Serge Benhayon & the Ageless Wisdom: Bringing the Difference the World Needs

There are not many people who can say they have positively touched thousands of people’s lives around the world, but Serge Benhayon definitely has a right to make that claim. He has presented an absolute depth of wisdom to people worldwide over the past 20 years that, even when put to every test imaginable, can’t be faulted.

Personally, I can unreservedly say that this man has had a phenomenal impact on my life and I am in constant appreciation of him. Over the years I have read his ‘Purple’ books, listened to his presentations and attended healing workshops and each time I have left with a sense of my life being much more multidimensional than I had previously imagined. Serge is a man who relates to people everywhere, regardless of their background, gender or age. Some people are intrigued by him and just observe from the sidelines; others react in a very hostile, aggressive fashion, but the majority who meet him simply find him inspirational.

Headshot of Serge Benhayon leaning against a brick wall
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

Continue reading “Serge Benhayon & the Ageless Wisdom: Bringing the Difference the World Needs”

Walking your Walk

Us humans take a lot for granted. We know that, because when something is taken away we mourn it and regret the fact that we didn’t treasure it more, be it a loved one, material possessions, money or our job.

So what about the body? Continue reading “Walking your Walk”

Dear God, Update about Serge Benhayon

Dear God,

I am ready to give you a laser update here from earth about the incredible man you sent at this moment in time called Serge Benhayon.

I know you KNOW everything but it is important I say it as it is.

First – As you know I did not even like the sound of your name. It disturbed me and I got very confused as there were simply too many people banging on about what you were, what you did and what you are all about. Well, thanks to Serge Benhayon and what he presents, that has all changed now. Continue reading “Dear God, Update about Serge Benhayon”

Miranda & Natalie Benhayon – Sacredness of the Way they Move  

I first started hearing the word sacredness through attending presentations by Universal Medicine. Although my woman’s body seemed to remember this word, my logical mind was telling me that I didn’t have a clue what it meant! There was such a contrast between the distant yet clear knowing in my body and the way I was living and moving, which was largely devoid of this sacredness. Where to start when waking up a giant? This is where female role models who live this sacredness play such a significant role. Perhaps surprisingly, it isn’t in anything they say. It is the way they move. My whole-body seems to drink in what I see and I feel and in an instant, I know the sacredness within a woman. Continue reading “Miranda & Natalie Benhayon – Sacredness of the Way they Move  “

How Serge Benhayon Supported me to Trust what I already Knew

This year I attended a retreat presented by Serge Benhayon. What was so incredibly profound for me was that it confirmed everything I already knew. I say ‘all’ very loosely, as there is nothing small or little in what Serge Benhayon presented… far from it. Continue reading “How Serge Benhayon Supported me to Trust what I already Knew”

Appreciating Esoteric Practitioners – I move with ME!

I have been a Student of Universal Medicine for nearly ten years and with the support of the presentations of Serge Benhayon, The Ageless Wisdom and the whole student body, I have discarded many of the ideals and beliefs that had me living a lie that kept me from who I truly am, and in-truth where I am truly from.

Today, in my body, I live something that I could not have imagined ten years ago – as it was nowhere within my then conscious awareness. So how does someone who did not have this understanding, this potential in her conscious awareness become to not only have it in her awareness but to become someone who lives it with an authority? …My only answer is Reflection – reflection of movement. Continue reading “Appreciating Esoteric Practitioners – I move with ME!”