The Simplicity of True Expression: Inspired by Serge Benhayon

Recently at a workshop presented by Serge Benhayon, Serge shared that as a society we are far too polite and nice with each other, with no one really being prepared to call out what is truly going on for another.

He shared that sometimes things need to be said to support another to look at what is going on for them.

He used the example of saying to a woman, “Hey, I have noticed you have put on a couple of kilos, is everything okay?” Initially the audience laughed at the thought of saying that to another, especially to a woman. The audience was clearly uncomfortable, challenged by all the beliefs and ideals that tell us you don’t say that. Imagine a woman’s reaction to that?

Serge went on to express that if it were delivered from true love and care, anyone would be open to hearing that.

I, in fact, have experienced this to be true on both counts: as the one expressing the truth and love, and as the one being on the receiving end of this level of love and truth.

Recently a very dear friend of mine, who happens to be a photographer, told me that my birthday present from him was to be a photographic portrait session. I was deeply touched and of course said “Thank you.”

He immediately followed that with, “Yes, but I will not photograph you until those dark circles are gone from under your eyes.” I had a moment of shocked silence, but also a deep realisation of just how much this man loves me.

Truthfully, in that moment, I realised just how much he loved me to say what he did.

I knew it had nothing to do with my looks, as he could easily cover up the dark circles, but rather it was everything to do with his concern as to why I was so tired and/or run down.

What was equally funny was he too was slightly shocked and I could tell he was bracing himself for a possible negative reaction from me.

I could tell he was totally relieved when I burst out laughing and expressed my appreciation for what he had said, which very much confirmed that I knew it came from all the love I know he has for me.  His expression just simply confirmed this love to me.

Since this beautiful exchange, I have continually reflected on that comment. For many reasons:

  • Firstly, to seriously look at why I do have dark circles under my eyes.
  • Secondly, to consider what it must be like for others to want to express like that, but believe they can’t in a world that says it is rude and impolite, instead of the love that it truly is.
  • And, finally, to reflect on what it feels like to be loved so openly and honestly like that.

For me, this is true love and I for one am forever appreciative of it. Thank you deeply, dear friend (Alan Johnston), for loving me so much that you were prepared to express the truth, no matter the possible consequences, and thank you deeply Serge Benhayon for your continual inspiration in leading the way back to what true love is, and for equally always loving me enough to express the truth.

In the ten years I have known you, you have never held back from expressing. Your love is beyond measure and you are prepared to say whatever is needed, regardless of the reaction.

Caroline Raphael & Alan Johnston
Caroline Raphael & Alan Johnston

Which leads me to a point of question. Why do we react when truth is expressed?

Is it possible we don’t like to hear the truth because it requires change on our part?

Is it sometimes far easier to ignore what is being presented and/or find a way to blame or make the one expressing truth wrong, rather than take responsibility for what needs changing and accept the gift that is being offered?

Love in expression is a two-way street: we need to be open enough to allow the truth to be expressed and we have to love enough to express the truth when it is needed.

Without this level of expression, we will stay stuck in the niceties and pleasantries of everyday conversation and hence, away from the truth we all need to evolve back to the truly divine and glorious beings that we are.

Published with permission of Alan Johnston

By Caroline Raphael, Goonellabah, Australia

Further Reading:
The highest form of intelligence is love
Truth – Expressing in Full
Trusting out ‘True Voice’ and Expression