I Thought I Was a Great Healer

When I was 20 years old I got a job in a big bank. I worked as Head of Department and every year I was being promoted to a higher position. I was very good with money and finances and my career was settled.

After ten years I wanted something else. I wanted to ‘deepen’ my life and so for four years I studied to become a holistic massage therapist. I started my own practice and it became successful in such a way that I earned my living from this new career path. For years I worked together with doctors in a medical clinic where they would refer clients to me.

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Evolution is a U-Turn, Not a Ladder

At the age of 8 I chose to separate from myself. The gap that I created between me and myself has been filled for most of my life with an array of debris that has masqueraded itself as life. One such piece of debris was the belief that evolution works like a ladder – as you climb up it, you evolve. 

For a very long time I had a strong sense that I was ‘getting somewhere’ – I felt that I was slowly making my way up the invisible ladder of evolution. I have always been a happy person and never worried too much about anything; I felt that I had things pretty much sorted and I took my happiness as evidence of my bogus ascension.  Continue reading “Evolution is a U-Turn, Not a Ladder”

Learning to Find Me and Live My Life

Throughout my life I have been many things to anyone and everyone; and until recently, nothing to myself.

My father had won a scholarship to the local King’s School (as inaugurated by Henry VIII) and so I was drilled into following in his footsteps. I didn’t, and all in all, I must have proved a great disappointment to him and never earned his respect. Continue reading “Learning to Find Me and Live My Life”

Spirit or Soul? Learning The Difference Through Serge Benhayon

Only in recent years through the teachings of Serge Benhayon have I learnt the difference between spirit and Soul and felt this for myself.

I’ve always known that we had a spirit and a Soul and that we are so much more than just our physical bodies, I just didn’t really understand the difference between them – why both, I used to wonder? No one else seemed to have the answer either. Through being a student of Universal Medicine, I now know there is a very real difference in the contrasting energies of the spirit or Soul. Continue reading “Spirit or Soul? Learning The Difference Through Serge Benhayon”

Tricked and Trapped in the ‘Spiritual New Age’… Freed by The Way of the Livingness

In my teens I started to acknowledge the feeling that what I am and what the world presents is more than just physical. This led to the exploration of mediumship and clairvoyance and hence began my journey on the ‘Spiritual New Age’ path which eventually led me to Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness where I finally became free of all the impositions of the Spiritual New Age.

Looking for the Answer – Reiki, Crystal Healing… but My Life was a Mess

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Spiritual Searching – I Too was Seduced

I have learned in my recent journeys, despite 25 years of spiritual searching, that the true book of wisdom I sought was in fact inside me all along. Back then I had no awareness that there were indeed two different energies that I could choose to align with – one being truly Divine (the soul consciousness) and the other from the Astral plane (the spiritual consciousness), so from my chosen ignorance I played and cavorted heartily with that energy that took me even further away from my Soul.

It was about twenty five years ago when I was feeling very sad and hollow inside – and unbeknownst to me without true connection to myself, the true me – that I soon allowed an energy in to fill the empty space within me. Continue reading “Spiritual Searching – I Too was Seduced”