A Lesson in Surrender – Be like a Feather

Have you ever observed how a feather floats through the sky, so smoothly and with grace, no matter what is going on around it.

There is not a speck of control as it silkily glides through the air and surrenders to the wind, letting it guide its movements.

In this surrender it becomes one with the wind, no longer individual, but part of the grand symphony of nature’s elements, trusting completely that it will be taken care of in its movements and when it stops.  

Yesterday I spent the day feeling like the feather. I was totally surrendered to my inner connection, the solid, grounded wisdom that lives within, observing all that was happening around me.

I felt exquisitely beautiful, very open with people and able to understand life with ease.

In this surrender, I was moving and expressing as my inner connection impulsed me to be. It was very freeing – I felt safe and supported and there was a confidence within my body that I would naturally know what to do next.

During a lovely and open discussion over dinner with my family, one of them reacted to something I said and responded with a sharp and pointed reply and asked me to stop talking.

In the past, I would have had my own reaction and I would have been very hurt, closing my heart and stepping away from the love I was naturally feeling. This hurt and shutdown would stop me from being able to observe and detach from the situation. I would go into doubt and let thoughts flood my head with the flavour of “Nobody wants me,” or “What I am expressing is too much.”

I would retreat into a corner of my heart and tentatively wait for someone to give me a sign that it was safe to come out again.

This time was very different. It was a defining moment in my learning of how to observe and not absorb.

When my family member spoke, I was able to observe what was going on and support myself to not take the words personally, but to feel and look deeper at what was happening before my eyes.

I did not react and I realised what we were talking about had triggered an old hurt. The retaliation I felt in the comment was because this person was feeling vulnerable as the conversation went deeper, asking us all to go to another level of intimacy with one another.

I could feel the anxiousness come in for them, and the resistance to being more intimate, in case they were not met in this next level of openness and in the way they had allowed themselves to show more of their inner self.

I did not go into sympathy for the hurt they were feeling and no anger exploded in my body.

I was bathed in the holding quality of love from my inner connection and so I remained like the feather – surrendered and knowing what I was to do next was already taken care of.

As I sat, I registered an exquisite open feeling in my body; thoughts did try to enter of “How dare they say that!” but I kept saying no to those and kept coming back to the feeling of warmth that was expanding from my heart.

I held my family member in absolute love, remembering the gorgeous, tender, precious, loving being they naturally are.

Their heated emotion transformed and any anger or hurt they were feeling dissipated from their body. They looked tentatively into my eyes and I met them with a fullness of love and understanding that melted their hesitancy away.

Dinner continued with a more open, intimate and loving discussion. This was a very defining moment for us all, grounding a new level of connection and way to relate as a family.

I was filled with appreciation for my choice to remain like the feather – surrendered to the exquisite love that surrounds us all and to the solid, unwavering wisdom that comes from our inner connection.

I have enormous appreciation for Serge Benhayon and his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. Without them I would not have re-connected to the truth of how to “Observe and not absorb.”  Thank you Serge, for the ever expanding love and guidance that you bring to humanity.

I have enormous appreciation for Natalie Benhayon, who first presented the analogy of the feather and surrender. This has deepened my understanding of surrender and supported a profound healing. Thank you Natalie, you constantly inspire me with your commitment and your beautiful lived way.

by Bianca Barban, Registered Nurse, Melbourne  

Further Reading:
Learning to observe and not absorb life
The Power of True Surrender