Living the Antidote to Fear

For as long as I can remember I’ve been fearful.

As a child I feared anyone wielding authority and the dark of the night. As a teen I feared rejection and as an adult I’ve feared many things such as being a passenger in the car, flying, losing money, the dire consequences of global warming and conspiracy theories … Continue reading “Living the Antidote to Fear”

True Family

I recently got to feel what true family is. I was struggling to understand how I could bring all of me to my work, how I could remain steady and express what I truly felt, as well as bring my lightness and playfulness consistently.

During a class that I attend regularly, the facilitator suggested that I speak to an elder who also participates in the class. He is part of my community and she suggested that I contact him to explain my concerns to him and give him the opportunity to share his wisdom with me. His daughter, who was also in the class, revealed that he already had six ‘daughters’, two of whom were blood related while the other four received his support as if they were his daughters. Continue reading “True Family”