Valuing the ‘Esoteric’

The word ‘esoteric’ can be traced back to the Pythagorean era where it was simply used to define the ‘inner-most’ of human beings, as opposed to things that were outside of us. It was widely accepted without fuss that it was natural to have this inner core and for human beings to be connected to this part of themselves known as their ‘essence.’ Yet over the years the true meaning of the word has been slowly eroded away to the point that very few people know the true meaning of the word, let alone its magnificent original history.

Instead, ‘esoteric’ has now come to be described in dictionaries as something quite secretive and exclusive. For example, one online definition describes ‘esoteric’ as something “understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest” (1) when in fact the exact opposite is the case. We certainly don’t need any special qualifications or magical powers as our ‘inner-most’ can’t go anywhere – we were born with it and it just stays right there inside each and every one of us regardless of whether we choose to consciously connect to it or not!

Some people might question why it matters if the true meaning has been lost over time. But if we stop and think about the possibilities that could arise if we were taught the true meaning of the word right from birth onwards, it becomes clear that the scope of the damage done has been quite substantial.

When we are connected to our ‘inner most’ it’s quite extraordinary what we can know about ourselves, those around us, and the world in general. This ‘knowing’ is not something that is drawn from outside of ourselves, it is something that occurs when we slow down and take the time to connect to what is happening in our bodies. The messages we receive provide us with extraordinary wisdom that is applicable to every area of life and is way beyond what we can learn from textbooks, although obviously such learning has its place. Furthermore, if we were taught the importance of such a connection from an early age and experienced its ripple effect out to every facet of life, a beautiful foundation for our ‘Livingness’ would be laid, supporting us to grow and fulfil our true purpose and potential.

When the word has been bastardised to the degree it has, it’s little wonder that people dismiss the healing power of living esoterically. But consider our health as an example of what is there to value through a connection to our inner-most essence. Such a connection offers us a bridge to know much more precisely what is supporting health and wellbeing and what is sabotaging it. The impacts from what and how we eat, drink, exercise, sleep and so forth would be understood instantly and we would come to realise there was no such thing as “getting away with it.” Instead, we would be getting a constant ‘report’ back from our inner-most letting us know loud and clear the consequences of our choices, long before illness and disease became obvious.

How much could this change our current strong reliance on Western medicine if we knew how to discern for ourselves many of the basic ways to lovingly care for and nurture ourselves to maintain health?

Nations are struggling with the public health debt as illness and disease continue to rise, despite the billions of dollars poured into research and health facilities. But here we have Esoteric medicine offering a harmonious complement to Western medicine and importantly, is freely available to all, and it is being overlooked! It is resisted, ridiculed and viewed with suspicion and paranoia because the word has been so maligned and misconstrued that people don’t understand the full potential of what it truly offers. What a loss to humanity!

Apart from the improvements for people living much healthier lives, the reduction in the costs to governments everywhere would be phenomenal. Levels of accountability would automatically be set at much higher levels. A lot of the corruption and greed that prevails in the health industry would be cleared out as people could discern through their inner-connection what held integrity and truth and what was false.

It makes sense from every angle, so let’s reignite the fire within us and tune up our awareness of the importance of ‘the esoteric.’ Let’s bring it into our Livingness so that it takes its true place in our lives once again!

By Helen Giles, Townsville, QLD, Australia


  1. com. (2018). The Definition of Esoteric. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Apr. 2018].

Further Reading:
Returning to our essence
The Esoteric – the Grace of God on Earth
The Only ‘Esoteric’ in the Village – Discernment or Judgement

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