I Know God

When I was younger I remember knowing that God was with me – it was simple. I started going to a catholic primary school and they would talk about God. I remember reacting because I love God and felt him in and around me – it was very simple. The way they spoke of him felt like fragments of truth wrapped up in lots of lies. Continue reading “I Know God”

True Family

I recently got to feel what true family is. I was struggling to understand how I could bring all of me to my work, how I could remain steady and express what I truly felt, as well as bring my lightness and playfulness consistently.

During a class that I attend regularly, the facilitator suggested that I speak to an elder who also participates in the class. He is part of my community and she suggested that I contact him to explain my concerns to him and give him the opportunity to share his wisdom with me. His daughter, who was also in the class, revealed that he already had six ‘daughters’, two of whom were blood related while the other four received his support as if they were his daughters. Continue reading “True Family”

Commitment to the Energetic Quality of My Movements

After a recent Esoteric Yoga session, we spoke about the beauty of the ‘commitment’ that the practitioner had felt in my body.

This is something that I had never appreciated myself nor accepted before as there has always been this ‘lack of self-worth’ going on, almost a determination to remain lesser in ‘abusive self-thought’. This has been so entrenched and fed to me throughout my life that it has become a belief that has then perpetuated and kept this energy in circulation. So, in effect it had until that moment entrapped me in an imprisoning way that ‘I’ myself had created – a feeling of lack of commitment coming from “What’s the use?” and therefore manifesting as a sick kind of indulgence that then plays out as ‘the lack of Commitment to Life’. Continue reading “Commitment to the Energetic Quality of My Movements”

Everything Is Energy

Albert Einstein so consummately demonstrated what is now a widely held scientific fact, that everything is energy – and therefore, is it possible that “everything is because of energy” (Serge Benhayon, 1999)? If so, could everything we do, say and think have an energetic source? Continue reading “Everything Is Energy”

Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) is Not so Mad After All?

“Each man for himself,” “blood runs thicker than water” and “dog eats dog” are the superficially contradictory war cries of the global community of captives, a pocket of which a little girl was born into in Holland in the 16th century. Momentarily all those adopted qualities were suspended though, as the village came together to celebrate the arrival of this latest addition to their community. Continue reading “Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) is Not so Mad After All?”

The Angel’s In The Details

Recently a friend used a figure of speech while describing a situation involving an unexpected detail that later turned out to be crucial to the success of their project, but after going unnoticed, caused further disruption and complications to occur. It made me contemplate the meaning and foundation of this now commonly known idiom.

Many people may be familiar with the phrase ‘the Devil’s in the details’, which some claim was originally used by the atheist German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (in German: “Der Teufel steckt im Detail”(1)) and later adopted by many other cultures around the world, although paradoxically the exact ‘details’ of its origin seem difficult to determine. It generally “refers to problems or difficulties that result from the unforeseen nature of unexamined details. It refers to a catch hidden in the details rather than the truth in its abstract sense.”(2) This was indeed the saying used by my friend during our discussion, but after having a feeling that something did not seem right about that phrase (probably stemming from the fact that I personally have never believed in the existence of the ‘Devil’), I decided to do a little digging into the true foundation of this phrase. Continue reading “The Angel’s In The Details”