The Cell That I Am 

What if the body of God contained the world as we know it? And not only our world, but the Universe and beyond… what would that look like? 

I began asking myself this as a hypothetical question. The more I pondered the more it dawned on me that there was, in truth, nothing hypothetical about it.   

The next question that followed was if the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?

It was a bit difficult for me to get my head around either question as at first I kept picturing God’s body in the human shape and form and initially I thought “No way!” But as I released the picture I was holding and I opened up to the possibility that the body of God does not necessarily have to resemble that of a human being, I began to consider the plausibility that there could be a ‘body’ of God.  

After all, there are more bodies we refer to than just the human one: we have a body of ocean, the body of a sentence, government bodies, etc. This body of God feels very much a living one, and I began to delve deeper into what this means to me.  

My walk this morning presented the perfect space to go deeper as I looked around me and above me and I could feel the vast presence of what was now, to me, coming to be the body of God. I didn’t see sky above me, I saw space. As I felt into how this space was feeling to me, I had a deep knowing that in God’s body I am ‘merely’ a cell. I don’t mean an insignificant cell: I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.   

Looking at the possibility of being a cell in God’s body amused me because I have never really considered the cells in my own body let alone God’s – for the most part I very much take my own cells for granted but I immediately understood that to God, even the cells in his body are Divine. God is a Divine being in whatever shape or form that may be and if I am a cell in his body it means that I too am Divine. I smiled as I thought “How cool is that?” and I could actually feel the possibility of it.   

The body I am most familiar with is mine and so I related being a cell in God’s body to being a cell in my own. It was so awesome! I could feel that I was a part of this magnificent whole and that without my presence the magnificent whole would not be whole or magnificent. I could also feel how God loves each of his cells equally; he does not prefer or favour one cell over another and that to be held in God’s love is as awesome as it sounds – a returning home to the intimate familiarity of a love that is astounding and all encompassing.   

As I returned to the question I was asking myself: “If the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?” I felt myself sobering up a bit. Good question.   

I elaborated on this question, getting a bit more specific: “If I am a cell in God’s body, am I living in a way that makes me a healthy cell or an unhealthy cell?” This to me felt a bit more relatable as in our human form most of us are very familiar with the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells.   

Raising and feeling into this question was not to judge or belittle myself in any way – it was a question that came from a deep contemplative love and sense of responsibility. Realising that this question was being asked in the energy of God’s love, I felt empowered to take a loving, truthful look at what my response would be.   

In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open. To not only take a look at how I have been living up to this point as a cell in God’s body, but to look at and understand how in re-aligning with God’s beholding love any wayward tendencies I may have had can be healed at the root cause and be released. This then allows me to lovingly return to being a productive intimate part of and a loving contributor to the magnificent, Divine whole as the divinely healthy cell that in truth I have always been.     

By Brigette Evans, Re-opening my eyes, heart and inner-doors – all of which had been closed for a very, very long time, Worcestershire, UK  

Further Reading:
God’s Waiting Room
Relationships, Me and God
The Magic of God in a Commercial Kitchen


337 thoughts on “The Cell That I Am 

  1. Worth taking a stop moment to consider this question, what is our purpose here on earth, ‘If the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?’

  2. Thank you Brigette. A beautiful offering to deepen our appreciation and responsibility that we are all ‘a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.’  

  3. There is a responsibility to be considered in that if we are living in the body of God, are we a healthy cell or an unhealthy cell? I would say most of us are living as unhealthy cells, so have we stopped to consider what effect this would be having within the body of God?

  4. Inadvertently being caught in front of two TV 📺 screens while waiting at a hospital 🏥 as my wife was being admitted, it became very clear the screens were not providing any of the magnificence of God and the people looked like puppets

  5. Having read this article I could feel how we have allowed ourselves to be misled by the many religions that we have and do subscribe to. If we just bring everything back to the fact that God is the space that surrounds us then we cannot but have a relationship with him and so therefore how we move in the space that is the body of God will determine our relationship with him and that we can never stop having a relationship with him. That brings me to a realisation that my thoughts that I have walked away from God is pure illusion because how can I walk away from the space I live in which is God. It doesn’t make any sense.

    1. This keeps the simplicity, ‘If we just bring everything back to the fact that God is the space that surrounds us then we cannot but have a relationship with him’.

  6. “In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.” We have no idea of the outcome when we align and say yes.

  7. “I could also feel how God loves each of his cells equally; he does not prefer or favour one cell over another and that to be held in God’s love is as awesome as it sounds – a returning home to the intimate familiarity of a love that is astounding and all encompassing.” I love this Brigette. A deep settlement when I really allow my body to feel this.

  8. There is no question we are a part of God, and starting to understand that as a Soul we are One together, thus One plus One equals One and therefore we are also One with God and “a loving contributor to the magnificent, Divine whole as the divinely healthy cell that in truth I have always been.”

  9. I love this ‘I am ‘merely’ a cell. I don’t mean an insignificant cell: I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.’ as it puts so much into true perspective ✨

    1. We could use an aircraft as an example Vicky; the aeroplane is made up of many rivets, nuts, bolts, shims wires etc., each part goes to make the aeroplane and every piece has a part to play that makes up the whole. We too are a sum of parts that make up the magnificent whole.

    2. We all have a purpose, and so each of us is very much needed, ‘I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole. ‘

  10. “…. I had a deep knowing that in God’s body I am ‘merely’ a cell. I don’t mean an insignificant cell: I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.   ” This is beautiful Brigette. We are a;;unique parts of a jigsaw that make up the universe and every one of us need to complete the picture,

    1. So True Sue as we can get ready for the most Loving journey of magnificence all the way through the universes as we all are returning to the deepest level of Love.

  11. This is a great beginning that we should all be taught as part of our education more important than reading and writing.
    “The next question that followed was if the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?”
    This to me is the building block of life having brought myself back out of self inflicted isolation to remember that we are all held in the body of God. This is utterly fascinating, the space of the universe is the body of God and he holds all the Planets, stars, moons and suns within his Atma. Just imagine how heavy our sun is and this super hot object is held as we are. How magically awesome is that. The air we breathe and take into our lungs is God so how is it possible that we could defile our lungs and clog them up with cigarettes and all the other things we inhale into those delicate lungs that are so delicate because they receive the delicate breathe of God. We take breathing for granted it’s something we have to do but its more than that it is our intimate relationship with God.

    1. It would be great to have this taught in schools, and what about responsibility, that how we move and behave affects everyone else.

  12. Spending the day travelling around seeing loads of people and then reading this, I’m really observing how people are as a cell in God’s body. There is so much waywardness that goes unchecked – well actually everything that is not in harmony does has a correction. I’ve never appreciated this correction before but now I see it’s so needed if the body of God isn’t to become anything other than universal love.

  13. Sounds like a pretty Awesome morning walk to me ✨ It is possible we get either so obsessed with our own body or completely disregard it to even ponder on the far bigger picture of the Universe and Galaxy and what body (as well as our own) we are actually living in doesn’t even enter our knowing or understanding. I love the awareness you have brought here and shared.

  14. This blogs supports me in reflecting on how am I living as a cell within the body of God? Am I a free radical being destructive whilst racing around trying to find settlement? Or am I obedient to the flow that’s always calling us back to harmony.

    1. This brings us to responsibility – cos how we are and behave affects not only ourselves but others around us – other ‘cells’ – regardless of whether they are in sight or not. Our ripples can go out far and wide – we have no idea of the outcome.

  15. I love your willingness to be open Brigette, there is a trust there, a knowing that we are all cells of a large body, much greater than this physical one, and a realisation of a bigger picture, and simply allowing it to unfold.

  16. If we accept the integral part we are in a grand plan then we start to come into relationship with unity and responsibility. We have an innate sense of belonging together but at the moment that is being lived in a divisive way of being in this group or that group (be it down to skin colour, sports choice, university…) rather than keeping our view big and inclusive. Imagine embracing everyone as family, knowing that we are all the same on the inside…

  17. How am I living in the world, the body of God is such a great question. Recently I’ve realised how my attempts at living in it perfectly is such a set up to make disturbances, apologetic ones of course. So I still mess up but I don’t give myself a hard time. Instead I’m asking myself lovingly what’s up, and what there is to learn from my mistakes.

  18. The pictures we hold restrict and cap us from seeing truth. Let go of the pictures and we open ourselves up to truly get to know God and what that looks like and means in our daily lives.

    1. Caroline, I took part in a discussion the other day, a group of women discussing the topics, judgement, comparison and jealousy and we unpacked judgement how often we are judging each other seemingly all the time, how it is such a poison in our bodies. How is it possible to judge another person when we have no idea of them or their past history and yet we do it all the time. when we are in judgement, comparison and jealousy then we are out of sync with God because God is, he loves us all equally no-one is held less so why do we hold ourselves and others less? What lies have we bought into so that we are not living in sync with God?

  19. Given so many cells are completely wayward to the divine order that’s there for us, this brings me to an appreciation of just how magnificent God is, just how loving and so honouring of free will.

    1. I absolutely agree Ariana, as almost “one body” of peoples the Western world has either withdrawn from God to the point of being embarrassed and uncomfortable and dismissive when the term is mentioned, or affiliates to a picture of God which has become fixed in limited, rigid and very human mind based concepts. The questions asked in this article open up new possibilities and dimensions, extend us, deepen our awareness, bring us truly back home to ourselves, give us purpose, and a million new feelings and insights. For education especially what a great thing this would be to present for reflection, and it would merely confirm what younger children already feel and know.

    2. Yes, such unconditional love. Appreciating the amazing magnificence of God, that unbelievers are also loved. Power, awe beauty. Brings me to the responsibility I hold for my part in all this.

  20. I love exploring the reality of being a cell in the world, an integral part of humanity, that, as one, naturally works together in respect of all the other cells. We may be a long way from actually living this but the sense of it is very real and palpable.

    1. Knowing this from day one would surely change our way of living and being here on planet earth, ‘I love exploring the reality of being a cell in the world, an integral part of humanity, that, as one, naturally works together in respect of all the other cells.’

  21. We limit our understanding of God and the universe I feel as an excuse to say we don’t know when in fact our bodies do registrar every movement of the earth’s rotation as it traverses in an orbit through the universe. Is it possible we don’t want to feel our irresponsibility and so to not feel the everything we cannot stop feeling we drown out the feelings by using any method possible.

  22. ‘What if the body of God contained the world as we know it? And not only our world, but the Universe and beyond?” Now there’s a show stopper of a question. This should be asked at coffee mornings, universities and all educational establishments. It should be asked in parliament and in churches. But people don’t want to talk about God, it’s not an ‘on-trend’ topic – it needs to be.

  23. ‘how am I living in it and what is my part in it’ How we are living is a really important question to ask ourselves and reflect on as all that we do has an impact on our environment and world.

  24. “If the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?” This is a huge question for us all to ponder on what part we play in the bigger picture of the Universe. This makes me pause for a moment and feel it in the cells in my body, to feel our connection with the All.

  25. A beautiful invitation to contemplate the health of our cells and how they contribute to the whole.

    1. Helen it’s really interesting to look back and see how via education we have set ourselves up to be individual and not part of the whole. I have been contemplating how the education system encourages us all to look outside of ourselves for the answers and not within, when it is from within that all the answers are given.

  26. This is the inspiration to not get caught in the belief that as one person we cannot make a difference in the world. I am more aware of the impact we have, both from my own reach but also the endless inspiration I feel from others.

    1. We accept that cells make up a body and if one cell is diseased this has an impact on the rest and yet we choose to pretend that we cannot make a difference despite having so many examples to the contrary which are there to inspire and support us to take responsibility for the reflection we offer.

      1. Great point Helen. One bad apple can ruin all the others in a box, yet, as you say, we claim if we are a force for truth we can’t have a similar impact.

    2. Yes, every single one of is needed. Feeling less than is giving away the power I do have in my making a difference. I’m more aware of this too – especially in my volunteering work.

  27. Seeing space as we look at the sky brings multidimensionality to awareness, such a great way to bring this multidimensionality into everyday living.

    1. It is looking up at the sky that I have a constant support/reminder of the vastness of nature. It is definitely beyond my human understanding and whereas in the past that would have troubled me, I now enjoy realising that there is more to life than my human brain can comprehend – it encourages humility and respect.

  28. I used to want to be a cell that was seen, recognised for being different, amazing, standing out in a good way that people approved if and loved. The idea of just being a cell of great magnificence but with no applaud felt pointless and sad, I wasn’t getting what I needed. Just standing out for any reason was better than being invisible. So I’ve done things, even privately but with a mental commentary of, if people knew they’d be shocked, as a way of creating tension and being seen.

    But now I’m enjoying feeling a part of the whole; learning how beautiful it is to be aligned to the magnificence of God whatever other people think, and learning to heal all the small patches of where I do want to be a part from this grandness in an attempt to recreate it myself and take credit.

    1. Karin, I have to ask the question which is why wouldn’t we want to be a part of God, a part of the magnificent universe. Where does this need or desire to be an individual come from? because it is such a lie that we have all fallen for, in the same way that we have fallen for the lie that there is just one life. We have been completely set up deliberately so to step away from the grandness that we are, and instead we look outside of ourselves which creates the emptiness we can never fill.

  29. As a very real and important shift from thinking that I am insignificant as just one person up against all the world’s problems, embracing the responsibility of being a cell in the whole, brings so much sense and purpose to life.

    1. For me in this moment it also brings a feeling of release in my body. I have been feeling slightly off today, nothing specific, just not my usual self. But reading your comment Matilda supported my body to breathe what felt like a very physical sigh of relief. I got to feel how even though I am feeling out of sorts, I am no less a part of the whole.

  30. Today I was reading how the world expands and felt a profound feeling of wow, this love is really it. For years I was a disconnected cell running around in its own spin with little awareness. This felt devastating to be so separate from God. Coming to accept the grandness we are from, is such a thank God moment and I can feel how much I’ve resisted the beauty of this. I’m starting to see this beauty in my everyday life which is amazing.

  31. Every cell, every fibre must come from one source. If it isn’t God then what else can it be? For me it is the same as love, the true love, which contains no emotions is within us all. That love is reflected to us all the time by God, through God and from God, so what are we doing with it, is the question? Reflect or retract?

  32. ” But as I released the picture I was holding and I opened up to the possibility that the body of God does not necessarily have to resemble that of a human being, I began to consider the plausibility that there could be a ‘body’ of God” It is interesting how we try to reduce everything to human level and make God all that he is not, and in doing so, lose the magnificence and stupendousness of what is really on offer. If we did stop to feel this, we would be overwhelmed by the absolute love that is on offer to us every single moment of the day.

  33. I love how this embraces how we are all a part of God and the Universe and how this brings with it deep joy but also a responsibility to explore how we are living and reflecting to others around us.

  34. Thank you, Brigette, for writing down with such common sense what so many keep as a theoretical thought, that we are truly part of God, in Him, all of us. We should have reminders like this blog all over, instead of adverts for all sorts of goods, because it is so simple and close to us and really so easy to feel and know – that we don’t see or feel it because we make it complicated and difficult.

    1. Yes if the communication between cells breaks down then the health of the body breaks down and likewise if our communication breaks down between people then the health of our society and communties, families, relationships also breaks down.

    2. Yes, love this. If we act like we’re single cells disconnected to one another then they’ll be a lot of disharmony. Today I saw this in the swimming pool. Our ripples go out far and wide, hit the sides and return to us. We even swim back through our wake so what we leave we reap. We have a responsibility to us all.

    3. We are all connected, just like the cells in our body, and if every cell in our body is made of God, then what a responsibility that brings.

    1. So beautifully and simply expressed, Gill and Steve. To explore deeply is to evolve and to evolve is to continue to explore deeply.

  35. If we get ourselves out of the way, connect to our bodies we know we are a stupendous part of the all.

  36. Seeing myself as a cell in God’s body is heart-warming. Knowing that every cell in my body is made of God is inspiring. Together the responsibility of these truths spark my purpose in life.

    1. I agree it is inspiring and also aids humbleness, surrendering and making it about love.

  37. This is a powerful expansive inquiry and exploration that lets us know with no doubt that there are no contradictions in placing God, and Science, and Love, and Religion, and Philosophy as equally part of the whole, and part of one another. And that it is wise, simple and astute to do so.

  38. There is no need to try to believe in God if you can let yourself feel his presence.

    1. I love that, Henrietta. If you can feel the stillness and spaciousness in and around you that is God’s presence. Very settling and no need to believe because it is deeply felt.

      1. Love these comments. Feeling the stillness, the harmony and love deep in my body- therefore no need of pictures or beliefs about God.

      2. This is an immense sharing to stop and feel the stillness that surrounds us and know that we all live in the presence of God. To think otherwise is to know that we have fallen for the lies that false religions have set up to take us away from God, down a Rabbit hole of spiritualism which is as the name infers all about the spirit and not a shred of God in its meaning, deliberately so.

    2. So true Henrietta – Learning to know what we feel allows us to know without any thinking therefore eliminating belief as this is only a mental construct.

    3. Feel the presence of God, the settlement, the stillness and space, feels far more real than just believing in God.

  39. I find it amazing to consider that we live IN the body of God. This means we are held ALL of the time no matter how lost or how overwhelmed or hurt we feel, and thus it is for us simply to let ourselves feel this holding.

    1. Allow us to feel this holding, being held in the body of God, connecting with this and so connecting with God.

  40. Reading this I feel how trapped I’ve been in wanting ‘evidence’ in the form of form. God is formless and to want concrete evidence in form is a great way of missing out on the glory that is there to behold. Life is about being multidimensional and if I try to reduce that then it’s a great excuse to stay small and ignorant.

  41. I feel that traditional religions have skewed our understanding of God on purpose so that we have forgotten that we were breathed forth by God as particles into the universe, and so we are Gods too. Some of those sparks of light/energy wanted to create as Gods, and so the fall from Grace began into creation, until we have become very dense in the form that we recognise as human-beings today. A being in a human body. This is not our natural state and we will all evolve back to the higher vibrations of energy we come from. That is why we are here on earth to return back to our original emanation and expand the universe.

  42. There is so much that scientist, and humanity as a whole, do not understand about space and the communication that goes on on a cellular level, how our every movement, spoken word and thought impacts all around us.

  43. Reading this you can feel that there is a grandness we can connect to and it isn’t outside of us as we may think but already resides within waiting for us to claim it.

  44. I love the way you have made sense of living in God’s body by relating it to being a cell in His body – that makes it very practical and feasible and also explains why our movements, why everything we think, say, plan and do has such a far-reaching effect.

  45. It is a sobering thought when we consider we are a cell in the body of God, for then we have to consider if we live in full that which our holding body is, to co-create with God, or does the way we live leave a pollution that has to be cleared?

  46. I took a walk on the beach and considered what you shared. I love working as a responsible member of a team, working as part of the whole and being unafraid to lead or be led as required. Never discount our importance as part of the whole because, just as in an aeroplane, every piece is vital to the working and safe passage of the whole.

  47. Recently my waywardness has been coming back to bite me. Not a pleasant experience because I have felt panicked and cornered – how to deal with the tension I feel in life without going to my go to/s, and how to accept the karma of going to these go to/s that have created so much more tension and problem than the original tension?

    Here is a lesson, a humility to be embraced. My way has not worked, yes temporarily, else I’d have not sought such relief, but in all other ways it’s not worked. It’s time to hang up my fighting gloves and say yes to being a part of God’s order. The waywardness in me is causing too much pain and ill health, complication and stress to warrant being given any more energy to. To read that aligning to God’s love is to be open to healing this waywardness at its root is very beautiful and inspiring.

    1. Our bodies always call us back to the divine order they need to grow and function. The divine order of our body aligns to the divine order of the Universe, surrendering to the order of that Love feels like coming home.

  48. I love remembering that I am a part of something much greater than we can see; that I am a cell in one body and that my choice to sparkle or not has an impact on all the other cells.

  49. “If the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?” A great question indeed Brigette. We all have our part to play – but with what quality are we playing it in?

  50. So beautifully expressed Gill – we are being held in a way that no other can, but how much do we allow ourselves to feel this and as you have said appreciate this? A great reminder to do so with no further delay…

  51. When things are not working for us, personally or in a team, it is great to be open to what is actually going on and the lesson that is there for us to understand and embrace. Not easy to do always, but gives so much more back to us.

  52. Oh how pictures get in the way of allowing ourselves to feel what is true, I know this one so well. I love what you have shared here ‘In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.’ A willingness to be open is so key for our wellbeing and from my understanding aligning to fohat, god, the divine is so simple it is just connecting with our heart and nominating this intention and then go with movements that follow … a great reminder for me.

  53. We are all without question part of much bigger realm than we can really comprehend with our minds: bodies inside bodies, inside bodies. The only way to truly understand is to feel the immensity of this is from the inside out, attempting to rationalise it in our heads simply reduces the grandeur of this Universe and God.

    1. Being raised in the catholic church, there was an often unstated fear – terror even – of what the church promoted as the emptiness of space; this huge void that would swallow you up if you sinned and or didn’t show up to church every Sunday. I now see this approach for what it truly is: ‘reducing the grandeur of this Universe and God.’ For when you fear something, how can you ever feel what is truly there to be felt? Just one big deceptive and controlling lie that keeps their flock lost, confused and separated from the very being they promote to represent: God and His Universe.

  54. If we focused on loving just one cell within us with absolute love, then our whole body will the benefit, because whatever happens in one part of us cannot help but be communicated to the whole.

    1. Beautiful Rowena. How we are with one part affects the whole. Bringing a loving quality to just one part of our body or one part of our day does affect the rest.

  55. Great questions you raise Brigette. Could it be that as an eternal God, and being likened to a cell of an eternal being, that we are also an eternal cell within that system that has been falsely taken down the road of not being eternal, and therefore that we die?

    1. It makes sense to me that we are also an eternal cell within the body of God and that the common understanding of death and dying as a finality is a mistaken belief and possibly a handy excuse for our lack of responsibility?

      1. So True Gabriele, and without responsibility we have little or no understanding of appreciation, as to appreciate we live with a forever Deepening-Humble-Appreciative-Ness, with Humble being a loving focus on divine essence or Soul.

  56. What a beautiful expression describing the energetic responsibility we have as individual cells as part of a whole.

  57. “…. if the body of God contains the world, how am I living in it and what is my part in it?” Two profound questions..

  58. This highlights just how ridiculous our obsession with separation from each other, whether by country, religion or culture really is.

  59. When I read this today I am reminded that our planet is one small part of the whole universe and therefore what is our contribution as a planet to the whole?

  60. As we open up we allow for more connection and a greater potential for realising our purpose.

  61. I love this understanding that I am a cell in the body of God. I’ve also got a growing appreciation for my body and the harmony of each cell in it.

  62. The universe is a fascinating place when we begin to look at the detail. I love what you share Doug, in terms of the vastness of both the macro and micro worlds. The micro, on a particle level really does reflect the order, synchronicity and magic of the bigger and wider Universe. That which we are from, is that which we contain and that which we also reflect. I love how the Ageless Wisdom can explain the seemingly complex so simply.

  63. Always loved the feeling that as much as we can explore outward, surely we must be able to explore equally inward.

    1. Our ability to explore outwardly is an illusion, we just keep traipsing the same ground with different backdrops. But our inward exploration when aligned to the truth results in actual progression.

    2. The reflection of this vastness is everywhere, in the oceans and in the sky, in the mountains and in our valleys. As with all things reflected they are there to show us something. Where else could we possibly go, having explored the vastness in each of these areas, but to explore the equal depths that are within?

      1. As is the Soul, the exploration within is simple yet profound: no passport, beach towel, crampons or oxygen required and yet the gold mined is priceless beyond measure.

  64. “I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.” As is every single person in this world an intricate part of the magnificent whole. From the mircro elements of our lives to the enormous and grand Universe we are a part of, we all have a very unique purpose to fulfil.  Roll on the day when we make life about this immutable truth first and foremost and hence support everyone to reach our full and glorious potential.

  65. “.. what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.” And thereby establish a very healthy enquiry about you and your purpose in this life that will then naturally underpin the quality of every part of your life, in both your inner and outer worlds.

  66. “What if the body of God contained the world as we know it?” – and given we are all divine beings, what if each and every one us is a part of God? Does this not mean that we also contain the world as we know it and hence that we affect the quality of that world with our every blink, our every move, our every thought and word… No different to each drop in the ocean forming the wave that crashes on the shore – each drop is part of the wave and holds the same qualities as the full wave.

    1. Ironically you never hear of a wave complaining about being a wave, nor a drop of the ocean not wanting to be a part of the wave…yet we seem to get that kind of stuff going on in the human form :0

      1. Nor does a drop of the ocean go seeking to be more than it is, striving to ‘achieve’ for recognition and to stand out from the wave saying ‘look at me, look at me, look at me!’…. to compete against the other drops, to ‘win’ at another drop’s expense or to crush another drop to make itself look or feel better. Every drop of a wave plays its part in equal parts and returns to the ocean in the continuous universal cycle that the ocean is a part of.

      2. And we don’t see flowers competing to be the best in a garden. They are all equally beautiful in their own right, each in their own season. We can learn a lot from nature.

  67. I love the analogy of the cell, and one could also talk about each of us as pieces of the puzzle where no one piece is more important than the other as each has a role to play that allows the whole to be whole. This is the Science of Religion where we get to see and read how much more there is to life than what originally meets the eye.

  68. We are all the same inside though we have unique qualities that make life our own journey.

  69. Interesting view you take here Brigette when so much is taught about God being separate to us and ‘above’ us. I like the idea that we can be one with God and equal with him.

  70. Research is finding out more and more about cells all the time and people are starting to understand more about their interconnected activity now from a different part of the body to another… it makes so much sense from within one body and within the whole body of the Universe.

  71. And what if within our body there is access to the whole universe… a veritable starry sky and all we need to do is shine our light to take our place in the firmament that makes up the Milky Way?

  72. What an incredible set of questions to ask and to consider. I also realise there are still some pictures around what a body means, and so the body of God is something I’ve Not fully embraced as truth as I hold a picture of body but as you say, we already have many different bodies and so the body of God is One that more than exists, it encompasses us all.

    1. I am learning increasingly that the more we surrender, the less we have to think and the more we can simply be and express the love that we are, very naturally so.

  73. We are here to return to living like God in His body. I was going to say ‘so that we can be re-absorbed back into His body but we’re totally immersed in his body already, it’s just that we act like a crazed dog on a leash, forever pulling away from Him with our behaviours.

  74. To learn biology with this understanding and inquiring curiosity would make us understand ourselves inside and out and everybody else too, it would have us naturally treat our bodies quite differently than we do now.

    1. Agreed Esther it certinly changes our view and perhaps even the depth of preciousness we would be treating ourselves with, understanding and seeing the grander purpose we play in life.

    1. There is indeed magic and miracles occurring in the human body every day, most of which our minds don’t fully understand and this fact alone shows me that there is a grand divinity in all of us.

  75. It is quite fascinating when we apply the science that we have learned from studying how our cells behave to then applying that to our human behaviour. The quality of how we live rubs off on each other, so just like the cells in our bodies, we can create a harmonious living environment or a negative one, based on the quality of our expression and choices. And so leaves me with a daily question, does the way I live each day contribute to the love in God’s body or detract from it?

  76. We all play a part in something, be it work, volunteering, our families, friends etc. We have an impact on people, on animals and the nature around us. Our behaviours affect far and wide, yet for many and I can speak from experience here, we do not value the worth that we are and all that we bring in the simple interactions and daily doings of our lives. In that, we dismiss our contribution and are blinded to what our life is actually about.

    1. We are all an essential part of the tapestry we call humanity. And, like a giant puzzle, when just one piece is missing, it stands out because every one of us is a part of the whole.

      1. Absolutely, Steve. Yet most of us go about living our lives as if the missing piece/s have no effect on us or the world around us. We soldier on with the survival of the fittest mentality wondering why we are so broken and life so unfulfilling despite having won the latest championship, climbed Mt Everest, accumulated the most likes, thrown the greatest party or attained legendary status.

  77. I’m really appreciating the word ‘body’ and noticing all the ways we use it, a body of work, a body of water, because what makes up that body isn’t just what’s in it, but the space that is included, which isn’t when we consider things separately.

  78. ‘I could also feel how God loves each of his cells equally; he does not prefer or favour one cell over another…’ love this feeling of total equality and no judgement. Raises the question of why we don’t treat ourselves the same way.

  79. We learn about the practical aspects of a cell in Biology but we are not taught of the magic that it contains and enables every day.

  80. Thank you, Brigette. This is a playful and profound way for us to open up to the questioning about our responsibility and the part we play in the whole. As we are cells in God’s body, our cells are made of divine material and infused with the magnificence of the whole. This puts a whole new level of attention to making choices that ensure the vitality and health of our cells and the cell that we are.

  81. ‘In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.’ steps to surrender.

    1. Thanks for bringing attention to this Michael. I often think I have to accomplish it all in one go, when actually the willingness to be open can open the door to humility and love enough to keep on walking through that door.

  82. The cells that we each are, we would do well to observe and learn from the macrocosm of the universal cell where there is order, love, truth and harmony.

  83. I like the analogy of being a “cell” in the body of God. An image of floating around in the body of God seems very different to me from being a cell in his body. A cell means I am part of the building blocks. This awareness bring far greater sense of the responsibility each of us have, regardless of how small we think we are, for the impact we have through our choices on the whole body of God as well as on everyone and everything in it.

    1. Are we a cell acting rationally or irrationally? My guess is that humanity is a collection of cells that are not only acting irrationally but erratically and recklessly as well.

  84. There was a time when being a cell in my own body would not have been much fun, because of how I was treating myself. Thanks to a few years of studying with Universal Medicine, the cells in my body receive much more love and hence I feel more lovely too, so this love rolls out in to my life, everyone’s life and God’s body too. What an immense shift in loveliness Universal Medicine has inspired.

    1. And what I love about opening up to this relationship with ourselves as cells and our own cells is that there is an unfathomable depth to each and every cell and our development, enquiry and growth is endless.

  85. So if we were to sum up humanity’s appreciation of God through the quality of how we treat the cells in our bodies, and our neighbouring cells both near and far, it clearly doesn’t amount to much despite the many and varied religions we have invented. I would go so far as to say our love of God is not one of our strong points at the moment, which definitely gives us something quite major to work on.

  86. This is good stuff – made me think ‘what if I was a cell in someone else’s body?’. Then how do you love, support and behave with them?

  87. We tend to aim for the grandness and deem ourselves insignificant and yet, as you unravel here, every little cell is the grandness in its smallest form. Grandness is not the size but everything and it is the quality that makes it grand, nothing else.

    1. In the deep appreciation of the tiniest detail we are given the delicacy, significance and grandeur of the universe. To me there is wonder in it.

  88. Knowing we are all a part of a greater inter-connected whole exposes how if we are lonely, we are the ones choosing to isolate ourselves from everyone else.

  89. This beautiful blog reminds us that everything we do has a ripple effect in the ‘body’ we live with and the body we are held in and equally a part of. We are interconnected in every way and harmony is possible to live.

  90. This unlocks our use of language from being limited from regular use in a particular way. Body is such an amazing word when we feel the potential it holds.

  91. All the computations of cells, in our bodies, in the human race, in God’s body – whatever way we look at it, all the views gently dismantle our notions of individualism, because in truth we never walk alone.

  92. In each and every cell carries intelligence that surpasses the knowledge we champion.

    1. It’s incredible how consistently we can persist in choosing to ignore and be so blind as to how divine we all are already. Instead we look outside ourselves in search of how we can be more.

  93. It is a significant realization that God does not prefer one cell of his body to another. However that does not mean we do not have a responsibility. We have the choice of how we are living and the impact we are having within his body.

    1. And if we are open to this as being a possibility – us all being an equal part of God’s body, or whatever body we would like to consider us all being a part of, together – it’s for us to then be open to accepting our responsibility to live with this understanding consistently, knowing how we are affecting everyone with every choice we make. There are no off moments when ‘it doesn’t matter’ – everything always matters.

  94. Considering myself as a cell in the body of God and the universe is very humbling and very lovely. I am never not part of the magnificence – but how much do I truly let this in on a daily basis? Do I appreciate I am divine or do I get caught up in the minutiae of life or the dramas but fail to see the bigger picture of all of us together?

  95. Being held by the astounding love of God despite all our stuff truly is ‘enough to bring you to your knees with humility’ I agree, Ariana. How loving then, for those who have come to this realisation, to live and reflect this level of love and responsibility to our fellow brothers and sisters.

  96. Looking at the possibility of being a cell in God’s body amused me because I have never really considered the cells in my own body let alone God’s” It is a very powerful realization because just as all the cells in our body process everything we consume, so to do we process the collective soup of energy that flows through our bodies. It brings the understanding of doing a detox to a whole new level, as we have a responsibility to take care of what we put inside us and what we put into the environment, in loving respect of both the inner and outer worlds we are a part of.

  97. ‘In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.’ this is great in dispelling and ideal or belief that we need to be perfect in anything we do.

  98. Carl Sagan said “we are all made of starstuff” and “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe”. How can we deny God is not in all of us and everything else?

  99. This is a great analogy that really helps me with a practical understanding of our relationship with God. To expand a little as well – yes we have a choice to be a supporting cell or a sick one… but equally consider the influence we have on the cells around us. Imagine if we worked our whole lives and were able to support, align, develop other people in our lives and how that would then become a bigger support overall in God’s body developing strength in a particular area.

    1. So true Simon. The behaviour of individual cells in our bodies do influence neighbouring cells and so too we have the same effect in our neighbourhoods, which means that collectively if we put our attention to it, much can be achieved by bringing out the best in ourselves and in one another – the roll on effect is quite momumental.

  100. Bringing awareness to a cellular level, the magic of the body and the Vastness of the Universe and the Divine. Very Awesome ✨

    1. Yeah what I love about this, Vicky, is that it takes the unfamiliarity and perhaps daunting aspect of the dark void ‘out there’ and turns it into a very familiar feeling reflection of life within – not just within each and every human body, but within each and every cell within each and every body. To actually feel within every cell in my body that I am a part of “the Vastness of the Universe and the Divine” brings a feeling of joy that is oh so confirming and familiar. To recognise the same in every cell in every other being regardless of whether they are aware of or can feel it themselves or not takes the knowing-ness of all being created equal to another level.

  101. I love the feeling of being in harmony with everyone else to represent a healthy body of cells.

    1. To live in a way where our consideration is always about the whole that we are a part of, and never about self, feels so far away from how we are currently living, however, I know it is possible. How amazing it will be when we return to this, our true way of living.

      1. There is so much we can learn from the body. Just as there are cells which promote the health of others so too can we do the same by living example.

  102. As cells are only impulsed by an external energy, be that life force, nutrients and oxygen, so we too are impulsed by other energies. Our next big evolutionary shift within the human race is our ability to distinguish the quality of energy we are choosing to live by, two choices: the immense love of God, the invisible ocean of love that we walk in that empowers us to live in deep respect for all, or a cheap imitation that keeps us separate, individual and incessantly competing with one another.

    1. The cheap imitation promises the earth, but delivers nothing but emptiness as it takes us away from our divine selves, leaving a void that nothing can ever fill until we choose to step back and once again feel the love that we are, satiating our body, confirming that we are already everything that we need to be in this life. All that is needed is for us to choose love, always love.

    2. Having tried the cheap option (again and again) the effects and results of which are all around us, me thinks it’s time to give the second choice a go, that of ‘…the immense love of God, the invisible ocean of love that we walk in that empowers us to live in deep respect for all…’

  103. No matter what comes or is presented to us we always have a choice to be loving with ourselves as there are never any excuses or justifications to treat ourselves otherwise no matter what is revealed or exposed for us to heal.

  104. The beautiful thing about the wisdom of the body is that its cells show us the way to be in life with other human beings, to work together harmoniously and for the one purpose, for the true health and wellbeing of the one body.

  105. This beautiful blog by Brigette brings a whole new perspective to our lives and the power we have to affect literally the whole Universe by all of our choices. Considering each one of us as a cell inside the ‘body’ of God is such a cool way of simply seeing how important we all our and how much responsibility we have in living in the most loving way possible. For me, it is a game changer, as I feel it is easier to make the choices that support the whole of the body (God) when I may be feeling stressed or looking for a relief from the pressures of life when I feel deeply how each choice has a ripple effect on every other ‘cell’.

  106. I love this Brigitte, that “in God’s body I am ‘merely’ a cell. I don’t mean an insignificant cell: I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.” When we can understand the significance of this, it emphasises clearly the importance of the part we have to play not only in our day to day lives but also with the rest of the world.  

  107. We are so used to seeing our body as the only body, but what you share here is an opportunity to see ourselves as part of a larger body and considering the part we play in its harmonious movement and function.

    1. This then brings awareness to the fact that we are all in the one body, God’s and we are divinely connected.

  108. I love this analogy of being a cell. I know that each cell in my body is equally vital, that it knows it’s purpose and will follow this without doubting or deviation. I love how cells work together and will do whatever is needed. Can I say this of my life as a cell in God’s body?

  109. The cell feels like a great analogy because in the human body all cells are equal in that they all have an important if varied role to play and the human body is not complete without every cell doing its bit to support the whole.

    1. The way that our cells work together in a divine harmonious flow is a wonderful reflection for how we as the bodies that house all of these exquisite, wise cells, can live together in a completely different way to how our society is currently set up where we are in competition with each other – no one wins this game, we all lose in the end. How amazing it would be to appreciate each other for who we are, not what we do or how important we may be – this way of being is just a choice away.

    2. If only this was our view of people Andrew, instead of our current view which is that some people and even whole nations are utterly worthless and that life would be a better place without them. However the hard part for most of us is knowing in our hearts that we are all of equal value, including those who have committed brutal and heinous crimes against humanity.

      1. Absolutely, we are all equally divine beings at heart, rather than hate each other we should hate the root cause of our separation – the vile, deceitful energy that infects us like a cancer, allowing us to commit the most horrendous crimes. When we are at one with ourselves there is no way we would ever be able to even think about such acts, let alone do them. We always have a choice as to what energy we allow in, it is our responsibility to be very aware of what we are choosing.

  110. “I opened up to the possibility that the body of God does not necessarily have to resemble that of a human being” What an incredible shift in awareness, which makes me ask the question, how often do we confine our understanding and thus our evolution by applying our human conditioning to Universal truths that are so much bigger, grander and more amazing that our miniscule life on Earth?

    1. Yes, it’s feels like confining ‘our understanding and thus our evolution by applying our human conditioning to Universal truths’ is the way of the spirit whereas the way of the Soul is to expand our understanding and thus our evolution by applying Universal truths to our human experience.

  111. The analogy of a cell has a profound effect when we realise that the whole is not complete without the fullness of every single cell … so thats every single one of 7 billion people around the globe being in their fullness, joy and vitality – how amazing would that be!

    1. It would be extraordinarily amazing, Paula, for 7 billion of us to be living in our fullness, joy and vitality…..and yet, just another day of heaven on earth.

    2. Yes, that is what this blog has brought to our attention – we are, each and every single one of us, equally important to the body in which we live. We are an equal part of the magnificent whole.

  112. Yet, what a gorgeous reflection we are being offered with that – we are all held in God’s love, constantly, irrespective of how we are choosing to live, there is no judgment, we are allowed to be and to make our own choices. If we chose to live in this way with each other, allowing the space for everyone to be, while continuing to hold them with love in the potential of who they truly are, how different the world would feel.

  113. ‘In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open’ – so true, Brigette, it’s not about whether we’ve been good or bad, right or wrong – rather a willingness to be honest about our choices here and now and open to allowing a deeper connection with ourselves and the ‘body’ that we are all a part of.

    1. It sure is a whole other way of approaching life on this planet of ours, Alison, to drop the good-bad, right-wrong mentality. Once more of us reach this way of being I wonder if our collective evolution as a whole would speed up, a bit like standing in the queue for the ski lift where you shuffle along and keep shuffling until finally, you’re at the head of the queue waiting for the chair to come swinging around the bend. You know all the hard work in getting to this point has been worth it…..and there the chair is, moving at a pace that allows you to easily seat yourself, bring the safety bar down and then suddenly you’re off!

    1. Yes, perhaps when we look into the night sky we are seeing exactly this – the stars representing particles with enormous space between them.

      1. And by doing so it is like looking within our own body with a very powerful microscope.

      2. There is something so beautifully exquisite about being able to feel the truth and honouring in the reflection the night sky is offering us, to see and feel every star as a cell in our body and the holding of the vast spaciousness that simply is. The love of God in all his glory.

  114. What I love about this blog is that not only are we a cell in God’s body, but this means that each of us are also a cell in the body we call the human race. Your realization Brigette brings us closer to appreciating the responsibility we all have to ourselves and to one another, as just like the cells in our bodies, everything we do individually has an impact on the cells around us, and therefore contributes to the global health of humanity on all levels.

    1. So true, it’s a beautiful invitation and call for us to stop seeing ourselves as individuals and instead feel how interwoven we truly are, like the connective tissue throughout our own body. We can never do anything ‘in isolation’, with all of our choices, we are always affecting and impacting the whole of our human race and beyond.

    2. “…. each of us are also a cell in the body we call the human race.” Yes beautifully expressed Rowena for your comment takes Brigette’s observation a step further in explaining how all of humanity is connected at a deep and foundational level and how we all individually affect the whole.

    3. Ohhhhh, I love this Rowena, ‘…this means that each of us are also a cell in the body we call the human race.’ Really brings home how truly connected we all are, how our every movement affects every other cell and how we have a responsibility to function as fully as we possibly can within the harmony of the whole. And how futile it is to criticise, judge, be jealous of or harm another cell as what one cell does or even just thinks impacts upon the harmonious whole.

      1. Yes you never see liver cells getting jealous of brain cells? 😉 …they know they have to collaborate together in order for the whole body to thrive and survive. So why do we fight and suppress and attack each other so much as a human species?

  115. “What if the body of God contained the world as we know it?” This opening question stopped me for a moment and asked for a deep consideration and as I considered, I could feel myself as that one beautiful cell held in the body of God. It felt so natural and normal to feel that, something which I would not have even considered several years ago. And the only reason I didn’t, was that the whole world is set up for us to not know this simple, but very powerful truth, a truth which offers us a very different and much more sense-filled way to view the world and God.

    1. Breaking free from the straitjacket the world is tied up in that keeps us from knowing the truth of who we truly are is what has allowed me to ‘feel myself as that one beautiful cell held in the body of God’ as well, Ingrid. Viewing the world from the confines of a straitjacket doesn’t allow for anything more than a five sensory perception that keeps the well-disguised truth at bay. Not until the straitjacket is discarded can the full truth reveal itself and be felt.

      1. Just imagine if suddenly all cells were contained in ‘straight-jackets’, how life would change, and definitely not for the better. So why do we make the choice to live like this? Life makes so much more sense when I accept that I am that one beautiful cell, without a straight-jacket in sight.

  116. Stopping long enough to get that we are an invaluable part of the whole and everything about us makes a difference to every other part, brings home that level of power and responsibility we each hold in our hands.

  117. A simple analogy that shows we are all equally held in God’s Love. Whether we choose to align to this Loving energy or not, it is steadying to know it is always there for us whenever we are ready.

    1. The enormity of God’s love: “it is steadying to know it is always there for us whenever we are ready.” Thank you for the tender reminder, kehinde2012k.

  118. Making connections and discovering revelations are truly joyous moments. Those ‘aha’ moments have a profound affect on our learning and perhaps without realising it those liberating awarenesses unlock something we have been held in for lifetimes. These moments are always deeply registered by the body and as such should always be deeply appreciated and recognised as the profound markers they are for our evolution.

  119. I love the deeper feeling of respect for our own cells as we appreciate being a cell in God’s body.

  120. ‘The body I am most familiar with is mine and so I related being a cell in God’s body to being a cell in my own’ I love the perspective that this brings, Brigette – feeling myself as a cell in my own body immediately brings a completely different sense of responsibility – the importance of always being the fullness of who I am so that I am playing my part in the whole to the best of my ability, allowing my body to work harmoniously without any extra stresses or strains to contend with. Seeing my body as a cell in the universal whole brings enormous clarity to the importance of taking responsibility for how I am choosing to live in each moment.

  121. ‘I don’t mean an insignificant cell: I mean a cell as in an intricate part of the magnificent whole.’ I love this, being part of a magnificent whole. When I pause I can feel this truth and it’s then a matter of moving in harmony within the whole and not being an irritant!

    1. When we look at the world around us, most are living so far from any conscious understanding of us being part of ‘a magnificent whole’. Most see themselves as individuals living in a world of delineation. Me, mine, his, hers and theirs. We fight for our rights and our piece of the pie, not only that but we want our piece of the pie to be bigger than everybody else’s. We compete, compare, antagonise, criticise, ridicule, tear strips off, physically harm, maim and murder others. Others who are in truth simply different aspects of ourselves within God’s body. What on earth have we done to ourselves?

      1. It’s beastly isn’t it, Alexis, this brutish way we go about treating each other and our planet? And yet, here is God, patiently waiting for us to figure it all out, sending messengers the likes of Buddha, Yeshua, Socrates, Shakespeare, Alice A Bailey and Serge Benhayon to remind us of who we truly are and where we come from and more often than not we shoot the messenger rather than open ourselves up to the message being delivered.

      2. Thankfully God lives in space and not time and so the notion of patience and waiting don’t apply to Him. Otherwise I reckon even God would’ve given up by now and gone Home.

  122. “In aligning with God’s loving energy I began to understand that regardless of what my response would be, what matters is that I am asking the question and showing a willingness to be open.” This is a great reminder, that simply by virtue of our willingness to be open, we are supported in more ways than we could possibly begin to imagine.

    1. I have reservations about ‘our willingness to be open’ because for years I considered myself to be a very open person. I thought of myself as open to pretty much everything and yet little did I consciously know that I was peering out at life from a body that was for all intents and purposes completely closed down and I was squinting through the smallest of view finders. ‘My willingness to be open’ came from the same energetic gene pool as ‘the love that I thought that I was giving’ and the ‘truth that I thought I was espousing’, not an ounce of truth or love in any of it.

  123. When we consider ourselves as a cell of the universe, every one of us therefore has a responsibility to be the fullness of that cell’s potential in support of the whole.

    1. And the beauty of this taking ‘responsibility to be the fullness of that cell’s potential in support of the whole’ is that in doing so we get to feel the astounding amazingness of ourselves in full.

      1. Beautiful both Paula and Brigette and on a very practical level, what reading your comments has supported me with this morning is to feel how a nagging concern that is currently infiltrating my thoughts and coming between me and my body is actually infiltrating the collective body of God, because whatever I allow into my body, so too do I allow into the body of God.

    2. I love that Paula. There is no ‘self’ or selfishness in a cell, every cell works together for the benefit of the whole. A great analogy about our potential of working together.

      1. When we use pranic consciousness to look out through our human eyes we see lots of other separate human beings, but when we are connected to the consciousness of God and look out through the same eyes, then all we see is God in different forms.

    3. And that responsibility can seem so huge that many run away from it, leaving the responsibility to someone else. But the fact that we are all part of the whole shows how essential this responsibility is, as without every single one of us living in our fullness, the whole will suffer, as will every single other cell.

  124. It fascinates me the analogy of a cell because at first glance it appears contained and individual, however to look a little deeper, we come to realise it is an integral and equal part of the whole.

  125. It is so inspiring to know we are part of something so grand and so stupendous.

  126. Funny how we have this picture of God as being in a human form or body shape but huge….this seems ridiculous to think about but it is what we often have ingrained as a picture. But what if he is a space, an amazing ‘body’ of space that holds and envelops us and allows us to feel all that there is whilst still having the freedom to make our own un-Godly choices….and that one day we get to realise that we can make the Godly choices and realise ourselves as the Gods that we truly are? This does feel so far fetched as a concept to begin with, but the more we sit with it the more it does begin to make sense considering all that we now have access to and are already able to be and do from that being.

    1. “But what if he is a space, an amazing ‘body’ of space that holds and envelops us and allows us to feel all that there is whilst still having the freedom to make our own un-Godly choices….” in this one sentence, Henrietta, I can feel the vast spaciousness of God’s expansive love for us all. Who else could be the beholder of such love as to allow a God to make unGodly choices??

  127. I love the intertwining relationship between Science, Philosophy and Religion – this certainly helps us understand life and gives things so much more meaning and purpose to how things work. The cell is so much more than just a cell – it is a macrocosm of the microcosm and is key in how all functions in harmony (or not) – it is a great example of each of us in the grand scheme and patchwork that is the world and humanity.

  128. “I didn’t see sky above me, I saw space” The fabric of God’s body that we mistakenly think is empty, but in truth is filled with the love of God, spread far and wide across not just this world, but the whole Universe.

    1. Spot on rowenakstewart. There is nothing empty about “the fabric of God’s body”. It is only the arrogance of man that puts forth the idea and image that precious things such as the sky or our DNA can be empty space.

  129. “…… in re-aligning with God’s beholding love any wayward tendencies I may have had can be healed at the root cause and be released.” As in truth our essence can never be tarnished, hence any ‘wayward tendencies’ are like a stain on a cloth that can be washed clean with the appropriate washing powder – ‘God’s beholding love’.

  130. ‘It was a bit difficult for me to get my head around either question as at first I kept picturing God’s body in the human shape and form and initially I thought “No way!’ Letting go of any picture we have of anything is cool to do.

    1. ‘Letting go of any picture we have of anything is cool to do.’ And for every picture we let go of we create more and more space for our true divinity to shine through.

  131. It is so deeply confirming to consider that “God is a Divine being in whatever shape or form that may be and if I am a cell in his body it means that I too am Divine.” It makes sense then that this divinity is then our innate state, so even when we have chosen the opposite for a long time, we can simply choose to stop and we will be magnetically pulled to express our divine nature once again.

  132. Loved reading this and wondering how many others have had this same question of us being a cell in a larger universal body and or that or God.

  133. Just being the cell that we already are, in our fullest divinity, is the most simple, healthy and awesome movement we can offer to the All we are part of.

    1. Bearing this in mind, could it be possible that the cancerous or healthy cells in the human body also depend on our choices and how we conduct ourselves?

  134. Brigette, this description of other bodies is really helpful and makes sense to me that we can be living in the body of God; ‘we have a body of ocean, the body of a sentence, government bodies, etc.’

  135. Yes, it’s true we are each equal and part of God’s magnificent and grand body and appropriate to ask the question, ‘how do we live and relate to this responsibility?’ As God’s representatives on earth our walk and talk a constant reflection of eternal and universal Love.

    1. We walk and talk for the most part without giving any thought to the imprint we are leaving hence the state of humanity and our planet today. The moment has come to bring heaven on earth and it’s up to us like you say, kehinde2012, ‘As God’s representatives on earth our walk and talk a constant reflection of eternal and universal Love.’

  136. Thank you Bridgette for writing this blog. There cannot be a religion like we have today where one God rules over another and we end up in war, for God loves each and every one of us and we are a reflection of his all encompassing love.

  137. Today in the early morning, before I got up I chose to remain in my bed a bit to feel me. Even though I was still I could feel a movement, an aliveness, a gentle pulse that guided a perfect rhythm inside. I’m realizing that all is inside me, but how easy it is to take it for granted, forget it at times, or go into my mind to plan the day ahead… thinking that I need to control, when in fact there is a flow to connect with in which we are deeply loved and beautifully held.

    1. Isn’t it incredible to have moments like this of feeling so Divinely alive, Inma? Moments like these become a new marker in our body to expand on and return to when we lose touch with what is already naturally inside us. Enjoy the expansion!

  138. Beautifully expressed Brigette. There is a deep sense of being a living cell in the body of God on reading your blog.

  139. Loved reading this. I felt how we are all in this body together and how held we are. And then I got to considering how it is when we fight each other, no different to when cells fight each other in our own bodies and how this creates disease. Do I want to deal with the dis-ease I feel in my own body? Yes, and this can be as simple as letting go of acting and thinking separately to the body of God that I am in.

  140. Superb Brigette. You express so eloquently and simply our unique place within the Universe for as in our own body no cell is more important than another and together they make up our body, as we do we make up the body of God.

    1. Well said Jstewart51, Brigette has nailed it with her simple and eloquent analogy and how no one cell nor person is more important than another. This instantly takes away all individuality – and how powerful is that?

  141. Like God this blog allows us to feel the simplicity of our connection and part in life. Cells will never feel quite the same again – I wonder what my biology teacher would have made of Divine cells?

    1. To truly understand and appreciate the body, there is no question about its divinity. The constant pull to restore harmony, the exquisite intricacies of how everything works together so beautifully and effortlessly, when in harmony and the constant and absolute expression of truth that our body shares with us always.

  142. What a wonderful opportunity to be reminded of the Love we are from, the Love we are made of and therefore the role each of us play in maintaining that Love in its true essence.

  143. It’s quite amazing to see the order and divine design of our body. The tiniest cell, the vascular and lymphatic system, our lungs and heart…Everything is interconnected with the purpose of holding us in a very precious way, just God could do that.

  144. There is no less or more, right or wrong, better or worse…just a vast space inside and outside us. How beautiful being part of all of that. Thank you Brigette for reminding us how important we are for the imprints we leave in our living way.

    1. Ah I love your analogy Rachel! I’ve no doubt the baby knows they are also in the body of God too, held in His love.

      1. I’ve no doubt that is true. It’s rather gorgeous to feel the potential of the baby’s point of view that its mother is rather like God whilst he/she is being held in her womb. Then the Mother being held in the womb of God too! But, what if God, as we know him, is also being held in the womb of another God… that’s a lot of beholding and a lot of love…. it’s a wonder why we are making such a mess of it? I have another, rather child like, wondering… if we are cells in the one body of God and we are all acting against his rhythm, flow and harmonious way of being with all our infighting, war, greed and indulgences…. would he ever get a stomach ache!

      2. Sometimes humour is the most poignant way of getting a point home. This observation cuts through the craziness of our claiming we don’t know who we are or that it is impossible to know God!

    2. Love this Rachel – it brought up a deep chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

    3. I love your take on this, Rachel, your comment had me laughing out loud! But it’s a sobering comment too in how preposterous the thought is of an unborn baby going looking for his/her mum and yet here we are, if we are, in the body of God claiming to believe, denying, renouncing, blaming, questioning and or outright vilifying the very body holding us all in his expansive love.

      1. I love this analogy too…. sadly I can’t take the credit! I read it in an article somewhere that made complete sense to me about the absurdity our search for God is. He is right there with us in every moment holding us and beholding us, yet we are blind to see and feel it.

  145. We are a cell in God’s body, and we are also a god with its own body and cells. There is an order by which cells of a body are designed to behave, it often seems involuntary, but I get a sense that it is voluntary and there is a sense of total obedience that most cells naturally abide by, while some mutate and develop into cancer – but either way, it is responsivity. And to what it is responding to – that is where God’s/our Will comes in.

    1. We are constantly choosing what we are aligning to, energetically – love or the complete opposite. When we are not aligning to love we are choosing to be a ‘cancer’ as we already are love, so to choose the opposite of what we already are, we are actively working against the natural order of the universe. What is important to note is that we have free will and what we are choosing to align to it is always our choice to make.

  146. You are not only re-opening your eyes, heart and inner doors but in writing this are also supporting others to do the same. Thank you for writing this, I feel in reading it layers have been peeled off. Very cool and this is an awesome question to ask ourselves “If I am a cell in God’s body, am I living in a way that makes me a healthy cell or an unhealthy cell?”

  147. This blog made me stop and consider how senseless it is that many of us are driven into jealousy, comparison and competition when we are all cells which create part of the whole. So in truth we are simply attacking and diminishing ourselves through these sorts of behaviour as, in the end, nothing is separate.

    1. Absolutely and it lets us see what a beautiful responsibility we have to every other cell – that we can be in harmony if we do what is needed.

    2. So true Helen, the contents of this blog also highlight how destructive and senseless sport is. Not only are we all on the same side but there is only one side.

  148. We learn how to be by the reflections around us that we take notice of. Like when hanging out with a certain group of people we take on characteristics and habits etc. But how much do we take notice of the presence of God that is all around us?

    1. Good question Leigh ‘ how much do we take notice of the presence of God that is all around us?” It is often easier to be drawn by outer distractions, rather than surrender to and deepen our connection with the Love we already are.

  149. Very beautiful pondering Bridget. I often consider God as space and from when I was a child knowing that God is everywhere, I consider ponder that if God is everywhere and is also space then there is no time ever that God is not where we all are. God is constantly with each and every one of us. God holds us each through life but does not control or interfere in our own return to God. Even though God is space he gives us space to return to the love that he is in our own time.

  150. I saw a short film that the Hubble Telescope took as it looked back to Earth from the farthest reaches of space. Earth was a Blue dot in space. What I noticed is that unlike other stars and planets it didn’t shine but look dull. And I wondered to myself could this be because the way we are all living on this earth is so toxic that the earth looks dull and dare I say unhealthy when viewed from such a distance.

  151. “The body I am most familiar with is mine and so I related being a cell in God’s body to being a cell in my own. It was so awesome! ” Awesome awareness that makes so much sense.

  152. If I am, as you propose, a cell in the body of God, which I am slowly coming to understand that I am, then I have a huge responsibility to live in a way which keeps my cellular body and being as healthy and vital as possible. For, I may be only one cell amongst billions, but I still have to be aware that everything I do, say and think, affects every other cell, the world and the Universe; a massive responsibility but one I know I, and my fellow cells are absolutely equipped to handle.

    1. We certainly are Ingrid, isn’t it time we drop our delay tactics and get on with what we are naturally here to do? Because we cannot escape who we are, divine beings?

  153. I love the responsibility factor in this because if we are indeed in God’s body, how would we move act and live?

  154. Thank you, Brigette your words made it so clear that we are all part of God – actually, we are all Gods and that is so good as people like you remember us where we come from. Imagine more of us would live like you – so more people would than be able to remember who they truly are…

    1. Absolutely, Ester. It’s all about reflection. Do we choose to echo the divinity of God as a healthy cell, or continue down the slippery slope of creation as an unhealthy cell?

  155. Enlightening as your questions are Brigette, they surely do open us to many and varied ways of Living or Livingness that can reflect with Loving diligence the many aspects of God that are our True way of being Divine. As each star and constellation is a part of the Body of God and are unique in differing ways, so too do we have our uniqueness and thus we all can reflect a different aspect of God in the most Glorious and Humble ways.

    1. ‘So to do we have our uniqueness and thus we all can reflect a different aspect of God in the most Glorious and Humble ways.’ To me, this is a wonder and it is something that keeps me inspired. I love meeting new people and developing relationships with new people precisely for that reason. In the essence of everyone, I find that uniqueness and it is something that offers a ceaseless exponential expansion with each new essence met and appreciated.

      1. So True Michelle, as we connect there is a Deepening-Humble-Appreciative-Ness of the fact that we are all inspirational in our divine reflection and our reflection is our greatest communicator.

      2. This is something that keeps me engaged with everyone I meet as there is a joy in doing so. Learning from the inspiration of others to me is pure magic.

  156. Bridgette your blog reminds us of the responsibility we have in living equally to God, for every movement less than the harmonious and glorious divine being he is, is felt by him.

      1. Yes we try so hard to make sure we are not in constant communication with God but the truth is we are, and it will aways be a choice whether we allow the communication to be part of our every day living or not, rather than choosing it when things get hard, or life is not flowing the way we would like it to be.

      2. Hear, hear, alisonmoir. Once we re-discover, accept and embrace that we are in constant communication with God regardless of whether we fight it or not, the ‘effort’ of getting through life drops away and the true miracle of life begins to flow in all areas of a life that has lacked flow or been hard only through our own choice to separate and fight the divinity that we are.

    1. Yes, I had always found this equality to be wrong or not respectful of the being that we are part of but when you bring it back to the cells of the body, imagine if my liver decided it was not worthy of being part of my body because it had done some things it wasn’t too proud of…the consequences would be quite huge! The body can regenerate, but we each need to play our part by appreciating what we bring to the whole.

    2. Crazy really it is all there before us, we don’t need to do anything but we choose to delay by seeking everything that is not God, even though we can so easily be equal to God

  157. This way of living (as a cell in Gods body) is so far from the individualised outfits we use to be hurt, lonely, elated, happy and so on. Its just a matter of time though till we return to seeing our true place – as a natural component of divinity.

    1. I love what you’ve share Joseph, indeed, we are ‘a natural component of divinity’ for sure but how often do we deny this? Sadly, too often from what we can see playing out in humanity.

  158. No one part of us is insignificant – we all hold a particular role to ‘play out’ – our presence for each of us is like that of the pieces of a puzzle each one equal in importance for how can you complete a puzzle without each of the pieces present.

  159. Because we are a part of the whole, the quality that we live with on a day to day and moment to moment basis is something that will affect everyone else regardless of whether we like this or not, and regardless of doing things and in a certain quality (or lack of) behind closed doors where we think no one sees us.

    1. We can walk around denying that what we do affects everyone else, but the fact is we do, whether we acknowledge it or not. So as much as we can hide our indiscretions, in whatever form they take, no amount of hiding can stop the consequences, to us, or to others.

  160. Gorgeous sharing Brigette – we are all a part of the whole whether we realise this, actively are a part of this or not.

  161. Brigette, I have often wondered about the same thing. It makes me wonder though, if we are in the body of God, then doesn’t this make us look a bit silly when we go searching high and low for God or when we claim we don’t know God?

    1. Ha ha! It’s almost comical isn’t it, chanly88? Perhaps being waist deep in the muck of creation provides us with the pseudo amnesia we have so cunningly crafted out of make believe fairy tales, conveniently convincing ourselves our only saviour left is the knight in shining armour who rides in on a white horse to save the day with a kiss. Unlike the fairy tale ending of living happily ever after however, we learn that even the shining armour of our dashing knight tarnishes sooner or later, and all we are left with if we are lucky is a wise but heart-less tin man in search of a heart who reckons that he but once “had brains, and a heart also; so, having tried them both, I should much rather have a heart.” It’s a long yellow brick road that we all must walk sooner or later.

      1. So love your analogy Brigette. Having tried everything but the heart, I have discovered much to my own cost let alone the cost to humanity, that nothing but the heart will work. In my emptiness I have wanted to be rescued but since those I have demanded that of have been empty themselves I have been going round in ever decreasing circles. Waking up to the responsibility I have for the loveless choices I have made and in understanding that the resultant karma has indeed been my responsibility all along, I have learned that when we are willing to let our hurts go, along with the heart comes true empowerment from the body. In place of the hurts that space fills with more love and the only way I could ever have got to this point was to see this love reflected by another, showing me the way. In my turn, as my body is more love filled I can offer this same opportunity to others. Yes, it is and has felt like a very long yellow brick road, but the more I have let go and the more I have embraced, I am realising that this yellow brick road is just a blip against the incredible potential that is there for us all to claim. One day we will look back without any vestige of hurt in our bodies in the space of co-creation and will be untouched by the time it took to traverse the yellow brick road in the glory and spaciousness of who we are.

    2. It is quite ludicrous how we are in the body of God, and we are equally divine like God … and yet we go searching for ‘him’! And yet I believed like most of humanity that God was a white bearded man I had to search for – it wasn’t until attending Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon’s presentations that I came to understand we are all one, divinely so.

      1. We fumble our way through lifetime after lifetime completely unnecessarily. Our hearts break when we ‘lose’ people completely unnecessarily. We roll around in anguish completely unnecessarily. We hurt ourselves and others completely unnecessarily. We live lives that are so far removed from what they could be completely unnecessarily. And so the list goes on completely unnecessarily.

      2. It is a bit nuts that we continue to make choices that don’t work lifetime after lifetime and yet because of our stubborn pride this fumbling has become a necessity. The more we keep bashing ourselves up against the intransigent rock of lovelessness the more we get the message that it is not working. There will come a point for us all in the pain of the bruising that there is a deeper hurt at play that we have been in denial of – that of having consciously made the choice to separate from God and that we have kept repeating that choice day after day, lifetime after lifetime. At such a point our pride is somewhat dinted and then we can begin our first steps on the road back to God and who we are.

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