Continuing to Age Joyfully    

Today I am feeling great humility for all that I have been offered in this lifetime. As I took my evening walk I felt full to overflowing for all the wisdom I have been able to access and this would not have occurred if I had ignored an impulse to deepen my relationship with myself. I felt this call and in answer I was introduced to the books of Serge Benhayon. I knew instantly that within these writings I felt a deep confirmation of those moments throughout my life where I could feel my body open up as a truth dropped in. These books contained a wisdom that was undeniable and wherein lay the answers to the constant questioning throughout my life – I somehow sensed that there was another way. I was offered a new perspective on the meaning of life and I knew this time that I had found the truth and a connection to something more magnificent than anything that life had offered thus far.   

Serge has been such a glorious reflection of everything that is true love. This love is expressed by the way he lives each moment of his life with a dedication and commitment to bringing humanity back to living life in a way that is without compromise and yet without perfection.  

The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive. He offers a space for us all to explore life for ourselves – no imposition just words of wisdom that come from heaven and are calling us back to a way of life that we know in our hearts is our natural and innate way.   

With his simple words –  

everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy  

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, ed 1, p 220 

– there is an allowing and a space for us to ponder on these words and what they are offering. For me they offered a moment to stop and to feel that there was a possibility that this was true – it spoke to a knowingness deep within. I could feel I was more than the physical form that has become an identity, and that I was a vehicle whereby I can choose to express on this earthly plane of life everything that my soul was imparting. Over time I have explored this truth and it makes more and more sense – I can feel energy and the impact that it has. I can feel the energy when I walk into a room – whether it be harmonious or one of discord – and I have also come to understand that I can let this energy in or allow myself to observe and not become swept away by whatever emotion has been expressed.  

This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body. As I age it feels increasingly important to listen to my body as it reveals the way I have taken it through life; a way that was disconnected. It offers me an opportunity to take responsibility for the way I live – to honour my body and to treat it with love and care.  

I truly value that at last I have begun to listen, as I daily become aware of the increase in illness and disease and the overload on our Health Services. The overwhelm of the elderly at a time in their lives when they begin to realise that their body can no longer cope with the ever increasing load must feel daunting, and without the support that I have found in Universal Medicine I can sense that I would feel equally overwhelmed and in the same predicament. 

Is the way forward for future generations to begin the process of reconnecting to the wisdom found within our body and understanding our responsibility to care for it?  

This is an amazing opportunity to feel the empowerment of taking back the care of our body into our own hands; to no longer feel dependent and a sense of helplessness. We can become an equal partner in our own healthcare and bring a sense of self-love into the way we live our lives as we change the way we feel about ourselves with some simple adjustments.  We can begin by treating our body with greater awareness, tenderness and appreciation for all it brings and to feel the sense of purpose and joy that comes with a life whereby we embrace each moment and each opportunity to deepen our relationship with God, to live life to the full, and as we begin to change we meet others along the way and together we can deepen our sense of living in true fellowship with ourselves, one another and with God.   

How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society – one that is rich in the way that we live with greater harmony and joy. Ageing Joyfully is indeed an option that we all have when we embrace the Ageless Wisdom, a wisdom that comes from deep within and is equally all around us, and that has been lived by so many others who have gracefully walked this path for aeons. 

By Susan Lee, Norfolk, UKRetired and enjoying a life that continues to be purposeful and engaging, Norfolk, UK 

Further Reading:
Ageing – to be feared or lived?
The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically
Active Ageing – your health in your hands

445 thoughts on “Continuing to Age Joyfully    

  1. The books that Serge Benhayon has written is a legacy to the world and for our future, of what is and what is to be, we can resist and fight the truth but the truth will out and humanity will come to the realisation that Serge Benhayon actually did know what he was presenting that we are magnificent which we will grow into and access our soul. Then we will never be fooled again. It may take a few hundred years or so but let’s face it we are not going anywhere except round and round the sun until the penny drops!

  2. The deeper we understand the relationship we have with The Ageless Wisdom the greater the joy and the appreciation of all things heavenly and thus sent from God. Thank you Susan as we all are students of our own Livingness and The teachings from Serge Benhayon have shared much that is revelatory for our evolution.

    1. What Serge Benhayon shares has always made so much sense, like a part of myself knew what he was sharing at some level.

  3. The more I explore and reconnect to the essence we all belong to the more I know from a deeper innermost connection that what Serge Benhayon presents is the truth. Because I have lived this truth before which confirms to me that the Ageless wisdom has been available to us throughout the ages. Serge Benhayon is a master of what he teaches because he has always lived aligned to this energy. There is a connection to a magnificent way of living that we can all come back to, returning back to the truth of who we are and where we all come from.

  4. Susan, I understand what you are saying here
    Over time I have explored this truth and it makes more and more sense – I can feel energy and the impact that it has. I can feel the energy when I walk into a room – whether it be harmonious or one of discord – and I have also come to understand that I can let this energy in or allow myself to observe and not become swept away by whatever emotion has been expressed.
    I attend a bi-weekly sales meeting and the person taking the meeting is in such misery, it’s actually painful to listen to them, it is interesting to see who in the sales team aligns to that energy and who doesn’t. As Serge Benhayon has written and said many times

    “everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy”

    Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, ed 1, p 220
    Once we truly understand these powerful words we can never be fooled again, because the energy people are moving in gives them away.

  5. Thank you Susan, as much is understood through our understanding of what constellation we are under especially the Aquarian era that we in and the awareness available to everyone.

  6. “He offers a space for us all to explore life for ourselves – no imposition just words of wisdom that come from heaven and are calling us back to a way of life that we know in our hearts is our natural and innate way.” Serge Benhayon, through the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, offers an ever-deepening understanding that we are ageless.

    1. Serge Benhayon presents the Truth, it is then up to us what we do with what has been shared, we are given space to embody the teaching immediately or when, and if, it feels true for ourselves, zero imposition.

  7. I absolutely agree with you Susan when you say
    ‘Serge has been such a glorious reflection of everything that is true love. This love is expressed by the way he lives each moment of his life with a dedication and commitment to bringing humanity back to living life in a way that is without compromise and yet without perfection.’
    I feel we are being shown at this juncture of human life what is true and what is not of truth and what we have allowed as a group or society to occur because we are greedy and have pursued a way of life built on profit and greed rather than developing a way of life built of love and community.

  8. Aligning to divinity brings Joy then appreciation of that most Loving feeling, a thus we are being Joy-full appreciative of our divinity allowing ourselves to feel a deepening level of evolution that serves all of humanity.

  9. I like the line “If we accept our part” and I will add in creating all our suffering and misery – it’s all self-made, once we get real and honest about that and feel it, which can be very unpleasant, then we can really be open to wanting to change. Or not for some just now, may be the case.

    1. GR the understanding I am coming to is that we do create all our own suffering and misery, wanting to withdraw from life because it feels too much. I watched this happen as a young adult when a family member did just this; withdrew from life and numbed themselves by just drinking alcohol as a way to get through their day. They had completely given up on themselves and life. Looking back it was distressing to watch because there is a knowing that it wasn’t them doing this, it was something else that they had allowed to take over their body that was indulging at the expense of their body. We see this everywhere we look, people who are not themselves being used by another energy. There is no vacuum in space if we are not completely occupying our bodies something else will. This is a huge lesson for humanity to relearn.

  10. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body. As I age it feels increasingly important to listen to my body as it reveals the way I have taken it through life; ” So true Susan. Taking responsibility for our health and our body – at any age – is important.

  11. I agree how much richer our society and world would be if we if first we made it about harmony, love, joy, stillness and of course truth. Wealth is not in money but instead the quality we live ✨

    1. What if we lived and reflected love as does Serge, ‘Serge has been such a glorious reflection of everything that is true love. This love is expressed by the way he lives each moment of his life’.

  12. Yes this is both truth and wisdom and offers us much if we choose to truly be with what it means
    “everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy”

  13. “How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society – one that is rich in the way that we live with greater harmony and joy. ” I vote for this – we are all needed in all our flavours – combining to build a harmonious and loving society.

  14. Simplicity of staying with who we are taking away all need to be anything other than ourselves is wonderful. It’s allowing myself to be deeply settled in God’s grace and my divine nature, that is no different from another.

    1. Just be-ing who we truly are – that’s a gift of freedom which very few live and express. After all we are raised to do, not to be.

  15. Today I had a conversation about the menopause and how it’s often seen that a woman is losing her fertility and her value. Blogs like yours, the way you live your life totally put all that stuff about obsolescence essentially, to rest. Taking our care into our own hands is incredibly powerful. We don’t have to rely on societal opinion but can feel and live from our inner most truth.

    1. Post menopausal women have a lot to offer society. For a start it is often after retirement that one has a bit more time to take on volunteering roles in our community, which are very much needed.

  16. How I feel inside and my sense of purpose in life are my main determinants, not my age.

  17. It is very beautiful and powerful to feel every increasing purpose as I grow older. The significance of all of our responsibility for, and contributions to, life must not be underestimated.

    1. Matilda, it seems to me the older we become the more we actually see the responsibility of living a way of life that is true to our bodies. There is a way to live that reflects back to humanity that actually just because you are old doesn’t mean you do not have anything to contribute to society. There is a wealth of experience and understanding to give back. Young people often worry about their future, older people can reflect back that there is nothing to worry about, our future is taken care of.

  18. I can see that there is a simple way to live that builds a foundation of knowingness in us. That simple and consistent way brings us “back to living life in a way that is without compromise and yet without perfection” as reflected by Serge Benhayon.

  19. Serge Benhayon definitely offers space for people to feel what he presents for themselves. There’s zero imposition and complete respect for everyone’s will to choose. This is so unusual in life. Other people inflict their wishes and demands on us all the time, of course boundaries are needed, but they seem to come with a force – do this now, think my way or I’ll not like you or even fight you etc. The task, the wish precedes the person being asked and they aren’t met.

    From Serge Benhayon’s lived wisdom I have felt and learnt what it is to not be imposed upon and how this naturally calls me to be responsible. I have learnt what it is to respect another’s free will without letting another’s disrespectful choices go unchallenged by truth – whether it’s expressed or not it is not deviated from.

    1. I agree – Serge presents and leaves it up to us to do with it what we will. No follow ups or chasing after us. Other spiritual courses I have been on previously felt very imposing in deep contrast to what the Ageless Wisdom offers.

    2. Karin what you have shared is gold, you have encapsulated in a few words how humanity runs the social system we call life.
      “Other people inflict their wishes and demands on us all the time, of course boundaries are needed, but they seem to come with a force – do this now, think my way or I’ll not like you or even fight you etc. The task, the wish precedes the person being asked and they aren’t met.”

    3. Karin, I just cannot get past what you have shared with us all; that for most of us growing up other people inflict their wishes and demands on us, I so remember being told over and over again “do as I say not as I do.” The force this was said with was implacable.
      So of course when we grow up we take this ingrained attitude out into life, we met force and pushed back with force. Along comes Serge Benhayon and turns this way of existing upside down, firstly he meets people deeply so they are reminded of who they truly are. To be seen for all the glory that we are can be challenging because the thoughts can come flooding in of why is it I have not been seen for who I truly am before? Some people walk away from this amount of love and some people stay because they feel at last that they have been understood, recognised as being love which is such a powerful feeling of coming home that they find it easier to work on themselves and bring forth that inner beauty they always knew was there, but didn’t dare show the world because of the ridicule that would be heaped upon them from a given up and disbelieving society. We have yet to understand that this force we use rips us away and apart from the divine quality that we naturally are born with.

    4. It feels so loving to be offered space, with no imposition, ‘He offers a space for us all to explore life for ourselves – no imposition just words of wisdom that come from heaven and are calling us back to a way of life that we know in our hearts is our natural and innate way.’

  20. ‘The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive.’ For all the complication and drive I’ve lived in my life, this reflection is profound.. There’s a trust, an acceptance and humility encapsulated that I know I am not choosing. however I am inspired and I am developing and super appreciate knowing what true grandness is possible.

  21. I love what you say about taking the opportunity to take the care of our own bodies back into our own hands. This to me is to feel where our body is at, is something amiss? Do we need medical attention and/or other support- perhaps an esoteric modality? We are not helpless even when sick and undergoing treatment, we have a choice of how to engage.

    1. Taking care of our bodies is paramount, honouring, nurturing, and cherishing them, ‘ to honour my body and to treat it with love and care.’

  22. Being “…. an equal partner in our own healthcare and bring a sense of self-love into the way we live our lives….” establishes a relationship that confirms one is being supported instead of feeling either alone and helpless or a victim to the world and dependent upon others. In doing so it brings purpose to life, particularly as one grows older.

    1. Being responsible for our health, our body, and how we live and move is very much needed in the world at present, ‘We can begin by treating our body with greater awareness, tenderness and appreciation for all it brings’.

  23. Our age as far The Ageless Wisdom is concerned has little if any relevance, as we are all always equal no matter what our ages, and thus we are forever open to a deepening of our evolution.

    1. This is in stark contrast to society’s view on older people. With The Ageless Wisdom we are valued as elders – and you don’t have to be old to be an elder……

      1. Absolutely Sue, as so many are re-imprinting there lives with new vocations in there sixties and seventies and thus sharing True elder energy in all walks of life.

    2. gregbarnes888, I just watched a small boy walk past hand in hand with his dad and he was ancient and wise, I could sense that he was accessing something far deeper than what I am currently choosing. I’m 65 I would guess this young boy was maybe 6. The wisdom he carries in his body far outweighs the mental education I have received and I would take the wisdom I could sense within him as he walked over any mental construct we can come up with or be educated by. We are fuelled by nervous tension there was no tension in his body he was at one with the universe and walked that for all to see and feel. So that humanity is left in no doubt that there is another way.

      1. We are fuelled by nervous tension, which makes it harder for us to just surrender, something I am learning to embrace more and more.

  24. As we age joyfully, we show the world there is another way to embrace the ageing process, without fear or doom and gloom. The Ageless Wisdom teaching brings a much greater understanding and support than we can ever find in today’s society.

    1. Great point Gill, and adding to what you have shared, is it not feeling so True in our bodies to live in Joy till our last breath and thus return to the same Living Joy in our next incarnation?

  25. I love this blog because it turns all the usual attitudes about aging on their heads. Firstly aging joyfully and then continuing to age joyfully! Usually aging is met with either a fight of defiance, or a giving up of a life that once was, neither reactions appreciating what each decade brings us in terms of understanding and wisdom. I’m very much appreciating what I now find meaningful, and how what used to fuel me in the past wasn’t actually true, I just wanted it to be so, so I didn’t have to face the emptiness I then felt.

    1. Karin you have shared another pearl of wisdom
      ‘I didn’t have to face the emptiness I then felt.’
      We all feel the emptiness and we then enter into relationships expecting the other person to fill the emptiness we feel. This is an impossible task and will put a huge strain on any relationship.

  26. Several times this week I have heard the importance of listening and the essential part it plays in building respectful and open communication and relationships. I am excited to get to put this into practise with people I meet, work and live with as well as in relationship with my own body and its sign-posting.

    1. I love this reminder. Who knows what wonders we’ll hear when we really listen. Life is magical and it’s only when I stop to listen that I hear God through another.

      1. I agree sueq2012 to listen is to observe sound, sound is a movement through space. I could tell as a child just by listening to someone’s footsteps what mood they were in. The sound of their movements gave away the energy they had invested in.

      2. Observing is such a valuable tool in how we are in this world, observing with love, and no judgement.

  27. It can be quite noticeable how some people get very stuck in their ways as they age, and stop doing anything new, because they have a mental picture of how the ageing process looks and feels to them. When we keep our commitment to life as Serge Benhayon teaches, there is joy in every morning and plenty to learn in every new day.

  28. Observation is incredibly powerful, whereas absorbing the world around us only leads to illness and dis-ease then disease.

    1. When we can observe we can develop our awareness and read situations for what they are, without being invested or pulled about by them. However, when we absorb we go into reaction and get emotional. Until I met Serge Benhayon I had no idea that there was another way, but in exploring this further and in having become much more observant and less reactive I can say that my life has changed quite considerably as I am no longer owned by emotions or reactions.

  29. It is a great journey to feel the empowerment of taking back the care of our body into our own hands, we are masters of our fate, and our choices and decisions are our responsibility.

  30. Life makes so much more sense from the awareness of everything is energy and indeed, everything is because of energy. What grand wisdom. I know I’m only just touching the surface of this. It’s a revelation that will keep on delivering greater depths of wisdom the more I say yes to be willing to see life as it actually is and not as I would like it to be or have believed it to be.

  31. It is true we can grow older but not necessarily wiser. Making the commitment to ‘learning from life’ is something we actively have to choose in order for it to happen and it is something I would agree is well worth doing.

    1. Yes. Being humble enough to stay open to all the learning on offer in life – whether that is from our bodies, our kids, those we work with, nature, our mishaps – makes for an ever deepening and enriching experience.

  32. Continuing to age joyfully is an option for us all, to be playful and have fun with life – who would not want that at any age?

    1. Yes I completely agree and your comment led me to realise that we are ageing every day so we don’t have to wait, we can bring fun and playfulness to how we are today, and every day.

  33. As we age joyfully, we appreciate so much more than we used to. I gaze at the stars at night and feel their communication, it is very humbling. We can feel how our lives can be when we hold our connection to ourselves and commit to life still in full, however that is, we can still play our part in building a richer society.

  34. Serge Benhayon has presented a truth I’d ignored and forgotten for so long; much more magnificent than any worldly accolades could ever deliver despite their usual empty promises and enticements.

  35. I am on call tonight so have had a restful day and did not put on any make up. I have really enjoyed catching glimpses of myself throughout the day and realising that there was little critique and lots of appreciation of me ‘au naturel’.

    1. That is clearly the reflection you, and others needed today, how lovely to build that relationship and then wear make-up if you choose to enhance what is there, and not to cover up what is there.

  36. I have observed this of Serge Benhayon for many years, ‘ the way he lives each moment of his life with a dedication and commitment to bringing humanity back to living life in a way that is without compromise and yet without perfection.’ I have been watching his every move because I am both in awe and fascinated by the question of how is this humanly possible?!

    When I met Serge Benhayon he reflected a livingness of love that I only had moments of in my life. You know those moments that grab you by surprise where you’re filled with a love of humanity that needs nothing in return, it just is? And then they’re gone because someone’s just done something so annoying or deeply hurtful? Yet here is a man whose every breath is for everyone, where there’s a depth of understanding I am only skimming the surface of. He shows me love is possible even in the face of great ugliness. He shows me we are more than human, we are beautiful and divine in our essence and we can live this too, without perfection. I have experienced phenomenal change in people who have been inspired by him where the title of this blog is a truth – like seriously where do you experience people aging joyfully? Perhaps defying age against the odds like a battle, but not joyfully I don’t see.

    1. ‘He shows me love is possible even in the face of great ugliness.’ I love what you share here, Karin. I’d love to be able to hold this amount of love and understanding for all, without resentment, bitterness and hurt. One day I might get there, but in the meantime, through the example that Serge Benhayon offers us I know that it is actually possible.

    2. We can set the example for all that there is a way to live joyfully, not into our sunset years, but our preparations for our next sunrise.

  37. With our every movement we can shift our understanding in relation to ageing, we do not need to slot in to ideals that we are faced with each day.

    1. True Gill, I know some very wise people in their early twenties and teens… they seem ageless… they feel the same as me, a woman in her late 40s. Age is irrelevant when we have that deeper connection to ourselves. It makes me appreciate the cycles of life we are in so much more.

      1. It’s wonderful when people are connected to themselves from which a wisdom that is ageless flows. To discount a person based on age denies the brilliance they do bring and/or asks them to stay in the smallness of thinking we are just a physical body. The truth is our body and ourselves are far greater.

    2. This is beautiful. Yes, we age, our bodies wear and each decade brings generalities of learning to the table – but age is irrelevant. Just this evening I was appreciating how much I used to plan my life out with age related expectations or goals. Now what is present requires focus and the rest unfolds.

  38. Ageing gives us a catalogue of what doesn’t work. The more we disregarded what our body was telling us we will add more volumes. What will life be like when we start living life joyfully, from the beginning?

    1. And it seems we only start to take notice when we have volumes of what doesn’t work in the form of illness and dis-ease. How AWESOME would it be to take notice, listen and love our body as an everyday, every moment choice loving us all the way first and not waiting for a moment until we can no longer get away with living in disregard!

  39. How many of us as we age farm out caring for ourselves? Letting somebody else fix us. Or is this the lifetime of disregard we have lived and chosen? Do we just hit the reincarnate button at the end and do it again and again?

    1. How many people truly take responsibility for their own health, knowing that how they live, move and eat will have a direct affect on their health.

  40. Choosing to embrace the learning that our bodies constantly impart and making loving changes to support ourselves, offers us the opportunity to age joyfully and reflect to others that life does not end at a certain age when we are deemed ‘over the hill’.

  41. It feels wonderful not to be stuck in a rut or a boring routine facing our older years. We have plenty to do, deepening the way we live in harmony, appreciating every encounter with another that brings a joy in our conversations, and a great reflection to others.

    1. Yes, it comes down to living our truth and not bending ourselves all out of shape to be something we are not.

  42. I am finding the greatest thing about ageing is there is no fear of what is coming. What can happen that we have not already experienced? With myself, the list of what has not happened is shorter. We can explore and discover new things daily. We have a choice to finish this life the way it started, full of love, joy, and evolving or just waiting for the flame to extinguish.

    1. Embracing everyday for what it brings, an opportunity to learn, to love, to enrich others, always evolving and of course having fun and being joyful, ‘full of love, joy, and evolving’.

  43. The Ageless Wisdom brings us the bigger picture of ageing, there is nothing to fear because we are always learning, even through illness and passing over. So we can age joyfully, knowing we are never given more than we can cope with.

  44. There is a purity and strength in true humility that exposes how we have let ourselves be misguided by definitions. There is nothing weak or subservient about humility. I am beginning to feel the awe and wonder of its quality and this inspires me to stay open and willing to learn.

  45. In the past, I would have felt awkward about asking a consultant about his or her experience but when you start to take care of yourself you stand in this authority that allows you to speak up and ask.

    1. Having self worth and self value really support us to express in authority, yet still having humbleness.

  46. Ageing has never felt to me so beautiful, now I understand who I am, I realise my love for me can truly only grow deeper. Who can worry about age when your know the relationship you have with yourself is eternal?

  47. Taking deeper responsibility for my life was a huge gift from the ancient wisdom, that has supported me in my life, and continues as I grow older.
    I am now understanding that I have a important responsibility to share what I have learned in my life. That purpose changes the whole concept of retiring.

  48. And reading your words Gill I feel we are very blessed to have realised this before we spent any more lives going around in circles and getting nowhere. Each moment is precious and is worthy of honouring.

  49. Serge Benhayon’s work brings us back to our simple responsibility to care deeply for everything, ourselves included, commit to life and in doing so, re-connect to a steady joy that burns consistently within us. Once we unfetter ourselves from a heap of imposed ideals and beliefs about life on earth, the potential and reality to enjoy each day of our lives becomes the norm, not the exception.

    1. Unshackling ourselves from the many ideals and beliefs about life as we age allows us to stay committed to life and the joy that is constantly available when our vision is not clouded by false pictures of what life should be.

      1. I totally agree! This week I’ve clocked the background picture I’ve been trying to emulate so that I can say I’m a success, I’ve succeeded. When actually I’ve arrived, I’m here and I know exactly what success means to me – trying to fit the pictures kept me from feeling and appreciating this.

  50. What could we do with the billions that would be saved on medically fixing what we had broken from not listening to our bodies if we started to listen again?

  51. What Serge Benhayon presents is an offering to the world and some can find this confrontational, however from my experience of attending the workshops it is an offering only. Many of us have been reminded that there is a greater meaning to life and that if this can be lived on a daily basis life becomes so grand and simple and I have found this to be true from my own experience. What has been offered is so much more than I ever thought possible and yet there was a part of me that knew deep in my heart what was being presented is the truth. I have woken up to the fact that humanity has a way of twisting the truth so it becomes the lie. And the lie becomes the truth and because we chose to live in this topsy- turvey way it will take time for the truth to be exposed for all that it is. I think it was Zarathushtra who said we live in the house of lies. How true are his words?

    1. Being willing to look behind the walls of the house of lies; the facades we have created in society is the beginning of returning our topsy-turvy world to its true state. I am up for taking the steps required to be part of this.

    2. The phrase convenient ‘truths’ really come to the fore: how humanity struggles with truth. The knowing of having walked in the opposite direction from truth and the responsibilities of life in truth, I find a difficult pill to swallow. But it’s healing to admit and be humble, to return to love again whatever our past, whatever our age.

    3. Mary, what you have shared here is full of wisdom and I have to agree that our current world could aptly be named the ‘House of Lies’. To add to that I would say that many times, if not always on a deeper level, we know they are lies, yet we go along with them anyways in an effort to stay in comfort, for personal security, to not stand out, to not shine, and in general to not live in a way that is responsible for all we do, say, and think. But Serge Benhayon has shown that this way of living is not only possible, but our divine future.

      1. So true, we know on some level it is a lie and yet we protect it, we protect the lie because we are still invested in it. Knowing full well it is a lie, it is worth asking what intelligence allows that to happen…

    4. The house of lies is not only ‘an apt’ description of the way humanity lives it is in fact the reality of life.

      1. Step away from the house of lies and we become the one vilified, rather than the corruption and abuse that is now the norm.

  52. “Is the way forward for future generations to begin the process of reconnecting to the wisdom found within our body and understanding our responsibility to care for it?” Given the rise in illness and disease, most likely our only salvation will be in re-learning how to connect to our inner wisdom and take immense care of the body we live in, because the quality of the way we live plays a fundamental role in our health care.

  53. The choice to listen to our bodies is a gift at any age not just for us but for a society that is being bankrupted by the ever increasing health needs of the majority of the population who choose to ignore their bodies’ loving communication.

  54. I recall when I was in my adulthood, how I used exercise to stop me from putting on weight, and for pure vanity. And if anything, over the years it hurt my body with injuries. Now that I am much more mature, and I am now looking at exercise or opportunities to strengthen my body, so I can age gracefully as well as joyfully and remain part of life for as long as I can.

    I love this relationship I am developing with age.

    1. Thank you Shushila. For your honesty. It is very cool to expose the superficial impulses from which we make choices. Exercise for vanity being one. Dressing to compete with others is another. There is nothing more beautiful or inspiring that being around people who are at ease in their own skin, expressing themselves naturally from the inside out, without affectation

    2. Shushila, I exercise everyday low impact moves that support my body tremendously, I have found that my body loves to move gently to stay supple as I age. Interestingly as I age I understand the need for my body to stay supple so that I can stay active so many people of my age have given up and given in and feel the worst for it but have no incentive to change their ways. Having come from a place of withdrawal from life I can appreciate how vital it is to keep embracing life and all that it offers. There is a definite pattern that seeks to put us into a space of somnambulance so that we are not actively participating in life.

  55. I observed a 6 month baby and a toddler together the other day and could see how both were respectful of each other. This is the way to age joyfully, learning every step of the way.

  56. You speak of not letting energy in but observing instead. I am making baby steps with this. I’m observing how and where I do absorb energy, and feeling the physical effects – feeling drained and heavy. Then next when a situation arises, there’s a pause, space to ask, do I want to let it in, have my usual reaction to whatever it is – sympathy, anger etc? Just having the space to ask this question means I have space to see I don’t have to let it in, that there is another way and that is to observe, and see people are making choices that I don’t have to object to, control etc.

    1. Yes and I also find that the way I move, talk and think all the time, even when I am not in an immediate situation or disturbance (even when I’m on my own), makes a big difference to how steady and observant I am and how much space I have when the challenges come.

  57. Curious and true how life is enriched once we deepen connection with our inner essence and live a simple life.

  58. ‘This is an amazing opportunity to feel the empowerment of taking back the care of our body into our own hands’ something we can do at any age and is but a choice. Our choice to do so ❤️

  59. “As I age it feels increasingly important to listen to my body as it reveals the way I have taken it through life …” and all those things we thought we could get away with slowly start to reveal their true impact. What an immense gift it is to be able to address our earlier disregard by learning how to be truly attentive to all that our body communicates as we age.

    1. Spot on rowenakstewart
      ‘and all those things we thought we could get away with slowly start to reveal their true impact.’
      In our youth we think we are invincible that we can do and get away with so many things. However as we age those times when we were reckless come back to haunt us as the body has stored them as energy and then the energy is released in the form of illness and disease.

  60. At this point in my life, I can whole heartedly say that I have no fear of getting older and that I deeply appreciate the leaning I have made up to now. I know this will continue and develop in the future.

  61. We can reflect another way to embrace the ageing process that is full of joy and vitality and very different from the picture that society paints of ageing.

  62. “… calling us back to a way of life that we know in our hearts is our natural and innate way.” Returning home to what we know is true within us, coming back to a way of life we have lived before eons ago.

  63. The choice to reconnect with our soul serves at any age. For the elderly, it invites to take care of the body so that they don’t feel helpless and needless, for the young it calls for taking responsibility way before we get to a stage of not being able to look after ourselves. As this relationship strengthens, we become less needing of alcohol, drugs and substances to make us escape reality because taking these means that we are disconnecting from our soul and as this relationship strengthens, we begin to realise that there is nothing more important than it, nothing more important than knowing your origin and living with connection to that.

  64. “Serge has been such a glorious reflection of everything that is true love.” Yes his love is so bright that he will indeed go down as one of the world’s greatest teachers.

  65. ” We can become an equal partner in our own healthcare ”
    This is something that is missing in society today, as can be seen from the condition of the healthcare system in most countries.

  66. Accepting and appreciating that we are vehicles of expression is a mega paradigm shift and one huge mystery to unveil. The more we appreciate that we are impulsed by either our spirit or our soul, the more choice we have to reconnect to consistent and ageless joy within us.

  67. It’s really wonderful to read how you chose to deepen your relationship with yourself, and how this opened up the access to great wisdom which is shared for all.

    1. Exactly Karin this shows that we all have the same access to this greater wisdom, Serge Benhayon has lived life after life in touch with Universal Wisdom and he shares with the world everything he is aligned to and comes from. Serge Benhayon is obedient to the Universal laws of the Universe. It is then up to us to align to that same energy or not, we are all reminded daily of the free will that we have to align or not. We are all obedient but what energy we are obedient to by the choices we make is very evident today.

  68. Whenever I have heard, read or seen Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon present anything, it has always felt like a confirmation of things I already knew about life, but perhaps not giving myself full permission to accept or express.

  69. I explored many paths of “body awareness” before coming to Universal Medicine. It is only here though, through the workshops and courses with Serge Benhayon and other energetically qualified facilitators have I come to know the true quality and fullness of what is “body awareness” I so appreciate this reconnecting to something very deep, expansive and evolutionary.

  70. We do indeed deepen our wisdom by deepening our connection with our body and our inner most being, not from amassing information and knowledge from outside of us.

    1. This is shocking when you say it like this Alexis and I can feel the truth in what you are saying about how we lose our joy as we supposedly grow up and become more mature and more intelligent adults! How true are these models of maturity and intelligence if we have to leave our natural joy and vivaciousness behind?

    2. Yes indeed. Today I watched a grandmother, presumably with her grandson at the pool. He was super lively and full of joy. I felt joy and laughter as I heard his commentary on life. I could feel how he brightened those up around him, but also how this was a temporary affair and soon they’d go back to be serious adults doing serious stuff like surviving in the world.

      I’m learning to be joyful and not cut off from it and cut off from myself, but stay open and bring joy to whatever is next.

    3. 😶 when said like that yes it is a deeply sad state of affairs! Joy should be our natural state.

  71. You share beautifully Susan how Serge Benhayon transformed your life and experience of ageing. Many will relate to this. I know women in their sixties, seventies and eighties living full and purposeful lives, not slowing down or counting days, but on a path of continued expansion, nurturing, loving, appreciating themselves and contributing to their communities. The Way of the Livingness as presented by Serge has no limits, and the same applies to each one of us.

  72. “Is the way forward for future generations to begin the process of reconnecting to the wisdom found within our body and understanding our responsibility to care for it? ” I would say so – though this may take a while…. Offering a reflection to everyone we meet – we have no idea of the impact of this….

  73. ‘I have also come to understand that I can let this energy in or allow myself to observe and not become swept away by whatever emotion has been expressed.’ this is the true way to disarm so many issues which occur in life. Allow them space and with observation we find understanding.

  74. “… no imposition just words of wisdom that come from heaven”. Words that consistently confirm the truth and appreciate to the hilt our divine grandness, wiping away the trillions of ideals and beliefs that we have chosen to deny our power and responsibility.

  75. So true and it’s almost like there is no time but you can feel the space offered to feel and reflection that is written.

  76. Reading your blog Susan is an exquisite experience, as it brings me to the quality you live in. It’s more than the words themselves, but rather the truth of your lived experience behind them. Thank you

  77. Our elder years can be so rich if we appreciate our wisdom and life experience, and cherish the body we are inhabiting. The body may be experiencing many changes, including illness and disease, but when we understand that this may be due to the way we have treated it, we live with more acceptance, responsibility and awareness. As we build our loving relationship with ourselves, with our inner life, without judgement, there is much joy to feel and share. Each cycle of life has a purpose to be embraced fully.

  78. Susan how gracefully you have expressed what building a deeper connection to yourself feels like. Reading your blog I could feel the expansion, as you were confirming that we are so much more than what we do. As we age there is a great opportunity to let go of limiting beliefs, and to work more harmoniously with our doctors and families when we accept responsibility for our health and well-being.

  79. “… without the support that I have found in Universal Medicine I can sense that I would feel equally overwhelmed and in the same predicament.” I too have been able to respond with a great deal of genuine energy, willingness and integrity to situations that in the past would have overwhelmed me, and I know this is a direct result of applying the teachings, tools and understandings gained from attending all the Universal Medicine events. Real medicine that empowers us to face all those unexpected challenges in life with a steadfast and light-hearted presence.

  80. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” I love this, this is reminding us we have a choice in every moment, every moment is an opportunity.

  81. Through the reflection of Serge I am learning what it is to not compromise on love and how to stand for love and truth, to not be taken advantage of whilst not imposing on another. This is all something I am learning each day in a world which isn’t often based on love.

  82. ” together we can deepen our sense of living in true fellowship with ourselves, one another and with God. ”
    With the inspiration of Serge Benhayon and the way he lives and the wisdom expressed in the books he writes and the `Esoteric healing modalities this is very possible and made simple.

  83. ‘As I age it feels increasingly important to listen to my body as it reveals the way I have taken it through life; a way that was disconnected. It offers me an opportunity to take responsibility for the way I live – to honour my body and to treat it with love and care.’ As I age I have never looked after my body so well. As a younger woman I would take my body and seeming health very much for granted, now those signals of a life lived in disconnection I am noticing more and more. With each one I am much more open to looking at why they are there and adjusting accordingly.

  84. My first encounter with Serge Benhayon was at a healing workshop presented by him, and within the first hour I knew there was something different being presented to anything I had previously come across that felt completely true, even if it did challenge everything that I held true until then. He presented that there was a different Way that made sense, common sense, and since then, is one that I have walked, to the best of my ability, which constantly deepens in joy and commitment to life.

  85. “I can feel the energy when I walk into a room” A natural ability that we all have but do not claim enough, one that Serge Benhayon’s work polishes to a fine degree.

  86. ‘I truly value that at last I have begun to listen, as I daily become aware of the increase in illness and disease and the overload on our Health Services.’ this ill health in society and it’s affects are so apparent and yet we are not all talking about it – great that we begin to take notice and to listen. This allows there to be the same choice available to others to do the same.

    1. I was informed recently that a co-worker we worked with us had died of cancer and he could not understand why someone in their late 40s, that appeared to live a healthy lifestyle could be taken out so young. The age that cancer is now taking people out keeps getting younger and still do not ask why until it is to late. People are taking but no one is listening.

  87. it is amazing when we commit to deepening our connection and our re-discovery of ourselves that we get a tremendous amount of support that can come in many ways and forms.

  88. “How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society” A richness not based on material wealth but inner development, integrity, deep respect and the knowing that, regardless of creed, gender and religion, we are all one family and therefore treat one another with the utmost love.

  89. Your blog inspires me to embrace ageing. I too am deeply appreciative that I have had the support to open my eyes and see how much I can be an intricate part in my own health care and ageing.

    1. I have also joined the gang to embrace ageing and care for my ageing battered body. Our bodies have a shelf live, and we all have a use by date. We choose to shorten the expiration date. What if, we held our body and its health in the esteem it disserves, throughout our life? How long would our vessel last?

    2. Yes this turns our attitude towards ageing on its head – no longer something to be feared, dreaded, begrudgingly put up with, but actually to be looked forward to, celebrated and welcomed.

      1. As one who is ageing and because of this attitude I am increasingly aligning to, I am actually feeling open to what is ahead. I am sure most people when they get to my age, feel like they are potentially slipping over the hill with all the beliefs that this then imbues, making life feel rather tiresome. Instead I am coming to respect the ageing process more and more and I am sure there will be many lessons to come as I begin to embrace it fully.

  90. As is to be open to the wisdom that flows through us all. When I connected to Universal Medicine I was connecting to a whole library – each person I meet connects me to that wisdom and that is it’s true glory. I am no longer limited by my own tightly held perceptions.

  91. I am so delighted that life is endless because the older I get the more I love it! If I believed that there was nothing after the death of the body then I might feel quite morbid but there is more life after death and so it continues. We keep continually getting presented with opportunities, over and over and over again. Opportunities to know who we are and to deepen our connection with God.

  92. “… they [Serge Benhayon’s Books] offered a moment to stop and to feel that there was a possibility that this was true – it spoke to a knowingness deep within.” A knowingness that is inside us all but one that we have chosen to forget, but is instantly re-ignited when we meet the Truth contained within all of Serge Benhayon’s work.

  93. There is a vitality and lightness in the words written that state loud and clear the author is choosing the Ageless Wisdom, and not being limited by the restrictive attitudes of aging so prolific in society. Love it. Richness indeed.

    1. Indeed, these are not just words that sound good, they are words that resonate from truth lived. Very beautiful, very enriching.

    2. I am meeting more and more people who, in claiming their innate beauty, are literally shining in the world and my observation is that when it comes to this inner beauty, age is irrelevant.

  94. “I knew this time that I had found the truth and a connection to something more magnificent than anything that life had offered thus far.” The calling card of all that Serge Benhayon presents as we are brought home to the magnificence of the Universe we live within and the Universe that lives within us.

    1. Yes and we are never disconnected from that, it is simply that we live in a way that distracts and numbs ourselves. I love it when the calling card comes, we always have the choice to embrace where we are from, and what we are made of, or not…till the next time.

  95. Love this Susan, I can feel your absolute contentment with life. As we get older many of us in society get more anxious and feel more alone, Universal Medicine again reverses the trend.

  96. ‘We can become an equal partner in our own healthcare and bring a sense of self-love into the way we live our lives as we change the way we feel about ourselves with some simple adjustments.’ this is a message society needs to hear and understand.

    1. Soon society will be forced to hear and understand it whether we want to or not. The amount it is costing us to remain ignorant of this fact will soon be more than we can afford, if we haven’t got to that point already.

  97. “We can begin by treating our body with greater awareness, tenderness and appreciation for all it brings …” The correct tools for growing old with grace, health and joy.

  98. There was a time, not that long ago, people were made to retire at a set age. This period was thought to be a time to rest for working your whole life as a reward. Or, was it a putting out to pasture, so there was always room at the top for promotion? What if, ageing is a way to give back and share what we have lived and not hiding in what we believe is comfort behind the walls we have built to protect our stuff.

  99. We are all made from the expansive body of God, regardless of our individual ages. Whenever we categorise we reduce and diminish that expansiveness. The categories that we put people in are multiple and endless, age, sex, ethnicity, religion, employed, disabled etc. All categories are arbitrary. God doesn’t categorise because to him there is only one category, Himself.

  100. “I truly value that at last I have begun to listen, as I daily become aware of the increase in illness and disease and the overload on our Health Services.” Yes me too. I was most definitely heading for type II diabetes, a life style induced disease, when I met Universal Medicine. Today I fully appreciate the extent of my responsibility in keeping myself well, through diet, exercise and the quality of my relationships, bringing a tender love to all that is most definitely changing the trajectory of my future health from one of dire straights to one of bonny health.

  101. As I grow I want to continue building the understanding of who Michael Brown (me 😊) is and what he stands for.

  102. It is never too late to come back to the connection we all have to our body. There is no regret for the time we wasted for it was an experience to understand what was not love. We are now preparing for our return for a joyous new beginning.

  103. What a joy it is to be able to connect to a steady inner strength that just seems to get deeper the more focus is brought to it, a quality that holds us through the day come what may and brings a beautiful light heartedness to every interaction.

    1. To get to know ourselves well and be familiar with the qualities we bring does offer us a steady foundation for everything. When I wobble it is amazing to feel this as the rock that supports me.

  104. We put so much emphasis on our age. We make assumptions about people based on their age. We predict that certain things are going to happen depending on our own age. We anticipate feeling a certain way or not feeling a certain way dependant on our age. We rule certain people out because of their age. We limit relationships because of people’s ages. We cut people off and out because we deem that they are either too old or too young. We use the arbitrary number of our age to limit ours and others limitlessness. When you really think about it it’s absurd.

    1. Yes agreed! One of the first things we want to know about people is how old they are so we can put them into the context of society’s expectations and categories. We learn this from very young as kids are separated according to year group and age, and one of the first questions an adult asks a child is how old they are. I have always felt the limitations in this as it is a fairly rigid system that allows no flexibility to mix up the kids and their learning.

    2. Yes it is absurd, and being aware of the absurdity offers us back the space of awareness of the reduction that lies in pictures of life depicting who and how we ‘should’ be at any particular age.

  105. “This is an amazing opportunity to feel the empowerment of taking back the care of our body into our own hands” An empowerment that is shifting some major paradigms about aging, health and our purpose in life, the results of which we are only just coming to fully appreciate the older and more joyful we get.

  106. ‘The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive’ such a great things to bring focus to, simply keeping life simple.

  107. ‘For me they offered a moment to stop and to feel that there was a possibility that this was true – it spoke to a knowingness deep within.’ Beautiful – I have always felt that the truth resonates with us and so is known that way.

  108. I live what you share about being an equal ‘partner in our healthcare’ we so often do not empower ourselves, by understanding that we can and do have a significant impact on our state of health depending on how we treat ourselves. I am up for support and there is great support out there from GP’s and complementary health practitioners etc, however we have so much sway in the health we live with or not.

    1. And this truth is not supported in society where we hand over our power to professionals far too often (which is actually abdicating responsibility), so it is super cool to read comments like these and realise the power and responsibility that is in our hands.

  109. Appreciation for all that is on offer and available to us every moment of everyday, when we are open and willing to receive. I feel this as I read your words Susan as truth that has ‘dropped in’ speaks.

    1. I love this. Too true! All too much we don’t reconcile the process of ageing because we believe we only have one life. Knowing that we have lived many, and will live many more, supports in accepting the fact that we live in cycles. Appreciating the body I have now, no matter how old it gets, will ensure that the next body is energetically clearer with the potential for ever more lived expansion and love expressed.

  110. The simplest and yet most powerful scientific and philosophical equation: “everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy”

  111. To break the stereotyped image that we have to be miserable or lonely and immobile as we age is a great thing. Even if our bodies aren’t as strong or as mobile as they used to be, we can still live with joy and a zest for life.

    1. It’s not only the ‘miserable, lonely, immobile’ stereotype that does us in but also the ‘bingo playing, cake baking devoted granny’ stereotype. It’s a weird thing with stereotypes, images of how things are going to be and roles, it seems that they sit there up ahead and we kind of slide ourselves into them. But reading Susan’s account of ageing makes it apparent that to get to where she’s at takes a freshness, a choosing and a vibrancy. One feels like sleepwalking and the other has a definite aliveness to it, which reflects the two very different types of energy used to propel both scenarios.

      1. We have pigeonholed all the different periods of our life. Who says we have to listen to them? We may slow down a bit, only because our vessel has a shelf life, but we can still fly.

  112. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” A statement that turns a lot of our expectations and ideals on their heads, as so often our ambitions in life are about achieving material gains, not deepening the relationship we have with our bodies and the immense love and wisdom contained within them.

  113. “Ageing Joyfully” is an absolute possibility and it all begins with the choice to treat “our body with greater awareness, tenderness and appreciation for all it brings”. And, as I have found, that once this self-loving choice is made, it doesn’t take long for the body to respond in kind. When we work alongside our body in everything we do, we come to learn what the true meaning of harmony and true joy is.

  114. We are either connect to and move the beauty of love or we don’t. Its not much more complicated than that but when we choose option b we certainly generate a mountain of complexity.

  115. “… he offers a space for us all to explore life for ourselves’. In a way that no one else I have met in this life has come close to doing, Serge Benhayon holds the most graceful, wise space for us to explore and appreciate our selves and so build a genuine relationship of love with everyone in our lives and within us.

    1. Love your wise words Steve for it is the quality that we can connect to in each moment that matters and this quality is best connected to when we do not let ourselves be governed by the factor of time.

  116. I’ve never seen joy and aging go hand in hand. There’s joy with a new born, yes, but I know it used to be said of each day passing as I was growing up – I’d forgotten about this actually. I was depressed by the time I was 12. I missed love so much. Each day in the world seemed to be asking me to give up on love. Connection with love, with God, a baby so naturally communicates, but there is nothing stopping us from returning to love whatever age we are at. It’s something I feel in the elders around me, this love and wisdom that blesses us. Ageing can be synonymous with joy.

    1. A beautiful comment Karin that confirms we never have to let go of joy as we age, but if we do, it is always a constant we can return to a Love that never leaves us, just gets forgotten.

    2. Growing up I never saw a lot of evidence of joy in those who were ageing, but one exception was my father. He had a joy for life that was so infectious that one could not help but feel it too. He was the one person who had me feeling that old age wasn’t going to be the joy-less time of my life that so many made it out to be, and he was absolutely right; it is a joy.

    3. I love this comment, beautiful to feel your appreciation and observation of how we all can feel, know and live joy.

  117. ‘This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.’ Every day is a new day with the opportunity to learn and evolve at any age and every day in life.

  118. I am in joying not being over the hill but having a new perspective and appreciation of where I have been and where I am going. The past is the foundation that supports me evolving.

  119. It can be a bit of a shock when we first truly start to listen to our bodies and feel our own disregard neglect and yet if we keep it simple, make small adjustments and just allow our bodies to be, and hear what they say we open up a space to deepen and truly build a relationship with ourselves and this simple thing changes everything. It’s not always easy but it’s absolutely worth it, and having been on this journey with it’s many up and downs I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  120. Ageing provides yet another opportunity to reflect all that is possible and the truth of why we are all here. For some it is the beginning of claiming what is true and for others it is a continuum of the celebration of the love and harmonious beings we have always been.

  121. ‘I can feel energy and the impact that it has.’ To come back to this simple truth and start being aware of what I do feel and honour that, well that’s living.

    1. Well said Karin. It is this connection to feel what is truly happening in life which gives us purpose as opposed to being in the distraction of trying to escape it.

  122. Wisdom is a lived knowing, and hence can only come from one who lives it in their life without perfection but with dedication and a sense of understanding that this is The Way.

  123. Throughout our life we get offered opportunities to deepen our relationship with ourselves and with God – each one that we embrace allows us to live a new yet old wisdom on offer. And this is in essence what life is. To be able to look back and reflect on these opportunities and recognise them for what they were is an appreciation of life that is all about cycles, for the same opportunity will be offered to us once again – should we not have grasped that opportunity the first time, we will be offered it another time and hence grow and evolve. This is amazing and magical and God’s way of ensuring that we make the choices that grow us and hence feel the empowerment that comes from it.

  124. Knowing many people of my age and younger who rely on medication to maintain their body, I feel blessed to have the health and wellbeing I have as a result meeting Serge Benhayon and being introduced to The Way of The Livingness.

    1. Yes I feel the same Jonathan, and let’s also appreciate that we said and continue to say yes to what’s true, in whatever degree that may be.

      1. So true, Elaine, it is an example that the life we experience is the result of our choices.

    2. Amazing, jstewart51. Thank God The Way of The Livingness is available to everyone. So many people forget how important it is to have great health. We tend to focus on success but success is not of much support when our health has deteriorated. The way we live, with true health, is a true investment that is so worthwhile investing in.

      1. Having bodily challenges – whether that be an illness, disease, physical, disability or mental/emotional dis-harmony – is debilitating, limiting one’s capacities to live one’s full capacity and making life a constant struggle. When one experiences true health it does not mean life is without its ‘bodily challenges’. However, one understands that they are the consequences of our choices, whether of this life or past lives, and thereby opportunities to learn and evolve. Consequently there comes a whole different approach to life where the ‘challenges’ are just aspects of life that are there to be dealt with, healed by resolving the cause, which also alleviates emotional distress, and brings a natural flow to life rather than it being a struggle to overcome.

  125. There is a lovely sense of settlement and great ease in the way you write about ageing that I find very inspiring. After all wisdom is not knowledge but what is expressed from one’s every way; and your every way can be clearly felt.

  126. Working and living in an elder’s community, the ageing process is evident and in many different forms. For many it is not always experienced as joyful, especially when body or mind begins to break down, And yet others stand out because they have an inner quality and sparkle. Either way it is a privilege to accompany elders through this stage of their life cycle.

  127. “Serge has been such a glorious reflection of everything that is true love.” So true Susan. Serge Benhayon gives us another option on how to live, an option founded on truth, integrity, commitment and as such has completely transformed my entire relationship with life, restoring immense joy and purpose within myself as a consequence. What an awesome gift this reflection is.

  128. Taking back the responsibility to care for ourselves brings in a whole new attitude to how we treat and respect those healthcare professionals who work so hard on our behalf.

    1. I was in a department store today buying some new makeup. The makeup artist was floored when she found out how old I was and she asked me what the secret was. This opened up the conversation to share how I live. Because this is so normal to me I forget sometimes that what I live is inspiring to others but to share this is a real joy.

    2. So true Leigh for the earlier we start with the joy factor, the more it can build and be there to sustain us at any age.

    3. That is so true Leigh and children do this very well and it seems that most adults need to re-learn how to live in joy.

  129. When we view ageing as a process in which we are advancing forwards towards an end point, it is completely different to seeing ageing as an opportunity to continually keep stepping back towards the beginning.

    1. I love this, it’s so pure. It’s such a sadness to live thinking the end point is death, or in terms of peaking and from then being in decline. How depressing is that way of living? No wonder people want to check out as they get older!

  130. Our bodies know Truth, even when our heads are attempting to convince us of something else, when we meet the Truth it stirs something very ancient and wise within us, we feel like a lost friend coming home again.

  131. Ageing is our great leveller, we may fight it but it comes to us all. Embracing the cycles we live within, and honouring the rhythm of each cycle, offers a less combative but no less purpose-full life.

  132. “…. as we begin to change we meet others along the way and together we can deepen our sense of living in true fellowship with ourselves, one another and with God.” This is so true and I now I feel a member of a true and loving family.

  133. Love this Ariana – it not just older people but those who are younger and desperate to hold onto the youth. Ageing is life long and if we have a greater understanding of all aspects of the process we can appreciate what is truly on offer at every stage.

  134. Susan, caring for and treating our bodies with care and tenderness is simple and enjoyable and makes a huge difference to our health and well-being.

  135. ‘Today I am feeling great humility for all that I have been offered in this lifetime.’ This is really beautiful to realise and to appreciate.

  136. “I was offered a new perspective on the meaning of life and I knew this time that I had found the truth and a connection to something more magnificent than anything that life had offered thus far.” The core diamond of all Serge Benhayon’s work, a gift that re-introduces us to the magnificence of who we and the depth of integrity within us with which to gracefully live this magnificence throughout every strand of our daily lives.

  137. Rediscovering the fact that all of life can be understood through reading and discerning what is happening energetically was a game changer for me and is one thing I am still exploring every day. If we all just understood this simple fact of life then the world would be very different.

  138. ‘no longer are we the passive recipients.’ In this phrase, if we were to ponder on its deep significance, we would feel and see our horizons open up in self empowerment, enrichment and the liberation you mention Gill.

    1. So eloquently expressed Gill and as you say Michelle a door to self-empowerment. Realising that ‘most illness and disease is from our way of living’, not being daunted by this but instead understanding that it is the key to real change and healing is empowering.

      1. I can’t quite pin point the moment that this realisation was deeply felt and accepted by myself, I think it was more of a gradual awareness and then a commitment to looking at each hurt or issue that came up for me and getting really honest about them and the part I played in creating them. Over time as I felt more vital and had a measure in my body for when I did contract or make some unloving choices and how horrible it made me feel, then I was able to temper my choices until the scales were tipped in favour of a solid foundation of living and expressing. That self empowerment can take some time to master and I feel that I am still developing and deepening in this area but it is certainly liberating to get out of victim mode and into self responsibility mode.

    2. Yes, I agree Michelle that moving ‘out of victim mode and into self responsibility mode’ is not something that occurs overnight and requires persistence, consistency and complete honesty. The journey, though difficult at times, is so well worth it and is definitely liberating.

  139. Very true Doug, we have become resigned to not knowing that we are ultimately responsible for our own health, and have healthcare there to support us to not take responsibility.

  140. “I truly value that at last I have begun to listen, as I daily become aware of the increase in illness and disease and the overload on our Health Services.” Me too Susan. Had I not paid attention I too would be one of those people heavily dependent on a health system that is being pushed to breaking point. With immense thanks to Serge Benhayon I have transformed the quality of my health with resounding results, now feeling fitter and healthier than ever before and in the process healing at least three conditions that would have needed medical attention by now.

  141. Serge Benhayon is an inspiring, true role model of what is possible for us all -to be living from joy, stillness, harmony and love consistently, whatever life throws at us. The Ancient Wisdom Teachings resonate deeply within my body – something already known by every person on this planet and forgotten temporarily.

  142. I often take for granted being offered the ‘connection to something more magnificent than anything life had offered so far.’ This allows me to dull this connection and seek thrills (usually in the form of drama like fearing security on some way like financial worry) instead. Without appreciation I don’t think to honour this connection and lose it in favour of what society purports to be desirable, but isn’t in truth or reality. Time to really start appreciating this connection.

  143. “The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive.” And in this way of living demonstrates the immensity of what can be achieved when we embody this simplicity, the depth of quality of family life, work and community engagement is awe inspiring.

    1. Yes, I had not witnessed how much could be done and shared without drive and yet here we have a lived example and all the tools to do it with.

  144. Having had my fair share of illness and pain in this lifetime, I’m now reaping the benefits of having made the effort to connect back to myself and have a new view on what it means to age. None of this would be possible without having attended courses run by Universal Medicine.

    1. My gosh – ageing now at 48 so gracefully precisely because I have committed to reconnecting back to myself has been utterly profound! Had I not ever come across Universal Medicine the pictures about ageing that I had taken on would be well and truly showing in my face and body and probably how I feel about life as well. Ageing to me now is a gorgeous process of accepting and living more empowered and surrendered.. and more beautiful too.

      1. Beautifully expressed Andrew. Reconciling the ageing process can be a hard one I feel if we lack awareness of our being, given the beliefs and pictures we hold on to about youth. Understanding and developing a deeper relationship with that being transcends any limited ideals we may have about the body, but at the same time invites a level of care and nurture for it that would otherwise be missing.

      2. If I am honest there are still tendrils of tension around ageing or negative thoughts that would like to come in, so I have by no means mastered this process, but in feeling my essence more and in deepening more I don’t grab on to those thoughts or critique my body. The more I have focussed on appreciating my essence the more natural my acceptance of my body is.

  145. Of course how we age is an accumulation of how we have lived and all of our choices including our relationship with ourself. When we connect with our innate essence this is what shines through no matter how old we are. This is the magic and this is the Joy.

  146. There is motion and emotion everywhere; it is my responsibility and my purpose in union with the universe to keep building a quality of love within my body that withstands the constant bombardment of ill-energy and imposition so as to not react but hold myself steady.

    1. In this world you have described as a war that rages around us, a wise man has suggested we can choose to step out of this madness, by simply, observing and not absorbing.

  147. So true Ariana, and the ageing process begins from the moment we are conceived and I originally thought it starts at 40 years of age.

  148. Susan reading this line ‘How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society – one that is rich in the way that we live with greater harmony and joy’, highlighted for me just how watered down and dreary we’ve made life, even the so called ‘good bits’ are decidedly drab compared to what they could be.

  149. Each moment as an opportunity to deepen the connection to the body is such a wonderful reminder. We are here to deepen and it’s constant. I’ve lived thinking oh yes, I’ll connect if I need to, and that being aware and connected is hard work. It’s actually hard work staying disconnected to my body. It’s also poisoning because what is running the show if I’m not at the helm? The only reason I don’t want to be connected is because I don’t want to ‘come to’ and feel the debris and yuckiness of whatever has been at the helm has left, it has no respect or care for me. So staying connected is necessary to keep the gatecrashers out.

    1. Absolutely. I see most representations of aging aim at trying to keep younger looking – especially for women. The fitness promoted, I don’t see as an honouring of where your body is at, but a desperate attempt to reverse time without a consideration for the beauty and wisdom aging can bring. I used to fear aging but, after reading this and other inspiring role models I no longer do.

  150. The space to explore life for ourselves is really something. I may have clammered for solutions to my problems but now I’m feeling how my connection with me brings me wisdom and how I got to feel and know it for myself. I can be inspired by another but without living it for myself whatever I’m saying or doing is intellectually driven and not felt. Starting to honour my own knowing is very beautiful, it means I can say things that can be felt by another and bring something unique, not as a matter of difference but as another part of the beautiful whole that we are. I’m appreciating all the wonderful reflections we each bring, how competition and comparison is just daft, and how we each need to come to ourselves, which space opens us up to.

  151. Such an important thing to be shared Susan. We all need to be more aware how life is as we continue to age and something that is of the utmost importance to value more deeply as a society.

  152. When I see how stuck many people are from all sorts of life and ages, I realize that there is certainly something wrong in the way we have learnt to exist. Now more than ever we have access to a myriad of distractions and quick fix solutions such a different meditations, self-help books and many different kinds of exercises called ‘Yoga’, however nothing seems to be resolved. What here is shared about accepting our part in building a richer society makes complete sense. It feels very practical and accessible, we can start from the little, step by step, exploring how amazing life actually can be when we connect our body from within. This feels to me a new opportunity for all of us, to start again to live the change we want to see.

  153. “For me they offered a moment to stop and to feel that there was a possibility that this was true – it spoke to a knowingness deep within.” Here, here Susan. I too find Serge Benhayon’s teachings and presentations speak to a deep knowingness inside me, one that has been waiting for a long time to be connected with and honoured once more and one that innately resonates with the truth of all that is presented.

  154. This is such a huge and interesting topic, Doug. Our abdication of responsibility for our own health is starkly evident in the current state of our health care system. I wonder how much further into survival and crisis we will go before we get honest, step up and accept the part we have played in our conditions.

  155. What is it like to have lived a life of doing and then the body says; I have had enough, I am spent! They feel their life is over and being stripped of the motion they have existed on. It is never too late to slow down and reassess how we are living, and it all starts with caring for ourselves.

  156. Beautiful; ‘We can begin by treating our body with greater awareness, tenderness and appreciation for all it brings.’

  157. I love this, it’s so simple and beautiful; ‘The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive.’

  158. We do not appreciate the sense of taking care of ourselves and how empowering it is to do so…we see chore and bore…I see freedom….it is something I continue to refine and embody..but I sense the freedom and empowerment in it and I have no doubt that this is our and my way forward in life.

    1. It is interesting to me why we would see something so fundamental and lovely as taking care of ourselves as a bore and a chore. It begs the question about what is driving us and why we allow it to drive us when we absolutely know differently.

      1. I would say it is something about Self-Love…do we consider ourselves worthy of care, of liking ourselves, of loving ourselves…when we do not want to face the fact that we have sunk so low in to self-loathing, calling it a bore, enables us to fail before we start…that way we do not need to look at the fact that Love is not as it could be in our lives, it could be in all that we live.

      2. For sure, it is a game we play well. As a teacher I see many kids give up before they begin; that way they don’t have to deal with feeling like failures if they get it wrong, but more than that, without any vestige of self worth they do not have to the tools to rise above or work through their blocks, falsely believing they are what they can, or in many cases, can’t do with ease.

    2. Absolutely wonderful to read this. When we care for ourselves there’s an openness to life that anything other than this smashes. If I consider the treats in life – cake, chocolate, alcohol, staying up late – they have all left me feeling less at the end of them. Caring for oneself is what enriches life.

      1. Yes, stimulation or condolence of our hurts for a while in seeking treats but long term they leave us flat…something I still explore…I am still tempted with this or that reward and this is where the lovely foundation of self-care really pays dividends, because if you know you can feel well, you not only turn to it and choose it more regularly, through the consistency of putting it in place, you can move with ease have another go, when we do trip and fall.

      2. I am not sure I will ever nail completely the seeking of treats or rewards, in whatever form they come but the key, as you suggest Samantha, is in the foundation of self care that is built. With this in place it is much easier to deal with the slip ups and remain open to the self nurture that has become the norm rather than the occasional.

  159. A recent spate of ill-health and inability to move without pain made me appreciate the health I’ve been blessed with for most of my life. How easy it is to take for granted the body we inhabit. To be graced with vitality, energy and resources to participate fully in life as I’ve had for the past fifteen years is God-given, and even more reason to tenderly care for this most holy of vessels, whatever age we are.

  160. “He offers a space for us all to explore life for ourselves –” Yes this is how it is and more as Serge a constant source of love and inspiration mirrors what is possible for ourselves. There is no us and them, only us and each one of us has the potential to be more than most currently live.

  161. In our society, we have created a perception of what it means to age and no one’s feeling joyful about it. In the media, the only time you see the elderly looking vital, alive and youthful is when the marketing people want to sell insurance to the elderly or a holiday.

    1. Susan your words bring light in the middle of the chaos we live in. You make me see that no matter how long we have been wrong its never too late for change. Thank you

  162. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” Connecting and listening to the body is the way forward for humanity without this we will continue to spend our life being proficient in functioning mode and having relationships and friendships that are comfortable arrangements that never ask us to question life or how we are really living.

  163. “These books contained a wisdom that was undeniable and wherein lay the answers to the constant questioning throughout my life” A quality I have found true in all aspects of Serge Benhayon’s work, answers to long held questions that the whole of my body and being knows are true.

  164. I love the wisdom which on the one hand has an incredible simplicity to it, and yet plumbs to depths that I have thus far yet to fathom. That is what you get with Serge and Universal Medicine, and the love just keeps going.

  165. “everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy” Appreciating and understanding this simple statement brings answers to the many complex questions that have baffled humanity for centuries.

  166. Ageing and Joy. We rarely seem to put those two words together but you show this is how it can naturally be.

  167. True joy is a very rare commodity in the world today. Everyone seems focused on achieving its far inferior counterfeit version, happiness. Joy comes from within the body, happiness comes as a result of things that exist outside of the body. Joy is an expansion, happiness is a contraction. Joy has no flipside, the flipside of happiness is sadness. Joy is a component of God, happiness has no place in the body of God.

  168. We have over 7 billion people in the world and a majority of us are choosing to live disconnected from our body, and to the fact that we are all intrinsically connected and are one. This disconnection is affecting humanity in more ways than we currently realise. If everyone started taking responsibility for our own health, listen to our body, care and love it to the max, be willing to connect to each other, I am sure we would have a very different rate of illness and disease, abuse, war and corruption.

  169. Serge Benhayon has presented the world with so much wisdom over the last 19 years, and for me it is the “simplicity of the way he lives life” which has really inspired me. He has offered me a reflection of how life can truly be lived in the most exquisite simplicity, in stark contrast to the life of complication I often struggled to survive in. And from this has come the realisation that it is my choices which create the complication, therefore by changing my choices I can bring the simplicity that Serge lives with, into my life too.

  170. Living life with an awareness and appreciation of the value of our choices and expression is immensely empowering. It brings a natural depth of joy, settlement and responsibility, which increasingly seems to be lacking throughout society.

  171. ‘I truly value that at last I have begun to listen,..’ I can echo this Susan. Since I have begun to listen, my relationship with myself has changed out of all recognition and as a consequence my relationships with every one else have changed too.

    1. It’s amazing how something so simple can be so life changing Michelle – everything and everyone is worthy of the same attention including ourselves and how we choose to live.

      1. We make life so complicated, don’t we? When we are children everything feels so simple and as adults we dismiss this perspective as naive, but what if it is not naive but true and that we could look to our children as evidence of this simpler way?

  172. So awesome to read about ageing joyfully Susan – definitely not the norm these days.

  173. “… there is an allowing and a space for us to ponder on these words and what they are offering.” An immense space gracefully laid before us that allows us to trial, experiment with and observe the consequences of Serge Benhayon’s teachings and presentations in our own lives and so far, everything presented has proven its worth beyond all expectation.

    1. That feels very confirming Rowena – grace so naturally flows forth when space is allowed to be – and that is precisely what I feel when I am in the presence of Serge – a grace and beauty that is beyond comparison – it simply is.

  174. “…. to deepen my relationship with myself”. What a difference there is between this and ‘searching for one’s Soul’, even though the believed intention is the same.

  175. Living day by day and moment by moment makes each moment an opportunity to learn and grow and truly evolve. We can look back and reflect on all the choices we have made and even the so called ‘bad ones’ have their purpose so long as we can learn from them so as not to repeat them again. Life is a school like no other, and it is about where we want to take it, for the choice always lies in our hands and hearts.

    1. ‘Life is a school like no other…’ Amen to that, Henrietta! There is no greater teacher than the experience of life itself; it’s just a question if we are willing to learn from it or not.

      1. “There is no greater teacher than life itself…” A pure droplet of wisdom Rachel. We often forget that we are students of life and the true classroom is our everyday.

    2. Beautiful to know we learn from every choice and the ones that hurt the most offer profound insights, if we are prepared to truly understand what happened and why.

    3. So much of life teaches us to want more, Serge teaches us to be more of who we already and truly are. Why look outside of ourselves when all is divinely provided.

  176. Susan, I love your blog and I also really love your mini bio that you wrote at the end: “Retired and enjoying a life that continues to be purposeful and engaging” – you are a testament to the fact that retirement does not mean retreating from the world, it is about being here to offer back much of the wisdom gained through life being lived, to support others as needed.

    1. It seems that the majority of humanity look forward to a time when they can retire, and when this happens they also retreat from life taking all their wisdom and life experiences with them, leaving the world a poorer place. For me, there is no such thing as retirement, as in the current understanding of what that means, but like Susan I choose to live a life that is ‘purposeful and engaging’ as I know I have so much to share with the world and will continue to do so until my last breath.

    2. Thank you Henrietta – and I am beginning to appreciate how simply this can be lived – in every small interaction there is a possibility for us to deepen our connection to humanity. No more doing ‘good’ simply being…….

  177. ‘The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive.’ I love how clearly you’ve pointed out what is so evident in how Serge Benhayon lives life. It’s beautiful to feel this way and know I too can choose this rather than the complication I choose instead that feels so disempowering, dishonouring and messy.

  178. I was thinking about this today – if I hadn’t come across Universal Medicine I would still probably be at the gym pushing myself every day for the chocolate bar I ate without getting to the root of why I ate the chocolate bar in the first place. The teachings of Serge Benhayon bring such a depth of understanding to whatever is occurring, that the harshness towards ourselves we are so used to eventually drops, eventually we start to become more aware of our choices and therefore bring an understanding to ourselves, which without this awareness would not be possible. The lessons from this wise man and his family are endless, thank god for every single one of them.

    1. Well said Viktoria, appreciation for all that has been offered by This family is hard to describe in full but we are able to live it if we are fully inspired by all that is shown.

      1. And that is how we show gratitude for the magical ways in which our lives have been touched. Because through living a life where imposition onto others is not even a question, where integrity is first and foremost, we inspire others to live that way, who will inspire others and so the domino effect begins. Only people aren’t knocking each other down, but lifting up 🙂

    2. Yes I agree Viktoria – the Benhayon reflect to us that every moment and every detail of how we live is to be discerned and felt. The depth of love that Serge holds us in is boundless and magnificent and truly inspirational – a man of great humility and grace.

      1. There is so much that can be said about Serge Benhayon. I really don’t think I have the words to describe the way he conducts himself, the focus he brings to his work and the dedication he has for his clients. It is remarkable to witness and learn from.

  179. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” And one of the most fulfilling ways of living to date, one which brings us back into connection to beautiful warmth and wisdom within us that keeps on enriching everyday of our lives.

    1. We talk about the fact that materialistic things cant buy us happiness, but we have not spoken much about the fact that recognition can’t get us contentment either.

  180. The support of Universal Medicine and all of its practitioners is deeply appreciated by many who know just what a difference it makes to life.

      1. And yet for so many lifetimes we have chosen to live otherwise – in total contradiction to the wisdom that is holding us.

    1. Yes, Michael, I so agree – we are so blessed by the abundance of love that is showered on us daily when we open our hearts without reservation.

  181. So many of us view age as a lineal scale. The slider moves from left to right and after it hits about the 28 yr old mark, for many people that’s when life gets mundane and continues in this self imposed drudgery until we eventually die.This is not how life is unless we choose it to be this way, we can choose our way out of this facade at any time. Not in one swell movement but incrementally over time.

    1. 28! 😶 gosh it seems to get lower every year. We are the ones that make age lineal with the sliding up and down scale but this is not the truth. Especially if we consider a baby who has been born that may have lived thousands of lives before, and so although they may be born or just turned 1 they are in fact ageless, just as the ageless wisdom itself.

      1. We are all the agelessness of life itself and yet we have constructed a whole charade around being human, being born and dying. Our entire world revolves around the chararde as opposed to being impulsed by the truth. We invest and re-invest in the lie because if we didn’t then the whole lot would come tumbling down and we would know in an instant that we have been the architects of our own demise all along.

      2. The investment we have made in living life what it is not is so huge that we avoid it at every turn. Why do we treat our body with so little respect and love?

  182. “We can become an equal partner in our own healthcare and bring a sense of self-love into the way we live our lives as we change the way we feel about ourselves with some simple adjustments.” It’s very simple and very self-empowering to be body aware, and to honour the communications from our body so we can live in a way that is deeply caring ourselves.

    1. And the simplicity of this single act dwarfs all the complications we may have brought in to live in a way that is contrary to God and the Universe.

  183. “The simplicity of the way he lives life takes away all the need to be anything other than being oneself without trying or any drive” – and if we can go round the cycle like that, with no need to be anything other than being ourselves, there’s only deepening joy to be had as we go round and we get to be and move in being more of ourselves.

    1. The wisdom that Serge lives is a reflection of what we can live too – and simplicity feels like the key. This man has blessed so many lives and will live on into the future.

  184. True wisdom lies within each of us and as we reach our elder years, this deepens so long as we keep our inner connection strong and care for our bodies with tenderness.

  185. ‘How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society” It is as you say Susan, we can continue to contribute to life richly at every stage of life, age is never a barrier.

  186. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” By living this way one not only deepens and expands one’s connection to one’s body, so too does one’s awareness and connection to life and the Universe. In doing so one’s problems and issues in life are no longer so daunting or overwhelming.

  187. “This way of living is a daily if not moment-by-moment opportunity to deepen and expand my connection to my body.” It is like constantly taking the best ever medication.

      1. And by doing so we are then a reflection for others, showing them a different way to the one commonly pursued by humanity at present.

  188. Serge Benhayon simply shows that life can be lived in another way, a way that is joyful, loving and wise. Knowing that this is possible and not just a pipe dream, he has inspired me to make changes in my own life so that I can build the qualities Serge so naturally lives.

    1. Its a way that is natural, but has been forgotten as we grow up, taking on different layers that stop us from just being ourselves. As we shed those layers we are reintroduced to that sparkly inner essence within that has just been waiting for an opportunity to come back out!

      1. Just like a diamond spattered with mud… glimpses of the sparkly inner essence can be seen through the speckles, but give it a good clean up and the sparkly essence can be seen in full! Shedding those layers can be a great process, especially when you know what lies underneath.

      2. Yes, Simon – it’s so true that the sparkle and shine has often laid dormant for even many lifetimes – we are not encouraged to shine in the world and as children this has often been crushed out of us when we are told not to ‘show off’. It disturbs the status quo.

      3. Yes, and this essence is indestructible no matter what is ‘thrown’ at it. It is always has been there, always will be and Serge Benhayon has shown us how to ‘polish’ it and it is now for us to show that way in our own way to others through our reflection.

  189. Changing the way I feel about myself by making self-loving movements not only supports me but it can support those around me. It can lift others to appreciate and feel their self-worth too.

    1. Yes, I am constantly inspired by those who move with grace and I realise more and more what an impact I too have on those around me when I am also moving from that true inner impulse.

      1. It feels beautiful Elaine to feel how grace is a quality that allows us to drop into our innate way of being and the true essence vibrates it’s natural pulse.

      1. Yes it is amazing and the more aware I am becoming in seeing how my every movement affects another, the greater awareness I have in realising my responsibility not just to myself but to the all equally so.

  190. Every stage of life has something significant to offer and getting older is no different but if we view it as a burden then we are missing out on so much.

    1. As you say Julie ‘Every stage of life has something significant to offer’ and we can not only enrich our own lives we can by way of reflection and treating each moment as precious inspire others.

  191. I am enjoying my life now more than at any other time in my life, and I know this would not be the case if I had not met Serge Benhayon and listened to the Ageless Wisdom presentations. I have shed so many layers of protection that felt like a straight jacket and put barriers between me, and the simplicity of being able to enjoy life.

  192. “As I took my evening walk I felt full to overflowing for all the wisdom I have been able to access” and this waterfall of wisdom does not discriminate at all, it is there to pour through us all equally. The ‘us’s’ that we perceive ourselves to be will gradually fade and what we will be left with is divine portals through which The Ageless Wisdom will pour.

    1. ‘divine portals through which The Ageless Wisdom will pour.’ – inspiring words Alexis I can feel how they simply flowed through you on to the page.

  193. It’s amazing how life begins to unfold when we are open to what is offered in truth, such as in the books written by Serge Benhayon.

    1. I agree Michael – the books written by Serge are a constant companion and I can feel them reconfigure my body as I let go and surrender.

  194. Before I was introduced to the Ageless Wisdom, I used to dread the ageing process because of what I witnessed around me, a lot of elderly people getting very sick, lacking in joy, not being appreciated or deeply cared for. Now, I am meeting and seeing amazing role models like Susan, men and women who are living the Ageless Wisdom ageing with joy, vitality and purpose I have not seen anywhere else. This is truly amazing and our world can definitely benefit and learn from people who are living with joy in various stages of life.

    1. True, Chanly. I hadn’t seen people ageing with joy, vitality and full of purpose until I came across the Ageless Wisdom. This is truly amazing considering how we are living in the world today.

    2. Ah, Chan, what a gorgeous sharing! And spot on – for we do see so many elderly having given up on life that it can make us associate aging with many negative things, however as you have shared, it does not have to be this way as we are seeing more and more elderly who have claimed themselves and loving living till their last breath.

      1. Ageing can be so inspiring when we feel the full depth of what it can bring – a time in our lives when we can offer a beholding to those we meet – and the space to be themselves and allow the wisdom to surface.

  195. Appreciation of life for who we are as a Soul-full being and thus being Soul-fully connected will develop a body of Love that will take us to passing-over in the most Loving way without any of the fear or regrets associated with death. So to appreciate a Soul-full life as appreciation becomes the fuel for us to live in the forever deepening way that contributes through every incarnation.

  196. This is a wonderfully inspiring read Susan … to offer a way that is different from the current mainstream, to age with love, joy and wisdom is so very inspirational for us all.

  197. I love this Susan, to age joyfully without fear but instead with a knowing that we are being called back to a way of life that we know in our hearts is our natural and innate way. That’s true ageing, and we actually feel younger with this way of living.

    1. Steadily embracing the wisdom that is dropping into us continually turns our life around – we let go of the endless circles and see the beauty of the cycles that offer us a marker and a time to consider and understand life in all it’s glory.

  198. ‘Everything is energy, therefore everything is BECAUSE of energy’ Serge Benhayon. It is great for me to read this right now and have the reminder particularly at a time where I am reflecting how much it is needed for us to read energy the whole time.

  199. What a beautiful reminder of the joy of life and each moment it brings when we commit to living it!

  200. If it wasn’t for the wisdom of life shared by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would definitely not be ageing as joyfully as I am. In fact, the opposite would be the case. In my 70th year I am feeling more alive and vital than I have ever done and loving life to the max. Yes, the body creaks and groans a little more each year, but now I know how to care for it deeply, using a combination of Esoteric Medicine and Western Medicine when healing is called for. So thank you Susan for sharing more of the truth about ageing.

    1. I am not far behind you Ingrid, and I am fully in-joying getting older. The creaks and groans are just reminders of past ill choices but without any regrets. Without meeting Serge Benhayon 12 years ago, would I still be here today? I was the lemming running full pelt to the cliff.

  201. Rather than withdrawing from life, confining one’s self to now be a burden on others it was beautiful to read “How much richer our lives can be if we each accept our part in building a richer society”. Retired or not it doesn’t matter we still bring a quality whatever we are doing.

    1. As we enjoin society and become connected, life has a quality of ease and grace that can be our first step to fully engaging with life whatever our age.

  202. “As I age it feels increasingly important to listen to my body as it reveals the way I have taken it through life” Thank you Susan for confirming all the wisdom, love and truth that is offered to us through Universal Medicine, a very inspirational account of how we can continue to age joyfully. I love how you have encapsulated the fundamental key in our private health care and in our guaranteed passage into our elder years, proving that we are not victim to life, but a key player within it. The teachings, presentations and lived example of Serge Benhayon consistently provides us with a very reliable handbook that when put into practice in our own lives responds to all those long asked questions with very real and tangible answers.

    1. This is so true Rowena … ‘we are not victims of life’ – we are the ones who have made the choices that result in our current situation, and in that we can also choose in the next moment something different – something more loving, joyful, harmonious and wise … it is totally up to us.

      1. When we are willing to see life in a different way and one that makes absolute sense everything falls into place and we begin the process of appreciating ourselves and the lives we have lived in quite a new and refreshing way.

  203. “This is an amazing opportunity to feel the empowerment of taking back the care of our body into our own hands;” At a time when there is so much blame and avoidance of personal responsibility, it feels great to know that simply by making new and different choices we can make a difference to the way we live – and grow older.

    1. The care of our body is our responsibility, at any age, but this is something so many in our society definitely don’t accept and then expect someone else to fix them when they ‘break down’, so they can get back to living exactly how they were before. How wonderful it feels to make the choice to accept that responsibility and to know that the care of our body is ours, but if we do need medical support it is never far away.

      1. As we become willing to connect to support that is empowering we are then able to engage with the endless opportunities that are ours for the accepting.

      2. Yes Susan, it is the “endless opportunities” which make the difference between a life just lived and a life full to the brim of the most amazing things, both big and small; in fact, we will be blown away as to what is possible when we live in connection with ourselves.

    2. And what I am finding at the moment there are no barriers to the depths we can take our livingness – the deeper we go the more wondrous the exploration.

  204. “I knew this time that I had found the truth and a connection to something more magnificent than anything that life had offered thus far. ” Beautiful Susan. I felt this too – deep in my body, and haven’t looked back. The Benhayon family offer us a reflection of how true family life can be lived – without perfection.

    1. Connecting to our body deeply is the beginning of an unfolding where we connect to our essence – an essence that is us in our untarnished beauty and joy.

  205. Living joyfully and ageing joyfully is a reality that can be lived when we shift our inner focus. This might sound all new age, but the approach is not and far from it; practical and down to earth changes can be made to our lives that result in phenomenal shifts.

    1. Yes, it’s completely practical and liveable. I love this ‘shift’ because that’s all it takes, a shift in our inner focus.

    2. And as we accept these shifts gracefully we understand that there is nothing new – that we are in fact returning to a way of livingness that is ancient.

  206. I have not met anyone who takes responsibility for their life in the way Serge Benhayon does. The reflection of responsibility lived has been and is life-changing and inspirational supporting me to take responsibility for my life and the way in which I live.

  207. “Over time I have explored this truth [that everything is energy, and everything is because of energy] and it makes more and more sense”. I, too, have found this and with this understanding I increasingly live in truth, which has resulted in my life becoming increasingly more simple and harmonious though no less active and full, in fact the opposite.

  208. Beautiful Susan, thanks for sharing your experience of ageing joyfully – this is very inspiring to read. What an amazing role model you are.

    1. Our world needs more amazing role models like Susan, who is showing us how to live with joy as we age. She is setting the new normal for our younger generations to appreciate and see how ageing is not something to dread but a journey to embrace with absolute joy and grace.

  209. The current model of ageing doesn’t exactly fill us up with joy but what Susan is sharing with us is that there is another way to live which embraces getting old without the drudgery.

    1. Up until ten years ago I made life a struggle and a ‘drudgery’ – it was an old pattern that had long ago passed it’s sell by date. The moment we choose to change there is a shift and opportunities drop into our lives and all we need to do is say ‘yes’.

  210. “Is the way forward for future generations to begin the process of reconnecting to the wisdom found within our body and understanding our responsibility to care for it?” YES. And with self-love and care for oneself this brings an equal love and care for others.

  211. The great thing is we can choose to listen to what our bodies have never stopped telling us, no matter how long it has been, that we have stopped listening.

  212. Susan I only want to age joyfully as to not do it means for me that life would be over. When I meet an older person often they are either very ill body wise or mentally ill. I definitely made a commitment in myself to age differently as I really like to age with joy. So thank you for sharing your experience with getting older as this is a wonderful example that there is this other way to chose already lived.

      1. How inviting you words feel, Susan! Why wouldn’t we choose joy and embrace purpose – not just in ageing but in all aspects of life – when doing so allows the magic of God to naturally drop in?

      2. So true Susan … joy absolutely brings the magic of God – and true purpose is totally inspirational.

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