The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth

What is the esoteric? Perhaps the easiest way to grasp what the esoteric looks like is simply to engage with a baby and feel the connection, the warmth, openness and equality of affection that is expressed unequivocally to all by the infant, while observing how this childlike expression of these qualities elicits from everyone a deep regard for the delicateness of the infant, a sense of joy in relating to her/him and a melting, warm feeling in the chest – in fact, a gentle surrender to the self-same qualities within oneself.

This is the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with, which somehow becomes layered over with the complication and heavily laden webs of mental activity and emotionality as we develop into what is seen as a normal, functioning human being. Yet this latter version of normality has a tendency to deny the strength, and even the existence of, this connection, bringing us all to a place where our esoteric is either completely unknown or miss-defined and bastardised in our dictionaries the world over to mean:

“Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” (1)

How has something we are all born with, something that is completely innate and natural to us all, as witnessed in a baby, have come to mean something exclusive, secretive, and mysterious and known only by a privileged few? Especially when any direct experience with one’s esoteric instantly brings a sense of love-filled, equal and abiding respect for all? How did we allow this on a global scale, as well as with each child born into this world?

A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life: the capacity to hold oneself and others as though in a tender embrace, deeply observing of the multitude of forceful energies that beset us all on a daily basis – what we often refer to as the stresses of life – and offering in the face of such tumult a consistency of love, including those times where it is necessary to offer potentially challenging home truths. All that is not of love is sensitively felt from within as an impostor to the truth of who we are and hence called out as not belonging to the quality of energy that is being lived, not only for oneself, but as a mirror wherein all may see their own reflection and recognise it as their true quality also.

Why would any of us refuse, ignore or bury this connection with Divinity with which we are blessed at birth, to exchange it for a life lived in pursuit of identifying of oneself as an individual, proving oneself according to the externally derived and unforgiving, but socially validated, standards of the outside world?

History indicates the disturbing frequency with which those who have lived the esoteric have been persecuted for choosing to live in a way that brings true community and brotherhood for all and a life lived in service to one’s brethren (2). All the while, these times of persecution did force communities of esoteric underground – and then labelled them as ‘secretive’ for being underground.

We are not as a species a race of bullies. Bullies and the force of bullying most assuredly exist but the majority of us do not fall into this category at all. No – most of us fall more into the category of bystanders, those who allow by our collective silence the force of bullying to flourish.

So whilst the force of bullying does its utmost to crush the esoteric and its expression, it is the bystanders who tacitly affirm by inactivity and apathy that such is life in a ‘dog eat dog world.’

I have never personally witnessed a dog mistreating a fellow dog in this way, however I observe daily the attempt to suppress the esoterically derived natural joy and wonder at life expressed by children and by some adults through what can be the harsh, mental rigours of the education system. It would be seriously verboten (forbidden) to suggest that love be an integral part of the curriculum, that is, both the expression of love in our language and the activity of love in relationship with the knowledge that is taught in schools.

It is a common belief that God, under most of the names conferred upon him by institutionalised religion, did create this planet we call our home. It would seem logical that the presence of His hand in this would naturally lend itself to connecting with the absolute Love that brought forth all that we see in nature and beyond our world to the stars. So why is this excluded from the curriculum?

Is it part of the conundrum – that this can all be felt from our innermost, our esoteric, and that beckoning the esoteric to feel, to express and to flourish would open up our true relationship with Our Father? Having accepted a relationship that is outside the parameters of any currently existing church, we would then need to accept and understand that this relationship with God is that of the Son – His Son – all of us as His Sons and that the esoteric is our bridge back to this truth and to this way of living.

Is it possible that this way of living would upset way too many applecarts for our collective comfort? In a world where we award and reward top of the ladder, singular individuals for their prowess in academia, in sport, in business and in research, is the prospect of God given equality across the board simply too much for us to handle? The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary. It is in its nature to behold us all and to express the grace of God on earth through our esoteric. Is this why we crush and suppress it?

But this suppression buries the most precious part of us all – the part that feels and loves, the part that expresses tenderness and deep affection, the part that holds all with grace as divinely equal brothers.

How much of a travesty have we perpetrated upon ourselves to live in a world where few live from their esoteric and the majority have a false definition of the term – if they have heard of it at all? Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?

By Coleen 


  1. Dictionary, e. (2018). esoteric Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2018].
  2. Unimed Living. (2018). Unimed Living. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2018].

Further Reading:
The Esoteric – the End-all and Be-all
The Only ‘Esoteric’ in the Village – Discernment or Judgement
Esoteric & Exoteric Philosophy – ‘The Sayings’

451 thoughts on “The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth

  1. Holding onto the Esoteric can be difficult. If we use the baby example and play either loud music, a movie or take them to where there is a party where people are drinking alcohol, and then witness what happens to the child and the crying and disturbed state it goes into, we start to understand that we are more than physical and energy has an effect on us! Bringing Love back to these babies, we can then also learn how simple it is to hold the connection to our Esoteric, Inner-most-heart, Essence/Soul and the simplicity of what you have presented Coleen.

    1. We see energy at play all the time in our lives, some great examples of places that affect our equilibrium, ‘we are more than physical and energy has an effect on us!’

  2. The teaching and understanding of the spirit and Soul and how they differ in their way of living life makes all of the confusing starkly clear.

  3. “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge” – yes, as a result of many not choosing to stay connected and live from that place, but not by design.

  4. ‘The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary’ – this feels so true. There are no boundaries or distinction to God, there is only one way to him and that is through the connection of you. Through this connection, we are the mirrors to others, if they so chose to do so – it is that simple.

  5. Those who have personally gained materially at the expense of others have been in the ascendancy, and still are at present, and hence have been able to crush those who have been esoteric but have not crushed the esoteric, the Ageless Wisdom. As Truth always eventually prevails so too will the esoteric and it will be ascendant.

    1. What you say is the plain truth jstewart51
      That institutions may have been able to crush those who live by their inner hearts (esoterically), but no one can crush the Ageless Wisdom as the truth cannot be crushed and lives on generation after generation and eventually when humanity has run out of options and through illness and dis-ease they will look to the esoteric and the ageless wisdom as the only true choice.

  6. There is nothing in-between us and our connection with our innermost, except resistance of our own making, be that protection, numbing, avoidance and/or a lot of ‘too busy’.

  7. To live an esoteric life, is to live a life of purpose. Knowing that you can bring God’s grace to earth, living the qualities of stillness, joy, harmony and love to the best of your ability.

  8. Colleen, I cannot go past the definition you shared about what the esoteric is in the first paragraph / sentience. You can capture it in one word Warmth.

  9. To live esoterically is to live connected to that part, which is our anchor, the part which knows truth and the part which honours and respects all – it’s not something lived en masses right now in our world despite the fact that it’s deeply missed by all of us and is our natural way of being.

    1. Living connected to our innermost is very beautiful for all, ‘This is the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with’.

  10. The esoteric is indeed the feeling and connection of a new baby. I have recently given birth – and the tenderness and wisdom he holds is incredible and a gift to others. No hurts, no judgement just a bundle of love.

      1. And by this proof of eliciting this quality in others it demonstrates that this tenderness and wisdom is true power.

  11. How oh how do we take something that is so commonplace in every child, and make it so exclusive and mysterious to us as adults? Yet it lies dormant within, just waiting for the touch to fire us up and remember what is each and every one’s birthright.

  12. We can’t help but melt when we feel the esoteric, as it reminds us of who we are under all the roles, beliefs, busyness and trying to be enough we lay over the top of it. Luckily for us it is eternal and can be reconnected to when we connect to and observe our body, so we become honest about how we are living and feeling. If it’s not with the delicateness and openness of a baby then we know we are not living all of who we are.

  13. To wear your innermost on your outermost is an act of total transparency and is the very reason why we fall in love with babies so quickly – they have no filter or barrier in place. Just bundles of pure love, joy, harmony, stillness and truth: the essence of who we truly are.

    1. Its a beautiful feeling when we get that total transparency from another. It allows the defenses to drop in ourselves and so we naturally shine back more of the same in ourselves if we choose it.

  14. The esoteric is not mysterious or hidden in any way, it is simply a connection to our essence, our innermost and living from this to the best of your ability, you will then feel how ‘normal’ this way of being truly is.

  15. What made our world? Why are we here? These are questions that we ask in our lives, some stay pondering the question, others find the question too big and just distract themselves away from needing to know the answer but all the while there is a little niggle that there must be more to this life. We are all from the same divine source and if we allowed ourselves to feel that more than focus on our differences we would have a very different world.

  16. ‘Why do we deny the grace of God on earth…?’ Perhaps because we have forgotten who we are, we choose to live in comfort or we just love to avoid responsibility for our choices. What do we need to remind the world that the esoteric is inside all of us? Role models from those who have realised the truth who can reflect back who we are – enter Serge Benhayon, Master of Masters, the ultimate role model of love, truth and humility.

  17. The fact is we always live and breathe in the house of God, and by God’s grace we are, here to live and magnify his light through our Soul as the Son’s of God we are. Never are we not in a relationship with God, it is impossible to not be. It is only that we deny, resist and ignore our connection to our Divinity as such lining esoterically, so that we instead can indulge in individuality as such we lose our sense of our true way that is guided by the light of our Soul, our connection the who we innately are.

  18. The grace of God on earth – we are never left alone but only can leave ourselves, i.e. disconnecting from the esoteric that is our innermost nature. Thus even when we feel we are lost, it is in our power to come back and never are we dependent on anyone else.

  19. The esoteric is always there within every single one of us. It’s not meant to be difficult and all it takes to feel is a willingness to let go of the distractions we choose and connect within ourselves.

  20. In a world where nearly everything is keeping us disconnected from ourselves it is no wonder that the true meaning of the ‘esoteric’ is disturbing and thus needs to be disturbed by bastardising the meaning so that one will feel repelled rather than pulled towards it = the innermost of oneself.

  21. Choosing to surrender to the love of your inner-heart you know the truth of the esoteric. The mystery remains for those who are not aware of the boundless love of their own inner-heart.

  22. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life’, this I have experienced to be true. Recently I have been observing how much I can hold myself in daily life, which is a huge shift for me, as I have let go of the old belief of being lesser and of ‘having to improve my life’.

  23. Being with the Esoteric in life, which is to be with one’s essence, is to be held by a loving embrace.

  24. Having not spoken up however long ago this definition of the esoteric was put out ““Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge” we now have a responsibility to live the truth of the word and live the responsibility we have with words so we address the bastardisation of their meanings. Until then we will need to discern for ourselves what is a true definition and what feels like a distraction.

  25. How about taking a moment, right now, and turn inwards, withdraw your attention from the outside world and feel your body, and then even deeper the beingness inside your body, and deeper where you get a sense of a presence that is still, unwavering… and you have commenced your reconnection to the esoteric, your essence.

    1. Beautiful Alexander, I feel so very still after reading your comment, almost like an invitation to drop layer by layer into a warm deep pool of love.

  26. Living in a world created by and from what is not esoteric the esoteric is bound to be disturbing for that which only can exist in denial and suppression of it. It is the esoteric that exposes the lie we have created and thus needs to be banned from our awareness, but never can the esoteric be destroyed or hindered forever as it never ceases to pull us back to who we are answering our call for what we miss until we return to what we once left behind.

  27. “the grace of God on earth..” beautifully describes the esoteric, as when you are in connection with your body, and thus with your Soul, the expression of a human being is absolute Love in form – Harmlessness, stillness, an absolute ease, acceptance and harmony.

  28. All this striving and driving to be something when we are everything already keeps us playing less, playing human and chasing something insatiable that will not give us what we truly want.

    1. Well said, so true – it does indeed seem like a game we are playing with ourselves and evolution, as ‘we are everything already’, Godly in fact, and it is only that we willingly put things in the way so that we can indulge in our thirst for individuality. We think this is ‘power’ but clearly it is not it, as is reflected by the ill-state of our body and well-being in our world today, but nothing compares to the graceful power of God moving through a body surrendered to its Soul – this is everything we are.

  29. From my experience if we truly and genuinely connect with the esoteric it is impossible to feel exclusive or separate from others. You feel more with everyone not less.

  30. Just as we become estranged from ourselves at some point in childhood by not being met for who we are the word ‘esoteric’ has been bastardized to a point that it appears to be strange to us. It is impossible to distort the meaning of esoteric when we are in connection with our natural innermost self thus only he who is separated from his innermost and hence empty of a true sense of self can impose that separation onto others by misinterpretation or even deliberate falsification.

  31. The distance between the Esoteric and human mainstream’s understanding of it cannot be higher. This shows how far people are living from what is true about them. It equally shows how needed the Esoteric is. Pure Grace well deserved.

  32. The suppression of the esoteric does squash the most precious aspect of ourselves, the part of us that will restore society. In the esoteric abuse, competition, jealousy, any of the ‘isms’ that currently plague our way of living do not exist.

  33. “The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth” – through the body of a single human being in obedience to that esoteric light.

  34. It is a great question to ask, Why do we deny something we know so innately is within every single one of us? It is the most bizarre human behaviour ever – animals don’t do it, they don’t deny their essence and desperately try to outdo each other or be another animal! We really are not the super smart race of beings we thing we are, are we?

    1. That’s such a good point Lucy – as humans consider themselves the dominant or superior species, which is somewhat true, but you don’t see animals comparing themselves to each other, which they didn’t have stripes and wanted spots, or tigers to be better at running than the lions… sounds silly, but thats how we look at each other, as categories of identity and not the true, everlasting and equalising quality that we all be nature are.

  35. Imagine how different life on earth would be if everyone knew that at their core, that in their essence they were equal. That no essence was greater or lesser than another. Would there be war, or domestic violence, or even road rage? I suspect not, not because these things come from not knowing the worth of another, but because they often come from not knowing the glory that is within.

    1. Yes, so true Heather. The outplay of aggression often comes from a need to control and this ‘need’ is there when we are not appreciating what we all bring, equally so.

  36. “History indicates the disturbing frequency with which those who have lived the esoteric have been persecuted for choosing to live in a way that brings true community and brotherhood for all and a life lived in service to one’s brethren (2). ” – it is quite sad to feel how choosing truth has resulted in persecution. However, this also shows that it has been chosen and has been felt, and that when people are ready they will make the call.

    1. Very true. We all feel we are more than we live, it is simply that the question is too big for some, and therefore it is easier to deny, to bury and to numb than to stay with the question and feel the responsibility that then needs to be lived.

  37. The Grace of God on Earth is a great description of how we can live the esoteric way in full and live our lives connected to our innermost essence. We get caught up in human aspects of life, but we can allow the divine pulse from within our being to lead the way instead.

  38. “liked by only a small number of people” – it begs the question of whether it is a deeply unpopular approach and to be avoided, or could it be that we are so disconnected from it that we no longer truly understand it enough to know whether we like it or now? Worse still that perhaps we avoid it because we realise how far away from home and the truth we are not living?

  39. There is an inbuilt marker that tells us what the Esoteric is, and the truth is most of our world do not operate this way. In fact, from young we are drilled to be the exact opposite, do not be Esoteric, never be that, through the education system and all the abuse we are told to embrace so we would be somebody and be somewhere in life. No wonder I’ve reacted most of my life towards life.

  40. Where we are right now we would need a subject like love or true relationship in school as obviously we are not learning it from young in our families who also haven´t received it and hence know no different. But actually we should be so familiar with love (by being raised in love by our family) that school would be a natural extension of this love with everyone else and thereby making everyone our family.

  41. To me the esoteric means we have something incredible inside of us, perhaps the word is also greatly misunderstood because this incredible grandness within us also remains hidden for a large proportion of the time, and if we began to bring it out more and more perhaps the word would become more widely understood.

  42. Suppression I see in everything in the world that was not designed to firstly respect and honour the fact that we need to love and care for ourselves, to the bone, in order to care for, love and contribute to our extended communities and beyond. So what have we then created education systems and cultures that suppress us in varying degrees?

  43. Yes, once we stop trying, we naturally, without effort take a grand step towards our innermost essence, a quality that simply brings settlement feeling to the whole body.

  44. “Perhaps the easiest way to grasp what the esoteric looks like is simply to engage with a baby and feel the connection, the warmth, openness and equality of affection that is expressed unequivocally to all by the infant” indeed this is a great reflection to us all on what the esoteric is and how we are all born esoteric – feeling everything and fully aware of everything around us.

    1. Makes you wonder why it is that everyone loves babies, what is it about the babies that opens hearts?

  45. I love these blogs about the esoteric aspect of us, particularly over the last few months highlighting the esoteric and taking away the mystery or mis-interpretation, that only serves to keep us from the truth of who we are.

    1. Yes, the more we make something exclusive it can be misinterpreted and then hidden. When what should supposedly be hidden is something innately within us, there is a fundamental problem with our self-worth because we are denying the essence of who we are.

      1. True Lucy, and we have all let that happen – that we ignore the innermost aspect makes it all the more ‘out there’ when we start to (very naturally) reclaim it as our way of life.

  46. For me I see the esoteric as simply living and being the essence of who I am here on Earth, without any reservation, hesitation just purely being the love that I am, without any perfection, knowing that I am already everything simply returning and so do not need to go out and get anything for nothing in this world compares to the depths of love felt within.

    1. Love the simplicity and claiming in this comment James, ‘ I see the esoteric as simply living and being the essence of who I am here on Earth’.

  47. “What is the esoteric?” – it is the revealer of truth, and its exploration has been how I personally have come to make sense of life, through making sense of and understanding my inner self.

  48. “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” – we may wonder why it is only understood and or liked by only a small number of people, but no wonder when we consider our incessant addiction to individuality that is instantly exposed when touching on the esoteric; and rather than special knowledge it is simple awareness coming from honesty and observation that eventually makes us return to the esoteric.

  49. The Esoteric the grace and love of God,”In its suppression buries the most precious part of us all – the part that feels and loves, the part that expresses tenderness and deep affection, the part that holds all with grace as divinely equal brothers”. What a tragedy we live and what a beautiful sharing of the truth and the difference life can be in connection with our innermost that is a real reflection for us all.

  50. When you are attacked the first place you go to is withdrawal, yet in that withdrawal you confirm the attacker, and you confirm to the bystanders that by-standing is the safest place to be. I wonder if this is why the esoteric has the ‘bad’ name, because of the withdrawal. Yet Serge Benhayon has turned that around, he has not hidden under the most horrific attack. He is showing how a true connection with the esoteric, an unapologetic connection is the greatest support of all times.

    1. Very true Lucy and well said. So often we withdraw and so deny the love we are when we are attacked. Yet as you can see by the example Serge Benhayon has shown us that remaining with our connection and staying true to what we know is the greatest support we could ever want, need or ask for.

    2. Serge is showing us how to make that connection and relationship with our soul the first and primary relationship and how from that, life is simply, done.

  51. When we know there is an Ageless Wisdom, older than the hills to support us, we need not worry about anything. The Grace of God is within us all.

  52. Surrendering to our essence is everything and brings us back to who we truly are with the grace of God our innermost essence and love how amazing and simple is this.

  53. The world seems to accept the separation of self – we are willing to learn other behaviours that are not truly us in order to get by and fit the picture, when in doing so we are disregarding the truth of who we are and What we can access within ourselves.

  54. Just to spend a day exploring my relationship with equality and how I do or do not feel this in certain situations and with certain people, is very revealing and gives me the grounding to let go of judgement, stereotyping and pre-conceptions.

  55. This sentence you have written Coleen..”The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary” sums up the esoteric within us all. All we have to do is to surrender to this.

    1. I love that line as well because it shows there are no borders with this love, one person or group is not special and favoured. we simply all have access to the relationship with the divine spark within us all and it is for us to nurture or not as we see fit.

  56. It’s one thing to be a bully; it is a whole other thing to enable it to occur. It is the bystander that allows evil to keep going in the world.

    1. That can be such a strong reflection Elizabeth – to understand that while we are not active in a situation, we allow it to happen and that is worse.

  57. We all feel a deep connection and joy when we interact with a baby, but do we realise that baby, who is a bundle of love, is reflecting to us the love that we are in our innermost hearts.

  58. The Esoteric , the grace of God on earth within us all . Beautiful, amazing and everything we are too, shared with a knowing honesty and reflection for all to reunite with, beneath the layers of protection collected and the separation we choose.

  59. Reading ‘we are within God and God is within us’ I get to feel and be reminded of the interconnectedness of everything, we are but divine particles within the body of God.

  60. If we were to accept our God given equality we would have to let go of life as we know it, this will take time as the comfortable if not often horrific and territorial life we have come to accept is so well embedded and believed to be the only way. It is clearly not once we start to recognise our innermost essence.

  61. Powerful blog Alexis and one which inspires us when facilitating sessions on bullying to give equal consideration to the role of each person: bully, bullied and bystander.

  62. Conversations with groups about bullying at work reveal the poisonous role of the bystander: bullying often continues and escalates because of in-action and silence of bystanders. To ignore the bullying of another or self is to collude with it and makes us no different from the one who actively bullies.

  63. The ‘esoteric’ is our natural essence. Therefore an esoteric way of life is living in a way that honours that essence. It’s that simple.

  64. When I hear the term ‘God forsaken place’, it is in stark contrast to the ‘grace of God on earth’. Whether God is tangibly present on earth depends on us and how ‘Godly’ we are walking and living. It is not an outside force that blesses or abandons us. It is for us to let this natural quality through our being. This isn’t being pious or anything else organised religion would have us believe. It is allowing the love and light that is our true nature (as it is the essence of God) to be our way.

  65. The esoteric – everything that´s left when we discard what doesn´t belong to us.

  66. Describing the meaning of ‘esoteric’ in relation to the quality felt of a baby, …”simply to engage with a baby and feel the connection, the warmth, openness and equality of affection that is expressed…” is great as it is a living and tangible example that we can all relate to, and, also in this moment of recognising this, we naturally re-connect back to our own familiar esoteric way of being.

  67. ‘This is the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with, which somehow becomes layered over with the complication and heavily laden webs of mental activity and emotionality as we develop into what is seen as a normal, functioning human being.’ – Yes, the sad reality is that we have accepted a contracted and lesser version of ourselves as normal.

  68. I can feel the power and expansiveness of connecting to my innermost in comparison to the reduced and limited way I have related to life for years, and more likely lifetimes. It is a travesty that we do not ensure our understanding and connection to our essence at this level is part of our everyday life and part of the basic education for living life in the world received by our young.

  69. “Is it possible that this way of living would upset way too many applecarts for our collective comfort?” Absolutely… it would mean taking full responsibility for all our choices – past and present – and are we truly ready and willing to go there?!

  70. Coleen, this is an absolute gem of a blog, deeply appreciating the simple truth of the esoteric – being in connection to our innermost heart and through this we know God

  71. True Shirley-Ann, we have to become our true self again and let go of that investment in the personality we have created for its pleasures.

  72. Why as a society have we forced the esoteric, that which we all are born with, to go underground, to become secret and only for the reserved few? To me that is a hurt in society that is avoided to become honest with and which could be the source of all the distractions like alcohol, drugs, gaming, excessive sports, excessively eating etc. we are choosing today. Please think about it.

    1. Absolutely agree Nico… to turn our backs on the glory we are all innately born with is a huge hurt for every one of us – and we do everything to avoid facing the fact we chose that and allowed it.

      1. Yes Paula, we do everything to avoid returning to that way of living we all know so well will bring us true prosperity, growth and evolution, simply because we enjoy this world we have created together so much.

  73. When I was honest and admitted that I was a by-stander then I actually started to see the abuse for what it really was. As uncomfortable as this was it has been a necessary stage in saying no to abuse.

    1. I agree Natalie, it is uncomfortable seeing the part we play in the abuse around us but as you say important to see so then we can start to really hate it and change the way we are living and what we are saying yes to.

  74. It never fails to amaze me that we walk this earth building layer upon layer of so called protection because that is how life is set up to be, instead of it being a common way of living to be connected to the esoteric, and everything being set up so we don’t lose that connection.

  75. If we can connect with and feel the warmth and innocence of a baby, then we can reconnect with our own innermost under all our layers of protection.

  76. “a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with” if this is what the esoteric is about then does it not show that we are all having access equally to the truth, to the depth of love we are from? It shows how the world gets in the way of what we already naturally know and the incredible responsiblity to support the next generations to maintain their connection with their soul.

  77. Bullying is as you say totally unacceptable and here you present a bystander, one that many of us do or have played ball with. I know how I just simply didn’t want to admit that I was part of it and by turning my head and burying my head under the sand, that I have allowed certain things to play out and know deep down how evil it truly is.

  78. “Is it part of the conundrum – that this can all be felt from our innermost, our esoteric, and that beckoning the esoteric to feel, to express and to flourish would open up our true relationship with Our Father? ” This is exactly how it was with me Coleen, a gradual recognition and beckoning until I knew God without doubt.

  79. The esoteric is our innermost self. If we perceive it as mysterious or hidden then that is an indication of our disconnection from this deep pool of wisdom and not an accurate description of the essence itself.

  80. Great questions Coleen and squarely puts the ball back in our court exposing the degree to which we have allowed ourselves to be separated from all that we naturally are. Life is simple, we are naturally loving, sensitive and tender and have within us the purity we observe within a newborn baby. How is it that we seek complexity when living this simple truth is what our presence here on earth is all about?

  81. Yes growing up is seen as becoming a responsible adult human being without the playfulness, joy and lightness we had as a child. But what if we just totally got it wrong and that we can hold on to these innate qualities we have when we are born and be in an adult body too, with all the things we have to do as an adult with that?

  82. It makes sense that we are born with ‘a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with’ and this is so apparent when we embrace a baby and the quality of presence that we feel.

  83. The problem is that we have set up a world that asks us at every turn to leave the stillness, grace and connection with multidimensionality which we naturally have within and instead fill ourselves up with everything fed to us from the outside, physically, emotionally mentally and energetically.
    And of course when we are devoid of our natural divine quality, everything we create is equally devoid of the grace of God. And so it goes on….. until some event, some situation, some encounter, some inspiration offers us the opportunity to wake up. Conversations such as this which invite such reflections are great.

  84. It is super inspiring and graceful to be living esotericly when we allow the flow of our Soul to impulse through life. I am amazed continually.

  85. I have recently had the experience of bringing all of me and my love to a situation at work and having it shot down in flames because it was not wanted and in fact I was attacked. It helped me to see how I too have reacted in this way many times in the past. When someone reflects a level of love or truth that we know we too could be living, we hate how it makes us feel about ourselves and so we want to destroy the reflection, rather than be open to the blessing it offers.

  86. “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” (1) – The only way to not like someone who is connected to his ‘esoteric’ is me not wanting to connect to my esoteric, otherwise the magnetic pull is natural and irresistible The only way to resist the esoteric is to lie to oneself and consequently to and about others, hence such a ridiculous definition as above.

  87. This is a very good question to ask
    “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?”
    In this denial we instead live a life of misery, it seems we as a race of human-beings prefer misery to the grace of God and there is another question why is it we prefer misery?

    1. That is a great question indeed and one worth pondering on. Somehow because we seem to know misery better we can find comfort and solace in it. Yet we hate it really. The more we choose love, I find the more I am supported to choose love more and more. The same goes for misery – the choice is always ours and I know which I prefer yet at times can easily slip into the misery.

  88. It feels like the esoteric is what we all want to return to but for some reason we hesitate. Maybe because we’ve been too used to a world that is void of true love. But it also feels like the meaning of esoteric has been deliberately tainted so that we do hesitate going there when we feel the pull to.

  89. The esoteric is simply that connection with what innately lives within us, that divine spark that is there to be lived again. For too long we have pursued the human life we have created. It is now time we come to our true senses and return to the esoteric way of living, a way of life that is already lived by many called The Way of The Livingness, as presented since 1999 by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    1. Indeed Doug, we continue in improving things when they do not work. You can especially see that nowadays in our technology driven society where for every problem we face, a new gadget is ‘invented’ and put in place as the solution. But in that we forget to look to the root of the problem and are only delaying in becoming honest with ourselves and in admitting that this way of living, living in creation, does not work.

      1. Indeed Doug, the companies selling the gadgetry do know how to put up the false facade and call the mobile phone for instance a means to be in connection with one another more easily than ever before in our history. But that is utopia compared to how we are using it. And they know that too as they are very aware of the human behavior and misuse of it to make their sales figures higher than ever before.

      2. Yes that is an important point you bring in Doug, and one the manufacturers also are aware of but they prefer dishonesty and deception to continue to grow the figures in ignorance of the harm they bring to society from the drive they are in.

    2. Here here Nico, well said. We are returning to the love we are and to do this need to let go of the self created human foray and return but to the depths of love and multi-dimensionality we are from.

      1. Yes, James, it is a return to a way of living we all have lived before and therefore know so well. Thus this return must be fairly easy. Why then are we not all choosing this esoteric way, The Way of The Livingness you would say? All the abuse and atrocities in our societies are the outcome of us not living to our nature, is not something to champion about. The problem is though that many people are so much enjoying the life we call creation that they put up with the abuse as a given.

      2. And that is the crux of it Nico, we enjoy creation and what we have made even if it means misery and suffering at times, we like the highs and also the indulgences even though they are so far off the love we all are.

      3. But even the suffering and misery is in a way enjoyed James. We can identify ourselves with our created life because it brings us something, attention, identification or anything else we may need. But there is always that other choice for living the esoteric that is constantly knocking on the door. For long we can avoid this call by choosing for creation and the suffering and misery, but one day we have to open that door and let in the unavoidable.

      4. I agree Nico we do enjoy the suffering and misery because it gives us a struggle and a distraction away from feeling and living the love we know. It also gives us something we can continually conquer and rebuild so get the stimulation and recognition from achieving and overcoming something we set up in the 1st place! Crazy really.

  90. The Esoteric is denied on earth, that is a fact. But the Esoteric does not need to be affected by this denial, as our innermost only knows the expression of Truth and keeps expressing that in steadiness and consistency.

  91. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life: the capacity to hold oneself and others as though in a tender embrace, deeply observing of the multitude of forceful energies that beset us all on a daily basis.’ To walk steadily through life deeply still at our innermost core, enables us to observe the forces at play and remain connected with the loving energy that impulses us.

  92. “the capacity to hold oneself and others as though in a tender embrace, deeply observing of the multitude of forceful energies that beset us all on a daily basis”. This is quite the opposite to how we currently live – we often brace ourselves against the stresses of life, and rarely hold ourselves in a tender embrace.

  93. ‘How has something we are all born with, something that is completely innate and natural to us all, as witnessed in a baby, have come to mean something exclusive, secretive, and mysterious and known only by a privileged few?’ – We have been thoroughly fooled, or rather seduced, to see the reality upside down and because it has suited our need for comfort and complacency, we never cared to unlock ourselves from our spirits imprisonment.

  94. We deny the grace of God on earth because we deny our own Godliness, because if we were to live in the Godliness that we all truly are, there would be no need to be here on this planet, as we would instead all be back up in the stars with our fellow brothers. But staying here serves its purpose for our entangled spirits who love the identity of the way that we live here in this place, and so we stay, and we stay and we stay, for as long as we can, living in ways that deny the grace of God so that we can continue to stay and enjoy our created identities.

  95. It is a question worthy of pondering deeply as to how far we have moved away from living Esoterically and that the word means something strange and weird. Horrendous when you really think about it.

    1. A beautiful question to ask as it exposes much. In this exposure, we have to feel and admit to how far we have strayed and it is incredibly uncomfortable to feel.

  96. How convenient it is to change the meaning of words, when the truth of them would irrevocably ask us to be far more transparent, loving and responsible in life. It is great that there are a group of people dedicated to making accessible the true meaning of words for us all (

  97. ‘The Esoteric – The Grace of God on Earth’ beautifully said. Reconnecting to this through my innermost heart has been the best choice I have ever made, it is within us all and there for us all.

    1. Absolutely the return to what is naturally ours at birth and before birth in fact – our essence – is the best choice anyone can make.

  98. In a sense this is a call to action. How often do we put the world to rights in our conversations and then go back to living as if it has nothing to do with us, that we cannot change anything. By changing our own behaviours and especially by living from our inner hearts, from our essence, things change of their own accord and life unfolds before us – we either resist this natural process or go with it and going with it calls us to action.

  99. Coleen, ‘It would be seriously verboten (forbidden) to suggest that love be an integral part of the curriculum, that is, both the expression of love in our language and the activity of love in relationship’. What a difference this would make to our schools – if they were about love and people first and the academic came from here. If children were supported to know who they are and were encouraged to develop loving relationships with themselves and all others, then our society would be a much more understanding and loving place to be.

    1. Our societies would quickly be reformed beyond anything we currently have as our education systems are actively void of love.

  100. Has The Esoteric ever been hidden? in truth no. However, like the modern copy and paste media, dictionary meanings must be similar i.e. someone who has altered its meaning eons ago and everyone thereafter has just followed suit.

  101. Yes, Coleen, the grace of God that know no distinction or boundary is not something desired by the many whose eyes are fixed on the seeming rewards of individuality, temporal success and security for one’s own.

  102. To me your blog raises a great question: could today have more grace and more divinity in it than we at first got out of bed today realising?

  103. What we have seemingly forgotten in our arrogant pursuit to be an individual is the fact that our bodies are made up of particles that are the same particles that make up the universe. So we naturally are part of the universe; no separation. Our world is made of the particles of the universe and held in the space of the universe, there is nowhere else to go. If we went to live on the Moon or Mars we would still be held within the space of the universe. The universe is the body of God, when we realise this truth then we can start to understand and admit that what we have swallowed and accepted as truths are whooping lies. When we can see the lies for what they are then we will turn once again to the beholder of the all and not blame him for all our woes we will understand we made our own woes but can’t admit we fell for the lies and corruption. It becomes so easy to blame someone else rather than take responsibility for our own folly.

  104. “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?” It would greatly upset the applecart if all those artificial props, including our one-sided intelligence, were to crumble; but crumble they will, it is only a question of how many more rounds around the Sun we will collectively take and delay the inevitable.

  105. What you have written Coleen ignited a deep purpose within me, as what you have shared I feel is why the Esoteric has to be so naturally and daily shared, expressed, communicated to everyone around whether it’s the first time we meet or the hundredth time we meet.

  106. The way you describe how our innermost has been reinterpreted to mean something mysterious and unknown makes so much sense when we feel how we have separated from our own knowing and experience of our inner hearts.

    1. And the thing is whilst we choose to keep denying our own inner knowing and awareness, we will remain estranged to the intelligence of our inner hearts and we can keep swearing that the esoteric is completely mysterious. A self imposed stalemate.

  107. If we stand by and say nothing when we witness bullying we are aiding and abetting it.

    1. It is very much about standing up to truth and not allowing bullying to take place, the power and strength of standing up to truth is within us all, we just need to choose it.

  108. We have manipulated words that have such truth and meaning to be something completely different because the people that want to control and dictate to the masses ( Main stream religions) know that to distort powerful words stops each and everyone of us from reconnecting back to what we innately know is true. And unfortunately we have accepted the lies for so long we do not ever stop to consider or question the true meaning of words any more.

  109. I had never heard much reference to the word esoteric before I met Serge Benhayon. So, I didn’t come with baggage that I was aware of about the meaning. What I love about the esoteric is that it is something we can naturally live as it is within us all, regardless of whether we know the word itself or not. It’s kind of like God. Whether you believe in God or not, or have reinterpreted your relationship with God, the quality of his holding and love is still all around us all.

  110. The way of the esoteric is one of equality and true brotherhood and so truly upsets many applecarts of those who benefit by inequality within society and most of those are at present in positions of power throughout the world.

  111. The change of the meaning of esoteric feels quite deliberate by a force to keep us away from knowing the essence we all are. The people who write a dictionary are not deliberately doing this, but the energy of the intellectual person is from knowledge in the head, whereas the true meaning of esoteric is from the inner heart.

  112. And the esoteric is so natural to us that we are constantly exhausting ourselves in the activities that prevent us from simply being this love that we are and expressing it in everything we do.

  113. It would be properly interesting to explore this final question round our kitchen tables across the world. Why do we deny ourselves the opportunity to live expansively and joyfully, learning and loving alongside one another?

    1. That would be a great question to explore, because at the end of the day it makes no sense for us NOT to embrace the opportunity to live lovingly and joyfully and embrace learning together.

  114. “The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary” – yes, and if we all lived this universal truth we would not be here on this plane of life or planet called earth. The fact that we are shows our deep rooted stubbornness not to return to our original true way and thus our divine and other-worldly origins.

  115. I love how this blog asks us how it’s become possible that something innate in all of us has become so alien we don’t know what our inner most is. It’s not a matter of semantics. I have to ask myself how much do I live from my inner most during my day? And how much do I remain a mystery into myself?!

  116. To accept the Esoteric way of living life, with a knowingness that we are all equal Sons of God and are here to express through our soul’s impulses and not that of our head’s, challenges virtually every human construct of society with its seemingly ceaseless need for outer recognition and individuality. But all one has to do is turn on the nightly news and see that this approach is most certainly not working (nor has it ever historically worked).

  117. One of the questions that I often hear asked about God is why does God allow violence corruption etc… to happen if he has the power to stop it? Something that I now understand is that the violence etc… has not been started by God but by us, as humans. It is our responsibility for us to deal with this, stop this and heal this within ourselves, for these behaviours are not of God. We need to heal with what is not true, that we have accepted in our own lives. There is much to learn about God, not from a book but from our own living way, through which we can feel his presence. This choice is ours.

  118. I love your description of the Esoteric it is exactly as you describe innate qualities of love.

  119. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life: the capacity to hold oneself and others as though in a tender embrace’ Beautiful and so true which allows us to us to feel the real purpose and love of life that we all know and miss.

  120. “… is the prospect of God given equality across the board simply too much for us to handle? The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary.” I love this = equality for all – no conditions. Maybe one day we will all live like this on earth….

  121. Coleen, this is such a simple way of describing the esoteric; ‘This is the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with’. This openness, equalness and connection to something much grander can certainly be felt in babies. They reflect a true relationship with God with no trying, having to attend church or following dogma, this connection is completely natural to them.

  122. ‘How did we allow this on a global scale, as well as with each child born into this world?’ – And how come that not even as adults do most of us realise the wrong doing that has taken place, and we keep moving forward suppressing our innate knowing.

  123. I have noticed the tendency by humanity to make what is widely practiced or prescribed as ‘normal’ even when it is not normal at all e.g. drinking alcohol (lets take it to an extreme: imagine if people started to drink car fuel infused with some taste enhancing chemicals. Drinking the substance of alcohol is not ‘normal’ at all!). Also in many circles for the youth today, cyber abuse and cutting has become ‘normal. It is a travesty that most of us are educated from young to ignore the awareness and wisdom we have access to from within (our esoteric connection) and desperately seek to make sense of life without that empowered foundation.
    We have become so estranged to our own essence that the word esoteric is ironically interpreted as obscure, puzzling and cryptic! But the good news is that as soon as we choose to reconnect, the esoteric is always there ready and waiting. After all it is actually our own inner essence.

    1. Great point Golnaz. We have made, through our own behaviours the Esoteric something that it is not. How can we possibly feel the grace of God, when we have downgraded our ‘normal’ behaviours so much, that we have all but removed any semblance of decency and respect even in our closest relationships? God cannot work in the energetic soup we have created. Once we change the ingredients of that soup, then God is able to work through all of us.

  124. ‘But this suppression buries the most precious part of us all – the part that feels and loves, the part that expresses tenderness and deep affection, the part that holds all with grace as divinely equal brothers.’ This is a fact of life, that we have so suppressed our natural tendencies for love that many of us have no idea that it is even there.

    1. Yes, the great majority have supressed it, but it’s beautiful to see that in a baby’s presence we always melt down, because no matter how far we have got away from our essence we are inevitably and constantly united to it and baby’s reflection brings us back to our also alive delicateness.

    2. And the significance of this realisation is that we have the choice to ‘not suppress’ them, freeing ourselves from a self made censorship of our true expression.

  125. When we live from the impulses of our own inner being we are being the grace of God on earth.

  126. Suppression whether it is through the education system, institutionalised religion or simply refusing and resisting what is on offer, has an enormous impact on our health and well-being if we choose to ignore the abuse. The more I open myself up, the more I see and get a sense of the games at play and then the less I hold back. Suppression is the opposing force to expansion, a deliberate energy used to protect creation and therefore avoid and delay evolution.

  127. Beautifully expressed.The esoteric is our true inner connection with ourselves, humanity, universe and with God. It is the ultimate love we all come from and are.

  128. Coleen, thank you for writing this. It is great beauty and love that we are born with and this is accepted as babies but crushed as we grow up. To nurture and encourage the qualities of joy, free expression and openness in our children, so they still have these natural qaulities as adults, is very much needed in our world.

  129. We all melt when we are in the presence of a baby and yet within a few short years we expect children to enter our loveless education system – the perfect training ground for denying the existence of the esoteric and the perpetuation of the bastardisation of the word. One man, Serge Benhayon, has challenged this way of living and reconnected thousands of people to their innermost essence despite those who would seek to denigrate and dismiss this most loving teaching that is accessible to us all if we only choose to be open to it.

  130. “How has something we are all born with, something that is completely innate and natural to us all, as witnessed in a baby, have come to mean something exclusive, secretive, and mysterious and known only by a privileged few?…” What a great question to ask, highlighting how we are bombarded with ideals and expectations from the moment we enter the world

  131. The grace never left us, we left the grace buried deep within succumbing to ‘life’, the unesoteric life that is, hence the necessity to restore ourselves to the esoteric to make life esoteric.

    1. A great wake up to know “The grace never left us, we left the grace buried deep within, succumbing to ‘life’,”

  132. It is quite incredible how quickly the meaning of words can get bastardised, or even how things get misinterpreted so easily. This is something that I observe quite often in life. To come back to the true meaning of anything has to be the way forward for humanity as a whole, and the word ‘esoteric’ would be a wonderful place to start.

  133. If indeed we have strayed this far from the true meaning of the esoteric, then it begs the question..
    What are we actually communicating to one another?
    Are we unquestioning, beholden to the definitions laid our by the dictionary or wikipedia?
    Through our compliance and daily expression of these reinterpetations do we not magnify an accepted function that has now become our normal?

  134. All very well said Colleen. This bit bears repeating for it alerts us to a great evil we have let lie:

    “History indicates the disturbing frequency with which those who have lived the esoteric have been persecuted for choosing to live in a way that brings true community and brotherhood for all and a life lived in service to one’s brethren (2). All the while, these times of persecution did force communities of esoteric underground – and then labelled them as ‘secretive’ for being underground.”

    Read more here:

    1. Having never really seen the point of history at school, I now understand that by reviewing our previous behaviours we can learn from our mistakes and make changes now. How willing are we to do this? It is almost like we enjoy the defiance of making the mistakes again and again and again.

  135. ‘is the prospect of God given equality across the board simply too much for us to handle?’ – Most likely it is, because that would mean giving up our individuality, our own personal pride.

  136. The esoteric is so close and natural to us that we are often blind to recognising it for what it is due to the ideas, beliefs and pictures we have of everything; but the esoteric cannot be grasped by pictures, only by feeling, being and living it.

  137. It is easy to change the meaning of the word esoteric so we do not have to take responsibility for our own woes which we feel because of not living from our innate essence, which is loving, responsible, honest, tender and delicate.

    1. Indeed – if we were to accept the truth of the word then we could no longer point fingers – which makes it all very uncomfortable!

  138. How is it that we are born with this inner connection, and we let it go, and then perhaps spend decades searching for it again. Our lives are so much richer with it, and I thank Serge Benhayon for showing me the way back to mine.

    1. It really is crazy how we go off track and then take ages to come back on track. It really is about bringing self responsibility into our lives.

  139. The history of persecution of those who live from their inner heart (esoteric) shows how much the energy that underpins the model of society does not want to be exposed by the reflection the esoteric way of life offers. One offers a life of connection harmony and truth the other keeps us emotional and responsive to our thoughts rather than the honesty of our bodies.

  140. Grace is such a powerful word… and comes with a profound quality.

    1. I agree. And so does the world. Because in the very occasional moments that I use this word to describe a person or an action, it is always met with a really deep connection and understanding of what I am saying or referring to. We use words like nice, amazing, lovely, generous, sweet, kind etc…all the time. But when you use the word ‘grace’, it really stops people; they feel it, they know its quality and they recognise its power.

  141. The one unifying thing that connects us all is the esoteric. So in fact it is the least unusual thing in existence. Blond hair is more unusual. Having ten fingers and thumbs is more unusual. Speaking English is more unusual.

    1. Well said Otto. Your comment really shows just how far round the wrong way we have things – it is preposterous that we deny, have attacked and accept the word which describes our true nature at heart to mean anything other or less than that.

      1. How many of us spend our whole lives wondering who we are, striving to identify ourselves and give our lives meaning, when this simple word and the actioning of what it offers does all of that for us.

    2. Love this. We are all connected far before any physical identification or manifestation.

      1. And the less we feel that connection, primarily with ourselves, the more we crave the identification and the more we attach to the physical manifestations. The meteoric rise in the number of tattoos that people now have is a stark refection of exactly that – if you felt connected and complete within yourself, why the need for an external marking as an identity?

  142. We all crave love, we write poems about it, make films, write books the list is endless in our insatiable appetite for love and deep down within us we know this is the one thing that we are not getting from anywhere and it actually unsettles us in our bodies. If we had true love in our lives there would not be the abuse, misery and all the other horrible and atrocious happenings in our fragile world. Why … because true love starts with ourselves and when we come back to that feeling in our bodies again we would not want to hurt anyone one ever again. We have started our way back and we will get there.

  143. From my own development of being completely shut down and withdrawn from life, with the continuous support of Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine I can say at last I’m understanding that there is an innermost in all of us and that the majority of humanity including me has no awareness of. What Serge Benhayon has done is offer a possibility of a different way to live on this Earth in respect to everything around us and that includes the universe which we are very much a part of.

  144. “The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary.” Indeed, there is nothing but a continual flow from this eternal ocean that is not only within us, but also in every particle of the Universe.

  145. ‘How has something we are all born with, something that is completely innate and natural to us all, as witnessed in a baby, have come to mean something exclusive, secretive, and mysterious and known only by a privileged few?’ – This itself shows that mankind are fighting their natural impulses, hence why we have a world full of conflict, misery and illness continuously on the rise.

  146. When we reunite with God we reunite with something that is very familiar to us.

  147. Self responsibility, equality, openness, harmony and love – what’s not to love? We can reclaim our living of the esoteric knowing that this way of living true to ourselves supports everyone. It is a very loving way to live.

  148. So true the ‘category of bystander’ it is stark but important to feel this in the bones…what it means to stand and watch and stay silent…and we have all done it at some point in some big or small ways, many times…are we prepared to stand with what we know is true. The Esoteric is profound, divine and simply a way of life that is a sacred and heals, I love this and I am learning to stand with this and not hide.

  149. Not only are those who live the esoteric way of life, in this age called Universal Medicine, i. e. medicine for all, but they are downright dehumanised and ridiculed, just to make sure the esoteric doesn’t gain any traction.

  150. To re-connect to the unifying love that we each equally are and to live that is our natural way. A gorgeous reunion that is inclusive of all others.

  151. This is a revealing question for it points to many of our self-created issues in life. “In a world where we award and reward top of the ladder, singular individuals for their prowess in academia, in sport, in business and in research, is the prospect of God given equality across the board simply too much for us to handle?”

  152. In the past when the esoteric has been attacked many of the people within these communities went into hiding. With the latest round of attacks in this era, many in the community are diving further into society not afraid to stand out even if it means losing their jobs. This is very inspirational.

    1. Absolutely, we need to dive into life and not hold back, be part of humanity, every one of us has something to share. Living life from Love is a beautiful way of life that is well worth sharing.

      1. I agree we need to dive into life and not hold back. Live and be part of life but not get caught and absorbed into life with its temptation and indulgences.

  153. ‘most of us fall more into the category of bystanders, those who allow by our collective silence the force of bullying to flourish.’ – As a humanity at large the majority of us are bystanders, watching abuse happen in front of our own eyes, pretending it doesn’t exist because it takes responsibility to call it out.

  154. To live simply, or with connection to your own true essence and connected to God – the esoteric way seems to have escaped mankind in many ways by his choice to live separated in an illusion all about self , or reacting to the ways of the world and how unsavoury it really feels. I agree it is all the bystanders, living in comfort or more so comfortably numb that has proliferated this way of being , even though the we are held by God and constantly being reflected more endless love and wisdom. We probably just need to look up more and not sideways as much 🙂

  155. The fact is we are all divinely equal brothers, a fact that is simply not lived, with the wars, the racism etc all fueling the illusion that we are not. We have to see beyond the surface and how we let ourselves be bullied by forces that want to keep us from knowing and walking the grace of God on earth.

  156. I adore babies, they are a bundle of true love and to me they are a constant reminder of everything we truly are, but have hidden from ourselves and the world through hurts, ideals and beliefs that we have picked up and taken into our bodies which then become a false way to live and very far from the true love that a baby expresses openly.

    1. Babies reflect our true state, one of total transparency whereby we let another look straight into the inner godliness.

  157. We always have a choice for grace or chaos. The disturbance we see in this world isn’t inevitable – we have the possibility to choose Love and change it all.

  158. Oh it’s going to turn some tables to introduce love into our daily curriculum, the irony being, love is a part of us so we are rejecting what is natural because we have taken up something completely away from our nature as normal, until what is natural feels threatening. And yet this is not impossible, but requires a lot of patience and a lot of beholding, acceptance, surrender, never too late to start.

    1. It’s interesting how when we take ourselves away from our natural and live the unnatural making it a new ‘norm’ – how we can then not only reject the natural but defend the unnatural.

  159. ‘ “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” ‘ – No wonder people are skeptical and even hostile to the esoteric, our dictionarys are feeding them lies.

    1. Along with the many other bastardised versions of other words such as love, religion and so on.

  160. There is certainty and knowing when we trust what we feel from within, which gives us the confidence to know that we can handle whatever comes our way and I wouldn’t give this up for the world.

    1. Fiona I agree, I would never give that knowing and feeling away. It is my strength and power from within that gives the confidence.

  161. A great question you pose here about how can something so universal to us all be twisted into meaning something that is exclusive to only a select few. And fascinating to discover what the true original meaning of ‘esoteric ‘ actually is.

  162. We are born in connection with our innermost and yet we separate from this connection to live a life seeking security in comfort and protection.

  163. What’s beautiful is that it isn’t a set of beliefs that defines an ‘esoteric student’, but a commitment to living in a way that is all of the things you’ve described – loving, honest, open, responsible.

    1. And that blows out of the water that the esoteric is some kind of a hidden mystery – on the contrary, it is very accessible to all.

  164. ‘…most of us fall more into the category of bystanders, those who allow by our collective silence the force of bullying to flourish.’ This is an uncomfortable truth and one I know I have been part of. Its all the little things we leave unsaid, unexpressed that leads to the bigger form of bullying to take place. It is up to everyone of us to call out the small forms of abuse in our lives… this would impact enormously on the atrocities that take place daily as there would be less ground swell.

    1. Yes it is standing up to the smaller abuses in our lives that we build consistency and commitment to calling out abuse wherever we see it in society.

  165. The esoteric may appear to be unknown to us from the outside, but it is within us all and when we look inside, we can all equally reconnect to it.

    1. The truth of this makes me laugh. even the meaning of the word itself is referring to the “innermost”. How can that become unknown and mysterious in any shape or form?

    2. Yes, agree Gill. Reconnecting within has a knowing and ‘coming home’ feeling… it is definitely not mysterious and nor is it only reserved for a select few…How misleading is that… it is there, within for everyone.

  166. God-given equality would ruffle so many feathers because we would no longer be able to play the superior/inferior, lesser than/greater than game of inequality… one in which we all play more often than we care to acknowledge, and every one of us would be of equal value which would mean no self-worth issues… something every person on this planet wrestles with in one form or another. So this God-given equality would put a stop to many of our ideals, beliefs and behavioural patterns – do we want to let go of them or are we too invested in them to give them up? It would also mean being self-responsible, and are we prepared to truly be that responsible?

  167. When we hold back any aspect of our lives and how blessed it is by the esoteric we contribute to the distortion of its meaning.

      1. Or I would say even worse, we reflect that holding back is the way forth, we encourage others to enjoin in a contracted way of living. If this is true it could be said that there is never a lack of reflection, only varying qualities of reflection.

  168. “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?” We deny it because if we brought through the Grace of God on earth we would have to admit that we have chosen to buy into a life that is not that… and that we have lived those false lives for eons – thats a mighty ouch, however, that ouch moment would pass, and the richness, magic and pure harmony that would result would be far grander and so worth it.

  169. This whole idea that some people have ‘special knowledge’ is having a detrimental impact on our society and everyone within in. ‘Intelligence is power’ in this day and age, but what does this foster? Evidently, not a loving or caring society but one that is abusive, jealous and lacks equality.

    1. That’s how we end up with legal and tax systems that only the few who are educated to a certain degree, and paid vast amounts to do so, can understand.

  170. “The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth”… beautiful words Coleen… I’d never considered the Esoteric as being the Grace of God but it so is, and every one of us are responsible for bringing this through to life on earth – if we so choose.

  171. Seeing people with a baby is very interesting – I would agree that often, there is a melting and an opportunity to connect to the child and feel its qualities, but I also see a lot of people impose on the child, want them to smile, to react in a way that makes us feel good, almost because we recognise in them a level of connection to a quality we don’t have in our own lives, and rather than feel it and connect to ourselves, we try and get something from them

  172. When we give our power away to others it allows them to get away with virtually anything and that seems to me what we have collectively done. Did it start with giving our power away to religion to the extent that we allowed a minority to dictate to the majority, or does it go further back than that?

  173. I do not recall hearing the word esoteric until I came to Universal Medicine. Now, I know it is a beautiful, powerful and simple word. I am also learning that there are so many words like the word esoteric that has been distorted and changed which often leads to people feeling put off when they hear it. The word religion is also one of those words that has been bastardised to death and most people I know would want to run a mile when they hear the word religion. Whereas the word esoteric, I feel not many people know what it means.

  174. The esoteric allows us to feel brotherhood, interconnectedness and oneness as our natural way of being. In doing that it exposes how far as a humanity we have strayed from this truth and we don’t want to admit that and stay in our individuality.

  175. I love the simplicity and everydayness as you show here the esoteric is. We have made it something it is not and by that we are missing out on a truth in our life that is enormous.

    1. I agree, the esoteric is living life, life lived with a certain quality, it is nothing special or secretive and if we were open to being honest with what we feel we would know this to be true.

    2. I agree we have distorted the truth of what it is by not connecting to our inner most, it is time we bring the truth back, through our re-connection.

  176. If we have a history of persecuting those who bring forth another way of being that is challenging and/or exposing our current way of being, does this not show us that in fact we want what we have? We willingly and arrogantly choose to ignore all the love and wisdom that is shared with us non stop from heaven, as we do not want to give up our little playground for self and individualisation.

  177. Coleen, I do not observe like yourself the daily attempt to suppress the esoterically derived natural joy and wonder at life expressed by children, but I know full well the imprisoning harm of the educational system that starts at 4 years old in the UK at such tender age, where the rigours of this system denature the child from their connection with “the innermost heart we are all born with”.

  178. it makes no sense at all that we would dismiss what is naturally within but when it comes to feeding and keeping the identification alive, our world of comfort and creation alive, I can totally see how we have been hooked into believing that being Esoteric is a mysterious, other worldly and secretive.

  179. Reading this today I thought about the prison system, where the majority are ruled by the minority. The prisoners numbers far outweigh the enforcers, so it is a set of said and unsaid rules that keep them (mostly) quiet. I feel it is the same for us, there are are set of minority enforcers (the forceful energies you speak of) that set these spoken and unspoken guidelines that keep the majority passive and inline. And rarely do the minority even question these set of rules – often seeing them just ‘as the way life is’.

  180. The analogy of the baby brings home a felt knowing of the esoteric and the magic of what divinity unfolds. It’s odd we accept so much divinity in life like the baby, like felt connections with others but keep hidden from ourselves the naturalness of this truth, the connection we could have as an everyday experience of the love within us all. But perhaps it’s not so odd because if we lived this we would see all the lies we’ve had a hand in creating and perpetuating, and in the knowing it is for us to say no to them.

  181. I love the simple, unquestionable, practical example you give Colleen about the baby and the esoteric. Indeed there is nothing secretive about it and if anything it shows just how much we as a collective live from ideals and beliefs outside of us than we do from the truth we know innately within us.

  182. It is such a damning indictment of our society today that this feeling is only known to a privileged few, when it should be known by all (is known by all) and taught and encouraged in us all at every level at every age.

  183. It is tricky to know how to respond when our beliefs are being attacked – most people react defensively, but if what we know is true and not just a belief, then there is absolutely no doubt and we have nothing to defend.

  184. We deny what we don’t understand and that which we can’t prove. And yet all it takes to prove the esoteric exists is to make the choice to feel it through our bodies. It’s so real, tangible and practical – so fleshy and earthly, whilst being the bridge to the space, quality and wisdom of the universe.

  185. ““Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge,” is a reflection the denial of responsibility.

  186. When humanity is so clearly at sea and searching for answers, our anchor is the esoteric, a relationship with our innermost that holds us steady and sound.

  187. It doesn’t make sense does it, that being esoteric, something we are naturally born with is turned around in explanation to something that is secret and only known to a select few? How easy we twist and turn things into complication and untruths.

  188. ‘Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?’ Avoid, deny, we play these games and think we get away with it. To give up our individuality is not something we do very easily. Lets talk about myself, creating complication and struggle is my thing and I get something out of it, being individual, otherwise there would simply be the esoteric that I know so well.

  189. Thanks, Coleen, for your observation of how at odds we are with ourselves and our divinity by persecuting those who love humanity to the bone and reflect our godliness back to us.

  190. “The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth” – thus something that never dies but forever expands into the realms of deeper love, wisdom and truth.

  191. If esoteric means innermost then babies have got to be the best representation as they literally are untouched and pure – no ideals, judgement of anything else that comes from outside.

  192. We know our inner most so well, understand its every way and yet we have allowed ourselves to become disconnected from this knowing. So much so that we have hidden the esoteric from our own view and think that it is something completely the opposite to what it is. It’s just a hairs breath away.

  193. “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” – as with many other things in life, it’s no co-incidence that this definition of the word esoteric is the complete opposite of the truth. Being connected with our inner-most is not unusual, it’s our natural way of being, but at this moment of time, we have strayed away from living in this way. Given we all crave love, there isn’t a single person who would dislike connecting to their innermost and it’s something every one has the choice to do, it isn’t reserved for a ‘special’ few.

  194. “Is it possible that this way of living would upset way too many applecarts for our collective comfort?” I would say yes it does. When we connect to our innermost it empowers us to see what is truly important in the world and hence many of our commonly accepted habits and ideals just fall away as we begin to lead simple lives that don’t require the same level of distraction or indulgences we have built so many industries on.

  195. So important to realise the effect of not doing anything in the face of bullying or abuse is to become complicit and to effect support the perpetuation of it.

  196. It is true that most of us have chosen not to be a bully, but nonetheless it is an energy that is spread over the world and lived by a few that use it to control the masses. At the same time we might say we do not bully compared to the mass bullies, but we may do so on a smaller scale, in our private lives and in our relationships. It is an energy we may start to say no to as it is one of the most destructive energies that is used to rule human life.

  197. Indeed Coleen, it is interesting to consider that we do not have love in our curriculum at schools as it at the base of our existence and therefore should be the foundation of the education system too.

  198. The bystander approach feels so normal, and yet regardless of any ideals that one person cannot change the world, we know they can, and that means each one of us.

  199. The changes of meanings of words feels deliberate to keep us away from what we know in our bodies, that connection that never goes away but we go away from it. When we return to that grace of God within, we know the true meaning of the word esoteric, it is felt in the body.

  200. “the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with, …” Your description of the Esoteric reminds me of the Shakespeare quote … “To be or not to be…” It most definitely is the choice we have – whether we choose the connection within our body )love) or not …. and this makes all the difference.

  201. “It is in its nature to behold us all and to express the grace of God on earth through our esoteric. Is this why we crush and suppress it?” That is a very good question Coleen and I am wondering what would happen if more people would let this question work in their bodies.

  202. Your words here about being bystanders to the crushing affects of bullying are very powerful, and exposing too of the complacency there is for the sake of comfort that we are willing to accept all at the expense of this very natural place called the Esoteric.

  203. I have loved coming back to the heart, to the innermost, and living to the best of my ability from here feeling all from the inside instead of looking outside of myself to define who I am. There is no doubt about it. This is the most natural way to be.

  204. ’ “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” ’ – The esoteric may be very unusual in the sense that not many people are yet living it, however not so unusual when in fact it is who we all are in our core being.

  205. “A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life”

    I can 100% vouch for this, as when I live in connection to my inner-heart, the esoteric, I feel such steadiness and composure. When I choose not to, as is our choice, I don’t.

  206. To watch my toddler have the same openness with others as she does with her immediate family is a joy. There is a saying ‘don’t talk to strangers’ but I watch her engage with others in a way that is so open but at the same time she knows in an instant when to be cautious of someone.

    1. AMAZING HM.. this shows there is a steadiness and confidence in her and thats very cool as often we calibrate to fit in with others. Great way to start her life ✨

    2. Beautiful HM if we bring our kids up fearing the world instead of knowing and trusting what they feel we actually close them down from feeling. This then results in adults who are disconnected and often do more harm to themselves than a stranger ever would.

  207. I love the analogy and example of the esoteric and the baby, and the allowing of everything else to fall away so that we are left all to be equal in the love that we all are.

    1. I really connect with bringing this all back to learning from babies of our innate true way. We have masters around us and we dismiss them because they are 6months old.

  208. Our silence alone as a bystander, does far more damage than we realise, especially when we are invested in life being a certain way for ourselves and do not want to rock the boat for fear of reprisal in our own direction. Silence in this way is simply an investment in the comforts of life that keep us very comfortable indeed and away from living a true and full life.

    1. I agree Henrietta. What you’ve shared makes so much sense. This explains how wars and conflicts are started and how for example one leader of a country has the power to create great harm to their nation. I now understand that when we witness harm and we choose to be a bystander we are in effect adding energy to the harm through our silence.

  209. Coleen, after reading your article I had my regular visit to my friends young son who I look after and I really noticed how open and equal and how joyful he was. I felt that he was as loving and open with me as his family and that he was simply being himself and naturally expressing himself. This was very beautiful to feel and reminded me that this is our natural way.

  210. If we don´t stand by the esoteric we are bystanders of life, ie. life is lived not from the esoteric but anything else outside of it. One of the challenges when getting reflected the esoteric is the pride we have taken in creating a version of life void of the esoteric while knowing that it is a mere artificial existence that no longer will be sustained once the esoteric is embraced again, thus fighting the one who is living the esoteric.

    1. Love this no fence sitting approach Alex – and the exposure that its our investment in the little world we have created that stops us from clearly seeing which side we are living on!

  211. I love your expression of the esoteric in this blog, reading it I felt the warm unequivocal love that one has for oneself as a baby and young child does, we all know this love to be the true us, yet many of us leave it in pursuit of the illusion.
    The esoteric is our natural way it is, it is the light of God that flows though our very veins.

  212. We withdraw, and that becomes the alibi to why esoteric is secretive and only available to selected few, why God is unreachable. The lie is already in our movement away from God.

  213. The revelation for me was that it is possible to come back to how you were when you were very little, the unconditional awareness, the potential for joy, the immediate understanding.

  214. It was the reconnection via the Esoteric way of life that brought me the awareness of reconnecting to my inner most. This transformed my life and has brought so much love and joy.

  215. Very good question Coleen we have travelled far from our natural state and yet our babies are continuely born in this state, they must be coming from love then? Did they not know they are love? fascinating how we refuse to see the blindingly obvious.

    1. Is it more important for us to fit in and conform to the lived ‘norm’ than it is to live the love that we are, irrespective of how those around us are choosing to live?

  216. The Esoteric, our inner most is such a treasured connection that I have ever felt and it hasn’t been one of mystery nor dependant on another. A huge thank you to Universal Medicine with the techniques, wisdom and modalities that offer support for such a relationship. One that is only ever deepened by a dedicated choice to keep returning to our Soul.

    1. Indeed Natalie, a great thank you to Universal Medicine as I cannot imagine anymore where I would have been without that connection with my soul that is so natural to us, but when walking in the shadows of the life we have created it’s difficult to find.

    2. Hear, hear Natalie. I too deeply appreciate how Universal Medicine is showing the world what it means and looks like to live an esoteric way of life. Our world is being blessed by this and it is time for us all to return to our Soul and reconnect to our esoteric way of life. Universal Medicine is here to support us all with love and open arms, and thank God for Serge Benhayon, the founder of Universal Medicine for representing the esoteric to humanity.

  217. “A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life” This cannot be overstated; to experience this in life makes all things possible and even when the going gets tough, composure rarely leaves us.

    1. Life with the esoteric is living, with that connection a deep contentment is possible. Remove that and we are left with nothing that can fulfil us.

      1. Yes David, ‘deep contentment is possible when we live in connection with the esoteric’ unfortunately too many people are unaware of what the esoteric offers and instead look at it with suspicion or disdain. Articles like this, reveal the true esoteric way as something practical, everyday and accessible.

  218. It is true the esoteric is little understood or known by the majority of people and this is a sad thing. Qualities fundamental to life: love, joy and divinity outside the daily experience of too many people

  219. The great big lie at the heart of our lives is that we think we are saying yes to love. We mostly don’t – but actively fight it with our whole being despite the fact that underneath it’s what our every cell wants. Go figure – the crazy absurdity of our current human existence.

  220. ‘the capacity to hold oneself and others as though in a tender embrace, deeply observing of the multitude of forceful energies that beset us all on a daily basis – what we often refer to as the stresses of life – and offering in the face of such tumult a consistency of love, including those times where it is necessary to offer potentially challenging home truths.’ I love how you show up that the stresses in our lives are actually a multitude of forceful energies that beset us all on a daily basis for that is exactly what they are and they are not unsurmountable unless we give them the power to be. And loving is not the “love and peace” variety but a love that can be firm and even deconstructing in its simple truth.

  221. “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?” This is a great and pertinent question Coleen, when as you say what everyone one wants most of all in the world is to be loved, and to share that love with others.

    1. Yet we go to great lengths to resist doing just this and instead reduce ourselves to a shadow of our divinely magnificent selves – we are then left wanting as we can feels something is missing (the fullness of our divinely magnificent self), so we look outside ourselves to fill the void, when what we seek, we already have, we just have to choose to re-connect with it.

  222. This is such a profound statement Coleen..’The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary.’ As humanity we have bastardised, segregated, divided and boxed religious teachings, where instead we can simply come back to God is love and is within us all.

  223. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life…’ What a beautiful way to live compared with the anxiety, rush, stress and inner frantic-ness that most of us experience. To have a sense of inner settlement is something very beautiful and well within all of us to feel and to know by way of connecting within because, as you say Coleen, it is something we are all born with.

  224. Coleen you offer a beautiful understanding of the true meaning of the word esoteric. It encompasses all from our innermost connection with God and brings a living way of true brotherhood for us to return to.
    “The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary. It is in its nature to behold us all and to express the grace of God on earth through our esoteric. Is this why we crush and suppress it?”

  225. I denied God and the Esoteric, I am working my way back to a lived way with both, hand in hand….the stillness that both offer is something that I a deeply value as priceless as it is. It has been something I have run away from, for many different reasons, and I still find myself in resistance to it at points in my life. The truth is that it is within my body, I am of it and I know it and I know through tender care, understanding and commitment to living Love I will return and through this it will inevitably offer this reflection others.

  226. Yesterday I met the grace of God on Earth and I am in awe of power that is held by such a person and yet they are so normal and humble, that they wield so much power, but do not abuse the office of the representation of God on earth. I also got to feel that I am exactly the same as this person, there is no difference between us. I have made choices over lifetimes that have held me in an energy of less than by giving my power away. Whereas this person has not ever done that, I can feel they have always honoured themselves in a way that does not give their power away to anyone or anything.

  227. How you explain the meaning of esoteric through the reference to the infant brings a simplicity of understanding that captures the heart of the meaning tangibly.

  228. Inaction, being a bystander, is not inaction. In fact it is a choice and an action that is wilful and irresponsible, hence we are all responsible for the denial of the grace of God on Earth.

  229. I have recently been on the receiving end of ‘how the force of bullying does its utmost to crush the esoteric’, and I could feel how the force coming through the bully hurt them more than it hurt me. In fact it did not hurt me at all, as I was able to observe what was happening.

  230. How different our lives could be if we gave ourselves permission to hold everyone in that same tender love that we offer a baby – one day this will once again be the norm for our society, how long it takes to get there is up to us.

  231. Yes the striving for individuality is so evident in so many areas of life – a constant surprise to me – yet we are divine beings from the same source and part of a divine order that I have no doubt we have only scratch the surface of understanding.

  232. Wow, big question. I also feel humbled by the point that we allow travesties of justice to happen because we look at a situation and consider it too hard. Words are manipulated and re-interpreted to the point where it is simpler to walk away than to try to re-dress the detour. I had no idea what esoteric meant before I went to a workshop, heard about it and then saw how it was lived by others for many years. It is nothing when it is left on paper, Esoteric is a word that should be our natural way of living.

  233. Beautifully written Coleen. The Esoteric is our most natural state of being, but it has been buried under our pursuit of individuality and the systems of the world that support this separation to all we hold as dear and know to be true.

  234. “A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life: “So true and deeply cherished and the greatest gift we can allow ourselves beyond anything.

  235. The definition of the esoteric is a clear indication of how we have alienated ourselves from the most natural way of being, the way that comes from inside of us and is free of the impositions of the world around us. A world that was created from the neediness and emptiness that is caused by the disconnection to our innermost.

  236. Wow Coleen I love it how you describe the esoteric – I am wondering what would happen if your description would be published instead in our dictionaries.

  237. Coleen the way you describe the esoteric in relation to a newborn baby and that it “… elicits from everyone a deep regard for the delicateness of the infant, a sense of joy in relating to her/him and a melting, warm feeling in the chest” – is undeniable and easy to relate to. Because relating to and being with the esoteric is easy and natural and it brings the utmost joy being in its presence.

  238. This definition of the esoteric couldn’t be further from the truth; “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” The truth of the esoteric from what I have experienced is that it is a way of living that is our natural way – where we live in harmony with ourselves and each other. Where we are all a one humanity. And so to imply the esoteric exclusive is the opposite to the truth.

  239. It is a big bitter pill to swallow. We ‘think’ we are merely innocent bystanders and do not make a difference, yet each and every one of us simply by expressing our truth makes a huge difference.

  240. Babies reflect to us what is in our innermost to feel, embrace, to connect to and feel how loving, tender and divine we are too.

  241. The Grace of God is our inherent way, no mysteries or secrets about it. What is kept more secret is how we have been denied this internal treasure by our global attitudes and beliefs and are lied to on a regular basis.

  242. It is totally typical of the way the world is run to bastardise or mystify something that is there for us all and always has been and always will be.

  243. ‘The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary.’ and it is there in every single one of us, but so many of us simply don’t know, and those who try to mar the true message with lies in the media are doing us all a disservice.

  244. The esoteric way of living places that which is deep within our innermost as being central to, and the guiding impulse for, the way we live. This is our most natural way to live and it is something that is known by us all, but it is not always accessed if we allow ourselves to be influenced to live according to the outer dictates of society, without first discerning whether when these are in accordance to what is felt in our innermost, or whether they move in opposition to this.

  245. In my work I witness often how people googoo and gaga over babies, sensing their innocence and freshness as a reflection of their own innate preciousness and divinity – and yet, past a certain age, we literally bash it out of our children via the unwritten and never openly discussed tenets of a depraved reality we call human life, normal life.

  246. We aspire to intellect and great knowledge, missing all along that we had everything we’d ever need at day 1. This world would be in a much greater place if we started studying babies instead of professors – they have so much wisdom to teach.

  247. It is ironic that we have twisted the meaning of the word ‘esoteric’ to an extent that sound like something that is strange and only available to a few, also when it is simply about connecting to our innermost, the most natural thing ever. The thing is that at our innermost we are connected to Universal Wisdom, yet we ‘educate’ ourselves to ignore our inner awareness and instead to focus on everything being fed to us from the outside. We pride ourselves with our intelligence but this choice alone shows the lack of intelligence with which we are choosing to live.

  248. Wow, I love the way you’ve explained the qualities of esoteric, referencing it to how babies are and how we once were when we were born into this world. No wonder so many people are generally very gentle, caring, loving, understanding and attracted to babies and young children, because they reflect to us all their esoteric way and their natural connection to God and these qualities are in all of us too.

    1. Babies bring out those very same qualities within ourselves. A constant reminder.

  249. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life…’ Reading this paragraph is an inspiration. I read it and am reconnected to living a life that isn’t like being bashed about on the sea bed, but ebbing and flowing with the natural rhythms of the tide.

  250. I find this an odd definition of the esoteric “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge.” I guess it just calls on us all as people to be discerning as to where information comes from … and what source! And to not believe everything you read .. even in the dictionary.

  251. “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?” often because we are not willing to see the power that we have and our own connection with God.

    1. We also like to think that life is all about us and that life is just a human experience. In that we remove the Grace of God from our awareness.

  252. For its meaning to have been so corrupted and twisted around to the opposite direction, the esoteric aspect of us is clearly playing a very important and powerful role in bringing life back to truth.

  253. Personally I’m glad that the topic of God and Love are excluded from school curriculums, not because I don’t believe that they are absolute foundations of life, but because we have twisted the meaning of both of these words to such ugly lengths that neither word as it is currently used bears any resemblance to it’s true meaning. We have to resurrect the true meaning of both words and then we will no longer have any need to teach them in schools, because we will all be simply living them.

  254. So many words have been reinterpreted to keep us from the true understandings that you have shared Coleen. Let’s look at the word “bullying” which has an interpretation that we may have never considered as possible and that is the worst kind of ‘bullying’ – seeing it come from the unseen disincarnate spirits who gave me nightmares when I was young!

  255. How absurd it all is – We are naturally esoteric and spend our life running away from this innermost connection, thinking that the outer world is what matters and it will give us everything. A very mistaken ideal and belief that keeps us shrouded in the illusion that it is.

  256. If we were to understand that our hurts do not define who we are, there would be no overlay of the innate esoteric we are born with.

  257. What a beautiful question : why do we deny the grace of God on earth?
    Lets truly ponder..
    Are we spinning around on this plane of life, until we actually live the grace of God on earth? Possibly?
    Yes we are. Until we no longer deny or seek to deny in any way shape or form.

  258. Coleen, this is such a beautiful, simple description of the esoteric; ‘This is the esoteric – a connection with the innermost heart we are all born with.

  259. With us living such individual lives – and this being so championed – I agree that it is a key reason that we are choosing collectively not to see the divine God given energy of equality that we are all given and can live here on earth – so we can still make it about ourselves.

  260. We’ve bought into a false paradigm and in doing so we’ve left the grace, the essence of us behind, and it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s the beauty of the Esoteric it’s always there ready and waiting.

  261. It is important to realise that the we as bystanders are no different than the abusers themselves even though we would think of ourselves as better as we are not acting out the abuse. But what is worse being abused or being watched whilst being abused and no-one does or says something?

  262. Dogs do not eat each other. It’s typical of the arrogance of humanity to tarnish these animals with the same foul brush by which we live.

  263. The Esoteric is a well of purity we all have and we all can express (from) equally. It belongs to all in the same way, we all belong in it. Even if we choose not to connect to it, its mere existence alone transmits a very clear message: inward movement is the only true way forward because everything that happens afterwards is an expression of our own inner connection with the divine; our own essence.

    1. That well of purity you speak of Eduardo is what we feel very clearly in babies, and it’s still there untouched inside of us also, and ready to be reconnected to and lived from again.

    2. Love this Eduardo “The Esoteric is a well of purity we all have and we all can express (from) equally. It belongs to all in the same way, we all belong in it. Even if we choose not to connect to it” Slowly more people will understand its true meaning and not be estranged from it.

    3. Beautifully said Eduardo, ‘a well of purity we all have and we all can express (from) equally.’ No one is gifted or more special rather the way we are and express is simply from a result of our choices. And no matter what we choose it is always there untouched waiting and ready for us to choose the love we are again.

  264. I would’ve screwed my face up at the concept of ‘esoteric’ before, considering anything outside “fact/proof” to be wishy washy. How beautiful it now is that I have that connection, and all the proof I need is right here in my life and my relationships.

    1. I would have at one time too Michael, as I was so entrenched and soaked into the world we now call our normal that the concept of living a life of love, light, harmony, truth and joy, the possibility of taking responsibility for my own life and wellbeing and the concept of deeply loving relationships simply seemed like a fairy tale. Yet today this is what my life is, not because I am delusional or have bought into something that is not deemed as real, but because I have connected to what is within me and equally so can be felt in others. And even with the splendour and beauty this now brings, I know there is more…

    2. I know exactly what you mean Michael, it goes to show how we can be influenced and put off when the true meaning of words is lost and changed to mean the opposite. I know I have held back from using the word Esoteric in case people misunderstand what I am saying which is crazy. And as you say, ‘all the proof I need is right here in my life and my relationships’.

    3. Absolutely Michael that is the beauty of our bodies they show us back to our true yumminess and no scientist refusing it exists can win as it is felt.

    4. Hah! The first time I saw the word esoteric used to describe a workshop, I DID screw up my face and rejected an invitation to attend because I judged it as wishy washy. Fortunately I was there to see the change: the tender, empowered, joyful faces of my friends after the workshop and I knew whatever this ‘esoteric’ thing was I wanted to look into.
      I guess this is how we will return to all of us knowing the true meaning of various aspects of life, by those of us who choose to live them and let everyone else see the reflection for themselves.

  265. It is so startling to read this definition; “Very unusual and understood or liked by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge”. Literally every section of it is the absolute direct opposite of the truth. And, as bystanders, we are all responsible for this. If we use this one example as a reflection on the whole picture of society (which indeed it is) it is very shocking to feel how far from the truth we have wilfully walked.

    1. ….. and how much of what we have ‘accepted’ in life and allowed to become our ‘normal’, is in fact the complete opposite of the truth that we all seek and crave.

      1. And if we begin to see, observe and deeply understand the exact precision of this ‘complete opposite’ then we begin to see how evil really works. I don’t live this in full, but I can begin to understand that because we innately know love inside-out and back-to-front, then we, by science, must also know evil inside-out and back-to-front; which thus evaporates its power and shows that it is only though our choice that it can even exist.

    2. It is a horrific assault and it is all the same energy as a sword or blade killing another… it is so far away from our natural innate truth.

    3. If we are to get really honest, then we have to ask ourselves if we have aided and abetted those forces that are dedicated to keep us disconnected from the truth of who we are, for as long as possible. Are we in fact quite happy to remain lost in a sea of comfort and identity for yet another lifetime because it means that we can put off looking at our part in this whole fiasco of a life we’ve created?

      1. 100% Alexis. And thus we point fingers (media, politics, parents, big corp, government…). At every juncture is an opportunity to ask – what is my part in this?

  266. ‘A life lived in connection with one’s esoteric naturally brings a deeply felt sense of composure with life’ yes this is true, I can feel the tension of dis-connection more often than not, but when I connect, the feeling of stillness and spaciousness is very calming.

  267. Claiming back my innermost the esoteric, initially through the Gentle Breath meditation rebirthed me. It was an instant knowing that was not doubted ever. That and Serge Benhayon’s presentation on the difference between the spirit (separation from the innermost) and the Soul (our innermost essence) was my new journey of claiming back what the esoteric meant to me. It has been an unfolding and livingness from the esoteric ever since, into a world that is not esoteric.

    1. I concur Rik it is such an absolute knowing of truth and makes sense of what is already known!

  268. It is easy to point the finger at the bully but the bully can only exist if there is someone to bully. Not standing up to bullies allows then to get away with ill behaviour that serves no-one, least of all the bully.

    1. I love that you have expanded on this Elizabeth it does not point the finger of blame but lovingly asks the questions why does a bully bully in the first place. Not to give excuses for any kind of behaviour like this, more lifting up the carpet to see the true rot.

  269. So true Coleen… Silence has created the travesty we now live in this world.

    1. Its time to make a change by expressing our truths through the way we live, no more silence, no, just expressing in full in each moment.

  270. It defies belief that there can be something that exists in the very heart of each and every one of us and yet at the same time we appear to be totally unaware of it’s existence.

  271. Coleen, you have written a beautiful description of what esoteric means by describing the quality of a new born and all our open-hearted responses back. This makes the feeling tangible and real, and not something that only a few have knowledge of… we are all esoteric by nature and in heart.

  272. “as we develop into what is seen as a normal, functioning human beings” but the truth is that most of us developed into pretty dysfunctional human beings but because dysfunction is normal, we classify it as functional. Geez we’ve warped life to such an extent it’s no longer recognisable.

  273. There has been considerable energetic effort over time to drive us away from knowing our esoteric – or inner heart. This includes making the word esoteric taboo as well as making religions completely divisive and toxic, so we are turned off our very natural relationship with God. What could be the aim of this plan? Perhaps to keep us all running around the hamster wheel of life completely lost to our divine origins – unfortunately it seems to be working at the moment.

  274. The baby is a great example of describing the meaning of the ‘Esoteric’ , and it shows how this, or rather our natural state of being can be compressed or squashed by the forces of life. Equally so, the baby example to describe the Esoteric exposes such an erroneous meaning given by the dictionary. Great sharing Coleen, thank you.

    1. The baby is a great reflection of the angelic, delicateness of who we are, all knowing all connected.
      So inspiring if we allow ourselves to connect to this beauty.

    1. Indeed Leigh… a curiosity for us all to investigate our part is very much needed if we are to move forward as a humanity.

      1. It sure is very much needed and we can go on waiting for others, but why wait when we can start to make the change we want in the world. We cannot blame others, we can only look at our responsibility.

    2. Yes Leigh. It is very humbling if we are honest about this. For me there is also my role as a ‘subtle feeder’. To use the example of this blog, if I am ever to use the word esoteric in its untrue or unclaimed way, if I am to use it in its, currently more commonly accepted terminology of ‘a bit unusual’, then I am feeding the lies. And it’s the same everywhere. If I treat one child any differently than my own, then I am fostering the separation of the untrue family. I could go on and on. My point being that as well as being a bystander; which inherently feeds the lies, I also need to be super discerning of the areas where I actively feed the lies.

    3. Complacency and by-standing is something we have all been part of at some stage and although we think we are not involved because we are not doing anything or contributing – that is completely untrue. The not doing anything is exactly what contributes to the rot and lies continuing and to gaining numbers and strength. Taking a given up seat or a complacent chair results with those actively touting lies and bullying etc, with force to continue until it becomes so common we label it as normal and even swallow it as the truth. If each person just spoke and stood up rather than choose the pockets of complacency, the safe way in life, then life as a whole society would be far truer and not the self gain model of dog eat dog world that we have today.

    1. Yes – it is truly deep, simple and to the point. A gorgeous blog that takes the reader by the hand and walks them through the history and to the truth.

  275. Coleen, you have confirmed what the esoteric means to me. I have always loved tiny babies, but never understood why, and it is because I know in my heart that their connection, joy and equalness is where I come from and what I am as well.

  276. It’s crazy but it’s a fact – we run away from Love. Our selfish individuality might entertain us for a while but is that really ever going to be enough? The truth is simple and easy, but then there’s no hit in that.

  277. I have come to know and love the fact that “the esoteric is our bridge back” to a truth we all know within, a truth that many over time have tried, and often succeeded, to suppress and a truth that when lived in its fullness will indelibly change our lives and the lives of those around us.

  278. You’ve started a great conversation Coleen! With roots dating back thousands of years, it seems crazy that Esoteric philosophy and religion is hardly recognised by our modern society. Crazy until you understand the enormous effort that has been put into silencing those who have lived it and been part of the lineage.

  279. Yes, Coleen, love is not a commodity that is often valued or exchanged in the world we live in today. It is very interesting to reflect on why this may be the case, so thank you for what you have shared here.

  280. In the opening paragraph you talk about the Esoteric and relate this to the very natural and open behaviour displayed around babies and young children, how normal and beautiful to see this. Then we begin to mould and change children to conform to the behaviours present in our broken society. I wonder if the Love and openness displayed by children is too much of a reminder for many, that we no longer live this ourselves, so instead of seeing that and changing our behaviour, we ask them to change by the reflection of our own behaviours.

  281. “Why do we deny the grace of God on earth?” Such a good question. The esoteric is our deepest and truest nature. Why do we deny ourselves this?

  282. I agree that pretty much everyone feels disarmed, inspired and at ease with a new born baby. There is something very loving about them that melts most hearts. Could it be that this is because they remind us of something we all have in common inside?

    1. Definitely Andrew, and can you imagine meeting an adult with the same qualities as a new born baby? Someone who shines and sparkles in the same quality and move with the same love and gentleness? Well, I have met people who have reconnected to the esoteric way and it is a blessing to be in their presence.

  283. The words ‘collective comfort’ really jumped out this morning because it is true, the majority of people are in deep comfort and in a state of giving up. The collective energy of comfort makes it easier to ignore any pull to come out of it and return to the soul.

  284. “ The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary.” God withholds love from no one, but do we withhold our love from God?

  285. Beautiful blog Coleen. I love your question “Is it possible that this way of living would upset way too many apple carts for our collective comfort.” Hence the reaction by many to this simple loving way of living. So many of us are ‘creatures of comfort’ and must love our complications, dramas and distractions – why else would we choose them, even as we say we don’t want them?

  286. Thank you Colleen, for explaining the esoteric in the way that you have with regards to small babies. We can all relate to their delicacy and to how most of us melt around them. The detail with which you describe this quality, however, is really supportive in getting a handle on what esoteric actually means.

  287. There is no doubt about it babies by their very nature bring out the love that lays hidden in all of us. I love to go swimming at my local swimming pool on a Sunday afternoon as there are so many families there with their babies and young children and they are all having such fun connecting and being with each other. If we could replicate this outside the swimming pool that would be amazing, why leave such tenderness pool side?

  288. Coleen, I feel as you say it is the bystanders who are also at fault for not claiming the word ‘esoteric’ in its truth and living it in full – for the more we do the more normalised it becomes.

    1. The more we as a collective normalise the more we end up believing lies as the truth. This can be seen in all areas of life such as what a women’s thinks it is to be a woman or a teen to be a teen or a man to be a man. There are so many false ideals and beliefs out there that we have normalised that are so far off the gorgeousness of our innate natural way of being from our innermost that we were all born with and still carry within. Today people seem to even protect the layers they have chosen to put over their heart.

      1. Very true Johanna, we have essentially normalised abuse which is crazy when we think about it. The way we treat each other and live if we accept anything as less than the love that we are then we are abusing not only ourselves but everyone around us.

    2. It is for all of us to embrace the esoteric, as we do, then the ripple effect the vibration is felt by others and it then becomes normal way of life.

      1. It sure does and the more normal we make it the more others get inspired by the way we are living and start to trust more that they too can also live the love they are without feeling they need to hold back anymore, the ripple effects are huge when we embrace the love we are in full.

  289. I was pondering on something similar today while walking through a busy shopping mall. I saw how movements were and are totally different between young children and the adults walking with them and other adults and teenagers walking. The young children walked how they feel inside, a palpable joy, simplicity, playfulness, relaxed way about them. Totally gorgeous and free to be who they are. Whereas the adults, and I can see this in myself at times, their gait was tight, controlled, harsh in instances, holding back and serious. It was very clear how for most there is a moment in our lives where we shut down allowing our innermost expression out in all its ways. I can definitely see how school plays a big part in that and our reaction or response to it.

  290. Love is the internal curriculum that supports all the other subjects of life to make life the historic tapestry of evolution it truly is, and we truly are as human beings.

  291. Perhaps those who write the definitions for the dictionaries have not recently held a newborn child in their arms and felt their connection to love in their innermost being, which, therefore means for them it remains a mystery. And those who are aware of the love lived by those who live from their esoteric, feel jealousy for ‘something’ they think they don’t have and so actively dismiss it. Those who feel the love and connection to divinity in their innermost have a responsibility to include all in their embrace and not keep anyone out.

  292. It is very interesting and very exposing too that the quality of essence we are born with is the thing we are looking for most but too are in denial of and try to stay away from it by all means as far as we can.

    1. It is a crazy game we are playing, we know what quality of essence we are looking for, at the same time we stay away from it too.

      1. Yes Amita, and we are very good at staying away from the source that will give us all the answers. Instead we constantly find new solutions, for instance all the physical illnesses and diseases we are facing in our societies. Either by increasing the scale so that what we in the past called a serious illness, is now a condition that is normal to have, or by researching new types of medicine that do come as a great financial burden to the health care system, that eventually will collapse and show where we truly are.

  293. Is it because we have so much invested in individual life that we do not want to accept the God given equality among us all?

  294. It begs the question, why would we want to keep it secret, make it hard to find when it is all there from birth in every one of us? And then we spend a lifetime learning to dull it, discount it, and make it mysterious. The magic is very real and natural and we all feel it when we want to.

    1. True Simon – ‘The magic is very real and natural and we all feel it when we want to’
      and the big part here is ‘when we want to’ and perhaps this is part of the reason to why the esoteric has even ended up to become defined as secretive – because throughout history only a select few have chosen to want to reconnect and live with that glory, that grandness, that grace of God within in a very real and practical way in society. However one day it will be re-lived by more and more, maybe all, even if that day is 1000 years into the future.

    2. It’s interesting how this pattern of suppression, attack, torture and annihilation has continued throughout history against those who seek to bring forth and share the truth. Then their reputations are maligned as the truth is once again buried only to shine through somewhere else on earth and so the pattern repeats. ‘The grace and love of God that is found in our innermost knows neither distinction nor boundary. It is in its nature to behold us all and to express the grace of God on earth through our esoteric. Is this why we crush and suppress it?’

    3. Great point Simon, why make it secret when we crave to live from this each and every day? Why is it that our true ‘normal’ is made to be so mysterious? Perhaps this is one of the greatest tricks of our current way of life, so that we do not step up to who we are and live that on a daily basis?

  295. It is a great point Coleen makes about the lack of love, true love in the curriculum especially when a school states that the education provided is within the context of Christian belief and practice. I have also been pondering on this notion lately. Surely God and love go hand in hand? We cannot separate the two unless there is a game at play and that game as Coleen states could be denying the Esoteric, ‘… the grace of God on earth’.

  296. Life on earth is set up to keep us as far from the esoteric as possible because it is a spirit run world and if we all manage to connect to our innermost and live in true brotherhood that spirit is out of a job. It will take the few to once again become the many and lead the way for us all to see truth.

    1. Very well said Kevmchardy, and there are already many people I know who are living from their innermost and they are constantly inspiring more and more people to return to the esoteric way of life too and leading the way forth to express truth and love to humanity.

  297. It certainly says a lot of society when you consider how natural the esoteric is to us and the enormous forces that have gone into crushing and supressing it. We think we are honouring and cherishing our babies but it is apparent that the same force is also there when raising our children simply because we cannot have them growing up to be esoteric can we?

    1. As a parent I can say that my parenting, combined with my son’s Steiner pre-school and then his main stream schooling succeeded in squashing his naturally esoteric ways. However the saving grace is that the esoteric can never be removed, it can only be suppressed and I am now seeing the esoteric in my beautiful teenage son being lovingly restored.

  298. Perhaps people that would say they do not feel comfortable or that they feel awkward around babies, are saying that because they have let go of that natural tenderness and of allowing loving acceptance of themselves that babies reflect to us so strongly.

    1. There is truth in what you say here Michael. I can remember many years ago I always touted how I preferred teaching the older upper primary kids because they were easier to relate to and I at that time found the little ones irritating. But the truth is that I had at that time disconnected from my own inner joy so much that the joy in the little ones brought up too much stuff for me. The more I reconnect to myself and the grandness within the more I enjoy all ages of people equally so. And today I love having conversations with toddlers and young kids – they have a lot of cool and wise stuff to say.

    2. That’s great point you make, babies give a a beautiful reflection and sometimes we are not ready to accept this at all, as it exposes us of what we are not living or appreciating.

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