undoubtedly feel a connection and a unified movement, and it is just a matter of how much we can allow our walk to equal the union which is there.

  135. “… the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity” A beautiful example of how we can so easily return to a collective grace when we allow our individuality and bodies to surrender to God.

  136. Great questions, Coleen. What strikes me is how all of our movements can indeed be read for what they reflect about the way each of us is living our lives. Nothing isn’t truly seen when looked through such lenses.

  137. The way we move is governed by what energy we are aligning to, and when we allow ourselves to observe this about life it becomes very clear to see and feel it for ourselves.

  138. I realize more and more how important it is to not be tricked by how things look at the surface, but to take every movement into account. People can look relaxed, an office can try to display how amazing they are, but the way they actually move, talk, work and interact gives away what the energy is actually about: uniting or keeping us apart.

  139. Until we become aware there are two different energies running through us all the time we do not make a choice. However in not making a choice we are leaving ourselves open to the one that is most dominant and prolific on our plane of life, the Spirit. By consciously choosing to align with the energy of our Soul we open ourselves up to feel the truth of how we have been living and the enormity of what is possible if we continue to say yes to this. It is an incredible science that continues to expand.

    1. I love what you’re sharing here, Lucy …. we all have free will, no one is forcing us to do anything, it’s always our ‘choice’ to consider how we want to ‘be’ in this life, in each and every movement that we make. Will it be love or the complete opposite? There is no in between.

  140. Funny as well – thinking of the business world – your comment, makes a total mockery of the fancy business cards that we might hand over or the flash web-sites that we may build to represent us.

  141. ‘They were three people, and yet the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity’ when we move fully with ourselves our movements naturally become as one.

  142. From my observations of others and myself I would agree Coleen that there is two different energies that we can use to move and they appear and feel very different in the body.

  143. So what you’re saying here also is that every single movement, choice and moment is an opportunity to make this choice and every single movement, choice and moment – even chucking a ball to a dog – is an opportunity to deepen our connection with our soul or to tighten the hold that the spirit has over us. What I can feel here is the consciousness of “time off”. We are brought up to look forward to “time off”, our lives are designed to make us look forward to “time off”, we live in such a way, that we look forward to “time off” – time when we can just walk along the beach without a care in the world, with our friends, chucking balls for a dog. But there is no “time off”, because if we are not consciously present with ourselves, then something else will be – and that energy does not take “time off”!

  144. It’s a great discipline to practise this kind of observation and I admire you for taking the time to really look and feel the lesson that was placed in front of you.

  145. When I walk with my soul my whole view of life is very different, I am not caught up in trying to work things out or circulating old repetitive thoughts that have no true purpose. There is a lightness and joy in the body and my thoughts are no longer about me, and my issues. As you say Coleen it brings a profound simplicity to life.

  146. The way we move speak volumes. It is fascinating observing people. We either see people move with a flow and get inspired to walk the love that we are or we see people walking around hunched, contracted, in a rush, trying to be something, etc. etc. The list is endless. Having observed when people walk in their true power without holding their love back my whole body goes yes wow. It is deeply inspiring and rather than the energy communicating they are more, it says we are all love and so gives you a moment, an opportunity to feel the love that you are. Forget body shapes, looks etc.. there is nothing sexier than when a person walks with the love that they are.

  147. The feeling of flow when we are aligned to our Souls feels so different to every other way we have tried to doing things. Why would we choose the normal struggle or tension?

  148. Our movements are not confined to walking, Driving our cars allow us to amplify whatever is driving us, or could it be the loose nut that is holding the wheel, as my dad was fond of saying. I was out on the road yesterday in London, and it was like a feeding frenzy of consumer sharks still hunting for leftovers from Black Friday madness! The people around me in their safe metal shells felt as if they were running on the oneness of; ‘me, myself and I’ and I am coming through so look out!

  149. We are all naturally encompassed within the body of God. What we all have to do therefore, is to put constant effort in, in order to not feel that natural inclusiveness. Our seeming separation from God is nothing other than an illusion and is sustained by our almost dedication to an energy that is intent on getting us to believe that we are separate from God.

  150. The way we walk and move tells a lot about us;, it is probably one of the first things we recognise when seeing a person. We may not always be aware of what we get to understand about someone but it is nevertheless registered and known.

    1. When we can appreciate and recognise our own walk, we can then recognise it in others. Through their movements we can tell alot about another too.

  151. An awesome read Coleen… this clearly defines the difference between Spirit and Soul – no ‘evidence-based scientific’ proof needed… it is all in the quality we move.

  152. We feel very different in our bodies when we’re connected with and being impulsed from our soul rather than our spirit. Our awareness is different, we even ‘see’ things differently, our perspective is one of knowing we are a part of something so much grander rather than just seeing ourselves as an individual. We are more open to all the confirmations and reflections being offered to us in nature and through the way everything constellates to support us in being more of who we truly are as we let go of the ‘learnt’ way of being dictated by our spirit, which, in truth, serves no one, not even our self.

  153. It is in the way we move that magnifies that which we are moving with. Everything in life is a movement of energy, and it is very powerful to consider the quality of energy we are expressing in, physically, mentally emotionally when we walk, we talk and be…literally in every way.

  154. Great analogy. Which leads me to ponder who are we calling with the quality of our movements?

  155. “They were three people, and yet the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.” This description reminds me of when I have seen children harmoniously playing together or drawing together. It is exquisite to behold.

    1. Yes, Irena, there is no ‘trying’ just an allowing and sharing of the love, joy and playfulness that is already there.

  156. The difference in the two groups referred to here can be missed on the one hand, but on the other hand when I consider the impact each is offering the contrast is huge. This is a great insight into the level of responsibility we could each be taking in how our movements and daily choices impact the rest of the world.

  157. The way you described how the different groups moved made it almost tangible to feel the difference. I especially loved this description:
    ‘Their bodies moved gently as though they were not disturbing the surrounds, with no jagged angles or abrupt movements to disturb Nature’s equilibrium; rather, there was a sense of flow, which felt lovely and was very easy on the eye. They were three people, and yet the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.’

  158. I love the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom that we have a choice of two energies in everything we do in life; that we are aligned with one or the other energy in every given moment. I can feel the difference in my movements, for example, moving my fingers with my spirit to type is jarred and hard, but moving with my soul to type is flowing, with no push or effort. it is no surprise that people get repetitive strain injuries in their hands and wrists if they use them in a jarring way all day.

  159. Walking is one of the most powerful things we do as human beings and great for confirming, healing and deepening our presence in the body.

  160. Its fascinating once you come to realise in yourself that there is a Soul and Spirit and how which energy you choose will determine the quality you will be connecting to and expressing from.

  161. How beautiful to see the two energies of Soul and spirit in such clear definition. Yes it wasn’t so obvious to me at first, but once I started to live what I felt was true in my life, the qualities of soul I could connect with – and they in fact have no individuality, but a holding and universal quality which serves.

    1. It is the lack of judgement that allows us to see the all. A great reminder to me – if I’m not seeing the bigger picture, then am I bringing a picture (judgement) of my own?

  162. Walking with me is not just something I do when out walking, it’s a practice that supports me through my day and whenever I move.

  163. I love how the furthest trio were walking inclusive of all. It’s how we may have relationships between the people we know but this quality is knowingly shared for all – very different to being in a group and thinking one has to protect what’s there in order to keep it for oneself. This insecurity I’ve felt in myself as wanting to have a good friend, a partner who just loves me more than anyone else so I feel safe. But this is folly. Love is for all and can’t be restricted to a few people. I am ‘safe’ in that I am love and am loved all the time. It’s like a beach thinking it has to keep its sand to itself and covert it!!

  164. It is crazy that we must wait for science to catch up with what we can so easily know from what we experience when we live making different choices and being able to discern the quality of energy we are in at any given moment. None the less at some point catch up it will, and this will be accepted as normal as it has always been. Therefore, exposing that what we have been existing in for so long is not normal and that there is far more beyond just what we see to be in consideration of.

  165. Our bodies never lie, they will always reflect the condition of our inner state, whether we are feeling open hearted, hurt and defensive or ready for combat, our posture reveals all.

  166. This is certainly not included with such clarity in our religious education but as you say, we can all feel it in our bodies. I can hear it in my voice too, when I find myself gabbling in a high pitched voice, I can stop and feel my body, re-connect within and my voice drops immediately.

    1. Yes so much can be felt in the tone of a voice. Children, especially, are aware of the quality of energy they are being spoken to in, and this shows in their subsequent choice of behaviour – be it harmonious for all concerned or conversely, argumentative / rambunctious etc.

  167. “Their bodies moved gently as though they were not disturbing the surrounds, with no jagged angles or abrupt movements to disturb Nature’s equilibrium;” Reading this I get a sense of how everything in nature moves in a similar way, with a natural flow and rhthym that is in tune with everything around it. Beautiful.

  168. “How wondrous is it that the effects of our alignment with either Spirit or Soul are so clearly visible, and equally clearly felt in the simplest and most basic of activities, like walking” – agree with you Coleen, and brings a whole new dimension to life and dealing with the every day when we understand that whole life is about either being with the soul, or spirit.

  169. It is amazing how much our bodies reveal about us just through our movement. There is no place we can hide from the truth of who we are.

  170. It is indeed a ‘profound simplicity’ when we bring it back to a marker of energetic quality in everything that we do – the result is guaranteed due to the quality lived, that is the source of energy we have chosen.

  171. We know precisely these two energies and yet the very way we move can keep this awareness at bay, – or allow our natural way to be in our everyday.

  172. Life is simple when we connect to our Soul, life is complicated when we live by our Spirit.
    Our choices that is by alignment to one of those two energies will determine the quality of enrichment or resistance in our lives. This teaching has always been felt by our body but not so gloriously by our mind (often denied). But heh you know what, every day is the same opportunity– and we can make it more easy by starting to connect to our Soul.

  173. ‘They were three people, and yet the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.’ – Whether we clock it or not, we can be affected by the energy from those around us. When we are surrounded by people moving in connection to their soul it feels amazing, feeling the confirmation of our own divinity. Conversely, when those around us are being pushed by their spirit, there is a harshness and it’s more challenging to feel the essence of the person, as though there is a barrier not wanting to let us in. One energy pushes us away and separates, the other unites and connects us all together as equal parts of the whole.

  174. The title of this blog immediately pulls me to want to know more about how I am in movement and the quality in the difference of the walk that this brings .
    “Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…”

  175. There is a natural unifying harmony in the universe, I know this because I know when things feel out, disharmonious and rough..which means I know when things are in harmony. Harmony has a flow and gentleness, no push it is all about connected relationships and reciprocal understanding. This is what I see when I read what you observed.

  176. And you don’t only see it, you can also feel it when you are walking yourself. Walking with your soul feels great and what stands out to me is that you still feel vital afterwards, whilst walking in hardness drive etc. can leave you very drained.

  177. What a great observation of the difference between when we are aligned to the energy of spirit or Soul. The fact is that everything in human life will be from one or the other of two sources of energy. We use the energy of the Soul or the spirit, fire or prana, heaven or the astral plane. It is very useful, in fact I would go as far as to say vital, for us to know the difference.

  178. Being in harmony with the Magic of God and nature is reflected in this simple and powerful statement –
    “… the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.”

  179. What I’m noticing is how, when walking in spirit it’s about being caught up in concerns or thoughts about past or future events with little to no awareness that I’m disconnected to the world me. I may have a heavy feeling if I was stopped and asked to take note of my body, and I may argue I am aware of what’s around me because I can see there is a pretty view or even appreciate the warm breeze and being in the company of others, and that I’m up to date with current affairs. But if I was honest, I couldn’t say I felt held by the love we are always held in and if I was with friends, was able to feel a loving connection of togetherness. I was always walking at odds to the world around me, always walking in defence which is something I can let go of because it is unnecessary.

  180. Thank you Coleen it’s easy to criticise the behaviour of others, straight forward it seems to notice what’s not right, but it is quite another subject to live and bring the truth ourselves. It’s simple to notice the difference you describe in other people, so why do we let it slide inside of us, when we know it’s not true? If we all stopped pointing the finger and started making our own steps connected ones, then perhaps we would see a big change to this world of killings and bombs.

  181. One day science will catch up with the science of the soul and reveal the truth of the spirit and soul in our everyday and our every way.

    1. One day this will be known as a world wide truth and those who know it now will be seen as the ones who lead the way for this truth.

  182. We get a gorgeous reflection from nature and I love how you describe it, Coleen, “a quality of unhurried stillness and inclusion of all”. I can feel it in the sway of the crops in a field, the waves breaking at the shore, or the rhythm of a person walking with their connection, it is all one.

    1. Yes Gill, it is all One – The seamless and steady movement in nature, from the glow of sunshine to the thunderous display of a hurricane, both extremes restore order and a settlement in the environment in one’s body.

    2. Gill thats a lovely aspect to consider how everything is connected and a reflect of each other, how the way we move can be aligned and in the same quality as the way the waves move, the birds fly and the tree sway.

  183. And it is these conversations that will expose our irresponsibility, and the fact we can no longer hide behind our ignorance.

    1. Yes, there’s quite an energetic gameplay going on in life. There’s also quite an ouch to be experienced when we finally realise we have, for so long, chosen to be blind to the fact that we have allowed ourselves to be ‘played’ by an energy that is not true to who we really are, our Soul and all that represents – definition of what irresponsibility is.

  184. This is the kind of education children need from young, and that we all need whatever our age. It is not something that is openly shared as the truth of Spirit and Soul has been hidden in the domain of religion for far too long.

    1. Yes. It’s very much not spoken about. If we grew our young up with us knowing and living this truth then they would be further supported to be with their soul and not shrink from it. Often I observe children lessening themselves/ contracting from who they are because of the contortions and control adults place or systems place on them. I also see that these controls are in adults to not let the light shine through children because of what it brings up for the adult and how they have not chosen that joy or lightness in their life.

  185. Our bodies expose so much about the way we live and the choices we make… especially in the way we move and the way we walk – nothing can be hidden from the body.

  186. The title says it all: ‘Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…’
    The way someone moves reveals it all. When for example I observe and feel how people are in my house I know to what source of energy they are connected.
    That is also why Serge Benhayon says: I talk my walk, instead of I walk my talk, the movements come first.

    1. This observation, without judgement is something that is profoundly supportive in our day to day lives, as it allows us to read things as they are, accept the way it currently is and know our only true job is to reflect our true light – Soul. I know I have fully appreciated this reflection of others.

  187. When you have felt the difference in quality of energy between the spirit and Soul there is a marker which constantly offers us the choice to make choices to be in greater alignment to our Soul.

  188. Every movement counts and the science and energy of this is so beautifully profound and yet simple and obvious if we feel the energy and our choices. An amazing blog of the beauty and flow of nature harmony and our bodies for all to see.

    1. It’s gogeous when we do allow ourselves to observe energies at play, for me I have become to appreciate doing this within myself without judgement.

  189. Walking is such a natural movement that we so often take it for granted and basically check out on what is an amazing capability. We are the only species on this planet to walk on two legs and the grace that can be expressed through this movement when we bring our full attention to it is enormously beautiful.

  190. Once reintroduced to the energy of the Soul by our own choice, one becomes aware of the fact that there are two energies, otherwise the energy of the spirit will try to keep that other energy hidden for us to be seen or being aware off.

  191. I just love how our movements reveal everything to us and that in so many ways we are an open book so to speak because no matter how much we try and hide something about ourselves our movements will always reveal the truth.

    1. So true Elizabeth. We can not hide it at all. Our movements and our body reveal exactly how we are in every moment with it. How we are in our in between moments between activities is what makes up our quality and what we bring to all the things we need to do in life.

      1. It really is as simple as that. In every aspect of living, each of us is choosing either true movement / movement in truth OR movement that is a lie – deceptive and not truly the way our bodies are meant to be moved or used. Choosing the second way of being / living is what introduces disharmony to the body and creates the situations we find ourselves in, until we wake up to ourselves and see what is really going on. The timing of when that happens is also a choice.

    2. So true, we like to think we can ‘get away’ with putting on a certain front but in truth our movements are everything.

      1. Fiona there is nothing we can get away with, it all gets exposed, so it is best to live with openness and transparency.

    3. And the truth is that we are all the same, so what are we trying to hide? The arrogance of the spirit that believes it’s woes or creations to be different from another.

    4. This is a fascinating science, but one which much before now I had not clocked as such. As Serge Benahon has said (and has been repeated many times), the body is the marker of all truth and so not only do our bodies communicate back to us where we are at but that our bodies communicate back to everyone else too. This only becomes deeply apparent when you have the reflection of someone who carries no issues in his/her body at all and it then becomes as plain as day how tight and contracted the majority of us live but call normal!

    5. I love this too Elizabeth, how we are an open book and how our movements reveal alot, they are an opportunity to appreciate and deepen or expose and heal.

  192. The way we walk every footstep, is the way we have lived life until each moment our foot lands on the ground. Walking is our constant living, and living our constant walking.

  193. It is very beautiful how the more we all choose to align with the flow of the Universe, through our connection with our soul, living the truth of who we are, we are strengthening the energetic pull for everyone to feel and re-connect to this innate way of living that we have chosen to move away from.

  194. We can choose to connect with our soul and walk in rhythm with the Universe or be pushed by our spirit with it’s own agenda, holding us in a pattern which closes us off from feeling the divinity that we are all a part of.

  195. I have learnt this also to be a truth form observing my own body, I walk in different ways depending on what energy I am choosing. I used to walk more heavy and abrupt, less at one with everything. There are two energies for sure, all we need to do is watch and observe.

  196. Even when we don´t know we know the difference between spirit and soul can be recognise it in each other. That is how we really navigate through life.

  197. From the movements we make, movements that may seem the same, we can easily see if someone is moving in connection with their soul, or caught up in the dramas of life and the identification the sprit so desperately craves. But its more that just looking with the eyes, its feeling with our entire body.

  198. Coleen, you share such a huge reflection here. That spirit is self – and soul is about humanity. I love your example of the movement we make – they can be all encompassing and in a union, or about self and separation. We continuously have a choice to choose more fire in our lives and to move in a way that compliments each other.

  199. I super enjoyed this, Coleen. Your description of energy brings further understanding. It is as simple as choosing between “me” or “I and we”. And interesting to note that moving in a relaxed way feels so much less than moving in harmony with the all, There’s always more for us to open up to as once upon a time, being relaxed was the goal, yet my feeling is it can only lead to a transient happiness of a sort. Harmonious movement and being however, brings a lasting joy….choosing this is indeed s beautiful science.

    1. Sure Peta, it is a beautiful science once we have rediscover the simplicity of the fact that there are two energies at play. And then it is just a matter of choice which energy to choose but very simple too. This simplicity comes from the energy of the Soul, that gives us a clear view on life with all that is around and opens us up to the fact that ‘everything is energy and therefore because of energy’ (Serge Benhayon). While the energy of the spirit does not opens us up to this simplicity but keeps us imprisoned in the complicating mind.

    2. As you say, Peta, ‘It is as simple as choosing between “me” or “I and we”.’ The resultant feeling is a transient happiness and a brief relaxation of tension, if we choose to live for the “me”, or joy when we choose to live for the “I and we” – the “us” – the “all” in the deep understanding of “what we do to ourselves, we do to everyone else”, as there is no border or fence to energy, so it ripples out and touches everyone and everything. That provides a completely different understanding of what it means to take responsibility for one’s actions.

  200. When we choose to connect with our soul we become connected to everything around us and move with it’s flow, but if our spirit is uppermost and trying to control every situation, then we have separated from soul and everything else, so nothing flows and we are at odds with our environment.

  201. The understanding of the difference between Spirit and Soul, and learning to notice the difference in their expression in everyday life, as you have captured here, has been one of the most enlightening and empowering revelations in my life.

  202. We are all naturally part of life but at some point in our lives most of us choose to separate from life, it is at this point that we start to stand out from life, we become estranged from it. There are forces at play that seek to keep us in separation from life, they seek to keep us standing out in relief from life. At some point we have to return back and be reabsorbed into life, we do this by discarding the things that we have taken on that keep us in separation from the one life that we are naturally a part of .

  203. Spirit or soul? It’s in absolutely everything. Everything that we say, everything that we think, everything that we do, absolutely every-thing has its roots in either spirit or soul.

  204. Coleen, I feel it’s a testament to the fact you were aligned to the energy of soul, for you to be able to see and feel the difference in the two different groups of people walking along the beach. Such a great and fascinating sharing, thank you.

  205. It’s also in the way we talk – when I am upset and not fully connected I tend to gabble in a loquacious way, hard and fast, with a high pitched voice, speaking in details, filling every space with my words. As soon as I re-conenct, my breathing slows down and becomes more gentle and my voice drops and feels very different. What I say is succinct and to the point. Very different.

  206. You make a great point that spirit and soul has become the exclusive domain of religion, whereas in the past religion, science, philosophy were recognised as being intertwined. This separation into religion may be one of the ways that spirit and soul and the understanding of energetic life has been able to be ignored by most.

  207. Being able to discern spirit or soul as you describe, Coleen, by how we walk is so cool. We can learn from the same feeling in all our movements what energy is fuelling us, it is quite exposing but very interesting to observe.

  208. I went to a fancy restaurant last night with 12 other women. We stood out from every other table and not just because we were the only table not drinking alcohol. We were connecting with each other, our bodies moved with ease and our eyes were bright. Some of us Students of The Way of The Livingness and some not. The restaurant staff were fascinated by this group of women who moved in harmony with their surrounds.

  209. ‘ … we align with our quality of energy daily, in this physical reality here and now, and doubtless those choices and their effects will meet us in our afterlife and our next lives, also.’ – our spirit likes to re-assure us that we can ‘get away’ with doing what we want, that it won’t matter as it doesn’t affect anyone else. This is not true, everything affects everything and everyone …. everything is recorded in the passage of time.

  210. Thank you, Coleen. This is a very clear explanation of the difference between spirit and soul, and once this is understood we can no longer live in ignorance and irresponsibility.

    1. The subtle differences between spirit and soul can be easily missed if we are not observant or aware of the fact that these two energies exist. I find when I am more aware, I am more able to discern which energy is running the show.

  211. Once we clock there are two different energies at play it starts to open up a whole new awareness around the choices we make and how we are governed by the energy we are aligned to in the moment. The key for me is to be discerning especially when I am aligned with the astral consciousness because in those moments a dishonesty can creep in that I am in denial of. Even just being aware of this is something to appreciate as awareness begets more awareness, and slowly but exponentially this awareness grows until such a time you are living in a body that just knows and can read every moment the forces at play that are designed to keep you away from your soul.

  212. Your observations Coleen highlight the fact that our movements reveal the energetic quality we are aligned to and living in.

  213. Just from the description on paragraph 4 you can feel the quality of the way on which the three people are walking. This reminds me of walking in a swimming pool making only gentle ripples and no splashing or disturbance. With every movement we make in life we have the potential to either make gentle ripples for other to feel the quality of our movements or disturbances when others we feel the disregard instead.

  214. I once had a neighbour comment to me saying ‘it almost seems as if you are not walking but gliding’, in which he described the same observation you shared here. We can all read energy and can all be scientist of the universal science that we are a part of.

  215. It’s amazing how much we can see by observing movement. We only have 2 choices – to move from the spirit or move from the soul. It is so obvious which energy we choose when we look at movement.

  216. Observing another walking with their soul in amongst others that are not is really beautiful to see.

  217. It is this distinction between the energy of the spirit and the energy of soul that frees us from an invisible energetic prison. There can be no greater education on this earth than the one that teaches us how to distinguish these qualities and how to align to the energy that unites us by essence first and foremost through the quality of our movements.

  218. If we can observe people in their natural flow and aligned to their souls so easily, it amazes me that more of us are not asking the question of why we all are not in this flow because there is so much more ease in movement.

  219. “Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…” – most certainly and only yesterday I noted the way somebody was moving, walking and how their movements had changed/were different [in this case jarring or jagged]…such that when they came to speak with me, their change of walk had already prior communicated to me the quality of that conversation. Everything is found in movement; nothing is hidden.

  220. Brilliant Coleen – we think life is all the same, that we can think what we like, and move any way. But what you share makes it crystal clear that there is a seismic difference as big as the Grand Canyon between walking with Love and with not. If we comprehend this, surely we should ensure that our next step is connected and true.

  221. There are also differences within the spirit domain – we can be comparatively harmonious and we can have the illusion to be very harmonious though there will always be a difference in quality.

  222. Life can be so overwhelming. It’s no wonder we check out and move in a way that is separate to who we truly are. But paradoxically it is movement that can help us to come back to ourselves should we take the time to care.

  223. “… the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.” True poetry in motion and a quality we are all capable of achieving, when we get out of our heads and come home to the unified truth within our bodies.

  224. Its quite clear to feel that if our movements reflect individuality or the opposite – the oneness of us all, then this brings a message about how life has been lived up until that moment since movements don’t develop all by themselves they have to come from repetition of a certain way of being. Great to consider how my movements are today.

  225. I’m sure most people would agree that they can quite easily tell the difference between when someone is speaking to them in a caring and loving way as opposed to a harsh and crude way. So it is not a far stretch to say that this is the difference between soul and spirit that everyone has the natural ability to feel in full.

  226. When we are in the flow of our soul in all our movements, everything is simple, our body feels gorgeous and magic happens. When we are not, life is complicated, we can feel uncomfortable in our bodies and we experience stress and anxiety.

  227. I was always struck by the way people’s movements can, even in the smallest way, clearly show the truth of how they live or how they are feeling – more than body language, it is energy.

  228. It is in the moment we get to experience the difference in quality, feeling, awareness, understanding… that we realize that the source of energy/consciousness we are aligning to, gives us everything thereafter. Before this experience we may have an inkling, or even knowing, but still not the full certainty of what it actually means to either be in the expression of spirit or soul.

    1. It can be very easy to want to blame another when we are feeling dis-harmonious, however, understanding the difference between aligning with our spirit or our soul shows us very clearly that any disharmony we feel in our body, we have invited in by the choices we have made – offering us an opportunity to take greater responsibility for how we are living.

  229. The description of spirit and soul are so simple and spot on, that I can recognise what I’m aligning to. I always knew something was up when I’d be with people, but feel a distance, and when honest, I knew it was me choosing this distance. When I’m with soul I can be with people and even if they are creating distance, I still feel connection and love, which is very beautiful.

  230. Brilliant observation Coleen. Recently during peak hour in the city of Melbourne Australia I had an opportunity to observe a heavy flow of pedestrian traffic as I walked against it. I noticed that the bodies of people who were engaged in conversation with the person beside them, moved with far more ease, rhythm and flow than the movements of those that walked on their own. I concluded that connection with another brings us into more alignment with every one and every thing.

    1. Beautifully expressed Stefanie and very simply put. Each movement precipitates the next one and so if I choose to move with my soul one moment I am supported to stay with it the next – likewise with the spirit though. The good news is however that when I choose to stay with my body and move it in connection, then the re-connection can be instant and it is then simply a matter of choice each moment thereafter. There is much oscillation in this process but it is the awareness that is key so that I can keep making the choice to bring myself back and keep building on the foundation I have laid.

    2. It is almost too simple for the mind to comprehend. I know the way I move directly affects the thoughts I am having. So often I have tried to think my way out of a situation ultimately to get relief from it, whereas when I change my movements and take responsibility for what I am bringing, then I get to see the whole picture and so no longer any need to think my way out!

      1. This is such an awesome science and is one that is really worth exploring. To understand that the feelings and thoughts we have are a direct result of how we have chosen to move means that the answer to our ills is very very simple! It is surely worth making the effort to experiment with movement to test this out.

      2. I agree, Michelle, it is. I still find myself wanting to think my way out of things so then I can take ownership for overcoming it. Whereas when I change my movements by the nature of the quality I am choosing the issue resolves itself or is not so overwhelming and intense as I was making it to be. It really is amazing what we can do when we allow ourselves to simply be without trying. And we can only say it doesn’t work when we have tried it and given it 100% otherwise we are just tricking ourselves!

    3. When we connect to our soul our movements support our expansion and life becomes about people, when we discount we align to our spirit and in this we contract and make life about self.

  231. When I am dis-connected from my true essence, usually if I am in reaction to something another person said or did, I walk with a hardness, my whole body is tense and it doesn’t feel great. When I am totally connected, my Soul sings – my movements are tender and everything flows.

  232. It definitely needs education on these two energies. Because who does consciously see the difference when people move, speak, walk…Being very privileged in getting taught the fact that there are two energies by Universal Medicine and experienced and having proof of that many times throughout the years, mankind needs to know. In fact we ALL feel everything that is taking place and that there are true energies and some that do not feel right. For me reading these energies and announcing it either within myself or in public, changed my whole life around and supported me to not get drawn into situation and instead observe it..

  233. We can all feel forces playing with us, those times when we might snap at loved ones, or not say what is really on our minds. It is great to observe the energetic games played so even when it still happens, we know the underlying reason and can catch it quicker, knowing it is not us, but what we have allowed to come through us.

  234. The energy that we choose to walk through life with is visible to everyone if they are open to observing it. This is ‘true energetic science – a science that includes all of us and all that we do every day’.

  235. ‘Each footstep of the furthest group connected sensitively with the earth and they walked with a sense of a unifying energy, in a quality of unhurried stillness and inclusion of all’ how beautifuly inviting to walk from our Soul and body.. in inclusion of All.

  236. I know that I have been using my body as my own science and feeling and listening to what it is communicating to me and hence with everyone else. It has and still is a fascinating process of connecting to the two different types of energy and how the leave me feeling in my body. What I have come to recognise and be very aware of is the two types of energy Spirit and Soul.

  237. Yes, if there are only ever two choices – the alignment with our spirit or soul – we can appreciate the profound simplicity of life, and accept the responsibility in every moment to make that choice, in allowing our soulful essence to imbue all of life.

  238. Coleen, this is really interesting and inspires me to observe energy more rather than just take things at face value, it is very beautiful to read energy in this way; ‘They looked relaxed and yet the angles of their bodies seemed to deflect the flow of the surrounds, keeping them separate and very much as three individuals walking alongside each other.’

  239. We are constellated to places and people who become our teachers, if we’re aware to see it. I stayed with a Universal Medicine student recently, and observed something profound, her walk: connected, consistent , gentle, unwavering, absolute, each step confirmed the quality of her livingness. She walked with God. When I returned home, I found myself re-connecting to the quality of her walk and inspired to evolve my own walk and movements. A Blessing.

  240. Walking with our soul is not something that most of us are used to, so when we see people who are they stand out as we see their grace and a flow. One day it will be the other way around and it will be those that are not moving with their soul that will stand out and the jagged and jarring movements will feel completely unnatural and out of place.

  241. I’ve become more conscious of myself as I walk and move and can discern a profound difference when I walk with all of me from when I walk with none of me because I’m in my head not my body. There’s quality that comes when I walk with all of me: purposeful, steady, aligned.

  242. I love the simplicity of the way you’ve presented something tangible about the spirit and the soul here Coleen. When asked the difference it’s hard to answer sometimes without sounding nebulous and airy-fairy, but what you’ve shared is a very relatable and real example… as well as being fascinating to observe in both ourselves and others.

  243. Your observation Coleen is actual science in its most simplified form, it is there for everybody to observe and to connect to. No difficult and complex scientific approved research is actually needed but that is not how we as humanity in this time deal with science. And therefor for many people, because they need this scientific evident based research to justify their understanding of life from the head, this simplicity of what is presented in this blog will be for many just a story.

  244. What I love on the fact that there are two energies is that you can choose between complexity and simplicity.

  245. The spirit is the part that walked away from the whole that is the Soul. Therefore it is the fragment that is forever in search of, yet in resistance to, that which it has separated from. Observing how these two aspects of ourselves play out in our daily life is the key to arresting the spirit’s hold so that we can return to a more Soul-full expression.

  246. “Their bodies moved gently as though they were not disturbing the surrounds, with no jagged angles or abrupt movements to disturb Nature’s equilibrium…” its beautiful to notice a body move in harmony.

  247. Yes Coleen, it is that simple. It can only be our Soul, or not our soul. Hence we are always under one of them. That’s why connection to who we truly are is super important and also to notice and appreciate this fully when we are connected, so that we can live from it more and more and eventually life by our Soul.

  248. Such a simple description of spirit and soul, the first that “I” always there, the second about unity, oneness, you can feel the stark difference and if we brought this understanding of the two different energies to how we live life in our everyone it would offer us a whole other perspective on how we can live and be together with all of us.

  249. Coleen, I love your reflection of the power in observation when we allow ourselves to be truly open to the magic and wisdom that surrounds us in each movement. The amazing reflections that are there for us, confirming the magnificence of all that we are and all that we are a part of and the part we are choosing in that moment.

  250. When I say the words ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ they feel very different, energetically. There is a dominance with spirit, it lacks consistency, like playing games, trickery is it’s middle name. It’s a master of disguise as it shifts and changes depending on the ‘game plan’ with no regard for any consequences, craving recognition at all costs. Soul feels the opposite, completely trustworthy, there is no game plan, ever, only love and an absolute honouring of the divinity that we are and the divine whole that we are a part of. There is no pushing, rather a surrender, allowing Universal wisdom to flow through us. Every movement is with consideration of the whole, always.

  251. ‘… the energy in which they walked gave a sense of oneness, an effortless unity.’ I know if I’m finding a walk or life hard going I’m fighting being with this oneness, and no wonder as it takes great effort to try to stand out from the flow.

  252. It’s great to observe the world around us to see the difference, what may seem to look good may infact not have the fullness of soul. Movements give everything away and yet before Universal Medicine I didn’t pay any attention to them.

    1. Yes, through involvement with Universal Medicine I have discovered whole new dimensions of the significance of movement, including that it is through movement one heals.

  253. Science is that beautifully simple Coleen but unfortunately, like many things in this world we have complicated our understanding of it. So much so, that the current mainstream form of Science, ironically, is almost as ridged as the Church once was, towards the then more innocent Science of the day.
    I know that might be a little hard to follow but once upon a time if you were to go against anything that was considered a fact by the Church, you were labelled an outcast or tortured for being aligned to the devil’s work. We are putting the same pressure to “prove” things now, rather than looking at Science as something that supports our knowing. We are placing it above our knowing. Once the world was flat, well that’s what we were led to believe and if we were to bring the possibility that it was round, we were as good as dead. Nobody could “prove” it even though for many hundreds of years some people did know the truth. The same thing is playing out now, we need to remain open to experience the true benefits of Science, because Science is everything and if we allow it to be studied by lived experience then we begin to feel its magic.

    1. Science is everything and once we allow it and live by it we can see how immensely supported we are by the simplicity and magic it brings.

    2. The parallel you have drawn between science and religion Sarah holds true in more ways than one. The current state of play in both science and religion is a handful of people claiming monopoly and imagining they are superior and justified to impose their views.

      Yet the truth of the matter is that every one of us has a natural relationship with both science and religion. An open discussion, exploration and expression in such areas leads to the expansion and deepening of a unifying form of wisdom that supports us All.

  254. Walking in connection with my body has a rhythm and flow to it, while walking for my head with all my doings is often rushed angular with me bumping into things along the way, a reminder for me to come back to my body.

    1. There is a geometry to us that is in keeping with the geometry of the universe we are a part of. And then there are the angles we create to not feel the immensity of our divinity and thus learn to move in a way that prevents us from accessing such truth.

  255. We communicate a lot through our body and our movements, I am having fun re-learning to read energy. It is a natural ability I know we all have but for some we may have forgotten how to use it.

  256. We can all feel the harmony and flow insde when we are connected with ourselves and soul, and of course what we feel inside doesn’t stay inside.

    1. What we feel inside doesn’t stay inside, yet this fact is something many conveniently overlook when they are not themselves and are putting out an energy that everyone else can feel and generally want to get away from.

  257. This is so lovely. It has stayed with me since I first read it and it has made me more aware of how I am moving. To ask myself whether I am respecting everyone around me, nature, the world, humanity when I walk and move is a great question that brings the bigger picture and allows expansion. Very joyful.

  258. We all have a balance between our various components and spirit and soul can be two of those and we may express more or less of each at any time – and can immediately switch from one to the other.

  259. Such power in the simplicity of walking. For too long as a humanity we have walked as an individual, with an edge, protection and constant tension of being prepared to defend. As is shared here that way of moving through life is in complete contrast to the true rhythm of nature and hence in complete contrast to all others.

  260. The quality of how we live, or more specifically the quality of how we move through our day, influences everything. We think that if we ignore something or are not aware of something then its not happening or doesn’t exist. This is to our own detriment as we miss the richness of life and the opportunity that every moment and movement offers for all of us to evolve.

      1. So true – simplicity and harmony with the Soul or complexity or disharmony with the spirit. Sure explains why humanity is in such a state of upheaval . . .

  261. “‘I’ and ‘we’ operate on equal terms under” the energy of the soul. This is a beautiful way of showing the full holding of the soul…

  262. We are provided with so many opportunities (more than I think we can comprehend) to deepen our understanding about life and people, if we are open to it. And to be open to it, is in the the quality of the way we move.

  263. It’s in the dismissal of the truth about science that we conveniently dismiss the truth about energy even though it’s right there before our noses, clear as day for us to see every day everywhere we turn.

    1. This dismissal of the truth about science that is so conveniently overlooked is also done in an attempt to dismiss our being responsible for the choice of energy that is being made at the time as well. Life eventually teaches us there is absolutely no way available for anyone to be able to outrun their personal responsibility for all that has been created and allowed happen.

  264. I love this notion of a true energetic science – and isn’t it just an obvious step forward from Albert Einstein’s E=mc2?

  265. I am always fascinated by watching people move and walk – seeing the imbalances in their body, where they hold or not and where they compensate – it is so very clear to see

    1. Children often walk with their eyes shut or walk backwards with all the trust that they are not going to hit something which keeps them very present with their movements. I wonder if they also do this to feel any imbalance or tension.

  266. We all know that everything is energy as we are energy and move with energy in every moment. One of the biggest dis-eases I see in workplaces and families is when it’s all about ‘I’ and what ‘I’ am doing, and how the ‘I’ consumes every conversation and meeting. We naturally lean towards group work and when there is individuality going on we all clock it in our bodies. Bringing the bigger picture back into focus supports the ‘I’ to become ‘we’ again.

  267. Wonderful reading the care with which you observed the ladies in your path, felt the impact they were having through their movements and shared it with us. Often we may not take the opportunity to observe, take stock and put words to what we feel. Yet we have a profound impact on one another through our choice of energy nonetheless.

  268. I agree with you Coleen we have the scientific proof right in front of us. A discernment of what energy another is expressing in Spirit or Soul. One is a feeling of Yes with all our body, and the other is a straight up No.

  269. Life is a great science because of these 2 energies. It is to our own detriment that we choose not not know about the interplay between the energy of the spirit and the soul and how they play out.

    1. When we don’t allow ourselves to reconnect to the fact that everything is energy and everything is therefore either driven from the spirit or held by the soul, we can continue to blame outside influences and people for our problems and the way our life is. And we can take things personally and refuse to see our reflection especially in relationships.

  270. Making life about the ‘Me’ factor is common place and I know this posture all too well. It might be seemingly rewarding to make life about the ‘i’ factor but I have come to learn it is far more enriching to make it about us all equally so. It just gets boring when it is just about the me!

  271. When we choose our soul-full walk, with the grace and beauty that we are, we offer a reflection to everyone else that reminds them that they too have this beauty inside them. The unification that this offers is like putting our arms around everyone in a tender hug.

  272. I find being aware that there are two different types energy and we are always with one or the other, never both, and this applies to every single one of us, helps me to not take things personally.

  273. ‘I could not help but observe the energetic quality of the two groups, as it revealed itself in the way each group moved’ … every movement we make leaves an energetic footprint which is either loving or harming. Loving this reminder to be aware of the quality of my movements and, therefore, how I am contributing to the pool of energy that surrounds us all.

  274. I absolutely love how everyday events in life, like walking on the beach, are always presenting us with the opportunity to learn, to understand this life of ours and how we live it. What you have shared makes so much sense to me, as I too am coming to understand the different energies that are behind the way I am walking, in fact when doing anything. The energy of my Spirit has me pushing, driving and every movement feels jagged and hard, whereas the energy of my Soul has me moving with ease, in harmony with every part of me and all that is around me.

    1. So beautifully expressed Ingrid – everyday life does indeed have so much to offer us in terms of opportunities to learn, and it is when we take a moment, a breath, allow some space that the learning can deepen to levels unfathomed!

    1. Yes, so true Sandra. I notice the way I walk is a direct reflection of how I feel and I am appreciating how much my body communicates through my movements.

  275. Movement is such a simple and very beautiful way to connect to our inner essence and soul energy. It can begin with the simplest of actions and then very gently build outwards, a flowing, smooth quality that at first seems unusual but quickly becomes a norm.

  276. I like how you have given the examples of the two energies through walking. It gives a clear and relatable sense of how they affect our bodies and our movements with an understanding we can choose between the two.

  277. There is so much we can learn from observing the mechanics of our own walk but also with others; which foot, hip or shoulder we lead from, how we hold our back, do we rush, do we have no push forward? These are often greater indications of how we are in life too!

  278. There is a vast difference between spirit and soul, although years I go I thought they were the same and it was just semantics. But its like saying the ocean and the shoreline are the same thing when in fact there is a distinct and powerful difference between them in expression.

  279. Understanding the difference between the energies of Spirit and Soul is the cornerstone to true science.

  280. Its interesting to observe the movement of others and also mine. There is a distinct difference in quality when I either feel in the flow of the day, or the opposite, when everything feels like I’m trying to swim upstream.

  281. Yes, Coleen, there is evidence all around us in each moment, that everything is energy and there is so much more going on than what the eye can see.

  282. I love what you share about reading movements Coleen, the angles the bodies create, the evident flow or halter, the interrelationship and the space between the bodies. It resonates with me as something we do innately, yet often ignored, but well worth accepting and exploring.

  283. It is becoming clearer to me how energy is discerned through movements. I love observing how people walk, watching their gait and biomechanics from my trained eye as a therapist, but the deeper energetic flow we can observe from their movements is another level Coleen. It is fascinating to allow the sense of the feel of the energy unfold, no training required.

  284. We live surrounded by nature, yes we have buildings, roads and development but nonetheless these area are always surrounded by nature, so it makes absolute sense that in order to be in a flow we need to be moving in a way that is attuned to and not opposing the nature and universe around us.

  285. If I have a sense of harshness or jaggedness when I move I know that I am no longer moving with my soul.

  286. I live in London where during the commute to work you have a real sense of the hardness and push most of us are in to get to work, the angles are hard and jagged as you described the trio with the dog and it feels intense. Occasionally however, I have seen somebody walking in amongst this rush but not caught up in the rush. There is a sense of grace, beauty and calm in the way they are moving that is unaffected by the busy-ness around them. It’s such a joy to see their rhythm because it reminds me that this is my natural rhythm too when I’m moving connected with my soul.

    1. This is such a great analogy for the thickness that most of us function within and yet whilst we are aware of this thickness we are not able to arise ourselves out of it. We don’t have that many reflections for the alternative, which is what is needed and which is what you are alluding to. What you are sharing here Fiona reminds me of my own responsibility to live in such a way as to offer that alternative reflection. One day it will be interesting to observe the crowds in London where the ratio of moving with soul and spirit will be drastically altered. How gorgeous to be observing and feeling the majority in connection then!

    2. The London commute is a great place to observe the different energies at play. I agree Fiona, people who are not caught up in the rush really do stand out.

    3. Yes, it is a great joy when we observe someone moving with grace in the world and when one does, it is a great reminder to check where one is within oneself.

  287. Interestingly, I was sitting down the other day and someone walked past me and I could hear in their footsteps that they were walking heavier on one side of their body, so it was almost as though they had a limp. But when I looked at how they were walking it wasn’t evident. And it got me wondering about how we walk and what is it that is held in our bodies so that we think we are walking straight but actually we are out of balance and that must surely put a strain on our bodies?

  288. Coleen, I love how you have energy so simple and how our choice of energy is very clear to see and feel in everything that we do; ‘this same choice of energy is part of everything we do? If it’s in the way you walk, in the way we walk, as well as in every other activity we engage with during our day’.

  289. This blog is timely Coleen. I appreciate my unfolding awareness of soul and spirit, moving from having knowledge, to knowing and living from the deepest part of me.

  290. With everything being energy, it can be measured and displayed. What if our movements were like sound waves that are observable on an oscilloscope. Would walking with our soul look like a perfect sine wave and the spirit show all the other motions that hide in our movements?

  291. ‘Their bodies moved gently as though they were not disturbing the surrounds, with no jagged angles or abrupt movements to disturb Nature’s equilibrium; rather, there was a sense of flow’, The ripple effects of how we move is felt by all. To discern and align to soul brings with it a rhythm that is still and unifying.

  292. What a lovely awareness and this awareness can extend to all situations in our day. The awareness of what is individual and unifying and to observe deeper that no matter what our choice, the essence of us all, everyone of us, is still love.

  293. Whenever the spirit is running the show, it always seeks to separate us from others but when we are connected to our soul it naturally pulls everyone together and reminds us that we are all One.

  294. Stunning to take this walk with you Coleen and hear you share the essence of the day as if we were there with you. On the surface of life every walk is the same, only the distance travelled is what we tend to compare. But as you reveal, with the energy you feel there is a complete and absolute difference when we connect to God, to Love, the Universe or to ‘just thinking of us’.

  295. Only last week I was watching energies at play in movement. I was looking down on traffic from the 25th floor and it was fascinating what it showed. The energy in which each car was driven was clear to see… some cars actually bounced along, some were leaning to one side and were pushing to get where they were going and some were flowing and looked like they were a little up off the road. If I had just been looking superficially at the view then I would have missed this example that we are always under the influence of the spirit or the soul.

  296. Thats a great example of something that clearly can’t be denied and one where if we stop and really think about makes complete sense, the quality in soul has a completely different feel and flow. When we embrace this truth, humanity will truly benefit.

  297. I agree it is wonderfull that our alignment with either Soul or Spirit can be clearly felt .. it means we have more awareness ✨

  298. The two qualities of movement are quite different as you describe them Coleen. I know for sure that when I am present with myself as I walk, I feel completely different than if I go into my head and find myself disconnected from my body’s movements or moving clumsily.

    1. Yes, sometimes I feel like I am almost being carried.There is such a lightness in my movements when I’m moving with myself.

  299. ” Such talk of spiritual and soulful energies has long been dismissed as being unscientific with no evidential foundation, ” . I found this part quite funny for I know some scientific people who are followers of religion , for example the Roman Catholic.

  300. Observing and feeling people can reveal so much about if they are moving with or against the harmony that can be in and around us. The angles that we hold our body in and the flow of the movements is a great indicator of this. I also feel that we overly rely on what we see, when largely it comes down to what we feel. We know what feels harmonious and what doesn’t – which can also be felt as unity or separation.

    1. Very true Fiona, There is so much emphasis on the stimulation of our visual sense and we then suppress our felt sense – which is in essence the access to our inner compass that will always tell us what is true and in harmony, and what is not.

      1. I’d also agree that generally humanity has been trained to rely on what we see instead of honouring what we are actually feeling at the time. It’s such a turnaround when the feeling is given more credence and is chosen as the first port of call in everyday life. We get fooled way less by the world once we connect with our inner compass, that will always tell what is true and in harmony and what is not.

  301. Our bodies are amazing… they expose every single choice we have ever made – and the energy behind every single one of those choices. We have so much to learn from them.

  302. There is divinity in simplicity and thus, the answer to the question whether science, its application and lived experience is simply a choice of energy becomes obvious – it is just our mind with its many excuses and avoidances of truth that revels in complication.

    1. A great reminder – ‘our mind with its many excuses and avoidances of truth that revels in complication’
      Something we really don’t like to own we are doing to ourselves.

  303. I love watching people walking down the street – once I used to walk with brisk efficiency and I recognise it in others. One year when I had a leg injury I was overtaken by an older lady and that felt very strange, it was usually me who did the overtaking.Our bodies never lie and the way we walk certainly shows up what energy we are aligned to

  304. You feel this when you connect with people, you can feel when someone is open and willing to connect with you (as they are more connected to themselves),and someone who is just caught up in the motions of life- where this quality is then absent (there but not lived).

  305. Discovering walking ‘me’ and not the job or getting to a destination etc. makes a huge difference to my vitality.

    1. Walking from your head versus walking from your body and heart. One drains, the other actually expands through every move through confirmation. The moment you arrive to point X, allows you either settlement in the body to face the situation that is ahead, or unsteadiness, insecurity, disconnection and in effect, less power to handle the situation that is in front of you.

  306. Walking as a means of transport – a by product of just what we do, misses the opportunity that is offered for us to stay connected to the quality of ourselves and then let that come through everything we do.

    1. I’ve also noticed that walking with headphones or ‘plugged in’ also makes a difference to the flow people walk in as well. I feel this has people walking in the energy of the music they are listening to and not connected the true quality of themselves.

  307. The two different energies people walk in can be seen and felt. I’m struck by your description of the trio, ‘the angles of their bodies seemed to deflect the flow of the surrounds, keeping them separate and very much as three individuals walking alongside each other,’ as I feel this is how I’ve often walked in a quiet determination to protect myself. But as I’m allowing myself to be me with my surrounds I’m finding my walks magical. This morning I walked through a wood – all yellow and orange glow with the leaves from the trees gently falling around me; it was so heavenly that all the spirit’s rewards and ‘treats’ could be seen for the brash harshness they are in their attempt to captivate one’s attention.

  308. This reminds me of a time a friend of mine was dying in hospital, and in the final few days, nurses would come in and out of the room attending to what was needed. I watched the energy in which these nurses would come in and out, some were in harmony who took the feel of the room, respected it and did their duties with little or no intrusion, leaving a feeling of being in sync, and those that almost barged in, did what was needed for them, and barged out again, leaving a very out of sync feeling in the room. One was about the all, and one was about themselves. The I and the We.

    1. A great illustration, Sarah; something I have experienced and in other situations as well. We can really pick up on jarring energy when it enters, especially when the situation prior to this has felt connected/loving and respectful of all present.

  309. I am not sure I completely understand yet the last part of this article to be honest, but the message throughout the article is clear. There are 2 energies at play in life, one is supportive and flows with all that is with us, and the other walks itself around in total denial of all that is around it. When things are described and detailed like this it’s surprising and amazing in one to see what we are able to read in a simple part of life if we allow it. I remember seeing things in the form of this type of reading all the time, but then going back and wondering how and why it was possible, and then dismissing it if I couldn’t prove how I knew them. There would be an internal ‘battle’ between what I was physically seeing and what I could feel and see. This article gives more detail of these 2 aspects that you can see in many things, and allows you further understanding and awareness of how things work.

    1. This is such a supportive and everyday way to reconnect to our inner-selves and release the tension we have created by not living truth as it was intended.

      1. So true Judith, when we understand how our breath is the first step on the return path to our “inner-selves” we start to live and walk in a way that is evolutionary.

  310. Great observations. You often see people who are in flow with their surrounds and there is such grace with which they move. Whether it be the beach, the supermarket, the school grounds or through the office. It’s not about the surroundings and the surroundings don’t bring it out in anyone, it’s about the person and what they bring.

  311. Thank you Coleen, the choice between spirit and soul is what’s truly important as it’s the foundation behind everything we are and do.

  312. Yes, it makes sense that we always have a choice to align with what feels innately true within us, or align with what doesn’t feel necessarily true, but might be what others around us are aligning to. The latter is us obviously giving our power away, and from experience I know that life doesn’t flow so easily when my choices come from wanting to be the same as others.

    1. This feels like a great explanation for why there are so many troubled people in the world, Elodie; the giving of one’s power away because of wanting to be the same as others – people who happen to be aligning to the wilfulness of the spirit while turning a blind eye to the outfall from making that choice.

  313. Wow, I love what you have asked me to consider here, the clear choice I have to consider two approaches to how I do things and what is impulsing those choices. I can be separate, individual and potentially (most likely!) individualistic which creates tensions and issues, or I can be at one, at ease and in flow with my myself, my surroundings and with others which feels completely different. If I get my head out of the way and let my body impulse which is more natural then I go with the soul option – coming home.

  314. ‘Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple? – It is indeed when we
    don’t complicate it unnecessarily with mental constructs of a reality that only exists theoretically or artificially but not as the living experience and truth we all make in every moment.

  315. The way we move gives away the energy we are aligned to, yet we are bombarded with so many visual stimulations be them environmental or mental pictures and even audio distractions and we can become overwhelmed by this that our focus rarely is sharp enough to be aware of these obvious energies playing out. Watching youtube videos of people with no sound has been a great way of exploring this ability to read movement. Sometimes I wish I could walk around with sound canceling headphones down the street and see what I could become aware of.

    1. Yes there is a huge bombardment of the body by noise nowadays and it seems to be increasing. Could it be that music and sound along with visual stimuli are known for their qualities to keep us away from enjoying this true and deep connection with ourselves and our true movement as you have so clearly outlined?

  316. Once we open up to the possibility that there are energies at play, always, a door is opened to observe and understand life from a wider dimension.

  317. What an astute observation Coleen, and I love the beach because we can see our own footprints in damp sand too, where we have walked. It is so amazing to notice the energy at play with all our movements.

  318. Isn’t it interesting that the symbol (letter) for an individual is ‘I’…and the symbol (number) for Oneness is ‘1’. So similar in their appearance, but with an entirely opposing essential quality.

  319. “Spirit or Soul?… It’s in the Way we Walk…”.. and in absolutely everything we do, say, communicate, think, express, relate, hold or embrace another, date, marry… simply every day living is about either obedience to either the quality of our soul, or to the created dense world of the spirit.

  320. I love your observations Coleen. An offering to all to see beyond the physical bodies and how much there is to see. A clear example of how our alignment has an effect on more than only our physical bodies, how we either can be one with the order of the universe or, be an individual disrupting this same order. It is always a choice.

  321. The spirit is always searching for itself, only is never satisfied – it can’t feel whole as it is only part of the soul.

  322. It’s beautiful to feel the profound simplicity of what you share and it makes apparent how we can feel something with great clarity, and then if it’s not the commonly accepted notion, we can go into doubt and thereby deny our own very divine connection to our soul. The more I connect to my inner heart, the greater clarity I receive to what feels true.

  323. Appreciating who we are as we walk can be very expanding. Then with our connection to our Inner-Most, with the appreciation of how we are moving this definitely feel like evolution.

  324. I have noticed this difference in the way people move and have also felt it in myself. Sometimes there is a grace and a flow and other times the movements are rough and harsh or abrupt and don’t seem to have a rhythm or flow. When I become aware of the change I can drop back into my body and connect more. I feel my feet on the ground or my bottom on the chair and the tenderness in my hands and allow my body to recalibrate, allowing for this natural flow again.

  325. I love how all we need to learn and understand is presented to us at exactly the time we need it and in the specific way needed for us to evolve… just like these examples of people walking.

  326. “Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple?” Absolutely, well said Coleen. Science does not have to be the complicated process we have made it to be… the simplicity of our daily activities, and specifically the quality of our activities, is all the evidence we truly need.

  327. Thank you Coleen, I love how a simple walk can reveal so much about us and how we are living. At the heart of science is the ability to observe.

  328. This sharing shows how walking reveals if we chose to be in a flow with nature and life and everything around us or if we chose the opposite.
    If we take walking as a tool for being consciously present (our minds with whatever our bodies are doing), we are able to understand that the way we walk and move will be our foundation for the flow in our life and day.

  329. A beautiful, clear and simply stated truth reflected in our daily movements – there are two sources of energy that run through our body and it is our choice which one we align to.
    “And yet here were the two energies simply walking along the same beach in clear view for everyone to see”.

  330. What an awesome observation Coleen and I love the questions you’ve raised. When we understand that there are two different energies and how they work, we understand the beauty and simplicity of life.

  331. Really enjoyed reading this Coleen – thank you. The way we move communicates absolutely everything that we have chosen. In truth we get away with nothing and there are no closed doors to hide behind.

  332. It is very true what you say Coleen and interesting to note that those who are aligned to their spirit and not their soul would likely openly dismiss this truth as hogwash or hearsay. Simply because individualism is in no way the true way to live life.

  333. ‘Each footstep of the furthest group connected sensitively with the earth and they walked with a sense of a unifying energy, in a quality of unhurried stillness and inclusion of all’ …. reading this sentence, there is such a feeling of expansiveness, as though I, as the reader here, am also included in the beautiful rhythm these three women made together and shared with us all through your very beautiful expression, Coleen.

  334. Coleen, I love how you have shown how much we can observe, and learn from all that surrounds us in each moment, when we are open to seeing the truth and detail of what is there.

  335. We all have those moments when we feel connected and totally content with ourselves and our movements, but as we have not been taught to value these movements and to consciously choose them, we do not see or feel how vital they are to the quality of our life.

    1. Being aware, then deeply appreciating what we have felt is an awesome way to confirm the quality we have chosen to be in. I have found appreciation is a key factor as well, as it ‘grows’ the frequency of these times of feeling connected and totally content with myself and what is unfolding in my day.

  336. When we are educated about and become aware of the two types of energy, then life takes a deep simplicity, a quality that we all know. Learning to feel the flow of soulful energy in the body requires commitment and focus but when connected to, takes us back to our true energetic roots.

  337. ‘Could this awareness and our choice of these two energies be the cornerstone for a true energetic science – a science that includes all of us and all that we do every day, and that this daily activity is a substantial part of our evidence?’ Yes, Coleen. It really isn’t difficult to discern the quality a person is in – it just takes a willingness to take a moment and to observe closely, but once done it is easy enough to see and understand.

  338. Coleen, I can really relate to walking with the impulse of our hearts, to be in harmony with everyone and our environment, which to me is to walk in harmlessness. I feel that I am coming back to being a child again when everything I did running, skipping, playing was naturally with the harmony of nature therefore the universe and there were no words such as pushing or drive to get things done just a way of being that flowed. To come back to this way of living is quite exquisite as I can appreciate and enjoy it, as a child it just was.May be we have to lose something and in the regaining of the loss the appreciation is the sweetest joy.

  339. Very clearly and simply put, Coleen, when the evidence is there before our very eyes only then will we believe it – that is the way of most of humanity and yet, you have seen it so it only requires the willingness to see what is before us every day.

  340. I either live each moment aligned to my spirit or to my soul; I cannot be aligned to both at the same time or a little of the one and a little of the other and to know which energy I am aligned to requires a dedicated commitment to taking responsibility for the type of energy that is running through my body as it is only I that can make that choice to align to soul.

  341. When we make movements back to soul the ripple it creates in our movements can be felt by all.

  342. The Universe is in constant movement in harmony with the all and when we move in harmony with our Soul we are in tune with the magnificence of the Universe.

  343. I have learnt that simplicity is more likely in Soul connected co creation than anything we as Humanity have created. I feel this in this moment after having spent much longer than the so called few minutes that I was informed it would take me, to get something sorted on my computer! Thank you for your lovely sharing Coleen.

  344. Yes indeed, Coleen, seeing and feeling the clear difference in quality between spirit and soul is something we are all returning to. It is simply a matter of when we are willing to see it, and take responsibility for the fact that everything matters because of the energetic ripple effect of all our movements.

  345. Observation is key in science and you have demonstrated beautifully here that it does not have to be reserved for a laboratory but that we are being giving living examples every day if we choose to open our eyes to them.

  346. Yes it is so clearly visible to see if people are moving out of harmony, with being hard and tough or stressed, or if people are in line with their environment, being harmonious, gentle and tender. We are just not told to look at it but it is very obvious.

  347. “Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple?” I will say yes to your question Coleen, as I know we are from Soul thus all equally able to connect to its source if we choose to do so. In Soul everything is so simple as it is corresponding to an order we know so well and is universal. Have you ever seen any complexity or issue in the movements of the starts the planets, the sun, our planet earth and the moon? But when we choose for that other energy, the energy the spirit wields, we enter in to a creation of life that is so much more complex than life should be and the complexity is there because we are then moving in a different order, an order that is not in harmony with the grander whole we inescapably belong to.

  348. Coleen, I love the simplicity of this; ‘Could science, its application and lived experience be so beautifully simple?’ This explains energy and our choice to live spiritually or soulfully clearly and practically.

  349. Thanks for sharing this Coleen it shows great awareness on your part to notice the difference in the groups of women which is a great lesson for me to be more aware and observe all that is there to be observed for there is much to learn in everything we see and feel.

  350. Science use to be taught as a complicated thing at school, something only available to a few experts, ‘special minds’ that were able to understand its complicated language. From that point of view, when I was studiyng I thought that I had to learn those scientific laws from my mind, as a consumer separated from the source. Science became very boring and was something that somehow was so far from myself.. very different approach now with the Ageless Wisdom teachings in which science is a living experience, because in fact I am pure science as my body is made of intelligent particles that are connected to the All, and from that connection I can live and understand from first hand (as everyone of us can too) the Universal Laws.

    1. Superb to have writing that bring this out in the open, as most people are unaware that everyone is in fact a walking scientific experiment.

  351. Enjoyable reflective read on movement Coleen.. and on the other side too in the sense of the complete joy one can feel in the body when one’s own walk is felt harmonious, flowing, in rhythm [soulful as you describe] and also when it’s jagged, abrupt and perforating. It’s great to not just see those differences in others, but also to feel it within oneself too.

  352. Our bodies tell us whether we’re living from our Soul or Spirit quite easily: when we’re with our Soul there’s no push or drive, just a simplicity, ease and flow.

  353. When observed the energy of the “I” for individuality can feel intensely pushy and makes me uncomfortable but it is also a very normal energy in our world. But the energy of unity is encompassive and holding for all.

  354. Thank you Colleen, this article presents clearly the difference between soul and spirit and how aligning to one or other affects our every movement. To understand that every single move we make impacts on the world around us for better or for worse is powerful. Do we move for ‘I myself and I’ or for humanity, the all? One brings discord, jarring, tension and the other harmony, flow and stillness. Inspirational to know we can change the world by aligning to soul as we walk and express in everyday life. As you say “This brings a profound simplicity to life.”

  355. We often speak of the making life choices, without going deeper and mainly associating them with outer activity. And yet the first choice is always an energetic one: do we align soul or spirt? It is this choice which determines the quality of everything we do and so beautiful confirmed in this article.

    1. This is the great invisible that underpins every aspect of life – the great invisible and most unacknowledged factor behind each and every choice a person ever makes.

  356. The brilliance of energetic quality and the simplicity of our bodies moving from our everyday living experiences. Now that’s a science we can all enjoy and explore.

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