Religion is Science, Almost

by Christoph Schnelle, Lismore Region, NSW

I react(ed) negatively when I hear the word religion. So much seems untrue about every religion that I know about. I shuddered at being identified with a religion – everybody would know that I accept something as true or believe in something that is obviously not true.

Recently I got a new perspective – religion can be true: actually, it is required to be true if it wants to explain the world. In other words, for a religion to be true, the following has to be true:  

Religion is

  • That which is true and
  • Does not contradict science and
  • Which cannot (yet) be proven by science
  • Plus all of science

I never thought I would come across such a religion, but after listening to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, every statement of the “The Way of the Livingness” that I have heard has either been:

  • True as far as I can empirically test it, or it
  • Does not contradict science, though often expands on science
  • Either cannot yet be proven by science or
  • Has been proven by science.

In other words, “The Way of the Livingness” has been, in my nine years of experience, a vast expansion on science. One of the consequences is that The Way of the Livingness is full to bursting of ideas for scientific study. Like string theory in physics it is a grand unifying theory but – unlike string theory – The Way of the Livingness creates a huge amount of testable hypotheses.

146 thoughts on “Religion is Science, Almost

  1. It’s amazing how science comes up with theories and laws to explain things. If only science would bite a bullet and dare be simple, it would have to allow God to be a part of it.

  2. Thank you Christoph, As we are returning to our roots it is the most natural thing to understand science so that as we deepen our understanding of True science and religion they contributes to our philosophical approach to life, and there we have it an amazing mix of Truth, such is The Way of The Livingness.

  3. The way of the livingness is a religion that is not full of dogmas and rules, it doesn’t dictate over you and does not tell you what to do. Freedom of choice in its fullest.

  4. In my experience there is a science and an order and a precision to how the universe works and stays in balance and I know I am part of it all and am learning to play my part in supporting that balance and this for me is my religion.

  5. Science is a fact of life. Our physical bodies are one of the most delicate sciences in this world. The wisdom of conventional medicine that helps to heal it is also a magnificent science. In consideration of all this, it makes absolute sense to me that how we live our everyday should also be considered a science.

  6. The Way of The Livingness definitely expands our understanding of science and at the same time is all about science.

  7. The Way of the Livingness, encapsulates science and philosophy all in one, it explains all about life the world of energy and the science of our life and movement. A complete package of universal dimensions.

  8. The universe seems complex in one sense, yet it operates in pure simplicity which I find very lovely. Great reflection for me to live life instead of trying to understand it (all of the time).

  9. Religion does not contradict science, but expands on science – this explains so well the dilemma and frustration often observed in the scientific point of view against religion.

  10. Absolutely agree Christoph. The Way of The Livingness restores the meaning of true religion which for me goes hand in hand with true science. When the vibration of our Soul is lived through our bodies, the quality of our movements become evidence of all that is possible, all that is impacted when the light of who we are is lived. As are our bodies and movements when we live in resistance to living who we are. This point alone to me highlights how there is an inseparable relationship between science and religion.

  11. You make a great point here Christoph ‘“The Way of the Livingness” has been, in my nine years of experience, a vast expansion on science.’ and one day science will also wake up to this truth and begin to see the Ageless Wisdom as the universal intelligence we all have access to that brings a deeper understanding to life, relationships etc.

  12. I love the simplicity of what you share here religion is truth and in tandem with science with that truth, with science playing catch-up, after religion has set the frame of truth. It’s telling our relationship as a humanity with truth when most religions are not about truth at all, but convenient lies sold as truth.

  13. It is interesting how nearly all of humanity has fallen hook, line and sinker to the ways of most religions without truly discerning their truth. Whilst most religions expel truths as their entire way encompassing of us all?

    1. Which is why so many people do not like religion, because what the mainstream religions represent is not true.

  14. For me the word religion had many beliefs, constraints, identification and many other things attached to it, it was not pleasant. God was also used in the context of ‘good’ and ‘bad’.

    Since being a student of Universal Medicine, religion and God has been represented as universal, with no conditions but as one and for all – I much prefer this.

  15. The Way of The Livingness is a religion that backs every part of you that wants to run from Religion into a corner, showing you that truth is all there is and truth is all this Religion is.

  16. The Way of The Livingness is a way of living that returns you to a deep inner knowing of the Divine Universe of which you are a part.

  17. So many people react to the word ‘religion’ as the true meaning has been bastardised for many centuries making people feel very mistrusting and suspicious when they hear this word mentioned. That’s why I love The Way of The Livingness, it is a true religion that beautifully represents the grandness of love and truth, wisdom, brotherhood, philosophy, science…and then some, and all of this gold is delivered on a consistent basis. The Way of The Livingness is a living way where you can feel the power and strength this true religion brings to your life.

  18. God encompasses everything, science included. To separate things does not make sense as they are one whole, religion, science, philosophy etc, and they work together and indeed complement each other.

  19. The existence of God may be something you believe in (or not) or something you know is true. You can either believe in a religion or you can know that religion is part of our true makeup.
    When we get to science, however, scientists want us to believe that it is about truth and that beliefs are not part of what we call the world of science. And, yet, scientists have bought into ideas about this world, which any one who know that religion is part of our makeup and that God is not something you believe in, know that are not true.
    What if scientists are the greatest believers?
    What if this fact has something to do with the fact that they have such a difficult relationship with religion as something true?

  20. The way the word religion is used and understood these days is a far cry from what the true meaning of the word actually is, it is all about re- connection, reconnection to our own divine essence, to each other and life in general, how every thing we do has an effect on the all, our human body both physically and energetically is a science in itself. We are a walking laboratory.

  21. It is a blight upon our human history, that ‘religion’ has become a ‘dirty word’ in so very many ways – from corruption and abuses within so-called religious organisations and bodies, to the denouncing of anything outside of the ‘evidence-based’ paradigm of preference of today, being seen us ‘unintelligent’, or ‘stupid’ even…
    What if, religion is purely about our relationship and connection with a divinity that actually permeates everything – from the space in which we reside, to the molecular structure of a finger nail… Dare we once again open ourselves up to the grandness of knowing we are indeed part of something stupendously amazing? And dare we yet still, call our relationship with this in our everyday, ‘religion’?
    It is nigh time we reclaimed such words and what they mean for us in the living of our lives, from the trash heap upon which they have been flagrantly placed.

    1. Worth seriously pondering these questions, ‘Dare we once again open ourselves up to the grandness of knowing we are indeed part of something stupendously amazing? And dare we yet still, call our relationship with this in our everyday, ‘religion’?’

  22. I still worry what people will think about me when I state my religion is The Way of The Livingness. It is similar to what you are saying Christoph in bearing the reaction and judgement from others. It’s ironic that judgement can come from institutionalised religion beliefs. But who would admit that religion could be a cause of separation amongst each other and that we carry the seeds from past lives where we have been part of the reinterpreted word of what a true relationship is with yourself and therefore equally with all others – true love from the body and not the lesser version of the ‘highest good’ from the mind.

  23. The Way of The Livingness is the piece that is missing in science, religion and philosophy The Way of The Livingness makes sense of all 3 and brings a greater depth of understanding to life and our true purpose here on this planet. By separating them and not seeing them as all part of the whole we have reduced each one to a speck of what they could really be.

    1. The Way of The Livingness makes sense of science, religion, and philosophy, whilst bringing a greater depth of understanding to life and our true purpose here on this planet.

  24. But is science always true? There are so many ‘scientific’ studies that before they are carried out the end point has been determined and it is about getting the study to meet that end point. This comes from a driven agenda, however when science is done from a place of being universal and trying to find a truth that is universal for all this is where I see the link to religion. Religion too must be universal and encompass the all.

    1. Very true MW as science and scientific results can indeed be twisted by agendas and impositions which immediately undermines and disrespects the very integrity of science itself.

  25. ‘The Way of the Livingness creates a huge amount of testable hypotheses’. And as we live in a society today that presently wants scientific evidence to prove everything’s worth, any studies that consider and test these hypotheses will indeed be very interesting to read and learn from.

  26. Religion can be a very provocative word, people have their own views and beliefs on religion, yet The Way of The Livingness offers a different way of living, no ideals or beliefs, and it has the ability to expand our understanding of science.

  27. The Way of The Livingness truly does bring together science and religion (and philosophy) showing that these needn’t be in competition or at odds with one another but are all integral aspects of our life that are intrinsically interconnected.

  28. For so long we have allowed a situation where 2 sets of ‘truth’ (= religion and science) contradict each other and each is given so much authority over us and we forget that we were the living specimens that were testing/experiencing life constantly and therefore the authority ourselves. It feels like we had accepted that so-called ‘truth’ could not be true at all time, from every angle – it was conditional. How can that be ‘true’?

  29. When we consider life in is entirety it seems that religion and science are intimately connected and have more in common than our human minds allow. What we have turned science and religion into is actually very sad and really its all about power, greed and making money – no different than a lot of big business. It also makes it exclusive to those who work in those areas. But really religion science and philosophy belong to all and never a chosen few. That feels true.

  30. That is what I love about The Way of the Livingness because it is ‘a vast expansion on science’ and when we live and embrace this true religion we get to experience all the beautiful qualities this religion brings.

  31. Thank you Christopher sharing that true religion is a science as part of The Way of The Livingness. We are our own scientific explorer of how we live move and breath in this world and the effect this has on everybody and everything.

  32. I agree Christoph, The Way of The Livingness is a religion that encourages a scientific approach and has totally opened up my natural curiosity about the world and how things work. It has taught me that science is the ability for wonderment and to follow my inquisitiveness, finding out what is true and what is not true by relating it to my body, my feelings and my sense of well-being.

  33. I too can relate not wanting any association with any religion, as what religion generally represents today is segregation, annihilation, oppression and condemnation between us. So many of the evil acts that exist today and that have occurred in our history have all been in the so called ‘name of God’, yet in truth completely absent of God’s love. It’s no wonder we have such disdain and repulsion to the word religion. However when true religion is lived, it is an embrace of God’s love through all aspects of our living, a love that we all equally are and as such this Livingness is a science that we are all a part of in the universe we are inescapably interconnected to. It is then we can truly experience the qualities of harmony being lived with all equally, so that Brotherhood then becomes our ‘normal’ and natural way of life. The Way of The Livingness is such a religion, one that represents the truth and love of us all, our universality and how this can be naturally lived together.

  34. I was finally introduced to the truth of religion and science and how they work together to explain everything in life when I came to The Way of The Livingness.

  35. Thank you Christoph for sharing your perspective and understanding of religion. Quite often I feel have an inner knowing of the true meaning of a word but do not know how to explain it.

  36. It’s clear this is written by someone with an investigative, scientific mind who does not blindly follow anything. That’s how I feel about myself, and I too feel that The Way of The Livingness is a true religion.

  37. Though I was a part of religion meaning a set of rules I had to live by to be good and accepted by God all from the outside all just as a function to belong, I now love the word religion, its true meaning of a living and loving connection and relationship with self, everyone and all things The Way of The Livingness is all about religion philosophy and science. Our bodies and the world we live in are our laboratory of understanding and exploration into the true meaning of life and love on our planet.

  38. Looking into many other religions I became disappointed on account of the hypocrisy I saw in many of the leaders. Nobody walked their talk. There are many reasons why I love the Way of the Livingness – one being the energetic integrity of Serge Benhayon and his family. A true inspiration of how it is possible to live. “One of the consequences is that The Way of the Livingness is full to bursting of ideas for scientific study.” I love this aspect also – the unifying truth that brings religion, science and philosophy together – so naturally.

  39. A Religion must hold truth, or it is not true religion. I agree Christoph, my experience of religion has been more about living a life of disregard, only to go to church on Sunday so that all could be absolved, only to go out in the world and do the same the next week. This in no way brings truth and responsibility into living life. The Way Of The Livingness is just that, living with deep love, care and regard for all.

  40. I too, like many I know, struggled to understand what the world’s religions were presenting to me; somewhere deep inside me what they shared did not make sense, so I stayed away. And then along came Serge Benhayon and The Way of The Livingness, and even though I could finally feel that this religion wasn’t wanting me to follow it blindly, adhere to a set of rules, or to judge other religions as lesser, I still went into the old fear of being judged; what will people think of me? Over the last few years, slowly but surely this religion has become my religion, and the incredible joy of living this way is slowly healing any remaining fears that on occasion may try to arise.

  41. We are blessed to have the Way of the Livingness as a religion that profoundly benefits and transforms so many peoples lives… and will do for so many more as those hypotheses are tested and found to hold true over and over, revolutionising both science and life as we know it.

  42. In the presentations of Universal Medicine Serge Benhayon reintroduced the true meaning of the word ‘religion’ and suddenly it all made sense. The Way of The Livingness is a religion as a way of living that reconnects you to God, the Universe, the All by reconnecting to the love of the inner-heart in all that you do.

  43. Agree Christoph religion may be seen to be the next explanation that science can’t quite or never will be able to explain on paper. Science can confirm religion but religion can only be confirmed through our own inner knowing. What is a difficult idea to grasp at first as our minds have been conditioned/fed to not think that way.

  44. I had the same reaction Christoph about religion. When I got over my reaction I realise I was more worried about what other people thought of me when I claim to be in a religion. I have associated every religion I have come across previously as being untrue as they seem to be void of love and harmony but now I have found the one religion The Way of The Livingness which presents the absolute truth and I was not going to let any negative thoughts get in the way of me embracing this incredible religion. These thoughts were there to distract me, to discourage me from living with love and truth. I have learnt to let them go and fully claim I am a Son of God.

  45. This is great Christoph as it shows that science and religion can be intimately married as one and not just live with a common accepted seemingly contradictory and separative view as they currently do.

  46. It’s funny how a word ‘religion’ can mean so many varied things to different people – I used to think I needed to ‘belong’ to a religion to have God in my life – now I know that I already had God inside and the ‘religion’ is the living ways of that ‘The Way of The Livingness’. Science has always been something ‘complicated’ to me but the Truth is that it is just as beautiful as Religion as ‘The Way of The Livingness’ has been showing me.

    1. Beautifully said Shelly. I am coming to understand more and more that we are part of God and that this is a religion – not the common understanding of the word, but a way of living where we live from the knowing that while there is a lot that is unexplained in this world, everything is interconnected and therefore we have a responsibility for the ‘everything’ that exists as a result.

  47. “The Way of the Livingness” has been, in my nine years of experience, a vast expansion on science. One of the consequences is that The Way of the Livingness is full to bursting of ideas for scientific study. Like string theory in physics it is a grand unifying theory but – unlike string theory – The Way of the Livingness creates a huge amount of testable hypotheses”. Thank you Christoph for clarifying and settling my questions about religion. The Way of the Livingness certainly ticks all the boxes that you identified, for me it feels harmonious and still in the body instead of the angst I usually have around religion.

  48. For me The Way of the Livingness reflects the magic of God and has expanded my understanding of the interaction of science and religion and for this I am truly grateful.

  49. For me religion and science are inseparable. If science can not be applied to a religion (like Maria was a virgin, when she gave birth to Jesus, as the Catholics believe), then it is not a true religion for me. The Way of the Livingness instead is based on science – and visa versa. Genius! When religion can not be applied to science, it is no true science.

    1. I absolutely love that The Way of The Livingness is a marriage of science, religion and philosophy, from this everything was starting to make sense to me. It is incredible how it encompasses everything and everyone, this is what I love about this religion, it is absolutely about love, truth, harmony and stillness bringing brotherhood back, not ever leaving anyone out, as we are all One.

  50. We are all a living science. Our bodies, our daily lives, our planet and all within it is a science. The way of the livingness considers all this science as one living science based on the science of how we live our every day in relationship with this all.

  51. I also avoided all religions after being totally put off by the Catholic religion when I was a child. There was so much of this religion that did not make sense so I walked away and closed the door on any religion and God for that matter. Having discovered The Way of the Livingness has been an absolute blessing in my life as it is has re-connected me back to myself and to God and to experience for the first time in my life what it means to be part of a true religion.

  52. In short the way of the livingness works, and the proof is in all of the success stories that have incorporated the way of the livingness into their lives

    1. Agree Joe. The proof is there and it’s in your face. The contrast in before and after photos of those who have chosen to take care of themselves and truly re-learn to love and appreciate who they are and all they have to offer is pretty remarkable.

  53. Thank you Christoph, when younger I saw science, particularly physics, as everywhere in life and was fascinated by it as much as I was by God. However religion did not figure anywhere in this equation and I was not interested in it at all because of my understanding and what I was seeing at the time. However it has been through the teachings of Universal Medicine that I see, feel and understand all i.e.. science, religion and God are Life and none are without the other.

  54. I grew up in an established religion based on a transcendent God but I never wanted anyone to know I was part of that religion as I knew it didn’t add up. When I came to Universal Medicine I felt the truth of everything in The Way of the Livingness and I knew I had found true religion to reconnect to God through my inner-heart. Everything makes sense and science and religion are one and the same.

  55. When I read your blog Christoph I feel that Religion is very needed as an expansion to what Science brings us nowadays and how scientist perceive the world and the role science has in it. Thank you for your words Christoph, like you I am finding my way back to true religion and it’s very enriching and a deeply felt experience.

  56. I love this Christoph, a religion which is both true and expands on science – of course it makes sense and yet I too had huge issue with religion as it’s previously been used, as it attempted to control and not expand and in doing so stifled everything, itself and science included. The Way of the Livingness is very different, it offers science, and us all the places where we can expand, and really we’re going back to the whole fullness of who are all are – Divine Sparks of God.

  57. We have been told what Science and Religion mean in ways that are far far away from what their true meaning is. As a child I definitely saw God in Science, for how can God not be in Science when there is so much magic in this world that current Science struggles to explain? And I definitely understood that there is a way to always be in relationship with God, a God that is deep inside us equally so, which is what True Religion is.

    1. Science is made just as mere function when it is devoid of God and His magic. Almost like saying, regardless of how ordered and magical the intricate design is of a spiders web, it is all just there and has nothing to do with a higher being of great Divinity making it so. How can something so so beautiful be just ‘random’, or a product of the process of evolution as we have been told it to mean.

    2. Before coming to Universal Medicine and receiving the many teachings on science and religion, understand that God is in everything and that this is a science within itself, I had absolutely no idea that this was possible. When I went to school God was only ever mentioned in religious classes and science classes were to me incredibly boring as they did not really make too much sense to me. If science and religion had been linked together and I had been taught the magic of God I would have been the last to leave the class and I would have enjoyed school so much more.

      1. Well said alisonmoir. Science in this way would have been so much more alive and far more in line with what we deeply feel in our bodies to be true.

      2. Great comment Alisonmoir, I would have loved to be taught the Magic of God at school too. Bringing science, religion and philosophy together as one, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss a lesson at all if this was available back in the days of my school years.

      3. I can relate to all of your comment here alisonmoir. God was never ever mentioned in any lesson apart form religious instruction, which did not feel true either. My only memory of Science lessons, was bunsen burners and test tubes – certainly not a hint of the glorious Magic of God moments experienced in my life since attending Universal Medicine presentations.

    3. What amazes me about nature and the wonder of it all is that every species is different and there is no one perfect animal that has it all (so to speak) and yet they are all perfect in their own way and play their part, not wanting to be anything other than what they are – as I write this it it’s showing me the reflection that we, each and every one of us, have a different expression – there is no one way to express and each one of us has an important part to play as part of the whole.

  58. Hi Christoph. I, too, reacted to the word Religion in the past and observed in myself my reluctance to name ‘The Livingness’ as a Religion. This was because I had this picture of religion being brainwashing, controlling, full of shaming and blaming and causing separation of people. The Way of the Livingness’ is the complete opposite to that and as you have said – ‘………– The Way of the Livingness creates a huge amount of testable hypotheses’. I love the solidness that it is and offers. I love that it is ‘Me’ in Livingness and how it has named and lives the equality, unity and connection of all people. In Appreciation and Acceptance of all Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have brought to our lives and the expansion that is now living and breathing through each of us as a result of that. My religion is ‘The Way of the Livingness’.

  59. I have avoided religions most of my life not feeling they offered a truth or any understanding that made complete sense. My experience of the Way of the Livingness however has brought such enormous understanding to all of the fragments of life and of science, with such knowing, and based on such immense love, I cannot but feel it as truth and thus a religion I feel blessed to have found.

  60. Christoph thanks for sharing as it really supports my understanding of religion and science.

  61. Before being introduced to The Way of the Livingness had anyone asked I would of said that I had no religion, not at least in the sense as how mainstream religion is presented. But even the ‘science has it all camp’ didn’t sit right with me. These days I would say that in the way The Way of the Livingness is presented in terms of how to be in life I feel in a much stronger stance about myself, life and growing towards the universe and everyone else, all of which do not leave science out of the picture but welcomes it. Learning how to live in the true meaning of the word religion makes more sense than what religion has been painted to be or the strictly scientific route has to offer.

  62. Mm, same here Christoph, I ise to have trouble saying that I am religious, yet lately it has been easier as I realise more and more just how encompassing, down to earth and real the way of the livingness is. It all comes from us.

  63. Thank you, Christoph. I totally agree and it makes absolute sense that religion and science are both about the truth. It is sad to see we have been led to understand religion as a set of dogma imposed by some institution that put themselves above us and we go to war for; while science seems to have become an industry that is often used to present a partial truth which would conveniently support an agenda for some organisations who would then sponsor the industry in return.

  64. I too have had my perspective shift on religion – and for a long time held the belief it divided, was cruel, and brainwashing.
    But as I have come to understand the true meaning of religion, born from the latin word ‘to return to’ – I have opened myself up to seeing how it is related to science, the universe, life, everything. How religion can be all encompassing and can be anything we do over and over again as part of a rhythm. I thank Universal Medicine for sharing what I feel is the true meaning of religion.

  65. We learn that science is something abstract and something outside of ourselves and that is the same with religion, while in fact we live science and religion on a daily basis, simply through living and through our connection with ourselves and others. We can’t separate ourselves from life, science, religion etc. by making it abstract and outside of ourselves, by making it a ‘mind thing’. We are part of the very world we live in that means we are the living proof of science and religion.

  66. It is the one religion that I have come across that places responsibility for self and true connection to self, others and humanity above any other religion I have comes across. There is no judgement only room to grow, change and evolve when you are ready and the support is unwavering. This is true religion in it offers us all the opportunity to develop a true relationship with self.

  67. The teachings, philosophies and science of The Way of the Livingness encapsulates and brings into harmony every topic I could ever imagine. It just makes sense and it would have made my educational experience so much more in depth, as I found as a child and teenager that there was always a part missing in what I was being taught. By the time we are adults we learn to stop asking ‘but why?’ and just accept it as it is. I’m so glad I no longer have to accept half truths and now have a greater understanding of the science and philosophies of everything!

    1. ‘I’m so glad I no longer have to accept half truths and now have a greater understanding of the science and philosophies of everything!’ Me too Danielle and the decrease in tension in my body because of not living in constant contradiction is awesome to feel.

      1. That’s great Helen and hadn’t considered the change in our bodies by having the whole truth accessible to us. It is a constant tension or even anxiety in our body when we choose to only see half of what is going on and try to ignore the rest. I feel this is why humanity is exhausted and needing so many stimulants like sugar, coffee and alcohol to pick us up and not feel what is really going on.

  68. “The Way of the Livingness”, a vast expansion on science – beautifully said Christoph. I love how you have highlighted the relationship between religion, science, God and truth. The Way of the Livingness is a true religion that re-connects us all equally to who we are in truth, to our Soul, a divine body of love living in the sphere of God. And true science confirms the truth of the universe and all it encompasses within the sphere of God, which we are all equally naturally part of. The restoration of living this truth of love on earth has begun and will continue through the religion of The Way of the Livingness and our bodies of light through the harmonious way we live offers strong scientific proof of this. A way that indeed will reveal an immense amount of truth for humanity when it is studied.

  69. A true religion is a religion that is for all. And the only one I know is “The Way of the Livingness”. Every other so called religion excludes something or someone. And therefore in my eyes can’t be a religion. It is only a group of people sharing the same belief system.

  70. I was brought up in the Anglican church and then in my twenties became involved with the church of God and from then, looked at different alternate spiritual religions. It wasn’t until after I had stopped looking I came across Universal Medicine and ‘the Way of the Livingness religion’ the real deal at long last. A religion based on our own innermost qualities of love, harmony and truth and equality for all, leaving no one better or less. When we connect to that essence within each and everyone of us we can feel surrounded by the Magic of God. To me true science is a reflection of that magic.

  71. Well said Christoph. A great and simple explanation of how science and religion are one and the same.

  72. Good to hear that you are not scared of the true meaning of religion. It is non threatening, expansive and supporting.

  73. You have summed up well the uniqueness of The Way of the Livingness, Christoph. There is nothing like it out there that I know of.

  74. This is great Christoph, there is much to come to and research in the way of the livingness, but I can feel I don’t need the science to prove what I feel deeply in me, although it is a great support to feel, and science is getting the hang of it slowly.

  75. This is great Christoph, thank you for writing. Indeed, The Way of the Livingness is a “vast expansion on science”. And the good news is, as written by Christoph (on Feb 11, 2015 as a reply comment), “Science is catching up”. “It will take some time but it will be done”.

  76. A great definition of religion here and showing how science and religion can share the same space, equally so. Thank you.

  77. Thank you for sharing your blog Christoph, religion in its true sense is reconnected to that self that is divine which is all encompassing ,this is the science of love or God which is that which holds and determines the whole universe and all its particles, religion is science.

  78. Thank you Christoph, I had never looked at religion like that before. I agree that nothing I have seen or heard presented by Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine contradicts what is known by current science.

  79. Agree Christophe, The Way of The Livingness to me is a science as it is the basis both of, and for the Science of Life as a complete whole.

  80. There are things described by Universal Medicine on the subject of God and Science that neither religions nor the scientific communities of our current day have been able to explain. The offerings by Serge Benhayon are both extraordinary and aeons ahead of their time.

    1. It’s true Dean, most Religions are teaching or sharing based on a point in history where the light of God did in fact touch the earth, through the soul of one person or a small group of people, like Jesus or Buddha. But the problem is that the lives and teachings of these people have since been bastardised and it was forgotten that it’s not about copying or repeating the teachings, it’s about connecting to and living them for ourselves. This is what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have reignited, the Kingdom of Heaven inside us, for us each to connect to and let out.

  81. In today’s world most people would say that they have a personal relation with religion. Not many would say that they do have a personal relationship with the world of science. In both cases, though, the people having or not a relationship with religion and science would say that they are things outside of us; things we eventually come to forming part of clubs that are exclusive, that speak a very specific language. The Way of the Livingness challenges what we understand as religion and science, their inter-relationship, their exclusivity and it also makes very clear that we have a very personal relationship with both science and religion. In my case, it is helping me to establish and let unfold a new relationship with both of them.

  82. Science at its essence contains all of the magic that is religion. It demonstrates to us one-ness, the micro and macro view of the universe – all of which lives within the body of God. The Way of The Livingness has reminded me that I am part of the science and magic of God and has restored my love for both!

    1. Beautifully expressed Helen. The true essence of science is indeed the magic of God. That this magic can be lived in our everyday is simply divine.

    2. Imagine if science and religion where taught in school with this knowing and philosophy. In truth you could not have individual subjects, it would have to be science, religion, philosophy, history, geography and law all in the one subject.

  83. Dear Christoph, we all have individual reflections and deviations about the word religion in the context of our experiences. But the “Way of the Livingness” religion, there is no variations. It is or it isn’t. it is loving or not. Healing or harming. Thank you.

  84. I love the way you have connected religion with science Christoph. I never thought of myself as scientific and struggled to understand theories, but living life from an openness and an un-calculated way leaves us open to just experience and feel life as it is. This I have learnt from The Way of the Livingness.

  85. Religion has always been an ugly word for me – it meant separation, conformity, rules, good vs bad and war. Truth and science were never part of that equation. So with everyone telling me what it was and what it was not, I felt I had to come to my own feelings about what it could be. And knowing now the important role science and truth can play in true religion – it makes absolute sense. It is not imposing or selective or enforced – it is part of who we are, an honouring and an awareness that is the perfect unity of science, religion, health and philosophy. And for the first time, I recognise it as familiar and within me. It is love.

  86. To me in the past, religion/s were just a bunch of mystical and magical stories that seemed to not have much substance other than that people believed in these stories as being true without question. The way of the Livingness is not like any religion I have ever witnessed or experienced as it makes the magic of God practical and tangible in real life that science can bring – a form of testable and measurable truth that is alive and living and walking around amongst us and within us.

    1. Well said leighmatson. When you consider religion as a science it makes it far more real and practical in our daily life. And when you add philosophy into the mix you get the triangle of religion, science and philosophy. A triangle that keeps each of these living ways honest and holds each to an order, balance and harmony while at the same time supporting and nourishing each to grow. Learning to live our everyday with the awareness of this triangle makes absolute sense to me, a triangle that is the very foundation of the Way of the Livingness.

  87. Thank you Christoph. The Way of the Livingness is indeed a science — not a belief or a doctrine. It has not been thoroughly tested by our scientific community hence it is not yet accepted as such but this does not mean it’s not a science. It is.

    The Way of the Livingness is simply what follows when we honour our bodies in a certain way … a way that deeply respects, loves and takes care of it to the nth degree. Once that process begins to happen, as science will soon discover, a whole different energy and way of thinking starts to flow through the body and a Divine relationship with self (religion in its true meaning) emerges. This can be proven, there is nothing mysterious about it.

  88. Thank You Christoph for a profound and simple blog with your take on what true Religion is and like you I used to shudder at the word religion. I grew up with hindu parents and found that I could not align simply because I could not agree that an all loving God would overlook how you live everyday and as long as you pray you get what you want. Also that women really were a sub-race and not to ever be treated the same or equal as men. So as soon as I had the freedom of an adult to make choices I went into spiritual new age but that left me even more further away from the Truth I know today.
    Thanks to the life and work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I can now claim that I live a very self connecting life and that to me is true Religion. The Way of the Livingness has a quality, a vibration that feels expanding and supporting at the same time and I feel Free inside without any tension in my body. So for me that is real and that is religion.

    1. Interesting Bina…. I was brought up a catholic and tension in my body was so permanent that I didn’t even notice it. I thought it was normal. I subsequently turned to spiritual new age and the tension was still there. It is only when I came to the Way of the Livingness that I freed myself. This my true religion, my true connection.

      1. I know exactly what you mean Maryline about the tension in your body. For me it was a hardness like an armour, protecting me and making sure no one could hurt me. It removed me from feeling me as I lacked connection. As Christoph says in this great article, The Way of the Livingness is a vast expansion on science. It is the real and true way that is possible for all of us Equally.

  89. I considered myself an atheist if asked about religion. I didn’t see any form of it that was ever true or supportive.
    So why would I be involved?
    Even when the concept of religion was first presented in Universal Medicine I thought – ‘oh here we go’ – But I’ve come to understand that what is offered is actually the true sense of the word, that allows science and truth.
    It can be supportive, inclusive and expansive. For me – I look at it in a whole new light.

  90. Thank you for this beautiful concise blog. Got my particles singing…so to speak! It really speaks to me of something I feel is very true, that there is not need to separate religion and science. They are very much one and the same and there is not a contradiction but an expansion, as you say. Thank you.

  91. It is only through Universal Medicine and The Way of the Livingness, that I have begun to understand that religion and science are connected. I love the way you have simply written this Christoph, especially the line referring to The Way of the Livingness, “Does not contradict science, though often expands on science”. This is what I have found to be true, and in a way that I can very much relate to.

  92. This is a simple and beautiful explanation of the relationship between religion and science. I always reacted strongly to the mention of religion but have finally found a true religion in the Way of the Livingness that I can totally relate to. Thank you for expressing this so well.

  93. Thank you, Christoph for bringing religion and science together so simply as presented by Universal Medicine. I too, have learnt the true meaning of these words.

  94. Thank you for this blog Christoph. I too used to shudder at the thought of anyone thinking I was religious until I was introduced to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. With the ‘Way of the Livingness’ I have found that, there is no dogma, no ideals and beliefs, just a common sense way to live that truly supports me. I feel the ‘Way of the Livingness’ is what true religion is and I have no hesitation now in claiming I am religious.

  95. Christoph I think of religion as something I just know in me, I’ve never thought of religion as something that is a science and can be empirically tested – this has opened my eyes to something different, something that has proof outside of what I feel and know is true.

  96. Well said Christoph. A very lucid explanation of the meaning of true religion in relation to science and how The Way of the Livingness fulfils the criteria of being that true religion. Like you, religion was something that I was very resistant to but through the presentations by Serge Benhayon I have come to understand the true nature of religion and that The Way of the Livingness is that.

  97. Great Christoph, I have found The Way of the Livingness to be ‘true religion’, offering truth and support as we return to love. Awesome to have a true religion lived and presented as a living way of being for all to return to when the call is there.

  98. Toni, I feel you captured the essence of what distinguishes The Way of the Livingness for those who want a practical, demonstrable experience of what is true.

  99. The Way of The Livingness stands apart from all other religions I have experienced. The Way of The Livingness is both simple and full of common sense. Nothing is given as set way, everything is shared to be self-tested and self-experienced. It is a religion that solely focuses on ones development back to Love, we are never told how to do this but rather we learn tools that support us to listen to our own bodies, so we find our own way back.

    1. Brilliant Toni, this has been my experience with The Way of The Livingness. It is deeply empowering and allows us to truly connect back to love and to God in our own time. Truly amazing.

  100. It’s funny how, being brought up as a Catholic and turning against ‘Religion’, I now find myself back in one. But this one is different: it allows science, it allows expansion of what is Truth, it allows us each to find out for ourselves, it does not dictate, and, best of all, ALL of humanity is included. I love it! A big thank you to Serge Benhayon for bringing to our attention that there is another way, The Way of the Livingness

    1. Well said Carmel, this is so true other religions do not allow this, ‘it allows science, it allows expansion of what is Truth, it allows us each to find out for ourselves’, this is what is so beautiful and true about The Way of The Livingness.

  101. Christoph – thank you for sharing this. It helps all of us who have a deep appreciation for what we have also been offered by working with Universal Medicine to see that it is so much grander than we thought. What can you say about a way of living that allows you to see truth and live joyfully in each and every day, when everywhere we look in the world there is mayhem, doubt, contraction, unknowing, complication, disease, mistrust and just plain awfulness. I for one cannot wait for the Way of the Livingness to be proven by science. We know it is true – after 10 or more years there can be no doubt.

    1. Well said Heather. When science catches up and proves what we already know and with what Universal Medicine have presented the world will never be the same again! I am very thankful that what I feel is all the proof I need.

      1. Science is catching up – it is just a matter of collecting and processing the data. It will take some time but it will be done.

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