Commitment to the Energetic Quality of My Movements

After a recent Esoteric Yoga session, we spoke about the beauty of the ‘commitment’ that the practitioner had felt in my body.

This is something that I had never appreciated myself nor accepted before as there has always been this ‘lack of self-worth’ going on, almost a determination to remain lesser in ‘abusive self-thought’. This has been so entrenched and fed to me throughout my life that it has become a belief that has then perpetuated and kept this energy in circulation. So, in effect it had until that moment entrapped me in an imprisoning way that ‘I’ myself had created – a feeling of lack of commitment coming from “What’s the use?” and therefore manifesting as a sick kind of indulgence that then plays out as ‘the lack of Commitment to Life’. Continue reading “Commitment to the Energetic Quality of My Movements”

Walk, Walked, Walking


I am a young toddler learning to walk and taking my first steps. The divine joy I feel in my body cannot be contained as I explore what it feels like to move my body in such a way that my legs are holding me up and as I move them -I move. Having spent the past twelve or so months adjusting to being in this amazing body of mine I am now ready to move into the world around me. Continue reading “Walk, Walked, Walking”

Intelligence, Evidence-Based Medicine and Research, John Dwyer and How my Life has Changed with Universal Medicine

Today’s world places intelligence in the hands of degrees and qualifications. Those that have degrees and qualifications are seen as being intelligent, and the unspoken implication is that if you do not have a degree or qualification then you are not deemed as intelligent, or perhaps even seen as being simple. This type of intelligence is based upon knowledge sourced from the outside and accumulated via degrees and qualifications, deemed through grades and calculations of your IQ etc. In this world, a person with a university qualification, or several qualifications, or having achieved in the higher echelons of degrees such as PhDs or post docs, is regarded in ‘higher esteem’ and seen as being ‘highly’ intelligent. Continue reading “Intelligence, Evidence-Based Medicine and Research, John Dwyer and How my Life has Changed with Universal Medicine”

Landing My Dream Job

For over 20 years I have wanted to be a training officer and until recently I thought it was going to remain just a dream. However, through learning about true self-care and self-love I have gone from being ‘down and out,’ on the dole, to landing my dream job in just over 3 years.

I come from a family whose members are all claiming disability benefits. They continually argue with their partners and think that is love. I have always known this wasn’t love but didn’t have anything else to compare it with. So I chose to withdraw from life, suffered with psychosis and depression and spent many years claiming Incapacity Benefit. Continue reading “Landing My Dream Job”

Walking your Walk

Us humans take a lot for granted. We know that, because when something is taken away we mourn it and regret the fact that we didn’t treasure it more, be it a loved one, material possessions, money or our job.

So what about the body? Continue reading “Walking your Walk”

The Beholding Love of Symbolism

In a world of energy, anything is possible, and one of the magical aspects of life that I just adore and inspires me no end is the language of symbolism – the messages that are reflected to bring more understanding to life and to show me that we are first and foremost divine and heavenly, and not just this human flesh living a human existence. We are connected to something magnificent and grand that connects us all together, no matter where in the world we live. Continue reading “The Beholding Love of Symbolism”