The Shoebox  

My guess is that it’s fairly common for women to have a ‘shoebox’ or something similar in which they store their ‘treasures.’ Letters, cards, photos, locks of their baby’s hair, basically things of sentimental value that seem to confirm their sense of identity, things that are pertinent to them and their lives. Continue reading “The Shoebox  “

Being a Student of Life

What if we saw ourselves as students of life – a student that never saw anything we did as wrong but actually an opportunity to grow, to deepen, to expand?

How would life be if we just saw it as a plethora of opportunities? From opportunity comes learning and with learning we soon enough realise just how much more there is to learn, to master. Continue reading “Being a Student of Life”

Where do I Start?

Have you ever in your life looked at something and thought, “Where do I start?” It could have been whilst cleaning, de-cluttering a space, moving house, starting a project, writing an assignment… the list goes on. Many times I have gone into overwhelm (and sometimes still do), asking myself this question and making the task bigger in my mind than it truly is… which if I do that, of course I will not know where to start! Continue reading “Where do I Start?”

Talking His Walk

Most of us are familiar with the term ‘walking your talk.’

We usually take it to mean that what we talk, the principles we tell other people about, the way of living we endorse, the philosophies we hold and believe to be true and worthy, should be the way that we walk, i.e. the way that we live our life. Continue reading “Talking His Walk”

Autumn – Nature’s Teacher

As I was walking in our local park recently I could not help but see the huge piles of leaves on the ground – the true expression of Autumn.

I noticed the variety of colours and how some leaves were comprised of different colours. The leaves were all different shapes as they had fallen from different trees.

The leaves had many different patterns etched onto them which formed from the different colours, shapes and textures. Continue reading “Autumn – Nature’s Teacher”

Thinking about Thinking

Reading a blog about a friend’s experience of cooking something she thought to be original, only to find the exact same dish was simultaneously being ‘discovered’ by a colleague, got me thinking about thinking and the origin of ideas and information.

The example of a ‘new’ recipe being thought of, ‘discovered’ and created by two foodies at the same time, invites the notion that maybe we tune into ideas rather than create them, with more than one of us sometimes catching onto or receiving the same thought. Continue reading “Thinking about Thinking”