The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all

In practical everyday life the esoteric denotes a cardio-centric one-unified way of life as presented throughout the ages by the likes of Hermes, Zarathustra and Pythagoras, to name but a few.

There have always been messengers, like those mentioned before, and they lived by example (what we would call a role model nowadays) and extensively taught, at times under threat to their life, what it means to live the esoteric way of life.

Is it therefore justifiable to purport and teach that the word ‘esoteric’ stands for what is somewhat obscure, hidden, for a select few or even secretive?

No, it is definitely not, but how come it has happened and how come we have allowed the true meaning of the word esoteric to slip into the realms of the absurd, ridiculous, the far-fetched and into fruit-loop land?

Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease. Existence has its rewards, but these are short-lived and demand to be outdone and surpassed by evermore highs, peaks, rewards, recognition, fame and temporal glory in whatever form, be it notoriety or assumed goodness, ill or good repute, extreme poverty or exorbitant wealth. We don’t care, as long as it is all kept going and we get our share of the spoils, whether that be so-called success or failure. We have convinced ourselves that we need the identification with our status and position, no matter at which end of the social scale that might position us. And thus, starvation and gluttony rank equally in the recognition and identification stakes.

  • Why is this so?
  • Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?
  • What have we invested in?

To cut right to the chase – the main commodity we have invested in is comfort in its many guises; we have sunk our funds into the notion that it is best to be left alone, get on with ‘it’, look after ourselves and those very close to us and otherwise ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’

But what if these sleeping dogs have always at least one eye open, are baring their teeth and snarling, forever ready to pounce under their veneer of sleepiness and, displayed for all to see, superficial soporific stupor? What if the whole thing is a lie?

What if we are not here to invest in comfort?

What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all, to humanity at large and the true-good of all creatures, beings, objects and matter, as seemingly far away as the outer reaches of the universe and all universes and their boundless and humanly incomprehensible infinity?

Seeing that we are forever asking (unless we have totally given up on our erstwhile displayed youthful vigour and natural curiosity) what the meaning of life is – is this not worth investigating?

What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside, i.e. making the innermost (the esoteric), our essence and God-given innateness, our one and only traffic sign and true compass?

What if Jesus was right when he said: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)

What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?

What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?

And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.

By Gabriele Conrad, Goonellabah NSW

Further Reading:
The Perils of Comfort
The Vastness of Who We Are
Why we should not hide in comfort

635 thoughts on “The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all

  1. You have shared so much Gabriele about the Esoteric, Inner-most-heart, Cardio-centric, Essence / Soul, and the comfort that is offered by our wayward ways of living, and adding to what you have shared, could it be we are aligning or choosing comfort rather than the Love of God that has been presented by all the great teachers of the Age-less Wisdom?

    1. It seems we choose comfort in many instances, ‘the main commodity we have invested in is comfort in its many guises; we have sunk our funds into the notion that it is best to be left alone, get on with ‘it’, look after ourselves and those very close to us’.

  2. It seem we have let much of this happen and not just with the true meaning of the word esoteric ‘into the realms of the absurd, ridiculous, the far-fetched and into fruit-loop land?’ Time to claim back the true truth.

  3. I have discovered for myself that this statement is true
    “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)”
    It’s taken me some years to regain a trust within myself that allowed me to once again feel the Kingdom of God, or to me the universe is within me because I am the universe. We are all made up of the particles of the universe, this is an undisputed fact. We are the universe and yet we live in a way that is totally opposite to this fact; we are behaving in a harmful way to ourselves which then impacts this planet and the universe. And if we don’t correct our waywardness then it is possible that it will be corrected for us and we probably won’t like the correction.

    1. What has happened to responsibility, ‘We are the universe and yet we live in a way that is totally opposite to this fact; we are behaving in a harmful way to ourselves which then impacts this planet and the universe.’

  4. The Esoteric has been labelled as secretive but the same energy that has labelled it as such has been the energy to suppress and threaten those that teach it….Regularly I look at the etymology of words these days and I wonder, what was the intention at the time to change words from one meaning to another? Rather than just blindly accepting the meaning of a word.

    1. That’s a great way to not buy into what has been decreed and falsified but has, in fact, all to often nothing to do with the original livingness, the intent and purity of a word.

  5. I love how you say the esoteric is not the end all but the beginning of the evermore. It used to scare me that there was never a stop – a pinnacle of achievement where I could rest and say, yes life from now is plain sailing. I had so many pictures of how I’d like to be and feel, which I equated with success.

    Now I’m letting go of these pictures, I’m starting to accept and embrace life more, appreciating the beauty that is there, where once I’d consider that very imperfect. I’m learning to be with what I do so I’m not desperate for a break. I’m learning to let go and allow myself to be a tiny but integral part of the universe which is ever expanding.

    1. Yes, I can relate to that, Karin – we like it linear, where we start at A and get to B and then we can rest on our laurels! Well, it ain’t like that as we eventually find out; the universe is forever expanding and we are asked to match the expansion, also called evolution in human terms.

  6. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The unease and tension we feel in life is causing more extreme behaviours and need for stimulation that is harming our minds and our bodies.

  7. When we see a baby or child that is still connected to the purity of their essence that is the Esoteric, it is so very simple, it is being the fullness of ourselves in our love and joy. There are so many people not living esoterically that we have developed a normal for what human beings can live and express that is so reduced that the possibility we could be more, and equal to the great teachers of our history, would be considered preposterous.

  8. It’s quite lovely discovering there’s so much more to who I am, who we all are and life than what is ever sold to us

    1. And that is found by connecting to and living from one’s ‘innermost’ rather than striving to do or be something.

  9. Thank God I have turned my life around and no longer have this skin-deep relationship with myself but have re-connected to my ‘Essence’ or inner-heart and feel so much love that it is openly possible for us all to obtain.

  10. What if indeed. We search high and low for a way to ease our tension because what we feel when we stop is laced with the momentum of how we have lived and this is uncomfortable.

  11. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” – a great question. We do invest in comfort, but the more we invest in comfort, the more unsettled we seem to get, so we invest even more in comfort. Seriously, if comfort was the ultimate commodity that is worth investing in, surely we should have been feeling more comfortable. But we don’t.

    1. I love your line of reasoning – if comfort was it then yes, we should be very comfortable and content with our lot. But we are not, as increasingly evidenced by human behaviour worldwide.

  12. There is much to ponder here after reading this blog. The world is not in a good place, with many things we think are not under our control and yet we blame everything else, the ozone, the sun’s rays, him, her, them and so forth. If we really care to admit, everything has a cause and effect. Accidents just don’t happen, illnesses don’t just suddenly appear and yet, all along our bodies have been signalling to and at us, and we care to ignore it. Till one day it screams so loud, that we have no choice but to stop.

    The answer to all our ailments and suffering lies in the simplicity of own living, our way of being, how we treat one another, but also how and where we live and breath – it is in everything that exists within and around us. That is Esoteric.

    1. I’ve heard many times about illnesses just happening. I have an illness and it makes complete sense why I’ve got it, through my choices. Whatever happens I’m very glad it’s this way because it shows there is a beautiful order to the universe, everything is indeed ‘fair’- though perhaps not in the way I’d want when I’m wanting to live without responsibility.

      1. Once we start to take responsibility it can never be about other people or things out there, the buck stops with us.

  13. To be the grandness we truly are is not through individuality, it is to express our uniqueness as a part of the whole.

    1. So true, our uniqueness as part of the whole. There is no rebellion or individuality in that because you are fully aware that what you do affects the whole we are from. What is also beautiful is you feel so much less alone.

      1. It also dissolves any need for or notion of competition, instead it becomes a state of co-creation.

  14. This is refreshing to read, to stop and ask what is our purpose here and allow ourselves to see the mess we are really in. In the end it is up to each and every one of us to say enough is enough and to make choices from a place or response to the divine rather than drive or reaction.

    1. Purpose is the magic ingredient – it gives us the vitality to do what needs to be done, responsibly and gracefully and, as you say, without push or drive and without attachment, the latter being a work in progress and a forever learning.

  15. When the truth is so uncomplicated, as soon as it starts to be shared it quickly changes, as those who do not live a re-connected life can only reinterpret the Truth, which then takes a tangent off to one side and becomes complicated and a lie.

    1. In the reinterpretation lies the obfuscation and complication, both qualities that the human spirt delights in and seeks recognition from.

      1. The spirit is like a smoke screen so it does not have to look at its addictive way of living and thus takes delight playing and hiding in reinterpretations with the recognition it brings.

  16. I heard a comment once that there are never enough corn chips to fill that hole and I knew exactly what they were talking about. When I am trying to not feel something or fill something, and I do it with corn chips, I feel like I want to eat packets and packet and packets and even when I am really full, I want more. It is relentless and endless. But when I work from the inside – out (and not trying to fill the inside from the outside), I find that there is no yearning to fill a hole and I have it all within me – as is the Kingdom of God. It is more about removing self-made obstacles that stop me from living that all.

    1. We all have a hunger and a thirst, a deep yearning for something that food and drink just cannot satisfy, no matter how hard we try. Is this part of why we have an obesity epidemic worldwide?

      1. Could well be why we have an obesity epidemic, because people are not simply eating when they are hungry, they have ‘a deep yearning for something that food and drink just cannot satisfy.’

    2. That is so true. Rather than try to fill that endless hole which is contributing to so much compounding ill in our lives, perhaps taking the risk of stopping and considering would be more fulfilling and lead to less searching.

  17. Understanding that most of society have not an idea about the word Esoteric has come as a shock and this happened at a Seniors Expo at Broadbeach where a lady clearly saw the sign and would not be swayed from what she saw and she thought it said estrogen and she wanted no part of it?

    1. We could say that mistaking ‘esoteric’ for oestrogen is funny and on many levels it is but it also shows the disregard we have for words and their true meaning. Words can bring so much and remind us of our divine origins, but it is as though we don’t seem to care and rather hurry on to the next tick box, all the while chasing our own tail.

      1. Absolutely Gabriele, understanding what words mean from there root or divine origin and how they are felt energetically is so imperative, because The Ageless Wisdom has always used the True Energetic meaning of words from day one and it is something that I Love to research, so sharing the Truth in words is essential and has a Purpose. As the True power in words is empowering us and as one example other than ‘Love’ is Purpose and True Purpose is huge and needs a chapter or book to understand Purpose and what True Purpose brings, as it has a multidimensional aspect as with all True words they come from a Livingness. So to start, True purpose is for the All and you can-not have harmony without it (and vice versa), And True relationships are built on Purpose not on Love. Thank you Gabriele I am starting to get an understanding about True Purpose in words!

  18. The head always has its own version of things, trying to delay if not derail the earnest and honest commitment to align with the wisdom that is our body. Nothing new under the Sun, as the say; and especially not for the driver of it all.

  19. When I first was presented with the fact that “we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God” I hesitated for a moment in my acceptance of what was being presented, as although it sounded and felt like the truth there was at the same time a resistance in my body to saying yes to it. But as I slowly uncovered the many layers of hurts and experiences that were preventing me from understanding something that was naturally known to me, I began to finally know that, yes, this was the truth, one I had lived before and now could finally begin to live again.

    1. Is it possible that the most painful and biggest hurt is the fact that we turned our back on what we innately know as our absolute truth and only way to be?

  20. Living from our essence is simple and life changing, we complicate things when we disconnect from this and lead from our head.

    1. The mind draws its rewards and de-lights from complexity and the body thrives on and loves simplicity. And the more we can live this, the better for all of us.

  21. The End-all and Be-all is because of the Begin-all – we return to that which has always been.

  22. Do we choose to carry our hurts and live in the distraction so as to not ponder or question what the true meaning of life? Surely our purpose in life holds greater than the self, its comfort and issues no matter how challenging or hard we have created life to be?

    1. It seems many have dropped having purpose in their lives, with the consequences that follow, ‘What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all’.

  23. Well said Gabrielle, it is just the beginning by living our truth. We are not of this human existence and neither are we created from this plane of life. We are rich energetic beings full of love when we actually start unmasking all the layers of protection we have created on top, just like ice-cream.

    1. This is a known that is not known. We scoff at those that say we are not of this plane of life because we have forgotten we are energetic beings first and foremost. That means not ridiculing what we perhaps do not yet understand. What if we allowed ourselves to see there is more to us than we can tangibly put our fingers to. Consider how much we can’t see but feel, how much we can’t see but feel the effects of, such as wind, x-rays etc. Making our world all about what we can see and touch reduces our understanding of life and ourselves to a point where we live in tension and try to numb that tension.

  24. Yes, Gabriele, the esoteric is our only true compass because we are then living from the inside out rather than the outside in, connecting to the inner wisdom accessed from within our body rather than being at the mercy of outer influences.

    1. Connecting to the inner wisdom, to our innermost is a way of living that makes sense in every way, ‘What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?’

  25. The only way we should purport or use in true purpose words or any word is to deepen our energetic understanding so our lived wisdom is understood as a true expression. Our true relationship with expression in words has been crucified in the bastardisation of words to bring in comfort as you have shared Gabriele!

  26. Yes, indeed we are far from living the truth of who we are and in fact our unsettlement and turmoil continues to intensify as an individual and as a humanity is due to the fact that we are willfully ignoring the call of our Soul to live guided by the impulse of our inner-most, the esoteric. In turning within, as has been lived and taught before, we then begin to ignite the unfolding journey that supports us to truly live the magnificence and power of all that we divinely are in essence.

  27. It seems the more we look out the more we tend to need, accumulate and quench an appetite that cannot be filled, it may look like everything is fine on the outside, depending I suppose at which end of the scale we choose, but unless we make that step to look deeply inside ourselves we will never experience true joy and all the esoteric brings.

    1. The more we look outside, the more our neediness and emptiness get reflected; a never-ending merry-go-round of consumerism, greed and desires that goes nowhere but around and around, spawning more of itself.

  28. When we are in the soporific or hypnotic state of living as we have lost the way of living from our Soul and settled for comfort as you have shared Gabrielle.

    When returning to our Soul-full ways we actually open up to others in the most Loving ways and this is anything but mysterious and this is a verifiable truth from simply ready these blogs and comments from the Esoteric Students.

  29. How interesting that comfort can be the very thing that keeps us away from what is most sought.

  30. It is worth considering isn’t it – when we are considering what is the meaning of life? Everything should be on the table including a potential manipulation to suit a particular agenda.

    1. We might profess to want to know the meaning of life but, when push comes to shove, we’d rather keep a few skeletons in the closet lest we’d have to take responsibility, at long last.

  31. “We don’t care, as long as it is all kept going and we get our share of the spoils, whether that be so-called success or failure.” I love the power of this line Gabrielle, there is a responsibility and an accountability that offers us an opportunity to not be a bystander to the small abuses.

  32. There are so many things in life that offer comfort or a way to dull us from waking up to the fact we all know there is far more to this existence we cling to and have done for ages. Everything is set up so we stray from who we are until we meet true teachers along the way who can wake up the truth inside us and show the way back home to self.

  33. What is the alternative of a centered life based on the heart? Is it really one? Many people try to center their lives in the minds. But life there does not really have a center. Life there is also only human. To really feel our depth and bath in it, there is only one true center: the heart.

    1. The mind is not a true centre other than being, albeit mistakenly, a centralised focus in most people’s life; also, it does not have a centre in and of itself, it goes hither and tither.

  34. It is sad to have lost the true meaning of words over the aeons as now it can be quite common to argue of the semantics of word meanings when underneath the same thing is actually being communicated.

  35. I have been taking steps to connect to my innermost essence and live from this for a while now, it’s supporting me to live more of who I am and let go of ways that do not belong to this. I have found it to be so liberating and freeing, to be me in life rather than what life can seem like dictating me to be, instead listening to within. It has got me out of a big mess I was in..having a profound affect on my health, my vitality, and how I am in life and my relationships, more open and accepting, more honest. The Esoteric – The End All and Be All.. well described.

  36. “Investing” in life so we understand how we re-incarnate to evolve is sharing our true purpose and should be common knowledge as birth and death are a natural cycle.

  37. Imagine walking around like the sky doesn’t exist and wondering why you get sunburnt or wet. This is pretty much the same as ignoring energy and wondering why what happens, happens – it’s absurd.

    1. Agreed Joseph, so well said. When you put it this way is sure does support the meaning of the word ignorance. Ignore that which is innately within us all, is all-knowing in essence and is ever-present for us to connect to, as such offering us all equal access to an intelligence that is out of this world, and what we are left with is a blatant ignorance that glamourises a lesser ‘intelligence’ that has us existing in the horrors of war, illness, disease and intense unsettlement with a lost sense of who we are – yet all the while the Soul is forever implusing us to honor its truth.

  38. I can sense how easy it is to be flippant about what you share Gabriele by absolutely agreeing with it but not in full living it. I have been doing just that realising recently how I have been resisting a deeper level of evolution within my life without even realising I was choosing to do so. I would also then agree with what you are saying but to think I was fully esoteric would be a lie. Absolute Honesty is very very important here. So much so that the very definition of the word can so easily be bastardised with it.

  39. I can only speak for myself but I know and have always known that there is much more to life than our physical form. To act on that and to say no to the conditioned way of living was asking too much, so I thought, so I enjoined. From that point life seemed pointless, empty and a lot of misery really but disguised as great with things to prop ourselves up. Universal Medicine was the first place that I started to hear the truth I knew and asks of us to live the responsibility that we know we are hear to live. Today life is truly rich and full.

    1. We give up and cave in, surrender our better knowing to the silent majority and its comforts, ideals and beliefs of what life is and should be.

      1. …we give up ‘our better knowing’… this reminds me that we actually do know better, we do know that how we are living is not true to who we are… and this wisdom, I know, is the Esoteric.

    2. Yes, how easy was it to give up on the knowing that there was more to life, there was more to us, and reduce ourselves to numbing and constant distraction. To return to what we knew and have always known is an immense freedom.

    3. There was a knowing that there was more to life than what was presented, I didn’t know what or how; I thank God for Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon

  40. What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed? Our innermost essence is definitely worth connecting to, is our guiding light and knowing and to be truly treasured and lived.

    1. Human beings definitely need something, a different way of living, to support them in leaving the mess they are immersed in, ‘Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease.’

  41. Just be you – a simple, timeless teaching every wise person has presented down the years – and yet here we are in 2018 still holding onto fears – but, it’s never too late.

  42. I think it’s helpful to consider that what we may choose out of comfort may actually be uncomfortable to live – as in making life much more complicated than it needs to be and struggling in that, holding back our true expression and feeling bottled up as a result or depleted and worn down (and many other scenarios), the point being that it doesn’t necessarily look like we are ‘comfortable’ even though energetically that may be what is driving the way we are living…

  43. “What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all, to humanity at large and the true-good of all creatures, beings, objects and matter, as seemingly far away as the outer reaches of the universe..” My whole body and being said “Yes!” when I read this, we innately know that we are part of an all, and that all parts work for the all. What else would love do?

  44. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?”…we have got absolutely nothing to lose but everything to gain. Yes, it all comes down to a simple “U-turn” where we turn our outer gaze away from all that is leading us astray and inwardly where all the answers we have ever sought are waiting.

  45. The kingdom within offers galactic volumes far beyond the boundary of our human frame, the kingdom without is the illusion that keeps the human frame tied to the involution of its earthy games.

  46. This is so true – “we have sunk our funds into the notion that it is best to be left alone, get on with ‘it’, look after ourselves and those very close to us”. Separation from the love we know is possible is the greatest pain of all, as we are not designed to live in isolation from each other and God.

  47. As I am returning to my innermost I am constantly noticing all the areas in life where I am encouraged to give up on it and hand over authority to something outside of myself and where I have done so. I love noticing this, as previously I was blind to how subtly, and also obviously, I have given away power to outside forces and not listened to my inner most. Knowing what is at play allows me to choose what is true.

    1. That’s true – as long as we conveniently act as though we were blind, deaf and dumb, it suits us to live in the illusion that we don’t know, don’t notice and don’t care; but it hurts and we do care deeply but have invested in comfort, the biggest commodity of them all.

    2. Yes, the more we are connected with our innermost the more we are able to know what is true and make sure we are aligned with Truth and Love.

  48. WE have built a life that is seemingly completely out of control, and WE all complain about the greed, corruption, abuse, actually the list is endless. And WE all want someone or something to blame. But what I have come to understand is that WE have done this to ourselves and there is no one to blame but ourselves.
    We have made the insatiable profit monster that everyone serves and hates because WE are asking ourselves to work harder, leaner, longer hours at the expense of the majority of workers that put the money into the pot that the few skim off as their retirement fund. WE have done this to ourselves and have as I say only ourselves to blame.

    1. We have a choice in every moment what we say yes to or not. And thus, it is our responsibility, individually and as a one humanity – which we are not yet by our actions – to take responsibility and make different choices.

  49. Gabriele, this is beautifully simple; ‘What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside’. What you are sharing shows how simple life can be – that we do not need complication, drama trying to figure things our from our heads. We simply need to re-connect, to live from our bodies and from here life will naturally unfold.

  50. The way we relate to one another and life tends to not hold us as a precious and invaluable part of the whole and for eons have we been chasing for missions, goals and ways of aggrandizing ourselves as a sign that we matter. Stopping that chase and building our connection to our innermost can seem like a bad idea at the start, especially if we gauge our worth with the external identifications. But this is a hurdle well worth getting over, because then it becomes clear why all those years of chasing had us carrying on as in a hamster wheel. There is a deep awareness and settlement when we connect to our innermost. Well worth bringing this connection to every aspect of life.

  51. ‘What have we invested in?’ – Are we willing to see the levels of comfort that we are drowning ourselves in? The sad fact is that we are well on our way to sink our own ships (bodies) with our own choice of lifestyle and absolute ignorance to the bigger picture we all belong to.

    1. That is a very good point – a big part of comfort being about control, leaving things be, not upsetting the apple cart, not rocking the boat. We get used to how things are and have been, even if it in truth is quite uncomfortable and provides endless fodder for much moaning and groaning.

  52. We make life so big and complicated while it is in truth very simple and the answers all lie within ourselves.

  53. Your blog is a great pull out of the circulation we put ourselves under as humanity. There is so much more inside us than any offering could ever equal in this world. Realising and accepting this will support you to step by step fall less for anything outside yourself that does not match the grandness inside you.

  54. You capture so well the holding space of pure love within which the spirit constantly creates whatever it can, to not surrender to the love (that it originally came from).

  55. We are not here to invest in human life we are only here to get out of here, supporting all others to along the way.

    1. Yes, and that is a hard pill to swallow where we have made everything about life and fear or rather deny everything that is beyond our physical being here on earth.

  56. What eventually happens if you “let sleeping dogs lie”, you will eventually be gobbled up by a huge great white shark from the depths of the ocean that will attack and cut you in half with one bite. Returning to God opens the jaws of love that resides within us and we awaken to a depth of the inner-knowing of what Love can bring.

    1. Wow, “the jaws of love” – that takes dentistry to new levels. I know what your next profession will be! Better stop what you are doing and get those text books out.

  57. I met a guy once and shared something about the esoteric and he said that, and he was originally from Greece, that in Greek it means the innermost core of things, which makes sense.

    1. And that IS what it means, in all languages and for all people, right across the globe. It is only because we want to and have run a mile from the innermost that we start bastardising and maligning the word and dehumanising those among us who are holding strong and true.

  58. When we bring life back to its natural way of living from our inner hearts, we can let go of all the soul searching and truth seeking for it is lived from within first and naturally shared out.

    1. Definitely no more soul searching then; our Soul has forever been waiting patiently for us and is always offering evolution.

  59. I love that the esoteric is simply what lies within as it allows room for each of our natural expression without judgement.

  60. Exploring every possibility of what you can create yourself may be entertaining for a while, but sooner or later we all must return to working with God’s will. The irony then is we’ll see that the ‘selfish’ acts were not ours anyway but just a result of energy.

    1. Interesting to note that this ‘a while’ has been going on for eons now – eons of dabbling in creation.

      1. This is so true- the “a while” is the indulgence of humanity in seeking and greed for individualism. Although it seems to be a “joy” to do that for one part in us – the spirit – it is though at the same time, the greatest pain to be disconnected from our Soul and separated from our true purpose.

      2. The spirit might possibly rally some happiness or even glee, recognition that it’s on the right track, apparently – but joy doesn’t strike me as an attribute of the spirit.

  61. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” – as i see things, we invest in comfort because it’s an attempt to soothe the tension and plaster over the pain of abuse we are in, or live in, and so the more we can say no to abuse, the less the need for comfort and its false investment that puts us deeper into debit evolutionary wise.

  62. “Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease.” When summed up like this, it makes me question who would want to live life as a human if that’s what its like?! Fortunately many of us have been experiencing that there is another way to be in human life, thanks to the divine teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and Serge Benhayon. A way of life that is simple, loving, equal and consistently evolving for everyone, and one that is accessible to all.

  63. When we understand that opposites are equal points of self identification, like your example of starvation and gluttony ranking equally in the recognition stakes, we see that the highest good and worst bad are equally so for recognition and self identification.

    1. It matters not at which end of the spectrum it is happening as long as it is a creation, in wilful opposition to the space and love that are holding it all, inclusive of the wily spirit and its deceitful ways.

  64. Well it is certainly true that our current approach to life has us on a precarious trajectory that is rife with conflict, disharmony, abuse and chaos. So a willingness to U-turn and look within for an alternative – being open to the ancient esoteric teachings available to us – would be an obvious and responsible way.

  65. Our world is heavily invested in comfort at this point in time and we can see it is leading humanity down a very miserable, dark, fear driven and complicated way of life. So, it makes sense why people are more likely to attack the true meaning of the esoteric, because in order for us to embrace the esoteric it means we would have to stop the ill momentum we are currently in, let go of our comforts and start taking responsibility for what we have created that hasn’t worked.

    1. And pride and arrogance might just stand in the way of us turning the corner, for now anyway. Sometimes things have to get a lot worse before we are willing to see reason, i.e. are virtually being forced by adverse circumstances to see reason.

  66. Purport and teach that the word ‘esoteric’ is reconnection to our essence and when in that connection and our soul is felt we understand it is nothing new just a normal way of living.

  67. Beautiful Gabriele I love this sharing of the truth and purpose of life and our connection with our innermost. A joy to read and know the truth written so clearly of the reality and love of God within us all and the quality we truly are too.

  68. ‘Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?’ – Could it be because the awareness it offers comes with such a high level of responsibility?

    1. Very possible, as responsibility is something we like to run away from and delegate, not realising the spaciousness, unification and joy it offers.

      1. That’s very important to note Gabriele as responsibility has become divorced in meaning from its natural offering.

    2. It seems that a huge, huge majority of humanity is currently running away from responsibility, we can see this very clearly and hence, this is why comfort is the biggest seller and commodity in our world.

  69. In my experience there is nothing to lose by turning to the direction of the esoteric, the innermost, but so much to gain, panning out to all areas of life, and most importantly in the quality of being itself.

  70. This is a great example in the way we have bastardised words to mean something that is very far away from its innate meaning.

  71. We can look so ‘productive’ yet all we do is reductive – ignoring that we are all knowing multi-dimensional beings way before any task.

      1. I love it too Gabriele, Joseph has a beautiful way of expressing and it is to the point and powerful.

  72. Whenever I see a word that has been twisted like this one, it makes me ponder on the power of the word in its true meaning.

    1. There is truth in Word even though, where we come from, I have been told and it makes perfect sense, there are no words, only movement. Movement that accords with the all it is inexorably a part of and can’t but be a part of.

      1. And then it would fit well that numbers slot in between the two, bridging truth between movement and word.

  73. “Is it therefore justifiable to purport and teach that the word ‘esoteric’ stands for what is somewhat obscure, hidden, for a select few or even secretive” The bastardisation of True words is a game our spirit plays to prolong the comfortable life we live in this era. This is true for many words including the word “esoteric”, and not only words but religions have been shown to not follow the true teachings from what the master has presented. A life of service to humanity by living to the “esoteric” as is now presented in this modern era by The Way of The Livingness needs to be shared because nothing before has been presented with such transparency as the Truth is impossible to repudiate but simple to lie about and try and “obscure”.

    1. It’s an age-old trick, isn’t it? Obscure, denigrate and banish something and then point the finger at it and say, “you are obscure and elitist, only for the select few; why don’t you come out?” In other words, we create what we then don’t like or possibly even hate.

      1. We have even turned the word “hate” into a word that has a bad vibe, but if we consider what is going on in so many parts of the world, I feel it more than possible to hate these things. So that from a power-full position that is obtained through the power of Love, we can understand how we can hate and to add if no Love is within us, we then would also be a part of the mess if we just start hating.

      2. Do you mean that we can hate the unseen forces for manipulating human beings like puppets on a string from their 4th dimensional realms, as long as there is love for humanity and not an ounce of emotion in the hate?

      3. Absolutely Gabriele, ill energy the “4 dimensional realms” has pulled the wool over our eyes for eons.
        As a child I remember those night-mares where “4 dimensional” beings would play me like a “puppet” and my parents would say don’t be silly so go back to bed.
        Many of us have had similar experiences with beings trying to scare us and until we call out these types of ill energy and learn to hate from Love without emotions as we have shared, and until then we will continue to be manipulated.

  74. Comfort can be many things, including even physical pain as an extreme example. We may prefer to choose to be in pain rather than make the necessary changes in our posture or life that would make it possible for the pain to go.

    1. There are many reasons to cling to the extreme discomfort of the comfort of pain – recognition, identification, workers compensation, other insurance matters, a pension; the fear of the unknown, of life without the pain and the demands that it might bring. We generally prefer to stick to what we know.

    2. Christoph, your example of tolerating physical pain instead of adjusting one’s posture or other behaviours may be extreme, but is actually incredibly common. Personally, I have made the same choices over and over again that I knew were really harmful for me (drinking alcohol, doing drugs etc.) and were causing me all kinds of physical and emotional pain, but continued them for years and years. But accepting this as our ‘normal’ in society is where we get it all wrong, and is where Universal Medicine shows that connecting to our innermost (the Esoteric) will guide us to a more self-loving way that will not accept the comfort of numbing and dulling ourselves in any way.

  75. This is so apt for my week which I’ve taken off work. It’s beautiful weather (unusual for me choosing a week of good weather in the UK) so what I’m noticing is a drive to achieve a good time.

    My version is going somewhere where nature is beautiful and there is water. Nothing wrong with this but the underlying belief to create perfection in this world. So if all events line up to perfection I can still feel a pull to knowing this is not it, no matter if the water is warm enough to swim and the sun’s shining.

    In the past I’d have got annoyed with the drone disturbing the natural stillness nature is offering, or the loudly swearing youths, the music from speakers etc. But today I can feel how the majority of humanity is on this same quest to make being human and this world comfortable. But if the natural beauty of being here isn’t enough and we need alcohol and distractions to make the day a success, then isn’t there an emptiness to our pursuits if they are without purpose?

    1. We aim to catapult ourselves from one high to another, to yet another, and never stop to take stock and evaluate whether this outer pursuit is actually delivering the goods or not.

  76. What would life look like if we were all allowed to live the light of God from a young age? Could it be that we would then have a deep understanding that divine energy is felt first and any ill energy is understood and therefore is never given any credence.

  77. We all know that the way most of us are living is not working just by the massive rise in illness and disease over the last couple of decades, so why do we dig in our heals and not really start feeling what needs to be done.

    1. I think we are back at comfort in answer to your final question… we will put up with a lot of abuse and dysfunction on our doorsteps, as long as our nests are secure.

  78. It’s like we are chasing our own tail, running after the elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when it is inside all the while; and added to this, denying the fact because we don’t want to look foolish but insist on defending our stance from entrenched and chosen proud ignorance.

  79. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort?’ – Now that’s a question for all of us to ponder deeply on.

  80. Our investment in comfort and distraction is a big pull away from what we know is intrinsically true inside. Getting to the point of ‘what’s life all about’ enabled me to make the step back towards this truth and look at life from a completely different perspective.

  81. You speak of The Plan, and through the work of Universal Medicine I have discovered that there is indeed a plan, and that plan needs me to be as present and aware as I can be in my daily life to attend to my part in the plan.

  82. ‘What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?’ – Nothing to lose, on the contrary, speaking from experience we have everything to win.

  83. I saw a program last night where they were talking about leaving earth to set up colonies ‘in the stars’. One of the comments in the wrap up was this was giving humanity hope for our future – something to work towards that will positively influence the whole of humanity. I couldn’t help but reflect on this comment wondering that it was similar to moving to another area to escape our ‘problems’. In truth we never do, they follow us wherever we go, until we make the choice to look at them directly and actively heal our part. So it struck me that looking for hope for a future life in the stars is no different than this and really our future is much more about how we are within, and how we are living this outwardly, rather than looking outside of ourselves, searching for the ‘perfect solution’ to our troubles. Which there are none.

    1. What a waste of time and good money; and what are we going to do there? Export the rot we have created on earth to the outer reaches of the universe and infect and pollute that as well? As if we weren’t already, energetically speaking.

    2. Yes, we already are on a star, a particularly habitable one – even just looking at the strictly physical aspects of these proposals shows the absurdity of them.

  84. I had been searching for the meaning of life for a long time, can you imagine the relief I felt when I went to a Universal Medicine presentation and heard that it was about us all supporting each other to get out of here- now that made sense; the search was over and the work began.

    1. And there is nothing like purpose to bring vitality and joy to life, to get out of the doldrums of uncertainty, doubt and devastation.

  85. The thing is we kid ourselves that we are content and maybe brag that we are richer, poorer, fitter or sicker than the next man but we all know there is something missing and we won’t find it in a rocket ship, a bigger yacht a bigger house or more weath, that something we all know is missing can be accessed by the esoteric and we can’t know what joy really is or fill that hole we all have without going there.

  86. After all the wisdom being poured down from heaven and god through the many messagers from Zarathustra to Yeshua (Jesus).
    The wayward human spirit is stubbornly on his path of return but slow to make that u turn back to his innermost and connection to god. With comfort and numbing more exciting for many , but these days are numbered as many more will not be abel to find comfort or fulfilment in comfort . As we yearn for a deeper connection and true purpose.

    1. Comfort has, in truth, never been all that comfortable, but pride stands often in the way of admitting it and making that u-turn. The thing is, it will happen eventually, no matter what, and we can only delay but not prevent it.

  87. We have nothing to lose but it is in our hands to change the course of our ways. We have steered ourselves for far too long in the same waters without any true change, repeating what has been repeated by generations before and before. It is time that we become honest and look what is truly working and what not and then make the choices that are of true benefit to us all.

  88. This is a great question and there is nothing to lose in looking within for what we have been seeking for so long, however we must face our own pride in doing so, as we have been making ill choices for some time and we have to admit they have not got us to where we want to be. Rather have created a way of living which is not natural to us and therefore we have so many illnesses and diseases as a result. Humanity is far from the brotherhood that it is at heart.

  89. The reality is that too many people just love that life we collectively have created, that life that is void of the love of God and at the same time crave so much. But the pleasure or excitement derived from this creation, most people still prevail above the choice to return to where we belong, in the bosom of God.

  90. One day we all have to make this u-turn and return back to God our father. That is an unavoidable fact

  91. At the end of the day, our lives and beyond all of time – what truly matters is the love’s that is lived. Everything else is just detail.

  92. Very beautiful Gabriele and a powerful call to humanity to awaken to the call of our Soul where we are guided by to know our innate Godliness, our purpose to return to the light of who we are in order to together restore the divinity we are here bring through the way we live and move. Awaken from our slumber, where we are merely existing, treading water and focusing on how we can manage getting through our day without feeling too much pain or hurt and embrace the magnificence of the kingdom of God where everything we are is known. There is so much more to who we are, to our true potential and to our true purpose of being here together, and as had been shared and lived throughout the ages, including today it all begins with our willingness to look within, for us all.

  93. ‘What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside’ – Love the playful way you present the fact that the only way we can evolve is to reconnect to the grandness that we all naturally and innately are on the inside.

    1. To me the meaning of life is that simple. To rekindle that inner fire and to let it light our way home.

      1. Simple is great and of the heart; complication is of the mind = mindful, full of the clutter of the mind.

      2. Indeed Gabriele, we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by the creations of the mind while we do know from the heart. This separation gives us the constant tension we often call anxiety or nervous tension, but it is again simply this separation from the source we are from we have chosen from free will.

      3. And something without any future if we chose differently. If we didn’t keep making the same choice, the whole mirage would just collapse, never to be resurrected again.

      4. Indeed Gabriele, it is that constant choice to keep it alive, so questioning how smart or intelligent our choices are is something to seriously to consider for all intelligent people on this earth.

  94. Considering the esoteric as the new customary way of living, so we can agree that living a loving life is setting us the true path of evolution.

  95. I like your last sentence that the esoteric is the beginning of ever more. That is the beauty when we allow ourselves to look beyond the human realm and open ourselves up to that, there is more, there is no end point just a returning to who we are and then so much more.

  96. “And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.” The more I reconnect to within the more I know that this is just the beginning.

  97. In today’s modern world we seem to have lost touch with the fact that there are indeed messengers. Men and women who walk and live with grace, who share wisdom beyond expected boundaries, and who live for the all and not themselves. Serge Benhayon is one such messenger, here with us now.

    1. No, it’s the shadows that we allow to obscure it all and the blinding enticing lights of the astral. The true light does not blind, it illuminates. We might turn the other way, but that then is our choice, entirely.

  98. The Esoteric is the end all and be all of everything, as to live from the connection to the inner-heart is the most natural way to live. This takes all the stress out of life and replaces it with an innate joy, the joy of accepting all that comes your way as an opportunity to discern, learn and grow in a way that is continually confirming who you are and where you truly come from.

  99. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort?’ – What? Are you suggesting it is time we start to see reality for what it is and act accordingly? Sadly, majority of humanity would most likely shy away from that level of responsibilty.

  100. Starting the journey with the wisdom that comes from our inner-most is what we should all been re-searching, so the truth of this, our essence, is understood, then we can start to all move towards our heavenly home.

      1. This is great Steve and may I add, that the simplicity of returning home, which is our heavenly connection that comes only when we are ready, because this is when we can set the final destination to allow the easiest of courses for our return.

      2. And whenever the ability to feel from our body is over-ridden we are not “complete”, then our directional compass loses true insight into what will be our evolutionary path.

  101. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort?’ but rather to live with purpose in obedience to a greater universal order.

  102. Thank you Gabriele, for the amazing reminder once again that once we think we have ended the journey, we get to realise it is only just the beginning of something even grander. The Esoteric is “not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.”

  103. I love the fact of knowing that the inner most, the most precious part of ourselves, can never be hurt or tarnished or taken away. And yet even knowing this, we still struggle to let that part of ourselves be seen. If we all know that we have this Gold within, why do we struggle so to let it be seen and to live this on a daily basis? Are we worried of jealousy? Of reprisal? Of attack? And yet how silly when we all have the same within and hence have nothing to be jealous of? But what if the jealousy is of the fact of us actually living what we hold so dearly inside – the appreciation of who we are, the celebration of who we are and the everyday practical living of this Gold…perhaps some have forgotten how to do this and in the reminder seen in a reflection of a person living and loving their truth, they can get jealous as opposed to being deeply inspired to live the same in their life too? But does this not prove that the more we live from the love that we are, the more it will inspire others to do likewise, and little by little we will all realise that it can be done and be inspired till such time that we are all living in such a way that allows harmony and connection with the all? So what are we waiting for?

    1. I appreciate your exploration of jealousy here; it seems so very real when we are in it and yet, and as you point out, we have the very same choices as another, as all others. We just went the other way and said no, not for me. So in truth, we have no one to blame, as in our inner-most, we are all the same.

  104. We don’t often ponder on what the true world leader has taught us as something to apply in our current time daily life, but it actually makes a lot of sense to do so. “What if Jesus was right when he said: “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)”

    1. You mean world teacher, yes? A world leader is more commonly applied to politics and as such, we do not have any world leaders, no true leaders in this world we have sadly created.

  105. Today, the very idea of messengers gets rejected as the question immediately is “from where?” and “why the need for a messenger?” and many other sensible questions. On the other hand there are a lot of aspects of life that are very real and don’t make immediate sense either, i.e. there may be more to life than it appears to us – something which is probably more widely accepted.

  106. We have nothing but our old habits of harm and hiding to let go of as we turn back to the Esoteric – our Innermost is a place of riches, that deeply nurture and support us to flourish, thrive and live in a way that supports ourselves and others deeply.

  107. ‘And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more’. I love this Gabriele, something that always offering more, more of who we truly are.

  108. A beautiful understanding of the esoteric and the ancientness of it and all it offers us to be all we are, with this being the beginning of the ‘more’ we are part of. How simple,true, inspirational and revelatory.

  109. We are like a traveler pretending to align a compass to orient himself but unconsciously deliberately knows how to avoid the compass needle to be adjusted north.

  110. It is great that you provide a link to Unimedpedia Comfort: which presents the energetic meaning of comfort, for when we speak about the harm of comfort in the context you do in this article it is important we understand that it is in relation to the way we settle for a life that is at complete odds to the magnificence that we truly are and not about advocating for being cold or sitting on hard chair.

    1. … and no poverty either, as in borrowing a donkey or going barefoot or donning sandals. That’s all images and ideals we have of what ‘noble’ and ‘special’ means when in truth, these don’t exist as the virtues they have been made out to be. Another layer of comfort, mefeels.

  111. Comfort is the greatest commodity in the world, which includes safety and security. We may get righteous or even active about certain injustices but we don’t really have a global care for every aspect of humanity. As you say, so long as we are left alone to get on with it, we think we have got it made. But to look at how unhealthy and unhappy most of the world is, I don’t think comfort is really what we are here for or the highest point of being

    1. Comfort is a lullaby, a daily night cap, a snack, a dummy, chicken soup and a smoke screen. Comfort might appear to be comfortable but it is in truth not and squashes our true expression and vitality.

  112. Its interesting isn’t it how what we start off with what is natural and normal – as seen clearly in a baby and their behaviour – being esoteric, yet, this words is described by a dictionary as … “stands for what is somewhat obscure, hidden, for a select few or even secretive?..” Shows just how much we have strayed away from our natural essence. A baby knows instantly and responds to disharmony … we all started off life this way… it certainly is not reserved for a select few nor is it secretive … we all hear and see a baby’s cry, smile or settlement don’t we… theres no secret in that…

  113. What if we were here to evolve rather than just get by in comfort? An interesting question indeed. It is easy to resort to just looking after the security of oneself and perhaps those in our immediate sphere when the world can be a harsh place, but does this change anything really? Is there a grander more divine part of us that we are missing out on? My experience would tell me yes there is and the esoteric is the doorway to reconnecting to this long forgotten aspect of our being that we have been reminded of many times in the past by different teachers and philosophers. So maybe as the world becomes more and more intense, now it is time to truly listen to our inner most?

  114. We have collectively and individually become so invested in a way of living which is based around comfort that we all need to forget, face our pride and admit that we have been fooled and are walking in the wrong direction.

  115. Another image, yes. God’s messengers have to be poor, destitute even. And they have a long beard, be of Western appearance and wear a flowing robe. What a joke.

  116. Yes, indeed; we resort to knowledge, our intellect, scratch our head and found religions; we go to war over the assumed ‘right’ belief; we twist and turn whichever way and keep wondering what it might mean, that “the Kingdom of God is within”. If it wasn’t so disastrous in its outplay, it would be hilarious, the stuff of stand-up comedy.

  117. I live in a culture of comfort we do not ever want to speak up about anything to draw attention to ourselves, or we will dramatize when we do speak up and be in revolt. But it is all comfort of not touching upon our soul which is joyful, transparent and still.

  118. ‘… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.’ – I love this sentence, the esoteric is in fact the starting point of the ‘be all’.

    1. Yes, and the be all includes love, truth, harmony, joy and something called stillness.

  119. ‘And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.’ We can spend many lifetimes searching for the truth only to realise that it is the first stepping stone to something much grander than we thought – a never ending evolution and deepening.

  120. I love reading about the ancient lineage of the people who have lived the esoteric fully. It makes everything stay in perspective, keeps it real in the sense that this not a flash in the pan latest fad, no. The Esoteric is ancient and forever will be here.

    1. Yes great point the esoteric is definitely not a trend or a fad but has been with us since the beginning of time and will never leave us until we evolve to a point where we don’t need it anymore.

  121. We have so many amazing role models among the student body of the Way of The Livingness, there really is no excuse for us to not become ascended masters in this life. Never before have we had this many in the one place.

  122. Life is not about right or wrong, good or bad, but it is definitely either or – either the esoteric, the innermost divine or everything else that is not of that inner source but an outer source fed by ideals, beliefs emotions and constant stimulation repeating over and over again. Therefore, when there is a denigration of the esoteric in any form it is clear from which source this stems and what the intention is.

  123. “What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?” What if indeed Gabriele. And what if, the true meaning of the word Esoteric was made re- known to all of human kind?

  124. We should long be tired of the lives we have lived and the history we have repeated for as it seems forever. It is high time that we stop and take stock of what has truly worked, roll our sleeves up and get to work to what is truly unifying and for all of us as a one brotherhood.

  125. “There have always been messengers” and there will always be messengers, we will never be abandoned. Never, regardless of how long it takes to get us all out of here.

  126. I have tried pretty much everything possible that is on offer in this world we have created yet nothing other than reconnecting to the love within has ever brought me a sense of true contentment in my body. Everything else I have found gets me wanting more yet when it comes to love and I allow myself to surrender to it then nothing else matters or can bring me anything I do not already have.

  127. It is a huge revelation to understand we have everything, it is already within when many of us have spent years searching and looking, seeking and asking, looking outside ourselves for answers and true meaning of life. It is so simple to reconnect back to our inner heart and know we are all one and the same.

  128. “What have we got to lose by changing course” – I love this question. We tend to resist change, but if our current course is leading us in a direction that isn’t where we want to be going, or we don’t feel enriched in our lives, then why not change direction?

    1. Often the older we get the more stuck in our ways many of us become, so yes we need to embrace change and continually surrender to it.

  129. I like the description here of making a ‘u turn’ and heading deeper inwards to discover who we are rather than the endless search outside of ourselves for some meaning to life.

  130. We expend so much energy looking outside of ourselves for the meaning of life when we always have the option to go within and reconnect to our soul and our true purpose. Comfort has been dangled before us as desirable but it will always come at the expense of surpressing our divine essence which is a price that more and more people are unwilling to pay.

  131. “we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all,” There is no mystery that this is the purpose of life and the esoteric, the inner-most, is our way to return to who we truly are.

    1. One day humanity will share a collective purpose but currently we all have different purposes, which is why we are all pulling in different directions, which results in the chaos we see all around us. Having a collective purpose will streamline life and restore the unity that is actually our natural living way.

    2. I so agree Mary, returning to the true purpose of our lives to live from our innermost feels very simple to do, and it will flow from there.

  132. “What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?” This is such a great question, Gabriele, as the answers lie deep within us when we access the wisdom of our soul.

  133. Living esoterically is living life, living from what we know within, nothing secret or mysterious as we all have access to the same knowing when we step outside the realms of comfort.

  134. “Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?” It does seem a strange thing that we do, because all that happens is that we obscure our immense joy, love and wisdom from our selves and hence each other. Life is a very different proposition when we connect to the simplicity of our inner most and allow the beautiful qualities within full expression.

  135. When we do make a U-turn and head inside, we begin to live life from what we know is true and therefore are no longer at the mercy of the lies, that was once ruling and running our lives.

  136. “…the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more” I like that, this is how I feel it too.
    Somehow coming back to the esoteric is an end of many things in our life that don’t have to do with our very essence, but it’s the beginning of a neverending deepening into ourselves for an endless unfolding of who we truly are.

  137. We create the unease within our selves and in the world by not living the esoteric way of life, certainly nothing obscure about that. Many of us do not want to commit to living esoterically so prefer to make out there is something wrong with it to ease our conscience and be able to continue our unloving ways.

    1. Not only that, Mary-Louise – those who live The Way of The Livingness, i.e. The Way, must be dehumanised, belittled and ridiculed so their spirit reincarnates with the hurt, all the scars and wounds and does not ever want to commit again to being reunited with the Soul. Nice little ruse, yes?

  138. We have all worked very hard to create a nice nest to be comfortable in, as with any investment, it’s not ‘easy’ to choose to walk away from this, as in doing so, we must first admit that we are ‘wrong’. Being honest enough to admit and accept that we are wrong is our ‘get out of prison’ card, offering such an enormous blessing, when we decide to take it.

  139. If everything was joyfully harmonious in our society, I can understand why there may be some hesitancy in considering that there may be a truer way to live, but this is not the case and we know it. We know that there is something missing, something we are not ‘getting’, we know we are not all currently aligned. Therefore, are we allowing, no convincing ourselves to ‘think’ that we are better off where we are – which is very clearly not the case.

  140. ‘The Esoteric’… the most natural, loving and harmonious way of being in the world… innate within every one of us equally so.

  141. We have got nothing to lose, Gabriele, at this point in human history, when lovelessness abounds and most people are in a constant state of anxiety and overwhelm. What will it take for us to turn to truth? Now is as good a time as any, I say!

  142. ‘What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?’ Not much, Gabriele except our pride for having steered away from what we know is truth and living counter to it.

    1. Plus our inability to say ‘whoops’, got it wrong for merely millions of years’. The longer it goes on, the more we tend to dig our heels in, is my experience.

    2. I agree Rachel we have absolutely nothing to lose, I also know we cannot judge the Esoteric as not working if we have not given it our absolute focus – beacuse only then do we truly see the full effects. If we try half heartedly with a foot in each camp and then we can say the Esoteric does not work and so blame it or give up on it. The question arises are we willing to really it give it a go in full?

  143. I love a big ‘What if’ question and you have offered us some proper stunners here, Gabrielle, thank you. The thing is, our current trajectory is so obviously off-whack that we would be ongoing fools to continue our investment in this direction.

  144. The esoteric is not secret or mysterious- it can’t be, when its original meaning simply means ‘innermost’ and connecting to whatever that is, for you. We can all access our innermost, whether we’re consciously aware of it or not, making an effort to live more from that place, or not. We know innately what works and what doesn’t work for us, and that to me is what the esoteric is: listening to that inner quiet voice- the part of us that speaks so much sense and simplicity but that we often like to override, in favour of something more complicated, dramatic, a bigger story.

    1. The reason why we love the ‘complicated, the dramatic, and the bigger story’ is because it identifies us. Whereas the esoteric underlines our commonality. The spirit revels in identification, whereas the soul rejoices in our sameness.

  145. As you have correctly stated there have always been messengers that have been sent that have taught, at times under threat to their lives, what it means to live the Esoteric way of life.
    What is it about this way of life that seems to rattle some people so badly that they will attack this way of living in an effort to subdue and subjugate others, so that a seed of doubt is sown in their minds about a way of life that is so simple and such a joy to live, in comparison to what we have as a way of life today. It doesn’t make any sense to me.

  146. Essentially the esoteric is the ‘be all and end all’ of life that as we learn to master connects us to the occult wisdom, the ‘be all and end all’ of the Universe.

  147. Simply to return to our natural state of being, that is the cardio-centric one-unified way of life, is the answer to all the problems we as a human race are facing today.

  148. The esoteric to me is the only way to get out of this life we have created for ourselves and to return to our ever evolving way of being that will bring us to spheres that are unfathomable for us to comprehend now.

    1. And to know that the esoteric is only the beginning … there is so much more and then some.

    2. And to know and trust and live and breathe that the esoteric is only the beginning – there is so much more.

    3. Interesting Doug, an illusion of our own creation, so clever made that we can not see it, this gives a complete new insight in the psychology of men, that we are not the victims of our our disease but the creators of it.

      1. Psychology has a glorious future, once it embraces the fact of spirit and Soul, of reincarnation and of our divine origins.

      2. And there will be no more burnout amongst mental health professionals; patients and their nearest and dearest will have the understanding of what is behind the ill mental health condition; there will be far fewer labels and no need for huge text books that require a trolley or a board case to lug them around.

      3. Complexity breeds solutions but never answers – complexity is a lie whereas life is simple in truth.

  149. I agree with you Gabrielle we are here to get out of here and anything else is comfort,,,, mmmm…great blog as it reminds me that I need to keep exposing my pockets of comfort.

  150. Human life is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease because we are fighting what is naturally pulling us up to our own evolution.

    1. Fighting it even though it is what we most want, crave, long for and know, oh so well.

  151. This is absolute gold Gabriele, as we can all deepen our relationships with our essence, inner-most, esoteric and or soul connection, so why do we settle for comfort? Could it be that the lies we are telling or being told does not add-up but it is seemingly simpler to turning our back or a blind eye to what is truly going on? And nothing more needs to be said as you have shared that “What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all,” so with an open heart lets walk together!

    1. I like gold – just not that fond of your last sentence, the rallying cry here; after all, everyone in their own time. Had Serge Benhayon ever pushed, cajoled, coerced or forced us, even in the slightest, we would have all run for the hills a long, long time ago.

      1. As Students of The Livingness I agree Gabriele, we are sharing and deepening much and ‘seeing movement is everything and also walking is everything’ by Serge Benhayon then walking our talk together as Students can only be evolutionary for all concerned.

  152. ‘Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease.’ … and we do our utmost to avoid feeling the extent of the mess we have created and are living in, through our love of distractions and constant stimulation …. TV, computer games, screen time generally, food – the quantity, quality, frequency, drink – caffeine, alcohol, sport, gym, shopping as a pass time, arguments, being busy …. the list goes on until we realise maybe we spend most of our time in stimulation. Being aware and honest about how we are is the first step towards the possibility of change.

  153. So beautifully said Gabriele: ” And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.” – the moment you think something is ‘IT’, you have capped yourself and stopped your own growth, for it is an unending unfoldment.

  154. Nailed it Gabriele – this is sadly the epitome of our current society: “To cut right to the chase – the main commodity we have invested in is comfort in its many guises; we have sunk our funds into the notion that it is best to be left alone, get on with ‘it’, look after ourselves and those very close to us and otherwise ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’”…and in the process we are selling ourselves short of the magnificence that awaits within each of us and for all of us.

  155. Divinity and sacredness are often presented as being outside of us only – as in a special building or monument or sainted person rather than the simple truth that it is a quality we all hold equally within our essence, eternally there for us to reconnect with when we so choose.

  156. Our lives today are directed from our minds, and very rarely do we live from our hearts – from the innate love, truth and wisdom within. To live this inner essence is the birthright of every one of us.

  157. To live a cardio-centric life is truly inspirational – for ones self and for others – it is a game-changer.

    1. How is it a game changer? What happens? What is different about living in a cardio-centric manner? And what does it look like?

  158. We rewrite the most powerful words, it’s the best way to ensure the truth of our existence is not rediscovered.

  159. Again thank you Gabrielle, for it shows us that we have only to win our truth back, by understanding that life is not our end stage and that we need a more wider approach of looking at life, one that is from our inner-most and beyond.
    This sentence sums it up so well, thank you, as it brings us right back in reality:
    “What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?”

  160. Life is surprising and maybe somehow risky when we dare to challenge the comfort and or status quo by living the esoteric but gosh, without the esoteric it is not a life truly lived and or worth living.

    1. Why? And how is it risky? Because people don’t like it or because there is no end to evolution and that can at times feel scary?

  161. Somehow obscure actually is why something like the esoteric, ie a cardio-centric, loving and harmonious way of living gets defamed, but it is not so obscure when we look at the forces that have interest in doing so and keeping it so, as it is the esoteric that exposes them for the lovelessness, self-gain and recklessness they are indulging in.

  162. We have lost trust to the extent that that which is offered as a true way out simply seems to good to be true, is too ‘out there’ and therefore is rejected.

  163. When looking at the expression ‘the end all and be all’ it cold not be more accurate. We have within us the power to end the world we have created and be all that we are and always have been. Knowing this one cannot but explore the reason why this power is not used, abused and sabotaged at such costs.

  164. “‘The kingdom of God is within you’… Love indeed is within our body, so there’s no need to go on a pursuit around the globe looking for something to fill the ‘whole’… we are already wholesome if we simply connect

  165. ‘Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease. ’ this is true for the majority of society but I’m sure if you ask any 4 year old what they want life to be like when they grow up – they would not answer this outlined description above.

  166. The true meaning of many words have been changed over time, and the energy behind this has to be to deceive, to hide away or to retard us as humanity and to attempt collectively to convince us what it is not, rather than what it is.

  167. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” For much of the world this may come as a shake up as to the purpose of life.

    1. You reckon? Do people know what comfort is? Does a fish know it swims in water? Are we conscious of the fact that we breathe air?

  168. The question is, Are we prepared to step up and go beyond our comfort zone? Are we willing no matter what, to feel the tension and rise above it? Are we prepared to express ourselves in full in every moment and not be attached to the outcome?

    1. Good questions Carmel, as they come from that self comfortable way of life we have created for ourselves they are hard to answer. At first we have to acknowledge that we have created a comfortable life and then to truly feel what we have created with that. We are the creators of all the misery that we experience in our life. To me only then, we will be able to make the choice to step out of this creation and call it out in full for what it is, otherwise there will be too much investment in it that will withhold us from seeing the truth of what we are living.

    2. Thank you for this Carmel. I have found that I have been prepared only to go to where I feel comfortable. I can honestly say that I have caved to the tension, so your words here are another great reminder and encouragement of what is to be done.

  169. “The Kingdom of God is inside you…” – this one statement is enough to change the world and, as you say Gabriele, by offering a much needed U-turn from the momentum of lovelessness fostered by living a life in distraction and fixation with material/external advancement.

  170. What a beautiful, awesome and intriguing journey we embark on when we venture within our selves. I love how, through studying the Ageless Wisdom, I have come to know my self at a much deeper level and subsequently, love discovering more about other people are too. When we choose to open up to the wisdom pouring through us, life takes on an exciting yet simple focus, to allow the esoteric full expression.

  171. We have got nothing to lose and everything to gain by going towards our Innermost. Let’s face it looking outward and wanting the world to be something for us has not and never will work; we have tried it for aeons, and it clearly does not work.

  172. Thank you Gabriele for your awesome blog. I am also wondering why the word esoteric is so “out”. What would happen if more people would live an esoteric life? Perhaps other people would say they are living in a cult . . .

    1. But wait a minute – they already are; a cult called comfort and normalcy, sporting either a growing waistline or a Chardonnay in their slim and botoxed and oh, so well manicured hands.

  173. “Existence has its rewards, but these are short-lived and demand to be outdone and surpassed by evermore highs, peaks, rewards, recognition, fame and temporal glory…” – This is the crux of the matter on Earth, really, that we have lived in the illusion of believing that obtaining all these temporary rewards and indulgences (both physical wealth and even recognition for mental prowess and recall) is going to bring us a sense of accomplishment or happiness and contentment. But none of it does this whatsoever, and they all only result in massive exhaustion and unsettlement in the constant search for something to satisfy the never-ending search to fill an emptiness of not connecting to our inner-most in the first place.

  174. Comfort has nothing on living the glory of who we truly are, it’s like we are choosing to energetically starve ourselves in prison when we can simply choose to walk out and be free to live with love and integrity feeding our soul.

  175. Reading this gorgeous blog again this morning, I am reminded of the saying “I was lost and now I am found”. This is how I now feel, living in connection with my inner heart there is an absolute knowing of who I am, what I am a part of, where I am going and this truth is as important for me as it is for everyone else, for we are all going there together, no one gets left behind.

  176. We have totally bought into the belief of the individual, the go-it-alone mentality, which is causing us so much strife… when as a united humanity, in true brotherhood, harmony would be paramount.

  177. Living from the inner heart has no pictures,wants or needs and cannot be defined by the way things ‘should be’ …only by the truth of The Way it Is.

  178. Beautiful Gabrielle, it is indeed that simple, we have built this complex life of seeking and filling the emptiness within. And yet all we need is right here within us, as we can only truly fill the emptiness by being full of ourselves.

    1. So true Carolien and the crazy thing is the more we seek outside of us the further away we go from knowing the truth we hold. All it takes is for us to stop and be willing to admit we may be looking in the wrong direction and to turn around to start to feel what it is within that we can know that answers all the questions which have been there for so long.

      1. true Michael and in the end, even when we do not run round and just keep going, at some point we will find ourselves right back at the beginning as we can only go in circles. The key to the game is to try and make the circle as wide as possible, delaying the inevitable point of return.

  179. So I’m not hooked on existence I’m having to be honest about the rewards it gives because then I see that for every reward, short lived and superfluous, I see the deceit on offer. What seems like a reward is actually a con I am engaging with- more is taken than is ever given. How much more I am letting myself come to see, though I often don’t want to, is enormous and has far reaching effects. Not engaging in this trade off must also have far reaching, but amazing effects. Out choices are never insignificant.

  180. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to make that U-turn. With every choice, movement and expression we make. And it is what seems to be the little U-turns (simple things like changing the way we walk, dress, eat, talk to each other) that mount up to the all-over-U-turn.

    1. Very true, it’s the commitment and consistency with all the ‘little’ things that we may not pay much attention to; our movements, how we express and what we share, how we get into our car and hold the wheel, the way we make a cup of tea, the smile we give another as we feel their hesitancy …. when all these moments are impressed with our love, from the connection to our innermost, life as we know it takes a big loving U-turn.

  181. And therein is exposed the Catholic Church (and many other organised religions) that purposefully and consciously bastardise these simple teachings; it makes total sense really – for if the Kingdom of God is within us, then why do we need to go to church, pay money into these organisations, keep the clergy in pay and power, etc…the whole edifice is rendered nought if this teaching is be embraced by the congregations. No wonder they have twisted the truth so violently. Yes, the world needs teachers; but teachers who hold us all as equal brothers so that we can all, together, equally, irrespective of creed, return to that Kingdom of God.

    1. Shining light and understanding on the way things have been structured… this is brilliant, Otto and could easily be applied to education, health care, business… always inciting us to believe that we need something outside of ourselves so as to be anything. A foul and insidious lie.

      1. And one that we think and reason has served us well – after all, don’t we live longer and have taller buildings. Come on, admit it …

  182. I have never found any thing else that describes life in the detail that the Esoteric does – it is the all because nothing is left unexplained.

    1. So true, Rebecca …. the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom hold no judgment, rather, the opposite, they share the truth and fullness of how things are, explaining why we are where we are today. The teachings bring understanding and insight, inviting us to consider life on a scale we may have never contemplated before, empowering us to live the glory of who we truly are.

      1. I agree – no aspect of my life is left out, and I feel like no matter what I face or how I feel or what happens in life, I have a wealth of wisdom and understanding that supports me to understand, rather than just be at the mercy of life.

  183. The inner-most is the start. The everlasting expansion that the inner-most offers is the middle. There is no end.

  184. In fact it gives of life that does not smash the body in the process.

  185. I often wonder too why we keep persisting in the way we have always been, when we can see it doesn’t work for us? Thank you Gabriel, much food for thought here.

    1. Roslyn I’m not convinced that we can see that life isn’t working for us. I actually think that as long as we prop ourselves up with all of life’s stimulants, sedatives, rewards and ill perceived perks then most of us think it’s pretty good. Now if we were to pull all of those things out of our lives, then I think we would be forced to be much more honest about our lives and how we’ve choosing to live.

  186. “The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all” – the ending of comfort, and the being all of the soul.

  187. “The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all” – the ending of comfort, and the being all of the soul.

  188. ‘What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside…’ it seems so obvious that we should look at this, as we are clearly not living well as a species with extreme levels of illness and disease and yet we live in the comfort we have created, and so ignore such clear questions.

  189. I have spent most of my life in the imprisonment of comfort, thinking that life would be grand if I did not rock the boat. Thanks to Universal Medicine my life and my heart have opened up once again to true purpose, of living each day in service to others and a grander plan that it is a joy to be a part of.

    1. I agree, Janet, it’s only been through my willingness to open my heart and see things for how they truly are, holding everyone as equal, connecting with the potential of their magnificence, irrespective of how they may be behaving that I am appreciating what an insular, false, flat, joy-less, indulgent, selfish and confined life I was living before and how natural, spacious, evolving, joyful, glorious it is to be living from the inside out with love, integrity and connection with everyone and everything.

    2. Comfort sure is an imprisonment and one that can never be sated. It can be hard to let go of as aside from being entrenched, it is very rational.

  190. Being encouraged to re-connect to my esoteric qualities has been a life changer and in the process I have come to appreciate all I bring to the world and consequently, all the amazing and gorgeous qualities that lie within other people. A real game changer that leads us back to our truth: responsibility, brotherhood, harmony and purpose. What more can we want for?

  191. Knowing that ‘the Kingdom of God is within’ puts a stop to the eternal search outside of ourselves for answers, for love, for the meaning of life and why we are here. When we start with the knowing we have everything within and are here to return to living the love we are and know, then it changes everything about the way we see the world and live.

  192. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” Great question. Yet comfort is so familiar to most of us in one form or another. To seek our innermost – the esoteric – involves stepping away from what we have come to know as ‘true’. Gold lies therein.

    1. Yes it does seem like way more fun to be an individual but the pain and suffering we create, at some point causes a change. Shame we don’t listen to our bodies early on.

  193. Gabriel your exploration of the word esoteric resurrects it from obscurity and expands our understanding of its true meaning.

  194. Often the answers lie in the simplest of truths but we have become attached to complication. What if it is as simple as doing a u-turn and turning inwards away from the material world and letting our inner-most ( esoteric) be our compass and guide.

  195. ‘But what if these sleeping dogs have always at least one eye open, are baring their teeth and snarling, forever ready to pounce under their veneer of sleepiness and, displayed for all to see, superficial soporific stupor? What if the whole thing is a lie?’ …. what if we at least consider that we are being manipulated, that by lying down with our irresponsibility and comfort we are laying ourselves open to being puppets, that because of our willingness to be ‘played’ we are here in the catastrophic mess that we are in today. It’s because we have been too willing to leave ourselves behind and dis-connect from our soul, from the truth and instead let life dictate to us, rather than living the truth which we all know and deeply treasure when we choose to re-connect.

  196. Comfort is any place that the spirit is finding identification in. The fragment of the whole that has separated and chosen to run it’s own course. We can equally be in comfort in our despair, drug addition or glamour and illusion. Comfort in this sense is not so cosy.

  197. So what is life really about? Is it about us having a grand time and having it easy and lying around in comfort? Or is it about maximising our time here and living in a way that is cardiocentric and building true relationships with each other, bringing back harmony and brotherhood and a deep care and respect for oneself and those around us? Are we allowing ourselves to be distracted by our so called problems, so that we do not see the bigger picture and actually step up to the pull and evolution on offer?

  198. The mentality of just looking after ourselves and those close to us hasn’t worked, it creates separation and complications. So, why not try a more simpler way? And I agree Gabriele with what you’ve shared. I feel the esoteric is our only way out of this mess because the way humanity has been living is not working and we can see this very clearly from observing the conflict, war, illness and disease rates globally.

  199. Gabriele, I love how you have talked about the esoteric here and also how you have used the words cardio-centric. It is totally this, it is about coming from our heart, from the inner most heart, and this is the key ingredient that is missing in life for most people. What a simple answer that does not cost millions. But the question is how many are willing to look at this and embrace this in life? We will keep running away from such a simple truth until such time that we are ready to take full responsibility.

  200. What if indeed all you propose is true Gabriele, as it is, and we can simply make that U-turn back toward our inner essence from where everything makes sense and we see life and ourselves in it in relation to the whole. The awakening of our true purpose here and the responsibility that comes with it, is the ‘comfort’ we may choose to avoid.

    1. Great point Victoria… is our comfort an excuse and avoidance of the responsibility we sense if we were to follow our true purpose, and in this an avoidance of our true power? Imagine if we were all full of true purpose, responsible with our innate wisdom and truth, and thus living harmoniously as a humanity – our world would be a very different place.

  201. When we connect to true purpose, there is nothing that will get in the way. Comfort and complexity become shown up for the indulgences they are.

  202. I love what you’ve suggested about making our true compass in life our godliness and essence – this would put an end to a lot of doubt that humanity has about what direction they should be going in, and how to navigate in this world… Not from the outside in but the inside out.

  203. ‘The kingdom of God is within you’ This simple teaching has been passed down through the ages, from the beginning of time, how is it that most of humanity think God is something outside of us?

    1. we have allowed these phrases to become empty and meaningless, thinking they are somehow only symbolic. But the Ageless Wisdom is very simple and direct, in this day and age it is even more so as presented by Serge Benhayon.

    2. I agree, how is it that most of humanity think God is something outside of us, when this simple teaching has been passed down through the ages across humanity. When and where has the teaching been diluted.

    3. Because living the Kingdom of God within us would be too simple… and would mean self responsibility. By believing we are controlled outside of ourselves, we avoid being responsible.

  204. “What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside” A profoundly simple resolution to our ills and one that when applied produces miracles. The deeper we go the more wisdom we are able to embody that has a positive knock on effect on our health, vitality, relationships and commitment to life. There are many riches that lie within us that the material world has yet to equal.

  205. Looking within is indeed the one and only ‘true compass’ to the Kingdom of Heaven.

    1. All is within us, if we choose to stop and connect to this awareness and allow ourselves to truly feel the truth, we can see the true compass to the Kingdom of Heaven.

      1. And when we see this compass, the Esoteric, and the further we travel the direction it points the simpler, straight forward and purposeful life becomes.

  206. What is presented here is pretty much the opposite to what we see when we look outside. Why is that? Could it be that we are fighting what we truly know to be the way forward?

  207. Whoever said esoteric means ‘secretive’ obviously does not know the true meaning of esoteric! It is actually really beautifull and means within .. that truth, love, ancient wisdom is within us all, equally so. We just need to understand and be willing to truly connect to this ourselves.

  208. Comfort is king; it is the number one reason to avoid the esoteric and to denigrate the esoteric. The moment we start embracing the esoteric way of life comfort is on its way out.

    1. Your use of the word denigrate is spot on. They say that ‘attack is the best form of defense’, and thus the esoteric is so attacked by some – a move that simple exposes how entrenched they are in their comfort. Whenever I find myself rejecting something I always try to have the honesty to look at why that is. I don’t always do that and I don’t always get to the truth…but I am aware that my reaction to something is always a reflection of a choice that I have made myself and thus it serves me to look at that, rather than defend my choices through attack.

  209. Priceless title Gabriele – ‘The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all’
    As we live and Be all that we are, this will lead to the end of all that we have been hoodwinked by – the false lies that appear to be the truth.

  210. To me the truth of the esoteric is confirmed over and over by the fact that many people won’t give it a try and have great resistance. There are many reasons as to why this is the case. We have lived a great lie and many of us chose to stay in this thick lie resisting truth even when it is all around us

  211. I love how you’ve ‘cut to the chase’. Tensions are mounting and all the comfort of the world can’t disguise this. We have to come clean about what’s not working and seek within to what does.

  212. Making any big U-turn needs support and guidance. Universal Medicine and all its affiliated presenters, practitioners and students have given me SOOOOOO much of this. We are not designed to walk alone.

  213. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” I asked myself this question when I first met Serge, and quite honestly I had nothing to lose and I quickly got to appreciate just how much I gained.

  214. In my lifetime, and I am in my mid sixties now, there have been so many innovations, to make our lives easier and to give us more free time… but really is life easier and where is and what is this free time and how do we use it if we consider we have it?

  215. The esoteric is a simple extension of science. Science places conditions on what it accepts as true – it has to as, unless there is a mathematical proof, there is always uncertainty with the tools that science uses. If you have access to truth without needing to place conditions on it, then you have an extension of science that can be verified by science.

    1. There is so much that we do not see, not because it is not there, but simply because we choose to not see.

    2. Brilliant Christoph! And so it is that the esoteric forecasts that which science often lags behind to prove. How long did it take for science to prove that smoking was bad for you? And yet our common sense alone was telling us this, and the ill health of the body that resulted was telling us this…70 yrs later science had the proof and could tell people that indeed smoking is bad for your health. Science is great in so many ways, but when used in conjunction with the esoteric has the capacity to be even grander and supporting us in more ways than we realise.

  216. It is crazy that the comforts we choose are so often uncomfortable and still we cling onto them, unwilling to let go of our uncomfortable life raft in a seemingly choppy sea of life, but once we choose to go inwards we find the anchor of stillness that is always there and supports us to embrace evolution.

    1. It sure is just the beginning and the more we embrace the love we are the more everyone also get to see the reflection of the love they too are. For love is the only thing that truly unites us all, as it is who we are and where we are all from.

      1. In truth love is all there is, it’s therefore an absolute travesty that most of us here on earth live without the true activity of love in our lives.

      2. I agree Alexis and knowing this and seeing this should be enough to ignite the purpose within us to live the love we know in full so everybody can be reminded of the love that they too are.

  217. We have to be aware that when we allow it, there are energies which are opposed to truth and therefore will work to keep it hidden through altering the meaning of words over time, in order that it is not available to people in the way it is, despite the fact that we can all access it through our own connection to our Soul, God and the Universe.

    1. I love that truth to words is being restored, the lies would continue and comfortable ignorance remains without that restoration of truth in words.

  218. What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric- our innermost? All of our creations, stories, problems and adventures. But these feel so minuscule compared to the grandness and feeling of space, surety and absolute knowing that we feel, when we connect to that inner, quiet voice within us that knows us inside out: our soul.

  219. I love the way you’ve turned a finite saying into the infinite “The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all”, true and meaningful wordsmanship Gabriele.

    1. Well spotted Rosanna, I didn’t notice this until you pointed it out. What a masterful and playful way with words. I love it too.

  220. The simplicity of the esoteric has been made mysterious to hide the fact that connection to our the inner heart leads us back to the divinity of our true selves.

    1. Well said Jenny – there is an ill-consciousness at play that has been shrouding the truth in its skilful deep illusion of separation. It has been in force for millennia in order to keep us away from our knowingness, the truth and simplicity of the esoteric way of living.

    2. Well its time we brought the truth back, that there is no mystery in the esoteric and it is simply about connecting to our inner most our inner heart.

  221. A cardio-centric one unified way of life says so much, a life that is led and lived to the best of our ability with our every movement and our every decision to the best of our ability, from our heart and allow that to flow and guide us. It actually keeps life very simple.

  222. Yes, Gabriele, it does feel like the beginning of the forever more when we choose to step out of the enthralment of a comfortable life and start to make life only about love and re-connecting to the Kingdom of God inside us all. There is no greater joy…

  223. We are all here to all evolve! Comfort is all about self, and we can’t be bothered to get on the bus, for it is easier to throw ourselves under it?

    1. Love that Steve sums up many of us….we prefer irresponsibility to being responsible for our every move.

  224. ‘Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?’ When we ponder on this it simply doesn’t make sense unless we are actually getting something out of it. If we ask ourselves what we are getting out of our ignorance and misery, then is it possible we like being ignorant and miserable because it serves the purpose of keeping us low, giving us excuses not to step up, to keep the world in separation – in individuality when we are so much more than this? Clearly, as it stands at the moment, our need/desire to be individual (and the identification with that) means more to us than the truth of where we are from and that we are all one.

  225. While we try to ignore our lineage, that we are Sons of God, that inner connection to this will bring us all the answers to the issues we are facing in our nowadays, personal lives and societies.

  226. When we choose for the esoteric, the cardio centric way of life, we do reconnect to that grander whole we are part of that will remove us from the life we have created for ourselves to have comfortable lives in complete dismissal of who we truly are.

  227. It is the sleeping dogs you are talking about Gabriele, that are defending and keeping the system we have created alive. But we must net let them sleep as with that we keep ourselves slaves of the false life they are defending.

  228. The sooner we all open our hearts and bodies to the fact that everything is energy and that everything is because of energy, the sooner we will be empowered to change the way we are living and make choices that reflect the truth of the amazing beings that we truly are.

  229. There are energetic forces at play in our world, for every force there is an equal opposing force. With love comes the equal opposing force, harm. I hate how as a society we are being played and manipulated, energetically, by a very insidious and harmful energy that is working to cause division amongst us all, isolation, suppression of the truth – of who we truly are, why we are here and where we are going, and instead lure us into a life of seeming comfort, but in reality – dis-connection where we start to turn on each other, leading to complete mayhem.

  230. The inner has always been my more familiar and real arena. But your question of what have we got to lose to return to our innermost? In my observations of people, there is nothing to lose except that there is a call to question that Life is more than what we see with the eye. That means, we are more powerful (multidimensional) than we want to admit. Playing small keeps us confined rather than expand.

  231. That’s the thing what have we got to loose, we’ve tried all else, so why not come back to us, the inner most of who we are?

    1. This is a great point Monica. Which part of creation have we not yet tried!! – but that’s the thing about creation; it’s an infinite array of possibilities…rather than the one unified truth of us all. On a macro level this can be a bit huge to get our heads round…but it can be distilled down to a very simple example as well. For me, if I am trying to make a decision and am not with myself, there are literally an infinite number of ways that my mind can spin the situation – pros and cons by the bucket load! But if i am simply connected to looking at it from truth and not-truth then it’s divinely simple as binary code.

      1. Thank you Otto for expanding on this, and shining a light on what indecisiveness and procrastination is … once we’re disconnected from ourselves we are literally blown from pillar to post by our mind in all the scenarios it can spin for us, and each of them are a lie, but they keep us distracted and in a spin, and getting us absolutely nowhere no matter what we may then decide. It comes back to that simplicity you speak of being connected, and that step we cannot miss if we want to be and live from truth … there’s no fuzzy logic here, it is binary!

    2. Something a lot of us have tried, and are we glad as it has allowed us to connect more closer to the kingdom of heavens.

  232. Yes indeed, Gabriele, we have nothing to lose at this point by changing course, as the life we have created is clearly not working. It is evident that people are beginning to look for truth rather than chase false hopes, and the light is beginning to shine into many dark corners.

  233. It is a wise decision to look into comfort and how it plays out in your own life. Where do you seek it, why do you seek it, is it really that comfortable, as even the most uncomfortable can appear comforting? And then look at what you get out of being ‘comfortable’. And to do this with as much curiosity and observation as possible, almost like a detective that is on your side.

  234. “The Esoteric – the end-all and Be-all”… the end of all this crazy way of living that currently exists, and truly living – being all that we truly are.

    1. Awesome Paula, I love the way you expanded on the title that Gabriele has so playfully composed. It is so true, why not ‘end all’ of the craziness in our world and start living to ‘be all’ that we are?

  235. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” Hear hear Gabrielle, I would say we have lost far too much already and we simply cannot afford to not try another course, as all courses so far have led us further and further astray.

  236. When we choose to lead a life based on what we feel within our hearts and bodies, we cannot help but return to a consistent commitment, integrity and joy in our everyday, as we resume connection with our inherently divine qualities and make these the centre of our lives.

  237. It is no wonder we have tried hard to change the meaning of the word Esoteric and make it something that is hidden and exclusive which is a million miles from the truth. To live the life of the Ageless Wisdom as shown by many that have been before us, would mean we would have to be willing to see the comfort we live in and take responsibility for how we are living. This is what we don’t like because it exposes how we have been living and the loveless irresponsible way we go through life.

  238. What if we all do know the esoteric is just the beginning? This magnificence, why do we resist it? Is our need for comfort so great, or will we see through its thin veneer of security, through to how damaging it is and what great suffering it creates?

  239. ‘the main commodity we have invested in is comfort’, and the comforts each of us chooses come in many colours, shades and shapes, that sometimes we are not even aware of the more subtle forms of comfort. That said, our comforts only serve to keep us in delay, until the body has had enough and sends a big shout in the way of a wake up call.

  240. It is because we have made the word Esoteric to mean “…what is somewhat obscure, hidden, for a select few or even secretive” that it can feel like we don’t know what esoteric means even though in the true meaning of the word it is so simple and something we all probably already know and live to a certain degree in our lives. It is this that is the true harm of changing the meaning of a word, we are not confirmed in our truth of what we know, so we don’t built on those moments in our life we live it.

  241. And in such simple ways too Richard. Two days ago I stopped in my walk to talk to two horses. After a few moments I stepped back and connected to myself and began to breathe gently, just staying with my innermost. After a few moments I noticed that the horse nearest me started to droop his eyelids and become very still, and then the one behind also. This continued as long as I stayed there and there felt to be a deep communication on a being level, not the purely human. It felt like time stood still and space expanded. This is what is possible for us if we connect within.

  242. Most of us don’t take a blind bit of notice of what the teachers throughout the ages have shared with us, or at best use the teachings as a loose guide without full commitment, as we are erroneously too attached to the illusion of comfort which is only a temporary relief from the tensions we feel from not connecting to our innermost.

  243. “What if we are here to evolve?” What an awesome question and one that is worth deeply pondering on. If we accept this as a truth then everything about the way that we are living has to change.

    1. It sure does Elizabeth, it changes the way we view life and what we are here to do. For me it brings a brings a sense of purpose and focus to life that was missing before.

  244. All I know is that I cannot imagine how meaningless my life would be without all the wisdom and awesomeness of the world and universe around and through me. Serge opened my eyes to what was always there to see and feel.

  245. ‘The beginning of evermore’ is a beautiful phrase, one that holds a sense of commitment to truth and love.

      1. Absolutely Carolien, when I read the phrase I could not help but pause to feel the stillness and infinite quality in those words.

  246. How often the truth is veiled or tainted by those who do not dare to risk their comfort and self-gain, i.e. identification and individuality, so that although being pulled to truth, we have trouble seeing and embracing it because of the stains imposed onto it. Such is with the word ‘esoteric’ that in its true, natural, genuine meaning opens the gates to the true treasures we are longing for more than anything, God´s kingdom within, where we all belong and know ourselves equally to be kings and queens of the divine.

  247. So true Gabrielle, we are only at the beginning of our journey that is deepening the Love that we all come from!! Bring on the forever expanding esoteric, then as students who deepen in their love, we all get the blessing from that glowing light, so we can be the reflections of Love that we are connected to, no different from the moon reflecting the light of the sun.

  248. This is so true Gabriele…”…the main commodity we have invested in is comfort.”
    Its like ‘don’t ruffle my feathers and I won’t ruffle yours’… but in this we live blind to the truth of what is truly going on – within us, around us and in the world, and hence we have the world we now live in… the result of en masse silence, of not speaking our truth.

  249. Oh Gabriele, your blog touches every cell of my body connecting me more deeply to the truth, that the only true loving way in life for myself, everything and everyone is to live from my innermost.

  250. It was great to read this blog today and ask myself the question where am I at and what am I truly contributing to? Particularly after reading this ‘What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all, to humanity at large and the true’

  251. The ancient Wisdom teachings have be ridiculed, falsified, misinterpreted by wayward groups of people who seek to control the masses rather than give them the freedom of knowing what is true and what is not true. For many years it was the religions that controlled what was acceptable or not, based on the minority of the few and now it seems the scientists are taking over, dominating what is or isn’t science based on their limited knowledge. When as a race of human beings will we set ourselves free by not giving our power away to such people in so called ‘authority’.

  252. Isn’t it interesting that until Serge Benhayon started presenting, most of us didn’t know about the ancient teachings or the people that were associated with the teachings.
    Is it possible that such teachings were deliberately hidden, or were bastardised because there is an energy at play that doesn’t want these teaching to be made public because if they were, then the Game of life would be seen for the false way of living that it is.

  253. It is fair to say that we are completely lost the moment we try to make human life the be all and end all simply because although it has its big and grand moments we are actually even grander and the tension of being less can never be sustained forever.

  254. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?
    And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.” Just beautiful Gabriele. Until 10 years ago, I did not realise that I already knew about the Esoteric and in many ways was feeling it for myself but was not consciously aware of it. So to now know that is has always been there, an innate part of me as it is for everyone, was a revelation. And having tried it, and am now living it as much as possible, I can say we have absolutely nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

  255. My life certainly has been transformed into a way of living that is more honest, truthful, playful, loving and Joyful. It has been the esoteric principles as taught through Universal Medicine by Serge Benhayon which inspires me to be All that I Am.

  256. Society is geared to pull us away from an inner and intimate relationship with ourselves and very successful at it. We need to expose the ills of comfort at every opportunity, as for many the ultimate goal in life is to be comfortable, worry free, look after self and those close to you. Comfort is the enemy of evolution and brotherhood.

  257. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” When asked, this question challenges the whole focus of present day society.

  258. ‘Human life as we know it is plagued by strife, stress, boundless and ever-increasing tension; it is burdened with discontent, unsettlement and ill ease.’ Every one of us knows this and yet we like to keep it turning this way. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are the only teachings that I have ever come across that can get underneath all of this. ‘What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?’

    1. I agree, Michelle, and what is so empowering and supportive about the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom is the understanding that comes from knowing the truth. Appreciating why we act in the way we do, why we do things that we know we don’t want to, but sometimes feel powerless to stop. With this insight and understanding, which we can all connect to within, we have the power to determine our next choices moving forward, rather than being open to something else making this choice for us.

      1. Yes to all of that and also to the developing self-appreciation and wider perspective that makes it easier to observe all those choices without getting overwhelmed by them or feeling like it is simply easier just to give up!

  259. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort?’ what a great question which exposes so clearly why our choices thus far have a tendency not to bring us the answers to our problems but to further imbed them into existence.

  260. Your portrayal of our comfort and descriptions are like fireworks with words. Giving up is the single ship lost at sea, is this an apt discretion of comfort? Have we forgotten we have always had a flare gun that can change our lives?

  261. Gabriele, this really stands out for me; ‘There have always been messengers, like those mentioned before, and they lived by example (what we would call a role model nowadays)’. What I can feel by this is that teaching by example feels like a way of teaching that is true. Nowadays we are often taught by people who teach from books or talk and write about what we should do, but they do not necessarily live what they are teaching.

  262. Yes so true human life as we know it is fraught with peaks and troughs whereas with the esoteric which is basically living from what we feel on the inside and taking this out to life is a very steady way to live.

  263. ‘What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?’ Only our ill way of being that produces extraordinary depths of stress, anxiety and dis-ease that we have come to accept as a normal part of life.

  264. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?…” This statement brings one to consider what we actually define as comfort, both the obvious and the unconscious, and how much it is in the way we think, speak and do…

  265. ‘how come we have allowed the true meaning of the word esoteric to slip into the realms of the absurd, ridiculous, the far-fetched and into fruit-loop land?’ – this has happened for a lot of words, or rather, we have allowed this to happen for many other words – so their true meaning becomes bastardised and we live a lesser quality of the divine essence that these words bring in the fullness of their true meaning. Love is another example and there are many more.

  266. Absolutely gorgeous blog Gabriele, highlighting with all honesty the lack of contentment and settlement within us, and how simply it can be to come back to who we are.

    1. But we like complication and everything that comes with that – status, recognition, blood, sweat and tears and the many sighs. What would we actually do if we had no problems?

      1. True, we have become so identified with all of these distractions and space fillers that can be like any other addiction. Why life may even appear boring without all these simulations? In truth though there is nothing grander than to feel the ease of being when in connection with our body and spark that ignites us.

      2. There are those who abandon the simple life and choose one so complicated it brings them down, body, mind and heart. And what you say is correct, instead of being satisfied with what we have (and most have everything) we go for more and more. In one country this is known as ‘biggy eye’ the belief there is something better round the corner. This way of being creates problems where none exist. The esoteric way rests on an inner-most connection: we’re not looking for bells and whistles to give us a buzz in life, we connect to what is already within and this offers us everything we need.

  267. True messengers have always lived the truth. For how can you deliver something that is not real and tangible. Serge Benhayon is a master at living the truth and being a role model for how this can be done in our current world and era. Thank God for role models such as him!

  268. Changing the meaning of words is a despicably clever way to lead humanity off-track. Let me be clear though, to be led off-track we have to be willing to not stand for what we know is true and that happens by letting little things slide. It happens over time so that by the time you realise you are off-track there is a calculation of how much effort it will take to go back or whether we can make the best of the track we now have?! When you are down the wrong track it is never worth trying to make it work as it is a waste of precious energy. Better to bring love and honesty and head back up the track to where you took the deviation.

  269. It is correct that we strive for security and comfort over holding the truth we know, compromise is a habit many of us will be aware of to keep the status quo, but what is the quality of that choice.

  270. Even the word comfort has been bastardised. Comfort we think is something worth aiming for in life. To be comfortable, have a comfortable life. But when we have a life of comfort (whatever that may look like), we cannot see the lovelessness we are choosing, opting for the comfort, because it feels safe, we are not exposed in any way and it meets our needs. Comfort is like a big wet blanket on our growth as people together, it puts the brakes on both for ourselves and others. We really do need to see it for what it is and how it keeps the brakes on.

  271. It is worth looking inside – what you find is quite amazing and definitely not what you dread to find – that is also there but that is not you.

    1. Well said Christoph, I always have an image from something like ‘Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom’ where there is a cave full of the most incredible jewels but it’s guarded by a few mean looking serpents and a big ugly brute or two. So many of us are put off venturing into the cave in search of the gold by the thought of the unpleasant experiences at the mouth of the cave, but the fact of the matter is, that no one ever died trying to get into the cave, whatever pain we may feel is very fleeting compared to the longevity of the bounty inside.

    2. Yes feeling the what is not is just part of the journey and being seen as whole is liberating.

  272. For everyone honestly assessing life knows that we have come stuck in an impasse long ago and nothing truly fresh and new can be found in this direction, only the same old refurnished over and over again. But our senses are drawn to anything outside of us, only our inner sensing is forever drawn to the within and hence the two opposing forces, one away from and one towards our innermost.

  273. There is absolutely nothing to be lost by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost. It is the only one direction, inwards, whereas every other which-way is offered that take us round and round and round again, until we realise that one way inwards.

  274. Hah! Regarding our relationship with comfort and letting “sleeping dogs lie”, I love the way you paint the possibility that it is not all that we assume: “what if these sleeping dogs have always at least one eye open, are baring their teeth and snarling, forever ready to pounce under their veneer of sleepiness and, displayed for all to see, superficial soporific stupor?”

    What is shared here is so spot on. It is tragic that we fail to see it, until a while later when the result of this catches up with us, such as illness, disease and a realisation right before passing that we have wasted a life. There is little emphasis on deepening our awareness, connecting to our Soul and evolving, yet comfort, security and distraction seem to be the hot topic everywhere. A great article to put the spotlight on the gross error.

  275. Such a beautiful end of your blog: ‘the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more.’ Our innermost is only the start, the gateway to a never ending deepening of wisdom and belonging to the universe.

    1. I agree Gill… we are saying live self-absorbed and don’t care about anyone else, however, the truth is we miss ourselves and we miss each other – we are born to live in community and truly care for one another.

  276. Comfort is a vice that traps us – if everything is fine and dandy why would you consider anything else? But what if fine and dandy was so far from the truth of who we are?

  277. There’s something about the fact that we have had to elevate living by example to ‘being a role model’. Does it show our way of life has moved exponentially further away from that lived example that we have deliberately had to build it back into learning how to live with decency, respect, that the Livingness aspect has been lost and replaced by ‘right conduct’. We do need to make another U-turn and head back inside, “making the innermost (the esoteric), our essence and God-given innateness, our one and only traffic sign and true compass” to a way of living (by example).

  278. What if I have got it all wrong, what if all of my ideas about how my life ought to pan out are just an illusion? This question brings a tension to my head, it’s almost as if my brain can’t comprehend. Yet, it feels like a weight has been lifted off of my chest.

  279. ‘Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?’ Because our Spirit loves complication and drama. Going deeper within to connect to the answers that we know are there, means that we don’t have that individuality. There’s no game. Life is simple and straightforward. Do we know who we are without the games we play with ourselves, the complication, the problems and dramas? Are we even prepared to find out?

  280. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” – This is an excellent question, and one that challenges the whole way that our society is set up. What IF there was a greater purpose than just ‘making do’ or trying to feel as happy as possible and reduce the days that we feel low and exhausted?

  281. You have nailed it when you write about human life and how there is a continuous demand to outdo ourselves when it comes to rewards and recognition. In the corporate world it is all about out doing the competition with ever more highs and peaks. At some point I’m sure it will all come crashing down, as to me it seems unsustainable as the tension increases to outperform. It is similar to the tension in an elastic band, over stretch it and it will break.

  282. There is absolutely nothing hidden about the Esoteric it is a truly amazing way to live, yet until we are willing to see the huge amount of comfort we choose to live in everyday we can never truly embrace the word Esoteric, a way of living that asks us to be responsible for every choice we make in life.

  283. I hadn’t heard the word esoteric before I attended a workshop where Serge Benhayon presented the Universal Medicine principles based on the Ageless Wisdom. To me it is a word that humbly describes what I have since discovered to be the most precious quality and relationship I could ever have. For this to be seen as only for the select few, or it to be mysterious is an absolute bastardisation of the word and its meaning.

  284. Another amazing question here, Gabriele – “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” When I was entrenched in a life of comfort it really was not comfortable at all, as I felt empty, depressed and heavy in the body. What if we are here to bring more love each day, to support one another and find joyful purpose just by being all of ourselves in life?

  285. Evidently our investment in comfort is extremely entrenched if we resort to bastardising the meaning of words that keep us in touch with our divine essence, God and our innate wisdom. It is a very harmful and malicious intent that we allow to run wild when we do not stand up for what is true and correct in this world that is in desperate need for our truth to be resurrected. Re-establishing the true meaning of words such as ‘esoteric’ and ‘occult’ requires us to embody their meaning in our everyday lives, living examples that provide us with irrefutable evidence of their real intent.

  286. There’s nothing new about the The Ageless Wisdom, it’s been presented by many many both well known and not so well known people and it’s been around much longer than we have, the interesting thing is we have no problem accepting the philosophies of teachers such as Pythagorus or Plato long after they’ve died, but when it comes to how the current Ageless Wisdom is presented today people seem to hark up. It doesn’t make sense when the Ageless Wisdom is the one thing that makes life make sense.

  287. We actually choose to suffer, to struggle and create issues which makes no sense what so ever, we set ourselves up for problems with the choices we make and then blame the world around us for the mess we are in.

  288. “…making a U-turn and heading inside…” has been the greatest and most significant choice in my life. It has brought purpose and joy to my life and most of all the awakening of my connection to my Soul.

  289. That is a very true observation, Richard, and brings great understanding as to the bastardisation of the meaning of ‘esoteric’.

  290. I actually disagree that “we are forever asking (unless we have totally given up on our erstwhile displayed youthful vigour and natural curiosity) what the meaning of life is” I think most of us are not asking that question, most of our questions are to do with our immediate needs and desires.

  291. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” – absolutely nothing [except comfortable comfort] to lose, and absolutely everything [and beyond more] to gain. Freeing oneself of comfort allows for living life truly, wholly, majestically.

  292. “What have we invested in?” Well we’ve invested lifetime after lifetime in trying to make this farce of a life work, knowing full well that it never will. What a ridiculous waste of time! But still, on we go until it becomes so blatantly obvious that our way of life is broken beyond repair that we swallow our poisonous pride and start to look within for the answers. Then and only then will there be true change.

  293. We crave identity because we have forgotten that we are the One United face of God. The further from the truth we get, the more we cling to and crave identity. The closer we get to God the less we see ourselves as individual and the more we identify with the qualities of God.

  294. For me the greatest joy is to settle more and more in me and my body- from this place there is no complication, there is no need for any confirmation, there is my absolute knowing and call for purpose. It asks me to let go of any ME although I say more YES to me. As connecting to my soul allows me to feel the All and that we are here to work and support us together to expose the grand lies of this plane of life.

  295. We all carry the greatest wisdom inside us. What a waste to not connect to it and be in this prison called human life trying to equal the treasure we are inside- not living its treasure though- by any recognition given through a doing instead of our being. It is like running a life long marathon to chase a happiness, instead settling in us, becoming aware of the richness that we are and surrounds us all the time already, without any effort.

  296. The esoteric has given me a deep sense of purpose and self worth. I no longer question life, flounder, or just get by. I live a stimulant-free life with gains far greater than my previous existence which depended on seeking fixes outside of myself.

  297. The way we have been living for eons has clearly not been working so why not try a new tack for we have everything to gain and little to lose in the big scheme of things.

  298. When invited to consult an esoteric practitioner, this was said to me ‘ I’ll give it a go, just as long as they don’t ask me to change anything. ‘ This is the dilemma. Many prefer the comfort of misery than freedom of gathering wings and flying out of it.

  299. Comfort has many forms but none no matter how comfortable, can ever replace what we truly miss. Ever wonder why the rich just need more and more, when they have everything? Well, there’s a hole we can’t fill unless we turn to our innermost.

  300. This is a very timely read for me. Thank you, Gabriele. I have been becoming more aware of how I have not given a proper, full go at living purely from the esoteric, that there is something that is not fully trusting or surrendering to this way of being. What if that was to bring what would far surpass all the images and ideas of true glory I could ever imagine? What if that really meant the true beginning and not the end? Lots of what ifs there. What we are to lose by changing course and heading to our inner-most is the security of the known and the expected that our mind can compute.

  301. You’re right Gabrielle – it’s all just one big lie and the lies can only keep going if we pretend to be happy with what we’ve created i.e comfort. It’s obvious that we are pretending, because when you look around people are striving for happiness when the esoteric, the inner-most essence of who we are is offering us so much more. We don’t look content. Humanity is not ok. It’s time to get honest and turn-around.

  302. You’re right Gabrielle – it’s all just one big lie and the lies can only keep going if we pretend to be happy with what we’ve created i.e comfort. It’s obvious that we are pretending, because when you look around people are striving for happiness when the esoteric, the inner-most essence of who we are is offering us so much more. We don’t look content. Humanity is not ok. It’s time to get honest and turn-around.

  303. We are all part of the bigger plan but because of free will we have one time chosen to not take our responsibility in that.

  304. It reminds me of the satellite navigation in my car that when I get off track it advises me to make a legal U-turn and that I always respond to that call. Why then was I always that stubborn to listen to my inner voice that advised me to make a U-turn in my life and head to the inside instead of adventuring the outside world I was living at that time. I only was able to make this turn after I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that supported me hugely in this.That said, we are not that free in our thinking and choice making as we think that we are, there is a sort of investment or contract running that needs to be de-configured first before we are free again to be able to freely choose to our inner knowing we can call intuition.

    1. Well said Nico van Hastrecht
      ” we are not that free in our thinking and choice making as we think that we are, there is a sort of investment or contract running that needs to be de-configured first before we are free again to be able to freely choose to our inner knowing we can call intuition.”
      We like to think we think but I have discovered that actually we don’t think, for example how many times has a thought come into our minds and we have wondered where it came from? It seemingly drops in from nowhere. What if those thoughts are coming from a pool of consciousness that is attracted to our bodies by the way the body is configured.

      1. That is how it is in truth, the quality of our thoughts is by our quality of movement. But although I start to understand this by living it, for me this is not always something I am aware of and in that I tend to want to cherish and protect MY thought. When this happens and I become aware of it, I now can laugh about it. But I am not sure if the same would happen when I told a scientist about this science.

  305. There is nothing obscure about living an esoteric life. It is very practical and a great way to live.

    1. And makes you very resilient, in the best sense of the word.

  306. The truth has been delivered a millions times or more, what hasn’t happened is us living it. The key seems to be that we aren’t made to do life alone but live every step connected to divinity.

    1. …… and, therefore, with each other in brotherhood, so we can inspire, support and just be there for each other on our journey back to re-claiming the truth of who we all are.

    2. Unless the truth is actually lived then it remains dormant. Living the truth activates it and calls it forth in others to come alive. This process has already begun, it’s akin to starting with a few scattered burning embers, which will then lead, slowly over time, to small break out fires. Eventually the fires will begin to merge and then before we know it, there will be a raging inferno of love, truth and God.

  307. As a society we are struggling, we are searching for the magic button to make everything ‘better’, when we already hold this key within, but it’s way beyond ‘better’, it’s divine. All we have to do is to let go of the struggle, choose to re-connect to our inner-heart and feel the amazingness of who we truly are and all that we are a part of.

    1. Well said Alison, though we do have to do this in increments…each increment allowing us to connect deeper and deeper to who we are.

  308. This is gorgeous Gabriele.

    The only way we can be played to not feel that absolute truth and sheer beauty of all that lives and breathes within us, is to construct a way of living that focuses on the outer and all that we seek to attain and pull in and thus own as our thought, our opinion, our belief, our attitude, our ideal etc. All to mark it with a ‘stamp of self’ that has us all puffed up on the might of “I created this”, instead of allowing the love, wisdom and universality that is in our inner-most, to instruct and guide us forth in the world.

    1. Our greatest form of identification is to know that in truth ‘we’ don’t exist because we are all the collective consciousness of God. What could possibly be more magnificent than that?

  309. What we have to lose by heading inwards is our comforts, our obscurity in the masses and our individuality no matter how much of a struggle that appears to cause. I know without question that Jesus was onto something when he said the kingdom of God is inside you. This is where I find my divine self, I can feel all that we are a part of and know God as I know my breath.

  310. We are living in world that is heavily invested in comfort, we think it is something to strive for, invest in and pursue but the truth is, it is harming us in more ways than we are willing to recognise.

  311. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” now that’s a great point to consider, I grew up seeking comfort as the everything I’ve been looking for and now I’m realizing that is not quite it!

  312. There has been so much damage done to the word ‘esoteric’ that if this word is mentioned the first response is ‘reaction’ and the same is for the word ‘Innermost’. A very sinister barrier has been erected because of the mis-interpretation of these words and all with the intention of preventing a person from claiming their own essence, beauty and power. Wow, once these words have been claimed and are being lived from – it is truly the beginning ‘ever more’

  313. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” quite simply we have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain.

    1. Because it’s not like the current path that humanity is on, is exactly flourishing!!! If humanity were a scientific experiment or medical drug trial, it would have been classified as a disaster a long time ago and a different path of research or medicine would have been pursued. Yet we continue on, refusing to change course.

      1. One correction please – drug trials and their sponsored results get the tick of approval and pass muster. After all, there is a bottom line, there are shareholders and the next holiday on Mars and the kids’ school fees to consider.

      2. Point very well made Gabriele. Puts a new spin on the technical term “control experiment”. Depends entirely who is controlling it!

  314. It is interesting how a word – esoteric – that actually simply signposts us back to our inner-essence has been mystified and made foggy over years… Love how you present the true meaning of it here and huge appreciation to Serge Benhayon for bringing the true meaning of esoteric back for us all.

    1. Perhaps it is foggy because the device that is looking is a bit cobwebbed from disregard? I am learning that we need to work on our bodies to be able to recognise the connection that is available through our bodies – the level of honesty, the level of wisdom. It is all there, we simply need to build a deeper relationship with our body, clear the cobwebs out and have some fun!!

  315. The word Esoteric has been bastardised to make it seem like it is only for the secret few, when in truth, it is there for us all, equally, each and every one of us. 24/7.

  316. Could it be that the same energy that has bastardised words like ‘Esoteric’ is the same energy that creates and has created corruption, greed, abuse, war etc to name a few. So then surely we need to ask ourselves what energy are we choosing and consistently aligning to? And when en masse will we start to demand the true truth?

  317. Changing course and traveling inwards and connecting with what is already known truth sounds like the way to go rather then outwards to a whole lot of non truths that are unfounded and totally steer you off course.

  318. Even the word evolve has been bastardised. We think given that we have become very clever at building infrastructure, technology, gadgets, physical abilities, medical technology etc and yet with ourselves, our relationships and how we relate to one another we are not travelling well. Perhaps this is the real indication of our evolution, rather than what is fancy and flash on the outside. Evolution is the inner work of a deepening and re-connection of all that we are inwardly and something we all have the capacity for – without exception. Our physical ailments are a blessing really for they are there to assist us to stop and consider the more that we are. Without them we would continue on the path of devolution.

    1. I guess when we invest so heavily in the outer, it is no wonder we have such amazing technological advancements etc…all that drive and push and force put into this way of life is bound to produce something! Imagine if we were to put that same effort and commitment and dedication and passion into deepening our relationships with ourselves and our brothers, into supporting humanity in truth, providing the infrastructure and systems that would nurture a truly harmonious way of living; we clearly and very obviously have the skills…

      1. Just imagine for a split second what we could do with all the ingenuity and money that go into the exploration of space and getting to Mars or wherever else! When all we need is to go within, haha. What a joke.

      2. Apple – one company of hundreds in the world of technology – made $60billion in a three months. Now add that to what you are imagining Gabriele! It’s utterly astonishing. Now I’m not saying that computers are a bad thing and I’m a big fan of the Apple computer that I’m writing this comment on but the balance, flow and purpose of $$ in our world is a stark exposure of where we are all focussing our attention.

  319. I had rarely heard the word Esoteric until recently. Beginning my studies with Universal Medicine, I was presented with the true meaning of the word. Interestingly, at the same time I noticed it began to be used much more often in general conversation and in the media, but continuing to be used in the context of hidden or secretive. There are not too many words that we use whose meanings have turned 180 degrees away from the original meaning, or in other words we have given a meaning that is the exact opposite to what it truly means. What if we understood words by their true meaning? How would this affect and change how we live? Words and how we use them are much more powerful than we give any credit to.

  320. When humanity is in the mess it is in with corruption, indulgence, self-serving greed, illness and disease in the proportions they are, it is a sign of mental illness not to look for a different way of thinking than the one that got us to this place. The Esoteric way is a challenge because it calls for personal responsibility and that is something we seem to have become unused to valuing.

  321. ‘What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside, i.e. making the innermost (the esoteric), our essence and God-given innateness, our one and only traffic sign and true compass?’ How simple and glorious would life get? We would probably find it difficult not to have problems and our bodies would get healthy again.

  322. ‘Seeing that we are forever asking (unless we have totally given up on our erstwhile displayed youthful vigour and natural curiosity) what the meaning of life is – is this not worth investigating?’ I find it interesting that we do ask ourselves this but then get caught up in an intellectual response that doesn’t allow us to access the inner wisdom we were born with! I wonder if we were to ask a group of very young children what the meaning of life is, how they would respond?

  323. What if comfort is so sought after because it is the direct opposite to what we are truly here for? What if we are set up to fall for comfort and all that it offers because part of our patterns and cycles knows that this stops us from evolving. All without main place questioning of why we love comfort so much

  324. Gabrielle, this is a great question; ‘how come we have allowed the true meaning of the word esoteric to slip into the realms of the absurd, ridiculous, the far-fetched and into fruit-loop land?’ This happens with so many words – their true meaning gets bastardised. It’s great to expose this and for the true meaning of words to be brought to light once more through blogs such as this.

  325. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort? What if we are here to evolve…?’ It’s simple really isn’t it! You have answered the question to humanity’s malaise, it just depends on how willing we are as a humanity, to let go of our comforts and choose to evolve instead.

    1. I recognise those comforts myself; they have been very ingrained. In order to wake up to them though I have had to experience difficult and challenging shakeups. Sadly for most of us, we have to get to the stage where events force us to see what we have been reluctant to see before we can then truly claim evolution as a way forward. The beautiful thing about evolution, however, is that in spite of ourselves this is a trajectory that we can’t help but be on as we have no choice in this, we are on this path whether we like it or not as it has been divinely constellated this way. The question is how far do we delay or accelerate this process for ourselves by how open we are to seeing and accepting what we have been given.

  326. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort’? There are so many way we indulge in comfort, which only ever delays our evolution. Giving up our comforts is super supportive to increasing self-awareness, with awareness being the key to reading and understanding all that life presents and saying yes to more, because in letting go of comforts, there is more space for life to deliver more.

  327. I guess if we are not willing to be responsible for our choices then we probably won’t be open to hearing that we are the creators of this entire mess on Earth.

    1. If you know you’ve made a mess, the responsibility is felt – you can choose to act or not but you can’t deny it in truth. So the best way to avoid that responsibility is to cement yourself in a position where you don’t even know that there is a mess.

    2. I would say you are probably right, we are not open to hearing that we created it all ourselves, this entire mess on Earth. We love to blame others, the government, refugees or who ever, but looking at ourselves is a whole different ball game that has consequences and responsibilities.

  328. Yes living knowing that we are not the only ones in the universe is bringing an understanding that we are not here just for our comfort and that we have a responsibility to learn to reflect something that will not harm the rest of the universe.

  329. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” And also we can ask, what will we gain? My life has become so much richer, deeper and more purposeful as I have begun to change my course and ‘head to the esoteric’ and these are riches that you can’t quantify or compare because they come from a different realm from those ‘riches’ that ‘external’ life offers you. One very simple example; if you have settlement and purpose in your body, why would you need to escape into alcohol?

    1. The riches are like nothing I have experienced, they are expansive and leave me feeling safe and able to cope in the world. That is something that money can’t buy.

      1. It’s funny you talk about safety. In that this is one of the main things that people say that money buys you. Absolutely it is important to have a roof over our heads and enough money to feed and clothe us etc…but I’ve met a lot of people with a lot of money…and they definitely don’t feel ‘safe’ to me. I’m not talking about security safe – I mean ‘safe’; within themselves; secure, connected, settled, confident, present.

    2. They are riches that words simply cannot describe. They can but try but it is the embodiment of those riches that then gets lived and moved on Earth. Another person’s ears may hear the words, but when you see another move with settlement and purpose the heavenliness is undeniable.

      1. The proof is in the movement. Words without movement are empty. And once the words are empty then all kinds of garbage can come and fill them up…which is how it all gets bastardised.

  330. What a gorgeous read which in itself, if you let it, seems to take you deeper inwards and holds your hand while you deepen your relationship with the esoteric.

  331. The simplicity of the U-turn that you offer Gabriele; it makes a joyous mockery of the struggle that we turn life into. All the stories and emotions and hurdles and issues…just delaying this U-turn!

    1. Yes Otto, simply make the U-turn and we are back on track on our way back to soul, a way of life that is not limited to only the selected few, but available to us all to choose if we can allow ourselves to listen to our inner navigation.

      1. I like the expression – inner navigation. It makes me smile. I imagine all the amazingly complex computers and machines and super advanced and brilliant technology and multi-million-dollar satellites that are used in various forms of navigation….I got all that kit inside me!

      2. Yes we have all the kit inside us Otto and the satellites we navigate to are the planets and the stars. We do not need to pollute space with navigation satellites for that.

      3. We create stuff to try to supplement what we crave. A great example of this is Social Media; a desperate attempt to connect because we so crave the true connection with ourselves.

      4. We crave true connection with ourselves as well as the intimacy and true connection with another/others. Social media try to fill this gap but it is not working; they have become a breeding ground for malice and obscenity.

      5. So social media is an untrue version of connection…and thus becomes a force for exactly the opposite; abuse, separation, mental anxiety and disharmony. Many organised religions are an untrue version of our innate relationship with God…and thus becomes a force for exactly the opposite; war, separation, abuse, disharmony, corruption and oppression. The list could go on, but the pattern is already emerging; when we do not choose the innate truth that we all know, then we are choosing the exact opposite.

      6. Indeed Otto, the list can go on, simply because we continue to ignore the innate truth we all are holding and one day will have to return to. Until that time we will explore more of what we can create as our version of the truth, like social media being the surrogate of connection, telephone for being the surrogate of telepathy, the internet for being the surrogate of our oneness and interconnectedness, the current movement with the bitcoin or other electronic currencies as the surrogate of us exchanging energy. While we think we are evolving because of these inventions and developments they are only the surrogates and will never deliver the truth we are from. Instead they will simply provide new ways to bring abuse to the world as a continuation of the same.

      7. And each new level becomes more layered and hidden and subtle and entrenched, which means it takes longer to be exposed and thus the delay is accentuated. Same ice cream, different flavour.

  332. It feels like we have our meaning of life completely upside down. I had thought for years that I would work hard all my life to sit back and retire. Now I’m at retirement age, .. no chance.. I don’t want to stop work and switch off in comfort.

  333. Through our bastardization of the meaning of words, we have been able to embed ourselves even more into the illusion that the existence that we live is ok. Whilst when we do open our eyes and feel what is beyond words, it is clear that the lives we are living are in a bit of a mess.

    1. With the understanding that the true meaning of words is of paramount importance, I would like to suggest that the words ‘a bit of a mess’ (which are used to describe our lives) are replaced with ‘a diabolical and utterly disgusting disfiguration of the true purpose for which they were intended’. And even that is being lenient!

  334. Beautifully worded Gabriele and I love the questions you are posing to us all, such as – “Why mystify, denounce, obscure and obliterate what might just be the simple answer to all our problems?” What is it about us as human beings that we do not accept the living truth that is right in front of us until it has passed us by? Universal Medicine reflects a way of living that has helped me to re-ignite a connection with God I had as a child and held so dearly. Who does not want that..?

  335. Today I witnessed an example of greed with no consideration: it happens all over the world, but today’s observation was starkly obvious. Someone owns a plot of land that would be perfect for building a house, the land would be ideal for a family and the views are superb. There are good quality houses on either side. The builder, presumably thinking to gain more money has built two large houses on the one site. As a result they are very close to the neighbours on either side and very close to each other. There is very little privacy and everything spoken can be heard. I know that in third world countries where people live in villages no-one has any privacy and everybody lives and talks together but in this situation, where one family could have lived in spacious accommodation with sufficient space for the children to run about in the garden, there was more concern to make money than to provide a spacious nest. Needless to say, the houses didn’t sell and they ended up as rentals. Every time I look at them I can feel the energy of greed and the lack of spaciousness and I feel sad at the lack of true care.

  336. Making our …”… innermost (the esoteric), our essence and God-given innateness, our one and only traffic sign and true compass…” is the most honouring thing we can do as a humanity – for ourselves and for every one – the world is in dire need of this way of living.

  337. You ask what have we got to lose by heading to our innermost – seems we have a lot of misery and suffering to lose and we seem to be rather addicted to that – go figure!

    1. Yes sometimes we do appear to enjoy wallowing in our misery and issues or rather creating them and then indulging in them. It give us an identity and also we can then be the great one to find an answer to it all or get lots of attention or whatever else it is we want – but all this is not who we truly are or what we truly want.

  338. The only thing being hidden is the true, open and beautiful meaning of the word Esoteric.

  339. “And then beyond… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more”, this is the bit that really makes my heart sing, because the esoteric is the gateway to God.

  340. Humanity does not appreciate the richness of the one source that gets communicated to us in different ways and through different messengers, for us to get it according to where we are at and where we should be, at any given point in time. It is not just that though. The love to keep on trying in a different way is constant, even if we do not want to get it. A lot to be fully appreciated, accepted and understood.

  341. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” That is such a good question to ask, Gabriele, for ourselves and for everyone. Your description of how we do choose to live, with all its stress and tension, hurt and pain, it is obvious we have nothing to lose except all those things that separate us from our soul which we erroneously and mistakenly feel are comfortable and normal!

  342. Whilst on the merry go round of existence I wouldn’t ever consider poverty to be desirable. I always wanted the security that I believed money gave me. But I have to look at why I was anxious about not having enough, even though I always managed to get by without hardship. This cycle of making money and then spending it without budgeting allowed me to be distracted from feeling my essence and having a relationship with myself and God. Life became all about me, all about survival, existing. Getting my kicks out of the highs and lows, investing in sympathy and the gaining of it- a form of recognition.

    Living from my essence is beautiful. I know I’m often still trying to hedge my bets and keep a huge foot in the rules I’ve played in existence that have kept me above water so far. But what if truly following the impulses of my inner most and surrendering with no control or need for recognition is the way? A way that brings true joy and harmony to life. That, despite my fears, is worth exploring.

  343. It is far easier to banish the truth to the realms of the strange, stupid, secret and mysterious than it is to try and tackle it head on

  344. When we turn within, we feel what is true for us, and when we act on that, it supports everyone else. It might mean we have to make some uncomfortable decisions to let go of behaviours or situations that aren’t working out but that we’re holding on to, really wanting them to work out. But what’s worse; living a lie, and feeling the discomfort of that every day, and the effort needed to sustain it, or letting go of whatever isn’t serving us? For me I find it depends how willing I am to let go of the pictures and expectations of how I want things to be of whatever I’ve invested in.

  345. Investing in comfort just leads us into more mess, as we idle our time away in pursuit of activities and material gain that can never compare to the richness of our souls. Investigating the true purpose of life, the return to our connection with God and our position here in this grand and almighty Universe yields treasures we are not able to truly fathom at this point in our history. It was a dark day indeed when we mystified what is innate within us, our pure and unsullied essence that knows what it truly means to live as one, with God and with every single person on this planet. Thank God that Universal Medicine is addressing the lies we have allowed and re-establishing the correct meaning of the word ‘Esoteric’ by enabling us to live it in full.

  346. Comfort leaves us feeling empty and on edge. The Esoteric leads us back to true steadiness within.

  347. This is a great reminder that experiencing so many peaks and troughs – ups and downs – in life is not a ‘normal’ way to live, because there is a consistent pulse within that we can always connect to that never leaves because it’s part of who we are.

  348. I have always sensed in various degrees throughout my life that there had to be an answer to everything for how could there be an energy, ‘good’ or ‘bad’ without an opposite force to it. It is through surrender and connecting to my innermost that I am learning to discern energy, that which is true or not and to either confirm or re-imprint my movements in my daily life.

  349. When making that choice to do the U turn and connect inwards to our esoteric being you start to realise how far we have strayed from our innate quality we are designed to be.

  350. The Esoteric is simply the start of knowing who we truly are, individually and globally, everyone is included in this great re-turn.

  351. I attended a presentation called on ‘Labour of Freedom’ on Labour Day (May 1) as part of series of events to mark the one hundred and thirtieth anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Brazil. Present day statistics tell us how bad the situation is for the majority of Brazilians of African descent (75 million of them): lower life expectancy; earning salaries 45% lower than white professionals; levels of literacy and mortality higher than the white population with employment and life expectancy much lower: ‘ A young black man dies every 23 minutes in Brazil’ It’s easier to state the extent of the problem, than to come up with answers. Revolution was mentioned, but the revolution needed is an internal one: rooted in the bodies of everyone one regardless of race. Remove the ‘R’ and we have ‘evolution’ an esoteric way of life. To remove the consciousness of slavery, we must first eliminate internal slavery. Let’s look at how we continue to willingly enslave ourselves,
    not just how others have enslaved us,

    1. Great point Kehinde, that we have willingly enslaved ourselves in the pursuit of comfort etc, and only by exposing this will we root out the consciousness of slavery.

      1. Yes Helen, to focus on externals, unaware of the part we play in enslaving ourselves is disastrous for humanity. Our responsibility as you say is to expose this ill whenever we can.

  352. Splendid read and expression Gabriele of the beauty and leading depth that is the esoteric : “… where the esoteric is not in truth the end-all but the beginning of ever more”. Ever more, the eternal more.

  353. ‘To cut right to the chase – the main commodity we have invested in is comfort in its many guises; we have sunk our funds into the notion that it is best to be left alone, get on with ‘it’, look after ourselves and those very close to us and otherwise ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’’ This paragraph says so much as to why we have accepted and turn a blind eye to not only the way of existing we have assumed which is contrary to our true nature and that which we are from (Love and God), but also the effect of this in the high and ever increasing levels of illness and disease evident in us and in society itself. Thank God for those who are choosing to live from all that we are and offer a reflection of truth to us all.

  354. That is beautiful Gabrielle, for it shows us that we are forever loved and love. That no matter how far we have abbandoned our truth (the love we inner-mostly are), we are untarnished.. Only our creation of humanness can be touched, the inner-most (Soul) remains true.

  355. Thank you Gabriele for this straight to the point writing on the true purpose and meaning of the word Esoteric. A glorious collective way of living to evolve humanity, which is natural to us anyway.
    “What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside, i.e. making the innermost (the esoteric), our essence and God-given innateness, our one and only traffic sign and true compass?”

  356. A great blog Gabrielle. Yes what if we are not here to build a comfortable life? What if we are here for a greater purpose? They are questions worth deeply considering.

  357. “Seeing that we are forever asking…what the meaning of life is..” I really do feel that we are ALL asking this. For some it is very much at the forefront of their pondering. But even in that those that might appear not to be asking such questions; those that seem to be so wrapped up in their lives, issues, worlds, individualistic choices…well, perhaps it’s not that simple…perhaps the very reason that they have become so embedded in such behaviour is for the exact reason that they have ‘asked’ that question, that they are still ‘asking’ that question and that they know the answer – and are doing everything they can to avoid the truth of that answer.

  358. Our share of the spoils…. be they success or failure it does not matter as long as there is drama; peaks and troughs of existence that is built into the very fabric of our society (just look at the stock market for another example). What if we focus just on the base line, on raising the bar on our every day, our consistency? Its worth experimenting with, as truth be told, this is what engenders a more stable everyday love for ourselves, the people in our lives, and the part of humanity we are connected with.

  359. Connecting to the innermost is the way out of this mess, but it does seem most of us are sold out to the idea that what we have is it, our bag and that is life, what ever cards you have been dealt and our aim is to get whatever comfort we can from that situation but is anyone ever truly happy in this pursuit? I think not as there may be happy moments, but unless we connect to the innermost a joyous life can’t truly be obtained.

  360. Like many other words esoteric has become known to mean lots of other things that are far from its original communication. Recently I read an article about an esoteric person and her esoteric teachings and it was far removed from what I knew as esoteric so I looked in Collins concise dictionary and found 1. restricted to or intended for an enlightened or initiated minority 2 difficult to understand, abstruse. 3 not openly admitted, private.[C17: from Gk , from esoteric inner] so the original meaning of simply ‘inner ‘ has changed and no longer holds the truth of its origins. What I see is that connecting to our innermost is in no way restricted to any special persons but is there for everyone who chooses it. In fact many who have never heard of the word esoteric may be living esoterically if they are living from their inner heart. It is neither difficult or abstruse because it is our most natural way of being. When we live esoterically, from our innermost we come so much closer to the truth and love that we innately are, we let go of a lot of the hypocrisy that we have gotten used to and now accept as normal. There is a lot of power in reconnecting to our innermost and the joy of living and joy is what this world is sadly missing.

  361. Why is it that when people live esoterically, which is actually very natural to our nature, at times live under threat of their lives or otherwise abuse from detractor energy?

  362. To live in comfort is to choose for stagnation in our evolution back to soul, a state of being that is lived for to long and has has come to an dead end already long time ago. But the majority of people still do refuse to see this as a reality and therefore choose to live in the numbness of life that comfort is delivering on a silver plate.

  363. There needs not be anything special done to be Esoteric. We are already that. But we have done a lot and created a lot of effort to not be Esoteric. So the world is deeply exhausted for the choice of draining ourselves and numbing ourselves from such a choice.

  364. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” I’d say without hesitation, that we would be losing a life that is simply not working and replacing it with a life that is so natural for all of us to live, a life that honours the magnificent beings we innately are and always have been.

  365. Great stuff Gabriele , I love the analogy of the the sleeping dog ,with one eye still open but still in reaction to all that is going on , so not truly sleeping in comfort we choose as humanity, but in a holding pattern of false comfort .Unfortunately still getting pummelled.

  366. “What if we are not here to invest in comfort?” . . . this is a very challenging question for many people, as most have made life about both comfort and security and feel this is what will be lost if they did do the about turn to look within. We have to understand that comfort and security has got us into the mess we are in today, as everyone is grabbing a slice for themselves. To see life as an unfoldment, an evolution is a beautiful thing as it gives us the true purpose of existence and what comes as we do take responsibility for being, and bringing all that we are from the inside out is a true security that can only be found from knowing who we truly are and this can only be found within.

  367. The first of the ‘blue paragraphs’ in this bog is a magnificent summary of human life. Every word of it completely spot on – brilliant and undeniable; thank you for such a stunning piece of truth.

  368. I’ve done fruit-loop land and the pain whilst it varied in strength, it was always present for me and I see it very much present in the world around me. Nothing could shift this interminable pain/despair of the questions, is this really it? Since re-connecting to my inner-most, I have realised that the world we are living in, is not really it. That there is much more gold that lies within, when we connect to our inner-most, to God, to our Soul. It is the riches we truly dream of – and as you say, it is only the beginning.

  369. A simple practical life living the grandness we are that has been around for centuries in pockets of history. ‘practical everyday life the esoteric denotes a cardio-centric one-unified way of life as presented throughout the ages by the likes of Hermes, Zarathustra and Pythagoras, to name but a few.’ I love this simple to the point definition you give here which really exposes the far off bastardised version in the dictionary. Clearly complicated and far off the truth definitions were not written by those who lived the simple practical very knowing esoteric life, but those who look from the outside from the complexity lived and couldn’t understand the simplicity – this labelling it mysterious. There is nothing mysterious about our deep inner heart and wisdom. It is always there and we can all connect to it if we so choose.

  370. Comfort is slimy and suffocating to our being. It is a stand still and not evolving. ‘Good’ and ‘doing well’ is hidden in comfort, while energetically irresponsibile behaviours continue to run rampant in our society. Comfort often means complacency.

  371. If we only saw and lived life with this point of life – purpose would be instilled within every human being when they woke till they put themselves to sleep at night. We would see the rot as a whole humanity and with this, work together to bring all that is true back into our daily living way.

  372. ‘What if the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed?’ so simple. The deeper we go within to that which can never be tarnished, the answers to getting out of the mess we created will be there for us. A mess that only we can undo for it is through our leaving of our own deep inner knowing and wisdom that got us here to live in the complication and disconnection we have today.

  373. ‘There have always been messengers, like those mentioned before, and they lived by example (what we would call a role model nowadays) and extensively taught, at times under threat to their life, what it means to live the esoteric way of life’. What’s of crucial importance to me about what you have shared here Gabriele, is that the esoteric way of life is taught through our lived reflection. So many other religions attempt to teach their doctrines through either the spoken or the written word alone, with no ‘livingness’ to back it up. And with no livingness to back something up then it simply can’t be a living truth. That’s why I love ‘The Way of The Livingness’ so much, as taught by Serge Benhayon, as it is carries the absoluteness of the living truth.

  374. Your writing Gabriele always to the point, brings the truth to light and leaves the reader with much to ponder on through the questions asked. I love how you have exposed the waywardness of humanity, the bastardised way we have twisted very true words and brought to light the whole point of our being here on this world – a return. Thank you

  375. Gabriele I love your question ‘What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?’ and how supportive would it be for us all to sit down together and to honestly workshop this question. Even the act of sitting down together with the intention of being honest, would, for many of us be a step towards the esoteric.

  376. It’s really quite something to have hidden who we are form ourselves to the extent that our inner most remains a mystery. Whilst we continue to look outside ourselves for answers we will remain a mystery. How wonderful to read this and know again the kingdom of God inside us really is the only way out of the mess.

  377. ‘how come we have allowed the true meaning of the word esoteric to slip into the realms of the absurd, ridiculous, the far-fetched and into fruit-loop land?’ …. because we have blindly accepted the lies we have been fed for years and years. I say this without judgment as, in truth, we have a constant stream of energy pouring through us and if we are not living in connection with our soul, the energy is being called in from somewhere else, which is not divine, hence the lies. It’s really important for us to be aware of this so we can develop an understanding as to the origin of the energy passing through us – is it divine or not. It’s a simple choice to re-connect with our soul which enables us to read energy with absolute clarity.

  378. It’s only when we are prepared to be absolutely honest about how we are living that we are open to considering leaving the comfort cave. As you share, Gabriele – what have we got to loose, it’s always there to fall back on. However, it’s only when we step outside into the light that everything makes sense and we fully comprehend the lie we have been living and wonder how we were able to resist re-connecting with our soul and living the truth of who we are, in all our glory for so long.

  379. The true meaning of life has been a quest for many, and now we have been shown the way to go forwards, to evolve together.

  380. It is so true Gabrielle, when we live in comfort we seek an end where we want to be left alone and not responsible for the way we live. However seeking an end or linear way of living, is against the natural cycles that we live in and are a part of.

  381. The Esoteric is a U-turn I am forever appreciative of making – one that is being presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, offering everyone equally the opportunity to choose to return to their innate knowing, their essence, and to evolve.

  382. Gabriele I loved reading “What if we are here to evolve, truly evolve, become one again with our Soul and thus with God and The Plan in and through service to the greater all”, it brings a real steadiness and stop to how I am feeling in myself and the purpose of life.

  383. If we approached life based on what is loving and what is not loving, there is a lot for us to look at, reconsider and deepen. If someone sells comfort they are left alone, if someone asks us to go deeper and in this it rattles the comfort we have invested in, then they will be attacked.

  384. One thing I know for sure is that I have not lost anything since changing course, and that was not just about getting off the ship!, but coming to the Esoteric teachings and deepening my connection with me and realising that I actually love religion and I too am an equal son of God has been and still is an amazing journey.
    If we want to talk about what we lose, when we explore the Esoteric, well I have lost a way of living that was killing me, and I now feel better than ever before.

  385. Thanks Gabriele, may I add that life can be driven like a wolf pack just waiting for the those who are willing to take the steps, so they can be brought down and ravaged, but obtaining the understanding, that when connected “the kingdom of God – the innermost, the esoteric – is the way out of the mess we have got ourselves into by abandoning what is innate and cannot ever be tarnished, hurt or destroyed”

  386. Gabrielle, these are great questions; ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort? What if we are here to evolve. Reading this I can feel how in society we get so caught up in our comfort and in what is best for us, but this is not it. I used to care only about me and those close to me, this felt very empty and was not a loving way to live. I now care deeply for myself and all others. I feel a sense of purpose in my life and know that I am here to evolve and to support others to evolve.

  387. But the beginning – absolutely and the beginning of such joy and expansion of how life truly is.

  388. We are convinced as a society that the only way out of this mess is using the same tools that got us into it in the first place. The teachers mentioned in this blog, and many more throughout the ages, taught that there is a whole other way of being that will truly heal and ressurect mankind.

    1. That is a great point Michael. It is part of the comfort to use the same tools and the same energy to find solutions to the mess we are in. It is like using a lesser printed copy of a book, instead of the original. Being satisfied by solutions and not looking at the uncomfort-able but divine truths will never resurrect us long term from the cycle of disharmony and dis-ease.

  389. From experience I’d say the title is very apt. When returning it’s an ending of that which is not true and a start of being all that is.

  390. It’s a treasure when you are impulsed and write Gabriele, and what a topic The Esoteric. It certainly is the answer to anything outside of what is energetically harmonious – untouched and absolutely pure love on the inside of us all. It is Glorious!

  391. “What have we got to lose by changing course and heading to the esoteric, our innermost?” Absolutely nothing, investing in the comfort of success or failure works for a short while but with both there comes a time when we wake up and feel the emptiness in our lives and start to question what is life really about. Changing the course to the innermost is in the end the only way forward and as you say Gabriele it is in fact just the beginning.

  392. Comfort is our greatest disease of modern man, we have allowed it to run our lives at the expense of truth. We are willing to forgo what we know is true to have the individuality of success or failure neither of which ask us to fully look at and claim our lives in full. We have been sold a lie but it is one we have willingly accepted so that we don’t have to look at the truth and the life we are living as being real and the only way.

  393. Beautifully said, Gabriele, the way we have been living with regard to everything outside of ourselves has not been working and I like the way you suggest, ‘What if the meaning of life and our role as one humanity and individually was as simple as making a U-turn and heading inside.’

  394. It’s easy to see that what’s missing in society is the beauty that human beings can be, their values including their decency, their care, and their love and sense of brotherhood for their fellow man. It’s not to say these values are completely absent but with all the strife in the world, from misery and gossip, to crime and war we know we are not living our potential. We are progressing on the outside with technology, architecture, infrastructure, etc, but we have stopped progressing within, and it’s the absence of who we all truly are that is the foundation for the decay of our global society.

  395. Earth life is anything but Godly. Lets face it, its ugly to say the least. And many snarl at the notion of being Godly, but what if accepting less than the Divine is the cause of all our mess?

  396. Currently our world doesn’t support us to live from our inner most and I feel this is why our world is in such a mess. The only place I know where people are consistently supported to live an esoteric way of life is at Universal Medicine. Our world is starting to change thanks the incredible teachings, presentations and workshops presented by Serge Benhayon and the people at Universal Medicine.

  397. ‘What if we are not here to invest in comfort?’ This is a big one for humanity, which seems to be all about comfort. ‘What have we got to lose by changing course?’ Wise words Gabriele, as the way the world is heading isn’t currently working.

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