Everything Is Energy

Albert Einstein so consummately demonstrated what is now a widely held scientific fact, that everything is energy – and therefore, is it possible that “everything is because of energy” (Serge Benhayon, 1999)? If so, could everything we do, say and think have an energetic source? Continue reading “Everything Is Energy”

Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) is Not so Mad After All?

“Each man for himself,” “blood runs thicker than water” and “dog eats dog” are the superficially contradictory war cries of the global community of captives, a pocket of which a little girl was born into in Holland in the 16th century. Momentarily all those adopted qualities were suspended though, as the village came together to celebrate the arrival of this latest addition to their community. Continue reading “Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) is Not so Mad After All?”

Being a Student of Life

I am a student of life: I know and feel the truth that there is always much to learn in life every day. To me, life is always presenting the opportunity to learn – as it challenges and inspires me constantly, in every moment.

Being a student of life means that every day I have the choice as to how I live and move within my life. I know within my deepest heart that I am the master of my life and how I choose to live it… I can feel the many opportunities that present for me to grow and deepen my ability to be myself in full. For instance, there are many behaviours that I have taken on over time that really don’t support me – in fact I can clearly see that these behaviours really don’t support anyone else around me either. Like getting angry and reacting to things in life I get triggered by because I’m not seeing what’s really going on in situations, by choosing to withdraw from life when I am confronted by the intensity of things I don’t think I can face (or don’t want to), allowing abusive thoughts to dictate my life or not listening to what my body is telling me it needs – such as not moving in a way that supports it, or eating foods it tells me don’t nourish it. Continue reading “Being a Student of Life”

Journeying Across the World with Serge Benhayon

My husband and I have recently completed a three-week overseas trip from New Zealand, but this has probably been a very different experience than for most overseas travellers.

The initial purpose of this trip was to visit our son and his wife in Belgium, but we always felt there to be a deeper purpose for this adventure. How we live has changed immensely in the last 10 years, largely because we have felt the natural integration of the Ancient Wisdom teachings into our life. These teachings have been shared by Serge Benhayon through the many Universal Medicine courses and presentations that we have attended. These changes are not prescriptive as a result of Serge’s teachings or presentations, but are the result of choices we have made to deepen our connection to ourselves, our families, the wider community and to God. Continue reading “Journeying Across the World with Serge Benhayon”

Trusting What I Feel

Thanks to the support of Universal Medicine, the teachings presented by Serge Benhayon and the various esoteric modalities, I have begun to trust more deeply what I feel, and be less caught up in needing life and my daily tasks to be a certain way. Hooray!

This was clearly demonstrated to me on a morning walk today. Continue reading “Trusting What I Feel”

Dreams ­– What are they Showing us About our Life?

Years ago I used to have a recurring dream about being alone in the yard of a concentration camp. The dream was about total desolation and incarceration, barrenness and despair. When I would wake from this dream, I felt like I could hardly breathe. Had I lived this experience in a past life? I would have to make a determined effort to struggle from the heaviness of the dream into my day. Continue reading “Dreams ­– What are they Showing us About our Life?”