The Shoebox  

My guess is that it’s fairly common for women to have a ‘shoebox’ or something similar in which they store their ‘treasures.’ Letters, cards, photos, locks of their baby’s hair, basically things of sentimental value that seem to confirm their sense of identity, things that are pertinent to them and their lives. Continue reading “The Shoebox  “

Landing My Dream Job

For over 20 years I have wanted to be a training officer and until recently I thought it was going to remain just a dream. However, through learning about true self-care and self-love I have gone from being ‘down and out,’ on the dole, to landing my dream job in just over 3 years.

I come from a family whose members are all claiming disability benefits. They continually argue with their partners and think that is love. I have always known this wasn’t love but didn’t have anything else to compare it with. So I chose to withdraw from life, suffered with psychosis and depression and spent many years claiming Incapacity Benefit. Continue reading “Landing My Dream Job”

The Body is a Temple for the Soul

There was a time in my life when I was hugely arrogant and this largely came from my misplaced identification with my body and the lives I knew I had lived earlier before coming into this one.

Why do I say misplaced? Because I was in the illusion of an image – a conditioned picture, laid down by false information, giving way to certain ideals of how a man’s body ought to be; the utterly belying and beguiling warrior consciousness so to speak. Continue reading “The Body is a Temple for the Soul”

Intelligence Alone is Not Enough

As you look around the world, it seems for centuries now we have thrown our collective intelligence at life to try to improve things.

We have dedicated our schools and universities to fostering greater intelligence and understanding of the sciences, arts, law, or humanities. We have more ‘centres of excellence’ and more PhD graduates than ever before. Indeed we are smarter by the traditional measures than at any other time in history.

Yet while the mind is an amazing tool and some people use their intelligence for the betterment of mankind, at some point we should step back and take stock of how we are truly going. Continue reading “Intelligence Alone is Not Enough”

STOP in the Name of Love!

Recently I was in the midst of a big project and I had shared with some friends that I was really tired. Someone suggested that I take the morning easy and rest in preparation for the big meeting I had around lunchtime.

I am pretty sure that I scoffed at the idea – “Are you for real? I have too much to do! Have you not seen my to-do list?” But something inside of me was asking me to go deeper with this and neither gloss over what I was feeling, nor what was being suggested to me, as I had done in the past. So in that moment I expressed that I didn’t know how to – I didn’t know how to stop. Continue reading “STOP in the Name of Love!”

Learning to Find Me and Live My Life

Throughout my life I have been many things to anyone and everyone; and until recently, nothing to myself.

My father had won a scholarship to the local King’s School (as inaugurated by Henry VIII) and so I was drilled into following in his footsteps. I didn’t, and all in all, I must have proved a great disappointment to him and never earned his respect. Continue reading “Learning to Find Me and Live My Life”